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Exploring the Theme of Love, Spirituality, freedom and

Self-introspection in Paulo Coelho's "The Zahir"

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Dr Kumkum Ray
Head of the Institution

Supervisor: Submitted by: Varshika Prajapati

Dr Rohit Yadav (Assistant Professor) Enrollment No- A7706121020
Amity School of Languages B.A. (H) English (2021-2024)
Semester- 5th


On the completion of the project, I would like to offer my

humble gratitude for the kind support and guidance of Prof.
Dr Kumkum Ray and Dr Rohit Yadav. The making of this
project requires a great amount of sincerity, dedication and
focused planning, and deep research of the topic. I have been
very diligent in researching and writing down this project and
have tried to give my best. I would like to acknowledge all
those who have been a great help to me to complete this
research paper. I am highly obliged to the Amity School of
Languages for providing me with such a wonderful
opportunity and the experience and knowledge I gained
through this project. I want to extend thanks to Dr. Rohit
Yadav sir for being a wonderful supervisor. I also want to
express my deep gratitude to my family and friends for their
constant moral support and necessary guidance.



 CAREER 5-7
 THE ZAHIR 8-12

PAULO COELHO is the author.

Born in Brazil, Paulo Coelho (real name Paulo Coelho de

Souza) has grown to be one of the most well-known and
adored writers on the entire globe. famous and well-known in
particular for The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes, 72
languages were used to translate the roughly 140 million
books that were sold worldwide.

Born on August 24, 1947 (74) in Brazil, Paulo is a writer and
lyricist who has been a member of the Brazilian Academy of
Letters since 2002. Due to the success of his book The
Alchemist, an international best-seller, he has released another
28 books. Brazilian author Paulo Coelho is renowned for
using deep symbolism to describe the frequently spiritually
inspired journeys conducted by his characters. I learned that
Coelho suggests a spirituality based on joy after doing
extensive research on the author. "You will be happier, more
faithful, and more in tune with yourself when you are. Faith
binds you to reality rather than severing you from it. He
believes Jesus is on his side from this perspective.
Paulo Coelho has enjoyed enormous popularity, and as a
result, his books have been widely translated into a number of
other languages, earning him the prestigious Guinness World
Record for the most books by a living author that have been
translated. He has received a lot of recognition as well. It is
important to note that Coelho wasn't always lauded for his

Brazilian author Paulo Coelho was educated at a Jesuit
institution while growing up in Rio de Janeiro. Coelho's
parents sent him to a mental facility when he was 17; before
he was formally discharged at age 20, he managed to break
out three times. As a result, according to Coelho, "It wasn't
that they meant to injure me, but they didn't know what to
do... They did that to keep me alive, not to ruin me”.
Following this, Coelho gave up on his desire to become a
writer in favour of attending law school at his parent’s
request. He dropped out the following year and spent the next
year travelling as a hippie around South America, North
Africa, and many other locations. In the late 1960s, he
gradually began using narcotics. Coelho worked as a writer
after returning to Brazil, penning songs for the artists Rita
Lee, Elis Regina, and Raul Seixas. Coelho developed a
reputation for being associated with occultism and magic
because of the themes of some songs he co-wrote with Raul.
He is usually accused of stealing obscure foreign songs from
Brazil that were popular at the time. In 1974, he was detained
and tortured, in accordance with his account, since the
military administration in charge at the time—which had
seized power ten years earlier—believed his songs were
detrimental and left-wing and accused him of indulging in
"subversive" activities. Coelho has positions as an actor,
journalist, and theater director prior to following his writing

In 1980, Coelho wed the painter, Christina Oiticica.
Previously, they divided their time between a country
property in the French Pyrenees and Rio de Janeiro for half of
the year, but they now make Geneva, Switzerland, their
permanent home.
Coelho travelled more than 500 miles on foot along northwest
Spain's Road to Santiago de Compostela in 1986. While
travelling, he experienced a spiritual awakening, which he
autobiographically detailed in The Pilgrimage. In a
conversation, Coelho said "I was quite content with what I
was doing [in 1986]. I was working, had someone I loved, and
had money, but I wasn't living my dream. To borrow a
metaphor from The Alchemist, I was doing something that
offered me food and water. Being a writer was and still is my
dream." Coelho decided to forsake his lucrative job as a
songwriter and dedicate himself entirely to writing. The
biographical movie No Pare Na Pista, is a collaboration
between the Brazilian Drama Films and the Spanish Babel
Films, with The Pilgrim - Story of Paulo Coelho as its
worldwide title. The younger and elder Coelho are portrayed
by two different actors. Iôna de Macêdo, one of the producers,
stated to Screen International: "The story of a man with a
dream is presented in the movie. He is a character who is out
of proportion to his home, almost like Alice in Wonderland."
The Portuguese-language movie, which was shot, premiered
in Brazil in 2014 before being released abroad in 2015.

