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He disappears this time with an optical effect. Strange.

Exit the tunnel.

Take the lift to the third floor and take the wagon to the Island Ship. Enter it and walk to the
Shift to Sam


Take the lift to the third floor and take the wagon to the Island Ship. Enter it and walk to the

6 - The Matia Zone

Hannah and Sam
When Sam and Hannah are at the same place, anyone can do anything. Both has access to
everything each of them has found out. You don't have to choose the same person I have


The Scientist appears again

Take the lift down. Walk up the ramp and take the
chair-lift to leave the ship.
You meet the scientist again. He is unstable and talks
in broken sentences.

"... Thank God! You must help us ...

... Matia is not just a defence system. It's a custodian
device ....
... Cultural heart of these people [...] doing the right thing ....
... Matia was meant to bring the Argilians home, once the possibility of contamination ...
... that hasn't happened ...
... some Argilians didn't want to be isolated, they wanted contact with other worlds. They
found a way to link through to us in this prison zone ...
... never realized that Matia would now see them as contaminated too, that the whole
population is tainted ...
... a desperate last resort ...
... the Wanderer isn't a treasure. It may be a doomsday device after all ...
... Matia doesn't seem to understand that we weren't plundering and pillaging, that we were
studying, trying to help, trying anything to make contact ...
... it doesn't know that the Argilians ..."

The Monorail.
The only thing
to examine is
the monorail
wagon. Enter it
and sit down.
Click at the
control to turn
it. There are
two buttons and a handle to the right. If you pull the handle the symbol in the window is
changed. Pull the handle to get each one of the symbol. Click the right button and check what

If you enter the

symbol shown
on the right
picture you
travel through
two tunnels
towards a big
black thing.
Than it stops abruptly because the rail ends. There is a big gap. The wagon turns, then goes
forward through the first tunnel and stops again.

Now you can

leave the
Have a look
around. You
can see the
railway coming
from the tunnel
at left.
On a pillar there is a button with a similar symbol as on the wagon-control.

A code-locked door

Look right.
On the hillside
you can see
small houses.
Follow the catwalk forward down a staircase. Turn right. There is a door with a code lock.

Zoom in at the
code-lock and
look at the
symbols. Make
a sketch to
them, you will
need it later.
The door is open. Click at it to enter and walk through the dark tunnel. You come to a pond.
Far away you see a big black thing. A railway goes there but part of it is lowered.

The railway puzzle

Walk right
until you come
to a puzzle.
Click at it. You
are playing
against the
computer (or is
it Matia?)
You must build a road from left to right while the computer is trying to stop you by blocking
your way from top to bottom. The computer is very skilled and difficult to beat. The best way
is trying to stop the computer from getting a continuous blocking. If you succeed your own
way is completed. At the right picture above you can see a successful game.

Each time you

beat the
computer one
of the missing
bridges is
raised. There
are two bridges
that have to be
risen and it must be done by winning two games in suite. If you loose a gave after having
raised a bridge it is lowered and you have to start all over again.
As soon as you have raised both bridges save your game and look forward to doing this
puzzle again in a little while and then in a more difficult version.
Another code-locked door.

Walk through
the tunnel and
take the
catwalk to the
You'll see a
similar code-
locked door bur
this one is locked. Go forward to a lift.

Take a step
forward and
you'll see the
lift coming up.
There are
several floors.
Click at the
lever and push it down to the bottom and you are taken to the first floor,
It is time to get Sam to come here.
Shift to Sam.

Hannah and Sam


Sam has been

waiting in the
Exit the
balloon. A grid
is barring your
way. Turn
right. There is
an arch with two plaques, Search at the left arch until you find a place to click. The funny
thing you have at the bottom left of the inventory moves and the plaques open. You can see
some symbols. If you look closely you can see that they are the balloon-coordinates.
Click at the
arch again. The
plaques are
closed and you
get a key in
your inventory.
Turn towards
the grid and
click at it and a lift comes up. Enter the lift. Push the button to the bottom to go to the first
floor where Hannah is waiting

Turn around
and take two
steps forward.
Enter the
You see a
prison cell at
the fond. There
is someone there but he goes away. The water prevents your going there. If you could pump
it out you might be able to talk to the prisoner.

