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Antiquity to the MiddleAges Volume!

She Western
Volume I
EUGENE RICE Columbia University

D. W. MEINIG Syracuse University


Volume! Antiquity to the Middle Ages


Art Essays by HW Janson


First Edition

Copyright © 1974 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part
of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, without permission in writing from the publisher. All inquiries
should be addressed to Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 201 East soth Street, New York, N. Y. 10022.
Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in
Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. Distributed by Random House,
Inc., New York.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

The Western experience.

Includes bibliographies.
CONTENTS: v. 1. Antiquity to the Middle Ages.—v. 2. The early modern period.—
v. 3. [he modern era.
1. Civilization
— History. 2. Civilization, Occidental
— History. I. Chambers, Mortimer.
[CB59.W38 1974b] 901.9 73721755
ISBN 0-394-31733-5 (v.1)

Manufactured in the United States of America

Cover illustration: Black-figured Greek Vase, courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of

Art, Rogers Fund, 1917.
Past and Present ix
1 / The First Civilizations 3
1. Early Man 6
m. The First Civilizations in Mesopotamia 8
i. Egyptian Society 13
Iv. [he Hittites 23
v. Palestine "24
vi. The Near Eastern Empires 29

2 / The Foundations of Greek Civilization 37

I. Early Greece 40
I. The Greek Renaissance 45
i. The Polis 52
Iv. ‘The Challenge of Persia 63

3 / Classical and Hellenistic Greece 69

1. The Supremacy of Athens ae
i. The Peloponnesian War 78
i. ‘The Rise of Macedonia 85
Iv. The Hellenistic Age 88

4 / The Roman Republic 97

1. The Unification of Italy 100
. The Age of Imperialism 106
i. The Roman Revolution 116
Iv. The Founding of the Roman Empire 125

5 / The Empire and Christianity es

1. The Height of the Empire 136
i. The Transformation of the Empire stsgh
— i. Christianity 150
Iv. The Decline of the Ancient World 162

6 / The Making of Western Europe 169

1. The New Community of Peoples 172
m. The New Economy 180
i. The Leadership of the Church 185
Iv. The New Political Structures 190
v. Letters and Learning 200

7 / The Early Medieval East 207

1. The Byzantine Empire 20o
i. The Principality of Kiev 223
ut. Islam 229

8 , Two Centuries of Creativity 241

1. The Economic and Social Changes 244
u. Feudalism and the Search for Social Order 251
ut. The Reform of the Western Church 268
Iv. The Cultural Revival

9 / The Summer of the Middle Ages 285

I. Economic Expansion 288


I. The States of Europe 293

im. The Church 305
Iv. The Summer of Medieval Culture 312

10 / The Crusades and Eastern Europe 321

1. The Crusades 324
i. Byzantium and the Ascendancy of the Ottoman
Empire 335
i. The Birth of Modern Russia 342

Il / The West in Transition: Economy and 353

1. Economic Depression and Recovery 356
I. Popular Unrest 367
ut. The Governments of Europe 370
Iv. The Papacy 382

12 / The West in Transition: The Renaissance 391

I. Society and Culture in Italy 394
u. The Culture of the North 403
I. Religious Thought and Piety 407
Iv. The Fine Arts 413
v. The Beginnings of the Scientific Revolution 419

Color Illustration Sources 424

Index follows page 424

Art &ssay
The Image of Man in Ancient and Medieval Art follows page 174
The Earliest Civilizations
Early Mesopotamia
Ancient Egypt 20
Four Ancient States 30
Early and Classical Greece 43
‘The Persian Wars 64
Greece 431 B.C. 79
Alexander’s Empire 3 36 — 323 B.C. 87
Italy 265 B.C. 105
The Roman Empire 197 — 44 B.C. 109
The Roman Empire A.D. 14 128
The Roman Empire A. D. 14-284 138
The Spread of Christianity UG:
The Barbarian Invasions 4th—6th Centuries Ws
Frankish Empire Under Charlemagne 192
Partition of the Frankish Empire 195
Barbarian Invasions 8th — 1oth Centuries 197
Anglo-Saxon England 199
Byzantine Empire Under Justinian 212
Principality of Kiev 225
Expansion of Islam 232
German Migration Eastward 246
Medieval Trade Routes 248
Medieval England, France, and Germany 261
Europe ca. 1250 298
‘The Crusades 326
Crusader Kingdoms 12th Century 328
The Ottoman Empire 1300-1566 338
Russia 1325-1533 346
The Black Death 358
The Hundred Years’ War 3nd)
Italy 1454 380
The Great Schism 1378-1417 385
Past and Presen
Human beings use their knowledge of the past in legitimately different
and sometimes contradictory ways. Iwo ways especially have satisfied
the needs of civilized peoples: the way of the artist and the way of the
The artist, like the scientist and the philosopher, raids his cultural
inheritance in order to make something new and personal. Untroubled
by anachronism, he repossesses and reshapes only those ideas and forms,
those patterns of belief and behavior that serve his own work, that nourish
his own sensibility, values, and obsessions. The past speaks to a Pablo
Picasso, an Igor Stravinsky, an Ezra Pound, a Bertrand Russell in the
present tense.
Historians on the other hand are past-minded. They want to preserve
in archives and libraries as complete a record of the past as possible and to
transmit the sum of historical sources and knowledge intact to their
successors. Sensitive to context and nuance, their professional concern is
to avoid anachronism, that is, to understand the past as it really was,
objectively, in its own terms rather than in present-day terms. They try
not to manipulate or distort it but to make it live again in its uniqueness.
The relation of past to present is paradoxical because humans are both
myth makers and truth seekers. As individuals we must be free to use the
past as we wish — to plunder it unhistorically, to misunderstand it
creatively. (We are not free to try to destroy men’s memory of the past or
any part of it, a barbarian attempt with several twentieth-century
precedents.) This liberty is our guarantee of innovation, our assurance
that the past will continue to be used in the interests of the future. As
historians, however, our obligation and responsibility are different. We
have the duty to correct misconceptions about the past, even fruitful ones,
and to expose the myths created by misunderstanding or malice.
The reason for this is not simply that truth is superior to falsehood or
niggling accuracy to high-minded nonsense (although this is the best

reason); it is also that those who create are crippled unless those who
conserve are past-minded, responsible, and accurate. We create each
present day on the experience of our past, and the authenticity of what we
think and do depends on the justness with which our memories reproduce
the reality of that experience. In the same way the authenticity of our
collective lives and the quality of our culture rest on the extent and
truthfulness of our memory of history. If our historical memory is
defective, it serves the present badly and impoverishes the future.
Sound historical knowledge is useful to us because it makes past
experience accessible for our instruction and delight, because it guards
us from temporal provincialism and ethnocentrism, and because it helps
us understand ourselves better.
Our collective memory is a museum of the mind. Museums preserve
the material artifacts of past generations; histories are records of
alternatives. Human beings have located the highest good by turns in
wisdom, virtue, pleasure, utility, and power, to give a far from exhaustive
list. They have worshiped one god, two gods, three gods, many gods, and
they have invented a bewildering variety of magical, metaphysical,
religious, and scientific hypotheses to explain the human condition and the
end and purpose of human life. They have considered desirable or
necessary alternative kinds of rule—by one, by the wellborn few, by the
rich, by priests, by a majority of all; alternative modes of production —
craft, capitalist, and socialist; alternative patterns of social stratification —
by birth or occupation, education or income; alternative systems of
dominance and subjection —slavery, serfdom, or the free exchange of labor
for wages. As skeptics of every age have pointed out, nothing is so
characteristic of human life as its diversity.
So great is the diversity of mankind and so heterogeneous the possible
lessons of the past that we cannot plausibly expect historical precedent to
solve our personal or public difficulties in any direct or simple way. If we
could the conduct of our affairs would have improved long ago. On the
other hand it is precisely the wealth of alternatives preserved in our
memory of things said and done that enables us to experiment and
suggests the possibility and directions of change. Where there are no
alternatives, there can be no choice.
The study of history is a liberating discipline because it offers us,
choosing in the present, an ever broadening spectrum of alternatives. This
is important. Most people — the exceptions are geniuses, rare in any age —
find only what they have been sensitized to see. Transmitting knowledge
of past problems and solutions performs the absolutely critical function
Past and Present

of alerting each successive generation to a maximum number of

possibilities. A clean slate is a wholly unsatisfactory foundation for a
better world, and those who wish to free themselves from the past enslave
themselves to the present.
The heresies of present-mindedness are temporal provincialism and
ethnocentrism. ‘Temporal provincialism is a vulgar conviction that current
ways of doing things are normative. It confers a timeless validity on
transient contemporary taste. Unlike the present-mindedness of artists,
philosophers, and scientists, which manipulates knowledge of the past in
the interest of innovation, it is blinkered by ignorance. Ethnocentrism 1s
a cultural bias, the notion (in our own case) that Western civilization is the
proper yardstick for judging all others. Knowledge of other cultures and
of our own remoter past points up the relativity of the present, induces a
healthy skepticism about current arrangements and achievements, and
exposes the status quo to continuous critical reappraisal.
Socializing the young, defining the roles of men and women, and
preparing for death are permanent human problems. It is narrowing to
imagine that our ways of meeting them are the only ones or the best.
Knowledge of other ways allows us to reexamine our own with something
of the dispassion of foreigners. The hero of one of Voltaire’s novels is a
Huron Indian traveling in eighteenth-century France. His innocent
astonishment at the peculiar customs of the French forced Voltaire’s
readers to look at themselves with heightened awareness. Not the least
benefit of historical study is to make Voltairian Hurons of us all.
History is useful to us in short because it helps us understand ourselves
better. By comparing our present behavior and institutions with those of
earlier ages and other peoples, we learn more of their real character.
Listening to Indian music sharpens our ear to what is distinctive in
Western music. A study of feudalism, a system of government in which
the exercise of public powers like taxation and the administration of
justice rests on the ownership of private property, clarifies the very
different nature of the modern sovereign state. Only a comparative
investigation of how painters in various periods and cultures have met the
problems of representing a three-dimensional world on a two-dimensional
surface will turn up the fact that true geometrical perspective is to be
found only in Western art between its discovery in Florence in the early
fifteenth-century and its abandonment in the first decade of our own. Such
a study will show that Western perspective was not the end of a long
historical progression, a perfection toward which painters in other times
and places worked with greater or lesser success, but rather a stylistic

peculiarity of a particular culture during a well-defined period of its
history —and an alternative open to twentieth-century artists but
deliberately rejected by most of them. The same comparative method, by
isolating causal variables absent in the ancient Mediterranean world and
East Asia but present in late medieval and early modern Europe, offers
the best hope of explaining why perspective was unique to Western
civilization for roughly five hundred years.
Constantly changing criteria of relevance determine what past
problems and “patterns of other parts,” as Francis Bacon called knowledge
of other cultures, successive generations will select to illuminate their own.
Historians share with everyone else the intellectual structures of their
time and place. However free they may be of temporal provincialism,
however discriminatingly past-minded, they ask questions suggested by
the preoccupations of their own day. This means not that every man is
his own historian but rather that every new question gets a new answer.
Historical writing is in constant flux because historians ask their sources
questions newly shaped by changing social and cultural needs.
The authors of this new history of Western civilization have in their
turn asked questions of the past shaped by their and our present needs and
interests. Without abandoning a chronological frame and indispensable
political narrative, they emphasize analysis and give special attention to
long-term developments in social and institutional history, culture,
economics, and science and technology. Their book is scrupulously up to
date in that it reflects the best recent scholarship in its general lines as in
its details. It is also up to date in that it introduces the perspectives and
emphases characteristic of the most interesting currents of contemporary
historical thought. Professors Chambers, Herlihy, Rabb, Woloch, and
Grew are alert to the achievements of the social sciences and make
sophisticated use of the techniques and hypotheses of statisticians,
demographers, sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologists. Their use
of evidence is catholic. They have gathered material from whatever
sources help them measure the pulse of human life: from pots, coins,
paintings, fiscal records, plays and novels, diplomatic correspondence and
private letters, account books, publishers’ lists, political and theological
tracts, government reports. They are equally mindful of the culture of the
people and the culture of the elite. They put more confidence in
quantitative data than in impressions based on a scattering of literary
evidence. Their intellectual history is a social history of ideas. They are
as interested in the family as in the state, in patronage as in diplomacy, in
plague and famine as in political theory. Their book thus satisfies the

Past and Present

curiosities of the present while respecting the distinctiveness of the past.

It isa balanced and perceptive introduction to our contemporary
It is sensitive as well to the place of the West in world history. The
authors have concentrated on the Western experience first because it is
our own and second because the world has begun to live a common life
only in the twentieth century. Previously, despite cultural borrowings and
a multiplication of commercial and political contacts, the great civilizations
developed independently. It is therefore impossible to write a unified
world history for any period much before our own. It is possible and
desirable to study both Western and non-Western history comparatively.
To make this easier and to introduce students to non-Western
civilizations as early in their careers as possible, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.,
is publishing a series of paperbacks specifically designed to accompany
The Western Experience. These essays, on the history of China, Japan, India,
Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America, can give world-historical
dimension to the study of Western civilization. Peter Duus’ Feudalism in
Japan for example describes a brilliant and martial society of East Asia —a '
good in itself —and at the same time opens a new and fascinating
perspective on European feudalism. Read in conjunction with Professor
Herlihy’s chapter on feudal Europe — itself written in a way to encourage
comparative analysis — it stimulates insights into one of the most difficult
concepts in historical canon and one of the most important political
relationships in world history. Frederick Mote’s essay on the fundamental
assumptions of early Chinese thought and Ainslie Embree’s on Indian
nationalism, a study of the modification of a European idea in a
non-European setting, generate enlightening comparisons as well. Other
essays in the series are devoted to classical Islam, the Ottoman Empire,
the industrial revolution in Japan, the modernization of China, European
imperialism in Africa, and Latin America’s wars of national liberation
from Spain.
The visual material in Te Western Experience is exceptionally
distinguished and closely integrated with the text. H. W. Janson has
contributed penetrating essays on the history of art, taking as his theme
man’s changing image of himself and his society. D. W. Meinig has
planned the newly drawn and readable maps.
History books and especially history textbooks should occasion
dialogue between reader and writer. Students tend to be present-minded
(they have this in common with creators). They can learn from historians
how to avoid anachronism and why it is important to remember what was

said and done in the past. Historians, because they are past-minded,
tend to be conservative. Their students will stimulate them to ask new
questions of the sources. The result will be a further step in the continuous
adjustment of present needs to past experience.

she Western
Volume I
the Wrst
-— Civilizations
Civilization became possible only about 10,000 years ago, when man
first began to live in settled agricultural communities. It was one of the
most decisive events in human history. These early farming villages
appeared in the hills of the ancient Near East, but the first civilizations
arose later, about 5,000 years ago, along the banks of several great
rivers—the Tigris, the Euphrates, the Nile, and the Indus. The rich
land irrigated by these rivers could support a much larger population
than the highlands, and urban societies developed, the crucial element
for the existence of civilization. Agriculture was the main activity, but
it did not require the effort of the total population to guarantee a stable
food supply. There was opportunity for a diversity of occupations, for
specialization and experiments in architecture, law, government, and
thought. The resulting social life, far more complex than that of the
farming village, is civilization.
The larger concentrations of people also led to more ambitious military’
activities of conquest and domination. Such expansion demanded that
these early societies develop more complex forms of government and
social control, and within a few thousand years, powerful kingdoms and
empires arose in the Near East. In some states, such as Egypt and
Babyloma, kings were strong enough to establish dynasties. Assyria, the
first imperial state, governed its wide territories through a system of
lieutenants. The Assyrians in turn were followed by the Chaldeans or
Neo-Babylonians. But by far the most successful state was the Persian
Empire, which finally unified the entire Near East under one supreme
king. Meanwhile, another society, which also indulged in conquest,
emerged with a different kind of influence: Israel contributed a new
view of God—an intellectual experiment at least as daring as those in
of Pennsylvania
University technology and government.
1. Early Man vanced than controlling fire and’shaping stone
The earth may be about 4 to 6 billion years We know little about the internal or-
old. For more than half that time it was en- ganization of these early societies, but their
tirely free of life. Then for millions of years most notable creative achievement was the art
only lower forms of life existed — vegetation, of cave painting. These paintings, nor-
insects, and fish. Much later, about 20 million mally of wild animals, were evidently an at-
years ago, the first manlike creatures ap- tempt to gain power over man’s quarry. They
peared. The process of man’s evolution was are interpretations of reality, primitive con-
long and slow; the human species did not as- flicts transformed by art; they represent an
sume its present form until about 30,000 early attempt by man to gain intellectual con-
years ago. For most of his time on earth man trol of his environment.
has had to struggle for some kind of control
over his environment— to find adequate food,
to escape bad weather and predatory animals. Man the Food Producer
The simplest but most threatening aspect of
this struggle has been—and for millions of No more important event has taken place in
people still is—the effort to obtain enough all human history than man’s transition from
food. By far the longest period of man’s life hunting and gathering to producing food
has been the phase of hunting and gathering; from the soil. Yet this-- change, the
only fairly recently did he become a food development of agriculture, does not mean
producer. Once that point was reached, the that a higher type of man had evolved.
development of rich, complex civilizations be- Hunting wild animals may well demand
came possible. more skill, cunning, and knowledge of terrain
than does the farming of grain. Farming did,
however, introduce a different kind of
Man the Food Gatherer behavior. For one thing, man’s attitude
toward time underwent a deep change. In
Changes in the climate and environment hunting and gathering economies decisions
played a large part in man’s early develop- are short term and quick, based on the
ment. Periods of severe cold caused glaciers movements of animals, but when men settle
to dominate much of Europe and Asia. This down to permanent sites where they will
led to changes in the distribution of men and farm crops and domesticate animals, they
animals, both of whom were driven south- inevitably have to think in long terms and
ward by the cold and then, in interglacial plan for the future. For his own security early
periods, migrated north again. So long as man had to form villages, many of which
men were hunters and gatherers, they roamed were surrounded by a ditch or stockade as
in small bands, following the movements of protection against wild beasts or human foes.
the animals. They lived in shelters or in This required cooperative effort and in turn
caves, and they had no technology more ad- sharply accelerated the development of

The First Civilizations

society. Finally, it is much easier to assure a wheeled carts and to sail with rafts. Crafts-
food surplus by farming than by hunting, and men learned to shape pots on the surface of a
this surplus supports a larger population and turning wheel, which allowed them to make
permits some individuals to specialize in in minutes what had previously taken days.
other pursuits, such as pottery, weaving, Men could use these vessels to exchange grain
metal working, or trade. and other commodities and thus expand their
Scientists are still trying to establish dates trading activities.
for the slow but revolutionary change from ‘The main achievement of men in these ear-
hunting to farming. They believe that ly food-producing villages was the creation of
agriculture was first practiced in the hills of
what is now southern Turkey and northern
This painting of a horse (ca. 15,000 B.C.),
Iraq when the last glaciers retreated, about
taken from a cave at Lascaux in southwestern
10,000 B.C. (see Map 1.1). In these hills men France, displays the remarkable naturalistic style
learned to grow wheat and barley, perhaps typical of primitive cave art. Most of these
from the chance observation that discarded paintings are located deep within caves, where
food grains caused new shoots to grow in the prehistoric man did not live; some were painted
ground. They must also have devised a way directly over earlier pictures. These facts support
to keep wild goats, sheep, and pigs from the theory that cave paintings were not ‘
eating their crops by fencing them in and necessarily admired as works of art but were
ultimately thus domesticating them. revered as talismans aiding the hunter in his
quest. [Photo: Douglas Mazonowicz for Thames
The oldest known villages are Jericho and
and Hudson Ltd.]
Jarmo, which date from soon after 8000. The
largest, early food-producing village now
known is Catal Huytk (sha-tal hoo-yook) in
Turkey, which covers thirty-two acres and
contains twelve successive levels of building
ranging in date from about 6500 to about
5650. Catal Htiyuk is the oldest community
known to have constructed specifically reli-
gious buildings, and it presents an unusually
clear record of some early religious practices.
The deities of primitive man were gods re-
sponsible for fertility and breeding; chief
among them was a goddess of fertility por-
trayed in short, fat statuettes.
The social interaction in food-producing
villages contributed to technological advances
and new economic practices. The art of weav-
ing was first practiced in Anatolia about 6000.
Also around this time men began to use



: avorable Zones for Earliest Agriculture

= Alluvial Plains of Later Agriculture

. Some Early Agricultural Sites

0 200 400 600

social patterns by which they could live to- u. Che First Civilizations
gether and develop a richer, more stable life.
Farming freed them from the constant pres-
in Mesopotamia
sure to hunt and gave them the opportunity
to domesticate animals, which eased man’s The development of civilization is marked by
burdens and multiplied the effects of his la- the emergence of cities. There was no dra-
bor. The Near Eastern villagers also began to “matic moment in history when civilizations
formalize relationships with their gods, a pur- suddenly began to exist. The transition from
suit that has occupied all other societies down the earliest farming villages in Asia Minor
to the present day. and northern Mesopotamia to the first urban

The First Civilizations

civilizations along the great river valleys took Sumer

about 5,000 years, and why this development
occurred is not entirely clear. Mesopotamia is a rich alluvial plain created
by deposits from the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers. The first cities appeared in the
Early Urban Societies territory known as Sumer, at the southern
end of this long valley (See Map 1.2). The
As people concentrate in cities, social controls early settlers apparently came from the
are needed that lead to a more complex neighboring highlands, attracted by the rich
political organization. Labor becomes soil and plentiful game. To take advantage of
increasingly more specialized. With its the fertile land they had to construct a
superiority in manpower, the city can complex system of canals for irrigation.
dominate the hinterland, forcing its captives Canals were also vital for channeling and
into slavery. Though morally repugnant controlling the periodic floods.
today, slavery can add economic strength to a By about 3000 Sumer contained a dozen
state by freeing manpower for other uses or more city-states, each independent of
such as soldiering and farming. the others, worshiping their own patron deity
The possibilities for collective action by and ruled by their own king, or /ugal. Jealousy
citizens leads to more sophisticated trading between the city-states led to almost constant
techniques, which in turn inspires the fighting for power and land, but no single
development of some kind of mathematics. community was able to permanently domi-
Once a society has gained high mathematical nate the others. Ur was the largest of these
skills, its more learned men may find other cities, covering about 150 acres and with a
uses for them, for example, new methods of population of about 25,000 people— perhaps
surveying fields or charting the movements of 200,000 if we add those living in the suburbs
the stars (a subject often closely associated and hinterland. The citizens of each city
with religion). Another result of communal were divided into three classes— nobles and
living is progress in the art of medicine, for as priests, commoners, and slaves—the first
people live in closer contact there is greater evidence of any such division of citizens into
opportunity for observation and practice of a political order. The king was not considered
new techniques. In addition they are more divine; he held power only so long as he
susceptible to, and must be protected from, could command support from the more im-
contagion. portant priests and noble families.
Relationships among citizens are often A Sumerian city was usually centered
expressed in detailed law codes, which tell the around a high building known as a ziggurat—
historian how rulers. controlled their a terraced tower built of baked brick and
populations and, even more important, reveal culminating in a temple for a god, probably
much about life styles in early civilized the patron deity of the city. A ziggurat might
societies. be a stupendous structure: the wall surround-

ing one ziggurat was some thirty-six feet
thick. This type of building is only one of
many traces of Sumerian civilization in the
Old Testament, for it seems certain that the
story of the Tower of Babel was ultimately
modeled on the memory of a ziggurat.
The Sumerians’ most significant contribu-
wA'S SYR TA tion was in the area of writing. The most im-
portant intellectual tool ever discovered,
writing enables man to keep records, codify
laws, and transmit knowledge. Through it
man can build civilization in confidence that
e Jarmo its achievements will not be lost. He can, in
short, think and act historically.
Although some earlier attempts at writing
occurred elsewhere, the Sumerians developed
it in an efficient form. Their writing was
originally pictographic; each sign was a
simplified picture of the article that the scribe
had in mind. In time scribes reduced the
complexity of the system by simplifying a
picture and combining several pictures into
one. In this process of abstraction the
meaning of a given sign might be changed.
For example, a crude picture of a star was
simplified into four wedge-shaped marks and
given the meaning “god” or “heaven.”! This is
the kind of symbolic transformation that
occurs in the evolution of any script.
Sumerian texts were written on clay tablets
by pressing the end of a reed or bone stylus
into the wet clay; modern scholars call the
resulting wedge-shaped marks “cuneiform”
GULF (Latin cuneus, “wedge”), a name used for all
varieties of this kind of script.
Among these clay tablets found in Sumer
is the first record that historians have of a
Dems Onmiticiilet

'The method of Sumerian writing is described by S. N.

