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Mehlhorn (ed.

Designing, constructing,
building and

Gerhard Mehlhorn (ed.)

Handbook Bridges
Gerhard Mehlhorn (ed.)

Designing, constructing, calculating,
building and maintaining

With contributions from

Francesco Aigner, Hugo Bachmann, Manfred Curbach, Annette Detzel,
Eva-Maria Eichinger-Vill, Ekkehard Fehling, Ursula Freundt, Gerhard
Girmscheid, Masaaki Hoshino, Thomas Jahn, Manfred Keuser, Johann Kollegger,
Ulrike Kuhlmann, Ulf Lichte, Ingbert Mangerig, Gerhard Mehlhorn,
Christian Menn, Harald Michler, Joachim Naumann, Thomas Petraschek,
Günter Ramberger (†), Peter Ruse (†), Silke Scheerer and Jürgen Stritzke

2nd, expanded and revised edition

Professor Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Gerhard Mehlhorn
Eichholzweg 7
34132 Kassel Germany

ISBN978-3-642-04422-9 978-3-642-04423-6 DOI

Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York

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Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007, 2010

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Foreword to the second

The great interest in the first edition of the book, published in 2007, justifies the second
edition after only three years. The updated versions of the DIN technical reports, the
editions of DIN-FB 100, 2005 and DIN-FBe 101-104, 2009 as well as various updated
regulations have been taken into account. The book thus corresponds to the status of
the regulations as of summer 2009.
In addition to the thorough revision of the first edition of the book, the updated
chapter 1 also deals with the recent development of the use of ultra-high performance
concrete (UHPC) in bridge construction. Furthermore, a new section on bridge design,
competitions and bridge construction prizes has been included in Chapter 1. The author of
this section is Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Naumann, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
and Urban Development, Department S 18, Bonn. In 2006 and 2008, bridge construction
prizes were awarded by the Association of Consulting Engineers (VBI), Berlin, and the
Federal Chamber of Engineers, Berlin, under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of
Transport, Building and Urban Development, Berlin. The bridges selected by the panels of
judges, nominated for the awards and awarded prizes are reported on in section 1.6.8 by
the relevant design authors. We would like to thank them for this.
Two new sections have been included in Chapter 11, namely Damage to steel and
composite bridges, written by Francesco Aigner, and Continuous, computer-aided long-
term monitoring, written by Eva-Maria Eichinger-Vill and Johann Kollegger. The latter
topic is often referred to as monitoring.
Please refer to the preface to the first edition for the objectives, content and
organization of the book. Apart from the aforementioned, nothing has changed.
However, the numerical examples contained in the book have been revised in line with
the updated status of the regulations.
I would like to thank the reviewers for the first edition of the book and for their
letters, in particular Dr.-Ing. Doris Greiner-Mai, editor of Bautechnik, Dipl.-Ing. Erich
Fiedler, Kleinmachnow, my brother, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter-Jürgen Mehl- horn, Kiel, and
Dipl.-Ing. Eberhard Pelke, Hessisches Landesamt für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen,
Wiesbaden, for their comments.
It is with great sadness that the publisher announces that one of the main authors of
the book, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Günter Ramberger, died in February 2009. The authors
of the book and I will always remember Günter Ramberger fondly. He was a highly
respected, successful and amiable colleague, university lecturer and engineer. I
discussed the basic concept of the book and the selection of authors for the individual
chapters with him and Professor Kollegger during my guest professorship at the Vienna
University of Technology in 1999.
VI Forewor
We also mourn the unexpected death of Dipl.-Ing. Peter Ruse, who died in August
2009. The authors of the book and I will always remember him fondly. He was
instrumental in the preparation of the second chapter.
We would like to thank the authors of the book, our colleagues at le-tex publishing
services GmbH Leipzig, including Mr. Patrick Waltemate, and above all Springer
Verlag, in particular Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Lehnert and Ms. Sigrid Cuneus, both Berlin,
and Ms. Cornelia Kinsky, Heidelberg, for making it possible for the book to appear in its
present form. May it again be well received by readers and provide suggestions for
designing good bridges.
Finally, I would especially like to thank my dear wife Ursel for her always valuable,
idealistic and active support and for understanding that I spent a lot of time writing this

Kassel, January 2010Gerhard Mehlhorn

Foreword to the first

The book is intended to provide civil engineers involved in the construction of bridges
with an overview of the basic and specialist knowledge required for the design,
construction, calculation, construction and maintenance of bridges according to the
current state of knowledge. It is also intended as a textbook on bridge construction for
students of civil engineering and to provide an overview of possible solutions to
problems, and it may also serve as a supplement to the lectures, exercises, coursework
and dissertations offered at universities and technical colleges. Some chapters may also
be instructive for those interested in bridge construction and its development who are
not civil engineers.
It is the conviction of the publisher and the authors of the book that the problems of
bridge construction are not primarily material-specific. They are the same in many
respects when different materials are used, even if the use of different materials results in
quite different solutions to problems with regard to the structural design, in particular the
detailed solutions, fabrication in the factory and fabrication on site, i.e. on the
construction site. Of course, there are also different approaches to the calculation and
design of bridges for specific materials.
In order to bring engineers, who have often proven themselves to be civil engineers
in bridge construction, out of anonymity, this book also makes a point of naming the
engineers responsible for the design and construction of the bridges, the architects
involved and the construction firms and companies, if known.
The book is divided into thirteen chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of
the development of bridge construction from antiquity to modern bridge building. It is
important to us to look back at the excellent bridges of the past centuries, even
millennia, and to learn from the engineers who designed and built these structures and to
endeavor to build on their fundamental ideas to continuously develop modern bridge
construction with today's many better possibilities and to find completely new
The second chapter deals with the various tasks, from the design to the maintenance
and upgrading of bridges, of engineers working in bridge construction in building
authorities, engineering offices, companies and construction firms.
The third chapter deals with the design of bridges, which is of crucial importance for
the construction, costs, appearance, integration into the environment and durability of
the bridges. First, the basic principles to be observed and the objectives of the design are
discussed. Subsequently, in section 3.8, twelve invited engineers explain the design
concepts they have chosen for selected, particularly successful bridges.
VIII Forewor
Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the cross-sectional designs and systems of the main
superstructure structures. These depend on the system and the function as well as the
material used for the construction of the bridge and vary accordingly. Various
developments in bridge construction are also shown in these chapters.
The sixth chapter explains the bridge bearings that connect the superstructure to the
substructure. Among other things, the tasks of the bearings (including earthquake
isolation), the choice of bearings, basic principles for determining the forces and
movements, the bearing resistances as well as measurements of bearing forces and
movements and special features of the installation of bearings are discussed. The
following seventh chapter deals with the substructures (foundations, abutments and
piers) and the issues associated with the substructures.
The eighth chapter explains the basics of calculating both the superstructures and
substructures of bridges and uses numerous examples to explain the calculations of
various selected problems that occur in steel, concrete and composite bridges.
Calculation examples of substructures are also included. Special problems of bridge
construction, such as temperature, vibration and earthquake loading, are also dealt with.
It is essential to consider the construction of the bridge, i.e. the manufacturing process
in the factory and on the construction site, as early as the design stage, but also during
structural processing, which is why the ninth chapter devotes a great deal of space to the
manufacturing and execution methods that are particularly important for bridge
The tenth chapter explains the bridge equipment, i.e. the deck design and sealing, the
various types of bearings, the expansion joints, protective devices, caps, railings, bridge
drainage, lighting, the accommodation of utility connections and finally the noise
protection systems.
The most important tasks in bridge construction today already include the
monitoring, evaluation, assessment, maintenance and repair of bridges and, in
individual cases, the upgrading of existing bridges, and they will become increasingly
important. These issues are therefore dealt with in detail in the final three chapters 11 to
13. It is important to define the necessary scope and intervals of the required structural
inspections and to formulate their uniform quality. The further development of non-
destructive testing methods is of great importance here. The results of measured
changes in shape must be compared with the pre-calculated values in order to be able to
make qualitative and quantitative statements about the condition of the structure.
Even though the editor of this book has always endeavored to coordinate the
contents of the individual chapters from the outset and during the creation of the
individual chapters and to influence them to some extent from his point of view, the
responsibility for the contents of the various chapters and sections lies with the
respective authors. The book was compiled over a period of seven years. For this
reason, the versions of the regulations given in the various texts correspond to the dates
on which the individual chapters and sections were completed. The regulations are
constantly being updated, which means that some details of some regulations may have
already changed and will continue to be adapted to the latest findings in the future. It is
therefore necessary to take account of the latest developments in the design and
Foreword IX

The latest state of the art regulations must always be observed when calculating the
We would like to thank the authors of the book, the colleagues who contributed to
section 3.8, all those who provided images, Reinhold Schöberl, Peter Grumbach and
Gerhard Hopfenmüller from Fotosatz-Service Köhler GmbH and, above all, Springer-
Verlag, in particular Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Lehnert and Sigrid Cuneus, for making it
possible for the book to appear in its present form. May it be well received by readers
and inspire them to design good bridges.
Finally, I would especially like to thank my dear wife Ursel for her valuable, idealistic
and active support throughout my entire professional life and also for her
understanding that I spent too much time writing this book over many years, no doubt
from her point of view.

Kassel, August 2006Gerhard

Table of contents

List of authors ...............................................XVII 1.6.1 Preliminary remark . . . . . . . . . 108

1.6.2 Building culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
1Bridge building on the way 1.6.3 Building Culture Initiative
from antiquity to the modern and Baukultur Foundation . . 111
Bridge construction ................................1 1.6.4 Design options
1.1 Introduction........................................1 for bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
1. 2Bridges in antiquity .........................2 1.6.5 Planning competitions
1.2.1 Bridges in China.................................2 in bridge construction . . . . . . . . 114
1.2. 2Bridges in Greece, 1.6.6 German
in the Persian Bridge building prize . . . . . . . . . 117
the rich and 1.6.7 Winners and nominees
in Mesopotamia..................................9 for the German
1.2.3 Roman Bridge Construction Prize
The art of bridge building................14 and 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
1. 3Bridges in the Middle Ages...........23 1.6.8 Description of the
1. 4Bridges from the Bridge Construction Prize
Renaissance until and 2008 nominated
to the present....................................31 Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
1.4.1 Stone bridges.....................................31
1.4.2 Wooden bridges ...............................37 2 Engineering tasks
1.4. 3Iron and steel bridges . . 41 in bridge construction . . . . . . . . . . . 165
1.4.4Bend , beam and 2.0 Preliminary remark . . . . . . . . . 165
Concrete rigid frame bridges 74 2.1 General design . . . . . . 166
1.4.5 Modern 2.1.1 Preliminary planning . . . . . . . . . 166
Cable-stayed bridges ........................90 2.1.2 Design development in the
1. 5Current developments, open or invited
Comments on the Realization competition . 168
Design of bridges and 2.2 Design planning . . . . . . . . 169
to special meanings 96 2.2.1 Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
1.5. 1Current developments . . . 96 2.2.2 Boundary conditions . . . . . . . 171
1.5.2 Comments on the 2.2.3 Construction operations and
Design of bridges . . . 99 Construction site equipment . . 173
1.5. 3Bridges with special 2.2.4 Design elements,
Meaning ..........................................104 Aids and static
1. 6Design of Pre-calculation . . . . . . . . . . 173
Bridges, competitions, 2.2.5 Notes on the
Bridge construction prices ............108 Building foundation . . . . . . 174
XII Table of contents

2.2. 6Notes on the 2.12.3 Reinforcement of

Substructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 bridge structures . . . . . . 191
2.2.7Storage instructions 2.12.4 Exchange or
and mobility . . . . . . . 175 Widening of
2.2. 8Notes on structural components or
Bridge drainage of entire supporting structures . 192
and sealing . . . . . . . . . 176 2.12.5 Demolition of
2.2. 9Notes on construction and bridge structures . . . . . . 193
Manufacturing process . . . . 176
2. 3Approval planning . . . 178 3 Draft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
2. 4Invitation to tender . . . . . . . . . . 178 3.1 Design principles . . . . . 195
2.4.1 Tender with 3.2 Building-specific,
Quantity determination . . . . . . . 178 transportation
2.4.2 Boundary conditions Specifications ............ 196
for special designs . . . . . . 180 3.3 Location-specific
2.4.3 Functional Boundary conditions . . . . . . . 197
Invitation to tender . . . . . . . . . . . 180 3.4 Functional
2.4.4 Obligation Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 197
for unambiguity . . . . . . . . 180 3.4.1 Load safety . . . . . . . . . . . 197
2.5 Quotation processing .... 181 3.4.2 Suitability for use ... 198
2. 6Submission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 3.4.3 Durability . . . . . . . . . . 201
2. 7Awarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 3.5 Cultural requirements 202
2. 8Execution planning . . . . . 183 3.5.1 Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
2. 9Examination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 3.5.2 Aesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2.10 Construction, 3.6 Aim of the design work . . 209
construction supervision, 3.7 Considerations when
Billing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 conceptual design . 210
2.10.1 Construction . . . . . . . . . . 184 3.8 Selected bridges . . . . 216
2.10.2 Local construction supervisors 185 3.8.1 Sunniberg Bridge, Switzerland 216
2.10.3 Site management . . . . . . . . . . 185 3.8.2 Kelheim pedestrian bridge,
2.10.4 C o n s t r u c t i o n Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
with functional 3.8.3 Osormort Viaduct,
advertised Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
bridge structures ...... 187 3.8.4 Sacramento river trail
2.10.5 Billing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 pedestrian bridge, USA . . 222
2.10.6 Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 3.8.5 Puente de la Barqueta,
2.11 Acceptance procedure (HOAI Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
phase 9)
and documentation . . . . . 188 3.8.6 Falkenstein Bridge,
2.12 Engineering tasks Austria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
in the bridge stock . . . . . . 189 3.8.7 Le Pont de Brotonne,
2.12.1 Monitoring, evaluation France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
and assessing 3.8.8 Danube Canal Bridge
of bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 in Vienna, Austria . . . . . . 230
2.12.2 Repair and maintenance 3.8.9 Mangfall bridge,
Table of contents XIII
Upgrading of bridges 190 Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
XIV Table of contents

3.8.10 The Normandie Bridge, 5.3.3 Rigid frame bridges

France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 as a composite and
3.8.11 Bendorf Rhine bridge, Mixed constructions . . . . 360
Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 5.4 Bow and
3.8.12 Cable-stayed bridge Tied-arch bridges . . . . . . . 362
Dubrovnik, Croatia . . . . . 238 5.4.1 Stone bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
5.4.2 Concrete arch bridges . . . . . . 375
5.4.3 Steel bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
4Cross-section design . . . . . . 241 5.4.4 Composite and
4.1 Cross-section design Mixed constructions . . . . 396
depending on 5.5 Cable-stayed bridges ..... 410
System and function . . . . 241 5.5.1 Design principles 410
4.1. 1General information . . . . . . . . . 241 5.5.2 Construction elements . . . 414
4.1.2 General 5.5.3 Storage conditions . . . . . . . 421
Explanations of the 5.5.4 Aerodynamic
Main cross-section types . . 244 Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
4.1.3 Cross sections for 5.5.5 Constructive design
Road bridges . . . . . . . . . . 246 the construction
4.1.4 Cross sections for elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Railroad bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 5.5.6 Additions to composite
4.1.5 Cross sections for and mixed constructions 443
Pedestrian and 5.6 Suspension bridges . . . . . . . . . . 450
Cycle path bridges . . . . . . . . . 248 5.7 Tensioning strap bridges . . . . . . 456
4.1. 6Special cross-sections . . . . . . 249 5.7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
4.2 Cross-section design 5.7.2 Load-bearing effect . . . . . . . . . . 457
depending on the 5.7.3 Building procedure . . . . . . . . . . 459
material used . . . 249 5.7.4 Stresses . . . . . . . . 460
4.2. 1Concrete bridges . . . . . . . . . . . 249 5.7.5 Economic efficiency . . . . . . 461
4.2. 2Steel bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 5.7.6 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
4.2. 3Composite bridges . . . . . . . . . 271
4.2. 4Timber bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 6 Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
5 Main supporting structures 6.2 Tasks and assessment
of the superstructures . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 storage . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
5.1Concrete slab bridges . . . . 291 6.3 Choice of storage
5.2 Beam bridges . . . . . . . . . . 302 and arrangement of the 470
5.2. 1Concrete beam bridges . . . . 302 6.4 Determining the forces
5.2. 2Steel beam bridges 335 and movements . . . . . . . . 476
5.2.3 Beam bridges as 6.4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Composite bridges or 6.4.2 Example for determining the
Mixed constructions . . . . 340 Forces and movements
5. 3Frame bridges . . . . . . . . . 350 and the verification process
5.3.1 Rigid frame bridges for reinforced
made of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Elastomeric bearings . . . . . . . . . 477
Table of contents XV
5.3.2Steel frame bridges 358 6.5 Bearing resistances . . . . . . . . 487
XVI Table of contents

6. 6Planning documents . . . . . . 487 8.1. 4Effects from the

6. 7Measurement of forces Building utilization . . . . . . . . 528
and movements 8.1. 5Effects from the
on bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Building environment . . . . . . 534
6. 8Inspection and 8.1.6States of construction . . . . . . 535
Maintenance of bearings 8.2Systems , load-bearing
and bearings . . . . . . . . . 492 Internal forces . . . . . . . . . . . 536
8.2. 1Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
7Substructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 8.2. 2Superstructures . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
7. 1Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 8.2. 3Substructures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
7. 2Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 8.2. 4Overall systems . . . . . . . . . . 559
7.2.1 Definition, tasks 8. 3Calculation of
and design principle 495 Steel bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
7.2. 2Arrangement of 8.3. 1Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
Abutment wall and 8.3. 2Selected problems . . . 564
Splitting of trains - abutment types 497 8. 4Selected evidence
7.2. 3Construction of the 500 for a composite bridge . 590
7.2. 4Design of abutments 504 8.4. 1General information . . . . . . . . . 590
7. 3Supports and pillars . . . . . . 507 8.4. 2Stiffness of the
7.3.1Definition , tasks and Roadway slab . . . . . . . . . . 591
Design principle . . . . 507 8.4. 3Composite load-bearing effect 593
7.3. 2Arrangement and 8.4.4 Evidence in the
Cross-section design Limit state of the
of pillars . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 Load capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
7.3. 3Arrangement and 8.4. 5Fatigue verification . . . . . 602
Cross-section design 8.4.6 Verification in the limit state
of supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 the suitability for use 605
7.3. 4Pillar or column head 511 8. 5Concrete bridges . . . . . . . . . . . 606
7.3.5 Manufacture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 8.5.1 Pre-tension
7.3. 6Pylons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513 of concrete bridges . . . . . . . 606
7.4 Foundations ............ 514 8.5.2 Internal forces due to
7.4. 1Tasks and overview . 514 Pre-tension . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
7.4. 2Flat foundations . . . . . . . . 514 8.5. 3Introduction of concentrated
7.4. 3Pile foundations . . . . . . . . 517 Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
7.4.4 Selection criteria and 8.5.4 Preload force losses
Draft of the foundation .. 519 as a result of creep and
shrinkage of the concreteand
8 Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 the relaxation of the
8.1 Effects on Prestressing steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 8.5.5 Conversion of internal forces
8.1. 1General information . . . . . . . . . 521 Storage at
8.1. 2Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 System changes and
8.1. 3Effects from the Building in sections . 636
Table of contents XVII
Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 8.5.6 Basis for calculation .. 640
XVII Table of contents

8.5.7 Calculation example, via 9.3.3 Influence of the construction 948

process . .
running through three fields, 9.3.4 System-dependent
prestressed Construction processes . . . . . . 954
Slab bridge ........... 660
8.6 Calculation 10 Bridge equipment . . . . . . . . . 959
of substructures ........ 692 10.1 Roadway training
8.6. 1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692 and seals . . . . . . . . . 959
8.6. 2Calculation of 10.1.1 Roadways from
Abutments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692 Road bridges . . . . . . . . . . 959
8.6. 3Calculation of pillars 10.1.2 Superstructure from
and supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 Railroad bridges . . . . . . . 962
8.6.4 Calculation 10.2 Warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966
of start-ups . . . . . . . . 720 10.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 966
8. 7Special problems . . . . . . . 731 10.2.2 Deformation bearing . . . . . . . . 966
8.7.1 Temperature stress 731 10.2.3 Steel bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 974
8.7. 2Vibration problems . . . 754 10.2.4 Pot bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 976
8.7.3 Earthquake stress 778 10.2.5 Spherical bearings . . . . . . . . . . . 978
10.2.6 Retaining constructions
and guide bearing ...... 979
9 Production and 10.2.7 Special bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980
Execution methods . . . . . . 795 10.2.8 Installation and replacement
9. 1Concrete bridges . . . . . . . . . . . 795 of the bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 980
9.1. 1Manufacturing on 10.3 Roadway transitions . . . . . . 981
falsework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795 10.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . 981
9.1. 2Manufacturing on 10.3.2 Roadway transitions
Launching gantry . . . . . . . . 813 for road bridges . . . . . . 982
9.1.3Free cantilever . . . . . . . . . . 825 10.3.3 Expansion joint
9.1. 4Push button . . . . . . . . . . . . 839 devices . . . . . . . . . . . 991
9.1. 5Segment construction . . . . . . . 849 10.4 Scuff plates,
9.1.6 Cable-stayed bridges ..... 878 Protective devices,
9. 2Steel bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 Caps and railings . . . . 992
9.2. 1Workshop production . . . . . . . 900 10.4.1 Caps from
9.2. 2Installation of prefabricated Road bridges . . . . . . . . . . 992
Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904 10.4.2 Caps on
9.2. 3Free cantilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910 Railroad bridges . . . . . . . 993
9.2.4 Longitudinal insertion 10.4.3 Railings and
(launching) ............. 915 Guidance systems . . . . . . . . 994
9.2. 5Special procedures . . . . . . 918 10.5 Bridge drainage . . 996
9. 3Bridges in composite 10.6 Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998
and mixed construction . . . . . . 935 10.7 Utility connections . . . 1000
9.3. 1Fabrication and assembly 10.8 Noise protection systems . . . . . 1002
Steel superstructure . . . . . . . . . . . . 935 10.8.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1002
9.3. 2Formwork and production 10.8.2 Noise protection systems on
Table of contents XIX
Concrete roadway slab . . . . . 938 Bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1003
XX Table of contents

11 Monitoring, testing, 11.7.3 Measured variables and

Evaluation and assessment associated sensors . . . . 1063
of bridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009 11.7.4 Recording the
11. 1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1009 Measurement data . . . . . . . . . . 1066
11. 2Causes of damage 11.7.5 Preparation and
on concrete bridges . . . . . . . 1009 Processing the
11.2.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . 1009 Measurement data . . . . . . . . . . 1067
.. ....
11.2.2 Damage to the concrete . . . . . . 1010
11.2.3 Damage to the 12 Bridge repair
Reinforcing steel ....... 1015 and refurbishment . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
11.2.4 Damage to the joints 12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1069
and bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021 12.2 Concrete bridges . . . . . . . . . . 1069
11. 3Damage to steel and 12.2.1 Planning of
Composite bridges . . . . . . . . 1024 Maintenance and
11. 4Monitoring and inspection Renovation measures 1069
of bridge structures 1035 12.2.2 Preparatory
11.4.1 Basic principles for Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . 1071
Monitoring of 12.2.3 Implementation of the
bridge structures ..... 1035 Maintenance and
11.4.2 Testing of Remediation measures 1075
Concrete bridges . . . . . . . . . . 1036 12.3 Steel bridges . . . . . . . . . . . 1083
11.4.3 Testing of steel 12.3.1 Corrosion protection . . . . . . . 1083
and composite bridges . . . 1045 12.3.2 Rivets and screws . . . 1083
11.4.4 Checking the 12.3.3 Repair of
Bridge equipment . . . . . 1052 Rusting . . . . . . . . . . . 1084
11.4.5 Checking the 12.4 Road surfaces . . . . . . . . . 1084
Bridge equipment . . . . . 1053
11.5 Condition assessment 13 Bridge reinforcement . . . . . . . 1087
and assessment 13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1087
of bridges . . . . . . . . . . . 1054 13.2 Concrete bridges . . . . . . . . . . 1087
11.5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . 1054 13.2.1 Bonded carbon fiber
11.5.2 Procedure for composite materials . . . . . . 1087
Condition assessment 13.2.2 External pre-tension . . . 1096
of bridges . . . . . . . . . . . 1055 13.2.3 Cross-section supplement . . 1100
11. 6Bridge management . . . . 1059 13.3 Steel and
11.6.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . 1059 Composite bridges . . . . . . . . 1104
11.6.2 Bridge management 13.3.1 Roadway reinforcement . . . 1106
systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1060 13.3.2 System reinforcement . . . . . . 1107
11.7 Continuous 13.3.3 System change . . . . . . . . 1112
Continuous monitoring . . . . . 1062 Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1115
11.7.1 General information . . . . . . . . . . 1062 Bridge directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1171
11.7.2 Determination of a List of persons and companies . . . . 1181
Concept for the permanent Subject index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1185
monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . 1062
List of authors

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.- Prof. Dr.-Ing. GERHARD GIRMSCHEID

Ing. FRANCESCO Institute of Building Design and
AIGNER Construction Management ETH
Institute for Load-bearing Zurich
Structures/Steel Construction TU Vienna
Prof. Dr.-Eng. Dr.-Ing., M.Eng.
Prof. em. Dr. techn. Dr.-Ing. MASAAKI HOSHINO
e.h. HUGO BACHMANN Dept. of Transportation Engineering
Institute of Structural Analysis and and Socio-Technology,
Design ETH Zurich Nihon University Tokyo/Japan


Institute for Concrete and Masonry Department of Civil
Structures Engineering/Industrial Construction
TU Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Leipzig


Instituut voor Bouw en Bedrijfskunde, Institute of Structural Engineering/
Hogeschool Rotterdam Solid Construction
University of the Federal Armed Forces
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Munich
Federal Ministry for Transport, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing., M.Eng.
Innovation and Technology JOHANN KOLLEGGER
Infrastructure Road Institute for Load-bearing
Department II/St2-Technology, Vienna Structures/Concrete Construction TU
Institute of Structural Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. ULRIKE KUHLMANN
Department of Concrete Structures Institute for Construction and Design/
University of Kassel Steel and Timber Construction
University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr.-Ing. URSULA
FREUNDT Department of Dr.-Ing. ULF LICHTE
Transport Engineering Ingenieurbüro Lichte, Munich and
Bauhaus University Weimar Leipzig
XVIII List of authors

Prof. Dr.-Ing. INGBERT MANGERIG Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

Institute of Structural Engineering / Steel THOMAS PETRASCHEK
Construction ÖBB Infrastruktur Betrieb AG,
University of the Federal Armed Forces Infra Service, Technik Nord, Linz
Prof. em. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing.
Prof. i. R. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E. GÜNTER RAMBERGER †
h. GERHARD MEHLHORN Formerly Institute for Load-bearing Structures /
Mehlhorn und Vier Ingenieurgesellschaft Steel Construction
mbH, Kassel; TU Vienna
Institute of Structural Engineering
Department of Concrete and Masonry Dipl.-Ing. PETER RUSE †
Structures formerly BUNG,
University of Kassel Heidelberg

Prof. em. Dr. techn. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Dipl.-Ing. SILKE SCHEERER

CHRISTIAN MENN Institute for Concrete and
Institute of Structural Analysis and Masonry Structures
Design ETH Zurich TU Dresden


Institute for Concrete and Institute for Concrete and Masonry
Masonry Structures Structures
TU Dresden TU Dresden

Ministerialrat Dipl.-Ing.
Ministry of Transport, Building
and Urban Development
Division S 18
1 Bridge building on the way from
antiquity to modern bridge building

1.1 Introduction bridges must be built into nature.

Leonhardt has pointed out the special
Ivo Andric, who was awarded the Nobel significance of the design of our
Prize for Literature in 1961, wrote environment and in particular the
[Andric, 1971]: importance of the beauty of the
Of all the things that man builds and surroundings in which people live for
constructs in his instinct for life, nothing their mental health [Leonhardt, 1970] (see
seems better and more valuable to my eyes also [Leonhardt, 1974]). Engineers must
than bridges. They are more important always be aware of this fact and the
than houses, more sacred, because more resulting responsibility when designing
common, than churches. Belonging to all their buildings. Care must be taken to
and equally useful to all, always sensibly ensure that the structures are not only
built at the place where most human needs structurally sound and economical, but
intersect, they are more enduring than other also that they fit harmoniously into their
buildings and serve no secret or evil surroundings. Engineers must always bear
purpose ... they are all basically one and this in mind, especially in bridge
equally worthy of our attention, for they construction, which is almost exclusively
show the place where man encountered the responsibility of engineers. The
obstacles and yet did not allow himself to outstanding bridge constructions of
be opened up, but overcame and bridged antiquity and the Middle Ages should be
them as he liked, according to his an incentive for future generations to bear
conception, his taste and the circumstances witness to the high design skills of the
by which he was surrounded. engineers of our time.
It is certainly a matter of personal Robert Maillart, an engineer from the
opinion when comparing the importance first half of the 20th century and the
of houses, bridges and churches. We will beginning of reinforced concrete
not go into this question in depth here. construction, mastered this art to an
What is essential is that bridges are among outstanding degree. Figure 1.1-1 shows an
the most important structures in cultural example of his most significant bridge, the
history. Bridges have always served and Salginatobel Bridge near Schiers in
still serve to connect people, be it to bring Prättigau. You can see the empathy with
people together or to transport trade which Maillart integrated this bridge into
goods. Bridges have always had a special the landscape. Maillart also confronts the
significance for people. unsymmetrical nature of the valley in the
Bridges often stand at prominent composition of the bridge. Maillart also
locations in our cities and on our took aesthetic considerations into
transportation routes. Also account, as this bridge is not only
beautifully integrated into the landscape.
2 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.1-1
Salginatobel bridge
(photo from 1978)

landscape, but it is also an outstanding The design and layout problems are
testimony to the art of civil engineering discussed here in various chapters,
(see also section 1.4.4, Figures 1.4-44 to -46 especially in Chapter 3, see also Section
and section 3.7, Figure 3-2). 1.6.
These few references to the engineer's
special responsibility towards the aesthetic
feelings of fellow human beings and the 1.2 Bridges in antiquity
design of the environment may suffice. In
[Bonatz/Leonhardt, 1960] there is a 1.2.1 Bridges in China
compilation of very well-designed bridges.
This book by Bonatz/Leonhardt, the book China is one of the oldest cultures in
by Max Bill about Maillart [Bill, 1969], the history. The first technical structures include
books [Brüh- wiler/Menn, 2003], simple bridges. A tree trunk accidentally
[Billington, 1979], [Bil- toppled over a stream and a stone slab
lington, 1990], [fib, 2000] [Holgate, 1997], bridging a body of water certainly served as
[Leonhardt, 1982], [Pauser, 2002] and the models. We have no precise knowledge of
exhibition catalogs on the buildings by the beginnings of the development of bridge
Robert Maillart [Marti/Honegger, 1996], building. Fortunately, however, the valuable
the buildings by Christian Menn book [Mao Yisheng, 1986] gives us a
[Vogel/Marti, 1997] and the buildings by comprehensive overview of ancient bridges
Jörg Schlaich and Rudolf Bergermann in China. From this we know that the first
[Bögle et al., 2003] are recommended bridge whose existence can be
reading for every bridge engineer and c o n s i d e r e d certain on the basis of
anyone interested in bridge construction. ancient literary sources was the ship bridge
Reference is also made to the book by Dr. (boats anchored side by side from bank to
Kunio Hoshino, a Japanese colleague, on bank and connected by a plank deck) over
the problem of bridge design [Hoshino, the Wei River, a tributary of the Yellow
1972]. The book, written from a Japanese River. There is an ode in the Shijing, a book
perspective, is worth reading for engineers of poetry written between 780 and 476 BC,
struggling with design problems. Of
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 3

according to which the founder of the During the Xianyang and Han periods
Zhou dynasty had this bridge built there (221-207 BC and 205 BC to 220 AD), there
as early as 1134 BC to receive his bride. were three famous wooden beam bridges
Another literary source states that in 541 over the Wei River in the then capital of
BC, a wealthy man living in the Quin Xianyang, namely the Eastern Wei Bridge,
kingdom used a makeshift bridge over the the Middle Wei Bridge and the Western
Yellow River to flee from his nephew out Wei Bridge. Commissioned by Prince
of fear for his head. Zhao Xiang and built by Quin between
The first documented large ship bridge 305 and 251 BC (the exact year of the
over the Yellow River that existed for a bridge's construction is unknown), the
long time was the Pujin Bridge, built in Middle Wei Bridge with 68 openings was
257 BC under the ruler Zhao Xiang Wang the oldest and largest of the three bridges.
of Quin, which was sung about in songs It was 524 meters long and 13.8 meters
and hymns from various eras and was also wide.
mentioned by the Japanese monk Ennin With the construction of shipping
in 840. It can therefore be assumed that it canals in eastern China in the first century
existed for at least around 1000 years. AD, several wooden bridges were built
After that, several ship bridges were built there. We do not know any more details
across the Yellow River. The first ship about this. However, large wooden
bridge over the Changjiang (Yangtze) bridges were often mentioned admiringly
River, the Jiangguan (Huya) Bridge, was in travel reports. The bridge at Sian, which
built in 35 AD. All large ship bridges were is known to have been a wooden beam
equipped with materials for repair bridge on stone pillars, was mentioned
purposes (wood, anchors, ropes and even several times. The piers stood on a stone
replacement ships). Movable parts of the slab and a stone slab was also arranged at
bridge were extended so that ships could the pier head, which supported a
pass the place where the bridge was cantilevered wooden beam on which the
located. wooden girders of the bridge
Ancient China already had a variety of superstructure rested. The wooden piers
bridge types. These included wooden used in previously constructed bridges
beam bridges. The geography book were exposed to rotting in the transition
Shuijingzhu, written by Li Daoyuan (496- area from water to air over time. Their
527), mentions a wooden beam bridge lifespan was therefore very limited. The
supported on 30 wooden pillars (diameter stone piers naturally had a significantly
of the pillars: 1.25 m), which was built longer service life.
between 557-531 BC over the Fenshui Wooden cantilever bridges were also
River in Shanxi Province. The Shiji, built early on in the southern and western
written by Sima Qian around 91 BC, parts of China, where wood was plentiful
contains a story about a man who hid and bridge piers were difficult to erect in
under a bridge around 450 BC to avenge the river due to the deep valleys and the
the death of his master. The bridge, with a enormous floods. It can be assumed that
total length of 135 meters and a width of as early as the
19.2 meters, had several openings and The first wooden cantilever bridges were
spanned the Fenshui River. In the Quin- built in the 2nd century. The Shuijingzhu
mentions a bridge from the 4th century on
the border between Gansu and Xinjiang
Weiwuer. It was 48 meters long. It
consisted of the two banks projecting from
both sides.
4 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Wooden beams placed in three layers on -The bridge beams are laid side by side on
top of each other and anchored on stone piers and together with these and the
abutments. The principle of timber support stones on the banks of a river
cantilever bridges (Fig. 1.2-1) is that stone form the bridge structure. In the case of
abutments are erected on both banks up longer bridges over several spans, the river
to the height of the frequently occurring piers consist of hewn stones that are
water level. Adjacent round timbers or stacked on top of each other, or the piers
wooden beams are laid on top of these each consist of a stone beam placed
abutments in such a way that they vertically in the river bed. The stone slabs
cantilever slightly over the abutments are laid on top of the piers and abutments.
towards the water. A layer of stones is The advantage of stone slab bridges over
placed on top of the timbers to weigh them wooden bridges lies in their longer
down. Then several of these timbers, durability, which justifies the higher
weighted down with stones and construction costs. As far as the
cantilevering slightly over the wooden construction costs are concerned, it must
layers below, are successively added until be remembered that the modern lifting
the remaining opening can be bridged gear available to us today for transporting
with a wooden beam. This principle was and installing the heavy stones did not yet
also used to build bridges across wide exist. The oldest record of a presumed
rivers over several fields, with wooden stone slab bridge comes from an ode from
cantilever beams projecting on both sides around 1000 BC, according to which a 900
of the river pillars according to the m long stone bridge over the Min River
principle just described and then bridging was built around 1040 BC.
the remaining openings. v. Chr. It no longer exists today. To
The variety of bridge types illustrate the principle of stone slab
characteristic of China includes stone slab bridges, Figure 1.2-2 shows the Anping
bridges [Wölfel, W., 1999]. In their Bridge, which is still in use today and was
simplest form for bridging a stream, they built in the 12th century.
consist only of a single stone slab resting In ancient China, goods were mainly
on supporting stones on both banks, or transported on waterways. Stone arch
several meters long stone slabs or bridges were the main way for pedestrians
to bridge the waterways.

Figure 1.2-1 Example of

a timber cantilever
bridge, Zamalong Bridge
near Xining (image from
[Ding, 1993])
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 5

Figure 1.2-2 Anping bridge

(image from [Wölfel, W., 1999])

The bridge was actually built with an arch Earth and gravel. The outer walls and the
and steep ramps. The arch spans were up intermediate filling of the ramps form a
to 9 meters. The somewhat concave, cooperating composite body, which is
slender stones of the vault were placed on a ensured by binder stones projecting from
falsework without mortar and their the outer walls, which are deeply
mutual displacements were limited to interlocked with the intermediate filling.
harmless, very small relative Characteristic of the early Chinese stone
displacements by iron connecting dowels. arch bridges, whose development began
The arch thickness is only about 1/40 to not much later than that of the Roman
1/30 of the arch span (the load-bearing stone arch bridges, are (Fig. 1.2-3):
arches of the Roman stone arch bridges, • the relatively slender vault, which often
which were also subject to greater loads
consists of only one layer of stone,
from wagon traffic, should be at least 1/10 • Vertical stone slabs on both sides
of the arch span width). Vertical stone
of the arch,
slabs (clearly visible in Fig. 1.2-3) are • strong bridge ramps on both sides of
arranged on both sides of the arch within the bridge with exposed surfaces made
the block stone masonry. The vertical of block masonry.
stone slabs separate the load-bearing vault
from the ramp area, transfer some of the It can be assumed that stone arch bridges
arch's loads to the foundation and support were already in place by the end of the
the arch horizontally against the heavy Eastern Han period (25-220) at the latest,
ramps. The ramps consist of outer walls because the semi-circular arch
made of blocks on both sides with in-fill construction was made of bricks of baked
between them. earth, which were common for burial
vaults at the time.
6 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.2-3 Characteristics of the early Chinese stone arch bridges (image from [Wölfel, W.,
1999]), foundation shown in section

were used. The first Chinese stone arch very similar overall. The first of these
bridge mentioned in the literature was the stone arch bridges with several spans are
Luren Bridge from 282 in Luoyang, which said to have been built in the first
was built by 75,000 workers after a five- centuries AD on the Yellow River in the
month construction period. From the Jin provincial capital of Luoyang and its
period (265-420) onwards, the surroundings. They are said to have been
construction of stone arch bridges spread, built on the Yellow River in the provincial
especially in northern China. In addition capital of Luoyang and its surroundings in
to the above-mentioned stone arch bridges the first centuries AD. The Japanese monk
with one arch and steep ramps as Ennin reported in 840 that the many
pedestrian bridges, there were also stone bridges in Chi- na were already constantly
bridges with semi-circular, thicker arches, maintained at that time, looked very well
often with several arches, in ancient cared for and were subject to heavy traffic.
China. They were built for river crossings The Baodai Bridge near Suzhou in Jiangsu
by vehicular traffic with larger loads Province, built in 806 as a stone arch
compared to pedestrian traffic, and for bridge with 53 arches and a total length of
wider rivers with several arches. Like the 317 m (Fig. 1.2-4), crosses the Dai-Dai
Roman stone arch bridges, the arch stones River and is still used for traffic today. So
had radial joints. They were very similar to that larger ships can also pass under the
Roman stone bridges (see section 1.2.3). bridge, there are three arches with larger
arch diameters in the middle of the river.
The perfection of its construction and
design requires a long period of
1.2 1.2-4
Figure Bridges in antiquity
Baodai Bridge near Suzhou (image from [Wölfel, W., 1999]) 7
8 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.2-5 Anji Bridge (image from [Ding, 1993])

This is why it certainly cannot be the Xiache is the world's first segmental arch
prototype of this bridge system. It is bridge (the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, the
therefore likely that there were already first segmental arch bridge in Europe, was
many predecessor bridges over the Yellow not built until the 14th century) and also
River. the oldest surviving through-arched stone
The Anji Bridge (Figures 1.2-5 and -6) arch bridge [Ding, 1993]. Its span is 37 m,
across the river, designed and built by Li the radius of the arch 27.7 m, the pier
Chun at the end of the sixth century in the height 7.23 m and the variable thickness
11th to 19th year of the reign of Kaihuan of the arch up to 1.03 m, the roadway is
of the Sui Dynasty (581- 618), was built in about 10 m wide.
the 11th to 19th century.

Figure 1.2-6 Transom of the Anji Bridge (image from [Ding, 1993])
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 9

wide. The ratio of arrow height to span Extensive repairs were carried out
width is therefore approximately 1 : 5. The between 1955 and 1958, during which it
greatest gradient of the rounded bridge was discovered that a third of the x-
deck is 6.5%. The segmental arch is shaped iron clamps were still in good
composed of 28 parallel, butt-jointed condition. During the last repair, five iron
individual arches about 1.03 m thick, each anchoring rods with threaded heads were
consisting of 43 stones with different used to improve the connection between
widths of between 25 and 40 cm and the individual arches.
different lengths of between 0.7 and 1.09 Today, experts agree that the cradle of
m. The total width of the segmental arch suspension bridges lies in the Himalayas.
at the transom is 9.5 m. The total width of The ropes of the oldest of these bridges
the segmental arch is 9.6 m at the transom were made of braided natural fibers.
and just under 9 m at the apex. The idea However, as with other types of bridges, it
that the slight decrease in arch width from is not possible to determine when this
the transom to the apex ensures transverse type of construction came into existence.
stability (due to the horizontal arch effect, Some writings indicate that several
ratio of the horizontal arch pitch to the suspension bridges were already present
span about 1 : 123 and thin arch ribs) has in the Himalayas in the 1st century BC. Fa
not been confirmed, as expected from Xian, who made a pilgrimage to India in
today's perspective. Between 1368 and 399 because of Buddhist holy writings,
1911, five of the 28 individual arches on reported on several such suspension
the west side of the bridge and three bridges. It is possible, but not yet
individual arches on the east side of the confirmed, that an iron chain suspension
bridge collapsed repeatedly and had to be bridge was built over the Fan River in
replaced. The stones were corrugated in Shanxi Province as early as 206 BC. Figure
the diagonal direction and two stones 1.2-7 shows a suspension bridge in Nepal
were connected with iron clamps in the with a wooden walkway suspended from
longitudinal direction (Fig. 1.2-6) in order sagging ropes stretched across the gorge.
to improve the interaction of the arch
stones and individual arches. The last

Figure 1.2-7 Suspension

bridge in Nepal (image
from [Wölfel, W., 1999])
10 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.2-8 An-Lan

bridge (image from
[Ding, 1993])

It is known that one of the seven 1.2.2 Bridges in Greece, the

bridges that existed in southwest China, Persian empires and Mesopotamia
the An-Lan Bridge, was a rope bridge
(rope bridges are understood to be The Greeks are among the oldest civilized
wooden walkways supported by peoples in the Mediterranean. The
suspended ropes that were firmly Cretan-Mycenaean culture (2600 - 1150
connected to the supporting ropes) with BC) already exhibited a high level of
ten supporting ropes woven from bamboo technical development; for example, there
fibers, The structure was built by Li Bing, were already wheeled carts and fortified
famous as the master builder of the Douji- walls made of Cyclopean masonry
ang weir, in 251 BC in Guan County, Guan (unmortared masonry made of large stone
Province. BC in Guan County, Sichuan blocks). The corbel bridge was the most
Province. According to the literature, it common bridge construction at this time.
existed for at least 600 years. It was Remains of a large stone bridge made of
renovated several times. According to roughly hewn limestones were found at
[Ding, 1993], it was restored to its original the castle of Mycenae, which was probably
state in 1803 (Fig. 1.2-8). With 8 bays, it built as early as 1400-1200 BC [Wölfel,
has a total length of approx. 340 m, the span W., 1997]. Here a bridge with a corbel-like
of the largest bay is 61 m. The pre- opening was inserted into a stone dam.
tensioned ropes must be checked at Later, the Greeks mainly built corbel
regular intervals, re-tensioned if necessary bridges from carefully hewn ashlar stones.
and replaced. Initially, perpendicular walls were built on
both sides of the bridge opening. The
stone layers in the area of the arch
protrude slightly upwards in layers. In this
way, the
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 11

dowel joints are recognizable on the

longitudinal edges of the still existing
The Assyrians already exceeded the
In the 9th century BC, the Assyrians crossed
Figure 1.2-9 Diagram of the Greek corbel
mountain rivers on pontoon bridges on
bridges (image from [Wölfel, W., 1997]) their war raids against the kingdom of
Uratru (eastern Anatolia). One of the
pontoon bridges built by pioneers on
walls gradually until the colonels touched behalf of the Assyrian king Salmanas- saar
each other or the remaining opening was III (858-824 BC) is depicted on the door
covered by a stone, see Fig. 1.2-9. fitting of the royal palace in Balawat in the
Slab bridges were also found as a British Museum in London [Wöl- fel, W.,
bridge type. One very interesting of these 1999].
slab bridges is found in Assos on the west In Babylon, around 600 BC, King
coast of Asia Minor (Figure 1.2-10), which Nabopolassar had a wooden bridge built
was built in the across the Euphrates, about 125 m long
4th century BC [Wöl- fel, W., 1997]. The between the abutments, with six masonry
river pillars with center distances of 2.7 m piers made of fired bricks to connect the
to 3.7 m were made of carefully hewn two parts of the city on either side of the
stone blocks with a rhombic ground plan Euphrates. The distance between the piers
and were built almost parallel to the was 7 m to 9 m. It is considered to be the
banks. Steps have been incorporated into first historically verified fixed road bridge
the horizontal joints to prevent the stone on massive river piers [Wölfel, W., 1997].
layers from shifting due to the river's The span of the end span on the right
current. The slab consists of stone beams bank is said to have been 19.4 m. One
lying next to each other, which are 44 cm explanation for this span, which is
to 64 cm wide and 34 cm thick. At the assumed from the pier positions found by
Koldewey in 1910/1911 (Fig. 1.2-11), is
that the bridge was built on the right

Figure 1.2-10 Greek stone slab bridge from the 4th century BC, bridge in Assos on the west coast of Asia
Minor (image from [Wölfel, W., 1997])
12 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Fig. 1.2-11 Pillars uncovered by Koldewey (top view) of the Euphrates Bridge in Babylon, built
around 600 BC. Chr. of the Euphrates Bridge in Babylon (image from [Wölfel, W., 1997])

is not known. It is possible that the large crossed. Mandroclus had an image made
end field was necessary due to shipping of this bridge, which he donated to the
and was bridged by a movable ship's goddess Hera as a votive offering. The
bridge. To construct the piers, the Persian king Xerxes had a bridge built
Euphrates was diverted into a specially across the Hellespont in 480 BC. Because
dug canal so that the piers could be built the bridge was destroyed by a storm shortly
in dry excavation pits. The six piers, after its completion, he had the bridge
which were 9 m wide, 21 m long and engineers beheaded. He then
tapered at the base of the superstructure, commissioned the astronomer Harpalos
were 11.8 m wide and 23.8 m long, to build a new bridge. Harpalos and his
considerably narrowing the flow of the bridge engineers knew what they would
Euphrates and creating the risk of the face if they did not succeed in building a
piers being washed out during floods due safe bridge that could withstand the
to the piers being blocked. However, the strongest storms. 674 galleys were
bridge did not collapse, but was no longer arranged and anchored in a double row.
needed due to the relocation of the There was a roadway in each direction.
Euphrates, so it had lost its purpose. The Two hemp ropes and additional papyrus
pillars had been buried by sandstorms over ropes were laid across each of the rows of
many centuries and thus conserved. galleys to firmly connect the ships. Wooden
Uncovered by archaeologists, it gives us planks were laid across the ropes close
an idea of this important bridge of together and fastened. Branches and twigs
antiquity. were laid on top of these wooden planks
Herodotus reported on Persian ship and covered with earth. It is said that
bridges across the Bosporus [Wölfel, W., 150,000 Persian warriors crossed the
1999]. In 493 BC, the engineer Bosporus over this bridge, [Jurecka, 1979]
Mandroklos was commissioned by Darius even mentioning 700,000 warriors.
I to build a bridge with a wooden Numerous stone bridges were built in
superstructure consisting of numerous the Persian empires, the existence of
ships lying side by side and anchored to which is documented by records [Wölfel,
the side, over which numerous warriors, W., 1999]. When road construction was
[Jurecka, 1979] mentions 600,000 stepped up, especially under Darius (522-
warriors, crossed the Bosporus. 484 BC), many stone bridges were already
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 13

stone bridges were built. Even then, these The builders constructed this important
old stone river bridges had a Persian building of antiquity. It was built in
peculiarity. The bridge was combined successive construction phases I and II,
with a dam, whereby the water dammed see Fig. 1.2-12.
up by the dam was channelled to the fields In construction phase I, the detour
for irrigation. These combined dam canal was first excavated and the bend of
bridges, also known in the literature as the Karun was drained by constructing the
bridge construction weirs, were also used cofferdam labeled A in Figure 1.2-12a; a
and further developed in later centuries weir was already in place at B to regulate
for almost all Persian river bridges as a the water flow in order to channel
Persian bridge construction method, in irrigation water into the Dariun Canal.
some cases right up to modern times. This existing weir at B was therefore
After the turn of the century, Persian converted into a cofferdam in the opposite
bridge builders adopted Roman-style stone direction. The water from the Karun now
arch bridges (described in section 1.2.3) flows through the detour canal. The Bend-
and built further developed dam bridges e-Mizam distributing weir, marked C in
with Roman arches, although the Persians Figure 1.12-12a, was constructed in the
changed the semi-circular arch at the apex dry bend of the Karun, thereby expanding
to a flat top, which is considered the outflow of the Gärgär Canal. The
characteristic of Persian arch bridges. The Gärgär Canal flows back into the Karun
most important dam bridge is the one 50 km downstream.
built in the 3rd century AD over the Karun In construction phase II, cofferdam A
near Shushtar, which survived for many was removed again and cofferdam D (see
centuries and the Roman construction Fig. 1.2-12b) was built. As a result, the
technique is clearly recognizable in the detour channel was closed. Catchment
ruins that still exist today [Wölfel, W., dam B was rebuilt as a weir in the flow
1999]. Shapur I (241-272) wanted to use direction of the river. The water of the
the Karun was now completely diverted into
In the 3rd century, the important cities of the Gärgär Canal. This drained the Karun
Ktesi- phon and Pasargadeh were downstream of cofferdam B. The dam
connected by a road. To do this, the rivers bridge could now be built in the dry.
Kark- heh, Dez and Karun had to be The 500 m long and 15 m wide,
bridged. The dam bridge over the Karun massive weir body, which is founded on
at Shushtar was the first to be built. The sandstone layers and also serves as a
Roman influence of the construction banquet for the piers of the arch bridge,
method can be seen from the existing was made of concrete and stone. It is clad
ruins. As Shapur I had defeated a Roman with hewn ashlars connected by iron
army and taken around 70,000 prisoners clamps. A 3.5 m wide arch bridge with 40
of war, it can be assumed that the arches was built on top of the weir
prisoners included Roman pioneers and (Figures 1.2-13 and -14). The 9 m long
engineers, who were probably involved in and 6 m high piers with mutual distances
the design and construction of the most of 13 m to 14 m are 6 m
important dam bridge at Shushtar.
Together with the Roman bridge builders,
the Persian hydraulic engineers created
14 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

a b
Figure 1.2-12 Construction sequence of the dam bridge near Shushtar, a) construction phase I, b)
construction phase II (image from [Wölfel, W., 1999])

Figure 1.2-13 Dam bridge near Shushtar (image from [Wölfel, W., 1999])

Figure 1.2-14 Ruins of the dam bridge near Shushtar (image from [Wölfel, W., 1999])
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 15

thick so that they can withstand the flow be built. The wooden superstructure was
pressure at higher water levels. During first erected over the solid pillars. The
floods above the reservoir level, water wooden superstructure did not come into
flows over the top of the weir through the contact with the water and soil, therefore
arch bridge. The arch bridge, which had a longer lifespan and could be easily
served traffic for several centuries, was repaired. The Pons Sublicius, a wooden
repaired several times and finally left to bridge built in the 7th century BC on stone
decay. The remaining arches and pillars piers, was the only fixed crossing to the
bear witness to the high standard of Tiber Island in Rome at the time. The
ancient architecture. The still completely bridge was destroyed in 62 BC during the
intact weir body still serves the irrigation defense of Rome against the Etruscans
system today. and rebuilt, this time as a stone bridge, but
fell victim to a flood in 23 BC. It then took
163 years for a new stone vaulted bridge to
1.2.3 Roman bridge building reconnect the banks of the Tiber at this
point. This bridge survived until modern
The first bridges built by the Romans were times and was replaced by a cast-iron
of course wooden bridges, as was the case superstructure in 1877.
throughout the Americas. Wood was Arched wooden structures spanning
available almost everywhere or was easy to between stone pillars were used by the
procure. One advantage of wooden Romans in the following centuries,
bridges compared to arched stone bridges especially in their colonies. Spans of up to
is that they do not constrict the drainage 30 m were achieved with multiple parallel
cross-section as much as stone bridges in spans arranged one above the other. The
the event of flooding. Woodworking and Roman Rhine bridge built in the first
the driving of wooden piles was already century about 30 m above today's
possible in the 1st millennium BC. Theodor Heuss Bridge between Mainz
[Vitruvius, 1796] wrote in detail as early and the fort on a wooden pile grid (Fig.
as around 30 BC in the 1.2-15), stone piers and with a wooden
Chapter 9 of Book 2 describes the superstructure as a truss is a remarkable
different types of wood, their properties example of this (Fig. 1.2-16) and the
and their advantages and disadvantages Rhine bridge near Cologne (4th century)
when used as construction timber. The should also be mentioned [Deinhard,
Romans already impregnated 1964]. The wooden pile grid foundation of
construction timber with oils and resins, the Roman bridge between Mainz and
and they also knew how to differentiate Kastell shown in Fig. 1 . 2-15 was
between qualities according to the removed around 1880 to improve
intended use and to select woods with navigation and temporarily erected in the
special durability, such as oak and ash, courtyard of the electoral fitter's palace,
especially for underwater pile from which the photo was taken. Finally,
foundations. Nevertheless, the relatively the 350 m long "Römerbrücke" (Roman
short service life of the wood was the Bridge) is also worth mentioning, mainly
biggest disadvantage of the wooden due to the remarkably short construction
beams; in particular, the piles standing in time of just ten days (including wood
water and soil rotted. procurement).
After the development of concrete that
hardens in water by the Romans, the
foundations and pillars of the bridges
could be made of solid stone and concrete.
16 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.2-15 Pile

foundation of the Mainz
Bridge, photo of the
picture from the
Landesmuseum Mainz.

Figure 1.2-16 Model of the

Roman Rhine bridge near
Mainz built in the first
century, photo of the
model from the Mainz
State Museum.

Figure 1.2-17 Wooden

bridge built under Caesar
in 55 BC over the Rhine at
Neuwied Image from
[Wöl- fel, W., 1997]

Caesar's bridge over the Rhine at Neuwied bridge near Neuwied is given by Caesar in
(Fig. 1.2-17), which was a makeshift his books "De bello Gallico".
wooden bridge consisting of wooden Figure 1.2-19 shows the very
stretch beams with transverse decking remarkable Danube bridge near Turnu
timbers, whereby the stretch beams rested Severin in Romania, built by Apollodorus
on spread yokes and connected them to under Trajan around 105, which had a
each other [Heinzerling, 1871]. A wooden superstructure supported on
description of the construction of the stone pillars as a truss. The bridge built by
wooden Rhine Apollo
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 17

dorus is depicted on a relief band on the

Trajan's Column built in 113, Figure 1.2-
The stone bridges built by the Romans,
who proved to be true masters of the art of
bridge building in ancient times, were
mainly constructed as arch bridges arched
in a full semicircle or in a slightly different
segmental arch. The Romans learned arch
construction from the Etruscans, who
only built arch bridges with small spans.
The Romans developed arch constructions
into bridges with larger spans and are
therefore rightly regarded as the inventors
of the stone arch bridge. The Roman style
of bridge construction was developed with
the stone arch adopted from the
Etruscans, the ashlar construction
adopted from the Greeks and the concrete
(opus caementitium) first used by the
Romans. The defining basic form of the
Roman bridge is the arched semicircle of
the passage opening. This semicircle is
usually built on foundation beams so that
the transom line of the arch lies above the
water level. The spans of the arches are
Figure 1.2-18 Trajan's Column in Rome almost always between 20 m and 30 m for
the larger designs. Equally characteristic of
Roman bridges is the closed execution of
the lateral parapet and, in later times, the
archivolt (profiled front side of an arch,
usually sitting on a transom) surrounding
the passage opening. The foundations
were often constructed in box dams
[Wölfel, W., 1997]. First, a double-walled
box made of horizontal planks held
together with tongs was constructed. The
box was attached to wooden piles driven
into it. The double walls were sealed using
clay or loam filled into baskets woven from
marsh grass (Fig. 1.2-20). After the clay or
loam had been filled in,

Fig. 1.2-19 Danube bridge built by

Apollodorus under Trajan ca. 105, on the relief
band of Trajan's Column
18 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

victory of Emperor Constantine attributed

to the Christian God. In the following
hundreds of years, all armies coming from
the north crossed this bridge. During the
Second World War, it was able to withstand
the entire stage traffic of first the Italian
and German, then the Allied troops with
their extensive heavy war equipment,
whereby only the width of the bridge
(about 6.7 m between the parapets), but its
load-bearing capacity left nothing to be
desired. Of the four central, mainly
antique arched openings, two still show
the original structure with archivolts made
of travertine, while in the other two the
ashlar blocks were partially replaced by
brickwork during a thorough restoration
They were replaced in the 15th century.
As a result of increasing traffic, more
bridges were needed across the Tiber. This
is why the Pons Aemilius was built near
Figure 1.2-20 Foundation of a bridge pier box- the Tiber Island around 180 BC. It was
type cofferdam according to Vitruvius (image probably a bridge built on stone pillars
from [Wöl- fel, W., 1997] with a wooden superstructure, which was
replaced by stone arches around 40 years
later. The bridge was destroyed by a flood
The space enclosed by the fencing was in 1229 and rebuilt. In 1289, it was again
drained by means of a very compacted destroyed by floods and not rebuilt. Only
process. Vitruvius recommended the use of one arch of the bridge, today's Ponte
water screws and water wheels or scoop Rotto, has survived (Fig. 1.2-21).
wheels for draining. Around the turn of the century, a
The first stone arch bridge in Rome was whole series of other bridges were built in
the Ponte Mulvius, built around 200 BC. Rome as stone arches with spans of
Its dimensions are not known, the bridge between 20 m and 30 m, some of which
was already dilapidated about 100 years have survived to the present day. These
later, was demolished and replaced by a include the Ponte Cestio and the Ponte
completely new bridge of better quality, Fabricio as well as the Ponte St. Angelo
today called Ponte Milvio or Ponte Molle. (Pons Aelius), the Bridge of the Angels,
It was the most important bridge for built around 130 under Hadrian. The
traffic on the Via Flaminia, two and a half oldest of the surviving Roman bridges in
kilometers north of the Porta del Popolo. Rome is the Ponte Fabricio, built in 62 BC
The Ponte Mulvius has historical (Fig. 1.2-22). It consists of two semi-
significance. This is where the circular passage openings, each with a span
October 28, 312, the important battle of 20 m and an 18 m wide
between Emperor Constantine and his
rival Maxentius with the final,
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 19

The parapet is characterized by a strong

profile on the outside, while later Roman
bridges show a full cornice at this point.
The parapet is divided into three parts by
the plinth standing on the profile, the
smooth surface and the top plate, which is
always reversed later - increasingly
emphasized as time progresses. In front of
the pillar, not connected to it, i s a
template with a semi-circular ground plan
to protect against the current. The
Figure 1.2-21 Preserved arch of the Ponte approximately 40
Rotto (Photo: Dipl.-Ing. Sylvia Mehlhorn) v. The Ponte Cestio, built as an arch
bridge with a main arch, still connects the
city center and the Trastevere district
together with the Ponte Fabricio over the
Tiber Island. The two pierced bank piers
date back to the
19th century. The parapet, which is
horizontal in the middle and slopes rather
steeply to both sides, is more pronounced
than on the Ponte Fabricio. The Ponte
Sant' Angelo (Angel's Bridge), formerly:
Pons Aelius, in Rome (Fig. 1.2-23), one of
the nine Roman bridges over the Tiber, was
Figure 1.2-22 Ponte Fabricio in Rome (Photo: built around 130 under Hadrian and leads
Dipl.-Ing. Sylvia Mehlhorn) to Hadrian's tomb (today: Castel Sant'
Angelo, Castel Sant'Angelo). The Angels'
Bridge was built with five arches, added to
Central pillar. This central pillar is pierced during the regulation of the Tiber in the
by an arched culvert above the water level, 19th century and today has eight arches,
which is bordered at the sides by pilasters of which the three in the middle are part of
- pillars connected to the wall and only the original structure and each span 18.3
partially protruding from it. Any flood meters. The bridge impresses with its
water is supposed to flow through the special beauty and balance. The ten angel
culvert. This opening in the central pillar figures on the bridge, as a sacred assembly
is found on almost all Roman bridges and in which the angels present one after the
developed into a characteristic motif. The other all the instruments of Christ's
arch ashlars at the apex are often slightly martyrdom, were only erected in the 17th
larger than those at the imposts, so that century by Bernini, commissioned by
the arch is enclosed by a half-ring that Clement IX, and his collaborators. The
swells towards the middle. The parapet is Bridge of Angels was thus designed by
executed as a closed wall surface in the Bernini as a monu- mental crusade. All the
plane of the substructure. The position of angelic figures that give the bridge its
the roadway, which rises slightly towards current name have their backs turned
the center of the bridge, is towards the river. The angel with the scroll
and the angel with the crown of thorns,
20 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.2-23 Bridge of

Angels in Rome

which today only stand as copies on the was entrusted to him. He was also
bridge, were created by Bernini himself. responsible for maintaining the bridges.
The originals of these two angel figures The title Pontifex passed to the Pope after
can be found in the church of Sant'Andrea Christianity was recognized as the state
delle Fratte. religion. Even today, the Pope is the
It should also be mentioned that the art "Pontifex Maximus", the "greatest bridge
of bridge building was held in very high builder" between God and mankind.
esteem by the Romans, as evidenced by the With 59 arches and a length of 792 m,
fact that it was initially entrusted to the this is probably the longest Roman bridge
colonel priest, the "pontifex" (bridge in Merida in the province of Badajoz in
builder). south-western Spain. It is 8 m wide, 12 m
high and has been crossing the city since
the end of the
1st century the Guadiana. It has been
repaired several times and is still an
important transport link to and from the
To supply the Roman cities with water
from mountain springs or surface water,
the Romans built gravity-fed water pipes
and bridged valleys or other uneven
ground with aqueducts, which were single
or multi-storey arched constructions to
carry the gravity-fed water pipes with a
natural gradient of approx. 0.2% to 0.5%.
The first Roman aqueduct was the Aqua
Appia, built by Appius Claudius in 312
BC, which carried water 16.5 km from the
Alban Hills to the city of Rome.
One of the most remarkable of the
surviving Roman aqueducts is the three-
storey Pont du Gard near Nimes, built by
Marcus Vispanius Agrippa (Figure 1.2-
Image 1.2-24 Pont du Gard near Nimes 24).
(Photo: Mareike Wagner)
1.2 Bridges in antiquity 21

Table 1.2-1 Selection of Roman arch bridges and aqueducts
Place Name Bridge or Built Numb Largest Lengt Slenderness: For Remarks Literature
aqueduct er of arch span h of Ratio of arch aqueducts:
sheets or clear the thickness to Number of
width struct span width arch storeys,
ure height up to
in m
Rome Pons Bridge 142 The bridge over the Tiber was [Wölfel,

1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Aemilius, v. Chr. destroyed by floods in 1229, W., 1997]
today rebuilt and then destroyed again
Ponte by a flood disaster in 1289. It
Rotto (the was then decided not to rebuild
destroyed it. Today, only one arch
bridge) remains, the 179
v. Its predecessor bridge was a
wooden bridge on stone pillars.

Near Marcia Aqueduct approx. 5,95 m 10.4 km Bridges the Deglio Archi valley [Wölfel,
Rom 140 and is part of the 91km-long Aqua W., 1997]
e v. Chr. Marcia water pipeline
Near Tepula Aqueduct approx. 9.2 km 2-3 [Wölfel,
Rom 125 W., 1997]
e v. Chr.
Rome Pons Bridge 104 7 23,7 m The previous bridge, built at the [Zucker,
Milvius v. Chr. beginning of the 3rd century 1921],
BC, was probably the first stone [Jurecka,
bridge built by the Romans. Two 1979]
of the four central arches of the
second bridge, built in 104 BC.
The original structure of the
bridge is still intact.
1.2 Bridges in antiquity
Near Ponte del Bridge Approx. Pillars partly of Etruscan [Jurecka,
Vulci/ Diavolo 90 origin 1979],
Italy v. Chr. [Lamp-
Rome Pons Bridge 62 2 20 m The Pons Fabricius is the oldest [Zucker,
Fabricius v. Chr. preserved bridge in Rome. 1921],
Approximately 18 m wide [Menn,
central pillar with arched 1986],
passage for flood water. [Wölfel,
Together with the Pons Cestio, W., 1997]
the Pons Fabricio connects the
inner city and the Trastevere
district via the Tiber Island.

Rome Pons Bridge 40 3 The Pons Cestio was developed [Jurecka,

Cestio v. Chr. in 1979],
over the It was demolished in the 19th [Wölfel,
Tiber century and replaced by a new W., 1997]
bridge. The bridge served traffic
for around 1800 years.
Near Pont du Aqueduct 19 24,5 m 269 m 3 Stones, which were used to [Menn,
Nimes Gard v. Chr. 48,7m support the falsework, protrude 1986],
from the outer front of the [Wölfel,
masonry of the pillars and from W., 1997]
the vault soffit.
Rimini Bridge of Bridge 20 7 8,8 m 72 m 1:8,8 One of the best preserved [Jurecka,
Augustus bridges. In the middle, a temple 1979],
of honor in Roman Baroque [Wölfel,
style. W., 1997]

Table 1.2-1 (continued)
Place Name Bridge or Built Numb Largest Lengt Slenderness: For Remarks Literature
aqueduct er of arch span h of Ratio of arch aqueducts:
sheets or clear the thickness to Number of
width struct span width arch storeys,
ure height up to
in m
Rome Ponte Sant Bridge approx. 7 19,2 m The three central arches still [Zucker,

1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Angelo, 130 retain their original structure 1921],
Bridge of [Jurecka,
Angels 1979]
Merida/ Bridge Bridge 1st cent. 59 21 m 792 m The remaining Roman bridge [Wölfel,
Spain over the 12m section (the 10 arches from the W., 1997]
Guadiana north bank) are still ancient and
almost 2000 years old.
At Nera Bridge 1st cent. 4 32,1 m 1:17 In the 8th century partial [Zucker,
Narnia bridge collapse and rebuilding, 1054 1921],
collapse due to flooding. Only [Jurecka,
the 1979]
19 m wide arch on the left [Wölfel,
bank and the pillars are still W., 1997]
ancient. The gate tower was
built in the Middle Ages.
Verona Ponte Bridge 2nd 5 Only the two arches on the left [Zucker,
Pietra cent. bank are still antique. In the 1921]
Renaissance, three arches were
replaced by segmental arches.
Ascoli- Roman Bridge 4 20 m Bridge over the Tronto with [Zucker,
Piceno bridge four stilted semi-circular 1921]
arches, 16 m above the water
1.3 Bridges in the Middle 23
Protruding ashlar stones can be seen on

W., 1997]

W., 1997]


1921], the arched combatants and on the arches
themselves, which were built without
mortar. These structural elements were
used to support the falsework for the
result of the considerable pillar

[Zucker, 1921], only 15 arches

were built in the 17th century.

flow cross-section to 62% and

Bridge over the Guadalquivir.

Only a few arches in the bank

many repairs, it is still in use.
congestion. Nine new arches

result of the reduction of the

Several pillars collapsed as a

construction of the arches. At that time

Despite much damage as a

(and still frequently in natural stone
bridges built in the 20th century), they were

area are still Roman.

always incorporated into the formal design
of the structure with particular care and
are antique.

enhance the beauty of the appearance. In

order to reduce the dead loads, the arch
widths decrease towards the top.
In total, more than a thousand Roman
bridges have been found, many of them
made of opus caementitium with a shell in
ashlar technique. A selection is shown in
Table 1.2-1.

1.3 Bridges in the Middle Ages

With the decline of Roman culture, the art

of bridge building also fell into decline
178,7 m

274 m

and it was only later, especially from

around the 11th century onwards, with
the development of towns and cities, that
a period of revival emerged, from which
9,5 m

14 m

several technically and art-historically

interesting structures have been handed
down and preserved. In contrast to the
bridges of the Romans, where a sequence


of semi-circular arches was almost always

chosen, the bridges of the Middle Ages
differ on the one hand in their integration
into the local conditions and often into
the cityscape, and on the other hand in the


variation of arch shapes, e.g. flat

segmental arches and oval shapes. Bridges
built in the Middle Ages therefore usually
have individual characteristics. Examples



of medieval bridges include the following:

Cordoba Large

• the Puente de Alcántara over the Tagus

in Toledo, built by the Moors in the 9th

century (Image 1.3-1)

24 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

• the Danube bridge in Regensburg, Toledo, the capital of the Castilla-La

presumably built between 1135 and Mancha region, one of the oldest cities
1146, Figure 1.3-2, which is still and former capital of the kingdom and
essentially in its repaired, unaltered still today the ecclesiastical center of
state today Spain, is surrounded by the gorge-like
• the famous 1176 to 1209 with valley of the Tagus in a loop. As you
19 arches, the Old London Bridge was approach the city, which juts out of the
densely covered on both sides with landscape, you only recognize the entrance
rows of multi-storey houses around to the city of Toledo via the bridges and the
100 years later. It was demolished in towers at the ends of the bridges when you
1832 are already close to the banks of the Tagus.
• dating from the years 1173 to 1222 Two bridges from the Middle Ages, the
Augustus Bridge in Dresden, which was Puente de Alcántara and the Puente de
destroyed and replaced several times, San Martín, span the Tagus. The Puente
rebuilt by Pöppelmann in 1727-1731, de Alcantára, which has been rebuilt
Figure 1.3-3, and finally replaced by a several times, is the older of the two
concrete bridge in 1907/1910, Figure bridges. Built by the Moors, it dates back
1.3-4 to the second half of the 9th century. It
• built at the end of the 12th century was probably the only access to the city at
Rhone bridge in Avignon with 21 times during the Middle Ages. The bridge
segmental arches (Fig. 1.3-5), of which (Fig. 1.3-1) was built in the 15th century
only four are still preserved, with an in the Mudejar style (architectural style in
average opening width of 33 m and a Spain in the
pier height of 13 m 12th-15th century, a combination of
• the Krämerbrücke in Erfurt (as a stone Moorish and Gothic forms). In the Gothic
Arch bridge completed i n 1325), Fig. tower on the side facing the town, built in
1.3-6 the 13th century, there is a double gate
• in segmental arches with an opening of through which access to the town is
around 30 m. gained. The Baroque-style gate at the
The arched bridge over the Arno other end of the bridge was only built in
(Ponte Vecchio, Fig. 1.3-8) in Florence the 18th century.
(mid-14th century) with a span of 6 m

Figure 1.3-1 Alcántara

bridge over the Tagus in
1.3 Bridges in the Middle 25
Charlemagne had a ship bridge built The bridges have withstood flood disasters
across the Danube in Regensburg at this for almost nine centuries. The bridge piers
northernmost point of the Danube about have wedge-shaped icebreaker heads
100 m downstream from today's Stone facing upstream. Towards the
Bridge. The Stone Bridge, which still exists downstream side, there are lower, smaller
today, was built in the 12th century as part forheads. The backwater caused by the
of a common road and is the best- bridge's wide piers was once used to drive
preserved medieval bridge in Germany. It mills located downstream, making the
was probably built between 1135 and 1146 bridge a verifiable early hydropower plant.
and was the only fixed Danube crossing Today, only 14 of the 16 arches are still
between Ulm and Vienna. Regensburg was visible, one on the side facing the city
one of the most important trading cities at center in the driveway to the bridge gate
the time. The bridge crosses the southern and one on the opposite side. The ground
and northern arms of the Danube in one plan is slightly curved. The deviation of
go and thus also the two islands in the bridge axis from the straight line was
between. It had 16 semi-circular arches probably chosen to align the foundations
with span widths increasing from 10.2 m against the direction of flow of the
to 16.7 m towards the middle and Danube. In elevation, the bridge rises
correspondingly increasing arch stitches. slightly by approx. 5 m from both sides to
The arches are about 90 cm thick at the the middle of the sixth visible arch. There
apex. The bridge was originally around 330 is a bridge tower and a courtyard on the
m long, of which around 30% was side facing the city center. In the 15th
accounted for by the 5.8 m to 7.6 m wide century, the bridge was destroyed twice by
piers. The width of the roadway on the floods and in the
bridge today is around 8 m. The piers with In the 16th century, the icebreakers in
sandstone ashlars on the outside, filled front of the bridge piers were damaged by
with cast quarry stone masonry on the heavy ice drift. During the 30 Years' War,
inside, form a closed mass, which can icebreakers were used for defense during
withstand the the Swedish invasion.

Figure 1.3-2 Stone

bridge in Regensburg
built in the 12th century
26 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

A bridge arch was broken off during the Bridges. In the first half of the 16th
siege of 1633 and was not rebuilt until the century, the wooden bridge section was
end of the 18th century. In the meantime, replaced by a stone arch with a drawbridge
the missing bridge span had been closed by and several arches were filled in.
a drawbridge. In April 1945, German According to pictures in [Löffier, 1956],
soldiers blew up two arches on each side of the bridge now only had 20 spans. Despite
the Danube. The bridge was repaired by extensive repair work, the bridge became
1967 and is now around 310 m long. After so damaged over the centuries that it fell
the cathedral, the Stone Bridge, which is an into disrepair. The Saxon Elector
impressive entrance to the city center, is Augustus the Strong commissioned his
Regensburg's most important landmark master builder Matthias Daniel
and also its oldest. As early as the end of Pöppelmann to rebuild the bridge. The
the 11th century, a wooden bridge was reconstruction took place from 1727-1731
built on the site of today's Augustus Bridge and the bridge was widened by adding
on the important trade route from the west lateral corbels. The pier heads, which
to the east as a crossing over the Elbe in previously only went up to the abutments,
Dresden, replacing the busy ferry traffic were walled up to the roadway, creating
that had existed until then [Löffler, 1956]. large recesses on the bridge, which were
The margrave's fort (later extended to a equipped with benches. Forty-eight
fitter) with the Hausmannsturm tower was wrought iron lanterns were placed on the
subsequently built at the bridgehead. The steps, which shone at night and allowed
bridge reached as far as the outer wall of the beauty of the bridge to be appreciated
the fort, through which the trade route ran even in the dark. The drawbridge was
to the east. The gate was later built at the removed. On the Old Town side, fields
gateway to the wall. The main view of the were filled in to make room for the
fitter was thus from the beginning on the construction of the Hofhirche. The bridge,
Elbe and facing the bridge. It can be said Fig. 1.3-3, now h a d 17 arches. At the
that the city of Dresden developed from the beginning of the 20th century, the narrow
location of the bridge. In the 12th century, pier position and the low height proved to
the wooden bridge was destroyed by floods be a hindrance to the increasing Elbe
and ice floes. In the following year, work shipping. It was therefore replaced by a
began on rebuilding a wooden bridge with concrete arch bridge clad with sandstone
pillars and a stone foundation on the same blocks built between 1907 and 1910. It
site. After construction was interrupted, should be emphasized that the builders of
the bridge was completely rebuilt as a stone the new Augustus Bridge, with the
arch bridge from 1173 to 1222. It too had building materials and the requirements
to be replaced in the 14th century. of shipping and road traffic in the early
According to pictures from 1570 [Löffier, 20th century, based its beauty on the
1956], this bridge had 23 arches. One of the historic bridge, which was last designed by
middle bridge spans was made of wood so Pöppelmann. The new bridge has 9 arches
that it could be quickly burned down at any with a clear width of approx. 18 m to
time during the defense of Dresden. In the approx. 39 m, which are designed as
14th century, the bridge was considered to basket arches, and it is almost 330 m long.
be one of the most beautiful, most The bridge was destroyed by the air raids
important and longest on Dresden in February 1945 and by the
blasting of
1.3 Bridges in the Middle 27

Figure 1.3-3 Augustus Bridge in Dresden (photo from the painting by Bernardo Belotto, gen.
Canaletto, Old Master Paintings Gallery in Dresden)

German soldiers partially destroyed in long stone arch bridge over the Rhone in
May 1945 and rebuilt in 1947/1949 as it Avignon, of which four of the former 21
was in 1910 and still serves today's traffic. arches are still preserved today, had flat,
In the meantime, the Frauenkirche has also slender arches with a clear arch width of 33
been completed in an archaeological m and a 13 m arch span and piers around
reconstruction, thus restoring Dresden's 8 m wide, in which there are flow openings
magnificent cityscape (Fig. 1.3-4). in the style of the Roman bridges. There is
Built at the end of the 12th century by a chapel on one of the pillars. With a total
Saint Bénezet of the Frères Pontiffes length of around 900 m, the bridge in
fraternity, the approximately 900 m Avignon was the longest bridge in Europe
for a long time. The bridge in Avignon
from 1378

Figure 1.3-4 Augustus Bridge in Dresden, the dome of the rebuilt Frauenkirche in the
28 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.3-5 Part of the Rhone bridge in Avignon built at the end of the 12th century (Photo:
Friedegart Wagner)

Clement VII, who resided as antipope The two passages were completed by 1325
until 1394, had several arches destroyed for [Vockrodt/Sander, 1989] and [Vockrodt et
his own safety, and further arches fell in the al., 2003]. Of the two churches at the
The bridge collapsed in the 17th century bridgeheads, the eastern one, the Ägi-
due to flooding and heavy ice drift, so that dienkirche, still exists today, while the
today only four arches remain (Fig. 1.3-5) western one was demolished in the 19th
and bear witness to the bridge century. The approximately 80 m long
construction of the Middle Ages. The bridge had six approx. 19 m wide
bridge became known to many people, at sandstone vaults with clear widths of up to
least by name, through the song Sur le 7.8 m. Including the 20 m long ramps on
Pont d'Avignon l'on danse tous en rond. both sides, the total length of the bridge,
During the Middle Ages, Erfurt which was built with houses, was around
developed into an important trading city. 120 m. Small houses with stores were built
The west-east connection of the Middle on the bridge for grocers. The stone
Ages from Paris to Kiev, the Via Regia, led bridge, which was wider than the former
through fords across the Gera in Erfurt. A wooden bridge, could also be used by light
wooden bridge was probably built around goods traffic. Bulky and heavy goods
1000 on the site of today's Krämerbrücke traffic was not permitted and not even
(Merchants' Bridge), which was probably possible. The piers, which vary in width
already used by merchants at the time. from 3 m to 6.5 m, contain cellar vaults.
Frequent fire damage prompted the city Of the six vaults, only five had flow
lords to replace the wooden bridge with a openings. From the beginning, the outer
stone vaulted bridge at the end of the 13th western vault was a land opening, which
century. This stone bridge and the half- was used for heavy carts to pass under the
timbered houses standing on it, as well as bridge in order to reach the ford north of
the churches with gateways that originally the bridge. During the great fire of 1472 in
stood at the two bridgeheads, are still
standing today.
1.3 Bridges in the Middle 29
Erfurt also burned down houses and stores were rebuilt from 1954. Further
on the stone bridge. The merchants then reconstructions were then carried out on
had their houses built on the bridge. To do the bridge's building structures. From
this, the bridge had to be widened, which 1985 onwards, the bridge underwent
was achieved by adding pillars on both extensive repairs to restore its load-bearing
sides with wooden trusses in between, capacity. Particular attention was paid to
allowing the half-timbered houses to preserving the existing structure in its
project beyond the width of the arches. At original form as far as possible and to
the beginning of the 18th century, ensuring that the visible bridge surfaces
craftsmen settled on the Krämerbrücke. Due retained or restored their medieval
to damage to the arches, the bridge was character when carrying out the
closed to heavy goods traffic in 1816. In reconstruction work. Naturally, only
1855, five houses on the bridge burned traditional building materials were used in
down. The fire and the poor condition of the areas of the visible parts. Concrete and
the bridge, which had probably not been steel were only used for the inner, non-
maintained for hundreds of years (a date of visible parts of the bridge. A detailed
1676 on the outer western vault indicates description of the work applied is given in
that the vault had been repaired), [Vockrodt/Sander, 1989]. The repair of
prompted the government to issue a ban the bridge was completed in 1986. The
on rebuilding. At the end of the Krämerbrücke bridge in Erfurt (Figures
In the 19th century, the idea of 1.3-6 and -7) is an important engineering
demolishing the bridge was even structure in German history due to its
considered. Fortunately, these historical function in the Middle Ages and
considerations failed because there was no its interesting design.
money available. As a result, initially only Between 1335 and 1345, Taddeo Gaddi,
the maintenance of the elevated structures a pupil of Giotto, probably built the first
on the bridge was carried out. In the last segmental arch bridge in Europe with
days of the 2nd World War, three houses
were destroyed by artillery fire in 1945.

Figure 1.3-6
Krämerbrücke in Erfurt
(photo by
MR Dr.-Ing. e.h. Dipl.-
Ing. Friedrich Standfuß)
30 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

In 1564, Vasari was commissioned by

Cosimo I to build a covered walkway
linking the Uffizi and Palazzo Pitti,
enabling the Medici to cross the Arno
from their residence in the dry and without
being seen by the public. Like the Stone
Bridge in Regensburg, the Krämerbrücke
in Erfurt, the Charles Bridge in Prague
and the Rialto Bridge (section 1.4.1), the
Ponte Vecchio had a formative influence
on the cityscape. The bridge had to be
repaired, particularly as a result of flood
In Prague, there had already been a
building a little upstream from the site of
today's church, which was begun under
Charles IV in 1357 and completed at the
beginning of the
The Charles Bridge (Fig. 1.3-9), which was
repaired and completed in the 16th century,
Fig. 1.3-7 View of the hustle and bustle on the was preceded by a stone bridge dating back
Krämerbrücke bridge in Erfurt to the 12th century (the Judith Bridge). It
had narrow openings spanned by semi-
three arches with a clear width of around circular arches, existed until the 14th
30 m and an arrow ratio of 1 : 5, the Ponte century and was destroyed by flooding.
Vecchio (Fig. 1.3-8) over the Arno in The Charles Bridge, built in the 14th
Florence, which is still highly regarded century by Peter Parler, is 505 m long and
today, was completed [Zucker, 1921], has 16 almost semi-circular arches with
[Jurecka, 1979] and [Straub, 1992]. It is clear widths of approx. 18 m to approx. 23
lined with multi-storey houses with stores m. The pillars are raised up to the parapet.
in the basements, mainly goldsmiths, There are statues on the pillars, some as
silversmiths and jewelers. Above the individual and group figures, which were
residential buildings added from the 17th century onwards.

Picture 1.3-8 Ponte

Vecchio in Florence,
behind it
the Ponte Santa Trinità
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 31

Figure 1.3-9 Charles

Bridge in Prague

were built. The bridgeheads are closed off The development of new cultural content
by gate towers, the particularly beautiful and forms based on antiquity from the
tower on the Old Town side was built by 15th century onwards. The development
Peter Parler. The Charles Bridge was of new cultural content and forms based
damaged by floods several times and had on antiquity from the 15th century
to be repaired several times. onwards and the liberation from medieval
The Anji Bridge already mentioned in ties to the ecclesiastical and feudal order
section 1.2.1, built in 591-599, an were accompanied by a social
openwork stone arch bridge in Chi- na restructuring which, alongside the nobility
(Figures 1.2-5 and -6) should also be and clergy, allowed the bourgeoisie to
mentioned here. become an educational institution and led
to the flourishing of art and culture.
Naturally, the advent of the Renaissance
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance did not mean the same upheaval and
to the present day fundamental innovation for bridge
building as it did for other types of
1.4.1 Stone bridges architecture. Medieval and Renaissance
bridge forms cannot be clearly separated
Italy is the birthplace of the Renaissance. from each other. Only the buildings of the
The Renaissance began in the 15th early Italian Renaissance deliberately
century with the liberation of the self- returned to the semi-circular arch motif of
confident city republics of northern and antiquity. Later on, as time progressed, a
central Italy from the feudal and gradual slimming of the pillars and a
ecclesiastical order of the Middle Ages. It gradual elongation of the arches can be
led to a fundamental restructuring of observed. The use of the basket bow and
society and was therefore a significant the preference for eliptical bows with a
upheaval in history. It is the link between smaller bow engraving can be observed
the Middle Ages and the modern era, as from at least the second half of the
well as the spiritual and cultural root of 17th century common. The characteristic
our time and a guiding light for European motif of Roman stone bridges, the
development. The secular development of archivolt, is often repeated in Renaissance
human personality is the most important bridges. The Ponte Santa Trinità in
characteristic of the Renaissance. The Florence (Fig. 1.4-1), built in 1570 by
comprehensive cultural and epochal Bartolommeo Ammannati, is a very
concept of the Renaissance is interrelated elegantly designed bridge with three
with humanism. arches and accentuated projecting piers,
32 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-1 Ponte Santa

Trinità in Florence

Figure 1.4-2 Rialto Bridge

in Venice
(Photo: Dr. techn. Dipl.-
Ing. Eva Maria Eichinger)

It is perhaps the most beautiful bridge of It was built over with stores in the 15th
the High Renaissance. It has very flat century. It had to be repaired regularly
arches with clear widths of 26 m to 29 m, and was eventually demolished. The Rialto
whose lower reveals are in the shape of Bridge (Fig. 1.4-2), built by da Ponte
ellipses. It can also be seen in picture 1.3- between 1588 and 1592 as a stone bridge at
8, behind the Ponte Vecchio. the narrowest point of the Grand Canal, is
The transport network in Venice is a pedestrian bridge with steeply rising
largely determined by canals and the ramps and long steps. The lower span
bridges that cross them. Venice has consists of a circular marble arch with a
around 400 bridges. In the past, they were height of around 7 m and a clearance of
mainly built of wood. They had to be around 28 m, allowing ships to pass
renewed regularly because they were straight through. The width of the bridge is
naturally not particularly durable. The 22 m and the bridge has three walkways
Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal, built with two closed rows of stalls in between,
by Antonio da Ponte and well-known to which are interrupted by an archway at
many and a striking feature of Venice's the apex of the bridge. The landscaping of
cityscape, used to be a wooden bridge. the stepped fun
The wooden bridge is said to have been
built in the first half of the 13th century.
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 33

Figure 1.4-3 Star Bridge

in Weimar

The abutments were built on pile grids Goethepark. Today, the bridge is used
because the subsoil consists of alluvial exclusively for pedestrian traffic. The
sand. The two pile grids under the design of the bridge in conjunction with
abutments should each consist of around Goethepark and the fitter has a special
6000 densely driven piles. urban quality.
After the Thirty Years' War, the The Schlossbrücke bridge over the
Sternbrücke (Fig. 1.4-3) was built over the Spree in Berlin, which was built between
Ilm in Weimar from 1651 to 1652 in 1822 and 1824 according to a design by
connection with the construction of the Karl Friedrich Schinkel and has been
city palace by Johann Moritz Richter on preserved in its external appearance, is
behalf of Duke Wilhelm IV. It originally another bridge with a special quality that
had only three limestone arches with clear characterizes the cityscape. The sandstone
widths of around 11 m to 14 m. The arches arches of the side spans and the wooden
are around 80 cm thick. There are oval central opening, which could be folded
openings in the approximately 5 m wide open for shipping, were successively
pillars, based on the Roman model. The replaced by reinforced concrete arches
fourth opening at the eastern end of the from 1912 to 1938. The visible surfaces of
bridge, which spans the Leutra ditch, was the reinforced concrete arches of the bridge,
built later. The former end of the bridge which was rebuilt in the first half of the
and the location of the added fourth arch 20th century, were clad in sandstone so
can be clearly recognized by the preserved that the exterior design of the castle
sandstone gate pillars and the gap between bridge, which dates back to Schinkel, was
the original bridge and the addition of the retained. Bombing raids and the fighting
fourth arch with a clear width of more in Berlin in 1945 led to severe damage to
than 5 metres. The current railing was the castle bridge. It was restored again in
made to a design by Clemens Wenzeslaus 1950/1951, preserving the design dating
Coudray and dates from the first half of back to Schinkel, and most recently in
the 19th century. At the eastern end of the 1995/1997 as a reinforced concrete arch
original bridge is a staircase that leads bridge with sandstone cladding on the
onto the bridge through the pier opening visible surfaces (Fig. 1.4-4). On each side of
found there. From the bridge, this the bridge there are four sculptural
staircase and embankment ramps lead to groups, eight in total, made of white
the Carrara marble in the classicist style,
which go back to designs by Schinkel and
were influenced by the War of Liberation
in 1818.
34 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-4 Castle bridge

in Berlin

were created. The sculptural groups allude zig went into operation. Leipzig was thus
to scenes from Greek mythology, with Germany's rail junction in 1841, as all
deities depicted as patron saints of the three long-distance lines in Germany in
soldiers. The beautiful wrought-iron 1841, Dresden-Leipzig, Magdeburg-
railings with their openings are also Leipzig and Berlin-Leipzig, led to Leipzig.
decorative and, together with the closed Otherwise, in 1841 there were only partial
high stone pedestals on which the railroad lines in Germany with no direct
sculptural groups stand, enhance the connection. There had been plans to build
monumental effect of the overall design of a railroad line between Leipzig and Bavaria
the castle bridge. since 1836, which were pushed forward
The construction of the railroads from 1839. Following the state treaty
marked the beginning of a great upswing concluded in 1841 by the governments of
in modern bridge construction in the form the Kingdoms of Saxony and Bavaria and
of stone arch bridges and, above all, steel the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg,
bridges. After horse-drawn railroads had construction of the Leipzig-Altenburg
already existed on rails since the beginning section began in the same year.
of the 18th century, the first railroad lines Construction of the Bavarian railroad
with steam locomotives were opened for station began in Leipzig as a terminus
freight transportation in 1825 on the station, which was completed in 1844. The
Stockton-Darlington line in England and line was extended beyond Altenburg until
for passenger transportation in 1830 on the 1845 and opened to rail traffic.
Liverpool-Manchester line. In Germany, An important stone arch bridge on the
the first railroad connection was then Saxon-Bavarian railroad line Leipzig-
opened in 1835 on the 6 km Nuremberg- Altenburg-Zwickau-Plauen-Hof-
Fürth line and between 1836 (initially the Nuremberg is the four-storey Göltzschtal
Leipzig-Riesa line) and 1839 with its Bridge near Mylau/Vogtland in the most
extension to Dresden, the first longer line difficult section Reichenbach-Plauen, built
(112 km) Leipzig-Dresden. In 1840, the between 1846 and 1851, probably the
Magdeburg-Leipzig railroad line was largest bridge built of brickwork and with
opened via Köthen and Halle and in 1841 granite and porphyry vaults [Beyer, 2001].
the Berlin-Wittenberg-Köthen railroad line The Göltzsch valley had to be bridged over
was opened, continuing via the existing a length of about 800 m.
connection from Köthen to Leipzig.
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 35

Figure 1.4-5 Göltzschtal bridge near Mylau in the Vogtland region of Saxony

The railroad line was to be routed around The committee, which is part of today's
80 m above the valley floor. In addition to Technical University of Dresden, came to
the Göltzschtal bridge, the smaller the conclusion that none of the submitted
Elstertal bridge (length approx. 270 m, designs were directly feasible, but that a
height above the valley approx. 70 m) was viable one could be developed from four
to be built near Jocketa. In 1844, experts of them, a four-storey stone bridge similar
doubted the feasibility of the two bridges to an aqueduct with many pillars and
and thus the viability of the railroad arches, which in the opinion of the
project as a whole. Independent experts committee promised the greatest stability
were appointed to assess the chosen route and economic efficiency and minimized
alignment and the feasibility of the the risk for construction and
bridges. The experts included a group of maintenance. At the end of 1845, the
Belgian engineers and the well-known design for the bridge drawn up by Johann
technical director of the Bavarian Railway Andreas Schubert and Robert Wilke, the
Commission, Friedrich August v. Pauli. construction manager of the railroad line
All the experts confirmed that the route and also the senior site manager of the
alignment had been chosen sensibly and two bridges, was accepted and the
that the bridges were feasible. The Belgian Göltzschtal Bridge was built according to
engineers even included in their report a their design, although it had to be changed
design by Splingard for a three-storey several times during construction. The
viaduct with pointed arches and builder of the Göltzschtal Bridge was
decreasing spans at the top. At the Ferdinand Dost. The foundation stone for
beginning of 1845, a competition was held the Göltzschtal Bridge was laid on May 31,
for designs for bridging the two valleys. 81 1846. During the excavation work for the
designs were submitted. The review foundation of the highest pier, it was
committee, chaired by Prof. Johann Andreas discovered that there was still no stable
Schubert from the Dresden Technical subsoil at a depth of 15 meters. Wilke did
Education Institute, the chair not want to go any deeper with the
foundation and therefore suggested
36 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

to omit this pillar and to bridge the The new arch and pier spacing led to a
resulting larger openings between the two significant improvement in the design
neighboring pillars on the second and quality of the Göltzsch Valley Bridge
fourth floors with wide-span arches. He (Figures 1.4-5 and 1.6-6). It is 574 m long
wanted to arrange a tension arch on the and the railroad line is 78 m above the
second floor and a supporting arch on the valley and the Göltzsch. The construction
fourth floor. The neighboring pillar consists of piers and arches. The piers of
distances and arch spans were reduced. the control bays (small arches) protrude
Schubert agreed with this proposal in from the outer surfaces of the arches on
principle, but suggested, with reference to the three lower levels; only on the upper
the vault theory he had developed, that level are the outer surfaces of the piers and
only one arch should be built and that it arches in one plane. The thickness of the
should be an elliptically elevated pillars is a maximum of 22.7 m at the base
supporting arch. Wilke disagreed with and decreases from the bottom to 7.93 m
this proposal, so that independent experts at the top with 1:48 storey steps and pillar
were again appointed to resolve the approaches. In the bays with the large
differences of opinion, who supported the arches and the coupling piers, there are
new solutions in principle and more prominent piers, the width of which
recommended the bridging of the larger decreases upwards from the bottom to the
openings with two arches as proposed by railroad line. Up to the arch abutments of
Wilke, but in the elliptically elevated arch the second floor, the piers are made of
form proposed by Schubert. Schubert and natural stone; above that, they are mainly
Wilke followed this suggestion. Coupled made of cross-bonded brickwork.
piers with smaller arches were arranged on However, the load-bearing arches of the
both sides of the large arch spans, and the colonels are made of natural stone due to
bridge was ultimately constructed in this the more intensive vibration and exposure
way. This change to the original design, to moisture. The arches of the lower three
which was forced by the subsoil floors are divided in the transverse direction
conditions, with all the same (Fig. 1.4-6). The clear width of the largest
arch (upper central arch) is 30.9 m and the

Figure 1.4-6 Göltzschtal

bridge, oblique view
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 37

Apex height 31.7 m. A total of 135,676 m³ The Nihonbashi bridge was a 12 m wide
of masonry was used for the construction wooden bridge (Fig. 1.4-7). The
of the bridge, of which 7,1671 m³ was Nihonbashi Bridge was a 12 m wide
brickwork and 64,005 m³ was ashlar and wooden bridge (Fig. 1.4-7) with a span of
quarry stone masonry [Beyer, 2001]. 52 m. Fig. 1.4-7 shows the pompous start
of a daimyo's journey home to his region
over the Nihonbashi Bridge.
1.4.2 Wooden bridges There is a legend that whenever the
shogun wanted to pass under the bridge
The construction of wooden bridges in with his ship, the middle section of the
the Renaissance and in modern times bridge was removed. The bridge burned
must be viewed primarily from a down several times. It was always rebuilt.
historical perspective. Finally, in 1911, the stone arch bridge with
In Tokyo, the Nihonbashi Bridge (Ja- two openings, which has survived to this
pan Bridge) is a bridge steeped in history. day, was built. The entire length of today's
It was first built in 1603 at the beginning bridge is 52 m and it is 30 m wide. There
of the Edo period. The Edo period began is a bronze plate on the roadway in the
in 1603 when the Tenno appointed the middle of the bridge, which indicates the
Japanese general Tokugawa Ieyasu as starting point of the seven (five in the Edo
shogun, Japan's crown general. The title era) main roads of Tokyo and from which
was hereditary, and the shogun dynasty, distances are measured.
which exercised military and civil power Wooden bridges, which are quicker
in place of the powerless tenno, lasted and cheaper to build than stone bridges,
until 1867 when power was returned to were and are being built in Europe,
the tenno. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first particularly in southern Germany, Austria
shogun, had already moved his residence and Switzerland, because there is
to Edo, today's Tokyo. The Edo period sufficient wood available here due to the
was characterized by a tight central abundance of forests. Even if the wooden
government and a stable state system with bridges are relatively
omnipresent control. In the Edo period,
the shoguns were subordinate to the

Picture 1.4-7 Photo of a

picture of the old
Nihonbashi Bridge
from the 17th century in
38 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Although timber bridges can be built The slabs also ensure the shear effect for
inexpensively, they require careful and horizontal stiffening of the bridge, which
costly maintenance, which puts the is why a wind bracing in the slab plane is
sustainability of this construction method not necessary.
into perspective. Over time, timber bridge Many interesting older bridges are no
construction has therefore become less longer preserved today. Those that have
important. Nevertheless, timber bridges survived are often listed buildings. In their
are still common today, especially as simplest form, wooden bridges for small
temporary bridges and pedestrian bridges. spans consist of solid-wall beam bridges
In the USA, studies have been carried out that rest on wooden or stone abutments
for around 30 years on improved wood and, in the case of several spans of the
protection for freely weathered wooden bridge, also on piers. For somewhat larger
structural elements and bridge decks spans, trussed, suspended and under-
made of glued laminated panels have been tensioned beams have emerged for timber
developed [Werren, 1969]. In Styria in bridge construction, which have also been
particular, various modern timber bridges developed as a combination of both into
have been built in recent years [Pischl, suspended trusses. For larger spans, truss,
1999]. At the Graz University of arch, suspension and span bridges are
Technology, Gerhard Schickhofer, in preferred. The bridges are built as deck
collaboration with his Swiss colleague bridges, through bridges or, especially for
Andrea Bernasconi, is carrying out weather protection, as closed bridges.
investigations into timber deck panels, Bridges are also built as steel-wood and
which promise an interesting concrete-wood composite bridges. Section
development for timber bridge 4.2.4 briefly discusses the different variants,
construction. To produce the deck panels, to which reference is made. Due to its
wooden lamellas or wood-based material importance for timber bridge
lamellas are arranged vertically and construction, only the development of
connected to form a panel by nailing, timber bridge construction in the USA in
screwing or gluing with or without pre- the 19th century in connection with the
tensioning or alternatively only by pre- start of railroad bridge construction and
tensioning. Due to the available lengths of the increased development of North
the timber, joints of the timber parts are America will be touched on here. This too
necessary in the longitudinal direction, is primarily of historical significance.
which are usually made with staggered Due to the routing requirements of the
butt joints (reduction of the calculated rail lines with the low permissible
load-bearing capacity compared to the gradients of the routes and, in the USA,
unweakened timber panel is required) or the forced development of large areas that
finger joints. With the so-called QS panel, were far removed from the already
the panel effect is only achieved by densely populated parts, the construction
prestressing, which is the most of the railroads in the
economical way of producing the panel. In the 19th century, the construction of
Here, the boards or planks are placed on many bridges was necessary, which had to
edge next to each other and clamped be built as quickly as possible. Forests and
together with tendons in the transverse thus wood as a building material were
direction, whereby relative displacements available locally in the affected areas.
between the lamellas are limited to
insignificant values and the panel effect is
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 39

This was abundant in these areas and was attached to the arch. To correct the
therefore quick and inexpensive to height of the roadway, the middle hangers
procure. Because of the wide valleys and had screw threads and nuts with lock nuts
broad rivers that often had to be bridged, at their ends. Burr arranged additional
many interesting constructions were built. struts to give the bridge the necessary
As an example, the arch bridge designed stiffness. This set the bridge apart from its
by Burr and built in the second half of the European counterparts. The bridge initially
18th century with an attached roadway served road traffic for around 40 years
with five openings spanning 49 m to 61 m and was converted for rail traffic without
over the Delaware near Trenton in New structural reinforcement when the
Jersey is shown in Figure 1.4-8 [Cul- railroad was built from New Jersey to
mann, 1851]. The arrow heights of the Pennsylvania.
supporting arches are about 1/10 of the Near Washington, the approximately
arch span. The cross-sections of the 1.6 km long road bridge over the Potomac
arches were rectangular cross-sections shown in Fig. 1.4-9 was built with a clear
with dimensions of 40 cm × 94 cm, which width of 36.6 m, with a width of about
were formed from superimposed planks. 7.6 m. The two truss
The transoms of the arches were located
directly under the roadway level, which
was supported by hangers.

Figure 1.4-8 Wooden arch bridge built in the second half of the 18th century over the Dela- ware
River near Trenton, New Jersey, image after [Culmann, 1851]

Figure 1.4-9 Timber truss road bridge over the Potomac at Washington, image after [Culmann,
40 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The main girders with a system height of

4.6 m had upper and lower chords, each
consisting of three square lumber
members measuring approximately 15
cm/15 cm. The chords surrounded the two
two-part posts, each measuring around 25
cm/15 cm and spaced around 3.05 m
apart. The two-part struts falling towards
the supports also had dimensions of 25
cm/15 cm each. They were in the same
plane as the posts and were embedded in Figure 1.4-10 Principle of the truss girder
them. The gaps between the two-part according to Long's system
posts and struts were approximately 7.6
cm. In these gaps, there were additional
struts with dimensions of about 7.6 cm/30 The position of the chords, posts and the
cm that were embedded from the heads of two different struts on the top chord knot
each strut in cast-iron shoes (detail a in can be seen in the diagram.
Fig. 1.4-9) located above the pillars. So Wooden bridges based on the Long
that the cast-iron shoe did not have to be and Howe systems are also interesting.
embedded in the lower chord, a 30 cm Both systems are truss girders with posts
long head piece was placed on each of the and intersecting diagonals as infills
shoes above the piers and a hardwood between the chords. In the truss girders
block was placed between each of the two according to Long's system (Fig. 1.4-10),
shoes above the piers. Detail b of Fig. 1.4- wedges are driven under the diagonals at
9 shows the arrangement of the the bottom chord, which gives the
diagonals a compressive pre-tension and
the posts are braced.

Figure 1.4-11 Truss rail bridge over the Chikapoe River built according to the Howe system in
Connecticut (image after [Culmann, 1851])
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 41

be tightened. The wedging must be strong An important prerequisite for the

enough to ensure that the diagonal braces construction of steel bridges in particular
are always under pressure under the pre- was therefore that well-trained engineers
tension and external influences so that were available to design and build
they do not loosen. The beams must be sufficiently safe structures with economical
checked regularly and, if necessary, the use of the expensive building material.
wedges must be wedged again. The load- Until then, bridges had mainly been built
bearing effect of the Howe system on the basis of traditional experience.
corresponds in principle to that of the Iron was successfully produced in large
Long system. However, in Howe's system, quantities in Coalbrookdale in England
which is the better known of the two around 1735. This iron, smelted in a blast
systems in Europe, the verticals are furnace using hard coal coke, contained a
replaced by round iron bars that are pre- lot of carbon and the cast iron produced
stressed. As a result, the individual from it had extremely low toughness
construction parts are simpler and the properties and could be stressed mainly in
precise carpentry work required for the compression and only very little in
Long girder is not necessary to the same tension and bending. The first iron bridge,
extent. the cast-iron arched bridge (Figure 1.4-12),
In Connecticut, a railroad bridge over was built in Coalbrookdale over the River
the Chikapoe was built as a truss girder Severn in 1776-1779 by Abraham Darby. It
with a span of 54 m according to the has a span of about 31 meters. It is still
Howe system (Fig. 1.4-11). The horizontal preserved today and is used as a
bracing of the bridge was also designed as pedestrian bridge. It was the first structure
a girder according to the Howe system. to be included by the ASCE in the list of
International His- toric Civil Engineering
Landmarks. The town of Iron Bridge,
1.4.3 Iron and steel bridges named after the bridge, was built in the
immediate vicinity of the bridge. Arch, beam and rigid frame bridges In the following decades, numerous
cast-iron bridges with arch-like shapes
Compared to the construction of stone were built in England and cast-iron bridges
bridges, the construction of iron and steel were even shipped as far as North
bridges only began relatively recently. In America. In Lower Silesia, a small
order to be able to build bridges made of footbridge of a similar design was cast as
iron or steel, two important prerequisites early as 1794 and built in 1796 as a road
had to be fulfilled first. The most bridge with a span of 13 m near Lazany
important, of course, was that the (Laasan) near Swidnica (Schweidnitz) over
technological conditions had to be created the Stregomka (Striegauer Wasser). It is
to produce iron and steel in the required the first iron bridge on the European
quantity and quality for use as a building continent [Mehrtens, 1900]. The castings
material. Iron and steel are relatively were produced in the Royal Ironworks in
expensive building materials. They Malpane.
therefore had to be used sparingly from A scaled-down image of the bridge over
the outset in the construction of bridges the River Severn at Coalbrookdale with an
and other structures. The second just as 8 m span (Fig. 1.4-13) was made around
42 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-12 Bridge

over the River Severn in
Coal- brookdale (Photo
by Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Wieland Ramm)

Figure 1.4-13 Wörlitz

Bridge, reduced image of
the bridge over the River
Severn in Coalbrook- dale

recreated in Wörlitz Park. Wörlitz Park by Palladio), stone and iron, which are
near Dessau was laid out in the second intended to educate visitors about the
half of the 18th century during the reign of various possibilities and historical
Leopold III Friedrich Franz von Anhalt- development of bridge building at the
Dessau and later expanded. It was added time. All the bridges are in good condition
to the UNESCO World Heritage List in and can be used as footbridges.
2000. In the park, which has a large area of The second above-mentioned
water and many canals, there is a scaled- prerequisite for the construction of iron
down replica of the bridge over the River and steel bridges was the training of
Severn in Coalbrookdale as well as several capable engineers in engineering colleges.
small wooden bridges (e.g. a bridge The first universities were founded as early
modeled on the Severn Bridge). as the Middle Ages, in the 11th and 12th
centuries. After in
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 43

While the sciences at universities were Finally, polytechnic schools emerged, the
initially based primarily on theology, law, so-called polytechnics. The Corps des
philosophy, medicine and the arts, Ponts et Chaussees, the first association of
modern languages, mathematics and the engineers, was founded in 1716 after the
natural sciences were also included in the Corps des Ponts et Chaussees had already
following centuries [Cardini/Beoni- been established in France in 1691. The
Brocchieri, 1991]. The latter became Corps was tasked with enforcing the
important scientific foundations for the Kingdom of France's transport policy. This
engineering sciences, which initially was followed in 1744 by the founding of
played no role at universities. Building on the Bureau of Parisian Draughtsmen. In
the laws of mechanics already formulated 1747, Jean-Rodolphe Perronet, who was
in antiquity, such as the law of the lever, himself an engineer of the Corps des Ponts
the law of buoyancy of a body in a fluid, et Chaussees, was appointed head of the
the center of gravity of a body, the action Bureau of Draughtsmen in order to
of the pulley and cinematic knowledge, the further improve the work of the Corps
science of mechanics in modern terms with qualified staff. He was appointed to
emerged in the Renaissance, beginning instruct and supervise the geographers and
with Galileo Galilei's major work Discorse draughtsmen of maps and town plans, to
e Dimonstratione Ma- tematiche. Further familiarize them with the science and
significant contributions were made by knowledge necessary for them to
Johannes Kepler with his formulation of competently carry out their functions in
the kinematic laws of planetary motion the road and bridge building corps. This
and Christian Huygens with his work on decree is considered to be the founding
the oscillations of pendulums. Building on document of the École des Ponts et
this, Isaac Newton developed the basic Chaussées [Chatzis, 1998]. At the end of
principles of mechanics in his the 18th century, bridge engineers
fundamental work Philosophiae Naturalis questioned the training principles of the
Principa Mathematica, published in 1867, school. The main issue was the scientific
which included in particular the law of content of the training. The discussion led
gravity and the law of momentum. to the founding of the École Centrale des
However, the infinitesimal calculus Travaux Publics in 1794, which was given
developed simultaneously by Gottfried the name École polytechnique the following
Wilhelm Leibniz and Isaac Newton, an year. The École polytechnique now
important basis for the mathematical provided future engineers with a general
treatment of mechanical problems, should basic scientific education. Only after
also be mentioned here. The Bernoulli successfully completing the École
brothers, Hooke and Euler in particular polytechnique could graduates continue
made further important contributions, on their specialist training at the École des
which the foundations of engineering Ponts et Chaussées [Chatzis, 1998]. In the
science were later developed. From the first half of the 19th century, the École
18th century onwards, secondary schools, polytechnique was home to some of the
trade schools, drawing schools and most important scientists in the
academies developed into technical engineering sciences of the time,
educational establishments and, as a result, including Lagrange, Poisson and Cauchy.
engineering schools. For the École des
44 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Ponts et Chaussées, Navier's work was which are arranged one behind the other as
particularly important. In particular, his single-span beams. The top and bottom
contribution to the mechanics of beams, plates were double-walled. Each box was
his contributions to elasticity theory, intended for the operation of a rail track,
material strength and flow movements are the rail employees ran inside the boxes.
still of fundamental importance today. The Such a design was unprecedented at the
École des Ponts et Chaussées, which was time. There was no experience with the
founded in 1747 and received a new use of forgeable iron in bridge
organizational structure in 1804, together construction. Only shipbuilders had
with the École polytechnique, which was experience with the use of forgeable iron
established in 1794, served as a model for for long-span constructions at the time.
technical colleges and universities, at least The thinking was that if the iron
for continental Europe. This created the steamboats could withstand the stresses of
second important prerequisite mentioned the sea and steam engines with their
above, namely that civil engineers were shocks, the iron must also be suitable for
taught the necessary scientific principles building bridges. Bad experience had
for the design and construction of modern already been made with the use of cast
bridges. iron for railroad bridges with their shock
As already mentioned, the construction loads. Stephenson initially wanted to
of rail employees around 1825 marked the suspend the box girders from a
beginning of a major upswing in modern suspension structure, but then came to the
steel bridge construction. In the conclusion that the box girders alone were
meantime, technological development in sufficiently strong. Open questions were to
iron production had progressed so far that be clarified through tests. Tests were first
forgeable iron, known as welded iron, carried out to clarify the behavior of the
could be produced using the puddling wrought iron and the sheet metal.
process. From the beginning of the 19th Professor Eaton Hodgkinson suggested
century, it was also possible to produce carrying out additional tests on a 1:6 scale
bar and shaped iron on an industrial scale. model box, which Stephenson took up and
This paved the way for the construction of had the tests carried out by the
iron beam bridges. The advantages of steel manufacturer William Fairbirn, the long-
bridge construction, in particular the time partner of his father George
lower weight of the structure and the Stephenson, the famous rail employee and
resulting foundation costs, but also the locomotive builder. The test results led to
shorter construction times, gradually the conviction that both the forgeable iron
pushed natural stone bridges aside. The was suitable and that the unstiffened box
first long-span single beam bridge was the girders alone were sufficiently strong
Bri- tannia Bridge over the Menai Strait, without a suspended structure.
built by Robert Stephenson from 1846 to Nevertheless, pylon-like masonry piers
1850 [Wer- ner, 1969], which had the were placed above the box girders so that
largest spans of 140 m in the two middle the beam bridge could be suspended from
spans. The bridge consisted of two separate cables if necessary. The bridge was in use
and parallel full-walled box girders made until 1970. After a
of wrought-iron plates and angles as a
riveted construction, each spanning four
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 45

After fire damage, it was dismantled and One of the few engineers who had this gift
replaced by truss arch bridges [Ramm, at the time was Carl Lentze, the builder of
2004]. the oldest long-span girder bridge on the
Around the middle of the 19th century, European continent, the Dirschau Vistula
steelworks made great efforts to mass- Bridge. The situation improved with the
produce molten steel. Around the middle ongoing development of technical colleges.
of the 19th century, the steelworks made In addition to imparting good theo- retical
great efforts to produce steel in a liquid knowledge, technical colleges and
state, so-called mild steel, as a mass universities attach great importance to
product, which was made possible by teaching students in a timely manner that
inventions in 1855 by Sir Henry Bessemer the calculation of the structure is not an
(Besemer process), 1864 by Pierre Émile end in itself, but an important prerequisite
Martin (Siemens-Martin process, Siemens- for good construction with the actual
Martin process, steel production in the purpose of our work, to erect the
regenerative furnace developed by the structure.
brothers August Friedrich and Carl The Old Vistula Bridge Dirschau,
Wilhelm Siemens) and in 1879 by Sidney which is still partially preserved today,
Gilchrist Thomas (Thomas process, wind- was built in 1850-1857 as a close-meshed
fresh process for reducing the phosphorus lattice girder bridge over the Wisla
content by blowing air into the Thomas (Vistula) near Tczew (Dirschau), about 30
bulb lined with basic lining at the km south-southeast of Gdansk (it is
bottom). This created all the prerequisites thanks to Wieland Ramm that this bridge
for building the many steel bridges has been brought back to our attention
required for railroad construction. Due to today) in the course of the construction of
the very low permissible gradients, the Prussian Eastern Railway on the
significantly more bridges were required Berlin-Königsberg line. The boundary
for the construction of railroad lines than condition for the construction of the
for the existing traffic routes. bridge was that the flow cross-section of
When railroad bridge construction the floodplain should be restricted as little
began, there were only a few engineers as possible during floods on the Vistula
who were trusted with the design, and the annual ice drift. Carl Lentze, who
construction and maintenance of iron and was commissioned to build the Dirschau
steel railroad bridges. Railroad Vistula Bridge and the bridge over the
administrations therefore began to retain Nogat near Marienburg, which was to be
engineers to whom they could assign these built as part of the same construction
tasks. This required not only a theoretical project, therefore initially intended to
understanding of the flow of forces in a build the Dirschau bridge as a chain
building structure, but in particular the suspension bridge over five spans, each
necessary understanding of the with a span of 158 m. After a study trip to
implementation in the structural design, England to see the Britannia Bridge, he
including all details. Only those who decided to build the Dirschau Bridge as a
master the theory and translate it into a beam bridge [Mehrtens, 1900]. He chose
good construction are true architects three continuous girders arranged one
[Mehrtens, 1900]. This not only applies to behind the other, each spanning two
the 19th century, but is also of spans of 131 m [Ramm, 2004]. In contrast
outstanding importance for civil
engineering today and in the future.
46 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

For the Britannia Bridge, which was the design of the beam as a close-meshed
designed as a closed box girder with solid lattice girder would reduce the wind load
sheet metal walls and chords (see above), acting on it compared to a solid wall
Lentze constructed the torsionally rigid girder. Today we know that this is not
hollow cross-section from 12 m high lattice true. The structural design and static
walls (Fig. 1.4-14) with articulated upper calculations were essentially carried out by
and lower chords, which are composed of the Swiss engineer Rudolf Eduard Schinz,
close-meshed diagonals crossing at 45° who had received his engineering training
with iron angles arranged vertically on the in Paris at the École Polytechnique and the
inside and outside as well as two upper École des Ponts et Chaussées. However,
wind bracings and one lower wind because Lentze still had doubts as to
bracing. The spacing of the angles whether the load-bearing capacity of the
arranged vertically for stiffening decreases superstructure was actually as calculated,
towards the supports in accordance with it was initially considered to build a 1:1
the shear force distribution. Lentze had the scale test girder at the factory in Dirschau.
idea that

Figure 1.4-14 Lattice

walls of the Old Vistula
Bridge Dirschau (Photo:
Prof. Dr. Ing. Wieland

Figure 1.4-15 Current

condition (detail) of the
Old Vistula Bridge
Dirschau (Photo: Prof.
Dr. Ing. Wieland Ramm)
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 47

with regard to its load-bearing behavior Neuvial and Rouzat viaducts on the
[Mehr- tens, 1900]. Ramm has compiled Commentry-Gannat railroad line of the
very detailed knowledge about the design, Orléans railroad company to the west of
construction and fate of the Dirschau Vichy (both bridges consist of steel truss
Vistula Bridge and published the results in girders with crossed diagonals between
an article worth reading [Ramm, 2004]. vertical posts for the superstructure and
The book published by him also contains truss supports with vertical cast iron tubes
several contributions by other authors filled with concrete in the four corners,
that round off our current knowledge of braced by girders), the Maria Pia steel
the Dirschau Vistula Bridge. arch bridge over the Duoro near Porto
Gustave Alexandre Eiffel's great-great- completed in 1877 with a span of 160 m,
grandfather came from Marmagen in the the Garabit railroad bridge built between
Eifel region and had lived in France since 1880 and 1884 and the Cubzac road
1710. He replaced his family name bridge over the Dordogne built in 1883.
Bönickhausen, unpronounceable for the As part of the construction of the
French, with Eiffel. Gustave Alexandre Beziers-Marvejols-Neussargues railroad
Eiffel was born in Di- jon in 1832. After line, the deep gorge over the Truyère had
completing his engineering training, to be crossed. Léon Boyer, who carried out
specializing in chemistry, at the École the local surveying work in 1878, suggested
Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in Paris bridging the gorge with an arch bridge. He
in 1855, he initially joined Charles had in mind the Maria Pia steel arch
Nepveu's company, where he became bridge over the Duoro near Porto,
familiar with the construction of railway designed and built by Eiffel. This bridge
bridges at an early stage [Bonet, 2003]. It was admired by engineers of the time and
was thanks to Charles Nepveu that Eiffel was a great boost to Eiffel's fame and the
was able to join the most important rise of his company. His reputation and
railroad company in France at the time his experience and that of his company
and was employed there. He was led to Gustave Alexandre Eiffel being
entrusted with the construction of the awarded the contract to build the Garabit
Saint Jean Bridge over the Garrone in Bridge (Fig. 1.4-16) in 1879 [Stiglat, 1997].
Bordeaux, which was built from 1857 to The Garabit Bridge is the most important
1860. Instead of constructing the bridge as a bridge built by Eiffel and is undoubtedly
solid-wall beam as usual, Eiffel built the one of the most important bridges of the
superstructure as a light truss structure, 19th century. Maurice Koechlin, a Swiss
the type of construction he preferred for engineer and student of Karl Culmann,
all his bridges and other engineering was responsible for the structural design
constructions from then on. He moved to and static calculations of the bridge. De
the engineering firm Pau- vels & Cie as Boissanger and Robaglia were in charge of
head of design. At the age of 34, Gustave construction management, Léon Boyer
Alexandre Eiffel founded his own steel was the project owner's permanent assistant
construction company in Paris in 1866. and Emile Nouguier was responsible for
He designed, constructed and built the entire construction process and
numerous bridges and other steel assembly. At times, up to 500 workers
structures. Of the latter, only the were employed on the construction site.
supporting structure of the Statue of The construction work
Liberty in New York and the Eiffel Tower
in Paris are worth mentioning. The
bridges built by Eiffel include the two
bridges built between 1867 and 1869.
48 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-16 Garabit

Bridge (Photo: Dr.-
Ing. Klaus Stiglat)

began in January 1880 with the The village of Cubzac, north of Bor-
construction of the abutments and the deaux, is connected to Bordeaux by a
foundations of the piers. The first pier country road. The Dordogne has to be
(the piers were designed as truss crossed on a bridge. Originally, this was
constructions) was erected in August done on a suspension bridge over several
1882. The pre-assembled truss girders of fields dating from 1837, which had to be
the superstructure were inserted from replaced by a new bridge at the end of the
both sides of the abutments. The arch 19th century. With its cast iron pillars, the
assembly began in June 1883. The arch length of the structure and the great height
was constructed in two parts in a above the water, the suspension bridge
suspended cantilever construction. The was one of the grandest bridges of its time
suspension cables ran over the heads of [Stiglat, 1997]. Compared to masonry
the piers above the transoms to the piers, the cast-iron piers have significantly
abutments and were anchored there. The lower dead loads, which led to cost
crown was completed in April 1884. Once savings, especially in the construction
the arch, with a span of 165 m, had been work. Ch. de Sansac, engineer at Ponts et
constructed, the two truss girders of the Chaussées, initially designed the
superstructure were connected to each reconstruction of the suspension bridge.
other and to the sickle-shaped truss In order to save costs and speed up the
double-hinged arch at the crown. After construction work, he wanted to keep the
completion of the railroad line in 1888, cast-iron piers of the old bridge [Bonet,
load tests were carried out on the bridge. 2003]. In 1897, Eiffel was awarded the
Under the load of 22 wagons weighing 15 contract for the reconstruction of the
tons each and a locomotive weighing 75 bridge, i.e. the construction of the new
tons as a stationary load, the arch only had superstructure. The superstructure with
a vertical displacement of 6 mm. Under eight spans was designed as a closed steel
dynamic loading when driving over the truss. After the assembly of the first three
bridge at speeds of up to 55 km/h, the spans as seen from the abutment, the two
vertical displacement of the crown of the central openings, each with a span width
arch was around 4 mm [Stiglat, 1997]. of around 73 m, were built without
assembly scaffolding from near the bridge.
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 49

Figure 1.4-17 Road

bridge at Cubzac over the
Dordogne (Photo: Dr.-
Ing. Klaus Stiglat)

the sides to the central pillar in the The diagonal braces were arranged on the
cantilever. Once each section of the outside on both sides of the diagonal
superstructure had been installed, the next braces connected with tie plates (Figure
section was installed, whereby the 1.4-18). Eiffel claimed to have introduced
calculated and actual deflections were the cantilever construction method in
checked and controlled when connecting France. The connection of the cast-iron
the now installed section so that the bridge supports remaining from the demolished
was in the specified target position once the suspension bridge from 1837 with the
complete superstructure had been truss superstructure from 1897 seems
completed. The existing cast-iron piers contradictory. Eiffel considered the
were stiffened by cross bracing during the broken cast iron supports to have a very
conversion (Fig. 1.4-17). In the closed peculiar appearance.
truss of the superstructure, the two-part The viaduct over the Wupper near
trusses, which are designed for tensile Müngsten in the Bergisches Land was
loading, are planned by the Royal Railway Directorate
of Elberfeld in cooperation with the
Prussian Railway Administration from
1889 as part of the new construction of
the twin Remscheid-Solin- gen railroad
line [Berg, 1997]. Three variants were
considered for the bridge: a truss bridge, a
cantilever bridge and an arch bridge. In
1891, four major German bridge
construction companies were asked by the
Royal Railway Directorate in Elberfeld to
prepare designs and submit cost proposals.
The companies were allowed to choose
freely from the aforementioned variants.
There were specifications for the
scaffolding and cantilever bridge, from
which only minor deviations were
Figure 1.4-18 Closed truss of the road bridge permitted. There were hardly any
at Cubzac over the Dordogne (Photo: Dr.-Ing. specifications for the arch bridge designs.
Klaus Stiglat)
50 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

However, it was expressly required to be

constructed without an apex joint; the
choice of the arrangement of transom
joints or the omission of such was optional.
All tenders were to include only the iron
superstructure, not the pier masonry and
earthworks. A static calculation, a design
drawing, an explanatory report and a cost
estimate had to be submitted.
Three of the four companies invited to
tender submitted bids. The most cost-
effective bid was submitted by
Maschinenbau-Ac- tien-Gesellschaft
Nürnberg with a filigree parabolic truss
arch bridge designed under the direction
of Anton Rieppel without joints both at
the apex and at the transoms with an arch
span of 170 m and an arch span of 71 m
(however, a variant with transom joints
was also examined in comparison when
preparing the bid). The design was based
on the considerations of government
master builder Carstanjen, Royal Railway
Directorate Elberfeld [Berg, 1997].
Figure 1.4-19 Müngsten Bridge, sections (image after [Grüning, 1929])

Carstanjen, together with government

master builder Rohlfs, was also entrusted
with the supervision of the construction
A parallel chord truss beam is elevated
on the arch on truss pendulum supports,
to which truss parallel girders are
connected (on the side to Remscheid: two
spans of 45 m each and an edge span
spanning over 30 m; on the Solingen side:
one span of 45 m followed by two spans of
30 m each; note: the information refers to
the span lengths between the supports, see
Fig. 1.4-19). Figure 1.4-19. The double-
track railroad bridge is thus 465 m long in
total. It is 8.5 m wide between the railings.
The upper edge of the rail is 107 m above
the water level of the Wupper. The
vertical chord center distances of the arch
are 4 m at the apex and around 12.2 m at
the transom. The arch
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 51
the River Main on the
The width of the trussed arch is 5 m at the
apex and around 25.7 m at the transoms;
the inclination of the sides on the outside is
1:7. All the uprights of the trussed arch are
connected by crossbars and crossbuckles
(truss cross plates), the wind bracing of
the arch is arranged in the lower chord
[Mehrtens, 1900] because the lower chord
is wider and therefore stiffer than the
upper chord. The advantages of the rocky
subsoil could be exploited by the design of
the clamped truss arch. The arch offered,
clamped at the transoms, was thus
designed completely differently from the
crescent-shaped arch of the Gara-bit
bridge completed nine years earlier (165
m arch span, arch span 52 m, chord center
distances of the arch both at the apex and
at the transom: 4 m), which is particularly
advantageous for the assembly days, which
did not require any assembly scaffolding.
All bearings of the lateral spatial truss
supports and the girder are anchored in
the masonry of the foundation, whereby
the anchorages are prestressed.
Maschinenbau-Actien- Gesellschaft
Nürnberg was awarded the contract to
build the bridge according to their
proposal, whereby the contract was
extended to include the earthworks and
foundation work as well as the
construction of the masonry so that the
construction of the bridge was in one
Construction began in 1894. The iron
construction work, river iron was used,
and the pre-assembly was carried out at
the Brückenbau-Anstalt Gustavsburg of
the Ma- schinenbau-Actien-Gesellschaft
Nürnberg. The Brückenbau-Anstalt Gus-
tavsburg was established in 1860 on the
occasion of the construction of the railroad
bridge over the Rhine in Mainz as a
branch of the Maschinenfabrik und
Eisengießerei Klett & Comp., Nuremberg,
and was subsequently retained [Berg,
1997]. From 1873, the company Klett &
Comp. traded as Maschinenbau-Actien-
Gesell- schaft Nürnberg with the
workshops in Gustavsburg (at the tip of
52 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Main flows into the Rhine) with the

simultaneous founding of Süddeutsche
Brückenbau A.-G., Munich. Süddeutsche
Brückenbau A.-G. was dissolved in 1884, and
the workshops were incorporated into the
main plant of Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft
Nürnberg as the Gustavsburg Bridge
Construction Institute. Later, Vereinigte
Maschinenfabrik Augsburg and
Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft Nürnberg
merged to form Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-
Nürnberg AG (M.A.N.).
The four-legged spatial truss columns
supporting the truss girders of the lateral
spans, including the two four-legged spatial
truss columns above the abutments of the
girder, were installed first. All of these truss
supports are 15 m wide in the longitudinal
direction of the bridge. In the transverse
direction, the supports are inclined 1:7
against the perpendicular like the arch and
have a transverse spacing of 5 m at the top.
Slewing cranes with a radius of 10 m were
mounted on the truss girders, from which the
arch in the free stem, the truss supports
above the arch as pendulum disks and the
truss girders above the arch were mounted at
the same time. As already mentioned,
clamping the arch to the transoms had the
advantage that the arch could be assembled
without scaffolding. In addition, as is well
known, clamped arches have a more
favorable material distribution compared to
two- or three-hinged arches, the larger iron
cross-sections are required at the transoms
and the cross-sections and thus the quantities
of flow iron are reduced towards the apex.
Like the arch of the Garabit Bridge, which
was completed in 1888, the arch was
constructed with back suspension in a free
cantilever. During assembly, temporary
joints were provided at the transoms,
allowing deformation and inclination
corrections to be made during construction.
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 53

Figure 1.4-20 Müngsten Bridge

The multi-span truss girders to the side bridge, then known as the Kaiser Wilhelm
of the arch and above the arch (here Bridge, was the widest-spanning arch in
supported by truss pendulum supports Europe. After a test run with two trains,
after 30 m and 15 m towards the middle each with three locomotives and 18
of the arch) run the entire length of the wagons loaded with gravel, operation over
bridge. Their chord spacing is 6 m the bridge was opened in July 1897.
vertically and 5 m horizontally at the Shortly before the end of the Second
bottom and 7.5 m at the top. The World War, the bridge survived a
horizontal bracing for absorbing the wind bombardment without major damage. It
and braking loads is arranged continuously was to be blown up by German soldiers
in the upper chord plane and in some cases before the approaching Allied troops,
there is also a wind bracing in the lower which was fortunately prevented by the
chord plane of the continuous truss delaying tactics of officers and soldiers of
girder. The horizontal forces are absorbed the demolition command. The bridge is
in the two outer supports, which are still in operation today for regional rail
stiffer due to their lower height. traffic. In 1997, its 100th anniversary was
Transverse frames are arranged in the celebrated and a special stamp with the
transverse planes to transfer the image of the bridge worth 100 pfennigs
horizontal support forces to the bearings. was issued by Deutsche Post to mark the
In addition, the horizontal forces are also occasion. Since spring 2006, there has
transferred to the abutments via the arch. been a bridge park below the bridge on
The mesh divisions of the trusses of the the Solingen bank of the Wupper. One
arch and the continuous truss girders were attraction there is the floating ferry, a
designed in the same way, which is both draisine suspended on ropes, with which
structurally advantageous and you can float over the Wupper.
aesthetically pleasing (Fig. 1.4-20). The For the Wutachtal Railway, which runs
arch closure and the completion of the in the southern Black Forest/Hegau
continuous truss girder above the arch around the Swiss
took place in March 1897.
54 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-21 Biesenbach viaduct (Photo: Dr.-Ing. Klaus Stiglat)

Figure 1.4-22 Support of two adjacent fish belly girders of the Biesenbach viaduct on a truss support
(image based on photo by Dr.-Ing. Klaus Stiglat)

Canton Schaffhausen, four bridges had to Built for strategic military reasons during
be built for the construction of the middle the French War of 1870/71, it was
section between Weizen and Zollhaus- designed to transport a 140-ton gun barrel.
Blumberg, all of which were built between Its importance as a strategic bypass of
1888 and 1890 as iron structures mounted Switzerland and also for public passenger
on auxiliary scaffolding. One of them is and freight transport was limited. The
the Biesenbach viaduct near Epfenhofen, bridges remained intact during the
which is horizontally curved with a radius Second World War. As the railroad line
of 350 m [Stiglat, 1997]. The viaduct was practically unused after the war, it was
(Figure 1.4-21) consists of seven single- not adequately maintained and was
span fish-bellied girders on truss supports. gradually decommissioned by the German
Five spans have spans of 37.5 m, the other Federal Railways from 1955 onwards.
two spans 30 m. One fixed and one However, NATO prevented the final
movable bearing are arranged on each of dismantling of the track for military
the truss supports (Fig. 1.4-22). Since the reasons, renovated the railroad line and
Wutachtalbahn was built according to the maintained it until 1976, after which it
German was finally closed.
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 55

Figure 1.4-23 System of

the Firth of Forth Bridge
near Queensferry

was built. The middle section of the line bridge built over three spans across the St.
has been operational as a museum Lawrence River in Quebec/Canada with a
railroad since 1977 and it is thanks to this span of 549 m in the middle span.
that the bridges have been preserved as However, this bridge was only built on the
witnesses to the technical development of third attempt. As early as 1907, during the
iron construction in particular from the first attempt to build the bridge, lower
end of the 19th century. chord bars buckled during construction
One of the most famous bridges in the and led to the total collapse of one half of
world is the railroad bridge over the Firth the bridge [Scheer, 2000]. After the
of Forth near Queensferry in Scotland. structural design was improved and the
The bridge was designed by John Fowler bridge was built for the second time, the
and Benjamin Baker as a truss Tanner suspension girder collapsed while being
girder over four spans with the largest lifted into the river. Only then could the
spans of the middle spans of around 521 bridge be completed in 1917.
m and was built from 1883 to 1890. The One of the most scenic spots in
bridge system is shown in Figure 1.4-23. Dresden is the sharp curve of the Elbe
During construction, the huge cantilever with the graceful terrain of the Elbe slope
girders were built in front of the 44 m and near Loschwitz. Blasewitz lies on the left
79 m wide steel truss piers on both sides. bank of the Elbe and Loschwitz on the
After completion of the cantilever girders, right, which until 1893 were only
suspension girders were placed in the connected by ferry. From 1874, citizens
center openings at the ends of the and the then still independent
cantilevers, which were delivered by ship municipalities of Loschwitz and Blasewitz
and assembled from the water. The petitioned the Royal Saxon Ministry of
cantilever girders are connected to each Finance for permission to build a bridge
other via the suspension girders spanning over the Elbe between Loschwitz and
107 meters. The chords of the mighty Blasewitz [Helas et al., 1995].
cantilever girders were assembled from Claus Koepcke, Professor of Rail,
sheet metal to form tubular trusses as a Hydraulic and Bridge Engineering and
riveted construction. The outer disc-like Head of the Engineering Department at
truss walls are splayed outwards towards the Polytechnic in Dresden from 1869 to
the supports to increase stability. After its 1872, was Technical Officer at the Royal
completion, the Firth of Forth Bridge was Saxon Ministry of Finance at the time. He
the longest-spanning bridge for a long time was responsible for the entire railroad
with a span of 521.24 m until it was system. As early as 1861, at the age of 30,
replaced in 1917 by the construction of he was involved in the construction of the
the trussed Gerber girder bridge. port and the port railroad in
56 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Koepcke published his extensive studies and be liable for the financing. At the
on the construction of chain suspension same time, the commission submits a
bridges and raised the question of what proposal for the bridge tolls to be levied to
means could be used to minimize the finance the construction of the bridge. In
oscillation behaviour of suspension July 1885, a stiffened suspension bridge
bridges. He comes to the conclusion that was designed by the Royal Hydraulic
this is best achieved by what he calls the Engineering Directorate, and in October
stiffened suspension bridge, in which the the Commission received the first drafts
hanging chains are connected to the deck from the Hydraulic Engineering
as chords of trusses, creating stiff truss- Directorate, which envisaged a so-called
like discs whose large construction height stiffened suspension bridge for
limits the changes in deflection under construction. In August 1886, the
unsymmetrical and moving loads in the Ministry of Finance decreed that the
same way as they would occur with a Hydraulic Engineering Directorate would
correspondingly high beam girder. take over further work on the bridge
Koepcke was also particularly interested in design. Nevertheless, in September 1886,
the effects of temperature changes in the the commission commissioned the
structure. On the basis of mathematically company Felten & Guille- aume to draw
substantiated considerations, he up an additional design. For the
concluded that, as with the hingeless solid construction of the bridge, the Royal
arch bridges, joints in the apex and at the Hydraulic Engineering Directorate
support points were expedient to avoid stipulated, among other things, that the
overstressing from bending. His concept bridge must have a clear width of at least
for the construction of suspension bridges 135 m of the river opening and flood
was thus developed. openings at least 55 m wide on both sides.
In 1883, the local association and the It was also stipulated that the three main
Loschwitz municipal council again openings must have statically determined
submitted petitions to the Royal Saxon iron structures. The bridge association is
Ministry of Finance for the construction founded in September. The design
of the desired bridge over the Elbe, this submitted by the company Felten &
time enclosing elaborate bridge designs, Guilleaume met all the conditions set by
the design by Königin-Marien-Hütte from the hydraulic engineering directorate for
Cainsdorf near Zwickau with a parabolic the construction of the bridge, with one
girder bridge over six spans with a pier in exception: the bridge was statically
the middle of the river, as well as the indeterminate. However, the commission
design by civil engineer Kitzler with a had no illusions that this design, which
suspension bridge. A state subsidy for the envisaged the construction of a light and
bridge construction was promised in elegant cable-stayed bridge and was also
1884, and in April 1885 the "Commission cheaper than the competing designs,
for the preparation of a draft statute for would have any chance of being realized
the bridge association to be formed" was by Claus Koepcke, the man in charge at
formed. The commission determines the the Ministry. The design by Felten &
distribution of the shares to be contributed Guilleaume was therefore not included in
by the 11 participating municipalities. the new petition for the construction of
the bridge submitted by the bridge
association in 1887. In 1890, a limited
tender was issued for the construction of
the bridge as a stiffened suspension bridge
based on Koepcke's design. The contract
for the construction of the
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 57

Figure 1.4-24 Loschwitz

Elbe Bridge in Dresden

Joint Pylon Pylon Joint

Central parietal joint

61,8 m 146,7 m 61,8 m Figure 1.4-25 System of

roller bearing Abutment the Loschwitz Elbe Bridge
Anchor (image after [Raboldt,

bridge was awarded to Königin-Marien- pin joints had proved to be ineffective due
Hütte Cainsdorf after it had conceded a to the frictional forces. In a departure
significant price reduction on its offer. from earlier designs, Koepcke placed the
Construction could now begin in April center joint at the level of the roadway
1891. instead of in the upper chord. As a result,
The Loschwitz-Blasewitz Elbe Bridge, he not only increased the height of the
Fig. 1.4-24, called the Blue Wonder by the pier, but above all achieved a low-torsion
people of Dresden, has span widths of transfer of horizontal forces between the
61.8-146.7-61.8 m [Raboldt, 1970]. two halves of the bridge. An additional
Koepcke described the bridge's system as a stiffening chord absorbs the bending
stiffened suspension bridge. Although the stresses occurring in the middle section of
bridge appears to the layman to be a the bridge.
suspension bridge, the central span is Koepcke intended to limit the
actually an externally statically vibrations of the bridge by designing what
determined, tensile three-hinged arch he called a stiffened suspension bridge.
with a central crown joint at the bottom, Instead of using the usual hangers,
whose horizontal forces are transferred at Koepcke connected the strong upper
the pylon tips via the side spans into the chord of the bridge with the lower and
abutments (Fig. 4.1-25). Lever mechanisms load chord by means of a diamond-
with ballast made of heavy cinder concrete shaped infill, so that stiff truss-like discs
are accommodated in the two abutments with a central chord were created to
and absorb the horizontal bearing force. stiffen the diagonal nodes. The
The joints were designed as spring joints arrangement of the joints
58 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

the system became soft and therefore Trolleybuses and trams were closed at
prone to resonance. To partially walking speed for vehicles over 3 tons,
compensate for this effect, Koepcke and since 1985 also for tram traffic.
arranged so-called bridge brakes at the Repairs were then carried out, including
center joint of the bridge and on the piers strengthening the spring joints in the
between the lower chords of the side spans middle of the bridge by installing tendons.
and the center span. The bridge brakes The bridge is still serviceable under the
each consist of finger-like overlapping designated usage restrictions, even if it
steel plates, which bridge the gap at the can hardly cope with today's traffic
pivot point starting from the two chords, volume. Anyone using it by car during
and nine bolts with diameters of 35 mm, rush hour needs patience. Buses, trucks
which are arranged in slotted holes. and cars stand still more than they drive,
Friction is generated between the plates even when approaching the bridge.
due to the pre-tension of these screws. The Compared to the beauty of elegant
frictional forces increase the damping of suspension bridges, the Loschwitz Bridge
the bridge, but are too small to lead to does not look elegant overall, which is
constraints in the event of deformation reinforced by the aesthetically disruptive
under load or temperature changes. The stiffening of the central joint with
girder grid arranged at an angle to the superimposed girders. However, the bridge
main girders (the cross girders of the deck is by no means clumsy, on the contrary.
are arranged at 45° to the bridge axis The bridge emphasizes the beautiful
[Beyer, 1956], there p. 625) was intended to landscape of the Elbe bend with the
prevent both main girders from vibrating Dresden districts of Loschwitz and Blase-
equally and thus also contribute to witz. From a sufficient distance, its lines
damping; at the same time, they serve as a appear clear, from close up like a tangle of
lower wind bracing. According to Koepcke, struts. It looks most beautiful when you
the above measures prevented resonance take the Elbe steamer from the Elbe
phenomena in columns moving in step. Sandstone Mountains to Dresden. When
However, today's heavy traffic caused you see it and the northern slopes of the
disturbing vibrations in the bridge. Elbe and the Elbe meadows to the south,
Between 1930 and 1934, the bridge was you feel that you have left the Elbe
widened and reinforced under the Sandstone Mountains, Pirna and Pillnitz
direction of government building officer behind you and have arrived in Dresden.
Dr. Kirs- ten and Professor Kurt Beyer. The bridge is thus a landmark that
Koepcke had already planned for the characterizes the cityscape of Dresden.
bridge to be widened when it was built, The Spree played a key role in the
making it very easy to move the sidewalks founding of Berlin and its earlier economic
to the outside. development. The river in the city center,
During the Second World War, three once a traffic route, goods transshipment
bombs ripped through the bridge deck, point and drive for mills, has lost this
leaving behind considerable destruction. significance today. Today, the Spree is
The bridge was prepared for demolition at mainly used by tourist and excursion
the end of the Second World War. boats to view Berlin's historical and modern
Fortunately, these were prevented. From sights from a different perspective from the
1956, the bridge, with the exception of the water. Especially when
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 59

Figure 1.4-26 Maiden

bridge over the
Kupfergraben in Berlin

Passing around the Spree Island on the The sandstone arch with the movable
Spree and especially through the Spree culvert in the middle was originally built
Canal and the adjoining Kupfergraben in 1798 as a draw bascule bridge based on
Canal under the Gertrauden Bridge and Dutch models and was repaired at the end
the Jungfern Bridge (Fig. 1.4-26) with the of the 20th century. The middle culvert
subsequent passage under the Palace Bridge has movable flaps, which were originally
(Fig. 1.4-4), past the Schlossplatz and made of wood but are now made of steel
Lustgarten with a view of the cathedral on girders with planking. They could be
the right and the Zeughaus on the left, moved with rollers, iron chains and
and finally the Museum Island with its counterweights. The Jungfernbrücke is
impressive museums at the northern end, preserved as a historical example of such
it becomes clear that the Spree as a river in bridges, which used to allow barges with
the city center has had a particular sails to pass through the city's waterways.
influence on the city of Berlin and its
cityscape. The Jungfernbrücke with two

Figure 1.4-27 Weiden-

dammer Bridge in Berlin
60 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The Weiden- dammer Bridge, Figure The rhythmic increase in the span widths
1.4-27, crosses the Spree in Fried- towards the middle of the river and the
richstraße in Berlin. The bridge, a red sandstone piers in front give the
continuous girder with variable girder bridge a very harmonious appearance
heights over three spans of 16.3 m - 38.5 m (Fig. 1.4-28).
- 15.5 m, was initially built from 1895 to To connect Wiesbaden and Mainz, the
1897, dismantled with the construction of 1180 m long Schierstein road bridge was
the subway in 1914 and rebuilt in 1922 built over the Rhine in 1961/62. The Rhine
with a widened roadway and a modified is divided into two arms at this point by
foundation for the river piers. The bridge the Rettbergsaue. The two river bridges
was intended to be representative, which is were designed as steel solid-wall girders
why artisans were commissioned to design with two-span open cross-sections with
the wrought-iron bridge railings and the variable girder heights, each spanning three
neo-baroque lampposts. Following repairs spans and with an orthotropic deck. The
in the 1970s, the bridge was extensively orthotropic slab is supported by lattice
renovated. girders arranged in longitudinal and
A steel bridge was built across the transverse directions. The largest span of
Rhine between Mainz and the suburb of the larger of the two river bridges over the
Castell on the right bank of the Rhine, right branch of the Rhine is 205 m (Fig.
now part of Wiesbaden as Mainz-Kastel, 1.4-29) and that of the smaller is 170 m.
as early as 1883/85. The bridge was This construction method was typical for
erected over five spans of 87 m - 99 m - bridges of this span length at the time. The
103 m - 99 m - 87 m as a truss double- foreland bridges and the part of the bridge
hinged arch, each with four parallel arches between the river bridges were separated
in the transverse direction, with an from the river bridges and constructed as
elevated roadway and a usable width of solid wall girders with composite steel
13.8 m. In 1931/33, two additional parallel plates.
arches were added. In 1931/33, two more Jörg Schlaich has designed several
parallel arches were added, giving it a bridges as circular ring girders suspended
usable width of 18.8 meters. It was or supported at one edge only. The design
destroyed during the war in 1945 and is based on the knowledge gained from
rebuilt in 1949/50 in its 1933 form. Due to me-

Figure 1.4-28 Theodor

Heuss Bridge over the
Rhine between Mainz
and Mainz-Kastel
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 61

The circularly curved girder in plan and The new main station was built on the site
the corresponding circular segmental slab of the current Lehrter Bahnhof. The upper
only need to be supported longitudinally east-west route of the fast train and
at either the inner or outer lateral edge. railroad with a total of six tracks runs over
He reports on the first bridge he designed Humboldthafen. In 1997/99, two double-
on this basis, the Kehlheim pedestrian track and two single-track horizontally
bridge over the Main-Danube Canal, in curved bridges were constructed as steel
this book, section and -31), in tube tied arches as vertical double arches
contrast to the Kehlheim pedestrian and with upper concrete slab beams
bridge, which is suspended from the inner [Schlaich/Schober, 1999-2]. The bridges
edge, is supported by an arch shaped as a follow the continuously widening track
space curve with a span of 77 m on which alignment. The tied arches made of thick-
individual columns and V-columns walled pipes run between the abutments
support the walkway in the middle [Bögle and the connections in the concrete slab
et al, 2003]. beams in vertical planes (see Section
In Berlin, the building was constructed The largest span width is 60 m.
to designs by architects von Gerkan, Marg The tied arches are connected to the
and Partners. concrete slab beams in a particularly
visually appealing way by integrating the
arches into the concrete slab beams.

Figure 1.4-29 Schierstein Bridge over the Rhine

Figure 1.4-30 Pedestrian bridge over the Rhine-Herne Canal in Oberhausen (image by Schlaich
Bergermann und Partner, Stuttgart)
62 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-31 Pedestrian bridge over the Rhine-Herne Canal in Oberhausen, detail (image by
Schlaich Bergermann und Partner, Stuttgart)

The upper concrete slab beams are Finley patented his construction system.
connected to the steel tube rod bends and By 1810, 50 chain suspension bridges had
the forces are transmitted via closely been built according to his patent. The
spaced supports made of vertical steel largest of these bridges, with a span of
tubes. The upper concrete slab beams are 100.4 m, was the one over the Schuylkill in
connected to the steel tube tied arches and Philadelphia.
the forces are transferred via closely In England, Sir Samuel Brown
spaced vertical steel tube supports. Some developed various eye rods instead of
of the pipe nodes were welded and some chains for the cables of suspension
were designed as cast steel nodes (arch bridges. The Union Bridge with a span of
heads, transoms, transom diagonal 137 m and a width of 5.5 m over the
bracings). Tweed near Berwick from 1820 is one of
the suspension bridges whose cables were
made from eyebars. It was destroyed by Modern suspension bridges wind in 1821. The suspension bridge for
the dockyard in Brighton, which was also
Although there were some iron chain built by Sir Samuel Brown in 1823, was
suspension bridges in China very early on another example of this construction
(in the 6th century at the latest), mostly method. It was 347 m long, 3.8 m wide
without stiffening girders, and even large and had four openings (it was torn apart
chain suspension bridges are known, such in 1836 due to the vibrations caused by
as the Luding Bridge with a span of 103 m the violent storm). Subsequently, eyebars
over the Dadu He in Sichuan Province were used for the cables on almost all
from 1705, it can be said that the era of suspension bridges in England, such as the
modern suspension bridges began with the bridge over the Menai Strait with a span of
construction of the Jakobs Greek chain 168 m by Thomas Telford in 1826, the
suspension bridge in Pennsylvania. It was Clifton Bridge over the Avon near Bristol
built in 1796 by J. Finley with a span of 21 with a span of 214 m by
meters and a width of 3.8 meters. Seven
years later
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 63

Isambard Kingdom Brunel from the year Suspension Bridges - A Century of Pro-
1864 etc. gress by John A. Roebling' Sons Company,
In France and Switzerland, wire ropes Trenton/New Jersey.
were predominantly used for the cables. Johann August Röbling was born in
This technique had already been used for Mühlhausen in Thuringia in 1806. After
small suspension bridges in England and completing his schooling, first at the
America in 1816. The Séguin brothers grammar school in Mühlheim and then at
(Marc and Camille Séguin) and Louis the private teacher training college in
Joseph Vicat are to be named as the key Erfurt, the 17-year-old Röbling began his
figures in the development of wire rope studies at the then Royal Polytechnic
bridges in France. The most famous wire Institute in Berlin. He studied civil
rope bridge of this period was the bridge engineering and bridge construction,
over the Saane in Fribourg, Switzerland, hydraulics and dyke construction,
built in 1835 by M. J. Joseph Chaley, a mechanical engineering and architecture.
French engineer, with a clear span of 273 His favorite subject was bridge
m. Although the air-spinning method for construction, which he studied under
assembling the cables was already known Dietleyn. Dietleyn introduced his students
and was strongly promoted by Louis to the then new bridge design of the
Joseph Vicat, Chaley used the suspension bridge. Among other things, he
conventional assembly method with explained five smaller suspension bridges
prefabricated parallel wire ropes for the that had just been built in England, in
Grand Pont over the Saane in Fribourg. which the subway was suspended from
There seems to have been a euphoria for chains made of articulated rods. Diet- leyn
cable bridges in France at the time, and pointed out that two of these chain
more than 200 cable bridges are said to suspension bridges had collapsed after a
have been built there between 1830 and short time in windy conditions. Johann
1850. However, the lack of sufficient August Röbling also learned about the first
stiffness caused several collapses of bridges chain suspension bridge of modern design
of this type, such as the Basse-Chaîne built by Finley in 1796 over Jacobs Creek
bridge over the River Maine near Angers near Greeburgh in Pennsylvania and
in France in 1850, where 226 of 487 about the brass wire rope suspension
soldiers marching on the bridge lost their bridge over the Schuylkill waterfalls in
lives. Because of such collapses, doubts Philadelphia, which was built in 1816 and
about the safety of cable bridges grew so collapsed under the weight of ice and snow
strongly in Europe that initially only a few in the same year. He was fascinated by the
bridges of this type were built. new construction system for bridges and
Johann August Röbling played a realized early on the dangers that could
pioneering role in the construction of arise from inadequate designs. Although
modern suspension bridges. Therefore, in he was enthusiastic about suspension
recognition of his special merits, special bridges, he had never seen one before.
attention is paid to him, his development During his studies in 1824, he heard that
and his contribution to modern large the first chain suspension bridge as a
bridge construction. Reference is made to pedestrian bridge in Germany was being
the books by David Bernard Steinman built over the Regnitz in Bamberg. He
[Steinman, 1957] and David P. Billington traveled to Bamberg, made a careful study
[Billington, 1985] as well as the of the bridge, analyzed the construction
elaboration of and determined the material required. He
64 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-32 Former

chain suspension bridge
in Bamberg (Photo: Hans
Möller, copyright:
Stadtarchiv Bamberg)

summarized everything in a report and familiar. These were used to connect

submitted it as his engineering thesis. He waterways where the canals were
never lost his enthusiasm for the design, interrupted by mountain ranges. Tracks
construction and building of suspension were run up and down the slopes of the
bridges. The chain suspension bridge was mountain in between. The mountain
completed in 1825, remained in its original railroads, which ran on inclined planes,
state until 1880, was replaced by a new had considerable gradients. The canal
structure in Bamberg (Fig. 1.4-32) and barges were dismantled and loaded onto
then destroyed in the war. wagons, the freight and passengers were
Johann August Röbling completed his pulled up the mountain by steam engines
studies at the age of 20 as a civil engineer, as located at the highest point to be bridged
civil engineers used to be called in Austria. using endless hemp ropes on a double
It is a pity that the former designation was track and lowered on the other side (a
not retained throughout the German- wagon was pulled up, a wagon drove
speaking world. It tri@ the job title and down as a counterweight) to the next
the versatility of the profession more aptly canal. There the canal barges were
than the one used today. Röbling reassembled and the freight loaded. The
emigrated to America in 1831. He was hemp ropes constantly chafed, which
initially involved in building the often happened without warning. If a
Saxonburg settlement (initially called hemp rope broke, the wagons and their
Germania) in Pennsylvania for those who cargo were wrecked. Because the
had emigrated with him and was therefore expensive hemp ropes had to be replaced
active in agriculture, but Röbling was not at short intervals, even when no accidents
particularly successful as a farmer. occurred, this resulted in constantly high
After six years, he returned to the costs. Röbling came to the conclusion that
engineering profession. He became a it would be better to replace the hemp ropes
technical assistant for the canalization of with wire ropes. He remembered that wire
the canal network in the state of ropes were already being made in Saxony
Pennsylvania. In the process, he became by twisting wires together. He was
familiar with the operation of cable determined to do the same.
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 65

do. This idea was the birth of the wire emerged. He therefore developed the
rope industry, which revolutionized the cable-air spinning process based on ideas
construction of large bridges and also from Henry Vicat. Each wire is pulled
paved the way for many other individually over the pylons with a rolling
applications. He produced his first wire device and suspended in the air in the
rope on his farm in Saxonburg in 1841 and required shape. The successive wires are
applied for a patent for a method of suspended at the same length with the
manufacturing wire ropes, which he was same stitch of slack and thus inevitably all
granted in 1842. During the first test receive the same tension. A certain
demonstration on one of the inclines of number of wires are then bundled together
the Pennsylvania Canal, he was the victim to form a cable strand and finally the
of sabotage. Someone cut the wire rope, strands are pressed together to form a
causing it to break during the compact cable. The finished cable is
demonstration. After the damaged section tightly wrapped (spun) with soft annealed
was repaired, the wire rope did its job for a wire and painted on the outside. This
long time under the toughest conditions, created a tight air seal and prevented
making Röbling a complete success. All moisture from penetrating the cable. The
cable railroads were then equipped with further developed process has been used
wire ropes. Above all, the dangers of on all large American suspension bridges
transportation over the mountains were to this day. Well prepared, he was now
reduced, but the costs were also lowered. determined to apply for the construction
The great demand for wire ropes, which of suspension bridges. As early as 1841,
were also used in mines for transportation i.e. at the same time as producing his first
both in vertical shafts and in inclined wire rope, he published the first
mining, for cable cars and excavators as fundamental work [Roebling, 1841] on the
well as in shipping, led to the expansion of construction of suspension bridges for the
his company for the manufacture of wire development of modern suspension
ropes, which he initially founded in bridge construction.
Saxonburg and which grew quickly and In the winter of 1843/44, a canal bridge
steadily. It was therefore moved to of the Pennsylvania Canal over the
Trenton in 1849 and still exists today as Allegheny in Pittsburgh was severely
John A. Roebling' Sons Company Trenton, damaged by ice and was to be replaced by a
New Jersey. He applied for another patent new bridge. Johann August Röbling
for cables with parallel wires, which was proposed the construction of a canal
granted. With the development of the suspension bridge and was awarded the
wire rope, he became convinced that the contract to build the canal bridge within
wire was the solution for the construction nine months, which Röbling completed on
of bridges with large spans. In the wire time as an engineering contractor. The
rope suspension bridges built in Europe at bridge had seven openings, each with a
that time, the individual cables were laid span of 49 meters. The two wire cables
out along the bank, transported to the had a diameter of 18 cm and ran through
bridge and suspended over the pylo- ne. the entire length of the bridge in an
Röbling realized that with this method of unbroken garland shape. The wooden
construction, the curvatures of the trough was continuously suspended from
individual cables could not be arranged in them via hangers. To the
such a way that the same tension was
maintained in all the wires.
66 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

For the first time in the history of bridge connected them. The arrangement of the
construction, large cables for a suspension cables was unique. Two cables were
bridge were produced in their final directly connected to the upper bridge
position on site. panel by wire rope suspensions, the other
In the following years, Röbling built two to the lower bridge panel. To stiffen
further canal bridges and the very light and increase wind stability as well as to
Monongahela Bridge in Pittsburgh, where absorb part of the load, Röbling again
he for the first time arranged additional arranged inclined cables, as on the
stay cables to stiffen and increase wind Monongahela Bridge, which ran from the
stability, which ran from the heads of the pylons to the two roadways in clusters (see
pylons to the wooden stiffening girders. Figure 5.2.1-35 for definition according to
By 1850, Johann August Röbling had built Feige). The bridge was completed in
six suspension bridges, five canal bridges March 1855. Despite the constantly
and one road bridge, the Monongahela increasing weight of the trains and
Bridge in Pittsburgh, in six years. locomotives, the bridge carried the loads
In 1847, the construction of a from its commissioning in 1855 until
combined rail and road bridge over the 1897, i.e. over 42 years. Due to the
Niagara about 3 km below the famous increase in rail traffic, the threefold
waterfalls was put out to tender. Johann increase in load weight compared to its
August Röbling applied for the contract, completion and the additional need to
but the contract was not awarded to him, accommodate trams, the bridge was
but to Charles Ellet, who only came until demolished in 1897 and replaced by a
the completion of a 2.30 m wide wider steel arch bridge designed for
temporary bridge in July 1848 for the greater loads.
workers and the transportation of In 1857, Johann August Röbling was
materials for the actual construction work. commissioned to build another
The temporary bridge was initially used as suspension bridge over the Allegheny in
a footbridge for ten months and, after a Pittsburgh to replace a 40-year-old
few reinforcements, was also used for a few covered bridge. Building this bridge was a
years by light vehicles to cross the Nia dream come true for him. His eldest son
Gara. Only one lane was available for Washington Roebling, who had studied
traffic on the swaying bridge. It was engineering at the Rensselaer Polytechnic
eventually demolished. Institute in Troy, New York, from 1854 to
Johann August Röbling was awarded 1857 and had worked for some time in the
the contract to build the combined rail Trenton factory, joined him in Pittsburgh
and road bridge over the Niagara in 1851. in 1858 and worked with him on the
The Niagara Bridge was built as a construction of this bridge, which was
suspension bridge with a span of 247.5 m completed in 1860.
and four cables with a diameter of 25.4 cm The construction of a bridge across the
made of wrought iron wire as a two-storey Ohio from Covington to Cincinnati had
bridge. The railroad track was on the been under discussion since 1839. Johann
upper and the road on the lower bridge August Röbling had been working on this
level. The Niagara Bridge was the first since 1846 and had drawn up plans for the
suspension bridge with a fully effective 5.5 bridge across the Ohio from Covington to
m high stiffening girder, which, as a truss Cincinnati, which led to the contract to
girder, connected the two roadway slopes. build the bridge in 1856. After the
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 67

After the foundation work for the two The cable had to be reinforced in
pylons began, construction work was 1896/1897 by the addition of two further
initially halted due to a lack of funds. Due cables with a diameter of 25.4 cm.
to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1860, Well prepared and experienced, father
work was stopped completely and not Johann August and son Was- hington
resumed until 1863. The bridge over the Roebling applied to design and build the
Ohio from Covington to Cincinnati has a bridge in New York over the East River
span of 322 meters. It was the largest span connecting Manhattan to Brooklyn. The
of any bridge up to that time. The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge was
suspension cables have a diameter of 32 to develop into a tragic story. As early as
cm and were the cables with the largest 1857, Johann August Roebling had
diameter up to that time. First, a light written a letter to the mayor of New York
working bridge had to be built. The end of explaining the feasibility of bridging the
the 63 mm diameter wire rope was pulled East River. In 1865, he drew up plans for
from the anchoring abutments on the the construction of the bridge, which he
Cincinnati side over the pylon on the presented to representatives of the
Cincinnati side, the rest was loaded onto a Brooklyn citizenry. In December 1866,
barge and towed across the Ohio, lowered Henry C. Murphy, William C. Kingsley and
to the bottom of the river, to the opposite Alexander Mc Cue made the necessary
bank in Covington. A steam-powered preparations for the New York State
pulley was used to pull the double cable Legislature to pass a resolution in April
out of the water to the head of the pylon 1867 to build the Brooklyn Bridge. One
on the Covington side and up into its month later, the New York Bridge
required slack between the two pylons, Company was founded as a state-owned
where it was friction-locked to the cable enterprise to build and maintain the bridge
anchoring abutments. Wooden cross over the East River between the cities of
beams were placed on the wire ropes and New York and Brooklyn. Johann August
floor boards were laid on top of them in the Roebling was commissioned to design and
longitudinal direction. The rest of the build the bridge. His son Washington
work, in particular the spinning of the Roebling, who had been involved in the
cables for the suspension bridge, could be design of the Brooklyn Bridge from the
carried out from this working platform. very beginning, then traveled to Europe to
The suspension bridge itself was again learn about the latest knowledge on
fitted with stay cables to stiffen it and various problems of engineering
increase its wind stability, which ran in a construction and in particular about
radial pattern from the pylons to the pressurized air methods for lowering the
stiffening girder. Two pairs of diagonal caissons to create foundations. Johann
cables running in opposite directions were August Röbling determined the location
added as a new construction element to of the bridge by comparing various route
stiffen the suspension cables. From 1865 alignments of the roads with their ramp
until the bridge was completed in 1867, inclinations and the traffic possibilities,
Washington Roebling assisted his father prepared the planning documents
as deputy chief engineer in completing the including the necessary surveying work up
construction of the bridge, which still to the
fulfills its purpose today, albeit because of
68 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Röbbing completed the design and had to be amputated. After two weeks of
estimated the costs for the construction of pain, Johann August Röbling, the brilliant
the bridge, which, with a span of 486.3 m engineer of the 19th century, died as a
for the main opening and 284.4 m for result of the accident. In August 1869, 32-
each of the two side openings, was to go year-old Wash- ington Roebling, who had
down as a technical masterpiece of the been very familiar with the design,
19th century and a milestone in the history construction and building of the bridge
of bridge construction. Röbling from the very beginning, was appointed
innovatively proposed using cold-drawn chief engineer as his father's successor.
steel wire instead of iron wire for the Compressed air caissons, a new
suspension ca- ble for the first time. The method for foundations in deep water at
Brook- lyn Bridge was groundbreaking for the time, were used for the foundations of
several subsequent suspension bridges the neo-Gothic granite pylons. The pylon
with spans of between 400 and 600 m, on the Brooklyn side was founded at a
whereby the required load-bearing depth of around 12 meters, the one on the
capacities of the subsequent bridges New York side at a depth of around 24
increased due to the increase in traffic. meters. The upper end of the first wooden
Röbling's plan for the construction of the caisson on the Brooklyn side, which was
bridge was accepted by the planning and open at the bottom, was a 4.5 m thick slab
surveying committee. However, renowned made of wooden beams (the wooden slab
engineers expressed doubts as to whether of the caisson on the New York side was
the construction of the long-span bridge even 6.7 m thick). The timbered wooden
was feasible. Two commissions, one of the walls were 2.7 m thick at the top and
consulting engineers and one of military tapered downwards to a cutting edge,
engineers, dealt intensively with the which consisted of a rounded iron casting
question, visited armored with sheet metal as a shoe. A
including the suspension bridges already seamless zinc sheet was laid over the
built by Röbling over the Niagara and entire caisson. The caisson was built on
over the Ohio between Covington and slipways on the bank and floated and
Cincinnati. Both commissions finally lowered to the foundation site. The
confirmed the feasibility of building the excavation work in the caisson was carried
Brooklyn Bridge according to Röbling's out in three eight-hour shifts. The inputs
plans in their reports in May and June each worked eight hours in the caisson.
1869. The resistance of the experts was From today's perspective, the working
overcome and construction of the bridge conditions in the caisson were
over the East River could finally begin. unacceptable. Mud, quicksand and a huge
But what tragedy was to befall Johann amount of rock had to be removed by
August Röbling and his son. During the petroleum light, and at times dynamite was
final surveying work in the summer of even used to blow up the rock. The
1869, Johann August Röbling, who was dangers associated with staying in
standing on the dolphins of a ferry compressed air for too long (caisson or
landing stage and engrossed in his work to diver's disease) were still unknown at the
determine the exact position of the pylon time. When lowering the caisson for the
on the Brooklyn side, overlooked an foundation of the pylon on the Brook-
incoming ferry. The ship crashed with full
force against the fender, the fender frame
pressed against the post and Röbling's foot
was trapped and crushed. The toes of his
right foot
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 69

ly side with air pressures of up to 1.6 atü, She learned about the areas of
there were hardly any problems for mathematics required to build the bridge,
healthy workers, apart from temporary the behavior of cable constructions,
effects on the eardrums during the infeed material behavior and bridge regulations.
and outfeed. This changed with the She had her husband explain his ideas to
caisson for the foundation of the py- lon her and familiarized herself with the
on the New York side. When the air language of engineers. She went to the
overpressure here rose above 1.7 atü, the bridge construction site every day to
dwell times in the caisson were gradually check on the work in progress and to pass
reduced to two hours when the on her husband's instructions to the
foundation depth was reached with 2.5 engineers on site. When, shortly before
atü overpressure. Despite additional the completion of the construction of the
extensive preventive measures, a large Brooklyn Bridge in 1882, doubts were
number of the workers suffered from the expressed that Washington Roebling could
effects of being in the compressed air. 110 continue to fill the position of chief
workers required medical treatment and engineer due to his health (note that
three workers died. Roebling had already been paralyzed for
Because he was aware of the risks ten years and yet continued to work as
involved in working in the air box and chief engineer!), Mrs. Emily Warren
knew that any minor mistake could be Roebling made such a convincing plea
fatal, Washington Roeb- ling himself was before the American Society of Civil
always in the caisson when things got Engineers (ASCE) that her husband's
critical. He spent more hours in the replacement as chief engineer was
compressed air box than anyone else. In rejected.
the summer of 1872, he was brought out In 1876, the more than 106 m high,
of the caisson almost unconscious and his completed granite pylons supporting the
death was expected every hour. He suspension cables rose up on the
recovered after a few days, but then concreted caissons. The abutments for
collapsed again. He remained paralyzed in anchoring the cables were also ready.
pain for the rest of his life, and at the age Preparations for spinning the cables began.
of 35 he was a victim of caisson disease. In principle, the cables were constructed
However, he was determined to complete in the same way as the bridge over the
the construction of the bridge as chief Ohio from Covington to Cincinnati. Only
engineer. He sat at home with a direct view a few local changes were made. Instead of
of the bridge construction site from his two, as with the Ohio Bridge, four cables
window. Because he feared he would not were required for the Brooklyn Bridge.
live much longer, he feverishly wrote, These also had larger cross-sections (39.4
drew and worked out detailed instructions cm diameter) than on the Ohio Bridge
for the construction of the pylo- ne, the and, for the first time on a suspension
spinning of the suspension cables and the bridge, they were made of galvanized steel
suspension of the steel deck, including wire. As with the previous bridges over the
difficult and special assembly processes. Niagara and the Ohio, additional stay
Armed with binoculars, he directed the cables were arranged in clusters from the
construction site from the window of his heads of the pylons to the stiffening girder.
house. His wife, Emily Warren Roebling, Before the start of spinning the cables for
supported him with great dedication. the suspension bridge
Under his guidance, she studied the
70 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

temporary cables had to be stretched from A promenade for pedestrians, which is

bank to bank for the installation of the arranged lengthwise in the middle of the
endless traction cables for spinning the bridge above the levels of the traffic lanes,
cables and the necessary working is still in full operation today. From 1944
platform. In addition, two cables were to 1954, David Bernard Steinman
stretched between the two pylons as extended and upgraded the bridge for
reversing cables bent in opposite today's traffic. In the process, rail traffic
directions to prevent the light temporary was discontinued and the tracks for the
cables and the working platform from trams were removed. The bridge (Fig. 1.4-
being lifted by the wind. The spinning of 33) now has six lanes for motor vehicle
the cables was completed in October 1878. traffic and a promenade for pedestrians
All strands of the cables were drawn above the levels of the lanes.
together in an exact cylindrical shape After Wilhelm Ritter had already
using press-fitting machines and the published his theory for the calculation of
cables were wrapped with an suspension bridges taking cable strains
uninterrupted wire, whereby the winding into account in 1883 [Ritter, 1883], Joseph
wire was pre-tensioned by a rotating Melan presented his analytical method
machine so that the friction between the based on the solution of the differential
wires was so great that it was impossible equation "Theory of Iron Arch Bridges
to pull a cable wire out of the bundle. The and Suspension Bridges" in 1888 [Melan,
stiffening girder was then hung over the 1888]. In it, he presented a fundamental
hangers on the suspension cables and then calculation method based on the
the stay cables were installed. The bridge deformation of the supporting structure,
was opened in May 1883, after the bridge which had a significant influence on the
approaches had also been completed, in design of large suspension bridges. This
the presence of the President of the calculation method was first used by Leon
United States, Chester Arthur, and many Solomon Moisseiff in the design of the
prominent figures. The Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge in New York, built
originally with four lanes for horse-drawn between 1901 and 1909 (in the
vehicles, two tracks for the tram (instead, background of Fig. 1.4-33), which has a
from 1898 to 1944: two tracks each for span of 448 m, and was incorporated into
trams and trolleybuses and two lanes for the design of the bridge.
car traffic) and one track for cars, was built
in 1883.

Image 1.4-33 Brooklyn

Bridge in New York
(Photo: Giesela Schmitz)
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 71

introduced in practice. The theory was In 1912, Ammann was an employee in the
later improved and expanded by Stephen engineering office of F. C. Kunz and C. C.
P. Timoshenko, Leon Solomon Moisseiff, Schneider in Philadelphia. Among other
David Bernard Steinman and Kurt things, he drew up a design for the
Klöppel/ Kuo Hao Lie, among others. reconstruction of the Quebec Bridge. In
Another important milestone in the 1912 he joined the engineering office of
construction of suspension bridges was set Gustav Lindenthal in New York. He was
by Othmar Hermann Ammann, which is entrusted with the design of the Hell Gate
why his development is also briefly Bridge and the technical issues arising
touched on. Reference is made here to during its construction. The Hell Gate
[Stüssi, 1974]. Othmar Hermann Bridge is a truss double-hinged arch
Ammann was born on March 26, 1879 in bridge with a span of 298 m for rail traffic
Feuerthalen in the canton of Schaffhausen. with four tracks. At the time of its
When he was six years old, the Ammann construction, it was the longest-span arch
family moved to Kilchberg on Lake Zurich. bridge. As an employee of Gustav
He grew up here. He first attended Lindenthal, Ammann was also involved in
elementary school in Kilchberg and then the design for a suspension bridge over
the industrial school in Zurich (technical the Hudson in New York. This design at
department of the cantonal school). After the height of 57th Street proved to be too
completing his schooling, Ammann began expensive and was not commissioned for
studying civil engineering at the Swiss execution.
Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich In 1923, Othmar Hermann Ammann
in 1897, graduating in 1902. His most set out on his own to develop his own
important teacher during his studies was design for a bridge over the Hudson. In
Wilhelm Rit- ter, who taught structural December 1923, he submitted a report to
analysis and bridge construction. After the Governor of New Jersey, George S.
two years of engineering practice in a steel Silzer, on the need for a bridge across the
construction company in Brugg and in a Hudson in the upper part of Manhattan.
concrete construction company in After examining the report, Governor
Frankfurt/Main, he emigrated to America Silzer forwarded it within three days to the
in 1904. Port of New York Authority, which was
Othmar Hermann Ammann initially responsible for New York. Ammann
worked in the engineering office of Joseph justified the request with the expected
Mayer in New York, where he was rapid increase in motor vehicle traffic.
involved in the design of several steel The rapid increase in traffic ensured solid
railroad bridges. From 1905 to 1909, he financing. The planned bridge in the
worked for the Pennsylvania Steel upper part of Manhattan at the height of
Corporation, primarily to gain practical the
experience in the design of steel bridges. 179th Street and the northern part of New
Here he was first a designer and then Jersey near Fort Lee did not have to be
assistant to the chief engineer of the built for railroad traffic, but was initially
company F. C. Kunz. His tasks included the intended for road traffic only, which is
construction of the Qeensboro Bridge in why it could be built relatively easily and
New York and assisting his boss in the at relatively low cost. The bridge was
preparation of the investigation report to initially to have six lanes for vehicles on
clarify the causes of the collapse of the both sides.
Quebec Bridge over the St. Lawrence
River in Canada mentioned in section From 1909 to
72 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The new road should have sidewalks about such as the ratios of the span to the sag of
3 m wide and leave open the possibility of the cables and to the heights and widths of
increasing the number of lanes to eight the stiffening girder, the cross-sectional
and arranging four lanes for rapid transit shape of the stiffening girder (in particular
or motor vehicle traffic on a level below. bending stiffness and torsional stiffness,
The first contracts for the construction position of the twist resting point, wind
of the bridge were awarded in 1927. The slip), the horizontal bracing in the case of
bridge was completed in 1931 and named truss stiffening girders or stiffening
the George Washington Bridge. The girders with open cross-sections, the
George Washington Bridge in New York heights of the dead loads of the cables and
(Fig. 1.4-34), with a span of 1067 m, is a the stiffening girder, the ratio of the
suspension bridge with a stiffening girder occurring wind load to the dead load and
of very low stiffness. Leon Solomon the natural frequencies of the structure.
Moisseiff, who had built the Ammann had dealt with these problems
aforementioned Manhattan Bridge in New very thoroughly before building the
York, was involved in the design and George Wash- ington Bridge. In 1960, as
calculation of the bridge in an advisory planned by Ammann, the lower level was
capacity. The George Washington Bridge installed to add another four lanes for
was the first bridge with a span of over motor vehicle traffic, which significantly
1000 m and was the longest-span bridge increased the stiffness of the stiffening
and the only bridge with a span of over girder as a closed truss box. After all, the
1000 m until the construction of the bridge had been in operation for almost
Golden Gate Bridge over San Francisco thirty years without any particular
Bay (Fig. 1.4-35), designed by Joseph vibration problems with the stiffening
Baermann Strauss and Charles Alton Ellis girder of low stiffness, confirming
with the support of Leon Solomon Ammann's opinion.
Moisseiff, which was completed in 1937 From 1933 to 1939, Othmar Hermann
with a span of 1280 m. When building Ammann was chief engineer of the
suspension bridges with low stiffness of Triborough Bridge Authority, which was
the stiffening girder, such as the George responsible for financing, building,
Washington Bridge in the first expansion maintaining and operating bridges in New
in 1931, some speak of a suspension bridge York. During this time, he built the
without a stiffening girder, e.g. [Stüssi Triborough Bridge (suspension bridge
1974], it is essential to consider the overall with a span of 421 m) and the Bronx-
concept of the structure of the bridge. Whitestone Bridge (suspension bridge with
a span of 701 m), among others. With the
Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, medium winds

Figure 1.4-34 George Washington Bridge in New York

1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 73

Figure 1.4-35 Golden

Gate Bridge over San
Francisco Bay

At high wind speeds, there were occasional Narrows Bridge (Fig. 1.4-36), designed for
unpleasant vertical vibrations, which were two traffic levels (the lower traffic level
insignificant for structural safety, but was installed in 1969), has a span width of
caused feelings of insecurity among 1298 m and a closed truss box as a
drivers. However, no unpleasant stiffening girder. At the time of its
vibrations occurred at high wind speeds. completion in 1964, it was the bridge with
The disturbing vibrations occurring at the largest span width.
medium wind speeds could be reduced by In 1940, one of the most spectacular
installing inclined cables from the heads disasters in the history of bridge
of the two pylons to the stiffening girders construction ever occurred. The Tacoma
and by blocking the longitudinal Narrows Bridge in Washington
displacements of the stiffening girders. State/USA, whose stiffening girders had an
In 1939, Othmar Hermann Ammann extremely low torsional stiffness due to the
founded his own engineering firm and in very narrow width of 11.9 m in relation to
1946, together with Charles S. Whitney, its span of 855 m and the light H-shaped
transformed it into the engineering cross-section, collapsed after coupled
partnership Ammann & Whitney. The torsional bending vibrations caused by the
Ammann & Whitney engineering rather weak wind (speed: 19 m/s)
partnership became occurred and gradually increased. The
was commissioned with the planning and bridge was designed by Leon Solomon
construction of the Verrazano-Narrows Moisseiff, one of the most experienced
Bridge. It spans the entrance to New York and capable bridge engineers of the time.
Harbor and connects the boroughs of Not only he, but also
Brooklyn and Staten Island. The Verrazano

Figure 1.4-36 Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

74 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Almost all bridge engineers at the time • the bridge over the Rhine in Kleve-
had no precise knowledge of the Emmerich, Germany (1966, 500 m),
aerodynamic effects of wind, although • the Ponte 25 de Abril over the Tagus in
collapses similar to the aforementioned Lisbon, Portugal (1966, 1013 m),
suspension bridge for the Brighton • the Tsingma Bridge in Hong Kong
shipyard had previously caused a stir (1997, 1337 m),
among the public. This incident of the • Six out of ten suspension bridges between
collapse of the Tacoma Bridge prompted Honshu and Shikoku including the
bridge engineers to carry out extensive Akashi Kaikyo Bridge in Japan (1998,
research into the wind stability of 1991 m span of the center opening,
suspension bridges, which was mainly Figure 1.4-37, currently the bridge with
carried out experimentally in wind tunnel the largest span).
tests. In America, first in Europe and later For the cable assembly of the above-
in Japan, the use of rigid truss girders was mentioned suspension bridges in America
used to counteract this problem. Here are and Europe, the air-spinning method was
a few examples of this: used, while assembly methods with
• the second Tacoma Narrows Bridge (in prefabricated parallel wire ropes were
1950, 853 m span), preferred for the suspension bridges in
• the bridge over Makinac Street in the Japan.
State of Michigan (1958, 1158 m), In the meantime, a different, new
• the Verrazano Narrows Bridge over concept has been introduced in Europe
New York Bay (1964, 1298 m, the with regard to the aerodynamic stability of
bridge with the largest span at the time), suspension bridges. The basic idea of the
• the Tancerville Bridge over the Seine in concept, which originated with Fritz
France (1958, 608 m), Leonhardt in 1953 [Leonhardt, 1982], see
• the Firth of Forth road bridge in there
Scotland (1964, 1006 m), p. 290/291, is to use wind-slip box girders
with an aerofoil-like cross-section (instead
of truss girders) as stiffening girders in
order to dampen the effect of the wind as
far as possible. After several

Figure 1.4-37 Akashi-

Kaikyo Bridge (Image
by Kawasaki Heavy
Industries, Ltd.)
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 75

Figure 1.4-38 Zhoushan Xihoumen

After several wind tunnel tests had been 1.4.4 Concrete arch, beam and rigid frame
carried out and good results had been bridges
obtained, the Severn Bridge in Beachley
with a span of 986 m was built for the first With the rediscovery of concrete - the
time in the UK in 1966 using this design Romans were already known to have used
principle. This was followed by, among concrete (see section 1.2.3) - at the end of
others, the first Bosporus Bridge in Turkey the 18th century and especially in the first
(in 1973, 1074 m span), the Humber half of the 19th century (Joseph Aspdin
Bridge in Kingston upon Hull, England registered the patent for the invention of
(1981, 1410 m, the bridge with the largest Portland cement in 1824), it was also
span at the time), the Jiangyin-Changjiang possible to build solid bridges with
Bridge in Jiangsu Province, China (1999, relatively small spans compared to steel
1385 m), the Höga- Kusten Bridge in bridges economically. Initially, stamped
Sweden (1997, 1210 m), the Storebælt concrete bridges were built based on the
Bridge in Denmark (1998, 1624 m) and model of natural stone arch bridges. The
the Runyang- Changjiang Bridge in invention of iron and steel concrete was
Jiangsu Province, China (2005, 1490 m). In then important for the further
addition, several large bridges are development of concrete construction.
currently under construction in China, The American Thaddeus Hyatt carried
such as the Zhoushan Xihoumen in the out the first tests with reinforced concrete
province of Zhejiang, China (1650 m), beams as early as 1850. In his reinforced
Fig. 1.4-38, which are also to be stiffened concrete test beams, the reinforcement
with wind-slip box girders. There are also was correctly arranged in the bending
plans for a suspension bridge with a central tension zone and anchored to the
opening of approx. 2500 m over the supports, and stirrup-type reinforcement
Qiongzhou Haixia (strait) between Hainan was present in the compression zone. This
Island and mainland China. shows that Thaddäus Hyatt already had a
Table 1.4-1 lists the 24 suspension good understanding of the load-bearing
bridges with the largest span widths at behavior of reinforced concrete. Although
present. there were already older patent
specifications from Joseph Louis
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 75

Table 1.4-1 Suspension bridges with the largest spans in 2008

Year of
Name span Location of the bridge State
width in
1991 Kobe-Naruto Japan 1998
Xihoumen 1650 Zhejiang Zhoushan China 2008
Storebælt Bridge 1624 Corsor Denmark 1998
southern Runyang Jiangsu Zhenjiang-
1490 China 2005
Bridge Yangzhou
Tsinglung Bridge 1418 Hong Kong China 2007
Humber Bridge 1410 Kingston-upon-Hull Great Britain 1981
1385 Jiangsu China 1999
Tsingma Bridge 1377 Hong Kong China 1997
Verrazano-Narrows New York Bay
1298 USA 1964
Bridge (Narrows)
San Francisco,
Golden Gate Bridge 1280 USA 1937
Yangluo 1280 Hubei Wuhan China 2007
Höga-Kusten Bridge 1210 Kramfors Sweden 1997
Connection across
Bridge over the
1158 Lake Huron and Lake USA 1957
Mackinac Strait
Michigan, Michigan
1108 Guangdong Huangpu China 2007
Minami Bisan-seto 1100 Kojima-Sakaide Japan 1988
Fatih Sultan Mehmet
1090 Istanbul Turkey 1988
Bosphorus Bridge 1074 Istanbul Turkey 1973
George Washington
1067 New York, NY USA 1931
3rd Kurushima Bridge 1030 Onomichi-Imabari Japan 1999
2nd Kurushima Bridge 1020 Onomichi-Imabari Japan 1999
Ponte 25 de Abril 1013 Lisbon Portugal 1966
Forth road bridge 1006 Scotland Great Britain 1964
Bisan-seto daycare 990 Kojima-Sakaide Japan 1988
Severn Bridge 988 Bristol Great Britain 1966
76 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-39 First iron-

concrete bridge in
Chazelet from 1875
(Photo: Dr.-Ing. Klaus

Figure 1.4-40 Bridge

deck of the reinforced
concrete bridge in
Chazelet (Photo: Dr.-
Ing. Klaus Stiglat)

Lambot from 1855, at least in Germany, is developed the first very simplified
the French gardener Joseph Monier, theoretical principles for calculating
whose patents, reinforced concrete structures in
including for reinforced concrete bridges, conjunction with tests on slabs and vaults
dating from 1867-1881, as the founder of carried out by Wayss and Freytag &
reinforced concrete construction. Heidschuch in Berlin. The most important
However, he was probably the first to contributions to the clarification of the
recognize the development potential of load-bearing behavior of reinforced
this construction method. In 1875, he also concrete and the application of the
built the first reinforced concrete bridge construction method in the early days of
in the world that still exists today, Figure the use of reinforced concrete came from
1.4-39, with a span of around 16.5 m and Francois Hennebique, Friedrich Ignaz von
a width of 4 m in a park over the moat Emperger and Emil Mörsch.
surrounding the fitter in Chazelet near Hennebique's main contribution is the
Saint-Benoit-du-Sault in western France. monolithic production of the slab beam
The bridge railing (Fig. 1.4-40) is made of with the interaction of the web and
concrete, which is molded from branches pressure plate ensured by stirrups and the
[Stiglat, 1997]. reinforcement that is attached.
The use of reinforced concrete for the Hennebique also designed the first
construction of buildings quickly became reinforced concrete bridge with a larger
widespread in Europe. Matthias Koenen span, the very slender Risorgimento Bridge
in Rome,
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 77
such a way that they were initially
which was built in 1911 with a clear width
of 100 m as a cellular structure with a box
cross-section with internal longitudinal
and transverse slabs, making it the first
reinforced concrete bridge with a span of
over 100 m. Von Emperger and Mörsch
carried out numerous experimental
studies and thus developed an
understanding of the new construction
method. By translating their findings into
the theoretical principles of reinforced
concrete construction and due to its cost-
effectiveness, the construction method
quickly became established. Mörsch in
particular shaped the construction method
through the truss analogy he developed
for the calculation and structural design of
reinforced concrete with the assignment of
tensile forces to the reinforcement and
compressive forces to the concrete. He
summarized the knowledge gained
through theory and experimentation in
the book Der Eisenbetonbau, seine An-
wwendung und Theorie, published by
Wayss & Freytag in 1902. Mörsch, who was
born in Reutlingen in 1872, studied civil
engineering at the Technical University of
Stuttgart, was head of the technical office
of Wayss & Freytag for a long time and
later a professor at the Technical University
of Stuttgart.
These include the reinforced concrete
arch bridge over the Isar in Munich-
Grünwald, built in 1903/1904 with two
three-hinged arches one behind the other,
each with a span of 70 m and a pier height
of 12.5 m, and the Gmünder tobelbrücke
over the Sitter near Teufen in the canton
of Appenzell, built in 1908 as a single-
span arch bridge with a span of 79 m and
a pier height of 26.5 m.
Joseph Melan, born in Prague in 1853,
developed a construction method for
building reinforced concrete arch bridges
without falsework at the end of the 19th
century. The reinforcement did not
consist of concrete steels, but of rigid,
riveted, self-supporting steel trusses,
which were erected in cantilever
construction and were dimensioned in
78 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

also carried the concrete formwork and the

fresh concrete alone, which is why the
falsework was unnecessary. Using Joseph
Melan's method, the so-called Melan
construction method, the first bridges were
built between 1896 and 1900 over the Kansas
near Topeka with a span of 38 m, over the
Steyr in Steyr with a span of 42 m and over the
Werra in Meiningen with a span of 40 m. In
North America in particular, several bridges
with spans of up to around 120 m were built
in the first half of the 20th century. In
Germany, the Echelsbach bridge over the
Ammer (about 75 km southwest of Munich),
which still exists today, was built in 1929 with
a span of 130 m using the Melan
construction method. This construction
method is no longer common in Europe and
America today due to the high price of steel.
In Ja- pan, however, the center sections of
long-span arch bridges were recently built
using the Melan construction method, after
the edge sections of the arches had previously
been built by the cantilever method. In
China, the Wan Xian highway bridge over
the Yangtze, which is currently the longest-
span concrete arch bridge with a span of 420
m, was completed in 1997. It was built
according to the Melan construction method.
The concrete arch consists of a three-cell
concrete box girder, which is reinforced with
a composite steel framework supporting the
formwork and the concrete. The upper and
lower chords of the steel composite skeleton,
each consisting of five steel pipes with an
outer diameter of 402 mm and a wall
thickness of 16 mm, are filled with C60
concrete and, in the final state, form the main
longitudinal reinforcement of the 16 m wide
reinforced concrete arch with a construction
height of 7 m, see [Ewert, 1997 and 1999a],
[Ding/Yongfu, 2001].
One of the most important civil engineers
in concrete bridge construction at the beginning
of the 20th century was Robert Maillart, who
was born in Bern in 1872 and studied at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 79

Polytechnic in Zurich had studied civil Bridge over the Rhine at Tavanasa in
engineering. It is to him that we owe the Graubünden, Fig. 1.4-41. The bridge
delicate, particularly bold design of the system can be classified as a three-hinged
concrete bridges, optimized for the arch. The span width is 51.25 m and the
distribution of internal forces, whereby he arch span is 5.7 m (l/f = 9). The greatest
designed the structures in such a way that bending stress under concentrated loads
all parts participated in the transfer of the occurs in the areas subject to bending stress
loads. He was always able to achieve a near the centers between the transom and
good design for his bridges with his apex joints (quarter points of the three-
economical structural forms. For many of hinged arch), the single-cell box-shaped
his structures, he was both the designer, arch has a relatively large construction
constructor and executing contractor. The height and thus a large cross-sectional
combination of good theoretical resistance. In contrast, the arch is thin at
understanding with practical experience the transoms and at the apex. The webs of
was important for Robert Maillart's the box-shaped arch are cut out at the
success as an engineer, with new insights transoms, separating the lower chord,
and solutions emerging from the which continues as an arch, and the ∩-
interplay. Being responsible for the design, shaped upper chord, which acts as a
construction and execution of buildings roadway support. This directs the
for decades was a decisive factor in the longitudinal force of the arch directly to
success of this ingenious civil engineer. the transom. Concrete disks are arranged
Particularly noteworthy are the three- in front of the abutments on each of the
hinged arches he designed, which taper to transoms, which connect the arch to the
thin plates at the transom and apex and ∩������� roadway girder. The bridge
have ∩������� or box cross-sections with was built on a falsework. Initially, only the
relatively high webs in the areas subject to lower slab was concreted. Only after the
bending stress, the so-called mail- lart concrete of the slab had hardened were the
arches. The prototype of this innovative footbridges and carriageway slab concreted.
form of construction, which can be The falsework therefore only had to
described as his first masterpiece, is the support the lower slab alone, while the
bridge he designed and built in 1905. falsework and the slab supported by the
concrete had to bear the loads from the
footbridge and the roadway slab.

Cross section Box girder Apex joint with concrete block flush with the roadway slab
in the quarter Plate girders

Vertical concrete slab Fighter line

connecting the roadway slab to
the arch
Figure 1.4-41 Longitudinal and cross-section of the bridge over the Rhine at Tavanasa (image
after [Billing- ton, 1990])
80 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The lower slab stiffened by the falsework horizontal cracks also formed in each of
worked together. This led to significant cost the two areas. All cracks occurred on the
reductions compared to conventional web most exposed to the sun. The stresses
dimensioning of the falsework for the on the webs due to the effects of external
complete dead load of the bridge. This loads were low and could not be the cause
low-cost construction was maintained for of the crack formation, especially as the
all subsequent bridges based on the cracks were vertical. The cracks must
Maillart system, which was particularly therefore have been caused by forced
cost-effective when building bridges in stresses. During drying out, or shrinkage,
difficult terrain, e.g. the Salginatobel the volume of the concrete is reduced and
Bridge. Unfortunately, the Tavanasa bridge the concrete shortens without restraint if
was destroyed by an avalanche in 1927, it is not prevented from doing so. The
causing boulders to fall onto the bridge. bridge's footbridge, which is exposed to
How did Maillart come up with the the sun, dries out faster than the roadway
system first used for the Tava- nasa slab and this dries out somewhat faster
Bridge? For the second concrete bridge he than the lower arch reveal located directly
designed, the bridge over the Inn in Zuoz above the river Inn, which is also cooled
in the Engadine, built in 1901, Maillart and moistened somewhat by the river.
had already chosen a two-cell box-shaped Therefore, if deformation were
three-hinged arch with a span of 38.25 m unhindered, the web would shorten more
and an arch section of 3.6 m (l/f = 10.6), than the deck slab and the deck slab slightly
Figure 1.4-42. For the bridge in Zuoz, more than the floor slab (see Fig. 1.4-43).
however, the box-shaped cross-section On the less illuminated side of the bridge,
was initially retained from the apex to the the same phenomena occur in principle,
transoms, which was also retained for his but to a lesser extent. As the individual
third bridge built in 1904 with two arches, parts are connected in a deformation- and
each with a span of 35 m, the Thur Bridge force-locked manner, constraint stresses
near Billwil in the canton of St. Gallen. arise, tensile stresses in the web and
About two years after the completion of the compressive stresses in the deck and floor
Inn bridge in Zuoz, vertical cracks slab, which led to cracking in the web.
appeared in the footbridges near the two After clarifying the cause of the cracks,
transoms. There were three cracks near Maillart came to the conclusion that it
one transom and one crack near the other would be best to omit the webs in the
transom. In the vicinity of both transoms transom areas because they are not needed
there to transfer the forces. Others would
perhaps have

Apex joint with concrete block between arch and roadway slab

Base plate Web Concealed transom joint

Figure 1.4-42 Longitudinal section of the bridge over the Inn in Zuoz (image after [Billington,
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 81

Unhindered shortening of the

roadway slab from shrinkage
Pressure in track slab
Vertical cracks in the web
Tension in web
Unhindered shortening of the web
from shrinkage
Pressure in base plate
Figure 1.4-43 Vertical cracks in the bridge over the Inn in Zuoz (image after [Billington, 1979])

The architects tried to counteract the therefore only 3.5 m wide here. Like the
formation of cracks by increasing the Tava- nasa Bridge, the system of the
reinforcement content and selecting Salginato- bel Bridge (Figures 1.1-1, 1.4-
smaller reinforcement diameters in the 44 to 1.4-46) is a three-hinged arch, albeit
web and would certainly have failed, with a significantly larger span of 90m.
because arranging more reinforcement The height of the arrows is around 13 m,
and selecting smaller reinforcement so the arrow ratio is approximately 6.9.
diameters cannot prevent cracks, but, as is The roadway and arch have been
well known, can only limit the crack developed into a technically and
widths to smaller values. aesthetically optimal solution with the low
The most important of the bridges of construction heights at the apex and at the
this type designed by Maillart is the transoms and the markedly greater
Salginatobel Bridge near Schiers in construction heights at the two quarter
Prättigau. The small mountain village of points of the arch. The cross-section at the
Schuders can be reached from Schiers on transoms is rectangular. Towards the
a narrow road that crosses the 80 m deep apex, it initially turns into a U-shaped
gorge of the Salginabach stream on the cross-section that is open at the top with
bridge built in 1929/1930. On the bridge, increasing height and, in the area of the
the road has only one lane and is quarter point

132,3 m
A - -A

13 m

A-A 90 m

3,5 m
Figure 1.4-44 Salginatobel Bridge, sections
82 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-45 View of the

Salginatobel bridge

into the box cross-section (see section A- The supports standing on the arch are I-
A in Fig. 1.4-44). The joints at the shaped.
transoms and in the apex are designed as Eugène Freyssinet built three arch
concrete spring joints with intersecting bridges over the Allier in 1908/1912,
reinforcement. The deck girder is a two- which are similar in all essential dimensions
span slab girder. The joints supporting the as well as in the construction method: the
slab girder and bridges at Le Veudre, at Boutiron and at
Chatel de Neuvre. The bridges each
consisted of very shallow three-hinged
arches with spans of 68 m - 72.5 m - 68 m
and pier heights of 4.6 m for the two
smaller lateral arches and 5.2 m for the
slightly larger central arch. The ratios of
the spans to the pier heights are thus
around 15 and 14, which is extreme. The
roadway is supported by triangular
trusses, which contribute to the buckling
stability of the arch with the rising and
falling diagonals and the connection to
the roadway. In the case of these bridges,
the equipping of the arches with the lifting
of the arch from the framework was
applied for the first time by generating
compressive forces by means of presses in
the apex joint, which simultaneously
minimized the elastic deflections of the
arch due to dead load. In the two years
following completion, creep deformations
caused the crowns to lower by 10 cm to 13
cm. With presses inserted into the joints
Figure 1.4-46 Salginatobel Bridge, oblique at the apex joint and the resulting
view from below
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 83

The arches were lifted back into their 1.4-47) and is approved for limited vehicle
target position using the pressure forces traffic up to 3.5 tons.
generated. The joints were then filled with The Albert Louppe bridge (Fig. 1.4-48)
concrete. For Freyssinet, the knowledge was built over the Elorn between Brest
gained during the construction of the and Plougastel in 1926/1929 according to
three concrete arch bridges over the Allier a design by Freyssinet, with three arches,
that concrete creeps under constant each with a span of 186 m and a pier
compressive stresses was important for the height of 38 m. This means that the ratio
later development of prestressed concrete. of span to pier height is slightly less than
In order to test the lifting of the arch from 5. The ratio of span to pier height is thus
the formwork and the scaffolding during slightly less than 5. The arches are three-
equipping, Freyssinet had a three-hinged cell reinforced concrete boxes. The two-
arch built as a test specimen with a span of storey roadway girder is located above the
50 m and a pier height of 2 m during the arches as an openwork box girder. The
construction of the three concrete arch upper level accommodates road traffic.
bridges, whereby the two abutments were The lower level was intended for rail
connected with a prestressed tension chord traffic, but was never used. During the
made of prestressed, cold-drawn wires ∅ 8 construction of the bridge, only one
mm with tensions close to the yield point. falsework was used for the three arches,
The prestressed wires were anchored with which was floated in and pulled up and
wedges arranged in an anchor plate. This anchored to the pre-concreted transoms
first application of pre-tensioning in of the concrete arches.
concrete bridge construction on a test The possibility of prestressing concrete
specimen is considered the first milestone was an important step in the development
in the later development of prestressed of concrete bridge construction. Eugène
concrete bridge construction Freyssinet, who was born in Objat
[Grote/Marrey, 2000]. The first bridge (Corrèze) in 1879, studied civil
built at Le Veudre was destroyed in 1940, engineering at the École polytechnique
the one at Chatel de Neuvre was blown up and the École des ponts et chaussées in
by German troops in 1944. Only the Paris, held various management positions
second of the bridges, the one built in with the state and in construction
1910/1911 at Boutiron near Vichy, still companies, is probably best known as the
exists (Fig. father of prestressed concrete, also known
as prestressed concrete.

Figure 1.4-47 Bridge over the Allier near Boutiron (Photo: Dr.-Ing. Klaus Stiglat)
84 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-48 Albert Louppe

bridge over the Elorn
near Plougastel (Photo: Dr.-
Ing. Klaus Stiglat)

when the first ideas for prestressing ([Grote/Marrey, 2000] cite a prestressed
concrete already existed before him. concrete truss designed by Karl Mautner
However, he was the first to clearly for a hall with a span of 55 m; the
recognize that prestressing steel must prestressed concrete truss for the hall was
have high strength and that the not executed due to a lack of references,
prestressing steel tension must be high which is said to have been the reason for
because the prestressing steel tension the model experiment). The prestressing
decreases over time as a result of the creep steels ∅ 5 mm were anchored with
and shrinkage of the concrete. His ideas concrete blocks. The stirrups were also
led to a revolution in structural prestressed in the same way in accordance
engineering, because the spans of pre- with Freyssinet's concept of prestressed
tensioned concrete bridges could be at concrete. Extensive tests on the load-
least tripled compared to those without bearing behavior of the prestressed
pre-tensioning, the slenderness doubled concrete girder were initially carried out
and the weights and costs significantly on these model girders in Frankfurt,
reduced. As early as 1908, Freyssinet which were then repeated in Stuttgart
prestressed a concrete specimen for the ([Grote/ Marrey, 2000] refer to Dresden).
first time, see above, which was the first These tests confirmed to both Freyssinet
milestone in the later development of and German civil engineers that pre-
prestressed concrete bridge construction tensioning was ready for use in
[Grote/Marrey, 2000]. He developed the construction practice. Freyssinet put the
Freyssinet prestressing method with high- results of the tests into practice around
strength wires and wedge stakes. He was 1936 when he used the first prestressed
the advocate of full pre-tensioning, which beams for a structure in the construction
has turned out to be a mistake from of a 20 m wide service bridge for a weir in
today's perspective. In 1933 Oued-Fodda in Algeria. Freyssinet built
([Grote/Marrey, 2000] cite the year 1936), the first prestressed bridges in 1941 as slab
the company Wayss & Freytag, which had bridges with 12 m and 20 m spans. In the
been Freyssinet's licensee since 1934, same year, he began the design work for
produced a 1 : 3 scale model of a possible the Marne Bridge
prestressed concrete bridge with a span of
60 m based on Freyssinet's designs in
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 85

Figure 1.4-49 Longitudinal

and cross-section of the
Marne bridge Esbly, image
after [Mörsch, 1958]

in Lucancy with a span of 54 m, which sinet in the design, Wayss & Freytag built
was not allowed to be built at the time by the first prestressed concrete bridge with a
order of the German occupation composite structure as early as 1938. This
authorities [Freyssinet, 1949]. It was only bridge (Fig. 1.4-51), a field path overpass
after the war that this bridge could be over the A2 highway near Oelde in
built by the Campenon-Bernard company Münsterland, with four prestressed
in 1945. This was followed by five more precast longitudinal girders with an I-
bridges over the Marne near Esbly section,
between 1947 and 1952 with some
improvements based on the same
principle, again built by the Campenon-
Ber- nard company. The bridges with Corner first carrier piece
section in follows
spans of 74 m to 80 m were made from
the cable
prefabricated parts. All prefabricated parts pull
for all five bridges were manufactured in a
temporary prefabrication plant near
Esbly. The first of the five bridges to be Corner pieces and first
built, the Marne Bridge Esbly with a span support pieces fitted
of 74 m, is shown in longitudinal and
transverse section in Figure 1.4-49. The
Center sections
two-hinged rigid frame bridges with five- in the cable pull
cell box cross-sections were formed from
six precast girders. These girders are
transported to the banks of the Marne
from approx. 2 m long prefabricated parts
manufactured in the factory and then
tensioned together with auxiliary tendons
to form larger girder sections. The girder
sections were transported to the
installation site on the water and
Installing tendons at the top and bottom
assembled and tensioned on site using
cable cranes. The assembly process is self- Figure 1.4-50 Assembly of the Marne Bridge
explanatory and can be seen in Figure 1.4- Esbly, image after [Mörsch, 1958]
50. With the significant cooperation of
86 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-51 Prestressed concrete bridge over the A2 highway near Oelde

which are laid at mutual intervals of 1.4 During his work at Dyckerhoff &
m. The beam height of these beams is not Widmann, he dealt with the pre-
constant, but variable. It is 1.46 m at the tensioning of concrete structures, among
support and 1.60 m in the middle of the other things. He first applied pre-
bridge. The lower chord of the girders runs tensioning without bracing to bridges in
horizontally, while the upper chord 1927/28 when building the arch bridge over
follows the curve of the dirt road overpass. the Saale in Alsleben [Dischinger, 1949-2],
The span width of the bridge is 33 m. A which, however, cannot be described as a
6.4 m wide, in-situ concreted, reinforced prestressed concrete bridge as we
concrete deck slab is arranged on the understand it today. Dischinger also
longitudinal girders. The transverse load- designed the first prestressed bridge ever
bearing effect is ensured by four 25 cm built, the bridge in Aue built in 1935/37.
wide, reinforced concrete cross girders Ulrich Finsterwalder was born in
concreted in situ, the upper reinforcement Munich in 1897 and worked for
of which is located in the deck slab, while Dyckerhoff & Widmann throughout his
the lower reinforcement was inserted professional life after studying civil
through the longitudinal girders, in engineering at the Technical University in
addition to that of the deck slab [Mörsch, Munich. He was responsible for the first
1943]. known design of a prestressed concrete
In addition to Freysinet, Franz beam bridge, the 1930 design for the
Dischinger, Ulrich Finsterwalder and Fritz construction of the Three Roses Bridge in
Leonhardt were particularly important Basel [Finsterwalder, 1965]. The design for
pioneers of prestressed concrete in bridge an unbonded prestressed bridge over three
construction. Dischinger was born in spans with span widths of 52.5 m - 105.8
Heidelberg in 1887 and worked in the m - 52.5 m (Fig. 5.2.1-6) with a joint in the
technical office of Dyckerhoff & Widmann middle of the inner span already showed
after completing his studies in civil essential features of the later construction
engineering at the Technical University of systems of the early days of cantilever
Karlsruhe before being appointed construction. However, the design was not
professor of solid construction at the realized. Presumably the
Technical University of Berlin. During his
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 87

The time was not yet ripe for the has proven to be correct for the further
proposed solution. Finsterwalder development of concrete construction.
developed the Dywidag prestressing Fritz Leonhardt was born in Stuttgart
method with prestressing bars with in 1909 and, after studying civil
threaded anchorages with rolled threads engineering at Stuttgart Technical
and nuts, later with threaded steels, and University, deepened his knowledge
he introduced the free prestressing of during a semester as an exchange student
bridges in concrete construction, which at Purdue University in West-Lafayette,
was based on the construction method Indiana/USA. After his return from the
that had long been tried and tested in steel USA, he worked for the colonel in charge
construction. The reinforced concrete of the construction of the
bridge over the Rio Peixe in Brazil (Figure Reichsautobahn, as a consulting engineer
5.2.1-3), which was built in 1930/31, had and for the Todt organization. After
already been built as a non-prestressed studying Freyssinet's article Une Révolu-
concrete bridge using the cantilever tion dans l' Art de Bâtir (A Revolution in
method. After special proposals with the Art of Building) published in the
designs for cantilever bridges had already magazine Tra- vaux in 1941, which
been submitted for competitions from familiarized him with Freyssinet's ideas on
1948 onwards, but these were not prestressed concrete, he met Freyssinet in
commissioned, the bridge over the Lahn Paris in 1943. After the war, he set up his
in Balduinstein (Figures 1.4-52 and 5.2.1- own business as a consulting engineer
12) near Limburg was built by Dyckerhoff and, together with Wolfhart Andrä,
& Widmann in 1950 according to founded the Leonhardt und Andrä office,
Finsterwalder's design as the first which was and still is active in many areas
prestressed concrete bridge to be built as a of structural engineering and now trades
cantilever structure. Finsterwalder was as Leonhardt, Andrä und Partner.
also the pioneer of limited pre-tensioning, Together with Willy Baur, he developed
whereby the pre-tension is only selected to the BAUR- LEONHARDT prestressing
such an extent that the tensile strength of method for pre-tensioning bridges with
the concrete is not reached or only slightly concentrated tendons and the LEOBA
exceeded for frequent impacts, so that the prestressing method for pre-tensioning
crack widths in the concrete are limited to with smaller tendons. Au-
low values. This idea

Figure 1.4-52 Lahn Bridge Balduinstein

88 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building
is supported from one pier by a
In addition, Fritz Leonhardt and Willy
Baur developed the incremental launching
method, a process that is frequently used
today to build long beam bridges. The
development of prestressed concrete is
discussed in detail in section 5.2.1.
Selected developments are presented
Of particular importance for the
development of concrete bridge
construction were the cantilevered
launching method, the incremental
launching method, construction with
launching girders and, in recent years, the
use of externally and internally guided
tendons of unbonded prestressed
concrete. At present, the focus is on
developments in material technology and
the sustainability of construction.
With the development of cantilever
construction for prestressed concrete
bridges by Finsterwalder, prestressed
concrete bridge construction for bridges
with larger spans over rivers and valleys
became competitive compared to steel
bridge construction. The first bridge to be
built using this construction method was
the aforementioned Lahn Bridge
Balduinstein with a span of 62 m, which is
the prototype of prestressed concrete
cantilever construction in bridge building,
followed by the bridge over the Neckar in
Neckarrems with a span of 71 m in 1951.
The prestressed concrete bridge over the
Rhine in Worms [Finsterwalder/Knittel,
1953], which was built between 1951 and
1953 using the cantilever construction
method, then caused a sensation. With the
largest span in the middle span of 114.2 m,
it was the longest-span concrete beam
bridge at the time and was also the first
concrete bridge over the Rhine in
Germany. The spans of the bridge were
specified for the design so that the caisson
foundations of the piers of the steel bridge
built in 1898/1900 and destroyed in the
war, which had been constructed from
three-hinged truss arches, could be
reused. The principle of the classic
cantilever construction is that the bridge
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 89

Figure 1.4-53 Completed cantilever of the

Nibelungen Bridge Worms in the construction
stage (Image: Dywidag Archive)

The bridge sections are successively

concreted using a cantilevered carriage
carrying the formwork, reinforcement and
fresh concrete. This is usually done from
piers in an almost symmetrical manner on
both sides. The production sections are
usually between 3 m and 5 m long. This
means that only a relatively small amount of
reusable formwork is required, but it must be
possible to change it in order to adapt it to
the beam geometry being formed. By repeating
similar cycles many times, a significant
reduction in working hours is achieved,
especially for large bridges. In adverse
weather conditions, even in light frost, work
can be continued by enclosing and heating
the relatively small area in which intensive
work is being carried out. Figure 5.2.1-13
shows the longitudinal section and cross-
section of the Nibelungen Bridge Worms. The
prestressing reinforcement of the
90 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-54 Nibelungen Bridge in Worms

cantilever beams is adapted to the course The single-span box girder bridge spans
of the main tension span trajectories the Rhine as a continuous girder over three
determined according to state I and spans with spans of 101.85 m, 114.20 m
graded according to the bending moment and 105.55 m. This means that no joints
curve. Most of the prestressing steels are were arranged in the centers of the spans.
guided in the webs (Fig. 1.4-56) and thus The pier axes and abutment locations are
used for shear restraint. Figures 1.4-53 based on the existing bridge (see Fig. 2.2-1).
and -54 show the construction status of a The superstructure of the current bridge
completed cantilevered girder and the was pre-tensioned using a mixed
current bridge. The Nibelungen Bridge construction method (internal and
has joints in the centers of all three spans external pre-tensioning). The transverse
that serve to transfer shear forces. As a direction is loosely reinforced.
result, unsteady deflections have occurred The power bridge was built as a
in the area of the joints over time, which cantilever construction from the two
had to be corrected. Figure 5.2.1-34 uses power piers symmetrically to either side.
the example of the Moselle bridge in However, the edge spans could only be
Thörnich to show the design of the joints constructed up to a length of 60 m in this
used in the past and still used today to way. The construction of the bank-side
transfer transverse forces. The problem of superstructure halves of the river bridge
the joint arrangement at points of larger was therefore carried out as a cable-
deflections with corresponding buckling tensioned cantilever over auxiliary pylons,
due to the joints as a result of the time- which stood on the separating piers
dependent differences in inclination is located between the river bridge and the
discussed in more detail. foreland bridges during construction. The
in section 5.2.1. auxiliary pylons were tensioned back with
Today, the Nibelungen Bridge is strands to the previously completed
overloaded, especially during peak traffic superstructures of the foreland bridges.
hours. For this reason, a second Rhine In 1962/1965, the Bendorfer Bridge
bridge was built between 2005 and 2008. over the Rhine (Figures 1.4-55 and 5.2.1-
The new bridge stands at a distance of 30 14) was built at Bendorf near Koblenz
m from the bridge axes next to the existing [Finsterwalder/Schambeck, 1965], a
bridge. The superstructure of the new cantilever highway bridge with a
maximum span of 208 m for the central
opening, which was used for the
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 91

Image 1.4-55 Bendorfer Bridge

Nibelungen Bridge Worms

57,10 57,10

Rhine bridge Bendorf

104,00 71,00

Fig. 1.4-56 Comparison of the arrangement of the prestressing reinforcement on the Nibelungen
Bridge in Worms and the Bendorfer Bridge, image from [Finsterwalder/Schambeck, 1965].

At the time of its completion, it was by far bridges were built using this construction
the longest-span concrete girder bridge. method. A particularly large number of
Figure 1.4-56 shows that the such bridges, some in modified form, were
reinforcement layout differs from that of built in Japan and Scandinavia, including
the Nibelungen Bridge. While the the Hamana Bridge in Japan (Fig. 1.4-57)
longitudinal reinforcement of the with a span of 240 m and the currently
Nibelungen Bridge built in 1951/53 was longest-span concrete beam bridge with a
mainly pulled into the webs as shear span of 301 m, the Stolma Bridge in
reinforcement and anchored there in Norway (Fig. 9.1.3-14). In the section
sections, the pre-tensioning longitudinal 9.1.3 deals with cantilever bridges in
reinforcement and the prestressed shear detail.
reinforcement were separated in the For concrete bridges of medium spans,
Bendorfer Bridge built around 10 years numerous methods with relocatable and
later. movable scaffold girders have been
After the economically successful developed for the economical construction
designs for large span widths of the free of bridges. Reference is made primarily to
prestressed bridges, many prestressed section 9.1.2, but also to the section
concrete bridges were built worldwide.
92 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.4-57 Hamana Bridge in Japan

section 5.2.1, in particular Figures 5.2.1- is also particularly economical. The

20 to -24, are referred to. Section 5.2.1 production of bridges using incremental
also discusses the problems associated launching is discussed in detail in section
with this production method with the pre- 9.1.4.
tensioning of tendons at joints in
construction section boundaries.
The incremental launching method 1.4.5 Modern cable-stayed bridges
developed by Fritz Leonhardt and Willy
Baur combines the advantages of factory The basic concept of cable-stayed bridges
production in a field factory with those of is not new and was already used for some
in-situ concrete construction in an ideal bridges in the 18th and 19th centuries. In
way for the production of monolithic Japan, a cable-stayed bridge that could be
load-bearing structures. The production rotated on the pier, the Aji River Bridge
plant offers protection from the weather near Osaka (Fig. 1.4-58), was built in 1873
and working conditions are practically the and was called a magnetic needle bridge at
same as in a factory. The constantly the time [Japan Ass., 1984]. Johann
repeating work processes reduce the time August Röbling had already arranged
required for the individual work steps. It additional inclined cables for his
is one of the most successful construction suspension bridges. Dischinger took up
methods for the production of concrete this design idea again and developed
bridges because, in addition to the
advantages mentioned above

Image 1.4-58 Aji River Bridge (Image: Kobe City Museum)

1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 93

them further [Dischinger, 1949-1]. He Theodor Heuss Bridge in Düsseldorf, built

pointed out that, in addition to the vertical by a consortium under the technical
hangers, Röbling installed stay cables leadership of Hein, Lehmann AG. This
tensioned by winches in his suspension was followed by the Severin Bridge in
bridges after assembly to increase the Cologne (1959, 302 m), the Norderelbe
stiffness of the bridge. Because Röbling Bridge in Hamburg (1963, 172 m), the
could only use winches to pre-tension the Rhine Bridge in Leverkusen (1965, 280 m),
stay cables at that time, the cable pre- the Rhine Bridge in Maxau (1966, 175 m),
tension was only moderate. The permissible the Rhine Knee Bridge in Düsseldorf
tensions were also relatively low at the (1969, 319 m) and the Rhine Bridge in
time. The stay cables were therefore only Duisburg (1970, 350 m). The common
partially effective (cable sag, ideal features of the first cable-stayed bridges in
modulus of elasticity of the cables), which Germany mentioned above are the design
was one of the reasons for the necessary of both the pylons and the girders as steel
repair of the Brooklyn Bridge, which was structures, the use of the orthotropic slab
carried out by David Bernard Steinman as a lightweight steel deck and the
from 1944 to 1954 while at the same time arrangement of the few thick, fully
strengthening the bridge. Röbling and enclosed cables with large spacings. The
Dischinger can be regarded as the spiritual Onomichi Bridge in Hiroshima, Japan
pioneers of the modern cable-stayed (1968, 215 m), the Erskin Bridge in
bridge system. Glasgow, England (1971, 305 m), the
The two bridges that opened the door Danube Bridge in Bratislava, CSSR (1972,
for the rapid development of modern 303 m) and the Danube Bridge in Linz,
cable-stayed bridges with large spans are Austria (1972, 215 m) were also built
the Strömsund Bridge in Sweden with a using this construction method.
span of 182 m with a bundle-like The Theodor Heuss Bridge in Düssel-
arrangement of the cables (definition dorf (Fig. 1.4-59), one of the milestones in
according to Feige, see Fig. 5.2.1-34) of the construction of modern cable-stayed
two cables from the two pylon heads to bridges, is 15 m wide, 26.6 m wide
each side, which was built in 1955 by between the railings and symmetrical to
DEMAG Duisburg and which was built in the longitudinal axis. It has two box-
the years 1955 to 1957 according to the shaped 1.6 m wide main girders with a
design of Helmut Homberg with a harp- constant construction height of 3.4 m, in
like cable arrangement (definition each of which the three parallel inclined
according to Feige, see Fig. 5.2.1-34) and cables for suspending the
with a 260 m span of

Figure 1.4-59 Theodor Heuss Bridge in Düsseldorf

94 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

beams are anchored via transverse Longitudinal direction asymmetrical to

bulkheads arranged in the boxes. The both sides, stretch girder with 3.15 high
pylons are connected to the stretching hollow cross-section with the top chord
girder in a bending stiffness and form an as an orthotropic track slab
upwardly open half frame with transverse • Rhine knee bridge: a100 m high py-
bulkheads in and between the box girders. pair of lanes, each with four parallel
The bridge is horizontally immovable on cable pairs, slightly asymmetrical in the
one pylon and movable on two linear longitudinal direction, stretch beam as
tilting bearings on the other pylon. On the a double-webbed slab beam with
pylon, the lower and upper of the three approx. 3 m web height and
cables are supported longitudinally on orthotropic track slab
rotatable sector bearings, while the middle
cable is fixed to the pylon saddle bearing The particularly interesting Oberkasse
[Lange et al., 1974]. bridge is discussed in sections and
After that, many cable-stayed bridges 9.2.5.
with harp arrangements were built in With the construction of the Friedrich
various countries, regardless of whether Ebert Bridge over the Rhine in Bonn
they were built using the reinforced, (1967, 280 m), which was supported by
prestressed concrete or composite many cables, t h e pioneering
construction method. Among them is the arrangement of the cables as a multi-cable
so-called Düsseldorf bridge family (Fig. system (Figures 1.4-61 and -62) was
1.4-60), which consists of the three inner- realized. The cables are arranged like a fan
city Rhine bridges that were planned (definition according to Feige, see Fig.
simultaneously in 1952 by the bridge and 5.2.1-34). The two Rhine bridges built
tunnel construction office of the city of shortly afterwards in Rees-Kalkar (1967,
Düsseldorf under the direction of senior 255 m) and in Ludwigshafen (1968, 140
building director Erwin Beyer with the m) were also constructed as multi-cable
participation of the architect Prof. Dr. h. systems. The step from the previously
c. Friedrich Tamms as a cable-stayed built two- and three-cable systems to the
bridge in harp form. These are the multi-cable system - the Friedrich Ebert
aforementioned Theodor Heuss Bridge with Bridge is a 20-cable system - would hardly
a main span of 260 m, the Oberkassel have been possible if powerful electronic
Bridge with a main span of 258 m and the data processing systems had not been
Rheinknie Bridge with a main span of 319 available in the meantime. During the
m. Although the concept of the bridge construction of the George Street Bridge
family with equalized cable inclinations is in Newport, England (1964, 152 m), a
uniform, the three bridges differ combination of prestressed concrete and
significantly in terms of design [Lange et steel girders and concrete pylons was
al., 1974]: successfully tested. This construction
• Theodor Heuss Bridge: two 43 m high method was also used for the Rhine bridge
Pylon pairs (pylon heights above the between Mannheim and Ludwigshafen
pillar), each with three parallel cable ( 1971, 287 m), the Rhine bridge between
pairs, symmetrical to both sides in Mannheim and Ludwigshafen (1971, 287
longitudinal direction, stretching girder m) and the Rhine bridge between
as two-span slab girder with approx. 3.4 Mannheim and Ludwigshafen (1971, 287
m high box girders as webs and m).
orthotropic roadway slab bridge in Düsseldorf-Flehe (1979, 368 m),
• Oberkassel Bridge: a 103 m high the Askeröfjord Bridge in Gothenburg,
Pylon with four parallel cables each, in Sweden (1980, 366 m), the Normandy
Bridge in
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 95
France (1995, 856 m), the Tatara
Bridge in Hiroshima, Japan (1999, 890
m) and the Shantou-Dangshi Bridge
in China (1999, 518 m). The pylons of
these bridges, with the exception of
the Rhine
96 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Image 1.4-60 Düsseldorf bridge family (image provided by the City of Düsseldorf)

Figure 1.4-61 Friedrich Ebert Bridge in Bonn

Fig. 1.4-62 Pylon on the left bank of the

Rhine with stay cables of the Friedrich
Ebert Bridge in Bonn
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 97

Fig. 1.4-63 Inclined cable

bridge at Farbwerke
Hoechst in Frankfurt

bridges. Here a r e just a few of them: the

bridge Mannheim-Ludwigshafen and the
Magliana Bridge in
Tatara Bridge are made of concrete.
Although parallel wire bundles with
plastic wrapping were used instead of fully
sealed cables in the construction of the
above-mentioned Rhine bridge in
Mannheim-Ludwigshafen, this cable
construction method remained an
exception in Germany. In Japan, however,
after the completion of the Toyosato
Bridge in Osaka (1970, 216 m), parallel
wire bundles became the standard cable
construction method, initially surrounded
by plastic wrapping and later by
polyethylene (PE) sheathing. This cable
construction method with PE protective
conduits is currently also being used in
many other countries.
In 1962, R. Morandi built a prestressed
concrete cable-stayed bridge over Lake
Mara-Caibo in Venezuela (see Fig. 5.2.1-
36) with a maximum span of 235 m. He
also designed other prestressed concrete
cable-stayed bridges, e.g. the Polcevera
Bridge in Genoa, Italy (1966, 208 m) and
the Wadi el Kuf Bridge in El Beida. He also
designed other prestressed concrete cable-
stayed bridges, e.g. the Polcevera Bridge in
Genoa, Italy (1966, 208 m) and the Wadi
el Kuf Bridge in El Beida in Libya (1971,
202 m, see Fig. 5.2.1-37). In addition to
these bridges by Morandi, there are many
other prestressed concrete cable-stayed
98 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building
Rome, Italy (1967, 145 m), the Main
Bridge of the Farbwerke Hoechst in
Frankfurt [Schambeck, 1973] (1972,
148 m, pictures
1.4-63 and -64, see also Figure 5.2.1-
39), the Tielse Bridge in Tiel,
Netherlands (1975, 267 m, see Figure
5.2.1-38), the Brotonne Bridge in Le
Havre, France (1977, 320 m), the
Pasco-Kennewick Bridge in America
(1978, 299 m), the Ganter Bridge
designed by Menn near Brig,
Switzerland (1980, 174 m, Figure 1.4-
65), the Barrios de Luna Bridge in
Leon, Spain (1984, 440 m), the Parana
Bridge in Posadas-En- carnacion,
Argentina-Paraguay (1984, 330 m),
the Skarnsundet Bridge in Norwe-

Figure 1.4-64 Pylon head of the cable-

stayed bridge of the Farbwerke Hoechst in
Frankfurt (Image: Dywi- dag Archive)
1.4 Bridges from the Renaissance to the present day 99

Figure 1.4-65 Ganter

Bridge near Brig,

gen (1991, 530 m) and the Changjiang (1995, 381 m), the Second Severn Bridge
Bridge in Chongging, China (1996, 444 m). in England (1996, 456 m), the Tingkau
There are also numerous prestressed Bridge in Hong Kong, China (1998, 475
concrete cable-stayed bridges in Japan. m), the Seohae Bridge in Korea (2000, 470
The combination of the building m), the Second Changjiang Bridge in
materials steel and concrete with the Nanjing, China (2001, 628 m).
economical absorption of compressive Many large cable-stayed bridges have
stresses by the concrete in composite been built in China in recent years, a total
construction offers ideal advantages of of around 16 cable-stayed bridges with
this construction method for cable-stayed spans of over 500 meters. The largest
bridges. It is astonishing that although cable-stayed bridge in China is the Sutong
composite construction had already been Bridge over the Changjiang River in
used in the construction of the Büchenau Jiangsu Province (Figures 1.4-66 and -67).
Bridge in Bruchsal, Germany (1956, 56 The span width of the central opening is
m), the Sitka Harbor Bridge in Alaska, 1088 m. This puts it ahead of the Tatara
America (1972, 137 m) and the Yamato Bridge in Japan with a center span of 890
Bridge in Osaka, Japan (1974, 83 m), it m, the largest span of a cable-stayed bridge
was not until 1986 that a large bridge was to date.
built using this construction method with
the construction of the Alex Fraser Bridge
in Vancouver, Canada, with a span of 465
m. The pyloids of the bridge are made of
concrete. Subsequently, this construction
method spread very quickly in various
countries except Japan. Only a few bridges
are mentioned below: the Second Hooghly
Bridge in Calcutta, India (in 1992, 457 m
span), the Mezcala Bridge in Mexico (1993,
312 m), the Yangpu Bridge in Shanghai,
China (1993, 602 m), the Fred Hartman Figure 1.4-66 Sutong Bridge, lake view
Bridge near Baytown, America
100 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

1.5 Current developments,

Comments on the design of
bridges and special meanings

1.5.1 Current developments

In recent decades in particular, the

performance of building materials used in
structural engineering has been
increasingly improved. This includes, in
particular, developments in concrete
technology for concrete construction.
From 1998, after some bridges had already
been built from high-performance
concrete abroad, e.g. in Japan, Denmark,
Norway and France [König/Grimm, 2000],
the first bridges were also built from this
building material in Germany [Bernhardt
et al., 1999], [Zilch et al., 2002], [König et
al., 2002], see also Section 5.1. High-
performance concrete (HPC) is the term
used today for concretes of strength classes
Image 1.4-67 Sutong Bridge, pylons C55/67 to C100/115. High performance
concrete has a density comparable to
normal concrete. The slightly higher
densities (approx. 5 to 10% of the cement
bridge with the largest span on earth. It is weight) compared to normal concrete,
worth mentioning that piles for the pylons which are negligible in construction
had to be driven 120 m deep in some practice, and higher strengths are mainly
places. achieved by an improved matrix structure
To round off, we refer to the section (addition of pozzolanic additives -
3.8, in which under microsilica, coal fly ash - and a higher
density due to the low water-cement ratio)
• 3.8.1 by Christian Menn the Sunni- and a good bonding effect in the contact
berg Bridge in Switzerland, zones between the matrix and the coarse
• 3.8.7 by Jacques Mathivat of Le Pont grains of the concrete aggregate. This not
de Brotonne in France, only leads to higher strengths compared
• 3.8.8 by Alfred Pauser the Danube Canal to normal concretes (strength classes up
Bridge in Vienna, Austria, to C50/60), but also results in a higher
• 3.8.10 by Michel Virlogeux the Nor- resistance to environmental influences and
mandie bridge in France, thus also a higher durability [Grübl et al.,
• 3.8.12 by Herbert Schambeck the cable-
2001]. The time-dependent deformations
stayed bridge Dubrovnik in Croatia, of high-performance concrete compared to
modern cable-stayed bridges will be normal concrete must be taken into
presented and explained by the designers. account.
Current developments,
on the design
of bridges
on the design of bridges and special meanings 97

concrete. The creep deformations decrease The high performance is mainly based
with increasing strength, their final value is on the low water/cement ratio, which is
reached after a shorter time. The chemical around 0.2, a high solids content (addition
shrinkage component is significant in of suitable mineral additives), a high
high performance concrete and is packing density in both the cement paste
considerably greater than in normal and the coarse-grained concrete
concrete. The drying shrinkage, on the aggregates with a low water requirement
other hand, is lower than with normal of the fresh concrete with the resulting
concrete. As a rule, prestressed high- very low porosity of the hardened concrete
performance concrete results in lower and the use of steel and other fibers
time-dependent prestressing force losses [Schmidt, 2003].
compared to normal concrete [Taferner et In 2005, the first pedestrian and cycle
al., 2009, Section 4.1], because the bridge was built in Germany as a pilot
influences of concrete creep and drying project to replace a corroded steel
shrinkage dominate. On the other hand, footbridge connecting a sports field and a
the reduction of constraint effects and swimming pool in Niestetal near Kassel as
constraints from settlement is lower than a longitudinally prestressed prefabricated
when using normal concrete. It is bridge made of fiber-reinforced ultra-
particularly important to note that the high-strength concrete (UHPC). Apart
high chemical shrinkage component from the prestressing reinforcement, the
occurs during the hardening of the bridge only contains reinforcing steel in
concrete and must therefore be the area where the prestressing forces are
superimposed with the stresses from the introduced into the concrete. The span
effects of the dissipation of the hydration width is approximately 12 m, the width 3
heat. This is particularly important for m. The bridge was manufactured in one
concrete joints. piece in the precast plant, weighing
In recent years, concretes with even around 12 tons, and transported to the
higher strengths have been developed, installation site on a lowboy trailer. In
with compressive strengths of 200 N/mm2 Niestetal, a total of four pedestrian and
and even up to 800 N/mm2 under cycle bridges, one of them made of
laboratory conditions. They are called reinforced precast slabs on a steel
ultra high-strength concrete (UHPC) or structure, were built from UHPFRC by
ultra high performance concrete (UHPC). 2005 [Schmidt et al., 2006]. During the
The first developments were reported construction of the bridges, it was found
from France. Some bridges were then built that they were more cost-effective than
abroad, e.g. in Canada, South Korea and conventional construction methods,
the USA [Müller/ Reinhardt, 2009, despite the need to obtain the necessary
Section 12.5]. approvals in individual cases.
Ultra high-strength concrete is a The first major bridge made of
particularly dense concrete. The largest UHPFRC in Germany was then built, the
grain sizes of concrete aggregate used are Gärtnerplatzbrücke in Kas- sel, a
16 mm or less. The current state of pedestrian and cycle bridge as a continuous
concrete technology makes it possible to girder over six spans with a total length of
reliably produce concrete compressive 133 m, which was completed in 2007. The
strengths of up to around 200 N/mm2 and spans of the six spans are 19.2 m - 24.0 m
slightly above [Schmidt, 2003], [Schmidt/ - 21.0 m - 36.0 m - 21.0 m - 12.0 m. The
Fehling, 2007-2]. The compressive bridge was to be built on the occasion of the
strength is therefore almost as high as that federal
of steel.
98 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The wooden bridge was no longer fit for

purpose. The wooden bridge was no longer
fit for purpose and stable,
Among other things, one side member was
badly damaged by fungal attack. It had to
be demolished. The foundations and piers
of the wooden bridge were to be used for
the new Gärtnerplatz Bridge, resulting in
the above-mentioned spans for the new
After 10 years of intensive research in
the field of ultra-high performance Figure 1.5-1 Gärtnerplatz bridge in Kassel
concrete at the University of Kassel
[Schmidt/Fehling, 2007-1] and with the
good experience with the smaller bridges tension force, whereby the bonded panels
made of UHPFRC described above, the are also prestressed in the longitudinal
engineering office IBB Fehling und direction. The pre-tension is selected so
Jungmann designed the bridge [Fehling et that the top chords are overstressed both
al., 2007]. Although it is designed as a in the serviceability limit state and in the
pedestrian and cycle bridge, it is also load-bearing capacity limit state.
intended to allow the passage of a rescue The Gärtnerplatz Bridge, a demanding
or maintenance vehicle with a total weight pilot project in bridge construction, is
of 6 tons. Loads from ice drift and ship subject to continuous monitoring. The
impact were taken into account in the aim of continuous monitoring is to check
design. The existing piers are at an angle the validity of the assumptions made for
to the axis of the bridge, which is why the the design of the structure with regard to
three-chord truss was chosen, resulting in the behavior of the building materials, the
a clear view (Figure 1.5-1). In the area of structure and the fasteners on the finished
the river, the gradient is curved in the bridge under real conditions in practice
vertical plane. The bottom chord and the and to determine structural changes over
diagonals of the longitudinal girder, which time. Local distortions and relative
is triangular in cross-section, consist of displacements between the slabs and the
steel tubes, while the top chords are made top chords are monitored. At the same
of prefabricated UHPFRC elements time, the prevailing temperature and
prestressed in the prestressing bed. The 8 humidity must be recorded. The
cm to continuous long-term monitoring, which
12 cm thick, transversely prestressed is carried out via an experimental model
precast slabs with dimensions of 2 m × 5 m analysis, begins with the verification of the
in plan are bonded to the top chords. design assumptions for the validation of a
Bonding was chosen because the small structural-dynamic finite element
cross-sectional dimensions of both the top calculation model, which then serves as
chords and the precast slabs hardly the initial model for the subsequent
allowed the use of mechanic fasteners. For models [Fröhlich et al., 2009]. In addition
the final state, a continuous tendon with 2 to the measured vibration
MN pre-tensioning tendons is required for
each top chord over the entire length of
the bridge.
Current developments,
on the design
of bridges
on the design of bridges and special meanings 99

data also includes the influence lines for which can serve as models for the design
the inclinations of the bridge measured engineers. In some cases, it is advisable to
during quasi-static passage of a load involve architects in the design process.
vehicle. However, it must be clear that a good
Section 11.7 deals with continuous design can only be created through
monitoring in general, to which reference genuine collaboration and dialog from the
is made here. very beginning. In the section
1.4, some of the architects collaborated
with the designing engineers on some of
1.5.2 Comments on the design of the bridges shown. On the bridges of the
bridges Düsseldorf bridge family (Fig. 1.4-60), this
was Friedrich Tamms, and on the Rhine
It has already been explained in section bridges in Worms and near Bendorf, Gerd
1.1 that bridges are often located at Lohmer.
prominent points on our cities and Please refer to the following section 1.6.
transport routes. It is important to build Here are some examples of subjectively
bridges sustainably. By this we mean not selected, and in our opinion, well-
only the optimized construction costs in designed bridges.
relation to the lifetime of the bridge, but First of all, the Glemstal Bridge in
also its significance for the well-being of Schwieber- dingen, Figure 1.5-2, built
people. The engineer must always be between 1960 and 1962 by Wayss &
aware of his responsibility in the design Freitag and Karl Kübler according to the
and harmonious integration of the bridges design of civil engineer Hermann Bay and
into their surroundings, whether in the architect Wilhelm Tiedje, is worth
city or in the landscape, and their effect mentioning as a real work of engineering
on people. Sometimes the difference in art. The bridge consists of a box-shaped
cost between a well-designed bridge and a concrete arch spanning 114 m and the
so-called cheap solution is small. In this continuous concrete box girder above it,
case, the decision should always be made which is spanned by the arch in the apex
to build the well-designed bridge. To area.
avoid any misunderstandings, it is not
meant that a well-designed bridge is not
inexpensive. On the contrary, a well-
designed bridge does not need any
decorative accessories. The bridge should
only have what is necessary for the
structure. Clear forms that allow the flow
of forces to be recognized are particularly
important. This is the only way to achieve
the art of engineering. Robert Maillart has
shown us with his bridges that economical
construction can lead to good solutions.
Emulating him as a role model is a
rewarding task for every engineer. The
bridges listed in section 3.8 are all
examples, Figure 1.5-2 Glemstal bridge in Schwieberdingen
100 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

and supported by slender pendulum The shape of the section is maintained

supports. The arch and the box girder and supports the mutual transfer of
penetrate each other in the middle third internal forces between the arch and the
of the arch bridge. The arch is therefore box girder.
only loaded by the box girder in this area. The Prag- sattel II pedestrian bridge in
In accordance with the vertical load (in the Stuttgart, designed by Schlaich,
middle third from the box girder and the Bergermann und Partner, is a very
dead load of the arch, in the outer third interesting bridge in terms of design,
only from the dead load of the arch), the Figure 1.5-3. The 30 cm thick, or should
arch shape roughly follows the support we say thin, strongly inclined, continuous
line under dead load, which is somewhat concrete slab rests on branched steel tubes
similar to that of a truss. From the center made of vertical supports, which are
of the bridge, the first two piers stand on divided into four branches in the upper
the transom foundations. The arch area like a tree. They are therefore referred
spreads out towards the imposts to to as tree supports. Despite the many
increase the transverse stiffness. In the supports, the view is hardly impaired. All
longitudinal direction, the box girder has parts are involved in the load transfer, no
its fixed point at the arch apex and the box part can be dispensed with, none is
girder runs seamlessly through to the decorative. The bridge thus fulfills the goal
abutments, where the horizontal of not adding anything that is not
displacements from the thermal expansion necessary. The nodes and connection
are ensured. The slender pendulum points to the concrete slab and the
supports supporting the box girder in the foundations are cast parts. The bridge is
slope areas follow the movements of the delicate and almost appears to float. The
box girder almost without constraint. In bright red color also gives the bridge an
the longitudinal and transverse directions, independent look and makes it stand out
the arch acts like a frame whose gravity clearly from its surroundings without
axes largely follow the support line under being disruptive.
dead load. Transverse washers are built In 1966/1967, the footpath bridge over
into the arch at the junction of the arch the entrance to the Schierstein Rhine
bases and the connection to the harbor in Wiesbaden was built according
superstructure. They ensure that the to a design by Finsterwalder with
transverse architectural

Figure 1.5-3 Pragsattel II pedestrian bridge in Stuttgart (image by Schlaich, Bergermann und Partner)
Current developments,
on the design
of bridges
on the design of bridges and special meanings 101

The bridge was built on the advice of Gerd The cantilever in the cantilevered front
Lohmer and the technical work of Rudolf section. The arch effect was achieved by
Ohlig and Klaus Alsen from Dyckerhoff & closing the apex and lowering the
Widmann. The prestressed double-hinged auxiliary yokes.
arch bridge made of lightweight concrete Due to the height conditions of the
using white cement with a span width of roads on the Danube Canal in Vienna in
96.4 m and a pier height of 12 m is a very the area of the Rossau Bridge, the
elegant bridge (Fig. 1.5-4). The arch is so construction height of the Rossau Bridge,
slender at the apex that it behaves almost which spanned over 54.4 m and was
like a three-hinged arch. The 1.5 m high supported at an angle, was extremely
T-section at the apex has a 3 m wide slab limited, so that only a prestressed concrete
with a 1.5 m wide web. To dissipate the slab/ slab girder construction with a
wind forces, the cross-section of the arch spider-like support could fulfill all the
changes as a lower flange forms laterally in given boundary conditions, which also
the web, the width of which increases to 3 included the accommodation of the open
m at the transom. Ramps in the form of supply lines. Designed by Alfred Pauser
triangles, which are suspended from the and built by the companies Universale
arch like backpacks and act as and Porr, the very slender 1.3 m thick slab/
counterweights and tension members to slab girder construction of the Rossau
reduce the horizontal thrust, are used as Bridge, Fig. 1.5-5, has a frame-like effect
bridge slopes. The ramps and the part of due to the bending stiffness of the
the bow from the transom to the end of connections with the supporting
the bow-ramp triangle were constructed structure, which is divided into four
on a falsework with auxiliary yokes at a struts. In the edge spans and beyond the
distance of 10 m from the transoms. In supporting structures to the inner span, the
order to maintain ship traffic during the superstructure consists of a solid slab,
entire construction process, the which is recessed in strips along the
construction of the middle section of the longitudinal axis to accommodate the
bridge was carried out on a utility connections at the bottom and
prestressed in the transverse direction in
the areas of the supports.

