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QUOTATION Quote No: 8052331

Quote Date: 2024-05-27

Dear Valued Client,

We are happy to provide you with the following quotation based on the information that you have submitted. The
expected premium to be paid is $13,261.01 (inclusive of tax) . Please note that this is only a quotation and upon
acceptance of the quotation additional information may be required and all information provided will have to be
properly verified. This quotation is valid for 60 days from the date shown above.

Client Information
Client Name: JADEN LEOPOLD Policy No: N/A Date of Birth: 2004-09-09
Policy Term: 1 year Invoice No: N/A Sex: Male
# of Vehicles: 1 Group:

Vehicle Information
Registration No: PDN-3836 Make: TOYOTA -COROLLA FIELDER Sum Insured: $80,000
CC: 1498 HP: 15 Production Year: 2016

Driver Information
JADEN LEOPOLD Date of Birth: 2004-09-09

Coverage Liability Limits Single Claim Total Liability

Private Comprehensive (Automax) 3rd Party-Bodily Injury $2,000,000 $4,000,000
Windscreen Cover 3rd Party - Prop Damage $1,000,000 $2,000,000
Private Comp Special Perils Private Windscreen $8,000 $0
Private Comp Personal Accident Loss of Use $250 $0
Loss of Use

Individuals - In respect of Section 1 Compulsory Excess
i. Insured/spouse over 25 yrs of age & licenced for more than 2 yrs - 3% Sum Insured minimum excess $1,500.00
ii. Drivers under 25 yrs of age or drivers licenced less than 2 yrs - 5% Sum Insured minimum excess .... $3,500.00
iii. Drivers other than in (i) or (ii) above - 4 % Sum Insured minimum excess ............................................. $2,000.00
iv. Burglary/Housebreaking/Theft - 5% Sum Insured minimum excess ....................................................... $3,000.00
v. Fire - 4 % sum Insured minimum excess ................................................................................................ $3,000.00
vi. Malicious Act/Flood etc - 3% Sum Insured minimum excess .................................................................. $1,500.00

Premium $12,510.39
Tax @ $6.00% $750.62

Total Payable $13,261.01

Producer _________________ Prepared by _________________ Checked by _________________


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