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Internal Factor Evaluations (IFE)

Strengths Description Weight

Strong brand popularity and
S1 sizable product portfolio. 0.05
High-level processing centers
S2 with excellent standards. 0.07
Well-established distribution
S3 network throughout Japan. 0.06
Commitment to sustainability
S4 and ethical sourcing. 0.04
Strong customer loyalty and
S5 brand recognition. 0.05
Innovative product development
S6 capabilities. 0.06

S7 Effective marketing strategies. 0.05

Efficient supply chain
S8 management. 0.07
S9 Strong financial performance. 0.05
Experienced and skilled
S10 workforce. 0.05
Weaknesses Description Weight
Vulnerability to raw product cost
W1 fluctuations in Japan. 0.07
Margin strain due to excessive
W2 operational costs. 0.06
Need for improved cross-
W3 functional collaboration. 0.05
Reliance on some key suppliers
W4 for raw materials. 0.04

Limited brand presence

W5 compared to local competitors. 0.05
High dependency on imported
W6 raw materials. 0.06
Product recall risks due to
W7 quality control issues. 0.04
Regulatory compliance
W8 challenges. 0.05

W9 Limited product diversification. 0.03

W10 High employee turnover. 0.05
W11 Aging infrastructure. 0.03
Lack of scalability in current
W12 operations. 0.04
External Factors Description Weight
O1 High demand in Japan. 0.08
O2 Low competition in Japan. 0.07
O3 Untapped market in Japan. 0.06

O4 Low operational costs in Japan. 0.07

Growing health-conscious
O5 consumer trends. 0.06
Technological advancements in
O6 food processing. 0.05
Strategic partnerships and
O7 alliances. 0.05
Expansion opportunities in
O8 online retail. 0.06
Increasing demand for
O9 sustainable seafood. 0.07

Favorable government policies

O10 supporting food industry. 0.04
Rising disposable incomes in
O11 Japan. 0.05
Shift towards convenience and
O12 ready-to-eat meals. 0.05

Growth in seafood consumption

O13 among aging population. 0.06
Innovation in packaging
O14 solutions. 0.04
Threats Description Weight

T1 High tariffs on imports in Japan. 0.07

Perception issues with products
T2 in Japan. 0.06
Restrictions on packaging or
T3 product formats in Japan. 0.05
Intense competition from local
T4 seafood brands. 0.08
Economic downturn impacting
T5 consumer spending. 0.07

T6 Fluctuations in exchange rates. 0.06

Regulatory changes affecting
T7 food safety standards. 0.05
Environmental concerns
T8 affecting seafood supply. 0.06
Labor shortages in the food
T9 processing industry. 0.04
T10 Rising costs of raw materials. 0.05
Natural disasters impacting
T11 supply chain. 0.03
Negative publicity affecting
T12 brand image. 0.04
Legal challenges related to
T13 intellectual property. 0.03
Health crises affecting consumer
T14 behavior. 0.04
Trade barriers and geopolitical
T15 tensions. 0.05


Strengths Total: 0.50

Weaknesses Total: 0.60
Opportunities Total: 0.80
Threats Total: 0.75
Internal Factor Evaluations (IFE)
# Name Description
S1 Strong brand popularity and sizable The company possesses a strong
product portfolio. brand image and offers a wide
range of products, contributing
to its popularity.

S2 High-level processing centers with The processing centers maintain

excellent standards. high standards, ensuring quality
throughout the production

S3 Well-established distribution network The company has an extensive

throughout Japan. distribution network that covers
various regions in Japan

S4 Commitment to sustainability and ethical Demonstrates a strong

sourcing. commitment to sustainability
practices and ethically sourced
materials, aligning with modern
consumer preferences.

S5 Strong customer loyalty and brand Enjoying a loyal customer base

recognition. and high brand recognition,
indicating successful marketing
efforts and product quality.

S6 Innovative product development Possesses the ability to innovate

capabilities. and develop new products,
staying ahead in the market.

S7 Effective marketing strategies. Executes marketing strategies

efficiently, leading to increased
brand visibility and customer

S8 Efficient supply chain management. Demonstrates efficiency in

managing the supply chain,
resulting in timely deliveries and
cost savings.

S9 Strong financial performance. Achieves consistent financial

success, indicating sound
management and market
S10 Experienced and skilled workforce. Boasts an experienced and skilled
workforce, essential for
maintaining operational

# Name Description
W1 Vulnerability to raw product cost Susceptible to fluctuations in raw
fluctuations in Japan. material costs within the
Japanese market, impacting

W2 Margin strain due to excessive operational Experiences strain on margins

costs. due to high operational
expenses, affecting overall

W3 Need for improved cross-functional Requires enhanced collaboration

collaboration. among different departments to
streamline processes and
improve efficiency.