Kramer, The Sumerians, pp. 302 ff.
The First Civilizations

developed mythology. They enable us to con- tral place of man. For example, in both Su-
sider man’s first attempts to speculate about merian and biblical accounts man is fash-
causes, to explain divine action, and perhaps ioned of clay and then given the breath of life.
even to control the supernatural by consider- Sumerian myths explained that man was cre-
ing the purposes and desires of the gods. ated because the gods required slaves to re-
The Sumerians believed that their gods lieve themselves of certain burdens; but the
favored ethical behavior and that they had Bible shows a more humane kind of relation-
established the standards by which man must ship between God and man. Thus although
live. One of their main deities, Enlil, was pri- the authors of the Bible borrowed from tradi-
marily a storm god who lived in heaven. tional Near Eastern themes, they transformed
Normally kind and fatherly, Enlil made the them within the system of Hebraic monothe-
rich soil of Mesopotamia fertile, and he was ism. Both these ancient sources demonstrate
even credited with designing the plow. At how man’s thought has focused on certain
times, however, when Enlil had to carry out symbols and parables in his search to inter-
harsh decrees of the other gods, he became pret his place on earth and his relationship to
terrifying. This alternation reflects the uncer- the gods.
tainty bred by the threat of floods that always
hovered over Sumer. When the rivers over-
flowed and destroyed the crops, the gods had The Babylonian Kingdom
suddenly ceased to be favorable. Sumerians
rationalized this by assuming that they had Wars among the cities weakened Sumer and
somehow offended the gods’ strict codes. prepared the way for its conquest about 2340
Some Sumerian myths passed into the tra- by the Akkadians, a Semitic people from the
ditions of other peoples. For example, one tale north. Although the Sumerians regained
about the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh antici- control some two centuries later, invasions by
pates a scene in Homer’s Odyssey, Book 11. In other peoples weakened their leadership and
each case the hero stands at the entrance to brought about a slow revolution in the
the underworld and talks with the spirit of a political structure of Mesopotamia. Finally, a
departed comrade. Neither the Sumerian nor supreme power emerged—the kingdom of
the Greek poem attempts to make the world Babylonia, centered on the city of Babylon,
of the dead attractive; the concept of fulfill- north of Sumer. The Babylonians were
ment after death was foreign to both cultures. Semites, and their language, Akkadian,
Other Sumerian myths foreshadow the became the official language of the kingdom.
biblical accounts of Creation, of eating from Sumerian, a non-Semitic language, passed out
the tree of knowledge in the garden of Para- of use.”
dise, and of the Flood. It is important, how- The leading ruler of Babylonia was Ham-
ever, to recognize the differences between
Sumerian myths and their parallels in the
*The Babylonian and Assyrian dialects are closely re-
Bible. The Hebrew scriptures place more lated. The term “Akkadian” is now used to refer to Assy-
emphasis on divine initiative and on the cen- rio-Babylonian; Akkadian was a Semitic language.

murabi (1792?_1750?). His most famous lega- thousand years before Pythagoras stated it.
cy is a cuneiform inscription, now in the Moreover, they developed complex systems
Louvre in Paris, recording a long series of le- of astronomy and astrology. Many tablets
gal judgments published under his name. The contain observations of heavenly omens, and
Code of Hammurabi regulated nearly every one tablet notes Venus as the planet that dis-
aspect of Babylonian private life and shows appears and reappears behind the sun.
how strongly centralized within the kingdom The Babylonians’ approach to medicine
was the authority of Babylon and its ruler. It was essentially superstitious. They believed
laid stress on retribution and fair dealing, but that disease was caused by the intrusion of
at the same time revealed a highly stratified evil spirits; this might happen because the
society: “If a man has destroyed the eye of an patient had acted immorally or because some-
aristocrat, they shall destroy his eye... . If one had bewitched him. The cure was a com-
he has destroyed the eye of a commoner or bination of chants and supplications that
broken the bone of a commoner, he shall pay would supposedly drive out the spirit. Be-
one mina of silver.” Although Hammurabi cause they feared that evil spirits might pass
used to be called the first lawgiver, discov- from one person to another, no one was per-
eries in Sumer have shown that there were mitted to touch another who was ill. Even
several earlier collections of legal decrees. though the Babylonians had no conception of
Hammurabi’s subjects recognized the germs as a cause of disease, this unscientific
importance of commercial records, and their theory is the ancestor of modern practices of
knowledge of mathematics was remarkably isolating the sick.
advanced. Yet this achievement rested on Babylonian physicians were trained in reli-
foundations laid by the Sumerians, who had gion and ranked among the most highly
already discovered many rules of mathemat- educated class. The Code of Hammurabi
ics. Among the mathematical tools the Baby- prescribed severe penalties for unsuccessful
lonians used were multiplication tables, lists surgery; if a patient died after surgery the
of squares and cubes, exponents, and tables physician’s hands were to be cut off. Al-
for computing interest. They also devised though it seems impossible that such regula-
methods of solving quadratic equations and tions were actually enforced, they must
produced textbooks with practical problems represent an early attempt to protect society
for use in schools. against malpractice by men whose services
Babylonian mathematics used positional were essential to mankind.
notation with the number 60 as the base (in
our conventional mathematics ro is the base).
Many features of this sexagesimal system The First Indo- Europeans
(sexaginta, Latin for 60) have endured until
today: the circle has 360 degrees, the hour has Babylonia was weakened and overthrown
60 minutes, and the year has 12 months. Bab- about 1600 by invaders who spoke an Indo-
ylonians also knew the Pythagorean theo- European dialect and were therefore
rem about the right triangle more than a linguistically separate from the Semites of

The First Civilizations

Babylonia and from the Sumerians. The Nile; these two branches join at Khartoum to
Indo-European people came from the area form the Nile River, which flows some 4,000
around the lower Volga River and the miles northward to the delta, where at last it
southern Urals. Between 5000 and 4000 they empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Rainfall
began a slow dispersion across Europe and is less than two inches a year in the delta and
parts of Asia. Some of them ultimately is altogether unknown in much of Egypt.
migrated southward through Afghanistan Most of the land is therefore uninhabitable.
into the Indian subcontinent. These geographic facts determined much of
Another group of Indo-European’ peoples the character of Egypt. The people living
moved westward into Italy, Greece, central along the Nile could be controlled with
Europe, and Asia Minor. Those who entered comparative ease by a central government,
Asia Minor shattered the kingdom of and the inhospitable desert that locks the
Babylonia and established new kingdoms in river within its valley protected Egypt from
its place. Among this group of peoples the invasion.
Hittites are especially prominent; but before One miracle stood between the Egyptians
we consider the Hittites we must turn to and starvation. The Nile swells each summer
another spectacular river civilization. as the snow melts on the mountains; it
overflows its banks, reviving the land with
fresh water and depositing a thick layer of
alluvial soil for cultivation. The Egyptians
mm. Egyptian Society would then plant their grain and often reap
two harvests before winter. This yearly flood
gave them a natural beginning for their year,
No other ancient people can match the and their 365-day calendar is the direct
Egyptians for the longevity of their civiliza- forerunner of the calendar now used
tion, and one is tempted to think that nothing throughout the Western world. In case the
ever changed along the Nile. This is far from Nile failed to rise to its usual height, they
true. There were wars of conquest, periods of developed an elaborate storage system for
disruption, and religious battles. In variety grain. Normally, Egypt could support more
of experience and creative scope Egypt has than its own population; Greeks, Romans,
in fact a strong claim to being the richest of and others drew large portions of their food
all Near Eastern civilizations. supply from the wheat grown in Egypt.

The Role of the Nile The List of Kings

The basic element in Egyptian history and The basic source for Egyptian history is a list
culture is the Nile River. It rises from the of the kings compiled by an Egyptian priest
lakes of central Africa as the White Nile and named Manetho, who wrote his history
from the mountains of Ethiopia as the Blue nearly 3,000 years after the reign of the first

kings. Manetho wrote in Greek for the edly a god as well. As such he stood above the
Macedonians who ruled Egypt about 280 priests and was considered the only direct
B.C. He divided the kings into thirty contact with the other gods. Under the king
dynasties (later chroniclers added a thirty- was a hierarchy of officials, ranging from gov-
first). Modern scholars accept these divisions ernors of provinces down through local may-
and have grouped the dynasties in this ors and tax collectors. Artisans, peasants, and
manner: slaves nourished the whole system.
The Old Kingdom reached its zenith in the
Fourth Dynasty. Wealth and prosperity
Archaic Period (Dynasties 1 — 2) 3100-2700
prevailed throughout the land. The rulers of
Old Kingdom (Dynasties 3-6) 2700-2200
this dynasty waged successful wars with
Intermediate Period (Dynasties 7-10) 2200-2050
Libya and the Sudan. Overseas trade with
Middle Kingdom (Dynasties 11 -12) 2050-1800
Byblos, on the coast of Palestine, produced
Intermediate Period (Dynasties 13-17) 1800-1570
cedar for houses, furniture, and sailing crafts,
New Kingdom (Dynasties 18 -20) 1570-1085
and copper mines were operated in the Sinai
Postempire (Dynasties 21-31) 1085- 332
peninsula. The appropriate symbols of this
period of greatness are the three immense
The first Egyptians appear to have used a pyramids built at Giza between 2600 and
Hamitic language that was probably native to 2500, staggering feats of engineering that still
Africa. A later group of Semitic immigrants dwarf any other monuments to individual
fused with the Hamites, but their precise men from any age. Building such a pyramid
background is unclear. Early Egypt was may well have been the chief activity of the
divided into two kingdoms, one in Upper king during his rule. These were built by
Egypt (the Nile valley) and one in Lower Khufu (called Cheops by the Greeks), Khafre,
Egypt (the delta). ‘This distinction may reflect and Menkure.
two different groups of people among the The priests, an important body within the
ancient Egyptians. ruling class, were a social force working to
modify the king’s supremacy. Yielding to the
demands of the priests of Re, a sun-god, kings
The Old Kingdom began to call themselves sons of Re, adding
his name as a suffix to their own: Khafre,
Menes (also known as Narmer), who lived Neuserre, and so on. Re was also worshiped
about 3000, unified Upper and Lower Egypt in temples that were sometimes larger than
and established a capital at Memphis. By the the pyramids of later kings.
time of the Old Kingdom, the land had been Beginning with the Fifth Dynasty (about
consolidated under the strong central power 2500) there are signs that the nobles were also
of the king, who enjoyed a supremacy that we forcing some decentralization of power.
can hardly imagine today. The king (he was Titles such as “governor” and “sealbearer”
not called “pharaoh” until the New King- were assumed by dozens of officials. This
dom) was the owner of all Egypt and suppos- could be due to increased administrative

The First Civilizations

The ceremonial palette of King Narmer is a

symbolic representation of the unification of
Upper and Lower Egypt. This side of the palette
shows the king, wearing the white crown of
Upper Egypt, smashing the head of an enemy. The
god Horus, in the form of a falcon, holds a rope
attached to a captive of Lower Egypt, a region
symbolized by six papyrus plants.

work, but it also shows that authority was

being placed in more hands.

Egyptian Culture

By the end of the Old Kingdom, the pattern

of Egyptian culture had emerged. The great
amount of documentation, both artistic and
literary, allows a good idea of life and thought
in this civilization.


The king and the gods closely associated with

him stood at the pinnacle of Egyptian
religion. Numerous other gods occupied
lesser positions in the pantheon. These others
appeared in a variety of forms, often as
animals, and were probably originally deities
of the villages up and down the Nile. Patron
deities presided over many aspects of
Egyptian civilization.

On this side of the palette King Narmer has

completed his conquest of Lower Egypt and
wears the red crown of that kingdom. He is
reviewing the bodies of decapitated victims. The
exotic beasts with necks intertwined may
symbolize the unity of the two Egypts. [Photo:
Hirmer Fotoarchiv Munchen]
Egypt was the first society to believe in a historians would even say a democratiza-
pleasant life after death. The general tion—of the hereafter. In other words, im-
conception of the hereafter had men mortality was becoming available to others
performing their usual tasks but doing them rather than being restricted to the supreme
in an even more successful manner. The king, being of Egypt, the king.
already a god, would become a greater god;
viziers, priests, and administrators would
hold more responsible positions. For every- Maat
one there would be such pleasures as boating
The Egyptians also recognized an abstract
and duck hunting.
ethical quality called maat, which Egyptolo-
Therefore, while death was not considered
gists translate roughly as “right order” or
a welcome event, the Egyptians lessened the
‘Just state of things.” It combines the con-
dread, and they made careful preparations for
cepts of order, justice, and truth. Maat existed
the physical needs of the afterlife. To
if everything was in the order that the gods
preserve their bodies after death the
ordained. The idea of maat shows a new way
Egyptians perfected the art of embalming; of reflecting on morality. Sumerian religion,
the resulting mummies have survived and can
for example, does not seem to have had any
be inspected, row on row, in our museums.
purely ethical ideas of right order. When a
Nevertheless, statues sat in the tombs of kings
society can give a name to the abstract idea
as receptacles for their spirits in case their
of true order, without having to attach it to a
bodies should be destroyed. It was probably
god, a new and more subtle kind of thinking
the ease with which bodies could be
is evident. Maat also had implications con-
preserved in the dry climate of Egypt that led
cerning the ruler and the ruled. Right order
to a ready belief in the notion of an afterlife.
would help to hold Egyptian society together.
The housing created for the dead led to the
Thus maat illustrates another frequent use of
most renowned monuments of Egypt, the
religion in many civilizations —as a carefully
pyramids. The earliest tombs were much
manipulated tool of politics as well as a
smaller than the massive pyramids already
method of expressing the feelings of a people
mentioned. They were low structures with
toward divine powers.
flat tops called mastabas, built of brick and
decorated with brick paneling; most scholars
see in this method of building an influence Art and Writing
from Mesopotamia, where brick rather than
stone was used. As the Egyptians learned the Much of the surviving art of Egypt comes
art of working with stone and building huge from the interior of tombs and is closely
pyramids, the kings allowed certain members associated with Egyptian religion, In general,
of their families and some favored courtiers to artists tried to represent scenes and pastimes
build smaller pyramids and mastabas along- familiar to the deceased: a king is shown
side their own great structures. This move- defeating his enemies or in the company of
ment probably represents a sharing—some his family; workers are shown building boats

The First Civilizations

or tending fields. On the whole, the art is comes our word “paper.” The reeds of the
optimistic and proves that Egyptians did plant were placed crosswise in layers, then
indeed face death with calm hearts. Both soaked, pressed, and dried to produce sheets
inside and outside the tombs there were and rolls. Because of the dry climate,
serene and imposing statues of the kings, thousands of papyri have survived in
often several identical ones located together, excellent condition; most of these come from
as if to emphasize by repetition the monu- the later period when the Romans
mental strength of the rulers. administered Egypt.
Egyptians developed a form of writing
known as hieroglyphics (“sacred carvings”).
The indispensable key to the Egyptian past Literature
was the Rosetta stone, discovered when
Napoleon occupied part of Egypt at the end The availability of papyrus and the creativity
of the eighteenth century. This stone, now in of the Egyptians led to many types of
the British Museum, contains a_ partly Egyptian literature. One major class is the
preserved hieroglyphic text along with literature of mythology and the afterlife—
translations in the cursive Egyptian script hymns to various deities, poems celebrating
that evolved from hieroglyphics and also in the king’s victory over death, and stories
Greek —a known language that offered a way about the gods. These reflect the Egyptians’
of penetrating the other two. The decisive certainty that the gods were on the whole
stage in decipherment came with the work of beneficent. Various texts, collectively known
J. F. Champollion in 1822. as the Book of the Dead, provide charms and
Like the cuneiform script of Mesopotamia, other methods of assuring a_ successful
hieroglyphics began as pictorial signs. It is transition to the other world.
likely that the Sumerians influenced the Another literary form is connected with
Egyptians in the early stages, around 3000. the social world of Egypt and especially with
The pictures that the Egyptians developed the supreme position of the king. This is the
were, however, mostly original. Hieroglyph- form known as “instructions,” or “instruc-
ics sometimes use merely a picture of the ob- tions in wisdom.” In these books a wise man
ject represented; for example, a small oval gives advice about how to get ahead in the
represents “mouth.” But at some point the world, usually by counseling discretion and
scribes decided to use the pictograms as pho- loyalty:
netic signs; thus ra continued to mean
“mouth” but was also used merely for the If you are a man of note sitting in the council of
your lord, fix your heart upon what is good. Be
sound r. Fully developed hieroglyphics are
silent —this is better than flowers. Speak only if
therefore a combination of pictograms and
you can unravel the difficulty. It is an artist that
phonetic signs. speaks in council, and to speak is harder than
The Egyptians learned to make writing any other work. . . . Bend your back to him
material from the papyrus plants that grow in that is over you, your superior in the king’s
abundance along the Nile. From papyrus administration. So will your house endure with

its substance, and your pay be duly awarded. right chant to appease the appropriate deity
To resist him that is set in authority is evil. One and then delivering it in the right tone of
lives so long as he is indulgent.* voice. Sometimes the sorcerer simply threat-
ened the demon by promising to invoke the
Such advice shows that there was a way open aid of the gods if it did not depart at once.
to those with talent and diplomatic skill Not all Egyptian medicine was restricted
within the limits of a nearly absolute to magical lore. One papyrus, a treatise on
monarchy. surgery, shows a more empirical approach to
We also have scraps of Egyptian love illness. It discusses some forty-eight medical
poetry: “It is pleasant to go to the pond in problems, classified by the various parts of
order to bathe in your presence, that I may let the body. Whenever possible the author gives
you see my beauty in my tunic of finest royal a diagnosis and suggests a treatment. A
linen, when it is wet... .” And there are verdict is often given in one of three forms—
meditations, songs, ghost stories, and fables of “An ailment that I will treat,” “An ailment
all kinds. In fact, not until the Greeks with which I will contend,’ or “An ailment
developed their supremely literate culture did not to be treated.” These probably mean that
the ancient world possess a literature with the the prognosis is favorable, uncertain, or
diversity and charm of Egyptian writings. unfavorable. This text is a witness to the birth
of a rigorous kind of inquiry that far
transcends haphazard folk medicine. The
Mathematics and Medicine maturing and broadening of knowledge that
no longer has to rely on magic is another
Egyptian applied science was highly devel- constant theme in history that first appears in
oped. The need for careful planting in the silt ancient civilizations.
deposits of the Nile forced the Egyptians to
master the art of surveying; an unusually rich
overflow might wipe out the boundaries be- The Middle Kingdom
tween plots of land, and when this happened
the land had to be remeasured. As to ordinary Political division and rivalry lie close beneath
reckoning, the Egyptians developed a rather the surface in any state. The Old Kingdom
elementary system of multiplication and di- was followed by an intermediate period of
vision. anarchy that ended in the victory of a faction
Medicine in Egypt, as in Mesopotamia, from the city of Thebes. This faction
depended largely on driving out demons from reunited Egypt and supplied kings during
the body. The Egyptians believed that a the Middle Kingdom. A sign of Theban
separate god ruled over each organ and limb, supremacy was the prominence of the god
and treatment consisted largely in finding the Amen, whose principal seat of worship was
Thebes. He was merged with Re as Amen-Re
3Adolf Erman, The Ancient Egyptians: A Sourcebook of Their and became the Egyptian national god. In
Writings, pp. 61 — 62 (language slightly modified). honor of Amen, rulers of the Middle

