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1 Configurations Scripts

1.1.1 rlc_enc_hbt
• All module encounter tables set up here

1.1.2 rlc_mod_oent
• Fairly critical script that will be removed in the future and placed out of sight in the hak. Here for now.

1.1.3 rlc_mod_onload
• All switches, key NPC’s, module details etc set up here
• Also, at very bottom of this script is the list of keyword strings loaded into the mod at start.

1.1.4 rlc_mod_rumors
• Pretty self explanatory. Some commented out rumors here that have been left from my campaign mod –
avoid reading them if you can. Left as examples for future of options here.

1.1.5 rlc_oncv_text
• Unique NPCS can have keyword strings defined here.

1.1.6 rlc_oent_start
• Again, leave this alone for now

1.1.7 spawn_cfg_group
• NESS spawn groups used in rlc_enc_hbt or other defined here

1.1.8 spawn_orig_hbt
• Only included as it need to be recompiled once above script is completed.

2 Features
2.1.1 New Player Features The C.R.A.P Players Action Widget (RLCore Version) Alternate Combat Styles (all require relevant feat to use) Warrior Demon Blade Ars Magna Barbarian Fencing Assassin Kensei Tiger Fang Sun Fist Dragon Palm Bears Claw Ask Nearby Animals for Information

Makes use of the system set up in the Language system (using spells like Comprehend Languages and
Speak with Animals) Gather Components

Those ‘in the know’ either through directions or knowledge can do this to gather components from places
or dead critters to sell or use for casting spells Skin / Butcher Corpse

Harvest meat to eat or cook, and pelts to sell. Uses UOA skill system Take Trophy from Corpse

Proof of the villains demise, or a set of antlers for sale? Do it here. Hunt for Small Game

You know, you may just flush out a rabbit or something. Fish at Water Source

If you have a rod, you may be able to catch a fish to cook (or eat raw if you are into sashimi I guess) Fill Canteen

Keep em full. Forage for Useful Plants: Forage system (both identified and unknown forage) Poisons
Those in the know can use these to make coatings for a weapon etc Food
Berries and the like. Beware though – if you are not trained, some berries and the like
may not be known to you – it may be editable, or perhaps poison. Tis your call!

This may be for food or otherwise. This also allows for ‘unidenitifed foods’ to be eaten, which may or may not be
palatable (ie. This uses the UOA POISON and DISEASE system).
Requires a placeable to be placed with the TAG and the RESREF equal to rl_plant_frgeXXX. nDC int variable placed
on the placeable (if this is 0 or invalid, defaults to the easiest vale of 1)
Requires a food items to be available in the blueprints with the blueprint of rl_forageXXX.
XXX is a unique id for that links the food to its source and MUST be the same.
Poisonous plants have the XXX beginning with 9 (ie. 9XX). In this case, the XX also corresponds with the crap poison
number / poison.2da number as well. Poison items also require a “Unknown” item to be created (resref rl_forage9XX).
The tag on this unknown food item in this case should also contain the POISONXX string (as per UOA). Name them
“Poison – blah” for ease of reference.
Will allow for this to be crushed up in a mortar and pestle at a later date to create useable CRAP poisons
Relies on druid/ranger/cleric level, Lore skill, and if they have a locate plants and animals spell active or not. Only one
chance to id (although giving the item to someones else gives them their own chance to id OnAcquire). New Feats Weapon Focus (Firearms)

This feat allows the use of Black Powder Weapons (Firearms).
Required (Weapon Proficiency – Exotic), and then Weapon Focus (Firearms).
The Firearm weapons have fully replaced the heavy crossbow. Knowledge
• Vampire, Anceint Dead, lIch ghost etc Cartography Languages
All conversations using these systems can be built requiring the PC’s to have language feats in order to comprehend
what the speaker is saying to them. Similarly, some books and scrolls may be written in certain dialects as well. The
languages occupy rows 1100+ in the feat.2da file and 900+ (16778116+) in the RLC tlk file. Books, Letters and Scrolls