Walk outside. On both side of the tunnel there are

wheels connected with pipes but they are not leading
into the tunnel. The pipes from the tunnel are leading
to the right. Follow them and you'll come to another
wheel. Pull the lever and turn the wheel clockwise.
But when you try to leave the wheel returns to its
former position. Perhaps Hannah can help you.
Shift to Hannah.


Go to the wheel on the small plateau at right. Turn it clockwise and stay there.
Shift to Sam.

The water has gone and you can walk to the prison-
The prisoner comes and talks to you. He tells you
many important things.

"You can't free me. Don't even try. I'm Charles Santo.
I was on Tomlin's team.
Started it all, persuaded them to take things.
It wasn't looting.
You have to understand. We were getting nowhere.
We didn't know about Matia then, but I agreed with Tomlin, with all this tech, there had to be
watch systems.
We had to do something, make them act.
Should have known better.
Angela's texts said the Wanderer was called the treasure beyond price.
I knew 'treasure' translated as 'ultimate gift'.
That's its older name, the Good Servant, might well refer to a doomsday function.
Save the planet, save the people, or destroy everything.
Well, you got this far. You might still have a chance.
Richard Hovis came here too. Couldn't free me but found out a lot.
This village, Matiani, makes dimensional shifts, if you can find the right transfer sequence.
Shifting the village is an important approach protocol, Hovis said.
They're the words he used. Said it's something to do with the houses.
You have to enter each one twice, but exit only once.
He was very pleased with himself. Very excited about it.
Enter twice, exit once.
He said he finally worked out how to get through to the Wanderer, there, on the other side of
the dam. Said he knew the special safety measures for approaching and unlocking it.
He wouldn't say what they were.
He said the rest of us were wrong. Didn't understand that unlocking the Wanderer would
destroy us all.
Well, I'm still not convinced.
I say unlock it, find out one way or another.
Hovis promised to come back, but he never did.
At least you're able to go over there and find out for yourself.
If you succeed, come back for me. Promise you'll come back."

He disappears as suddenly as he came.

Go outside and
to the right.
You see some
houses. It must
be the houses
Santo talked
about. A bridge
leads there but
it is raised. To the right there is a lever. Click at it. The two parts of the bridge move just a
little bit. Big pipes lead backwards to the two wheels on each side of the tunnel. You need
help from Hannah. She must turn the wheels while you pull this lever

Hannah and Sam - A team-work

Shift to
Go to the
wheel to the
right of the
tunnel. Pull the
clockwise one
Shift to Sam.
Press the bridge-button.
The right part is lowered a tiny bit but much remains. Continue shifting between Hannah and
Sam. Hannah pulls the wheel one step clockwise and Sam pushes the button.
Go on doing the same thing until the right part of the bridge is horizontal, (Look at the picture
at right.)

Hannah walks
to the wheel to
the left of the
tunnel. Do
exactly the
same thing
with this
wheel. Hannah
pulls the wheel clockwise one step and Sam pushes the button until both parts are level and
the bridge stays down. (Look at the right picture.) Sam is still acting.


Entering and exiting houses

Pass the bridge.

You come to a
circular place
with one house
in the middle
and four others
around it. I
have named the
middle house X and the four others A, B, C and D clockwise starting from the bridge. Santo
said enter twice exit once.
Enter the
houses and see
what happens.
Sometimes you
exit the same
house where
you entered,
sometimes you exit a different house. A few times you exit the house named X. Learn to
recognize the different houses, especially how it looks when you exit them.

You must
know which
house you enter
and which you
exit to be able
to make a plan
how to enter
each house
twice and exit once. The middle house X is special. You can't enter it. Every time you enter it
the game is reset.

If you try you

see a bright
light and the
door is closed.
At the same
time the game
is reset.
Once while you
are examining the houses you meet a man who gives you a plaque, similar to thew one
Hannah got at Bosh tunnel.
Save your game when you have been given he plaque

You shall enter each house twice. That makes 8 times to enter. But you must only exit each
house once. This means that you have to exit house X four times.
Start enter house A several times and note down which house you exit. After you have
entered 8 times you always exit house A.
Enter house X. The optical effect means that the game is reset.
Now examine the three remaining houses the same way. Enter each house 8 times in a row
and note down the sequence of exits. Remember to reset in between.
This puzzle never varies. You can see he values in the following table.