The First Civilizations

Kingdom began the construction of the Fertile Crescent that lasted from about 1750
stupendous temple at Karnak, the largest one to 1550. The Hyksos invasion was a shock to
ever erected to an ancient god. Rulers of the Egyptian civilization, but it was not without
Twelfth Dynasty also took Amen into their some positive effects. The Hyksos brought in
names: four of them were named Amenem- the horse-drawn chariot as a vehicle in war
het, an indication of the new respect paid to and established the use of bronze rather than
this god. copper for weapons. They also stimulated the
Rulers of the Middle Kingdom expanded Egyptians to regroup and counterattack. By
Egyptian influence toward Palestine and Asia about 1570 Egyptian warriors from Thebes
and also southward up the Nile (see Map 1.3). drove the Hyksos from the delta and back
Sources tell of one military expedition into into Asia Minor. The period following the
Palestine, but apparently the Egyptians did expulsion of the Hyksos is called the New
not seize and control any part of this region Kingdom or the time of the Egyptian Empire.
through direct military occupation. Their
influence was, rather, economic and cultural.
It was different with the territory southward The New Kingdom
up the Nile, where the Egyptians pushed
their frontier beyond the First Cataract and During the Eighteenth Dynasty the rulers
penetrated the area south of the Second from Thebes, now called “pharaohs,” es-
Cataract. tablished the power of the central govern-
ment over the nobles of the land and or-
ganized Egypt into a military state. They
The Invasion of the Hyksos enlarged their domain by encroaching on
Asia Minor, where they encountered another
The prosperity and success of the Middle large kingdom, that of the Hittites. The king-
Kingdom declined in the late Twelfth and doms of the Egyptians and the Hittites were
early Thirteenth Dynasties. The invasion by the most powerful known down to their time.
the so-called Hyksos, about 1720, ended the They were also the last great kingdoms of the
Middle Kingdom and led to the second Bronze Age, as historians call the period from
intermediate period. Archacologists are still about 2000 to 1100, when military supremacy
not certain who these invaders were, but they rested on weapons fashioned of bronze.
were probably a Semitic group from Syria Thutmose III (1490? -1436?) was Egypt’s
and Palestine. most dynamic military statesman. He made
The Hyksos dominated mainly the region seventeen expeditions into Asia Minor and
of the delta, but for a time they advanced established his reign as far as the Euphrates
southward up the Nile as far as Memphis. At River. His successors exploited these con-
about the time of their invasion, other tribes quests and grew rich on the tribute paid by
were overrunning Babylonia. We must subject peoples. Many captives, such as the
therefore assume that this invasion into Israelites, became slaves. This new economic
Egypt was part of a general disturbance in the force was one factor enabling the Egyptians

The First Civilizations

to expand their trade, build temples, and modern, however, and overlooks the real
work the mines in the Sinai peninsula. conditions of the worship of Aton. The royal
family alone worshiped the god; the Egyptian
Akhbnaton’s Religious Reform people were expected to worship the pharaoh
himself. Artistic scenes show priests and
After the conquests of Thutmose, a dramatic nobles in attitudes of reverence, but they are
conflict of religions took place in the New addressing their prayers to the pharaoh, not
Kingdom —a battle of gods that had its roots directly to Aton.
in a battle between the pharaoh and certain The pharaoh also changed artistic tradi-
priests and nobles. It was but one event tions during his reign. Most portraits of
during the centuries of the New Kingdom, Egyptian kings show them as handsome,
but its humanistic interest carries special massive creatures, but Akhnaton is depicted
fascination. Early in his reign King Amen- as a slender, aesthetic-looking man, with thin
hotep IV (1369?—1353?) began to oppose legs and a pot belly. This strain of realism
the traditional god of Thebes, Amen-Re, must be due to the taste of the pharaoh.
and sponsored the worship of the aton, the Akhnaton’s compulsion to foster his new
physical disk, or circle, of the sun. It seems religion was passionate, but in his zeal he ne-
certain that the pharaoh was trying to over- glected his kingdom. Princes were abandon-
come the influence of priests and bureau- ing their loyalty to him and seizing their inde-
crats in Thebes. To advertise this new faith pendence. First in Syria, then in Palestine,
among his people, the pharaoh changed his Egyptian control was shaken loose. The
own name to Akhnaton, which may be trans- Asiatic holdings fell away.
lated as “He who serves Aton.” He sent In the struggle between ideas, political au-
workers around Egypt to chisel off the name thority is often ineffective. The more conser-
of Amen-Re from monuments and moved his vative priests, and probably most Egyptians,
capital from Thebes to a completely new city continued to worship Amen-Re, and the reli-
called Akhetaton, “the horizon of Aton.” (The gious reform came to an end with the death of
village is called Tell el Amarna today.) Here Akhnaton. The next pharaoh changed his
he built a temple to Aton and lived almost name from Tutankhaton to Tutankhamen,
like a pope serving his god. He composed a thus indicating that Amen-Re, the older chief
soaring hymn in praise of Aton in which he deity, was again in favor. The royal court
hailed the god as the creator of the world— moved back to Thebes, and the Theban
another account of creation that stands beside priests of Amen-Re enjoyed their victory.
those of the Sumerians and the Israelites. The The city named for Aton, Akhetaton, became
pharaoh was supported in his policy by his a ghost city and was destroyed. Akhnaton’s
wife, the exquisite Nefertiti. name was savagely effaced from monuments
There is evidence that Akhnaton fought and king lists, and he was now known as “the
the worship of other gods, and some criminal of Akhetaton.” The young king Tut-
historians have gone so far as to call him the ankhamen, the heir of this quarrel, reigned
first monotheist. Such a conception is too for only seven years and was buried with

dazzling splendor. The discovery of his tomb level of the water. This is a task hardly less
intact in 1922 has remained one of the most tremendous than the original building in the
impressive finds in the history of Egyptology. thirteenth century before Christ.
The New Kingdom emerged from its
weakness in the Eighteenth Dynasty under
the Pharaoh Haremhab, who reestablished a A View of Egyptian Society
strong central government and destroyed the
final vestiges of the religious reform. The first The Nile imposed a natural unity on Egypt.
pharaohs of the Nineteenth Dynasty contin- Political control was easier there than in some
ued the rebuilding. Seti captured portions of other countries because the people had to
Syria and restored Egyptian power in Pales- cluster along the ribbon of the Nile. As a
tine. Ramses II, however, had difficulty in result, Egypt remained united for most of
maintaining Egyptian holdings. He fought a 3,000 years. The kings secured their power
great battle at Kadesh with the Hittites in through cooperation with ministers and
1286, but conflict continued for years until a advisers, especially with the class of priests.
peace treaty was signed between the two The routine work of government was carried
kingdoms about 1280. The temporary peace out by a complex staff of bureaucrats. The
that he achieved allowed him to spend time ultimate basis for the regime was the
and money on building projects in the usual peasants, whose lives changed little from one
colossal tradition. Ramses renamed the city of generation to another.
Tanis in the delta for himself; and, according Slavery existed in Egypt, but the difference
to tradition, he exacted forced labor from the between free man and slave was not vast since
Israelites in Egypt. At Karnak he completed both classes worked the fields, labored on the
an enormous hall of columns sacred to pyramids, and lived under the same condi-
Amen-Re, who had now fully regained his tions. Egypt was not seriously threatened by
old position. Even more impressive are the the enormous stresses that have troubled oth-
monuments that Ramses II built to himself. er slave-owning societies, in which mass re-
Before the temple at Luxor built by his pred- bellion is a permanent possibility.
ecessors, he constructed an entrance court, The Egyptians solved religious questions
guarded by six colossal statues of himself. But with an easy pragmatism and a fertile spirit
the supreme achievement of Ramses II as a of invention. They discovered gods every-
builder is the temple which he had carved out where —in the Nile, in the sun, in the pha-
of the rocky cliffs along the Nile at Abu Sim- raoh himself. When they felt the need for a
bel. The building of the Aswan Dam by the change in their deities, they made alterations
modern Egyptians would have drowned the without guilt or a sense of confusion. All
temple and its statues beneath the waters of Egyptians, even the common man, managed
an artificial lake; but an international group of to look on the next world with pleasure, an
engineers preserved Ramses’ desire to be outlook that contributed to the unique dur-
remembered for all time by cutting the outer ability of Egyptian civilization. Life, like the
monuments free and raising them above the Nile, flowed predictably, making severe de-

The First Civilizations

mands but bringing the material for prosper- state in the Near East. Its most renowned
ity and a well-earned reward. king was Suppiluliumas (about 1380-1340),
whose reign coincided with that of Akhnaton
in Egypt. The Hittite king took advantage of
the pharaoh’s preoccupation with religious
Iv. The Hittites reform to tear away from Egypt the region of
northern Syria. Under Ramses II Egypt’s
unsuccessful attempt to regain Syria result-
The earliest important society in Asia Minor
ed in the signing of a treaty of nonaggres-
was that of the Hittites, an Indo-European
sion between the two nations about 1280.
people who formed a major kingdom there.
This modern-sounding document indicates a
Hittite civilization, partly borrowed from
growth in the techniques of diplomacy among
older societies and partly original, was the
ancient states.4
first significant one in which Indo-European
One innovation of the Hittites was their
peoples blended their culture with that of the
system of government. In the civilizations of
Near East.
Mesopotamia and Egypt the kings held their
power through dynastic succession; in Egypt
Rise of the Hittite Kingdom they were considered divine. The Hittites,
however, elected their kings in an assembly
The Hittites had begun infiltrating Asia composed of members of the army, a pattern
Minor probably before 2000. By about 1650 that later became common in other states
they had established a unified kingdom in the such as Macedonia and Rome. The king also
area of northwestern Turkey and_ had acted as general, chief judge, and high priest;
brought some neighboring tribes under their in the latter role he served the many Hittite
rule. Thus they became the first powerful gods, most of whom were deities that the Hit-
society located outside the fertile river valleys tites had adopted when they entered Asia
that were the cradles of civilization. Minor. Their practice of adaptation also ex-
The capital of the Hittites was ancient tended to law codes, which they published in
Hattusas (Boghazkéy in modern Turkey). the tradition of older societies.
Excavations here have disclosed about 10,000
cuneiform tablets, the decipherment of which
has made it possible to write at least an Close of the Bronze Age
outline of Hittite history.
The greatest early warrior of this nation An important legacy of the Hittites was the
was Mursilis, who led armies southward as use of iron. One of the commonest minerals
far as Babylon. About 1595 he sacked on earth, iron had been known for many
Babylon, thus destroying the kingdom which
had once been ruled by Hammurabi. Be-
4Both versions of this document are translated in James
tween 1400 and 1200 the Hittite kingdom B. Pritchard (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the
was at its height and was the most formidable Old Testament, pp. 199-203.

hundreds of years, but the first people to But one society, more notable for its ideas
discover a means of producing it in large than for its conquests, now began to emerge.
quantity were a tribe conquered by the
Hittites. Thereafter, the Hittites surpassed all
other societies in working iron. Yet they
failed to exploit this material for making v. Palestine
weapons, and this failure brought an end to
The Hittites and their older neighbors
their supremacy.
shaped civilization in the ancient Near Fast,
Between 1250 and 1200 new waves of
but the direct continuity of their influence
invaders from the north and east poured into
stopped many centuries ago. The Israelites,
Asia Minor, breaking up the Hittite kingdom.
however, provide a sharp contrast, for
These barbarian invaders had learned the
modern Jews feel an intimate kinship with
new secret of working iron and were apply-
their ancient ancestors.® The modern state of
ing this knowledge to weaponry. The use of
Israel considers itself a child of the Israelite
iron weapons enabled them to overcome older
Kingdom of antiquity, and three of the great
civilizations that still relied on bronze
religions of the world —Judaism, Christianity,
weapons. About 1100 the Bronze Age came
and Islam — descend from the Israelites’ belief
to an end and the Iron Age was inaugurated.
in a single, all-powerful god.
Iron had definite social consequences. It
was more available than bronze, it was a
harder metal, and it was cheaper to produce. Canaanites and Phoenicians
As a result, more people could possess
weapons and states could thus become more Israel did not create the first civilization in the
warlike. Another possible result of the Palestine region. A group of Semitic tribes,
widespread use of iron was a partial shrinking the Canaanites, originally inhabited the area
of the distance between groups in a society. and established flourishing urban civilizations
Where everyone could own weapons, it was about the time of the Egyptian Old Kingdom.
harder for a ruling elite to maintain Among their cities were Jericho and
permanent control over the masses. The Jerusalem. By about 1200 the Canaanites lost
coming of iron was one of several factors control of most of their domain and were
leading to a sharing of influence among all forced into Phoenicia, a narrow region along
the Mediterranean Sea.
The closing of the Bronze Age in the
decades before and after 1200 is a major >The term “Hebrew” should be restricted to the language
dividing point in the history of Near Eastern and writings of this general group of people. They called
themselves “Israel” or “sons of Israel.” We shall hold to
civilizations. Not only the Hittites but nearly
this usage: the term /apiru is found in Egyptian sources
every society in this part of the world and probably means “caravaneer.” It is the ancestor of
experienced an upheaval at this time. The the term “Hebrew,” but it is not an ethnic designation.
The word “Judean,” from which “Jew” is derived, arose
disturbances threatened and in some places when Israel survived only in the southern kingdom called
ended various forms of political domination. Judah.

The First Civilizations

These Canaanites, now Phoenicians, drew legends and chronicles of the Scriptures as a
part of their culture from the Mesopotamian source, he must settle his attitude toward
and Egyptian states nearby, but they were their credibility.
also innovators. They developed a simplified Scholars in the nineteenth century
alphabet with only about thirty characters questioned whether the Old ‘Testament
that was later adopted by the Greeks and be- contained unchallengeable, revealed truth.
came the ancestor of Western alphabets. Archaeology in recerit years has often
The Phoenicians conducted intensive trade confirmed the Bible, at least in questions of
on land and sea with other Mediterranean geography and topography. But literal
peoples and established colonies or trading accuracy is not after all the central issue.
posts with a commercial dynamism unique in Legends are sources of information, just as
the ancient Near East. Their most famous law codes and king lists are; and the twentieth
colony was Carthage, on the Mediterranean century has a subtler appreciation of how to
coast of Africa, a powerful city that con- recover the history of a society from religious
trolled parts of North Africa and Spain. traditions.
Among their articles of trade was a reddish The unique cultural contribution of the
dye that the ancients called purple. Cloth various writers in the Old Testament was to
dyed in this color was considered a luxury, make creative use of familiar material — some
and purple clothing became a mark of royalty of it descending from other Near Eastern
or eminence. peoples and some of it native to the Israelites
Trade and the dissemination of the alpha- themselves. These writers also demytholo-
bet helped to spread the culture of the Phoe- gized much Canaanite literature. For ex-
nicians. They were also the first people to ample, the word yam meant “god of the sea”
treat the art of war as a profession; they be- in prebiblical legends, but the Israelite
came mercenary warriors in the Persian navy chroniclers made this a nonmythical concept,
because of their sailing ability. The Phoe- “the sea.” As they eliminated these deities,
nicians were a people who lacked the man- they concentrated on one god and on man’s
power to achieve a great kingdom, yet they relationship to him. This single theme, varied
used their ability to influence other states. in countless ways, fuses the Old Testament
They and other Canaanite peoples were into a story about one god and the history of
enjoying a high urban civilization when the his chosen people. The Bible deals with real
Israelites began their invasion of the Pales- people and real times; it combines ethics,
tinian coast. poetry, and history into the most influential
book in the Western tradition.
The Old Testament as a The Old Testament was formed over many
Historical Source centuries, starting perhaps in the twelfth
century B.C. It probably assumed its present
The Old Testament provides a continuous shape between A.D. 70 and 135. The long
record of how the Israelites viewed their own process of revision has left some interesting
past. But before the historian can use the traces, such as parallel accounts of the same

event. A classic example is in Chapters 1 and in Jehovah’s service. He proclaimed the new
2 of the Book of Genesis. These chapters offer covenant between God and man on Mount
two different views of the Creation, accounts Sinai, in the pitiless wastes of the desert.
that passed through oral tradition and were According to the Book of Exodus, he received
not reconciled when the text received its final his instructions directly from Jehovah. These
polishing. instructions, a document of the greatest
historical interest, include the Ten Com-
mandments, in which Jehovah issues the
The Early Israelites terse order, “Thou shalt have no other gods
before me.” A god who insisted on being
No good reason appears for doubting the tra- worshiped alone was rare in the ancient
dition that one of the founders of the Israelite world, where families of deities were the rule.
nation was Abraham, who led his clan away The Old Testament states that the Israelites
from the Sumerian city of Ur between 1800 did at times worship other gods and that they
and 1700 in a wandering course toward did not easily accept Jehovah as their only
Egypt. Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, or- god.
ganized the growing nomadic people into Moses also laid down a complex code of
twelve tribes under the jurisdiction of his laws, only part of which has survived. The
twelve sons. Thus Israel developed politically code of Moses is clearly analogous to the
into a tribal society, differing from the urban earlier Mesopotamian and Hittite codes, but
societies of Sumer and the unified monarchy it differs from them in one basic aspect:
of Egypt. This tribal organization helped to unlike the older-codes, the Mosaic code is a
make the Israelites disciplined and loyal and series of laws prescribing ethically right
may have helped to prepare them for the stern conduct. The historical reality of Moses and
challenges they would face in founding their the fact that his laws are connected with the
nation. experience of a people have given the faith of
Some of the Israelite tribes settled in Israel an immediacy to which Sumerian or
Canaan; the remainder migrated to Egypt, Egyptian religion could hardly pretend.
where they were subjects under various
pharaohs. Then, probably under Ramses II or
his successor, Merneptah, they left Egypt, led The Israelite Monarchy
by a man with the Egyptian name of Moses.
He led his people across the Sinai Peninsula By a series of attacks on Canaanite cities and
some time before 1200, during the period of covenants made with other tribes, the
general unrest in the Near East. Israelites established themselves in Palestine.
Moses organized the tribes of Israel and About 1200, if not a little earlier, they
some neighboring Canaanites into a invaded the Canaanite territory—a fertile,
confederation bound by a covenant to the god hilly refuge overlooking the Mediterranean.
he named YHWH, which we write as Biblical stories say that Joshua, the successor
Yahweh or Jehovah, and placed all the people of Moses, led the tribe of Israel across the

The First Civilizations

Jordan River and took the Canaanite city of some indication of the scale of this palace.
Jericho by siege. But Solomon’s autocratic rule and his ex-
Traditionally, each of the twelve Israelite travagance caused resentment among the
tribes had been ruled by a judge, but the people of Israel, who were heavily taxed to
settlement of Canaan demanded a more pay for his palace and army. After his death
efficient system; the result was the formation his son was unable to control the kingdom,
of a strong central government under a and it split into two parts. The northern king-
monarchy. Saul was made king about 1020. dom, based on the ancient town of Shechem,
His successor, David (10102?-—960?), con- retained the name of Israel; the southern
quered Jerusalem and made it his capital. kingdom was now called Judah and had its
The entire nation now took the name Israel. capital in Jerusalem. The division of the king-
During his reign David extended the dom denied Israel the chance for further po-
kingdom to its furthest boundaries. litical expansion and in fact led to the long
Solomon, David’s son and successor (960? period of tragedy that the people were now to
—920?), was famed for his skillful adminis- suffer.
tration and wisdom; he passed into Muslim Weakened by internal quarrels, the north-
literature as the clever and powerful Sulei- ern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the
man. He is the purported author of some forces of Assyria in 722. All the leading Isra-
books of the Bible— Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, elites were dispersed into Assyrian territories.
and the Song of Solomon—but scholars be- This scattered people became known in bibli-
lieve that these works were composed consid- cal lore as the ten lost tribes of Israel.
erably later. Judah now remained the only Israelite
Solomon ruled in a period when other kingdom, and from this point on the remain-
Near Eastern powers were weak. He kept a ing Israelites are known as Jews. Yehudim was
peaceful reign by increasing the size of the the name for those who settled around Jerusa-
standing army and equipping it with chariots; lem; the Greek version of this name, Joudaioi,
he also made a series of alliances with neigh- became corrupted into the English word
boring rulers who often sent him princesses “Jews.” Judah fell in 586 to the Chaldean, or
in marriage as a token of good faith. ‘The prin- New Babylonian, kingdom; the captives were
cesses formed a harem, which served as a po- deported to Babylon—the so-called Baby-
litical device and was often used in the Near lonian Captivity —but later in the same cen-
Fast. tury these Jews were allowed to trickle back
Like all great kings of the period, Solomon to Palestine. Although there were occasional
was a builder. He left behind him the physi- revivals of an independent Jewish kingdom at
cal memorial that symbolized the faith of Is- other times, in general the Jews became
rael through the centuries—the Temple in pawns of the various forces that ruled Pales-
Jerusalem. The temple could not, however, tine: Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Arabs,
compare in size with the magnificent palace Turks. Only in our own time has a revived
and citadel that Solomon built. The tradition Jewish state taken its place among sovereign
that the stables housed 12,000 horses gives nations.

