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Living a Christian LiIe is a Struggle

In Paul`s letter to the Philippians, he speciIically instructed them in this manner, 'Finally,
brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirableiI anything is excellent or praiseworthythink about
such things. In simpler words, living a liIe oI honesty, truthIulness and sincerity is what was
being asked Irom the Philippians.
In present day and age, we are expected to Iollow the same command. But living in said
manner is neither as easy nor lovely as it sounds. People are bombarded with countless oI
distractions leIt and right. God has called us. But we should bear in mind that our calling does
not exempt us Irom temptations, distractions and sis. For me, one source oI diIIiculties in living a
liIe oI honesty, truthIulness and sincerity is culture. There are times when we no longer Ieel the
guilt when we commit acts characterized by insincerity or dishonesty because we 'know most
oI us do it. We want to go with the mainstream so much that we tend to Iorget that going against
the normal direction oI the water Ilow is sometimes what is righteous. For instance, I know that I
should not let anyone copy my answers during an exam but since all oI my classmates are doing
it, giving in Ieels normal. This is one oI the major diIIiculties I am Iacing right now. I know in
my heart that it is wrong but I 'choose to walk along the wrong path sometimes.
Virtue is a Iirm and habitual disposition, by which a person strives Iirmly and regularly
toward the good with all oI his powers. I believe living a liIe oI honesty, truthIulness and
sincerity teaches me prudence, justice and Iortitude. Telling the truth and being sincere all the
time is Iar Irom easy. Telling the truth may hurt people. Showing sincere is hard especially when
you do not really get along with the person you should deal with. Being honest may sometimes
cause you to be hated by others. But the importance oI applying these values in my liIe is that
these values build me up. They create integrity in me. I am created and patterned into the
likeness oI Christ. Doing the contrary leads me astray. ThereIore, living a true Christian liIe
leads me to my true selI. . St. Gregory oI Nyssa was right when she said that "the goal oI a
virtuous liIe is to become like God." I extremely need these virtues especially because I desire to
please God. It may sound 'corny and boring to others but I can say this with conviction. I want
to become a lawyer with integrity. I want to become a person who is known Ior being true and
sincere. Who does not, right?
Living a Christian is indeed a struggle. LiIe is a series oI pulls back and Iorth. I want to do
one thing, but I am bound to do something else. According to, man is created by God as
a human person who can begin and control his own actions. He is meant to seek God and gain perIection
by cleaving to him. It is not easy to live a Christian liIe. But I know have a choice I am choosing to live
Ior Jesus Irom this day on regardless oI what most oI the people do or say. It is always between me and
God anyway.

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