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Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79

Catch fluctuations of the diamond squid Thysanoteuthis rhombus

in the Sea of Japan and models to forecast CPUE based on
analysis of environmental factors
Kazutaka Miyaharaa,∗ , Taro Otab , Nobuhisa Kohnoc , Yukio Uetad , John R. Bowere
a Hyogo Tajima Fisheries Technology Institute, 1126-5 Sakae, Kasumi, Hyogo 669-6541, Japan
b Tottori Prefectural Fisheries Research Center, Tomari, Tottori 689-0602, Japan
c Fukui Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station, 23-1 Urasoko, Tsuruga, Fukui 914-0843, Japan
d Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, 1551-8 Taira-machi, Nagasaki 851-2213, Japan
e Hokkaido University, Northern Biosphere Field Science Center, 3-1-1 Minato-cho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 041-8611, Japan

Received 7 May 2004; received in revised form 12 August 2004; accepted 3 October 2004


This paper describes recent catch fluctuations of the diamond squid Thysanoteuthis rhombus in the Sea of Japan and the
development of models used to forecast catch per unit effort (CPUE) off Hyogo Prefecture based on statistical analyses of
environmental indices measured 600 km upstream in the Tsushima Current. Annual catches during 1989–2002 fluctuated widely,
and prefectural annual catches were closely related to each other, especially among the western prefectures. Four indices in June
were closely related with CPUE during the fishing season (September–November) off Hyogo: (1) water temperature in the
Tsushima Strait, (2) salinity in the Tsushima Strait, (3) sea level at Izuhara (Tsushima Island) and (4) sea level difference
between Izuhara and Hakata (Kyushu Island). Using these indices as independent variables, simple and multiple regression
analyses were conducted, and CPUE was accurately estimated by both regression and extrapolation, indicating that the CPUE
off Hyogo can be forecasted 2 months before the fishery starts using the described models. The strong correlation among catches
in different prefectures suggests the indices discussed here affect the catches over a large area.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Thysanoteuthis rhombus; Diamond squid; Forecasting; Sea of Japan; Tsushima Strait

1. Introduction

The diamond squid, Thysanoteuthis rhombus, is

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 796 36 0395; one of the most abundant and commercially impor-
fax: +81 796 36 3684. tant squids in the Sea of Japan, where a fishery began
E-mail address: kazutaka
(K. Miyahara).
in the early 1960s (Nazumi, 1975a). Annual catches

0165-7836/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
72 K. Miyahara et al. / Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79