These items require a specific tag and resref in order to work.. Alternate Combat Styles Psionics
Psionics! (v.4.11) Ravenloft Prestigue Classes

• Monster Hunter
• Somniomancer
• Grave Robber
• Story Teller Turning Undead

Improved Turn Undead with Rebuke Undead and Other Features
The RLC rules have made a few changes to this fun little script.
The first is the massive reduction in turning ability incurred if the cleric/paladin is not holding their holy symbol when
the turn attempt is made.
The second is the effect generated if there is a nearby waypoint tagged RLCWP_SINKHOLE_OF_EVIL. The
presence of this also drastically reduces turning chances and effects. New Spells and Spell Systems

With the implementation of the various systems described thus far, it has opened the door for the addition of versions
of many of the classic spells from the pen and paper days (such as those related to thirst, hunger and fatigue). The
creative use of set strings on creatures and placeables also opens the way for things like ESP and various Speak With
spells. Spell Fixes CEP Weapons

Magic Weapon, Bless Weapon, Flame Weapon, Keen edge and greater Magic Weapon all changed to accommodate
CEP weapons. Monster Summoning Spells

Ors_spellhook for improved summpning
For example, the creature with the blueprint rlc_sew_a_iv would be summoned by an evil (e) wizard (w) level 4 (iv).
The ‘a’ gives the option for future variations to be summoned by using ‘b’, ‘c’ etc New Spells Create Flame Comprehend Languages Dessicate Insatiable Hunger Locate Animals and Plants

Caster Level(s): Druid 1, Ranger 1, Cleric 1 (Bonus, Plant and Animal Domain only)
Innate Level: 1
School: Divination
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: NA
Area of Effect / Target: 20’ Radius
Duration: 1 Round / Caster Level
Additional Counter Spells: None
Save: NA
Spell Resistance: No
This spell will instantly inform the player of any nearby useful plants or animal burrows, and thus, allow them to then
use the Players Action Widget, an automatic successful forage / hunt. Clerics worshipping the Plant or Animal
Domains are granted this as a bonus spell at first level. The material component for this spell is the casters Holy
Symbol.. Satiate Thirst

Caster Level(s): Cleric 3, Druid 2, Ranger 2, Wizard / Sorcerer 3
Innate Level: 2
School: Conjuration
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Medium
Duration: Instantaneous
Additional Counter Spells: None
Save: NA
Spell Resistance: No
This at least partially satiates the targets thirst if they are at all dehydrated. The amount is dependent on the casters
level. Speak With Animals

Caster Level(s): Druid 2, Ranger 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Divination
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Medium
Duration: 1 Round / Caster Level
Additional Counter Spells: None
Save: NA
Spell Resistance: No
This spell empowers the caster to comprehend and communicate with any non-mindless animal nearby. It can be
employed in 2 ways - once it has been cast, the speaker can either speak directly with an animal, or can use the Players
Action Widget to target a general area and ask a question out loud to animals that may be nearby and listening. Clerics
worshipping the Animal Domain are also granted this as a bonus spell on reaching 3rd level. Spell Components

This simple system for requiring components was developed from the nifty PHB Material Component's System
Version 1.1 by Trickster (who had in turn developed it from work originally modified by Rabaut). What has changed
in the RLC version is:
• the ability to have multiple components,
• consumable vs non-consumable components,
• messages to the PC’s regarding missing components that they require,
• updated spell descriptions that describe the components needed (if they are),
• Any new material components are added to the game in the script: x2_pc_umbcheck
• Ravenloft Dark Power Checks for the use of ‘Evil’ spells Adding New Components to the Game

Please note, that the spell ID is what is used in this script, and this is what must be added. The component TAG must
also be the same as the component RESREF (case insensitive).

The TAG and ResRef MUST be in the format RL_COMPY_XXX where Y is the level of the spell that first uses this
component and XXX is a sequential number starting from 001. In the rlc_inc_other script (which is used in
rlc_wrap_ospw and must be recompiled), the function GenerateSpellComponentBag has intergers set for nRange1,
nRange2 etc. These are representative of the max value of each of these XXX values for each given Y (up to 9).

