LESSON3 Student-Đã G P

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What is the first step to build a

constructive building?
New words
• Geodetic (adj)
• Elevation (n)
• Measure(v)
• Feature = Characteristic
• Parameter
• Identify = determine
• Tape
• Theodolite
• acceptable error
• Surface
• Topography(n)
Learning about the field of survey

• Surveying is the science of making the measurement necessary to
determine the relative position of points above,on,or beneath the
surface of the earth:
– Construction survey purpose to provide the location and height
of construction
– Topographical survey made for the purpose of preparing a map
showing the location of natural features and artificial, and the
elevation of the ground around the work area construction.
– Geological survey involved in identify the composition of soil,
rock, the geological situation of the area as a basis to set the
foundation construction .
• The different kinds of parameter measured in a survey including
distance, height, angle, area and other physical characteristics of
the site.

How to Shorten Relative Clauses?

Relative clauses with who, which, that as subject pronoun can be
replaced with a participle. This makes the sentence shorter and easier to
A present participle can be used to shorten an active relative clause:
• The boy who was driving the car didn't stop = The boy driving the red
car didn't stop
• I told you about the woman who lives next door = I told you about the
woman living next door.
A past participle can be used to shorten a passive relative clause:
• Strawberries which are grown in California are delicious = Strawberries
grown in California are delicious.
➢ Watch the following video “A surveying technician”
Reading the transcript and translate into Vietnamese
A surveying technician

What is Surveying/Geomatics?
Surveying and Mapping, which is now also known as Geomatic Engineering, is a rapidly
developing discipline that focuses on spatial information, i.e. locational information. The
location is the main factor used to integrate a very wide range of data for viewing and
analysis. As almost all information has some kind of location, the varieties of information
and applications with which the Surveying Engineer is involved are extremely wide.
Surveying/Geomatics Engineering includes the disciplines of land boundaries cadastres,
geodesy, photogrammetry, remote sensing, mapping, geographic and land information
systems, spatial computing, computer vision, and surveying business.
– Land boundaries (cadastres) are concerned with the surveying of property boundary
– Geodesy is concerned with precise positioning on the Earth, and thus serves as a
foundation for other spatial sciences.
– Photogrammetry is the science of high precision measurements from photographs and
other forms of imagery.
– Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are systems for bringing together large
amounts of data, spatial and non-spatial, to aid in complex decision-making, modeling,
planning and management of resources, and land management.
The Global Positioning System

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a

technical marvel made possible by a group of
satellites in earth orbit that transmit precise signals,
allowing GPS receivers to calculate and display
accurate location, speed, and time information to the
By capturing the signals from three or more
satellites (among a constellation of 31 satellites
available), GPS receivers are able to use the
mathematical principle of trilateration to pinpoint
your location.
With the addition of computing power, and data
stored in memory such as road maps, points of
interest, topographic information, and much more,
GPS receivers are able to convert location, speed,
and time information into a useful display format.
GPS was originally created by the United States Department of
Defense (DOD) as a military application. The system has been active
since the early 1980s, but began to become useful to civilians in the
late 1990s. Consumer GPS has since become a multi-billion dollar
industry with a wide array of products, services, and Internet-based
GPS works accurately in all weather conditions, day or night,
around the clock, and around the globe. There is no subscription fee for
use of GPS signals. GPS signals may be blocked by dense forest,
canyon walls, or skyscrapers, and they don’t penetrate indoor spaces
well, so some locations may not permit accurate GPS navigation.
GPS receivers are generally accurate within 15 meters, and newer
models that use Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) signals are
accurate within three meters.
While the U.S. owned and operated GPS is currently the only
active system, five other satellite-based global navigation systems are
being developed by individual nations and by multi-nation consortiums.

Construction material is any material which is used for a construction

purpose. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, sand, wood
and rocks, even twigs and leaves have been used to construct .
Rock or stone

• Rock structures have existed for as long as history can recall. It is the
longest lasting building material available, and is usually readily
available. There are many types of rock throughout the world, all with
differing attributes that make them better or worse for particular uses.
• Rock is a very dense material so it gives a lot of protection too; its main
drawback as a material is its weight and awkwardness. Its energy
density is also considered a big drawback, as stone is hard to keep
warm without using large amounts of heating resources.

