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Battle Brothers were created by a visionary scientist, known as the Founder,

who used a series of gene-mods in order to enhance soldiers beyond their
human limits. The Battle Brothers were quickly deployed to maintain unity
and peace over Earth and its nearby colonies. The gene-mods proved wildly
successful and many sought to join their ranks.

When humanity arrived in Sirius, they encountered new challenges, as

previously unknown phenomena, technology and threats were
commonplace in Sirius. In order to adapt, the gene-mods of the Battle
Brothers were experimented upon in order to further increase their
capacities. The results of these experiments were soon rolled out and
distributed to each Detachment, to allow them to train and equip these
recruits to become Prime Brothers.

Once their training was completed, the Prime Brothers were formed into new
INTRO Detachments and deployed to the Frontier. Rather than reinforcing the
existing Battle Brothers forces, they were assigned to explore and fight far
The Prime Brothers represent the pinnacle of gene science, a small number
from the core of the galaxy.
of super human individuals with advanced armour and weaponry, which rely
on their skill and durability to achieve victory against any odds.
Many Prime Brothers began to show damage to their muscles, joints and
bones, as their bodies were unable to adapt to the gene-mods. These flaws
Prime Brothers are enhanced with the latest gene-mods, adapted from
were found in every Prime Brother, but for some the deterioration was much
discoveries made after arriving in Sirius. The process that creates Prime
slower than others, with it taking decades for the worst effects to show in
Brothers gradually destroys the body, leaving them with significantly some, but until then, each Prime Brother remained a highly effective warrior.
shortened lifespans. Despite this, many young soldiers still choose to
become Prime Brothers, proudly dedicating their short lives to the Conduit
and his cause. The Prime Brothers carried on even after these side effects were discovered,
however, despite the wishes of the Custodians, they revealed the side effects
of their gene-mods publicly. Despite this, many recruits were still willing to
ABOUT OPR accept the risks in order to join their ranks. Prime Brothers know their
OPR ( is the home of many free games which are enhancements mean that they are more likely to die from deterioration than
designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. in battle, as a result many are willing to take risks others would deem
unacceptable. This has only further built their reputation as heroes and
drawn in more recruits who idolize them.
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only exist thanks to
the support of our awesome community.
Due to their shortened life spans, Prime Brothers often lack the organization
and personal experience of the Battle Brothers, so they rely on their
If you want to help us in making more awesome content, you can support us advanced technology and individual heroism to overcome this disadvantage.
on While some Battle Brothers may view them as reckless, others have
developed a keen respect for the bravery and sense of sacrifice common to
Thank you for playing! the Prime Brothers.

How will your short lifetime serve the Founder’s vision?

Created by: Gaetano Ferrara


Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Cost

Prime Master [1] 3+ 2+ Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)), CCW (A2) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) 75pts
Elite Raider [1] 4+ 3+ Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)), CCW (A2) Fearless, Furious, Hero, Strider, Tough(3) 60pts
Infiltrator [1] 4+ 3+ Marksman Carbine (18", A1, Rending), CCW (A1) Fearless, Scout, Strider 25pts
Raider [1] 4+ 3+ Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A2) Fearless, Furious, Strider 25pts
Prime Brother [1] 3+ 2+ Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Fearless 30pts
Assault Prime Brother [1] 3+ 2+ Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), Heavy CCW (A2, AP(1)) Fearless 35pts
Blaster Prime Brother [1] 3+ 2+ Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4)), CCW (A1) Fearless 40pts
Desolator [1] 3+ 2+ HE-Launcher (30", A2), CCW (A1) Fearless 40pts
Infernal [1] 3+ 2+ Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable), CCW (A1) Fearless, Relentless 40pts
Eliminator [1] 3+ 3+ Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Reliable), CCW (A1) Fearless, Scout, Stealth 45pts
Eradicator [1] 3+ 2+ Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)), CCW (A1) Fearless, Tough(3) 85pts
Heavy Prime Brother [1] 3+ 2+ Grave Auto-Rifle (18", A4), CCW (A1) Fearless, Tough(3) 85pts
Guardian [1] 3+ 2+ Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Fearless, Heavy Shield, Tough(3) 90pts
Jetpack [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Assault Blaster (12", A4), CCW (A1) Ambush, Fearless, Flying, Tough(3) 90pts