Where a spell is new, then the spell type is simply the number of that spell in the modified spells.2da file.

Need to create the component, if it does not already exist in the game. Try and keep to some form of naming
convention like the one already in use.

Need to add the string variable to this new component called “CONSUMED” and set it to either YES or NO. This
determines if the component is lost when the spell is cast or not. It also needs a string variable called
sCOMPONENT_SPEAK added, that is the text string displayed when the PC harvests the component.

Finally, you can also add the optional int variable nDC to the component. This represents how much knowledge is
needed to find and collect a component, and is based on the character class, level, and lore skill. Druids and Rangers
get bonuses when above 3rd level to find PLANT components, while wizards are generally much better then any other
class. If this check is failed, the player wont see the “Gather Spell Component” option when they activate their PAW.
Without this, the nDC will default to the easiest value of 5.

Need to add the new description for the spell in the RLC.tlk file, for which we can use the entry from the original
dialog.tlk file for that spell (if it is not a brand new spell).

Need to update the column “ SpellDesc” in the spells.2da to reflect the changes we have just made in the RLC.tlk file.
The number you write in the 2da file is equal to the number of the entry in the tlk PLUS 16777216.

If a component is to be harvested from a waypoint (eg. You place a rose bush placeable, and you want the PC’s to be
able to harvest rose petals for a sleep spell from that spot IF they target it with their Players Action Widget), then you
must create a custom WP. Go to Waypoints > Custom > Custom5 and create a copy of the RLCWP_COMPONENT
waypoint. Rename it something like RLCWP_COMPONENT_ROSE_PETAL for ease of future reference. It needs
the variables sCOMPONENT (string that is the resref of the component) and sCOMPONENT_TYPE (string, either
ARCANE or PLANT) added to it. You can then place it where you want.
sCOMPONENT_SPEAK (to overwrite the default Component speak string)
nCOMPONENT_NUMBER (to overwrite the default Component number to be harvested)
nCOMPONENT_RADIUS (else, PC will only harvest if within 1m. This is a useful variable for things like harvesting
“Dirt from a Grave” from a graveyard that may otherwise require a waypoint to be placed for every tombstone etc))

If the item is to be harvested from a creature, make use of the DC(n) spawn flag described in the Acquiring
Components in the Game section below.

One more item is of use for this system. If an NPC is wishing the party to quest for a special component that is outside
the parties current knowledge field, the NPC can give them a written description of how to find the component and
collect it. These items (“Component Lists”) are also found in the same item directory (CUSTOM5) as the spell
components themselves. These items MUST have the TAG of RLC_COMPLISTXXXX where XXXX is are the last 4
numbers in the spell components TAG. The resref should be the same as the TAG as well (except in lower case
obviously). A player must be in possession of this item at the time the PAW is activated, else it is considered they do
not know how to as normal. Acquiring Components in the Game

Components (spell, poisons etc) may be acquired in a number of additional ways other then purchasing including:
From a creature (in the demo case, a skeleton) with the DC(n)T(m) RLC spawn conditions (see the section on the
Spawn Conditions Flag System for more information)

2.1.2 NESS Spawn NESS NPC Activity System (RLCore Version)

2.1.3 Setting Up Areas and Area Transitions Using the RLCore Systems
Scripts (in area properties): area_enter, area_exit, area_hb, area_user

Variables on each area to use this system (set in area properties):

To enable random encounters:
sENCOUNTER_TABLE (string depicting the encounter table to use in the script “rlc_enc_ohb”)
nRANDOM_ENCOUNTER_CHANCE_NIGHT (int with a value of 0 – 100)
nRANDOM_ENCOUNTER_CHANCE_DAY (int with a value of 0 – 100) Wandering Monster / Random Encounter System

Makes use of the Encounter Variables set on each area that uses this system (see setting up areas for these) Advanced Area Transition System

