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Reviewed by: Zohra Yousaf
Option Ref Bloom´s
Ser. MCQ Ans Ref Book
A B C D Pg. Domain
1. What will be the vertex of the parabola (1, -2) (0,1) (2,0) (0,0) A 276 PTB U
(x-1)2=8(y+2) is:
2. What is the length of the latus rectum a 2a 4a -4a C 274 PTB K
of parabola y2=4ax?
3. What is the equation of axis of X=0 X=a Y=0 Y=a A 276 PTB K
parabola x2=4ay?
4. What will be the point through which (0, a) (2a, a) (a,2a) (2a,0) B 274 PTB A
parabola x2=4ay passes?
5. Which is the point of parabola x2=y? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C 274 PTB K
( , ) ( , ) ( , ) ( ,− )
2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2
6. Which conic is represented by Hyperbola Ellipse Parabola Circle C 274 PTB K
parametric equations x=2at, y=2at?
7. What will be the value of eccentricity 0˂e˂1 e=1 e˃1 e=0 B 274 PTB K
for parabola
8. The circle is a special case of which Ellipse Parabola Hyperbola Cone A 283 PTB K
9. What will be the value of eccentricity 0˂e˂1 e=1 e˃1 e=0 A 282 PTB K
for Ellipse?
10. What will be the length of the latus 9 9 16 9 A 286 PTB U
x y
2 4 9 16
rectum of ellipse + =1
16 9
Option Ref Bloom´s
Ser. MCQ Ans Ref Book
A B C D Pg. Domain
11. What are the lengths of major and 6,4 3,2 4,9 4,36 A 286 PTB A
minor axis of ellipse 4x2+9y2=36?
12. What will be the Centre of Ellipse? (1,2) (2,-2) (-2,2) −1 1 C 286 PTB A
( , ¿
(3 x +6) (2 y−6)
2 2
+ ?
36 64
13. The distance between two parallel 2 4 6 8 D 83 Pure Mathematics U
tangents of a circle of radius 4 cm is: 1 Cambridge AS &
A Level
14. At what point on the circle, (1, 0) and (1, 3) and (1, 0) and (1, 0) and C 86 Pure Mathematics A
2 2
x – y −2 x – 4 y +1=0, the tangent is (1,2) (0,1) (1,4) (4,1) 1 Cambridge AS &
parallel to x axis A Level Page
15. The eccentricity of the conic 4 5 2 3 B https:// A
2 2
9 x – 16 y =144 is : 3 4 3 2
16. The vertex of the parabola (a ,0) (0 ,−a) (−a ,0) (0 , a) A 274 PTB K
y =4 a ( x−a ) is :
17. Which one of the following represents 2
x =20 y
x =20 y
y =20 x
y =−20 x C 275 PTB A
a parabola with focus ( 5 , 0 ) and vertex
( 0 , 0 )?
18. What is the length of tangent drawn √3 0 15 √ 15 30 C 261 PTB A
from an external point(−1 , 2 ) to the
circle2 x 2+2 y 2−4 x+ 8 y=0 ?
19. Equations of the asymptotes of a 4 4 9 4 A 291 PTB U
y=± x x=± y y=± x x=± y
x y
9 9 4 9
hyperbola 2 − 2 =1 are
9 4
20. If the line 2x-3y+6=0 is tangent to the −4 3 −3 4 D 299 PTB A
parabola y 2 =4ax, then a is equal to: 3 4 4 3
Option Ref Bloom´s
Ser. MCQ Ans Ref Book
A B C D Pg. Domain
21. Which shape the following equation Circle Parabola Ellipse Hyperbola D 301 PTB A
2 x −xy+ 5 x −2 y +2=0 represents
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
22. The equation of ellipse with foci x y x y x y x y B 284 PTB
+ =1 + =1 + =1 + =1
1 12 16 16 12 8 16 16 8
(± 2 , 0) and eccentricity is:
23. For what value of K does the graph of ±1 ± √5 Only 0 Only one A 291 PTB K
2 2
( x−2 k ) ( y−3 k)
− =1 pass through
1 3
the origin
24. The circle x 2+ y 2−8 x+ 4 y + 4 =0 I and II II and III III and IV IV quadrant D 253 PTB A
pass through: quadrants quadrants quadrants
25. The line 3 x−2 y=k meets the circle 46 2 23 2 20 r
52 r
D 261 PTB U
r r
2 2 2
x + y =4 r at only one point if k is
2 9 3
equal to:
26. For an ellipse the distance between its 5 3 4 5 B 282 PTB A
foci is 6 and its minor axis is 8, then its 4 5 5 3
eccentricity is:
27. If ( x−4 )2 + 4 ( y−3 )2 =16 is graphed, the 4 12 8 16 C 283 PTB A
sum of the distances from any fixed
point on the curve to the two foci is:
28. The slope of common tangents to the ±2 ±1 ± √2 ± √3 B 300 PTB U
2 2 2 2
x y y y
hyperbola - = 1 and -
9 16 9 16
= 1 are:
29. The graph represented by Circular Parabolic Hyperbolic Elliptic B 274 PTB U
x=cos t and y=2 sint is:
30. The ellipse 4 x 2+8 y 2=64 and the ± √7 ± √2 ± √5 ± √6 A 301 PTB A
Option Ref Bloom´s
Ser. MCQ Ans Ref Book
A B C D Pg. Domain
circle x 2+ y 2=9 intersect at point
where the y-coordinate is:
31. The smallest circle with centre on y- 3 4 7 √ 58 B 256 PTB U
axis and passing through the point
(7,3), has radius:
32. Which shape we obtain if discriminant Parabola Ellipse Hyperbola Circle C 316 PTB K
h −ab>0
33. What is eccentricity of the conic, if a 1 1 1 1 B 282 PTB A
focus of an ellipse lies half of the way 2 √2 3 √3
between the centre and corresponding
34. What is the length of latusrectum of 10 5 √2 5 10 √ 5 A 282 PTB A
ellipse 5 x 2 + 9 y 2 =45 ____ 3 3 3 3
35. The radius of the circle passing √ 10 √ 15 √ 20 √ 30 C 255 PTB A
through the point (6,2) and two of
whose diameters are x+y=6 and
x+2y=4 is:

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