Coelho's debut book, Hell Archives, was released in 1982 but
had little success. He contributed to the Practical Manual of
Vampirism in 1986, but he later attempted to have it removed
from the stores because he thought it was "of poor quality."
Coelho wrote The Journey, which was published in 1987,
after making the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in
Coelho decided to start his writing career despite his
procrastination, saying, "If I see a white feather today, it is a
sign that God is giving me that I have to write a new book."
He started writing that day after spotting one in a store
window. The Alchemist was written by Coelho the following
year, and a small Brazilian publishing business chose not to
republish it after printing 900 copies of the book the first time.
Later, he discovered a larger publishing business, and after the
release of his subsequent work, Brida, The Alchemist gained
popularity. In 1994, HarperCollins decided to release the
book. Later, it rose to become a global bestseller. Coelho
claimed that the Sufi tradition had influenced him, particularly
when he wrote The Alchemist and later The Zahir, in a 2009
interview with the Syrian Forward Magazine. The Alchemist
was written by Coelho the following year, and a small
Brazilian publishing business chose not to republish it after
printing 900 copies of the book the first time.

Later, he discovered a larger publishing business, and after the
release of his subsequent work, Brida, The Alchemist gained
popularity. In 1994, HarperCollins decided to release the
book. Later, it rose to become a global bestseller. Coelho
claimed that the Sufi tradition had influenced him, particularly
when he wrote The Alchemist and later The Zahir, in a 2009
interview with the Syrian Forward Magazine.
Since The Alchemist's publication, Coelho has consistently
published a novel every two years at the very least. The only
four books that are autobiographical are The Pilgrimage,
Hippie, The Valkyries, and Aleph; the majority of the others
are primarily fictional works. Other books include collections
of articles, newspaper columns, or specific lessons, such as
Maktub, The Manual of the Warrior of Light, and Like the
Flowing River. His work has been published in more than 170
countries and has been translated into 83 different languages.
His works have sold 320 million copies worldwide. On
Richtopia's list of the 200 greatest modern authors, Coelho
was listed second on December 22, 2016.
However, there has been some controversy around responses
to his writing. His viewpoint has been regarded as being
irreconcilable with the Catholic faith due to its New Age,
pantheist, and relativist themes, even though he was reared in
a Catholic home and still identifies as a member of that faith
today. Furthermore, critiques of Coelho's later work
consistently point out its superficiality, regardless of his sales.
Basketball player Kobe Bryant called him in 2016 with a
request to speak with him about a children's book project.
They began writing the book together a few months before
Bryant his away in a helicopter crash in January 2020, but
Coelho decided to scrap the entire text after learning of his
passing and stated in an interview that "it didn't make any
sense to publish without him." He didn't mention the book's
title or how many pages were written. A TV series based on
the characters from Coelho's books The Devil and Miss Prym,
Brida, and The Witch of Portobello was announced to have
been developed in 2018.


Paulo Coelho, a well-known author from Brazil, is the author
of the book "The Zahir." "The Zahir" continues Coelho's
tradition of compelling storytelling and provocative subjects.
This work, which was released in 2005, delves deeply into the
concepts of love, self-discovery, and transformation.
The word "Zahir" is an Arabic word that means "visible" or
"apparent." In the book, the Zahir stands in for the
protagonist's enigmatic and all-consuming obsession. The
narrative chronicles the path of a famous author who, feeling
confined by his relationships and his belongings, grows more
and more dissatisfied with his existence. The Zahir becomes a
representation of his wife's absence after she inexplicably
vanishes, dominating his thoughts and propelling him to set
out on a mission to track her down and discover inner peace.
As the main character digs deeper into his search, he comes
across numerous people and situations that test his
assumptions, force him to face his inner demons, and
ultimately help him come to terms with himself. Coelho
expertly incorporates themes of mysticism, spirituality, and
philosophical reflection throughout the book, providing
significant insights on the nature of humanity and the pursuit
of pleasure.
Coelho discusses universal themes of love, freedom, and the
search for one's true self through his engrossing narrative.
Inspiring them to go out on their own paths of self-realization
and emancipation, he challenges readers to examine their own
attachments, wants, and fears.

"The Zahir" is a philosophical examination of the human
psyche in addition to being a story of love and sorrow.
Readers are invited to consider their own aspirations,
relationships, and what it means to experience true fulfilment
through Coelho's storytelling, which sweeps them into a world
of contemplation.
In general, "The Zahir" is an engrossing and provocative book
that explores the complexities of human emotions,
relationships, and the journey for self-discovery. Long after
they turn the last page, readers are left reflecting on life's
bigger questions because of this book's resonance with them.
Paulo Coelho outlines five major goals in "The Zahir" that the
protagonist and other characters follow throughout the book.
These goals act as impetuses for development, self-awareness,
and transformation. The following are some of the goals the
book discusses:
Finding the Missing Spouse: The protagonist's main goal is to
locate his missing wife, known as the Zahir. His deep
yearning for love, connection, and understanding manifests
externally in this pursuit. Coelho explores the intricacies of
relationships and the pursuit for a better understanding of
oneself and others through this goal.