W4 Reliance on some key suppliers for raw Relies heavily on a few suppliers
materials. for raw materials, posing risks of
supply chain disruptions.

W5 Limited brand presence compared to local Lacks significant brand presence

competitors. compared to local competitors,
affecting market share.

W6 High dependency on imported raw High dependence on imported

materials. raw materials makes the
company vulnerable to external
factors like tariffs and supply
chain disruptions.

W7 Product recall risks due to quality control Faces risks of product recalls due
issues. to quality control issues,
potentially damaging brand

W8 Regulatory compliance challenges. Struggles with meeting

regulatory requirements, leading
to compliance issues and
potential penalties.
W9 Limited product diversification. Offers a limited range of
products, reducing opportunities
for revenue growth and market

W10 High employee turnover. Experiences a high rate of

employee turnover, resulting in
instability and increased
recruitment costs.

W11 Aging infrastructure. Infrastructure is aging, leading to

inefficiencies and higher
maintenance costs.

W12 Lack of scalability in current operations. Current operations lack

scalability, hindering the
company's ability to adapt to
changing market demands.

External Factors
# Name Description
O1 High demand in Japan. Japan presents a significant
market with high demand for the
company's products, offering
growth opportunities.

O2 Low competition in Japan. Limited competition in the

Japanese market provides the
company with a chance to
capture a larger market share.

O3 Untapped market in Japan. There exists an untapped market

segment in Japan that the
company can penetrate for
additional revenue streams.

O4 Low operational costs in Japan. Japan offers favorable

operational costs, allowing the
company to achieve higher
margins and profitability.

O5 Growing health-conscious consumer Increasing consumer awareness

trends. about health benefits creates
opportunities for the company to
introduce healthier products.
O6 Technological advancements in food Innovations in food processing
processing. technology can enhance
production efficiency and
product quality.

O7 Strategic partnerships and alliances. Forming partnerships can provide

access to new markets,
technologies, or resources that
benefit the company.

O8 Expansion opportunities in online retail. The growth of online retail

platforms offers new channels for
product distribution and sales.

O9 Increasing demand for sustainable Rising consumer preference for

seafood. sustainable products presents an
opportunity to expand the
company's sustainable seafood

O10 Favorable government policies supporting Supportive governmental policies

food industry. can provide incentives and
reduce regulatory hurdles for the
company's operations.

O11 Rising disposable incomes in Japan. Increasing disposable incomes

allow consumers to spend more
on higher-quality food products.

O12 Shift towards convenience and ready-to- Changing consumer preferences

eat meals. towards convenience foods
create opportunities for new
product lines.

O13 Growth in seafood consumption among The aging population's increased

aging population. seafood consumption creates a
larger market for the company's

O14 Innovation in packaging solutions. Innovations in packaging can

improve product shelf life,
appeal, and sustainability.

# Name Description
T1 High tariffs on imports in Japan. High tariffs increase the cost of
imported materials, impacting

T2 Perception issues with Canadian products Negative perceptions of

in Japan. Canadian products could hinder
market acceptance and sales.

T3 Restrictions on packaging or product Regulations on packaging can

formats in Japan. limit product options and
increase compliance costs.

T4 Intense competition from local seafood Local competitors offer similar

brands. products, posing a threat to
market share and profitability.

T5 Economic downturn impacting consumer Economic downturns reduce

spending. consumer disposable income,
leading to decreased spending on
non-essential goods.

T6 Fluctuations in exchange rates. Currency exchange rate

fluctuations affect the cost of
imported materials and

T7 Regulatory changes affecting food safety Changes in food safety

standards. regulations require costly
compliance measures and can
affect operations.

T8 Environmental concerns affecting seafood Environmental issues, such as

supply. climate change, impact seafood
availability and costs.

T9 Labor shortages in the food processing Difficulty in finding skilled labor

industry. affects production efficiency and

T10 Rising costs of raw materials. Increasing costs of raw materials

reduce profit margins.

T11 Natural disasters impacting supply chain. Natural disasters disrupt supply
chains, causing delays and
increased costs.

T12 Negative publicity affecting brand image. Negative media coverage

damages brand reputation,
reducing customer trust and
T13 Legal challenges related to intellectual Intellectual property disputes can
property. lead to legal battles and financial

T14 Health crises affecting consumer behavior. Health crises, such as pandemics,
change consumer preferences
and reduce spending.

