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SPE 69697

Reservoir Characterization of the Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt: Miocene Oficina

Formation, Zuata Field, Eastern Venezuela Basin
Robert Kopper (Petrozuata, C. A.), Julie Kupecz (Kupecz Copley Associates), Carl Curtis, Tony Cole (Petrozuata, C. A.),
Donald Dorn-López SPE (G&G Turning Point), Jeffrey Copley (Kupecz Copley Associates), Alberto Muñoz SPE (PDVSA
Intevep), Vladimir Caicedo (Landmark Graphics)

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

variously intercalated siltstones, fine-grained sandstones and
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE International Thermal Operations coals, and are generally non-productive.
and Heavy Oil Symposium held in Porlamar, Margarita Island, Venezuela, 12-14 March 2001.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as Introduction
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position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper Petrozuata, S. A. is a joint venture company with
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prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 Conoco (50.1%) and Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (49.9%).
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acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Built from the ground-up in less than three years, Petrozuata
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. has drilled 306 horizontal laterals and 145 vertical wells and is
currently producing approximately 120,000 bbls oil per day.
Abstract Each of the horizontal wells is custom designed and then "geo-
steered" during drilling to access the reservoir in the most
efficient manner.
The Zuata Field, located on the southern flank of the Petrozuata produces extra-heavy crude oil (9 to 10
Eastern Venezuela Basin, produces heavy oil from porous API) from the Zuata Region of the Faja Petrolífera del
unconsolidated sandstones of the Lower Miocene Oficina Orinoco (the Orinoco Oil Belt). The heavy oil is diluted with
Formation. The Oficina Formation is composed of multiple naphtha to yield a 15-17 API blend, which is transported via a
depositional sequences which display complex erosional 200 km pipeline to the north coast of Venezuela. There, a
geometries. This creates an intricate reservoir architecture as delayed coking-based upgrader facility converts the diluted
younger fluvial systems down-cut, erode and re-distribute the crude to synthetic crude oil, along with associated by products
sediments of earlier-deposited systems within each of LPG, sulfur, petroleum coke and heavy gas oil. With over
depositional sequence. Superimposed on this intra-sequence 20 billion bbls of oil in place, the Petrozuata joint venture has
complexity is the downcutting and interconnection of sands of a 35-year operating life. This will require the drilling of up to
different depositional sequences. 750 horizontal wells to ultimately recover 2 billion barrels of
The Oficina Formation within the study area can be extra-heavy crude.
subdivided into eleven depositional sequences. Each
depositional sequence has been characterized in terms of Location and Geological Setting
environments of deposition and mapped, which has allowed The Faja (Orinoco Oil Belt) is located on the southern flank of
visualization through time of the facies and reservoir the Eastern Venezuela Basin (Fig. 1), and contains about 1.2
geometries. Within sequences, environments of deposition trillion bbls of in-place oil, stratigraphically trapped in
include a mix of fluvial, distributary channel, estuarine, tidal Miocene-age fluvial- and marginal-marine reservoirs. PDVSA
channel, delta plain and coastal plain, resulting in variable net has subdivided the Orinoco Oil Belt into four areas (Machete,
to gross ratios and variable kv/kh. Productive sands are located Zuata, Hamaca and Cerro Negro). Petrozuata is currently
within incised valleys, usually within the basal part of each developing part of the Zuata area.
depositional sequence, while sediments in the inter-valley The Zuata Field, like its neighboring fields in the
areas comprise a combination of older (pre-incision) deposits Faja, produces from lower Miocene- age fluvial- and marginal
and thin delta plain / coastal plain deposits. These are -marine reservoirs of the Oficina Formation (Fig. 2). During

the Early Miocene, large volumes of quartz-rich sediments

were transported and deposited by the numerous channel
systems feeding the basin to the north. Through the normal Petrophysics
evolution of these channel systems, including avulsion, Rock Properties. The main lithologic types in the
erosion and deposition, the basin was filled with a series of study area are sands, silts, shales and coals. Individual sands
coalesced, amalgamated multi- and single-storied sand range up to 130 ft thick; however, most of the oil is contained
deposits interspersed in a fine-grained silt matrix. in beds that are between 20 and 40 feet (Fig. 4). Within the
reservoir section, porosity ranges from 18-40%, with the
Field data set median being 32% and permeability ranges between 750-
A comprehensive data acquisition program and an 14,000 mD with a median of 7800 mD.
accurate characterization of the reservoir have been essential Petrophysical cross plots made to investigate the
to the Zuata Field development success. Data are continually potential correlation of core-derived permeability with well
being acquired and integrated into the ongoing development logs indicate that resistivity correlates sufficiently with
drilling program. The following data sets were incorporated permeability, above the oil water contact, to be used as a
into the characterization of the Oficina reservoir (Fig. 3): permeability prediction tool. Resistivity - permeability
Wireline logs 149 vertical wells correlations range from a pay cut-off of Rt of 20 ohm-m,
LWD logs 184 wells (298 laterals) which is equivalent to approximately 800 mD, to Rt 100 ohm-
3-D seismic 291 km2
Checkshot velocity surveys 18 wells m, or 7800 mD.
Vertical Seismic Profiles (VSP) 3 wells The technique used for identifying Vclay is the rho-
Whole cores 8 wells (4 within field; 4 outside) matrix curve (ROMA), generated from the neutron-density
Synthetic Seismograms 137 log. ROMA can be zoned between 0-100% clay. The 0% line
Sidewall cores 51 wells, 2229 samples
Biostratigraphy 17 wells, 335 samples corresponds to ROMA of 2.64 gm/cc (clean sandstone
Geochemistry 23 wells, 243 sidewall cores; 12 oil baseline) and the 100% line corresponds to approximately
samples, 6 gas samples 3.00 g/cc (shale baseline).
Table 1 - Data used in study. Improved horizontal well performance is achieved by
"geo-steering" each lateral using the bit and ring resistivity
Integrating this information and placing it into a sequence readings to maintain the well bore in the highest resistivity
stratigraphic context has allowed a better understanding of the sands. This technique results in increased permeability-feet
depositional complexity of the reservoir and has resulted in the along the horizontal lateral, and thus higher production rates.
most efficient horizontal drilling.
Fluid Properties. Oil was initially sourced from deep
Reservoir Characterization within the Eastern Venezuelan Basin to the north and then
migrated toward the south as a light oil until it reached the up-
The reservoir characterization of Zuata Field can be dip stratigraphic pinchouts of numerous intercalated sands
viewed as having evolved in two basic stages. The initial within the lower Oficina Formation. Reservoir sands appear to
phase was based on 7 wells in the field area, 8 wells in the have high inter-connectivity, because every sand/silt above the
reserve area acreage, 18 regional vertical exploratory wells, 4 oil-water contact having sufficient poro-perm is filled with oil.
cored wells outside the field area and sparse 2-D seismic1. Water saturation of the oil-bearing sands is calculated from
This interpretation was the initial (i.e., 1996) basis of the Archie and Modified Simandoux. The Archie equation is used
development-drilling plan for the field. Stochastic modeling in clean sands and offers a quick-look evaluation of the oil-
was later performed using the same data2. It should be noted bearing interval. In rocks containing clay, an adjustment
that the original wells used for the “Basis of Design” have, (Modified Simandoux) must be made to the Archie-derived
after extensive field drilling, proven to represent some of the water saturation to account for the effect of lower resistivity
thickest sands in the field. This biased the initial interpretation clays on the value of Rt. For Sw calculations, the inputs used
toward a more optimistic model of widespread thick and are a= 1.0, m= 1.5, n= 2.0. Rw varies between 0.9 - 1.5 at 125
laterally extensive sands. Subsequent drilling suggests that the (corresponding to 2200-3500 ppm NaCl). The average value
reservoir is much more complex and, although interconnected, of Sw is 20%, the range being 8-55%.
it is more compartmentalized. The second and current phase of Because Rw is quite fresh and the oil sands have high
reservoir characterization includes the data detailed in Table 1 resistivity, the main resistivity tools used are laterologs. The
and incorporates the following studies: reprocessed 3D deep-laterolog, when combined with a micro-resistivity tool,
seismic data3; description sand interpretations of additional provides an excellent "quick-look" for evaluating movable oil.
cores4,5,6; petrographic7; biostratigraphic8,9,10; geochemical11; Predicting oil mobility is critical in modeling well
seismic attribute12,13,14; seal capacity15; maturity and performance. Remaining uncertainties in understanding oil
compaction ; petrophysical17; stochastic modeling mobility in the Zuata Field are vertical and lateral viscosity
heterogeneity ; and connectivity studies20. All studies were
variations measured from fluid samples and wireline-derived
integrated into a sequence stratigraphic framework. magnetic resonance tools. Further work is needed to quantify

