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During the early republic era

Industries - Economic Issues -

South: Agriculture South: Opposed tariffs,

Economic (Cotton and tabaco)

West: Agriculture (Grain
supported free trade.
West: Supported internal
improvements, cheap land
and livestock)
Interests North: Manufacturing,
North: Supported
commerce and protective tariffs, national
shipbuilding. bank.

Major Political Positions - Views on Federal

South: States rights, limited
federal government
State power -
South: Preferred
West: Support for expansion,
infrastructure development.
decentralized government.
West: Mixed, supported
North: Strong central federal initiatives for expansion
government, federal North: Preferred strong
infrastructure project. federal government.

Social Hierarchy - Slavery and Other Social

Social South: Hierarchical,

Issues -
South: Pro-slavery, strict
social order.
West: Egalitarian,
Structure individualism.
West: Varied, generally free-
soil stance.
North: Industrial society, North: Anti-slavery, reform
growing middle class. movements.

South: John C. Calhoun: States rights

advocate, pro-slavery, nullification doctrine.
West: Henry Clay “Great Compromiser”,
American system, balanced regional interests.
North: Daniel Webster, strong federal
government advocate, anti-slavery, federal Leaders

Giuseppe Agostini Paraschin

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