Lesson 4

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Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy

Lesson Four

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Lesson Four
Principles Not Rules

Focus on learning the principles that Mike teaches you rather than a set of specific
rules. This frees you to figure out how to respond to any situation rather than
applying some kind of formula where if the subject says X you always respond with
Y. As you progress with this course you’ll realize there are an almost unlimited
number of ways to tackle a situation in hypnosis. Stay flexible. Focus on principles.
Not rules.

Being Artfully Vague

This was one of Milton Erickson’s most brilliant tools. The Meta Model uses
language to clarify language. It helps you extract information to determine what
someone else means. You might ask, “How specifically does he make you upset?”
The meta model keeps people out of trance.

The opposite side of the coin is the Milton Model. Instead of asking questions that
clarify you’re using language that obscures or takes away meaning. This forces the
subject to go inside and attach their own meaning to what you’re saying. The Milton
Model puts people into trance.

The language is not meaningless, but it takes the form of an artfully vague never-
ending sentence, which constantly keeps the subject trying to attach specific
meaning to the words, while the meaning itself keeps shifting.

Looking Expectantly

Here’s another technique that Milton Erickson used quite often. He used to say,
“You’ll get a lot more with an expectant attitude than an offhand one.” Your subject
will not actualize what you do not believe to be true.

Looking expectantly is part of being congruent. Believe that what you’re doing is
going to work. As Mike demonstrates in the video, the easiest way to do this is to
lock your eyes on the subject while subtly moving your head while keeping your

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eyes on the subject. Act as if you are waiting for something to happen. Expect
something to happen, and something will happen. Looking expectantly sends a
message to the subject that you are watching and expecting something to occur.
The more you focus intently on your hypnotic subject, the better results you'll
get. That’s right ...

The Tacit Contract

This is another key hypnotic principle. Tacit means unspoken, but agreed upon.
When you eat dinner it’s unspoken and agreed upon that you don’t grab food off of
someone else’s plate. You offer a tacit contract by naming something you wish the
subject to do and connect it to to an external sign that they've agreed to do it.


‣ When you are ready to go into a trance, close your eyes and take a deep

‣ When you are ready to make very powerful change, relax deeper into your
chair and nod your head slightly.

‣ When you are certain that you’ve identified what you’ll change to eliminate
this problem, you can look forward to enjoying the results by letting a smile
come across your face.

By taking whatever action you direct the subject to take, he or she is agreeing to a
tacit contract. Use this, and notice what results you get.

Breathing Synchronization

To build powerful rapport with your subject, it is useful to synchronize your

breathing with theirs, by speaking in time with their breathing. When you speak you
are exhaling. If you speak while your subject exhales, you’ll achieve stronger

You don’t need to speak with every exhalation. You could speak every 2nd or 3rd
breath. Don’t be afraid of silence. In street hypnosis you need to move quickly to

3 Copyright 2013 Mike Mandel Enterprises Inc.


maintain momentum. But when dealing with a client one on one, the secret to
moving quickly is often to go slowly. The secret to going fast is often, paradoxically,
to go slowly.

External Trance Indicators (ETIs)

ETIs are the analog, external indicators that you can observe which let you know
your subject is going into trance. Forget about hypnotic depth scales. You don’t
need them and they are not useful. Instead, just get good at observing external
trance indicators and feel free to test your work by giving directions to your subject
and see how they respond.

Partial List of Trance Indicators:

‣ Eyelids fluttering - the onset of eyelid catalepsy which happens as a subject

is beginning to enter trance.

‣ Change in facial tonus (muscle tone) including “hypnotic mask”, when the
face is blank and devoid of any expression.

‣ Facial flushing - colour changes in the face and/or neck.

‣ Spontaneous catalepsy - if you lift a limb it might just stay there.

‣ Change in breathing - often breathing moves into the abdomen but all you
are looking for is a change, not some specific change.

‣ Hypnotic rash - this appears primarily in the hollow the throat and looks a
lot like an allergic reaction. If the hypnotic rash appears prior to trance
induction when you're just talking about hypnosis, you likely have a very
good subject.

‣ Whites of the eyes can become pink or red.