Liberation from Attachments: As the main character sets out
on his quest to locate the Zahir, he gradually comes to the
realisation that he must free himself from relationships,
expectations, and social norms. The significance of personal
independence, letting up of financial belongings, and freeing
oneself from emotional baggage that impede personal
development are stressed by this purpose.
Self-Realization and Inner Transformation: The protagonist
experiences a significant inner transformation throughout the
story. He switches his focus from trying to find his wife
outside to trying to find himself. The idea that self-realization
and inner change are necessary for genuine happiness and
fulfilment is explored by Coelho.
Embracing Vulnerability and Emotional Healing: The
characters in the book strive to embrace vulnerability and
emotional healing. The main character gains the ability to face
his anxieties, deal with his past traumas, and let love and
connection in. Coelho emphasises the significance of
accepting vulnerability as a way to develop personally and
create meaningful interactions.
Spiritual Awakening: Characters in the book pursue
enlightenment and spiritual awakening as a goal. The book
touches on spiritual subjects. The characters pursue a deeper
understanding of themselves and the world around them
through interactions with mystics, sacramental practises, and
philosophical theories.

Questioning and Challenging Beliefs: The novel also
examines the questioning and challenging of beliefs as a goal.
The main character struggles against his preconceived
conceptions, society standards, and cultural expectations as he
searches for a more genuine and fulfilling existence. Coelho
urges readers to consider their own convictions and adopt a
more flexible way of thinking.

Certainly! The novel "The Zahir" by Paulo Coelho explores
deep themes of love, self-discovery, and psychological
change. It chronicles the protagonist's journey as he sets out
on a search for his missing wife, who has grown into an all-
consuming obsession known as the Zahir. The protagonist is a
well-known writer. Coelho addresses numerous philosophical
and spiritual ideas throughout the story, encouraging readers
to think about their own lives and the search of happiness.
The concept of the Zahir itself is one of the novel's main
topics. The Zahir, according to Coelho, represents something
that seizes and absorbs our minds and keeps us from
experiencing happiness and contentment. It stands for the
different ties, inclinations, and standards that prevent us from
leading true lives. The protagonist's search for his wife serves
as a catalyst for readers to consider their own ties and the need
to be freed from them.
Coelho also emphasises the significance of personal growth
and self-discovery. The main character gradually comes to the
realisation that his true quest is one of self-realization as he
looks for the Zahir. The story addresses the idea that people
might discover the freedom and pleasure they want by fully
accepting and comprehending who they are. Readers are
prompted to explore their own identities and challenge them
by this theme.

The protagonist comes into contact with a variety of spiritual
doctrines and practises as the narrative progresses. In order to
discover a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life,
Coelho emphasises the importance of spiritual awakening.
The protagonists in the book pursue their spiritual pathways
and work towards a more profound understanding of both
themselves and the universe, whether through interactions
with mystics, holy ceremonies, or philosophical lessons.
Additionally, "The Zahir" examines the difficulties of love
and the nature of relationships. The protagonist's quest to find
his missing wife serves as a metaphor for our all-
encompassing need for love and connection. Coelho looks at
the dynamics of relationships, the difficulties of preserving
love and closeness, and the value of letting go of expectations
and possessiveness.
The work also addresses the subject of individual freedom.
The main character gains the ability to free himself from
cultural expectations, monetary things, and emotional
responsibilities. In order to find happiness, Coelho urges
readers to resist conventional standards, live truthfully, and
embrace personal independence.
In conclusion, Paulo Coelho's "The Zahir" is a thought-
provoking book that explores the intricacies of human
emotions, the quest for self-discovery, and the process of
personal transformation. Themes like love, attachment,
spirituality, and independence are all explored.

Coelho challenges readers to consider their own lives, beliefs,
and aspirations through the protagonist's journey, inspiring
them to set out on their own paths of self-realization and

The compelling book "The Zahir" by Paulo Coelho covers
deep themes of love, self-discovery, and psychological
change. Coelho takes readers on a provocative journey that
causes them to ponder on their own lives and the search of
happiness through the protagonist's effort to recover his lost
The book questions accepted ideas of love and attachment and
implores readers to consider their own connections and any
attachments that can impede personal development. Inspiring
people to seek a better understanding of themselves and free
themselves from society expectations and emotional baggage,
it emphasises the value of self-discovery and inner
Coelho encourages readers to confront social standards and
reevaluate their views throughout "The Zahir," putting a
strong emphasis on the value of individual freedom and
authenticity. The novel encourages readers to consider their
own relationships with others and the importance of letting go
of possessiveness and expectations by studying the intricacies
of relationships and the nature of love.

In conclusion, "The Zahir" is a gripping and reflective book
that provides insightful perspectives on the human condition.
It encourages readers to set out on their own paths of personal
growth, freedom, and spiritual awakening. Readers are
inspired to think about their attachments, wants, and the
search of genuine happiness and fulfilment as a result of
Coelho's storytelling and philosophical study, which has a
lasting effect.




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