these variations, both geographically as well as The gas is interpreted to be a mixture of thermogenic and
stratigraphically. biogenic origin. The thermogenic component is likely
Gas is present in minor quantities in isolated sands associated with the oil; however, the biogenic is possibly
and silts. The gas sands are generally thin, but are easily associated with earlier generation under more saline
identified using "cross-over" on the neutron/density curves. conditions. This earlier biogenic and possibly thermogenic
Some of the gas is situated adjacent to coal beds; geochemical gas was adsorbed by coals and subsequently released on uplift
analyses suggest that it was probably sourced from the coals. or unroofing in the area. Present-day gas generation from
The oil in Zuata Field migrated in as light oil, then biodegradation is unlikely based on the lack of evidence of the
subsequently degraded. Oil produced in Zuata Field is extra- fermentation process, isotopically heavy CO2 and only slightly
heavy and has an average gravity of 9.0 API. However, some isotopically light methane. Gas in the Sequence 8-9 sands
well logs and drill stem test data suggest that certain regions differs isotopically from gas found in the Sequence 4-5 sands.
were more degraded; this oil is referred to as "tar". It is interpreted that that the gases from the Sequence 8-9
Constructing Rt/Rxo cross-plots can help identify tar (Fig. 5). sands are slightly higher in thermal maturity.
Values of Rt < 20 ohm-m and MSFL > Rt suggest the Biomarker data analysis from sidewall cores suggests
presence of tar (Fig. 6). Based on drill stem tests, wells that variability in viscosity and API gravity exists within the
completed in these intervals may produce low volumes of oil. different sand intervals (Fig. 9). However, saturate and
Net pay in vertical wells has been identified by aromatic biomarkers indicate that the level of thermal maturity
utilizing standard techniques (i.e., Vsh < 0.40; Phie > 0.18 and and biodegradation among samples from different sands is
Sw < 0.55). However, in a field developed utilizing horizontal essentially the same, so an alternative mechanism affecting the
drilling, a net oil counting technique using Logging While- viscosity and gravity must be envisioned. It appears that the
Drilling (LWD) GR and resistivity is necessary, as these are degree of water washing is a controlling factor of changes in
the only two curves measured in the horizontal sections. oil chemistry. Water washing preferentially removes aromatic
Resistivity has an adequate correlation with grain-size and an compounds from the original oil. These aromatic compounds
excellent correlation with water saturation; therefore, Rt dissolve higher molecular weight non-hydrocarbon
cutoffs of 20, 30, 50, 100 and 500 ohm-m are used in compounds in the oil (resins and asphaltenes), effectively
calculating the range of net oil and its associated permeability. lowering the viscosity of the oil. When the aromatic
By utilizing resistivity to predict permeability and net oil, a compounds are removed, the effective viscosity of the
consistent methodology is applied in quantifying reservoir remaining oil is increased.
quality in vertical and horizontal wells. The degree of water washing, though known to affect
Based on well logs and RFT pressure data, the field oil quality, has not been directly linked to the production rates
has a regionally extensive oil-water contact. The structural of the horizontal wells. In fact, no correlation was found
map of this contact shows a regional tilt to the north (Fig. 7). between fluid chemistry of the produced oils and the average
This tilt is caused by an active aquifer drive from the fresh- production rate. This is not surprising because the produced
water recharge to the south. No internal "movable" water- oil from each well is actually a blended product derived from
bearing sands exist within the oil column above the regional drilling long reach horizontal laterals through multiple “oil
oil-water contact. pools” (zones of varying viscosity/mobility). If significant
variations in oil viscosity are recognized to occur both
Geochemistry vertically and spatially (from the analysis performed on the
A geochemical study11 utilizing produced oils, gases sidewall cores) and if variation in viscosity within a sand
and samples from sidewall cores was undertaken to determine interval reduces the cross sectional area to flow, then this
if there were fluid properties unique to each depositional viscosity change should affect rate.
sequence (e.g., viscosity, sulfur content, API gravity, gas The accuracy, or degree of uncertainty, of the
composition), to evaluate compartmentalization, and to prediction of the viscosity and API gravity can be refined by
determine the origin of the gas (biogenic vs. thermogenic). analysis of sidewall cores from the same intervals from which
Sidewall cores from each producing sand and produced oil the production samples are taken. However, because the
samples were analyzed by a method which uses biomarker degree of water washing varies both spatially and vertically,
parameters linked to a training data set to determine the performance of the same reservoir interval will likely vary
approximate viscosity and API gravity. Gas samples were for different parts of the field. The problem lies in the inability
analyzed for compositional analysis and stable carbon isotope to reliably measure viscosity/mobility variations along the
values to determine their origin. length of a horizontal using LWD-derived data. Prototype
The oils are derived primarily from a single marine LWD Magnetic Resonance tools are currently being
carbonate or calcareous shale source rock; however, a slightly developed by some companies for use in heavy oil. The use of
more clastic source with terrestrial organic matter input has such prototype technology might allow for better flow rate vs.
been interpreted for some wells. The more clastic-sourced oil viscosity/mobility correlation for horizontal wells and allow
contains less sulfur, has a higher API gravity, and is for a better prediction of how well different sands will produce
predominantly found in Sequence 6-9 sands (Fig. 8). in different parts of Zuata Field.

