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1 Diane … that the price of the jeans was too high.
a explained
b complained
c admitted
2 Wendy shouldn’t wear short skirts – they don’t … her.
a suit
b deliver
c swap
3 Many famous singers who give performances wear their … only once.
a layers
b clothing
c sleeves
4 Sam said that he … his jacket on the bus the day before.
a had left
b left
c could leave
5 Jane told me that she … a pair of shoes the previous day.
a bought
b had bought
c would buy
6 I like this blue jacket, but I think the … is broken.
a hoodie
b clothing
c zip
7 You mustn’t wear … jeans to school.
a glamorous
b sleeveless
c ripped
8 This T-shirt comes in a wide … of colours.
a brand
b range
c price tag
9 Emily said that women had worn shoes like … in the past.
a these
b this
c those
10 The secretary said that the company … .
a will deliver the parcel tomorrow
b would deliver the parcel the following day
c would deliver the parcel today
11 My sister admitted that she had borrowed my new shirt … without asking.
a the day before
b yesterday
c tonight
12 Jessica is very trendy and has got really … clothes.
a stylish
b ripped
c plain

13 Tyler announced that he … the warm clothing to the homeless shelter.

a will take
b is taking
c was taking
14 My sister and I are the same size, so we often … clothes.
a swap
b suit
c deliver
15 Can you come with me to choose a new … for my glasses?
a zip
b frame
c brand
16 It’s warm this evening. I’ll put on a … shirt.
a glamorous
b plain
c sleeveless
17 The optician explained that I … glasses for reading.
a had to wear
b might wear
c must wear
18 Helen received several … when she wore her new dress to work.
a price tags
b sleeves
c compliments
19 Jack explained why he … to the party.
a isn’t going
b wasn’t going
c won’t go
20 My mum promised that she … me to Paris.
a take
b would take
c will take
1 Ian started a new blog, and soon he had hundreds of … .
a followers
b passwords
c settings
2 Cathy wondered … her latest blog entry.
a whether we will see
b if we saw
c whether we had seen
3 Kim put a video of a fun challenge on the Internet and it … .
a released
b went viral
c uploaded
4 The manager is angry because I … some important client information.
a deleted
b tagged
c signed in
5 Dad wanted to know what time … home.
a would I be
b I would be
c I will be
6 Maya wondered if her favourite singer … a new album in the last month.
a did release
b have released
c had released
7 How many different e-mail … have you got?
a accounts
b views
c channels
8 Marie asked Laura if she … her upload a video.
a will help
b can help
c could help
9 Change your … if you are worried that people can get into your account.
a privacy
b password
c view
10 New information is … on our school website every day.
a signed in
b posted
c subscribed
11 The teacher asked whether any students in the class … in an online challenge.
a had taken part
b take part
c have taken part
12 Paul asked … my next entry.
a when would I post
b when I will post
c when I would post
13 Gwen puts new videos on her … almost every day.
a channel
b account
c profile
14 Sam wanted to know … to the concert.
a how was I getting
b how I am getting
c how I was getting
15 Chris asked if … to sign up for the course.
a I have wanted
b I wanted
c I want
16 Lucy is creative and can help you write a personal … .
a profile
b view
c password
17 David checks this site to get … on sport.
a privacy
b updates
c followers
18 Claire … to this YouTube channel because she likes the videos.
a posts
b tags
c subscribes
19 Julie wondered … the answer.
a if Adam knew
b whether Adam knows
c if Adam will know
20 Susan asked Katy … by train or by car.
a whether they are going
b if they were going
c if they will go
1 The passengers are waiting to … the plane.
a board
b delay
c check in
2 The travel agent … that I take an earlier flight.
a suggested
b offered
c asked
3 My sister offered … me pack my bags.
a help
b to help
c helping
4 The … gave outstanding service on the flight.
a crew
b airline
c youth hostel
5 Dad told … ready to leave in five minutes.
a to be
b us to be
c us to being
6 You don’t need a car because everything is … .
a within walking distance
b full board
c fabulous
7 The … at the resort are higher in January because hundreds of tourists
come to ski.
a rates
b gates
c flight attendants
8 Mum told us … a big suitcase.
a don’t take
b not to take
c we mustn’t take
9 Travelling abroad with my best friend was … experience.
a an unforgettable
b a luxurious
c a lively
10 The flight attendant … that we would stop in Cairo for an hour.
a asked
b offered
c explained
11 The restaurant manager suggested … a reservation for dinner.
a that we make
b to make
c that we are making
12 A man on the plane … to change seats with me, so I could sit next to
the window.
a suggested
b offered
c told
13 It is … , so all airline tickets are very expensive.
a high season
b overcrowded
c unforgettable
14 We stayed at that … last year, and I can really recommend it.
a airline
b rate
c youth hostel
15 Harry asked the bus driver … when to get off at his stop.
a tell him
b to tell him
c telling him
16 Guests get breakfast and dinner if they pay for … .
a high season
b full board
c half board
17 My friend … whether I wanted to share a room in the youth hostel.
a asked
b told
c suggested
18 The plane was … for six hours, so we missed our flight to Rome.
a boarded
b delayed
c checked in
19 If you pay for your tickets … , you will get a discount of 30%.
a on a budget
b in advance
c within walking distance
20 George suggested … the train to the airport, because it was quicker.
a take
b to take

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