The Strengthening of Judaism Christians he has already appeared in the per-
son ofJesus, the son of God.
The time of troubles witnessed a further Another event that strengthened Juda-
solidifying of the Jewish faith. In the history ism was the organization of the sacred writ-
of the Near East the Israelite kingdom was ings. Ezra, whose work dates to about 445
less great than some others, but in the history B.C., is the prototype of a new kind of spirit-
of man and his thought the Jewish tradition ual leader—the scribe and scholar. He col-
has exerted an influence impossible to lected and published the first five books of the
overstate. Old Testament (the Pentateuch); later schol-
The Jewish religion, like any institution ars collected the books of the prophets. The
tied to the fortunes of a people, changed and Temple in Jerusalem, destroyed during inva-
grew during more than a thousand years. One sion, was rebuilt during the soos and, in the
of the strongest forces that shaped it came absence of a free Jewish state, assumed even
from a few resolute social critics whose pas- greater importance as the nucleus of the faith.
sionate conviction was sometimes close to It fell once more, in A.D. 70, to Roman
fanaticism. These are the prophets— men of armies, and was then destroyed; but part of
the people, tradesmen, preachers; they the western wall of the outer court survived,
emerged in all periods of Israel’s history. ‘The and on this site, the “Wailing Wall,” the
most authoritative prophet was Moses, and all Jews were permitted to weep and pray.
successors looked back to him for guidance.
They spoke one general message: Israel was
becoming corrupt and only a rigid moral re- The Jewish Legacy
form could save her. ‘The worship of Jehovah
had sometimes been blended with that of the The Jews are the only society originating in
gods, or Baalim, of the Canaanites. Luxury, the ancient Near East whose traditions have
promiscuity, and extravagance were weaken- remained vital in modern times. For reasons
ing the discipline of Israelite society, a society that no one can fully explain, adversity has
built not only on belief but also on definite never broken the Jewish spirit, and over many
customs and behavior. Although they de- centuries the Jews have persisted as a society
nounced the prevalent wickedness, the proph- even without an independent state. Their
ets—men like Amos, Micah, Hosea, Jere- faith provided the most persuasive answer to
miah, Ezekiel, and the two Isaiahs— promised the problem that also troubled their
that God would forgive Israel if the people neighbors—the nature of the relationship
repented. God would prove his love to Israel between man and God. There was only one
by providing a redeeming king, or Messiah. God; he judged severely, but he was also
The famous Dead Sea Scrolls, which range in prepared to forgive those who sincerely
date from the second century B.C. through regretted wrong behavior. Above all, he was a
the first century after Christ (see Chapter 5), god for everyone, not just for nobles, priests,
often speak of the awaited Messiah. To Jews and kings. This simple but lofty conception
this hero is still unborn or unknown; to of the divine was formed over the course of

The First Civilizations

seven or eight centuries. Its decisive impetus Persians ruled with an administrative skill
came from the revelation granted to Moses, that only the Roman Empire would surpass
whose message was reinforced by the later in ancient times. They also developed a
prophets. To the Jews, history moves to and widely accepted religion, Zoroastrianism,
from three points—creation, revelation, and some of whose doctrines persisted long after
redemption. Moses stood at the central point, the Persian Empire had been destroyed.
and only obedience to the laws that he stated
can guarantee man’s progress from revelation
to final redemption. The Assyrian State
Moses and the other prophets were not
kings and could not force Jews to observe the The Assyrians were descended from Semitic
law. The fact that ordinary men could influ- nomads who had entered northern Mesopo-
ence the ethical behavior of a nation solely tamia about 2500 and founded the city of
through their moral convictions anchored Ashur, named after their chief god. From this
Judaism forever among the people. The Jew- name comes the designation “Assyrian” for
ish religion is the experience of a people and the people. Their language was a Semitic
the Bible is their record. Christianity, the reli- dialect closely resembling that of the Baby-
gion of medieval and modern Europe, is a lonians, and they wrote in the cuneiform
daughter of Judaism and has accepted the script that had originated in Sumer and been
morality and ethics of the older faith. No adopted by others.
matter how deep the wounds of perse- About goo the Assyrians began their most
cution or how widely Jews were scattered important period of conquest and expansion.
in later times, nothing destroyed their loyalty They became masters of the upper reaches of
to their traditions. They stand alone as the Mesopotamia, and their territory included
most influential culture of the ancient Near Babylonia to the south, the cities of Palestine
Fast. to the west, and Egypt. By the late seventh
century the Assyrian Empire embraced most
of the Near East.
If any one concept could characterize
vi. [he Near Eastern Empires Assyrian society it would be militarism. The
army was especially dominant and efficient.
The general disruptions about 1200 left no The Assyrians were the first to use iron
state dominant for the next few centuries, weapons on a large scale. Moreover, Assyrian
until the Assyrians began a series of con- kings managed their territories in such a
quests. They became the first people to ac- way that everyone was made to contribute
complish a political unification of the entire to the military security of the state.
Near East and thus formed the first true em- In organizing these territories the
pire in history (see Map 1.4). The Persians, Assyrians faced a greater challenge than any
the next great imperialists of this region, built earlier state, for they had to absorb large
on foundations laid by the Assyrians. The kingdoms such as Egypt and Babylonia.




The First Civilizations

They ruled with a degree of control unknown Some scholars believe that this practice gave
in any of the earlier conglomerates. The influence to the aristocratic priests of the
difference was so marked that it is best to call state, whose interpretations of divine signs
the Assyrian domain the first empire and to could sway the monarch’s decisions.
designate those of earlier states as enlarged It is hardly surprising that subject king-
kingdoms. doms within the Assyrian Empire watched
The Assyrian kings collected heavy pay- for any chance to rebel. Finally, in 612, a
ments of tribute as the price of leaving the combination of forces, led by Babylonians,
territories in peace. Some peoples, such as the captured Nineveh, and the Assyrians lost
inhabitants of Judah, merely had to pay trib- control of their empire.
ute, but other, less independent peoples had
to accept a vizier, or governor, serving the
king. In some cases the imperial government The Chaldeans and the Medes
deported subject peoples who might prove
troublesome —for example, the inhabitants of The Assyrian Empire gave way to two
Israel who were dispersed within the Assyri- successor states: the Chaldean, or Neo-
an Empire. Assyrian armies stationed in the Babylonian, kingdom and the kingdom of the
provinces were a further guarantee of stabili- Medes. Seen in historical perspective, these
ty. two kingdoms are a transition between the
Language became another means of unify- two great empires of the Assyrians and the
ing the empire, for the Semitic language Persians.
known as Aramaic was ultimately spoken The Chaldeans, the dominant tribe within
everywhere in lands dominated by Assyria the new kingdom based on Babylon, were the
and became the common tongue of the Near most learned astronomers of antiquity. They
Fast. In Palestine it was spoken by the Jews kept a minute record of eclipses, charted a
including Jesus. plan of the heavens, and, most impressive of
Among the brighter products of this harsh all, calculated the length of the year
imperialism was Assyrian art. Much of the mathematically and not by mere observation.
wealth extracted from the empire was spent Their accomplishments in astronomy were
on artistic glorifications of the king and his passed on to the Greeks and Romans and in-
conquests. This art survives most notably in fluenced all medieval and modern astronomy.
reliefs cut on the palace walls at Nineveh, the Babylon, the capital of the Chaldean
capital, and elsewhere. kingdom, became notorious as a center of
The last important Assyrian king, Ashur- luxury and wealth. Nebuchadnezzar (604-
banipal (668 — 627°) created a library of cunei- 562), the most famous king of the Chaldean
form texts, which have been translated in dynasty, built numerous lavish temples to the
modern times. The largest single group of gods and also constructed the terraced roof
these texts concerns omens, divination, or garden known as the Hanging Gardens,
observations of the stars, for Assyrian kings which was considered one of the seven
relied heavily on omens to guide their policy. wonders of the ancient world. In the Book of

Daniel it is written that Nebuchadnezzar ropean group, the Persians. The kingdom of
made an immense golden image that all his Media retained much of its prestige even after
subjects were ordered to worship. According the Persians actually conquered it. Probably
to the same book Daniel interpreted for because Media was an older state than Persia,
Belshazzar, a later king, a message written on it was referred to first in official documents in
a wall by a mysterious hand. The message, which both states were named. The Greeks
mene, mene, tekel, upharsin, meant that the used “Medes” as the single term embracing
Chaldean kingdom would soon fall to the both Medes and Persians, and they called
control of the Medes and the Persians. their crucial war with the Persians the Medic
Media, the territory of the Indo-European War.
Medes, was located east of Mesopotamia and
became a coherent kingdom about 650.
Among their subjects was another Indo-Eu- The Persian Empire

It was the careful planning of Persia’s resolute

Assyrian reliefs usually show kings with long
and far-seeing King Cyrus (559-530) that
curled beards and lofty headdresses receiving
prisoners or slaughtering enemies, scenes laid the basis for the Persian Empire. The
closely related to historical events. In this relief Persians first extended their dominion by
the Hebrew king Jehu prostrates himself before conquering the Medes, to their north, about
the Assyrians, to whom he paid tribute money 550. A few years later they expanded into
in exchange for peace. [Photo: British Museum ] western Asia Minor and confronted the
The First Civilizations

recently formed kingdom of Lydia, whose offered little resistance. Their judgment was
ruler, Croesus, was famous as the richest man sound, Cyrus treated the city with
in the world. Part of his reputation may have moderation, not sacking it as an Assyrian
derived from the fact that coins were conqueror might have done. His_ wise
invented in Lydia.® administration is also shown by his action
Croesus, realizing that he would need allies regarding the Jews, whom he allowed to
against Persia, turned to the cities of Greece return to Jerusalem and rebuild their holy
for help. Thus he involved European states temple.
for the first time in the affairs of the kingdoms Cyrus did not live to make the third great
of Asia Minor. Sparta agreed to join Croesus conquest that enlarged the Persian Empire.
in war against Persia, but Athens refused. This was done by his successor, Cambyses
Croesus also asked advice from the renowned (529-522), who conquered Egypt in 525. The
oracle at Delphi, the sacred temple to Apollo rich valley of the Nile remained under
where the god supposedly spoke through the Persian rule until Alexander the Great
mouth of a young girl. The shrewd Delphic captured it in 332 B.C. No Egyptian ruled
priests gave Croesus a deliberately ambiguous independently over this ancient land again
reply: “If Croesus crosses the Halys River until A.D. 1952, when the government of
[the frontier between Lydia and Persia], he Naguib and Nasser was established. ‘
will destroy a mighty empire.” The most skillful administrator of the Per-
The Lydian Kingdom fell, and Cyrus took sian Empire was Darius (521-486). He di-
the capital city of Sardis. (Lydia was thus the vided the huge empire into some twenty
“mighty empire” that was destroyed.) This provinces, each ruled by a satrap (“protector
conquest brought the Persian Empire of the realm”). The system worked success-
westward as far as the Aegean Sea, which fully for the Persians because they had
separates Asia Minor from Greece. Now the enough spies and civil servants to enable the
stage was set for a direct clash between the king to keep close watch on his subordinates.
vast empire of the Near East and the new Although the king was regarded as the su-
culture of the Greeks, but this clash was not preme glory of the state, the satraps had a
to come for another two generations. high degree of independence; they dispensed
To secure the southern flank of his growing justice, designed foreign policy, and were in
empire, Cyrus led his forces against the charge of finance. Each one was responsible
Chaldeans and captured Babylon. Evidently, for an assigned amount of revenue from his
the inhabitants welcomed him, for they province.
The Greek historian Herodotus mentions
6Ancient coins were lumps of precious metal stamped by with admiration the Persian system of roads
the ruler to guarantee their weight and therefore their
value. As coinage gradually replaced trade by bartering,
begun by Cyrus and perfected by Darius. A
it transformed methods of trade and crucially influenced great highway ran across the empire from the
Western civilization. Without acknowledged systems of capital at Susa to Sardis in Lydia, a distance
trading in precious metal, the commerce of later antiqui-
ty and of the modern world would have been inconceiv-
of more than 1,000 miles. This road, the first
able. long highway built anywhere, was the means

of binding together the gigantic empire of the Paradise; the rest would suffer in the realm of
Persians. endless darkness.
Darius also built a lavish capital at the new The teachings of Zoroaster were handed
city of Persepolis. The efficiency of Darius’ down through the centuries, long after the
reign can be seen in his coinage, for he made demise of the Persian Empire, and were a
creative use of this Lydian invention by issu- strong influence on other faiths. During the
ing a famous series of gold coins named dar- Roman Empire, this religion survived in the
ics. At the same time he installed a standard worship of Mithras, a Persian deity who
system of weights and measures for the em- rivaled Christ in popularity. The dualism of
pire. the Persian religion is reflected in
Manicheanism, a religious belief of late
antiquity, and in the Albigensianism of
southern France during the twelfth century.
The predominant influence on Persian Zoroaster lived at the same time as the
religion was the prophet Zarathustra— more Israelite prophets and the earliest Greek
familiarly, Zoroaster, the Greek form of his philosophers. Gautama, the Buddha, who
name—who probably lived soon after founded the great Eastern religion of
600 B.C. Zoroastrianism was a dualistic reli- Buddhism, was active about 500 B.C.; and in
gion, unlike the monotheistic creed of the distant China the philosopher Confucius was
Jews. Zoroaster taught that the world had a precise contemporary of the Buddha. We
been created by a god of light and truth who shall not, in this book, study the thought of
was engaged in a struggle with a god of evil India and China, but it seems highly
and darkness. After some thousands of years, significant that men throughout the world
good would prevail and the day of judgment felt, at about the same time, the need for a
arrive. Those who had clung to the principles restatement of their religious and moral
of the god of light would then be admitted to creeds.

From the time of the earliest agricultural set- banized society stimulated the pictographic
tlements onward, it became possible to fash- writing first used in Sumer and later simpli-
ion civilizations—communities with highly fied into cuneiform. About the same time the
specialized social structures and some degree Egyptians began to write in hieroglyphics,
of wealth and luxury. Sumer, the oldest civi- and they also learned the science of surveying
lized region in the Mesopotamian plain, be- and the technique of creating monumental
came the first society in which city-states architecture. Other societies developed in the
took the place of villages. Perhaps the closer Near East, some of them controlling large
intellectual contact among people in an ur- sections of neighboring lands. The Persian

The First Civilizations

Empire, the youngest and largest of these gions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. But
states, succeeded in unifying the entire Near we are even closer in spirit to the civilizations
East. of Greece and Rome. Their literature and
These early civilizations had different thought are more immediate to us than those
ways of looking at the two problems that will of Egypt, the Hittites, or Assyria. Greece and
always concern man most deeply: his rela- Rome drew on the legacy of the ancient Near
tionship to others of his own kind and his East, but added to this a deep measure of in-
relationship to those forces that he considers dividualism and a finer appreciation of logical
divine. The Near Eastern peoples made basic thought. Our politics and institutions also
discoveries regarding these problems, and descend more directly from Greco-Roman
without their explorations of human experi- society. We shall therefore turn to the Medi-
ence, our own culture would not have become terranean world and trace the rise of the
what it is. In particular, the ethical monothe- highly urbanized cultures of Greece and
ism of Israel is the root of three major reli- Rome.

Recommended Reading

Sources . The Birth of Civilization in the Near East. 1951. A

comparison of Mesopotamian and Egyptian history
in early stages.
*Erman, Adolf. The Ancient Egyptians: A Sourcebook of *Gardiner, Sir Alan. Egypt of the Pharaohs. 1966. Essentially
Their Writings. 1966. a political narrative by one of the masters of
Lichtheim, Miriam. Ancient Egyptian Literature: A Book Egyptology.
of Readings. Vol. 1: The Old and Middle Kingdom. *Gurney, O. R. The Hittites. 1961.
1973- Kramer, Samuel Noah. The Sumerians: Their History,
Pritchard, James B. (ed.). Ancient Near Eastern Texts Re- Culture and Character. 1963. The fullest presentation
lating to the Old Testament. 1955. A collection of of Sumerian civilization by a leading authority.
translations from cuneiform and hieroglyphic texts, *Mellaart, James. The Earliest Civilizations of the Near East.
with brief commentaries, by the most eminent 1966.
scholars in the fields. *Olmstead, A. T. History of the Persian Empire. 1948.
*Oppenheim, A. Leo. Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a
Dead Civilization. 1968. A cultural study of Assyrio-
Studies Babylonian society.
Piggott, Stuart (ed.). The Dawn of Civilization. 1961.
*Wilson, John A. The Culture of Ancient Egypt. 1956. A
*Albright, William Foxwell. The Biblical Period from Abra- subtle treatment of Egyptian cultural history; ex-
ham to Ezra. 1963. A brief history of the Israelites. cellent for the history of ideas.
. From the Stone Age to Christianity. 1957. A survey
of modern historical knowledge for this long period. * Available in paperback.
*Frankfort, Henri. The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Note: Bibliographic entries throughout the book give the
Orient. 1971. date of the most recent edition.

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2/ The Foundations
of Greek
Greek civilization is the oldest direct ancestor of Western civilization; its
imfluence on us 1s far more readily perceptible than that of the ancient Near
East. This civilization arose in a land that was, and 1s, poor in natural
resources. Topography played an important part in determining the pattern of
Greek life. The rocky terrain and thin soil sustain only limited farming, a
dramatic contrast to the fertile conditions of the great river valleys of Egypt and
Mesopotamia. The land is broken by many narrow plains and valleys, and
within the pockets of habitable land the Greeks lived in small, independent
communities, or city-states. They turned to the sea for their wealth and became
active traders and colonizers in the Mediterranean world.
The city-states were small enough to allow most Greeks to participate in
government affairs and to feel intensely about them. They developed a new
kind of urban life in which men determined common policy through argument
and compromise in public assemblies. Over the years various kinds of
self-government evolved which approached modern democracy. Such was, at
least, the general pattern, although one state, Sparta, chose a rather severe form +
of self-government that restricted power to only a few.
The close relationships among citizens must have been one of the reasons for the
marvelous creativity of the Greeks. The writing of drama, philosophy, poetry,
and political history originated with them. Our ideas of beauty in literature and
art have been largely formed by their achievements, and throughout modern
times men have returned again and again to the study and imitation of
Greek models.
Greece was herself enriched by the civilizations of her neighbors: for example,
she learned astronomy from Babylonia, an alphabet from Phoenicia, and coinage
from Lydia. The most direct artistic influence came from the Mediterranean
island of Crete. But the central legacy of Greece to the modern world was
original with the Greeks themselves—the art of self-government within small,
Mycenaean |
Hirmer intensely political communities.
1. Early Greece then, begin with Crete, the island that served
as a link between the ancient Near Eastern |
kingdoms and the mainland of Greece.
Our knowledge of the origins of Greek civili-
zation comes largely from excavations. They
reveal that a significant urban culture was Minoan Civilization
developing in Greece during the Bronze Age
but that for many centuries it was over- The first inhabitants of Crete probably came
shadowed by a more advanced culture on the from western Asia Minor well before 3000. In
island of Crete, where an attractive civiliza- time, as the islanders learned to master the
tion flourished, one notable for its art and ele- sea, Crete became a thriving maritime power.
gance. Crete exercised a decisive influence on Trade with the older civilizations of Egypt
the emerging Greek city-states, but in time and Asia introduced new ideas and new skills.
its cultural dominance gave way to the grow- These, combined with the creative energy of
ing power of the Greek city of Mycenae. the Cretans, gave rise to a distinctive civiliza-
Greek hegemony lasted only a few centuries, tion.
however; the general upheavals that occurred We owe our knowledge of Cretan civiliza-
around 1200 in the eastern Mediterranean tion to the work of the English archaeologist
and the Near East almost destroyed the civili- Sir Arthur Evans. In rg00 Evans began to
zation of the early Greek cities. Nonetheless, excavate Knossos, the leading city of ancient
some of their cultural legacy passed on to the Crete. There he uncovered a magnificent
Greek states that revived after 800. structure that he called the Palace of Minos,
taking the name from the legendary king of
Crete (hence the civilization of Crete is often
The Aegean World called Minoan). Evans also established the
usually accepted chronology for the history
The earliest inhabitants of Greece were not of Crete: Early Minoan (2600-2200), Middle
Greeks; they did not speak the Greek lan- Minoan (2200-1550), and Late Minoan
guage, nor can they yet be identified with any (1550-1200).' He based his chronology on
known ethnic group. The true Greek civiliza- the residue of pottery found at Knossos, for
tion began about 2000, when a group of Indo- different styles of pottery provide an accurate
Europeans migrated from the northern Bal- record of the successive stages of civilization
kans, seeking a warmer climate and better at a site.
access to the sea. They imposed their lan-
guage upon the land and probably intermar-
' The system of Cretan chronology was established by
ried with the earlier inhabitants. Slowly, a Evans in his The Palace of Minos (1921 — 1936). L. R. Palm-
new culture evolved that was shaped in its er has attacked Evans’s scheme and proposed his own.
early centuries by the more highly developed The most important difference is that Palmer would date
the destruction of Knossos about 1200, while Evans
civilization of Crete, which lies just south of placed it about 1400. See Palmer’s Mycenaeans and Minoans
the Aegean. The history of Greece must, (196s).