Biostratigraphy represent much lower accommodation with greater

A paleo-ecological and chrono-stratigraphic model was built amalgamation of sediments, whereas Sequences 7-11 show
from analysis of 335 samples from 17 wells8, 9,10, Palynoflora much higher accommodation with less amalgamation.
(pollen) and calcareous nannofossils were studied. All
sequences of the stratigraphic framework were represented, Seismic Data
although the samples from the dominantly fluvial facies Geophysical studies of the Zuata Field have focused
contained few specimens. As a result, data are skewed toward on four main aspects: seismic-well tie correlation; reprocessed
the siltstones of the transgressive/highstand systems tract seismic data; seismic mapping; and seismic attribute analysis.
(TST/HST). Paleo-geographic reconstructions indicate the These aspects have been integrated with the lithologic and
paleo-environments range from upper delta plain to fully sequence stratigraphic information to improve the
marine. Based on the sidewall core data set, the majority of characterization of the reservoir, to plan specific well
paleo-environments are within the marine-influenced lower targeting, and to "geo-steer" the borehole while drilling.
delta plain; however, this interpretation may be skewed both Prior to production drilling of the Zuata Field, a 3-D
by the sampling (i.e., higher recovery in the siltstones), and by seismic survey (291 km2; Fig. 3) was acquired over the
greater abundance and higher recovery of fossils within Petrozuata concession acreage. As drilling has progressed, the
marine flood deposits. It is interpreted that most reservoir vertical well database established by the stratigraphic well
sands were deposited by fluvial systems in the upper delta program (137 wells) has provided, among other data, a grid of
plain. Some samples contained abundant mangrove pollen and time-depth relationships that has allowed the seismic data to
dinoflagellate cysts, indicating deposition under marine and be depth converted with a great deal of accuracy (2-3 meters
tidal influence. A northwest-southeast paleo-shoreline trend is vertical). Synthetic seismograms were generated in all vertical
interpreted, with deeper marine paleo-environments to the wells and shifted in time and adjusted in phase to obtain the
northeast and the hinterland (source) to the southwest. Figure best tie with the seismic data as evaluated by the correlation
10 shows a modern analog taken from a portion of the Orinoco coefficient over the zone of interest. Check shots were
River delta, with fractional relative abundance diagrams integrated and time-depth curves were plotted as a quality
superimposed from the Zuata field. Note the scale represented control check to identify anomalous areas or errors.
within the Zuata database; it forms an area quite small in Time-Depth tables for each of the 145 wells were
comparison to the analog delta. used to create a velocity cube for the depth conversion. Figure
Observed lateral and vertical facies associations 12 shows time-depth curves from the well and the velocity
suggest widespread lateral migration of facies belts, especially cube.
during the shift from lowstand to transgressive/highstand Horizontal wells are planned and "geo-steered" using
periods. Figures 11A and B show the interpreted paleo- depth converted seismic data. Because Petrozuata is drilling
environments for the lowstand and the highstand parts of extended reach (up to 1900 m) horizontal laterals in sands, 20
Sequence 5, respectively. During the lowstand, most of the and 40 feet thick, an accurate depth model is critical.
area is interpreted to have been in the upper delta plain with its Importantly, the integration of the vertical well database with
fresh water fluvial and swamp paleo-environments. The the seismic data provides the key link between the advanced
boundary separating the upper and lower delta plain drilling technology developed in the project and the
environments is shown in the northern part of the field. One production / reservoir planning, as it allows the precise
anomalous point in the south, containing abundant mangrove placement of boreholes within a stratigraphically complex
pollen, is found at the edge of an interpreted deep tidal reservoir. The ability to "geo-steer" the borehole, in real-time,
channel that can also be recognized in the well logs and 3-D based on a continually updated interpretation of the data, in
seismic data. turn provides confidence to develop a complex network of
At least five major flooding surfaces are confirmed boreholes to drain the reservoir.
by pollen spores and dinoflagellates. The Sequence 5 Data processing routines have been refined since the
maximum flooding surface (18.0 Ma) is identified as the most initial acquisition, with the current final volume a much-
marine paleo-environment (Fig. 11B). During this time, inner improved version. Three important parts of this processing
to middle neritic marine paleo-environments (0-50 meters effort have been the spectral balancing to improve the overall
water depth) are interpreted for the northeast portion of the frequency content or bandwidth of the data, the resolution of
Zuata Field, with the paleoshoreline located in the statics-induced distortion within the common depth point
southernmost part of the field. (CDP) gathers, and the dip moveout correction (DMO) done
Calcareous nannofossils in the Zuata Field offer some before stack.
useful tie points to worldwide chronologies8,10,21,22
Calibrations to the cycle chart of Hardenbol et al.23 indicate Mapping
regional Sequence Boundaries 4, 5 and 6 correlate to major Figure 13A demonstrates in a local area of the field
sequence boundaries at 19.5 Ma, 18.7 Ma, and 17.3 Ma how the seismic horizons were picked and mapped (see Figs.
respectively. Sequences 7 through 11 are of local magnitude, 13B, C for location). Key seismic horizons corresponding to
and calibrate to local cycles within the remaining 0.9 million relevant flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries were tied
years of the Early Miocene. Also, sequences 4, 5 and 6