To enable the RLC transition scripts (and avoid the need to link transition triggers)
Tag: LAT01_LNG01
ResRef: lat01_lng01
01 02 03 04

LAT 01



04 Transition Objects

nInstantTeleport = 1 means teleport occurs without descriptive conversation and PC confirmation that they want to
sConvo = The conversation that fires if the above is not 1
sCustomText = The text that appears if the generic conversation is used
sTarget = The tag of the waypoint that PC is teleported too Conditional Descriptive Triggers Orlander Climate System

2.1.4 Orlanders HTF system (Hunger, Thirst and Fatigue)

2.1.5 Job and Task System Include rlc_inc_job

2.1.6 Expanded Keyword Conversations

2.1.7 Ravenloft Curses and Afflictions Dark Power Checks Lycanthropy Vampirism Fear Horror Madness Curses Ravenlofts Magical Viruses Diseases

2.1.8 Include Files – New Functions Include rlc_inc_consts Include rlc_inc_consts Include rlc_inc_disease Include rlc_inc_drkpower Include rlc_inc_enc Include rlc_inc_job Include rlc_inc_other Include rlc_inc_randoms Include rlc_inc_afflicts

2.1.9 Denizens of Darkness – Ravenloft Creatures and NPC’s

Looks to see if the string “SPAWN_CONDITIONS” has been set on a creatures variables. The Spawn Conditions Flags Affliction Carrier AC(n)T(m)

AC110T1 is Red Slaad Eggs Drop Components DC(n)T(m)
Where n is the component number
As an end note, any item can essentially be harvested from way points in this manner. The optional subflag T(m) is the
type of component.
• T0: (default) rl_comp
o Must also include the level of the component: we wanted to drop
o rl_comp1_013 (Skeleton Knuckle) in the demo module area “The Lodge”, so the flag set in the
variables of the demo skeleton includes DC1013
o Also from a placed component waypoint (found in Waypoints>Special>Custom5)
• T1: rlc_disease
o n in this case is simply the rlc_disease number (eg rlc_disease014 which is Carrion Stalker Larvae
would be set on Carrion Stalkers with the flag DC14T1)
o The RLCore Diseases are found under Custom Items Miscellaneous>Poisons
• T2: The CRAP poisons can be harvested. Assassins gain a bonus to search for these.
o n in this case is simply the z_poison number (eg z_poison032 which is Ettercap Venom would be
set on Ettercaps with the flag would be DC32T2)
o The CRAP poisons are found under Custom Items Miscellaneous>Poisons Set Behavior Bn(Ff)

Sets a behaviour
1: Special (Hostile creatures only)
2: Carnivore (Hostile creatures only)
4: Omnivore (Hostile creatures only)
8: Herbivore (use optional Ff flag to set distance)
If 8 is used, and the creature is not hostile, it will make the creature ‘Flighty’, and it will flee from any creatures not of
its faction that are within (f) metres of it. Druids, Rangers and Cleric of the Animal Domain do not cause this.
Such creatures are also flagged as ‘cowardly”
Adapted from the ‘Flighty Deer’ work of Corey Holcomb-Hockin, with the original work found here: Change Phenotype CP(n)

Change the phenotype to n
A note on Taverns:
Use the NESS spawn system waypoints and put the flag CF_CP40 to change the pheno to Tom Banjo’s social
Males only presently Set Special Combat Script CS(n)

Sets the special combat script with the value n X2_SPECIAL_COMBAT_AI_SCRIPT active
• 1: Blinker / Dimension Door (rlc_scs_blinker)
• 2: Wolfwere (rlc_scs_wolfwere)
o Default n=1 (humanoid), 2 (hybrid) or 3(beast)
o Default Lesser Wolfwere, have to set additional local int nWOLFWERE = 2 for greater
• 3: Werewolf (rlc_scs_sshifter)
o Default n=1 (humanoid), 2 (hybrid) or 3(beast)
o Default Regular Werewolf (nLYCANTHROPE = 1000), have to set additional local int
nLYCANTHROPE = 1030 for Lowland Loup-Garou, or nLYCANTHROPE = 1032 for Mountain
Loup-Garou Death Effect DE(n)

