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Original by MarkCaitiff Kinney find arrogant and insulting.

Revamp ;-) by Storyte11er Nickname
( Sponges
Note: The revamps were
made for my Chronicle Appearanceas
the character encountered
Elizabeth and her Childer only
the Bathory. Mark Kinney’s original Bathory
choose the most beautiful young women to
(which I only changed a little) were also
embrace. Regardless of the nature of their
fantastic and I highly recommend you take a

former lives, most Bathory tend to cultivate their
personal appearance, often at the
History encouragement or, indeed the demand, of
their Sires. All Bathory seem to be female,
the Bathory has
Countess are forbidden
a relativelyher newChilder to
bloodlineEmbrace others. How strictly from
of Kindred who are descended this is
the notorious
practiced Countess Elizabeth
or enforced, Bathory.
however, is aThe
this clan are unknown but it is
believed by many, including the Ventrue
that the origins of her embrace
lead directly to the legendary Vlad
As appropriate to the character
Tepes, Dracula. Though they had been
concept, although most prefer to have
in existence for centuries prior, the
luxurious havens, such as mansions,
Bathory were first noticed by the
etc. You would never (IF you believe the
general Kindred populace when their
Countess and her eldest Childer) find a
progenitor, Elizabeth, attempted to
Bathory living in poverty or…lesser
take control of a number of eastern
European nations. She only partially
succeeded, herBackground
plans being foiled by
a group of Archons working for the
Ventrue Justicar.Elders are splitdiscovered,
The Archons between peasants
however, that Bathory was underthe
who were among thefounder's
mental first
control of the Nosferatu known as Babastruck
victims and somehow Yaga, her
fancy, and the
who was setting the stage for her reemergence. noble girls whose
The Archons disappearance
were able to release led toBathory
her downfall.
Baba Yaga’s As theyand
control get Bathory
younger,helped more and themmore
free the nations tendwhich to her
veer Childerawayhad from
taken nobility.
There isthough
control of. Bathory, talk occasionally
pardoned by of the
a Bathory
Ventrue Justicar, the her
Childeralthoughinto hiding thisand
never been confirmed.
began making plans to petition the Inner Circle for
her bloodline’s membership in the Camarilla.
This move was, Character creation
of course, received with a great
deal of criticism and suspicion.
This bloodline is asThe Inner
varied as Circle
one can
flatly refused her request. Bathory
possibly get, especially among went back the
into hidingyounger
in SeattleKindred.
where she currently Social
to sway the and Ventrue TalentsJusticar,arewith generally
the helpfavored.
of his Childe,Common as well as convince include
the other Justicars that
Resources, Herd it isandtimeRetainers.
to admit Bathory
other bloodlines
who haveintohigh the Camarilla,
Appearance Attributes
especially withhave
usually the withdrawal
a dot in Clan of the
Prestige for each
Gangrel. dotBathory’s
over 3. ThereChilder areand also many among the
grandchilder, approximately
Bathory who dabble thirty in all, Magic and
in Black
the Occult, wait throughout
perhaps the world in
following for their
legendary also rumoredKnowledges that
areis Primary
attempting to unite
among thesethe Caitiff
Sponges to herandcause,
offering them “membership”
may possess the Thaumaturgy in “Clan” or Bathory.
This is a controversial
frequently, the Necromancy move,discipline,
which isthough NOT
gaining Bathory
they cannot any support
choose these asamongst the eldersIt
Clan disciplines.
ofisthe Camarilla’s
unknown if theyInner
possessCircle theirandownonespecialized
that many

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