to all of the stratigraphic test wells and were mapped over the abrupt lateral changes in character. In contrast, sequences
entire field area. with more “amalgamated” sands, e.g., Sequences 4 and 5, the
Sequence Boundaries. Sequence boundaries (SB) “reworked” or “channelized” areas are observed to have a
typically exhibit an erosional character marking the base of more “chaotic" character. In these cases the low coherency can
incised valleys cut by fluvial erosion. Paleo-topography be distinctive, with characteristic shapes of incised valley fill
associated with the sequence boundaries ranges from a and point bar development. Some of the most obvious
minimum of 25 meters to a maximum of 200 meters. In some features, such as individual channels, have proven to be late
areas of the Zuata Field, sequence boundaries cut into and stage or abandonment features barren of reservoir sand (Figure
erode the underlying section to such a degree that, locally, one 13).
or two entire sequences may be removed (Figs. 2, 13, 19). It
should be noted that this erosion and interconnection between Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy
the sequences provides direct connection between different The reservoir intervals in the Zuata Field consist of
reservoir sands, and makes the entire section behave, in many fine- to coarse-grained- (predominantly medium-grained),
respects, as one single reservoir. well-sorted, unconsolidated, quartzose sands. Lithologically,
Flooding Surfaces. Flooding surfaces (FS), in contrast, the reservoir consists of 92% quartz, 5% feldspars, 2% clays
have very little evident paleo-topography and likely represent and 1% heavy minerals.
a paleo-horizontal marine sea level datum. Maximum flooding The sands commonly have a sharp, erosional lower
surfaces (MFS) mark the top of the undifferentiated lowstand / contact and have a blocky to fining-upward morphology (Figs.
transgressive systems tract (LST/TST). These continuous 14, 15). Blocky sands are often amalgamated, which can best
horizons are relatively easy to follow and map on the seismic be seen in distinct vertical changes in the resistivity curve.
data, when not severely eroded from the sequence boundary These sands are interpreted to be fluvial channel sands and
above (Fig. 13). Several MFS, chiefly WS5, MFS2 and WS2, laterally-accreted point bars (Fig. 14). The upper contact is
which are widely correlative across the block, were gradational into siltstones, except where it is cut out either by
extensively utilized as datum surfaces for seismic attribute other channels or by erosion at an overlying sequence
extractions. boundary.
Attribute Extractions. The use of the seismic data to Laterally-equivalent non-reservoir rock consists of
interpret lithology is very difficult in the study area and is part siltstones and coals, interpreted to be thin, areally-limited
of the ongoing challenge posed by the requirements for this crevasse splay deposits, abandoned channel fill and coastal
project. The sedimentary section of interest consists of poorly plain facies (Figs. 15, 16, 17). Overlying these deposits are
consolidated sediments (sands, silts and shales) which have thin, marine to brackish-water siltstones.
minimal impedance contrasts. In spite of these fundamental Eleven depositional sequences have been interpreted
limitations, the seismic data volume has become an important for the Oficina Formation within Zuata Field (Fig. 2). The
part of the spatial interpretation for the depositional facies sequences were interpreted on the basis of information from
characterization, which in turn is the basis for development core, electrofacies, well-log stacking patterns, biostratigraphic
target planning. For this purpose seismic data are displayed in data, and regional seismic horizons. The biostratigraphic data
a horizontal "slice" type of format. These "slices" can be were correlated to the cycle chart for age determination23. The
created either at a simple constant time/depth value composite log (Fig. 2) illustrates the typical well-log response
(time/depth slice) or conformable with an interpreted surface of the sequences. Blocky sands generally are present at the
(Fig 13B). Horizon-based "slices" or "extractions" are the base of each sequence, in the undifferentiated
most useful for facies characterization as the methodology in lowstand/transgressive systems tract (LST/TST). In most
effect "flattens" the data on the selected datum horizon. The cases, the sands directly overlie the erosional sequence
volume itself can also be flattened on an interpreted boundary. The stacking pattern of the LST/TST sands
depositional horizon, from which slices (relative to the datum generally shows that the sands decrease in thickness and the
horizon) can be viewed in a progressive manner, up or down, interbedded siltstones increase in thickness vertically toward
to display the lateral movement of depositional systems and maximum flooding surface (MFS). Biostratigraphic data
features (channels, bars, etc.) through geological time. verify that the siltstones are progressively more marine-
Extensive use has also been made of the coherence influenced toward the MFS and that the MFS of Sequence 5
cube for horizon extractions and depositional facies mapping (18.0 Ma) is the most marine of the Oficina Formation in the
(Fig. 13C). This is a derivation of the original seismic volume field. Deposits of the highstand systems tract (HST) are thin
where each trace is compared, over a window, to those and generally sand-poor. The thin nature of these deposits is
adjacent and a similarity or correlation coefficient is thought to be a combination of slow rates of deposition and/or
determined. removal by erosion at the overlying sequence boundary(ies).
Depositional features are recognized by their The sequences are thought to represent a series of erosional
morphology in both the amplitude and coherency displays. valleys and valley-fill deposits 24, which serve to concentrate
Unfortunately, sand bodies do not have unique seismic the reservoir sands.
signatures. In sequences containing more confined sands such Although the depositional environments of the
as the Sequences 6-9, boundaries are often well defined by Oficina Formation in Zuata Field are predominantly fluvial,