Fig. 1.5-4 Bridge over the exit from the Schierstein Rhine port in Wiesbaden
102 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.5-5 Support structure of the Rossauer Bridge over the Danube Canal in Vienna (picture
by Prof. Dr. techn. Alfred Pauser)

is. The central area of the inner span was bow or a rope is selected. If the bend has
constructed using eight prefabricated the appropriate shape, it is mainly
prestressed concrete beams with hollow subjected to compressive stress. The rope
cross-sections to reduce the dead load and is subjected to tensile stress instead of
a cast-in-place concrete slab, which is compressive stress. Suspension
connected to the precast beams, the solid constructions have the further advantage
slab and via these to the supporting that the bending stress is reduced under
structure in a bending and shear-resistant increasing load due to the changes in
manner. The frame effect of the composite shape of the system. The largest spans to
structure is reinforced by the site-specific date have been achieved with suspension
necessary inclination of the spider-like bridges with a span of around 2000 m, see
support, which has a favorable effect on the above. If the most important structural
reduction of the field bending moments. parts of suspension bridges - the
The lifting support forces at the ends of suspension cables and the stiffening girder
the bridge resulting from the unfavorable - are combined, the result is the
support width ratios are also reduced by the prestressing band, which is based on an
frame effect. The site-specific, idea by Ulrich Finsterwalder and which he
interestingly resolved support and the called a system of concrete bridge
consistently developed supporting construction. Finsterwalder first proposed
structure of the bridge impress people the construction of a span bridge with a
strolling along the quay with their view of free span length of 190 m in 1958 on the
the underside of the bridge, which is occasion of the bridge competition for the
enhanced in the dark by accent lighting. bridge in Istanbul over the Bosporus; it
The most economical construction is was not built according to Finsterwalder's
achieved if the loads are transferred by proposal. The system of the proposed
structures that are only subjected to bridge is shown in Fig. 1.5-6. A second
longitudinal forces. This can be achieved, design by Finsterwalder from 1961 for the
for example, by using a construction of the Zoo Bridge in Cologne
with a free span length of 166 m was also
not realized.
Current developments,
on the design
of bridges
on the design of bridges and special meanings 103

The first tensioning belt bridges were cke. Figure 1.5-9 in particular clearly
later built in Switzerland and Japan. It was shows the beautiful integration with the
not until 1969/1970 that Finsterwalder's transition to the leisure area. Section 5.7
design was realized in Freiburg/Breisgau. discusses span bridges in detail.
The system of this bridge can be seen in In the course of the Stuttgart-
Fig. 1.5-7. Figures 1.5-8 and -9 show the Vaihingen eastern bypass, directly
elegance of the Freiburg span bridges. between

Figure 1.5-6 Finsterwalder's proposal for the construction of the Bosporus Bridge as a span

Figure 1.5-7 System of the tensioning belt bridge in Freiburg (Image: Dywidag Archive)

Figure 1.5-8 Tensioning belt bridge in Freiburg

104 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Fig. 1.5-9 Tension bridge

in Freiburg, view from
the cathedral tower

two tunnels, the 151 m long, horizontally The construction of the roadway slab,
curved Nesenbach Valley Bridge with spans which was firmly connected to the
between 8.25 m and 49.5 m. The concrete adjoining tunnels, completely eliminated
roadway slab is supported by a spatial the most disruptive source of noise in
framework of steel tubes made of tree-like roadway transitions. The concrete mix of
splayed columns, to which it is the deck slab and the reinforcement were
monolithically connected to form a optimized so that the crack widths
composite structure, Figures 1.5-10 and - occurring were limited to 0.3 mm. The
11. The tube nodes are made of cast steel. bridge was built in 1997/1999 by the
The tunnel cross-section is visually companies Wolff & Müller, Stuttgart and
continued at the top by a continuous Stahlbau Illingen according to a design by
cover serving as noise protection above Schlaich, Bergermann and Partner.
the roadway and below the footpath and
cycle path over the entire bridge. Due to
the location of the footpath and cycle path 1.5.3 Bridges with special significance
above the roadway with the noise
protection cover, pedestrians and cyclists In the past, bridges have sometimes had
do not have to overcome unnecessarily fateful and symbolic significance. The
large differences in height and the historical significance of the Ponte
footpath and cycle path are free of noise, Mulvius has already been mentioned in
exhaust fumes and splash water. Tubular section 1.2.2.
steel arches span the roadway at the sides. When Germany invaded Poland on
The tubular steel arches carry noise September 1, 1939, triggering the Second
protection lamellas, which are arranged World War, significant parts of the Old
on the slope or valley side depending on Vistula Bridge near Dirschau (see section
the development. Because the bridge is 1.4-3) and also the later da
monolithic, jointless and without
bearings, even with
Current developments,
on the design
of bridges
on the design of bridges and special meanings 105

Figure 1.5-10 Nesenbachtal bridge, section (image after [Bögle et al., 2003])

Figure 1.5-11 Nesenbachtal Bridge, image by Schlaich, Bergermann und Partner

106 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.5-12 Illuminated Nesenbachtal bridge in the dark, image by Schlaich, Bergermann und

The second bridge, built next to it, was blown up. After the end of the war, the
blown up by the Polish army as a Polish state rebuilt the two bridges while
defensive measure. Three spans of the Old retaining the existing parts, replacing the
Vistula Bridge were destroyed and three missing parts with new structures and
were preserved. Today, the three superstructures that had been dismantled
remaining spans of the bridge are an elsewhere. In December 1947, single-track
important testimony to the early days of rail traffic was initially able to cross the
railroad bridge construction (Fig. 1.4-15). bridge again. Eventually, both double-track
The remaining part of the Old Vistula rail traffic and road traffic could be
Bridge near Dirschau was added to the list guaranteed.
of International Historic Civil In 1973, when a steel box girder bridge
Engineering Landmarks by the ASCE in was being built near Zeulenroda in eastern
2004. The battles that developed around Thuringia over six spans with end spans
the prepared detonation points for the of 55 m each and inner spans of 63 m each
bridge at the beginning of the Second for a country road over a future reservoir
World War were possibly the first fighting in cantilever construction, a tragic
of the Second World War. The bridge, construction accident occurred on August
which was praised as a technical 13, the 12th anniversary of the
masterpiece of bridge construction when construction of the Berlin Wall. During
it was built in the mid-19th century, took assembly, the floor plate, which was
on a sad historical significance in 1939. subjected to centric pressure, failed. The
German pioneers erected a temporary bridge section, already projecting 31.5 m
bridge over the Vistula, which was then into the second span, buckled and fell to the
replaced by a new double-track railroad valley floor, taking workers and
bridge. The destroyed parts of the Old equipment with it. Four people lost their
Vistula Bridge were not replaced during lives, several were injured, some of them
the war. At the end of the war, the railroad seriously, and a great deal of damage to
bridge was destroyed by the retreating property was caused. According to the
German soldiers. state of steel bridge construction at the time
Current developments,
on the design
of bridges
on the design of bridges and special meanings 107

Figure 1.5-13 Zeulenroda reservoir bridge

This was an innovative project. In the five is placed. Those who died in the accident
preceding years, there had been several are commemorated with a memorial
similar cases of damage in the democratic stone, Fig. 1.5-14.
states (Danube Bridge Vienna, The Glienicke Bridge in Berlin has
Cleddaubrücke in Milford-Haven in another political significance, Figure 1.5-
Wales, Westgate Bridge in Melbourne and 15. During the division of Germany,
Rhine Bridge Koblenz), of which there was political prisoners were exchanged
only insufficient knowledge as a result of the between East and West at the Glienicke
access to information prevented by the Bridge. This made the bridge world-
ruling party in East Germany (the famous.
previous cases of damage triggered
conferences on the subject, research and
adjustments to regulations in the West)
[Ekardt, 1998].
The causes of damage will not be
discussed here. Please refer to [Ekardt,
1998] and [Scheer, 2000]. However,
because the construction accident
occurred on August 13, the Ministry for
State Security and the GDR judiciary
initially assumed that it was a case of
sabotage. Later, the institutions saw the
construction accident as the negligence of
technology-loving intellectuals at the
expense of the working people.
Objectively, the accident was due to the
inadequate safety in the assembly state as
planned at the time and a misjudgement
of the load-bearing capacity of the bottom
chord of the box girder. The bridge,
Figure 1.5-13, was completed after the Image 1.5-14 Memorial stone at the
accident. Zeulenroda reservoir bridge
108 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.5-15 Glienicke

Bridge in Berlin

1.6 Design of bridges, In the past, master builders naturally

Competitions, bridge construction prizes regarded large engineering structures as
part of the building culture and often
JOACHIM NAUMANN served to impressively represent the rulers
or wealthy cities. Examples of this include
1.6.1 Preliminary remark the successful ensemble of the Stone
Bridge with the mighty city gate in
The consideration of good design in the Regensburg dating from 1146 (Fig. 1.6-1)
planning and execution of bridges and or the Old Main Bridge in Würzburg with
engineering structures has a long tradition the twelve bridge saints on the pulpits
in Germany. Many historical structures above the river as a representative link
still show very clearly today how much between the two parts of the city (Fig. 1.6-
effort and care was put into this. Bridges 2). Further interesting examples can be
found in [Standfuß/

Figure 1.6-1
Regensburg Stone
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 109

and their buildings had absolute priority. At

times, design requirements were of
secondary importance, and design
competitions were limited to a few
prominent buildings.
Fortunately, an intensive and creative
discussion has developed over the last ten
years, both at specialist level and among the
public, which has positively changed the
awareness of good design of
transportation structures. In many events,
symposia and discussion groups,
numerous suggestions have been made as
to how the design of structures can be
improved and what significance this has
Figure 1.6-2 Old Main Bridge Würzburg for our daily environment. The positive
results can be seen in many places, even if
not all design efforts have always been
successful straight away. There is no
Naumann, 2006] and [Standfuß/Naumann, doubt that the Architecture and Building
2007]. Culture Initiative, which was launched in
This self-image of good design only 2000 by the Federal Ministry of Transport
changed when the all-encompassing tasks together with the Federal Chamber of
of the builder were increasingly divided Engineers and the Federal Chamber of
between the fields of architecture and civil Architects, has made a significant
engineering due to technical contribution to this and provided much
developments and the use of new food for thought. With the establishment
materials. For civil engineers, the focus of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur in
was then often more on the optimal 2007, this process is now to be consolidated
technical solution for bridges, while the and thus do justice to its social
demands on the aesthetics and design of significance in the long term. Ultimately,
the buildings were only given appropriate however, it depends on those involved in
attention by a few outstanding engineers. planning and construction in the
After the Second World War, the administrations, engineering offices and
economic upswing and the associated construction companies whether the many
dynamic growth in traffic also ensured that good ideas are also put into practice.
an enormous number of engineering Competitions can make an important
structures had to be built in a very short contribution to this.
space of time in order to keep pace with Two recent examples illustrate just how
the expansion of the urgently needed traffic controversial the issue of building culture
routes. Planning processes were therefore can sometimes be in bridge construction.
always under great time pressure and the While Dresden has been arguing for years
traffic-friendly function of the roads was about whether a bridge in the Elbe Valley
also a priority in general social is compatible with the World Heritage Site,
understanding. Stralsund has shown that a good and
balanced bridge solution over the
neighboring Strelasund Strait is possible.
110 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.6-3 Strelasund crossing

can harmonize with the cityscape, which is The culture of building is indivisible - it
also recognized as a World Heritage Site, includes all parts of the built environment
and at the same time give the region new and each party bears responsibility for its
impetus (Figure 1.6-3). Bridges and world own area. Baukultur is indivisible - it
cultural heritage are therefore clearly not a includes all parts of the built environment
contradiction in terms if all those involved and everyone involved bears
have the good will to find an optimal responsibility for their own area.
solution. Engineering structures are the most
dominant parts of traffic routes in terms
of design, as bridges, tunnels, retaining
1.6.2 Building culture walls and noise barriers usually catch the
When most people hear the term eye of road users due to their dimensions
"Baukultur", the first thing that comes to alone and often form prominent
mind is examples of building landmarks on a route. They are an
construction, such as residential buildings, essential part of our daily environment
churches, theaters, museums, castles and and therefore also an important part of
fitters, which stand out due to their our country's building culture. No one can
function and size alone and often impress escape their design impact, even if this is
with their prestigious architecture. But often not consciously perceived as such.
building culture is of course much more For the public project owner, who is
than that, because building culture responsible for the planning, construction
represents the built expression of the and maintenance of roads, this results in a
cultural, economic and political great responsibility, not only in technical
constitution of a society. It is not limited and design terms, but also in social and
to architecture alone, but also societal terms.
encompasses the inte
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 111

The exhibition "Road Bridges - Innovation potential. The first step here
Engineering Art in Germany", which was is to gather existing experience and pass
organized by the Federal Ministry of it on in the sense of best practice, as
Transport together with the Federal well as to identify opportunities for
Chamber of Engineers in 2001 as a further incentives for innovation, e.g.
contribution to the Architecture and through competitions.
Building Culture Initiative, showed that • Preserving cultural heritage and existing
citizens are very interested in the utilize and further develop existing
achievements of engineers and in bridges resources. After a long phase of new
in particular. construction and expansion, the
has tightened 400,000 visitors. In addition maintenance, preservation and renewal
to many historic bridges, which can still be of existing buildings will be
admired today as cultural heritage, increasingly in focus in the future. In
especially in the urban environment, the some cases, this will give rise to
exhibition also presented many examples completely new tasks, which are also of
of modern bridge construction, which are great importance in terms of building
characterized by a wide range of different culture.
designs, shapes and construction methods • The international competitiveness of the
due to technical developments. German architects, planners and
engineers. In a coalescing Europe and
increasing globalization, it is important
to adapt to the new framework
1.6.3 Baukultur Initiative and Baukultur
conditions in good time. The initiative
therefore also aims to develop and
promote the export of architectural and
The main aim of the Architecture and
engineering services.
Building Culture Initiative was and is to
initiate a broad discussion among those In addition to the Architecture and
involved in planning and building about Building Culture Initiative, a few years ago
expectations and requirements for the German government introduced a law to
building culture. At the beginning of the establish a Baukultur Foundation in order to
initiative, several employee survey topic stabilize the activities and dialogue. After
areas were concretized: the law was passed by the German
• Ensuring future-oriented planning and Bundestag, the foundation's inaugural
meeting was held in Potsdam in October
architectural quality. The main issue
2007 and work has now begun.
here is the extent to which the forms
The aims of the foundation are as
and content of planning and
construction management need to be
adapted or redefined due to • Continuation of the nationwide public
demographic, technological and slide show on building culture
economic change. launched as part of the Architecture and
• The potential of architecture and Building Culture Initiative.
construction • Collaboration with the architectural
culture for innovation and further regional, national and international
development. The construction agencies.
industry continues to be one of the
largest investment sectors with a
112 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The main examples of this are the

shipping authorities in the area of federal
waterways and the many Deutsche Bahn
AG construction sites. However, the other
authorities responsible for construction,
such as the federal states, districts and
Figure 1.6-4 Logo of the Baukultur Foundation local authorities, are now also increasingly
committed to these goals and are making
their contribution.
• Highlighting the achievements of
German architects and civil engineers
1.6.4 Design options for bridges
The technical requirements and therefore
in the field of construction.
• Preparation of analyses and reports on The design options for traffic structures on
roads, waterways and railroads are also
the state of building culture in
quite different. While the main focus for
Germany in order to highlight
waterways is on crossing structures over
developments and the need for action
rivers and canals or, in individual cases,
in this area.
the crossing of two waterways, the
The Architecture and Building Culture requirements for railroads are completely
Initiative and, in future, the Building different due to the high traffic loads and
Culture Foundation offer a great operational requirements. Road bridges,
opportunity to make the achievements of on the other hand, have to fulfill a wide
engineers better known to the public variety of functions and, above all, be able
through appropriate activities. However, to cope with the ever-increasing volume of
it is crucial that the work is not left to the traffic on sight.
commitment of a few players, but that as In contrast to many other European
many engineers as possible actively countries, only a small number of type
participate in their field and with their designs have been used for road bridges in
possibilities (Figure 1.6-4). Germany to date. The relevant federal and
Bridge construction can make a state guidelines stipulate that for larger
significant contribution to this, as many bridges, an individual structural design
new transportation structures will have to must be created for each structure, which
be planned and built in the future in view must be adapted to the specific local
of the continued dynamic growth in conditions and other boundary conditions.
traffic. In addition, the expansion of For larger bridges, variant studies must
existing traffic routes and the preservation first be carried out, which should include
of the building fabric are also a major different designs, construction methods
challenge that will have a lasting impact and construction methods as well as
on and influence the building culture in different spans, shapes and materials. For
our country. The federal government, as the engineers involved, this is a great
the largest and most important project opportunity for largely free design, which
owner and responsible body in the can be realized with cre- ation.
transport sector, will continue to actively
support the goals of the Baukultur
Foundation and feels obliged to implement
this in its buildings. In addition to road
bridges on federal highways, this includes
water and waterway structures.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 113

Figure 1.6-5 Saale bridge Beesedau

ativity and inventiveness [Naumann, The individual components of bridges

2002]. naturally have to m e e t further
The construction and design of a bridge requirements, which
depend primarily on the location where a u. This may restrict the scope for design. It
path, road, line, river or valley is to be goes without saying that the requirements
bridged. The ground situation, terrain and for the stability and traffic safety of the
site environment are therefore essential structures must always be guaranteed and
parameters that must be taken into that no restrictions can be imposed by
account in the initial design special design ideas. As traffic structures
considerations. Finding a technically, are financed almost exclusively from
economically and creatively balanced public funds, the authorities responsible
solution in each individual case is the real for construction also have a great
"art" of the engineer, for which a high responsibility to use these funds
degree of creativity and imagination is economically and sparingly. This can be a
required in addition to sound specialist significant restriction with regard to the
knowledge (Fig. 1.6-5). The design phase implementation of some design ideas.
is therefore also the most interesting phase Realistically, however, it must be
in the creation of a bridge, in which the recognized as an important primacy and
engineers have the choice between a large taken into account in the design process.
number of different building materials, Buildings that cost considerably more
constructions and construction methods. than other possible technical solutions for
In addition to the very important design reasons alone are generally not
stakes involved in the aesthetics of the acceptable, unless a particularly exposed
construction and the design of the location or a
114 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

very difficult urban environment justify The design of individual structures as well
this. In terms of structural architecture, as the design of longer road sections. To
however, expensive solutions will generally this end, engineers and architects first
also contradict the principles of good compile a design manual, which is used to
design, as this tends to indicate compile the essential design elements for
unnecessary design ballast, statically and the structures and recommendations for
constructively unsuitable constructions or the selection of materials, colors and
an exaggerated need for prestige on the shapes in accordance with the history,
part of the designer. landscape and buildings. They then serve
Bridges are generally subject to high as a basis and guideline for the design of
traffic and environmental loads. Users the individual structures along the route.
rightly demand robust and durable The structural engineer retains the
structures, as any interference with traffic freedom to choose suitable constructions,
through repairs and other work can cause but the architect is on hand to provide
enormous economic damage in the form advice throughout the design phase.
of congestion, operating and accident Even in the case of railroad bridges, the
costs. This is also an important criterion design of which was previously subject to
for operators, especially in view of the relatively rigid framework planning due to
further strong increase in traffic. Design the special requirements of railroad
and innovative ideas have their limits here operations, a rethink has taken place at
if they lead to risks during the service life Deutsche Bahn AG following fierce
of the structures. However, pilot projects criticism of the design of some bridges on
for further technical development in new lines. In future, major bridge
bridge construction are justifiable in constructions must be submitted to a
individual cases. In addition, the bridge advisory board, which reports
requirements for the uncomplicated directly to the DB AG Management Board
execution of structural inspections and and has an important say in the design of
any maintenance and repair work that the bridges. A new guideline "Design of
may be necessary at a later date must be railroad bridges" [Mehdorn/Schwinn,
taken into account as early as the bridge 2009] also provides many tips for good
design stage. design and shows numerous alternative
The engineer's task is to consider all solutions to conventional framework
requirements in a balanced relationship to planning.
each other during the design process. The
aim must be to design a statically and
structurally sound load-bearing structure 1.6.5 Planning competitions in bridge construction
in which economy and aesthetics are
optimally balanced and the other One important way of promoting creative
requirements are also met as well as or innovative ideas for bridges and
possible! showcasing the achievements of civil
The increased cooperation between engineers and architects to the public is to
engineers and architects during the design hold design competitions.
phase has had a very positive effect on the
design of engineering structures in road
construction in recent years. This relates
to both
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 115

were common in exceptional cases. The At the time, however, the six-member
Architecture and Building Culture examination committee of Saxony's best
Initiative has brought this option back construction experts came to the
into the awareness of project owners and conclusion that none of the designs could
has been successfully practiced in many be implemented on their own, but that a
projects. Planning competitions have the new one could be created from four of
advantage that citizens are more closely them. The result was a four-storey brick
involved in the planning process through bridge with numerous pillars and arches,
the publication of the competition results which can still be admired today as a
and that there are good opportunities to railroad bridge and is a well-known
present design ideas and innovative architectural monument (Fig. 1.6-6). A
developments in bridge construction to detailed description of the structure can
the public. be found in section 1.4.1.
However, competitions for bridges are With the exception of a few open
nothing new. Back in 1845 - over 160 procedures with over one hundred
years ago - a bridge competition was held participants in some cases, the
for the construction of a railroad bridge, competitions for bridges held in the past
namely the Göltzschtal bridge in the were predominantly realization
Vogtland region of Saxony. 81 designs competitions with a limited number of
from all over Germany were submitted. participants of five to ten in accordance
They came not only from architects and with the
construction engineers, but also from "Contracting Regulations for Professional
bricklayers, master carpenters, Services (VOF)" were chosen. As a rule,
construction companies and even consortia of civil engineers and architects
technical amateurs. participated, with the engineers always
taking the lead.

Figure 1.6-6 Göltzschtal bridge (photo by Wolfgang Zahn, Fotografik Zahn, Mylau)
116 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

This approach has proven its worth. The The proposals must be submitted to the
basis for the implementation of the jury, consisting of specialist judges who
competitions to date has been the should be experts in civil engineering and
"Principles and Guidelines for structural engineering, and the expert
Competitions in Land Use Planning, judges who have appropriate expertise for
Urban Design and Construction (GRW the construction project due to regional or
95)" [Guidelines for Spatial Planning, other references.
2003], which were amended in 2009 by A whole series of competitions have
the been held in recent years, particularly for
"Guidelines for planning competitions road bridges, footpaths and cycle paths. In
(RPW 2008)" [Guidelines for planning the area of federal highways, these
competitions, 2008]. included
According to § 1 of the RPW 2008, • Saalebrücke Jena Göschwitz in the
competitions should aim to find
course of the A 4 motorway with the
alternative ideas and optimized concepts
design of a new bridge next to a listed
for the solution of planning tasks and the
stone arch structure (Fig. 1.6-14).
suitable contractor for further planning. • Saale bridge Salzmünde in the course of the
They can also aim to solve conceptual
A 143 motorway as a new construction
tasks. In particular, competitions should
with partial noise protection enclosure
serve to promote the quality of planning,
(Figure 1.6-7).
building and the environment and make • St. Kilian viaduct in the course of the
an important contribution to building
A 73 motorway near Schleusingen as a
new construction with a steel truss
The following aspects are to be
included in the tender as evaluation • Waschmühltal bridge in the course of the
criteria for bridges:
A 6 motorway near Kaiserslautern with
• Design and integration into the the design of a new bridge next to a
landscape listed stone arch structure (Fig. 1.6-8).
• Construction costs, economic efficiency • Gottleuba viaduct in the course of the B
• Environmental compatibility 172
• Robustness, durability, usability and near Pirna as a new building across a large
sustainability valley.
• Feasibility, construction method, • Rhine bridge Wiesbaden-Schierstein in
construction time the course of the A 643 motorway as a
• Static-constructive concept new replacement construction with
• Innovation. widening.
• Lahntal Bridge Limburg in the course of the
The drafts submitted are subjected to a
BAB A 3 also as replacement
preliminary review before the drafts are
construction with widening.

Figure 1.6-7
Salzmünde Saale
bridge (visualization)
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 117

Figure 1.6-8 Waschmühltal bridge (visualization)

Figure 1.6-9 Elbe bridge

Wittenberge (visualization)

for bridge structures was created during

• Elbe bridge Wittenberge in the course the successful touring exhibition "Road
of the A 14 motorway as a new Bridges - Engineering Construction Art in
construction next to an existing federal Germany". The pleasingly large response
highway bridge (Figure 1.6-9). from experts and the public showed that
bridge construction is still a fascinating
As expected, many creative and subject for many people and one in which
innovative ideas were submitted to all of there is great interest. The fact that a large
the competitions that would not have been number of new bridges were built within a
achieved in the same way with short space of time during the construction
conventional design processing by the and expansion of transport routes in the
administration or a single selected new federal states as part of German
engineering firm. However, this comes at reunification certainly also played a role in
the cost of considerable additional this, attracting increasing attention in the
personnel, time and costs for both the media due to their special design,
competition organizers and the innovative developments and good
competition participants. Planning integration into the landscape. In addition,
competitions will therefore remain limited there was the realization that due to the
to selected buildings in prominent looming shortage of young talent in the
locations in the future. field of civil engineers, more advertising
will be necessary for this interesting and
creative profession, for which bridge
1.6.6 German Bridge Construction Prize construction, as the supreme discipline of
engineers, is particularly suitable. So what
The idea of awarding and presenting a could be more obvious than
separate prize exclusively to
118 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The best bridge builders will be honored The fact that a separate bridge
and their work presented at a high-profile construction prize was actually long
event. overdue was also shown by the fact that a
The Federal Chamber of Engineers search identified around 25 architecture
(BIngK), as a nationwide professional prizes, but only 6 civil engineering prizes.
association, therefore took up the idea And this despite the fact that the
very quickly and enthusiastically and, approximately 52,000 engineering offices
together with the Association of in Germany generate an annual turnover
Consulting Engineers (VBI), launched the of € 28 billion, almost three times as much
first competition for the "German Bridge as architects. This clearly shows that the
Construction Prize" in 2005. The Federal design and economic potential of
Ministry of Transport actively engineering firms is considerably
accompanied and supported the idea of a underrepresented in the public eye.
bridge construction prize from the very Up until then, two prizes had been of
beginning. The Ministry is involved both nationwide importance. These were the
by assuming the patronage and by Engineering Construction Prize from the
providing a substantial amount of publishing house Ernst & Sohn and the
funding. Deutsche Bahn AG was secured Fritz Leonhardt Prize from the Baden-
as the main sponsor at an early stage. Württemberg Chamber of Engineers. The
Other sponsors are helping to ensure that latter honors an individual who is
the prize is also secured in the long term responsible for pioneering buildings. This
(Fig. 1.6-10). prize is not so much about a famous

Image 1.6-10 Prize sculpture Bridge Construction Prize

1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 119

The Civil Engineering Award, on the other • a plaque for the building
hand, encompasses the entire breadth of a • a special presentation of the building.
civil engineer's work. The Civil The award ceremony takes place as part of
Engineering Award, on the other hand, a festive ceremony with accompanying
encompasses the entire breadth of civil public relations and media participation.
engineers' work. The prize is awarded to The German Bridge Construction Prize is
buildings that have been realized in the awarded every two years; the first award
past five years and demonstrate an ceremonies were held in Dresden on
innovative achievement. This can be a March 13, 2006 and March 10, 2008.
bridge, a hall, a tunnel or other structures. Two categories of bridges were
However, it can also be an intelligent awarded:
repair measure or an innovative
construction process. • Category A: Road and rail employee
The German Bridge Construction bridges
Award very quickly established itself in • Category B: Pedestrian and cycle bridges
the group of pure civil engineering awards and supply bridges.
and deliberately limited itself to this All civil engineers who have contributed
special but very important field of to the success of a bridge in Germany in a
engineering. All bridges are included here, responsible position are eligible to enter.
i.e. rail employees and other rail bridges as Bridge structures can be submitted if they
well as road bridges, cycle and footpath were completed no more than five or two
bridges and, as a special form, also years ago and the inputs for the structure
pipeline or supply bridges. have already been completed by the
The German Bridge Construction Prize closing date. The engineering work can be
is to be awarded for outstanding a new construction, a fundamental repair
achievements by civil engineers in bridge or a conversion or extension measure.
construction. The award-winning Participants in the competition must
performance can be achieved in different submit the following documents:
areas. For example, a good choice of
system and its implementation, a good • Participation form A with details of the
design and adaptation of the structure to building and the parties involved
the surrounding site, a new technology, a • Participation form B with a questionnaire
resource- and cost-saving solution or even talogue of the building
interesting and innovative maintenance • Explanatory report (max. 2 pages)
measures, the use of new building • 5 Photos of the building and the main
materials or construction methods can be parts
decisive for the award. • a maximum of 5 construction drawings.
The prize is awarded to the structure The following evaluation criteria apply in
and the engineer or engineers who have accordance with the invitation to tender:
made a significant contribution to the
outstanding engineering achievement. • Design
The German Bridge Construction Prize is • Construction
a non-material prize and consists of: • Function
• a certificate for the award winner(s)
• a price sculpture
120 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

• Innovation The competition and award ceremony

• Economic efficiency for the German Bridge Construction Prize
• Planning and construction process were an immediate success. The award
• Sustainability ceremony, which was jointly held by the
presidents of the Federal Chamber of
The Jury Board selected by the
Engineers and the Association of
competition organizers was made up of
Consulting Engineers as well as the
the following experts for both
Federal Minister of Transport, Building
and Urban Development, was attended by
MinRat Joachim Naumann, Engineer over a thousand participants in 2006 and
(Chair) 2008 at the Technical University of
MinRat a. D. Klaus Bernhardt, Engineer Dresden, and the response in the media
Prof. Hans-Günther Burkhardt, Architect was also extremely positive. The results of
Dr.-Ing. Hans-Gerd Lindlar, Engineer the competition for the German Bridge
Dr.-Ing. Hans-Ulrich Litzner, Engineer Construction Award are subsequently
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Marx, Engineer documented in an exhibition and a book
Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Sedlacek, publication. The next award ceremony for
Engineer the German Bridge Construction Prize will
Prof. i. R. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stritzke, engineer again be held in Dresden in spring 2010.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E. h. Konrad
Zilch, engineer.
1.6.7 Winners and nominees for the
The competition organizers intend to
German Bridge Construction Prize 2006 and 2008
regularly change the composition of the
Jury Board in the future.
A total of 70 bridge structures were
As part of a formal preliminary review,
submitted for the first competition for the
it is first determined whether all entries
German Bridge Construction Prize 2006.
submitted have been submitted on time
During the formal preliminary
and fulfill the conditions of the call for
examination, however, five entries had to
entries. The Jury Board then decides which
be eliminated due to non-compliance with
entries will be shortlisted during an initial
the tender conditions, so that in the end 34
one-day jury meeting based on the
structures for category A road and railroad
evaluation criteria. For this purpose, the
bridges and 31 structures for category B
Jury Board will select a maximum of three
pedestrian and cycle bridges were
bridge structures from each category in
admitted for evaluation.
several evaluation rounds, which will be
The Jury Board found that almost all the
nominated for the final round. The
entries submitted were of a pleasingly high
nominated structures are then announced
technical and design standard and that it
by the awarding authorities. In a second
was extremely difficult to select the
Jury Board meeting shortly before the
buildings to be shortlisted. In the end, the
award ceremony, the Jury Board finally
following buildings were nominated for
selects a winner from the nominated bridge
the award ceremony:
structures, which is not announced until
the award ceremony. This keeps the
suspense alive for everyone involved until
the very end.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 121

Category A Road and rail employee Category A Road and rail employee
bridges bridges
• Wilde Gera viaduct in Thuringia
Forest Viaduct Wilde Gera, federal highway A
• Railroad bridge over the Danube near 71 near Gehlberg in the Thuringian
Ingolstadt Forest (Image 1.6-11)
• Luckenberg Bridge in Brandenburg Author of the design: Dr. sc. techn.
on the Havel. Roland von Wölfel.
The construction of the A 71 required
Category B Foot and cycle path bridges an approx. 110 m high route alignment
• La-Ferté footbridge over across the deeply indented valley of the
Haldenrainstrasse in Stuttgart Wilde Gera. The constraints were a line, a
• Pedestrian bridge over the Gahlensche road, the course of the river and a landfill
Street in Bochum site at the bottom of the valley. A beam
• Wooden bridge over the Freiberger bridge was put out to tender, but a special
Straße in the Tharandt Forest Botanical proposal with a convincing design for an
Garden. arch bridge prevailed.
In the second jury meeting, the winner in An extraordinarily elegant arch with a
category A was the Wilde Gera viaduct span of approx. 252 m was realized -
and the winner in category B was the La- currently the largest concrete arch bridge
Ferté footbridge in Stuttgart. in Germany. This span with an arch span
A few excerpts from the Jury Board's of 70 m resulted from the topographical
statement of reasons for the nominated conditions and the desire to cross the
buildings are quoted below. A detailed valley with as few supports as possible.
description of the structures is compiled The arch rests almost vertically on the
in section 1.6.8. Further information can valley flanks. The elegant line of the arch
be found in [Naumann, 2006] and with its well-proportioned tapering
[Dokumentation Brückenbaupreis, 2006]. convinced the jury.

Figure 1.6-11 Viaduct

Wilde Gera
122 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Conclusion: to the neighboring bridges, as there was

Germany's largest concrete arch bridge little space in the Danube area. Due to the
(span of the arch 252 m) impresses with constraints from the gradient, only an
its extraordinary design elements. The overhead supporting structure was an
construction of an arch of this dimension option.
in cantilever construction represents a Instead of the obvious design of a
very special engineering achievement. The modern truss, a multi-span through
special proposal realized with the bridge bridge was chosen, whose main girders
over the Wilde Gera also resulted in a are shaped to match the moment curve.
significant cost advantage over the The reinforced concrete slab forms the
administrative design. The bridge is a trough together with the steel main
convincing example of how landscape and girders. The result is a slender supporting
structure can be combined to create a new structure that spans the Danube in the
quality. The drama of the deep valley shape of a wave, creating a discreet and
incision can only really be understood in surprising ensemble effect that could not
this way. have been achieved in such an ingenious
way with another truss girder.
Railroad bridge over the Danube near
Ingolstadt (picture 1.6-12) Conclusion:
Author of the design: Dipl.-Ing. Andreas The Jury Board sees this design as the
Keil, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Drs. h. c. Jörg Schlaich. development of a completely new form of
The new ICE line crosses the Danube at trough bridge. The design impressively
Ingolstadt directly next to the existing truss demonstrates that innovative design and
bridge of the railroad and a nearby road technical solutions are also possible for
bridge. These existing bridges determined railroad bridges with their very high loads.
the span width of the new bridge. The This proves that the sometimes lamented
integration into the cityscape also required aesthetic monotony of such structures can
a high degree of transparency of the new be counteracted.
building and close proximity to the existing

Figure 1.6-12 Rail

employee bridge over the
Danube near Ingolstadt
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 123

Luckenberg Bridge in Brandenburg an and the design of the abutments

der Havel (Image 1.6-13) impressed the Jury Board.
Author of the design: Dipl.-Ing. Peter
Poitzsch, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Kolb. Conclusion:
The Luckenberg Bridge in Branden- The Luckenberg Bridge is a good example
burg has to meet several conflicting of how innovative construction methods
requirements. In addition to urban private and material combinations can lead to
transport, the bridge has to accommodate savings in construction costs and make a
the tram, which actually requires a rigid structure particularly cost-effective. The
and solid construction. In direct then new idea of using high-strength in-
contradiction to this, more free space was situ concrete together with prefabricated
also to be created for the shipping lane elements led to the design of a flat blast
and the newly created riverside paths. An structure. The slender, elegant route
overhead support structure was not alignment in correspondence with the
possible for urban planning reasons. This course of the forces and the design of the
resulted in extreme requirements for the abutments adapt the structure excellently
slenderness of the superstructure to the difficult urban environment.
combined with high stiffness.
The then new idea of using high- Category B Foot and cycle path bridges
strength in-situ concrete together with
prefabricated elements led to the design of La-Ferté footbridge in Stuttgart,
a flat blast structure. The resulting Haldenrainstrasse (Fig. 1.6-14)
inclined-stem frame bridge is very well Author of the design: Dr.-Ing. Matthias
crafted and fulfills the contradictory Schüller.
requirements in an extraordinarily The La-Ferté footbridge is a highly
convincing way. The slender, elegant lines frequented connection to the indoor
in correspondence with the course of the swimming pool, school and fairground via
forces a four-lane road with a central streetcar

Figure 1.6-13
Luckenberger Bridge in
Brandenburg an der Havel
124 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.6-14 La Ferté

footbridge in Stuttgart,

across. The structure adapts perfectly to The result is a low-maintenance and

the topographical conditions - a steep sustainable construction of exceptional
slope to the south of the road and flat elegance that not only delights the
terrain on the north side - in an even, beholder but also offers the user a special
elegant curve with a gradient of approx. experience.
The massive, cantilevered abutment on Bridge over Gahlensche Strasse in
the steep embankment stands in deliberate Bochum (Figure 1.6-15)
contrast to the barely visible support at the Author of the design: Dipl.-Ing. Knut
other end of the bridge. This creates the Göppert, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Drs. h. c. Jörg
impression that the structure grows Schlaich.
dynamically out of the embankment, only The bridge over Gahlensche Strasse
to run out flat in the plain. The unusually connects two parallel, offset paths in a
narrow design of the southern abutment pedestrian-friendly S-curve. The narrow
creates a very elegant, light impression. All pedestrian bridge is an elegant crossing
details such as the railings, lighting and over a dreary conglomerate of railroad
column bases are also carefully designed. facilities, industrial sites and remaining
industrial buildings. It adds a positive
Conclusion: element to this urban wasteland, whose
The La Ferté footbridge is an engineering "wild" form is in keeping with its "wild"
structure in which everything is surroundings.
harmonious and which blends in perfectly The S-shape resulting from the path
with its surroundings. The shape of the structure is consistently implemented in
bridge, with a radius of 53 m, enabled low the supporting structure. The principle of
constraint deformation in a radial the suspension bridge is further developed
direction, so that the consistently into a spatial supporting structure, in
implemented jointless and bearingless which the pylons are each positioned on
construction method was possible. Since the concave side of the strongly curved
pathway and are supported by the pylons.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 125

Figure 1.6-15 Bridge over

Gahlensche Strasse in

emphasize the load-bearing effect through bach and the S 194 state road at a
their inclination. A single suspension maximum height of 13 m. The bridge was
cable is sufficient, which makes the planned in such a way that no trees had to
structure appear particularly light and be felled. The 117 m long and 2.50 m wide
delicate. bridge consists of 15 bridge spans with a
length of 7 m and one span with a span of
Conclusion: 12 m over the S 194 state road.
The bridge over Gahlensche Strasse is the As a park bridge for pedestrians, it was
first ever double-curved suspension to be made of local wood wherever
bridge supported on one side. It provides possible and its design was to blend in
a completely new approach to the further harmoniously with the garden as an
development of curved bridges. Despite organically interwoven structure. The
its complexity, the load-bearing behavior design responds to the uneven terrain and
and function of the load-bearing elements meanders with even radii through the
are easy to read. The structure is free of hardwood-covered valley.
any ornamentation and impresses with its
elegant design. As a deliberate contrast to Conclusion:
its surroundings, it sets standards for The wooden bridge for pedestrians is a
future development in this urban area. graceful, continuous wooden band with
an elegant alignment and offers
Wooden bridge over the Freiberger extraordinary views of the treetops at eye
Straße in the Tharandt Forest Botanical level. What is new and innovative about
Garden (Image 1.6-16) this successful structure is the
Author of the design: Kathrin Gädeke, interconnected glulam construction of
André Dreßler, Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Fischer. individual elements with hidden
The bridge connects the old and new connections. The result is a remarkable
parts of the forest botanical garden in building in terms of design and ecology
Tharandt, crossing the Zeisig- with a high level of sustainability.
126 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.6-16 Wooden

bridge over Freiberger
Straße in the Tharandt
Forest Botanical Garden

As expected, the number of structures Category B Foot and cycle path bridges
submitted to the second competition for • Pedestrian and cycle bridge over the
the German Bridge Construction Prize Inn near Wernstein-Neuburg
2008 was significantly lower, as this time • Gessental Bridge in the New Land
the structures could only be from the last Ronneburg near Gera
two years and not from the last five years • Three-country bridge over the Rhine
as in the previous competition. between Weil am Rhein (D) and
After all, over 40 buildings had been Huningue (F).
submitted by the closing date, all of which In the second jury meeting, the
were once again of a pleasingly high Humboldt Harbour Bridge Berlin was
technical and design standard. chosen as the winner of category A and the
Only one entry had to be eliminated as Dreiländerbrücke near Weil am Rhein
part of the preliminary examination, was chosen as the winner of category B.
which meant that 20 road and rail Excerpts from the Jury Board's
employee bridges and 21 pedestrian and statement of reasons for the nominated
cycle bridges were able to take part in the buildings are also quoted below and
competition. The following structures presented in section
were nominated for the award ceremony 1.6.8 detailed descriptions of the structures.
at the first jury meeting: Further information can be found in
[Naumann, 2008] and [Dokumentation,
Category A Road and rail employee
Brückenbaupreis, 2008].
• New Saale bridge Jena-Göschwitz
Category A Road and rail employee
• Humboldthafen Bridge at Berlin
Central Station
• Lautrupsbach valley bridge in the
Humboldthafen Bridge at Berlin Central
course of the Station (Image 1.6-17)
East bypass Flensburg. Author of the design: Prof. Dr.- Ing. Drs.
h. c. Jörg Schlaich, Dr.-Ing. Hans Schober
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 127

Figure 1.6-17 Humboldt

harbor bridge at Berlin
main station

The Humboldthafen Bridge, located in and are also used for other bridges.
a prominent urban location in the new
center of Berlin, is a milestone in modern Conclusion:
railroad bridge construction. It is an The bridge was an excellent solution to a
integral part of the adjoining central highly complex construction task and paved
station and spans the Humboldthafen with the way for a new generation of railroad
six tracks. With its extraordinarily filigree structures. In conjunction with the new
design, the structure is at the limits of central station, the new bridge forms a
what is feasible in terms of construction successful ensemble in the middle of
technology. The reversed design compared Berlin.
to conventional solutions with concrete
columns and steel superstructure also New construction of the Saale bridge
opens up new aesthetic possibilities. Jena-Göschwitz in the course of the A 4
In terms of innovations that will be motorway near Jena (Fig. 1.6-18) Author
groundbreaking for the further of the design: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Kleb
development of railroad bridge The new construction of the Saale
construction, the contractor Deutsche bridge in Jena-Göschwitz is the successful
Bahn AG has really outdone itself here. transfer of the listed arch motif of the
The first use of cast steel nodes of this existing structure to the modern material
dimension should be emphasized, which of prestressed concrete. The special
have proven to be an excellent technical engineering task of erecting a second
alternative to the previously used welded structure at a close distance to the existing
nodes on the Humboldtha Bridge. arch bridge with 17 stone arches rising
However, economic efficiency is not the proportionally to the height of the valley
main focus of this technically very from the Reichsautobahn era was solved
innovative structure in an exposed very well. The new and existing buildings
location. However, the initially high form a harmonious ensemble in the
development costs of the cast steel nodes charming floodplain landscape of the
have now paid off. Saale valley.
The new Saale bridge is an outstanding
128 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Figure 1.6-18 Saale

bridge Jena-Göschwitz

Fig. 1.6-19 Lautrups

bridge in Flensburg

example of building in existing structures. The new building combines the existing
It is one of the few successful attempts to building with its flat roadway slab in a
combine old and new. The solution found richly varied interplay of overlapping curves
in a competition takes up the old form of and views.
the historic bridge, but transforms it into a
different supporting structure using Conclusion:
modern construction technology. The With the new Saalebrücke bridge, the task
main design element is the arched pier of taking up the form and character of the
discs, which are connected at the top by existing bridge was solved perfectly. The
two barely visible tie rods. By spreading resulting ensemble effect of new and old
the pier discs at the column head, the serves as a model for the combination of
spans are significantly reduced. This monument protection and modern
enabled a relatively slender superstructure architecture.
cross-section as a prestressed concrete
slab beam. Thus, the relatively massive Lautrupsbachtal bridge in the course of the
construction of the eastern bypass in Flensburg (Fig. 1.6-19)
Author of the design: Dipl.-Ing. Wigand Grawe,
architect Olaf Düvel.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 129

The Lautrupsbach Valley Bridge is a burg meets the complex requirements

structure made from a single cast and resulting from the special environmental
initially impresses with the elegant shape conditions. The structural and design
of the continuous curvature. The bridge solutions have resulted in excellent
and soundproofing are cast into a single acceptance of the bridge despite its
whole within the structure. The futuristic, proximity to a residential area and the
lightweight effect achieved by the surface nature conservation aspects that had to be
structure of the noise barriers and their taken into account.
conclusion with a smooth glass panel is all
the more commendable as the aesthetic Category B Foot and cycle path bridges
design of bridges with noise barriers is
still considered problematic. In addition Three-country bridge over the Rhine
to noise protection across the entire between Weil am Rhein (D) and
bridge, it was particularly important to Huningue
offer only minimal resistance to the cold air (F) (Figure 1.6-20)
currents that are important for the Author of the design: Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar
microclimate of the city of Flensburg. Feichtinger/ Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Strobl.
The prestressed slab cross-section of The pedestrian bridge over the Rhine
the superstructure of the Lautrupsbach initially impresses with a record span of
Valley Bridge is asymmetrically shaped in 230 meters. Due to the low height of the
accordance with the position of the bridge arched spans, the structure appears
in an arch. This is structurally favorable measured and never obtrusive. This is
and also results in the characteristic made possible by the movable wall
aerodynamic shape, which is continued bearings - an exceptionally innovative
upwards into the curved noise barriers. solution that enables the bridge's extreme
The combination with an interesting span to be managed without dampers. By
lighting solution that avoids glare is also clamping the ends of the arches into the
innovative. detached abutments, the structure rests
light-footedly on the foundation pillars
Conclusion: located close to the shore in the water.
The bridge in the course of a four-lane The bridge deck is an asymmetrically
bypass road over a sensitive landscape and designed orthotropic slab that also acts as
settlement area near Flens- a tension band. Together with the arch,
the bridge deck results in a bridge deck
that is wind and pedestrian resistant.

Figure 1.6-20 Three-country

bridge over the Rhine between
Weil am Rhein
(D) and Huningue (F)
130 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

low-vibration solution. The absence of with steep and flat banks. On the flat side,
river piers simplified the construction the bank of Wernstein, the suspension
process. Measures against ship collisions cables were anchored in two low triangular
were therefore superfluous. sheaves.
The free-span suspension bridge with
Conclusion: its single-sided pylon is extremely slender
The Dreiländerbrücke bridge symbolizes and light. It achieves a fascinating
the bridge between Germany, France and elegance due to the narrowness of the
nearby Switzerland. It impresses with the walkway over the long distance of 144 m.
perfect logic of its design, which has This gracefulness is also the result of the
resulted in an aesthetically perfect clever way in which it is pre-tensioned by
engineering structure. This border two cables, which stabilize it horizontally
structure is already a symbol of modern and vertically against deformation and
bridge building and has quickly become a vibrations. This enables a low-vibration
popular attraction. construction that manages without any
stiffening beams thanks to the curved sub-
Pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Inn tensions in the upright and ground plan.
at Wernstein-Neuburg (Fig. 1.6-21)
Author of the design: Dipl.-Ing. Erhard Conclusion:
Kargel. The border bridge between Bavaria and
This asymmetrical suspension bridge Upper Austria is technically, creatively
with a pylon on one side elegantly spans and economically convincing because it is
the Inn river as a pedestrian and cycle reduced to the essentials in terms of
path crossing between the German town construction - a bridge where nothing can
of Neuburg and the Austrian town of be added, but nothing can be left out
Wernstein. The principle of "integration either. The construction process was also
instead of confrontation" applies here. relatively simple and rational. The special
The bold bridge supports the typology of appeal of the Wernstein-Neuburg
the location in a convincing way. The 30 pedestrian and cycle bridge lies in its
m high pylon on the Neuburg side, which material reduction to an absolute
is crowned by a castle, draws the eye to a minimum.
classic river landscape

Figure 1.6-21 Foot and

cycle path bridge over the
Inn at Wernstein-Neu-
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 131

Figure 1.6-22 Gessental

bridge in the new
Ronneburg landscape near

Gessental Bridge in the New Ronneburg The building is characterized by a very

Landscape near Gera (Fig. 1.6-22) Author economical prefabrication in the factory.
of the design: Dipl.- Ing. Richard J. The timber construction, which is
Dietrich. protected by sheet steel and plywood
At 225 m, the Gessental Bridge on the cladding on the sides, has been designed
grounds of the Federal Garden Show 2007 to be durable and suitable for the material.
is one of the longest and most innovative Wear parts and railings are easy to replace.
timber bridges in Germany. The structure
contains technical innovations, Conclusion:
particularly in the sophisticated design of The Gessental Bridge is an innovative and
the tensioned band superstructure. As sustainable construction that blends in
part of a long-distance cycle path, the well with the landscape thanks to its
bridge is particularly impressive due to its slender supports. Its unusual shape makes
shape. For the first time, the Gessental the bridge a cheerful and poetic part of the
bridge features a tensioning band with terraced landscape of the BU- GA site.
compact, block-glued glulam panels. Like
a rope, this only 50 cm thick tension band
made of an integral timber-steel 1.6.8 Description
composite construction swings in waves of the structures nominated for the Bridge
over three spans with spans of over 50 m. Construction Prize 2006 and 2008
The bridge deck consists of larch wood
planks, which, in addition to their Preliminary remark
function as a walkway, also serve to reduce The individual award-winning and
vertical vibrations. The span is supported nominated bridges are explained below,
by extremely slender and light-colored usually by the relevant design authors.
groups of pendulum supports that branch
out in the "crown".
The tensioning strap system is
characterized by
132 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building Viaduct Wilde Gera, Thuringia


project owner:
Federal Republic of Germany, DEGES

Design and project manager:

Dr. sc. techn. Roland von Wölfel, Leonhardt,
Andrä und Partner, Erfurt (then Köhler und
Seitz, Nuremberg)

Implementation planning:
Dr. sc. techn. Roland von Wölfel, Leonhardt,
Andrä und Partner, Erfurt (then Köhler und
Seitz, Nuremberg)

Dr.-Ing. Zichner, Berlin (substructures) Dr.-Ing.
Haensel (†), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hanswille, Bochum

Adam Hörnig Baugesellschaft, Aschaffenburg
Photo: Klaus Kappes, foto schüler, Zella-Mehlis
Construction period: 1997-2000

The German Unity Transport Project No. 3.79 m towards the abutments. The spans
16 provided for the construction of a amounted to 90 + 108 + 114 + 102
highway through the Thuringian Forest. It + 78 + 60 = 552 m.
connects Thuringia with Bavaria and links A special proposal was implemented as
the Thuringian Forest and the regions of an arch bridge. The advantage here was
Suhl and Meiningen to the highway that an economical arch variant was only
network. The route crosses the ridge of possible with the one-piece superstructure.
the Thuringian Forest from Ilmenau to A variant with a two-part concrete
Zella-Mehlis. The main ridge crossing is superstructure and two arches next to each
the 8 km long Rennsteig Tunnel. other was more cost-intensive. In addition,
Immediately before this tunnel, the the motorway is routed at an oblique
highway is routed east-west across the angle across the valley, and the two offset
deep valley of the Wilde Gera. The chosen arches would also have design
alignment results in heights of approx. disadvantages. The special design resulted
110 m above the valley floor. Furthermore, in a cost advantage of several million DM
a state road and a railroad line running in compared to the administrative design. For
the valley will be crossed. economic reasons, but also due to the
In the administrative design, a girder special aesthetic design, the special arch
bridge was tendered with a constant bridge proposal was selected by the
construction height in the valley field and contractor. As a result, no foundation
linearly variable construction heights in measures were carried out in the area of the
the slope fields. The construction height existing landfill in the valley floor, and the
of the superstructure was reduced from 5 originally planned relocation of the landfill
m in the valley field to 4 m or was avoided.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 133

is therefore no longer necessary. Special Germany with the largest arch span. The
safety measures in the area of the existing dimensions of the rectangular hollow
100-year-old embankment, which is pillars are 2.5 ∙ 9.0 m for the rectangular
inclined at an angle of approx. 60° and pillar and 3.5 ∙ 9.0 m for the transom
over 20 m high, and also near the state pillar. The wall thickness is 30 cm and 40
road, were also no longer necessary. It was cm for the transom pier. The pier head is
no longer necessary to relocate the Wild dimensioned in such a way that, in
Gera. addition to the bearing pedestals,
In order to achieve an "arch-friendly" hydraulic jacks can be set up on both sides
design of the structure, some geometric to lift the superstructure.
boundary conditions were changed As the structure is suitable as an
compared to the administrative design. intermediate roost for bats to colonize, all
The ground plan radius of the gradient pillars at the door openings at the upper
was increased from 5200 to 7800 m in the end were given an entrance slit approx. 10
area of the structure in order to achieve cm high. Access areas of the abutments
lower eccentricities of the arch piers on and hollow piers are equipped with stone
the straight arch in the ground plan. A or gravel fillings. Plastic pipes for draining
further increase in the radius or even a and ventilating the arch were replaced by
straight line was not possible, as the rough unglazed clay pipes to ensure better
directly adjacent Schwarzbach Valley ultrasound transmission. The usual bird
Bridge was already under construction. flight protection devices were completely
This meant that only a limited distance dispensed with.
was available for the alignment change. In The arch cross-section was a 10.3 m
addition, the entire structure was shifted wide, two-cell box with wall thicknesses of
by 3 m to the west in order to fit the arch 40 cm for the outer webs, 35 cm for the
symmetrically into the valley and to set upper and lower arch plate and
the transom foundations at the same
height, which benefits the aesthetics, see
also Fig. 1.6-11. The spans of the arch
bridge are 30 + 36 + 10 ∙ 42 + 36 + 30 =
552 m, with the overall length of the
structure remaining unchanged.
The arch span of 6 ∙ 42 m = 252 m was
built to ensure that the arched bridge was
far enough away from the embankment
and on a stable foundation. This made it the
largest arch bridge at the time.
134 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

30 cm at the inner web. The construction Type VBF 12-150 strand tendons with a
height is 5.5 m at the transom and permissible force of 1752 kN were used for
decreases to 3.3 m at the apex. The central the post-tensioning with temporary
web is arranged for structural reasons in corrosion protection. They were only used
order to utilize the entire upper and lower up to a maximum of around 1500 kN.
slab for the structural contribution to the From the 13th cycle onwards, additional
bending load during construction. A solid steel auxiliary pylons were required on the
arch would cause fewer problems with transom piers in order to achieve a
reinforcement and bracing, but would sufficient inclination of the bracing. The
require greater bracing measures due to introduction of the back-suspension forces
its higher weight with the same bending of the arch halves was realized with rock
stiffness. anchors in the axes 1 + 2 and 10 + 11. For
The arch shape was statically optimized this purpose, overlapping joints were
in the course of the design planning in formed within the foundation between the
order to keep the bending moments small bracing and the rock anchors. The bracing
in the final state. The dead load of the was connected via coupler anchors.
arch would result in a parabolic arch DYWIDAG AS 6815 with a permissible
shape as a support line. Concentrated prestressing force of 2009 kN were used
loads on the arch pillars create kinks in for the ground anchors. After the
the support line. For aesthetic reasons, construction of sections 124 and 224 in
these were rounded out slightly to create a the cantilevered, post-tensioned state, a
parabolic arch shape. Each half of the arch pre-stressed arch closure was carried out
was constructed by the fighters in 24 cycles before concreting the final section. A steel
from both sides at the same time in free pressure piece was used for this and
cantilever construction. The arch was subjected to pressure by slightly releasing
closed in the final cycle. The cut-off the tension so that the stresses from
lengths were 6 m each. The individual temperature fluctuations during the
cycles were straight, as the required hardening of the end piece were absorbed.
curvature would have been different for Such temperature fluctuations or even
each cycle, which would have considerably one-sided heating of the arch would
increased the amount of formwork displace the ends of the two halves of the
required. This results in a polygonal arch arch by a few centimetres against each
shape, which is not visually noticeable. In other, which cannot be expected of the
order to be able to assemble the cantilever concrete in the hardening process.
carriage, the first cycle was Subsequently
with a length of 7 m on falsework.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 135

The bracing was dismantled except for a Cross-section was ruled out both for cost
few cables that were necessary for the reasons and due to the exposed location
construction of the roadway slab of the and the associated increased risk of ice
superstructure. formation. A pure concrete superstructure
The bridge superstructure is a is too heavy and, even with a width of 26.5
composite cross-section consisting of a m at this height, is costly to construct.
trapezoidal steel trough and lateral truss The individual steel assembly parts
bracing as well as a concrete deck slab for were assembled behind the west
both carriageways with a width of 26.5 m abutment. On the 80 m long assembly
between the railings. area, three sections were pre-assembled or
Since the early 1980s, it has been prepared and completely welded together.
stipulated in the Federal Republic of In the area of the assembly joints, the
Germany that separate superstructures corrosion protection applied at the factory
must always be provided for two-lane was supplemented or repaired
roads in order to be able to close one lane immediately after the welding work. The
and divert traffic to the opposite lane final top coat was applied after concreting
during major maintenance work. In the roadway slab. After the completion of
addition to the higher costs of the a 63 m-long shunting cycle, the steel
resulting double substructures, high structure was pushed over the piers using
bridges also result in unsatisfactory design approx. 2 m-long shifters.
solutions. For this reason, the project After inserting the steel trough and
owner opted for a one-piece cross-section. moving it onto its final bearings, the
As early as the tendering stage, roadway slab was constructed "in situ".
replacement of the wearing part of the For this purpose, two formwork units
carriageway slab was planned in sections were set up at the two abutments, which
of 15.0 m under ongoing one-way traffic. started at different times so that they met
This value was reduced to 14 m and thus approximately in the middle of the arch.
amounts to 1/3 of the span width, so that For this purpose, one layer of the arch
the construction joint is never in the area bracing was reactivated in order to
of the high column moments and the counteract the uneven loading of the arch.
resulting high tensile stresses.
A pure steel superstructure with a one-
136 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building Railroad bridge Ingolstadt



project owner:
Deutsche Bahn AG, PB DE Nuremberg

Schlaich Bergermann and Partner

Implementation planning:
Schütz engineering office, Kempten

Dyckerhoff & Widmann

Construction period: 1999-2001

Picture: Roland Halbe, Stuttgart

In Ingolstadt, a new single-track mainline 20-30 years with the same - or a further
bridge spans the Danube. It is located on developed - construction.
the city side directly next to an existing As there is actually no justification for a
double-track line. The existing three-span large span over the left bank, the new
bridges with two separate superstructures bridge has only two main spans of 55 m
and classic overhead trusses, each with a each over the Danube compared to the
span width of 55 m, date from 1961. truss bridges, plus one edge span of 19.5
The immediate surroundings of the m on the right bank and three edge spans
bridge are characterized by the green, tree- of 22.3 - 19.0 m on the left bank.
lined banks, the view over the Danube - 13,4 m.
with the historic old town and the New After several variant studies, the result
Fitter in the background. was a flat, compact design, in deliberate
The immediate vicinity of the existing contrast to the current bridge, which is
bridge created further boundary divided into bars: a continuous through
conditions, because if you look down the bridge with steel webs that are corrugated
Danube, you can see the new bridge in according to the course of the moment
front of the old truss bridge. Looking and are placed on both sides of the
upstream from the neighboring road reinforced concrete floor slab under the
bridge, you can only glimpse it through tracks.
the four trusses of the old bridge. The task With the selected web shape, the tensile
was therefore to design a bridge with the force in the flange of the steel web and the
specified spans, which, in addition to compressive force in the concrete slab
holding back the old truss bridges, would under an equal load across the
also be
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 137



13.42 19.00 22.30 55.15 54.72 19.50


The load trasnfer is constant over the The DB guidelines were not followed in
entire length of the bridge and visualizes this area and approvals had to be obtained
the prevailing load trasnfer. on a case-by-case basis as well as internal
The stiffeners of the webs are arranged company approvals.
at an angle and in a fan shape so that they In addition to the stress, serviceability
reflect the direction of the main and fatigue strength verifications, the
compressive forces and their path into the static calculation and measurement of the
supports. Where these support forces have bridge also required detailed
a lifting effect, i.e. in the end fields, pairs considerations of the lateral upper chord
of tension pendulums are arranged under stability of the steel sail. The assembly
the webs. process with its various construction
If this bridge needs to be widened in 20- stages and the resulting "frozen" stress
30 years, it makes sense to simply double states also had to be taken into account
the construction. This is because, unlike when determining the internal forces.
other types of construction such as tied The steel structure was assembled
arches or trusses, which tend to look without scaffolding. Large prefabricated
confused and obstructive in sequence, the steel parts were lifted in with mobile
chosen waveforms work well when added cranes and joined together to form the
together and then appear even more continuous steel trough. The longitudinal
beautiful and three-dimensional. concrete beams were produced using a
The bridge is not only very demanding formwork carriage running on the top
due to the structural calculations and the chords of the longitudinal beams. The
structural design. For example, the concrete slab was also produced in site-
composite construction without cast concrete with suspended formwork
longitudinal prestressing, the use of plate between the steel cross girders.
thicknesses greater than 60 mm and the
articulated bearings in the pendulum
supports in the foreshore were not only a

Main dimensions:

Spans13 .42 - 19.00 - 22.30 - 55.15 - 54.72 - 19.50 m

Total length184 .09 m
Total width6 .70 m
height column 5.35 m
138 1 BridgeField
m the path from antiquity to modern bridge building
Concrete slabD = 25 cm
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 139 The Luckenberg Bridge in

Brandenburg an der Havel


project owner:
City of Brandenburg, Tiebau- und
Grünflächen- amt

VIC Brücken und Ingenieurbau GmbH Potsdam

Architectural consulting: Kolb+Ripke

Architekten, Berlin

Heinrich Klostermann Baugesellschaft mbH,
Kemmer Brothers, Berlin

Construction time: 2000-2001

The Luckenberg Bridge is an inner-city A reinforced concrete structure was

structure. It spans the Havel in the city of chosen as a sensible and appropriate
Brandenburg. The structure is an construction for the boundary conditions.
expression of the client's creative will and The slender construction without pillars
the fruitful collaboration between fits perfectly into the sensitive urban
engineers and architects in all phases of planning situation of the park-like area
planning and construction. and makes a self-confident statement that
The construction is the basis for the respects the surroundings.
design concept. Construction and design At l/h = 63 m, the slenderness of the
form a single unit. They were consistently bridge achieves a value that is almost
developed from the functional and unparalleled in comparable solid
technical boundary conditions. No purely structures. The bridge cross-section is a
decorative elements were used. four-span slab girder with a width of 12.50
The adjacent buildings and the meters. The cross-section carries two tram
topography of the banks of the Havel tracks in the roadway area and a footpath
require a gradient that is as flat as possible and cycle path on both sides. The bridge
with tangent gradients that are also suitable bearings are each founded on 12 large
for cyclists. At the same time, the bored piles with a diameter of 1.20 m and a
requirements with regard to the shipping maximum length of 20.70 m.
profile under the bridge must be met. To enable this very slender construction
These stakes limit the construction height and to minimize long-term deformations
of the superstructure, including the bridge and susceptibility to vibrations, the bridge
deck, to 75 cm. was built in high-performance concrete of
strength class B 85
140 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

(C 70/85). This made it the largest bridge were separated and not yet connected to
built with high-performance concrete in the abutments. To minimize cracking due
Germany at the time of its construction. to early shrinkage, both sections were
As an integral construction without centrally prestressed. After the concrete
bearings and transition structure and had hardened, horizontal presses were
thanks to the high-performance concrete used in the final gap to push the
used, the bridge is a very robust structure superstructure out of the falsework. The
that can be expected to be economically final gap and the use of the presses made it
maintained. possible to avoid forced stresses on the
Various technical and technological superstructure. The horizontal settlements
measures were implemented for the of the structure resulting from the blasting
realization of the structure, which took effect were largely anticipated and the
into account the special features of high- superstructure components could be
performance concrete and ensured the aligned according to the target gradient
quality and cost-effectiveness of the before closing the final gap and making
construction project. the bending stiffness connections to the
The inclined struts of the blasting plant abutments.
were prefabricated in the factory and With a technically innovative solution,
inserted into the correspondingly it was possible to design and build a
prepared falsework on the construction bridge that meets high standards of
site. functionality, aesthetics, cost-effectiveness
During concreting, the superstructure and durability.
was divided into two sections, which were
separated by a 1 m wide gap at the bridge
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 141 La-Ferté footbridge Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen


project owner:
City of Stuttgart, Civil Engineering Office

Peter und Lochner, Beratende Ingenieure für
Bauwesen GmbH, Stuttgart; project manager:
Dr.-Ing Matthias Schüller

Architectural consulting:
'asp', Arat - Siegel & Partner, Stuttgart

Max Früh GmbH & Co KG, Achern

Photo: Dietmar Strauß, Besigheim Construction time: 2000-2001

The La-Ferté footbridge is a highly
frequented connection to the indoor not only the integral construction method
swimming pool, school and fairground without crossover structures, but also
across a four-lane road with a streetcar line enables support only along the central axis
in the middle. The design, the result of an of the cross-section. This serves the
interdisciplinary collaboration between transparency under the bridge and thus
architect and engineer, envisages an creates a calm overall appearance.
asymmetrical beam bridge 119 m long over
seven spans, with a slope on one side and a Design
wide, almost flat meadow on the other side To ensure that the bridge - even in the
of Haldenrainstrasse, which spans into a area of the large span - can be understood
wall slab on the slope side and then almost as a single unit, the walkway and cycle
light-footedly crosses the 28.50 m wide ver- path slab is constructed with consistent
sion. dimensions. The lower contour of the slab
freely spans the traffic area. girder is given a parabolic shape towards
In plan, the axis of the bridge describes the abutments and thus ties into the terrain
the shape of a circular arc with a radius of in a curve to emphasize the "growing out"
53.70 meters. of the superstructure from the terrain.
The resulting easy-to-follow and clear The transition from the slab girder bridge
routing helps with orientation and traffic to the wall panels is fluid. A formal
safety on the bridge. This is an important separation is deliberately not made in
aspect when you consider that pedestrians order to maintain the monolithic
and cyclists travel together on the same character of the load-bearing elements of
surface. The circular shape of the bridge the slab beams and wall panels, which
favors belong together and are cast in one piece.
142 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

As the height of the bridge above ground supports - document the contrast in
decreases, the spans of the superstructure material and function. The inconspicuous
are shortened so that the proportions supports make the superstructure appear
between the span widths and the height of to float, giving the concrete beam a
the bridge above ground remain balanced. lightness that places little strain on the
The height of the plate girder web is also urban space. The very thin cornice band
reduced in line with the decreasing spans. and the filigree filler rod railing make a
As a result, the superstructure still appears significant contribution to this and are an
very slender at ground level and therefore essential part of the overall design concept.
also in the immediate vicinity of the
observer. On the east side, the plate girder Load-bearing behavior
with a construction height of 45 cm leads To keep temperature constraints to a
inconspicuously into a small abutment, minimum, the lateral deflection of the
which also preserves the proportions. superstructure must not be hindered. The
The various load-bearing elements - on steel supports are shaped at their ends so
the one hand, the massive slab beam that that they practically behave like
grows organically out of the slope and, on "pendulum supports".
the other, the thin, silver-colored steel
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 143

Photo: Dietmar Strauß, Besigheim

Photo: Dietmar Strauß, Besigheim

For this reason, they essentially only The pipes are welded. The castings are
receive normal forces, even if the made of high-strength cast steel (GS-
superstructure expands or contracts as a 18NiMo- Cr3-6, strength level I,
result of temperature fluctuations. The according to SEW 520) with good
supports were each assembled in the weldability, the pipes are made of mild
factory from two cast parts and a tube. steel St 52 and have a diameter of 219 mm
and 168 mm respectively.
The "wheat beer glass shape" of the
castings was chosen in direct relation to
the desired load-bearing behavior.
To allow for the temperature
movements of the superstructure, the
castings at the ends of the columns must
be constricted to ensure that the
temperature movements associated with
The deformations in the critical cross-
sections associated with the "swaying" of the
supports do not lead to unsustainable
The reinforced concrete slab beam of
the La Ferté footbridge supports the
vertical loads like a classic circular ring
beam. In simple terms, it can be regarded
as a spatial bending beam that is fully
restrained at both ends and is only
supported along its axis by horizontally
displaceable point bearings.
144 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

For safety reasons, the superstructure

was designed for the catastrophic load case
"failure of support 1", despite the impact
protection provided.

Integral design
Joints are often weak points in bridge
construction that have to be extensively
repaired. If the constraints associated with
jointless construction can be controlled, this
is particularly beneficial to durability. The Photo: Dietmar Strauß, Besigheim
constraints are best controlled using the
evasion principle, i.e. the constraints are not
allowed to develop in the first place. Due to
its arched shape in the ground plan, the The new design also provides a delicate
superstructure can easily avoid constraints contact protection to the high-voltage lines
caused by temperature. Different settlements of the light rail system that protrudes only
also cause no problems for the slender and 36 cm above the cap.
therefore relatively flexible beam. A The steel stair tower is an independent
continuously inserted minimum structure and is not connected to the
reinforcement with a diameter of 14 mm bridge so that the lateral deformations of
every 10 cm ensures small crack spacing and the superstructure can adjust to
thus small crack widths. The bearingless temperature fluctuations without
design was made possible by the special hindrance. The two four-deck supports,
column shape and the associated "column the stair stringers and the railing are made
oscillation". This is particularly beneficial for of S235JR mild steel. The treads of the
construction and maintenance, but also for steps and landings are made of stainless
the design, as the details can be kept simple. steel tread plates supported on neoprene
In addition, there is no need for the work strips for sound insulation and to prevent
associated with inspections or bearing contact corrosion.
the effort involved. Manufacture
Once the bored piles and foundations for
Bridge equipment the abutments and supports had been
A glass bead blasted stainless steel railing constructed, the falsework was erected.
with a flat steel handrail and round steel Due to the small distance between the edge
infill bars was used. In order to keep the of the superstructure and the light rail
filler bars of the slightly inwardly inclined overhead line, it was decided to use a
railing as thin as possible, the railing is shoring structure consisting of
stabilized by two struts every 2 m. The longitudinal girders with suspended cross
cylindrical stainless steel lighting fixtures girders.
are attached to every fourth pair of struts In order to keep the shrinkage
on the inside of the curve. deformations as small as possible, the
The cantilevered edge cap with its thin superstructure was concreted in three
cornice band serves as a sections, with a shrinkage gap in the
middle of the bridge, which was not closed
until four weeks later.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 145 Bridge over Gahlensche Straße,



project owner:
Kommunalverband Ruhrgebiet
Kronprinzenstraße 35
45128 Essen

Schlaich Bergermann und Partner
with von Gerkan, Marg and Partners

Implementation planning:
Schlaich Bergermann und Partner
Hohenzollernstraße 1
70178 Stuttgart

Execution: MSD Maschinen- und Stahlbau


Construction period: 2002-2003

Photo: Thomas Riehle, Cologne

project requirements specification

The ideas for three bridges in the Westpark The 30 m high masts act as landmarks
were developed directly on site as part of a and clearly mark the location of the bridge
concentrated competition over two days from a distance.
in 1997. The bridge over Gah- lensche The suspension structure above the
Strasse, developed in the competition with bridge conveys safety and guides
the collaboration of Gerkan Marg und pedestrians and cyclists across the bridge.
Partner Architekten, was proposed by the Together with the suspension cables
Jury Board for realization as the link arranged on the supporting ribs, whose
between Westpark and Erzbahntras- se. inclination constantly changes, the user is
This gave the ore railway line, which is given the experience of a three-
now used as a cycle and hiking trail and is dimensional supporting structure.
currently 20 km long, a direct connection The S-curve ideally combines design
to the converted Jahrhunderthalle. intent, routing and the structural
advantages of a curved bridge.
Design idea/concept
Based on the routes taken by cyclists, the Construction
bridge "dynamically" covers the confusing The curved shape of the bridge is ideal for
and indifferent situation of road, railroad use. The ring beam only needs to be
tracks and pipe bridge. supported on one side, so it can be used as a
146 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Suspension cable bridge instead of the of the respective half of the bridge and
usual two suspension cables only one. Due with their spherical base points below the
to its circular ring shape, it converts the bridge, there is no need for guy ropes.
tilting moment from the one-sided
suspension into a pair of forces, tension at Assembly
the top in the slab and compression at the The superstructure - consisting of the
bottom in the tube, and is thus steel trough of the sidewalk slab, the
constructed as a pure steel cross-section pressure pipe and the stiffening truss - was
with a thin layer of Aubeton as a walkway prefabricated in the workshop in sections
covering. of up to 25 m in length, assembled in its
Following the alternating curved shape final position above the tracks on auxiliary
of the superstructure, two masts are supports and welded. The superstructure
arranged, each inclined towards the center was lifted out of the auxiliary supports and
of the circle and each supporting one half the masts, which had previously been
of the bridge. secured by auxiliary bracing, were
The suspension cables are anchored to stabilized by attaching the suspension and
the abutments, which are supported on suspension cables.
piles up to 30 m long due to the difficult The concrete of the walkway slab was
ground conditions. then poured onto the already suspended
Since the two masts were arranged in bridge and the railings were installed.
such a way that the suspension cables
connect tangentially to the mast head,
they are positioned at the center of gravity.

Floor plan

Cross section
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 147 Wooden bridge over Freiberger Straße in

the Tharandt Forest Botanical Garden


project owner:
SIB - Saxon real estate and construction
management, NL Dresden II

Design concept, architecture:

Kathrin Gädeke, Andre Dreßler
Supervision (TU Dresden):
Prof. Schulten, Prof. Haller, Prof. Roloff

Preliminary planning:
Schulze + Partner, Architects

Design and project manager:

Planning office Bonk & Herrmann, Dresden
Planning office for structural engineering

Schmees & Lühn
Holz- und Stahlingenieurbau GmbH

Construction period: 2003-2004

The aim of the construction project was to glulam elements with upright slats were
connect the two parts of the Tha- randt used. An extreme curvature of these
Forest Botanical Garden of the TU glulam elements (axis radius 16.25 m) was
Dresden with a footbridge crossing the S required to realize the floor plan solution.
194 state road. The individual elements were linked by
The design is based on the result of a steel parts partially embedded in the timber
student competition at the TU Dresden, to form a continuous beam across all 16
Faculty of Architecture. bays.
As part of the design planning, the The columns each consist of three Ø 14
planning office Bonk & Herrmann carried cm steel tubes and a welded triangular
out a fundamental revision of the design head frame with a box-shaped cross-
concept and the structural design of the section. The column lengths of 1.2 m to
building. 10.8 m result from the adaptation to the
The bridge has a length of 117 m and a course of the terrain. To limit the lateral
usable leaf width of 2.50 m and adapts to deformation of the superstructure,
the local situation and the tree population bracing was provided after every four
of the forest botanical garden with elements. The cylindrical column
changing curvatures in the ground plan foundations made of reinforced concrete
and a gradient against the rise of the each rest on three small bored grouted
Zeisiggrund. piles arranged in space and adapted to the
The load-bearing structure was 22 cm extreme slope of the terrain in places.
thick, factory prefabricated glulam panels.
148 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The railing supports the overall The combination of wood and steel
impression of the filigree construction of a and its elegant construction, which
wooden band running along the entire harmonizes with the natural surroundings
length of the bridge thanks to the very of the forest botanical garden, make the
transparent railing infill made of a bridge a successful engineering structure.
stainless steel mesh.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 149 The Humboldthafen Bridge in Berlin



project owner:
Deutsche Bahn AG

Schlaich Bergermann and Partner, Stuttgart

Implementation planning:
Leonhardt, Andrä and Partner, Stuttgart

ARGE Brücke Humboldthafen
Porr Technobau Berlin GmbH,
Subcontractor: DSD Dillinger Stahlbau GmbH:
Steel construction
Thyssen Guss AG, Mülheim/Ruhr:
Stahlguss Mannesmann Handel GmbH:
steel pipes
Picture: Oltmann Reuter, Berlin-
Charlottenburg Construction period: 1997-1999

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the new The design
main station was built on the Spreebogen The aim of our design, developed in
in the heart of Berlin, a central crossing collaboration with M. von Gerkan, was to
station at the intersection of the create a uniformly designed supporting
underground north-south line and the structure for the entire 1000 m long
above-ground east-west line. bridge with the lowest possible
The elevated six-track, 1000 m long construction height and as far as possible
east-west route crosses the a clear view.
Humboldthafenbe- cken directly east of The low height of only 10 m above
the main station with two single-track and ground level makes it necessary to select
two double-track bridges (Fig. 1.6-19). narrow column spacings of 20-25 m,
The 180 m long Humboldthafen Bridge which allow a construction height of only
- a section of the entire bridge train - approx. 1.70 m for the continuous
widens from approx. 33 m in the east to superstructure.
approx. 66 m in the west. A 105 m long Slim tubular steel supports with a
section of the 340 m long glass platform diameter of just 660 mm are firmly
roof rests on the two outer single-track connected to the superstructure and,
bridges. thanks to their malleability, enable a largely
Planning was essentially completed in bearing-free construction.
1997. The station was inaugurated in Robust slab and slab-beam cross-
2006. sections made of loosely reinforced
concrete and, in the area of the Humboldt
harbor bridge, prestressed concrete form
the superstructure.
150 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The two webs of the double-track arch, the steel pipe arch plunges into the
superstructure and the tubular steel concrete superstructure, naturally without
supports that carry them follow the continuing the steel pipe in the concrete.
centerline of the widening centerlines of An appropriately shaped arch head
track. The two outer single-track bridges ensures that the force is transferred into
supporting the platform roof are designed the concrete superstructure.
as solid slab strips, which are supported In the adjacent side spans, struts
symmetrically under the centerline of shorten the free span of the side span, but
track by double supports with 4 m also the arch shear to be supported by the
transverse spacing. abutment.
All cantilevers and the surfaces between In order to keep the arch as slender as
the webs are rounded in the shape of a possible, it was designed as a tied arch,
basket arch on these "bridges you can which essentially only experiences normal
touch", which, together with the curvature forces and is braced by the superstructure.
of the floor plan, required sophisticated To minimize the bending stress, the
switching technology, but resulted in a spatial geometry of the bend was found
very beautifully designed bridge soffit and using a form-finding calculation on the
a very high level of safety. inverted suspension model and the
-view. bending stiffness was reduced by using
The consistently uniform design was thick-walled steel pipes with wall
also realized over the harbour basin with thicknesses of 100 mm. In this way, the
spans of up to 60 m by additionally pipe cross-section remained over-
supporting the slab or slab-beam cross- compressed under all load cases and could
sections with tubular steel arches with theoretically be pushed over contact. For
narrow supports, so that the slender safety reasons, however, at least 40%
superstructure height of 1.70 m could also welding was provided.
be maintained here.
In the original design, the tubular steel The innovation
arches were set at an angle and led to a Bearingless bridges
point at the transom abutment, giving the In contrast to conventional bridges, the
structure a pronounced third dimension. superstructure displacement was not
To save costs, these were then positioned made possible by displacement bearings
vertically together with the uprights on solid concrete piers, but by means of
during the execution planning and slender, elastic
straightened in sections in the base crack.
To optimize the arch stitch and reduce
the normal pressure forces in the
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 151


3.20 2 .00 2.00 2.20 4.20 4.50 4.20 4.20 5.60 4.20 2.20 2.00 2.00 3 .20

4.20 4.20 var. 4.20 var. 4.20 var. 4.20 5.60 va . 2.00 2.20

Curved tube ø660

Transom + upright ø508
Diagonals ø267

Tubular steel supports with wall • The node geometry and wall thicknesses
thicknesses up to 60 mm. can be optimally adapted to the internal
force flow.
Pipe nodes made of cast steel • Cast steel defects have larger notch radii
Steel castings were used for tubular nodes than welding defects and behave more
for the first time in modern large-scale favorably with regard to fatigue.
bridge construction. • Cast knots look good and trustworthy.
Cast steel produces homogeneous, because they are naturally shaped.
robust nodes with a simplified geometry A very important design idea was
and optimized internal force flow, which therefore to use cast steel nodes made of
have a much more favourable fatigue cold-tough cast steel with good
behaviour and a much longer service life weldability for all pipe nodes. The
with reduced maintenance requirements following node types were provided:
than welded nodes. The reasons for this
are as follows: • Arched node with connection spigot
for upright and crossbeam (3.2 t).
• You can move the weld away from the
knot to areas that are less stressed.
with good accessibility. • Arched head (2.8 t).
• Cast steel allows flowing shapes, no
• Bowman (24 t).
matter how complicated the node • Crosses of diagonal braces on the bow
152 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

Superstructure: Bow stand:

limited prestressed slab or slab girder, Seamless steel tubes Ø 508 mm, 60 mm
concrete strength class B55 all other wall thickness, fully welded with arched
bridges: loosely reinforced slabs/slab joints
girders, concrete strength class B45 Spans
of the Humboldthafen bridge: approx. Diagonal bracing at the abutment:
21/26/32/60/28/21 m (total length 190 m) Tubes Ø 267 mm, 45 mm wall thickness
Superstructure height: 1.70 m
Cast steel parts (cast steel GS 20 Mn 5
Supports: V): Bow knot, bow head, bow fighter (24
Seamless steel pipes Ø 660, 60 mm wall t),
thickness or Ø 508 mm, 50 mm wall Knot Diagonal bracing on the abutment
thickness, steel S 355 J2H
Bow: [Schlaich/Schober, 1999-1 and -2] and
thick-walled seamless steel pipes, ø660 mm, [Seifried et al., 1999]
100 mm wall thickness with contact joint
to the bend nodes, steel S 355 J2H
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 153 Saale bridge Jena-Göschwitz


project owner:
Free State of Thuringia

Design and project manager:

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Kleb,
Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Weise,
Engineering office Kleb GmbH, Erfurt

Implementation planning:
Dr.-Ing. Horst Kinkel
Kinkel and Partner, Neu-Isenburg

Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Andrä, Stuttgart

Gerdum and Breuer
Bauunternehmen GmbH, Kassel

Construction period: 2004-2006

In accordance with the Federal 19,70 m. The two arches over the Saale,
Government's decision to widen the A 4 which were destroyed during the Second
motorway from Eisenach to Dresden to World War, were rebuilt with great
six lanes, the existing Saale bridge in Jena- attention to detail after the war. In addition
Göschwitz was upgraded to accommodate to a colony of kestrels, the building has
the Dresden/Eisenach directional been home to the largest jackdaw colony
carriageway with four lanes. Parallel to the in Thuringia since the 1940s. Today, the
existing structure, an additional bridge pairs breed in the nesting boxes from the
with a clearance of 5 m to the south is 1970s that were screwed on behind the
required to accommodate the Eisenach - light slits in the pillars. Once the new
Dresden carriageway. Saale Bridge is completed, the old structure
After more than two years of will be repaired and converted into a one-
construction on way carriageway. The arch bridge is an
The old Saale bridge, which was opened to exceptional structure in technical and
traffic on August 18, 1939, spans the architectural terms and is therefore a listed
rather flat, wide Saale valley with 17 stone building.
arches that rise in proportion to the height The two-span, prestressed concrete
of the valley. The largest arch has a clear slab beam of the new Saale bridge was
opening width of 31.43 m and a clear pushed across the Saale valley from west to
height of approx. 19.75 m. The visible east using the incremental launching
arches are made of shell limestone, while method, which protected the environment
the spar vaults inside are made of limestone and had hardly any impact on the jackdaw
masonry. The total length of the bridge is colony in the old bridge. The spans are
794.03 m, the usable width constantly changing
154 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

and have a maximum length of 28.85 m. The bridge is connected to each other by
The total length between the end supports two tension bands between the
is 723.66 m. To ensure that the superstructure beams. Each pier slab has a
substructure slabs were not too massive, different curvature radius to match the old
large superstructure cantilevers were Saale bridge. The curved discs meet at the
chosen, which required transverse pre- pier base and are supported by a visible
tensioning. The superstructure has cross concrete base clad in shell limestone. The
girders so that the torsional stress could maximum pier height is 20 m. With this
be limited by the deck slab and the end pier shape, it was possible to reduce the
cross girders. A width of 2.90 m was spans and design a very slender
selected for the torsionally rigid main superstructure that conceals as little of the
girders. The degree of prestressing is old bridge as possible.
relatively high due to the construction Both abutment front edges correspond
conditions. to the arch shape of the old Saale bridge
The superstructure is mounted on with a construction as an in-situ concrete
deformation bearings. The movement box abutment on shallow foundations
resting axis is located approximately in with accessibility through a maintenance
the middle of the bridge. The expansion walkway. The large valley piers were
paths of the multi-fold watertight founded with large bored piles d = 1.50 m
transition structures are 524 mm each. in the underlying sandstone. The small
The main design elements of the new piers on the western plateau, on the other
Saale Bridge are the 1.5 m thick reinforced hand, were to have shallow foundations in
concrete pillar slabs, which are designed to the overlying bedrock.
resemble the visible arch ring of the old
bridge. They are separated at the head by

The design of the new bridge (visualization):

The new bridge after completion:

1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 155 Lautrupsbach viaduct


project owner:
City of Flensburg

Trebes engineering team, Rendsburg
Architects AX5, Kiel

Fritz Spieker construction companies, Oldenburg
Construction period: 2004-2006

The Lautrupsbach valley bridge spans a design competition. This design, which
landscape close to the city with a small won 1st prize, was implemented without
river valley, the Lautrupsbach, over a any significant changes.
length of approx. 250 m. For the city of The design is a concrete structure with
Flensburg, this terrain incision in the 7 spans with support widths of up to 39
foothills is of great importance for the meters. The superstructure is designed as
exchange of air in the urban area. The a longitudinally and transversely
bridge structure spans a four-lane road prestressed, continuous slab, which has a
with a width of approx. 19 m. To protect has a "wing-like" cross-section. The shape
local residents from the noise emitted by of the superstructure and the supports
vehicles, 4 m high noise barriers had to be reflect the central idea of the flow.
taken into account. They are designed asymmetrically in
To implement the requirements, a accordance with the laws of fluid
realization plan was drawn up by the mechanics.
project owner.
156 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

and thus support the natural flow of air in The shape of the continuous curvature can
the valley. The pillars are rotated at also be retained in the soffit. The lighting
different angles to the gradient, creating solution is based on reflected light; the
new spatial impressions from different lamps are designed in such a way that they
perspectives. are an integral part of the noise barrier.
Due to the prestressed concrete The streamlined design of the
construction method chosen, the superstructure, the curved noise barrier and
superstructure could be designed to be the aerodynamically shaped piers that are
particularly slender, with the slab turned into the wind reveal the guiding
extending to a thickness of 30 cm at the principle of the design, which is adapted to
edges. The design of the cap takes up the the local climatic conditions.
curvature of the noise barrier and Despite the difficult environment
connects it harmoniously with the (residential area and nature conservation
superstructure. aspects), the overall appearance has led to
Drainage takes place in a recess in the a high level of acceptance among residents
superstructure and supports, which is and local recreationists in the
covered by stainless steel cladding. This Lautrupsbach Valley.
allows the elegant
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 157 Three-country bridge

Weil am Rhein (D) - Huningue (F)


project owner:
City of Weil am Rhein in cooperation with
Com- munauté de Communes des Trois

Competition, planning for building permit

application (HOAI phase 4):
Planning community WeilamRhein GbR

Dietmar Feichtinger, Paris
Feichtinger Architectes, Paris,
Vienna Wolfgang Strobl, Berlin
Leonhard, Andrä and Partner, Berlin

Max Bögl GmbH

Construction period: 2005-2006

In southwest Germany, a pedestrian bridge • A large span with the smallest possible
with a record span of 230 m was opened in bow gives the form great tension and
March 2006 between Weil am Rhein (D) elegance. The flat arch is additionally
and Huningue (F). minimized by lowering it to the level of
The basic design idea of spanning the the water surface. The technical
Rhine in an arch is a clear gesture that challenge is visible and becomes a
symbolizes a strong connection between reflection of our times
the two countries of Germany and France. • The lightness of the construction finds
The arch shape is based on the following their continuation in the bank area.
considerations: Classical bridge piers would obstruct the
view. They were built in a
158 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The two sections are dissolved by the

continuing construction and visually
form the prelude to the floor.
In order to keep the traditional line of
sight to the tower of the Église du Christ-
Roi in Huningue free, the bridge moves to
the side by a blink of an eye and
consistently leans towards the
asymmetrical cross-sectional shape with a
strong and a weak side. The visual
relationship is complemented by a
constructive one.
In the collaboration within the
planning consortium, the design idea,
which is consistent down to the last detail,
came first. Symbols, urban planning
themes, but also the deliberate reduction
of the building became central ideas and
tasks. Materials were
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 159

was an important topic, as were "high-tech • The orthotropic bridge deck, which also
materials" if they were required to achieve acts as a tension band, widens from the
the design objective. However, the choice center to the edges and merges into
of materials was never the design idea, nor filigree ramps and stairs in the form of a
was the conception of a record span, folding structure.
which simply resulted from the consistent The following points were decisive for
translation of the design. The result is an the implementation of the design:
extremely slender building - the lightness
of the construction can be experienced • Reduction of wind loads to a minimum:
through a consistent translation of the Consideration according to E-DIN
design down to the last detail: 1055/4 instead of DIN FB 101
• Stability verification under half-sided
• The bridge with one main span and Live load: verification taking into
two foreland bridges takes the form of account large deformations and the
a tiedarch bridge with spatial trusses in cant from the workshop mold
the support area. The northern arch, a • Minor support from the water and
double girder made of hexagonal Shipping offices from ship impact due to
profiles, is vertical, while the southern the large span
arch, a round tube, leans at an • Assembly: The entire main bridge
inclination of 16 degrees. was pre-assembled on the French side.
This was followed by the transverse
160 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

two pontoons with the help of heavy- Stability was proven numerically.
duty vehicles and floating the entire • Pedestrian excitement: The main problem
bridge over a length of approx. 1 km. As with other soft, low-frequency
The actual precision work took place pedestrian structures, the horizontal
under constant observation of the wind pedestrian self-excitation of the bridge
speed - the turning in and lowering of deck under high traffic volumes proved
the bridge on auxiliary presses. During to be a problem. Proof of sufficient
the lowering process, the bolt safety of the bridge without additional
connections of the end bracings were vibration damping measures was
fixed. The bearings were only cast ultimately provided by a large-scale test
underneath after final measurement with up to 1000 participants and
and checking of the press forces. extensive measurements.
• Wind-induced vibrations: the required
the necessary safety for aerodynamic
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 161 Mariensteg Wernstein-Neuburg,

border bridge Austria-Germany


project owner:
Municipality of Wernstein am Inn,
Municipality of Neu- burg am Inn

Design, structural engineering and construction:

Dipl. Ing. Erhard Kargel, Linz

GLS Bau und Montage
G.m.b.H., RW-Montage

Construction period: 2005-2006

The close relationship between the The supporting and suspension cables
Bavarian town of Neuburg am Inn and were spread and anchored in low
the Upper Austrian town of Wernstein, abutment plates on the Wernstein side or
which has existed since around 1050, in foundations on the Neuburg Inn slope.
could not even be broken by Napoleon's A continuous stretch beam was dispensed
border demarcation in 1803. The with; instead, the walkway rests on slender
connection that has grown over the single-span beams between the hangers.
centuries is facilitated and strengthened Two additional cables, which run
by the pedestrian and cycle bridge. It alongside the longitudinal girders and are
halves the distance of 16 km between the connected to them by cantilevered cross
nearest bridges in Passau and Schärding. girders, serve to increase stiffness. Because
The magnificent, protected landscape, such these "wind cables" follow the roadway
as the Neuburg castle crowning the steep crest in elevation and are also designed in
bank and the historically significant circular curves in plan, their curvature
Marian column in Wernstein, demanded planes are inclined in space.
the greatest restraint and sensitivity in the The cables are therefore able to absorb
design. vertical and horizontal forces. By pre-
This goal was achieved with a structure tensioning the wind ropes - and not by
that was as filigree and miniature as increasing the cross-sections of the girders
possible. Of all the feasible solutions, a - the stiffness of the system was increased,
suspension bridge with a span of 144 m the vertical and horizontal deformations
proved to be the most suitable. The design reduced and the vibrations limited. The
of the suspension cables followed the bridge was opened without vibration
topography: they rise from a low-lying absorbers. Although not absolutely
anchorage point at a respectful distance necessary, three relatively light absorbers
from the Ma- riensäule in the direction of were later installed as planned. The
Neuburg to the top of a single, needle- concept of the cable stay
shaped pylon. Starting from the top of the
pylon, the
162 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The use of a single-span girder chain There is absolutely nothing left that could
made production easy. After pulling in the be taken away. The impression of
cables and suspending the cross beams, lightness is further enhanced by a
the entire walkway construction, perforated metal profile grating as a
including the railings, could be lifted into walkway. The building blends in well with
place and bolted in three and a half days. nature without hiding. Its asymmetry is a
No on-site welding was required. logical, comprehensible consequence of
The Wernstein- Neuburg pedestrian and the surrounding conditions. The
cycle bridge is a minimalistically designed Mariensteg has had a lasting effect on the
engineering structure with minimal use of region, beyond its borders. Historical
resources. There is nothing about it that relationships have been reunited and a
needs to be added, but cultural and landscape area has been
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 163 Pedestrian bridge over the Gessental

valley near Ronneburg, Thuringia


project owner:
BUGA Gera und Ronneburg 2007
GmbH Design and implementation
planning: Dipl.-Ing. Richard J. Dietrich,
Office for Engineering Architecture, Munich

Structural engineers and dynamics:

Köppl Engineers, Rosenheim

Schaffizel Holzindustrie GmbH + Co KG,
Schwäbisch Hall

Year of construction: 2006

One of the main attractions of the 2007 like a tensioned cable over 230 m from
Gera-Ronneburg Federal Garden Show abutment to abutment, spanning three
was an unusual bridge, which is now an spans of 55 m and 52.5 m with a
important link in the "Thuringian Chain of construction height of only 50 cm. As the
Towns" long-distance cycle path. bridge's loads are mainly carried by tensile
The structure was nominated for the forces, the extremely slender cross-section
German Bridge Construction Prize 2008, is possible. The tensile forces in the order
as well as receiving prestigious timber of 8000 kN are absorbed at the abutments
construction awards and the Renault and transferred into the rocky ground by
Future Trafic Award 2007. means of 14 permanent earth anchors
With a superstructure length of 225.5 each. On the other hand, the span is
m, this bridge is one of the longest supported and gently curved by tree-like
wooden bridges in the world and one of strutted pier supports made of steel tubes.
the most innovative. Extremely light and The "trunks" of these pier supports, which
elegant, the wooden span construction are arranged in an A-shape in the
swings 25 m high over the Gessental valley transverse direction of the bridge, absorb
in the so-called New Ronneburg the lateral forces, primarily from wind. In
Landscape, which was created from the the longitudinal direction of the bridge,
barren desert of a former uranium mine on the other hand, the pier trestles are
as part of the BUGA. designed to be relatively flexible so that
The bridge is unique in its kind, because the tensile forces in the strip are
never before has a block-glued glulam transferred through to the abutments.
beam been used for such a tensioning band The sag of the tensioning strap in the
construction. The tension band, which is panels is optimized, because the smaller
subjected to tensile stress the
164 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

The greater the sag, the greater the tensile The up and down floating and waisted
forces. In the middle field, the pitch is 2.20 bridge path at lofty heights proved to be a
m. On the other hand, in order to prevent special experience.
the slope of the walkway from becoming The supporting structure of the bridge
too steep, additional glulam beams are is basically very effective as a tensile
doubled on top of the tensioning strip, structure. A bending beam made of glued
which increase in height towards the laminated timber with the same span
middle of the span and thus reduce the width and subjected to tension and
slope to a maximum of 6%, which is compression would have to be about six
suitable for disabled people. At the same times as strong, i.e. approx. 3 m instead of
time, this doubling, which is covered at 50 cm high. The extremely favorable
the top with a plywood panel, has the weight/strength ratio of wood compared
effect of stiffening the tensioning band to steel or reinforced concrete is also
against vertical vibrations in the freely advantageous in terms of design. This is
tensioned bays. decisive for span-bridging constructions
This combines structural and and has an impact on costs. Due to the low
functional advantages, as does the varying dead load and the optimized sag of the
width of the bridge in plan. This is 2.90 m wooden span, significantly lower tensile
in the middle of the span and up to 3.90 m forces have to be anchored at the
above the supports. This results in wider abutments compared to similar structures
standing areas for the users at the high made of steel and concrete. This is also a
points and at the same time a higher significant cost factor. On the other hand,
stiffness of the span against torsion, i.e. as a renewable building material, wood is
against lateral twisting and vibrations. On also advantageous from an ecological
the other hand, wood has a decisive point of view. This is another reason why
advantage over other materials in terms of the use of wood was in line with the
the vibration behavior of such a intentions of the BUGA and the
tensioning band due to its internal self- agricultural context. The design of the
damping, which suppresses rhythmic supporting struts is formally reminiscent
vibrations and thus prevents rocking. In of the trees in the landscape. In this way,
this way, contrary to all expectations, the technical and aesthetic requirements are
extremely slender construction manages creatively combined, resulting in a
without mechanical vibration dampers. characteristic shape that blends in with
Tens of thousands of visitors to the the context.
garden show have walked on the bridge The manufacture and assembly of the
and proven its suitability for use. bridge were also well planned during the
planning phase.
1.6 Bridge design, competitions, bridge construction prizes 165

well thought out. The tensioning strip was the bridge deck fit exactly. Once the
prefabricated at the factory in sections of tensioning strip had been installed, the
25 m to 30 m in length, including the steel bridge equipment was fitted, i.e. the sheet
coupling elements, the weather protection metal cover of the tensioning strip, the
cladding attached to the sides and the pavement and the railing fillings.
railing posts. These sections were then To give the bridge a high level of
transported to the construction site and durability, the entire timber structure is
assembled piece by piece, starting from clad against the weather, with sheet metal
one abutment and moving over the pier cladding under the decking at the top and
supports until the opposite abutment was weatherproof plywood cladding on the
reached. This only required individual flanks. The high pillar supports made of
auxiliary support yokes at the coupling steel pipes are protected against corrosion
points. by a coating in accordance with ZTV-Ing.
The steel coupling elements fastened to All in all, the minimalist and
the tensioning strip block with slotted consistently designed bridge is extremely
plates and rod dowels were pre-assembled effective and economical. The
exactly in position during a trial assembly construction costs amounted to around
at the factory. This made it possible to €1.7 million gross.
ensure that all the connections were in
place at the construction site.
166 1 Bridge building on the path from antiquity to modern bridge building

2 Engineering tasks in bridge construction


2.0 Preliminary remark The new buildings not only meet the
requirements and regulations with regard
In bridge construction, the civil engineer is to wall-free functionality, low
both a generalist and a specialist planner. maintenance requirements and robust
While in building construction the civil durability, but also fulfill the increasingly
engineer is usually a specialist engineer for conscious need for a humane design of
the supporting structure or an expert for living space in an appropriate manner.
subsoil or building physics, in bridge In the industrialized countries, the
construction he is responsible for the transport networks are largely in place,
overall design. This does not exclude the with the main routes in particular being
possibility that architects may also be relatively old and the bridge structures
involved in the planning of a bridge, having reached or already exceeded their
especially in sensitive urban areas. Despite intended service life, while population
the diversity of tasks and the associated density and motorization have settled at a
challenges, however, it should not be stable level. At the same time, an
overlooked that the engineering art of increasingly restrictive approach to open
bridge construction in the industrialized landscape areas has become necessary. The
countries of the western world has first conclusion to be drawn from this is
developed into an engineer's everyday that route maintenance will become
business dictated by rules and regulations increasingly important in the future and
for the vast majority of projects. This is will require ever greater financial
mainly due to the rapid development of resources than new construction. On the
passenger and freight traffic after the other hand, changes in political
Second World War. The increasing conditions (e.g. the creation of a greater
density of settlements, the bundling of European economic area through the
traffic routes for the purpose of consistent integration of the former
minimizing land consumption and the Eastern Bloc states or the former
increasingly dense network of necessary Yugoslavia) may result in shifts in transit
infrastructures exert constraints that often traffic flows and new main connections
stand in the way of large-scale planning. may also become necessary.
The general cost pressure, which always The construction of new bridges is
leads to standardized solutions that necessary in the following cases:
exploit repetition effects, also restricts the
scope for action. However, despite such 1. When entire new road or rail routes are
restrictions, the civil engineer of the 21st created, e.g. in connection with
century should always remember that his political changes. One example of this
designs must not only meet the extensive is the connection of the
current re
166 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
Transportation systems of the old and The fees are calculated on the basis of the
new federal states after German current German procedure. The tasks
reunification. involving the planning and supervision of
2. When closing gaps within existing bridge construction are based on the
traffic route systems. structure and system of the Fee Structure
3. For the widening of existing motorway for Architects and Engineers [HOAI,
sections, if the existing bridges cannot 1996]. In bridge construction, civil
be widened to a sufficient extent. engineers work in construction
4. When upgrading existing mountain administrations, construction companies
roads to make them avalanche-proof, and engineering offices, whereby the
the often very old mountain roads must distribution of tasks is structured quite
be relocated in some areas and the differently in other countries. Further
roads protected by avalanche galleries aspects of the diverse tasks of civil
or routed in tunnels. This also requires engineers in bridge construction can be
the construction of bridges. found in [Leon- hardt, 1974] and [Straub,
5. Replacing dilapidated bridges and 1964].
bridges with insufficient load-bearing
capacity or unsatisfactory serviceability
with new structures is often technically 2.1 General design
simpler and also more cost-effective
than upgrading them. In this context, 2.1.1 Preliminary planning
however, it should be noted that some
old bridges are listed monuments and - As a rule, the politically formulated
in today's opinion - should not be requirements situation is translated into
demolished or left to decay without an initial planning concept by specialist
further ado. planners for road and rail networks,
taking into account all the requirements
The stock of bridges for public of land use planning and urban land-use
transportation routes (public road network, planning. This also roughly takes into
public rail network) in Germany account which obstacles can no longer be
comprises around 80,000 structures, in overcome by earth structures, but only by
Austria around 20,000 and in Switzerland a bridge structure. The bridge planner
around must already be involved in the planning
16,000. On the one hand, these bridges at this early planning phase so that the
require appropriate inspection and final design of the gradient in plan and
maintenance and must be replaced by new elevation is coordinated with the technical
structures on a case-by-case basis, while requirements of the bridge. Their
on the other hand the existing structures appropriate consideration is of eminent
must be extended and supplemented. The importance, because once a planning
tasks associated with the maintenance of decision has become legally binding, the
the transport infrastructure are discussed necessary structural changes can only be
in a separate section at the end of this made with a great deal of procedural time.
chapter. In addition, at this early planning stage,
The presentation of the engineering the essential
tasks in bridge construction is exemplary
from the perspective of the overall
2.1 General draft 167

~ 80,0

"A" 34,0

± 0,0
150,0 M
15,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 15,0

Figure 2.1-1a Argentobel bridge, arch folding system Bung

Figure 2.1-1b Argentobel bridge

Boundary conditions for the costs legally binding, a high level of detail used
associated with the construction of a in planning is already required for the
bridge are defined. The specifications of preliminary planning phase in such cases.
the route planner are to be checked in It is therefore advisable to enlarge the site
particular in the following points and the plan scale of 1 : 1000, which is usually
technically, ecologically and economically used for planning approvals, accordingly.
optimized overall solution for the traffic Under certain circumstances, a final
route to be planned is to be found specification for the structural system (e.g.
together with them. arch bridge, cable-stayed bridge or similar)
is already made in the preliminary design.
Foundation options This is explained below using an example.
As pillar and abutment locations, Figures 2.1-1a and 2.1-1b show the
particularly in sensitive nature Argentobel Bridge, which was built in
conservation or drinking water catchment 1984.
areas, are often specified individually in
the planning approval notice
168 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
spans one of the Allgäu's natural final specifications are already required in
monuments. Landscape and tree the preliminary planning phase.
population of the The main result of the preliminary
"Eistobels" below the bridge did not allow planning phase is the binding position
any interference with the terrain and and thus also the length of the structure
trees. For this reason, an arch bridge with with coordinated gradient control, its
an elevated roadway to be built without classification with regard to traffic loads
falsework was mandatory. The structural and, in special cases, the determination of
system and boundary conditions for the the structural system and construction
construction method were therefore method. Of course, accompanying
already specified during the planning preliminary structural calculations must
approval stage. A gradient design that met be included in the determination process.
these requirements was a prerequisite for An approximate determination of the
the realization of this structure. This building ground loads and a load plan
difficult construction task provided the based on this is required for the
impetus for the development and use of a preparation of the soil expertise. The
new type of construction method. design specifications for construction
As part of the preliminary planning, all materials, types of construction and
issues that have an impact on the route manufacturing methods as well as the
and the ability to obtain approval must be space required for the construction site
clarified. Two problems are shown below facilities and construction roads are also
as examples. determined during the preliminary
Particularly in the case of very long planning phase, so that the involvement of
bridges, it is advisable to consider the the structural engineer is essential.
possible fabrication methods as early as
the preliminary planning stage, as some
fabrication methods are only possible 2.1.2 Design development in an open or
under certain gradient conditions. For invited realization competition
z. For example, the incremental launching The principles and guidelines for
method for the production of beam competitions [GRW, 2004] in the fields of
bridges uses constant alignment elements spatial planning, urban design and
such as straight lines and circles. construction, which have been in force in
Sliding intersections of the axes of the Federal Republic of Germany since
intersecting traffic routes and the 1977, were amended in 1995 not only
resulting inclined support axes can lead to because of the need to adapt to European
uplifting bearing forces for the structure of law, but also to take better account of the
the transferred traffic route. Bearing bodies special requirements of engineering
for absorbing tensile forces are usually competitions. For this reason, the object
high-maintenance special designs and planning for traffic facilities and
generally require approval in individual engineering structures, which also includes
cases. However, mitigating the bearing bridges, was included in the object catalog
problem by rotating the support axes of competitions. The basis for the
accordingly can lead to visual obstructions implementation competition is a firmly
for users of the underpassed traffic route. defined program with specific
Even in such a case, consideration and performance requirements as part of the
appropriate planning approval process. The building
authorities in Germany have
2.2 Design planning 169

Figure 2.1-2 Neckar bridge near Mannheim in the course of the A5 motorway
1st prize Peter & Lochner (engineers) with Frank-Jakob-Bluth (architects) Model
photo of the successful competition design

Since then, the city has made use of open The photorealistic visualization offers an
or invited realization competitions for a excellent supplement to the design plan
number of construction projects. and to conventional models on a scale of 1
Competitions have proven to be a : 100.
particularly suitable instrument for finding
the optimal design and the most suitable
planner when the construction site for the 2.2 Design planning
new bridge is located in particularly
sensitive areas in terms of architecture, 2.2.1 Regulations
urban development or agriculture. The
constructive cooperation between civil Based on the results of the preliminary
engineer, architect and landscape planner planning or a competition, the feasible
in such competitions is the basis for the construction plan is created in the design
fact that such designs have often led to planning phase. The basis for the design is
particularly successful plans. Figure 2.1-2 the legally binding planning decision for
shows the result of such a competition in the construction measure submitted by
photorealistic visualization. Modern CAD the project owner. It shows the
programs, in conjunction with requirements shown in diagram 2.1-1, so
visualization software, make it possible to that the size and type of use of the bridge
create a realistic image that can also give are clearly defined. The plans to be drawn
non-experts an accurate impression of a up, including an explanatory report and
bridge structure and its integration into its cost calculation, must correspond to the
future environment. current state of the art, which is reflected
in the regulations and provisions issued
by standards committees and building
170 2 Engineering tasks in bridge

Connection Most economical location and

destinations length of the structure

Demand duration and traffic – stationary building

frequency – movable structure
– Auxiliary building

Road user Cross-section design for -

foot and/or
Cycle path bridge
– Wildlife crossing/wild change
– road bridge
– Railroad bridge
– Cable bridge
– Ship's bridge
– Mixed use

Environment Load assumptions

Topography Structural system Spans

Geology Type of foundation
Hydrology Pillar/abutment heights
Seismology Bearing type Structural
Crossing traffic routes design Impact protection
Crossing pipelines Local Pollution control Corrosion
buildings control
Local landscape Local
climate/air quality

Technology Materials

Diagram 2.2-1 Basic principles and dependencies for the design of a bridge
2.2 Design planning 171

If the state of the art is exceeded, With the DIN technical reports
approval must be obtained at an early
100 Concrete
stage in individual cases. The document
101 Impacts
Zusätzliche Technische Vertragsbe-
102 Solid bridges
dingungen und Richtlinien für Ingenieur-
103 Steel bridges
bauwerke [ZTV-ING, 2003], issued by the
104 Composite bridges
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
and Housing and published by the European set of standards for bridge
Verkehrsblatt Verlag in Dortmund, is an construction was introduced in Germany.
important set of regulations for road bridge For road and railroad bridges, for
planners in Germany. Although it is example, the concept of partial safety
primarily aimed at the preparation of factors is now the uniform basis for
design documents for civil engineering calculations.
structures, without knowledge of the Form and content of the three most
specifications contained therein, which essential components of a bridge design,
also affect the construction of bridges, it is namely:
inconceivable that design planning can be
• Building plan
implemented in a structure. Any civil
• Explanatory report
engineer who wants to specialize in the
• Cost calculation
design of bridges can only fully perform
this demanding task if he has first gone are regulated by the guidelines for the
through the school of execution planning. preparation of structural designs [RAB-
The ZTV-ING also compiles all the BRÜ, 1995] also mentioned in [ZTV-ING,
standards and other technical regulations 2003].
required for the construction of civil The ZTV-ING also refers to the
engineering structures with reference to Deutsche Bahn AG guidelines for railroad
their sources of supply. The document is bridge construction [Rili 804, 2003]. The
constantly updated in accordance with the guidelines can be obtained from the
current state of the art through general Logistics Center of Deutsche Bahn AG. In
circulars on road construction. Subject the course of planning new railway lines
areas 05.2 (Bridge and Civil Engineering) (NBS), a framework planning work has
and 16.2 (Construction Contract Law and been created. It is structured according to
Procurement) are of particular importance construction types and covers all common
for bridge planners. The technical cross-sections and construction methods
guidelines and standards for bridges and for railroad bridge construction. The most
other engineering structures important regulations, which are part of the
[Richtzeichnungen] are also published by design engineer's tools of trade, are
the same publisher. The structural summarized once again in Table 2.2-1.
elements contained therein are clearly
labeled, represent standard designs and can
be cited in the design. Alternative 2.2.2 Boundary conditions
solutions must meet the same
requirements for stability, durability and Diagram 2.1-1 lists the boundary
maintainability. conditions imposed by the existing
2003 saw a radical change in the area of environment. Although the institutions
regulations. affected by the planning in the frame
172 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
Table 2.2-1 Essential regulations for the design planner
Regulation Publisher
Additional technical contract terms for civil Federal Ministry of Transport,
engineering structures (ZTV-ING) Building and Housing
Technical guidelines and standards for Federal Ministry of Transport,
bridges and other engineering structures Building and Housing
Guidelines for the preparation of building designs (RAB Federal Ministry of Transport,
BRÜ) Building and Housing
Publications of Deutsche Bahn AG Deutsche Bahn AG

DIN technical report 100 Federal Ministry of Transport,

DIN Technical Report 101 Building and Housing
DIN Technical Report 102
DIN Technical Report 103
DIN Technical Report 104

Although the planning authorities have Table 2.2-2 Offices, authorities, associations
already been consulted during the
Offices, authorities and associations for
planning approval process, the
considerably greater level of detail used in Surveying, public order, geology,
planning means that many authorities hydrogeology, water management, traffic
must be involved in the planning process systems, supply, waste disposal, landscape
once again in order to obtain the conservation, environmental protection,
following up-to-date documents: forestry, monument protection, building
construction, civil engineering, road
• binding site plans construction, municipal administration
• Traffic survey to determine any
necessary traffic diversions during the
construction period Table 2.2-3 Specialist planners and experts
• Subsoil expertise
• Hydrogeological reports
• As-built plans of existing installations Specialist planner or expert for
and cable routes in the building
Subsoil, landscape planning, noise
protection, driving dynamics, signal and
• Environmental impact mitigation plan
traffic control technology, electrical
• Architectural consulting planning. engineering, telecommunications,
Table 2.2-2 lists the most important architectural consulting, fine arts
public institutions.
In addition, the specialist planners and
experts engaged by the project owner The minutes of all meetings and their
must be involved in the planning process dates must be carefully recorded so that
and coordinated. They are listed in Table the planning process can be fully
2.2-3. documented for the project owner. The
It is advisable to create a draft diary minutes of all meetings are to be included
from the outset in which all discussions, in the design diary as an appendix.
agreements and fixed dates are recorded.
2.2 Design planning 173

Figure 2.2-1 New Nibelungen Bridge Worms - photorealistic visualization of the design planning.
Design: BUNG - Beratende Ingenieure with Verheyen Ingenieure

With the rapid development of CAD Table 2.2-4 Space requirements for
and graphics software in recent years, construction operations and site facilities
photorealistic visualization has become an
Space requirement for
important planning tool in the design
phase. In almost all major bridge Construction offices, storage areas, action
construction projects, the technical areas of bored pile equipment, excavation
possibilities are used both for the final pits, action areas of lifting gear, dewatering,
form-finding and for the presentation of wastewater treatment facilities, production
the projects to the public. Figure 2.2-1 facilities for special construction methods
shows the visualization of the new Worms
Rhine Bridge, completed in 2008, together
with the Nibelun Bridge, which was built
in 1950/53 as the first prestressed concrete 2.2.4 Design elements, tools and static
bridge over the Rhine in cantilever pre-calculation
The design elements of bridge
construction are presented in detail in the
2.2.3 Construction operations and site following chapters of this book. Their
equipment diversity must be available to the design
planner in order to be able to present an
Initial considerations must deal with the optimal and complete design. The design
space required for construction elements are listed in advance in Table 2.2-
operations and site facilities so that the 5.
required size of the construction site and Specialist catalogs are an indispensable
its development can be determined and aid for the design planner in order to
the requirements from the planning correctly consider space requirements and
approval procedure can be implemented. installation for built-in parts and
Table 2.2-4 contains the most important equipment from the outset. Table 2.2-6
aspects for the space requirements. contains references to the most necessary
specialist catalogs. To maintain
independent design neutrality, the design
modalities must be defined in such a way
174 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
Table 2.2-5 Design elements It is responsible for the design of the load-
bearing cross-sections and junctions and
Substructures: Foundations, abutments, piers
must statically check the arrangement of
joints and recesses. It must determine the
Main structures of the superstructures: statically and structurally required material
Plate bridges, beam bridges, rigid frame on which the cost calculation is based.
bridges, arch bridges, tied-arch bridges, cable- The following section provides
stayed bridges, suspension bridges, tension information on some design elements
band bridges from the perspective of the design
Production: falsework, launching gantry, engineer. Once again, the design engineer
cantilever, incremental launching method, must provide his client with a
prefabricated parts, segmental construction construction design plan that can be
method, mixed construction method implemented in reality without restrictions
Building materials: reinforced concrete, and thus already represents a fundamental
prestressed concrete, steel, wood, mixed part of the execution planning.
construction methods (e.g. rolled beams
in concrete)
Storage and bridge equipment: road 2.2.5 Notes on the building foundation
surface, seals, bearings, roadway
crossings, guidance systems, railings, As a rule, a foundation type
drainage, lighting, supply lines, noise corresponding to the local subsoil
protection systems conditions is already recommended in the
subsoil report. Its feasibility must be
implemented and described in the design.
Table 2.2-6 Specialist catalogs The same applies to the excavation pits
required to create the foundation. Table
Specialist catalogs for
2.2-7 lists some keywords that must be
Pile systems, sheet pile walls, excavation taken into account in the design.
shoring, waterstops, dewatering systems,
anchor parts, bearing elements, roadway
expansion joints, lifting presses, lifting gear, 2.2.6 Notes on the substructures
prestressing systems, lighting systems,
inspection vehicles, noise barriers, track Regardless of the type of construction of
the abutments and piers of a bridge, in
Table 2.2-7 Notes on building foundations and
securing excavations
The selection process must ensure that
individual products or certain Open excavation pit, permissible slope
manufacturers are not favored. inclinations, excavation pit protection (sheet
It goes without saying that the entire pile walls, bored pile walls, shotcrete, icing,
design phase must be intensively etc.), scour protection, water retention (open
underpinned by structural engineering, as or closed), groundwater aggressiveness, soil
improvement, soil replacement, subgrade for
the project owner requires a feasible
pile foundations, backfilling
construction plan as a design result, which
can be used as the basis for a binding
invitation to tender for the construction
project. The structural engineer must
provide a verifiable preliminary structural
calculation and dimensioning. It is
involved in the
2.2 Design planning 175

Figure 2.2-2 Bridge inspection scaffolding for a railroad bridge according to

[Prommersberger/Rojek, 1987].

In most cases, the accessibility of the Possible use of work scaffolding for
structure for inspection, maintenance and inspection, maintenance and repair
repair purposes is realized via these load purposes for a railroad bridge.
trasnfering structural members. The Corresponding supports and openings
maintenance requirements have an must be taken into account as part of the
influence on the clear distances and design.
heights of adjacent structural elements to
ensure proper accessibility, on the space
required to accommodate lifting gear and 2.2.7 Notes on positioning
lifting presses for the repair or and mobility
replacement of bearing bodies, on the
accessibility of drainage and other supply The design should always ensure that the
and disposal systems, on sufficient structure is supported as free of
lighting and ventilation and on the constraints as possible. Considerations
lockability of the components to be regarding the arrangement of the
accessed. Figure 2.2-2 shows the
176 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
However, when determining the fixed Sealing coats, joint seals and structural
point of the beam, it is not only the coverings must be considered in
movement possibilities that must be taken accordance with the state of the art with
into account, but also the absorption of reference to the corresponding technical
the static and dynamic horizontal forces, guidelines and standards in the design.
taking into account the subsoil and Inspection shafts and connection of the
substructure stiffnesses. In the case of bridge drainage to the roadway drainage
high horizontal forces, it may be necessary or to the receiving watercourse must also
to transfer these through separate be taken into account. Figure 2.2-3 shows
horizontal bearings. This problem is the cross-section of an overpass structure
particularly relevant for bridges for high- with attached drainage.
speed rail lines. Publication D804 contains
various system options for the perfect
transfer of high longitudinal forces in 2.2.9 Notes on construction and manufacturing
seamless welded rails. processes
A critical point is the transition of the
roadway from the earth structure to the Dimensional stability (construction
structure. A suitable, suitably sealed tolerances), permissible deformations,
structure of the earth structure in the surface quality and coloring of the
abutment area is one of the design individual structures of a bridge are
elements of the structure; its planning is usually defined in regulations, or they are
part of the structural design. specified by the project owner and, if
necessary, his architectural consultant.
The design must ensure that the selected
2.2.8 Notes on bridge drainage and sealing dimensions not only meet the
requirements of the planned use, but also
A well-functioning roadway drainage correspond to the construction and
system that quickly and reliably drains the manufacturing processes intended for use.
surface water that accumulates in the area Despite all the constraints imposed by
of the structure is one of the essential regulations and local boundary
components of the equipment for the safe conditions, design planning in particular
use of a bridge. The number and shows that bridge construction is one of
arrangement of bridge inlets and pipe the most demanding disciplines in civil
diameters are based on a hydraulic engineering. The strong dominance of the
calculation. All drainage facilities must be supporting structure characterizes the
arranged in a way that ensures image of bridge structures and requires
maintainability. Although it is the planning engineer to have a high
problematic for the aesthetics of the degree of competence in order to be able
structure to install pipework visibly on the to design an optimal structure in terms of
structure, in this case safety takes technology, design and economy. Figures
precedence over beauty if the pipes cannot 2.2-4 and 2.2-5 show two outstanding
be accommodated within an easily examples of modern bridge construction.
accessible load-bearing cross-section.
2.2 Design planning 177

Figure 2.2-3 Bridge drainage, suspension according to BMV-Riz. Was 13

Figure 2.2-4 Ting Kau Bridge, Hong Kong. Design: Schlaich, Bergermann and Partners

Figure 2.2-5 Viaduct Zahme Gera in the course of the BAB A 71. Design: Fritsch Ingenieure
178 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
2.3 planning for building permit The project owner can also offer alternate
application (HOAI phase 4) bids, which can be submitted by the
construction companies during the
Bridges that are integrated into the public tendering process and which are expected
road and waterway transport network are to provide a technically and economically
built by the state, an administrative district optimized solution compared to the
or a municipality. There are no higher- tendered design. In the section
level approval authorities. The design plan 2.4 This issue is addressed again in the
is therefore the officially approved basis for following section.
every new bridge construction. The
situation is different for private clients.
Deutsche Bahn AG has also been a private 2.4 Invitation to tender
project owner since 1994. For this reason,
the German Federal Railway Authority 2.4.1 Tender with quantity takeoff
(EBA) was established at the same time as
the approval authority for Deutsche Bahn In contrast to the procedure stipulated in
AG's construction projects. [HOAI, 1986], in bridge construction the
As part of the planning for building tender for the construction project, which
permit application (HOAI phase 4), the includes a quantity takeoff, is not
verifiable structural analysis for the entire prepared on the basis of the preceding
bridge structure is prepared. In Germany, approval and implementation planning.
this highly responsible engineering task is In this case, the design planning is used as
no longer usually carried out by the the basis for the invitation to tender. This
structural engineer accompanying the explains how high the demands on the
design. For reasons of liability and design planning are with regard to its
warranty, the public sector client usually completeness and feasibility. The
links these engineering services to the determination and breakdown by
execution planning and assigns them to individual items cannot therefore be
the construction company via the carried out on the basis of execution plans
invitation to tender. As a result of in which all components are fully
restructuring in the construction industry, dimensioned and calculated. This
only a few large construction companies procedure places high demands on the
still have their own high-performance structural pre-calculation of the bridge
technical office, so that the construction structure. For example, the foundation
company often outsources the approval dimensions must be calculated in advance
and execution planning to an independent in order to be able to accurately specify the
engineering office. In this case, it can material quantities for the foundation
happen that the structural engineer excavation. The same applies to all other
accompanying the design is reintegrated components of the substructure and
into the process and can continue his superstructure, for the load-bearing forces
work, albeit now under a different client. and movement possibilities of the bridge
As a further argument in favor of this bearings and roadway crossings, as well as
usually planned alternation of the engineers for all supply and disposal facilities. What
between design and execution, the public cannot be calculated and determined in
procurement contractors like to cite the detail during the design work due to the
resulting stimulus from the construction effort involved, for example the
industry for design variants. reinforcement proportion for reinforced
concrete and prestressed concrete
2.4 Invitation to tender 179

must therefore be appreciated. This German Construction Contract Procedures

requires a great deal of experience and this [VOB, 2000], which contains the
is where the planning engineer will run following three parts:
into difficulties at the latest if he does not
Part A: General provisions for the award of
have comprehensive expertise in the field
construction contracts DIN 1960
of execution planning. Obviously
Part B: General contractual provisions for
incorrect investigations or non-realizable
the execution of construction work
constructions can lead to the cancellation
DIN 1961
of the tender or, if they are only
Part C: General Technical Conditions of
discovered after the contract has been
Contract for Construction Work.
awarded, to new price negotiations
between the project owner and the The scope of a tender for a medium-sized
construction company. bridge structure comprises around 150
The invitation to tender for a bridge pages of text and forms. This does not
construction project with quantity takeoff include the planning annexes, the
is divided into the following sections: foundation report and the "official
support". The scope of such a document
A: Letter from the project owner with requires not only excellent technical
application conditions knowledge but also a solid understanding
B: Tender documents of the legal basis of construction contracts.
The cause of the negotiations or processes
The tender documents include:
between the project owner and the
01: Prepared offer letter from the bidder contractor regarding the correct invoicing
02: Special contract terms with complete of a public procurement contract, which
table of contents of the entire tender, often last several years, can often be found
including all planning documents in inadequate tendering.
03: Service description with verbal The invitation to tender for a bridge
construction description and requested construction project is published. The
quality management, including main publication organs are:
associated annexes • Official Journal of the EU
04: List of services • Federal Tender Gazette
05: Planning documents
06: Building ground and foundation Smaller construction projects at municipal
reports 07: Official support level are also published in the relevant
daily newspapers. In addition to the
The manual for the awarding and execution building, the source of supply for the
of construction work in road and bridge tender documents, the dates for
construction [HVA-StB, 2001], published submission and award (tender validity
by the Federal Ministry of Transport, period) and a contact point for queries are
Building and Housing, serves as a guideline named in the publication. Publication,
for drawing up the invitation to tender. It dispatch and the tender documents are
contains samples and forms for the correct now largely carried out on data carriers or
and complete preparation of tenders. An via the Internet.
equally important document for drawing
up a tender is the
180 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
2.4.2 Boundary conditions for special designs 2.4.3 Functional tendering

Bridge structures for which a realization The main difference between a functional
competition is held (see section 2.1.3) are invitation to tender and the procedure
generally executed according to the design already described in 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 is that
that won the competition, so that special the functional invitation to tender is not
designs are excluded from the outset. accompanied by a bill of quantities. All
Monument preservation concerns or other components listed in the previous
constraints imposed by existing chapters are also part of a functional
topographies, buildings or soil conditions invitation to tender, whereby the definition
can also lead to the exclusion of special of the boundary conditions and the
designs. However, if circumstances construction description must be so clear
permit, public contracting entities are that the project owner's idea can be
certainly interested in special proposals or derived from the tender documents
alternatives to the tendered design. without any room for interpretation. It is
However, specific boundary conditions then up to the bidders to prepare a draft
must be formulated in the invitation to and a bill of quantities in order to be able
tender in order to fulfill the intended to accurately calculate the construction. It
purpose of the building and ensure is not possible to speculate on inaccurate
comparability with the tendered design. estimates in the bill of quantities in a
Failure to do so can lead to the tender and functional tender, as the construction
award being contested. The boundary project is not invoiced according to items,
conditions must be formulated in the but as a lump sum at the fixed price
construction description. In any case, the offered. The extent to which it is
bidder must offer the tendered services in economically justifiable that extensive
full and draw up comparable planning services have to be provided by
specifications for the special design all bidders at the same time in a functional
submitted by him. Special designs may tendering process is, of course, an open
include, in particular, the foundation, the question.
construction method, but also the building The example of the Geratal bridge in
materials and the overall construction. In Ichtershausen, see Fig. 2.4-1, shows the
the case of contracts awarded on the basis possibilities offered by a functional tender
of a special design, the quantity risk is for qualified application. The construction
transferred to the construction company, was optimized as part of a special design,
while the foundation risk remains with the particularly in the area of the foundation.
project owner. In addition, alternative With the use of prestressed concrete
proposals for individual positions are also launching gantry, an economical
possible, in which the construction of the construction method was chosen in this
bridge is not significantly changed. case.

2.4.4 Commitment to clarity

Every invitation to tender must be drafted

in such a way that the will of the project
owner is clearly and unambiguously
expressed. Insofar as the
2.5 Quotation processing 181

Figure 2.4-1 Geratal bridge Ichtershausen in the course of the NBS Erfurt - Nuremberg,
construction with launching gantry made of prestressed concrete and steel beak

If the specification leaves room for fall. Coordinations are often made in
interpretation for individual components, advance of an expected tender. The main
the bidder is permitted to make an components of tender processing are listed
assumption. As explained in Chapter 2.8. in Table 2.5.1. The prerequisite for a
(Supplements), such assumptions always qualified offer that can be implemented in
give rise to supplements, which can lead the event of an order is a coherent concept
to considerable increases in the value of for the construction process, the
the construction project. construction procedure and the
deployment of personnel and equipment.
Special designs can also be developed as
2.5 Quotation processing part of this conceptualization, in which the
special possibilities and requirements of the
In the course of tender processing, the project are taken into account.
construction companies interested in a
bridge construction project put out to
tender become active. The first step is to Table 2.5-1 Key components of quotation
work through the tender documents under
great time pressure and, after analyzing Construction methods, construction
them, to determine a concept for the technology, construction site equipment,
preparation of the tender. As there is personnel concept, use of equipment, review
usually only a period of 6 - 8 weeks of quantity estimates, calculation of
available for this, the decision on the individual items, obtaining subcontractor
preparation of special designs, the bids, planning of construction time and
construction processes, preparation of the
formation of joint ventures and the
bid - bill of quantities, preparation of special
contractual commitment of designs and alternate bids, financing
subcontractors must be made at this early
182 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
experience (e.g. device equipment, patents, It is checked whether there are no
licenses, etc.) of individual companies. violations of the procurement regulations,
As a result of the bid processing, the whether the bidder has sufficient
bid specifications are prepared shortly experience in bridge construction, whether
before the bid submission and, in the case the special designs adhere to the boundary
of special designs and alternate bids, conditions set out in the invitation to
supplemented with the necessary technical tender and whether the unit prices quoted
documents. The final determination of the are realistic. All items are recalculated,
bid price is then also made taking into both for the draft invitation to tender and
account overriding corporate interests. for any special designs and alternate bids.
The legally binding signatory of the tender A price comparison list is prepared from
by one or more authorized representatives the recalculations, which is based 100
of the bidding construction company or percent on the most favorable bidder. This
bidding consortium is a prerequisite for price comparison list is prepared not only
the evaluation of the tender. for the total bid amount, but also for the
bid amounts of any partial lots tendered
and for the prices of the individual items.
2.6 Submission This results in sufficient transparency
according to which the bids can be
All tenders must be submitted in a sealed
can be taken.
envelope to the place specified by the
Finally, all offers are evaluated
project owner by the submission date
according to the previous tests and
stated in the publication. In the presence of
the bidders or their representatives, the
Before the contract is awarded, the most
bids are opened and read out by the client.
interesting bidders for the client, usually
However, this first price comparison does
no more than 3 or 4, are invited to a
not yet indicate who will be awarded the
meeting in which they have the
contract. Especially not if alternative bids
opportunity to explain the technical
and special proposals were permitted. As
aspects of the bid and clarify any
submissions are public, the order in which
uncertainties. Once the client has clarified
the bidders are read out may be published
which bidder has offered the best and most
in the relevant printed matter as the
cost-effective solution for the tendered
submission schedule.
project on the basis of the evaluations and
the results of the negotiations, a
construction contract is drawn up and
2.7 Awarding concluded on the basis of the tender. The
award of the contract is in turn announced
In the period between submission and in the corresponding public publications.
award, which may never be longer than
the tender validity period, all tenders are
examined, recalculated and evaluated.
2.9 Testing 183

2.8 Implementation planning The design is usually already provided

with the plans that are included with the
In the rarest of cases, namely when a tender (see section 2.4.1). Since the
bridge is built by way of a realization following chapters 5 to 10 provide detailed
competition, the project owner information on all construction parts,
commissions the entire structural execution methods and construction
engineering in his own name before the methods of a bridge, including their
construction work is awarded, because the calculation in all material variants, only
design, equipment and construction of the the essential components of the execution
bridge are clearly defined. As a rule, planning are dealt with here. They are
however, the structural engineer is summarized in Table 2.8-1.
commissioned together with the
construction work. As already explained in
sections 2.2 (design planning) and 2.4 2.9 Examination
(invitation to tender), the date for the start
of execution planning is therefore usually The involvement of an independent test
after the date of the award of contract. engineer ensures a high degree of safety.
The structural engineer commissioned by This means that the two-person rule also
the construction company must now applies to structural design in bridge
prepare the structural calculations and the construction, as in building and industrial
implementation planning under the construction.
pressure of a short lead time. The share of However, as the road construction
the execution planning to be provided by administration has its own building
the object planning authority, bridge construction projects are
not subject to public building law. The
building permit authority is the respective
Table 2.8-1 Components of the road construction administration, in railroad
implementation planning construction the German Federal Railway
Authority. In contrast to the inspection
Verifiable static calculation of engineer, who assumes sovereign tasks
substructures and superstructures and all
within the framework of public building
construction aids, including all
law as an entrusted contractor, the
construction stages, deformation
calculations with associated measurement inspection engineer and the safety expert
logs, calculation of bearing bodies and appointed by the EBA work within the
transitions, stress and strain and bearing framework of a contract under private
path calculations including associated logs law. In principle, the inspection can also
be carried out by employees of the
Stakeout plans
licensing authority itself.
Formwork, reinforcement and tensioning The scope of the inspection includes
plans for reinforced concrete and the verifications in the ultimate limit state
prestressed concrete structures, workshop and the execution drawings for the final
drawings for timber and steel structures, state and the construction states. In
construction plans for construction aids, addition, the inspection engineer can also
setting plans for bridge supports and be assigned the inspection of
transitions, railing plans, drawings of all serviceability, geometry (staking out),
equipment parts, stone setting plans for
compliance with the building contract and
cladding, positive parts and material lists,
installation and laying instructions.
economic efficiency.
184 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
The basis for the inspection is the Table 2.10-1 Construction site management
structural design on which the tasks
construction contract is based. In addition Organization of construction site equipment
to monitoring compliance with the state and logistics, preparation of a construction
of the art defined in regulations and schedule, presentation of the current
codes, the inspection engineer's work construction progress compared to the
includes in particular recognizing the target curve, ordering of material
essential stress conditions of the load- requirements, determination and
bearing behavior and the interaction deployment of the respective personnel
between the subsoil and the structure. requirements, scheduling and control of
subcontractor services, arranging the
necessary in-house and third-party
monitoring of building materials, arranging
2.10 Construction, construction control measurements during construction,
supervision, invoicing including their logging and evaluation,
ongoing cost and quality control, initiating
decision-making processes in the event of
2.10.1 Construction unforeseen construction problems, checking
compliance with professional association
In Germany, the construction of bridges is requirements with regard to construction
a cooperation between the construction site safety, keeping construction files
company and the public project owner, (planning documents, delivery notes,
provided that the bridge is part of the minutes, meeting notes, etc.), convening
public road, highway, waterway or rail meetings and meetings with the
network. In this case, the construction construction team.etc.), convening
extraordinary construction meetings,
company is represented by its
reporting delays or delays in all deliveries
construction supervisor, while the public required for construction, recording
project owner is represented by the local changes to the construction work compared
construction supervision and site to the plans
management. The structural engineer
must also be involved in the construction
process on site on a case-by-case basis. The construction manager is responsible for the
This is essential if unusual construction construction work and its realization. All
methods are used that are not yet state of execution issues converge in the person of
the art, or if complicated assembly the construction manager, who, in
conditions are to be carried out in which accordance with the VOB, is to be
the currently measured deformations of appointed by the commissioned
the components play a significant role for contractor as the responsible contact
the further assembly procedure. The person. The most important of his various
inspection engineer appointed by the tasks are summarized in Table 2.10-1,
project owner must also be present on the while Figure 2.10-1 shows parts of the
construction site if necessary, especially if construction schedule for a railway bridge
he has been assigned certain inspection on the Mann- heim - Stuttgart main line.
functions by the project owner, e.g. As the representative of the
acceptance of the reinforcement for construction company building the bridge,
reinforced concrete and prestressed the responsible site manager has a very
concrete structures. The various bridge broad range of tasks. As an engineer, he
construction methods are discussed in must take or arrange for all measures
Chapter 9, which is why only the necessary for the technically flawless and
organizational aspects are discussed here. safe construction of the structure. At the
same time, he is also responsible for the
2.10 Construction, construction supervisor, 185
economic realization of the project.
186 2 Engineering tasks in bridge

Fig. 2.10-1 Example of a construction sequence: Railway bridge in the course of the NBS
Mannheim - Stutt- gart [Penner, 1987].

management of the construction task. As a specialist office. Sometimes it is also

the representative of the commissioned carried out by the project owner himself,
construction company or consortium, he provided he has his own staff available. The
has to represent the business interests of tasks of local construction supervision are
both the subcontractors and the project shown in Table 2.10-2. In the case of larger
owner. In view of the high proportion of bridge structures, this area of responsibility
services that are usually provided by requires an almost constant presence of
subcontractors today, these areas of local construction supervision on the
responsibility, with their often construction site.
contradictory objectives, place the highest
demands on engineers working in
2.10.3 Site management
construction management.
In bridge construction, local construction
2.10.2 Local construction supervisor supervision is overseen by the construction
supervisor. This site management is usually
For the local construction supervision of carried out by the project owner's
bridge structures, the project owner often specialists, but can also be delegated by the
requires project owner to a subcontractor.
2.10 Construction, construction supervisor, 187
Table 2.10-2 Performance profile of local Table 2.10-3 Scope of services of the
construction supervisors construction management
(1) Monitoring the execution of the Supervision of local construction
project for compliance with the supervision, coordination of those involved
documents approved for execution, the in construction site supervision, checking for
construction contract and the compliance and approval of third-party
generally recognized rules of plans
technology and the relevant Drawing up and monitoring a schedule
regulations, Putting the executing companies in default
(2) Stake out main axes for the object from
Acceptance of services and deliveries with
vertical control points close to the
the preparation of a record of the result of the
object and establish vertical control
points in the object area, unless the
services have to be provided with special Application for and participation in official
instrumental and surveying procedural approvals
requirements, mark construction sites Handover of the property including the
locally, associated construction files
(3) Keeping a construction diary, Compiling maintenance instructions
(4) Joint measurement with the Monitoring the functional test
contractors, Listing the limitation periods for warranty
(5) Participation in the acceptance of claims
services and deliveries, Determination of costs
(6) Auditor,
Cost control by checking the contractor's
(7) Participation in official approvals,
(8) Participate in monitoring the statement of work against the contract prices
functionality of the object, and the updated cost calculation
(9) Monitoring the elimination of defects
determined to have been performed
during the acceptance of the services,
(10) Monitoring the execution of load-
bearing structures for compliance with Curing of concrete may be required in
the stability certificate. special cases as part of a concrete
technology consultation.
Local construction supervisors and site
engineering office. The performance of managers also have a number of
the site management is described in the regulations at their disposal for fulfilling
§§ The services are listed in Sections 55 their responsibilities, the most important
(object planning) and 64 (structural of which are summarized in Table 2.10-4.
planning) of the HOAI and are shown in [HVA-StB, 2001] provides in paragraph
Table 2.10-3 as a concentrated excerpt for 2.1, among other things, concrete
the purpose of comparison with the services procedural instructions with regard to the
of local construction supervision. relationship of construction supervision
According to §64 of the HOAI, the to the contractor, subcontractors and
structural engineer is only involved in site construction site neighbors, it regulates the
management in special cases, namely if he construction site signage, the handling of
has been commissioned with the building material and component
engineering control of the construction inspections, the preparation of daily
work or the construction aids in a special construction reports by the contractor, the
case. The engineering supervision of the preparation of the ordinal number control
manufacture, processing and installation of list as a basis
188 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
Table 2.10-4 Regulations for construction supervision and site management
Rules and regulations Publisher
[HVA-StB, 2001] Manual for the awarding Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
and execution of construction work in road and Housing
and bridge construction (HVA-StB Part 3)
[Leaflet, 2001] for the construction supervision Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
of civil engineering structures (M-BÜ-K) and Housing
[Rili 804, 2003] Contracting Regulations for DIN German Institute for Standardization
Construction Services

for the funding requirements to be 2.10.4 Construction supervision for

determined and finally the keeping of the functionally tendered bridge structures
construction diary. Sections 2.2 and 2.3
[HVA-StB 2001] regulate the billing of the With the exception of the tasks relating to
construction project and also contain the determination of installed quantities by
sample sheets, e.g. for on-site comparing plans or on-site measurement,
measurement. Paragraph 2.4 contains the all the tasks, rules and responsibilities
handling of supplements. The other already mentioned also apply to the
paragraphs relate to the delay and construction supervisor of functionally
interruption of execution, the provision of tendered bridge structures. As the
security, the handling of invoices and invoicing of a bridge structure tendered in
payments, including payments to third this way is carried out on a lump-sum
parties, acceptance and warranty. The basis, a payment plan must be maintained
[Merk- blatt, 1996] is primarily relevant which releases advance payments to the
for monitoring compliance of the contractor on the basis of the respective
construction work with the generally construction progress reports.
recognized rules of technology. It lists all
relevant regulations and contains
checklists according to which the 2.10.5 Billing
individual components of a bridge can be
checked, from the foundation to According to [Rili 804, 2004] Part B § 14
corrosion and surface protection, with No. 1, the contractor is obliged to invoice
reference to the applicable regulations. A his services in a verifiable manner and to
sound knowledge of [Rili 804, 2003] is provide evidence of the type and scope of
essential for monitoring the construction the partial services on the basis of the
work with regard to compliance with the ordinal numbers (OZ) of the service
construction contract. It goes without specifications by submitting calculations,
saying that the construction supervisor drawings and other documents. Invoicing
must also know, observe and be able to is carried out either according to target
refer to the regulations cited in the draft data or actual data. For invoicing
approval and execution planning at any according to target data, the execution
time. plans approved by the project owner,
including parts lists, serve as the basis for
invoicing, provided that there is no
deviation from these target documents.
2.10 Construction, construction supervisor, 189
has been built. When invoicing according design changes. Such design changes may
to actual data, measurements, weighing or arise if other local conditions are
delivery notes, consignment notes and encountered during the construction
time sheets are required as supporting process that were not foreseeable when
documents. Any agreed wage and material the design was drawn up, or if it turns out
price escalation clauses, as may be agreed that a component envisaged in the design
for construction projects whose cannot be realized with the structural
construction period extends over several means provided for this purpose. Such
years, must be taken into account when design changes can occur in the
invoicing. foundation area in particular if, for
The HVA-StB already cited contains example, the foundation bases on site are
information on billing with IT systems, deeper than anticipated or other
with particular reference to the "Collection dewatering measures become necessary
of regulations for electronic construction due to weather-related circumstances. In
billing" (REB collection). inner-city areas, changes to the
Contracts awarded on the basis of a foundations can always occur because
special design or a functional tender are supply or disposal lines are encountered in
not invoiced on the basis of quantity the construction area that are not included
quotations, but according to lump-sum in the existing plans of the pension
price agreements with payment plans. providers or are in a different position.
Additional services are required if
components have to be erected that are
2.10.6 Supplements not included in the design. Thus
z. For example, additional retaining walls
No matter how correctly and completely a may be required to support the terrain on
bridge construction project is tendered, it site due to insufficient terrain.
will never be possible to completely avoid As supplementary negotiations always
supplements. Supplements are entail a not inconsiderable potential for
amendments or additions to the conflict and a cost risk, every design
construction contract. They must be engineer should always endeavor to
agreed in writing and can have the produce a complete, technically and
following causes: contractually sound design with the help
• Exceeding or falling short of the of suitable quality assurance methods.
estimate of an item by more than 10%.
• Change in performance
• Additional service.
2.11 acceptance
procedure (HOAI phase 9)
The regulations required for this are listed
in §2 of the VOB. As a rule, a limitation period for the
If an item in the bill of quantities is warranty is agreed in the construction
under- or overestimated, the project contract for bridge structures. It begins
owner or construction company may with the acceptance of the structure.
demand a change to the unit price. Before this period expires, the object must
A change to the service may arise if the be
client requests a decision on the
2.12 Engineering tasks for existing bridges 189

The contractor must be inspected to the preservation of the structure. The

determine any defects and thus warranty basis for the inspection of bridges with
claims against the contractor. If defects are regard to their load-bearing capacity,
identified, their rectification must be serviceability and durability is DIN 1076,
monitored. Depending on the complete which stipulates main inspections every 6
contract performance by the contractor, years and simple inspections every 3 years
the engineer must also cooperate in the after a main inspection. Additional tests
release of the securities agreed in the are required in the event of special
construction contract. incidents, such as a vehicle hitting a
The engineer's final task is to support. The results of the inspections are
systematically compile the drawings and documented in the structure file and the
the calculation results. The essential data defects/damage to the structure are
of the structure are recorded in a structure marked so that any problems that occur
book. A photographic documentation of can be monitored in the future. This
the bridge structure with its views and creates the basis for taking measures to
soffits, its abutments and piers as well as assess and remediate cases of damage.
all significant special features is also In the meantime, the trend is towards
produced and archived. the development of management systems
that allow a structured use of resources in
the maintenance of structures [Zilch, et
2.12 Engineering tasks in al., 2000]. The procurement of reliable
existing bridges data as a basis for decision-making may
require the use of modern monitoring
The constantly increasing volume of traffic instruments. The content of the activities
and the large number of old bridges in this area is generally less in the static-
ensure that civil engineers are faced with a constructive area than in bridge
wide range of tasks in the maintenance equipment. Demanding static-
and expansion of existing bridges. Many constructive project requirements
tasks are similar to those of new specifications are the assessment of
construction, which is why only the detected damage,
special features of planning and building z. e.g. fatigue cracks in steel structures,
in existing structures are referred to corrosion damage to steel components or
below. Figures 2.12-1 and 2.12-2 show the exposed reinforcement, prestressing
age structures of existing road and rail cables and their anchorages. In many
bridges in Germany. cases, the demolition of a bridge can be
delayed by several years through
appropriate repairs, restrictions on use,
2.12.1 Monitoring, evaluating mathematical assessment of the actual
and assessing bridges condition using real operational load
trains instead of standardized load models
With the takeover into the portfolio of a and permanent monitoring. In this
construction authority (federal, state, context, the mathematical determination
district, municipality), the responsibility of the "remaining service life" of fatigue-
for damaged steel structures should also be
190 2 Engineering tasks in bridge

Fig. 2.12-1 Stock of road bridges in Germany according to [Friebel/Krieger, 2002].

ness. Based on many years of experience, 2.12.2 Repair and upgrading of bridges
the demand for easy controllability,
interchangeability or the possibility of If the condition of a bridge requires repair
repairing damaged parts is rated very and upgrading measures, these must at
highly today and has a strong influence on least be planned and carried out taking
technical developments in bridge into account special requirements, e.g.
construction. One example of this is the carrying out the work while traffic is still
use of external prestressing as a standard moving. An important aspect here is
construction method for concrete box ensuring the suitability of the building
girders. materials used and their compatibility
with the existing structure.
2.12 Engineering tasks for existing bridges 191

Fig. 2.12-2 Stock of railroad bridges in Germany according to [König et al., 1986].

Repair work can be associated with Particularly in the case of very old
temporary or permanent changes in the railroad bridges, it should be noted that
static system or in the play of forces. One these sometimes also meet today's
example of this is the renewal of the road vertical loads (operating load trains),
surface. If the work is carried out while but hardly have a defined load-bearing
traffic is still moving, the one-sided traffic capacity for horizontal loads
load and the one-sided absence of the (centrifugal forces, wind forces, but
road surface and possibly the edge beams especially starting and braking forces).
create large torsional moments that can be 2. In case of unsatisfactory serviceability
decisive for the supporting structure and (deformations, vibration behavior, noise
the bearings. development). Unacceptably large
Structures calculated according to deformations mainly affect beam
modern standards are designed for such bridges made of reinforced and
situations, whereas older structures were prestressed concrete and often result
often only designed for their final from shrinkage and creep of the concrete
condition and, where deemed necessary, and abutment movements. Unacceptable
the construction stages. vibrations can be caused by changes in
the conditions of use. Strong noise
development is often due to the fact
2.12.3 Reinforcement of bridge structures
that no importance was attached to
The need to reinforce existing bridge noise protection and noise avoidance
structures is given in the following cases: when the bridge was built. The latter
two points mainly affect steel bridges.
1. If the load-bearing capacity is
insufficient, e.g. if the track is to be When reinforcing bridges, a distinction
raised to a higher load level or adapted must be made as to whether the measures
to a new standard situation. Before affect the bridge structure, the
substructures or all parts.
192 2 Engineering tasks in bridge
2.12.4 Replacement or widening o f Due to the variety of possible boundary
structural components or entire conditions, sensible measures must be
structures taken on a case-by-case basis; as a rule,
they pose real challenges to the
In many cases, when a bridge is repaired engineering mind. In addition to structural
or widened, the stability, serviceability and design problems, there are always
and durability of the substructures can be operational problems to be solved.
restored at an economically justifiable cost The expansion of traffic routes and
through renovation. In the case of subsequent installation of noise protection
superstructures, on the other hand, a new devices require the road surface to be
construction can often be technically and widened. Where this is possible, the
economically more sensible. As a rule, structural changes will be limited to
traffic can be maintained or only short widening the superstructure. As with the
closures are possible. replacement of supporting structures, it is
Particularly in the case of railroad often necessary to minimize the impact on
bridges, it is often necessary to minimize existing traffic. Due to the simple
disruption to existing traffic. The standard possibility of oxyfuel cutting and welding
methods are to replace the superstructure or bolted connections with GV or fitting
by lifting out the old and lifting in the new bolts, the comparatively low component
structures, by arranging scaffolding on weights and the immediately available full
both sides and moving the old and new component stiffness, the corresponding
structures sideways, by using provisional inputs for steel bridges are much easier to
bridges or by pressing in to protect the carry out than for concrete bridges. In the
subsoil from icing. Due to the often latter case, the possibility of bondless pre-
difficult accessibility or due to changed tensioning with external tendons and the
site conditions compared to the time of use of GRP reinforcement opens up new
construction, the arrangement of solutions.
scaffolding is sometimes impossible and If a widening of the superstructure is
the supporting structures often have to be not possible due to structural or geo-
replaced on site.

Figure 2.12-3 Siebenlehn viaduct. Transverse displacement of the new superstructure for a
directional roadway
2.12 Engineering tasks for existing bridges 193

Fig. 2.12-4 Widening a railroad bridge with an additional superstructure

metric reasons, either two new Due to the simple possibility of separating
superstructures on the substructures to be components and handling them with
widened or a completely new bridge lifting gear, demolition in steel and timber
structure next to the existing bridge may construction is usually much easier than
be required. Both of these not only place in concrete construction; the process
high demands on the planning of the almost corresponds to a planned
supporting structures but also, in "dismantling". In the case of in-situ
particular, on the design of the overall concrete structures, it will usually be
structure. necessary to cut or blast structural
elements, whereas in the case of
prefabricated structures, the type of
2.12.5 Demolition of bridge structures systematic demolition may depend on the
type and size of the prefabricated elements
For environmental protection reasons and the joint formation. As with
alone, the demolition process must production, demolition usually involves
generally be carried out carefully. Due to changing static systems, which may also
the considerably lower weights and require bracing and/or auxiliary
3 Draft

The design is the basis of the construction Two or more drafts should also be
project. The aim of the design is to prepared for a proper comparison.
develop a technically flawless, feasible
concept that optimally corresponds to the
location, the surroundings, the 3.1 Design principles
significance and the size of the bridge in
terms of costs and aesthetics. With the The conceptual design determines the
presentation of the conceptual idea, the load-bearing system, the spans, the
design must reach a project planning stage foundations, the building materials, the
that ensures that the construction project cross-sectional design and, to a large
can be developed without significant extent, the construction process and
changes and that a relatively reliable construction time. The basis of the design
estimate of the construction costs is work consists on the one hand of the
already possible. structure-specific, traffic-related function
In the case of engineering bridges, the and the site-specific boundary conditions
design starts with a suitable load-bearing and on the other hand of the general,
system, which is then refined in terms of functional and cultural requirements.
functionality and boundary conditions, The building-specific, technical traffic
taking into account structural, function and the site-specific boundary
constructional, economic and design conditions form the basis for the entire
aspects. The final shape of the bridge is spectrum of suitable load-bearing systems.
the result of this development work. At The cultural requirements already limit
best, the expressiveness of the form can be this spectrum considerably. In
enhanced somewhat with carefully preliminary studies, some important
restrained ornamentation in the details. cross-sectional dimensions are
In the case of architectural bridges, the determined on the basis of the functional
design is essentially based on the form. The requirements and the feasibility and
form is then modified as far as necessary, suitability of a conceptual idea is checked.
particularly with regard to feasibility and At this level of development, it is usually
construction costs, resulting in the possible to determine the optimum
optimum load-bearing system that concept, which is then refined in an
corresponds to the formal basis. As a rule, interdependent process on an economic-
this type of design process has economic design basis; i.e. each refinement of form
disadvantages. must be carefully checked in terms of
In most cases, the most suitable load- functional suitability and economic
bearing system can already be determined impact.
with general preliminary studies. Under
certain circumstances, however
196 3 Draft

The construction-specific, traffic Bridges that are planned and built

engineering specifications are according to the current state of
knowledge should have a service life of 80
• Traffic type,
to 100 years without major reconstruction
• Route alignment and
and strengthening work. This means that
• Utilization cross-section.
the future development of the traffic
The location-specific boundary structure and the traffic load play an
conditions essentially consist of important role with regard to the type of
traffic. This development was taken into
• Topography, geology and hydrology,
account in the standards when
• Seismology,
determining the traffic load on the basis of
• soil chemistry and local climatology,
• scientific studies. The standardized traffic
binding clearance limits,
• load should only be reviewed and, if
construction time and local
necessary, increased for very large bridges
construction technology, as well as
on fixed urban axes for which a service life
from environmental aspects such as
of significantly more than 100 years is
• Landscape, adjacent buildings,
already expected at the planning stage.
and temporal environment,
• In the overall planning, the effects of the
Exposure of the bridge location and
• roadway geometry in the bridge section
cultural significance of the bridge,
• Noise emissions and impact of the are often given too little consideration and
structure on vegetation and therefore the bridge engineer should
• check the roadway geometry with regard
to the bridge design and, if necessary,
The general functional stakes include submit corrections for discussion. Even
• Load safety, small changes to the roadway geometry
• Serviceability and can have a major impact on the conceptual
• Durability. design.
The cultural requirements consist of an The utilization cross-section in the
optimal balance of bridge area rarely corresponds to that
outside the bridge. When determining the
• Economic efficiency and dimensions, traffic safety in the event of
• Aesthetics of the building. breakdowns and accidents on the bridge,
the requirements for inspection,
maintenance and resurfacing and the
3.2 Building-specific, future development of traffic must be
traffic-related specifications taken into account. If the increase in
traffic is expected to be rapid compared to
In principle, the type of traffic, route the service life of the bridge, it makes
alignment and utilization cross-section are sense to have reserves in the service width:
the basis and results of the higher-level if the increase is slower, it may be more
traffic infrastructure planning and, in this appropriate to provide for measures to
sense, specifications for the bridge design. widen the cross-section and ensure the
Nevertheless, these specifications should future load-bearing capacity required in
always be reviewed with regard to their the main load-bearing direction from the
impact on the structure. outset.
3.4 Functional requirements 197

3.3 Location-specific boundary fulfill boundary conditions; the right thing

conditions is usually easy.

The site-specific boundary conditions are

decisive for the development of suitable 3.4 Functional requirements
design variants. The existing boundary
conditions should therefore not be 3.4.1 Load safety
accepted uncritically, but should be
carefully reviewed from the perspective of The structural safety refers in detail to the
the bridge builder: The location of a dirt static structural safety, the fatigue safety,
road is certainly not decisive in the choice the dynamic structural safety (in the case
of pier locations, and structural information of traffic or wind-induced vibrations) and
in geological reports may and should be the earthquake safety. The actions relevant
questioned by the bridge builder. In for the structural safety are essentially
connection with the usual boundary loads and forces as well as forced
conditions, however, the bridge builder displacements of the supporting structure.
must also consider future changes in the The load-bearing safety is standardized;
bridge's surroundings and rare hazards i.e. in accordance with the applicable
from natural disasters, which must be standard, a standardized load-bearing
assessed in relation to the probable service reserve must be guaranteed for
life of the bridge. The assessment of the standardized actions against the loss of
exposure and significance of the bridge in equilibrium or against the loss of stability
the cultural environment is partly of the structure or individual parts
subjective. As with all bridge construction thereof. If dangerous actions cannot be
activities, future developments must also conceptually eliminated, the required
be taken into account. load-bearing safety for the most
Even with numerous, specific unfavourable decisive actions is normally
boundary conditions, any number of design ensured in the design on the basis of
variants are possible in principle. standardized building material parameters
However, it does not make sense to by analytically determined resistances in
examine a wide range of variants. In terms the structure.
of cost-effectiveness and aesthetics, many The standardized structural safety is
fundamentally possible variants, so-called binding and usually legally relevant; it
zero variants, can be ruled out from the therefore has the highest priority among
outset. This makes it all the more the general functional requirements.
important to study innovative solutions In the ultimate limit state, i.e.
that have never been implemented before. immediately before the loss of stability,
Suitable design variants should be structural damage in the form of cracks and
developed on the basis of constructive deformations is not relevant. When
considerations from the boundary verifying the load-bearing safety, internal
conditions; and not be forced into the force deflections or plastic deformations
boundary conditions based on a more or may therefore be taken into account
less arbitrary, architectural-sculptural or within the scope of the existing
architectural-metaphorical idea. With a deformation ductility. The prestressing
small number of constructive measures, it steel is usually used in the plastic joints.
is often possible to achieve many
198 3 Draft

The tensile member is stretched beyond systems or, in extreme cases, heating
the pre-strain due to prestressing up to the systems or safety nets),
yield strength and is therefore considered • Physiologically acceptable vibration
in the resistance model as a tensile behavior of the supporting structure,
member with the effective tensile force • High driving comfort; including
present. In the case of ductile systems, the effective roadway drainage and
pre-strains due to restraints are usually also (usually) operational measures to
exceeded in the limit state of stability. prevent ice formation on the roadway.
Therefore, constraints in the first-order
stress range do not have to be taken into The protective measures against impact
account when verifying structural safety. and falling should take into account the
potential hazards (route alignment or
curves in the bridge area, risk of icing,
3.4.2 Suitability for use
bridges over railroad facilities).
For all bridges and especially for
Serviceability means, on the one hand, the
pedestrian bridges, at least the first mode
suitability of the structure in terms of use
of vibration of the vertical, horizontal and
and with regard to the performance of
torsional vibration should be determined,
inspections and maintenance and, on the
and if the corresponding vibration
other hand, the long-term behavior of the
frequency is in the range of the excitation
structure in terms of appearance and the
frequency, additional special investigations
behavior of the structure in the event of
are necessary. In the case of pedestrian
accidents that occur during use. To ensure
bridges, vertical vibrations are excited by
serviceability, design and construction
one or a few people; with heavy pedestrian
measures are required, as well as
traffic, the vibration excitation is only
measurement and material technology
significant if the people walk in step. In
measures. Serviceability can only be
the case of horizontal vibrations
standardized to a certain extent. The
(transverse to the bridge), numerous
relevant measures should therefore be
pedestrians take over the bridge frequency
listed in a serviceability verification report
in a "sailor's gait" and thus cause a very
for all serviceability requirements.
strong vibration excitation.
With regard to use, the following
Bridges ice up much earlier than the
requirements and measures must be
adjoining road sections. Automatic de-
observed in particular:
icing systems can be provided for the
• Protection of vehicles against impact with differential icing (bridge - road), especially
bridge elements, in foggy areas. However, reliable control of
• Adequate user safety these systems is difficult and de-icing
against falls from a height through systems with salt spray water are
appropriate training of railings and problematic in terms of the structure, not
guardrails, to mention the fact that these systems are
• Protection of users against strong winds prone to failure.
gusts (e.g. with flow deflectors) and The following equipment in particular
against falling ice from supporting is required for inspection and
elements above the roadway (warning maintenance of the structure:
3.4 Functional requirements 199

• Inspection facility for the bearings and The deformation capacity, which must be
provisions for replacing the bearings, greater than the effective forced
• Access to all cavities in the load-bearing deformation, is determined geometrically
factory; exception: fully welded steel on the basis of the permissible crack
boxes, width.
• Access to all lines in particular Deviations from the target level can
to the drainage pipes, have various causes. The most common
• Access to the abutment niches and the are structural deformations due to loads,
joint constructions. forces and pre-tension, temperature
changes and settlements or structural
Modern bridges require periodic inaccuracies. These deformations can
inspections to ensure that they function impair operation and driving comfort or
properly and maintain their substance. To be visually disruptive. On road bridges,
ensure that these inspections can be carried operation and ride comfort are practically
out at all, components that are susceptible only impaired by deformations from
to maintenance, such as bearings, joints permanent loads and settlements at the
and pipes, must be easily visible. Exposed, bridge-road junction and at girder joints
easily visible components also make it in the field. Settlements in the supports
easier to repair or replace these and beam deformations are generally only
components. visually disruptive. Deformations in
The following aspects must be railroad bridges are much more sensitive.
considered with regard to the appearance In the case of high-speed railroads,
of the building deformations under traffic load are very
• Avoidance of impermissible structural limited; the supporting structure must have
deformations, a relatively high minimum stiffness.
• Avoidance of structural damage In many cases, beam deformations due
mainly due to uncontrolled water to fatigue loads can be reduced to the same
runoff. extent as the unavoidable structural
inaccuracies without significant additional
Impermissible structural deformations are costs by designing the pre-tensioning
defined as cracks with an average crack accordingly. In the case of cantilever
width of more than 0.3 mm on the one beams in particular, however, largely true-
hand and deviations from the nominal to-form pre-tensioning would cause
level on the other. considerable additional costs. In these and
With correct and careful dimensioning, similar cases, the expected girder
there is no risk of impermissible cracks deformations are compensated by
due to load and force effects. As a rule, it cantilevers. In the case of large expected
is sufficient to determine the internal deformations, not only careful calculations
forces from dead load and pre-tension in taking into account the stress propagation
the construction state and in the cast-in in the bridge cross-section but also
state on the elastic system, to superimpose extensive investigations into the
the elastic internal forces from live load deformation behavior of the building
on the internal forces of the cast-in state materials are essential.
and to limit the stresses in the reinforcing Uncontrolled water run-off, especially
steel to a crack width of 0.2 mm waste water, not only impairs the
accordingly. In the case of restraints, the appearance of the building; it also
stress ratio from dead load and pre-
tension is taken into account.
200 3 Draft

is usually also aggressive and causes air is supplied to the inlet shafts and cross
corrosion. The bridge design should be pipes, and equipping the inlet shafts with
examined very carefully throughout with siphons is only possible with heating wires
regard to contact and (vehicle or wind) spray due to ice formation. The best place for
water. It should be noted that, on the one longitudinal drainage pipes is behind the
hand, small drainage pipes often become bracket head or at the base of the girder
silted up and sintered and, on the other webs.
hand, that initially sealed construction Sensitive load-bearing elements must
elements or openings can become have adequate redundancy. In the case of
permeable to water. Drip noses should cable-stayed bridges, a vehicle fire on the
therefore be provided for all footing bridge must not lead to the collapse of the
constructions, pipe penetrations or structure and it should be possible to
openings in the road deck, and pipes for replace a cable with minimal traffic
the pavement drainage must have restrictions. The units of the prestressing
projections and must not drain into a box cables should also be selected in such a
girder. way that in the event of a major
In principle, every concrete surface construction fault (e.g. corrosion due to
should be carefully checked to see whether poor injection of a cable sheath) the load-
it is exposed to rain, snow, spray or bearing safety of the overall system is
contact water, whether the water contains reduced by a maximum of around 20%.
chloride and whether large fluctuations in With regard to resurfacing, the bridge
moisture occur. This check is an width for non-directionally separated
important basis for planning the carriageways should be determined in
appropriate measures: increasing the such a way that the work can be carried
concrete covering, possibly out without major difficulties and without
hydrophobization in the case of chloride- compromising quality. In the case of
free water; absolutely effective concrete directionally separated carriageways, twin
protection in the case of chloride- bridges allow unhindered work during
containing water. resurfacing; on the other hand, however,
With regard to the behavior of the these bridges usually have considerable
structure in the event of traffic accidents, aesthetic disadvantages. In the case of
the following measures in particular are modern bridges that are essentially
required: planned and constructed professionally, it
• Adequate fire safety corresponding to is no longer necessary to reinforce or
the size of the building, replace the reinforcement in large areas of
• Appropriate redundancy for sensitive the deck due to severe corrosion damage.
The project owner is generally obliged
exposed load-bearing elements.
to commission qualified specialists, and
Vehicle fires and fuel leaks are a hazard with the current level of knowledge,
that must be taken into account. Fire qualified specialists are easily able to plan
extinguishers should be installed at and construct a bridge professionally.
relatively small intervals, especially on
bridges with main reinforcement at the
top. Drainage pipes may only be installed
in the girder box if they have a high fire
resistance. A fire in a longitudinal pipe
can hardly be smothered, as
3.4 Functional requirements 201

3.4.3 Durability The prerequisites for a high level of

durability must be created. In order to
In bridge construction, durability means guarantee the desired durability, great
that the load-bearing safety and care is also required during construction,
serviceability of the structure at the time as well as scheduled inspection and
of commissioning are almost completely maintenance.
maintained throughout the intended Durability can therefore not be
service life of the structure, subject to deterministically standardized. Although
periodic inspection and maintenance. the standards contain material, structural
The service life of the supporting and design specifications that are
structure should be around 80 to 100 years. absolutely necessary to ensure durability,
During this time, the structure should be they are by no means sufficient. The
renewed at intervals of 20 to following measures must already be taken
30 years, no more than local repair work into account at the design stage.
should be necessary. The load-bearing
safety must never drop by more than 10% • Technical material measures:
locally and, with regard to serviceability, – A concrete quality that is suitable
the final values of the structural with regard to the effects and has
deformations should not exceed the been checked in terms of
corresponding calculated values by more components and composition (in
than approx. 30%. particular with regard to frost and, if
The service life of the pavement sealing necessary, freeze-thaw salt
and the protective coatings should be 40 resistance),
to 50 years for local repairs based on a – Weather-resistant steels in steel
condition inspection carried out construction only for load-bearing
approximately every five years. Local elements that are protected against
repairs to the pavement must be carried rain and permanent moisture; drip
out as soon as possible when damage edges (in view of condensation and
occurs, and extensive resurfacing is snow) to protect concrete parts
required every 20 to 25 years. After 40 to below,
50 years, repair work on the drainage – Adaptation of surface protection
system, parapets, guardrails and mechanic systems for steel structures to
components (bearings, joint atmospheric conditions,
constructions, etc.) must also be expected, – Consideration of contact corrosion
whereby obvious damage should also be with different metals,
repaired immediately. – Surface protective coatings or the use
The durability of the supporting of reinforcements with high
structure is endangered above all by corrosion resistance for particularly
climatic effects (such as temperature aggressive effects.
changes, internal temperature differences, • Constructive measures:
frost, rain, snow, etc.), chlorides (salt – Avoidance of salt water on concrete
water) and sulfates as well as by the surfaces (proper drainage, no
growth of mosses and lichens on the seepage of water at footings and pipe
concrete surfaces. As part of the design openings in the road surface),
process, the necessary measures must be – I f contact with salt water cannot be
taken, particularly in terms of materials avoided, apply surface protection on
and construction.
202 3 Draft

of the concrete surface or concrete water-bearing separation cracks are

cover of more than 75 mm, practically unavoidable under
– Sufficient concrete cover against permanent load. (Danger to the steel
carbonation; 30 mm for water- structure).
protected surfaces and 40 mm for
For all hazard patterns, i.e. for all actions
non-water-protected surfaces,
and weak points that can impair
– No inaccessible cavities and no lost
durability, the corresponding design,
wooden formwork so that all
material and execution measures should
concrete surfaces (especially after
be listed in a durability certificate.
concreting) can be controlled,
– Seal hollow steel profiles airtight,
– Avoid dirt pockets or edges on which 3.5 Cultural requirements
water remains or accumulates,
– Seal the contact edges of screwed The true art of bridge construction is that
end plates or tab joints with aging the conceptual design strikes a balance
stability, between economy and aesthetics that is
– Favorable conditions for concrete appropriate to the location and
processing; space for complete significance of the bridge, while fully
encasement of the reinforcing steel, guaranteeing the functional requirements.
planned concreting and vibration The permissible economic deviations
gaps and avoidance of wide-flanged from the most economical solution are
structural steel elements that have to limited. Large deviations are almost
be concreted under, always an indication of an unsuitable
– Measures for good feasibility and concept. Economic efficiency is therefore
control of welds in steel and an important guiding parameter in the
composite bridges (avoidance of development of the conceptual design. Le
"overhead" welds), Corbusier sees economic dimensions in
– All external steel components such structural engineering as an important
as posts and supports are fixed in basis for artistic truth: "L'Ingénieur inspiré
the concrete with rust-free screws par la loi d'économie et conduit par le
(never set in concrete), calcul, nous met en accord avec les lois de
– As few dilatation joints as possible l'univers". In this sense, economic
with heavy, well-anchored and efficiency is clearly part of the building
properly drained joint constructions, culture in bridge construction.
– Concrete decking only on
prestressed concrete bridges that are
practically free of cracks, 3.5.1 Costs
– Avoidance of continuous separating
cracks in the roadway slab that The service life of a bridge that has been
cannot be permanently sealed with properly designed and constructed in
the waterproofing, accordance with the current state of
– Robust waterproofing covering knowledge based on the required
system bonded to the structural verifications for structural safety,
concrete for composite bridges, as durability and serviceability and that is
underneath monitored and maintained in accordance
with a well-founded maintenance plan
while remaining in use.
3.5 Cultural requirements 203

is well over 100 years. However, the useful • Comprehensive condition survey
life of the original structure varies greatly, and repair0. 45%
as it is limited either by a conversion due (carried out approx. every 45 years; i.e.
to significant changes in traffic 45 × 0.45 = 20% of the new value at the
requirements or by withdrawal from time of repair; e.g. complete renewal of
service. A basic service life of around 100 waterproofing and surfacing, partial
years is therefore assumed when assessing replacement of bearings, joints and
the costs. During this period, the bridge drainage elements) and surface repairs.
costs are made up of:
Total 0,60%
• Land acquisition and construction
costs, The operating, inspection, maintenance
• operating, inspection and maintenance and repair costs listed apply to beam
costs and bridges that were designed and
• Demolition costs. constructed correctly according to the
current state of knowledge. In the case of
Demolition costs are highly dependent on arch and cantilever bridges, structural
the building material, location and inspection is more extensive and more
demolition method. The demolition of an difficult and the total maintenance costs
overpass, where no consideration has to be are around 50% higher. Cantilever bridges
given to the space under the bridge, only have an approximately 30% greater risk
amounts to a few percent of the new with regard to maintenance and repair in
construction costs. The demolition of a terms of excessive deformation and cable
high, wide-span concrete bridge, on the corrosion in the event of inadequate or
other hand, can be very expensive, defective sealing.
especially if the space under the bridge must Without taking inflation into account,
not be impaired. the maintenance costs of a bridge with a
The following average annual expenses perfect design and execution and a service
can be expected for operating, inspection, life of 100 years are around 60 to 90% of
maintenance and repair costs: the new construction costs, and they are
• Operation and ongoing inspection considerably higher if the necessary
attention was not paid to durability in the
0.10% (performed annually; in % of the
planning and execution.
respective new value of the bridge; e.g.
The construction costs of a bridge are
cleaning of roadway and drainage etc.,
primarily dependent on the structural
deformation control, inspection of
concept. The construction costs cannot be
areas with spray and contact water),
• Condition monitoring and local repairs reduced with calculations that go beyond
the careful verification of the fulfillment
stakes 0,05%
of the functional requirements, i.e.
(carried out approx. every 10 years, i.e.
calculations have little or nothing to do
10 × 0.05 = 0.5% of the new value at the
with cost savings in principle.
time of repair; e.g. repairs to surfacing,
crash barriers, drainage, etc.).
Inspection of bearings and joints, crack
prevention, visible corrosion spots),
204 3 Draft

The construction costs can be broken • Formwork, falsework/assembly and

down into the following main items: concrete + steel (related to
• Construction site facilities, superstructure or total construction
• Substructure, costs)
foundations: Superstructure Total
Pillars and abutments, construction costs
• Superstructure: costs
Shuttering/ 37% 20%
falsework etc.
Falsework, formwork, assembly, Concrete + steel. 63% 34,5%
concrete, • Concrete and steel (in relation to
Reinforcing steel, prestressing superstructure and total construction
steel, mild steel, costs)
• Expansion: Superstructure Total
Bearings, joints, drainage, routing, etc. construction costs
Roadway sealing and surfacing, costs
• Project basics, project, construction Concrete, 18% 10%
management, project review. Steel. 45% 24,5%
The evaluation of the construction costs The summary shows the following cost
of around 20 medium-sized bridges shows structure:
that the costs of the individual items do not • Construction site facilities, 8,0%
vary greatly; the mean values of the cost • Substructure:
structure show the following picture Foundations, 18%
(construction costs without project etc.): Piers and abutments, 5.5%
• Construction site facilities, shell 23.5%
construction, finishing: • Superstructure:
Construction site equipment, 8% Formwork, falsework/assembly, 20%
Concrete, 10%
Steel, 24,5%
Shell 78% • Expansion. 14,0%
• Substructure, 14% Foundations.
Total 76%
construction costs 18%100,0%
superstructure (in
relation to shell or total construction
Shell construction Total
construction costs costs
Substructure, 30% 23%
Superstructure 70% 55%
(For a bridge with spans of 50 m and
pier heights of up to 80 m in difficult
foundation shafts up to 70 m deep, the
substructure costs did not reach more
than 50% of the superstructure costs).
• Foundations and pillars (related to
substructure or total construction costs)
Substructure Total
construction costs
Pillar, 24% 5,5%
3.5 Cultural requirements 205
(without project etc.)

In the case of steel-concrete

composite bridges, the substructure
costs are somewhat lower thanks to the
lower dead load of the bridge (on
average around 20%), but the
superstructure costs are generally
somewhat higher (on average around
Estimating the construction costs
of a standard girder bridge is
important when developing the
design; they are usually close to the
minimum costs, and the costs of the
concept envisaged for aesthetic
reasons must not deviate too far from
this comparative value.
The construction costs of a standard
bridge can be estimated very roughly
on the basis of the usual costs per m2
of bridge area;
206 3 Draft

However, you can also - somewhat more dard bridge provides an approach for
precisely - determine the mass assessing economic efficiency.
expenditure for concrete, reinforcing steel The profitability of a bridge financed as
and prestressing steel for an average span a rate of return object from customs
of lm for the superstructure and polish the revenue, on the other hand, results from
total construction costs from the the comparison of expenses and income
corresponding costs (approx. 45% of the over a certain period of time. In this case,
total construction costs) with the the expenses consist of construction
percentages listed above (and adjusted to interest, capital interest, amortization,
the bridge height and foundation operating, monitoring and maintenance
conditions). costs and possibly demolition costs. The
The average span results from: income essentially consists of the planned
∑ l2 customs
i revenue in the same period.
lm =

and the average girder thickness hm or the 3.5.2 Aesthetics

concrete volume per m2 of bridge area
amounts to lm /h = 16 to 22 for standard In philosophy, aesthetics is associated with
slendernesses: various qualities.
0.45 - with proportions ordered according to
hm ≈ 0.35 +
03 hm and lm in [m] measure and number, with disinterested
pleasure, with expediency in the
The amount of reinforcing steel required organic nature, with enhancement, quality
is in kg/m3 of concrete (no transverse of life, art, etc. Constructive engineering is
prestressing): based on the static balance of acting and
opposing forces, a timeless, universal
ms ≈ 90 + 0.35 - lm phenomenon that determines balanced
and the amount of prestressing steel in harmonious structures from the structure
kg/m3 concrete of atoms to the orbits of celestial bodies.
In a figurative sense, in relation to the
mp ≈ 0.4 - lm human psyche, balance also means
equilibrium of the state of mind, a feeling
The economic viability of a bridge is of well-being. An aesthetic that refers to
determined differently depending on the physiologically determined balance of
whether it is financed as a public forces linked to the minimization of effort
infrastructure structure with taxpayers' thus reflects practically all the qualities
money or as an investment property with described in philosophy, such as
a bridge toll from operation. (mathematical) form relationships
Normally, in the case of financing from (Heraclitus, Polyklet and others),
taxpayers' money, all costs incurred during purposefulness in organic nature (Kant),
a reference service life of 100 years, for quality of life (Santayana), etc. And the
example, are decisive for the assessment of artistic visualization of the balance of
economic viability. These so-called useful forces optimally networked with the
life costs, taking into account the specific environment, the economic dimensions of
local difficulties (building ground, bridge the effort and the state of the art therefore
height, etc.), are compared with the always exerts a great influence.
average local costs of a stand-alone project.
3.5 Cultural requirements 207

has a very special fascination for people. It The system supports should be located at
is an objectified, terministic basis of the topographically characteristic and, if
technically constructive building culture possible, easily accessible locations; e.g. on
and thus differs fundamentally from the the shoulders of slopes, in flat zones, on the
subjectively arbitrary, architecturally land side of shorelines, etc.
artistic building culture. Bridges are or often become
The aesthetic quality of a bridge landmarks, with the building materials
depends, on the one hand, on how the and the load-bearing system taking on
bridge fits into its surroundings and, on symbolic significance. In such cases, it is
the other, on the design of the bridge usually expected that replacements, but
itself. It can basically lie in the appearance also new buildings, will take up the local
of the load-bearing system, in the design bridge-building history and tradition.
of the structural components and details However, this reference must be made in a
and in the ornamentation. modern form, as bridges should at least
reflect the latest state of construction
Bridge and surroundings technology in the existing technological
When integrating the bridge into its environment.
surroundings, spatial and temporal
components must be taken into account. Design of the bridge itself
The spatial components relate to Bridges are technical structures. Their
• the scale of the bridge in relation to the functionality requires system forms that are
landscape and topography, and based on clear scientific principles. The
• the scale and character architectural and artistic freedom of design
of the bridge in relation to the built is therefore very limited and, in
environment. accordance with the clear scientific and
technical principles, some important
The time components relate to design criteria can be defined which must
• the history and tradition of local bridge be taken into account with regard to the
building technology and aesthetic quality of the bridges.
• the current building culture and the
• Visualization of technical efficiency
of (local) construction technology.
– Transparency and slimness.
The load-bearing system and its spans play • Visualization of uniformity and order
an important role in the spatial in the supporting structure through
components. They must provide a logical – Holistic appearance of the load-
response to the landscape and built bearing system,
environment by visualizing economic, – Clear structure of the system,
structural and environmental advantages; – Coherent, uniform typology of
i.e. the load-bearing system should system elements.
correspond to the topography and • Artistic design: Refinement
geotechnical structure of the subsoil, the the raw static form by
spans should be compatible with the – Visualization of the flow of force,
landscape under the bridge deck and with – Clean detailing,
the built environment of the bridge.
208 3 Draft

– Light and shadow effects using Comparison with the analog system with
cross-section profiling, optimized system height should therefore
– Structural ornamentation and always be considered.
– Architectural ornamentation. The transparency of a bridge is
essentially determined by the spans and
Visualization of technical efficiency: The the design of the substructure, in
technical beam slenderness is defined as particular the piers. The construction
the ratio of beam span to beam height. In costs also generally increase progressively
the architectural sense, however, the ratio as the span widths increase. Particularly in
of the visible girder length to the visible the case of wide bridges, the design of the
girder height plays a much more important piers has a significant impact on
role. The visible girder length naturally transparency. As a rule, girders with a
varies from viewer location to viewer single cross-section for the entire width
location. It is therefore important that and therefore a single central pier are
particularly heavily frequented viewer architecturally much more advantageous
locations are included in the assessment of for wide bridges than twin bridges with
slenderness. The visual support height is double piers. Twin bridges do have
also much more important than the technical advantages for extensive
effective, static support height. The design maintenance work on the deck. However,
of the girder cross-section is decisive for in the case of new bridges designed, built
the visual girder height. With a strong, and maintained according to the current
visible bridge edge and a strongly receding state of bridge construction technology,
girder lying in the shade, the visual girder extensive damage to the deck slab no
height can be significantly reduced. If longer needs to be expected. The marginal
heavily frequented viewer locations are structural advantages of repair work
lower than the roadway, attention must therefore do not normally outweigh the
also be paid to the lower girder width (e.g. considerable architectural disadvantages
lower box width). Under certain of reduced transparency on twin bridges.
circumstances, it can appear as part of the
girder height. Visualization of uniformity and
For arches in particular, but also for order
cable bridges, the system height also Uniformity in the appearance of the load-
visualizes an architectural slenderness bearing system visualizes above all a
effect in addition to the cross-sectional holistic, efficient system load-bearing
height of the girder and the arch.The effect, and conversely, a holistic load-
appearance of flat arch bridges with a large bearing effect already provides an
ratio of arch span to arch pier height, for important basis for a uniform appearance.
example, is significantly more stressful Systems with a holistic load-bearing effect
than that of steep arches. However, the are in fact usually much more economical
construction costs usually increase rapidly than load-bearing systems consisting of
with increasing slenderness for flat arches individual, independent parts. For example,
and especially for flat cable bridges, just as chains of simple beams are somewhat
they do for slender girders. The simpler to assemble than continuous
slenderness-related additional costs in the beams; however, they are more economical
in terms of
3.5 Cultural requirements 209

They are significantly less rigid at the nothing needs to be added to the design
same girder height and require more and nothing can be left out. The
construction material, wider support cross arrangement of the cables in inclined cable
girders and many more bearings and bridges is particularly challenging in terms
joints, which are relatively delicate weak of clear structuring. Cable overlaps in
points in terms of durability, making them numerous directions can be extremely
difficult to maintain and susceptible to disruptive and confusing. With a fan-
maintenance. Numerous joints also shaped cable arrangement and relatively
significantly reduce driving comfort. small distances, double cables, for
In the case of arch bridges, the overall example, cause many unsightly overlaps
load-bearing effect, e.g. the stiffening of because the assignment of the double
the arch with the girder, creates a cables can no longer be recognized in the
balanced, uniform appearan ce, angled view. In such cases and with more
especially if the arch, columns and girders than three overlapping cable levels, it is
also have the same cross-sectional shapes. therefore usually advantageous in terms of
In contrast, strong arches with a light aesthetic quality to choose the more
superstructure that is independent of the expensive harp-shaped cable arrangement.
arch and has a different form, which Most architecturally convincing
contributes practically nothing to the bridges are characterized, among other
system rigidity, are usually not convincing things, by a uniform cross-sectional
from an architectural point of view. In typology of the load-bearing elements.
these cases, the girder height in the The basic shape of the load-bearing
approach viaducts is a l s o greater than in elements can be one-dimensional bar-
the arch area, which further increases the shaped or two-dimensional flat, and the
formal heterogeneity of the bridge. characteristics of the cross-sectional shape
Particularly with cable-stayed bridges, the can vary greatly,
coherent design of the pylons with the z. For example, the cross-section can be
piers below often poses considerable flat, compact, slab-beam shaped, etc.
difficulties. In any case, the impression However, a uniform cross-section
that the cable-stayed superstructure is typology for all load-bearing elements is
arbitrarily and incoherently placed on a usually somewhat more expensive than a
substructure of conventional piers should differentiated, cost-optimized cross-
be avoided. The visual uniformity of the section design for the individual load-
system bearing elements.
stems is thus severely impaired. An
important feature in the appearance Artistic design
The key to a clean design is the clear, In most cases, it is possible to refine the raw
orderly arrangement of the design static form without great expense:
elements. In this sense, it is advantageous The most effective way of visualizing
to reduce the number of system elements the flow of force in the load-bearing
to a minimum and to visualize a elements is to vary the cross-section
geometric ordering principle. In any case, dimensions according to the course of the
the impression of an arbitrary structure load in the sense of passive design or to
that could be reduced or changed must control the load in the sense of active
not be created. The observer must get the design by varying the course of the cross-
impression that section dimensions.
210 3.6 Aim of the design work 3 Draft 209

An extremely important part of the The ornamentation on the abutments or

design is the careful detailing, which outside the bridge and the lighting of the
ranges from the fitting of the end bridge itself are clearly outside the
abutments to the shaping of the bridge technical and artistic realm and therefore
edge and the design of the lighting cannot be qualified by rational design
fixtures. In principle, the detail design criteria. This type of ornamentation is
should be simple, clear and functional; very delicate on modern bridges; it should
there should be no embellishment of the be used with restraint and only in
structure with unnecessary details such as collaboration with an architect or artist.
z. Baroque pillar capitals, for example, Measurable design criteria are
should be avoided. extremely useful in design work, and it is
Profiling can be used to interrupt or worthwhile carefully checking a design in
structure relatively large, dominant relation to these design criteria. Finally,
concrete surfaces with light and shadow however, the design of a sophisticated
effects. The profiling can consist of one or bridge should always be reviewed as a
a few strong notches or a weak, full-surface whole; in terms of the integration of the
profiling. In the case of concentrated bridge into the landscape with some
notches, the depth of the notch must be in computer-generated photo montages
proportion to the dimensions of the from the most frequented viewpoints and
profiled component so that the shadow from the perspective of the bridge user,
area can be recognized even in diffuse and in terms of the design of the bridge
light and the scale of the shadow width to itself with a relatively large physical model,
the overall width is maintained. Relatively which is always significantly more
weak profiles covering the entire surface meaningful than two-dimensional images.
are comparable to a reinforcement of the
formwork pattern; they can emphasize the
load-bearing direction of a load-bearing 3.6 Aim of the design work
element or convey differences in weight
on large concrete surfaces. The largely standardized, functional
Structural ornamentation refers to load- requirements regarding load-bearing
bearing systems with an unnecessarily safety, serviceability and durability must
extensive spatial design or with a always be fulfilled in accordance with the
deliberately complicated flow of forces; recognized rules of building science. This
system parts that visualize a fictitious is possible with any number of solutions
stress state or load-bearing elements with and requires almost only "craftsmanship".
a cross-sectional course that is not related The real art of construction lies in
to the stress. All of these systems, system developing solutions that exhibit the
components and load-bearing elements can highest degree of non-standardizable
be architecturally pleasing and economic and aesthetic quality. This
invigorating; however, they always lack requires not only entrepreneurial
structural efficiency and are therefore experience in construction technology
often considerably more expensive than and cost calculation on the one hand and
structurally optimized and formally an architectural sense of form on the
reduced systems and load-bearing other, but above all innovative
elements. imagination and creativity.
Architectural ornamentation on or
with non-load-bearing elements,
210 3 Draft

Design goal manual creative
according to artistic

Load safety Suitability for

Durability Costs

Figure 3-1 Design objectives

It is not possible to find absolutely ideal 3.7 Considerations when

solutions that simultaneously offer conceptual design
maximum economic efficiency and
aesthetic quality. The aim of the design The development of a conceptual design,
work, the true art of construction, is which should come as close as possible to
therefore to come as close as possible to the ideal solution (minimum costs with
the ideal solution and to weigh up optimum appearance), must be based on
economic efficiency and aesthetics against technical principles, as the costs can only
each other from a subjective point of view be kept low with constructive and
with regard to the exposure of the bridge structural measures. It is also much easier
site, the significance of the bridge in its to formally refine and optimize a
surroundings and the size of the bridge. functional, constructively flawless
The additional costs for increased concept, which is usually visually
aesthetic quality must be kept within a convincing in itself, than to try to
relatively narrow range, as a solution that harmonize an arbitrary, usually
has been perfectly developed from the uneconomical, architectural idea with the
site-specific boundary conditions already technical constraints and reduce the costs
has a considerable aesthetic quality. In the in further processing. In most cases,
case of large bridges, the additional costs "architectural" solutions do not succeed in
should not exceed 3 to 5% even with the reducing costs without conceptual
most demanding site exposure, and no changes.
more than 15% for medium-sized bridges. In other words, you stick with the
If these limits are exceeded, the architecturally arbitrary, uneconomical
conceptual design is obviously unsuitable solution or you start with a new concept.
and should be abandoned. For small The Salginatobel Bridge by R. Maillart
bridges such as pedestrian footbridges, the is a typical and excellent example of a
additional costs compared to the most bridge developed on a purely technical-
economical solution may be 100% or constructive basis that comes very close to
more, and for bridges that are primarily of the ideal solution in terms of cost and
sculptural significance or serve as appearance:
landmarks for an exhibition, cost limits When designing the route alignment of
do not make sense. the road, great importance was obviously
attached to a geographically suitable
location for the breweries.
3.7 Considerations in the conceptual design 211

This was very advantageous because the

falsework only had to be dimensioned for
the thin arched slab; the weight of the side
walls as well as that of the columns and
the deck girder could then be taken over
together with the falsework by the
components already supporting them.
The flat arch over the deep ravine
visualizes high technical efficiency, and
the arch shape clearly shows the force
progression. The arch and access section
form a monolithic unit in terms of the
secondary spans, the cross-sectional shape
and the cross-sectional dimensions.
Maillart's rough concept for the
Salginatoel Bridge was without doubt one
of the most economical solutions
imaginable, and in refining the form he
limited himself to three structural
elements, which were
artistically and not in terms of costs.
Figure 3-2 Salginatobel bridge by Robert Mail the most important sense. However, the
lart corresponding additional costs were very
modest; they certainly amounted to less
cke was laid. An arch bridge was the most than 1% of the total bridge costs:
suitable solution for crossing the 80 m Instead of a simple iron railing,
deep gorge, both economically and Maillart chose a continuous concrete
aesthetically. The abutments of the 90 m parapet. On the one hand, this parapet
wide arch are only 13 m below the forms a unit with the flat arch ribs and, on
roadway, but are very favorable in terms the other hand, connects the approach
of topography and construction: on the and arch area into a single unit. The
right side of the valley, the arch abutment concrete parapet also has the advantage of
is located on a prominent shoulder of increasing physical and psychological
land; on the left side of the valley, it is safety on the narrow, often snow-covered
relatively easy to reach from above in the roadway of the high bridge. In terms of
steep rock face due to the shallow depth the supports, wall-like slabs or
below the roadway. The very flat arch, disintegrated supports would have been
with an arrow ratio of 1 : 7, was designed somewhat cheaper than the I-section
as a three-hinged arch and has an open supports chosen by Maillart. But here, too,
plate girder cross-section at the top. This Maillart preferred the slightly more
cross-section can be adapted very well to expensive, same cross-sectional form as
the stress curve: The side walls are largest for the arch and roadway girders in the
in the quarter of the span, at the maximum interests of a uniform cross-sectional
of the bending moments, and are typology. The third construction element,
connected to the deck girder here. The refined in terms of design, are the arched
plate girder cross-section is also transoms. To visualize the spatial plasticity
structurally of the structure and the transverse
stability of the narrow bridge, Maillart used
212 3 Draft

Maillart extended the base of the fighter's

supports and the width of the bow plate
for the bow fighters.
The design work usually begins with the
choice of the general load-bearing system,
which in principle can have the character of
a beam, arch or cable bridge and is not tied
to a specific building material.
Beam bridges are generally cheaper but
also less expressive than arch or cable
bridges and they are suitable for almost all
technical boundary conditions. Curved
route alignments, laterally adjoining
ramps and complicated topographical or
geotechnical conditions do not cause any
fundamental difficulties. However, for
spans over approx. 200 m, beam bridges
increasingly make a somewhat massive,
cumbersome impression, and the cost of
the bridge can be very high.
Fig. 3-3 Salginatobel bridge, oblique view

13) Arched supporting structure;

Figure 3-4 System mutations horizontal shear from dead load
balanced with or without horizontal
1) Three-span beam with constant overall shear with live load
height 14) Classic arch bridge
2) Cove support with variations with variations regarding arch system, arch
regarding the cove course shape, arch structure, stiffness ratio between
3) Three-span girder on supports with V- arch and beam
head and tension strap 15) Arch bridge with roadway partially
Strong reduction in column moments underneath
from dead load: "no" restraints in the 16) Curves with bottom track on cantilever
columns systems
4) Three-span girder on V-supports with 17) Classic arch with bottom track with
tension strap variations in terms of suspension system,
5) VStielFrame stiffness ratio between arch and beam
Constraints with beam shortening 18) Understressed beam with variations in
6) Classic V-stem bridge without understress stiffness and support
abutment 19) Self-anchored suspension bridge
7) Blasting structure; horizontal thrust on 20) Classic suspension bridge
subsoil 21) Cable-stayed bridge
8) Cove frame with vertical supports; with variations in the pylon design and
horizontal shear insignificant cable arrangement
9) Continuous beams with constant overall 22) Fish belly beam; trough cross-section
height mounted on the supports as 23) Classic three-span carrier
10) Classic three-span carrier
11) Cove carrier
12) Curved cantilever with sliding joint at the
apex no horizontal shear
3.7 Considerations in the conceptual design
1) 10) 19)

2) 11) 20)

3) Supports movable in the beam 12) "Displacement joint" in the apex; 21)
or immovably clamped "arch" on poor subsoil

4) 13) System with or without 22)

horizontal shear from live load

5) Systems with or without 14) Sliding or non-sliding arch 23)

Horizontal thrust system

6) 15)

7) System movable or 16)

Arch supported on cantilevers as a
immovable "simple beam".
Systems without horizontal thrust on
foundation soil

9) 18)


Figure 3-4 System mutations

214 3 Draft

increase more rapidly with increasing The elegance of a cable-stayed bridge can
span width than with other load-bearing justify significantly higher costs, especially
systems. as the cables, well-designed pylons and
Arch bridges with an overhead carefully controlled structural dynamics
roadway are particularly useful when only can give pedestrians a very special bridge
a single span is required to bridge a deep experience. Curvatures in the alignment
cut or a shipping opening, while small have a complicating effect on both cable
spans are sufficient for the approach bridges and arch bridges. Topography and
viaducts to the arch area. If the roadway is geology, on the other hand, have hardly
at a suitable height, rows of arches are well any influence on the suitability of these
suited for crossing wide waterways. For structures.
arches with an overhead roadway, it must There are countless transitional forms
be carefully clarified from the outset how between the standard systems for beams,
the horizontal thrust of the arch can be arches and cable bridges. Figure 34 shows
absorbed, whether the arch apex can be some mutations derived from a three-span
partially or completely blocked in the girder. Of course, the span ratios, the
horizontal direction and how the arch can slenderness of the structure and the cross-
be constructed most economically. Arches sectional shape can be varied for all
with a roadway at the bottom are well systems.
suited if the construction height under the Apart from serial bridges such as
roadway is limited. As the horizontal thrust overpasses and underpasses, the technical
of the arch can be absorbed by the boundary conditions as well as the site
roadway, they can be used as a exposure are different for all bridges. This
"closed" systems can often be installed differentiation of the site-specific design
cost-effectively by means of shifting basis can be taken into account in the
maneuvers. conceptual design in just the same
Thanks to skillful construction differentiated way.
technology, arch bridges can still be quite In addition to system differentiation,
economical even with spans of 300 to 400 the choice of building material, which is
m. closely linked to the design of the system,
However, as the ratio of arch span to and the type of prestressing technology
curve radius of the roadway increases, also play an important role in structural
arched structures become less and less optimization.
suitable, if at all. There is no point in In principle, the most suitable building
forcing arch bridges into tight bends at material can be used for each component;
great expense; cambered girders designed however, corresponding cost savings and
as frames are much better suited for this any architectural disadvantages in terms
purpose in terms of construction and of visual uniformity must be weighed
design. against each other.
Cable bridges open up spans that can no The prestressing technique should also
longer be reached with beams and arched be used not only in standard forms but
structures. For medium and small spans, across the entire range; i.e. from the
cable bridges are generally more expensive addition of slack reinforcement
than beams and arch bridges. However, z. e.g. in case of space problems up to full
they are often more expressive and, pre-tension, any mixture of internal and
particularly in the case of pedestrian external pre-tension, any mixture of pre-
bridges, their lightness and tension with or without bond and any
mixture of
3.7 Considerations in the conceptual design 215

Prestressing bed pre-tensioning and pre- The suitability of the load-bearing system
tensioning of the hardened concrete. must be guaranteed; only secondarily can
The construction process must be costs and aesthetic quality be weighed
included in the design process. The against each other, taking into account the
manufacturing technique has a major site exposure. System optimization is
impact on construction costs; however, it carried out with measures that a r e
may also be important for the structural suitable for meeting the technical
form. The basic principles of rational boundary conditions with the least
production technology are that completed possible effort. Because clever measures
components are integrated into the can often fulfill several technical
subsequent construction process as requirements efficiently and in a formally
quickly as possible and that the same work convincing way, this often results in
processes are repeated in cycles with the extraordinarily original and visually
corresponding learning effect. fascinating structural forms, especially for
For low bridges, construction on bridges with numerous, complicated
scaffolding is usually the most boundary conditions.
economical. For high bridges, the The actual refinement of the form and
construction must be independent of the the design of the details only begins in the
ground. This is possible with all standard final phase of the design, and especially in
systems. Shifting techniques such as this phase, a careful balance must always
forward shifting, lateral shifting or be struck between advantageous artistic
turning in entire bridge segments are also design and additional construction costs
often of interest. with regard to the location. With this
The choice of the general structural approach, the costs always remain under
form is based on technical and control.
architectural considerations: During the
evaluation, the first priority must be the
216 3 Draft

3.8 Selected bridges

3.8.1 Sunniberg Bridge, Switzerland


project owner:
Cantonal Building Authority, Graubünden with
architectural advice from A. Deplazes,
Dipl.Arch.ETH, Chur

Concept, design:
C. Menn, Prof. em. ETH, Chur

Bänziger + Köppel + Brändli +Partner, Chur

Vetsch, Klosters, Preiswerk +Cie
AG, bridge construction, Siebnen
Construction time:

The Sunniberg Bridge is in an exposed The bridge is located in a graphically and

location. Approximately 1 km below the structurally favorable pier location and
world-famous vacation resort of Klosters, does not require extraordinary measures to
the 525 m long, curved bridge crosses the cope with the bridge curvature of 500 m
largely untouched valley at a height of 60 radius. In order to achieve the slimmest
meters. Therefore, an emblematic, modern possible girder, the bending moments from
structure was desired, which was not the traffic load had to be transferred
allowed to appear to be a valley slab and directly into the piers; they were decisive
should therefore have a high degree of for the cross-sectional dimensions at the
transparency with the slimmest possible pier head. For architectural reasons,
girder. A conventional cantilever bridge, pylons on high piers should be as low as
which would have been the most possible; however, the corresponding
economical option here, could not meet additional expense for the stay cables is
these formal requirements. A concept for largely compensated for in the present
a curved cable-stayed bridge was therefore support system due to the strong pylon
drawn up, which had additional costs of bending in the longitudinal and transverse
approx. 15 %, but which could be justified direction with short pylons. The minimum
in view of the special bridge location. pylon height results from the permissible
The five-span load-bearing system with girder deflections, which can be
four pylons has three main spans of 128 to significantly reduced by fixing the curved
140 meters. The size of the spans bridge longitudinally and eliminating the
corresponds to the bridge height and the dilatation joints at the abutments. The
scale of the landscape, resulting in topo downwardly tapered pier shape visualizes
the bending stress on the one hand and on
the other hand conveys
3.8 Selected bridges 217

the impression that the pylons grow The same cross-sectional typology is also
naturally out of the forest. The transverse used for the maximum span to absorb the
spread of the pylons prevents the cables high longitudinal compressive forces. Piers,
from encroaching on the clearance limits of columns and beams have the same cross-
the road. The slab thickness of the girder is section typology with a flat slab beam
designed for the transverse bearing cross-section, thus emphasizing the
direction, but is sufficient with a small uniformity and integrity of the monolithic
reinforcement. load-bearing system.
218 3 Draft

3.8.2 Pedestrian bridge Kelheim, Germany


Design, structural engineers and

construction: Schlaich Bergermann und
Partner Beratende Ingenieure im Bauwesen
Design advice:
Prof. K. Ackermann and Partner, Munich
Joint venture for the Kelheim through
road, Bilfinger + Berger Bau AG,
Munich Stanglmeier / Luitpold
Hoch und Tiebau GmbH, Regensburg
project owner:
RheinMainDonau AG, Munich Danube Friedrich Maurer Söhne, Munich
Development Office Regensburg Pfeifer rope and lifting technology, Memmingen
Construction time:

Two considerations were decisive for this steel tube masts (d = 660 mm) and
design: anchored in the abutments. This special
suspension in conjunction with the
– to respond to the technology-oriented
geometric and static specifications for
shipping route of the Main-Danube
ramps and arches (length, cross-section,
Canal with a technically clean solution
bearing conditions, choice of internal and
that is as light as possible
external prestressing) result in an almost
– Ramps should be arranged in a straight
torsion moment-free load trasnfer of the
line along the canal banks to save
permanent loads, as is known from the
vertically loaded circular ring girder
A suspended walkway slab was an obvious continuously supported at the inner edge.
choice because it requires a minimum In addition to the static load cases,
construction height and therefore does not extensive dynamic investigations are also
unnecessarily extend the ramps. A required for light, long-span pedestrian
suspension bridge was chosen because it is bridges. It was found that no vibrations
naturally more attractive than a cable- caused by pedestrians or wind are to be
stayed bridge. expected for the Kelheim pedestrian
The realization of a harmonious bridge.
pedestrian and force flow together with Function, form, load transfer behavior
the shipping profile to be kept clear led to and choice of materials form a unit in this
the superstructure girder, which is bridge.
continuously curved in the ground and
elevation and is suspended on one side
from a cable support structure. The
hangers (ds = 30 mm) attached to the
inside of the arch are clamped to a fully
locked suspension cable (ds = 90 mm).
This is connected via two inclined
3.8 Selected bridges 219
220 3 Draft

3.8.3 Osormort Viaduct, Spain


GISA. Gestió d'Infraestructures, S.A.
Empresa Pública de la Generalitat de
JordiJoan Rosell i Silvas
Javier Manterola Armisén, Leonardo Fernández
Troyano, Amando López Padilla, Antonio
Martínez Cutillas
AGROMAN - Modesto Fraile
Construction period:

The Osormort viaduct lies on the Sant situation between an exterior prestressing
Juliá - Osormort stretch of the Eix and a cablestayed system gives this deck
Transversal in Barcelona. It is 504 m long, type great advantages and possibilities for
has the plan radius of 1550 m and its a wide range of mediumlength spans due
maximum height over the ground to following reasons:
amounts to 30 m. The carriageway has the • Unlike in the cablestayed bridge, the
total width of 12 m between the railings' upper carriageway is not used to arrange
inside edges. the towers in which cables are lodged.
After having studied various solutions The fact that the bridge hangs in its lower
we chose a continuous viaduct 504 m long part eliminates the need to widen the
made of eleven, 40 m long spans and two deck. The support is self-balanced and
end spans of a 32 m length. There are differ compresses the deck at the same time.
ent types of concrete decks built in situ • As compared with the technique of exte
that fit this range of spans and rior prestressing, this system is much
construction sys tem. After a series of more effective due to a greater stay
considerations the de cision was made to cable inclination.
use a continuous deck, cablestayed in the • Although it takes advantage of the mor
lower part, given its ad equacy phology of the stay cable in a cable
considering the strength and eco nomic stayed bridge, it does not have its incon
reasons as well as for its visual effect. This veniences since oscillation amplitudes of
type of lower cablestaying is new in their stresses are much smaller and there
continuous decks made of prestressed con fore their dimensions are not
crete. The lower cablestaying creates an conditioned by fatigue criteria.
intermediate support in the deck by • Due to the fact of the bending moments
means of a triangular metallic cell. This in the deck can be greatly reduced, the
support is elastic and its flexibility slenderness values that can be achieved
depends on the relative stiffnesses between are important. This makes possible the
the deck and the stay system. The more
flexible the deck, the more efficient the
system. This intermediate
3.8 Selected bridges 221

32 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 32



110 44 110




construction of viaducts of different construction is carried out in the same

shape configurations. way as in a continuous deck. It can be
• The stay cables can be replaced without done span by span by means of a scaf
having to cut the traffic. To this folding truss where the stay cable is load
purpose an additional tube was placed, ed at the same time and in a similar
both in the central deviator and in the way as the rest of the prestressing
pier. The cables.
222 3 Draft

3.8.4 Sacramento river trail pedestrian bridge, USA


City of Redding, CaliforniaFred Mathis, Project
Concept, Design:
Charles Redfield, Consulting Engineer Mill
Valley, California
Dr. Jiri Strasky, Design Consultant Brno, The
Czech Republic/Mill Valley, California
Shasta Constructors Inc., Redding, California
Construction period:

The Sacramento river trail and connecting tance of 4.20 m at each end abutment,
bridge form part of the City of Redding's where the deck is haunched to 91 cm, the
park system. This area of the park lies to deck has a constant depth of only 38 cm.
the northwest of the city on both sides of This arrangement corresponds to the
the river extending 4 km upstream to static behavior of the prestressed concrete
Keswick Dam. The new bridge located at band. By keeping the abutments at the
this junc ture provides a link between the same ele vation and a minimal drape in
previously separated trails lying just above the center, the slope at the ends is held to
the rocky areas on each side of the river. an acceptable 9 %. Considerable
Because of the dam's presence, the prestressing material in the superstructure
riverbanks directly downstream have (236 strands of 13 mm dia.), and large
extensive rock outcrop ping which rock anchors composed of 16 × 27 dia. 13
dramatically add to the beauty of the mm strands embedded deeply into the
basin. To preserve this natural terrain and hillside at both ends, are required to form
to mitigate adverse hydraulic condi tions, this shallow drape. Bridge vibration
it was important to avoid founding any studies were carefully considered in the
piers in the river basin. design for a wide range of pace
The bridge is formed by a stressedrib frequencies, including jogging and the
bon of prestressed concrete over a span of remote possibility of vandals attempt ing
127.41 m and fixed at both end to physically excite the bridge. Because the
abutments. The deck width between bridge is an extremely shallow band with a
railings is 3.04 m while the total width of long span over a channelized valley, an
the structure is aeroelastic study was deemed necessary to
3.96 m. During the service of the bridge check the stability under dynamic wind
the sag at mid span varies from 3.35 m loads.
(time 0 with maximum temperature and Construction of the superstructure con
full live load) to 2.71 m (time infinity with sisted of lifting the previously cast
mini mum temperature). Since the bridge segments onto the bearing cables and
is used by bicyclists the height of the sliding them into their final position. This
railing is set by code at 1.37 m. Apart was accom
from a dis
3.8 Selected bridges 223

plished in two working days. Placement of A successful test was conducted on the
additional cables directly over the bearing completed bridge with 24 vehicles spaced
cables within two troughs, casting them in over the whole length of the structure. In
place and further stressing provided the conclusion, a light bridge of a stressedrib
required stiffness for the bridge. Due to bon design with a single span and no
the unusual type of structure and its first joints presented an elegant solution, with a
use in the United States, it was considered simple erection and no necessary
prudent to load test the bridge and verify construction within the river basin.
the struc tural behavior with the design
224 3 Draft

3.8.5 Puente de la Barqueta, Spain


project owner:
Sociedad Estatal para la Exposición Universal
de Sevilla
Seville, Spain
Concept, design and project: Prof.
Dr. Ing. Juan J. Arenas de Pablo
Prof. Dr. Ing. Marcos J. Pantaleón
Santander, Spain
Construction time:

The Barqueta Bridge was built as an of the arch can carry practically all of the
entrance to the exhibition grounds of the non-symmetrical payloads. The span over
Expo '92 world exhibition in Seville and the Guadalquivir is 168 m, with the crown
has become the actual symbol of this of the arch 27.75 m above the roadway.
exhibition as well as a landmark of Seville. The entire bridge stands on four vertical
The conditions of the competition, from bearings, which are 30 m apart in the
which the completed project emerged, transverse direction. The arrangement of
specified a maximum girder height of 3 m the portal frames prevents the roadway
in the middle of the field and a minimum from being laid at the ends of the bridge by
span of 165 m (no river piers). In the arched transoms; on the other hand,
addition, a short construction time was to this creates real entrance gates to the
be aimed for and the poor subsoil did not exhibition. In addition, the buckling
allow any horizontal bearing reactions. stability of the arch in the transverse
The steel bridge is the result of the efforts direction is significantly increased. The
to fulfill these requirements with an arch and portal frame have 300 mm deep
elegant and carefully designed structure in longitudinal notches on all four sides,
keeping with its function. which emphasize the central axis of these
The bridge's load-bearing system elements and increase the visual
essentially consists of an arch located slenderness, but at the same time also
above the roadway in the bridge's center serve to stiffen the profiled sheets. The
plane, which is supported at a distance of roadway girder has a height of 2.40 m and
30 m from the bearing axis by two a width of 16 m, with the possibility of
triangular portal frames that take over the widening to 21 m in the future. Its cross-
arch inclination. The carriageway girder section consists of a trapezoidal steel box
serves as a tension band for the arch and, with an orthotropic roadway, spaced at
due to its great slenderness, takes over the 4.25 m arranged cross frame and
3.8 Selected bridges 225

a centric spatial truss, which serves to The points at which the arch and portal
transfer the hanger forces. The hangers frame converge play a central role within
are located in the center plane of the the supporting structure. The flow of
bridge, support the deck girder at 8.50 m forces is ensured by connecting plates
intervals and are connected to the arch at between the respective analogous side
6.75 m intervals. Their longitudinal surfaces of the arch and the struts of the
inclination is therefore variable, which portal frame. The load-bearing effect can
emphasizes the center of the bridge and at be seen from the outside, resulting in an
the same time optimizes the support of the expressive, uniform appearance.
deck girder in the area of the portal
frames. The Kno
226 3 Draft

3.8.6 Falkenstein Bridge, Austria


project owner:
Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), Vienna General
Planning and project:
Dipl.Ing. Franz Aigner, Graz
Beyer & Co, Graz
Construction time:

Around 1965, work began on converting The geometric coordination of the two
the single-track Tauern Railway (Salzburg- arches posed a design problem. The
Villach), built between 1901 and 1909, into roadway support structure has a constant
a modern high-capacity line for double- longitudinal gradient of 27.619‰. The
track operation and higher running speeds. arrow ratio f/L for both arches is 1/3.26.
Due to the topography (wide valley with The connecting line of the four arch
numerous transverse valleys), the intended transoms is straight, but does not run
elongated line layout made it necessary to parallel to the roadway support structure.
create wide valley crossings. Instead of the The two ratios hApex /L and hApex /hCombatant
originally planned steel bridges, concrete are the same for both arches, as are the
arch bridges were ultimately built, not least heights of the two arches and the distances
for economic reasons. The Falkenstein between the supports above the arches.
Bridge described here, a bridge with two Thanks to these simple geometric
arches (spans: 150 and 120 m), is one of the analogies, the two arches are perceived as
structures from a "bridge family" consisting an inseparable unit, which is reinforced by
of six arch bridges. For all of these bridges, the old Falkenstein Castle.
emphasis was placed on creating As far as possible, all structural
structures that harmonize as well as elements were connected monolithically.
possible with the landscape and do not The crowns of the arches act as fixed points
impose themselves on the viewer. This of the overall system, with roadway
was a requirement that was perfectly met transitions arranged at the ends of the
by the arch. Concrete arch bridges of this bridge and above the separating pillar. The
type are such robust systems that they are arches have two cellular box cross-
fully capable of meeting today's sections. They are clamped to the
serviceability requirements. transoms. These have a flat foundation.
Due to its special shape, the double The roadway support structure runs
moat could only be bridged by two arches. seamlessly between the roadway
A special transitions. In the arch areas, a four-span
transverse slab beam was installed.
3.8 Selected bridges 227

In the foreland areas, this had to be The arches were scaffolded with self-
supplemented to a three-cell box cross- supporting falsework from the Cruciani
section due to the significantly larger system. Due to the step-by-step
spans. The supporting structure and construction of the arch cross-section and
arches are not fused together. Two-cell the consistent utilization of the bonding
box cross-sections were chosen for the effect between the falsework and the
slender supports. All columns are rigidly already hardened concrete parts, the
connected to the supporting structure and falsework could be dimensioned very
the arches or foundation bodies. The economically. The construction time for
foundations of the foreshore supports had the bridge was approx. 20 months.
to be based on wells.
228 3 Draft

3.8.7 Le Pont de Brotonne, France


Maître d'Ouvrage:
Direction Départementale de l'Equipement de
Seine Maritime

Conception et Exécution:
Entreprise Campenon

Achevé en:

Le Pont de Brotonne is located on the The axial suspension of the structure is

Seine, 35 km from Rouen, in Caudebec in realized by means of 21 semi-bent hubs,
Caux. Built in 1977, it was the first anchored at the two extremities in the
concrete bridge with multiple divided table at the point of the internal
spans and for several years it was the triangulation, and deployed at the base of
world's first bridge of this type with a the two pylons by means of fixed-point
central span of 320 meters. It does not support plates. At the traverse of the
contain any piles in the river and has a pylons a double gainage is provided to
gabarit under a 50-meter-high table to allow the replacement of the hoods if
facilitate the navigation of ships at high necessary. The anchors of the lifting lugs
speed between Le Havre and Rouen. in the tray are spaced at 6 m.
The tunnel is continuous over its entire The hoods are made up of pre-
length with the exception of a joint de contracted cables containing 39 to 60
dilatation disposed in a cantilever between torons protected inside by metal tubes
the main tunnel and the access road on the injected into the cement body. Hydraulic
left. The lengths of the main tunnel are amortizers are installed at the front edge
respectively 143.5 m - 320 m - 143.5 m of the lifting gear's attachment to the tray
and the current lengths of the access to prevent vibration.
viaducts are equal to 58.5 m. Les pylônes verticaux, en béton armé,
The tray, with a constant height of 3.8 sont encastrés dans le tablier qu'ils sur
m, is made of a monocellular concrete plombent de 70 m.
pre-contracted tubular pipe, with two The main piles, also made of reinforced
inclined ends, supported by an internal concrete, are based on columns with a
triangulation that allows the concentrated diameter of 12.5 m and a depth of 35 m in
efforts of the lifting system to be the limestone.
recovered. Its length is equal to 19.2 m. It The tray was constructed by successive
is elastically attached to the main piles by encasements using 3-meter-long concrete
means of an intermédiaire d'appareils voussoirs placed inside mobile equipment,
d'appui en néoprène and simply rests on with the dimensions included being
the other piles and culées. prefabricated.
3.8 Selected bridges 229
230 3 Draft

3.8.8 Danube Canal Bridge in Vienna, Austria


project owner:
Federal Ministry of Buildings and
Technology/City of Vienna, Municipal
Department 29
Design and detailed planning:
Ingenieurbüro A. Pauser, Vienna
Consortium A. Porr AG - Auteried & Co,
Construction time:

On the outskirts of Vienna, the two-lane Longitudinal displacement of internal

directional roadway of the airport formwork to supplement the roadway
highway leading towards the city crosses slab.
the Danube Canal at an angle of 45°. Strict After applying partial pre-tensioning in
boundary conditions forced the design of the girder, installing the cables and
a parallel chord supporting structure with partially pre-tensioning them, the first step
a slenderness of l/h = 42. The provision of was to screw in the right-bank half of the
symmetrical, single-strand bracing was supporting structure. The processes
therefore an obvious choice. described were then repeated on the
The supporting structure is prestressed opposite bank of the canal. The structural
in the longitudinal direction - and also in measures for the twisting had to take into
the transverse direction in the area of the account the extremely limited load
pylon and bracing cross girders. The transfer area. It was obvious to make use
tensioning consists of locked cables with a of the principle of the well-known sand
diameter of 72 mm, which form a strand pot. The assembly slewing bearing with a
in groups of 8, which is guided over a cast diameter of 1.6 m (elastomer/PTFE
steel cable saddle at the pylon head. washer in the sliding pairing with a
Restrictions due to the need to maintain polished steel plate on a sand-mounted
navigation led to the idea of constructing concrete ram) not only had to bear a load
the two halves of the bridge along the of 40 MN when the quartz sand was loaded
banks and turning them into place. The with 2 kN/ cm2 , but also had to enable the
bank strip, which was only available in a lowering (by partial suction of the sand)
width of around 5 m, was used to onto a subsequently pushed, closely
construct a central in-situ concrete box. spaced pair of bearings. With an initial
The laterally cantilevered and back- force of only 150 kN, screwing in one half
suspended prefabricated slabs also served of the supporting structure took barely 3
to support and stabilize the bridge. hours. The use of a bearing that was very
advantageous for the given
3.8 Selected bridges 231

2,80 + 0,24

23 m
55 m 119 m 55 m

5,4 ,90
4 5 AL
5,4 AN
Temporary pivot bearing AUK

End piece

shunting track

laterally exhibited precast pl.

In-situ concrete cell on

1m scaffolding

1,10 15,30 1,10 2,15

Rotary axis


Transverse preload

2,80 Neoprene

PTFE plate

4,90 Steel plate

Suspension Concrete
Quartz sand

4,20 2,20

This was a modification of the The final step is the connection, threading
incremental launching method according of the continuity cables and the final
to Leonhardt/Baur. After both halves of tensioning work.
the supporting structure were in their
final position, the footing was
232 3 Draft

3.8.9 Mangfall Bridge, Germany


project owner:
Autobahndirektion Südbayern
U. Finsterwalder,
Architectural consulting G. Lohmer
Dyckerhoff & Widmann, NDL Munich
Construction time:

The highway bridge over the Mangfall also reinforces the impression of the
valley on the Munich - Salzburg route was slenderness of the construction.
first built in 1934-36 as a three-span steel Finsterwalder's architectural advisor was
solid-wall girder, destroyed in 1945 when Gerd Lohmer.
the western (Munich) pier was blown up, The floor slab is interrupted by
rebuilt in 1946-49 as a temporary steel elliptical openings in the middle areas of
bridge (SKR steel truss construction) and the three bays.
rebuilt in 1957-59, as described below, as a The forces of the filler bars increase
prestressed concrete truss bridge with a towards the supports in line with the
free cantilever according to the design by shear force curve. In order to adapt the
Ulrich Finsterwalder using the old piers cross-sections of the filler bars to the bar
and abutments. The temporary bridge was forces and thus avoid unnecessary
moved sideways onto auxiliary piers for dimensions and dead weights, the widths
this purpose. of the filler bars - measured in the
The choice of a truss construction transverse direction of the bridge - also
made it possible to accommodate a foot increase towards the supports. However,
and cycle path on the lower deck of the the visible surfaces of the two truss girders
parallelepiped girder with magnificent are flat.
views of the beautiful, 60 m deep Mang fall The bridge was built using the Dywidag
valley. tensioning method with tensioning rods
The filling bars of the parallel chord from
truss are crossed diagonals and verticals 26 mm diameter made of SigmaStahl
with a constant thickness in the view, so 80/105 pre-stressed.
that the three-span truss of L = 90 + 108 + In the case of the free cantilever, the 6 m
90 = 288 m length and 6 m height appears long cantilever sections were concreted
as a completely uniform, aesthetically very and prestressed in two parts, with the first
appealing band. The uniformity of this part (lower chord, lower half of the rising
band diagonal and entire falling diagonal)
already participating in the transfer of the
fresh concrete load of the second part
(upper half of the rising diagonal, vertical,
upper chord with roadway slab).
3.8 Selected bridges 233

The bridge was cantilevered - from the to 6 lanes plus hard shoulder also required
Munich abutment - in one direction to the the Mangfall Bridge to be widened. For
Salzburg abutment, where it was necessary this purpose, a second superstructure was
to temporarily install intermediate built next to the existing one from 1977 to
supports, which were removed again once 1979 and, after the traffic was rerouted, the
construction was complete. 4 pairs of truss bridge was rebuilt from 1980 to
intermediate supports were required in 1981. On this occasion, the condition of
the first span, 3 pairs of intermediate the structure was also examined in detail
supports in the second half of the middle and found to be almost free of defects. In
span and 2 pairs of intermediate supports addition, the bridge was adapted to a new
in the second half of the end span. layout of the lanes with increased loads
The widening of the federal highway without reinforcement measures.
between Munich and the Inntal triangle
234 3 Draft

3.8.10 The Normandy Bridge, France


Concept, Design:
Michel VIRLOGEUX (SETRA at the time),
Charles LAVIGNE (Vanves)
Chambre of Commerce et d'Industrie du Havre
Campenon Bernard, Bouygues, SOGEA, GTM,
Project Manager: Dumez, Spie Batignolles, Quillery
(Direction Départementale de l'Equipement de Construction period:
Seine Maritime) 1989-1995

When the construction of the Normandie sion was made to cross the estuary
Bridge was considered for the first time as without any pier in the river.
early as 1973-1979, this took place within The final design was developed from
the scope of a local project as an 1986-1988 and though the longest cable-
alternative route to Paris - since the le stayed span at the time was only 465
Havre region and harbor could not be meters (Alex Frazer Bridge, Canada), it
totally dependent on the Tancarville was de- cided to prefer a cable-stayed
Bridge - and as a new link with western bridge to a suspension bridge for
France. But before being built it was economical reasons but also to avoid large
integrated as a key element of the A 29 anchorage blocks in the flat landscape of
motorway which links Calais and the the estuary. The main span of 856 m was a
Channel Tunnel to the French western large step forward in the design of cable-
coast, down to Nantes, Bordeaux and stayed bridges and held the world record
Spain. from January 20, 1995 to May 1, 1999
The bridge crosses the river Seine estu- when the Tatara Bridge was opened.
ary a few kilometers upstream from le The Normandie Bridge is designed as a
Havre. A first project (1976-1979) consist- unique, continuous structure with a
ed of three different structures, a central length of 2142 m without any intermediate
cable-stayed bridge with an access viaduct expan- sion joint. The design has been
on each side; with a main span (510 m), mainly ori- ented to resist wind forces and
the bridge had several supports in the for aerodynamic stability: the deck is a
river in- cluding the north pylon and end- stream-lined box-girder directly inspired
pier of the cable-stayed bridge. After by English sus- pension bridges; it is
several bridges had collapsed due to a ship supported by two
collision a deci-
3.8 Selected bridges 235


Elévations Pylons



planes of cable-stays which concentrate in and with an orthotropic box-girder in the

the pylon heads; the pylons have the shape central part of the main span for
of an inverted Y, the most efficient design economi- cal reasons but also to take
to resist transverse wind forces; and the advantage of the concrete weight to
deck is rigidly connected to pylons to distribute back-staying action between all
limit verti- cal and transverse deflections rear cables.
induced by wind. The global concept as well as shapes
The bridge is a composite structure and details aim at elegance and
with concrete access spans on multiple slenderness through a structural design.
236 3 Draft

3.8.11 Rhine Bridge Bendorf, Germany


Ulrich Finsterwalder

Dyckerhoff & Widmann KG
(superstructure) Grün & Bilfinger AG

Architectural consulting:
Gerd Lohmer, Cologne

Execution: Consortium
Dyckerhoff & Widmann KG,
project owner: Grün & Bilfinger AG
Federal Republic of Germany, represented by
Road Administration Rhineland-Palatinate Construction time:
Road Construction Office Vallendar 1962-1965

The Rhine is crossed in Bendorf near as a "one-piece" construction - i.e. piers,

Koblenz by an approx. 1000 m long and abutments and the entire superstructure
approx. 31 m wide highway bridge. The made of the building material concrete. In
main focal point of the structure is the 528 addition, the administration had the
m long eastern section of the bridge, in courage to push the technical and design
which the 208 m wide central opening over limits of this construction method with
the main river is bridged by a deck bridge this span and thus make a contribution to
with a greatly varying girder height. the further development of the still young
Together with the approx. 500 m long prestressed concrete. The impact of this
simple parallel girder seamlessly connected concrete deck bridge, the widest span of
to the west, this creates a prototype of a its time, was enormous: since then,
spacious, sophisticatedly designed hundreds of bridges have been built
crossing of a river bed. worldwide (especially in Japan) with spans
In a tender for this construction project of up to around 250 m using this system
in 1961, the design of a prestressed developed in Germany.
concrete bridge built with a free The main features of the Bendorf Rhine
cantilevered front section prevailed over bridge:
the administrative design of a steel bridge.
The decisive factors for the award were • A box with a highly variable
the significantly lower bid price, the construction height (4.4 m in the
reference to around 50 structures that had middle of the span, 10.5 m above the
been built worldwide using the same main piers, 3.3 m at the ends of the
construction system since 1950 and, of bridge and at the adjoining western
course, the attraction of building such a parallel girder), monolithically
large structure. connected to the slender (only 2.8 m
3.8 Selected bridges 237

thick) slabs of the main pillars. The tendons can be achieved. - Experience
approx. 31 m wide roadway cross- has shown that the advantages
section is formed by two single-cell described can be associated with
boxes, each 7.2 m wide, with a disadvantages: The deflections of the
continuous longitudinal joint, 14.82 m cantilever tips in the middle of the span
center-to-center distance and can lead to undesirable deviations from
corresponding lateral cantilever slabs. the planned track gradient and the
• The 208 m wide main opening is ongoing maintenance of an overpass
adjoined by a structure in the open field is more
The adjacent spans on both sides are complex than over a pier.
relatively short at 71 m. They ensure • In the entire area of the main opening
that the center span is almost rigidly and the two neighboring spans, the
clamped in the main pier axes and shear force in the webs and thus also
therefore the deflections of the the thickness of the longitudinal webs
structure under traffic loads remain is kept constant over the entire span
correspondingly small. length by defining the course of the
• Arrangement of a longitudinally lower edge of the beam accordingly.
joint in the middle of the stream. This Construction in free cantilever in site-cast
joint enables a minimum girder height concrete from the 2.8 m thick pier sections
in the middle of the span and thus symmetrically to both sides without
contributes to the elegance of the auxiliary supports. In the west - above the
bridge. It simplifies calculation, design river - after reaching the post-pier,
and construction, because the static continuation of the free cantilever
requirements are similar in the construction in the 44 m wide secondary
construction state (with free cantilever) spans without auxiliary supports with
and in the final state. Added to this is auxiliary bracing and auxiliary pylons. For
the clear guidance of the tendons in a the two 44 m bays in the east, conventional
cantilever beam: almost all tendons lie bay-by-bay construction on scaffolding
in the roadway slab and can be was more economical.
installed quickly and easily; the stakes
remain free of tendons and can be
concreted without obstructions. This is
the same effect that is achieved by
externally cast
238 3 Draft

3.8.12 Cable-stayed bridge Dubrovnik, Croatia


Dr.-Ing. E.h. Herbert Schambeck, Germany
Dipl.-Ing. Karl Sporschill, Innsbruck,
Implementation planning:
Structural Depart. of Civil Eng. Faculty
Zagreb, Dipl.-Ing. Zlatko Savov, Dipl.-Ing.
Veljko Lrpic
Consortium WALTER - BAU AG, Germany
and Konstruktor, Split, Croatia with
Construzioni Cimolai Armando Spa, Italy (steel
construction) and DYWIDAG, Germany
project owner:
(stranded ropes and prestressing steel)
Croatian Roads (National Road Authority)
Construction time:

The following specifications were decisive Side Split two spans that are separated
for the bridge design: from the main bridge and therefore do not
• Navigation requires a clearance height of contribute to its load-bearing effect.
In 1996, after the war in Croatia,
50 m and a main span of 304 m,
WALTER BAU - AG applied for the
followed by 90 m to the Dubrovnik
construction work and commissioned the
abutment and 87 m to the Split
engineers H. Schambeck and K. Sporschill
to review the existing design and consider
• A radius above the bank split makes it
special proposals. This resulted in the
impossible to erect a pylon there.
proposal described below, which ultimately
• The bridge is very narrow (usable width
led to the contract being awarded. The
above the river = 12.1 m) and is located
design complies with all basic parameters
in a zone with high seismic activity
and uses an idea that was already applied
(0.38 g) and high wind speeds (Bora).
in 1968 for the Main Bridge Hoechst near
Z. Savor drew up a design based on these Frankfurt built by DYWIDAG: A 60 m
criteria back in 1989: The 304 m main long cantilever projects from the Split pier
opening is spanned by a steel box girder, into the main opening, which is anchored
which is suspended with stay cables from back in the 87 m long edge span and
the 163 m high A-shaped pylon on the receives a longitudinally displaceable
Dubrovnik bank. Prestressed concrete support at the cantilever tip for the
connects to both sides of the main opening: adjoining 244 m section. This creates two
On the Dubrovnik side, the 90 m long different bridge sections:
back-anchoring field and on the In the stay cable area, the cantilever is
reduced to approx. 80 % and the cantilever
force to approx.
3.8 Selected bridges 239

moments in the pylon axis to approx. 64 Wind tunnel tests at RWTH Aachen
%. The pylon height is only 142 m instead University led to a truss bracing being
of 163 m and a steel composite structure installed at the level of the lower edge of
can be used for the entire length of the the beam to increase the torsional rigidity.
stiffening girder. This leads to an overall The second bridge section consisting of
higher stiffness and a concrete deck slab the 60 m cantilever and the 87 m edge
that runs the entire length of the bridge. span lies in a transition curve with Rmin =
The cross-section chosen is a 2.2 m high 212 m and widens by approx. 4 m in the
slab girder with 2 longitudinal steel girders edge span. A suitable construction for this
lying on the outside in the axis of the stay is a single-cell box girder made of
cables, which are connected by cross prestressed concrete with a highly variable
girders and to which the longitudinally girder height (3.2 to 8.2 m), rigidly
tensioned deck slab is connected in a clamped in the pier split. Design and
shear-resistant manner. construction method
240 3 Draft

The construction of the cantilevered front

structure corresponds to the globally
proven system of free cantilever
construction in in-situ concrete.
The link in the joining of these two,
individually optimally designed bridge
sections to form a functional and visually
satisfying overall structure is the joint area
with the articulation. The planners were
aware of the difficulty of the task right
from the start: geometric design of the
transition from the 2.2 m high steel plate
girder with its external girders to the 3.2 m
high, narrow prestressed concrete box -
accommodation of the bearings and the
transition structure, including the
possibility of inspection and replacement.
Accordingly, the details of this area were
carefully worked out with the aim of
achieving the same safety standard for the
joint area as for the overall construction.
4 Cross-section design

4.1 Cross-section design The "load-bearing structure" is a part of

depending on system and the main load-bearing structure or the
main load-bearing structure itself and is
usually formed by a slab of constant or
FRANCESCO AIGNER variable thickness (roadway for road
and THOMAS PETRASCHEK bridges, footpath and cycle path for
pedestrian and cycle bridges, boundary of
the ballast trough or supporting element
4.1.1 General information for a fixed roadway for railroad bridges).
The multiple significance of the
In this section, only cross-sections of the "supporting structure" is particularly
roadway structures are considered. pronounced in the case of bridges for
Support cables, hangers, pylon, arch and special applications, e.g. pipe bridges.
pier cross-sections are not taken into Here, the supporting structure
account. simultaneously forms the traffic route, the
Generally speaking, three different space closure and the main supporting
types of cross-section can be specified, structure. The cross-section of the
depending on the building material: The supporting structure can therefore only be
slab, the slab beam and the box cross- considered in conjunction with the
section. The individual elements interact to superordinate supporting structure. When
form overall cross-sections through shear- selecting and determining the cross-
resistant coupling along the connecting section, the spans, the slenderness h/l of
edges. Concentrated loads are distributed the structure, the width of the structure,
by plate action or, in the case of the curvature ratios in the floor plan, the
continuous plate systems, also by vault size of the live load and the assembly
action. In the case of resolved cross- system play a decisive role.
sections such as the plate beam or box As the selected cross-section not only
cross-section, these elements has a significant influence on the costs of
simultaneously act as compression or the superstructure, but also on the overall
tension plates of the overall cross-section. appearance of a bridge, design
By consistently exploiting the advantages considerations must be taken into account
of the basic shapes, appropriate in addition to technical, operational and
combinations and special cross-sections economic aspects when selecting the
can be developed for special cases. cross-section. By exploiting chiaroscuro
Cross-sections of the roadway and light-shadow effects, through targeted
structures of modern bridges generally coloring of steel bridges or surface design
fulfill several tasks: They form the spatial for concrete surfaces, as well as through
closure, contain the actual traffic appropriate design of the capes, the
supporting structures can be visually
loosened and stretched.
242 4 Cross-section design

As part of the project planning, the stable cross-sections. Special requirements

cross-section that best fulfills the regarding the temperature curve in the
boundary conditions (in terms of design, roadway slab can also have an influence on
costs, load-bearing effect, durability, the building material and the cross-
possibly flexibility), both objectively and sectional design. If, for example, the load-
subjectively, must be selected from the bearing slab of a road bridge is to heat up
range of possible cross-sections. The as evenly as possible when exposed to
choice of cross-section type and geometry sunlight for reasons of traffic safety, a
is bound to certain specifications. The concrete slab is preferred to a steel slab
cross-section geometry is partly and wide cantilevered brackets are
predetermined by the use, e.g. clearance avoided. The placement of utility
profiles for railroad bridges or standard connections or bridge drainage can also
cross-sections for road bridges. The live be important for the cross-section design
loads of railroad bridges are usually many (see chapter 10.5).
times greater than those of road bridges. Some planning parameters are given
Due to the small deformations to be from the outset, others are freely
complied with (deflections, end tangent selectable, see Table 4.1-1.
twists), railroad bridges in particular have Operation, maintenance and
stiff supporting structures. In contrast, the preservation are important for the cross-
stiffness requirements of road bridges and section design. Particularly in the case of
- above all - pedestrian bridges are lower. bridge structures on the high-level road
For the latter, the vibration behavior must and rail network, it is necessary to ensure
be taken into account due to the possibility that traffic can be maintained at all times,
of designing soft structures with low mass. even during major maintenance work, if
Stiffening girders of long-span cable- necessary with restrictions on the available
stayed or suspension bridges require - lanes and speed limits. In this respect,
already on sight of the construction non-continuous load-bearing
conditions - aerodynamic

Table 4.1-1 Specified planning parameters for the cross-section design

Default Examples Changes possible
Utilization Road, rail, pedestrian, cane no

Construction height, height - within limits

Clearance limits, minimum distances - no
Guidance systems Guard rails etc. no
Noise protection Noise barriers on a case-by-case basis
Material Steel, concrete, composite, mostly yes
Construction process - Yes
Elevation of the usable area FBOK, SOK no
Design of the caps Color, detailing within limits
4.1 Cross-section design depending on system and function 243

structures are more favorable than design. For bridges with a smaller span, the
continuous ones. However, they have a visible area of the superstructure's
number of structural and operational construction band, which is defined by the
disadvantages and are essentially limited choice of a specific cross-section, should
to structures made of precast prestressed be set in an optimal ratio to the visible
concrete elements. If at least one structure areas of the abutment. This avoids the
must always be fully available for wider impression that the superstructure grows
bridges such as highways or multi-track out of the terrain or the embankment
railroad lines, a separation into two without a special connecting structure (in
individual bridges with a continuous the case of continuous structures,
longitudinal joint in between is however, the influence of the abutment
indispensable despite its disadvantages. In recedes from the overall structure and the
this case, all traffic can be routed over one linear impression of the superstructure
of the two bridges if necessary. predominates). In order to mitigate the
The character of the bridge massive effect of a structure, surface
construction is thus determined by the minimization is particularly suitable by
choice of a certain type of supporting selecting suitable, compact cross-sections.
structure in terms of building material and Finally, the choice of cross-section can
design. The designer must be aware that also clarify the internal flow of force of the
bridges can shape the landscape to the structure for the observer.
highest degree, i.e. that he irrevocably Bridges for urban road and railroad
changes the environment with his bridge, construction in densely populated urban
which is why his structure should be fitted areas are the focus of public attention.
into the terrain with the greatest care. A Their design has a noticeable impact on
cross-section can appear inappropriate, the architecture of the urban landscape. In
for example by leaving the viewer with an some cases, the soffit of the supporting
impression that it is too high or too structure is a not insignificant design
massive. It may also be inappropriate for feature. From a visual point of view, the
the function to be fulfilled or its location. cross-sectional height is particularly
There are plenty of possibilities for this. important. The visual impression of noise
However, this can also have undesirable protection devices must be taken into
effects, especially when it concerns such account here, as well as the substructures
important and sensitive areas as traffic that depend on the cross-sectional shape.
safety. For example, a driver must not be These structures often require a
distracted from the traffic by a particularly supporting structure with a particularly
interesting (bridge) construction. The low cross-section. A see-through
designer therefore has a special ("transparent") cross-section contributes
responsibility that requires a great deal of noticeably to the optical slenderness of the
specialist knowledge and empathy. Please supporting structure. Finally, an engineer
refer to Chapter 3 and [Leonhardt, 1982] or bridge architect with design experience
for information on design issues. The can combine function and design into a
following are some simple examples of single unit and design a bridge in such a
good bridge design. way that it sets positive accents - without
imposing itself - even in sensitive inner-
city areas.
244 4 Cross-section design

A characteristic of the structural 4.1.2 General explanations of the

efficiency of the cross-section is obtained main cross-section types
with the dead load and a comparison of
the live load proportion of the total load. Plate
Here, the load-bearing capacity can be
A slab is a thin-walled load-bearing
influenced within limits by the degree of
structure with a flat central surface and a
cross-section resolution. Bending,
transverse load. In practice, slabs with
torsional stiffness, deformation and long-
brackets or slabs with a curved lower
term behavior are determined by the
surface are also included. Due to the thin
choice of building material and cross-
walls, it can be assumed that the cross-
section geometry. If the height is not
sections remain flat. If the slabs are
restricted, the construction height will
sufficiently thin, the shear distortion can
generally not be too short, e.g. to obtain a
be neglected. The deflections are assumed
stiffer structure for concrete bridges with
to be very small compared to the
less reinforcement.
Every building material has typical
The boundary to the beam is defined as
optimal cross-sectional shapes and not
b/l ≥ 1 / 5. Below this value, there is no
every building material and cross-section
longer a slab effect and it is then referred
is suitable for every span. For small span
to as a beam. Its load trasnfer is uniaxial.
widths, but especially for irregular ground
plan shapes or for the most flexible Application
possible use of the traffic area, simple The panel cross-section is used for:
cross-sections, e.g. solid plates or, in
exceptional cases, heavy steel plates, are • Bridges with low to medium span
more economical than complicated, ("slab bridges": bridge deck ≡ roadway)
lightweight cross-sections that are costly • Culverts, underpasses ( wide
to manufacture. In large bridge buildings)
construction today, the manufacturing • Arch bridges: Roadway structures and
process possible for the respective cross- smaller arches
section determines the costs and thus the • Track support structures and stems for small
economic efficiency to a considerable rigid frame bridges
extent. In any case, the choice of cross- • Tensioning strap bridges
• As a space-enclosing and statically
section and the operational production
must always be seen in context, as not all effective element for resolved cross-
are suitable for industrial production, and sections (slab beams, box cross-
labor costs are still higher than material sections, special cross-sections)
Even if all the specifications listed are
Favorable properties of plate carriers:
adhered to, there is still enough scope for
individual design options, which is why • Can be easily adapted to any basic
every carefully designed bridge is an crack shapes, e.g. widenings,
individual structure. constrictions, skewed slabs, etc.
4.1 Cross-section design depending on system and function 245

• Allow the largest slendernesses li /h (li :

distance of the moment zero points for
permanent actions)
• Allow any width b
• Considerable load-bearing reserves due
to membrane effect of continuous panel
• Biaxial load trasnfer with concen-
trated loads (wheel loads)
• Equal behavior towards positive and
negative moments
Unfavorable properties of plate carriers:
• Limited spans
• In very slender structures, long-term
Figure 4.1.2-1 Transverse load-bearing effect
deflections due to permanent actions
of a concrete plate girder
can become a problem, especially at the
free edges (dead load, edge beams)
The beams are arranged at the abutments, Plate beam but often not always at the inner supports.
The slab beam consists of a number n of Plate girder bridges are characterized by
"webs" (n ≥ 1), depending on the type of their comparatively low torsional stiffness
construction, and a slab connected to and their unfavourable load-bearing effect
these in a shear-resistant manner. The against negative bending moments. Larger
webs are used to transfer shear forces and changes in the carriageway width, which
to achieve a sufficient static height d. The cannot be achieved by simply widening
plate has a space-enclosing function, acts the slab consoles, are structurally complex
as a chord plate for the main load-bearing (distortion or arrangement of additional
effect and distributes the shear load webs).
(wheel loads, distributed surface loads) to
the main load-bearing system (load Properties
trasnfer by bending moments and shear Favorable properties of plate girder structures:
forces) through the plate effect. The • The belt plate has several functions
transverse load-bearing effect, which is • Low torsional rigidity: the
always present due to the bending only small (forced) torsional moments
stiffness of the slab, can be effectively built up → well suited for oblique
increased by transverse plates or transverse angled positioning, protects the
frames in the bay area (in l/2 or l/3, more bearings
transverse plates do not bring any • When designed as a through bridge, very
significant improvement). As a result, all high
main beams are forced to transfer the load low construction heights are possible in
trasnfer together by a beam grid effect principle, but this type of construction
(Fig. 4.1.2-1). should only be used in compelling
For practical construction reasons, one exceptional cases
tries to manage with as few cross beams as • Significantly larger spans are
possible. They are always attached to the than with panels
246 4 Cross-section design

Unfavorable properties of slab-beam Strongly curved or angled supporting

structures: structures are also possible
• No full cooperation of the belt plate • For the inclusion of positive and negative
moments equally suitable
for bending with shear force
• Comparatively low bending stresses
("contributing widths")
due to large core widths
• Internally statically indeterminate (Tor-
• Installations are possible and protected
stiffness of the webs, participation of the
(exposed tendons; pipelines, but gas
plate, unclear conditions due to the
pipes must not be laid inside the box
different drop in bending and torsional
due to the risk of explosion)
stiffness in the ultimate load state)
• Also suitable for very large spans.
• Low torsional rigidity: "softer"
as a plate or box (service loads), low
lateral distribution, larger deflections Unfavorable properties of box girders:
due to twisting • No full contribution of the slab in shear
• For more curved load-bearing force bending ("contributing width")
structures less • High torsional rigidity: it can be
suitable for large (forced) torsional moments are
built up (bearing body) The box cross-section
4.1.3 Cross-sections for road bridges
The box cross-section is suitable for
medium to large spans, as can occur with The most important planning criteria are
girder bridges and rigid frame bridges. A the standard cross-sections for bridge
box cross-section is also used for larger constructions laid down in the regulations,
compression and bending compression e.g. RVS, RAS, etc. Depending on the type
members, such as high piers, columns and of road, the lane width ranges from 3.50 m
supporting structures of rigid frame (highway) to 2.75 m. Of greatest
bridges, arches and possibly also roadway importance for the design of the traffic
supporting structures of arch bridges. The area are the edge areas (emergency lane,
advantage of good material utilization is transition to the edge beams, arrangement
offset by the disadvantage of costly of the guidance systems, railings and noise
production. An important design barriers). Figure 4.1.3-1 shows a typical
requirement is compliance with a standard cross-section of the RVS.
minimum clear height (accessibility). As a It should be noted that there is a
rule, hli ≥ 80 cm is required. difference between the upper and lower
Please refer to [Schlaich/Scheef, 1982] cross-section. If the cross-section is routed
for information on the application, design over artificial structures, it widens by 1.0
and calculation of box girder bridges. m overall. Both on the left and right, the
0.75 m wide verge of the bridge is
Properties designed as a 1.25 m wide edge beam.
Favorable properties of box girders: This applies to all cross-sections of the
• Weight saving compared to load- RVS that are routed over such a structure.
bearing structures with full cross-
• Large St. Venant's torsional stiffness
enables the absorption of large (load)
torsional moments, which means that
4.1 Cross-section design depending on system and function 247

Figure 4.1.3-1 Standard cross-section of a high-capacity road [RVS 3.93 Urban roads, 1975].

4.1.4 Cross-sections for railroad bridges Figure 4.1.4-1 shows such a standard
cross-section of the HLAG for high-
The most important planning criteria are performance roads in Austria. The values a
the standard cross-sections for bridge and b in the table represent values for the
structures specified in the regulations required increase in half width in bends
(guidelines of the railroad authorities, e.g. with a radius of 3000 m ≥ R ≥ 300 m.
DB guidelines).

Fig. 4.1.4-1 Standard clearance with

space for the passage of the current
248 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.1.4-2 Double-track heavy plate bridge with curved track geometry

Figure 4.1.4-3 Clearance regulations for distances in the roadway area [HLAG, 1998].

The track spacing is important for section. In most cases, economic

multi-track lines. For new lines, these are efficiency is not the main planning
generally 4.70 m, possibly also 5.00 m. For criterion. Design aspects, aspects that
existing lines, the track spacing may be directly affect people, such as protection
smaller in accordance with the current from unfavorable weather conditions,
condition. Please note that additional heatable walkways, etc., and often high
ballast is required in the cross-section of demands on the architecture play a major
the curve, see Figure 4.1.4-2. role here. Due to the low masses and the
Furthermore, as with the cross-sections low payloads and the resulting low forces,
for road bridges, special attention must be the design problems are often relatively
paid to the edge areas. Figure 4.1.4-3 minor. This means that practically any
shows examples from the ÖBB standard building material and any combination of
planning. these can be used to form a cross-section.
The resulting variety is enormous.
However, it should be noted that vibration
4.1.5 Cross-sections for pedestrian problems can occur due to the low mass.
and cycle bridges However, these usually do not result from
the effect of wind, but from the user
There is virtually no set of rules here that himself.
contains regulations on the design of the
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 249

Figure 4.1.6-2 Barbara Bridge

4.2 Cross-section design

depending on the material used

4.2.1 Concrete bridges

Fig. 4.1.6-1 Cantilever pipe bridge [Prölss
It should be noted at the design stage that
the natural frequency of the bridge does
not correspond to the step frequency of a General information
pedestrian, which is approx. 2 Hz when The basic types used in concrete
walking and approx. 4 Hz when running. construction (slab, plate girder, box) are
described below with regard to
4.1.6 Special cross-sections applicability, design characteristics,
possible variations and production. For
The cross-sectional design of pipe further information and calculations,
fractures naturally depends on the specific please refer to sections 5.1, 5.2.1 and
requirements in terms of size, properties 8.5 pointed out.
of the substance to be conveyed (gaseous, Table 4.2 -1 shows the slenderness l/h
liquid or granular; density) and the flow that can be achieved for concrete bridges,
velocity. Particular attention must be paid taking into account the load-bearing
to the aerodynamic stability of wide-span capacity and serviceability, depending on
supporting structures with a cylindrical the type of construction and use. The
cross-section. Figure 4.1.6-1 and Figure values given are taken from [Leonhardt,
4.1.6-2 show examples of pipe bridges. 1979], [Schlaich/Scheef, 1982],
[Hegger, 1998], [Holst, 1998] and [Pauser,
2002]. The lower slenderness limits apply to
the smaller spans, the upper limits to the
larger spans.
250 4 Cross-section design

Table 4.2.1-1 Achievable slenderness li /h depending on design and use

Cross-section type without longitudinal prestressing with longitudinal pre-tensioning
Street Rail employee Street Rail employee
15-22 (20-25) 11-16 18-30 (26-36) 13-22
Plate beam1 8-12 12 10-18 15
Plate beam2 10-14 12-24
Plate beam3 15-20
17 21 12-14
18 25
Field 35-50 30
Support 17-22 20

li= Distance of the moment zero

pointssingle-span beam ... 1.0
*end span) .0.8 * l
Continuous beam (inner span).. .
0,7 * l
Plate1 Solid panel with constant thickness
Slab beam1 Manufactured in site-cast concrete (2 webs) - without web reinforcement for negative
moments Slab beam2 Manufactured in site-cast concrete (2 webs) - with web reinforcement for negative
moments Slab beam3 Manufactured in prefabricated construction
Box1 Single-span beam, constant beam height - bottom edge of
straight box2 Continuous beam, constant beam height - bottom edge
straight Box3 Variable beam height - bottom edge haunched

For road bridges made of slabs, ratio hsupport/hFeld should be slightly

correspondingly greater slendernesses are smaller than statically optimal.
possible for lower traffic loads compared
to the slendernesses given in Table 4.2.1-
1. In the case of slabs for railroad bridges, Plate
the permissible deformations due to traffic
loads also depend on the travel speed, General information
which influences the slenderness. The solid slab is common in concrete
According to [Schlaich/Scheef, 1982], a construction. Slabs with cavities are often
constant construction height makes sense not permitted and are hardly used any
for box cross-sections up to a span of 90 more. For design reasons and also because
m, but from 150 m a variable construction of the dead load, however, the
height adapted to the internal forces is arrangement of brackets is common,
necessary. especially for orthogonal slabs (Fig. 4.2.1-
For design reasons, [Schlaich/Scheef, 1).
1982] recommends that bridges located Despite the more elaborate formwork
high above the valley should not be and reinforcement, the formwork shown
connected in the upper partial image
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 251

parts), which makes production more

complex. Hollow slabs are often not
approved and are hardly common
• Considerable quantities of material are in
statically less effective areas
• Due to the small core width, the pre-
tension is less effective than with
resolved cross-sections (plate girders,
box cross-section)

Limit values for the thickness h

Figure 4.2.1-1 Types of consoles of plate load-bearing structures
The thickness of panels is limited downwards
The design shown here should be by:
preferred, as it usually looks better, makes
the supporting structure appear slimmer • The load-bearing capacity of the
and, moreover, the exact execution of the concrete compression zone (no
normally visible edge "A" is practically compression reinforcement for slabs)
impossible. • The desire to have no or only a few
Favorable properties of concrete slab to have to arrange a shear reinforcement
support structures: • Design specifications (minimum spacing
of the cladding tubes from the surface of
• Smallest proportion of formwork per prestressed concrete slabs)
m³ of concrete, simple formwork (no • The necessary stiffness
cavities to be formed for solid slabs,
continuous lower formwork for slabs Typical slab thicknesses are in the range of
with a flat underside) 30 to 70 cm or more (about 100 cm,
• Shortest "scope" and therefore minima exceptionally even more, e.g. Elbe bridge
le reinforcement surface; with Torgau: 179 cm at the bending stiffness
orthogonal slabs, simple reinforcement transition between prestressed concrete
guidance is usually possible and composite supporting structure).
• Favorable shear transfer: Panels without
Continuous shear reinforcement is Load-bearing effect
possible and common, a shear Orthogonal and quasi-orthogonal panels:
minimum reinforcement (as with According to [Leonhardt, 1979], skewed
beams) is not required slabs with φ ≥ 70° can be treated
Unfavorable properties of concrete slab mathematically as straight slabs. According
support structures: to more recent standards, φ is further
limited, e.g. to 75°. The cutting force
• Largest mass (cost of the slab itself; load
concentration in the areas of the obtuse
effect on scaffolding, formwork, corners must be taken into account in the
substructures). The dead load can be design.
reduced by using brackets, also by
forming the slab as a ribbed slab (lost If the transverse strain (μ = 0) is
formwork for site-cast concrete, neglected, straight slabs (φ = 90°) bear
formwork for precast concrete). loads evenly distributed over the width by
uniaxial bending, i.e. there is no bending in
the transverse direction. The
252 4 Cross-section design

Bending surface is cylindrical and the

following applies a
m1 ≡ mx and m2 ≡ 0.
As a result of the transverse strain (μ =
1/6 or μ = 0.2), transverse bending b
moments my also arise in addition to the
bending moments mx . These moments
are constraining moments in the
transverse direction that do not have to be c
used for the design, but require a
minimum transverse reinforcement to
limit the crack widths. There are also d
principal moment components that run
transverse to the free slab edges, which
Figure 4.2.1-2 Design options for in-situ
must be taken into account when
concrete structures - solid slabs
designing the reinforcement.
Loads that are unevenly distributed
across the width, e.g. concentrated loads
(wheel loads), are transferred by biaxial
bending (plate effect: mx , my → m1 , m2 ).
Plates with φ < 75°, which are considered
inclined plates, carry all loads by biaxial
bending. Even with equal loads, there are Figure 4.2.1-3 Design options for in-situ
principal moment components that run concrete structures - ribbed slabs
transverse to the free plate edges.
Larger shear forces arise in the area of • Ribbed slabs for lightly loaded slab
smaller, highly loaded bearing bodies at bridges with predominantly positive
the ends of bridges or at intermediate bending moments; represent the
supports of continuous systems. They formal transition to the multi-web slab
may necessitate the arrangement of locally girder, but here a slab load-bearing
limited shear reinforcement. effect is created by more closely spaced
With continuous slab systems or with cross girders (Figure 4.2.1-3)
non-displaceable support of the slab
edges, a vault effect is created that In the case of ribbed slabs, the lower
considerably increases the load-bearing weight compared to solid slabs and the
capacity. additional effort required for formwork
and reinforcement installation (bracing of
Constructions the "webs") should be noted.
In-situ concrete constructions: Precast constructions and mixed
systems (precast elements + site-cast
• Solid slabs with flat underside (Figure concrete):
• Solid slabs with prefabricated T-panels
• Solid slabs with brackets (Figure 4.2.1-
and in-situ concrete pouring (Fig.
Figure 4.2.1-2c)
• Solid slabs with curved underside To activate the transverse load-bearing
(Figure 4.2.1-2d) effect, transverse prestressing is necessary
(at the supports and, for example, at the
third points or in the middle of the panel).
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 253

Figure 4.2.1-4 Example of a solid slab with

prefabricated T-pieces and cast-in-place
concrete spout

Figure 4.2.1-5 Reinforcement design at free

Reinforcement routing slab edges
Reinforcement of non-prestressed
orthogonal slabs:
Non-prestressed slabs can be used for (main reinforcement) in the inner layer,
smaller bridges, whereby in addition to the thinner reinforcing steel (distribution
the load-bearing capacity, the reinforcement) in the outer layer (Figure
serviceability must also be verified 4.2.1-5 to Figure 4.2.1-7).
(deflections, crack width limitation). In Reinforcement of prestressed orthogonal
order to prevent the long-term deflections slabs:
at the free slab edges from increasing The prestressed longitudinal
excessively as a result of permanent reinforcement is laid between the lower
actions (e.g. edge beams), the longitudinal and upper reinforcement mesh. For
reinforcement at the edges should be optimum shear transfer, it is pulled up to
selected in abundance. In the edge areas, approx. h / 3 (i.e. not very far) above the
the arrangement of stirrups is common, bottom edge of the slab at the slab ends. At
creating "hidden edge beams". The main rail pads of continuous slabs, the prestressed
moment components running transverse longitudinal reinforcement is routed as
to the free slab edges require appropriate high as possible and the deflection should
framing, e.g. using hairpins (Fig. 4.2.1-5). be as short as possible. In the case of slabs
For slabs with brackets, bars of the with beveled soffits or with brackets,
upper reinforcement can be bent to longitudinal tendons are only arranged in
improve the load-bearing capacity for the full height h area.
shear forces. Transverse prestressing is favorable
With regard to bonding and cracking with regard to constraining moments due
behavior, the thicker reinforcing steels to transverse expansion, transverse stresses
within a reinforcement network are the due to temperature and constraints in the
best choice. support area. For panels with constant

Figure 4.2.1-6 Position of main reinforcement - distribution reinforcement in the reinforcement

254 4 Cross-section design

nal slab. Special attention must be paid to

the largest bending moments and
principal moment directions resulting
from the load trasnfer as well as local
support force concentrations in the
structural design. For the calculation and
structural design, please refer to the
literature [Leon- hardt, 1979] and [Czerny
et al., 1984]. Plate beam

General information
The footbridges on a concrete slab girder
bridge offer the advantages described in
section already mentioned, it is also
possible to accommodate the tendons. As
shown in Fig. 4.2.1-8, concrete bridges can
also be designed as
"through bridges". This means that the
Figure 4.2.1-7 Composite law for ribbed steels
advantage of an extremely low
for various related concrete coverings with the
composite law for medium ratios [Noakowski,
construction height can also be exploited
1985] with concrete as a building material.
There are constructions both in in-situ
concrete and with prefabricated parts,
straight tendons are arranged whereby the two types can differ
approximately halfway up, considerably from each other.
correspondingly higher for slabs with
beveled soffits and in two layers for slabs Properties
with brackets. Favorable properties of concrete plate girder
Reinforcement of non-prestressed
oblique-angled slabs: • Weight savings compared to the slab
The reinforcement layout of skew- (building material consumption,
angled slabs differs significantly from that scaffolding, formwork, substructures)
of a double-sided orthogonal slab. • Less formwork than hollow cross

Figure 4.2.1-8
Example of a through bridge
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 255

Figure 4.2.1-9 Possible reinforcement measures for plate beams

• Statically and structurally ideal for constantly exposed to high compressive

prestressing forces (creep deformation)
Unfavorable properties of concrete slab Constructions
and beam structures:
In-situ concrete constructions:
• More formwork per m³ of concrete The number of stays depends on the
than for slab structures width and span, among other things.
• Longer "circumference" and therefore Between 1 and 3 webs are possible. Figure
larger 4.2.1-10 shows the most favorable number
"Reinforcement area" than with plate of main girders depending on the width
load-bearing structures (more and height.
reinforcement meshes) For road and railroad bridges, a cross-
• Unfavorable load-bearing behavior section with two webs is most often chosen.
compared to If possible, the web height should be
negative moments (high zero line, chosen generously. In any case,
small area for the addition of a continuous girders that are expected to
compression zone). For continuous have larger support settlements should be
beams, local reinforcement measures designed to be rather slender. Web spacing:
such as web widening, local flanges or 5-7 m, or significantly more for wide
an addition to a box cross-section are structures. With regard to crack behavior,
possible (Fig. 4.2.1-9). Discontinuities in thin webs are more favorable than thick
the system line must be taken into ones. The main girder webs are arranged
account. This problem does not apply to in such a way that they remain largely free
single-span beam chains, as they are of torsional moments as a result of
often used in precast construction. constant actions ("balanced cross-section").
• Thin belt pulleys not pre-tensioned The thickness of the slab depends on its
of panel beam constructions are
256 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.1-10 Diagram

for selecting the most
favorable number of main

span and the degree of clamping in the in the longitudinal direction. This can be
webs (St. Venant's twist stiffness). In avoided by separating these elements.
order to adapt the plate to the internal Alternatively, it is possible to dispense
forces, it is reinforced towards the webs with cross members, combine the deck
(Fig. 4.2.1-11), although the production is slab and the webs to form half-frames and
more complicated than with a flat base. thus produce elastic half-frames. For more
Cross beams are provided at the ends of detailed explanations on the torsional
the supporting structure and, in the case of stiffness of the webs, see e.g. [Leonhardt,
curved main beams, also at the 1979], [Menn, 1990], [Wicke] and on the
intermediate supports. This serves to shear-resistant connection of the slab to
better absorb torsional moments and wind the webs, see [Bachmann, 1978].
forces. In order to secure the webs against
twisting, transverse shears are also Precast constructions or mixed systems
provided in the third points of the (precast elements + site-cast concrete):
individual bays - particularly in the case of The size of the prefabricated parts and
curved main beams - if the design permits. therefore the number of webs depends,
If the cross members are monolithically among other things, on the transportation
connected to the load-bearing slab, options and the performance of the
clamping moments are created in the slab. assembly equipment. Modern
prefabricated slab girder bridges differ
characteristically from

Figure 4.2.1-11 Revealed or

curved bottom view
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 257

Figure 4.2.1-12 Possible installation

of prefabricated T-pieces

Site-cast concrete designs due to the larger The gaps in the slab are filled with site-
number of main girders and the cast concrete. Finally, the slab is
correspondingly smaller main girder transversely prestressed with straight
spacing (web spacing: 2-3.5 m). This tendons (Fig. 4.2.1-13).
makes it even more inconvenient to • Prefabricated T-parts become "man to
construct any crossbeams that may be man"
required to be subsequently cast in laid. The upper surface is filled with in-
concrete than with site-cast concrete situ concrete with a layer thickness of
designs. Intermediate cross beams are not approx. 20 cm (Fig. 4.2.1-14). The in-
common. Due to the bending stiffness of situ concrete layer is shear-bonded to
the slab with comparatively close main the precast elements using loops on the
girders, a much better transverse precast elements. Shrinkage of the
distribution of the loads is achieved than subsequently applied in-situ concrete
with in-situ concrete cross-sections with layer poses a particular problem.
their sometimes widely spanned roadway
The following construction methods Box cross-section
are mentioned:
• Prefabricated T-panels are laid with 20 Properties
cm to 30 cm spacing. The gaps in the Favorable properties of concrete box girders:
slab are filled with site-cast concrete. • Well suited for pre-tensioning, this is
Finally, the slab is transversely more effective than with the plate
prestressed with straight tendons (Fig. • Ideal for automated manufacturing
4.2.1-12). The precast elements can be method (cantilever, incremental
prestressed in the prestressing bed or launching, etc.)
• Prefabricated T-parts are produced
with corresponding
the spacing. The intermediate spaces

Figure 4.2.1-13 Possible

installation of prefabricated T-
258 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.1-14 Possible installation

of prefabricated T-pieces

Figure 4.2.1-15 Favorable cross-section dimensions for a box cross-section

Unfavorable properties of box girders: An example of a small hollow cross-

section is shown in Figure 4.2.1-16. This is
• Largest proportion of formwork per m³
the cross-section of prestressed concrete
of concrete
track girders for the Transrapid Maglev
• Longest "circumference" and therefore
high-speed railroad in Germany. These as
"Reinforcement area" (largest number
of reinforcement meshes)
Table 4.2.1-2 Favorable cross-section dimensions
for a box cross-section
According to [Schlaich/Scheef, 1982] and Size Examples
[Wicke], the following points of reference h1 ≥20 cm
are given for determining favorable cross-
h3 ≥20 cm
section dimensions: Figure 4.2.1-15, Table
4.2.1-2. For larger cross-sections, the track h4 ≥30 cm
slab must be at least 25 cm thick (h3 ≥ 25 (or 20 cm + ∅envelope)
cm). The introduction of heavier h5 ≥15cm
individual vehicles may make thicker slabs lVoute/lPlate
necessary (no pressure reinforcement for ≤0.2 (or also = 0.5)
slabs). 15 cm at the end of the bracket (h1 h1 : h2 1 :2 ... 1 : 3
= 15 cm) is sufficient if carefully executed
h3 : l3 1 : 30 (due to risk of buckling)
and the slab is not transversely
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 259

Figure 4.2.1-16 Form-faithful pre-tensioning - prestressed concrete girder TVE [Hilliges, 1997].

