ROS 5 Guide

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**********THE REALMS OF SHARGAST Ver. 5a & 5b************

Project start July 2003
Project end November 2007

A joint effort to build a PC driven Epic Sized PW


Shargast aka Shargast


Cosmonaut aka Labatts Blue

with significant scripting contributions from ffbj

(borrowed and actively designed)

Table of contents

Page Contents

1 Title page

2 � 4 Introduction

5 Contributors and features

6 Set up and Modifications

7 Shard Location Table

8 Last words

The Realms of Shargast 1.68 (1241 AREAS)

Version 5a & 5b

Short History
The Shargast project began in July 2003 after my brother and I simply got fed up
with servers going down after playing a
while on them. We decided to build our own world which would always be online and
run like a Swiss watch.

In it�s heyday this server supported 18 players without any lag. The interesting
point in Shargast is it�s brevity.
Shargast boasts over 1300 areas split into 2 servers. I�ve been online at times
(along with 12-15 others) and in my
adventures never crossed paths with another PC. The world is huge! This PW is
accompanied by a world true map that one
can use to navigate.

With new RL changes in my professional sphere I am no longer able to host this

server and as such I�ve decided to open
it up to the public.

World Cosmology

Short Version
The plot of this world revolves around the return from unearth of Brin Savros the
destroyer. In his escape from his
tomb he shattered the Zethnite Golems that were empowered to keep him in the grave.
The Shards of these Golems
(each with a magical property) were scattered throughout Shargast. The task of the
PC is to collect clues, speak
to npc�s and so find the way to these elusive shards. Once the shards are recovered
the PC can build the ultimate
weapon with which a victory is possible against the now reanimated Brin Savros.

Long Version
The Land of Shargast. Once a realm in which balance prevailed, neither good nor
evil had dominance. This balance
was attained by Savros Brin, �the Greater Adjuster of the Druidic Brotherhood
(thereafter to be known as the �Society
of Brin�).

Savros Brin, �great and noble�, held the warring factions of the extremes in check.
Neither grew too powerful or
held long sway over the other.

From the essence of Neutrality (plane of pure neutral) and directly in the realm of
Shargast Savros Brin and the
Society of Brin (known as such �the society of Brin�, since many greater and lesser
members were female) monitored
and gave aid to all extremes � both prospered within bounds.

The Druidic Society of Brin grew to 15 Keepers, with Savros as their Great Champion
Adjuster. His heroes
(also called Tyrants depending on alignment group) were to be found in every realm
of Shargast. Their wisdom
and their sense of balance was respected. Their power was great and where words
alone did not suffice, the steel
and might of the Society was felt (Telina the Fair � Keeper of the Society, legend
has it, turned 800 Orcs of the
vilest nature away from an unsuspecting Halfling village by her strength of will
alone). From whence Savros Brin
and the Society came no one knows. It is however speculated that they were elfish
in nature.

Balance and relative peace in the realm of Shargast prevailed; one faction never
gained complete dominion over
the others (wars were still fought to a degree, with the Society acting in some
cases as �agents provocateur�,
and in others as �enlightened diplomats� ). This fact enraged many, as the Society
of Brin did not act in the background.
Their works were well know among the rulers of the four great folk (Humans, Orcs,
Elves and Dwarves; all other
sub-races are in some way derived from one of the four).

According to legend, �The Society of Brin� was called into ivalling in 130 a.A*
(a.A. � after arrival (a.A.),
also known as the First Age of Shargast, of the four great folk in the realm of
Shargast: It is thought that in
the planes of essence too many folk were being made and the higher beings became
weary of the constant �chatter�
that these folk made. As such the realms of Shargast were called into being, where
each of the Greater Planarists
(ruling beings of said alignment & sub-alignment planes) deposited their folk. The
rule of balance was maintained
for 1530 years, till in 1660 a.A. two groups (from diametrically ivalli alignment
groups) joined battle with the
Society of Brin. Good�s hatred of all that is evil and vice versa from evil did not
stop the two from forming the
most overwhelming alliance in known history.

Through their combined strength Savros fell and the Society was scattered far and
wide. The Northern gardens,*
(renamed the Northern wastes in ca. 1662 a.A. or in the new time reckoning as 2
f.A. (f.A. � meaning Free Age, or
2nd Age of Shargast, where the right to choose one�s way became the �raison
d��tre�) once a blooming paradise, it
perished with untold wealth and fantastic cities in the great conflagration of
armies that warred against the Society
of Brin.