‣ Increased lacrimation (eyes watering).

‣ Slow or slurred or delayed speech

‣ Muscle twitches - a clear unconscious signal that trance is happening.

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‣ Increase in lower lip size, which is really a relaxation of the mandibular

angle in the jaw.

‣ Head tilt - relaxed neck muscles allow the head to drop forward.

The Structure of Hypnosis and Clean States

When you hypnotize a subject, the goal is always to develop a deep trance. Always
create the strongest, most robust trance you can. People will say you only need a
light trance to produce all kinds of change. This is true, but the people who say this
are typically the people who can only produce light trances in their subjects. Always
go for the slam dunk - the
somnambulistic trance, which is the working state of hypnosis.

Clean states are essential for good work. When you interview a subject before
doing hypnosis keep them wide awake with no elements of trance (no embedded
commands, etc).

When it comes time for hypnosis, produce powerful, robust trances.

When you awaken your subject, remove the trance completely, bringing them back
to a wide-awake state without any hypnosis contamination.

‣ If you are counting your subject down into trance, count them back up to
awaken them.

‣ When the trance is over, say something such as “Wide awake now!” and
snap your fingers to give them a clear signal that the hypnosis is over. Say

‣ Remember the concept of hypnotic hangover and coda. The subject can be
suggestible for a couple of minutes after you end the hypnotic trance, so use
this as an opportunity to give positive suggestions and instructions. Use a
wide awake voice and say something like, “You’re going to sleep really well
tonight and you’re going to feel amazing tomorrow when you wake up.”

An Invitation Into Trance

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Now that you have a solid foundation in Ericksonian language, you can begin to
induce hypnotic trance conversationally. Mike offers you a purely verbal induction,
and you’ll notice that this induction consists mainly of tools you already know:

‣ Embedded commands

‣ Artfully vague language

‣ Never-Ending sentences

‣ Linkage statements

‣ Double-Binds

‣ The hypnotic voice

‣ “That’s right”

Transcript of Mike speaking to you in the video lesson

(First use yes sets, compliance set, etc) Eyes closed now. And as you sit there and notice
and begin to recognize you’re breathing at the perfect rate for you ... you may find
yourself slipping into trance very quickly ... or you may simply relax even more ... until
that special moment ... where your unconscious ... mind ... opens the door to full
relaxation ... and deep hypnotic state ... whereupon you can walk through that door ... in
a sense of comfort and general ease ... and recognize ... as you go deeper ... that the
trance itself may begin to open wide ... or may be shallow ... or narrow ... but will be
entirely appropriate ... insofar as it continues to lead you down into deeper levels ... so
that your mind ... or whether you don’t mind at all ... you can sit there ... and simply
enjoy ... or evaluate what I’m saying ... and whether you pay attention completely ... or
simply let your mind go somewhere else ... and not listen to me in the slightest ... your
unconscious mind ... will monitor ... all that is needed now ... is for you to listen to what
I’m saying ... or not at all .. and as you continue to go deeper ... and feel that sense of
growing ease ... and notice the position of your feet ... and your tongue touching your
teeth ... you can start to drift even deeper.

This was a purely off-the-cuff demonstration from Mike, and is not offered to you
as some sort of script. It’s just an example that you can use as a model for your own

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Take all of these new skills on as you do hypnosis. Practise the invitation into trance
(verbal induction). It doesn’t matter whether you do this with a standing or seated

In addition:

‣ Continue practicing never-ending sentences using artfully vague language.

This will help you install your own hypnotic language generator. Do this in
front of a mirror, in the shower, while walking down the street ... and most
important ... to your friends just so you can test how long you can keep
talking in this manner before they are either tranced out or interrupt you.
You may be surprised!

‣ Keep practicing yes sets and compliance sets with your friends, family, co-
workers or whoever. Use these techniques covertly just to see what happens
(not necessarily even using hypnosis).

‣ Remember to offer options and possibilities.

‣ Always do a clean up when you finish working hypnotically with a subject.

Make sure your subject is wide-awake and feeling great.

7 Copyright 2013 Mike Mandel Enterprises Inc.

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