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

The Palace of Minos was built over several

centuries from about 2000 onward. It was an
extensive structure, with an impressive grand
staircase and many wings, additions, and stor-
age chambers. In designing some of its archi-
tectural features the Minoans displayed a
technical ability that was far in advance of
their time. The palace had a plumbing system
with water running through fitted clay pipes,
and the palace windows were covered with a
form of glazed windowpane.
But it was in the grace and beauty of their
art that the Minoans achieved their greatest
distinction. Minoan art bears witness to a civ-
ilization that valued elegance and style. The
walls of the palace were decorated with fres-
coes showing jeweled ladies in elaborate
gowns and graceful young men bearing cups
and vases; paintings of gardens, birds, and
animals express the Minoans’ delight in na-
ture. Minoan pottery, far more colorful than
that of any previous Western culture, often Sea creatures were often used in the designs of
depicts marine themes: plants from the sea, Minoan pottery, and the octopus on this vase is
flying fish, and startlingly realistic paintings an excellent example of the free-flowing style of
of the octopus. The gaiety and freedom of Minoan artists. [Photo: Hirmer Fotoarchiv
these designs are almost unique to Minoan
The art illuminates certain areas of social a strong administration. Surviving records
life. The Minoans seemed to favor non-war- indicate that the king was served by an effi-
like pursuits, such as dancing, games, and cient bureaucracy. He probably acted as
sports. Wall paintings from the Middle and priest in religious ceremonies, for there is no
Late Minoan periods depict a sport in which - evidence of a powerful priesthood such as the
athletes leaped over bulls by vaulting on their Egyptians had. Nor were there any temples
horns. on Crete; the people worshiped at shrines,
The peaceful nature of Minoan civilization either in their homes or outdoors. Among the
is also suggested by the absence of fortifica- deities worshiped—and perhaps the chief
tions at Knossos and at palaces excavated at one —was a bare-breasted goddess, probably
other sites in Crete. Knossos was clearly the a goddess of nature.
wealthiest of the Cretan cities and, judging Much of the wealth of Crete appears to
from the size of its palace, it was the center of have come from trade. The Greek historian

Thucydides wrote that Minos was the first accepted chronology dates the.Linear B tab-
man to have a sea empire. (“Minos” may, in lets. While they were there, the Greeks appar-
fact, have been a royal title like “pharaoh.”) ently learned to use the Cretan script in writ-
But any Cretan dominion overseas was not an ing their own language. Another important
empire in the modern sense, for Crete lacked clue supports the idea of Greek presence on
the manpower to control it directly. At the Crete: at this time there was a dramatic
most, such a dominion was a group of trading change in the style of pottery made at Knos-
posts distributing the products of Crete. sos, which the Greeks may have introduced.
Minoan civilization was at its height be- There is evidence that they also introduced
tween 1550 and 1400, when Crete enjoyed the use of a larger sword and the horse, both
her greatest influence in the Aegean world. as a mount and with chariots. These changes
Minoan pottery was widely distributed, and at Knossos suggest the possibility that Greeks
there are several sites in the Aegean area dominated the city at this time, perhaps
named Minoa. Early Greek art, architecture, through outright military seizure..
and religion show evidence of Minoan in- About 1400 disaster engulfed Knossos and
fluence. At least two Greek goddesses, other cities on Crete. All the palaces were
Athena and Artemis, are believed to have burned or destroyed. A series of violent
been adopted from Crete. earthquakes or a huge volcanic eruption may
Striking evidence of the Minoan-Greek have caused this disaster, but the most plausi-
interchange comes from Cretan writing on ble explanation seems to be that the island
tablets that Evans and others discovered at was raided by Greeks from the mainland—
Knossos. Most of the tablets fall into two probably from Mycenae, which by this time
classes, Linear A and Linear B. (Evans called had become the most powerful Greek city-
them “linear” because the symbols are out- state.
lines rather than the detailed drawing found
in hieroglyphics.) Both linear scripts are syl-
labic: each symbol represents a sound, such as Mycenaean Civilization
ko, rather than a letter of an alphabet. Linear
A, the older script, has not yet been deci- As it did in all other ancient civilizations,
phered; but in 1952 a British linguist and ar- geography played a large part in the forma-
chitect, Michael Ventris, showed that Linear tion of Greek society. The series of moun-
B could be reconciled with an archaic form of tains that divide their land into many small
classical Greek. The tablets he deciphered are valleys forced the Greeks to develop inde-
inventories, rosters, and records of all kinds, pendent political communities without the
listing foot stools, helmets, horses, vessels, direction—or oppression —of a central ruler.
seeds, and the like. And the broken coastline of Greece, indented
‘That these tablets were written in a form of with countless small harbors, virtually drove
Greek is highly significant, for it shows that the Greeks into the water and forced them to
Greeks were in Knossos during the period become sailors, traders, and warriors at sea
between 1450 and 1400, when the currently (see Map 2.1). By 1600 these seafaring enter-

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization






prises had transformed a number of the inde- other early Greek cities indicate that Greece
pendent Greek communities into wealthy was a more warlike society than Crete.
city-states. Chief among them was Mycenae; Linear B tablets have been found at My-
therefore the years from 1600 to 1100 are of- cenae, Thebes, and Pylos. The Pylos tablets
ten called the Mycenaean Age. can be dated soon after 1200 from the evi-
The most valuable evidence of early Greek dence of pottery fragments found with them.
culture comes from two sets of graves found These tablets, like those at Knossos, are in-
in the soil at Mycenae. The graves in each set ventories and rosters, and they attest to the
were enclosed within a circular wall. The pervasive bureaucracy of the early Greeks.
older set, tentatively dated between 1700 and The tablets in Linear B found at Mycenae
1600, was outside the walls that surround the have been dated between 1400 and 1200, the
citadel of Mycenae. Interred there were period when Mycenae reached the height of
wealthy Greeks, perhaps from a royal family her prosperity. This period saw the creation
or clan. Alongside the bodies, the surviving of the most splendid monuments in_ all
relatives had deposited various offerings, Bronze Age Greece. Between 1350 and 1300
for example, a golden rattle in a child’s grave. the walls around the citadel were built in
The second set of graves, inside the citadel their present form; the mighty Gate of the
walls, far surpassed the older one in wealth. Lionesses (or Lion Gate) was erected as an
These graves, dated betweeen 1600 and 1500, entrance to the city; and the most imposing of
were discovered in 1876 by one of the found- the Mycenaean tombs came into use. ‘These
ers of Greek archaeology, Heinrich Schlie- are the bechive, or tholos, tombs, large vaults
mann, and are still among the wonders of with walled entranceways. The grandest and
archaeology. They include such stunning best preserved is the Treasury of Atreus,
luxuries as three masks of gold foil that were named for the legendary father of Agamem-
pressed on the faces of the dead and a com- non. The high vaulted ceiling is still intact,
plete burial suit of gold foil wrapped around a and the effect made by the somber cavern is
child as well as swords, knives, daggers, and breathtaking.
hundreds of gold ornaments. Bulls’ heads in Each city of the Mycenaean period was
the graves indicate the influence of Crete on probably independent under its own king.
artifacts made in Greece. The only time these cities appear to have
The graves tell us little about the political united in league was during the war against
or social history of Mycenae, but they do Troy, a prosperous city in Asia Minor near
provide some evidence of her growing wealth the Dardanelles. The origin of the Trojans is
in the sixteenth century. The city probably not yet clear, but some of their pottery sug-
had a king, whose power was limited by other gests a close relationship to the Greeks. Ap-
prominent men who might overturn him if he parently the Trojans were rich and offered a
became too arrogant. The king was the chief tempting prospect to pirates and looters. This
religious officer as well as commander of the was probably the real cause of the Trojan
army. Elaborate fortifications at Mycenae and War, but it ultimately gave way to the roman-

Tbe Foundations of
Greek Civilization

tic story in Homer’s //iad about the seduction writing is preserved that can be dated much
by a Trojan of Helen, the wife of the king of later than 1200. Unless this negative evidence
Sparta. The excavation of Troy, begun by is grossly misleading, historians must con-
Schliemann at Hissarlik in Turkey, has dis- clude that the Dorian invasion had so shat-
closed several layers of building. One layer, tered Mycenaean civilization that the keeping
called Troy VII A, was destroyed by an of commercial records was pointless. Perhaps
enemy about 1250. This evidence suggests the small learned class was simply killed off,
that Homer’s account of a successful Greek or the ruling princes no longer needed inven-
expedition against Troy contains some histor- tories of their goods. What is certain 1s that no
ical truth. one in the subsequent Classical Age could
The war against Troy was the last feat of have read any tablets in Linear B or believed
the Mycenaean Age. About 1300 or a little that the strange marks were a form of Greek.
later, the “sea-peoples,” marauding tribes The cultural decline was not quite a cultur-
from Asia Minor, began to attack Greek ships al break. Many of the people living in Greece
and mainland Greece. They made trading by before the Dorian invasion left their homes
sea so hazardous that the export of Mycenae- and found safety in other hills and_ plains.
an pottery virtually ended. The raids by sea Urban life must have been less active, but we
were temporarily destructive, but much more know nothing of political affairs during this
significant was a series of attacks on land, last- period. Meanwhile, farming, weaving, and the
ing roughly from 1200 to 1100, when Myce- other basic technological skills of Greece sur-
nae was finally destroyed. vived. Seen in retrospect, the Dark Age was
‘These invaders were the Dorians, the last a transitional period in Greek history—a
wave of northerners to pour down over the bridge between the notable, but still limited,
peninsula. Historians can trace them through achievements of early Greece and the urban
the presence of their dialect, Doric Greek, in sophistication and intellectual originality of
certain places. They settled in Corinth, Ar- the Classical Age.
gos, and other cities including Sparta, which
became the most important Dorian city in
Greek history.
The period from 1100 to 800 is known as u. Lhe Greek Renaissance
the Dark Age of Greece. Further excavation
of sites from this era may alter the picture,
but present evidence definitely indicates a After 800 the Greeks began to prosper once
cultural decline. Pottery was much less ele- more, and their culture displayed a richness
gant, burials were made without expensive of creativity not previously shown. The rea-
ornaments, and massive buildings were no sons for this change are not altogether clear,
longer constructed. but a new spirit of optimism and adventure
Even more serious is the apparent loss of seems to have awakened the Greeks from the
writing in Greece. Not one scrap of Linear B comparative lethargy of the Dark Age. One

phrase, necessarily imprecise but still effec- The literary greatness of thé Homeric epics
tive, has been used to symbolize the period requires no praise, but their genesis will al-
from about 800 to 600—the Greek Ren- ways remain one of the insoluble problems of
aissance. history. Neither the ancient Greeks nor mod-
ern scholars have been able to decide when
Homer lived, where he composed, or whether
Epics the epics were the work of one man or several.
Various traditions about his birthplace point
During the gloomy decades of the Dark Age, toward Ionia, on the western shore of Asia
the Greeks did not wholly forget the Trojan Minor. As to his identity, some scholars
War. They brought entertainment to their forthrightly state that one man named Home-
daily lives by celebrating the memory of their ros created both the //iad and the Odyssey.
glorious ancestors. Poets chanted sagas about They point out that Shakespeare wrote both
the personality and deeds of Agamemnon, tragedy and comedy, that his style and vocab-
Menelaus, Achilles, and other princes. We ulary changed as he matured, and that tire-
have no way of knowing whether such men some persons keep trying to question his
ever existed, but to these and later Greeks identity without good reason. Such argu-
they embodied the heroic ideals of courage, ments could also explain the difference in
honor, and nobility. As the sagas developed, tone between the //iad and the Odyssey. How-
they overlapped and multiplied; like streams ever, other scholars regard the epics as a clus-
they flowed together and became the epic ter of sagas joined together; although they
poems ascribed to Homer, the //iad and the appear to be unified, occasionally the seams
Odyssey. show.
Each epic presents different aspects of he- Certain archaeological evidence does cor-
roic life. The //ad tells of the proud, head- roborate this theory. For example, at times
strong warrior Achilles: of his angry with- iron is spoken of as a precious metal or as a
drawal from the battle against Troy when his way of reckoning a man’s wealth, a view sur-
honor is insulted; of his friend Patroclus’ fight viving from the Bronze Age, when iron was
in his place and death at the hands of Hector rare. At other times the poet regards iron asa
of Troy; and of Achilles’ return to battle to perfectly ordinary, useful metal; this con-
avenge Patroclus’ death by killing Hector. ception must date from the Iron Age (1100
The Odyssey celebrates the hero Odysseus, onward).
who triumphs through cleverness rather than No solution of these problems will be ac-
sheer military force. After the fall of Troy cepted by everyone, but we shall set forth
Odysseus sets sail for his island, Ithaca, but what seems a plausible theory. The nucleus
the voyage takes ten years and calls for every of the /lad may have been a saga about
kind of stratagem. When he does reach home, Achilles, a few thousand lines long. If the saga
he and his son drive out a band of his wife’s had a title, it could have been ““The Wrath of
suitors and then check an attempt by their Achilles,” for it was Achilles’ anger that made
kinsmen to seize power. him withdraw from the army and indirectly

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

caused the death of his best friend, Patroclus. poets, Vergil particularly, wrote shorter epic
Around this possible nucleus, bards began to poems inspired by Homer, and echoes of
group other sagas containing Trojan charac- Homer are common in Shakespeare, Chaucer,
ters and the deeds of other Greek heroes. The and others. The modern Greek writer Nikos
new saga, now called the //iad (“Tale of II- Kazantzakis has carried on the tradition by
ium,” another name for Troy), was sung by writing a continuation of the Odyssey.
bards throughout Greece, but there was no
strict, authorized version. Between 800 and
750 a poet of genius finally united the sagas Religion
and gave the story its present polish and
form. His name may have been Homeros. The //iad and Odyssey are more than great nar-
A similar analysis could be made for the ratives celebrating the exploits of heroes; they
composition of the Odyssey. But did one man also give us the first comprehensive account
finally shape both epics? On this point there of Greek religion. Most of the gods in the
is no decisive evidence. To one reader the Greek pantheon appear in the two epics. Zeus
gentler tone of the Odyssey might suggest the had been the sky god of the first Greeks; we
hand of a different poet, but others see no find his counterpart in the Dyaus of early
difficulty in accepting both poems as the work India and the Tiu of Norse myths. Some gods
of one man. The ancient Roman critic Lon- were perhaps absorbed from other cultures —
ginus assumed that Homer composed the for example, Apollo, the sun god, from west-
Odyssey during his old age; this theory would ern Asia Minor; Aphrodite, goddess of love,
account for its milder character.” from Cyprus; and Athena, goddess of wis-
The Homeric epics remained the chief in- dom, and Artemis, the moon goddess, from
spiration for classical Greek literature of all Crete.
periods. Poets repeated the legends and wove What Homer did was to humanize these
variations on them; historians and philoso- gods and endow them with personality.
phers drew on Homer for evidence or materi- Greek gods are not the remote, transcendent
al for discussion. Plato, for example, took is- deities of the Near Eastern religions. They
sue with Homer’s portraits of the gods, for intervene actively in human affairs, they
they were not pious and respectful enough come to the aid of their favorites, and they
for the ideal state he was trying to design in punish men who defy their will. The Greek
his Republic. Later Greek poets did not write gods are anthropomorphic; that is, they are
long epic poems, but they did use epic meter super beings, differing from men only in their
and mythological themes for a more delicate physical perfection and immortality. Even
and restrained kind of poetry. Mount Olympus, their legendary dwelling
Homer’s influence did not end with the place, is earthly, for it is the name of an actual
decline of classical Greek literature. Roman mountain in northeastern Greece.
The Greeks never developed a religious
code of behavior as other ancient peoples did.
>See Longinus, On the Sublime, 9.11—15. Some acts, of course, were universally consid-

ered wrong. The Greeks believed in a super- date is 776), the Greeks established Panhel-
natural avenging force called Nemesis, which lenic games, held every four years at the vil-
might swoop down on a man if he became too lage of Olympia in the Peloponnesus to honor
arrogant or committed acts that offended the the god Zeus. The Olympic games at first in-
general conscience of man, such as killing a cluded only foot races and wrestling, but
parent or leaving a body unburied. They also gradually horse races, chariot races, boxing,
believed in the Furies, demonic flying spirits javelin throwing, and other events were add-
who might pursue someone to punish him. ed. A victory brought lifelong glory to the
But, on the whole, Greek religion had no spir- winner. The Olympics were, and have re-
it of evil and scarcely a demanding spirit of mained, the noblest test of athletic su-
good. premacy.
In general, the Greeks considered the gods The Pythian games, sacred to Apollo, were
potentially benevolent, although an offended held at Delphi. This place was also the loca-
god might bring abrupt destruction, and the tion of the most famous oracle, which Greeks
favor of the gods had to be kept through ap- consulted for guidance on every sort of prob-
propriate sacrifices and offerings. The gods lem. The god Apollo supposedly spoke
did not order man to obey or worship in any through the mouth of a peasant girl stationed
particular way, as did Jehovah, the god of Is- in the temple. After first intoxicating herself
rael. A few ceremonies, such as the mysteries by chewing laurel leaves to infuse herself
of Eleusis, which were sacred to Demeter, the with the presence of the god, she would bab-
goddess of fertility, did have complex rites, ble in a state of frenzy. Two priests would
but on the whole men assumed that they present questions to her and then report her
could communicate with the gods through replies to the person who had come for ad-
simple offerings and prayers. There was nev- vice. The reply was often deliberately am-
er a priestly class; anyone might become a biguous, and the duty of interpreting it
priest, but we know little of how priests were rested with the inquirer.
appointed. Thus religion was not a branch of The Greeks also had private or unofficial
government or an institution controlled by cults that were under no supervision except
powerful nobles. that of the worshipers. Among the more im-
Most gods were worshiped by all the portant were the wild, emotional cults of
Greeks, but each locality had its own patron Dionysus. His followers roamed the hills,
god from whom it sought protection. Religion chanting his praises in a frenzy, and the rites
was intimately bound up with the life of the usually ended in a drunken orgy.
city and had a profound influence on the cul- Historical evidence shows that the Greeks
ture of the Greeks. Their splendid temples took their gods seriously and were reluctant
were constructed in honor of the gods. And to act against what they considered the right
Greek drama emerged from the Dionysia, the interpretation of omens. Although they never
festivals held at Athens in honor of Dionysus. attempted to probe the nature and character
Early in the eighth century (the traditional of the divine, they did create a fascinating

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

mythology which passed on to the Romans perity to many of the Greek cities and, even
and became a source of inspiration for litera- more important, the intangible benefits of
ture in later times. contact with other peoples and other ideas.
One of the intangible —and incalculable—
benefits the Greeks derived from trade was
Colonization and Trade the alphabet. By about 750 they began to
trade with the Phoenicians, who were using a
The geography of the Greek peninsula made Semitic script called the alphabet (from the
the Greeks natural seafarers. They were first two characters, aleph, which seems to
drawn to the sea by the desire for trade, ad- mean “ox,” and beth, “house”). The Greeks
venture, and exploration, but a greater incen- adapted this script to their own language. To
tive was the need to find room for a growing historians the advent of Greek writing marks
population. It was probably hard for a poor the end of the prehistoric period in Greece.
farmer to augment his holdings in Greece, for Two versions of the alphabet developed. A
arable land was controlled largely by rich Western version made its way to Cumae, a
landowners. Between 750 and 550 the Greeks Greek town in Italy, and then to the Etrus-
began to settle colonies around the shores of cans. They in turn passed it on to the Ro-
the Mediterranean and Black seas. These col- mans, who developed it into the alphabet that
onies included some of the leading ports of is now prevalent throughout the Western
ancient and modern Europe—Byzantium world and is being used more and more in
(modern Istanbul), Marseilles, Naples, and such recently literate regions as Africa. Much
Syracuse. South Italy was so heavily settled later, many letters of the alphabet were used
by Greeks that the Romans in their day gave in an Eastern version, the Cyrillic form,
it the name Magna Graecia (“Great Greece”). the script for Russian and other Slavic lan-
The colonies were independent states, guages. Thus large regions of the world use
owing no obligations to their founders, one or another derivative of the Phoenician
though some maintained close ties of loyalty alphabet in the form that the Greeks gave it.
to the mother city. They differed in their
economic activities; some were primarily
agricultural, and others prospered in trade. Literature and Philosophy
All of them adopted constitutions and magis-
trates that resembled those of cities in Greece. The Homeric epic continued to be the main
This overseas expansion led to a revival of inspiration for poetry during the new period
trade. The colonies supplied needed raw ma- of literacy, but poets began to adapt this lega-
terials to the mainland Greeks, who in turn
furnished them with manufactured goods.
The Greeks proved to be enterprising trad- 3 The best study of the Greek alphabet is L. H. Jeffery’s
The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece (1961). She reviews the
ers; by about 500 they dominated commerce evidence for dating the adaptation of the alphabet to
in the Mediterranean. Trade brought pros- about 750.

