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What is climate change?

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Climate change is obviously a change in the climate, but it is generally known as
‘global warming’ which means the earth is heating up at a dangerous rate.
- global warming is caused by:
1) greenhouse gas emissions – releasing toxic fumes and gases into the
2)deforestation - cutting down trees, burning trees or bushes, etc.
3)littering/dumping - not all materials biodegrade (break down)
4)burning of fossil fuels (e.g.: coal) - releases smoke and gases into the
atmosphere which burns a hole in the ozone layer allowing more heat to reach
earth’s surface.
Ozone layer- the layer in the atmosphere that protects earth from the sun's direct

- carbon footprint; measuring emissions made by everyday activities

How can we help stop it

- Recycling + Upcycling; reduces waste
- Composting food waste (when possible) - raw meat cannot be composted
- Gardening instead of buying food; less food milage

Plastic – damage to environment, what its used for

Fast Fashion – unfair labor, non-recyclable materials,
Recycling – helps stop dumping + unnecessary waste
LED bulbs/strips- better than regular bulbs
*LED= Light-emitting Diode

Less food production- global warming --> too hot to grow certain foods
Sea levels rising- ice caps melt --> turn into water --> higher ocean levels
Loss of habitats for animals – deforestation takes away the home of many land
animals. Dumping in the ocean or overfishing takes away the home of sea animals
as it is unsafe for them to live in those conditions.

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