Many great forays have been made into the Northern Wastes. The last expedition
under �Kinnsonne the Just� 300 f.A.
(Forth of his line from the Kingdom of Schillinger) returned many promising reports
of wealth and mighty magic, till
they entered the, �Death of Armies� or better known as �Savros�s Fall� (Death of
Armies & Savro�s Fall � the area in
which the great battle of 1660 A.a. took place, where the forces of good and evil
attacked and threw down the rule of
the Society of Brin; wherein they themselves were also utterly destroyed � Note:
the Society did not see themselves
as rulers, but rather the protectors of the natural order, the term rulers comes
from the folk who dislodged the
Society from it�s position as keepers of the Balance).

None of this fateful expedition ever returned, save one courageous man who told
tales of grievous creatures and wealth
untold, till a madness took him and he hid himself away in the wild lands. His name
was Porthillius and it is thought
that his long life was obtained by an item which he recovered from the Wastelands �
he is utterly mad and as the saying
goes, �Woe unto the one that travels in the E�rbrilorean Mountains unaware�.

In 325 f.A. �Mischna the Foul� (a mighty Trollorc Champion � rumoured to still be
alive through the foul workings of
Mawsteg the ruler of an ivallin plane) refounded the city of Aralmaria in the
northern Wastes. All roads are now guarded
by fearsome Trollorcs � the power of evil grows here rampantly. Very few have
braved the Northern Wastes since the
refounding of Aralmaria.
We find ourselves in the year 2321 f.A. where a time of strife exists. Great heroes
are made and thrown down and Champions
of old vie for the rule of Shargast. The Society of Brin shows itself very rarely
now, and are still striving to reform the
realms in the vision of Savros the Greater Adjuster, Champion of the Society. Some
clues, as to their whereabouts exist
in Shargast. Their location is feared to be in the deepest realms of the Ethereal
planes. Their purpose is difficult,
to set the balance anew the great champion Brin Himself must be thrown down, as
he�s returned in a vile undead state
with his 15 champions. The guardians of his grave slumbered while the seals that
should of held weakened. The Zethnites
were destroyed to only one, the other five guardians were scattered to the 4 winds.
Brin Savros was utterly twisted by
the massive powers unleashed during the fall of armies. He is attempting to destroy
all life and reform Shargast in his
way. His mind is lost in evil dreams.

Our hopes lie in the recovery of the Shards of the Zethnites.

These great items of power have not been forgotten by the old folks and they too
strive for their recovery.
It is said that they can only be wielded by a person with strength of will and arms
far greater than a normal being.

The Society of Brin are generally not trusted (except in the Sylvan realms as
rumour says) when they appear
in the realm (as an aside note, some Sylvan Elves have suffered grievously due to
this rumour and as such they
attack all beings, accepting other Elves, on sight). Their individual power is
still great, although they remain
unfocused and unled. Many a tale has been told by adventurer seekers, saying of
strange clad beings appearing to
aid them in their desperation or to block them when their victory was but a hand�s
breadth away.

You have chosen to follow in the footsteps of the champions of old. You may choose
any alignment, but take into
account that some areas (cities, planes etc.) are alignment hostile and due to
their difficulty (ie. Ethereal Planes)
level restrictive. Be stout of heart and courageous! Delve into the Realms of
Shargast complete the Gathering of the
Zethnite Shards and destroy Brin Savros the returned! Your rewards will be great!

The Realms of Shargast

Contributors and Features

Thanks to those who have helped - credit given where credit is due!

Original Scharnast creator (changed to Shargast later), web-site constructor and a
whole mess of other things that
would take to long to list! Ataboy Cosmo!

For a lot of ideas and help on scripting that you as a player do not see but profit

Rose & Rose:

The first regulars and prime play testers - found a lot of bugs!

Creator of a few very nice areas and the Black Knights Clan! Thanks for imput and
the time spent on our behalf.
Continuing creations are all appreciated greatly!!!

Sir Eldric
A fanatasic creature spawning system! Plus quite a bit more nifty scripting! Great

A large amount of scripting help through correspondence and published works.

Super fast banking, Xp system and PW chest system. Also a load of scripting advice.

Subrace system. Well done!

Festyx & Hrnac

Craftable Natural Resources (CNR 3.05)

Dreamwarder's City Guard System v2.0

CRLGS Loot placement system

Scripters honoured for their borrowed work

(thanks for making it all available)
(single and multiple script additions):

Darryl Sandell, Qobra, Adam_wassermann, Janus_SOK, Segal Soulsaver,

J. Malone aka Beirut and T. McCarrick aka _junkmaster, FFBJ, Feygan. OMB, Axe
Murderer, Cereborn, Thorbone,
Robert Stehwien, Rich of Forumite, Lord Delekhan and more. If I've missed you let
me know and my apologies

Builders honoured for their work

M.O.S., Kharzeth, Vintrar, Labatt's Blue.