in the Sea of Japan ranged from 0 to 600 tons through when the fishery was still small, and since fishery data
the late 1980s, but have reached more than 2500 tons are affected by changes that occur over time in fishing
since the early 1990s (Bower and Miyahara, unpub- gear and practices that increase efficiency, an updated
lished data). This recent increase in catches has been analysis of recent catches is needed.
due in part to increased fishing effort, especially in The present study describes the catch fluctuations
the western Sea of Japan, and as a result of the in- of T. rhombus that occurred in the Sea of Japan in
creased catches, T. rhombus is now marketed through- 1989–2002 and identifies environmental indices that
out Japan (Omoto et al., 1998). As the fishery con- were closely related to fluctuations in the catch per
tinues to grow, it will become increasingly important unit effort (CPUE) off Hyogo Prefecture. We then de-
for managers of the fishery to accurately forecast catch velop forecasting methods based on regression analy-
levels. ses and discuss their goodness of fit, parsimony and
T. rhombus is epipelagic and occurs throughout trop- importance.
ical and subtropical regions of the world’s oceans, but
reaches higher latitudes in some subtropical and tem-
perate areas associated with warm currents (Roper et 2. Materials and methods
al., 1984; Nigmatullin and Arkhipkin, 1998). Around
Japan, spawning occurs over a wide area in south- 2.1. Annual catch
ern waters (Bower and Miyahara, unpublished data),
including upstream areas of the Tsushima Current In the Sea of Japan, the T. rhombus fishery extends
(Yamamoto and Okutani, 1975), which is thought to along the coast of Japan as far east as Toyama Pre-
transport part of the population through the Tsushima fecture (Takeda and Tanda, 1998). Here we used catch
Strait and into the Sea of Japan (Fig. 1) (Nishimura, data collected in 1989–2002 from Shimane, Tottori,
1966; Misaki and Okutani, 1976; Okiyama, 1993; Ki- Hyogo, Kyoto, Fukui, Ishikawa and Toyama prefec-
taura et al., 1998). Little is known about this migration, tures (Fig. 1). The Japanese national government does
however Nazumi (1975a) suggested that T. rhombus en- not publish official catch data for T. rhombus, and all
ters the Sea of Japan from late May to June, and the catch data analyzed here were gathered from local gov-
occurrence of small (<20.5 cm mantle length) squid off ernments or prefectural fishery research institutes. All
Hyogo Prefecture (Fig. 1) in June and July (Nazumi, prefectures except Hyogo started gathering catch data
1975b) also suggests the young stages pass through the after 1989, and 9–14 years of data were available from
strait in late spring or early summer. each prefecture. Annual catch variation was measured
Populations of short-lived species such as squids as the coefficient of variation (CV). Catch fluctuations
are unstable, and many species show a strong were compared among the prefectures using the cor-
environment–recruitment relationship (Bakun and relation coefficient (r) to determine how synchronized
Csirke, 1998; Dawe et al., 2000; Rodhouse, 2001). As the fluctuations were.
a result, environmental indices are increasingly being
used to predict recruitment strength in squids (Pierce et 2.2. CPUE
al., 1998; Yokota et al., 1998; Robin and Denis, 1999;
Ueta et al., 1999; Agnew et al., 2002; Denis et al., 2002; CPUE was used as an index to examine the rela-
Hayashi, 2003). Tamaki (1987) suggested that fishing tionship between catch fluctuations and environmen-
conditions for T. rhombus in the Sea of Japan can be tal indices. We examined daily catch data landed in
forecasted based on the flow pattern and strength of 1989–2003 at Kasumi fishing port (Kasumi-cho Fish-
the Tsushima Current, and water temperature on the eries Cooperative Association, Fig. 1), which is where
fishing grounds, but he did not clearly quantify any of most of the catch in Hyogo Prefecture is landed. In
these relationships. Iizuka et al. (1986) also showed this region, the main fishing season occurs during
that there is an exponential relationship between the September–November (Takeda and Tanda, 1998), so
catch amount off Minato, Kyoto Prefecture, and water the mean daily catch value per boat (kg/(day boat))
temperature around the Tsushima Strait. However, both during these 3 months was used as the CPUE for the
of these studies examined data collected 20 years ago year.
K. Miyahara et al. / Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79 73

Fig. 1. Map of study area showing the Tsushima Strait, Tsushima Current, prefectures (administrative districts), fishing port, tide stations and
observation sites: (a) Shimane Prefecture, (b) Tottori Prefecture, (c) Hyogo Prefecture, (d) Kasumi fishing port, (e) Kyoto Prefecture, (f) Fukui
Prefecture, (g) Ishikawa Prefecture, (h) Toyama Prefecture, (i) Izuhara tide station, (j) Hakata tide station and (䊉) 18 observation sites in the
Tsushima Strait.

2.3. Environmental indices Genkai Fisheries Research and Development Center

in early June at 18 stations (Fig. 1). Seafloor depths at
The environmental data collected in 1989–2003 in- the stations ranged from ca. 30 to 140 m (mean = ca.
cluded: (1) water temperature in the Tsushima Strait, 80 m). Mean temperature and salinity values from all
(2) salinity in the Tsushima Strait, (3) sea level at stations were determined for each of the following
Izuhara (Izuhara Tide Station of the Japan Coast Guard, depths: 0, 10, 20, 10 and 20 m combined, and at the
Tsushima Island, Nagasaki Prefecture; Fig. 1), and (4) seafloor. The sea level at Izuhara was derived from the
sea level difference (SLD) between Izuhara and Hakata Japan Oceanographic Data Center’s J-DOSS database
(Hakata Tide Station of the Japan Coast Guard, Kyushu ( j.htm). Monthly mean
Island, Fukuoka Prefecture; Fig. 1). Water temperature values were determined from May to August during
and salinity were measured by the Saga Prefectural 1989–2003 for all months except August 1989 and May
74 K. Miyahara et al. / Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79

1990, when no data were available. The SLD between

Hakata and Izuhara can be used as an indicator of the
flow strength of the Tsushima Current through the east-
ern channel of the Tsushima Strait (Kawabe, 1982),
and has been used to examine the catch fluctuations of
fishes in the Sea of Japan such as Japanese amberjack
Seriola quinqueradiata (Hara, 1990). These SLD data
also came from the J-DOSS database.

2.4. Environmental indices related to CPUE and Fig. 2. Annual prefectural catches of the diamond squid in the Sea
development of forecasting models of Japan in 1989–2003.

