Character Profile

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Character Profile

Name: Sam
Age: 19
Gender: female
Birthplace: Oxford, UK

Brief History:
Born on the 17th July 2005 in Oxford, UK. She
lived in oxford for a few years until she was 14.
Then moved up to the lake district near lake


A young aspiring artist. She is very interested in drawing and art in general.
She has entered multiple different competitions but has not been able to get into
none of them due to the art being in the wrong genre or the judges thinking that
it wasn’t good enough.

She is very driven and likes to be alone a lot of the time and prefers to work in
silence. She is however scared of being watched that is one of her biggest fears.

Most does art of landscapes and objects but rarely does anything human as she
finds it to difficult and finds a lot of the drawing don’t look right and end up
going of scale and things are either too big or too small.

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