there was increasingly more marine influence toward the plain complex (Fig. 17). Biostratigraphic data from similar
maximum flooding surface of Sequence 5 (18.0 Ma), as facies corroborate this interpretation 8,9,10.
mentioned above. Significantly, the facies and depositional Using core-gamma logs, the cored intervals were
environments representing the transgressive systems tract of calibrated to the well logs. In the E20P-1 core, the gamma ray
Sequence 5 also appear to have had a more marine influence, and resistivity logs corresponding to the cored interval show a
and contain reservoir sands that are different from those of the sharp basal contact and a fining-upward signature (increasing
rest of the Oficina Formation in the field. These consist of thin GR and decreasing resistivity), similar to that seen in the core.
(~10 ft.) distributary channel sands interbedded with coastal Therefore, the channel interpretation from the core data is
plain siltstones and coals, and thicker (>20 ft) interlaminated consistent with the log signature, and the electrofacies can be
and rhythmically bedded tidal channel sands. Both of these used as a proxy in non-cored wells. Another distinctive log
types of sands exhibit lower kv/kh than is observed in the signature in this sequence is one with blocky gamma-ray
more fluvially-dominated sands of the other sequences. Above morphology and varying resistivity. The abrupt shifts in
the Sequence 5 MFS, depositional environments are again resistivity suggest that individual sands are stacked; these are
fluvially dominated. interpreted to be laterally-accreted point bar deposits as shown
The complexity of the reservoir sands can be seen at in Figure 15. Logs with thinner sands but a similar signature
an intra-sequence scale (Fig. 18), with channel migration, (sharp base and fining-upward morphology) are interpreted to
erosion, reworking and avulsion forming a complex be located at the edge of channels (Fig. 15), which is
interconnected internal geometry of the sand bodies. corroborated by the seismic data. The interbedded siltstones
Additionally, there exists the complexity of inter-sequence and coals of the non-reservoir deposits can also be identified
interconnection. Erosion at sequence boundaries can cut on well logs. Interpreted crevasse splays have characteristic
deeply into underlying units (Fig. 19), and in many places can fine grain size and a coarsening-upward morphology; coals
juxtapose sands of different sequences (Figs. 2, 19). Because have a characteristic low-density spike in the bulk density log
of this internal complexity, we believe that it is impractical, if curve (Fig. 16).
not impossible, to correlate with any degree of confidence With the well log signature calibrated to the core and
individual sand bodies over large areas. its facies interpretation, "electrofacies" of the non-cored wells
were established and used to interpret the field-wide facies
Example of Integrated Reservoir Characterization distribution in non-cored wells (Figs. 15, 17, 20). For this
A representative example from Sequence 9 (17.0 Ma; study, the main logs for facies work are gamma ray, resistivity
Fig. 2) is discussed below. All productive sequences and bulk density (which aids in identifying coals). Using this
(Sequences 4-9) have been studied in a similar manner. information, well logs were calibrated to establish
Two of the cores in the Zuata Field recovered section electrofacies (Fig. 20).
from the Sequence 9 (E20P-14 and SDZ-86X), with both The electrofacies were mapped using the vertical and
representative reservoir and non-reservoir deposits being horizontal well control (Fig. 21), 3D seismic data, and
sampled (Figs. 14, 16). The reservoir sand in the E20P core amplitude slices of two representative intervals. The areal
displays an irregular lower contact which erodes the siltstones distribution of the facies is also important in the determination
of the underlying Sequence 8 (Fig. 14). The sand is medium- of environments of deposition. Channel sands, laterally-
grained, massive, oil impregnated, and with an erosional base accreted point bars and crevasse splay deposits all have
and characteristic fining-upward profile (as seen in GR and characteristic areal morphology, and the interpretation of
resistivity logs), is interpreted to represent a fluvial channel depositional environments of Sequence 9 is consistent with
(Fig. 15). Biostratigraphic data from similar facies are both the electrofacies and their mapped distribution.
consistent with this interpretation 8,9,10. Representative amplitude slices for Sequence 9 were chosen at
The SDZ-86X core, in contrast, represents the non- + 6 to -6 msec from the flooding surface and +12 to +24 msec
reservoir section. It contains laminated siltstone to fine- from the flooding surface. The interpreted lateral distribution
grained sandstone, interbedded with silty claystone and coal of depositional environments for the +6 to -6msec time-slice is
(Fig. 16). Coal layers are approximately 0.5 to 1 ft thick, and shown in Figure 22. Note that there are channel deposits of
the underlying claystone contains rootlets. It is interpreted that different orientations (e.g., the channel system labeled
local paleosols were developed where sediment accumulation "Avulsed Channel"). The major shift in orientation of the
exceeded synsedimentary subsidence, which led to the channel systems is interpreted to be the result of small-scale
localization of marsh plants. Quiet water conditions allowed syn-depositional movement along faults. Post-dating the
the deposition of fine clays and organic material. Near Sequence 9 deposition, a younger channel, filled
channels, silts and fine-grained sands were probably predominantly with shale, crosscuts and erodes the Sequence 9
introduced via overbank floods, crevasse channels and splays. sand (Fig. 22).
Elsewhere, possible tidal bundles (Fig. 16) suggest that there The sand distribution in Sequence 9 is compared to the
was some tidal influence, with the connection to the sea map of interpreted depositional environments in Figure 22.
possibly through tidal channels. Therefore, the interpreted Note that the sand distribution is confined to the areas
environments of deposition include marsh, shallow brackish interpreted as channel belts and that there is no significant
lagoon, and crevasse channel/splay deposits in a lower coastal amount of sand located outside of these belts. As noted before,

we have interpreted the sands of this and other sequences to

have been deposited above a major erosional surface as
fluvially-dominated deposits in a lowstand/transgressive
systems tract. The areas of erosion are interpreted as lowstand
paleo-valleys, and the accumulated sands are considered to be
the valley fill. A possible analog is from the modern Arkansas
River Valley (USA), which has similar dimensions to the
paleovalleys of Sequence 9, as well as similar facies
distributions and concentration of sand exclusively within the
valley 25.