Turn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
House entered House exited

Reset the game and enter house A, B, C, D in sequence. You always exit the same house.
Look at the table. First time you entered house A and exited from A. Second time you entered
B and exited from B. Same thin occurred with C and D the third and forth time. Look at the
table. In the columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 you can see the same results. You can use the table to
decide exactly where you exit any time in the sequence.
As mentioned before we have to exit house X exactly four times. In the table you see that we
can exit house X in turns 1, 3, 5 and 8. In turns 2 and 8 there is only one choice B-X. That
means we can never more enter house B. In turn 3 it is therefore only one possibility A-X. In
turn 5 We have two different possibilities A-X and C-X
We can make a new table and enter the values we are going to use. We start with examining
Alternative 1.

Turn Alt. 1 Comments

1 B-X B-X B-X B-X First turn is B-X
We have already used all entries to house A
and B. In turn 2 we can only choose to enter
2 C-A C-A D-A D-A house C or house D. Look in column 2 in the
first table. There are two values we can
choose, C-A and D-A.
3 A-X A-X A-X A-X Turn 3 is A-X.
We can still only choose to enter C or D.
4 C-D D-D C-D D-D The values in turn 4 are C-d and D-D.
Now we have got four different cases.
5 A-X A-X A-X A-X Turn 5 is A-X.
6 C-B Now we can decide the to remaining values
7 C-C we need to get two entries and one exit in each
house. In the first case we need D-B and D-C.
We look at columns 6 and 7 in the first table
and find D-C but not D-B. This case is not
The same thing occurs in case 2 and 3.
But in case 4, where we both times must enter
house C, we find the suitable values C-B and
8 B-X B-X B-X B-X Turn 8 is B-X.

Reasoning the same way in alternative 2 where we have chosen C-X in turn 5 we can find
three more correct alternatives. Can you find them?
But as we need only one we can use the one we have found so far.

First open the door to house X to reset the game. Then follow the pattern in the fifth column
As the last move open the door to house X, Now you can enter it.

A dimensional shift

When you
come out again
everything has
changed. It is
night and light
is coming from
all windows.
You have done
a dimensional shift.
Walk towards the bridge. You turn automatically around and there is a woman looking at the
She starts talking.

"I'm glad you came. Some of us, a few of us, have learned your language.
You are on the doorstep of our sanctuary.
The decision is yours: the Wanderer or the Good Servant. Which will it be?"

She stops
talking and
looks again at
the sky. Then
she fades away.
What is so
interesting up
there in the
sky. Walk to the spot where she stood and look up.
You see 12 lighted pipes some of them longer than the others. They look like the pipes on the
computer-organ in Bosh Tunnel. Make a note of the ones that are higher, 1,, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12.
Enter house X. When you come out you have shifted back and it is daylight again.
Sam contacts Hannah who is still at the wheel and tells her everything.
All this talk about the Wanderer and the Good Servant. And they don't say he they say it. Is it
in reality the big black thing or something inside it. And is the Wanderer and the Good
Servant the same thing, Santo talked about opening it. Everything is very confusing but
points to that you ought to find a way to get to the black thing.

The pipes with symbols

Pass the bridge

and walk
through the
tunnel. Turn
left. There is a
Zoom in on it.
If you point at the top, the plaque in your inventory is highlighted, Click and it is attached to
the instrument. You recognize the symbols from the code-lock on the open door. Enter the
symbols from top to bottom so that they show the symbols on the code-lock from left to right.
There are five different positions on the instrument. Note down in which position the symbols
are shown, 2, 5, 3, 4.
Shift to Hannah


The Plaque from Bosh Tunnel

Walk through the tunnel to the instrument. Click at the

top to attach your plaque.
Move the frames to the positions they had on Sam's
Note down the symbols that are shown in the frames.
Shift to Sam.


The second railway puzzle

Enter Hannah's
symbols in the
code-lock. The
door opens and
you can enter.
Walk to the left
and you'll find
a new railroad
puzzle and remember that you have to beat the computer twice in row to raise both bridges.
This time it is more difficult because the computer makes the starting move.
The only chance to win is to stop the computer from building his wall. But beware, he is
devilishly skilled.
When you have beaten him twice you can see that both the bridges are risen. The way to the
wanderer is open.

A railway journey

Exit to the
catwalk and go
left to the
station. Click at
the button on
the pillar to call
for the wagon.
Enter the symbol that looks like a capital I, press the right button and enjoy your journey.