Figure 4.2.1-17 Cross-section of the Reichsbrücke with different functional levels [Pauser, 1987].

The prefabricated elements designed as Reichsbrücke in Vienna. The special

single-span beams were mainly designed feature is the two-level solution with the
with span widths of 25 m and 31 m. The subway in the two boxes and the road on
special feature of these girders is their the deck. The construction was carried out
true-to-form pre-tensioning. This is as a cantilever structure for each half of the
achieved by means of curved tendons in the bridge in one cross-section including a
girder webs. Plastic deflections during the pedestrian console. The trend is moving
service life are avoided and the required more and more towards a single-cell box
long-term stability is ensured. cross-section, even with large span widths.
Figure 4.2.1-17 shows an example of a The design is c a r r i e d o u t with
multifunctionally used cross-section, transverse prestressing of the deck slab.
which is that of the new Figure 4.2.1-18 shows cross-sections of the
Skye Bridge. This is a rigid frame bridge
with vertical piers
260 4 Cross-section design

Above the support

102 tendons
19 × 0.62″

46 cm
stress from pre-
σ b,vo = 46
σ = - 11.1 MPa
- 8.2 MPa

32 tendons
19 × 0.62″
in the center of the field

Figure 4.2.1-18 Cross-sections and arrangement of the pre-tension [Baumann, 1996].

and large spans (125 + 250 + 125 = 500 The appearance of the already very
m). During the planning phase, high slender frame construction was further
design requirements were placed on the enhanced by these design elements.
supporting structure due to its unique For very wide bridges with separate
location in the countryside. The shaping carriageways (highways, expressways), but
of the side surfaces (webs, transition to also for double-track railroad bridges, two
the base plate) and the surface structuring independent supporting structures are
of the webs (vertical ribs) made it possible often required. This results in a system
to make effective use of light and shadow with much lower transverse stiffness, but
effects. Particular attention was also p a i d has advantages in the event of renovation
to the design of the edge beams. The measures. An example of this

Figure 4.2.1-19 Standard cross-section of the Schnaittach viaduct [Riedmann, 1998].

4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 261

is the Schnaittach viaduct on the A9 4.2.2 Steel bridges

Berlin - Nuremberg Maintenance Depot
motorway, see Figure 4.2.1-19. Two-cell FRANCESCO AIGNER
and multi-cell boxes only make sense for and THOMAS PETRASCHEK
very wide structures in relation to the
structure height (structure Orthotropic plate
width/structure height > 6 : 1). More than
3 or 4 webs do not improve the transverse Based on the cross-section contour
distribution in practice and are therefore specified by the requirements and the
unusual. thickness of the road surface, the deck
If possible, the design height should plate of steel bridges follows the cross-
not be too short; if necessary, continuous section. All steps that occur in the area of
beams for which larger support subsidence the transition from the carriageway to the
is expected should be designed to be rather footpath, cycle path or central reservation,
slender. The webs must be able to absorb all cross slopes, etc., are followed by the
the compressive forces due to shear force steel plate. A stepless cross-section design
and torsion in the inclined compression would considerably simplify the bridge
struts. A "balanced cross-section" as in the deck of steel bridges, but the
case of the plate girder is not important for implementation usually fails for reasons of
the box, which means that the form- traffic safety.
finding is less restricted. As with the plate In order to transfer vertical loads from
girder, the deck slab is reinforced towards dead load, but above all from traffic, the
the webs (haunched or curved soffit) in deck plate must be stiffened with a
order to adapt the slab to the internal thickness t ≥ 12 mm for road bridges and t
forces, although production is more ≥ 14 mm for railroad bridges with a ballast
complicated than with a flat soffit. The bed. Stiffeners are provided by
calculation of the supporting structure as a longitudinal and transverse girders, which
torsionally rigid beam is based on a true are connected (welded) to the deck plate
cross-section. Cross bulkheads are and to each other in a shear-resistant
inconvenient to manufacture. However, manner. A roadway slab, consisting of a
they must always be arranged at the ends shear-resistant connected cover plate and
of the supporting structure ("end longitudinal and transverse girders, is
transverse plates"), and transverse called an orthogonally anisotropic, or
bulkheads will generally also have to be orthotropic, roadway slab because of the
provided at the intermediate supports anisotropy in the bending and shear
(absorption of large torsional moments). stiffnesses in two mutually orthogonal
Transverse bulkheads in the field are directions. The system is shown in Figure
required for large spans (according to 4.2.2-1 and
[Wicke] possibly from 60 m, in any case z. For example, the Brunsbüttel high
from 100 m). If transverse bulkheads bridge, see Figure 4.2.2-2. In the case of
cannot be arranged (drivable box), local railroad bridges with roadbeds and
transverse frames must be formed. In this pedestrian bridges, the longitudinal
case, additional stresses result from the stiffeners may be omitted and only closely
transverse section deformation. spaced transverse girders can be arranged
(Fig. 4.2.2-3).
The basic principle of the design is that
the longitudinal girders extend over the
entire length of the bridge.
262 4 Cross-section design

Fig. 4.2.2-1 Main girder with orthotropic plate [Kindmann/Krawinkel et al., 1999].

Figure 4.2.2-2 Orthotropic plate consisting of 5 strips during installation

The cross beams are usually combed onto As closed profiles only require half the
the longitudinal beams in ⊥������ with number of welds to support the cover
correspondingly cut-out webs (preferably plate compared to open profiles, closed
not threaded) (Figure 4.2.2-4). profiles, usually trapezoidal profiles, are
Open profiles such as flat steels, beaded predominantly used as longitudinal beams
flat steels or halved ��������������� today for economic reasons. In addition,
(Figures 4.2.2-5, 4.2.2-6) or closed profiles closed profiles have two to three orders of
such as win- kels and triangular and magnitude greater St. Venant's torsional
trapezoidal stiffeners (Figures 4.2.2-7, stiffness and smaller outer coating areas
4.2.2-8) are used as longitudinal members. than open profiles.
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 263

Figure 4.2.2-3 Railway bridge with transversely oriented orthotropic slab [DS 804]

Figure 4.2.2-4 Connection between side member

and cross member [Kindmann/Krawinkel et al.,
264 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.2-5 Flat steel stiffenerFigure 4.2.2-6 Bead flat steel

stiffener (older version)

open profiles. The higher torsional stiffness

leads to better lateral distribution of the
concentrated wheel loads and thus
reduces the local deformation of the cover
plate, which increases the service life of
the pavement.
For road bridges, the supports of the
deck plate by the longitudinal girders must
be at a distance a, e ≤ 25 t; for railroad
bridges with a roadbed, a, e ≤ 40 t (Figure
The spacing of the cross girders Figure 4.2.2-7 Trapezoidal stiffener for road bridge
depends on the height of the longitudinal
girders. For open profiles, the distance
between the cross girders is usually 2.5 to
4.0 m for road bridges, 2.0 to 3.0 m for
railroad bridges, 3.5 to 5.0 m for closed Plate beam
profiles for road bridges and 3.0 to 4.5 m
for railroad bridges. Steel plate girder cross-sections consist of
The lightweight steel track is supported the orthotropic deck slab and at least two
by the main girders and at the same time main girder webs and main girder chords,
forms their top chord. The main which are all connected to each other in
supporting beam can be designed as an shear. In steel construction, only two
open cross-section - slab beam cross- main girders are ever designed for
section - or as a fitter cross-section - box economic reasons if the construction
cross-section. Both options are discussed height is sufficient (Fig. 4.2.2-10).
in more detail in the following sections Only if the construction height is low, so and that the cross beams already cover it.
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 265

Figure 4.2.2-8 Trapezoidal stiffener for railroad bridge [Kindmann et al., 1999].

Figure 4.2.2-9 Distances a, e as a function of t

[Kindmann et al., 1999].
Figure 4.2.2-11 Multi-web slab beam - girder grid
[Weitz, 1975].

Plate girder cross-sections can also be

formed with truss main girders. For deck
bridges, the orthotropic deck slab forms
Figure 4.2.2-10 Two-span slab beam the top chord of the trusses. Through
bridges where the main girders overhang
the roadway are no longer built with full-
wall main girders for road bridges, and for
several main beams are executed. This railroad bridges only if the upper edge of
results in a multi-webbed slab girder cross- the main girders is lower than the lower
section. A girder grid is created from the edge of the wagon window. Through
interaction of main and cross beams (Fig. bridges with truss main girders
266 4 Cross-section design

Fig. 4.2.2-12 Truss railroad bridge, roadway below [DS 804]

The main girders are designed for both (Figures 4.2.2-13, 4.2.2-14).
road and railroad bridges, as the trusses As the base plate should not be too thin
only slightly impair the view to the side. (t ≥ 10 mm) for structural reasons and
The roadway then either lies between the because of the tight cut-outs then
chords or itself forms the bottom chords required, and as the required area of the
of the main truss girders (Fig. 4.2.2-12). base plate is always smaller than that of
the cover plate with local plate loading, the
webs of the main beams must usually be Box cross-section
arranged at closer intervals for box cross-
The simplest case is the box cross-section sections than for open cross-sections. An
made of steel with two webs, whereby inclined position of the webs meets these
these are arranged vertically or inclined. requirements and the
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 267

Figure 4.2.2-13 Box with vertical bars [Weitz, Figure 4.2.2-14 Box with inclined webs [Weitz,
1975]. 1975].

Figure 4.2.2-15 Box cross-sections with diagonal braces [Weitz, 1975].

The width of the pillars is opposed. For this the. In the case of navigable waterways
reason, box cross-sections often result in with radar navigation, parallel,
cantilevered roadway sections that can lead unstructured inner bridge surfaces viewed
to longitudinal cracks in the roadway from below can lead to multiple
pavement due to the transverse bending. For reflections of the radar beam and indicate
this reason, it may b e advisable to support what appears to be a second bridge
these cantilevers w i t h d i a g o n a l structure further away on the radar
braces (Figure 4.2.2-15). Inclined braces can screen. For this reason, such webs should
be arranged at each cross beam or only at be inclined by at least 10° towards each
the cross plates. In the latter case, load- other or other measures (e.g. nets) should
distributing longitudinal beams must be arranged to prevent multiple
support the cantilevers in between. In the reflections.
case of wide bridges, especially central girder With web and base plates, it must be
bridges, box cross-sections with one or two ensured that they can buckle under
central webs, i.e. multi-cell box cross- compressive and/or shear loads. For this
sections, can also be designed. reason, these sheets are usually reinforced
(Figure 4.2.2-16). with longitudinal or transverse stiffeners,
Bridges with a highway width are often so that orthotropic disks (stress in the
designed with two single-cell box cross- plane of the supporting structure) are
sections (Fig. 4.2.2-17). This has the created. In order to meet the structural
advantage that the half bridge also remains engineer's requirement to maintain the
a load-bearing structure. Cross-sections cross-sectional shape (true cross-section),
for through bridges can also be the cross members of the orthotropic deck
constructed from two full-wall box cross- slab and the transverse stiffeners of the
sections with a roadway in between. web and floor plates are connected to form
transverse frames with bending stiffness.
At all points where concentrated loads are
introduced into the cross-section, the cross

Figure 4.2.2-16 Three-cell box cross-section

for a center-girder cable-stayed bridge [Weitz,
Fig. 4.2.2-17 Double box with inclined inner
bars [Weitz, 1975]
268 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.2-18 Plate girder cross-section with truss cross-bracing - Karlsruhe - Durlach highway

are guided (e.g. supports, rope and cable which determines the height of the cross-
entries, arch entries) and usually in the sectional shape during assembly and has
1/3 or 1/4 points of a span, either the corresponding bending stiffness
transverse sheaves or transverse bracings (Figures 4.2.2-19, 4.2.2-20).
are arranged to maintain the cross- For high beams, the cross-section is
sectional shape and distribute divided by a longitudinal joint into an
concentrated loads to the cross-section. upper part - web with top plate - and a
(Figure 4.2.2-18). lower part - web with bottom chord or
bottom plate - and both parts are joined
together to form the main beam at a pre- Fabrication of the steel
assembly site near the construction site.
bridge on the construction site
All gradations of the cross-section can also
For production, the bridge cross-section be used to divide the cross-section into
must be divided into sections whose sections. The widths of the sections are
dimensions and weights allow selected so that the longitudinal joints are
transportation from the workshop to the located between the stiffeners, in
construction site and assembly there with particular between the trapezoidal
the lifting gear used. These sections are profiles. Today, longitudinal joints are
generally oriented longitudinally and only practically exclusively butt-welded. For the
in exceptional cases are they oriented cover sheet, steep flank seams on steel
transversely at supports or force plates or on ceramic bath protection have
introductions. Their dimensions are based proven to be economical, which can be
on the sheet sizes available on the market. produced with submerged arc welding
Typically, the width is 2.0 to 3.8 m and the machines. Longitudinal joints in web and
length is an integer multiple of the cross base plates are formed with V-seams, X-
beam spacing, usually 12 to 25 m. Care seams or steep-flank seams with bath
must be taken to ensure that the web, top protection. The cross beams that are also
chord and bottom chord of main beams to be joined at the longitudinal joints
up to a maximum height of 3.5 m form a
single unit.
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 269

Figure 4.2.2-19 Division of a bridge cross-section into sections - Oberkasseler Brücke, Düssel-
dorf [Weitz, 1975]

Figure 4.2.2-20 Sections of the Oberkassel Bridge, Düsseldorf, during assembly

270 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.2-21 Assembly joints of the cover plate, transverse (left), longitudinal (right)
[Kindmann/Krawinkel et al., 1999].

and transverse stiffeners are either free on both sides of the transverse joint.
connected with GV strap joints or butt- After welding the transverse seams in the
welded with V and/or X seams (Figure sheets, the side member window pieces
4.2.2-21). manufactured to natural dimensions are
In order to be able to pull the butt-welded in during assembly (Figures
transverse seams in the sheets, they must 4.2.2-22 to 4.2.2-24).
be accessible from both sides. Cut-outs A key design element for the bridge
(windows) are therefore left in the cross-section is the edge beam.
longitudinal stiffeners.

Figure 4.2.2-22 Installation joint of a trapezoidal sheet metal stiffener [Kindmann/Krawinkel et al.,

Figure 4.2.2-23 Transverse joint with windows in the trapezoidal profiles - Danube bridge U6, Vienna
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 271

Figure 4.2.2-24 Welding in the window sections - Danube bridge U6, Vienna

tion. For visual reasons, this should be replaced by a cheaper concrete roadway.
sufficiently rigid and also have a stiffened The orthotropic steel roadway is
lower edge, as the harmonious shape of 'expensive' due to the high cost of welding
the supporting structure can be read from work. In high-wage countries such as
this, "waves" are particularly visible in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, the
grazing light and detract from the visual share of labor costs outweighs the share of
impression. A light-coloured outer total material and labor costs. In terms of
coating of the edge beam makes each economic efficiency, the cross-section
bridge appear slimmer and emphasizes design will therefore aim to minimize the
the longitudinal extension (Figure 4.2.2- proportion of labour costs and, in
25, see p. 210). particular, the proportion of welding work.
Even if cost reduction and economic
efficiency are still the main criteria for
4.2.3 Composite bridges building design today, there are other
equally important ones, such as
ULRIKE KUHLMANN • Reduction in construction time
and ANNETTE DETZEL • Durability and ease of maintenance
• Aesthetic design. General criteria
The latter criterion in particular requires a
Today, composite bridges are rethink on the part of the engineers, who are
predominantly constructed as full-wall also responsible for the choice of an
beam bridges. Compared to prestressed aesthetic, well-proportioned form and the
concrete bridges, they have the advantage integration of the bridge into the landscape,
of lower construction height and lower especially in bridge construction. As the
construction weight, while at the same examples will show, these criteria do not
time being quick to assemble without only influence the design of the bridge.
obstructing traffic. Compared to pure steel
construction, composite construction
offers decisive cost advantages because it
reduces the
'expensive' orthotropic steel track through
272 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.2-25 Edge formation of a railroad bridge [DS 804]

4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 273

bridge system but also very significantly • the formation of only a few rather thick
the decision for a certain cross-sectional components and
shape. • the division into large assembly units
A basic distinction can be made The two main beams, here the two
between open slab beam cross-sections main beams, so that the number of
and closed box cross-sections. assembly joints and the time-
consuming assembly welding work are
minimized. Slab beam or box cross-section
The example of the Melk railroad bridges Figure 4.2.3-2 shows the Böckinger Bridge
[Pommer, 1995], [Glatzl/Pommer, 1995] is in Heilbronn [Engländer et al., 1997] as an
a very typical two-span plate girder for example of one of the many road bridges
composite bridges, see Fig. 4.2.3-1. The with a two-span slab girder. Here it was
simple, economical cross-sectional shape even possible to win the competition with
with few longitudinal and transverse a steel composite construction as a special
projections reduces the amount of welding design compared to the prestressed
work and thus the production costs. concrete solution planned as a
Another special feature of the Melk replacement for the old prestressed
railroad bridges is the steel grade selected. concrete bridge.
For example, the steel structure of the The main criterion was the ease of
composite bridges, which weighs around assembly of the composite construction
1540 tons, was largely made of thermally due to the cross-section. As the ship's
mechanically rolled DIMC-355B grade navigation profile had to be kept clear
steel. Material thicknesses of up to 90 mm during the construction period, the
were used, with the thickest chords prestressed concrete box girder would
consisting of two 1400 × 90 mm have had to bridge the almost 100 m wide
laminates. Thermomechanically rolled river field in cantilever construction. The
steels can also be welded in thicker sheets two main steel girders could be assembled
due to their low carbon content and good with a heavy truck-mounted crane in large
notched impact strength with significantly prefabricated steel sections of 20 to 30 m
lower preheating power than until finally about 40 m long cantilevers
conventional steels. Larger plate reached into the river field from both
thicknesses lead to a lower number of sides, so that the two main girder end
individual plates. This avoids notches that pieces of about 20 m could also be
cause fatigue, such as the lamella ends and suspended and welded in between. The
the connecting seams, so that in addition formwork construction for the composite
to the cost savings, the durability of the slab was then supported on this
construction is also improved. completed steel construction. The steel
The plate girder cross-section of the girders thus acted as formwork girders, so
Melk railroad bridges is therefore an to speak.
example of some modern principles of The example of the Böckinger Bridge in
economical cross-section design: Heilbronn is also interesting because in
the area of the one approx. 40 m long side
• the design of clear, simple cross- span of the composite deck bridge, which
sectional shapes with only a few runs through three spans, a box girder was
connecting seams formed instead of the two-span slab
girder. In this area, a strong curvature of R
= 110 m generates such high downward
forces that they are not compatible with the
light transverse forces.
274 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.3-1 Melk bridge

Figure 4.2.3-2 Böckingen Bridge, assembly of the steel girders

The open cross-section of the slab beam In addition to the lower painting costs -
can no longer be accommodated. the inner surfaces of the boxes usually
The decision in favor of a box cross- only receive two top coats and not three -
section is therefore made in many cases pigeon protection also plays a role.
because of the need for high torsional Open plate girder cross-sections
rigidity. [Kuhlmann, 1995] sometimes lead to
Today, closed box systems are no considerable problems due to the wide
longer only used for curved bridges. overhanging lower chords on which
Project owners also see advantages for later pigeons and other birds settle and nest. If
maintenance due to the smooth outer you look at old bridges and railroad
surfaces. In addition to low stations, especially in urban areas, you can
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 275

It is easy to imagine that this is not just a The new German federal states have opted
matter of contamination problems, but for a single-cell box cross-section in steel
that corrosion protection is also affected in composite construction. The webs are
the long term. For this reason, gratings or inclined with a constant bottom chord
protective nets are now provided for open width, so that a uniform bridge soffit is
cross-sections at considerable expense. In created. These inclined webs, set back
other areas, welded plates are inserted under the cantilevered slab, reinforce the
between the web and the bottom chord. As impression of a particularly slender
these diagonal plates become load-bearing structure. Examples are the Elbe bridge
cross-section parts through welding, the Tor- gau, the viaducts Siebenlehn and
same high requirements apply to them in Wil- kau-Haßlau or the Elbe bridge
terms of weld seam formation and control Vocke- rode, see Figures 4.2.3-3 and 4.2.3-
and structural detailing. Particularly at the 4, [Gra- bein et al., 1995], [Seifried/Stetter,
intersections of cross beams and main 1996], [Saul et al., 1999] and further
beams, complicated intersections arise in examples in [BMV, 1997].
terms of production technology due to the These bridges are usually haunched in
bottom chord inclined plates of the two the longitudinal direction and have a so-
load-bearing members. Gratings or nets called double composite cross-section in the
are simpler and less costly solutions. area of the high support cross-section. A
Advantages in maintenance and more recent example of this is the Inn
aesthetic criteria lead to a large number of bridge in Neuötting [Langen et al., 2000],
new composite bridges, especially in the see Fig. 4.2.3-5, with a concrete composite
course of the expansion of the new bottom chord over a length of 40 to 50 m
transportation network. to the right and left of the river piers with
a variable thickness of 40 cm at the
beginning of the bridge.

Figure 4.2.3-3 Vockerode composite bridge; overview

276 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.3-4 Composite bridge Vockerode, standard cross-sections

Figure 4.2.3-5 Neuötting Inn Bridge: Double composite at the support cross-section

Concrete chord up to 1.20 m above the Scientific studies concern on the one hand
pillar axis. the dowel force distribution in the bottom
As the concrete chord has a positive chord slab [Ibach, 2001], and on the other
influence on the stability behavior of the hand the specification of the reduced
steel bottom chord plate and the web dowel load-bearing capacity when the
plates in the negative moment range dowels are arranged horizontally directly
above the column, significantly lower under the concrete surface [Breuninger,
thicknesses can be selected for the steel 2000] and [Kürschner, 2003]. Rules for
plates. Coupling of the concrete bottom taking into account the reduced anchor
chord plate to the steel structure is load-bearing capacity for anchors
achieved by means of dowel pins, arranged horizontally or better close to the
primarily in two areas edge, which can generate splitting tensile
forces, can now be found in Annex A of
• in the transition area between the pure DIN 18800-5:2007-3. The new DIN
steel bottom chord and the composite Technical Report 104, 2009 edition, also
bottom chord for transferring refers to this rule. Further explanations on
compressive forces across the entire the background to the treatment of
width of the bottom chord horizontal or close-to-edge anchors can be
• in the remaining bottom chord found in [Kürschner/ Kuhlmann, 2005]
composite area and [Kuhlmann/Raichle, 2008]. Additional
especially in the bottom chord close to considerations
the web up to the first longitudinal
stiffener and by horizontal dowels on
the webs themselves.
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 277

Figure 4.2.3-6 Cross-section of the Diepmannsbachtal bridge

The tests with regard to creep and Image of the cross-section of the
shrinkage of the concrete and the mutual Diepmannsbach Valley Bridge, which
influence of the concrete parts in the crosses the A1 federal highway near
cross-section are necessary if the cross- Remscheid-Lennep with a curvature of R
section of the roadway is prestressed in the = 1000 m over the charming
longitudinal direction of the bridge, e.g. in Diepmannsbach Valley. This bridge was
the case of the oldest double composite built next to the existing old bridge in
bridge, the Inn Bridge Wasserburg order to widen the roadway from four to
[Bilfinger et al., 1988] or the Moselle six lanes. The aim was to design the new
Bridge Bernkastel-Kues [Kuhlmann, bridge in such a way that the view of the
1996]. old listed structure was not disturbed. A
Since the design of the steel bottom very light bridge was therefore chosen,
chord plate is determined by the with spans to match the spans of the old
construction stage, i.e. the concreting of masonry arches of 25 m in a double 50 m
the concrete bottom chord, which may grid.
then have to be carried out in several The cross-section consists of two small,
layers to limit the stress, the question approx. 2 m wide steel boxes connected by
arises as to whether the steel bottom chord a continuous plate. This cross-section
plate is not a very expensive "formwork combines the advantages of the torsional
plate" that could be dispensed with rigidity and smooth visible surfaces of
altogether. closed cross-sections with the ease of
Production and assembly are very assembly of the typical plate beams. This
important criteria for determining the solution also allows the composite slab to
appropriate cross-section, and so ease of be optimally supported by the box webs,
access and assembly are still the main so that the concrete slab can also be
advantages of open cross-sections made loosely reinforced in the cross-section.
up of individual main beams compared to The relationship between slab construction
single or multi-cell box beams, which and cross-section design is discussed
generally cannot be transported as a below.
closed unit. A combination of both cross-
sectional shapes utilizes the advantages of
both. Figure 4.2.3-6 shows the
278 4 Cross-section design Influence of the roadway slab does not automatically mean that this
on the cross-section design system is more economical. With large
spans, the height of the main girder webs is
The concrete roadway slab has a dual determined by the required stiffness and
function in composite construction: not by the required shear force capacity.
• In the transverse direction, it acts as a This usually leads to webs that are far from
plate that transfers the loads to the being utilized by the shear force. With a
longitudinal beams. large number of main girder webs, the
• In the longitudinal direction, it forms height of the webs is only slightly reduced,
the upper while the transverse load-bearing capacity
of the composite cross-section and acts of the bridge increases disproportionately.
as a disk. The overall material utilization is worse and
the construction is therefore less
Both functions lead to tensile stresses in economical. With small spans, the ratios
the concrete: in the transverse direction, between moment and shear force bearing
the slab receives tension from the capacity are generally more favorable, so
continuous effect over the longitudinal that with several webs the utilization and
beams; in the longitudinal direction, the thus the economic efficiency of the
top chord cracks in the area of negative construction increases. This also results in
moments at the supports. In the past, a corresponding saving in the area of the
these tensile stresses were overstressed in transverse pre-tensioning of the slab.
both directions by prestressing with Another way to reduce the span,
tendons. However, experience in recent especially of cantilevers, when the number
years with damage to prestressed concrete of main beams is low is to use inclined
bridges has recently led to a reluctance to struts that support the cantilever against
use post-tensioning with subsequent the bottom chord of the main beams, as
bonding, which also affects the design of shown in Figure 4.2.3-7. The horizontal
composite slabs. In order to avoid pre- components on the upper and lower chord
tensioning in the transverse direction, the must be short-circuited. In the case of the
spans, especially of the cantilevers, must viaduct over the Wilde Gera [Wölfel, R.,
be reduced accordingly or very massive 1999 and Denzer et al., 2000], this is done
cross-sections must be selected, which, via a tension strap in the concrete upper
however, quickly become uneconomical chord and the transverse frame's transom
and aesthetically unappealing. in the lower chord.
The pre-tensioning of the concrete slab The roadway slab is supported in the
not only has disadvantages in terms of transverse direction by the two inclined
maintenance and durability of the webs of the steel box girder and by
structure, but also has a decisive influence external composite girders. These
on the costs of the composite slab. A longitudinal beams in turn rest on
simple cost comparison for the unit prices transverse frames every 6 m. The
of different slab types in Table 4.2.3-1 transverse frames are formed by the
shows that the higher proportion of slack internal and external diagonals, the
reinforcement required is more than transverse stiffeners of the box cross-
compensated for by the savings in section and a tension strip located in the
prestressing tendons. roadway slab (see Fig. 4.2.3-7). The main
The simple conclusion that a large purpose of the tension band is to take up
number of main support webs is the load from the outer diagonals.
advantageous for large slab widths, as this
reduces the span of the slab, is not
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 279

Table 4.2.3-1 Cost comparison of concrete composite slabs (as of 1995)

Costs for concrete composite panels €
single-span beam Concrete 0,35 m2 × 300,- = 105,-
Reinforcement 0,050 t × 650,- = 32,50
1,00 m2 ×
Shuttering 75,- = 75,-
212,50 €/m2
Single-span beam with Concrete 0,35 m2 × 300,- = 105,-
transverse pre-
Reinforcement 0,035 t × 650,- = 22,75
Transverse tendons 0,010 t × 3500,- = 35,-
1,00 m2 ×
Shuttering 75,- = 75,-
237,75 €/m2
Continuous beam Concrete 0,35 m2 × 300,- = 105,-
Reinforcement 0,09 t × 650,- = 58,50
1,00 m2 ×
Shuttering 75,- = 75,-
238,50 €/m2
Continuous beam with Concrete 0,35 m2 × 300,- = 105,-
transverse prestressing
Reinforcement 0,070 t × 650,- = 45,50
Transverse tendons 0,010 t × 3500,- = 35,-
1,00 m2 ×
Shuttering 75,- = 75,-
260,50 €/m2
Continuous beam with Concrete 0,35 m2 × 300,- = 105,-
longitudinal prestressing
Reinforcement 0,050 t × 650,- = 32,50
Longitudinal tendons 0,015 t × 3000,- = 25,-
1,00 m2 ×
Shuttering 75,- = 75,-
237,50 €/m2
Continuous girder with Concrete 0,35 m2 × 300,- = 105,-
longitudinal prestressing
Reinforcement 0,035 t × 650,- = 22,75
and transverse
prestressing Longitudinal tendons 0,015 t × 3000,- = 45,-
Transverse tendons 0,010 t × 3500,- = 35,-
Shuttering 1,00 m2 × 75,- = 75,-
282,75 €/m2
280 4 Cross-section design

resulting tensile forces in the transverse tendons in the transverse direction.

direction. Depending on the design, Inspired by a circular from the Federal
however, it also receives more or less high Ministry of Transport on the introduction
stresses from the local load on the of the amended composite girder
roadway. directive, the companies Dörnen
The example of a composite bridge in Stahlbauwerke, Dortmund, and
the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe Echterhoff, Westerkappeln, developed a
region shows that the decision for or special proposal with an exclusively slack-
against pre-tensioning does not only weighted deck slab. As can be seen from the
depend on the costs of the deck slab: cross-section (Fig. 4.2.3-8), however, this
Bridge BW19 was to span the Datteln- design requires a third longitudinal steel
Hamm Canal as a single-span beam with a girder as additional slab support in return
span of approx. 53 m. The administrative for dispensing with pre-tensioning.
design envisaged a two-span composite The saving in prestressing steel is
bridge. Due to the span ratios of the slab, therefore purchased through additional
8 m main girder spacing and 3.15 m structural steel weight. The extent to which
cantilever length, it was planned to build the overall construction is more
the composite slab in economical depends on the speci

Figure 4.2.3-7 Viaduct over the Wilde Gera, cross-section with transverse frame and tension band
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 281

Figure 4.2.3-8 Cross-section BW19

boundary conditions. In this example, the the environment. However, in addition to the
special proposal was commissioned, but efficient afforestation of forests, forest
for legal and political reasons the section dieback and the large-scale deforestation
of the B474n, to which the bridge of rainforests call the balance into
structure belongs, was never completed. question.
The processing of wood, from
4.2.4 Wooden bridges extraction to the end product, is the most
energy-efficient of all building materials. In
THOMAS JAHN addition, the material efficiency and
specific performance of wood in terms of
construction has not yet been matched by Notes on wood as a material in
any conventional or new building
bridge construction
material. Timber components are
After a great past, wood as a material has naturally rod-shaped and can absorb
practically lost much of its importance in relatively high tensile or compressive
bridge construction today. Bridges are still forces in the direction of the grain.
built from wood, but not primarily because For bridge construction, the ratio of the
of the outstanding material properties, but dead load of the material to its strength is
rather for reasons of tradition and the of crucial importance. In absolute terms,
appealing appearance. Wood is used in wood fulfills this requirement
bridge construction for reasons of extraordinarily well. For example, a beam
conservation or beautiful landscapes, but made of softwood with a length of 3 m,
not because the aim is to build a which is to bear a central compressive
particularly efficient, economical load- load of 20 tons, weighs 60 kg, one made of
bearing structure. Wood is an ecological solid steel 130 kg and one made of
building material. The place where it is reinforced concrete 300 kg. If the load is
produced is the forest. Beautifying and applied in tension, these differences
improving forests become even clearer. The breaking length
of a suspended wooden bar with any
constant cross-section is mathematically 7
km. With normal mild steel
282 4 Cross-section design

the length is 3 km and reinforced concrete Solid wall beam bridges
is completely excluded from this
Several beams lie next to each other on the
comparison, as the concrete, which is
supporting structures (abutments, supports
unsuitable for tension, places additional
or yoke beams) and carry the roadway
stress on the steel reinforcement.
[Dietrich, 1998]. In terms of the
If beams are placed on top of each
weight/strength ratio, timber therefore far
other, their moments of inertia and
outperforms the other materials
moments of resistance add up. Under load,
mentioned. It is to be expected that people
a mutual displacement occurs in the
will once again become more aware of the
contact area. If this displacement is
outstanding properties of this natural
completely impeded, a rigid bond is
building material and that wood still has a
present. Elastic bonding, which is dealt
future in bridge construction.
with in detail in the standard [DIN
1052/1/2, 1988], lies between the limiting Construction forms of the superstructures cases of free displacement and rigid
This section only provides a very brief
Wooden dowels, vertical nail plates,
insight into the different forms of
horizontal nail press-in plates or press-in
construction for overbridges, which
dowels are used to connect the two beams
generally depend on the width to be
in the joint.
bridged. For more detailed information
on construction forms, please refer to the Blasting structures
relevant literature (e.g. [ Melan, 1922],
[ Laskus, 1955], Braced structures consist of straight or
[Mucha, 1995]). curved continuous or single-span beams
The design of the superstructure (long beams) and the inclined inner
determines the cross-sectional shape of supports (see Fig. 4.2.4-1). Depending on
the bridge (see section the number of unsupported points
The following construction forms are between the end
used in timber bridge construction.

a b
Fig. 4.2.4-1 a Single symmetrical triangular blasting structure, b Triple blasting structure

a b
Fig. 4.2.4-2 a Single suspension system (triangular suspension system), b Double suspension system
(trapezoidal suspension system)
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 283

support, these are referred to as single, panes (e.g. for covered bridges) or panes in
double or multiple blasting structures. the roadway level.
The blasting effect is caused by the inclined
supports, which generate horizontal Suspended sprinkler systems
forces. Lateral stabilization for absorbing
Suspended bracing systems, see Fig. 4.2.4-
wind loads is achieved by bracing in the
3, are a combination of the suspension and
plane of the bracing beam or by the
bracing systems. Horizontal support forces
Road pane.
arise as a result of vertical loads. Suspended units Truss bridges
In a suspension system, the beam is
suspended from a bar or a bar system, see Truss members are primarily stressed by
Fig. 4.2.4-2. As with the bracing system, a normal forces. This is achieved by
distinction is made between single, double connecting the members to each other in
or multiple suspension systems depending a hinged manner, see Fig. 4.2.4-4, and
on the number of suspension points. In loads are primarily transferred to the
contrast to blasting structures, suspension hinges. Although the chords of the trusses
structures do not generate any horizontal usually run through with bending stiffness
support forces under vertical loading. (see Fig. 4.2.4-5), no significant secondary
Lateral stabilization can be achieved in stresses due to bending stress occur in the
various ways. In the case of bridges open usual truss shapes.
at the top (through bridges) and bridges Arch bridges
without top chord bracing, the wind load
is transferred to the bottom chord bracing With the correct choice of arch shape
by transverse frames. If there is a top (inverted chain line), arches are load-
chord bracing, it transfers its forces into bearing structures that are predominantly
portals on the supports or also through subjected to normal forces. In bridge
transverse frames into the bottom chord construction
bracing. The function of the bracings can
also be realized by roof bracings.

a b
Fig. 4.2.4-3 a Single pendant bracing, b Double manual bracing

a b
Fig. 4.2.4-4 a One-piece mullion truss with four bays, b Truss with crossed struts
284 4 Cross-section design

Figure 4.2.4-5 Truss bridge over the Orke in Vöhl-Ederbringhausen [Gerold, 2001]

A distinction is made between solid-wall Probably the best known and most
arches and skeleton arches. Skeleton impressive suspension bridge is the span
arches, which can take the form of timber- bridge over the Main-Danube Canal near
frame, stud-frame and truss arches, Essing, see Figure 4.2.4-7.
consist of straight bars. Solid-wall arches
usually consist of wooden boards glued Cross-section design for bridges
together in the horizontal joint, see Figure
4.2.4-6. The cross-section design of timber bridges
depends to a decisive extent on the Suspension bridge-span bridges
structural form of the superstructure and
In the simplest form of suspension thus on the structural system selected for
bridges, the planks of the walkway are laid load trasnfer. The most important cross-
and fastened directly onto the suspension sectional shapes in timber bridge
cables. The cables are anchored to the construction are presented below.
ground in a tension-proof manner.

Figure 4.2.4-6 Bridge over the Machfeld Canal in Vienna [Mucha, 1995].
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 285

Figure 4.2.4-7 The footbridge over the Main-Danube Canal near Essing [Mucha, 1995]. Road plates beams, yokes, pillars) are used. Angled

panel constructions are also easy to form.
Economical solutions for roadway slabs
The slab is anisotropic due to the different
can be achieved by using wooden boards
strength properties in the fiber directions
or wood composite structures. Wooden
and transversely. In practice, girder grids
roadway panels are created by combining
or orthotropic material formulations are
several wooden elements (board slats).
used to determine internal forces on such
The individual lamellas are mechanically
connected to each other by nailing,
In the following, the slab systems are
screwing, doweling, prestressing (QS
explained in more detail, the advantages
construction method) and/or gluing in
of which lie both in a good load
order to achieve the panel effect on the
distribution capacity and in a flat and
vertical or horizontal wooden surfaces
dimensionally stable slab surface, which
(depending on the installation direction),
makes it possible to apply a bituminous
see Fig. 4.2.4-8.
road surface with corresponding road
In bridge construction, double-sided
single-span slabs, but also slabs over
several supports (cross girders) are used.

a b
Figure 4.2.4-8 Principle of the plate effect, a No connection between the beams, only the loaded
beam has to bear the load (e.g. wheel load). b Beams are connected to each other in a vertical
direction without displacement and thus form a double-sided supported plate, all beams participate
in the load trasnfer due to the cross-connection.
286 4 Cross-section design Track panel with wooden slats Glued panel systems

joined together vertically Glued laminated timber elements (glulam
elements) are created by gluing the
Nailed panel systems wooden lamellas together at the contact
Wooden planks with a thickness d = 18 to surfaces. These can be oriented both
24 mm, a height h = 80 mm and a length l longitudinally and transversely to the
= 1.0 to 6.0 m are used for nailed panel bridge axis with regard to the grain
systems. Any joints required are offset and direction. When using glulam elements,
butt-jointed or finger-jointed. The particular attention must be paid to the
individual wooden slats are usually nailed wood moisture content in the various
in two rows and in a staggered processing stages. The load-bearing
arrangement. The nailing of stacked structure must be designed in such a way
boards and planks creates the so-called that deformations due to shrinkage and
board stack panel. The bridge swelling are possible without hindrance.
superstructure can be made up of several
stacked boards. Transversely prestressed panel
systems (QS panels)
Screwed panel systems QS slabs consist of boards or planks that
In addition to nailing the stacked lamellas are arranged vertically next to each other
to form panel-shaped elements, there is and then pressed together in the
also the option of bolting. The load transverse direction using tendons, see
distribution capacity of bolted planks lies Fig. 4.2.4-9. The friction bond alone
between nailed and glued systems (with or prevents the slats from shifting to the other
without transverse pre-tensioning) due to side under concentrated loads, e.g. from
the higher transverse bending stiffness. wheel loads. The forces are also absorbed
The screws used should be made of high- in the transverse direction (plate effect).
strength and corrosion-resistant material. The high stiffness of the panel in the
direction of the panel plane ensures
horizontal stiffening. To introduce the pre-
tension forces, in the simplest case edge

Figure 4.2.4-9 Forest road bridge over the Tiefen Bach in Ilsenburg (D) [Gerold, 2001].
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 287

beams made of hardwood are used. As in Chipboard plywood panels:

prestressed concrete construction, special consist of chips glued on all sides with
force application systems have the task of specific dimensions. The grain direction is
transferring the high concentrated usually unidirectional. When using long
compressive stresses under the anchor chipboard, a proportion of the wood
plate into the cross-section without large chipboard is oriented in the transverse
localized indentations. The prestressing direction.
forces are usually applied using nuts that
Veneer plywood panels:
are tightened against the anchor plates. If
consist of crosswise arranged and glued
the pre-tension decreases too much as a
result of creep and shrinkage, it can be
retightened at any time. Cross laminated timber panels:
consist of several layers of boards glued Track panel with wooden slats joined together crosswise, orthogonally and/or
together horizontally diagonally.
Panels can also be constructed by joining Bridge cross-sections for beam girders
boards, planks or veneers in the
horizontal contact area. The panel systems The cross-section of the superstructure
consist of several individual layers that are structures must be stabilized in such a way
glued together in the frame. However, that wind loads can be absorbed and the
fasteners, which were introduced for main girders are secured against tilting.
vertical bonding, can also be used. Due to their high twist resistance, box
girders are superior to open girders in
Plywood panel systems Plywood panels terms of tilting. Bracing, transverse
are made from different wood products. frames, transverse bulkheads and track
What they all have in common is the washers can be used for lateral
angular or orthogonal alignment of the stabilization.
wood fiber directions in the lamellas glued
together. A distinction is made between Deck bridges
The simplest cross-sectional form of a
deck bridge consists of two main girders,
see Figure 4.2.4-10 a. Glulam beams are
usually used. With

a b
Figure 4.2.4-10 Deck bridges. a The deck slab rests on the main girders and indirectly supported
longitudinal girders; lateral stabilization is provided by bracing in the plane of the transverse
girders. b The deck slab rests on the main girders; lateral stabilization is provided by transverse
bulkheads or the deck slab.
288 4 Cross-section design

the arrangement of several beams is

necessary, see Figure 4.2.4-10 b. This also
reduces the span in the transverse
direction. A beam grid effect is achieved
by the arrangement of cross beams, see
Fig. 4.2.4-11.

Through bridges
Through bridges are open at the top. The
main girders are arranged outside the
roadway. The advantages of this type of
construction are the lower overall height
compared to deck bridges. The horizontal
stiffener is achieved by bracing arranged
directly below the carriageway level or by
transverse frames.

Closed bridges
Closed bridges are usually covered, which
provides very good protection of the wood
against moisture. Lateral stiffeners can be
provided by upper and/or lower bracing or
by transverse frames (Figure 4.2.4-13). Composite systems

Figure 4.2.4-11 Crestawald bridge near Sufers
(CH) [Gerold, 2001] A sensible combination of steel or
concrete with timber in bridge
construction allows the positive properties
By using plate-shaped components for the of the materials to be combined and
roadway structure, it is possible to utilized.
dispense with longitudinal or cross beams.
This allows the overall height of the Steel-timber composite bridges
structure to be reduced. In this type of bridge, the roadway
For bridge widths over 3.5 m and for consists of vertically arranged wooden
higher loads, e.g. from road traffic planks, which face in the transverse
direction of the bridge.

ab c
Fig. 4.2.4-12 Through bridges. a The deck slab rests on cross girders that are attached to the main
girders. Lateral stabilization is provided by bracing in the cross girder plane. b The deck slab is
supported by beams that are dowelled or glued to the main girders. Lateral stabilization is
provided by transverse frames. c The deck lies on longitudinal beams indirectly supported by the
4.2 Cross-section design depending on the material used 289

a b
Figure 4.2.4-13 Closed bridges. a Stabilization by lower bracing at the level of the transverse
beams and upper bracing on the eaves purlins. b Lateral stabilization is provided by transverse
frames and bracing at the level of the transverse beams. An additional arrangement of bracing at
roof level is possible.

are clamped together. The shear force is The load is transferred via shear strips,
transmitted via shear stud dowels welded which are fastened using wooden screws,
to the beam flanges. They are concreted or via shear dowels embedded in the
into recesses in the compression-stressed timber cross-section. Please refer to
timber cross-section using grout [Bulleit, [Schwaner et al., 1999] and [IABSE, 2001]
1984]. for the status of the development of
concrete-timber composite construction
Concrete-timber composite bridges in Germany. Calculation options for
With this type, the shear forces between composite timber constructions, in
the timber and concrete cross-sections are particular with regard to long-term
transferred via behavior, can be found in [Schänzlin,
5 Main supporting structures of the superstructures

5.1 Concrete slab bridges The use of reinforced concrete structures in

concrete bridge construction. Parallel to
GERHARD MEHLHORN the development of modern reinforced
concrete arches, the use of reinforced
concrete load-bearing members subjected
Beam and slab bridges are the most to bending stresses became established.
frequently used structural forms in Initially, smaller spans were designed as
modern concrete bridge construction. reinforced concrete slabs and medium
Figure 5.1-1 shows a selection of spans as reinforced concrete slab girder
structural systems commonly used for slab bridges (Fig. 5.1-2). From the end of the
and beam bridges. third decade of the 20th century and
With the use of reinforced concrete, especially after the Second World War,
since around the turn of the century from concrete bridges were also designed as
the prestressed bridges, which made larger
From the 19th to the 20th century, it was spans possible for the flexurally stressed
possible to use not only the arch form but load-bearing elements, especially the slabs
also the slab and the beam, also known as and beams, but also the frames.
the bending beam, as

Figure 5.1-1 Examples of common structural systems for slabs and beam bridges
292 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.1-2 Structural design of concrete beam bridges, as was common until around 1950
[Gehler, 1931].

Figure 5.1-3 Typical cross-sectional shapes of concrete bridges according to [Beyer/Thul, 1967].

The typical cross-sectional shapes of are no longer permitted. Reference is

concrete bridges are shown in Figure 5.1- made to damage found on older bridges
3. In the case of slab bridges, there were [BMV, 1982 and 1994]. The arrangement
two variants in concrete bridge of laterally cantilevered slabs is common,
construction: solid slab mainly for design reasons and because of
(A) and hollow slab (B). Today, only the the weight; this gives the concrete slab a
solid slab is still common. Despite their slimmer appearance. The element can be
lower dead load, hollow slabs are rarely reinforced by a continuously curved,
used in bridge construction due to the haunched lower surface of the slab (Figure
manufacturing problems involved 5.1.4).
(anchoring the hollow bodies against According to [DIN FB 102, 2003], the
uplift during concreting, complicated, minimum slab thickness for roadway slabs
labor-intensive reinforcement) and the is 20 cm. In the author's opinion, this
durability requirements. In many cases minimum thickness should only be applied
they are not even to
5.1 Concrete slab bridges 293

Fig. 5.1-4 Nahe Bridge in Kirn. Prestressed plate girder bridge built by DYWIDAG in 1960 with
three spans (spans: 18 m - 25 m - 18 m)

The thickness of the roadway slabs should with variable construction height up to
be selected for the ends of the tapered approx. 35 m span widths of the inner
cantilevers at the sides. For structural bays. The spans of the edge bays of the
reasons, it is recommended that the continuous panels should be around 80%
roadway slabs are at least 25 cm thick, of those of the inner bays. The usual
preferably at least 30 cm (note: 4 cm slenderness of the panels l/h for single-
minimum concrete cover in accordance span panels and the mechanic slenderness
with [DIN-FB 102, 2003]-II, li /h for continuous panels are between 12 (114) P). When using high- and 15 for non-prestressed panels and
performance concrete, ultra-high between 15 and 25 for prestressed panels.
performance concrete (UHPC concrete) Where l is the panel support width, li is
or parts prefabricated in the precast plant, the distance between the moment zero
this recommended minimum thickness points under constantly acting actions in
can be slightly reduced. When the case of multi-span continuous panels
determining the slab thickness, care and h is the panel thickness (with variable
should be taken to ensure that no shear construction height in the inner panels in
reinforcement is required in the slab. the center of the panel and in the edge
The usual slab thicknesses for concrete panel at the point where the greatest panel
slab bridges are in the range of 60 cm to moment occurs).
100 cm, but they can also be somewhat The bending moments from constantly
greater, especially above the inner acting actions are several times higher than
supports in the case of slabs running the moments under which cracks occur if
through several spans with variable the panels are not pre-stressed. The panels
construction height (haunches on the should therefore always be prestressed in
inner supports or continuously curved, the longitudinal direction! The
haunched undersurface of the prestressing of the slab should be
superstructure - the continuously curved, dimensioned in such a way that no
haunched undersurface is to be preferred longitudinal tensile stresses occur in the
for aesthetic reasons). concrete under permanent loads. The
Due to its low construction height, the deflection forces from the prestressing of
concrete slab is suitable for single-span the slab should act directly against the
bridges with spans of up to around 20 m, constantly acting effects and correspond to
for slabs that run continuously over approx. 75% to 100% of this load.
several spans with a constant construction Plates are particularly suitable for
height up to around 30 m span widths of inclined bridges and bridges with irregular
the inner spans and for slabs that run
continuously over several spans
294 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
The required thickness of the abutment
wall can be determined by the load from
the earth pressure.
Figure 5.1-5 Skew-angled bridge and bridge If bearings are arranged, they are
with irregular ground plan designed as point bearings that can be
tilted on all sides. The distances between
suitable for parallelogram-shaped ground these bearings are usually around three to
plans (Figure 5.1.5). For sufficiently wide, five times the panel thickness. Bearings
oblique-angled plates with a should always be arranged as close as
parallelogram-shaped base crack, the main possible to the corners of the panel. It is
load-bearing direction deviates only advisable to place the fixed point in the
slightly from the normal direction of the bridge axis. The other bearings of the
connection of the bearing lines under a support line should be freely movable on
constant, evenly distributed load. all sides. The use of lightweight concrete
Therefore, in the central area, the load- in bridge construction began about 50
bearing behavior of plates with parallel years ago [Heufers, 1967]. The Selterstor
directions of the bearing lines that are Bridge in Giessen [Alsen/ Schäfer, 1970]
wide in comparison to their span is like was o n e of the first prestressed slab
that of the corresponding infinite plate bridges made of lightweight concrete. It
strip with a span that is equal to the consists of a square, almost trapezoidal, 75
smallest distance between the parallel cm thick slab with three octagonal
bearing lines. However, separate openings and circumferential cantilevers,
investigations are always required for the which is supported point-like on point tilt
free plate edges and especially for the plate bearings on six columns. The round
corners. The greatest plate stress and the supports are mounted on large bored piles.
greatest support stress occur in the obtuse ∅ 120 cm with base widening. The three
corners of the skew-angled plate. It is octagonal openings were arranged for
essential to check the slab for the risk of good exposure of the traffic area below.
punching. Oblique-angled plates with φ ≥ The bridge slab is used by pedestrians to
75° can be treated approximately like cross the city ring road with the exits from
rectangular plates. However, the cutting the city to the motorway feeder roads and
force concentrations in the areas of the also provides direct access to the Karstadt
obtuse corners must be taken into account department store and the Techniker
in the design. Krankenkasse health insurance company
Joints and bearings can often be on its first upper floors.
avoided on slab bridges. However, The prestressed bridge slab (Fig. 5.1-6)
bearings must be arranged on at least one was made of joint-dense lightweight
abutment wall in the case of continuous concrete LB 300 (corresponds
slabs. In the case of single-span bridges, approximately to LC 25/28) and LB 450
the slab can be connected to the abutment (between LC 35/38 and LC 40/44) in the
walls to form a frame. In the case of area above the internal columns. The
prestressed slabs, the frame corner calculation of the internal forces of the slab
moments resulting from permanent was carried out on a girder grid. The
actions and sensibly selected pre- system on which the calculation was based
tensioning, see above, are very small for is shown in Fig. 5.1-7 [Alsen/Schäfer,
the serviceability limit state, which is why 1970]. The two longitudinal beams over
the abutment wall should be thinner than
the slab thickness of the superstructure.
5.1 Concrete slab bridges 295

Fig. 5.1-6 Selterstorbrücke in Giessen, view from above, taken from the parking deck of the Karstadt
department store from the 4th floor in April 2005

two spans of about 28 m and 13 m, the Dywidag tendons ∅ 32 mm made of St

four cross beams of about 13 m, 13 m, 19 80/105 (� St 834/1030). Figure 5.1-8
m and 24 m. The spans were relatively shows the tendon guidance in
large in relation to the slab thickness of 75 longitudinal and transverse direction. The
cm. The mechanical slenderness results in tendons consist of parts that follow the
li /h ≈ 0.85 - 28//0.75 ≈ 32. It is therefore a moment curve as well as parts with small
very slender slab. It should also be noted radii of curvature (approx. 5 m) permitted
that the lightweight concrete only has a above the supports by plastic pre-bending.
modulus of elasticity of 17000 N/mm2. The large negative curvatures of the
The pre-tensioning of the slab was carried prestressing members in the area of the
out with supports improve

Figure 5.1-7 The calculation of the Selterstor Bridge is based on the girder grid system [Alsen/
Schäfer, 1970].
296 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Fig. 5.1-8 Tendon guidance for the Selterstor Bridge [Alsen/Schäfer, 1970].

as a result of the concentrated deflection The arrangement of the measuring points,

forces, the stresses in the load application consisting of distortion measuring strips
areas of the bearing forces. in rosette form for measuring the
As already mentioned, the distortions in three directions, can be seen
construction of the Selterstor Bridge was in Fig. 5.1-10.
one of the first designs in Germany to be The transverse strain coefficients of
made of prestressed lightweight concrete, concrete (ν = 0.2) and Plexiglas (ν = 0.37)
which was also supported on individual differ. However, the differences do not
columns. Due to the bearing on individual have a decisive effect on the
columns with the additional stresses in the determination of the stresses on the panel.
area where the column loads are Using conversion equations valid for ν-
transferred to the slab, the stresses on the free boundary conditions (but not
slab were determined in addition to the applicable for the investigated plate due to
previously explained calculation in a the free plate edges for the Selterstor
model static investigation at the Institute bridge), it was estimated that the error is
for Solid Construction at the Technical less than 10%. In all cases, it is imperative
University of Darmstadt [Beck/Mehlhorn, that the design is consistently based on an
1970]. The Plexiglas model (Figure 5.1-9) equilibrium state, even if it slightly violates
was geometrically similar to the main the compatibility condition.
model on a scale of 1:50. The dimensions
of the model plate and the

Figure 5.1-9 Plexiglas model for the model static investigation of the Selterstor Bridge [Beck/Mehl-
horn, 1970].
5.1 Concrete slab bridges 297

Figure 5.1-10 Measuring points for the model static investigation of the Selterstor Bridge
[Beck/Mehl- horn, 1970].

last. This was naturally taken into account area loads were equivalent. It was also
in the design and construction of the possible to investigate partial area loads by
Selterstor bridge. Suspended weights were grouping them together. Figures 5.1-11
used to load the model. The load was and 5.1-12 show the results of the moment
transferred to the model via small curves for the dead load case g1 = 12.75
individual beams and rings with load kN/m2 (�1.25 Mp/ m2) determined in the

hooks glued under the model plate and girder grid calculation and in the model
steel wires threaded through fine holes in test. It can be seen that the curves
the model plate. The total of 377 load generally agree well. However, the design
application points were distributed on the values from the two determinations are
model plate in such a way that they partially under
corresponded to the evenly distributed

Figure 5.1-11 Moment curve of the Selterstor bridge determined with the girder grid calculation
[Beck/Mehlhorn, 1970].
298 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.1-12 Moment curve of the Selterstor Bridge determined in the model test [Beck/Mehl-
horn, 1970].

The model static support forces were also without neglecting the safety that had to
determined by means of distortion be taken into account due to the pre-
measurements on the columns of the stressed lightweight concrete construction
model, especially at the points where with the support on individual columns.
moment jumps occur in the beam grid The construction of the Selterstor Bridge
calculation (nodal points of the broke new ground at the time.
longitudinal and transverse beams) and at Later, as part of a research project
the moment peaks above the supports, funded by the German Research
which are not present in the slab in this Foundation (DFG) in the priority program
magnitude. The support forces were also for surface load-bearing structures, the
determined statically by means of model plate was investigated
distortion measurements on the supports mathematically using the finite element
of the model. This allowed the accuracy of method [Schäfer et al., 1975]. The
the determined internal forces and support transverse strain coefficient of the model
forces to be finally confirmed by material of ν = 0.37 determined in the
equilibrium tests. Torsional moments model test was also used as the basis for
were calculated in the girder grid the calculation in order to enable a
calculation with the plate strips as girders. unambiguous comparison of the results of
The torsional moments occurring in the the model test and the FEM calculation.
slab mean that the coordinate axes, The triangular plate element with 33
although sensibly but arbitrarily selected, degrees of freedom used for the
do not correspond to the directions of the calculation is shown in Fig. 5.1-13. The
principal moments for the respective eight degrees of freedom ux , uy , uz , u z,x ,
point of the slab under consideration. u z,y , u z,xx , u z,xy , u z,yy and the three
Because the torsional moments can only degrees of freedom ux , uy and uz,n are
be determined from the torsional applied at each of the corner nodes 1 to 3
moments of the girder grid in exceptional (see Fig. 5.1-13) and at the side centers,
cases, it is generally hardly possible to nodes 4 to 6. u are the displacements, the
determine the directions of the main index before the comma stands for the
moment vectors of the plate with sufficient direction of the displacement, the indices
reliability using a girder grid calculation. after the comma indicate the derivatives of
The model static analysis and the girder the displacement
grillage calculation together made it
possible to design the slab economically,
5.1 Concrete slab bridges 299

Slab element in plan; definition of the

local coordinate system and the node
degrees of freedom.
= nodal points with the deformation variables ux
, uy , uz , u z,x , uz,y , u z,xx , u z,xy , u z,yy .
= nodal points with the deformation variables ux
, uy , uz , u z,n .

Figure 5.1-13 Triangular plate element used in the FEM calculation

∂2 w
∂2 u
(e.g.: u ). In the cke Buchlohe transfers an economic

z, xy
9∂x δy ∂9x via the BAB 96 Munich-Lindau.
The element mesh selected for the The structural engineering for the bridge of
calculation is shown in Figures 5.1-14 and bridge class 30/30 according to DIN 1072
5.1-15, and the results calculated with this (12.1985) was carried out by Zilch+Müller
division are compared with the test results. Ingenieure, Munich, and the construction
The agreement of the results is very good was carried out by Hermann Assner
despite the symmetry assumed in the GmbH & Co. The superstructure, an 80
calculation to simplify the calculation cm thick prestressed concrete slab with a
close to the x-axis and the selected coarse constant slab thickness over two spans of
element division. 21.5 m, and the central pier of the slab
In recent years, slab bridges have also bridge were made of high-performance
been built using high-performance concrete of strength class B 85 (≈ C 70/85).
concrete. The first of these slab bridges are The bridge is relatively slender with a
the two bridges Buchlohe [Zilch et al., mechanic slenderness of li /h ≈ 0.75 -
2002] and Sasbach [Bernhardt et al., 1999] 21.5/80 ≈ 20. The superstructure of the
built in 1998. The bridge constructed as a Sasbach bridge, which was built at the
pilot project in Bavaria same time in 1998, also as a pilot project
in Baden-Württemberg, consists of a
prestressed concrete structure.

Figure 5.1-14 Element mesh selected for the FEM calculation

300 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.1-15 Comparison of the results obtained in the model test and in the FEM calculation

The bridge consists of a 16 m span slab 6% longitudinal slope, which led to cost
resting on box abutments. The structural savings. For this reason, and of course
design for the bridge was carried out by above all because it made sense for the
König und Heunisch, Beratende pilot project to achieve the highest
Ingenieure, Frankfurt/Main, and the possible concrete stresses, it made sense to
construction work was carried out by choose the high slenderness. However, the
Bilfinger+Berger Bauaktiengesellschaft, primary aim of using high-performance
Freiburg branch. The bridge was designed concrete should not be to build extremely
for bridge class 30/30 in accordance with slender structures. From the author's
DIN 1072 (12.1985). The single-span slab point of view, the use of high-
of the superstructure, made of high- performance concrete should be primarily
performance concrete of strength class B 85 for reasons of greater durability and
(≈ C 70/85) with a roof profile (transverse economic efficiency (production and
slope of the roof profile of 3% on both maintenance costs), i.e. the sustainability
sides), is 55 cm thick in the bridge axis and of construction.
53 cm thick on average and has a span of The five-span concrete slab bridge over
16 m. With a slenderness of l/h = the Zwickauer Mulde near Glauchau
16/0.53.5 ≈ 30, it is an exceptionally [König et al., 2002] and the three-span
slender bridge. The large slenderness prestressed concrete slab bridge
required a relatively high amount of Freihamer Allee [Zilch et al., 2002] are
concrete and prestressing steel (amount of also among the first bridges in Germany
reinforcing steel: 130 kg/m3, amount of to be constructed from high-performance
prestressing steel for the longitudinal concrete B 85; as larger bridges, they are
tendons: 63.6 kg/m3 and 22.2 kg/m2 in the first two bridge superstructures ever
relation to the bridge area). The possibility built in Germany from high-performance
of the low construction height resulted in a concrete. The plate girders running across
reduction in the height of the five spans
embankments required in the extension of
the bridge on both sides with ramps of
5.1 Concrete slab bridges 301

Figure 5.1-16 Five-span concrete slab bridge over the Zwickauer Mulde near Glauchau

The bridge deck of the bridge over the of 60 cm in the middle of the slab and 1.10
Zwickauer Mulde near Glauchau (Fig. m above the inner supports. It is designed
5.1-16) has a constant slab thickness of with the mechanical slenderness li /h ≈ 0.6
1.05 m. The spans are 31 m - 39 m - 37 m - 25/0.6
- 35 m - 29 m. Their mechanic slenderness = 25 a bridge made of normal concrete
is about 24, the greatest optical that can be described as very slender.
slenderness about 37, making the bridge With regard to slenderness, however, it
very slender. should be noted that the bridge is almost
It is also common to manufacture slabs twice as thick above the inner supports as
from prefabricated parts with in-situ in the middle of the span, which puts the
concrete infill, which eliminates the need for question of slenderness into perspective.
formwork and scaffolding for the slab. Please The bridge is designed and constructed
refer to section 4.2.1 and in particular to Fig. very economically because the dead load
4.2.1-4. in the span (large lever arm for the load) is
Considerations on prestressed slab low and above the support (small lever
bridges and tendon guidance should be arm for the load) is higher. The tendon
made, which are also typical for the design is typical of the time, when the
prestressed continuous girders discussed tendons were arranged according to the
in Section 5.2.1. Fig. 5.1-17 shows the stresses from external loads and
bridge over the Nahe in Kirn (Fig. 5.1-4) constraining moments from pre-
designed by DYWIDAG in 1960, which tensioning were avoided wherever
was dimensioned for bridge class 30 possible.
according to DIN 1072 (03.1952), with the In today's designs, the tendons in such
corresponding tendon guidance in bridges are guided in such a way that the
longitudinal section. With a center span constraining moments from pre-
of 25 m, it has a construction height of tensioning are deliberately forced by
suitable tendon guidance. This ensures
that the

Figure 5.1-17 Longitudinal section with tendon guidance of the Nahe bridge Kirn
302 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
tendons pass through the entire length 5.2 Beam bridges
with the same number and no end
anchorages are required in the span, 5.2.1 Concrete beam bridges
which would lead to transverse force
jumps. The desired constraining moments GERHARD MEHLHORN
are achieved by the eccentric arrangement
of the tendon anchorages at the end Apart from the large arch bridges, non-
supports and the displacement of the prestressed, reinforced concrete bridges
turning points of the tendon guidance can hardly compete with steel bridges
towards the inner supports. However, the when spans of over 60 m have to be
radii of curvature of the tendons become bridged. This is why non-prestressed
smaller due to the aforementioned shifting concrete girder bridges a r e mainly
of the turning points (make sure that the only available with small spans. The Seine
permissible radii of curvature of the bridge near Villeneuve (Fig. 5.2.1-1), with
tendons are not undercut!) Constraint a span of 78 m, is probably the longest
moments from pre-tensioning are built up non-prestressed reinforced concrete beam
by the sensible tendon guidance (positive bridge.
constraint moments that increase the Although the favorable surface bearing
positive moments from pre-tensioning effect of the slab for the transverse
above the column compared to the distribution of concentrated loads was
statically determined proportion and generally available due to the monolithic
reduce the absolute values of the negative construction of the reinforced concrete
moments from pre-tensioning in the bridges, the slab was not used for the
span) so that an overall more uniform transverse distribution of the load in the
stress results from the superposition of the early days of the development of
external actions and the pre-tensioning in reinforced concrete construction. For this
the spans and above the column. In purpose, cross girders were arranged to
addition, this tendon guidance in the area which the transverse distribution was
of the central supports ensures that the assigned alone. This construction
concrete stresses resulting from the principle (Fig. 5.2.1-2) was retained until
deflection of the tendons are directed after 1945. Today, concrete beam bridges
directly to the support, which results in a are generally prestressed in the
favorable stress state in this area, where longitudinal direction. For this reason,
the concrete is particularly highly stressed non-prestressed concrete beam bridges
by the obliquely directed main are not discussed further here.
compressive stresses. Section deals However, reference should also be
with how to specifically influence the made to an older steel concrete beam
constraining moments using base load bridge and the Möller girder construction
cases on static systems clamped on one system, although the system cannot
side. actually be classified as a reinforced
concrete construction method today due
to the steel tension chord consisting of
riveted rolled steel. Some of the design
principles of prestressed concrete, which
dominates modern concrete bridge
construction today, have already been
anticipated. This is the reinforced
concrete bridge over the Rio Peixe (Figure
5.2.1-3), which was built in Brazil in
1930/31 and is 68 m long.
5.2 Beam bridges 303

Fig. 5.2.1-1 Longitudinal and cross-section of the Seine bridge near Villeneuve [Wittfoht, 1972].

span, which is the first known concrete

bridge built using the cantilever method
[NN, 1931]. The cantilever construction
was carried out in sections of 1.5 m in
length. The longitudinal reinforcement
made of reinforcing steel ∅ 45 mm was
extended by socket joints.
The Möller beams (Fig. 5.2.1-4), also
known as fish belly beams, consist of slab
beams with an upper concrete Figure 5.2.1-2 Structural designs of reinforced
concrete beam bridges, as they were common
compression chord. The concrete webs
until around 1950 [Gehler, 1931].
are parabolic at the bottom. Möller used
flat steel for the tension chord, which is
anchored to the support by means of
welded brackets. To improve the bonding
effect of the flat steel with the concrete,
steel angles are welded on, also in the field.
The Elbe flood bridge near
Heyrothsberge, built according to this
principle at the beginning of the third Fig. 5.2.1-3 Bridge over the Rio Peixe (Brazil)
decade of the last century, was one of the built of reinforced concrete in 1930/31 [NN,
longest concrete beam bridges with 29 1931].
openings, each with a span of 14.5 m and
seven Möller girders lying next to each
other with a bridge width of 9.7 m
[Gehler, 1931]. It was largely replaced in
the 1960s. This design principle of the
Möller girder corresponds in principle to
that of the under-tensioned girder, which
was used in the first bridge built from
prestressed concrete, but there the tension Figure 5.2.1-4 Möller beam [Deinhard, 1964]
band is not continuously curved, but
deflected at concentrated points and In the course of time, the use of cross
above all: prestressed. girders and narrow longitudinal girder
Figure 5.1-5, see Section 5.1, shows the spacing led to ever greater girder spacing,
development of the cross-sectional shapes whereby cross girders were increasingly
of concrete beam bridges commonly used dispensed with, with the exception of the
today for continuous beams and slabs. end supports, and the transverse
The girder has developed from the slab distribution was assigned exclusively to
beam with transverse the slab for economical construction. The
development was similar for the hollow
cross-sections, from which
304 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
The mushroom bridge was then finally had also been working on the idea of
developed as a variant. prestressing since the beginning of the
As already mentioned, modern 20th century. Prestressed concrete could
concrete bridge construction is only be used with the development of
characterized by the pre-tensioning of high-strength steels. It was also important
concrete. Mainly due to the low to realize that concrete creeps under
elongation capacity and the low tensile permanent compressive stresses, which
strength of concrete in relation to its Freyssinet recognized during the
compressive strength, it is not possible to construction of the three concrete arch
use very high-strength steels in concrete bridges over the Allier (Le Veudre,
construction without pre-tensioning, as this Boutiron and Chatel de Neuvre) built in
would lead to large crack widths that 1907/12, of which only the bridge at
would jeopardize the durability of the Boutiron (Fig. 1.4-46) still exists today. He
structure. For this reason, the pre- asked himself whether permanent
tensioning of load-bearing structures prestressing could be generated in the
proved to be fruitful for the further concrete despite the long-lasting, time-
development of concrete construction. It dependent increase in deformation. As a
was only with the development of result of his experiments, he came to the
prestressed concrete construction that conclusion that the use of high-strength
bending girders, usually designed as steels was necessary for prestressed
continuous girders, were used in concrete concrete. One of his patents states:
bridge construction, even for large spans. "A prerequisite for the invention is
The basic idea of pre-tensioning dates therefore the use of a material with the
back to the end of the 19th century. As specified high-quality properties for the
early as 1888, Doehring was granted a reinforcement and the use of an equally
patent for the production of laths high-quality concrete mass. For only in this
interwoven with wire, according to which case is the task of the invention, namely the
the wires should be tensioned by screws. creation of a reinforced concrete body that
In 1905, Lund described in the journal can safely withstand high loads, at all. For
Beton und Eisen (Concrete and Iron) a the reinforcing bars, bars with an elasticity
ceiling construction made of prefabricated limit of at least 40 kg/mm2 ( �400 N/mm2),
hollow concrete blocks with prestressed which must be up to 160 kg/mm2 ( �1600
reinforcement, writing: "If cracking in the N/mm2
) and more, depending on the size of
concrete is to be prevented, the iron of the the pre-tension to be applied, are therefore
tie rods must be stressed to the permissible considered. Furthermore, the prestressed
tension before the equipment is fitted, and concrete reinforcements must be distributed
this can be done very easily in the present in the concrete in such a way that they
construction made of individual pre-set create a pressure distribution in the
concrete blocks by pressing the blocks concrete that counteracts the tensile forces
together by tightening the tie rods before resulting from the dead load and the live
stripping the formwork. These ideas were load. The following can be considered as
intended for use in building construction, means of achieving a suitable high-quality
but did not initially catch on there either concrete mass: careful selection of grain
and had no significance for bridge size, vibration, pressing and strapping. The
construction. aim of the invention is to ensure that the
The development of prestressed pre-tension given to the reinforcing bars
concrete is closely linked to the inputs and
publications of the French engineer
Freyssinet, who was
5.2 Beam bridges 305

Fig. 5.2.1-5 Finsterwalder's design for the Dreirosenbrücke in Basel from 1930, image after
[Finsterwalder, 1967]

is not completely canceled out by the forces This has a positive effect on the limitation
acting against it and the reinforced concrete of crack widths and thus leads to a
body remains permanently subject to favorable behavior of the structure under
effective compressive forces which dead and live loads.
completely cancel out or at least During the construction of the
substantially compensate for the tensile aforementioned bridges over the Allier,
stresses arising in the body due to dead Freysinet connected the two abutments on
load and working load. As a result, the an arch as a test specimen with a span of
reinforced concrete bodies produced by the 50 m with a pre-stressed tension chord
method according to the invention have the made of pre-stressed cold-drawn wires ∅
properties of homogeneous bodies." 8 mm with tensions close to the yield
Looking back today, we can say that point. The prestressed wires were
this approach of using high-strength anchored with wedges arranged in an
concretes and steels, as outlined in his anchor plate. This first application of pre-
patent specification of 1929, has been fully tensioning in concrete bridge
vindicated. Today, prestressing steels with construction on a test specimen is the first
strengths between 1000 and 2000 N/mm2 milestone in the later development of
are used in prestressed concrete prestressed concrete bridge construction
construction. On the other hand, [Grote/Marrey, 2000].
Freyssinet's other idea of applying such The first known design for a prestressed
high prestressing forces that no tensile concrete bridge dates back to 1930, when
stresses occur in the concrete in the long Finsterwalder proposed a prestressed
term even after the full live loads have concrete bridge for the construction of the
been applied has proved to be Dreirosenbrücke in Basel [Finsterwalder,
inappropriate. Instead, in line with the 1965]. However, this design (Fig. 5.2.1-5)
considerations of Abeles, Finsterwalders was not realized. If you look at the
and Rüsch, prestressed concrete is used construction system, you can see that this
today to the extent that the concrete is not design already contains essential
fully overstressed in the long term. characteristic elements of the cantilever
Concrete tensile stresses are either limited construction method developed after
to such an extent that they are below the 1945. The cantilever design with the
concrete tensile strength or cracks are articulated connection at the apex should
deliberately allowed to form in the be noted. However, this bridge was to be
concrete. In this case, non-pre-stressed built on a falsework, not in cantilever
reinforcing steel is required in addition to construction.
the pre-stressed prestressing steel (this Dischinger's design for the
must always be provided!) to absorb the construction of the Saale bridge Alsleben
internal forces. The reinforcement in 1927/28 (arch bridge with an attached
distributed across the tensile zone has a carriageway of the main shipping opening
particularly advantageous effect. with a span of 68 m as a
306 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Schneeberger Straße Station road Lößnitzer Straße
Niederschlemaer Weg to Lößnitz
to Aue
Carola plants IX Alberodaer Straße
Zwickauer Mulde
19,01 23,25 28,00 41,05 28,00 24,81 21,90 25,20 69,00 23,40
Compon Compon Component Compon
ent A ent B C ent D

1 : 40

1 : 40

18,75 31,50 18,75

25,20 69,00 23,40

+ 357,010 + 357,265 + 357,065

+ 356,379


36 ∅ 70 40 36 ∅
2 -18 ∅ 70 12 ∅ 70 12 ∅ 70
60 30 ∅ 70


+ 354,319 Boarding

Thermowell + 352,15 opening


24,50 7,91 7,91 9,375 9,375 9,375
25,20 10,75 bracket
Fig. 5.2.1-6 Dischinger's construction of the bridge in Aue. First ever prestressed concrete bridge,
according to [Finsterwalder, 1967]

two-hinged arch with prestressed tension outside the concrete cross-section
band) [Dischinger, 1949-2, Standfuß, 2000] between the webs of the slab beams,
and the first prestressed bridge ever built mainly due to the lack of a theory for
in 1935/37 [Schönberg/ Fichtner, 1939, calculating the loss of prestress due to creep
Dischinger, 1949-2, Finsterwalder, 1965], of the concrete - he did not publish this
the bridge in Aue (suspension-like, theory ready for application until 1939
tendons guided and deflected outside the [Dischinger, 1939] - so that it could be
cross-section) to arrange the prestressing restressed at any time in accordance with
reinforcement without bond in a the deformations occurring and the
suspension-like, polygonal manner associated loss of prestress. During the
outside the cross-section (Fig. 5.2.1-6), so Second World War, the bridge was not
that it c a n b e post-tensioned and maintained as planned and, as expected,
replaced at any time in accordance with visible deflections and significant tension
the plastic deformation of the concrete, losses of approx. 40% occurred. In
has r e c e n t l y developed into a addition, corrosion damage was found on
successful variant in concrete bridge the tendons and their stakes as a result of
construction. Dischinger, the designer of the lack of maintenance. The bridge was
the bridge in Aue, d e s i g n e d the repaired in 1962 [Lippold/Spaethe, 1965].
tendons from St52 In the meantime
∅ 70 mm (pre-tension only approx. 200
5.2 Beam bridges 307

It was then replaced by a new structure Crack. Suitable design measures (profiled
[Ivanyi/Blume, 1995]. surface of the reinforcing steel) ensure a
Above all, the development of high- good bond. The tensile stresses that
strength prestressing steel, but also the cannot be absorbed by the concrete in the
exploration of creep problems and the crack are built up again in the concrete via
theory to be developed for calculating the shorter introduction lengths between the
loss of prestressing force due to concrete cracks and thus result in shorter crack
creep were necessary prerequisites for the spacings with a larger number of cracks
breakthrough of prestressed concrete and while the crack widths remain sufficiently
the resulting development of new forms of small. A higher steel stress can therefore
construction in concrete bridge building, be utilized if the crack width remains the
which, although the beginnings go back to same. However, if the crack spacing is too
the 1930s, have revolutionized bridge small, the bond effect is considerably
building, especially since around 1950. reduced. For this reason, there are limits
The principle of prestressed concrete to the use and utilization of high-strength
will be briefly discussed before the design steels as reinforcement in non-prestressed
systems commonly used in concrete load-bearing structures in concrete
bridge construction today are explained construction.
further. For the mathematical treatment, In the case of prestressed concrete
please refer to Section 8.5 and for a more components in which the concrete
detailed treatment, please refer to subjected to tensile stress from external
[Mehlhorn, 1998], for example. In the actions is prestressed so that it is not
case of cracked reinforced concrete subjected to tensile stress or only to a very
beams, a distinction is made between the limited extent under service load, these
compression zone and the tension zone. limits for the usability of high-strength
In the compression zone the compressive steels do not apply to the same extent due
stresses are absorbed by the concrete, in to the prestressing of the steels. If the
the tension zone after cracking the tensile tendons arranged in the concrete tension
forces are absorbed by the reinforcing zone are prestressed by pre-expansion (the
steel. I n non-prestressed concrete concrete tension zone is pre-compressed),
structures reinforced for tension or the compressive stresses resulting from
bending, cracks usually occur under dead pre-tensioning in the pre-compressed
load, as the elongation capacity of the concrete tension zone must first be reduced
concrete does not or hardly exceeds 0.1 ‰. by the increasing stress from external
The tensile forces initially absorbed jointly loads and the resulting tensile stresses
by the concrete and the reinforcement before the elongation capacity of the
before cracking must be absorbed in the concrete is reached and the concrete cracks
crack by the reinforcing steel alone. The when the load increases further. The pre-
bond stresses occurring between the expansion of the tendons therefore makes it
concrete and the reinforcing steel mean possible to utilize higher steel strengths.
that the tensile forces absorbed by the The play of forces on an externally statically
reinforcing steel alone in the crack are determined prestressed concrete beam -
gradually transferred to the concrete in the tendons with anchor bodies and
non-cracked area between the cracks. At associated compression and tension lines
the point where the tensile stresses reach in the concrete for the serviceability limit
the magnitude of the concrete tensile state, in which the concrete is almost
strength, the next crack occurs. uncracked in the tensile area - is s h o w n
in Figure 5.2.1-7. Decisive for
308 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.1-7 Principle representation of the play of forces on the externally statically determined
prestressed concrete beam

the bending load-bearing capacity of the The tendons can be used as internal
prestressed beam is that the tendons in longitudinal tendons without bond in the
the area of the greatest stresses are web or for transverse pre-tensioning of
arranged as close as possible to the tensile roadway slabs without bond within the
edge resulting from external loads. concrete cross-section of the concrete
With regard to shear stresses, the section to be prestressed,
tendon guidance (tension lines) shown in
Fig. 5.2.1-7 is favorable in order to Pre-tensioning with immediate bond:
eliminate cracking in the shear crack area Tendons are embedded in the concrete after
for as long as possible in the serviceability pre-tensioning in such a way that the bonding
limit state. The main tensile stresses are effect is created at the same time as the
kept low by the shear force from concrete hardens (precast elements),
prestressing counteracting the shear force Pre-tensioning with subsequent bonding:
from external loads. With regard to the The concrete is initially prestressed
shear load-bearing capacity, however, it without bonding between tendons (laid in
would be more favorable to position the ducts) and concrete, later the bonding
tendons as low as possible in the support effect is created by pressing out the ducts
area. This is because the load-bearing with grout.
behavior after cracking is different from
that before cracking. In principle, this Pre-tensioning as a mixed construction:
load-bearing behavior corresponds to that of Both internal longitudinal tendons with
a truss. For this purpose, tendons that are bond in the concrete cross-section and
as deep as possible in the support area external tendons inside the box cross-
with a larger internal lever arm are more section are used. According to [DIN-FB
suitable than tendons that are pulled 102, 2003], 3.4 (1) P, the mixed
upwards. The inclined concrete construction method has special
compression struts are supported against requirements for later possibilities of any
the tendons. necessary reinforcement measures.
Suitable prestressing methods are
An essential feature of post-tensioning
required to apply the pre-tension. The
tendons with subsequent bond and
term "prestressing method" refers to the
internal tendons without bond is that the
type and timing of pre-tensioning, the way
tendons allow largely arbitrary
in which the prestressing steel is
prestressing guidance. Only the curvature
anchored, the way in which the tendons
radii to be adhered to limit the freely
are coupled and the way in which the
selectable course of the tendon guidance.
bond is produced. A basic distinction is
It is also possible to have the tendons end
made between prestressing methods with
at any point within the structure. This
tendons made of high-strength steel:
means that, for any desired
Pre-tension without bond:
Tendons are located outside (external
tendons) inside the box transverse
5.2 Beam bridges 309

The size, position and direction of the The low and more predictable friction
required pretensioning forces and the time losses during pre-tensioning and the fact
at which they are applied must be adapted that the tendons can be re-tensioned and
to the requirements. However, the replaced at any time were important
tensioning points must be accessible criteria. In addition, the externally guided
during the tensioning process. If tendons tendons allow the dead load of the
end inside the structure, care must be superstructure to be reduced by reducing
taken in the design of the reinforcement the web thicknesses. Concrete placement
to ensure that the shear force jumps from is also made easier.
the pre-tensioning (additional shear The construction form of solid bridges
reinforcement) and the required splitting is particularly influenced by the design of
tensile reinforcement are taken into the building. Proven forms of
account in the area of the internal construction are also constantly being
anchorages. improved. The example of the Unkelstein
As already mentioned, Dischinger used Bridge, the Ludwigshafen elevated road
tendons outside the cross-section for the and the Elz Valley Bridge (Figures 5.2.1-8
first prestressed concrete bridges. This to 5.2.1-11) will be used to illustrate the
external pre-tensioning is carried out development of mushroom bridges. It
without bond, with the advantages of post- should be noted that it is questionable
tensioning and the interchangeability of whether the mushroom bridge and also
the prestressing steel. Four bridges with the cantilever bridge discussed below can
unbonded pre-tensioning were also built be described as beam bridges in the strict
in France around 1950 [Metzler/Schmitz, sense in all their forms. However, they are
1998]. After that, this type of pre- discussed here because the development of
tensioning was not used for a long time. the construction forms is of particular
Since the mid-seventies, the principle of interest and the connection between
externally guided tendons has been taken construction and execution is also clear.
up again, initially in France and the USA. The Unkelstein Bridge was built in
In France, this further development of 1956/57 parallel to the Rhine in the course
externally guided tendons focused on of the B 9 highway, based on a design
improving the quality of the bridges. The (participation in the design: architect Gerd
tendon guide, Lohmer) and the technical processing of
Dyckerhoff & Widmann in a joint

32,60 36,00 38,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 40,00 41,06 6,00
Longitudinal section in bridge axis


to Mainz
Cologne ral
Fede All B
9 Top view
Fig. 5.2.1-8 Unkelstein Bridge, longitudinal section, bottom and top view (DYWIDAG archive)
310 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.1-9
Unkelstein Bridge


20,90 37,50 37,50 37,50 37,50 37,50 37,50 37,50 37,50 37,50 20,90


Figure 5.2.1-10 Longitudinal section and bottom view of the Elz Valley Bridge, image after
[Schambeck/Foerst, 1973].

from Cologne to Mainz, the 358 m long The columns are set in a frame that is
superstructure was built as a continuous closed on all sides and ensure the
girder over nine spans as a two-cell box longitudinal displacement of the
with a construction height of 2 m. At the superstructure along the axis of the
abutments and above the piers, the box is structure as a result of temperature
stiffened by transverse plates. The changes and shortening due to creep and
superstructure is connected to this support shrinkage of the concrete, while transverse
at one of the central inner supports in a displacement of the superstructure is
bending stiffness. At the two abutments, excluded. The supports are spaced 32.60
the forces are transferred from the m to 41.06 m apart. The further
superstructure to the abutments via three development of this type of construction
self-aligning bearings each. At seven of the led to the monolithic connection of the
eight inner supports, the superstructure is superstructure to the column, the
supported on four multi-roller bearings mushroom head. This development led to
each on plate-like support heads the fixed connection of the superstructure
(forerunners of mushroom heads) on a to the columns via the intermediate stages
row of central supports. The rollers
Exit to the pillar for

5.2 Beam bridges

mounting the support
Medium support frame

Rear running gear Center sill

Formwork Lateral support frame during

Running rails
of section I (blank) Auxiliary scaffolding

Upper working platform


37 500 37 500

Center sill Center sill

16 000 Lateral side member
Stage retracted

1 240
Hydr. presses ±0
7 800

Under working platform

1 240

Platform extended 3 300 3 300 Shuttering in travel position

Fig. 5.2.1-11 Longitudinal view and cross-section of the Device for blowing off the shuttering
cantilevered scaffolding carriage of the Elz Valley Bridge, image

Formwork in concreting position Stage retracted
after [Schambeck/Foerst, 1973].
312 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Ludwigshafen elevated road with diagonal The main longitudinal girder of the
supporting ribs and the Vahrer Kreuz launching girder is mounted on support
elevated road in Bremen with mushroom frames. The main longitudinal girder of
heads extending almost continuously into the launching gantry is supported on
the slab of the superstructure to the 380 m trestles, which rest on the bridge section
long Elz viaduct near Kaisersesch in the already constructed in the previous
Eifel region shown as a system in Figure construction section and the next pier.
5.2.1-10. The superstructure is a 30 m Once the respective construction section
wide prestressed concrete slab with has been completed, the launching gantry
variable thickness, which is clamped in is moved forward by one section length
central supports at 37.5 m intervals and without any additional auxiliary measures.
only has a transverse joint in the middle Many bridges have been built according to
span. The superstructure, the supports the principle of the Elz Valley Bridge, in
and the abutments are monolithically particular various slope bridges during the
connected to each other, with mutual construction of the Brenner highway.
displacements only possible in the Another typical system for long-span
longitudinal direction at the transverse prestressed concrete bridges is the
joint. The columns, which are up to 100 m cantilever girder, which is mainly used for
high, have octagonal hollow cross-sections bridges built as cantilever structures. The
whose cross-sections are constant over the best-known bridges of this system are the
height and have external dimensions of 4.8 Lahn Bridge Balduinstein (Figures 1.4-51
m ∙ 5.8 m. In the bays, the slab is between and 2.1-12), built in 1950, which is the
50 cm and 65 cm thick, and its thickness first bridge of this type with a span of
increases in a mushroom shape to 2.45 m approx. 62 m, the Nibelungen Bridge in
towards the supports. The superstructure Worms (Figures 1.4-52, -53 and 5.2.1-13),
was built in sections using a launching the Moel Bridge Koblenz, the Rhine
gantry (Fig. 5.2.1-11). From the main Bridge Ben-
longitudinal girder of the launching gantry
above the superstructure structure, the

Figure 5.2.1-12 Lahn Bridge Balduinstein, view and sections, image after [Finsterwalder, 1951].
5.2 Beam bridges 313

Figure 5.2.1-13 Longitudinal and cross-section of the Nibelungen Bridge in Worms over the Rhine,
image after [Finsterwalder/Knittel, 1953].

Figure 5.2.1-14 Longitudinal and cross-sections of the Bendorf Rhine bridge, image after
[Finsterwalder/ Schambeck, 1965].

dorf (Figures 1.4-54, 3.8-11 and 5.2.1-14), of 5.2.1-13 and -14) are particularly
the Hamana Bridge in Japan (Figure 1.4- suitable. The high negative moments from
56) with a span of 240 m and finally the the cantilever loading with the
Stolma Bridge (see Figure 9.1.3-14) near horizontally directed tensile forces at the
Bergen in Norway [In- gebrigtsen, 1999], upper edge of the cantilever beam are
which at 301 m span width is currently the absorbed by tendons, the vertical and
cantilever concrete bridge with the largest diagonal tensile forces in the webs by
span width. For cantilever construction, reinforcing steel and/or prestressing steel
with cantilever girders in the construction and the compressive forces directed
stage, the box girder (bil diagonally in the webs and parallel to the
lower edge by the concrete. The height of
the structure is reduced in accordance with
the moment distribution.
314 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
The required prestressed longitudinal
reinforcement in the tensile zone is
staggered in the longitudinal direction so Tendons
that the number of tendons required
decreases approximately evenly towards
the end of the cantilever. By building in forces
sections, the tendons ending in the
respective construction section can be
easily pre-tensioned. When using bars, as Fig. 5.2.1-15 Design principle for cantilever
were used exclusively by Dyckerhoff & front end with tendon guidance and
Widmann in the early days of cantilever compression force lines
construction, the tendons required for the
subsequent construction sections can be
coupled with simple socket connections.
In modern designs, strand tendons are
preferably used, which are inserted into
ducts and prestressed in sections over the
respective section length. A further
essential design principle is that the
aforementioned variability of the cantilever
Figure 5.2.1-16 Design principle with
beam's construction height is selected in approximately constant shear stress on the
such a way that an approximately webs
constant shear load on the webs is also
achieved and therefore the required shear
reinforcement is almost constant over the and 5-7, it was built on falsework. First,
beam length (Figures 5.2.1-15 and the western part of the bridge (the left part
-16). The base slab in the cross-section seen in the direction of flow) between
above the column is generally selected to axles 6 and 5 was built on scaffolding.
be significantly thicker than in the span While the prefabrication carriage was
area in order to achieve the larger assembled at axle 5, the slab was
compression zone required there. For very constructed between axles 6 and 7. While
large spans, it is also advisable to reduce the cantilever construction was then
the thickness of the deck slab in the carried out between axles 5 and 4, the
central area of the span, because the bridge section between axles 1 and 3 was
number of tendons arranged in the slab constructed on scaffolding. This was
decreases continuously from the column followed by the conversion of the
to the center of the span and therefore less cantilever carriage from axis 4 to axis 3 and
space is required to accommodate the finally the bridge section between axes 3
anchorage bodies of the tendons. and 4 was constructed in the cantilever
The Moselle bridge Thörnich (Figure and the two cantilevers were connected
5.2.1-17), completed in 1963 with a center with the installation of the joint in axis 4,
span of 84.5 m, is one of the bridges built thus completing the superstructure.
according to this design principle. It was Figure 5.2.1-18 shows the basic
not built completely as a cantilever arrangement of the longitudinal
structure, but between the axes 1-3 prestressing reinforcement in cross-
section. Some of the tendons were
prestressed and anchored in the respective
construction joints.
5.2 Beam bridges 315

Figure 5.2.1-17 Moselle bridge Thörnich, longitudinal and cross-sections, joint design for
transferring shear forces

The cantilever bridges just discussed,

which are erected in cantilever
construction, are often, in the early days
almost always, designed in such a way that
Figure 5.2.1-18 Cross-section of the Moselle joints are arranged in the centers of the
bridge Thörnich with tendon distribution in the spans, via which only transverse forces are
transverse direction transmitted, but the transmission of
bending moments and longitudinal forces
is excluded [Fins- terwalder/Schambeck,
1965]. As a result of these central joints,
unsteady deflections occur in the area of
these joints arranged in the center of the
field. Even if articulated systems can be
more economical to manufacture than
continuous systems, the discontinuities of
the tangent inclinations (buckling) mean
that the aim should always be to dispense
with these central joints completely for
new bridges to be built, which is usually
possible through appropriate structural
design. In some cases, it will nevertheless
be expedient to arrange center joints if
Figure 5.2.1-19 Cantilevers coupled in a joint
in the undeformed (top) and deformed
corrections to the gradient of the bridge
(bottom) state can be made easily. Figure 5.2.1-19 above
shows a sketch of two cantilevers coupled
by a center hinge in the undeformed and
The tendons ending in the respective deformed state. If, in the course of time,
construction joint and to be prestressed larger deflections occur than expected and
were pulled to the webs. The other calculated in advance, which has indeed
tendons were guided into the next occurred in many such systems,
construction sections.
316 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.1-20 Würgau slope bridge

the height of the gradient can be corrected are supported in between or whether these
and brought to the desired dimension by setup carriers carry themselves freely.
retrofitting tendons. In the case of existing Other examples are the Cologne bypass
bridges, however, the installation of highway, where movable falsework was
suitable anchorage beams, which can also used (Fig. 5.2.1-21) and the Pleichach
be replaced by steel structures, is bridge on the Fulda - Würzburg highway
necessary. In the case of newly (Fig. 5.2.1-22). The "rake-slider principle"
constructed bridges, appropriate was used here for the first time. The
provisions can be made for the subsequent lateral scaffolding girders have the length
installation of tendons. If unbonded of one span, while the central girder
tendons are used for these tendons, any extends over two spans. To move the front
necessary further corrections can easily be scaffolding, the side scaffolding girders are
made in several steps. The suggestion suspended from a crane carriage, which
already made in 1973 [Mehl- horn, 1973] runs over the long, cantilevered central
is more appropriate than the correction of girder stretched out on roller supports and
the gradient sometimes made by applying is then moved. At the rear, they are
additional leveling concrete and asphalt. supported by a transport structure
Section 9.1.3 deals in more detail with running on the completed new bay. In the
bridges built by cantilever construction construction system used to build the
and the associated problems and the usual bridge on the Kettiger Hang (Fig. 5.2.1-
variants during construction, to which 23), in addition to the actual scaffolding
reference is made. girders, which are slightly longer than one
A typical example of the economical span, a leading prefabricated girder, which
production of continuous girders is the extends over two spans, is required to
Würgau slope bridge (Fig. 5.2.1-20), which move the scaffolding.
is typical of bridges with spans of approx. In the construction of very long bridges
30 m to 45 m, where the cross-section is in cycles, which were built as continuous
designed as a two-span slab girder without girders on set-up girders in field-by-field
crossbeams. It is irrelevant here whether construction sections with construction
the advanceable scaffolding girders are section boundaries arranged in the zero
supported by trestles or not. points of the membrane, it is not possible
to use this construction method in
5.2 Beam bridges 317

b a

∅ 1,90 Armament

b a
29,50 29,50 29,50
Armor in concreting position

Constructio Work step

n joint
max. 11.00

∅ 1,90

Ancestors of the armor

3,30 3,30
32,80 9,20 7,80 9,20

4% 4%

Consoles chassis
Steel supports

Folding base
17,00 plates

Section a - aSection b - b
Figure 5.2.1-21 Highway elevated road of the Cologne bypass, image after [Beyer/Thul, 1967]

In the early years, it was sometimes not The low degree of reinforcement, which
taken into account that the construction appears to be required by calculation,
joint, in which the tendons were reacts very sensitively to additional stresses
prestressed and coupled in sections that are not directly determined. These
(sometimes even all tendons in the include, for example, shoring
construction joint were prestressed, deformations during production, uneven
extended with couplers and prestressed heating of the superstructure in statically
again at the next construction joint and indeterminate systems, structural
extended by further couplers), was not imperfections and constraint stresses from
always used due to the fact that the creep
tendons were connected to the
318 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Scaffolding girder in concreting position
Rear crane truck
Front crane truck


Ancestors of the scaffolding beams including



36,25 36,25 36,25 36,25

Ancestors of the scaffolding and stem

Construction joint



Cross section
14,40 14,40

R = Scaffolding girder including formwork

RV = Scaffolding and facing girder
max. 29,00

5,00 5,00


Figure 5.2.1-22 Pleichachtal Bridge, image after [Beyer/Thul, 1967]

and shrinkage of the concrete. They have a Due to the already explained
greater effect on serviceability than in the manufacturing and prestressing sequence
other areas. These additional stresses at construction joints with tendon
mentioned above can be determined couplings, often called coupling joints in
according to the usual technical bending simplified terms, the entry of the
theory. It should be noted that a reduced prestressing force as a concentrated force
concrete tensile strength is to be expected results in deviations from the linearly
in the concreting joint. variable course of the normal span
according to the technical bending theory
for beams.

Figure 5.2.1-23 Bridge on the Kettiger Hang, image after [Beyer/Thul,

5.2 Beam bridges

3% a

Roller blocks Stem carrier Setup girder with
Steel formwork Steel formwork
Armament carrier

39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20 9,00

Scaffolding girder in concreting position a
Section a - a
6,125 Stem support

Roller trestle
Winch platform
Driving Displacement traverse

1,80 7 ,20 1,80

39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20
Progenitors of the scaffolding beams including formwork Section b - b
3% Front crane truck
gradient rear crane truck 6,125

Driving direction

39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20 39,20

Ancestors of the stem support

320 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.1-24 Model pulley to explain the

pre-tension on a supplemented pulley

tions. This problem is first explained in

principle using a centrally loaded, simple
model slab (Figure 5.2.1-24). From the
deformation and stress patterns of the
model slab shown in Figure 5.2.1-25, it
can be clearly seen that the normal
stresses are not constant over the height of
the slab in the area of the concreting joint
with the tendon coupling. Accordingly,
they would not be linearly variable over
the height of the slab if eccentric forces
were applied. Three conclusions can be
drawn from this:
1. In this area, the stress curve must be
Figure 5.2.1-25 Deformations and main
determined according to the theory of
stresses on the model disk.
elasticity, as is usual for all areas with a) Disc I with central pre-tension
entries of concentrated loads. The (deformation on the left, principal stresses on
technical bending theory (Navier) the right)
cannot be used to determine the stress b) Sheaves I+II connected, tendons coupled
state in this area. and prestressed at the end (right) (top
2. Not only reinforcement to absorb the deformations, bottom principal stresses)
splitting tensile forces from the entry of
the pre-tensioning forces in the first
construction section, which must be At the end of 1970, during routine
dimensioned for the full pre-tensioning inspections of two prestressed concrete
forces, must be arranged at the bridges a few years after they had been put
concreting joint with tendon couplings. into service, crack damage was detected at
Splitting tensile reinforcement must all of their coupling joints [Fehse, 1972,
also be provided on the supplemented Pfohl, 1973], reported by Mr. Pfohl to the
side of the concreting joint with tendon prestressing procedure expert committee
couplers, but this may be less (approx. of the Institute for Structural Engineering
50%). and the phenomenon was explained by
3. Not all tendons should be coupled in me. As part of an extension of the
the concreting joints. A significant approval of the LEOBA tensioning
proportion of the tendons should pass method, Mr. Baur was made aware of the
through unbonded! effect during consultations in the SVA
tensioning method, which resulted in the
article [Baur/ Göhler, 1972].
5.2 Beam bridges 321

29,85 joint 13 × 25,5 = 331,5 21,15

15 × 25,5 = 382,5

Figure 5.2.1-26 Static system of the investigated bridge

275 325 325 275



Anchor plates

b) Idealized cross-section
Dimensions in cm

200 250


Figure 5.2.1-27 Cross-section of the two-legged slab beam

a) Cross-section of the two-bar slab beam
b) The idealized cross-section on which the calculation is based

The impact of the effect is shown using the pre-tensioning of the completed
the example of a two-span slab girder construction section, load case 2 is the
bridge [Mehlhorn/Hoshino, 1974]. Figure pre-tensioning of the newly concreted
5.2.1- 26 shows the structural system of section after the tendon coupling,
the plate girder (Figure 5.2.1-27a), which whereby the restraint moment from pre-
was designed as a continuous, prestressed tensioning must be taken into account.
girder on a launching gantry. Load cases 3 and 4 are the dead and live
In the calculation with the idealized loads with the load position that results in
transverse section shown in Fig. 5.2.1-27b, the greatest bending moment for the
only the disc stress states were considered, coupling joint. Figures 5.2.1-30 and 5.2.1-
the influence of the plate effect was not 31 show the calculation results for the
taken into account. The admissibility of stress distribution, and Table 5.2.1-1
this simplification was demonstrated by shows the normal stresses at the lower
Hoshino in his dissertation [Hoshino, edge of the web immediately to the left of
1974]. The coupling joint between the the joint due to pre-tension, as they result
third and fourth construction stage is from the technical bending theory and
considered. according to the more precise calculation
Figure 5.2.1-28 shows the investigated according to state I (uncracked,
load cases 1-4. Load case 1 is unrestrictedly elastic material). In
addition, the stresses from dead and live
loads are also indicated and, for the
322 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
a) Load case 1: Pre-tension 470 kN/m

18.8 MN/m

b) Load case 2: Pre-tension and constraining Nc,p = -12.69 MN

moment Mc,p = -6.61 MNm Mzw = 4.83 MNm

470 kN/m

18.8 MN/m
Weakening of the cross-

c) Load case 3: Dead load and permanently acting loads

g = 100 kN/m
Mg = 2.25 MNm Qg = -410 kN

d) Load case 4: Traffic

loads Q=195 kN
1,50 1,50 2,80
2,85 Mq=1.53 MNm Qq = -80 kN
q=28 kN/m

4,35 4,30
Figure 5.2.1-28 Load cases investigated for the investigation of the coupling joint of the prestressed, two-
strand slab beam

Stresses from pre-tension are the the two calculation assumptions are the
proportions from the pre-tension on the same, because the calculation according to
statically determined main system and the technical bending theory applies. The
from the constraining moment slight differences in the values given in
determined with the FEM according to the Table 5.2.1-1 are due to the fact that the
theory of elasticity. The stresses from dead averaged gravity stresses of the stresses
load, traversing load and restraint calculated according to the FEM are not
moment are shown for identical.
5.2 Beam bridges 323

calculation, the longitudinal compressive

stresses at the lower transverse section
edge in the coupling joint are 4.2 N/mm2
lower than those resulting from the
technical bending theory. This example
shows why cracks occurred at the coupling
joints in many bridges built at that time.
Figures 5.2.1-29 and 5.2.1-30 show that
the longitudinal stresses in the coupling
joint deviate significantly from the linear
curve, even with a linear-elastic
calculation. The deviations decrease the
further away the section under
consideration is from the coupling joint.
In the coupling joint, the longitudinal
stresses are greater than the tensile
strength of the concrete, which is why
cracking occurs at the lower edge. Figure
Figure 5.2.1-29 Longitudinal stresses σx from 5.2.1-31 also shows the curves of the
prestressing at the coupling joint (linear elastic calculated longitudinal stresses in the
calculation), course in the web uncracked state I and in the cracked state
II, in each case over the height of the web
point stresses of two neighboring concrete and in the longitudinal direction for the
elements are specified. For the edge lower edge in the area of the coupling
stresses from the entry of the pre-tension, joint. The tensile stresses in the concrete
there are considerable differences at the decrease after crack formation and the
coupling joint according to the two steel stresses in the crack increase.
theories. According to the more precise

Figure 5.2.1-30 Longitudinal stresses σx from pre-tension at the coupling joint (linear elastic
calculation), course in the roadway slab
324 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.2.1-1 Normal stresses in the concrete at the lower edge of the web immediately to the left of
the coupling joint in N/mm2
load case 1+2 3 4 1+2+3+4
Technical bending theory stat. determ. share -13,8
(linear stress distribution)
from constraint +12,1
Total -1,7 -1,1 +3,1 +0,3
FEM theory of elasticity stat. determ. share -9,1
from constraint +11,6
Total +2,5 -0,9 +2,9 +4,5
Differences between elasticity theory and +4,2 +0,2 -0,2 +4,2
engineering bending theory

More detailed results of studies on this tensile stresses in the concrete:

problem, including
the influence of the creep of the concrete E-T
max σ = α - (5.2.1-1)
are included in [Dietrich, 1979 and 8
Mehlhorn et al., 1983], to which reference
is made.
During the hydration of the cement, α Temperature expansion coefficient of the
the strength and the modulus of elasticity concrete
of the concrete increase as the concrete E Modulus of elasticity of the hardened
hardens. Due to this development of the clay
strength and the modulus of elasticity of T largest temperature difference of the
the concrete and the heat process as a concrete between the two construction
result of the hydration of the cement with sections, which occurs at the time of
subsequent cooling to the ambient completion of the setting process in
temperature, tensile stresses remain the newly concreted construction
parallel to the construction joint in the section
concreted section and compressive
stresses remain in the previously The maximum value for the temperature
concreted section during production in difference T that occurs between the two
concreting sections in the final state. construction sections depends on the
Under the simplified assumption that the thickness of the cross-sections, the
heat development and the development of concrete composition, in particular the
the modulus of elasticity initially increase cement used, and the ambient conditions
linearly during the setting process and present during the setting of the concrete.
that the modulus of elasticity remains The setting temperature can reach a value
constant during the cooling process (Fig. of up to approx. 70 °C. The values
5.2.1- 32), the calculation on a model slab determined according to equation (5.2.1-1)
results in the tensile stresses parallel to the can be taken as an upper estimate for the
construction joint. stresses occurring. It should also be noted
5.2 Beam bridges 325

a) Course of the longitudinal stresses in the concrete σc over the height of the web at the point 2.5 cm to the left
of the coupling joint

b) Course of the longitudinal stresses in the concrete σc (x) at the lower edge of the web

c) Steel stress curve σs (x) of the reinforcement at the bottom of the web

Figure 5.2.1-31 Comparison of the curves of the longitudinal stresses σx calculated according to states
I and II from pre-tensioning at the coupling joint in the web
326 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
T (t)

0 tO

E (t) Fig. 5.2.1-33 Principle of the indexing slide

E = const procedure

For this, total bridge lengths of at least 200

m. The spans of the bridges should be
between 30 m and 50 m. For large spans,
it is advisable to
t auxiliary pillars during the feed process. The
0 tO design developed by the engineering office
Figure 5.2.1-32 Simplified assumptions for the hardt and Andrä, in particular Willi Baur,
heat development and the development of the combines the advantages of factory
modulus of elasticity production in a field factory with those of
in-situ concrete construction in an ideal
additional states of internal stress can way for the production of monolithic load-
occur in the cross-sections [Zeitler, 1983], bearing structures. The production plant
to which reference is made. offers protection from the weather, and
One of the most successful and working conditions are practically the
economical construction methods for same as in a factory. The repetitive work
continuous concrete beams is the processes reduce the time required. The
incremental launching method, which has production of bridges using incremental
long been used in steel construction launching is described in detail in section
[Göhler, 1999]. Here, sections are 9.1.4.
produced approximately two section The cable-stayed bridge system is
lengths behind the abutment in a fixed common in steel construction for larger
formwork (Fig. 5.2.1-33). spans. Figure 5.2.1-34 shows the most
The sections are between 6 m and 30 m important systems of this type commonly
long and are connected to each other used in steel construction. In principle, a
monolithically. A launching nose is distinction is made between single or
connected to the first section. The bridge multiple cable-stayed arrangements,
is then moved longitudinally in cycles to which can be designed as a tuft, harp, fan
its final position. In order to allow the or star. Figure 5.2.1-35 shows static
concrete to harden over the weekend, a equivalent systems for the preliminary
weekly cycle is generally chosen. The design of cable-stayed bridges, which
economical construction of bridges using show the static effect without further
this method requires that the bridge has a explanation. For the static calculation, the
certain minimum length, as Göhler calls it. system behavior must then be defined as
5.2 Beam bridges 327

Figure 5.2.1-34 Common systems for cable-stayed bridges, image after [Feige, 1966].

Figure 5.2.1-35 Static equivalent systems for the preliminary design of cable-stayed bridges

externally and internally statically 8.7 km long. It was mainly constructed

unstable frame structure according to the from prefabricated parts made on the
technical bending theory for spatial beam riverbank. Based on a design also by
structures on the deformed system, taking Morandi, the Polcevera highway bridge in
into account the pre-tension of the cables. Genoa with a main span of 208 m was built
The realistic description of the bending in 1963/66 using the same principle. The
and torsional stiffnesses of the Wadi Kuf Bridge in Libya (Fig. 5.2.1-37),
superstructure beam and the pylon as well built in 1968/71 with a span of 282 m, was
as the elongation stiffnesses of the stay also designed according to the same
cables is of particular importance for the construction principle. In the Polce Vera
verification of the serviceability, the load- highway bridge and the Wadi Kuf bridge,
bearing capacity and the vibration the stay cables were designed as
behavior of the bridge. prestressed concrete cables.
In concrete bridge construction, the use Figure 5.2.1-38 shows the system of the
of the cable-stayed bridge system was current opening of the Waal bridge near
initiated with the construction of the Tiel. This according to the system of the
bridge over Lake Mara-Caibo in Venezuela. Büschel
Figure 5.2.1-36 shows a section of the
structural system of the main openings of
this bridge, which was built in 1959/62 to a
design by the Italian engineer Morandi.
The Maracaibo Bridge has a total of five
main openings with a span of 235 m each. Figure 5.2.1-36 Maracaibo bridge system,
The entire bridge is approx. image after [Dimel, 1963].
328 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.1-37 System of the Wadi Kuf Bridge, image after [Morandi, 1974].

Figure 5.2.1-38 System of the Waal bridge near Tiel according to [Loenen, 1973]

The bridge, which was built at a ratio of The bridge was built as a harp-shaped
1:2 and 1:1, each has two inclined bracings cable-stayed bridge for rail and road traffic
from the pier head to the superstructure. with a dense arrangement of the stay
The center section consists of four cables (Figure 5.2.1-39). The design
prefabricated suspension girders with a T- solution was derived from the cantilever
section, each weighing 425 tons. The construction method with
prestressed concrete stay cables were
assembled from 5.15 m long precast
concrete parts with cambered tendon
channels in such a way that the cables do
not sag significantly after removal of the
assembly support.
During the construction of the second
bridge over the River Main at Farbwerke Figure 5.2.1-39 System of the 2nd Main bridge
Hoechst [Schambeck, 1973], which was of the Hoechst paint works, image after
completed at the turn of 1971/72, a [Schambeck, 1973].
concrete bridge for iron ore was built for
the first time.
5.2 Beam bridges 329

Regensburg B Passau

68,85 145,0
0 68,0 0 68,0
Figure 5.2.1-40 Section of the structural system of the Metten Danube bridge

approximately constant thrust curve, The cable is carried to the pylon in the
i.e. with an approximately constant shear form of a harp, while around 48 m is
reinforcement requirement in the web (see removed to the neighboring pier, which is
Fig. 5.2.1- 17). The cantilevered cantilever why a full-wall girder with a linearly
girder is designed as a concrete box girder. variable construction height is arranged
The central span is 148 m, the adjacent there.
side spans on both sides span over 39 m For the construction of the Metten
and 26 m. The construction height is 2.65 Danube bridge designed as a cable-stayed
m. The edge spans with different support bridge [Schambeck/Kroppen, 1982], both
widths act as restraint spans. The loads of the anchoring and deflection of the cable-
around 100 m of the superstructure of the stayed force with radii of 8 m at the two
span with the large span width are base points in the box girder of the
transferred via diagonal braces. superstructure stretch girder (B in Fig.
5.2.1-40) and its deflection with radii of

Sectional view for the calculation of

the deflection area of the tendons at
BX the pylon head using finite elements


Tensioning 2,40 S. A.
bundle 19 ∅ 6''
6 × 22,6 =1,356

strands, Pzul =
1,30 65
6 × 19

1,60 2589 KN
,5 =1,7

BX/D = 0.84 1,60

BY/D = 0.84 to 1.38

D: Envelope



8 m



Figure 5.2.1-41 Pylon head of the Metten Danube bridge

330 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Elements type "UTLQ1"

Elements type "UTLQ1"

Elements type "IPQQ"

Figure 5.2.1-42 Element mesh for the FEM calculation of the stress state at the pylon head of the Danube
bridge Metten

6.18 m to 7.73 m (mean radius 6.95 m) at can be seen. The stay cable is a prestressed
the head of the pylon (A in Figure 5.2.1- concrete cross-section with 56 Dywidag
40). Figure 5.2.1-40 shows the section of type strand tensioning elements with 19 ∅
the static system of the Danube bridge 6˝ strands with a characteristic tensile
Metten in the area of the stay cable, which strength value of 1770 N/mm2. The total
is essential for the investigations. stay cable force is 135 MN. It was
5.2 Beam bridges 331

Sequence of pre-tensioning (half Pre-tensioning all 56 tendons (8 tendons

rein strap) next to each other and 7 on top of each
other) one after the other and only then
grouting the tendons would have led to
unacceptably high concrete compressive
stresses, which is why the originally
intended pre-tensioning and grouting
process for all tendons had to be ruled
out. An alternative sequence for pre-
tensioning and grouting the tendons of the
stay cable was therefore sought. Figure
5.2.1-41 shows the stay cable and the
LEVEL 2 pylon head. The section for which the
6 Spgl.
stresses were calculated using the FEM is
shown in Fig. 5.2.1-41. The element mesh
for the FEM calculation with the STRUDL
program [ICES STRUDL II] is shown in
F i g u r e 5 . 2 . -42. Isoparametric
elements with 8 nodes were used to model
the concrete. The steel and grout
components in the grouted duct were
modeled with compatible triangular
elements. The element type designation
given in Figure 5.2.1-42 is taken from the
STRUDL element library [ICES STRUDL
7 Spgl. 9 Spgl. II]. In preliminary investigations, the
required discretization was determined.
is stretched
already stretched and
Figure 5.2.1-43 Alternative pre-tensioning and tization was investigated. Compared to
compression sequences for the Metten Danube mesh refinements, the selected mesh
Bridge resulted in only about 4% higher values
for the magnitudes of the voltage peaks,
to clarify whether the locally concentrated which is sufficiently accurate and resulted
compressive and transverse tensile in reasonable calculation times adapted to
stresses in the deflection areas can be the problem.
absorbed during the construction process The lowest stresses from the deflection
after pre-tensioning and before grouting forces from pre-tensioning for the pylon
the tendons and how the pre-tensioning head are obtained if the individual layers 1
sequence of the individual tendons and to 7 of the tendons are successively
the grouting process should be carried prestressed starting with layer 1 and then
out. immediately grouted before the tendon
In the following, some results of the layer above is prestressed and also
FEM calculations for the assessment of the immediately grouted. However, this
deflections at the pylon head [Mehlhorn pretensioning and pressing sequence
et al., 1980], [Cornelius, 1980] are given. results in a very low stress for the stresses
For the prestressing sequence of the at the two base points of the stay cable, at
individual tendons, the calculations showed the insertion point and at the end of the stay
that the cable.
332 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.1-44 Concrete compressive stresses for the pre-tensioning and grouting sequence b after
completion of the four stages
5.2 Beam bridges 333

Figure 5.2.1-45 Concrete tensile stresses for the pre-tensioning and grouting sequence b after
completion of the four stages
334 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

N/mm2 Print
4 6

4 6

8 7

10 20 28
0 i 12 9
10 20 28

Leading sequence a Leading sequence b

7,5 b
is currently being preloaded
: previously pre-tensioned and grouted
Train : all tendons pre-tensioned before
Figure 5.2.1-46 Comparison of the pre-tensions for alternative prestressing and grouting sequences for
the Metten Danube Bridge

The most unfavorable stresses are caused unfavorable. Case b is the optimized pre-
by the guide into the stretched beam with tensioning and grouting sequence. In
deflection. This sequence was therefore addition, the largest concrete compression
also out of the question. The pre- and tension stresses that would occur if all
tensioning and grouting sequence b in tendons had been prestressed first and
four stages (starting with stage 1, followed only then grouted are shown for
by stages 2 to 4 in succession) shown in comparison. The concrete compressive
Fig. 5.2.1-43 proved to be optimal for all stresses occurring were used as the
critical areas, taking into account the decision criterion for the selection of the
stresses in the two areas. The resulting prestressing and grouting sequence. In all
concrete compressive and tensile stresses cases investigated, the highest concrete
for this sequence b are shown for the final tensile stresses were so high that they
state after stage 4 in Figures 5.2.1-44 and exceeded the tensile strength of the
5.2.1-45. concrete. Reinforcement made of
Figure 5.2.1-46 also shows the reinforcing steel was arranged at the top
maximum concrete compressive and and bottom between the tendon layers in
tensile stresses in four stages for different the transverse direction to absorb the
pre-tensioning and grouting sequences. tensile force reactants.
Case a corresponds to a pre-tensioning In the meantime, with the further
and grouting sequence in layers. As development of cable-stayed bridges in
already explained, this case is favorable massive construction, the fruitful
for the stresses at the pylon head, but at competition between steel and solid
the entries in the tension member bridges has also begun for spans between
250 m and 500 m.
5.2 Beam bridges 335

This has influenced important l/h ≥ 20 (Fig. 5.2.2-1), but especially in the
developments in both construction case of very limited space or installation
methods, as was already the case earlier time, steel bridges can be competitive with
with beam bridges with spans of up to 250 reinforced concrete bridges.
m. Cable-stayed bridges are discussed in The simplest form of beam bridge is
detail in sections 5.5 and the single-span beam. The top chord of
9.1.6 received. this girder, which in the case of deck
bridges is identical to the deck plate of the
roadway, always follows the specified
5.2.2 Steel beam bridges gradient; the girder itself is usually
designed parallel to the chord. The
GÜNTER RAMBERGER, adjustment to the internal forces is usually
FRANCESCO AIGNER and not made by increasing the construction
THOMAS PETRASCHEK height in the middle of the span. In the case
of bridges in crests, the bottom chord is Solid wall bridges sometimes designed horizontally, thus
utilizing the greater construction height in
Compared to other building materials the middle of the span. The structure is
(reinforced concrete, timber), steel bridges adapted to the internal forces by selecting
with full-wall girders allow spans and appropriate bottom chord, cover plate and
slenderness heights that cannot be web thicknesses, and possibly also by
achieved by other building materials, as selecting plates with higher strengths in
steel has the lowest ratio of dead load to the highly stressed areas. Only in rare cases
load-bearing capacity of all mass building are the longitudinal beams of the roadway
materials. Whether steel beam bridges are slab reinforced in the middle of the span.
competitive with reinforced concrete or Nowadays, the plate staggering practically
prestressed concrete beam bridges always follows the spacing of the assembly
depends on the span, slenderness and joints, as butt joints in spans are
assembly conditions. In general, it can be considerably more expensive than the
said that road bridges with a span of about additional material. If the fatigue
120 m or more and railroad bridges with a resistance of railroad bridges is decisive,
span of about 60 m or more are increasing the material strength does not
competitive with unlimited construction bring any advantage. The situation is
height, road bridges with a slenderness l/h similar for large
≥ 30 with limited construction height, and Slenderness (-λ > 1.0), if the stability value is
railroad bridges with a slenderness l/h ≥ 30 proof is decisive for the load-bearing
with limited construction height. capacity verification.
In the case of continuous girders, a
distinction must be made between the
classic three- or multi-span current bridge
with a large central opening and smaller,
usually half as large side openings and the
multi-span valley crossings with mostly
the same inner spans and somewhat
smaller (70 to 80 %) edge spans.
The classic current bridge usually has
haunched beams, whereby the height at the
haunch is around l/20 to l/30 and in
Figure 5.2.2-1 Beam bridges with different
slendernesses [Leonhardt, 1982].
336 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.2-2 Beam bridge with different haunch heights

Figure 5.2.2-3 Multi-span beam bridges with different slendernesses

center of the bay and at the edges of the The height of the girders can be
side bays decreases to about l/70 to l/40. significantly reduced, as the "meshes" for
Due to the very low construction height in the view are large enough with slender
the center of the bay, this beam looks truss webs. This means that with a low
extremely elegant (Fig. 5.2.2-2). construction height between the upper
In the upper drawing file of Figure edge of the track and the lower edge of the
5.2.2-2, design heights of hcolumn = l/20 and supporting structure, any desired
hFeld = l/70 are used, in the lower drawing construction height of the girders can be
file, design heights of hcolumn selected. If the upper chords are above the
= l/30 and hFeld = l/40. clearance limits, upper bracing is
For multi-span valley crossings, the generally arranged.
parallel chord solid wall girder with Of the many possible truss systems, the
design heights l/20 to l/35 is usually used parallel chord strut truss is now
(Fig. 5.2.2-3), rarely the haunched girder at considered to be the most aesthetically
the columns. Reducing the span in the edge pleasing structure. The inclination of the
bays ensures approximately equal stresses struts to the horizontal is between 45° and
in each bay. If this is not possible, special 60° (Fig. 5.2.2-4). The spans should be
measures must be taken, e.g. under- divided into equal compartments. For
tensioning for large edge spans. single-span beams, 8 to 12 spans, preferably
10, are used, for continuous beams in
large spans 10 to 16 spans, preferably 12 Trussed beams
(Fig. 5.2.2-5). The side spans of the
A special form of beam bridge in steel continuous beams should have spans that
construction is the truss beam. The correspond to an integer multiple of the
decisive advantage of the truss beam over span length of the main opening.
the solid wall beam lies in the possibility of The top chords of truss girders are
arranging the main supporting structure usually designed as box cross-sections, or
above the roadway without impairing the hat cross-sections for smaller spans. Box
user's view of the bridge. cross-sections are more rigid than hat
cross-sections, have less
5.2 Beam bridges 337

Figure 5.2.2-4 Truss beams with different inclinations of the struts

Figure 5.2.2-5 Truss girder bridge as continuous girder (l1 : l2 : l1 = 0.75 : 1 : 0.75)

Section A  A

System axis




Fig. 5.2.2-6 Top chord knot [DS 804]

The same number of continuous welds are end of the gusset plate (Figure 5.2.2-6).
required. The gusset plates in the webs of The bottom chord of the truss beam is
the top chords are completely welded in at formed by the roadway slab. Bottom
the factory. The assembly joint in the belt chords can be formed with single-walled
is often welded at the or
338 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Section A  A

Assembly Assembly joint




System axis

Section B  B

Figure 5.2.2-7 Bottom chord knots [DB - technical guidelines and standards], [DS 804]
5.2 Beam bridges 339

Fig. 5.2.2-8 Connection of the diagonal [DS 804]

be designed as double-walled webs. The At least the compression diagonals are

single-walled design has the advantage of designed as box sections. The connections of
easier accessibility for connecting the the diagonals to the top and bottom chords
cross members (Fig. 5.2.2-7). are always bending stiffness, either butt-
In the case of compartments up to 5 m, welded or bolted as single or double-
the cross beams are only arranged at the section load joints GV. As both the welded
truss nodes. For longer truss lengths, and the bolted connection is more difficult
additional cross beams are arranged at to produce with box cross-sections than
integer partial points. However, this results with H-sections, the webs of the box
in intermediate bending in the truss lower cross-sections are often bent at the
chords, which must be taken into account connection and brought together on a web
in the verifications. Double-walled gusset plate. This ensures that the advantages of
plates are also used to connect the high buckling rigidity are retained in the
diagonals for single-walled bottom chords field, but the connection is made with an
(Fig. 5.2.2-8). open H-section, which is much easier due to
The diagonal braces are used as H- the accessibility (Fig. 5.2.2-9).
profiles for smaller trusses, for larger
trusses to
340 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
manufacture and assemble. As the
construction costs today are determined to
a particularly important extent by labor
costs, this system of full-wall bending
beams is so popular. Although only the
edge fibers of the cross-section are fully
utilized due to the bending stress, the
poorer material utilization compared to
truss constructions, for example, is offset
by the advantage of the small number of
welds and the possibility of reducing labor
costs on the construction site in many
cases through the favorable assembly of
complete bridge sections or main girders.
However, due to the relatively high
material costs, solid wall bridges are not
suitable as pure bending beams for long
spans. In this case, the dead load is more
important than the live load for the loads
relevant to the design, so that the
structural system must also be selected
Figure 5.2.2-9 Bending the webs of a box with regard to weight optimization. The
cross-section in the connection area typical application range of a composite
bridge as a solid wall bridge is in the span
range between 30 m and 60 m for single-
5.2.3 Beam bridges as composite bridges or span girders, while spans of over 100 m are
mixed constructions possible for continuous girders (possibly
In addition to cost-effectiveness and
span width, the location and surroundings
also play a role in the decision for a Solid wall bridges
composite solid-wall bridge. On the one
General criteria hand, this concerns the required clearance
Solid wall bridges are a particularly under the bridge, which may severely
economical load trasnfer system. The clear restrict the construction heights. Figure
construction, which is not divided into 5.2.3-1 shows
individual components, can be easily

Figure 5.2.3-1 Railroad overpass BW 228

5.2 Beam bridges 341

Figure 5.2.3-2 Elbe bridge Torgau

As an example, the railroad overpass BW country and Luxembourg with spans of 49

228 over the A4 highway in Cologne, - 72.5 - 72.5 - 87.5 - 130 - 88.5 - 59 -
where steel railroad bridges with a 48 m [Emge/Girard, 2001].
construction height of only about 1.2 m On the Torgau Elbe bridge, the large
were replaced by composite bridges. The main opening of 106 m above the Elbe
highway and rail location did not allow and the flood area are spanned by a
for greater construction heights composite girder with a single-cell box
[Kuhlmann, 1995]. cross-section and a high haunch on the
Secondly, it concerns the integration of main pier. Due to the high stiffness in the
the bridge into the landscape and area of the 5.6 m high haunch, which is
surroundings. As with the Elbe bridge in further increased by a double composite
Torgau, solid-wall bridges in composite cross-section, i.e. concrete slabs in the
construction allow for very slender bridge upper and lower chord, the internal forces
bodies that are more restrained in their are specifically transferred to this pier. The
design than other more spectacular moments are reduced accordingly at the
structures. The design of the bridge was opposite support cross-section, where the
decisively determined by not disturbing very low construction height of just 2.6 m
the appearance of Hartenfels fitter in the allows as clear a view of the fitter as
immediate vicinity of the bridge, see possible.
Figure 5.2.3-2. However, the superstructure cannot be
inserted in a haunched longitudinal
Training with cove section. The structure must then be lifted
The Elbe bridge in Torgau is also an in from the side or from below.
example of a haunched solid wall girder Accordingly, the Moselle bridge
bridge. The solid wall girders are Schengen, for example, was only pushed
particularly economical where there is a over the first three spans with a constant
balanced moment progression, such as construction height, the remaining partially
with continuous girders. The cross- haunched sections were then assembled by
section in the support area can be adapted crane and the current center section by
to high moments using haunches and floating and strand lifting. The same
correspondingly large spans can be applies to the Tor- gau Elbe bridge, where
achieved. In addition to the Elbe Bridge in the 63 m long final section was also
Torgau, examples of this include the floated in and lifted in by crane.
Böckinger Bridge in Heilbronn [Engländer Another remarkable feature of the
et al., 1997], which spans the Neckarfeld Torgau Elbe bridge is how the prestressed
with a camber of 2.8 m in the field to 5 m at concrete foreland bridges are coupled to
the support, or the Viaduc de Schengen, the composite superstructure in a bending
which spans the Moselle border river stiffness. The prestressed concrete
between Germany and Germany.
342 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
The cross-section is guided into the Weser in Bremen [Steffens et al., 1995]
composite box over a length of 7.4 m. The shows an extreme example of different
load is transferred by means of dowel spans (100.7 - 16 m), see Figure 5.2.3-3. At
pins. The longitudinal tendons are also the Schlachte abutment, for example,
guided into the cast composite cross- lifting loads of a maximum of 7 MN lead
section. This avoids a maintenance- to a strong bracing structure with
intensive roadway transition and the articulated bolts.
formation of two separate bearing axes on In addition to their higher load due to
the separating pillar between the the weight of the slab, composite bridges
prestressed concrete and steel composite offer good opportunities to achieve
superstructure. Bearing structures also prestressing of the bearings through
require regular inspection and lowering measures due to their high
maintenance and possibly premature stiffness and thus counteract lifting. In the
replacement, so that fewer bearings result case of the railroad overpass BW 228 over
in advantages in terms of maintenance. the A4 highway near Cologne, see Fig.
The maintenance of bearing constructions 5.2.3-1, lowering measures on the pier
is particularly costly if bearing forces can axes between 30 and 50 cm were used to
occur. suppress uplifting forces on the abutments,
especially in the sharp corners, and to
Lifting bearing forces generate an advantageous compressive
With very different span ratios (Figure prestressing in the non-prestressed
5.2.3-3) or with skewed bridge ends, composite slab.
tensile forces can arise at the supports of As positive as the high longitudinal
the end spans of beam bridges that cannot stiffness is for the effectiveness of lowering
be overcome by the dead load of the measures, this high stiffness is
bridge alone. The raised tar bridge over disadvantageous for the influence of
the constraints. This

Figure 5.2.3-3 Tar elevated bridge Bremen, view and plan view
5.2 Beam bridges 343

is particularly noticeable with narrow anchors or similar, the bridge ends are
bearing spacings in the transverse direction ballasted by solid concrete end cross
of the bridge and press arrangement under beams projecting behind the bearing.
rigid composite cross girders. Structure However, the ballasting alone is not
228 is an open plate girder cross-section sufficient to guarantee the theoretical
with seven main girders, which in plan act positional safety, so that an additional
as a skew-angled girder grid over three lifting of the bridge ends by approx. 20 cm
spans (spans 16.5 - 27.4 - 23.4 m). The was necessary. The construction process is
main girders are only coupled to each described in detail in section 9.4.1.
other in the bearing axes via composite The examples show how the internal
cross girders. Each main girder is forces and bearing forces can be
supported separately in these axes. There specifically controlled by assembly
are therefore seven individual bearings at measures, especially in the case of solid-
intervals of 2.2 m or 3 m. With such close walled continuous beams in composite
support and the high stiffness of the construction.
composite cross beams, tiny bearing lifts of
a few millimeters lead to extreme internal
forces in the composite cross beam and Truss bridges
lift-off forces of the bearings. The usual
requirement of being able to replace each General aspects
bearing individually is therefore not The material used in supporting
feasible with normal design approaches. structures is certainly best utilized when it
For this reason, only the replacement of is subjected to a pure normal force load.
bearings with simultaneous lifting of an Consequently, trusses are particularly
entire bearing axle was required. With five efficient structures in terms of material
main beams per superstructure, each with utilization. However, this efficiency only
two presses, it is of course not so easy to exists if the mechanical assumptions of an
lift all the bearings of an axle at the same ideal truss such as
time. For this reason, coupled presses
– Straight bars
were used during the conversions in the
– Almost frictionless articulated nodes
construction phase and the force values
– external forces only in the nodes
on the bearings were checked.
Another solution for improving are also realized. Typically, however, the
positional stability is to ballast the ends of last two conditions are not fulfilled in real
the bridge. Ballast concrete can be used to truss structures. Bending moments can
ballast the girder end at the abutments so arise in the truss nodes as welded steel
that the dead load is sufficient to nodes, so that in particular for railroad
overcome the lifting force from traffic and bridges it is required to examine the truss
construction weight in the field. In the case as a bending stiffness frame system in
of the Moselle bridge Bernkastel- Kues order to record these secondary stresses in
[Kuhlmann, 1996], the support width ratio the fatigue strength verification, see e.g.
(36.4 - 74.4 - 36.4 m) of approximately 1 : Guideline 804, Para. 4 [DB AG, 2003].
2 : 1 at the abutments leads to such a low The violation of the ideal truss conditions
superimposed load from the weight of the becomes even clearer on the upper chord,
bridge that the bearings threaten to lift off which, as a "continuous beam" locally
in the middle of the bridge under traffic supported in the truss nodes, is subjected
load. Instead of a lift-off protection by to bending stresses from the
344 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
roadway. In addition to this limited existing steel truss bridges, in addition to
normal force effect, there are several other the use of existing substructures through
disadvantages that make truss solutions consistently small loads, people also
less suitable for modern steel and become accustomed to a certain view that
composite bridges. The fineness leads to characterizes their surroundings
higher susceptibility to corrosion and [Grüter/Kobbner, 1985].
more difficult maintenance, and a larger When it comes to replacing existing
number of welders compared to solid-wall steel truss bridges, the composite
constructions increases production costs. construction method is similar to that
Despite this, there have recently been used for solid wall bridges in that it is
more truss bridges and, for some years more economical than the pure steel
now, composite truss constructions. solution because the costly steel deck is
For example, one of the first composite replaced by the reinforced concrete
truss bridges in Germany, the Nesenbach composite slab. However, due to the effect
viaduct as a railroad bridge in Stuttgart as a truss upper chord, there are some
[Grüter/Kobbner, 1985], was preferred to special considerations for the design of
a reinforced concrete structure because the composite slab.
the truss is more permeable to wind and
does not represent such a strong visual Position of the upper belt
and climatic barrier compared to the solid As the cross-section of the Nesenbach
wall bridge. viaduct, see Figure 5.2.3-4, shows, the
Due to their low weight, high stiffness composite slab must be thickened to form
and small area exposed to wind, truss slab beams, at least in the area of the truss
solutions are always suitable when large girders, in order to ensure the transfer of
spans have to be bridged or small the normal top chord forces and the
deflections are required, e.g. for railroad bending of the continuous girders
bridges. described above in addition to the local
In addition to the aspects of low weight track effect. At the same time, the cross-
and high stiffness, appearance plays a section (Fig. 5.2.3-4) shows the typical
major role in a number of recent truss immersion of the steel truss node in the
bridges. The possibility of a very filigree concrete roadway. This design offers
"visible" construction has led to the several advantages: the upper chord is
decision in favor of a truss construction in completely protected from corrosion by
a number of cases where special emphasis the concrete encasement, the stabilization
was placed on the design and integration of the steel upper chord and its plates is
into the landscape. The positive visual provided by the concrete deck slab, and -
impression is also underlined in part by the essentially - the centre of gravity of the
choice of cross-section of the truss steel truss and the composite truss are
members as tubular cross-sections. almost at the same height, so that there are
Another less functional, but not to be only minimal eccentricities between the
underestimated argument in favor of a transfer of forces via the steel truss nodes
truss solution is in the case of to the flexurally rigid composite girder of
replacements. the upper chord. The cantilever effect in
the transverse direction of the bridge also
creates contact pressures in the vertical
composite joints, which have a beneficial
influence on the composite effect, even if
this cannot yet b e taken into account in
the calculations.
5.2 Beam bridges 345

Figure 5.2.3-4 Nesenbach viaduct, cross-

Single-span or continuous beams
However, in the case of horizontal dowels, In the case of the composite truss bridge
attention must be paid to the possibility of over the Teltow Canal in Berlin
reduced load-bearing capacity due to the Tempelhof, the large opening over the
splitting effect on the vertical webs located Teltow Canal is spanned by a single-span
near the surface [Breu- ninger/Kuhlmann, girder system, as is the case with many of
2001]. its kind. In the foreland area with
The second option of arranging the relatively small spans, a prestressed
steel top chord under the composite slab concrete box girder is used as a
was used, for example, for the Fulda continuous girder. At the transition, the
Valley Bridge Kragenhof [Keller et al., support bench of the common pier is
1988] or the Main Bridge Nantenbach adapted to the height of the prestressed
[Schwarz et al., 1995]. These solutions are concrete bridge and the support points of
more likely to be used if the stresses on the the higher truss composite bridge are
steel chord in the construction stage are raised accordingly (Fig. 5.2.3-5).
high and can no longer be overcome with The bottom chords of the truss consist
an "auxiliary steel chord" in the concrete. of welded box cross-sections. Composite
In these cases, it is of course also possible double-T profiles were used for the
to dispense with thickening the composite diagonals and the top chords. The decisive
slab to form a steel-concrete slab beam as factor for the manufacturing costs of a
in the Nesenbach viaduct (Fig. 5.2.3-4). truss is the number of welds to be carried
The example of the truss composite out and the amount of weld metal to be
bridge over the Teltow Canal in Berlin- used. The number of nodes would result
Tempelhof shows that even the latest truss in 208 diagonal plate connections and 200
composite constructions again prefer the chord plate connections for the two-part
internal steel top chord [Mo- main girders. By using the chord and
ser/Springer, 2000].
346 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.2.3-5 Tempelhof, longitudinal section of truss girder

gusset plates were manufactured in one two side openings of 83.2 m each.
piece, the number of connections could be Consequently, the longitudinal section is
reduced to 48. The required increase in haunched over the inner piers and the
cross-section was achieved by using cross-section is partially designed as a
additional lamellas that were not visible double composite cross-section. The top
from the outside. The joints were chord is designed as a composite girder
designed in such a way that the seam over its entire length. This also applies to
volume was kept to a minimum. the bottom chords of the side openings
Single-span systems are not only and parts of the central opening in the
suitable for material changes in the area of the column moments. The large
longitudinal direction of the bridge, but proportion of concrete makes the
they also correspond to a high degree to the supporting structure very rigid and has a
optimum utilization of the two composite positive effect on noise development. The
materials: tensile stress in the steel bottom steel structure consists of welded
chords and compressive stress in the rectangular profiles. The diagonals are
concrete top chords. For this reason, connected to the upper and lower chord
especially in the initial phase of this new plates with bending stiffness. This creates
construction method, the design as a frames in the transverse direction that
continuous girder was dispensed with. In provide the necessary stability. Due to the
the case of the Isar bridge at relatively small side spans, tensile forces
Großhesselohe [Kobbner, 1985], the can arise at the end supports despite the
coupling of the chain of four steel truss high dead load (see also Moselle bridge
superstructures, which was created for Bernkastel-Kues, section These
insertion during construction, was even must be absorbed via a tension anchorage.
separated again for the final state. In the Figure 5.2.3-6 shows the design of the
meantime, the positive experience with train path.
composite truss bridges and the
development of crack width limitation of Pipe trusses
the composite slabs has led to this principle In particularly exposed locations, where
being abandoned, as shown in particular the appearance of a bridge is considered
by the example of the Nantenbach bridge to be of outstanding importance, the
over the Main [Schwarz et al., 1995]. filigree design of the bridge is a major
The bridge spans the Main with a large factor.
central opening of 208 m and
5.2 Beam bridges 347

Figure 5.2.3-6 Main bridge Nantenbach, tension anchoring at the abutment

Tubular trusses are the preferred choice The overall structure is a spatial truss. The
for bridges. In recent years, the truss structure spans the rather steep
integration of mostly spatial trusses made valley incision as a three-span girder with
of round hollow sections in composite support widths of 22 - 44 - 22 m. The
cross-sections and slender composite deck bridge has a very attractive appearance,
slabs has resulted in a new, aesthetically but it is a very expensive construction,
pleasing type of bridge. Two examples are particularly due to the complex node
described below. design of the spatial truss nodes, which
The Siele bridge near Olpe near Siegen are completely different in the
is a road bridge, but is mainly used as a longitudinal direction due to the
footpath and cycle path. In order to find a haunching, and their design with internal
visually appealing solution for this deep gusset plates.
valley incision, the client, the The second example of the decisive
Landschaftsverband Westfalen- Lippe, influence of the design on the structural
commissioned an architect and an concept concerns the Lully via-duct in the
engineer to work together on the design in Swiss canton of Frei- burg, designed by
advance. the engineer Dr. Dauner, see [Dauner,
The bridge consists of a continuous 1998]. With spans of around 43 m and a
bottom chord steel tube, steel tube maximum ground clearance of 16 m, two
diagonals and the concrete deck as the top prestressed concrete boxes would
chord. The two auxiliary steel chords lie in normally have been the standard
the concrete roadway cross-section and economic solution. Instead, this was
form a triangle with the bottom chord and chosen in a limited design competition,
the diagonals (Fig. 5.2.3-7). This means
348 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Tubular rotating chord supports. Cross
beams are also arranged above the bearing
points as spatial truss structures for
stabilization. With the exception of the
cross beam connections, the nodes are
welded nodes without gusset plates. The
upper chords of the truss girder are formed
by two steel tubes which, in the final state,
mainly serve to transfer shear forces from
the steel truss to the concrete chord. The
decisive factor is the function of the steel
profile during construction. The
continuous top chord eliminates the need
Figure 5.2.3-7 Bridge to the Siele, cross-section for complex auxiliary structures during
transportation and assembly. The steel
A particularly filigree spatial pipe profile also serves as a support for the
construction was used to achieve formwork carriage when concreting the
integration into the park-like landscape track slab.
with groups of trees and a wetland The design of the non-stiffened pipe
biotope, see Figure 5.2.3-8. nodes is particularly important in the case
The spatial composite truss structure of high fatigue loads. Basically, two types
consists of two separate concrete roadway of construction can be distinguished
panels, each of which is supported by a

Figure 5.2.3-8 The Lully viaduct

5.2 Beam bridges 349

Figure 5.2.3-9a,b Typical pipe joints. a Welding joint, b Casting joint

The cast node and the welded node, or 2007], [Denzer, 2006], [Schlaich/Schober,
welder node for short (Figure 5.2.3-9). 1999a], [Schlaich/Schober, 1999b].
Both designs should not be seen as Welded nodes have three main
competing construction methods, as their advantages over the cast node design.
use depends largely on the boundary Firstly, the direct welding of the truss
conditions of the application under members eliminates the need for cast
consideration [Friedrich/Quaas, 2008]. fittings, which represent a significant cost
With the cast node, all truss members factor due to their individual production.
are connected to each other indirectly via Secondly, the welded node has a
an individually manufactured cast part. comparatively
The cast node is characterized by a high
degree of design diversity, which is
particularly advantageous in geometrically
complex situations when a large number
of truss members come together at a node.
In contrast to the welder's node, the
welding work required is simpler, as all
connections are straight butt joints (Fig.
5.2.3-10). However, the larger number of
joints to be welded in the main supporting
member, which represent potential weak
points not only from a fatigue point of
view, must be viewed unfavorably. In
addition, the production of cast steel parts
is time-consuming and cost-intensive. See Figure 5.2.3-10 Korntal-Mün- chingen
further literature: [Herion, western bypass, cast steel pipe node (source:
Besigheim road construction office)
350 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
This is because a possible fatigue crack 5.3 Rigid frame bridges
does not start from the inside of the
structure, but from the outside. This 5.3.1 Concrete rigid frame bridges
provides the possibility of early detection
during a bridge inspection and the option JÜRGEN STRITZKE
of strengthening. Thirdly, the planning Bending stiffness connections of single-
and execution process is streamlined, as span or continuous superstructures with
the relatively long lead times for casting their substructures lead to frame
node production are eliminated and structures in which the span moments are
possible interruptions due to quality smaller and the column moments larger
defects in the casting nodes caused by the compared to single-span or continuous
new casting are ruled out. The beams. Therefore, smaller construction
disadvantage of welded nodes is that the heights can be achieved in the span areas
welding work requires a high level of skill with frame bridges.
on the part of the manufacturing A frequently used static system is the
company, as the weld shape and welding double-hinged frame with the
position change over the course of the superstructure restrained in the abutment
weld and the high fatigue stress on the walls (Fig. 5.3.1-1). The stiffer the frame
welds also requires a high level of members are, the smaller the transom
manufacturing quality. In contrast to the moment in the span. With regard to the
cast node, where the welds can be placed moment progression, the frame ledger
out of the structural interference area of preferably has a variable height. The
the truss node by shaping the casting in a disadvantage of the frame is the generation
favorable way, the welds of the weld node of a horizontal thrust, which must be
are located in the area of the highest absorbed either by an appropriate
fatigue stress. The verification for this type foundation or, if the building ground is
of construction must be carried out in unsafe, by a tension strip.
accordance with the structural stress Over the highway A 11 Berlin -
concept [EC 3 1-9]. Kuhlmann and Euler Szczecin, several overpass structures for
[2008] provide prepared tables for this bridge class 30/30 have recently been built
purpose. See further literature: as reinforced concrete two-hinged frames
[Casper/Karpa, 2008], [Kuhlmann et al., (Figure 5.3.1-2) with a span of 35 m. The
2002], [Dauner, 1998]. height of the frame beam in the middle of
the frame of 1.04 m corresponds to 1/33.5
of the span.
The frame uprights can also be
arranged at an angle. This improves

Figure 5.3.1-1 Double-hinged frame with vertical frame uprights to achieve minimum overall heights
according to [Stritzke, 2000], Figures 1.17 and 1.18
5.3 Rigid frame 351

Figure 5.3.1-2 Overpass construction as a double-hinged frame over the A 11 highway

Figure 5.3.1-3 Overpass construction with inclined frame stems over the B 112n near

The visibility conditions on the traffic zonal thrust places high demands on the
route to be underpassed change and a subsoil. The change in length of the
longitudinal compressive force of the superstructure due to the outflow of
same magnitude as the horizontal hydration heat, pre-tensioning, shrinkage
component of the frame upright force is and creep as well as temperature stresses
introduced in the transom area. Figure result in constrained internal forces in the
5.3.1-3 shows an overpass construction frame ledger and in the frame stems. The
over the B 112n in the west of the city of size of the constrained internal forces
Frankfurt/Oder, which was erected as a depends on the bedding ratio of the
prestressed frame with inclined frame foundation. Although a stiffer bedding
stems. The span of the frame is around 30 leads to un
m with regard to the two 7.50 m wide
directional lanes of the B 112n underpass.
The frame beam is designed as a 1.00 m
thick solid slab and the frame corners are
reinforced by a 300 mm thick haunch.
The inclined-leg frame bridge (Fig.
5.3.1-4) represents a major challenge due Figure 5.3.1-4 Stay frame bridge
to its large hori
352 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
However, it has a favorable effect on the The solid solid slab, the single-web slab
degree of restraint of the beam in the beam with widely projecting deck slabs or
frame members and the transfer of dead a multi-web slab beam are used as frame
and live loads. Due to the opposing effects, beams, and prestressed concrete boxes are
two limit states with an upper and lower also used for larger spans. The frame
value of the bedding must always be uprights of slab beam ledgers should be as
investigated during structural wide as the slab beam webs in the
engineering. transverse direction. The connection of
There are topographical situations, the frame supports to the foundations can
such as be either hinged or clamped.
z. For example, when bridging a deep cut, In the case of the inclined-leg frame
where the classic solution of a double- bridge "Tor nach Dresden"
hinged arch with an elevated roadway is [Denzer/Eilzer, 1997] for the overpass of a
usually chosen. However, a more district road over the six-lane highway A
appealing solution in terms of design is an 4, the inclination of the legs to the
inclined-leg frame bridge (Fig. 5.3.1-4). In horizontal is 35 ° and the spread of the
comparison to the arch, the truss is the frame legs is 53 m. This results in spans of
more modern form and, if certain the superstructure of 22.80 m + 36.00 m +
proportions are observed and the height 22.80 m with a total length of 81.60 m
and width ratios of the cut are between the support axes. The cross-
appropriate, it is completely equivalent in section consists of a 5.50 m wide slab with
terms of design. 2.90 m long cantilevers. The total width
The studs should be thin in the including the caps is 12.00 m. The
transom area with regard to the cantilever arm sections were selected in
constraining stresses due to temperature such a way that it was possible to dispense
and should merge into the slightly curved with transverse prestressing. The variable
frame transom with increasing thickness. construction heights of the superstructure
It is important that the frame corners are are 0.90 m to 1.60 m, those of the stems
well rounded and that the frame transom 0.70 m to 1.30 m. This structure (Fig.
itself is as thin as possible in the middle. 5.3.1-5) over the highway in the deep cut
This forces the support line to remain meets the design requirements of the
close to the system line and at the same highway.
time achieves an elegant shape.

Figure 5.3.1-5 "Gateway to Dresden" inclined-stem frame bridge, overpass construction over the A 4
5.3 Rigid frame 353
The building best meets the demands changed. The four-span slab girder cross-
placed on it due to its exposed location in section (Figure 5.3.1-7) with a width of
relation to the state capital of Dresden and 12.50 m accommodates two tram tracks in
emphasizes its character as a gateway to the the roadway area and a footpath and cycle
city. path on both sides. The abutments are
"Gateway to Dresden" particularly stands each founded on 12 large bored piles with
out. a diameter of 1.20 m and a maximum
The Luckenberg Bridge in Branden- length of 20.70 m. The boundary
burg carries inner-city traffic over the conditions result in a relatively large
Havel. With the selected inclined-leg slenderness of l/h = 42.3/0.67 = 67 in the
frame bridge (Figure 5.3.1-6) made of middle of the bridge. This represents an
high-performance concrete B 85, the extremely slender construction for the
existing road connections and the massive structure.
gradient could be retained and a In order to analyze the long-term
sufficiently wide shipping opening kept deformations and the vibration behavior
free. The existing entrances and driveways of these extremely
of the residents on the transferred road
also remained unchanged.

Fig. 5.3.1-6 Luckenberg Bridge over the Havel in Brandenburg as an inclined-leg frame bridge
made of high-performance concrete B 85

Figure 5.3.1-7 Luckenberger Bridge - superstructure cross-section according to [Stritzke, 2002], p. 19

354 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
the bridge was made of high-performance The new system was used for the first time,
concrete of strength class B 85. Although so that no further measures were required
high-performance concretes are not to achieve the target gradient.
uncommon in international bridge Rigid frame bridges as flyover
construction, there are only around 7 structures, e.g. over highways, are also
bridges in Germany made of this building often designed as two-span systems
material, most of which are small. As a (Figure 5.3.1-8).
pilot project in the state of Brandenburg, Disc-type abutments can also be
the Luckenberg Bridge is currently the broken up into a compression member
one with the largest span. and prestressed, diagonally arranged
The inclined supports were tension struts (Fig. 5.3.1-9), such as on the
manufactured as prefabricated parts. This Föhrer Bridge in Berlin [Heusel, 1951].
made it possible to meet the requirements Other examples of rigid frame bridges
of the concrete technology and minimize with detached frame stems include the
the deformation of the supporting Danube Bridge near the Gänstor in Ulm
structure. The superstructure was [Finsterwalder/König, 1951], the
constructed in two sections. An end gap Lombards Bridge in Hamburg
was provided in the middle of the bridge, [Havemann/Sülz, 1953], the Dischinger
in which the two halves of the Bridge in Berlin [Heusel, 1957] and the
superstructure were pressed apart after Balduin Bridge over the Moselle in
the concrete had hardened. This allowed Koblenz [Schambeck/Böckel, 1973].
the settlements due to dead load to be According to [Feistel/Vockrodt, 1970], the
largely anticipated and the superstructure degree of restraint is reduced by up to 15%
to be installed without constraint. The if the amount of the tensile area in m² is
compressive stress applied by the presses greater than the moment of inertia of the
had a positive effect on the formation of transom in m4 in the stem area and the
cracks due to shrinkage. In addition, the width of the stem area is smaller, as the
final gap for setting the gra- transom can deform between the
compression and tension members.

Figure 5.3.1-8 Two-span frame structure according to [Holst/Holst, 2004], p. 136

Fig. 5.3.1-9 Longitudinal section of the Föhr Bridge - resolved abutments and elegantly haunched frame
5.3 Rigid frame 355
than a quarter of the span. Since both The use of bearings on the pier heads of
apply in most cases of solid bridge the edge bays must be taken into account.
construction, there is no fundamental However, this means that the frame effect
difference to the frame with a closed, rigid is lost in these areas. Examples of such
stem. rigid frame bridges are the Bendorf Rhine
Another form of restraining the Bridge [Finsterwalder/Schambeck, 1965],
superstructure in the substructure can be the Geislingen Kocher Valley Bridge
achieved by forming V-columns. In the [Baumann, 1979], the Schweich Moselle
case of the Gemünden Main Valley Bridge Bridge [Schambeck, 1976], the bridge over
[Leonhardt et al., 1983] on the DB AG the Vejle Fjord [Rausch, 1980], the Bern
line between Hanover and Würzburg, the Felsenaubrücke [Menn, 1976] and the
current bridge over the Main is designed Schottwien Viaduct [Vogler, 1989].
as a frame structure with spans of 82 m + A special type of frame structure (Fig.
135 m + 82 m. Spreading the supports by 5.3.1-11) was realized with the
23 m reduces the beam span by around 20 construction of the Zahme Gera valley
%, which has a positive effect on both the bridge in the course of the A 71 highway
internal forces a n d th e [Abel/Tiarks, 2003]. This is a four-span
deformations. With construction heights load-bearing system in which the
of 6.50 m above the columns and 4.50 m haunched superstructure is flexurally
in the middle of the span, slendernesses of rigidly connected to the Y-shaped piers
l/21 and l/30 were achieved. with free support at the abutments. By
In the case of long multi-span frame spreading the columns in their upper
bridges (Fig. 5.3.1-10), the change in section to form a Y, the superstructure of
length of the superstructure due to such a frame structure can be kept
temperature, shrinkage and creep must be extraordinarily slender despite the large
taken into account. span. With spans of 115 m

Figure 5.3.1-10 Viaduct as a multi-span frame structure

Figure 5.3.1-11 Viaduct Zahme Gera in the course of the Thuringian Forest Highway
356 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
+ 145 m + 145 m + 115 m, the deform differently. [Feistel/Schleicher,
construction height of the prestressed 1974] investigated the problem of the
concrete box in the spans and at the influence of the formation of torsionally
abutments is at least 3.80 m and increases soft stem cross-sections, stems suspended
in a parabolic shape to 6.70 m up to the in pendulum disks and transversely
pier forks. Between the pier forks, the inclined joint lines on the constrained
bottom edge of the box was given a stitch internal forces. According to this, there are
of 400 mm, resulting in a construction no special limit values for the inclination
height of 6.30 m in the pier axis. This or width of inclined, prestressed rigid
means that the slenderness above the frame bridges for practical applications,
columns is l/22 and in the spans l/38. just as there are for the span of right-
The maximum pier height is approx. angled prestressed concrete frames.
63.50 m. The pier forks have a height of Experience with 3 inclined, prestressed
approx. 20 m and an upper spread of rigid frame bridges is reported by [Feistel
approx. 25 m. The face width of the full et al., 1974]. A 56 gon skewed, haunched
cross-section of the forked branches is single-span frame structure with a three-
reduced from 2.50 m at the column node span plate girder cross-section is shown in
to 2.00 m at the lower edge of the [Strauß/Hensel, 2001]. The span
superstructure. In the lower pier shaft, the measured in the bridge axis is 40.60 m
shape of the forked branches is visually with a construction height of 1.00 m in
continued by a 200 mm deep groove. The the center of the span and approx. 2.00 m
forked branches are connected to both the (in median) at the frame corners, resulting
superstructure and the pier shaft in a in slendernesses of l/d = 41 in the span and
flexurally rigid manner. With its bold Y- approx. 20 at the gate to the frame legs.
pillars, the Zahme Gera viaduct is one of In the course of the Erfurt bypass, a
the most challenging bridges on the A single-span structure in the form of a
71/A 73 Thuringian forest highway, both prestressed double-hinged frame with a
in terms of engineering and aesthetics. slightly haunched superstructure was built
In the case of inclined, prestressed over the L 1055 (Leipziger Straße) (Figure
frame bridges, internal forces occur with 5.3.1-12). Due to this variant, the position
increasing inclination as a result of the of the gradient could be kept low.
effects of restraint, as the transoms and
standards move under load.

Figure 5.3.1-12 Slate double-hinged frame in the course of the Erfurt bypass via the L 1055
5.3 Rigid frame
Mastic asphalt  Top layer Mastic
asphalt  Protective layer Bituminous
sheeting (single layer) Primer

Figure 5.3.1-13 Bridge in the course of the Erfurt bypass over the L 1055 - cross-section according to [Stritzke, 2002], p. 27

358 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

The cross-section of the superstructure in

conjunction with the frame stems inclined
at an angle to the embankment determines
the overall impression of the bridge. The
superstructure cross-section (Fig. 5.3.1-
13) continues behind the frame corners
up to the arch approach or end cross
girder. A tension plate with a thickness of
80 cm is arranged between the frame strut
and the superstructure slab strips to
ensure the stiffness of the frame struts.
Linear tilting bearings had to be
formed between the frame uprights and
the foundations. These frame joints are so
deep that they are no longer accessible in
the final state. Therefore, a maintenance-
free solution in the form of unreinforced
b concrete joints had to be implemented.
Cross girders were formed between the
Figure 5.3.2-1a, b Railway bridge over the
stems in the superstructure. These cross
Praterhauptallee in Vienna
girders run downwards into diaphragm
plates, which cover the space between the
be maintained. At the same time, the supports against the rear foundation. The
superstructure appears very slender due to disks are divided in the middle by a space
the construction height of 1.00 m in the joint so that the frame upright is not too
middle of the bridge. Positive corner rigid in the transverse direction.
moments are generated by the pre-
tensioning, so that the frame corners do 5.3.2 Steel rigid frame bridges
not necessarily need to be haunched, as is
the case with the steel concrete frame, and GÜNTER RAMBERGER
could be reduced to the desired design and FRANCESCO AIGNER
dimension. The span of the 71.65 gon
inclined supporting structure is 28.81 m Steel rigid frame bridges are one of the
with a clear width of 26.00 m between the more rarely used bridge forms. In rigid
abutments. The very flat, stepped frame bridges, vertical or inclined
rounding of the underside of the frame uprights are rigidly fixed into the bridge
5.3 Rigid frame 359
95,4 68,8 83,6 107,0

Figure 5.3.2-2 Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge

beam and thus reduce the bending

moments compared to a beam bridge.
However, the standards receive not only
normal force, but also bending moments and
their bearings not only forces in the axial
direction of the standards, but also
transverse to them. The static advantage of
reducing the bending moments is offset b y
t h e disadvantage, especially in the case of
inclined standards, that these must be
supported for assembly and that standards
and beams must be connected in such a
way that they can transmit bending
moments and transverse forces (frame
corner) perfectly. Examples of this can be
found above all in railroad bridge
construction over roads with footpaths on
both sides, where the supports are arranged
between the roadway and the footpath, see
Fig. 5.3.2-1. As the steel supports can be
easily damaged, they must be effectively
protected against impact from road vehicles.
A well-known example of a large frame
bridge with a span of 234 m is the
"Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge" over the
Alzette in Luxembourg (Figure 5.3.2-2 and
Figure 5.3.2-3).

Figure 5.3.2-3 Grand Duchess Charlotte

Bridge - Assembly overview [Jacobi, 1969]
360 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
5.3.3 Rigid frame bridges as Clamping of the longitudinal girders in the
composite and mixed constructions abutments Structural joints and bearings,
which generally cause additional
ULRIKE KUHLMANN maintenance costs. The slightly haunched
and ANNETTE DETZEL three composite girders are clamped into
the splitting of trains and center walls of
More recently, a number of frame bridges the abutments, which form an E in plan.
have been designed as composite Two piles at a distance of 4.0 m under
structures, especially for overpasses of each abutment wall absorb the frame
other traffic routes. corner moment. In the horizontal
One example of such a structure is the direction, the foundation is relatively soft
bridge over the Storkow Canal near in the area close to the surface. This
Blossin [Fischer et al., 1999] in means that longitudinal changes due to
Brandenburg. In order to prevent the temperature, creep and shrinkage can be
ramps from protruding too high from the absorbed by horizontal movements
flat landscape, there was a desire for the without causing constraints.
lowest possible construction height. With Two limiting cases are decisive for the
a construction height of only 66 cm in the design of the composite bridge:
middle of the 23.4 m wide span, the
1. Low horizontal stiffness of the
specified clearance limits of 4.0 m height as
structural base for determining the
the height difference between the highest
maximum field torque
point of the gra- dient and the
2. High horizontal stiffness of the
surrounding terrain could be maintained,
component to determine the maximum
see Figure 5.3.3-1. In addition to the
clamping torques in the frame corners.
advantage of the easy assembly of the steel
girders above the canal, the low dead load The steel girder is clamped to the wall
of the composite superstructure made it bearing using tension rods guided through
possible to reduce the construction height the top plate (see Fig. 5.3.3-2). Another
even further. Finally, the frame frame girder bridge, the flyover of the
construction with the Staats-

Figure 5.3.3-1 Rigid frame bridge over the Storkow Canal, longitudinal section
5.3 Rigid frame 361
An unusual trapezoidal frame structure
with an unusual use of materials can be
found in Switzerland near Furna [Infor-
mationsdienst Holz, 1999]. The Ronatobel
bridge is a four-span truss (see Figure
5.3.3-3). The diagonal braces and the
pendulum support consist of 2 glulam
timber girders with steel tube infill.
The deck girders made of glulam are
arranged as double girders under the
concrete slab. The bond is created using
steel plates. The plates are inserted into
Figure 5.3.3-2 Clamping of the composite the timber girders in groups of three and
girders in the abutment (source Leonhardt, dowelled. The swords projecting into the
Andrä und Partner) roadway have holes through which
reinforcement bars are pushed. This
Perlach-Unterhaching road over the A8 creates a dowel connection with the
federal highway south of Munich [Doss et concrete (see Fig. 5.3.3-4). In the final
al., 2001], the advantage of the low state, the slab acts as a disk to transfer the
superstructure height was the reason for horizontal forces to the supports. The
constructing a frame structure. The bridge protruding concrete slab also provides
girder was delivered to the construction good structural timber protection for the
site as a prefabricated composite part timber structure.
including concrete deck, so that the Another timber-concrete composite
construction site sequence was simplified construction was built in Switzerland near
and the construction time was only three Sufers in 1996 [Informationsdienst Holz,
months. Section contains a detailed 1999]. The Crestawald bridge consists of 4
description of the bridge. Further frame girders that form a composite
information on executed frame structures cross-section with the roadway. The
including some design and construction connecting elements are headed bolts
principles can be found in [Braun et al., welded onto steel plates.

Figure 5.3.3-3 Ronatobel bridge longitudinal section

362 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.3.3-4 Ronatobel bridge, doweling detail

Figure 5.3.3-5 Crestawald bridge, dilution detail

dowels (Figure 5.3.3-5). The steel plates are 5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges
fastened to the timber beams with wood
screws. The shear force is transmitted via 5.4.1 Stone bridges
a welded cleat that is embedded in the
timber. The slender frame beams are JÜRGEN STRITZKE
connected at regular intervals via cross
beams for bending stiffness and are thus Assessment of stone bridges
stabilized against tilting during
construction. In its final state, the
Stone vault and arch bridges are among the
roadway slab acts as a horizontal slab
oldest load-bearing systems for spanning
through which the wind and stabilizing
larger spans. For cost reasons, such
forces are transferred to the supports. Due
bridges are no longer built today.
to the overhang, it also serves as structural
However, if one considers that arch
timber protection for the timber
bridges, with a number of about 32% and
construction. The frame uprights were
a bridge usable area of 19%, make up a
additionally protected from direct water
considerable proportion of the existing
ingress by a copper cover.
road bridges in the new federal states,
These two examples show that the
their importance from the point of view of
correct use of materials in mixed
maintenance becomes clear. In [Der
constructions leads to aesthetically
Bundesminister für Verkehr, 1988] and
pleasing, structurally sensible solutions.
[Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau-
Many problems, such as wood protection
und Wohnungswesen, 1999], 218 stone
and horizontal stability, can be solved
bridges in Germany are presented in an
excellent manner.
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 363

Span 1


Bow stitch f
Combat point Superstr Combat point
R2 R1 R1 R2
R2 R2
R3 Substruct R3
Abutment Abutment
R3 R3
hingeless support line arch
Multi-part basket arch

Figure 5.4.1-1 Bridge superstructure as a multi-part basket arch according to [Vockrodt et al.,

Arch bridges consist of hewn natural (Figure 5.4.1-1). The statically

stones or artificial stones, in particular determinate three-hinged arch, the single
fired bricks, and in exceptional cases also statically indeterminate two-hinged arch
concrete blocks. The natural stones used and the triple statically indeterminate arch
were those with high and medium restrained on both sides were used as the
compressive strength, such as granite, static system. Since the circular curve as a
syenite, quartz porphyry, sandstone, but bridge structure is not free of bending
also shell limestone. The quality and moments, there are limits to the support
suitability of typical natural building stones width with regard to the low tensile
for bridges is determined by the content, strength of the masonry.
structure and arrangement of the The situation is different when vaults
minerals. This results in the bulk density, or arches are shaped according to the
durability, compressive strength and support line. The support line represents
workability as the most important the connection of the penetration points of
structural characteristics. It is not the the compression stresses of the individual
compressive strength of the stone alone, cross-sections combined to form a
but the masonry bond that is of decisive resultant. If the resultant within the
importance for load-bearing safety and 1. core width, the entire cross-section is
durability. overcompressed. If the eccentricity e of the
In [DIN 1075, 1981], the arch and arch compressive force N increases, the tensile
bridge types were separated according to zone is displaced and the cross-section
the ratio of the pier height f to the span l. tears open. The gaping of the joint is
If the ratio f/l < 1/3, it is an arch bridge; if limited. [Brendel, 1950] has provided
f/l > 1/3, it is an arch bridge. According to information on limit spans of bridges with
[Busch, 1995], the ratios f/l = 0.06 and 0.29 support line form, which are characterized
are the limit values for flat and high arches by a closed mathematical solution. The
respectively. application of the support line method is
The design of the arch bridges was limited to vaults and arches with a span of
largely determined by their load-bearing l ≤ 25 m and an arrow ratio f/l ≥ 1/7.
behavior. The arch bridges were designed Arches with spans of l > 25 m or flatter
either as circular arches or as multi-part statically indeterminate arches must be
basket arches composed of several circular calculated according to the theory of
curves. elasticity. For a realistic, mathematical
load-bearing capacity analysis, please refer
to [Lachmann,
364 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
1990], [Bechert, 1996], [Falter, 1999] and The structural integrity of bridges can be
[Vockrodt et al., 2003]. In particular, verified or necessary repair measures can
[Vockrodt et al., 2003] contains basic be determined without immediately
descriptions of the computational abandoning the structure to demolition.
verification on the basis of the currently Examples of this approach are presented in
applicable regulations. [Mildner, 1997], [Mildner, 2001],
Under the repealed regulations of the [Mildner/Mildner, 2002].
GDR, there were special regulations for With uncertain assumptions for the
the recalculation of existing bridges ([Sw input variables in the calculation, system
120, 1973], [TGL 12999, properties (stiffness, degree of restraint,
1977] SBA 169/89, 1989] and [Deutsche etc.) can often be determined with little
Reichsbahn, 1991]). At the beginning of experimental effort and incorporated into
the 1990s, guidelines for load classification the mathematical verification (hybrid
calculations for road bridges ([Der structural engineering).
Bundesminister für Verkehr, 1991], [Der In addition to a mathematical stability
Bundesminister für Verkehr, 1992]) and verification, load tests may also be carried
catalogs for repair solutions for certain out in accordance with the [DAfStb
types of road bridges ([Der Guideline, 2000]. This is
Bundesminister für Verkehr, 1993]) were This is useful, for example, if there is
published, which were issued specifically insufficient information about the
for the new federal states, but are properties of the building materials, the
generally applicable. The [Rili 805, 2002] position and shape of the reinforcement
and the [UIC Code No. 778-3, 1995] and the accuracy of the modeling (e.g.
apply to the assessment of the structural degree of restraint, bracing effect).
safety of existing railroad bridges. Fundamentals and experience regarding
For the structural safety assessment of the method of experimental structural
existing solid bridges, expe- rimental tests safety assessment of bridges were
are also included. In addition to the usual developed as part of the EXTRA research
determination of structural and geometric project ([Steffens et al., 1999],
parameters by tests on specimens taken [Opitz/Steffens, 2000]). Heavy-duty
from the structure or by non-destructive vehicles, for example, can be used to load
tests on the structure itself, the following bridges. For road bridges, a special
methods are also used: loading vehicle BELFA was developed and
Structural measurements under traffic built, which can be used for spans of up to
load before and after repairs to check the 18 meters. When it is positioned and
mathematical investigations. This makes it assembled, up to 5 hydraulic cylinders
possible to check how accurately the generate the controllable external test load
assumed structural modeling reflects according to the prescribed load scheme
reality, since the influence of the end walls, ([Gutermann/ Steffens, 2002]). An
backfill, restraint in the abutments, analogous BELFA-DB vehicle was also
cracking, etc. are unknown influencing tested for railroad bridges. All required
variables. With the help of measurement- measurement data (deflections,
based recalculation, in many cases a distortions, curvatures, acoustic emission
sufficient load-bearing capacity of the signals, etc.) can be tracked online on the
vaults can be ensured. screen. Damage to the structure must be
prevented by adhering to specified criteria.
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 365

Figure 5.4.1-2
Saale bridge Bad Kösen Repair and strengthening of vaulted extensive repair of the building is urgently
and arch bridges required.
The clear widths between the piers of
The repair and upgrading of existing the structure are 24.5 m + 27.0 m
bridges is generally associated with an + 27.0 m + 24.5 m. The edge piers have a
adaptation to new functional width of 5.0 m, the center pier and the
requirements. The following only deals abutments have a width of 8.0 m each.
with measures that affect the This results in the total length of the
superstructure. Comprehensive bridge being 137.0 m. The arches, made of
descriptions of the refurbishment of piers, yellow clinker bricks, have different
abutments and foundations as well as the thicknesses between the apex and the
repair of seals, cornices etc. can be found, transom. The arch thickness is adapted to
for example, in [Vockrodt et al., 2003] and the structural requirements: 1.16 m/1.29
[Nodoushani, 1996]. m/1.45 m. The 1 m wide side elevations of
The simplest variant for repairing the the arches are made of large-format shell
superstructure of an arch bridge is to limestone and yellow sandstone masonry.
replace the filling, which can consist of The arch pitch in the edge bays is 2.75 m,
cohesive ballast materials, gravel sand or in the inner bays 3.15 m. The vault has a
other earth materials. The replacement total width of 11.0 m.
with lightweight concrete leads to a better In the course of renewing the structural
distribution of the traffic loads, reduces waterproofing, the existing arch fillings
the horizontal pressure on the end walls were removed and replaced with an
and enables the proper installation of a inherently stable, reinforced lightweight
roadway seal. concrete (Figure 5.4.1-3). This made it
The listed Saalebrücke Bad Kösen possible to achieve a largely uniform
bridge (Fig. 5.4.1-2) on the B87 was built loading of the clinker brickwork across
in 1892/93 as a vaulted bridge with 4 the width of the vault. Transverse tensile
arches. In order to maintain the stability, stresses in the vault, which can only be
serviceability and durability of the bridge absorbed by masonry to a very small
and thus to preserve its important extent, are reduced to a minimum.
function in the federal road network, a Furthermore, there are no horizontal
loads on the end masonry.
40 10,75 40

Granite slabs 3.5 cm mastic asphalt surface

Mortar bed course
Protective 3.5 cm mastic asphalt protective
concrete Single layer Sealing in accordance with
grain concrete ZTV-BEL-B 1/87 Lightweight
Granite raised reinforced concrete (LB 25)
25 Det. III 25
2% 2,5 % 2,5 % 2%

Protective pipes
for possible
supply and
Repair of the masonry wall 1PE-HD ∅ 300
• Cleaning 5PE-HD ∅ 100
Clinker vault • Cleaning out damaged joints
• New grouting Sandstone
• Local stone replacement
• Force-fit grouting of cracks

the superstructures
5 Main supporting structures of

Figure 5.4.1-3 Saalebrücke Bad Kösen - Section through the apex area
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 367

more. By using lightweight concrete, it

was possible to avoid increasing the
permanent loads and to upgrade the load-
bearing capacity from bridge class 24/24
to 60/30. Widening of the bridge was not
All natural stone and masonry surfaces
were thoroughly repaired, heavily
damaged stone was replaced and the
durability of the sandstone was increased
through stone consolidation. The
waterproofing was completely renewed as
an overlying seal.
In addition to upgrading an arch or arch
bridge, it may be necessary to
simultaneously increase the width of the
traffic area by means of a reinforced
concrete deck slab placed on the existing
superstructure with corresponding
The Friedensbrücke in Plauen/Vgtl.,
better known as the Syratal Bridge (Fig.
5.4.1-4), was built between 1903 and 1905
as part of a bypass and is the largest natural Figure 5.4.1-4 Peace Bridge Plauen/Vgtl.
stone arch bridge in the world with a span
of 90 meters. The flat arch has a clear In recent years, the bridge has
height of 18.0 m at the apex. The undergone a comprehensive inspection
structural thickness of the arch is 1.5 m at and repair. On the arch itself, distortions,
the crown and 4.0 m in the transom area. deflections and comparative vibrations
The arch itself consists of 60% local thick- were measured across 6 cross-sections.
plate phyllite and 40% mortar. The Displacements were also determined at
lowering of the falsework already resulted selected joints and cracks. The structural
in considerable crown subsidence, which test and the test load were carried out in
increased to 440 mm by 1977. Even today, September 1996 using three four-axle
the average crown subsidence is still trucks with a total mass of 100 tons. Due
around 2 mm per year. Over the course of to the wealth of data obtained in the
the decades, research into the causes and individual load positions, a good
partial repairs were constantly carried out evaluation was possible. The bridge class
with the aim of stopping the subsidence. 60/30 was verified by taking into account
The bridge responded to measures such as the characteristic values of the building
cement grouting, partial renewal of the material and the data from the test load.
bridge waterproofing and cutting of joints Furthermore, it was shown that the dead
for defined force transfer with a temporary load could not be reduced unilaterally
increase in the crown subsidence and during the construction phase. The
subsequent stabilization to the average resulting stress redistributions would have
values per year. led to additional
368 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
crown subsidence. From this perspective, From bored pile wall to bored pile wall, a
a half-sided construction method could 250 mm thick reinforced concrete slab is
not be the preferred option. laid over the entire surface of the structure
The most important finding from the itself. This slab lies directly above the arch
main bridge inspection was that there was on the newly placed lightweight concrete.
no continuously functioning bridge A frequently practiced option for
drainage system. Over the decades, bridge strengthening arched bridges is to
drains had disappeared due to road reinforce the masonry vault or arch with
surface renewals. The drainage systems concrete. This can be done with
within the structure could not be properly reinforced concrete, as in the case of the
maintained due to a lack of material. Erfurt Ross Bridge ([Baumbach/Vockrodt,
Obviously, the structural waterproofing 2000,
had not been fully functional at any time p. 42-46], [Vockrodt et al., 2003, p. 264-
since 1905. On both sides of the bridge, an 265]) or by a reinforced shotcrete shell on
overcut bored pile wall with a drainage wall the underside of the superstructure
in front was arranged between the splitting ([Ruffert, 1983, p. 218-219]). This results
of trains. Water flowing down the valley was in a composite cross-section, which must
to be drained away in front of the be verified as such. The prerequisite is an
structure. appropriate doweling between the
The first part of the repair was masonry vault or arch and the
characterized by the reinforced concrete reinforcement in order to be able to
work, structural waterproofing, structural absorb the occurring shear forces.
drainage and railing construction. The According to [Stein, 2001], if there is no
second part of the restoration of the Peace separation between the reinforced vault or
Bridge was carried out in 2002. This arch and the other concrete filling, e.g. by
included the repair of the masonry in the means of a concrete coating, a composite
area of the arch, the end walls and the spar structure in the form of a vault frame is
vaults. The bridge was hit by 5 bombs created.
during the Second World War. As a result, A bridge can also be extended by
the cross-section at the top of the arch was placing an extension structure next to the
weakened by up to two thirds. The area of existing one. The Krämpfertor bridge in
the bomb hit repair, which is still visible Erfurt ([Vockrodt, 2000],
today, was not to be adapted to the rest of [Baumbach/Vockrodt, 2000, pp. 31-35],
the arch with shotcrete. This concrete seal [Vockrodt et al., 2003, pp. 260-264]) can
was repaired in accordance with [ZTV- be seen as a successful example of this.
SIB 90, 1990] and remains visible in its A completely different approach was
proper condition. The arch made of chosen for the refurbishment of the
quarry stones originally had an indicated approximately 570 m long Wahren viaduct
ashlar masonry consisting of mortar along ([Patzschke, 1996]), which is a protected
its entire length. This element was monument, as part of the Leipzig freight
reapplied to the arch and the asparagus ring. The structure was built between 1904
vaults. and 1907 using the yellow clinker bricks
An 11 m wide carriageway and two 3 m typical of Leipzig's railroad engineering
wide footpaths could be arranged on the structures of the time. The compressive
16 m wide arch by forming a slight strength of the facing bricks is between 40
cantilever (Figure 5.4.1-5). For this and 50 MN/m². For the rear brickwork
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges
Figure 5.4.1-5 Peace Bridge Plauen/Vgtl. - Cross-section at the arch apex

370 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Average +166.84 leads. The clear widths of the vaults are 13
to 22 m and the crossing angles of the B6
federal highway and the Weiße Elster
1,18 river below are up to 20 degrees.
0,32 0,15 Operational concerns, considerable
damage to the waterproofing and locally
1,68 4,64 1,68 enlarged cracks and breakouts observed in
Economica certain areas over many years made a
l concrete fundamental repair necessary. When
8,00 designing the roadway trough, the
requirements of the preservation order for
Figure 5.4.1-6 Cross-section of an arch of the
the preservation of the cornice band on
Wahren viaduct before repair according to the one hand and those of [Rili 804, 2003]
[Patschke, 1996]. for the roadway trough on the other had
to be met. The solution is shown in Figure
red bricks of low strength and frost The clear dependency of the cracking
resistance were used. Above the load- movements on the temperature curves
bearing arches and between the end walls, was demonstrated by systematically
a so-called economy concrete was used. observing and recording the cracks over a
Figure 5.4.1-6 shows the cross-section of period of around 6 months. Calculations
the as-built drawing. In the view, the showed that even a temperature increase of
masonry arches are shown with a constant 15 K led to compressive stresses above the
thickness, although they continue in the permissible level. In particular, numerous
filling in sections of varying thickness transverse tensile cracks in the apex areas
from the transom. In this way, an indicated extraordinarily high
interlocking between the backfill and compressive stresses. After a prolonged
masonry was created, resulting in a period of heat with relatively high night-
differentiated contribution of the backfill time temperatures, the vault in the apex
for compressive and tensile forces. area of arch 15 literally collapsed, and the
previous support line vault turned into an
arched vault.

1330 2200 2000 2000 2200


= Railway
axis 1

of track

of track

380 1100
380 520



200 60

1:30 1:30
225 710

OK existing

= Demolition Gutter high point

1568 3962 4007 1523

Figure 5.4.1-7 Normal cross-section of an arch of the Wahren viaduct after repair according to
[Patschke, 1996].
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 371

the static system of a three-hinged arch. The arch halves were supported without
Elastic adjustable apex hinges were tension on a shoring consisting of 4 in-
therefore installed in selected bends to situ concrete slabs and a steel girder layer.
relieve the bend rows of the constraining Prior to the installation of the bearings,
stresses due to temperature (Fig. 5.4.1-8). heavily reinforced concrete support
This made it possible to reduce the benches were constructed to spread the
constraining stresses in the most load, which were deeply anchored in the
unfavorable bend apexes by 25-30%. As existing, toothed masonry of the vaults
the relieving influence of these elastic joints and the above-lying concrete with very
in bends 6 and 15 was greatly reduced in variable strength. After the bearings were
the direction of the bridge tenders, it was installed, the arches were released by
decided to install a further elastic joint in gradually applying prestressing forces of 50
the initially unaffected bend 24. This kN/bearing. The initial forces were
resulted in a division of the arch row into calculated as a function of temperature for
4 sections. the condition without ballast and traffic
Specially developed elastomeric load on the basic static model. They
bearings (Fig. 5.4.1-9) for a longitudinal amounted to around 250 kN for a
force of 1.25 MN/bearing were installed as temperature of 20 °C, e.g. for curve 15.
elastic joints. In addition to the normal The forces are calculated in such a way
forces, it must also be possible to transmit that the elastic system functions up to
transverse forces in order to exclude around 0 °C. For lower temperatures, the
mutual displacements and rotations of the load-bearing effect is assumed to be a
arch cut edges due to unequal loading of support line vault. The design of the vault
the arch sections or possible arch slits blends harmoniously into the overall
constraints. For this purpose, two steel appearance.
bearings without longitudinal force The further construction of the A72
transmission were arranged on the outer highway, which began in the 1930s, and
sides (Fig. 5.4.1-10). With the slotting of its expansion to meet today's traffic
the requirements posed a major challenge

Figure 5.4.1-8 Arrangement of elastic joints in arch 15 of the Wahren viaduct according to
[Patschke, 1996].
372 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Fig. 5.4.1-9 Principle sketch of the elastomeric bearing specially developed for the Wahren viaduct
according to [Patschke, 1996].

Steel bearing
longitudinal force

Elastomeric bearing

Figure 5.4.1-10 Bearing arrangement on a slotted arch of the Wahren viaduct according to [Patsch-
ke, 1996].

The highway represents a major challenge and the landscape as little as possible.
in terms of integrating existing bridge The construction of the Elster Valley
structures into the concept of a modern Bridge Pirk ([Cordes et al., 1993]), a stone
highway. The highway runs roughly arch bridge consisting of 12 arches each
parallel to the Erzgebirge, Elstergebirge with a clear width of 33.5 m and a pier
and Fichtelgebirge mountains, which are spacing of 38.5 m to cross the approx. 500
the source of numerous rivers flowing m wide valley of the Weiße Elster, began in
northwards in deeply incised valleys. This 1938 as part of the Reichsautobahn
necessitated the construction of several Dresden - Naila highway and would have
large and small bridges, some of which been the largest stone arch bridge in the
were only begun and some completed at world when completed. It has a total length
the time, but in any case had to be of 635 m and the greatest height above the
widened. When converting the existing valley floor is 60 m. In addition to traffic-
stone arch bridges to the current traffic related technical aspects, the bridge was
load, the architectural design of the old planned with the following in mind
structures had to be preserved
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 373

Figure 5.4.1-11 Saale bridge in the course of the A72 highway - longitudinal section according to

Aesthetic considerations were also taken The loads are transferred from the
into account, as the aim was to create a support columns via longitudinal sheaves
bridge structure that would blend into the vaults and carried by these to the
harmoniously into the surrounding end structures. After producing the
landscape in terms of its shape, material, supports and the lateral brickwork
design and color. Due to the war, inputs according to the old model, the two
were stopped in 1940. The wall bearings, prestressed concrete boxes were produced
piers, the 12 granite arches and the using the incremental launching method.
brickwork above the piers for the spar As the granite stones for the parapet were
vaults were completed. Over 50 years, rain not available in the required dimensions
and snow led to considerable lime and quantity, a double-shell construction
sintering in the unprotected structure. As was chosen: A reinforced concrete
a result of the temperature fluctuations, the prefabricated slab designed locally as a
brickwork of the piers was separated from retaining wall was faced with 150 mm
the layers of stamped concrete that had wide granite stones.
been laid in sections. The Saale bridge in the course of the
The aim of the construction measures A72 highway ([WALTER∙BAU]) is
to complete the Elster Valley Bridge, spanned by three bridges with pier
which is important in the course of spacings of 58 m + 74 m
today's A72 Chemnitz - Hof highway, was + 62 m (Figure 5.4.1-11). The arch
to use the existing historical and structural supporting structure consists of masonry
substance while taking into account today's granite blocks of different dimensions and
traffic standards. The natural stone was neither sufficiently strong nor wide.
masonry was cleaned using the high- Tamped concrete of varying strength was
pressure water jet method and then used as backfill in layers down to the
repointed. Cracks and cavities in the pier lower roadway. The lateral stringers and
and arch areas were filled with a special the retaining walls in the area of the pier
cement suspension. chambers are also made of natural stone
Two separate, asymmetrical prestressed masonry, and the granite stones bind into
concrete boxes, each with a cantilever of the backfill concrete. A single-cell
6.61 m arranged on one side and running prestressed concrete box with a constant
through the piers, were chosen as the construction height of 2.5 m and a wide
load-bearing system, the vertical support cantilevered track slab on one side using
forces of which are transferred directly the incremental launching method was
into the piers via "support chairs" arranged therefore used as the superstructure for
in the pier axes. Only the horizontal forces each directional carriageway. A maximum
in the longitudinal direction of 40 m can be bridged with this
superstructure cross-section.
374 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
be installed. In order to exclude the arches while the axes 300 to 600 are elastic
from the load transfer, the substructures supports that deform according to the
in the area of the three large arches had to loads and lead to corresponding internal
be designed accordingly. They consist of forces. However, to reduce the internal
in-situ concrete columns and slabs, some forces from external loads, especially in
of which are founded flat on the existing the highly loaded outer webs, it was
structure and others on rock. In the area necessary to add an additional bearing in
of the arches, massive, longitudinally the area of the balance beams. To install
prestressed balance beams with cantilever the balance beams and to accommodate
lengths of up to 20 m and construction the prestressed concrete boxes, the old
heights of 5 m were built. In conjunction backfill concrete above the stone arches
with the end structures to be bridged, this and between the side walls was removed
resulted in continuous beams over 9 spans where necessary and structurally possible.
with spans of 15 m to 40 m (Fig. 5.4.1-11). The design of the Saale bridge was such
The balance beams were supported by that it could also be used for the later
grouted piles, which were tied into the pier reconstruction of the Pöhl viaduct (Figure
concrete, partially led into the foundation 5.4.1-12) and the Göltzschtal bridge
and also led to an improvement of the (Figure 5.4.1-13) with adaptation to the
pier concrete. pier spacing of 45 m and
The two superstructures are rigidly
supported in axes 100, 200 and 700 to 900,

Figure 5.4.1-12 Pöhl viaduct - longitudinal section according to [WALTER∙BAU].

Figure 5.4.1-13 Göltzschtal bridge in the course of the A72 highway - longitudinal section according to
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 375

62 m was economically feasible The two inputs by Dischinger [Dischinger,

([WALTER∙BAU]). Here, too, two 1937] and [Dischinger, 1939] are
separate, asymmetrical prestressed mentioned, in which the load-bearing,
concrete boxes were installed as deformation and stability behavior,
superstructures using the incremental including shrinkage and creep, are dealt
launching method. In the case of the Pöhl with exhaustively. For design issues, see
viaduct, by selecting spans of 30 m over z. e.g. [Leonhardt, 1982].
the arch and 15 m in the pier areas, it was
possible to design the bearing discs so
rigidly (Fig. 5.4.1-12) that the Arc effect
superstructures are also rigidly supported
The efficiency of arches is based on their
at all bearing points. The principle of
support line effect, i.e. the ability to
constructing the substructures with the
transfer a considerable part of the loads
foundation of the bearing disks on grouted
only by normal forces and without
piles corresponds to that of the Saale
bending, which means that the transverse
sections are better utilized. Figure 5.4.2-1
In view of the pier center distances of
schematically shows how the arch
the Göltzschtal Bridge, the support widths
of the superstructures were always chosen
If the support points are held
to be 31 m except for the end sections (Fig.
horizontally without displacement,
5.4.1-13). The bearing disks in the pier
horizontal supports are created as a result
areas are structurally stiffer than on the
of vertical loads.
Saale Bridge. Nevertheless, they are to be M0
regarded as elastic, so that here too
the structural characteristics of the Saale forces H = horizontal shear), i.e. the
bridge had to be taken into account. 6f (
system is subjected to compressive forces
that increase as the span L increases and the
5.4.2 Concrete arch bridges stitch f decreases. These compressive
forces generate compressive stresses in the
FRANCESCO AIGNER cross-section on the one hand and
and THOMAS PETRASCHEK counteract the "beam moments" M0 on the
other. In the ideal case of a support line General information system (system in the form of a cable
line), the moments M0 disappear
The arch is a predestined system for completely: M0 + H - y = 0. This is analogous
concrete, a building material that can be to prestressed concrete: in this case, the
optimally used under pressure. Arch-type prestressing of tendons in a beam generates
constructions were successfully used very compressive forces, the output forces of
early and independently in all parts of the which generate relieving bending moments
world. At the beginning of concrete with the appropriate tendon geometry. In
construction, practically all concrete the case of arches, the effect of gravity and
bridges were built as arch bridges: Some the simultaneous prevention of deflection
actually as unreinforced concrete arches, at the transoms creates a compressive
others as "monier arches", whereby force, which in turn generates relieving
extremely considerable spans could be bending moments if the supporting
achieved. For the development of arch structure is shaped accordingly. In contrast
bridges, see [Pauser, 1987], pp. 18-85. Of the to prestressed concrete, the arch effect is, so
many publications on the calculation of to speak, a system property (such as the
massive arch bridges
376 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Fig. 5.4.2-1 Rope line, moment line and support line

mass) that exists as long as the system, and its favorable behavior in the event of
including its bearing, exists. The arch can earthquakes. An arch bridge is
therefore be regarded as an ideally prestressed economically competitive if it is possible to
structure that has all the advantages of give the roadway structure comparatively
prestressed concrete, but not its small spans and avoid high piers, i.e. if the
disadvantages (loss of prestressing force main obstacle or obstacles can be bridged by
due to creep, possibility of damage or one or more arches. An example is shown
failure of tendons). Even if the aesthetic in Figure 5.4.2-2, where large span widths,
quality of a supporting structure is not high piers and complex foundations could
generally binding, the arch must at least be be avoided by lining up two arches with
regarded as a "logical" system that frequently spans of 120 m and 150 m.
occurs in nature - here mostly as a doubly
curved shell - especially when large forces
have to be overcome. Technically favorable Foundation
properties of the arch are its great stiffness,
its durability, its ability to absorb forces in In many cases, the need for an above-
the longitudinal direction without problems average quality building site is emphasized.
and with the smallest deformations (Brem-
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 377

Figure 5.4.2-2 Overcoming an

obstacle with an arched supporting
structure [ÖBB picture archive].

but not quite rightly so. Although the the arch form must b e chosen carefully.
bearing force on a transom with an For the theory of support lines, see [Melan
inclination α to the horizontal is greater et al., 1948], pp. 78-84. It should be noted
than the vertical force by a factor of 1/sin that each support line is only valid for a
α, it should be noted that if any cleavage specific fixed load pattern, i.e. it is not
lines are appropriately aligned, in practice possible to "place an arch in the support
the slope is very often even stabilized by line" per se. The arch axis should therefore
the inclined bearing force of the arch, be selected in such a way that it comes
which often makes the foundations close to the support line for permanent
surprisingly simple (simpler than, for actions (dead loads, removal loads, and
example, with high, restrained piers), Fig. possibly also a quasi-permanent share of
5.4.2-3. Figure 5.4.2-3. The arch the traffic loads for very heavily used
foundations can also be adapted very well bridges) and deviates from it as little as
to the ground conditions by changing the possible for all other load patterns.
effective bearing surface. Finally, the bridge cross-sections must be
designed for the internal force Bow shape combination N + M = N - (1 + M/N) = N -
(1 + e). Tensile stresses arise when the
In order to make the best possible use of normal force N exits the "core" of the
the advantages of load trasnfer by the cross-section (normal force centricity e >
support line effect core width k).
378 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.4.2-3 Slope stabilization using an arched

foundation Classification of arch bridges Project planning and preliminary

dimensioning of the arch
1. According to the position of the
roadway support structure to the curve: The following principles apply to arches
– Arch bridges with elevated roadway, with elevated roadways. The arch can be
Figure 5.4.2-4a and Figure 5.4.2-4b designed in such a way that it supports
(standard design in massive itself and the superstructure (columns,
construction) supporting structure) or in such a way
– Arch bridges with suspended deck, that it only acts as a stiffener for the
Fig. 5.4.2-4c (more often made of superstructure (tied arch). One problem
steel: "Longer beams" see Section with this construction method is the
5.4.3) fabrication, as the arch sections, columns
2. According to the ratio of the bending and supporting structure must be
stiffness of the roadway support combined and generally secured
structure to that of the bridge: (supported, braced). In addition, the
– Arch bridges with rigid arch (arch advantage of creating a bridge over the
carries the supporting structure), main obstacle that is stable and
Figures 5.4.2-5a, 5.4.2-5b independent of the rest of the bridge is
– Tied-arch bridges (arch stiffening lost. Please refer to section 5.4.3 for the
the supporting structure), Figure static mode of action of arch bridges with
5.4.2-5c tied arches. Only systems with rigid arches
3. For arch bridges with rigid arches, are discussed here.
additionally according to the static The static system must be selected
system of the arch: depending on the geometry (arrow ratio
– Clamped arch, Figure 5.4.2-5a f/l) (for designations, see Fig. 5.4.2-1),
– Double-hinged bend, Figure 5.4.2-5b
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 379

Figure 5.4.2-4 Position of the roadway

c werks to the bow

Figure 5.4.2-5 Structural systems

of arch bridges
380 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
At best, the ground conditions in the the sheet can usually be viewed not only in
transom area can be of significance: Steered elevation but also in oblique view and that
bearings result in more even base this is where creases often look bad. With
compressions, while fully restrained rigid bends, the kinks can be smoothed out
bearings result in higher edge to such an extent that they are hardly
compressions. Arches of indeterminate noticeable. On the other hand, "bar bends"
position are common: single-hinged are preferably placed in the center of the
arches, for flatter arches also double-hinged arch due to their low inherent stiffness and
arches. The following is given for the resulting low ability to absorb moments.
Clamped sheet ≥ to Support line laid for permanent actions and
3l 37 33
the kinks left in full size
f 1 (Figure 5.4.2-5c).
Double-hinged ≥ up to
1 The inclination of the imaginary
bend 3l
connecting line of the transom has a
14 3
6 considerable effect on the
Single-hinged bends are ruled out due to effects on the appearance. Figure 5.4.2-6
their poor creep, shrinkage and stability shows two good options.
behavior, three-hinged bends are also If the terrain is suitable, several arches
unfavorable in terms of stability behavior, can be arranged, see Chapter 3 and Figure
but are sometimes used. Systems with an 5.4.2-2. The transom locations must be
apex joint are particularly unfavorable for carefully considered and selected. As
flat bends, as the first buckling eigenmode foundations are often laid on relatively
is symmetrical and therefore the steep slopes, even small shifts in location
shortening of the bend axis caused by can have a major impact on the excavation
normal force compression, but above all volume and the scope of any safety
by creep deformations, promotes measures. For arch bridges in particular,
buckling. See [Dischinger, 1937] and the foundations are decisive for the cost-
[Dischinger, 1939] for the stability effectiveness and overall quality of the
behavior and all related questions. structure. Deep foundations are almost
If the arrow ratio f/l is sufficiently large, never required for arched bridges. The
the clamped arch is recommended in any arch span width should generally not be
case. If the arrow ratio is small, the unnecessarily large, although the
double-hinged arch is an option, whereby influence of the foundation measures
the design of the joints must be clarified at must be taken into account. If the subsoil
the beginning of the bridge planning. conditions are suitable, a slightly wider
It is advisable to calculate the arc axis arch may even be more favorable overall.
numerically and not as a second-order or Flat arches (small arrow ratio f/l) should
higher-order parallel, as a cosh line or not be flatter than necessary with regard
similar or as a circular curve (unfavorable to horizontal shear, transom
arc shape!). The theoretical support line displacements, creep deformations and
has kinks at all points with concentrated stability. By bringing the supporting
load application (supports), which can be structure and arch together, see Fig. 5.4.2-
perceived as disturbing but also as 7, it is possible to gain arrow height. For
"logical" on the finished structure. aesthetic reasons, steep arches (large
However, it should be noted that arrow ratio f/l) should not be
unnecessarily steep.
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 381

Figure 5.4.2-6 Height arrangement of the Figure 5.4.2-7 Options for designing the apex
transoms for roadway support structure in the area

The design in the crown area has a also in analogy to high piers, which are
considerable influence on the load also designed with single or multi-cell box
trasnfer of the longitudinal forces cross-sections and not with full cross-
transferred by the roadway support sections. According to the experience of
structure and on the appearance, see the first-mentioned author, which he
Figure 5.4.2-7. A gap can be left between gained from calculation results on
the arch and the roadway support numerous arch bridge projects in the span
structure or these parts can be brought width range of 30 to 250 m, the full cross-
together. In the first case, a minimum section is only justifiable for smaller
distance of approx. 80-100 cm is often arches (up to 40 m, at most approx. 50 m
required (Fig. 5.4.2-7b). In this case, it span width). A larger full arch requires
may be easier to arrange a supporting considerably larger quantities of structural
structure bay in the apex rather than a concrete, places correspondingly greater
column (Fig. 5.4.2-7c). The advantages of loads on the falsework, bracing etc. and
the solution shown in Fig. 5.4.2-7d are the causes greater base compression. For large
very favorable transfer of longitudinal arches (spans from approx. 180 m), there
structural forces (brakes!) and the is practically no longitudinal
elimination of part of the supporting reinforcement required at all if the shape
structure; the disadvantages are the and cross-sectional design are favorable,
discontinuities in the arch axis. as the cross-section is always fully
Arch cross-section: It follows from the overpressed. An arch with a variable
explanations in Section that a construction height, Figure 5.4.2-8, adapts
cross-sectional shape with a large core better to the distribution of forces than an
width is more favorable than one with a arch with a constant height and therefore
small core width in terms of stability looks better in the opinion of the authors.
behavior and favorable absorption of
bending moments, i.e. the box cross-
section is clearly superior to the full cross-
section. This is
382 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
railroad structure changes (e.g.:
supporting structure of the approach
bridges in composite construction,
supporting structure in the arch area in
solid construction).
Columns: Individual columns, column
groups or individual discs should be
Figure 5.4.2-8 Course of the construction
arranged radially to the supporting
structure. In the case of more curved
roadway structures, the supports must be
Its production is problematic with some placed on the curve, Figure 5.4.2-9.
construction methods. In the case of a Wherever possible, the transom
clamped arch, the height increases towards supports or transom sheds should be
the transoms; in the case of a double- moved slightly away from the theoretical
hinged arch, the height decreases towards transom line (2 to 3 m, correspondingly
the transoms ("sickle arch"). In both cases, more for large arches) and only be
the law h(x) = hS + (hK - h )S positioned on the arch in compelling
- ξn, in the first case h > h , with n = 4,
K S cases, Figure 5.4.2-10.
in the second case, hS >hK with n = 6 or The arch transom and transom
even n = 8. When designing an arch supports have a common foundation. In the
bridge, the foreland bridges must of course case of arches with a box cross-section, the
also be taken into account. A jump in the support loads are transferred to the arch via
height of the supporting structure only transverse plates. These should be
makes sense, if at all, for very long bridges, arranged vertically with regard to
especially if the construction of the production and the flow of forces. The
roadway is different. width of the transverse

Figure 5.4.2-9 Arrangement of supports for a curved roadway structure in plan

Figure 5.4.2-10 Arrangement of the transom supports

5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 383 Determination of the main dimensions

Arch width: If the supporting structure is

strongly curved in plan, the minimum
width results from the structural
requirement that the supports can be
accommodated on the arch, see Figure
5.4.2-9. For straight supporting structures,
a sensible dimension must be selected,
taking into account the requirements from
manufacture and sufficient transverse
stiffness (wind forces, centrifugal forces,
stability transverse to the arch plane). The
cross-sectional height hS at the apex is
defined as the reference value for the
construction height of the arch, see Fig.
5.4.2-8. For an initial approach, the
following can be assumed:
l l
Road bridges hS = to
74 560
0 l
Railroad bridges hS = to
l 450
Fig. 5.4.2-11 Arch cross plates and The stability behavior in the plane of the
positioning of the stakes on the arch arch expressed by the slenderness λ is also
ideally suited for a more precise
The width of the column discs depends on determination of the construction height
the column width and the inclination of if the static verifications are carried out
the column plane in relation to the arch according to the second-order theory and
plane, Figure 5.4.2-11. λ therefore does not occur explicitly.
If the inside of the box is to be order and λ therefore does not occur
accessible, the cross sections can be explicitly. The buckling safety factor γk is
provided with access openings if the cross calculated as λ = β ∙ l/i
sections are large enough (in this case, a and i= √ I 5 / A :
separate access opening is not required in π2 ∙ E (σ) ∙ I
each section). γk = ,
0H ∙ (β9∙ l)2
The roadway supporting structures in the
arch area should always be designed as where E (σ) = ρ ∙ E0 , H = maximum
continuous girders, so that no roadway horizontal shear under service loads, and
transitions are necessary in the supporting according to Figure 5.4.2-12.
structure and load bending moments due It should be: γk ≥ 3.0 or, more strictly:
to longitudinal forces (starting, braking, γk ≥ 3.0 + λ/100. For bends with a variable
friction) in the supports are avoided. Any cross-section, the cross-sectional values I
arrangement of roadway transitions above or A must be selected so that the moment
the transom plates should be carefully of inertia I is exceeded by at least 60% of
considered and only makes sense for the unwound bend length.
bridges with very long foreland bridges. Wall thicknesses: see Figure 5.4.2-13.
384If the arch is designed with a box cross- 5 Main supporting structures of
section, the following are used for the base the superstructures
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 385

Figure 5.4.2-12 Auxiliary values for estimating the arc stability

Figure 5.4.2-13 Wall thicknesses in

the transom area

and cover plate 25-30 cm (40-50 cm in the

transom area), correspondingly more for
very large web spacings. The web
thicknesses must be selected according to
the shear forces to be absorbed and are
generally 30-40 (50) cm.
Column dimensions: see Figure 5.4.2-14.
If the roadway structure is continuous,
practically only moments due to Figure 5.4.2-14 Column slendernesses
constraint arise in the columns:
kφ ∙ Beff ∙ φ kψ ∙ Beff ∙ ψ
Mφ = 0l or Mψ = 0l 5.4.3 Steel bridges
9 9
where k = factor, Beff = bending stiffness of GÜNTER RAMBERGER
the column, φ = end node torsion, ψ = bar and FRANCESCO AIGNER
chord torsion, l = column length. To keep
these moments small, the supports should Arch bridges are divided into true arch
therefore be designed to be as slender as bridges, in which the arch is the load-
possible. Useful values are in the range λ bearing element and the roadway is only
= 70 to 100. See Figure 5.4.2-14 for useful suspended or elevated, and tied-arch
column thickness graduations. For high bridges, in which the arch serves as
columns, hollow cross-sections are more reinforcement for the stiffening girder
favorable than solid cross-sections. (Figure 5.4.3-1).
386 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Fig. 5.4.3-1 Real arch bridge and tied-arch bridge

Arch bridges have the advantage that Tied-arch bridges, also known as
they are exceptionally economical Langer's beams after the Austrian
structures in their final state, as the arch engineer Josef Langer, who first
shape is close to the support line associated investigated them in 1861 and who built
with the load and thus the loads are mainly the Fer- dinand Bridge over the Mur in
transferred to the transoms or supports via Graz in 1881 using this system, consist of
normal force. However, they have the a stiffening girder, an arch, which is
disadvantage that this force transfer only usually rigidly connected to the stiffening
works when the arch is closed. Arches girder, or at least pinned, and the hangers
therefore need supports when they are (Fig. 5.4.3-2). The arch span is between
assembled. These can be designed as L/9 and L/6 (L is the span of the
supports or as inclined suspensions, but supporting structure). The arch is
always require additional structures for designed with a parabolic axis. Between 6
assembly. Although steel arch bridges and 14 hangers are arranged on the span,
have been built since the early days of usually in an even number so that no
steel construction and are still being built hanger is in the middle of the bridge for
today with spans of over 500 m aesthetic reasons. The arch subjected to
(Fayetteville Bridge USA with a span of compression has a hat or box-shaped
518 m), their importance is declining cross-section that is bending stiffness in
compared to cable-stayed bridges. Tied- both directions. The hangers are made of
arch bridges with a suspended deck, round or flat steel. The stiffening girder is
which are assembled on a pre-assembly usually formed as a comb cross-section
site and installed as a whole (e.g. floated with two main girders and an orthopaedic
in), are very economical structures in the plate on top.
span range of approx. 50 m to 150 m, In the case of railroad bridges, the
especially today. For this reason, tied-arch lightweight steel deck can also be arranged
bridges are discussed in particular below. between the main girders. The hangers are
connected to the arch by means of
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 387

Figure 5.4.3-2 View and plan view of a tied-arch bridge, single-track railroad bridge [DB -
technical guidelines and standards].

Transverse bulkheads on the stiffening The lower section has an inclined frame to
girders in the plane of the web plates of dissipate the wind forces on the arch and to
the main girders, in rare cases also on the stabilize the arch.
transverse girders (Figures 5.4.3-3 and The arch walls are usually vertical, but
5.4.3-4). inwardly inclined arch walls were also built
Particular design attention must be so that the arches meet in the middle of
paid to the integration of the arch into the the bridge (Fig. 5.4.3-8). Central girder
stiffening beam, as the arch is usually arch bridges with torsionally rigid
designed with two webs, but the stiffening stiffening girders were also built (Fig.
beam is usually designed with one (Fig. 5.4.3-9).
5.4.3-5). Here it must be ensured that the The railroad bridge over the Rhine in
vertical component of the normal arch Düsseldorf-Hamm is a very interesting
force is transferred to the bearing and the example of a lattice girder bridge with bar
horizontal component to the stiffening arch reinforcement in a large span. The
beam. The end cross girder of the roadway bridge with spans of 250.00m - 135.50m
is often designed with the arch (Fig. 5.4.3-10) crosses four railroad tracks
introduction and the start of the main in the bulkhead bed, with two tracks
girders transversely oriented. between the inwardly inclined truss walls
Bends can be free-standing or and one track on each side outside the
connected by frames and/or bracing truss wall. The bridge was built parallel to
(Figures 5.4.3-6 and 5.4.3-7). Free- an existing double-track bridge, which
standing arches require considerably before the effects of the Second World
wider cross-sections than arches with War consisted of two parallel bridges with
bracing to prevent buckling transverse to parabolic trusses and thus carried four
the plane of the arch. The end transoms tracks.
are usually as high as the arch. Together
with the arches in the un
388 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Cross section


750 2200 2200 750

structure axis
Centerline of


2% 2%

End cross member

Section A-A
structure axis
Centerline of





Press attachment

0 Section B-B


Figure 5.4.3-3 Cross-section and end cross girder of a tied-arch bridge, single-track railroad bridge,
flat steel hangers [DB - technical guidelines and standards].
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 389

Screwed hanger connection


Section A-A

Section B-B

Section C-C

Alternative: Hanger connection welder

A 3,5 3,5


Section A-A

14 14



Section B-B

14 14

"X" "X" 2,5%


Section C-C 48

50° 50°

Figure 5.4.3-4 Connecting the hangers [DB - technical guidelines and standards] and [Flentge, 1985]
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 389

Figure 5.4.3-5 Base point design for railroad bridges,

favorable for fatigue resistance taking into account the weld
seam test [DB - technical guidelines and standards].
390 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

M. 1 : 2


Ceramic plates

"V" M. 1 : 2

30 55 55 30

"II " M1:2



Figure 5.4.3-5 (continued)

5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 391

Cut under arch cover plate



View E

Section D-D

Section B-B

Coupled profiles

Section A-A
View E

"I" Section D-D

M. = 1 : 2

Section C-C Section C-C

Variant: HE profiles

Figure 5.4.3-6 Diagonal bracing and portal ledgers [DB - technical guidelines and standards].
392 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Top view Section A-A

r≥ r≥
15 15
0 0


Section D-D Section B-B


Figure 5.4.3-7 Vierendeel bracing and portal transom [DB - technical guidelines and standards].

In 1947, a bridge was rebuilt from the Arch and truss top chord (Fig. 5.4.3-11).
remains of the destroyed supporting The assembly method chosen was fixed
structures. The new bridge was built using assembly and section-by-section
the existing old piers, which were longitudinal displacement of the
removed once the new bridge had been supporting structure using an old pillar
installed. The old bridge and its that had not been used after destruction.
substructures were also dismantled after To install the arches, an auxiliary joint
the new bridge was put into operation. was attached in the lower section and the
The arch levels of the new bridge are remaining arch sections were placed on
arranged parallel to the truss levels. The the roadway. The arch sections were then
arches are supported on abutments and lifted, the joints at the apex and at the
central piers and are connected to the auxiliary joints were closed and the
stiffening girder via cross girders so that hangers were installed (Fig. 5.4.3-12).
the horizontal forces are not transferred to
the substructures but are short-circuited
via the stiffening girder. In the view, the
hangers lie in vertical planes, but in cross-
section they are at different angles
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 393






Figure 5.4.3-8 Design of a bridge over the Danube with inwardly inclined arch walls, triangular
arch cross-section



12500 3000 12500

±0 6 + 16 cm


Figure 5.4.3-9 Center-girder tied-arch bridge over the Salzach [Beer et al, 1970]
394 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.4.3-10 View of the Hammer railroad bridge, [Volke, 2001]

Figure 5.4.3-11 Cross-section of the Hammer railroad bridge, [Volke, 2001]

5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 395

Shifting direction Gantry cranes

Neuss Düsseldorf
Shifting bearing
and lowering device
135,00 m 140,00 m 110,00 m
New power pillar South pillar old Abutment Düsseldorf new

Shifting bearing and lowering device

Fitting the arched sections and bolts

Auxiliary assembly

Lifting pillar
Lifting the two halves of the arch

Closing the arch joints at the

auxiliary joints and in the vertex

42 3 6
Hanger assembly 76 7
8 8

Figure 5.4.3-12 Installation procedure

Above: Longitudinal insertion method for the truss below:
Arch assembly and hanger installation
396 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
5.4.4 Composite and mixed constructions

and ANNETTE DETZEL Tied-arch bridges

Figure 5.4.4-1 Distribution of internal forces
(a) Fundamentals
in the beam bend
The idea of arch systems is to transfer most
of the external load via normal forces and
not via bending moments. As a result, In the same way, only flat ramps are
comparatively high load-bearing required to approach the bridge, as is
capacities can be achieved with slim, favorable for flat terrain in northern
minimal cross-sections. This system is and central Germany, for example.
optimized if, as is usual with the bar arch • The widely visible arch design allows
system, the arch pressure force is balanced visual accentuation without any
by a tension band in the roadway axis so additional economic expense.
that only vertical loads and no horizontal
transverse loads are transferred to the The economic efficiency lies primarily in
ground. Another typical feature of this the transfer of force through normal
system is that the tied arch has a low forces instead of bending moments.
bending stiffness of its own compared to However, this only applies to symmetrical
the stiffening beams in the roadway axis, so loads such as dead loads. Unsymmetrical
that the overall moment is predominantly loads, as they inevitably occur due to
divided into a force pair of arch traffic, lead to quite significant individual
compression force/stiffening beam tensile bending moments in the stiffening girders,
force and individual bending moments of which, as the diagram in Figure 5.4.4-2
the stiffening beams. also shows, are maximum when loaded by
These bar arch systems as steel traffic loads at the quarter points.
constructions with orthotropic steel decks Accordingly, the maximum deflections
or with reinforced concrete composite also occur at the quarter points.
slabs have become very popular in recent As deflections are severely limited in
years, especially for road bridges, because railroad bridges, DIN FB 101 [DIN-FB
they offer a number of advantages that are 101, 2003] requires the following,
particularly important today: depending on the type of bridge

• The low construction height under the

roadway makes it possible to bridge
comparatively large spans - usually 60
to 100 m - while maintaining the
greatest possible clearance height, as is
necessary for overpassing waterways or
highways, for example.
• As the actual arch construction lies Figure 5.4.4-2 Moment influence line in the
above the roadway, the stiffening beam
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 397

Figure 5.4.4-3 Dömitz Elbe bridge, top view

Since the design speed and span limit the (b) Special features of modern tied arch
deflection to L/600 to L/2650, the system of composite bridges
"soft" tied arch bridges has not yet
prevailed over the stiffer truss bridges for Reinforced concrete roadway slab
this use. For road bridges, on the other In the cross-section of a typical tied-arch
hand, it has become one of the most composite bridge, the concrete deck is set
frequently built composite bridge systems off from the two main steel girders. It is
in recent years, see also the supported only on the steel cross girders
documentation of the Federal Ministry of with which it forms composite cross
Transport [BMV, 1997]. Typical girders. This separation between the
dimensions and dimensions can also be external steel main girders and the
found here, such as the slenderness ratio of concrete deck was originally intended to
the stiffening girders of around 40 and an minimize the effect of the concrete slab in
average structural steel weight of approx. the tension band. The tensile stresses that
300 kg/m2. Table 5.4.4-1 provides an nevertheless arise in the composite slab
overview of a series of tied-arch used to be overcome by high longitudinal
composite bridges from the 1990s. prestressing of the tendons.
The data reveals some typical In the meantime, a modified design
geometric ratios such as the ratio of arch philosophy has also become established
stitch to span of about 1/7 to 1/6. for these composite arch bridges
What these systems have in common is [Kuhlmann, 1996], [Kuhlmann, 1997]:
the design of the steel bar compression Reaming of the concrete slab is permitted.
arch and the arrangement of a reinforced Tendon prestressing is dispensed with. A
concrete shoring slab in the tension band reinforced slack reinforcement of 80 to 90
area, so that the concrete slab is subjected is inserted for the partial
to almost centric tension. In a certain participation of the concrete, which also
sense, this design principle is contrary to serves to limit the crack width.
the basic rules of shoring construction, i.e. The Dömitz Elbe Bridge [Lüesse, 1992],
the compression components are made of [Lüesse et al., 1993] was the first arch
concrete and the tension components of bridge with a reinforced, non-prestressed
steel. In addition to cost advantages, there deck in Germany. With a span of 178 m at
is a functional argument in favor of a crown height of 27 m and the visually
designing the roadway slab as a concrete appealing cross-sectional shape of the
component: During the transition from inclined suspension planes, it has become a
the open roadway to the bridge structure, role model for a number of such bridges.
a concrete roadway cools down less The arches, which are inclined at 88 gon,
quickly and thus poses less of a risk of are stabilized by a diamond-shaped
icing than a steel roadway. bracing.
Table 5.4.4-1 Bar arch composite bridges

Comple Longitudinal system Span L/h Cross section Width Concrete roadway Thicknes
tion width (with cap) s of the
L [m] [m] roadway
Elbe bridge Dömitz 1992 Stub height = 27.0 m; hanger spacing 178 6,6 2 external stiffening 15,4 longitudinally taut; 32,0
11.3 m; crossbeam spacing 11.3 m/3 beams longitudinally slack;
transversely slack
Beer bridge Liersberg 1993 Stitch height h = 5.8 m; hanger 41 7,1 2 external stiffening 10,0 longitudinally tensioned; only 30.0 at the edge
spacing 3.6 m; crossbeam spacing 3.6 beams longitudinally prestressed at 50,0
m/2 the edge (traffic); slack
transversely; guided up to the
web of the VT
Landquart Bridge Au 1994 Stitch height h = 23.0 m; hanger 134 5,8 4 stiffening girders 11,9 transversely prestressed; only 30.0 at the edge
spacing 9.3 m; crossbeam spacing 9.3 under the track longitudinally prestressed at 120,0
m the edge (traffic); transversely
Amperbrücke Inning; 1996 Stitch height h = 12.0 m; hanger 70 5,8 3 stiffening girders 15,4 transversely tensioned; 20,0-38,0-20,0
2 superstructures spacing 15.0 m; crossbeam spacing 15.0 under the track longitudinally slack;
m transversely slack; B 35
Saale bridge Calbe 1996 Stub height h = 17.0 m; hanger 100 5,9 2 external stiffening 13,4 longitudinally taut; 30,0
spacing 8.6 m; crossbeam spacing 8.6 beams up longitudinally slack;
m/3 to transversely slack;
20.1 up to the jetty of the VT;

the superstructures
5 Main supporting structures of
Rünther Bridge 1997 Stub height h = 13.7 m; hanger 91 6,6 2 external stiffening 10,5 longitudinally taut; 30.5 to 36.9
spacing 8.0 m; crossbeam spacing 8.0 beams longitudinally slack;
m/2 transversely slack
New Werra Bridge Münden Stitch height h 0 12.2 m; hanger spacing 67 5,5 2 external stiffening 20,5 transversely tensioned; 38,0-48,0-38,0
7,2 m; beams longitudinally slack;
No cross members transversely prestressed
Replacement of Hiddingseler Stub height h = 11.3 m; hanger 76 6,7 2 external stiffening 14,3 longitudinally taut; ≈ 33,0
Bridge Official draft spacing 7.0 m; crossbeam spacing 7.0 beams longitudinally slack;
m/2 transversely slack
Elbe descent canal 1995 Stitch height h = 17.1 m; hanger 92 5,4 2 external stiffening 23,9 longitudinally tensioned; 32,0
Rothensee spacing 6.9 m; crossbeam spacing 6.9 beams longitudinally slack;
m/2 transversely slack; B35
Overpass B 1996 Stitch height h = 6 m; hanger 39 6,5 2 external stiffening 17,6 longitudinally tensioned; 32,0
281 Saalfeld spacing 5.4 m; crossbeam spacing beams longitudinally slack;
3.5 m transversely slack; B35
5.4 Arch Canal bridges1985
and tied-arch Stitch height h = 16 m; hanger 104,77 6,5 2 external
399stiffening 32,5 longitudinally prestressed; 27.0 at the edge
near Rheine spacing 8.7 m; crossbeam spacing 8.7 beams longitudinally 32,0
m/3 p r e s t r e s s e d ; only
transversely prestressed at the
Weser bridge Holzminden 1997 Stitch height h = 15 m; hanger 89,0 5,9 2 external stiffening 17,3 longitudinally tensioned; 32,0
spacing 7.6 m; crossbeam spacing 7.6 beams longitudinally and
m/2 transversely slack; B35
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 399

Fig. 5.4.4-5 Recommended design of the

pendant connection, a) geometry, b)
dimensions according to [Günther et al.,

The recommendations that have been

developed in the meantime relate
primarily to the fatigue-compliant design
of the hanger connection, which is usually
not really hinged, but is "clamped" to the
stiffening girder in the plane of the arch
and to the arch perpendicular to the arch
plane. Fig. 5.4.4-5 shows the geometric
recommendations according to [Günther
et al., 2000], which also require a fatigue
analysis for traversing loads. Further
design recommendations are given in
[BAW, 2003] and [Leitfaden, 2007]. The
Figure 5.4.4-4 Dömitz Elbe bridge, cross- current state of the art is presented in
section [Schütz et al., 2008].

Connection concrete deck/stiffening girder

Suspension vibrations Since the new design concept allows the
The Dömitz Elbe bridge has become contribution of the cracked concrete
known among experts for another reason: cross-section to be taken into account
At the connection points of the hangers statically, there is actually no reason to
made of 120 and 130 mm thick round steel separate the steel stiffening girder and
to the stiffening girders, fatigue cracks due concrete slab. Various bar arch designs,
to rain-wind induced vibrations were but also executions, therefore lead the
observed for the first time [Lüesse et al., concrete slab up to the external steel
1996], [Günther et al., 2000]. Strong stiffening girders [Kuhlmann, 1996].
vibrations of the hangers of up to 300 mm Considering the difficulty of maintaining
were triggered by the change in the corrosion protection and the possibility of
hanger cross-section due to the position soiling, the gap between the steel stiffening
of the rain gutter along the hanger and led girder and the cap structure is somewhat
to cracks at the fatigue-critical weld problematic in terms of the durability of
connection details. Extensive the structure anyway. Due to a direct
investigations followed, including the shear-resistant
development of a special damper. As the
phenomenon itself can hardly be reliably
400 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Fig. 5.4.4-6 Bridge over the Elbe downstream canal at Rothensee, cross-section

The gap is avoided by connecting the However, the concrete deck and steel
concrete roadway and the main steel girder are also connected by horizontal
girder, see also the cross-section of the dowels to the inner web, which together
bridge over the Elbe exit canal at with the web of the stiffening girder forms
Rothensee according to [BMV, 1997], see an airtight box.
Figure 5.4.4-6.
Here, the actual shear force is applied
via a horizontal bar with head bolt dowels,
which can be moved to the

Figure 5.4.4-7 Anchorage detail base point (source: Federal Ministry of Transport, StB 25)
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 401

Figure 5.4.4-8
Amper Bridge

With horizontal dowels in thin panels, This system with a transversely spanned
the forces applied must be distributed composite slab corresponds to the very
across the thickness of the panel. This economical system of typical composite
results in a splitting tensile stress, which is deck bridges. This system with a
only resisted to a small extent in the thin transversely spanned composite slab
panel. Horizontal splitting tensile cracks corresponds more or less to the very
are the result. Cracking in the concrete economical system of typical composite
therefore plays an important role in the deck bridges, which is only spanned here
failure of the dowel connection. by two arches due to the larger span of
Investigations of horizontal dowel over 70 m, see Fig. 5.4.4-8.
connections under longitudinal shear The arch and roadway are connected to
have led to initial design and construction each other via four very strong cross
rules, so that this connection can also be girders and hangers.
used as planned in the future, see The system is particularly economical
[Breuninger/Kuhlmann, 2001]. due to the reduction in the number of
individual structural elements and
Cross-tensioned roadway connections. Instead of 16 to 20 cross
The Amperbrücke In ning bridge for the girders at a distance of 3.5 to 4 m, the
A96 highway south of Munich [Hagedorn Amper bridge system with cross-tensioned
et al., 1997] represents a further composite slab only has these 4 strong
development of the direct connection cross girders. The crossing points between
between the stiffening girder and the the main girder and cross girder and the
composite slab. The idea behind this new hanger connection points in particular
system is that the main steel girders are no require a considerable amount of welding,
longer arranged next to the concrete slab so that their number is a significant factor
but underneath it. The main steel girders in the cost calculation.
thus act together with the concrete slab as Due to the significant reduction in the
composite girders in the longitudinal number of hangers, however, a load case
direction of the bridge. The roadway slab comes to the fore for the arch design that
no longer spans as it did with the otherwise plays a rather subordinate role:
the load case "failure of a hanger". With
402 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.4.4-9
Amperbrücke Horizon-

If a hanger fails, the hanger force acts as a This means a rectangular hollow cross-
concentrated load on the arch and causes section, which, as with the Amper Bridge
a not inconsiderable bending moment with a width of 1.2 m and a height of 90
component which, despite being treated as cm perpendicular to the plane of the
a bridge, has the higher bending stiffness.
"Catastrophic load case" with reduced The arch base restraint must therefore
safeties in the case of the Amper Bridge be designed with particular care.
became relevant for measurement. Perpendicular to the arch plane, it is
At the end of the bridge, the frictional provided by the end cross girder, which
connection between the arch base points also has a third bearing in the middle, not
and the carriageway is created by a strong only in the case of the Amper Bridge, to
bracing system, see Fig. 5.4.4-9. Like the limit the deformation of the roadway
three main girders, the bracing bars are crossing. In the plane of the bridge, the
connected to the carriageway in shear arch restraint is usually realized by the
stiffness via shear stud dowels. The stiffening girders in the case of external
composite slab is not prestressed, but only stiffening girders. In the Amper Bridge
reinforced with reinforcing steel. system, the strong diagonal bracing bars
that lead to the arch bases must partially
Sheet stability take over this task. The torsional stiffness
Typical of many tied arch composite of the end cross girder, especially when the
bridges, the Amper bridge also dispenses end cross girder is designed with a box
with an upper stabilizing bracing between cross-section, as found in other bridges,
the arches. This not only saves additional also has an effect in this sense. While in the
structural members, which is final state the horizontal restraint is
economically advantageous, but also ensured by the deck slab which is brought
eliminates the difficult maintenance of the up to the arch, in the construction state
bracing above the roadway. As a result, the without deck slab the transfer of the
arch is stabilized out of its plane only by horizontal bending moments around the
the restraint at the arch base. Typically, arch base point is always also ensured.
these arch forms
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 403

Figure 5.4.4-10 Arch bridge over the Britzer Verbindungskanal [Photo and computer simulation]

The vertical bearing axis presents a In bar arch systems, the solution with two
particular difficulty for the decisive arches to the left and right of the track is a
concreting load cases. In systems such as kind of optimal standard solution. Both
the Amper Bridge, only the horizontal bends are utilized approximately equally,
four-deck system consisting of bending one-sided stresses in the cross-section are
stiff steel longitudinal and transverse distributed to both bends according to the
beams can be effective here, taking into lever law. Nevertheless, there are systems
account the horizontal bending stiffness that deviate from this in individual cases.
of the shoring bars. For example, a three-arch solution was
Despite this structurally and statically u s e d for the arch bridge over the Britz
complex design of the arch restraint, connecting canal, see Figure 5.4.4-10,
horizontal bracing between the arches as a [Svensson et al., 2000]. A two-arch
frame or bracing system is only used if solution would have led to a large cross
additional downward forces have to be girder height with the large required
transferred in addition to the horizontal carriageway width of 2 × 15.25 m, which
loads from wind and arch stability: For was not possible with the clearance limits
example, from the inclination of the arch to be maintained over the canal. Two
planes, as in the case of the Dömitz Elbe separate superstructures with a total of
bridge, or because of a bend in the arch, as four arches were not chosen due to the
was required for the widening of the additional space required. The design of
roadway at the arch bridge near Calbe the bar arch system, which runs over 112
over the Saale [Fiedler/Ziemann, 1997]. m, also corresponds to the usual systems
with external stiffening girders and a
(c) Special shapes reinforced concrete slab that spans
longitudinally between the cross girders
Number of sheets and is not prestressed. Upper struts were
As with the deck bridges, the double-
webbed plate girder also represents a
major challenge for the
404 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.4.4-11 Arch bridge over the Britz connecting canal, cross-section

arranged between the arches in order to In contrast, the Danube Bridge

The central arch receives approximately Fischerdorf is a single central girder - tied
three times the load of the outer arches. arch, see [Nather, 1994]. According to the
The central arch receives approximately special design by Thyssen Engineering
three times the load of the outer arches, a GmbH, Klönne works, the steel bar arch
clear sign that, as with all multi-girder system was constructed with two
systems, the design with only two support composite stiffening girder boxes with a
planes is overdimensioned due to the loosely reinforced steel deck slab. The
throughput effect in the transverse support stiffening girder boxes, see Fig. 5.4.4-12,

Figure 5.4.4-12 Danube bridge Fischerdorf, cross-section

5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 405

Figure 5.4.4-13 Main bridge at the NATO ramp, view

and the more than 3.4 m wide end cross Infill

girders form a horizontally lying closed Tied-arch bridges are usually equipped
frame. The stiffening girders and arch with vertical hangers. Their task is to
girders are each connected via eight "hang up" the loads from the roadway into
coupling cross girders and hangers. the arch or to act as a "shear skin" between
The design with two separate boxes as the arch compression force and the
stiffening beams also ensures sufficient stiffening girder tensile force. They
stiffness under one-sided loading, as is therefore only participate in the transfer
particularly required for the load cases of the symmetrical load components,
considered with regard to later while the antimetric loads, e.g. from traffic,
refurbishment are only absorbed by the bending of the
• Removal of the pavement and sealing stiffening girders, see Fig. 5.4.4-1 and -2.
In contrast, the Main bridge on the NATO
on one directional carriageway with
ramp between Sulzbach and Niedernberg
full traffic load on the other side
• Partial expansion of one of the two [Schö- mig, 2000] with a span of approx.
150 m was planned with a diagonal truss
roadway slabs to 20 m
at the hangers in order to allow the arch
The planning of the Danube bridge in and its infill to also participate in the
Fischerdorf is also an example of the high transfer of asymmetrical loads. Due to the
value placed on the durability of the weight of the concrete roadway, the very
structure by project owners today. Not slender diagonals are virtually prestressed
only were any renovation measures for in tension, so that the compressive forces
the concrete deck carefully planned in from the truss effect primarily only reduce
advance, but the builder also required a the tensile forces from permanent loads in
proof of operational strength - very the diagonals. Due to the diagonal infill,
unusual for a road bridge in Germany at the stiffening girders can be designed with
the time. In the future, fatigue verifications a lower construction height.
will also have to be carried out for road Despite the advantages described, there
bridges in accordance with the rules of the are only a few tied-arch bridges for which
European body of standards, unless it is this type of infill was chosen. On the one
possible to demonstrate a fatigue-compliant hand, this is certainly due to the fact that it
design by means of structural measures, as is not easy to achieve an optimal aesthetic
is the case with orthotropic steel truss layout. On the other hand, the pre-
roadways. tension in the diagonals is only present to
its full height in the final state, so that
under certain circumstances it is not
possible for intermediate
406 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
The use of a pre-tensioning system is This made it possible to avoid displacing
necessary in the case of the most difficult the landfill at the foot of one of the piers.
conditions and less loaded diag- nals. It was also possible to make the
The trade-off between economic and superstructure, which only spans a
technical possibilities and the demands on maximum of 42 m over piers and arch
aesthetic design is increasingly playing a supports, much slimmer.
decisive role in the planning of bridges. As The arch consists of a two-cell
the tied-arch designs over the reinforced concrete box, which was
Mittellandka- nal [Beuke, 1998] show, constructed from both sides of the valley
very unusual arch shapes and designs are using the cantilever method.
sometimes chosen for purely architectural The composite superstructure is a steel
reasons. box with an overlying concrete roadway
-infill panels were selected. supported by additional outer diagonals,
see Fig. 4.2.3-8, Section The
diagonals are short-circuited via a tension Arch bridges strip that is bonded to the roadway slab.
This transverse composite beam not only
Real arch bridge acts in the transverse frame system of the
As already described for the tied-arch box, but also provides local support for
bridge, arch structures prefer to carry the slab. The combined effect of
their loads via normal forces, i.e. the arch transverse tension, bending and local load
is subjected to compression. In contrast to trasnfer requires some special
the tied-arch bridge, however, the considerations with regard to the design
horizontal loads of the true arch bridge are and construction of this unusual
transferred from the arch effect at the composite beam, which could also be
abutment into the ground. This means that regarded as a reinforced concrete beam
no tensile forces occur in the roadway with external steel reinforcement [Denzer
girder. However, this type of load trasnfer et al., 2000].
requires a correspondingly stiff foundation A fundamental feature of the bridge is
that prevents horizontal displacements at its one-piece superstructure. With a one-
the base of the arch. These conditions are piece superstructure, it must be possible
met in the following example. to renew one directional carriageway
The viaduct over the Wilde Gera in the while maintaining traffic on the other
Thuringian Forest is an arch bridge with directional carriageway. This leads to
an overhead roadway that crosses a deep considerable additional loads in the
valley floor (longitudinal section Figure superstructure, which must be taken into
5.4.4-14), see [Denzer et al., 2000], account in the design and construction.
[Wölfel, R. 1999]. The load-bearing rock The problem is that the torsionally rigid
close to the top of the terrain allows a box cross-section is opened over a certain
shallow foundation for the arch footings. area and torsional moments can only be
The original administrative design transferred via arching force stress. The
envisaged a beam bridge with piers up to shear center point and main cross-section
110 m high and spans of between 60 and axes also shift in this area. The
114 m. The special design with a wide- investigations for
span arch made it possible to achieve the
5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 407

Figure 5.4.4-14 Wilde Gera viaduct, longitudinal section

the Wilde Gera viaduct have shown that The Pùnt la Resgia bridge near
the condition "replacement of the Innerferrera in Switzerland has a
carriageway of one half of the bridge over comparable main structure to the "Wilde
a length of 12 to 15 m" becomes a design- Gera" bridge, but with a different use of
relevant load case for the transverse materials [Ge- rold, 2001]. The span
frame. In addition, when replacing the between the transoms is 45.7 m.
carriageway in the end spans, additional This is also a real arch bridge with an
measures for lift-off protection at the elevated roadway (Fig. 5.4.4-15).
abutment must be taken into account. However, the arch, supports and deck
With regard to the separation cut in the girders are made of glulam. The concrete
middle of the slab when replacing one half deck slab forms a composite transverse
of the carriageway, it is necessary to arrange section with the longitudinal girders. The
an additional longitudinal girder in the anchoring is carried out via reinforcement
middle of the bridge to support the bars glued into the timber girders (see Fig.
carriageway slab, which in the case of the 5.4.4-16). For the longitudinal beams and
Wilde Gera viaduct was designed as a the center sill of the arch
reinforced concrete beam.

Figure 5.4.4-15 Pùnt la Resgia arch bridge (source M. Gerold)

408 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
As the construction to accommodate the
large horizontal forces would have been
disproportionately complex and
expensive, a modified arch bridge was
chosen. The two steel arches, which are
slightly inclined towards each other and
from which the deck is suspended, are
supported against the roadway deck at the
transoms via steel diagonal braces. This
transfers part of the arch shear force back
Figure 5.4.4-16 Detail wood-concrete
into the composite girders, where it is
short-circuited as a tensile force in the
deck. The load on the subsoil is thus
the cantilevered concrete slab as considerably reduced, see [Schmackpfeffer
constructive wood protection. The timber et al.,1999], [Gebert/Schmackpfeffer, 2000],
components were also additionally [Heiland et al., 2000]. The modified arch
impregnated by spraying or dipping. system is a hybrid system between the tied
arch, which transfers the entire tensile
Hybrid arch construction force over the roadway, and the true arch,
Unlike the Wilde Gera viaduct, the which transfers the entire arch thrust into
Beesedau Saale bridge is not founded on the ground.
load-bearing rock, but on relatively soft
ground. Since a rigid green

Figure 5.4.4-17 Saale bridge Beesedau, view

Figure 5.4.4-18 Saale bridge Beesedau, cross-section

5.4 Arch and tied-arch bridges 409

Figure 5.4.4-19 Elbe bridge Pirna, longitudinal section

The superstructure cross-section consists This form of construction has recently

of two separate composite boxes, which been realized in a number of composite
are only coupled at a distance of 13.20 m bridges. Examples include the Isar Bridge
via the steel hanger cross-beams and the in Grünwald [Fink, 1999] and the
curved and inclined strut cross-beams. Humboldt Harbour Bridge in Berlin
This longitudinal separation of the [Schlaich/Schober, 1999b], an attractive
roadway slab serves to enable the roadway tubular structure. In both cases, these are
slab to be replaced on one side at a later steel arches that carry a composite
date. Similar to the Wilde Gera viaduct, superstructure or a prestressed concrete
considerable additional effort was required superstructure and can be prefabricated
for this. In particular, the cross girders and attached to the superstructure
could not be designed as composite girders relatively easily due to their lower weight
but only as steel girders and had to be and the possibility of prefabrication.
dimensioned for one-sided loading In contrast, the construction of the
[Gebert/Schmackpfeffer, 2000]. reinforced concrete semi-circular arch for
The Saalebrücke Beesedau is also close the Pirna Elbe bridge in cantilever
to the tied arch as a mixed system because, construction with auxiliary pylon and
unlike most real arch bridges, it does not bracing causes considerable effort. The
have an elevated roadway, such as the coupling between the concrete arch and
Wilde Gera viaduct, but a roadway the steel box of the composite
construction below, which is attached to superstructure is also complex, see Fig.
the arch via round steel hangers. 5.4.4-20. In this area, the superstructure is
designed as a double composite cross-
Arch bridge anchored in itself section with a lower concrete slab. Steel
The third example, the Elbe bridge Pirna weights fitted with dowels protrude into
[Eilzer et al., 1999], as an arch with a the arch cross-section and short-circuit
roadway on top, again corresponds more the arch compression force with the tensile
to the typical image of an arch bridge. force present in the superstructure. The
However, the compressive force of the transfer of concentrated high normal
reinforced concrete arch spanning over forces directly via the bond joint between
134 m over the Elbe is completely steel and concrete poses a particular
transferred back into the steel composite problem. It can be avoided, as in the case
structure of the superstructure via arch of the Saalebrücke Beesedau bridge, where
sections in the course of the side spans the force transmission between the steel
supported over 90 m, see Fig. 5.4.4-19. arch and the composite superstructure
only takes place via the steel structure.
The examples of anchored arch bridges
mentioned above show the particular
410 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.4.4-20 Elbe bridge Pirna, connecting structure arch superstructure

The wide variety of solutions that are Pylon(s). The stretch beam is connected
possible in composite bridge construction. to the cables in such a way that it is quasi
Optimal designs can be achieved with a elastically supported. The cables are
consistent mixed construction, which attached to the pylon and transfer their
allows low-cost construction with an forces there.
aesthetic, filigree appearance and A distinction is made between three
flexibility for later roadway replacement. basic systems (Table 5.5-1):
For example, why not arrange an internal
1. Bundle system
steel girder in the concrete arch as an
2. Harp system
auxiliary support for the formwork during
3. Fan system
construction and as a coupling element in
the composite joint in the final state? In the bundle system, all cable axes
Development will certainly continue in intersect at one point on the pylon axis and
the area of these hybrid constructions. are anchored in an anchoring structure.
With many cables, however, this can lead
5.5 Cable-stayed bridges to space problems at the pylon head. The
pylon is only stressed by normal forces
GERHARD GIRMSCHEID and therefore favorably. When viewed in
(except sections and 5.5.6) perspective, the cable overlaps usually result
in an aesthetically unsatisfactory
5.5.1 Design principles appearance.
The harp system has a particularly
In the international arena, cable-stayed attractive, aesthetic appearance. The
breaks for large spans have proven to be cables are anchored in the pylon at quasi-
extremely economical in recent decades. equidistant intervals. Due to their equal
Cable-stayed bridges consist of the inclination, they receive equally high tensile
following load-bearing elements: forces [Leonhardt/Zellner, 1972]. The
stretching girder, cable, pylon is not only stressed by normal forces,
but also by bending moments.
5.5 Inclined cable 411
Table 5.5-1 Basic systems of cable-stayed bridges

The fan system largely combines the The cables are arranged at quasi-
advantages of the two systems mentioned equidistant intervals on the stretched
above. The cables are utilized equally. The beam (Fig. 5.5-1).
anchoring in the pylons is sufficiently far cable bridges with a few large cables:
apart. Due to the large number of cables, a
veil of relatively thin cables is formed. 1. special construction aids to bridge the
This creates an aesthetically pleasing large areas between the suspensions,
appearance. 2. special local reinforcements in the
The development trend for cable-stayed stretch beam,
bridges is moving from systems with a few 3. special measures for anchoring the
large cables to small multi-cable systems cables in the crossbeam.
[Leonhardt et al., 1974], in which

Figure 5.5-1 Development trend from mono to multi-cable system

412 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.5-2 Comparison of systems with one cable level and two cable levels
One cable level Two cable levels
Torsionally rigid cross-section No torsionally rigid cross-section required
1 required (hollow cross-section) (e.g. U-shaped cross-section is sufficient),
therefore lighter stretch beam
Compared to two cable levels: Larger Compared to a cable level: Easier
cables at the same distance or the anchoring due to smaller cable
same cables at a smaller distance diameter

3 - Higher spatial system rigidity

Examples: Examples:

In addition, the large cables are often no can be further increased if two cables are
longer pre-assembled and therefore have used (Table 5.5-2).
to be produced on site. Due to a tight cable suspension, the
The multi-cable systems enable an yield beam is elastically bedded, which is
economical, rational solution. The cable why only small shear forces and bending
spacing is chosen so close that: moments arise [Girmscheid, 1987-2]. A
comparison with the bending moments of
1. prefabricated cables can be used,
a beam with the same span shows the
2. no special auxiliary equipment is
order of magnitude of the differences
required for cantilever construction,
(Table 5.5-3).
thus ensuring a cost-effective and fast
As can be seen from the principle
construction process,
distribution of internal forces (Table 5.5-3,
3. individual cables can be replaced under
stay cable system), the normal force acting
traffic conditions.
in the longitudinal direction, which is
With multi-cable systems, the bending caused by the horizontal components of
moments and the shear forces in the the stay cables, is usually the dominant
cantilever beam are small and the bridge is internal force in the yield beam
loaded evenly. This results in a low overall [Girmscheid, 1987-2]. A global load-
height, which is only dependent on the bearing analysis of a cable-stayed bridge
cable spacing and thus, if the stability leads to the conclusion that the entire
criteria are met, on the overall length of yield beam can be considered in analogy
the bridge [Girmscheid, 1987-1]. The to an elastically embedded beam. This
economic efficiency of the construction results in the following decisive internal
can be forces:
5.5 Inclined cable 413
Table 5.5-3 Bending moment comparison of beam and cable-stayed bridge
Beam system Inclined cable system

1. Drawbeam: the concept is to build the section girder

Large normal forces; small, continuous as light as possible in order to achieve
bending moments between the rope small cable cross-sections. This also
suspensions means that the masses are reduced not
2. Plate: only for the stretching girder and the
mostly due to the normal forces in the cables, but also for the pylons and the
yield beam in the entire area under foundation. However, it should also be
compressive stresses noted that cables must be measured for
3. Ropes: Tension both static tensile stress and fatigue stress.
4. Pylon: If the tension member becomes very light,
Large normal forces (total dead load + e.g. in an all-steel version, the dead load
live load), minimum possible moments can drop to the order of magnitude of the
from eccentric traffic etc. live load [Roik et al., 1986]. The static
tensile strength of the cable cannot be
An economical solution is always found utilized at these high stress amplitudes
when the specific properties of concrete compared to the static load. Therefore,
and steel are consistently utilized. despite its low overall weight, the pure
Supporting members that are mainly steel version with its complex orthotropic
subject to compressive stresses should plate is only economical for very large
therefore be made of the relatively cheap spans or extremely high slenderness.
reinforced concrete, and supporting Instead, for smaller and medium spans,
members that are subject to high tensile lightweight steel plates are used.
stresses should be made of steel profiles. If
these criteria are summarized under the
aspect of the overall optimization of the
414 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
and cost-effective stretched beams made The cable consists of the anchorage, the
of steel-concrete or composite rope and the corrosion protection; in
construction. Economical solutions are addition to the static strength, it must
obtained for these spans if the following above all have sufficient (dynamic) fatigue
load-bearing members are selected: strength, as the cable forces often have a
• Reinforced concrete or steel main large oscillation range between upper and
girders lower tension. Table 5.5-4 lists some of the
• Reinforced concrete slab instead of cable characteristics [DIN 18809, 1987],
orthotropic steel slab [DIN 18800, 1990], [prEN 1993-1-
• Reinforced or prestressed concrete cross 11, 2001].
beams The fully locked ropes are very
• Reinforced concrete pylon with pre- complex to manufacture. Parallel wire
tension in the anchoring area ropes and tension rods, on the other hand,
are only bundled in carefully combed,
parallel layers and then tied with a strand
at a high pitch, which results in
5.5.2 Construction elements
significantly lower manufacturing costs. It
is incomprehensible that there is hardly Angled cable
any price difference between the rope
types in market competitions. It is
The stay cables are the distinctive load-
therefore necessary to keep all options
bearing elements of the stay cable bridge.
open when designing in order to select the
They contribute significantly to system
most favorable offer with regard to the
rigidity and system damping. Today,
overall optimization of the construction.
factory prefabricated cables are usually
The favorable influences that increase
used, which consist of the cable and the
the fatigue resistance of parallel cables are
anchorage heads and are provided with
not fully effective with concrete stay cable
permanent or temporary corrosion
bridges. This means that fully locked
protection. The laid ropes and the parallel
cables are also a good solution despite the
wire ropes usually consist of individual
lower modulus of elasticity.
wires with a diameter of 5-7 mm
The stiffness of the cable-stayed bridges
[Merkblatt: Ebene Seiltragwerke, 1980].
depends largely on the stiffness EA of the
These steel wires have a higher carbon
stay cables. However, this stiffness is not
content than mild steel and therefore a
only influenced by the modulus of
higher strength, which is significantly
elasticity, which depends on the type of
increased by cold forming (wire drawing).
cable, but also by the sag f of the cables
However, the higher strength comes at the
[Ernst, 1965], which is independent of the
price of significantly lower ductility, which
type of cable (Fig. 5.5-2).
can be seen from the elongation at break.
In order to be able to work with an
The following rope types are usually used
idealized straight rope without sag in
for diagonal cable-stayed bridges:
structural engineering [Girmscheid, 1987-
1. Parallel ropes with strands or wires 2], the secant modulus must be calculated,
[Andrä/Zellner, 1969]. which represents the
2. Fully locked ropes [Havemann, 1962]
3. Tendon steel bundles or single bars
[Finsterwalder et al., 1985], [Technical
documentation: Single tendons, 1986].
5.5 Inclined cable 415
Table 5.5-4 Rope types for cable-stayed bridges

Reference values Max - ∅ *)

Modulus of elasticity [104

Breaking load **) [kN]

Corrosion protection

Cable type


- Galvanizing
Open spiral

– Auxiliary bracing
- Coating – Pull ropes for
- HDPE narrow assembly



- Mechanic protection - Main suspension
through galvanized cables
Fully locked coil

Z-wires Inner
- wires
Layed ropes (spiral ropes)

in zinc dust/aluminum

- Outer wires

with coating


- Galvanizing - Auxiliary ropes for

- Coating assembly

9 - 12

- Temporary: - Main suspension

Wires greased, cables
Parallel wire

- Permanent:
HDPE cladding tube
pressed out with wax-

based p l a s t i c



- Permanent
Greased, waxed
Parallel strand
Parallel ropes

strands in tightly
extruded HDPE
sheathing loosely
drawn into HDPE


sheathing tube


- Coating - Main suspension

prestressing steel bars

Rod bundle Single

from single bars

- Injected into PE or
steel cladding pipe
with cement



*) Larger diameters possible

**) Approximate order of magnitude
416 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Fig. 5.5-2 Stiffness change of the rope depending on the sag

sag is taken into account. The elastic are sometimes caused by the detachment
relationship is as follows: of v. Kármán's wind vortices, but mostly
Esek 1 by so-called rain-wind-induced
6E =10+ K -0a2 - 105-6 (Eq. 5.5-1) vibrations are stimulated.
As a solution of [Szabo, 1972]:
γ 2 - (σ + σ ) - E - 106 (Eq. 5.5-2)
∂2 w∂2 w
K= s u o m =S (Eq. 5.5-3)
0204 - σ 2 -0σ
7∂t2 7∂x2

The following average cable distances results in the natural frequencies of a straight
have proven to be useful (Table 5.5-5): rope (Fig. 5.5-3):
Table 5.5-5 Cable spacing as a function of
the section beam design
fk = 9l - k = 1, 2, 3, ...

m3 (Eq. 5.5-4)
Stretch beam Cable spacing
reinforced concrete 5 - 10 m The undamped cable can reach
considerably large amplitudes (resonance
Composite construction 10 - 15 m range!). To keep these small
Steel 15 - 25 m

The fluctuation range of the cable

spacing depends on the roadway width
and traffic load. The distance is
determined from the maximum cable
force for cable sizes that can still be
manufactured in the factory.
Due to its low bending stiffness, small
cross-section and high tension, the single
rope is sensitive to vibrations like a string.
These vibrations Fig. 5.5-3 Natural oscillations of the single rope
5.5 Inclined cable 417
In the case of v. Kármán vibrations, Stretch beam
sufficient damping must be provided, and
in the case of rain-wind-induced The task of the stretch member is to
vibrations, a rough surface and wiping of
1. to transfer the local loads to the cable
the water jet must be ensured.
The equation for the damped rope is
2. the overall system in the global
[Szabo, 1972]:∂2
∂2 w w ∂w
m =S -p+β (Eq. 5.5-5) load distribution to achieve the necessary
7∂t2 7∂x2 5∂t give,
3. to distribute concentrated loads to
S = Rope neighboring cables.
p = Wind excitation force per unit length
The stay cable systems under
m = rope mass per unit length
consideration are anchored systems in
β = velocity-proportional damping
which the horizontal components of the
cable forces are introduced into the
Damping can be achieved by:
stretching girder and do not act on the
1. Injecting the PE casing pipes with abutments. As a result, the horizontal
cement mortar, components of the cables place the area
2. Attach neoprene rings to the end of the enclosed by them under compressive
steel anchor tubes (these also prevent stress [Girmscheid, 10/1987]. As a result,
bending stresses in the cable at the the stretching beam is subjected to
anchor head), compressive normal forces by the cables.
3. Installation of shock absorbers in the Only a small area in the middle between
cable anchoring area of the draw frame, the first two cables of the cable planes is
4. Attachment of negatively inclined not under prestress. In the case of
stabilizing cables. concrete beams, this area is prestressed by
longitudinal tendons, which are usually
pulled into the next two cable bays. The

Table 5.5-6 Cross-sections for the suspension of the stretched beams

Suspension Direct Indirect

Assessment Advantages: Disadvantages:

1. Direct force progression 1. Redirection of forces
2. Continuous construction process 2. Additional constraint
3. Heavy cross members
418 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
forces in the yield beam are of decisive to transfer the loads to the cable level(s)
importance for dimen- sioning, as the (Table 5.5-6).
bending moments from the dead load are
relatively small and the bending moments
from traverse are only slightly larger. The Pylons
large normal force has a very favorable
effect on concrete, as the tensile stresses The pylons are load-bearing elements with
are overpressed. This allows relatively predominantly normal force stress
simple and light cross-sections, as all loads [Girmscheid, 1987-2] from the cables.
are transferred by the cables as elastic Bending moments are mainly caused by
supports. brake forces, temperature, wind and
The suspension of the section girder earthquakes. The pylon types in Table 5.5-
should be such that the loads can be 7 offer a possible solution for anchoring
transferred directly from the main girders the multi-cable systems with the two cable
of the section girder to the cables without layers. Cantilever pylon towers do not form
additional deflection via the cross girders a frame in the transverse direction and are
(Table 5.5-6). In the case of expanded therefore less prone to deformation and
girders designed as a girder grid and main therefore susceptible to torsional
girder plate system, the cables are arranged vibrations (Table 5.5-8).
in two levels and anchored directly in the The shape of the A-pylons results from
main girders of the expanded girder. In the optimization of the costs of the overall
the case of box cross-sections, additional structure. The A-pylon gives the system
cross beams must generally be arranged.