cy to express their own thoughts and feelings. to say just why the Greeks gradually became
The first major poet to follow Homer was skeptical about the explanations offered by
Hesiod, whose Works and Days dates from their own mythology. But we do know that
around 700. The poem is a farmer’s almanac the beginning of philosophical inquiry among
that celebrates the pleasures of farming (the the Greeks was a turning point in man’s view
“days” of the title are the times when one of the world and of himself: it implied that
should plow and plant). Yet Works and Days is there was a logical order to the universe and
also a bitter attack on the injustice of aristo- that man had the capacity to discover it.
cratic landlords to their peasants. The first Greek philosophers lived in the
Lyric poetry began to displace the epic as city of Miletus in Ionia. The site is significant
poets sought to give more intense expression because Miletus was a commercial center
to their own feelings, a sign of the growing through which flowed many Eastern ideas
self-awareness among the Greeks. ‘he most from other parts of Asia Minor. Believing that
original and talented of the lyric poets was one primal element was the key to the uni-
Sappho of Lesbos (about 600), who was verse, these early philosophers sought to un-
the first woman to become a famous poet. derstand the genesis of the world. In the early
Sappho celebrated the love between women sixth century Thales of Miletus, for example,
(homosexuality was regarded as acceptable taught that everything in the universe was
behavior in ancient Greece). She often hymns made of water, a notion that can be traced
the beauty of young girls and sings of her back to both Babylonian and Egyptian my-
frustration when they are absent or unre- thology.
sponsive. Another Milesian, Anaximander (611?-
Pindar of Thebes (518-438), the only 547°), held that the origin of all things was an
important writer to use the Doric dialect, is a infinite body of matter, which he called the
glorious and difficult poet. We have four sets “boundless” (to apeiron). A whirling motion
of his poems, which are choral odes written to within the boundless divided its substance
celebrate his patrons’ victories in Greek ath- into the hot, which rose to form the heavens,
letic contests. These poems were sung by and the cold, which sank, assuming form in
boys’ choirs at the victor’s homecoming. the earth and the air surrounding it. A further
They praise aristocracy, both personal and separation into wet and dry created the
political, and urge everyone to follow the es- oceans and the land. This theory pointed
tablished rules of conduct. Since Pindar was toward a later classification of matter into the
paid to write complimentary odes, we do not four elements of earth, air, fire, and water.
know whether they reflect his own ideas. His Anaximander also advanced a conception that
thought is often conventional, but he is prized modern biology has confirmed—that man
for his splendid rhetoric and striking meta- and other animals developed from fishlike
phors. beings.
Philosophy comes into existence when men One of the most influential theories con-
are no longer satisfied with supernatural ex- cerning the nature of the world was proposed
planations for the nature of things. It is hard by Pythagoras of Samos, who approached the

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

question through the study of numbers. He peoples and how great is the role of cross-fer-
was thus the first philosopher to deal with tlization in cultural history.
reality in abstract terms. Pythagoras discov- Nearly all surviving examples of Greek
ered the harmonic intervals within the musi- painting come from vases, though some
cal scale and formulated the Pythagorean specimens of Greek wall painting can be
theorem about the sum of the sides of a right found in the Italian towns of Pompeii and
triangle, which is familiar to all students of Herculaneum. Pottery, along with most other
geometry. He and his pupils found special artifacts of high civilization, had regressed to
inspiration in the fetraktis, a triangular ar- a nearly primitive state after the end of the
rangement of the first four numbers, repre- Bronze Age. By 850, however, the Greeks had
sented by dots: developed a new style of pottery decorated
with geometric patterns and, later, with styl-
ized human figures. Then, about 725, as the
Greeks came into more intimate contact with
the East, such Eastern motifs as griffins, ex-
The meaning of this figure is variously ex- otic animals, lions, and gods began to appear
plained. It demonstrates that the sum of 1, 2, on their pottery. The next stage of develop-
3, and 4 is 10; it also enshrines 10 as the small- ment, beginning about 700, is the Black Fig-
est sum containing an equal number of prime ure style of pottery, which is characterized by
(1, 3) and divisible (2, 4) numbers. Pythagoras black designs on a background of natural
concluded that the basic principle of the uni- orange clay. Over the next two centuries the
verse was the harmony produced by a numer- Greeks brought vase painting to a height of
ical relationship among the objects within it. creativity and elegance never seen before in
This led him to say that all objects are num- the Western world.
bers, by which he must have meant that with- Greek sculpture also drew on the kingdoms
in all things there is a harmonious or numeri- of the Near East and Egypt for inspiration.
cally balanced arrangement of parts. Pythago- The first type of freestanding marble statue
ras, 1n a sense, anticipated the mathematical was that of the kouros, a young man standing
relationships that were to be discovered much rigidly erect in the fashion of Egyptian stat-
later by modern physicists. ues, often with his left foot extended. His
female counterpart is called a kore.
Unlike earlier civilizations the Greeks did
Art not spend their wealth and labor constructing
palaces or immense tombs. Their buildings —
In pottery, sculpture, and architecture the temples, gymnasiums, and various other
Greeks showed to perfection their ability to places of assembly —were to be enjoyed by
borrow forms and motifs from other cultures all. Their most important architectural form
and to transform them into something clearly was the temple, which appeared soon after
Hellenic. This process reminds us how much 800. It was a simple rectangular structure
European civilization owes to non-European with a sloping roof supported by columns; in

The kouros is characteristic of the rigid,
formalized style of early Greek sculpture and
clearly suggests the influences of Egypt and the
Near East. [Photo: Boudot-LaMotte ]

the interior was a shrine, commonly contain-

ing a statue of the god to whom the temple
was dedicated. Sacrifices were performed on
altars outside the building, where the wor-
shipers congregated. The oldest architectural
style was the Doric order: the fluted columns
rested directly on the upper foundation, with-
out any base, and were topped by a simple
capital. At first the temples were made of
wood, but later the Greeks—through their
contacts with the Near East—acquired skill
in working with stone. The temple, like the
gymnasiums and theaters, was a civic build-
ing, a public expression of life in the polis.

wt. Ihe Polis

The most important event in the Greek Ren-

aissance was the emergence after 800 of the
independent city-state, the polis (plural, poleis).
The history of the polis has no known parallel
in the Near Eastern kingdoms. The formation
of these city-states had a decisive effect on
political development in Greece. Poleis made
their own foreign policy and were completely
sovereign over their domestic affairs. They
also provide the first examples of democratic
regimes with elections, juries, and govern-
ment policy controlled by all citizens. This
condition of democracy developed slowly and
unevenly; moreover, it did not characterize
The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

every polis. Sparta, for example, became an ignore their feelings. Gradual concessions to
oligarchy in which the lives of the citizenry these soldiers and other free citizens broad-
were subordinated to the military needs of ened the political base of the city. The publi-
the state. Of all the poleis, Athens came clos- cation of legal codes defining citizens’ rights
est to achieving pure democracy. was one evidence of their growing power.
Economic tensions in the seventh and sixth
centuries produced popular leaders who
Government and Economic Life united the masses behind them and chal-
lenged the rule of the aristocrats. These lead-
The polis usually consisted of a city built ers installed themselves as “tyrants” (the
around a citadel known as an akropolis, or Greek term ¢yrannos means an absolute ruler;
“high city,” and the surrounding area of it did not at first connote an oppressor). ‘The
farms. In size the poleis varied from a few tyrants helped to undermine the system
hundred citizens to tens of thousands. Ath- whereby birth and family tradition tended to
ens, the most populous, had about 30,000 citi- confer leadership. In place of these qualifica-
zens during the fifth century, according to tions, personal ability and wealth became the
plausible estimates (citizenship was restrict- main criteria. Nevertheless, in the more pro-
ed, however, to free, adult, native-born males). gressive poleis every citizen gained a voice in
The total population of Athens and her out- government. The citizen’s participation in
lying villages was presumably over 200,000; civic decisions gave him a strong identifica-
this would include all men, women, children, tion with the polis, and this in turn became an
and slaves. important part of its strength and effective-
The general form of government that ness.
evolved in the poleis during the Greek Ren- Not all poleis conducted their economic
aissance endured throughout Greek history. affairs in the same way, but there were
In the early city-states the center of power enough similar features to give us a general
was the local king, who also served as chief picture of conditions in the city-states from
priest. Other important men in the commu- about 800 to 450, the period of the Greek
nity formed a council of his advisers. During Renaissance and the Persian Wars. The basic
the eighth and seventh centuries most kings element in economic life was agriculture, but
were replaced by elected officials; but the in most places the soil of Greece is thin and
council remained and often grew in authority. rocky, not conducive to raising grain or pas-
Greek cities at this time had some features turing cattle. Therefore at times the farmer
of warrior aristocracies. The earliest assem- was threatened with a limited food supply.
blies must have been almost entirely com- It was the task of political reformers to
posed of soldiers from the upper class, who discover new ways for Greeks to feed them-
could impose their will on the others. As the selves. One such way was increased trade,
population increased and more of the poorer which revolutionized agriculture in _many
citizens gained responsible posts in the army, poleis by putting it on a commercial basis.
the ruling aristocracy could no longer wholly More effort could be devoted to the growth

of olive trees and grapevines, both better Taxation was haphazard in the poleis, for
suited than grain to the rocky soil and rough Greeks had little grasp of the mechanics of
terrain of Greece. There was a ready market public finance. There was no permanent
for olive oil and wine abroad, and these were military treasury in the poleis until the 300s.
easily transportable commodities. In return, In some ways this is surprising, since the cit-
the Greeks could import more grain than they ies were so often at war. Infantry soldiers
were able to grow locally. were expected to arm themselves, but they
Trading was mainly a venture of small, did receive pay, and for this the state had to
independent businessmen rather than organ- find money. When large amounts were need-
ized corporations. For a long period Corinth ed for projects such as public buildings and
was the leader in trade, but by the fifth centu- maintenance of ships, the expenses were as-
ry Athens had become dominant and had signed to citizens judged capable of bearing
taken over from Corinth the trade with Sicily the cost. This was only one of many services
and other Greek citjes to the west. to the state that were imposed on the rich;
Trade stimulated industry at home, partic- others included paying for the training of the
ularly the manufacture of pottery. In general, choruses in Greek dramas and seeing to the
industry was operated on a limited scale, upkeep of gymnasiums for athletic contests.
almost like a household craft. A worker might
have two or three slaves helping him in his
trade as a potter, shoemaker, or stonecutter. Life in the Polis
However, a few larger workshops are known.
One shield maker employed 120 slaves, and Greek city-states allowed their inhabitants
the father of the orator Demosthenes owned more social mobility than did any Near
about 30 slaves and was considered fairly Eastern kingdom. They lacked the rigid divi-
wealthy. The most skilled workers were mak- sions between citizens that form true social
ers of jewelry and fine pottery. Ordinary pots classes. Although some rich landed families
had little decoratjon and were simply con- had more influence than other citizens, and in
tainers for goods, but luxury pots, exquisitely that sense formed an aristocracy, there was no
painted, were objects for trade. hereditary nobility. Moreover, the resulting
‘The development of an economy based on new wealth brought into prominence many
money seems to have been rather slow. men outside the ranks of the well-born. It was
Greece did not begin to use coins until nearly legally possible for any citizen to make a rep-
600, and even then the smallest unit of coin- utation and eventually hold some kind of
age was usually a drachma, one day’s pay and public office. "
roughly the price of a sheep. We can hardly The society of the polis did, of course, have
imagine a monetary economy in which one’s a substratum of slavery. The slaves— mostly
smallest purchase was a sheep; therefore the prisoners of war—were considered property.
Greeks must have continued to use barter as Some had to perform harsh, dangerous work,
their medium of exchange for some time after such as toiling in the silver mines of Attica,
coinage was adopted from Lydia. where they were little more than beasts of

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

burden. But for most slaves life was less ar- tension of the Greek’s personal life, and this is
duous. Generally, they worked in the house- what gave the polis its distinctive character.
hold, in industry, or on farms. Some became The Greeks were naturally gregarious, and
tutors, bankers, hotel keepers, cooks, and por- they loved to talk. During intervals between
ters. Slaves who worked on buildings of the work, or when the winter did not permit sail-
Athenian Acropolis received the same pay as ing, they met, they gossiped, they argued.
free citizens. Though they were legally And the liveliest topic in the small, compact
bound to turn their earnings over to their world of the polis was public affairs. It is not
masters, they were probably allowed to keep surprising, then, that democracy established
some money. A slave who saved enough its roots in the Greek city-state.
might obtain his master’s permission to buy
his freedom.
Home life in the polis, even for the wealthy, Sparta
was far less luxurious than that of an Egyp-
tian noble or a lord within a palace in Crete. Sparta, the leader of the Dorian states in the
All dwellings were modest; Oriental cushions Peloponnesus, achieved greatness by impos-
and thick rugs were unknown, and sanitation ing on herself a rigid political system that
barely existed. Fish, grain, and bread were made every citizen the unflinching servant of
diet staples; meat was usually reserved for the state. At the cost of artistic and literary
festival days. The Greeks used olive oil exten- development, she conquered nearby territory
sively —as fat in cooking, as fuel for lamps, and set the military standard for all other
and even as a kind of soap. Breakfast, if taken Greeks.
at all, was a lump of bread dipped in olive oil. Sparta’s militarism was the outgrowth of a
With few luxuries available, the Greeks problem common to all the Greek poleis:
could subsist on small incomes. A. skilled overpopulation. Instead of sending out colo-
worker on public buildings earned a drachma nies to relieve this pressure, Sparta, around
a day in the fifth century, and it has been es- 720, conquered a neighboring people, the
timated that 180 drachmas a year could sup- Messenians, and divided their land among
port a married couple. It is clear that a Greek the Spartan warriors. The subject peoples
did not have to work unduly hard to make a outnumbered the Spartans by about seven or
living and that he had abundant free time. eight to one, and every able-bodied Spartan
Even the farmer, given the seasonal nature of was needed in the army to maintain control
Greek farming, had several months of leisure over them. As a result Spartan landowners
a year. spent their lives in constant military training,
The Greek spent most of his leisure time in while the subjected Messenians worked the
public places. All life—religious, cultural, land for them.
economic, and social—was centered in the In the seventh century the Messenians re-
town. The austerity of a Greek’s home was belled. The revolt failed, and Sparta reacted
balanced by the splendor of his public build- by making her army even more invincible
ings. Civic life was in fact an immediate ex- and revising her constitution to establish a

stricter system. This constitution, attributed en. The league is one of the earliest examples
to a legendary lawgiver named Lycurgus, of alliance in the Greek world and is a rare
dates from about 600. As finally evolved, the instance of the Greeks transcending the nor-
constitution established a government in mal exclusiveness of city-state politics.
which oligarchy, or the rule of a small num- Family life was not common in Sparta. The
ber, was tempered with a measure of democ- Spartan male dedicated most of his life to mil-
racy. Sparta always retained two kings, a sur- itary service. Training started in boyhood.
vival from prehistoric times. The ruling circle The Spartan warriors lived and ate together,
also included five epbors (overseers), elected and their military discipline approached sad-
annually by the citizens. Any Spartan could ism. As tests of their manhood, young men
become a candidate for this ofhice. The ephors were required to go without food and shelter
acted as an executive body and also had great and received severe floggings, which some-
influence over Sparta’s foreign policy. They times proved fatal. Boys were taught to steal,
initiated legislation, summoned the assembly and the crime lay in being caught. Spartan
and council, and wielded both police and ju- girls were also given rigorous training so that
dicial powers. The council of elders, the ge- they would bear healthy children. Defective
rousia, consisted of the two kings and twenty- children were exposed to the elements and
eight other men, who were chosen for life. allowed to die.
The assembly, the legislative body, com- Sparta was cut off from the other Greek
prised every male over thirty who could poleis by two mountain ranges, and this geo-
demonstrate that he was the child of full- graphic isolation was reinforced by the state.
fledged Spartan citizens. The assembly’s The need for manpower at home made it
powers were limited; the council brought difficult for Spartans to engage in internation-
before it the proposals for action, and the al trade (we know of only one Spartan colony,
people merely voted yes or no. As a further the modern city of Taranto in Italy). Trade
safeguard against too much popular control, with others was further discouraged by the
the leaders could dismiss the assembly if in adoption of an intrinsically worthless iron
their opinion it made the wrong decision. currency. Perhaps because of this isolation
Thus the limited democracy of Sparta yield- and the rigors of military life, the Spartan’s
ed to her ultimate faith in oligarchy. laconic way of speaking (so named from the
In foreign affairs Sparta had tried to domi- plain of Laconia around Sparta) came to de-
nate other Peloponnesian states by outright note extreme terseness.
conquest. When this policy failed, she sought The isolation also cut her people off from
strength through alliance rather than warfare. new ideas that might have sparked creativity.
An interstate system arose, probably about The Spartans did not cultivate philosophic
530, which Greeks called “The Spartans and debate or historical writing. Though they did
their allies”; modern historians call it the make fine pottery, at least until 525, the mar-
Peloponnesian League. Sparta led but did not tial spirit of the society did not provide the
control the league, although if she refused to right atmosphere for the general development
call the states to meet, no action could be tak- of the arts.

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

Whatever we think of the principles of the had to come from established families —the
Spartan regime, it was successful in preserv- people whom we may loosely call the aris-
ing itself. The Spartan people, having to dom- tocracy. They were elected annually by the
inate a much larger population of potential assembly of adult male citizens. After com-
enemies, chose to embrace rigid militarism. pleting their year’s term of office, the archons
Yet the citizens were sovereign over the ques- became permanent members of the Areopa-
tion of war or peace, and when they chose gus. Thus each year the Areopagus acquired
war, they were voting to put themselves in nine new members with experience in high
the field. To other Greeks, Sparta became a office, and eventually it numbered about
symbol of tenacity and strength. Plato ap- three hundred men. Since it was composed of
proved of Spartan virility and lack of demo- senior men with permanent membership, the
cratic follies; Aristotle and later philosophers Areopagus was probably more influential
praised Sparta for her mixed constitution, in than the board of archons in determining
which the kings represented the element of public policy.
monarchy, the gerousia that of oligarchy, and Our first information about a major reform
the assembly that of democracy. in Athens is dated about 621 when Draco, an
otherwise unknown statesman, published or
codified the law on homicide. That the homi-
Athens cide law was now published for all to know
was an important step forward for Athens.
The city of Athens expanded her domain ear- Although Draco’s laws were later considered
ly in history until she controlled the whole severe, they did imply a fair administration of
plain of Attica, but she did not reduce the justice, whereas formerly the citizen had to
inhabitants of the other villages to a condition rely on the opinion of tribal elders. Among
of servitude; thus she was free of the terrible his other legal reforms Draco apparently
problem that the Spartans created for them- made a distinction between voluntary and
selves in having to restrain large numbers of involuntary homicide, which in itself was
angry subjects. Athens was a large polis with significant. Early societies often looked on
widespread trading interests, and her political any kind of homicide as defiling the commu-
currents were stronger and more turbulent. nity in the eyes of the gods.
These are among the conditions that caused About 600, when Sparta was revising its
Athens to experiment again and again with state in the reform associated with Lycurgus,
her constitution; her political history is the Athens was also dealing with a political crisis.
most varied of all the city-states of Greece. The differing methods used by these states to
At one time Athens had a king as other solve their problems present an interesting
poleis did. He was advised by a council of contrast within the world of the poleis. Ath-
senior men, known as the Areopagus. When ens faced a serious agricultural crisis as her
the monarchy ended about 683, the king was increasing population found it ever more
replaced by three (later nine) archons, or ad- difficult to feed itself from the available land.
ministrators. At first the archons probably During lean years some farmers began to

obtain additional food by pledging away a The single most inspired architectural
portion of the next year’s crop. As they as- achievement of the Classical Age is the Athenian
signed more and more of their crops, they Acropolis, which dominated the surrounding
finally began to use the land itself as collater- city and could be seen from the marketplace
al. Some dispossessed peasants became tenant below. Construction began in the sixth century,
but the largest and most magnificent of its
farmers, working the land for a portion of the
temples, the marble Parthenon dedicated to
crop (probably one-sixth). If they defaulted
Athena, was built during the age of Pericles.
on this rent, their creditors had the right to
[Photo: Alison Frantz}
enslave them.
The resentment of the bankrupt peasants
might have exploded into violent revolution indicates the importance of land tenure in
had not the Athenians managed to solve the early Athens, for it apparently excluded all
problem peacefully. They gave powers of who did not own productive land, even trad-
arbitration to Solon, one of the archons, in ers and artisans. The significance of the new
594.4 Aware that there was little hope that the system was that it ended privileges based on
poor farmers could ever repay their debts, birth. If men from newer families could work
Solon adopted a course of radical simplicity: their way up economically, no one could
he canceled all agricultural debts. At one deny them a post of leadership merely be-
stroke the enslaved men were free. As for the cause of family background.
land, it probably remained in the hands of its Surviving specimens of Solon’s poetry
new owners. The important thing was that show that he considered himself a moderate:
Solon had prevented civil war. “I gave the people just enough privilege, nei-
Solon also undertook legal reforms. He ther taking away nor adding anything.” His
apparently divided all Athenian citizens into chief contribution was recognizing the needs
four classes based on their income from the of the whole state; for the first time someone
land rather than on family background. considered the common people as a group
Members of the three higher classes could with justified grievances and took bold steps
hold public office. Those in the lowest class, to solve them. We hear of no such arbitration
common laborers, could hold no office, but as in any ancient Near Eastern kingdom.
members of the assembly they could vote in Solon’s humane legislation did not end the
elections. This system for choosing officials agricultural crisis. Freeing the peasants from
servitude was not the same as guaranteeing
them enough to eat; hungry tenant farmers
4’That Solon was archon in 594 is fairly certain, and most had become hungry free citizens, and the dis-
scholars follow ancient tradition in dating his reforms to
the same year. We accept this date for the sake of conven- content remained. Pisistratus, an Athenian
ience. In all probability the assumed synchronism be- military leader supported by the poorer farm-
tween his archonship and his reforms was an inference
ers from the hill country, saw his opportunity
drawn in antiquity, and there is some reason to think that
the reforms actually took place in the 570s: see C. Hig- in this turmoil. In 561 he appeared in the city,
nett, A History of the Athenian Constitution (1952), p. 316. displaying wounds that he had allegedly re-