T15 Trade barriers and geopolitical tensions. Trade barriers and geopolitical
tensions affect international
trade and business operations.
Weight Justification Citation/Source
0.05 Brand popularity and diverse (Sampson et al., 2015)
product portfolio.

0.07 High-quality processing centers. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.06 Extensive distribution network. (Brown et al., 2018)

0.04 Sustainability efforts and ethical (THEURI, 2015)


0.05 Customer loyalty and brand (Soulard et al., 2018)


0.06 Capability in product innovation. (Fung et al., 2020)

0.05 Effectiveness in marketing (Sampson et al., 2015)


0.07 Efficiency in supply chain (THEURI, 2015)


0.05 Strong financial performance. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.05 Experience and skills of the (Brown et al., 2018)

Weight Justification Citation/Source

0.07 Vulnerability to raw material cost (Brown et al., 2018)

0.06 Strain due to high operational (Fung et al., 2020)


0.05 Requirement for better cross- (Sampson et al., 2015)

functional collaboration.

0.04 Reliance on key suppliers. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.05 Limited presence compared to (THEURI, 2015)


0.06 Dependency on imported raw (Brown et al., 2018)


0.04 Risks due to quality control issues. (Fung et al., 2020)

0.05 Challenges in regulatory (THEURI, 2015)

0.03 Limited diversification of products. (Sampson et al., 2015)

0.05 High turnover rate of employees. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.03 Aging infrastructure. (Brown et al., 2018)

0.04 Limited scalability in operations. (Fung et al., 2020)

Weight Justification Citation/Source

0.08 High demand in Japan. (Sampson et al., 2015)

0.07 Low competition in Japan. (THEURI, 2015)

0.06 Untapped market potential in (Brown et al., 2018)


0.07 Low operational costs in Japan. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.06 Growing health-conscious (Fung et al., 2020)

consumer trends.
0.05 Technological advancements. (Sampson et al., 2015)

0.05 Strategic partnerships. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.06 Expansion in online retail. (Brown et al., 2018)

0.07 Demand for sustainable seafood. (THEURI, 2015)

0.04 Favorable government policies. (Fung et al., 2020)

0.05 Rising disposable incomes. (Sampson et al., 2015)

0.05 Shift towards convenience foods. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.06 Growth in seafood consumption. (Brown et al., 2018)

0.04 Innovation in packaging. (THEURI, 2015)

Weight Justification Citation/Source

0.07 Impact of high tariffs. (Fung et al., 2020)

0.06 Perception issues. (Sampson et al., 2015)

0.05 Packaging restrictions. (Brown et al., 2018)

0.08 Competition from local brands. (THEURI, 2015)

0.07 Impact of economic downturns. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.06 Exchange rate fluctuations. (Fung et al., 2020)

0.05 Regulatory changes. (Sampson et al., 2015)

0.06 Environmental concerns. (Brown et al., 2018)

0.04 Labor shortages. (THEURI, 2015)

0.05 Rising raw material costs. (Soulard et al., 2018)

0.03 Impact of natural disasters. (Fung et al., 2020)

0.04 Negative publicity impact. (Sampson et al., 2015)

0.03 Intellectual property challenges. (Brown et al., 2018)

0.04 Impact of health crises. (THEURI, 2015)

0.05 Trade barriers impact. (Fung et al., 2020)














































SWOT Matrix

Strengths (S)
S1: Strong brand popularity and sizable product
S2: High-level processing centers with excellent
S3: Well-established distribution network throughout
S4: Commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.

S5: Strong customer loyalty and brand recognition.

S6: Innovative product development capabilities.
S7: Effective marketing strategies.
S8: Efficient supply chain management.
S9: Strong financial performance.
S10: Experienced and skilled workforce.

Opportunities (O)
O1: High demand in Japan.

O2: Low competition in Japan.

O3: Untapped market in Japan.

O4: Low operational costs in Japan.

O5: Growing health-conscious consumer trends.
O6: Technological advancements in food processing.

O7: Strategic partnerships and alliances.

O8: Expansion opportunities in online retail.
O9: Increasing demand for sustainable seafood.
O10: Favorable government policies supporting food
O11: Rising disposable incomes in Japan.
O12: Shift towards convenience and ready-to-eat
O13: Growth in seafood consumption among aging
O14: Innovation in packaging solutions.
Threats (T)
T1: High tariffs on imports in Japan.

T2: Perception issues with Canadian products in Japan.

T3: Restrictions on packaging or product formats in

T4: Intense competition from local seafood brands.

T5: Economic downturn impacting consumer spending.

