Korean War

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Korean War

In 1950 Senator Joe McCarthy accused communists of working for
the US government which triggered anti-communist hysteria across
the USA.
The North Korean invasion of South Korea in 1950 suggested that
Soviets were spreading communism throughout the world.
Truman Doctrine meant the containment of communism to prevent
more countries becoming communist.
In Jan 1950, the US secretary of state Dean Acheson declared Korea
was not part of the USA’s ‘defensive perimeter’ in the Pacific Ocean
which resulted in skirmishes between north and south.

The Korean War influenced politics, for example McCarthyism was
There were experts in China in the State Department which increased
fear when it joined the war.
Republicans attacked Truman’s failures to prevent China turning
Shaped the cold war politics of Asia.
USA moves fast to protect Taiwan from being attacked by China.
Created fear and bitterness towards the Chinese
US created SEATO and METO
Strengthened the system of two mutually hostile alliances that lasted
until 1991.
USA cemented its position in Asia and Europe so direct confrontation
between the superpowers became less likely
Key events:
1905 – Korea controlled by Japan
Aug 1945 – Potsdam Conference: USA and USSR agree to the 38th
parallel being a temporary dividing line between Soviet-occupied
North and US-occupied South
Mar 1947 – Truman Doctrine announced
Aug 1948 – ROK established (Republic of Korea) under Syngman
Aug 1949 – USSR tests its first atomic bomb
Oct 1949 – People’s Republic of China established
Jan 1950 – Dean Acheson says Korea lies outside the USA’s defensive
perimeter in the Pacific
Oct 1950 – China enters the war
Mar 1953 – Stalin dies
Jul 1953 – Armistice agreement signed
Apr-Jun 1954 – Geneva conference on Korea fails to reach agreement

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