• Dies with effect n and the corpse dissapears: Drop Meat DM(n)

Where n is the meat number
If n=0 (or absent), default to racial type meat
Creating New Food Items:
Xxx is the number referred to in n
Raw meat requires FOOD and MEAT in its tag and the blueprint meatxxx
Generic race items are numbered 500+
Cooked Meat food_xxx
Also require a recipe item recipexxx Drop Pelt DP(n)

Where n is the pelt number

If n=0 (or absent), default to racial type pelt
peltxxx Drop Trophy DT(n)F(m)

Where n is the trophy number

If n=0 (or absent), default to a human head
Option F(m) flag designates an item other then one beginning with rl_head as the blueprint
F1: rl_trophy Set Visual Special Effects E(m)(n)

Add E1n (where n is the reference in the visual_effects.2da

Increase m by 1 for each additional effect (eg, you may have E116_E2109_E32 if you added 3 effects 16,109 and 2
Effects above 4999 are special effects Give Weapon GW(n)R

Give weapon where n is the item level (default is 3 “average”)

Optional R subflag sets it to ranged weapon only

o Making New Weapons for This Flag

Need to keep to this naming to use random weapon tables
Weapon ResRefs - eg. rlcw018m15q11001
w018 designates weapon with id from baseitems.2da of 18 (Great Axe)
m15 is from iprp_material.2da with id 15 (Steel)
For weapons, Steel is the basecost
q11 is from iprp_quality.2da with id 11 (Masterwork)
q06 is “Average” and this is the base cost of that weapon
For each odd level above or below this in quality, we get +1 to hit (or -1), and every even level we get +1 damage (or -
1 for below)
and the last 001 is item of that type 001. The first digit here designates the magic level (eg. 0 if not magic, 1 if slightly
and so on)
for ammunition, this last number is simply stack size Give Clothing / Armour GC(n)A(m)Q(i)

Give clothing/armor where n is the “maker”
0 (no n value) is default
1 is dwarven
2 is elven
3 is orcish
4 is mage
A is the armor class, where is is the AC value (default 0)
Q is the quality, where I is the value (default is 6 “average”)
Making New Clothing and Armour Items for this Flag
Quality constants drawn from rlc_inc_other
Resref example rlcaa00qm33mh001
• Where rlca designates garb, a is group a (only this so far, but could include dwarven made, elven made,
orcish made etc), 00 is the base ac, q is the quality constant (q = average), m33 is material 33 (cloth), m is
male, h is human, 001 is the number Randomise NPC Appearance and Conversation RNHC(n)S(n)G

• R
o N
o H
 Random Head
o G
o C(n)
 Random Hair Color
 Optional n subflag
• None (default) could be any color
• 1: Brown
• 2: Red
• 3: Blonde
• 4: Black
o S(n)
 Random Skin Color
 Optional n subflag
• None (default) could be any color
• 1: Brown
• 2: Fair
• 3: Dark Spawn the Creature Dead SD

Creature is killed the moment it spawns Incorporating the NESS CF flag and the RLCore Spawn Conditions Flags
CF (RLCore Custom Flag) on a NESS waypoint setting the RLC spawn flags
The NESS spawn waypoint has a CS1120F1 string after the CF sets a spawn in condition using the RLC Spawn Flags -
in this case CS1120 means Set the Special Combat Script (CS) with a value of 1120 (which is a Werebat) and the F1
subflag means "Treacherous Humanoid". This means that all of these guys are werebats, initially in the humanoid
form, and appear non-hostile at first.
This overwrites any equivalent “SPAWN_CONDITIONS” flag set first on the creature if used (eg. DM1 set on the CF
of a NESS would overwrite DM that is set as a creature default)
Any of the flags below with an X after them in the CF will disable that feature (eg. _GWX will disable weapons) RLCore Treachery System

