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SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY HSSC-I (Local) Final: 18-06-2022 Time 1:30PM

Q.# Criteria Level 1 (Marks) Level 2(Marks) Level 3 (Marks) Level 4 (Marks) Level 5 Level 6
/Part # (Marks) (Marks)
Calculation of volume of Correct calculation of Partially correct calculation Some correct
2(i) Wrong (0)
CHBr3 volume (3) (2) mathematical steps (1)
Any three correct Any one correct defect Some relevant
2(ii) Defects of Bohr’s Model Any two correct defects (2) Wrong (0)
defects (3) (1) information (0.5)
Correct explanation
Determination of polarity Partially correct explanation
with the help of CO2 Some relevant
2(iii ) on the basis of dipole with CO2 and Cis-1,2- Wrong (0)
and Cis-1, 2-dichloro information (1)
moment dichloro ethene (2)
ethene (3)
Shape and bond angle of Partially correct response
Correct response (1) Wrong (0)
H2S molecule (0.5)
Shape and bond angle of Partially correct response
2(iv) Correct response (1) Wrong (0)
SnCl2 molecule (0.5)
Shape and bond angle of Partially correct response
Correct response (1) Wrong (0)
PCl3 molecule (0.5)
Explanation of Azimuthal Partially correct explanation Some relevant
Correct explanation (2) Wrong (0)
quantum number (1) information (0.5)
Role of azimuthal
quantum number in Correct explanation of
Partially correct (0.5) Wrong (0)
determination of number role (1)
of electron in a subshell
Some correct
2(vi) Prove that K. E ∝ T Correct derivation (3) Partially correct (2) Wrong (0)
mathematical steps (1)
Determination of molar Partially correct
Correct determination Some relevant
mass from general gas determination of molar mass Wrong (0)
of molar mass (1.5) information (0.5)
equation (1)
Determination of density Partially correct
Correct determination Some relevant
from general gas determination of density (1) Wrong (0)
of density (1.5) information (0.5)
Correct explanation Partially correct explanation Some relevant
2(viii) Scientific Reasoning Wrong (0)
with correct reason (3) (2) information (1)
Q.# Criteria Level 1 (Marks) Level 2(Marks) Level 3 (Marks) Level 4 (Marks) Level 5 Level 6
/Part # (Marks) (Marks)
Differentiation between
Correct differentiation Some relevant
2 ¿) isomorphism and Partially correct response (2) Wrong (0)
with examples (3) information (1)
Description of electron
Correct description
sea theory along with its Some relevant
2 ¿) along with explanations Partially correct response (2) Wrong (0)
role in explaining the information (1)
of properties (3)
properties of metal
Prediction of direction of Correct calculation and Correct calculation with Partially correct response
2(x i) Wrong (0)
reaction correct prediction (3) wrong prediction (2) (1)
Partially correct calculation Some correct
2(x ii) Calculation of pH Correct calculation (3) Wrong (0)
(2) mathematical steps (1)
Explanation of nature of
Three correct
the given salts with the Two correct explanations One correct explanation Some relevant
2(xiii) explanations with Wrong (0)
help of chemical with chemical equation (2) with chemical equation(1) information (0.5)
chemical equation(3)
Correct mechanism
Mechanism of reaction involving two correct
Some relevant
2(xiv) and prediction of reaction steps with correct Partially correct response (2) Wrong (0)
information (1)
intermediate prediction of
intermediate (3)
Description/explanation Partially correct
description/explanation Wrong (0)
of diffusion description/explanation (0.5)
2(xv ) Statement of Graham’s Correct statement of
Partially correct (0.5) Wrong (0)
law Graham’s law (1)
Correct mathematical
Mathematical expression Partially correct (0.5) Wrong (0)
expression (1)
Correct calculation of
Some correct
2(xvi) Calculation of molality molality (3) Partially correct (2) Wrong (0)
mathematical steps (1)
2(xvii) Definition/statement of Correct description of all Correct description of any Correct description of any Some relevant Wrong (0)