Environmental indices that were significantly corre- catch amounts in the five westernmost prefectures (Shi-
lated with CPUE (P < 0.05) were selected and tested for mane, Tottori, Hyogo, Kyoto and Fukui) were highly
multicollinearity. Simple or multiple regression models significant (P < 0.001), as was the coefficient between
using the indices as independent variables and CPUE Ishikawa and Toyama (P < 0.01) (Table 1), indicat-
as the dependent variable were applied using data col- ing that these recent fluctuations in prefectural catches
lected in 1989–2003 (n = 15). The goodness of fit and were generally synchronized throughout the Sea of
parsimony of the models were examined based on three Japan, especially in the western prefectures.
values: (1) the significance level of the simple or mul-
tiple correlation coefficient r or R (F-tested for R), (2) 3.2. Indices related to CPUE and development of
the sum of squares (SS) for the difference between forecasting models
the observed and predicted CPUEs and (3) the Akaike
information criterion (AIC) value, which provides a CPUE ranged 14.5–179.7 kg/(day boat) and was
combined measure of statistical fit and model parsi- closely related to nine environmental indices (Table 2):
mony (Akaike, 1974). We also tested the extrapolation (1) the mean water temperature (MWT) in June at 0 m,
for forecasting using the method of Sakuramoto et al. (2) the MWT in June at 10 m, (3) the MWT in June at
(1995). First, we estimated the parameters of regression 20 m, (4) the MWT in June at 10–20 m, (5) the MWT
models using data collected during 1989–1998 (n = 10) in June at the seafloor, (6) the mean salinity in June
and forecasted the CPUE for 1999 using the indepen- at the seafloor, (7) the sea level at Izuhara in June, (8)
dent variables for 1999. Next, we estimated the new the sea level at Izuhara in July, and (9) the SLD be-
parameters using data from 1989 to 1999 (n = 11) and tween Hakata and Izuhara in June. The MWTs were
then forecasted the CPUE for 2000 using the variables strongly correlated at different depths and with the sea
for 2000. Repeating this procedure, we then forecasted levels in June (P < 0.001) and July (P < 0.05). In addi-
the CPUE for 2003. The SS between the observed and tion, the sea levels in June and July were highly cor-
forecasted CPUEs along with the AIC value were then related (P < 0.001), and the salinity at the seafloor was
compared with the regression models mentioned above. correlated with MWTs at 0 and 10 m (P < 0.05).
Four indices with high absolute values of r were
then selected as independent variables: the MWT at
3. Results 10–20 m depth (X1 ), the mean salinity at the seafloor
(X2 ), the sea level at Izuhara in June (X3 ) and the SLD
3.1. Fluctuation of catches in the Sea of Japan in June (X4 ). Of these four, X1 and X3 showed signif-
icant multicollinearity (P < 0.001) (Table 2), so they
Annual catches in the Sea of Japan fluctuated widely were not used together in the multiple regression mod-
from 52 to 3700 tons in 1989–2002 (overall CV = 82.2, els described below. The relationship between CPUE
Hyogo CV = 78.2) and were highest every year in and each index was positive for all variables except X2 ,
Hyogo Prefecture, followed by Tottori, Shimane, Fukui and the coefficients of determination (r2 ) were highest
and Kyoto prefectures (Fig. 2). Correlations among for X1 (r2 = 0.83) and X3 (r2 = 0.66) (Fig. 3).
K. Miyahara et al. / Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79 75

Table 1
Correlation coefficient r between annual prefectural catches in 1989–2002 (n)
Shimane Tottori Hyogo Kyoto Fukui Ishikawa Toyama
Shimane 0.789a 0.812a 0.857b 0.866b 0.563 0.382
Tottori 11 0.973b 0.938b 0.941b 0.362 0.187
Hyogo 12 11 0.966b 0.953b 0.458 0.243
Kyoto 12 11 11 0.973b 0.579 0.424
Fukui 11 11 11 11 0.510 0.294
Ishikawa 9 9 9 9 9 0.895a
Toyama 12 11 14 13 11 9

n: number of years used for correlation from 1989 to 2002.

a P < 0.01.
b P < 0.001

Table 2
Correlation matrix between CPUE and environmental indices
MWT MS, seafloor (X2 ) SL SLD, June (X4 )
0m 10 m 20 m 10–20 m (X1 ) Seafloor June (X3 ) July
CPUE 0.866c 0.900c 0.900c 0.911c 0.864c −0.592a 0.812c 0.634a 0.539a
0m 0.946c 0.880c 0.926c 0.864c −0.599a 0.752c 0.613a 0.396
10 m 0.952c 0.989c 0.897c −0.538a 0.872c 0.689b 0.465
20 m 0.987c 0.967c −0.442 0.902c 0.777c 0.400
10–20 m (X1 ) 0.942c −0.450 0.798c 0.733b 0.237
Seafloor −0.497 0.897c 0.740b 0.439
Seafloor (X2 ) −0.417 −0.263 −0.319
June (X3 ) 0.814c 0.492
July 0.404
SLD (X4 )

Data used for correlation were from 1989 to 2003 (n = 15). r: correlation coefficient, MWT: mean water temperature, MS: mean salinity, SL:
sea level at Izuhara, SLD: sea level difference between Hakata and Izuhara, Xi : indices selected as independent variables for regression models.
a P < 0.05.
b P < 0.01.
c P < 0.001.