Table 5.5-7 Pylon types for two cable levels

Designation Pylon shapes
1. Cantilever
pylon towers

2. A-pylons *)

*) A-pylon with anchoring post

3. H-pylons and
portal pylons
5.5 Inclined cable 419
Table 5.5-8 Influence of the pylons on the deformation behavior of the yield beam
Cantilever pylon A-Pylon

Deformation S-1 S l S S
δ1 = 2 -l=2 -l
δ1 = (S+2
E5A 34)
= 1.5 - l
δ2 = 0 l S S
δ2 = ( )
E5A 32
= 0.5 - l

high torsional stiffness; this enables a However, this system is relatively resistant
lightweight, open stretched beam (Table to deformation in the transverse direction.
5.5-8). The static shape of a The lateral deformation of the system can
"Two-stroke" generates only slight bending be reduced by keeping the inward-
due to the dead load and during positioned legs short (Table 5.5-7). If the
construction. The pylon tip does not modified A-pylon becomes too soft due to
deform laterally in the pure A-pylon, the dimensional ratios, a rigid truss is
except in the A-pylon with attached formed below the runway, which only
anchoring stem. As a result, no additional receives normal forces and thus exhibits
bending moments arise due to the high negligible node displacements. This truss
cable forces, in contrast to the portal and stiffener greatly increases the transverse
H-pylons. A-pylons are only indicated if stiffness, which is particularly necessary in
the height-to-width ratio remains in the the event of earthquakes. However, the
range of 0.3 ≤ b/h ≤ 0.7. The greater the production of this pylon form in concrete
ratio b/h, the greater the spread and the is very complex.
associated horizontal shear force in the With H-pylons, the different horizontal
foundation. In addition, an excessively force from the two cable planes due to one-
inclined pylon column made of concrete sided traffic load must be absorbed by the
is difficult to produce. Not only the bending stiffness of the crossbars at the
associated cost increase, but also the pylon head and the torsional strength of
aesthetic appearance requires a the pylon legs.
modification of the shape. As anchoring the cables to the pylon
If the positive influences of the A- head of the A-pylon is very complicated
pylons on the torsional stiffness and the due to the spatial inclination of the cables,
associated aerodynamic stability are to be there is now a shift back to the less optimal
maintained, a transverse beam (tension) is H-pylons and portal pylons. The H- and
introduced below the roadway and the portal pylon types have the following
pylon legs are inclined inwards. The advantages during manufacture and
420 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
1. Anchoring to the pylons and the The disadvantages are that:
stretching girder is easier because the
cables are only inclined in one plane. 1. two cable mounting devices are
2. The cable planes are distributed over required in the pylon stems,
the two piston stems, so there are no 2. more masses are required,
space problems for the tensioning 3. the H-pylon in the transverse direction
press. is a frame that requires more bending
3. Production is simplified. stiffness because it is softer than a pure

Table 5.5-9 Effect of storage on the state variable

1st system with side and main opening Assessment

Moments and shear forces
remain small and evenly
distributed over the entire
length of the bridge. This
makes it possible to have a low,
constant height of the
cantilever beam.
Lifting forces due to traversing
load and possibly dead load are
generated on the fixed or
moving bearing by the
suspension cables. Relatively
large end tangent angle φE
worsens the dynamic behavior.

2nd system with external, side and main opening Assessment

The outer fields force a small
end tangent angle φE as well
as smaller deformations v in
the main opening (rail
traffic). Disadvantages:
These positive aspects come
at the cost of relatively large
internal forces at the
transition from the outer to
the side opening. This means
that a larger cross-section of
the main girders is required
in the outer spans and at the
transition to the side span.
This makes construction
more difficult and more
5.5 Inclined cable 421
5.5.3 Storage conditions tem 2). Another way to reduce the end
tangent angle is to extend the system over
The longitudinal support of the overall the side piers as a cantilever and articulate
system - consisting of the main structural the foreland bridge there.
elements of the cantilever beam, cable and The bearing of the longitudinal system
pylon - has a decisive influence on the has a decisive influence on the behavior of
distribution of internal forces the pylon [Girmscheid, 1987-2]. The
[Girmscheid, 1987-2]. The aim is to longitudinal systems can be guided freely
achieve a uniform distribution of shear on the staggers or fixed to one or all end
forces and moments due to dead load, if piers (Table 5.5-11). The cantilever beam
possible without local jumps. Due to this and the pylon head of system 1 (Table 5.5-
uniform loading, the yield beam can be 11) can move by the same amount without
designed with a low, constant any restoring effects occurring in the
construction height over the entire length pylon head. As a result, the vertical load
of the bridge. These uniform, relatively also remains vertical as a vertical load in
small internal forces can only be achieved the pylon. The resulting large buckling
with a completely elastically supported length requires a considerable bending
beam that only has fixed bearings at the stiffness of the pylons in the longitudinal
edge. Any additional constraint due to a direction of the bridge. In System 2 (Table
fixed support causes significantly higher 5.5-11), the deflection of the pylon head is
internal forces in a local area. The limited to the elastic dimension of the
advantages and disadvantages of two system. The fixed bearing at the end pier
possible basic systems can be seen in activates restoring forces when the pylon
Table 5.5-9. head deflects. Together with the vertical
As a rule, the superstructure must be force at the pylon head, these form the
anchored to the side span pillar due to the resultant force that passes through the
large restraining forces of the last ca- ble clamping point at the base. The internal
(Table 5.5-10). In systems with an outer forces are determined according to theory
span, these lifting forces can be reduced II. order [Girmscheid, 10/1987].
by the weight (support reaction) of the
outer span (Table 5.5-9, Sys-

Table 5.5-10 Anchoring options

Static system Solution Train pendulum Steel clamp solution
422 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.5-11 Effect of the longitudinal system support on the pylons
Bearing of Freely movable Firm
the pillars
No. 1 2


VR = Vertical resultant of the rope VR = Vertical resultant of the

forces rope forces
SII = Rope forces
G = Weight forces
δki = Displacement of the pylon according RII = Restoring forces of the ropes
to theory II. order vel = elastic length change of the
ropes according to theory II:
G = Weight forces
δki = Displacement of the pylon
according to theory II.
II. order

Buckling sk ≅ 2h sk ≅ 0.7h
Advantages 1. Temperature and K+S deformations 1. Longitudinal forces in the
symmetrical fixed bearing without
2. Roadway transitions equal bending
2. Favorable effect on
Disadvantages 1. Longitudinal forces via pylon bending

In order to dissipate the wind forces of the stretching girder on the pylon legs
acting on the cables and the stretching should be designed as plain bearings,
girder, the system must be supported which can be preloaded by springs to
laterally at the end pillars or at the pillars ensure sufficient and safe lateral support.
and pylons. At least the lateral support
5.5 Inclined cable 423
5.5.4 Aerodynamic behavior wind currents, such as those that prevail
in high gusts [Leonhardt et al., 1974].
Large bridge systems are set in vibration These wind flows are caused by medium
by dynamic forces [Klöppel/Thiele, 1967], wind speeds, which are very energetic. If
caused by the wind's uplift and torque the system does not have sufficient
forces, which act on the stretching girder internal damping, dangerous resonance
and lead to so-called flutter vibrations and oscillations can occur, which can be
v. Kármán wind vortices. The effect of reduced by using streamlined, closed or
these forces can be reduced by partially closed cross-sections with a wind
nose. Large bridges that are exposed to
1. aerodynamic design of the cross-
strong, but only briefly acting gusts do not
section of the girder (reduction of the
get into dangerous resonance vibrations,
original dimensions) [Falster-Farø
as the energy supplied is usually not
Bridge, 1984],
2. Increasing the bending and torsional
After the collapse of the Tacoma
stiffness of the yield beam [Saul et al.,
Suspension Bridge (USA), the stretch
girders were designed to be very rigid.
3. Increase of the system damping of the
This was subsequently continued in the
total bridge [Gimsing, 1983].
case of cable-stayed bridges, in which the
These measures, separate or coupled, girder was designed as a box girder or
reduce the effects. In the first case, the truss tube with high torsional stiffness, but
wind-generated forces are kept low. In the this is not necessary for cable-stayed
second case, the stretching beam is made bridges, as they have greater system
so rigid that no oscillations build up at the torsional stiffness with two cable levels
wind speeds that occur in nature. In the with close suspension.
third measure, the system damping is so The narrow inclined cable suspension
great that the wind energy supplied to the with two cable planes prevents the build-
system is dissipated and the effects remain up of a simple mode of vibration. The first
small. reason is that each stay cable has a
The cross-section of the stretched beam different natural frequency and any small
is decisively influenced by the amplitude of a simple mode of vibration is
aerodynamic behavior of the overall disturbed by interference from vibrations
system. In order to fully exploit the of other frequencies. These systems have a
advantages of close cable suspension in high system damping and are therefore not
two cable planes, the aerodynamic susceptible to vibration [Girmscheid, 1987-
behavior of the overall system must be 2]. The system damping is much more
investigated. The wind drag can be effective than the pure material damping,
reduced to ct = 0.4 [Thie- le, 1976] by a which influences the vibration behavior of
streamlined aerodynamic design of the beam bridges.
stretching beam with a wind nose to The second reason lies in the non-
divide the wind flow. The more linearity of the elongation behavior of the
streamlined the airfoil is, the lower these long inclined cables [Magnus, 1976]. The
wind resistance coefficients become, abnormal resonance tube shows that no
especially in the area with a small blowing infinitely large amplitudes can occur
angle. Small blowing angles occur with (caution with short cables). As can be seen
laminar from the comparison in Table 5.5-12
424 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.5-12 System behavior with antimetric torsional vibrations
Cable-stayed bridge with cantilevered pylon Cable-stayed bridge with A-pylon

According to [Leonhardt/Zellner, 1970], 5.5.5 Constructive design of the

cable-stayed bridges with two external construction elements
cable planes have a high torsional stiffness
against the dangerous torsional vibrations. Stretch beam
This can be further increased if the two
cable planes are inclined to each other in Whether the stretched girder is made of
the transverse direction and combined in steel, composite or concrete depends on
an A-pylon. In contrast to H-pylons, A- the span and the conditions of the system.
pylons prevent the cantilevered pylon Due to the close cable suspension and the
heads from moving in opposite directions. resulting relatively small bending
A-pylons are therefore predestined for moments and very large normal forces,
large span widths or high traffic loads that concrete is the most suitable building
only allow small curvatures in the material [Girmscheid, 1987-1 and -2].
stretched girder. Reinforced concrete or Steel stretched girders are much lighter
composite stretch girders for cable-stayed and therefore suitable for very large spans,
bridges with two cable planes (system- composite stretched girders for medium
inherent damping) and close cable and large spans, reinforced concrete
suspension can therefore generally be stretched girders as a U-section for
designed as open U-sections without a medium spans and as a slab for small
streamlined shape due to their high system spans (Table 5.5-13). Combinations of
stiffness. This means that expensive, bending stiffness coupled main girders
aerodynamically closed cross-sections can made of different building materials have
usually be dispensed with. also been implemented several times.
Especially when

Table 5.5-13 Development of the span ranges for two cable levels
Stretched girder constructions Main spans
1. Reinforced concrete
cross-section Slab 100 m
U-cross-section 250-300 m
2. composite constructions
U-cross section 300-500 m
3. Steel structures with orthotropic plate ≥ 500 m
5.5 Inclined cable 425
the side openings are small compared to However, not all the favorable stiffnesses
the main opening, it is advantageous to inherent in the system of an inclined cable
manufacture the longitudinal beams of the bridge with two cable planes are
side openings from concrete and those of mobilized.
the main opening as composite or steel The development of the cross-sections
beams. of concrete or composite stretched girders
The advantages of the steel construction is moving from closed or semi-closed
method - lightness, rapid recovery in the cross-sections to open, simple cross-
event of a catastrophe and the fact that sections, which are designed as a girder
two main girders are usually sufficient grid with main and cross girders as well as
even for wide bridges - are offset by the a deck slab or as a main girder slab system
disadvantages that orthopaedic steel decks without cross girders. This is a logical
are more complicated and expensive than consequence of the system stiffness and
reinforced concrete or prestressed system damping considerations resulting
concrete slabs. In addition, the static load- from a system with two cable planes and
bearing capacity of the cables can the corresponding aerodynamic behavior.
sometimes not be utilized in steel With concrete and composite stretched
construction, as fatigue resistance beams, the span is relatively small so that
becomes the decisive design criterion. The the cables can generally be utilized to a
live load comes close to the dead load in greater extent.
light section beams. It is technically
possible to design cable-stayed bridges
with steel stretch girders as box cross-
sections with a cable plane. Due to the one
cable level

Table 5.5-14 Comparison of prefabricated and in-situ concrete stretched beams

Ready-made solution In-situ concrete solution
Advantages - Production under optimal - Monolithic construction without
environmental conditions, additional mounting tendons
without weather influences - No special storage space required for
- Shortening the construction time: finished parts
a) Through continuous pre-
production during greening
and pylon production
b) Quick assembly
z. e.g. using the lift-slab method
Disadvantages - Additional longitudinal tendons - Production only during satisfactory
are required for installation in climatic conditions
order to turn the multi-joint - Quality of concrete may not be as
system, consisting of consistent as with precast elements,
prefabricated segments and but sufficient (construction sites
cables, into a continuous abroad)
system and to provide sufficient
pressure for the epoxy adhesive
at the joints.
426 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures Concrete stretched beams The girder grid system consists of two
external main girders and load-distributing
The expanded girder can be made from cross girders, which are arranged at
precast elements or monolithically from equidistant intervals. For structural
site-cast concrete. In the initial phase of reasons, a U-shaped expanded beam
development, prefabricated segments (consisting of main beams and slab) is
were used not only for production selected. The open U-shape has the center
reasons, but also to minimize the creep of gravity close to the plate. In addition to
and shrinkage shortening that would the main girder, the plate can also be used
cause changes in the rope forces. in the area of the effective width to
The construction process for the transfer the large normal forces. The
production of the stretched girder often spacing of the cross beams is selected so
takes up to a year. During this time, the that a slab thickness of d = 0.25 - 0.35 m is
stress in the stretched girder grows slowly sufficient. The slab mainly spans uniaxially
and continuously, which is why shrinkage in the longitudinal direction and is only
and creep have already greatly reduced by supported triaxially at the edge to the main
the end of the construction period. In girder. The normal forces cause the slab to
addition, the longwall girder contains large receive a pre-tension that overpresses the
quantities of concrete steel in the bending tensile stresses. Suspending the
longitudinal direction, which further cables from an A-pylon even results in a
reduces shrinkage and creep shortening. slight pre-tension in the transverse
Once the stretched girder has been direction of the slab.
completed, the cables can once again be The main beam-plate system represents
adjusted to the cable forces of a a further simplification of the
continuous girder under dead load. For construction method. The system consists
material and design reasons, there is of two external main beams and a
therefore no compelling reason to continuous, virtually infinitely long panel
manufacture the structure from strip. The slab spans uniaxially between
prefabricated parts if this is not more the main beams. In accordance with the
favorable in terms of the construction bending moment curve, the thickness
process, as the monolithic in-situ concrete increases linearly in the transverse
solution has the economic advantages direction, from the edge to the center of
shown in Table 5.5-14. However, the the plate. The slab is prestressed in the
construction time can be significantly transverse direction at intervals of 0.80 -
shortened by manufacturing the stretched 1.00 m with light tendons.
girder from prefabricated parts, as the The pure slab solution is very
prefabricated parts can already be economical for bridges that are not very
manufactured during pylon production. wide (two-lane with footpaths). Due to its
Prefabrication ensures a consistently high cross-sectional shape, it has excellent
concrete quality even during periods of aerodynamic behavior and is easy to
bad weather. manufacture. The slab is elastically point-
There are three options for the open mounted at the cable anchorages.
cross-section of the yield beam (Table 5.5-

1. the support grid system,

2. the main girder panel system,
3. the pure panel system.
5.5 Inclined cable 427
bridges Stretched beams in composite construction As already described, the U-shape is the
statically most favorable cross-section for
Two variants are available for a composite the girder grid systems. In the first variant
construction (Table 5.5-16): (Table 5.5-16), particular attention must
1. Steel main and cross girder grating with be paid to the creep of the concrete,
concrete slab which, like shrinkage, can be kept to a
2. Reinforced concrete main beam and minimum by using prefabricated slabs and
slab with steel cross beams a small water-cement factor.

Table 5.5-15 Concrete stretched girder systems

Concrete slab thickness

Cross-section of the stretch beam Cross
Literature reference


Cable distance [m]

Main opening [m]

Distance [m]
Height [m]


1. support grid system
Xiang Jia Tang Bridge

B + B design



2. main girder - panel system

New Ohio River Bridge

Quade & Douglas




3. panel system
Bänziger+Köppel, R. Walther (CH)
Rhine bridge Diepoldsau



428 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.5-16 Composite stretched girder systems

Concrete slab thickness

Cross-section of the stretch beam Cross
Literature reference

Cable distance [m]

Main opening [m]

Distance [m]
Height [m]


1. steel main and cross girders - reinforced concrete slab
New Ohio River Bridge (USA)
B+B - Design


2. reinforced concrete main girder - steel cross girder - reinforced concrete slab
Xian Jia Tang Bridge (China)

7.50 or (11.25)
B+B - Design


can. This is very important because the concrete slab can only withstand half of the
reinforced concrete slab should mainly normal forces in the long term due to
transfer the large normal forces not only creep and shrinkage, which is why the
at time t = 0, but also at time t → ∞. If main steel beams must be dimensioned
the slab can still shrink and creep more strongly. The precast slabs are
sufficiently, these forces are transferred to connected to each other above the cross
the main steel beam. One parameter is beams by butt-jointed reinforcement or
the ratio of the modulus of elasticity of by the PPCS method [Takenaka et al.,
steel and concrete after creep and 1986], [Girmscheid, 1986] and to the
shrinkage of the concrete. In contrast to main and cross beams by means of headed
a precast slab, in which shrinkage i s dowels.
largely completed by storage, a cast-in- The second variant (Table 5.5-16) offers
place slab takes over the shrinkage a further possibility to obtain a light and
process. economical construction.
5.5 Inclined cable 429
beams. The main girders, which are (road bridge) is 4.1 kN/m². For railroad
predominantly subjected to normal bridges, approx. 35 kN/m per track
forces, are made of reinforced concrete, applies.
while the cross girders, which are The internal forces are decisively
subjected to bending due to the slab's own influenced by the guidance of the bracings
load and the traffic, are made of steel. The in longitudinal and transverse direction,
roadway slab is overpressed by the high see section 5.5.1. If the bracings are
center of gravity of the cross-section and is arranged at large distances, larger bending
therefore made of reinforced concrete. For moments M and shear forces V occur on
the cable spacings mentioned, the main the discretely elastically supported beam
girder heights are h = 1.5 to 2.5 m for road and require cross-sections with
bridges and h = 3.0 to 5.0 m for railroad sufficiently large section modulus W for
bridges. The span ranges can be taken the yield beam. If, on the other hand, the
from Table 5.5-13. bracings are arranged at small distances, M
and V on the quasi-continuously
elastically supported beam remain small Steel stretch beam and cross-sections with a small section
modulus are possible. In all cases, the
FRANCESCO AIGNER horizontal components of the cable forces
and THOMAS PETRASCHEK in the yield beam result in compressive
forces that shift the zero line downwards
In the case of cable-stayed bridges for for positive moments and upwards for
road or rail traffic, steel stretch girders are negative moments. The normal forces
mainly economical for larger openings must be taken into account when
(guide values: road from 200-250 m, rail verifying the system load-bearing capacity
from 100-150 m). For bridges with large (stability!) and the cross-section load-
main openings and considerably smaller bearing capacity. Usually, the influence of
side openings, a combination of steel deflections on the bending moments
(main openings) and composite or (second order theory) is not very large
prestressed concrete (side openings) is and lies in the range between 3 and 15%.
usually more appropriate than the pure See [Volke, 1973] for the stabilization of
steel solution. Due to the possible large the yield beam by the cable geometry. By
slendernesses h/l and the practically specifying an appropriate pre-tension of
inexhaustible design possibilities, the statically indeterminate system that
pedestrian bridges are often built as cable- unifies the moment pattern of the
stayed bridges and are equipped with steel stretched girder, the stretched girder can
stretch girders (various color options!). be dimensioned economically, see Section
Curved supporting structures are also In addition to the final state, the
possible. Generally speaking, the design of relatively easy assembly by free cantilever
the stretched girders must be such that the construction must be taken into account
requirements for load-bearing capacity, when designing the stretched girder, see
serviceability and fatigue strength are met Chapter 9.
under the relevant loads. For the ratio of In addition to the longitudinal spacing
span to beam height, [Stahl- bau, 1985] of the anchoring points, the design or
gives a rough guide value of 60 ... 120 and shape of the stretched girder depends on
for the steel weight of the yield beam how the bracing is guided in the
transverse direction. If there is a central
girder bridge
430 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
(bridge with one or two closely adjacent and cross-sectional twists can be reduced.
cable planes in the center of the cross- Figures 5.5-4 and 5.5-5 show an
section), loads acting eccentrically with architecturally very appealing example of
respect to the cable plane must be a modern cable-stayed bridge with two
transferred by torsional moments in the bracing levels and a lower tubular bracing
section beam. In this case, the design as a (kinked for design reasons).
torsionally rigid cross-section is absolutely In these pictures you can also see the
essential. Central girder bridges are only strikingly designed brackets for the
suitable for separated traffic areas, e.g. introduction of the cable forces, and in the
highway cross-sections. Pedestrian second picture additionally the drawbars
bridges with a curved supporting for limiting the end tangent inclination
structure and a "cable area" (often located for future use as a railroad bridge. In
on one of the sides of the bridge) also have [Roik et al., 1986], various cross-sections
a torsionally rigid cross-section. If, on the of cable-stayed bridge girders with
other hand, there are two external cable openings between approx. 60 and 460 m
planes, open cross-sections are possible. and cross-sectional widths between
The applied loads are distributed to the approx. 7.0 and approx. 40 m for road
girder webs by transverse bending (in the bridges and some railroad bridges from
case of two girder webs, approximately 1955 to 1986 are shown. Although much
according to the lever law; more precise larger spans are used today, the
results are obtained according to the theory development of the typical beam cross-
of arch force torsion). A box cross-section sections can be studied on the basis of the
is of course also possible in this case. It examples given: The first designs
improves the transverse distribution of corresponded fairly closely to the cross-
eccentric loads, which reduces vertical sections commonly used for single-span
deformations in particular. bridges at the time.

Figure 5.5-4 Danube city bridge, installation status

5.5 Inclined cable 431

Fig. 5.5-5 Danube city bridge, bottom view [Pauser/Foller, 1997]

span and continuous girder bridges. Later can, however, differ significantly with
- also with regard to the ever-increasing closed profiles. Two-span solid-wall cross-
spans - more aerodynamically favorable sections are common today. A special case
cross-sections were used (risk of wind- is the cross-section of the Öresund Bridge
induced oscillations in long-span bridges (2001), which is intended for rail and
in the assembly and final state!), as they highway traffic. Figure 5.5-6 shows an
are also used in suspension bridges. When assembly condition.
assessing the aerodynamic stability, it In order to give the bridge a lightweight
should be noted that with open profiles the appearance despite the comparatively high
first bending and torsional eigenfre- girder (12.2 m at a distance of 490.0 m
quency practically coincide, which can be between the pylons), the stretching girder

Figure 5.5-6 Öresund Bridge, state of construction [Krumbach/Hamm, 2000].

432 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
The girder is designed as a postless strut z. The crosspieces are supported by round
truss. The two tracks are arranged at the tubes, for example, or the webs are
level of the lower chords, the road surface inclined. Combinations (inclined webs
above the upper chords. In Japan, post with support of the brackets) are
and diagonal trusses are sometimes found appropriate for very wide load-bearing
as GV-bolted constructions and with structures (highway cross-sections). In the
lattice-like cross sections. case of road bridges, longitudinal girders
In the case of central girder bridges, ("hem girders") are usually arranged in the
bridges with two cable planes with a area of the carriageway edges, which
relatively small spread or bridges with a distribute the large loads at the
curved supporting structure, this is always carriageway edges (lorry lanes, heavy
designed to be torsionally rigid (box with vehicles at the edge of the carriageway),
bottom plate or lower bracing). As the thus relieving the cross girders and
bending moments remain small with reducing the number of supports required
sufficiently tight bracing, a narrow base for the brackets. Fig. 5.5-7 shows the
plate is sufficient. In the case of vertical standard cross-sections of the main
webs, cantilevered brackets are supported opening of the Ilverich Rhine Bridge
by inclined compression struts at close (central girder bridge with 287.5 m main
intervals, opening), which was completed in 2001.
Fig. 5.5-8 shows the original cross-
section of the Arno Bridge Florence, 1978.

Figure 5.5-7 Rhine bridge Ilverich standard cross-sections [Saul et al., 2002].

Figure 5.5-8 Arno Bridge Florence, standard cross-section

5.5 Inclined cable 433

Figure 5.5-9 Bridge over Ludwigshafen main station, standard cross-section [Freudenberg, 1970].

Figure 5.5-9 shows the open, two-span The connection of the stretching girder
cross-section of the cable-stayed bridge to the pylons is also important for the
over the main railway station in design of the stretching girder. If the
Ludwigshafen/Rhine, which is suspended pylon or the pylon stems are located
from two cable levels outside the bridge. within the bridge cross-section, the pylon
Figure 5.5-10 shows the cross-section can be connected (hinged or clamped) to
of the cable-stayed bridge with torsionally the section girder or guided through
rigid box cross-section suspended from openings in the section girder and
two cable levels outside the bridge supported by the latter on the pier. Fig.
(Danube City Bridge Vienna, 1997). In 5.5.5-11 shows a bending stiffness
order to convert the bridge into a railroad connection between the stretching girder
bridge with a roadbed, the bending and the pylon on the Oberkassel Rhine
moments must be reduced. This is done bridge, which is particularly interesting in
by pulling in additional cables on brackets terms of assembly, see Section 9.
already provided for this purpose. A simpler design and more common
The anchoring points at which the today is the case where the pylon legs are
tension members are suspended from the outside the bridge cross-section (e.g. Λ-
cables (cable brackets) are of structural pylon). In this case, the stretching girder
importance. The anchoring of multi-cable can either be suspended only from the
systems with correspondingly small cable cables or connected to the pylons via cross
forces is naturally simpler than that of girders.
systems with few cables with very high
tensile forces. If the bracing brackets are
located on the outer sides of the cantilever Pylons
beam, the anchoring points can be
deliberately emphasized, see Fig. 5.5-5. In The pylon stems are usually designed as a
the case of central girder bridges, the large hollow steel cross-section with large wall
individual forces introduced via the cables thicknesses. The cross-section is mainly
must be transferred to the main girders by subjected to compressive forces. Steel
means of (usually full-walled) transverse pylons are only used when extremely
plates. If additional cross girders are slender constructions are required. In
arranged for larger cable spacings to concrete constructions, the pylons are
maintain the profile shape, truss plates can provided with slack reinforcement; pre-
also be used for these, see Fig. 5.5-7. tensioning is only necessary in the area of
the cable anchoring and the cable brackets.
TRAIN 8.50
1.0 3.25 3.25 1.0




the superstructures
5 Main supporting structures of

5.55 5.55
9.86 9.86

Figure 5.5-10 Donaustadtbrücke, cross-section for road and rail traffic [Pauser/ Foller, 1997].
5.5 Inclined cable 435

Longitudinal section in cable axisLongitudinal section in transverse axis

Fig. 5.5-11 Rhine bridge Oberkassel, bending stiffness of the connection between the stretched girder
and the pylon [Beyer et al., 1977].

in any existing cross beams is required. solution with a clevis or eye bar and bolt,
During the construction phase, the pylon the anchor is guided by a short steel tube
legs are cantilevers with relatively low with a damping ring (Table 5.5-17). This
normal forces from dead load, which are steel tube has the task of transferring the
subjected to bending. forces that are introduced at the flange of
Depending on the construction the anchor head to the concrete by shear,
method and pylon shape (e.g. A-pylon), of providing the concrete with additional
temporary pre-tensioning is necessary for membrane reinforcement in the
concrete pylons during the construction introduction area and of guiding the cable
phase. It should also be noted that cable- straight at the end by means of a pressed-
stayed bridges with a hard cable in neoprene damper ring in order to
arrangement require significantly stiffer prevent bending in the area of the anchor
pylons than those with a fan-shaped head.
arrangement [Stahlbau Handbuch, 2. The anchor head design options listed
Band, 1985], or back-tensioning must be in Table 5.5-18 [EN 1993-1-11, 2007] are
arranged on additional piers in the side available for mounting and fixing the
spans. This is due to the rigid anchor heads. The forces should be
deformability of the overall system, transferred directly; this is a basic
caused by the low vertical stiffness of the principle for an optimal design. For this
equally inclined cables. reason, the main girders of the tension
member should be attached directly to the
cables (Table 5.5-6). Cable anchoring The force application areas always
require additional effort from the engineer
The anchoring of the cables in the pylon in order to perform a realistic calculation
and in the stretch beam is a very in these areas. A very good picture can
important detailing task. With the always be achieved with a finite element
relatively large laid cables or parallel wire calculation by selecting a section of the
ropes, it is important to prevent cable application area. This more detailed
bending at the entrance to the anchor head investigation
due to fatigue strength problems
[Girmscheid, 1987-2]. If the steel
436 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.5-17 Design options for reducing the bending angle at the anchor head
Stretch beam Pylon


will be carried out in the execution case, at which cannot be bent over a cable saddle.
least for checking purposes. The Today, the cables are anchored in the
preliminary calculation can be carried out pylon. The anchor heads are placed at a
using the truss analogy (Table 5.5-19). minimum distance so that, in addition to
There are basically two options for installation, subsequent inspection and
anchoring the cables to the pylon: maintenance are also possible, which leads
to the fan system. The anchoring options
1. The continuous cable is guided over a are summarized in Table 5.5-19.
cable saddle and anchored only in the
main girders of the stretching girder.
2. The interrupted cable is anchored to the Corrosion protection
pylon and to the stretching girder.
The first method is only possible for laid Corrosion protection is of crucial
cables that can withstand bending with importance for the safety and durability of
transverse pressure. As the tendency with cable-stayed bridges. The measures to be
cable-stayed bridges is clearly towards taken depend on the type of cable (Table
multi-cable systems with dense 5.5-4 and Table 5.5-20).
suspensions, the cable saddle is usually However, the corrosion protection of
not practicable due to the space required the cables should be built up in several
and the resulting pylon height. In layers, independent of the cable, and
addition, mainly parallel wire ropes and basically consists of at least three stages:
parallel rod bundles are used.
5.5 Inclined cable 437
Table 5.5-18 Possible anchor head design
Picture Ref. Description Tighten
1 FEA Simple anchor head that -
serves as a fixed end
anchor head that is not
2 SPA Modified fixed anchor, By placing two-
which has an extended part steel plates
anchor sleeve with an (shims)
internal thread into underneath
which the press
3 SPA plunger is screwed By turning the
union nut

4 SPA An eye rod is screwed By hooking the

into the modified base eye rod into a pin
anchor in the internal between two
thread of the anchor anchored steel
5 FEA Modified form of No. 4.
The entire anchor head is
made of one casting with
eye bar

SPA = stressing
anchor FEA = fixed

• Corrosion protection of each individual In some circumstances, a water drainage

wire, opening may be provided in the outer
• Corrosion protection of the rope casing tube to drain off the condensation
interior t o prevent the ingress of that accumulates in the outer casing tube.
moisture, The wires, strands, cables and
• Corrosion protection of the rope anchorage heads must be protected
surface. against corrosion and damage at all stages.
This concerns
Furthermore, the anchoring construction
must be designed accordingly so that no • the construction phase with
water (snow, rain, fog, general moisture) production, transportation, storage and
can penetrate the end anchorages and assembly, and
deflection flaps, i.e. so that there are no • the utilization and operating phase.
weak points in the corrosion protection.
In addition, measures may have to be taken
All transitions and connections must
to protect against mechanical stress.
therefore be sealed with a permanently
elastic, non-brittle material (e.g. neoprene
cone in Fig. 5.5-14). In addition, the
438 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.5-19 Cable anchoring in the pylon head
Ref. System Advantages and disadvantages Structural analysis
- truss model

- Assembly and inspection
in the interior
- Weatherproof
- Simple anchoring of the
vertical cables
- Mounting from a platform
- Statically unfavorable: high
Hollow pylon

splitting tensile forces,

highly stressed
compression struts

anchoring (full pylon)

- Static: Rope forces overpress

each other
Offset crossed

- Anchoring the vertical cables

- Assembly of two platforms
Crossed anchoring (full

- Simple scarf work
anchor -

- Static: force application

- Special coupling anchors
- No large shuttering effort
- Statically clear force control
Structural steel

- Special anchor heads

5.5 Inclined cable 439
Table 5.5-20 Rope types for main load-bearing elements of cable-stayed bridges
Fully locked spiral rope (1 Parallel wire cable Parallel stranded cable
layer of Z-wires) Corrosion protection is dispensed with. However, the Galfan

for fully locked cables process is a new process and therefore the
long-term behavior is still largely
Fully locked coil ropes consist of a round unknown, which is why the process has not
wire core and one to several lengths of yet been used for main load-bearing
spirally laid Z-wires. Due to the elements.
manufacturing process, fully locked coil If the individual wires are galvanized,
ropes only have very small cavities the cavities between the wires are filled with
between the individual wires. Due to the a rope filler (zinc-rich primer on polyoil
closed surface, fully locked coil ropes base or rope filler with aluminium
generally offer a high level of corrosion powder) when the ropes are laid
protection. The individual wires are [Technical documentation: Fully locked
protected against corrosion by coil ropes, 2002]. Even with galvanized
galvanization (100% zinc) or by a Galfan ropes, additional corrosion protection is
coating (95% zinc, 5% aluminium). usually applied after installation by means
Depending on the wire diameter, the zinc of multiple coatings, as damage during
coating is between 180 and 340 g/m2, while transport and installation cannot be ruled
the zinc-aluminum coating of the round out.
and Z wires can b e up to around 300 g/m2. In the case of fully locked coil ropes, the
It should be noted that the galvanizing rope is anchored exclusively in conical or
process can negatively change the material cylindrical anchorage sleeves (Table 5.5-
properties of the steel (tensile strength, 18), which are mechanically cast.
fatigue behavior). Wires coated using the According to [ON EN 13411-4, 2009],
Galfan process also offer much better only lead or zinc-based alloys or ployester-
protection against atmospheric influences based zinc or synthetic resin casting
than purely galvanized wires; their systems with an inorganic filler and
resistance is three to four times higher suitable curing agent are suitable for
than that of normal hot-dip galvanized casting. The wire ends must be covered
wires, which is why additional corrosion with grouting material by at least 5 mm to
protection is generally not required when ensure full corrosion protection. The
using them. anchoring is fixed with a
440 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Covered with a protective cap. As with the can develop cracks over time. When
cables, the anchoring structure is given a cracked, the ropes are no longer
multi-layer anti-corrosion coating. surrounded by a completely closed,
alkaline environment. This can
subsequently lead to corrosion due to the Corrosion protection for parallel wire cables ingress of moisture (condensation water)
and oxygen. The following active and
Parallel wire cables consist of a certain passive fillers are used in today's cable
number of bare or galvanized wires with a systems:
diameter of 7 mm, which are combined
into a bundle of parallel wires. As a rule, • Active: Suspension of zinc in a
the wire bundle is drawn into a polyurethane oil,
polyethylene tube and the cavities are filled • Passive: permanently elastic-
with an anti-corrosion compound. plastic wax.
However, the anti-corrosion compound Depending on the number of wires, the
only provides additional protection if it is individual wires are anchored in an
not displaced or pressed out by water, heat anchor sleeve with an inner cone (up to
or vibrations. The choice of filling approx. 200 wires) or in the base body (up
compound depends both on the surface to approx. 400 wires).
treatment of the wires, as zinc and cement
injections, for example, are not • The wire bundle is fanned out in the
compatible (Table 5.5-21), and on the cone and the individual wires are
dynamic requirements regarding the anchored in a perforated plate with
damping of the cables. Cement injections upsetting heads. The cone is cast with a
are problematic insofar as the grouting casting compound consisting of epoxy
material is fatigued by the cable vibrations resin, steel beads and zinc dust. The
and can be damaged with the cable. polyethylene pipe is cast tightly into the
connecting pipe (Fig. 5.5-12).
• The base body is also staked with
upsetting heads. The

Anchor plate

Anchor Connection pipe

HPDE cladding tube

Parallel wire bundle

Potting Corrosion protection
Fig. 5.5-12 Cone anchorage HiAm (movable anchorage) [Technical documentation inclined cable,
5.5 Inclined cable 441
Anchor plate

Connection pipe
Base body protective
Telescopic tube
HPDE cladding tube

Wire guide
Pulling sleeve

Trumpet Corrosion protection


Fig. 5.5-13 Base body anchorage DINA (movable anchorage) [Technical documentation for stay
cables, 2002].

Sealing the holes in the base body with However, this is problematic during the
epoxy resin prevents the ingress of construction phase, as it can take several
oxygen and moisture and prevents months or even one to two years before
fretting corrosion. The wires are the cladding pipe is injected.
combined into a tight bundle in the Thick-walled HDPE pipes are generally
telescopic tube, the cavities are pressed used for stay cables. The pipe wall
out with a corrosion protection thickness depends on the handling of the
compound and the telescopic tube is cables during production, winding and
cast tightly into the connecting tube installation and on the pressure of the
(Fig. 5.5-13). corrosion protection compound during the
pressing work.
Parallel wire cables are supplied pre- It should be noted that steel ducts can
assembled, including the anchorage, only be used for cables that are not
pulled in and tensioned on site. At the end factory-made. Due to their length, steel
of the anchoring trumpet, the parallel wire ducts must be welded, whereby welds are
cable is stored in a neoprene ring and the generally weak points and can lead to
transition from trumpet to cable is sealed damage to the wires if not carried out
with a neoprene cone. The anchoring correctly (protruding braids inside the
construction is covered with a protective duct). Steel ducts are therefore hardly used
cover, which is also injected. Table 5.5-21 any more.
lists possible combinations of corrosion
protection measures for parallel wire
cables. Corrosion protection for parallel stranded cables
If bare wires are used, they must be
treated with a corrosion inhibitor (e.g. Parallel-stranded cables consist of
grease or wax). This temporary corrosion individual cable strands that are pulled
protection can be used without additional into a sheath one after the other. The cable
protective measures in strands have a diameter of 0.6˝, according
442 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Table 5.5-21 Combinations of corrosion protection measures

Components Possible combinations


blank X X
galvanized X
Corrosion protection compound
Permanently plastic X X
Cement injection X
Casing tube
HDPE pipe X X X
Steel tubes (X) (X) (X)

ASTM 15.2 mm (nominal cross-section prepared for installation (including

140 mm2, primarily used in the USA and removal of the HDPE sheathing in the
Asia) or according to European standard anchoring area). The strands are then
15.7 mm (nominal cross-section 150 mm2, pulled into an HDPE protective tube one
primarily used in Europe). A stranded wire after the other and tensioned. The cable
consists of 7 waxed or greased individual strands usually remain loose in the
wires with diameters of 5.1 - 5.2 mm per sheathing so that individual strands can be
wire, whereby the 6 outer wires are wound replaced at any time.
around the slightly thicker center wire. The anchoring of the parallel strand
The gaps between the wires are filled with bundles is fixed at one end of the cable
wax (e.g. System Mono- strand minimum and adjustable at the other, whereby the
120g/m [Technical documents: Stay individual strands are fixed with wedges
Cables, 2001]) or grease. The strand is for both types of anchoring (Fig. 5.5-14).
then wrapped in a tightly extrusion- The cables can be tensioned on both sides.
coated HDPE sheath (applied by dipping The most important element of on-site
and bonded to the steel wires by shrinking corrosion protection during installation is
during cooling). The tightly extruded to inject the cavities around the strands in
HDPE sheathing guarantees that the steel the fan-out area of the anchorage structure
is always protected from external with a corrosion protection compound that
influences, even when fully stretched. prevents the penetration of moisture in the
These cable strands are manufactured in long term [Technical documents: Stay
the factory to high quality standards as Cables, 2002], [Technical documents:
continuous strands and delivered to the Prestressing Systems, 2002]. The
construction site wound onto bobbins. corrosion protection compound must not
The cable strands are cut to the required be displaced or pressed out by water, heat
length on the construction site and or vibrations.
5.5 Inclined cable 443
Anchor plate Connecting tube
Stranded wires

Anchor head with wedge Neoprene cone

HPDE cladding
Protective cover tube

Anchor sleeve damper ring

Mother Trumpet tension ring

Corrosion protection
Figure 5.5-14 Anchoring system (retensionable)

At the end of the anchoring trumpet, The end system is developed from the
the parallel stranded cable is supported in systems of the construction stage. By pre-
a damper ring and the transition between tensioning the cables, a favorable moment
the trumpet cable and the cable is sealed curve can be set in the stretch beam. In
with a neoprene sleeve. The anchoring principle, this applies to all cable-stayed
structure is covered with a protective bridges, irrespective of the design of the
cover, which is injected. stretch girder.
The design of cable-stayed bridges in
composite construction therefore does not
5.5.6 Additions to composite and differ in principle from that of pure steel
mixed constructions or concrete systems. The shape of the
pylons, the number of cable levels and the
ULRIKE KUHLMANN arrangement of the cables are designed
and ANNETTE DETZEL according to the same criteria and lead to
the most diverse variants. Criteria for selecting the In addition to historical and regional
construction material for the face preferences - in Europe, North America,
frame Japan and Australia, for example, the road
surface was predominantly built in steel,
Cable-stayed bridges are one of the most while in South America and China the
promising bridge systems for the future building material was predominantly
and their development potential is far concrete - the different design of the road
from exhausted, as they combine decisive surface is mainly based on economic
economic advantages with a wide range of aspects.
aesthetic design options. In comparison to Due to the load-bearing system of the
arch bridges and the other cable-span cable-stayed bridge, a concrete stretched
system of suspension bridges, the fact that girder is provided with the compressive
the static load-bearing capacity of the prestressing that is so favorable for its
bridge is reduced by the successive mode of operation without the need for
cantilever construction starting from the expensive tendons. Compared to steel,
pyramids has a favorable economic effect. however, a concrete beam has the
disadvantage of a higher dead load. Pure
444 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Concrete roadway
Orthotropic slab

Composite roadway
Hybrid concrete/steel

200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Main span [m]
Fig. 5.5-15 Cost comparison for different stretch beam materials (source Leonhardt, Andrä und

Steel constructions, on the other hand, • The normal forces from the main
lead to a reduction in the required cable system generate a compressive prestress
cross-sections due to their lower weight, in the concrete slab. The tensile stresses
but only with very large span widths does that occur from the slab bending as a
this advantage outweigh the high result of local load application in the
production costs of the orthotropic concrete slab are largely overpressed by
roadway, see the compilation of the the pre-tension.
production costs of cable-stayed bridges • The steel girders are quick and easy to
as a function of the span width and the assemble and serve as scaffolding for
section girder material in Figure 5.5-15. the formwork of the concrete roadway.
The logical consequence of this is the • When the in-situ concrete slab is
introduction of composite construction produced in direct alignment with the
for the cantilever girder of cable-stayed steel structure, a self-weight composite
bridges. The materials concrete and steel is created, which leads to material
are primarily subjected to compression and savings.
tension in accordance with their • The dead load of the composite
properties. Installation is also simpler. The structure is lower than that of a pure
steel girders can be transported to the concrete structure, so that lower forces
construction site and assembled in large, are generated in the cables, pylons and
relatively light, prefabricated units and foundations. Compared to the pure
then serve as formwork girders for the steel construction, the composite
production of the concrete slab. construction is heavier. However, the
In detail, the following advantages of good damping properties make up for
composite construction for cable-stayed this disadvantage.
bridges can be formulated:
5.5 Inclined cable 445

Figure 5.5-16 Normandy Bridge - view

Figure 5.5-17 a) Prestressed concrete cross-section, b) Steel cross-section

So-called hybrid constructions or mixed have to bear. Concrete is used close to the
constructions also prove to be favorable, pylon, where the normal compressive
see also Fig. 5.5-15: the stretching girders forces in the section girder are greatest.
are produced in the middle of the span as Due to the shorter cable lengths and the
steel or composite girders, so that the greater inclination of the cables, the
cables with a low inclination, which are higher loads from the concrete weight can
already subject to the greatest stress, have be transferred economically, see also
less dead load from the stretching girder. [Engelsmann et al., 1993]. In addition
446 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
the back anchors of the cables in the side Cross-section design and
bays are subjected to higher loads, so that formation of the composite joint
tension anchoring can be dispensed with
at the bearing points. Probably the first cable-stayed bridge to be
A well-known example of such a mixed built according to the composite
construction is the Normandy Bridge over construction concept is the Hooghly River
the Seine near Le Havre (Fig. 5.5-16). Bridge in Calcutta, India
With a main span of 856 m, it was the first [Schlaich/Bergermann, 1996]. As the
cable-stayed bridge to enter the area of foundation conditions were quite poor, a
very large spans, which had previously relatively light composite construction
only been realized by suspension cable was chosen for the main girders. The
bridges. In the central section, the span project owner's requirement was to use
girder is a steel box girder cross-section Indian materials and manufacturing
over 624 m, while the cross-section in the techniques. The design and assembly were
side spans and in each case 116 m above therefore essentially based on the
the pylons cantilevering into the main capabilities of the local steel construction
span is made of prestressed concrete, see industry. The know-how for welder
Fig. 5.5-17. The high wind loads were connections on the construction site or for
relevant to the design here, which not the use of high-strength bolts in pre-
only led to the formation of a wind-slip stressed connections was not available. As
box cross-section with bracing on both a result, all steel joints were riveted. As
sides to the very stiff Y-shaped pylons, but labor was available on site, the concrete
also utilized the clamping of the concrete carriageway was not constructed using
track in the pylons [Virlogeux, 1990]. prefabricated parts or finished formwork
elements, but with formwork built on site.
Block dowels with loops were welded to
the top chords of the longitudinal and
transverse beams as a means of bonding.
Figure 5.5-18 shows the cross-section of
the Hooghly River Bridge.

Figure 5.5-18 Hooghly River Bridge in

Calcutta, cross-section (after
[Schlaich/Bergermann, 1996])
5.5 Inclined cable 447
ViewLongitudinal section in bridge axisView A


Figure 5.5-19 Sunshine Skyway Bridge, view

Figure 5.5-20 Sunshine Skyway Bridge, cross-section

Similar to the Hooghly Bridge in joints along the length of the bridge. The
Calcutta, the second example, the transverse joints, in which tension can also
Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Florida, [Saul occur near the center of the bridge, are
et al., 1984] is also an open stretch girder offset from each other. As a bonding agent,
cross-section in which the two cable levels shear stud dowels were placed on the cross
are guided to the external main girders. girders in the dowel recesses, which were
Figures 5.5-19 and 5.5-20 show the view then cast with site-cast concrete. The
and cross-section of the bridge. The joints were wide enough to allow the
external asymmetrical main girders have reinforcement to be joined by overlapping,
inclined webs in the direction of the cable and the edges of the slabs were profiled to
plane, to which the stay cables are improve the shear interlock.
anchored. The concrete deck spans The twin composite cable-stayed
between the cross girders in the bridge over the Houston Ship Channel
longitudinal direction of the bridge. In near Baytown, Texas [5.46] is similar to
contrast to the Hooghly bridge, it was the Sunshine Skyway Bridge described
made of prefabricated parts that are above. However, due to the large width of
connected to each other by in-situ concrete the roadway, two independent
joints. The longitudinal joints, in which superstructures were built, each 24 m
pressure results from the effect of the wide,
cross girders, are
448 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.5-21 Bridge over

the Houston Ship Channel,

with pylo- nes coupled at the level of the belts also served as "baffles".
section girders (see Fig. 5.5-21). Here too, The examples show that the cross-
the main girders have inclined webs and sectional design of the section girder is
are located at the edge of the bridge deck codetermined by the main load-bearing
to allow direct anchoring of the cables. system of the cable-stayed bridge.
The original design envisaged concreting
the concrete deck on land before installing • The main longitudinal beams are
the composite grating in order to achieve a preferably located on the outside of
self-weight bond. However, in order to both box girders and open plate girders
avoid the high lifting weights, in order to be able to anchor the cables
prefabricated slabs with in-situ concrete directly.
joints were used instead. The transverse • The concrete roadway spans
joints were located above the top chords of longitudinally between the cross
the cross beams so that the girders. The longitudinal compressive
forces from the main load-bearing
5.5 Inclined cable 449
effect largely overwhelm the a stationary track and a second lower level
longitudinal tensile stresses from local for a double-track S-Bahn and two
load application. emergency lanes. As both the top chord
• In order to minimize the redistribution and the bottom chord of the box act as a
of longitudinal compressive forces track slab, a double-bracing construction
from the concrete roadway to the steel, was used. It is worth noting that the two-
precast concrete parts are often storey road and suburban railroad bridge
installed. The joints between the above is a mixed construction, not only in
precast elements are provided with cross-section but also in the longitudinal
overlapping reinforcement to distribute direction of the bridge. The three-cell
the cracks. cross-section consists of a composite
• Open cross-sections are often superstructure only in the central section
combined with A-pylons. The cables of the main opening, which is 387 m long.
anchored to the outside of the beam The side spans and edge areas of the
converge at the top of the pylon, central opening are made of pre-stressed
forming a rigid, spatial framework that reinforced concrete. The two cable levels
stabilizes the torsionally soft beam. reach to the left and right of the outer
boxes and are anchored in an H-shaped
pylon in the form of a fan. The transverse Special solution double bracing of the boxes is provided by the
composite cross-section transverse frames designed as Vierendeel
beams, as the rail and road traffic inside
The cross-section of the Cape Shui Mun the box does not permit diagonal bracing
Bridge in Hong Kong [Saul/Hopf, 1997a], (Fig. 5.5-22). Longitudinal bracing in the
[Saul/Hopf, 1997b] was determined by the plane of the inner posts distributes the
requirement that the traffic had to be concentrated traffic loads over several
arranged in two levels, an upper level for transverse frames. In order to avoid the
the highway with two directional lanes, diagonals of
each with three lanes, and an upper level
for the highway with two directional
lanes, each with three lanes.

Figure 5.5-22 Cape Shui Mun Bridge, cross-section

450 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
To keep the superstructure as free as 5.6 Suspension bridges
possible from stresses from the main
structure, they were only bolted together GÜNTER RAMBERGER
after all permanent loads had been and FRANCESCO AIGNER
applied. The connection between the
prestressed concrete superstructure and the
composite superstructure is made via a For very large spans, today up to 2000 m,
transition element, which also served as a suspension bridges are used. The
prefabrication spigot for the prestressed suspension bridge with the largest central
concrete superstructure constructed with span is currently (2009) the Akashi Kai- yko
incremental launchers during assembly. Bridge between Kobe and the Awachi
The longitudinally prestressed Islands in Japan (Fig. 1.4-37) with a total
reinforced concrete composite slabs have length of 3911 m and a central opening of
large openings in the area of the urban 1991 m, whose pylons are around 300 m
railroad (see cross-section in Fig. 5.5-22) high. Earth-anchored suspension bridges
to ensure good air extraction even in the are used for large spans. These consist (in
event of a fire. the order of manufacture) of the anchor
The examples described show that blocks, the pylons, the suspension cables, the
composite cable-stayed bridges are hangers and the bridge beam (see Fig. 5.6-
designed according to a combination of 1). The top picture shows the anchor
criteria relating to cost-effectiveness, ease blocks, pylons and suspension cables, the
of assembly and manufacture and middle picture shows the assembly of the
functional requirements. The consistent hangers and the stiffening girder and the
application of these principles often leads bottom picture shows the final state.
to bridge systems that are also fascinating False or self-anchored suspension
due to their aesthetic appearance. bridges are hardly ever built today, as the
bridge beam must first be completed
For more in-depth questions on cable-stayed
before the cable span can be arranged and
bridges, the following further reading is
particularly recommended:
therefore the bridge beam only requires
[Andrä/Saul, 1974], [Bacchetta/Rüst, 1985], additional supports in the field for
[Birkenmaier/Narayanan, 1982], [Graf/Bremer, assembly, which usually represent an
1941], [Klingenberg/Plum, 1955], [Köppel/Bac- obstacle to traffic in the area under the
chetta, 1984], [Koger, 1983], [Leonhardt et al., bridge. Today, the non-genuine
1979], [Leonhardt et al., 1980], [Maschwitz suspension bridge is being replaced by the
et al., 1985], [Menn, 1987], [Modemann/Thön- inclined cable bridge, which is also
nissen, 1979], [Roberts, 1966], [Rosemeiner, anchored in terms of horizontal force, but
1986], [Schambeck/Kroppen, 1982], [Schlaich/ which allows installation without
Bergermann, 1984], [Stein, 1986], [Tang, 1972], additional lower supports.
[Thul, 1972], [Tschemmernegg/Obholzer, 1981],
The supporting elements of the
[Völkel et al., 1977] and [Weitz, 1983].
suspension bridge are the suspension
cables. A suspension cable is either made
from parallel, high-strength wires on the
spot, using the so-called air spinning
process ("spinning" = twisting is actually
the wrong term, as the individual wires
are laid in parallel).
5.6 Suspension 451

Figure 5.6-1 Construction of the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

452 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
is produced. First, a catwalk is installed on The suspension cables are deflected using
which the wire bundles are laid (see Fig. pylon tips. The deflection radius depends
5.6-2). Roebling first used the air spinning on the type and diameter of the elements
process on the Brooklyn Bridge in New used for the cable. The cables are
York in 1883. The top image shows a anchored to the two anchor blocks
schematic representation of cable arranged at each end of the bridge. In the
spinning. The cable anchorage is shown at case of air-spun cables, several wires are
the bottom left, the anchor saddle on the guided around an anchor, which is
cable anchorage at the bottom center and tensioned back, and in the case of
the catwalk at the bottom right. prefabricated strands and cables, the end
Instead of air-spun parallel wire pieces are anchored in a cage-like steel
bundles, prefabricated strand bundles (see structure. The weight of the anchor block
Fig. 5.6-3) or, in the case of smaller cable- must be high enough to absorb both the
stayed bridges, prefabricated fully locked horizontal and vertical components of the
cables can also be used. An auxiliary cable cable forces (Fig. 5.6-4).
stay is also required for prefabricated The height of the pylons depends on
tension elements. On the the stitch of the suspension cables, which is
marked L/12 to L/8

Fig. 5.6-2 Air spiders during the construction of the suspension bridge over the Firth of Forth [Kollmeier,
5.6 Suspension 453

Figure 5.6-3 Akashi Kaikyo bridge, suspension cable consisting of strand bundles

Figure 5.6-4 Resulting forces in the

anchor block

(L = span of the center span) is defined. The cable harness bearings are
The pylons are usually two-legged positioned directly above the stems.
bending stiffness frames with box cross- Today, welded cable harness bearings are
sections with an upper transom and a usually used, which must extend over the
transom to support the bridge beam (Fig. most unfavorable detachment point of the
5.6-5). They can be clamped into the cable in order to prevent the cable from
foundation or supported on the kinking.
foundation. For assembly, they must be Once assembly is complete, the cross-
clamped (provisionally) at least in the sections of the suspension cables are
longitudinal direction. pressed into a round shape and wrapped
In general, two suspension cables and (taped) with soft iron wire layer by layer.
therefore two suspension levels are used. As the suspension cables cannot be
There are also mono-cable suspension replaced, the corrosion protection of the
bridges where the cable in the middle may cables, which are composed of notch-
only reach up to the clearance limits. The sensitive (rust notches) wires with a small
pylons of mono-cable bridges are usually volume and large surface area, is of crucial
A-shaped [Leonhardt, 1982]. importance. All wires used are usually
454 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures
Continuous beams generate relatively
high negative bending moments at the
pylo- nal pillars. The stiffening girders in
the side openings can be suspended
without intermediate supports for short
intermediate spans, suspended from the
support cable for large spans or designed
with supports from below. The hangers
can be arranged either vertically or at an
angle up and down.
Inclined hangers slightly increase the
system rigidity. The hangers lead from
two-part clamps, which are clamped onto
the suspension cables, to the connection
devices on the beam. Hangers are made
from fully locked cables or strand bundles.
It is relatively easy to replace the hangers
and this should be taken into account in
the design as a planned load case.
The aerodynamic stability of the
structure is a problem that must be taken
into account, especially with large span
Figure 5.6-5 Pylon shapes [Weitz, 1975]
suspension bridges. The incoming wind
can excite suspension bridges to coupled
bending-torsional oscillations, so-called
galvanized. The wrapping is given a multi- flutter oscillations. A world-famous
layered coating structure, and it is example is the Tacoma Bridge, which
essential that attention is paid to collapsed in 1940 as a result of wind-
maintaining this. In modern suspension induced flutter vibrations. Today, it is
bridges, corrosion protection is achieved possible to prove both experimentally in
by special measures such as wrapping with wind tunnels and mathematically that
foil and pressing in dried air. structures are aerodynamically stable up to
The stiffening beam is used to the wind speeds encountered in nature at
distribute the loads acting on the roadway the location of the structure. Today, solid
to the suspension cables. It is subjected to wall beams are generally designed with
bending. Stiffening girders are streamlined cross-sections (see Figure 5.6-
manufactured as solid wall or lattice 6). Active measures such as the
girders (Fig. 5.6-6). adjustability of the inclination of the edge
Traffic on truss girders can also be area may also be able to eliminate the risk
routed on two levels of fluttering. Another measure to increase
z. e.g. lower chord level: rail traffic, upper aerodynamic stability is to divide the
chord level: road traffic. The stiffening beam into several strips with longitudinal
girder can be bending stiffness via the intermediate spokes.
pylon pillars or can be interrupted at the
pylon pillars and supported in a hinged
manner (Fig. 5.6-7). With
5.6 Suspension 455

34300/2=17150 34300/2=17150
38700/2=19350 38700/2=19350
1200 1700 700 15000 750 750 15000 700 1700 1200
2% 2%

1765 906

4500 27300/2=13650 27300/2=13650 4500

Figure 5.6-6 Truss box cross-section [Wiechert, 1984] and solid wall cross-section [Li et al,

Fig. 5.6-7 Different systems of stiffening beams [Stahlbau, 1985].

456 5 Main supporting structures of
the superstructures

Figure 5.6-8 Cross-section proposed for the Messina Bridge [Gimsing, 1998].

through which the wind can flow (Figure continuous, more or less sagging tendons
5.6-8). are embedded in a relatively thin
It must be noted that the static wind tensioning band in relation to the span
forces in the horizontal direction must width. This tensioning strip forms the
also be absorbed by the beam and it roadway or, in the case of greater sagging,
therefore also requires a corresponding is formed with an elevated roadway. The
bending stiffness around the vertical axis. advantages of this load-bearing system are
When dividing the beam into strips and primarily to be seen in the predominant
spaces, the strips should be connected in a longitudinal force loading, the simple
shear-resistant manner so that they production without falsework and the low
interact statically in a transverse section. concrete consumption.
For economic reasons, suspension In 1958, in an effort to overcome wide
cables are generally dimensioned obstacles economically with bridges with
according to the II. This is because the large spans, the first ready-to-construct
cable forces are reduced when the stub is design of a three-span ribbon bridge with
enlarged. For reasons of load-bearing a maximum span of 408 m was created to
safety, the pylons must be designed bridge the Bosporus [Nehse, 1973].
according to theory II. order (with Finsterwalder designed this type of bridge,
consideration of imperfections). in which road vehicles could drive directly
over an extremely flat tensioned concrete
strip. However, the time was not yet ripe
5.7 Tensioning strap bridges for the realization of this bold project. The
basic idea is thousands of years old, but at
JÜRGEN STRITZKE that time such suspended structures were
made of wood (e.g. the wooden footbridge
5.7.1 Introduction over the Yarkhun River in Chitral
between the Himalayas and Pamir).
Since Ulrich Finsterwalder presented the Tensioning straps were used for the
first design of a prestressed bridge ready first time in the construction of the 216 m
for execution, a number of such bridges long conveyor belt bridge at the
have been built. The term span bridge refers Holderbank-Wildeeg cement factory
to a load-bearing system in which the [Walther, 1969]. For public transportation,
span is suspended from abutment to the principle of the tensioning strap was
abutment. used for the Bir-
5.7 Tensioning strap 457

Figure 5.7-1 Longitudinal section of the span bridge over the Sázava near Hvězdonice

cherweid [Scartazzini, 1969] over the N 3 approx. 78 m span length. A three-span

national road near Pfäffikon (CH). An 8.5 span bridges the Vltava in Prague-Troja
m wide span bridge with an elevated with 85.5 m : 96 m : 76 m (Figure 5.7-2).
roadway was built in 1973 over the 100 m Today, there is a whole series of existing
deep valley of the Rio Colo rado span bridges (Table 5.7-1).
[Lin/Kulka, 1973].
Some interesting pedestrian bridges in 5.7.2 Load-bearing effect
the Czech Republic deserve special
mention. In 1977, for example, the two- In contrast to suspension bridges, the
span prestressed bridge over the Sázava suspension cables, the stiffening girders and
[Kobca/Brejcha, 1978] with a maximum the roadway are combined in one element,
span of 78 m was built near Hvězdonice the span. The tensioning band consists of
(Fig. 5.7-1). The 250 mm thick span was a relatively thin concrete cross-section with
concreted on a suspended formwork and tendons running from abutment to
subsequently post-tensioned. Two further abutment. The load-bearing system is a
single-span prestressing conveyor bridges flat tensioned cable. The sag, which
span the Svratka in Brno-Bystrc and determines the bridge grade, is determined
Brno-Komin [Stráský, 1981] with approx. by the maximum tensioning force.
63 m and

Fig. 5.7-2
Tensioning belt
bridge over the
Vltava in Prague-
Table 5.7-7 Selection of designed tensioning strap bridges

Designation/country Number max. free belt Belt Tape Belt radius max. tensile max. Execution
of fields length L width thickness with dead force or tangent
load and prestressing inclination
m m temperature kN %
m m
Transportbr. Holderbank CH 1 216 3,16 400 11600 1963/64
Bircherweid CH 1 40 2,80 0,18 450 7000 19,5 1967
Osaka J 1 19 5,40 0,10 870 18000 2,8 1968
Freiburg i. B. D 3 34,5 4,40 0,25 300 16000 14 1969/70
Rhône Geneva-Lignon CH 1 136 3,10 0,40/ 0,08 420 17,5 1971
Peak Park GB 1 34 1,80 0,16
Rio Colorado CR 5 108 8,50 1973
Hvezdonice CZ 2 73 2,70 0,25 11,1 1977
Brno-Bystrc CZ 1 57 3,80 0,30 13850 7,6 1979
Prague-Troja CZ 3 96 3,80 0,30 1984

the superstructures
5 Main supporting structures of
Brno-Komin CZ 1 72 3,80 0,30 17900 7,6 1985
Pforzheim D 1 50 3,00 0,18 300,86 6,26 1991

Nymburk CZ 3 46,5-102-70,5 1985

Komeritz CZ 1 63,0 1983
Radonice CZ 1 63,0 1984
Prerov CZ 2 67,5-28,5 1983
Zatec CZ 2 36,5-75,5
Velke Brezno CZ 4 79,5-114-144-55,5
5.7 Tensioning strap 459
The longitudinal slope of the roadway is the use of appropriately long prestressed
limited to the maximum permissible grouted anchors as permanent anchors for
longitudinal slope. The almost exclusively the introduction of large tensile forces is
occurring tensile forces are absorbed by more economical than the formation of
the tendons. In contrast to the usual gravity abutments. The impact of the high
superstructure structures, the concrete costs for the end anchors can be reduced
does not have a primary load-bearing by increasing the number of openings.
function here. It forms the roadway and
the stiffening support, ensures corrosion
protection, increases the tensile rigidity of 5.7.3 Construction process
the system and thus reduces the
deformations that occur under changing Figure 5.7-3 shows various cross-sectional
loads and temperatures. In continuous designs. The thickness of the Bircherweid
systems, the inner supports are designed bridge is 120 to 180 mm. With d/L =
as pendulum supports in the longitudinal 180/40 000 = 1/222, this span bridge is 10
direction of the bridge so that no times slimmer than a comparable bridge
horizontal forces can occur on the inner of conventional design. Towards the
supports, even if the load varies from field supports, the belt thickness increases to
to field. Changing traffic loads and 360 mm. Like the bridge in Prague-Troja,
temperature changes lead to geometric and the prestressing belt bridges in Brno were
elastic changes in the length of the assembled from individual segments that
tensioning band. In order to ensure the were suspended from the prestressing
resulting sagging and to reduce the cables and subsequently tensioned
associated bending stresses on the span at together.
the abutments and over intermediate Normally, you will not set up a
supports, so-called unrolling sections are falsework to produce a monolithic
arranged there. The installation of steel concrete belt, but instead attach the
roll-off bearings, foils or elastomer formwork to the previously installed
bearings between the tensioning strap and tendons. During the concreting process,
the abutment spigot as well as the the sag of the strip and thus the horizontal
deflection table enables the tensioning force changes as the fresh concrete load
strap to be lifted off the substructures on increases. This must be taken into
the roll-off section when the tensioning account, especially in the case of post-
strap shortens. The further development of tensioning constructions running over
tensioning band bridges led to the elevation several spans. The same applies to
of the track. The load-bearing tensioning prestressed bridges made of precast
strip is then designed with a significantly elements. The abutment displacements as
greater sag than the directly accessible a result of the large tensile forces must be
tensioning strip. The elevation only takes on recorded as realistically as possible, as this
the function of the track and can therefore has a strong influence on the sag of the
be formed extremely easily. Special design tensioning band. As a rule, a gap is initially
measures must be taken to transfer the left in the concrete strip until the dead load
very high horizontal forces into the has become effective and the resulting
ground. If rock is present, rock anchors abutment displacements have subsided.
provide an appropriate and economical The sag of the tensioning band can then be
anchoring. Otherwise corrected by re-tensioning or slackening
and the gap left can then be closed.
4605 Main supporting structures of

Figure 5.7-3 Cross-section design a) Bircherweid prestressing bridge; b) Brno prefabricated

5.7.4 Stresses As a result of shrinkage and creep of the

concrete, the originally applied concrete
The influence of changes in the shape of compressive stress drops much more than
such flat-tensioned ropes, such as with other prestressed concrete systems. In
tensioning band bridges, on their internal most cases, prestressed bridges are so wide
forces is so great that the latter are always that bending moments also occur in the
calculated according to the theory transverse direction as a result of evenly
II order are to be calculated. Since distributed load strips and single-cell
prestressed bridges cannot be loads in the longitudinal direction. Half-
manufactured without bending stiffness, sided loading of the stress ribbon bridge
bending moments in the longitudinal and results in different sag changes in the two
transverse directions occur in addition to ribbon edges. The antimetric part of the
larger longitudinal forces. The occurring half-sided load leads to a twisting of the
bending moments of the longitudinal load strap and thus to a change in the strap
only have an insignificant influence on the tensile forces as well as to the generation
normal forces. A two-stage solution is of torsional moments. The different
therefore possible. The normal forces are horizontal tension at both edges of the
determined on the flexible rope, and then tensioning band generates moments
the bending moments of the longitudinal around the vertical axes in the deflection
load are calculated. The moments due to tables of multi-span systems, which cause
uniformly distributed loads are generally considerable torsional stress in rigid
of secondary importance, while the substructures. In the case of torsionally
bending moments due to concentrated soft supports, the deflection tables twist as
loads and in the end area of the tensioning a result of the half-sided live load of a bay
band can be of decisive importance for the and lead to sagging of the neighboring bays
design. in opposite directions.
The pre-tension and the resulting
shortening of the tensioning strap also
reduce the sag of the
5.7 Tensioning strap 461
sense. Information on the calculation of of the belt, the maximum prestressing
tension band bridges can be found in [Eibl steel tension and the ratio of the total load
et al. -1, 1973]. Investigations into the to the dead load of the tendons.
vibration behavior and aerodynamic The use of the flat-tensioned cable in
stability of tension band bridges must be the form of tendon bridges, consisting of a
carried out in any case, as these are relatively thin concrete cross-section with
extremely slender structures with a low tendons running from abutment to
natural frequency. [Scar- tazzini, 1969] abutment, leads to extremely slender and
and [Batsch/Nehse, 1972] report on economical constructions due to the
vibration tests carried out. Further predominant longitudinal force load. The
illustrations of prestressed bridges can be area of application extends to both
found in [Mach/Trčka, 1985], pedestrian and road bridges. Numerous
[Stráský/Pirner, 1986], [ Stráský, 1987], advantages characterize the system of the
[ Bock, 1992], stress ribbon bridge.
[Schlaich/Bergermann, 1994], [Bögle et
al., 2003], [Stráský, 2005] and [Schlaich et
al., 2005]. 5.7.6 Outlook

The use of carbon fiber lamellae (CFRP

5.7.5 Economic efficiency lamellae) in the construction of new load-
bearing structures offers economic and
The main cost factors are, on the one design potential that has been little
hand, the comparatively high exploited to date. The use of carbon fibre
consumption of prestressing steel for the lamellae instead of tendons or steel strips
tendons and the possibly considerable effort enables the further development of these
required to anchor the tendons to the bridge support systems, as larger spans
abutments. As the illustrated cross- and slimmer cross-sections can be realized
sections (Fig. 5.7-3) show, post-tensioning with this material compared to
bridges have an extremely low conventional mild steel due to its
construction height. Concrete approximately ten times greater tensile
consumption is very low as all secondary strength at one fifth of the dead load.
tendons are omitted. The relatively low Schlaich/Bleicher, 2007] reports on a 13 m
dead load and the horizontal tension, wide test structure with CFRP lamellae.
which increases only linearly with the However, a number of further
span l, with a constant ratio of the span l investigations are still necessary for a
to the prestressing band sag f, allow much practical application, as CFRP lamellae
larger spans than conventional prestressed react very sensitively to mechanical and
concrete superstructures. fire effects, the influence of the deflection
The costs of the abutments are radii on the transverse pressure, wear and
independent of the number of bridge friction of the lamellae is not yet
spans. The larger the number of spans, the sufficiently known and possibilities for
greater the load-bearing capacity of the intelligent damping of these
existing subsoil and the smaller the span extraordinarily light constructions must
radius, the more economical the prestressed be found.
ribbon bridge. The limits of application of
prestressed strip bridges are defined by
the maximum permissible end tangent
6 Storage

Chapter 6 incorporates work by Günter movements. This chapter describes the

Ramberger on the storage of bridges. tasks and requirements for the bearings.
The task of transmitting forces between
the components with simultaneous
6.1 Overview rotation and displacement is performed
by the bearings, which are discussed in
So far, the variety of load-bearing systems more detail in section 10.2.
used in bridge construction has been All bearings are spatial bearings with 6
presented. The bearings describe the type degrees of freedom and therefore also
of support for the systems. Supports occur with 6 independent support force
at different levels in the load-bearing components in the rigidly supported
systems. The supports between the body. The individual designs are
ground and the structure are usually characterized by the fact that certain
surface supports. Determining the movement possibilities of the support
distribution of support forces over remain permitted, while the remaining
surfaces is the task of the theory of movement possibilities are prevented and
elasticity and soil mechanics and is not act as independent support forces. An
dealt with here, nor is line support, which overview of the common bearings with
can be rigid or elastic depending on the details of the possible degrees of freedom
idealization of the elastic properties of the and support force components is given in
base. In this chapter, the term support is Table
used to describe support on bearings that 6.11. The information on possible
allow the number of degrees of freedom to movements should only be interpreted
be defined and keep the point of action of qualitatively.
the support forces within the narrowest For elastic supports, the forces and
possible limits. These supports are usually movements are coupled. For this reason, 9
arranged in the plane between the degrees of freedom can be formally
superstructure and substructure, and are counted for elastomeric bearings in Table
understood to include all support points 6.11. Force and movement are distributed
in this plane. Therefore, the following according to the existing stiffnesses in the
descriptions include both the support system, which is why these
combination of bearings that interact for bearings should be considered as system
the movement and transmission of forces components. The support force
in a structure (bearing system), as well as components that are also formally missing
all the necessary measures that ensure the for the line bearings in the table are
transmission of forces and the moments in the direction of the prevented
rotations that were not specified.
464 6 Storage

Table 6.1-1 Overview of common bearings

Relative movements/transmittable forces

X - possible ; G - not possible
Y t Shifts Twists Transmittable

Symbol in the Bearing type

storage level

Elastomeric bearing (EL) XXXXXX XXX

Elastomeric bearing with X G X X X X X X X

retaining construction (FK) for
one axle

EL with single-axis movable X G X X X X @ X X

sliding part and FK for the
other axis

Elastomeric bearing with X X X X X X 4W ## X

two-axis movable sliding part

Elastomeric bearing with FK G @ X X X X X X X

for two axes

Elastomeric bearing with two- X X X X X X 4# 6# X

axis movable sliding part and
FK for two axes

Pot bearing

X X 4# X X X lN D X
Pot bearing with zvveiach
sig movable sliding part

Spherical bearings M M M X X X X X X
with retaining
Spherical bearings with X @ G X X X G X X
uniaxially movable sliding part

Stählern es point tilt bearing X X X X X X

Steel point tilt bearing with X G G X X X U X X

uniaxially movable sliding part

Steel linear tilting pad X G X X X

Steel linear tilting pad with X G G @' X X X

uniaxially movable sliding part

Single roller bearing X fll 4# X 4W 4W X X

Single roller bearing with

sliding part for the other
6.1 Overview 465

The bearing also influences the dynamic This support must realize the forces and
properties of the supporting structure. In loads to the same extent as in the system
earthquake-prone areas, this fact can be calculation of the normal case, i.e. without
specifically utilized through "earthquake earthquake loading. This brief overview
isolation". Earthquake isolation of bridges makes it clear that both the regulations for
is a design concept in which the dynamic structural design and those for bearings
response of the bridge to earthquake and seismic devices must be observed for
effects is specifically modified by inserting the bearings. It is planned to establish a
an isolation system in the bearing plane summary of the individual issues from the
between the substructure and various sets of regulations that must be
superstructure. An isolation system in this observed for bearings as an appendix to
context is a horizontally "soft" bearing, i.e. a the basic principles of structural design.
bearing with a low effective horizontal Table 6.13 provides an overview of the
stiffness. The effective stiffness of the regulations relevant to the situation.
isolation system is defined as the sum of
the horizontal stiffnesses of all elements of
the mounting. In addition to the common
bearings documented in Table 6.11, there
are some special elements for this task.
Table 6.12 provides an overview.

Table 6.1-2 Earthquake devices (ASD)

ASD (class) Effect Examples
Insulators Elements that carry the vertical loads Horizontally displaceable or
and at the same time provide horizontal deformable bearings, e.g.
isolation, i.e. have a low horizontal reinforced elastomer bearings
Springs Elements that generate displacement- Horizontally acting springs
dependent horizontal forces, i.e. have a e.g. made of steel or elastomer
defined horizontal stiffness, but are not
used for vertical load transfer

Damper Elements for the dissipation of energy. viscous dampers, hysteretic

The effect can be based on viscosity, elements and friction elements
hysteresis, friction and other principles

Connections Elements that enable or exclude force ShockTransmitter fuses

transmission in the event of an (fuses)
earthquake, i.e. elements that bring
about a transition in the event of an
466 6 Storage

Table 6.1-3 Regulations

Standard Issue Title
Structural engineering, actions, determination of internal forces and verification - European
DIN EN 1990 2002-10 Basics of structural engineering
DIN EN 1990/A1 2006-04 Fundamentals of structural engineering (amendment)
DIN EN 1991-1-x 2002-2008 General actions on supporting structures
DIN EN 1991-2 2004-05 Traffic loads on bridges
DIN EN 1992-2 2007-02 Concrete bridges - Design and construction rules
Structural engineering, actions, determination of internal forces and verification - German
DIN FB 101 2009-03 Effects on bridges
DIN FB 102 2009-03 Concrete bridges
DIN FB 103 2009-03 Steel bridges
DIN FB 104 2009-03 Composite bridges
Design of structures against earthquakes - European standardization
Fundamentals, earthquake effects and rules for buildings
DIN EN 1998-1 2006-04

DIN EN 1998-2 2006-06 Bridges

DIN EN 1998-2/
2008-09 Bridges (change)
DIN prEN 15129 2007-07 Earthquake devices
Bearings in construction - European standardization
DIN EN 1337-1 2001-02 General regulations
DIN EN 1337-2 2004-07 Sliding parts
DIN EN 1337-3 2005-07 Elastomeric bearing
DIN EN 1337-4 2004-08 roller bearing
DIN EN 1337-4
2007-05 Roller bearing (correction)
Correction 1
DIN EN 1337-5 2005-07 Pot bearing
DIN EN 1337-6 2004-08 Tilting bearing
DIN EN 1337-7 2004-08 Spherical and cylindrical bearings with PTFE
DIN EN 1337-8 2008-01 Guide bearings and retaining structures
DIN EN 1337-9 1998-04 Protection
DIN EN 1337-10 2003-11 Inspection and maintenance
DIN EN 1337-11 1998-04 Transport, intermediate storage and installation
Bearings in construction - German standardization
Guide bearings and retaining structures - Design and
DIN V 4141-13 2008-11
6.2 Tasks and assessment of storage 467

6.2 Tasks and assessment of the systems can be separated

storage • If the resistance values of the bearings
have no influence on the internal forces
The basic requirements for the bearing are and deformations of the superstructure
a permanently safe transmission of the and / or substructure, these are not
supporting forces both vertically and in relevant to the system. Separate load-
the bearing plane and a permanently low bearing systems for superstructure and
constraint realization of the movements. substructure can be used for the
This means that the bearings used calculation. The deformations of the
should ideally enable the movements individual components can be
without significant resistance forces and superimposed.
without influencing the line of action of
the vertical force (without eccentricity). In all other cases, separation of the
The vertical forces must be transmitted systems is not recommended.
with small movements in the direction of These criteria are usually met for beam
force. and slab-type, transversely stiff
Bearing technology is based on the superstructures on rigid substructures
mechanical, usually combined principles that are not at risk of settlement. In
of rolling, sliding and deformation. contrast, superstructures with insufficient
Resistance values are also associated with transverse stiffness and/or superstructures
this. These are based on rolling or sliding on high slender piers must be examined
friction or on deformation resistance. In on the entire system, taking into account
the displaced state, the vertical load also the resistance values and eccentricities.
has an eccentricity. The ideal case does This is essential for large bridges with
not exist. inclined or curved ground plans. The
In principle, the assessment of the effects of superstructure - bearing -
bearings is only possible in the overall substructure - foundation interactions
system of the structure including the arise in these cases both for the stresses
foundation. The bearings are arranged on and for the movements. The influence of
the abutments, columns or piers and the bearings of bridges with high slender
therefore also receive the deformations of piers and the influence of the specific
these, including those of their bearing on the overall system and thus on
foundations. the stability behavior of the piers has been
In many cases, however, bearings also shown several times in the literature.
allow the static model for the Examples include the Siegtal Bridge
superstructure to be separated from the [Luchner, 1967] with a maximum pier
static models of the substructures. Even height of 102.55 m, the analysis of the
then, the bearings should be arranged in influence of different bearings
the static system where the movement [Rieckmann, 1970] and the comments by
takes place, usually eccentrically to the [Eggert, 1996]. If in these cases the
axis of the supported beams. support systems of superstructure and
The following criteria are suitable for substructure are separated and the bearing
assessing a specific situation: behavior is not taken into account, the
• If the settlements and deformations of relative movements between
the substructures do not have a decisive superstructure and substructure are
influence on the section sizes and overestimated and the pier utilization is
deformations of the superstructure, the underestimated. With several supported
468 6 Storage

The errors are superimposed on each assigned. After this earthquake, the
other in the same structure and the result storage including the anti-seismic
can no longer be estimated. functions should not be impaired.
In earthquake-prone areas, the storage
When applying the concept of earthquake
can be designed as "earthquake isolation",
isolation, the superstructure bearing is
as described in 6.1. The requirements for
designed as an isolation plane with a low
storage in this case correspond to those
horizontal stiffness; the superstructure is
described above in the event of a non-
thus dynamically decoupled from the
earthquake. Two further requirements are
substructures and thus from the
defined for earthquakes:
earthquake excitation. This decoupling
• A severe earthquake with a low means that the superstructure, as a
probability of occurrence is assigned to separate, vibrating system, has a relatively
the ultimate limit state in the event of long natural period of vibration (T ). This
an earthquake. In this case, the anti- leads to a reduction in the spectral
seismic functions of the stakes may be response accelerations Se (T) as a measure
damaged after the earthquake, but the of the stress on the structure in the event
load-bearing function of the bearing of an earthquake, as illustrated in Figure
for non-seismic actions must be 6.2-1.
maintained. However, extending the basic vibration
• The serviceability limit state time leads to an increase in the relative
The probability is a lighter quake with a (spectral) displacements between the
high probability of occurrence during superstructure and substructure Sde (T ).
the period of use This can be prevented by the use of
earthquake devices, e.g. vibration

Horizontal elastic response spectrum (EC8) Soil classes A,

spectrum type 1

3,5 Vibration time extension

(earthquake isolation)

System 1: Se(T = 0.3s) = 2.99 ag Reduction in stress due to increased
vibration time with the same
2,0 damping

Stress reduction
by increasing the d a m p i n g
1,0 with the same basic vibration
System 2: Se(T = 0.9s) = 0.91 ag
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3
Basic oscillation time T [s]
weakly damped system (D = 2%) medium damped system (D= 10%)

Figure 6.2-1 Acceleration response of a system with varying stiffness and damping of the bearing
6.2 Tasks and assessment of storage 469

Elastic response spectrum of displacement (EC8) Soil classes A,

spectrum type 1
Vibration time extension
(earthquake isolation)


Increase in stress due to increase

40 in vibration time with the same

Stress reduction
by increasing the
20 d a m p i n g
with the same basic vibration
10 System 2: Sde(T = 0.9s) = 18.6 mm / ag
System 1: Sde(T = 0.3s) = 6.8 mm / ag
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
Basic oscillation time T
weakly damped system (D = 2%) medium damped system (D= 10%)
Figure 6.2-2 Displacement response of a system with variation of stiffness and damping of the
bearing arrangement

dampers can be partially compensated for. properties of the individual elements can
The basic result is shown in Figure 6.2-2. be used and coordinated in a targeted
The assessment of the bearings is of manner.
particular importance for bridges in The realization of the above-mentioned
seismically endangered areas. It must meet requirements of the bearing, permanently
all the requirements of load-bearing safe transmission of the support forces
capacity and serviceability and also the both vertically and in the bearing plane
requirements of the seismic limit states. In with permanent low constraint realization
the simplest case, earthquake isolation can of the movements, requires constructive
consist of the use of specifically designed measures for the supporting structure and
deformation bearings. As a rule, however, bearing under static and dynamic loads.
this consists of bearings with additional These serve:
earthquake devices (see Table 6.1-2). The • the transfer of vertical loads between
determination of forces and movements
the superstructure - bearing -
for the earthquake case must be carried
substructure components within the
out on the overall system and
narrowest possible action limits,
supplements the determination for the • the shear-resistant connection of the
static effects. When planning bridges and
bearings to the structural components.
their bearings in earthquake-prone areas,
it is necessary to process the requirements The force transmission leads to the transfer
(earthquake and non-seismic effects) as an of concentrated loads into the contact
overall concept. Only in this way can the areas of the superstructure and
substructure and thus to local stresses. It
therefore influences the geometry of the
bearing layout. The mathematical and
design solution for solid components
470 6 Storage

is discussed in Chapter 7 and Section 8.6. 6.3 Choice of storage

For steel or composite superstructures, a and arrangement of the bearings
corresponding stiffener is required in the
support area. In principle, two types of storage are
The shear-resistant connection of the possible:
bearings to the structural components can
be achieved by friction if the load is • The elastic bearing, whereby
sufficient and the load is predominantly deformation bearings realize the
static or, in other cases, by connecting displacements and rotations through the
means, e.g. shear studs. deformability and at the same time
Support is provided by bearings and absorb forces in the plane through the
seismic devices. These are high-quality deformation resistance
construction products that are subject to • the support with fixed points. In these
heavy loads during their service life. For cases, the forces are absorbed in the
example, sliding distances of 400 m per plane at the fixed point.
year can occur on sliding parts as a result
of temperature and traffic. This is not The application limits of elastic mounting
possible without signs of wear. For this are clearly defined by the capacity to
reason, bearings and seismic devices must absorb forces in the plane.
be replaceable. The necessary precautions, A number of principles must be
press contact surfaces and replaceable observed when selecting the bearing
connections must be taken into account system in accordance with its task. The
during planning. bearing system must be designed in such a
In the presentation of the way that the movements are possible with
requirements, the forces of the bearing low resistance forces, that tensile forces are
arrangement are always assumed to be avoided and that the individual bearings
compressive forces. All common bearings can be maintained and replaced. For
are bearings for the transmission of example, the direction of movement of
compressive forces. As a rule, tensile moving bearings should always be in a
forces should be avoided in the case of horizontal direction (Figure 6.3-1), as this
supported bridges. However, objective prevents any additional horizontal effects
boundary conditions can force solutions on the other bearings under vertical loads
that also lead to tensile forces. In these (dead load and live loads).
cases, special designs are used. Many bearing arrangements that are
restraint-free for uniform temperature
changes result in restraints under
eccentric vertical loads and under
horizontal loads, which are often caused
or intensified by the bearings always being
arranged eccentrically to the beam's center
of gravity (Figure 6.3-2)

Single-span bridges
Supported single-span bridges are
structures that are supported on rigid
abutments and thus the bearings usually
separate the structural system between the
superstructure and the bridge.
6.3 Choice of bearing and arrangement of bearings 471

displaced b r i d g e

Figure 6.3-1 Horizontal bearing displacement [Ramberger,


and substructure. The choice of bearing very large forces in the plane [Klöker
can therefore be derived from the 1997, Bachmann, 1990], which can hardly
supporting forces and movements of the be determined close to reality. Elastic
superstructure. The classic support of a support, which is the basis of earthquake
single-span bridge is on four vertical force isolation, is therefore particularly useful for
bearings and is therefore simply statically massive single-span bridges in seismically
indeterminate for vertical forces. endangered areas, although additional
The directions of movement must be measures may be required to limit
selected in such a way that the movements displacement in the event of use and
of the superstructure can take place largely earthquakes, e.g. the use of seismic
without constraint, both with uniform devices.
temperature changes and with horizontal
forces transverse to the axis. Figures 6.3-3 Bearing arrangement
and 6.3-4 show the two basic bearing The arrangement of the bearings depends
types. on the cross-sectional design and the
In the event of seismic stress, fixed available space.
points on abutments of the bridge

Figure 6.3-2 Bearing restraints for a single-span bridge with eccentric traffic load [Ramberger, 2002].
472 6 Storage

H1 H3
HL H2 H4

Figure 6.3-4 Elastic mounting of a single-span

Figure 6.3-3 For horizontal forces transverse bridge
to the axis, restraint-free support of a single-
span bridge, eccentric longitudinal force
absorption [Ramberger, 2002]. At least two vertical bearings are required,
Figure 6.3-5.
The required attachment points for
With articulated cross-sections in hydraulic presses for changing the
concrete, steel or composite construction, bearings must be provided in the structure,
the vertical forces are most easily equipped with appropriate splitting tensile
transferred where they reach the reinforcement at the top and bottom in
abutment - at the intersection points of the concrete and stiffened with
the main girder axes with the abutment appropriate stiffeners in the steel (Fig. 6.3-
axes of the abutments. In these cases, the 6)
bearings are only arranged at other points In the case of solid slab cross-sections,
under a support cross member in the magnitude of the supporting forces
exceptional cases. The rotation of the depends largely on the bearing type and
structure around the longitudinal axis is arrangement. The load distributions must
prevented on abutments, which is why be taken into account here and space must
be provided for the arrangement of
presses for bearing replacement. In
Chapter 7, Figure 7.2-11 shows a support
bank with arrangement of the bearings
and press contact areas.
With inclined or curved bridges, care
should be taken to ensure that the
bearings that absorb the horizontal forces
Figure 6.3-5 Bearing of a steel bridge on the receive the greater vertical forces (obtuse
abutment [Ramberger, 2002]. corner, outside of arch, Figures 6.3-7 and
6.3-8). This reduces the inclination of the
resultant (Fig. 6.3-9).


Split tensile

Figure 6.3-6 Presses and starting points for bearing replacement [Ramberger, 2002].
6.3 Choice of bearing and arrangement of bearings 473

If the superstructure and the horizontal

stiffness center (in the projection onto the
positional plane) do not coincide,
asymmetrical and coupled vibration
modes of the superstructure arise, which
Figure 6.3-7 Support of an inclined, single- lead to additional displacements in the
span bridge [Ramberger, 2002]. event of an earthquake. If the stiffness
center cannot be adjusted with the bearings
required for use, the position of the
stiffness center can be changed by using
earthquake devices, primarily springs (see
Table 6.1-2).

Continuous beam
Figure 6.3-8 Support of a curved, single-span Continuous girders over two or more
bridge [Ramberger, 2002] spans are also supported on rigid
abutments at the ends of the bridge; the
intermediate supports are columns or
piers, which can also be of different
heights in a bridge depending on the
R situation to be bridged. The geometry of
V the ground plan and the height of the
supports and piers determine their
V stiffness in the plane. This must be taken
into account when selecting the bearings.
H H The two bearing types (elastic; fixed-point
Figure 6.3-9 Inclination of the resultant for bearing) are also common for continuous
different vertical forces [Ramberger, 2002]. girders. Mixed bearings are also used,
where one or more slender central piers
are clamped into the superstructure and
For skew-angled, solid slab bridges the remaining piers are supported. The
with crossing angles of less than 50gon, stability of the overall system must be
the support forces at the acute corners examined when selecting the bearing.
must be checked for lift-off. The bearing As with single-span bridges,
arrangement (indent the bearing from the continuous girders each have at least two
acute edge) and the consideration of the vertical force bearings at the abutments
existing vertical stiffness of the bearings (Figure 6.3-10).
ensure a realistic bearing force assessment If the torsional rigidity is sufficient, one
and in many cases no lift-off occurs. bearing on each pillar is sufficient.
In the case of skewed and/or curved
bridges in seismically endangered areas, a
further aspect must be taken into account
in the bearing arrangement - the
agreement of the center of mass of the
superstructure with the center of rigidity
of the bearing. If the center of gravity of Figure 6.3-10 Principle of a two-span bridge
the [Ramberger, 2002].
474 6 Storage

Figure 6.3-11 Two-span bridge with Figure 6.3-12 Two-span bridge with vertical
longitudinally displaceable vertical force force bearing on piers displaced on all sides
bearing on piers [Ramberger, 2002]. [Ramberger, 2002].

All abutments or piers can be used to If the supporting forces and

absorb the horizontal forces transverse to the movements permit, elastic bearings with
bridge axis by arranging one bearing each deformation bearings should be used for
in a non-displaceable manner in the continuous girders. In the case of
transverse direction (Figure 6.3-11). horizontally curved continuous beams, it is
If the supporting structure has advantageous to align the direction of
sufficient stiffness around the vertical axis, movement of the bearings at the
in many cases it is sufficient to absorb the abutments in the direction of the track
horizontal forces only on the abutments axis due to the track transitions or rail
and thus in a statically determined extensions. In order to achieve a bearing
manner (Fig. 6.3-12). However, the that is free of constraint for uniform
bearings on the piers, which are movable temperature changes, all other directions
on all sides, then transfer their vertical of displacement of one-sided fixed
force eccentrically, whereby the type of bearings must include the same angle with
bearing and the arrangement on the pier the pole beam to the fixed bearing
(sliding part to the superstructure or to (Figures 6.3-13, 6.3-14).
the pier) determine the Bearings on the abutments must always
influence the effect of eccentricity. be arranged so that the displacement of the
In the case of long bridges or bridges bearings coincides with the displacement
with high piers, it may be advisable to fix of the rail crossings (see section 10.3). In
the superstructure in the longitudinal the case of finger crossings, sliding plate
direction of the bridge on one or more crossings and rail pull-out devices, the
piers positioned in the middle of the displacement of the bearings at the
longitudinal direction. With movable abutments must be in the direction of the
bearings on the abutments, the horizontal bridge axis.
forces are distributed to the fixed piers; Both types of base bearing are suitable
with fixed bearings on the abutments, the for the storage of continuous beams in
pier heads are held in place by the seismically endangered areas, the position-
superstructure, thus significantly reducing
the buckling lengths of the piers.

Figure 6.3-13 Curved multi-span bridge with pole beam support, displacement at the bridge end
not in the direction of the bridge axis [Ramberger, 2002].
6.3 Choice of bearing and arrangement of bearings 475

Figure 6.3-14 Curved multi-span bridge with constraint-free bearing for uniform temperature
change, displacement at the bridge end in the direction of the bridge axis [Ramberger, 2002].

The stakes with fixed points and the and the resulting basic geometry of the
elastic bearing (earthquake isolation). substructure, the choice of bearings is now
As described for single-span beams, the missing.
arrangement of the bearings depends on For the selection of bearings and seismic
the building material and the cross- devices are required:
sectional design of the superstructure. In • the forces and movements to be
the case of single piers, the cross-section
required for the calculation is often not • the performance parameters of
sufficient to accommodate the bearing and
common bearings and seismic devices,
the press-fit attachment point. Possible • the bearing resistances,
solutions are dealt with in Chapter 7. • the storage requirements from the
Figure 7.3-4 shows an example.
building additions.
The arrangement of fixed points for
earthquake bearings should generally be Information on determining the forces and
on one or more piers, as fixed points on movements is provided in section 6.4. To
the abutments experience very large forces determine the movement capacities in the
in the plane in the event of an earthquake, case of isolation, the notes in section 8.7.3
as already explained. Seismic devices must also be observed. DIN EN 1337-1,
should be arranged at the location where 2001] provides an overview of the common
the installed elements can achieve their bearing types; a condensed presentation is
maximum (dynamic) effect. It makes no shown in section 6.1, table 6.1-1. A detailed
sense to specify generalizations with presentation of the installation of
regard to the use of earthquake devices; it individual bearing types can be found in
is always necessary to adjust the bearing section 10.2.
and the earthquake devices to the given As deformation bearings are robust
situation. In the case of elastic support bearings in terms of installation,
(earthquake isolation), the same stakes maintenance and service life, their possible
must be met as for the support of single- use is always checked first. If space is
span bridges, in particular the symmetry of limited or if the displacements or rotations
stiffness and mass distribution must be cannot be reasonably realized with
observed. deformation bearings, the use of other
After the basic choice of position has bearing types is examined. All bearings can
been shown, the arrangement of the be combined with sliding parts, so that the
bearings is determined from the load- displacement size alone is not a decision
bearing behavior and geometry parameters criterion.
of the superstructure cross-section.
476 6 Storage

6.4 Determination of cross-sectional plane. The associated

deformations (e.g. deflections) increase
forces and movements
disproportionately to the internal forces
due to the non-linear material behavior,
6.4.1 General information which is why the linear calculation is not
applicable. A non-linear deformation
Determining the forces and movements of calculation to determine the movements
the bearing is an iterative process, like all of bearings is generally not justified for
verifications in the construction industry. reasons of cost.
Once the load-bearing system has been For this reason, rules for determining
selected, the forces and movements at the the forces and movements on bearings
bearing points are determined according and transition structures were
to the expected effects. The magnitude of summarized in [DIN-FB 101, 2009] in
the determined values allows the bearing Annex O. The aforementioned Annex O
type to be preselected. This allows the also contains supplementary rules for the
design intentions (geometry) to be design of bearings. The rules for
checked for compatibility and then the determining the movements according to
bearing type to be determined. The Annex O are based on empirical data and
resistance forces, which are summarized are determined by means of linear
in section 6.5, are now known and the calculation. The following procedure was
forces and movements of the bearing chosen:
arrangement can be calculated.
Irrespective of the expected exceptional • Determination of the forces and
and earthquake effects, these must first be movements with the characteristic
determined for the effects of the rebound combination of actions. To determine
cases. The results are used by the bearing the measured values of the forces and
manufacturer to prepare the bearing movements in the ultimate limit state,
statics and by the structural engineer for the following must be observed:
further monitoring in the structure. It is • The design values of the forces and
therefore necessary to compare them movements are obtained by multiplying
between the parties involved. the force and movement resulting from
Verifications for the combinations of each individual action by the
the two limit states are required for the corresponding partial safety factor.
structural analysis and, as a rule, also for • The design values of the movements
the supports. Accordingly, the forces and from creep and shrinkage are obtained
movements must also be determined for by increasing the mean creep and
the action combinations of the two limit shrinkage coefficients according to
states. Since the supports realize the [DIN-FB 102, 2009] by a factor of 1.35
boundary or rail pad conditions of the and the design values of the
structural system, the action combinations movements from pre-tension by
of the structure apply. applying the mean value of the pre-
The partial safety factors of the effects tension.
for the ultimate limit state are derived • The movements and forces that arise
from considerations of the transverse after the bearings have been installed
section plane. The internal forces, which must be determined for piers that are
are usually determined in a physically to be treated according to Theory II.
linear manner, are used for the The movements and forces arising after
verification on the transverse section plane. installation of the bearings must be
determined using the characteristic
combination of actions and half of the
6.4 Determining the forces and movements 477

value of the geometric equivalent The extreme values of the movements can
imperfection. be compensated for with the help of the
single-sided settings.
The forces and movements for bridges
with seismic isolation are determined in
the limit states for earthquakes described
6.4.2 Example for determining the forces and
in Section 6.2. The forces and movements
movements and the verification procedure for
of seismically isolated bridges can only be
reinforced elastomeric bearings
calculated for the entire system, taking into
account the dynamic properties of the
bearings (Section 6.2). Possible calculation
Bearing: [DIN EN 1337-3, 2005]
methods from which the forces and
Actions: [DIN-FB 101, 2009]
movements of the bearings can then be
derived are described in Section 8.7.3.
The determination of forces and
movements for bearings is regulated in
Forces and movements from the
Annex O of the above-mentioned DIN
construction process
technical report and the verifications for
When determining the design values of
reinforced elastomeric bearings in [DIN
the movements from the fluctuation of the
EN 1337-3, 2005].
constant temperature component
(uniform temperature change), an
Verification of the sum of elastomer strains
installation temperature (average building
according to [DIN EN 1337-3, 2005],
temperature at the time the bearing and
Section 5.3.3
building are connected) must be assumed.
Summarized elastomer distortion:
This depends on the construction process
and the manufacturing method. As it is εt,d = KL ∙ (εc,d + εq,d + εα,d ) ≤ 7.0
generally difficult to predict the conditions
The proportions of the total distortion are
at the time of installation, assumptions
calculated as follows, whereby additional
must be made that are on the safe side.
limit values must be observed for the
This means the assumption of a
shear distortion:
Elastomer distortion from vertical
additional (in addition to the ,  ċ Fz,d
measurement ε =
value) uniform temperature changes c,d G ċ Ar ċ S
the change. The cited Annex O specifies
an increase in the design value of the with the design value of the vertical force
negative and positive temperature
component of the temperature fluctuation Elastomer distortion from displacement:
by each
10 K in each case. If the average building vxy,d
εq,d = C , 
temperature at the time of connection Tq
of the bearing and structure is determined
with the design value of the displacement vxy,d
by temperature measurements, then no
increases in the temperature components Elastomer distortion from bearing torsion:
(ar ċ αa + br� ċ αb ) ċ
of the temperature fluctuation are ,d ,d ti

Even if during the construction process
the fixed point is changed, enlargements are
The changes in the uniform temperature change taken into account.
must be When moving
478 6 Storage

εα ,d = εαx,d =
� ċ � (t )
bearings can be determined by bearing pre- with the design value of the torsion α
6.4 Determining the forces and movements 479

The verification of the summary elastic values are understood as the results of a
distortion must be carried out in the specific load position.
ultimate limit state and requires the
design values of the forces and Example: 3-span bridge with two
movements from this limit state. different cross-section designs
The forces and movements Fzd , vxy,d For this example, the support forces,
and αab,d must be determined in displacements and rotations were
accordance with [DIN-FB 101, 2009], calculated for the actions. The
Annex O. This is based on the characteristic values of the individual
characteristic combination of actions. The results are given in Tables 6.4.2-1 and -2.
design values are obtained by determining
the forces and movements from the Assumptions and simplifications for the
individual actions of the characteristic calculation of internal forces:
action combination with subsequent • Examination on the beam system, the
augmentation of the individual results with
transverse direction ϑb and vy are
the corresponding partial safety factors.
In addition to determining the forces • Effects from the manufacturing
and movements for the bearings, the
technology, time of installation and
example also checks the effects of a
overheight of the superstructure are
verification that takes into account the
not taken into account. The bearing
associated design values or a verification
deformations due to dead load and pre-
with maximum values. Under "associated"
tension are applied in full.

Figure 6.4.2-1 Cross-section variant 1, concrete variant

Figure 6.4.2-2 Cross-section variant 2, composite variant

480 6 Storage

Figure 6.4.2-3 Longitudinal section

Figure 6.4.2-4 Storage plan

Table 6.4.2-1 Compilation of the results of the forces and movements from the individual actions
(characteristic values) for cross-section variant 1
Description AV [kN] BV [kN] A ϑ[10-3] B ϑ[10-3] vA [mm] vB [mm]
1 Dead load 1490,46 3752,09 -2,37 0,39 0,00 0,00
2 Expansion load 354,00 969,00 -0,63 0,10 0,00 0,00
3 pre-tension 67,30 -67,30 4,18 -0,80 7,86 4,11
4 K+S -5,33 5,33 0,90 -0,30 30,45 21,90
5 UDL in field 1+3 462,00 504,00 -0,92 0,71 0,00 0,00
6 UDL in field 2 -54,70 577,00 0,28 -0,62 0,00 0,00
7 UDL in field 1+2 394,00 1147,00 -0,57 -0,05 0,00 0,00
8 TS in field 1 293,00 279,00 -0,75 0,40 0,00 0,00
9 TS in field 2 -37,70 304,00 0,20 -0,44 0,00 0,00
10 TS to A 534,00 -0,66 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
11 TS to B -0,35 534,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
12 Braking load 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -0,25 -0,25
13 Starting load 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,25 0,25
Uniform cooling
14 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 19,93 10,56

Uniform heating
15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -13,70 -7,26

16 88,50 -88,50 0,80 -0,25 0,00 0,00
top side higher
17 -57,33 57,33 -0,52 0,17 0,00 0,00
underside higher
(The index on the displacements/rotations indicates the bearing, not the axis of the displacement/rotation).
6.4 Determining the forces and movements 481

Table 6.4.2-2 Compilation of the results of the forces and movements from the individual actions
(characteristic values) for cross-section variant 2
Description AV [kN] BV [kN] Aϑ[10-3] B ϑ[10-3] vA [mm] vB [mm]
1 Dead load 721,92 1977,52 -0,20 0,05 -0,96 0,39
2 Expansion load 350,06 972,71 -1,07 0,18 -0,47 0,20
4 K+S -123,75 123,75 -1,32 0,60 9,78 5,94
5 UDL in field 1+3 453,95 501,42 -1,58 1,20 -0,32 1,19
6 UDL in field 2 -57,33 574,13 0,48 -1,03 -0,19 -1,01
7 UDL in field 1+2 382,42 1146,15 -0,98 0,07 -0,86 -0,37
8 TS in field 1 282,87 285,55 -1,29 0,68 -0,62 0,46
9 TS in field 2 -41,59 304,45 0,35 -0,74 -0,12 -0,72
10 TS to A 524,02 3,61 0,00 0,00 0,02 0,00
11 TS to B 3,87 516,62 0,00 0,00 -0,01 0,00
12 Braking load -1,10 -6,35 0,00 -0,01 -0,21 -0,20
13 Starting load 1,10 6,35 0,00 0,01 0,21 0,20
Uniform cooling
14 38,46 -38,46 0,57 -0,19 23,19 11,97

Uniform heating
15 -28,57 28,57 -0,39 0,14 -17,23 -8,89

16 66,32 -66,32 0,94 -0,32 -3,07 -2,16
top side higher
17 -79,63 79,63 -1,13 0,39 3,68 2,59
underside higher

(The index on the displacements/rotations indicates the bearing, not the axis of the displacement/rotation).
482 6 Storage

Design values of forces and movements increase in the mean creep and shrinkage
for the verification of elastomer coefficients according to [DIN-FB 102,
distortions according to [DIN EN 1337, 2009] or [DIN-FB 104, 2009] with a factor
2005], of 1.35. This factor is not a partial safety
Section 5.3.3 factor, but leads to fractile values of the
According to Annex O of [DIN-FB 101, creep and shrinkage coefficients.
2009], the design values of movements due
to creep and shrinkage under compression
are to be

Table 6.4.2-3 Design values of forces and movements for the bearings of cross-section variant 1
AV BV ϑA ϑB vA vB
[kN] [kN] [10-3] [10-3]
[mm] [mm]
Maximum support force bearing A and tension ϑ
max A 4141,6
Bearing A
train. 0,83
Maximum support force bearing B and tension ϑ
max B 8894,9
Bearing B
train. -0,65
Maximum rotation of bearing A and tension. Av
train. 1,35*(1+2)+1,0*3+1,0*4+1,5*(5+8)
A +1,35*0,8*17
max ϑ 1,35*(1+2)+3+1,35*4+1,5*(5+8)
-1,72 Bearing A
(EK 1) +1,35*0,8*17
train. 1,0*(1+2)+1,0*3+1,0*4+1,5*(6+9)
A (EK +1,35*0,8*16
max ϑ 1,0*(1+2)+3+1,35*4+1,5*(6+9)
(EK 2) +1,35*0,8*16
Maximum torsion bearing B and tension. Bv
train 1,35(1+2)+1,0*3+1,0*4+1,5*(5+8)
B (EK +1,35*0,8*17
max ϑ 1,35*(1+2)+3+1,35*4+1,5*(5+8)
1,30 Bearing B
(EK 1) +1,35*0,8*17
train 1,0*(1+2)+1,0*3+1,0*4+1,5*(6+9)
B (EK +0,8*1,35*16
max ϑ 1,0*(1+2)+3+1,35*4+1,5*(6+9)
(EK 2) +1,35*0,8*16
Horizontal displacement for bearing A and B
max v 1.0(3)+1.35*(4)+1.5*(14) Bearings A and B 75,9 47,9
6.4 Determining the forces and movements 483

Table 6.4.2-4 Design values for the forces and movements of the bearings of cross-section
variant 2
AV BV ϑA ϑB vA vB
[kN] [kN] [10-3] [10-3]
[mm] [mm]
Maximum support force bearing A and tension ϑ
max A 2885,6
Bearing A
train. -4,48
Maximum support force bearing B and tension ϑ
max B 6697,5
Bearing B
train. 1,70
Maximum rotation of bearing A and tension. Av
train. 1,35*(1+2)+1,0*4+1,5*(5+8)
A +1,35*0,8*(0,35*15+17)
max ϑ 1,35*(1+2)+1,35*4+1,5*(5+8)
-9,16 Bearing A
(EK 1) +0,8*1,35*(0,35*15+17)
train. 1,35*(1+2)+1,0*4+0*(6+9)
A (EK +1,35*(14+0,75*16)
max ϑ 1,35*(1+2)+1,35*4+0*(6+9)
(EK 2) +1,35*(14+0,75*16)
Maximum torsion bearing B and tension. Bv
train 1,35(1+2)+1,0*4+1,5*(5+8)
B (EK +1,35*0,8*(0,35*15+17)
max ϑ 1,35(1+2)+1,35*4+1,5*(6+9)
4,41 Bearing B
(EK 1) +1,35*0,8*(0,35*15+17)
train 1,35(1+2)+1,0*4+1,5*(5+8)
B (EK +1,35*0,8*(0,35*15+17)
max ϑ 1,0(1+2)+1,35*4+1,5*(6+9)
(EK 2) +1,35*0,8*(14+0,75*16)
Horizontal displacement for bearing A and B
max v Bearings A and B 46,3 27,6

Dimensioning of bearings under cross- Dimensioning of bearings under cross-

section 1 (solid) section 2 (composite)
Unanchored bearings according to [DIN Unanchored bearings according to [DIN
EN 1337-3, 2005] with the geometries EN 1337-3, 2005] with the geometries
shown below were selected and the shown below were selected and the total
summary elastomeric distortion analysis elastomeric distortion was determined.
was carried out.
484 6 Storage

Table 6.4.2-5 Summarized elastomer distortion for the bearings of cross-section variant 1
Bearing dimensioning - QS 1, bearing A
Cross- Fz,d - ϑ Cross- Fz,d - ϑ
section 1 max max train section 1 max max train
Bearing A - max - - max Bearing B - max - - max
train train
a [mm] 400 400 400 a [mm] 500 500 500
b [mm] 500 500 500 b [mm] 600 600 600
aʹ [mm] 392 392 392 aʹ [mm] 492 492 492
bʹ2B9 [mm] 492 492 492 bʹ2B9 [mm] 592 592 592
↩ ↩
n 9 9 9 n 6 6 6
t [mm] 11 11 11 t [mm] 11 11 11
s [mm] 4 4 4 s [mm] 4 4 4
Fz [kN] 4141,6 4141,6 1863,4 Fz [kN] 8894,9 8894,9 5885
vx [mm] 75,9 75,9 75,9 vx [mm] 47,5 47,5 47,5
ϑa [rad] 3,97E-03 8,30E-04 3,97E-03 ϑb [rad] 2,58E-03 6,50E-04 2,58E-03
A [mm²] 200000 200000 200000 A [mm²] 300000 300000 300000
Aʹ [mm²] 192864 192864 192864 Aʹ [mm²] 291264 291264 291264
Ar [mm²] 155521 155521 155521 Ar [mm²] 263144 263144 263144
S 9,92 9,92 9,92 S 12,21 12,21 12,21
[N/ [N/
Gd 0,8 0,8 0,8 Gd 0,8 0,8 0,8
mm²] mm²]
εc,d 5,035 5,035 2,265 εc,d 5,189 5,189 3,433
εq,d 0,767 0,767 0,767 εq,d 0,720 0,720 0,720
εαx,d 0,292 0,061 0,292 εαx,d 0,444 0,112 0,444
Σε 6,093 5,863 3,324 Σε 6,353 6,021 4,597

Figure 6.4.2-5 Proportions with associated/maximum calculation values for cross-section variant 1
6.4 Determining the forces and movements 485

Table 6.4.2-6 Summarized elastomer distortion for the bearings of cross-section variant 2
Bearing dimensioning - QS 2, bearing A
Cross Nsd - ϑ Cross- Nsd - ϑ
section 2 max max train section 2 max max train
Bearing A - max - - max Bearing B - max - -
train train max
a [mm] 350 350 350 a [mm] 450 450 450
b [mm] 450 450 450 b [mm] 550 550 550
aʹ [mm] 342 342 342 aʹ [mm] 442 442 442
bʹ2B9 [mm] 442 442 442 bʹ2B9 [mm] 542 542 542
↩ ↩
n 6 6 6 n 4 4 4
t [mm] 11 11 11 t [mm] 11 11 11
s [mm] 4 4 4 s [mm] 4 4 4
Fz [kN] 2885,6 2885,6 2428,7 Fz [kN] 6697,5 6697,5 5383,8
vx [mm] 46,3 46,3 46,3 vx [mm] 27,6 27,6 27,6
ϑa [whee 9,16E-03 4,48E-03 9,16E-03 ϑb [wheel] 4,41E-03 1,70E-03 4,41E-03
A [mm²] 157500 157500 157500 A [mm²] 247500 247500 247500
Aʹ [mm²] 151164 151164 151164 Aʹ [mm²] 239564 239564 239564
Ar [mm²] 130699 130699 130699 Ar [mm²] 224605 224605 224605
S 8,76 8,76 8,76 S 11,07 11,07 11,07
[N/ [N/
Gd 0,8 0,8 0,8 Gd 0,8 0,8 0,8
mm²] mm²]
εc,d 4,723 4,723 3,976 εc,d 5,052 5,052 4,061
εq,d 0,702 0,702 0,702 εq,d 0,627 0,627 0,627
εαx,d 0,773 0,378 0,773 εαx,d 0,923 0,356 0,923
Σε 6,198 5,803 5,450 Σε 6,602 6,035 5,611

Figure 6.4.2-6 Proportions with associated/maximum calculation values for cross-section variant 2
486 6 Storage

Summary of the results of these The results, which were verified using two
examples for the verification of the examples, illustrate the recommendation to
summa- rial elastomer distortion perform the calculation using the
In the examples, the formation rules for maximum values.
determining the forces and displacements
were shown and it was investigated whether Verification of the t o r s i o n a l l i m i t
the use of associated values when forming c o n d i t i o n o r "gaping in the bed
the action combinations for the bearing joint" For the verification of the torsional
design enables optimization of the required limit condition or "gaping in the bed
bearing size. Possible variations between joint" (Section of [DIN EN 1337-
the calculated values of the support force 3:2005])
and the torsion were investigated. The the deformations vz,d , ϑa,d and ϑb,d are
consideration of associated values for required, whereby the deformation vz,d is
calculated as bearing compression from F

The stock shifts were not included in the   ntFz,d θa,d + br θb,d
since the relevant influences that cause ( + ) �
Gd S E Ar 
shifts are either of a permanent nature b
stress, creep and shrinkage) or show no This verification must be carried out in
interaction with the vertical load and the ultimate limit state.
torsion (uniform cooling/heating). The left-hand term of the equation is
In the calculated sums of elastomer vz,d and the right-hand term is referred to
distortion, the sum of the distortions from below as v .α,d
vertical load and displacement dominates The unfavorable constellation for this
the total sum by far. For this reason, the verification consists of a low vertical
use of associated values does not show a deflection (low superimposed load) and a
significant result; the sums determined are large torsion. This again raises the
only slightly reduced. question of whether maximum values or
Even if these statements are not associated values can be used. This
universally valid, as they only apply to question is also examined using the above
these example.

Table 6.4.2-7 Design values of the minimum support force and the associated torsion, cross-section
variant 1
Minimum load Av and tens. Torsion
min A 0,95*(1+2)+1,0*3+1,0*4+1,5(6+9)+1,35*0,8*17 1611,8
train ϑ 0,95*(1+2)+3+1,35*4+1,5*(6+9)+1,35*0,8*17 2,71 A
Minimum load Bv and tens. Torsion
min B 0,95*(1+2)+1,0*4+1,0*3+0*(6+9)+1,35*16 4303,6
train ϑ 0,95*(1+2)+3+1,35*4+1,5*16 -1,13 B
6.4 Determining the forces and movements 487

Table 6.4.2-8 Verification of "gaping of the bed joint", cross-section variant 1

Cross- Nsd - ϑ Cross- Nsd - ϑ
section 1 min min - train section 1 min min - train
Bearing - max train - Bearing B - max train - max
A max
a [mm] 400 400 400 a [mm] 500 500 500
b [mm] 500 500 500 b [mm] 600 600 600
aʹ [mm] 392 392 392 aʹ [mm] 492 492 492
bʹ2B [mm] 492 492 492 bʹ2B [mm] 592 592 592
9↩ 9↩
n 9 9 9 n 6 6 6
t [mm] 11 11 11 t [mm] 11 11 11
s [mm] 4 4 4 s [mm] 4 4 4
Fz [kN] 1611,8 1611,8 1863,4 Fz [kN] 4303,6 4303,6 5885,0
ϑa [wheel 3,97E-03 2,71E-03 3,97E-03 ϑb [wheel] 2,58E-03 1,13E-03 2,58E-03
vz,d [mm] 2,52 2,52 2,91 vz,d [mm] 2,12 2,12 2,90
vα,d [mm] 0,52 0,35 0,52 vα,d [mm] 0,42 0,19 0,42

Table 6.4.2-9 Design values of the minimum support force and the associated torsion, cross-section
variant 2
Minimum load Av and tens. Torsion
min A 649,5
0,95*(1+2)+1,35*4+1,5*(6+9) A
train ϑ -3,11
Minimum load Bv and tens. Torsion
min B 0,95*(1+2)+4+1,35*(14+0,75*16) 2807,4
train ϑ 0,95*(1+2)+1,35*4+1,35*(14+0,75*16) 0,45 B

Table 6.4.2-10 Verification of "gaping of the bed joint", cross-section variant 2

Cross Nsd - ϑ Cross- Nsd - ϑ
section 2 min min - train section 2 min min - train
Bearing - max train - max Bearing - max train - max
a [mm] 350 350 350 a [mm] 450 450 450
b [mm] 450 450 450 b [mm] 550 550 550
aʹ [mm] 342 342 342 aʹ [mm] 442 442 442
bʹ2B [mm] 442 442 442 bʹ [mm] 542 542 542
9↩ 2B

n 6 6 6 n 4 4 4
t [mm] 11 11 11 t [mm] 11 11 11
s [mm] 4 4 4 s [mm] 4 4 4
Fz [kN] 649,5 649,5 2428,7 Fz [kN] 2807,4 2807,4 5383,8
ϑa [rad] 9,16E-03 3,11E-03 9,16E-03 ϑa [wheel] 4,41E-03 4,50E-04 4,41E-03
488 6 Storage
vz,d [mm] 1,06 1,06 3,98 vz,d [mm] 1,31 1,31 2,51
vα,d [mm] 1,04 0,35 1,04 vα,d [mm] 0,65 0,07 0,65
6.6 Planning documents 487

Summary of the results for the The use of the specified resistances
verification "gaping of the bed joint" assumes that the bearings are not exposed
The verification of the gaping of the bed to the following influences The use of the
joint could not always be fulfilled with the specified resistances assumes that the
maximum values in the example bearings are not exposed to the following
examined. The distance between bearing influences:
compression due to normal force and • Temperatures outside the defined limits,
bearing compression due to torsion • Velocities of displacements and
increases considerably when using the
rotations that are not caused by
associated values, so that the use of
displacement (i.e. not for earthquakes),
associated values to fulfill the verification
• Contamination in the contact surfaces.
condition makes sense. As this verification
is often not possible for small supports, For bearings with fixed points, the
which can occur due to live load positions horizontal support force acting on the
with a relieving effect even in structures fixed point must be determined from the
with a small span, a minimum value for Fz resistance of the entire bearing system. It
/A' of 3 N/mm² was defined for anchored should be noted that the forces resulting
bearings. In this example, the verification from the resistances act partly favorably
for the minimum value/maximum value and partly unfavorably. The calculation
variant would still not be fulfilled, as a must therefore take into account the
compression of 3.6 N/mm² is present. favorable and unfavorable design values of
the permanent loads for determining the
horizontally acting support force due to
6.5 Bearing resistances friction in motion bearings. When using
reinforced elastomeric bearings from
Bearings generate either restoring forces different manufacturers, this applies to the
(deformation bearings), which are different shear moduli.
proportional to the displacements, or The resistances of the bearings and
frictional forces (plain bearings, roller earthquake devices in the event of
bearings), which are proportional to the earthquake loads depend on the strength
vertical forces. These bearing resistances of the earthquake and the specific
act on the non-displaceable bearings via deformation characteristics. These can
the superstructure and must be taken into only be determined by testing and must be
account in their support reactions. All obtained from the bearing manufacturer.
rotatable bearings have restoring torques
or frictional torques, the effects of which
on superstructures and substructures 6.6 Planning documents
must also be taken into account, but can
often be neglected. The resistances that The choice of bearings and the selection
depend on the design and the material or and arrangement of bearings for a bridge
material pairings are specified in the require cooperation between the project
standards for the respective bearings (see owner, planner, contractor and
Table 6.1-3). Since the movement and
deformation resistances are dependent on
a large number of factors, the
488 6 Storage

bearing manufacturer. This is also storage transfer plan, which also fulfills
reflected in the planning of the bridge. specification b).
This is documented by the bearing plan, A bearing list is required for the
the bearing displacement plan and the preparation of the bearing statics by the
bearing list. According to [DIN EN 1337- bearing manufacturer. It is the
1], the bearing plan should contain the responsibility of the structural engineer to
following information: prepare these documents. The bearing
manufacturer drafts the detailed bearing
a) Bridge in plan with depiction of the plans after preparing the bearing statics,
bearings (symbols) which fulfill the requirements e).
b) Details in the storage points The bearing list must contain all the
c) Type of bearing at each location required design values of the forces and
d) A table listing the requirements for displacements for the decisive
each bearing combinations of the two limit states for
e) Details on the bearing, installation and the verification of the bearings.
removal As a rule, the bearings can be designed
for the maximum force and movement. If
In current practice, the storage plan in the the efficiency is impaired, then associated
design and construction plan contains the values are also required. The latter is
details a) and d). This existing plan is particularly important for torsionally soft
concretized during the implementation superstructure cross-sections. Using the
planning. The specific bearing and the example of the areas of influence of open
bearing manufacturer are known in detail. and closed cross-sections in continuous
In this phase, the beams

Figure 6.6-1 Influence surface for the bearing force of a three-span bridge with an open
(torsionally soft) cross-section [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 6.6-2 Influence surface for the bearing force of a three-span bridge with a closed (torsionally
rigid) cross-section [Ramberger, 2002].
6.7 Measuring forces and movements on bearings 489

The difference is illustrated in Figures 6.6- IFF Engineering & Consulting GmbH,
1 and 6.6-2. Leipzig [IFF, 1992-97], showed deviations
Since the verification of the bearings from the calculated bearing forces of 50 to
includes all connections in the bearing 200% for the above-mentioned types of
and all equipment elements, the structure, despite careful geodetic
characteristic values of the bearing forces alignment of the bearing points. Extensive
and movements from each individual measurements, including force
action must also be included in the measurements, are currently being carried
bearing list. Other combinations may be out by hump foreman [Bergmeister, 2001]
decisive for the elements mentioned. on bridges on the Brenner highway.
Measurements of displacements and
rotations of bearings in the structure were
6.7 Measuring forces and mostly carried out to validate the
movements on bearings conditions of the approval tests and to
determine the accumulated sliding
Bearings are components whose distances for estimating the service life.
functionality can only be guaranteed if Information on this can be found in [Ibac
they are handled with care. To ensure F 195, 1984, Ibac F 192, 1990, Hakenjos,
load-bearing capacity and functionality, 1985 and IBL No. 804, 1977]. In summary,
the bearing components are tested prior to it was determined that
the declarations of conformity or • that the accumulation of the short-term
approvals and continuously monitored
movements resulting from traffic load
during production. The tests are carried
have the greater share of the
out under defined boundary conditions.
accumulated sliding distance compared
Behavioral studies on the mode of action
to the temperature movements.
under real conditions and effects can only • that the coefficients of friction under
be carried out by measuring bearings in
the various temperature and load effects
the structure with accompanying
have a wide scattering range, the effect
measurements on the structure. The
of which on the service life of the
forces and movements are of interest here.
bearings is not yet sufficiently known.
Only a few measurements of forces or
pressures at the bearing points are known. In [Weitsch, 2002], measurements of
Although sensor-equipped (usually cup) displacements and rotations on bearings
bearings for measuring bearing forces during the passage of a truck with a known
have been offered and also installed on configuration, load and speed are
various occasions, measurement results evaluated and compared with analog
are not available. Since damage to steel calculation results. Further deformation
bridges with torsionally soft cross- measurements on bearings under traffic are
sections, for example at the end transverse not known from the literature, so that
beams, has been detected several times, Weitsch's measurements can currently only
more attention is being paid to the be evaluated as a trend. Measurements
problem of establishing the planned were carried out on the bearings of the
positional conditions, i.e. a bearing force- viaduct over the Schwarza, a nine-span
controlled support for these bridges or single-span steel composite bridge with a
also for bridges with geometrically maximum height over
complicated layouts. An evaluation of the
measured support forces without
490 6 Storage

Fig. 6.7-1 Position of the measuring points in the storage plan. The filled bearings were measured.

675 m


Erfurt Schweinfurt

55 m75 m80 85 m 85 m 85 m 80 m70 m60

m m
Figure 6.7-2 Longitudinal view of the viaduct over the Schwarza

Terrain of 65 m. The bearing plan with dependent. Even a stop in the middle of
details of the measured bearings is shown the field and a 15-second application of
in Figure 6.7-1. All bearings of the bridge the load shows no changes. Only the
are spherical bearings. dynamic components are speed-
The longitudinal view of the bridge is dependent.
shown in Figure 6.7-2. • Good agreement is achieved between
At the time of the measurements, the calculation and measurement.
bridge construction work was nearing However, the calculation was carried
completion. The expansion joints, caps out in the overall load-bearing model
and the final road surface had not yet been without bearing resistances. Figure 6.7-
completed. The measurements were 3 shows the results for bearing axis 50.
carried out at different speeds of the test The longitudinal axis of the bridge is
vehicle. Measurements were taken at defined as the x-axis.
walking pace, 10 km/h, 30 km/h and 50
km/h. In addition, slow drives were The measurements of the displacements
carried out with a 15 s stop in the middle in the axial direction concentrate on the
of each field. The time of measurement bearings at abutment axis 0. As the
was in May at a mean outside temperature structural temperatures increased during
of 26 °C with strong sunlight. The the measurement period, the
following results were obtained for the displacements are superimposed values
rotations: from temperature and traffic. The following
results are of interest:
• The course of torsion at the individual
bearing points is independent of the • The displacements show a strong
vehicle speed (10 to 50 km/h). dependence on driving behavior. Both
the different speeds and stopovers lead
to different results.
6.7 Measuring forces and movements on bearings 491

Figure 6.7-3 Measured and calculated bearing rotations around the y-axis for axis 50

• At present, the influence of driving observed. These diagrams clearly show

behavior cannot be realistically that traffic influences disturb the
calculated. longitudinal displacements due to
temperature. As a rule, the longitudinal
Figure 6.7-4 shows a measurement result displacements come to a brief standstill.
when passing at walking pace, whereby the Figure 6.7-5 shows the measured
unplanned passage of an unloaded displacement when the test vehicle passes
construction site vehicle influences the at 30 km/h. These measurement results
displacements at the marked points. The show a relatively continuous displacement
occurring stair line was always measured curve.
for such events.

Figure 6.7-4 Horizontal displacement of axis 0 at walking pace and disturbance by a construction site
492 6 Storage

Figure 6.7-5 Horizontal displacement of axis 0 during a crossing at 30 km/h

All measurement results shown are types of bearings and their metrological
influence lines of the deformations of the recording as well as a proposal for
specified bearings. documentation as a sample.
The basic requirements for storage are
in accordance with section
6.8 Inspection and maintenance of 6.2 a permanently safe transmission of the
bearings and bearing supports support forces both vertically and in the
bearing plane and a permanently low
Bearings and bearing supports must be constraint realization of the movements.
designed in such a way that the bearings The inspection of the bearing can
can be inspected, maintained and replaced generally only include the movements in
if necessary. This principle, formulated in the bearing plane.
EN 1337, Part 1, has been standard Testing the supporting forces requires
practice in Germany for more than 30 appropriate equipment.
years. Unless there is a special reason, the The displacements in the bearing plane
inspection of bearings and bearings is of supported load-bearing systems are
carried out as part of the monitoring and predominantly caused by the temperature
testing of bridges, for which DIN 1076 has of the structure due to climatic effects and,
existed in Germany since 1930. Updated in the case of concrete bridges, also by the
several times and accompanied by time-dependent creep and shrinkage
guidelines, this standard represents an behavior. The recording of the actual state
essential basis in the bridge maintenance of the bearing displacements therefore
system. requires the simultaneous recording of the
EN 1337, Part 10 is also dedicated to shadow outside air temperature as
the special problem of inspection and continuously as possible.
maintenance of bearings. It specifies The building mean temperature is
general requirements and special checks influenced by geometric, building
for individual material-specific and
6.8 Inspection and maintenance of bearings and bearing supports 493

climatic parameters and therefore cannot the latter case usually only leads to
be determined directly via the shade overdimensioning of the bearing.
outside air temperature. The rotations of the bearings in the
The method of displacement bearing plane are determined by the direct
measurement depends on the bearing type superstructure loads and the linear
and the equipment of the bearing. The temperature gradient in the
"actual state" of the displacements at the superstructure. A
existing mean temperature of the The "zero state" of torsion can hardly be
structure must be compared with the defined. Depending on the material and
target state at the same mean temperature type of manufacture, the superstructure is
of the structure. The determination of the mounted in a pre-curved position for
target state requires knowledge of a aesthetic reasons. However, the bearings
defined initial state. For this purpose, DIN are installed straight. Checking the torsion
EN 1337, Part 11 requires the zero is therefore reduced to measuring the
measurement for the individual bearings current torsion of the bearing. The
at the time of the start of function with the measurement of the torsion is again
respective current air and/or building dependent on the bearing type; DIN EN
temperature and its documentation. 1337, Part 10 provides some information
Correct installation of the bearings is of on this.
decisive importance for the permanent The support or bearing forces can only
function of the bearing arrangement over be measured during the main tests if the
the expected service life. However, the bridge has been equipped with force
documentation of the zero condition measuring bearings. These bearings are
during installation is of comparable usually available as pot bearings, but are
importance for the inspection. Section only used in special cases. With these
10.2.8 highlights further aspects relating bearings, the force is determined via a
to the installation of bearings. pressure sensor in the elastomer. As a rule,
If irregularities occur in one or more however, the inspection is limited to a
layers when comparing the actual and visual check of the bearings on the
target state of the displacements, the cause support force side.
is usually to be found in the deformation A functional bearing arrangement
behavior of the supporting structure. Such requires functional bearings. The
causes can be inspection of the bearings therefore
• When determining the bearing loads, requires additional basic and bearing
the effects of the bearing were taken type-specific controls, such as
into account. General aspects
system is not taken into account. • Sufficient remaining movement
• Movements have occurred at
capacity, depending on the type of
abutments or supports/piers due to
layer and the current building
unplanned settlements in the subsoil.
• The stiffness of the substructures was
• Visible defects in the bearing
not taken into account when • Visible defects on the adjacent
determining the movements.
While in the first two cases a bearing • Corrosion protection
repair is usually necessary • Bearing bedding and anchoring
• Condition of the sliding and rolling
494 6 Storage

Fig. 6.8-1 Press attachment on falsework, Figure 6.8-2 Press attachment on pillar, supporting
supporting structure lowered structure lifted out

• Condition and functionality of the The majority of the measures mentioned

restraints. can only be carried out when the load-
bearing structure is relieved or excavated.
Aspects dependent on storage type Although excavation can lead to traffic
• for sliding parts with PTFE elements, restrictions, it should not lead to traffic
measurement of the gap height closures. Lifting the supported component
between the sliding plate and the to replace bearings is defined as a typical
carrier plate action in the regulations for actions on
• for elastomeric bearings, visual bridges [DIN-FB 101, 2009]. The lifting
inspection of the uniformity of the dimension, the design situation and the
deformations and any cracks traffic loads to be taken into account are
• for pot bearings, the measurement of regulated. Other possible actions can be
the distances between pot and lid movements or horizontal forces due to the
opposite in the direction of rotation current deformation state of the structure.
• for rollers and spherical bearings the Information on this is given in EN 1337,
measurement of the torsion angle Part 10.
• for guideways, measurement of the The press-fittings for excavation are
largest clearance of the sliding joint usually arranged on the piers and
abutments. This must therefore be taken
If defects are found during the inspection into account when selecting the geometry
of the storage and bearings, these must be of the design. In exposed cases, the press
rectified. attachment can be provided on the pier
foundations, which then requires ground-
The repair of bearings can include: standing scaffolding for excavation.
• Correcting the position of the bearings The repair of bearings always requires
• Replacing the entire bearing or special expertise and is usually associated
individual parts with considerable manual effort. Durable,
• Renewal or addition of corrosion low-use and low-wear bearing
protection constructions are therefore always
• Tamping work preferable.
• Crack repair for superficial elastomer
7 Substructures

7.1 Overview bridge and the choice of structural system,

the specific structural form of the
Bridge substructures include the substructures is also decided. They are
abutments, supports and piers as well as essential elements of the design. The
their foundations. For small and medium- bearing level is usually located between the
sized bridges, the cost of the substructures superstructure and substructure. However,
accounts for up to 60% of the total cost. in the case of arch or rigid frame bridges,
This illustrates the need for thorough for example, it can also be located between
calculation and design work. The main the substructure and the foundation.
function of the substructures is to support
the superstructure and transfer the forces
to the foundation. The bearing comprises 7.2 Abutment
the supporting elements of a structure and
the way in which these elements act. 7.2.1 Definition, tasks and
Depending on the type of bearing, design principle
displacements and rotations between the
superstructure and the substructure are The technical term abutment goes back to
released or prevented. All actions on the the time of vault structures. "Elastic arches
superstructure, both the vertical and that are resistant to impermissible
horizontal loads and the reactions of the deformations are spanned between fixed
deformations, must be transferred to the abutments" [Melan, 1948]. The task of the
foundation. There are many forms of abutments was thus clearly described and
formation available for this. These include it still applies to arch bridges today. The
the fixed connection of the superstructure abutments of arch bridges have the task of
to the abutment walls or supports and absorbing and transmitting the force of
piers, the articulated connection or the use the forces. They are therefore the
of components, the bearings, which enable continuation of the arch and their shape is
rotations between two components, primarily determined by the foundation
transfer loads and enable or prevent conditions.
displacements. Today, the term abutment stands for
The substructures of a bridge therefore the final structure at the end of a bridge,
also include the arches that support the regardless of the type of structure and
superstructure. This is discussed in the design. The abutments form the end
section support of bridges and the beginning of
5.4 Arch bridges. The bearings as the continuing traffic embankment. This
components are described in chapter 10, dual function characterizes their task, their
section loading and their constructive design.
10.2. With the draft of the
496 7 Substructures

If the task is to transfer the earth pressure

from the embankment, wall-like elements
are also suitable for this. The load trasnfer
of the individual components of the
abutment takes place via the foundation
into the building ground. The resulting
spatially structured structure as a whole
forms the abutment. Figure 7.2-1 illustrates
the principle explained using a box-
shaped abutment.
The finished structure is dominated by
Figure 7.2-1 Box-shaped abutment - the design of the embankment and the
schematic diagram overall appearance of the bridge. The
abutment components are only partially
As the final support of the bridges, the visible. Figure 7.2-2 shows an abutment in
abutment absorbs the vertical and its final state with corresponding
horizontal loads from the superstructure. equipment (embankment stairs, drainage
Wall-like elements are suitable for this trough)
purpose, which is why the component is Reinforced concrete is practically the
also called an abutment wall. The abutment only building material used. To improve
wall is also a retaining structure for the the visual effect as part of the building
traffic embankment that begins in the design, cladding made of natural stone or
ground jump and absorbs the earth artificial stone (clinker) is often used.
pressure. Constructions made of unreinforced
In the embankment area, further concrete, natural stone or clinker are only
structural elements are required to close rarely used for smaller drainage channels.
off the earth structure required for traffic
guidance. They are called splitting of
trains, and since their

Figure 7.2-2 Abutment of a beam bridge in its final state

7.2 Abutment 497

7.2.2 Arrangement of abutment wall

and splitting of trains - Abutment types

The variety of existing structural forms of

the abutments depends on the route of the
traffic route (inclined or curved), the type
of the underpassed traffic route or the
overpassed traffic route (rail, road or
waterway or valley), the type of structure
and the construction height of the bridge,
the height of the earth embankment and
the load-bearing capacity of the Figure 7.2-3 Sash shapes and slope shapes
construction base. Abutments are also
design elements of the bridge and
therefore part of its design language. Structure in a partially filled state.
The arrangement of the wing walls For the abutment with parallel wings,
determines the basic shape of the the length of the wing wall determines the
abutment. Figure 7.2-3 shows the basic type of abutment. If the abutment wall is at
wing positions in relation to the the foot of the embankment, the splitting of
longitudinal axis of the bridge. A trains is usually so long that they require a
distinction is made between parallel foundation and a box abutment is created
wings, diagonal wings and slope wings as shown in Fig. 7.2-2. If the abutment is
(perpendicular to the longitudinal axis). arranged close to the embankment crest,
It is of course possible to combine the splitting of trains are short and can be
different blade arrangements. Figure 7.2-4 attached to the abutment wall as cantilever
shows a smaller drainage channel with wings. The resulting shape is called a
inclined wings. Additional parallel wings simple abutment. Figure 7.2-6 shows the
are required for the transition to the road possibilities in principle.
embankment. Figure 7 .2-5 shows the

Figure 7.2-4 Drainage channel with inclined wings and parallel wings for the transition to the road
498 7 Substructures

Figure 7.2-5 Structure backfilled before the road pavement is installed

The arrangement of the abutments has usually designed as independent

a dominant influence on the design of the components and separated from the
overall structure and its integration into abutment wall by a space joint.
the landscape. Large wing walls give the The cross-sectional shape and the
bridge a gateway effect. Small wing walls geometry in the ground plan of abutments
integrate the bridge into the landscape. depend on the functional parameters
However, the larger span is also associated shown. The width of the abutment is
with higher construction costs. determined by the design of the
Inclined or embankment wings form superstructure. The length of the splitting
the end of the embankment directly at the of trains depends on the slope inclination
abutment. There is no need to form an and the arrangement of the abutment
embankment cone as with abutments with wall.
parallel wings. They are often used for Economic considerations and
smaller frame-like structures. The wing increasing mechanization lead to further
walls are development and special forms in the area
of abutments. Examples include the sheet
pile abutment and the bored pile wall. In
both cases, the actual foundation
component is designed in such a way that
it fulfills the function of dam safety and
load transfer.

Figure 7.2-6 Arrangement of abutments in the

embankment area
Fig. 7.2-7 Principle of blade support on sheet
piles (HOESCH design)
7.2 Abutment 499

support from the superstructure. A

concrete beam is installed at the head of
the bored pile or sheet pile wall to act as a
support bench. Fig. 7.2-7 shows the
principle of the so-called knife-edge
bearing on steel sheet piles. The bored pile
wall can be designed as an open or closed
wall. In the first case, additional wall
elements (facing formwork or similar) are
required to secure the soil of the backfill
(Fig. 7.2-8).
Figure 7.2-8 Bored pile abutment of a frame
Abutments are design elements of the bridge with scour apron
bridge and therefore part of its design
language. For this purpose, concrete
surfaces and formwork structure, as well bridge, but in many cases also according
as cladding with artificial or natural stones, to a design concept for all bridges on a
also offer extensive possibilities. The design section of the route. Figure 7.2-9 from
is coordinated with the design of the [DEGES, 1996] shows an example of a
splitting of trains with natural stone

conical formwork

vertical formwork

Horizontal, planed board or concrete formwork 1.00 1.00

Terrain end field

rough sawn board formwork
Horizontal, rough sawn board
formwork 45º

rough sawn board formwork regular layered masonry with

irregular layer heights of 20-35 cm

View of wing wall

Figure 7.2-9 Abutment design concept for a beam bridge [DEGES, 1996].
500 7 Substructures

7.2.3 Construction of the components the projection behind the support line, the
formation of a solid wall structure is Abutment wall uneconomical and it is therefore
dissolved. The resulting cavity provides
The abutment wall consists of the bearing space for access to the storage level.
wall and, in the case of supported The upper part of the abutment wall is
structures, a bearing bench and an earth- the bearing bench, which transfers the
side chamber wall arranged behind the bearing forces from the superstructure to
end of the superstructure (Fig. 7.2-10). The the abutment wall. The local load
depth of the support bench in the bearing absorption and distribution leads to
plane is determined by the design of the stresses for which both the concrete
superstructure and its necessary quality and the reinforcement
movement clearance. The cross-sectional arrangement must be designed. This is
shape and construction method (steel, explained in more detail in the calculation
prestressed concrete) of the of the substructures in section 8.6. In
superstructure determine the required terms of design, the arrangement and
length development beyond the bearing geometry of the bearings and the required
line. This results in abutment depths that press contact surfaces for subsequent
are not required as a wall cross-section for replacement of the bearings must be taken
the transfer of loads. This results in a into account. The space required should
tapering of the wall at the rear. In the case not be underestimated, especially with
of large viaducts with high superstructure oblique floor plans (Fig. 7.2-11).
cross-sections and corresponding

Figure 7.2-10 Abutment wall

for supported superstructures

Figure 7.2-11 Support bench

with bearing base and press support
7.2 Abutment 501

Figure 7.2-12 Chamber wall

and superstructure closure

The superstructure is protected from The construction of the chamber wall is

the backfilling of the abutment by the not required for bridges with a bearing
arrangement of a so-called chamber wall. wall and superstructure, as is the case with
The function and design of the chamber frame bridges, or when forming a
wall depends on the displacements and concrete joint for small spans, as the
rotations of the superstructure end. For protective function is not required.
small spans up to about 15 m and the The rising abutment wall has no special
arrangement of a longitudinally fixed design features. The width depends on the
bearing, only the rotations of the cross-section of the bridge. In the case of
superstructure end can be realized as relative large abutment widths, it is necessary to
movements between superstructure and form joints in order to reduce
substructure, e.g. with a footing design as constraining stresses in a controlled
shown in Fig. 7.2-12. manner. In the case of separate
With larger spans and thus greater superstructures, the substructures are
superstructure heights and with the usually also clearly separated by a space
arrangement of a longitudinally movable joint. The arrangement and design of the
bearing, the movements become so large joint should be carried out with great care,
that special roadway transition structures as it is always a weak point in the structure
are required that are anchored in the in terms of durability. Although the
chamber wall. For transition structures abutment wall can, in principle, be
with expansion lengths of more than 80 represented in its structural design, an
mm, it makes sense to maintain these abutment, like a bridge, is always an
components from the lower level. In this "individual construction". A planner will
case, the chamber wall is arranged in such be able to take over some details, but never
a way that an accessible maintenance and the complete abutment.
inspection corridor is formed. In Similarly, there are also special
prestressed concrete superstructures, t h e solutions that cannot be presented here
tendons are anchored at the ends of the due to their diversity. The sheet pile
superstructure. This means that the abutment and the bored pile wall were
chamber wall can only be concreted after mentioned as examples under 7.2.2.
the pre-tension has been applied. This Another solution for the construction of
poses a number of technological and abutment walls is the reinforced earth
reinforcement-related problems that must construction method. In this case,
be taken into account during planning. In additional stabilizing elements are used in
the case of a monolithic connection of the embankment material.
502 7 Substructures

The supporting structure can be used to should then be separated from the
transfer loads from the superstructure. abutment wall by a space joint.
With appropriate dimensioning, the loads Independent wing structures are created as
from the superstructure can be retaining walls. By arranging a shear
transferred via this supporting structure. connection, such as shear force bolts or an
In [bau-zeitung, 1994], abutments made interlocking space joint, Figure 7.2-13,
of reinforced earth are described as an different wall deflections perpendicular to
economical construction for a railroad the wall plane between the individual
bridge. The reason for the application was components are avoided. The end of the
a subsidence-sensitive subsoil. Design splitting of trains, which is led into the
issues are secondary to structural safety embankment in the case of parallel
issues in these constructions. splitting of trains, is designed at an angle
to the slope. To ensure proper compaction
of the backfill to be installed later, this Splitting of trains
slope is formed at an angle of ≥ 60°. At
Tasks and wing shapes have already been angles < 60°, there are areas under the
described. Splitting of trains are clamped splitting of trains that can no longer be
into the abutment wall in the frame. This reached with the appropriate compaction
achieves a statically favorable load that equipment. In this case, which is mainly
allows economical designs. However, this used for cantilever sashes, the end face of
is no longer the case with large splitting of the splitting of trains is given a so-called
trains and especially with the arrangement undercut, which is, however, not possible
of sloping or embankment splitting of with formwork technology.
trains. The splitting of trains nically complex (Figure 7.2-14).

Figure 7.2-13 Spatial joint formation

between abutment and wing wall
(interlocked spatial joint)

Figure 7.2-14 Wing formation with undercut

7.2 Abutment 503

Figure 7.2-15 Cantilever on

parallel wing in the transition area
to the road embankment

Safety measures are required for road 1994] are given. Minimum requirements
users at the transition from the bridge to for the construction of backfill for the
the crown of the embankment. For this creation of traffic areas are defined, the
reason, the lateral caps of the backfill area towards the embankment is
superstructure in the area of the abutment demarcated, the selection, the time of
are continued on the parallel wings. An installation and the installation of the
edge cap forms the upper wing end and backfill material with the necessary
has the same features (railings, crash compaction is recommended. Statements
barrier) as the superstructure cap. are made on the sensible arrangement of
the rear drainage and the associated filter
layers. In addition, suggestions are made Drainage and backfilling for constructive details for abutment
Although the backfill of the abutment is Some design criteria have already been
not a component in the true sense of the discussed in the previous section on the
word, it requires special representation wings. The accessibility of the backfill area
due to its influence on the bearing and the for the corresponding compaction
quality of the traffic route. technology must also be ensured for the
While the bridge, including its abutment wall, especially if the support
abutments and foundation, undergoes bench has a corresponding projection on
linear elastic deformations, apart from the ground side (60°). With inclined
settlements, pla- stic deformations are to bridges, there are areas in the sharp corners
be expected in the backfill material in the that cannot be properly sealed. Such
embankment area, which can lead to niches or spandrels must be avoided in the
settlement differences between the bridge geometric design of the components or
and the embankment. In order to avoid fixed by installing a so-called insulation
this as far as possible, on the one hand the made of lean concrete during backfilling.
formation of the components to be It should be possible to compact the
backfilled must be taken into account and backfill material to 100% of the simple
on the other hand the backfill material and Proctor density. Special problems arise
its compaction must be specifically with railroad bridges for high-speed traffic
selected. Recommendations and stakes for and the formation of a
the suitable choice of backfill material are
set out in [Arbeitsausschuss: Einfluss der
Hinterfüllung auf Bauwerke,
504 7 Substructures

Figure 7.2-16 Drainage of abutment backfill

on a firm road surface. The curvature radii 7.2.4 Design of abutments

occurring in the transition area due to
differences in settlement can affect ride Abutments for supported superstructures
comfort and safety. In [Jaup/Kempfert,
2001], model tests with and without Supported superstructures are defined
transition constructions are used to here as bridges that are equipped with
optimize the constructive design of this bearings between the superstructure and
area. An empirical formula is intended to substructure. The bearings are arranged on
facilitate practical application. a bearing base on the bearing bench. Since,
Due to the design of the concrete water according to current experience, the
reservoir, there is a risk of water backing service life of the bridge is longer than that
up on the ground side and entering the of the bearings, press-fitting areas must be
backfill via the embankment. Appropriate provided on the bearing bench, which
precautions are taken on the ground side serve to lift the superstructure when the
to counteract this. This includes the bearings are replaced. As already
arrangement of an appropriate drainage described, these design conditions
and seepage layer consisting of a geotextile determine the dimensions of the support
drainage mat in conjunction with the bench. The design of abutments of
formation of a seepage layer of coarse- supported bridges is carried out taking
grained, water-permeable backfill into account the above-mentioned
material. At the base of the wall or at the concerns after a balanced analysis of
level of the groundwater table, a seepage or variants in accordance with the overview
drainage pipe is formed, via which the shown in Figure 7.2-17. Only then does
water is fed into the receiving water the geometry design follow according to
course, Figure 7.2-16. structural and production requirements.
All the measures described serve to The arrangement and selection of
ensure the durability of the abutment construction joints and joints required for
structure and a virtually settlement-free the design must be selected taking into
transition from the bridge to the adjoining account the manufacturing technology and
traffic route. the geometric dimensions of the individual
components. Construction joints should
be selected in such a way that they are not
located in the area of
7.2 Abutment 505

Figure 7.2-17 Basic design steps for an abutment

506 7 Substructures

Figure 7.2-18 Concrete joint

of visible surfaces. For dummy and spatial backfill. Transition constructions can be
joints, the arrangement should be such omitted and replaced by a permanently
that the formation is as simple as possible. elastic joint in the bridge deck. There are
The choice of building materials various options for forming the concrete
depends on the environmental influences. joints. A permanent design should not be
In the case of underpassed roads, the underestimated in terms of construction
abutments are often located in the spray and production technology. Figure 7.2-18
mist area. Groundwater and stratum water shows one possible design.
are often aggressive towards concrete. The targeted interaction between
However, these factors do not require any backfill and abutment wall and the
additional protective measures and can be utilization of the associated deformation
controlled using suitable concrete. The reactions are also described in [England et
illustration reflects the procedure for al., 2000] under the term integral bridges
medium and large bridges. It also for spans up to 85 m.
illustrates the structural effort required for
abutments. The basic development does
not contain any references to design issues. Abutments for frame-type bridges
Many forms are possible if the basic
structural requirements are observed. In the case of rigid frame bridges, the
Even small supported bridges require abutment can be formed by wall-like end
abutments. The smaller span does not struts. The bending stiffness of the
change the functional stakes. However, connection between the superstructure and
the reduced flow variables allow other the abutment eliminates the design
designs. For example, simple concrete problems of the end support. The wing
joints can be arranged on the abutment design corresponds to that described
walls up to spans of around 15 m. In these above. If the frame corner is already
cases, changes in the length of the located in the embankment crest, it is
superstructure are compensated for by possible to arrange detached end
twisting the abutment walls and deforming supports. The possibilities for designing
the rigid frame bridges are described in section
7.3 Supports and pillars 507

shown. A separation of superstructure also led over concrete dimensions [Holst,

and substructure is not sensible, at least 1990-1], [Leonhardt, 1979]. In all cases,
for single-span rigid frame bridges. piers are the more compact structures.
They give the impression of great stability,
which they have, and they are therefore Abutments for arch bridges mainly used in water at lakes or rivers or
for high viaducts. The advantage of
The abutments form the continuation of unobstructed views under the bridge and
the arch here. The arch pressure line must the radiance of the entire structure can be
experience such a load propagation in the achieved by using columns.
abutment that the load on the building As their main function is to transfer the
foundation is not exceeded. Arch loads and absorb the deformations of the
abutments are therefore the foundation of superstructure, the arrangement and
the arch and are therefore described in design of the supports and piers cannot be
section 5.4. Particular attention must be separated from the overall system of the
paid to low deformation. The choice of bridge and the detailed cross-sectional
arch bridges therefore requires good design of the superstructure. The
subsoil, preferably solid rock. Otherwise, supporting structure presents itself as a
high costs for the abutments are to be unit to both the observer and the designer.
expected. However, it should be noted Piers and columns consist of the head,
here that if the fissure lines of the rock are which represents the support bench, the
suitably aligned, the slope can be stabilized shaft and the foundation. The connection
by the direction of the bearing force to the superstructure and the foundation
resulting from the arch. can be executed differently depending on
the design. The basic options in the
longitudinal direction of the bridge are
7.3 Supports and pillars shown schematically in Table 7.3-1. In the
transverse direction, the systems range
7.3.1 Definition, tasks and from the pendulum support to the so-
design principle called pier disc, depending on the
required stiffness.
Columns and piers are supports for multi- The design of the connection
span bridge superstructures between the influences the effects in the overall system
abutments. They are created by and the load on the supports and piers.
continuous structures or beams, frames or They have to absorb the bearing reactions
arches arranged in a row. The definitions of of the superstructure and transfer them via
supports and piers are used differently by the foundation into the subsoil, whereby
different authors. Piers are understood to they also assume a stiffening function in
be wall-like components that extend across the longitudinal and transverse direction of
the width of the main beams of the the bridge. Today, piers are made of
superstructure, whereas the dimensions in reinforced concrete. Today, natural stone
the direction of the bearing line of or clinker brickwork is only used in the
columns are significantly less than the renovation of listed structures. For the
width of the superstructure or consist of design of new bridge structures
several elements. This means that the
boundaries are fluid, in some cases they
508 7 Substructures

Table 7.3-1 Connection types between columns and superstructure or foundation

In practice, only facing brickwork is still 7.3.2 Arrangement and cross-

used. Steel-reinforced concrete can also be sectional design of pillars
named as the main construction material
for columns, whereby steel columns are It has already been shown that piers are
occasionally useful and attractive. In often used in rivers. Their arrangement is
individual cases, steel composite columns then determined by their use by shipping
are also used. If no clamping with the and/or by the hydraulic conditions. This is
superstructure is provided, the load is also the case in the foreshore areas. The
transferred via bearings. These are cross-sectional shapes can generally be
arranged on the column head in such a derived from the rectangle. The edges are
way that they are accessible. Pressing rounded or broken according to the
points should also be provided for hydraulic requirements. Both solid and
changing bearings. There are many hollow cross-sections are used. As current
different shapes for columns and piers. piers generally have a low height, the solid
The design significance has already been cross-sections are only subject to low
mentioned. The 2000 documentation stresses due to the load trasnfer of the
[BMVBW, Department of Road superstructure in the longitudinal and
Construction, Road Traffic, 2000] defines transverse direction, but the production of
design principles and shows 30 examples. massive concrete components leads to
Columns and piers support the unfavorable stresses from the outflowing
superstructure between the abutments. hydration heat and shrinkage differences.
They thus frequently delimit underpassed In the hollow cross-section design, the
traffic routes and special precautions must interior is accessible and can be used for
be taken for accident situations on these, bridge maintenance facilities. Less
such as ship collisions or vehicle impacts. material is required, but the walls are
The effects resulting from such accident subject to higher loads. For applications in
situations, which must be taken into the river, solid cross-sections dominate.
account in the structural calculation, as well The superstructure is primarily supported
as constructive protective measures, are by bearings. Special precautions must be
described in section taken to account for ship impact.
8.6. Passive protective devices such as
protective dolphins, sliding walls, crash
barriers, etc. are independent structures
and components that prevent a direct
impact on the load-bearing structure. This
is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.
7.3 Supports and pillars 509

Figure 7.3-1 Typical pier

cross-sections and pier head

The arrangement of piers of high valley shows three principle cross-sectional

bridges is a question of the overall concept forms of piers with their head design.
of the bridge. The arrangement of the While the hollow pier can be accessed via
piers in the system determines the overall the shaft, the other variants can only be
impression of the bridge. Regularity and accessed from the superstructure or by
symmetry create a harmonious overall using special equipment (lifting platform,
impression. The same applies to the ratio under-bridge equipment).
of superstructure height to pier thickness. In the case of long viaducts, the support
Balanced proportions convey safety and heights change according to the shape of
confidence in the bridge construction. the valley. When deciding on the design,
Increasingly, the consideration of nature particular attention must be paid to the
and environmental issues leads to bridge effect of the piers, which vary in height
designs and the definition of pier but are as similar as possible, in
positions. connection with the superstructure, as
Piers of high viaducts place different shown in Figure 7.3-2 [Peter/ Wetzel,
demands on the construction than river 2002]. The pier head was adapted
piers. The cross-sections are also derived accordingly for the different
from the rectangle and can be squared. superstructure heights.
The edges are rounded or broken for The superstructure is usually supported
design reasons. The piers usually have a by bearings. The stress on piers of high
slight taper towards the top. They are viaducts is caused by the vertical loads of
often designed as a hollow cross-section the superstructure, wind in the transverse
and accommodate facilities for walking on direction and bearing resistances in both
and draining the superstructure. Figure directions. In the case of high piers,
7.3-1 stability considerations
510 7 Substructures

Superstructure height Superstructure height Superstructure height

3.70 m 3.70 m 6.50 m



Figure 7.3-2 Piers of different heights

[Peter/Wetzel, 2002]. +422.00

tions. If there are several piers of different to ensure the ability to absorb longitudinal
heights and with different bearings, it is forces. This situation led to the
essential to consider the system as a development of the A-frame system, in
whole. A well-considered calculation and which the large longitudinal forces are
design is required. transferred via inclined supports. The
The specific problems with railroad superstructure as a two-part continuous
bridges, especially in the high-speed girder is connected via a longitudinal force
network, have led to the development of coupling.
various support systems in bridge
construction for the transfer of horizontal
forces in the longitudinal direction of the 7.3.3 Arrangement and cross-
bridge. The high brake and approach sectional design of supports
loads as well as the interactions between
the track and the superstructure and the As with the piers, the choice of support
resulting constraints require special position is determined by the system and
designs for the superstructure and special the overall situation of the bridge.
solutions for the substructures, depending However, the existing subsoil, existing
on the length of the structure and the traffic routes or topographical features can
stiffness conditions in the supporting be constraints. There are several possible
structure. solutions in the transverse direction and in
With long bridge lengths, the the ground plan geometry, depending on
abutments alone are no longer sufficient the superstructure cross-section. The pillar
to absorb the longitudinal forces. Deep described above, which takes up the width
valleys lead to uneconomical pier of the main supporting structure, is
dimensions and complex foundations for broken down here into individual
viaducts in order to achieve the required columns or wall strips. If the individual
7.3 Supports and pillars 511

Figure 7.3-3 Possibilities of resolved supports

If the supports are not arranged directly Straight, V-shaped or Y-shaped designs
under the main beams in the case of are possible in the elevation. The choice of
resolved superstructure cross-sections or if shapes is only possible in the unity of the
the transverse stiffness is not sufficient, overall design. Nevertheless, certain rules
cross beams or support beams are required. can be derived. For example, round
In this way, frame-like supports can be supports are advisable for skewed and/or
created, which also allow a good design curved bridges as they are directionally
due to the inclination of the supports. neutral.
Figure 7.3-3 shows the principal
The geometry of the supports is 7.3.4 Pillar or column head
influenced not only by the dimensioning
and the design intentions but also by the The shape of the column head is
arrangement of the bearings. The cross- determined by the type of connection to
sectional shape can be round, square, the superstructure. If bearings are
rectangular and all geometries describing arranged then
these shapes.
512 7 Substructures

Figure 7.3-4 Formation of column heads

In the case of moderately high columns, of the prop head can only be achieved by a
the design cross-section is often not targeted overhang. An example (Fig. 7.3-
sufficient to accommodate the bearing and 5) illustrates the principle.
press attachment point. In this case, it may The column head forms the support
make sense to tighten the column head, as bench and the bearing bases are arranged
shown in Figure 7.3-4, for example. on it. Good accessibility is therefore
However, this requires wide main beams in required. This is realized either by the
articulated structures, as projections of superstructure with corresponding exit
the column head have a negative effect on openings or by bridge inspection devices
the overall impression. (Fig. 7.3-6). In the case of hollow piers,
For bridges that consist of several access can be via the pier shaft.
single-span beams in the longitudinal
direction or where the superstructure
cross-sections are highly articulated in the
transverse direction, the column head
must accommodate several bearings. The
corresponding design is called a
hammerhead. The required width

Figure 7.3-6 Access to the column head via the

box girder of the superstructure

Figure 7.3-5 Hammerhead formation

7.3 Supports and pillars 513

If the superstructure is connected to is based on the principle of the

the columns, frame-like supporting parallelogram, in the diagonal of which
structures are created. These supporting hydraulic cylinders provide the walking
structures are described in section 5.3. movements, i.e. the forward movement.
Mixed bearings are also useful for Starting from the basic position, in which
multi-span bridges. The selection is also both platforms are anchored to the
influenced by the manufacturing process structure at one level, one platform is
of the superstructure. For example, the pushed upwards by the hydraulic
requirements of the structural condition cylinders after the anchoring has been
and the final condition can be optimized released and is anchored to the structure
when using cantilever construction. The again in the new position. As the
column and superstructure are clamped hydraulic cylinders retract, the second
monolithically, whereby static and design platform is pulled upwards to also be
reasons lead to different shapes. anchored to the structure. This means that
one side of the climbing or walking
scaffold is always firmly connected to the
7.3.5 Manufacture structure. This formwork was specially
developed for the construction of the
As previously explained, reinforced branches of the Y-pillar of the "Zahme
concrete is the main building material for Gera" viaduct rising at an angle of 60° (Fig.
columns and piers. Preferably, it is 7.3-7).
produced on site. The use of prefabricated
reinforced concrete parts or steel columns
is limited to smaller structures or 7.3.6 Pylons
pedestrian bridges. As an example for the
production of high piers for viaducts, the As part of the main load-bearing system of
principle of the a cable-stayed or suspension bridge,
"walking formwork" [NOE, 2000]. The pyloids are not substructures in the
concept of this walking formwork is based conventional sense. With regard to their
load-bearing effect as

Fig. 7.3-7 Use of the walking formwork on the Y-pillar of the Zahme Gera viaduct (factory photo
Adam Hörnig-AG, NL Weimar)
514 7 Substructures

However, the function is basically the foundation is not possible. Deep

same for a component that is primarily foundations include, for example, pile
subjected to longitudinal force. foundations, pneumatic foundations or
well foundations. The necessary
construction pits and their securing,
7.4 Foundations especially in built-up areas, can also lead
to the choice of deep foundations. Table
7.4.1 Tasks and overview 7.4-1 provides an overview of common
foundation types depending on geological
The selection of the foundation structure and hydrological conditions.
and the consideration of the interaction
between the structure and the subsoil are
fundamental decisions for the design of the 7.4.2 Shallow foundations
bridge in terms of both statics and
economics. Depending on the subsoil and General principles - design
hydrological conditions, foundation costs principles
can amount to up to 80% of the
superstructure for small structures. Soil A shallow foundation is generally used
assessment, foundation reports and where the subsoil is of such a nature that the
cooperation between the soil surveyor and structure can be founded with sufficient
structural engineer are essential factors for stability even at a shallow depth. The
a stable structure. The foundation has the foundation arranged for the load transfer
task of transferring all the loads of the into the subsoil transfers the forces into
bridge and, as a rule, of the embankment the subsoil over a large area. The
into the load-bearing subsoil foundation area must be large enough to
permanently, safely and without ensure that the permissible load on the
damaging settlements. The geometry and subsoil is not exceeded. From today's
dimensions depend on the properties of perspective, reinforced concrete is
the subsoil and the hydrological conditions practically the only building material used
as well as on the system and the size of the for bridge structures. Unreinforced block
bridge. A general distinction can be made or strip foundations lead to uneconomical
between shallow and deep foundations. dimensions due to the forces to be
If the load-bearing subsoil beneath the dissipated. The internal stresses that can
abutments and supports is sufficiently be absorbed depend on the materials used
thick, shallow foundations can be used. In and the mechanical properties of the
bridge construction, these are individual subsoil. This results in minimum
foundations with a rectangular or square requirements for the thickness of the
ground plan or foundation slabs. If the foundations and their structural design.
load-bearing subsoil is so deep that even The decisive criteria for the failure of a
special additional measures, such as shallow foundation are the ground failure,
z. If it is not possible to construct a shallow tilting and sliding safety as well as the
foundation at a reasonable cost, e.g. ground buoyancy safety. The basic verification of
replacement, a deep foundation is chosen. stability is explained in more detail in
This tri@ also applies to foundations in section 8.6.4. A further limit state of the
water where water retention is not load-bearing capacity is formed by the
possible. exceptional deformations.
7.4 Foundations 515

Table 7.4-1 Common foundations based on [Weidemann, 1982]

Type of foundation Soil conditions Water conditions excavation pit
shallow foundation Load-bearing subsoil at No water Open excavation pit
shallow depth with embankments
Excavation shoring
Moderate water Open excavation pit,
inflow pump sump
strong water inflow excavation pit with
bunging Pump sump
Well Load-bearing subsoil at No water
foundatio moderate depth
n Moderate water Open dewatering
Caisson (pneumatic Load-bearing subsoil at strong water inflow Foundations in
foundation) great depth open water or under
Piles Load-bearing subsoil at any
moderate to great depths
Bored piles Load-bearing subsoil at any Casing the borehole,
moderate to great depths supporting fluid

that lead to failure of the supporting 7.4-1 shows the basic methods of ground
structure. For simple cases, taking into improvement. It provides a general
account specified boundary conditions overview.
such as soil type, geometry, embedment The following methods are used for the
depths and water conditions, the base foundation of bridges due to the local
pressure check may be carried out instead expansion of the foundations and the
of the base failure and settlement check usually high loads from the supporting
[DIN 1054]. structure.
• Compaction of the soil Subsoil improvement Common methods of compaction are
deep vibration (vibro compaction).
As shown in Table 7.4-1, a shallow Compaction improves the layer density
foundation requires load-bearing subsoil. of the existing soil. Increasing the layer
If the condition of the existing soil density of loose soil layers significantly
material is not sufficient to support the improves their load-bearing capacity.
foundation loads, it is possible to improve The basic prerequisite is that the
the subsoil. In principle, there are three cohesion in the soil is so low that it can
different methods, the application of be compacted by vibration. The process
which depends heavily on the type of soil can be supported by adding water.
and its properties in order to achieve
economical results. The system in the
516 7 Substructures

Figure 7.4-1 Methods for ground improvement -

overview according to [Smoltczyk, 1991].

• Soil replacement (shear strength, cohesion), which leads

In the case of less thick, non-load- to an increase in load-bearing capacity.
bearing soil layers, these are completely The main field of application for these
or partially replaced with suitable methods is in road construction, where
material. The soil is replaced locally the binder can be easily introduced and
under the foundation surface. When mixed into the layers close to the
replacing soil in groundwater, the use of surface. For bridge structures, injection
lean concrete is advantageous as there methods are mainly used, which also
is no need for costly compaction. allow deeper layers to be reached.
• Soil consolidation
The addition of binding agents
improves the soil mechanical
7.4 Foundations 517 Manufacture influenced. Due to their stiffness, piles

with larger diameters in particular can
Shallow foundations are constructed also absorb bending stresses. The restraint
directly on the load-bearing subsoil. In its in the subsoil is provided by the lateral
final state, the foundation level must be bedding of the pile shaft. Figures 7.4-2
below the ground that has been affected and 7.4-3 show two bridge structures with
by frost. During construction, the surface pile foundations.
of the soil must be prevented from In the bored pile foundation shown
softening and being destroyed by (Fig. 7.4-2), the horizontal forces from the
moisture and mechanical effects. For this bridge support structure are transferred
reason, a so-called blinding layer of lean via the pile, which is elastically bedded in
concrete is applied immediately after the the subsoil. The lateral bedding creates a
foundation subgrade has been produced. restraint for the pile. The required
If the foundation subgrade is below the embedment length of the pile depends on
groundwater table, appropriate measures the bending stiffness of the pile and the
must be taken to retain water and prevent lateral base compressions of the soil that
buoyancy. can be absorbed. In Fig. 7.4-3, the driven
piles are arranged as a pile block system.
Horizontal forces can be transferred by
7.4.3 Pile foundations the inclination of the piles. The pile is
virtually only stressed by longitudinal Pile systems and construction forces. The inclined arrangement is also
possible with bored piles up to about 1:10.
If the subsoil is unsuitable for the
formation of a shallow foundation, the
less load-bearing layers are passed Bored piles and their production
through with the foundation components
and the loads are transferred directly to The bored pile is characterized by its
deeper load-bearing layers. The use of pile production on site in a cavity in the
foundations is widespread in bridge subsoil, which is usually created by
construction, the design and execution of drilling but also by other methods such as
which is described in more detail below. dredging, flush drilling, etc. The pile shaft
The pile forces are transferred in a is concreted directly against the in-situ
concentrated manner via the pile tip and, soil. The pile shaft is concreted directly
with appropriate integration, via friction against the existing ground. The pressure
between the pile casing surface and the of the fresh concrete creates very good
surrounding soil. The non-load-bearing interlocking with the surrounding soil.
soil layers are penetrated either by Until the concrete is poured, it is usually
displacing the soil laterally during driving necessary to secure the borehole wall
or by removing the material during against loosening. This is done either by
drilling. The load-bearing capacity of a casing or by a liquid overpressure
pile foundation is essentially determined (supporting liquid). In addition to the
by the subsoil conditions, the pile round piles with diameters of 0.3 m to 3.0
properties, the method of installation and m, other cross-sectional shapes, such as
the pile arrangement. slurry walls (barretts), are also used.
518 7 Substructures

Figure 7.4-2 Bored pile foundation for abutments and piers - piles clamped in the subsoil

Figure 7.4-3 Driven pile foundation for a pedestrian bridge - load trasnfer via pile trestle system

are manufactured according to the same Displacement piles

principle, are classified as bored pile
methods. The bored piles usually have a Compared to the bored pile, the soil is
circumferential reinforcement that is displaced in the area of the pile cross-
inserted into the borehole as a section when it is driven into the ground.
prefabricated reinforcement cage before The classic variant of the displacement pile
the concrete is poured using the is the driven pile. This is made of
contractor method. Figure 7.4-4 shows a reinforced concrete, steel or previously
reinforcement cage for a bored pile. The wood and is driven into the ground using
base, spacers and spacer rings serve to a drop weight. Due to technical
stabilize and secure the position of the developments, today the pile is usually
reinforcement cage. driven in by means of so-called rapid
impact driving, by vibrating it into the
7.4 Foundations 519

Figure 7.4-4 Reinforcement cage for a bored pile

or pressing in. Displacement piles also 7.4.4 Selection criteria and design of
include the various types of site-cast the foundation
concrete displacement piles, in which a
corresponding pipe with a fitter base end A prerequisite for the technical design of the
is driven into the ground, filled with foundation of the bridge structure is the
concrete and pulled out again. The soil mechanical information and
displacement of the soil during geotechnical framework conditions for the
penetration and the associated respective location of the supporting
compaction generally improves the load- structure. This information is provided to
bearing capacity of the subsoil. the civil engineer in the form of a subsoil
Driving obstacles above the load- report. As part of the subsoil report, the
bearing strata can prevent the pile from analysis is carried out and the resulting
being driven or make it much more description of the properties of the
difficult. In areas with dense development building ground, which enables
and settlement, particular consideration qualitatively and quantitatively verified
must be given to whether the vibrations technical design planning for the entire
and noise pollution associated with structure. Further design criteria are
driving are acceptable and whether this derived from the requirements resulting
could cause damage to neighboring from the overall situation of the
buildings, for example. supporting structure.
8 Calculation

8.1 Effects on bridges state of equilibrium. For statically

indeterminate systems, a clear state of
MANFRED KEUSER equilibrium can also be calculated,
assuming linear-elastic material behavior
8.1.1 General information and taking into account the compatibility
conditions. This is no longer possible
Bridges are highly stressed engineering when using non-linear material equations,
structures that are exposed to a large as the superposition principle does not
number of very different impacts. The apply here and the influence of the load
actions can be categorized according to history must be taken into account. This is
their origin as follows: dealt with separately elsewhere. Usually,
the gravity-induced effects, e.g. the dead
• Impacts from the building, load of the structure, are referred to as
• Impacts from the use of the building,
• Impacts from the building Actions from constraints such as
environment. temperatures, support movements, etc.
Interactions do occur, for example are characterized by the fact that they do
z. For example, in the case of actions from not cause internal forces on statically
creep and shrinkage of the concrete, determinate systems, but only
which can be assigned to the actions from deformations. In statically indeterminate
the structure according to their origin, systems, the hindrance of stress-free
whose absolute values and, in particular, deformations leads to stresses that are
their development over time are strongly directly proportional to the stiffness of the
influenced by the structural environment. structures under investigation. Since the
Another way of differentiating between material behavior of both steel structures,
the various actions can be obtained by e.g. due to the formation of yield joints,
considering the different effects on the and solid bridges is highly non-linear as a
system reactions of statically determinate result of crack formation, especially in the
and indeterminate systems. vicinity of the load-bearing loads, the
A distinction is made between internal forces resulting from constraints
• Effects of loads and forces, are generally not proportional to the
corresponding actions. In the extreme
• Effects from constraints.
case of a ductile structure, where local
The effects of loads and forces produce a failure can be ruled out, the effects of
clearly defined equilibrium on a statically restraints theoretically have no influence
determined system. on the stability of the structure.
522 8 Calculation

safety. For the serviceability limit state and structural analysis. At the beginning
verifications, the internal forces due to the of the 19th century, in parallel to material
effects of restraints are of much greater and design standards, standards were also
importance. developed to define the actions in order to
As bridges are always part of ensure that bridges meet the same
transportation routes or supply facilities, requirements for a particular use. With
they must meet the defined requirements the further increase in road traffic,
for load-bearing capacity and especially heavy goods traffic, the vehicle
serviceability. With the development of loads specified in the standards were
modern transportation systems on roads increased again and again. The effects of
and railways, the relevant impacts have road traffic to be applied in accordance
also increased considerably over the past with DIN 1072, 1941 edition, are given in
200 years. This is clearly illustrated by the Table 8.1-1 and can be seen in Figure 8.1-
example of road bridges, for which, until 1.
the end of the 19th century, carriages and In addition to taking into account the
crowds of people represented the decisive static equivalent loads of the design
impacts from use. Wooden and masonry vehicles, [DIN 1072, 1941] takes into
bridges, which were designed and built by account the influence of dynamic effects
master builders according to empirical by means of a load-increasing vibration
rules, were completely sufficient for this coefficient φ. This support span-
purpose. The invention of the automobile dependent vibration coefficient has a
resulted in significantly greater vehicle particularly strong effect for short spans
loads, for which the bridges were designed with a maximum value of 1.64; its
according to the rules of engineering significance decreases with increasing
based on the now well-known scientific spans. In 1951, with the drafting of a new
principles of mechanics. DIN 1072 standard in Germany, the 60-To

Table 8.1-1 Table of standard loads from DIN 1072, April 1941 edition
Bridge class I II III IV
Total weight t 24 16 7
Steamroller Front wheel t 10 7 5
Rear wheel t 7 4,5 1
Replacement load 1,6 1,1 0,5
Total weight t 12 9 6
Trucks Front wheel t 2 1,5 0,75
Rear wheel t 4 3 2,25
Replacement load 0,8 0,6 0,4
For the main beams 25 - 25 t/m2 0, 50,45 0,4
Crowds of people with a span 25 - 125 Straightforward
(also as a from [m] > 125 t/m2 switch on 0.
replacement for 40.35
other loads, see t/m2
above) For the remaining 0,5 0,45 0,4
8.1 Actions on bridges 523

vehicle was introduced for the highest

bridge class. To take account of the
further increase in vehicle loads and traffic
volume, the load patterns were basically
retained in the new version of DIN 1072
in 1985, but for the highest bridge class
60/30, an SLW 30 in the secondary lane
had to be taken into account in addition to
the SLW 60 in the main lane, see Fig. 8.1-
Statistical studies carried out on behalf
of the Federal Ministry of Transport by
the Fraunhofer Institute for Service
Strength, the Institute for Steel
Construction at RWTH Aachen
[Sedlacek/Jacquemond, 1984] and the
Institute for Solid Construction at
Darmstadt Technical University Figure 8.1-1 Load models according to DIN
[König/Gerhardt, 1985] showed that the 1072, April 1941 edition
increase in heavy goods traffic leads to
changes in

Figure 8.1-2 Load models according to DIN 1072, 1985 edition

524 8 Calculation

Table 8.1-2 Overview of national standards with information on actions

Standard Designation Scope of application
DIN 1072 Traffic loads for road bridges Germany until 30.04.2003
DS 804 Railroad bridges Germany until 30.04.2003
DIN Technical Report Effects on bridges Germany as of 01.05.2003
ÖNORM B 4002 Road bridges Austria from 1970
RVS 15.114 from 1999
SIA 160 Actions on supporting structures Switzerlandfrom
BS 5400-2 and Specification of Loads; Loads for Englandf
BD 57 Highway Bridges rom 1978
from 1988
AASMTO Bridge Design Specification USAfrom 1994

the vehicle collectives. In addition, the In contrast to railroad bridges, for which a
problem of fatigue, which cannot be European load standard already existed in
neglected, especially in the case of steel the 1980s, a uniform European load
and steel composite bridges, had not been standard for road bridges was presented
taken into account in the regulations to for the first time in 1992 in the first draft
date, nor had realistic approaches for of EURO CODE 1, Part 3: Traffic Loads on
taking account of the unevenness of the Bridges [EC-1, 1991]. The load concept
roadway when calculating the vibration contained therein, which is based on
coefficients. statistical studies to define the load
With the foreseeable further increase in models, was based on the traffic near
the permissible axle loads for trucks and Auxerre on the Paris - Lyon highway
the significant increase in heavy goods [Nather, 1993].
vehicles requiring a permit, the impetus Numerical simulation programs were
was given for updating the load standard used to evaluate the data and simulate the
for road bridges. Different dynamic effects.

Table 8.1-3 Characteristic features of Auxerre traffic [Nather, 1993].

Lane 1 Lane 2
Vehicle flow24 hrs. 8158 1664
Heavy traffic flow 24 hours 2650 153
Distribution of truck types in the heavy goods traffic flow:
Two-axle vehicle 22,7 % 27,6 %
Three-axle 1,3 % 3,5 %
Semi-trailer truck 65,2 % 58,4 %
Truck with trailer 10,8 % 10,5 %
8.1 Actions on bridges 525

The following points were examined for cover the loads resulting from exceptional
time step calculation methods: heavy transports. Such special transports,
• which exceed the permissible loads
dynamic behavior of different bridges,
• according to the road traffic regulations,
dynamic characteristics of the vehicles,
• are subject to approval. The speed
Influence of uneven road surfaces,
• permitted on the bridge for the special
Influence of different speeds.
transport must also be regulated in the
The aim of the investigations was to permit. It must also be specified whether
define equivalent load models and control the journey over the bridge may only be
loads with which real traffic can be made alone and which vehicle distances
comprehensively represented. In 1991, must be maintained.
CEN was commissioned to develop the With [DIN-FB 101, 2003], a load
EU ROCODES with the aim of developing standard for bridges was introduced in
a coherent set of load standards EC-1 and Germany for the first time in May 2003,
design standards EC-2 for reinforced and covering all types of road, rail employee,
prestressed concrete, EC-3 for steel and footpath and cycle path bridges. DIN
EC-4 for composite structures. The first Technical Report 101 represents the
draft was presented at the beginning of implementation of the European
1992. standards concept [EC-1, 1991] in the
In contrast to the earlier standards, the national standards applicable to Germany.
dynamic effect is already included in the The differences to the future load
vehicle loads of DIN Technical Report 101 standards in other European countries are
[DIN-FB 101, 2003] and the European limited to the "boxed values",
load standard [EC-1, 1991], both in the z. e.g. the α-factors with which the
individual loads and in the distributed characteristic values of the loads are
loads. It is only for the fatigue checks that modified, which is why further load
the influence of the impact effect in the standards are not presented here.
area of the roadway transitions must also The semi-probabilistic safety concept
be taken into account. On the other hand, [DIN 1055-100, 2001], which also forms
a dynamic load increase factor is retained the basis for the design standards in DIN
for the loads from rail traffic. Technical Reports 102, 103 and 104, is the
basis for the verifications in the ultimate
limit state and the serviceability limit
8.1.2 Basics state. A detailed description of the basic
principles for this can be found in
In practice, it is not possible to calculate [Rackwitz, 1996], [Spaethe, 1992],
the structures with the real loads from the [Schueller, 1996], [Mehl- horn, 1998], for
use of the structure. It is therefore example. This provides a coherent safety
necessary to define standard load patterns and verification concept.
on which the design of the structures can The characteristic values are decisive
be based. [Rackwitz, 1996] explains the for defining the loads from the use of a
principles for determining standard load bridge by road, rail employees or
patterns, to which reference is made here. pedestrians and cyclists. They are
He points out that the standard loads are generally determined on a statistical basis,
not i.e. on the basis of a limited probability of
exceedance for
526 8 Calculation

a bridge during its usual period of use are cases must be defined. Combination rules
defined as fractile values. Non-frequent are defined for the superposition of the
values with a return period of one year, internal forces from the individual load
frequent values with a return period of one cases for the verifications to be performed.
week and quasi-permanent values that can Examples of this are the superposition of
be expected to occur at any time are variable vertical and horizontal loads by
derived from this. These values are defining traffic load groups, see [DIN-FB
calculated by multiplying the characteristic 101, 2009], there Table 4, or the rules for
values by α-factors, see [DIN-FB 101, the superposition of several variable
2009]. The design values are obtained by actions from road and rail traffic.
multiplying the characteristic values by For the description of the highly
the respective partial safety factors, which complex temperature effects in reality,
are given in Table 8.1-4. [DIN-FB 101, 2009] uses an extended
To determine the decisive internal approach compared to the earlier
forces, decisive design situations and regulations. The principles for this are
critical load situations must be taken into explained in Section 8.7.1. When
account. superimposing the load cases in the
design, the

Table 8.1-4 Partial safety factors for actions: Ultimate limit states for road bridges according to [DIN-FB
101, 2009].

Impacts Designation Dimensioning situation

Permanent actions: Dead loads of load-bearing
and non-load-bearing components, permanent
effects of the subsoil, groundwater and water
ly priced γGsup 1,35 1,00
1,00 1,00
Horizontal earth pressure from soil and γGsup 1,50 -
superimposed load
pre-tension γP 1,00 1,00
Settlements γGset 1,00 -
Unfavorab γQ 1,50 1,00
le 0 0
Other variable effects Unfavorable
favorable γQ 1,50 1,00
0 0
Exceptional effects γA - 1,00

S: Permanent dimensioning situation

V: Temporary assessment situation A:
Exceptional assessment situation
8.1 Actions on bridges 527

Table 8.1-5 Design values for actions for use with action combinations
Dimensioning Permanent Independent variable Extraordinary
situation effects Gd actions Qd impacts and
impacts due to
Permanent and γG - Gk ; (γP - P )k Predomi Other
temporary nant
γQ1 - Qk1 γQi - φ0i - Qki

Extraordin γGA - Gk ; (γPA - P )k φ11 - Qk1 φ2i - Qki γA - Ak or Ad

Earthquake Gk φ21 - Qk1 φ2i - Qki γ1 - AEd

The combination rules must be observed to create a stress state opposite to the other
in all situations. actions and thus compensate for the low
concrete tensile strength. The calculation of
prestressed structures is described in detail
8.1.3 Effects from the building in [Mehlhorn, 1998] and is discussed in
• Dead load detail in Section 8.5 of this book, see also
Sections 5.1 and
• pre-tension
5.2.1 Therefore, only the differences in the
• Creep and shrinkage
actions for the different types of pre-
The impacts from the building are tensioning are briefly described here. Pre-
permanent impacts, tensioning causes forces perpendicular and
i.e. actions with very low load velocity. The possibly also parallel to the axis of the
dead load of the structure is determined tendon at the points where concrete and
from the volume of the components tendon are in contact with each other, see
multiplied by their weight. The Fig. 8.1-3.
characteristic values to be applied here Technical information on the
can be taken from [DIN 1055-1, 2002], for individual clamping methods such as
example: coefficients of friction, undesired deflection
Pre-tensioning using high-strength angles etc. can be found in the respective
tendons made of steel or, in special cases, general building inspectorate approvals.
glass or carbon fiber material is mainly In many cases, concrete bridges are
used in concrete bridge construction. subject to stresses from creep and
shrinkage of the concrete (see sections
8.5.4 and 8.5.5). This causes the following
Table 8.1.6 Calculated values of the weights actions:
for determining the dead loads
• Loss of clamping force
reinforced γ = 25 kN/m3 • Redistribution of internal forces when
concrete changing the static system of statically
Wood γ = 4 - 8 kN/m3 indeterminate structures

Steel γ = 78.5 kN/m3

528 8 Calculation

Figure 8.1-3 Contact effects between concrete and tendon; force transmission from prestressing
from the tendon to the concrete

• Redistribution of internal forces for 8.1.4 Impacts from the use of the building
settlements or bearing movements of
statically indeterminate structures A distinction is made between the
following types of impact from the use of
Detailed information on this topic can be the building
found in [Mehlhorn, 1998]. The
• constant influences
influences of creep and shrinkage also
• variable effects
have a considerable effect on the internal
• extraordinary effects
forces and deformations of timber bridges,
see [Neuhaus, 1994] and [Reyer/Benning, Under permanent effects, the loads from
1998], and must not be neglected. fixed installations such as caps, seals, road
surfaces, lamps, railings, etc. must be taken
into account.
8.1 Actions on bridges 529

Figure 8.1-4 Permanent actions from the use of a road bridge

power supply and signaling systems, etc. [DIN-FB 101, 2009], an additional 0.50
are summarized. Variable actions describe kN/m2 must be applied for the creation of
the loads from use under normal a compensation gradient, the dead load of
application conditions from motor vehicle, the seal, the caps, the guiding devices and
rail or passenger traffic or other use. the other aforementioned fixed
Extraordinary actions include the loads installations.
from the impact of vehicles on load- Variable vertical loads from vehicle
bearing components, unusual occurrence traffic are described in 3 load models. The
and unusual position of vehicle loads. characteristic values of the loads, see
In the following, the main actions Table 8.1-7 and Figures 8.1-5 to -7, result
resulting from the use of bridges for a wide from the basic values of EC-1 by
variety of uses are summarized; detailed multiplication with factors α, which are
information on this can be found in subject to national regulation.
[DIN-FB 101, 2009]. Further national Load model 1
load standards are not discussed, as it is Main load model for the verifications in
foreseeable that the EUROCODES the ultimate limit state and the
concept will also be introduced in other serviceability limit state
European countries.
Load model 2
Load model for the design of individual Effects from road traffic components
Load model 3
The effects of road traffic are defined in Load model for fatigue analysis
[DIN-FB 101, 2009], Chapter 4.
Loads from military vehicles are to be
Permanent impacts from the use of a
applied in accordance with [STANAG,
road bridge are the dead load of the road
surface, whereby according to
As variable horizontal loads
must be taken into account:
• Brake and starting loads
• Centrifugal loads
530 8 Calculation

Table 8.1-7 Basic values and adjusted basic values of live loads for load model 1 and 2 according
to [DIN-FB 101, 2009].
Position Double axle Evenly
Basic value αQi Adjusted basic value load

Axle load Qik in kN Axle load αQi ⋅ Qik qik (or qrk ) in
in kN
Lane 1 300 0,8 240 9,0
Lane 2 200 0,8 160 2,5
Lane 3 0 - 0 2,5
Other lanes 0 - 0 2,5
Residual area (q )rk 0 - 0 2,5

Figure 8.1-5 Load model 1 (main load model) according to [DIN-FB 101, 2009].

• Earth pressure on abutments and • Impact loads on superstructures

foundations due to traffic loads • Impact loads on scuff plates
• Impact loads on protective devices
Traffic load groups are defined for the • Impact loads on load-bearing components
superposition of variable vertical and
and the following vertical loads to detect
horizontal loads, see [DIN-FB 101, 2009].
deviating vehicles
Exceptional effects
are the following horizontal loads • vehicles on footpaths and cycle
• Impact loads on pillars and other
supporting components Other typical impacts for road bridges are:
8.1 Actions on bridges 531

For the design of individual components,

an individual load Qfwk = 10 kN with a
footprint of 10 cm × 10 cm must be
assumed. If this is planned by the project
owner, service vehicles must be taken into
According to [DIN-FB 101, 2009],
variable horizontal loads must be taken
into account:
Figure 8.1-6 Load model 2 (single axis) • 10 percent of the total load resulting
according to from the evenly distributed vertical load,
[DIN-FB 101, 2009] • 60 percent of the weight of the company
• Effects on railings
• Loads from supply and disposal lines Exceptional actions for footbridges and
• Effects from lifting the superstructure cycle bridges
to replace bearings • Loads from vehicle impact on
supporting components Impacts from pedestrian and • Loads from vehicle impact on the
bicycle traffic superstructure
• Unscheduled presence of vehicles on
As with a road bridge, the permanent
the bridge. The load model and the
loads are the dead load of the pavement,
loads are defined in Figure 8.1-8
the dead loads of the caps, the railings and
the other fixed installations. Particular attention must be paid to the
Variable vertical loads are defined in 2 dynamic behavior of footbridges and
load models. The main load model cycle bridges, as structures are often used
provides for a uniformly distributed load that are subject to vibrations caused by
qfh = 5.0 kN/m2 , which may be reduced as users.
follows for foot and cycle bridges with
spans of more than 10 m:
120 2 can be stimulated. This is described in the
2.5 ≤ qk = 2.0 + ≤ 5.0 in [kN/m section 8.7.2.
Lsj + 30
with qk = live load
Lsj = considered single support width

Figure 8.1-7 Load model 3 (fatigue load model) according to [DIN-FB 101, 2009].
532 8 Calculation

Figure 8.1-8 Loads for unscheduled presence

of a vehicle as an exceptional load on a
footbridge and cycle path bridge Impacts from rail traffic UIC have long been harmonized in Europe.
For trams, narrow-gauge railroads, rack
In contrast to road bridges, [DIN-FB 101, railways and funiculars, reference is made
2009] adopts the traffic loads for railroad to special regulations. As with road
bridges from [DS 804, 2000] almost bridges, separate regulations for the
unchanged from the previous set of determination of traffic load groups are
regulations [DS 804, 2000], as they were also defined for railroad bridges.
not taken into account within the scope of

Figure 8.1-9 Permanent actions from the use of a railroad bridge

8.1 Actions on bridges 533

As with road bridges, permanent b) for tracks with normal maintenance

impacts from the use of a railroad bridge
result from the caps, the roadway (ballast, 3 ϕ= + 0.73 with 1.00 ≤ Φ3 ≤ 2.00
slab track), noise barriers and safety gear. LΦ - 0,2
In addition, the railway-specific
installations such as overhead lines, with LΦ = decisive length in m according
signals, cable ducts and cables must be to [DIN-FB 101, 2009], there Table 6.2
taken into account. In addition, the risk of resonance and
The variable vertical loads are excessive vibrations must be investigated
described in [DIN-FB 101, 2009] in the for railroad bridges, see [DIN-FB 101,
load models UIC 71 for passenger traffic 2009], Chapter IV and Annexes E-H. The
and SW for heavy goods traffic. fundamentals of the vibration behavior of
Regulations are defined in [DIN-FB bridges are discussed in Section 8.7.2.
101, 2009] for the load distribution by the As variable horizontal loads
rail as well as sleepers and ballast. The must be taken into account:
dynamic effect of rail employees is taken
• Centrifugal loads (centrifugal forces)
into account on the one hand by
• Side impact (rolling force)
multiplying the characteristic vertical
• Effects of starting and braking
loads by a dynamic coefficient ϕ.
• Pressure and suction effect from train
a) for carefully maintained tracks traffic (aerodynamic influences)
• Earth pressure from live loads on
abutments and foundations
, 16
ϕ=2 + 0.82 1.00 ≤ Φ2 ≤ Exceptional impacts from railway traffic
LΦ 1.67 are divided into two design categories.
- 0,2

Figure 8.1-10 Load model 71 and characteristic values of the vertical loads for a track

Figure 8.1-11 Load model SW and characteristic values of the vertical loads of the load models
SW for a track
534 8 Calculation

situations to take account of any joint parallel to the component surface. As

derailments: a rule, a static equivalent load from ship
impact is applied when designing bridge
• Design situation I: Derailments of rail
piers. To take into account the dynamic
vehicles where the derailed vehicles
influences, the static equivalent loads are
remain in the track area of the bridge
multiplied by a dynamic load factor DLF
• Design situation II. Derailment of rail
with a value between 1.3 and 1.7 by
vehicles where the derailed vehicles
multiplying the dynamic equivalent loads.
remain on their edge in the track area
Table 8.1-8 contains the dynamic impact
and do not fall off the bridge
loads according to [DIN-FB 101, 2009].
For design situations I and II, vertical Belt bridges are used to transport bulk
equivalent loads are defined in [DIN-FB cargo in power plants, open-cast and
101, 2009] and [DIN 1055-9, 2003]. mining operations, industrial plants, port
Horizontal loads are to be assumed: facilities, etc. The vertical and horizontal
loads to be applied from the conveyor
• Impact loads from derailed rail vehicles
belts, including the goods they carry, must
under supporting structures
be determined by the manufacturer,
• Impact loads from road vehicles under
usually a specialist engineering company,
the bridge
in consultation with the project owner
• Catenary break
and the structural engineer.
Further information on extraordinary Many bridges, especially in urban
effects can be found in [Rackwitz, 1996]. areas, are used to carry pipework, and
special pipework bridges are used
exclusively for this purpose. The main Other impacts from the effects of pipework are vertical loads from
use of the building the dead load of the pipe and its filling. In
addition, horizontal loads can occur as a
For canal bridges and bridges that cross result of constraint due to temperature
waterways with shipping traffic, impact differences.
loads from ships on the river piers and the
superstructure must be taken into
account. Since the magnitude of the 8.1.5 Impacts from the building
impacts to be applied depends on a large environment
number of factors, this must be
determined in consultation with the Irrespective of the design and their use as
responsible water and shipping authorities. traffic structures, bridges are exposed to
The basis for this can be found in impacts from the building environment.
[Rackwitz, 1996], Section 11. In the case of Temperature effects are defined in
ship impact, a distinction is made between [DIN-FB 101, 2009], Chapter V. This is
frontal impact in the direction of travel discussed in detail in section 8.7.1.
and flank impact perpendicular to the Settlement of foundations and the
direction of travel and normal to the Bearing lifting for replacing vents
component surface. In the case of flank
impact, the friction
8.1 Actions on bridges 535

Table 8.1-8 Nominal values for dynamic impact loads Fdyn according to [DIN 1055-9, 2003].
Waterways - Class a) Dynamic impact loads
Frontal - Impact load Flanks - impact
FFdyn load FLdyn
I 2,0 1,0
II 3,0 1,5
III 4,0 2,0
IV 5,0 2,5
Va 8,0 3,5
Vb/Via 10,0 4,0
Vib 14,0 5,0
Vic 17,0 8,0
VII 20,0 10,0
a Vessel
characteristics according to waterway classification (according to European Commission for
Europe ECE, Main Working Group inland navigation Resolution No. 30.12 November 1992)

The lifting of the bearings causes cutting This is discussed separately in section
forces in statically indeterminate 8.7.3.
constructions. A vertical displacement of
the support axis of at least 1 cm must be
assumed for lifting the bearings, unless a 8.1.6 Construction stages
higher value is required due to the design.
The predicted settlements are to be taken In the construction stage, bridges are
from the soil expertise. In the case of steel subjected to specific actions from the
and steel composite bridges, the lowering construction process and construction
or raising of support axes can be used to sequence; in the case of sectional
introduce a constraining moment that construction, various structural systems
acts as pre-tension. must also be examined in accordance with
Wind loads are defined in [DIN-FB the respective construction stages. The
101, 2009], Appendix N. effects in the construction stages must be
Snow loads can generally be neglected defined on a project-specific basis in each
for bridges. They must be taken into individual case. The vertical loads result in
account for covered bridges, bascule particular from the following causes:
bridges or for verifications of structural
conditions. The characteristic values can be • Storage of building materials, armor,
taken from [DIN 1055-5, 2007]. etc. on the superstructure
Earthquake loads must be taken into • Concreting processes
account in earthquake-prone areas. • Attached scaffolding (cantilever
scaffolding, push-pull scaffolding)
• Loads from heavy-duty vehicles
536 8 Calculation

• Loads from lifting gear (cranes, der- modern bridge construction. Research into
ricks, etc.) the theoretical basis and the development of
efficient methods for calculating the load-
The horizontal loads result in
bearing behavior of building structures, in
p a r t i c u l a r f r o m t h e following
addition to the development of building
materials and construction methods, played a
• Wind loads decisive role in the development of bridge
• Bracing construction.
• Anchorages It was not only the Romans who built
• Brake forces their stone arch bridges according to
• Stabilizing forces empirically gained knowledge that was
passed down from master builder to
When calculating the internal forces and
master builder; bridges such as the Stone
deformations of reinforced concrete and
Bridge over the Danube in Regensburg in
prestressed concrete structures produced
1140 were also re- alized until the Middle
in sections, the redistributions of the
Ages without knowledge of the theoretical
internal forces from permanent actions due
principles of load-bearing behaviour.
to the creep of the concrete must be taken
There was no significant progress in any
into account.
of the fields of innovation shown in Figure
8.2.1; in some cases, knowledge was even
lost. The first innovations appeared in the
8.2 Systems, load-bearing Renaissance, when Italian master builders
behavior, internal forces were the first to succeed in constructing
significantly slimmer stone arch bridges
MANFRED KEUSER using geometric methods by changing the
radii of the underside of the bridge. This
8.2.1 Basics was the first fundamental new
development in stone bridge construction
The construction of a bridge today is in 1500 years.
generally preceded by very detailed The first attempts to develop the
planning, which includes the calculation of mechanics of building constructions
the expected stresses on the structure as an beyond geometry were made by Leonardo
essential component. Although the da Vinci (1452-1519), see Figure 8.2-2,
possibility of creating a structural analysis and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), see Figure
as a basis for the planning and 8.2-3 [Galilei, 1993]. However, the
construction of a bridge has only a proportionality relationships established by
relatively short tradition compared to the Galileo were not suitable for accurately
entire history of bridge construction, it is describing the load-bearing behavior of
one of the indispensable prerequisites for even simple structures due to a lack of
the construction of a bridge. knowledge about material behavior. It was
only with the development of the
fundamentals of mechanics during the
Age of Enlightenment, which was associated
with names such as Navier (1785-1836),
Hooke (1635-1703),
Johann Bernoulli (1667-1748) and Jacob
Bernoulli (1654-1705), the basis for
today's calculation methods in bridge
Figure 8.2-1 Areas of innovation in bridge construction was laid. As at the same
construction time, initiated by the increased
8.1 Actions on bridges 537
requirements of the traffic situation
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 537
internal forces

Fig. 8.2-2 Composition of forces according to Leonardo da Vinci [Straub, 1964]

After the invention of the railroad, in investigations were carried out into the
particular, and the development of mild dynamic behavior of the building
steel and powerful steam-powered lifting structures
gear, fundamental innovations were also z. e.g. by Wöhler (1819-1914). While the
introduced in the two other fields of initial focus was on developing differential
innovation, the 19th century saw a rapid equations for individual components such
development in bridge construction. as rods, cables, beams, plates and disks and
Filigree steel bridges with spans of over solving them for special boundary
200 m could be calculated, designed and conditions, the past two decades have seen
built, whereas in the centuries before, the the development of numerical methods
maximum spans of stone bridges had been for calculating complex structures. It is no
limited to little more than 30 m. The coincidence that the first electronic data
construction of steel bridges was processing system was developed in 1940
extremely complex. The construction of by Konrad Zuse, a civil engineer in Berlin
steel bridges was strongly influenced by [Zuse, 1993], in order to automatically
the significantly limited calculation solve the sliding systems that occur in
possibilities compared to today. Graphical static calculations. Even if the finite
procedures, such as the calculation of element calculation programs used in
forces in truss constructions according to practice today also allow the calculation of
Ritter (1826-1908), dominated. very complex structures, their application
In the 20th century, the graphical requires a high degree of knowledge of the
methods were replaced by analytical basics of modeling and calculation
methods for calculating internal forces methods on the part of the engineer using
and deformations. With the construction them, precisely because of these diverse
of increasingly slender structures, the possibilities.
theoretical study of stability, as With both traditional and modern
exemplified by Euler (1707-1783), numerical calculation methods, the
became necessary and
538 8 Calculation

Figure 8.2-3 Calculation model of the clamped beam according to [Galilei, 1993].

modeling can be divided into four areas, delt. When applying standards, it must be
see Fig. 8.2-4. Comprehensive knowledge checked to what extent these describe the
of the fundamentals in all areas of actions to a sufficient extent for the
modeling is an indispensable prerequisite respective individual case. When
for achieving meaningful results from the quantitatively determining the actions, the
calculations. It should always be noted objective of the respective internal forces
that these are models that can only calculation must be taken into account:
represent reality within their application
• Proof of stability (tilting, sliding)
limits. As a rule, modeling in bridge
• Verification in the ultimate limit state
construction is carried out at the macro
• Verification in the serviceability limit
level, see [Keuser/Purainer, 2003], but for
detailed areas, such as the connections of
tendons or the connections of hangers in In the following, the modeling of the
tied-arch bridges, more detailed modeling geometry, the loads, the mechanic
at the meso level is required. behavior and the material of bridge
The basis for the load models structures will be discussed. With regard
are discussed in detail in section 8.1. to the theoretical
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 539
internal forces
mechanic model Geometric

Material Load
model model

a) Partial models

Micro area:
detail points

Rib of a reinforcing bar

range: Z Z
Expansion body with reinforcing bar

Macro area:

Plate girder bridge

b) Model levels
Figure 8.2-4 Modeling for static calculations

For a detailed description of the structural In general, much higher loads and
principles, please refer to significantly larger dimensions occur in
[Ramm/Hoffmann, 1995]. The current the longitudinal and transverse directions
state of the art allows the detailed than in conventional building
calculation of a wide variety of bridge construction. Technical and economic
structures, see Figures 8.2-5 and 8.2-6. optimization and safe design therefore
The choice of a suitable structural model require all load-bearing mechanisms to be
naturally depends on the type of structure taken into account as far as possible. The
in question. Therefore, in this section, in main individual components of a bridge,
addition to presenting the basics of which are usually connected to each other
modeling and calculation, this is by bearings, are analyzed,
explained using individual selected
• Superstructure
• Abutment
A special consideration of modeling and
• Pillar
the calculation of internal forces and
deformations is therefore necessary in for the verifications in the ultimate limit
bridge construction, since in all cases states and the serviceability limit states.
540 8 Calculation

Figure 8.2-5 Examples of primary structures, longitudinal direction of the bridge

Figure 8.2-6 Examples of secondary supporting structures, bridge transverse direction

calculated separately. For the overall On the one hand, they generate local
stability and for the transfer of horizontal stresses in the directly loaded structural
loads, however, a calculation of the entire elements and, on the other hand, stresses
structure is required, as for frame, cable- in the main load-bearing system of a bridge.
stayed and suspension bridges. With In addition, the horizontal loads must be
regard to the calculation of cable-stayed transferred in the longitudinal and
bridges, reference is made to [Walther, transverse direction of the bridge. The
1994], and with regard to span bridges to traditional procedure for the calculation of
[Eibl et al., 1973-1]. bridge structures provides for the division
of the overall structure into substructures
for the calculation of the internal forces,
8.2.2 Superstructures which are accessible to a static and, if
necessary, a dynamic calculation on the
The dominant actions on the basis of the known theoretical principles
superstructure are the vertical loads and and the available calculation tools. With
the associated constraining actions the progress made in mechanics, structural
(temperature, settlement, pre-tension). analysis and numerical methods, it has
become possible to
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 541
internal forces
In recent decades, with the development of secondary load-bearing effect. The
ever cheaper and more powerful longitudinal system is represented by
calculation programs and computers, there plane or spatial beam structures on the
has been a fundamental change in the basis of technical bending theory. In the
approach to modeling and calculating case of a box girder, the entire cross-
structures in bridge construction towards section can be described in this way, and
the investigation of more complex in the case of a plate girder, a web with the
systems. associated part of the roadway slab. With
this approach, only the main load-bearing
effect is modeled in the mechanic model, One-dimensional systems and only the internal forces modeled in
this model can be calculated. All other
However, as the traditional approach is still stresses that are not represented in the
widely used today and it is also model must be examined separately and
advantageous in terms of understanding the results superimposed.
the load trasnfer, the modeling is The cross-sectional system, which is
presented in this chapter using the formed by the deck slab in the case of a slab
example of a two-span girder bridge with a girder, can alternatively be formed by
two-span slab girder cross-section in solid beam systems, see Figure 8.2-6, if no
construction. With regard to the special calculation is carried out as a slab
features of other bridge types, reference is structure, see The support
made to the corresponding chapters of conditions for the deck slab are
this book as well as determined by the bending and torsional
z. For example, reference is made to stiffness of the longitudinal girders and, if
[Leonhardt, 1979], [Menn, 1990], present, the cross girders as well as their
[Schleicher, 2003] and [Holst/Holst, deflections and rotations. As these are not
2004]. constant in the longitudinal direction of
A prerequisite for the procedure the bridge, areas in the middle of the span
described below is comprehensive and near the end and intermediate
knowledge of the theoretical principles supports are usually examined. As shown
and the load transfer mechanisms of the in Figure 8.2-6, the internal forces can be
bridge structure to be calculated. When calculated in two subsystems and then
selecting the mechanic model, a superimposed. The detailed
distinction is first made between representation of these
longitudinal and transverse support
systems or primary and secondary support

Figure 8.2-7 Two-span girder, beam model

542 8 Calculation

The calculation method can be found in If the structure has a skew-angled

[Holst/Holst, 2004]. The clamping of the support, i.e. the support axes are not
roadway slab in the longitudinal direction arranged perpendicular to the
in the cross beams is unsuitable for a longitudinal axis of the bridge, it is
calculation with beam models due to the recommended to model the structure in a
biaxial load trasnfer, so that biaxial biaxial model, see, in order to be
models must be used here. able to adequately take into account the
To set up the structural system, in influences of the stiffnesses of the
addition to selecting the appropriate longitudinal and transverse support
differential equation, for the example in members. The same applies to bridges
Fig. 8.2-7 the differential equation of the curved in plan.
plane beam according to the technical The geometric model is defined by the
bending theory, the support conditions bridge geometry and the requirements of
must be defined in such a way that they the mechanic model. For a continuous
adequately describe the structure to be girder according to the technical bending
calculated. The stiffness of the supporting theory, the cross-section values must be
components is decisive here. Only if it is determined in addition to the spans:
significantly higher than the stiffness of
plane beamA, Iy spatial
the supported component (factor approx.
beamA, Iy , Iz torsion IT , Iω
100:1) can a non-displaceable support or a
rigid restraint be assumed: If this is not the As the dimensions involved are large, it is
case, the bearing can be represented by generally not possible to assume constant
springs. If the calculation of the spring distortion and stress conditions in the
stiffnesses is not possible with sufficient transverse direction of the bridge, so that
certainty, e.g. in the case of restraints in the the widths involved must be determined.
pier or abutment, it makes sense to Numerous researchers have dealt with this
investigate an upper and lower limit value issue and developed approximation
of the stiffness of the restraint. In solutions based on suitable mechanic
addition, the effect of support models for calculating the cross-section
displacements and rotations should be values, taking into account the

Figure 8.2-8 Contributing panel width, stress distribution in compression chords

8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 543
internal forces
The stiffness of the roadway slab and the The effects of non-linear material
bending and elongation stiffness of the behavior in concrete construction are only
webs is developed on the basis of the explicitly taken into account in structural
stiffness of the slabs and plates. The actual calculations of superstructures in
width of the roadway slab or the exceptional cases. With regard to the
proportion that is attributable to the effects of non-linear material behavior in
respective web is reduced to the effective concrete fractures, reference is made to
width for which the largest normal stress [Ernst, 1976 and Mehlhorn/ Ernst, 1976].
actually occurring over the web is An approximate consideration of the
assumed to act constantly over the effective effects of non-linear material behavior is
slab width and leads to the same resulting usually done by modifying the stiffnesses.
force in the compression zone, see Fig. 8.2- The effects on section sizes and
8. deformations can be captured in the static
[Brendel, 1960], [Stritzke, 1977] and calculation, e.g. by reducing the modulus
[Schleeh, 1973] have developed tools for of elasticity or better by using non-linear
calculating the effective slab width for solid moment-curvature relationships, see
bridges, taking into account different
types of load (area, strip, concentrated Like the geometric model, the load
load) and the stiffness of the slab in model is strongly predetermined by the
relation to the stiffness of the webs. [DIN mechanic model. The actions from loads
1075, 1981] is the standard for calculating and constraints must be prepared in such
the effective slab width in Germany. The a way that they can be applied to the static
work of [Schmidt/Peil, 1976], system of the plane or spatial beam in a
[Schmackpfeffer, 1970] and [Alb- way that is equivalent to the actual load.
law, 1976]. This means that the loads in the
When determining the geometric transverse direction of the bridge must be
model, the position of the design points combined to form a resultant that acts on
must be defined in addition to mapping the system line of the beam. The
the structural geometry. In the eccentricity of the resultant is the
longitudinal system, the individual spans corresponding torsional moment. The
of parallel chord beams are usually divided calculation of the load resultant is carried
into 10 sections of equal length, each of out by means of transverse flow lines, in
which is used for the ultimate and the determination of which the stiffness of
serviceability limit state verifications. the individual components of the
Variable cross-section dimensions such as superstructure (deck slab, longitudinal
haunches or web reinforcements must be girder, cross girder) and, if necessary, the
taken into account when determining the supporting components must be taken into
design points. In the transverse system, the account. Beyond the theo- retical
design is generally carried out at the points principles, [Beck, 1953], [Trost, 1961],
of the extreme values of the internal [Bieger, 1962],
forces. [Nötzold, 1969] and [Holst/Holst, 2004]
As a rule, the material model provides dealt with this topic and developed
for the use of linear-elastic material practically applicable methods. While
behavior. Non-linearities such as Trost's inputs in his work presuppose
plasticizing in steel construction or support beams and, if necessary, field
cracking are not taken into account. cross beams, [Nötzold, 1969] was the first
to develop a method in which cross beams
can be dispensed with. Since transverse
544 8 Calculation

1) 2) 3) 2)

,75 3)
1,00 0 ,85 0

1) Rigid mounting of the roadway slab on the longitudinal beams

2) Panel beams with standard dimensions
3) Box girders with normal aspect ratio (1:1 to 1:2) and plate
girders with wide webs
Figure 8.2-9 Shear influence lines for two-strand slab beams with different stiffness ratios slab/web
according to [Holst/Holst, 2004].

Since two-span slab beams without In the vast majority of calculation

bearings are significantly softer in the programs, the other option is selected. In
transverse direction, the calculation this case, the load is applied in short
method according to [Nötzold, 1969] takes sections, usually in the tenths of a point
into account the bearings in the transverse over its corresponding influence length,
direction of the bridge and the stiffness of and the internal forces resulting from this
the substructures. Figure 8.2-9 shows the portion of the load are calculated. A check
qualitative curves of transverse influence is then carried out at the individual tenths
lines for different stiffnesses of the of a point to determine whether an
longitudinal girders for 2-section slab internal force has a positive or negative
beams. For standard cross-section value and this then becomes the maximum
dimensions, a transverse distribution of internal force.
0.85/0.15 can be assumed as part of a
preliminary design, and 0.75/0.25 for slab
beams with wide webs.
The actions prepared in this way are
used to calculate the internal forces for the
individual load cases. For the permanent Figure 8.2-10 Influence line for the moment M1 , two-
actions, the loads are applied to the system span beam
in the locally occurring magnitude. When
calculating the internal forces from the
variable actions, there are basically two
ways of determining the most unfavorable
load position. The first option, the
evaluation of influence lines, is mainly
used for preliminary calculations.
Figure 8.2-11 Moment limit line from variable
actions, three-span beam
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 545
internal forces
or minimum are added up. In addition, the of concrete box girder bridges
other internal forces belonging to this [Schlaich/Scheef, 1982]. To calculate the
partial load case are added up accordingly. additional stresses resulting from the fact
The result is a curve for the maximum that the cross-sectional shape is not
and minimum internal forces with the maintained, [Steinle, 1970], [Glahn, 1980]
corresponding other internal forces, e.g. for and [Lindlar, 1984], among others, have
a flat beam: developed procedures in which the profile
deformation and the resulting internal
Dimensioning associated forces are calculated on the basis of an
cut size Cut sizes analogy to an elastically bedded beam. In
max/min M tens. V, pull. MT this method, the torsional stress is divided
max/min V tens. M, pull. MT into a component that causes profile
max/min MT pull. M, pull. V torsion and a second component that
causes profile deformation.
With this procedure, it is no longer The proportion that causes profile
possible to trace the load position from torsion is described by the theory of St.
which the internal forces at the individual Venant's torsion, assuming a constant shear
design points were calculated. The flow in the circumferential direction. The
calculation of the internal force extremes portion resulting from the equilibrium
as a result of variable actions can conditions, taking into account the
practically only be carried out with this folding effect in the corners of the box
method using suitable calculation cross-section, which causes a profile
programs, as it requires a high numerical deformation, is determined by the
effort. In practical application, this method warping force torsion. For this, solutions
is now the standard procedure for can be set up on the basis of an analogy to
calculating internal forces. the theory of the elastically supported
As with the plate girder, the influences beam, as both are described with the same
from the load-bearing effect in the differential equations. The stiffness of the
transverse direction can also be recorded box cross-section in the transverse
for the box girder using special models direction is described by the bedding
and incorporated into the calculation of coefficient CB and in the longitudinal
the internal forces and deformations on direction by the moment of inertia Iers of a
the main load-bearing system. An replacement beam, e.g. according to
overview of the calculation [Menn, 1990].

Figure 8.2-12 Torsional loading of box girders

546 8 Calculation

according to [DIN 1075, 1981]

la/h ≥ 18; la/b ≥ 4
la : Distance between the cross members
b: average box width
h: average box height
according to [Menn,
Figure 8.2-13 Stresses from profile
deformation 1990].
lo ≥ 2 ⋅ (b + h)
lo : Single-span beam: Span Continuous
In addition to transverse bending beam: Spacing of the moment-
moments, the profile deformation also zero points
generates additional longitudinal normal cantilever: double span
stresses. According to [Leon- hardt, 1979],
the transverse bending moments can be
estimated at approx. 20 % of the Two-dimensional systems
maximum restraining moment at the
contact point between the track slab and For main structures, e.g. slab bridges that
the web for common cross-section cannot be described by one-dimensional
dimensions. The additional longitudinal systems and for the calculation of
normal stresses only need to be taken into roadway slabs, a calculation as a flat
account if the following limit values are surface structure is required. For the direct
exceeded: calculation

Figure 8.2-14 Boundary conditions for the elastically bedded beam as an equivalent system for
recording the profile deformation
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 547
internal forces
The correct consideration of the geometry developed for bridge deck slabs. When
and boundary conditions poses serious calculating internal forces using tables, the
problems when calculating the internal influences of different support stiffnesses
forces using the plate differential are estimated using additional
equation. Since the supporting considerations on beam structures. The
components, such as the longitudinal scope of the results of calculations using
beams, do not represent a rigid support tables is generally very limited, as only
and the stiffness of the support conditions internal forces at selected points as well as
varies in the longitudinal direction, a maxima and minima are usually specified
closed solution is not possible, apart from here.
very simple plate load-bearing structures. Therefore, from 1950 onwards, the
In addition, the representation of different approximate calculation with the help of
load positions of the load-bearing vehicles support grids has become the common
is very complex. For practical application, method for the representation of plates in
tables and spreadsheets have therefore the mechanic model. Here, the slab is
been compiled, particularly for the divided into strips in the longitudinal and
calculation of roadway slabs, which can be transverse directions, which are connected
used to calculate practical slab structures. to each other at the crossing points in a
In addition to literature for general slab bending and torsionally rigid manner. A
structures such as [Pu- cher, 1968] or detailed description of this calculation
[Stiglat/Wippel, 1983], [Rüsch, 1981] has method is given in
developed special calculation aids for the
calculation of slabs.

Figure 8.2-15 Static system of a roadway slab with clamping in longitudinal and transverse beams
548 8 Calculation

Figure 8.2-16 Two-span plate beam, flat models

[Homberg/Trenks, 1962]. In the case of On the one hand, the determination of

plate beams, the webs are represented by adequate bending and torsional stiffnesses
eccentrically connected spatial beam of the individual longitudinal and
elements. In [Menn, 1990] a method for transverse beams, in particular taking into
the calculation of such systems is account non-linear material behavior. On
described. Particular attention must be the other hand, it is difficult to calculate
paid to accurate modeling of the the internal forces of the girder grid back to
stiffnesses, taking into account the the plate internal forces, as the DGL of the
eccentricities of the individual beams. beam is not a limiting case of the plate
Care must be taken to ensure that the DGL. The numerical calculation only
stiffness of the webs is accurately became practically manageable through
described by cross-sectional values, taking the use of electronic data processing
into account the interacting plate strips. systems, as this w a s the only way to find a
There are several problems with this practicable solution to the systems of
method. This is equations.
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 549
internal forces
With the rapid development of numerical numerical calculation using the finite
calculation methods, the use of beam- element method, as the mapping can be
grillage models is increasingly being much closer to reality in both the
replaced by plate systems based on the mechanic and the geometric model than
finite element method. In the mechanic in a beam-grillage calculation.
model, the plate load-bearing behavior is Due to the inclined support, the
described by a numerical approximation superstructure is restrained in the cross
method as part of the approximation, see beams. The clamping moments of the
[Wunderlich/Redanz, 1995]. The longitudinal beams in the end transverse
geometric model depicts the supporting beams, in the case of the inner supports
structure in plan with high accuracy, the the differences in the bending moments
thickness direction is determined by between the two support rims, generate
integrating the stresses over the plate torsional moments in the transverse
thickness. With regard to the material beams, the bending moments in the
model and the load model, the statements transverse beams generate torsional
in apply. moments in the longitudinal beams. Due
For bridges mounted at an oblique to the oblique-angled support, the
angle, longitudinal beams exhibit different
i.e. for bridges whose support axes are not deflections in sections arranged
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of perpendicular to the longitudinal axis,
the superstructure, the skew must be taken which leads to torsional stress in the
into account for both slab and beam longitudinal beams. The magnitude of the
bridges if it is less than 80°. For slab clamping and torsional moments depends
bridges, a on the skew and the stiffness of the
individual components. A suitable tool for
checking the results

Figure 8.2-17 Bridge plan view with important geometric dimensions

Figure 8.2-18 System of a three-span bridge supported at an oblique angle

550 8 Calculation

Figure 8.2-19 Systems for horizontally curved bridges

dT M
of the EDP calculation are therefore =- ⎜⎛ + eq + t ⎞⎟ =- mT
Calculations with limit value ds ⎝r ⎠
considerations - articulated bearing/rigid (8.2-1)
- represent. For solid bridges, the M 1 dT ⎞
reduction = - ⎛q -
stiffnesses due to crack formation must be ⎜ ⎟
ds2 ⎝ r ds ⎠
taken into account.
In the case of bridges curved in plan, The torsional load of the horizontally
the longitudinal girders are usually curved, curved beam is made up of three
unlike prefabricated bridges. This results in components:
a continuous coupling of bending and
torsional moments in the longitudinal • eccentrically applied vertical load, e.g.
girders. The corresponding formulation of from traffic
the differential equation of the • Torsional moment load, e.g. from wind
horizontally curved beam is briefly shown • Redirection of bending moments due
below. to horizontal curvature
The differential equations of the
horizontally curved beam result from
equilibrium considerations on the support

Figure 8.2-20 Element of a horizontally curved beam

8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 551
internal forces Three-dimensional models triangular elements, since the plate and
slice differential equations can be better
While the calculation of plate girders approximated for the elements with
using plane FE models has now become the deformation approaches that are mostly
norm, more complex structures such as used in commercial FE programs.
plate girders or box girders, where a clear In the geometric model, the
distinction can be made between construction is represented in the
longitudinal and transverse load-bearing centroidal lines of the individual
effects, are usually calculated using one- components. In the case of solid bridges,
dimensional systems in solid bridge this results in the problem that the
construction even today. This is not least component thicknesses are included in the
due to the fact that the entire set of stiffness when shell or folded elements are
regulations in solid construction is based used, but are only inadequately described
on a member-oriented modeling of the in the geometric model. This has a
mechanical behavior and the design is particular effect in those areas of the
based on section sizes, which require a structure in which components are
complex back calculation in a spatial FE monolithically connected to each other, e.g.
calculation. In exceptional cases, plate in the connection between the
girders and box girders are also modeled as longitudinal girder/cross member and
spatial load-bearing structures for solid deck slab/longitudinal girder. This leads
bridges using folded structure models to the spans and thus the internal forces
based on FEM. In steel and steel being overestimated. By coupling the
composite bridge construction, modeling degrees of freedom of the elements in the
by means of three-dimensional folded area of the thickness of the clamping
structure models according to the FEM is component, this effect can be reduced with
much more prevalent in practice than in regard to the global internal forces. On the
solid bridge construction. [Schleicher, other hand, the quality of the results for
2003] provides a detailed overview of the the local internal forces is significantly
representation of such load-bearing deteriorated with this approach. With
structures in the mechanic and geometric steel components, this problem does not
model. The stress-oriented verifications in arise to the same extent as with solid
steel construction allow the calculation structures due to the low material
results to be prepared without time- thicknesses. In comparison to triangular
consuming determination of the resulting elements, quadrilateral elements have
internal forces. This form of mapping disadvantages in the possibilities of a good
requires the selection of suitable element representation if they do not have an
approaches in the mechanical model. For isoparametric element approach, but are
this purpose, folded elements can be used, bound to a rigid shape, e.g. the rectangle.
which are created by superimposing a disk The theoretical principles are described in
element with a plate element, whereby the detail in [Wunderlich/ Redanz, 1995]. To
stiffness matrix does not contain a select a suitable element density, several
coupling of the two load-bearing effects, calculations with characteristic loads
as is the case with shell elements, which are usually have to be carried out in order to
also suitable for such calculations. When achieve an optimum between the required
selecting the element type, quadrilateral effort in mapping and calculation and the
elements should be preferred to quality and significance of the results.
Modern calculation
552 8 Calculation

Figure 8.2-21 Two-span

bridge, FE folding structure

programs sometimes offer the possibility of additional considerations may be required

adapting the element density to the load for limited areas of the design. These are
processes by means of automatic mesh e.g:
adaptation. • Support points, press attachment points
• Anchoring and deflection areas of
tendons Detailed areas
• Cross member
• Stiff
For the calculation of the main stresses of
• Intersections such as trailer
bridge structures, modeling is carried out
in the macro range. Local stresses are not
included in the models or are only Parts of the construction are usually mapped
mapped with insufficient accuracy, so that at the meso level, see [Keuser/Purainer,
for localized 2003], using the

σ = p - a/h

P a/ D
a/2 α h/4

a/2 h/4

h/4 h/2 h/4


Figure 8.2-22 Examples of calculation models of detail areas. a Stresses from an FE calculation of
the hanger connection of a tied-arch bridge [Schleicher, 2003]; b Framework model for the
anchorage area of a tendon
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 553
internal forces
Finite element method. The folded • Changing the geometry
structure and shell elements mentioned in • Modification of the static systems are used for plane loads. These are • Change in the effects
only suitable to a limited extent for three- • Change of storage
dimensional tasks, so that spatial elements
with three-dimensional displacement Depending on the building method and
approaches are used here. A significantly building materials used, model changes
more differentiated description is result in the following building methods:
required in the material model than at • Production on falsework or shoring
the macro level in order to be able to • Clock shift
describe local stress concentrations, • Cantilever construction
plasticization and crack formation • Mixed construction (prefabricated
realistically. In concrete construction, in parts with in-situ reinforcement)
addition to numerical calculation • Production with auxiliary supports
methods, the use of framework models to • Production of the roadway slab in a
describe the load-bearing behavior in state pilot-step process or continuously
II continues to be of great importance. • Section-by-section production of the
Two examples of the calculation of bridge track slab in the transverse direction
details are shown in Figure 8.2-22.
In the case of concrete structures, it
should also be noted that additional Construction stages stresses arise as a result of the creep and
shrinkage of the concrete installed at
Bridges are load-bearing structures with different times and that the internal forces
large dimensions that are usually have time-dependent components. In
constructed in several stages. The addition to describing the effects of creep
calculation models for the individual and shrinkage in the load model, it must
construction stages must take into account be possible to capture the description of
the changes that occur during construction. these phenomena in the mechanic model.
In particular, the following changes can
occur, which are important for modeling:

Figure 8.2-23 Changing the static system: Cycle shifting

554 8 Calculation

Figure 8.2-24 Modification of the static system: Mixed construction

In the material model, the time- interaction is required. A detailed

dependent material behavior must be description of the calculation of the
taken into account in suitable substructures is contained in Section 8.6, so
formulations. Reference is made here to that the model formation and the static
[Mehlhorn, 1998]. Neurath, 1983] systems are essentially dealt with here.
describes a calculation method for the
calculation of sectional prestressed
concrete bridges in mixed construction Abutment
using precast elements, in which the non-
linear material behavior is approximately As with superstructures, individual
taken into account, taking into account subsystems are traditionally calculated for
the time-dependent creep and shrinkage abutments and the results are then
processes. superimposed. It should be noted that
abutments are usually folded structures
that are subjected to both bending and
8.2.3 Substructures membrane forces. The calculation can be
carried out using plane sections that are
In addition to the aspects of modeling arranged horizontally and vertically in
described in 8.2.2, the modeling of the such a way that
subsoil-structure relationships in the area
of the foundations is also considered.

Figure 8.2-25 Illustration of the soil-structure interaction

8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 555
internal forces
that the essential load-bearing effects can For the introduction of the support
be recorded, see Figures 8.2-26, -27 and - forces, a truss model is usually examined
29. In this case, the plate load-bearing as an equivalent system instead of a slab
effect is recorded by additional calculation, see Fig. 8.2-28. The normal
considerations. A detailed description of force loading of the abutment wall is
the individual load approaches is given in estimated by means of equilibrium
[Holst/Holst, 2004]. considerations, neglecting the
The calculation according to [Eibl et compatibility. The splitting tensile forces
al., 1979] allows a better consideration of must also be calculated in the immediate
the plate load-bearing effects. First, the area of the abutment base.
internal forces in the individual plates of Any deep foundations required using
the subsystems are calculated separately, piles or wells are also calculated separately
then a moment compensation is carried from the other components in this
out at the common connecting edges of approach, see Fig. 8.2-30. The base plate
two plates. The slab forces result from the of the abutment, which also serves as the
support reactions or shear forces at the pile head plate, is considered to be rigid.
slab edge of the adjoining slab. The piles are considered to be horizontally
elastically embedded bars and are
clamped in the pile cap plate. If the piles
are embedded in a rigid load-bearing
layer, e.g. a rock horizon, a rigid vertical
bearing is arranged at the bottom edge of
the pile. When embedding in soft layers, a
vertical bedding is selected in accordance
with the specifications of the soil expertise
to take into account the skin friction. In the
case of very soft layers, the possibility of
negative skin friction, i.e. the transfer of
dead loads from the subsoil to the pile
foundation, must be taken into account.
The resulting actions from the rising
Figure 8.2-26 Box abutment, calculation abutment, including the dead load of the
sections pile head plate, must be taken into account.

Figure 8.2-27 Box abutments, static subsystems

556 8 Calculation

Figure 8.2-28 Example of systems for calculating box abutments according to [Eibl et al., 1988].

is applied at the center of gravity of the slab The complexity of the load trasnfer is
and distributed to the individual piles as generally greater than that of
horizontal and vertical forces as well as pile superstructures, which makes it difficult
head moments on the basis of the to divide the overall system into sub-
displacement method. The internal forces systems that are easier to calculate. In
in the individual piles are determined addition, the calculation of abutments
exclusively on elastically bedded beams. with FE programs usually has economic
In recent years, the numerical advantages for the structural engineer, not
calculation of wall bearings as spatial least because geometry and actions can
folded structure systems using the finite often be generated, at least qualitatively, by
element method has become more modifying the data from previous
established in practice than in the case of calculations. An example of a
superstructures. The reason for this is the geometrically demanding abutment
calculated using FEM is shown in Figure
8.2-31. Pillar

Bridge piers, especially for high viaducts

with large spans, are usually designed as
bar-shaped components with a solid or
hollow cross-section. In the case of
bridges that run at a low height above
ground and river bridges, the piers are
usually designed as solid reinforced
concrete slabs, the calculation of which is
basically analogous to that of an abutment
Figure 8.2-29 Framework model for an wall without restrained splitting of trains, so
abutment wall that it is not necessary to refer to this again
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 557
internal forces

Figure 8.2-32 Structural system of a bridge


is considered. Piers are subjected to high

normal forces from the vertical support
forces of the superstructure as well as
bending moments and shear forces from
the horizontal and vertical support forces
Figure 8.2-30 Pile or pile-slab foundation and the wind loads in the longitudinal and
transverse direction of the bridge.
When describing the pier as a
cantilever clamped into the foundation,
the beam is used as a mechanic model in
accordance with technical bending theory.
Due to the high normal force
requirement, in addition to the standard
measurement, a verification must be
carried out taking into account the
additional internal forces from the
deformations according to second-order
theory. order deformations. As these
depend to a large extent on the stiffnesses,
the decrease in bending stiffness due to
cracking and the influence of creep due to
fatigue loads must be taken into account
in the material model. The use of M-N-κ
relationships has proven to be useful for
the realistic calculation of deformations and
internal forces, taking into account the
Figure 8.2-31 FE system of an abutment with stiffnesses in state II. For practical
pile foundation application, the following is used for a
defined cross-section and a constant
normal force on excellent
558 8 Calculation

κ = curvature of the
M bending line
N = const.
M4 R = radius of curvature
M2 4
3 1 Start of crack formation
2 Reinforcement on the
tension side
1 M 3 Reinforcement on the
1 κ= =
R EI pressure side

1 4 Cross-section fails in tension or

κ ⎮⎡ compression


Figure 8.2-33 Simplified moment-curvature relationship

the relationship between the bending The calculation of the dimensions taking
moment, the bending stiffness and the into account the II. order and the realistic
curvature of the bending line. behavior of the material according to the
principle of virtual forces.
If the cross-sectional dimensions or x M M ⋅ dx x
the normal force over the beam height is w(x) = ∫ = ∫κ (x) M1 (x) dx
not EI
is constant, the pier is subdivided into o o
sections for which the respective mean (8.2-5)
values of the cross-sectional values and the As these are usually non-linear moment
internal forces are assumed to be and stiffness curves, the integration
approximately constant, thus cannot be carried out in a closed loop.
approximating the continuous course in a Therefore, numerical integration
staircase shape. This applies, for example, methods, e.g. according to Simpson, are
to the piers of high valley bridges, which used, in which the curved curves are
generally have slimmer dimensions recorded parabolic section by section. The
towards the pier head and also have a head displacement determined in this way
varying normal force due to the dead load is greater than the value used to determine
of the pier. Mo due to the additional moments. The
With the relationship between bending final deformation w (x) is therefore
moment and cross-sectional stiffness calculated incrementally.
created according to Figure 8.2-33, the
deformations and the resulting section
sizes can now be calculated.
V w (x)
Mo κo
x linear-elastic
M I I part


M1 κ1 H
Static system bending moments M Curvature κ Virtual moment H
Figure 8.2-34 Calculation of a cantilever column according to theory II. order
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 559
internal forces
w (x) = wo (x) + ∑Δ wi (x) special cases, e.g. for calculating rail stresses
i=1 (8.2-6) for railroad bridges.
with wi (x) = wi (x) - wi−1 (x) For high viaducts with limited horizontal
deformations, it is necessary to calculate
wo (x) Deformation according to
the main load-bearing effects on an
overall system in which superstructures
I. Order
and substructures are connected, see Fig.
∆wi (x) Deformation increase
8.2-35. For bridges with low stiffness of
according to theory II.
the substructures, calculations of the
Order in calculation step i
internal forces according to second-order
The calculation can be aborted if the theory are required on the overall system.
increase in deformation Δwi (x) falls For bridges with low substructure
below a tolerance value, e.g. 5% of the stiffness, calculations on the entire system
deformation according to first-order are required to calculate the internal
theory. forces according to second-order theory,
as the supporting effect of the
superstructure on the piers can only be
8.2.4 Complete systems captured realistically in this way. This case
can occur for large pier heights and for
For frame bridges, cable-stayed bridges and foundations with low stiffness. The
suspension bridges, for beam bridges in a representation in the mechanic model is
row of usually done by means of spatial truss
elements, which are represented in the geo

Figure 8.2-35 Calculation of internal forces from horizontal loads in the longitudinal and transverse
560 8 Calculation
direction on the overall system
8.2 Systems, load-bearing behavior, 561
internal forces
metric model are arranged in the lines of 1. Load-bearing capacity limit state: The
gravity of the individual components. If the structure must not collapse under the
support paths are limited by design loads that occur during construction,
measures, this must be taken into account during use including repair work and
by considering systems with variable during the required remaining service
articulation, for example by introducing life. The ultimate limit states are
deformation-dependent support – Loss of static equilibrium
conditions. Alternatively, modeling can be (overturning or sliding of the
carried out using folded or shell elements, structure or individual parts
see Section In the material model, conceived as a rigid body: Proof of
the non-linear material behavior must be positional safety);
taken into account, especially for the piers, – Fracture or deformation of structural
see, e.g. through realistic M-N-κ components classified by law as
relationships. The description of the actions severely disabled due to reaching the
in the load model corresponds to the yield point;
procedure explained in It should – Loss of stability of the structure or
be noted that the superimposition of individual parts;
individual load cases is not permitted – Development of a mechanism of the
when using non-linear material equations. entire structure or of structural
Therefore, the most unfavorable components (kinematic chain). This
horizontal loads and constraint must be type of failure is only of significance
applied to the system together. in bridge construction in the event of
exceptional effects (earthquake,
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 2. Serviceability limit state: In order to
fulfill its function, the structure must
GÜNTER RAMBERGER, have the required service properties for
FRANCESCO AIGNER the intended use. Serviceability limit
and THOMAS PETRASCHEK states are, among others:
– Deformations that impair the use or
8.3.1 Basics appearance;
– Vibrations that impair use;
Regardless of the building material and the – Lifting on bearings (without risk of
construction method, the European overturning).
standards (EN) require verification of the 3. Fatigue resistance limit state:
load-bearing capacity and serviceability of – Fracture in a cross-section due to
the structures, as well as verification of the material fatigue.
fatigue strength in the case of dynamically
loaded structures or structural The computational verifications carried
components. The basis for the checks is out instead of large-scale tests are based
laid down in [EN 1990]. The verifications on the following mathematical models:
refer to limit states, which are defined as
those states beyond which the required
properties are no longer fulfilled.
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 561

1. Action model: The decisive actions statistical methods can be used to

(loads, displacements, temperature specify probabilities with which the
effects) for the verification are limit states are reached (failure
determined on the basis of observations probabilities). In order to avoid having
and measurements or on the basis of to carry out the practical calculation
the intended operation and are laid with the density functions
down in the load standards [EN 1991]. (probabilistic safety concept), but to be
The standard distinguishes between able to carry it out with fixed values and
permanent actions G, variable actions thus to simplify it considerably, the
Q and exceptional actions A. For actions and resistances are decoupled
bridge recalculations, real operating from each other and the characteristic
load trains can be considered instead of values (95% fractile values for actions,
the standard load models, whereby 5% fractile values for resistances) are
specific operating restrictions can be used to calculate partial safety factors γSd
taken into account. ≥ 1 (for actions) or γRd ≥ 1 (for
2. Resistance model: The resistance of a resistances) design values of the actions
structure depends on geometric Gd , Qd and resistances Rd are obtained.
parameters a and material properties X. The static verifications are carried out
In contrast to the actions and the with these design values (semi-
safety-related assessment, the resistance probabilistic safety concept). Partial
of the structure or component depends safety factors γSd > 1 must be used for
on the building material used. The rules the structural safety verification if this
for determining the resistances are makes the verification less favorable,
specified in the building material- otherwise γSd = 1 must be set. When
specific standards (steel construction: verifying serviceability, γSd = γRd = 1.
EN 1993). When calculating Gd , Qd , the fact that
3. Safety model: The basic principles and statistically independent effects are
standardized preparation of the unlikely to interact in full magnitude, i.e.
underlying semi-probabilistic safety with the individual values Qki , is taken
concept are given in [EN 1990]. The into account by introducing
safety model links the action model with combination coefficients ψi ≤ 1 when
the resistance model. It records the all relevant individual effects are
scatter in the actions and resistances and superimposed. With the combination
idealizations in the model formation coefficients, all variable individual
and regulates the safety level. Actions actions (accompanying actions: i ≥ 2)
and resistances are not variables that can can be reduced to one (leading action: i
be precisely specified, but depend on = 1).
scattering variables (actions, material
values, component geometry). It must be demonstrated that the limit
Therefore, safety against reaching the states under consideration in terms of the
above-mentioned limit states cannot be required failure probabilities are not
specified numerically by comparing reached or exceeded under the decisive
expected values. If the initial values are actions. In the
given by density functions
562 8 Calculation

EN 1990, the failure probabilities are When determining the cross-section

defined as 10-6 per year for ultimate limit resistance, local buckling of thin-walled
states and 10-3 per year for serviceability cross-section parts due to compressive
limit states. stresses must be taken into account. Four
cross-section classes are defined
Verification format for the load-bearing depending on the width/thickness ratios
capacity verification (limit state: loss of b/t, the stress curve and the edge
equilibrium): conditions of the individual plates under
≤ Ed, stb consideration:
Ed, dst

where: Class 1 - plastic cross-sections: The

cross-sections can fully plasticize (flow
E d,dst Unfavourable (destabilizing) joint formation) and have sufficient
effect of the impacts rotational capacity in the fully
E d,stb Favourable (stabilizing) effects of plasticized state so that moment
the impacts redistribution is possible;
The resistance of the structure or
Class 2 - compact cross-sections: The
structural components to the actions can
cross-sections can fully plasticize (flow
be expressed via the resistance to the
joint formation), but have no rotational
actions, via the cross-sectional resistance
capacity in the fully plasticized state, so
or via the resistance in the cross-sectional
that moment redistribution is not
fiber. Verification formats for the load-
bearing capacity verification (limit state:
yielding): Class 3 - semi-compact cross-sections:
QRk The cross-sections cannot plasticize,
but at the most highly stressed cross-
section edge the yield strength can be
QSd ≤ = QRd limit fy be utilized;
γM Class 4 - elastic cross-sections: Without
(impact level)
stiffeners, the yield point fy cannot be
utilized at the most demanding cross-
SSd ≤ SSd (QSd ) ≤ QRk = QRd sectional edge.
(cross-sectional stress) Depending on the utilization of plastic
reserves and the associated ability to
redistribute moments, [EN 1993]
recognizes three types of calculation for
the ultimate limit state design:
(fiber stress) whereby:
Q Impacts Method P-P: yield joint theory (or yield
S Cross-sectional zone theory), see [Rubin et al., 1982].
stress Requirement: Plastic cross-sections at
σv v. Mises comparison voltage the points where yield joints are formed
f Yield pointy or compact cross-section at the last
γM Partial safety factor yield joint;
Index "Sd" Action side Index Method E-P: Elastic calculation of
"Rd" Resistance side internal forces, cross-sectional analysis
with consideration of plasticization
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 563

barability. Requirement: Compact In such cases, the equivalent stresses

cross-section for the flow joint; resulting from the individual support
systems (σx , σy , τxy ) must be added
Method E-E: Elastic calculation of
together. The ultimate limit state design
internal forces, verification of elastic
can only be performed in the cross-
limit load.
sectional fibers:
Solid-wall bridge constructions are fy
characterized by high cross-sections sv = sv (QSd ) ≤ fRd = .
welded together from welders with thin gM
webs and, if necessary, thin chords. In The same applies to the proof of fatigue
order to utilize the elastic limit load of such strength.
cross-sections (yielding in the edge fiber), The effects of imperfections must be
the thin pressed plates must be stiffened. taken into account when verifying load-
According to [EN 1993-2, 2007], the E-E bearing capacity. There are geometric
and E-P methods are permitted for the imperfections (e.g. unwanted pre-
load-bearing capacity check in steel bridge curvatures, misalignments, connection
construction; a plastic internal force eccentricities) and structural
calculation (P-P method) is only permitted imperfections (residual stresses from the
for exceptional actions. In addition to the rolling or welder process,
stress limitation, the validity of the inhomogeneities, anisotropies, etc.). For
superposition law is of particular the practical calculation, structural
importance for elastic internal force imperfections are initially expressed by
calculation (calculation methods E-E and geometric imperfections and these are
E-P). This means that internal forces due usually taken into account in the static
to variable loads (live loads) can be calculation by means of equivalent loads.
determined by evaluating influence lines The sizes of the imperfections to be taken
or influence surfaces. into account are specified in the material-
Bridge construction often involves specific standards (e.g. [EN 1993-1-1
systems that consist of nested individual or 1993-2, 2007]). The imperfections must
systems. For example, the deck plate of an be taken into account in such a way that the
orotropic slab with longitudinal and design situation becomes less favorable as a
transverse beams has the following result. The design and tolerance standards
functions: are closely linked to the problem of the size
of the imperfections. In the case of simple
• Local load transfer of the loads acting
stability verifications (buckling
on the deck to the side members
verification), the imperfections are already
(bending stresses)
included in tables and are not directly
• Upper chord of the side members
taken into account in the verification.
(diaphragm stresses)
• Upper chord of the cross members
Verification format for the serviceability
(diaphragm stresses)
limit state verification (limit state:
• Chord of the main beam (membrane
Ed ≤ Cd
Stress conditions consisting of global
components and local load applications where:
must be treated similarly. In Ed Effect of the decisive load combination
(e.g. deflection)
Cd Limit value of the effect
(e.g. limit value of deflection)
564 8 Calculation

In the serviceability verification, only the geometry), in the prefabricated steel

changes in shape due to the live loads construction method, the desired shape is
(traffic loads) are taken into account. achieved by shaping the supporting
Changes in shape due to permanent effects structure to be installed or the supporting
are compensated for by superelevation and structure parts (components) to be
are therefore irrelevant for the installed accordingly. The shape of the
serviceability verification. load-bearing structure produced in the
workshop, which results in the target shape
after assembly (g1 ) and after the
8.3.2 Selected problems application of all permanent influences (g2
) under the effect of gravity, is called the
In the following sections, some typical workpiece shape. It corresponds to the
static problems in steel bridge load-bearing shape in the unstressed state.
construction are highlighted as examples: The workshop shape is obtained from the
nominal shape by applying the
1. Target form and definition of the deformations due to g = g1 + g2 in the
workshop form negative direction (superelevation). The
2. System preload for statically reference temperature is the annual mean
indeterminate systems temperature T0 = +10 °C, to which all
3. Calculation of assembly conditions building and component dimensions are
4. fatigue resistance related. This is particularly important for
5. Secondary stresses in trusses systems that change shape under the
6. Theory II. Order for suspension bridges influence of temperature, e.g. arch and
7. Dents in flat sheet metal rigid frame bridges. If steel tape measures,
i.e. measuring tapes with the same thermal Target shape and workshop shape expansion coefficient αT as the parts to be
measured, are used when cutting the
The starting point for the design of a individual items, no adjustment of the
supporting structure is the nominal shape. lengths due to the influence of
This is the geometry that the structure temperature needs to be taken into
should have under the effect of the dead account. The measurement is then
load g1 (steel structure) and the "absolutely incorrect", but "relatively
permanent loads g2 (e.g. roadbed, edge correct". The situation is different if ropes
beams, track). The target shape is are cut to length on a stationary cutting
determined by the track design bench whose measuring marks are
specifications with regard to the track practically independent of the
geometry (upper edge of the track or temperature. In this case, when the ropes
upper edge of the track). The supporting are cut to length, the temperature
structure axis is thus determined by the difference between the
track construction and the supporting The above-mentioned reference temperature
structure cross-sections. In contrast to of the structure (+10 °C) and the
structures built with in-situ concrete, temperature of the cut-off bank must be
where the target shape is determined by taken into account. Figure 8.3-1 shows the
shaping the supports appropriately when workshop shape of a small inclined
the soft concrete is poured (Lehrge- cantilever bridge whose upper edge of the
carriageway is located in a crest with a
radius of r = 10000 m.
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 565

Figure 8.3-1 Workshop form of a cable-stayed bridge System preload for statically unloaded system is a cutting force state
indeterminate systems other than zero. The difference between
the internal force states S and S* to be
In an n-fold statically indeterminate determined for the same load pattern
system, n independent static variables corresponds to a system prestress. The
(internal forces X*i or deformations δ*i ) system prestress is a residual stress state
can be freely selected under the effect of a (sum of support forces = 0). If there is a
specific load pattern, resulting in the reversibly clear relationship between
internal force state S* . If the stresses and strains (elasticity theory), a
corresponding variables resulting from a specific internal force state S is assigned
conventional statically indeterminate exactly one displacement state δ and vice
calculation are denoted by Xi or δi and the versa. Therefore, the cutting force state S*
resulting internal force state by S and if Xi can be generated by correspondingly
≠ X*i or δi ≠ δ*i , then Si ≠ S*i . This means shaping the workshop-produced
that components. Thus
566 8 Calculation

In statically indeterminate systems, the 1. MF1,g + max. MF1,q = MSt1,g + min. MSt1,q
internal forces are directly dependent on
the geometry and the calculation of the 2. MF3,g + max. MF3,q = MSt2,g + min. MSt2,q
internal forces is inextricably linked to the 3. M1 = 0 (pylon moment-free)
shape of the workshop; the determination
of the workshop shape is an extremely The first two conditions are aimed at the
important part of any structural most uniform utilization possible and
calculation. The simple possibility of thus favorable dimensioning of the yield
system prestressing through shaping is of beam, the third condition at a simple
particular economic importance insofar as design of the pylon. Fig. 8.3-2 shows the
a residual stress state can be introduced moment lines Mg , Mq , Mp , M-g, M g+ q , M-g
into the overall structure with a generally + q (all at service load level) as well as the
tolerable additional expenditure of material corresponding shape of the structure,
in some structural components, by means which results from the nominal shape by
of which the internal forces can be subtracting the bending line w-g. A
optimally adjusted for the final state. If comparison with Fig. 8.3-1 shows how a
reference is made in particular to the completely different cutting force
permanently acting load g = g1 + g2 , the distribution can be achieved by changing
deformation state assigned to the desired the workpiece shape.
system prestress only needs to be taken For components with normal forces
into account in addition to the already (pylons, stretched beams, cables), the
necessary determination of the structural corresponding changes in length must of
shape. The state g1 + g2 + P = g + P course also be taken into account when
"permanent load + system prestress" is determining the workshop shape. Ropes
combined to form the state "permanent receive the force resulting from the static
load". calculation by being cut to length
and still designated with -g. The accordingly. In the case shown here, the
The workshop shape of such pre-stressed, stretch beam is 6 mm longer and the pylon
statically indeterminate systems is basically 3 mm longer than in the zero state. In
determined in the same way as that of non- order to maintain the intended rope
pre-stressed systems by determining the forces, the ropes must be installed 108 and
deformation pattern of the "permanent 107 mm shorter than corresponds to the
load" state tension-free state. The figure shows that
(without pre-tension: g; with pre-tension: -g) the selected system pre-tensioning results
is determined and plotted in the negative in significantly lower max./min. The
direction from the nominal shape. selected system tension results in
Looking at significantly lower max. The cable forces
z. For example, the cable-stayed bridge and normal forces in the pylon are
shown in Fig. 8.3-1, significant mass significantly greater: The cable forces due
savings can be achieved by pre-tensioning to g + q are 2630 and 2490 kN respectively,
measures, i.e. by determining a suitable those due to g- + q 5230 and 5120 kN
workshop form for the expensive road deck respectively. In the
that deviates from the workshop form for pylon, the normal force due to g + q
permanent loads. In addition, the workshop -2400 kN and as a result of g- + q -4700 kN. The
production of the pylon is simpler. With the The additional costs for these elements,
triple statically indeterminate system, which account for approx. 10-20% of the
three independent static variables can be total mass of the structure in a cable-
selected. In the present case, this was stayed bridge of standard design, are
chosen: disproportionate to
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 567

Figure 8.3-2 System prestressing for a cable-stayed bridge

568 8 Calculation

the extremely significant savings made on statically verified, whereby it is very useful
the structurally complex section girder to first show the assembly sequence
(box cross-section with orthotropic deck schematically (in drawings). After
slab). For example, in the case of the completion of the assembly and after the
Oberkassel Rhine bridge (for assembly, application of all permanently acting loads
see Chapter 9.2.5), the masses of the and any support movements, the cutting
stretch girder, pylons and cables are force state must be verified.
approx. 7000 t, 600 t and 500 t "permanent load" is present. This internal
respectively; without system prestressing, force condition is composed of the
the masses would have been approx. 11000 permanent loads g = g1 + g2 and the
t, 450 t and 300 t respectively. In addition, system prestress P that may be present in
in the case of ropes, it is the cutting to statically indeterminate systems and fully
length, the attachment of the rope heads characterizes the fully assembled structure
and the installation that cause the majority under the
of the costs, but hardly the rope material mentioned load pattern g or g- = g + P. Since
itself. In this case, the maximum support after completion of the installation and
forces at the left and middle support are application of the removal loads g2 in the
also greater due to the system pretension. supporting structure, the pre-calculated
The effect of system prestressing must internal forces and
always be taken into account during
repair work, conversion work and finally Deformation states due to g or g- before-
during demolition. Due to the residual Once the structural elements are in place
stress state, there is no proportionality ("final state"), any assembly conditions
between external influences and the can be statically verified by recalculation
component or cross-section loads, i.e. the from the final state. However, for the
removal of loads can result in decisive practical calculation of structures that are
load fluctuations for which all load- erected using the two most frequently
bearing capacity verifications (cross- used erection methods in large steel
section verifications, component bridge construction - cantilever and
verifications) must be fulfilled. launching (for the erection of steel
bridges, see Chapter 9.2) - it is simpler
and therefore expedient to treat these two Calculation of assembly conditions construction methods differently.
Assembly calculations are used for the In the case of load-bearing structures
static assessment of systems before the that are manufactured in cantilever
final state, the determination of press construction, as well as in the case of load-
loads, stacking forces, prestressing forces bearing structures in which the load-
in cables, etc. The structural analysis of bearing elements are assembled
the intermediate states in precast steel beforehand (e.g. suspension bridges), the
construction corresponds in its assembly conditions with regard to the
importance to the structural analysis of positioning conditions are part of the final
the falsework of in-situ concrete bridges. system,
The fact that by far the largest number of i.e. contained in it. The solution described
accidents in the construction industry above is therefore particularly useful in
occur during the manufacture and these cases. Initial state
assembly of structures [Scheer, 2000] is the load caused by the constant load g or g- and
shows the paramount importance of the final state described by the target shape.
assembly calculations. All decisive The assembly systems under
intermediate states are consideration are extracted from the final
state as subsystems by means of cutting.
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 569
In place of the part of the
construction that is not yet present
(residual system), the subsystems
570 8 Calculation

The cutting forces from permanent load loads acting in the assembly condition
are applied with the opposite sign for the under consideration: gM , GM . Internal
subsystem, as the final cutting forces are forces: SM3
applied for the subsystem, but the residual
system is not yet present, but this will To explain the described procedure, a
eventually load the subsystem with the continuous beam over four bays is
cutting forces. The external actions are in considered, which is assembled from one
the underlying cutting force state side in cantilever construction. Fig. 8.3-3
"permanent load" are already included shows the subsystem assembled up to
and therefore do not need to be applied point E with the lifting device K. The
separately. The expansion loads g2 (road following are required:
surface, roadbed, edge beams, noise 1. stack height at point 2, so that at point
barriers, etc.) are applied at a later point in 3 the bearing is reached
time, so these loads, which are present in 2. Cutting forces of the mounting system
the "permanent load" cutting force state
but are not yet actually acting, must be The structure is assumed to be in its final
applied to the subsystem in the opposite state. This state is characterized by
direction to their direction of action. The the internal forces due to g- = g + g + P= g + P.
1 2
same applies to any abutment By specifying three internal forces,
displacements that have not yet been z. e.g. the column moments M-g, 1, M-g, 2, M-g , 3,
applied and are contained in the the triple statically indeterminate system
"permanent load" state. Assembly loads can be pre-tensioned, see section
(e.g. lifting gear) that are not included in Section a shows the initial system,
the "permanent load" state but actually act section b the internal forces M-g and V-g of
on the subsystem must also be taken into the final state. Detail c shows the load-
account when calculating the subsystems. bearing structure assembled up to point E
Thus, the internal forces or deformations with the front attachment K. Compared to
for a tested assembly state M are obtained the final state, the removal loads g2 are
by superimposing the internal forces or missing here or the weight of the front
deformations of the following systems: attachment GK , the weight of the shot to
be assembled ΔGE-3 and assembly payloads
1. End system under constant loads g qM also have an effect. Detail d shows the
or g- subsystem with the cutting sizes of the
2. M1: Mounting system at whose final state entered at the cutting edge with
interfaces with the rest of the system the reversed signs and the corresponding
cutting forces of the final state are cutting forces, detail e shows the
applied with opposite signs: -S-g. Cutting subsystem with the removal loads g2 that
forces: SM1 are not yet present and therefore to be
3. M2: Mounting system on which the subtracted and the corresponding cutting
loads contained in the final state, but forces. Subfigures f and g show the
not yet applied, act against their final subsystem with the weights GK (lifting
direction of action: -g2 . Internal forces: device) and GE-3 (shot E-3) and the
SM2 continuously distributed assembly loads
4. M3: Mounting system on which the parts qM , again the cutting forces and the
that are not included in the final state bending line. To ensure that the last
but are included in the component fits straight onto the bearing
at point 4 under the loads mentioned,
point 2 must be reduced by the dimension
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 571

Figure 8.3-3 Assembly calculation by back calculation from the final state

be raised, whereby the condition Inclined cable bridge. The end system is
∆h2 - (wE, ∆h2 = 1 + w'E, ∆h2 = 1 - ∆l ) + w3M = 0 shown in section a. The cutting forces M-g ,
must be fulfilled. The drawing file h shows V-g , N-g act in the end system. Partial figure
the internal forces and the bending line of b shows the structure under consideration
the subsystem under investigation. The with the lifting gear, partial figure a shows
following generally applies to the internal the sectional view. Detail c shows the
forces: S = S-g + SM1 + SM2 + SM3 . assembly system with the negatively
Figure 8.3-4 shows a second example applied internal forces of the final state S-g
schematic representation of the (internal forces: SM1 ), detail d shows the
construction of a symmetrical cantilevered
572 8 Calculation

Figure 8.3-4 Assembly calculation by back calculation from the final state

Assembly system with the negative The top layer is placed on top. All loads are
removal loads g2 (internal forces: SM2 ) and applied to the system supported in this way
drawing file e shows the assembly system (weight gSt of the assembled structure,
with the assembly loads (internal forces: assembly loads qM ) and the internal forces
SM1 ). The internal forces of this assembly for the construction stage are determined
state from this. This results in
are again S = S-g SM3 . + SM1 + SM2 + the cutting forces or deformations for a
tested assembly condition M
In the case of supporting structures by superimposing the internal forces or
that are produced by insertion (launching), deformations of the following systems:
the bearing conditions change
1. Constraints due to statically
continuously. Regardless of the final
indeterminate mounting of the
position, each beam cross-section
weightless system due to statically
becomes a span or support cross-section.
indeterminate mounting
In particular, the structural components
2. Dead load gSt of the construction of the
that are subject to low stress in the final
mounting system under consideration
state (areas of the moment zero points)
3. Assembly loads qM , QM
often have to be dimensioned more than
the final state requires in order to allow for Due to the statically indeterminate
assembly. Since the assembly systems are bearing that is present from three bearing
not included in the final system, it is points onwards, constraining forces arise
generally more appropriate for the assembly in the bearings and constraining internal
calculation not to calculate back from the forces in the system that change with each
final state - as in the case of cantilevered position of the lancing progress and that
prefabrication - but to start from the must be taken into account in the static
existing component geometry (workshop verifications, as the verifications must be
form) and to verify the construction states carried out according to method E-E and
directly. The initial state is the workshop stability (buckling) is of paramount
form, into which a system prestressing can importance for thin-walled cross-sections
be introduced by means of appropriate of class 4.
shaping. The advanced system is placed in To explain the procedure described
the considered, advanced state on all above, the process shown in Fig.
available bearings at the correct height.
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 573

Figure 8.3-5 Installation calculation by direct

calculation of the structural condition

8.3-3, which is launched from one side. Verification of fatigue resistance.