As usual, NPC’s may not be hostile to the party (for example, default factions like commoner and defender). However,
with the treachery set on them, each will weigh up the chances of beating any creatures nearby that DO NOT have
• The same “sRealFaction” string set on each of them, else
• the same tag as they do.
If one chooses to fight, all with the sRealFaction/Same tag will become hostile and take on the PC's. It is not
guaranteed they will ever become hostile with this system - I guess they may just not be hungry. This is also useful for
things like street ruffians who may wait until only the parties weakling wizard to be alone before they decide to jump
them for example. RLCore Weapon Immunity (eg. Hit only by silver)

Additionally, once engaged, the lycans can only be hot by silver or magical weapons. Being hit by weapons of any
material can be set on any creature using the RLCore systems, but requires each weapon to have a material property set
on it as well.

3 Base Systems
3.1 Hak Pack List

The RLCore system makes use of a large number of what were, at the time, considered the best bits the NWN
Community had to offer. While these can all be viewed in the credit listings, it is worth noting a few here. In
particular, this system has been largely based on 3 existing community systems, although the end result is a heavily
modified blending of all 3. The systems are:
C.R.A.P. for 1.68 and CEP2
Olander's Realistic Systems (ORSv4)
UOAbigail's Crafting System v0.8a (HotU)

The ProjectQ and CEP2 haks are ALL required for the modules to function (you must follow the links and download
these as well if you do not already have them).

Project Q

Please note: This is for version 2.3 – the latest. I have not tested it, but I seen not reason why it would work as all 2da’s
are extracted anyhow to the rlc_top hak. If this fails, download version 2.2

Finally, the RLCore haks.

• This will contain all future hak material after the initial V1.0 release of the following RLC hak packs, prior to
the next major release;
• 2da files;
• CODI’s Sigil Exterior and Stem Interior
• Original tilesets by the CODI team, modified by friedeyes

In addition to the above haks, each module will have a small RLC_MOD hak associated with it as well.

Finally, the custom RLC.tlk file is needed in your tlk directory.

3.1.1 RLC_TOP

3.1.2 RLC_BASE
Feanor's Mediaeval Armoury 2.0

Personal Reputation and Reaction (PRR) system 2.2
XXXEnsure the _prr_demo_load / _prr_on_Mod_load is run OnModuleLoad
This is where the owners of all objects are set up…
Ensure Area_Enter script is configured for all owners and security
Place however many prr_security_entrance waypoints as you want in the area
_prr_main must be included in any scripts that call these fucntions
In a Dm only area-
Place the blueprint item ‘ndbe_vault’ (tagged NBDE_VAULT and named Database Vault). Nothing more needs doing
to this object.
Place a ‘faction focus’ creature for each faction
Named ‘FACTION_FOCUS_XXXX’ where xxxx is whatever the faction name is
For objects that are owned by NPC’s…
Place the appropriate _prr_pct_xxx script on the appropriate event (eg. _prr_pct_unlock on a chests OnUnlock event).


Improved Ghouls
All overrides removed. Only original creatures in this hak. Overrides in overrides folder

4 Adding New Custom Content
4.1 Hunger, Thirst and Fatigue System

4.1.1 Making food restrictions on PC’s


4.2 Creating Doors from Placeables

(from Lord of Worms) just shift the.05 degrees a few and watch it in screen to get it fit snugly. i
assume thats why you can sometimes get through them as there is a gap in space.

also as a side note. you can use this technique to create doors in places that don't normally exist.

do this. pick a placeable any small will do but i just choose a chair. place it where you would want
the door.
right click on it (again in the left hand pane not the right hand in game preview screen) and
choose 'adjust settings'
take note of the x,y and z coordinates.

now place a feature somewhere you wont see or use that has the door you want. select the door
(adjust its settings like above) to the same x , y, z as your placeable you placed. delete placeable
when done. voila you now have a usable door.
sorry for the long winded post

5 Other Changes
Nw_o2_coninclude has been changed – less treasure generated

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