• Cement is a binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently,

and can bind other materials together. The word "cement" traces to the
Romans, who used the term to describe masonry resembling modern
concrete that was made from crushed rock with burnt lime as binder.
• Cement is the active ingredient of concrete (binder). There are many
kind of cements, but the most especially is Portland (PCB40).
• Cement combined with water to cement mortar, it enclose sands and
stones to create concrete. Hard cement mortar to associate ingredients
together and make concrete as hard as rock.

Sand is naturally occuring granular material composed of finely divided

rock and mineral particles.The composition of sand is highly variable,
depending on the local rock sources and conditions,but the most
common constituent of sand in inland continental setting and non-
tropical coastal settings is.
The sand is structure of small particles, it is used for mixing
mortar construction or building a road-bed.

Asphalt is liquid or semi-solid has high viscosity and it is

black. The main component of asphalt is bitumen.

• Steel is an indispensable material in construction. It is

essence for foundation composition, column of a house,
bridge buttress.
• Steel has many types with different shapes as: U, V, I, T,…
or different diameters as: Ø8, Ø10, Ø20….
Irregular verbs
All new verbs in English are regular.
I photocopied the report.
She faxed it to me.
They emailed everybody about it.
I googled my name and got more than 20 000 responses.
There are approximately 180 irregular verbs. You don't need to learn all of them
because some of these are very rare but many others are very useful and you do
need to know them.
What's the easiest way to learn them? Some people think you should learn a list
'by heart'. Others think you should not learn them at all – you will just gradually
acquire them over time.
One useful method is to note down new irregular verbs as you meet them. It is
useful to write these verbs (or any vocabulary you want to learn) in sentences and
learn those rather than the individual word.
Which is easier to learn?
stick stuck stuck
I stuck the photo into my album.
Another technique is to classify the irregular verbs into 4 categories.

1. All forms the same 3. The second and third forms are the same.
set set set bend bent bent
cost cost cost sleep slept slept
spend spent spent
2. Similar sound groups
bring brought brought
beat beat beaten buy bought bought
eat ate eaten teach taught taught
blow blew blown have had had
throw threw thrown pay paid paid
say said said
drink drank drunk
4. The "unclassifiables"
sing sang sung
come came come
speak spoke spoken do did done
wake woke woken go went gone
show showed show
Listening the video
The main components of asphalt mixing machine
What is the difference between asphalt and concrete ?
• Asphalt and concrete are two construction materials
which are commonly used around the world. The
primary difference between the two is that asphalt is
made by mixing aggregate with bitumen, a sticky black
hydrocarbon which is extracted from natural deposits
or crude oil. Concrete is made by mixing an aggregate
material with a cement binder and then allowing the
mixture to harden, forming a rock-like substance.
Asphalt and concrete are used for different
construction tasks, ranging from roofing to sidewalks.
If you want to get really technical, asphalt is actually a form of concrete,
since “concrete” really means any mixture of an aggregate and a binder
which solidifies after curing. This is why you may have heard engineers
refer to “asphalt concrete,” meaning “a type of concrete made with bitumen
as a binder.” However, most lay people use “concrete” to refer specifically
to a mixture of aggregate with a binding cement, and for the purpose of
this article, we will use this difference to distinguish between asphalt and
When asphalt is made, a company mixes bitumen with rocks or
other aggregate material which is ground to roughly the same size. The
resulting composite material is black to brown in color and very sticky
because of the bitumen. Once the asphalt has been mixed, it can be
rolled out onto roadways and compressed with the use of a steam
roller, or used to coat roofing shingles and other construction materials.
Once the asphalt sets, it is a smooth, solid, water-resistant covering.
Asphalt is classically used to make blacktop, the material used to cover
playgrounds and many roads.
To make concrete, aggregate materials are mixed with a cement
binder. Cements include minerals like limestone and gypsum which will
harden into a solid when mixed with water and allowed to cure.
Concrete can vary in texture, appearance, and use depending on the
type of aggregate used; the most common choice of cement is Portland
cement, a binder which has been used for thousands of years.
Concrete can be poured into molds for a wide range of purposes; many
older roads are paved with concrete, although asphalt is the preferred
material for modern road surfaces.
An easy way to remember the different between asphalt and concrete
is that asphalt is usually black to brown in color, and it can have a
distinctive texture and odor from the bitumen, especially on hot days,
while concrete is grayish in color and looks more like rock. If you are a
fan of splitting hairs and the topic of asphalt and concrete comes up,
feel free to inform people that asphalt actually is concrete.
Public transport
New words