Figure 8.3-5 shows the schematic steps for Especially for bridges with shorter spans
the assembly calculation. and for components subject to highly
Detail a shows the finished structure dynamic loads, e.g. roadway girders,
and the workshop form, while detail b fatigue verification is often decisive. To
shows the examined structural condition. date, there is no theory for the numerical
In drawing file c you can see the beam calculation of the fatigue strength or
supported at points A and 2. In fact, the fatigue resistance based on the notch
beam also rests on the bearings at points 0 geometry, i.e. no S-N curves (see below)
and 1. The corresponding paths are to be can be calculated based on the
treated as impressed displacements Δh0 , characteristics of a notch detail. For this
Δh1 . Finally, subfigure d shows the reason, tests must be used to a large
assembly system with the loads gSt (weight extent, especially for fatigue verification.
of the steel girder) and qM (assembly See [Haibach, 1989] for fundamentals and
loads). calculation methods in the sense of today's
standardization. The current state of the
art, also in connection with [EN 1993-1-9, fatigue resistance 2007], is compiled in [Good Design
Practice, 2000]. Welded details with
Frequent load changes lead to fracture
correspondingly high residual shrinkage
failure at stress states below the fracture
stresses are characteristic of steel
strength or yield strength of the material in
structures and the following influences are
structures or components that are
of particular importance for fatigue
predominantly not subjected to static
loads, e.g. rail or road bridges, due to
material fatigue. Therefore, for such • Number of load cycles N
structures, in addition to the usual static • Voltage differences ∆σ = σo - σu
verifications, the • Constructive training (notch effect)
574 8 Calculation

In contrast, t h e influence of the average 2 - 106 times, today 5 - 106 times, with shear
voltage level is comparatively low stress 108 times). Stresses
σm = σo + σu and material strength, above the fatigue resistance ∆σR < ∆σD
02 2 are referred to as creep strength.
except in the case of pure compressive Large scatter is typical of all fatigue
threshold stresses on non-welded tests, even when the tests are carried out
construction details. Unlike in mechanical with the greatest care. In order to be able
engineering, where the strength tests to make a plausible statement about the
(including fatigue) are carried out on 1:1 fatigue behavior of a component, a
models (prototypes), in civil engineering sufficiently large number of identical tests
(and in large-scale mechanical must be carried out and fractile values
engineering) the verifications are carried (5%, 50%, 95%) must be derived from the
out on mathematical models. Particularly individual results using statistical
in the case of fatigue verification, test methods. In a double-logarithmic
results from small part and component representation and taking into account
tests must be used. The result of a fatigue load cycle numbers N ≥ 104 (lower load
test is the correlation between the number cycle numbers correspond to a "low-cycle"
of load cycles N and the maximum stress failure and do not fall under "fatigue"), a
σo that can be achieved with a fixed straight line with a slope of 1/m is
undervoltage σu under periodic loading, approximately obtained, see Figure 8.3-8,
see Fig. 8.3-6. which makes the analytical treatment
Figure 8.3-7 shows the result of a particularly simple.
Wöhler test in the form of a Wöhler line in With the intersection a of the Wöhler
simple logarithmic representation. line with the abscissa
It can be seen that the bearable stress log a = log ND + m - log ∆σD
approaches a limit value σD as the number
for load cycles N < ND the time stability
of load cycles increases. The so-called
ΔσR is obtained as a function of
fatigue resistance σD is the stress that
endured "infinitely often" (formerly gene- a -1
of the number of load cycles N to ΔσR =
() m
3 or the yield strength associated with
the fatigue strength Δσ R
load cycle number to N = . With

Figure 8.3-6 Periodic load

Figure 8.3-7 Wöhler line in simple logarithmic Figure 8.3-8 Normalized Wöhler line in double
representation logarithmic representation
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 575

by means of damage accumulation

hypotheses, of which that according to
Palmgren-Miner ("Miner rule") is most
frequently used. First, the stresses
determined by calculation or by strain
measurements on the structure at the
investigated location are ordered
Figure 8.3-9 Non-periodic stress
according to a counting algorithm and
converted into stress cycles Δσ = ∆ε - E. In
the counting algorithms, the order of
occurrence of the voltage cycles Δσi is
generally not taken into account. The
most important counting algorithms are
the rainflow method described in [EN
1993-1-9] and the reservoir method (Fig.
When used correctly, both methods
provide identical results. If different
Figure 8.3-10 Reservoir method
stresses Δσi , which lead to fatigue failure
after Ni load cycles (periodic loading),
The Wöhler line for stress differences Δσ occur ni times, one load cycle corresponds
< ∆σD is continued with a view to the to the partial damage 1/Ni and ni load
"fatigue strength verification". cycles correspond to the partial damage ni
The original, in the older pre /Ni . Condition for the fatigue
and from the machine tool, the ∑ ni = 1 . Prerequisite
The concept for the construction of the failure is
against the "fatigue resistance", which
corresponds to an "infinitely long" service This assumes that the material has not
life of the structure. undergone any cold work hardening and
In fact, the stress on real components in that the mean stress σm is approximately
the construction industry is by no means constant. The Miner rule is an
perio- dic, see Figure 8.3-9. approximation; the test results for
Also, "fatigue-resistant" constructions ∑ values that can deviate significantly
are no longer required, i.e. constructions Ni
that last "indefinitely", but constructions from 1.0 on both sides. Fatigue tests with
that are sufficiently dimensioned for the non-periodic loading have shown that
intended service life (e.g. 120 years). The individual stress cycles ΔσR > ∆σD cause a
corresponding proof is referred to as drop in fatigue resistance. For this reason,
"proof of service strength". In order not to stress differences must also be
increase the number of test parameters <∆σD must be taken into account by
excessively, fatigue tests are practically "Threshold value of fatigue resistance"
only possible for periodic loading. The ∆σL . This is the stress difference below
transfer of the real stresses, e.g. of the which damage will not occur under any
cross girder of a road bridge, to the special circumstances. For practical verification,
case of periodic loading is carried out by the Wöhler line is used from ND to NL
= 108 continued, but with the
576 8 Calculation

significantly lower inclination m + 2. of a cross-section. Within a cross-section,

Stress cycles below the corresponding there can be a wide variety of notch
value ∆σL have no influence. The above groups. Among others, the following
formulas for the conversion of non- design details are provided in [EN 1993-1-
periodic stresses must then be adapted 9]:
accordingly, see e.g. [Haibach, 1989].
• Non-welded construction details
By adding up the partial damages ni /Ni
• Welded composite cross sections
and converting to the
• Cross seams
"Total number of load cycles" ∑ ni can be
• Non-load-bearing or load-bearing
calculated with
welder's seams
NE - ∆σ Em = a
• Hollow profiles and hollow profile
the " damage-equivalent voltage
swinging width for single-stage load
• Orthotropic plates of railroad bridges
⎛ ∑ni ⋅ Δσi⎞m cken
tive": Δσ E= ⎟ .

⎜NE ⎠ Much easier than with individually
The mathematical proof of fatigue is as real stress cycles, the post-tensioning of rail
follows: and road bridges is
ΔσR (N )E proof of service strength for specific
γ Ff ⋅ Δσ ≤ operating conditions by using
γ Mf
E2 standardized load models (e.g. load model
ΔτR (N )E 71 for railroad bridges) using
γ Ff ⋅ ΔτE2 ≤ of the dynamic coefficient Φ2 and the
γ Mf . matching coefficient: λ = λ1 - λ2 - λ3 - λ4 ≤
This means: λmax : ΔσE2 = λ - Φ2 - Δσp with Δσp = | σ p,max
- σ p,min |.
The value λ is limited to 2 million load cycles.
• ΔσR (NE ): Damage equivalent chip related. The individual factors take into
for single-stage load collective and the following effects:
corresponding load cycle number
• γFf : Partial safety factor for the fatigue λ1 ... Span coefficient (takes into account
load the type of influence line and the
• γMf : Partial safety factor for the first traffic on which the damage
fatigue strength calculation is based)
λ2 ... traffic intensity coefficient (adjustment
The factor γMf is between 1.0 and 1.35 λ
the size of the traffic volume)
and is dependent on whether the construc 3 ... Service life coefficient (adaptation to
tion as damage-tolerant or non-damage the period of use of the bridge)
4 ... Takes into account the number of
is classified as tolerant or whether it is
tracks for railroad bridges and the
controllable or uncontrollable. The "notch
effects from the side lanes for road
group" is the fatigue strength of a
particular notch detail ΔσC at NC = 2 - 106
load cycles. The reference to NC results Detailed information on the factors λ can
from the need to be able to adopt the be found in [EN 1993-1-9, 2007]. In the
fatigue tests carried out over 100 years at cross-sectional point under investigation,
2 - 106 load cycles without recalculation. the stresses are composed of "global" and
The notch group applies to a single fiber "local" parts, e.g. the sheet metal of a main
girder chord with
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 577

If the stresses of an orthotropic slab are This results in fatigue-proven design

not superimposed, the stress difference details, all of which pursue the goal of
from the individual components on which assigning more favorable notch details to
the fatigue analysis is based must be the more highly stressed fibers within a
superimposed: cross-section or narrowly limited area or
ΔσE 2 = λloc - Φloc - Δσloc + λglo - Φglo - Δσglo . If placing less favorable notch details in
several points overlap at one point areas of lower stress.
If more than one of the notch cases
mentioned is used, the least favorable is
decisive and is taken into account alone. Calculation of trusses:
The notch cases are related to nominal
stresses. The nominal stresses are to be If you calculate an ideal articulated truss in
determined by an elastic calculation which all loads act on the nodes
according to the rules of elementary (Culmann truss), you only get normal
strength theory and without taking into forces N. If, on the other hand, you
account notch effects, but taking into calculate a real truss with rigid nodes in
account cross-sections that do not remain which all loads act on the nodes, you get
flat due to shear deformations, not only the normal forces N but also
z. e.g. by introducing "contributing bending moments M(1) and the resulting
widths". If construction details are provided shear forces
that cannot be assigned to one of the V(1). The bending moments M(1) arise
notch cases, the actual stresses in the from the displacement of the node figure
point assumed to be decisive for the crack as a result of the changes in length in the
initiation must be used by applying stress bars. These are pure constraint moments,
concentration factors K or directly as hot- i.e. not necessary for equilibrium, and are
spot stresses. Hot-spot stresses can be all the greater the greater the bending
determined by means of elastic FE stiffness of the truss members. In standard
calculation. Their application requires constructions, the bending stresses σM(1)
appropriate special knowledge. do not amount to more than approx. 10%
Since the fatigue analysis is carried out of the stresses σN due to the normal forces
using the appropriate notch group in a and are neglected for the structural safety
fiber, the most highly stressed point (e.g. verification (secondary stresses). For
the point with the maximum moment or reasons of equilibrium, the shear forces
the maximum stress) does not necessarily V(1) result in changes to the normal forces
have to be decisive. Even within a cross- N, but these are negligibly small. The
section, smaller stresses (stress neglect of bending moments and shear
differences) in areas of unfavorable notch forces is permissible according to the
details can be decisive compared to larger static theorem of plasticity theory,
stresses in areas of more favorable notch according to which only the equilibrium
details. The choice of construction details conditions, but not the compatibility
with high notch groups for high stresses conditions, must be fulfilled for the
or the relocation of construction details (plastic) load-bearing capacity. On the
with low notch groups to areas of the other hand, bending moments M(2) , which
structure subject to low stresses is of result from a load acting between the
decisive economic importance. nodes (cross members of the track grid),
are necessary for the equilibrium and
578 8 Calculation

Table 8.3-1 Structural verifications for trusses

Proof System N M(1) M(2)

ULS N: FW 2 ϕ(FW) - 2 ϕ(DLT)

M: Frame or DLT
SLS (tiles) N: FW 2 ϕ(FW) 2 ϕ(FW) 2 ϕ(DLT)
M: Frame or DLT
FLS Frame 2 ϕ, λ1 (FW) 2 ϕ, λ1 (FW) 2 ϕ, λ1 (DLT)

therefore - as well as the resulting shear Calculation of suspension bridges

forces V(2) - must be taken into account
when verifying the structural safety. The The system sketch of an anchored ("real")
moments M(2) and shear forces V(2) suspension bridge is shown in Figure 8.3-
correspond approximately to those of a 11.
continuous beam with rigid supports at When calculating a suspension bridge
the chord nodes. However, the bending of standard design, changes in length and
moments M(1) , which result from an inclinations of the pylons and hangers can
elastic calculation as a bending stiffness always be neglected. The following actions
frame, actually occur and must be taken are of particular importance for the
into account when verifying the fatigue calculation:
strength, as well as when verifying the
1. Permanent loads
limitation of the stresses under service load
2. Traffic loads
to the yield point σ Ed,ser ≤ fy /γ M,ser . The
3. Temperature effects
correct application of the dynamic
coefficient ϕ2 or the span coefficient λ1 For the purpose of economic design, the
poses a particular problem here. ϕ2 internal forces of suspension bridges must
depends on the decisive length Lϕ , λ1 on be determined taking into account the
the decisive length Lλ . For the system deformations (second-order
determination of N and M(1) , the span of theory), see Figures 8.3-12 to 8.3-14.
the truss must be assumed, for the The bending moments in the stiffening
determination of M(2) and V(2) , however, beam due to a transverse load g (x) and
the mentioned continuous beam must be q(x) are calculated using the formula
assumed. Table 8.3-1 provides an

Figure 8.3-11 Anchored suspension bridge

8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 579

Figure 8.3-12 Undeformed

and deformed cable geometry

MII = M - H - z - H - ζ = MI - H - ζ with can be written to. This is a non-linear

q q q q
H = Hg + Hq + Ht . This means Second order differential equation with
variable coefficients. Difference by x twice
MIIg+q Moment according to theory II.
I yields the fourth-order differential
Mg+q Order
equation for the bending line
Moment according to first-order
theory (beam moment)
8 - f- (Hg + Hq ) - w″
H Horizontal component of the total -(Eq -- IH-qw″)″
- = 0.
cable force
Hg Horizontal component of the cable ( 7l2 )
force due to constant loads By comparison with the differential
Hq Horizontal component of the sliding of the tension rod loaded with the
cable force due to live loads transverse load q (x) (E - I - w″)″ - S - w″
Ht Horizontal component of the
- q (x)
cable force due to temperature
= 0, an analogy system is found if
[Chwalla, 1959] is used:
The stiffening girder is usually mounted in 8-f
such a way that, as a result of constant S = Hg + Hq , q- = q - Hq - 7l2 .
g remains moment-free. The cable then A shear load q
has the shape of a square parabola to an a part q- through the bending stiffness beam
excellent approximation. The
Differential equation E - I - w″ + M(II) = 0, and a part Hq - due to the tractive force
which can also be written in the form l2
E - I - w″ - H - w + (Mq - Hq - y) = 0 bridge
E - I - w″ - H - w + M(I) = 0

Figure 8.3-13 Transversely loaded tension rod

(analogy system)

Figure 8.3-14 Influence lines of a suspension

580 8 Calculation

and change in shape of the cable.

The corresponding replacement
system can be seen in Fig. 8.3-13.
The distribution of p is
determined by the compatibility
condition (deflection of the cable =
deflection of the beam for rigid
hangers). Due to the non-linearity
of the differential equation, the
superposition law does not initially
apply. However, it remains valid if
the force H is kept constant.
Therefore, the practical calculation
can be carried out by calculating the
internal forces for fixed forces H, e.g.
H1 = Hg and H2 = Hg + Hq , in the
conventional way using influence
lines. These lines of influence
naturally only apply to the specified
value H ("limited lines of
influence"). For the values H1 ≤ H ≤
H2 belonging to the load case under
consideration, the internal forces
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 581

can be obtained by linear interpolation If the load-bearing capacity is practically

between H1 and H2 . More precise values exhausted due to oversized deformations,
can be obtained by inserting an additional there is a supercritical range for buckling
+ that is of practical interest and can be used
value for H, e.g. Hm = H1 H2,
02 3 for the purposes of economic design. The
by means of parabolic interpolation. required design specifications and
The differential equation of the tension verification formats for structural safety
rod loaded with q can be solved - are laid down in [EN 1993-1-5]. For
analytically in special cases [Rubin/Vogel, theoretical background and application
1982]. In the general case of a variable examples of this standard, see [Johansson
moment of inertia, the solution using the et al., 1999]. The regulations of this
cable polygon equation is particularly standard differ considerably from those of
simple [Stüssi/Dubas, 1971]. During older standards and are therefore briefly
cooling, the maximum tensile force is described and explained in this section. In
generated in the cable and the largest order to adapt the design rules derived
negative moments are generated in the from idealized models to the reliability
stiffening member. During heating, the requirements of the Eurocode, taking into
minimum tensile forces are generated in account component imperfections and
the cable and the largest positive moments including supercritical load-bearing reser-
in the stiffening support. Figure 8.3-14 ves, the results of the theoretical
shows the lines of influence for the derivations had to be calibrated in
moment in the center of the span for the component tests. Since the three different
360 m wide stiffening girder of a types of action - longitudinal normal
suspension bridge. stresses σx , transverse normal stresses σy
due to concentrated loads and shear
stresses τxy - are treated in different Dents in rectangular panes mathematical models with regard to the
supercritical load-bearing reserves, these
Introduction effects are dealt with individually and
combined at the end by means of
In the thin-walled cross-sections often interactive conditions. The following
used in bridge construction, which are sections of [EN 1993-1-5] are directly
composed of slender plates, the elastic relevant for the buckling check:
limit load can often not be utilized due to
instability phenomena (buckling) or can Section 4: Buckling due to longitudinal
only be achieved by a corresponding stresses
stiffener (Class 4 cross-sections according Section 5: Shear buckling
to [EN 1993-1-1, 2007]). Compressive Section 6: Load-bearing capacity for shear
stresses are always responsible for the loads
instability of the equal weight, which can load Section 7:
be caused by normal forces and bending Interaction
moments or by local stresses, but also by Section 9: Structural design
shear stresses, which always occur in pairs and calculation of longitudinal
and cause principal stresses σ = ± | τ |. In and transverse stiffeners
contrast to member buckling (lateral-
torsional buckling), in which the stress is
released when the stability limits are
582 8 Calculation

Section 10: Proof of buckling using redu- (linear buckling theory) and supercritical
tional stresses load-bearing behavior of a rectangular
Appendix A: Buckling values disk under compressive stresses
Appendix C: Notes on the calculation The phenomenon of buckling is shown
with finite elements on a rectangular disk under the longitudinal
stresses σx . Figure 8.3-15 shows the
The calculation is carried out in the same
component in the deflected state, which
way in all cases: From the fully plastic
occurs when the stability limit is reached
cross-sectional resistance,
and exists alongside the undeflected state
z. e.g. Npl , and the bifurcation value, e.g.
(bifurcation load).
Ncr (Euler), the related slenderness λ is
- As a result of the membrane forces σx -
calculated and a reduction coefficient is
t, output forces qa arise on the bending
calculated from this, with which the fully
surface w (x, y), which represent a
plastic value is multiplied to obtain the
transverse load for the originally flat
component resistance.
surface structure. For a homogeneous,
As the [EN 1993-1-5, 2007] is not only
isotropic, elastic plate with a constant
applicable to bridge construction, but also
thickness t under the surface load q (x, y),
in general
there is no information about the the differential load q (x, y) applies.
requirements for suitability for use. These
q E - t3
equation ∆∆w = with 3 N = 012 - (19- μ2)
are specified in other standards. N
give. With regard to buckling, [EN 1993- (plate stiffness). If the output forces qa are
2, 2007] requires a limitation of the used for the shear load q (x, y) according
slenderness of the slab in order to to Fig. 8.3.1-15, the buckling equation for
counteract the risk of web galling. the linear buckling theory is obtained
⎛ ∂4w ∂2w
Bumps as a phenomenon of balance N
∂4w⋅ + 2⋅ ∂4w ⎞ ⋅ t⋅ = 0.
+ +σ
⎝⎜ ∂x4
∂y4 ⎟ ⎠
∂x2∂y2 x ∂x2
branching of the membrane state

Figure 8.3-15 Equilibrium of a rectangular plate when the stability limit is reached
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 583

The smallest non-zero voltage level at

which the differential equation is fulfilled
is of interest. A linear stress curve is
usually given at the edges b. The reference
value is the highest compressive stress σ1 ,
the stress at the other end is ψ - σ1 with 1
≥ ψ ≥ -∞. The critical buckling stress σcr is
calculated by multiplying the Euler
reference stress
E - π2
σE =
-( )
012 - (19- μ2) t 32 b with the Figure 8.3-16 Garland curve for an unbalanced

buckling value k
is obtained: σcr = kσ - σE . It corresponds to Stiff plate with ψ = 1
the stress that occurs at the moment of the
equilibrium bifurcation at the edge with
the higher load. The buckling value k ratio α of an unstiffened rectangular plate
depends on the boundary conditions, the under uniform compressive stresses (ψ =
stress ratio ψ and the side ratio α = a/b. 1). For each number m of half-waves
Non-displaceably supported sheet edges applied in the longitudinal direction, a
are usually assumed to be freely rotatable solution curve k (α) is obtained, resulting in
on the safe side. The buckling values can a garland curve. The minimum value is
be determined using a two-dimensional decisive for a given aspect ratio α. The
Fourier approach. For some special cases, "spandrels" between the individual curves
the buckling equation can be solved are normally ignored, i.e . for solution
directly (equilibrium method), in general curves with m ≥ 2, the minimum value of
cases (unstiffened or stiffened panes the curve is set to m = 1. For unstiffened
under general normal stress distributions panes, the minimum buckling values kσ for
or under shear stresses) the difference ψ = 1 (pure compression), ψ = 0 and ψ = -1
method or the energy method leads to the (pure bending) are 4.0, 7.81 and 23.9 in
goal. The energy method provides sequence. A Gir- landen curve is also
approximation solutions, the accuracy of obtained for the buckling values kσ (α) for
which can be increased to a level sufficient stiffened panes. The buckling value kσ is
for practical applications by applying a used to calculate the related panel
sufficiently high number of sine waves. slenderness λp , with which the
For fundamentals, preparation and reduction coefficient ρ results.
buckling value tables for rectangular The stress redistribution to the stiffer
panes supported on four sides, see edge areas and the membrane stresses σy
[Klöppel/Scheer, 1960] and that occur after the stability limit is
[Klöppel/Möller, 1968]. For special cases exceeded result in a practically usable,
of braced panes with one or two supercritical range without the
longitudinal stiffeners, [EN 1993-1-5] deformations increasing too much. Figure
gives approximate values for the buckling 8.3-17 shows stress distributions of a
values. When comparing with the above bulging rectangular disk in the
diagrams by Klöppel, it should be noted supercritical range, σx > σcr .
that the ratio value γ is defined differently.
Figure 8.3-16 shows the buckling values
determined by the side
584 8 Calculation

Figure 8.3-17 Stress redistribution in the supercritical range

b 1
Unstiffened and stiffened rectangular heities λp fy == ⋅
σ cr t 28.4 ⋅ ε ⋅ kσ
disks under longitudinal stresses σx .
Plate-like and buckling bar-like is determined. These values are used to
failure calculate the following from the modified
The usual designations for stiffened sheet Winter formula [Winter, 1947]
metal panels are shown in Figure 8.3-18.
The calculation of unstiffened and λp - 0.055 ⋅ (3 +ψ )
stiffened panes under longitudinal normal ρ= 2
stresses σx is dealt with in [EN 1993-1-5].
The basic procedure is shown in the Reduction factors ρp are determined. The
flowchart, Figure 8.3-19. Winter formula takes into account
geome- trical and structural imperfections
Unstiffened panes and individual fields of as well as supercritical load-bearing
stiffened panes reserves. It is calibrated on tests. For pure
First, the buckling values kσ of the compression, the original Winter curve,
individual panels are used to calculate the which also applies to member buckling, is
related panel slenderness. obtained. Figure 8.3-20 shows the
modified Winter curves for plates
supported on both sides.

Figure 8.3-18 Designations

for stiffened sheet metal
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 585

Figure 8.3-19 Buckling under longitudinal stresses σx [Johansson et al., 1999]

586 8 Calculation

of the individual sheets reduced with the

respective individual factors ρ (αp , ψp ) and
the total cross-section. Using λp , a
reduction factor ρ is determined from the
ori- ginal Winter formula, from which the
final reduction factor ρc is determined,
taking into account the buckling rod-like

Plate-like and buckling bar-like

In contrast to the panes considered so far,
Figure 8.3-20 Modified winter curves panes with a small aspect ratio α < 1.0 and
longitudinally stiffened panes exhibit a
Buckling due to normal stresses more or less buckling bar-like behavior
(compressive stresses) is described in [EN during buckling. This is characterized by
1993-1-5, 2007] by introducing the fact that in the buckled state, an almost
Effective widths beff = ρ - b in the pressure single-curved surface forms in a larger area
of the stiffened plate is taken into account.
instead of a double-curved surface,
The effective widths are defined in such a
whereby the aforementioned stress
way that the residual cross-section now
redistribution and the transverse tensile
calculated according to cross-section class
stresses are lower or practically disappear
3 (i.e. without buckling phenomena) has
completely (Fig. 8.3-22).
the same resistance under the specified M-
The buckling bar-like behavior is
N combination as the original cross-
achieved by the related slenderness
section taking into account the buckling
phenomena. The use and calculation of βA,c⋅
the factors ρ is regulated in the standard. If λc =
σ cr,c
a normal force N acts in addition to the
bending moment M, the additional is characterized. From this, the reduction
moment due to the displacement of the factor χc is determined by applying an
line of gravity of the effective cross-section imperfection coefficient αe . The same
compared to the original cross-section factor βA,c applies for the area as for the
must be taken into account, see Fig. 8.3- plate-like stability failure. σ cr,c is the Euler
21. buckling stress of the disk (buckling bar)
with its full cross-section that is
Stiffened panes unsupported at the longitudinal edges.
In the case of stiffened panes, in addition From the two factors ρ and χc , which
to the individual panels, the total panel characterize the plate-like and buckling
must also be verified by calculation. The bar-like behaviour of the overall field, the
buckling value kσ of the entire panel is factor ρc is obtained by means of
used to calculate the related slenderness of interpolation, which captures the overall
the panel. behaviour of the component and is
fy applied to the overall field in accordance
σ cr,p with the specifications of the standard.
λ =
p This also yields
is determined. The reduction coefficient
As with the single field, an effective total cross-
βA,c = Ac, eff, results from the sum section with the cross-sectional
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 587

values Aeff , Ieff and Weff . These are used to provides good results in the range of aspect
verify the cross-section for the elastic limit ratios α [Johansson et al., 1999]. The
load. With this approach, hybrid beams critical buckling stress τcr is τcr = kτ - σE ,
(different yield strengths in the flanges analogous to the plate under normal
and in the web) can also be economically stresses. The buckling value kτ of the
verified on the basis of plastic cross- unstiffened sheet depends on the aspect
sectional resistances. ratio α = a/b. In order to describe the
bending surface with sufficient accuracy, a
Unstiffened and stiffened rectangular Fourier approach with a relatively large
panes under shear stress τxy number of half-waves must be selected.
This case is dealt with in section 5 of [EN The buckling value kτ is made up of the
1993-1-5]. The basic procedure is shown proportion kp of the plate and the
in the flowchart in Fig. 8.3-23. proportion kτsl of the stiffeners. For better
The denting of unstiffened panes adaptation to test values, the proportion kτsl
is reduced to 1/3 of the theoretical value. kτ
is used for the calculation of the related
plate buckling.
under pure shear loading is treated f yw
according to the modified stress field slenderness λw = required. The
τ cr
theory, which is applied in a large area.

Figure 8.3-21 Box girders with effective

widths beff

Figure 8.3-22 Plate-like and buckling bar-like behavior

588 8 Calculation

Figure 8.3-23 Buckling under shear stress τxy [Johansson et al., 1999]
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 589

Finally, the shear-stressed sheet metal is Depending on the boundary conditions,

verified using the reduction coefficient χw , the standard distinguishes between three
which is applied to the fully plastic shear cases (see Figure 8.3-25), for which
resistance: different values kF apply. By introducing
theoretical load application widths ly , a
t ⋅ hw ⋅ fyw .
Vbw, Rd = fully plastic force Fy = fyw - tw - ly is
3 ⋅ γM1 calculated. Based on the general definition
The proportion χw reflects the of the related slenderness with Fcr
contribution of the web. It is also possible according to Figure 8.3-25, the
to take into account the flanges, which
additionally stiffen the sheet metal. related slenderness λF = determined
However, this contribution is we
is not very significant and is therefore and from this the reduction coefficient χF
sometimes neglected. The contribution of (λp ), which results in the effective load
rigid or deformable end stiffeners is also application widths Leff = χF - ly . This
important. Figure 8.3-24 shows the finally gives the resistance of the
reduction transversely loaded pane:
factors χw as a function of the related
Slenderness λp , the determination of fyw ⋅t w ⋅ l ef f
which varies depending on the design of FRd = γ M1
the end transverse stiffeners.
different formulas apply. Unstiffened and stiffened rectangular panes
under combined stresses σx , τxy and σy
Unstiffened and stiffened rectangular The entire calculation procedure for
panes under local normal stresses σy combined loads is dealt with in Section 7
This case is dealt with in section 6 of [EN of [EN 1993-1-5]. The basic procedure is
1993-1-5, 2007]. The basic procedure is shown in Figure 8.3-26.
shown in the flowchart in Figure 8.3-25. The ratio values η1 , η2 and η3 are
The resistance of an unstiffened or determined from the external influences
stiffened plate to loading by local and the respective resistances. A linear law
compressive stresses was derived on the is given for the interaction of the voltages
basis of theoretical considerations and FE σx and σy and a parabolic law for the
calculations, which were calibrated in interaction of the voltages σx and τ .xy

Figure 8.3-24 Contribution of the

Bar at the thrust bearing capacity
590 8 Calculation

Figure 8.3-25 Buckling under local normal stresses [Johansson et al., 1999].
8.3 Calculation of steel bridges 591

Figure 8.3-26 Overall calculation sequence for class 4 cross-sections [Johansson et al., 1999].
590 8 Calculation
2 2
Stiffness requirements and static
Verification of transverse and longitudinal (
ρz ⋅

f y/ γ
) ( + 3⋅
τ Ed
stiffeners Information on transverse and χw⋅ f y / γ M1
longitudinal stiffeners can be found in M1

Section 9 of [EN 1993-1-5].

The simplified calculation rules given which corresponds to a comparative span in
assume that the transverse stiffeners are its structure.
stiff enough to provide a rigid support for
the longitudinal stiffeners (minimum
stiffness). There is a formula for
determining the required bending
8.4 Selected verifications for
stiffness, which also includes the load- a composite bridge
bearing capacity verification (stress
verification). Longitudinal stiffeners are to ULRIKE KUHLMANN
be verified as buckling bars with the and ANNETTE DETZEL
transverse stiffener spacing as buckling
length. In order to avoid flexural-torsional
buckling of open stiffener cross-sections 8.4.1 General information
(e.g. angled cross-sections or flat bars), a
stiffness condition is specified to achieve In this design example, a tied-arch bridge
the necessary torsional stiffness for the is examined.
stiffeners. For reasons of space, only the composite
load-bearing effect between the concrete
Proof of buckling through the track slab and the steel structure will be
introduction of reduced stresses discussed. In this example, the end cross
Section 10 of [EN 1993-1-5, 2007] beam is calculated as an example.
provides formulas for the buckling The verifications shown include the
analysis of unstiffened and stiffened plates cross-sectional verifications for the
based on stress reduction. In contrast to composite beam and the verifications of
the procedure according to Sections 4-7, the composite joint in the ultimate limit
the total stress ratio, consisting of the state. For further verifications that are
stresses σx,Ed , σz,Ed and τxz,Ed , is used to required, e.g. serviceability, fatigue, please
determine the related plate slenderness λp . refer to further literature.
With the factors α ult,k (distance of the v. It is also shown how the stiffness of the
Mises equivalent stress in relation to the roadway can be determined for the main
yield point) and αcr (load increase factor load-bearing structure, taking into
in relation to the branch load, usually only account the formation of cracks.
calculable using EDP), the following is The dimensioning of the composite construc
the global value λp = and is carried out in accordance with [DIN-FB 104,
αult, with 2003] including [ DIN-FB 101, 2003],
the reduction factors ρx ,k ρz and χw as [DIN-FB 102, 2003] and [DIN-FB 103,
shown above. This finally αcr gives the 2003]. The verification is carried out using the
verification formula elastic-elastic measurement method.
2 2

( σx,E
ρx ⋅df y / γ
+ σz ,E
ρ z ⋅d f y / γ
) -ρ

x f y/ γ
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 591

Figure 8.4-1 Main load-bearing system: tied-arch bridge

Figure 8.4-2 Cross-section: External stiffening girders, concrete roadway oriented longitudinally

8.4.2 Stiffness of the track slab 1) An expansion rigidity (EA)c of the plate
is selected. Adding this to the yield
The deck slab is friction-locked to the strength of the steel profile of the
main girders at the base of the arch and stiffening beam gives the yield strength
therefore acts to absorb the tensile force in of the entire tension member (EA)V =
the tension band. The proportion of the (EA)c + Ea - Aa and use this to calculate
normal force that is absorbed by the the internal forces in the static system
concrete roadway depends on (suitable starting point).
Ecm ⋅1/2 ⋅ A c
the stiffness of the slab. The stiffness of the value: (EA)c = ).
concrete slab is in turn determined by the n0
The degree of cracking in the concrete is 2) The determined normal force in the
determined. The occurring normal tensile tension band is distributed to the
force (which leads to cracking) and the concrete and steel cross-section
stiffness of the concrete roadway are according to the stiffness ratios (EA)c
therefore interdependent and must be /E Aaa . The normal force in the
determined iteratively. concrete provides information as to
whether the crack normal force has
been undercut (increase or decrease).
592 8 Calculation

state I) or is exceeded and whether Ai, eff = (EA)c,eff /Ea

there is already a closed crack pattern
= 8.541 - 109 N/210 000 N/mm2
(state III) or not (state II). Depending
on the existing condition, an associated = 406.72 cm2
stiffness of the concrete pavement can
The cross-sectional area of the main beam
be determined. This will generally
in this example is 604.1 cm2. Taking the load
deviate from the selected initial value.
transfer via the concrete slab into account
3) The normal force in the concrete is
increases the stiffness of the tension
now determined iteratively with an
member by approx. 67%. The stiffness
adjusted stiffness until the initial
determined using this approximation
stiffness matches the stiffness resulting
method is generally lower than the stiffness
from the crack formation with sufficient
determined using the iterative method. The
proportion of the steel beam effect is
This obviously complex procedure can be therefore overestimated, which leads to a
circumvented by an approximate conservative design of the steel cross-
calculation of the effective stiffness of the section. In order to estimate the normal
concrete pavement according to [DIN-FB force in the concrete slab sufficiently
104, 2003]-II- 4.7.1(3). In this method, a conservatively, a minimum normal force
constant elongation stiffness (EA)c,eff must b e applied in the concrete cross-
independent of the load condition is section in both the ultimate limit state and
determined. the serviceability limit state, which must be
different from the normal force from the
(Es ⋅ As )
(EA) = steel cross-section.
(1 - 0.35) /(1 + ρs ⋅ n )o determination of internal forces is independent.
with min Ns =1.15 ⋅ Ac ⋅ fct,eff ⋅ (1+ ρs ⋅ n0
Es Modulus of elasticity of the reinforcing ) min NSd =1.45 ⋅ Ac ⋅ fct,eff ⋅ (1 + ρs ⋅
steel (according to [DIN- FB 104, n0 )
2003]-II-3.2(2) may be simplified for
with fct,eff = 0.7 ⋅ fctm
Es = Ea = 210 000 N/mm²).
The bridge under consideration here was
made of C30/37 concrete. The mean tensile
A be taken) strength for this concrete is 2.9 N/mm2.
s Cross-sectional area of the longitudinal
stakes in the concrete roadway This results in
ρs Degree of reinforcement ρs = 5As fct,eff = 0.7 - 2.9 N/mm2 = 2.03 N/mm2
Ac min Ns = 1.15 - 32.8 cm - 4.65 m
n0 Reduction factor Ea /Ecm (note: this
factor is called the ratio factor in - 2.03 N/mm2 - (1 + 0.0157 - 6.58)
concrete construction) = 3928.4 kN
In this example, the effective expansion min NSd = 1.45 - 32.8 cm - 4.65 m
stiffness of the concrete roadway (per - 2.03 N/mm2 - (1 + 0.0157 - 6.58)
main girder) according to this = 4953.2 kN
approximation is
In this example, the standard force in the
(EA)c,eff = 8.541 - 109 N concrete slab is only 4138 kN as a result of
permanent loads and traffic (limit state of
The fictitious steel surface corresponding
load-bearing capacity). The
to this stiffness is
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 593

The force relevant for calculating the For the support area, the approximation
required reinforcement is therefore bei = Le /8 with Le = distance between the
almost 20% greater. moment zero points
bei = 0.25 - 2 - 5.225 m/8 = 0.327 m
8.4.3 Composite load-bearing effect beff = 0.160 m + 2 - 0.327 m = 0.813 m
In the following, the design of the end The total cross-section values are
cross member is used to show how the determined here for the field cross-section
elastic load-bearing capacity of the as an example. The cross-sectional values
composite cross-section is calculated for of the support cross-section are to be
the load cases of dead load, shrinkage, determined accordingly with the
creep and traffic. In addition, the required corresponding co-supporting width. The
number and arrangement of dowels in the effect of the concrete between the cracks is
composite joint is determined. neglected in the support area. The total
Load-bearing width of the concrete top cross-section consists only of the
chord according to [DIN-FB 104, 2003]- proportions of the structural and concrete
II- steel.
beff = bo + 2 - bei
bo = distance between the outermost
dowels on the steel top chord (see
bei = supporting width of the concrete
chord on both sides of the web.
For the field area, bei = Le /8 with Le =
distance between the zero points of the
moments applies approximately
bei = 0.85 - 5.225 m/8 = 0.555 m
Figure 8.4-4 Concrete chord dimensions
beff = 0.160 m + 2 - 0.555 m = 1.27 m

Figure 8.4-3 Static system of the cross member

594 8 Calculation

Concrete cross-section: Material

C30/37 beff = 1.27 m
hc = 32.8 cm
Ac = 4165.6 cm2
beff - h c
Ic = 012 2 = 373459.9 cm4
Figure 8.4-5 Dimensions of steel profile
Ecm = 31900 mm2

The concrete area and the moment of

inertia are converted into equivalent steel
cross-section values:
Ea = 210000 9mm2

n0 = = 6,583

= Ac Figure 8.4-6 Dimensions of total steel cross-

Ac0 = 632.77 cm4
5 section
Ic0 = = 56 730.3 cm4 nom c = 4.5 cm (= concrete cover
n0 according to [DIN-FB 102, 2003]-II-
Steel cross-section: Material
S235 Rod diameter ds = 1.2 cm
zs1 = hc - nom c - ds = 11.3 cm
Aa = 338.14 cm2
2 2
za = 45.23 cm2 zs2 = - zs1 = - 11.3 cm
Ia = 377119 cm4 The total moment of inertia of the steel cross-
Reinforcing steel: section is
∅ 12/12.5 at the top and bottom ISt = 461807.12 cm4
respectively Overall composite cross-section:
a = 2 - 9.05
7m Time t = 0, no shrinkage and creep influences
As = as - beff = 22.99 Ai0 = ASt + Ac0 = 993.90 cm2
aSt = zSt = Distance center of gravity line
Total steel: concrete cross-section - total steel cross-section
ASt = Aa + As = 361.13 cm2
ASt⋅ aSt
z = z + hc = 61.63 cm z= = 20.97 cm
sa a i0
2 Ai0
zsa ⋅ A Si0 = Ac0 - zi0 = 13267.66 cm3
zSt = = 57.71 cm
ASt Ii0 = Ic0 + ISt + Si0 · aSt = 1 284 174.77 cm4
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 595

Influence of shrinkage and creep S Ψ= 0.55

a) Shrinkage strain ε cs∞ = ε cas∞ + ε cds∞
nS = n0 - (1 + ΨS - φ )1d
according to [DIN-FB 102, 2003]-II- = 6,583 - (1 + 0,55 - 3,28) = 18,459
To calculate the shrinkage strain, the The reduction for creep acts on the
actual concrete area is taken into concrete cross-section:
account and not the effective concrete
width of the end cross beam. The Constant load over time:
center distance between the cross beams AcB = Ac = 223.04 cm2
is 4.05 m. The concrete slab has a nB
projection of 1.0 m at the end.
Effective thickness of the cross section: IcB = Ic = 19 996.6 cm4
.05 m
b= 4 + 1.0 m = 302.5 cm Shrinkage:
AcS = Ac = 225.67 cm2
u = 2 - (b + hc ) = 670.6 cm nS
A c,vorh = b - hc = 9922 cm3 IcS = Ic = 20 231.93 cm4
2 ⋅ Ac,vorh
h0 = = 29,59 cm nS
Total cross-section values for t →∞
Shrinkage strain εcas∞ = -0.065 [DIN- Permanent load case
FB 102, 2003]-II- Figure 3.120
Drying shrinkage strain εcds∞ = -0.311 AiB = AcB + ASt = 584.17 cm2
[ DIN-FB 102, 2003]-II- ASt ⋅ a St
Figure 3.121 ziB = = 35.67 cm
Shrinkage strain ε cs∞ = -0.376‰
b) Final creep number φ according to
SiB = AcB - ziB = 7956.8 cm3
[DIN-FB 102, 2003]-II- Figure
3.119 IiB = IcB + ISt + SiB - aSt = 940 967.3 cm4
Humid ambient condition (outside:
Shrinkage load case
relative humidity = 80%) Start of load:
t0 = 1d
AiS = AcS + ASt = 586.80 cm2
φ1d = 3,28
⋅ aSt
Stripping and removal loads: Start of ziS = ASt = 35.51 cm
loading t = 50 d AiS

φ50d = 1.67 SiS = AcS - ziS = 8014.4 cm3

Creep coefficient for permanent loads IiS = IcS + ISt + SSB - aSt = 944 528.3 cm4
according to [DIN-FB 104, 2003]-II-
8.4.4 Verifications in the ultimate
B Ψ= 1.10
limit state
nB = n0 - (1 + ΨB - φ )50d
= 6,583 - (1 + 1,1 - 1,67) = 18,676 In the ultimate limit state, the following
verifications, among others, must be
Creep coefficient for shrinkage performed for the composite beam:
according to [DIN-FB 104, 2003]-II-
596 8 Calculation

• Verification of the load-bearing Internal forces

capacity of the cross-section for the At time t = 0:
elements mild steel, reinforcing steel 1) From dead load:
and concrete (in this case, a design is a) Load on steel girder Steel dead
carried out using the elastic-elastic load, concrete + formwork gd =
method). Verification of the concrete 43.6 kN/m
slab (e.g. cracking, minimum b) Constant loads over time from
reinforcement, local load trasnfer, are compensation and expansion
not carried out here) d ĝ= g (removal) - g (demolding)
• Stability verifications (assembly = 11.9 kN/m
condition) (not carried out here) 2) from traffic loads
• Verification of the bond joint: number a) Equal distance load on main track
and distribution of dowels under load and secondary track
Connection of the concrete chord qd = 18.3 kN/m
b) Uniform line load p only in the left
The following simplified loads on the end field
cross member are based on load model 1 qd = 18.3 kN/m
in accordance with [DIN-FB 101, 2003]. c) SLW - Load: Load position
The partial safety factors for permanent
loads (γf = 1.35) and traffic (γf = 1.5) are The bridge is the overpass of a service
taken into account. In this example, no road. Therefore, only 1 SLW is placed on
temperature, wind or other loads lane 1, no SLW on lane 2.
according to [DIN-FB 101, 2003] are To simplify matters, the same load
taken into account. position is assumed for the minimum
The internal forces are determined support moment and the maximum span
using the principle of virtual forces. The moment:
differences in stiffness between the
uncracked field cross-section and the At the time t → ∞:
cracked support cross-section are taken 1) From constant loads:
into account using special coupling tables. a) Load on steel girder
The tables and examples for the as at time t = 0
application can be found in the literature, b) Constant loads over time from
e.g. [Kuhlmann et al., 1999]. compensation and expansion

Figure 8.4-7 Load position SLW

8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 597

The influence of creep under ns = 18.46

constant loads is taken into account
Ea = 210 000 N/mm2
by reduced resistance values.
2) from traffic loads εcs,∞ = -0.376‰ = -0.000376
as at time t = 0 NSch = εcs,∞ ⋅ ⋅Ac = -0.000376 ⋅
3) Shrinkage ns
Due to the shrinkage of the road surface 21000
This results in a normal tensile force in cm2
the concrete. For reasons of ⋅ ⋅ 4165.6 cm2 = 1781.9 kN
equilibrium, this shrinkage normal
force must be applied to the
cross-section act as a compressive
MSch = NSch - ziS = 1781.9 kN - 35.51 cm
force. The shrinkage moment MSch
= 632.8 kNm

Moment curves [kNm] Shear force curves [kN]

on half the system

Steel girder: Ma Steel girder: Va

Permanent loads: t = 0Permanent loads: t = 0

Permanent loads: t →∞Permanent loads: t →∞

Traffic: qSt Traffic: qSt

Figure 8.4-8 Internal forces on half the system

598 8 Calculation

Traffic: qF Traffic: qF

Traffic: QSLW Traffic: QSLW

Shrinkage: Shrinkage:

Shrinkage: Normal force [ kN ]

Figure 8.4-8 (continued)

Cross-section verifications for the must be absorbed by the total steel cross-
ultimate limit state: Support cross-section: section. The concreting load acts on the
t=0 pure structural steel cross-section.
A completely cracked concrete cross- ha = 817 m + 2 - 22 mm = 86.1 cm
section is assumed. The cutting forces
za = 45.23 cm

Ma ha + hc - z NSt
σ a,u = ⋅ (ha - za ) + (Mg,St + Mp,St + MP,St ) ⋅ 2 = -34,9 2
> fyd,a
Ia ISt mm
= -235

zSt + zs1 N N
σ = (M +M +M )⋅ = 30.41 <f = 435
s g,St p,St P,F ISt mm2 yd,s mm2
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 599

Field cross-section: t
=0 ha + hc - z Ni0 N
σ a,u
⋅ (ha - za ) + (Mg,F + Mp,F + MP,F ) ⋅ 2 = 32,4 < fyd,a = 235
= 2 2

Ia Ii0 mm mm

zi0 + h c N f N
σ c,o = (Mg,F + Mp,F + MP,F ) ⋅ ⋅ 2 = -1.63 > fcd = 0.85 ⋅ck = -17.0
mm2 2
Ii0 n0 γc mm

Support cross-section: t
→∞ ha + hc - z NSt
σ a,u a
⋅ (ha - za ) + (MB,St + Mp,St + MP,St + MS,St ) ⋅ 2 = -82,4 > fyd,a
= 2

Ia ISt mm
= -235

zSt + zs1 N N
σ = (M +M +M +M )⋅ = 107.3 <f = 435
s B,St p,St P,St S,St ISt mm2 yd,s mm2

Field cross-section: t →∞
Ma ha + hc - ziB ha + hc - zi0
σ a,u ⋅ (ha - za ) + MB,F ⋅ 2 + (Mp,F + MP,F ) ⋅ 2
Ia IiB Ii0

ha + hc - ziS N N N
+ MS,F ⋅ 2 S
-= 30.4 < fyd,a = 235
2 2
IiS AiS mm mm
+ ziB hc
+ zi0 hc
+ z NiS
2 2 2 N
σc,o = MB,F ⋅ + (Mp,F + MP,F ) ⋅ + MS,F ⋅ - S
+ S

IiB ⋅ nB Ii0 ⋅ n0 IiS ⋅ AiS ⋅ n ASc

= -0.14 > fcd = 0.85 ⋅ fck = -17.0
mm2 γc mm2

γv = 1.25
Composite joint:
a) Resistance of the dowels
The concrete slab is connected to the steel
profile in a shear-resistant manner using ∅
7/8″ dowels. The design of the dowels is
carried out in accordance with [DIN-FB
104, 2003]- II-6.
Partial safety factor in the ultimate limit
600 8 Calculation

d = 22.2 mm Shank diameter
of the dowel
h = 12.5 cm Total height
of the bolt
dKopf = 35 mm diameter
of the dowel head
h/d = 5.6 ⇒ α = 1.0 for h/d > 4
fu = 360 N/mm²
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 601

fck = 30 N/mm² Field 1 l1 = 1.27 m

Ecm = 31 900 N/mm² kN
194.4 ⋅1.271 m
The limit shear force of a head bolt dowel m
nin = = 2.77 ⇒ 3
results from the smaller value of the dowels 89.2 kN
following equations [DIN-FB 104, 2003]- nt
II- Field
ed 2 l2 = 1.17 m
0.8 ⋅ fu ⋅ π ⋅ d2 154.9 ⋅1.17 m
a) PRd = 89.2 kN m
4 ⋅ γv nin = = 2.03 ⇒ 3
= dowels 89.2 kN
fck ⋅ Ecm
b) PRd = 0.25 ⋅α ⋅ d2 ⋅
γv Field
ed 3 l3 = 0.73 m

= 96.4 kN
-122.1 m ⋅ 0.73 m
⇒ min PRd = 89.2 kN nerf = = 1.0 ⇒ 1 dowel
Proof for t = 0 89.2 kN
V(x) for t = 0
Field 4 l4 = 1.27 m
Shear flow to be absorbed in the bond
joint kN
S 161.7 m ⋅1.27 m
T (x) = V (x) ⋅ =V(x) ⋅ Si0 nerf = = 2,3 ⇒ 3 dowels
I Ii0 89.2 kN

T1 = 194.4 kN/m Field 5 l5 = 0.784 m

T2 = 154.9 kN/m kN
-399.2 ⋅ 0.784 m
T3 = 119.23 kN/m m
nin = = 3.5 ⇒ 4
T4 = -99.3 kN/m ve dowels 89.2 kN
T5 = -122.1 kN/m Proof
ed for t →∞
T6 = -161.7 kN/m The shear force from shrinkage partially
T7 = -374.7 kN/m counteracts the shear force from traffic
T8 = -399.2 kN/m and permanent loads. The influence of
relief from permanent loads is neglected.
Number of dowels:
T ⋅
nerf = di
Proportion of unfavorable transverse force
li PRd from permanent loads and traffic:

Figure 8.4-10 Course of the shear forces

Figure 8.4-9 Course of the maximum shear relevant to the design
602 8 Calculation

T5 = -122.1 kN/m Field 3 l3 = 0.73 m (To simplify matters,

T8 = -399.2 kN/m the values of t = 0 are used here for the
permanent load. The deviation at time t
According to [DIN-FB 104, 2003]-II- →∞ is less than 1%)
for shear stud dowels, the shear flow from -122.1 - 76.2 ⋅ 0.73m
shrinkage can be assumed to be constant nin = = 2,5
over the load application length beff ve 89.2 kN
(effective width of the concrete track). nt
-1781.9 kN ed ⇒ 3 dowels
T = -NS = = -1403.1
N 1,27 m m
Field 4: l3 = 1.27 m
(1403.1 - 76.2) ⋅1.27 m
inn = =
ve 18.9 89.2 kN
ed ⇒ 19 Dowels

Field 5: l3 = 0.784 m (To simplify the

calculation, the values of t = 0 are used
here for the permanent load. The
deviation at time t →∞ is less than 1%)
Figure 8.4-11 Shear flow on half the kN
system -399.2 - 76.2 ⋅ 0.784 m
nin = =
ve 3.5 89.2 kN
From shear force VS : nt
ed ⇒ 4 dowels

Arrangement of the dowels:

Maximum longitudinal distance:
Figure 8.4-12 Vs on half the system

e≤ { 6 ∙ h =80196.8
TS = VS SiS = -76.2 ⇒ 80 cm is decisive
IiS m Minimum longitudinal spacing: e ≥ 5 d =
11.1 cm Dowels in bay 1 and 4 in 2 rows
Number of dowels:
of 11 each
Field 1 l1 = 1.27 m Distance e = 1.27 m/11 = 11.5 cm > 11.1
kN cm Selected distance in field 2 + 3:
-1403.1 - 76.2 m ⋅1.271 m e = 0.73/3 = 0.24 m
nerf = = 21,1
89.2 kN Selected distance in field 5:
⇒ 22 e = 0.784/4 = 0.20 m
Field 2 l2 = 1.17 m
The time t = 0 is relevant for the
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 603

Spacing in transverse direction:

Minimum edge distance eRand = 2 cm
604 8 Calculation

Section B-B becomes decisive, as both the

force to be transferred is greater and the
dowel outline area is smaller than the
chord contact area and less reinforcement
crosses it.
Figure 8.4-13 Number of dowels per Force to be transferred:
bay kN kN
Tmax = (1403.1 + 76.2) = 1479.3
m m
vsd = Tmax ⋅ Ac -Ab-b = 1392.9
A mc
Load-bearing capacity according to [DIN-FB
104, 2003]-II-
6.5.1 and [DIN-FB 102, 2003]-II-
⎧(As1 ⋅ f yd,s ) ⋅ 2 ⋅ cot θ
vRd = min ⎨ Ac v ⋅ 0.75 ⋅ fcd
Figure 8.4-14 Transverse reinforcement and ⎪ tan θ + cot θ
dowel surfaces
with strut angle θ = 45°
Minimum dowel spacing emin = 2.5 - d
⎧ 31.42
/m ⋅ 435 N/mm2 ⋅ 2
= 2.5 - 22.2 cm = 5.55 cm ⎪

selected: 8 cm edge distance + 16 cm v = min = 2733.5 kN
2 2
dowel spacing
distance ⎨ 4450 cm /m ⋅1.0 ⋅ 0.75 ⋅17 N / m m
distance + 8 cm edge Rd

⇒ b = 32 cm ⎪ 2
⎩ = 2836.9 kN/m
Verification of the transverse reinforcement: vRd = 2733.5 kN/m > vsd = 1392.9 kN/m
Upper steel layer ∅ 16/10
⇒ as = 20.11 cm2/m
Lower steel layer ∅ 20/10 8.4.5 Fatigue verification
⇒ as = 31.42 cm2/m
According to the previous standardization
Ac,eff = 4165.6 cm2 Belt gating area valid in Germany, no fatigue verification
AA-A had to be carried out for road bridges.
= hc - (eDübel + dKopf ) - 1 m = 639.6 cm2
This has changed with the introduction of
Dowel outline area the DIN technical reports. The following
AB-B =
verifications must be carried out:
hdowel - (edowel + dhead) -1m
1. For structural, concrete and prestressing
= 243.8 cm2
steel: Verification of fatigue with
Chargeable concrete area damage-equivalent stress ranges [DIN-
AA-A = 2 - h /1 m = 6560 cm2/m FB 104, 2003]-II-4.9.6)
2. For concrete transverse
sections: Verifications according to [DIN-FB
cv c
cv = (e dowel + dhead + 2 - hDowel)/1 m 3. For shear stud dowels: Proof of the first
= 4450 cm2/m fatigue, based on stress
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 605

oscillation widths [DIN-FB 104, 2003]- Δτc = 90 N/mm2, the reference value of the
II- 6.1.5). fatigue strength for ΔτR at Nc = 2 × 106
Re 1: load cycles
Δσ Rk (N *) If tensile stresses occur in the concrete
γ Ff ⋅ΔσE ≤ chord under the non-frequent load
γ Mf
combination, the following condition
wit must also be checked:
γ Ff ⋅ Δσ E
γFf Partial safety factor for fatigue ≤ 1.0 , and
γ loads Δσ c
Mf Partial safety factor for the
load-bearing capacity under γ Mf, a
Δσ ding γ Ff ⋅ ΔσE γ Ff ⋅ Δτ2E
E damage equivalent chip + ≤ 1,3
swing width Δσc Δτ c
ΔσRk (N*) Characteristic value of the γ Mf, a γ Mf, v
fatigue resistance for the fatigue
resistance to be measured. wit
curve and the number of load γ Mf,a = γMf , partial safety factor for the
cycles load-bearing capacity under
Re 3: N* fatigue
γ ⋅ Δτ Δσc Reference value of the fatigue
Δτ c
Ff E2
≤ strength ΔσR for the relevant
γ Mf,v
notch class for Nc =
γFf Partial safety factor for fatigue loads 2 × 106 load changes
γMf,v =1.25, partial safety factor for As an example, the fatigue analysis for the
the load-bearing capacity of the shear stud dowels is carried out below.
composite under fatigue The internal forces must comply with the
ΔτE Shear span equivalent to damage fatigue load model 3 (ELM3) according to
[DIN FB 101, 2003].

Figure 8.4-15 Load position of the ELM3 according to DIN-FB 101

606 8 Calculation

The voltage difference between the and in field 5:

most unfavorable and the most favorable Si0
load position must be
of 4 axle loads in the amount of 120 kN Δv3 = -98.0 kN - = - 101.3 kN/m
can be determined. The partial safety factor 5Ii0

for fatigue loads must be selected as 1.0 in Δv3

accordance with [DIN FB 103, 2003]-II- Δτp3 =
9nDüb -9ADüb
The most unfavorable load position is -101.3
taken from the calculation in the ultimate
= 5 9
limit state. The SLW loads cannot be .01(D0üb/m) - 0π- (0.00222
applied outside the area defined by the m 8)2/4
The load position in the middle above the MN
= -52.2 7
center support results in a lower shear m
flow difference. The load position in the
The other areas are not relevant to the
middle above the central support results
in a smaller shear flow difference than the
According to [DIN-FB 104, 2003]-II-
load position in the middle of the second
6.1.5(4) (4), the damage-equivalent shear
bay. The shear flow difference is the
span width Δτ2E results in
difference between the maximum value
from the maximum load position and the Δτ2E = λv - Ф - Δτp
maximum load position in the second
0. The internal forces can thus be Ф = Ф2 = 1.0 for road bridges, according to
determined via the ratio of the loads to be
Load from the ultimate limit state: P
k,SLW = 240 kN
120 [DIN-FB 103, 2003]-II-9.4.1(5)
Q1,ELM3 = 118.7 kN ⋅ = 39.6 kN
1,5 ⋅ 240 λv = λv1 - λv2 - λv3 - λv4 ≤ λmax

λv1 takes into account the span, λv2 the

Q2,ELM = -87.7 kN ⋅ 120 = -29.2 kN
traffic volume, λv3 the planned utilization
1,5 ⋅ 240 time and λv4 the encounter frequency for
120 heavy traffic on both lanes.
3 = -293.9 kN ⋅ = -98.0 kN λv1 = 1.55 according to [DIN-FB 104, 2003]-
1,5 ⋅ 240 II-
6.1.5(3) for road bridges up to 100 m

This results in the maximum shear flow Span
difference and the stress range in span 2: 1
⎛ Nobs ⎞8
λv2 = ⋅

Si0 ⎜ ⎝ ⎟ ⎠
Δv1 = 39.6 kN - 5I= 40.1 kN/m Q0 N0

Δτp1 =
= 9nDüb -9ADüb
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 607
kN with Q0 = 480 kN
m and N0 =5 0.5 - 106 as
94.1(Dü0b/m) tensile values [DIN-
FB 103, 2003]-II-
- π0- 9.5.2(4),
(0.02022 Exponent according
to [DIN-FB 104,
m)62/4 2003]-II- 6.1.5(3)
• Qm1 is the
average total
weight of
the heavy
vehicles. For
the service
road in
N Average weight assumed at Qm1 = 200
= 25,3 9mm2
608 8 Calculation

• For local roads with a low proportion of 8.4.6 Verification in the

HGVs, Nobs = 0.05 - 106. serviceability limit state
200 kN ⎛ 0.05 ⋅106 ⎞8 In the serviceability limit state
λ= ⋅ = 0.312 The following evidence, among others,
480 kN ⎜ 0.5
⎝ ⋅106 ⎟ ⎠
must be provided to prove the
λv3 = 1. 0according to [DIN-FB 1. Crack width limitation in concrete
103, 2003]- 2. Stress limitation in the elements mild
II-9.5.2(5) for a planned steel, reinforcing steel and concrete
useful life of 100 years. 3. Limitation of deformation under
λv4 = 1. 0This coefficient takes into service load (for road bridges, suitable
account the limit values must be agreed with the
The mutual interference of project owner).
several heavy-duty lanes is 4. Verification of the bond joint: number
a problem. This service and distribution of dowels under
road is only used in one service load
λmax = 2.5/1.8 for the field area/support Re 1: The verification of the crack width
area limitation is carried out analogously
range, according to [DIN- to the verification for concrete
FB 103, 2003]-II-9.5.2(6) bridges in accordance with [DIN FB
102, 2003]. This problem is dealt
λv = 1.5 - 0.312 - 1.0 - 1.0 = 0.484 with in this book in sections 8.5.6
The damage-equivalent shear span in bays and 8.5.7.
2 and 5 is hereby calculated Re 2: Proof of the voltage rating
N as N
Δτ = 0.484 ⋅1.0 ⋅ 25.3 = 12.2 boundary and the deformation
2E2 The proof of strength is provided by
mm2 mm2
an elastic calculation under service
and load. The procedure corresponds to
Δτ2E5 = 0.484 ⋅1.0 ⋅ 52.2 = 25.3 the calculation in the load case. On
mm2 mm2 Therefore, no explanation is given
Area 5 is decisive. The proof reads: Re 3: Verification of the bond joint:
In the serviceability limit state
Δτ c the design value of the longitudinal
γ Ff ⋅ Δτ2E ≤ shear load-bearing capacity is 60%
γ Mf,v
of the characteristic limit load.
90,0 shear force PRk of the composite
1,0 ⋅ 25,3 ≤ = 72,0
0.6 - PRk = 0.6 - PRd - γv = 0.6 - 89.2 kN - 1.25
= 66.9 kN
Δτc = 90.0 N/mm2 according to [DIN-FB
104, 2003]-II-6.1.5(4). The verification is performed analogously
to the verification in the ultimate limit state.
Obviously, the verification in the
serviceability limit state is decisive for the
number of anchors, as the load component
from shrinkage with γFser = γFult =
1.0 remains the same.
8.4 Selected verifications for a composite bridge 609

8.5 Concrete bridges it is created by prestressing tendons made

of steel or fiber composite materials and
GERHARD MEHLHORN connecting them to the concrete in a
and THOMAS JAHN stressed state. However, pre-tensioning
can also be achieved by an appropriate
8.5.1 Pre-tensioning of concrete bridges choice of construction process, e.g. by pre-
loading, by planned lowering of supports
Today, concrete bridges with larger spans for continuous beams or by press-fitting,
are usually prestressed. The basic idea of which exert compressive forces on the
pre-tensioning is to superimpose a prestressing component from abutments.
desired, counteracting stress state on the Another possibility is the electrothermal
stresses resulting from loads. prestressing of steel tendons. Here, only
Concrete only has a relatively low the generation of pre-tension using
tensile strength. It is around 1/20 to 1/10 tendons made of high-strength steel
of its compressive strength and is usually (prestressing steel) will be considered.
not available for carrying loads because it Tensioning methods differ in terms of
is partially or completely used up by the arrangement of the tendons, the time
unavoidable internal stresses (due to at which prestressing is generated and the
uneven drying and/or temperature type of bond.
differences). Therefore, with the
development of reinforced concrete, it 1. Depending on the compound effect:
was obvious to apply the idea of 1.1 Pre-tensioning without bond:
prestressing to this material. Pre- external pre-tensioning:
tensioning is intended to influence the The tendons are located outside
stress state in the concrete structure in the the concrete cross-section and
service condition in such a way that no transfer the prestressing forces into
cracks or only cracks with very small the component at the deflection and
crack widths occur in the concrete. This anchorage points.
can be achieved by pre-stretched and thus internal pre-tension:
prestressed bars bearing against the The tendons lie within the concrete
concrete and thus exerting compressive cross-section. Wires, bars or
forces on the concrete. As the pre- strands are guided in a corrosion
tensioning of a slab or a beam cannot take protection sheathing (the
place without deformation, additional prestressing steel can move freely
constrained internal forces occur on the in the longitudinal direction and is
statically indeterminate structure due to only firmly connected to the
the deformation restraint. These must be supporting structure at the
taken into account in the determination of anchorage points).
internal forces and in the verifications in 1.2 Pre-tension with immediate
the limit states. The tensile stresses arising bonding:
in the structure as a result of external load After pre-tensioning, the tendons
and restraint are suppressed by the pre- are embedded in the concrete in
tension. such a way that a bond is created
The pre-tension can be applied in between the two materials at the
different ways. In most cases same time as the concrete hardens
8.5 Concrete 607
Single wires are unsuitable for this When pre-tensioning before the concrete
purpose and are therefore not hardens, the so-called prestressing bed
permitted). pre-tensioning, Figure 8.5-1, the pre-
1.3 Pre-tensioning with subsequent tensioning with immediate bond, the
bonding: prestressing steel is pre-tensioned in the
The concrete is initially prestressed "prestressing bed" before concreting.
without a bonding effect between The prestressing steel is anchored at
the prestressing elements and the the ends in stationary blocks. As the
concrete. concrete placed in the formwork hardens,
2. Depending on the type of event: the bond between the prestressing steel and
2.1 End anchorages with special the concrete becomes effective. Once the
anchor bodies, concrete has hardened sufficiently, the
2.2 End anchoring through the bond anchoring of the prestressing steel at the
between prestressing steel and ends is released. Due to the bonding
concrete (anchoring through effect, the prestressing steel cannot shorten
adhesion, friction and shear bond). to the original length it had before
3. Depending on the time of pre- prestressing. With an ideal (perfect) bond
tensioning of the tendons: between prestressing steel and concrete,
3.1 Tensioning before the concrete the prestressing steel and the concrete
hardens, must shorten by the same amount. The
3.2 Tensioning after the concrete has remaining tensile force in the prestressing
hardened. steel and the compressive force in the
concrete are equal. This method is only
used for

Figure 8.5-1 Principle of pre-tensioning with immediate bonding

608 8 Calculation

used in the production of concrete filled with grout (Figure 8.5-2c).

components in precast plants. By A key feature of post-tensioning
wrapping the tendons with plastic methods with subsequent bonding is that
sheathing (stripping) in certain areas, the the tendons can largely be positioned as
bond is prevented in these areas, which required. Only the curvature radii to be
means that the pre-tensioning force adhered to restrict the course of the
applied can be varied over the length of tendons. It is also possible to have the
the component when pre-tensioning in the tendons end at any point within the
prestressing bed. structure. This allows the size, position
In post-tensioning methods with and direction of the required prestressing
subsequent bonding, prestressing steels are forces and the time at which they are
laid untensioned in ducts (plastic or steel applied to be adapted to the requirements
ducts) inside the formwork (Fig. 8.5-2a). for specific locations. However, the
The prestressing steels, which consist of tensioning points must be accessible for
wires, rods or strands, remain movable in the tensioning process.
the longitudinal direction within the ducts With external pre-tensioning, Figure
and are tensioned and anchored against 8.5-3, the tendons are arranged outside
the hardened concrete using special the concrete cross-section. Pre-tensioning
tensioning devices (Fig. 8.5-2b). Then, to is carried out against the concrete
create the bonding effect and to protect component, whereby the pre-tensioning
the prestressing steel from corrosion, the forces are transferred into the component
air space still present in the cladding tubes at the anchorage and deflection points.
is filled with This type of prestressing

a) Tendon untensioned in the duct

b) Pre-tensioning

c) Prestressed tendon anchored and

cladding tube filled with grout

-P -P

Figure 8.5-2 Principle of pre-tensioning with subsequent bonding

8.5 Concrete 609
is designed without a bond, with the applied pre-tensioning force must be at
advantages of post-tensioning and least 20% of the total required pre-
interchangeability of the prestressing tensioning force. In addition, increased
steel. requirements for retrofitting measures for
The use of external and internal maintenance and possible subsequent
tendons leads to the so-called mixed reinforcement must be observed [DIN- FB
construction method, which is generally 102, 2009]-III, Section 3.4 (1) P.
more economical than purely external
pre-tensioning. Especially in the case of
bridges built using the cantilever method 8.5.2 Internal forces due to pre-tension
and bridges with a strongly curved plan, it
is almost impossible to dispense with the The internal forces (stresses, forces and
mixed construction method when using deformations) are determined on beams
external tendons. The use of purely in sections perpendicular to the beam
external pre-tensioning can also lead to axis. For tendons curved or inclined
design difficulties for bridges built using against the beam axis, the vertical
the incremental launching method and component of the prestressing force P -
for very slender bridges. sin (α) can be neglected due to the very
In the case of mixed construction, a low inclination α of the tendon axis (for
distinction must be made as to whether the generally slender prestressed slabs and
internal tendons are bonded or unbonded. beams, does not apply to cross girder
The internal tendons without bond, which plates). PH ≈ P can be used as a good
must have a double sheathing (inner and approximation for the entire length of the
outer duct) for interchangeability, can be structure.
checked, replaced and restressed in the
same way as the external tendons. The
prestressing steel must be replaceable Cross-section values
together with the inner duct and the
corrosion protection grease. It goes For calculations on prestressed load-
without saying that net cross-section bearing structures, no cross-sectional
values must be used for the mathematical components may be neglected, as
verifications, see section otherwise incorrect internal forces will be
According to [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-III, determined. For compression plates of
Section 3.2, if the mixed construction plate girder and box cross-sections, the
method for the longitudinal pre- actual effective plate width, e.g. according to
tensioning of the bridge is a combination [Bren- del, 1959], must be taken into
of external tendons with bonded tendons, account.
the proportion of tendons with external For the structural analysis of structural
pre-tensioning must be components that are to be installed before
the concrete hardens.

Figure 8.5-3 Principle of external pre-tensioning

610 8 Calculation

prestressed concrete, ideal cross-sectional For prestressed concrete components

values are required because there is already with internal tendons without bond, the
a bond between the prestressing steel and prestressing forces act on the net concrete
the concrete before the prestressing force cross-section. Due to the lack of bonding,
is applied. The ideal cross-section values are ideal cross-section values must not be
also decisive for determining stresses on used. The tendon is considered as a
components that are prestressed with a frictionless tension band in the duct,
subsequent bond for the loads applied whose stress changes under load result
after the bond has been created. from the total distortion of the concrete
For cross-sections that are prestressed fiber at the level of the tendon axis.
after the concrete has hardened, concrete Equations for determining the cross-
gross cross-section values can be used to sectional values of the concrete cross-
determine the stresses occurring before the section, the prestressing steel cross-section
composite is produced, i.e. also for stresses and the composite cross-section are given
resulting from the pre-tensioning, if the below.
prestressing and reinforcing steel cross-
section is generally small in relation to the a) Prestressing steel - cross section
concrete cross-section of the tension zone. values (index p):
For large prestressing steel reinforcement The total cross-sectional area of the
or for more precise, material-saving prestressing steels is determined from the
calculations, the following is required sum of the individual areas of the
In addition to the ideal cross-sectional prestressing steels:
values A = mA (8.5-1)
the cross-sectional values of the concrete p ∑ p,j
cross-section, in which the cross-sectional
of the tendons' sheathing tubes (concrete Ap,j ... Area of the individual tendon
net cross-section values). The steel cross- m ... Number of tendons
section is not taken into account here.
These cross-section values are decisive for
determining the stresses from the dead loads
and the prestressing forces. Concrete net
cross-section values should be used in
particular for verifications of cross-
sections with tendon couplings
(consideration of all voids present before
grouting). When determining the ideal
cross-section values on the composite
cross-section, only the (αp - 1)-fold cross-
sectional areas of the steel (αp = Ep /Ec )
should be applied to the concrete gross cross-
section values, as the cavities in the ducts
filled with grout are treated
approximately as concrete cross-sections,
z. e.g. Eq. (8.5-25). Ideal cross-section
values apply to all loads that are applied
after the composite cross-section has been Figure 8.5-4 Prestressed concrete cross-section,
produced. designations
8.5 Concrete 611
The distances y-pand z- of
p the geometric The distances between the axes of gravity of
the breeding -
Centerlines of the total prestressing steel to cross-section from the global y - or
cross section related to the global y--z-- z-axis:
coordinate system result in: 1m
1 m yb = A ⋅ ∑ yj ⋅ Acb,j (8.5-7)
yp = ⋅ ∑ yp,j ⋅ Ap,j (8.5-2) cb
Ap j=1 1 m
z= ⋅ z⋅ A (8.5-8)
1 m ∑ j cb,j
zp = A ⋅ ∑ zp,j ⋅ (8.5-3) b
Acb j=1
p j=1 y- y--coordinate of the center of gravity
- Distance of the center of gravity of the of the partial cross-section
y p, j tendon from the z-axis z- z--Coordinate of the center of gravity
- Distance of the center of gravity of the
z p, j of the partial cross-section
tendon from the y-axis
The following applies to the 2nd degree
For the moments of inertia of the total moments of area (moments of inertia)
prestressing steel surface with respect to with respect to the global axes:
the center of gravity
axis coordinate system follows: Iycb = ∑ I ycb,j + zj2⋅ A cb (8.5-9)
I = m I + A ⋅ (z - z )
2 (8.5-4) j=1
yp ∑ yp,j p,j p p,j
j=1 m
I zcb = ∑ I zcb,j + y2j ⋅ A cb (8.5-10)
I= m I + A⋅ (y- y) 2
(8.5-5) j=1
zp ∑ zp,j p,j p p,j
I ycb,j 2nd degree moment of area of
I yp,j , I zp,j Self-inertia moments of the j-th partial cross-section with regard
j-th tendon to the
y-axis of gravity
The moments of inertia of the tendons are
I zcb,j 2nd degree moment of area of the
generally neglected in Eqs. (8.5-4) and
jth partial cross-section with
(8.5-5) are generally neglected because
respect to the z axis of gravity
they are orders of magnitude smaller than
the Steiner components. The indicated gli The 2nd degree moments of area with
respect to the centroidal axes of the gross
cross-section are:
The calculations also apply to reinforcing
Iycb = Iycb - z 2 ⋅b Ab (8.5-11)
steel cross-sections (index s) and to the
cross-sectional areas of cladding pipes Izcb = I zcb - y 2 b⋅ Ab (8.5-12)
(index h).
b) Concrete - gross cross-section According to [Fleßner, 1962], the gross
values (index cb): cross-section values of polygonal cross-
For the cross-section shown in Figure 8.5- sections with polygonal edges, which are
4, the gross cross-sectional area of the mainly found in bridge superstructures,
concrete can be determined from the sum can be easily determined using the corner
of the partial cross-sectional areas. point coordinates of the edge (see Figure
8.5-5) and
A= m A Gln. (8.5-13 to -19). For the specified
cb ∑ j=1 cb,j (8.5-6)
612 8 Calculation

directions of t e coordinate of the cross-section must be bypassed in this

h axes, the edge way,
A cb,j Partial cross-sectional area that the cross-sectional area is always to the
m Number of partial cross-sectional right of the edge. So that the polygon course
areas is
8.5 Concrete 613
bridges 1 k
I = ⋅ (z y ⋅ -y ⋅ z)
∑ j j+1 j+1 j
ycb 12 j=1

⋅ (zj2 k+ zj ⋅ zj+1+ z2 j+1) (8.5-18)

I = ⋅ z( y ⋅ -y ⋅ z )
∑ j j+1 j+1 j
zcb 12 j=1
⋅ ( y2j + yj ⋅ yj+1 + yj+2 ) (8.5-19)

Iy -cb , I-zcb2-degree moments of area of

the cross-section in relation
to the global axes
The moments of inertia with respect to
the center of gravity coordinate system
can be determined according to Eqs. (8.5-
Fig. 8.5-5 Node numbering and direction of 11) and (8.5-12). [Käuffier, 1989] gives
the coordinate axes equations that can be used to determine
the cross-section values of polygonal
bounded cross-sections with circular
is closed, the last corner point corresponds boundary sections.
to the first. This method is particularly
suitable for the computer-aided c) Concrete net cross-section values
calculation of cross-section values. (index cn):
The information contained in eqs. (8.5-20) to (8.5-
1 k 24) are contained in Eqs.
A= ⋅ y⋅ z -y ⋅z (8.5-13) The values A , y- and
p p
y- can
p be used for

cb ∑ j j+1 j+1 j calculations on concrete cross-sections

2 j=1
with ungrouted cladding pipes through
the cladding
y-,z- Global pipe cross-section Ah or the global coor-
corner coordinates of the
points, j = 1, 2, ... , k dinates y- hand z- h be replaced.
k Number of corner points
Acn = Acb - Ap
1 k+ 1
S = ⋅ z( y ⋅ - y ⋅ z ) ⋅ (z + z ) 1
∑ j j+1 j+1 j j j+1 yn =⋅ (A ⋅ y -Ap ⋅ y )p (8.5-21)
j=1 cb b
1 k (8.5-14) Acn
S = ⋅ (y⋅ -y ⋅ z)⋅ (y+ y) 1
∑ j j+1 j+1 j j j+1 zn =
6 j=1 Acn ⋅ (Acb ⋅ zb - Ap ⋅ z )p (8.5-22)
Iycn = Iycb + Acb ⋅ (zb -zn)
Sy , static moments of the cross- 2
-cb S-zcb
section in relation to the - (Iyp + Ap ⋅ (zp - zn )2 ) (8.5-23)
global axes
Izcn = Izcb + Acb ⋅ ( yb - yn)2
yb = Szcb Acb - (Iyp + Ap ⋅ ( yp - yn )2 ) (8.5-24)
zb = Sycb (8.5-17)
d) Ideal cross-sectional values (index ci):
-- global coordinates of The ideal cross-section values apply to the
y b, zb
the center of gravity composite cross-section. Using the bending
614 8 Calculation

The equivalent concrete surface is used to superimpose bending tensile

characteristics are determined from the stresses, the governing equations for
prestressing steel surface characteristics determining the internal forces due to
and added to the cross-sectional values of pre-tension on the bending beam are
the actual concrete surface. The specified given. Detailed derivations of the
slopes only apply under the assumption of determination equations for internal
linear elastic material behavior in the area forces on cross-sections prestressed with
of the investigated internal forces. immediate bracing can be found in
[Mehlhorn, 1998] and [Mehlhorn et al,
Aci = Acb + (αp - 1) ⋅ Ap (8.5-25) 2002] included.
Equations for the internal forces on
with: centrally prestressed cross-sections are
αp = Ep /Ec obtained by multiplying the distance
between the clamping
The position of the link relative to the
The other cross-sectional values are center of gravity zcp is set to zero.
calculated analogously. The following After applying the prestressing bed
applies to the global coordinates of the pretensioning force P(0), the following value
ideal center of gravity: results
the elongation of the prestressing steel ε(0)
yi = (A ⋅ y + (αp - 1) ⋅ Ap ⋅ y )p in the fitted bed): p, p
cb b
δ (0) σ,p(0) P(0)
1 εp,p
(0) = ,p
p =p = (8.5-30)
zi = A (Acb ⋅ zb + (αp - 1) ⋅ Ap ⋅ z )p lp E Ep p ⋅ Ap
ci (8.5-27)
In Eq. (8.5-30) means:
The moments of inertia with respect to (0)
the ideal axes of gravity result from: ε p, p Tensioning bed elongation of the
prestressing steel,
Iyci = Iycb + Acb ⋅ (zi - zb)
2 (0)
δ p, p Extension of the prestressing steel
+ (αp -1) ⋅ (Iyp + Ap ⋅ (zi - zp )2 ) as a result of the prestressing force
(8.5-28) applied to the steel in the
prestressing bed
Izci = Izcb + Acb ⋅
( yi - yb)2 lp Length of the prestressing steel in
+ (αp - 1) ⋅ (Izp + Ap ⋅ ( yi - yp )2 ) the unloaded state,
σ p, p Tensioning bed tension in the
tensioning steel,
construction is primarily Internal forces on the statically
determinate supported structure Tensioning before the concrete hardens

The prestressing steel is tensioned in the

prestressing bed. Immediately after the
concrete has been placed, the bond
between the concrete and the prestressed
steel forms as the concrete hardens. As
pre-tensioning in concrete bridge
8.5 Concrete 615
P(0) Prestressing force applied to the
prestressing steel in the
prestressing bed via the
prestressing jack,
Ep Modulus of elasticity of the
prestressing steel,
Ap Cross-sectional area of the prestressing
After releasing the prestressing bed anchorage,
see Figure 8.5.1 c), the prestressing force
acts on the component at the tendon
location. The beam shortens and, due to the
eccentric tendon position, it is also bent. The
616 8 Calculation

Internal forces of the concrete and the The remaining steel elongation after
prestressing steel are indicated with a loosening the anchorage results in
horizontal line.
hen. The dead load caused by the lifting εp,p = ε(0) + ε = ε(0) + Δε . (8.5-31)
p,p cp,p p,p p,p
of the beam from the formwork as a result
of curvature, the equations for determining The voltages correspond to these distortions:
the bending force according to the
remaining after the pre-tension is released σp,p = σ(0) + α ⋅σ (8.5-32)
p,p p cp,p .
preload force is initially not taken into
account. A pure residual stress condition is - Tension remaining in the
σ p, p
thus present due to pre-tension. To prestressing steel after releasing
determine the actual internal forces, the the anchorage,
dead load must be applied to the σ p, p Tensioning bed tension in the
composite cross-section. - tensioning steel,
Before and after the release of the σ cp,p Stress in the concrete after
prestressing bed anchorage, the following loosening the anchorage.
forces act in the element with the The pre-tensioning force remaining in the
infinitesimal length dx = 1 of the prestressing steel is:
composite cross-section as shown in
Figure 8.5-6
Internal forces. P-
Under the condition of perfect = Ap - σ-
p, p .
between concrete and steel is the Working in concrete:
N- - P - -P-
Compatibility condition: M- = and = -z.

-ε = ∆-ε c, p c, p cp
cp, p p, p There is a relationship between the forces
-εcp,p caused by loosening the in the prestressing steel before and after
anchorage of the prestressing steel the prestressing bed connection is
caused by released:
loading ⎞⎤
at the height of the clamping ⎡ Ep ⋅ Ap + Ac ⋅ z2
⎛ = P ⎢1 ⋅⎜1
⋅ +
steel fiber, E⋅ A I cp ⎟⎥
- ⎝ ⎠⎥⎦
∆ε p,p Change in prestressing steel ⎢⎣ cc c

elongation due to loosening of the (8.5-33)


Tensioning bed force applied

P(0) εp,p P(0)

dx = 1

Releasing the tensioning bed anchorage

Mc,p Mc,p

p P P
�ε��,p ε�,p -Δεεp,p
8.5 Concrete 617
Figure 8.5-6 Infinitesimal element with length dx = 1; internal forces and distortions from pre-
tensioning when applying the prestressing bed prestressing force P(0) and after releasing the
prestressing bed anchorage
618 8 Calculation

⎡ E ⋅ Ap ⎛ -1 a) Prestressed concrete without bond:

P = P(0) ⋅ ⎢1 +p ⋅ 1 + Ac ⋅ z2
⎥⎞⎤ The tendons are located at the end of the
⎜ cp
⎣⎢ Ec ⋅ Ac ⎝ Ic ⎠⎟⎥⎦ neither outside the concrete (external
(8.5-34) pre-tensioning) nor are they
are slidably guided in plastic sheaths
Ac , Ic and zcp represent net concrete cross-
filled with grease inside the concrete.
sectional values according to Eqs. (8.5-
b) Prestressed concrete with subsequent
20), (8.5-22) and (8.5-23).
In the case of prestressed concrete
The tendons are guided in ducts. After
components in which the tendons are
pre-tensioning, the ducts are grouted
prestressed before the concrete hardens,
with cement mortar.
all external loads - including the dead load
that becomes effective simultaneously
In the above-mentioned cases, tensioning
when the prestressing force is applied - act
only takes place when the concrete has
on the composite cross-section.
hardened sufficiently and against the
To determine the stress distribution in
hardened concrete.
the cross-section, perfect bonding between
When tensioning after the concrete has
concrete and steel and the Bernoulli
hardened, the stress from the dead load
hypothesis that the cross-sections remain
usually becomes effective at the same time
flat are assumed.
as the pre-tension is applied.
The assumption of perfect bonding
The pre-tension is usually applied
requires that the distortions resulting
using clamping presses that are supported
from external loads (G + Q) at the level of
against the component to be pre-
the steel fiber in the concrete and in the
tensioned. The applied preload force is
steel are the same.
read on the pressure gage of the press. The
εp, g + q = εcp, g + q clamping travel is also measured for
The stress distribution in the beam due to control purposes. It should be noted here
external loads can thus be determined for that only the values from pre-tension and
state I according to the generally valid the simultaneously acting dead load can
relationships for non-prestressed and be read together, both on the pressure
prestressed reinforced concrete. The stresses gage and when measuring the clamping
in the composite cross-section due to travel. For this reason, the preload and dead
external loads Ng+q and Mg+q result in load are used for the following
are closing: considerations.
Ng+q Mg+q
σ c,g+q = + ⋅ zci
Aci Ici
(8.5-35) clamping force P is defined as the force
applied to the
End of the clamping process on the pressure
σ = ⎛ ⎞ of the clamping press and the
α ⋅
p, ip ⎟
Aci at any point of the tendon with the aid of
Ici ⎠
p⎜ . the law of friction from the Tensioning after the concrete bond:
has hardened

When tensioning after the concrete has

hardened, a distinction is made between
two processes depending on the type of
8.5 Concrete 619
prestressing force can be determined.
Internal forces that become effective
during the tensioning process must be
related to the pure concrete cross-section,
i.e. to the statically determined main
system consisting of the concrete
supporting structure and the tension band.
620 8 Calculation

standing, internally statically indeterminate Amount of the applied clamping force P0

system. In prestressed concrete with and the distribution of P (x) over the
subsequent bonding, the cladding tubes tendon length l.
are grouted after prestressing. The loads For subsequent checking of the force
subsequently applied to the component present in the prestressing bed, it is
(removal loads, live loads) act on the possible to deflect the tendon within a
composite cross-section; accordingly, ideal defined length in the transverse direction
cross-section values must be used when in the case of pre-tensioning without a
calculating these internal forces. bond and to deduce the existing
Thus, the stresses in the concrete due prestressing force from the force required
to P and the dead load that becomes for a certain deflection.
effective at the same time as tensioning In the case of very long tendons lying
can be written down: in the concrete, the prestressing steel deh-
P P ⋅ zcp or the clamping distance at intermediate points.
σ = ⋅ z- - ⋅ z. (windows) can be checked.
c,g1+p c
I Ac c c Ic It is assumed here that the distribution of
(8.5-36) the clamping force P (x) (clamping force at
The stress in the prestressing steel results from: the prestressing point P0 = P (x = 0) and the
P The influence of friction (see section
σ p,g1+p = . (8.5-37) as well as the cutting parameters
Ap Nc,p (x), Mc,p (x) and Mc,g1 (x) acting during
Ac ,Ic andzc are net concrete cross-section were calculated. Fig. 8.5-7 shows the
values. Note: Concrete gross cross-section qualitative distribution of the internal
values are used for preliminary design, as forces for the prestressed single-span
the prestressing steel cross-section must beam with one tendon.
first be determined. The tensioning path δSp at the
Eq. (8.5-35) applies to the tensioning point of the tendon is
determination of the stresses due to loads essentially made up of two parts (slip
that are applied in the case of pre- neglected):
tensioning with subsequent bond after the δ proportion from prestressing
bond has been produced. steel elongation, δcp, p+g1
The concrete stresses due to
proportion from concrete compression at the
prestressing have a reasonable order of level of the tendon.
magnitude if their amounts correspond
approximately to the magnitude of the For single-strand pre-tensioning, the
stresses due to external loads. tensioning path results in:
It is therefore particularly important to δSp = δp,p - δ cp,p+g1 . (8.5-38)
carefully control the preload forces applied
during the clamping process. Two options The "slip values" (misleading term)
are available for this purpose: specified in the individual general
technical approvals of the prestressing
1. Read off the clamping force P0 at the
methods are generally made up of two
clamping point (pressure gage),
components. One part is the result of
2. Checking the calculated clamping
prestressing by pressing the anchorage
into the concrete under the pressing force.
Both control options together result in an The second part is defined as a release
assessment standard for the path specific to the respective tensioning
8.5 Concrete 621

Figure 8.5-7 Internal forces due to pre-tension in a beam pre-tensioned from one side

and takes into account, for example, the This will:

wedge slip for wedge anchorages (for lP lP
Threaded anchors according to the (x) (x)
δSp=∫ dx + dx
displacement from the thread play) and Ep ⋅ Ap Ec ∫ Ac
0 0
the deformation of the anchoring parts
when the preload force is transferred from
P(x) ⋅ zcp (x) - Mg1 (x)
+∫ ⋅ (x)dx .
the press to the anchoring. To calculate 0 Ec ⋅ Ic
the effects of slip on the anchoring parts z (8.5-40)
For the course of the preload force, see e.g.
[Mehlhorn et al., 2002]. It should be noted here that in most
The two span distance components applications occurring in construction
according to Eq. (8.5-38) result in: practice, the last integral in Eqs. (8.5-
39.40) in relation to the other integrals.
δ = εl
(x) ⎫
=∫ Ep ⋅ Adxp
(x)dx tegrals is negligibly small, because the
p,p ∫ p,p ⎪ Minuend and the subtrahend in the numerator
of the
0 0 ⎪ integrals have the same order of magnitude.
ll P
(x) ⎪ Approximate solutions of the integrals
δcp,p+g1 = ∫ εcp,p+g1(x)dx = -∫ dx ⎬ (8.5-39, 40) for calculating the deformations.

00 Ec ⋅ Ac
l ⎪ can be obtained, for example,with Simpson's
-P(x) ⋅ zcp (x) + Mg1 (x) (x) dx ⎪ rule. For this purpose, the area under the
+ ⋅z
∫ Ec ⋅ Ic cp
⎪⎭ integrating function into an even number
0 n of strips of equal width parallel to the y-
(8.5-39) axis (see Figure 8.5-8).
622 8 Calculation

Figure 8.5-8 Subdivision of the required area under the function to be integrated

The definite integral results This reduces the pretensioning force

approximately to : applied at the clamping point. Even with
Δ tendons that are straight as planned,
A≈ ⋅ ( y0 + 4 ⋅ y1 + 2 ⋅ y2 + 4 ⋅ y3 frictional obstructions occur during pre-
3 tensioning due to the unavoidable deviation
+ ... + 2 ⋅ yn−2 + 4 ⋅ yn−1 + yn ) . (8.5- of the tendons from the nominal position
41) (deviation from the theoretically assumed
With multi-strand pre-tensioning, the straight line). The determination of the
prestressing forces are applied to the amount of prestressing force P (x)
individual tendons one after the other. It occurring due to friction at any point x in
must be taken into account that the initial relation to the force P0
pre-tensioning force (initial force P(i)) of results according to Eq. (8.5-43):
the previously tensioned tendons P(x) = P0 ⋅ e-μ⋅ϑ(x) . (8.5-43)
decreases as a result of concrete shortening
when the subsequent tendons are pre- with:
tensioned. ϑ(x) = Θges + k - x Total deflection angle,
In general, the following applies to the deflection angle in radians [rad],
prestressing path or the initial force to be ges ΘScheduled total deflection angle,
applied to the jth tendon of a total of n
tendons during pre-tensioning:
δSpj = δpj,pj - δcpj,pj - ∑ δcpj,p( j+1),
P(i) = P - Ep ⋅ Apj n-1
k-x unplanned deflection angle.
⋅ ∑δ .
0 j,p 0 j,pj cpj,p( j+1)
l j=1 The scheduled deflection angles for
(8.5-42) tendon guidance systems with counter
bends are between adjacent Influence of frictional resistance points and the absolute values of the angles
during pre-tensioning must be added up to the point under
consideration. Some books state that when
With all types of pre-tensioning after the determining the deflection angle ϑ, only
concrete has hardened, obstructions occur the larger of the two proportions, either Θ
during the prestressing process due to
8.5 Concrete 623
or k-x need to be taken into account. In the prestressing forces deform the
the opinion of the authors, this statement supporting structure. With statically
is incorrect. It is obvious that the planned determinate support, these deformations
geometric deflection angle Θ must always are freely possible; they are therefore not
be taken into account. The unplanned hindered by the support and do not
deflection angle should cover unavoidable change the support forces. On structures
deflections (e.g. horizontal deviations of a with statically indeterminate support, the
tendon curved in the vertical plane, deformations cannot occur unhindered.
sagging between the tendon supports). It Constraints are imposed on the structure
is usually assumed that the coefficient of by the fixed supports, which in turn cause
friction μ remains constant along the constraining forces and support reactions.
tendon. However, this assumption only Various methods are available for
applies approximately. The coefficient of calculating the constraining forces. In the
friction varies depending on the local following, the force quantity method
conditions. This is due to the locally known from structural engineering and
different properties of the materials the method using deflection forces for
sliding against each other. When checking curved tendons will be explained.
the clamping paths, deviations between the
target and actual values sometimes occur, a) The force magnitude method
which are also due to the assumed In the r-fold statically indeterminate system,
approximation. If un r constraining forces Xr are generated. The
following applies:
P* = P (8.5-44)
deviations that a r e explainably large, are N * = N0 + r X⋅ N (8.5-45)
it is essential to determine the causes. c,p c,p ∑ i,p ci
For clamping systems curved in two
the relevant deflection points are M* = M0 +
r X⋅ M (8.5-46)
angle can be determined vectorially. Values c,p c,p ∑ i,p ci
for μ
and k are attached to the approval notices
of the
of the respective clamping method. Q* = Q0 +
r X⋅ Q (8.5-47)
To compensate for friction losses c,p c,p ∑ i,p ci
During pre-tensioning, the pre-tensioning
forces can be temporarily increased Xi,p are the static surplus.
during tensioning (section 8.7.2). The preload force P, taking into account the
(2) of [DIN 1045-1, 2008]). Subsequently law of friction according to equation (8.5-43)
0 0
is carried out before anchoring the is known, and N0 c,p , M c,p , Q c,p - so the
a decrease in the clamping force. Please structures
refer to [Mehlhorn et al., 2002] for the
calculation of the curve of the clamping
force remaining after the clamping
process has been completed. Internal forces on static

indeterminately supported beam structures
As already established for the pre-
tensioning of statically determinate beam
624 8 Calculation

Internal forces of the residual stress state on

the statically determinate main system - can
be easily calculated from this. The variables
Nci , Mci and Qci are the internal forces on
the statically determinate principal system
due to the statically surplus Xi = 1. The
constraining forces Xi,p follow from the
continuity requirements for closing the
gaps occurring in the statically determinate
principal system as a result of the pre-
tension load case (Figure 8.5-9).
8.5 Concrete 625

Figure 8.5-9 Procedure for determining the constrained internal forces due to pre-tension

b) Approach of the deflection forces If the end anchoring points of the end
Most prestressed structures are slender anchoring elements lie in the center of
beams subjected to bending, e.g. gravity axis, this immediately gives M*c,p in
continuous beams or slabs. A significant total. If the end anchorages are not in the
simplification for the mathematical beam's center of gravity, the resulting end
treatment of the pre-tension load case on moments must be taken into account
the statically indeterminate system is separately.
offered here by assuming that the Figure 8.5-10 shows a beam with
deflection forces acting on the concrete cantilever passing through several bays and
from the tendon are approximately the deflection forces and end moments to
perpendicular. be applied to determine the course of the
The deflection forces u, can be prestressing moment M*c,p . The system
approximately determined as follows: can be calculated using the known
methods of beam statics. This will not be
u ≈ P(x) ⋅ zc ′′p (x)
discussed in detail here.
If the tendon is parabolic, the uniformly In the tendon guides normally found in
distributed deflection force is construction practice, the tendons are not
approximated: laid according to a mathematical form.
8⋅ f Integrals for the calculation of
u≈ P⋅
l2 (8.5-49) deformations on the statically determinate
with: main system can therefore generally not
f Parabolic stitch be solved with the help of integral tables,
l Distance between the but an approximation method must be
turning points. used. For this we recommend
When determining the course of the especially Simpson's method (see pages
tendon position and thus the bending 547/548) for numerical integration.
moment M *c,p on the statically The purpose of pre-tensioning the
indeterminate system from the deflection beams is to overpress the concrete in such
forces, you can now use flux lines, which a way that no or only low tensile stresses
are generally required for determining the occur under the overall effects. This results
bending moments from the other load in a surface
cases anyway. If the end anchorages of the
626 8 Calculation

Figure 8.5-10 Approach of the deflection and anchorage forces to determine the internal forces due
to pre-tension on the continuous beam

At first glance, it appears to be a simple z1 = 0

and self-evident solution for tendon
1. The tendons must be arranged on the A B
bending tension side resulting from the l
external load. z
2. The tendons must be guided in such a
way that the deflection forces from pre- Figure 8.5-11 Beam articulated at one end,
tensioning counteract the external shear clamped at the other end with straight tendon
load so that the shear force from pre- guide and eccentric position of the tendon at
tensioning counteracts the shear force the clamped end.
from external loading.
3. The level of the preload force is limited
at the top and bottom so that no Case 1: straight tendon with an
excessive tensile and compressive eccentricity at the clamping point
stresses occur overall. (Fig. 8.5-11)
The fulfillment of the three requirements The result is:
the beam is supported on two columns as 1
shown in Figure 8.5-2. With statically Ec ⋅ Ic ⋅ =- ⋅ P ⋅ z 2 ⋅ l ⋅1 , zB < 0
δ10 3
indeterminate support
However, the conditions are not so simple 1
Ec ⋅ Ic ⋅ δ11 = ⋅ l
due to the additional constraining stresses ⋅12
that occur. In order to get a feeling for the
constraint moments resulting from pre- 3
Xp = 1
tension, some tendon guides are
considered for beams clamped on one side
and hinged on the other. For
simplification -P ⋅ z2
M0 (x)
These basic considerations neglect the
influence of friction.
M (x) Xp = 1
8.5 Concrete 627
The signs of the eccentricities z are set
according to the direction of the z2
coordinate axis. 1

Forced torque: A B
Xp = -δ10 /δ11 = P - z2
Mc *,p (x) = M0 (x) + M (x) ⋅ X = 0
c,p c,1 p
Figure 8.5-12 Hinged at one end
The value of the moment due to beam clamped at the other end with straight
prestressing is zero. This results in a centric tendon guidance and eccentric position of the
pre-tension for the entire beam. tendon on the articulated support

Case 2: straight tendon with an B

eccentricity at the hinged bearing
(Fig. 8.5-12) f2
Ec ⋅ Ic ⋅ δ10 =- ⋅ P ⋅ z1 ⋅ l ⋅1 , z1 > 0 u2

Ec ⋅ Ic ⋅ δ11 = ⋅ l ⋅12
3 l1 l2
Xp = ⋅ P ⋅ z1 z
M* (x) =- P ⋅ z ⋅ ⎛1 - ⋅ ⎞
3 x
A A1 2 d
c, p1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 l⎠ Influence line for M * at the clamping point

M A*,p = -P ⋅ z M1 B *,p = P ⋅ z 21 Figure 8.5-13 Beam hinged at one end,

clamped at the other end with curved tendon
Xp = guide
It can be seen that an increase in the
M0 (x) positive preload torque at B
-P ⋅ z
c,p 1 is achieved if the eccentricity at A is
increased or if area 2 is reduced and area 1
Mc,1 (x) is increased. Increasing the eccentricity at
Xp =
B, on the other hand, has no direct
influence on the
Preload torque M* c,p (indirectly, however,
Case 3: curved tendon path (Fig. 8.5-13) through corresponding changes in
Mc *,p (x = l) = u1 ⋅ A1 - u2 ⋅ A2 curvature).
Finally, two polygonal
M* (x = l) > 0, if A⋅ u> A⋅ u tendon layers, such as those used in prestressing
c, p1 1 2 2 tendons, and the associated moments on
Mc *,p (x = ll) < 0, if A1 ⋅ u1 < A2 ⋅ the statically determinate main system, the
u2 moments of the tendons, and the moments
of the tendons.
Other tendon guides can be traced back to The load capacity due to the unit load as
cases 1-3. well as the size of the statically surplus are
628 8 Calculation

= P⋅
z2 2 ⋅ l2
⋅ ⎣⎡z1 ⋅ l21 + z 1⋅ l ⋅(l + l ) + z 13⋅ 2l ⋅ (2 ⋅ l +1 l )
A B + 3 ⋅ (z3 + z4 ) ⋅ l ⋅ ll3 + (z3 + 2 ⋅ z4 )3 ⋅⎦l 2 ⎤
l1 l2
M0 =
l -P ⋅ z M1 A,1 =0
z 0 = -P ⋅ z
M 1,p 2 M1,1 = 1 l ⋅ l1
Figure 8.5-14.1 Beam hinged a t one end and M0 = -P ⋅ z M2,1 = 1 l ⋅ (ll1 + l2 )
p 3
clamped at the other end
MB ,1 = 1
with polygonal tendon guidance and eccentric MB,p = -P ⋅ z4
position of the tendon on the articulated
Support and at the clamping point
Each continuous tendon position can b e
X p= P ⋅ approximated as precisely as required by
2 ⋅ l2 polygonal tensioners, see Fig.
2⎡⎣2 8.5-15.
Analogous to the previous clamping
⋅(z2 +z3 )⋅l1 ⋅l2 The statically excess number of tendons
⎦⎤ for a beam with a polygonal tendon layer
1 with any number of corners can be
= P ⋅ l2
2⋅ determined.
⋅ ⎡⎣z ⋅l 2 + z ⋅ l ⋅ (l + l1 ) + z ⋅) l ⋅ (2 ⋅ l + l the points and the points outlined in Figure
⎤⎦ 8.5.15.
11 2 32 1 Support conditions determined as follows
= -P ⋅ z1 M A,1 = 0 become:
A,p  n-
M 1,p = -P ⋅ z2 M1,1 = 1 l ⋅ Xp = -δ /δ = P ċ -� � ċ i+ + z )i
M B,p = -P ⋅ z3
l1 MB ,1 = 1 �ċl
 �z( i=
- li +  ċ (zi+ + zi ) ċ li ċ � ċlj � .

z2 z3 The distances l1 , l2 , ... , ln between the or-

dinates do not need to be equidistant. The
A B equation can be easily evaluated using
l1 l2 l3 Excel, for example.

Figure 8.5-14.2 Beam hinged at one end and

clamped at the other end with polygonal zi zi+1 zn-1
z2 z3
tendon guidance and eccentric position of the
tendon at the hinged support and at the
clamping point A B
l1 l l2 3 li li+1 ln-1

1 l
X p= P ⋅
2⋅ l2
z xi
(z1 + 2 - z2 ) -1 l2 +
Figure 8.5-15 Beam hinged at one end and
- (z2 + 2 - z3 ) 2- l2 + 3 -(z2 + z3 ) - l1 - l +2
clamped at the other end with any polygonal
(z3 + 2 - z4 ) -3 l 2 + 3 -(z3 + z4 ) - (l1 + l2 tendon guide
) - l3
8.5 Concrete 629
For the moment due to the pre-tension P The stresses can be determined using
on the statically determined main system, elastic bending theory, as they are
the following applies at the point xi : generally three-dimensional stress states.
M0 (x ) = -P - z The stresses are determined according to
the theory of elasticity.
i,1 i i
ory. Even under the agreed
and for the magnitude of the moment due Due to the assumption of ideal elastic
to the unit load at the point xi can be material behavior (Hooke's material), it is
written: difficult to determine the stress state for
general cases and has only been made
Mi,1 (xi ) = 1/l - xi
possible by the development of suitable
numerical methods (finite element
It should also be noted that in addition to
method and boundary element method).
the constraining moments and support
The tensile forces determined from the
forces, the pre-tensioning of statically
calculations to be made must be absorbed
indeterminate systems generally also
by reinforcement, which must be designed
generates additional transverse force
in such a way that a sufficient crack
components in addition to the statically
distribution with correspondingly small
determined components resulting from
crack widths is created. It is therefore
the tendon guidance (inclination and
advisable to arrange evenly distributed
curvature of the tendon guidance).
reinforcement with good bonding
properties in these areas. When
dimensioning, it is recommended that the
8.5.3 Introduction of concentrated forces
usual steel stresses for concrete steels are
not utilized. General considerations
It should also be noted that the spread
of the concentrated anchor force takes
At points where concentrated forces or
place in the so-called St. Venant's
loads are transferred into structures, e.g.
interference zone, the length of which
transfer and transmission of support
corresponds approximately to the beam
forces A, B or concentrated loads F (see
height or width in the case of single
Fig. 8.5-16), high local stresses occur in the
anchorages and, in the case of several
transfer areas. These areas particularly
anchorages between them, also
include the points where prestressing
approximately to the distances between
forces P are applied.
the center distances of adjacent anchor
The internal forces at the points of con-
centered load application cannot be
In the following chapters, some findings
calculated on the basis of the simplified
from disk theory for the entry of
technical data.
concentrated forces [Girk- mann, 1963],
[Mang, 1995], [Mehlhorn,
1998]. Introduction of anchor forces

at the edge of the beam
Figure 8.5-16 Examples of the entry of
concentrated forces When determining the stresses of
concentrated loads, e.g. pre-tension forces,
at the end faces of beam ends
630 8 Calculation

Figure 8.5-18 σz curve from partial line load in

section z = 0

Figure 8.5-17 Component edge loaded by a) a

concentrated load or b) a partial line load

usually involves components that have a stand h from the loaded edge almost
three-sided edge in relation to the load disappear.
application point. In most cases, the edge Figures 8.5-19 a) and b) show the
opposite the load application point can be results given by [Guyon, 1960] and
considered to be infinitely far away. The [Iyengar, 1960] for central load
stresses σz directed normal to the line of application for the resulting splitting
action of the load are of particular interest tensile force Z, the course of the
for the application of a concentrated load transverse tensile stresses σz , the positions
in the center or a partial line load opposite of the points resulting for z = 0 in which
the infinitely distant edge (Figure 8.5-17). the stresses max σz and σz = 0 occur. σ0 are
Sections parallel to the direction of the normal stresses due to P.
application of the load provide a clear Very simple equivalent models (Figures
insight into the distribution of the 8.5-20 and 8.5-21) can be developed on
compressive and tensile stresses in the the basis of calculated and experimentally
respective section. Figure 8.5-18 shows an determined principal stresses for the
example of the qualitative progression of centrally or edge-acting beam loads, with
the σz stresses in the section z = 0 as a result which the resulting splitting tensile force
of a partial section load. The resulting can be determined in a simple manner.
compressive or tensile force is obtained by Figure 5.5-20 shows a line load applied
integrating over this curve in certain areas. centrally at the end of the beam:
The tensile force acting transverse to the
load direction is called transverse tensile
force or
Z = ⋅ ⎛1 - ⎞
P a
Splitting tensile force. (8.5-50)
Figure 8.5-18 shows that the tensile ⎜ ⎟
stresses in the gap between the 4⎝ h⎠
8.5 Concrete 631

Figure 8.5-19 a) Course of the transverse tensile stresses σz , b) Resulting splitting tensile force Z
and layers for max σz and σz = 0

Figure 8.5-20 a) Substitute model for central partial section load at the end of the beam, b)
Reinforcement arrangement with centric load application

P⋅ a ⎞⎤
Above and below the anchor plate σ o =- ⎡1 + 3 ⋅ ⎛1 -
h ⋅ b ⎢⎣ ⎜ ⎟⎥
tensile stresses also occur at the loaded x
⎝ h ⎠⎦
edge [Mehlhorn et al., 2002], which are
caused by P⋅ a ⎞⎤
reinforcement must be covered. The σ u =- ⎡1 - 3 ⋅ ⎛1 -
h ⋅ b ⎢⎣ ⎜ ⎟⎥
The stake should therefore be designed as x
⎝ h ⎠⎦
shown in Figure 8.5-20.
z = ⋅ ⎛1 - ⎞
h a
For the eccentrically mounted
concentrated load is the course of the o ⎜ ⎟
6⎝ h⎠
normal stresses at the end of the
interference zone
linear. The moment on the center line The maximum bending moment in the
results from the external load: equivalent beam proposed by [Mehmel,
1957] is given by :
M = P ⋅ (h - a) 2 P ⋅ h⎛ a ⎞3 ⎛ ⎞2
This results in the edge stresses max M =- ⋅ ⎜2 - 3 ⋅ ⎟ ⎜1 - a⎟
54 ⎝ h ⎠ ⎝ h ⎠
and the position of the voltage zero line:
632 8 Calculation

The lever arm of the other forces can be The reinforcement must be limited to εs ≤
assumed to be h/2 for the disk. This gives 1 ‰. Ensure that the reinforcement is well
the splitting tensile force: anchored! These recommendations also
apply to the reinforcement considered
P a ⎞3 a ⎞2 below.
Z =- ⋅⎛2 - 3 ⋅ ⎛1 - (8.5-51) cases.
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ If the concentrated load is applied
27 ⎝ h⎠ ⎝ h⎠
eccentrically, i.e. it is located between the
The reinforcement shown in Figure 8.5-21 extreme positions just discussed, the
is recommended, taking into account the splitting tensile forces that occur can be
course of the stresses. determined as a function of e/h according
When determining the reinforcement to the following model concepts proposed
required to absorb the splitting tensile by [Guyon, 1960] (Fig. 8.5-22). Instead of
forces due to centric or eccentric the ratio a/h, in this case a/h' is to be set in
application of the prestressing forces, the Eq. (8.5-50).
steel thickness should be taken into
account to limit the crack widths.

Fig. 8.5-21 a) Substitute model for a beam end loaded eccentrically at the edge according to
[Mehmel, 1957]; b) Reinforcement arrangement with eccentric edge load

Figure 8.5-22 Substitute models according to Guyon for a) e/h < 0.3, b) e/h > 0.3
8.5 Concrete 633
For tendons inclined against the beam
axis, the bracings are also arranged with a
corresponding inclination. Studies on
stress distribution for estimating the
required reinforcement are given in
[Sargious, 1960]. If several tendons are Figure 8.5-23 Transverse prestressing with
anchored at the end of the beam, the internal tendon anchorage
solutions known for sheaves supported on
two or more columns can be used to
estimate the resultant tensile forces.
Reference is made here to the relevant
publications by [Bay, 1960], [Theimer,
1958] and [Thon, 1958].

Figure 8.5-24 Longitudinal prestressing with Introduction of forces inside a internal tendon anchorage

Tendons are often arranged inside a

component to better adapt the moment Figure 8.5-25 shows the stress curve as a
curves from the pre-tension to those from function of x/h, with the left panel edge
the external action and to save supported (corresponds to the clamping
prestressing steel. Examples of this are point) and the right one free. The
tendons for the transverse prestressing of concentrated force applied inside the
slabs in plate girders (Fig. 8.5-23) and component is evenly distributed at a
non-continuous tendons for the distance h from the point of application.
longitudinal prestressing of continuous For the case of the reaction to P in x → -∞
beams (Fig. 8.5-24). which corresponds to the problem of
First, the stresses σx of an internally anchoring a tendon in the interior, the
anchored tendon resulting from the principal stresses are also given in Figure
theory of elasticity are considered, as 8.5-26.
determined by [Haberland, 1968] for the It can be seen from the stress curve that,
washer strip. if the theory of elasticity is fully valid, half
the anchor force is initially applied in the
force application area as

Figure 8.5-25 Stresses σx due to a load P at the point x = 0, y = 0 with the reaction at x → -∞
according to [Haberland, 1968]
634 8 Calculation

Figure 8.5-26 Principal stresses for internal anchoring with reaction P at x → -∞

traction force to the rear. However, this 8.5.4 Loss of prestressing force due to
force component decays very quickly. creep and shrinkage of the concrete
Figure 8.5-26 shows the force progression and the relaxation of the prestressing steel
very clearly. It is therefore easy to design
the reinforcement appropriately. As a result of the creep and shrinkage of
If prestressed concrete components are the concrete, it is known that under long-
produced in individual consecutive term loading, a plastic, load-dependent
construction sections, the pre-tensioning deformation component also occurs in
of each completed section is carried out at addition to the elastic one, the size of
the construction section boundary. The which depends, among other things, on the
post-tensioned tendons are then extended time of load application and the duration
using couplers and post-tensioned at the of the load effect and only approaches a
other end of the tendon once the next final value after a long time. At the same
construction section has been completed. time, but independently of the load effects,
The anchorages originally arranged in the the concrete shrinks. Both time-
previous construction joint ("coupling dependent concrete shortenings result in a
joint") are largely relieved; the tendon shortening of the prestressing steel and
force is transferred via the coupling thus a reduction in the size of the
element. Stakes for the distribution of prestressing force. These relationships are
stresses in the coupling joint are given in discussed in detail in [Kupfer, 1984],
section 5.2. [Mehlhorn, 1998], [Mehlhorn et al,
Reference is made to further literature 2002], [Rüsch/Jungwirth, 1976], [Trost,
on the problem of coupling individual 1967], [Wolff/Mainz, 1972] and [Zerna/
construction sections by pre-tensioning Stangenberg, 1987].
[Baur/Göhler, 1972], [Hoshino, 1974],
[Kordina, 1979], [Mehlhorn/Hoshino,
1974], [Mehlhorn et al., 1983], and [Pfohl,
8.5 Concrete 635
bridges Prestressed externally statically significant increase in stress in the tendon.
determinate load-bearing structures It does not make sense to allow external
without bond tendons to run continuously over several
For pre-tensioning without bond, e.g. for For bridges with external pre-
external tendons, for bond-free transverse tensioning, as already mentioned, the
post-tensioning of roadway slabs and for prestressing force distribution is almost
structures with subsequent bonding with constant over the entire tendon length
tendons that have not yet been grouted, between the anchorages if the friction at
the smaller cross-sectional resistance the deflection points is neglected. For the
compared to the final state must be taken internally simply statically indeterminate
into account in the ultimate limit state single-span beam shown in Fig. 8.5-27
design. This is particularly important for with one strand of external tendons (the
bridges to be built on launching structures, statically determinate main system results,
cantilever bridges and incremental as shown, from cutting open the tendon),
launching. The main difference between the tendon forces from the actions from
pre-tensioning with and without bond is external loads, pre-tensioning and from
that in the case of pre-tensioning with creep and shrinkage of the concrete as
bond, the change in stress in the well as the relation of the prestressing steel
prestressing steel in the cross-section are given as examples.
under consideration results from the Only the creep-generating, permanently
change in the distortion state, whereas in acting loads g and the initial prestressing
the case of pre-tensioning without bond, force Pm0 applied at time t = t0 are to be
the change in stress in the prestressing considered as external influences here.
steel, which is approximately constant over This force is constant over the entire
the length if friction is neglected, results length of the prestressing strand if friction
from the changes in length of the concrete is neglected. The section sizes in the
fibers at the height of the tendon over the concrete structure are as follows:
entire length.
length of the tendon between the Nc,P 0 (t = t0 ) ≈ - (8.5-53)
anchorages. With the constructive Pm0
For prestressed load-bearing structures Mc,P 0 (x,t = t0 ) ≈ -Pm0 ⋅ zcp (x). (8.5-54)
without bond, the tendons should
therefore always be arranged in such a The internal forces resulting from the
way that even small beam deformations effects of external loads are obtained from
can cause a

zA zB
Heavy axle
x zcp (x
) X 1


Figure 8.5-27 System of the under-tensioned beam, shown as an open system

636 8 Calculation

is obtained from a statically indeterminate It is always less than 1. As a rule, the value
calculation using the force magnitude α is less than 0.1. The load from external
method, assuming linear elastic behavior of actions is therefore carried by the concrete
the load-bearing structure. The internal beam by more than 90% in normally
forces on the statically determinate main designed load-bearing structures, and the
system are given the pointer 0. The tendon only participates in the transfer of
displacement values for permanently the loads from the external actions to the
acting loads g from the shrinkage of the order of 10% due to the suspension effect.
concrete εs (note: εs < 0, which is why Ps < The increase in force in the tendon from
≈ 1 the permanent load g
0) result in: δp1,1 ⋅l results at the time t = t0 :
Ep ⋅ Ap l 2
l z (x)
δc1,1 ≈ + cp dx (8.5-56) δc1,g (8.5-61)
∫ =-
Ecm ⋅ Ac 0 Ecm ⋅ Ic
l l z cp(x)
l 2
δ≈ + + With the internal forces from the
11 0∫ The stresses and distortions in the
Ep ⋅ Ap Ecm ⋅ Ac Ecm ⋅ Ic
(8. 5-57) concrete can be caused by the
permanently acting load and the tendon
l N force.
≈- - l M0
z ⋅
(x) (x) structure and in the tendon to the time
δc1 c,g c ,g cp dx
point of load application t = t according to the
,g ∫ dx ∫
0 Ecm ⋅ Ac Ecm ⋅ Ic
can be determined using the usual
(8.5-58) calculation methods. The time-dependent
clamping force
δc1,s = -εs ⋅ l (8.5-59) losses in the tendon are then calculated
taking into account the mean values of the
The displacement values from the concrete distortions and the concrete
displacement load result analogously if stresses over the length of the tendon
the foot pointer g is replaced by q in according to equation (8.5-62):
equation (8.5-58), which is not discussed
further here. In the equation (8.5-62) means:
The stiffness coefficient α
∆σ p,c+ s + r (t, t0 ) Change in voltage in the
introduced: Tendon made of creep and
δc1 δc1,1 (8.5-60) Shrinkage of the concrete and
α =,1 =
δp1,1+ δc1,1 from the relaxation of the
prestressing steel at time t
The stiffness coefficient α indicates how αp = Ep /Ecm Ratio of the elasticity moduli
much the tendon contributes to the of the prestressing steel Ep
overall load-bearing effect of the under- and the concrete Ecm

⎛1 l 1 l dx⎞
α ⋅φ(t,t ) σ (x,z )dx + ⋅ σ (x,z ) + (t,t ) ⋅
E + Δσ
p0 ⋅ ⎜ ⋅ ∫ c,g l ∫0 c,P cpm0
cp ⎟ c,s 0 p p,r
⎝ l0 ⎠
Δσ p,c+s+r (t,t0) ≈
8.5 Concrete 637
bridges ⎛ l dx⎞
⋅ ⎡1 + χ ⋅φ (t,t )⎤
1+ α ⋅ ⋅ + Ac ⋅ z2 (x)

p ⎜1 ∫ cp ⎟⎣ 0 ⎦
Ac ⎝ Ic 0 ⎠ (8.5-62)
638 8 Calculation

Ecm Mean value as the secant σp0 due to permanently acting loads and
modulus of the concrete stress pre-tension to the general building
function from the coordinate inspectorate approval of the prestressing
origin to the steel
11 Concrete stress σc = 0.4 - fc can be taken. Reference values are shown in the
l2 - ∫ σ c,g (x, zcp ) dx Mean value of the 8.5-28 is specified. According to [DIN-FB 102,
0 tonal stresses from the 2009] Section (8) may be
permanent actions at the level assumed for the determination of ∆σp,r as
of the tendon. The mean value the output stress σp0 for the ratio of the
is to be calculated from the output stress to the characteristic tensile
values over the entire length of strength: σp0 ≈ σp,g0
the tendon.
11 determine. - 0.3 - �∆σ p,c + s + r �, where σ p,g0 is the
l2 - ∫ σ c,p0 (x, zcp ) dx Mean value of the initial stress in the prestressing elements is
0 The mean value is to be the result of permanent external
determined from the values influences g and prestressing.
over the entire length of the According to Eurocode 2, T. 1-1, a
tendon. The codetermination is to product approach from the product of the
be determined from the values basic value φ0 and the time function βc (t -
over the entire length of the t0 ) is selected for the creep deformation of
tendon. the concrete over time:
εs (t, t0 ) Estimated shrinkage of the
concrete at the time t since the
concrete was poured.
∆σ load start t0 φ
)0 (t,t0 ) = φ0 ⋅ βc (t - t (8.5-63)
p,r Voltage change in the clamping
from the relaxation of the The shrinkage deformation εcs (t - ts ) of a
prestressing steel, depending concrete at an age t, which could dry out
on the prestressing steel tension from an age ts , results from the product of
Ap , Ac Cross-sectional areas of the the basic value of the shrinkage εcs0 and
tendon and the concrete the time function βs (t - ts ) when applying
Ic 2nd degree moment of area of the the product approach according to
concrete cross-section Eurocode 2, T. 1-1:
zcp (x) Distance between the centers of
gravity of the concrete cross- εcs (t - ts ) = εcs0 ⋅ βs (t - ts ) (8.5-64)
section and the
tendon in cross-section at the the magnitude of the prestressing steel stress
point x
χ Relaxation parameter (may
generally be set to 0.8)

Because ∆Pr = Ap - ∆σp,r depends on the

magnitude of the final pre-tension, an
initial value must first be estimated for
∆Pr , which must be improved by an
iterative calculation until Eq. (8.5-62) is
fulfilled with the value for the relaxation
loss resulting for the final pre-tension.
The change in stress ∆σp,r is dependent on
8.5 Concrete 639
The basic values φ0 , εcs0 and the
time functions βc (t - t0 ) and βs (t -
ts ) for the creep and shrinkage of
concrete are defined in Eurocode 2,
T. 1-1 [DIN V ENV 1992-
2], in the [[DIN 1045-1, 2008] and in the
[DIN-FB 102, 2009] and explained
with the decisive influences for their
determination, to which reference is
made here.
According to [DIN-FB 102,
2009], the final creep coefficients φ∞
= φ (∞, t0 ) and the shrinkage
strains εcs∞ may be determined for
normal concretes in a simplified
manner according to Figures 8.5-29
to 8.5-31. The indicated
640 8 Calculation

Figure 8.5-28 Estimated values for the relaxation loss as a function of the degree of prestressing

Figure 8.5-29 Final creep coefficient φ (∞, t0 ) for normal concrete and high-strength concrete in dry
ambient conditions (relative humidity RH = 50%), according to [DIN Technical Report 102, 2009]
8.5 Concrete 641

Figure 8.5-30 Final creep coefficient φ (∞, t0 ) for normal concrete and high-performance
concrete in humid environmental conditions (relative humidity RH = 80%, usually decisive for
bridges), according to [DIN-FB 102, 2009].

Figure 8.5-31 Shrinkage distortion ε cas∞ at time t → ∞ for normal concrete, according to [DIN-
FB 102, 2009]

The values given apply to creep-inducing ambient conditions with an average

concrete compressive stresses of not more relative humidity between 40% and 100%
than 45% of the existing characteristic and average temperatures between 10°C
cylindrical compressive strength at the and 30°C. The creep distortion of the
time of application of the creep-inducing concrete εc,c (∞, t0 ) at time t →∞ may
stress and to components that meet the then, with time-
642 8 Calculation

can be calculated according to equation of the stress-compression line after 28

(8.5-65) with constant creep-generating days
stress. σc constant over the time under
σc creep-generating concrete chip
εc,c (∞,t0 ) = φ(∞,t0 ) ⋅ (8.5-65) t0 Concrete age at start of loading in
In equation (8.5-65) means:
φ (∞, t0 ) Final creep number for average According to the approach chosen in
relative humidities of 80% [DIN 1045-1, 2008], the shrinkage
according to Figure 8.5-30 or distortion of the concrete εcs∞ at time t →∞
between 50% and 80% by linear is calculated by adding the shrinkage
extrapolation using Figures 8.5-29 distortion and the drying shrinkage
and 8.5-30. The application distortion:
of concrete strength classes
C55/67 to C100/115 is currently εcs∞ = εcas∞ + εcds∞ (8.5-66)
not provided for in Germany
according to [DIN FB 102, 2009]. In equation (8.5-66) means:
The application
The use of these strength classes in εcas∞ Shrinkage distortion at time point t
Germany therefore requires →∞ according to Figure 8.5-31
approval in individual cases. εcas∞ Drying shrinkage distortion at time t
Ec0 Modulus of elasticity of the concrete as →∞ according to Figure 8.5-32
the slope of the tangent at the

Figure 8.5-32 Drying shrinkage distortion εcds∞ at time t → ∞ for normal concrete, according to
[DIN-FB 102, 2009]
8.5 Concrete 643
bridges Determination of clamping force and are therefore already partially
losses with pre-tensioning with bond degraded by the creep of the concrete
during their formation. This phenomenon
In the case of pre-tensioning with bond, is called "shrinkage creep". Only the changes
the stress losses from creep and shrinkage in internal forces in the event of system
of the concrete and the relaxation of the changes due to the hindrance of the creep
prestressing steel are also determined in deformations of the concrete are
the same way as before. The difference, considered here. If the shrinkage of the
however, is that the calculation is carried concrete is neglected and the modulus of
out cross-section by cross-section and the elasticity is assumed to be constant (not
respective stress and distortion states are time-dependent), the difference due to
decisive for the calculation. The [Di- schinger, 1939] is simplified.
calculation is carried out
according to the equation (8.5-67):
αp ⋅φ(t,t0 ) ⋅ (σc,g + σc,pm0 ) + εc,s (t,t0 ) ⋅ Ep + Δσ p,,r
Δσ p,c+s+r (t,t 0) ≈ A⎛ A ⎞ (8.5-67)
1 + αp ⋅ p ⋅ 1 + c ⋅ z2 ⋅ ⎡1 + χ ⋅φ (t,t )⎤
⎜ cp ⎟ ⎣ 0⎦
Ac ⎝ Ic ⎠

8.5.5 Redistribution of internal forces for rential equation for the creep and shrinkage of
system changes and sectional construction concrete:
dεc 1 ⋅ ⎡dσc (φ) ⎤
= + σc (φ)⎥
⎣⎢ (8.5-68)
It is known that the shrinkage of the dφ Ec ⎢ dφ ⎦⎥
concrete during internal or external
statically indeterminate system due to This equation, a time-dependent σc -εc
restraint of the deformations. If the relationship due to creep of the concrete,
restraint of the shrinkage deformations by is assumed in the following observations
the reinforcement is neglected, the and in all cases the minor influence of the
internal forces of prestressed continuous hindrance to deformation by the steel
beams are not changed due to the inserts is also approximately neglected.
shrinkage of the concrete, provided that It should be noted:
properly movable bearings are installed Without changing the load or the
and their reactions to the shrinkage system, no additional forces arise due to
shortening due to bearing friction can be creep of the concrete.
regarded as negligible. However, as the pre-tensioning force P
In the case of frames, arches and other decreases due to creep and shrinkage of
supporting structures with non- the concrete (change in load), all internal
displaceable supports, restraint of the forces resulting from the pre-tension (e.g.
shrinkage deformations of the concrete Mc,p , Vc,p , Tc,p ) change. Since this
results in forced internal forces, which can decrease in P is different in each section
be calculated in the same way as those and the statically surplus is influenced by
resulting from temperature changes and P, an exact determination of the change in
are therefore not discussed here. Mc,p and Vc,p is tedious and only possible
However, it should be noted here that by iterative means.
these internal forces can change over time.
644 8 Calculation

In practice, the loss of prestressing field beams and their deformations.

force due to creep and shrinkage of the If the two beams are not connected at
concrete is determined for the decisive support B, both beams can deform
sections and all internal forces resulting independently of each other;
from the prestressing are changed i.e. the deformations existing at the time t
proportionally to the loss of prestressing = 0 would increase due to creep of the
force due to creep and shrinkage in the concrete. These creep deformations could
section under consideration. be almost unrestrained because the
restraint of the creep deformations by the
Redistribution of internal forces due to reinforcement within the two individual
restraint of creep distortions when systems and by the bearing friction is
joining two identical precast beams to negligible. This means that the concrete
form a double beam would creep unhindered. Above the
In bridge construction, prefabricated column, there would be an increase in the
girders are often clamped together to gaping, which would only approach a final
form continuous girders. This is done, for value after a longer period of time.
example, to avoid joints, to transfer the If continuity is established above
loads to the statically indeterminate column B by arranging a continuity
system, which enables a more economical reinforcement in the tensile area and in-
dimensioning compared to statically situ grouting, which also ensures the
determinate beams, to reduce transmission of the compressive forces,
maintenance costs or, above all, to achieve the creep deformations of the concrete are
a continuous bending line without reduced.
buckling points. Fig. 8.5-33 shows two in

Figure 8.5-33 Unconnected single-span beams (undeformed and deformed)

Figure 8.5-34 Temporal change in the course of the bending moments My (x, t)
8.5 Concrete 645
is prevented. A support moment X1 must The solution according to Trost's
therefore build up over the support (Fig. theory is now given. For this purpose, the
8.5-34), which generates tension at the top two-span beam is separated into two
and pressure at the bottom of the beam. single-span beams and the column
The bending moments at time t are moment is introduced as a static excess. In
given by : the statically determinate basic system,
creep of the concrete results in the mutual
My (x,t) = My,0 (x) + My,1 (x) ⋅ X1 (t) gaping of the two cut banks:
(8.5-69) δ *10 = δ10 - φ
It means:
It has to be protected by the gradually
My,0 (x) Bending moment at time t=0, i.e. The support moment can be canceled
immediately after establishing (provided that the support moment can
the continuous system (if no be absorbed in state I).
constraining moment from δ* = δ - (1 + χ - φ)
pre-tension at
Creating continuity 11 11
My,0 (x) is identical to the state This results in the following for the support
before the continuity was system:
established) Bending moment
My, 1 (x) due to the static excess X1 = 1 X =- δ1*0
X1 (t Time-dependentforced cut size ⋅ φ
X1= X1 (8.5-71)
The time-dependent constrained internal 1 + χ ⋅φ
forces X1 (t) must be determined. For the
derivation, please refer to [Mehlhorn, The two solutions (8.5-70) and (8.5-71) to
1998 and Mehlhorn et al., 2002]. With the problem are compared numerically in
1 Table 8.5-1.
δ10 = ⋅ ∫ M1 ⋅ M0 dx , The creep coefficients for the time
point →∞ from φ∞ = 0 to φ∞ = 3.0
Ecm ⋅ Ic x varies. The relaxation parameter is
simplified to χ = 0.8, as is generally
=1 assumed.
δ11 ⋅ M2 dx
1 and It can be seen that Dischinger's theory
∫ always produces slightly larger values for
Ecm ⋅ Ic x the force redistributions than Trost's more
realistic solution.
X1 =- δ10
results in the solution:
Redistribution of internal forces for sectional
X1 = X1 ⋅ (1 - e-φ ) (8.5-70) construction
In the case of bridges with large concrete
- is
X 1
the ideal internal force that results requirements, it is often difficult from a
from the concrete technology or labor
the system would have been produced For technical or economic reasons, it is
immediately as a continuous beam. not possible to concrete the bridge in one
Equation (8.5-70) represents the solution to go. In these cases, the bridge is therefore
the problem according to Dischinger's built in sections.
646 8 Calculation

Table 8.51 Comparison of the development of Of course, the construction section

the column moment due to the creep of the boundaries are not placed over the
concrete according to the theories of supports, but a cantilever with a length
Dischinger and Trost. Development of e-φ corresponding to about 1/5 to 1/4 of the
1 - e-φ∞ φ∞ e-φ∞ span width is concreted in the adjoining
19+ χ 8. φ∞ bay. This ensures that a bending moment
is already created above the support in the
Gl. Gl. Gl. construction stage, the magnitude of
(8.5-70) (8.5-71) (8.5-75) which is as close as possible to that of the
Dischinger Consolatio final moment and the concreting joint is
n in the area of the moment zero point of
0,0 0,000 0,000 1,000 the final system. The conditions for a two-
span beam constructed in sections as
0,5 0,393 0,357 0,607 shown in Fig. 8.5-35 are considered.
1,0 0,632 0,556 0,368 The differential equation and its
solution are as follows:
1,5 0,777 0,682 0,223
+ X= X (8.5-72)
2,0 0,865 0,769 0,135 1 1

2,5 0,918 0,833 0,082
X1 = X1 + C ⋅ e-φ . (8.5-73)
3,0 0,950 0,882 0,050

Figure 8.5-35 Bending moments at the times t = 0 and t → ∞ during the production of a two-
section beam
8.5 Concrete 647
With the boundary condition φ = 0: and earthquake loads are discussed in
Section 8.7.
X1 = X1 + C ⋅1 = X1B → C = X1B - X1 For the ultimate limit states, the
verifications relating to stability must be
and from this follows: carried out. This includes verifying that
X1 = X1 - (X1 -X1B ) ⋅ e−φ (8.5- the structure or parts thereof do not fail
74) due to fracture, critical deformations or
fatigue. This also includes verifying that
This results in the following: failure without prior notice and loss of
positional stability are excluded. The
M = ML - (ML - MB ) ⋅ e-φ (8.5-75)
design rules for load-bearing capacity
The differences between the "falsework verifications in accordance with [DIN-FB
state" ML (bending moment that would 102, 2009] are practically identical to the
have arisen if the structure had been built corresponding verifications in accordance
on a falsework in a concreting process and with [DIN 1045-1, 2008], which is why
if the falsework had been lowered evenly) they are not discussed in detail here.
and the construction state MB are reduced Reference is made to [Mehlhorn et al.,
over time, i.e. the internal forces of the 2002].
structure built in sections approach those Serviceability is of particular importance
that would have arisen if the structure had for the design and construction of bridges,
been built immediately in "one pour". It which is why it is discussed in detail here
therefore makes sense to select the and some essential design conditions are
construction section boundaries from the mentioned. In order to ensure with
outset in such a way that the sufficient reliability that the structure can
redistribution of internal forces is be expected to behave in a serviceable
minimized. The values e-φ are given in manner for the intended purpose over the
Table 8.5-1. It is usually justifiable to long term, the concrete compressive
classify the structure produced in sections stresses, the reinforcing and prestressing
according to the two limit states: steel stresses, the crack widths and the
"Scaffolding condition" and construction structural deformations must be limited by
condition the verifications in the serviceability limit
measures. states. For prestressed bridges and their
components, compliance with the
decompression limit state must also be
8.5.6 Basis for calculation verified. The requirements for the
structural design resulting from the
For the design, i.e. the determination of environmental conditions must be taken
the cross-sectional dimensions, the need into account at the design stage in order
for prestressing and reinforcing steel, their to be able to take the necessary
position, distribution and strength classes, precautions to protect the building
the investigations in the serviceability limit materials, e.g. against corrosion, in good
states are primarily decisive. Of course, the time to ensure durability.
verifications in the ultimate limit states Depending on the environmental
must then be carried out. influences to which a building is exposed,
The effects on bridges are discussed in which are not caused by the mechanic
Section 8.1. The temperature stresses,
vibration pro-
648 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-2 Exposure classes for reinforcement corrosion and concrete attack as well as minimum
requirements for the concrete strength classes according to [DIN-FB 100, 2005], Tables 1, F2.1 and
F2.2 a
Class Description of Examples for the assignment of Minimum
the surroundings exposure classes requirements for the
concrete strength
classes and the
water/cement ratio
1. reinforcement corrosion caused by carbonationb

XC1 – Dry or – Concrete that is constantly C16/20

and constantly under water w/c ≤ 0.75
XC2 wet – Foundation components in
– Wet and rarely contact with the ground that
dry are not close to the ground
XC3 Moderate humidity Ventilated interior areas of C20/25
components with hollow cross- w/c ≤ 0.65
z. e.g. from box girders
XC4 Alternating wet and – Exterior components in C25/30
dry contact with air (exposed to w/c ≤ 0.60
sprinkling), e.g.
Bridge superstructures and piers
– Foundation components in
contact with the ground near
the ground surface (up to 50
cm below the ground surface)
2. reinforcement corrosion caused by chlorides from de-icing agents
XD1 Moderate humidity Components in the spray mist area, C30/37
z. e.g. for superstructures w/c ≤ 0.55
XD2 Wet and rarely Vertical surfaces in the splash C35/45
dry water area where the splash water w/c ≤ 0.50
is drained off, e.g. abutments and
XD3 Alternating wet and Horizontal surfaces in the spray C35/45
dry water area of traffic surfaces treated w/c ≤ 0.45
with de-icing agents, e.g. road
surfaces, caps
3. reinforcement corrosion caused by chlorides from seawater
XS1 Salty air All components near the coast C30/37
w/c ≤ 0.55

XS2 Under water Components that are permanently C35/45

submerged in sea water w/c ≤ 0.50
8.5 Concrete 649
Table 8.5-2 (continued)

Class Description of Examples for the assignment of Minimum

the surroundings exposure classes requirements for the
concrete strength
classes and the
water/cement ratio
3. reinforcement corrosion caused by chlorides from seawater
XS3 In splash water Components in the spray mist and C35/45
and spray mist splash water area resulting from w/c ≤ 0.45
areas storms
4. concrete attack by frost with and without de-icing agents
XF1 - Moderate water Exterior concrete parts C25/30
saturation w/c ≤ 0.60
without de-
icing agent
XF2 - Moderate water – Components in the spray C35/45
saturation with mist or splash water area of w/c ≤ 0.50
de-icing agent dew-treated traffic areas
– Components in the spray mist
area of seawater

XF3 - High water – Vertical surfaces in the C35/45

saturation splash water area where the w/c ≤ 0.50
without dew splash water is drained off,
z. e.g. for abutments and piers
– Components in the water
exchange zone of fresh water

XF4 High water saturation – Horizontal surfaces C30/37 LP concrete a

with de-icing agent treated with de-icing w/c ≤ 0.50
agents, e.g. caps,
– Components in the water
exchange zone of seawater
5. concrete attack of foundations by chemical components
XA1 Chemically weakly Substructures in soils that attack C25/30
corrosive c concrete w/c ≤ 0.60

XA2 Chemically – Substructures in concrete C35/45

and moderately or access floors w/c ≤ 0.45
XA3 strongly – Substructures that come into
corrosive c contact with seawater
a According to [DIN-FB 100, 2005], only normal concrete is to be used.
4% minimum air content with a maximum grain size of 32 mm and a consistency of C1
c Limit values for the attack for classification in the exposure classes XA can be found in Table 8.5-

650 8 Calculation

(i.e. by internal forces), but are caused by The task is to ensure the safe transfer of
physical and chemical attacks, are composite forces. Any structural
classified according to [DIN 1045-1 and -2, reinforcement arranged in components
2008] and [DIN- that are otherwise to be regarded as
FB 100, 2005] differentiate between the unreinforced must also meet the
exposure classes listed in Table 8.5-2. requirements of Tables 8.5-4 if this
For the production of concrete, [DIN reinforcement is not taken into account in
1045-1, 2008] and [ DIN-FB 100, verifications in the ultimate limit states or
2005] defines minimum concrete strength serviceability limit states. The concrete
classes depending on the exposure classes cover c (c: cover → cover, protect) is the
(see Tables 8.5-2 and -3). The minimum distance between the outer surface of the
concrete strength classes specified in reinforcement and the nearest concrete
[DIN EN 206-1, 2001] and [DIN 1045-2, surface. A minimum concrete cover must
2008] to ensure durability, in particular be provided to ensure the transfer of bond
the limit values with regard to the forces, the prevention of spalling of the
minimum cement content, the maximum concrete surface, corrosion protection and
permissible water/cement ratio w/c and, if adequate fire protection.
applicable, the minimum air content and The reinforcement is protected against
other requirements. corrosion by the alkaline environment
The definition of the exposure classes present in the concrete, which can only be
also serves to define the minimum permanently maintained in the area of the
requirements for the concrete cover with reinforcement by sufficient concrete cover.
regard to protection against corrosion. In addition, sufficient curing of the
The minimum concrete cover also has the concrete, which has a high

Table 8.5-3 Limit values of the chemical components in the soil and water for the concrete attack
for classification in the exposure classes XA according to [DIN-FB 100, 2005], Table 2
Concrete attack by Exposure class XA1 Exposure classes XA2
and XA3
in mg/l in water ≥ 200 and ≤ 600 > 600 and ≤ 6000
SO2- soila
in mg/kg in ≥ 2000 and ≤ 3000 b > 3000 b and ≤ 24000

pH value ≥ 5.5 and ≤ 6.5 ≥ 4.0 and < 505

CO2 in mg/l calcifying in water ≥ 15 and ≤ 40 > 40
in mg/l in water ≥ 15 and ≤ 30 > 30 and ≤ 100

Mg2+ in ≥ 300 and ≤ 1000 > 1000

mg/l in water
a Clay soils with a permeability below 10-5 m/s may be classified in a lower class.
b If there is a risk of accumulation of sulphate ions in the concrete due to alternating drying and
soaking or capillary suction, the upper limit value of 3000 mg/kg must be reduced to 2000
8.5 Concrete 651
quality and impermeability. The required axis of the outermost bending tensile
concrete cover depends on the reinforcement, in accordance with DIN
environmental conditions and the 4102,
concrete strength. As it is not possible to ds1 Diameter of the longitudinal
build ideally without deviations from the reinforcement (bending tensile
target values, these unavoidable deviations reinforcement),
must be taken into account in the dSW Diameter of the transverse
structural design by means of provision reinforcement (stirrup).
dimensions in order to guarantee the
prescribed minimum concrete cover of the The values cv must be used as a basis for
reinforcement. The anchorage dimensions the design of the structural components
depend on the type of component, the when determining the effective structural
construction method, the structural design height and must be specified in the
(reinforcement layout) and the quality reinforcement drawings. The minimum
management. The values in accordance concrete cover cmin must not be less than
with [DIN 1045-1, 2008] for pre-stressing the corresponding value according to Tables
dimensions are given in Tables 8.5-4. The 8.5-4, depending on the relevant exposure
nominal dimension of the concrete cover class according to Table 8.5-2. The values
cv is made up of the minimum dimension cmin must be guaranteed during
cmin and an additional pre-retained construction even after concreting.
dimension Δc: The values for the retention dimension
may be reduced by 5 mm if this is justified
cnom = cmin + ∆c
by a corresponding quality control during
The installation dimension cv of the planning, design, manufacture and
reinforcement results from the construction.
requirement that the necessary nominal The bond forces that can be absorbed
dimension of the concrete cover must be between steel and concrete depend not
maintained for each individual only on the concrete strength and the steel
reinforcement element. strength but also on the reinforcement
diameter. In order to safely transfer
for panels: sufficient bond forces and ensure good
concrete compaction
to ensure that the minimum concrete
� c + ∆c
� min cover of the reinforcing bars must
cv � � ds� + ∆
c therefore not be less than:
�t u - ds�/�
• the bar diameter ds of the reinforcing
for beams: steel reinforcement or the comparative
diameter of a bar bundle dsV , (the
� cmin + ∆c
r comparative diameter results in: dsV =
� dSW + ∆c
cv ���d + ∆c - d ds - √ 3 n s , with ns : Number of reinforcement
rods of a rod bundle),
s SW
u - ds / - dSW • 2.5 times the nominal diameter dp of a
stranded wire or 3 times the nominal
with: diameter dp of a ribbed wire in
cmin Minimum dimension of the prestressed concrete components with
concrete cover, Δc Retention immediate bonding,
dimension, • the outer sheath diameter of a tendon
u Distance of the heat-stressed with a subsequent bond.
concrete surface from the center
of gravity
652 8 Calculation

For prestressed concrete components with DIN-FB 102, 2009] specifies

internal tendons without bond, the requirements with regard to the limitation
specifications in the general building of stresses and crack width as well as
authority approvals apply for the decompression. The structures and
minimum concrete cover in the components must be assigned to an
anchorage areas and in the area of the free exposure class in accordance with [DIN-
length of the sheathed tendon. FB 100, 2005] (Table 8.5-2). In [ARS
Surface reinforcements and 11/2003], requirement classes are
reinforcements in components that are specified for concrete superstructures,
otherwise to be regarded as unreinforced Table 8.5-5. In [DIN 1045-1, 2008], the
must meet the requirements for the minimum requirement classes specified in
concrete cover, even if the reinforcement Table 8.5-6 are compiled as a function of
is not used for the verifications in the the exposure class. According to [DIN-FB
ultimate and serviceability limit states. 102, 2009], the client must determine the
Further regulations on concrete cover requirement category for the design and
with regard to components made of construction of the bridge. This can be
lightweight concrete and components considered fulfilled if the classification is
subject to wear can be found in [DIN made according to Tables 8.5-6 and -7.
1045-1, 2008], Section 6.3. The following applies to the construction
and final state

Table 8.5-4 a Minimum values for the concrete cover according to Table 4 from [DIN 1045-1, 2008].
Exposure class Minimum concrete cover cmin [mm] Retention
dimension Δc
Reinforcing steel Tendons in the so [mm]
fortified and in the so
nach träglichen bond c
XC1 10 20 10
XC2 and XC3 a, b 20 30 15
XC4 a, b 25 35

XD1 to XD3 a, b, d 40 50
XS1 to XS3 a, b
a The values may be reduced by 5 mm for components made of normal concrete whose concrete
strength is 2 strength classes higher than the minimum required according to Table 8.5-2. This
reduction is not permitted for components of exposure class XC1.
b If site-cast concrete is friction-locked to a precast element, the values at the edges facing the

joint may be reduced to 5 mm in the precast element and to 10 mm in the site-cast concrete.
However, the conditions for ensuring the bond must be complied with if the reinforcement is
utilized in the construction stage. The pre-stressing dimension may be dispensed with on both
sides of the bond joint.
c The minimum concrete cover for tendons with subsequent bonding refers to the

Surface of the cladding tube.

d In individual cases, XD3 may require special measures to protect the reinforcement against

8.5 Concrete 653
Table 8.5-4 b Minimum values for the concrete cover in accordance with Section and
Table 4.101 of [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II
Component Minimum concrete cover cmin [mm] Retention
Reinforcing prestressing steel Δc [mm]
Superstructure made of 40 n.∅ 5a
prestressed reinforced ∅: Nominal diameter of
concrete with immediate the prestressing wire
bond n = 2: for strands
n = 3: in the case of ribbed wires,
tendons lying under the surface of
the deck slab or the cover plate of
footbridges, must be
cmin ≥ 100 mm for longitudinal
tendons and
cmin ≥ 80 mm for transverse
tensioning elements

Superstructure made of A ∅and ≥ 50 mm

pre-stressed reinforced A Outer diameter of the
concrete with subsequent cladding tube
bonding If tendons are under the surface of
the deck slab or the deck slab of
footbridges, they must be
cmin ≥ 100 mm
for longitudinal tendons and
cmin ≥ 80 mm for transverse

Caps and the like and on 40 -

surfaces not in contact
with concrete on road
Caps and the like and on 30 -
surfaces not in contact
with concrete on rail
Caps and the like and 20 -
on surfaces in contact
with concrete on road
and railroad bridges
On surfaces of 40 -
substructures not in
contact with the ground
On surfaces of 50 -
substructures in contact
with the ground
654 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-4 b (continued)

Component Minimum concrete cover cmin [mm] Retention

Reinforcing prestressing steel Δc [mm]
Poured concrete against 40 - 5a

textured formwork or on
prepared substrate against
uneven surfaces

Concrete poured directly 75 -

against the ground
If the concrete surface is exposed to aggressive effects due to chemical influences, e.g. de-icing
agents in the splash or spray area, or seawater, the minimum concrete cover must be cmin = 50
mm [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II, Section (114) P. Additional protective measures must be
taken to prevent direct contact with chemically aggressive substances in chemically aggressive
To ensure the bond and the required compaction of the concrete, the concrete cover must not
be smaller than:
– the bar diameter of the reinforcing steel, the comparative diameter of a bar bundle (bar bundles
may only be used with the consent of the project owner)
– the nominal value of the maximum grain diameter of the surcharge
– the value of the bar diameter of the reinforcing steel, the comparative diameter of a bar
bundle or the outer diameter of the tendon sheath increased by 5 mm if the maximum grain
diameter of the aggregate is more than 32 mm
a The pre-retaining dimension of Δc = 15 mm required according to [DIN 1045-1, 2008] is not
required according to [DIN-FB 102, 2009]. It is therefore essential to ensure particularly careful
quality control during design and construction! Otherwise, and this is recommended by the
authors, the larger pre-staying dimension in accordance with [DIN 1045-1, 2008] should be
observed for the bottom reinforcement in bridge superstructures.

the same requirement category. In special degree (full, limited, partial and non-
cases, an individual decision may be prestressed concrete). The decompression
appropriate, which must be agreed check is of primary importance for
between the structural engineer and the prestressed bridges. This verification
project owner. The minimum minimizes the probability of cracks
requirement class D applies to occurring, but isolated cracks cannot be
foundations and substructures made of prevented. Even with very highly
reinforced concrete. Requirement class E prestressed structures, isolated cracks
has no significance in bridge construction. cannot be prevented with certainty. It is
Table 8.5-7 shows the verification therefore advisable not to prestress too
conditions to be complied with in [DIN FB high, but to arrange sufficient reinforcing
102, 2009] for the limit state of steel to limit the crack widths [Leonhardt,
decompression and the limitation of crack 1979], [Menn, 1986].
widths. The requirements correspond
approximately to those previously
specified as pre-tensioning
8.5 Concrete 655
Table 8.5-5 Minimum requirement classes for concrete superstructures according to [ARS 11/2003].
Longitudinal system, type of Requirement categories
For the For the transverse For the transverse
longitudinal d i r e c t i o n , if direction, when
direction no preload is pretensioning in the
applied in the transverse direction
Reinforced concrete D D Db
superstructure: not
prestressed in longitudinal
Prestressed concrete Cc D B
superstructure with
composite or mixed tendons
Box girders with external Cd D Db
tendons only
a According to [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-III, 3.3 (1) P, only replaceable, internal tendons without bond
may be used for the transverse prestressing of roadway slabs. The anchor bodies of the
transverse tendons must be arranged at the slab edges in such a way that subsequent post-
tensioning is possible on both sides. Parts of the anchorages must not be embedded in the cap
concrete [ZTV-ING-3, 2003], 2.3.2 (5).
b The limitation of the concrete edge tensile stresses in the bridge deck specified in Table 8.5-10 is not

transverse direction must be complied with. In addition, the crack width limitation in the
transverse direction of the bridge must be verified under the same conditions as in the
longitudinal direction of the bridge.
c For statically determinate longitudinal support systems, requirement category B instead of C

must be selected for prestressed reinforced concrete with bonded tendons or for mixed
d The minimum requirement class D may be selected for prestressed concrete box girder bridges if

the proof of decompression for the action combination with the coefficient ψ2 = 0.3 for all
actions from traffic is carried out to determine the pre-tension. The effects of temperature and
structural settlements do not need to be taken into account.

Table 8.5-6 Minimum requirement classes depending on the exposure class according to Table
19 of [DIN 1045-1, 2008].
Exposure class Minimum requirement classes for the pretensioning Reinforced
types concrete
Pre-tensioning Pre-tension with Pre-tension construction
with immediate without bond parts
subsequent bonding
XC2-XC4 C a C E E
XD1, XD2, Ca B E E
XD3 b, XS1-
656 8 Calculation
a If corrosion protection is ensured by other means, requirement category D may be used (see

general building authority approvals for tensioning methods).

b In individual cases, additional special measures for corrosion protection may be necessary.
8.5 Concrete 657
Table 8.5-7 Requirements in the serviceability limit states for the limitation of crack widths and
decompression according to Table 4.118 of [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II
Requirement Exposure combination for the verification of the Calculated value of
class the characteristic
Decompression Crack width limitation crack width wk
A not often rare 0,2
B frequently not often
C quasi constantly frequently
D - frequently
E - quasi constantly 0,3

Cracking is practically unavoidable in Tables 8.5-11 and 8.5-12 are summarized

concrete structures under tensile stress, in compact form. The tables contain some
bending, shear force, torsion and explanations and justifications.
constraint due to the relatively low tensile If a bridge prestressed in the
strength of the concrete and is therefore longitudinal direction is not prestressed in
not a defect if the crack widths and depths the transverse direction, the concrete
are limited in such a way that the tensile stresses to be determined in state I
serviceability, durability and appearance at the edge of the cross-section in the
of the structure are not unduly impaired transverse direction of the bridge under
as a result of the cracking. This requires the rare combination of actions must be
that the bond between concrete and steel limited to the values given in Table 8.5-10.
is guaranteed and that corrosion This limitation of the tensile stresses does
protection is ensured. Instead of a few not serve the necessary limitation of the
wide and deep cracks with large crack crack widths. Instead, the verification of
spacings, many cracks with small crack the crack width limitation in the
spacings and small crack widths and transverse direction of the bridge is to be
depths should form. For the performed under the same verification
decompression limit state, no concrete conditions as in the longitudinal direction
tensile stresses may occur at the edge of the bridge.
closest to the tendon in requirement The mechanical principles of the
categories A to C under the decisive interaction of concrete and steel before
action combination. The requirements for and after crack formation in concrete and
the durability and appearance of a the derivation of the equations for
structural component are deemed to be calculating the crack widths and spacings
fulfilled if the requirements specified in are presented in corresponding textbooks,
Tables 8.5.6 to 8.5-12 are met. The e.g. [Mehl- horn et al., 2002]. According
limitation of the concrete stresses in to these textbooks, the crack widths and
accordance with [DIN-FB 102, 2009] is spacings for both the single crack and the
specified in Tables 8.5-8 to 8.5-10 and that closed crack formation in [DIN 1045-1,
of the concrete and prestressing steel 2008] and in [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II,
stresses in Tables 8.5-12. Section, are calculated taking into
account long-lasting action.
given equations for determining
658 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-8 Limitation of concrete compressive stresses for the serviceability limit state according to
[DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II, Section
If the tensile stresses calculated in the uncracked state under the rare load Rule
combination exceed the value fctm (fctm according to Table 3.1 in [DIN-FB 102,
2009]-II), the stresses for the cracked state must be determined. Based on the
cracked concrete cross-section, it can be assumed that the concrete behaves
elastically but cannot absorb tensile stresses. The stiffening influence of the
concrete between the cracks can be neglected under these assumptions when
calculating the stress limitation.

Stress permissible σc Exceptions, additional

c o n d i t i o n s and notes
For non-frequent ≥ -0,6 . fck This limit must be adhered to in,
action combination order to avoid excessive (103) P
and mean value of pre- microcrack formation and
tension. longitudinal cracks in the
If the compression zone is strapped
with ρ ≥ 1.0%, the absolute values of
the compressive stresses may be
exceeded by 10%. ρ is the amount of
strapping reinforcement related to
the cross-sectional area of the
compression zone.
With quasi- ≥ -0.6 . fc (t) a In the manufacture of precast,
permanent action elements, the value -0.6 . fc (t) may (103) P
combination and with be undercut by 10% (i.e. 10% higher
entry of the mean permissible compressive stress) in
value of the pre- the case of strict, independent
tension at time t. checks of the temporal development
of the concrete compressive
strength and the pre-tensioning
losses during construction. fc (t) is
the mean value of the concrete
compressive strength at the time t of
entry of the pre-tension.
With quasi- ≥ -0.6 . fc (t) a If the amount of concrete,
permanent action compressive stress exceeds the value (102) P
combination and with 0.45 . fc (t), the non-linearity of
entry of the mean the creep must be taken into
value of the pre- account. fc (t) is the mean value of
tension at time t. the concrete compressive strength
(absolute value) at time t of the
entry of the prestressing force.
8.5 Concrete 659
Table 8.5-8 (continued)
If the tensile stresses calculated in the uncracked state under the rare load Rule
combination exceed the value fctm (fctm according to Table 3.1 in [DIN-FB 102,
2009]-II), the stresses for the cracked state must be determined. If the cracked
concrete cross-section is used as a basis, it can be assumed that the concrete
behaves in a linear elastic manner but cannot absorb any tensile stresses. The
stiffening influence of the concrete between the cracks can be neglected under
these assumptions when calculating the stress limitation.

Stress permissible σc Exceptions, additional

c o n d i t i o n s and notes
For quasi-permanent ≥ -0,45 . fck This limitation is intended to,
action combinations prevent disproportionate creep (104)* P
and the mean value of deformation.
the pre-tension, if the
serviceability, the load-
bearing capacity or the
durability of the
structure is significantly
influenced by the creep.

For rare combinations of < -1.0 N/mm2 In these areas, the minimum,
effects and the decisive reinforcement for crack width (3)* and
characteristic values of limitation is not required for [ARS
the pre-tension. components with pre-tensioning 11/2003]
with bond. However, this does not (14)
apply to the areas at construction
joints, where minimum
reinforcement is always required.
This results from
Eq. (8.5-81). Parallel to the
construction joint, this
reinforcement must b e
determined with kc = 1 and
arranged over a length
corresponding to the superstructure
height, but not more than 2 m.
Perpendicular to the construction
joint, the minimum reinforcement
must be arranged on both sides of
the construction joint over a length
equal to the superstructure height
plus the anchorage length, but not
more than 4 m.
If the construction joint is a
coupling joint, the mean value of
the prestressing force must be
reduced to 75%. This reduction also
applies to the verification of the
limitation of crack widths.
a For prestressed precast elements with immediate bond, the stress limit may be raised to 0.7 . fct if
this is justified by tests or experience [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-IV, (102) P.
660 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-9 Permissible concrete tensile stresses in the serviceability limit states according to
[DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II, Sections and
Location and load permissible σc Notes Rule
In the tension and ≤ fctm If fctm is exceeded, a,
compression zone a under rare cracked condition (5)
action combination and the (condition II) is to be
mean value of the pre-tension expected. fctm is listed in
with the calculation in the Table 3.1 of [DIN-FB 102,
uncracked state (state I). 2009]-II
Under the decisive action ≤0 For the decompression,
combination, according to limit state, if for (106) P
Table 8.5-7, [DIN-FB 102, requirement categories A,
2009]-II and the characteristic B and C according to the
value of prestressing for t h e table
decompression limit state at 4.118 of [DIN-FB 102,
the edge closest to the tendon, 2009]-II (Table 8.5-7)
for requirement classes A, B or is measured.

Tensile stresses at the lower edge ≤ 0.85 . fctk; 0.05 f ctk;0,05 is listed in Table 3.1 of,
of roads, footbridges and cycle [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II (107) P
bridges under the decisive indicated.
combination of actions and the
characteristic value of
prestressing b.

a The tensile and compression zones are the areas in which tensile or compressive stresses arise
from external influences.
b The possible scatter of the prestressing force must be taken into account by an upper and lower

characteristic value of the prestressing force (factors rsup , rinf see [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II,
Sections (4) and for the construction stage (107) P).

Table 8.5-10 Permissible concrete edge tensile stresses a in the transverse direction of the bridge
according to table
4.118 a) of [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II for bridges prestressed in the longitudinal direction without
prestressing in the transverse direction
Concrete strength class C 30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
permissible σc [N/mm2] 4,0 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5
a under rare action combination and the mean value of the pre-tension, determined in state I.
8.5 Concrete 661
Table 8.5-11 Reinforcing steel stresses in the serviceability limit state according to [DIN-
FB 102, 2009]-II, Sections and 3.2.2
Stress permissib Notes Rules
le σc
Under non-frequent action ≤ 0,8 . fyk No non-elastic expansions may, (1) P and
combination and the occur in the reinforcing steel. (105) and
characteristic value of the Only concrete steel with high 3.2.2, (109)P
pre-tension a ductility may be used.

a Thepossible scatter of the prestressing force must be taken into account by an upper and lower
characteristic value of the prestressing force (additional safety elements rsup , rinf as factors, see
[DIN-FB 102, 2009]).

of the calculated value of the crack width the strength class at which the
and the crack spacing: occurrence of cracks is to be
expected is decisive.
is to be expected. If the time of
wk = sr,max ⋅ (εsm - εcm ) (8.5-76)
the expected crack formation
with: cannot be determined with
certainty within the
fct,eff ⋅
σ II - 0.4 ⋅ ⎡1 + α ⋅ ρ ⎤ the first 28 days
s ⎣ E eff ⎦ a tensile strength of at least 3 N/mm2
εsm - εcm =
must be assumed.
Es ρeff the effective reinforcement ratio un-
≥ 0.6 ⋅ s (8.5-77) taking into account the different
Es bonding behavior of the concrete
ds σs ⋅ d s and prestressing steel results in
sr,max =
≤ (8.5-78) itself:
3.6 ⋅ ρ eff 3,6 ⋅ ct,eff A As + ξ 2 ⋅Ap
ρeff =
It means: Ac,eff
wk the calculated value of the crack with:
sr,max the largest crack spacing with a ξ1 =
closed crack pattern ds
εsm the mean value of the strain of dp
the reinforcement when taking
into account
of the concrete between the As and Ap are the cross-sectional areas of
cracks the reinforcing steel or the prestressing
εcm is the mean value of the steel in the bond within the effective area.
elongation of the
Concrete between the cracks Ac,eff . ξ1 is the ratio ξ of the average bond
σsII the stress in the reinforcing steel strengths of prestressing steel and
in the considered cracked reinforcing steel (Table 8.5-13), taking
transverse section into account the different diameters. Ac,eff
αE = ratio of the elasticity kenn-
E7cm modules
662 8 Calculation

fct, effis the effective tensile strength indicates the effective range in which the
a t t h e time under reinforcement influences the crack widths
consideration. This is in the same way as for a reinforced concrete
tension rod with uniformly distributed
longitudinal reinforcement.
8.5 Table
Concrete 663
8.5-12 Prestressing steel stresses in the serviceability limit state in accordance with [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II, Section and [DIN 1045-1, 2008]

and during the prestressing process (including any overstressing to compensate for losses in prestressing force) in accordance with [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II,
Stress permissible σp Exceptions, explanations Rule
Under quasi-permanent action ≤ 0,65 . fpk This limitation does not apply to external and, (1)*P
combination with the mean value of replaceable internal tendons without bond, if their
the pre-tension after deduction of the replaceability is undoubtedly ensured.
tension force losses t →∞ in each The limit σp ≤ 0.65 . fpk under
transverse section (the cross-sections The purpose of the quasi-permanent action
subject to the highest stress in the span combination is to counter the risk of stress corrosion
and above the supports are decisive). cracking.

1. Tension σ0,max during pre- ⎧0,8 ⋅ fpk The lower value is decisive in each case. Clamping bed To 1. according to
tensioning on the stressing anchor ≤⎨ force P(0) or clamping
max force (press force), (2)*P
during the pre-tensioning process ⎩0.9 ⋅ fp0.1k on the stressing anchor P0,max .
under the applied maximum force Overtensioning is only permitted if the tensioning jack
(press force) including ensures a measuring accuracy of the applied pretensioning
overstressing. force of ± 5% in relation to the final value of the To 2. according to
2. Under rare action combination at any pretensioning force. [DIN 1045-1,
time t. 2008], 11.1.4 (2)
Reduced stress σ0,max for tendons with ⎧0.8 ⋅ fpk ⋅ e-μ ⋅ γ ⋅(κ -1) The lower value is decisive., (2)*P
subsequent bonding below the planned ≤ ⎨0 μ ... Coefficient of friction
e-μ ⋅γ ⋅(κ -1)
maximum force on the stressing ⎩ .9 ⋅ fp0.1k ⋅ k ... unintentional deflection angle per unit length
anchor during the prestressing process μ and k according to the general technical approval of
(prestressing dimension), so that even the tensioning method γ = Θ + k . x where Θ a is the sum
in the event of necessary overstressing of the scheduled deflection angles up to length x. x is the
of the tendons due to unforeseen tendon length measured from the stressing anchor over

8 Calculation
increased friction losses, the desired which the friction acts to minimize the stressing force
prestressing can be achieved over the during initial tensioning.
component length and the permissible
stress is not exceeded.
8.5 Concrete
κ ... Reserve capacity for securing the overvoltage reserve
– for tendons without bond: κ = 1.0
– if the tendons are unprotected in the duct (observe
the construction sequence!):
κ = 1.5 up to 3 weeks unprotected
κ = 2.0 more than 3 weeks unprotected
The pre-stressing dimension should not be dispensed
with in the case of pre-stressed steel cladding with
subsequent bonding. If this is dispensed with, design
measures must be agreed with the client.

Average value of the tendon stress σpm,0 ⎧0,75 ⋅ fpk The lower value is decisive., (3)*P
at time t = 0, immediately after the ≤ ⎨0,85 ⋅ fp0,1k Pre-tensioning must be carefully checked and recorded
prestressing force has been applied to ⎩ under supervision.
the concrete. In order to utilize the permissible σp = 0.65 . fpk for pre-
tensioning with subsequent bonding in the relevant cross-
sections, overstressing with release (possibly several times)
during pre-tensioning is recommended. This means that
this stricter limitation compared to the above can usually
be avoided.
a Fortendons curved in two planes, the decisive deflection angles must be determined vectorially. The sum of the planar deflection angles up to the cross-
section under consideration results from the vertical and horizontal deflection angles for spatially curved tendons

Θvert. and Θhor. : → Θ = ∑Θ2vert. + Θ2hor.

656 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-13 Ratio ξ of the bond strength of the prestressing steel to that of the ribbed rebars
according to [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II, Table 4.115 a
Tendons with immediate Tendons with subsequent
bond bonding
Smooth bars - 0,3
Strands 0,6 0,5
Profiled wires 0,7 0,6
Ribbed rods 0,8 0,7
Significantly different heights of concrete and prestressing steel must be taken into account.

The effective area Ac,eff may be the reinforcing steel stress in
determined according to Figure 8.5-36 s addition II, for components with
using 2.5 times the distance of the edge tendons in the bond σII is to be
tension fiber from the center of gravity of determined according to Eq. (8.5-
the reinforcement. 81)
The verification of the limitation of the As the cross-sectional area of the
crack width can also be performed concrete steel in the tensile zone
indirectly, without direct calculation of h the component height
the crack width, by limiting the diameter d the static effective height
and the mutual spacing of the reinforcing b the width of the draft zone
bars. The steel stresses σII for the cracked fct,0 the tensile strength of the concrete to
cross-section unders consideration (state which the values in Table 8.8-14
II) must first be determined under the are related is fct,0 = 3.0 N/ mm2
decisive action combination and, in the fct,eff is the effective tensile strength at the
case of pre-tensioned components, with time under consideration, as in
the decisive characteristic values of the pre- Eq. (8.5-78)
tension. The limit diameter ds * and the
permissible spacing of the reinforcing bars The equations given for determining the
result from the determined steel stress σII crack widths and spacing only apply to
Table 8.5-14 and are to be converted areas that are sufficiently close to the
as a function of the effective concrete reinforcement in the bond, i.e. within the
tensile strength fct,eff and the component effective bond tension zone. Outside these
height h as follows: areas, larger cracks can occur if these areas
are subjected to tensile stress. Des-
σs ⋅ As fct,eff
d = d*⋅ ≥ d* ⋅
s s
4 ⋅ (h - d) ⋅ b ⋅ fct,0 s fct,0 All concrete parts in the vicinity of all external
(8.5-80) surfaces must be sufficiently reinforced.
In bridge construction, only ribbed
In Eq. (8.5-80) means:
reinforcing steel bars with a bar diameter
ds Converted limit diameter of at least 10 mm may be used, and the
mutual spacing of the reinforcing steel
bars must not exceed
d*s the limit diameter according to not be greater than 20 cm. The clear distance
Table 8.5-14 between parallel bars must be
8.5 Concrete 657

Figure 8.5-36 Definitions of the effective tensile zones of concrete Ac,eff to determine the effective
reinforcement ratio ρeff

Table 8.5-14 Limit diameter d*s and maximum bar spacing for reinforcing bars according to
[DIN FB 102, 2009]-II, Tables 4.120 and 4.121
Steel chip Calculation value of the Calculation value of the crack
removal σII crack width to be width to be maintained: wk =
in s maintained: wk = 0.3 mm 0.2 mm
Limit Maximum values Limit Maximum values
diameter of for the diameter of for the
the permissible bar the permissible bar
reinforcing spacing reinforcing spacing
steel in mm in mm steel in mm in mm
160 42 300 28 200
200 28 250 18 150
240 19 200 13 100
280 14 150 9 50
320 11 100 7 -
360 8 50 6 -

In bridge construction, ribbed reinforcing bars with a diameter of at least 10 mm must be used.
Their mutual spacing must not be greater than 20 cm, [DIN-FB 102, 2009]-II, Section 5.1, (4) P
and (5).

be at least 20 mm. The horizontal and high concentrations of reinforcement,

vertical clear spacing of the reinforcing especially with intersecting reinforcement,
bars must be at least as large as the largest care must be taken when determining the
diameter of the bars and at least 5 mm mutual spacing of the reinforcing bars to
more than the maximum grain diameter ensure that the diameters of the
of the aggregate. For the structural design reinforcing bars deviate from their
nominal values. The heights of the
diagonal and
658 8 Calculation

Longitudinal ribs mean that the tensile zone Act only applies to the
reinforcing steel requires more space than relevant reinforcement layer. For
the nominal diameter. In these cases, it e x a m p l e , in the case of chord slabs
should be noted that the outer cross- subject to tension, kc should therefore
sectional dimensions, expressed by dmax , only be related to the outer reinforcement
including the ribs, can be 20% larger than layer and only half the chord slab
the nominal diameter ds (dmax ≈ 1.2 - ds ). thickness should be taken into account
For reinforcement arrangements in when determining A .ct
several horizontal layers, the bars of the The longitudinal force influence is
individual layers should match vertically. taken into account with the coefficient k1 .
As a rule, the longitudinal force in pre-
stressed structures is a compressive force.
The following applies:
1,5 - h
lie on top of each other. Sufficient k1 = 1
concreting gaps must be provided in the 9h′
reinforcement arrangement. with:
If the design does not result in higher
values, [DIN-FB 102, 2009], Section h Height of the cross-section or partial
requires a minimum reinforcement cross-section
(exception see Table 8.5-8) to avoid wide h′ = h for h < 1 m
single cracks from restraint or residual h′ = 1 mfor h ≥ 1 m.
stresses: With the coefficient k, the influence
A ct of the non-linear course of the concrete
As ≥ kc ⋅ k ⋅ ⋅ (8.5-81) tensile stresses. Bridges are external
fct,eff components. Therefore, as a rule
σII is the permissible stress in the
s residual stresses due to the non-linear
reinforcing steel temperature fields. This is due to
as a function of the limit diameter d*s constraints caused in the component itself
according to Table 8.5-14. fct,eff is to be (e.g. dissipation of hydration heat) for:
determined as in Eq. (8.5-78). Act is the
cross-sectional area that is under tensile k = 0. 8for h ≤ 300 mm
stress before the first crack is formed. The k = 0. 5for h ≥ 800 mm
coefficient kc takes into account the to be set. Intermediate values may be
influence of the stress distribution within linearly terpolated.
the tensile zone Act before the first crack is
⎛ σ c ⎞ In the case of a leak from outside the component
kc = 0.4 ⋅ ⎜1 + ⎟≤1 called coercion (e.g. in the case of support sen-
⎜ k1 ⋅ fct,eff ⎟ k = 1.0 must be set.
⎝ ⎠
For an area of activity in a
σc is the concrete stress in the uncracked leads to initial cracking in the overall cross-
state (negative in longitudinal section. It should be noted that the coefficient kc
compression) in the fiber of the gravity and the area of the concrete
axis of the cross-section or partial cross-
section (for slabs and beams usually the
concrete stress from the longitudinal force
component of the pre-tension, with
increasing pre-tension kc becomes
smaller) under the action combination that
8.5 Concrete 659
square with a side length of 300
mm around the axis of the
tendon, the prestressing steel in
the bond may be taken into
account when determining the
required reinforcement, whereby
the different bond behavior must
be taken into account (see above).
In the case of profiled cross-
sections (plate girders, box
girders), the minimum
reinforcement must be
determined for each partial cross-
section (stakes and chords). For
pre-tensioned constructions with
pre-tension in the bracing
660 8 Calculation

The minimum reinforcement according

to [ DIN-FB 102, 2009] is not required in
the areas in which concrete compressive
stresses above -1 N/mm2 are present under
the rare combination of actions. However,
the constructive minimum reinforcement
in accordance with [DIN 1045-1, 2008],
Tables 29 and 30, must always be present.
The tensile strength of concrete in
construction joints is significantly lower
than in undisturbed areas. Different
conditions therefore apply there. A
minimum reinforcement is always
required at construction joints. This is
given by Eq. (8.5-81). Parallel to the
construction joint, this reinforcement
must be determined with kc = 1 and
arranged over a length that corresponds to
the superstructure height, but not more
than 2 m. Perpendicular to the
construction joint, the minimum
reinforcement must be arranged on both
sides of the construction joint over a
length equal to the superstructure height
plus the anchorage length, but not more
than 4 m.
If the construction joint is also a
coupling joint, the required reinforcement
must be determined by examining the
stress conditions more closely. It should
also be noted that the prestressing force is
reduced at the coupling joint. The mean
value of the prestressing force must be
reduced to 75% there. This reduction also
applies to the verification of the limitation
of the crack widths. The minimum
reinforcement required for construction
joints parallel and perpendicular to the
joint (see above) is decisive.
Box girders are large articulated cross-
sections. They are therefore subject to
high residual stresses. The concrete tensile
strength is often exceeded due to the Figure 8.5-37 Geometry of the superstructure
superposition of the residual and restraint
stresses in the base plate, in which a
centric tensile stress occurs in practice.
For box girders with external pre-tension,
the required minimum reinforcement
should therefore be determined in all cases
according to equation (8.5-81).
8.5 Concrete 661
The horizontal and vertical clear spacing Concrete cover and static height
of the tendons with subsequent bond must
be greater than 80% of the outer duct According to [DIN-FB 102, 2009], the
diameter, but must not be less than 40 mm pre-stressing dimension of 0.5 cm must be
in the vertical direction and 50 mm in the taken into account. The authors consider
horizontal direction. In the case of pre- this value to be too small for the
tensioning with immediate bond, the reinforcing steel below in bridge
horizontal clearance between the strands construction. Due to installation-related
must be at least as large as the diameter of walking on reinforcement that has already
the strands, but it must not be less than 20 been laid, permanent deformations occur
mm and must be at least 5 mm more than that can exceed 0.5 cm. For this reason,
the maximum grain size of the aggregate. the pre-stressing dimension for the lower
The vertical clearance must be at least as reinforcement layer is set at 1.5 cm in
large as the diameter of the strands and must accordance with [DIN 1045-1, 2008]
be at least 10 mm and as large as the (Table 8.5-4b, footnote).
maximum grain size of the aggregate.
• for the reinforcing steel at the top:
min cs = 4.0 cm, nom cs = 4.5 cm
8.5.7 Calculation example, continuous
This results in the statically usable height of
prestressed slab bridge over three spans
the reinforcing steel: Introduction dslo = h - nom c - ∅sq - ∅sl /2
= 80 - 4.5 - 1.4 -1.4/2 = 73.4 cm
The continuous slab of the calculation ≈ 73.0 cm
example should be prestressed in the
Distance of the geometric center of gravity
longitudinal direction. An average
of the superstructure from that of the
construction height of h = 0.80 m is
reinforcing steel:
selected for the superstructure. Selected
verifications in the ultimate and zcso = dslo - zco = 0.730 - 0.368
serviceability limit states are carried out as = 0,362 m
examples for bending with longitudinal • for the reinforcing steel at the bottom:
dslu = 80 - 5.5 - 1.4 -1.4/2 = 72.4 cm
≈ 72.0 cm Further assumptions zcsu = dslu - zcu = 0.720 -0.432 = 0.288 m
• for the sheaths of the tendons at
Requirement category C was selected in
the top:
the longitudinal direction of the bridge and
For reasons of protecting the tendons
requirement category D in the transverse
from corrosion (Table 8.5-4b), the
direction (Table 8.5-5). With regard to the
concrete cover of the ducts must be
durability requirements, the reinforced
below the roadway:
concrete superstructure is assigned to
exposure class XD 3 and XF 2 (Table 8.5- min cH ≥ 10.0 cm, nom cH = 10.5 cm
The duct used in this example has an
external diameter of 7.2 cm (see section The following applies to the
statically usable height of the tendons:
662 8 Calculation

dpo = h - nom cH - ∅H /2 + e


= 80,0 - 10,5 - 7,2/2 + 1,2
= 67.1 cm � 0.671 m

zcpo = dpo - zcu = 0.671 - 0.432

Heavy axle
= 0,239 m

• for the sheaths of the tendons below:

min cH ≥ ∅H = 7.2 cm

nom cH = 7.7 cm < nomc + ∅sq + ∅sl
= 5.5 + 1.4 + 1.4 = 8.3 cm

selected: min cV = 8.3 cm
dpu = h - cV - ∅H /2 - e Figure 8.5-38 Concrete coverings of the ducts
= 80,0 - 8,3 - 7,2/2 - 1,2 and tendon layers
≈ 67.0 cm � 0.670 m
zcpu = dpu - zco = 0.670 - 0.368
However, the prestressing steel cross-
= 0,302 m
section to be installed is still unknown at
sq , ∅∅sl , ∅H Diameter of the transverse, the preliminary design stage. For the
Longitudinal reinforcement, determination of internal forces in this
cladding tube outer diameter planning phase, it is sufficient to calculate
e Eccentricity of the clamping with the gross cross-section values of the
link axis to the cladding tube superstructure (Table 8.5-15). The gross
axis (here 1.2 cm) cross-section values were determined
dsl Static height of the reinforcing according to the equations given in Section
steel (8.5-6 to -12).
dpu , dpo static height of the lower
or upper tendons
zcsu , zcso Distance of the center of gravity Characteristic values of
axis of the the effects
superstructure from the heavy
axis of the reinforcing steel The basis for determining the effects is
below or above [DIN-FB 101, 2009].
zcpu , zcpo Distance of the center of gravity
axis of the
superstructure from the heavy Permanent effects
axis of the prestressing steel
below or above Dead load superstructure g1
The dead load of the superstructure is
determined in the FE program. Cross-section values of the superstructure The weight of the reinforced concrete
slab is 25 kN/m3.

Expansion loads g2
Net and ideal cross-section values
Dead load of the road surface (thickness 8
(composite cross-section values) are
cm) and gradient compensation (0.5
required to determine internal forces on kN/m2)
the prestressed cross-section after the
concrete has hardened, depending on the gBel = 24 - 0.08 + 0.5 = 2.4 kN/m2
degree of production. At the time of
8.5 Concrete 663
Table 8.5-15 Gross cross-sectional values of the superstructure
Cross-section values Gross cross-sectional values
Position Fields 1/2 Supports B/C
Concrete surface A ac [m2] 8,60 8,60
Distance SA upper edge zco [m] -0,368 -0,368
Distance SA lower edge zcu [m] 0,432 0,432
z-coord. Top prestressing steel [m] - -0,239
z-coord. Bottom prestressing [m] 0,301 -
steel zcpu
Moment of inertia I ayc [m4] 0,450 0,450
Moment of resistance Wco [m3] -1,222 -1,222
Moment of resistance Wcpo [m3] - -1,882
Moment of resistance Wcpu [m3] 1,466 -
Moment of resistance Wcu [m3] 1,042 1,042
a The index b (corresponding to eqn. 8.5-6 or 8-5-12) has been omitted here.

Dead load of the cap

gKap = 25 - 0.23 = 5.75 kN/m2
Loads from the cap projection
ACape = 0,205 m2
g- = 25 - 0.205 = 5.12 kN/m
me- 1 - 1
= 0.176 - 5.12 = 0.903 kNm/m
e Figure 8.5-39 Cap geometry
Load from the railing
gGel = 0.5 kN/m
Loads due to support lowering Δs
m 1–1
Gel = 0.15 - 0.5 = 0.075 kNm/m The bridge piers are founded on rock.
Line load and moment from the cap Forced internal forces due to support
overhang refer to the cantilever end, subsidence are therefore not expected.
section 1-1, (Figure 8.5-39).
Pre-tension P
Load from the crash barriers The superstructure is prestressed with
gLsp = 0.8 kN/m subsequent bracing. To reduce the effect of
friction, the tendons are tensioned on both
The removal loads from the road surface, sides.
caps, railings and crash barriers only take The approximate determination of the
effect after the prestressing force has been required preload force is shown in section
applied and the ducts have been grouted.
664 8 Calculation Variable effects concrete slab is assumed to be 45°. The

load distribution areas and uniformly
Live loads qUDL , qTS distributed surface loads are calculated as
Load model 1 (section is used as shown in Figure 8.5-42.
the basis for determining the stresses from To simplify the load input in the FE
traffic loads. Sidewalks are provided on calculation, the bridge span under
both sides of the roadway. investigation is loaded with a basic load of
The roadway is designed according to [DIN- 2.5 kN/m2 . In lane 1 this results in
FB 101, 2009] as the part of the total for the uniform residual surface
road surface defined between the last UDL: q-1k= 9.0 - 2.5 = 6.5 kN/m2. The
The width of the kerb must be at least 7 The axle loads of the standard vehicles act
cm above the road surface. This results in in addition to the UDL loads.
a carriageway width of 7.50 m in this Brake and approach loads do not need
example. to be taken into account for verifications
With two calculated lane widths of 3.00 on the constraint-free superstructure.
m, the width of the remaining area is 1.50
m. Temperature effects ΔT
The load model consists of two parts. A The superstructure is positioned in such a
double axle vehicle (tandem system, TS) way that no design-relevant constrained
with a characteristic axle load of Qik = αQi - internal forces arise for the constant
Qi and a uniformly distributed temperature component ΔT .N
characteristic load (Uniform Distributed The characteristic values of the linearly
Load, UDL) of qik = αqi - qi . variable temperature components ΔTM
The dynamic increase factor is already follow, taking into account the possible
included in Qk and q .k reduction according to [DIN-FB 101,
A live load of 2.5 kN/m2 is assumed for 2009]-V, Table 6.2 due to the 8 cm thick
the walkways on the caps. When covering:
determining the internal forces, two load
ΔTM = 15.0 - 0.82 = 12.3 K
positions are examined in the transverse
Warmer at the top than at the bottom
direction, see Figures 8.5-40 and 8.5-41.
ΔTM = -8.0 - 1.00 = -8.0 K
Warmer at the bottom than at the top
Track 1: αQ1 = 0.8 Q1 = 300 kN/axis Q1k = 0.8 - 300 = 240 kN/axis
αq1 = 1.0 q1 = 9.0 kN/m2 q1k = 1.0 - 9.0 = 9.0 kN/m2

Track 2: αQ2 = 0.8 Q2 = 200 kN/axis Q2k = 0.8 - 200 = 160 kN/axis
αq2 = 1.0 q2 = 2.5 q2k = 1.0 - 2.5 = 2.5 kN/m2

Equivalent surface loads for wheel loads

The wheel loads of the double-axle
vehicles act on a contact area of 40 cm Wind loads w
× 40 cm. The load distribution angle Wind loads are not taken into account in
through the road construction to the the verifications of the superstructure
center line of the provided here.
8.5 Concrete 665

Figure 8.5-40 Load position 1, TS and UDL loads are arranged centrally in the transverse direction

Figure 8.5-41 Load position 2, the wheels of the double-axle vehicle (TS) and the UDL load of
lane 1 are located on the scuff plate

Figure 8.5-42 Equivalent surface loads of adjacent wheels in transverse direction

666 8 Calculation Determination of internal forces fpd = 1522/1.15 = 1323 MN/m2

Ep = 195 - 103 MN/m2 . FE model

The superstructure was discretized using Internal forces of the individual load cases
isoparametric, combined plate and slice
elements according to the theory of Figures 8.5-44 to 8.5-49 show the curves
Reissner/Mindlin (shear-compliant plate, of the moments in the slab due to the
shear distortions approximately taken individual load cases at the decisive points
into account). The approach functions for as a result of the FE calculation. Simpson's
the deflections and rotations are extended rule is used to determine the resulting
bilinearly with a symmetric quadratic (i.e. moments over the transverse section half.
non-conformal) approach according to The index x i n d i c a t e s that the
Wilson/Taylor and Bathe/Dvorkin moment (rotating around the y-axis)
[Hartmann/Katz, 2002]. The element has causes normal stresses in the x-direction.
four Gaussian points.
The geometric progression of the
tendons is described by spline functions. Determination of the required
The pre-tension is taken into account as preload force
pre-tension stiffness in the stiffness
matrix. The determination of the required
The material properties on which the prestressing force is based on the
FE material models are based correspond verification of decompression. This
to [DIN 1045-1, 2008] and [EN 10138], verification requires that no concrete
2000]: tensile stresses (permissible σc ≤ 0) may
occur at the edge closest to the tendon
Concrete: C 35/45 (with cement of
under the decisive action combination at
strength class 42.5R)
time t → ∞ (Table 8.5-9).
fck = 35 MN/m2, For requirement category C (in the
fcd = 0.85 - 35/1.5 ≈ 19.8 MN/m2, longitudinal direction of the bridge), this
verification must be carried out under the
fctm = 3.2 MN/m2,
quasi-permanent action combination
f ctk;0,05 = 2.2 MN/m2, (Tables 8.5-7 and 8.5-27). The
f ctk;0,95 = 4.2 MN/m2 , combination coefficients for the quasi-
permanent values of variable actions are
Ecm = 33.3 - 103 MN/m2 .
given in Table 8.5-28. The prestressing
Reinforcing steel: BST 500 S (high force is to be applied with the
ductility) characteristic values Pk,sup/inf = rsup/inf - P m,t .
fyk = 500 MN/m2, For pre-tensioning with subsequent
bonding, the following applies: rsup = 1.10
fyd = 500/1.15 = 435 MN/m2, and rinf = 0.90, [DIN-FB 102, 2009], Ab-
Es = 200 - 103 MN/m2. section (4).
Prestressing steel: St 1770 The determination of the relevant
Internal forces due to traffic loads a r e
fpk = 1770 MN/m2 , calculated by adding the load of the
standard vehicles
fp0,1k = 1522 MN/m2, is "driven" over the FE model step by step in
the longitudinal direction of the bridge. The
8.5 Concrete 667

Figure 8.5-43 Element arrangement of the superstructure in longitudinal and transverse direction

Figure 8.5-44 Dimensioning moments mx,g1 and resulting moments M x,g 1 in the slab due to dead
loads g1
668 8 Calculation

Fig. 8.5-45 Dimensioning moments mx,g2 and resulting moments M ,xg2 in the slab due to removal
loads g2

Figure 8.5-46 Specified moments mx,UDL and resulting moments Mx,UDL in the slab as a result of
UDL traffic loads qUDL

Figure 8.5-47 Specified moments mx,TS and resulting moments Mx,TS in the slab due to TS traffic
loads qTS
8.5 Concrete 669

Fig. 8.5-48 Dimensioning moments mx,T+ and resulting moments Mx,T+ in the slab due to linear
temperature difference (top of slab 12.3 K warmer than bottom of slab)

Fig. 8.5-49 Dimensioning moments mx,T– and resulting moments Mx,T– in the panel due to linear
temperature difference (bottom side of panel 8.0 K warmer than top side of panel)

Loads are arranged bay by bay according Figure 8.5-41). The limit moment lines
to the decisive internal forces to be due to live loads (UDL+TS) in the
calculated. The governing, resulting longitudinal direction of the bridge are
moments of one half of the superstructure shown in Fig. 8.5-50.
due to dead and live loads are given in The magnitude of the required pre-
Table 8.5-16. For the moments due to live tensioning force depends on the selected
loads, only the half of the superstructure tendon configuration, see section
in the transverse direction on which the In a first approximation
largest TS loads act (load position 2, (preliminary design), the required pre-
tensioning force can be determined using
equation (8.5-82):
670 8 Calculation

1 MF,G+∑ψ ⋅Q W cu - MS,G+∑ψ ⋅Q Wco - permissible σco ⎞
permissible σ
erf Pt→∞ ≈ 1.30 ⋅ ⋅ ⎜ +⎟ (8.5-82)
2⎜ 1 Ac + zcpF Wcu 1 Ac + zcpS Wco ⎟
⎝ ⎠
MF, G+∑ψ-QMoment in field 1 Based on the assumptions made, Eq. (8.5-
due to 82) can be written in a simpler form:
ation of effects
MS, G+∑ψ-QMoment above the
column in-
sequence of quasi-
permanent single-action

⎛ 2 2
1 MF,G + ∑ψ 2i ⋅ MF,Qi MB,G + ∑ψ 2i ⋅ MB,Qi
inve ≈ 1,30 ⋅ ⋅ i=1 i=1
P +
t→∞ Wco Ac + zcpB
2 ⎝ Wcu Ac + zcpF

1 ⎛ 2,101 + 0,2 ⋅1,777 + 0,5 ⋅ 0,450 ,101 + 0,2 ⋅1,701 + 0,5 ⋅ 0,936 ⎞
= 1,30 ⋅ ⋅ +4
2⎝⎜ 1,042 8,,6 + 0,307 1,222 8,6 + 0,239 ⎟

= 12.44 MN
Table 8.5-16 Specified, resulting moments for one half of the cross-section due to dead loads, live
loads (UDL + TS) and temperature
Position Resulting moments
Mx,g 1 [MNm] Mx,q [MNm] Mx,T [MNm]
Field 1 (x = 5.6 m) 2,102 1,777 0,450/-0,293 2
Column B (x = 16.0 m) -4,100 -1,701 1,348/-0,936
Field 2 (x = 26.0 m) 1,995 1,875 1,230/-0,800
1 The index x indicates that the torque (rotating around the y-axis) causes normal stresses in the
Top of panel warmer ∆T = 12.3 K or bottom of panel warmer ∆T = -8.0 K.
8.5 Concrete 671

Figure 8.5-50 Limit moments due to live loads (UDL + TS)

672 8 Calculation

A tendon type is selected for the rest of the and due to slip of approx. 3%, the value of
calculations. the clamping force for the entire
superstructure at the clamping point is
elected: selected as ges P (x = 0)t→∞ = 2 -
BBV L 9 (150 mm2/strand, bbv strand 12.44/(0.93 - 0.97) = 27.60 MN.
tensioning method), Apl = 13.5 cm2/ The coordinates of the selected tendon
tendon, characteristic values of the strand course are shown in Fig. 8.5-51. In order
according to the general building to favorably influence the column moment
authority approval, approval notice [Z- due to permanent loads by the pre-
13.1-77, 2004]: tensioning, the tendon is placed
Cladding tube ∅Hi /∅Ha : 65/72 mm eccentrically to the axis of gravity at the
tensioning point (see Section In
Unintentional deflection angle: k =
the spans, the tendon curve is given a
0.30°/m Coefficient of friction: μ = 0.20 "bulbous" shape corresponding to the
Slip on the stressing anchor: Δssl = 3 mm limiting moment curve.
As part of the preliminary design, the
Due to the expected losses due to friction constraining moment resulting from the
of approx. 7% (see Table 8.5-17) course of the prestressed tendon, taking
friction into account, was determined
using Simpson's rule, slip (8.5-41). The
static surplus results from the sliding
Table 8.5-17 Determining the friction losses in ( 8 . 5-83). The total moment due to pre-
axis 20 (support B) tension is determined according to
x Θ k-x ϑ e-μ - ϑ equation (8.5-48).
[m] [rad] [wheel] [wheel] [-] -δ10 ⋅ δ22 + δ20 ⋅ δ12

16,0 0,280 0,084 0,364 0,93

Θplanned deflection angle of the X1 = δ⋅δ-δ2
member from the clamping point to the 11 22 12
ϑ point under consideration -δ20 ⋅ δ11 + δ10 ⋅ δ12
= Θ + k - x, sum of the scheduled and X2 = δ⋅δ-δ2
unplanned deflection angle 11 22 12

Figure 8.5-51 x-, z-coordinates of the tendon course in the superstructure

8.5 Concrete 673
Table 8.5-18 Moments due to preload force P (0)t→∞ ("manual calculation" without slip) and
maximum stresses due to quasi-permanent SFC (FE calculation)

Position Moment due to pre- Concrete stresses [MN/m2], t → ∞

MN/m2 σco, g + p + 0.2 - q + 0.5 - T σcu, g + p + 0.2 - q + 0.5 -
Mcp, t → ∞ [ ] T

Field 1 (x = 5.6 m) -7,232 -0,30 -4,93

Column B (x = 16.0 m) 9,158 -2,44 -0,59
Field 2 (x = 26.0 m) -4,398 -2,88 -1,30

The values determined under a quasi- permissible σ 0.max

permanent combination of effects (no ⎧0.80 ⋅ fpk = 0,80 ⋅1770
≤ e-μ⋅γ ⋅(κ -1) ⋅
consideration of the
slip) occurring at the decisive points are ⎩
⎨0 .90 ⋅ fp0,1k = 0.90 ⋅1522
given in Table 8.5-18.
⎧1416 MN m2
= e-μ⋅γ ⋅(κ -1) ⋅ ⎨1370
⎩ MN m2 (8.5-85) Determination of the required It is assumed that the prestressing steel

prestressing steel cross-section remains unpressed (unprotected) in the
cladding tube for a maximum of three
The maximum stress in the prestressing weeks → κ = 1.5. The value x for
steel that may be applied to the concrete determining the total deflection angle γ (x)
immediately after prestressing (Table 8.5- = Θ(x) + k - x corresponds to the distance
12) is over which the pre-tensioning force is
applied on both sides during the first
pretensioning operation.
tension decreases due to friction.
⎧0,75 ⋅ fpk = 0,75 ⋅1770
⎪ Table 8.5-19 shows the permissible
ible ⎪ = 1327 MN m2 Prestressing steel stress specified. -μ - k - (κ- 1)

pm,0 ⎨
⎪0.85 ⋅ = 0,85 ⋅1522 The overvoltage
is approx. 6% in thisreserve (1 - e
example. )
⎪ = 1294 MN m2
⎩ Assuming a 10% margin
loss of force due to creep, shrinkage and
The tension σ0,max during pre-tensioning
relaxation follows for the value of the
on the stressing anchor during the pre-
initial prestressing force:
tensioning process under the applied
maximum force (press force) must not erf Pt→0 (0) = 27.60/0.9 = 30.7 MΝ
exceed the smaller of the two values: σ0,max and for the required prestressing steel
≤ (0.80 - fpk ; 0.90 - fp0,1k ), including cross-section on the overall
overtensioning. superstructure:
So that even in the event of a necessary, Pm,0 30.7 ⋅104
erf A = = = 239.5 cm2
unplanned overstressing of the tendons in i
p n 1282
the event of increased friction losses, the permissi e
desired pre-tension can be achieved via t
ble σpm,0 e
the structural elements.
674 8 Calculation

If the prestressing steel tension can be erf n = = = 17,7 (8.5-87)
achieved with a partial length, the 13,5
prestressing steel tension must also be
deducted (Table 8.5-12):
8.5 Concrete 675
Table 8.5-19 Permissible prestressing steel stress
x [m] Θ [rad] k - x [rad] γ [rad] e-μ - γ - (κ - 1) [-] permissible σ0,max
26,0 0,528 0,134 0,662 0,936 1282

Figure 8.5-52 View of stressing anchor

elected: Course of the preload force

18 strand tendons, BBV L 9 (150 mm2/
strand, bbv strand tensioning method), Pre-tensioning is carried out via stressing
anchors arranged on both sides at the ends
Ap1 = 13.5 cm2/ tendon, before
of the superstructure. The calculated
Ap = 18 - 13.5 = 243.0 cm2
course of the tensioning forces after slip
Tensioning force per tendon: occurs is shown in Fig. 8.5-53.
30.7/18 = 1.706 MN

The arrangement of the tendons in the Moments due to pre-tension

bridge cross-section is shown in Fig. 8.5-
52. Shown in Figure 8.5-54.

Fig. 8.5-53 Clamping force curve after conversion of the press force at time t = 0, taking into account
the slip of ∆s = 3 mm (FE calculation)
676 8 Calculation

Fig. 8.5-54 Moments m x,p in the slab due to pre-tensioning (FE calculation) and resulting
moments Mx,p (determined using Simpson's rule) Loss of elasticity due to creep, shrinkage

and relaxation
To determine the concrete stresses
The concrete stresses at the level of the under the quasi-permanent combination
tendon axis under the quasi-permanent of effects for determining the creep losses,
action combination are decisive for it is sufficient to use gross cross-section
determining the prestressing force losses. values.

σ cp = σ cp,g + 0.2 ⋅σ cp,q + 0.5 ⋅σ cp,T + σ cp,p

≈ (Mcp,g1 + Mcp,g2 + 0.2 ⋅ Mcp,q + 0.5 ⋅ Mcp,T ) Wcp + (Mcp,p Wcp +Nc,p A )c
= 2 ⋅ (1.653 + 0.448 - 0.2 ⋅ (0.169 + 0.209) - 0.5 ⋅ 0.293) 1.466
- 2 ⋅ (3.355 1.466 + 14.382 8.60) = -5.36 MN m2 (8.5-88)

Table 8.5-20 Concrete stresses of individual load cases and under quasi-permanent action combination
at the level of the tendon axis, at time t = 0

Position Wcp σcp,g1 σcp,g2 σcp,p σcp,q σcp,T σcp

x [MN/m2]
[m] [MNm] [MNm] [MN] [MNm] [MNm]
5,6 1,466 2,26 0,61 -7,92 -0,52 -0,40 -5,36
16,0 -1,882 3,41 0,95 -8,24 -0,27 -1,53 -4,70
26,0 1,466 2,15 0,57 -6,07 -0,60 -1,09 -4,01
8.5 Concrete 677
The concrete stresses at the time t = 0 at εcs,∞ = ε cas∞ + ε cds∞ Final shrinkage
the level of the tendon axis are shown in measure
Table 8.5-20. = -0.07‰ - 0.30‰ (Figures 8.5-31
The losses in prestressing force due to �-0,00037 and 8.5-32)
creep, shrinkage and relaxation at time t
→ ∞ are calculated using equation (8.5- Ap = 243.0 cm2,
67), see Section αp = Ep /Ec = 195/33.3 = 5.86

αp ⋅φ(∞,t0 ) ⋅ (σc,g + σc,pm0 ) + εc,s (∞,t0 ) ⋅ Ep + Δσ (8.5-89)

p,,r (∞,t ) ≈
p,c+s+r 0 A⎛ A ⎞
1 + αp ⋅ p ⋅ 1 + c ⋅ z2 ⋅ ⎡1 + χ ⋅φ(∞,t )⎤
⎜ cp ⎟ ⎣ 0⎦
Ac ⎝ Ic ⎠

The prestressing force is applied and the The stress change in the prestressing steel
shoring is lowered at the same time after t0 ∆σp,r due to relaxation is determined on
= 10 days. At this time, the mean value of the basis of the equation σpm0 ≈ σp,g+pm0 -
the cylindrical compressive strength of the 0.3 - |∆σp , c+s+r| and the image
superstructure concrete must be at least 8.5-28 iterative.
34 N/mm2 [DIN-FB 102, 2009], During tensioning, the simultaneous
Section, Table 4.102. A cement of lowering of the falsework ensures that the
strength class 42.5 R is used for the dead load component of the slab becomes
concrete of the superstructure. The value effective. The existing tension in the
of the relative humidity is RH = 80%. tendon is calculated as follows:
Furthermore is given: σp, g + pm0 = Pt = 0/Ap
Ac = 8.6 For the design point in span 1, x = 5.6 m, the
uc = 2 - (12.5 + 8.0) = 26.6 m determination of the stress losses in the
prestressing steel due to creep, shrinkage and
h0 = 2 - Ac /uc = 2 - 8.6/26.6 relaxation is given as an example. For the
= 0.647 m � 64.7 cm existing stress in the prestressing
member (field 1) results:
φ (∞, t0 ) = 1.7 Final creep number
(Figure 8.5-30) σp,g+pm0 = 2 - 14.38/243 - 104 = 1184 MN/m2

Table 8.5-21 Stress losses in prestressing steel due to creep, shrinkage and relaxation
Position σp, g + pm0 ∆σp, r ∆σp, c + s + r σp, g + pm, ∞ Loss of
[MN/m2] [MN/m2] [MN/m2] [MN/m2] clamping
force [%]
Field 1 (x = 5.6 m) 1184 -19 -131 1053 11,0
Column B (x = 16.0 m) 1162 -17 -126 1036 10,8
Field 2 (x = 26.0 m) 1101 -12 -112 989 10,1
678 8 Calculation

The value for the stress losses is estimated given equations (8.5.20-29). When
as ∆σp,c+s+r = -131 MN/m2. determining the net cross-sectional
If the value for ∆σp,c+s+r finally values, the outer diameter of the ducts is
calculated using equation (8.5-89) does used for the calculation. It must also be
not match the estimated value, the value taken into account that the tendons nestle
for ∆σp ,c+s+r must be adjusted iteratively. against the wall of the duct in the
curvature area. The net and ideal cross-
σp0 ≈ 1184 - 0.3 - 131 = 1145 MN/m2
section values of the examined sections are
Using Figure 8.5-28, the value ∆σpr / σp0 ≈ given as examples in Table 8.5-22.
0.017 is obtained for σp0 /fpk = 1145/1770 = Table 8.5-24 shows the characteristic
0.65 and thus the relaxation loss to ∆σpr = values of the vertical support reactions.
-19 MN/m2.

, 86 ⋅1,7 ⋅ (2,48 - 7,77) - 0,00037 ⋅195000 - 19

Δσp,c+s+r (∞,t 0) ≈ 5 243 ⋅10-4 ⎛ 8,6 ⎞ = -131 MN m2

1 + 5,86 ⋅ ⋅ ⎜1 + ⋅ 0,3072 ⎟ ⋅ ⎡⎣1 + 0,8 ⋅1,7⎤⎦

8,6 ⎝ 0,45 ⎠

The calculated maximum losses of Verifications for bending with

prestressing force due to K + S + R (Table longitudinal force in the ultimate limit state
8.5-21) are in the order of magnitude of
the assumed value (10%) on which the Determination of the decisive
calculation of the required prestressing design moments
force and the required prestressing steel
cross-section was based. Therefore, the The verification in the ultimate limit state
determination of internal forces does not for bending is carried out for the
need to be corrected. permanent and temporary design
∑γ Gj ⋅ Gkj " + " γp ⋅Pk Cross-section values of the superstructure j=2
taking into account the cladding tubes " +" γQ1 ⋅ Qk1 " + " ∑γQi ⋅ψ0,i ⋅ Qki (8.5-90)
and the tendons in the composite i=1
The decisive design values of the moments
The calculation of the cross-sectional due to external actions are as follows:
values is carried out in accordance with

In field 1:
MEd = γg1 - Mc,gk1 =1 .35 - 1.653 =2 .232 MNm
+ γg2 - Mc,gk2 =1 .35 - 0.448 =0 .605 MNm
+ γq1 - Mc,qk1 =1 .50 - (0.593 + 1.184) =2 .666 MNm
+ γ∆TM - ψ0 - Mc,∆Tk = 1.50 - 0.80 - 0.450 =0 .540 MNm
MEd = 96.
8.5 Concrete 679
Above the support:
MEd = γg1 - Mc,gk1 =1 .35 - (-3.211) =-4 .335 MNm
+ γg2 - Mc,gk2 =1 .35 - (-0.890) =-1 .202 MNm
+ γq1 - Mc,qk1 =1 .50 - (-0.968 - 0.733) = -2.552 MNm
+ γ∆TM - ψ0 - Mc,∆Tk = 1.50 - 0.80 - 0.450 =-1 .123 MNm
MEd = ,2119MN4m

Table 8.5-22 Net and ideal cross-section values of the superstructure

Cross-section values Net cross-sectional values Ideal cross-section values
Position Fields 1/2 Supports B/C Fields 1/2 Support B/C
Concrete area Ac [m2] 8,53 8,53 8,72 8,72
Distance SA upper -0,365 -0,370 -0,372 -0,365
Edge zco [m]
Distance SA lower 0,435 0,430 0,428 0,435
Edge zcu [m]
z-coord. Prestressing steel - -0,253 - -0,236
top zcpo [m]
z-coord. Prestressing steel 0,322 - 0,303 -
bottom zcpu [m]
Moment of inertia Iyc [m4] 0,442 0,445 0,461 0,457
Resistance -1,211 -1,202 -1,238 -1,251
moment Wco [m3]
Resistance - -1,758 - -1,936
moment Wcpo [m3]
Resistance 1,375 - 1,522 -
moment Wcpu [m3]
Resistance 1,018 1,036 1,078 1,049
moment Wcu [m3]
680 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-23 Internal forces of the single load cases for one half of the cross-section at the
locations of the investigated sections as characteristic values
Position Fields 1/2 Supports B/C Field 2
Influence x = 5.60 m x = 16.00 m x = 26.00 m
Dead load Construction Mc,g1k [MNm] 1,653 a -3,211 1,580
Expansion loads Mc,g2k [MNm] 0,448 -0,890 0,415

Preload force t=0 [MN] -14,382 -14,121 -13,374

Nc, pk
t →∞ -12,814 -12,610 -12,023
Moment from pre- t=0 [MNm] -3,355 4,667 -2,170
tension Mc,pk
t →∞ -2,989 4,168 -1,951

UDL min [MNm] -0,169 -0,968 -0,246

Mc, qk, UDL
max 0,593 -0,101 0,652

TS min [MNm] -0,209 -0,733 -0,193

Mc, qk, TS
max 1,184 0,151 1,223
Temperature ΔTM, neg, -8.0 [MNm] -0,293 -0,936 -0,800
ΔTM, pos, +12.3 0,450 1,439 1,230
a positive moments generate tension on the underside of the panel in the x-direction.

Table 8.5-24 Vertical support reactions under the characteristic values of the effects

Position Axis Axis Axis Axis

Influence 10 20 30 40
Dead load Construction g1 [MN] -0,683 a -2,157 -2,157 -0,683
Expansion loads g2 [MN] -0,176 -0,601 -0,601 -0,176
Preload force Pm t=0 [MN] -0,105 0,105 0,105 -0,105
t →∞ -0,095 0,095 0,095 -0,095
UDL qUDL min MB,C [MN] - -0,683 -0,683 -
max M1,3 -0,234 - - -0,234

TS qTS min MB,C [MN] - -0,426 -0,426 -

max M1,3 -0,309 - - -0,309

Temperature ΔTM, neg, -8.0 [MN] 0,056 -0,056 -0,056 0,056
ΔTM, pos, +12.3 -0,086 0,086 0,086 -0,086
a positive in the direction of the z-axis.
8.5 Concrete 681
The column moment is reduced by the amount ΔMEd [DIN-FB 102, 2009], section

ΔMEd = FEd,sup ⋅ bsup 8 (8.5-91)

are included:
FEd, supDesign value of the associated support reaction
bsup Support width
The support width bsup may be calculated at a load spread angle of 45° at the height of
the center of gravity of the superstructure slab. With a bearing width of 0.40 m, this
results in bsup = 0.40 + 0.80 = 1.20 m.
The support force FEd,sup results in:

F Ed,sup = γg1 - Fc,gk1 =1 .35 - 2.157 =2 .912 MN

+ γg2 - Fc,gk2 =1 .35 - 0.601 =0 .811 MN
+ γq1 - Fc,qk1 =1 .50 - 1.110 =1 .665 MN
+ γ∆TM - ψ0 - Fc,∆Tk = 1.50 - 0.80 - 0.056 =0 .067 MN
FEd, 95.4559MN

∆MEd = 5.445 - 1.20/8 = 0.818 ( rounded column moment)

MEd = -9.211 + 0.818 = -8.393 MNm

In the field 2:
MEd = γg1 - Mc,gk1 =1 .35 - 1.580 =2 .133 MNm
+ γg2 - Mc,gk2 =1 .35 - 0.415 =0 .560 MNm
+ γq1 - Mc,qk1 =1 .50 - (0.652 + 1.223) = 2.813 MNm
+ γ∆TM - ψ0 - Mc,∆Tk = 1.50 - 0.80 - 1.230 =1 .476 MNm
MEd = 96. Determining the elongation of the ∆εp1 = εs1 = 14.0‰

Prestressing steel in the ultimate limit state
ζ = 0,92
in field 1, at the point x = 5.6 m
The elongation of the prestressing steel at the start
(underside of panel):
of yield in the ultimate limit state is as follows
MEd,p 6,042 ability:
μ = = = 0,149
Ed,p bf ⋅ d2
⋅ 4,5 ⋅ 0,6752 ⋅19,8 ε = f /E = 1323/195 - 10-3
p cd pdpd p

(8.5-92) = 6,78 - 10-3�6,78‰ . (8.5-93)

The elongation of the prestressing steel in The determined steel elongation ∆εp1 due
the ultimate limit state can be derived to external stress exceeds the yield
from the general design diagram. elongation εpd . In the ultimate limit state,
the prestressing steel already flows un-
682 8 Calculation

under the sole effect of the external design Above the column and in bay 2, the
load. The pre-expansion therefore does not tensile force due to the moment in the
need to be determined. ultimate limit state is also determined by
1 MEd,p existing prestressing steel cross-section.
erf Ap1 = ⋅ In the event that the prestressing steel cross
σp1d z (8.5-94)
If the cut is not sufficient, additional
1 6 ,042
⋅ ⋅10 4= 73.5 cm2 reinforcing steel must be inserted. Both
1323 0,92 ⋅ the prestressing steel and the reinforcing
0,675 steel must be
< 121.5 cm2 = 243 2 = vorh Ap1 then depends on the load trasnfer. The
determination of the required reinforcing
In span 1, no concrete reinforcement is steel cross-section is given, for example, in
required at the point of greatest bending [Mehlhorn et al., 2002].
stress. The prestressing steel cross-section
has sufficient reserves to absorb the
design loads. Minimum reinforcement
above the support (top of the panel): To ensure the durability and external
8,393 appearance of the concrete superstructure,
μEd,p = = 0,209 a minimum reinforcement must be
4,5 ⋅ 0,6712 ⋅19,8 provided. This prevents
∆εp1 = 8.5‰ > 6.78‰ = εpd wide individual cracks form as a result of
constraints not taken into account in the
(Prestressing steel flows in calculation, residual stresses or deviations
the GZT) of the pre-tension from the assumed value
ζ = 0,88
1⋅ 393 ⋅104 [DIN-FB 102, 2009], Section
erf A = 8. = 107.4 cm2
p1 1323 0,88 ⋅ 0,671
< 121.5 cm2 = vorh Ap1 constructive minimum reinforcement

Maximum bar spacing smax = 200 mm

s a = 3.93 cm2/m (8.5-95)
Reinforcement diameter ds ≥ 10
in field 2, at the point x = 26.0 m Minimum reinforcement to
(underside of panel): p r e v e n t failure without prior notice
μ = = 0,172 When a crack occurs, there must be at
4,5 ⋅ 0,6752 ⋅19,8 least enough reinforcing steel in the
transverse section (robustness
∆εp1 = 11.4‰ > 6.78‰ = εpd reinforcement) to absorb the tensile force
(Prestressing steel flows in the GZT) previously present in the concrete [DIN-FB
ζ = 0,90 102, 2009], Section This is
intended to prevent brittle failure without
1 ⋅ 6.982 ⋅104
erf Ap1 = prior notice during initial crack
formation. The
1323 0,90 ⋅ 0,675 Cracking moment is calculated under the
8.5 Concrete 683
= 86.9 cm2 < 121.5 cm2 = vorh Ap1 that the pre-tension in the considered
684 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-25 Minimum reinforcement to prevent failure without notice

Position Wc Mr,eq ds as elected
[m3 [cm2/m
] [kNm] [m] ]
Field 1 (x = 5.6 m) 1,042 2292 0,72 7,9 ∅ 14/15
Support B (x = 16.0 m) 1,222 2688 0,73 9,1 ∅ 14/15
Field 2 (x = 26.0 m) 1,042 2292 0,72 7,9 ∅ 14/15

cross-section has completely failed is < 1.0 N/mm2 , a minimum reinforcement

covered by reinforcing steel using the according to equation 8.5-81 must be
characteristic value of the yield strength of inserted. The prestressing steel, which is
the reinforcing steel (safety factor of 1.0). arranged in a maximum area of 300 mm
Mr,e p around the reinforcement made of
reinforcing steel, may be taken into
account. On the safe side
as = with zs ≈ 0.9 - d
The prestressing steel surfaces are not included
f yk⋅ z ⋅ in this calculation example. Determination of
bs ,
the minimum reinforcement for
Mr, ep = Wc - fctk; 0.05 (8.5-96) Crack width limitation:
- in field 1 at the point x = 5.60 m:
1,042 ⋅ 2,2 ⋅104
as = = 7.9cm2 m
500 ⋅ 0,9 ⋅ 0,72 ⋅ Pk,inf,t→∞ = 0.9 - (-12.814) = -11.533 MN
Ac = 8.6/2 = 4.3 m2
According to [DIN-FB 102, 2009], Ab-
In accordance with section (107) σc = -11.533/4.3 = -2.68 N/mm2
and (108), the minimum reinforcement
h' = h = 0.80 m
must be distributed evenly over the width
and proportionally over the height of the k1 = 1.5
tension zone. The lower minimum fct,eff = fctm = 3.2 N/mm2
reinforcement required in the field must ⎡ 2,68 ⎤
k = 0,4 = 0,18
be distributed evenly over the width and
⋅ -
proportionally over the height of the
tension zone to improve ductility,
regardless of
the regulations on tractive force coverage
width c
between the supports. limitatio 1,5 ⋅ ⎢1
In column areas, the upper minimum n ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥
reinforcement according to equation (8.5-
96) should be arranged in the areas in k
In areas =
which tensile stresses occur in the in which
concrete under the non-frequent action 0
the rare
combination. For this verification, the ,
statically determinate effect of the 5
prestressing should not be considered, but
the statically indeterminate effect should be
considered. Minimum reinforcement for crack

8.5 Concrete 685
Combination of actions Concrete tensile Fig. 8.5-55 Stress distribution in the concrete cross-
stresses or concrete compressive stresses section immediately before the initial crack formation
|σ |c
686 8 Calculation

σc2 = z2 ⋅ (σc -σc1 ) + σc The diameter of the reinforcement is calculated

z1 with
ds = 14 mm was selected.
σ This results in the limit diameter:
ht = z1 ⋅ c1 fct,0 3,0
σ c1- σ c ds * = ds ⋅ = 14 ⋅ = 13,1 mm
3,2 fct,eff 3,2
= 0,432 ⋅ = 0,235 m
3,2 + 2,68
and the permissible reinforcing steel stress
Act = 1.0 - 0.235 = 0.235 m2/m from Table 8.5-14 for the calculated value
The permissible stress σII ins the reinforcing of the crack width wk = 0.2 mm:
steel to ensure the permissible crack width σs = 239 N/mm2 .
depends on the diameter of the
reinforcement. The values in Table 8.5-14 The cross-section of the minimum
are based on the concrete tensile strength reinforcement for crack width limitation
of fct,0 = 3.0 N/mm2. The permissible follows from Figure 8.5-81:
diameter must therefore be calculated 0.235
as = 0.18 ⋅ 0.5 ⋅ 3.2 ⋅
according to equation (8.5-97) ([DIN-FB 239
102, 2009], section (6)*) must be adapted: = 2.8 ⋅10-4 � 3.0 cm2 m
The cross-sections
reinforcement of the minimum
kc ⋅ k ⋅ ht fct,eff fct,eff
d s= ds *⋅ ⋅ ≥ d *⋅
4 ⋅ (h - d ) fct, s fct,0 above the supports (axes 20/30) and in
(8.5-97) bay 2 are summarized in Table 8.5-26.
ds * Limit diameter of the reinforcement
according to Table 8.5-14 Limit states of fitness for use
h Component height
d Static effective height Design values of the actions in the
ht Height of the concrete tension zone
serviceability limit state
immediately before first crack
(longitudinal direction)

fct 0.18 ⋅ 0.5 ⋅ 0.235 fct,eff

d= ,eff d * ⋅ ⋅ ≥ d *⋅
s s
4 ⋅ (0,80 - 0,72) fct, s
The verifications in the limit state of
0 fct,

fct,ef fct,eff Serviceability ensures that the specified

ds = 0.07 f ≥ ds requirements for the conditions of use of a
⋅ *⋅ fct,0 building are computationally fulfilled.

Table 8.5-26 Minimum reinforcement for crack width limitation

Position Pk, inf,t → ∞ σc2 σc kc hf as
[MN/m2] [MN/m2 [cm2/m
[MN] ] [m] ]
Field 1 (x = 5.6 m) -11,533 -7,69 -2,68 0,18 0,235 2,8
Column B (x = 16.0 m) -11,349 -9,49 -2,64 0,18 0,202 2,4
Field 2 (x = 26.0 m) -10,821 -8,07 -2,52 0,19 0,242 3,1
8.5 Concrete 687
Table 8.5-27 Action combinations for the serviceability limit states according to [DIN-FB 101,
2009]-II, Section 9.5.2 (2)

Combination of effects Education regulation

Characteristic (rare) ∑ Gkj " + " Pk " + " Qk1 " + " ∑ψ0,i ⋅ Qki
j≥1 i>1

non-frequent ∑ Gkj " + " Pk " + "ψ1 ′,1 ⋅ Qk1 " + " ∑ψ1,i ⋅ Qki
j≥1 i>1

frequent ∑ Gkj " + " Pk " + "ψ1,1 ⋅ Qk1 " + " ∑ψ2,i ⋅ Qki
j≥1 i>1

quasi-permanent ∑ Gkj " + " Pk " + " ∑ ψ2,i ⋅ Qki

j≥1 i ≥1

Note: " + " means in combination with.

Table 8.5-28 ψ-Factors for road bridges As an example, the moment demand is
according to [DIN-FB 101, 2009]-IV, Table determined for the rare combination of
C.2 actions in span 1 (x = 5.60 m). The
Influence Traffic load Tempera internal forces due to pre-tension are not
tur included, as either their characteristic
values Pk,sup/inf = rsup/inf ∙ Pm,t (according to
Designation TS UDL Tk [DIN-FB 102, 2009], section or
the mean value Pm,t must be taken into
ψ0 0,75 0,40 0,80 a account for the various verifications.
All stress verifications for the cross-
ψ1 0,75 0,40 0,60 section above the internal column are
ψ2 0,20 0,20 0,50 carried out with the rounded column
moment (see Table 8.5-29). The authors
1 ψ′ 0,80 0,80 0,80 recommend that the column moment
a inthe serviceability limit state is relevant for from the action g1 should always be
verification. rounded out for the action combination g1
+ p, because if the moment Mg1 (without
rounding out) on the underside of the
The combinations of actions specified structure is too large, this action
in Table 8.5-27 are differentiated for the combination would result in apparently
serviceability limit states. The required ψ- too high compressive stresses due to g1 +
factors are given in Table 8.5-28. p, which do not act at all in reality. At least
this should
always be checked.

ME, rare = Mc, gk1 =1 .653 MNm

+ Mc,gk2 =0 .448 MNm
+ Mc,qk1 =0 .593 + 1.184 =1 .777 MNm
+ ψ0 ∙ Mc,∆Tk =0 .80 ∙ 0.450 =0 .360 MNm
ME, rare = 94.
688 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-29 Moments at the detection points due to the combination of actions
Position Combination of effects

rare non-frequent frequent quasi-

ME [MNm] ME [MNm] ME [MNm] permanent
ME [MNm]
Field 1 (x = 5.6 m) 4,238 3,793 3,245 2,682
Column B ( x = 16.0 m) -6,551/-5,964 a -6,023/-5,471 -5,588/-5,067 -4,909/-4,458
Field 2 (x = 26.0 m) 4,854 4,233 3,588 2,985
a non-rounded out moment/rounded out moment. Verifications in the serviceability limit stresses under the rare combination of
states in the longitudinal direction of the bridge effects exceed the value fctm . The following
applies to the concrete used: fctm = 3.2
N/mm2. If the cross-section is in state I, the Limiting the voltages
stresses due to dead load g1 and
Verification of the cracked or uncracked prestressing force P m,t= 0 are calculated
cross-section using the net cross-sections (see Table 8.5-
The stresses are determined on the cracked 22). The calculation of the stresses due to
(condition II) or uncracked (condition I) the effects that are applied after the bond
cross-section, depending on the load [DIN- between prestressing steel and concrete has
FB 102, 2009], Section In general, been created is carried out using ideal
the cracked condition should be assumed if cross-section values. As can be seen in Fig.
the tensile stresses calculated in the 8.5-56, the cross-section in the middle of
uncracked condition are too high. span 2

Figure 8.5-56 Maximum cross-sectional edge stresses σc [N/mm2] due to rare combinations of actions and
characteristic prestressing forces P kt→ ∞
8.5 Concrete 689

Fig. 8.5-57 Minimum cross-sectional edge stresses σc [N/mm2] due to non-frequent and quasi-
permanent action combination and the mean prestressing force P m,t = 0 immediately after the
prestressing force is applied to the component

Fig. 8.5-58 Minimum cross-sectional boundary stresses σc [N/mm2] due to non-frequent and quasi-
permanent action combination and the mean prestressing force P m,t → ∞ after the prestressing
force losses have occurred

(from x = 24.8 to 26.0 m) to state II. 0.6 ∙ fck = 0.6 ∙ 35 = 21 N/mm2 ( 8.5-98)
(for non-frequent exposure
Verification of the permissible combination)
concrete compressive stresses 0.45 ∙ fck = 0.45 ∙ 35
For prestressed concrete components, the = 15 N/mm2 (8.5-99)
concrete compressive stresses must be
(for quasi-permanent action
limited under the non-frequent as well as
under the quasi-permanent action
combination and the mean value of the Figures 8.5-57, 58 show that the amounts
pre-tension P .m,t of the concrete edge stresses at approach
690 8 Calculation

of the mean value of the pre-tension at no εs1 , εs2 Distortions of the reinforcing
time, neither under the non-frequent nor steel as a result of external
under the quasi-permanent effect influences
combination, exceeds the permissible ∆εp Elongation of the prestressing
stress values. steel due to external influences
exceed the limits. ε (0)
p,p Pre-expansion of the prestressing steel
x Height of the concrete pressure zone
Verification of the permissible h- xheight of the concrete
reinforcing steel stresses
To prevent non-elastic strains in the tension zone Resulting forces:
reinforcing steel, the tensile stresses in the Fs1 = εs1 ∙ Es ∙ As1 (8.5-101)
steel should not exceed the value 0.8 ∙ fyk
Fs2 = -εs2 ∙ Es ∙ As2 (8.5-102)
under the non-frequent action
combination and the characteristic values (0)
Fp = (∆εp + εp,p ) ∙ Ep ∙ Ap (8.5-103)
of the pre-tension, taking into account the
time-dependent prestressing force losses Fc = -εc2 ∙ Ec ∙ x/2 ∙ b (8.5-104)
(Table 8.5-11).
Fct = -εc1 ∙ Ec ∙ (h - x)/2 ∙ b (8.5-105)
σs ≤ 0.8 ∙ fyk = 0.8 ∙ 500 = 400 N/mm2
m it:
x = εc2 ∙ ds1 /(εc2 - εs1 )(8.5-
The reinforcing steel stresses are verified
in the cracked cross-section. The material
εc1 = ε + h/d ∙ (ε - ε ) (8.5-107)
behavior of both the concrete and the c2 s1 s1 c2

reinforcing steel is assumed to be linearly εs2 = εc2 + ds2 /ds1 ∙ (εs1 - ε )c2 (8.5-108)
elastic. Furthermore, it is assumed that the ∆εp = εc2 + dp /ds1 ∙ (εs1 - εc2 )(8.5-109)
deformed cross-section remains flat and
that there is a perfect bond between the Equilibrium conditions:
prestressing steel or reinforcing steel and
the concrete. The forces acting in the ∑ F = 0 = Fs1 + Fp + Fct - Fc - Fs2
transverse section, Figure 8.5-59, and the (8.5-110)
equations for calculating the resulting steel ∑ M = 0 = Fs1 ∙ (ds1 - d )p
forces are given below. + Fct ∙ ((2 ∙ h + x )/3 - d )p
It means: + Fc ∙ (dp - x/3)
σc1 , σc2 Concrete stresses at the drawn or + Fs2 ∙ (dp - ds2 ) - ME - M*c,p
pressed edge (8.5-111)
Fct , Fc Resulting tensile force or
compressive force in the concrete Depending on whether the calculations are
Fs1 , Fs2 Resulting tensile force or carried out on the uncracked or cracked
compressive force in the cross-section, the concrete tensile stresses
reinforcing steel Eq. (8.5-105) must be taken into account or
Fp Resulting tensile force in not. The statically indeterminate
prestressing steel component of the moment due to pre-
ME Moment due to external tension can be determined from the total
influences moment as follows:
M*c,p Statically indeterminate M*c,p = Mc,p - zcp ∙ P (8.5-112)
component of the moment from
pre-tensioning By calculating the distortion pair
εc1 , εc2 Distortions of the concrete at the εs1 and εc2 , in which the equilibrium
drawn or pressed edge
8.5 Concrete 691

Figure 8.5-59 Concrete stresses, resulting forces and distortions on the prestressed transverse section

conditions are met at the cross-section, statically indeterminate portion of the

the resulting forces are obtained. The moment from pre-tension:
reinforcing steel stress follows from:
0.9 ∙ M*c,p = 0.9 ∙ 1.742/4.5
σs1 = Fs1 /As1 = εs1 ∙ Es (8.5- = 0.348 MNm/m
preload force:
Figure 8.5-60 shows that the verification of
the reinforcing steel stresses only has to be 0.9 ∙ Pm,t→∞ = 0.9 ∙ 12.037/4.5
carried out in the middle of span 2. = 2.407 MN/m
Maximum moment due to non-frequent Static height of reinforcing steel: ds1 =
action combination:
0.720 m Static height of prestressing steel:
ME = 4.233/4.5 = 0.941 MNm/m
dp = 0.675 m

Figure 8.5-60 Maximum cross-sectional boundary stresses σcu [N/mm2] due to non-frequent
combination of effects and characteristic prestressing force 0.9 ∙ P k,t → ∞
692 8 Calculation

Cross-sectional area of constant action combination after

deduction of the clamping force losses to a
prestressing steel: As1 = 10.26 ∙
value of 0.65 ∙ fpk (Table 8.5-12).
10-4 cm2/m Cross-sectional area
σp ≤ 0.65 ⋅ fpk = 0.65 ⋅1770 = 1150 N mm2
of prestressing steel:
Ap = 243.0/ 9.0 = 27.0 cm2/m
The system of equations given above, Eqn.
Solution of the system of equations Eqs. (8.5-109, -110), can also be used to
(8.5-110, 8.5-111): determine the prestressing steel stresses in
the cracked cross-section.
Reinforcing steel elongation: εs1 = 0.153‰ In this example, calculated tensile
stresses only occur under the decisive
Concrete compression: εc2 = -0.312‰
action combination at the lower edge of
Total elongation of the prestressing steel: the component immediately to the right
and left of the support (axis 20 or axis 30)
εp = ε(0)
p,p+ ∆εp = 4.57 + 0.12 = 4.69‰ (Fig. 8.5-61). The maximum tensile stress is
Concrete edge stress: σc2 = -10.4 N/mm2 max σcu = 0.37 N/mm2.
Reinforcing steel stress:
The tendon is located in this area
σs1 = 31 N/mm2 < 400 N/mm2 above the center of gravity of the component, i.e.
Prestressing steel stress: σp = 916 N/mm in the compression zone. Therefore, no
significant increase in prestressing steel
The stress in the reinforcing steel is stresses is to be expected.
considerably lower than the permissible
It is easier to determine the reinforcing Limit states of decompression and
steel stresses at the uncracked cross- crack formation
section if it is assumed that the reinforcing
steel fiber undergoes the same distortion Proof of decompression
under load as the adjacent concrete fiber: For bridge superstructures, no concrete
εcs1 = εs1 . tensile stresses may occur at the edge
The concrete distortions result from closest to the tendon under the governing
at any point on the cross-section for pre- action combination (Table 8.5-9).
tensioning with subsequent bracing:
σc σ⎛ Nc,p Mc,g1+Mc,p Nc,E Mc,g2 +Mc,q +Mc,T ⎞ (8.5-114)
ε= = + + + E
c ⎜ Wcn Aci ⎟ c
Ec ⎝ Acn Wci ⎠

The stress in the reinforcing steel follows

from equation (8.5-113). In this calculation example, the
requirement of decompression was used
Verification of the permissible as the basis for determining the tendon
prestressing steel stresses position and the magnitude of the
The tensile stresses in the prestressing required prestressing force, see Section
steel in each cross-section are equal to the
mean value of the pre-tension Pm,t→∞
under the quasi
8.5 Concrete 693

Figure 8.5-61 Maximum cross-sectional boundary stresses σc [N/mm2] due to quasi-permanent action
combination and the mean prestressing force P m,t → ∞ after the loss of prestressing force has occurred

In this case, decompression is the quasi- no tensile stresses occur that exceed the
permanent decompression. The preload value 0.85 ∙ fctk;0.05 (Table 8.5-9). The
force must be set at the characteristic following applies to this example:
values. Tightening
In addition, it must be demonstrated for
road bridges that under the decisive σc ≤ 0.85 ⋅ fck = 0.85 ⋅ 2.2 = 1.8 N mm2
impact combination at the lower edge of (8.5-116)
the component

Fig. 8.5-62 a) Tendon position in longitudinal section, b) maximum cross-sectional edge stresses
σc [N/mm2] due to quasi-permanent action combination and characteristic pre-tensioning force Pk,
t →∞
694 8 Calculation

Figure 8.5-62 shows the position of the Maximum torque as a result of frequent
tendon in longitudinal section and the combinations of actions:
maximum cross-sectional edge stresses. It
can be seen that concrete tensile stresses ME = 3.588/4.5 = 0.797 MNm/m
always occur at the edge of the component statically indeterminate portion of the
that has the greater distance to the tendon. moment from pre-tension:
Furthermore, the concrete tensile stresses
at the lower edge do not exceed the 0.9 ∙ M*c,p = 0.9 ∙ 1.742/4.5
permissible value of σc = 1.8 N/mm2. = 0.348 MNm/m
preload force:
Verification of the limitation of the
crack width in the longitudinal 0.9 ∙ Pm,t→∞ = 0.9 ∙ 12.037/4.5
direction = 2.407 MN/m
In order to demonstrate the calculation
process, the limitation of the crack width Static height of reinforcing steel: ds1 =
is also verified by a direct calculation. The
0.720 m Static height of prestressing steel:
calculated value of the crack width wk ≤
0.2 mm must be verified. dp = 0.675 m Cross-sectional area of
reinforcing steel:
Calculation of the crack width in field 1
an As1 = 10.26 cm2/m
the point x = 5.60 m:
Cross-sectional area of prestressing
1 ξ= ξ ⋅ ds dp
Ap = 243.0/9.0 = 27.0 cm2/m
dp = 1.6 ⋅ Ap1 = 1,6 13,5 = 5.88 cm
⋅ For comparison, the internal forces on the
cross-section in states I and II are
ds = 1.4 cm
determined, see Table 8.5-30.
0.5 (forstrands in subsequent
bonding [DIN-FB 102, 2009], Ac,eff = 4.5 ⋅ 0.07 = 0.315 m2
Table 4.115 a)
As1 = 4.5 ⋅10.26 = 46.17cm /m2
1 ξ= 0,5 ⋅ 1,4 = 0,35
5,88 Ap = 4.5 ∙ 243.0/9.0 = 121.5 cm2/m
Effective range of the
reinforcement: 2.5 ∙ d1 = 2.5 ∙ (5.5 As1 + ξ1 2 ⋅ A
eff ρ =
+ 1.4 + 1.4/2)
= 19 cm � 0.19 m

h- x 80 - 67 46,17 ⋅10-4 + 0,352 ⋅121,5 ⋅10-4

= = = 0,019
≈ 7 cm � 0.07 m < 0.19 0,315
2 2
The height of the concrete compression o rence of the
c tension force ρtot
zone x is calculated at the cracked cross-
section according to requirement category c losses using Eq.
C under the f r e q u e n t combination of u (8.5-105).
actions and with 0.9 ∙ P m,t → ∞ after the r
8.5 Concrete 695
As1 + Ap

46,17 ⋅10-4 + 121,5 ⋅10-4

= = 0,053
net. σs2 = 0.0088 10.26 ⋅104 = 8.6 MN m2
696 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-30 Internal forces at the cross-section at point x = 26.0 m under frequent action combination
and Pm,t→∞ in states I and II
Internal forces Cross section in
Condition I Condition II
Concrete compression εc2 [‰] -0,2263 -0,2389
Elongation at the drawn edge εc1 [‰] 0,0452 0,0741
Reinforcing steel elongation εs1 [‰] 0,0180 0,0428
Elongation of the prestressing steel εp [‰] 4,5752 4,5976
Height of the concrete pressure zone [m] 0,667 0,611
resulting concrete compressive force [MN/m] 2,5127 2,4294
resulting concrete tensile force Fct [MN/m] 0,1001 0
resulting force in the reinforcing steel [MN/m] 0,0037 0,0088
resulting force in the prestressing [MN/m] 2,4089 2,4206
steel Fp

⎛ 1 1⎞ Verification of the limitation of the

σs = σs2 + 0,4 ⋅ ct,eff ⋅ ⎜ρρ
efftot-⎟ crack width in the transverse direction
⎝ ⎠ The following applies to the transverse direction of
⎛the1 bridge
- 1⎞
= 8,6 + 0,4 ⋅ 3,2 ⋅ requirement class D. The verification of the crack
⎜ 0,019 width limitation must therefore be carried
⎝ ⎠
053 out under the frequent combination of
0, effects (Table 8.5-5).

= 52 MN m2

αe = 195/33.3 = 5.86 The superposition of the moments my

of the individual load cases, taking into
εsm - εcm = (σs - 0.4 ∙ fct,eff /eff ρ account the corresponding combination
∙ (1 + αs ∙ eff ))/Es factors (Table 8.5-28), results in the
decisive moments given in Table 8.5-31.
= (52 - 0,4 ∙ 3,2/0,019 The verification of the limitation of the
∙ (1 + 5,86 ∙ 0,019))/200000 crack width is carried out with the
= -0,11 ∙ 10-3 < 0,16 ∙ 10-3 maximum moment in the slab above the
column without direct calculation.
= 0.6 ∙ 52/200000 = 0.6 ∙ σs /Es The values resulting from the combination of
ds 1,4 The resulting steel stress is measured at the
smax = =
3.6 ⋅ eff ρ3.6 ⋅ 0.007 wk = sr,max ∙ (εsm - εcm ) = 60 ∙ 0.16 ∙ 10-3
52 ⋅1.4 σ s ⋅ d s = 0.01 mm < 0.2 mm
= 56 cm > 6 cm = =
3,6 ⋅ 3,2 3,,6 ⋅ fct,eff
8.5 Concrete 697
cracked cross-section via the
force and moment equilibrium
Eqn. (8.5-110, 8.5-111).

Maximum torque as a result of

frequent combinations of
my = 0.167 MNm/m
698 8 Calculation

Table 8.5-31 Governing moments due to frequent combinations of actions

Influence ψ my [kNm/m]

Fields 1/3 Supports B/C Field 2

max min max min max min

Dead load g1 1,00 -97,5 6,4 -123,0 -124,3 16,4 9,7

Expansion load g2 1,00 -30,5 -30,0 -32,3 -38,8 -32,8 -32,7

Preload force 1,00 168,0 -94,0 183,5 176,8 -74,8 -84,3

Pm, t →∞

UDL qUDL 0,40 -5,7 -4,6 4,1 3,9 6,0 -2,3

TS qTS 0,75 11,3 -6,1 6,0 5,9 52,9 0,0

ΔTM 0,50 240,2 -52,2 265,1 -143,2 51,9 -41,2

Frequent EWK 166,3 -150,2 166,9 -94,8 -23,2 -128,8

static height of reinforcing steel: resulting concrete compressive force:

dsq1 = 0.730 m Fc = -0.237 MN/m
Cross-sectional area of reinforcing steel, ∅ Concrete edge stress: σc2 = -5.3 N/ mm2 Force
in the reinforcing steel: Fs1 = 0.237 MN/m
asq1 = 10.26 cm2/m
Reinforcing steel stress: σsq1 = 231 N/mm2
Solution of the system of equations (8.5-
The crack width is limited to permissible
110, 8.5-111):
values if the diameter or the spacing of the
Reinforcing steel elongation: εs1 = reinforcing bars is limited depending on
the stress. The diameter of the existing
1.155‰ Concrete compression: εc2 = -
reinforcement in the transverse direction
0.160‰ Height of the concrete (∅ 14/15) is checked here. To apply Table
8.5-14, the limit diameter d*s is calculated
compression zone:
from the condition Eq. (8.5-80).
x = 0.089 m
Lever arm of the internal forces:
zs1 = 0.700 m
⎧ * fct,eff * 3,2 * ⎫
⎪⎪ds ⋅ fct = ds ⋅ = ds ⎪
d≥ , 3.0 ⎪ ⇒ ds * = 1.4 1.07
0 ⋅1.07
s⎨ 231⋅10,26 ⋅10-4 ⎬
σ sII ⋅ As
⎪ds *⋅ = ds = ds *⋅ = 1.3 cm
*⋅ 0.28⎪
⎪⎩ 4 ⋅ (h - d) ⋅ b ⋅ fct,0 4⋅(0.80 - 0.73) ⋅1.0 ⋅ 3.0 ⎪⎭
8.5 Concrete 699
For the determined limit diameter, taking Table 8.6.1-1. It lists the European
into account the assumed calculated value regulations and the current status for
of the crack width wk = 0.2 mm, the bridge and foundation construction in
admissible concrete-steel stress follows Germany. At present, the definitions of the
from Table 8.5-14: individual specialist areas at the interfaces
do not yet appear to be entirely consistent,
permissible σs = 240 N/mm2 > 231 N/mm2
which is why transitional regulations have
= present σsq1 been made in some cases. However, the
The crack width has been verified. For the verification concept of calculating in
other values my under frequent boundary conditions is the universal basis.
combinations of actions according to
Table 8.5-31, verification is not required.
8.6.2 Calculation of abutments Actions on abutments

8.6 Calculation of substructures
URSULA FREUNDT Regardless of the design of the abutments,
the main actions are:
8.6.1 Introduction • Permanent effects
Once the design and thus the construction – Dead loads of the abutment itself
of the substructures are available, proof – Dead loads of the superstructure
must be provided that the building including its removal loads
structure can be placed under the
– Loads from earth pressure
external influences always has a stable
• variable effects
equilibrium and the strengths of the
– vertical and horizontal traffic loads
materials used are not exceeded. The
on the superstructure and the
proof of equilibrium is provided by
– Caps in the wing area
comparing the stabilizing and destabilizing
– Earth pressure from the traffic load
forces and the proof of strength is
on the backfill
provided by comparing the absorbable
– Forces resulting from deformations
stresses and the stresses due to external
in the bearing joint
actions. The external actions and the load-
• Exceptional effects
bearing capacity of the subsoil must be
– Impact loads on safety barriers and
known for both verification groups. For the
strength verification, a suitable model
must be selected to determine the internal The basic action arrangement for a simple
forces. abutment wall with attached splitting of
The determination of internal forces trains is shown in the example under
and the verification of substructures shown.
requires sufficient knowledge of the The actions are described in [DIN EN
fundamentals of actions, structural design, 1991-2, 2004] and [DIN-FB 101, 2009].
concrete construction and foundation written.
engineering. In the same way, design For road bridges, the characteristic
principles of the above-mentioned loads of the load models of the
disciplines are required. A compilation of superstructure apply to the traffic load on
the current regulations is the backfill. To simplify matters, the loads
of the double axis can be determined by a
uniformly distributed
8.6 Calculation of substructures 693

Table 8.6.1-1 Overview of current regulations

European standards German standards
1. fundamentals of structural engineering and actions on structures
DIN EN 1990 DIN Technical Report 101 Actions on
Eurocode: Fundamentals of structural bridges
DIN EN 1991-1
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
- Parts 1 to 7: General actions
DIN EN 1991-2
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures -
Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges
2. material and construction
DIN EN 1992
Eurocode 2: Design and construction of DIN Technical Report 102 Concrete bridges
Reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete
3. fundamentals and effects from the subsoil, regulations for foundations
DIN EN 1997 DIN 1054
Eurocode 7: Design, calculation and Subsoil - safety certificates for earthworks
dimensioning and foundation engineering
solution in geotechnics
DIN 4017
Building ground - Calculation of the ground
resistance of shallow foundations
DIN V 4019-100
Soil - Settlement calculations - Part 100:
Calculation according to the concept with
partial safety factor
health coefficients
DIN 4085
Soil - Calculation of the earth pressure
4. construction
DIN EN 1992-2
Eurocode 2: Design and construction of
DIN Technical Report 102 Concrete bridges
reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete
structures -
Part 2: Concrete bridges
DIN EN 1993-2
Eurocode 3: Design and construction of DIN Technical Report 103 Steel bridges
Steel structures - Part 2: Steel bridges
DIN EN 1994-2
Eurocode 4: Design and construction of
composite steel and concrete structures - DIN Technical Report 104 Composite bridges
Part 2: General design rules and
Application rules for bridges
DIN EN 1995-2
Eurocode 5: Design and construction of
Timber structures - Part 2: Bridges
694 8 Calculation

load on a load area of 3.0 m (transverse For components where movement in the
direction) by 5.0 m (longitudinal direction). direction of earth pressure is not possible,
The load spread may be assumed to be at the earth pressure should be used for both
an angle of 30° to the vertical. verification groups, irrespective of the
In the case of railroad bridges, the foundation.
ultimate loads for calculating the earth
pressures under the tracks may be
assumed to be evenly distributed over a Determination of internal
width of 3.00 m at a depth of 0.7 m below forces of abutments
the top edge of the track, whereby
dynamic effects are not taken into A suitable load-bearing model is required to
account. determine the internal forces. Abutments
The magnitude of the earth pressure are spatially acting structures consisting of
depends not only on the properties of the three surface support systems. The available
backfill, but also on the stiffness of the computing technology and software allows
structure and the subsoil. modeling by means of volume elements,
A description of the earth pressure the consideration of suitable soil models
calculation is beyond the scope of this and the approach of physically non-linear
chapter. The leaflet on the influence of working lines and thus a realistic
backfill on structures [Ar- beitsausschuss: calculation. In practice, calculation results
Einfluss der Hinterfüllung auf Bauwerke, and effort must be in an acceptable ratio.
1994] recommends regulations based on According to our current experience,
economic considerations. According to this, abutments are stable and have a low
in the case of structures whose movement susceptibility to damage. The complex load-
in the direction of earth pressure does not bearing behavior has therefore also been
have to be restricted: well recorded to date. Therefore, a brief
• compliant foundation for the verification outline of the calculation methods and a
recommendation for the current
of stable equilibrium and the active
calculation follow.
earth pressure for the strength
The literature on the problem of
• In the case of unyielding foundations, calculating abutments is not extensive. A
self-contained treatise [Eibl et al., 1973-2]
the active earth pressure must be taken
on the calculation of abutments was
into account for the verification of the
published in 1973
stable equilibrium and the earth
pressure for the strength verifications.