system, surrounding and three (2) two (1.5) one (1) information (0.5)
Q.# Criteria Level 1 (Marks) Level 2(Marks) Level 3 (Marks) Level 4 (Marks) Level 5 Level 6
/Part # (Marks) (Marks)
Partially correct example
Example Correct example (1) Wrong (0)
Some correct
Prediction of feasibility of Correct calculation and Correct calculation without Partially correct response
2(xviii) mathematical steps Wrong (0)
reaction prediction (3) prediction (2) (1)
Description of vacume Correct explanation with Some relevant
2(xix) Partially correct response (2) Wrong (0)
distillation with reason reason (3) information(1)
All three correct
Any two correct calculation Any one correct
Application of n + l rule calculation with
2(xx) with indication of lower calculation with indication Wrong (0)
to pick low energy orbital indication of lower
energy orbital (2) of lower energy orbital (1)
energy orbital (3)
Any relevant step
Calculation of amount of Correct calculation of Partially correct calculation Calculation of CO from related to
Wrong (0)
CO from given data CO (4) of CO (3) any one reactant (2) calculation of CO
3(a) (1)
Calculation of Correct formula and
Partially correct (1) Wrong (0)
percentage yield of CO calculation (2)
Construction of lead Correct description of Some relevant
Partially correct response (2) Wrong answer (0)
storage battery construction (3) information (1)
3 ¿) All four correct Any three correct reactions Any two correct reactions Any one correct
Reactions during Wrong
reactions of charging of charging and discharging of charging and reaction of charging
charging and discharging answer (0)
and discharging (4) (3) discharging (2) and discharging (1)
Partially correct information Some relevant
Statement Correct statement (1.5) Wrong answer (0)
(1) information (0.5)
Correct explanation Partially correct explanation Some relevant
Explanation of C2 H2 Wrong answer (0)
(1.5) (1) information (0.5)
4 (a)
Correct explanation Partially correct explanation Some relevant
Explanation of BF3 Wrong answer (0)
(1.5) (1) information (0.5)
Correct explanation Partially correct explanation Some relevant
Explanation of CH4 Wrong answer (0)
(1.5) (1) information (0.5)
4 (b) Statement of Le- Partially correct response
Correct statement (1) Wrong (0)
Chatelier’s principle (0.5)
Discussing the effect of Correct response (1.5) Partially correct response (1) Some relevant information Wrong (0)
Q.# Criteria Level 1 (Marks) Level 2(Marks) Level 3 (Marks) Level 4 (Marks) Level 5 Level 6
/Part # (Marks) (Marks)
increase in pressure
Discussing the effect of
Some relevant information
increase in Correct response (1.5) Partially correct response (1)
Wrong (0)
concentration of SO2
Discussing the effect of Some relevant information
Correct response (1.5) Partially correct response (1) Wrong (0)
increase in temperature (0.5)
Discussing the effect of Some relevant information
Correct response (1.5) Partially correct response (1) Wrong (0)
increase in NO2 catalyst (0.5)
Partially complete Partially
complete Born complete
Correct and complete Born Partially complete Born
Drawing Born Haber Partially complete Born Haber Born Haber Haber Born Haber Wrong
5 (a) Haber cycle with six steps
cycle with five correct steps (5)
Haber cycle with four
cycle with cycle with cycle with
cycle for MgO (6) correct steps (4)
three correct two one correct
steps (3) correct step (1)
steps (2)
Reason of increase in Correct description of Partially correct description
Wrong (0)
boiling point reason (2) of reason (1)
Explanation of the
Correct explanation of Partially correct explanation Some relevant
5 (b) quantitative aspect of Wrong (0)
quantitative aspects (3) (2) information (1)
elevation of boiling point
Proving the required Partially correct derivation Some correct
Correct derivation (2) Wrong (0)
condition (1) mathematical steps (0.5)

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