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Fabrina Vasquez Johannys Serrano 卢塞罗·孔查 毛里西奥·马尔尚

Representative of Representative of Representative of Representative of

Great Britain Great Britain China China

マルセロ・ディアス ジャンフランク・ Mariaenkeli Gonzalez Synty Zuñiga

Representative of エストラーダ Representative of Representative of
Hungary Representative of Finland Finland

Рафаел Родригес Енцо Родригес Victoria Villaroel Jesus Peguero

Representative of Representative of Representative of Representative of
Bulgaria Bulgaria E.E.U.U E.E.U.U
Rozsangyal Solorzano Yannelvys Rodríguez Aléévis Zambrano Michelle Léon
Representative of Representative of Representative of Representative of
Hungary Hungary France France

Erianna Vargas Marlon Larez Barbara Cipela Marijanđeo Tovar

Representative of Representative of Representative of Representative of
Germany Germany Croatia Croatia

Luisyeli Gonzalez Eva Chávez Серхио Веласкес Педро дель Росарио

Representative of Representative of Representative of Representative of
Italy Italy URSS URSS
Alexandru Fernandez Johan Gutierrez Valentina Rodriguez
Representative of Representative of Representative of
Romania Romania Romania

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