Pressure Transient Analysis, performed on horizontal
development wells, is an additional tool for characterization of
the Lower Oficina Reservoirs. This tool has been used to
complement the description of the reservoir geometry and
depositional environment, integrating the geophysical studies
and dense vertical well information with the petrophysical
characteristics available through the interpretation of pressure
transients. In general, these data have been used to help in the
identification of the most productive sands and to design the
most suitable well architecture for draining a given reservoir 26.
An example of pressure transient analysis is presented here for
the upper Sequence 5 reservoir sands of JK23-1 (Figs.2, 3).
The pressure response during horizontal well tests is B
characterized by at least three flow regimes27: early time radial
Figure 23. Oil rate-normalized Pressure response for two
flow, intermediate linear flow, and a late-time pseudo-radial
horizontal wells in the Lower Oficina Formation with their
flow. Each of these flow regimes is controlled by the geometric
respective derivative analysis. A) Lower Sequence 5, Well A;
mean of different combination of the principal components of
B) Upper Sequence 5, Well B.
the permeability tensor. Namely, the early-time radial flow is
controlled by the effective geometric mean of the vertical to As indicated in both derivative traces, a period of zero-
horizontal permeability kvky ; the intermediate linear is flow slope, indicating an early-time radial flow, can be observed. In
controlled by the permeability perpendicular to the horizontal the case of Figure 23a, this flow period is followed by a
well direction ky; and the pseudo-radial flow is controlled by the relatively rapid transition to the expected linear flow regime (in
average horizontal permeability in the reservoir kHkh Thus, less than 8 hours after shut-in). This transient indicates that the
the pressure response of wells placed in different sands provides pressure wave has reached the top and bottom boundary of the
a basis for comparing their respective petrophysical reservoir and the pressure response is then dominated by the
characteristics. This tool provides direct evidence that the flow perpendicular to the horizontal well axis.
Similarly, Figure 23b shows an incipient transition to a
increasing marine influence observed in Sequence 5 toward the
MFS2 has a negative effect on the vertical communication, and linear flow regime. However, this transition is substantially
that it is poorer than that in the fluvially- dominated sands. delayed, to more than 80 hours after shut-in, with respect to the
As indicated by the type log (Fig. 2), two sands are lower Sequence 5 sand.
present in Sequence 5. Four horizontal wells were drilled in an The following equation provides an estimate of time
east-west direction. Specifically, both well A (towards the east) required for the transition from the early-time radial flow to the
and B (toward the west) where drilled in targets corresponding linear flow teepr, 26 and a basis for comparing these pressure
responses: φµct
to the upper Sequence 5 and the lower Sequence 5 sand, t eepr = max{z w2 , (h − zw2 }
respectively. After an initial period of production, a 14-day well 0.000264πk v
shut-in period was used to record the pressure buildup in wells As can be observed from the above equation, the transition time
A and B. Their respective pressure responses are compared in to a linear flow regime is controlled by parameters such as
Figure 23a, b. This figure shows change in pressure, reservoir porosity φ, total system compressibility ct, fluid
normalized by oil rate, versus elapsed time since well shut-in, viscosity µ, horizontal well standoff (represented by the term in
with their respective derivative curve for flow regime brackets), and more importantly absolute vertical permeability
identification. kv. Given the depth of both horizontal wells, both wells are
expected to have similar fluid viscosity and rock
compressibility. Also, there is a similar uncertainty in well
placement with respect to the reservoir (standoff). Thus, these

parameters cannot account alone for the significant difference, a tidal influence. At least five major flooding surfaces are
10-fold ratio, in transition time to a linear flow regime found in confirmed by pollen spores and dinoflagellates. The Sequence 5
these two wells. maximum flooding surface (18.0 Ma) is identified as the most
Such variation in teepr has been attributed to differences marine paleo-environment (inner to middle neritic). Observed
in vertical permeability between the upper and lower Sequence lateral and vertical facies associations suggest widespread
5 sands. Lower vertical permeability suggests that important lateral migration of facies belts through time.
baffles to flow are present in the upper sand. These baffles Close integration of the vertical well database with the
interfere with the propagation of the pressure wave and seismic data provides the key link between the advanced
eventually with the movement of oil from the reservoir to the drilling technology developed in the project and production /
well. As a consequence, a substantially lower horizontal well reservoir planning, as it allows the precise placement of
deliverability can be expected. Indeed, numerous wells drilled boreholes within a stratigraphically complex reservoir. The
in the upper Sequence 5 have shown a reduced rate of oil effectiveness of planning and drilling these complicated wells
recovery when compared to wells drilled in fluvially- dominated has clearly demonstrated the value of the geoscience effort. The
sequences. resulting reservoir interpretation also provides a basis for the
longer-term modeling and monitoring program for the field.
A direct consequence of this characteristic has been
Three important aspects of the seismic processing are:
the need to mechanically enhance vertical communication
spectral balancing to improve the overall frequency content or
through the use of well architectures such as "fishbone" wells.
bandwidth of the data; resolution of statics-induced distortion
These wells are designed to intersect the flow barriers present
within the common depth point gathers; and dip moveout
in this particular upper sequence and thus overcome through a
correction done before stack. The seismic data volume is also
proper well design the geological barriers present in the
important for the depositional facies characterization. Extensive
reservoir and allow for enhanced well performance 26.
use has been made of both the horizon-based amplitude and
coherence extractions for depositional facies mapping and
Conclusions reservoir characterization.
Eleven depositional sequences have been interpreted
Reservoirs of the Oficina Formation within the Zuata for the Oficina Formation within Zuata Field. Blocky sands
Field are clean, unconsolidated fine- to coarse-grained generally are present at the base of each sequence, in the
(predominantly medium-grained) quartz-rich sands with undifferentiated lowstand/transgressive systems tract. The
porosity averaging 32% and permeability averaging 7800 mD. stacking pattern of the LST/TST sands generally shows that the
The producing sands have net: gross between 40-60% and are sands decrease in thickness and the interbedded siltstones
interconnected. The high viscosity of the oil, rather than increase in thickness upward toward the maximum flooding
degraded rock quality, results in the low oil mobility. The key surface. Although the depositional environments are
to minimizing the impact of high oil viscosity on well predominantly fluvial, there was increasingly more marine
performance in the Faja is to maximize total drilled footage in influence toward the maximum flooding surface of Sequence 5.
sands having resistivity values greater than 100 ohm-m. Pressure transient analysis in horizontal wells has
Geochemical analyses indicate that the oils within the provided additional support to the geological interpretation of
Petrozuata concession are primarily derived from a single the depositional sequences found the in the Lower Oficina. In
marine carbonate or calcareous shale source rock; however, an particular, it has confirmed the effects of the marine influence
additional charge from a slightly more clastic source with for the upper Sequence 5 on petrophysical characteristics at the
terrestrial organic matter is observed in some wells. bed scale, i.e. lower vertical communication than in the fluvial
Variability in the viscosity and API gravity exists within the environments. This information has provided an assessment of
oils. It is interpreted that the degree of water washing is the "rock quality" that has been tied to estimates of reservoir
major controlling factor of changes in oil chemistry. The deliverability and ultimately to well performance.
Zuata gas is interpreted to be a mixture of thermogenic and
biogenic gas. The thermogenic component is considered to
have been derived from the oil; however, the biogenic is
probably associated with earlier generation under more saline
conditions. This earlier biogenic and possibly thermogenic
gas was adsorbed by coals and subsequently released on uplift
or unroofing in the area.
Paleo-geographic reconstructions based on
biostratigraphic data indicate that paleo-environments vary from
upper delta plain to fully marine. During periods of lowstand,
most of the area is interpreted to have been in an upper delta
plain setting with fresh-water fluvial and swamp paleo-
environments. During highstand, the abundant mangrove pollen
and dinoflagellate cysts indicate deposition under marine and

