dh220b wk7 Student Self Assessment Clinic Jfloresdh2

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Student Self-Assessment/Reflection: DH 220 A/B

Student Name Jaclyn Flores Date Submitted _11/11/23____________

WEEK: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(Circle/Highlight One)

Objective: to increase student awareness of his/her learning progress by independently

demonstrating critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. The purpose of
self-evaluation is to enhance clinical skill development.

Assignment: the student will submit weekly written Self-Assessments by the end of each week
and address the following:

1. Describe what you feel you did well in clinic today/this week

To address my time management issues, I created a detailed schedule for each clinic
session. I feel that it was a good exercise to focus on what my goals were, and a
reasonable time I felt was fair to achieve those goals. Every step from medical history
review and vitals, to OHI, to anesthesia administration, and scaling per quad was given a
flexible time frame in order to end where I wanted to be for the treatment planned that
day. I felt like breaking up the clinic time into smaller time frame goals was helpful in
keeping me on track. In doing so, I completed scaling in 3 quads one patient, and nearly
completed 3 quads on one other.

2. Describe what did not go well in clinic

I was reminded this week to stay systematic in my scaling procedures. Maybe in my

attempt to stay within my time frame goals, I can mistakenly skip a few surfaces,
thinking I had scaled them. This, unfortunately, might have been the sole reason I could
not say I completed 2 patients this week. Had I been more systematic in making sure all
tooth surfaces were cleared, I might have gotten checked off sooner, and allowed to get
further ahead in the treatment process.

Again, I flubbed another set of horizontal bitewings! So frustrating, because I had the
perfect patient with no 3rds and no crowding. With clinic days dwindling and
competencies not met, the pressure is on, and I’m not quite sure how the next opportunity
will come as of yet.

3. How can I plan for improvement to meet these challenges the next time they present?

I will definitely keep in mind to get all around each tooth before bringing in the
instructor. I recognize that by not having a systematic approach, slows down productivity
in not just my operatory but in every operatory that instructor is checking off that day. I
value team work and believe that if we all can be better at correcting our mistakes, that
each clinic day can run more optimally moving forward.

I got some really good feedback from the instructor on placing the bite tabs right on the
posterior maxillary arch when taking those bite wing images. This will prevent any drift
of the sensor once the patient closes the mouth, and ensure better placement and
successful images.

4. My clinical instrumentation and patient treatment goal(s) for the next clinic session is/are

My patient treatment goals this week are to work diligently with my time schedule, but
not rush and give sloppy hygiene treatment. I may have some more radiographs to take,
and I want to be sure to remember the instructors advise on placing the XCP and
visualize where the sensor is in patient’s mouth.

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