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Simad University

Computer Science Dept.

Individual Assignment: DIP Assignment Five: [2 Marks]
CH05: Image Restoration
Deadline: 07 May 2024
Student Name:_____________________________________________ID#_____
1. Consider the following noisy image function of 𝑔(𝑥, 𝑦) = 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) +
(𝑥, 𝑦).
a. Show Two-dimensional spatial domain representation of a degraded
image function
b. Show Two-dimensional frequency domain representation of a
degraded function
c. Show Two-dimensional continuous convolutional representation of
a degraded function
d. Show Two-dimensional discrete convolutional representation of a
degraded function
2. List 2 types of adaptive filters along with their restoration algorithms
3. Using the Noising methods, Noise an image by at least 4 noising methods
4. Using the De-noising methods, De-noise the noised image by at least 3se-
noising methods
5. Weiner filter is an optimal filter with respect to Least Mean Square errors.
Discuss how it reduces noise
6. Median filter is effective in minimizing noise. Discuss which noise models
it can improve
7. Upgrade the following zoom MATLAB into 4 and 5 zoomed images
a. clc;
b. clear all;
c. close all;
d. a=imread('dove1.jpg');

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e. [m n]=size(a);
f. p=input('Enter the size you want: ');
g. for i=1:m % loop to extract every row
h. for j=1:n % loop to extract every column
i. for k=1:p % loop to control the number of replication
j. b(i,(j-1)*p+k)=a(i,j);% replication of pixels in row wise
k. end
l. end
m. end
n. c=b;
o. [m n]=size(c);
p. for i=1:n % loop to extract every column
q. for j=1:m % loop to extract every row
r. for k=1:p % loop to control the number of replication
s. b((j-1)*p+k,i)=c(j,i); % replication of pixel in column wise
t. end
u. end
v. end
w. imshow(a),title('original image')
x. figure,imshow(b),title('Zoomed image')
y. xlabel(sprintf('Zooming factor is %g',p))


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