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Lesson 45


Gender, psychopathology, and psychotherapy
Research has shown that there are no significance gender differences in mental illness as such
Any disorder may appear in anyone
However certain disorders are more common in men and certain others in women

Greater differences are found in terms of:

a) stress experienced as a result of dual roles and responsibilities
b) distress triggered by societal expectations about gender roles, especially about female gender
role: women trying to view self from the eyes of the society, and attempting to fit self into the
mould created by the traditional gender stereotypes and promotion of the same by the media

Course Review
About this course:
• This course will have a multi disciplinary approach.
• We will borrow and benefit from the knowledge and research evidence available in psychology as
well as other disciplines.
• The primary focus of the course will be gender issues. However psychology of women will be
touched upon more than issues specific to the psychology of men alone.

Goals of a course in Gender Issues in Psychology:

1. To develop an understanding of the difference between gender and sex.
2. To introduce a new approach to understanding human behavior and mental processes.
3. To give a flavor of the scope and content of study in other popular disciplines of the day, like Gender
Studies or Women Studies.
4. To familiarize the students with the impact of socio-cultural and psychological factors on the gender
roles and the status of gender in a given society.
5. To bring about a healthier and positive change in the students’ thinking through knowledge of
divergent ways of thinking.
6. To develop an understanding of gender relations in the society.
7. To create an awareness of abilities, capacities, psychological make up, and problems of women and
research methods employed to study these.
8. To familiarize students with the social and political background of gender differences and the gender
While planning and designing this course, we had two choices to opt from:
1. Discuss fewer topics but in greater detail
2. Discuss a wide range of gender issues, but in lesser detail

We opted for the latter. However we have tried to provide you with as much research evidence as the
allocated time could accommodate.
After doing this course, you should know, or at least be familiar with, the following:
 The meaning of gender
 The difference between gender and sex
 Basic terminology pertaining to gender issues
 The historical background of the emergence of a growing interest in gender issues

You must also be having an understanding of the facts that:

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