Play testers honoured for their "extraordinary" input & solutions: Vintrar,
Marstrader, Platinum Badger, M.O.S.,
_Tachyon_, Durinbold, Heimdag_Jarl

Set up and Modifications

This feature is required to run The Realms of Shargast (hereafter referred to as
ROS). Download the server support at
( )

ROS has not been tested with NWNx4 and will not be supported if users decided to
run with this newer version.
The main programme must be extracted to your NWN root directory C:\

The NWNX.ini folder must be adjusted to run ROS taking into account the server name
(�Shargast v5A� and in a
separate instance �Shargast v5B�), also the ports have to be set (5121, 5122 etc.)

Further help on running more than one instance of a PW can be found on the NWNX
forum. There are many examples
available on the �how to�s � of such an undertaking.


As this server uses Shayans subraces 3.0 the Leto subsystems must also be added to
C:\Neverwinternights\NWN\ directory. Otherwise the baby just won�t work properly.

**Note**Experienced builders understand these concepts without any problem. If you

can�t get
through it check the Bioware scripters or builders forums.

A NWNx2 and Leto pack have been included with this posting

CEP 2.0

Yes, cep 2.0 is needed to run this PW. The CEP 2.0 link is included in the needed
patches section of this posting.


There are 3 transfer portals in ROS 5a to ROS 5b. They are located as follows:

1. Tuzet Road (ROS 5a) to �zgyub�s�g (ROS 5b)

2. Thrambor (ROS 5a) to Viotir (ROS 5b)
3. Gallador Road North (ROS 5a) to Darius Junction (ROS 5b)

All use the IP portal script imbedded on the transfer points (OnUsed) and MUST be
modified with your own personal
STATIC IP address. There are ways to simulate a static IP address, but this
research is beyond the scope of my
PW posting.


//for externals
void main()
{ object oPC = GetLastUsedBy();
if( !GetIsPC( oPC)) return;

ActivatePortal( oPC, "", "ROS2", "WP_ROSB1", TRUE);



If you intend to play this version then skip the location table of the shards
(yeah right ?).

If you intend to run this PW then relocate the Shard holders as you wish, but be
careful not to loose the
area continuity and thereby cause the world map to be useless for navigation.


1 Bigrack�s Haunt Lelitient 5a Bigrack
2 Alanto Dungeons Rakshank 5a Ragasch the Horrid
3 High Prayers Rakshank 5a Furst of Agyleni
4 Liar of Malcontent Rakshank 5a Grand Shadow Dragon
5 Nisrat the Brazen Rakshank 5a Nisrat
6 Vakos Halls of Fire Rakshank 5a Vaconian Conjurer
7 Kjarra Leittngi Haernost 5b Jethrab the Scorge
8 Valelen North Port N. Wastelands 5b Fengal the Scourge
9 Lower Temple Rakshank 5a Barbarian King Nevikson
10 The Deep Rakshank 5a Finerius
11 Besslan Depths Haernost 5b Jamaricaa Khan
12 Alanto Caves Rakshank 5a Skulk Grand Master
13 Folrive the Depths: Folrive Walking Dead Commodore
Halls of the Master
14 Danodil Marsh S. Continent 5a Favros the Halffiend
15 Dark Tower Depths S. Continent 5a Dark Elf Captain
16 Bemiris Throneroom S. Continent 5a Fengal
17 The Halls of Ogfir S. Continent 5a Formian Queen
18 Bemir-Thrambor Road � Tower S. Continent 5a Arman the Defender
19 Angrish the Foul N. Continent 5b Angrish the Foul
20 Aralmarie�s Grave N. Continent 5b Aralmaria
21 Celestrial Wrath Temple N. Continent 5b Ulosth the Guardian
22 Caverns of Deathq N. Continent 5b Kyredor Lover of Death
23 Jori Sewers N. Continent 5b Deodora the Vile
24 Lestolian Brotherhood N. Continent 5b Lestolian Grand Leader
25 The Forsaken Halls of Haelligar N. Continent 5b Mirander the
26 Vennairian Emperor�s Chamber N. Continent 5b Enanairian Emperor
27 Zerens Layer Inners N. Continent 5b Zeren the Destroyer
28 The Halls of Uetti Lower N. Continent 5b Herthez the king of �tti
29 Spinzen Catacombs N. Continent 5b Heber King of Gessacher
30 Dend Bugbear Tent S. Continent 5a Hallar the Bronecrusher

CRACKED ZETHNITE SHARDS � there are 2 which I�ve placed randomly.- USELESS FOR THE
I recommend changing the Heroth'reg into a scripted unique weapon with different
racial, class and gender
based capabilities
These areas are present in ROS 5a and NOT in 5b for the sake of simplicity. Most
major urban areas have skill
centres and the ingredients are scattered throughout ROS 5a 6 b.


Without the generous help of the NWN community this project would never have
reached its present state.

All those that have answered questions in the past and helped me though various
scripting dilemmas please accept my thanks
for help rendered!!

Best regards - Shargast aka Sai Highpockets

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