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization
ceived from his enemies. His supporters nominal control over their magistrates, and
demanded that the assembly give him a body- this practice in democratic government made
guard. With the help of these club-bearers, as them receptive to actual democracy when it
they were called, he seized the Acropolis, the came into existence toward the end of the
central hill of Athens, and began to rule as a sixth century. Pisistratus also made Athens
tyrant. He fell from power twice but in 546 prosperous and ended the threatening social
seized authority decisively. conditions under which a group of landless
Pisistratus saw that more radical measures farmers might potentially attack rich land-
than those of Solon were needed to deal with owners.
the agricultural problem. Since he drew sup- Pisistratus died in 528. For some years his
port from poorer farmers and workers, he eldest son, Hippias, ruled securely, but a con-
rewarded them with land grants from the spiracy eventually frightened him into using
confiscated estates of wealthy landowners. By terror as a means to keep peace. Some Atheni-
this stern measure Pisistratus greatly weak- ans were forced into exile, among them Cleis-
ened the power of the aristocracy. He also thenes, the leader of a noted family. While in
encouraged industry and trade. Under his exile, Cleisthenes and his supporters managed
rule Athens became an important commercial to enlist the help of the Spartans in a plan to
city. drive the new tyrant from Athens. In 510 a
Pisistratus initiated a splendid program of Spartan army invaded Athens and exiled
public works. He built a temple to Athena, Hippias. Cleisthenes returned to his native
the patron goddess of Athens. (This temple city, determined to make himself the domi-
was burned during the Persian Wars and later nant Athenian politician.
replaced by the famous Parthenon.) In anoth- Having observed how Pisistratus overcame
er part of the city he began a temple to Zeus. all rivals by making the poor his supporters,
The largest of all Greek temples, it was not Cleisthenes decided to use the same strategy.
completed until about A.D. 120, when Ath- In 508 he proposed a scheme whereby the
ens was under the Roman Empire. He also masses would participate more directly in
established a yearly festival in Athens honor- running the state. Although Cleisthenes him-
ing the god Dionysus; and by encouraging self probably did not use the term, the Greeks
dramatic contests at these festivals, he opened eventually called this system demokratia, the
the way for the age of Attic tragedy in -the rule of the demos or the entire mass of citizens.
next century. Cleisthenes’ aim in founding democracy
The reign of Pisistratus was beneficial for was probably to secure his own interests rath-
Attica. Although his careful management of er than to further any special political ideolo-
the state was clearly despotic, the people con- gy. The basic reform was the creation of the
tinued to elect archons and, in doing so, to Council of 500 (members); this new council
maintain democratic forms. Today we would existed alongside the Areopagus and gradual-
call such a system a guided democracy. The ly became the more important of the two
Athenians grew accustomed to having at least councils. All male citizens over thirty, except

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

members of the lowest property class, the lage, or deme, that a man lived in at the time
thetes, were eligible to serve for one year on of the reform. These villages, well over one
the council, which was chosen entirely afresh hundred in number, were grouped into thirty
each year. In later times—or perhaps from sets, called trittyes (the word means “thirds”.
the beginning—the members were selected Three trittyes were grouped together to form
by drawing lots. In this way political experi- a tribe, the thirty trittyes thus forming ten
ence could be shared by as many citizens as tribes in all. A tribe included men dwelling in
possible, even if it meant government by ama- trittyes that were geographically separated
teurs rather than professionals. The lot also from each other; thus no tribe came from a
eliminated the influence of any special groups single region of Attica. This complex scheme
who might seek to dominate the council. assured that no local interests would domi-
The enforced rotation of service in the nate the opinions of a tribe. The Council of
council was Cleisthenes’ master stroke. There 500 included fifty men from each tribe, cho-
was a fair chance that every eligible Athenian sen from candidates selected by the individu-
would be chosen to serve on it once during al demes.
his lifetime. With such a personal stake in Cleisthenes left the magistracies un-
democracy citizens would not conspire with touched. There were still nine archons, as
those who wanted to abolish the system. The before, and after their year in office they
success of Cleisthenes’ plan is evident from passed into the Areopagus. The qualifications
the remarkable tenacity of Athenian democ- for office remained as they had been under
racy, which endured for several centuries in Solon. We are not well informed about the
its Cleisthenic form. judicial system at this time, but it seems that
The Council of 500 had wide powers. It the archons conducted their own trials. Two
prepared business for the assembly, adminis- ancient features of trial procedure continued.
tered domestic and foreign policies, and con- The Areopagus judged cases of homicide;
trolled finance. The assembly included all and at times the people, or a section somehow
adult males. They could debate motions and chosen from the people, the heliaea, apparent-
suggest amendments, but they could not initi- ly acted as a court of appeal in serious cases. It
ate legislation; that was the duty of the coun- must be stressed that all adult citizens,
cil. Yet since the ordinary citizen could serve whether landowners or not, were eligible to
on the council as well as vote in the assembly, vote in the assembly, with the exception of
he clearly did manage public affairs from 508 women, who at no time played a part in
onward. Greek politics.
Cleisthenes also directed a radical revision After the passing of his reforms Cleis-
of the Athenian social structure. He was evi- thenes is heard of no more in our sources, but
dently trying to break up the possible influ- the Athenians continued to refine his system.
ence of regional groups. For political purpos- They extended election by lot to one office
es he divided all Athenians into ten tribes. after another. In 487, for example, they began
The determining factor was the particular vil- to choose their nine annual archons by lot

The interesting procedure of ostracism was wanted to possess self-government. This is
instituted in Athens about the time of even more clearly demonstrated by the abys-
Cleisthenes. Once a year the Athenians voted mal failure of revolutions led by oligarchs.
for the man they considered most dangerous to Aristocratic Athenians might deplore the
the state by inscribing his name on ostraka, or
sharing of influence with the untaught mas-
scraps of pottery, such as those shown here. The
ses, but the attachment of the people to their
one on the right bears the name of
Themistocles. Six thousand votes in all had to system prevailed over all.
be cast, and the ‘‘winner’’ went at once into The system was not the most direct kind of
exile for ten years. Themistocles was ostracized democracy, whereby an assembly originates
after the Persian Wars, when his influence had and executes all policy. The Council of 500
waned. [Photo: American School of Classical was the most important organ of the govern-
Studies at Athens| ment and soon took over the simple name
“boule” from the older council of the Areopa-
gus. The working of this newer council made
from a preselected group. Later, in the fifth the Athenian system a representative govern-
and fourth centuries, many other annual ment like those of nearly all modern democra-
committees were so chosen, such as boards of cies including the United States. Cleisthenes’
public auditors, managers of public land and constitution endured with slight modifica-
mines, and road commissioners. The ideal tions well into the third century A.D., long
was to bring every citizen into the working of after Athens had lost political independence.
the state. It is clear that the overwhelming Thus the system lasted for more than 700
mass of Athenians supported this system and years; it was easily the most stable one in the

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

ancient world, and no other democratic con- Darius had no wish to leave the matter
stitution has ever had such a long life. there. He now proposed to invade Greece
herself, and one of the prime victims was to
be Athens, the city that had dared to help the
rebels. Darius also probably planned to con-
tv. [he Challenge of Persia quer much or all of Greece; had he succeeded,
he would have been the first ruler in history
whose empire joined Asia and Europe. In
Now the newly matured Greeks had to face pursuit of this aim, Darius sent a fleet across
their supreme challenge: an attack from the the Aegean Sea in 490 and confidently await-
Persian Empire, which had recently unified ed news of the fall of Athens.
the political heritage of the Near East. The The Persians landed at Marathon, a village
Greeks had enjoyed many contacts with the near Athens (see Map 2.2), where they were
Near East, but shortly after 500 they had to opposed by the Athenians under the com-
face the most enormous of ancient empires in mand of Miltiades, a member of a prominent
the field. An observer from Crete or Egypt, Athenian family. The Greek force was per-
asked to predict the result of a war between haps 10,000 men and the Persian, 20,000. The
the wealthy Persian dominion and the disu- Greeks trapped most of the Persians in the
nited city-states of Greece, would have con- center of their wing formation. Those who
sidered a Greek victory out of the question. escaped ran down to their ships and sailed
Yet the amazing victory was won—and in all against Athens. The Athenians marched back
Greek history there is no more significant to the city in time to prevent its betrayal by a
event. If Persia had converted Greece into pro-Persian group, and the Persians had no
another satrapy of her empire, no one can choice but to sail away to Asia. Herodotus
imagine how different Western culture might reports that the Athenians lost only 192 men
have been. and the Persians, 6,400.
Stung by this defeat, Darius began at once
to prepare a second invasion but he did not
Invasion of Greece live to attempt it. The next king, Xerxes
(486-465), welcomed the task. He devoted
Among the territories controlled by King four full years to preparing a force that would
Darius of Persia were the Greek cities on the attack by land and sea. This time there would
western coast of Asia Minor. These Greeks be no mistake.
rebelled against Persian control in 499—a Fortunately for Greece, there came to
prelude to the Persian Wars. This event is power in 480 the shrewdest creative strategist
called the Ionian Revolt, after Ionia, the cen- in her history, Themistocles. A few years ear-
tral portion of the shoreline. Athens support- lier he had persuaded the Athenians to build
ed the revolt and for a time it was successful, a navy of a hundred triremes, the classical
but it finally collapsed in 493. Greek warship, and since then more had been


ay —





e Sardis

a ‘i qeeee2490 = = 480
C} .
Wosecvves, aoreree Persians
The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

added. In this navy Themistocles saw the thus made to fight on two fronts. This trans-
chance for Athenian survival. About the same formed the battle into a Persian victory. The
time other Greek poleis began to fear annihi- Greeks were killed nearly to the last man, and
lation from a Persian invasion—nothing less King Leonidas of Sparta fell along with his
than imminent destruction could force the countrymen.
independent city-states to stand together.
Early in 480 some thirty states formed an alli-
ance; Sparta, Athens, and Corinth were its Greek Victory
most important members. Sparta’s perpetual
tradition of discipline in war caused the other Southern Greece now lay open to the slowly
allies to entrust to her the command on both advancing Persian armada. The Persian army
land and sea. had won the costly victory at Thermopylae,
A few months later Xerxes began his and the navy, though seriously damaged by a
march toward Greece. Historians estimate storm, had come south and waited off the
the strength of his force at about 60,000 men coast of Attica. The people abandoned Ath-
and 600 ships.? Whatever its true size, this ens ahead of the Persian army, which
was the most grandiose invasion of Europe by marched across Attica and burned the city. In
sea until the Allied invasions of Sicily and the nearly desperate situation, Themistocles
Italy in 1943. The Persian infantry crossed devised an ingenious stratagem. He sent a
into Europe on a pontodn bridge built across slave to the Persian king with a false message:
the Hellespont and soon arrived in Greece Themistocles wished him well and advised
proper. him to strike at once in order to prevent the
The Greeks decided to make a stand at demoralized Greeks from escaping; if he at-
Thermopylae, a narrow defile that a few men tacked quickly, he might wiri the decisive bat-
could hold against a much larger force. About tle practically without a blow. Themistocles
5,000 men from various states, including 300 then persuaded the council of Greek com-
Spartans under King Leonidas, blocked the manders to follow his strategy.
pass against a horde of Persians. When one The Persians were taken in by the ruse and
Spartan was warned that the massive barrage sent their navy into the narrows between
of Persian arrows would conceal the sun in Athens and the island of Salamis. This put
the sky, he replied with Laconic bravery, the larger and more clumsy Persian ships at a
“Excellent news: if the Persians darken the disadvantage. The faster Greek fleet, some
sun, we shall be able to fight in the shade.” A 380 ships, rammed the Persians, thus shearing
traitorous Greek led a Persian force through off and fouling their oars. At this point heavi-
the hills to the rear of the Greeks, who were ly armed Greek soldiers boarded the enemy’s
ships and fought as if on land. The Persian
navy broke and retreated. On all sides the
5 Herodotus, our source for the Persian Wars, was taken Greek victory was decisive. Wrecks and rem-
in by fantastic reports and reckoned the total Persian
force at more than 5 million men. The figure given here is nants of the Persian ships drifted along the
only an estimate. coast of Attica. Xerxes sailed back toward the

Dardanelles with his shattered navy. A Per- boot from World War I on Gallipoli or near
sian king had gazed upon Europe for the last the river Somme.
time. From this point on the tide of Greek victo-
Salamis is one of the most important bat- ry and liberation could not be stopped. The
tles in history. Yet the Persian Wars were not Greeks won a further battle at Mycale on the
over, for a Persian army remained in Greece. shore of Asia Minor in 479. The Ionian
The reckoning with this force came in 479, at Greeks proclaimed their freedom and thus
the village of Plataea. The Spartan regent, completed the work of throwing off Persian
Pausanias, directed the battle. Once more the contro] that they had begun twenty years ear-
Greek army utterly defeated the Persians; out lier. Persia withdrew from the field. From
of perhaps 50,000 Persians, only a few thou- time to time she continued to interfere in
sand survived the day. From the booty gath- Greek politics, but the final reckoning with
ered in the Persian camp, rich offerings were Persia did not come until Alexander the
sent to Delphi as thanks for divine assistance, Great finally dissolved the empire. For the
and for years afterward the Plataeans were present, the Greek poleis had thrust back
constantly turning up relics from the battle, their most formidable enemy. The golden age
just as today one might find a helmet or a of Greek culture now began.

In its large number of independent city- tions, the Greek states managed to join one
states, which were not united by a central another in the moment of their common peril.
leadership, Greek civilization showed a diver- The Persian Empire, which had succeeded in
sity and richness of thought that surpasses unifying the Near East, now threatened
anything in the Near Eastern kingdoms. Here Greece with permanent subjugation. But the
political forms changed much more quickly self-reliance that nature had forced on the
Greeks, living in their separate valleys and
than they did in Egypt or Mesopotamia. Ty-
pockets of land, proved to be their salvation.
rants overturned aristocratic families as the
The Greek victory over Persia was the
dominant political element. Next the people
equal of any heroic feat immortalized by
themselves demanded greater participation in
Homer. It assured that the poleis would have
the management of their affairs. To varying the freedom to experiment in self-govern-
degrees democracy became a common form ment and shape their own destiny. But free-
of government, and the small size of most dom imposes obligations. The question was
poleis enabled them to bring their democra- whether the Greeks would use their triumph
cies close to the purest possible form. wisely and master themselves as firmly as
Whatever the varieties of their constitu- they had driven back their enemy.

The Foundations of
Greek Civilization

Recommended Reading

Sources An important revisionist study, critical of ancient

*Herodotus. The Persian Wars. Aubrey de Selincourt (tr.). *Hutchinson, R. W. Prehistoric Crete. 1962.
1954. Lesky, Albin. A History of Greek Literature. 1966. Superb
“Homer. The Iliad. Richmond Lattimore (tr.). 1951. The history with trenchant discussions.
best of many translations. Mylonas, George. Mycenae and the Mycenaean Age. 1966.
. The Odyssey. Richmond Lattimore (tr.). 1968. Now the fullest report on Mycenaean archaeology.
*Nilsson, Martin P. The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mytholo-
LY. 1972.
Studies *Page, Denys L. History and the Homeric Ihad. 1959.
*Pendlebury,J. D. S. The Archaeology of Crete. 1965. Still
*Andrewes, A. The Greek Tyrants. 1966. unreplaced as a survey.
. The Greeks. 1973. *Vermeule, Emily. Greece in the Bronze Age. 1972. An exact
Bury,J. B. A History ofGreece. 1951. Despite its age, still and comprehensive treatment; the best work avail-
the best one-volume history of Greece. able.
*Chadwick, John. The Decipherment of Linear B. 1970. Vhe
best brief study of the Cretan scripts.
Hignett, C. A History of the Athenian Constitution. 1952. * Available in paperback.

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3/Class eal
and Hellenistic
The century following the Persian Wars was a golden age for Greek culture,
one of the most creative periods the world has ever known. No one can fully
explain why at this time and this place literature and art assumed new,
imperishable forms, and philosophy, from only tentative beginnings, advanced
to full maturity. The distinctive environment of the polis, especially in Athens,
seems to have released these creative energies. Its communal life, uniquely
cohesive, provided a setting in which men could, for the first time in the West,
explore human potential. In tragic drama, for example, playwrights used the
heritage of mythology and poetry for a new purpose—to study the nature and
fate of man and the issues of ethical behavior. A new literary form was also
created to examine man’s experience—historical writing. The Persian and
Peloponnesian wars formerly might have been celebrated in epic poetry, but they
were now subject toa new kind of inquiry that sought to analyze political
events and that included geography, ethnography, and historical facts in its
range. In art, sculpture replaced vase painting as the medium best suited for the
sensitive portrayal of man, and artists began to show the human body 1m states
of intense and even violent activity. New techniques of using marble led to the
most superb artistic creations in all Greek history, the temples and monuments of
the Athenian Acropolis. The Parthenon, built of unusually splendid marble,
gives evidence even in its ruin of the perfection of Greek architecture.
This period of creativity was not shattered by the suicidal quarrel of the
Peloponnesian War between Athens, Sparta, and their allies. Playwrights
continued their work, their dramas sharpened by the emotional tension of the
time. Philosophers turned from the study of the physical world to man himself;
they inquired more deeply how man could be understood and sought ways to
design the best possible state.
The long war so weakened the Greek city-states that the way was opened for
their eventual domination by the kingdom of Macedonia. One Macedonian king,
Alexander the Great, caused a spectacular expansion of Greek civilization into
Egypt, Persia, and Asia Minor. His conquests fused the cultures of Greece and
on the Near East into a new, cosmopolitan civilization known as the Hellenistic.
1. The Supremacy of Athens The campaigns were successful. The
Greeks liberated the cities in Asia Minor still
held by the Persians and drove the Persian
After the Persian Wars Athens was dominant navy from the Aegean. Warfare between
in the Greek world for the next half-century. Greeks and Persians ended by about 450.
She headed a confederation of Greek states During the intervening years Athens had ini-
that gradually became an Athenian empire. tially acted with restraint in exercising her
With political leadership came commercial leadership over the other members of the
dominance; her trading activities spread league. Gradually, however, she began to ex-
throughout the Aegean and eastern Mediter- tend her political influence, forcing some
ranean. At home her democratic institutions cities into the league and threatening others
were further strengthened as the citizens that wished to withdraw. She used the cash
gained a full voice in all government affairs. contributions of her allies to fortify her own
Athenian culture is the most remarkable evi- navy, thereby increasing her military superi-
dence of these accomplishments. The bril- ority over them. On occasion she intervened
liance of the literature and art in this period in the local politics of the member states, usu-
set standards that Western civilization has ally supporting the democratic faction. Athe-
rarely been able to equal. nian dominance was tacitly acknowledged in
454 when the league’s treasury was trans-
The Athenian Empire ferred from Delos to Athens. Henceforth,
cash contributions to the league were actually
The Greek victories over the Persians in 480 tribute payments to Athens. The alliance of
and 479 secured mainland Greece from fur- equals had become an Athenian empire.
ther attacks, but the presence of Persian
troops in Asia Minor continued to be a threat.
Sparta, reverting to her traditional policy of The Age of Pericles
isolation, withdrew from further campaign-
ing. Other members of the alliance, however, Athens entered her greatest period under the
continued to make war against Persian hold- leadership of Pericles (490?
— 429), a brilliant
ings in Asia Minor and soon decided to form statesman from an aristocratic family. From
a permanent union for this purpose. Meeting 450 to the time of his death Pericles dominat-
on the island of Delos in the winter of 478- ed the competitive world of Athenian politics.
477, they formed a new alliance, the Delian He had the rank of general, an important
League, under Athenian leadership. Each office that carried both military and political
city-state was to have one vote in determining authority and could be held year after year by
policy, and all agreed to make regular contri- annual election.
butions of either money or manned ships for Pericles was determined to make Athens
campaigns against Persia. Athens was as- preeminent in Greece. To ensure her military
signed the command of the fleet. strength he extended the system of alliances.