Exit the wagon

to the left.
Look around.
There is a
house to the
left and to right
of the road. Go
to both and
look around. Beside each house you'll find a pipe with 8 valves. It looks like the one you saw
in the sky but that one had 12 valves.

Enter the round

place below the
big black thing.
There you find
a similar arch
with two
plaques as in
the fish-
balloon. Enter and click at the left side of the arch. Your key is put into the lock.
Turn the key and the plaques will open.
Three sets of
coordinates are
Note them
Click at the key
to close the
plaques and take the key.
Turn around and press the button you find there.

You get a
close-up of the
Wanderer. It
doesn't open.
Something else
has to be done.
Since you got
coordinates to the fish-balloon you are surely meant to use them.
Return to the monorail and press the button to call for the wagon.

Enter the
wagon and
enter the
symbol for the
station at the
Take the lift to
the first floor.
Someone must return to Bosh tunnel and try to manipulate the computer-organ. But first it
might be useful to talk to Santo. Hannah is still in the tunnel. If you pump the water away she
can talk to him.
Go to the leftmost wheel and pull the lever to turn the wheel clockwise. Stay where you are.
Shift to Hannah.


Talking to Santo
When Sam has removed the water walk to the cell and
speak to Santo. He says:
"If you are going to unlock the Wanderer, two
operations are necessary back at Bosh: 'ossa' and
'jissa'. And don't forget to come back here."

A trip to Bosh Tunnel

Take the lift to

the third floor
and take the
catwalk to the
station. Push
the button to
call for the
wagon. Enter the X-like symbol and you are taken to your ship.
Walk to the control-board and click at the second button to go to Bosh Tunnel.

Leave the ship.

Enter the
tunnel and
walk to the
organ. Look at
the key-board.
Do you
recognize the symbols. Sam found them at the balloon-world. Santo mentioned ossa and jissa.
You realize that you are meant to press those symbols but what shall you do with the12
valves. Sam saw 12 valves in the sky. Some of them were raised.

Pull up the valves 1, 5, 7, 8,

10 and 12.
First press the key with the
symbol for ossa. It gets noisy
and some small lamps are
Then press the key with the
symbol for jissa. Same
procedure is repeated.
Look at the small lamps at the bottom of the screen. There are 8 on each side. They must
correspond to the 8 valves at each of the houses up at the Wanderer.
Return to the Island-Ship. Click at the third green button to return to the Matia Zone.

Take the
wagon and
enter the
symbol to go
all the way to
the Wanderer,
Go to the left
house and pull
up the valves 3, 5, 7, 8 as shown on the right picture. (Just like the small lamps to the left on
the computer-organ.)

Walk to the
pipes near the
right house.
Pull up the
valves 1, 5 and
Then walk to
the button
below the Wanderer and push it. You'll see the Wanderer opening and closing.

When you turn to leave, the woman Sam saw, appears

She says:

"So that's your decision. Well, so be it ...

... there's still time to save your friends, but you must
hurry. Get to the balloon and ...
...Matia will do what it must. Think well of us. And
remember we tried to..."
Take the wagon and return to the station at the catwalk. Take the lift to the first floor.
Shift to Sam.

Go to the forth
floor and enter
the fish-
balloon. Enter
the new
coordinates and
press the
The balloon takes off and flies to the Wanderer that opens. A hook on a wire is lowered and
up comes a sphere-like thing.

The balloon turns around, flies to the Living Ship and

drops the sphere into the ship.
Green smoke is shown and the sails shrinks and
vanishes. Then the balloon returns to its former
Exit the balloon and take the lift to the first floor.
Go to the leftmost wheel and pull it clockwise. Stay
Shift to Hannah.

Hannah and Sam


Go to the grid. Santo comes. He says:

""You did come back. You kept your word. Keeping faith is what matters.
Looking after one another. You and your friend.
You must stay together, do you understand? We can go now."

The Finish

When both are

together in the
the man from
the houses
appears again.
He says
something and
points at the plant you saw the first time you entered the ship.
Now there lies a golden sun. Click at it.
The Island ship
is up-rooted
and becomes a
returning to
There you meet
the real Angela
Davies who thanks all three of you for having saved the expedition, And she is looking at you
all the time.
She also tells you that all the visions you saw of the crew, even of herself, were all Matianis
trying to help you. Then she whishes good luck to all three of you, at your next mission and
the game is over.

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