• Public transport
• Passenger
• Private
• Shared
• Dominate
• Schedule
• Frequent
• Offer
• Operator
• Fund
• Subsidize
• tend to
Public transport (also public
transportation or public transit) is a
shared passenger transportation service
which is available for use by the general
public, as distinct from modes such as
taxicab, car pooling or hired buses which
are not shared by strangers without
private arrangement.
Public transport modes include buses,
trolleybuses, trams and trains, rapid
transit (metro/subways/undergrounds etc)
and ferries. Public transport between
cities is dominated by airlines, coaches,
and intercity rail. High-speed rail networks
are being developed in many parts of the
Most public transport runs to a scheduled timetable with the
most frequent services running to a headway. Share taxi offers on-
demand services in many parts of the world and some services will
wait until the vehicle is full before it starts. Paratransit is sometimes
used in areas of low-demand and for people who need a door-to-
door service.
Urban public transport may be provided by one or more private
transport operators or by a transit authority. Public transport
services are usually funded by government subsidies and fares
charged to each passenger. Services are normally regulated and
possibly subsidized from local or national tax revenue. Fully
subsidized, zero-fare (free) services operate in some towns and
For historical and economic reasons, there are differences
internationally regarding use and extent of public transport. While
countries in Old World tend to have extensive and frequent systems
serving their old and dense cities, many cities of the New World
have more sprawl and much less comprehensive public transport.
Had better
We use “had better” plus the infinitive without “to” to give advice.
Although “had” is the past form of “have”, we use “had better” to
give advice about the present or future.
• You'd better tell her everything.
• I'd better get back to work.
The negative form is “had better not”.
• You'd better not say anything.
• We'd better not miss the start of his presentation.
We use “had better” to give advice about specific situations, not
general ones. If you want to talk about general situations, you must
use “should”.
• You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.
• I shouldn't listen to negative people.
When we give advice about specific situations, it is also possible to
use “should”.
• You shouldn't say anything.
• I should get back to work.
• We should meet early.
However, when we use “had better” there is a suggestion that if
the advice is not followed, that something bad will happen.
• You'd better do what I say or else you will get into trouble.
• I'd better get back to work or my boss will be angry with me.
• We'd better get to the airport by five or else we may miss the
Listen the brief video “Intelligent Transportation Systems”
Listen the brief video “Seoul Bus Transport Reform”

List some solutions that the government used to

improve the public transport in Seoul
Public Transport Versus Owning A Car

Public transport services are offered in

most major cities all around the world. It
offers a cheap alternative to the cost of
owning a vehicle or paying for a taxi
when you visit outside of your home
town. Even if you have the money to
purchase a car to begin with, you have a
number of other expenses to deal with.
The cost of gas and maintenance fees such as oil changes and new
tires can add up to be more than the fees for a monthly pass. While
it depends on the time of day you are travelling, it can even be a
faster way to get into town. Otherwise, it's up to you do determine if
you can have the extra time to spend on travel.
Parking fees should be considered as well. If you aren't paying for
hourly parking, you will be looking at high fees for day passes or
monthly parking. Without your own regular space, you need to spend
time and energy finding a place to put your car and hope that you're
within a reasonable walking distance to your work or target location.
You also do not have to worry about the extra money needed to
repair a car when it breaks down. Whether money is tight or not, it is
never fun to have to worry about getting your car to a shop and
handing over hard earned cash that you would otherwise not have to
Getting to know public transportation in any city, whether it's in
your home town or not, is not always easy. Unfortunately, it is not
going to be the same everywhere you go. However, once you figure
out how to use the public transport where you are it can be well worth
the effort you put in.
Watch the following video and answer the question:
Vocabulary. Match the following words for civil engineering
ACTIVITY 4 tools and equipment with an appropriate image