Figure 8.6.2-1 Load-bearing model for simple abutment wall

8.6 Calculation of substructures 695

and supplemented in the 1979 and 1988 In 1990 [Holst, 1990-2] and 1993 [Holst,
editions [Eibl et al., 1988]. 1993], Holst also published a self-
For the abutment wall with cantilevered contained work on determining the
splitting of trains, [Eibl et al., 1988] internal forces of abutments. A folded
assumes that the slab and plate effects can structure is chosen as the load-bearing
be treated separately. The corresponding model for the box abutment. Folded
load-bearing model is a slab restrained in structures are composed of flat surfaces
the foundation plane, as shown in Figure that act as plates and/or disks depending
8.6.2-1. The loads on the cantilever wings on their load-bearing capacity. As the
are treated as edge load cases of the thickness of the abutment walls can no
restrained slab. Moment tables are longer be considered small in relation to
available for the common load cases and their length and width, the extended plate
geometries. Kirchhoff's plate theory has theory according to Mindlin/Reissner is
been applied. applied. This means the approximate
For the box abutment, the consideration of the shear deformations of
preconditions mentioned in [Eibl et al., the slab. Rigid clamping is assumed in the
1988], separate treatment of disk and plate foundation plane. For the practical
action and the validity of Kirchhoff's plate determination of the moments and shear
theory, are retained. A plate clamped on forces due to centric and eccentric loads,
two sides is selected as the load-bearing table values are provided in graphical
model for the splitting of trains and a form depending on the geometry of the
plate clamped on three sides for the abutment wall and splitting of trains.
abutment wall, see Figure 8.6.2-2. A Linear-elastic material behavior is
moment compensation is proposed assumed. In [Holst, 1993] and in [Holst,
between the clamping moments of the 1990-2] calculation tables for the internal
splitting of trains and the abutment wall. forces of abutments are published. Thus,
The elastic restraint of the abutment wall tools are available in the literature that
and the splitting of trains in the allow an economic calculation.
foundation is taken into account by The load-bearing behavior of box-type
reducing the rigid restraint moments abutments is therefore well captured with
depending on the foundation and soil the load-bearing model of the thick-walled
stiffness. For the chamber wall, an folded structure, since:
infinitely long half strip clamped on two
sides is selected as the load-bearing model. • the interactive plate and disk effect of
Moment tables are also available for the individual flat surfaces such as wing
practical application. wall and abutment wall is taken into

Figure 8.6.2-2 Support model for box abutments

696 8 Calculation

• the external actions are differentiated comparative calculations are presented.

with regard to their load application The following key results can be derived
• the theory of thick plates takes into from the assumptions made:
account the real measurements and thus
reflects the deformation state well Consideration of the shear distortion of
the plates (theory of thick plates) If the
A "realistic" model for determining the
shear distortion of the plates is not taken
internal forces is therefore a thick-walled
into account, the deformation
folded structure that is clamped in a
compatibility at the common edges of the
foundation beam, which in turn is
abutment wall and splitting of trains is not
elastically supported.
given. As a result, the clamping moment at
Practical engineers usually model the
the joint increases significantly.
box-shaped abutment as a folded
By neglecting the shear distortions, the
structure, but on the basis of Kirchhoff's
moments are thus locally overestimated in
plate theory. This corresponds to the
the abutment wall-splitting of trains near the
widely used commercial software.
foundation. However, the magnitude is not
With the introduction of the
relevant for the reinforcement calculation.
calculation according to limit states, the
effect of the consideration of non-linear Consideration of foundation and floor
material behavior on the one hand and the rigidity
influence of different model assumptions The rigid bearing of the foundation results
for the determination of internal forces on in a high degree of restraint between the
the other hand become interesting. abutment wall and the foundation. In
In [Lerchner/Hartl, 2001], the reality, only a moderate clamping of the
following are described for rectangular abutment wall in the foundation is
box abutments with simplified load achieved.

Figure 8.6.2-3 Consideration of the clamping ratios according to [Lerchner/Hartl, 2001].

8.6 Calculation of substructures 697

Figure 8.6.2-3 shows the basic ratios for The center area of the abutment wall can
different assumptions. be reduced.
For abutments with attached, not
Internal forces with assumption independently founded wing walls, the
of non-linear material behavior same statements apply to the modeling for
In [Lerchner/Hartl, 2001], a castellated determining the internal forces. Since the
abutment with external dimensions of the splitting of trains and the abutment wall
abutment wall of 9 m and the splitting of are not connected over the entire height,
trains of 4.5 m was loaded from the inside the interactions are smaller and therefore
with dead load and a uniform earth the internal forces are not so strongly
pressure of 0.05 MN/m² and calculated influenced by the modeling.
assuming non-linear material behavior. The modeling shown is applicable for
The result is that the resulting determining the internal forces of the final
compressive stresses remain small and the state and the construction stages. A typical
tensile stresses do not lead to cracking. This construction stage is the partial backfilling
corresponds to our own experience and the of the abutments or the falsework support
known fact that abutments rarely receive for the superstructure on the foundation
more than the minimum reinforcement projection. The model components allow
and usually only in the case of skewed this illustration.
designs. It has already been pointed out in When new bridges are built as part of
Chapter 7 that the geometry is often new roads, the entire bridge is often
determined by the design of the completed and the backfilling is only
superstructure and the bearings. carried out during the earthworks of the
Furthermore, it is shown that the wing route. The supporting structure is already
deformations from the load stress alone in place and the roadway crossings have
due to creep and shrinkage of the concrete also been installed. In these cases, the
i n c r e a s e threefold compared to linear deformations of the abutment due to
elastic behavior due to the non-linear backfilling must be taken into account.
behavior of the material without cracking The concreting of the abutment wall on
occurring. There is therefore a small the already hardened foundation is another
transfer of internal forces from the splitting construction stage that must be taken into
of trains to the abutment wall, and the account. The decaying hydration heat
moments of restraint in the func leads to shortening of the abutment wall,
dament increase slightly. which is hindered by the foundation. This
It can be concluded that a physically results in rising cracks in the wall.
non-linear load-bearing behavior of Although the model shown is in principle
abutments in the ultimate limit state does suitable for capturing this situation, it
not have to be taken into account for requires the foundation to be modeled. A
practical calculations. model of coupled disks is simpler.
As a structural model, the folding As a rule, design rules [ZTV-ING] are
structure provides sufficiently accurate available to take this problem into account.
design internal forces using Kirchhoff's This means that a calculation is only
theory and taking into account the required for deviating geometries.
foundation and soil stiffness. The results Up to now, the presentation of the
of the edge restraint moments between the structural models was oriented towards
abutment wall and the wing can be the determination of the global internal
applied to the restraint moment of the forces.
698 8 Calculation

orthogonal directions to each other as a

plane problem according to disk theory.
This allows the stresses to be determined
in a straightforward manner. Results
obtained experimentally are still the best
basis for comparison, taking into account
the boundary conditions on which the test
is based. Figure 8.6.2-4 compares measured
and calculated splitting tensile stresses
and splitting tensile forces from [Mildner,
1984]. The quantitatively and qualitatively
good recording via the disk theory
becomes clear. Calculation example -

verification for abutments

The internal forces are used for the

Figure 8.6.2-4 Comparison of splitting tensile
verification of the abutment. The
stresses/forces designations and symbols used in the
following correspond to [DIN-FB 101,
2009] and [DIN-FB 102, 2009].
Local effects must also be taken into The verifications for the foundation and for
account. the abutment body must be carried out.
The verifications of the foundation and
The upper end of the abutment wall is thus also the stability of the abutment are
designed as a bearing bench for dealt with in Section 8.6.4. In this section,
superstructures supported by bearings. the strength verifications of the abutment
The bearing loads of the superstructure and splitting of trains walls as well as the
applied via the bearing surface generate chamber wall are dealt with using the
transverse tensile stresses, also known as example of a simple abutment wall with
splitting tensile stresses, in the bearing attached splitting of trains.
bench, which are caused by the
propagating compressive stresses. If the 1. Impacts
partial area load in the component can In addition, different effects must be taken
spread evenly, a spatial stress state with into account depending on the structure,
transverse tensile stresses in all directions manufacturing process and construction
is created. To simplify matters, the progress.
determination can be divided into two

Table 8.6.2-1 Soil parameters for backfill and foundation of the calculation example
Soil layer Weights γ Weights γ′ Friction angle Stiffness
] [kN/m3
] φ′ modulus
Esk [MN/m2]
Backfill 19 9 34°
Foundation 19 9 30° 80
8.6 Calculation of substructures 699

Figure 8.6.2-5 Geometry of the calculation example

Table 8.6.2-2 Material characteristics for the loads from the construction stages, such
abutment as loads from the shoring and the
Concrete C 25/30 fck = 25 N/mm2 formwork for the superstructure, partial
backfilling of the root store before the
Ecm = 26 700 N/mm2 superstructure is stored and traffic loads
resulting from the technical construction
Reinforcing fyk = 500 N/mm2
steel BSt 500 process (compaction earth pressure,
Es = 200 000 N/mm2 construction vehicles, intermediate storage
of building materials).
700 8 Calculation

Table 8.6.2-3 Calculation example - Permanent actions

8.6 Calculation of substructures 701

Table 8.6.2-3 continued

Earth pressure and vertical surcharge from backfill (Eo)

With /k - 19 kN/m*, Qk" "- 34° UK WL wall UK e 1 - - 3 5 .2 kN/m2

kg --1-sin 34° - - 0 .441 foundation UK e 2 - - 4 5 .2 kN/m*
the earth pressure at the relevant points rear UK splitting eos - - 1 1 .5 kN/m*
results in of trains UK front eo4 - - 2 7 .5 kN/m*


e 3
702 8 Calculation

Table 8.6.2-4 Calculation example - Variable actions

8.6 Calculation of substructures 703

Table 8.6.2-4 continued

Earth pressure from live load on backfill (Q 1 backfill)
Load from traffic: from FS 1: TSFS1 "- 32.0+9.0 - 41.0 kN/m*
from FS 2: T S F S 2 - - 2 1 .3+2.5 -- 23.8 kN/m*

Load distribution areas: Fig-- 6.0 * 5.0 - - 3 0 .0 m*

OK Backfill: Aoz-- 3.0 * 5.0 - - 1 5 .0 m*
A 1 1 - (6+2*2.77)*(5+2.77)-- 89.7 m*
OK Foundation (load spread Aj2--(3+2"2, 77)*(5+2, 77)-- 66.4 m
below 30°)

Earth pressure distribution: Base load: eop1,o 0t441*23.8 - - 1 0 .5 kN/m*

eQp1,u 10 5*(30/89.7) - 3.5 kN/m'

Overload (FS1) eorz"--0.441*17.2 - - 7 .6 kN/m eQp2,u-7

6*(15/66.4) - - 1 .72 kN/m*


704 8 Calculation

Table 8.6.2-4 continued

8.6 Calculation of substructures 705

Table 8.6.2-5 Calculation example - Exceptional actions

The loads must be taken into account limit state of the load-bearing capacity are
after careful coordination with the shown in Figure 8.6.2-6.
construction company. Additional calculation locations are
useful for greater wall heights in order to
2. Determination of internal forces scale the reinforcement. In the area of the
The decisive points for determining the splitting of trains at the edge of the
required reinforcement in the abutment wall, the main moments and -

Fig. 8.6.2-6 Authoritative points for determining internal forces

706 8 Calculation

forces are not orthogonal to the edges. - EWK (action combination) 1: Traffic load
The design internal forces for the on backfill (traffic load group gr1, Table
reinforcement must be converted from 8.6.2-6)
the main internal forces to the direction of
reinforcement. The determination of MSd, gr1 = γG1*MG1 + γG2*MG2

internal forces for the calculation example + γE,G* ME,G + γQ*MQgr1, H

is modeled as a folded structure in
NSd, gr1 = γG1*NG1 + γG2*NG2
accordance with the recommendation in
Section using Kirchhoff's theory + γE,G* NE,G + γQ*NQgr1, H
and taking into account the foundation - EWK 2: Traffic load on superstructure
and soil stiffness. The internal forces of the (traffic load group gr2, Table 8.6.2-7)
individual actions are not shown here.
MSd, gr2 = γG1*MG1 + γG2*MG2 + γE,G* ME,G
3. Verification of the abutment The + γQ*[MQlk + ψ1, TS*MQ, TS
verifications for the ultimate limit state + ψ1,UDL*MQ, UDL]
and the serviceability limit state must be
performed. NSd,gr2 = γG1*NG1 + γG2*NG2 + γE,G* NE,G
+ γQ*[NQlk + ψ1,TS*NQ,TS
Verification for bending with
+ ψ1,UDL*NQ,UDL]
longitudinal force The verifications for
bending with longitudinal force in the The following verification combinations
ultimate limit state are carried out for the are to be investigated for the sash
permanent and temporary design clamping (location 3/5):
situation as well as the exceptional design
situation (impact on a slab) in the - EWK 3: Live load on backfill (live load
respective decisive design sections. group gr1, Table 8.6.2-8)
For the clamping point (location 2/4) MSd, gr1 = γG1*MG1 + γG2*MG2
of the abutment wall in the foundation + γE,G* ME,G + γQ*MQgr1,H
NSd, gr1 = γG1*NG1 + γG2*NG2
The following possible combinations of +γ *M + γ *N
ons are decisive: E,G E,G Q Qgr1,H

Table 8.6.2-6 Calculation example - design internal forces, EWK 1

mx my mxy nx ny nxy
[kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
∑ Location 51,09 291,79 2,43 -44,71 -213,88 -0,92
∑ Location 29,94 406,19 46,24 -11,81 -602,89 36,54

Table 8.6.2-7 Calculation example - design internal forces, EWK 2

mx my mxy nx ny nxy
[kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
∑ Location 42,69 241,3 24,85 -47,72 -222,39 -0,9
∑ Location 11,76 185,82 -25,19 -10,14 -500,56 30,15
8.6 Calculation of substructures 707

- EWK 4: Impact on scuff plate at the EWK 3 with:

splitting of trains (Table 8.6.2-9) γG1 = 1.35 for dead load of the abutment
MSd,A = γG1*MG1 + γG2*MG2 γG2 = 1.35 for dead load of the superstructure
+ γE,G* ME,G + MAd γE,G = 1.35 for earth pressure from backfill
γQ = 1.5 for traffic on backfill (eccentric load
NSd,A = γG1*NG1 + γG2*NG2
+ γE,G* NE,G + NAd
EWK (exceptional combination) 4 with:
EWK 1 with:
γG1 = 1.00 for dead load of the abutment
γ G1,inf = 1.0 for dead load of the abutment
γG2 = 1.00 for dead load of the superstructure
γ G2,inf = 1.0 for dead load of the
γG3 = 1.00 for earth pressure from backfill
superstructure γ G,E,sup = 1.35 for earth
γQ = 1.00 for side joint on splitting of trains
pressure from behind
filling Taking into account the design section
γQ = 1.5 for traffic on the rear foot sizes, the statically required reinforcement
(centric load position) in the ultimate limit state is given in Table
EWK 2 with: 8.6.2-10 for the decisive design cross-
γ G1,inf = 1.0 for dead load of the resistor
warehouses Verification for shear force
γ G2,inf = 1.0 for dead load of the VSd < VRd1 or VRd,ct (component without shear
superstructure force)
γ E,G,sup = 1.35 for earth pressure from reinforcement)
behind VSd < V Rd,sy (component with shear
filling reinforcement)
γQ = 1.5 for braking load on VSd < V Rd,max (Highest design value
Superstructure gr2 the shear force that can be
1 = ψ0.4 for associated vertical load absorbed without displacing
from traffic for braking load the compression struts)
1 = ψ0.75 for associated vertical load
Traffic for braking load (TS)

Table 8.6.2-8 Calculation example - design internal forces, EWK 3

mx my mxy nx ny nxy
[kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
∑ Location 244,28 -1,04 23,14 229,03 9,05 -20,31
∑ Location 177,03 27,57 59,34 131,34 -15,69 -14,33

Table 8.6.2-9 Calculation example - design internal forces, EWK 4

mx my mxy nx ny nxy
[kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
708 8 Calculation

∑ Location 226,15 -10,29 14,74 148,7 28,07 -7,96

∑ Location 164,26 28,84 56,84 154,41 16,13 0,89
8.6 Calculation of substructures 709

Table 8.6.2-10 Calculation example - bending reinforcement

Airside Earth side
Location as,x [cm2/m] as,y [cm2/m] as,x [cm2/m] as,y [cm2/m]
2 - - 1,64 (1) 4,56 (1)
4 0,89 (2) - 2,16 (1) 4,47 (1)

The decisive points for the verification of tensile reinforcement is approximated for
the shear force are the foundation the section plane under consideration as
connection of the abutment wall and the shown in Figure 8.6.2-8:
connection of the wing walls to the
abutment wall.
Z = 0.25 ⋅ F ⎡ - dc0 ⎤
Proof of torsion
SdSd ⎥
⎢1 dc1 ⎦
Proof of torsion can be provided for

abutment dimensions are generally not This results in the required splitting tensile
required. reinforcement:
Proof of concentrated load As,Z = fyk /γ s
In the area of the support bench under the
proof of the concentrated load application Proof of fatigue
must be provided. The absorbable partial The verification for fatigue is generally not
area load can be determined as follows: required for abutments of road bridges that
are not connected to the superstructure in
FRdu = Ac0 ⋅ fcd ⋅ Ac1 ≤ 3.0 fcd ⋅ Ac0 bending stiffness and cannot be walked on.
Ac0 For railroad bridges, the verification for
fatigue must be carried out.

with fcd = 0.85 ∙ γ

6 and Acl or Ac0 to
Figure 8.6.2-7 bench must be absorbed by reinforcement in the
The following must be taken into form of helixes or stirrups. The existing splitting
account for the corresponding exposure tensile force and the required splitting tensile force
combination: must be
– Permanent loads on the superstructure
– Variable loads from the superstructure
FSd = 1.35 FG + 1.5 FQgr1

The splitting tensile forces in the support

710 8 Calculation

Figure 8.6.2-7 Surfaces for determining

the a b s o r b a b l e partial surface load
8.6 Calculation of substructures 711

The crack width can be calculated as a

function of the steel stress or by directly
calculating the crack width.
To avoid wide individual cracks, a
minimum amount of reinforcement must
be provided in the areas of the bearing
cross-section close to the surface.
kc⋅ k ⋅ fct,eff
ρs of the drawn cross-section part Act of
the cross-section under
related reinforcement content
kc Coefficient to take into account the
Figure 8.6.2-8 Splitting tensile reinforcement stress distribution in the cross-
in the support bench section
σS Permissible stress in the concrete
reinforcement to limit the crack
In the serviceability limit state, stress width as a function of the limit
limitations and the limitation of crack diameter
widths must be verified. fct,eff - for cracking in young concrete,
z. e.g. hydration, equal to 0.5 fctm
Voltage limitations - if cracks form after 28 days:
The concrete stresses are to be limited to fctm � 3 N/mm2
0.6 fck under the non-frequent combination. k depends on the type of constraint
The tensile stress in the concrete-steel (internal, external) and the
reinforcement must be limited to 0.8 fyk component dimensions, the value is
for the non-frequent action combination. between 1 and 0.5.
The limitation of the crack width of the
Verification of the limitation
reinforcement determined in this way may
of crack widths
be verified by limiting the bar diameter.
The formation of cracks in the abutment
The abutment is constructed by
components must be limited in such a way
concreting the foundation, abutment walls
that proper use and appearance are not
and splitting of trains one after the other.
impaired. For reinforced concrete
During the cooling process of the walls,
structures, the design value of the crack
they are always subject to constraints, as
width is 0.2 mm, unless further
the foundation beam has already
requirements apply.
hardened. For this reason, a defined
Two verifications are required to limit
structural reinforcement [DIN-FB 102,
the crack width:
2009], is required for the
• Proof of minimum reinforcement substructures that are concreted onto
• the verification of the limitation of the existing components.
crack width either by a diameter and required.
distance limitation of the In addition to the listed determination
of internal forces and verification
procedures for abutment walls and wing
walls, the
712 8 Calculation

chamber wall. The chamber wall is Section 8.2) lists the facts and assessment
elastically clamped into the abutment wall criteria that require a determination of
and the wing wall. It withstands the effects internal forces on the overall system.
of earth pressure from backfill, earth For the purpose of calculation,
pressure from traffic on the backfill or from structures and structural components are
a braking load in the longitudinal classified as displaceable or non-
direction with a simultaneous vertical axle displaceable (better according to
load and restoring forces from the [Kordina/Quast, 2003] deformation-
roadway transition. influenced or deformation-uninfluenced).
In general:
Structures for which the influence of
8.6.3 Calculation of pillars and columns
pier head displacements on the internal
forces can be neglected are considered Effects on pillars and columns
to be non-displaceable.
Supports and pillars are subjected to Columns and piers are also components
stresses as a result of: that are primarily subjected to
compression and whose load-bearing
• permanent effects
capacity (even in a separate system) can
– Support reaction due to dead load of
be influenced by their horizontal
the superstructure
deformations along the pier axis (effects of
– Support reaction due to pre-tension
second-order theory). For the purposes of
– Dead load of column/pillar
the calculation, the individual
• variable effects
components are divided into displaceable
– Support reaction due to traffic
or non-displaceable and slender and non-
(vertical, horizontal)
slender individual components. The
– Support reaction due to wind on the
following also applies here:
superstructure (horizontal)
– Support reaction due to linear If the influence of the deformations on
temperature difference in the the internal forces can be neglected,
superstructure then the effects of the second-order
– Support reaction due to changes in theory need not be considered. order
the length of the superstructure need not be taken into account.
– Wind on support/pillar For practical handling, a quantification of
– linear temperature difference in the "negligible"
Arrow shaft and "lean" is desirable. This is regulated in
• extraordinary effects [DIN FB 102, 2009]. According to this, the
– Support reaction due to impact effects according to the II. order must be
situation on superstructure taken into account if they reduce the load-
– Direct impact on support/pillar bearing capacity by more than 10%.
Single compression members are
considered slender if they meet the Determination of internal following slenderness limits λ
forces and verifications of pillars and
columns λmax = 25 for |vEd | > 0.41

λmax = 16/ √ 3 | v E d 1 | for |vEd | < 0.41

A suitable load-bearing system is required
to determine the internal forces. In
Chapters 6 (Section 6.2) and 8 (Section
8.6 Calculation of substructures 713

and must then be verified taking into Deformations due to linear temperature
account the effects according to Th. II. differences across the pier cross-section
order. caused by thermal influences may be
considered as an additional initial
with λ = l0 /i
imperfection. Non-displaceable load-
l0 Replacement length of the vertical bearing structures or individual
component 31 compression members that are not
i Surface radius of gyration: i = √I/A considered slender do not need to be
vEd Related longitudinal force of the checked according to the second-order
component theory. order need not be verified.
NEd the. The verification of the internal forces
vEd = 9Ac ∙ f according to first-order theory is carried
2cd out
NEd Design value of the mean longitudinal then e.g. according to [DIN FB102, 2009, 4.3.1].
force of the individual compression In general, the effects of the II. order
member are to be determined by means of physical
Ac Cross-sectional area of the and geometrically non-linear
compression member determination of internal forces.
fcd Design value of the concrete Simplified assumptions for the stiffening
compressive strength influence from the effect of the concrete
on tension between the cracks and for the
The use of the equivalent length l0 is still moment-curvature relationship are given
reminiscent of the buckling problem with in Annex II of [DIN-FB 102, 2009].
equilibrium branching, although the For the determination of the effects of
verification in concrete construction is the II. order on the overall system can be
consistently designed as a deformation- found in Section 8.2 and in [DAfStb 525,
influenced ultimate load test. It would be 2003].
more obvious to determine equivalent For slender columns or piers that can be
lengths not according to equal buckling modeled as a single load-bearing system,
loads, but according to equal the effects according to theory
deformations. Corresponding comments II order can be determined using the model
can be found in [Quast/ Pfeiffer, 2003]. support method if the cross-section is
When determining the equivalent length l0 rectangular or circular and the design load
, the interactions between the structure and eccentricity according to theory
the ground and the bearing conditions at I. order e0 is at least h/10. As this situation
the base and head of the column must affects 80% of bridges in design practice,
again be taken into account. For the the model support method is explained
determination of internal forces, here.
uncertainties regarding the position and
direction of the longitudinal forces must Model support method
be taken into account by applying geome- Detailed explanations of the basic
trical equivalent imperfections. principles of the model support method
For single compression members, the can be found in [Kordina/Quast, 2003].
geometric equivalent imperfection may be The model support method described in
introduced by increasing the existing load [DIN-FB 102, 2009] transfers the
eccentricity of the longitudinal forces e0 verifications
by an additional eccentricity ea , acting in
an unfavorable direction.
1 l according to theory II. order into a transverse
e a= ⋅ 0
with 100 ⋅ 2
714 8 Calculation

s i design. The equivalent length l0 is only

e o used to calculate the additional load
c n eccentricity from deformations according
t to
l Total height of the supporting Theory II. Order.
structure in m
8.6 Calculation of substructures 715

The model column is defined as a If creep must be taken into account, this
cantilever column clamped at the base, may be done by increasing the curvature
which has a single-curved deformation by the factor Kφ.
figure under the external actions, with the
Kφ = 1 + β ∙ φeff ≥ 1
maximum moment occurring at the
column base. The smaller the H load and Here is
the related additional eccentricity e2 /h,
φeff the effective creep coefficient
the greater the H load, the more the real
curvature approaches the rectangular φeff - φ(∞,t0) ∙ M1,perm/M1,Ed
shape and the larger the related additional
M1,perm = Moment in the GZG due to
eccentricity, the more parabolic it
the quasi-permanent EWK
becomes. For large slendernesses with a
large additional eccentricity, an M1,Ed = Rated torque in the CCT
approximately parabolic curvature curve
β = 0.35 + fck /200 - λ/150 ≥ 0
results, so that this curve is used as a basis.
The second simplification of the model If creep does not have to be taken into account,
support method consists in the fact that, in Kφ = 1.0 applies.
principle, with the flow state belonging to
the flow state The additional e2 is calculated depending on the
the curvature is calculated. 1
This results approximately in: of the curvature of the am
1 2 ∙ ∙ Kφ ∙ εyd most stretched cross-section (in
4 2 = -
r 0,9 ∙ d clamping point):
according to Eq. (4.69) [DIN-FB 102, e2 = K ⋅ l2 ⋅
2009] with r
εyd Design value of the strain of the In this formulation, K is the coefficient for
reinforcement at the yield strength the curvature. For the assumed parabolic
d Effective height of the cross-section in shape, this is approx. 4/10 in relation to l or
the direction of stability failure 1/10 in relation to l0 . In addition, a factor
K1 is introduced, which regulates the
Within the equation, the coefficient K2 transition between the pure cross-
takes into account the decrease in sectional load-bearing capacity up to λ =
curvature with a simultaneous increase in 25 and the decisive support load-bearing
longitudinal forces. capacity from λ = 35. This results in
Nud - NEd
K2 = the additional funds e2 :
N ud - Nbal
with 4 l 2 l 21
e2 ≈ K ⋅ ⋅ = K ⋅ ⋅ 0
1 1 10
Nud Design value of the ultimate limit state 10 r r
of the load-bearing capacity of the with
centric pressure
cross-section λ
K1 = 4 - 2.5 for 25 ≤ λ ≤ 35
N Design valueEd of the to be 10
longitudinal force
= 1for λ > 35
Nbal Absorbable longitudinal compressive
force at maximum moment load For further information, please refer to
capacity of the cross-section [Kordina/ Quast, 2003].
716 8 Calculation

The essential boundary conditions of and the storage conditions in both main
the model column method consist of the levels, which do not allow simplified
exact determination of the curvature and procedures to be applied.
the deformation figure. The deformations As the load eccentricity decreases and
are thus approximately independent of the the slenderness increases, the deviations of
type of loading and in particular of the as the model column method from reality
yet unknown reinforcement. It should be increase. Corresponding comparative
noted that due to the basic assumption of considerations are contained in [Kordina/
the curvature belonging to the yield state, Quast, 2003]. According to this, minor
the addition e2 is not the column deviations are only to be expected with a
deformation actually occurring at the pronounced bending of the moment or
ultimate limit state. See also curvature line in the area of the yield
[Kordina/Quast, 2003]. Consequently, the point, i.e. with high degrees of
determined column deformation cannot reinforcement and reinforcement close to
be used to assess bearing conditions. the edge. Generalizable investigations
The total moment acting on the model with regard to the deviations of the model
support is made up of the moment support method have not yet been carried
component M1 according to first-order out. The realism of the solution found
theory and the moment component M2 using the model column method can be
according to first-order theory. improved by correcting the peak
II. order together. deflection as a function of the acting loads
and taking into account the pier dead load
M = M1 + M2 = M1 + N ∙ etot
and the foundation stiffness, thus
The total amount etot is made up of the improving the moment component M .2
three shares e0 , ea and e2 :
Application of non-linear methods for
etot = e0 + ea + e2
determining internal forces
with Non-linear methods must be used for
system considerations and in particular if
e0 = Load eccentricity according to theory
the associated deformations must be
I. order
known for the assessment of bearing
ea = Additional eccentricity due to
paths. When using non-linear methods,
geometric replacement imperfection
the deformations and the resulting
e2 = Load eccentricity according to Th. II.
internal forces must be calculated on the
basis of the stress-distortion lines for
This means that the total bending concrete and concrete steel. For a realistic
moment in the deformed state is known. deformation calculation, mean values of
The reinforcement ratio can then be the building material should be used, as
determined with the aid of interaction the deformation as an integral variable is
diagrams, e.g. according to [DAfStb 525, only slightly dependent on local weak
2003]. points. Since the cross-sectional load-
In principle, the approaches of the bearing capacity is verified using
model support method can also be measured values, this results in an
transferred to compression members with iterative procedure.
biaxial load eccentricity, but additional In [DIN-FB 102, 2009] the so-called
parameters such as the aspect ratios of the "calculation value method" is included.
cross-section, the course of the related load
eccentricity, and the load distribution
8.6 Calculation of substructures 717

ments. Calculated mean values of the select. According to [DIN-FB 102, 2009],
material strengths for concrete and steel Annex 2, the stiffening influence of the effect
are defined, which then enable the of the concrete on tension between the cracks
application of a uniform partial safety may be taken into account by applying an
factor of γR = 1.3. effective mean stress-strain curve for the
Calculated mean values of the building steel in the composite, assuming a cracked
material strengths: concrete tension zone.
fyR = 1.1 ∙ fyk The foundation stiffnesses can be taken
into account using spring models.
(yield strength of the reinforcing steel)
Information on spring models for
ftR = 1.08 ∙ fyR different foundation variants and the
(tensile strength of the reinforcing steel) determination of the respective spring
stiffnesses can be found, for example, in
fcR = 0.85 ∙ α ∙ fck = 0.852 ∙ fck
[Klöker, 1997].
(concrete compressive strength)
The ultimate limit state is considered to be Minimum reinforcement
reached if in any transverse section Regardless of the method of determining
• the critical steel elongation of εsu = the section size and verification, a
0.025 or constructive minimum reinforcement
• the critical concrete compression of εc1u must be provided. The following criteria
= -0.0035 or must be observed for the minimum
• the critical state of indifferent reinforcement to be inserted:
equilibrium in the entire system or parts • The minimum longitudinal
thereof reinforcement of the entire cross-
is reached. sectional area results in:
0,15 NEd
Quast explains in [Quast, 2000] that
this method is unsuitable for the correct As,min = ≥ 0,003Ac
calculation, as it unnecessarily reduces the f yd
modulus of elasticity of the concrete steel
≤ ∅ 16 mm, s = 150
and can therefore lead to uneconomical fyk
results. For example, using the mm with fyd =
In special cases, the "calculation value
method" can result in reductions in the • The reinforcement cross-section must
permissible support loads of up to 70% not exceed 9% of the area of the
compared to the use of divided partial concrete cross-section, even in the area
safety factors. The user should be aware of of reinforcement joints. The diameter
the deviations of the calculation value of the transverse reinforcement must
method. be at least 25% of the maximum
The stiffening influence from the effect of diameter of the longitudinal
the concrete on tension between the reinforcement and at least 10 mm.
cracks (tension stiffening) must be taken
into account. It may be neglected if this is Proof against impact:
on the safe side. A suitable method must be
selected to take this into account. Supports that are exposed to the effects of
vehicle impact must either be regarded as
failing components or must have
sufficient resistance to absorb the kinetic
718 8 Calculation

In the following cases, proof of impact is Design reinforcement specifications are

not required for hazards caused by road contained in [DIN-FB 102, 2009]. The
traffic: following combinations of effects are
decisive for the verification:
• Full rectangular reinforced concrete
cross-sections with a length l of at least Sd = 1.0 ∙ Gk + 1.0 ∙ Pk + Ad
1.6 m in the direction of travel and a + 1.0 ∙ (0.75 ∙ Ql,TS + 0.4 ∙ Q )l,UDL
width b transverse to the direction of or
travel of b = 1.6 - 0.2 ∙ l ≥ 0.9 m
• for reinforced concrete hollow piers Sd = 1.0 ∙ Gk + 1.0 ∙ Pk + Ad
+ 1,0 ∙ 0,3 ∙ Q
with a
Minimum wall thickness of 0.60 m. Fw
If the supporting component is
Sd = 1.0 ∙ Gk + 1.0 ∙ Pk + Ad
considered as a failing component, the
resulting deformations under the frequent Pillars and columns at risk of impact that
combination of effects must be verified to are subject to mandatory verification must
ensure the clearance limits. b e secured by special measures outside
The absorption of the impact loads must built-up areas and on subordinate roads.
be verified by the elastic load-bearing These include continuous protective
capacity of the column, whereby the devices with a minimum distance of 1 m
failure of a crushing layer must be taken in front of the structure to be protected or
into account. Furthermore, the shear cover concrete bases with a minimum height of
must be verified, whereby a reduced 80 cm, which project at least 2 m in the
amount of reinforcement can be inserted direction of travel and 0.5 m transverse to
if the longitudinal reinforcement from the the outer edge of the structure to be
impact area to the clamping point is in protected.
two layers.

Figure 8.6.3-1 Pillar geometry

8.6 Calculation of substructures 719

and comparatively by means of a non-

linear determination of internal forces. The
effects on the column were determined in
advance taking into account the system
load-bearing behavior, the consideration
Figure 8.6.3-2 Pillar cross-section of the column as a single compression
member in the sense of the verification is
Introduction of the column forces
Building material characteristics,
into the foundation
system and dimensions Building
When shallow foundations are
material characteristics:
constructed, the pier/column forces are
generally transferred to the foundation Concrete: C30/37 with
slab without additional footing
fcd = 0.85 ∙ 30000/1.5 = 17 000 kN/m2
reinforcement and transferred to bending.
Regulations on the verification of the Steel: BSt 500 S with
foundation are contained in section 8.6.4.
fyd = 500000/1.15 = 434800 kN/m2
ftd = 525 000/1.15 = 456 500 kN/m2 Calculation example -
Verification for slender pillar Support length:
L = 25.0 m
Using the example of a slender bridge
pier, the verification is carried out in the Cross-sectional dimensions:
ultimate limit state taking into account the
deformations on the one hand on the basis b/dy /dy1 = 5.0/4.92/0.08 m
of the model column method
h/d /dxx1 = 1.5/1.42/0.08 m

characteristic values of the actions:

1 Support force due to permanent actions BV, G = 10 595 kN
2 Support force due to pre-tension BV, P = 180 kN
3.1 Support force due to traffic (gr1) BV, gr1 = 3260 kN
3.2 Support force due to traffic (axle load TS) BV, TS = 800 kN
3.3 Support force due to traffic (area load UDL) BV, UDL = 2460 kN
4 Horizontal force due to braking/starting BH, lk = 514 kN
5 Horizontal force from wind impact on bridge BH, W1 = 296 kN
6 Horizontal force from wind impact on bridge BH, W2 = 541 kN
traffic) (with
7 from wind attack on support w = 1.2 kN/m
720 8 Calculation

Table 8.6.3-1 Calculation example - Additional moments due to ea and e2

Assumptions: Column base rigidly clamped Kφ = 1 + β ∙ φeff ≥ 1

Support head freely movable β = 0.35 + fck /200 - λ/150
l0 = 2 * L
βx = 0.35 + 30/200 - 115.5/150 = -0.27 < 0
βy = 0.35 + 30/200 - 34.6/150 = 0.27 > 0
Kφ,x = 1
Kφ,y = 1 + 0.27. φeff
The creep effects only need to be
considered for the verification around the
strong axis of the cross-section. This
Unintentional ea due to imperfection influence is not taken into account in this
1 l 25
e= ⋅ l0 = = = 0.05 m as the load is applied in the direction of the
is not decisive for the verification.
100 ⋅ l 2 100 100
Determination of the relevant exposure
additional load e2 due to effects according combinations:
to theory II. order
a) Stress in longitudinal direction:
φ EWK (impact combination) 1 - traffic
φ load group gr1 as lead impact
Ed = 1.35 ∙ G + 1.0 ∙ P + 1.5 ∙ Qgr1
= 1.35 ∙ LF1 + 1.0 ∙ LF2 + 1.5 ∙ LF3.1
NSd = -1.35 ∙ 10595 - 1.0 ∙ 180
- 1,5 ∙ 3260
= -19 373 kN
8.6 Calculation of substructures 721

MSd,y = 1.35 ∙ 9541 + 1.0 ∙ 162 + 1.5 ∙ 2936 Dimensionless design value of the
= 17 446 kNm maximum longitudinal force:

EWK 2 - traffic load group gr2 as lead Ac ∙ fcd = 1.5 ∙ 5.0 ∙ 0.85 ∙ 30 000/1.5
action = -127500 kN
Ed = 1.35 ∙ G + 1.0 ∙ P + 1.5 ∙ Qgr2 νEd = -19 373/-127500 = 0.152 < 0.5
= 1.35 ∙ LF1 + 1.0 ∙ LF2 → In all combinations, the load is in the
+ 1.5 ∙ (LF4 + 0.75 ∙ LF3.2 tensile fracture range, the measurement is
+ 0.40 ∙ LF3.3) therefore simplified according to
[Kordina/Quast, 2003]
NSd = -1.35 ∙ 10 595 - 1.0 ∙ 180
- 1,5 ∙ (0,75 ∙ 800 + 0,40 ∙ 2460) Noc = -Ac ∙ fcd = -127500 kN
= -16 859 kN
Determination of the required reinforcement:
MSd,y = 1.35 ∙ 9541 + 1.0 ∙ 162 + 1.5
∙ (12 850 + 0,75 ∙ 720 + 0,40 ∙ EWK 2 → decisive for stress in
2215) longitudinal direction
= 34 457.0 kNm h ⋅⎛ ⎞
Mc = NSd ⋅2 ⎜ NNSd -
b) Stress in transverse direction ⎝ 0c ⎠
EWK 3 - traffic load group gr1 as ⎟ 1,5 ⋅ ⎛ 16859 1⎞
effect = -16859 ⋅ - = 10972,5
⎜ ⎟⎠
Ed = 1.35 ∙ G + 1.0 ∙ P + 1.5 ∙ Qgr1 2 ⎝127500
+ 1.5 ∙ 0.3 ∙ (QW2 + Q )w
= 1.35 ∙ LF1 + 1.0 ∙ LF2 + 1.5 ∙ LF3.1 MSd,II - Mc
As, erf =
+ 0.45 (LF6 + LF7) zs1 ⋅ fyd

NSd = -1.35 ∙ 10595 - 1.0 ∙ 180 34457.0 - 10972.5

- 1,5 ∙ 3260 = = 806.2 cm2
0,67 ⋅ 43,5
= -19 373 kN
MSd,x = 1.35 ∙ 3131 + 1.0 ∙ 53 + 1.5 ∙ 963 EWK 4 → decisive for load in
+ 0,45 ∙ (18375 + 938) transverse direction
= 14 415 kNm h ⎛ NSd ⎞
EW K 4 - Wind as a guiding Mc NSd ⋅ ⋅ ⎜ - 1⎟
2 ⎝ N 0c ⎠
influence 5,0 ⎛ 10775 1⎞
Ed = 1.0 ∙ G + 1.0 ∙ P + 1.5 ∙ QW1 = -10775,0 ⋅ ⋅ -
⎝ ⎠
⎜ ⎟
= 1.0 ∙ LF1 + 1.0 ∙ LF2 + 1.5 2 127500
∙ (LF5 + LF7) = 24661 kNm
NSd = -1.0 ∙ 10595 - 1.0 ∙ 180
= -10 775 kN MSd,II - Mc
As,erf =
MSd,x = 1.0 ∙ 3131 + 1.0 ∙ 53 + 1.5 zs1 ⋅ fyd
∙ (13750 + 938)
25215,0 - 24661
= 25 215 kNm = = 5.3 cm2
2,42 ⋅ 43,5
Minimum reinforcement decisive
722 8 Calculation

Determining the minimum reinforcement If the pier dead load is taken into account,
the design value of the normal force
As,min = 0.15 ∙ 19373.3/43.5 = 66.8 cm2
increases to:
> 0.003 ∙ 500 ∙ 150 = 225 cm2
NSd = -23 187 kN.
< ∅ 16/15 : 84 ∅ 16 = 168.9 cm2 With reinforcement variant a), the design
moment MSd = 29826 kNm increases. As a
Using the model column method results in
result of the greater normal force, the
a required reinforcement cross-section of
required reinforcement is reduced to 630
806 cm² for the pier cross-section in the
restraint area, i.e. a reinforcement ratio of cm² (� 93.7%).
≈ 1.1% of the concrete cross-section. The In the case of reinforcement variant b),
design moment at the clamping point in the design moment increases to MSd =
the decisive verification combination 2 is 31,880 kNm. The required reinforcement
as follows increases to 840.6 cm2 (� 97.1%).
≈ 34500 kNm. The following is a
comparison with the results of a non- This example shows that the non-linear
linear calculation based on the calculation calculation results in a lower
value concept according to [DIN-FB 102, reinforcement ratio in the column (630
2009]. cm² compared to 806 cm², corresponding
Results of the non-linear calculation For
comparison with the results of the model
column method, the non-linear
calculation is initially performed without
taking the dead load of the column into
a) constant reinforcement over
the pier height:
For the decisive action combination 2,
the required reinforcement cross-
section is 672 cm2. The design moment
at the clamping point is Msd = 28206
b) stepped reinforcement over
the pier height:
For the decisive action combination 2,
this results in a required reinforcement
cross-section of 865 cm² at the
clamping point. The required
reinforcement is based on the
minimum reinforcement for a pier
height of approx. 15 m. The design
moment is Msd = 30 350 kNm.
Figure 8.6.3-3 Required pier reinforcement in
With the existing pier geometry, the case a) and b)
influence of the pier dead load cannot
simply be neglected. Under consideration
8.6 Calculation of substructures 723

Table 8.6.4-1 Causes of failure and limit states when verifying the load-bearing capacity

i.e. only 78%). If the required the ultimate limit state is subdivided.
reinforcement in the cross-section is As a rule, the following evidence must
consistently taken into account with the be provided:
minimum reinforcement as the lower • Proof of compliance with the
limit, a 4.2% higher required
permissible eccentricity of the base
reinforcement is shown at the column
pressure results instead of the proof of
base compared to the model column
tilt safety (GZ 1A)
method. This is insignificant in practice, • Proof of sliding safety (GZ 1B)
as the reinforcement at the base of the • Proof of ground failure safety (GZ 1B)
column is always routed over a certain • Verification of the permissible position
height, which was not taken into account
of the base pressure resultant (GZ 2)
in the non-linear calculation.
In simple cases, proof of the permissible
base pressures may be provided as a
8.6.4 Calculation of foundations substitute for proof of base failure safety.
When using shallow foundations, pier, Introduction column or wall loads are generally
transferred without footing reinforcement.
The basis of the verification for the rising The forces are then transferred to the
concrete components of the substructures subsoil via planar bending. The
is the sufficient stability of the foundation foundation must be verified for bending
body. The safety philosophies of structural and punching shear in the ultimate limit
engineering and foundation engineering state.
meet in the foundation area. A detailed
problem description for the
determination of internal forces and Determination of internal forces
verification is not the subject of Section
8.6.4 for the reasons mentioned. For this, When determining the internal forces of
reference is made to the extensive foundations, the mutual influence of
literature on foundation engineering such deformations of the soil and the structure
as [Simmer, 1999], [Smoltczyk, 2001] or must be taken into account.
[Möller, 2003]. The main problems are
therefore listed below and the standard
tasks are shown. According to the causes of
724 8 Calculation

Shallow foundations is calculated. The supporting structure is

The soil-structure interaction describes the calculated under the applied foundation
effect of the relative settlement differences deformations.
due to the acting loads on the internal forces
Level 3: This is a completely interactive
of the load-bearing system and vice versa. If
approach in which the entire load-bearing
the superstructure is very elastic or the
system is taken into account.
foundation or subsoil can be assumed to
be very stiff, the relative settlements are The joint modeling of superstructure and
negligible. The loads transferred from the foundation and the program-supported
superstructure to the foundation are not iterative calculation of stage 3 is now the
changed. In all other cases, the interaction standard procedure.
must be taken into account by means of an
iterative calculation. Pile foundations
In accordance with [DIN EN 1992-1-1, When determining the internal forces and
2005], a distinction is made between the verifying pile foundations, the interaction
following degrees of accuracy when of the piles must be taken into account in
determining internal forces for particular. The interaction depends
verification purposes: mainly on the mutual spacing of the piles,
the ratio of length to diameter of the piles,
Grade 0: In this level, a linear distribution the stiffness of the piles in relation to the
of the base compression can be assumed if surrounding soil and the changing soil
the base compression does not exceed the stiffness as a function of depth. Further
design values in the ultimate limit state details can be found in [Smoltczyk, 2001].
and the serviceability limit state. In For combined pile-slab foundations,
addition, settlements at the serviceability please refer to [Hanisch, 2002] or
limit state must not be significant and the [Baesmann/Rizkalla, 2000].
structural system must have sufficient
plastic deformation reserves at the
ultimate limit state. Calculation examples for start-ups
Grade 1: The base compressions can be
determined by evaluating the relative Verification for a shallow
stiffness of the foundation and the soil foundation
and the resulting deformations. To assess
For the calculation example of the
whether they are within acceptable limits,
abutment from, the verification is
sufficient empirical values must be
carried out for the shallow foundation and
available to ensure that the serviceability
thus the verification of the load-bearing
is not influenced by soil deformation and
capacity of the abutment. The geometry and
that the structural system exhibits
dimensions can be found in Section
sufficiently ductile load-bearing behavior The designations and symbols used
in the ultimate limit state.
in the following correspond to [DIN-FB
Grade 2: The influence of subsoil 101, 2009],
deformation on the superstructure is taken [DIN-FB 102, 2009] and [DIN 1054, 2005].
into account.
8.6 Calculation of substructures 725

Table 8.6.4-2 Case formation of simultaneously occurring actions

Table 8.6.4-3 Sum of the internal forces in the floor joint due to the characteristic actions according
to Table 8.6.4-2

Together with the braking loads, only

the frequent shares of the vertical live
loads from load model 1 are to be taken
into account within load group 2.
The verification of the bearing capacity
of the abutment includes the verification
of the permissible position of the resultant
and the permissible eccentricity of the
base compression re-sultant, the sliding
safety verification and the base failure Figure 8.6.4-1 Foundation layout with two-
safety verification or, in simple cases, the axis load eccentricity
verification of the permissible base
726 8 Calculation

The verifications of the permissible Verification of sliding safety (GZ 1B) The
position of the resulting and the active earth pressure is taken into account
permissible soil pressures must be carried instead of the earth pressure. No relieving
out taking into account the characteristic earth pressure Eptd on the air side of the
values under permanent and variable abutment is taken into account in the rule.
actions for the permanent and temporary Detection format: Td < Rtd + E p,d
design situation.
Design values of the action in the
Verification of the permissible position direction of sliding
of the foundation dimensions resulting
from the base pressure: The active earth pressure is taken into
account for the sliding safety verification.
a = 16.4 m; b = 3.0 m The internal forces from the earth pressure
Requirement under total load: Eccentricity are reduced in the ratio η = ka,h / k0 = 0.64.
is within the 2nd core width
EWK (Case 1)
⎛ xe ⎞ + ⎛ ye ⎞ ≤ 1
2 2
Td = TGd = γG ∙ η ∙ Eagh
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
⎝a⎠ ⎝b⎠ 9 = 1.35 ∙ 0.64 ∙ 1034.9 kN = 894.2 kN

EWK (case 6) ye = 0.39; xe = 0.20 EWK (case 6)

⎞2 ⎞2 Td = TGd + TQd1 = 894.2 + 1.5 ∙ 0.64
⎛ 0,39 ⎛ 0,20 1
⎟ + ⎜16 ⎟= 0,017 ≤ = 0,11
⎜ 3,0 ,4 9
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ∙ (1730,9 - 1034,9)
= 1562.4 kN
EWK (case 7) ye = 0.19; xe = 0.43
⎛ 0.19 ⎞2 ⎛ 0.43 ⎞ 12 Design value of the sliding resistance
0,11 ⎟ + ⎜16 ⎟ = 0,0047 ≤ =
⎜ 3,0 ,4 9 favorably acting variable influences
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ effects are not to be taken into account

EWK (case 9) ye = 0.33; xe = 0.30 Rtd = Rtk /γGl γGl = 1.1

1 Rtk = Nd ∙ tan δsk δsk = φk ′ for site-cast
⎛ 0,33 + ⎛ 0,30 = 0,012 ≤ = 0,11 concrete
⎞ 2
Nd = Nk ∙ γγG = 1.0 for permanent
⎝ ⎠
⎜⎝ 3,0 ⎠ ⎜16,4 ⎟
⎟ 9 Impacts
NW fulfilled Nd = 1.0 ∙ 7278.7 kN = 7278.7 kN
Rtd = Nd ∙ tan δsk /γGl
Rtd = 7278.7 kN ∙ tan 34°/1.1
= 4463.2 kN
Rtd > Td = 4463.2 kN > 1562.4 kN
NW fulfilled
Figure 8.6.4-2 Proof of sliding safety
8.6 Calculation of substructures 727

Verification of the permissible base EWK (Case 1)

pressures (GZ 2) Fx = 1034.9 kN; Fz = 7278.7 kN
as a substitute for ground failure detection
tan δs = 1034.9/7278. 7= 0.142 <
Applicability check for relevant 0.2
Application possible
Condition: tan δs = Fx,y /Fz ≤ 0.2
EWK (case 6)
Fx = 1730.9 kN; Fz = 7573.7 kN
tan δs = 1730.9/7573. 7= 0.229 >
Application not possible
EWK (case 7)
Fx = 1138.4 kN; Fz = 8547.8 kN
tan δs = 1138.4/8547. 7= 0.133 <
Application possible
EWK (case 9)
Fx = 1401.9 kN; Fz = 8093.8 kN
tan δs =1401.9/8093. 8= 0.173 <
Application possible

Determination of the reduced foundation

dimensions bx ′ and by ′ due to eccentricity
b′ = b - 2 ∙ eb = 3.0 m - 2 ∙ eb
a′ = a - 2 ∙ ea = 16.4 m - 2 ∙
Figure 8.6.4-3 Calculated base area ea σvorh = Fz /(a′ ∙ b′)

Comparison with permissible base

compressions EWK (case 1)
σzul, ground break = 700 ∙ (1 - 0.142)2
= 515 kN/m²

Table 8.6.4-4 Calculation example - existing base compressions

728 8 Calculation
8.6 Calculation of substructures 729

Figure 8.6.4-4 Verification of ground failure safety

EWK (case 7) Detection format: Nd ≤ Rnd with

σzul, ground break = 700 ∙ (1 - 0.133)2 Nd Design value of the component of the
= 526 kN/m2 resultant directed at right angles to
the bottom surface
EWK (case 9) Rnd = RN,k /γGr Design value of the base
σzul,ground break = 700 ∙ (1 - 0.173)2 pressure resistance, determined from
= 478 kN/m2 the characteristic ground failure
resistance RN,k /γ according to [DIN
Permissible base compressions are
4017, 2006]
complied with → NW fulfilled
Nd = 1.35 ∙ 7278.7 kN + 1.5
Proof of ground failure safety (GZ ∙ (7573.7 - 7278.7) = 10268.6 kN
For case 6, the verification of the ground Fxd = 1.35 ∙ 1034.9 + 1.5
failure safety is carried out, as the share of ∙ (1730.9 - 1034.9) = 2441.1 kN
the horizontal force is more than 20% of
the acting vertical force and therefore the tan δd = 2441.1/10268.6 = 0.238
verification of the permissible soil (design values)
pressures is not applicable. tan δ =1730.9/7573.7 = 0.229
(characteristic values)
730 8 Calculation

Rn,k = a' ∙ b' ∙ σn,k By complying with the relevant

verifications, the stability of the abutment
σn,k = (c ∙ Nc + γ1 ∙ d ∙ Nd + γ2 ∙ b' ∙ N )b is guaranteed. The foundation is
dimensioned below.

}Foundation Founding
percentage Verification for bending
share depth share
The verification for bending at the
with ultimate limit state is performed for the
γ1 Weight of the soil above the foundation permanent and temporary design
base situation in the respective decisive design
γ2 Weight of the soil below the foundation sections.
Existing base compressions for dimensioning
d shallowest foundation depth below
the foundation
ground surface
Nd = Nd0 ∙ νd ∙ κd ∙ λd ∙ ξd σ = Fzd + Mxd +
able A Wx Wy
Nb = Nb0 ∙ νb ∙ κb ∙ λb ∙ ξb Fzd eb ⋅Vd ea ⋅Vd
= + +
Nd0 = 18.0; Nb0 = 10.0 (φ′ = 30°) A W Wx y
b 2.22
vd = 1 + ' ⋅ sinφ' = 1 + ⋅ sin 30° = Foundation values:
a' 16,0
A = 3,0 ∙ 16,4 = 49,2 m2
b' 2.22
vb = 1 - 0.3 ⋅ = 1 - 0.3 ⋅ = 0.958 Ix = 3,0 ∙ 16,43/12 = 1102,74 m4
a' 16,0
Iy = 16,4 ∙ 3,03/12 = 36,9 m4
kd = (1 - 0.7 ⋅ tanδ )3
Wx = 134,48 m3
= (1 - 0,7 ⋅ 0,229)3 = 0,592
Wy = 24,6 m3
kb = (1 - tanδ )3 = (1 - 0.229)3 = 0.458

λd = λb = 1.0; ξ d = ξb = 1.0
The cohesion component is not taken into
σN,k = 618.4 kN/m2
RN,k = a′ ∙ b′ ∙ σN,k = 2.22 ∙ 16.0 ∙ 618.4
= 21964.5 kN


Proof fulfilled

The settlements are not determined in this

example. Figure 8.6.4-5 Foundation floor plan
8.6 Calculation of substructures 731

EWK (case 7) 1,22 (231 - 175) ⋅1,22

(authoritative) m = 175 ⋅ +
Fzd = 1.35 ∙ 7279 + 1.5 ∙ (8548 - 7279) 2 3
= 11 729.9 kN = 152.9 kNm/m
Mxd = 1.35 ∙ 1237.4 + 1.5 ∙ (0.19 - 0.17) → decisive
∙ (8548 - 7279) = 1708.6 kNm (231 - 175) ⋅1,2
qB - B= 175 ⋅1,2 +
Myd = 1.5 ∙ 0.43 ∙ (8548 - 7279) 2
= 818.6 kNm = 243.6 kN/m
σd,1 = 238.4 + 6.1 + 69.5 = 314 kN/m2 → decisive

σ d,2 = 238.4 + 6.1 - 69.5 = 175 kN/m2 fck = 25 MN/m2

σ d,3 = 238.4 - 6.1 + 69.5 = 302 kN/m2 f = α ⋅ fck = 0.85 ⋅ = 14.16 MN/m2
σd, 4 = 238.4 - 6.1 - 69.5 = 163 kN/m2 γ 1,5
σd1A = 277 c = 5.5 cm
σd2B = 231 kN/m2 (Concrete cover in contact with the ground)
d = 1.2 - 0.055 - 0.05 = 1.1 m
Determination of the required (reinforcing bar ∅ 10)
reinforcement Design internal forces for
section A - A or B - B from LFK 7 μsds = = 0,00563 ≈ 0,01
1,0 ⋅1, ⋅14166
0,82 (314 - 277) ⋅ 0,82
mA−A = 277.0 ⋅ +
2 3 ω1 = 0.01
= 96.5 kNm/m σSd = 457 MN/m2

0,8 (314 - 277) ⋅ b ⋅ d ⋅ fcd

q A -A = 277,0 ⋅ 0,8 + A s,erf = ω1 ⋅
2 σ sd
= 236.4 kN/m
1,0 ⋅1,1⋅14166
= = 3.4 cm2 /m
0,01⋅ 457000

The bending reinforcement required for

the underside of the foundation in the
longitudinal direction and for the top of
the foundation is slightly lower.

Minimum reinforcement according to [DIN-

FB 102, 2009] Crosswise reinforcement
with 0.06% of Ac , but at least with ∅ 10, s
= 20 cm
(1.1 + 1.2)
As,min = 0.06 ⋅ = 6.9 cm2/m
Figure 8.6.4-6 Assumption of linearly Minimum reinforcement for limiting the
distributed soil pressures crack width according to [DIN-FB 102,
732 8 Calculation

A ct fcd = 0.85 ∙ 30000/1.5 = 17000 kN/m2

As,min = kc ⋅ k ⋅ fct, ⋅ wit
eff σS h Steel: BSt 500 S with
fct,eff = 1.3 N/mm2
fyd = 500 000/1.15 = 434800 kN/m2
kc = 0.4 ; k = 0.5 ;
ftd = 525 000/1.15 = 456500 kN/m2
m2 ;
Act ≈ 0.5 ∙ 1.15 = 0.58
Bored pile length:
σS = 240 N/mm2
L = 14.0 m
As,min = 0.4 ⋅ 0.5 ⋅ 1.3 ⋅ = 9.4 cm2/m Component cross-
161 sections: Pillars:
selected for all longitudinal and transverse Rectangular cross-section 5.0 m ∙
boundary surfaces: ∅ 12, s = 10.0 cm 1.50 m Pile head plate: d = 1.50 m
Shear reinforcement is not required.
The verification of punching shear is not Bored piles: ∅ = 1.20 m
decisive and is not carried out in this
example. Lateral bedding of the bored piles -
consideration of the group effect Verification for a deep foundation Determining the reduction factors αi : Pile
A: αi = αL ∙ αQA = 0.5 ∙ 0.90 = 0.45 Pile B: αi
For the calculation example of the slender
pier from, the verification of the = αL ∙ αQZ = 0.5 ∙ 0.75 = 0.375 Pile C: αi =
foundation, which is carried out as a deep αQA = 0.90
foundation using 8 bored piles, is used as
an example. The pier is connected to the Pole D: αi = αQZ = 0.75
bored piles via a solid pile head plate; the
load-bearing capacity of the pile head Elastic length of the single pile L
plate is not taken into account in the
foundation design. The modeling of the EPfahl ⋅ IPfahl
pier and the foundation is carried out in a 4
ksE ⋅ D
suitable manner as a single coordinated
model. r 4⋅ π 0.64 ⋅ π
On the single coordinated model of pillar I = = = 0.10179
and green
The results for the pillar from are Stake
4 4
also checked in the
limit state of the load-bearing capacity, ksE = 10 MN/m2 Subgrade reaction modulus
taking into account the deformations, Single pile at
since an ideal clamping of the pier was depth z = D
assumed for simplification.
30500 ⋅
Building material L = 0,10179 = 4,01 m
characteristics, system and 4
10 ⋅1,2
dimensions l 14,0
Concrete: C 25/30 with = = 3,49
L 4,01
Ecm = 26 700 N/mm2
8.6 Calculation of substructures 733

For example, taking into account the pier

dead load, the measurement is carried out
comparatively on the overall system of
pier and foundation.

Results of the design for the pillar

a) Constant reinforcement over the
height of the pillar
For the decisive action combination 2,
this results in a required reinforcement
Figure 8.6.4-7 Bored pile arrangement cross-section of 664 cm2 (630 cm2 ; +
5%). The reinforcement
The maximum measuring torque at the
clamping steel in the pile head plate is
Msd = 30 697 kNm (29826 kNm; + 3%).
b) stepped reinforcement over the height
of the pillar:
For the decisive action combination 2,
this results in a required reinforcement
cross-section of 1010 cm2 (840.6 cm2;
+20%) at the clamping web in the pile
head plate. At a height of approx. 15 m,
Figure 8.6.4-8 Position of the bored piles the minimum reinforcement is
within the pile group decisive. The design moment is Msd =
29 642 kNm (31 880
kNm; -7% ).
Taking the deep foundation into account
Determination of the track modulus ksi of the increases the required reinforcement for
pile in the group the pier in both cases. The
l Changed curvature figure due to
≥ 4 k k= α1.33 ⋅
si i sE of the elastic restraint in case b) leads to a
slightly lower dimensioning.
≤2 k = α ⋅ k → intermediate moment.
si i sE
L are to be Verification of the load-bearing capacity of the
interpolated bored piles
linearly (GZ 1B)

Ultimate limit state considering the d = 1,20 m

deformations u = 3,77 m
The verification for the pier in the AFuß = 1.13 m² Bored pile
calculation example in was
length = 14.0 m
simplified for the assumption of ideal base
restraint of the pier. The information contained in Table 8.6.4-
For the decisive action combination 2 6 is available from the subsoil expertise.
(see of the calculation method
734 8 Calculation

Table 8.6.4-5 Calculation example -

Compilation of the subgrade reaction moduli

Compilation of the subgrade reaction

Pile - Location ksx

A 3,72
B 2,95
C 8,77 Figure 8.6.4-9 Arrangement of the minimum
D 6,99 stake

Table 8.6.4-6 Calculation example - Pile skin friction

Layer depth Layer thickness Probing resistance Cohesion of the Pile casing
h′ [m] h [m] qck [MN /m2] undrained soil cuk friction
[MN/m2] qsk [MN/m2]
0 -1,0 1 0 0 0
1,0 -1,5 0,5 0,025 0,025
1,5 - 6,0 4,5 0,1 0,04
6,0 - 6,5 0,5 7,5 0,06
6,5 - 7,0 0,5 0,1 0,04
7,0 -14,0 7 ≥ 15,0 0,12

Table 8.6.4-7 Calculation example - Pile resistance from pile skin friction
Thick layer Nominal value of charact. Value of the pile Pile resistance from pile
h [m] the pile shell area Asi sheath friction stress qsik skin friction in layer i RSki
= u * h [m2] [MN/m2] = Asi * qsik [MN]

1,0 3,77 0,0 0,0

0,5 1,885 0,025 0,047

4,5 16,970 0,040 0,680

0,5 1,885 0,060 0,113

0,5 1,885 0,040 0,075

7,0 26,389 0,120 3,167

RSk = ∑ RSki 4,08

Table 8.6.4-8 Calculation example - Pile resistance from pile tip pressure
Settlement ratio s/D charact. Value of pile tip Pile resistance from pile
compressive stress tip pressure
qbk [MNm2] Rbk = AFuß * qbk [MN]
0,1 4 4,52
8.7 Special problems 731

Characteristic axial pile resistance: Rk = Rbk 8.7 Special problems

+ Rsk = 4.08 + 4.52 = 8.60 MN
8.7.1 Temperature stress
E1d = -6.04 MN Rated value of the
Rk Introduction
Rd =
γP The constant change in climatic influences
causes transient, non-linearly limited
temperature distributions in buildings.
γP = 1.4 Partial safety factor for pile tions. These temperature developments
resistance to compression and are accompanied by thermal expansions
tension based on empirical that occur in statically determined bearing
values supports.
R= =
R1k = 6.15 MN deformations and in the case of statically un
1d certain storage additionally cause forced
γ 1,4 stresses. As the tem
temperature distributions are non-linearly
E1d = 6.04 MN < R1d = 6.15 MN
limited, but the Bernoulli hypothesis
→ Proof fulfilled assumes plane distortions in the partial
cross-sections, residual stresses occur
Verification for bending regardless of the position of the
The verification for bending in the supporting structures. In addition to the
ultimate limit state for the bored piles change in temperature due to the change in
does not result in any reinforcement climatic conditions, the effects of the
beyond the dimension of the inserted dissipation of hydration heat in concrete
minimum reinforcement according to and composite structures and the
[ZTV-ING]. installation of the road surface in all
bridge structures, regardless of the choice
selected: 22 ∅ 20 of material, are among the stresses caused
d′ = 120 - 2 ∙ 7.5 cm = 105 cm by heat, the effects of which must be
monitored. This concerns the sufficient
u′ = 1.05 ∙ π = 329 cm bar dimensioning of the bearing paths to
spacing compensate for seasonal heating and
cooling in the case of constraint-free
= 329/22 = 15 cm < szul = 20.0 cm
bearing of the supporting structures and
Helical reinforcement the reliable determination of the resulting
constraint and residual stresses in the case
= ∅ 10/15 cm
of construction methods that cause
Further explanation of the verification constraints. In the broadest sense,
procedure for the pile cap slab is omitted temperature effects also include the
in this calculation example. introduction of heat during welder- ing.
Particular attention must be paid to the
effect of heat after accidents involving fire
caused by fuel spillage or heat damage to
bridge structures caused by van- dalism.
732 8 Calculation

For practical application, the complex represents a considerable temperature

heating and cooling processes are reduced stress, which is accompanied by high local
to representative, idealized temperature concentrated loads from the paving
distributions. In the regulations, the machinery. This short-term load
temperature influences, which are subject condition occurs both during new bridge
to large fluctuations, are listed as time- construction and during pavement
varying effects. They contain information renewal in existing bridges. During the
on the consideration of climatic utilization phase, operation-related
influences, while the heat input due to the temperature effects are possible due to
pavement installation, the effects of heating of the carriageway to protect the
possible fire effects or the dissipation of structure [Zichner, 1976], [SERSO, 1994]. It
hydration heat sometimes require a more should also be borne in mind that
in-depth examination of the issue. accidents, but also vandalism, can cause
considerable localized heat input from the
burning of spilled fuel. These heat effects, Temperature effects on which occur for a limited period of time,
bridge structures are superimposed by weather-related
climatic effects, which in themselves can
As already mentioned at the beginning, cause stresses on bridges on a scale
thermal effects of various origins occur comparable to the traffic load. Although
during the assembly and use of a bridge the extreme structural reactions can be
structure. Due to the spatially and derived from long-term stress time series
temporally uneven processes of heating for the dimensioning of bridge structures,
and cooling, residual stresses, shorter time periods up to detailed
deformations and constraint stresses are knowledge of a temperature development
the result. During the hydration of young based on the time of day are also
concrete [Mehlhorn et al., 1980], [Zeitler, important for the limited periods of the
1983], [Hellmich, 1984], [Pamp, 1991], construction phase and possible upgrading
residual stresses are to be expected from work. Examples include determining the
the hardening process in the material time for adjusting the bridge bearings or
structure. The hot paving of road installing the stay cables for cable-stayed
pavements poses a particular challenge for bridges.
the pavement slab.

Figure 8.7.1-1 Temperature effects on bridge structures

8.7 Special problems 733

Figure 8.7.1-2 Meteorological boundary

heat exchange with the environment takes
The temperature distributions that place via convection and radiation. The
occur in the building result from the heat supplied or extracted in the
interplay of climatic effects, heat exchange, component is distributed via heat
heat conduction and heat storage. Short- conduction and thus influences the
wave radiation emanates from the sun, temperature development in the
which is partially reflected when it hits the supporting structures. Due to the time-
atmosphere and is scattered and filtered as varying effects of the climate, the resulting
it passes through the atmosphere, so that temperature distributions are also
only a weakened proportion reaches the transient and non-linear, while their
earth's surface as direct solar radiation. absolute level depends on the prevailing
The portion scattered in the atmosphere weather, the time of year, the building
tri@ the earth's surface as diffuse solar geometry and the thermophysical material
radiation. The fluctuations in air properties. Indirect influencing factors are
temperature are caused by convection the geographic location of the structure,
over a large area on the earth's surface and its orientation and the cross-section
cooling during the night. At the building geometry. Based on the surface
surface temperatures of the building element
under consideration

Figure 8.7.1-3 Time-dependent temperature development in a railroad bridge cross-section in

prestressed concrete construction
734 8 Calculation

and taking into account the sum of the

heat flows acting from outside, an energy
balance results which either initiates a
heat supply and thus a surface heating or a
heat dissipation with a subsequent
cooling. The resulting potential gradient
triggers a heat flow in the cross-section
with an accompanying temperature
change. Figure 8.7.1-3 shows an example
of the time-dependent temperature
temperature development
of a railroad bridge cross-section in
prestressed concrete construction during
one day. With regard to the climatic
effects, it can be seen that they are
permanent, exhibit daily and seasonal
fluctuations, follow regional differences
due to regional weather conditions and are
present as a random process. These
characteristics are familiar from daily
experience. Consequently, they are also
reflected in the temperature reactions of
bridge structures. As the mechanical
effects resulting from extreme heating
conditions are of great importance for
structural engineering, the following points
must be taken into account:
distortions/deformations and
stresses/forces are important for structural
design, practical relationships must be
established between the temperature
developments analyzed using the methods
of thermophysics and the structural
reactions calculated according to the laws
of mechanics.

Figure 8.7.1-4 Seasonal fluctuations in the

climatic temperature effects of a steel bridge Building reactions

Temperature-related structural reactions

result from the thermal expansion
properties of the materials. In construction
practice, these can be regarded as
proportional to temperature. For steel, the
coefficient of thermal expansion is 1.2 - 10-
5/K. The thermal expansion behavior of

concrete, on the other hand, varies

depending on the composition, the
moisture content and the temperature.
8.7 Special problems 735

content and age in the range αT = 0.6 - 10- ultimately only the two right-hand blocks.
5/K to 1.4 - 10-5/K [Weigler, 1989]. The Since the extreme temperature
average value usually used for reinforced distributions to be expected in the bridge
concrete is 1 - 10-5/K. In DIN Technical cross-section are used as action variables
Report 101, the normative basis for the instead of the natural heating sources,
determination of actions on bridges, linear temperature effects are also referred to as
temperature expansion coefficients are indirect action.
given for some common materials. They As already mentioned, any external and
are listed in Table 8.7.1-1. internal temperature influences lead to
Using the example of climatic effects, temperature distributions that are
Figure 8.7.1-5 schematically illustrates the unevenly distributed across the cross-
basic procedure from the effect to the section and change over time (Fig. 8.7.1-
impact. Of interest for structural 6a). Affine strains would occur in addition
engineering are to these non-linear temperature
distributions if the expansion possibilities
of the

Table 8.7.1-1 Linear expansion coefficients of common materials, from [DIN-FB 101, 2003].
Material αT (∙ 10-5/K)
1 Aluminum, aluminum alloys 2,4
2 Stainless steel 1,8
3 Mild steel, wrought or cast iron 1,0
4 Concrete, with the exception of lines 5 and 6 1,0
5 Concrete with limestone aggregate 0,9
6 Concrete with lightweight aggregate 0,7
9 Wood, in fiber direction 0,5
10 Wood, across the grain 3,0 - 7,0 a
a Specialinformation should be requested for other materials. The above values should be used to
determine the temperature effects if no lower values are available from experiments or more
detailed investigations.

Figure 8.7.1-5 Effect and impact of climatic temperature stresses

736 8 Calculation

Fig. 8.7.1-6 a) Non-uniform temperature distribution in a plate beam, b) Part of the temperature
distribution causing internal stresses

individual fibers in the cross-sections are In bridge construction, residual stresses

independent of each other. However, due due to climatic temperature influences
to the assumption of Bernoulli's can be neglected (Figure 8.7.1-6b),
hypothesis that the cross-sections remain although residual stresses that occur
flat, a linearly limited strain distribution during hot paving of the road surface or as
occurs within the partial cross-sections. a result of the effects of fire must be
The deviations of the "non-uniform investigated in detail.
temperature strains" from the strain In relation to the total cross-section,
distributions strictly according to the temperature effects on a completely
mechanic laws prove the existence of constraint-free supporting structure result
residual stresses. In the in the

Figure 8.7.1-7 Structural reactions of bridge cross-sections due to non-linear temperature

8.7 Special problems 737

a b
Fig. 8.7.1-8 Temperature deformation of the partial cross-sections of bridge structures. a) One-
sided solar radiation of the bottom chord of a plate girder, b) Temperature deformation of the
bearing cross girder of a channel bridge

primary structural reactions: Length of a plate girder cross-section due to solar

changes of the bridge superstructure, radiation on one side. The obstruction of
curvature in vertical and horizontal this flange curvature causes restraint
direction, torsion as well as cross-sectional stresses in the case of regularly existing
warping and profile deformation. If, as transverse bulkheads. Figure 8.7.1-8b on
with statically indeterminate systems, the the right shows, using the model of the
aforementioned deformations are bearing cross girder of a canal bridge, that
impeded, constraint stresses occur in the in addition to the temperature-induced
structure. Forced stresses are understood curvature in the longitudinal direction of
to be equilibrium bearing reactions and the bridge, temperature curvature in the
forced internal forces. transverse direction can also have a
Secondary movements of individual considerable effect on the bearing forces
cross-section parts are superimposed on and consequently also on the stresses of the
the primary temperature deformations of overall structure.
the overall cross-sections. Figure 8.7.1-8a In addition to the structural reactions
shows an example of the lateral deflection of the bridge superstructure, the
of the bottom flange

Figure 8.7.1-9 Interaction of the bridge superstructure and the piers

738 8 Calculation

other structural elements of the overall MZ = ∫ σx ∙ (y - ys ) ∙

structure by the effects of the climate. dA T -T
below top
influenced. This can be observed in detail = EIZ ∙ αT 9 MY
1= EIZ∙ α ∙T 96h 7
in the case of cable-stayed bridges, where ∙ h
The superstructure, pylons and supporting In this context, reference should be made
cables do not react synchronously to the to the index designation of linear
effects of the weather, but with a time lag temperature differences used in the
due to different dimensions and regulations. Based on the European
influenced by the sun's diurnal cycle. regulations of the Eurocodes, a
However, even with simple beam bridges, temperature difference ∆TMY causes a
the coupling of the deformations between member curvature affine to a bending
the stiffening girder and the piers results moment load MZ . Furthermore, a positive
in constraints due to climatic effects, vertical temperature difference of a single-
Figure 8.7.1-9. span beam causes a negative vertical
For temperature-induced twisting, there Equivalent temperature distributions is a relationship between the warping
coordinate ω, the warping moment Mω
When calculating road, path and railroad and the warping resistance Iω :
bridges, temperature effects are taken into
account by linear equivalent temperature Mω = ∫ σx ∙ ω ∙ dA = ∫ (αT ∙ ∆T (y, z))
fields. As a substitute for the temperature
∙ ω (y, z) ∙ E ∙ dA = EIω ∙ αT ∙ ∆TMω
distributions that actually occur, a
temperature distribution that is constant Further idealizations of temperature
over the entire cross-section and linearly conditions are shown in Fig. 8.7.1-11.
variable over the cross-section height or These are based more closely on an
width is used. The constant temperature "actual" temperature profile, although they
distribution ∆TN represents the effects in are only focused on the vertical plane and
the longitudinal direction of the bridge ignore other temperature reactions. In
(change in length), the linearly varying contrast to the linear equivalent
temperature distributions ∆TM represent temperature distributions, these
the stresses in the vertical and horizontal temperature approaches can also be used
planes (curvature). to approximate the effects in the track slab
To derive the equivalent temperature and the web and bottom chord areas. A
distributions from real, non-linear calculation rule for extracting the idealized
temperature fields, a model can be used temperature components (Figure 8.7.1-10)
with the bar clamped in both directions. from non-linear temperature distributions
Equivalent idealized equivalent is given in [ENV 1991- 2-5, 1997]. In
temperature distributions generating the addition, [Lichte, 2004] describes a further
same constraints can be derived from the decomposition method which is also
constrained internal forces determined on suitable for equivalent temperature
this model. distributions based on Figure 8.7.1-11.
In contrast to road and railroad bridges,
N = ∫ σ ∙ dA = ∫ ε ∙ E ∙ dA
A A canal bridges are exclusively trough-
shaped and have a very high level of
= ∫ (αT ∙ ∆TN ) ∙ E ∙ dA = EA ∙ αT ∙ ∆TN
A stability.
8.7 Special problems 739

Figure 8.7.1-10 Idealized equivalent temperature distributions [DIN-FB 101, 2003].

Figure 8.7.1-11 Equivalent temperature distributions derived from temperature profiles

Fig. 8.7.1-12 Definition of thermally similar cross-sectional areas of a duct bridge

[Mangerig/Lichte, 2002].

cross-section and, due to the required of this building was used in

water depth, almost always considerable [Mangerig/Lichte, 2002].
structural dimensions. An approach of While the use of finite element methods
classical equivalent temperature is required for the accurate calculation of
distributions for the overall cross-section the structural reactions of a duct bridge,
is not possible with this cross-section even when using idealized temperature
contour. Figure 8.7.1-12 shows for a canal profiles, the known solution methods of
bridge with inclined trough walls a mechanics can be used for the approach of
summary of surface areas with almost the the classical equivalent temperature
same temperature load, as used for an distributions according to Figure 8.7.1-10.
idealized description of the temperature
740 8 Calculation Random character of the of the material selection during the course
temperature effects of the day and the extreme values of the
temperature stresses.
As the climatic effects have a stochastic The course of the vertical temperature
character, the temperature level of the differences of the lattice cross-section
bridge structures - or rather the sum of compared to those of the steel and concrete
the idealized equivalent temperature bridge should be emphasized. The change
components - is also subject to chance. in the temperature curve results from the
However, the temperature conditions of material properties and the material
interest for structural design are those that volume of the steel and concrete materials
represent the exceeding of the structural used. The solid deck slab has a
response with a specified frequency of significantly higher heat storage capacity
occurrence. compared to the steel webs, so that the
The basic prerequisite for specifying webs are warmer than the deck slab
these representative temperature states is during the day and colder at night. In the
sufficient knowledge of daily load-bearing case of the constraint-free single-span
reactions. Figure 8.7.1-13 shows, by way beam, this causes the structure to sag
of example, the time-of-day-dependent during the day, although it is supplied
curves of the equivalent temperature with heat via the deck slab, and to bulge
distributions of the center of gravity during the night.
temperature TN and the vertical The extreme values of variable impacts
temperature difference ∆TMZ . A are referred to as representative values in
significant influence of the shape of the accordance with the applicable regulations.
cross-section and the

Figure 8.7.1-13 Mean daily profiles of the equivalent temperature distributions TN and ΔTMZ of a
slab/beam cross-section in steel, composite and concrete construction
8.7 Special problems 741

The central impact variable is the loads. In the case of steel and composite
characteristic value. By definition, this bridges, this is achieved by changing the
value is reached or exceeded once every 50 structural height and varying the bottom
years on average. The daily maximum chord and web dimensions. Different
values (Figure 8.7.1-13) derived from the temperature fluctuations and temperature
diurnal variation of the equivalent differences occur in the longitudinal
temperature distributions serve as the direction of the bridge in accordance with
basis for the extreme value analysis for the cross-sectional dimensions. Since the
temperature stresses. practical application of temperature effects
Due to the seasonal influences, a for bridge structures should aim for a
distinction must be made between uniform load application, the different
seasonal extremes and extreme events that temperature reactions are combined into a
span an entire year. The latter are decisive uniform value by weighting. Figure 8.7.1-
for structural engineering; however, for 15 shows the standardization of the
questions relating to a limited period of temperature differences ∆TMY,1 and ∆TMY,2
time in the context of building assembly for a two-span beam reinforced in the
or maintenance, seasonal statements of the central support area over the length ξ - L to
expected temperature stresses are of the value
interest. The regulations do not provide ∆TMY . The specified weighting is
any reference values for this, which is why formulated in such a way that the
the only remaining options are an standardized share
estimate, the performance of temperature ∆TMY causes the same support moment as
measurements on the structure or the the individual temperature differences
model-based determination of seasonal ∆TMY,1 and ∆TMY,2 . The proportional
stresses ([Mangerig/Lichte, 2002], [Lichte, factor a2 applies under the simplified
2004]). assumption that the cross-sectional height
The cross-sectional dimensions of and thermal expansion coefficient are
bridges are usually aligned with the course constant in the longitudinal direction.
of the

Figure 8.7.1-14 Seasonal fluctuation of temperature effects

742 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.1-15 Weighting of the vertical temperature difference with single-stage variation of the
cross-section Temperature effects in the In the field of railroad bridge

regulations construction, the [Guideline 804, 2003]
"Railway bridges and other engineering
The basis for calculation of temperature structures" should be mentioned. It
effects on road and pedestrian bridges and contains specific regulations for planning
railroad bridges is DIN Technical Report and maintenance. In principle, it refers to
101 "Actions on bridges" [DIN-FB 101, DIN technical reports 101 to 104, but
2009]. Its content is congruent with DIN contains some supplementary regulations.
1055-7 For hydraulic steel structures, [DIN
"Actions on structures - temperature 19704-1, 1998] "Hydraulic steel structures
actions" [DIN 1055-7, 2002] and only - Calculation principles" also contains
editorially adapted to the concept of the information on the consideration of
DIN technical reports. The reference for temperature effects for special issues
both sets of rules is always DIN 1991-2-5, relating to these structures. With regard to
2002 together with the associated NAD. the regulations for bridge bearings, the
following also apply

Table 8.7.1-2 Design values of variable actions for use with combinations of actions [DIN-FB 101,
Share of independent variable actions in the combination rule
Load safety Suitability for use
Previous Other Previous Other
ly ly

γQ1 ⋅ Qk1 γQ1 ⋅ ψ0i ⋅ Qki ψ0i ⋅ Qki

Permanent/ Characteristic Qk1

Exceptional ψ11 ⋅ Qk1 ψ2i ⋅ Qki Frequently ψ11 ⋅ Qk1 ψ2i ⋅ Qki

Earthquake ψ21 ⋅ Qk1 ψ2i ⋅ Qki Quasi-permanent ψ21 ⋅ Qk1 ψ2i ⋅ Qki

Not often a 1 ψ′ ⋅ Qk1 ψ1i ⋅ Qki

a For the serviceability limit state, the non-frequent combination should be verified.
8.7 Special problems 743

Table 8.7.1-3 ψ Coefficients for considering the temperature stress in bridge structures, according to
[DIN-FB 101, 2003] and [DIN 1055-100, 2001]
ψFactors for the effects of temperature ψ0 ψ1 ψ2 1 ψ′ a

Road bridges 0c 0,6 0,5 0,8

Pedestrian and cycle bridges (DIN FB 101)
Railway bridges b
Supporting structures (not fire) (DIN 1055-100) 0,6 0,5 0,0

1 ′ is a ψ-factor for determining the non-frequent loads.
b Guideline 804 requires that forced internal forces due to temperature must always be taken into
account when verifying the load-bearing safety; neglecting them is not permissible.
If relevant for detection, ψ0 = 0.8 should be set.

in addition [DIN 4141, 1984], [DIN EN the applicable regulations, the

1337] characteristic impact value Tk (= Qk ) is set
and Annex A to [DIN V ENV 1993-2, so that it is reached or exceeded on average
2001]. every 50 years. By multiplication with the
In accordance with the applicable coefficients ψ0 , ψ1 and ψ2 (Table 8.7.1-3),
safety philosophy, limit states of temperature stresses of different return
serviceability and load-bearing capacity periods are taken into account. The partial
must be examined when designing safety factor is defined as γQ = 1.5 for the
structures. In the context of these case of an unfavorable effect in permanent
regulations, the temperature effects are and temporary design situations.
included in the action combinations via The linearized temperature
combination coefficients [DIN-FB 101, components described above are used to
2009]. The combination coefficients for the describe the temperature effects in
respective design situations are compared accordance with Fig. 8.7.1-10. Typical
in Table 8.7.1-2 for the proportion of bridge cross-sections are divided into
variable actions. three groups (Table 8.7.1-4) so that the
Temperature stresses are variable different heating behavior of frequently
effects. Accordingly used bridge cross-sections resulting from
the cross-section geometry and the
Table 8.7.1-4 Grouping of thermally similar material used can be taken into account.
bridge cross-sections [DIN-FB 101, 2003]. According to the classification,
characteristic values for the uniform
Group Cross-section type
heating condition Te and the vertical and
1 Steel superstructures as box, truss horizontal temperature difference ∆TMY
or plate girder and ∆TMZ are given. Characteristic values
2 Composite superstructure:
taken from DIN Technical Report 101
concrete slab on a steel box, [DIN-FB 101, 2003], which apply to a
truss or steel plate girder covering thickness of 50 mm, are
summarized and compared in Figure
3 Concrete roadway slabs or 8.7.1-16.
superstructures on concrete
beams or concrete boxes
744 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.1-16 Compilation of the characteristic values of the temperature effects for typical bridge
structures in Germany

The total temperature fluctuation T0 is the "constant temperature

∆TN of the superstructure results from the component of the building components
difference on completion", i.e. the reference
temperature of the building design. When
∆TN = ∆TN, pos - ∆TN, neg
considering the constant temperature
= (∆Te,max - T0 ) - (∆Te,min - T )0 component, the following effects should
be taken into account [DIN FB 101, 2003]:
8.7 Special problems 745

• Limitation of component-specific by means of which these simultaneous

expansion and shortening (e.g. for effects of ∆TMY and ∆TN can be taken into
frames, bends, elastomer bearings) account. It is also shown in Figure 8.7.1-
• Friction in roller and plain bearings 16. Irrespective of the combination factors
• Non-linear geometric influences (2nd specified in the standard, analytical
order theory) calculations in [Lichte, 2004] have shown
• In the case of railroad bridges, the that the factors specified in the standard
alternating effect between the track and to take into account the simultaneous
the bridge can cause additional occurrence of temperature fluctuation and
horizontal forces in the bearings and in vertical temperature difference sometimes
the rails due to a temperature difference provide uncertain results.
between the superstructure and the rail. To determine movement fluctuations,
as required for the design of bearings and
The vertical temperature differences expansion joints, the installation
shown in Figure 8.7.1-16 apply to a temperature is added to the reference
pavement thickness of 50 mm [Frenzel et temperature T0 as a further temperature
al., 1996]. Due to the shielding effect of the component. It must be taken into account
road pavement, the vertical temperature when fixing the bearings or designing the
difference in the bridge cross-section is expansion joints. It deviates from the
noticeably influenced by the thickness of selected reference temperature and can
the pavement. Therefore, the usually only be determined as an
characteristic values of the vertical approximate value by measurement.
temperature difference ∆TMY must be Consequently, when determining
multiplied by a thickness-dependent movement fluctuations in accordance with
factor KSur if the pavement thickness [DIN FB 101, 2009], the specified
differs. temperature fluctuation ∆TN must be
As the named temperature increased by an allowance to compensate
components together represent an overall for uncertainties when determining the
temperature field, they also have a installation temperature.
simultaneous effect on the bridge A distinction is made between the cases
structure. They therefore cause a listed in Table 8.7.1-5.
combined structural reaction. In order to Case 3 listed in Table 8.7.1-5 is only
take this into account in the structural described in [Guideline 804, 2003].
design, a combination rule is specified in
the regulations.

Table 8.7.1-5 Enlargement of the temperature components to be applied to determine movement

fluctuations [DIN-FB 101, 2003].
Case Installing the bearings and Maximum temperature
forming the expansion joints fluctuations to be applied
1 Average building temperature when making the (ΔTN,pos + 10) K and
connection is known (measurement) (ΔTN,neg - 10 K) a
2 Average building temperature when making the (ΔTN,pos + 20) K and
connection is not known (ΔTN,neg - 20 K)
3 Concreting on the bearings without subsequent No explicit regulation
position correction
a± 10 K is a "can" rule, otherwise ± 20 K should always be used.
746 8 Calculation

For structures with independently

tempered components (e.g. for cable-
stayed bridges: hanger/sloping cable,
superstructure, pylon), differences in the
constant temperature components can lead
to unfavorable stresses. In this case, a
difference in the average component
temperature of 15 K should be assumed
between the components concerned,
although this is a great simplification of
the conditions that actually occur and
should be questioned in the case of
exposed structures.
Figure 8.7.1-17 Characteristic values of
temperature differences for bridge piers Determination of temperature
(railroad bridges), but may in principle
apply to all concrete bridges. If the bridge
The limit values to be applied for the
superstructure is erected on layers that are
already fixed in the substructure, the temperature effects are specified in the
displacements resulting from the standards for most of the bridge cross-
dissipation of the setting heat must be sections that occur. However, this
taken into account. The background to this information cannot be transferred to
recommendation is discussed in more bridge cross-sections with special,
detail in section individual cross-section designs. For these
As shown above in Fig. 8.7.1-9, the cases, possible extreme effects must be
simultaneous temperature reaction of the sensibly estimated or determined and
bridge superstructure and bridge piers is specified by other means. As a rule, a
characterized by a simultaneous metrological solution in the form of a
displacement of the superstructure and continuous measurement on a
pier head when exposed to lateral comparable bridge cross-section or a
sunlight. In principle, the total prototype is unrealistic and
temperature stresses of bridge piers should uneconomical, if only for reasons of the
also be considered if these lead to very long measurement duration required.
constraining forces or movements in the In recent years, numerical methods for
neighboring components. According to determining the temperature effects have
[DIN-FB 101, 2009], the characteristic emerged as an alternative, which, due to
value of the linear temperature difference developments in EDP, enable the
between opposing outer surfaces should computational simulation of the
be 5 K for concrete piers with a hollow or temperature behaviour of bridge cross-
solid cross-section if there are no sections under the application of idealized
indications of higher values. or real measured climate data [Zichner,
With regard to the stresses in the cross- 1976], [Fouad, 1998],
sectional profile of bridge piers, a [Mangerig, 1986], [Lichte, 2004]. The use
temperature difference of 15 K across the of real measured climate data collectives
wall thickness is to be expected. enables regionally based statements and
also the use of statistical extrapolation
methods for
8.7 Special problems 747

Figure 8.7.1-18 Model calculation of the temperature behavior of bridge structures

748 8 Calculation

Determination of representative extreme changes can be described with sufficient

values. This also makes it possible to form certainty, it makes sense to define a
combination rules for the different reference temperature in relation to
temperature reactions. which, by definition, the effects of the
The calculation models mainly temperature change become zero. The
represent stiffening girders as two- frequently used approach of a reference
dimensional, prismatic cross-sections, temperature of 10 °C corresponds
which generally assume a uniform approximately to the average air
temperature distribution in the longitudinal temperature in Germany.
direction of the bridge. For variable It is obvious that a bridge is not built
superstructure heights, sufficiently reliable under constant temperature conditions.
statements can be achieved by weighting Climatic temperature influences or effects
the calculation results of cross-sections from the welding process are already
with constant construction heights in imprinted in the structure during assembly,
some areas. the effects of which must be estimated
The advantage of a computer-based during the planning process [Schleicher,
determination of temperature effects is 2001]. The difference between the actual
that the approximate assumptions of installation temperature and the reference
temperature effects used in the planning condition must be taken into account,
stage are replaced by concrete model particularly during bearing installation, in
calculations tailored to the respective order to exclude unplanned overloading,
project. This makes it possible to carry out lifting bearing reactions or bearing travel
parameter studies to assess and evaluate overruns.
specific framework conditions. However, Temperature reactions are always
due to the complexity of these characterized by their effect in both
scientifically oriented methods, the directions: shortening/stiffening, positive
application of these procedures will curvature/negative curvature,
remain limited to exposed structures. compression/tension, etc. Therefore, any
assessment of the installation temperature
that deviates from the actual state will Bridge installation temperature inevitably lead to an increase in the load on
the structure in one of the two directions. To
The temperature effects on a building lie determine movement fluctuations, the
within certain extreme values (see Fig. temperature fluctuation of the bridge
8.7.1-16). As temperature reactions always superstructure must therefore be increased
result from a change in the heating state, by the allowance of ± 10 K or ± 20 K
the installation temperature of a structure specified in Table 8.7.1-5.
must also be taken into account in The same mechanism is also valid for
addition to the extreme values of the temperature-induced vertical structural
temperature effects. curvature. For illustration purposes,
To simplify matters, a bridge structure Figure 8.7.1-19 shows the situation of a
is always assumed to have a given length, two-span composite bridge when adjusting
alignment, longitudinal and transverse the height of the center bearing. If the
inclination, position and shape. In reality, bearing height is set solely on the basis of
the structure is subject to constant change - target support loads from the dead load,
even during assembly - due to the daily different constraint states are "frozen"
effects of the weather. In order to depending on the season, weather and time
minimize the effects of these changes of day, which has consequences for the
level of all vertical supports.
8.7 Special problems 749

Figure 8.7.1-19 "Frozen" constraint state of a composite bridge, resulting from the temperature state
during bearing adjustment

Table 8.7.1-6 Estimation of the average building temperature from measurement of the surface
temperature, from [DIN EN 1337-11, 1998].
Plates Measurements of the temperatures on the top and bottom side in the
middle of the bridge and determination of the average structure
temperature from the mean value of these two temperatures
Plate beam Measurement of the temperatures on the top and bottom of the deck slab
in the middle of the bridge and calculation of the average value.
Measurement of the temperatures on the outer sides of the two outer
main beams, each in the middle of the web and determination of the
mean value Formation of an overall mean value from the area-weighted
area mean values.
Box girder The air temperature in the box girder provides a good approximation of
the average cross-section temperature

bearing forces and thus also on the corresponds to the averaging of the
internal forces in the stiffening beam. surface temperatures to be measured in
In most cases, the practical problem is the area of the deck slab and in the bridge
that the installation temperature can only webs (Table 8.7.1-6). Another empirical
be estimated. On the one hand, this is due estimation option for the average
to the fact that the temperature state is structure temperature can be found in
constantly changing. On the other hand, it [DIN EN 1337-10, 2003]. It is derived from
is usually only possible to measure surface an estimated lowest effective bridge
temperatures at discrete points, from temperature y°C of the day. If the position
which the average building temperature of the bridge when it reaches its lowest
can only be approximated. temperature on the day in question is at a
In [DIN EN 1337-11, 1998] Annex A suitable point such as
the determination of the average building z. e.g. a road crossing, is registered, then
temperature is regulated, which ultimately any subsequent movement of the vehicle
must not be allowed.
750 8 Calculation

Table 8.7.1-7 Estimation of the lowest building temperature y of a day, from [DIN EN 1337-10,
Concrete bridges Lowest bridge temperature (at 8 a.m. ± 1 hour):
y ≈ 1.14 x1 - 1.1
Where x1 is the average shadow temperature of the last 48 hours, formed
– the lowest shade temperature of the day;
– the highest shade temperature of the previous day;
– the lowest shade temperature of the previous day and
– the highest shade temperature of the day before the previous day
Composite bridges Lowest bridge temperature (at 7 a.m. ± 1 hour):
y ≈ 1.14 ⋅ x2 - 2.6
Where x2 is the average shade temperature of the last 24 hours, formed
– the lowest shade temperature of the day and
– the highest shade temperature of the previous day
Steel box girder Lowest bridge temperature (at 6 a.m. ± 1 hour):
bridges y ≈ 1.1 ⋅ x3 - 1.3
Where x3 is the
- lowest shade temperature of the day

The method for estimating the bearings anchored to substructures. This

instantaneous building temperature is situation is case 3 mentioned in Table
based on the lowest effective temperature 8.7.1-5. The prediction problem here is
y°C (Table 8.7.1-7). However, this method that the bearings must be preset to a
is only listed in [DIN EN 1337-10, 2003] bridge temperature that is not yet known.
as an indication and has not been checked As a result of the development of
for all climatic conditions. hydration heat, the freshly concreted
An overall improved statement could be bridge cross-section expands and cools
achieved by temperature sensors installed down again after a few days. At the same
in the cross-section. Another possibility is time, the setting process takes place with a
to calculate the temperature state of the steadily increasing modulus of elasticity. If
bridge from current weather measurement the bridge cross-section were completely
data [Vockrodt, 1995]. However, this unrestricted in its ability to move, the
requires a chronological sequence of the deformations that occur during the
temperature measurement and the hardening process would disappear
weather data recording so that the completely. In reality, the temperature
underlying numerical model can adjust to deformations during the hardening process
the near-real-time temperature are impeded both vertically and
distribution just like the real structure. longitudinally by the formwork and fixings
A special situation of installation of the bearings. The deformations
temperature estimation occurs when hindered in the young concrete lead to
concreting the stiffening girder already in plasticization, so that the concreted
the section is no longer able to withstand the
8.7 Special problems 751

Figure 8.7.1-20 Temperature profile in a solid concrete cross-section over a period of 40 days
after concreting

Figure 8.7.1-21 Displacement of a longitudinally movable support point at a distance of 30 m from the
superstructure test point
752 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.1-22 Bearing displacement of a prestressed concrete bridge after pre-tensioning and
stripping, from [Hellmich, 1984].

is shortened and vertically curved after the point of the removed bearing. They consist
heat of hydration has dissipated. of the bridge shortening and the vertical
Figure 8.7.1-20 shows the development curvature of the bridge cross-section after
of the temperature curve in a solid steel the hydration heat has dissipated. Figure
concrete cross-section over a period of 40 8.7.1-22 clearly illustrates the bearing
days since the concrete was placed. The displacement of a prestressed concrete
heat development due to hydration can be bridge using an example taken from
clearly seen, which gradually changes into [Hellmich, 1984].
the daily climate-related temperature Determining the effective installation
fluctuation. Fig. 8.7.1-21 shows the temperature when concreting the bridge
associated longitudinal displacements of a superstructure on the bearings without a
concrete layer 30 m away from the fixed subsequent position correction option can
concrete base. be subject to uncertainties. If the bridge
superstructure could be moved freely
(theoretically), the installation
temperature would correspond to the fresh
concrete temperature. For the example
shown in Figures 8.7.1-20 and 21, the
installation temperature was too high.
TFresh concrete + ∆THydration influence with
∆THydration influence = 5 K was determined.
It is hardly possible to estimate the fresh
concrete temperature from the air
temperature because, as can be seen in Fig.
8.7.1-23, there is only a very weak
correlation between the fresh concrete
temperature and the air temperature
prevailing at the same time, especially as
the air temperature can only be predicted
Figure 8.7.1-23 Simultaneous comparison of One solution is to use an average
air temperature and fresh concrete expected fresh bed temperature. With the
temperature, from [Readymix Beton, 2002]. approach of e.g. 16 °C
8.7 Special problems 753

the estimation error according to Figure of the maximum cross-sectional heating

8.7.1-23 is up to ± 16 K. In analogy to ∆THydration depends on the fresh concrete
Table 8.7.1-5, the following allowances temperature and can be reduced to (+5 K)
would result for the temperature ... (∆THydration -3 K) can be narrowed down.
fluctuation to be applied to the bridge A comparable situation also o c c u r s with
superstructure: composite bridges. The hardening
(∆TN,pos + 20) K and concrete is hindered in its hydration-
induced thermal deformation by the
(∆TN, neg - 16 K - ∆THydration influence) composite effect. As a result, the top chord
The allowance for the influence of shortens and the stiffening beam bends
hydration depends on the displacement accordingly.
restraint of the concreting section as well

Figure 8.7.1-24 Proposal for a safety concept to take temperature fluctuations into account
754 8 Calculation

[Pamp, 1991] deals in detail with these methods exist for the model-based
effects of hydration heat development on determination of temperature effects.
composite bridges. The idealized equivalent temperature
The consideration of the installation distributions used to describe the
temperature condition through additional temperature state act simultaneously on
additive surcharges to the climatically the structure, which is why they must be
induced temperature stresses can be superimposed within the load assumption
integrated into a safety concept. Figure "temperature effect" using combination
8.7.1-24 provides a suggestion for this. It rules. Additional considerations are
establishes the relationship between the required for the interaction between
characteristic values of the temperature various structural elements in exposed
effects Tk,max and Tk,min , the reference bridge structures such as cable-stayed
temperature condition T0 and the bridges.
installation temperature condition TF . The In addition to considering the extreme
essential safety elements consist on the one temperature conditions of a bridge
hand of the additive elements structure, the temperature condition
∆T 0,min or ∆T 0,max to record the during bearing installation can be of
uncertainties in the estimation of the importance, as the current temperature
installation temperature and, on the other condition is fixed and the subsequent
hand, in a safety element ∆Tγ in the sense temperature reactions are linked to these
of a partial safety factor. "new" boundary conditions.
Due to the high paving temperatures of
up to 250 °C, the hot paving of road Summary and concluding remarks surfaces is a short-term, extreme
temperature effect that is superimposed by
The temperature reactions of bridge the prevailing weather situation. There are
structures result from a complete currently no generalized load approaches
interplay of thermal loads (climate, for this construction process, which is
hydration heat, hot installation of road why it is difficult to make a specific
surface, etc.), the embedding of the bridge assessment of the effects on the supporting
in the environment and the geometric and structure. Nevertheless, considerable
thermophysical properties of the constraint stresses can occur in the
structure. They are ultimately summarized roadway level and, for example, lead to the
in idealized equivalent temperature formation of locally limited flow zones in
distributions, which, however, only reflect orthotropic roadway decks when
a part of the actual structural reactions superimposed with the residual welding
such as longitudinal expansion and stresses.
structural curvature. Sufficiently reliable
load assumptions can thus be made for
the dominant climatically induced 8.7.2 Vibration problems
temperature effects in the majority of
cases. Corresponding limit values are HUGO BACHMANN
specified in the standard regulations. For
cross-section geometries that are not More and more vibration problems
represented by the three groups,
In the practice of bridge construction,
more and more vibration problems occur
- there are
8.7 Special problems 755

seems that the bridges are becoming more In the following, vibration problems of
susceptible to vibration. There are several the main load-bearing elements are first
reasons for this: To a certain extent, discussed for road and railroad bridges
building materials are being bred higher and then for pedestrian bridges; cable
and higher, so they can be utilized more vibrations are also briefly addressed. The
and more - for static, i.e. static actions. focus here is on understanding the
This leads to slimmer constructions, i.e. phenomena that occur and their
smaller cross-sectional dimensions or engineering management. More detailed
larger spans than in older constructions. considerations can be found in the
The consequences are smaller stiffnesses specialist literature. For the practical
and masses. The decrease in stiffness dynamic design, the relevant standard
usually predominates, resulting in lower regulations - if available - should be
natural frequencies with an increased risk consulted.
of resonance. However, less mass must
also be set in motion, i.e. the energy
introduced by dynamic effects results in Road and railroad bridges
significantly stronger vibrations. In
addition, various dynamic influences - e.g. Problem definition
from vehicles due to an increase in weight
and speed - have a tendency to amplify. Vibrations in road and railroad bridges
And finally, people affected by vibrations can primarily affect the main girder (deck
are sometimes more sensitive. Probably girder) and/or its deck slab as well as
due to the increasing environmental individual slender structural elements
influences, people have become more such as cables and pylons of cable-stayed
sensitive and are more likely to complain. and suspension bridges. The vibrations of
The increasing vibration problems the main girder and the deck slab are
show that bridges today can generally no generally vertical vibrations.
longer be designed only for static loads - Dynamic impacts are mainly caused by
even if the provisions in various standards vehicles and wind. Of particular
still give this appearance. Often - and this importance is the passage of heavy
applies above all to pedestrian bridges - it vehicles with a multi-layered interaction
is also not advisable to design bridges between vehicle and bridge girder with
initially only for static loads and then specific road unevenness [Cantieni, 1991],
consider any "dynamic improvement" that which leads to actions and vibrations with
may be required. This can be a time- a quasi-stationary character. Other
consuming detour and lead to dynamic effects are brake forces and
considerable additional planning work. It forces on crash barriers etc., which,
can be much better and less costly to however, have a more impact-like
include the dynamic effects and vibration character and therefore lead to vibrations
behavior in the design process at the with decreasing amplitudes.
earliest planning stage. Vibrations of road and railroad bridges
are mostly safety problems (overstressing
and/or fatigue) and hardly ever
serviceability problems. A
756 8 Calculation

Road bridges, for example, which are also The leaf springs are usually fully activated
used by pedestrians, are an exception. at high speeds and the dominant
Here, strong vibrations can impair the frequency of the dynamic wheel loads
comfort of pedestrians. Such cases should drops to 2.5 ... 1.5 Hz (more like lifting
be treated similarly to vibrating pedestrian vibrations). At high speeds, the leaf
bridges (see section springs are usually fully activated and the
The following explanations concentrate dominant frequency can drop to 1.5 ... 1.2
on vertical vibrations of the main girder Hz (pitching vibrations). In vehicles with
(deck girder) of road bridges; they are air springs, the dependence on running
supplemented by corresponding brief speed is lower and the dominant
notes on rail bridges. frequency of the wheel loads is generally
1.8 ... 1.5 Hz. Dynamic effects due to road loads Dynamic properties of road
Significant vertical dynamic forces from bridges
road loads are caused by vibrations from
heavy vehicles. The following phenomena Natural frequencies and damping of road
and parameters are of particular bridges depend on numerous parameters
importance here: such as the load-bearing system, cross-
sectional design, building materials used,
• Unevenness (waviness) of the road
structural design, storage conditions, etc.
and can vary greatly even for externally
• running speed
similar objects. Figures 8.7.2-1
• Mass (weight) of the vehicle and
[Bachmann, 1997] and 8.7.2-2 [Cantieni,
number of wheel axles
1991] serve as a guide to the magnitudes
• Natural vibration frequencies of the
that occur. As expected, the fundamental
vehicle, and the associated
frequency f decreases with the largest
– Suspension characteristics due to
span; however, the considerable scatter
changes in the tire profile and wheel
must be taken into account. The
suspension (leaf springs or air
logarithmic damping decrement, which can
be determined, for example, from the
– Natural vibration modes of vehicle
swing-out of a bridge after the impact of a
construction (lifting and pitching
vehicle driving over a plank placed on the
roadway, also varies within wide limits.
The dominant frequency and the For composite bridges (steel girders with
magnitude of the dynamic wheel loads are concrete deck) and even more so for steel
particularly important for the dynamic bridges, the damping is generally much
response of a bridge. In vehicles with leaf smaller than for concrete bridges. The
springs, all leaf springs are still locked at damping decrement δ can be converted into
low running speeds, so that the vehicle the damping ratio ζ (ratio of damping to
only oscillates on the tires at 2.5 ... 3.5 Hz. critical damping) with ζ = δ/2π. Due to
If the running speed exceeds a certain the large scatter, both representations only
level (e.g. 40 km/h), the leaf springs are provide rough orders of magnitude and
partially locked. cannot be used to assume calculated
values in specific cases.
8.7 Special problems 757

Figure 8.7.2-1 Basic frequency of 224 road bridges as a function of the largest span [Bachmann,

It should be emphasized here that this The so-called dy- namic increment is the
information only applies to beam bridges. characteristic of the oscillation of the
For cable-stayed and suspension bridges, it beam:
is hardly possible to provide generally Adyn - Astat
valid information on the order of Ф= ∙ 100 [%] (1)
magnitude of the fundamental frequency Astatine
and attenuation. In it, Adyn is the maximum deflection at
the measuring point under dynamic load
and Astat is the maximum deflection at the Vibration behavior of road same point under static load with the
bridges same vehicle.
The so-called dynamic coefficient is
The deflection-time function in the generally used for calculation purposes:
middle of the largest span or the softest
Ф1 = 1 + Ф (2)
field is representative of the response of a
road bridge to the passage of a heavy Figure 8.7.2-4 shows the dynamic
vehicle. increment Ф as a function of the basic
Figure 8.7.2-3 shows this function for a frequency of 73 concrete bridges with
3-span bridge [Cantieni, 1991]. A simple normal roadway unevenness when
parameter for assessing the fracture crossing the bridge.

Figure 8.7.2-2 Frequency distribution of the Figure 8.7.2-3 Deflection-time function when
logarithmic damping decrement of 198 a heavy vehicle crosses a bridge [Cantieni,
reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete 1991].
bridges [Cantieni, 1991]
758 8 Calculation

Fig. 8.7.2-4 Dynamic increment as a function of the basic frequency of 73 bridges when a 2-axle
vehicle passes [Bachmann, 1997].

of a heavy vehicle with leaf springs the corresponding dynamic coefficient is

[Bachmann, 1997]. The envelope shows a lower. Figure 8.7.2-5 shows a proposal for
significant superelevation with Ф = 70% the dynamic coefficients Ф1 for individual
in the range of the dominant frequency of vehicles (2-axle and the particularly
the dynamic wheel loads of 2 ... 4 Hz. critical 3- and 4-axle trucks, no
Although the bridge oscillations are semitrailers) on the one hand and for a
generally quasi-stationary in character, convoy made up of the same vehicles on
they cannot be attributed to simple the other [Cantieni, 1991].
resonance considerations. This is also Compared to the effect of the same
indicated by the evaluation that the vehicles, the vibrations of the main girder of
damping of a bridge does not seem to road bridges only lead to significantly
have a significant influence on the increased stresses (tensions) in the
dynamic increment. Rather, what happens longitudinal direction as static loads;
when a heavy vehicle crosses a bridge is however, they can also contribute to the
determined by a multi-layered interaction fatigue of the main girder, which is
between the vehicle and the bridge. particularly true for steel bridges and
Together, these form a complicated steel-concrete composite bridges. The
coupled dynamic system with considerable decisive static loads are therefore also
non-linearities, which are primarily caused multiplied by the dynamic coefficient for
by the variability of the vehicle properties the verification of fatigue safety. The
mentioned in Section For design stresses Δstat or stress differences Δσstat
purposes, empirical values from resulting from the increased loads must
measurements must therefore continue to not exceed certain limit values.
be used. It should also be noted here that
In the case of a simultaneous crossing vibrations of the bridge's supporting
of two or more vehicles in a column, the elements in the transverse direction (e.g.
bridge vibrations "fight" against each roadway slab on road bridges) can also be
other as a result of the individual vehicles significant in unfavorable pavement
and partially compensate each other, so conditions. These are resonance-like
that the resulting dynamic increment or vibrations of the vehicle axles with the
load-bearing element, usually in the range
8.7 Special problems 759

Figure 8.7.2-5 Proposal for the dynamic coefficients for a single vehicle Ф1 and a vehicle convoy
Ф2 [Cantieni, 1991]

of about 10 Hz. Fatigue phenomena can Measures

also be decisive here.
While in previous standards for road Moderate vibrations of road and railroad
loads (e.g. SIA 160) the dynamic bridges can be described as
coefficient is still explicitly stated and thus unproblematic, provided that they are
recognizable, recently published standards taken into account in the design as
(e.g. [Eurocode 1, 2000], [SIA 261, 2003]) mentioned above. The condition of the
have started to integrate the dynamic load road bridge pavement is of great
component into the total loads. This importance; regular inspections and
explains, for example, the very high axle renewals are essential. Further measures
loads (2 wheels) of 300 kN according to are generally not necessary. In cases of
[SIA 261, 2003, DIN FB 101, 2009]. excessive vibrations, absorbers (tuned
mass-spring dampers) can be considered
in a similar way to pedestrian bridges (see Railroad bridges Section One such case is
described in [Ge- rasch, 1985].
With regard to vibrations of main girders
of railroad bridges, similar relationships
and considerations apply in principle as Pedestrian bridges
for road bridges. Here, the irregularities of
the track, the running speed and again the Problem definition
vibration characteristics of the vehicles
(locomotive, wagon) and the main girder Vibrations in pedestrian bridges can
are important. The dynamic coefficient primarily affect the main girder (sidewalk
can be applied as a function of the span girder) but also individual slender
widths and the speed of expansion. Again, structural elements such as cables and
fatigue must also be considered and pylons of cable-stayed and suspension
vibrations of supporting elements in the bridges. The vibrations of the main girder
transverse direction etc. can be significant. can be both vertical and horizontal
vibrations (transverse and longitudinal to
the direction of travel).
760 8 Calculation

Dynamic impacts are mainly caused by • Step or hop frequency

pedestrians walking and running and by • Time course of the dynamic influence
wind. The effects of cyclists are not • Number of persons involved
significant compared to those of • "Lock-in" effect
pedestrians. On the other hand, so-called
Common step frequencies for walking
"vandal loading" by rhythmic jumping in
and running as well as frequencies for
place or possibly also by horizontal back
hopping in place are shown in Table 8.7.2-
and forth movement of the body of
1 [Baumann/Bachmann, 1988]. Rough
individuals or groups of people can be a
average values are 2 Hz for walking and
significant impact.
2.5 Hz for running and hopping.
Vibrations of pedestrian bridges are
However, the large possible variations
usually usability problems, in that the
must be taken into account.
comfort of pedestrians is impaired, which
The time course of the acting force Fp
can go as far as the practical unusability
(t) of a person is of considerable
(closure) of a bridge. In rather rare cases,
importance. The force can be broken down
safety problems (overloading and/or
into a static component due to the
fatigue) can also occur.
person's own weight (body weight) and a
The following explanations concentrate
dynamic component as the sum of
on vertical and horizontal vibrations of the
harmonic functions ("harmonics") with
main girder (sidewalk girder) of pedestrian
frequencies that are an integer multiple of
bridges caused by the impact of people.
the step or hopping frequency as the basic
They also apply to similarly designed and
frequency of the action (Fourier

Fp (t) = G + ΔG1 ⋅ sin(2π ftp )

+ ΔG sin (4π f t - φ )
Structures such as wide-span staircases, 2 p 2
Ship landing stages, + ΔG3 sin(6 π fp t - φ (3)
etc. )3

G Weight of the person (generally G Dynamic effects caused by persons = 800 N)
ΔG1,2,3 Amplitude of the 1st or 2nd or 3rd amplitude.
Significant vertical and horizontal Harmonics
dynamic forces on pedestrian bridges are fp Step or bounce frequency
caused by the rhythmic movements of φ2,3 Phase angle (temporal phase shift) of
people's bodies. The following aspects are the 2nd or 3rd har- monic
of particular importance compared to the 1st har- monic

Table 8.7.2-1 Step and bounce frequencies in Hz [Baumann/Bachmann, 1988].

in total slowly normal quickly
Walk 1,4 - 2.4 1,4 - 1,7 1,7 - 2.2 2.2 - 2.4
Running 1,9 - 3,3 1,9 - 2.2 2.2 - 2.7 2.7 - 3,3
Bounce 1,3 - 3,4 1,3 - 1,9 1,9 - 3,0 3,0 - 3,4
8.7 Special problems 761

Figure 8.7.2-6 Time course of the vertical impact of a person walking with a step frequency of 2
Hz and corresponding amplitude spectrum

The first three harmonics were taken into For the values ΔGi and φi (i = no. of the
account in the formula for Fp (t). In rather harmonic), the values recommended in
rare cases - especially when bouncing - the [Bachmann, 1997] and shown in the
4th and even the 5th harmonic can also figure were used. As the stride frequency,
play a role. the type of footwear and the individually
Figure 8.7.2-6 shows the temporal different way of stepping and rolling of
progression of the vertical impact of a the feet as well as vibrations of the surface
pedestrian walking at a step frequency of 2 have an influence, these values can vary
Hz. The total force is plotted, considerably [Baumann/Bachmann,
i.e. the force exerted by both feet on the 1988].
walking surface and its harmonic When running - depending on the type
components as well as the corresponding - and always when hopping, contact with
amplitude spectrum (Fourier spectrum). the ground is
762 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.2-7 Time course of the vertical impact of a person (G = 720 N) by bouncing in place at
2 Hz and corresponding amplitude spectrum [Bachmann, 1997].

interrupted. Figure 8.7.2-7 shows the oscillation" (with phase shift).

temporal progression of the vertical force
of a person weighing 720 N by hopping in Example: Significant vertical vibrations
place and the corresponding amplitude occurred on a steel pedestrian bridge. Under
spectrum [Bachmann, 1997]. The main normal conditions during the evening rush
influencing variables are the hopping hour, frequency and movement amplitudes
frequency, the type of hopping (high/low) were measured. The number of pedestrians
and the footwear. It can be seen that in this fluctuated between 30 and 55 per minute.
example the maximum force is 6 times (!) It was found that the bridge mainly
the dead weight and that significant vibrates at its fundamental frequency of
dynamic forces are delivered up to the 5th around 4 Hz. The excitation is caused by
harmonic. the 2nd harmonic of the time course of the
It must be explicitly pointed out here dynamic impact with a step frequency of
that the upper harmonics of the temporal around 2 Hz.
course of the action of people can be of
great importance for structural vibrations. When walking and running, people also
Of course, the simplest case is that exert horizontal forces on the surface.
pedestrian bridges with a relatively low Such forces are generated by the
fundamental frequency f0 are excited to displacement of the body's center of mass
resonance vibrations by the 1st harmonic with displacement amplitudes of generally
of the dynamic action with the step or about 1 to 2 cm transverse to the direction
hopping frequency fp , of travel or in the longitudinal direction
i.e. fp = f0 . Sometimes, however, bridges compared to the location in the case of a
(as well as gymnasium ceilings, sports strictly constant speed of locomotion. It
stadiums, etc.) with a higher fundamental should be noted that the pendulum
frequency are excited by upper frequency - as the fundamental frequency
harmonics, e.g. 2fp = f0 or 3fp = f0 ; in such of the impact - corresponds to half the
cases, the 2nd or 3rd harmonic exerts a step frequency; it is therefore in the range
kind of "push into the 2nd or 3rd wave of 0.7 to 1.7 Hz at step frequencies of 1.4
trough of the structure". to 3.5 Hz (Table 8.7.2-1). If the
8.7 Special problems 763

Figure 8.7.2-8 Amplitude spectra of the horizontal impact o f a person (G 584 N) walking with a
step frequency of 2 Hz [Schulze, 1980].

If the designation of the individual are small, they are sufficient to cause
harmonics continues to refer to the step strong vibrations in horizontally soft and
frequency, the amplitudes of the therefore low-frequency load-bearing
harmonics can be designated as ΔG1/2 , structures.
ΔG1 , ΔG3/2 , ΔG2 etc.; ΔG1/2 is in fact the
1st harmonic of the temporal course of Example: A pedestrian bridge at Geneva
the horizontal impact, but it is usually Airport is designed as a reinforced concrete
referred to as a "semi-harmonic". Figure continuous girder with standard spans of
8.7.2-8 shows amplitude spectra of the around 15 m [Bachmann, 1992]. Figure
horizontal impact of a person weighing 8.7.2-9 shows the dimensions. The sidewalk
584 N walking with a step frequency of 2 slab is 4 m wide. The reinforced concrete
Hz [Schulze, 1980]. It can be seen that columns of around 7 m in height had a
upper harmonics can also be significant relatively small cross-section of 65 cm (in
here. In the "horizontal transverse" the transverse direction of the bridge) by 30
direction, forces occur primarily at half cm (in the longitudinal direction of the
and one and a half times the step bridge), as they had only been designed for
frequency, while in the "horizontal horizontal static wind forces. After the end
longitudinal" direction, forces are of a major evening event, numerous
primarily exerted at one and two times the pedestrians streamed across the bridge
step frequency, but also at half, one and a from one side. The bridge began to vibrate
half times, and so on. step frequency. strongly, especially horizontally across the
Depending on the person and the state of bridge axis, but also in the longitudinal
movement of the support, the magnitude direction. A panic-like reaction ensued:
of the amplitudes can be different some of the pedestrians ran forward to the
compared to Fig. 8.7.2-8, e.g. for end of the bridge to get to safety, while
"horizontal transverse" values ΔG1/2 /G of others turned around and tried to run
up to ≈ 0.07 are possible on a stationary back. The pedestrians experienced the
surface and up to ≈ 0.14 on a strongly vibrations as in a strong earthquake or
transversely vibrating surface similar to those on a ship in high waves. A
[Matsumoto, 1978]. Although the dynamic investigation showed that the
horizontal forces exerted by people when fundamental frequency of the bridge was
walking and running are relatively small horizontally transverse.
compared to the vertical forces, the
764 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.2-10 Stiffening of the bridge

supports of Figure 8.7.2-9 by sheathing
[Bachmann, 1992].

to the bridge axis was only 1 Hz and 1.75

Hz in the direction of the bridge axis. A
look at the amplitude spectra in Figure
8.7.2-8 explains the vibrations: The bridge
was excited by the pedestrians in the
transverse direction by the "semi-
harmonic" with ΔG1/2 and in the
longitudinal direction by the harmonic
with the amplitude ΔG1 . The bridge had to
be refurbished by stiffening the existing
reinforced concrete supports; these were
carefully roughened and encased in new
reinforcement and concrete (Fig. 8.7.2-10).
The pile head plates of the foundations also
had to be reinforced to ensure the clamping
of the reinforced columns. These measures
made it possible to raise the natural
frequencies in the transverse and
longitudinal direction of the bridge to such
an extent that no more disturbing
Figure 8.7.2-9 Horizontal transverse and vibrations occurred, which corresponds to
longitudinal swinging pedestrian bridge subsequent frequency tuning (see section
[Bachmann, 1992]
8.7 Special problems 765

More precise recommendations for the of pedestrians will therefore alternately

numerical values ΔGi /G and φi for support and partially compensate each
walking, running and hopping (as well as other over time. Exact predictions are
for other rhythmic human body hardly possible, as many different
movements) as a function of the step or parameters and coincidences play a role.
hop frequency are given in [Bachmann, However, the approach according to
1997]. [Matsumoto, 1978] has proven to be
sufficiently accurate for practical
purposes. According to this approach, a Influence of several people and "lock- factor m can be de- fined with which the
in" effect vibration amplitude calculated for a single
pedestrian in the middle of the bridge can
The above statements refer to be multiplied:
mainly due to the action of a single
m = λ ⋅T0 (4)
person. Pedestrian bridges are
however, is generally used by several λ: average arrival rate (persons/s for entire
people at the same time. A distinction bridge width) over a certain period of
must be made between the following types time (maximum possible arrival rate
of impact: T λmax ≈ 1.5 persons per s and m width)
• Irregular influence
0 : time required to pass the bridge of
• Synchronous action length L at speed vs (T0 = L/v ).s
• "Lock-in" effect λ ∙ T0 : Number of people on the bridge at
In the case of random action, e.g. by the same time at the average
walking or running, the step frequency arrival rate
and the dead weight of the persons It has already been taken into account that
involved are distributed within a certain an action evenly distributed over an entire
range according to a frequency curve, span produces only about 60% of the
while the phase angle φ1 of the 1st deflection due to the same but
harmonic (related to any time zero point) concentrated action acting in the center of
has a purely random distribution. The the span.
dynamic effects

Figure 8.7.2-11 Multiplication factor when several people are exposed

766 8 Calculation

For example, for a bridge 2 m wide and The phenomenon known as the
26 m wide, a passage of 100 people/minute feedback and synchronization effect or, in
(λ = 1.66 people/s) and vs ≈ 1.5 m/s results reference to similar phenomena in
in a passing time of T0 = 26/1.5 = 17.3 s aeroelasticity when vortices are detached
and thus a factor m = 5.4. from vibrating bodies around which a
Equation (4) can be used for pedestrian flow passes, the "lock-in" effect can be of
structures with a basic frequency f0 in the considerable practical importance. It has
range of the most frequent step frequency, been shown that when walking and
i.e. for normal pedestrian traffic for f0 running, people adapt their movements to
between 1.8 and 2.2 Hz, can be applied a vertically or horizontally vibrating
directly. Lower and higher step surface as soon as its displacement
frequencies are significantly less frequent. amplitude exceeds a certain threshold
Therefore, for fundamental frequencies f value. In this case, uninfluenced walking
between 2.2 and 2.4 Hz and between 1.8 or running is no longer possible, you "fall
and 1.6 Hz, the factor m can be applied out of step" and adapt to the vibrations of
linearly to the value mmin the base in terms of step frequency and
= 2.0 must be reduced. The value 2.0 phase position (φ1 ). The threshold value
corresponds to two people walking in step. depends on the direction and frequency
In the case of synchronous exposure by and can vary considerably depending on
several people - e.g. a group of pedestrians the individual (age, constitution, etc.). For
walking in step or jumping synchronously vertical vibrations of the base at around 2
in place - there is an increase compared to Hz, the threshold value (amplitude) varies
the exposure of a single person, which between 10 and 20 mm [Baumann/
increases almost linearly with the number of Bachmann, 1988]. For horizontal
people n for the 1st harmonic (Figure 8.7.2- vibrations transverse to the walking
11). Due to the higher frequencies or shorter direction at around 1 Hz, it is smaller; in
periods, differences in temporal some people, adaptation to the vibrations
synchronization and other characteristics of the support begins at amplitudes of 2 to
(ΔGi /G, φi etc.) always have a greater effect 3 mm.
with upper harmonics and can lead to If the vibrations of a bridge exceed the
significant reductions in the multiplication threshold value of a person walking on it,
factor. The degree of reduction due to this person synchronizes with the bridge
imperfect syn- chronization compared to vibration and now enters each wave
perfect syn- chronization or linear trough of the vibration (with phase shift),
magnification depends not only on the so to speak, whereby the bridge
harmonic but also on the relevant experiences a resonance-like and therefore
circumstances (frequency range, type of less favourable dynamic excitation. As a
activities, etc.). However, at least for a result, the displacement amplitudes
smaller number of persons, the increase, causing more people to
assumption of linear magnification seems synchronize with the bridge oscillation and
appropriate (upper limit). For example, the thus with each other. In other words,
effect of "wilful excitation" on footbridges more and more people are "locked" or
can be based on 3 jumping persons with "lured" into the synchronization, in
ideal synchronization. accordance with the English meaning of
"to lock".
8.7 Special problems 767

Example: On the occasion of the opening of Table 8.7.2-2 Usual values of the damping
the newly built Millennium Bridge with dimension of pedestrian bridges [Bachmann,
spans of 80 m - 140 m - 100 m over the 1997].
Thames in the City of London in June Attenuation dimension ζ
2000, numerous pedestrians streamed
across the bridge. Strong transverse Construction min. mediu max.
vibrations occurred with frequencies of method m
around 1 Hz, which, according to later reinforced 0,008 0,013 0,020
estimates, reached amplitudes of up to 70 concrete
mm. Video recordings showed that a large
prestressed 0,005 0,010 0,017
proportion of the pedestrians had adapted concrete
to the vibrations of the bridge and thus
Compound 0,003 0,006 -
synchronized with them. However, many
pedestrians were unable to continue walking Steel 0,002 0,004 -
and had to hold on to the railings. The
bridge had to be closed again. Laboratory
tests carried out on a transversely oscillating whereby, as in the case of road bridges,
platform as part of the dynamic simulation the large scattering must be taken into
showed that at an amplitude of 5 mm, account.
between 30 and 50% of pedestrians already The damping of pedestrian bridges -
synchronize, and at 30 mm it is around 80% especially steel bridges and also composite
[Imp. College, 2000]. For a transverse bridges (steel girders with concrete
acceleration of 2% of g (see section pavement slabs) - can be very low, which, a synchronization of can result in strong vibrations when a
≈ 30% of pedestrians are assumed. pedestrian passes. Table 8.7.2-2 provides
information on the equi- valent viscous
damping factor ζ = δ/2π from an Dynamic properties of pedestrian evaluation of measurements on 43
bridges bridges, each of which was excited by a
single pedestrian (according to A. J.
With regard to natural frequencies and Pretlove et al. in [Bachmann, 1997]). At
damping of pedestrian bridges as beam
bridges, similar relationships apply as for
road bridges (Section However,
due to the lower static live loads, smaller
cross-sectional dimensions can be selected
for the same span width, which means
that the stiffness and thus the natural
frequencies assume smaller values. For
example, a road bridge with a span width
of 30 m has a fundamental frequency of
3.3 Hz, while a similarly constructed
pedestrian bridge only has a fundamental
frequency of 2.8 Hz. Figure 8.7.2-12 (after
A. J. Pretlove et al. in [Bachmann, 1997])
gives a rough order of magnitude for the
fundamental frequency of pedestrian
Fig. 8.7.2-12 Fundamental frequency of 67
bridges, foot-operated bridges as a function of the span
[Bachmann, 1997].
768 8 Calculation

In some cases (but not always), the the horizontal fundamental bending
damping increases with large vibration frequency, but it can also be a higher
amplitudes, which prevents a linear bending natural frequency or a torsional
increase in the vibrations with the natural frequency - corresponds to the
strength of the impact. Numerous frequency of a harmonic of the time
pedestrians on a bridge at the same time course of the action (Section In
also contribute to the damping themselves the stationary state, i.e. after the oscillation
due to the energy dissipation in their process, the duration of which increases
bodies. However, the extent of the with lower damping, deflection amplitudes
increase in damping compared to the occur that are a multiple of the natural
same bridge without pedestrians depends frequency,
on numerous parameters and should be z. For example, it may be 20 or 100 times
neglected or only assumed very cautiously (it is 1/2ζ times, see section the
in the dynamic design, especially for larger deflection from the statically acting
bridges. amplitude ΔG of the dynamic action. It
As with road bridges, it must be would therefore not be expedient to try to
emphasized that the above information capture the influence of the vibrations by
only applies to beam bridges. For cable- adding a dynamic coefficient to the static
stayed bridges, suspension bridges, arch load, e.g. as in the case of road loads.
bridges and the special constructions that Instead, the dynamic deflection must be
have recently become increasingly considered on its own.
common, it is hardly possible to provide
generally valid information on the order
of magnitude of the fundamental Reference values
frequency and damping.
Measured or calculated vibration values of
pedestrian bridges (acceleration or speed Vibration behavior of or displacement) can be compared with
pedestrian bridges acceptable values, so-called reference values.
As the name suggests, these are not
The deflection-time function in the middle precisely definable "permissible" values,
of the largest span or the softest field is but rather values that provide a useful
again representative of the response of a order of magnitude with a scatter range
footbridge to the passing or bouncing of a and thus only provide reference points.
person, basically similar to that of road Reference values can be determined by the
bridges when a heavy vehicle passes over following phenomena:
them (Figure 8.7.2-3). In contrast to such • Physiological effects on people
bridges, however, the static deflection of (mechanical, optical, acoustic effects)
pedestrian bridges is relatively small and a • Stresses on the structure or component
simple harmonic oscillation around a (deformation, strength, fatigue)
practically unchanged zero line with a
pronounced resonance-like character is For the limitation of the vibration values
usually observed. In the most unfavorable and thus for the reference values are
case, a natural frequency of the bridge - usually
usually the vertical or
8.7 Special problems 769

the physiological effects are decisive. Frequency tuning

The determination of reference values
for vertical and horizontal vibrations of The following are the main measures that
pedestrian bridges touches on difficult can be taken to prevent excessive pedestrian
questions, especially in the case of bridge vibrations:
physiological effects, and has a certain margin
• Frequency tuning
of discretion. Different standards also
• Calculation of a forced oscillation and
provide different reference values or
amplitude limitation
"permissible" values. Caution is required
• Special measures
when applying them, as standards can hardly
• Use of vibration absorbers
take into account all the circumstances
relevant in a specific case, e.g. In frequency tuning, the supporting
structure is designed so that its natural
• Frequent, exceptional or rare event
frequencies - in particular its fundamental
• Experimentally determined or
frequency - meet certain requirements;
calculated (often very uncertain)
the supporting structure is therefore
vibration value
designed similarly with regard to its
• Desired comfort level
• Expected acceptance by users (e.g. vibration properties.
"tuned" like a musical instrument. To
suspension bridge in mountain valley ≠
calculate the natural frequencies, "only"
staircase in department store)
the stiffnesses and masses are required as
• Other specific circumstances
structural parameters, but not the
Reference values are always frequency- damping, which is often difficult to
dependent. They are generally given in the predict.
form of an acceleration, possibly also a In the "vertical" direction, the most
velocity. Depending on the circumstances, frequent step frequencies of pedestrians
an acceleration of 0.5 to 1 m/s2, i.e. 5 to 10% (Table 8.7.2-1) and the corresponding
of g (g = acceleration due to gravity) can amplitude spectrum (Figure 8.7.2-6) mean
be accepted for vertical vibrations. The that there is the greatest risk of a
lower values do not normally lead to pedestrian bridge being stimulated to
complaints. Walking people are much vibrate considerably if one of its
more sensitive to horizontal vibrations, frequencies is between 1.6 and 2.4 Hz.
especially transverse to the direction of Natural frequencies in the range from 1.6
walking. Therefore, an acceleration of 1 to to 2.4 Hz should therefore be avoided. And
2% of g is recommended as a rough guide. due to the phenomenon of the 2nd
In addition, vertical vibration paths of harmonic (Section, natural
≈ 10 mm and horizontally ≈ 2 mm should frequencies in the range between 3.5 and
not be exceeded, provided that the "lock- 4.5 Hz should also be avoided for
in" effect and thus synchronization of the structures with relatively low damping
movements of the persons acting on the and mass (especially steel and composite
system is to be avoided (Section bridges). If pedestrian bridges are
More detailed information on certain frequently crossed by runners ("joggers")
types of reference values can be found in with higher frequent step frequencies
[Bachmann, 1997], for example. (Table 8.7.2-1), analogous conclusions
must be drawn. Accordingly, natural
frequencies in the range of 2.1 and
2.9 Hz should be avoided.
770 8 Calculation

Based on the amplitude spectrum However, this measure has generally

(Figure 8.7.2-8 left), the risk of vibration is proven itself in practice; it can be
greatest in the "horizontal transverse" recommended above all for the frequently
direction if a bridge has natural occurring "normal" beam bridges with
frequencies at around 1 Hz and possibly spans of up to around 50 m.
also at 2 or 3 Hz. While a number of cases
of bridges vibrating transversely at around
1 Hz (≈ 0.7 to 1.3 Hz) are known, this is Calculation of a forced oscillation and
not the case for bridges vibrating at limitation of the amplitudes
around 2 or even 3 Hz; their stiffness and
mass should generally be so great that the Depending on the circumstances, the
relatively low lateral forces of pedestrians frequency tuning of a footbridge initially
do not excite any disturbing vibrations. In designed only for static loads can lead to
any case, tuning the frequency to > 3.4 Hz considerable additional work. In such
is on the safe side. cases, more specialized investigations may
Analogous considerations can be made be indicated. The focus is usually on
in the "horizontal longitudinal" direction calculating a forced vibration and
and critical frequency ranges can be comparing the resulting amplitudes with
identified, in particular at around 1 Hz and reference values. If necessary, measures
possibly at 2 Hz and possibly also at 3 Hz must then be taken to limit the
(Figure 8.7.2-8 right). However, it is often amplitudes.
the case that in the case of bridges that are The following applies to a stationary
mathematically soft in the longitudinal harmonic resonance oscillation (state after
direction, the bearing friction prevents the oscillation process) under the
vibrations. However, caution is required influence of a single person in the center
with frame bridges. of the field:
Figure 8.7.2-13 shows the critical d = ds /2ζ ; v = 2π fds /2ζ ;
frequency ranges for pedestrian bridges
that should be avoided as far as possible by a = 4π 2 f 2 ds /2ζ (5)
frequency tuning. d, v, a Amplitudes of the deflection or
The frequency tuning of load-bearing velocity or acceleration in the
structures is a relatively rough and center of the field

Figure 8.7.2-13 Critical frequency ranges for pedestrian bridges that can be avoided by frequency
8.7 Special problems 771

ds Static deflection due to ΔG f 3.5 and 4.5 Hz and low damping with the
Natural frequency of the bridge calculation of a forced oscillation to clarify
and frequency of the governing whether changes in stiffness such as
harmonics increasing the cross-sectional dimensions
with the amplitude ΔG ζ etc. are indicated.
Attenuation factor The main special measures that can be
considered are unconventional stiffeners,
The exposure of several persons can be which of course usually increase the
determined by multiplying the random natural frequencies, e.g.
exposure by the factor m and the
synchronic exposure by the number of • only effective clamping of the main
persons n (see Section girder for live loads with one or more
Instructions for calculations with abutments
consideration of the transient response • Installation of a stiffer railing
and other influences are given, for ("serviceability support structure")
example, in [Bachmann, 1997] and • Cable bracing (vertical, horizontal or
[Grundmann et al., 1993]. Of course, inclined)
conventional computer programs can also Increasing the damping by modifying the
be used; however, it is always advisable to supporting structure, connections,
check the results by means of simple bearings, etc. can also be considered, but
manual calculations, which also promote an there are usually considerable practical
overview and understanding of the difficulties in doing so. On the other hand,
relationships and thus help to avoid gross the use of vibration absorbers can be an
errors. In any case, there is a very effective and cost-effective alternative.
important direct dependence of the
calculation results on the damping factor ζ.
This is often very difficult to predict Calming through vibration absorbers
accurately and must therefore be assumed
with caution (Table 8.7.2-2), which can Absorbers are mass-spring dampers whose
considerably impair the usefulness of an natural frequency and damping must be
"accurate" vibration calculation. precisely matched to the dynamic
The comparison of the calculated properties of the structure to be stabilized.
amplitudes with reference values shows Absorbers can be used for
whether measures such as increasing the • Vibration remediation of existing
stiffness etc. need to be taken. This can be
used to try to limit the amplitudes to an • Planning and dynamic design of new
acceptable level.
Experience has shown that for
pedestrian bridges with a vertical An absorber is therefore an additional
fundamental frequency of around 2 Hz, oscillating system that is attached to an
the calculation of a forced oscillation with oscillating main system. It consists of a
amplitude limitation usually leads to mass, a spring and a damper (or several
similar results as a frequency tuning. More parallel springs and dampers). A good
differentiated findings are to be expected tuning of the damper
for bridges with higher natural
frequencies. For example, for steel and
composite bridges with a vertical
fundamental frequency in the range
772 8 Calculation

The higher frequency causes inertial s ζ= cs /(2 ks /ms )

forces of the absorber mass, which
xt,s Displacement of the absorber mass or
counteract the dynamic forces acting on
modal mass of the main system
the main system and can significantly
reduce its resonance vibrations. So while The differential equation of motion of the
the vibration amplitudes of the main equilibrium can be set up for the two
system are significantly reduced, large masses and the coupled sliding system can
displacement amplitudes of the additional be solved [Bachmann, 1997]
system are required. A large part of the [Bachmann/Weber, 1995]. The
energy supplied by the dynamic action is expressions for the optimum natural
transferred to the strongly vibrating frequency fopt and the optimum damping
absorber; it is dissipated primarily in the ζopt of the absorber result in
absorber or absorbers of the absorber.
In the vast majority of cases, fopt = ;ζ opt =
3(mt /ms )
oscillations at a certain natural frequency 1+ mt s
8(1 + mt /ms
of the main system are problematic /m )3
and must be reduced. The main system
can then be modeled as an equivalent with the natural frequencies ks /ms /(2π )
single-mass oscillator with the fs =
kt /mt / (2π )
corresponding modal mass, etc.
of the main system and ft =
of the absorber.
Together with the additional system, this The optimum natural frequency of the
results in a 2-mass oscillator as shown in absorber is therefore somewhat lower than
Fig. 8.7.2-14: the natural frequency of the main system (≈
mt Tilting mass 95 to 99%), and - like the optimum damping
ms Modal mass of the main system - it depends on the mass ratio mt /ms , which
(bridge) is usually selected in the range of 0.01 to
kt,s Spring constant of the absorber or main 0.05. Design aids are given in
system [Bachmann/Weber, 1995].
ct,s Damping constant of the absorber or
main system with damping factor
t ζ= ct /(2 kt /mt resp.

Figure 8.7.2-14 Dynamic model of the main Fig. 8.7.2-15 Example of the influence of the
system (supporting structure) with absorber damping ratio of an absorber on the vibrations
[Bachmann, 1997]. of the main system [Bachmann, 1997].
8.7 Special problems 773

Calculations of resonance curves show must be checked [Bachmann/Weber,

that the maximum amplitudes of the main 1995], and sufficient space (including a
system can be significantly reduced by an reserve in case of excessive impact)
attenuator, but the reduction is very must be provided.
sensitive to small changes in the • It must be possible to fine-tune an
attenuator frequency ft ; this must absorber (frequency) not only during
therefore match the optimum frequency its manufacture in the workshop but
fopt as closely as possible. In contrast, even also on the structure - usually best by
considerable deviations of the absorber adding or removing small parts of the
attenuation ζt from the optimum absorber mass rather than by changing
attenuation ζopt have relatively minor the absorber springs. This is because
consequences, as can be seen in Fig. 8.7.2- calculation results for the structure and
15. In the case shown, ζopt is 9%. Both for the absorber often deviate from the
damping that is considerably too small actual values, and the structural
(3%) and too large (15%), the reduction in frequencies in particular can change
vibrations of the main system by the over time, e.g. due to the installation of
absorber is still significant. new decking or railings, changes in the
The following practical tips may be stiffness of concrete beams due to
useful when using absorbers for vibration cracking, etc. For this reason, absorbers
damping of pedestrian bridges: should always be positioned and
installed in such a way that they are as
• A vibration damper of the type easily accessible as possible for
described above is only effective in a inspection and readjustment.
narrow frequency band and if it is tuned
to a specific natural frequency of the Example: A pedestrian and cyclist bridge in
system to be calmed. It does not work Dietikon near Zurich is designed as a
satisfactorily if the main system has continuous steel girder over 4 spans with a
several natural frequencies close to main span of 25 m and a clear width of 2.5
each other (e.g. bending and torsional m [Bachmann, 1992]. Figure 8.7.2-16
fundamental frequency), which are shows a view. The walkway and roadway is
excited by the dynamic action. formed by square prefabricated reinforced
• The larger the absorber, the more concrete slabs supported on neoprene slabs
effective it is. on the cross girders. After commissioning,
the greater the mass of the absorber strong vibrations were already evident
compared to the nominal mass of the when individual pedestrians passed and
main system and the smaller the smaller but clearly perceptible vibrations
damping of the main system. Absorbers were also evident when individual cyclists
are therefore particularly efficient for passed. A dynamic investigation revealed a
steel and composite bridges, which fundamental frequency of 2.48 Hz; this was
generally have a lower mass and less therefore above the "forbidden" range
damping than concrete bridges and can according to the rules of frequency tuning
therefore be particularly susceptible to (Section and Figure 8.7.2-13). The
vibrations. pronounced susceptibility to vibration can
• The displacement amplitudes of the tilt be explained by the extremely low damping.
The masses must be calculated by The damping ratio was only 0.23% at
774 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.2-16 Pedestrian and cyclist bridge made of steel with low damping and correspondingly
strong vibrations [Bachmann, 1992].

Figure 8.7.2-17 Vibration absorber for dynamic rehabilitation of the bridge of Figure 8.7.2-16
[Bachmann, 1992].

an acceleration of ≈ 1 m/s2 and 0.40% at ≈ 4 the dead weight would have been
m/s2; this meant that there was almost only compensated, the bridge would have lifted
material damping (steel) and only slight off its supports and made an actual air
system damping (connections, bearings, etc.). jump, as has happened in other cases.
Bridge vibrations with an acceleration in the The dynamic refurbishment was carried out by
center of the bridge of ≈ 9 m/s2 (!) could be 2 vibration dampers (Fig. 8.7.2-17) of
achieved by a person jumping in place. That narrow design, attached to the inside of the
is 90% of the earth's acceleration. At 100% steel girders in the middle of the main span
(averaged) would be and covered with sheet metal cladding.
8.7 Special problems 775

Figure 8.7.2-18 Vibrations of the bridge in Figure 8.7.2-16 caused by a person jumping with
blocked and active absorbers [Bachmann, 1992].

were provided. The absorbers are therefore of the triangular subsystems consisting of
easily accessible from the sidewalk slab for bridge girder, pylon and cable is a
checks etc. Figure 8.7.2-18 shows the bridge comparatively stiff system, at least in the
vibrations when a person jumps, with vertical direction, and correspondingly
blocked and with active absorbers. The insensitive to vibration [Petersen, 2001].
absorbers are extremely efficient in this The stay cables themselves, on the other
case: they reduce the vibrations by a factor hand, are to be classified as highly
of around 20 to a value of ≈ 0.5 m/s2 (≈ stop susceptible to vibration due to their often
value). great length (slenderness) and low
Damper technology will become even damping.
more important in the future. Among Two different types of ropes (cables) are
other things, absorber systems in which the mainly used:
spring stiffness and the damping ratio can • Sealed spiral ropes made from several
be changed in a simple, e.g. layers of round and Z-wires without
electromagnetic way and thus, for example, sheaths
natural oscillations of the main system • Parallel wire and strand bundles of
with different frequencies can be damped round wires in a thick-walled plastic or
by a single absorber, are also likely to steel tube, pressed with cement mortar
become important. Information on this or epoxy resin etc. for reinforcement or
can be found in [Footbridge, 2002]. corrosion protection. Angled cable Dynamic effects Problem definition Wind dynamic phenomena and foot point

excitation can be considered as vibration
Structures with stay cables - also known as excitation of the inclined cables.
stay cables - are increasingly being used in Wind can generate transverse
large bridge construction and for vibrations both in the fundamental mode
pedestrian bridges. Compared to and in higher natural modes (with several
suspension bridges, which can be excited nodes) as a result of alternating vortex
to vibrate by the effects of wind in shedding. Such vibrations are more likely
particular, cable-stayed bridges are more to occur with thin
stable due to their
776 8 Calculation

short ropes - e.g. from pedestrian bridges the cross-section around which the air
[Petersen, 2001]. The excitation forces are flows changes in line with the oscillation
too small for long, heavier and thicker frequency. At even higher wind speeds,
ropes, such as those used in the the rivulets are driven further up the rope
construction of large bridges. The critical cross-section and a vertical rope
wind speeds increase with the diameter oscillation is created by the upward and
and natural frequency of the ropes and downward forces from the wind pressure
can - also due to the higher natural differences. Fig. 8.7.2-19 shows the
vibration modes - lie in the entire conditions with increasing wind speed
spectrum of usual wind speeds. from left to right. Similar phenomena
The phenomena of buffeting (puffing occur with wind and rain at right angles to
due to wake turbulence) and certain types the rope plane [Petersen, 2001].
of galloping are less common because they Vibrations of the bridge girder due to
are only significant with closely adjacent vehicle or pedestrian traffic are primarily
parallel ropes (distance ≤ 3 to 4 times the responsible for the base point excitation of
rope diameter). On the other hand, cases stay cables, but it can also be vibrations of
of rope oscillations induced by rain and the bridge girder or the pylon due to the
wind ("rain-wind galloping") occur time effect of wind. If the frequency of the
and again. These require very specific vibrating bridge girder or pylon coincides
weather conditions in terms of rain with a natural frequency of the cable,
intensity (not too high) and wind strength resonance can occur. The excitation of a
and direction in relation to the rope. cable frequency by the 2nd harmonic of the
These are complex, self-initiated or temporal course of the bridge movement
controlled processes with the rain is also possible.
channels running along the rope. With
wind and rain in the direction of the
vertical rope plane, the rain gutter is split Dynamic properties of stay cables
in two from a certain wind speed. If
horizontal vibrations set in, the two rain Due to the small influence of the bending
gutters perform an oscillating movement stiffness, a rope can be treated
on the circular cylindrical surface, i.e. approximately like a string. The natural
frequencies result from

Figure 8.7.2-19 Phenomena of horizontal and vertical vibrations induced by rain and wind with
increasing wind speed from left to right [Petersen, 2001].
8.7 Special problems 777

n S Measures against rope vibrations

fn = (7)
2l μ
Numerous different
design measures to reduce rope vibrations
S Rope force
were proposed and implemented. The aim
μ Mass assignment
is to
l Rope length
n = 1, 2, 3... No. of the mode shape (n + 1 • Geometric limitation of rope bending
= number of vibration nodes) during anchoring,
• Energy dissipation through damping
The damping of bending vibrations is very
small in the case of locked coil ropes; the
damping factor ζ (basic mode of vibration) Both can be achieved, for example, by
is in the order of only 0.1%. It is higher for attaching a steel tube with a ring-shaped
parallel wire and strand bundles due to neoprene damper (Fig. 8.7.2-20 left).
the sheath and the crimping. Another possibility, especially with long
ropes, is to support them with
commercially available shock absorbers at Vibration behavior of ropes a distance of 2 to 4 m from the anchorage
(Fig. 8.7.2-20 right). However, the space
With long ropes, deflections in the required and any loss of bridge width
decimeter range and, more rarely, up to must be taken into account.
about 1 meter (!) have often been Often, ropes lying on top of each other
observed. Such amplitudes - but even are also connected to each other. The
much smaller ones - can cause very connecting ropes can be described as
unfavorable fatigue loading. Particularly "interfering ropes" with regard to the
at risk are the anchorage areas where the vibrations of the suspension ropes. Fig.
bending back and forth of the rope is 8.7.2-21 shows various possible
added to the multi-axial stress already arrangements, each of which has its
present there. This has often led to fatigue advantages and disadvantages. What they
fractures and the need to replace the have in common is that when a
ropes. suspension rope vibrates, the neighboring
ropes are included in the movements. Due
to the different lengths and rope

Fig. 8.7.2-20 Reduction of rope vibrations by a) Neoprene damper in steel tube or

b) commercially available shock absorbers [Petersen, 2001].
778 8 Calculation

If the bridges are used in the longitudinal

direction, very large inertia forces can have
to be absorbed there, which are
determined by the overall mass inertia of
the superstructure. This can cause buckling
of the webs or lower flanges of steel beam
bridges. In the case of truss bridges, there
Fig. 8.7.2-21 Different arrangements of is a risk of buckling of the lower chord
"interference ropes" [Petersen, 2001]. members, which are usually very weakly
dimensioned. In earthquake regions,
however, the bearing variant with a
The natural frequencies are different due longitudinally fixed bearing arrangement
to the high forces, and detuning and on a bridge abutment has recently been
damping effects occur. The excellent book used less and less.
[Petersen, 2001] contains further ideas In areas of strong seismicity, it is
and information on possible measures particularly important that the
against rope vibrations. displacements of the superstructure
caused by the earthquake can be absorbed
by the movable bearings without a bearing
8.7.3 Earthquake stress failing or the superstructure falling from
the support.
MASAAKI HOSHINO The dynamic behavior of large bridges,
and EKKEHARD FEHLING especially rigid frame bridges, elevated or
penetrating arch bridges as well as cable- Introduction stayed and suspension bridges, differs from
the behavior of beam bridges and is
The earthquake load case must not be generally more complex. Therefore, it is
neglected when designing bridges in areas hardly possible to make generalized
at risk of earthquakes. In contrast to dead statements in this respect, so that the
and live loads, which act in a vertical seismic safety of such bridges must be
direction, earthquake loads result in examined more closely in individual cases.
deformations and loads in a horizontal
direction, which can be decisive for the
design of bridge components. As a rule, Characteristics of earthquakes
this is particularly the case for the design
of bearings, piers and columns. Although earthquakes can be caused by
In general, the superstructure of beam various factors, fracture processes at the
bridges in solid construction is not edges of the tectonic plates moving
endangered by earthquakes. The against each other are considered to be the
superstructure of beam bridges and truss most important. According to the theory
bridges in steel construction is also of plate tectonics, the origins of which go
normally not significantly affected by back to a publication by Alfred Wegener
earthquakes, except with regard to the in 1912, the earth's crust consists of
cross bracing. However, if longitudinally around twelve plates. Earthquake activity
fixed bearings are only arranged on one is particularly strong along the
8.7 Special problems 779

The Pacific Plate rim is particularly According to C. F. Richter, this is due to

affected by earthquakes in countries such the following empirically determined
as Chile, Mexico, the USA, Japan, Taiwan, correlation:
the Philippines and New Zealand. The
energy released by earthquakes registered log E [Nm] = 4.8 + 1.5 M (2)
there is said to be around 75% of the However, knowledge of the earthquake
energy released by earthquakes magnitude alone is not sufficient to assess
throughout the world. The second the possible extent of damage to building
important earthquake zone runs from the structures at a particular location. The
Himalayan region via Iran and Turkey to extent of damage is very much
the Mediterranean region. codetermined by the transmission path of
An earthquake can be characterized by the waves caused by the earthquake and
a number of characteristic parameters. therefore primarily by the distance to the
These include epicenter. For this reason, the concept of
• the geographical location of the earthquake intensity was introduced. It is
epicenter, a measure of the ground motion at any
• the magnitude and location. As a rule, the intensity decreases
• the intensity. with increasing distance from the
epicenter. However, there are exceptions
The epicenter is defined as the projection to this rule, as shown by the 1985 Mexico
of the location of the starting point of the earthquake, which caused severe damage
rupture/earthquake onto the earth's to high-rise buildings in Mexico City, 400
surface. The magnitude is a measure of the km from the epicenter. This was due to
strength of an earthquake. There are the soft subsoil of Mexico City, which
several definitions for this. Originally, C. originated from a dried-up former lake
F. Richter originally proposed the and preferentially transmitted certain
following equation: vibrations to the earth's surface.
ML = log A - log A0 The Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI),
(1) which uses a scale of 12 levels (I - XII), is
often used as a measure of intensity. In
Here, ML is the so-called local magnitude Japan, the scale introduced by the Japan
given in logarithmic scale, A is the Meteorological Agency (JMA) with 9 levels
maximum amplitude of the ground (1-7 including the split levels 5 and 6) is
motion in micrometers (1 μ = 10-6 m) common. In the meantime, the 12-level
recorded at a location 100 km away from EMS scale (European Macroseismic
the epicentre using a Wood-Anderson Scale), which is a further development of
seismograph and log A0 is a correction the MMI scale, is increasingly being used,
value as a function of distance in the event especially in Europe.
that the instrument is located at a distance
other than 100 km from the epicentre.
Later, other definitions for magnitude Response spectrum
were proposed, such as the surface wave
magnitude Ms , the space wave magnitude The above-mentioned earthquake
Mb , the moment magnitude Mw , whereby parameters such as magnitude and
an attempt was made to ensure that these intensity alone do not allow a more
parameters are in principle consistent detailed understanding of the
with ML . The magnitude M represents the
total energy E released by an earthquake.
780 8 Calculation

dynamic behavior of a structure in the of the response oscillation, the largest

event of an earthquake. This depends not value of the response in terms of
only on the intensity of the earthquake at magnitude is used for the response
the location of the structure, but also on spectrum, which can be a displacement,
which vibration frequencies are contained velocity or acceleration. Accordingly, this
in the ground motion caused by the is referred to as a displacement, velocity or
earthquake. Since the 1930s, seismographs acceleration response spectrum.
have been installed in many places around The following differential equation
the world to record strong earthquake applies to the single-mass transducer (Fig.
events in particular. This began in the 8.7.3-1):
USA, followed by Japan and Mexico. The
records obtained in this way - the mx˙˙ + cu˙ + ku = 0 (3)
seismograms - provided more precise
information about the ground movement where m is the mass, x the absolute
during the respective earthquake. By displacement, c the damping coefficient, u
transforming the measured time histories the relative displacement and k the spring
into Fourier spectra in the frequency constant. Because
domain, it is then possible to identify x = u + ug (t) (4)
those spectral components of the ground
motion that have a particular influence on Eq. (3) can be rewritten as follows:
the dynamic response of a structure. mü + cu˙ +ku = -müg (t) (5)
In engineering practice, the so-called
response spectrum has become where ug (t) is the time history of the
established as an aid for dimensioning. It ground motion due to the earthquake and
will be explained below. therefore
The response spectrum represents the u∙∙g (t) is the acceleration time curve.
maximum response of a single-mass By introducing the natural angular
oscillator with varying natural oscillation frequency ω = √6k/m1 and the damping factor ζ
time T due to ground motion during an = c/2mω one obtains from Eq. (5):
earthquake. Since the sign is usually
u ˙ ˙ + 2ζω u˙+ ω2u = -u˙g (t) (6)

The response of the oscillator due to the

ground acceleration üg (t) can be
determined using the Duhamel integral,
for example:

u(t) =- ∫
ωd 0

- mu˙˙g (τ )e-ζω(t-τ ) sin ωd (t -τ ) dτ (7)

where ωd is the natural angular frequency

of the damped oscillation. If ω = ωd is
assumed as an approximation for small
Figure 8.7.3-1 Single-mass transducer
damping ratios, the response of the single-
mass oscillator is finally obtained:
8.7 Special problems 781
can be mapped in a diagram with ζ as a
u(t) =- 1 ∫
ω0 parameter. Response spectra are therefore
- mu˙˙ (τ ) e-ζω(t -τ ) sin ω (t -τ ) dτ (8) not only useful as an aid for the
∫ g Design of structures and verification of their
earthquake resistance
Accordingly, the time courses of the They are not only of significance in terms
relative velocity and acceleration as well as of their dynamic characteristics, as will be
the corresponding response spectra Sd for explained later, but also reflect the
the (relative) displacement, Sv for the dynamic characteristics of an earthquake
(relative) velocity and Sa for the in their effect on the vibration response of
acceleration are calculated. The indices d a structure. An example is shown in
stand for "displacement", v for "velocity" Figure 8.7.3-2 [Committee for Steel
and a for "acceleration". Structures, 1999].
If we assume approximately that the However, the response spectrum must
oscillation half-cycle belonging to the not be confused with the Fourier spectrum
maximum response corresponds to a of the vibration response of a single-mass
sinusoidal half-wave, we can deduce a oscillator (specified natural frequency) to
one-fold relationship between the an earthquake. For example, the value of
response spectra for these three variables. the acceleration response spectrum Sa for
This can then be written: T = 0 is not zero, as would be the case with
a Fourier spectrum for ω →∞, which
umax = Sd (ζ ,ω) =|u(ζ ,ω, t)|max
would formally correspond to T → 0. In
this case, the response spectrum provides
the answer of a completely rigid
1 oscillator, the maximum acceleration of which
= Sv(ζ ,ω) (9)
ω is the maximum value in terms of magnitude
of the ground acceleration.
The displacement response spectrum
obtained in this way, which can also be
regarded as a measure of the earthquake Seismic loading in the design of
intensity, is referred to as the pseudo- bridge structures
displacement response spectrum, as it
does not indicate the maximum value of Although the effect of earthquakes is very
the displacement time curve completely often recorded by the application of
exactly in the general case. The pseudo horizontal forces (loads), the earthquake is
acceleration Spa can also be calculated in not, strictly speaking, a force
the same way:
but a movement imposed on the structure
Spa = ωSv = ω2Sd ≈ Sa (10) via the foundation.
Sa or Spa can be regarded as a benchmark of the subsoil. In order to be able to
for the maximum spring load Fs,max determine the design forces and
developed in the transducer, since deformations occurring for the
earthquake-proof design of bridges,
Fs,max = kSd = ω2 mSd = mSa (11) It is imperative that the engineer responsible for
the structural engineer
is. Each of the above-mentioned spectral descriptions of the expected earthquakes
values is a function of the damping factor ζ are available, which can take the form of
and the natural angular frequency ω, so time histories of ground shaking or
that they can be calculated over the natural response spectra.
oscillation time T (= 2 π/ω) in
782 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.3-2 Acceleration time history and corresponding response spectra (Hyogo-ken Nanbu
earthquake 1995, Kobe Marine Observatory)

can be done. However, this sometimes tren can be useful for a specific building
presents a difficulty because there is a lack location, even if no measurements of
of sufficient data for many locations. In earthquake events are available for the
particular, measurements of the time building location. However, it cannot be
courses of strong earthquakes are often ruled out that an earthquake with
not available to a sufficient extent to characteristics that were previously
characterize earthquakes as statistically unimaginable will occur, such as the
recordable events with sufficient certainty. Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake in Japan in
In view of this problem, efforts are 1995.
made to use the most suitable earthquakes Although a strong earthquake can have
for the calculation of a seismic design, an impact on the design of quite a few
taking into account seismological structural elements of a bridge, it must be
findings. In this way, earthquake time taken into account that the probability of
histories measured at other locations or occurrence of such an event during the
their speci expected lifetime of a bridge is
8.7 Special problems 783

is very low. From an economic point of The displacement, velocity and

view, it is therefore not justifiable to acceleration values are known. This also
dimension bridge structures in such a way allows the force acting on the transducer to
that they can withstand strong be calculated, from which stresses can be
earthquakes without any damage. It is determined. This procedure can also be
therefore accepted practice, for example extended for structures with several
in the USA and Japan, to take two degrees of freedom (multi-degree-of-
different earthquake events as a basis in freedom systems, MDOF systems). The
the bridge design phase. For example, an modal analysis method is used here.
earthquake that is most likely to occur The following differential equation in
during the service life of the bridge is matrix form applies to MDOF systems
taken as the basis for the serviceability test. with n degrees of freedom:
This means that the occurrence of such an
earthquake event must not cause any or Mü + Cu˙ + Ku = -MIüg (t) (12)
only minor, easily repairable damage to a where M is the mass matrix, C is the
bridge. The other design earthquake damping matrix and K is the stiffness
should be the strongest earthquake to be matrix. I is a matrix consisting of one or
expected at the location of the structure. zero g
and servesthe
to tender seismic
ensure the eventof the
stability matrix, v∙∙ is the given ground acceleration
gation. The matrix I is only filled with the
check. Depending on the importance of value one at the points where the direction
the bridges concerned, minor or severe of the corresponding degree of
damage may be accepted in accordance dimensional freedom corresponds to the
with the regulations applicable in the USA direction of the ground movement.
and Japan, but not the loss of the Negligible masses (e.g. rotational mass)
supporting structure. are generally not taken into account, so
that the diagonal of the mass matrix M
may also contain zeros in some cases. In Dynamic analysis methods for such a case, some matrix operations are
earthquake loading necessary before and after. Here, however,
it is assumed that a mass is associated with
Several methods are available for each degree of freedom. Then you get
calculating the dynamic loading of bridges from the equation
due to earthquake effects. These are Mu∙∙ + Ku = 0 (13)
• the response spectrum method,
• the procedure with power density n- Eigenvalues (eigencircular frequencies
aspects, ωi ) and n-eigenvectors �i . If it is assumed
• the time history method. that the damping matrix C is such that the
condition of or- thogonality is fulfilled and
The response spectrum method will be thus the square matrix � formed from the
explained here first. As mentioned in eigenvectors is normalized, the following
section, the linear elastic response independent n-differential equations arise
of a single-mass oscillator can be from Eq. (12) by transformation to
calculated using the Duhamel integral. By normalized coordinates ξ:
means of the response spectra, maxima
784 8 Calculation

ξ + 2˙˖i ωi ξ˙i + ω2 ξ = -�T MIu˙˙˙ g (14) generally not at the same time, but
ii i
occur with a time delay. Therefore
Except that the element on the right-hand summing the absolute values of u i,max
side is multipliedi
by -�T MI, this leads to an overestimation of the response
equation is identical in form to Eq. (6). of the total displacements. In practice, the
Therefore, the time course of ξi (t) can be following calculation according to the
determined using the Duhamel integral or Square Root of the Sum of Squares of
by numerical integration. The modal responses (SRSS) combination rule
transformation ui = ϕi ∙ ξi yields the time is therefore often used:
mode) of the i-th modal
corresponding to oscillation.
the shift umas = 9∑u2 4 (15)
vector u (t). Summing u (t) from
i i
√ i ,mas

i = 1 to n, u (t) is obtained. Now all the A similar equation also applies between the
displacements of the system are known so partial internal forces Fi,max calculated
that the internal forces can be calculated. from ui,max and the resulting total internal
The procedure described here is called the forces Fmax . In addition to the SRSS rule,
modal analysis method. there are also other superposition rules
In the procedure described above, only such as the CQC (Complete Qua- dratic
the response due to a specific earthquake Combination) rule, which takes into
is obtained. In general, when checking the account that the vibration responses in the
seismic safety of a structure, one is not individual "modes" generally do not occur
interested in the exact time course of the statistically completely independently of
displacements or the internal forces, but each other, but with a certain degree of
only in their maximum values. The correlation.
acceleration response spectrum explained The response spectrum method
in Section is helpful for this described above can only be used for
purpose. Due to the analogy of Eq. (14) linear-elastic MDOF systems. In contrast,
with Eq. (6), the maximum displacement the non-linear-elastic behavior of MDOF
can now be calculated. systems can be taken into account in the
value of ξi from an accelerometer. time history method. This method is also
response spectrum, which was previously
based on Eq. (12) like the response
obtained as the smoothed envelope of the
spectrum method, but the modal analysis
response spectra calculated from many
is not required. Instead, a numerical
seismograms. Such response spectra are
integration of Eq. (12) is carried out step
included in many relevant standards.
by step (from time to time) in order to
After dividing by ω2 youi get the determine the unknown displacement
maximum value of ξi . By transforming u
vector u directly.
i,max = �i ξ t,max , the maximum Geometric or material-related
displacement vector u i,max corresponding (physical) non-linearity can be taken into
to the i-th mode can be determined. account when building the stiffness matrix
When summing the partial displacement K. Because the material behavior of the
vectors ui,max from i = 1 to n, a difficulty steel or concrete components exhibits
arises because the absolute maxima of the hysteresis effects during the cyclic loading
time histories ui,max (i = 1, n) that occurs in the event of an earthquake,
the matrix K can change in each
calculation step. The time history method
8.7 Special problems 785

is best suited for more precise calculation one with a high probability of occurrence
of the response of MDOF systems, but and one with a low probability of
always relates to a specific earthquake. occurrence. The latter is further
This must be seen as a disadvantage of the subdivided into two types (Type I and
method, as in practice a whole series of Type II). Type I ground motion represents
complex response calculations with strong earthquakes to be expected at the
different seismograms are required due to plate boundary, such as the Great Kanto
the variety of earthquakes to be expected. earthquake of 1923. Type II is intended to
take into account extreme earthquakes
occurring inland, such as the Hyogo-ken Earthquake-resistant design of Nanbu earthquake of 1995.
bridge structures in Japan [Japan Road According to the regulations in force in
Association, 1996 and Unjoh, 1999]. Japan, the analysis method to be used
depends on the importance and
The verification of the seismic safety of complexity of the bridge concerned and
bridges is generally carried out in the intensity of the ground movement.
accordance with the relevant regulations The following analysis methods are
that apply to the calculation of the specified (Table 8.7.3-1):
component stresses that occur, • static methods:
particularly in bearings, piers and – Substitute coefficient method
foundations. to be used for ground movement with
In the "Design Specifications for High- a high probability of occurrence
way Bridges 1996" of the Japan Road – Ductility verification method
Association, two design earthquakes are to be used for ground movement
specified, as shown in Table 8.7.3-1. with a low probability of occurrence

Table 8.7-3-1 Ground movement to be taken into account, required bridge behavior
(performance) and calculation method (Specifications for Highway Bridges 1996 of the Japan
Road Association [Japan Road Association, 1996])
Ground movement Ground Ground movement with low probability of
movement with occurrence
high probability
of occurrence Type I (earthquake Type II
at the plate (domestic
boundary) earthquake)
Bridge behavior normal No damage without critical damage
(performance) bridge
(type A)
Important No damage with limited damage
(type B)
Calculation Equivalent Seismo Ductility testing method
method static method coefficient
dynamic Time history method or response spectrum method
method a
Only for bridges with difficult to assess earthquake response behavior.
786 8 Calculation

• dynamic methods: The use of dynamic analysis methods is

- Response spectrum method or time also recommended.
history method The equivalent coefficient method is
The following additional rules apply the long-established design method in
to bridges that are expected to have Japan. In this method, the earthquake
a more complex response behavior excitation is derived from the statically
during earthquakes that is difficult equivalent, horizontally directed
to assess. equivalent load.
In principle, the following bridges belong P = k Wh (16)
to the bridge types that can be expected to at the location of the center of mass. W is
have a more complex response behavior the weight of the building elements. kh is
during earthquakes that is difficult to the seismic coefficient, which is
assess: determined from the following equation:
1. Bridges in which the mode of vibration kh = cz kho (17)
dominating the response behavior
differs significantly from the mode where cz is a coefficient dependent on the
presented in the replacement seismic zones specified in the standard and
coefficient method or the ductility is 0.7, 0.85 or 1.0 in each case. kho is the
verification method, normal value of the horizontal seismic
2. Bridges that create more than one mode coefficient and is specified depending on
of vibration, that control their response, the subsoil situation (soil class) I, II and
3. Bridges in which plastic joints are to be III (Figure 8.7.3-3).
expected in more than one place or in From the equivalent load determined in
which it is not possible to predict this way, the theory of elasticity is used to
exactly where plastic joints will occur calculate the internal forces of the
due to their complicated construction individual components, from which
system, stresses can be determined. They are then
4. Bridges for which the applicability of combined with those from the permanent
the energy equivalent principle, which loads and the dead loads and compared
is based on the non-linear cyclic force- with the permissible stresses, which are
deformation behavior of the bridges or considerably higher than for the load
their components, has not yet been combination of permanent loads, dead
investigated in detail. loads and live loads alone.
The ductility verification method also
Concrete examples are frame bridges, belongs to the static methods and is to be
elevated or penetrating arch bridges, used for earthquakes with a low
cable-stayed bridges and suspension probability of occurrence. It was already
bridges. This also includes girder bridges partially regulated earlier in the 1990
with a long natural period or high piers as regulations for the verification of the
well as bridges with piers of different earthquake safety of reinforced concrete
stiffness. Highly skewed and strongly piers, but was introduced more
curved bridges are also included in this extensively in the 1996 renewed edition.
category, as are bridges with seismic The reason for this was that the immense
isolation (base isolation). For bridges with importance of the ductility of bridge
piers in steel construction without systems became apparent from the
concrete filling damage caused by the Hyogo-ken Nanbu
earthquake in 1995.
The ductility testing method, which is
mainly used for the dimensioning of the
8.7 Special problems 787

Figure 8.7.3-3 Normal value of the seismic coefficient Kh

pillars and the foundations, dynamic class of the bridge (type A or B, see Table
inertia forces are calculated with the 8.7.3-1) and the type of design earthquake
following seismic coefficient khe : (type I or II, see Table 8.7.3-1). Eq. (18b) is
derived on the basis of the energy
khc = cz khco ≥ 0.3 (18a)
equivalence principle. It is assumed that
khc that plastic joints occur at the lower end of
khe = ≥ 0.4 cz (18b) the piers and/or at the upper ends of the
2μa - 1
With the ductility testing method
δu - δya The elasticity theory is then used to
μ = 1+ (18c)
α⋅ determine the forces acting on the
δy individual pillars.
the horizontal forces are determined and
(for concrete pillars) compared with the horizontal bearing
where khco is the normal value of the loads of the corresponding pillars. A
horizontal seismic coefficient, which is distinction is made between two different
specified depending on soil classes I, II types of failure, namely flexural failure
and III (Figure 8.7.3-4). μa is the and shear failure. The horizontal bearing
permissible displacement ductility factor loads of the reinforced concrete and
of the concrete piers. The equation of μa concrete-filled steel piers are determined
for steel piers filled with concrete differs in accordance with the regulations, taking
slightly from Eq. (18c). δu is the limit into account the non-linear behavior of
displacement (u stands for "ulti- mate" the piers. For bridges of importance class
here) and δy is the yield displacement (at B (see Table 8.7.3-1), not only the load-
the start of yielding). α is a safety factor, bearing capacity but also the remaining
the value of which depends on the displacement of the piers must be taken
importance of the into account.
788 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.3-4 Normal value of the seismic coefficient Kh0

must be checked. The method of Design earthquake for checking the

calculating the remaining pillar functionality and stability. The design
displacement and its permissible value is earthquake (ground motion) for the
contained in the regulations. functional evaluation ground motion
should represent a proba- bilistically
estimated earthquake event that has a 40% Earthquake-resistant design of bridges probability of occurrence during the
in the US state of California [Duan/Li, 1999 and service life of the bridge. For the
Xiao, 1999]. verification of stability (Safety Evaluation
Ground Motion), either a
According to the Caltrans BDS 1994 deterministically estimated ground
(Bridge Design Specifications, published motion from the data provided by the
by the California Department of Division of Mines and Geology Open-
Transportation), as shown in Table 8.7.3-
2, two

Table 8.7-3-2 Caltrans seismic performance criteria

Bridge type Soil movement at the site
Proof of functionality Proof of stability
normal bridge functional, repairable damage Limited functionality,
severe damage
Important bridge functional functional
8.7 Special problems 789

Table 8.7.3-3 Performance check and minimum requirements for the calculation method
according to ATC-32
Bridge type Proof of functional Proof of stability
normal bridge Type I not required Equivalent static analysis or
elastic dynamic analysis

Type II not required Elastic dynamic analysis

Important bridge Type I Equivalent static analysis or elastic dynamic analysis

Type II Elastic dynamic analysis Elastic dynamic analysis or

non-elastic static analysis or
non-elastic dynamic analysis

Type I: simple bridges (similar to regular bridges).

Type II: complicated bridges (similar to irregular bridges).

File Report 92-1 or a probabilistically In the ATC-32 recommendations 1996

estimated ground motion with a long (Applied Technology Council) for the
return period (approx. 1000-2000 years). Cal- trans BDS, various calculation
These two different ground motions are methods are specified for the verification
associated with performance criteria that of functional capability and stability
vary depending on the importance of the (Table 8.7.3-3). They depend on the
bridges (see Table 8.7.3-2). importance and c o m p l e x i t y of the
bridge in question. For normal bridges, it
is not necessary to

Figure 8.7.3-5
Force reduction coefficient Z
790 8 Calculation

to check the functional capability, because to further develop existing Eurocodes and
it is assumed that the functional capability turn them into European standards (EN).
is also guaranteed with the stability. Part 2 of Eurocode 8, which is intended
The equiva- lent static design method for publication in June 2006 as EN 1998,
to be used for checking the stability of Part 2 in the German version, is to be used
normal, regular bridges is explained in for the earthquake-resistant design of
more detail below. In this case, the bridge structures. In determining the input
earthquake excitation is also derived from parameters for seismic loading, this
the statically equivalent, horizontally standard is based on Part 1 of EN 1998,
directed equivalent load. which regulates the general principles for
seismic design and is primarily aimed at
Feq = W ∙ (ARS) (19)
the earthquake-resistant construction and
at the location of the centers of mass. W is design of buildings (structures).
the weight of the building. ARS The linear elastic response spectrum
(Acceleration Response Spectrum) results for the respective earthquake zone,
corresponds to the seismic coefficient, which is to be defined by national
which depends on the natural period, the application documents (NAD), depending
soil class and the earthquake zone. The on the subsoil situation. Furthermore, EN
maximum value of ARS is 1.8. Taking into 1998, Part 1, defines two different types of
account that the linear elastic calculated response spectra, which take into account
response can be reduced due to the non- the different characteristics of earthquake
linearity, the horizontal load to be applied events in the Mediterranean countries
for the design is as follows: (earthquakes with large magnitude,
W ⋅ (ARS) impact also on the ground).
Fd = (20) at a greater distance) and in Central Europe on
Z the other hand ( quakes of smaller
Z is the force reduction coefficient and is magnitude at a shorter distance).
shown in Fig. 8.7.3-5. The horizontal load The stratification of the subsurface
specified in Eq. (20) is then used to down to depths of several hundred meters
determine the internal forces of the is important for the propagation of
individual components according to the seismic waves. In Germany, where there
theory of elasticity and compared with are extensive areas with deep basin
their bearing loads. The concrete piers are structures with soft sediments, such as in
dimensioned in such a way that the more the Upper Rhine Graben, this point is of
dangerous shear failure is prevented in any particular importance. In this type of
case. A displacement check is also carried subsurface situation, low-frequency waves
out. are preferentially transmitted from the
earthquake source to the surface, while
high-frequency waves are attenuated. It is Seismic design of bridges according therefore planned in Germany to test the
to European standards geological subsurface (in the depth range
below approx. 20 m) in addition to the
The countries of the European Union geotechnical subsurface (depth range up
(EU) and EFTA have agreed with CEN to 20 m).
(Comité Européen de Normalisation) that
8.7 Special problems 791

Table 8.7.3-4 Substrate classification according to DIN 4149 (2005-04)

Subsoil class (up to Building ground Building ground class Building ground
20 m depth) class A B class C
Solid to medium- Loose rock (gravel to Fine-grained loose
solid rocks coarse sand, marl) rocks (fine sand) or
loess layers
vS20 > 800 m/s vS20 = 350 to 800 m/s
Underground class (below vS20 = 180 to
20 m depth) 350 m/s
Substrate class R
Areas with rocky
vS > 800 m/s below 20m
Substrate class T
Transition areas between
the areas of the
underground classes
R and S,
relatively shallow
foundation sedimentary
Underground class S
Areas of deep basin
structures with thick
sediment filling
vS > 800 m/s below 100
m (Quaternary)
vS >1800 m/s below 500 m

Note: vs denotes the shear wave velocity, vs20 is the average shear wave velocity up to a depth of 20 m as a
classification criterion.

20 m) must be given special consideration of the plateau area, while in areas with
(see Table 8.7.3-4). underlying bedrock, narrow-band, rather
A map is available for the geological high-frequency spectra with large values of
subsurface in Germany with a division into the response acceleration result (see Fig.
three geological subsurface classes 8.7.3-6).
[Landesamt für Geologie, 2000 and For long bridge structures or in the
Schwarz/ Grünthal, 1998]. The geotechnical presence of geological faults, it may be
subsoil, on the other hand, must be necessary to consider the spatial variability
investigated individually for each building of the ground movement in the event of
site. With the same geotechnical subsoil, an earthquake. An appendix to EN 1998-2
broad response spectra with long lengths provides further information on this.
result in a sediment basin
792 8 Calculation

Figure 8.7.3-6 Examples of response spectra in German earthquake zones according to DIN 4149,
April, 2005

Figure 8.7.3-7 Seismic behavior

8.7 Special problems 793

Figure 8.7.3-8 Determination of the design response spectrum from the elastic response

With regard to the response behavior mechanisms can be avoided. The load-
of bridge structures under earthquake bearing capacity ("capacity") of the areas
excitation, EN 1998-2 distinguishes with ductile behavior (usually the yield
between the following types of behavior: joints) is used to determine the
• ductile distribution of internal forces in the non-
• limited ductility or essentially elastic ductile structural components. In order to
avoid premature failure in the non-ductile
This is illustrated in Figure 8.7.3-7. The structural components with sufficient
maximum applicable behavior coefficient q safety, possible overstrengths in the areas
for reducing the response accelerations is with ductile behavior must be taken into
specified in the standard for each type. account.
Figure 8.7.3-8 shows how the design This makes it practically necessary,
response spectrum is determined from the after an initial determination of the
elastic response spectrum, taking the distribution of internal forces based on
behavior coefficient q into account. the seismic input variables, to carry out a
For medium and high earthquake second determination of the distribution
loads, ductile behavior is usually preferable, of internal forces, taking into account the
both for reasons of economy and safety. In occurrence of yield moments in the yield
order to ensure ductile behavior of the joints. The yield moments are to be
structure, brittle failure modes must be calculated with a factor for the possible
taken into account by means of capacity overstrength specified in the standard.
design [Park/Paulay, 1975]. The overstrength factor is generally
defined as γ0 = 1.35 and also depends on
the related axial force.
794 8 Calculation

Although the representation of the pendent power spectrum) and the time
earthquake effect by response spectra is history method (time history
the most common method used by the representation). In both cases, it must be
standard, EN 1998 also allows the use of ensured that the effects described in this
site-specific power density spectra (site de way are consistent with the representation
by response spectra.
9 Production and execution methods

9.1 Concrete bridges which lead to a reduction in the shear

stiffness of the scaffolding.
9.1.1 Production on falsework • Falsework is subject to short service
lives with a high frequency of use.
Their individual parts, such as Teaching frameworks,
scaffolding beams, scaffolding supports
tasks and requirements
and bracing, are subject to deformation
and possibly damage.
JÜRGEN STRITZKE (until • After the concrete has set, falsework acts
together with the hardened
Like formwork, falsework is used to
superstructure, which must be taken
construct and shape bridges. Until the
into account when determining the
concrete has hardened and is sufficiently
cantilevers of the scaffolding girders and
load-bearing, they absorb the loads from
when scaffolding.
the formwork and transfer them to the
load-bearing subsoil via set-up beams, Falsework belongs to the group of
supports and foundations. Falsework is an shoring, the training of which is regulated
engineering structure and must be in [DIN 4421, 1988]. The scaffolding
calculated and designed in the same way. working group of the
Due to the mutual influence of the BauÜberwachungsverein (BÜV) has
structure, falsework and greenery as well updated and supplemented the
as the different effects over time (fresh "Recommendations of the test engineers
concrete load, pre-tension, compression for the testing of falsework" published in
and settlement of the falsework), a 09/2000 [Recommendations of the test
number of special features must be taken engineers, 2000]. They now apply in the
into account in the calculation, design and version of 09/2002 published in
execution of falsework compared to [Empfehlungen der Prüfingenieure, 2002].
scaffolding in building construction and Explanations can be found here in [Schmie
industrial construction, which sometimes del, 2002].
reach a high degree of difficulty and According to DIN 4421, a distinction is
require special care: made between 3 shoring groups. This
classification is based on the idea that the
• The service loads are high compared to
same level of safety can be achieved with
the dead load and generally occur at
different means [Eibl, 1983]. Only
least at the specified level, if not
scaffolding in groups II and III is used as
falsework for bridges:
• Framework-specific connections exhibit
large deformations and eccentricities. a) Group II shoring comprises all standard
falsework for bridges. All components
are designed for the limit states of load-
bearing capacity and stability.
796 9 Production and execution methods
smaller than the springback of the falsework due
to be measured. The simplified to
calculation according to [DIN 4421,
1988], para.
6.4.2 is permitted.
b) Falsework with high demands on the
mathematical recording of the realistic
load-bearing behavior, on the
recording of geometric imperfections
and on the graphical representation are
to be assigned to the falsework of group
III. These include the steel falsework for
large bridge construction in accordance
with [DIN 18800, Part 1, 1990] or as
engineered timber construction in
accordance with [DIN 1052, Part 1,

DIN EN 12812, 2004], which is intended

to replace DIN 4421 and according to
which the design classes A, B1 and B2 will
be introduced, is in preparation.
Falsework must be sufficiently stable
and load-bearing. They should only suffer
slight deformation during construction in
order to avoid the formation of stakes
during the setting process. With
increasing span, fully straight lower edges
of the superstructure appear to sag. To
prevent this phenomenon and to
compensate for expected deformations of
both the falsework and the superstructure
in the falsework, an optical camber of
l/800 to l/1000 is provided. Furthermore,
falsework must be designed in such a way
that the supporting structure can be
scaffolded after the concrete has
hardened. In addition, some special
features must be taken into account when
designing falsework for prestressed
concrete bridges. The longitudinal
deformation (compression) of the
superstructure due to pre-tensioning must
not be hindered by the falsework. The
longitudinal extensions of the falsework
must therefore be loosened before the
prestressing process begins and the
falsework must thus be made
longitudinally movable. The uplift
(negative deflection) of the superstructure
as a result of prestressing is generally
9.1 Concrete 797
bridges bridged are not too wide or the valleys not
The elastic compression of the too deep. Single-span bridges, up to a
prestressed concrete and the maximum of 3 spans, and superstructures
flexibility of the subsoil mean that with complicated ground plan geometry
the dead load is not effective are built on a stationary falsework.
during the tensioning process and
considerable cracking may occur
in the prestressed tension zone.
For this reason, the supports of
the falsework for prestressed
concrete superstructures must
always be equipped with lowering
devices (spindles). Based on these
considerations, Leonhardt
[Leonhardt, 1973],
p. 621, set out some principles for
the design of such falsework, to
which reference is made here.
As a rule, steel falsework is
used today. Exceptions, such as
the wooden falsework for the
Teufelstal bridge [Werschnick,
2000] on the A 4 highway, are
extremely rare. The Cruciani
falsework (see section is
still used for bridges in the Alpine
countries. Construction of
slab and beam bridges on

The development of concrete

bridge construction is closely
linked to the development of
formwork and falsework
construction. In particular, the
transition from arched structures
to beam-type structures is
characterized by the introduction
of reusable steel falsework.
Formwork technology adapted to
this development with
prefabricated surface-coated and
edge-protected formwork panels.
Bridges with a height of up to
around 15 m above the ground are
built cost-effectively on falsework,
provided the terrain is reasonably
level and the obstacles to be
798 9 Production and execution methods

is erected. Multi-span and side-by-side of which several are connected in one plane
superstructures are constructed in to form a so-called scaffolding bay
sections with relocatable or movable (pendulum wall) and several scaffolding
falsework. bays are in turn connected by arranging
corresponding stiffeners to form so-called
Construction on a stationary falsework scaffolding towers (double bays). With this
The oldest method of constructing bridges type of falsework, traffic areas can be kept
is the shuttering and scaffolding of the clear under the superstructure if the
entire superstructure. Simple falsework scaffolding girders are long enough. On the
with supports at relatively close intervals other hand, frame props are also used,
used to be made of wood. For arch which consist of 4 frame standards with
bridges, some of them w e r e built with corresponding bracing in all 4 levels. The
considerable carpentry, which in itself spacing of the frame supports is so small
represented a major engineering that no steel scaffolding beams are required
achievement. The superstructure is to support the loads from the formwork
scaffolded over its entire footprint. (Fig. 9.1.11).
Wooden falsework is described in detail in Technical details of scaffolding props,
[Völter, 1986] and is not dealt with here. frame props and scaffolding girders of
The steel falsework consists of serially produced modular systems can be
scaffolding girders, scaffolding props and found in [Nather et al., 2005] and [Holst/
vertical braces in longitudinal and Holst, 2004] or the manufacturers'
transverse directions as well as horizontal catalogs, such as [Das komplette
braces. The scaffolding girders take the Gerüstbaupro gram, 1995]. There have
loads directly from the formwork and been no fundamental new developments in
transfer them to the scaffolding props. falsework construction for around 15
Truss girders for bridging large spans or years due to the declining construction
rolled profile girders in the form of wide volume and the saturation of the market
flange profiles are used as scaffolding for scaffolding systems. One exception is
girders. The set-up girders made of the further development of heavy-duty
interlocking truss elements with or supports (e.g. [Allround scaffolding, 2000]
without the option of under-tensioning and [Modern shoring construction,
are adjustable in length in stages. 2001]).
On the one hand, a distinction is made Set-up yokes, set-up towers, frame
between the scaffolding supports, supports and compression chords of the
set-up beams must be sufficiently braced
by bracing to withstand planned effects
such as wind and downward forces from
inclination of the set-up beams when they
are not horizontal.
9.1 Concrete 799
Figure 9.1.1-1 Shoring using steel frame props according to [Holst, 1998], p. 486
800 9 Production and execution methods

to be able to support the lower edge of the Height-adjustable for lowering the
superstructure as well as unplanned falsework. When forming sliding
horizontal loads. For lightweight falsework, the lowering level should be at
scaffolding systems, the bracing is formed the height of the scaffold beam position,
from scaffold tubes with scaffold couplers i.e. the spindle at the prop head. If the
as connecting elements. Special bracing lowering level is at the base of the
elements, such as telescopic rods, have stabilizers, the stiffeners are subjected to
been developed for heavy scaffolding additional stress due to uneven lowering
systems. A high shear stiffness of the and the stiffness of the falsework is
bracing is required in particular to stabilize impaired.
steel scaffolding supports with a high load- A scantling layer is usually placed on the
bearing capacity. scaffolding girder layer to support the
The transfer of horizontal forces results formwork facing at right angles to the
in additional longitudinal forces in the bridge axis. Square lumber and formlining
scaffold girders and scaffold supports, are usually guided under the cantilevers of
which must be superimposed on the the superstructure so that the
normal forces from perpendicular load prefabricated formwork frames can be
trasnfer. It is therefore advisable to arrange arranged on them in accordance with the
such bracing in the area of the less stressed cross-section design. Due to the higher
falsework supports arranged under the fresh concrete loads in the central area of
cantilever slabs of the superstructure. central girder cross-sections, in the
Information on the calculation of bracing immediate area under the boxes and webs
can be found in [Nather, 1996] and of slab beams, the formwork brackets must
[Holst/Holst, 2004]. be placed here in comparison to the edge
The column bases are equipped with areas of cantilevered roadway slabs.
spindles for fine adjustment of the column
height and

Figure 9.1.1-2 Scaffolding yoke of a central girder bridge made of steel scaffolding supports
9.1 Concrete 801
The scaffolding girders and thus the either converted from field to field or
scaffolding supports must be arranged at designed to be movable. Depending on
close intervals (Figure 9.1.12). The cornice the existing terrain structure, the design of
caps are manufactured superstructures and substructures and the
usually with sill formwork carriage. type of scaffolding material, either the
scaffolding girders, including the
Production in sections on a scaffolding yokes or towers, or only the
falsework scaffolding girder layer is designed to be
In the case of multi-span bridges made of movable. If the height of the terrain varies
site-cast concrete, the pursuit of efficiency greatly, it is advisable to either design a
and shorter construction times led to stationary lower scaffold and the upper
section-by-section construction on scaffold to be movable in accordance with
movable or sliding steel falsework (Figure the terrain or only the scaffold support
9.1.13). The repeated use of the same layer. Sometimes, instead of a lower
scaffolding sections on the same scaffold, only a stable girder layer on
construction site reduces the amount of concrete pedestals of different heights is
formwork and scaffolding required and, sufficient in order to be able to roll the
thanks to the cyclical use of workers and falsework on it, as was done on the
technical equipment, leads to a more Cottbus elevated road [Martin/ Schulze,
efficient and effective production process 1978].
than when using stationary scaffolding. In the case of several adjacent
The prerequisite for the introduction of superstructures separated by joints, the
sectional production of prestressed falsework can also be arranged
concrete bridges was the development of transversely. The longitudinal and
suitable coupling points for connecting the transverse inclination of the
prestressing elements of successive superstructure to be built must be taken
construction sections in areas of low into account when determining the
moment stress (Figure 9.1.13). A standard sequence of transverse movement. For
section extends from coupling joint to structures with a large transverse
coupling joint and thus corresponds to a inclination, the lower transverse section is
span length. Only the first construction constructed first. In this case, short
section is approx. 0.2 l longer and the last lowering distances are sufficient for the
section approx. 0.2 l shorter for bay widths shunting. Picture
of the same length. The falsework is 9.1.14 illustrates this process. The
cantilever or side formwork must be
moved before shifting begins.

Figure 9.1.1-3 Section-by-section construction of continuous prestressed concrete bridges over

several spans on relocatable falsework according to [Stritzke, 1983], p. 21
802 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.1-4 Principle of the transverse displacement of a falsework, taking into account the
transverse inclination of the superstructure according to [Stritzke, 1983], p. 22

For bridge structures with a large can be easily cleared. Round, slender
number of spans and a constant height of columns reduce the effort required for
the substructures, it is advisable to move this partial dismantling of the falsework.
the entire falsework including the This procedure can no longer be realized
supporting yokes and towers. It is best to with large column widths or piers. In this
move the entire falsework past the bridge case, it is necessary to split the falsework
piers without first moving it crosswise. (Figure 9.1.15) or move it across its entire
The falsework must then be designed in width, first transversely, then
such a way that the profile of the pier in the longitudinally and again transversely. The
direction of the bridge axis is relatively longitudinal and transverse displacement
clear of all protruding parts of the must be carried out on two different
scaffolding before moving begins. shoring levels. When using falsework on
superstructures that are independent of
each other and almost parallel in plan, a
decision must be made on the number of
set-up sections required, taking into
account the number of bays and the
planned construction time. On the one
hand, only one superstructure can be built
initially using a longitudinally adjustable
falsework. In this case, the side of the
superstructure completed first is already
available for use during the construction of
the second side. On the other hand, it is
possible to proceed according to the
deployment scheme shown in Figure
9.1.16, in which the scaffolding material is
provided for at least two transversely
movable scaffolding sections. Then, once
the concreting work has been completed
in one bay, the technologically necessary
Figure 9.1.1-5 Division of a longitudinally break can be used to harden the concrete
displaceable falsework for passing the bridge and to apply the prestressing forces with
abutment according to [Stritzke, 1983], p. 23 the formwork and reinforcement work in
the next bay. If the set-up yokes or
towers are not also moved, they are
required in almost double the number.
9.1 Concrete 803

Figure 9.1.1-6 Schematic representation of the use of two transversely displaceable setup sections
according to [Stritzke, 1983], p. 23

The scaffolding tower under the coupling Production of arch bridges on
joint must then be twice as wide to support falsework
the cantilever and the following bay. If, on
the other hand, the entire shoring section Especially with the introduction of
is moved, two independent scaffolding prestressed concrete construction in
towers are required under the coupling bridge building, there was a decline in the
joint. use of arch bridges in favor of the
The main advantages of this construction construction of beams and rigid frame
method are the savings in formwork and bridges with ever larger spans. In more
set-up costs, which amount to around 20 recent times, arch bridge construction has
to 30% of the total construction costs of undergone a revival, but not through the
the superstructure, and the reduction in use of conventional arch falsework, but
friction losses in the tendons due to the through cantilever construction (see
section-by-section pre-tensioning and Section 9.1.3). The development of
thus the savings in high-quality falsework for arch bridges is described in
prestressing steel. detail in [Mörsch, 1968].
Falsework must be founded in A distinction must be made between
accordance with [DIN 1054, 2005]. The floor-supported and self-supporting
foundations of the abutments and piers or arched falsework. Figure 9.1.17a shows
columns are formed in such a way that the the classic arched scaffold consisting of an
corresponding falsework can still fit on upper scaffold, which follows the
them. Scaffolding towers and frame curvature of the arch, and a lower
supports are also often placed on scaffold. The fresh concrete loads are
prefabricated foundations if the subsoil transferred into a trapezoidal or triangular
conditions permit this. [DIN EN 12812, post system via the crown timbers
2004] contains general requirements for subjected to bending, thus concentrating
foundations for shoring and, under certain the load trasnfer on a few foundation
conditions, exempts from the otherwise bodies. The upper frame can be lowered
prescribed embedment depth of for scaffolding.
804 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.1-7 Floor-supported and self-supporting arched falsework according to [Holst/Holst, 2004], p.

Figure 9.1.1-8 Wooden vertical post falsework of the southern superstructure of the Teufelstal Bridge

In the vertical post system (Figure The pre-assembled yoke segments were
9.1.17c), the fresh concrete loads are then joined together in a modular fashion
transferred to the falsework foundations to form the final falsework. Six horizontal
via closely spaced and vertically stiffeners in the scaffolding level, spatial
positioned posts. The falsework (Figure bracing of the yoke segments to each other
9.1.18) used for the construction of the and bracing to the south and between the
southern superstructure on the Eisenach- scaffolding axis in the valley and slope
Dresden carriageway consisted of 29 areas ensured sufficient stability for this
support yokes arranged at 5 m intervals. scaffolding.
12 wooden round supports ∅ 28 to ∅ 32 Figure 9.1.17b shows an arched
were each combined into a 7 m long yoke falsework in the form of load tower
segment using steel profiles. With the scaffolding. Analogous
9.1 Concrete 805
the load transfer principle for slabs and The arch is guided by a single-cell box
beam bridges, bending beams transfer the cross-section in steel composite
loads from the formwork to load towers. construction. The 8.80 m wide concrete
The Thuringian forest highway A 71 arch has a two-cell box cross-section of
Erfurt - Schweinfurt, built as part of the 3.25 m height at the transoms, which
traffic project German Unity No. 16, decreases linearly in the longitudinal
crosses the valley of the Alb rechtsgraben direction to 2.00 m at the apex. The web
near Suhl with a watercourse and a and chord thicknesses are 30 cm. The arch
country road and is spanned by a 770 m is shaped according to a square parabola
long viaduct [Becker/Mar tin, 2002]. The and follows a circular curve with a radius
14-span bridge structure with spans of 45 R = 3000 m in plan.
to 70 m has a concrete arch in the middle A steel load tower scaffold was chosen
third (Figure 9.1.19). With a span of for the construction of the concrete arch,
167.35 m and an apex height of around 75 which consisted of 7 lattice towers, base
m, this structure is Germany's highest and yoke girders as well as scaffold girders
reinforced concrete arch built on a made of lattice constructions and rolled
ground-supported falsework (Figure steel sections (Figure 9.1.111). The length
9.1.110). The two directional lanes (RQ of the arch of 216.20 m was divided into
26) are supported on a single 20 concreting sections of 10 m each, two
transom sections of 5.40 m and 5.80 m in
length and a 5 m long end section. The
construction of the

Figure 9.1.1-9 Load-bearing system of the Albrechtsgraben viaduct according to [Becker/Martin, 2002].

Figure 9.1.1-10 Albrechtsgraben viaduct - construction of the arch on a ground-supported

806 9 Production and execution methods

produced and hardened arch sections.

The falsework and the concreted arch
sections thus formed a single unit. The
scaffold towers therefore did not need to
be braced against horizontal forces in either
the longitudinal or transverse direction.
Only the first falsework bays in the area of
the transoms were braced to the transom
Figure 9.1.1-11 Albrechtsgraben viaduct - foundations with 4 tensioning tendons ∅
supporting structure and arch sections 36 mm. This method of starting the arch
according to [Becker/Mar tin, 2002]. construction before the falsework had been
completed had the advantages of
scaffolding and the construction of the considerably shortening the construction
arch took place simultaneously in the time, ensuring a continuous work process
specified sections (Figure 9.1.112). The for the scaffolding and concrete workers
scaffolding absorbed the concrete loads and guaranteeing both the formwork
and the concrete served to stiffen the delivery and the formwork completion.
scaffolding by connecting the individual
scaffolding sections to the already

Figure 9.1.1-12 Albrechtsgraben viaduct - shoring and arch construction according to [Becker/Martin,

Figure 9.1.1-13 Albrechtsgraben viaduct - falsework girder with built-up superelevation according to
[Becker/Martin, 2002].
9.1 Concrete 807
assembly could be carried out in smaller The bridge will be Europe's longest
units immediately before the start of work. tensioned concrete railroad arch bridge
Wooden structures (Figure 9.1.113) were [Stritzke, 2008].
mounted on the scaffolding girders in The further development of post and
accordance with the shape of the load tower scaffolding led to cantilevered
parallelepiped and the necessary falsework arch falsework (Fig. 9.1.17d). An example of
elevation. The scaffolding girders were this is the construction of the self-supporting
placed on the yoke girders bay by bay using falsework for the 60 m wide arch of the Ra
a slewing tower crane. To dismantle the digundengraben bridge ([Preinfalck, 1964],
falsework, it was moved crosswise by [Scheer, 1965]). The scaffolding girder
approx. 9 m so that the individual construction method can be used to
scaffolding units could then be de- economically scaffold smaller arch spans
assembled using 2 slewing tower cranes. in particular. Figure 9.1.114 shows the self-
Since 2007, the 1104 m long Grümpental supporting falsework for the underpass of a
Bridge with a 270 m wide arch and an arch service road on the A 71 highway near Ran
span of 63 m has been under construction ningen with a clear width of 7 m.
as part of the new Nuremberg-Erfurt line
in the Sonneberg administrative district of
Thuringia. The arch is being concreted in Arched teaching scaffold type Cruciani
sections on a falsework on reinforced
concrete piers. After its completion in FRANCESCO AIGNER
2009, the Grümpental Bridge will be the and THOMAS PETRASCHEK
second longest bridge in the world. Development of the Cruciani teaching scaffold

In the years 1950-1955, at a time of

comparatively high material and low labor
costs, a self-supporting wooden training
frame was developed in Italy that was very
well suited to the production of solid
arches. This was reported on in German in
[Friedrich, 1956]. This created a technically
and economically interesting alternative to
the then common construction methods
of scaffolding the arch from below or the
Melan construction method (embedding a
rigid steel framework). In its original form,
it was used for arches up to 100 m span.
From around 1960, the Cruciani falsework
was continuously further developed in
Austria with the aim of achieving larger
spans and greater stiffness as well as
simplifying assembly. Mainly in Austria,
almost 100 arches with spans between 25
and 200 m were produced with this
system, see [Aigner, 1968 - 1], [Aigner,
1968 - 2], [Pauser, 1987]
Fig. 9.1.1-14 Self-supporting falsework for the and [Aigner, 1990]. Despite serious changes
underpass of a service road on the A 71
autobahn near Ranningen
808 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.1-15 Construction stages during falsework

assembly [ÖBB photo archive].

Fig. 9.1.1-16 Concreting the base slab (left), concreting the webs and the top slab (right) [Bild archiv

This method of construction was able to and 9.1.116 show some of the
assert itself many times over the now construction stages on the Pfaffenberg
newly emerging methods of cantilever Bridge, completed in 1971, with a 200 m
construction or folding in the two halves wide arch on the ÖBB-Tauernbahn. In the
of the arch, which were produced upright classic construction method, the
using climbing formwork, around scaffolding sections are assembled using
temporary transom joints in open cable cranes. The left picture
competition. Figures 9.1.115 9.1.115 shows a tied binder element and
cable crimping needles, the right
9.1 Concrete 809

Figure 9.1.1-17 Tillachergraben bridge falsework - Austria, 1998

Figure 9.1.115 The apex closure in the If height compensation is necessary to

binder plane during falsework assembly. achieve the planned arch shape
In more recent developments, the use of (correction of the existing course of the
cable cranes is dispensed with and the upper edges of the truss), this is very easy
falsework is installed by folding the scaffold to achieve. The falsework is progressively
halves, which are erected upright above stiffened by selecting the concreting
the arch abutments, around a simple pin sequences on the cross-section and, if
joint on the transoms, Figure 9.1.117. necessary, activating the bond between the
Experience with arches up to approx. 120 m timber and the concrete. This allows
span is already available. extremely economical dimensioning of the
falsework, e.g. for only 10-20% of the arch
dead load, especially for very wide-span Characteristic properties arches with large cross-sections. A
disadvantage of the described system is
The scaffolding is self-supporting, it requires the time-consuming tensioning of the
neither scaffolding towers nor elaborate turnbuckles, see below. Before the load is
foundations, but only a simple support applied, it must be checked whether they
structure on the arched abutments (visible are sufficiently pretensioned. If a longer
in Figure 9.1.117). The valley floor is not time elapses between erection and loading
affected at all by the construction work. of the scaffolding, it may be necessary to
There are no fixed connections, all parts can retighten them. The use of (more
be dismantled and used several times. The expensive) dried timber reduces the loss of
upper edges of the trusses are curvilinear: tension. The falsework and its interaction
if the trusses are to be with the concrete arch is to be
810 9 Production and execution methods

statically at first. It is also particularly Construction elements, assembly:

important to precisely observe the
deformation behavior of the falsework Figures 9.1.118 and 9.1.119 show the
during the concreting process. As with the construction elements of the truss binder.
other modern methods of arch The chords consist of rough sawn
construction (cantilever construction, spruce boards 25/5 with a length of approx.
folding), the foreland bridges must be 4 m. The diagonals are square lumber
present up to the transoms before the arch 25/10 (up to 25/20 in areas of high shear
is constructed. forces) made of

Figure 9.1.1-18 Schematic diagram of a Cruciani binder

Figure 9.1.1-19 Gauge elements

9.1 Concrete 811
spruce wood, which are pre-tensioned to diagonal braces and chords on the already
approx. 40 kN using round steel buckles D installed girders. For example, the above-
= 18 mm made of S355 (steel tension mentioned Pfaffenberg Bridge (L = 200 m,
+100 N/ mm², wood tension -1.6 W = 10 m) was scaffolded with a three-
N/mm²), where the diagonals are able to storey falsework with five girder levels, left
absorb tensile and compressive forces. In picture 9.1.116. The girders are spatially
addition, by pre-tensioning the buckles braced with horizontal and, at intervals of
with turnbuckles, the loosely inserted approx. 4 m apart, with radial tubular
diagonals are pressed against the chords bracing, Figures 9.1.115, 9.1.116 and
via double poplar wedges (does not 9.1.120, and braced laterally every 8 m with
fiber!), whereby the chord boards are wire ropes to absorb the wind forces and
pressed together and no rutting occurs for overall stabilization, Figures
between the boards. The belts can 9.1.116 and 9.1.117. The bracing bars are
therefore be regarded as solid cross- connected to perforated strips (fairly
sections. The clear distance between the square hollow steel sections with rows of
chords is 118 cm, the distance between the holes), which also act as spacers between
double wedges is 200 cm. The boards are the individual trusses.
usually pre-curved, Figure 9.1.119. From a During assembly, a distinction must be
purely elastic point of view, this results in made as to whether the falsework is
bending stresses of approx. 16-18 N/mm² erected using a cable crane or by folding
in the boards with the usual dimensions. In in. If the falsework is assembled using a
fact, it has been experimentally proven cable crane, Figure 9.1.115, the individual
that these bending stresses are trusses are first tied in the greatest
insignificant for the load-bearing capacity, possible lengths, if possible from the
which [Friedrich, 1956] justifies with a transom to the apex, on a tying station in
stress redistribution within the chord the intended form to form one or two-
cross-sections due to sliding movements storey individual trusses. These elements,
of the wood fibers. The effect of the up to 65 m long, are lifted with the aid of
design-related eccentricities of the the cable crane, moved according to plan,
diagonals compared to the theoretical secured by means of auxiliary suspension
system nodes was investigated cables, laterally braced and, if necessary,
theoretically and experimentally: For the tensioned back onto the foreshore bridges.
usual near-support arch form (Section Finally, the bracing between the individual
5.4.2), the resulting drop in load-bearing girders is installed. The construction of a
capacity is insignificant. falsework for a 180 m wide, 9 m wide arch
The basic form is the single-storey for a highway bridge is described in detail
truss, which can be used up to a span of 60 in [Aigner, 1968 - 2]. If the falsework is
(75) m. Depending on the arch width, produced by folding in the two halves of
several individual trusses are arranged the falsework, the individual trusses are
with clear transverse spacings of between tied in the longest possible lengths on a
2.0 and 3.30 m. For spans greater than tying station (Figure 9.1.119). These
approx. 60-80 m, multi-storey trusses can elements are now brought into the vertical
be used, whereby one "storey" is required position and supported or jacked up. All
for every approx. 60 m of arch span. The bracing is now installed. To move the
additional storeys are created by adding falsework, the two halves of the falsework
further are first cut into lengths.
812 9 Production and execution methods

230 m long and 10 m wide arch with 5 - 4

= 20 belts 0.25/0.45 about 35 000 to
40,000 man hours. Concreting the arch

The light, relatively soft scaffolding can be

optimally utilized by successively building
up the arch cross-section and, if necessary,
by activating the bonding effect between
the falsework and the already concreted
cross-section parts. Once the base plate of
the box has hardened, a new, very rigid
load-bearing system consisting of the
falsework and the base plate is in place. The
other concreting loads are mainly absorbed
by the already hardened parts of the concrete
arch, whereby the falsework prevents the
base plate from buckling. Figure 9.1.121
shows an example of a two-cell box cross-

Figure 9.1.1-20 Shoring with horizontal and

radial bracing

The individual parts are cut into sections

that can be moved by the existing lifting
gear (weight!). The individual parts are
assembled upright using a mobile crane
above the archers, joined together again
using friction joints, braced and finally
folded in and joined together at the apex.
Square lumber is placed on the top chords
of the scaffolding trusses to compensate
for the height, onto which the formwork is
attached (planed boards). Work progress

As a rule of thumb for the work progress

(setting, assembly, installation, height
adjustment, dismantling), 70-75 man-
hours per m³ of belt timber can be Fig. 9.1.1-21 Successive construction of a box
applied. In the case of the Pfaffenberg cross-section
bridge, this results in
9.1 Concrete
Figure 9.1.1-22 First Nößlach bridge - Austrian Brenner highway, 1968: Concreting sequence and bending lines [Aigner, 1968 - 2]

812 9 Production and execution methods

In the transom areas, the webs can be The load-bearing capacity of the existing
tightened up to approx. 4-8 m at the composite system must be determined.
beginning in order to achieve structural The falsework reacts sensitively to the
restraint of the falsework at the transoms. applied loads, especially at the beginning
The concreting sequence in the of the concreting process. Figure 9.1.122
longitudinal direction of the bridge can shows a typical concreting sequence and
only be determined approximately in the measured deflections. The strictly
advance. The exact concreting sequence symmetrical load application is essential
must be determined by continuous (tolerance: maximum 15 kN concrete).
measurements of the deformation
behavior of the falsework or the concrete
resulting from the falsework and the

Table 9.1.1-1 Arch bridges built with self-supporting Cruciani falsework

Name Traffic route LBow Ltotal B f h Year

Mitterbach Street 30 55 9,8 6,6 8 1963

Augarten Street 54 65 18,5 6,7 8 1977
bridge Graz
Wall bridge Street 70 150 10 14,8 20 1989
Kenlach ditch Rail employee 76 185 2 - 5,85 22 45 2001
Sonnenburg highway 97 182 2 - 13,25 22 80 1961
Innere Nöß highway 110 184 24 23,7 80 1968
Fritzbachtal Street 117 274 15,5 30 60 1982
Mudflow Expressway 143 610 2 - 14 47,5 50 1976
Outer Nöß highway 180 342 24 45 85 1968
Pfaffenberg Rail employee 200 377 10 50 100 1971
Falkenstein Rail employee 120/150 396 10 36,8/46 90 1973

LBogen ... transom spacing (classification criterion)

Ltotal ... total length of the bridge (bearing axes)
B ... Lane width (outer edge of edge beam) f
... Stitch
h ... Height above the valley floor or
river Year.. . Year of completion
9.1 Concrete 813
bridges Equipping the bow The design concept for the launching
gantry and for the bridge built with it, the
The falsework, which is under high suitability of the scaffolding for different
pressure, can be removed either by types of use (different spans, bridge
lowering it or by creating a kinematic widths, cross-sectional shapes, straight
chain (knocking out a diagonal). If the and curved bridge sections), but also
base plate has been shear-bonded to the continuous central planning that takes
falsework to activate the bond, the bond into account the available capacities and,
elements must first be loosened. To avoid if possible, the combination of
uncontrolled deformation or the falsework construction tasks into large construction
falling down, it is provisionally connected lots are the prerequisites for the success of
to the arch. these construction methods.
Despite the increased economic risks,
building with launching gantries has Buildings become established in Germany and
abroad and has given new impetus to
Table 9.1.11 contains a selection of arch bridge construction. The reasons for this
bridges built with the described cantilever are the independence of the self-
falsework. supporting scaffolding from the terrain, the
high construction speed that cannot be
achieved with other in-situ concrete
9.1.2 Production on launching gantry methods, the savings in labor costs (achieved
in particular through the mechanization of
JÜRGEN STRITZKE formwork inputs) and the possibility of
working "upside down". Above all, however,
The increase in demand for long viaducts the success of launching gantries is based on
due to highway construction led to the the high quality of workmanship that can be
principle used in cantilever construction achieved with them. The launching gantry is
(see section 9.1.3) of constructing bridges a production hall that has been moved to
in sections, independent of the terrain, the construction site and combines the
being further developed into the advantage of mass production, which is
construction method of field-by-field otherwise only available in precast
concreting with self-supporting, steel construction, with the greater shaping
launching girders. Very different concepts possibilities of in-situ concrete
emerged: Scaffolding located under the construction.
superstructure and scaffolding with the
main girders on the bridge, simple girders
with low operating comfort and elaborate Field-by-field production
scaffolding machines in which every on cantilevered launching gantry - setup girder
movement is mechanized. It was not under the superstructure
always possible t o fully meet the
expectations placed in these launching The dependencies between the
gantries and achieve repeated use. The construction method, superstructure
optimum cross-section and substructures become
particularly clear when using
longitudinally displaceable scaffolding. It
is not only at great heights above the
ground (from 15 m) that already
completed sections of the superstructure
and the substructures are used for
814 9 Production and execution methods
9.1 Concrete 815

Fig. 9.1.2-1 Span-by-span construction of continuous prestressed concrete bridges using cantilevered
launching gantries running under the superstructure

of a longitudinally displaceable feed guide The bridge is suspended from the already
(Figure 9.1.21). completed superstructure section, moved
For long viaducts in uneven terrain and forward on the scaffolding girder and
for slope bridges in the course of traffic clamped to the piers on both sides.
routes along mountain slopes (e.g. [Gass, During the rolling process, the feed
1960], [Bänziger, 1980]) with spans of up scaffolding transfers its loads to the bridge
to around 65 m, cantilevered steel piers via these brackets. Sliding chairs are
scaffolding girders were developed, which arranged between the scaffolding girders
are moved under the superstructure. The and the brackets, which enable the
length of the scaffolding girders is two bay scaffolding girders to be raised and lowered
lengths. The actual formwork scaffolding by means of hydraulic presses (Figure
is mounted on the scaffolding girders and 9.1.22).
has a single span length. The support points While the respective concreted
of the scaffolding girders in the concreting construction section is being prestressed,
position are the suspensions on the the scaffolding beams are lowered. This
anchoring girders at the coupling joint releases the web and carriageway slab
and the pier brackets on the front pier. These formwork and the floor formwork is
pier brackets are an integral part of the folded down. In this state, the launching
launching gantry and are used in an gantry is partially advanced until the
intermediate state, in which the entire connecting frame (cross girder) reaches
scaffolding is the next pier and the formwork is folded

Fig. 9.1.2-2 Superstructure cross-section with position of the scaffolding girders and formwork of a steel
push-pull scaffolding
816 9 Production and execution methods

the cross beam is lowered onto the pier The formwork can be moved to the next
head by lowering the scaffolding. The concreting position and the formwork
launching gantry slides on the brackets at moved into the corresponding position
the front via plain bearings, while the rear and aligned.
end of the scaffolding is attached to a Instead of steel brackets clamped to the
superstructure running on the already pier heads, steel cross girders are also
hardened track slab. The bracket used, which rest on push-through girders
anchorages on the pier can now be in the piers (Figure 9.1.23).
released and the brackets moved to the Construction of the superstructure of the
next pier and anchored. The launching Etzels bachtal bridge as part of the A38
gantry can then be moved into highway

Figure 9.1.2-3 Theis Valley Bridge - Steel cross girders supported by through
girders as support for the launching gantry

Figure 9.1.2-4 Launching gantry of the viaduct over the Etzelsbach

9.1 Concrete 817
Göttingen - Halle - Leipzig with maximum The cantilevered deck slabs of the
spans of 62 m was carried out bay by bay superstructure are supported by the
on a 700 t launching gantry with a total frames on the scaffolding girders. In the
length of 128 m. The launching gantry concreting position, the launching gantry
running under the superstructure (Fig. is supported at the front on the bridge pier.
9.1.24) consists of two steel lattice girders The scaffolding and launching girders are
with a height of 4 m [Vorschubgerüst, supported directly on the pier, the lateral
2001]. In order to reduce the stress on the scaffolding girders by means of steel
superstructure due to the suspended loads cones. At the rear, the main girders are
from the launching gantry and concrete, suspended from a crane carriage of the
the suspended loads were transferred to last completed superstructure section.
the piers with the help of tendons via a The launching gantry is moved to the
longitudinally movable pylon next concreting position in two phases:
construction. After hardening and pre-tensioning of
Figure 9.1.25 shows a launching gantry the supporting structure, the entire
with main beams at the bottom, which scaffolding is lowered evenly hydraulically
works according to the slide rule and the floor slabs between the main
principle. The construction consists of beams are folded down. The front crane
single-cell steel boxes. The outer girders, carriage, which is only used to pre-
which pass to the side of the piers, are set- transport the scaffolding girders, supports
up girders, connected to each other by the connecting frame in the middle and
transverse frames and have approximately takes on the dead load of the scaffolding
the length of the bridge span. The middle girders including the formwork
girder (the rake bar tongue) lies in the construction.
middle of the piers between the bearings On the rear crane truck, which serves as
and is slightly longer than two span a suspension beam for the main girders in
widths. It has a dual function as a the concreting position and for the pre-
scaffolding and prefabrication girder: in transport of the scaffolding girders, the
the concreting area, it carries the concreting attachments are removed after
formwork and serves as a runway for the the front crane truck has lowered and
outer scaffolding girders when rolling to taken over the load of the scaffolding
the next pier. Hinged floor plates connect girders. The scaffolding girders are
the three main beams and, together with suspended from tension members located
the beams, form the lower formwork floor outside the bridge cross-section. The
(Fig. 9.1.26). Formwork scaffolding girder and the front girder are
separated for the forward movement.

Fig. 9.1.2-5 Launching gantry rake bar system, advancing the setup and front beam
818 9 Production and execution methods

9.1 Concrete
Figure 9.1.2-6 Unsupported launching gantry system truss rod with plate girder cross-section without cross girders according to
[Kotulla/Wilhelm, 1978].

818 9 Production and execution methods

First of all, the two rescue carriers are The shape of the superstructure has a
driven forward with the crane trucks. The particular influence on the total mass of
front crane trolley travels on the front the launching gantry and thus the
girder, the rear one on a track that lies on investment costs. Various launching
the superstructure. The support brackets gantries have therefore been developed for
also move forward; they can be removed specific support width ranges
from the scaffolding girders and [Kotulla/Wil helm, 1978]. It is
reinstalled on the pillar once the new uneconomical to use large scaffolding on
working position has been reached. bridges with small spans, even if it is
In the second phase, the scaffolding possible to adapt the length of the
and stem girder is moved. It is equipped scaffolding girders to the existing spans.
with its own drive and rolls over beams The costs for transport, assembly, relocation
that are supported in recesses at the pier and disassembly form a high basic amount
heads. After leaving the rear traverses, that cannot be reduced by operational
these are picked up, moved forwards by rationalization.
the carrier and moved there when the The relatively high construction height
next pier is reached. The scaffolding is set of the steel falsework can be
up for the new concreting position in the disadvantageous with regard to keeping the
reverse order to that described above. clearance under the superstructure clear if
The advantages of a cantilevered piling traffic routes have to be kept clear and
rig are that field-wide production can be there is insufficient height available. The
carried out with extremely short cycle least clearance restrictions are then
times and very few workers. No achieved by using a two-stage plate girder
intermediate supports are required and the without cross girders as a superstructure
process is completely independent of the cross-section and using launching gantry
terrain. When planning a launching according to the slide rule principle, as
gantry, which is a large piece of here the setup girder level is directly
equipment according to its task, detailed below the roadway slab (Figure 9.1.26). In
consideration must be given to the desired contrast, in the principle shown in Figure
and technically possible range of variation. 9.1.21, the scaffolding girder level is
The amortization of the high investment located exclusively under the supporting
costs can only be achieved if the feed structure. This in turn makes it possible to
equipment is as adaptable as possible. It construct slab girder structures with cross
should be possible to use it for different girders.
spans without major modifications and As a rule, highway bridges consist of
also allow changes to the cross-section two separate superstructures, which are
design. The operational and mechanical conveniently constructed in the outward
equipment should be designed in such a and return sections of the launching gantry.
way that safe, simple and economical The bridge shown in Fig.
handling is guaranteed during use on the 9.1.21, in which each set-up beam is used
construction site. The span range of the as a front beam, these are designed
bridges to be constructed, the width range symmetrically with their cantilevers (front
and the cross beak). Before starting the return journey,
only a transverse shift is required behind
the abutment. With the slide rule
principle, only one transverse thrust is
required due to the asymmetrical design of
9.1 Concrete 819
The same launching gantry can also be Separate, single-cell prestressed concrete
rotated by 180° behind the bearing. This is boxes as continuous girders over nine
why the slide rule principle is no longer spans with spans of 48 m + 58 m + 60 m +
used today. 85 m + 100 m + 85 m + 60 m + 58 m + 48
In the case of box cross-sections, the m
internal formwork is usually designed as a steel feed scaffolding was also used. The
continuous formwork carriage, which economical use of the launching gantry
initially remains in the last concreted made it necessary to arrange auxiliary
section and is only moved forward into supports in the three large central sections
the following section after the of 85 m + 100 m + 85 m with varying
reinforcement for the floor slab and the construction heights between 3.50 m and
webs has been inserted. The supporting 6.50 m (Figure 9.1.27). This limited the
cross beams can then only be concreted longest construction section to 62 m.
subsequently. Despite this limitation, the result was an
At the Trockau viaduct on the A9 advance structure of considerable
highway [BÖGL/WALTER] with two dimensions. The


Figure 9.1.2-7 Trockau viaduct - launching gantry using an auxiliary support and an auxiliary
pylon a) Auxiliary support in the 100 m span for construction section 5 b) Additional auxiliary
pylon for construction section 6
820 9 Production and execution methods

The total length of the bridge, including

the leading and trailing beak, is 128 m.
The 80 m long main supporting structure
consisted of lattice girders with a
construction height of 4.00 m. The
auxiliary piers were transversely braced to
create the second superstructure. The
construction sections extended between
10 m and 14 m beyond the piers and the
auxiliary supports. The trough cross-
section and the roadway slab of each
superstructure were constructed in two
separate operations. The auxiliary pylon,
including the bracing, was required to
cover the negative moment above the
auxiliary support.
A key feature of the Trockau viaduct is
the pre-tensioning of the superstructure in
the longitudinal direction using exclusively
external tendons SUSPA DrahtEx (type
66). A sensible division of the tendons into
continuous tendons, partially overlapped in
the supporting cross girders (Fig. 9.1.28)
and tensioning tendons in the span and
column areas makes it possible to keep the
pre-tensioning forces to be applied locally
within manageable limits. Four tendons
were selected as continuous tendons for
the outer spans and six tendons per box
girder for the large inner spans. In
particular, the anchoring pilaster strips of
the post-tensioning tendons above the
internal supports were arranged as far as
possible in the corner areas of the deck slab
- webs in order to avoid large, localized
carding moments. Field-by-field production

on cantilevered launching gantry - setup girder
above the superstructure

Moving cantilever scaffolding above the

superstructure can be seen as a further
Figure 9.1.2-8 Viaduct Trockau - Partial development of the cantilever scaffolding
longitudinal section of the superstructure with used in cantilever construction.
position of the external, continuous and access Transverse frames cantilever laterally from
tendons the main longitudinal girder above the
superstructure and support the
9.1 Concrete 821

Fig. 9.1.2-9 Span-by-span construction of the Elz valley bridge running over several spans using
cantilevered launching gantry according to [Finsterwalder/Schambeck, 1966] - scaffolding girders
running over the superstructure

The formwork is attached to these with In order to allow launching gantry

drawbars (Figure 9.1.29). The scaffolding without dismantling the formwork
girder is positioned on the last completed scaffolding, the launching gantry above
section with support frames and on the the last intermediate pier is rotated using a
next pier by means of a special support rotating platform and a turnstile so that it
structure. Once a section has been is possible to move forward to the
completed, it can move forward by one corresponding pier of the second bridge
bay length at a time by operating its structure [DYWIDAG 11].
traveling mechanism without any Launching gantries arranged above the
additional aids. The formwork is placed superstructure avoid the heavy cross beams
on the lower cross beam arms. Due to the that are required for launching gantries
shape of the cross frames, this launching arranged below. The material can be
gantry is particularly suitable for bridges transported under the scaffolding girders
with a row of central columns and allows high above the superstructure without
very different shapes of bridge cross- hindrance. Due to the practically
sections, such as slab-type structures, slab unlimited available construction height
beams or cheeses with constant and above the bridge deck, the main
variable construction heights. longitudinal girder is usually designed as a
A different form of launching gantry truss, which allows large support widths
running over the superstructure was with a relatively low dead load. The
chosen for the Ahrtal Bridge [Majewski, clearance under the bridge is not
1966]. In the 175 m long scaffold with a restricted as a result, and it is possible to
mass of 2060 t, the main girders consist of keep traffic routes underneath clear.
truss girders that rest on the cantilever of
the last concreted superstructure section
and on the next pier head during the Launching gantries made of prestressed
concreting process. The largest span of the concrete
Ahr valley bridge built with this
equipment was 106 m. In contrast to steel launching gantries
The repositioning of the launching made of lattice girders or solid wall
gantry on multi-span bridge structures girders, launching gantries made of
with separated superstructures was prestressed concrete ([Harries et al., 1994],
further developed during the construction [Martin/ Adlunger, 1988],
of the third mainland bridge in Lagos, [Keuser/Kremser, 1999]) are also used.
Nigeria. In order to prevent the They do not require any moving parts
when moving past the piles and bearings,
as the principle and
822 9 Production and execution methods

a) b)
Figure 9.1.2-10 Trough-shaped prestressed concrete launching gantry according to [Harries et al.,
1994] a) Concreting position b) Launching gantry with raised superstructure

individual components of the incremental The front end of the push-rod can be
launching method (see section 9.1.4) can enclosed in a trough shape (Fig. 9.1.210)
be used. Launching gantries made of or it can lie completely under the lower
prestressed concrete avoid high edge of the superstructure and have a Z-
investment costs for an uncertain number profile (Fig. 9.1.211). Similar to the
of uses, loading and transport costs and incremental launching method, a steel
rental costs and can be adapted to the launching nose is clamped to the front end
individual needs of the structure. After of the feed scaffolding for weight reasons.
completion of the bridge structure, they This is one of the few components that can
are dismantled again. be reused.
It has been shown that prestressed To install the upper displacement
concrete advancing equipment is very bearings between the launching gantry and
cost-effective and therefore competitive the concreted superstructure, both
when used only once. The large dead supporting structures must be moved
loads of such launching gantries are of no vertically against each other: Either the
significance when advancing. The effects superstructure is raised and the launching
on the substructures are within the service gantry is left in its vertical position (Figure
loads of the final condition, at least in the 9.1.210a) or the launching gantry is
case of railroad bridges. The prestressed lowered and the superstructure is left in
concrete advancing scaffolding can reduce its vertical position. The first method
the cross-section of the superstructure. mentioned is suitable for single-span
girder chains. Only the last superstructure
span constructed is raised. This was the
method used for the Rombach Valley
Bridge on the new Hanover - Würzburg
line of the German Federal Railroad. The
other method is suitable for continuous
girders. The aim is to avoid additional
stresses on the superstructure due to
support subsidence. The hydraulic
displacement plates between the pier and
Figure 9.1.2-11 Prestressed concrete the launching gantry can be coupled with
launching gantry in ZForm lying under the those arranged between the launching
lower edge of the superstructure gantry and the superstructure. If the
piston areas of the presses are selected at
the upper and lower ends of the
9.1 Concrete 823
If the displacement bearings are the same, The vertical deformations of bridges with
the height of the superstructure always slab tracks must be coordinated with the
remains the same in a closed system. Once requirements catalog for the construction
the superstructure has been completed, of slab tracks.
the feed scaffolding is moved beyond the The superstructures were built with a
abutment, where the steel parts are de- launching scaffold similar to that used in
mounted and the concrete parts are the construction of the Rombach Valley
broken off. Bridge [Harries et al., 1994]. It consisted
During the construction of the double- of a prestressed concrete trough, the
track Geratal bridge Ichterhausen launching nose of which was made up of a
[Keuser/Kremser, 1999] as part of the new prestressed concrete section and a steel
Ebensfeld - Er furt line, prestressed launching nose. The box cross-section was
concrete launching girders (Figure produced in two sections with the
9.1.212) were also used. The 1121 m long, construction joint between the webs and
single-cell prestressed concrete box girder the roadway slab. Although the first
bridge is a single-span girder chain over partial cross-section of the superstructure
24 spans with spans of 44 m to 58 m. It to be produced bears approx. 20% of the
serves to carry the Deutsche Bahn over the concreting load in accordance with the
Gera Valley with the new A71 highway, stiffness ratios, the launching equipment
the K20 district road and the eastern was designed for the full concreting load.
connecting ramp of the A4/A71 The size of the partial longitudinal
interchange. The longitudinal prestressing prestressing of the concrete trough was
of the superstructure was determined as follows:
• In the 58 m span under dead load of
the shear frame and formwork loads
(without concreting load of the
superstructure), there are virtually no
tensile stresses in the longitudinal
direction under service loads (full pre-
tension). The stress from this LF
combination corresponds to
approximately half the stress from full
load. When moving forward, half of the
tensile stresses occurring on the top of
the trough are overpressed by external
These criteria result in an almost centric
pre-tension. The stresses that are not
covered by the partial pre-tensioning are
absorbed by the slack reinforcement.
After completion of the superstructure
of a bay in the launching gantry, the
launching process was carried out
according to [Keuser/Kremser, 1999] in
the sequence shown in Figure 9.1.213:

Figure 9.1.2-12 Launching gantry of the

Geratal bridge Ichterhausen
824 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.2-13 Geratalbrücke Ichterhausen - Advance process according to [Keuser/Kremser, 1999]

Phase 1 Phase 4
• Installation of the slideway on the • End insertion with simultaneous
superstructure transfer from the front to the rear
• Mounting the rear guide rail indexing slide bearing
• Lifting the superstructure at the front Phase 5
and installing the upper cycle bearings
Scaffold base and lower edge of
• Installing the front guide rail
• Expansion of the feed system
• Installation of the feed system
• Raise the rear superstructure until the Phase 6
steel crossbeam releases the front • Construction of the new superstructure
scaffolding from the rear bearing via with simultaneous lowering of the
pressure contact, thus ensuring rear previously constructed superstructure
In addition to the above-mentioned
Phase 2 advantages of prestressed concrete feed
• Shift the armor until the rear
equipment, there are further advantages.
projection of the armor is only approx. The usefulness of a feed
23 m is • Superstructure rests on press-fitting
• Releasing the steel crossbeam
Phase 3
• Shifting up to approx. 1.50 m before
leaving the superstructure
• Lifting the superstructure at the front
and thus freeing the upper indexing
slide bearings
9.1 Concrete 825
The design of the scaffolding is
determined by two requirements:
Firstly, stability must be ensured and
secondly, the deformation behavior
must allow the superstructure to be
produced with dimensional accuracy.
The concrete trough is extremely rigid
and therefore relatively dimensionally
stable. The launching gantry not only
encases the superstructure with the
826 9 Production and execution methods

formwork, but with the entire concrete The development of cantilever

trough. This prevents the rapid construction for prestressed concrete
dissipation of hydration heat and early bridges by Finsterwalder (Dyckerhoff &
shrinkage. This leads to a high concrete Widmann) opened up a wide range of
quality of the superstructure with a dense applications for this construction method.
structure and good visible surface. Finsterwalder, 1952] reports on the
construction of the first cantilevered
prestressed concrete river bridges in
9.1.3 Cantilever construction Germany in Baldu instein over the Lahn in
1950 (Fig. 1.452) and in Neckarrems over
and SILKE SCHEERER (until 9.1.4) The basic principle of classic cantilever
construction is that individual bridge Introduction sections are concreted from a pier using a
mobile production system - the cantilever
Beams, frames and arch bridges are construction carriage. The cantilever
erected in cantilever construction. This carriage carries the scaffolding, formwork,
construction method is used when concrete and prestressing steel
medium and large spans of between reinforcement as well as the fresh
approx. 70 m and 250 m need to be concrete. The work is often carried out
bridged without the need to erect alternately or symmetrically, creating a
falsework, for example. This can be the balance beam on the pier in question. The
case if difficult geological or geographical production sections are usually between 3
conditions prevail, for example if the and 5 m long. This means that the amount
bridge is at a great height or if wide of material to be kept in stock for the
obstacles are to be spanned without formwork and formwork is relatively small.
supports. As a rule, there are no significant Another advantage is that the formwork
traffic obstructions under the bridge, nor can be reused several times and easily
are ecologically sensitive areas affected. modified. Adaptation to haunched beam
Another advantage of the construction geometries is possible without any
method is that it is independent of the problems. A further reduction in material
settlements of a falsework. and time is achieved by repeating similar
In German-speaking countries, the cycles several times. By enclosing the stem
method of cantilevering a concrete bridge carriage, work can also be carried out in
was first proposed by Finsterwalder in adverse weather conditions.
1930 in a competition to design a bridge In addition to the so-called classic
over the Rhine in Basel cantilever construction, there are also
[Finsterwalder/Schambeck, 1965]. In the different variations:
same year, a steel and concrete bridge was
• Cantilever with auxiliary bracing (pylon
built in Brazil over the Rio de Peixe by
pre-stretching a plank formwork [Beton
• Cantilever with auxiliary beam,
und Eisen, 1931], [Curbach, 19941]. In
• Cantilever with launching gantry (setup
1937, another steel-concrete bridge was
built in England using the cantilever
• Cantilever construction with
method. Despite this, the method did not
prefabricated parts (segment
catch on for reinforced concrete bridges.
Only with the
• Bow free construction.
9.1 Concrete 827
Supporting Main span completely or
structure made partially made of
120 of normal lightweight concrete
concrete Field Field
Support Support
Mean Mean
Balduinstein 1950 value value
80 Kochertal bridge 1979
Shibanpo Bridge 2006
Rio de Peixe 1930 (middle 103 m lifted in as a
prefabricated steel box section)
l/h [-]


Stolmasund Bridge 1998
50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Span of the main opening [m]

Figure 9.1.3-1 Slenderness of various cantilever bridges Requirements for the superstructure shells is possible. The thickness of the base
plate is often significantly increased in the
In cantilever construction, haunched box cross-section above the column compared
girders are most commonly used. The to the field area. This results, for example,
bridges can be straight or curved in plan. in a greater lever arm of the internal forces
In the case of transverse slopes, the box or lower stresses in the compression zone.
girder is designed as a rhombus. The thickness of the roadway slab is also
According to [Menn, 1990], the varied, but in this case to reduce the dead
slenderness l/h (h: beam height above the load in the center of the span. Figure
support) should be approx. 17. 9.1.32 shows the basic cross-section
Slendernesses of approx. 50 are achieved design.
in the middle of the span, and Vertical bars facilitate both shuttering
significantly more if lightweight concrete and concreting. Inclined webs enable a
is used, wider track slab with an attractive
s. Figure 9.1.31. Curved beams can appearance and can be stripped more
optimally transfer the cantilever stress in easily by lowering the formwork vertically.
the construction stage, as the variable With inclined webs, either the inclination
resistance moment can be adapted to the of the webs remains constant, which
course of the support moment. The results in a variable width of the floor slab,
curved underside of the beam usually or a constant width of the floor slab is
follows a parabola. However, plate girder selected, which gives the webs a three-
cross-sections or parallel girders are also dimensional curvature. The constant web
produced in free cantilever design. A inclination is easier to manufacture, but
summary of the slenderness of selected results in the smallest base plate width in
cantilever bridges is shown in Figure the highly stressed column area, which
9.1.31. must then be compensated for by a greater
The great advantage of box girders is plate thickness. Figure 9.1.33 shows both
that the high negative bending moments variants in cross-section and view.
resulting from the cantilever load can be
absorbed well in the building structure
and that a simple and rational
construction is possible.
828 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.3-2 Variation of the design of the roadway and floor slab

Figure 9.1.3-3 Typical bar geometries; left: constant bar inclination and variable width of the base
plate; right: variable bar inclination and constant width of the base plate Special features parts. The de-icing salt attack is

for tendon guidance particularly critical. In joint systems, a
distinction can be made between joints
In their final state, cantilever bridges are with dilatation and without dilatation. If
frames or continuous girders. In the dilatation is to be permitted, complicated
construction stage, however, they are special bearings with a large space
cantilever beams. These must be requirement are necessary, which can
connected to each other in the middle of absorb the mutually different lateral forces
the span to form the final system. There and vertical displacements. Joints without
are three different options: dilatation can, for example, be designed as
prestressed concrete joints in the
• bending stiffness - this is the usual carriageway slab, see Figure 9.1.34.
solution today, The type of bridge connection and
• Formation of a joint, manufacture result in special features in
• Inserting a suspension beam. tendon guidance. A distinction is made
The bending stiffness bridge connection is between
the lowest-maintenance variant and has • Cantilever prestressing,
proven itself • Continuity bias,
i. A. enforced. • Field bias voltage.
According to [Menn, 1990], articulated
systems are more economical than
continuous systems, as torque
redistribution from the more massive
support to the weaker field area is
excluded. However, there are
disadvantages with regard to
serviceability. These include, for example,
the resulting "kink" in the gradient, which
impairs ride comfort, the design effort Figure 9.1.3-4 Joint without dilatation for
involved in the manufacture of joints and connecting the cantilevers according to [Menn,
joints and the need to maintain these 1990].
9.1 Concrete 829
The tendons for cantilever prestressing The tendons at the ends of the web can be
primarily absorb the internal forces from redirected outwards close to the webs or
the construction stages and are also into the webs themselves. The anchorages
dimensioned accordingly. They are mainly are then located either in the area of the
located in the upper plate of the box stiffer connection between the web and
girder, where a maximum lever arm can be the slab or inside the web. In the latter
achieved. As each new section must be variant, the tendons can be guided
connected to the already sufficiently downwards far inside the webs. This
hardened cantilever in a force-fit manner, significantly increases the shear load-
a large number of empty cladding tubes bearing capacity, but the insertion of
must be embedded starting from the pier reinforcement and concrete is more
table. Only those tendons are anchored in complicated.
the construction joint that are required to The continuity tendons are installed in
support the additional loads from the the floor slab to absorb the positive
section that has just been produced. This moments in the middle third of the span.
gradation allows the pre-tension to be These arise after bending stiffness of the
adjusted to the load without any bridge due to the change in the overall
problems. The remaining cladding tubes static system. They are laid and anchored
are merely butted at the construction near the webs, on the one hand to exploit
joints. PVC pipes are often inserted into the higher stiffness of the cross-section at
these empty cladding pipes as filler. On the this point, and on the other to keep the
one hand, these have a stabilizing effect transverse bending in the floor slab as low
during concreting. On the other hand, if as possible. An example of the stepping is
there are any leaks, they prevent the also shown in Figure 9.1.35. The pilaster
cavities from filling up with concrete, strips in the floor slab must be designed
which would make it impossible to thread with particular care, as the slab is usually
in the prestressing reinforcement very thin here. It is also important to
afterwards. For this reason, a few empty ensure that sufficient and well-anchored
ducts are also provided in the cross- reinforcement is provided for the
section, which can then serve as deflection forces that occur due to the
replacements in the event of damage to curvature of the continuity tendons.
ducts of statically required tendons. If the The tendons of the span prestressing are
anchor points are designed accordingly, threaded into continuous, empty ducts
this also provides an opportunity for over the entire span after bridge closure.
subsequent reinforcement of the In addition to covering extreme stresses,
structure. Figure 9.1.35 shows an example they can also be used to influence
of the gradation of cantilever prestressing. deformations after bridge closure or, as
There are different variants for the already mentioned, for subsequent
arrangement of the cantilever tendons in reinforcement. The field pre-tensioning
the floor plan. If they are straight, the can be realized both as pre-tensioning
anchor bars are located on the underside with subsequent bonding and as external
of the track slab. This makes it easier to pre-tensioning.
guide the reinforcement, but at the same For standard construction projects, the
time restricts the free height in the box cantilever prestressing from the
girder, which makes it more difficult to construction stage
work inside the box. Another option is to
use the
830 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.3-5 Example of the arrangement of tendons in the cantilever and in the span,
according to [Curbach, 19931].

compression and tension-resistant, pre-

is dimensioned in such a way that it can
stressed auxiliary columns are often used
also absorb the column moments in the
to support the column.
final state, as a corresponding
redistribution takes place. Therefore, only
cantilevers and continuity prestressing are
generally used. Equipment for classic cantilever


First and foremost is the cantilevered

formwork carriage. It is moved in the
longitudinal direction of the bridge and
carries the scaffolding girders and the
formwork. The length of the concreting
sections depends on the load-bearing
capacity of the cantilever carriage.
Permissible loads for standard
cantilevered formwork carriages are, for
example, 1300, 1750 and 2000 kN. The
maximum length of the formwork must
also be taken into account. The usual
length here is 5 m.
When cantilevering on both sides using
the balance beam principle, the initial
cycle (the pier table) is produced using
conventional construction methods. The
length of the pier table depends on the
space required for setting up the
cantilevered cantilever carriages.
If the superstructure is not
monolithically connected to the column,
9.1 Concrete 831
stabilization of the balance beam and to
absorb tilting moments during construction.
The bearings on the bridge pillars essentially
transfer the vertical forces. If an
unsymmetrical balance beam is used, e.g. if
the cantilever on one side is one or two
cycles ahead, compressive auxiliary supports
can be installed on one side and the length of
the pier table can be reduced at the same
time, as the second cantilever carriage is only
installed after the first one has moved ahead.
The most unfavorable combination of
planned tilting moment and load due to
dead load must be used for dimensioning the
auxiliary supports and for the position safety
check. The auxiliary supports are
prestressed on one side at the top of the base
plate of the pier table. The column remains
in state I, which greatly limits its longitudinal
deformations. This reduces the risk of severe
deformation or twisting of the balance beam.
A possible arrangement of auxiliary
supports is shown in Figure 9.1.36.
It is difficult to precisely set the
prestressing force in the auxiliary supports, as
the different expansion stiffnesses of the
auxiliary supports and bridge piers and the
832 9 Production and execution methods

last bars, additional auxiliary supports can

also be placed under the bars of the
balance beam, as is the case with the
z. This happened, for example, with the
Oberndorf bridge over the Main
[Curbach, 19941]. However, the tilting
moment can also be absorbed in other
ways, e.g. by bracing the pier table with the
bridge pier or by clamping the
superstructure itself into the pier.
In the case of single-sided or single-
Figure 9.1.3-6 Stabilization of the pier table
hipped cantilever superstructures, the
with prestressed auxiliary supports according moments of force must be absorbed by
to [Curbach, 1994a]. sufficiently strong foundations, anchoring
back into the in-situ subsoil by means of
earth or rock anchors, counterweights or
non-linear deformation of the bridge bracing, e.g. in previously completed
bearings can only be modeled with bridge spans. Figure 9.1.37 shows a
difficulty. For this reason, presses are diagram of the manufacturing process.
arranged between the superstructure and Temporary supports or bracing can avoid
the auxiliary supports, with which the unnecessarily high reinforcement of the
desired pre-tensioning force can be superstructure.
applied in the auxiliary supports. This A special compensating structure is
allows the required pre-tension of the often required to close the bridge. For this
auxiliary supports to be checked and purpose, the cantilever shoring is
adjusted in all construction phases. The dismantled and suitable auxiliary
arrangement of the auxiliary supports and structures are installed to fix the cantilever
in particular their spacing depends on the during bridge closure. For the cantilever
maximum tilting moment to be absorbed shoring variants presented in section
and therefore on the span of the balance, further aids are required. Here
beam and the length of the production
sections. If the auxiliary supports
provided for the

Figure 9.1.3-7 Cantilever structure with auxiliary pylon and bracing according to [Munich
Reinsurance Company, 1992].
9.1 Concrete 833
examples are auxiliary pylons, scaffolding be compensated for by superelevation
girders and temporary bracing. during the cantilever. The superelevation
must be dimensioned in such a way that
the intended roadway level is guaranteed Construction sequence for in the service condition. In general,
classic cantilever construction deformations that occur during
construction must be compensated for.
First, the foundation and pillar are Such deformations occur
constructed. The pier table is then erected The deformations may occur after
on the pier. equipping due to dead load and
The rule for classic cantilever proportional traffic load or they may be
construction is symmetrical production the result of column subsidence or
from the pier table. The resulting balance temperature differences. Furthermore, in
beam must be stabilized, see also section the case of cantilever construction, the The cantilever carriages are set up changing settlements of the cantilever
one after the other, the formwork is wagon during concreting, the
aligned and the slack reinforcement and deformations of the cantilever system
empty sleeves for the prestressing during construction, the influences of the
reinforcement are inserted. The first cycle changed static system after the bridge has
of each cantilever can now be concreted. been closed and the creep displacements
Once this section has reached sufficient to be expected in this context must be
strength after approx. two to three days, taken into account.
the tendons are pulled into the pre- During the entire construction process,
prepared ducts of the finished section and the current deformation values are
prestressed. The tendon anchorages are measured after the production of each
often designed for a lower concrete cycle. The required cant for the next cycle
strength class than the one that will is calculated using the actual modulus of
actually be installed. In the final state, elasticity and the actual dead load of the
therefore, there is slightly more installed fresh concrete. Any necessary
reinforcing steel than was statically corrections can thus be taken into account
required. The great advantage of this at an early stage.
approach, however, is that pre-tensioning In addition to the height of the
can be brought forward in time. cantilever ends, the tangents of the
After pre-tensioning, the pre- gradient in the plan and elevation must
tensioning carriage is moved forward and also match when creating the bridge
fixed to the completed section. All further closure, as no "kink" occurs in the middle
sections are attached alternately and of the span. In order to limit the
prestressed in cycles. The bridge is closed deformations from the outset, it may be
with the last section in the middle of the advisable to use a concrete with a very
field. The continuous tendons are now high modulus of elasticity, which can be
pulled in and prestressed. If necessary, the achieved by using basalt as an aggregate,
span prestressing is installed and for example. An increased proportion of
activated. prestressing steel can also be useful.
The considerable elastic and static It should be noted that bridges are
beam deflections must be taken into often not built entirely as cantilever
account. structures. For example, end spans or parts
of them are built on falsework if local
conditions permit. In the case of long
foreshore bridges
834 9 Production and execution methods

The incremental launching method or Cantilever with auxiliary beam

feed units are used. With this method, a mobile auxiliary
girder spans from the finished bridge
section to the next pier, see Fig. 9.1.38. Variants of the cantilever construction With the help of this auxiliary girder, the
pre-construction carriages, material and
The classic cantilever construction is not personnel can be moved to the next
always applicable or practical. If, for construction section. Transportation on
example, parallel chord beams are to be the ground is no longer necessary.
produced, auxiliary structures must be Development costs and construction time
used to support the cantilever moment. can be optimized. In addition, moving the
Sometimes it is also not possible to bring prefabrication trolley is considerably
the cantilever carriage to the pier base easier, as there is no need for complex
because there is no access to the pier. For fastenings and tie-backs in the
this reason, different variants of cantilever construction work. However, the auxiliary
shoring have been developed. girder itself represents an additional
expense that generally only pays off with a
Cantilever shoring with certain minimum number of bridge spans.
auxiliary bracing or pylon If steel auxiliary beams are appropriately
cantilever shoring dimensioned, they can also serve to
With this method, cantilevering can be stabilize the balance beam, see [Holst,
carried out on one side in one direction. 1998] or [Stritzke, 1983].
Starting at the abutment, the individual
sections are constructed upside down. If Cantilever with launching gantry
the cantilever moment is too great, the (setup carrier)
bridge girder is braced backwards into the In this construction method, a steel girder,
ground or to the pier behind it. There is no which is approx. 60 % longer than the
need to transport the cantilever carriage span of the bridge span, is mounted above
from one support to the next. Difficult the bridge deck on two adjacent piers. Two
terrain conditions can be overcome with formwork carriages are attached to this
this method. Due to the larger lever arm of girder, which can be used to advance from
the overstressing, higher cantilever the pier in both directions. The
moments can be absorbed, which enables construction sections can be increased to
the production of parallel chord beams. 8-10 m [Leonhardt, 1979], as the fresh
The biggest disadvantage of the method is concrete load is initially carried by the
the double construction time compared to formwork girder. In addition, the
the balance beam. The method is outlined supporting structure deforms significantly
in Figure 9.1.37. less than with the classic cantilever
construction and it becomes

Fig. 9.1.3-8 Cantilever with auxiliary beam according to [Stritzke, 1983].