Table 3
Variables used and values of the sum of squares (SS) and AIC
Model Group A Group B Group C, 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Variables (Xi ) used for regression (i=) 1 1, 2 1, 4 1, 2, 4 3 2, 3 3, 4 2, 3, 4 2, 4
Regression for 1989–2003 (n = 15)
SS (×102 ) 61.9 52.6 53.3 46.0 123.7 95.5 114.3 90.1 186.6
AIC 136.9 136.5 136.7 136.5 147.3 145.4 148.1 146.5 155.5
Extrapolation for 1999–2003 (n = 10 + 1 × 5)
SS (×102 ) 64.8 55.4 70.5 55.3 134.1 108.1 153.5 116.2 248.7
AIC 137.6 137.2 140.9 139.2 148.5 147.3 152.5 150.4 159.8

The two lowest values in each row are italicised.

76 K. Miyahara et al. / Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79

Fig. 3. Relationships between mean CPUE in September–November off Hyogo Prefecture and environmental indices in June around the Tsushima
Strait during 1989–2003. The value of r2 represents the coefficient of determination for each relationship. Broken lines show 95% confidence

To estimate CPUE as the dependent variable (Y), Model 6: Y = −145.9X2 + 879.8X3 + 3537.9,
we tested nine regression models (two simple regres- R = 0.859 (P < 0.001);
sion models and seven multiple regression models) us- Model 7: Y = 927.7X3 + 4.4X4 − 1596.8,
ing the four indices. Since X1 and X3 showed signif- R = 0.828 (P < 0.001);
icant multicollinearity, the models were divided into Model 8: Y = −136.6X2 + 801.3X3 + 3.3X4 +
three groups (Table 3): Group A, Models 1–4, all in- 3347.6, R = 0.867 (P < 0.001).
cluded X1 as an index; Group B, Models 5–8, all in- • Group C:
cluded X3 as an index; and Group C, Model 9, which Model 9: Y = −222.4X2 + 9.2X4 + 7728.5,
had X2 and X4 as indices. X2 and X4 were not used R = 0.697 (P < 0.05).
in the simple regression models because of their low The correlation coefficient of each model differed
coefficients of determination. Using the 1989–2003 significantly from zero (P < 0.05), and the SS and AIC
catch data set, the model parameters were expressed as values were smallest in Group A (Table 3). In Group
follows: A, the SS was smallest in Models 4 and 2, and the AIC
was similar in all four models. In Group B, the SS was
• Group A: smallest in Model 8, and the AIC was smallest in Model
Model 1: Y = 61.7X1 − 1098.4, r = 0.911 6. The results of extrapolation for forecasting with SS
(P < 0.001); and AIC values are also shown in Table 3. In Group A,
Model 2: Y = 55.5X1 − 87.8X2 + 2052.1, the SS was smallest in Models 4 and 2, and the AIC
R = 0.925 (P < 0.001); was smallest in Models 2 and 1. In Group B, both the
Model 3: Y = 56.5X1 + 4.1X4 − 1014.5, R = 0.924 SS and AIC were smallest in Model 6.
(P < 0.001); Based on these results, we selected Models 1, 2, 4
Model 4: Y = 51.7X1 − 78.2X2 + 3.6X4 + 1780.8, and 6 to compare the observed value of CPUE with
R = 0.935 (P < 0.001). those outputted from both regression and extrapolation
• Group B: (Fig. 4). In all models, the extrapolated values of the
Model 5: Y = 1043.9X3 − 1790.5, r = 0.812 SS and AIC were slightly higher than those of the re-
(P < 0.001); gressions (Table 3).
K. Miyahara et al. / Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79 77

Fig. 4. Comparison between observed value of CPUE and outputted ones from both regression and extrapolation: () observed CPUE, ()
outputted CPUE from regression and () outputted CPUE from extrapolation. See Table 3 as for the variables used for each model. Also refer
to the text regarding the process of extrapolation.

