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User Manual PROUDLY


The Directional X GOLD is a locator for metal detection, it works

by ionization of the air and gas produced by the metal conductive field
Unsing dowsing detects ionization, this process is only possible when the
Metal has been underground for many years and the same is what the rod

Important factors for the search:

The treasure must be at least 10 years burried for a precise deteccition

Humidity level must be at 60% or less and the temperature from
50ºf to115ºc, wind up to 8 mile per hour. The most appropriate times are from
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.;

The marking distance of the rod is variable to the size of the
metal or treasure and how long it is buried, the rod can capture
Targets up to 100m away, up to 8m underground.

The rod operates in conjunction with the body, being necessary
prior practice, the direction movement of the rod should begin
with a smooth turn, pointing in the direction of the target.

Target Direction
Locating Process:
1- Check the humidity, temperature and wind.
Which are within the search parameter -TIP* use your phone weather App
2- Adjust the antenna with the screw according to the search distance
of search.

1" for 330m distance 3" for 165ft de distancia

3-With the previously adjusted distance, slowly lift and level it, must
wait a few seconds until it starts have some reaction. If detects some signal
it will to turn in a direction of the target , like a compass.

if didnt have any reaction , walk for some direction and try again.

4-When walking in a strait line and the rod rotates in the opposite direction of
it means that you pass the objective.

5- Adjust the antenna for a shorter distance of search and try again

5-When the rod is above the point, it will begin to rotate in

slowly in circles, regardless of direction.

The rod is an equipment that depends on the user's handling, experience

It is very important for the use of the rod, there are people who from the first
day they already have positive results and others need more practice, but
everyonecan use. Always remembering that the rod is to reduce the field of
searches. We recommend a metal detector to doble check the exact point of
the target.
Copyright 2024 - Long Range INC. USA

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