Relaxition Meditation

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For this practice I recommend that you get into a practice that will allow you to be most relaxed.

Ideally lying falt on your back arms at your side, hit pause if you need to and come back when
you are ready. Now take a moment to adjust your body even more. Letting it become even more
comfortable and on your next exhale softly. Close your eyes begin to turn your awareness
towards your breath belly rising on every in breath and falling on every out breath. Letting the
breath flow naturally, freely. Almost as if the air is breathing you, notice how some inhales are
longer, some inhales are shorter. Your breath knows what it is doing, just watch and observe,
observing your belly rising and falling.

Now in addition to observing your abdomen also allow yourself to let go of any and all muscles
you do not need to use right now. Letting them be heavy and relaxed. Feeling the weight of
gravity. Really allowing your chest to remain relatively still. As you allow all the muscles in your
face to be loose in slack. As well as in your shoulders, your hands, sit bones and feet. Where else
can you relax more deeply now, what can you let go of, keep observing tha feeling of your breath
as you relax. Now with your breath flowing at a nice gentle, pace.

In just a moment I will leave you to practice counting your breaths. To do this you will count
each inhale and exhale as one breath. For example, if you start your count on the exhale you
would count one breath out, breath in, two breath out breath in and so on. You will do this at your
own pace. Let your breath flow naturally. Some inhales and exhales may be longer or shorter
than others. Allow this and observe this. As you do this, keep all of your focus on your breath
and the number. You may begin now. What number did you get to, now you know that when you
are breathing in a relaxed state. That is the approximate number of breaths you take in one

Now we will practice this again, but this time really allow yourself to intend that you relax even
more deeply with each number. Keeping all of your awareness on the movement of your belly
and the number you are counting, dropping deeper and deeper with each breath. You may begin
counting now. Now tune into how your body feels. You may stop counting if you would like,
either way just become aware of wow deeply relaxed. Your body has become, you gave your
mind and your body respite by doing this practice, say thank you to yoursel. You may continue to
stay in this practice as long you wish continuing the practice of counting with your breath and
relaxing into your body or you may begin to come out of this now by slowly rolling your
shoulders wiggling your fingers and your toes and truly taking your time as you slowly begin to
bring your awareness back to the world around you. Opening your eyes as it feels good to you.

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