HCIUnit 1

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Introduction 9- a Importance Df User Interface 2 « A Well designed terface and Scseen & tersibly Tinportant to Usess, TE % thei wihdow to view the capabrittite O the Syoter- e User Intesface impacts. Oaqanieatfor's eactfans with Pe customers , and ts profttabi Irby © Scseern layout affect people = confusing - : - Inefftient, - Ae eu ey fo doing fobs: - mistakes « Poo design [- Aaqravation - Frustation — Stress tncveases Definttfon 2 twa drecipline , concesned wrth dlesign, evalua -Hon , oplementatfon + fotervactive Computing Systems fos human use: } , \ Beffnttion Dh Uses Intesface 2- Be Subset of HEL * Her ficludes Study oly) planntha , design how people and Computes Wok together: + or % past a) tent a * Two Component ® = Input = Output: Input e Hou a. pessor Cormrmunica te® be/ bes needs ty Computes: Out put om | Hotes, the Cormputes Convey the sesults ob ‘ts Compu ~tions & veqittre ments: Voexplored ! Smell x touch. ot Impostance oO geod design & Inspite ob today's atch technologies ancl tools we aze Unable to provide effective and usable scocen because lack of tfme and Case: + A good desiqn fhtesface iB very useful to its Users foo analy2ing the perfor mance He System. -Hh Ba Component that displays Several Complex activittes aren to the system. . A blfrdoc's layout and looks does leSive an ‘pact on the uces's ° TF the design & Veoy Complex , Confustng and net sufficient enough then the Persons will face probleme at thers wosk and comm mose mistakes. ’ Impropes design may develop frustation fh people towards the System and they ray ok using Phy « Several health probleme may aleo arrite \?ke agqressive , Stressful] , ete. Bentt?te ob qeod desiQn Good Aesiqn can be sesponetble fos many Fo portant and often Overlooked bentfPte fneluding + Makirg a ote /app Mexedtibly Uses Frieodly Conveying Cleas Undesstandin ne, Of product, use (os) thtentdn. Simplifying Navigation and accessabrlity, Setting yous brand a pact Increasing sales Sfmpl"Fyfing Complex conce pte. A Brief history of Seveen Desiqn ie Befow 1aFo'e 2 Black Background green - colous Text * Cathode vay tube Aplay. * Text based tesm*nal 3240 cathode vay inteoduced by Iam : Coyptic , monochsomat®? ————————————— a Unfiotellle captions Visually cluttered bexed - * Commands should be 7°™e™m Stage 4 (iaqo's) & Toxas §=— CARRENTAL 12/46 “NAME TEL PUD Entoy exs0 XX ComMAND —> °c Proper aloment:' * Popes Structuse * Grouping ° Less cluttered * Commands are used Ambiguous messages often required seferal to a manual: Stage 2 (iqg0's) ¢- CAR RENTAL R entes>> Name ¢ Phone ____ Locatibn >> Ofte: 3D prekup tates return dates Entes F-4 help tr — exrt! Fiz -cance|- « Functions keys aze used. « Move Organized « Booders, beadings . Messages became cleaves But st?! As not entizely cluttes -fsee - stage 3 (aqo's) 2 CAR RENTAL . The) advent of graphics yielded etnothes mikstone % evolutfon Of Scseen design. - Lit boxes: a Drop downs - Spin boxes: ~ fonts be styles - colors - Remembesed key entsy: Trtesface a The Gpaphteal User “TOSS ; oo bial User Toterface os Bah, e Gap i , we Computes intesface that use? graphica = 1m, and windows +o sepsesent to the Uses: Aaformation and act, leo & , Fopulastty of Graphic? . 2 - 0 ok. Tt qfves us 3D - % d&eappea7s ae needed) * Iotoo mation appear? ate a . objects, actYons * Text % completely based Felds. * Et has move Computing pow? on Kons, tages, Selecfs Tt Recluces power loads ; * It Trancfers the formation vesy fastly. * Enhanced pesfosmance oy the PC: \ | Q Graphic presentation % Fax move Successful than Vaxfous othes Ways of presenting . Advantages e- : | . Symbols aze , undesstood move quickly thao text, s Impsoved Speed o leasnfng. * Fastes use and problem colving, Deadvantages 2 + Production concstratle * These asen’t many tested Rone avound. Ineffittive fou move experienced) Userg and those who type with thes fe u%eS SF spe concept op tect Manipulation es LL —— a tt & an FPrlevactitn St le on déplayed objects f% the UL theough whe, gomediate Feedback & oblatned. whith users ee Exs- Trmage Zoom % & Out: comporents e- These Ave Components. . objects ° Actions + visvble zesults- Chavacterfelize e- 1. Extension of zeal world. 2+ Cont?nucus vierbrlfty objects & acli®nc. 3. Actions ave vapid & fhevemental wth vierble sesulle! 4+ Incoemental actions ave eastly weversrble. Drawbacks 2- + Sometimes , the opesations may be deffieult +o conceptualize : Capabrlety of Syste may be lAntled . © DAR cult foo people bo leasn & semembes all the necescasy operations & actions: yh Uses [e____T System Ad Prect manrpulatie J 7 Too kimde of find ely a saph? der 3 Ee hata aC ae an entise im . ustrg ge rere a ScFhoaae and off-the-shelf (non - custom) Pardons, deviociy th eet, the design > create irtial Prototne and even use, for the fabnnp feploymentse Te oo g, neering» Approach may favolve plqosrthm | 1 Charactendtice $ >= = CharactenSties H Graphfal Systero Kal 4: Soph¥etitated vitual presentation. oblective 2- To veflect vidually on Sexeen —> The veal wosld) objects lactone: Sophstizated Pesmits ¢- dieplayiag lies (deawing ions) Chasactes fonts, Styles, Sizes Arimation , photogsaph » motion Valeo. 16 million @2) move colours Intesface elements presented By asks treludes s- wrrdows (pr, sec fa! log boxes) Menus (Pop-up, pull -down , Cascadia) Teone ( text, boxes ,1%t , combinertvon bores, S The chasactesttts F web 5: Web page versus tleb opplization design 6. The gpresal potheiples of User hesface design, OE Patiretples b Veer Intesface a Now let us d%cuse about the principles ty Uses thtesface destqo wh&b ave as follows. - 4: MhGn&ze actions - Minfmize action means Step pes Screens The tacke and actions ave stearnfhred So that they Can be done as Feu steps as posstble. a: Cons%teot - The uses interface should be consitent The design Should be Consfetent+ Ineseasing Consietency Beseases the Fareilastty , and hence foeseases the usabrl? Irty: a Stim plierty ~ The uses esface shtutdl «otsibe complex: Tt should always be dectqgned eOmple and eleqant: a e,D,D,D, $F: Prov Ute fq Useful Feedback — Te uses should be provitled wrth feedback fos every action’ | Th% Leepe therm to know whether some acter was Successful (os) not: Ss: ClaaPly — Content should provide the user corth Clavity -

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