(10 Km West)


3D Survey Area

Sidewall Cores (51 Wells / 2229 SWC’s)

Petrozuata Whole Cores

PDVSA Whole Cores

Field Check Shots (19 Wells)

Maraven Exploration Wells

Fig.1. Location Map Fig.3. Basemap of Zuata Field, illustrating location of data.

Fig.2. Stratigraphic Column. Type Log comprises wells F15, JK23-1, DF17-1.

Fig.4. Sand packages in vertical wells vary from thick,

massive sands to thinly laminated sands. This variability Fig.5. The potential for tar existence can best be evaluated
is dictated by the well’s location in regard to the areal using an Rt (LLDC) / Rxo (MSFC) cross-plot. When resistivities
distribution of the depositional facies. are greater than 20 ohmm, Rt tends to read higher than Rxo;
and thus decreases the risk of tar occurrence. This is one
additional reason Petrozuata has chosen 20 ohmm as the
lowest net oil resistivity cut-off.

5 km

Fig.7. The regional oil-water contact interpretation is based on 156

vertical wells and RFT pressure data. The structure map at the oil-
water contact illustrates a north dipping surface, with approximately
270 Feet of vertical relief across the field. The progressively darker
colors represent increasing depth.
Fig.6. Possible tar occurs between 2120-2265 Feet. Rxo reads
higher resistivity than Rt, suggesting no movable oil exists in this
interval. A whole core in this interval indicates the zone is oil-
saturated, however, it produced very little oil during drill stem

0.03 Oil Samples More terrestrial organic

matter input to source.
C30 diahopane/C30 hopane

DE22-4, 3A sand
0.02 17a-Diahopane DE26-2, 2C sand
DE26-1, 3A sand
IJ31-2, 3B sand
0.01 WS5 sands
WS4 A &C sands

0.3 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.4
C24 tetracyclic/C26 Tricyclic Terpanes
Biomarkers that reflect differences in organic matter or depositional environment facies show only subtle
changes. WS2 and WS3 sands break out as separate and non communication with WS4 and WS5 oils.

E.Michael, CONOCO 1999

E.Michael, CONOCO 1999
Fig.9. Figure illustrating the variability of the viscosity of the oils from
Fig.8. Figure illustrating differences in oils from the different reservoir zones in the Petrozuata field. The yellow colorfill
sequence 9 and 8 sands compared with the sequence 5 and represents sandstones, while the red colorfill represents deep
4 sands. Biomarkers reflecting differences in organic matter resistivity above 20 ohmms. The green colorfill represents silts and
or depositional environments show only subtle changes. clays. Arrow signify depths from which sidewall cores were taken.

Fig.10. Composite radar image of

the Orinoco River delta (Delta
Amacuro). Relative abundance
charts of dinoflagellates and pollen
from mangroves, palm, ferns and
upland forest indicate the paleo-
environment of deposition.
Dinoflagellates and mangrove
pollen indicate marine influence,
while the other forms are of
terrestrial origin, but redistributed by
fluvial processes. The Petrozuata
concession is shown to scale.
(Modified From: UTBEG Website

25 km


T. Demchuk 2000 T. Demchuk 2000

A 1: Maximum landward extent of marine/saline influence. 2: Shoreline. B

3: Inner-Midle neritic(?). Arrows: Possible locations of fluvial channel/tidal inlets.
Fig.11. A. Lowstand paleo-environments. Most of the field is interpreted to lie in the upper delta plain. The dashed line shows the
interpreted boundary between the upper and lower delta plain. Mangrove pollen in the south is associated with a relatively deep tidal
channel. Direction of sediment transport is shown by the arrows. B. Highstand paleo-environments. Boundaries of the upper/lower delta
plain and possible shorelines are shown by the dashed lines. Direction of sediment transport is shown by the arrows. (From Demchuck,
Depth (ft)


Fig.12 . Time-depth curves from 145 wells used to create the velocity cube (inset).

A - Seismic Profile (Flattened at MFS2)



Coherency Slice

Extraction Horizon

1 km
B - Amplitude Extraction 1 km
C - Coherency Slice (Flattened Volume)


1 el
el nn
ann Ch

Channel 2

Fig.13. Summary of the interpretive process utilized in the depositional facies characterization. A. Seismic profile, located as shown on the map (B) and
coherency slice (C). The display has been adjusted to show the interpreted horizon for the MFS 2 at a constant time value; other major horizons are also shown.
GR and resistivity (LLD) curves are shown for two stratigraphic wells, with key formation tops and the borehole path for the horizontal wells. B. Seismic amplitude
extraction, with drainage polygons and vertical and horizontal wells. The patterns of amplitude illustrate geomorphologic features characteristic of Sequence 5.
“Channel 1” cuts SW-NE across a darker meandriform feature. Many of these channel features are observed to crosscut each other forming an amalgamated
channel system. The coherency slice shown in C (from the same area) shows lateral changes in seismic response or wavelet shape. The darker areas are low
coherency and form outlines for features of similar seismic “character”. The yellown grid is the 150 x 150 trace spacing (750 m).

Model of fluvial channel and bar deposition, with examples

Fig.14. Core and well log illustrating the cored interval of Sequence 9 in well Fig.15.
E20P-1S. The close-up photograph shows the erosional contact at the base of from the Sequence 9 interval. Modified from Galloway and Hobday. 25
the sequence, with laminated siltstone overlain by oil-impregnated medium-
grained unconsolidated sand above.

Fig.16. Core and well log illustrating the cored interval of Sequence 9 in well Model of coastal plain deposition with examples from selected
SDZ-86X. The close-up photographs A and B are coals, and their location in the Fig.17.
Sequence 9 well logs. Modified from Miall. 28
well log is shown by the arrows. Note the characteristic low density reading in
the coals. The close-up photograph C is a laminated siltstone/very-fine
sandstone interpreted to represent tidal bundles.