4. Discussion cruitment following periods of warmer temperatures

have been reported for I. illecebrosus (Dawe and
Catch amounts in the Sea of Japan showed similar Warren, 1993) and Ommastrephes bartramii (Yatsu et
trends among prefectures and were significantly cor- al., 2000). Bakun and Csirke (1998) have described
related among the western prefectures from Shimane several possible mechanisms by which reduced tem-
to Fukui, suggesting these fluctuations were regulated peratures could adversely affect recruit success by de-
by large-scale mechanisms. Dawe and Warren (1993) laying the development of prey for the young squid (i.e.,
reported that recruitment of the ommastrephid squid the match/mismatch hypothesis of Cushing, 1975) and
Illex illecebrosus in the northwest Atlantic also is reg- slowing the growth of squid, thus increasing the pe-
ulated by broad-scale mechanisms and hypothesized riod during which they are highly vulnerable to pre-
that climatic variation is the key mechanism affecting dation. Zooplankton biomass also tends to decrease in
this recruitment. More detailed studies on differences the southern Sea of Japan during years of decreased
in the peak catch season (Takeda and Tanda, 1998), the temperature (Hirota and Hasegawa, 1999; Kang et al.,
size of landed squid, growth, and migration among pre- 2002), which could also adversely affect the year class.
fectures are needed to determine the factors responsible The sea level difference between Hakata and Izuhara
for T. rhombus stock-size fluctuations. was positively correlated with CPUE, which suggests
Strong relationships were found between CPUE off that catches increase when the flow strength of the
Hyogo in September–November and several environ- nearshore branch of the Tsushima Current through
mental indices, including temperature at all depths the eastern channel of the Tsushima Strait (Fig. 1)
sampled in the Tsushima Strait in June. This suggests increases. Nishimura (1966) suggested that T. rhom-
temperature has an important effect on the recruitment bus is transported through the western channel of the
success of T. rhombus. Squid landings are closely re- strait and then northward by the offshore branch of
lated to seawater temperature in many squid species the Tsushima Current, however, transport through the
(Robin and Denis, 1999; Dawe et al., 2000; Sakurai eastern channel is also highly likely. The water temper-
et al., 2000), and similar patterns of increased re- ature differs between these branches (Watanabe et al.,
78 K. Miyahara et al. / Fisheries Research 72 (2005) 71–79

2003), and Kidokoro and Hiyama (1996) reported that through obtaining more extensive data on the relation-
the growth of Japanese common squid Todarodes paci- ship between salinity and distribution.
ficus varies between warm and cold-water areas in the The models described above have been used to accu-
Sea of Japan. More information is needed on the mi- rately forecast the CPUE off Hyogo up to 2 months be-
gration routes of T. rhombus to better understand how fore the peak catch season starts, and the Hyogo Tajima
variation in the flow of the Tsushima Current affects its Fisheries Technology Institute began making official
stock size in the Sea of Japan. forecast announcements to the public using these mod-
The occurrence of young squid as small as 8.1 cm els in 2003. The strong correlation between the catch
in mantle length off Hyogo in June and July (Nazumi, fluctuations in the prefectures discussed here suggests
1975b) suggests that T. rhombus passes through the that the environmental factors used in this study can be
Tsushima Strait in its post-paralarval and early juve- used to forecast catches of T. rhombus in other prefec-
nile stages. The young stages of squids are particularly tures in the Sea of Japan as well.
sensitive to environmental change (Waluda et al., 1999;
Sakurai et al., 2000; Rodhouse, 2001; Waluda et al.,
2001), which is presumably why such strong relation-
ships were found between CPUE and the environmen- We thank Drs. O. Kato and H. Yamada, Japan
tal indices in the strait. Sea National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries
The other index besides temperature that showed a Research Agency, for their valuable advice on the
highly significant correlation with CPUE was the sea Tsushima Current. We also thank the researchers of
level at Izuhara in June. The models using temperature the prefectural fisheries research institutions of Saga,
(Group A) fit the observed data better than those us- Shimane, Kyoto, Ishikawa and Toyama for allowing
ing sea level (Group B), however, there are some cases us to use their oceanographic and catch data. Thanks
in which the Group B models might be preferable. Sea are also due to R. Takeda, Hyogo Tajima Fisheries
level is calculated based on hourly tidal measurements, Technology Institute, and M. Tanda, Hyogo Fisheries
so it is more stable than water temperature, especially Technology Institute, for their thoughtful comments
when observations are delayed, skipped, or made just and encouragement.
after atmospheric events such as the passage of a ty-
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