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Contract No. : SPK/Crypto/GMSI-XXX/...../V/2024
On this Friday, the 17th day of May in the year 2024, the undersigned :

1. Name :
Position :
ID/Passport :
In this transaction as a Crypto Asset Buyer, hereinafter referred to as the First Party.

2. Name :
Position :
ID/Passport :
In this transaction as a Crypto Asset Seller, hereinafter referred to as the Second Party.

The Parties hereby agree to conduct a Sale and Purchase Cooperation in Crypto Asset Trading Transactions,
by first explaining the following matters :

1. The First Party is a crypto asset buyer company as well as a fund owner who guarantees that the funds
are legal, safe and free from legal crime status.
2. The Second Party is a group of companies engaged as providers and traders of crypto assets.
3. This cooperation is made with the intent and purpose of maintaining commitment and professionalism
of work between the Parties and maintaining the accuracy and success of transactions.
4. This Letter of Cooperation is valid since it was signed by the Parties either digitally (electronically) in
the form of a PDF document or original signature and ends in accordance with the agreement of the
5. In the event of default or force majeure, the Parties agree to deliberate by consensus. However, if no
consensus has been reached, it will be resolved by applicable law.

Then the Parties agree to the technical or mechanism that will be implemented as follows :

1. The types of Crypto Assets to be traded are USDT, BTC etc., depending on demand and with the
amount as needed from the First Party as the Buyer and with the price ratio according to the
2. Before the transaction is carried out continuously, the Parties will first test the transaction as follows :
a. The Parties shall first provide their respective bank coordinates and crypto wallets for the
execution of the transaction.
b. The First Party will send an initial payment with a small nominal using a Bank account to the second
party (Bank to Bank).
c. The Second Party will send Crypto Assets in the amount of funds mentioned in point 2a using a
crypto wallet account to the First Party (Wallet to wallet).
3. After a successful trial, the Parties agree to increase the transaction amount as needed.
4. Furthermore, for each transaction, the Parties agree to provide a sales commission to the third party
as arranger, as follows:
a. Arranger Sender 5% (Five percent), and
b. Arranger Seller 5% (Five percent).
c. The value includes the cost of crypto taxes in Indonesia.

Page 1 of 4 Seller :
Buyer :
5. The taxes included in this crypto asset sales transaction will be arranged and managed by the Second
Party as a Merchant/Seller.

Furthermore, the Parties' crypto wallets are flexible and can change which are adjusted at the time of
technical implementation, then for the Bank Coordinates of the Parties are as follows :

1. First Party Coordinate Bank "Buyer" :

Business Name
Company Address
Company Registration
Director Name
ID Citizen Number
Date of issue
Place of issue
Bank Name
Bank Address
Transaction Type
Account Number (IDR/USD)
Account Name

Buyer's Passport :

Page 2 of 4 Seller :
Buyer :
2. Bank Coordinate of the Second Party "Seller" :

Business Name
Company Address
Company Registration
Director Name
ID Citizen Number
Date of issue
Place of issue
Bank Name
Bank Address
Transaction Type
Account Number (IDR/USD)
Account Name

Seller's Passport :

Page 3 of 4 Seller :
Buyer :
3. Bank Coordinate of the Third Party "Arranger" :

No Name ID Citizen/Passport Bank/Account Description

1 HSBC. Xxxxxx Arranger Buyer / 1st Party
2 BCA. Xxxxxx
3 DBS. Xxxxxx
4 BCA. Xxxxxx Arranger Seller / 2nd Party
5 BNI. Xxxxxx
6 BRI. Xxxxxx

Acknowledged, Confirmed And Accepted By Both Parties On May 17 th , 2024 For And Onbehalf Of:


PT ……………………………. PT ………………………….

…………………………….. …………………………….
Passport : ……………….. Passport : …………………….


Fisrt Party, Second Party,

…………………………….. ……………………………..
ID/Passport : ……………………….. ID/Passport : ………………………..

Page 4 of 4 Seller :
Buyer :

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