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Task 1: Use the words from the box to create the idioms.

league court jump towel shot sweat

1. the ball is in your __________________________.

2. to be out of (someone’s) __________________________.

3. to __________________________ to conclusions.

4. don’t __________________________ it

5. to throw in the __________________________.

6. to give it your best __________________________.

ESL Pals 1 Grammar Worksheet

Read the sentences below which use the idioms correctly.

a. After presenting all the options, it's up to you to choose the project direction. The
ball is in your court now.

b. She’ll never go on a date with me. She’s so talented and beautiful, I feel like she's
out of my league.

c. Just because he arrived late doesn't mean he's irresponsible. Let's not jump to
conclusions about his work ethic.

d. If you can't find your keys right now, don't sweat it. They'll turn up eventually.

e. After struggling for years to make the business profitable, they finally decided to
throw in the towel and close the company.

f. Even though the competition is tough, I'm going to give it my best shot at the
audition for the lead role.

Task 2: Match the idioms in bold from task 1 to their meanings below.

1. someone is too skilled or attractive, making a relationship unlikely.

2. to form opinions quickly without enough evidence or information.

3. the same meaning as don't worry or stress about it.

4. to give up.

5. to try your hardest at something.

6. this means it's your turn to take action or make a decision.

ESL Pals 2 Grammar Worksheet

Use the idioms to complete the sentences, you may need to change the verb tense.

the ball is in your court. to be out of (someone’s) league. don’t sweat it.
to jump to conclusions. to throw in the towel. to give it your best shot.

1. I've explained the situation to you, and now the _______________________ to decide
how to proceed.

2. She's incredibly talented and successful; I feel like _______________________ when it

comes to dating.

3. Hold on, let's not _______________________ about what happened. We need more
information before we make any judgments.

4. You made a small mistake, but it's really not a big deal._______________________!

5. After struggling for hours with the puzzle, he finally decided to

_______________________ and admit defeat.

6. Even though it's a tough challenge, I'm going to _______________________ and see if
I can succeed.

ESL Pals 3 Grammar Worksheet

Use the idioms to complete the sentences, you may need to change the verb tense.

the ball is in your court. to be out of (someone’s) league. don’t sweat it.
to jump to conclusions. to throw in the towel. to give it your best shot.

7. I finally gained the courage to ask her out, but deep down, I think

8. I know the deadline is tight, but _______________________ – we've got a great team
to help.

9. She saw him talking to another girl and immediately _______________________

about their relationship.

10. I've been trying to fix my old computer, but it's beyond repair. I think it's time to
_______________________ and get a new one.

11. I’m not sure I’ll be able to pass the exam, but I’m going to _______________________.

12. I've presented my ideas for the project, and now it's up to you to decide the next
steps - _______________________.

ESL Pals 4 Grammar Worksheet

Use the idioms to complete the dialogues, you may need to change the verb tense.

the ball is in your court. to be out of (someone’s) league. don’t sweat it.
to jump to conclusions. to throw in the towel. to give it your best shot.

Dialogue 1:

Dialogue 2:

Dialogue 3:

ESL Pals 5 Grammar Worksheet

Use the idioms to complete the dialogues, you may need to change the verb tense.

the ball is in your court. to be out of (someone’s) league. don’t sweat it.
to jump to conclusions. to throw in the towel. to give it your best shot.

Dialogue 4:

Dialogue 5:

Dialogue 6:

ESL Pals 6 Grammar Worksheet

Answer the questions below, each of the questions uses an idiom.

1. How do you feel when someone tells you that the ball is in your court? Do you see it
as a challenge, a responsibility, or an opportunity?

2. Do you like having the ball in your court, or do you prefer to let others make
decisions for you?

3. Why is it important to avoid jumping to conclusions in our daily interactions and


4. Can you share an example of when someone jumped to a conclusion that negatively
affected a situation? What could they have done differently?

5. Have you ever felt like someone was out of your league? How did that influence
your actions or decisions?

6. Do you think the idea of someone being out of your league is helpful or harmful?
How might it affect how we approach opportunities or relationships?

7. How do you usually react when someone tells you "don't sweat it"?

8. Describe a time you threw in the towel with a personal or professional project.

9. Have you felt like throwing in the towel during your English language learning

10. What is the most unusual hobby you have given your best shot at starting?

11. Do you believe it is possible to give your best shot at everything you do in life?
What motivates some people to try hard, while others seem to lack motivation?

ESL Pals 7 Grammar Worksheet

Read the blog post below, then complete the exercises.

Participating in sports can be a rewarding journey, offering valuable life lessons and
moments of triumph. As you step onto the field, remember, the ball is in your court. You
control your actions and decisions. Don't let the fear of being out of your league hold you
back. Every athlete starts somewhere, and growth comes from embracing challenges.

When facing adversity, don't sweat it. It's easy to jump to conclusions about your
abilities, but remember that setbacks are merely stepping stones to improvement.
Sometimes, it's tempting to throw in the towel when things get tough, but perseverance
often leads to breakthroughs. Instead of giving up, give your best shot. Put in the effort,
and you might surprise yourself with the results.

Success in sports, as in life, requires a balanced mindset. Acknowledge that mistakes

happen, and the key is learning from them. Avoid underestimating your potential by
assuming certain tasks are out of your league. Instead, break them down into
manageable steps and take them one by one.

In the realm of competition, staying focused is essential. Remember, the ball is in your
court, and it's up to you to make strategic plays. Don't let others' opinions discourage you;
their doubts are not your concern. So, lace up your shoes, step onto the field with
confidence, and remember, the game is yours to conquer. With determination and the
willingness to give your best shot, success will follow.

Task 2: Complete the following exercises based on the blog post.

1. Identify the idioms in the text.

2. Identify the tense the idioms are used in.
3. Retell the advice to a classmate.
4. Discuss to what extent you agree with each piece of advice in the blog post.

ESL Pals 8 Grammar Worksheet

Follow the guidelines to write a story using the idioms presented in the class.


1. Write a short story (500-800 words) that incorporates some or all of the
following idioms:
a. the ball is in your court.
b. to be out of (someone’s) league.
c. don’t sweat it.
d. to jump to conclusions.
e. to throw in the towel.
f. to give it your best shot.

2. The story can be set in any time period and location, but it should have a clear
beginning, middle, and end.

3. In your story, be sure to clearly show how each of the idioms is used and what it
means. You can do this by including dialogue or descriptive passages that
highlight the idioms in action.

4. Make sure that your writing is clear and concise, and that your story flows
smoothly from beginning to end.

5. Be creative and have fun with this writing task!

6. Once you have completed your story, read it over and make any necessary
revisions to improve it. Then share it with your teacher for feedback.

ESL Pals 9 Grammar Worksheet

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