9.1 Concrete 835
less prestressing steel is required overall. The first of these is cantilever arch
First, concrete is poured up to half of the construction. This construction method
span, then the scaffolding girder is moved has already been used to build arches with
forward by one span. Horizontal spans of more than 200 m, e.g. the
transportation is again independent of the Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa with a
terrain conditions under the bridge. The span of 272 m in 1983 [Ewert, 1999a]. The
method is particularly suitable for parallel first application in Germany was the
chord girders. With regard to profitability, Neckarsburg highway bridge near
the same applies as for cantilever Rottweil with a span of 154 m, built in
construction with auxiliary girders. The 1978. The currently largest arch bridge in
construction method is shown Germany over the Wilde Gera in
schematically in Figure 9.1.39. The first Thuringia (252 m span, see also sections
application is the Siegtal bridge in and was also built in this
Eiserfeld with a maximum span of 105 m way.
[Wittfoht, 1970]. The arch cantilever is constructed in
parallel from the transoms, whereby the
Cantilever construction with prefabricated first cycle is usually produced with the aid
parts (segmental construction) of a falsework. For arches with hollow
The cantilever construction with cross-sections, the bottom slab is usually
prefabricated parts is dealt with in section concreted first, followed by the webs and
9.1.6. top slab. If the inclination of the arch is
relatively large, a counter formwork is
Cantilever with follower required on the upper side. At certain
In order to minimize the dead load during intervals, the arch is relieved by temporary
cantilever construction and thus the auxiliary bracing. There are various
cantilever moments and the prestressing assembly principles. Some of these are
steel requirement, the prefabricated shown in Figure 9.1.311. The
bridge cross-section can be reduced to a simultaneous construction of arch,
core or hull cross-section. After creating column and roadway has the advantage in
the continuous effect, the remaining terms of construction technology that the
cross-section parts are added using a material can be transported over the
trailing setup carriage. This method was already completed roadway, Figure
used, for example, in the construction of 9.1.311 (d) and (e).
the Kochertal bridge near Geislin gen, The back-anchoring forces are
Figure 9.1.310. transferred either into pillars or pylons,
but often also directly into the ground,
Bow free construction z. e.g. by earth or rock anchors. The
If no jig can be provided for a bow, there deformations of the arch and the
are various ways of making the bow. One tensioning forces of the anchors must be
constantly checked and adjusted as
construction progresses in order to
minimize the stresses.
836 9 Production and execution methods
Fig. 9.1.3-9 Cantilever structure with scaffolding girder, e.g. according to [Leonhardt, 1979] and
[Wittfoht, 1970].
9.1 Concrete 837

Figure 9.1.3-10 Kochertal bridge near Geislingen (top photo: [Michler, 2002], bottom photo: [Gerline,

Fig. 9.1.3-11 Examples of assembly principles for arch cantilever construction, according to [Ewert,
1999a] and [Stritzke, 1983].
838 9 Production and execution methods

to keep the bow's stresses as low as These two foreland fields were erected on
possible. The tensioning forces are falsework. The structure can be seen in
corrected and optimized accordingly. Figure 9.1.312.
Instead of monolithic construction, the
arch can also be assembled from BW 2/3 across the Neckar in
prefabricated parts in cantilever Stuttgart [Curbach/Proske, 1998]
construction. This method was used in the Three different construction methods were
construction of the bridge to the island of also used for this bridge complex. The
Krk in Croatia, which, with a span of 390 curved foreshore bridges were built on
m, is the second largest concrete arch falsework, the straight foreshore bridges
bridge in the world according to [Ewert, by means of launching gantries and the
1999a]. current opening in free cantilever
construction. The special feature of this
structure is that the roadway already had Examples of bridges built to be divided over the Neckar in order to
be able to connect the ramps of the four-
Main bridge Retzbach-Zellingen [Curbach, lane riverside road. For this purpose, two
1994-2] cantilever arms from one side, Figure
This bridge was built between the towns 9.1.313, and a single one from the other
of Retzbach and Zellingen near Würzburg side were joined together above the river.
as part of the expansion of the B 27 federal The ramps were built on one side as
highway to replace an existing bridge that cantilevers in cantilever construction from
no longer met the increased requirements. the pier, while the single girder was built
In addition to the Main, a railroad station as a balance beam from the pier on the
with an IC line, the new B 27 and a state north bank in both directions. The
road also had to be spanned. The concreted sections were between 3 and 5 m
approach bridges were built using the long.
incremental launching method. The
largest span over the Main and the two Stolma Bridge in Norway [Ingebrigtsen,
adjoining foreland spans were each 1999]
constructed from the river piers using the The Stolma Bridge or Stolmasund Bridge
balance beam principle. The "missing" connects the islands of Stolmen and
outer section in Selbjørn

Figure 9.1.3-12 Retzbach-Zellingen bridge (Photo: [Michler, 2002])

9.1 Concrete 839

Figure 9.1.3-13 Structures 2/3 across the Neckar near Stuttgart. Top: View of the cantilevers of
the two ramps [Michler, 2002], center, bottom: Ground plan and aerial view according to
[Münchener Rückversicherung, 1992]
840 9 Production and execution methods

on the west coast of Norway about 50 km Viaduct over the Wilde Gera in Thuringia
south of Bergen. With a main span of 301 [Wölfel, R., 2000]
m, it is the longest-span "pure" concrete This bridge is part of the German Unity
bridge in the world that was built as a Transport Project No. 16, the highway
cantilever structure. With such enormous through the Thuringian Forest, see also
spans, the reduction of the dead load of Section In its current form, the
the bridge is of great importance. For this arch bridge was developed as a special
reason, 184 m in the middle of the main proposal. With a span of 252 m, the arch is
span were made of lightweight concrete LC currently the longest span in Germany.
60 with a bulk density of 1.94 kg/dm³, while The total length of the bridge is 552 m with
the edge areas were made of normal 14 spans of between 30 and 42 m. The arch
concrete C 65. The construction height of was built as a cantilever structure with
the box girder varies between a maximum auxiliary bracing and auxiliary pylons on
of 15 m at the supports and 3.5 m in the the transom piers. The stem was built
middle of the span, see Fig. 9.1.314. As the simultaneously from both transoms. The
two edge spans are relatively small in cross-section of the arch is a two-cell box
relation to the main span, counterweights girder with a width of 10.3 m, the height
were used by partially filling the box of which varies between 5.5 m at the
girder with gravel, see also Fig. 9.1.314. transom and 3.3 m at the apex. The
There are 100 tendons in the deck slab polygonal arch shape, which
above the supports, 20 tendons were approximates a parabola, was optimized
inserted in the floor slab in the middle of with regard to the bending moments in
the span after the cantilevers were the final state. The first cycle of 7 m in
connected. length was built on falsework,

Figure 9.1.3-14 View and cross-section of

the Stolma Bridge according to
[Ingebrigtsen, 1999]
9.1 Concrete 841

Figure 9.1.3-15 Schematic representation of

the construction stages of the bridge over the
Wilde Gera according to [Wölfel, R., 2000].

Figure 9.1.3-16 Bridge over the Wilde Gera as built from [Wölfel, R., 2000]
842 9 Production and execution methods

The following cantilevering cycles were According to [Leonhardt, 1979], however,

each 6 m long. The temporary bracing was spans of up to 140 m are also possible. For
first hung back over the transom piers, and large spans, auxiliary supports are
from the 13th cycle onwards over provided during the construction process.
additional auxiliary pylons on the Starting with the invention of the "con-
transom piers, Fig. 9.1.315 and 16. A steel centered tendon", the construction
compression piece was used for the arch method was developed in several stages by
closure, which was subjected to pressure the engineers at Leonhardt and Andrä
by slightly releasing the bracing so that [Göhler, 1999]. The bridge that is regarded
the stresses arising from temperature as the direct predecessor of today's
fluctuations during hardening could be incremental launching is the river bridge
absorbed. The columns and supports were over the Rio Caroni built in Brazil in the
then concreted and the single-cell early 1960s. Here, individual sections were
composite cross-section of the produced on land as prefabricated parts
superstructure was inserted using the and connected with in-situ concrete joints.
incremental launching method. The superstructure was then prestressed
over its entire length with a concentrated
tendon and moved longitudinally into its
9.1.4 Clock shift final position on a shifting track using
auxiliary supports. The experience gained Introduction from this project was used to develop the
actual concept of the construction method,
In incremental launching, individual parts for which a patent was granted in 1967.
of the superstructure between 10 and 30 The first incremental launching bridge
m long, known as cycles, are based on the procedure used today was
manufactured in a fixed production facility the Inn Bridge Kufstein with spans of up
behind the abutment. The cycles are to 102 m, which was erected using
connected to each other monolithically. auxiliary piers during the construction
After each completed cycle, the phase. However, the bridge was still
superstructure is moved in the loosely reinforced at the displacement
longitudinal direction of the bridge. The stage. Construction of the Taubertal
aim is to produce the concrete in weekly Bridge, the first incremental launching
cycles, as the concrete hardens during the bridge in Germany, began at the end of
end of the week and the construction time 1967.
can thus be optimally utilized. With incremental launching,
The construction method is used for monolithic load-bearing structures are
beam bridges with constant or only created by combining the advantages of
slightly changing spans. According to factory production with those of in-situ
[Göhler, 1999], bridges with total lengths concrete construction. The main
from 100 to over 1000 m can be built advantage is that there is no need for
economically. An example of such a long falsework, as the formwork is fixed in
structure is the 1280 m long bridge in place. The recurring work steps reduce the
Veitshöchheim over the Main [Naumann overall time required. The production
et al., 1998]. Bridges less than 200 m long facility enables fast shuttering and striking
are generally only economically viable if the and offers protection from the weather.
construction equipment is already Transport routes can also be optimized.
available. Single spans of approx. 50 m are The dependence on the load-bearing
optimal; 30 to 55 m are usual, capacity of the subsoil, which
9.1 Concrete 843
The traffic space under the bridge remains be pushed. The clothoid-shaped alignment
largely unaffected, as is the case with is realized by cantilevers of different
cantilever construction. lengths on the roadway slab. The box is
The incremental launching method has designed as a rhombus for cross slopes.
been established for prestressed concrete The cycle length should be as long as
box girder bridges for many years. possible, but it should be possible to
Innovations and further developments produce it in one week. With a bridge
mainly relate to details. The fact that width of 20 m, the cycle length can be up to
Germany is currently reluctant to accept 30 m [Göhler, 1999]. The cycle length
special proposals, which could contribute generally corresponds to half the standard
significantly to the further development of span. The first and last two cycles are
conventional construction methods, is an shorter so that in the final state the
obstacle. On the other hand, it is positive construction joints are close to the quarter
that more and more value is being placed points of the standard spans and a cycle is
on appealing aesthetics. This and the always centered over the support (see also
undisputed advantages in the Figure 9.1.45). When using auxiliary
construction of very long bridges have supports, several bars form the bay area.
contributed to the fact that the method Joints should not be arranged in the area of
has also been increasingly used for complicated installations such as support
composite and mixed construction cross beams or cross beams for tendon
bridges in recent years, deflection with external pre-tensioning.
See also section The superstructure is usually designed
with parallel chords. The cross-sectional
dimensions should be constant, although Requirements for the superstructure exceptions are also possible here. An
example of this are the foreland bridges of
The standard cross-section for the Danube bridge Fischer dorf, whose box
incremental launching is the prestressed girders were widened,
concrete box girder, which is the most s. Section and [Curbach, 19932].
favorable cross-section, especially for With variable construction heights,
large spans. However, the method is also vertical webs and separate base plates and
used for steel-concrete composite bridges web formwork are advantageous
and, in exceptional cases, for slab girder [Curbach, 19942]. The dimensions of the
cross-sections. For box girders, superstructure should be selected so that
slendernesses of max. l/h ≈ 15 in the the ratio of the moments of resistance Wo :
construction stage have proven to be Wu corresponds to the ratio of supports to
useful. The slenderness in the final state span moment following dead load in the
can be doubled to up to 30 if auxiliary construction stage, as the centric primary
supports are used in the construction prestressing can then be used optimally.
phase. The thickness of the deck slab depends
It is possible to build curved on the transverse load on the slab (e.g.
superstructures both in plan and elevation. transverse bending due to concentrated
The spatial radius should be constant, i.e. loads), the space required for coupling
the entire bridge is built with a constant centric tendons or the minimum
curvature in every spatial direction. If the dimensions to be observed for transverse
gradient is to follow a clothoid in plan, in prestressing. The floor slab must
many cases the box can be built in a accommodate centric tendons
circular curve.
844 9 Production and execution methods

Fig. 9.1.4-1 Formation of the underside of the web with internal (left) or external (right) t e n d o n s ,
sketches from [Göhler, 1999].

local reinforcements are common in the centric pre-tensioning with subsequent

area of tendon couplings. In contrast to bonding and eccentric, unbonded pre-
haunches, these do not have to be constant tensioning can be combined. A third
over the entire length of the slab, as they variant is pure external pre-tensioning
can easily be produced with an attached without bond. The internal installation of
formwork. tendons without bond has so far only been
In the case of box cross-sections, care realized in pilot projects in Germany.
must be taken to ensure that the lower In the longitudinal direction, a basic
frame corners are sufficiently dimensioned, distinction is made between centrally and
as this is where the lifting presses engage eccentrically guided tendons in
for displacement and the support forces incremental launching bridges. The
must be continuously transferred over the centric tendons are also referred to as
entire length of the superstructure during primary tendons. They must cover all loads
displacement. In particular, spalling must during the construction process and are
be prevented. For this reason, minimum installed in the floor and in the deck slab.
distances must be maintained between the When dimensioning the tendons, the
cladding tubes and the underside of the stresses from all displacements must be
web, see Fig. 9.1.41. Reinforcements must taken into account. It should of course be
be provided at the initial cycle to connect noted that positive and negative moments
the launching nose. It should also be noted occur at constantly changing points of the
that in the case of pre-tensioning with superstructure during the advance.
subsequent bonding, the initially empty Anchorages and coupling points should be
sheathing tubes of the secondary pre- located close to the webs. The track slab
tensioning mean local weak points, which must therefore be sufficiently thick. For
can cause the web to collapse if the correspondingly long structures, every
distance to the underside of the web is too second or, in the case of short cycles, every
small. third tendon is butt-jointed. As a rule,
these tendons are subsequently bonded.
The tendons are grouted directly before or Special features of tendon guidance after the incremental launching.
The eccentric tendons are the so-called
Until a few years ago, incremental secondary tendons.
launching bridges were conventionally
built using pre-tensioning with subsequent
bonding. Today, the mixed construction
method has become established, in which
9.1 Concrete 845
tendons. Together with the primary DIN technical reports must be observed.
tendons, they ensure the load-bearing Accordingly, at least 2/3 of the tendons
capacity in the final state. Until a few years must pass through the adjacent support
ago, it was common practice to install the lines to cover the maximum span
tendons with subsequent bonding in a moments. In addition, at least 30 % of the
garland shape in the girder webs over tendons in each cross-section must pass
several spans. With this pre-tensioning through unbonded.
concept, the tendon guidance is adapted In the transverse direction, the
to the moment curve due to dead load and transverse sections can either be
partial live load in the final state, see prestressed or loosely reinforced.
Figure 9.1.42 above. Empty ducts are In recent years, the mixed construction
embedded in concrete during the method has been increasingly developed
construction of the individual cycles. They and tested in practice. The centric primary
must not be damaged during concreting tendons are subsequently grouted again.
in order to prevent the cavities from filling The unbonded secondary tendons are
up with fresh concrete or water. Once the located externally inside the box girder.
superstructure is in its final position, the They are arranged straight or polygonal.
strands are pulled in from the pilaster Various possibilities are shown in Figure
strips, prestressed and grouted. 9.1.42. The advantage of external pre-
When joining tendons, the provisions tensioning is,
of the ZTVING and the

Figure 9.1.4-2 Variants of tendon guidance with different prestressing concepts for box girders
846 9 Production and execution methods

that the tendons can be checked and or which can be adjusted in height using
replaced at any time and that no damage is presses. Which variant is used depends
to be expected due to improper grouting of primarily on the subsoil conditions. A
the ducts. The tendons can be placed or further criterion is any curvature of the
rearranged at different points in the cross- superstructure in plan or elevation. In the
section during construction and in the first variant, the steel girders are laid with
final state, which can lead to prestressing high precision and coated with a release
steel savings in construction methods with agent and lubricant, e.g. silicone grease.
changing loads on the superstructure, The formwork panels for the floor slab are
which includes incremental launching. A placed on top and pulled forward over the
disadvantage of the mixed construction beams with the entire cycle during the
method is the increase in the overall advance. [Göhler, 1999] recommends, for
height due to the tendons being example, 1-2 cm thick surface-treated
positioned further away from the edge plywood panels with a length of between 1
than with internal pre-tensioning. It is and 1.5 m, which then fall down at the end
also worth knowing that the possible of the steel girders and are repositioned for
reduction in the thickness of the the next cycle. Steel slip sheets can also be
tendonless webs has already led to damage placed between the floor formwork and
during construction. The damage patterns the steel girders. In the second variant, the
described by [Streit/Sonnabend, 2002] girder grid is lowered together with the
were mostly due to local overloading floor formwork so that the superstructure
during launching, as the launching jacks rests only on auxiliary bearings, which are
had been applied in the same way as for designed as sliding bearings. The
conventional incremental launching formwork can be stripped particularly
bridges, resulting in a higher eccentricity quickly thanks to the height adjustability
during load application. In addition, the of the girder grid. The formwork panels
difficulties involved in the planned remain in the cycle cellar. However, the
reassignment of external tendons from a formwork must be set up precisely for
centric to an eccentric position should not each cycle. In the case of two separate
be underestimated. superstructures, the cycle cellar and
shoring system are often designed to be
transversely movable. Equipment A cycle is constructed in two sections.
First, the base slab and footbridges are
The equipment for cycle pushing includes concreted. The formwork for the roadway
the cycle cellar, the shifting system, the slab is then completed using an internal
launching nose and possibly auxiliary formwork carriage and this is then
supports or auxiliary pylons to reduce the produced. This also makes it easier to
span during construction. produce reinforcements, pilaster strips
The cycle cellar is usually located at a and other special elements. The internal
distance of 1.2 times the standard cycle formwork is pushed out of the cycle cellar
length behind one of the two abutments with the cycle and moved into it after the
[Göhler, 1999]. Here, the bridge is floor slab and the webs of the next cycle
constructed in sections so that a have been produced. Fixtures such as
monolithic superstructure is created. The cross beams
formwork for the floor slab rests on steel
girders, which either have a fixed and
9.1 Concrete 847
and the movable inner formwork must be To hold the superstructure in place,
coordinated. The outer formwork can be profiled steel plates are also arranged on
lowered or folded away. the brake caliper. However, if the
Auxiliary bearings, which are also downforce is high, the superstructure can
designed as displacement bearings, are also be connected to the abutment via
located between the cycle cellar and the threaded rods. In most cases, the
displacement system on the abutment. superstructure is pushed uphill on
They fix the advanced end of the cycle. The longitudinal inclines, otherwise devices
target gradient can be maintained by for braking the superstructure are absolutely
compensating for horizontal and vertical essential.
deviations using presses. Shunting can also be carried out with
The principle of the most commonly drawbars. For cost reasons, this method is
used skidding systems today is to transmit used on short bridges or on long bridges
the horizontal press-fitting force to the with gradients of over 3 %, as the
superstructure via friction, necessary frictional forces can no longer
s. Figure 9.1.43. The system is usually be generated here.
permanently mounted on the abutment. Sliding bearings and lateral guides
When advancing, the superstructure is enable and control the movement of the
first raised by a few millimeters from the superstructure. The bearings allow
set-down block (brake calliper) with the vertical, horizontal or combined
aid of the lifting cylinders. The lifting movements. The assembly of a
cylinders stand in a sliding shoe on a displacement bearing is shown in Figure
Teflon-coated plate made of chrome steel 9.1.44. As already mentioned,
sheet as a slideway. The press head is displacement bearings are necessary in
roughened or hardened and ribbed steel and in front of the cycle cellar, on the
plates are used to increase the frictional abutment and on supports and auxiliary
resistance between the superstructure and supports. During the advance, all piers
the cylinder. When the push-pull presses - must be manned by workers, as the Teflon
also known as push cylinders - are plates of the displacement bearings and the
extended, the entire superstructure is lateral guides must be constantly replaced.
pushed forward by a press stroke of Once the entire superstructure has been
approx. 20-30 cm. When the press-fitting moved, the bearings are removed and
cylinders are fully extended, the lifting replaced by the final bridge bearings.
cylinders are relieved and the The launching nose is required to
superstructure is lowered onto the bridge reduce the load on the front bridge cycles
bearings and the settling block. The due to cantilever moments. The purchase is
tension/compression jacks are retracted to very cost-intensive. For this reason, it is
their initial position and the process can generally necessary to replace it several
be repeated. In order to times.

Figure 9.1.4-3 Schematic diagram of a skidding system according to [Göhler, 1999].

848 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.4-4 Longitudinal section through a displacement bearing according to [Göhler, 1999]

use is aimed for. The statically most can. There must also be sufficient space
favorable effect is achieved when the pre- on the column heads for the positioning
assembly spigot has a length of approx. 60 and replacement of sliding bearings. As
% of the maximum span. The pre- the horizontal forces during the
assembly spigot should be as light as construction process are usually greater
possible. For this reason, it is usually made than those in the final state, the
of steel girders. It is either completely substructures can be braced horizontally
designed as a truss or has full-walled or at an angle if necessary.
longitudinal beams. It can also be partially
or completely replaced by a prestressed
concrete construction. In this case, the box Construction process
webs of the actual superstructure are
extended in the form of a launching nose The production of a cycle should take one
and supplemented and stiffened at the end week if possible. The days of the week to
by steel parts. When constructing stiffeners be scheduled have been added to the
and frames in the transverse direction of following description of the work
steel launching noses, care should be taken sequence. The construction sequence is
to ensure that the width of the entire outlined in Figure 9.1.45.
structure can be varied slightly. The On Tuesday and Wednesday morning,
launching nose is installed and aligned the formwork is prepared and the slack
before the first cycle and concreted reinforcement of the trough, which is
directly to it. The tensile connection is re usually prefabricated behind the cycle
alized with tension rods. A beak lifting plant, and the internal tendons are
device is attached to the tip of the installed. The trough - i.e. the floor slab
launching nose, with which the sag at the and webs of the box girder - is concreted
tip of the cantilever can be corrected at the on midweek afternoon. Over the next day
next displacement bearing. and a half, the roadway slab will be
The abutments must provide sufficient formed and reinforced. The concrete can
space for the feed system. The chamber be poured on Friday afternoon. The
walls can only be constructed after the concrete composition must be selected in
shifting process has been completed. such a way that the concrete hardens
When dimensioning, the forces from the sufficiently over the weekend so that the
shifting process and the intermediate cycle can be prestressed on Monday
settling must be taken into account. At the morning. The finished part of the
target abutment, it must be possible to superstructure is then moved by one cycle.
push the pre-assembly spigot through so In principle, there are two variants for
that it can be dismantled behind the the production of cross beams. On the one
abutment. hand, a frame-like cross member can be
produced in the course of manufacturing a
support cycle.
9.1 Concrete 849

Figure 9.1.4-5 Production diagram for cycle pushing

be installed. It must then be possible to but separated from each other by a gap so
move the slab formwork carriage out of that the load-bearing behavior of the track
the box girder via the reinforcement of the slab is not affected. The advantage of this
floor slab and through the cross girder. variant is that there are no delays in
Figure 9.1.46 shows two corresponding weekly production. The disadvantage is
possibilities. Either the formwork carriage that it is not possible to avoid inputs inside
is moved on brackets on the sides of the the cramped box girder. This can be
web or it is mounted in such a way that it remedied to a certain extent by a
can be moved over the transom. The retrofitted cross beam in the form of a
second variant is the subsequent steel framework.
embedding of a disk-shaped cross beam. The same applies to the deflection
In this case, the transom is positioned points for the external secondary tendons.
under the roadway slab. The two They are either installed during the
components are manufacture of the

Figure 9.1.4-6 Formwork for the production of frame-type cross beams according to [Göhler, 1999].
850 9 Production and execution methods

The clock is installed in the clock cellar or can be guided. The pier heads support
at a later date. additional brackets, crossbeams and
After the last cycle has been completed auxiliary struts. Examples of this variant
and the superstructure has been moved are the Schnaittach and Schafstalgrund
into its final position, the pre-assembly viaducts.
beak is dismantled, the displacement
bearings are removed, the final bridge
bearings are installed and the external Examples of bridges built
tendons of the secondary prestressing are
inserted and prestressed. New Mulde Bridge Dessau
The shifting process must be constantly [Curbach/Wölfel, 1998]
monitored. This primarily concerns the The New Mulde Bridge Dessau consists of
pressing pressure in the shifting system two 17.44 m wide superstructures lying
and the deflection of the pier heads, so that next to each other. The maximum span
z. For example, blockages in the width of the 431.5 m long bridge is 44.0 m.
displacement bearings must be detected in The single-cell box girder has a
good time. In addition, it must be possible construction height of 2.45 m and has
to switch off the shifting system via an heavily inclined webs. For cost and
emergency switch from each shifting scheduling reasons, a cycle length of 36.75
bearing. m was chosen, which corresponded to the
standard span width. The amount of
concrete to be poured per cycle was Variants therefore about twice as much as for
conventional incremental launching
If the dimensions of the cross-section are bridges. The bridge was built using a
unusually large, a part of the box girder mixed construction method. The centric
can be manufactured and moved first. The tendons required for the construction
cross-section is then completed with a method were laid internally in the bond,
follower. the secondary prestressing for the final
Another variant is to place the cycle state was realized with eccentrically
cellar not at the end of the bridge but arranged tendons without bond, see
between two bridge sections and to build Figure 9.1.42. Figure 9.1.47 shows a view
and move superstructures from there to into the formwork of a cycle.
both sides. With the last cycle, the two
sections are connected monolithically and Danube bridge
the bridge is completed. This process makes Fischerdorf [Curbach,
it possible to construct bridges with a total 1993-2]
length of up to 2 km, to traverse curves or As part of the expansion of the A 92, a
to combine a straight line with a curve in Danube crossing became necessary in the
the elevation. immediate vicinity of Fischerdorf (near
There are also a number of special Deggendorf). The 102.5 m long main span
features when sliding bridges that are over the Danube is spanned by a steel arch
curved in plan. The cycle station must be and two connected box girders in steel-
rotatable in plan and movable in the concrete composite construction. The two
transverse direction. Slight tilting 5-span prestressed concrete foreshore
movements around the longitudinal axis bridges on either side of the river are each
must also be possible. 277.3 m long. The superstructures consist
of two separate box girders with a
slenderness of l/h = 24.
9.1 Concrete 851

Fig. 9.1.4-7 Reinforcement of the prestressing bars at the New Mulde Bridge Dessau
[Curbach/Wölfel, 1998].

Figure 9.1.4-8 Danube bridge Fischerdorf, cycle cellar with widening of the box girder
[Curbach, 19932].
852 9 Production and execution methods

were constructed using the incremental 9.1.5 Segment construction

launching method with auxiliary supports.
As the auxiliary supports had to be GERHARD GIRMSCHEID (until 9.1.6)
founded on piles, a superstructure was
first constructed, eccentrically prestressed Introduction
and then moved transversely into its final
position. The second superstructure was Since the middle of the last century, the
then constructed. Another special feature development of solid bridge construction
of this bridge is the widening of the box has been strongly influenced by the use of
girder on the Deggendorf side. For this pre-tensioning. In the first applications of
purpose, the cycle cellar was designed in pre-tensioning, the tendons were arranged
such a way that the widening could be outside the concrete cross-section in order
realized within two cycles. Particular to control the quite large losses of
attention had to be paid to the fact that the prestressing force due to shrinkage and
displacement bearings and the press- creep of the concrete by the possibility of
fittings on the auxiliary supports were post-tensioning. This influence could be
located under the webs at all times, i.e. they reduced by using high-strength prestressing
had to be displaceable in the transverse steel. The loss of prestressing force due to
direction. Figure 9.1.48 shows the cycle shrinkage and creep of the concrete also
cellar with the widening. became quantifiable. As a result, external
pre-tensioning disappeared almost
Main bridge Retzbach-Zellingen completely, as the bond between
[Curbach, 1994-2] prestressing steel and concrete promised
In this bridge structure, the three spans not only improved crack distribution but
with the largest spans were mainly built also long-term corrosion protection.
using the cantilever method, see section The fact that external pre-tensioning, and the six spans of the foreland [Jung wirth/Hochreither, 1992], [Vogel,
bridge at the Retzbach abutment were 1994], [Eibl, 1998] has been increasingly
built using the incremental launching used again in recent years is closely linked
method. The majority of the foreland to segmental bridge construction, in which
bridges have a constant radius of 1300 m the superstructure is divided into
in the base crack. At the Retzbach individual segments lying transverse to
abutment itself, the route has a clothoid the longitudinal direction of the bridge,
(A = 437.5 m). In this area, a replacement which are, for example, industrially
radius for the box girder was used, i.e. the prefabricated and tensioned together on
clothoid was realized by variable the construction site [Eibl, 1998]. This
cantilever lengths. The route follows a construction method has a long tradition,
constant radius of R = 17,000 m in the especially in France and the USA, where
excavation. The lower edge of the box the main steps in the development of
girder is rounded off with R = 12,600 m, design and construction methods were
which increases the height of the taken [Po dolny/Muller, 1982]. At the
superstructure in the direction of center of the constructive development was
Zellingen from 2.19 m to 3.09 m. A total the joint technology, which led from the
of 12 cycles were produced. The standard relatively wide grouted concrete or mortar
cycle length was 27.50 m, the slenderness joint to the thin bonded contact joint and
l/h approx. 19. For this reason, auxiliary finally to the dry joint. The joints pose an
supports were erected during the increased risk of corrosion for tendons
construction process. guided in the web of box girders. Due to
the external
9.1 Concrete 853
The new arrangement of the tendons in the The flexibility of industrial production
box girder of the bridge, combined with the methods is primarily reflected in the type
improved corrosion protection available and number of segments to be
today, solved the problem of tendon manufactured in the segment production
corrosion in principle. In addition, the sub-process. Whether deflection segments
difficulties of accurately assessing and have to be produced in addition to
checking the grouting result when standard and anchorage segments is
grouting the ducts were largely eliminated. significantly influenced by the selected
Ultimately, the exposed, more easily tendon guidance. In the following, all three
accessible tendons allow the construction types of segments are considered, whereby
and operation of durable bridge structures the basic presentation of segment
thanks to improved inspection and production makes it easy to transfer them
maintenance as well as the possibility of to different structural conditions.
post-tensioning [Girmscheid, 1994],
[Miller, 1995].
In addition to durability, it was Production site
economic aspects that led to the
combination of segmental construction The superstructure segments can be
with external pre-tensioning. By prefabricated
outsourcing the tendons and introducing
• in a stationary precast plant,
the dry joint, the production processes -
• in a temporary precast plant,
reinforcement, concreting and assembly -
• in temporary on-site manufacturing,
could be simplified. The individual
production steps from the installation of the whereby the choice of the production site
ducts to the grouting of the tendons were is
avoided, as was the time-consuming
• the available space
closing of the joints. The resulting
• the number of segments,
uniformly good concrete compaction in
• transportation routes and transport
the bridge with the simultaneous use of
high-strength concretes and the limited
• the frequency of transportation and
concreting section (segment), which does
• the type of means of transportation
not have to be concreted over several
hours with the help of sophisticated setting is taken [Kotulla, 1992]. The dependence of
delays (in-situ concrete bridge), result in a the segment costs on the transport
higher quality of the segments and the distance and the number of segments is
finished superstructure. In addition, the shown in Figure 9.1.51.
cycle times for the production and If geometric constraints of the transport
assembly of the segments could be route, such as clearance heights and weight
shortened. The simplification of the restrictions, do not prevent the
production processes promoted the prefabrication of the segments in
introduction of mechanized laying stationary precast plants, longer transport
systems. distances can be justified, as low upfront
costs for the mechanical equipment and the
utilization of the high degree of Features of segment production mechanization and automation reduce the
unit costs of the segments. This means that
The close interdependence of building in the stationary
construction and construction methods as
a result of indus
854 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.5-1 Segment costs: Dependence on transport distance and number of segments

The best way to implement industrial partial reinforcement cages etc. in order to
production methods in a precast plant is to increase the degree of rationalization and
use a qualified workforce to keep the achieve a low level of vertical integration
workload per manufactured segment low on site.
right from the start of production. It The construction of a complete precast
should be noted that the installation of a plant on site only appears to make sense
new production line must be integrated for very large projects. Although the
into the production planning of the temporary precast plant achieves the
precast plant. efficiency of a stationary precast plant
For smaller projects, the decision can with shorter transportation routes after a
be made in favor of temporary certain training period, the large amount
construction site production, where only of space required and the additional
as many segments are produced as are increase in upfront costs due to the
necessary for the construction of the provision of further construction site
bridge structure. Although this means equipment such as workshops,
small series with low mechanization and accommodation, etc. are to be regarded as
higher upfront costs for the production disadvantageous.
equipment, the entire segment transport In principle, industrial production
to the construction site is eliminated and methods will be best suited to the
the segment production can be optimally manufacture of larger quantities. As
adapted to the load-bearing capacity of smaller and medium-sized bridge
the lifting gear. In the case of temporary construction projects involve the
on-site manufacturing, prefabrication production of segments in
elements such as correspondingly small quantities, the
effects of the learning curve can be
9.1 Concrete 855

Figure 9.1.5-2 Advantages and disadvantages of different manufacturing locations

This disadvantage can be minimized with Both the LongLine and Short Line methods
segment production in the stationary have the MatchCast method (contact
precast plant. This disadvantage is method) in common. This enables
minimized with segment production in congruent surfaces between adjacent
the stationary precast plant and can also segments and thus an exact fit of the joints
be overcome to a certain extent by a by using the last concreted segment
specialized company for temporary (MatchCast segment) as the end formwork
construction site production. Figure for the next segment. In the LongLine
9.1.52 shows a comparison of the various method, the formwork base for a bridge
production sites. span is created completely or partially and
the movable side and inner formwork is
offset by one segment length after Manufacturing process concreting [Dimel, 1984]. Consisting of
individual segments, the bridge
The sub-process of segment production is superstructure is available at the end of the
characterized by the formwork as the partial process for an entire span. The
essential process element. It allows a LongLine method is therefore only used
distinction to be made between two economically for larger bridge construction
methods for the prefabrication of the projects where a large number of similar
bridge superstructure (Figure 9.1.53), spans with small curvatures are to be
• the ShortLine and be used [Mondorf, 1993].
• the LongLine process.
856 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.5-3 Basic formwork construction for segment production

The ShortLine method, on the other The segments of the superstructure section
hand, uses a fixed formwork in which a that have already been produced are stored
single segment of the superstructure is separately. The small space requirement for
produced, which is lifted out of the the actual production facility and the good
formwork after concreting and positioned adaptation to changing routes and
in front of the formwork as a new gradients make the ShortLine process the
MatchCast segment [Girmscheid/Prade, preferred choice.
1993]. The usual

Fig. 9.1.5-4 Advantages and disadvantages of the methods for segment production
9.1 Concrete 857
and thus also qualify it for the extended The design of the superstructure has to take
area of application of segmental into account the course of the load from
construction (Figure 9.1.54). the dead load and the pre-tension of the
superstructure as well as from creep,
shrinkage and relaxation. Dimensional Measurement and control deviations during the production of the
segments cannot be completely avoided,
As the segments of the superstructure are
whether due to temperature changes in the
manufactured individually in the
concrete or formwork inaccuracies. For this
ShortLine process, checking the
reason, any differences found between the
dimensional accuracy of the segments is
actual values and the target values of the last
particularly important, especially with
segment to be measured must be corrected
curved and inclined superstructures. In order
as far as possible when measuring the
to ensure the accuracy of fit of the individual
subsequent segments in order to eliminate
segments, maintain the required gradient
the accumulation of errors. In order to be
and avoid aesthetic defects, it is essential to
able to adhere to the specified cycle plan,
draw up a control and measurement
the aim should be to use as automated a
concept, which must be integrated into the
measurement process as possible with
segment production cycle plan and also
digital data transfer, which simultaneously
make the dimensional tolerances to be
provides the data for the measurement
adhered to verifiable (Figure 9.1.55).
during segment assembly.
The measurement is based on the
In principle, the measurement should
theoretical calculations of the segment
be carried out in two steps:
geometries, which include the deviations of
the gra 1. Check the alignment of the segment in
the MatchCast position and the
adjusted formwork of the new cast.

Figure 9.1.5-5 Measuring principle during segment production

858 9 Production and execution methods

segment (measurement before Production cycle

2. Check the position and dimensions of In order to achieve continuous
the concreted segment after initial production of the segments, the aim
hardening of the concrete, but before should be to produce one segment per day
stripping the formwork and removing and formwork. In this case, the concrete
the segment from the MatchCast can set overnight and the segment can be
position (measurement after stripped the next morning and moved into
concreting). the position of the new MatchCast
segment. Partial transverse prestressing is
Usually 6 survey points are defined on the usually required beforehand.
segment which, in conjunction with the The production cycle of the individual
fixed point coordinate network, enable the work processes of a day, taking into
required heights and lengths to be account the measuring and control
measured. When designing the surveying processes (Figure 9.1.56), then begins with
concept, it should always be borne in a control measurement of the segment (N)
mind that the greater the increase in cast the previous day and the match cast
accuracy, the greater the effort required segment (N - 1) (1.). Depending on the
for production and therefore the higher formwork construction, the inner
the costs, but on the other hand the fewer formwork is now removed in one or more
the difficulties with accuracy of fit and stages (2.). The match cast segment (N - 1)
rework. In other words, the greater the is then picked up by a lifting device and
permissible tolerances, the lower the transported to the storage area (3.). The
production costs, but the greater the effort last concreted segment (N) is lifted out of
required to eliminate any defects resulting the formwork and placed in the match
from inaccuracies [Kotulla, 1992]. The cast position (4.). At the same time, the
accuracy requirement also determines the rear end formwork is aligned. Next, the
qualification of the surveying personnel. new MatchCast segment (N) is measured
For this reason, any surveying work must vertically and horizontally (5.). The lower
be carried out by a specially appointed and outer formwork parts are then
surveying engineer or it can also be positioned, their correct connection to the
carried out by a good site manager. In any rear end formwork is checked and their
case, a double measurement with a position is adjusted to the required
separate control calculation by two segment dimensions with the aid of the
independent bodies is recommended. The adjustment and measuring equipment
double measurement concept must be (6.). The reinforcement cage that has
drawn up in such a way that independent already been created can now be placed in
measurements are taken for both the formwork (7.). Before concreting of
measurements and the results are only the new segment (N + 1) can begin, the
compared with each other after the control inner formwork must again be moved in
calculation using the EDP. This prevents one or more stages to its position in the
measured values from the first new segment (N + 1) (8.).
measurement being used for the second
measurement under production pressure.
9.1 Concrete 859


9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.5-6 ShortLine process segment production cycle
9.1 Concrete 857
bridges Production organization • Gantry crane, shuttle lift etc. for
transporting the segments to the
The individual production processes for storage area
manufacturing the segments, which take • Storage space.
place in a specific technical and
The general elements of the construction
organizational sequence, determine the
site facilities, such as accommodation,
spatial arrangement of the individual
office space, workshop, materials store,
equipment elements at the production
etc., can also be used by the construction
site. They determine the production
site precast production facility for the entire
direction and the division of the segments
bridge construction site. In the case of the
into production sections.
temporary precast plant, they must also be
The basic elements of the
erected. Due to the existing infrastructure
prefabrication equipment are as follows:
of the stationary precast plant, only a few
• Production hall, production site for the elements of prefabrication, such as the steel
defense cages, formwork, will need to be installed. In
• Tower crane for lifting the cage and for order to keep the number of production
concreting, steps to a minimum, the reinforcement
• Steel or steel frame formwork for should be delivered in a pre-bent state and
concreting the segments, only the reinforcement cage should be
• Concrete mixing plant and or transport assembled from the individual items in the
concrete, segment prefabrication.
Since the bridge superstructure usually
consists of different types of tendons with
regard to

Figure 9.1.5-7 Schematic representation of the usual segment cross-sections

Figure 9.1.5-8 Principle of spatial organization in segment production

858 9 Production and execution methods

In addition to standard segments, segments superstructure to the work processes of

with stakes and deflection blocks have to be the segment assembly sub-process. This
produced (Figure 9.1.57), which usually means that the advantage of a time and
leads to several production lines in cost-optimized production process with
prefabrication. consistent production quality resulting
Standard segments and segments with from the clarity of the construction
deflection blocks can often be produced process in the segment production sub-
on a single production line, as the layout process can also be used for the assembly
can be easily adapted using an additional of the final superstructure on the
inner part. This results in the basic spatial construction site by using mechanized
organization of segment production laying equipment.
shown in Figure 9.1.58 for on-site Whereas in the case of segment
manufacturing when using the ShortLine production, the shingling is the core
process. element of the process identification, in
the case of segment assembly, the laying
framework allows a subdivision into two Features of segment mounting process types:
The design and construction method are • Segment assembly with lower laying
also interactively dependent on each other scaffold and (Figure 9.1.59)
during segmental assembly, particularly • Segment assembly with overhead
with regard to the longitudinal bridge laying scaffold (Figure 9.1.510).
system. Continuous beams will then
However, it must be mentioned that using
require different types of scaffolding than
the segmental construction method with a
single-span beams and auxiliary measures
falsework also provides a very cost-
may be necessary, such as temporary
effective method variant for smaller bridge
tendons and in-situ joints. Furthermore,
structures (2-span).
effects on the assembly cycle and the
Which type of scaffolding is used
assembly organization are to be expected.
depends primarily on the driving geometry
The following explanations are based on
and accessibility of the route. While the main
single-span systems.
application of the bottom scaffold is for
straight and slightly curved bridges, the top Assembly method scaffold can also be used for very small
curvature radii [Girmscheid, 1993].
With the prefabrication of the The laying scaffold below is used for
superstructure segments, the the proposed application
manufacturing process is limited to

Fig. 9.1.5-9 Segments with laying scaffolding below and different support structures on the piers (see
Fig. 9.1.514)
9.1 Concrete 859

Figure 9.1.5-10 Segments with overhead laying scaffold

The scaffolding to be preferred is the can be assembled flexibly and cost-

segmental construction method for smaller effectively. This also makes it easy to
bridge systems. The reason for this choice adapt to changes in bay lengths, and the
is the simplicity of the scaffolding design, costs for the static calculations, which are
as it consists of standardized truss module incurred as a result of the load conditions
girders, as offered by various from the advance phases and segment
manufacturers on the market. laying, are reduced.

Figure 9.1.5-11 Advantages and disadvantages of the methods for segment assembly
860 9 Production and execution methods

The requirements that need to be met are of the superstructure in accordance with
low. Small bridge structures in particular the documented gradient curve. This
require simple manufacturing and design requires various cyclical measurements
concepts in this respect, so that extensive, and checks (Fig. 9.1.512):
time-consuming and cost-intensive
• Height and alignment of the laying
preparatory work can be avoided. The
decision in favor of the lower scaffolding
• Bearing height
is also favored by the often large radii of
• Position and height of segment
curvature of small and medium-sized
suspension or segment feed slide
bridge structures. The top scaffold and the
• Exact positioning, height and alignment
associated operational concepts were
of the segments after reaching the
explained in [Girm scheid/Prade, 1993]. A
laying point
comparison of the two scaffold types leads
• Alignment of the segments of a bridge
to the
field after laying, but before pre-
9.1.511 advantages and disadvantages.
tensioning via the bearing points
• Height and alignment of the finished
superstructure of a bridge span Measurement and control
Starting from the measuring points with
On the basis of the measurement data which the segments were marked during
from prefabrication, the exact prefabrication, the following is calculated
measurement must be carried out during between the column segments of a span
segment assembly.

Figure 9.1.5-12 Measuring principle during segment assembly

9.1 Concrete 861
A centerline is defined on the supports, Once a segment has been taken over from
which serves as the basis for aligning the the laying scaffold, it is moved to its
superstructure segments. By transferring planned position, whereby each segment
it to the supports, it is also used to check must be supported or suspended in such a
the position of the laying scaffold. way that it can be aligned individually (1.).
Measurements are taken during the entire Once all segments of the bridge span have
installation process. If possible, the most been positioned and aligned, they are
important measurements should be coupled to each other using temporary
carried out twice independently of each pre-tensioning. The tendons are then
other. pulled in and the prestressing is applied up
to the point at which the superstructure is
self-supporting (2.). The superstructure is Assembly cycle then lifted by pressing on the bearings,
usually the entire prestressing is applied
The cycle for the assembly of a bridge span, and then the hangers or the contact to the
which should be completed within two to feed carriages is released. After the
four days depending on the length of the bearings have been cast underneath, the
bridge span and route alignment, is bearing auxiliary presses are released and
divided into three production processes: the pre-tension is applied in its final size
• the segment laying
With overhead scaffolding, the
• the segment preload and
segments are picked up from the transport
• the feed of the laying scaffold.
vehicle using a scaffolding trolley and
The individual production steps in the driven to the installation site. There, they
manufacturing processes of segment are attached to the scaffolding using
laying and pre-tensioning are essentially suspension rods and aligned using
the same for the bottom and top laying hydraulic presses. With the
frame (Fig. 9.1.513). After

Figure 9.1.5-13 Segment assembly cycle

862 9 Production and execution methods

The segments are taken from the curved routes, where the tilting safety of
transport vehicle by crane or transfer the bridge span and the scaffolding as well
structure (see also section and as the load-bearing capacity of the
placed on transfer carriages/sledges or bearings and auxiliary bearings must be
press-fitting plates and moved into the taken into account [Girmscheid, 1993].
laying position on the top chord/guide Furthermore, special auxiliary equipment,
rails. The feed carriages are equipped with such as auxiliary slide chairs, tracking
hydraulic presses that allow the segments carriages, etc., must be provided.
to be aligned in the exact position in the
laying position.
The lower laying scaffold is easy to Assembly organization
handle during the advance. Depending on
the design of the scaffolding, various The entire production processes for
solutions are available using cable segment assembly take place within one
winches, hydraulic presses and/or toothed production section, the span of a bridge
racks. Lifting forces that can occur with span. The number of production lines on
larger spans are transferred to the which the superstructure is built depends
superstructure. The feed conditions for on the number of superstructures lying
overhead scaffolding are more difficult, next to each other, as is the case with two
especially with large spans. or more superstructures on multi-lane
roadways, for example. The segments can
then be assembled on the various
production lines one after the other or in

Figure 9.1.5-14 Delivery and handover of the segments with the laying scaffold below
9.1 Concrete 863
The delivery of the segments can be The top-mounted version, as with the
organized in two ways: bottom-mounted scaffolding, requires an
additional lifting device. This can be used
• Delivery from the bridge foot or
(Figure 9.1.514):
• Delivery via the already completed
superstructure. • Truck-mounted crane at the foot of the
bridge or on the superstructure,
Terrain conditions and bridge height are
• stationary crane on the superstructure
the main boundary conditions that
influence the type of delivery. Special low-
• Gantry crane or transfer structure on
loaders are used to transport the segments
the superstructure.
from the precast plant to the construction
site. These either transport the segments Which lifting device is used depends on
directly to the scaffolding transfer point or the performance requirements, economic
set them down on flatbed wagons optimization and availability.
beforehand, which reach the laying The basic spatial organization of the
scaffolding via pushers or tractors. assembly is shown in Figure 9.1.515 for a
The segment transfer from the scaffold below with a stationary crane.
transport vehicle to the laying scaffold at

Figure 9.1.5-15 Basic spatial organization of segment assembly with laying scaffold below
864 9 Production and execution methods Planning the execution The single-cell boxes are designed as

of segment assembly using an example standard cross-sections. The
superstructure widths are between 7.00 m Technical implementation planning and 15.50 m. The single-span longitudinal
bridge systems consist of the following
The necessary construction planning will typical standard segments (Fig. 9.1.517):
be explained using the bridge system of an
a) pier segments at the ends of each bay
elevated highway with single-span, single-
with the tie bulkhead for the tendons.
cell segmental box girders supported on
b) Standard segments between the pillars
reinforced elastomer bearings (Figure
and deflection segments. The webs have
a comparatively low wall thickness. This
The bridge system is pre-tensioned
results in a significant reduction in the
with tensioning elements that are guided
weight of the superstructure, as the web
externally within the box girder. In the
thickness is not determined by
final state, the single-span systems are
structural reasons but by purely static
connected by spring plates to form three
requirements (concrete compression
to four-span systems, so that roadway
transitions are only necessary there. Each
c) Deflection segments are located
bay is interlocked with the piers by means
approximately at the 1/3 or 1/4 points
of earthquake stoppers (cleats), which are
of the span. The vertical and horizontal
cushioned with elastomer buffer plates. In
components of the deflection forces
the event of an earthquake, this largely
from the pre-tension are concentrated
prevents major relative displacements
at these points.
between the substructure and
superstructure. The spans of the single- To understand the necessary static
span box girder bridges are between constructive investigations of the
approx. 25 m and 50 m. The

Figure 9.1.5-16 Superstructure (bay with three/two

deflection blocks)
9.1 Concrete 865
results from the track geometry and the
accessibility of the route. Scaffolding at
the bottom is used for straight stretches
and where there is free access to the piers;
this is necessary for the installation of the
slideway supports. Top scaffolding is
required for curved route alignments. The
overhead scaffolding can be moved
through the curves with tangential
displacement, irrespective of the
accessibility of the piers. However, this
type of scaffolding is inevitably more
complex in terms of travel equipment,
control hydraulics and handling. The
lower scaffolding places stress on the
substructures and presents the design
engineer with comparatively simple tasks.
Figure 9.1.5-17 Box cross-section, external The overhead scaffolding, on the other
bias voltage hand, places stress on the entire final
superstructure structure during the
crossing. In addition, the loads applied to
The laying technique for the segments the supports of the scaffolding during the
must be explained for the various traveling state are often much heavier than
construction stages. The segments are the concentrated loads from the live loads
transported to the laying scaffold on low- of the final state; however, the total live
lying flatbed wagons, each pulled by a load is usually greater than the total
tractor unit. There they are taken over by a weight of the scaffolding.
scaffolding trolley, moved lengthwise to The aim of extensive static investigations
the laying site and attached to the of the construction conditions is to develop
scaffolding with suspension rods. After all a design and operating concept for the
the prefabricated elements of a bay have scaffolding without the need for
been moved in, they are aligned and permanent additional reinforcements for
coupled to form a unit using a slight the final system. An operating corridor for
auxiliary pretension of 0.1 N/mm². The moving the scaffolding, the boundary
elements are joined together dry, without conditions and, if necessary, limited
the usual reinforcement, and interlocked auxiliary equipment that can be used must
using shear cams. The sheathing tubes and be defined. For these verifications, various
tendons of the external longitudinal loads and operating conditions must be
prestressing are then installed and investigated, taking into account all
prestressed. The fully prestressed influencing parameters.
superstructure is then lowered onto
auxiliary bearings and the scaffolding is
moved over the completed superstructure Detailed planning of the laying technique
bay to the next bay. This requires the using laying scaffolding
auxiliary sliding chair with feed device
and the tracking carriage on the scaffold. The recurring processes during
The basic decision for a bottom or top installation are shown in Figure 9.1.518.
scaffolding type
866 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.5-18 Launching gantry in laying position

The laying technique is divided into with variable outline (Figure 9.1.520).
three main systems according to static In its initial state, the bridge beam is still
aspects: a link chain with defined hanger loads. By
pre-tensioning, the bridge beam
a) Laying position - simple, open static
maintains its stiffness and relieves the
middle hangers of the laying scaffold.
b) Pre-tensioning and settling - static
However, as the total dead load
system with variable articulation,
c) Right-of-way states - variable static
The laying position of the scaffolding in
relation to the pier axes is selected in such
a way that the largest absorbable eccentric
normal force of the piers specified in all
structural measurements is utilized (Mx ,
My , N - interaction). The absorbable
torsional stress of the scaffold girder (steel
truss box) is used to keep the stress on the
piers in the installed state in the order of
magnitude of the action from live load
and dead load, but taking into account the
reduced load factor in the construction
state (Fig. 9.1.519). Furthermore, the
measures for rehanging or coupling the
superstructures are determined in order
to transfer the horizontal forces occurring
during the construction stage.
During pre-tensioning, the bridge
beam behaves like a beam on elastic
bedding, caused by the elastic resilient
effect of the scaffolding. It should be noted
that statically this is a system Figure 9.1.5-19 Laying: Effect and interaction
of scaffolding on superstructures and
9.1 Concrete 867

Figure 9.1.5-20 Static systems during pre-tensioning

remains the same, the load increasingly can travel dangerously over the bars of the
moves to the outer suspension rods elements. However, the displacement in
during the tensioning process as long as the curves forces the wheels to leave the
the bridge beam is not lowered. The web areas; the wheels reach the track plate
following criteria must be observed after or the cantilever. At the same time,
superposition of the outward and however, the support force on the trailer is
pretensioning state: reduced, as the center of gravity moves to
the auxiliary sliding chair (phase 2 in Fig.
a) Check the permissible load in the outer
9.1.522). The maximum loads that can be
absorbed must be determined for the
b) No hanger may receive compressive
longitudinal bridge system in order to be
force. If it does, the hanger is released
able to correctly determine the transfer
and the dead load of the segment is
points for the traversing device for certain
transferred to the bridge beam.
c) Tensile stresses must not occur in the
The following boundary conditions
concrete structure during the entire
must be observed during all these
pre-tensioning process.
construction phases:
For the subsequent displacement
conditions (Figure 9.1.521), the a) Tilt safety of the bridge span;
permissible operating corridor for the b) Load capacity of the bearings or auxiliary
trailing carriage of the launching gantry bearings;
must be determined. The wheel sets of the c) Tilt resistance of the steel scaffolding;
trailing carriage are arranged in such a d) Geometrically reach the next pillar.
way that they are unobstructed at very high
868 9 Production and execution methods

bearings must be reinforced. It is essential

to reduce costly auxiliary construction
measures to a minimum in order to ensure
that construction work is carried out
economically and on schedule (Fig.
9.1.523). Areas of application for

segmental bridge construction

As a result of the possibility of industrial

prefabrication of the superstructure
segments and the efficiency of assembly, a
decisive advantage of segmental bridge
construction in terms of quality and cost-
effectiveness comes into play. The fact
that the production of superstructure
segments is separated from the actual
construction site processes enables
construction projects to be carried out as
so-called fast track projects [Girmscheid,
1996], [Girmscheid/Hartmann, 1999], i.e.
within extremely short periods of time
between award of contract and
The requirement to construct an
economical and at the same time durable
structure as part of a fast-track project is
increasingly being made when realizing
Figure 9.1.5-21 Feed states large infrastructure projects. Since a large
number of today's infrastructure buildings
are realized as concession objects, one of
At the same time, the horizontal fixed the main reasons for this demand is the
point of the system must be clearly desire for a rapid amortization of the
defined when moving, especially when invested capital. If on-site manufacturing
moving the sliding chairs or transferring is also hampered by limited space, as is the
the loads to the main sliding chair: The case in the large agglomerations in Asia
downslope forces on the auxiliary and South America, for example, segmental
bearings from the longitudinal and construction is a suitable bridge
transverse inclination of the bridge must construction method that combines a
be superimposed with the friction forces compressed construction schedule through
from the advance. The forces occurring the parallelism of manufacturing
must be tracked up to the foundation and processes with the production of
sometimes make it necessary to couple individual construction elements outside
several spans or piers. For example, the the construction site [Girmscheid/Prade,
bearings on pier i (Fig. 9.1.522) are so 1993].
heavily loaded when moving from phase 2 The transfer of technical and
to 3 that they must be supported by four organizational characteristics of the
auxiliary supports. stationary industry to the construction
9.1 Concrete 869
industry allows us to
870 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.5-22 Feed conditions - Effects on superstructures and substructures

This would, however, only appear to be The main focus of the project is to absorb
effective if the superstructure segments the costs of the stationary production site
are manufactured in large quantities in (formwork, lifting equipment, etc.) and
order to avoid the not inconsiderable the construction site (transportation,
upfront costs for the mechanical lifting and laying equipment, etc.).
equipment. Conditions for use in the European

construction market

The question of whether the field of

application of the segmental construction
method can also be extended to smaller
and medium-sized bridge structures and
under what conditions its use proves to be
worthwhile leads to the following
• In principle, the segmental
construction method can also be used
competitively for small and medium-
sized bridge structures with adapted
construction technology and logistics.
For multi-span bridge systems in
particular, which would be built on a
Figure 9.1.5-23 Construction aids and falsework or laying girder in site-cast
stabilization measures during laying and pre- concrete, the production and often
tensioning time-consuming field-by-field
relocation of the bridge segments is not
9.1 Concrete 871
872 9 Production and execution methods

formwork is no longer necessary. their cost relevance should not be

Although it is still necessary to move underestimated. The segmental
the simplified falsework or launching construction method offers the
girders, the advantages of cost-effective aforementioned advantage that the
production of the superstructure can actual construction and maintenance
be combined with a reduction in time and thus also the time of traffic
construction time. obstruction during renovation
• It is irrelevant whether production measures is shortened. Bridge
takes place for one large or several maintenance is made easier by the
small bridge structures, as long as the external pre-tensioning, as tendons can
individual construction sites are not too be re-tensioned or replaced. External
far away from each other or from the pre-tensioning also makes it easier to
production site of the superstructure dismantle and recover individual
segments. Bridges over highways often segments or entire bridge sections.
meet this requirement, especially as • Within the intended long service life of
they are largely similar in their bridge structures, changes in use can
geometric boundary conditions. only be taken into account with
Therefore, despite their short increased structural effort. In this case,
construction lengths, they can be external pre-tensioning allows simple
realized economically with centrally and rapid adaptation to changing loads
arranged segment production. by successively increasing the pre-
• The question of the costs of a tensioning force or pulling in
construction project is central to the additional tendons.
choice of a suitable construction
In summary, the segmental construction
method. In addition to the actual
method is also an attractive construction
construction costs, the segmental
method in the European construction
construction method can in some cases
market under certain boundary
help to reduce ancillary construction
conditions, which can also lead to a
costs resulting from the interaction of the
reduction in costs for small and medium-
construction project with the
sized bridge construction projects.
environment. In the construction of
inner-city bridges and the conversion • Investment and cost of capital
or extension of highway bridges, the • Production costs
segmental construction method is • Incidental building costs
therefore a viable alternative to other • Maintenance costs
construction methods, as the costs of • consequential loss costs and
relocating and obstructing traffic flows • can contribute to change of use costs.
on highly frequented roads can be
reduced as a result of the rapid In order for the economic advantages of
construction process and the acceptance segmental bridge construction to be fully
of those affected can be increased. realized for construction projects of small
• In addition to the costs incurred during and medium lengths, a number of
the construction project, the subsequent prerequisites must be met:
costs are increasingly being taken into
account when deciding on a
construction method, as costly
maintenance and the renovation of
bridge structures, which is also often
associated with an impact on traffic,
are in
9.1 Concrete 873
• project planning that is geared to the Segment
requirements of the construction construction as a fast-track
process project
• a construction process that guarantees
a technically and organizationally The basis for characterizing a construction
smooth process project as a fast-track project is an
• a simple and easily modifiable process understanding of the production structure
for segment production, in order to be of the segmental construction method.
able to manufacture even small series The most striking feature of a FastTrack
economically Project [Girmscheid, 1996], [Girmscheid/
• a surveying and control concept that Hartmann, 1999] is the extremely short
ensures a high degree of dimensional completion time, which is due to the
accuracy in accordance with the utilization of the construction technology
requirements properties of the segmental construction
• a well thought-out organization of method.
logistics The segmental construction method
• a simple, fast and modifiable assembly stands out from other construction
process to maintain the time and cost methods in that the bridge structure is
benefits of prefabrication divided into individual components that
are often repeated and are largely identical
The following basic and comparative
in shape and dimensions. As a result, the
considerations deal with the ways to fulfill
construction process (production process)
these requirements and are intended to
can be divided into various manufacturing
provide decision-making aids for the
processes (Figure 9.1.524), which in turn
efficient use of the segment construction
are made up of different sub-processes
[Fiedler, 1991]. On the one hand, these
sub-processes are characterized by cyclical
sequences of operations and, on the other
hand, by their partial, which is the
manufacturing process.

Figure 9.1.5-24 Cycle of the superstructure manufacturing process

874 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.5-25 Construction process breakdown of segmental bridge construction (superstructure)

9.1 Concrete 875
basically completely independent of
This is due to the reduction in the depth
of production on the construction site and
the shift to production facilities
independent of the construction site.
The segmental bridge construction
process is then divided into the two
production processes of substructure and
superstructure, whereby the latter
production process is made up of the two
sub-processes of segment production and
segment assembly. In the form of the
repetitive work processes of
reinforcement, forming, shuttering,
stressing, transverse prestressing and
finishing, the segment production sub-
process is shifted to prefabrication, which
is independent of the construction site. In
the segment assembly sub-process that
takes place on the construction site, the
number of equally repetitive work
processes is reduced to segment laying,
longitudinal prestressing and moving the
laying frame. To support and secure the
production process, the transport
processes, the control processes and the
maintenance and storage processes are
added to the segment production and
segment assembly processes (Figure
9.1.525). Time savings from parallel manufacturing

processes and industrial production methods

Compared to the conventional in-situ

construction method with exclusive
production of building blocks, a
significant time saving can be achieved
with the segmental construction method
(Fig. 9.1.526).
While the two production processes of
substructure and superstructure are
carried out one after the other in the
conventional in-situ construction method,
the segmental construction method allows
them to be carried out in parallel (time
saving ∆t1 ). This means that production
of the individual superstructure segments
can begin during the prefabrication of the
substructure. The segment production is
876 9 Production and execution methods

This depends on the construction site

conditions and the prevailing weather
conditions. Parallelized sequences of
individual work processes within the sub-
processes are also possible, whereby industrial
production methods can also be achieved
through the cyclical repetition of the work
processes and their high mechanization, which
ultimately lead to further time savings (time
gain ∆t2 ) compared to the in-situ concrete
construction method [Girmscheid/Hartmann,
1999]. Time savings from parallel project


An economically oriented use of industrial

production methods in the construction
industry requires the consistent
implementation of their technical and
organizational characteristics. This can be
achieved through parallelized project phases,
with planning of the building design and
construction processes oriented towards the
production methods. This is the only way to
achieve extensive standardization of the
individual production processes, the use of
their mechanization potential, their optimal
interlinking and the targeted use of production
resources. Provided that total contractor
agreements are in place, this goal of
production-oriented planning can be realized
by transferring responsibility for execution
planning to the construction company
[Girmscheid, 1996]. This ensures that the
knowledge gained from previous construction
projects flows directly back into the planning
phase of the new construction project. At the
same time, the construction company has the
option of running planning and construction
in parallel. This means that, without the entire
bridge structure being fully planned and
constructed, it is possible to
9.1 Concrete 877


9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.5-26 Time savings from parallel manufacturing processes and industrial production methods
9.1 Concrete
Figure 9.1.5-27 Time gained from parallel project phases
876 9 Production and execution methods

individual construction phases have • The basis must be created in advance to

already been completed. facilitate the incorporation of
In addition to the time advantage subsequent planning changes.
resulting from the production structure of
the segmental construction method (time Furthermore, the flow of information
gain ∆tproduction), a further time advantage between the individual planning teams, the
can arise from the parallelism of planning approving authorities and the construction
and execution (time gain ∆tplanning). If both team must be organized in such a way that
time advantages are combined, the overall the most important information flows in a
duration of a construction project can be timely and precise manner.
significantly reduced by starting early and The aforementioned complex stakes in
shortening the execution phase (Figure the management of execution planning
9.1.527). can only be met if those involved in the
The demands placed on planning planning process are able to recognize and
management by the overlapping of assess the interrelationships between the
implementation planning and design and construction methods adopted
construction are enormous. Due to the and their impact on subsequent decisions
section-by-section planning and erection and align their actions with them in an
of the building, the constant interplay economical manner. They must be fully
between the conceptual tasks of execution proficient in the construction processes
planning [Girmscheid, 1996] demands a and have well-rehearsed team structures
high level of planning management. across all project phases.

• Creating the technical concept: Binding

standards, specifications and Conclusions f o r
regulations, etc. economic efficiency
• Definition of the structural concept:
static and structural calculation of the Up to now, the characterization of
bridge structure, preparation of the construction projects in segmental
execution drawings, etc. construction as fast track projects has
• Setting up the optimum construction primarily been based on the performance
concept: planning of segment production of this construction method during
and segment transport, design and use construction. The extremely short
of installation equipment, calculation execution phases are not the result of a
of installation conditions, etc. capacity increase in production factors,
Strict adherence to precisely defined but are due to the production process
planning steps and processes, which must structure of this construction method. As a
be embedded in a schedule that specifies result, a comparison of the segmental
exactly who has to implement what and construction method with a conventional
when. It is therefore essential that in-situ concrete construction method
shows the dependency of production costs
• planning packages based on the section on production time shown in Figure
formation of the structure, 9.1.528.
• the respective planning status is If we assume the same minimum cost
adequately documented, for both construction methods
• the plan distribution to inspectors, (production costs k1 ), it becomes clear
construction site, etc. is monitored and that the conventional in-situ concrete
controlled and construction method, in order to achieve
the construction
9.1 Concrete 877

Figure 9.1.5-28 Dependence of production costs on production time

project in the same short period of time as The project should include the
the segmental construction method construction of adaptable, maintenance-
(production time t1 ), requires additional friendly and durable bridge structures.
costs (production costs k3 ) due to the
necessary increase in the capacities to be
provided. If the realization period of a Summary
construction project is given decisive
weight when choosing a construction The segmental construction method with
method, the goal of a short completion external prestressing has become
period will be more cost-effective to increasingly important as a bridge
achieve than with the conventional in-situ construction method in recent years. The
concrete construction method, even if the reasons for this trend lie on the one hand
minimum cost of the segmental in the design and operational
construction method (production costs k2 improvements to the construction process,
) is increased. such as the development of the foundations
If the other cost reductions already and prestressing technology, the
mentioned (see section are taken production process and on the other hand in
into account in the search for the the realization as a fast-track project. In
optimum construction method, the addition to the application criteria for large-
segment construction method will be able scale projects, application criteria were also
to retain its economic efficiency even if the drawn up to enable the segmental
production time is given less weight. The construction method to be used as an
FastTrackProject designation can now be economical and durable construction
extended to include construction projects method for smaller and medium-sized
which, in addition to an extremely short bridge lengths.
production, maintenance and conversion
time, also require the construction and
operation of the building.
878 9 Production and execution methods

9.1.6 Cable-stayed bridges scaffolding. A prerequisite for the

feasibility of climbing formwork is the Production of the pylons installation of appropriate anchors.
The features of climbing formwork are:
A distinction is made between APylon
• The production or climbing rhythm
and HPylon reinforced concrete pylons.
takes place in sections. The climbing
The vertical components of the pylons
steps usually remain the same size. The
are constructed in stages using climbing
formwork consists of individual, large-
formwork. After the concrete has
area, modularly assembled elements,
hardened, the climbing formwork is
each of which comprises a pylon leg. The
moved to the immediately following
size is limited by the load-bearing
concreting section with the help of a crane
capacity of the available lifting
or an automatic climbing system (Figure
equipment. Openings and built-in
9.1.61). The automatic climbing system
parts can be installed cleanly. Formwork
works according to the walking
conversions for changing dimensions
mechanism principle and, in addition to
and wall thicknesses are possible.
the self-climbing scaffold, consists of a
• The working rhythm is discontinuous
climbing pole or a climbing frame.
but cyclical. A cycle consists of:
Independent climbing is achieved by
– Moving and anchoring climbing
means of hydraulic lifting gear, which is
scaffold with formwork in Etap pen
supported on the climbing rail or the
– Aligning the inner and outer
climbing frame and moves the climbing
formwork elements (the outer side
scaffold up and down.
usually remains open for the
reinforcement work)
– Installing reinforcement
– Move the outer formwork elements
forward, close the formwork, align
(spindles are used to align the
formwork elements when shuttering
and to move them away when
stripping), brace with formwork
– Concreting (from the upper working
– Once the stripping strength has been
reached, the outer and inner
formwork are retracted
– Climbing scaffold with formwork in stage
n + 1 and anchor it.
Horizontal construction joints are
unavoidable in pylon construction, as
concreting is carried out in stages, but
these can be deliberately formed and
arranged. The rationalization effect of the
climbing formwork principle lies largely in
the temporal and ar

Fig. 9.1.6-1 Climbing formwork for pylon

standards [PERI GmbH].
9.1 Concrete 879
The climbing construction method is Outer formwork on the inside of the
therefore carried out in a consistent work pylon leg below the dam. The two U-
cycle. shaped horizontal frames are then
connected (Fig. 9.1.62). The formwork is
then successively rebuilt in stages until the A-Pylon vertical outer line of the anchoring stem of
the pylon is reached. Special internal
The two legs of the A-pylon are each formwork is usually required for this area
made with a self-climbing climbing in order to form the anchor supports for
section. Stepping from one stage to the the cables. For this purpose, new internal
other can be carried out with the aid of a formwork is lifted into place for the upper
climbing scaffold or by means of a anchoring stem of the pylon (Fig. 9.1.67). It
walking beak arranged inside the hollow is particularly important that this
cross-section (Fig. 9.1.62). It must be formwork is designed in such a way that
noted here that the A pylon legs are prefabricated recess elements for the
subjected to bending as cantilevers until anchors and anchor trumpets can be
they join in the embankment area (Fig. inserted and fixed as easily as possible, as
9.1.63). Therefore, the ideal the horizontal and vertical setting angles of
manufacturing axis must be the recess elements and anchor trumpets
superimposed, i.e. increased, by the change from installation point to
negative deformation from dead load as installation point. The installation must be
well as shrinkage and creep of the carried out very precisely from the inner
concrete. Depending on the inclination of shell side. Together with the installation of
the APylon legs, temporary horizontal the splitting tensile reinforcement (usually
intermediate bracing (Figure 9.1.64) is a splitting tensile prestressing must also be
required to keep the cantilever moment applied), this extensive input takes a
and the deformation small (Figure 9.1.65). considerable amount of time, which slows
In the construction of APylons, it is down the climbing process.
difficult to join the two climbing The manufacturing process of an A-
formwork of the pylon legs in the pylon with anchoring stem (purely
embankment area (Fig. 9.1.62) and then to reinforced concrete construction) is
construct the shoring. This is usually done shown in Figures 9.1.62 to
in such a way that the outer formwork on 9.1.67.
the inside remains in place after the last In order to counteract the slowing
stage of the pylon legs has been formed down of the climbing process on the
before the "embankment area" is formed pylon stem in the anchoring area of the
and serves as support for the cables, prefabricated steel construction
"embankment formwork" after the elements are often used, i.e. one steel
anchoring has been reinforced. The two construction kit per double cable pair. The
remaining outer formworks, each anchoring plates and anchor trumpets are
consisting of three sides, are brought welded into the modular steel elements
together in the "embankment area" (Fig. with extreme precision at the factory,
9.1.66). The horizontal bracing frames of lifted into place precisely on the
the climbing formwork are detached from construction site, set down and welded
the adjustable frame parts opposite each together on site (Fig. 9.1.68). This
other. These remain with the remaining measure allows the construction time of
the usually time-critical pylon production
to be reduced and the quality of the
880 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.6-2 APylon with anchoring stem

9.1 Concrete 881

Figure 9.1.6-3 Phase 1: Concreting the V-shaped pylon legs

The anchoring area must be improved, as to reduce the weight. This crossbeam is
it is very difficult to place concrete in this usually also used as a launching platform
area due to the installation elements of the for the cantilevered carriages of the
anchors and the dense reinforcement longwall girder (Figure 9.1.64). The
layers. For architectural reasons, this steel construction is carried out in such a way
anchoring stem is often encased in a cast- that heavy anchorages for the temporary
in-place concrete cladding or clad with steel support brackets are embedded in the
precast elements (local joints) (Fig. pylon legs. The support brackets are then
9.1.68). The space in between is used for a lifted into place and installed. The
landing or elevator. scaffolding girders or scaffolding truss
Cross beams are often installed under girders are then connected to the
the roadway (yield beam) in A-pylons, crossbeam formwork and the working
which largely absorb the expansion forces
of the pylon stems in order to minimize
the stress in the pylon and the foundation.

Figure 9.1.6-4 Phase 2: Concreting the

Fig. 9.1.6-5 Phase 3: Concreting of the pylon
882 9 Production and execution methods

Fig. 9.1.6-6 Phase 4: Concreting the

connection of the pylon legs (embankment

scaffolding is lifted into place using a

mobile crane, supported on the brackets
on both sides and anchored. The side
formwork is then lifted into place on the
scaffolding girder construction between
the two pylon legs, laid and positioned
(Figures 9.1.64, 9.1.610 and 9.1.613). Once
the formwork has been reinforced,
concreted and hardened, the support
structure is lowered hydraulically and the
formwork and scaffolding are removed.
This cross beam of the pylon can also be
Figure 9.1.6-7 Phase 5: Concreting the pylon
lifted in as a finished part using a floating
head (anchoring stem) with the cable
crane or strand lifting device. anchorages H-Pylon external formwork, analogous to A-pylon

construction. For HPylons, cross beams
An HPylon is produced in the same way are usually required under the roadway
as an APylon using climbing formwork and in the upper part of the pylon
(Figures 9.1.69 to 9.1.611). However, the uprights or at the pylon head as head
production process is much simpler, as no cross beams. The crossbeams are
complex adjustment work is required on produced in site-cast concrete in the same
the formwork. The construction of the way as described for the A-pylons (Figures
anchoring area is also simpler, as only two 9.1.610 to 9.1.612). The cross beams can
cable levels are anchored per pylon leg. also be lifted in as prefabricated parts
The anchoring elements are installed on using a floating crane and/or strand lifting
the outside. device (Fig. 9.1.613). The connection to
9.1 Concrete 883

Figure 9.1.6-8 Structural steel anchorage body of a pylon with concrete cladding

Figure 9.1.6-9 Phase 1: Concreting the lower section of the pylon using climbing formwork

The studs are connected by means of a after reaching the assembly position in the
site-cast concrete joint. Once the cross prepared anchorages. The precast
beam has been installed underneath the transverse beam is connected to the pylon
stretching girder, the upper prefabricated standards using coupled tendons from
cross beam or top cross beam can be working scaffolds. The tendons are
placed on the lower cross beam (Fig. inserted from recesses on the outside of the
9.1.613). Once the pylon support height pylon standards and coupled in the in-situ
has been reached, the upper cross beam is concrete joints between the pylon
lifted using a strand lifting device. The standard and the precast element. The
crossbeam can be attached to the joints are then filled with in-situ
temporary assembly brackets on both
sides and lifted into position.
884 9 Production and execution methods Production of the face beam in

in-situ concrete prefabrication

The production of the face girder in in-

situ concrete using cantilever carriages is
carried out in the longitudinal direction
from the pylons, symmetrically, section by
section and alternating in the following
steps (Fig. 9.1.614):
1. Aligning the cantilever trolley
2. Pulling up and anchoring the tensioning
cables in the pylon
3. Concreting
4. Lowering the formwork and anchoring
the tensioning cables in the stretching
5. Advancing the cantilever trolley
The cantilever carriage consists of two
units that can be moved to the opposite
side, the feed carrier and the cantilever
carriage. These units serve as a walking
and feeding device. The feed girder rests on
Figure 9.1.6-10 Phase 2: Concreting the
the last stages of the stretch girder and is
anchored to it temporarily. The main
beams of the cantilever carriages are
concrete and the prestressing bars or positioned lengthwise to the stretch beam. A
strand tendons are prestressed from the distinction is made between the following
outside of the pylon. When using this cantilever beam systems (Table 9.1.61):
method, no temporary stiffening is
• Above
possible between the two pylon legs.
Furthermore, the lifting device must be • Below
installed on the pylon standards or on the The advantages and disadvantages of the
heads of the pylon standards before the two cantilever trolley systems are listed in
upper precast transverse beam or end Table 9.1.61.
transverse beam is raised (Fig. 9.1.613).
Furthermore, during construction it is
sometimes necessary to temporarily Cantilever wagon with overhead main
stiffen the two pylon struts on both sides girders
using auxiliary stiffening walers (Fig.
9.1.611). The overhead cantilever carriage (Fig.
9.1.615) consists of longitudinal and
transverse truss plates that support the
formwork grid. The longitudinal system
consists of at least two lattice girders.
These longitudinal truss plates, which are
usually arranged in a trapezoidal pattern,
usually carry two truss cross members in
the front area. On these upper
9.1 Concrete
A) B)
Figure 9.1.6-11 Phase 3: Production of the upper part of the HPylon [Storda Bru, 2002]. A) Production of the stems in the upper section of the HPylon
with tem porary transverse bracing. B) Production of the transverse head beam in site-cast concrete

886 9 Production and execution methods

Lower crossbar Head crossbeam

Figure 9.1.6-12 HPylon - Production of the lower and upper crossbeam in site-cast concrete [Sam
chonpo Bridge, 2002].

The lower scaffolding cross beams are The feed beam under the longitudinal
suspended from the upper truss cross sheaves must be sufficiently anchored in
beams. The cross system thus consists of the slab to absorb the tensile and frictional
the truss cross girders, which are arranged forces during the sliding process of the
on the upper chord of the longitudinal cantilever carriage. The front end carriage
truss plates, and the two lower truss is secured to the feed carrier at the rear by
scaffolding cross girders, on which the means of a claw construction. This claw
formwork box rests. The lower truss cross construction serves to secure it against
girders are suspended from the upper truss tipping during the feed. An armored roller
cross girders by means of suspension rods. device is arranged in the area in front of
These suspension rods can be pressed by the longitudinal truss discs for shifting.
means of double-gripping hollow rods, The shifting process is usually carried out
allowing the formwork box to be raised and using drawbars and hollow piston presses.
lowered. The trusses must be adequately In this state of movement, the front
braced against lateral tilting. The carriage must be secured against
horizontal and vertical forces as well as uncontrolled movements by means of
the cantilever arm moment of the ropes or drawbars, especially on slopes.
cantilever carriage must be absorbed by During the concreting process
the previously constructed concreting
9.1 Concrete
A) B)

Figure 9.1.6-13 Assembly of the prefabricated crossbeams using a floating crane or strand lifting device [Second Seven Crossing Bridge, 1995]. A)
Lifting in the prefabricated crossbeam using a floating crane (left). The upper crossbeam is lifted into position, installed and tensioned (right) using a

strand lifting device (middle picture). B) Upper precast transverse beam placed on already installed lower precast transverse beam
888 9 Production and execution methods

In the second stage, the front carriage is

anchored by means of tie rods underneath
the track slab next to the longitudinal
beams with load-distributing cross beams.
Most formwork carriages are equipped with
a counterweight to the formwork box in
the rear area. This means that rear
anchoring in the slab is only required for
the concreting weight. Cantilever wagon with main girders


The bottom cantilever wagon (Fig.

9.1.616) consists of longitudinal girders or
truss plates that support the formwork box
and transverse truss girders. The load is
transferred from the cantilever shoring
trolley at the bottom to the cantilever beam
via the rear rolling gear or pressure plate
Figure 9.1.6-14 Production sequence of the and also via the two lateral suspension
stretch beam structures. The tilting moment

Table 9.1.6-1 Cantilever systems for cable-stayed bridges - advantages and disadvantages
Cantilever wagon with overhead Cantilever wagon with main girders
main girders underneath
Advantage - Feed elements are in visual – Simple storage and shifting
s contact for greater safety construction, therefore usually
easier to handle (KIS)
– Usually lower weight due to
simple construction
– Cable anchoring can be fitted in the
front area of the element
– No obstruction due to slopes
– Cantilever construction easier in
the cons truction

Disadvantag – Anchoring construction and - Feed elements are not visible at

es sliding construction structurally the top and bottom at the same
complex time, therefore less safety
– Mostly higher weight
– Inclined cables and suspension
beams can interfere with each
– Anchoring must therefore often be
located at the rear of the segment
9.1 Concrete 889

Figure 9.1.6-15 Cantilever trolley: top side member - cable - side member interaction

of the cantilever must be absorbed by means Feed girders are arranged in the edge area of
of a pair of forces through the previously the stretched girder, between the cable level
constructed bridge section, i.e. and the outer edge of the concrete
compressive force transfer at the rear structure. There must be sufficient
support on the underside of the cantilever working space between the cable level and
girder and tensile force acceptance via the the cable level to move the cantilevered
suspension of the cantilevered formwork support carriage. An integrated cross girder
carriage by means of a U-shaped is arranged in the rear area of the
transverse truss girder and claw-shaped cantilevered cantilever carriage
support structure at the front support. underneath half of the stretching girder. To
The longitudinal girders or longitudinal lower and precisely align the cantilever
truss plates of the cantilever carriage frame carriage, appropriate presses must be
support the girder grid of the formwork box. arranged between the support structure of
These longitudinal beams are connected in the U-shaped cross-member and the feed
the central area to an integrated U-shaped beams. During the concreting process, the
transverse truss girder. By means of this U- press-fittings must be set down on a screw
shaped transverse girder construction, the spindle. Armored rollers are also provided
cantilever carriage at the bottom is on the rear lower cross member for the
suspended from the longitudinal feed shifting process. During the
girder of the previous construction
section. The
890 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.6-16 Cantilever trolley: bottom side member - cable - side member interaction

During concreting, contact with the 1. Define concreting sections or cantilever

previous bridge section is ensured by lengths from cable spacing in the
means of presses and thrust spindles on longitudinal direction (as equidistant
the rear bearings of the cantilever carriage as possible!).
below. During the concreting process, 2. Arrangement of feed beams and
appropriate safeguards against cantilever main and cross beams so
unintentional displacement of the that the cantilever scaffolding can be
cantilevered cantilever carriage must be moved to the next section after the stay
provided. Shifting is usually carried out cables have been tensioned without
using drawbars and hollow piston jacks. obstructing them.
Figures 9.1.616 to 3. Design diagram for the arrangement of
9.1.618 describes the application of this the formwork grid: The spacing of the
concept in practice. shuttering grid is approx. 30-40 cm and
results from the relative deflection limit
of the shuttering panels. This grating Design principles for must usually be placed on a supporting
cantilever scaffolding grating made of steel girders, as the
span of the grating is determined by the
The following procedure is recommended permissible deflection (specified
when designing cantilever scaffolding for tolerances). The direction of the
cable-stayed bridges: orthogonal grating results from
9.1 Concrete 891

Figure 9.1.6-17 Sunniberg Bridge, CH (top) [Batigroup, 19961998] Vasco da Gama Bridge,
(bottom) [Bento Pedrodo Constr., 19951998]

the length of the concreting section or The main requirements for the design of
the distance between the main girders the free cantilever trolley when moving
of the scaffolding carriage (shortest static forward, the simplest possible feed steps
lengths, no forces to be "carried along"). without the risk of anchoring errors, a
4. Check all load cases in the construction static system without alternating
stage. articulation, and a lightweight design for
cost reasons.
The overriding criteria for the design are When designing the work sections, the
the simple handling of the aim is usually to create a weekly
892 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.6-18 Formwork lowered and advanced for realignment

cycle. The weekly cycle of the • Axial forces can be applied to the cable
Sunnibergbrücke (CH) draw frame end as required via threads and end
production is shown in Figure 9.1.619. faces of the anchor sleeves, but only to
a limited extent on the PE sheath of the
free cable length. Cable assembly
Depending on the construction process,
The prefabricated stay cables are usually the saddle elements are mounted on the
wound onto bobbins and delivered to the pylon in advance or lifted to the pylon
construction site ready for unwinding. together with the cable (Fig. 9.1.621). The
They are transported from the lower saddle elements are usually placed
intermediate storage area to the on the bridge girder before the cable is
installation site where they are inserted installed (Fig. 9.1.624). The following
into the stripping device. The temperature preparatory work is required to install the
of the cable should be at least 10 °C cables:
during the unwinding process. Two
• Installation of the work platform on the
principles must be observed when
outside of the pylon at the height of the
installing PE-piped cables:
relevant trumpet.
• At deflection points, the cables must be • Installation of the working platform at
routed using satellite elements during the lower anchoring and outside the
installation to avoid kinks and other concrete slab, below the stretching
damage to the pipe. girder, at the upper end of the trumpet.
9.1 Concrete
Work steps Thursday Friday Sunday Monday Tuesday
Concreting Beam
Concreting Slab (Total 36.5 m3)

Remove end formwork shells

Position the feed carrier for the next stage Move the

Setting, hardening concrete

cantilever frame carriage forward

Moving trumpet tube falling (rising) stem branch Moving

trumpet tube rising (falling) stem branch

Reinforcing falling (rising) stem branch

Reinforcing rising (falling) stem branch

Installing tensioning jacks

Uncoiling stay cables from

Preparing stay cables for installation
Installing stay cables
Tensioning stay cables (4-6 tensioning stages with V0
2200 kn) Weekly work cycle Sunniberg Bridge (CH)

894 9 Production and execution methods

• Installation of the winch on the bridge Suspending short cables

plate and the towing device on the in the pylon area
anchor plate.
• Preparation of the self-locking nuts for Short cables near the pylon can be suspended
the upper and lower anchoring. directly in the re gel with the slewing tower
crane. The free-hanging cable is first
The following mounting devices are
inserted into the lower trumpet, fixed
provisionally if necessary (Fig. 9.1.620) and
• Working platforms: Platform on the then swung to the trumpet in the pylon.
outside of the pylon for inserting the The upper anchor head is then pulled
cables into the trumpet and on the through the trumpet and secured against
opposite side for pulling in and the anchor plate (Fig. 9.1.621).
supporting the anchor head. Platform
at the lower anchorage for the
tensioning work below the stretching Suspending long cables
girder (roadway).
• Lifting gear: Mobile crane for unloading As soon as the height, working radius and
the cable bobbins and inserting them load range of the crane are no longer
into the puller (capacity: max. sufficient for direct assembly, the assembly
transport weight of the cables incl. process is changed (Fig. 9.1.622). The
bobbins). Slewing tower crane, possibly upper cable end is lifted to the pylon with
winch for hanging the cables in the the crane, pulled in through the trumpet
pylon. Mobile lifting device on the and anchored with nuts or support plates.
bridge deck for moving tensioning When cantilevering, it is often advisable
devices, inlet sets etc. and for lifting the to install several cables (max. all cables of
cables when inserting them into the the next stage) in the pylon in advance.
lower trumpet. Light lifting device at the However, the cables can also be pulled
anchoring in the pylon for moving the into the pylon as shown in Fig. 9.1.623
pulling-in devices. Cable winches with using cable winches arranged at the pylon
pulleys: Cable winch for pulling the head. The cables are pulled through the
cable forward until it enters the lower

Figure 9.1.6-20 Suspending short cables in the pylon area

9.1 Concrete 895

Figure 9.1.6-21 Detail of pylon head - anchorage

Figure 9.1.6-22 Attaching long cables

The inlet saddle is pulled into the trumpet

of the extension beam and tensioned until
the anchor sleeve can be secured against
the anchor plate (Fig. 9.1.624). Equipment
such as the pneumatic crane, winch and
hydraulic presses are adapted to the Figure 9.1.6-23 Anchoring in the pylon - pulling
necessary pulling forces. in the stay cables
896 9 Production and execution methods

Fig. 9.1.6-24 Installing the cable on the extension beam - lower anchorage

Figure 9.1.6-25 Pasco Kennewick Bridge, Columbia River, USA [Leonhardt et al., 1980].
9.1 Concrete 897

Figure 9.1.6-26 Ohio River Bridge USA, Portsmouth 1984

Figure 9.1.6-28 Xiang Jia Tang Bridge, China

898 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.1.6-27 New Ohio Bridge, USA, Portsmouth (alternative design)

Figure 9.1.6-29 Houston Ship Channel

9.1 Concrete
Pylon Stiffening beam Pylon Stiffening beam

I = 381 m
h = 81 m I = 381 m h = 86 m
I, = 126 m
h1 =49 m I, = 147 m h, = 47 m
I2= 61 m
b = 23.85 m b = 26.35 m
6 lanes 6 lanes

0.20 m*/m* Main field: 0.21 m*/m* 0.24 m*/m2 Main field: 0.78 m"/m*
End field: 0.76 m /m32

125 kg/m2
Steel construction

Slack steel 26 kg/m* 45 kg/m2 38 kg/m2

Longitudinal direction

Prestressing steel Transverse

2 kg/m^ 23 kg/m*
2 kg/m°
39 kg/m* (49 kg/m* incl. anchor)
32 kg/m* (40 kg/m* incl. anchor)

900 9 Production and execution methods Clamping process 9.2 Steel bridges

Once assembly is complete, the cables are GÜNTER RAMBERGER
tensioned according to the instructions. and FRANCESCO AIGNER
The male thread of the anchor and
tensioning spindle allows continuous 9.2.1 Workshop production
tensioning of the cables and, if necessary,
a release of the force. Depending on The division of the cross-section into
accessibility, the tensionable anchorage sections (see Figure 4.2.220) and the
can be positioned at the top or bottom division of the beam into fields
end of the cable. On large bridges, this is determines the dimensions of the units
usually below the bridge girder. manufactured in the workshop (Figure
Their size and weight must be adapted Characteristic values of typical
to the production possibilities of the
inclined cable bridges for pre-calculation
workshop, to the transport route and
means of transport and to the type and
Reference is made to [Girmscheid, 19871] load-bearing capacity of the lifting gear
for the pre-dimensioning of inclined used during assembly. Since steel
cantilever bridges. The approximate cost construction is always a prefabricated
calculation and the control of the construction, factory production and
calculation can be estimated and assembly must be included in the
controlled on the basis of the square considerations right from the start of
meter prices or somewhat more precisely planning in order to be able to produce
on the basis of the determined unit cost-effective bridge structures. Steel
masses. Figures 9.1.625 to bridges are predominantly sheet metal
29 such values are compiled for various structures. As the strength and toughness
bridge types. The values given refer to the properties of thick sheet metal are also
unit square meter of bridge area sufficiently good at low working
(carriageway) or cubic meter (pylon, temperatures, thick sheet metal is
roadway girder). The calculation is based increasingly being used. The joining
on the load effect according to AASTHO technology used in the workshop is almost
[Standard Specifica tions, 1996]. exclusively arc fusion welding in the form
of metal active gas (MAG
) welding and submerged arc welding.
Manual metal arc welding with coated
electrodes is being pushed back by the
aforementioned processes due to their
higher deposition rate.

Fig. 9.2.1-1 Division of a bridge into assembly bays, Rhine bridge Düsseldorf-Oberkassel [Beyer
et al., 1977].
9.2 Steel bridges 901

The predominant elements for steel Welding heads that move longitudinally
bridge construction are longitudinally and over the sheet. The tack welds are welded
transversely stiffened plates (orthotropic over in the process. Due to the deep
plates and disks). The plates are usually penetration of the UPS weld, the gap in
cut to size on CNC-controlled cross- trapezoidal sheets is also welded from the
carriage cutting machines. These machines skew of the trapezoidal webs and a
can also be equipped with marking and flexurally rigid connection with the sheets
scribing devices, which also mark the is achieved (see also Figure 4.2.24).
cracks for welds and the hole centers for For orthotropic panes (web and sheet
drill holes on the sheets. Weld seam metal), the transverse stiffeners can also be
preparations on the edges for V, X, K and arranged on the sheet side opposite the
steep flange seams are usually made when longitudinal stiffeners. This avoids
cutting out the sheets by skewing the penetrations and simplifies workshop
torches or by cutting with several torches production (Fig. 9.2.12, 9.2.13).
in one operation. For orthotropic roadway slabs and for
Hot-rolled profiles for longitudinal orthotropic panes of web and floor panels
stiffeners (flat steels, beaded flat steels, with smooth outer sides, the cross
halved IP profiles) are either ordered cut members or stiffeners lie on the side of the
to exact dimensions (surcharge) or cut on longitudinal members or stiffeners. For
the saw, also as a package. Cold-rolled this purpose, the webs of the mostly T-
profiles for triangular or trapezoidal shaped cross members are cut out so that
stiffeners are either purchased as cold- they can be combed onto the longitudinal
rolled profiles or produced by folding. As members and height tolerances of the
the folding benches in most workshops longitudinal members can be
are shorter than the field lengths of the compensated. The cross member webs are
supplied parts, the folded profiles are butt- welded to the cross chords beforehand
welded together in advance to form longer using fillet welds. The cross member webs
units. Cold-rolled profiles also have much are usually connected to the sheet metal and
smaller dimensional tolerances than folded the longitudinal stiffeners using MAG-
profiles. Open stiffeners are first joined to welded fillet welds.
the sheet metal with tack welds (20-30 Each fillet weld causes the sheet to
mm long, approx. 400- 800 mm apart). shrink by 0.1 to 0.3 mm, depending on the
Closed profiles can be placed directly on thickness a of the weld and the welding
the sheet metal and stapled at greater process selected. As all orthotropic
distances. In order to maintain the fitting roadway panels have many fillet welds,
accuracy and thus simplify production, it this fact should be taken into account by
is important that the longitudinal adding a width allowance chosen
stiffeners at the intersections with the according to experience.
transverse stiffeners are positioned exactly Cross joints of metal sheets are usually
to the nominal dimension and are tacked produced before the entire sheet is cut to
there. Minor deviations between the size.
transverse stiffeners are of no significance. Fillet welds are used to connect the web
The longitudinal stiffeners are joined to to the deck plate chord and floor plate. It
the sheet metal using fillet welds. is usually sufficient to also connect the
Submerged-arc welding machines with two cross members to the webs with fillet
or more welds are mainly suitable for this. welds. In the case of high stresses in the
chords and high fatigue resistance
requirements, fillet welds are used for
9 Production and execution methods
Figure 9.2.1-2 Cross-section with external longitudinal web stiffeners and internal transverse web stiffeners, north footbridge over the Danube in Vienna [VA
9.2 Steel bridges 903

Figure 9.2.1-3 Girders with external longitudinal web stiffeners, north footbridge over the Danube
in Vienna

Fig. 9.2.1-4 Belt slats down

staging [Thiele/Lohse, 1997]

full penetration welds are required for the brittle failures in the seam area can be
connection (see Figure 4.2.21). Whereas in avoided. Thermomechanically rolled steels
the past the thickness of the bottom chords with an exceptionally low CEV can be
was adjusted to the moment line by means welded without preheating, even with
of shims, today this adjustment is made by large thicknesses.
selecting the thickness of the shims Particular attention must be paid to
themselves (Fig. 9.2.14). those welded areas where tensile stresses
Sheets with a carbon equivalent CEV ≥ occur in the thickness direction of the
0.4 and thicknesses ≥ 30 mm should be sheet, either from external influences or
preheated before welding to reduce the from the load of the weld shrinkage. Due
high cooling rate caused by the heat to the inclusion of manganese sulphides
flowing off the thick sheets and thus the and oxides, which are formed during
formation of martensite and bainite, which rolling in the rolling direction, tensile
in turn reduces t h e risk of stresses can occur during a welding
b a i n i t e formation. process with tensile stresses.
904 9 Production and execution methods

Fig. 9.2.1-5 Workshop production with rhönrad [Gerhards et al., 1982].

In the case of stresses in the thickness This can be made considerably easier by
direction, the manganese sulphides and placing the part in a rotating device
oxides can melt and cause terrace (rhönrad) (Figure 9.2.15).
fractures. This can be remedied by using
sheets whose properties are guaranteed
when stressed in the thickness direction, 9.2.2 Assembly of prefabricated units
such as sheets Z15, Z25, Z35. The
[ÖNORM EN 1993110] provides Compared to site-cast concrete and
guidance on which sheet metal quality composite structures, steel structures have
should be used. the decisive advantage that all their parts
Welds are preferably produced in the are fully load-bearing after workshop
trough or horizontal position. The bearing production. For this reason, steel
of the finished structures are never

Fig. 9.2.2-1 Transportation of an entire bridge, SandträgerWeg railroad bridge, Düsseldorf

9.2 Steel bridges 905

complete falsework, as this method is If the supporting structure is too wide,

uneconomical. splitting the bridge girder lengthwise into
For smaller bridge structures, it is two or more main girders can simplify
sometimes possible to manufacture the assembly. The joints between the main
entire structure in the workshop, girders are then closed on site. In this way,
transport it to the construction site and panels located between the main girders
place it on the substructures there with or adjacent to the main girders can also be
the help of lifting gear (usually mobile connected bay by bay.
cranes) (Figures 9.2.21 to 9.2.24).

Fig. 9.2.2-2 Lifting an entire bridge with two mobile cranes, Sandträger Weg railroad bridge,

Figure 9.2.2-3 Lifting with truck-mounted crane, SandträgerWeg railroad bridge, Düsseldorf
906 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.2-4 Lifting a truss bridge with floating cranes, Danube bridge Krems

In the case of continuous beams, the If it is not possible to transport beams

main beams can be laid over the individual the length of a span, the spans can also be
support sections and then closed. It transported to a pre-assembly site near the
should be noted in the calculation that the construction site, where they can be laid
main girder spans act as single-span girder down, assembled and used with lifting
chains for the load from the dead load of gear.
the structure, but as continuous girders Arched structures occupy a special
after closing (Fig. 9.2.25 and 9.2.26). position here. As arched structures only

Figure 9.2.2-5 Lifting the side span of a center girder railway bridge with four floating cranes,
Süderelbebrücke Hamburg, 3rd superstructure
9.2 Steel bridges 907

Figure 9.2.2-6 Lifting of the central span of a central girder railway bridge with four floating
cranes, Süderelbebrücke Hamburg, 3rd superstructure

Figure 9.2.2-7 Floating or pushing a Langer beam, Mittelland Canal Bridge Brahmsche

are fully load-bearing when closed, the If the structure is not disturbed, auxiliary
aim is always to assemble the entire supports can also be provided and the
supporting structure on individual panels produced in the workshop can be
supports and insert it as a single unit. This placed on the supports and joined
can be done not only by lifting in with together on site to form the supporting
cranes, but also by floating and sliding in structure.
on scales and/or a ship (Figures 9.2.27 and For all assemblies with prefabricated
9.2.28). units, compliance with the geometric
In rare cases, it is also possible to shape is of decisive importance both for
construct the supporting structure on the the aesthetics and, in the case of statically
subsoil and only then remove the subsoil indeterminate systems, for the load-
under the supporting structure. If the bearing capacity. For workshop production
obstacle to be bridged is not too deep or if and assembly, it is not the geometric target
the use of the areas under the bridge is shape of the structure in its final state that
made possible by auxiliary supports, the must be adhered to, but the workshop
shape derived from the target shape for
the unstressed state.
908 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.2-8 Installation of a Langer beam, Danube bridge Schwabelweis [Carl et al., 1982].
9.2 Steel bridges 909

The correct shape of a panel is achieved Of course, it is even better if this

by the correct shape of the shaping method is applied not just to two, but to
elements, i.e. the web plates. To achieve several consecutive panels. The
the correct shape and the correct length of dimensions of the joined panels must be
the beam made up of panels, the panels, or secured with fitting marks or fitting tabs.
at least their shaping elements (main The individual panels are joined either by
beams), must be joined together in the welding or by GV bolting. Welders are
correct shape. In order to compensate for mainly used in the area of roadway slabs,
length errors (e.g. from welding as tabs and bolt heads r e d u c e the
shrinkage), one end is usually cut to size thickness of the roadway pavement and
and the other end is produced with a penetrate the pavement. Bolted joints
planned excess length (30 to 50 mm). Two have the advantage that they usually have
consecutive main beams are placed sufficient load-bearing capacity for
together either in the workshop or at a installation even when only partially bolted
pre-assembly site or, if supported on and that production inaccuracies can be
auxiliary supports, directly d u r i n g compensated for more easily. In the case of
assembly and adjusted in height so that GV screw connections, the use of friction-
the chord stitches h1 and h2 correspond to resistant coatings on the contact surfaces
the stitches of the workshop form. The can also improve the overall corrosion
actual dimension list is then taken from the protection.
first to the last cross member and be applied in the workshop.
compared with the target dimension lsoll . Joining the parts by welding on site
The difference Δ = list - lsoll is the places higher demands on welders than
dimension used to tear and cut the other welding in the workshop, as the parts have
end with excess length from the cut end. to be joined in the respective forced
This ensures that both the pitch position (including upright and
dimensions between successive wefts and overhead). Welding also represents a
the length dimensions are correct (Fig. more homogeneous connection of the
9.2.29). parts without the need to redistribute
forces compared to a lug connection. In
exceptional cases, welds can also be
ground flat so that they remain invisible
under the corrosion protection. In order to
be able to weld the continuous deck, web
and floor plates on both sides or on one
side to secure the bath, the stiffeners in the
weld area are usually initially left out for a
length of a few 100 mm in the seam area.
In order to be able to adapt the sheets well,
especially in the corners, the longitudinal
seams are also not welded a few 100 mm
before the joint. The necessary weld seam
preparations are already made when the
sheets are cut.
Figure 9.2.2-9 Production of the workshop
910 9 Production and execution methods

Bath safety devices, including steel plates, the cantilever is moved forward one bay
are usually only applied during assembly, length and the assembly process is
as they can be knocked off during continued. When a pier is reached, the
transportation. The parts to be joined are stem tip must either be lifted there or the
first secured with cleats, tack-welded and deflection of the cantilever must be
finally welded and the cleats removed. The compensated for by raising the previous
previously unwelded fillet welds are then bearings (Figure 9.2.31).
re-welded. The joints of the longitudinal Cantilevering can be carried out from
stiffeners are closed with welded fitting an edge span to one side or from an inner
pieces, which are usually cut to size on site. span to both sides. In the case of bridges
In the case of hollow stiffeners, the butt with pronounced large openings, e.g.
welds of the fitting pieces are welded either current bridges, cantilevering is carried
on inserted shims or on inserted transverse out from both sides simultaneously or one
bulkheads as bath protection. As the after the other up to the center of the
corrosion protection is destroyed during bridge, where the bridge structure is closed.
welding, the corrosion protection must be Closing must be carried out at the same
reworked from the ground up in the areas height and tangent. This can be achieved
affected by the welds. by selecting the appropriate moment
distribution, by lifting at the adjacent
supports or by locally applying a bending
9.2.3 Cantilever construction moment (possibly also a shear force) with
hydraulic jacks. The advantage of
Cantilever erection is the name given to assembling the two load-bearing parts one
the longitudinally oriented erection after the other is that it is possible to make
method in which, after the first, so-called do with one prefabrication device, which is
stand bay has been erected, the other bays transferred to the second load-bearing
are connected one after the other at the part after assembly of the first. The
location of the final position over further disadvantage is the longer (approximately
distances, possibly with the involvement of double) assembly time (Fig. 9.2.32).
a few auxiliary supports. The lifting gear In the case of cantilever construction,
can travel under the bridge or (usually) on longitudinally divided main beams can
the bridge. The individual parts of a bay also be installed for large web heights.
are generally moved forward over the However, assembly stresses are "frozen"
already installed bridge beam. The parts of here, which must be taken into account
a bay are connected freely suspended in when verifying the beams.
the lifting gear. First, the longitudinally Particularly in the case of cantilever
oriented main girders are suspended and mounting, it is necessary to lay out the
connected to the preceding, already beams of adjacent bays with shape and
assembled span in a bending and shear- length adjustment as described in the
resistant manner. The intermediate and previous section. During assembly, the
cantilevered parts are connected to the distances between the fitting marks or
main beams, usually longitudinally fitting lugs must be precisely maintained
oriented, sometimes also transversely (fitting screws). The theoretical bending
oriented. After the assembly of a bay, the line must be compared with the actual
lifting gears traveling on the bridge deck beam shape after installation of each bay.
are turned over. In the event of deviations, these errors can
be corrected with the subsequent shots.
9.2 Steel bridges
Fig. 9.2.3-1 Cantilever of a beam bridge, Rhine bridge Wiesbaden-Schierstein [Weitz, 1975].

912 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.3-2 One and two-sided cantilever of a beam bridge [Weitz, 1975].

Figure 9.2.3-3 Bar-wise cantilever of a truss bridge in the side span, Brunsbüttel elevated bridge
over the Kiel Canal
9.2 Steel bridges 913

Figure 9.2.3-4 Bar-wise cantilever of a truss bridge up to the middle of the bridge, Brunsbüttel high
bridge over the Kiel Canal

be balanced. Particular attention must be parts from a lifting platform that travels
paid to the shape if parts of the cross- on the support cables. The complete
section (e.g. cover plate) are connected by cross-section of a bay is usually assembled
welds and other parts (e.g. webs and and mounted on the pontoons.
bottom chords) with GV tab joints.
Shrinkage of the weld can lead to a
considerable deviation from the target
geometry. For this reason, the shape of the
supporting structure must be checked
continuously during assembly and
corrected if necessary.
The cantilever method is particularly
suitable for solid walls and trusses. For
trusses of low height, main girder "walls"
are prefabricated, for trusses of great
height, cantilever construction is carried
out rod by rod (Figures 9.2.33 to
Cable-stayed bridges are also
excellently suited for cantilever
construction if the side opening can be
erected on some auxiliary supports, then
the pylon is built and finally the parts of
the large opening are assembled in
cantilever construction, each with cable
support (Figure 9.2.36).
The cantilevering of the beam of Figure 9.2.3-5 Free cantilever of a top chord
suspension bridges is usually carried out member, Brunsbüttel High Bridge over the
by raising the beams floated onto Kiel Canal
914 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.3-6 Cantilever of a cable-stayed bridge, Rhine bridge Düsseldorf Oberkassel [Beyer et
al., 1977].
9.2 Steel bridges 915

9.2.4 Longitudinal insertion (launching) assembly on the assembly site always takes
place in the same place under the same
With longitudinal insertion, the bridge is conditions, which may well be similar to the
assembled in the axis of the supporting assembly conditions in the workshop. This
structure on an assembly station starting assembly station can be equipped with a
with the first spans and pushed crane (usually a gantry crane) and
longitudinally into the axis (Figure enclosed for welder and corrosion
9.2.41). protection work (Figures 9.2.42 and
Longitudinal displacement is a very 9.2.43).
economical installation method, as the
feed is

Figure 9.2.4-1 Longitudinal insertion of a beam bridge, U6 bridge over the Danube in Vienna

Fig. 9.2.4-2 Assembly site with gantry crane, U6 bridge over the Danube in Vienna
916 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.4-3 Assembly of two spans, U6 bridge over the Danube in Vienna

Of course, only bridge beams with a required to reach the first pillar.
circular or straight axis in plan can be In order to lighten the feed tip, either a
inserted longitudinally. The method is displacement beak is used or all cross-
particularly suitable for pa parallel chord sectional parts that are not required for
continuous beams over several spans. the load-bearing capacity at the feed tip are
The assembly site is usually located omitted and only inserted after the end of
behind the abutment, where the chamber the longitudinal displacement (Figure
walls are initially omitted. With this 9.2.44).
assembly method, the parts can be With the same spans, the thrust buckle
assembled and adjusted directly at the has the disadvantage that the maximum
assembly site. One or two auxiliary moments of force in the first span do not
supports are usually installed between the occur at the point where the maximum
assembly site and the first pier. support moment occurs. Therefore

Fig. 9.2.4-4 Longitudinal displacement of a girder bridge with feed beak, U6 bridge over the Danube in
9.2 Steel bridges 917

the second method of lightening is often In longitudinal displacement, the

chosen in steel construction. Another rolling or sliding of moving parts on
method of strengthening the cantilever is to supports has a significant influence. Roller
use an auxiliary span. Longitudinal carriages can be used for support forces of
displacement can be continuous, if the up to around 1000 kN. As the hardened
displacement bearings are arranged under rollers of the roller carriages can easily
the main girder webs, or discontinuous, if break if overloaded, especially if the edge
the bridge is supported on the cross girder pressures are too high, it is advisable to
or under the main girder - cross girder place them on elastomeric mounting
junction. Continuous longitudinal bearings. For higher forces, only bearings
displacement, which is predominantly used on sliding surfaces are possible. The
today, has the advantage that longer sliding pairing with the lowest friction is
distances, or at least the length of a span, the pairing of PTFE
can be displaced without interruption, but (polytetrafluoroethylene) with high-alloy
has the disadvantage that any point of each chromium-nickel steels, e.g. X 5 CrNiMo
span becomes a support point and the 1810 with a polished surface, whereby the
support force must be introduced into the coefficient of friction can be reduced to
web. Continuous longitudinal displacement well below 1% through suitable
also manages with a relatively short lubrication. This is always possible with
displacement path. Discontinuous discontinuous displacement, as the
longitudinal displacement always takes slideways can be covered with a polished
place via the spacing of the cross beams or high-alloy sheet. This is not possible with
via the spacing of the truss nodes on a carriage continuous displacement, which is why
over a displacement path that is at least the the coated, well-lubricated underside of
length of this spacing. The supporting the steel carrier usually slides over the
structure is then lifted, the bearings pushed PTFE of the bearing. The PTFE should
back, the supporting structure set down and therefore be chambered on a plate so that
pushed further. The advantage of continuous it is not pushed out during displacement
longitudinal displacement is that the bearing and the PTFE is not damaged.
points are stiffened and the parts in "Beard formation" is largely avoided. The
between are not localized, as they never torsionally soft mounting of the
become load application points. displacement bearing by arranging an
need to be braced. elastomer mounting bearing is also
recommended here (Figures 9.2.45 and

Fig. 9.2.4-5 Shunting storage in front of the load U6 bridge over the Danube in Vienna
918 9 Production and execution methods

Fig. 9.2.4-6 Shunting warehouse with bridge, U6 bridge over the Danube in Vienna

If the launching takes place over a as low as possible: This includes

navigable water surface, a ship that
a) The transverse displacement of the old
supports the superstructure at a fixed
supporting structure, the detour of
point, is connected to the superstructure
traffic onto the old supporting
in a bending stiffness for stability reasons
structure and the new construction in
and is pushed in longitudinally with the
the existing axis (Figure 9.2.51).
superstructure can be used instead of a
b) The construction of the new
displacement bearing. It should be noted
supporting structure parallel to the
in particular that the support provided by
existing supporting structure, the
the ship is very flexible (soft), while the
transfer of traffic to the new supporting
bearing on displacement bearings is rigid.
structure, the demolition of the old
With statically indeterminate bearings,
supporting structure and the transverse
high stresses can therefore occur on the
displacement of the new supporting
bridge girder due to changes in the water
structure into the existing axis (Figure
level (e.g. waves). In order to be able to
store a bridge structure on a launching
c) The construction of the new
vessel, either the superstructure is stacked
supporting structure parallel to the
from the ship using hydraulic press-
existing supporting structure, the joint
fitting, or the ship is flooded beforehand
transverse thrust of both bridges
and lowered under the superstructure
(Figure 9.2.53).
(Figure 9.2.47).
d) The removal of old structures and the
installation of new structures if a direct
replacement with cranes is not possible
9.2.5 Special procedures
due to lack of space or insufficient crane
capacity. The old support structure
The installation methods for steel bridges
serves as a support when the new
described in sections 9.2.2 to 9.2.4 are the
support structure is pushed in and the
"classic methods". When replacing existing
new support structure serves as a
structures with new ones, with or without
support when the old support structure
retaining the substructures, special
is pushed out.
installation methods are used to minimize
traffic disruption. With methods a) and b), the substructures
of the bridge can also be completely
renewed. In methods c) and d), the
substructures must remain largely intact.
9.2 Steel bridges 919
Method c) has advantages over
d) the advantage that the exchange can be
920 9 Production and execution methods

Production of supporting
structure (8 shots) Shot lengths
approx. 23 m Launching to
Mobile crane

DANUBE Danube Island

Mobile crane (220 t lattice boom) Pylon assembly (5 shots) Launch

the supporting structure up to
approx. 54 m above the pylon
pillar and assemble a further 6
approx. 54 m shots
trailer Mobile crane (130 t)

Barge 1
slewing tower crane Two cables already pre-assembled
1st pontoon docking advance
Swim in approx. 150 m by 67 m takeover 2nd pontoon
Cable advance to end position
67 m

Barge 1 Barge 2 Winch

Activate required cables Flood

and extend pontoon End of
Cables navigation barrier Add
supporting structure (shot 15)

Barge 1Barge 2

End support structure Install

all cables

Prestressed concrete structure

Fig. 9.2.4-7 Sliding and floating a bridge with shunting vessels, Danube city bridge over the Danube
in Vienna [Pauser].

However, it has the disadvantage that the The assembly of the new supporting
new supporting structure must be structure and the dismantling of the old
assembled on scaffolding and the old supporting structure can be carried out on
supporting structure must be dismantled a pre-assembly site with any number of
on scaffolding and the areas on both sides supports. However, scaffolding is required
of the bridge must be available in sufficient for inserting and removing the supporting
size. The procedure structures and for the bearings on the
d) the costs for these scaffolds are piers. In addition, the replacement itself
9.2 Steel bridges 921

Initial state Initial state

Transverse displacement of
the old bridge Traffic detour Construction of the
new bridge

New Transverse displacement of

building both bridges

Final state Demolition of the old

Final state, demolition of the old

Figure 9.2.5-1 Transverse displacement of the Figure 9.2.5-3 Simultaneous removal of the
old support structure and new construction in old and insertion of the new support structure
the existing axis

more complicated than the transverse

Initial state
displacement according to method c).
Well-known examples are for method
New construction on a shifted a) the transverse thrust of the Kronprinz
axis, traffic detour Rudolf Bridge over the Danube in Vienna,
1934, see Figs. 9.2.54 to 9.2.57 (steel), for
method b) the transverse thrust of the
Oberkassel Rhine Bridge in Düsseldorf,
Demolition of the old 1976, see Figs. 9.2.58 to 9.2.511 [Beyer et
bridge al., 1977], for method c) the new
construction of the Trisanna Bridge, 1964,
see Figs.
Transverse thrust of the new bridge, final 9.2.512 to 9.2.514 [Schmid et al., 1964],
state for the procedure d) the replacement by
turning at the Schwarzbachtal bridge in
Wuppertal, 1981, see pictures
9.2.515 to 9.2.522 [Gerhards et al., 1982]
and the replacement of the Kampbrücke
Figure 9.2.5-2 New construction parallel to Zwettl, 1999, see Fig. 9.2.523 to 9.2.530
the existing supporting structure and [Holzinger et al., 1999].
transverse displacement into the old axis
922 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.5-4 Crown Prince Rudolf Bridge over the Danube in Vienna before shunting

Fig. 9.2.5-5 Crown Prince Rudolf Bridge over the Danube in Vienna with preparations for the
transverse shifting

Fig. 9.2.5-6 Crown Prince Rudolf Bridge over the Danube in Vienna after transverse displacement
9.2 Steel bridges 923

Fig. 9.2.5-7 Construction of the old Reichsbrücke bridge next to the transversely displaced
Kronprinz-Rudolf bridge over the Danube in Vienna

Figure 9.2.5-8 Rhine bridge Düsseldorf Oberkassel, new construction in shifted axis. The old bridge
in the background

Figure 9.2.5-9 Rhine bridge Düsseldorf Oberkassel, new bridge in temporary position
924 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.5-10 Rhine bridge Düsseldorf Oberkassel, new bridge in final position

Figure 9.2.5-11 Rhine bridge Düsseldorf Oberkassel, before and after transverse displacement
[Beyer et al., 1977].
9.2 Steel bridges 925

Figure 9.2.5-12 Old Trisanna Bridge [Waagner - Biro]

926 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.5-13 New construction of the Trisanna Bridge and joint transverse thrust of both
bridges [Waagner - Biro].

Figure 9.2.5-14 New Trisanna Bridge [Waagner - Biro]

9.2 Steel bridges 927

Views of the bridge Sections I-I

Superstructure 1Superstructure 2Superstructure 3
Entrance to the new bridge
New bridge

1500 Transport track

old bridge
30180 30180 30080 A B
a 855 905 3000

Lifting beams Lifting beams


n of
tio on
Rotating device (Rhönrad)
ta ti
ro irec

Transport trolley

Rotating device

old bridge

New bridge

Lowering beams Exit of the old bridge Lowering beams

Figure 9.2.5-15 Schwarzbachtal Bridge Wuppertal, assembly overview [Gerhards et al., 1982].
928 9 Production and execution methods

Fig. 9.2.5-16 Schwarzbachtal bridge in Wuppertal, driving in the new supporting structure

Figure 9.2.5-17 Schwarzbachtal bridge in Wuppertal, pulling up the old supporting structure
9.2 Steel bridges 929

Figure 9.2.5-18 Schwarzbachtal bridge Wuppertal, turning process

930 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.5-18 (continued)

Figure 9.2.5-19 Schwarzbachtal Bridge Wuppertal, lowering the new superstructure

9.2 Steel bridges 931

Figure 9.2.5-20 Schwarzbachtal Bridge Wuppertal, between the two superstructures

Figure 9.2.5-21 Schwarzbachtal Bridge Wuppertal, exit of the old bridge

Figure 9.2.5-22 Schwarzbachtal bridge in Wuppertal, cutting up the old bridge

932 9 Production and execution methods

Renewal of the supporting structures of the Zwettler

Kamp Bridge g
-schematic- Pushing out the old TW and setting it down on the outer transport trolley

Zwetti station Martinsberg

a h
Installation of viaduct fastening, installation of cross girder in the old TW, installation of support girder Further pushing out of the old TW and setting it down on the second transport trolley, removal of the old TW
for pillar V1

b i
Assembly of lifting frames and supports Lowering of the new TW onto auxiliary supports, renewal of bridge bearings, dismantling of coupling frame

New TW completed

c j
Moving in the new TW and attaching it to the lifting frames Installation of the coupling frame trolleys in the Martinsberg lifting frame, assembly of cross beams in the next old

d k
Lift the new TW from the transport trolleys, extend the transport trolley Moving the Martinsberg lifting frame, assembly of cross girders in the new TW

e l
Lowering of the new TW, mounting and assembly of the coupling Moving the Zwettler lifting frame, dismantling the abutment fastening
Figure 9.2.5-23 Kampbrücke Zwettl, assembly overview [Holzinger et al.,

9.2 Steel bridges

f c
Lifting the old TW suspended from the new TW Moving in the new TW and attaching it to the lifting frames

a Mast, side view

Figure 9.2.5-

b Lifting scaffold, old supporting c Coupling frame
Assembly situation analogous to figure f. structure suspended from the lifted
new supporting structure
Kampbrücke Zwettl, lifting frame overview [Holzinger et al., 1999].

New supporting
structure raised to the

Maximum stroke
Old supporting structure,

suspended from the new

9 Production and execution methods

supporting structure

clearance limits

Bridge transport trolley

New supporting
structure already

Support beam
on pillars VI and VIII
9.2 Steel bridges 933

Figure 9.2.5-25 Kampbrücke Zwettl, view of the old bridge [Holzinger et al., 1999].

Fig. 9.2.5-26 Kampbrücke Zwettl, assembly of the new supporting structure on the station site
[Holzinger et al., 1999].

Figure 9.2.5-27 Kampbrücke Zwettl, driving in the new supporting structure

934 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.2.5-28 Kampbrücke Zwettl, lifting of the two supporting structures

Figure 9.2.5-29 Kampbrücke Zwettl, removal of the old supporting structure

Figure 9.2.5-30 Kampbrücke Zwettl, new supporting structure installed, displacement of the left frame
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 935
9.3 Bridges in composite However, composite bridges are often
and mixed construction more competitive than steel and
prestressed concrete bridges, as there are
ULRIKE KUHLMANN significant cost advantages compared to
and ANNETTE DETZEL steel bridges due to the absence of the
orthotropic slab, while offering the same
9.3.1 Fabrication and assembly of steel advantages during assembly.
superstructure Depending on the size and span of the
bridge structure, there are two basic General information assembly procedures for the steel
superstructure: assembly by lifting in and
In many cases, the excellent production assembly by cantilever and/or
and assembly possibilities of steel longitudinal displacement.
superstructures lead to the decision to use
a composite bridge: Composite bridges are
often used to cross rivers, canals, busy Assembly by lifting in
highways and railroad lines, i.e. where the
erection of fixed earth-bound falsework As a rule, the steel structure of the
for the construction of standard concrete composite bridge is delivered in large
bridges is difficult and costly. prefabricated assembly units by heavy-
The example of railroad overpasses duty transport, especially for small to
over the A4 near Cologne is typical of medium spans and few spans. Mobile
such a situation, see Section, Figure cranes or, in the case of water crossings,
5.2.31 [Kuhlmann, 1995]. Located directly floating cranes lift the parts onto the
above the highway in the Cologne ring auxiliary bearings prepared on piers and
road, intermediate support from below abutments. The construction site joints are
during concreting was not possible. The closed off by light work scaffolding in the
steel structure was mounted on auxiliary immediate joint area.
supports in the bearing axes during a brief The formwork substructure is suspended
closure next to the old structure, which was from the steel girders. These formwork
still in use. Traffic on the highway was scaffolds are often used simultaneously as
then able to continue unhindered. The working and safety scaffolds. The actual
concrete slab was concreted, with the formwork is erected. The composite slab
formwork supported by the steel girders is reinforced and concreted in one go or in
spanning freely over the highway, and once sections. Once the formwork has been
the slab was complete, the composite removed, the finishing work is carried out,
superstructure was moved into its final such as concreting the caps and, if
position. necessary, the protective concrete, laying
Composite bridges therefore offer the gravel or asphalt, installing the railings,
possibility of using their steel girders as a etc.
kind of Some features of this approach are
"formwork girders" to overcome the spans explained below using examples.
with little or no additional support. The The railroad bridges of the Melk bypass
manufacture and assembly of the steel (see also Chapter [Pommer, 1995],
superstructure of composite bridges is [Glatzl/Pommer, 1995], [Glatzl, 1997] span
similar to the manufacture and assembly over 31 m to 79 m. The steel girders were
of pure steel bridges. All pre-assembled to a length of 25 m in the
workshop and installed using special
936 9 Production and execution methods

transported to the construction site. There, bearing. Figure 9.31 shows the lifting of
two to three sections were welded together the middle section, which was suspended
on the ground and lifted onto the finished between the cantilevers of the side
piers and abutments with mobile cranes sections using top chord cleats.
and welded together (see Figure 4.21). This method is not suitable for large
The concrete carriageway was concreted spans and larger bridges with several
in an elevated position above the steel spans. Assembly methods such as
structure to achieve pre-tensioning. Using cantilever or incremental launching,
the so-called pilgrim step method, first the which are also known from steel bridge
field areas and then the support areas construction and concrete bridge
were concreted in order to avoid tensile construction, are then used.
stresses from the concrete's own weight in
the support area. The superstructure was
only lowered into the final position once Assembly by cantilever
the creep and shrinkage effects had been and/or sliding
largely reduced in order to minimize the
negative effect on the prestressing forces. For large spans and fields that
A floating crane is often used to lift the z. If the bridge cannot be reached by crane
superstructure components for waterway because the valley floor is too deep, for
crossings. For example, to minimize example, the steel structure can be
assembly costs, the steel superstructure of assembled as a cantilever or pushed in
the Moselle bridge Bernkastel-Kues lengthwise. For insertion, it is
[Kuhlmann, 1996] was permanently advantageous if the spans have similar
assembled in the factory into three large spans and the bridge span is straight or has
components 7.5 m wide and approx. 50 m a constant curvature. When designing the
long. Three ships transported the bridge cross-section, the formation of a haunch
sections by water to Bernkastel. There, the should also be avoided if possible.
parts were unloaded one after the other, One bridge where the steel structure was
first the cantilevered side spans, then the inserted longitudinally is the Dilltal bridge
center section, using a floating crane and near Haiger in Hesse [Pelke, 2000] with
placed on the auxiliary spans of 45 m-85 m and a

Figure 9.3-1 Moselle bridge Bernkastel-Kues: Lifting in the middle steel girder
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 937
Radius of 750 m in plan. The bridge cross- transversely prestressed and
section is made up of a trapezoidal steel longitudinally loosely reinforced
trough and cantilevered roadway slab. The composite slabs. Both consist of two
individual parts - sheet metal, webs and separate superstructures, each with a
bracing - were delivered from the factory single-cell box with inclined webs. They
to the construction site and welded were both erected on existing piers to
together into 15 m long sections in a replace old superstructures.
specially constructed assembly hall. These Due to the great heights of the piers
sections were joined at the feed stations above the valley floor of up to 70 m, both
behind the two abutments (they were bridges could only be assembled by
inserted from two sides) to form 80 m longitudinal insertion. While only the
long sections, which were then inserted in steel structure was inserted in Siebenlehn,
cycles (Fig. 9.32). Some of the piers of the the entire composite bridge structure with
old bridge could still be used as auxiliary slab was moved in Wilkau-Haßlau. This
piers for the launching. In the middle of the took advantage of the fact that with spans of
bridge, both halves were welded together to a maximum of 110 m, auxiliary supports
form a continuous girder. The carriageway were already necessary in the middle of
slab was also constructed here with the aid the span for the demolition of the old
of a formwork carriage using the pilgrim superstructure.
step method. Due to the tight deadline situation, the
Further examples of high viaducts that contractors decided to use a special cycle
were inserted into the network are the two production method for the Wilkau-
bridges Siebenlehn over the Frei berger Haßlau viaduct, see Figure 9.33.
Mulde (spans approx. 2 × 71.4 - 81.6 - The production line consisted of three
71.4 - 61.2 - 56.1 m) and Wilkau parts:
Haßlau over the Zwickauer Mulde (span
width approx. 55 - 2 × 110 - 3 × 99 - 88 • In the steel construction hall, the
m), [Seifried/Stetter, 1996]. Both bridges elements prefabricated in the workshop
have were assembled together, four elements
per steel section.

Figure 9.3-2 Dilltal bridge Haiger, incremental launching from two sides (Source: Hessian State Office
for Roads and Transportation)
938 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.3-3 Cycle production line for the Wilkau-Haßlau viaduct

elements: two base plate elements with used as formwork. In both cases, loads are
web connection and two web elements transferred to the steel structure during
with top chord and head bolt dowels. the concreting process, the introduction
• The sand blasting and coating work and follow-up of which are relevant to the
was carried out in the air-conditioned design of part of the steel structure, such as
corrosion protection hall. cross beams and transverse frames. With
• The concrete slab was formed, regard to the proposed formwork concept,
reinforced, concreted and prestressed detailed coordination between the concrete
in the concreting hall, with 20 construction and steel construction
concreting cycles at a rate of approx. 33 partners must therefore take place at an
m per week. early stage of planning.
The optimal coordination of all individual
processes of steel construction assembly, Formwork with fixed formwork
corrosion protection measures, composite scaffolding or formwork carriage
slab construction and shifting brought not
only economic but also decisive time In addition to vertical loads from the
advantages for the Wilkau-Haßlau viaduct. weight of the formwork and fresh
This aspect is particularly important in the concrete or traffic loads from construction
construction of busy highway bridges. operations, horizontal forces are also
always transferred via the introduction
points between the formwork and the
9.3.2 Formwork and production steel structure: These include wind and
of concrete roadway slab stabilization loads, but also lateral fresh
concrete pressure. Tracking these General information horizontal loads in the steel structure is
crucial because the cross-section still lacks
There are two basic methods for the closed concrete deck slab in the
producing the roadway slab. Either the concreting stage, which provides the
concrete slab is completely concreted on necessary stiffness in the horizontal
site with the help of a formwork scaffold direction in the final state. When
or a formwork carriage, or precast constructing composite bridges, it is
concrete parts are used. therefore particularly important to ensure
that the pure steel structure is sufficiently
stabilized in the horizontal direction.
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 939
The form of cross frames or even the formwork construction of the
assembly bracings should be taken into Wilhelmsburg Bridge in Hamburg. The
account. These should be positioned as tensile forces resulting from the cantilever
close as possible to the components to be moment are transferred to the transverse
stabilized, such as the steel girder top frames via bolted connections on the main
chords under compressive stress. On the girder web and are also short-circuited
other hand, required cross beams should across the width of the box using
also be arranged sufficiently deep in the drawbars made of reinforcing steel. The
cross-section so as not to hinder the compressive forces are transferred via the
forming process. Open cross-sections are cross girders and assembly pressure
to be preferred with regard to production members.
with formwork scaffolding or scaffolding, Fixed formwork scaffolding is generally
as in contrast to the box cross-section, the only used for bridge lengths that can be
working space is not restricted and the concreted in one go. For longer bridges
projecting steel girder chords enable with constant cross-sections, the concrete
simple support of the formwork deck can be produced more economically
construction. Figure 9.34 shows an with the aid of formwork carriages, see
example of an underslung falsework girder Figure 9.36.
that is supported on the bottom chord While the internal formwork is moved
near the web via a cantilever construction. on slides that rest on the cross girders, the
The cantilever shafts can also be easily cantilever formwork is supported at points
supported in this way. on the steel girder top chords at the
For composite box cross-sections, the locations of the cross frames via supports
cantilever formwork must be attached to that are later concreted in.
the outside of the unclosed steel box. More recent developments have shown
Figure 9.35 shows an example that some viaducts with single-cell boxes

Figure 9.3-4 Falsework girder with cantilever formwork

Figure 9.3-5 Wilhelmsburg Bridge, formwork construction

940 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.3-6 Formwork carriage for a composite bridge

The formwork carriage structure for the For the spans of up to 32 m, the
cantilevers is only suspended at the clearance limits and track position meant
bottom, as in the case of the Schwarza that the construction height of 1.34 m was
viaduct [DEGES, 2001]. It is only attached already quite low. Due to the limited
to the outer longitudinal girder of the construction height - the steel boxes are
cantilever and to the box girder. The only around 1.10 m high - an inspection
absence of formwork beams above the platform was installed on rails to inspect
composite slab prevents the slab from the structure.
being penetrated by the elevations and Similar difficulties, such as those
allows unhindered inputs on the surface to encountered due to the low construction
be concreted. height when inspecting the inside of the
box, would also have arisen when
removing the inner formwork after Concrete slab with precast elements concreting the composite slab. Precast
concrete parts were therefore used as
As the following example shows, precast permanent formwork,
elements are particularly suitable as i.e. the precast concrete parts were not
formwork elements for composite box taken into account for the load-bearing
cross-sections. In the course of the A4 capacity of the composite slab.
railroad overpasses near Cologne, see With such low construction heights in
section 5.2.3 [Kuhlmann, 1995], the railroad particular, reducing the effective cross-
overpass structure 231A was also renewed, section by 5 to 8 cm of the non-interacting
see Fig. precast elements while simultaneously
9.37. The system in the ground plan is a increasing the weight is not an optimal
continuous girder over two fields, which solution. A better alternative, which is
lies in a strong curvature: The average particularly suitable for small and
radius of curvature is approx. 350 m. As a medium spans, is the use of large-area
result, the cross-section was designed with formwork elements, such asthosedeveloped
two single-cell steel boxes and a continuous by SchüßlerPlan [Schmackpfeffer, 1999].
composite slab. Approximately 10 cm thick semi-finished
concrete slabs are placed on the
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 941

Figure 9.3-7 Cross-section BW 231A

Steel girders are laid on top. They replace This is achieved by using double
the formwork and are simultaneously dowels. Once the precast slabs have
integrated into the final composite slab. In been laid, the longitudinal and
the areas between the webs, the plates transverse joints, including the dowel
span in the transverse direction. There are recesses, are grouted.
two types: simple plates that span between 3. In order to be able to absorb any
the inner longitudinal beams in the tolerances and to seal the joint, the
transverse direction and cantilevered plates prefabricated parts are supported on
that rest on the outer and the first inner narrow elastomer strips on the steel
beam. So that these cantilevered panels girders.
can be laid on the outer beam, the dowel
For the type designs belonging to the
pins are arranged in groups and
large-area formwork, cross beams are only
corresponding dowel recesses are provided
required in the bearing axes. These cross
in the panels, see Fig. 9.312. The following
beams can be made of steel,
special features characterize these large-
i.e. as a composite beam in the transverse
area formwork elements (see Fig. 9.38):
direction, as well as in concrete only. If the
1. In the case of the panels, thrust transverse girder is made of concrete, as
securing is via a thrust garland without shown in Fig. 9.310, it makes sense to
an upper cross stake. There is therefore interrupt the steel longitudinal girders as
no need to thread the reinforcement. planned. The negative column moment in
The bond joint is assumed to be fully the longitudinal beam is then absorbed via a
load-bearing for the final cross-section. force couple with a centrally acting tensile
2. The composite effect in the force in the concrete chord and a
longitudinal direction is already corresponding compressive force at the
effective for the intermediate state of level of the steel beam bottom chord. The
the steel girder/precast element tensile force in the concrete is only absorbed
composite. This is by the longitudinal reinforcement in the
slab. He
942 9 Production and execution methods




Fig. 9.3-8 Large-area formwork elements: a) two-span steel girder for service road;
b) four-cell steel girder for RQ 10.5; c) single-cell box for service road; d) three-cell box for RQ 10
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 943

Figure 9.3-8 (continued)



35 380 35


Figure 9.3-9 Detail of steel girder support with double dowels, shear garland and elastomer strips

If the compressive force is transmitted via This results in a continuous effect, i.e. the
the concrete of the cross beam, the force is transfer of bending moments above the
distributed over a larger area via a thick column, on the inner columns even
head plate. The transverse force is during construction. This has a favorable
transferred via dowel pins. In the case of effect on the load on the steel girders and
interrupted beams, these are attached to thus on the steel weight.
head plates on the longitudinal beam Cross beams made of concrete simplify
ends. During assembly, concreting the the construction process on site if the steel
cross beams and creating a tension- beams can be delivered in complete units
compression coupling and no structural steelwork is required.
944 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.3-10 Cross-section of concrete cross

beam with top plate

work is no longer required on the [Schmitt et al., 2000] and [Schmitt et al.,
construction site. 2004]. In prestressed concrete bridge
Figures 9.311 and 9.312 show two small construction, the use of multi-web precast
bridges north of Ravensburg with a span slab girders including wide top chords as
of 28 m, which were developed based on formwork for the in-situ concrete slab has
the type design, as an example of this type been known for years. This idea was
of partial prefabrication. In order to hold transferred to composite construction. The
the precast slabs in the cantilever area, precast element consists of a steel girder
they were designed to be continuous over with a prefabricated concrete flange, which
the edge girder. Corresponding recesses stabilizes the girder during transport and
were provided in the precast elements for installation and also serves as formwork
the dowel pins arranged in groups. When for the site-cast concrete slab. Compared
concreting the continuous in-situ to a conventional prestressed concrete
concrete slab, these groups of dowels were girder with the same stiffness, the
also cast. The VFT construction method composite girder has a significantly lower
for composite bridges in the small to weight, which makes transportation and
medium span range goes one step further assembly of the precast elements easier
in terms of prefabrication [Doss et al., (Fig. 9.313).
2001], Production and assembly are carried
out in three steps:
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 945

Fig. 9.3-11 BW 1 near Ravensburg, steel girder with shear stud dowel

1. Production of the steel girders in the tensions are imprinted in the carrier.
steelworks: the dowel pins required for 3. Assembly on site: The precast element is
the bond are attached to the top lifted onto the auxiliary yokes with a
chords. The dowel pins have different crane and the in-situ concrete slab is
heights in order to create a bond with concreted. Due to the already existing
the precast element flange as well as top chord, assembly reinforcement is
with the in-situ concrete layer. not required during concreting.
2. Production of the precast top chord:
As a special example, Figure 9.314 shows a
The steel girder is formed. The top
design as a frame structure. In the
chord is reinforced and concreted. The
overpass for the Per lachUnterhaching
steel girder is supported in such a way
state road over the A8 federal highway,
that no
the VFT superstructure is rigidly
integrated into the abutments. This made it
possible to bridge 42.7 m with very
slender girders without central support.
As there are no bearings and roadway
transitions, the bridge is less maintenance-
intensive than a girder bridge solution. The
prefabricated construction method enabled
an extremely short construction time of
just four months after the contract was
awarded, without restricting highway
The design of a composite girder is
Figure 9.3-12 BW 1, dowel groups in precast based on a similar idea to the VFT
element recess construction method.
946 9 Production and execution methods




Weight t per m

Gt per m width



Composite FT
10,0 Gt per m

15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 40,0 45,0 50,0
Carrier length in m

Figure 9.3-13 Comparison of the transport weights of precast prestressed concrete elements and
VFT beams [Schmitt et al., 2000].

Figure 9.3-14 PerlachUnterhaching frame structure

without a steel top flange [Kuhlmann/ for anchors arranged horizontally or close
Maier, 2002]. In addition to the dowel to the edge, which can generate splitting
holes, there is no need for the less effective tensile forces, can now be found in Annex
steel top chord and with it the expensive A of DIN 188005:20073. The new DIN
longitudinal welds. The web protrudes Technical Report 104, 2009 edition, also
into the two slab parts made of precast refers to this rule. Further explanations on
concrete part and in-situ concrete. The the stakes involved in the handling of
bonding effect is created by horizontal horizontal anchors or anchors arranged
dowels welded to the web. Various close to the edge can be found in
research papers provide information on [Kürschner/Kuhlmann, 2005].
the load-bearing capacity of horizontal The first implementation of this type of
dowel pins lying in thin concrete slabs or construction took place during the
close to the edge [Breuninger/Kuhlmann, renewal of a farm road bridge near
2001], [Kürschner, 2003] and [Kuhlmann/ Münsingen in the course of the B465 in
Raichle, 2005]. Rules for considering the the area of the Tübingen Regional
reduced anchor load-bearing capacity Council, cf.
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 947
width between the abutments of 26.0 m and These precast composite girders were then
is 4.5 m wide between the railings. The placed on the abutments as single-span
haunched superstructure of the two-span beams. The abutments were then
slab girder tapers in its construction height concreted up to the top edge of the precast
from approx. 2.0 m at the abutment to element to create the first frame structure.
approx. 0.8 m in the middle of the span, The 20 cm thick site-cast concrete slab
while the thickness of the concrete slab and the last piece of abutment were then
remains constant. First, a 10 cm to 18 cm added to form the final frame. For the
thick precast slab was concreted to the two bonding effect with the site-cast concrete,
steel girders in the factory. The connection a second row of horizontal headed dowels
was made using a bottom row of was arranged on the web, see Fig. 9.316.
horizontal dowel pins.

Figure 9.3-15 Cross-section of the farm road bridge near Münsingen

Figure 9.3-16 Horizontal headed studs before concreting the in-situ concrete layer
948 9 Production and execution methods

Initial considerations have also been 9.3.3 Influence of the construction process
given to using this design in conjunction
with trapezoidally profiled web plates, see Tare weight composite
[FOSTA P645, 2008]. By dispensing with
the steel top chord here too and allowing As bridges are generally designed
only the profiled web plate to project into according to the elastic limit states, precise
the concrete, it is possible on the one hand monitoring of the load layer is of great
to dispense with the elaborate anchoring of importance. The system during concreting
the steel top chord in the concrete influences the distribution of internal
required by the transverse bending forces between the steel and the composite
stiffness of the web (compare the cross-section. A specific distribution of
structurally difficult solution for the internal forces can be set by selecting a
Altwipfergrund viaduct pilot bridge, suitable system for the concreting process.
[Roesler/Denzer 1999]). On the other hand, Here is an example from the Central
the profiled plate itself acts as doweling and Waterways and Shipping Directorate:
leads to a considerable increase in load- Bridge No. 71, see Figure 9.317, is a
bearing capacity in the composite joint. single-span beam that carries the L104
The degree of prefabrication of the deck highway over the branch canal near
slab therefore has a major influence on the Osnabrück [Kuhl mann, 1995]. The bridge
cost-effectiveness and possibly also on the has a span of 47 m and a conical girder
design of the composite bridge. shape.

Figure 9.3-17 Bridge no. 71

9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 949
The bridge cross-section is a two-span only 6.6 MNm. The proportion of
plate girder, which is braced by transverse bending moments that loaded the pure
frames at intervals of approx. 8 m. steel girder was therefore considerably
During concreting in the construction reduced.
phase, the bridge was not supported on Once the concrete had hardened, the
the abutments but on the auxiliary auxiliary supports were released. As a
supports shown in Fig. 9.317. These result, in addition to the removal loads
auxiliary supports were arranged 7 m such as caps and asphalt weight, the
inwards, so that the free span was shortened superimposed loads from the auxiliary
to 33 m. The main part of the dead load supports acted as loads on the lattice girder.
from the steel weight, formwork weight and This resulted in a relatively high dead load
above all the fresh concrete load acted on moment of 13.1 MNm. This moment then
this cantilever system. As a result, the stressed the composite cross-section with
maximum bending moment in the middle the finished concrete slab.
of the girder was not approx. 17 MNm as The use of the auxiliary supports thus
with a bearing at the ends of the bridge, reduced the bending moment component,
but which loaded the pure steel girder, from

Figure 9.3-18 Moment distribution bridge no. 71

950 9 Production and execution methods

over 50% to only 20% of the total design nual support of the steel girder during
moment. In contrast, the dead load concreting, so that the entire load
moment on the composite cross-section moment is absorbed by the composite
increased by approx. 30% to 41% of the cross-section. However, such a
total moment. As a result of the assembly construction method is only possible in
process, therefore, approx. 30% of the exceptional cases. The bridge over the main
total moment was absorbed by the road in Horrem in the area of the Cologne
composite cross-section instead of the Federal Railroad Directorate, see Fig.
pure steel cross-section. 9.319, is such an example.
This targeted transfer of the dead load As part of the expansion of the L163,
moment from the pure steel cross-section the railroad overpass over the main road in
to the composite cross-section is also Horrem near Cologne had to be renewed.
referred to as a self-weight composite. Instead of the tendered single-span multi-
Such a self-weight composite allows track steel deck bridge, a special design
structural members whose dimensions are was executed in composite construction.
mainly derived from the structural The traffic conditions were particularly
condition, such as the steel girders, to be difficult. Road traffic on the main road in
designed considerably smaller. In Horrem had to be maintained during the
structure no. 71, for example, the top chord entire construction period and could only
area at the maximum stressed point in the be closed for short crane operations at the
center of the girder is only approx. 40% of end of the week. The two main tracks of
the bottom chord area. Accordingly, the the Cologne-Aachen line, a passing siding
total steel weight in relation to the bridge and a pull-out track were located on the
area for structure no. 71 is comparatively bridge. The two main tracks in particular
low at 152 kg/m2 . could only be interrupted for one night at
The targeted relocation of the a time to replace the superstructure.
The transfer of dead load stress from the The bridge cross-section, see Figure
pure steel cross-section to the composite 9.319, was adapted to these assembly
cross-section therefore enables a very conditions. It consists of six individual
economical design. The most economical superstructures, each with two main
solution is achieved by means of a girders.
complete self-weight composite, i.e. by a

Figure 9.3-19 Railroad overpass in Horrem

9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 951
like. The joints and joint divisions load internal forces are taken in a statically
between the superstructures were made in unbalanced longitudinal system. For
such a way that the four tracks each came example, by concreting the support cross-
to lie exactly on one of these individual sections in succession, the so-called
superstructures. pilgrim step method, the concrete slab
The composite superstructures were above the column is only subjected to
completely prefabricated on a pre- tensile stress from removal loads and
assembly site with a concrete slab. The old traffic loads. This measure, which is
superstructure parts were then excavated intended to limit the crack width in the
and the new composite superstructures reinforced, non-prestressed concrete slab
were installed in three overnight crane above the column, requires a very time-
operations. Immediately after installation, consuming and costly process of moving
the individual superstructures were ready the formwork carriage forwards and
for traffic again. The joints in the central backwards. The question arises as to
cross girder and the two end cross girders whether composite bridges of equivalent
were only closed later - then already quality but at lower cost can be achieved by
under traffic - to create the girder grid careful sealing of the roadway against de-
system. With a span of only around 20 m, icing salt, constructively sensible
the individual weight of the superstructure reinforcement or, where possible, limited
was still less than 100 t despite the pre-tensioning.
concrete slab, so that lifting with a
reasonably sized crane was still possible.
The transportation options, i.e. the pre-tension
dimensions and weight of the individual
superstructures, made it possible to use a The choice of prestressing in the concrete
composite construction. The steel- slab is also of great importance with
concrete composite slab was an regard to production. Pre-tensioning can
economically favorable alternative be carried out in the longitudinal and
primarily because it could be erected on transverse directions or in one direction
the pre-assembly site with formwork only. Prestressing in the longitudinal
continuously supported from below. Only direction can be achieved both with the
after the prefabricated superstructure had help of tendons and by assembly measures.
been lifted into place did the entire The advantages and disadvantages must be
construction weight act on the system and weighed up anew for each construction
thus on the composite cross-section. With task.
this complete self-weight composite, the With standard slab thicknesses of 30 to
optimum distribution of internal forces in 35 cm, tendon prestressing in both slab
the composite cross-section was achieved directions is structurally difficult to
for the design. The ratio of the top chord achieve. The reinforcement density in two
area of the steel cross-section to its tendon directions, the additional slack
bottom chord area was only approx. 25%. reinforcement required and any
Similar to the support during installations for drainage and the like make
concreting, the sequence of the concreting it difficult to place and compact the
sections or the subsequent closing of concrete. In principle, tendon prestressing
joints, i.e. construction site joints, can also should therefore only ever be provided in
influence the internal stress state in the one bridge direction, longitudinally or
composite cross-section and the transversely.
distribution of the inherent stresses. The Arminiusstrasse bridge, built by
Dörnen Stahlbauwerke, Dort
952 9 Production and execution methods

mund, and Hochtief, Dortmund, on Bernkastel and Kues. The superstructure

behalf of the City of Dortmund, is an consists of a two-cell steel box girder with a
example of this [Kuhlmann, 1995] (Figure common central web and a continuous
9.320). concrete roadway slab. By supporting the
The Arminiusstrasse bridge has a three webs, it was possible to dispense with
typical two-span slab girder cross-section. transverse prestressing of the slab. The
The two main girders are 7 m apart and bridge is longitudinally prestressed by
the cantilever length is 3.75 m. Due to tendons. The girder height varies between
these support conditions, the deck slab is 2 m and 4.3 m.
prestressed with tendons in the transverse The static system and the concreting
direction of the bridge. However, tendon process generate particularly high support
prestressing in the longitudinal direction moments at the piers, i.e. high tensile
of the bridge was deliberately omitted. forces in the deck slab at the top and high
Instead, longitudinal prestressing was compressive forces in the bottom chord.
created by assembly measures. The high tensile forces in the track slab are
The bridge was concreted in an elevated overpressed by the longitudinal pre-tension.
position. After the concrete had hardened, The high compressive forces in the bottom
the bridge was lowered by approx. 30 cm chord are not absorbed by a thick, tightly
at the piers as planned, creating a braced steel plate, as is usually the case, but
compressive prestress in the roadway slab by a double composite cross-section with a
via the inner supports. The required concrete floor slab. It is approx. 29 m long
reinforcing steel (on the inner supports) and between 25 and 50 cm thick.
was thus significantly reduced. However, The construction process for the bridge
such pre-tensioning, whether by lowering or is explained using the schematic diagram
tendons, not only generates compressive in Figure 9.321. First, the three parts of
stress in the slab, but also tensile stress in the steel superstructure were assembled in
the steel girder bottom chord, and not only the factory as large components, each 7.5
above the supports, but also in the field m wide and approx. 50 m long, using a
area, which is already subject to tensile floating crane. The middle section was
stress. As a result of such a lowering suspended between the previously placed
measure for prestressing, the steel girder side sections. Once the construction site
bottom chord must usually be reinforced. joints had been welded, the bearings at the
Another example of longitudinal ends of the bridge were dismantled to
prestressing, but in this case with tendons, expose the superstructure at the
is the Moselle bridge, which was renewed abutments.
in 1995 between

Figure 9.3-20 Cross-section of the Arminiusstrasse bridge

9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 953

25 cm 25 cm

Figure 9.3-21 Moselle bridge Bernkastel-Kues construction sequence

By setting it free, a clear, statically After lifting, the end cross girders were
determined system was available for the concreted, the bearings installed and the
subsequent concreting processes. bridge fitted with caps and asphalt. Traffic
Concrete was then poured symmetrically could then be diverted from the old
to the piers. This began with the Moselle bridge to the new bridge. The old
concreting of the concrete floor slabs and bridge was then demolished. Its piers and
the pier cross girders and continued in the abutments were refurbished and prepared
same way when concreting the roadway for the new bridge structure. During a
slab in a total of six concreting sections. traffic closure period, the new bridge was
Due to the ratio of field length to moved from the bypass position by
approximately twice the cantilever length, approx. 13 m to its final position. The
the same stresses were always generated to bridge equipment was then completed, the
the left and right of the pier during roadway crossings installed, the lanes
concreting, as on a cradle beam. As the reinstalled, etc. The bridge was then
concreting started at the pier, the main reopened to traffic.
part of the stress acted on the composite The Bernkastel-Kues Moselle bridge is a
cross-section. Thanks to the double special example of how the stresses in the
cantilever system, the steel upper chords composite cross-section are significantly
were practically only subjected to tensile influenced by the assembly sequence and
stress during concreting. They could targeted assembly measures. Here, dead
therefore be designed very economically. load internal forces were transferred to
In the twelfth step, the bridge ends were the composite cross-section of the piers
raised by approx. 25 cm and a bearing was through the release at the abutments and
installed. As a result of the lifting, a the assembly sequence. The "expensive" steel
restraint stress was imprinted in the top chord has been replaced by
supporting structure as planned. In this longitudinal prestressing tendons.
case, the assembly measure was not used
to prestress the system but to increase the
contact pressure on the abutments.
954 9 Production and execution methods

the. Following the discussion about pre- the examples of tied-arch bridges and
tensioning tendons in thin concrete webs, "real" arch bridges therefore primarily
the longitudinal tendons would possibly show typical procedures for assembling
be used today as external tendons in the the steel substructure. The construction of
box in the sense of monitoring and the concrete deck slab follows the usual
replaceability, similar to prestressed procedures, see 9.3.2. An important
concrete superstructures. system-dependent point here, however, is
the consideration that arch systems react
sensitively to asymmetrical loads, see
9.3.4 System-dependent construction processes section, and are therefore best
concreted symmetrically, General information i.e. starting from the center, for example,
always alternating to both sides.
Construction processes are largely
determined by the external framework
conditions, such as accessibility of the Assembly of tied arch composite
construction site, possibilities for auxiliary bridges
support and free assembly areas. However,
there are also boundary conditions Only when the arch and stiffening girders
resulting from the structural system. A are closed and welded together does the
cable-stayed bridge is typically erected as a bar arch system take effect. Until then, the
cantilever structure, in which the various structure requires additional supports
cable levels can be gradually pulled in as between the bearing points.
the cantilever grows. With suspension Of course, it is advantageous if this
bridges, the pylons must always be erected support can be provided at the actual
first and the suspension cable pulled in. installation site, as was the case, for
Both systems are examples of the fact that example, during the assembly of the
the static systems are the same in the final Amper Bridge [Hagedorn et al., 1997], see
and construction stages. This is an Fig. 9.322. Here it was possible to install
invaluable advantage when no auxiliary auxiliary supports in the flooding area of
system is required for large spans during the Amper, which shortened the span
construction. The situation is different from 70.2 m to 40.2 m. The girder grid
with arch systems: The advantages of the was supported in 4 axes and served to
arch effect, transfer of loads via normal support the auxiliary arch supports on
compressive forces, only come into effect which the two arch sections were placed.
when the arch is closed. In the case of tied The hangers were installed as the final
arch bridges, even the deck and stiffening step after welder welding of the arches.
girder must be connected as a tension Auxiliary arch supports and auxiliary
band in order to activate the static system bearings could then be removed and the
of the final structure. As auxiliary entire system was moved transversely to its
structures are therefore required in every final position on skidways on the support
case and should be designed for the lowest benches.
possible loads, one principle for the From this typical sequence: 1st track grid
installation of arch bridges with lattice completion, 2nd sheet assembly,
decks is that the arch system must always 3. hanger mounting is only deviated from
be closed before the concrete deck slab is in very rare cases. One example of this is
concreted. The following the Saalebrücke Beesedau [Heiland et al.,
2000], where it was also possible to install
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 955
The support systems had to be provided
on site, but in this case they were used
directly for sheet assembly. At the same
time, the track trough was constructed
independently behind the abutment and
installed using the incremental launching
method. The actual coupling between the
arch and the track trough and the
installation of the hangers only took place
once both independent systems had been
However, it is often not possible to
erect auxiliary supports on navigable
waterways. Here, the type of installation
depends largely on the possible
installation site. In the case of the Fischer
dorf bridge, for example, the steel
structure could be assembled on the
already completed prestressed concrete
foreshore bridge, as shown in Fig. 9.323.
The assembly of the complete bar arch
system was carried out on tightly supported
supports. After being set free, the bridge
was supported at the front on press-fittings
with Teflon plain bearings and at the rear
by beak-shaped stakes on rubber-tyred
platform wagons. After pre-rolling on the
transfer track, the superstructure was
transferred to a ship at the front, which took
over the bridge bearings in the 2nd hanger
axle, which was reinforced accordingly by
an arch support. For stabilization during
pre-rolling and floating, the hangers were
held together by an auxiliary bracing and
the bow by a bow brace. It is not always
possible to achieve such a favorable
The "roadway" could be provided by
foreshore bridges. For example, the
Dömitz Elbe bridge [Lüesse et al., 1993]
could only be constructed behind the
abutment on a road embankment and
then had to be transported longitudinally
Figure 9.3-22 Amper bridge installation
to its final position by moving it on the
embankment and floating it in with 2
pontoons at times. This involved moving
it several times to different storage points,
correspondingly many different
956 9 Production and execution methods



Swimming in

Figure 9.3-23 Installation sequence for the Fischerdorf Danube bridge

Intermediate states and static systems, The construction of the bridge is

some of which were also decisive for the particularly suitable for bridging navigable
dimensioning of the steel structures. As waterways without the possibility of
tied-arch bridges have comparatively low auxiliary support.
stiffening girders and webs, longitudinal
insertion with fixed bearing points that
can be specifically reinforced is generally Assembly of real arch bridges
sensible despite this effort.
Under certain circumstances, the pre- Since an arch effect only exists when the
assembly site is not in the immediate last end piece of the arch is also force-
vicinity of the installation site, so that fitted, extensive supports must be provided
longitudinal and transverse displacement for the production of the arch.
is not possible. Figure 9.324 shows the In the case of arched structures such as
floating of the arch span of the border the Wilde Gera [DEGES, 2000] or the Alb
bridge over the Oder near Frankfurt rechtsgraben bridge [DEGES, 2001], where
[BMVBW, 2003]. Here, the steel structure a single-cell steel box girder with
of the tied-arch composite bridge was composite slab is supported on a closed
completely assembled on a floating concrete arch, the arch assembly can be
assembly platform consisting of several carried out independently of the
pontoons on the Oder at a distance of superstructure by cantilever construction
approx. 300 m from the installation site. with bracing. In both of these cases, the
The last examples in particular show steel boxes were then assembled behind
that composite solutions that use a "light" the abutments.
steel bar arch system in the construction
stage for the
9.3 Bridges in composite and mixed 957

Figure 9.3-24 Assembly of the border bridge over the Oder

The open steel boxes were pushed over the The arch pressure force can be short-
elevations of the concrete arch by circuited via the superstructure at a very
longitudinal displacement. The composite early stage. The final section of the
deck slab was then constructed using superstructure, which also closes the large
formwork carriages as described in arch with a span of 134 m over the Elbe, is
Installation is more difficult when the deck assembled with the help of a floating
girder itself closes the arch, as was the case crane. The auxiliary pylons and guy wires
with the Elbe Bridge Pirna [Eilzer et al., can then be dismantled. With such an
1999] or the Isar Bridge Grünwald [Fink, elaborate guying construction, the question
1999]. In the case of the Isar Bridge arises as to whether a cable-stayed bridge
Grünwald, see system Figure 9.325, it was with the same guying during construction
also possible to place auxiliary yokes in the and in its final state would not have been
Isar or the Isar Canal. This made it possible more economical here. As in the other
to lift the lightweight arch girders made of examples, the concrete deck slab was then
steel boxes together with the stiffening girders constructed using conventional formwork
(also steel boxes) and the columns directly carriage construction.
from the truck and place them on the It is also astonishing that in connection
bearings and yokes. with such composite arch structures and
and welded there. the difficulties in cantilever construction
For the Pirna Elbe bridge with concrete to form, reinforce and concrete this heavy
piers, the construction of the arch halves concrete arch, at least to our knowledge
over the Elbe and the simultaneous no real composite arch has yet been
assembly of the superstructure sections in realized. Considerations on this have also
cantilever construction with auxiliary been made in a dissertation [Weißbach,
pylon and auxiliary bracing was carried 2006].
out. Fig. 9.326 shows the assembly
sequence of the cantilevered superstructure.
By bringing forward the construction
of the land-side half of the arch, it was
possible to
958 9 Production and execution methods

Figure 9.3-25 View of the Isar bridge in Grünwald

Figure 9.3-26 Installation sequence for the Pirna Elbe bridge

10 Bridge equipment

10.1 Roadway design and EN ISO 12944 prepared. In the case of

seals flame blast derusting, care must be taken to
ensure that the coating on the underside of
URSULA FREUNDT the cover sheet is not damaged. After flame
(up to 10.2; sections 10.1 and 10.2 are based on
blasting, the surface must be cleaned with
work by Günter Ramberger)
mechanical brushes. The blasting material
must be disposed of in an
environmentally friendly manner. The
10.1.1 Roadways of road bridges surface prepared in this way is followed by
the primer layer as corrosion protection. Roadway slab steel This consists of bituminous coating
(orthotropic slab) materials or reaction resin coating
materials, usually with adhesion-
Every bridge is part of a road. The road improving additives. This is followed by
surface of the bridge should therefore not the bonding layer and the adhesive layer
differ from that of the road. Bridges with made of bituminous materials or solvent-
steel decks are normally given bituminous free resins with good adhesive properties,
bridge decks, while sidewalks are often if necessary with a scattering. Adhesive
given thin, reaction resin-bonded decks. and bonding layer together, sometimes
The road surface consists of a sealing one layer in place of the other, form the
layer, protective layer and surface layer sealing layer. This is followed by the
(Figure 10.1.11). The steel surface is protective layer of mastic asphalt, stone
prepared for corrosion protection with mastic asphalt or asphalt clay with a void
mechanical surface preparation by content < 4 % by volume. The protective
blasting or flame blasting according to layer also compensates for the unevenness
of the cover sheet. The nominal thickness
of the protective layer is normally 3.5 to 4
cm, but should not be thicker at any point.

Fig. 10.1.1-1 Construction of bridge deck on steel [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].

960 10 Bridge equipment

be less than 2.5 cm thick and more than 5 The concrete surface is usually prepared
cm thick in one layer. Greater thicknesses by blasting with solid abrasives. After pre-
should be applied in two coats. The top treatment, the pull-off strength must be at
layer is applied on top of the protective least 1.5 N/mm2 on average. If the peak-to-
layer as the upper wearing course. It usually valley height of the prepared concrete
has a thickness of 3.5 to 4 cm and is made surface has exceeded the permissible
of the same materials as the protective values, a scratch coat is applied instead of
layer. If surface courses of stone mastic the primer.
asphalt or asphalt concrete are laid on top The bitumen membrane is welded onto
of protective courses of mastic asphalt, the the pre-treated concrete surface. Welded
hot mastic asphalt layer is sprinkled with membranes can be polymeric membranes
bituminous chippings. When applying with a raised carrier layer or bituminous
mastic asphalt, care must also be taken to membranes with or without metal
ensure that the corrosion protection on the lamination. In the transition area from the
underside of the cover sheet is not roadway to the cap, a minimum 30 cm
damaged. wide, stainless steel-laminated bitumen
Footpaths and cycle paths receive welding membrane or a stainless steel
surface preparation, corrosion protection strip is welded onto the concrete surface to
and either the sealing layer like the reinforce the sealing layer.
roadway with an approx. 3 cm thick layer Bitumen adhesive arranged.
of mastic asphalt as protection and wear The liquid plastics used for the sealing
layer or a two-layer surface course of layer are urethane elastomer-based
reaction resin-bonded thin layers, each materials that are resistant to heat and
layer being sprinkled with quartz sand. ageing and at the same time compatible
The total thickness of the road with bitumen.
pavement on orthotropic slabs is therefore If the sealing layer is designed as a
around 8 to 10 cm, the sidewalk around 4 single-layer waterproofing with a
cm for mastic asphalt and around 1 cm bituminous membrane and in the case of a
for thin pavements. liquid plastic waterproofing, the protective
layer is made of mastic asphalt. The
thickness of the protective layer is Roadway slabs-concrete generally 3.5 cm. The thickness of the
protective layer must not exceed 5 cm in
Similar to the road surface on steel (Figure one layer. Greater thicknesses must again
10.1.11), the road surface on reinforced be applied in two layers. The thickness of
concrete and prestressed concrete road the protective layer must not exceed 2.5
slabs consists of the sealing layer, the cm at any point, except in the case of
protective layer and the surface layer. welded membrane overlaps.
The sealing layer consists of a primer If asphalt concrete or stone mastic
(or sealant if necessary) or scratch coat asphalt is to be used as the surface course,
based on reaction resin applied to the pre- the hot mastic asphalt protection layer is
treated concrete surface and a single-ply sprinkled with bitumen-coated chippings.
bitumen welding membrane or double- If the sealing layer is designed as a two-
ply bitumen sealing membrane or a layer seal with bitumen
sealing layer of liquid plastic.
10.1 Roadway design and seals 961

The protective layer is made of asphalt (longitudinal or cross beams) by screwing

concrete in the case of a welded or nailing.
membrane. Otherwise, similar Screed coverings are often both a load-
requirements apply for the maximum and bearing and wearing layer. Their thickness
minimum layer thickness as for poured is therefore chosen to be at least 2 cm
asphalt protection layers. greater than the statically necessary
The surface course should correspond dimension. They are generally laid at right
to the surface course of the adjoining angles to the direction of travel with open
road. The thickness of the surface course joints. The most favorable joint width is
is generally 3.5 cm for mastic asphalt, 4.0 between 6 and 8 mm. This avoids
cm for stone mastic asphalt and 4.0 cm for constraints in the flooring due to swelling
asphalt concrete. of the planks.
In the case of waterproofing with a Bung planks are often used, which have
single-layer bitumen welded membrane, a the following advantages over open
20 cm wide edge strip is formed in the planks:
surface course in front of the mastic
• Avoidance of dirt cones and associated
asphalt kerb.
moisture accumulation above the
Joints 2 cm wide are created in the
support timbers
protective and top layer in front of kerbs,
• Preventing rainwater from penetrating
fixtures or other boundaries. These joints
the substructure
are filled with bituminous joint sealant. To
• Avoidance of mutual warping and
avoid three-edge adhesion, the joint in the
different deflections of neighboring
surface course in front of curbs and kerbs
is filled with a filler or a thermal stability
plastic. If the planking is arranged diagonally, the
road surface will be involved as part of the
wind bracing. Wood coverings To increase slip resistance in wet
conditions and in winter, longitudinal
Wooden plank decking is often used for grooves of approx. 7-8 mm are made in
cycle and footpath bridges. The planks are the plank surface on the top side.
mounted on the load-bearing structure.

Figure 10.1.1-2 Basic construction

for the planking on a foot girder
962 10 Bridge equipment

width, approx. 10 mm depth and at This is also the best solution for noise
intervals of 10-20 mm. protection. The standard width of the
In the sheet pile design, the grooves roadbed is 4.40 m, the distance between the
should have a movement range of around cover plate and the tie bottom at the
4% of the plank width in order to be able position of the lower lying rail should be at
to adapt to different climatic conditions least 30 cm. This results in a minimum
without damage. thickness of the roadbed of 55 cm from
Pressure-impregnated planks made of the top edge of the sleeper of the lower
pine wood are used. The use of planks lying rail and a distance from the top edge
made from oak, larch or Douglas fir of the rail to the top edge of the cover
heartwood is more durable. plate of 72 cm for rail type UIC 60.
Fabric-reinforced plastic sheeting, The ballast trough surface is
bitumen felt or galvanized sheeting is mechanically blasted or flame blasted in
placed between the plank covering and the accordance with EN ISO 12 944 in
load-bearing substructure to protect the preparation for coating. A base coat of
substructure from accumulating moisture. reactive coating material is then applied
Figure 10.1.12 shows the basic and sprinkled with quartz sand. Two
construction of the planking. Further layers of reaction coating mortar
examples are shown in [EG Holzbau, (polyethane or epoxy resin), each
1997]. approximately 2.5 mm thick, are applied
to the primer coat and sprinkled with
quartz sand after each layer.
10.1.2 Superstructure of railroad bridges In addition to the roadbeds commonly
used today, open roadways are also used Superstructure on steel for secondary lines and temporary bridges.
Their advantage over the roadbed is their
As a rule, the superstructure of railroad lower weight. The disadvantages,
bridges today consists of rails on sleepers however, are the high noise pollution for
in a roadbed (Figure 10.1.21). The both the surrounding area and travelers,
advantage of this is that the roadbed runs the need for expansion joints at bridge
along the entire length of the track, which ends with movable bearings and the
makes it easier to maintain and repair. unchangeable position and height of the
tracks at the bridge ends.
Centerline of

structure axis

SO ± 0

-720 ≥300 550


r� r� r�

40 40 40

Fig. 10.1.2-1 Ballast bed track [DS 804]

10.1 Roadway design and seals 963

Figure 10.1.2-2 Open roadway [Inst. F. Stahlbau, TU Vienna].

both ends of the bridge. In the case of The sleepers are fastened to the
open roadways, the sleepers are supported longitudinal beams with caulking angles.
directly on the longitudinal girders, which Any superelevation required in the curve
are arranged on the cross girders if the is achieved using steel base plates. The
construction height is sufficient or areas to the side and between the rails must
between the cross girders if the height is be covered either with planks or with plates
limited. The longitudinal girders are so that passengers can get off the bridge in
generally designed as continuous girders. an emergency (Figures 10.1.22 and
The spacing of the longitudinal girders is 10.1.23).
1.5 m to 2.0 m, that of the cross girders 2.0
m to 6.0 m.

Figure 10.1.2-3 Sleeper fastening with open roadway [Inst. F. Stahlbau, TU Vienna] (covers not
964 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.1.2-4 Direct rail support [Beyer et al., 1977].

In extremely rare cases and only with the is embedded. This connection must be
express approval of the railroad torsion and shear resistant. The resulting
administration, direct rail supports are frame rigidity ensures that the track
installed on orthotropic track slabs (Figure remains securely in position.
10.1.24). As the top edge of the rails must In recent years, another type of
be positioned much closer than the cover superstructure, the slab track, has proven
plate, there must be a variable alignment itself for high speeds and low
layer between the cover plate and the rail maintenance. With slab tracks, the
fastening. roadbed is replaced by a load-distributing
concrete or asphalt base plate. The rails
are elastically supported on this slab. As Superstructure on concrete early as 1972, the former German Federal
Railways built two test lines in Oelde and
The design of the superstructure on Rheda with slab track. Investigations have
railroad bridges is described in detail in shown that the RHEDA superstructure is
[Köppel, 1999] and is summarized here. also suitable for high-speed operation
The standard construction type for [Matthews, 1998].
concrete railroad bridges is a deck bridge The advantages of slab tracks are
with an approx. 80 cm thick roadbed.
Ballast as a material for the superstructure • better long-term behavior of the
has proven to be a good construction over superstructure with reduced
the years. With favorable properties such maintenance work,
as low production costs, easy • no gravel is whirled up at high speeds,
changeability and height adjustment of the • the unrestricted use of the wear-free
structure, as well as good structure and eddy-current brake is possible.
airborne sound insulation, the ballast
superstructure has become established for In recent years, a number of slab track
all railways. Figure 10.1.25 shows the construction methods have been
construction of these structures. developed.
Using suitable fasteners, the rails are
fastened to the concrete sleepers to form a
track grid, which is embedded in the
10.1 Roadway design and seals 965

Figure 10.1.2-5 Standard cross-section in composite construction with double-track ballasted

superstructure from [Curbach, 1997].

have been used. For technological reasons, is designed. Depending on the type of
the roadways approved for the earth construction, higher stiffness
structure should also be used on railroad requirements are sometimes placed on the
bridges without significant design superstructure. The jump in elasticity
changes. between the bridge and the earth structure
It should be noted that the slab track is must be absorbed by suitable structural
only to be installed if the superstructure is measures in the transition area.
also a slab track in front of and behind the Correction of the track system must be
bridge structure. ensured because, for example, in the case
of prestressed concrete superstructures

Figure 10.1.2-6 RHEDA construction type on bridges from [Nesnau/Magnus, 1998].

966 10 Bridge equipment

The concrete creep can cause bulging. bearing is combined. The combination is
The RHEDA design (Figure 10.1.26) then recognizable in the designation, for
has been approved for prestressed example a deformation plain bearing or
concrete bridges since 1973. It is the only pot plain bearing.
type of construction in Germany that has
been tested in railroad operations to date.
10.2.2 Deformation bearing

Reinforced elastomeric bearings are

10.2 Warehouse
generally used as deformation bearings in
bridge construction. They consist of
10.2.1 Overview elastomer layers and steel sheets as
reinforcement inserts. The basic shape is
Bearings are components that enable quadrangular (rectangular, square) or
rotations between two structural elements circular. Oval and octagonal bearings are
and transfer defined loads as required. also available as special shapes. The sheet
They allow displacements in all directions steel reinforcement inserts are arranged at
of a plane, or they prevent displacements. the same distance from each other and
Elements that transmit moments about the symmetrically to the central bearing
vertical axis or tensile forces according to surface and are joined to the elastomer
plan are not regulated in standards. Train layers by hot vulcanization. The basic
paths are special constructions that may cross-section of a reinforced elastomeric
occur in individual cases. bearing is shown in Figure 10.2.21.
Table 10.2.11 provides an overview of Only chlorinated rubber (CR) is
the state of standardization. The table also currently approved as a raw polymer for
shows the bearings in common use. The elastomer bearings in Germany. In
sliding parts listed are not independent European regulations, natural rubber
bearings. Their excellent function is to (NR) is also permitted in addition to CR.
realize displacements with low resistances. In countries with low temperatures,
For the torsional capacity that is always natural rubber is preferred due to its lower
required in the construction plant, the stiffness at low temperatures. Although
sliding part is fitted with a the content of CR or NR is regulated and
the physical and mechanic properties of
the elastomer

Figure 10.2.2-1 Cross-section of a reinforced elastomeric bearing according to DIN EN 13373

10.2 967
Table 10.2.1-1 Regulations for bearings in the construction industry

Standard Issue Title

Bearings in construction - European standardization
DIN EN 1337-1 2001-02 General regulations
DIN EN 1337-2 2004-07 Sliding parts
DIN EN 1337-3 2005-07 Elastomeric bearing
DIN EN 1337-4 2004-08 roller bearing

DIN EN 1337-4 2007-05 Roller bearing (correction)

Correction 1
DIN EN 1337-5 2005-07 Pot bearing
DIN EN 1337-6 2004-08 Tilting bearing
DIN EN 1337-7 2004-08 Spherical and cylindrical bearings with PTFE
DIN EN 1337-8 2008-01 Guide bearings and retaining structures
DIN EN 1337-9 1998-04 Protection
DIN EN 1337-10 2003-11 Inspection and maintenance
DIN EN 1337-11 1998-04 Transport, intermediate storage and installation
Bearings in construction - German standardization
DIN V 4141-13 2008-11 Guide bearings and retaining structures -
Design and manufacture

are defined, the working lines of the deformation is desired, the stiffness in this
material are not the same. This is due to direction is increased by the vulcanized
the different quantities and types of fillers steel sheets. The steel sheets prevent the
and additives. In addition, the exact recipe elastomer from deforming freely and
is handled as manufacturer know-how. bulges occur between the sheets under
Figure 10.2.2-2 shows an example of the load (Fig. 10.2.2-3).
working line of a CR 60. Steel in The greatest compressive stress in the
accordance with EN 10025 or an rubber occurs in the middle bearing area
equivalent steel with at least 18% and at the same time the greatest tensile
elongation at break is used for the stress in the sheets.
reinforcement sheets. The sheets are 2 Relative displacements of the
mm to 5 mm thick. superstructure and substructure cause
Reinforced elastomeric bearings shear deformation of the elastomeric
transmit vertical forces and shift and bearing, which can be absorbed without
rotate under the corresponding impact. problems within certain limits. The
This is made possible by the malleability vulcanized reinforcement plates do not
of the elastomer. prevent this deformation (the horizontal
As there is no influence on the load- stiffness is approx. 1000 times lower).
bearing behavior in the vertical direction
under vertical forces, the
968 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.2.2-2 CR 60 working line (mean values)

than the vertical stiffness), so that the The positioning force, or rather the
deformation resistance only leads to resistance to horizontal deformation,
comparatively low restoring forces. Shear depends on the displacement:
deformation also requires effective
FR = A - G - tan γ
vertical forces, otherwise the bearing
would slip. The corresponding where tan γ is the ratio of the
deformation figure is shown in Fig. displacement to the bearing height, A is the
10.2.2-4. bearing area and G is the shear modulus of
When using an elastic stake, the the bearing. In a similar way, relative
restoring forces are used to dissipate rotations between the superstructure and
external horizontal forces (wind, braking substructure can be realized by shear
and starting). The restoring deformations of the elastomer. The
corresponding displacement

Figure 10.2.2-3 Deformation pattern of a reinforced elastomeric bearing under centric vertical load

Figure 10.2.2-4 Deformation figure of an elastomeric bearing subjected to compressive and shear loads
10.2 969

Figure 10.2.2-5 Deformation figure under torsion

forming figure is shown in Figure 10.2.2- Anchored elastomeric bearings

5. If the load is low, the anchor plates may be
The restoring moments (torsional connected to the load by welding, bolting
resistance) that occur depend on the or using an anchor washer. Figure 10.2.2-
torsion, the geometry of the bearing and 6 shows an example of the connection with
the shear modulus. dowel washers. The shear-resistant
The shear modulus of elastomer is also connection between the bearing and the
temperature-dependent. At low substructure/superstructure is usually
temperatures, the material stiffens and at made using head bolts, which are also
high temperatures it becomes softer. This shown in Fig. 10.2.2-6.
fact must be taken into account when Reinforced elastomeric bearings can be
determining the resistance values. designed as fixed bearings by combining
An elastomeric bearing can only be them with retaining constructions (see
deformed if the displacement or rotation section 10.2.6) or with PTFE sliding parts
is introduced into the bearing. This as deformation bearings.
requires a shear-resistant connection The load-bearing behavior of reinforced
between the components of the elastomeric bearings was extensively
supporting structure and the bearing. If investigated experimentally by the
the existing vertical force is sufficiently Research and Testing Office (ORE) of the
high, friction ensures shear-resistant International Union of Railways (UIC) in
contact (sliding safety). the years 1962 to 1965 and is documented
Constructive measures are required for in the ORE reports on question D 60
low loads. [ORE, 1962- 65]. The investigations
For this reason, elastomer bearings are include static and dynamic tests under
designed differently. The two basic forms centric and eccentric load and tests at
are extreme temperatures. Recommendations
for the following issues were derived from
Unanchored elastomeric bearings the tests for simple practical application:
The outer steel sheets are covered by an
• Materials for the bearings
elastomer layer. Unanchored elastomeric
• Dimensioning of reinforced bearings
bearings can be arranged directly between
• Installation of the bearings
the adjacent components (concrete, steel).
• Tests on bearings
In Germany, anchor plates must generally
be used to ensure a bearing support. The findings on load-bearing behavior
have been translated into empirical,
970 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.2.2-6 Anchored elastomeric bearing

The recommendations for dimensioning The publication by Topaloff [Topaloff,

have been implemented by the German 1964] is trend-setting for determining the
Federal Ministry for the Environment, load-bearing behavior. Although it is now
Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. possible to determine the stress and
Some of these are listed in extracts below: deformation behavior using FEM for the
serviceability limit state [Vogt, 2009],
1. The tests showed a large influence of
simple correlations are required for
the vertical fatigue load. For this reason,
practical verification. In the regulations,
it is recommended when performing the
the relevant load-bearing capacity
verification to take into account the
verification for reinforced elastomeric
shares of vertical load and torsion
bearings in the ultimate limit state is
resulting from static (permanent)
performed via the verification of the total
actions with a factor of 1 and the shares
shear deformation. The bearable limit
resulting from moving (variable)
shear deformation was taken from the
actions with a factor of 1.5. This is not
specifications of the ORE tests and
necessary for horizontal forces.
extrapolated to the ultimate limit state by
2. A permissible (bearable) shear stress
multiplication by a factor of 1.4.
with the value 5 G is defined. The shear
stress to be absorbed results from the Total shear deformation:
sum of the shear stresses from εt,d = KL ∙ (εc,d + εq,d + εα,d ) ≤ 7.0
compression, torsion and displacement,
whereby the actions are to be taken KL is the factor for the load type and is
into account with the factors according generally set to KL = 1.0.
to 1. The proportions of the total shear
3. The permissible displacement is tan γ = deformation are calculated as follows (in
0.7. analogy to Topaloff), whereby an
4. To prevent sliding, an average additional limit value must be observed
compressive stress of at least 2 N/mm² for the horizontal displacement:
is required.
Shear deformation due to vertical load:
The so-called ORE tests are still the most
comprehensive and coherent tests for 1.5 ⋅ N
ε =
determining the load-bearing behavior of z,d G
elastomeric bearings. For the computational ⋅ Ar ⋅ S
10.2 971
Shear deformation due to horizontal stresses. In order to nevertheless enable
displacement: preliminary measurements using the
vxy , d vertical force, it is recommended that
εq,d = ≤ 1,0 to select sensible loading situations, such as
Tq in Figure 10.2.2-7, in order to determine
the vertical forces that can be absorbed for
standard loads.
Shear deformation due to bearing torsion: (see Table 10.2.2-1).
(ar In the case of elastomer bearings, the fracture
ċ αa,d + br� ċ αb,d) ċ ti hold with a simultaneous load
εα ,d = � ċ (t ) of pressure, displacement and
twisting neither experimentally nor
The usual regulations for the verification theoretically researched. A compression
of reinforced elastomeric bearings in fracture is initiated by the tensile failure of
Germany were oriented towards a bearing the steel sheets and a shear fracture by
selection, not primarily towards a destruction of the elastomer/steel sheet
verification that optimizes dimensions. contact joint or by elastomer
This practice-friendly objective allowed a displacement.
preliminary design of the bearings solely To validate the bearing parameters
on the basis of the vertical load. However, used for the verification and the load-
this was only achievable with additional bearing behavior assumed in principle,
restrictions. The bearing load, which is the physical and mechanic properties of
actively dependent on vertical, horizontal the materials and the bearing behavior as
and torsional effects, was decoupled by well as individual bearing parameters are
carefully defining the for- mat-dependent tested and continuously monitored during
"mean" pressure (12 to 15 N/mm²) and production. Overall, the elastomeric
specifying the maximum displacement. bearing is a "good-natured" bearing. If it is
The recalculation under the restrictions not overloaded, its deformation capacity
mentioned leads to the limit of the compensates for inadequacies in
rotation angle, which can no longer be production and use.
influenced by the engineer. Since the verification of the total shear
Proof of the total shear deformation deformations covers the extreme cases of
This approach is possible due to the vertical load without displacement and
mutual influence of the individual torsion and torsion with low vertical load
without displacement and torsion.

Situation "min"
Situation "Si 2" Situation "Si 1" Situation "Si 1"
Full utilization of the
deformation capacity Full utilization of the Low utilization of shear No utilization of the
deformation capacity deformation deformation capacity
εq,d ≤ 1.00
εα,d ≤ 0.0078 εq,d ≤ 1.00 εq,d ≤ 0.15 εq,d = 0
(to the right of the longer bearing = 0
side) εαx,d ≤ 0.003 εαx,d ≤ 0.003 εαx,d

εαy,d ≤ 0.001 εαy,d ≤ 0.001 εαy,d = 0

Theoretical case
Deformation bearing Fixed bearing, VGL theoretical case

Figure 10.2.2-7 Load situations for reinforced elastomeric bearings

972 10 Bridge equipment

Table 10.2.2-1 Absorbable vertical forces for standard bearings 350 × 450 mm²
and 900 × 900 mm²
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Bearing geometry Absorbable vertical force NSd
in the GZT

Layer thickness

Layer thickness
bearing side)

bearing side)

Elastomer ti
thickness T
a (shorter

b (longer




max vxy,d
Layers n

"Si. 2"

"Si. 1"
= nti

nt ts
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kN kN kN kN
33 3 31,4 2202 3332 4206
44 4 41,8 2437 3286 4274
55 5 52,3 2516 3203 4307
350 450 66 6 11 4 62,7 2517 3103 4320 4737
77 7 73,2 2474 2992 4324
88 8 83,6 2402 2875 4321
99 9 94,1 2313 2754 4314
108 6 102,6 17591 22917 29982
126 7 119,7 18019 22732 30351
144 8 136,8 18 140 22429 30603
162 9 153,9 18 057 22047 30776
900 900 180 10 18 5 171,0 17 831 21610 30894 34634
198 11 188,1 17 501 21134 30972
216 12 205,2 17 093 20627 31020
234 13 222,3 16 625 20097 31045
252 14 239,4 16 109 19549 31052

load, the verification of the stability and Compliance with a torsional limit
positional stability of the reinforced condition is described. For this purpose,
elastomeric bearings must be given greater the following verification must be
importance than before for practical use. provided in accordance with DIN EN
One verification from this group is the 1337-3, section, for reinforced
verification of the gaping rectangular bearings:
(ar ċ αa,d + br ċ α )b,d
fugue, which in the rules and regulations is � vz,d = �
10.2 973
� vz,d is the total vertical deformation • Nevertheless, a torsional limitation
under the load that leads to should exist in order not to leave the
twisting. empirical range of stresses
(compression and tension), even in the
If the verification is fulfilled, the gap opens case of large rectangular support
to around 1/6 of the side length. The torsion and medium stresses.
verification of the torsion limit condition -
gaping joint - leads to application limits of A comparison of the application limits
elastomeric bearings that do not seem between DIN 4141-14 and DIN EN 1337-3
logically explainable. Bridges with small is shown in Figure 10.2.2-8. In this case,
spans and especially inclined slabs with the application limits according to DIN
small spans tri@ this. The reason for this is 4141-14 were fictitiously transferred to the
the verification approach, which virtually ultimate limit state by multiplication by a
assumes a rigid body. Already [Eggert and factor of 1.35.
Kauschke, 1996] doubt the mandatory Nevertheless, such pragmatic
dependence of support rotation angle and approaches can only be temporary aids.
superimposed load for elastomeric To confirm this, computational
bearings. A known manifestation is the investigations were carried out using FEM
rolling until the bearing falls out even if calculations, which allow the following
there is no load for a short time, but this is results to be summarized:
not possible with anchored bearings. For • A gaping joint leads to vertical tensile
this reason, the rule in Germany was stresses in the elastomer bearing.
supplemented by the following addition: • These are determined by the deformation
"When calculating the total vertical The rubber is hindered by the
deformation for the verification of the reinforcement plates.
torsional limit condition according to DIN • The magnitude of the tensile stress depends
EN 1337-3: 2005, section, first on the
indent, at least 3 N/ mm² must be applied stiffness of the plates and thus the
to anchored bearings Fz /A' regardless of magnitude of the tensile stress
the existing size. Elastomeric bearings increases from the reinforced bearing to
with dowel restraint on one side are also a bearing anchored in shear on one side
regarded as anchored bearings in this to a bearing anchored in shear on both
sense." sides.
This regulation is not based on • The size of the tensile and reference span
mechanical or physical principles, but was The tensile strength is low compared to
chosen pragmatically, building on the the tensile strength of the elastomer
experience of DIN 4141 and on the used. The stresses are 0.5 N/mm² and
following considerations: therefore well outside the critical range.
• In the case of unanchored bearings, the • The comparative voltages are
torsional limit condition should always shear-anchored bearing is greater than
be observed, as this means that even an for the unanchored bearing, which
overlay of unfavorable conditions will documents the greater obstruction.
not cause the bearings to slip out. The calculation results allow the
according to the following conclusions:
• This risk does not exist with anchored
bearings, provided that the dowel • A gaping joint with low loads and
washer is sufficiently embedded. torsion leads to the
974 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.2.2-8 Calculated application limits of anchored reinforced elastomeric bearings

according to DIN 4141 and DIN EN 1337

The tested limit ranges do not lead to The investigated range lies at pressures of
risky stresses in the bearing. 1 N/mm² with simultaneous support
• Determining the minimum pressure rotation angles of 6‰. Irrespective of this,
of 3 N/mm² in the presence of lower it is necessary to work on a solution for
pressures due to unfavorable load the verification of the gaping joint on a
positions is within the current range of physical basis.
• Since there is a risk of a
reinforced elastomeric bearing for 10.2.3 Steel bearing
small loads, the verification in the
modified form may only be carried out Steel bearings are the oldest bearings. Their
for shear-anchored bearings. disadvantage is that the forces are
• Shear anchoring should only be used transmitted along a support section or
for through a support point and are therefore
This can be carried out as required, as very concentrated. The distribution of
an unanchored bearing behaves better. these concentrated forces therefore
requires corresponding

Figure 10.2.3-1 Linear tilting pad [Ramberger, 2002]

10.2 975
high constructions are required. In this narrow rectangles, points are deformed
support section or at the support point, a into small circles. High stresses arise in
flat plate rolls over a cylindrical or these surfaces, the so-called Hertzian
spherical body. In the first case, this is a stresses (Figure 10.2.3-4). The larger the
linear tilting pad (Figure 10.2.3-1), in the cylinder or sphere radius, the smaller the
second case a point tilting pad (Figure Hertzian stress. The limit values for the
10.2.3-2). If a roller is used between two pressure were determined in tests.
flat plates, the result is a roller bearing Point tilt bearings are suitable for
(Fig. 10.2.3-3) that allows unidirectional vertical loads between 500 and 2500 kN.
rotation and uniaxial displacement. Their rotatability is only about 1/10 of
The transmission of forces in beams or that of all other bearings and is 1‰. Point
points theoretically results in infinitely tilt bearings can also be equipped with
high stresses. The physicist Heinrich additional sliding parts as bearings that
Hertz gave the elastic solution to the move on all sides or on one side (Figures
contact problem in 1881. Sections become 10.2.3-5 and 10.2.3-6). They are rarely
elastic under load used today.
Linear tilting pads and roller bearings
are suitable for vertical forces of 200 to
20,000 kN. The use of high-strength
materials in the contact lines has
contributed to a reduction in the size of
the bearings. It should be noted that no
large bending moments may occur in the
transverse direction so that the bearing
pressure does not become too uneven and
overloads lead to bearing failure.
Figure 10.2.3-2 Point tilt bearing, fixed on all
sides [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.2.3-3 Roller bearing [Ramberger, 2002]

Figure 10.2.3-4 Hertzian compression

[Ramberger, 2002]
976 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.2.3-5 Point tilt bearing, adjustable on one side [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.2.3-6 Point tilt bearing, movable on all sides [Ramberger, 2002].

10.2.4 Pot bearing The sliding plate is about 1 mm thick and is

welded to a steel plate all the way around
Pot bearings consist of a usually circular (Fig. 10.2.4-2). The sliding plate must be
steel pot with an elastomer insert, a cover large enough to fully cover the PTFE
that fits on top and a seal between the pot surface during all movements. If
and cover (Figure 10.2.4-1). movement is only required in one
Vertical forces are transmitted by direction, a guide strip embedded in the
pressing the elastomer insert and thus bearing cover, which slides in a groove
over the entire surface. The elastomer milled into the sliding plate, prevents
insert is prevented from squeezing out by movement transverse to the guide strip
a seal. Under pressure, the elastomer (Fig. 10.2.4-3).
insert behaves approximately constant in In general, the sliding plate is arranged
volume like a liquid. Horizontal forces are so that its surface faces downwards to
transmitted to the cup via the contact prevent dust from being deposited on the
pressure of the cover. An additional sliding plate. The eccentricity from the
sliding part is introduced to make these bearing displacement must then be taken
bearings movable on one or all sides. The into account in the superstructure.
plastic polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE Reverse installation is also possible. The
company name Teflon, Hostaflon) is eccentricity then goes into the
selected as the sliding pairing with high- substructure.
alloy, austenitic sheet steel. The PTFE is The bearing is protected against the
about 5-6 mm thick, is embedded ingress of water and dirt by a bellows.
(chambered) about 2-3 mm deep in the The verifications for pot bearings
bearing cover and is provided with include the strength calculation of the pot
pressed-in recesses (lubrication pockets), components, the compressive stress in the
which are filled with silicone grease before elastomer, the stresses due to the torsional
the bearing is assembled. The high-alloy angles at the lid/pot contact and the
10.2 977

Fig. 10.2.4-1 Section through a fixed pot bearing [Ramberger, 2002].

Fig. 10.2.4-2 Section through a pot bearing that can be moved on all sides [Ramberger, 2002].

Fig. 10.2.4-3 Section through a one-sided movable pot bearing [Ramberger, 2002].
978 10 Bridge equipment

Compliance with boundary conditions for A coefficient of friction of 0.2 may be

the required rotational capability. assumed between the cup and the cup
The use of cup bearings is common for wall.
rotations of up to 0.03 rad. The changing As described in section 10.2.2, the
torsion angle sizes determine the seal to influence of temperature must be taken
be used. Pot bearings are suitable for into account.
vertical forces up to 50 MN.
Pot bearings without a sliding part are
fixed bearings, whereby the torsion is 10.2.5 Spherical bearings
realized by the deformation properties of
the elastomer. The resulting resistance The basic shape of the bearing is the all-
variable, the restoring torque, is therefore round movable bearing. It consists of
dependent on the torsion. three parts: the cup, the spherical cap and
However, a number of other the sliding plate. Sliding surfaces are
parameters influence the size of the reset arranged between the three parts to allow
moment. These are: movement. A PTFE layer with lubricating
pockets is chambered in the cup. The
• Elasticity of the elastomer, i.e. G- mating surface of the cup is hard chrome-
modulus plated and polished. The sliding pairing
• Relaxation of the elastomer PTFE/high-alloy sliding plate between the
• Temperature spherical cap and sliding plate is the same
• Twisting speed and twisting as for sliding cup bearings. The two
• Geometry of the bearing body sliding surfaces are necessary to allow
• Lubrication kinematic rotation without mutual
• Gasket displacement between the superstructure
• Bearing pressure and substructure (Fig. 10.2.5-1).
The restoring torque is determined in To prevent displacement in the case of
accordance with DIN EN 1337 [DIN EN a fixed or unidirectional moving bearing,
1337-5] the sliding plate overlaps like a cup in the
according to an empirical approach. case of a fixed bearing and like a U-shaped

Me,max = 32 × d³
× [F0 + (F1 × α1 ) + (F2 × α2max
F0 , F1 and F2 from tests
d Diameter of the elastomer cushion
in [mm]
Me,max Restoring torque of the
elastomer plate (SLS and in the ULS
M e,d *1.5)
α1 Resulting angle of rotation from
permanent actions in rad
α2max Resulting angle of rotation from
changing actions in rad
Fig. 10.2.5-1 Section through a spherical
In the case of a fixed bearing, there is also a bearing that is movable on all sides
resetting moment due to cup/cap contact [Ramberger, 2002].
caused by an applied horizontal load.
To determine the restoring torque
Mμ,max due to friction between pot de-
10.2 979
guides must be observed. For spherical
bearings, the pressures in the sliding
surfaces and the gaping in the sliding
joints must be verified and the strength of
Fig. 10.2.5-2 Section through a fixed calotte the support plates must be verified.
bearing [Ramberger, 2002]. Component tests and continuous
monitoring during production are carried
out for all bearings.
In addition to verifying the verification
conditions, operational stresses (e.g.
pressure threshold endurance tests for
reinforced elastomeric bearings or fatigue
Fig. 10.2.5-3 Section through a spherical tilting tests for pot bearings) are also
bearing with one-sided movement tested.
[Ramberger, 2002].

10.2.6 Retaining structures and

guide bearings
Rail the pan (Figures 10.2.5-2 and 10.2.5-
3). In DIN EN 1337-8 [DIN EN 1337-8, 2008]
The bearings cover a vertical force of The following sections deal with retaining
up to 100 MN, with a torsional capacity of structures and guide bearings.
10‰ and more. The resistance in Retaining constructions prevent
spherical bearings is caused by friction. movement in the horizontal plane and
When displacement and torsional therefore transmit horizontal forces.
movements occur in the flat and curved Twisting is possible. No vertical forces are
sliding surfaces of the spherical bearing, a transmitted. A typical application is the
restoring moment occurs as a result of combination of a reinforced elastomer
frictional resistance. This results from the bearing with a retaining construction to
eccentricity of the vertical force arising form a fixed bearing. The retaining
during the twisting process. The construction then consists of an upper and
eccentricity is determined from the a lower part, which engage with each other
coefficient of friction and the spherical with cleats. The shape of the cleat
radius. engagement (hole or slot) can be used to
e1 = μmax ∙ r provide retention in all directions or only
in one direction (Figures 10.2.6-1 and
The coefficients of friction are to be taken 10.2.6-2).
from the standards. In the case of Guide bearings only transmit
spherical bearings with guides, additional horizontal forces in one direction. As with
eccentricity must be taken into account fixed
for the anchoring means and the adjacent
components as a result of the friction in
the guides.

Figure 10.2.6-1 Elastomeric bearing, fixed on all sides [Ramberger, 2002].

980 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.2.6-2 Elastomeric bearing, fixed on one side [Ramberger, 2002].

bearings, adjustable reinforced elastomeric

bearings, soft elastomeric bearings and
height-adjustable bearings. The list is not
exhaustive. This brief outline is intended to
illustrate that, in the case of special
requirements, contacting the bearing
manufacturers will always lead to success.
Fig. 10.2.6-3 Example of a guide bearing [Inst.
f. Stahlbau, TU Wien]. 10.2.8 Installation and replacement of bearings

holding constructions, twisting is possible Installation of the bearings

and vertical forces are not transmitted
(Figure 10.2.6-3). The bearing is delivered complete to the
The force is transmitted via the contact construction site by the manufacturer and
pressure in the sliding surfaces. Sufficient must not be dismantled on site. All
clearance must be ensured in the vertical information on the bearing and its
direction to prevent the transmission of installation must be recorded in writing.
vertical forces. Part 11 of the European standard contains
Particular attention must be paid to the a form for a bearing record.
connection of the parts to the Bearings are high-quality construction
superstructure and substructure, as not products whose full functionality and
only horizontal forces but also bending durability can only be guaranteed if they
moments must be transmitted in the are installed correctly. In construction
connection joint due to the eccentricity of practice, installation defects are much more
the force application. frequently the cause of bearing damage
than the stress of use and scheduled wear.
The main cause of sensitivities during
10.2.7 Special bearings installation are the unavoidable
differences in scale between mechanical
This brief description of common bearing engineering and construction. Accuracies
types cannot be comprehensive. In during construction and permissible
addition to other combinations not listed tolerances in mechanical engineering are
here, which can also be found in the difficult to reconcile. For this reason,
European regulations, there are a number bearings should only be installed by
of non-standardized bearings with special specialists. The presence of the bearing
functions. These include train paths, manufacturer is advisable at least for the
bearings with built-in sensors for first bearing of its kind in every structure.
measuring forces and deformations
10.3 Roadway crossings 981

The bearings are installed in The necessary starting points for

accordance with the bearing installation hydraulic presses are provided for in the
plan and the bearing description. The design.
mortar joint between the lower anchor When replacing bearings that are fixed
plate and the upper edge of the support on one or all sides, the transfer of
bench must not be thicker than 5 cm. The horizontal forces must also be ensured in
minimum thickness must be three times the raised state.
the maximum grain size of the aggregate. During the planning phase, bearing
After the bearing has been installed, the replacement schemes must be drawn up
joint is either filled with grouting mortar or for larger bridges, whereby axle-by-axle
tamped with earth-moist mortar. When replacement must be planned.
grouting, the bearing is encased all around A bearing log must also be created each
and a low-shrinkage grouting mortar, time bearings are replaced.
which has been mixed exactly as instructed
in a compulsory mixer, is poured in from
one side until it emerges on the other
10.3 Roadway transitions
sides. This ensures that the mortar expels
the air in front of it and no air bubbles
remain under the bearing.
If the remaining bed joint is smaller
than 1 cm, a two-component epoxy resin
grout should be used instead of a cement- 10.3.1 General information
based grout, which is thinner and is also
poured in from one side. If the joint is The purpose of expansion joints is to close
sufficiently thick, an earth-moist mortar the joint between the bridge and the
can also be used instead of the grouting adjoining continuation of the roadway and
mortar, which is tamped under the anchor to compensate for the movements that
plate without formwork using auxiliary occur there as a result of temperature
materials and smoothed at the edge. changes and variable loads. Expansion
The connection of the upper anchor joints for road bridges should be designed
plate to the superstructure depends on the to be robust, easy to replace and as
manufacturing process and the building watertight as possible. They should ensure a
material of the superstructure. In high level of ride comfort and low noise
falsework construction, the upper anchor emission. Expansion joints are wearing
plate (with the bearing) is usually parts that usually have to be replaced several
concreted in directly. In other cases, this times during the service life of a bridge.
connection must be made with grout. For There are currently no national or
steel bridges, special compositions of the European standards for e x p a n s i o n
grouting material must be observed. j o i n t s . However, there are national
approvals for expansion joints, which are to
be extended throughout Europe in the future Replacement of bearings (EOTA).
For railroad bridges with an open track
Bridges are designed in such a way that or direct rail bearing, an expansion joint
bearings can be replaced while traffic is still must be installed at least on the side of the
moving. The necessary movable bearings.
982 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.3.1-1 Interaction between track, superstructure and subgrades

to be arranged. For railroad bridges with b) Transitions for medium-sized

roadbed rails, expensive expansion joints movements (25 mm to 80 mm)
are largely dispensed with today. c) Transitions for large movements
According to [UIC Code N774-3, 2001], (greater than 80 mm)
the thermal expansion length for roadbeds
Displacements at expansion joints can
with continuously welded rails without
occur in the longitudinal direction of the
pull-out devices is to be limited to 60 m
bridge, in the transverse direction of the
for steel structures and 90 m for concrete
bridge and in the vertical direction;
and composite structures. The thermal
twisting can also occur. Not all crossings
expansion length is the distance from the
can accommodate displacements in the
thermal anchor point (i.e. the point that
transverse direction of the bridge. Many
does not undergo any displacement in the
transitions can also only accommodate
event of a uniform temperature change)
vertical displacements to a very limited
to the respective end of the superstructure.
extent. These displacements can also
A longitudinal displacement resistance of
significantly impair driving dynamics. For
the track is to be applied as a horizontal
this reason, the expansion joints must
force, which has an effect on the fixed
always be designed together with the
bearings and the subgrades, especially in
bearings and the bearings must be
the case of horizontal forces in the bridge
arranged in such a way that the expansion
axis (Figure 10.3.1-1).
joints do not undergo any displacements
In these cases, the forces due to braking
or rotations that they cannot
and starting may be reduced. In the case
of rail extension devices on one side, the
longitudinal displacement resistance must
Track transitions for small
also be taken into account, but the forces
movements (up to 25 mm)
due to braking and starting may be
These transitions are usually carried out
with movements of up to 15 mm below
the continuous covering (Figures 10.3.2-1
to 10.3.2-3).
10.3.2 Expansion joints for
The covering is given a cut joint at this
road bridges
point, which is filled with a permanently
elastic material. For movements of up to
Expansion joints for road bridges are
25 mm, the joint is covered and usually
divided into
also sealed. In the transition area, a
a) Transitions for small movements (up permanently elastic material is used
to 25 mm) instead of the covering (Figures 10.3.2-4,
10.3 Roadway crossings 983

Fig. 10.3.2-1 Sub-base roadway expansion joint up to 15 mm on concrete bridges [Ramberger, 2002].

Fig. 10.3.2-2 Sub-base for roadway expansion joints up to 15 mm on steel bridges [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.3.2-3 Sub-base roadway expansion joint up to 15 mm on concrete bridges with elastic filling
[Ramberger, 2002].

Track transitions for medium profile or by a reinforced rubber element

movements (25 to 80 mm) that allows movement through
With these roadway transitions, the deformation. Of particular importance is
pavement is interrupted in any case and is the fastening of the deformable elements
usually finished off with a metal profile. and the possibility of replacement. In the
The joint is sealed with a special rubber case of transitions that
984 10 Bridge equipment

Fig. 10.3.2-4 Sub-base for roadway expansion joints up to 25 mm on concrete bridges [Ramberger, 2002].

pedestrians, especially in urban areas, it is a) the cushion construction (up to approx. 350
important to prevent stiletto heels from mm)
getting stuck on rubber profiles, either b) the finger transition (up to approx. 300 mm)
with a sheet metal cover or with a rubber c) the watertight slat transition (up to
profile of appropriate strength that is flat approx. 1000 mm)
on the surface (Figures 10.3.2-6 to 10.3.2- d) the sliding plate transition (from approx. 300 mm)
The cushion construction consists of
Track transitions for large reinforced rubber profiles that allow
movements (greater than 80 movement by staking the soft
mm) unreinforced parts (Figures 10.3.2-11 and
Various designs have proven their worth 10.3.2-12).
in roadway crossings for large movements. There are two types of finger
transitions: the one with protruding

Fig. 10.3.2-5 Sub-base roadway expansion joint up to 25 mm on steel bridges [Ramberger, 2002].

Fig. 10.3.2-6 Track expansion joint up to 60 mm with rubber lip [Ramberger, 2002].
10.3 Roadway crossings 985

Fig. 10.3.2-7 Roadway expansion joint up to 80 mm with special rubber profile [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.3.2-8 Roadway expansion joint up to 80 mm with rubber cushion [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.3.2-9 Roadway expansion joint up to 80 mm with rubber cellular body [Ramberger, 2002].

Fig. 10.3.2-10 Roadway expansion joint up to 80 mm with rubber lip and sheet metal cover
[Ramberger, 2002].
986 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.3.2-11 Roadway expansion joint with reinforced rubber cushion [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.3.2-12 Roadway expansion joint with reinforced rubber cushion with several expansion joints
[Ramberger, 2002].

(Figure 10.3.2-13) and the one with can be replaced in different ways. The
supported fingers (Figure 10.3.2-14). slats are supported by beams in the bridge
The transitions with supported fingers axis, by inclined beams or by vertical
allow larger movements. Finger bridges are scissors. The profiles can be controlled so
very robust and require no maintenance that they have the same opening width in
apart from cleaning. However, they do not every position by springs between the
allow movement in the transverse beams, by horizontally or obliquely
direction of the bridge and are not arranged control elements or by vertical
watertight directly on the surface. Sealing scissors (Figures 10.3.2-15 to 10.3.2-18).
and drainage below the crossing can The sliding plate transition, which is
prevent water from running through onto usually only used from movements of
the abutment structure. approx. 500 mm, consists of a pendulum
There are several types of watertight plate that bridges the joint and adjoining
slat transitions, which differ in the rubber sliding plates that can slide back and forth
profiles between the steel slats, in the on sliding blocks when the joint moves.
support of the slats and in the type of slat On the side of the sliding blocks, the
control. In the case of rubber profiles, sliding plates are covered with a slide
there are V and box profiles, which chair. Pendulum plate and slide chair
10.3 Roadway crossings 987

Figure 10.3.2-13 Finger transition with overhanging fingers [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.3.2-14 Finger transition with supported fingers [Ramberger, 2002].

are held down by strong springs. The of the construction on the bridge and
sliding plate transition is not inherently abutment. For this reason, and also for
watertight and therefore requires a warranty reasons, the installation of the
drainage system (Fig. 10.3.2-19). expansion joint should be carried out by
Proper installation and anchoring are of the manufacturer or at least under the
decisive importance for ride comfort, noise supervision of the manufacturer, taking
emission and the service life of a roadway into account the installation temperature
expansion joint and the time-dependent displacements
(shrinkage, creep) that still need to be
taken into account.
988 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.3.2-15 Slat transition with beam in longitudinal direction and spring control [Ramberger,

Figure 10.3.2-16 Slat transition with beam in longitudinal direction and horizontal guide control
[Ramberger, 2002].
10.3 Roadway crossings 989

Fig. 10.3.2-17 Slat transition with inclined beam support and inclined beam control [Ramberger,
990 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.3.2-18 Slat transition with scissor support and scissor control [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.3.2-19 Sliding plate transition [Ramberger, 2002]

10.3 Roadway crossings 991

10.3.3 E x p a n s i o n j o i n t s Expansion joints should not be

arranged directly at the joint, but rather at
There are two types of expansion joints: a short distance behind the abutment
outside the bridge. This rounds out the
a) the pull-out with parallel joint (Fig.
kink (tangent twist) through the track and
makes it easier to hold the expansion joint
b) the pull-out with spring tongue joint
in place.
(Fig. 10.3.3-2)
whereby the latter has the better driving
characteristics, as there is no gap in the

Fig. 10.3.3-1 Expansion joint with parallel joint [Ramberger, 2002].

Figure 10.3.3-2 Expansion joint with spring tongue joint [Ramberger, 2002]
992 10 Bridge equipment

10.4 Scuff plates, The design of the section is mainly carried

Guards, caps and railings out outside built-up areas at permitted
speeds ofzul > 50 km/h.
URSULA FREUNDT For permitted speeds of up to vzul ≤ 50
km/h and for overpasses of agricultural
Equipment elements such as railings, and forestry roads, kerbs with a height of
kerbs and safety barriers are used to safely 0.15 m to 0.20 m are generally sufficient
guide vehicle and pedestrian traffic on the and the protective device is not required.
bridge structure. They form the lateral The cross-section design depends on
boundaries and separate the traffic areas the required width for pedestrians and
between users. cyclists and the required safety distances.
Figures 10.4.1-2 and 10.4.1-3 show the
cross-sectional design.
10.4.1 Capping of road bridges

The caps form the kerb area and thus the

lateral boundary of the carriageway for
the safe guidance of vehicle traffic. The
kerb stop and the protective device catch a
straying vehicle and guide it back onto the
carriageway. In particular, the aim is to
prevent vehicles from falling off the bridge
or, in the case of multi-directional
carriageways, from entering the opposite
carriageway. The standard design for the
cap formation in the edge area is shown in
Figure 10.4.1-1. This transverse
Figure 10.4.1-2 Cap formation on farm road

Figure 10.4.1-1 Cap formation on building

structures according to [RIZ-ING, 2008]. Figure 10.4.1-3 Cap formation for shared
pedestrian/cycle path (vzul ≤ 50 km/h)
10.4 Scuff plates, protective devices, caps and railings 993

training for the overpass of a service road roof membrane. Nevertheless, a high
or for a cycle-pedestrian path. minimum reinforcement in the
In addition to the safety function for longitudinal direction is provided to avoid
vehicle traffic, the caps also have wide cracks. The heavy loads caused by
structural and design functions to fulfill. frost and de-icing salts place high demands
They cover the lateral end (cantilever end on the concrete. Concretes with a high air
face) of the superstructure and the sealing void content are used. The concrete
layer. The design of the cornice band strength should be as low as possible in
contributes significantly to the overall order to keep the forced stresses low.
appearance of the bridge structure.
The supply lines running in the access
route of the road are often transferred in 10.4.2 Caps on railroad bridges
the cap. The individual lines and cables
are conveniently laid in protective pipes As with road bridges, the caps on railroad
set in concrete so that they can be bridges form the lateral end of the
replaced. carriageway and also support the roadbed
The caps are usually guided over the of the railroad track. Figure 10.4.2-1 shows
entire length of the superstructure the typical design of the edge cap on a
without a guide and are therefore subject railroad overpass with ballast support
to strong shrinkage and temperature based on the technical guidelines and
resistance in the longitudinal direction. In standards M-RKP 1602 [DB Netz AG,
order to keep these stresses as low as 2000].
possible, the cap is only attached to the The service route on the edge cap is
face of the superstructure using used to inspect the structure and the track
connecting reinforcement. Between the systems. The necessary rail technology
sealing layer and the bearing surface of the lines and cables are laid in the cable
cap, an additional protective layer of trough. On large bridges of the
bitumen is applied.
of track

Figure 10.4.2-1 Concrete cap with ballast wall on railroad bridge

994 10 Bridge equipment

Fig. 10.4.2-2 Edge caps according to framework planning for new lines [Prommersberger/Rojek,

On new lines, the catenary masts are protect bridge users from falling. This
anchored in the edge cap. The service track protection can only be fully guaranteed by
is designed wide enough to allow the railing for pedestrian and cyclist
appropriate equipment for bridge traffic. As described in section 10.4.1,
inspection to be set up on it without kerbs or protective devices are installed at
impairing the operation of the line. The the edge of the carriageway to restrain
typical design is shown in Figure 10.4.2-2 vehicle traffic.
from [Prommersberger/Rojek, 1987]. Railings are usually made of steel or
aluminum. For design reasons or
depending on the bridge structure in
10.4.3 Railings and guidance systems question, wooden railings or concrete or
masonry balustrades are also possible.
The railing as the outer boundary of the
bridge cross-section is primarily intended
to protect the
10.4 Scuff plates, protective devices, caps and railings 995

In addition to cycle paths and The performance of the vehicles is

walkways, infill railings are used because assessed and assigned to performance
they offer greater safety against children classes on the basis of impact tests with
and small animals falling off and objects real vehicles.
falling down. Wire mesh infills of the The division into performance classes
individual railing sections are also possible. is based on the criteria
The railing height is at least 1.00 m next to
• Containment level,
pedestrian paths. Next to cycle paths, it
• Range of action class and
must be increased by 20 cm to 1.20 m.
• Impact severity level
Railings (knee railings) are sufficient
for bridges outside built-up areas with made.
existing emergency walkways and for The type and scope of the tests are
service routes on railroad bridges. regulated in [DIN EN 1317-2, 2007].
On road bridges with a length of more The containment level characterizes the
than 20 m between the splitting of trains, a containment capacity of the protective
continuous wire rope is arranged in the device as a function of the vehicle mass,
handrail of the railing. In the event of a impact angle and impact speed during the
vehicle impact, this is intended to impact tests. The effective range class is
distribute the impact energy over the entire characterized by the maximum dynamic
length of the railing and prevent the deflection of the protective device. The
vehicle from breaking through. The impact severity level is used to estimate
railing itself and its anchoring in the cap the load on vehicle occupants in the event
concrete will of course be destroyed. of an impact with the protective device.
Protective devices on bridges are The support levels required on bridges
designed in accordance with [DIN EN according to [RPS, 2009] are summarized
1317, 2007]. in Table 10.4.4-1.

Figure 10.4.2-3 Concrete sliding wall with footpath and cycle path
996 10 Bridge equipment

Table 10.4.4-1 Required containment levels on bridges based on [RPS, 2009].

Roads with
Danger Vzul > 100 km/h
zone below Vzul ≤ 100 km/h Vzul ≤ 100 km/h
and highways and
the bridge and and
highway- Vzul ≤ 50 km/h
l i k e roads with
500vehicles/24h 500vehicles/24h
Vzul ≤ 100 km/h

risk to third H4b H2 H2 H1

Danger to
Scuff plates with a
third parties
height of 0.15 m-
H2 H2 H1 0.20 m and railing
with rope
danger to
according to RIZ-

For protective devices on bridges, carried out [BASt, 2005]. The BASt also
additional measurements must be carried provides information on vehicle occupant
out during the impact test to verify the loads and impact classes of the tested
forces transferred to the structure by the systems.
protective device and the vehicle [RPS,
2009]. Recommended values for the
horizontal forces transmitted by 10.5 Bridge drainage
protective devices are contained in [DIN-
Steel crash barriers or concrete sliding and FRANCESCO AIGNER (until 10.7)
walls can be used as protective devices on
bridges. In the past, it was common practice to
With steel crash barriers, the impact drain rainwater from the bridge surface
energy of the vehicle is absorbed by the into the ground or water below by the
deformation of the crash barriers and the shortest route. Today, this is generally
vehicle is guided back into the road. only permitted for pedestrian bridges.
Due to their shape, concrete sliding Precipitation water on road and rail
walls prevent the wheel from rising and employee bridges is now collected and fed
guide it back onto the roadway. Figure into the sewer system or, after separation
10.4.2-3 shows the arrangement of a of liquid hydrocarbons (petrol, oil), into
concrete sliding wall on a bridge structure the ground. In the case of road bridges,
with a pedestrian and cycle path located sufficient longitudinal and transverse
beneath it. slopes should be provided for driving
Extensive theoretical studies reasons.
and practical impact tests were carried out
by the Federal Highway Research Institute. (q = √9q2 9+ q2 3 ≥ 2.5%) for rapid
res lengt tran
hwis sver
e se
10.5 Bridge drainage 997

drainage of the roadway. At the edges, the If this is justifiable for aesthetic reasons, the
rainwater is drained by screwable or longitudinal pipes should be accessible
lockable bridge inlets with a from the outside so that leaks can be easily
correspondingly high load-bearing detected. Drainage pipes in box cross-
capacity ( influence area sections should be avoided wherever
< 200 m2) with drainage boxes and possible. If possible, plaster openings
possibly should also be provided at appropriate
The sludge is collected in sludge buckets intervals in the longitudinal pipes.
(Figure 10.5-1) and passed on through Steel, cast iron and plastic pipes are
branch pipes connected to the used as the material for longitudinal
longitudinal drainage system. drainage. The spacing of the suspensions
Utilizing the construction height of the or supports depends on the material and
structure, the slope of the longitudinal diameter of the pipes. The joints are made
drainage can be steeper than that of the with sleeves (machined or pushed over),
roadway or even in the opposite direction. which must not shift in the event of
Pipe gradients of less than 1.5% should be vibrations. Plastic pipes, especially PE pipes,
avoided. Pipe diameters of less than 150 have thermal expansion coefficients that
mm should not be used for either branch are many times (up to 20 times) those of
or longitudinal pipes due to the associated steel or concrete. This must be taken into
risk of blockages caused by mud, leaves, account in the design by means of
small branches etc. being washed in. The appropriate displacements. With
longitudinal lines are either laid on
brackets or suspended from the supporting
structure. If it is made of

Fig. 10.5-1 Bridge drainage boxes for steel bridges (left), for concrete and composite bridges (right)
[ACO Drain Passavant].
998 10 Bridge equipment

Figure 10.5-2 Cross-section of surface drainage

72,50 m 105,00 m

225,693 225,770
224,430 223,930 223,300 P
P NW250 2%
P P 18 %
NW200 222,298

5,00 m

Figure 10.5-3 Longitudinal section of surface drainage

For direct discharge into the receiving lead. As the bridge structure moves relative
watercourse below, perpendicular drainage to the substructures, either movable
supports are used, the lower edge of which rubber spiral hoses or drain funnels must
should be below the bridge structure and be provided at the connection points of
which should have a defined drainage the longitudinal drainage pipe to the waste
point or a jet distributor so that the pipes to ensure proper drainage even in
structure and the substructures are not hit the event of extreme longitudinal
by the rainwater. In all other cases, the displacements of the superstructure.
rainwater should be drained off vertically
at the abutments or piers and either fed
into the wastewater or combined sewer 10.6 Lighting
system or into a dry well via petrol and oil
separators. When lighting bridges, a distinction is
made between lighting the roadway and
lighting the bridge.
10.6 Lighting 999

lighting of the structure itself. The is illuminated when the adjacent walkways
roadway lighting on road bridges is are unlit (see also Fig. 9.2.1-3). This
usually designed in the same way as on the effectively reduces soiling and damage
adjoining areas. For this purpose, the caused by vandalism. The lighting can be
lighting masts or the masts for tensioning, mounted on standard lighting masts.
to which the lighting bodies are attached, However, it can also be integrated into the
must be provided on the bridge structure. railing or even into the walking surface.
The power supply is provided by cables that Significant, architecturally well-
are routed in empty conduits and fed in designed buildings in populated areas
and out of each mast. certainly deserve to be illuminated. There
In some cases, the walking surfaces of are various ways of installing the lighting
pedestrian bridges are also used when in this way,

Fig. 10.6-1 Roadway lighting as for roads

Fig. 10.6-2 Lighting of the support structure, Rossau Bridge Vienna [MA 33]
1000 10 Bridge equipment

Fig. 10.6-3 Fiber optic system, Franzensbrücke Vienna [MA 33]

Fig. 10.6-4 Lighting of the edge beam and the steel supports - Augarten Bridge Vienna [MA 33]

that the user is not dazzled, but the are necessary, such as water pipes, natural
structure is effectively illuminated. gas pipes, high and low voltage cables.
Sometimes it is also possible to integrate Pipelines for crude oil, liquids from the
the lighting of the roadway into the chemical industry, flammable or non-
lighting of the bridge. Examples of effect flammable, toxic or respiratory gases must
lighting for bridges are shown in Figures be agreed with the approving body
10.6-1 to 10.6-4. (authority) on a case-by-case basis with
regard to the necessary safety measures.
When transferring drinking water
10.7 Utility connections pipes onto bridges, it must be ensured that
the pipes are laid or supported on the
This section deals with pipelines that are supporting structure at appropriate
required for the municipal supply. intervals.
10.7 Utility connections 1001

Figure 10.7-1 Cross-section with fixtures

1002 10 Bridge equipment

The pipe must be suspended so that the The same applies to emergency shut-off
load can be absorbed and at the same time valves as to water pipes.
relative movements between the pipe and Power cables for energy supply and
the supporting structure can take place low-current cables for
without hindrance. Appropriate telecommunications are laid on cable
expansion joints must be installed to trays, in empty conduits or in cable ducts.
compensate for the movements of the As the fields surrounding the power
supporting structure at the abutments. cables can interfere with the operation of
Gate valves must be installed before and the low-current cables, either a sufficient
after the bridge to close automatically in distance or appropriate shielding must be
the event of a pipe break. If the water pipe provided between the cables. To
is laid in a box cross-section, the floor compensate for movements at the ends of
must be provided with appropriate the bridge, bends or loops are arranged in
openings at suitable points to allow the the cables.
water that escapes in the event of a pipe
burst to drain away. On the one hand, this
makes the pipe burst noticeable and, on 10.8 Noise protection systems
the other hand, prevents overloading of
the supporting structure. If the flow rate is URSULA FREUNDT
low, water pipes must be protected against
freezing by thermal insulation. 10.8.1 Overview
Natural gas pipes for municipal supply
must not be laid in box cross-sections, but Increasing noise pollution has become a
should be laid on the outside of the bridge problem for the environment, including
under the bridge deck if possible (Fig. noise caused by road traffic. The reason for
10.7-2), so that the escaping gas cannot this is the general increase in traffic volume
form an explosive mixture with air in the and the increasing density of buildings.
event of a leaking pipe. Natural gas is Noise studies and the r e s u l t i n g noise
explosive when mixed with air in the control measures are only r e q u i r e d by
range of 4 to 17 percent by volume. With legislature in Germany for new roads or
regard to the storage of pipes, expansion road sections with significant changes (e.g.
joints and increase in traffic density).
the number of tracks, etc.).
The need for noise protection measures
is assessed on the basis of the immission
limit values in accordance with the Federal
Immission Control Act [BImSchG, 2002].
It must be demonstrated that the noise
level at the place of immission is below the
permissible limit values according to
Table 10.8-1.
The intensity of the noise level at the
place of immission is expressed by the
rating level Lr . Various factors are taken
into account when determining the rating
Figure 10.7-2 Bearing of the gas pipe
10.8 Noise protection 1003
Table 10.8-1 Permissible immission limit are to be. The following categories are
values according to [BImSchG, 2002]. distinguished according to absorption
Location Immission limit capacity:
value [dB(A)] • Reflective ΔL < 4 dB
Day Night • Absorbing 4 dB ≤ ΔL < 8 dB
• Highly absorbent ΔL ≥ 8 dB
at hospitals, schools, 57 47
convalescent homes,
retirement homes
10.8.2 Noise protection systems on bridges
in pure and general 59 49
residential areas, Bridges are particularly relevant in terms
small housing estates of noise protection due to their exposed
in core, village and 64 54 location above ground. The standard
mixed areas design c o n s i s t s o f noise barriers
with heights of up to 6.0 m. As the noise
in industrial estates 69 59 shield is located close to the traffic route, a
good shielding value is achieved.
Noise barriers are constructed from steel
tors are taken into account. The most
posts, see Fig. 10.8-1, with interchangeable
important input variable is the existing or
wall elements between them. The joints
forecast traffic volume. The proportion of
must be sealed soundproof and
heavy traffic is particularly important here.
permanently elastic. The wall materials
In addition to the speed driven, the road
used are metal, wood, concrete, glass or
surface, longitudinal gradient and possible
reflections of the road noise are used to
determine the noise level.
Structural measures can shield or
The posts of the noise barriers are
redirect the sound. The shielding value,
anchored in the cornice area of the cap or
the distance the sound has to travel, is the
on concrete parapets. In the case of
decisive factor for achieving the shielding
particularly high noise barriers, it may be
necessary to secure the cap against lifting
A sound shield must have the following
using plate anchors. Caps with plate
anchors are currently used in conjunction
• sound-impermeable, i.e. the sound that with noise barriers up to 8.0 m high.
passes directly through the screen must In addition to the task of transmitting
be reduced by at least 30 dB(A) tensile force, the plate anchors also have to
ensure tightness in the area of the seal
The diffraction edge should be as high as penetration.
possible and close to the traffic route, as The mode of action of installed plate
this increases the shielding value z. anchors with a movable upper part in the
Multiple reflections can lead to level event of loads is being investigated as part
increases. These effects can be reduced by of a research project at the Faculty of Civil
using materials with absorbent properties. Engineering, Chair of Transportation
Engineering at the Bau-
1004 10 Bridge equipment

University of Weimar [Michael et al., be installed. On high viaducts, a non-

2008]. Figure 10.8-2 shows the transparent plinth (approx. 50 cm high)
arrangement of plate anchors in bridge provides drivers with additional safety.
caps for new construction measures. Particular attention must be paid to the
transition to the open road.
As noise barriers on bridges have a Wall elements
significant influence on the design, the Various building materials are used for the
corresponding systems must be taken into wall elements, which allow for specific
account in the design phase. design options. In terms of sound
From the point of view of both residents insulation, the wall constructions differ
and drivers, a number of design aspects primarily in terms of their reflection
should be taken into account with regard properties.
to the structural design and the choice of Wall elements made of metal usually
materials and colors. Examples can be consist of 10-12 cm thick aluminum
found, for example, in [BMVBW, 1995]. cassettes, in which air spaces and sound
For example, noise barriers made of insulation mats, e.g. made of rock wool, are
wood or concrete allow for different integrated. The elements are usually 33 or
surface designs on the resident and 50 cm high. Sound can penetrate through
roadway sides. Transparent noise barriers single or double-sided perforations and is
cause the least disturbance to the absorbed. Any color is possible.
appearance of the bridge. From the driver's Wall elements made of wood are
point of view, long noise barriers should at mainly arranged when they are used on
least have transparent window strips at a adjoining sections. For
height of approx. 1.20 m above the

Fig. 10.8-1 Noise barrier as built from [Thür, 2003].

10.8 Noise protection 1005

Figure 10.8-2 Arrangement of plate anchors in conjunction with noise barriers

High-pressure impregnation is required to can be created. In order to ensure splinter

ensure sufficient durability, which makes protection above public traffic areas,
disposal problematic. The wall special interception constructions (wire
construction consists of battens with clear mesh) must be provided. Various
spacings of 4-5 cm. Behind this is a sound manufacturers offer solutions here by
insulation mat. The rear side is usually installing splinter-binding fibers without
formed by a cement-bonded chipboard. impairing transparency. In some cases, a
The wall elements are usually large-format, glare effect can occur due to reflection at
e.g. 2.0 m - 5.0 m. night.
Due to the relatively high dead load,
concrete wall elements are only used to a Structural requirements
limited extent on bridges, and installation is Noise barriers must meet the following
usually only possible with the use of a requirements:
crane. However, the most varied surface
• acoustic requirements
design options are provided by texture
• traffic safety stakes
and color.
• sufficiently stable and dimensionally stable
Transparent noise barriers usually have a
single-skin structure made of silicate glass
• Resistant to ageing and corrosion or
or plastic glass. Manufacturers now also
offer absorbent transparent wall elements
• color-fast, fire and stone throw
or modular combinations of opaque, highly
resistant and maintainability.
absorbent and reflective transparent wall
elements, so that a transparent absorbent With regard to traffic safety, the
noise barrier can also be created. requirements of [RPS, 2009] and [ZTV-
LSW, 1988] must be observed.
1006 10 Bridge equipment

If an additional railing is dispensed and are subject to national regulations, in

with when an LSW is installed, the safety Germany for example the [ZTV-LSW,
cable for fall protection of departing 1988].
vehicles must be attached to the noise
barrier together with the rail. Further developments
The LS elements must be individually A greater shielding effect can be achieved
secured against falling. For this purpose, if a much larger part of the roadway can
retaining structures made of wire ropes at be covered by the noise protection
least 4 mm thick are usually arranged in structure [Herder, 2001], [Groh, 2003].
the four corners and connected to the Level increases due to multiple reflections
posts. can be reduced by installing sound-
It must be possible to replace damaged absorbing cladding on the ceiling and
elements or entire panels of noise barriers walls. Level reductions of around 20 dB(A)
without adversely affecting unaffected can be achieved.
panels. With partial roofing, natural
The stability of noise barriers must be ventilation and exposure is usually
verified for the load-bearing components sufficient. However, the condition of the
(stakes of the posts and the transfer of road can vary greatly in terms of moisture
forces). The main actions are the effects of and ice.
wind. These are regulated in [DIN FB-101, The most effective, albeit most
2009]. Additional actions are dependent expensive, type of noise protection is the
on the height and position of the noise complete enclosure of the bridge. Through

Figure 10.8-3 Bridge enclosure in Italy from [Röhm, 2003]

10.8 Noise protection 1007
By using transparent elements, artificial The latest cleaning results are not yet
exposure can be dispensed with. Figure available. In Germany, a transparent noise
10.8-3 shows an example from Italy. enclosure is planned for the Saale bridge
Experience regarding the problems of near Salzmünde as part of the new
vehicle collisions, fire protection, access construction of the A 143 motorway
for emergency services and not (Halle western bypass) [DEGES, 2002].
11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and
assessment of bridges

11.1 Introduction causes. The majority of the defects

identified primarily affect the durability of
EVA-MARIA EICHINGER-VILL the structure. However, if these defects are
and JOHANN KOLLEGGER (until not taken into account, they can also
11.2) jeopardize the load-bearing capacity of the
bridge over time. Strict quality assurance
Structural inspection is the determination measures, in the sense of in-house and
and evaluation of the actual condition of a third-party monitoring, must be
structure. Structural monitoring covers all implemented to avoid defects due to
measures required to detect defects and execution errors. Due to the fact that
damage to structures in good time so that bridges made of reinforced concrete and
failure can be ruled out without prior prestressed concrete are exposed to a
notice. In this context, damage is a change multitude of influences, it is impossible to
to the structure that impairs its list all potentially damaging influences.
serviceability, durability or load-bearing However, the most common causes of
capacity, whereby the cause can be either damage are known and are described
a defect on the resistance side or below.
overloading of the structure on the action Defects and subsequent damage can
side. A defect is the negative deviation affect the various components and
from the intended structural condition to building materials of the structure and
the actual condition. A defect can result in have a wide variety of causes. A major
one or more damages. cause of damage to reinforced concrete
and prestressed concrete bridges is
corrosion of the reinforcement, which is
11.2 Causes of damage to caused by substances that are already
embedded in the structure or come from
concrete bridges
the immediate environment. In this
context, it must be emphasized that
11.2.1 General information professionally executed reinforced
concrete is permanently resistant to
Defects in bridge structures, which can weathering under normal conditions.
subsequently cause damage, are caused by Weather-related damage usually only
design errors, execution errors or external occurs if defects are already present or if
influences. the service life and load of the structure
far exceed the originally assumed level
[Ruffert, 1983].
1010 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

The use of de-icing salt as part of road water. For this reason, contaminated
operations in the winter months poses one water can penetrate the concrete much
of the biggest problems for the durability more easily. In this context, it is therefore
of bridge structures, attacking both the particularly important to protect the
concrete and the steel. Sodium chlorides construction from such effects by means
are mainly used as de-icing agents in of proper sealing.
winter service. The properties of concrete depend on
The question of who is responsible for its chemical and mineralogical
remedying damage is essentially composition as well as the degree of
determined by the time at which the sealing and the associated pore volume.
damage occurs. In this context, formal Physical and chemical influences, which
acceptance of the construction occurs both affect the building in various ways and
after completion and before the end of the combinations, have a significant influence
limitation period. The time at which the on the ageing of the building material.
damage occurs is not only important for However, the quality of the concrete has a
the clarification of legal issues, but can significant influence on the durability of
also be a decisive factor in the technical the structure. Concrete compressive
assessment of the cause of the damage. strength is often used as the only criterion
for concrete quality. However, for bridge
structures in particular, the compressive
11.2.2 Damage to concrete strength alone is not sufficiently
meaningful with regard to durability; other General information factors must also be taken into account
[Ruffert, 1983]. These include
Together with the reinforcement, the
• the capillary volume, i.e. the water
concrete should meet the requirements
absorption capacity under atmospheric
with regard to
conditions in the relaxed drinking
The durability of the overall structure is
• the air permeability, i.e. the resistance
significantly influenced by the design and
to the passage of carbon dioxide,
material properties of the concrete
• a sufficient content of calcium-
resulting from the manufacturing process
hydroxide, detectable by means of pH
prior to installation. The durability of the
value and
overall structure is significantly
• the absence of cracks when looking at the
influenced by the structural design and
the material properties of the concrete
resulting from the manufacturing process In order to achieve sufficient compaction
prior to installation. and limit the pore volume in the hardened
Concrete is a porous building material. concrete, the fresh concrete is compacted
Its ability to absorb water in liquid form using a vibrator. Compaction can result in
depends on its surface tension. The water defects or damage to the concrete if it
in the area of a bridge can be cannot be properly compacted between
contaminated by chemicals and then only the reinforcing bars. But also too in
has about half the surface tension of
chemically pure concrete.
11.2 Causes of damage to concrete bridges 1011

Intensive vibration can produce defects, as This can lead to a reduction and, in
this can lead to segregation of the fresh extreme cases, complete destruction of the
concrete. Due to the condenser of the affected concrete. This damage can be
concrete, the aggregates sink downwards prevented by using sulphate-resistant
as a result of their own weight and the cements.
lighter cement content begins to rise However, three types of damage or
upwards. changes in the properties of the concrete
Concrete can be attacked by chemical are of decisive importance for the corrosion
substances, whereby a distinction is made of the reinforcement, which are described
between dissolving and driving attack. in more detail below. These are the
Cement paste consists of calcium silicates formation of cracks, carbonation and the
and aluminates, which are formed by chloride content of the concrete.
hydration. Its alkalinity is the reason why
it can be attacked by any acid. This
dissolving attack first loosens and then Cracks in the concrete
destroys the bond between the aggregate
and the mastic substance. However, if the Cracks occur in a reinforced or
protective concrete skin is undisturbed, prestressed concrete structure when the
the loosening attack can be prevented. tensile strength of the concrete is
Cracks and extensive damage are exceeded. Cracks of small width initially
dangerous, as they allow the aggressive have no direct negative effects on the load-
substances to penetrate deeply. It is bearing capacity of a structure, as this is
therefore important to detect dissolving verified on the assumption t h a t the
damage as early as possible and to take concrete cannot withstand any tensile
suitable measures to rectify it. One forces. All tensile forces are therefore
possibility is to protect the sensitive assigned to the reinforcement. The
cement stone with acid-resistant films. following types of cracks and their causes
If the attacking substances trigger a can be distinguished [Nürnberger, 1995]:
reaction that leads to an increase in
volume, this is referred to as a driving • Stress cracks: Exceeding the tensile
attack. These substances can penetrate strength resulting from loads (also
through cracks or already be present in from pre-tensioning) and hindered
the concrete in the form of alkaline deformation (shrinkage, temperature
aggregates (alkali-silica reaction). The change, support displacement)
larger volume of space that forms has a • Shrinkage cracks: Surface drying
structure-bursting effect. An example of of the processed fresh concrete
this are gases and solutions containing • Hydration cracks: Surface cooling of
sulphate ions. During the reaction the concrete heated as a result of
between the sulfates and the tricalcium hydration
aluminate in the cement paste, ettringite is • Corrosion cracks: Volume increase
formed, which has about eight times the Reinforcement of the reinforcement in case
volume of the starting materials. This of corrosion
increase in volume leads to crater-shaped • Frost cracks: Volume increase of the
spalling of the concrete surface, to a water during the change of the ag-
reduction in strength, and to a reduction in gregate state due to ice formation
the strength of the concrete.
1012 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Shortly after concreting, the curing surface cracks can be the starting point for
process and shrinkage can cause cracks to deeper cracks due to their notch effect.
form in the fresh concrete. This can be With crack widths of more than 0.4
countered by a suitable concrete mm, sufficient corrosion protection of the
composition, curing in accordance with reinforcement is not guaranteed, which
the state of the art or by pre-tensioning. means that corrosion erosion and thus a
The concrete is subjected to compressive weakening of the reinforcement is possible.
forces by prestressing, which largely This could pose a direct risk to the load-
overwhelm the tensile stresses caused by bearing capacity of the structure.
constant and variable influences and Cracks in the area of the coupling
constraints. Nevertheless, it is only joints have a problematic effect; here the
possible to prevent cracks in the concrete problem of fatigue strength for the
to a limited extent. Tensile stresses occur prestressing cable comes to the fore. Due to
in the superstructure as a result of the change in bending moments as a result
permanent and variable actions and of the traversing load, large stress
constraints (column subsidence, uneven fluctuations occur in the prestressing steel
heating). Constraint and residual stresses [Leonhardt, 1979 and Zilch et al., 2004].
due to hydration heat or different While tendons on the free section between
shrinkage dimensions of components of the coupler anchors can withstand high
different thickness or age are also fatigue stresses without damage, there is a
important for crack formation. In significant reduction in fatigue strength in
addition, forced internal forces occur due the immediate area of the coupler anchor.
to temperature differences caused by solar If this is exceeded, there is a risk of fatigue
radiation. The sometimes very large failure for the prestressing steel.
temperature differences between the top The chloride content and carbonation
and bottom of the superstructure are a are also of decisive importance for the
major cause of cracking in prestressed corrosion of steel. Only the carbonation of
concrete bridges. In the early days of the concrete up to the reinforcement
prestressed concrete construction, makes it possible for the iron to dissolve on
however, these tensile stresses were often the steel surface and for corrosion to
not taken into account in the structural occur. However, if a critical chloride ion
calculations. concentration is exceeded in the cross-
In addition, the tensile strength of section of the steel reinforcement, there is
concrete is a highly scattering parameter also a risk of corrosion in non-carbonated
whose permissible values are based on concrete. The following section will
laboratory results. The actual tensile therefore explain the influence of chloride
strength of the concrete in the construction ions and carbonation on the corrosion
work depends primarily on the concrete process.
composition, the quality of execution and
possible previous damage and also
decreases over time. In addition, Chloride content
inadequate curing or unfavorable weather
conditions have a negative effect on the The presence of chlorides improves the
concrete tensile strength. To avoid cracks conductivity of the electrolyte, so that
due to hydration heat, all concrete
technology measures must be implemented
first and foremost.
11.2 Causes of damage to concrete bridges 1013

corrosion already in progress in the resistance of the concrete. This is

carbo- natized area of the concrete can be determined by the concrete density
significantly accelerated. Carbo- (capillary porosity); the chloride
natization of the concrete therefore concentration in the concrete cannot
additionally increases the risk of become greater than in the solution. If the
corrosion, as bound (harmless) chloride concrete structure is sufficiently dense, the
goes back into solution. In the case of chloride concentration tends towards a
chloride corrosion of steel in concrete, the final value over time.
following conditions must be met For bridges, however, the conditions of
simultaneously: alternating humidification apply, with
• The chloride content in the area of the significantly less favorable conditions. The
transport of chloride ions in the concrete
weir must be above a critical limit value.
is significantly influenced by the
• For the cathodic sub-process
simultaneously diffusing water, which is
sufficient oxygen diffuses through the
why the time intervals between the
concrete cover to the steel surface.
• For the ion current between the moistening cycles are of great importance.
Due to the capillary effect, the penetration
speed of the chlorides into the concrete is
and anode, a sufficient moisture
high when the solution acts on concrete
content of the concrete is required.
that is not saturated with water or is
Chlorides can already be present in the completely dry. The penetration rate is
starting materials for concrete production, low when the solution acts on a water-
but are limited to harmless quantities by saturated concrete tri@, as chlorides
the technical regulations. Chlorides that cannot enter the concrete via water
penetrate the concrete from the outside as transport. If the concrete is repeatedly
a result of the use of de-icing salt during moistened with chloride-containing
the cold season are harmful. solutions and dries out in the meantime,
The penetration of chloride into the chloride concentrations can occur after
concrete takes place differently to the the evaporation of the water that are far
penetration of gaseous carbon dioxide above the chloride concentration of the
during carbonation. While well initial solution.
measurable fronts or areas occur during In cracks, chlorides can penetrate to
the carbonation of the concrete, chloride the steel surface much faster than in non-
penetration results in continuously cracked concrete. As chloride impact is
decreasing concentration distributions. always accompanied by wetting of the
However, a high impermeability of the component, capillary suction processes
concrete (W/B value, compaction, curing) play a significant role, so diffusion
has a positive effect on the penetration processes in cracks are not important.
resistance of the chlorides. In the area of However, even with high chloride
permanently immersed zones, the contents, further conditions must be met
chlorides present on the concrete surface for corrosion to occur: the concrete must
in the solution can penetrate the concrete be sufficiently conductivity (moist) and
by diffusion via the micropores. The sufficiently permeable to oxygen. The
greater the concentration gradient and the most unfavorable corrosion conditions
lower the diffusion resistance, the higher are present when higher moisture contents
the diffusion speed. are present in leaking and low concrete
1014 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

content can be introduced. In this The webs and in the floor slab, where
situation, carbonation of the concrete can normally, with the exception of spray mist
lead to corrosion damage even without areas above roads treated with de-icing
chloride effects. In dense concrete and salt, attacks by de-icing salt water are not
with standard-compliant concrete to be expected. If the waterproofing is
coverings, chloride corrosion is limited defective, cracks in the concrete of
even in the case of high chloride contents roadway slabs, if they cross tendons,
on the reinforcement, as oxygen ingress is represent a serious interruption of the
impeded. corrosion protection.
The risk of corrosion for reinforced or
prestressed concrete components exposed
to chloride can therefore be summarized carbonation
as follows. Severe signs of corrosion always
occur, particularly in the case of chloride The gaseous carbon dioxide CO2 contained
attack, if weak points in the construction in the air can diffuse into the concrete
result in heavy chloride accumulation through the air-filled pores of the cement
and/or frequent soaking of individual paste and at local defects, nests and cracks.
components, concreting errors are present The CO2 reacts with the calcium
or the quality of the concrete covering hydroxide Ca(OH)2 dissolved in the pore
does not meet the minimum water of the concrete to form calcium
requirements. In all these cases, cracks in carbonate CaCO3 . A reaction of the carbon
the concrete can promote corrosion. dioxide with the components of the
As failure of prestressing steels cannot cement paste dissolved in the water is now
be completely ruled out after depas- possible, whereby the CO2 is consumed in
sivation of the steel surface, chlorides the carbonation reaction. Only when the
must be prevented from penetrating to the reaction process has progressed so far that
prestressing steel surface for prestressed no more calcium hydroxide can be
concrete components. This can be dissolved at the reaction site does the
achieved, for example, with the help of carbonation penetrate deeper into the
permanently impermeable ducts (e.g. made concrete. This results in clear, easily
of plastic). measurable carbonation fronts. However,
As the effects of de-icing salt pose a due to pores and other defects in the
great danger to durability, additional concrete structure, carbonation peaks
constructive measures, i.e. direct protective occur which can often be many times
measures, are required to prevent the greater than the average carbonation
ingress of de-icing salt water to the depth.
structural concrete and above all to the As carbonation progresses, the
prestressing steel (perfect sealing and originally high pH value of the hardened
drainage as well as permanently cement paste decreases until, at pH values
watertight carriageway transitions). below 9 in the carbonated range, the
Cracks in the carriageway slab are corrosion protection effect of the concrete
therefore fundamentally more critical is lost due to depassivation of the steel
than cracks in the concrete due to possible surface. Fully carbonated concrete finally
defects in the carriageway waterproofing has a very low pH value of 8.3 compared to
and the greater chloride exposure there. the pH value of the non-carbonated
cement paste of approx. 12.5. The concrete
11.2 Causes of damage to concrete bridges 1015

itself is not damaged by the carbonation. dependent. As carbon dioxide can only
The formation of crystalline calcium diffuse through pores that are not filled
carbonate even increases the with water, water-saturated concrete is
impermeability of the cement paste and largely protected against carbonation.
the compressive strength of the concrete. Even completely dry concrete does not
As a result of the process described carbonate, as water is required for the
above, the carbonation front slowly moves carbonation reaction. However, humidity
into the interior of the concrete. As the levels that prevent carbonation (< 30% rel.
diffusion resistance of the concrete to the humidity) hardly ever occur in Central
concrete interior increases and at the Europe. Relative humidities between 50
same time calcium hydroxide migrates and 70% are favourable for carbonation; at
from the interior to the carbonation front, a higher humidities, the progress of
limit value of the carbonation depth is carbonation slows down. From these
reached in the cross-section in which an correlations it is understandable that
equilibrium is established between the surfaces protected from rain (bridge
diffusing carbon dioxide and the calcium soffits) can have greater carbonation
hydroxide supplied from the interior. depths than surfaces that are more
The composition, processing and curing exposed to rain.
of the concrete are of decisive importance
for carbonation. In the composition, care
must be taken to keep the water-binding 11.2.3 Damage to the reinforcing steel
agent value as low as possible, as the
porosity of the cement paste increases Many problems on older solid bridges are
significantly as the W/B value increases. associated with damage to the slack
Furthermore, an optimum grading curve reinforcement and the prestressing
of the aggregates should be aimed for. reinforcement. In most cases, this is
When processing the concrete, it is very caused by corrosion. This is the
important to produce a closed structure decomposition of a material, in this case a
through complete compaction, which in metal, under external influences starting
turn requires a suitable fresh concrete at the surface. Metals are extracted from
consistency. Curing should guarantee the natural metal compounds (ores), which
impermeability of the concrete on the are thermodynamically low in energy and
component surfaces, which is crucial for therefore chemically stable, by adding
the corrosion protection of the steel energy during smelting. They are in a
inserts, by ensuring the necessary degree high-energy, stable state and have the
of hydration. Sufficient curing includes an tendency to return to a lower-energy state
adequate supply of moisture or protection by forming oxides, hydroxides, sulfates or
against premature drying out by covering carbonates. This is why unprotected steel
the freshly concreted components. tends to corrode and form iron oxide and
In addition to the concrete properties hydroxide (rust). When describing the
themselves, the environmental conditions corrosion mechanism, a distinction can be
have a major influence on the carbonation made between the initiation period and the
of the concrete. Carbonation is strongly damage period. The initiation
dependent on the moisture content of the
1016 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

rosion is actually possible, i.e. after the

carbonation has penetrated to the
reinforcement or after a critical chloride
content has been reached in the concrete.
A corrosion process starts as soon as
the protective alkaline environment
provided by the cement mortar is no
longer present and moisture ingress
becomes possible. Corrosion is an
electrochemical process that takes place in
two partial reactions, which can take place
on the surface directly next to each other or
locally separately. A distinction must be
made between processes at the anode and
Figure 11.2.3-1 Galvanic element the cathode (Fig. 11.2.3-1).
In principle, two corrosion
mechanisms are possible (Figure 11.2.3-
The corrosion protection period 2). If the corrosion areas are small and
comprises the time period in which close to each other, this is referred to as
carbonation or a critical chloride content localized or microelement corrosion (self-
has not yet reached the steel surface. The corrosion, corrosion mechanism I); the
steel surface remains passivated during this progress of the corrosion mechanism is
period; no corrosion removal takes place. then generally rather slow. In the crack
In contrast, the damage period only begins area, the deposited surface of the steel
when corrosion has reached the steel insert corrodes like a

Figure 11.2.3-2 Corrosion mechanisms in the crack

11.2 Causes of damage to concrete bridges 1017

unprotected steel, the anodic and cathodic This does not necessarily result in
sub-areas lie directly next to each other in corrosion, as steel can only corrode if the
the area of the crack and the required following four conditions are met:
oxygen penetrates predominantly via the • Sufficient water must be present on the
steel as an electrolyte. This condition is
However, if local moisture penetration
fulfilled at a relative humidity of 50 to
impedes oxygen ingress or if chlorides
have only locally disrupted the
• Between the metallically connected
passivation, so-called macro-element
electrodes, a potential difference must
corrosion (corrosion mechanism II)
exist. This is always present on the steel
occurs. In this process, the de- passivating
surface, e.g. due to the rolling skin and
layer in the crack area has an anodic
base material, between different alloy
effect. The adjacent steel surface between
components, between areas of different
the cracks has a cathodic effect, whereby
deformation states, due to the
the oxygen in the uncracked area diffuses
inhomogeneities in the concrete and
to the cathode.
due to different compaction.
• At the anode, an unobstructed
iron dissolution should be possible. Prerequisite for corrosion of
The carbonation of the concrete is the
prerequisite for this.
• Sufficient acid must be connected to the
Moisture and oxygen are required to
enable rust formation, and the corrosion
er material. This is possible if the
process is accelerated as the temperature
concrete cover is insufficient or if the
rises. When embedded, steel is effectively
cracks in the concrete are too large.
protected against corrosion by the concrete.
The corrosion protection is based on the If corrosion is caused by substances in the
high alkalinity of the pore water in the environment of a material, a distinction is
concrete, which has pH values between 12.5 made between the following corrosive
and 13.5 due to the dissolved calcium agents [Nürnberger, 1995]:
hydroxide Ca(OH)2 formed during the • Corrosive agents of a physical nature: heat,
setting and hardening of the concrete. frost, temperature changes, humidity,
Here, a stable passive layer of iron water vapor, driving rain, condensation,
hydroxide forms on the steel surface, which wind, dust, UV radiation
prevents anodic iron dissolution and thus • Corrosion agents of a chemical nature: Acid
corrosion. Although the passive film solvents, solvents, oils, greases, organic
consists of corrosion products, the compounds, exhaust gases, flue gases,
associated removal rates are irrelevant smog
from a practical construction point of • Corrosive agents of a biological nature: Mi-
view. The corrosion protection can be lost croorganisms, algae, fungi, macro-
due to mechanical damage (loss of concrete ganisms
cover), carbonation (loss of alkalinity of the
pore fluid) or excessive chloride content in With regard to corrosion of the
the concrete (attack by corrosion-promoting reinforcement in reinforced and
substances). However, carbonation or prestressed concrete bridges, the biggest
chlorides alone have problems for the reinforcement are not
only physical corrosion agents but also
chemical corrosion agents in the form of
de-icing salts.
1018 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

durability of bridge structures. In order to Surface corrosion

protect the steel inserts from these
environmental influences, well-sealed In the case of surface corrosion or ablative
concrete, sufficient concrete cover for the corrosion, the material is removed almost
reinforcement and limitation of the crack uniformly from the surface. The most
widths are of enormous importance. important prerequisite for the initiation of
However, in the early days of prestressed corrosion is the dissolution of the alkaline
concrete construction, relatively little passive layer (depassivation). This is the
importance was attached to sufficient case after the pH value has fallen below
concrete cover and crack width limitation. the so-called passivation threshold. The
In prestressed concrete structures, the attack of chlorides in already carbonated
concrete is exposed to compressive forces concrete leads to a significantly increased
that largely exceed the tensile stresses corrosion attack of the stakes.
caused by constant and variable actions Furthermore, the concrete must have
and constraints. In the early days of sufficient electrical conductivity. This is
prestressed concrete technology, it was caused by the presence of unbound water
therefore believed that no cracks would in the capillaries of the concrete, whereby
occur in the concrete. However, the presence of chloride ions significantly
experience soon showed that it was only increases the conductivity of the concrete.
possible to prevent cracks in the concrete Oxygen is another important component,
completely to a limited extent [Leonhardt, which is consumed by the reaction during
1979 and König et al., 1986]. the corrosion process. The concrete must
therefore be dry enough to allow oxygen
to be transported via diffusion processes Types of corrosion or cracks.
The corrosion process is therefore a
The corrosion process leads to a reduction function of the parameters conductivity
in the cross-section of the reinforcement, (water in the capillaries) and oxygen
with the resulting corrosion products supply, whereby these two factors are
displaying a color spectrum ranging from strongly interdependent. The extreme case
red to green to black. However, if there of completely water-saturated concrete
are localized imperfections in the passive shows the best electrical conductivity, but
layer, deep rust scars can form, which can offers considerable resistance to oxygen
have additional negative consequences for diffusion. The extreme case of dry
the steels due to the notch effect. In concrete shows very poor electrical
principle, a distinction can be made conductivity; oxygen diffusion finds
between surface corrosion, pitting optimal boundary conditions here. The
corrosion, fretting corrosion and stress risk of corrosion thus reaches a maximum
corrosion cracking. The latter is a special when the combined effect of oxygen
case, as the formation and propagation of supply and electrical conductivity is
cracks in steel depends only on the present in moderately moist concrete or
concentration of hydrogen and the tensile frequent wet-dry cycles.
stress that occurs and can also take place
in an alkaline environment without prior
damage caused by corrosion. Stress
corrosion cracking is particularly
problematic for highly sensitive quenched
and tempered prestressing steels.
11.2 Causes of damage to concrete bridges 1019 pitting corrosion tion. Under high tensile stresses, even a

very low hydrogen activity is sufficient to
Pitting corrosion (generally chloride initiate the process of stress corrosion
corrosion) is basically based on the cracking in sensitive steels.
formation of micro and macro elements, The so-called decohesion theory sees
but chlorides promote the corrosion the diffusion of absorbed hydrogen into
process without being consumed. The areas of high stress (notches, tips of
penetration of chlorides into the concrete cracks, etc.) as the cause of stress
in the uncracked state is based on the ca- corrosion cracking. The diffusion is
pilar suction effect of the cement paste on favored by the fact that hydrogen is very
the one hand and on diffusion processes mobile due to its small atomic diameter.
on the other. If there are stakes, chlorides In the affected areas, the cohesive forces in
preferentially migrate to the anode and the metal lattice are reduced to such an
cause an accumulation in the electrolyte at extent that cracking becomes possible,
this point. which favors further crack growth.
Freeze-thaw cycles (alternating In contrast to pitting corrosion,
stresses) lead to increased chloride embrittlement occurs inside the steel and
penetration; in the case of evenly and not at an interface; discontinuities in the
heavily soaked concrete, hardly any metal lattice (grain boundaries) tighten
corrosion takes place as the access of the atomic hydrogen. Crack growth
oxygen is prevented. occurs in stages, whereby a sufficient
amount of hydrogen must always be
supplied to the interior and diffuse in at Stress corrosion cracking the plastic deformation limit. This results
in the degree of embrittlement that leads
Stress corrosion cracking is the formation to further progression of crack growth.
and propagation of cracks in prestressing This gradual process of embrittlement is
steels under the influence of certain media the reason for the delayed fracture
and static tensile load and/or residual behavior of sensitive prestressing steels.
stresses from the production process. Compared to other prestressing steels,
Mechanical or corrosion-related pre- quenched and tempered prestressing
damage is not required. In this sense, even steels have a much higher risk potential
steels installed and tested in accordance with regard to strength-reducing stress
with standards can be at risk simply due corrosion cracking. In particular, the
to their chemism. chemical composition of prestressing wires
Stress corrosion cracking is linked to of the so-called "old type" (pre-1965) is
the formation of atomic, absorbable considered critical. From 1965 onwards,
hydrogen, which is responsible for the the addition of chromium and a change in
brittleness of the prestressing steel. In an the Mn/Si ratio as well as the silicon and
alkaline medium, hydrogen is formed carbon content significantly reduced the
during water decomposition at the residual stresses and thus the risk of stress
cathode in the course of anodic iron corrosion cracking.
The most important factors influencing
hydrogen-induced cracking include
hydrogen concentration and tensile stress.
1020 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges Fretting corrosion On the open track, frictional fatigue

stresses and frictional corrosion processes
Frictional corrosion occurs when two steel must be taken into account with regard to
surfaces rub against each other under their effect on the tolerable vibration
pressure in cracked concrete (state II) over widths of a prestressing steel. Solar
a longer period of time (frictional fatigue radiation on supporting structures leads to
stress). Due to their different surface a change in the existing crack widths
shapes, prestressing steel and reinforcing (temperature deformation), the traffic
steel exhibit different bonding behavior, loads can lead to a further intensification
as a result of which the load application of this effect. As a result of the partially
and anchoring lengths of prestressing and loosened bond, frictional fatigue stresses
reinforcing steels also vary. In the and frictional corrosion processes occur
immediate vicinity of cracks, relative on the prestressing steel surfaces, which
displacements can therefore occur result in a drop in the fatigue strength of
between tendon and duct or between the the prestressing steels.
individual wires of a prestressing wire As the strength-reducing frictional
bundle. fatigue stress on the prestressing steel
Crack width fluctuations combined surface is not present in prestressed
with constant opening and closing of the concrete structures in state I, relatively
cracks as a result of dynamic loads (traffic high fatigue strength values of the freely
loads) are to be regarded as particularly vibrating prestressing steel can be
critical, as they successively weaken the assumed. These are above 200 N/mm² for
bond between the concrete and the most of the prestressing steels approved
reinforcement. This weakening of the by the building authorities today. In the
bond leads to frictional processes along cracked range, larger vibration amplitudes
the length of the unbonded prestressing occur on the one hand, which on the
steel. As a result, metal particles are other hand are offset by smaller bearable
released from the prestressing steel surface, vibration amplitudes due to the larger
which oxidize immediately. The oxidation friction paths. Curved tendons show a
products are harder than the steel, which lower fatigue strength under this frictional
leads to an increase in the coefficients of fatigue load than free-swinging
friction [Wollmann et al., 1988]. prestressing steels, whereby the chafing
Bridges are subject to frequently movements of the tendons when opening
changing stresses due to traffic loads. With and closing the cracks as well as deflection
frequent load cycles, however, the strength pressures between prestressing steels and
of the materials is lower than with a single ducts, but also within a bundle, must be
static load. In uncracked concrete taken into account.
(condition I), the fluctuations in the Fractures of prestressing steels due to
bending moments due to traffic loads frictional fatigue loading and fretting
result in only small oscillation widths in corrosion do not usually lead to the
the prestressing steel stresses. However, if sudden failure of a component, as the
a cross-section cracks (condition II), the tensile force released by the fracture can
amplitudes of the prestressing steel be redistributed to the remaining tendons
stresses increase significantly. When of the cross-section. The associated
assessing the fatigue failure risk, a increases in stress cause an increase in
distinction must therefore be made crack widths or lead to the formation of
between the free tendon length and recognizable cracks in load-bearing
tendon couplers. structures in condition I.
11.2 Causes of damage to concrete bridges 1021

cracks. Failure is therefore only to be represent. As they cannot transmit such

expected with advance notice. high tensile and shear stresses, they
When cracks form in bridges, the should be arranged in areas of low stress
tensile forces in the crack are transmitted on the hardened concrete [Schneider,
jointly by the prestressing steel and the 1995].
reinforcing steel. This means that, due to A distinction is made between
the better bonding properties of the expansion, construction and coupling
prestressing steel, a greater tensile force joints. Expansion joints have the task of
transfer occurs than was calculated. The absorbing the change in length resulting
prestressing steel therefore still has from temperature changes and the
reserves that were not taken into account shrinkage of the concrete. They must be
when planning and selecting the arranged so that the restraint stresses
prestressing steels. resulting from the changes in length
described above do not cause any damage.
Construction joints result from the
11.2.4 Damage to the joints and bearings individual concreting sections and
coupling joints from the prestressing and Joints coupling of the tendons at the
construction joints.
A solid bridge is subject to considerable Expansion joints are equipped with an
deformation due to the effects of elastic sealing material. A distinction is
temperature and loads. To ensure that a made between bituminous-based plastic
bridge structure can withstand these sealing compounds and permanently
movements without damage, expansion elastic plastic sealing compounds. Joints
joints are provided by design. The do not have the task of transmitting
pavement cannot be carried through at forces, but merely have to withstand the
these points and expansion joints must be deformations to be expected from the
installed. These can easily accommodate loads and temperature changes without
the changes in length of the structure. In damage. To withstand these without
addition to the great advantage that they damage, a permanently elastic joint
reduce the expansions and therefore do material is required. The elasticity is
not cause any constraining stresses, they achieved by adding plastics. UV radiation
also have the disadvantage that the and chemical influences cause these to age
covering cannot be applied at these points and become brittle. In the joint area in
and therefore form a weak point for the particular, the large number of installed
structure where sealing measures are reinforcements can also cause errors in the
difficult. concreting process (gravel pockets).
The following requirements are placed The coupling joints of older prestressed
on the movable transitions between two concrete bridges are subject to particular
rigid parts of a bridge structure. On the stress. At these points, a new section is
one hand, they must have sufficient concreted against an already hardened
mobility to reduce the expansions that and prestressed section (see also sections
occur and, on the other hand, they must 5.2.1 (here Figures 5.2.1-24 to -32),
ensure protection against aggressive and
substances by providing sufficient sealing The usually very small amount of slack
effect. reinforcement in old bridge structures can
Joints should be limited in number lead to relatively wide cracks in the area of
because they are weak points in the these connections.
supporting structure.
1022 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

joint. Through these cracks, water is separated from the supporting structure
containing de- icer can penetrate the by a sealing layer. Different focal points of
prestressing steel and cause corrosion damage can form within the individual
damage. In addition, cracks in the area of layers.
the coupling joints are also problematic
with regard to the fatigue strength and
fatigue of the prestressing steels [Zilch et Sealing layer
al., 2004].
In the case of leaking expansion joints, A sealing layer must be provided to protect
the water flows over the face of the the construction from water penetration.
supporting structure where the anchors of Fully bonded sealing and vapor-release
the tension reinforcement are located. The layers are used. The latter have the
associated tensioning niches should usually advantage that the formation of bubbles can
be filled with mortar. However, they be largely prevented.
sometimes become detached from the The waterproofing provides protection
structural concrete due to shrinkage, against chemical and physical attacks.
allowing water to freely enter the Additional protection is achieved by
tensioning channels at these points. coating the endangered concrete surfaces
with an epoxy resin. In this context, the
following requirements are placed on the Warehouse waterproofing [Kollegger et al., 2000]:
• Water impermeability
Supports must transfer the forces into the
• Resistant to de-icing salt, oils, greases
ground and absorb the deformations of
and acids
the supporting structure. In order to cause
• Aging stability against ther-
as little disruption to traffic as possible
mical effects and ozone
during maintenance work, it should be • Resistance to mechanical impacts
possible to replace bearings as quickly and • Low maintenance costs
easily as possible. Support structures are • Good adhesion to the substrate
also subjected to massive stress from de- • Ease of installation
icing salt. Metal parts in particular must be • Trafficability by vehicles during
protected against corrosion. In old bridge
installation of the covering
structures, you will mainly find roller
bearings made of steel. If cracks form within the sealing layer,
there is a risk of harmful substances
11.2.5 Damage to the superstructure In the years 1975 to 1985, two
bituminous waterproofing membranes
The superstructure of a bridge structure with glass fleece inserts were generally
has the task of distributing the traffic loads applied to the supporting structure using a
and reducing the stress on the supporting bituminous adhesive. As these bitumens
structure caused by traffic. The only have a limited temperature range of
superstructure is usually made up of unobjectionable serviceability (0 °C to 90
individual layers. The colonel layer is the °C)
surface course. Beneath this i s a leveling
layer, which is stabilized by
11.2 Causes of damage to concrete bridges 1023

have repeatedly caused problems. At low However, the use of a new flooring can
temperatures, the bituminous membranes already lead to damage within the
no longer have a crack-bridging effect and warranty period due to heavy rutting.
at high temperatures their shear strength Another design option is the use of
decreases significantly. With increasing age, mastic asphalt. This is a completely
the bituminous membranes also begin to different process to conventional rolled
become brittle and peel off as a result of asphalt. Due to the high bitumen and filler
poor adhesion. content, mastic asphalt does not need to
After 1985, polymeric sealing be compacted and is still void-free. Its
membranes were used, which have a advantage lies in its water-tightness, vapor
higher elongation capacity. Their service diffusion resistance and high resistance to
temperature range extends from -20 °C to abrasion. If water penetrates at
+120 °C. This means that these polymers imperfections, it is held back between the
are crack-bridging and suitable for use in sealing and surface layers.
a sufficient temperature range. A slope of the deck slab should allow
Embrittlement due to the ageing of the the water to run off in order to prevent
polymers is hardly observed. The adhesion damage to the bridge structure. Taking
of the waterproofing membranes can also into account the longitudinal and
be significantly improved by using epoxy transverse inclination of the supporting
resin. structure, the slope of the waterproofing
should not be less than 2.5% in order to
ensure sufficient drainage of the water. Top layer In the past, cement slurries were
vibrated into asphalt layers with a high
When designing the surface course, a void volume. This procedure resulted in
distinction can be made between damage occurring within the warranty
bituminous construction and concrete period.
construction. Due to its direct exposure to Inadequate connections of the
traffic, the surface course is more waterproofing to installation parts, such as
susceptible to damage than the supporting day water inlets, underfloor drainage and
structure. This can result in damage to the expansion joints, are often the cause of
waterproofing and subsequently to the water ingress. Today, it is not permitted to
supporting structure. penetrate the waterproofing with
The bituminous construction method reinforcing rods, but this is often found
is available in different variants. One option when inspecting older structures. The
is to construct the surface from asphalt trough-like raising of the waterproofing at
concrete. Difficulties arise during longitudinal and transverse edges should
installation due to the fact that sealing on also be avoided.
objects is more complicated than in the
adjacent earthworks area. After a short time,
water leaks and cracks can already be
observed. To counteract this deficiency, the
mortar content or the binder content in the
mix can be increased. The resulting
reduction in the resistance to deformation
1024 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

11.3 Damage to steel and Causes of damage to the steel structure are
bridges1 generally
4.1 Corrosion,
FRANCESCO AIGNER 4.2 Material fatigue,
4.3 repeated plasticizing under service
Environmental influences, scheduled use loads,
or extraordinary impacts can cause changes 4.4 Stress peaks due to localized spatial
to bridge structures. If such changes stress conditions,
correspond to a deterioration in the 4.5 Effects of force (extraordinary
original properties of the structure, effects).
damage has occurred that may require
repair. The following damage patterns in the steel
parts are characteristic:
One or more of the following properties 5.1 Cracks,
may be affected: 5.2 Fractions,
1.1 Appearance, 5.3 extensive corrosion damage,
1.2 fitness for purpose, 5.4 Corrosion along gaping cracks,
1.3 Load capacity, 5.5 localized signs of instability
1.4 Durability. (bumps).

