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5/7/24, 4:18 AM UTS Long Quiz-Finals

UTS Long Quiz-Finals

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Multiple Choice 1/17
5/7/24, 4:18 AM UTS Long Quiz-Finals

4. What is self-care? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Ignoring personal needs

B) Prioritizing one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being

C) Only focusing on work responsibilities

D) Avoiding relaxation techniques

5. Which of the following is a healthy stress management technique? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Procrastination

B) Regular exercise

C) Excessive caffeine consumption

D) Ignoring stressors 2/17
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6. Why is it important to set boundaries in work and personal life? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) To isolate oneself from others

B) To maintain a healthy balance and prevent burnout

C) To show dominance over others

D) To avoid making friends

7. How can you effectively manage your time for better career growth? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Multitasking constantly

B) Procrastinating important tasks

C) Setting priorities and creating a schedule

D) Saying 'yes' to everything 3/17
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8. Which of the following is a sign of burnout? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) High energy levels

B) Increased productivity

C) Prolonged fatigue and exhaustion

D) Seeking new challenges

9. How can you practice self-compassion in daily life? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Being overly critical of yourself

B) Engaging in negative self-talk

C) Acknowledging your struggles with kindness

D) Ignoring your own well-being 4/17
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10. What is the importance of seeking support from others in times of stress? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) It shows weakness

B) It helps build resilience and coping skills

C) It leads to isolation

D) It is unnecessary

11. How can regular physical exercise help in stress management? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) It worsens stress levels

B) It improves mood and reduces stress hormones

C) It increases stress levels

D) It has no impact on stress 5/17
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12. What is a healthy way to deal with conflicts in the workplace? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Avoiding the issue completely

B) Yelling and verbal aggression

C) Open communication and seeking a resolution

D) Gossiping about the conflict

13. Why is it essential to continuously update your skills in your career? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) To remain stagnant in your career

B) To adapt to evolving industry demands and stay competitive

C) To reduce productivity

D) To avoid new challenges 6/17
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14. Which of the following is a good time management practice? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Procrastination

B) Planning and prioritizing tasks

C) Overcommitting to too many activities

D) Ignoring deadlines

15. How can mindfulness help in reducing stress? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) By constantly worrying about the future

B) By staying disconnected from the present moment

C) By focusing on the present moment and practicing relaxation techniques

D) By multitasking 7/17
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16. Why is it important to practice work-life balance? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) To spend excessive time at work

B) To neglect personal relationships

C) To prevent burnout and maintain overall well-being

D) To avoid enjoyment in life

17. Which of the following is a healthy coping mechanism for stress? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Substance abuse

B) Socializing with friends and family

C) Isolating oneself

D) Engaging in negative self-talk 8/17
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18. What is the significance of setting achievable goals in career management? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) To set unattainable goals and feel frustrated

B) To maintain a sense of direction and motivation

C) To avoid challenges

D) To never progress in your career

19. Who famously stated "Know thyself" as a central tenet of their philosophy? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Socrates

B) Descartes

C) Locke

D) Hume 9/17
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20. Who believed in the existence of an immortal and incorporeal soul that exists before and after one's * 1 point
physical body?

Mark only one oval.

A) Plato

B) Kant

C) Ponty

D) Hume

21. Who is known for emphasizing the concept of "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am)? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) St. Augustine

B) Descartes

C) Locke

D) Churchland 10/17
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22. Who introduced the concept of "phenomenology" and focused on embodied experience and perception? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Ponty

B) Kant

C) Hume

D) Locke

23. Who is associated with the theory of transcendental idealism, emphasizing the role of human cognition in * 1 point
shaping reality?

Mark only one oval.

A) Kant

B) Hume

C) Locke

D) Descartes 11/17
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24. Who was a proponent of the idea that human knowledge is derived from sensory experiences and * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Hume

B) Plato

C) Socrates

D) Churchland

25. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Option 1

26. Who believed in the concept of tabula rasa, suggesting that the mind is a blank slate at birth? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Locke

B) Descartes

C) Kant

D) Ponty 12/17
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27. Whose philosophy focused on the brain-based explanations of human consciousness and the self? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Churchland

B) Socrates

C) Plato

D) Augustine

28. Who is known for arguing that the self is a bundle of perceptions and lacks a substantial identity? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Hume

B) Kant

C) Descartes

D) Locke 13/17
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29. Who coined the term "Cartesian Dualism" to describe the separation of mind and body? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Descartes

B) Locke

C) Ponty

D) Augustine

30. Who believed that self-awareness involves a constant flow of "being" in relation to other beings? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Ponty

B) Hume

C) Augustine

D) Locke 14/17
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31. Who emphasized the importance of "intuition" in understanding the self, separate from sensory * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Kant

B) Churchland

C) Plato

D) Socrates

32. Whose philosophy is associated with the idea of "empiricism," arguing that knowledge originates from * 1 point


Mark only one oval.

A) Descartes

B) Hume

C) Locke

D) Augustine 15/17
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33. Who believed that the self is constantly changing and that there is no fixed, enduring self? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A) Descartes

B) Kant

C) Socrates

D) Hume

34. Who proposed the concept of eliminative materialism, suggesting that folk psychology should be replaced * 1 point

by neuroscience?

Mark only one oval.

A) Churchland

B) Ponty

C) Augustine

D) Kant

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