Think about a project which could improve the welfare of

your community.
Write a short description of the project ( max 350 words)
Bulldozer – a powerful
excavation equipment
Nowadays civil engineering is incomplete without bulldozers. The bulldozer is a
very powerful crawler that is equipped with a blade. The term bulldozer is often
used to mean any type of heavy machinery, although the term actually refers to
a tractor that is fitted with a dozer blade.
Often times, bulldozers are large and extremely powerful tracked vehicles. The
tracks give them amazing ground mobility and hold through very rough terrain.
Wide tracks on the other hand, help to distribute the weight of the dozer over
large areas, therefore preventing it from sinking into sandy or muddy ground.
Bulldozers have great ground hold and a torque divider that’s designed to
convert the power of the engine into dragging ability, which allows it to use its
own weight to push heavy objects and even remove things from the ground.
Take the Caterpillar D9 for example, it can easily tow tanks that weight more
than 70 tons. Due to these attributes, bulldozers are used to clear obstacles,
shrubbery, and remains of structures and buildings.
The blade
The blade on a bulldozer is the heavy piece of metal plate that is installed on the
front. The blade pushes things around. Normally, the blade comes in 3 varieties:
1. A straight blade that is short and has no lateral curve, no side wings, and can
be used only for fine grading.
2. A universal blade, or U blade, which is tall and very curved, and features large
side wings to carry more material around.
3. A combination blade that is shorter, offers less curvature, and smaller side
Modifications of bulldozer
Over time, bulldozers have been modified to evolve into new machines that are
capable of things the original bulldozers weren’t. A good example is that loader
tractors were created by removing the blade and substituting a large volume
bucket and hydraulic arms which will raise and lower the bucket, therefore
making it useful for scooping up the earth and loading it into trucks.
Other modifications to the original bulldozer include making it smaller to where
it can operate in small working areas where movement is very limited, such as
mining caves and tunnels. Very small bulldozers are known as calfdozers.
History of bulldozers
The first types of bulldozers were adapted from farm tractors that were used to
plough fields. In order to dig canals, raise earth dams, and partake in earthmoving
jobs, the tractors were equipped with a thick metal plate in the front. Later on, this
thick metal plate earned the name blade.
The blade of the bulldozer peels layers of soil and pushes it forward as the tractor
advances. The blade is the heart and soul of the bulldozer, as it was the first
accessory to make full use for excavation type jobs.
As the years went by, when engineers needed equipment to complete larger jobs,
companies such as CAT, Komatsu, John Deere, Case, and JCB started to
manufacture large tracked earthmoving equipment. They were very loud, very
large, and very powerful and therefore earned the nickname “bulldozer”.
Over the years, the bulldozers got bigger, more powerful, and even more
sophisticated. The important improvements include better engines, more reliable
drive trains, better tracks, and even hydraulic arms that will enable more precise
manipulation of the blade and automated controls. As an added option, bulldozers
can come equipped with a rear ripping claw to break up pavement or loosen rocky
The best known manufacturer of bulldozer is CAT, which has earned a vast
reputation for making tough and durable, yet reliable machines. Even though the
bulldozer started off a modified farm tractor, it rapidly became one of the most
useful pieces of equipment with excavating and construction.
1. What is the component which is equipped in front of
2. What is the advantage of tracked vehicles?
3. What kind of bulldozer is took as an example which
can pull over 70 ton?
4. How many kinds of blade?
5. What is the different between original bulldozer and
modified bulldozer?
6. In the past, what were the bulldozer used for?
7. List some famous companies manufactured

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