The damage may affect This section explains some of the points
2.1 the steel structure itself, listed above, discusses typical causes of
2.2 for composite structures (apart from damage and shows examples of damage.
the steel structure and the concrete The presentation is limited to the causes
slab) also the composite joint, of damage listed under 3. and 4. Collapses
2.3 the bearing construction including during or after construction are not dealt
the bearing plate, with here; please refer to [Scheer, 2000].
2.4 the areas of the roadway crossings. However, the Prater Bridge in Vienna is
treated as a special case. During its
Damage to steel bridges with regard to construction, a partial collapse occurred,
planning and execution is usually due to which left permanent damage to the
one or more of the following causes: supporting structure, and which
3.1 Errors in the static calculation or in nevertheless - after thorough repair -
the structural design, non- could be put into operation without any
compliance of the structure with the safety risk, was raised by around 4 m after
static calculation, approx. 30 years and simultaneously
3.2 Errors or excessive inaccuracies in widened and reinforced, and which has
execution. proved its worth for decades.
The routine replacement of structural
components whose service life is a priori
1 The author of this chapter would like to thank shorter than that of the overall structure,
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Brunner (ÖBB e.g. bearings, expansion joints, corrosion
Infrastruktur Betrieb AG) for providing the protection, is not covered. The problem of
images and for his commentary on Fig. 11.6-7. damage is associated with ongoing
monitoring and repair. The refurbishment
of steel structures
11.3 Damage to steel and composite bridges 1025

generally simple compared to the If it is not possible to raise the system to

renovation of concrete structures, as steel the planned level, the only option is to
can absorb tensile, compressive and shear refurbish it by means of reinforcement
stresses to the same extent and a simple measures or by changing the system.
joining technique is available using SLP or The criterion of adequate serviceability
GV bolting (or exceptionally GVP according to [EN 1993-2] is not fulfilled if,
bolting). Caution is required when using among other things, the yield point of the
welding technology, whereby older steel steel is exceeded due to damage to the
grades up to around 1930 must generally cross-section (cracks, material removal) or
be regarded as non-weldable. In special damage in the fasteners under temporary
cases, old structures may also be suitable effects at service load level. The stresses
for welding. Welding iron, which is are calculated according to the E-E
extremely rarely used in bridge calculation method (elastic determination
construction, is not weldable under of internal forces, elastic stress
construction site conditions, whereas the distribution in the cross-sections, realistic
commonly used flux iron can be weldable models in special areas,
(preheating, restriction of welding work to z. e.g. frame corners). In the control areas
flat areas, i.e. plates, legs of angle sections of the members, the stress limitation
as well as flanges and webs of I-beams, in under service loads can become decisive
each case at a sufficient distance from the compared to the load-bearing capacity
fillets). verification (cross-section verification
There are guidelines for the under approx. 40% larger internal forces =
recalculation of existing bridges [Rili 805, design loads), as disproportionately high
2002 and ONR 24008, 2006], which edge stresses can occur as a result of
deviate from the standards applicable to cracks on one side. For example, a normal
the design or reconstruction of new force in a sheet with a crack on one side of
bridges. 10% (20%/30%) of the sheet width results
in 148% (219%/327%) of the normal
Ad 1.1 Impairment of the appearance stresses of a non-damaged sheet (nominal
If the damage has no influence on the stresses, i.e. without notch effect).
serviceability or does not impair the load- Likewise, in special areas, e.g. force
bearing capacity (or serviceability), redirection areas, the stress limitation
immediate refurbishment is not necessary. under service loads can be decisive due to
However, it should be checked whether different types of modeling in the proof of
refurbishment is not worthwhile in terms load-bearing capacity and serviceability.
of durability. Inadequate vibration behavior under
live loads is due to unfavorable dynamic
Ad 1.2 Impairment of fitness for use tuning, usually due to insufficient
Insufficient structural behavior with structural stiffness. Restrictions on use
regard to deformations is due to the (e.g. speed limitation) can be expedient
stiffness of the structure being too low for here; alternatively, reinforcements or the
the actions occurring, installation of vibration-damping elements
z. e.g. due to unforeseen use. If a return of can be considered.
the use
1026 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Wind-induced or wind/rain-induced Apart from wear elements such as

oscillations of hangers or ropes represent a expansion joints and bearings - is
special problem (Section As a maintained accordingly. This also includes
result of large numbers of load cycles, the repair of damaged areas, including
there is a pronounced fatigue problem corrosion protection. If the environmental
here, especially at the connection points. or usage conditions deteriorate (e.g. the
effects of fatigue), the desired durability
Ad 1.3 Impairment of the load-bearing must generally be compensated for by
capacity Insufficient load-bearing increased maintenance and repair work.
capacity in a single cross-section is given
if the cross-section resistance defined by Ad 2.1 Damage to the steel structure itself
interaction relationships is exceeded due Starting from geometric or structural
to damage to the cross-section (cracks, notches, e.g. at rivets or screw holes, at
material removal) or damage in the welds or at points with large jumps in
connecting means under temporary rigidity, cracks can develop in the course
actions at the design load level. If there is of use, which can grow in various ways
a plastic or compact cross-section (cross- depending on the stress conditions that
section class 1 or 2 according to [EN arise and which are usually the cause of
199311]) and if there is no risk of shear increased damage due to corrosion.
buckling according to [EN 199315], the Figures 11.3-1 to 11.3-2 show a crack
cross-section resistances may be scenario on an angle bracket and the
determined taking into account plastic associated tie plate. The angled leg is
stress redistributions and the non-linear cracked through, and the tie plate is
interaction relationships that can be approximately 40% cracked according to
derived from equilibrium conditions the design. In the damaged cross-section,
(calculation method EP). Damage in the the force is only transmitted through the
form of one-sided cracks provides uncracked angle leg and the second,
significantly smaller normal stresses with undamaged angle. High notch stresses
plastic calculation than with elastic stress occur at the crack tip, which inevitably
determination. For example, assuming full lead to further destruction under dynamic
plasticization (and without notch effect), loading. Figure 11.3-3 shows a crack in the
124% (160%/217%) of the normal area of a cross-member connection that
stresses of an undamaged sheet arise as a was short at the time the photo was taken,
result of a normal force in a sheet with a originating from a rivet hole, while Figure
crack on one side with 10% (20%/30%) 11.3-4 shows a similar but much longer
of the sheet width. crack. Finally, Fig. 11.3-5 shows a wide
gaping, long crack in the connection area
Ad 1.5 Impairment of durability of a towing beam. This area had already
A bridge is usually built for a service life been repaired once (simultaneous use of
of 100-120 years. This assumes that the rivets and screws!). Transverse force
assumed environmental and usage transmission is no longer possible.
conditions will be met during this period
and that the bridge - apart from the
replacement of ver- sions - will be able to
withstand the expected service life.
11.3 Damage to steel and composite bridges 1027

Fig. 11.3-1 Crack in the leg of a bracket in a ("multi-piece") bar consisting of brackets and tie plates

Fig. 11.3-2 Crack in the tie plate of the multi-piece bar according to Fig. 11.3-1

Ad 2.2 Composite joint of composite If the joint is not rusted, progressive

supporting structures opening of the joint is to be expected due
Local bulging or increased corrosion to an increase in volume during rusting.
attack in the joint can be avoided by
correct design in accordance with [EN Ad 2.3 Bearing design including the
1994-2] and execution in accordance with bearing plate
[EN 1090-2]. If corrosion damage occurs Fig. 11.3-6 shows the damage pattern of a
in the bonded joint damage detected during a routine
1028 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Fig. 11.3-3 Short crack originating from a rivet Figure 11.3-4 Long crack originating from a
hole in the cross member connection area rivet hole in the cross-member connection area

The lower bearing plate of a line tilting

bearing of a (rail) bridge in the ÖBB area
broke due to insufficient tamping. A
speed restriction was ordered for the short
period until the repair. Figure 11.3-7
shows the result of the rehabilitation,
which was carried out in an eight-hour
closure with a new bearing plate on a high-
strength grouting compound.

Ad 3.1 Errors in the structural analysis or

in the design, non-compliance of the design
with the structural analysis
Errors in the structural analysis can relate
to the modeling within the structure or to
the modeling of the boundary conditions.
This includes in particular the
underestimation of unplanned or the
overestimation of planned clamping effects
Fig. 11.3-5 Wide gaping, long crack in the or a modeling of the load-bearing
connection area of a towing beam behavior that deviates too far from the
realistic load-bearing behavior.
11.3 Damage to steel and composite bridges 1029

Figure 11.3-6 Broken bearing plate

Figure 11.3-7 Renovated support area

special areas, e.g. force redirection areas. (calculation method E-E or E-P). This is
According to the static theorem of the only way to avoid unwanted stress
ultimate load theory, the load-bearing concentrations or strains under service
capacity can - under certain conditions loads.
with regard to the cross-sectional design - In a recalculation according to [Rili
be verified using equilibrium conditions 805, 2002] or [ONR 24008, 2006], truss-
alone, but in bridge construction (with the type frame structures may be calculated as
exception of exceptional load hinged trusses - according to the time of
combinations) the internal forces must be their erection - if the design of the beam
determined using elastic models. cross-sections
1030 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

corresponds to the relevant historical The buckling process increased the lever
standards and thus the secondary stresses arm between the upper and lower chord,
resulting from the deformation of the thus stabilizing the structure. As the
node figure remain sufficiently small in continuity of the cantilevered beam was
the case of riveted structures. already fully effective, two yield joints
In perfect condition, old bridges clearly visible on the finished structure
generally meet today's requirements with were able to form during the collapse.
regard to vertical actions, but the This meant that a new unplanned state of
horizontal actions assumed during equilibrium had set in. The buckled areas
planning (brakes and starting, rolling were repaired as best as possible, but what
forces, centrifugal forces, wind) are often remained was a structure with a
not comparable with the load approaches deformation condition that could not be
required today. Old bridges often exhibit clearly assigned a section size condition,
damage due to eccentricities in the brake so that the latter is - within certain limits -
or wind bracing, unknown, which is undoubtedly to be
z. For example, if the filling bars are in a assessed as damage. In order to avoid
different plane than the chords. Even at damage due to buckling, reliable
relatively low numbers of load cycles, knowledge of the resulting stress states is
cracks occur as a result of deformation- necessary for thin-walled constructions
induced bending moments with edge made of stiffened sheet metal. The only
strains above the yield strain, which are very rough knowledge of the internal
significantly exacerbated by corrosion. forces became a particular problem when
The Prater Bridge in Vienna is a special the bridge was raised, widened and
case (Figure 11.3-8, [Scheer, 2000]). This reinforced around 30 years after
is a three-span current bridge with completion. Instead of an unambiguous
haunches on the two current piers. calculation, two limit cases always had to
Shortly before completion in 1969, a be considered for the internal forces,
combination of several safety-reducing between which the actual internal forces
conditions led to a partial collapse of the lay. The reconstruction succeeded
supporting structure due to buckling on
two of the bridge's piers.

Fig. 11.3-8 Buckling on the bottom plate of the Prater Bridge. A flow joint has formed in this area
11.3 Damage to steel and composite bridges 1031

without complications, the converted Old, riveted (or bolted) load-bearing

bridge has been in operation for over ten structures that consist of disintegrated
years. cross-sections made up of thin individual
sheets and angles are particularly exposed.
Ad 3.2 Errors or excessive inaccuracies in The node areas of such bridges are often
execution designed in such a way that water and dirt
The design of steel structures is regulated can remain in place and are therefore
in [EN 1090-1 and 1090-2]. The exposed to increased corrosion. In newer,
reliability, serviceability and durability much less articulated constructions with
criteria of the basic standard [EN 1990] are thicker sheets and welder connections, the
met if the above standards are complied conditions are much more favorable.
with and if the load approaches of [EN
1991] and the application of the material Ad 4.2 Material fatigue
parameters and compliance with the With the exception of pedestrian bridges,
calculation rules of the material-specific all bridges are predominantly structures
standards [EN 1992 to EN 1994] and the that are not subjected to static loads and
earthquake standard [EN 1998] are taken are subject to fatigue-related stress
as a basis. Larger deviations with regard to differences in their entirety and also
tolerances, requirements for rivet, bolted locally as a result of traffic loads. The
or welded joints, misalignments or notch cases of common construction
undesired component curvatures than details are given in [EN 1993-1-9]. For
those specified as permissible for bridge other design details not explicitly specified
construction in [EN 1090] can reduce the in the standard, general calculation
quality of the structure and even lead to instructions are given. With regard to
damage. economic efficiency, more favorable notch
details should be selected for locations
Ad 4.1 Corrosion with large fatigue-effective stress
Please refer to [Klopfer, 1996] on the subject differences; for locations with small
of corrosion damage from a chemical fatigue-effective stress differences, designs
point of view. The corrosion protection of with lower fatigue resistance are also
a bridge depends on its use and the site possible. The decisive factor for achieving
conditions. In principle, rail employee the fatigue resistances specified in the
and pedestrian bridges are less exposed to notch tables of the standards is strict
corrosion than road bridges (road salt!). compliance with the standards. It is of
However, combined bridges for railroad particular importance that a component
and road traffic or railroad bridges in the affected by corrosion with minor notches
immediate vicinity of road bridges are also behaves considerably less favorably in
exposed to the same high corrosion attack, terms of fatigue strength than a structure
especially in the areas that are in the in perfect condition [Haibach, 2002,
immediate vicinity of a road bridge, Radaj/Vormwald, 2007]. For this reason
especially if they are located in areas of alone, corrosion damage must be carefully
high humidity and are exposed to the observed. In tests on components with
attack of aggressive salt mist (current
1032 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

However, rivet holes as geometric notches The remaining service life can be
have only shown a drop in fatigue strength estimated based on the traffic situation. It
in the case of very pronounced corrosion may be possible to avoid refurbishment
damage [Brühweiler/ Hirt, 1987, for the time being by reducing vehicle
Brühweiler et al., 1989]. It is also weights, annual tonnage or speed or by
important to avoid notches, even if they banning traffic from crossing the bridge.
appear to be removed: For example, the Cracked cross-sections can be analyzed
unplanned welding of assembly aids always using various methods, e.g. fracture
constitutes damage, even if the mechanics, whereby the results can vary
corresponding parts are removed again greatly depending on the material
after use and the welds are ground down, characteristics and assumed initial
as structural notches from the welding conditions.
remain in the structure. A corresponding
fatigue analysis must be carried out here. Ad 4.3 Repeated plasticizing under service
Exceeding the fatigue resistance leads to loads
damage in the form of cracks or fractures. If the stress difference ∆σ = σmax - σmin
If there are individual, non- under characteristic load combinations
systematically occurring stakes, targeted (service loads) locally exceeds 1.5 times the
repair of the affected areas is possible and value of the yield point fy under repeated
necessary. Stress concentrations are present load, plasticization must be expected,
at the crack tips and, depending on the which will lead to cracks when a certain
prevailing state of stress, the cracks can number of load cycles is reached. This is
either continue to grow or come to a the case, for example, with partial or
standstill by themselves or by the complete obstruction of twisting. The
arrangement of relief notches at the crack verification criterion is specified both as a
tips (Aubohren). serviceability criterion in accordance with
If systematic fatigue cracks occur in [EN 1993-2] and as a fatigue criterion in
similar details of a structure, this is a sign accordance with [EN 1993-1-9] (fatigue at
of an unfavorable design. In this case, the low number of load cycles).
only effective measure is to relieve the A frequently encountered case is the
affected areas by reducing the fatigue load direct bearing of bridge timbers on the
on the bridge or by modifying the system main girders, as is often the case with old
locally. structures. As a result of the twisting of the
With all repairs, care must be taken to timbers tensioned as single-span beams
ensure that the measures taken can between the main girders, the top chord
actually be expected to result in angles and top chord lamellae are bent
permanent restoration and that no new with each train crossing, which can
geometric or structural notches damaging ultimately lead to cracks, see Figures 11.3-
the structure are created. 9 to 11.3-11.
In the case of partially damaged Even if the cracks reduce the stiffness
structures, the condition of the structure locally to such an extent that they come to
and the a standstill, the corrosion problem
remains, so that such damage must be
11.3 Damage to steel and composite bridges 1033

Figure 11.3-9 Bearing of the bridge timbers on Figure 11.3-10 Bearing of the bridge timber on
the main girders and cracking the steel structure

Figure 11.3-11 Crack on an inner top chord angle

Ad 4.4 Stress peaks due to local spatial high residual stresses (shrinkage stresses)
stress conditions Construction details with are present due to the manufacturing
thick sheet metal and accumulations of process. If such unfavorable details cannot
thick welds that are under multiaxial be avoided, the shrinkage stresses should at
(tensile) stress conditions can break brittle least be kept as low as possible by means of
without notice, especially if an appropriate welding sequence.
Alternatively or additionally
1034 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

stress-relief annealing of such components Figures 11.3-12 to 11.3-14 (after [Fink

is an option (expensive!). et al., 2006]) show the example of the
Danube Bridge Krems. In the event of a
Ad 4.5 Effects of violence ship collision, the shaft of the pier between
Impact loads on the steel structure or on supporting structures no. VI and VII was
piers can cause localized plasticization, displaced by 2.20 m relative to the
local buckling, component deformation or foundation (Fig. 6.11-12). As the six
damage to the bearings, which can call bridge spans of the river bridge were
into question the load-bearing capacity or arranged without a continuous effect, the
even the positional safety (criterion EQU damage to the steel structure was largely
according to [EN 1990/A1]). Before limited to the bearing area of the affected
further use, a damage survey and a safety pier and the two adjacent piers (Fig. 11.3-
assessment must be carried out. If the 13). The tension band effect of the
substructures (piers, abutments) are caissons could have contributed to
undamaged, limited use is usually possible reducing the displacement between the
until repairs are carried out; if the pier shaft and the foundation of the
substructures are directly affected, severely damaged pier to the extent
renovation is usually necessary before mentioned above (Fig. 11.3-14). During
operations can be resumed. the refurbishment by floating out the two
supporting structures, the foundation first
had to be

Fig. 11.3-12 The pier shaft was displaced by 2.20 m relative to the foundation as a result of the impact of
the ship (view downstream)
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1035

Figure 11.3-13 Damage to a bearing of the directly affected pillar

Figure 11.3-14 Tension band effect of the cable ducts

The stability of the pier without the 11.4 Monitoring and inspection of
superimposed load from the supporting bridge structures
structures can be reliably estimated. The
pier was newly built in compliance with EVA-MARIA EICHINGER-VILL and
[EN 1991-1-7], which regulates the size of JOHANN KOLLEGGER (until 11.4.2)
impact loads. Piers built according to the
specifications of this standard are 11.4.1 Basics for monitoring bridge
inevitably much bulkier than the slender, structures
stone-clad historical piers.
According to Figure 11.4.1-1, bridge
maintenance is divided into bridge
maintenance and bridge
1036 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Figure 11.4.1-1 Bridge maintenance

The tasks of bridge maintenance can be performed. However, if there is any

include the application of global and local doubt about the condition of the structure,
investigation methods, the assessment of non-destructive or quasi-non-destructive
detected damage, the estimation of the testing methods are predominantly used,
load-bearing capacity of the structure, the which, in contrast to destructive testing
design of monitoring concepts and the methods, require little or no damage to
development and assessment of the the structure.
effectiveness of repair measures. Regulations and guidelines

11.4.2 Testing of concrete bridges for monitoring and testing bridge structures General information All regulations that correspond to the

state of the art today have in common that
The procedure and organization of the the monitoring and inspection of bridge
inspection is regulated in corresponding structures must be carried out at certain
standards and regulations, such as in intervals and in varying degrees of detail.
Germany in [DIN 1076, 1999] The intervals between the individual
"Engineering structures in the course of inspections vary slightly depending on the
roads and paths, monitoring and testing". country. A distinction is essentially made
The aim is to record the actual condition between
and detect damage as early as possible.
The inspection begins with a visual • Ongoing monitoring every 3 to 6
inspection of the structure by an months
experienced engineer, as the condition of • Simple check or inspection every 2
the structure can often be inferred from up to 3 years
the external appearance of the structure. • Main inspection every 6 to 10 years
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1037

In addition, special inspections can be The inspection should be carried out using a
carried out as required and for specific bridge inspection device. If necessary, the
reasons. inspection should be carried out with the
The task of ongoing bridge monitoring aid of a bridge inspection device, which
is primarily to ensure traffic safety and is also enables the inspection of parts that
limited to areas that are accessible without are difficult to access, such as bearings,
auxiliary structures. The structure is etc. Table 11.4.2-1 lists examples of those
inspected for unusual deformations and areas of a solid bridge that should be
skewed sections, grossly damaged inspected in the course of an inspection.
components, conspicuous cracks, large In addition, the parameters to which
areas of moisture and concrete spalling as particular attention should be paid in the
well as impact damage. The results should course of a bridge inspection are listed.
be recorded - ideally in a bridge These parameters must be taken into
management system. The bridge must be account when planning the inspection.
monitored by competent personnel. A great deal has developed in the field
All damage to the structure is recorded of bridge construction in recent decades.
in the course of the tests. In addition to Many design solutions that were state of
traffic safety, the load-bearing capacity and the art at the time a bridge was planned
durability of the structure are also assessed. are no longer up to date today and are
In order to ensure that all areas of the considered problematic due to new
structure are accessible, appropriate findings [Iványi, 2002]. These
auxiliary structures (ladders, stanchions, construction details are the focal points of
etc.) or bridge inspection equipment are damage and must therefore be examined
usually required for the inspection. The with particular care. They essentially
inspection of the bridge must be carried include
out by an engineer experienced in the field • Fastening of suspensions, battens and
of bridge inspection.
rear-ventilated cladding,
• lost formwork,
• drainage facilities set in concrete, Planning the bridge inspection • inaccessible lane transition con
structures and joints and
The basis for the inspection is the building • outdated construction techniques, such
logbook, which consists of the as-built as anchoring tendons in the deck slab,
documents and contains the results of the or full coupling of the tendons in the
inspections carried out to date. In construction joint.
addition, maintenance measures already
carried out are recorded in it. The If a bridge has already been repaired or
inspection concept should be adapted to the reinforced, the repaired or reinforced areas
existing maintenance facilities, whereby in particular must be carefully inspected
full accessibility to all components must to ensure the durability of the repair or
be guaranteed. Particular care must be reinforcement measures.
taken to ensure that, in addition to the
main supporting structure, the foundation
and any attachments are also inspected.
1038 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Table 11.4.2-1 Areas to be tested and characteristics to be examined (according to [Iványi, 2002, and
Hump foreman/Santa, 2004])
Area to be tested Characteristics to be examined

Concrete Dirt/dust, foreign matter/residue, weathering, destruction, gravel

pockets, moisture penetration, water leakage, efflorescence, rust
stains, exposed reinforcement, cracks, mechanical damage/impact, fire
damage, concrete cover, voids, leak tightness, carbonation, chloride
content, concrete strength
Reinforcing steel Position and diameter, surface cracks along the bar axis, condition
and degree of corrosion
tendons Condition and degree of corrosion, cracks along the tendon axis,
inadequately grouted duct sections
Tie rods and Condition
coupling points
Bridge bearing Condition and functionality, bearing position, bearing damage
Roadway transitions Condition, functionality, tightness, cracks
Sealing Condition, tightness
Drainage Functionality
Further equipment Joint tightness, decking damage, railing anchoring
Ground surface Settlements, cracks, landslides Test equipment The human eye is the main aid for the
engineer when inspecting bridges,
A bridge inspection usually consists of a enabling him to assess the condition of
series of individual tests, the type and the bridge based on the surfaces and
scope of which are determined by the external appearance. For example, the
engineer responsible for the bridge location and width of cracks,
inspection. The inspection of a prestressed discoloration, rust stains, damp patches,
concrete bridge can therefore only consist spalling and large deformations of the
of a precise visual inspection of all structure can be determined during the
components and simple tests, such as visual assessment of the structure. Crack
tapping the surface, determining the magnifiers, microscopes or cameras can
concrete compressive strength using a be used as aids for visual inspection.
rebound hammer - if necessary using a To determine properties of the building
bridge inspection device. However, more that cannot be derived from the external
extensive examinations, t a k i n g appearance, additional testing tools are
samples, carrying out measurements or required, such as
test loads may also be necessary. z. e.g. rebound hammer, rebar finder
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1039

Table 11.4.2-2 Test objectives and test methods

Test objective Test procedure
Determination of concrete Rebound hammer, ball impact, ultrasound, mechanical
compressive strength single impulse, removal of test cylinders
Assessment of homogeneity, Visual inspection, tapping, ultrasound, gamma
compaction, defects, voids, backscatter, radiography, infrared thermography,
inclusions endoscopy, cavity evacuation
Assessment of porosity, water Filling test, capillary suction, permeability test
absorption, permeability

Assessment of cracks (see also Visual inspection, magnifying glass, probe, ultrasound,
Table 11.4.2-3) dynamic bending test, infrared thermography
Assessment of moisture content Visual inspection, drill dust removal, infrared
and distribution thermography, electrical conductivity, neutron braking,
dielectric constant
Assessment of the depth of Indicator method (phenolphthalein test), drill dust
carbonation sampling
Assessment of the chloride Indicator method, drill dust extraction

Determining the position and Magnetic induction, eddy current probe, gamma
diameter of the reinforcement radiation, infrared thermography
g steel

Assessment of corrosion Endoscopy, potential mapping, corrosion currents

Determination of pressing Endoscopy, ultrasound, gamma radiography, X-ray


errors radiography, infrared thermography, acoustic emission


Assessment of the corrosion Endoscopy


device, corrosion measuring device or differ from one another due to the
coating thickness gauge. Depending on knowledge that can be gained. These are
the test objective, different test methods
• visual inspection,
can be used, which are summarized in
• Knock off the surface,
Table 11.4.2-2. The test equipment must
• Opening of cavities,
be selected accordingly.
• Measurements on the building to
determine the material properties,
• Taking material samples and Test procedure
• Test loads.
Various methods are a v a i l a b l e for Whether and to what extent the
testing a bridge, which are individual procedures are used depends
on the respective project requirements
specification and the
1040 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

condition of the structure. More Defects and damage must be recorded. In

complicated methods are usually not used the course of the simple inspection
as part of a regular main inspection, but (inspection), the visual inspection is
are used if necessary as part of a special carried out without auxiliary structures,
inspection to clarify specific problems which is why not all parts of the structure
(e.g. determining the condition of the are visible. If necessary, binoculars should
prestressing steel). therefore be used to ensure a detailed
recording of the bridge. During the main
bridge inspection, appropriate auxiliary Visual inspection structures or a bridge inspection device
are available and the components can be
The visual inspection of the structure inspected at close range.
forms the basis for the use of other Recording cracks is an integral part of
elaborate testing methods, whereby all the visual inspection. Short
visible defects on the component surface

Table 11.4.2-3 Assessment of cracks in concrete (according to [Iványi, 2002])

Test objective Criterion Remark
Assessment of Near-surface crack shallow depth; depending on the cause,
the type of directional, with large widths (due to setting
crack of the fresh concrete, drying shrinkage,
corrosion along the reinforcement) or
reticular, with small widths
Separation crack covers a large part of the cross-section
(tension zone, web, total cross-section);
arises due to stress from loads and constraint

Assessment of Position and length Graphic representation or specification of

the crack characteristic data, e.g. distances for bending
progression cracks, mesh size for mesh cracks
Determinatio Vertical distance of the Specification in several defined areas (e.g. in
n of the crack crack banks the height of the reinforcing bars)
width (Accuracy: 5/100 mm)
Determination short-term mainly due to traffic loads
of the crack (Accuracy: 1/1000 mm)
width change
daily according to solar radiation on the track
(Accuracy: 1/100 mm) surface, periodic change

long-term continuous (due to subsidence) or periodic

(Accuracy: 1/100 mm) (due to seasonal changes)
Determination Humidity level Determination according to Table 12.2.3-2
of the
condition of Impurities if recognizable from the outside
the cracks and
crack banks
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1041

Cracks usually show up particularly well The reinforcement should be examined

after a period of rain and are therefore particularly carefully in areas of the
easier to detect. It is advisable to use a line structure where the reinforcement is very
thickness scale (crack ruler) or a crack dense and has been laid in several layers.
measuring magnifier to determine the In this context, support areas, component
actual crack width. For longer cracks, the connections, high and low points as well
crack width should be measured at several as anchorage and coupling joint areas of
points. In addition to the crack width, the tendons are critical [Iványi, 2002].
component temperature and the During the first main inspection, the
prevailing weather conditions should entire structure should be tapped. During
always be recorded. Table 11.4.2-3 the subsequent inspections, only
summarizes the test objectives for the conspicuous areas where defects, spalling
assessment of cracks. or cracks have been detected must be
The crack width change is determined checked by tapping. In the course of any
for slow crack width changes using plaster repair work, concrete repair areas or
or glass marks. With displacement newly applied shotcrete layers must also
transducers that detect changes in be checked by tapping to ensure the
displacement based on the change in quality of the work.
inductive resistance (inductive
displacement transducers), for example,
short-term changes in crack width can also Opening cavities
be detected and continuously recorded.
If cracks are detected during the During the inspection, mechanical
inspection, the type and extent of interventions on the structure should be
treatment of the cracks depends on avoided if possible. Therefore, cavities
whether they affect the appearance, should only be opened if this serves to
serviceability or durability of the determine the condition of the
structure. The cracks must be assessed by reinforcement or to take material samples,
an expert engineer. In general, cracks in for example. The creation of smaller
reinforced concrete or prestressed openings is necessary to remove any
concrete bridges with widths < 0.4 mm do accumulation of water in cavities or as
not impair durability if the concrete cover preparation for an endoscopy. The
is sufficiently thick and dense. However, opening of larger areas (e.g. head joints,
special care must be taken with cracks tendon sections, support areas) should
under aggressive conditions (de-icing only be carried out in exceptional cases as
salt). Cracks along the reinforcement due part of a special inspection in the course
to the explosive effect of corrosion of which specific problems with the
fundamentally require repair measures. structure are to be investigated, whereby
damage to the reinforcement elements
must be avoided at all costs. Drill holes Knocking off the surface that need to be created to enable endoscopy
of the clamping rods should therefore be
By tapping the concrete surface, it is drilled using a drilling machine with
possible to localize hollow areas close to automatic shut-off. Such drills
the surface, whereby those areas of the
1042 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

switch off automatically in the event of fety Evaluation of Existing Concrete

metal contact, i.e. when the drill hits the Structures" [fib, 2003].
cladding tube, the cladding tube can then
be opened manually and the grout removed Determination of the carbonation
without damaging the prestressing steel. of the concrete
In all cases, care must be taken to ensure To determine the carbonation of the
that the opened areas are properly sealed concrete, a phenolphthalein solution can
again. be used, which is sprayed onto a fresh
fracture surface of the tested component.
Spraying on the indicator solution causes a Measurements on the building color change to red-violet if the pH value
is above approx. 9. The uncoloured areas
Depending on the desired test objective, a are carbonated. If the solution is sprayed
whole range of non-destructive or quasi- onto a fracture surface that is no longer
non-destructive test methods are available fresh or if the fracture surface coincides
that can be applied directly to the with a hairline crack, the result is falsified.
structure. In addition, there is a whole Since the carbonation reaction requires
range of non-destructive testing methods water on the one hand, but the carbon
that are usually complex, require a great dioxide can only diffuse through pores
deal of practice in interpreting the data that are not completely filled with water
obtained and are therefore not used in the on the other, surfaces that are protected
course of a regular bridge inspection. from rain (bridge soffits) usually have
They are primarily used to assess the greater carbonation depths than surfaces
condition of the reinforcement elements that are more exposed to rain.
and the prestressing steel, to detect damp
spots or cavities and to assess the overall Determining the chloride content of the
load-bearing behavior and provide more concrete Chlorides are primarily introduced
or less reliable results depending on the into the concrete by dew salt. Accordingly, a
structure and type of construction. These distinction is made between the contact area,
methods are used almost exclusively in splash water area and spray area (Fig. 11.4.2-
the course of special inspections. These 1).
measuring and testing methods, which Similar to the determination of the
can be used for special inspections on carbonation depth, an indicator test can
structures, include ultrasonic testing also be used to determine the chloride
(strength, voids, cracks), radiographic content. The silver nitrate spray method is
methods with X-rays and gamma rays used for this purpose. Silver nitrate is first
(position and condition of the sprayed onto a fresh fracture surface.
reinforcement, voids), After drying, the surface is sprayed with an
conductivity/resistance measurement indicator solution. Chloride-free areas
(moisture content), infrared turn reddish-brown, chloride-containing
thermography (moisture spots, areas do not change color or only slightly.
compression defects) and vibration The chloride distribution can be inferred
analysis (overall load-bearing behavior, from the color distribution. However, this
condition of the tendons). With regard to rapid test does not allow any conclusions
the use of the individual methods, to be drawn about the chloride content.
reference is made to the relevant specialist
literature, such as
z. e.g. the fib bulletin "Monitoring and Sa-
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1043

Figure 11.4.2-1 Chloride attack zones

meet. It is only possible to determine reinforcement of interest or if the

whether the concrete contains chloride or components are very highly reinforced,
not. reinforcement search devices are not
However, as the actual chloride content suitable.
is of great importance for the durability of
the construction, drill cores or drill dust Assessment of the condition of the
samples can be taken and chemically reinforcement A reliable assessment of the
analyzed. In order to create a chloride condition of the reinforcement and the
profile, the samples should be taken from degree of corrosion is only possible by
different layers (each with a depth of approx. exposing the reinforcement. In order to
10 mm). In this way, the chloride avoid damage to the structure as far as
contamination can be determined down possible, the reinforcement should only
to the first layer of reinforcement. b e exposed during regular bridge
inspections if this does not involve any
Assessment of the position of the particular effort (e.g. removal of loose
reinforcement and the concrete concrete cover or a poorly applied
cover shotcrete layer) or if there are reasonable
The position of the outer reinforcement doubts about the condition of the
layers can be determined non- reinforcement (e.g. severe rust flags or
destructively with the help of a cracks along the tendon axis). It is
reinforcement detector, whose mode of essential to ensure that the opened areas
operation is based on the pulse induction are properly and permanently sealed again.
technique. Depending on the type of
device, the diameter of the reinforcement Determination of the degree of
and the existing concrete cover can also be grouting and the condition of the
detected. prestressing steel
The reinforcement detector provides The condition and degree of corrosion of
satisfactory results for normally reinforced the prestressing steel can be checked using
components. However, if the position of an endoscope with a fixed or movable axis.
the underlying rebars or the prestressing
1044 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

can be assessed. The endoscope is inserted hammer. Drill cores should only be taken
through a small drill hole with a diameter if there are reasonable doubts about the
of approx. 20 mm and allows the properties of the concrete. In these cases,
prestressing steel to be inspected and the both the number and diameter of the cores
expansion of poorly pressed cladding tube and the depth of the drill holes should be
sections to be assessed. Photos can also be reduced to a minimum. Samples of
taken to document the results using a reinforcing steel should only be taken in
suitable camera attachment. Care must be special cases.
taken to ensure that the drill holes are
made with a drilling machine that switches
off automatically as soon as it comes into Test loads
contact with the metal cladding tube and
that the cladding tube is opened by hand. Test loads can be used to verify
This is the only way to avoid damaging the guaranteed properties for new buildings or
prestressing steel. to check the load-bearing capacity of
If compression defects are detected, the existing structures. Usually the load tests
cavity volume can be determined using relate to structural components, tests on
the vacuum method. A pump is used to the entire structure are the exception
extract the air from the open cladding [Hump foreman/Santa, 2004]. The type of
tube and create a vacuum. The cavity loading depends on the objective of the
volume can be determined by measuring investigation and the structure itself.
the amount of air flowing back. This The aim of a test load is generally to
method can also be used to determine the record load-bearing reser- ves that are not
volume of cavities in concrete. or only insufficiently recorded in the
calculation, which enables an economical
design for certain cases with the aid of the Taking material samples test results. In the run-up to the test load, a
comprehensive inventory and the
Depending on the test to be carried out, determination of the actual condition are
different types of material samples, such as essential, but of particular importance are
drill dust, drill cores or broken pieces, can additional comparative and
be taken. The identification of the samples accompanying calculations for the
according to location, time, position, creation of a mechanical load-bearing
structure and component is of great model as well as in-depth experience in
importance. The test objective must also be dealing with the structure to be examined
specified. When taking concrete samples, and the testing and measuring technology
care must be taken to ensure that the used. The following points must be taken
reinforcement elements are not damaged. into account for a test load:
When drilling holes to obtain drill dust, a
drilling machine with an automatic • Slow application of the load in small
switch-off function for metal contact load increments to ensure that there is
should be used if necessary. As a first step, sufficient time between the individual
the compressive strength of the concrete load increments to fully capture the
should be determined using a concrete structural response
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1045

Measuring standSemitrailer with on-board crane and ballast Tractor unit

Hydraulics Steering Brackets/load beams

Figure 11.4.2-2 Load vehicle BELFA

• Continuous increase of the load steps The advantage is that the vehicle can be
until the required test load is reached, operated without significantly restricting
whereby it must be ensured in each road traffic. In addition to the BELFA-DB
load step whether a further safe load test vehicle for road bridges, there is also a
increase is possible suitable vehicle for testing railroad
• Observation of crack development and bridges.
Measurement of deformations in each
load step
• Holding the maximum load over a 11.4.3 Testing of steel and
longer period of time (at least one composite bridges
hour) and observation of the load-
bearing structure GÜNTER RAMBERGER
• Slow relief and observation
and FRANCESCO AIGNER (until 11.4.5)
of the deformations
In the case of linear-elastic analysis, the Supporting structure and components
measured deformation must be smaller
than the calculated deformation. In this First of all, the supporting structure and
context, however, it must be clear that it is its components must be checked
not possible to make statements about the geodetically for compliance with the shape
actual load-bearing capacity of the on sight, plan view and cross-section. This
structure, the remaining ductility or the should be done on the basis of the
damage caused to the structure by the measurement data that was recorded
load test. during the handover of traffic at the
In cooperation with the EGGERS opening or after a conversion measure. If
Group and several other companies, the these are not available, the supporting
Bremen University of Applied Sciences, structure should be measured geodetically
the TU Dresden, the HTWK Leipzig and and this measurement should serve as the
the Bauhaus University Weimar have basis for further checks. All measurements
developed a special, rapidly deployable should be taken shortly after sunrise,
loading vehicle [Steffens, 2001]. With the because during this time the bridge has a
BELFA loading vehicle, tests can be carried roughly constant temperature due to night-
out according to a self-locking loading time cooling. Temperature gradients
principle, whereby a variable adaptation caused by solar radiation can significantly
to spans of up to l ≤ 18.00 m is possible by influence the shape of a structure.
infinitely variable telescoping of the All steel components must then be
vehicle (Figure 11.4.2-2). visually inspected for straightness and
1046 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

flatness of the sheets (bulges). Deviations more than the other areas. The wear and
from the nominal shape can possibly be tear caused by pedestrians and cyclists is
quantified using a string and straightedge. negligible. On the other hand, damage can
If there are deviations from the shape also occur if the connections between the
between two examinations, the causes individual layers are either not made or
must be determined. are insufficient. In this case, larger parts of
For structures with cables, the cable the pavement can become detached. If
force can be measured in almost all cases water can penetrate between layers, but
via their first natural frequency. For this especially between the cover sheet and the
purpose, the cable is made to vibrate by sealing layer, it can freeze in winter and
"plucking" it, e.g. with a hemp rope looped create bubble-shaped elevations in the
over it, and then further excited by hand at covering. In these areas, the pavement is
the first natural frequency until a harmonic destroyed when driven on. This creates
vibration is achieved over the entire cable. potholes that have to be repaired at short
As the cable damping is low, the time t for notice.
n oscillations can be measured using a Prolonged high temperatures in the
clock with a second hand and the natural pavement can also lead to plastic roll-outs
frequency can be calculated from this. and pronounced cracks in the truck tracks.
n ruts. All the phenomena described can be detected
f= can be calculated. The cable force S
3t visually. Also
results from S = 4 f 2 -l 2 - μ with the length If none of the damage described above
l between the exit points of the cable from occurs, road surfaces must be repaired or
the anchorage and the mass μ - including renewed at regular intervals due to wear.
corrosion protection, cladding tube etc. per When installing hot pavement layers, the
unit length. The measurement should also corrosion protection on the underside of
be carried out on the unloaded structure the cover sheet must not suffer any
shortly after sunrise and recorded. In the damage. Coatings based on linseed oil,
event of deviations, the cause must be PVC and chlorinated rubber suffer
determined. permanent damage from around 90 °C,
In the case of composite bridges, coatings based on phthalate resin from
visually check whether slip has occurred around 140 °C and coatings based on epoxy
between the concrete slab and the steel resin from around 150 °C. When installing
girder. This indicates a failure of the hot pavement layers, the supporting
dowels. A slip may also be recognizable by structure also suffers considerable
cracks in the corrosion protection or by a temperature deformations and, in the case
special crack pattern in the concrete slab. of statically indeterminate vertical or
horizontal bearing, considerable stresses,
which should be investigated, especially if Road surfaces adjacent traffic lanes continue to be
loaded by traffic, often in a shifted
Road surfaces are wearing parts. They are position.
subject to wear and tear when driven on.
As the wear is mainly caused by HGVs
and only very little by cars, it affects the Corrosion protection
lanes predominantly used by HGVs.
The top coating of the supporting
structure must be protected against
weathering, mechanic
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1047

Damage, spalling, corrosion, any material

damage caused by corrosion, crevice rust
damage in the contact surfaces of riveted
and bolted supporting structures. The
thickness of the previously cleaned
coating can be measured at selected points
and compared with the target thickness.
In the case of galvanized components, the
condition of the galvanization can be
assessed in a similar way and the actual
thickness of the zinc coating measured.
Rust marks indicate that water is flowing
over non-corrosion-protected and
unsealed surfaces and thus indicate cracks. Fig. 11.4.3-1 Cracks in the surface course [Voll-
In order to avoid human inertia, which rath/Tathoff, 2002].
prefers to inspect easily accessible areas, it
is advantageous to select the areas of the
coating to be inspected at random.
The thickness reduction of the top coat
due to weathering is 1 to 5 μm/year and is a
natural process that depends on the
coating material, the atmospheric load
and the "microclimate" of the respective
surface (weather side, driving rain,
ventilation, rain run-off, etc.).
If the top layer cracks (Fig. 11.4.3-1) or
blisters form, the protective effect of the
top layer is severely impaired. This
accelerates the corrosion process.
If parts of the coating (Figure 11.4.3-2) or Figure 11.4.3-2 Peeling of coating parts
entire coating structures flake off, the [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002]
coating has been applied to damp surfaces
or the individual layers have not bonded
due to the system (the previous coating
has not dissolved). The peeling of layers
can completely negate the effect of the
corrosion protection.
If the surface is covered with
punctiform rust formations (Figure
11.3.3-3), a lack of surface preparation,
insufficient coating thickness in
conjunction with

Figure 11.4.3-3 Spot rust formation

[Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].
1048 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Fig. 11.4.3-4 Two-dimensional rust appearances [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].

Pore formation or aggressive deposits may Crevice corrosion mainly occurs in

be the cause. Spot rust formation does not riveted and bolted supporting structures
yet require repair, but indicates that the or supporting structure parts (joints,
corrosion protection should be replaced connections) if the overlapping surfaces
soon. are not tightly supported at the edges
Extensive surface rusting requires the (Figure 11.4.3-6). The penetration of
corrosion protection to be completely moisture with a different supply of oxygen
renewed within a short period of time creates local electrochemical elements that
(Figure 11.4.3-4). lead to the dissolution of the iron. The
Sometimes the coating may be in order onset of crevice corrosion is noticeable in
and the substrate may show severe the form of rust plumes. Finally, due to the
underfilm corrosion (Figure 11.4.3-5). In multiple volume of the rust, rust rubs off
this case, the coating must also be renewed. and thus also leads to an increased notch
effect that reduces fatigue resistance.
Crevice corrosion is remedied by making
the crevice surfaces as accessible as
possible by removing the rust in them,
reapplying corrosion protection and
finally sealing them.
In rare cases, where mild steel comes
into contact with other metals or high-
alloy steels under the influence of
moisture, contact corrosion can occur,
whereby the less noble metal corrodes.

Fig. 11.4.3-5 Underfilm corrosion of the

subsoil [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1049

Figure 11.4.3-6 Crevice corrosion [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002] Welds

Welds and the structural and

constructional notches caused by them
are often the starting point of fatigue
cracks that only occur after the bridge has
been in operation (Fig. 11.4.3-7). These
cracks can start both in the weld and in the
heat-affected zone. Occasionally, lamella
fractures in the area of influence of the
seams only become noticeable later.
For every bridge inspection, a randomly
determined proportion of full penetration
welds and non-full penetration welds
should therefore be checked beforehand.
Cracks up to the surface may be indicated
by paint flaking or rust stains. If surface
cracks are suspected, the dye penetrant
method is used, in which the seam must be
thoroughly cleaned beforehand. Magnetic
powder testing may also reveal a crack
under the paint. Through-welded seams
can be inspected for incipient seam cracks Fig. 11.4.3-7 Welds as the starting point for
using radiographic or ultrasonic testing. fatigue cracks [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].
For each defect detected, independent
1050 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Depending on the previously defined The amount of fastener (usually 5 to 20%)

scope of testing, two further similar points must be determined in advance, whereby
must be tested. If faults are detected again, the location must also be determined
two further locations must be checked for randomly. For every loose rivet and for
each fault. With this method, you can very every screw that is not fully tightened, two
quickly check all similar points in the case more must be checked in the vicinity or at
of systemic faults. similar locations, etc. Rivets and screws Ropes and tension elements

The loose fit of rivets and screws can often Ropes and tension elements generally
be detected by damage to the coating and differ from other steel structures in terms
rust marks in the area of the rivet heads or of their high strength, low elongation at
the screw heads and nuts. Loose rivets can break and usually also their large inner
be detected by tapping the rivet heads with surface area. This also makes them
a light rivet hammer (< 0.3 kg weight). HV susceptible to stress corrosion cracking
bolts in GV connections should be checked (Fig. 11.4.3-8).
by retightening. To do this, the torque As they usually have a decisive
wrench should be set 10% higher than for influence on the load-bearing capacity of
tightening due to the higher static friction the structure, their inspection is
compared to sliding friction. It should not particularly important. For this purpose,
be possible to continue turning with the the entire length of the tension element
torque wrench set in this way. The must be inspected. The inspection can be
number of connections to be checked carried out with a complete set of
equipment from a ladder, from an
inspection device on a separate suspension
cable or from a cable carrier (Fig. 11.4.3-9).

Figure 11.4.3-8 Surface corrosion [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002]

11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1051

Fig. 11.4.3-9 Inspection of the tensile element [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].

Figure 11.4.3-10 Anchoring point [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002]

1052 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Figure 11.4.3-11 Magnetic induction testing of ropes [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].

An external visual inspection can The main elements to be checked are the
determine the condition of the external bridge deck, waterproofing and surfacing,
corrosion protection. In the case of ropes, deflective protective devices, any overhead
breaks in wires in the outermost layer, the line protection and noise barriers on the
condition of the cementing and the bridge. All of these elements must be
bleeding of the ropes can also be checked during a bridge inspection.
determined visually. The points where
most damage occurs are the anchorage
points, which are usually difficult or Warehouse
impossible to access (Fig. 11.4.3-10). In
many cases, these areas can also be The first step is to check the external
inspected with an endoscope. condition and position of the bearing.
Wire breaks inside ropes and bundles Checking the bearing position is of
can be detected using a rope testing device particular importance, as bearings are
based on magnetic induction methods sometimes installed rotated by 90°,
(Fig. 11.4.3-11). Here too, the device can preventing them from moving. If there is
only be used on the free section and not in an intact indicator device, the bearing
the area of rope heads and anchorages. position can be read off directly.
If serious damage to a tension member Otherwise, the actual position must be
is suspected, it should be removed and measured and compared with the target
examined in detail at a testing facility. position, taking into account the building
Depending on the bearing type,
11.4.4 Inspection of the bridge equipment different checks and inspections are then
required. In the case of roller bearings, the
The main elements of the bridge rolling surfaces must be checked for
equipment are bearings, roadway overpass contamination, corrosion and damage. In
constructions, edge caps, railings, bridge addition, it must be determined whether
deck and bridge deck. the bearing parts can roll without
11.4 Monitoring and inspection of bridge structures 1053

In the case of reinforced and control. Underruns and moisture

unreinforced elastomeric bearings, the penetration usually start in the joint
frictional fit to the structure must be between the kerb and the roadway and in
checked. If cracks appear in the elastomer, the joint at the end of the structure.
this is an indication that the bearing is Particular attention must therefore be paid
overstressed. in these areas to any voids and a well-
adhering grouting material. Roadway transition constructions Noise barriers
Roadway expansion joints are under great
strain due to the constantly increasing The general condition of the noise barrier
traffic loads. As part of the bridge on the bridge is determined, whereby the
inspection, it must be checked whether the anchoring structure is of great
expansion joints can move freely and importance. Tapping can reveal hollow
whether the distance between the areas in the area under the base plates.
abutment and superstructure is
sufficiently large. Depending on the type
of construction, the functionality of the 11.4.5 Inspection of bridge equipment
plain bearings between individual parts of
the construction and the control devices, The elements of the bridge equipment to
the condition of the spring boxes, springs, be tested include the drainage system,
bolts and guides, the tightness of the pipes and cables, inspection equipment,
rubber profiles in the area of the bridge lighting as well as signage and
construction site joints and the rail traffic sign bridges [Vollrath/Tathoff,
extensions must also be checked. 2002]. The inspection is essentially based on
the accessibility of the individual elements
and is an integral part of every bridge Edge caps and railings inspection.

The external appearance of the caps must

be determined. Particular attention should Drainage
be paid to cracks and de-icing salt
damage. A functioning drainage system is of
The height of the railings and the clear central importance for the durability of
distances between the filling bars must be the bridge, which is why special attention
checked. It is also particularly important to must be paid to the drainage elements
check the railing's anchoring elements and during the inspection. Ideally, the
the corrosion condition of the railing and functionality of the bridge drainage
anchoring. components, i.e. drains on the edge of the
carriageway and footpath as well as on
piers and abutments, longitudinal, Sealing and covering transverse and downpipes as well as
inspection openings and transfer shafts in
The bridge deck must be checked for box girders and on the structural supports,
evenness, ruts, cracks, blisters, chipping, should be checked.
roughness and tightness of the joints to the
roadway crossing, drain and kerb.
1054 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

The drainage system is checked when it -walkways as well as entrances and stairs
rains. This is the only way to ensure that for accessing superstructures or pillars.
the water produced is actually drained as Furthermore, fall protection, guard rails
planned. and any existing ventilation or interior
In addition, the functionality of the lighting are part of the inspection facilities.
cover grates and dirt collection buckets is The condition and functionality of all
checked. The inspection openings must be these inspection facilities must be checked.
opened in order to detect silting of the
longitudinal pipes. The transfer shafts
behind the abutments must also be Signage
inspected as part of the bridge inspection, and traffic sign gantries
as the entire bridge drainage system is not
functional if the water in the transfer shaft It must be checked whether the required
cannot drain away [Vollrath/Tathoff, signage is actually present and functional.
2002]. In the case of traffic sign gantries, the
anchorages in the superstructure are often
a problem, as they can be prone to fatigue Lighting fractures due to wind-induced vibrations.
For this reason, the fastening elements
The bridge lighting must be inspected for must be checked particularly carefully.
corrosion, bulges or collision damage.
Similar to the bridge railings, there is also
a risk that the lighting masts will start to 11.5 Condition assessment
rust from the inside. The stakes of the
lighting fixtures, the connection to the
and assessment of bridges
superstructure and the joint grouting
must also be checked. It must be ensured
that no parts of the lighting can fall onto 11.7)
the roadway.
11.5.1 General information Wires and cables The data obtained in the course of

monitoring and testing a bridge serve as
As part of the bridge inspection, the the basis for evaluating the structure
external condition and the suspensions of according to the following criteria
all pipes (water and gas pipes etc.) are
checked and the possibility of dilatation is • Road safety,
checked. • Load capacity and
• Durability.
In the following cases, it is necessary to Viewing facilities check the load-bearing capacity of an
existing bridge object:
Inspection equipment is used to facilitate
the inspection of the structure and includes • when structural damage is detected (e.g.
inspection trolleys and cracks and deformations, corrosion)
11.5 Condition assessment and evaluation of bridges 1055

• for interventions in the supporting neralized, as they must be valid for a wide
structure (conversion/reinforcement) variety of bridge types and geometries.
• for heavy goods vehicles The fact that some of the provisions in the
(Heavy transport: load model that causes standards are highly generalized and can
higher stresses in the structure than the therefore be applied to a large number of
model on which the calculation of the different cases is very economical in many
structure is based) cases, as it makes both the load
• with the introduction of higher line assumptions and the reliability
categories considerations relatively simple. Moreover,
(Increase in axle and load per meter for in the case of the construction of a new
railroad bridges) bridge, the additional costs resulting from
• when constructive defects are detected generalization are marginal. However, the
gel situation is different in the case of
• after extraordinary events repairing or strengthening an existing
• when new knowledge concerning the bridge. The verifications prescribed in the
load-bearing capacity arises design standards can often no longer be
provided, which can lead to the use of
The condition assessment and evaluation
expensive measures or even the
of existing objects requires a much more
demolition of a structure.
realistic modeling of the load-bearing
When assessing an existing structure, a
behavior than the recalculation, makes
number of factors can be taken into
higher demands on accuracy and requires
account that can only be estimated when
verifications with usually higher
planning a new bridge. In particular,
calculation effort.
knowledge of the actual strength of the
materials, the modulus of elasticity, the
permanent effects and the traffic loads
11.5.2 Procedure for assessing the condition enable a very realistic calculation.
of bridges However, when assessing existing
structures that are already in use, it must
For the assessment of a solid bridge and to be taken into account that, for example, the
determine the need for strengthening and remaining service life is likely to be
reinforcement, the remaining load- reduced compared to new structures due
bearing capacity must be examined as to the presence of damage. Attention must
realistically as possible. The current also be paid to the different behavior of
standard procedure for assessing the load- old and new building parts. In this
bearing capacity of an existing bridge is context, however, sufficient reliability
based on the relevant standards and against failure of the structure can be
guidelines that are used in the respective achieved in many cases, taking all
countries to assess structures or the framework conditions into account. If this
provisions of the respective Eurocodes. cannot be guaranteed, appropriate
These are mostly regulations for the strengthening and reinforcement
design of new structures. In most cases, measures must be taken.
the standards are based on semi-
probabilistic approaches with partial
safety coefficients and are very strongly
geared towards the requirements for
reliability and loads.
1056 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Table 11.5.2-1 Comparison of old and new verification methods for the assessment of an existing bridge
The past Present Future
Verification on the basis of Consideration of the critical Consideration of the actual
the limit lines according to load configuration and properties of a bridge with
the elastic calculation application of the static the aid of probabilistic
methods of the ultimate load verification methods
Verification of the load- Comparison of the stress Consideration of the
bearing elements by (cutting forces) with the relevant limit state
compliance with the load-bearing capacity (cross- function
permissible stresses sectional resistance)
Great simplification of the Use of software enables the Performing a non-linear
static systems consideration of complicated calculation
spatial static systems

The state of the art is to verify the of new load-bearing structures - have
existing load-bearing capacity according been tested for many years and therefore
to the currently valid design rules. allow conclusions to be drawn about the
However, the use of new innovative real load-bearing behavior. In the absence
methods can often mobilize reserves of structural damage and design defects, it
compared to the old verification methods. can be concluded that these load-bearing
Table 11.5.2-1 shows how the verification systems have proven their worth.
methods of the present have changed Conversely, structural damage and design
compared to those of the past [Schäfer, defects can also provide conclusions about
1996] and how they can be improved in the the load-bearing behavior.
future. When assessing bridges, it can be
assumed that the structure was planned
and executed in accordance with the Stages of the load capacity assessment technical rules applicable at the time of
construction, provided that no contrary
Compared to the design, the evaluation of indications are known from structural
existing buildings requires a much more inspections, archive documents or other
realistic modeling of the load-bearing sources (principle of trust). However, the
behavior, makes higher demands on assessment of the load-bearing capacity
accuracy and requires verification with must be based on the established facts.
usually higher calculation effort. If there is a gross uncertainty regarding
Furthermore, knowledge of the standards the quantification of the risks (e.g.
and material technology at the time of technological parameters, fracture behavior
construction of the structure is required. of building materials or acting forces from
In contrast to the draft, existing earth pressure), supplementary
buildings that are in operation are investigations must be carried out or
relevant experts consulted with the aim of
determining the relevant values, if
necessary coupled with
11.5 Condition assessment and evaluation of bridges 1057

statistical parameters. Further measures general reliability level on which the

up to the final assessment are indicated if standard is based is maintained. The aim
further risk factors (e.g. very poor state of of using probabilistic methods is to reduce
preservation, critical damage) are added or completely avoid the cost of
to such uncertainties. refurbishing or strengthening a structure
The load-bearing capacity of an without jeopardizing the reliability or safety
existing bridge can therefore be assessed of an existing bridge. The required
in three stages (Figure 11.5.2-1). reliability for a bridge assessed using
probabilistic methods is therefore the same
• Level 1:
as for all new structures designed according
The calculation is based on the latest
to the currently valid standard. In the
valid standards.
calculation, both the statistical scatter of
• Level 2:
the material properties of the investigated
The calculation is carried out using
bridge as well as the local traffic situation
updated data on the action side, the
and the resulting traffic loads are
resistance side including modeling and
uniformly taken into account. Thus, a
the safety side (calibration of the partial
"standard" for a specific bridge is designed
safety coefficients).
with the help of the method presented
• Level 3:
[Enevoldsen, 2001 and Eichinger, 2003].
The calculation is carried out using a
Furthermore, the probabilistic
probabilistic analysis. This allows the
approach makes it possible to incorporate
reliability level to be determined and
information from bridge inspections and
compared with the corresponding
material tests, as well as traffic load
standards (e.g. [EN 1990, 2002]).
measurements, directly into the calculation
Of course, the load-bearing capacity does without the need for conversion to
not have to be assessed in all stages. If, for standard values. The aim of such
example, all verifications can be fulfilled inspections and investigations is to obtain
in stage 1, the assessment of the bridge is more detailed information about the
complete and stages 2 and 3 do not need behavior of a structure and thus reduce
to be examined. uncertainties and scatter. The results of
these investigations are usually mean
values and standard deviations of Assessment of the reliability of variables on the impact or resistance side,
the bridge such as the mean value and scatter of the
concrete compressive strength of drill
The procedure for the assessment of an cores taken from the structure. These
existing bridge using proba- bilistic results can be taken into account directly
methods (assessment according to level 3 in the structural analysis. In contrast, it is
in Figure 11.5.2-1) is based on the concept often impossible to reconcile such
that the bridge under investigation does additional information in a reasonable and
not have to fulfill all verifications and consistent manner with the provisions of
requirements of a design standard as long the standards, which are based on design
as the values and
1058 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Figure 11.5.2-1 Stages of the load capacity assessment

11.6 Bridge management 1059

The safety factors are based on partial

safety factors.
Another advantage of the probabilistic
assessment is the determination of the actual
reliability level of a specific bridge. When
using the standard, it is possible to make
statements about the load-bearing reserves
of the structure by comparing the
calculated load-bearing capacity with the
load under service load and a classification
into "safe" and "not safe". However, it is not
possible to determine whether the
reliability level of the bridge examined and
classified as "safe" according to the
standard is 10-6 or 10-15. However, only by
determining the reliability level at which Figure 11.5.2-2 Change in the condition of a
the structure is located is it possible to bridge over time (after [Mallet, 1996])
estimate the development of reliability
over time. The development of reliability
over time is an important basis for is more economical. If an upgrade makes
optimized maintenance management, as it sense, a method should be selected that
allows an optimized bridge management enables the intended type of use to be
plan to be drawn up with regard to the established as quickly and efficiently as
interplay between economic efficiency possible. The decision-making process
and safety. For example, inspections as can be facilitated by Figure 11.5.2-3
well as maintenance and reinforcement [König/Nowak, 1992].
measures can be carried out at the Once the decision has been made in
optimum time in accordance with the favor of a repair or reinforcement
management plan. measure, the choice of a suitable method
depends on the respective framework
conditions and must be formulated Decision-making Demolition or specifically for each problem.

The condition of a solid bridge 11.6 Bridge management

deteriorates over time and at a certain
point reaches a minimum at which the 11.6.1 General information
intended use can no longer be fulfilled
(Fig. 11.5.2-2). The type and speed of During the monitoring, inspection and
deterioration essentially depend on the maintenance of bridges, a large amount of
corrosion agents. data is collected depending on the type and
Once the limit state has been reached, a size of the structure. This data can be
decision must be made as to whether it recorded and managed with the help of a
makes sense to upgrade or replace the computerized bridge management system
structure. (BMS). The following data is required for
structure maintenance
1060 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Figure 11.5.2-3 Decision-making in the context of structural bridge maintenance

groups of data are of particular 11.6.2 Bridge management systems

Software-supported systems for bridge
• Building data describing the building management (e.g. SIB-Bauwerke, BAUT
• Damage data that is the result of a or KUBA) are tools for archiving and
bridge inspection and describe the documenting all relevant substance data
current condition of the bridge of the structures. Depending on the degree
• Cost data resulting from the of development, these systems can also be
maintenance helpful in technical and financial terms for
maintenance, repair and reinforcement maintenance planning and management.
of the structure.
11.6 Bridge management 1061

The main tasks of such systems are the In addition to the object database, the
recording and management of bridge condition database is of central
objects, the management and archiving of importance. The condition database
digital building documents, the creation of should be structured in such a way that
digital building books, the planning of the results of the bridge inspections can be
inspections, the recording and evaluation saved directly. However, it should be
of damage data, the creation of building noted that different program systems
inspection reports, the evaluation of contain different classifications and
construction and damage data and the mechanisms of condition assessment with
estimation of the service life of the regard to load-bearing capacity,
structures. serviceability and durability. In general,
The core of each bridge management the inspection subdivides the structure
system is the so-called object database, into components that differ from each
which contains the characteristic other due to their geo- metry, function,
properties and attributes, i.e. technical data the construction materials used or their
and administrative data of the bridge manufacturing method. For example, a
(Table 11.6.3-1). bridge can consist of the superstructure,
In addition to pure archiving, the object substructure, bearings, roadway transition,
database also serves as an "electronic" etc. components. These components can
building book, as it ideally also contains be further subdivided into individual
construction drawings, data sheets, inspection elements, which are evaluated
material information, photos and sketches, in the course of the inspection using
text documents and measurement data. grades. The damage is recorded
With the help of the evaluation modules qualitatively and quantitatively. This
linked to the object database, the recorded inspection element-related information is
data can be searched, filtered, grouped, contained in the condition database. The
analyzed and prepared [Hump information in the condition database and
foreman/Santa, 2004]. the extent of the damage can be used to
determine which measures are suitable.

Table 11.6.3-1 Information from the object database

General administrative data Building name, building number, owner, year of construction,
construction costs, maintainer, date of last inspection
General technical data Type of structure, structural system, main building material,
load-bearing capacity
Geometry Structure area, total length, total number of spans, spans,
cross-section, width between the railings, width of the clear
cross-section, clear heights or wall heights, carriageway
widths, sidewalk widths
Materials Construction, tensioning method, road surfacing and sealing,
sidewalk surfacing, corrosion protection
Equipment Drainage, storage, roadway crossings, mechanical
equipment, safety equipment
Documents Building files, building book, microfilms
1062 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

In addition to the basic modules object Measurement and computer technology,

database and condition database, further data acquisition and data transmission.
modules can be included in a bridge However, the principle applies that such
management system. These are modules systems cannot replace the conventional
for estimating the damage development inspection of bridges by a qualified
and prioritization, the financial inspector, but should be seen as a
requirements and the necessary budget supplementary measure to ensure the
funds, the reliability of the construction reliability of the structures.
and the service life. However, the considered use of
continuous monitoring systems can be
useful in order to detect damage in critical
areas of the structures as early as possible
11.7 Continuous computer-aided or to gain knowledge about the behavior
permanent monitoring of areas of a bridge that cannot be
inspected visually or only with great effort
11.7.1 General information (such as buried tension bands, pier
foundations, abutment backs, etc.). The
Continuous computer-aided permanent monitoring of complex construction
monitoring - also known as monitoring - conditions (such as the floating in of
is a non-destructive testing method using structures) can also be useful and can be
electronic sensors that are installed on the used to control the detailed construction
structure to be monitored and record process. In addition, the results of
certain properties of the structure at fixed continuous monitoring can be used to
time intervals. Both the unloaded and the check calculation models and identify
loaded condition can be recorded and possible load reserves as well as for the
analyzed. Damage that occurs during the targeted selection of bridge inspection
service life of the bridge can thus be intervals.
detected, localized and predicted.
Basically, long-term monitoring 11.7.2 Definition of a concept for
strategies are divided into two groups, permanent monitoring
global (top-down) and local (bottom-up)
strategies. Global monitoring covers the Theoretical considerations, preliminary
global properties of a structure such as the investigations or simulations must be
behavior of modal shapes. Local made at the beginning of any continuous
monitoring refers to certain structure- monitoring. Based on this, comparative
specific parameters, such as the distortion variables are obtained for which suitable
(strain, compression and sliding) in a measured variables must be selected. The
specific element of the structure [Strauß et variables are those that can actually be
al., 2009]. used to assess the properties or behavior of
Continuous monitoring has become the bridge that is of interest in the course
increasingly important in recent years, not of long-term monitoring. These
least due to ongoing developments in the comparative variables can be, for example,
field of deformations or deflections, which can be
measured directly, but also internal forces,
which can be measured directly.
11.7 Continuous computerized permanent monitoring 1063
setting up the measuring system, it is
cannot be measured directly on the therefore necessary to determine in detail
building, but can be derived from the which
measurement. The measured variable is the
variable that can be linked to the
comparative variable obtained from the
preliminary investigation/simulation. The
success of the continuous monitoring
measure depends decisively on the
existence of a clear and reversible
relationship between each measured value
of the measured variable and exactly one
value of the reference variable, which is
described by a functional specification
[Zilch et al., 2009]. In the case of a
concrete component, for example, it must
be ensured that the direct correlation
between the measured variable and the
reference variable is not only given in the
uncracked state, but also in the cracked

11.7.3 Measured variables and associated


The following measured variables are

distinguished in the course of continuous
• Displacement values (deflections,
foundation, pier, abutment
deformations or bearing
• Distortion variables (local component
• Temperature variables (ambient or
component temperature),
• Acceleration and speed
of the time,
• Angle sizes (pillar or abutment
• Force variables (bearing forces or
• Pressure variables (earth pressure, air
pressure) and
• Moisture values (concrete or
soil moisture).
Different types of sensors are available for
each of these measured variables. Before
1064 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

The sensors are used to determine which

variables are sensibly recorded and which
sensors should be used based on the
expected magnitude of the measured
For certain measured variables, it is
very important that zero measurements
are carried out, e.g. for acoustic methods to
detect prestressing steel fractures. If it is
already clear during the planning or
construction phase of the structure that
the structure is to be permanently
monitored, robust sensors should be
installed during construction. This makes
it possible, for example, to determine the
strains in the reinforcing steel by
attaching strain gauges or fiber-optic
strain sensors. Such measurements can
only be carried out retrospectively with
correspondingly greater effort by locally
chiseling off the concrete and exposing
the reinforcement, which, however,
results in a disturbance of the bond that
cannot be precisely defined [Zilch et al.,
Due to their importance in the field of
continuous monitoring of bridges, the
measurement of displacement, strain and
temperature variables is discussed in
particular below. All measuring
equipment must be protected as
permanently as possible against dirt and
damage. Measurement of displacement values

Depending on the project requirements

specification and measuring range,
displacement transducers, laser sensors,
electric hose scales, string potentiometers,
speckle pattern sensors or trigonometric
leveling devices can be used to measure
Displacement transducers are robust
sensors that are well suited for outdoor
use. A direct connection to the
measurement object is required,
11.7 Continuous computerized permanent monitoring 1065

with a measuring range from 1 mm to 500 and relative displacements, laser sensors
mm and accuracy from 0.001 mm to 1 mm. can also be used, among other things, for
The measuring principle is based on • Distance measurements over longer
induction or on the principle of strain
distances (e.g. displacement of
gauges. Displacement transducers are
abutments or piers in relation to each
suitable for both static and dynamic
other, determination of arch
measurements. The costs per sensor are
between approx. € 300 and € 1,000.
• Deflection measurements on high
Possible application examples for
bridges, provided a stable reflective
displacement transducers are the
surface is available,
measurement of bearing displacements
• the application as light barriers for
(longitudinal, transverse and vertical), the
Triggering of measurement data (e.g.
detection of static and/or dynamic crack
triggering data recording only when the
deformation, the long-term crack
bridge is under load) or
development in concrete or masonry and • the measurement of the configuration of
the determination of deformations of
trucks and center distances.
expansion joints. If a fixed point is
available, deflections and distortions can The measuring principle of the electronic
also be recorded. If an extensometer is hose scale is based on the pressure change,
connected to a displacement transducer, whereby a coupling to the measuring
deformations of abutments and retaining object is necessary. Hose scales are only
walls, in backfill areas and overfills as well suitable for static measurements, are very
as in the transition area between bridge robust and suitable for outdoor use. The
and free roadway can be determined. It is measuring range is between 100 mm and
also possible to measure rock and soil 1000 mm, the accuracy between 0.1 mm
movements caused by fracture processes and 2 mm. The cost per sensor is between
or landslides, settlements and deformations approx.
in the subsoil of foundations and artificial Electronic hose scales are particularly
cavities, as well as any length suitable for measuring long and short-term
measurement between the anchor point in deflections, for recording the settlements
the borehole and a reference surface in the or heave of abutments or piers, for
borehole mouth. determining the vertical deformations of
Laser sensors are based on the optical components as well as twisting and torsion.
measuring principle and are suitable for Deformations in different construction
both static and dynamic measurements, stages (e.g. lowering of the bridge onto
although their use outdoors is rather temporary bearings, bridge insertion,
limited. One possible advantage of these production of composite slabs) as well as
robust sensors is the possibility of non- deformations of auxiliary supports or in
contact measurement. The measuring the course of cantilever construction can
range extends from 0.1 mm to 100 m and also be easily recorded.
the accuracy from 0.0001 mm to 10 mm. The measuring principle of an
The costs per sensor are between approx. electronic string potentiometer is based on
€ 500 and € 10,000. In addition to the induction or on the principle of strain
basic application possibilities that also gauges, just like that of a classic
apply to other types of displacement displacement transducer. Static and
transducers, such as the detection of dynamic measurements are possible,
bearing displacements, crack detection, whereby a coupling to the measurement
etc., these sensors can also be used for object is necessary in any case.
other applications.
1066 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

is. String potentiometers are robust and Measurement of distortion variables
well suited for outdoor use. Their
measuring range is 0.01 m to 50 m, with an Distortions (strains, compressions and
accuracy of 0.1 mm to 1 mm. The costs sliding; local component stresses) can be
are between approx. € 500 and € 2,000. measured using strain gauges or fiber
Electric string potentiometers are suitable optic strain sensors.
for measuring deflections, vertical bearing Strain gauges are based on the principle
displacements and any relative of the Wheatstone measuring bridge, a
deformation between two structures, such measuring device for measuring ohmic
as movements of abutments or piers in resistance (DC resistance) or small ohmic
relation to each other. Movements of the resistance changes. Strain gauges are
slope relative to the abutment and attached (glued) directly to the object to
landslides can also be recorded. be measured, are well suited for outdoor
The speckle pattern sensors, which are use and allow both static and dynamic
used to measure crack movements and measurements. The measuring range is
require a direct connection to the object 0.01% to 0.5%, the accuracy is 1/100 of the
being measured, are also robust measuring measured value. The sensors themselves
systems, although they are only suitable are inexpensive (approx. € 30). However,
for outdoor use to a limited extent. Both an additional A/D (analog/digital)
static and dynamic measurements are converter is required (approx. € 500),
possible. The measuring range is 0.1 mm which is why the total cost of a system
to 50 mm, the accuracy 0.01 mm to 1 mm. consisting of 20 sensors, for example,
The costs are approx. € 500. ultimately amounts to approx. € 11,000.
Ultimately, trigonometric leveling is Strain gages can be used, for example, to
based on the non-contact measuring determine steel strain due to dead load,
principle of triangulation. The measuring load or temperature and to determine
range of the precision theodolites used is warping or twisting. In addition, the
0.05 m to 50 m, the accuracy 0.5 mm to 5 calculation of stresses and deflections
mm. The cost of a precision theodolite is from strain measurements is possible, as is
around € 40,000. Levels are particularly the determination of residual stresses or
suitable for determining long and short stress amplitudes as a basis for fatigue
term deflections, determining vertical tests.
deformations of components as well as Fiber optic extensometers are also
settlements or elevations of abutments or coupled directly to the measurement
pillars. Levels can also be used to determine object, are very robust and well suited for
deformations in different construction outdoor use. The measuring range is
stages, e.g. when lowering a bridge onto 0.0001% to 0.5%, the accuracy is 1/1000 of
temporary bearings or the final bridge the measured value. Static and dynamic
bearings, during the welding of measurements are possible. The cost of a
supporting structures, during bridge sensor is around € 400, but there are
insertion or during the production of the additional costs for the evaluation unit of
composite slab or bridge construction. around € 15,000. This results in the
Appropriate geodetic marks must be following costs for the overall system
attached to the structure as a basis for the consisting of
11.7 Continuous computerized permanent monitoring 1067

z. Fiber optic extensometers can be and the maximum vibration accelerations.

installed directly into the formwork and They are also suitable for frequency
are therefore used to determine the strain analysis and determining dynamic
of concrete and steel due to creep, parameters (natural frequencies, vibration
shrinkage, dead weight, load, temperature, modes, system damping). However,
etc. As with strain gauges, stresses and acceleration sensors are not suitable for
deflections can also be calculated from the determining deformations, stress
strain measurements, and tensile stresses oscillation widths or axle loads.
and shrinkage widths can be determined. Angle sensors or inclinometers are used
to determine angular values for
determining pier and abutment rotations. Measurement of temperature variables Force variables, such as bearing forces or
prestressing, are measured using load cells
Electronic or fiber optic temperature or force transducers. Earth pressure or air
sensors are used to measure temperature pressure sensors are used to measure
variables. Both types of measuring pressure variables such as earth pressure
systems are suitable for both static and or air pressure. Finally, moisture variables
dynamic measurements, are robust and are determined using moisture sensors to
well suited for outdoor use. They differ in determine soil moisture or concrete
terms of the measuring principle moisture (multi-ring electrodes).
(electrical versus optical) and the
associated accuracy. This is 1/100° for
electrical sensors and 1/1000000° for fiber 11.7.4 Recording the measurement data
optic sensors. As a result, the costs are also
different. If electronic temperature sensors Depending on the project requirements
are used and the system consists of 20 specification, static (e.g. once a day) or
sensors including A/D converter, the total dynamic (e.g. 100 times per second)
costs amount to approx. € 11,000; if fiber measurements may be required. This
optic temperature sensors are chosen, the depends on which parameters are to be
total costs amount to approx. € 23,000 for recorded and whether or not a rapid
the same number of sensors including change in the state of the structure is to be
evaluation unit. expected. A decision as to whether static
or dynamic measurements should be
taken must be made before monitoring Measurement of other variables begins. Table 11.7-1 summarizes the
properties of both types of measurements.
Acceleration and speed variables can be One problem with dynamic
determined using acceleration and speed measurements is the large amount of data
sensors. It should be noted that that is generated. If, for example, four
accelerometers are good for determining sensors record 100 measured values per
the acceleration of the structure over time. second over 24 hours, the amount of data
to be processed per month is
1068 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

Table 11.7-1 Static and dynamic measurement

Static measurement Dynamic measurement
Application "Slow" processes "Fast" processes
Typical event Slow foundation Train or vehicle crossing
Low (e.g. 1 day, 1 hour, 10
sampling rate High (e.g. 1 Hz, 1000 Hz)
Long-term deflections, long-term Deflection during vehicle crossing,
deformations, component all vibration processes
Acceleration and
Typical sensors Electronic hose scale
vibration sensors
Amount of data Low High

1.2 GByte. One solution to this problem is damage or contamination of the

so-called triggered recording of the measuring system.
measured values, i.e. only saving the The recorded data is stored locally on
measurement data when previously data loggers directly on site and, in the
defined threshold values are exceeded (e.g. case of modern systems, is automatically
when a truck or train passes). transmitted via GPRS, UMTS or ISDN for
Regardless of which measuring method evaluation. Simple evaluation functions
and which measuring equipment is used, it (extreme value or averaging) can be
must be determined before the start of the carried out before the data is transmitted,
measurement how the measuring points provided the measuring system has an
can also be found at later points in time so appropriate buffer memory to reduce the
that the measurement results can actually amount of data and enable faster
be assigned to the examined point on the transmission.
structure. The automated data retrieval can also
be connected to an automated standard
data evaluation, which makes it possible to
11.7.5 Preparation and processing of obtain current information on the
measurement data behavior of the structure very quickly and
make it available on an internet platform,
As part of computer-aided continuous for example. In this context, the bridge
monitoring, the measurement data is owner may also be interested i n
recorded automatically without the need automated alerting via SMS or email if
for manual readings. For this purpose, the limit values previously defined in an
power supply for the measuring devices emergency plan are exceeded. Figure 11.7-
must be ensured, whereby power 1 shows an example of such an emergency
interruptions should be excluded as far as plan based on the traffic light principle
possible, which can be guaranteed by an [Praxmarer/Reiterer, 2007]. Warning level
emergency power supply. green would describe the planned behavior
The measuring equipment on site of the structure and would not require any
should also be checked at regular intervals action. Warning level yellow would be
to ensure that it is functioning properly linked to the
and to guarantee that the measurement
results transmitted are not influenced by
11.7 Continuous computerized permanent monitoring 1069

Exceeding a predefined limit value (e.g. for and the bridge keeper. A red warning level
deflection) for a period of more than five would correspond to the specified limit
minutes. This would have required an being exceeded for more than 24 hours
advance warning from the operator of the and would result in the bridge being
monitoring system. closed.

Monitoring system
Permanent recording of bridge
deformations and pier rotations

Green warning level: No measures

Behavior as planned

Limit value exceeded

> 5 minutes

Notification by SMS
-Operator monitoring system
Warning level orange: -bridge support
advance warning
Operator monitoring system:
plausibility check

Long-term Recommendation
exceedance of limit value Alarm All-clear
> 24 hours

Manual Manual

Notification by SMS
-Operator monitoring system
Red warning -bridge maintainer (all persons)
level: -On-call service bridge keeper


Bridge closure

Operator Monitoring system Bridge maintainer

Plausibility check Bridge assessment

Bridge closure Restricted access to All-clear

remains in the bridge Manual
Fig. 11.7-1 Monitoring and emergency plan
1070 11 Monitoring, testing, evaluation and assessment of bridges

12 Bridge repair and renovation

12.1 Introduction defects or damage and assess their

influence on the load-bearing capacity,
EVA-MARIA EICHINGER-VILL serviceability and durability of the
and JOHANN KOLLEGGER (until structure. This inventory serves to
12.2) determine the appropriate repair
measures. The following objectives, among
This chapter deals with the problems others, can be pursued when planning a
associated with the repair and repair measure in the bridge area [Grube
rehabilitation of concrete, steel and et al., 1990]:
composite bridges, including the road
surfaces on bridges. In this context, repair • Restoring the load-bearing capacity
or rehabilitation refers to the sum of all • Restoring or maintaining the corrosion
measures by which known defects and protection of the reinforcement
damage are eliminated in such a way that • Restoring or supplementing the
both the durability and the reliability of Concrete cross-section with/without
the bridge are fully restored. In contrast, load-bearing capacity requirements
bridge strengthening is the sum of all • Restoration or increase of the
measures that serve to increase the existing Resistance of the concrete surface to
load-bearing capacity of a bridge structure frost stress, freeze-thaw stress, weather
- also due to a change in use. influences, penetration of substances
that attack concrete or steel,
mechanical attacks
12.2 Concrete bridges • Restoration or increase of the
Frictional resistance of the concrete
12.2.1 Planning of repair and surface
refurbishment measures • Sealing cracks
• Removal of leaking (construction)
Smaller repair measures can usually be joints or poorly compacted areas
carried out solely on the basis of the Based on the results of the assessment, the
results of the bridge inspection, while engineer responsible for planning the
larger repair measures require a careful as- repair work draws up a maintenance
built survey covering all important details. concept for the structure, which includes
In the course of the as-built survey, the information on the pre-treatment of the
main aim is to identify the causes concrete substrate, the repair principles for
the individual components, material
specifications, repair and painting
surfaces as well as the maintenance and
repair work.
1070 12 Bridge repair and renovation

Table 12.2.1-1 Application examples for remediation methods (according to [Ruffert, 1983])
Requirement Suitable procedure
Optical compensation (covering of Colored sealant or paint, either mineral or
color differences in the concrete) plastic-based as a solution or dispersion

Protection against aggressive substances from Impregnation with plastic dispersions

the atmosphere
Protection against carbonation Acrylic-based sealer
Creation of a sufficient concrete cover Application of a new alkaline concrete covering
according to the standard to the required thickness by spraying

Consolidation of sanding surfaces – Non-film-forming impregnation

– Sealer based on dissolved mixed
polymers, acrylates, epoxies,
– Treatment with silicic acid (silicatization)
Protection against aggressive water Thick coating based on solvent-free reactive
plastics or other very dense mortar or
concrete coatings
Protection against mechanical stresses – Thick coating (two-component base)
– Wear-resistant screeds
Protection against de-icing salt attack of the – Acrylic-based sealer
concrete – Impregnation of the concrete surface
– Thin coating
Restoration of deep frost and de-icing salt Chiseling off the damaged and possibly
damage chloride-contaminated concrete, replacement
of the destroyed concrete with shotcrete,
possibly simultaneous replacement of corroded
reinforcing steel
Restoration of frost and de-icing salt Coating with sufficiently dense fillers,
damage in the surface area previously mortared with synthetic mortar

Deep concrete destruction due to corrosion, Chiseling off the damaged and chemically
chemical attack, impact, mechanical stress, contaminated concrete, replacing the missing
etc. cross-section parts with shotcrete, possibly with
the installation of missing reinforcement

quality assurance. The estimation of the However, the expected extent of damage
masses of the expected damaged areas and can be estimated using a blasted, open test
the associated cost estimate is of course area [Hillemeier et al., 1999]. On the basis
also of central importance. For repair of the maintenance concept, the project
measures, it is usually difficult to owner decides on the implementation of the
determine the masses in comparison to measure. Table 12.2.1-1 shows the
new construction. A following
12.2 Concrete 1071
Depending on the respective After the actual repair work has been
requirements, suitable repair and carried out, it is usually necessary to
refurbishment methods are given as rework the concrete surface. In addition,
examples [Ruffert, 1983]. the tensile strength of the concrete surface
is greatly reduced compared to untreated
concrete [Dartsch, 1988]. Fine processes
12.2.2 Preparatory measures include sand blasting, shot blasting or high-
pressure water jetting. The slight surface
In the run-up to the actual repair roughness achieved when using these fine
measure, preparatory measures usually processes is advantageous for most repair
have to be taken on the concrete substrate measures (e.g. coatings). Furthermore, the
and the reinforcing steel. The pre- surface tensile strength is increased by
treatment of the concrete substrate and the compressed air blasting. The use of
reinforcing steel is particularly important chemical processes to pre-treat the
for the durability of the repair measure. concrete substrate (e.g. to remove paint
residues, oils and bitumen) is not
recommended; flame blasting is the more Pre-treatment of suitable method in this case.
the concrete substrate Depending on the repair measure,
different requirements are placed on the
The adhesive bond between the material properties of the concrete substrate,
applied during the repair work and the whereby the desired roughness of the
concrete substrate is crucial for the surface, the size distribution of pores and
durability of the repair work. Pre- blowholes, the surface tensile strength, the
treatment of the concrete is particularly compressive strength and the modulus of
important in order to guarantee that the elasticity, the carbonation and the
bonding surface lies in undamaged chloride content as well as the concrete
concrete. This includes cleaning the moisture and temperature influence the
concrete substrate of dust, loose particles choice of process for treating the concrete
or standing water, cleaning the concrete substrate. In addition, permissible crack
surface of any existing paints and widths or permissible vibrations, as well as
coatings, formwork oil residues or post- questions of environmental pollution and
treatment agents, removing cement the disposal of waste materials can be
slurries and layers of low strength, important for the selection of a suitable
removing damaged concrete and process for pre-treatment of the concrete.
derusting exposed reinforcement bars. In the following, the methods for treating
A range of coarse and fine methods are the concrete substrate are briefly
available for pre-treatment of the concrete presented; a more detailed description can
substrate (Table 12.2.2-1). Coarse be found at
methods, e.g. chiseling, milling and flame z. e.g. [Grube et al., 1990] and [ZTV-SIB,
blasting, are used to remove the concrete 1990].
in depth. Before
1072 12 Bridge repair and renovation

Table 12.2.2-1 Procedure for pre-treatment of the concrete substrate (according to [Grube et al., 1990])
Procedure Device or treatment agent Purpose
to be used
Pressure washer Pressure washer (heated or Removing dirt and vegetation
High-pressure water jets Blasting device, water Removal of coatings and
with 100-1000 bar layers of low strength
Fine procedures

High-pressure water jets Blasting device, water Removal of chloride-

with 1000-3000 bar containing concrete
sand blasting Blasting unit, dry blasting Removal of coatings; derusting
agent of the reinforcement
Shot blasting Blasting device, steel balls Removing coatings from
horizontal surfaces
Compressed air blasting Blasting unit, wet blasting Removal of coatings
with solid blasting agent
media and water
Milling Milling machine Deep removal of the
Rough procedures

Stemmen Chisel Deep removal of the concrete;

exposing the stakes

Flame blasting Flame jet burners, Removal of organic soiling such

acetylene and oxygen as oil, bitumen and rubber
residues; deep removal of
concrete; exposure of coarse
aggregate Pressure washer High-pressure water jets

High-pressure cleaning is carried out with Depending on the water pressure and
heated or unheated pressure washers, water volume, different results can be
whereby working pressures of up to achieved when pretreating the concrete
approx. 200 bar and temperatures of up to substrate using high-pressure water
approx. 150 °C can be achieved. High- jetting. At water pressures of up to approx.
pressure cleaning is mainly used to 1000 bar, residues of coatings, cement
remove dirt and fouling as well as thin slurries and concrete layers with low
coats of paint, but is not suitable for pre- strength can be removed. At pressures of
treatment of damaged concrete substrates around 1500 bar and a water flow rate of
due to the low pressures involved. approx. 150 l/min, a deep, large-area
removal of
12.2 Concrete 1073
z. For example, concrete containing If the surface is treated with wet blasting,
chloride, while at water pressures of up to the reinforcement must be dry blasted.
approx. 2500 bar and a water volume of When wet blasting, as with high-pressure
approx. 5-10 l/min, even high-strength water blasting, care must be taken to
layers can be removed or the concrete can dispose of the resulting sludge.
be cut. The result of high-pressure water During shot blasting, steel balls with a
jetting is a uniformly load-bearing diameter of approx. 1.5 mm are thrown
concrete surface, the reinforcement is not onto the concrete surface at high speed.
damaged. High-pressure water jetting is Parts of the cement paste and the
therefore a suitable method for exposing aggregate are loosened and sucked off
the reinforcement. The sludge produced together with the balls using an appropriate
during high-pressure water jetting must suction device. In this way, the same effect
be disposed of properly. as sand blasting can be achieved with less
dust and in a more environmentally
friendly way. Compressed air
blasting with solid blasting
media Milling

Compressed air blasting with solid Milling machines can be used to remove
blasting media is mainly used to remove large areas of concrete in layers up to 5
coatings from concrete surfaces and to mm thick [ZTV-SIB, 1990], whereby
roughen the concrete surface. Cleaning mainly horizontal surfaces are milled. As
the concrete surface with compressed air already mentioned, due to the severe
after blasting is important for all blasting damage caused by the milling machine, the
processes. Depending on the blasting concrete surface must be appropriately post-
media used, a distinction is made between treated after milling by compressed air
sand blasting and shot blasting. In sand blasting with solid abrasives or by high-
blasting, the abrasives used are pressure water jets in order to be able to
electrocorundum, silicon carbide or fused carry out the actual repair measures. If very
copper ore slag. Quartz sand is no longer heavy milling machines are used, the
used today for health reasons, but the term concrete surface may be permanently
sand blasting has survived. Sand blasting is damaged, which cannot be removed even
questionable in terms of the environment by subsequent blasting processes.
and health due to the large amount of dust
generated. Wet blasting can be used to
reduce dust generation, whereby water is Stemmen
introduced into the blasting path in
addition to the blasting medium. Wet Chiseling is suitable for removing small
blasting generally achieves the best surface areas of concrete, opening local defects or
tensile strengths with the same coating exposing the reinforcing steel in small
surface [Hillemeier et al., 1999]. Rust areas. When exposing the reinforcement,
removal from the reinforcement must be care must be taken not to damage the
carried out using the dry blasting method. reinforcing bars.
If the concrete surface is
1074 12 Bridge repair and renovation

Therefore, only devices with automatic Exposing the reinforcement

switch-off on metal contact should be
used to expose prestressing steel. If the reinforcement is corroded, it must
be exposed approx. 20 mm laterally
beyond the corroded area. It should be Flame blasting noted that the inputs will disturb the bond
between the reinforcement and the
In flame blasting, the concrete surface is surrounding concrete, which is why the
briefly heated with a 3000 °C gas flame work must be carried out in sections and
from an acetylene-oxygen mixture, the structural conditions and the effects of
causing the concrete to flake off due to the the missing bond must be taken into
thermal stresses. Flame blasting is mainly account.
used to peel the concrete surface down to Carbonated concrete must be removed
depths of 4 mm [Grube et al., 1990] and up to a maximum of the surface of the first
thus to remove organic soiling, whereby layer of reinforcement, while concrete
the rate of advance should be at least 1 containing chloride must also be removed
m/min in order to avoid deeper damage behind the reinforcement if the critical
to the concrete as a result of the high chloride content is exceeded. If the cross-
temperatures. To avoid damaging the section of the reinforcement is severely
reinforcement, the sufficient thickness of weakened by corrosion, the reinforcement
the concrete cover must be verified before can be replaced by additional
flame blasting, e.g. using a reinforcement reinforcement that is fixed to the existing
detector. After flame blasting, the flame- reinforcing steel without vibration, taking
blasted surfaces must be reworked by into account the necessary anchorage
milling and then by compressed air lengths.
blasting with solid abrasives or high-
pressure water jets in order to reliably
remove the concrete with a disturbed Rust removal from the reinforcement
Depending on the necessary corrosion
protection measures, the reinforcement Pre-treatment of can be derusted by sandblasting, wet
the reinforcing steel blasting or high-pressure water jetting.
Manual derusting is also possible in
Whether and to what extent pre-treatment principle, but is very time-consuming and
of the reinforcing steel is necessary depends can therefore only be applied locally. If a
on the degree of corrosion of the new layer of concrete (see section
reinforcement and the chosen repair is applied to create a sufficient concrete
measure. If it has been determined that cover, the reinforcement must first be
the reinforcement is corroded over a large cleaned and leaf rust removed.
area, it must be exposed. If the applied concrete layer is not thick
enough, the reinforcement must be
protected against corrosion. Rust removal
and cleaning of the reinforcement can be
carried out by means of wet blasting or
high-pressure water jetting if plastic-
modified cement mortar is used as
corrosion protection.
12.2 Concrete 1075
slurries can be used. If an epoxy resin Minimum layer thickness 1000 μm,
corrosion protection coating is applied, the whereby the coating must be applied in at
reinforcement must be prepared by sand least two layers [ZTV-SIB, 1990].

12.2.3 Implementation of repair and Coating the reinforcement refurbishment measures

An anti-corrosion coating of the The most important repair measures are

reinforcement is only necessary if, under discussed in the following sections. These
the prevailing environmental conditions, are the filling of cracks, the replacement of
the concrete cover of non-carbonated and the concrete and the protection of the
non-chloride-containing concrete is less concrete surface.
than the concrete cover specified in [EN
1992-2, 2005]. It should be noted that
coating the reinforcement has a negative Filling cracks
effect on the bond between the concrete
and the reinforcement. General information
Various coating materials can be used
as corrosion inhibitors, whereby mainly Knowledge about the influence of cracks
reaction resin hardening systems based on in concrete components on the corrosion
low-solvent or solvent-free epoxy resins of the steel inserts and thus the durability
or plastic-modified cement slurries are of a structure has increased significantly
used. The advantage of plastic-modified in recent years. It is now known that not
cement slurries over epoxy resins is that every crack, e.g. in a bridge abutment with
even steel that has been exposed and an average crack width of 0.25 mm, must
cleaned by high-pressure water jets can be necessarily be filled without other
coated, as plastic-modified cement slurries circumstances such as
place lower demands on the steel substrate z. e.g. the de-icing salt load on the
in terms of purity and moisture content. component [Vollrath/Tathoff, 2002].
With reaction resin curing systems, Therefore, a careful inventory must be
particular care must therefore be taken to carried out before filling the cracks,
ensure that they are processed correctly otherwise success will not be achieved.
and that the limit values for temperature There are two different methods for
and moisture are adhered to. filling cracks based on the application
The minimum thickness of the technique. Impregnation is the filling of
corrosion protection layer for reaction cracks without pressure, while injection is
resin-curing systems is 300 μm, whereby the filling of cracks via a filler neck under
the coating is applied in one or two layers pressure. In impregnation, epoxy resin is
and the second layer is sanded with quartz filled into the crack without pressure
sand. However, the first layer (minimum using the so-called "brush" or "pouring"
thickness 200 μm) must not be sanded in method, whereby the filling material
order to avoid perforation of the second penetrates into the crack due to gravity
layer. In the case of plastic-modified and capillary activity. The penetration
cement slurries, the depths depend on the viscosity, the
processing time, the wettability and, above
1076 12 Bridge repair and renovation

especially the crack width. Near-surface of the repair measure in the structure are
cracks should be filled to a depth of at lower than the tensile strength of the
least 5 mm and 15 times the crack width. concrete. Otherwise, the filling of the
Separation cracks cannot generally be cracks would be absurd. The aim of the
closed by impregnation. ductile bonding of the crack banks is to
During injection, a fast-setting flexible seal cracks whose widths change. As the
reaction resin is injected into the crack via increase in crack widths for today's
filling nozzles (drill packers), which are common expandable fillers may be
placed at a distance of 100 to 500 mm. between 5% for small crack widths (w <
The injection depends on the following 0.2 mm) and a maximum of 25% for crack
factors: Functional principle and pressure widths over 0.3 mm, it is necessary to
of the injection device, drilling method, estimate the expected change in crack
depth and angle of the drilling, type, width as accurately as possible. It should
number and position of the packers, also be noted that low temperatures reduce
damming of the cracks and the timing of the ductility of the filling material. It
the injection and post-grouting. It should should be emphasized that, contrary to
be noted that high pressure over a short what is often widely believed, it is not
period of time fills the cracks less deeply possible to create an expansion joint by
than low pressure over a longer period of injecting a crack with an expandable filling
time. A crack that has been injected once material [Vollrath/ Tathoff, 2002].
should - unless it has been injected using
the low-pressure method - always be re-
injected, as the capillary-active reaction Filling goods
resin also penetrates the adjacent concrete.
After the resin has hardened, the packers The requirements placed on the filling
and the insulating material are removed material are very diverse and include good
and any drill holes are filled. workability, sufficient mixing stability and
The following objectives are pursued viscosity, low reaction-related volume
when filling cracks: shrinkage, sufficient adhesive strength to
• Closing the cracks to prevent the the concrete structure, sufficient inherent
strength and high aging stability. In
penetration of corrosive substances
addition, the compatibility of the filler
into the component
with all materials with which it comes into
• Sealing water-bearing cracks in order to
contact is important, especially with regard
to eliminate leaks in the component
• Force-fit, tension-proof connection to corrosion [Hillemeier et al., 1999].
According to [ZTV-RISS, 1999], epoxy
both banks of the crack
• Expandable connection of both crack resins (EP), polyurethanes (PUR) and,
more rarely today, cement paste (ZL) and
cement paste suspension (ZS) are used as
In the case of a large number of cracks fillers, depending on the application
close to the surface, it can often be objective (Table 12.2.3-1). In Table 12.2.3-
expedient to close the cracks with an 1, T refers to impregnation (e.g. EP-T
expandable coating rather than by impregnation with epoxy resin) and I to
impregnation or injection. A friction- injection (e.g. EP-I injection with epoxy
locked connection of both sides of the resin).
crack is only necessary if the tensile
stresses that occur after
12.2 Concrete 1077
Table 12.2.3-1 Application of various filling materials (according to [ZTV-RISS, 1999])
Moisture content of the cracks or crack banks
dry moist water-bearing
not under pressure Under pressure
Close EP-T EP-T* PUR-I PUR-I**
Application goal

Sealing EP-I EP-I* PUR-I PUR-I**

Force-fit EP-I EP-I* ZL-I ZL-I***
connection ZL-I ZL-I ZS-I ZS-I***
Expandable PUR-I PUR-I PUR-I PUR-I**

EP-T*, EP-I* with proof of suitability.

PUR-I** using a fast-foaming PUR (SPUR) before the PUR-I.
ZL-I***, ZS-I*** together with temporary sealing measures to reduce pressure.

Epoxy resins (EP) are used for friction- There are limits to the use of
locked joints, whereby the two sides of the polyurethanes in moving cracks, as the
crack are virtually rigidly connected after elongation capacity decreases with the
the resin has cured. To enable the resin to absolute thickness of the PUR film in the
penetrate deep into fine cracks, epoxy crack.
resins must be low-viscosity, solvent-free, Cement paste and cement suspension
unfilled and also insensitive to moisture. consist of water and cement, whereby the
The adhesive strength of the epoxy resin is difference between the two cement
generally greater than the tensile strength injection materials lies in the grinding
of the concrete, which means that if the fineness of the cement. Cement
concrete is overstressed again, the concrete suspension consists of ultra-fine cement
directly next to the crack will crack, but not and can be used for injecting fine cracks
the injected crack itself. with widths of more than 0.2 mm.
Polyurethanes (PUR) are used for In Table 12.2.3-1, the application of the
closing, sealing and elastic bonding of dry, various filling materials depends on the
moist or water-bearing cracks. Due to degree of moisture in the cracks.
their elasticity and compressibility, According to [ZTV- RISS, 1999], a
flexible polyurethanes are the only filling distinction is made between dry, moist,
material that can be used to seal cracks "unpressurized" water-bearing and
with varying crack widths. Nevertheless pressurized water-bearing cracks in
accordance with Table 12.2.3-2.
1078 12 Bridge repair and renovation

Table 12.2.3-2 Moisture content of cracks or crack banks (according to [ZTV-RISS, 1999])
Humidity level Classification
Dry or concrete with – Water ingress not possible
ambient equilibrium – Influence of water on the crack area not detectable
moisture content – Water ingress possible, but has been ruled out for a sufficiently
long time
– Crack banks visually detectable dry (assessment of crack banks
on dry cores)
– Crack banks assessed dry according to laboratory methods
Moist – Color change in the crack area due to water, but no water
– Signs of water leakage in the immediate past
– Crack banks recognizably moist or matt-damp (assessment
of the crack banks on dry drill cores)
– Crack banks assessed according to laboratory methods wet

"Pressureless" – Water visible in fine droplets in the crack area

water-bearing – Water beads up from the crack area
Water-bearing under - Coherent water film emerges from the crack
pressure Concrete replacement The following four stress classes are used
to determine the strength of the respective
Concrete replacement systems include concrete replacement system.
standard concrete, shotcrete and cement
mortar with or without plastic additives as Load class M1
well as reaction resin mortar. These Mortar and concrete of stress class M1 are
concrete replacement systems differ in used for facades or similarly stressed
their suitability for use and can be components. Concrete replacement
combined with coatings for corrosion systems of stress class M1 are not suitable
protection of the reinforcement, bonding for dynamic stress during application.
bridges to the concrete substrate, fillers to These systems cannot be driven on and
produce a suitable surface or surface cannot be used in the calculation as
protection systems and then form so- statically acting.
called repair systems. If the concrete
replacement systems are prefabricated Exposure class M2 Concrete replacement
substances or materials, no other systems of exposure class M2 must be
admixtures may be added. suitable for increasing the resistance of the
concrete surface to chemical attack and must
exhibit a known resistance to carbonation Load classes and a buffering capacity against chloride
penetration. They must also be able to be
According to [Rili-SIB, 2001], a installed under dynamic loads. Mortar of the
distinction is made depending on the stress
load-bearing capacity.
12.2 Concrete 1079
class M2 must not be driven on directly The concrete substrate must have dried to
and must not be used as a static such an extent that the surface is only
contributory factor. slightly damp before the new concrete is
applied. To improve adhesion to the
Load class M3 substrate, a cementitious bonding agent
Mortar and concrete of stress class M3 should be brushed into the concrete
may be used in the calculation as statically substrate.
contributing and are therefore approved
for the statically effective area. In
addition, they can be used to increase the Cement mortar
resistance of the concrete surface to
destruction by chemical attack. It must be Cement mortar is used to fill spalled
possible to install them under dynamic concrete or to repair gravel pockets and
loads, but they cannot be driven on localized defects in the concrete. The
directly. cement mortars used for concrete
replacement have a maximum grain size
Load class M4 of 4 mm, a cement content of at least 400
Concrete replacement systems of stress kg/m³ and a water-cement ratio of
class M4 are reactive resin-bonded maximum w/c = 0.5. The cement mortars
mortars that must achieve certain are applied in a plastic consistency with a
strengths and wear resistances in addition bonding bridge and, as in the case of
to the requirements of stress class M3. concrete repairs, are cured for five days. It
This means that they can be driven on should be noted that prolonged rubbing
directly. worsens the bond to the substrate. Concrete Concrete/cement mortar

with plastic additive
The composition of the concrete used as
part of a concrete replacement must meet The addition of plastics improves the
the requirements of the relevant standards workability, water retention capacity,
for exterior components. Because the ductility and adhesive strength of the
concrete replacement is usually applied in concrete or cement mortar. In addition,
very thin layers, the proper curing of the the tendency to crack and the modulus of
concrete is of decisive importance, elasticity are reduced compared to plastic-
whereby the minimum curing time should free products [Hillemeier et al., 1999].
be five days and it should be noted that Cement mortar with added plastic can be
the spraying of curing agents is not used for stress classes M1, M2 or M3. The
permitted in the area of traffic structures cement mortars used for concrete
[Hillemeier et al., 1999]. Before applying replacement have a cement content of at
the new concrete layer, the existing least 350 kg/m³ for a maximum grain size
concrete substrate must be pre-wetted for of more than 8 mm and a cement content
at least 24 hours. However, care must be of at least 400 kg/m³ for a maximum grain
taken to ensure that the existing size of less than 4 mm. The maximum
amount of plastic added is usually
1080 12 Bridge repair and renovation

limited to 5 % by weight of the total dry Added as a dispersion in the mixing

mass. Prefabricated products whose water, or together with the mixing water
suitability has been proven by appropriate at the nozzle in the case of dry gunning
testing are usually used. The post- mortars. When composing the shotcrete,
treatment period is at least 5 days. it is important to ensure that a high binder
content and a small maximum grain size
ensure good smoothness, but also lead to a Shotcrete or mortar high degree of shrinkage. During
installation, it is also important to ensure
The composition and properties of the that plastic-modified shotcretes or
shotcrete or mortar used must meet the -mortar may only be installed with the
requirements of the relevant concrete spraying equipment, hose length and
construction standards, with a minimum nozzle used in the suitability test. Plastic-
layer thickness of 30 mm. The possible uses modified shotcrete has proven itself for
of shotcretes and mortars are diverse and spraying dense multi-layered stakes and for
range from supplementing the load-bearing application on dynamically stressed
concrete cross-section to surface repairs surfaces.
and the injection of additional
reinforcement. According to [Rili-SIB,
2001], both dry and wet shotcretes are Reactive resin mortar
permitted. When installing multiple layers,
care must be taken to ensure that the first Reaction resin mortars consist of an
layer installed is free of loose spray dust so aggregate and a binder based on reaction
as not to impair the bond to the next layer. resin and are used exclusively in the area of
the concrete that is close to the surface and
not statically effective. For this reason, Plastic-modified shotcrete or mortar reaction resin mortars are usually only used
on small areas. As part of the basic test, proof
Plastic-modified shotcretes or of suitability for reaction resin mortars
-Mortars are mainly used to increase the should be provided for stress classes M1 and
concrete cover in larger areas, whereby M2. Compared to cementitious mortars,
the application of a bonding bridge is not reaction resin mortars are characterized by
necessary. The layer thickness is usually 1 their rapid hardening, the fact that no post-
to 5 cm and can therefore also be used treatment is required, increased flexural
when normal shotcretes with a minimum tensile strength and increased resistance to
layer thickness greater than 3 cm cannot chemical attack. In addition, reaction resin
be used. Similar to cement mortars with mortars can also be used to produce very
added plastic, a maximum of 5 % by thin concrete replacement layers.
weight of plastic is added to the total dry be provided.
mass of plastic-modified shotcrete. With In order to achieve an improved bond to
wet spray mortars, the the existing concrete, appropriate bonding
bridges must be applied before the
reaction resin mortar is applied, into
which a bonding layer is applied
depending on the waiting time between
the application of the bonding bridge and
the installation of the reaction resin
12.2 Concrete 1081
quartz sand can also be sprinkled on top
of the mortar. Surface protection General information

Surface protection measures should either Figure 12.2.3-1 Impregnation

increase the durability of concrete
components or improve their
performance properties. The principles and filler-free substances based on epoxy,
for the surface protection of concrete are polyurethane or acrylate resin are used. A
described in [EN 1504]. A distinction is uniformly thick film with a thickness of 10
made between to 100 μm is formed on the concrete
surface, whereby the concrete pores are
• Principle 1 (PI): Protection against the
partially filled. Although impregnations
ingress of harmful substances
reduce the water absorption of the
(Protection against Ingress),
concrete surface, as they line the capillary
• Principle 2 (MC): Control of the
pore walls near the surface to repel water,
they do not act as a gas brake due to the
moisture content (Moisture Control)
• Principle 5 (PR): Resistance to non-cohesive film.
physical/mechanical stress (Physical
Resistance) Hydrophobization
• Principle 6 (RC): Resistance to che-
mical stress (chemical resistance)
The aim of hydrophobization is to create a
Depending on the prevailing effects, one water-repellent concrete surface.
principle or a combination of several Hydrophobization does not change the
principles is selected and, based on this, appearance of the concrete surface, or only
one of the three different methods for the slightly, as there is no visible film and the
surface protection of the concrete. These concrete pores are not filled with the
are impregnation, hydrophobization or hydrophobizing agents, but merely lined
coating. (Fig. 12.2.3-2). Initially, it can be observed
how the water on the hydrophobized
concrete surface Impregnation

Impregnation is the treatment of the

concrete to reduce the surface porosity,
whereby the outermost concrete edge
zone is hardened. This increases the
resistance of the concrete to chemical attack
and mechanical stress (Fig. 12.2.3-1).
For the impregnation of concrete
surfaces, low-molecular, pigment-based
Figure 12.2.3-2 Hydrophobization
1082 12 Bridge repair and renovation

rolls off. Although this effect no longer Coating

occurs after some time, the effect of the
hydrophobization in the deeper concrete Coating is the treatment of the concrete
layers is still not reduced. surface to produce a closed protective
Pigment and organosilicon compounds layer with a thickness of 0.1 to 0.5 mm
are used for hydrophobization. (Figure 12.2.3-3). A coating consists of at
Depending on the particle size, these are least a primer and a surface protection
silanes, siloxanes or silicones. Depending layer.
on the porosity of the concrete, these Depending on the area of application, a
substances penetrate up to a depth of 5 distinction is made between different
mm into the concrete substrate. This coating materials according to Table
reduces the water absorption capacity of 12.2.3-3. Coatings can be used to cover a
the concrete and the penetration of very diverse performance spectrum,
substances that could lead to damage to whereby the prevention of the penetration
the concrete or reinforcing steel. In of water and the pollutants dissolved in it is
addition, hydrophobization of the often the main focus. However, depending
concrete surface can also reduce soiling on the coating material and layer thickness,
and infestation by mosses, fungi and algae. other properties of the concrete can also be
Studies [Wittmann, 1987] also show a influenced, such as the
positive influence on frost/de-icing salt
resistance. Hydrophobization is also
recommended as a preparatory measure
before applying a coating, as this prevents
moisture from infiltrating the coating.
A disadvantage is that the carbonization
of the concrete is accelerated by an
applied hydrophobization [Klopfer, 1978
and Kern, 1977].

Figure 12.2.3-3 Coating

Table 12.2.3-3 Coating materials and areas of application (according to [Hillemeier et al., 1999])

Area of application Coating material

Vertical surfaces not subject to traffic - Polymer solutions, especially acrylate resins
- Weather-resistant and non-yellowing two-
component reactive resins based on polyurethane or
polyurethane acrylate combinations

Crack bridging - Acrylic resin dispersion

- Plastic-modified cement slurries
- Elastic polyurethanes

Trafficable coatings with high - Epoxy resins

chemical and mechanical resistance - Polyurethane resins
- Acrylate resins
12.3 Steel bridges 1083

diffusion resistance, wear resistance and original surfaces and the building looks
chemical resistance. Cracks can also be blotchy.
bridged using a suitable coating, as The second strategy has the advantage
described in Table 12.2.3-3. that the entire supporting structure is
scaffolded, a perfect rust removal is carried
out and the coating can be applied as with
12.3 Steel bridges a new supporting structure. After
renovation, the structure has a uniform
GÜNTER RAMBERGER appearance. The disadvantage, however, is
and FRANCESCO AIGNER (until 12.4) that the coating does not weather evenly
on all surfaces and therefore some surfaces
12.3.1 Corrosion protection are far more corroded than others. On the
more heavily corroded surfaces, rusting may
The maintenance and ongoing repair of already have occurred, which reduces the
corrosion protection is of crucial load-bearing capacity, while a renewal of
importance for a steel structure, as the coating is not yet necessary on other
corrosion damage to the material is surfaces. The second method shows which
associated with a reduction in load- surfaces are weathering heavily. By
bearing capacity and fatigue resistance applying better coatings to these surfaces
and can only be repaired at great expense. or by deliberately applying thicker layers, a
So far, two different strategies have corrosion protection system can be
been used by the bridge maintainers: selected for renewal that guarantees longer
• Repair the corrosion protection at protection for surfaces exposed to severe
short intervals if localized damage aggression.
• weather the corrosion protection for so
long 12.3.2 Rivets and screws
until a renewal of the corrosion
protection from the ground up is Loose screws in GV connections must be
indicated. tightened with a torque wrench, taking into
account the required preload force. In the
If the former strategy is u s e d , rusting case of loose rivets, the head must be burned
can be safely avoided. The disadvantage, off, the rivet driven through and a new rivet
however, is that the method is relatively driven in. It should be noted that only
expensive, as scaffolding is usually enough rivets may be removed at the same
required for each repair, which has to be time to maintain the static load-bearing
erected and dismantled. If the inputs can capacity in this condition (e.g. with
be carried out from an existing bridge reduced live load). As riveting requires the
inspection vehicle or from a standard time-consuming use of a riveting crew (three
bridge inspection device, the method can men) with all equipment (riveting furnace,
be quite economical. Another counterholder, riveters or hydraulic
disadvantage is that if the coating is riveting tools), removed rivets may also be
repaired locally, it may differ in color and replaced with GV screws of strength class
texture from the 10.9 with the largest possible diameter and
full pre-tension. This enables
1084 12 Bridge repair and renovation

This means that even if the contact cut-out holes, as this introduces very high
surfaces are not particularly machined, the residual stresses into the supporting
transfer force of the previous rivet is still structure due to the impeded welding
achieved. shrinkage. It is better to butt-weld new
parts to the existing cross-sections, as free
shrinkage is then possible in at least one
12.3.3 Repair of rust direction.

In the case of slight rusting, the actual

thickness must be determined after rust 12.4 Road surfaces
removal. If the second side is not
accessible, this can also be done with a When repairing the road surface, a
calibrated thickness gauge using distinction must be made between
ultrasound. If the measured thickness localized damage, damage in a continuous
does not fall below the nominal thickness lane or basic renewal of the road surface.
despite rusting, which is often the case due Localized damage, which only affects the
to the plus tolerances of the sheets and surface course and possibly the protective
profiles, reinforcement measures can be layer, is repaired with bituminous layers,
omitted. If the measured thickness is less whereby care must be taken to ensure that
than the nominal thickness, the structural the layers are properly connected at the
safety check and possibly the fatigue check edges. When renewing the road surface of
must be carried out using the cross- a lane, the surface and protective layers
sectional values of the weakened cross- must be milled off by road milling
section. Only if these are not fulfilled are machines. If the cover sheet is uneven, the
repair measures to be carried out. sealing layer and even the cover sheet can
Otherwise, only the corrosion protection be damaged. The sealing layer exposed
measures described above are required. after milling off the surface and protective
Rusted HV bolts must be replaced with layer must be cleaned with a sweeping
new ones due to the possibility of stress suction machine and compressed air and
corrosion cracking. If the rivet heads are then checked. If it is undamaged and firmly
rusted, check that they are firmly seated. If adhering over the entire area, it can be left
the rivets are tight, they generally do not in place. Otherwise it must be removed
need to be replaced. In the case of rusted with a high-pressure water jet. The cover
welds, the actual thickness must be plate surface must be prepared by
determined after derusting and compared mechanical blasting or flame blasting
with the nominal thickness. If necessary, followed by brushing. When renewing a
these seams should be restored to their lane, the same material is usually used as
original thickness with new layers. for the subsequent layers. It is important
Repairing heavily rusted or rusted- that the layers are properly connected at
through sheet metal and profiles is difficult the edges. In special cases, a longitudinal
and can generally only be determined on joint can also be created, which is then
an individual basis. In any case, it should sealed. If the pavement is to be completely
be noted that only welded supporting renewed, the surface is milled off, the
structures may be repaired by welding on
parts. Riveted and bolted supporting
structures may only be repaired by bolting
on new parts (GV connections). Welding
patches into the structure is not
12.4 Road surfaces 1085

The sealing layer is removed with a high- the coating can only be milled off up to its
pressure water jet, the surface is upper edge. The coating remaining
mechanically blasted or flame blasted and between the staggered steels can only be
then brushed off and the layer is built up broken up, loosened and removed
as for a new construction. economically using a high-pressure water
From the beginning of the use of the jet process (Fig. 12.4-2). The operating
orthotropic slab (1946) until around 1970, pressure at the water jet nozzle is around
zigzag-shaped flat steels were often 800 to 1200 bar. The exit velocity is about
welded onto the cover plate to ensure a 30% higher than the sonic velocity. The
good shear connection between the cover surface, including the staggered steels, is
plate and the decking (Fig. 12.4-1). then mechanically derusted and the
These staggered steels cause major pavement is built up as for a new
problems during pavement renewal, as supporting structure.

Figure 12.4-1 Stagger steels

Figure 12.4-2 High-pressure water jet process

13 Bridge reinforcement

13.1 Introduction reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete

[ÖVBB, 2003]:
EVA-MARIA EICHINGER-VILL • Cross-sectional reinforcement in the
and JOHANN KOLLEGGER (until tensile and/or compression zone with
concrete, steel, synthetic materials
The chapter deals with the reinforcement (carbon fibers) or a
Combination of materials
The strengthening of bridges made of
• Cross-sectional reinforcement of the
steel and prestressed concrete as well as
shear reinforcement with steel or
steel and composite structures. In contrast
plastics (carbon fibers)
to repair, strengthening refers to those
• External pre-tension
structural-constructive measures whose
• Strengthening by partially replacing the
aim is to increase the existing load-
concrete or injecting cavities and
bearing capacity of a bridge structure -
also due to a change in use.
• Modification of the support system
The most important measures for
reinforcing concrete bridges as well as There are a wide variety of technical
steel and composite bridges are described. design options for all of these
In the area of concrete bridges, the reinforcement measures, whereby the
reinforcement of the deck structure with individual measures are applied
bonded carbon fiber composites (CFRP individually or in combination depending
lamellas, CFRP mats and CFRP shear on the static, production-related and
angles), with external pre-tensioning with usage-related requirements. It is the
steel or carbon fiber cables as well as the responsibility of the planning engineer to
cross-sectional reinforcement by shotcrete evaluate and implement the available
or concreting are dealt with. methods in accordance with the existing
In the case of steel and composite standards and guidelines from a structural,
bridges, the roadway reinforcement and economic and ecological point of view.
the reinforcement of the overall system
are discussed. In addition, the system
modification is also dealt with and 13.2.1 Bonded carbon fiber
illustrated using a concrete project from composites
construction practice. General information

13.2 Concrete bridges Subsequent reinforcement with carbon

fiber composites has gained significant
The following methods are used for the importance in recent years.
subsequent static reinforcement of
1088 13 Bridge reinforcement

value. The main area of application is the process has a general building authority
reinforcement of components whose load- approval from the German Institute for
bearing capacity is insufficient due to a Building Technology or an individual
changed load situation or change in use approval from the responsible building
(e.g. increase in traffic loads), change in supervisory authority. CFRP slats may
the static system or ageing or wear of the only be used in bridge construction if the
materials. In this context, CFRP mats are slats are not directly exposed to the
mainly used to reinforce strongly curved weather.
components. CFRP strips are mainly used to
Reinforcing bridge structures with steel supplement the cross-section in the tensile
lamellas has been a well-known process zone of the concrete. So-called CFRP
since the end of the 1960s. In the mid- shear angles can be used to supplement
1990s, lamellas made of carbon fiber the cross-section of the shear
composite materials (CFRP lamellas) were reinforcement, which are retrofitted in the
introduced to the market and slowly area of the shear force loading of plate
replaced the steel lamellas. Today, CFRP girders instead of internal shear stirrups.
laminates or, in rarer cases, CFRP mats are The shear angles are anchored in the
used almost exclusively for reinforcement compression plate of the beam.
measures. Carbon fibres are characterized
by their high strength with an additional
low dead load, and t h e y are also Material requirements
resistant to corrosion. During installation,
CFRP laminates have the following Fibres are embedded in a plastic matrix to
additional advantages over steel produce fiber-reinforced plastics. The
laminates: global mechanical properties of the fiber-
reinforced plastic are determined by the
• Low-noise and low-vibration
fibers, while the plastic matrix serves to
hold the individual fibers together in a
• Can be transported on castors
dimensionally stable manner. Today,
• No assembly joints thanks to long
mainly pultruded CFRP flat profiles, so-
OEM lengths
called CFRP laminates, and CFRP mats
• Simple application due to the low
are used in construction practice.
• Simple crossings thanks to low
thickness CFRP slats
• Adaptation to any geometry (e.g.:
strapping of supports with circular
CFRP laminates are unidirectional flat
profiles with a fiber content of between 60
• No complex installation aids
and 70 % by volume. The width of the
• No protection against falling
laminates is between 40 and 150 mm and
• High cost efficiency, as the high
the thickness between 1.0 and 2.0 mm.
material costs are offset by low
Table 13.2.1-1 summarizes the permissible
installation costs
material characteristics in relation to the
CFRP slats may only be used in Germany total cross-section of the CFRP lamella.
by companies whose To ensure a minimum ductility of the
13.2 Concrete 1089
Table 13.2.1-1 Material characteristics for CFRP blades (in relation to the total cross-section)
Characteristic tensile strength in the longitudinal direction fuK,L = 1000-3500 N/mm²
of the fibers
Characteristic elongation at break in the longitudinal euK,L ≥ 1%
direction of the fibers
Mean modulus of elasticity in the longitudinal direction of EL,m = 100-300 kN/mm²
the fiber
Fiber content ρ = 60-70% by volume
Glass transition temperature of the matrix resin TG ≥ 100 °C
Slat thickness tL = 1-2 mm
Slat width bL = 40-150 mm

a characteristic elongation at break of at The adhesive is only bonded to each

least 1% is required. other, and thus to a dimensionally stable
The tensile strength and fracture tension member, when the mat is glued to
toughness of the lamellae are determined the concrete. The adhesive used therefore
in accordance with [DIN EN ISO 527-5, also takes on the function of the matrix.
1997]. The glass transition temperature of Depending on the requirements, up to ten
the matrix resin is determined by mat layers can be bonded together. Table
thermomechanical analysis according to 13.2.1-2 shows the permissible material
[DIN EN 61006, 2004]. parameters in relation to the fiber cross-
section. The material parameters apply
parallel to the longitudinal direction of the CFRP mats fibers, in the case of multidirectional mats
for each statically applied direction. In
CFRP mats are textile fabrics or scrims. order to ensure a minimum ductility of
They have thicknesses of 0.1 to 0.3 mm the material, a characteristic elongation at
and are usually supplied in widths of 100 to break of at least 1% is required, as with the
800 mm on rolls. Due to their low CFRP laminates.
thickness, CFRP mats are particularly The tensile strength and elongation at
suitable for reinforcing strongly curved break of the mats are determined in
components. The actual lamination, i.e. accordance with [DIN EN ISO 527-5,
the formation of a shear-resistant bond 1997], whereby the corresponding
between the fibers adhesive is used as a laminating resin in
the preparation of the specimen.

Table 13.2.1-2 Material characteristics for CFRP mats (in relation to the total cross-section)
Characteristic tensile strength in the longitudinal direction fuK,M = 1000-5000 N/mm²
of the fibers
Characteristic elongation at break in the longitudinal euK,M ≥ 1%
direction of the fibers
Mean modulus of elasticity in the longitudinal direction of EM,m = 100-650 kN/mm²
the fiber
Mat thickness per layer tL = 0.1-0.3 mm
1090 13 Bridge reinforcement

Mat width bL = 100-800 mm

13.2 Concrete 1091
Table 13.2.1-3 Material characteristics for adhesives
Characteristic bending tensile strength fK,t,k ≥ 15 N/mm²
Characteristic compressive strength FK,c,k ≥ 60 N/mm²
Average modulus of elasticity EK,m = 5-15 kN/mm² for lamella adhesives
EK,m = 2-19 kN/mm² for mat adhesives
Glass transition temperature TG ≥ 60 °C
Shrinkage < 0,1 % Adhesive The primer resins should be applied at a

higher temperature than the glass
Epoxy resin-based adhesive systems are transition temperature to prevent the
used for bonding between CFRP slats or adhesive from being absorbed by the
CFRP mats and the concrete. Adhesives for concrete substrate. In the case of priming
bonding mats must have sufficient viscosity resins, care must also be taken to ensure
to ensure that all fibers of a mat are that the mechanic properties of the resin
impregnated. Table 13.2.1-3 summarizes do not deteriorate at temperatures higher
the material characteristics for adhesives. than the glass transition temperature, as is
The mechanical values are tested in the case with adhesives.
accordance with [DIN EN 196-1, 2005] on
test specimens with the dimensions 160 ×
40 × 40 mm³. The glass transition Leveling mortar
temperature is determined according to
Leveling mortars are plastic mortars that are
[DIN EN 12614, 2005] and the shrinkage
used to level out local irregularities when
according to [DIN EN 12617-3, 2002]. It
bonding CFRP slats or CFRP mats. Care
should be noted that using the adhesive at
must be taken to ensure that only leveling
temperatures higher than the glass
mortars are used that have been tested in
transition temperature can lead to a drop
the system with priming resin, adhesive
in the mechanical properties of the
and CFRP slat or CFRP mat. The material
characteristics for levelling mortar are
summarized in Table 13.2.1-4. Primer resin
Table 13.2.1-4 Material characteristics for
Low-viscosity epoxy resins with a glass leveling mortar
transition temperature of at least 40 °C Bending tensile strength ≥ 10 N/mm²
should be used for priming. A primer resin
Compressive strength ≥ 40 N/mm²
should be used if the surface tensile
strength of the concrete substrate is low to Glass transition temperature ≥ 60 °C
consolidate the substrate or to pre-treat the
concrete substrate when using CFRP mats. Application of CFRP slats

Before attaching the slats, the substrate

must be wet blasted,
1092 13 Bridge reinforcement

High-pressure water jets, grinding or bush process directly when bonding the
hammering must be used to prepare the lamella. In addition, voids and larger pores
substrate accordingly (see section in the concrete substrate must be filled with In order to check that the an epoxy resin-based scratch filler before
concrete substrate, including any primer bonding.
resin and leveling mortar, has sufficient The adhesive is usually applied to both
load-bearing capacity, a tear-off test must the concrete substrate and the lamella. To
be carried out shortly before the lamella is avoid air pockets, the adhesive is applied
bonded and before the adhesive is applied. to the lamella in the shape of a roof,
The existing concrete substrate must have a whereby the thickness of the adhesive
tear-off strength of at least 1.5 N/mm². layer on the finished lamella should be 2
The slats are cut to length using a mm and not exceed 5 mm.
hacksaw or angle grinder. After cleaning After bonding, the lamellas must be
and degreasing the lamella with a solvent, inspected for cavities, whereby adhesive
the adhesive can be applied and the lamella tension measurements must be carried
rolled onto the concrete surface. The out on parallel bonded reference pieces. The
ambient temperature plays a major role in tolerance of the flatness of the bonded
the application of the slats. The processing lamella should be a maximum of 3 mm
temperature of the epoxy resins used to over 0.30 m. The bonded lamella must not
bond the lamella is at least 10 °C and a be drilled or tapped.
maximum of 35 °C, although the substrate
temperature should be at least 3 °C above
the dew point temperature. Humidity Prestressed CFRP slats
conditions also have a strong influence on
the reaction time of the resins. Therefore, CFRP slats can be pre-stressed during
the relative humidity should not exceed application. Pre-stressing reduces the risk
70% and the maximum moisture content of shearing due to a shear fracture in the
of the concrete should not exceed 4%. For tensile zone. The pretensioning force in the
reasons of quality assurance, the air lamella reduces the elongation of the steel
temperature, relative humidity, substrate reinforcement and thus reduces the
temperature, substrate moisture and dew deflection as well as the maximum crack
point temperature should therefore be widths and can even result in partial
recorded during the application of the closing of the cracks. This increases the
lamella. reliability and, in particular, the durability
When attaching the slat, ensure that the of the structure.
substrate is level to guarantee sufficient To apply the prestressing force, it is
adhesion of the slat, whereby the possible to first apply the adhesive and
maximum deviation may be approx. 5 mm then prestress it or to apply the adhesive
per 2 m. If necessary, the evenness of the to the already prestressed l a m e l l a and
substrate must be ensured with the help of then press it onto the component.
a leveling mortar if the unevenness is However, without additional anchoring of
more than 10 mm/2.0 m. For values the lamella, only shear stresses of max.
between 5 mm/2.0 m and 10 mm/2.0 m,
leveling must be carried out using adhesive
using the "wet-on-wet" method.
13.2 Concrete 1093
10 N/mm² can be transferred. Therefore, Determination of internal forces
higher shear stresses must be activated
using special anchoring systems. Ideally, Bonded CFRP lamellae exhibit brittle
the contact pressure of such systems is 5 composite fracture behavior, i.e. the
N/mm², which means that shear stresses lamellae detach abruptly from the concrete
of up to 15 N/mm² can be transferred substrate when the breaking load of the
with C25/30 concrete. composite joint is reached. As a result, the
The simplest way to generate the reinforced component fails without
necessary contact pressure is to clamp the warning. Accordingly, the design
slat under the supports. However, this is regulations of the relevant standards must
usually not possible for technical reasons. be extended for concrete components. In
Furthermore, anchor plates held by steel contrast to a reinforcing bar embedded in
rods or aramid tubes can be used, which the concrete, the anchorage is the decisive
are anchored in the pressure area of the element for bonded CFRP laminates, as
support. With the help of such anchoring this is usually weaker than the laminate
systems, the tensioning forces are itself. For this reason, internal forces
introduced into the structure as normal calculation methods using plastic
forces. There are currently a number of redistributions must not be used for the
systems that have been used as component to be reinforced. Only the
reinforcement measures not only under linear elastic determination of internal
laboratory conditions but also in real forces according to the theory of elasticity
structures [Andrä/Maier, 1999, Meier et may be used for the component to be
al., 2001 and Bossart, 2001]. reinforced. Dimensioning Principles of mathematical

When transferring the forces from the
CFRP lamella to the component to be CFRP lamellae can be used both to
reinforced, the concrete cover is subjected increase the load-bearing capacity and to
to high stresses, which is why it must be in improve the serviceability. For this reason,
correspondingly good condition. If the the computational verifications for the
minimum requirements necessary for force ultimate and serviceability limit states are
transmission cannot be met, the carried out. The main influencing factors
reinforcement measure must be preceded in the design of carbon fiber elements are
by a corresponding repair measure their tensile strength and tensile
(chapter 12) in order to increase the elongation. Only tensile forces may be
properties of the concrete substrate. assigned to the lamella. In addition, a
When designing components that are distinction must be made between
subsequently reinforced with CFRP verifications for the entire component to
laminates, it must be taken into account be reinforced and verifications for the
that the bonding behavior of bonded lamella itself.
laminates differs fundamentally from the
bonding behavior of embedded
reinforcing bars with regard to the failure
mechanism [Pichler, 2003].
1094 13 Bridge reinforcement Verification in t h e ultimate γ1 = 1. 4when there is a risk of large

limit state expansions in the concrete
and thus detachment effects
In principle, the design of components occur
reinforced with CFRP laminates is based
on the same design principle as the design Partial safety factor for assembly:
of conventional components: γm = 1.1 for an application under
very good and controllable
The installation
Rd ≥Ed
γm = 1.2 conditions must be
The design value of the action Ed must be checked by trained
determined in accordance with [DIN EN specialist personnel and
1990, 2002]. The reinforcement is carried the installation conditions
out for the load determined in this way must be checked,
according to the decisive action although individual weak
combination. zones cannot be
The resistance is determined in completely ruled out
accordance with the provisions of [DIN
1992-2, 2005], whereby for the reinforcing γm = 1.4 with greater variation of the
steel, Construction site
the partial safety factors according to conditions due to
[DIN EN 1992-2, 2005] are to be used for personnel or application
the prestressing steel and the concrete conditions
itself and the design values are to be
determined using these. The design value Partial safety factor for the production of
of the tensile strength of the lamella fud,L carbon fiber elements:
and the tensile elongation εud,L can be γf = 1. 0for controlled running
determined using the following equations. Production, otherwise
The corresponding partial safety factors significantly higher values
were determined using a probabilistic
For the dimensioning of the component
analysis [Bergmeister, 2003].
to be reinforced and for the determination
fuk,L of the required
fud,L = cross-section and the necessary slat
cf ,L,t ⋅ γ1 ⋅ γ m ⋅γ lengths, the pre-fabrication of the slats must
γ f
The expansion state of the unreinforced
εuk,L component at the time the lamella is
γ cf ,L,e ⋅ γ1 ⋅ γ m ⋅ γ attached must be taken into account.
f In accordance with the guidelines of the
Partial safety factor for the carbon fiber Institut für Bautechnik [DIBt, 1998] and
element: the Österreichische Vereinigung für Be-
γcf,L,t = 1,2 ton- und Bautechnik [ÖVBB, 2002], the
characteristic value of the bond breaking
γcf,L,e = 1,2 strength must be determined in order to
Partial safety factor for an expansion limit: determine the resistance of the
reinforcement system itself.
⋅ tL ⋅ fctm in the
γ1 = 1. 0if there is no premature
Detachment occurs due to
13.2 Concrete 1095
Tk,max = 0.5 ⋅ bL ⋅ kb ⋅ kT ⋅

Where bL is the slat width in mm, tL

the lamella thickness in mm, EL the elasticity
1096 13 Bridge reinforcement

modulus of the lamella, fctm the surface cke must be observed. In the area of the
tensile strength of the concrete substrate in end anchorage, it must be verified that the
N/mm² (calculated value 3.0 N/mm²) and design value of the bond breaking force is
kT a correction value for the temperature greater than the design value of the
influence (0.9 for external components, existing lamella tensile force.
otherwise 1.0). The factor kb is calculated For the free section, only the areas with
as follows shear force loading must be
2 - bL It must be demonstrated that the change in
kb = 1.06 ⋅ / b ≥ 1,0
tensile force in the lamella is transmitted by
1 + b /400L the bonding.
Where b is the beam width or the distance can be made. The area between two
between adjacent slats. adjacent cracks is decisive for this,
The associated anchoring length lt,max whereby the largest possible crack spacing
can be determined as follows: is to be used for the design
[Niedermeier/Zilch, 2001].
EL ⋅ t
lt,max = 0.7 ⋅ In the case of dynamic loading of the
component, it must be demonstrated for the
purpose of verifying the fatigue resistance
This means that the bond breaking force for the fatigue-effective combination of
cannot be increased arbitrarily by actions that the amplitude of the stresses
increasing the anchorage lengths (Fig. in the lamella or in the mat does not
13.2.1-1). For this reason, even very long exceed 100 N/mm².
anchorage lengths do not generally allow
larger lamella tensile forces to be
anchored [DIBt, 1998]. Verification in the
It is therefore of great importance that, serviceability limit state
in addition to compliance with the design
rules, the bonding is also examined in According to [DIN EN 1992-2, 2005], two
detail, whereby both the end anchorage verifications are generally required for the
areas and the free stresses are analyzed. serviceability limit state:
• Verification of deflections
• Verification of crack width limitation
The action combination to be used for the
respective verification can be taken from
[DIN EN 1990, 2002]. When verifying the
deflections, the cross-section of the
existing laminate or mesh reinforcement
can be introduced into the calculation with
the corresponding modulus of elasticity
and the corresponding distance from the
bending compression edge, whereby the
different bond behavior of the
reinforcement and reinforcing steel
Figure 13.2.1-1 Relationship between reinforcement does not have to be taken
characteristic bond breaking force and into account.
anchorage length The verification of the crack width
limitation can usually be omitted, as the
crack width is limited by
13.2 Concrete 1097
the crack spacing as well as the crack component must be at least C16/20 and
width can be reduced by the carbon fiber the reinforcing steel reinforcement must
reinforcement. However, if the have a concrete cover of at least 1.0 cm. In
reinforcement is intended specifically to addition, the concrete substrate to which
limit the crack width, the mathematical the lamella or mat is to be bonded must be
verification can be carried out in designed or pre-treated in such a way that
accordance with fib Bulletin 14 [fib, 2001]. no planned tensile stresses occur normal to
the adhesive joint, i.e. the evenness of the
concrete substrate must be guaranteed. Constructive measures As mentioned, the end anchorage is a
very sensitive area, which is why
With regard to the mutual spacing of the additional design measures must be taken
lamellas, it should be noted that the here to ensure force transmission.
minimum spacing should be selected in Lamellae, which serve to increase the
such a way that the adhesive leakage can bending load-bearing capacity of the
be controlled, thus ensuring a high-quality component, should always be guided from
bond. In addition, compliance with the support to support. In the case of internal
minimum distances should prevent columns of continuous systems, the
overlapping of force application areas and lamellae should be guided at least 1.0 m
thus failure due to local stress peaks. into the bending compression area to
To ensure the function of the bonded absorb the field moments beyond the zero
lamella or mat, the force transmission crossings of the tensile force line [Pichler,
between the reinforcement and the 2003].
concrete substrate is important. The end anchoring of lamella
Constructive measures must therefore be reinforcements must be designed as shown
taken to enable the forces to be transferred in Figure 13.2.1-2 [ÖVBB, 2002]. If the
to the concrete cover. The concrete existing beam height is not sufficient to
strength of the concrete to be reinforced anchor the force VL via the bonding, the
CFRP shear angles or mats must be
anchored to the top of the beam.

Steel bracket
> lv

CFRP shear angle

or mat
VL/2 VL/

Figure 13.2.1-2 End anchoring of a CFRP slat

1098 13 Bridge reinforcement

13.2.2 External pre-tension However, since the enormous installation

costs are rather low, external prestressing General information is used almost exclusively in the
reinforcement of concrete bridges.
If a concrete bridge needs to be reinforced With the help of external pre-
due to changes in use or problems with the tensioning, the full load-bearing capacity
load-bearing capacity, the structure can be and serviceability of the structure should be
post-tensioned. Only in rare cases are the restored, whereby an attempt is made to
tendons placed inside the concrete cross- compensate for the deficiencies resulting
section (post-tensioning with full bond), from insufficient slack or pre-tensioned
but usually outside (external post- reinforcement. Table 13.2.2-1 summarizes
tensioning). External pre-tensioning is the the advantages and disadvantages of
technically simpler solution in terms of external prestressing [Bothe, 2000].
control and replaceability of the tendons, The force transmission can be
as the tendons are relatively easy to inspect influenced by any choice of tendon cable
and can also be replaced if the prestressing routing. The principle here is to transfer
steel is damaged. If the prestressing cables high prestressing forces to the part of the
are in the concrete cross-section, this is of bridge to be reinforced by means of a
course not possible. However, there are suitable tendon guide and the deflection
structural advantages due to the of the tensioning cable. Nevertheless, in
subsequent bond, which means that the the case of external prestressing, the
forces resulting from the pre-tensioning tendons are guided in a straight line
can be introduced over the entire length. between the deflection saddles due to the
As the static advantages of the full bond constructively simpler handling and
are not as great as the slightly less favorable static conditions are

Table 13.2.2-1 Advantages and disadvantages of external pre-tensioning (according to [Bothe, 2000])

Advantages of external pre-tensioning Disadvantages of external pre-tensioning

Checking the prestressing steel Elimination of positive composite properties and

their consequences (utilization of the stress
increase in the prestressing steel, crack-
distributing effect of the prestressing steel)

Interchangeability of the prestressing steel Low protection of the prestressing steel against
external influences such as fire and vandalism

Change in preload force during the Reduction of the possible center of gravity
period of use due to retensioning distances between the substructures

Better manufacturability of reinforced

concrete in problem areas

Elimination of weather-dependent grouting

13.2 Concrete 1099
bridges Clamping systems can be checked most easily via the website
of the EOTA (European Organization for
In terms of durability, external tendons Technical Approvals,
offer the advantage that they are easy to External tendons can, for example,
inspect in the open and can be re- consist of four greased strands encased in
tensioned or replaced if necessary. a PE sheath, which are guided in a square
However, visual inspection of the PE sheath as a band. Due to the shape of
anchorage and deflection areas of external the sheathing tube, these tendons can be
tendons is normally not possible or only stacked so that a tendon with 16 strands is
partially possible. The possibility of obtained when four tapes are used.
determining the tensioning force in Another way of forming external tendons
external tendons by means of a lift-off test is to fix the metal strands in a thick-walled
or other suitable methods and re- HDPE duct with spacers and then grout
tensioning the tendon if necessary may the tendon with cement mortar.
well be of interest to the project owner.
However, it has been shown that
practically no use is made of this in Pre-stressed carbon fiber cables
Europe and the USA [Kollegger et al.,
2004]. The utilization of the excellent fiber and
Different systems for external strength properties of carbon fiber
prestressing are offered by prestressing elements, such as low weight, resistance to
companies (see Table 13.2.2-2). It must be corrosion and high tensile strength in the
ensured that the prestressing method used longitudinal direction of the fibers, is
has a European technical approval (ETA) predetermined in the property of an
in accordance with ETAG 013. Whether a independent
product has a valid European technical
approval or not must be checked.

Table 13.2.2-2 List of common clamping systems for external pre-tensioning (as at
Clamping system Manufacturer Internet address
Strand tensioning method DSI-DYWIDAG
DYWIDAG type W for external pre- Systems International
tensioning GmbH
Strand tensioning system DYWIDAG
type CM
VT-CMM D strand tensioning Pre-tensioning
method for external pre-tensioning technology GmbH&Co
Tensioning method SUSPA wire EX for SUSPA-DSI GmbH
external pre-tensioning
External tendons B+B type EMR Bilfinger and Berger
1100 13 Bridge reinforcement

tensioned load-bearing element has only This can lead to a high transverse pressure
been used in isolated cases to date. sensitivity and thus a premature risk of
However, it has been shown that the high fracture of the carbon fiber tension
elongation and load-bearing reserves of member. However, it is precisely these
carbon fibers can only be used transverse compressive forces that are
economically in combination with required to be able to transfer the tension
external pre-tensioning of the carbon forces from the prestressed tendon into the
fiber tension members due to their low anchorage and into the concrete in a
tensile strength. The inserted carbon fiber prestressed structure. For this reason,
tendons are usually external tendons or special anchorage systems for force
stay cables, which are made of several transmission are required for tendons
wires, usually arranged unidirectionally or with CFRP wires in order to be able to
in hexagonal form similar to prestressing make optimum use of the material
steel, and joined together to form a properties of carbon fiber cables.
tendon. At the Swiss Federal Laboratories for
The carbon fiber wires are Materials Science and Technology
manufactured using a pultrusion process (EMPA) in Dübendorf, Switzerland, a
with a minimum diameter of 5 mm. The grouting anchorage for tendons made of
wires are resistant to corrosion. However, it CFRP wires was developed and patented
is important to protect them from UV worldwide back in the 1980s in
radiation. Depending on the wire collaboration with BBRV-
manufacturer, the wires have breaking loads Vorspanntechnik. This grouting
of 50 to 70 kN. Each wire consists of at least anchorage consists of a steel sleeve with a
12,000 carbon fibers, with a fiber content conical inner shape in which the tendon is
of 65 to 75%. The elongation at break of embedded in a hardenable grouting
tendons made of carbon fibers is 1.5 to compound consisting of aluminum oxide
2.0%, while prestressing cables with steel balls and epoxy resin. To transfer the
wires of grade St1570/1770 only have an transverse compressive forces in the
elongation at break of around 0.8% anchorage, a grade material is used as the
[hump foreman, 1998]. The weight is grout body, which has a low modulus of
about one fifth of prestressing steel. This elasticity in the tapered area close to the
low weight can be of great advantage in load and a high modulus of elasticity in
the course of strengthening measures. the widened area of the anchorage away
When using carbon fibre wires for the from the load, whereby the maximum
pre-tensioning of concrete, it must be modulus of elasticity is achieved by
taken into account that, in contrast to uncoated aluminum oxide spheres [Meier,
tendons with steel strands, carbon fibre 1996].
wires are not ductile due to their linear- By grading the gradient material, the
elastic behavior until they break. The stress peak in the load application area is
ductility of the structure to be reinforced reduced and the stress curve is smoothed
must therefore be ensured by the slack over the length of the anchorage - in
reinforcement. analogy to the gradient method for carbon
The reason for the still rare use of pre- fiber lamellas with variable prestressing
stressed carbon fiber cables is not only the force over the anchorage length. However,
currently high material and production the production of an anchorage system
costs but also the external costs. with graded grouting material is extremely
13.2 Concrete 1101
and costly. In addition, production is only
possible in a standing position in the
factory and not on the construction site.
In a research project carried out
between 1997 and 1999 by the Chair of
Solid Construction at the Technical
University of Munich, together with a
subsidiary of Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG,
Munich, a conical grouting system similar
to the Swiss model was developed for
unidirectionally guided parallel wire
bundles, whereby a homogeneous resin
component was used as the grouting
material [Windisch, 2000]. This simplifies
production, as the anchoring can also be
cast in a horizontal position. In order to
enable the tension forces to be transferred
as evenly as possible from the tension
element to the anchorage, the dimensions
of the anchor body had to be greatly
increased compared to the anchorage Fig. 13.2.2-1 Conically segmented tapered
developed at EMPA. This leads to anchor body
problems with a larger number of wires
due to the increasing weight of the steel The taper of the steel cone towards the end
sleeve, the difficulty of injecting the of the grouting away from the load
grouting material without pores under ensures that the stress concentration is
construction site conditions and the shifted. At the same time, the opposing
injection time. inclinations of the individual cone
For this reason, a conical grouted segments enabled the grouting body to be
anchorage for tendons made of carbon supported along the steel sleeve and
fiber composite material was developed at prevented pull-out. By appropriately
the Institute of Reinforced Concrete and selecting the heights h and inclinations α
Concrete Structures at the Vienna of the individual cone segments and the
University of Technology in cooperation overall opening angle β of the anchor
with the company Vorspann-Technik, body, the stress state in the anchorage can
Salzburg. This new development is be specifically adjusted [Gaubinger et al.,
characterized by its innovative geometry 2002].
and represents a novelty in the field of The anchoring system has already been
carbon fibre anchoring technology. successfully tested in the laboratory
Compared to existing anchoring systems, [Horvatits/ Kollegger, 2003] and was also
the specially selected shape of the anchor used in 2003 to reinforce an existing
body (Fig. 13.2.2-1) has optimized the prestressed concrete bridge, the 35 m long
mechanic efficiency of the anchorage and Golling (A) highway bridge. In this
at the same time simplified the project, tendons made of 37 carbon fiber
manufacturing process. wires with a diameter of 5 mm and a
Thanks to the special design, a gentler breaking load of 1900 kN were used. Both
clamping of the carbon fiber tendon was the installation of the tendons and the
achieved by widening the grouting body at
the anchorage close to the load.
1102 13 Bridge reinforcement

The anchoring and pre-tensioning of the of a pump.

cables went completely smoothly [Horva- Appropriate qualification of the nozzle
tits/Kollegger, 2003 and Kollegger/Bran- operator is necessary for proper execution.
dauer, 2004]. In this context, little rebound material
should be produced. As the rebound
contains a higher percentage of coarse
13.2.3 Cross-section supplement aggregate than mortar, the mixing ratio
changes compared to the ready-mix. This
If the existing concrete cross-section is no factor is decisive for the finish quality of
longer sufficient to bear the loads assigned the new concrete layer.
to it due to damaging influences or a In addition, good adhesion to the
change in use, a reinforcement measure in substrate and a perfect coating of the steel
the form of a cross-sectional addition is inserts are required, whereby the
necessary. In this case, a new concrete shotcreting is applied in relatively thin
layer is applied to the existing concrete layers as part of the reinforcement
base. This enlarges the cross-section and measures. Beforehand, any damaged
increases the load-bearing capacity of the concrete parts are removed and the
structure if the cross-sectional addition is concrete substrate is cleaned by wet
carried out correctly. In this context, blasting to remove any remaining loose
particular precautions must be taken to parts and to open up the pores, which is a
ensure sufficient bonding between the old prerequisite for a good bond. When the
and new concrete as well as uniform shotcrete hits the concrete substrate,
hydration. cement milk and very fine particles are first
pressed into the open pores. This thin film
of mortar allows the larger aggregate Cross-section particles to adhere. Due to the enormous
supplementation with shotcrete force with which they impact, the
aggregates are hammered deeper and
The use of shotcrete is the standard deeper into the concrete substrate. When
method for reinforcing reinforced produced properly, the shear and tensile
concrete and prestressed concrete strength in the bond joint is equivalent to
structures, whereby a distinction is made that of concrete produced in a single pour.
between wet and dry spraying methods Shotcrete can be produced in all standard
depending on where the water is added. strength classes. It is relatively watertight
In the dry spraying process, the mixing and has a natural resistance to frost stress.
water is added to the mix immediately When determining the cement content,
before it exits the spray nozzle. The it must be taken into account that a high
advantage lies in the low-energy transport cement content reduces the rebound, but
and the achievement of a high discharge supports shrinkage. For this reason, a
speed, which in turn ensures a good cement content of 300 to 400 kg/m³ in the
adhesive bond. Alternatively, the wet initial mixture has proven itself in
spraying process can also be used. In this practice, depending on the maximum
process, the water is already added in the grain size of the aggregate in the dry
mixer, whereby the mix is transported spraying process [Schäfer, 1996]. A
under compressed air or with slightly higher cement content is required
for the wet spraying process.
13.2 Concrete 1103

Figure 13.2.3-1 Stress-strain diagram of normal shotcrete and fiber shotcrete

to be applied. which differ in shape, size and tensile

The W/B value can be set directly in the strength. The proportion of steel fibers is
wet spraying process and is in the range between 40 and 100 kg/m³. It should be
between 0.4 and 0.5. In contrast, it is much noted that the fiber content can decrease
more difficult to set a specified W/B value by up to 35% due to rebound. The
in the dry spraying process, as the amount advantage is that the tensile and
of water added is regulated by the nozzle compressive strength of the shotcrete
guide on the spray nozzle. Careful increases by approx. 30% before cracking,
workmanship is required, as if the water whereby after the strength has been
content is too high, the shotcrete runs off reached, the deformation capacity of the
the surface and if it is too low, the rebound added steel fibers can absorb a further load
is increased. If the consistency is set (Fig. 13.2.3-1). In addition, the addition of
correctly, the W/B value should not steel fibers causes several fine cracks to form,
exceed 0.5. Although the addition of which are usually below the critical limit for
setting accelerators leads to a higher initial corrosion.
strength, the concrete has a significantly To protect the steel fibers themselves
higher porosity after hardening. from being destroyed by corrosion, the last
To achieve a perfect bond, the surface layer of shotcrete is applied in the required
must be moistened. Spalling of the concrete cover in the form of steel-free
shotcrete due to excessive shrinkage is shotcrete. Some companies already offer
prevented by prolonged moistening during stainless steel fibers or fibers made of
the initial hardening phase. If fly ash is plastics, but their use usually fails for
added to the shotcrete, a better bonding economic reasons.
effect, final strength and impermeability
can be achieved, whereby the proportion
of fly ash is generally a maximum of 20 to Cross-section
25% of the cement weight. supplementation through
In order to increase ductility, steel concreting
fibers can be added to the shotcrete. A wide
variety of fibers can be used, If no excessively high forces or only
compressive forces directed perpendicular
to the joint are to be transferred and no
force transmission via adhesive bonding is
required, concreting with conventional
shaping is the best option.
1104 13 Bridge reinforcement

used for this purpose. To achieve a better resin guarantees the full shear load-bearing
bond between the old and new concrete, capacity of a monolithic reinforced concrete
dowels are usually used to counteract the component produced without a
shear forces in the bond joint. Another construction joint. However, if this is not
way to achieve a better shear bond sufficient, additional anchors can be used,
between old and new concrete is to whereby a better force transmission can be
prepare the old concrete substrate with achieved by a suitable profile design of the
hard-grain epoxy resin coatings. These connection joint.
create a better interlock between the old In order to prevent the new concrete
and new concrete. This coating is applied from yielding when reinforcing columns, a
in the following steps [Schäfer, 1996]: constricting stirrup reinforcement is used
to compress the connection joint. For
• Exposing the grain surface of the
economic reasons, formwork is only used
existing concrete using wet blasting or
from a thickness of 100 mm [Ruffert,
high-pressure water jetting to achieve a
load-bearing concrete substrate that is
In principle, lightweight concrete can
free from contamination
also be used to reinforce supporting
• Application of a primer made of
structures. The great advantage lies in its
solvent-free epoxy resin with injection
low dead weight compared to conventional
quality, whereby the consumption
concrete, which means that more favorable
depends on the absorbency of the
static conditions can be achieved. A
concrete substrate
disadvantage of using lightweight concrete
• Sanding the primer with fire-dried
for structural maintenance is its porosity,
quartz sand (0.3/0.8 mm)
which greatly favors corrosion of the
• Removal of excess sand after a
temperature-dependent waiting time
As already mentioned, high-pressure
until the surface is ready for foot traffic
water jetting is very well suited as a
• Creation of an epoxy resin coating
preparatory measure prior to the casting
from a leveling mortar filled with
of a new component in order to guarantee
quartz sand in a ratio of 1:1, whereby
a load-bearing concrete substrate without
the actual consumption depends on the
damaging the reinforcement. This is
exemplified by the widening of the
• Sealing the covering with a crushed
Reichsbrücke bridge in Vienna (Fig.
chrome ore slag with a 3/8 mm grain
The bridge was built between 1976 and
• Removal of the excess chrome ore slag 1978. The total length of the structure is
after a temperature-related waiting 900 m with maximum spans of 196.61 m
time until the flooring can be walked in the area of the Danube. As part of the
on reconstruction and repair of the structure
This method is characterized by its simple in 2003 and 2004, the existing 3.65 m wide
execution, robustness and insensitivity to footpath and cycle path was demolished
faults. Coating the old concrete surface and rebuilt with a simultaneous widening
with epoxy to 5.27 m, among other things.
In order to retain the connecting
reinforcement, the sidewalk slab was
13.2 Concrete 1105

Figure 13.2.3-2 Reichsbrücke in Vienna

Fig. 13.2.3-3 Removal of the sidewalk slab using high-pressure water jetting
1106 13 Bridge reinforcement

using high-pressure water jetting (Figure and assess the materials used with regard
13.2.3-3). Figure 13.2.3-3 shows the robot, to their mechanical, technological and any
the existing concrete sidewalk slab and the chemical properties that can be determined
0.8 m length of exposed connecting from the documents. If no as-built plans
reinforcement. are available, the entire supporting
structure must be measured. New as-built
plans are then drawn up. To determine
13.3 Steel and composite bridges the material properties in this case, a
sufficient number of samples must be
GÜNTER RAMBERGER taken at points that have no significance
and FRANCESCO AIGNER for the load-bearing capacity and the
material properties required for an
Before a bridge reinforcement is planned, assessment must be determined. Before
the structure must first be subjected to a starting the recalculation, it must be
general overhaul, during which all clarified for which loads and on which
damaged areas are recorded. On the load- basis (standards) the structure is to be
bearing structures, these are in particular assessed with regard to load-bearing
corrosion damage, fatigue cracks, static capacity and serviceability.
fractures, plastic deformations, loose The results of the recalculation then
fasteners, damage to composite slabs such show whether the structure is sufficiently
as exposed reinforcement, cracks through load-bearing and serviceable for the new
which water can seep, etc., as well as load or in the weakened state, or whether
damaged bearings, and on the non-load- the entire structure or only parts of the
bearing structure, damage to the road structure need to be reinforced. There are
surface, roadway transitions, guidance no general statements as to which
systems and railings, corrosion damage to reinforcement measure leads to the desired
non-load-bearing structures. It must then result with the least effort for which
be checked whether the original condition structure. Reinforcement measures in
can be restored by appropriate repairs or particular require an individual
whether weakening (e.g. rusting, etc.) engineering solution. However, some
remains. If the structure shows systematic generally valid statements can be made.
fatigue cracks, i.e. fatigue cracks at similar The first step is to clarify how the
points in approximately the same form reinforcements are connected to the
(e.g. of 20 cross beams, 7 have fatigue structure. Rivet, SLP and GV screw
cracks at approximately the same point), connections can be carried out without
it can be assumed that the fatigue any problems. In the case of tension rods,
resistance for all components at this point any weakening of the cross-section due to
will be exhausted in a short time and only new holes must be taken into account. For
replacement of these parts will bring the welded connections to existing structures,
desired success. there are only no problems if the structure
After this investigation, the load- is a welded construction and if the material
bearing capacity of the bridge must be is designated as suitable for welded
checked by recalculation, taking into constructions in the as-built documents.
account the weakening that has occurred. This means that it can almost generally be
This must first be based on the as-built stated,
13.3 Steel and composite bridges 1105

that for all steel bridges built before 1950 The first layer is characterized by material
and for all riveted or bolted supporting with a low degree of impurity, while the
structures, additional investigations are segregation zones are characterized by a
required with regard to the weldability of higher degree of impurity. When hot
the material. rolling this material, the structure is
The oldest steel bridges are made of generally retained. The outer speck layer
welded iron. Welding iron was obtained and the inner segregation zone can also be
from molten pig iron by stirring it in the detected in sheet metal and profiles (e.g.
air and adding iron oxide (hammer blow) with a Baumann sulphur imprint). In
and obtained in a soft-pig iron state. Hot- zones of severe deformation, e.g. in the
rolled welder's iron generally exhibits a transitions from the web to the flange of I-
toothed structure and may be interspersed profiles, the segregation can reach the
with impurities. When stressed in the surface. In the past, higher strengths were
rolling direction, the yield strength of the achieved almost exclusively by increasing
welded iron is between 180 and 250 the carbon content. However, a higher
N/mm2, the tensile strength between 280 carbon content can lead to martensite
and 380 N/mm2 and the elongation at break formation and thus to embrittlement
A5 between 15 and 40%. In contrast to the during welding with subsequent cooling
perfectly usable properties when stressed from the weld pool. A chemical analysis
in the rolling direction, the mechanic must always be carried out first when
properties in the thickness direction are welding these flux-cored steels with
extremely poor. The chemical analysis of otherwise unknown properties. For carbon
the piece shows C contents between 0.10 contents above 0.20% and carbon
and 0.25%, but generally higher S and P equivalents above 0.40%, special measures
contents than the current standards for must be taken during welder- ing in order
general mild steels allow. The notched bar to avoid hardening, which can be the
impact strength normally exhibits very cause of brittle fractures that are not
wide variations. Contrary to the apparent. If possible, the segregation zones
designation should not be melted during welding. The
"Welding iron", these steels are not statements on welding apply not only to
generally suitable for arc welding. In bonding welds on the structure, but also to
special cases, a detailed inspection of the all temporary welds, even if they are
steel in the weld seam area can show subsequently ground down and removed
suitability for welding, but the welding (no tacking and welding on of assembly
process used must be adapted to the aids!).
material. Loose rivets must be removed and re-
In all mild steels (Martin, Bessemer, driven. If it is uneconomical to use a rivet
Thomas flux steel), the steel was obtained in column due to a few missing rivets, the
a liquid state. It is more homogeneous rivets can also be replaced with class 10.9
than the welded iron and usually shows GV screws with the largest possible
only a few line inclusions. As was diameter and full pre-tension.
customary in the past, the steel was All repair and reinforcement measures
usually cast in coke in a rimmed state (no carried out are listed in the
deoxidation). The resulting ingot shows a
so-called "bacon layer" on the outside and
"segregation zones" on the inside. The
1106 13 Bridge reinforcement

to document the status documents. (almost) unchanged, but the load-bearing

After these general topics, the following capacity is significantly increased. If it is
sections deal with specific reinforcement not possible to weld on shear studs
measures. because the material is not suitable for
welder, screws can also be used as shear
studs (Fig. 13.3.1-1).
13.3.1 Roadway reinforcement Girder gratings and orthotropic slabs
for roadways can be significantly
As the local loads in particular have reinforced by installing additional cross
increased far more than the overall loads girders. These can be arranged in the
on bridges in recent decades and the fatigue middle of the field or in the third points
stress on directly loaded components is between the existing cross girders. The
also becoming more significant, additional cross girders can be installed
reinforcements of the roadway are of great from below without disrupting traffic.
importance. In the case of road bridges This reduces the span of the longitudinal
with buckle plates and filler concrete and girders and the load on the cross girders,
reinforced concrete slabs on longitudinal thus significantly increasing the load-
and transverse girders, there is a good bearing capacity and stiffness of the
opportunity to reinforce the roadway if roadway structure (Fig. 13.3.1-2).
these originally non-integrated If these measures are not sufficient,
components are replaced by reinforced the roadway structure can be removed in
concrete slabs in combination with sections and replaced with a new one.
longitudinal and transverse girders. This
keeps the total load

Fig. 13.3.1-1 Reinforcement by reinforced concrete slabs in composite [Ramberger et al., 1990].

Figure 13.3.1-2 Reinforcement by additional cross beams [Ramberger et al., 1990].

13.3 Steel and composite bridges 1107

Cross section Cross section

reinforced old

1% SOK 274,200

Figure 13.3.1-3 Reconstruction and reinforcement of a railroad bridge [VA TECH VOEST MCE].

construction (orthotropic slab or shoring 13.3.2 System reinforcement

slab) and these are included in the load-
bearing capacity of the main girders, e.g. When reinforcing beam bridges with solid
as a co-acting chord. A new roadway wall girders, a distinction must be made as
construction usually also reduces the load to whether the bending moments or the
on the main girders and thus reinforces shear forces are the cause of the
the system. reinforcement measures. Reinforcements
Figure 13.3.1-3 shows the for shear forces are difficult to carry out,
reconstruction and strengthening of a as web reinforcements are only effective if
railroad bridge by removing the open they are also connected directly to the
roadway and placing a transversely chords. Reinforcements for bending
oriented orthotropic roadway slab, which moments, on the other hand, are much
also forms the upper chord of the girder. easier to carry out, as it is usually
Fig. 13.3.1-4 shows the reinforcement of sufficient to add lamellas to the chords. In
a railroad bridge dating from 1889, in the case of deck bridges with orthotropic
which the deck structure was removed and deck slabs, the stress on the deck can also
replaced by a continuous longitudinal be reduced by means of the deck
girder with a hat cross-section, which was reinforcements discussed under 13.1.1
connected to the truss nodes with using additional cross girders, so that the
transverse washers in the existing load-bearing capacity of the main girders
diaphragm plates there using GV bolt is increased.
connections. In this case, the longitudinal In special cases, the connection of the
girder was also used as the third bottom main beams to a closed cross-section via
chord of the main truss girder. bracing can also reduce the bending stress
in open cross-sections, as the stress from
cross-section warping is eliminated and
only the
1108 13 Bridge reinforcement

Figure 13.3.1-4 Reinforcement of the Rosenburg bridge

13.3 Steel and composite bridges 1109

centric bending stress remains. main girders in such a way that the cross-
If the aforementioned measures are not section acts as a whole. Figures 13.3.2-1
sufficient, additional main beams can be and 13.3.2-2 of the Haseltal Bridge in
installed. In the case of deck bridges, these Spessart show an example of a very
can be installed below the roadway effective bridge reinforcement, where the
without disrupting traffic. In general, load-bearing capacity of the bridge was
additional truss girders are easier to install significantly increased by additional main
than additional solid wall girders, as the truss girders and additional truss cross
individual bars are lighter and easier to bracing.
handle. Additional beams are of course The load-bearing capacity of the main
arranged in such a way that the local girders of steel bridges can also be
stresses on the cross beams are also significantly increased by external pre-
reduced and the cooperation of the chord tensioning. The mode of action is
is improved. They are therefore arranged, comparable to external pre-tensioning for
for example, in the middle or in the third reinforced concrete bridges (see 13.2.2).
points between the existing main beams. With steel bridges, particular attention
They must be connected to the existing must be paid to force transmission and
main beams by appropriate cross beams force redirection. It should also be noted
and bracings. that additional normal compressive forces
are introduced into the structure with all
external pre-tensions,

Longitudinal section through bridge axis

Reinforced ' supporting structure
0 5 9 13 12 21 25 29 33 3741 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81

H = 3700
QV Transverse association
ZQV Additional cross-bracing
LV Storage association
ZLV Additional warehouse association

Top view (deck lifted off)



FW Gutter


Fig. 13.3.2-1 Reinforcement of the Haseltal bridge in Spessart - longitudinal section [Ramberger et al.,
1110 13 Bridge reinforcement

Cross-section in the field

area 29000
Normal cross section
1500 111500 3000 111500 1500

2% 2% old
2.5% 2%

Web plate height

3700 to 5000
2% 2% 2.5% d
2.5% 2%

Reinforcement Pipe 30°

of the


Cross-section at QV old
2% 2% 2.5% 2.5%
2.5% 2%

2% 2% 2.5% d 2.5% 2%

Integration of
the cross Tubes

1 profile

Cross-section in the column area

2% 2% 2.5% 2.5%
2.5% 2%

2% 2% 2.5% d 2.5% 2%


5416 7680 5430 5237

Fig. 13.3.2-2 Reinforcement of the Haseltal bridge in Spessart - cross-section [Ramberger et al., 1990].
13.3 Steel and composite bridges 1111

Lifting and reconstruction of the Prater Bridge

0) Initial situation 5) April to July 1997

Working range

Danube city bridge upstream

Upstream box Undercurrent


1) January, February 6) July to October 1997


Work area

Danube city bridge Undercurrent

working range

2) March to June
7) November, December 1997

Work area

Danube city bridge Work area


3) July to October 1996


Work area
8) Finished bridge

Danube city bridge

Cycle Sidewalk
4) November 1996 to March 1997

Work area

Fig. 13.3.3-1 Lifting and reconstruction of the Prater Bridge over the Danube in Vienna [MA 29]
1112 13 Bridge reinforcement

which may have an unfavorable effect Only in rare cases can additional
(stability!) on previously low-stressed simple vertical supports be arranged to
components. Careful examination of the reduce the span of main girders. In some
entire structure is always necessary with cases, inclined supports from the piers to
external pre-tensioning of steel structures. the bridge beam or additional arched
structures as supports are possible.
The Prater Bridge over the Danube in
13.3.3 System change Vienna is an interesting example of the
strengthening of an existing three-span
The external pre-tensioning mentioned in beam bridge by modifying the system.
the previous section already represents a Due to the damming up of the Danube by
change to the structural system without, a power station located downstream of the
however, changing the view of the bridge. bridge, the bridge had to be raised by
If there is sufficient free space under around 1.80 m. In the course of this
the bridge, the load-bearing capacity of raising, the roadway was also raised by six
the main girders can be significantly lanes. In the course of this lift, the
increased by under-tensioning the spans. roadway was also widened from six to
Reinforcement by pylons and eight lanes and the footpaths originally
overstressing works in a similar way, located on both sides of the bridge deck
turning a continuous girder bridge into a were relocated under the new cantilevered
cable-stayed bridge. In both cases, care roadway slab. To increase the load-bearing
must again be taken to ensure that capacity, the bridge was provided with
additional normal forces are introduced additional haunches in the area of both
into the existing structure. current piers, thus increasing and
reinforcing the cross-section in the area of
the column moments. To minimize the
field moments

Fig. 13.3.3-2 Elevation of the Prater Bridge over the Danube in Vienna - view [MA 29]
13.3 Steel and composite bridges 1113

the bridge had to be given a new shape. reinforcement for the shear force was
This was achieved by raising the inner necessary. This was achieved by installing
supports relative to the wall bearings. The an additional truss girder. To carry out
reinforcement was thus limited to the the measures described, the bridge, which
(much smaller) area of high column has a twin box cross-section, was divided
moments, which could be absorbed by the lengthwise in the middle and one half was
bridge reinforced by haunches and reinforced and lifted in turn, while the
additional plates. On the right-hand other half remained in operation (Figures
abutment, a 13.3.3-1 and -2).

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[Zuse,1993] , Konrad: Der Computer - Mein Lebenswerk.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag,1993
Bridge directory

Name Place, region Pages

Aji River Bridge near Osaka, Japan 90
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge Kobe-Naruto, Japan 73, 75,450-453
Allegheny Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh 64
Allier Bridge near Boutiron near Boutiron, France 81/82, 304
Amperbrücke Inning A96 near Inning am Ammersee 398, 401-403,
Anji Bridge Across the Xiache River, China 7
An-Lan bridge Southwest China 9
Anping Bridge China 4/5
Argentobel Bridge Allgäu 167
Arminius Street Dortmund 951/952
Arno Bridge Florence Florence 432
Assos stone slab bridge Assos, west coast of Asia Minor 10
Augarten Bridge Vienna 1000
Augustus Bridge Dresden 24, 26/27
Cologne highway bypass Cologne 316/317
Bamberg chain suspension bridge Bamberg 62/63
Baodai Bridge near Suzhou, China 6
Bendorf bridge over the Rhine Bendorf, near Koblenz 86-89, 99, 236/237,
Biesenbach viaduct Southern Black Forest, Hegau 53
Blue wonder Dresden 54-57
Böckingen bridge Heilbronn 273/274, 341
Pùnt la Resgia arch bridge near Innerferrera, Grisons 407
Arch bridge over the Britz connecting Berlin 403/404
Bosphorus Bridge Istanbul 74, 79, 102/103
Britannia Bridge over North Wales island of Anglesey 44, 61
the Menai Strait
Bronx-Whitestone Bridge New York 71
1172 Bridge directory

Name Place, region Pages

Brooklyn Bridge New York 66-69, 91, 452
Bridge to the Siele near Olpe 347/348
BW 2/3 across the Neckar Stuttgart 835/836
Chazelet reinforced concrete bridge Chazelet near Saint-Benoit- 76
du-Sault, western France
Clifton Bridge with Bristol 61
Cresta forest bridge near Sufers, Switzerland 288, 361/362
Diepmannsbachtal bridge A1 near Remscheid 277
Dill Valley Bridge Haiger near Haiger 936/937
Dirschau Vistula Bridge Dirschau, Tczew 45-47, 104, 106
Danube bridge Metten near Metten 329-334
Danube bridge Schwabelweis Near Regensburg 907/908
Danube Canal Bridge Vienna Vienna 230/231
Danube city bridge Vienna 430-434, 919
Danube crossing near Fischerdorf near Deggendorf 404/405, 847-849,
Dordogne bridge near Cubzag near Cubzag, near Bordeaux 47/48
Three-country bridge Weil-Huningue Weil on the Rhine 126, 129/130,
Echelsbach bridge over the Ammer near Echelsbach, Upper Bavaria 77
Railroad bridge Ingolstadt Ingolstadt 121/122, 136-139
Melk railroad bridge Melk, Lower Austria 273/274, 935/936
Railroad bridge over the Vienna 358
Railroad overpass BW 228 near Cologne 340, 342, 935
Elbe canal bridge near near Magdeburg-Rothensee 400
Elbe bridge Dömitz near Dömitz, Mecklenburg 397, 399, 403, 955
Elbe bridge Pirna Pirna 409/410, 957
Elbe bridge Torgau Torgau 251, 341
Elbe bridge Vockerode A9 near Vockerode 275/276
Elbe bridge Wittenberge A14 near Wittenberge 117
Elorn Bridge Albert Louppe near Plougastel 82/83
Elster Valley Bridge near Jocketal, Vogtland 35
Elster Valley Bridge Pirk Pirk an der Weißen Elster 372/373
Elz valley bridge Near Kaisersesch, Eifel 309-311, 821
Angel Bridge Rome 17-19
Bridge directory 1173

Name Place, region Pages

Etzelsbachtal bridge A38 815/816
Euphrates Bridge in Babylon Babylon 10/11
Falkenstein Bridge Tauern Railway Salzburg-Villach 226/227, 376/377
Firth of Forth Bridge Queensferry/Scotland 54
Föhrer Bridge Berlin 354
Franzensbrücke Vienna 1000
Freiberger Straße, bridge over the Tharandt near Dresden 121, 125/126,
Freiberger-Mulde bridge Siebenlehn 937
Peace Bridge Plauen Plauen/Vogtland 367-369
Friedrich Ebert Bridge Bonn 92/93
Pedestrian bridge over the Rhine-Herne Oberhausen 60/61
Gahlensche Straße, bridge over the Bochum 121, 124/125,
Ganter Bridge near Brig 94/95
Garabit bridge over the Truyère near St. Flour 47/48, 51
Gärtnerplatz bridge Kassel 97-99
George Washington Bridge New York 70/71, 75
Geratal bridge Ichtershausen Railroad line Nuremberg - 180/181, 823/824
Erfurt, near Erfurt
Gessental bridge Ronneburg, Thuringia 126, 131, 162-164
Glemstal bridge Schwieberdingen Schwieberdingen, 99/100
near Stuttgart
Glienicke Bridge Berlin 107/108
Gmündertobel Bridge near Teufen, Canton Appenzell 77
Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco 71/71, 75
Göltzschtal bridge on the A 72 A72, near Reichenbach 374/375
Göltzschtal bridge, railroad bridge near Mylau, Vogtland 34-37, 115
Grand-Pont over the Saane Fribourg 62
Border bridge over the Oder Frankfurt an der Oder 956/957
Grand Duchess Charlotte Bridge Luxembourg 389
Schierstein harbor bridge Wiesbaden 100/101
Hamana Bridge Japan 89/90, 313
Hammer railroad bridge Düsseldorf-Hamm route 386, 394
Würgau slope bridge near Würgau 316
Haseltal bridge Spessart 1109/1110
1174 Bridge directory

Name Place, region Pages

Havel bridge Luckenberg Luckenberg, Brandenburg 121, 123, 138/139,
Hell Gate Bridge New York 70
Hellespont ship bridge Bosphorus 11
High bridge Brunsbüttel North-East Sea Canal 261, 912/913
Höga-Kusten Bridge Sweden 74, 75
Wooden arch bridge over the Delaware near Trenton 39
Wooden bridge over Freiberger Straße Tharandt near Dresden 121, 125/126,
in the forest botanical garden in 146/147
Tha- randt
Wooden truss bridge over Connecticut 40/41
the Chikapoe
Timber truss bridge over near Washington 39/40
the Pontomac
Hooghly River Bridge Calcutta 95, 446/447
Horrem, railroad overpass Horrem near Cologne 950/951
Houston Ship Channel Crossing near Baytown, Texas 447/448, 899
Huangpu-Zhujiang Bridge Guangdong Huangpu, China 75
Humber Bridge Kingston upon Hull 74, 75
Humboldt harbor bridge Berlin 60, 126/127,
Inn bridge Neuötting near Neuötting 275/276
Inn bridge Zuoz Zuoz in the Engadin 79/80
Isar bridge Grünwald Munich 77, 409, 957/958
Jakobs Greek Chain Bridge Pennsylvania 61
Jiangyin-Changjiang Bridge Jiangsu Province, China 75
Judith Bridge Prague 30
Maiden bridge Berlin 58
Kamp bridge Rosenburg 1108
Kamp bridge Zwettl 920, 931-934
Cape Shui Mun Bridge Hong Kong 449/450
Charles Bridge Prague 30/31
Karun Dam Bridge near Shushtar, Persia 12-14
Kehlheim pedestrian bridge Kehlheim 60, 218/219
Kettiger Hang bridge between Andernach 316, 319
and Koblenz
Kocher valley bridge Near Geislingen 353, 833/834
Bridge directory 1175

Name Place, region Pages

Krämerbrücke Erfurt 24, 28-30
Crown Prince Rudolf Bridge over the Vienna 920/921
Laasan bridge over the Striegau water near Laasan, Lazany 41

La-Ferté footbridge Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen 121, 123/124,

Lahn Bridge Balduinstein Balduinstein, near Limburg 86/87, 312
Lautrupsbach viaduct Near Flensburg 126, 128/129,
Le Pont de Brotonne near Rouen 96, 228/229
Loschwitz Elbe Bridge Dresden 54-57
Luckenberg bridge over the Havel Brandenburg 121, 123, 138/139,
Luding Bridge Sichuan Province, China 61
Luren Bridge Luoyang, China 6
Machfeld Canal Bridge Vienna Vienna 284
Magnetic needle bridge near Osaka 90
Main bridge of the Nato ramp Between Sulzbach and 405
Main bridge Hoechst, Frankfurt 94, 238, 328/329
cable-stayed bridge
Main bridge Nantenbach Nantenbach 345-347
Main bridge Retzbach-Zellingen Retzbach and Zellingen 835, 849
Main bridge Veitshöchheim Veitshöchheim 839
Main Bridge Würzburg Würzburg 108/109
Main-Danube Canal footbridge Essing near Essing 284/285
Mangfall bridge A8 highway (Munich-Salzburg) 232/239

Manhattan Bridge New York 69, 71

Maracaibo Bridge Venezuela 94, 327
Maria Pia steel arch bridge over the with postage 47
Mariensteg Wernstein-Neuburg Wernstein (A)-Neuburg (D) 126, 130, 160/161
am Inn
Marne Bridge Esbly Esbly 84
Menai Road Suspension Bridge North Wales island of Anglesey 61
Monongahela Bridge Pittsburgh 65
1176 Bridge directory

Name Place, region Pages

Moselle bridge Bernkastel-Kues Bernkastel, Kues 277, 343, 346,
Moselle bridge Thörnich Thörnich, near Trier 88, 314/315
Mulde Bridge Dessau near Dessau 847/848
Müngsten Bridge over the Wupper Solingen - Remscheid
Nahe bridge Kirn Kirn 293, 301
Neckar bridge near Mannheim near Mannheim 169
Neckar bridge Neckarrems Neckarrems 87, 823
Nesenbachtal bridge Stuttgart 105/106
Nesenbach viaduct Stuttgart 344/345
New Nibelungen Bridge over the Worms 88, 173
New Ohio River Bridge USA 427/428, 898
Niagara Bridge Niagara 65-68
Nibelungen Bridge over the Rhine Worms 87-89, 99, 312/313
Nihonbashi Bridge Tokyo 37
Normandy Bridge Honfleur, near Le Havre 92, 234/235,
Nößlach bridge Brenner highway 811
Ohio Bridge Covington/Cincinnati Covington and Cincinnati 65/66, 68
Ohio River Bridge Portsmouth 897
Öresund Bridge Copenhagen-Malmö 431
Orke bridge in Vöhl Vöhl-Ederbringhausen, Hesse 283/284
Erfurt bypass L1055 near Erfurt 356-358
Osormort Viaduct Barcelona 220/221
Perlach-Unterhaching A8 (near Munich) 361, 945/946
frame structure
Pfaffenberg bridge ÖBB-Tauern Railway 806/807, 809/810
Pleichachtal Bridge A7 (Fulda-Würzburg) 316, 318
Pons Aelius, Ponte St. Angelo Rome 17/18, 22
Pons Aemilius Rome 17, 22
Pons Milvius Rome 20
Pons Sublicius Rome 14
Pont du Gard Nimes 19, 21
Ponte Cestio Rome 17, 21
Ponte Fabricio Rome 17/18, 21
Bridge directory 1177

Name Place, region Pages

Ponte Molle Rome 17, 20
Ponte Mulvius Rome 17, 20, 104
Ponte Rotto Rome 17/18, 20
Ponte Santa Trinità Florence 30-32
Ponte Vecchio Florence 7, 30
Prague Saddle II Stuttgart 100
Prater Bridge Vienna 1024, 1030,
Puente de Alcántara Toledo 23/24
Puente de la Barqueta Seville 224/225
Pujin Bridge across the yellow river, China 3
Qiongzhou-Haixia Bridge Imperial Connecting Hainan Island 74
with mainland China
Bridge Vienna Vienna 259, 922,
Diepoldsau Rhine bridge Diepoldsau, Canton of St. 427
Ilverich Rhine bridge Gallen Meerbusch 432
Oberkassel Rhine bridge Düsseldorf 92, 269, 433,
435,568, 900, 914,
920, 922/923
Rhine bridge Schierstein Wiesbaden-Mainz 59/60, 911
Rhine bridge Tavanasa near Tavanasa in Graubünden 78/79
Rhone bridge Avignon 24, 27/28
Rialto Bridge Venice 30, 32/33
Rio Caroni Bridge Brazil 839
Rio Peixe Bridge Brazil 86, 303/303,
Risorgimento Bridge Rome 76/77
Roman Danube Bridge near Turnu Severin, Romania 15/16
Roman Rhine Bridge near Neuwied 14/15
Roman Rhine Bridge between Mainz and Mainz- 14/15
Ronatobel Bridge Rossau Switzerl 361/362
Bridge and 101/102, 999
Runyang-Changjiang Bridge Saale Vienna 74, 75
Bridge Alsleben Jiangsu Province, China 85, 305/306
Alsleben (between Halle and
Saale bridge Bad Kösen Aschersleben) 365-367
Bad Kösen, Thuringia
1178 Bridge directory

Name Place, region Pages

Saale bridge Beesedau A14 near Beesedau, near Bern- 113, 408/409, 954
Saale bridge on the A72 A72, near Hof 373/374
Saale bridge Jena-Göschwitz A4 near Jena 116, 126, 127/128,
Saale bridge Salzmünde A143 near Salzmünde, Saxony- 116
Sacramento footbridge Redding, California 222/223
Saint Jean bridge over the Garronne Bordeaux 47
Salginatobel Bridge near Schiers in Prättigau 1/2, 79, 80/81,
Schierstein Bridge Wiesbaden-Mainz 59/60, 911
Schierstein harbor bridge Wiesbaden 101/102
Castle bridge over the Spree Berlin 33/34
Cable-stayed bridge over Ludwigshafen Ludwigshafen 433
Cable-stayed bridge Dubrovnik Dubrovnik 96, 238-240
Schuylkill bridge, brass wire suspension Philadelphia 61, 62
Schwarzbachtal bridge Wuppertal 920, 926-930
Villeneuve bridge over the Seine near Villeneuve 302/303
Selterstor Bridge Pouring 294-300
Severn Bridge At Bristol 74, 75
Severn Bridge in Coalbrookdale Coalbrookdale 41/42
Sky bridge Scotland 259/260
Bircherweid tensioning bridge Bircherweid, Switzerland 456/457, 459/460
Tensioning belt bridge Freiburg Fribourg 103/104
Tension ribbon bridge over the Vltava Prague-Troja 457, 459
Tensioning bridge over the Sávaza Near Hvezdonice 457
Prestressed concrete bridge near Oelde near Oelde, Münsterland 84/85
Prestressed concrete bridge in Aue Aue, Ore Mountains 85, 306/307, 309
St. Lawrence river bridge Quebec/Canada 54
Zeulenroda reservoir bridge near Zeulenroda 106/107
Stone bridge Regensburg 24-26, 30, 108
Star bridge Weimar 33
Stolma Bridge Near Bergen, Norway 89, 313, 826, 835,
Bridge directory 1179

Name Place, region Pages

Storebælt Bridge Korsor/Denmark 74, 75
Storkower Canal Bridge near Blossin, State of 360
Stralsund crossing Stralsund - Island of Rügen 109/110
Strömsund Bridge Sweden 91
Sunniberg bridge near Klosters, Prättigau, Canton 216/217, 891-893
Sunshine Skyway Bridge Florida 447
Sutong Bridge over the Changjiang Jiangsu Province, China 95/96
Syra Valley Bridge Plauen, Vogtland 367/368, 369
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Tacoma, Washington State 72/73, 423, 454
Albrechtsgraben viaduct A71 near Suhl 803-805
Pöhl viaduct A 72, near Pöhl, near Plauen, 374/375
Schnaittach viaduct Highway A9 260/261
Siebenlehn viaduct Siebenlehn, near Meissen 192, 275, 957
Trockau viaduct A9 near Pegnitz-Trockau, Upper 819/820
Viaduct Wilde Gera Highway A71, near 121/122, 124,
Gräfenroda, near Oberhof, 132-135, 278
Wilkau-Haßlau viaduct Near Zwickau 937/938
Viaduct Zahme Gera Highway A 71 near 177, 355, 513
Geschwenda, near Ilmenau
Tatara Bridge Hiroshima, Japan 92
Tar elevated bridge Bremen Bremen 342
Teltow Canal Bridge Berlin-Tempelhof 345/346
Devil's Valley Bridge A4, near Jena 796, 802
Theodor Heuss Bridge Düsseldorf 91/92
Theodor Heuss Bridge Mainz 14, 59
Tiefenbach bridge Ilsenburg Ilsenburg, Harz Mountains 286
Ting Kau Bridge Hong Kong 177
Gateway to Dresden A4 near Dresden 352/353
Trisanna Bridge Near Giggl, Tyrol 920, 924/925
Tsinglung Bridge Hong Kong 75
Perlach-Unterhaching overpass Munich 360/361, 945/946
Unkelstein Bridge B9 (Cologne-Mainz) 309/310
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge New York Bay 72, 73, 75
1180 Bridge directory

Name Place, region Pages

Lully viaduct Canton of Fribourg 347/348
Waal Bridge Tiel near Tiel, Netherlands 327/328
Wadi Kuf Bridge Libya 94, 327/328
Wahren viaduct Leipzig 370-372
Wan Xian highway bridge over the Sichuan Province, China 77
Yangtze River
Weibrücken across the Wei River, China 3
Weidendammer Bridge Berlin 58
Wörlitz Bridge Wörlitz near Dessau 42
Xiang Jia Tang Bridge China 427/428, 897
Yangluo Hubei Wuhan, China 75
Zamalong Bridge near Xining, China 4
Zhoushan-Xihoumen Zhejiang Province, China 74, 75
Zwickau Mulde Bridge near Glauchau 300/301
Zwickauer-Mulde bridge Wilkau-Haßlau 937/938
Directory of persons and companies

Ackermann and Partner, CSTB 234

architectural office 218 Cue, Alexander Mc 66
Agrippa, Marcus Vispanius 19 Curbach, Manfred 829, 830, 835, 840, 847,
Aigner, Francesco 1022, 1034 848, 849, 965
Aigner, Franz 226, 895 Darby, Abraham 41
Alsen, Klaus 101, 294-296 Ammann, Dauner, Hans-Gerhard 347
Othmar Hermann 70-72 DEGES 132, 499, 940, 956, 1007
Ammannati, Bartolommeo 31 Dietleyn 62
Andrä, Wolfhart 86 Dietrich, Richard J. 132, 162, 282
Apollodorus, from Damascus 15/16 Dischinger, Franz 90, 300, 306, 309, 375, 380,
Architects AX5 154 636, 638, 639
Armisén, Javier Manterola 220 Bachmann, Doehring, C. F. W. 304
Hugo 256, 471, 756-758, Dost, Ferdinand 35
760-767, 769, 771-775 Dreßler, Andre 146
Baker, Benjamin 54 Dubas, p. 579
Baumann, Helmut 355 Düvel, Olav 128
Baumann, Karl 760, 761, 766 École des Ponts et Chaussées 43/44, 46, 82
Baumann, Theodor 260 École polytechnique 43/44, 46, 82
Baur, Willy 86, 87, 90, 320, 326 Eibl, Josef 461, 540, 555, 694/695, 849
Bay, Hermann 99, 628 Becker, Eichinger, Eva-Maria 1057 Eiffel,
Manfred 803/804 Gustave Alexandre 47-49 Eilzer,
Bergermann, Rudolf 2 , 446, 450, 461 Wolfgang 352, 409, 957
Hump foreman, Konrad 489, 1038, 1044, Ellet, Charles 65
1061, Ellis, Charles Alton 71 Emperger,
1093, 1098 Friedrich Ignaz 76, 77
Bernasconi, Andrea 38 Ernst, Martin 543
Bernhardt, Klaus 120 Euler, Leonard 43, 537, 580
Bernoulli, Jacob and Johann 43, 536 Fehling, Ekkehard 97, 98
Bessemer, Henry 45 Fehse, Werner 320
Billington, David P. 2 , 62, 78-80 Feichtinger Architects 156
Boissanger, de 47 Feichtinger, Dietmar 129, 156
Bonatz, Paul 2 Feistel, Dieter 28, 354, 356, 363-365
Boyer, Léon 47 Brown, Fink, Josef 409, 957, 1034
Sir Samuel 61 Finley, James 61, 62
Brühwiler, Eugen 2 Finsterwalder, Ulrich 85-89, 100, 102, 103,
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 62 232, 236, 305, 306, 312, 313, 315, 354, 355,
Burkhardt, Hans-Günther 120 414, 456, 821, 825
Burr, Theodore 39 Company
Cauchy, Augustin Louis Baron 43 – Adam Hörnig 132, 513
Chaley, M. J. Joseph 62 Cornelius, – Agroman - Modeste Fraile 220
Volker 331 – Auteried & Co. 230
Cruciani 227, 796, 805-813
1182 Directory of persons and
– Auxini, S. A. 224 – Universal 101
– Beyer & Co. 226 – Vetsch 238
– Bilfinger and Berger 156, 238, 1101 – Walter - Bau AG 176
– Gustavsburg Bridge Construction Institute – Wayss & Freytag 77, 83, 84, 99
51 – Wayss and Freytag & Heidschuch 76
– Campenon-Bernard 84, 234 – Wolff & Müller 104
– Charles Nepveu 47 Fischer, Uwe 125, 146
– Construzioni Cimolai Armando Spa 238 Fowler, John 54
– DEMAG 91 Frank-Jakob-Bluth, Architects 169
– Dörnen steel structures 280, 951 Freundt, Ursula 745, 1004
– DSD Dillinger Stahlbau 148 Freyssinet, Eugène 81-86, 304, 305
– Dyckerhoff & Widmann, DYWIDAG 85, Gaddi, Taddeo 29
86, 101, 136, 232, 236, 309, 314, 825, 1099 Gädeke, Kathrin 146
– Echterhoff 280 Galileo, Galileo 43, 536, 537
– Ensidesa, S. A. 224 Gebert, Gregor 408, 409
– Enterprise Campenon Bernard 228 Gerkan, Marg and Partners, Architects 60, 144,
– Felten & Guilleaume 55 148
– Friedrich Maurer Sons 218 Girmscheid, Gerhard 412, 414, 417, 418, 421,
– Fritz Spieker 154 423, 424, 428, 435, 850, 853, 858, 860, 862,
– Kemmer Brothers 138 868, 871, 873, 876, 900
– Gerdum and Breuer 152 Göppert, Knut 124, 144
– GLS construction and assembly 160 Grawe, Wigand 128, 154
– Green & Bilfinger 236 Günther, Gerhard 399
– Hein, Lehmann 91 Guyon, Y. 625, 627
– Heinrich Klostermann 138 Harpalos 11
– Hermann Assner 299 Heinzerling, Friedrich 15
– Building construction and civil Hennebique, Francois 76
engineering 156 Hodgkinson, Eaton 44
– Hochtief 952 Homberg, Helmut 91, 548
– John A. Roebling's Company 62, 64 Hooke, Robert 43, 536, 624
– Karl Kübler 99 Hoshino, Kunio 2
– Queen Mary's Hut 55, 56 Hoshino, Masaaki 321, 629
– M. A. N. 51 Howe, William 40, 41
– Mannesmann Handel; steel tubes 148 Hyatt, Thaddäus 74 Engineering
– Augsburg-Nuremberg machine factory 51 office
– Max Bögl and Bögl/Walter 156, 819 – A. Pauser 230, 919
– Max Früh 140 – Ammann & Withney 72
– MSD Machine-to-machine and steel – Bänziger and Köppel 216, 427
construction 144 – Bonk & Herrmann 146
– NOE formwork technology 513 – Brändli and Partners 216
– Pfeifer rope and lifting technology 156 – Bung 167, 173
– Porr 95, 101,230 – Carlos Fernández Casado 220
– Porr Technobau 148 – Fritsch 177
– Preiswerk & Cie AG 154 – Gustav Lindenthal 70
– RW mounting 160 – IBB Fehling and Jungmann 98
– Schaffizel wood industry 162 – Kinkel and Partner 152
– Schmees & Lühn, timber and steel – Adhesive 152
engineering construction 146 – König and Heunisch 300
– Setra 234 – Köppl 162
– Shasta Constructors Inc. 222 – Leonhardt, Andrä & Partner 86, 132, 148,
– Sogea 234 361, 444
– Steel construction Illingen 104
– Stanglmeier / Luitpold Aukofer 218
– Thyssen Guss 148
List of persons and companies 1183

– Peter and Lochner 140 Lund 304

– Schlaich, Bergermann and Partners 60, 61, Maillart, Robert 1 , 2, 77-80, 99, 210-212
100, 104-106, 177 Mandroklos 11
– Schuessler Plan 940 Mang, Herbert 624
– Contactor 136 Mangerig 739, 741, 746
– Verheyen 173 Martin, Pierre Émile 45
– VIC Bridge and civil engineering 138 Martin, Rainer 803, 804, 821
– Zilch and Müller 299 Marx, Steffen 120
– Trebes 154 Mathivat, Jacques 96, 228
Grübl, Peter 96 Mautner, Karl 83
Ingerop 234 Iyengar, Mehlhorn, Gerhard 316, 321-324, 331, 525,
K. T. 625 528, 543, 554, 613, 617, 619, 624, 626,629,
Johansson, Bernt 579, 583, 585, 586, 588, 589 638, 640, 649, 679, 732
Jungwirth, Dieter 629, 849 Mehmel, Alfred 626, 627
Kargel, Erhard 130, 160 Melan, Joseph 69, 77, 282, 805
Keil, Andreas 122, 136 Menn, Christian 2 , 94, 96, 216, 356, 355, 450,
Kepler, Johannes 43 541, 545, 546, 548, 647, 826, 827
Keuser, Manfred 538, 552, 821, 823/824 Moisseiff, Leon Solomon 69-71, 72
Kingsley, William C. 66 Möller, Max 302, 303
Kitzler, Julius 55 Monier, Joseph 76
Kleb, Thomas 127, 152 Morandi, Riccardo 94, 327, 328
Koechlin, Maurice 47 Mörsch, Emil 76, 77, 85, 801
Koenen, Matthias 76 Murphy, Henry C. 66
Koepcke, Claus 54-57 Naumann, Gerd 839
Kolb + Ripke, Architects 138 Naumann, Joachim 108/109, 113, 120, 121,
Kollegger, Johann 1022, 1097, 1099, 1100 126
König, Gert 96, 300, 1059 Navier, Claude-Louis-Marie-Henry 44, 320,
Krumbach, Guido 431 536
Kuhlmann, Ulrike 274, 276, 277, 341, 343, Nepveu, Charles 47
345, 350, 397, 399, 401, 935, 940, 946, 947, Newton, Isaac 43
952 Nouguier, Emile 47
Kupfer, Herbert 232 Lagrange, Ohlig, Rudolf 101
Jean Louis 43 Lambot, Joseph Pablo, Juan J. Arenas de 224
Louis 73, 76 Pantaleón, Marcos J. 224
Langer, Joseph 385 Parler, Peter 30/31
Lavigne, Charles 234 Pauli, Friedrich August v. 35
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 43 Lentze, Pauser, Alfred 2 , 96, 101/102, 230, 249, 259,
Carl 45, 46 375, 431, 434, 805, 919
Leonhardt, Fritz 1 , 2, 73, 85-87, 90, 166, 231, Perronet, Jean-Rodolphe 43
243, 251, 254, 256, 326, 335, 355, 361, 375, Peter, Jörg 509/510
410, 411, 423, 424, 444, 450, 453, 507, 541, Pfohl, Hans 320, 629
546, 647, 796, 832, 833, 839, 896, 1012, 1020 Poisson, Simeon-Denis 43
Li Bing 9 Poitzsch, Peter 123, 138 Ponte,
Lichte, Ulf 738, 739, 741, 745, 746 Antonio da 32
Lindenthal, Gustav 70 Pöppelmann, Matthias Daniel 24, 26
Lindlar, Hans-Gerd 120 Quadrig 234
Link, Michael 98 Rackwitz, Rüdiger 525, 534
Litzner, Hans-Ulrich 120 Ramberger, Günter 471-475, 488, 975-980,
Lohmer, Gerd 99, 101, 232, 236, 309 983-990, 991, 1106, 1109, 1110
Long, Stephen H. 40, 41 Reissner, Eric 665, 695
Lrpic, Veljko 238 Rieppel, Anton von 50
1184 Directory of persons and
Knight, August 537 Steinman, David Bernard 69, 70, 71
Knight, Wilhelm 69, 70 Stephenson, Robert 44
Robaglia 47 Strasky, Jiri 222, 457, 461 Strauss,
Röbling, Johann August 62-67, 90, 91, 452 Joseph Baermann 71
Roebling, Washington 65-68 Stritzke, Jürgen 120, 350, 353, 357, 543, 799,
Rubin, Helmut 562, 579 800, 801, 805, 832, 834
Rüsch, Hubert 547, 629 Strobl, Wolfgang 129, 156
Saint Bénezet 27 Stüssi, Fritz 70, 71, 579
Saul, Reiner 275, 350, 423, 432, 447, 449, 450 Svensson, Holger S. 403, 423, 447, 896
Savov, Zlatko 238 Tamms, Friedrich, architect 92, 99
Schäfer, Horst 298 Telford, Tomas 61
Schäfer, Horst-Georg 1056, 1100, 1102 Thomas, Sidney Gilchrist 45
Schäfer, Wolfgang 294-296 Tiedje, Wilhelm, architect 99
Schambeck, Herbert 88,89, 94, 96, 236, 238, Triborough Bridge Authority 71
310, 311, 313, 315, 328, 329, 354, 355, 450, Trost, Heinrich 543, 629, 638, 639
821, 825 Vicat, Louis Joseph 62, 64
Schickhofer, Gerhard 38 Schinkel, Virlogeux, Michel 96, 234, 446
Karl Friedrich 33 Schinz, Rudolph Vockrodt, Hans 28, 29, 354
Eduard 46 Vockrodt, Hans-Jörg 28, 29, 363-365,368,750
Schlaich, Jörg 2 , 59, 60, 122, 124, 126, 136, Vogel, Thomas 2, 849 Vogler,
148, 218, 246, 249, 250, 258, 349, 409, 446, Otto M. 355 Walraven,
450, 545 Walther, René 427, 456, 540
Schlaich, Mike 461 Warren Roebling, Emily 68
Schleicher, Claus 354, 356 Weise, Torsten 152
Schleicher, Wolfram 541, 551, 552, 748 Wetzel, R. 440
Schmackpfeffer, Heinz 408, 409, 543, 940 Wetzel, Roland 140, 509/510
Schmidt, Michael 97, 98 Wicke, Manfred 256, 258, 261
Schober, Hans 60, 126, 148, 151, 349, 409 Wilke, Robert 35/36
Schubert, Johann Andreas 35/36 Wittel, Andrea 144
Schüller, Matthias 123, 140 Wittfoht, Hans 303, 833
Sedlacek, Gerhard 120, 399, 523, 579, 583, Wöhler, Friedrich 537
585, 586, 588, 589, 745 Wölfel, Roland von 121, 132, 278, 406,
Séguin, Camille 62 837/838, 847/848
Séguin, Marc 62 Wölfel, Wilhelm von 4- 6, 8, 9-13, 15-17,
Siemens, Carl Wilhelm and Friedrich 45 20-23
Sofresid 234 Zilch, Konrad 96, 120, 189, 299, 300, 1012,
Sogelerg 234 1022, 1063, 1094
Splingard 35 Zuse, Konrad 537
Sporschill, Karl 238
Standfuß, Friedrich 108/109, 306
Subject index

A Response spectrum method B

Peeling of coating parts 1047 783 Beam bridges 302, 303,
Demolition 193 Response behavior 793 309, 321, 335, 336, 337, 340,
Sealing 1022 Drainage of A-pylon 418, 449, 879 342
the hydration water Aqueduct of the Romans 19, Ballasting 343
heat 731 20, Barretts 517
Lifting bearing forces 342 21, 22 Construction 184
Lift-off protection 343 Construction joint 659, 828, Soil expertise 519
Reduction of pre-tension 840, Ground improvement 515
by virtue of 659 1021 Construction costs 202, 203, 204,
A-frame 510 – with tendon 205
Settlement 187 coupling 318, 320, Building culture 108, 109, 110,
Lowering measures 342, 321 111, 112, 115, 116, 202, 206
952 Archivolte 16 Architecture,
Settling block 844 Aesthetics 196, 202, 205 revolution in the 83
Bracing 830, 956 Clearances elevated Site management 185
Track 407 Suspension of Construction supervisor 185
the draw frame Construction method 176
carrier 418
Support bench 500, 698
Support force, influence
– of reinforcing steel 657 area 488 Support Reinforced earth
– of the tendons 660 force controlled construction 501
Fall protection 1006 Storage 489 458
Abrasive corrosion 1018 Support force measurement
Downforce 404 aerodynamic 489
Stability 454 aero-wing- Support cross member 472
like transverse Buoyancy safety 514
cut 73 Widening 840, 849
Amplitude spectra 762, Eye stick 61
763, 764, 766 Infill 405
Requirement category 645, Implementation planning
660 183,
Quotation processing 181 864, 876
Anchor head 435 Rounded support moment
Anchor plate 981 678
Delivery of the Balanced cross-section 255
Segments 863 Support beam 54
Impact, detection Tender 178, 180
against 714 Exceptional effects 529,
Contact pressure 953 530, 531
Hanger connection 385 Exchange 192
Interchangeability 609
Selection of executed
Tensioning strap bridges
1186 Directory of persons and
Building inspection 367,
1009 Building inspection
monitoring 1009
Reduction in construction time
Construction stages 535, 553
Load class 1078
Limitation of crack width
– in longitudinal direction,
Proof 689
– in transverse
proof 690
Limitation of
voltages 683
Auxiliary cable 69
BELFA, load
vehicle 364, 1045
Design points 543
Design situations 526
Design values 526 Design
values for
Impacts 527
1186 Subject index

Bernoulli hypothesis 615, Dents 579, 580, 585, 586, Arch bridge 1 , 2, 4, 5, 6, 7,
731, 736 588 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 26,
Acceleration response Assessment 27, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 47,
468, 784 - the position of the 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 167,
Acceleration variable 1063, reinforcement and the 168, 224, 225, 226, 362, 363,
1066 concrete cover 1043 365, 367, 375, 376, 378, 380,
Bessemer process 45 – of the load capacity 1055 382, 384, 385, 397, 403, 404,
Destination – of cracks in concrete 1040 406, 407, 408, 409, 956
– the carbonation of the reinforced elastomer – real 384, 406
Concrete 1042 bearing 966 – anchored in itself 409
– of the chloride reinforced – with elevated
content of the earth, roadway 378
concrete 1042 Construction method 501 – Static systems 379
– of the degree of Reinforcement arrangement Planking 961
compression and the 658 Reinforcement training Drilling 517
condition of the clamping on Bored pile 728
steels 1043 free panel edges 253 Bored pile wall 498
Concrete attack 642 Reinforcement corrosion
Concrete arch bridge, on 641 Bending-torsional
widest stretched 77 gation 454 Slope wing 497
Concrete cover 643, 660 Sheet gradation 335 Slope cone 498
Concrete compressive stress Block dowel 446 Slope inclination 498
– Limitation of 650 Soil replacement 516 Glulam elements 286
the Ground movement 785 Cross laminated timber panels 287
– Proof of the Soil compaction 515
permissible 684
Concrete replacement Soil stabilization 516 Elongation at break 414
system 1078 Concrete sheet Bridges
roadway, on steel
overlying box 406 – compressive force – building price 108, 117, 118,
396, 957
Concrete roadway slab 278 – introduction 120, 126, 131
Precast concrete – form 380 – construction weir 12
parts (in the
Composite – cantilever 833 – existed 189
construction) 449, 940
Concrete joint 501, 506 – foot clamping 402 – drainage 176
– preloaded 827 – foot point 402, 406 – inspection scaffold 175
Concrete-wood – fighter 382 – management 1059
bridges 289 – folding process 167 – types with difficult to
Concrete-timber – construction 396 assess response
Detail 408 – assembly 954 behavior 786
Concreting sequence – transverse pane Well foundation 514
953 383 BS wood 361, 407
Concreting gaps 658 – cross section 381
Concreting condition – Cross-section height Federal Chamber of
948 at apex 383 Architects 109
Concrete sleepers 964
Reinforcing steel – thrust 408 Federal Engineer
stress - verification – span 380 chamber 109, 111, 118,
permitted 685 – stability 402 120
Subject index 1187
– Permissible – stability, estimation Federal Foundation
Concrete sheathing 344 cation 384 Building culture 109
Concrete substrate 1071 – stitch 385
Concrete composite belt – Supports on the 383 C
Concrete composite – system 954 Caisson 67
Cost comparison 279 – Wall thicknesses of the box Caisson disease 67
Concrete tensile stress, in the transom area 383 Catwalk (auxiliary cable bridge) 452
Permissible – abutment 507 CFRP slats 1088
652 – Drawstring 397
1188 Subject index

CFRP mats 1088 Compressed air caisson 67 – Temperature 663

Chloride Compression preload 342 – variable 663
– intrusion 1013 Dowel recess 447 Impact combination
– salary 1012 Dowel group 944 tion 682
– corrosion 1019 Ductility 414 Ductility Impact model 561
testing Single compression member 710
D method 787 Railway bridges, stock in
Perineal area 879 Deflection, Germany 191
Damping 417, 780 discontinuous 315 Rail transport 532
– decrement 756 dynamic effects Reinforced concrete bridge, first 76
– properties 444 kings 755, 760 Iron bridge, first 41
– dimension 756, dynamic measurement 1064, Iron bridge, the first on
767 1065, 1066, 1067 the European
– ring 435
– System 423 Dynamic coefficient 757 Continent 41
Durability 196, 201, dynamic increment 757 Elastic mounting 470,
209, 271, 1010 DYWIDAG tensioning 472, 475
Continuous monitoring 98, drive 86, 232, 1097 Modulus of elasticity
99, of concrete 635
1062, 1063, 1067 E Elastomeric bearing 966, 967,
Surface layer 959, 960, 1023 real arch bridge 384, 406 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973,
Expansion joint 1021 Effective stiffness 592 974, 979, 980
Strain gauge 1063,
1064, 1065, 1066 Natural frequency 769 – reinforced 966
Elongation stiffness Tare weight composite 444, – soft 980
Decohesion corrosion 1019 448 – unanchored 969
Decohesion theory 1019 Dead load moment 949 – anchored 969
Decompression 647 Dead load cut sizes 951 Elegance 292
– Proof of the 665, 687 Residual stress 731, 736 Electronic hose
Monument protection 281 Binding length 517 scale 1064
Diagonal infill 405 Uniqueness 180 Element (VU invoice) 331
Diagonal connections 339 Simple test 1036 EMS scale 779
Diagonals, pre-tension in Simple abutment 497 Final creep number 635
the 405 Influence line 544 End crossmember 402
Diagonal truss 405 clamped sheet 363, Decision-making
Seal 959 384 – as part of structural
Sealing layer 959, 1022 Suspension bracket 54 bridge maintenance 1060
DINA, tapered edge Single-stroke mounting 340, Drainage 503
stake 441 935 Draft 195, 196, 197, 201,
Documentation 188 Single-leg cantilever 830 202, 204, 209, 210, 214, 215,
Double dowel 941 Bearing, support force- 218, 232, 236, 238
controlled 489
Double composite transverse Single-mass transducer – elements 174
cut 275, 409, 449, 953 780 Calibration of the – basis 169
Wire rope suspension bridge 64 Superstructure 860 – Principles 890
Drain line 504 Application criteria 877 – Criteria 891
Three - arch solution 403 Insertion 571 – planning 169
Three-hinged arch 363 Swimming in 955 – process 755
Three-hinged beam with Clamping degree 354 – diary 172
bottom Clamping ratio 696 – variants 197
horizontal crown-middle
joint 56 One-piece – goal 210
superstructure 406
Drill moments 298 Impacts 521 Epicenter 779
Subject index 1189
Print size 1063, 1066 – on abutment 692 Earthquake
Compressed air – permanent 528, 661 – activity 778
foundation 514
1190 Subject index

– stress 783, 793 778, 781, – effect 405 – with auxiliary 409, 830,
Roadway pylon 957
– events 782 – elevated 407 – with support beam 832
– intensity 779 – education 959 – with launching 832
– isolation 468, 475 – heating 732 gantry cantilever
bridge 89
– Characteristic – coating 959 Cantilever bridge,
values 779
– encumbran – covering, Concrete construction 87, 88, 302,
ces 535 maintenance 312,
– -Magnitude 779 setting 1084 313, 314, 315, 316
– device 465 – thick, plate 292 Cantilever wagon 87, 829,
Earth pressure 694 – open 962 884
Earth-anchored – boards, wooden 285 – top lying 884, 888
suspension bridge – rust completion 954 – bottom 884, 888
Determination of the – trough 955 Frequency tuning 770
Cross section of Fast-Track-Project 871 Fritz Leonhardt Prize 118
prestressing FE Frost cracks 1011
steel 671
Fatigue crack 399 – -Model 665 Fugue 1021
Fatigue resistance 572 – -net 330 Joining technology 900, 1025
Fatigue-appropriate detail – -Invoice 330, 331, 663, Fillers 440
training 350 665 Foundation 514
Fatigue analysis 602 Renewal Field bias voltage 827 Functional exclusion 180
of a directional Precast recess 945 Veneer plywood panels 287
roadway 406 Production lines 862 Footbridge 430, 759,
replacement Manufacturing processes
– area for wheel loads 663 – Parallelism 868 760, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766,
– coefficient method 786 Humidity 440 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 773
– last 563, 786 Moisture size 1063, Pedestrian traffic 531
– model 625 1066
– temperature 738 Fish belly carrier 303 G
– temperature 738 Surface corrosion 1018 Fitness for purpose 196,
distribution vibration shallow foundation 406, 198, 209
519 514 flat grate shear plate curved beam
Upgrading 190
– of vaulted and arched ndication – circular 60
bridges 368 Flat steel hanger 385 Curved supporting structure 432
Euler reference Flutter oscillation 423, 454 Joint 827
voltage 581 Splitting of trains 496, 502 Planning for building permit
application (HOAI phase 4) 178
Euler buckling – building 502 Riveted connection 446
stress 584 – position 497 Geogrid 502
European Macroseismic Scale – veneer 499 geometric imperfections
(EMS scale) 779 – walls 498 tion 563
Exposure classes 643 Fourier decomposition 760 Total cross-section value 593
external pre-tension 88, Cantilever 86, 406, 443, 825, Total system 559
606, 840, 870, 1096 826, 829, 830, 831, 832, 835, Total composite
837, 913, 936, 954 transverse
cut 594
F - more hip 830 Closed bridge 288
Subject index 1191
Factory production – first prestressed Speed size 1063, 1066
839 concrete bridge in 86 Design 206, 207, 208,
Specialist catalogs 174 – in the balance beam
Timber framing
– breakdown 405 principle 829 209, 243
– beam 336 – classic 825 Coved carriers 335
– node 343 – with prefabricated Use of force 1024,
parts 833
– composite 344, 345, – with auxiliary 832, 1034
bridge 346 bracing 957 Arch bridge 362
1192 Subject index

Arch thickness 5 Main girder web 278 I

Lattice girder bridge 45 HDPE pipes 441 Imperfection
Sliding plate 843 Leverage law 43 – geometric 563
Sliding surface 917, 978, Manufacturing – structural 563
979, organization
980 tion 857 Civil Engineering Prize 118
Lubricant 843 Production site 850, Internal anchoring 629
Sliding plate 976 857 anchored curved
Sliding shoe 844 Manufacturing cycle 855 bridge 409, 450
Sliding safety 514, 720 HiAm (cone tapered Inspection, visual 1040
Limiting diameter of the stake) 440 Repair 190, 365,
concrete Auxiliary stiffening bar 884 367, 1069
steels 657
Limit moment line from Auxiliary construction – of the road surface 1084
Traffic loads 668 Auxiliary warehouse 844 – from rusting 1084
Limit shear force 600 Auxiliary pylon 830, 843, intensity 779
Large-area formwork 957 Interaction 755
Auxiliary support 829,
element 940 Backfill material 503 Internal tendon without
Ground failure safety 514, Backfill 503 Backfill, traffic bond 308
720 load Internal pre-tension 606
Basic frequency 756 Basic to 692
idea of the pre-chip High-performance concrete J
nens 304 299, Japan Meteorological Agency
Primer 1090 353 (JMA) 779
Foundation 167, 514, 515, Maximum bar spacing values JMA 779
519, 720, 721, 728 for reinforcing steel 657
Basic values of traffic loads Height-adjustable bearing 980 K
530 Hollow pillar 509 Cables
Hollow slab 292
Appraiser 172 Wooden beam bridge 3 – distances 416
Wood-concrete composite – arrangement, harp-like 92
H 361 – arrangement, multi-
Hammerhead 512 Wooden plank flooring cable system 92
Wooden track panel 38,
Suspension bridge 8 , 61, 62, 285 – bridge 62
63, Wooden cantilever – levels 412, 430
65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, bridge 3
74, 218, 450, 452, 454 Wooden blasting - catwalk 452
plant 14
– Earth-anchored 450 Horizontal movement 360 – assembly 73, 892
– first with fully effective Horizontal force bearing – saddle bearing 453
Stiffening beam 65 Horizontal loads 531 Spherical bearing 978
– anchored in itself 450 Howe, system of 40 Chamber wall 500
– Stitch of suspension HPC 96 Fighter 382
cable 452
– fake 450 H-pylon 418, 882 Fighter location 380
– stiffened 55 Lifting cylinder 844 Transom support 382
– Compilation (with largest Casing tubes, concrete Canal suspension bridge 64
spans) 75 cover of the 661 Capacity measurement 793
Hanger 385, 454 Cladding tubes, HDPE Cap construction 399
Subject index 1193
– level, inclined 399 Hopping frequency Carbonation 1014,
– assembly 954 Hydration of the young 1042
– vibrations 399 Concrete 732 Kastenfangedamm 17
Suspension unit 282, Hydration of the Box girder 545, 659
Harp arrangement 92 Cement 324 – Profile 546
Main load model 529, 531 Hydration cracks 1011 deformation
Principal moments 298 Heat of hydration 750 – Torsional stress
Main test 189, 1036- windy 73
1194 Subject index

Box abutment 496, 497, Cantilever prestressing 827 Langer's beam 385 Longitudinal
555, 695 Cantilever sash 497, 502 compressive forces from main
Chain suspension bridge 61 Corbel bridge 9 circularly load-bearing effect 448
Safety against tipping 514 curved Longitudinal section,
soft elastomer Carrier 60 haunched 341 Longitudinal
warehouse 980 Circular ring carrier 59 shear force bearing capacity
Bascule bridge 58 Creep redistribution 831 time 605
Climbing formwork 878 Creep distortion of the Longitudinal system 541
Climate impact 732 Concrete 634 Longitudinal displacement 935
Knagge 362 Criteria for draft 891 critical Longitudinal tensile stresses from
Carbon fiber cable 1097 frequency local load
combined pile - plates rich 770 introduction 449
Foundation 721 – harassment 519
Consoles, wide L – enclosure 1007
cantilevered 432 Bearings 464, 966, 967, 968, – protection 1002, 1003,
Construction height 335, 381 969, 971, 972, 973, 974, 975, systems 1004
structural timber 976, 978, 979, 980, 981, – protective 104
construction 1022 cover 104
protection 361 – protective slats
Continuity span – lift 534 Load
members 828 – arrangement 471 – spread 694
Contractor procedure 518 – types 475 – introduction, concen-
Controls 860 – Elastomeric bearing 965, trated 708
Control corridor 968, 969, 970, 971, 972, 973, – introduction 601
501 length
Cone anchoring 440 974 – history 948
Convection 733 – height adjustable 980 – model 543
concentrated load – Spherical caps – model 1 530
introduction – Linear tilting 975 – model 2 530, 531
708 pad bearing
Coping bolt 276, 470, 969 – list 488 – position 663
Coupling joint 318, 320, – Point tilt 975 – distribution area 663
321, bearing
322, 323, 629, 659, 1012, – Roller bearing – distribution angle 663
1021 – damage 975, 980 Ongoing monitoring 1036
Coupling point – Sensor-equipped 489 Empty conduit 831, 842
Basket arch 363 – base 504 Teaching scaffold 168, 795, 796,
Correction of the gradient 316 – Steel 975 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 802,
Corrosion – structural 803, 804
– susceptibility 344 – position, over- – Cruciani system 227, 796,
– mechanism 1016, 1017 test 1052 805-813
– medium 1017 – Pot bearing 975 Shoring condition 640
– process 1016, 1018 – Offset plan 488, 975, 981 Lightweight concrete 294, 837
– protection 399, 414, 436, – ways 731 Linear tilting pad 975
1012 – resistance 487 Strand stroke 341
– blasting cracks – Train path 975 Pitting corrosion 1019
Subject index 1195
Cost 870 Storage 175, 463, 465, 467, Lock-in effect 765
Cost savings 273 Cost 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, logarithmic attenuation
comparison 474, 475, 476, 477, 487, 492, decrement 756
– Concrete composite 279 493, 494 Localized corrosion 1016
– Stretching beam – elastic 470, 472, 475 Long-line process 852
alien 444 – with fixed points 470, 474 Long, system of 40 air-jet spinning
Force size 1063, 1066 – oblique-angled 542 processes 62, 64,
Force reduction Proof of position safety 829 73, 450
coefficient 789, 790 Launching 571, 915
1196 Subject index

M Moment limit line 544 Surface corrosion 1050

Magneto-inductive testing of Monitoring 98, 1062, 1068 Top strap cleats 936
ropes 1052 Monocable pendant Top knot 337
Magnitude 779 bridge 453 Assembly Acceptance procedure (HOAI
Maillot arch 78 phase 9)
Object database 1061
Macroelement – stiffener 945 Open roadway 962
corrosion 1017 – calculation 568, 570, 571 Public institutions 172
Deficiency 1009 – measures 343, 953 In-situ concrete construction 839
Dimensional accuracy – process 395, 894, 936 Site-cast concrete displacement
Match-cast method 852 Mountability 360 vandalism stake 519
Material (vandalism
– insert 362 loading) 760, 766 P
– fatigue 560, 572, 1024, Parallel
1031 N – wire cable 62, 414, 440
– characteristic values, CFRP Sustainability of the – Wire rope, prefabricated 73
-Mats 1089 Building 300 - splitting of trains 497
– samples, sampling 1044 Trailing 847 – stranded cable 441
– change 346 Retensionability 609 Parallel wire ropes 62
mechanical leanness Addendum 188 Proof Parallelism of production
293 – the limitation of the processes 868
Multi-girder system 404 crack width in Pendulum frequency 762
Melan construction 77 longitudinal direction Persian bridge construction
Mercalli intensity 779 tion 689 wise 12
Measured variable – the limitation of the Pile foundation 514, 517,
1062, 1063 crack width in transverse 721
Microelement corro- direction Pile shell area 517
sion 1016 tion 690
Minimum spacing of – Decompression 665, 687 Pile - slab foundation, combined
tendons 660 721
Minimum concrete cover – of the permissible concrete Pillars 507, 508, 509, 510,
643, compressive stress 684 511, 513, 556, 710, 711, 715,
644 – of the permissible 716
Minimum concrete strength reinforcing steel
classes 643 voltage 685 – fork 356
Minimum reinforcement - of the permissible – head training 509
658, prestressing steel
659, 679, 714 voltage 687 – cross sections 509
Mixed construction, – guidance for – shaft 512
clamping resistance
concrete 609, warehouse - slimmer 716
841 698
Mixed construction 362, – against impact 714 – table 829
410, 445, 449 Model support Shunt voltages 343
Mixing system 409 method 711 modified Nominal dimension 644 Non-linear
Central girder arch Mercalli inten- methods of
bridge 386 sity (MMI) 779 Determination of internal forces 713
Center girder bridge 429, 430, Möllerträger 303 Normal forces in the yield beam 417
432 Emergency plan 1068
MMI 779 Zero measurement 493, 1063
Modal analysis 98, 783, 784 Service life 196, 201
Modal form 1062
Modeling 538, 539 O
Overhead cantilever wagon 884
Subject index 1197
Arrow height 380
Arrow ratio 380
Pilgrim step procedure 936,
Mushroom bridge,
development 309
Mushroom head 310
approval 172
Planning approval
Conclusion 166
Planning parameters 242
Level of detail used in planning
Planning competition 114,
Plan 169
1198 Subject index

Plasticizing 750, 1024, Shear force bearing capacity Friction 618, 670, 844
1026, 1032, 1034 278 Relaxation, stress changes
Plates Cross frame 278 staking in prestressing steel 674
Cross frame system 406
– beam 273 Cross section Resonance 533
– bridge 291, 292, 293, 294, – aero-wing-like 73 Resonance oscillation 762
299, 300, 301, 660-662 – art 242 Residual surface load 663
– thick 251 – supplement 1100, 1101 Revolution in the
– Thickness of the concrete – form, concrete 292 Construction 83
roadway slab 292 bridges 284 Directional roadway,
– form, wooden renewal
– cross section 244 – geometry 242 staking of a 406
– slenderness 293 – height at the top of Technical guidelines and standards 171
– systems made of 287 Sheet 383 Tear
– systems, transversely – classes 562 – distanc 653
pretensioned 286 – Choice 241 e 591
– systems, glued 286 – values 609, 661 – Format
ion of
– systems, nailed 286 – values, calculation 675 – limitation 605, 649, 659
– systems, bolted 286 – values, concrete 611, – Proof of limitation
– tectonics 778 662 in longitudinal direction 689
– prestressed, Calculation – values, concrete net 612, – Proof of limitation in
example 660-662 676 transverse direction 690
Pontoon bridge 10 – Values, non-material – Calculated value of the 653, 657
612, 676
Portal pylon 418 – values, prestressing – fluctuation 1020
Price index 182 steel 610 Cross system cracks
Presses Cross member – in concrete 1011
– Train pressure Cross member connection – in concrete, assessment
844 339
Press contact area 500 Transverse displacement 158, lation 1040
Primary preload 192, 799, – in the surface layer 1047
800, 818, 918, 919, 920, 921,
– centric 840 923, 925 Robustness reinforcement 679
Principle of Point tilt bearing 975 Transversely prestressed panel
prestressed Pylons 435, 513, 878, 954 systems 286
concrete 307 Transverse tension 625, 698
Trial load 367, 1044
Audit 183 R
Testing, simple 1036 Wheel load, replacement area for 663
Test method 1039 Wheel traffic 531
Test target 1039 Rigid frame bridges 350, 351,
Pseudo acceleration 781 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 358,
Pseudo displacement 360
Response spectrum 781 Frame corner moment 360
punctiform rust Frame structure 361
education 1047 Ramming 517
Driven piles 517
Subject index 1199
Pipe framework 346 Roman bridges, formation,
Pipe node made of together punctiform 1047
Cast steel 349 presentation of selected 20, Rust appearance, flat
Pipe cross-section 344 21, 22, 23 1048
Roller bearings 975 Rust Feedback effect 766
Vibration pressure compaction 515
– cantilever 832 Boundary conditions 870
constructi 435 Room joint 502 S
– temporary
– types 418 spatial framework 347 Seasonal fluctuation of
Realization competition temperature effects 741
Q application 168 Refurbishment 1069
QS plate 38, 286 Slide rule principle 316 Remediation procedure 1070
Crossbar 881 Calculated value method Saddle elements 892
Cross-influence lines 713 Friction life stresses Damage 1009
544 Cross-tensioned chung 1020 Cause of damage 1009
composite Fretting corrosion 1020
plate 401
1200 Subject index

damage-equivalent shear Welding iron 44 Siemens-Martin process 45

stress vibration width 604 Welder 192, 270, 271, Simpson's rule 617
Formwork carriage 731, 900, 903, 909, 910, Nominal form 564
846, 939 crest 1032, 1105 Special design 180
Weld seam connection
– area 381 detail 399 Solar radiation 242,
– height 397 Normal shrinkage force 733
– reduction 367 Shrinkage distortion of Gap
Misaligned bearing 542 Concrete 635 – corrosion 1049
Rail fastening 964 Vibrations 417, 533 – Tensile stress 401
Ship's bridge 3 , 11 Vibration hazard 770 – tension reinforcement 472, 626
slender pillar 716 Vibration problems 754, – tears 401
Slenderness of the panel 755 – Tensile stress 698
293 Slenderness ratio, Vibration damper 771, 773 Tensioning strap 457
Stiffening girder for Segment Tensioning strap bridges 101,
composite tied arch – Delivery of the 863 102, 103, 220, 456, 457, 459
bridges 397 – construction 849, 868, – Selection of executed
Slurry wall 517 Beak 870, 871, 873, 876, 877 Bridges 458
lifting device – construction with a Prestressed
teaching concrete bridge
tion 845 scaffolding - first 85, 306
Snow loads 535 – arch bridge 7 – first with compound 84
Cutting edge support 499 – bridge 849 – First known
Redistribution of internal building 854 draft 85
forces – geometries
with sectional - production 850, 854 Prestressed concrete, principle
Building 636 – production, process Fitted bed 607
Roadbed 962 for 853 Tensioning bed pre-tensioning 607
Ballast superstructure – assembly 854, 858, 862 tendon
964 – relocation 861 – Connection of the precast
Inclined sash 497
Angled cable 65, 68, 775, 776 – pre-tension 861 Crossbeam to pylon
Cable-stayed bridges 90, 91, Rope uprights 883
92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 216, 226, - art 414, 436 - external 1097
232, 326, 410, 412, 414, 415, – bridge 9 – guidance 301, 621
423, 424, 425, 429, 430, 433, – levels 954 – internal without 308
435, 436, 439, 443, 444, 446, – Stiffness change 416 – Minimum distances 660
of the
448, 450, 878 - fully sealed 414, Tensile strength
– Stiffness 414 439 – course 672
– System 327 Ropeway 63 – loss 631, 671
– Systems 411 seismic performance Tension rod steel bundle 414
Angled cable, dynamic criteria 788, 790 prestressing steel
properties 776 seismic coefficient 787, – cross-section,
Inclined stem frame 788 determination of the
bridge 351 Lateral guide 844 required 671
Scraped shelf 961 Secant module 414 – stresses, verification of the
permissible 687
Walking formwork Secondary tendons 841 – voltage, permissible 654
Subject index 1201
Step frequency 760 Countersunk – tempered 1019
box 67
Shrinkage cracks 1011 Sensor 1062, 1063, 1064 Stress change in prestressing
Thrust flow difference 604 Sensor-equipped bearings steel due to relaxation 674
Push garland 941 489 Voltage limitation 683
Shear skin 405 Settlements 534 Stress cracks 1011
Shear force introduction Short-line method 852 Stress crack corro-
400 Safety model 561 sion 1018
Thrust distortion 696 Seepage layer 504
Protective layer 959
1202 Subject index

Voltage peak 331, 1024, permanent effects 528, Preservation of substance 189
1033, 1095 661 Synchronous action 766
Clamping method 308, 527, Stationary precast plant Synchronization effect 766
606, 616, 619, 1097 850 System
– Baur-Leonhardt 86 Static height 660 – Amendment 636
– BBRV 1098 Static measurement 1064, – damping 423
– Bilfinger and Berger 670, 1065, 1066, 1067 – of the cable-
672, 1097 static systems of arched stayed bridges
– Dywidag 86, 232, 1097 bridges 379 – mutations 212, 213, 214
– Freyssinet 83 Dam bridge 12 – stiffness 454
– LEOBA 86, 320 Stiffness of the stay cable pre-tension 565
– with subsequent bridge 414 Stiffness change of
bonding 608 t
– Suspa 1097 Rope 416 Time of day-dependent progression
– Prestressing technology Stiffness requirement 242 the replacement temperature
Clamping operation 867, 900 Stone arch bridge 16 distribution 740
Span ranges with two Stone slab bridge 4 , 10 bar
Cable levels 424 Stitch of suspension – cellar 843
Chipboard plywood panels cables for – length 840
287 suspension bridges
Blasting unit 361 Butt jointing of – pushing 87, 90,
Spray mist area 506 clamping elements procedure 326,
Sheet pile abutment 498 842 839, 840
Road bridges, stock in Dew
Bar spacing of the Germany 190 – medium 1010
reinforcing steel, Road traffic 529 – salt 1010
maximum values of the
tied arch Strut framework 336 – salt water, access
– bridge 378, 384, 396, 954, – Postless 432 from 1014
956 Struts, angled 278 Technical implementation
– designs 399 Drawbeam 423, 424, 425, planning 864
– system 396, 403 430, 431, 433, 443, 881 Teflon plates 844
– composite bridges 954, 956 – Suspension 418 Sub-processes 871
– -composite bridges, – made of Partial safety factors for
compilation of selected concrete 426 actions 526
– made of steel
Bridges 398 – in composite Partial prefabrication 944
Bar printing sheet 397 construction 427 Plate anchor 1004
Reinforced concrete semi- – Normal forces in the Temperature
circular arch 409 418
Reinforced concrete – system 428 – Building reactions 734
pylon 878
Reinforced concrete – Stiffening beam 329 – claim 731, 732,
plate 951 Current pillar 508 structural 740, 741, 743, 746, 754
Reinforced concrete imperfections – Conditional twisting 738
double-jointed tion 563 – elongation, uneven
frame 350 Supports 507, 508, 510, 511, 736
Cast steel node 61
Cast steel pipe knots 349 512, 513, 710, 711, 715, 716 – effects 534, 663,
Subject index 1203
Steel-wood composite – on the sheet 383 732
bridges 288 – head 511 – developmen 734
Steel cladding pipes Support moment 135, 350, – reactions 748
Steel box with overlying 569, 638, 670, 682, 741, 826, – difference, vertical 742
concrete roadway 406 829, 916, 1112, 1113 temporary
Steel bearing 974 Support fluid 517 – Support or bracing 830
Steel upper belt 345 Support line 363
Steel composite construction Support line effect 375 – on-site 850
275 Submission 182 manufacturing
Steel reinforcement beam – Pre-tension of
399 the pylons 435
1204 Subject index

Scheduling 876 Maintenance 189 Underfilm Bonding 38, 98, 285,

Thomas procedure 45 corrosion of the under- 1090, 1091, 1094, 1095
Depth vibration 515 rock 1048 Laying position 866
Deep foundation 514, 728 Untensioned beam 218 Laying technique 866 glued
Tilger 771, 772, 773 Unanchored elastomeric panels
Pot bearing 976 Torsional warehouse 969 systems 286
moments, lost formwork 940 Loss of
Plate 298 V pre-tensioning
Torsional vibration 424 vandal loading (willful power 674
Torsional stiffness 274, 402, incitement) 760 Surveying 854
424 variable influences 529, nailed panel
Load-bearing capacity, 663 anchored systems 286
assessment 1057 elastomer Publication organs
Support cable 954 warehouse 969 179
Suspension ropes 457 Anchoring area 879, Pipework 517
Load safety 196, 197, 209 882 Sliding track 839
Structural cross-section 241 Anchoring stem 879 Displacement bearing 843, 844
Structural system 167 Responsibility of the Move 955
Trapezoidal frame structure Engineers 2 Displacement states 867
361 Bandage system 402 Displacement response 469,
Release agent 843 Connections, riveted 446 780
Widening 192 compound Possibility of soiling 399
Superstructure, one-piece 406
Superstructure – arch bridge 397, 957 Screwed panel
construction 409
Superstructures 540 – bridges, concrete-timber systems 286
Elevations 831 289 Shunting system 843, 844,
– bridges, steel-wood 288
Checking the storage – bridge systems 397 954
position 1052 – half-timbered Reinforcement 191, 828, 1087
Overvoltage reserve 671 construction 348 Stiffened suspension bridge 55
Monitoring, – fugue 344, 409, 410, 446, Stiffening beam
running 1036 590, 593, 596, 599, 600, 605, bending 405 Stiffening
UHPC 97, 293 941, 948, 1024, 1027, 1092, beam/extension beam
Ultra high-strength 1100, 1102 carrier 396, 403, 457
concrete 97,
98, 293 - plate, cross-tensioned 401 Distortion variable 1063,
Environment – load-bearing effect 590, 1065
206 593
Reassignment of external – full-wall bridge 340 VFT design 944
Tendons 843 Compaction of the soil 515 Visualization 205, 206
Reverse cable 69 Displacement pile 518 Visual inspection 1040
Deflection angle 618, 670 Twisting, temperature- Solid plate 292
Wrapping 454 conditional 738 Fully locked ropes 414,
Non-genuine suspension Doweling detail 400 Process 439
bridge 450 uneven for segmental thermal Solid wall arch 284 Stem
temperature insulation
elongation 735 position 853
discontinuous deflection 315 Allocation 182 – beak 843, 844
cantilevered cantilevered Reference variable 1062, – carriage 825
structure below 1063
car 888 692 Bottom chord knot 338
Substructures 174, 495, 500, Subsurface classification,
501, 504, 507, 510, 513, 554, seismic 791
Subject index 1205
Potting 439 Pre-dimensioning 661, 668
Grouting mortar 981 Pre-expansion 613
Quenched and tempered Prestressed slab bridge,
prestressing steel 1019 Live load Calculation
on rear example 660-
filling 692 662
Traffic load groups 530 prestressed
joint 501, 506, 827, 828
1206 Subject index

Retention dimension – before the concrete Effective concrete surface 656

644, 660 hardens 308, 606, 607 Profitability 196, 202,
Pre-assembly station 877
951 W Weekly cycle 839
Preliminary planning Balance beam 825
Regulations 172
Feed rate 862
– armor 87, 813, 814, 815, Balance beam principle 829 Z
816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, Wall thicknesses of the box at Time advantage876
822, 823, 824, 825 Transom area 384Cement injection 440
– stations 937 Thermal expansion coeffi-centric primary prestressing
Pre-tensioning, basic idea 304 cient 734 Heat ning 840, 841
Pre-tensioning force development from the Drawstring 278, 396
– Reduction at coupling Hydration of Push-pull presses 844
joints 659 the cement 324 Draw bascule bridge 58
– limited 86 Heat flow 734 Train paths 346, 966, 980 Tensile
– required 665 Maintenance aisle stresses on working
– First application in Water binding agent value joints from the heat
concrete bridge 1015 development from the
construction on test W/B value 1015 hydration of the cement
specimen 82 Displacement transducer 324
1063, 1064
– external 88 Path size 1063 permissible
– internal 88 wide – Concrete compressive stress,
– without compound Consoles 432 Proof of the 684
– Course 672 World cultural heritage – Reinforcing steel
– Losses 674 109, 110 stress, verification of
Workshop form 564 685
Pre-tension 527, 606, 616, Competition 108, 109, 111, – Prestressing steel
849, 951, 952, 953 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 126, stress, verification of
– as mixed construction 128, 144, 169, 180, 224, 236, Additional slats 346
– limited 86 273, 334, 414, 806, 825 State
– first application in Wheatstone measuring – rating 1054
concrete bridge bridge 1065 – database 1061
construction on
Test specimen 82 Abutment 495, 496, 497, Access of de-icing salt
– external 192, 606, 608, 498, 499, 501, 502, 503, 504, water 1014
609, 614, 840, 870, 1096 505, 506, 507, 554, 694, 695, Forced
– eccentric, composite 696, 697, 698, 699, 706, 707, – stress 731, 737
loose 841 708, 709 - moment 302, 621, 670
– in the diagonals 405 – simple 497 – moments from pre
– internal 606 – Effects on 692 ning 302
– Mixed construction – box-shaped 496 – cut size 351, 606,
– with subsequent – Verification 620, 638
composite 308, 607, 608, management for the – cut size, time-dependent
615, 616, 841 - wall 496, 500, 706 638
– with Resistance model 561 Double joint
Subject index 1207
Composite 308, 309, Wind loads 535 Sliding - arch 363, 382
606, wind box – frame 350
607, 614, 616
– without compound 192, carrier 73 two-part slab beam,
309, 606, 614, 841 Wind currents 423 crossmemberless 316
Angle size 1063, 1066

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