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allarm EyePlus.

1 Maximum battery voltage
2 Minimum battery voltage
3 Pedal trimmer fault
4 TLR command timeout
5 Eeprom
6 Capacitors not charged
7 Electrovalve 1 fault
8 Drive right module Desat/overcurrent
9 Capacitors not charged : fast charge
10 Pump module Overtemperature
11 Trans.precharge in short/Cap. too charged
12 Low battery voltage
13 Drive right motor Overtemperature
14 Pump motor Overtemperature
15 Drive right motor current Offset
16 Drive left motor current Offset
17 Main breaker: desat. trans.
18 WD Timer/Enable micro signals
19 Drive left motor Overtemperature
20 Drive right module Overtemperature
21 Serial communication
22 Drive left module Overtemperature
23 Electrovalve 2 fault
24 Pump module Desat/overcurrent
25 Drive left module Desat/overcurrent
26 24V out
27 Unknown alert
28 Start up Timeout
29 Sovracorrenti burnin
30 Modulo errato
31 Critical weight exceeded
32 Microswitch of lift lever
33 El. steering board 12V not ok
34 El. steering motor encoder
35 Wheel encoder
36 Pump motor current Offset
37 5V encoders not ok
Pagina 1
allarm EyePlus.TXT
38 12V out not ok
39 CAN fault
40 Lift pressure sensor fault
41 Steering switch fault
42 Zero switch fault
44 El. steering board 5V not OK
45 El. steering board maximum voltage
46 El. steering board minimum voltage
47 Online changed status of 180°/360° switch
48 El. steering board Desat/overcurrent
49 El. steering board 12V not ok
50 Pump input on at the start
52 El. steering motor overtemperature
53 El. steering motor current offset
54 El. steering module overtemperature
55 24V electrovalves not ok
56 Short Circuit electrovalve
59 Blocking overtemperature of El. steering module
60 Battery/inverter mismatch
61 Blocking overtemperature of right motor
62 Blocking overtemperature of left motor
63 Seat switch
64 Wrong start
65 Blocking overtemperature of pump motor
66 Blocking overtemperature of right module
67 Blocking overtemperature of left module
68 Blocking overtemperature of pump module
69 Electrovalve 3 fault
70 Blocking overtemperature of El. steering motor
71 El. steering board capacitors not charged
72 Wrong El. steering motor thermal probe
73 Wrong El. steering module thermal probe
74 Drive right motor Encoder
75 Drive left motor Encoder
76 Pump motor Encoder
77 Wrong right traction motor thermal probe
78 Wrong left traction motor thermal probe
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allarm EyePlus.TXT
79 Wrong pump motor thermal probe
80 Wrong right traction module thermal probe
81 Wrong left traction module thermal probe
82 Wrong pump module thermal probe
83 CRC fault
84 Bank CRC restored
85 CAN Communication fault of EV board
86 CAN Communication fault of El. steering board
87 Mismatch of boards' version
88 Wrong EEprom version
89 Wrong version of EV board software
90 Brake pedal sensor fault
91 Steer sensor fault
92 Wrong version of El. steering board software
93 CAN Communication Reset of El. steering board
94 CAN Communication Reset of EV board
95 CRC fault
96 Bank CRC restored
97 Main command fault
98 Capacitors not charged : slow charge
99 Capacitors not charged : time out
100 Wrong internal supply of EV board
101 Wrong 5Vout of EV board
102 Watchdog alarm of EV board
103 Finger 1 GND disconnected
104 Finger 1 5V Supply disconnected
105 Finger 1 Fault
106 Finger 1 Fault Redundance GND disconnected
107 Finger 1 Fault Redundance 5V Supply disconnected
108 Finger 2 GND disconnected
109 Finger 2 5V Supply disconnected
110 Finger 2 Fault
111 Finger 2 Fault Redundance GND disconnected
112 Finger 2 Fault Redundance 5V Supply disconnected
113 Finger 3 GND disconnected
114 Finger 3 5V Supply disconnected
115 Finger 3 Fault
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allarm EyePlus.TXT
116 Finger 3 Fault Redundance GND disconnected
117 Finger 3 Fault Redundance 5V Supply disconnected
118 Finger 4 GND disconnected
119 Finger 4 5V Supply disconnected
120 Finger 4 Fault
121 Finger 4 Fault Redundance GND disconnected
122 Finger 4 Fault Redundance 5V Supply disconnected
123 Finger 5 GND disconnected
124 Finger 5 5V Supply disconnected
125 Finger 5 Fault
126 Finger 5 Fault Redundance GND disconnected
127 Finger 5 Fault Redundance 5V Supply disconnected
128 Finger 6 GND disconnected
129 Finger 6 5V Supply disconnected
130 Finger 6 Fault
131 Finger 6 Fault Redundance GND disconnected
132 Finger 6 Fault Redundance 5V Supply disconnected
133 Lift EV Overcurrent
134 Lift EV Disconnected
135 Descending Prop EV Overcurrent
136 Descending Prop EV Disconnected
137 Forward Tilt EV Overcurrent
138 Forward Tilt EV Disconnected
139 Back Tilt EV Overcurrent
140 Back Tilt EV Disconnected
141 Right Shift EV Overcurrent
142 Right Shift EV Disconnected
143 Left Shift EV Overcurrent
144 Left Shift EV Disconnected
145 Forward OPT1 EV Overcurrent
146 Forward OPT1 EV Disconnected
147 Back OPT1 EV Overcurrent
148 Back OPT1 EV Disconnected
149 Right OPT2 EV Overcurrent
150 Right OPT2 EV Disconnected
151 Left OPT2 EV Overcurrent
152 Left OPT2 EV Disconnected
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153 Descending ON/OFF EV Overcurrent
154 Descending ON/OFF EV Disconnected
155 Reserve 2 EV Overcurrent
156 Reserve 2 EV Disconnected
157 V COM Overvoltage of EV board
158 V COM Undervoltage of EV board
159 T6 Overcurrent
160 Encoder error
161 Micro internal error
162 Maximum battery voltage
163 Minimum battery voltage
164 Eeprom
165 CRC fault
166 Bank CRC restored
167 Fingers not ok at start
168 Micro Overtemperature
169 Illegal settings
170 Settings modified reset needed
171 CAN Error
172 Eeprom version error
173 Auxiliary valves selector alarm
174 Pump bank CRC restored
175 Pump capacitors not charged slow charge
176 Wrong zero switch signal
177 Too long zero switch signal
180 Pump maximum battery voltage
181 Pump minimum battery voltage
182 Pump capacitors not charged
183 Pump capacitors not charged fast charge
184 Pump trans precharge in short/cap too charged
185 Pump 5 V encoders not ok
186 Pump 12 V not ok
187 Pump main braker desat trans
188 Pump eeprom
189 Pump CRC fault
190 Electromagnetic brake disconnected
191 Contact relay el.mag. brake failure
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allarm EyePlus.TXT
199 Thermal derating active
221 MINI display eeprom fault
222 MINI display wrong hour value
223 MINI display hour values mismatch

Pagina 6

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