Fig.22. A. Interpreted environments of

deposition of upper Sequence 9. The
interpretation was based on the integration
of core, biostratigraphic, electrofacies, 3D
A seismic data and the seismic amplitude
extraction. The channel labeled "younger
channel" post-dates the deposition of the
Sequence 9 sediments. B. Net sand isopach
0 5 mi
of Sequence 9. C. Modern incised-valley
0 8 km
deposits of the Arkansas River Valley, USA
Galloway and Hobday, 24
( ). Note the similarity in
scale with the Sequence 9 channel belts in
the Zuata Field, which are also interpreted
to be valley-fill deposits.

0 1 2 3 Km


18. Fielder, G., Dickinson, J., Gaynor, J.: “ Interim Report on

Evaluation of Reservoir Volumes and Heterogeneity in
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4. Suter, J.: “Depositional Environments and Sequence Planktonic Conference, Rome (edited by) A. Farinaci.
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to Depositional Model for Petrozuata” Conoco Inc. 22. Lorente, M. A.: Palynology and palynofacies of the Upper
Internal Document, “Preliminary Report”, 1999. Tertiary in Venezuela. J. Cramer, Berlin. 222p, 1986.
5. Suter, J.: “Integrated Geological Model for Petrozuata” 23. Hardenbol, J. et al.: "Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence
Conoco Inc. Internal Interim report, March 2000. Stratigraphic Framework of European Basins". (in)
6. Aguado, B.: “GH27-1Core description” PDVSA Mesozoic and Cenozoic Sequence Stratigraphy of
INTEVEP Internal Report, 1999. European Basins (edited by) P. -C. de Graciansky et al.
7. Lahann, R.: “Petrozuata Resistivity/Permeability Study” SEPM Special Publication No. 60. pp. 3-13, 1998.
Conoco Internal document, November 2000. 24. Zaitlin, B. A., R. W. Dalrymple y R. Boyd: "The
8. Colmenares, O. A. et al.: "A biostratigraphic study of six Stratigraphic Organization of Incised-Valley Systems
wells in the area of Zuata (for Petrozuata)". PDVSA- Associated with Relative Sea-Level Change": In
Intevep Technical Report, 34p. with enclosures, 1999. Dalrymple, R. W., R. Boyd y B. A. Zaitlin (eds.), Incised
9. Demchuk, T.D.: "Bio- and Chronostratigraphic Evaluation Valley Systems: Origin and Sedimentary Sequences:
of the Oficina Formation ant Petrozuata, Venezuela (for SEPM Special Publication 51, p. 45-60, 1994.
Petrozuata)", Conoco Inc. Technical Report, 15p. with 25. Galloway, W. E. and D. K. Hobday: Terrigenous Clastic
enclosures, 2000. Depositional Systems, Springer-Verlag, 423p, 1983.
10. Gonzalez-Guzman, E.: "Palynostratigraphy and correlation 26. Stalder, J., York, G., Kopper, R., Curtis, C., Copley, J.,
of seven wells (D-14, GH-19, JK-21, OP-16, N-13, NO-18, Cole, T., “Multilateral Horizontal Wells Increase Rate And
L-32, LM-15, EF-25, JK-13 and IJ-33) from the Petrozuata Lower Cost Per Barrel In The Zuata Field, Faja, Venezuela,
field, Anzoategui State, Venezuela", Petrozuata internal SPE nnnnn, Presented at the 2001 SPE International
report. 2000. Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, Margarita
11. Michael, E.: "Petrozuata Reservoir Geochemical Study – Island, Venezuela. Copley, J.; Cole, T, and “ Multilateral
Venezuela", Conoco, Inc. Internal Report, 1999. Horizontal Wells Increase Rate And Lower Cost Per Barrel
12. Beier, R., Corbin, R., Gaston, D., Hardy. H.: In The Zuata Field, Faja, Venezuela, SPE nnnnn, Presented
“Correlations Between Seismic and Well Log Attributes at the 2001 SPE International Thermal Operations and
using Vertical and Horizontal Wells in the Zuata Heavy Oil Symposium, Margarita Island, Venezuela.
Production Area, Venezuela” Conoco internal document 27. Shah, P.C., Gupta, D.K., Singh, L and Deruyck, B.G.:
September 1999. “Field Application of a Method for Interpretation of
13. Beier, R., Corbin. “ Seismic Attributes in Zuata Horizontal-Well Transient Tests”, SPE Formation
Production area, Venezuela” Conoco Inc. Internal Evaluation, pp. 23-31, March, 1994.
Technical Service report, June, 1998. 28. Miall, A. D.: The Geology of Fluvial Deposits:
14. Suter, J. R., and S. D. Levine: "Petrozuata Stratigraphic Sedimentary Facies, Basin Analysis, and Petroleum
Pilot Study", Conoco EPT Internal Report, 1999. Geology: Springer, New York, 582p.
15. D’ Onfro, P.: “ Sealing Capacity of Shale Samples from
Wells NO-18C and E20P-1, Zuata Field, Venezuela, Acknowledgements
Conoco Inc. Internal report, July, 2000.
16. Thompson-Rizer, C.: “Thermal Maturity and Compaction The authors wish to acknowledge Petrozuata, PDVSA and
Analyses of Two Coal Samples from the No-18C well, Conoco Inc., for permission to publish this paper. We want to
Zuata Field, Venezuela” Conoco Inc. Internal Report, thank Ignacio Layrisse and Jose Luis Perez of PDVSA for
2000. providing insight and technical guidance over the past three
17. Mitchell, R.: “ Petrozuata Petrophysical Analysis and Pay years in support of Petozuata’s development and reservoir
Cut off Criteria” Conoco Inc., Internal document, 1999. characterization effort. There have been many outstanding
studies done by both PDVSA and Conoco, Inc., (see reference
section), making it difficult to acknowledge each contributor

separately; however, we extend our thanks to them all. We

would like to thank Gordon Fielder and John Suter of Conoco,
Inc. for many years spent helping us in our reservoir
characterization studies. Finally, we thank Juan Carlos Bueno
of Petrozuata for his tireless work, his creativity and his great

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