Battle Rites: This model and up to 3 friendly units
that are within 12” at the beginning of the round
get +1 to hit when shooting. This effect lasts until
the end of the round.
Heavy Shield: When units where all models have
this rule take hits, those hits count as having
AP(-1), to a min. of AP(0).
Medical Training: This model and up to 3 friendly
units that are within 12” at the beginning of the
round get Regeneration. This effect lasts until the
end of the round.
Precision Shots: This model and up to 3 friendly
units that are within 12” at the beginning of the
round get AP(+1) when shooting. This effect lasts
until the end of the round.
Repair: Once per this model's activation, if within
2” of a model with Tough, roll one die. On a 2+ you
may remove D3 wounds from that model.
Veteran Infantry: Gets +1 to hit in melee and
War Chant: This model and up to 3 friendly units
that are within 12” at the beginning of the round
get Furious. If they already had Furious, they get
extra hits from Furious on unmodified rolls of 5-6
instead. This effect lasts until the end of the round.


Blurred Sight (1): Target 2 enemy units within 18"
get -1 to hit rolls next time they shoot.
Psychic Terror (1): Target enemy unit within 6"
takes 1 hit with AP(2).
Cerebral Trauma (2): Target enemy model within 9"
takes 1 hit with AP(4).
Cursed Ground (2): Target 4 enemy units within 18"
get -2" next time they Advance, or -4" next time
they Charge/Rush.
Lightning Fog (3): Target 2 enemy units within 12"
take 2 hits each.
Time Passage (3): Target 4 friendly units within 18"
get AP(+2) next time they charge.


