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A mystical Journey

On June 24, 2083 the spaceship
Tarquin and its human crew, landed
for the first time on the planet
Argilus. They found towns and cities,
evidence of fascinating alien
technology but all was abandoned.
There was clear evidence that the
inhabitants had only just departed.
There were unlocked doors and food
at the tables. Strange machinery was
still working. But no people anywhere.
Earth Central wanted answers to all their questions. The planet was put under quarantine
and nearly 100 persons, all qualified specialists were sent there. Three bases were built.
Base 1 at Bosh's Tunnels, under Dr. Angela Davies. Base 2 at Symphony harbour under
Dr. Gustav Tomlin and Base 3 at Rainbow Landing under Dr. Frances Bremmer.
The active planetary magnetosphere made direct communication with Earth impossible.
At first they could use shuttles to return to the mother ship and broadcast from there but
after three weeks Tarquin fell silent and vanished from the radar scans. The teams on
Argilus were totally cut off from Earth. After this scientists began to go missing. One by
one they started disappearing. Every day the surviving ones had to discover who had
vanished this time.

After four months the mission supply ship Angel approaches Argilus to make its first
follow-up contact. The crew, the two space and xeno specialists Sam Mainey and
Hannah Grant can't get any response from the planetary bases. There is no sign of the
expedition mother ship.

Sam takes the ship in a much closer

orbit where Angel's enhanced com
system should be able to raise
someone. There is still no response.
The com systems seem to be online
and operational but no one answers. It
is as if the science teams have all
vanished. .
Sam knows that he now must abort the landing withdraw to a safe distant and contact
Earth for further instructions.
When he tries to do so Angel's main systems fail. Com and engines are out. The ship's
orbit is beginning to decay. Hannah and Sam are forced to use their life-pods and
abandon ship.

They agree to meet at Base 1 and adjust their life-pods accordingly but things they can't
control makes them land quite some distance from each other. Their radio links are
operational but atmospheric interference makes communication impossible. They set
their links on record so that the missing comrade can access it later.
Hannah has landed in an Island World. Sam has landed in a world of balloons, floating
high above the continents

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