T6: Fluctuations in exchange rates.

T7: Regulatory changes affecting food safety
T8: Environmental concerns affecting seafood supply.

T9: Labor shortages in the food processing industry.

T10: Rising costs of raw materials.

T11: Natural disasters impacting supply chain.
T12: Negative publicity affecting brand image.
T13: Legal challenges related to intellectual property.

T14: Health crises affecting consumer behavior.

T15: Trade barriers and geopolitical tensions.
Weaknesses (W)
W1: Vulnerability to raw product cost fluctuations in Japan.

W2: Margin strain due to excessive operational costs.

W3: Need for improved cross-functional collaboration.

W4: Reliance on some key suppliers for raw materials.

W5: Limited brand presence compared to local competitors.

W6: High dependency on imported raw materials.
W7: Product recall risks due to quality control issues.
W8: Regulatory compliance challenges.
W9: Limited product diversification.
W10: High employee turnover.
W11: Aging infrastructure.
W12: Lack of scalability in current operations.
SO Strategies
SO1: Set up subsidiary production in Japan (R1, S1, S2, O1, O2, O3,
SO2: Training Staff in Japan (R3, S2, S3, O2, O3, O4)

SO3: Expand marketing efforts to increase brand presence (R5, S5,

O3, O4)

ST Strategies
ST1: Negotiate with government to reduce tariffs (R1, S1, T1, T2)

ST2: Launch marketing campaigns to improve brand perception (R3,

S5, T2)
WO Strategies
WO1: Outsource Business Services from Japan (R2, W2,
WO2: Collaborate with local suppliers to reduce
dependency (R4, W4, O2)

WT Strategies
WT1: Diversify supplier base to reduce dependency (R2,
W4, T1)
WT2: Improve quality control processes to minimize
recalls (R4, W7, T2)
Strategic Analysis Matrix
Joint Venture in Japan Outsource Business
Services from Japan
S1 5 0.25
S2 3 0.21
S3 3 0.18
S4 4 0.2
S5 3 0.15
S6 3 0.18
S7 4 0.2
S8 5 0.25
S9 3 0.15
S10 4 0.2
W1 3 0.18
W2 2 0.1
W3 1 0.05
W4 2 0.1
W5 3 0.15
W6 1 0.05
W7 2 0.12
W8 3 0.18
W9 4 0.24
W10 2 0.1
W11 3 0.18
O1 5 0.08
O2 4 0.07
O3 3 0.06
O4 4 0.07
O5 5 0.06
O6 3 0.05
O7 4 0.05
O8 5 0.06
O9 3 0.07
O10 4 0.04
O11 2 0.05
O12 3 0.05
O13 5 0.06
O14 1 0.04
W12 4 0.24
W13 3 0.18
W14 2 0.12
W15 5 0.3
O15 3 0.05
O16 4 0.06
O17 2 0.03
O18 5 0.07
O19 3 0.04
O20 4 0.05
O21 1 0.01
O22 2 0.02
O23 3 0.03
O24 4 0.04
O25 5 0.05
T1 3 0.07
T2 4 0.06
T3 2 0.05
T4 1 0.08
T5 3 0.07
T6 5 0.06
T7 4 0.05
T8 2 0.06
T9 1 0.04
T10 3 0.05
T11 4 0.03
High Liner Foods in Strategy 1 Strategy 2

3 0.15 4
4 0.28 5
4 0.24 5
5 0.25 3
4 0.2 1
4 0.24 5
5 0.25 3
4 0.2 4
5 0.25 4
3 0.15 5

2 0.12 3
1 0.05 2
3 0.15 1
4 0.2 2
2 0.1 1
3 0.15 2
1 0.06 3
2 0.12 1
5 0.3 2
4 0.2 3
5 0.3 4

4 0.06 3
5 0.1 4
2 0.04 4
3 0.05 5
4 0.04 3
4 0.03 5
5 0.05 3
4 0.04 3
5 0.1 4
3 0.02 5
1 0.01 3
2 0.01 4
4 0.04 3
2 0.02 5
1 0.06 2
5 0.3 4
4 0.24 3
3 0.18 2

2 0.03 5
5 0.08 3
1 0.01 4
4 0.06 3
2 0.02 1
3 0.03 2
2 0.02 4
3 0.03 1
4 0.04 2
5 0.05 3
4 0.04 2

5 0.15 4
3 0.05 5
4 0.1 3
3 0.06 5
5 0.1 4
4 0.05 3
3 0.04 2
1 0.03 4
2 0.03 3
4 0.08 5
3 0.02 2

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