Prime Master [1] - 75 pts Raider [1] - 25 pts Desolator [1] - 40 pts
Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Quality 4+ Defense 3+ Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)) Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)) HE-Launcher (30", A2)
CCW (A2) CCW (A2) CCW (A1)
Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) Fearless, Furious, Strider Fearless
Replace Master Heavy Pistol: Upgrade with: Upgrade with:
-5pts Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) +15pts Medical Training +15pts Medical Training
+10pts Master Gravity Pistol (9", A4, Rending) Replace Heavy Pistol and CCW: Replace any HE-Launcher:
+10pts Master Auto-Rifle (18", A3) +5pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), +5pts AT-Launcher (30", A1, AP(2), Lock-On)
+10pts Master Plasma Pistol (12", A2, AP(4)) Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) Replace HE-Launcher:
+15pts Master Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) +5pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), +20pts Vengeance HE-Launcher
+15pts Master Precision Rifle (24", A2, Reliable) Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) (30", A1, Blast(3), Indirect)
+15pts Master Marksman Carbine +10pts Heavy Chainsaw Sword (A4, AP(1)) +30pts Vengeance AT-Launcher
(18", A2, Reliable, Rending) +10pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), (30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Replace CCW: Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) Upgrade with:
+5pts Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) +10pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), +5pts Mini-GL (18", A1, Indirect, Limited)
+10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
+15pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) Upgrade with: Infernal [1] - 40 pts
+15pts Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +5pts Orbital Drop (Ambush) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Upgrade with one: Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+10pts Combat Shield (Heavy Shield) Prime Brother [1] - 30 pts CCW (A1)
+15pts Jetpack (Ambush, Flying) Quality 3+ Defense 2+ Fearless, Relentless
+95pts Combat Bike (Fast, Tough(+3), Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1))
Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1))) CCW (A1) Eliminator [1] - 45 pts
Upgrade with: Fearless Quality 3+ Defense 3+
+15pts Veteran Infantry Upgrade with: Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Reliable)
Upgrade with one: +15pts Medical Training CCW (A1)
+5pts Judge (War Chant) Replace any Heavy Rifle: Fearless, Scout, Stealth
+20pts Archivist (Caster(2)) +5pts Auto-Rifle (18", A2) Replace any Sniper Rifle:
+25pts Captain (Battle Rites) +5pts Precision Rifle (24", A1, Reliable) +55pts Laser Sniper Rifle
+30pts Ancient Banner (Fear(+3)) Replace Heavy Rifle: (30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Reliable)
+30pts Lieutenant (Precision Shots) +5pts Flamer (12", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
+30pts Master Archivist (Caster(3)) +10pts Gravity Rifle (18", A2, Rending) Eradicator [1] - 85 pts
+35pts Engineer (Repair) +10pts Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4)) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
+15pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Elite Raider [1] - 60 pts +15pts Heavy Mod-Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A1)
Quality 4+ Defense 3+ Grenade-Mod (12", A1, Blast(3)) Fearless, Tough(3)
Master Heavy Pistol (12", A2, AP(1)) +35pts Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1)) Replace any Fusion Rifle:
CCW (A2) Upgrade with any: +15pts Heavy Fusion Rifle
Fearless, Furious, Hero, Strider, Tough(3) +10pts Veteran Infantry (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
Replace Master Heavy Pistol: Replace Heavy Rifle and CCW:
free Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable) free Sgt. Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),
+5pts Master Gravity Pistol (9", A4, Rending) Sgt. Hand Weapon (A2)
+5pts Master Auto-Rifle (18", A3) Replace Sgt. Heavy Pistol:
+5pts Master Plasma Pistol (12", A2, AP(4)) +5pts Gravity Pistol (9", A2, Rending)
+10pts Master Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) +5pts Plasma Pistol (12", A1, AP(4))
+20pts Master Precision Rifle (24", A2, Reliable) Replace Sgt. Hand Weapon:
+20pts Master Marksman Carbine +10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
(18", A2, Reliable, Rending) +15pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4))
Replace CCW:
+5pts Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) Assault Prime Brother [1] - 35 pts
+5pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) Quality 3+ Defense 2+
+10pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1))
+10pts Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) Heavy CCW (A2, AP(1))
Upgrade with one: Fearless
+5pts Judge (War Chant) Upgrade with:
+20pts Archivist (Caster(2)) +15pts Medical Training
+25pts Captain (Battle Rites) Upgrade with any:
+30pts Ancient Banner (Fear(+3)) +5pts Jetpacks (Ambush, Flying)
+30pts Lieutenant (Precision Shots) +10pts Veteran Infantry
+30pts Master Archivist (Caster(3)) Replace Heavy Pistol:
+35pts Engineer (Repair) +5pts Flamer Pistol (6", A1, Blast(3), Reliable)
Upgrade with one: +5pts Plasma Pistol (12", A1, AP(4))
+5pts Infiltration Gear (Scout) Replace Heavy CCW:
+5pts Orbital Drop (Ambush) free Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3))
+5pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
Infiltrator [1] - 25 pts +10pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4))
Quality 4+ Defense 3+ +10pts Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Marksman Carbine (18", A1, Rending)
CCW (A1) Blaster Prime Brother [1] - 40 pts
Fearless, Scout, Strider Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Upgrade with: Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4))
+15pts Medical Training CCW (A1)
Upgrade all Marksman Carbines with: Fearless
+5pts Scopes (Reliable) Upgrade with:
+15pts Medical Training
Replace any Plasma Rifle:
+5pts Heavy Plasma Rifle (30", A1, AP(4))
+25pts Plasma Auto-Rifle (24", A2, AP(4))


Heavy Prime Brother [1] - 85 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Grave Auto-Rifle (18", A4)
CCW (A1)
Fearless, Tough(3)
Replace any Grave Auto-Rifle:
+5pts Grave Precision Rifle (24", A2, Reliable)
+15pts Grave Heavy Rifle (24", A3, AP(1))
Replace Grave Auto-Rifle:
+35pts Grave Heavy Machinegun (30", A4, AP(1))

Guardian [1] - 90 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1))
Relic Sword (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3))
Fearless, Heavy Shield, Tough(3)
Replace any Relic Sword:
+5pts Energy Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending)

Jetpack [1] - 90 pts

Quality 3+ Defense 2+
Twin Assault Blaster (12", A4)
CCW (A1)
Ambush, Fearless, Flying, Tough(3)
Replace Twin Assault Blaster:
+5pts Twin Plasma Blaster (12", A2, AP(4))

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