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Module 3: Discussion Board 3.

1 - Spitting Out the Hook

Nov 1, 2022 12:13PM
Jessica Najarian
Prompt #1: Describe your ability to be "Spit Out the Hook" (or the difficulty you had
I am now very confident in “Spit Out the Hook". I had to train myself in being calm, centered in
order to listen and understand why the other person was mad. I believe it’s the 25 + years in
customer service through Chick-fil-A and Starbucks that has helped me the most. Every day I get
to “Spit Out the Hook" with situations with unhappy customers or misunderstood partners. Once
I am approached, I listen to hear what is causing them to be angry. Then I ask follow-up
questions to make sure I have the full understanding of their anger. I apologize and talk through
the situation that caused their anger. I express how I will make the moment right and apologize
for the way things led to their unhappiness of the situation.

Prompt #2: Describe the difference between being "Hooked" and not being "Hooked."
Being “Hooked” is you giving into the heat of the moment. You now feel the anger and will
most likely reciprocate it back to the other person who’s mad at you. Which will not help either
of you at this point.
Not being “Hooked” is being calm and present in the moment. You listen to what the issue is and
not being overcome with their emotions of anger. The process of keeping separation of emotions
and being able to make the moment right.

Prompt #3: Were you able to identify the EVENT? Were you able to identify the other
person's REACTION? Describe the EVENT and the REACTION.
This lady came storming into the café and was extremely upset about her latte. As I saw her rush
in, I quickly made my way to her. I asked her if I can help her, and she just proceed with anger
tell me everything wrong with her drink and her food. I just let her vent then when she finished, I
told her I’ll glad remake her food and I’ll personally remake her drink. I even gave her a few
recovery cards, which is a refund but without the hassle. I walked her through what she wanted
in her drink to make sure I would not get her drink wrong. I was talking to her as I made her
drink to defuse her anger and by the time, I handed her new drink she was calm. I made her try it
to make sure it was made correctly. She smiled and I knew I had succeeded in not getting hooked
in her anger but rather I made a new friend.

Prompt #4: Describe how successful your partner "Spit Out the Hook." Or describe how
difficult it was.
I tried this exercise with my daughter who is 16 years old. She works at a local Frozen Yogurt
shop. I was using this exercise to help train he up for those difficult customers. At first, she was
getting hooked in the emotion of the situation. Just like a knee jerk reaction she was reacting to
the moment. When I explained how to be calm and centered, she can focus on what the customer
is mad at. Then expressing her calmness back by apologizing and making the moment right with
the customer. After a few tries she began to understand not to react but listen. Then apologize
and make the moment right for the customer.

from Module 3: Discussion Board 3.1 - Spitting Out the Hook

Nov 2, 2022 4:38PM
Jessica Najarian
Hello Madison,
I never thought how being s PSY major, that this would be so valuable in your area of study. It's
awesome how you are very centered to be in control of the situation and not get hooked. I'm glad
you had time to coach your partner in not getting hooked into an emotional situation. I also
worked with my daughter, who's 16 and working her first job at a frozen yogurt shop. I also
wanted her to learn not to get caught up in the emotional moment with an angry customer.
from Module 3: Discussion Board 3.1 - Spitting Out the Hook
Nov 2, 2022 5:03PM
Jessica Najarian
Hi Nayove,
Thanks for sharing about you and your wife. I'm so glad you both came to a good decision for
both of your futures. I clearly understand about making sacrifices for the better of the family
needs. I'm glad using the "spit out the hook" worked for you and your situation. Thank you for
reminding me of welcoming, blending and leading. I see how this worked for you and your wife
in this situation. I'm glad that you are doing what you need to do for a better future.

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