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

He used her expanded fleet to make Athens in the wisdom and dedication of the average
the supreme commercial power in the Ae- citizen. It also expressed the typical Greek
gean. Most important for the future of the confidence in rational debate as a means of
West, he was a patron of the arts who made arriving at the best course of action. Pericles,
Athens the cultural center of the Mediterra- in a speech attributed to him by the historian
nean world. He undertook a great building Thucydides, expressed this view:
program to beautify the city; the Parthenon is
his legacy. We arrive at sound decisions, or at least sound
Athens grew prosperous. Her trade net- ideas, on policy, because we do not believe that
work extended into the Black Sea and action is spoiled by discussion, but by failure to
throughout the eastern Mediterranean. Trib- be informed through debate before the necessary
action is taken. In fact this is another point in
ute continued to flow in from her allies in the
our superiority: we are unusually daring and also
Delian League. Newly discovered mineral
unusually disposed to weigh the pros and cons
resources in Attica added to her income. Even
of a proposed undertaking, while with others
the poorest citizens shared in the increased ignorance brings boldness and second thought
prosperity. Many were hired for Pericles’ brings hesitation."
building program. The fleet also provided
jobs, both in building and in manning the Athens had now become a more cosmopoli-
ships. tan city. As a cultural center she attracted
The Athenian citizen became more in- poets, artists, and intellectuals from all over
tensely involved than ever in the affairs of the the Greek world. Moreover, the Athenians
polis. The assembly, composed of all citizens, themselves had become travelers —as traders,
had full legislative powers; and there was no soldiers, and tourists. Ever curious, yet confi-
appeal from its decisions. Thus the will of the dent in their own institutions, the Athenians
people was final on all matters affecting the were receptive to the ideas of others.
polis—foreign affairs, finance, and military
operations. Though a magistrate presided in
the courts, the people were both judge and Fifth-Century Culture
jury. Jurors were chosen by lot, and their de-
cisions could not be appealed, for they ex- Historians usually call the period from about
pressed the will of the Athenian people. Peri- 500 to 323 the Classical Age. Athens was
cles also instituted a system of pay for jury preeminent in culture throughout this period,
duty and other services to the government but it was in the fifth century, particularly
(but not for attendance at the assembly) to during the rule of Pericles, that her literature
permit even the poorest citizen to engage in
political life.
Athens at this time had one of the most
‘From The Peloponnesian War, Book 2, Ch. 40, in Paul L.
direct forms of democracy that has ever exist- MacKendrick and Herbert M. Howe (eds.), Classics in
ed. It was a system that expressed confidence Translation (W. H. S. Jones, tr.), 1952.

and art attained their perfection. Almost as those issues. They are strong-willed men and
remarkable as these achievements was the women, leaders or potential leaders, caught in
nature of the audience to which they were dilemmas not wholly of their own making.
directed. The poets, architects, and sculptors The universal appeal of the greatest tragic
were creating their works for all the citizenry, dramatists— Aeschylus (525?—456), Sopho-
not just an educated elite. cles (496?-—406), and Euripides (480?-
406?)—lies in their treatment of archetypal
themes and passions, the often primitive, dark
Drama forces that exist in every culture. In Aeschy-
lus’ trilogy the Oresteza, for example, the cen-
Greek religion, as we have seen, lacked a sys- tral theme concerns the nature of justice, but
tematic body of theology, and its ceremonials Aeschylus explores this abstract question in a
were far less elaborate than those of Near tale of multiple murders and personal ven-
Eastern religions. Yet religion pervades much geance. Long before the trilogy opens, the
of Greek culture. Nowhere is this close pattern has been set: the Greek king Aga-
connection between religion and culture memnon, having vowed to help defeat Troy,
more evident than in Greek drama. Its origins sails for that city, but his fleet is becalmed. If
are religious: drama began in Athens, proba- the fleet is to continue, he must sacrifice his
bly in the sixth century, at the festivals hon- daughter to the gods (this episode resembles
oring the god Dionysus, and it never lost another archetypal myth, in which the god of
touch with its religious roots. The dramatists the Israelites commands Abraham to sacrifice
derived their plots from the familiar tales of his son Isaac). Agamemnon must decide
gods and heroes in Greek mythology. The which is the more just course, to sacrifice his
central themes of the tragedies concern the daughter and thereby proceed to Troy, or to
ambiguities fundamental to all religions: save his daughter and break his promise to
What is man’s relationship to the gods? What sail against Troy.
is the nature of justice? And if the gods are Agamemnon follows the gods’ orders but is
just, why do they inflict suffering on man? nevertheless punished. On his victorious re-
Greek tragedy was thus a debate on time- turn to his homeland, his wife, Clytemnestra,
less questions that would later be the prov- avenges the sacrifice of their daughter by
ince of philosophers and theologians. But in murdering her husband and, with her lover,
fifth-century Athens the dramas were pre- assuming the throne. The chain of vengeance
sented before the entire community. The continues when Orestes, the son of Agamem-
dramatic festivals were an education in ethics non and Clytemnestra, kills his mother and
for the citizens of the polis. The audience, her lover. But Orestes must expiate his crime
familiar with the plots of the plays, could of matricide. He is pursued by the Furies,
concentrate on the dramatist’s treatment of hostile demons who nearly drive him mad.
the central moral issues. The stature of the Apollo advises him to go to Athens, where he
characters in tragedy gives depth and force to will be freed from his torments. There, at the

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

Areopagus, Athena announces that she will tentional, have disturbed the order of the uni-
try the case and will “establish a court unto verse, and he must atone for them. When the
all time to come”: truth emerges, Oedipus’ wife-mother hangs
herself. Oedipus, in a frenzy of remorse,
I will pick the finest of my citizens, and come plunges her brooches into his eyes and begins
back. They shall swear to make no judgment that a life of wandering as a blind outcast.
is not The plays of Euripides are characterized
just, and make clear where in this action the truth by greater realism than those of Aeschylus
lies.? and Sophocles. Euripides is interested in how
the inner workings of man’s mind and emo-
The trial is held, with Athena presiding. tions shape his destiny. ‘Thus the passions of
When the jury’s vote is tied, she acquits Ores- the characters rather than the workings of
tes by casting her vote in his favor. Thus he fate determine the course of events in his
has been forgiven in the sight of the gods. For plays. Euripides’ characters are intense, often
the Athenian audience, the final scene reveals neurotic, and even fanatical.
that their system of justice, divinely inspired Euripides’ most familiar play is Medea. Ja-
by Athena, has supplanted the old tribal cus- son, the husband of Medea, has deserted her
tom of personal vengeance. for a princess of Corinth. To revenge herself,
The strength of archetypes in Greek trage- Medea kills the Corinthian girl and then her
dy is most evident in Sophocles’ Oedipus the own children. She is a woman of strong, often
King, perhaps the most nearly perfectspeci- conflicting, emotions. She weeps over her
men of Greek. tragedy _ that_has..surwived. children but, despite a momentary weakening
Freud i drew upon it in his theory of the Oedi- of her resolve, fulfills her plan to kill them.
pal complex, which describes a child’s desire Vicious and at times depraved, Medea is
for his parent of the opposite sex and rejec- nonetheless heroic and terrifying in her deter-
tion of the parent of the same sex. The play is mination.
about Oedipus, King of Thebes, who had
unknowingly committed the terrible crimes
of killing his father a
and. marrying his ‘mother. Fiistorical Writing
As the play “opens, a religious curse has
brought a plague on the people. Oedipus «or- Drama is one way of examining man’s condi-
ders a search to eliminate the offender who tion; another is historical writing, through
has polluted the city, but the search narrows which man analyzes the past and compares it
with terrifying logic to Oedipus himself. His with the present. We owe the creation of this
crimes of patricide and incest, though unin- literary form to the Greeks. Even though the
Old Testament and some records from the
Near East contain much reliable data, neither
2From The Eumenides, David Grene and Richmond Latti-
the Israelites nor the Near Eastern peoples
more (eds.), 1960. were writing history. Herodotus (484? — 425?)

is rightly called the “Father of History,” for Art and Architecture
he was the first to write an analysis of politi-
cal events. “This is the publication of the /zs- Pericles’ building program in Athens gave
toria of Herodotus,’ he announces at the birth to the greatest period of Greek art. Ar-
opening of his work. The Greek word historia chitects and sculptors, working together ina
originally meant “inquiry,” a word that sums period of astonishing creativity, produced
up the task of the historian. some of the finest of all masterworks. Their
Herodotus was born during the Greek art embodied the ideals that the Greeks val-
conflict with Persia, and that became the sub- ued the most—balance, harmony, dignity,
ject of his inquiry. In his investigation of the and moderation. As in the drama, art was inti-
causes of the Persian Wars, he grasped the mately connected with religion, it found its
essential fact that large historical events are highest expression in temples.
often the result of a meeting between two Fifth-century architects did not try to im-
different cultures. He therefore sought to prove on the dignity and simplicity of the
learn the history of the Persian Empire and temple’s basic design. Nor did they attempt
the reasons for its pressure on Europe. to make it more grandiose in scale. The Par-
Herodotus traveled throughout the Greek thenon, the finest of the many temples built
world and the Near East to gather the data during this period, is tiny by comparison
for his History. A true Greek, he was a curious with the mightiest Egyptian temples. Rather,
and open-minded traveler, judging each soci- they concentrated their efforts on perfecting
ety on its own terms rather than according to the proportions and details of the temples.
Greek standards of behavior. He drew his The parts of the temple were always subordi-
material mainly from oral sources, from the nate to the harmony of the whole. One of the
tales men told of the past. Though he often subtle touches in the Parthenon, for example,
displays a shrewd skepticism, Herodotus did is the architect's avoidance of perfectly
not make a serious effort to separate truth straight lines; the columns lean slightly in-
from legend. He frequently reports two con- ward and swell toward the middle, so that the
flicting versions of the same event, leaving it building lacks the appearance of heaviness.
to the reader to make his own assessment. He Sculptors in the fifth century departed sig-
partly disarms critics by saying “my duty is nificantly from the rather rigid Egyptian
to report what is told me, but I am not form of the earlier kouros. Now sculpture
obliged to believe it all.” Herodotus attribut- was more graceful and free. It was also more
ed the Greek victory in the Persian Wars to real, but it was an idealized realism that tried
the inevitable triumph of a free society over a to present the human form at its perfection.
despotic one. The most impressive part of his The sculptor never tried to express his own
work is his recognition that the cultures of the individuality or that of his subject in the
ancient world were all interconnected and work; a statue, whether of a god or a man, was
that Persia and Greece were merely parts of intended to express majesty and timelessness.
the whole. This idealized realism is expressed with great

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

artistry in a bronze statue of Zeus (or perhaps

Poseidon) about to hurl a missile. The body is
perfect, rather larger than life size, the legs
widespread, the left arm pointing toward the
target and the right drawn fully back. Every
muscle is tensed with power. The unknown
artist, working about 460, has captured the
precise moment of action.
The statuary of the Parthenon is easily the
best-known collection of classic Greek sculp-
ture, largely because of the work of Lord El-
gin, who transported to London many of its
statues and large sections of its decorative
friezes. Around the outside of the building, at
the top, were placed ninety-two decorative
panels (metopes) showing battles between
mythological figures and the Greeks. On the
wall surrounding the inner room ran a long
frieze portraying a scene from human life, the
procession that took place during the Panath-
enaic festival every four years. The rich pro-
The most significant stylistic change in Greek
cession contains bearers of vessels, horsemen,
sculpture of the fifth century is illustrated in this
and ordinary citizens on foot. The total effect bronze statue of Zeus. The figure has a special
is one of bustling movement, fluidity, and dynamism; strength, resolve, and action are
energy. The pediment on the east end of the implicit in its form, a striking contrast to the
Parthenon showed the birth of Athena from earlier kouros. [Photo: Hirmer Fotoarchiv
the head of Zeus; the west pediment showed Minchen ]
Athena and Poseidon competing for owner-
ship of Athens. The uncanny perfection of
these pedimental statues is nearly beyond During the sixth century the Black Figure
description; an interesting detail is that they style flourished, but by about 530 it gave way
were wholly finished in the round, even to the Red Figure style, in which the back-
though it was never intended that anyone ground was painted black and the design left
should see their backs after they were mount- in the natural orange of the clay. In subtlety
ed under the gables. Like all other Greek stat- and variety Red Figure pottery surpasses the
uary, these works were painted. earlier form. A special kind of Attic vase is
The general artistic predominance of Ath- the /ekythos, or funerary urn, on which figures
ens extended to pottery painting as well, and were painted against a white background (see
the city became the center for this art form. Plate 4).

The War Years ,

Sparta and other independent city-states had

long viewed the growth of the Athenian
Empire with suspicion (see Map 3.1). When
Athens began to intervene in matters involv-
ing the states allied with Sparta in the Pelo-
ponnesian League, these allies became con-
vinced that war was the only solution. Cor-
inth, which felt her position jeopardized by
the Athenian actions, finally persuaded the
reluctant Spartans to lead the Peloponnesian
League into war.
The war was a contrast between two kinds
of political states. Sparta controlled no empire
and relied on internal resources to maintain
herself. Athens, the center of an empire, re-
lied on her imperial system to provide grain
for her people and tribute to pay for her navy.
This vase painting depicts a warrior’s departure Sparta had the strongest army in Greece and
and is a fine example of the Red Figure style, Athens the strongest navy.
which reversed the earlier Black Figure work; Fighting began in 431 but was inconclusive
here the background is painted black and the for several years. Sparta sought to break
figures are left in the natural orange. [Photo: Athenian morale by invading Attica annually,
Hirmer Fotoarchiv Munchen ] her troops inflicting some damage and then
departing in time for the Peloponnesian har-
vest. But the Athenians merely withdrew be-
u. [he Peloponnesian War hind fortifications until the Spartans retreated.
Pericles, still the leader of Athens, refused to
allow the Athenian infantry to challenge
The Age of Pericles closed with a ruinous Sparta on the field; instead, he launched sea-
war between Athens and Sparta and their borne raids against various points in the Pelo-
respective allies that spelled disaster for the ponnesus. These raids left Sparta untouched
poleis. When it finally came to an end after and her infantry undefeated. Far more dam-
almost thirty years, Athens was defeated. aging than any offensive policy of Sparta was
The war did not stifle the creative genius of a serious plague that afflicted Athens in 430
the Athenians, but their culture now became and intermittently thereafter. The plague
more introspective, as the greatest of philoso- took many lives within the crowded and un-
phers sought to explore the nature of man and sanitary city. Pericles was one of the victims.
his relationship to society. In 425 both Athens and Sparta achieved

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

MAP 3.1: GREECE 431 B.C.







Athens and Allies

certain successes, but the losses that both their courage and neither one had gained any
sides suffered in the next few years made all dominant position.
parties ready to end, or at least suspend, the After 421 followed a few years of suspi-
war. A peace treaty was signed in 421 (the cious peace, for the issues that had caused the
Peace of Nicias, named for the Athenian gen- war had not been settled.
eral who led the negotiations). At this point In 415 an occasion for renewed war arose.
the poleis could have turned their backs on The people of Segesta, a polis in Sicily, ap-
war, for both Athens and Sparta had shown pealed to Athens for help against another city

on that island. The issue of war in Sicily was
the subject of a crucial debate in Athens. The
eloquence of Alcibiades, a talented young po-
litical leader of enormous ambition and —as it
later turned out — few scruples, persuaded the
Athenian assembly to raise a large fleet and
sail to Sicily.
The original plan of aiding Segesta had to
be deferred when Syracuse, the largest Sicil-
ian city, entered the war against the Atheni-
ans. The Athenians laid siege to Syracuse.
Thucydides, who chronicled the war, makes
it clear that a resolute attack might well have
succeeded, but the Athenians failed to strike
when they had a clear advantage. One event
that blunted the Athenian attack was the loss
of Alcibiades, one of the leaders of the expedi-
tion. He was recalled to Athens to stand trial
on charges of violating the state’s religion.
Fearing that his political enemies would be
able to secure his conviction, he defected to
The Athenians finally lost a critical naval
battle at Syracuse in 413 and had to retreat
toward the interior of the island. During this
desperate march the Syracusans and their al-
lies cut the Athenians off and decimated them
as they tried to cross a river. Those who sur-
vived this calamity surrendered; as Thucyd-
ides grimly says, “few out of many returned
The disaster in Sicily caused many defec-
tions among the members of the Delian
League. The war dragged on inconclusively
for eight more years; Sparta sought decisive
help by enlisting the aid of Persia, promising
her control over the cities in Asia Minor that
This bronze statuette of a Spartan soldier
illustrates the helmet and draped garment worn had freed themselves during the Persian
during the time of the Peloponnesian War. Wars. In 405 a Spartan admiral captured the
[Photo: Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford] Athenian fleet on the shore of the Hellespont.

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

Athens, no longer able to assure her food of them it appeared that unbridled democra-
supply through the straits, had to surrender. cy had led to the political and social decline.
She renounced control over her empire and, They compared the discipline and _single-
as a symbol of humiliation, had to demolish mindedness of Sparta, the victor in the war,
the defensive walls that reached from the city with the frequent chaos of Athenian democ-
down to the coast of Attica. Sparta pro- racy. At a time when their leadership was
nounced this event in April 404 as “the libera- badly needed, many intellectuals withdrew
tion of Greece.” from active participation in political affairs,
which had once engaged the attention of
every Athenian citizen. Instead they sought
Effects on Greek Culture to learn what had gone wrong with democra-
cy and what system could replace it. Their
Athens had lost her empire, most of her navy, withdrawal from political life led to an intel-
and much of her trade; and she never re- lectual elitism, which in time further contri-
covered her former power. Twenty-seven buted to the social fragmentation of the polis.
years of war had drained her vitality. The
traditional values that had sustained democ-
racy had almost disappeared. Self-interest Comedy :
now replaced the communal bonds of the
polis. The earliest of the intellectual critics was Ar-
Though democracy was able to survive in istophanes (448? — 385?), a writer of comedy.
Athens for long years afterward, the Pelo- Unlike tragedy, fifth-century Greek comedy
ponnesian War inevitably imposed strains on was intimately connected with the everyday
it. The quality of political leadership had de- world; comic plays satirized real persons and
clined after the death of Pericles. Some ambi- events. True to this tradition, Aristophanes
tious leaders were demagogic, able to sway ridiculed the war, political leaders, intellec-
the assembly at will. On a number of occa- tuals (even Socrates), and the failings of de-
sions when the war appeared to be at an end, mocracy. He used fantasy and burlesque to
they could command support for rash ven- demolish his targets. A complete master of
tures that ended in disaster, such as Alci- language, he could parody the dignified style
biades’ expedition to Syracuse. Moreover, the of Aeschylus or Pindar and then make a split-
war produced a number of atrocities by vari- second shift to comic patter, invented words,
ous parties. A striking example is the Atheni- and nonsense.
an treatment of the island of Melos. When the The first of Aristophanes’ surviving plays
Melians refused to renounce their neutrality is the Acharnians, a pungent antiwar comedy
and give their support to Athens, the Atheni- produced when he was about twenty, in the
ans massacred the male population and took early years of the Peloponnesian conflict. He
the women and children as slaves. continued the antiwar theme in other plays,
The effects of the war induced deep pessi- notably Lysistrata, a play written after the dis-
mism among Athenian intellectuals. To many astrous Athenian expedition to Syracuse. In

this comedy the women of Athens, despairing the whole war but died before he could finish
of any rational means of ending the long war, his narrative, which breaks off within 411,
go on a sex strike. seven years before the end of the war.
Aristophanes reserved some of his sharpest Thucydides is relentlessly analytical. He
attacks for the democratic leaders who suc- charts the decline of the Periclean ideals un-
ceeded Pericles. In the Knights a general tries der the stresses of war. As he describes it, the
to induce a sausage seller to unseat Cleon, influence of extreme democratic leaders led to
one of those leaders: the moral degradation of Athens and the
crassness of its society. In his account of a
SAUSAGE-SELLER: [ell me this, how can I, a discussion between Athenian and Melian
sausage-seller, be a big man like that? leaders before the massacre at Melos, he
GENERAL: The easiest thing in the world. You’ve shows that the ideal of justice has become
got all the qualifications: low birth,
almost meaningless. He quotes an Athenian
marketplace training, insolence.
leader negotiating with the Melians:
SAUSAGE-SELLER: I don’t think I deserve it.
GENERAL; Not deserve it? It looks to me as if
you've got too good a conscience. Was your What is just is arrived at in human arguments
father a gentleman? only when the necessity on both sides is equal
SAUSAGE-SELLER: By the gods, no! My folks . . the powerful exact what they can, while the
were scoundrels. weak yield what they must.*
GENERAL: Lucky man! What a good start you’ve
got for public life!
SAUSAGE-SELLER: But I can hardly read. Thucydides’ literary art is superb, particu-
GENERAL: The only trouble is that you know larly when he is describing a scene of horror.
anything. To be a leader of the people isn’t No reader can avoid a chill over the clinical
for learned men, or honest men, but for the description of the Athenians’ suffering under
ignorant and vile. Don’t miss the golden the plague or their defeat in Sicily. In fact,
opportunity.? Thucydides’ greatness needs little emphasis.
Modern historians can sometimes convict
him of error, but he remains the undisputed
History standard for ancient historians and he has few
if any superiors in any age.
Herodotus laid the foundations for historical
writing; Thucydides, his immediate succes-
sor (455°?—399?), built on these foundations Philosophy
his History of the Peloponnesian War. Unlike
Herodotus, who extended his work far back The first philosophical inquiries among the
into the past, Thucydides wrote of events in Greeks had concerned the nature of the phys-
which he had participated. He lived through ical world. By the middle of the fifth century

‘From The Peloponnesian War, Book 5, Ch. 89, Charles

*From Leften S. Stavrianos, Epic of Man to 1500, 1970. Foster Smith (tr.), 1931.

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

the emphasis was turning in a new direction, young men of Athens to examine their lives
toward the study of man himself. The earliest to find truth, for “the unexamined life is not
Greeks to undertake this kind of inquiry were worth living.” His technique was to question
the Sophists, who were primarily teachers his pupils, then refute and correct them, guid-
rather than philosophers. The Sophists tried ing them by this “Socratic method” to the
to make intellectual activity something that right answers. He believed that no man is
could be used for immediate practical advan- really wise unless he can give a logical ac-
tage. Protagoras, the most prominent of them, count of his activities; this belief led to the
is credited with the famous saying: “Man is proposition that “knowledge is virtue,” one of
the measure of all things.” Protagoras insisted several statements made by Socrates that
that one could raise one’s position in life seem paradoxical, for even ignorant men may
through training, an idea that was a clear possess virtues. Another of his paradoxical
break from the old concept that saw every statements was “No one does wrong willing-
human action as limited by the intervention ly.” By this he probably meant that if a crimi-
of the gods or the fates. nal really understood the moral damage he
Other Sophists claimed to be able to train was doing to himself he could not possibly
their pupils for success in any calling, since desire to commit crimes. Socrates’ paradoxes
every position had problems that could be were intended to make people think critically
solved through reason. Basically, the Sophists in order to discover the truth and to make
taught the art of rhetoric, persuasive speech their own evaluations.
making that could be used to sway an assem- Socrates’ doctrines, and especially his in-
bly of people or to defend oneself in a court of sistent questioning, annoyed many Atheni-
law—a skill useful to an Athenian citizen. ans. Unfortunately for him, he had been the
They taught that political power could be tutor of several Athenians who opposed de-
won through a cool analysis of the mechanics mocracy during the last years of the Pelopon-
of politics. They recognized no religious laws nesian War.> After the war Socrates was
or duties. These ideas were a clear attack on brought to trial on the charges of “worship-
accepted beliefs. ing strange gods and corrupting the youth”
It was Socrates (469-399) who really —a way of hinting that Socrates had connec-
transformed the subject of philosophy from tions with enemies of the democratic system.
its concern with the nature of the world to a In a fever of misguided patriotism, an Athe-
concern with the nature of man. Socrates nian jury condemned Socrates to death. He
asked not, What exists? but, How should I accepted his fate with resignation and drank
live? The Roman statesman Cicero said that the famous cup of poison with simple courage.
Socrates brought philosophy down from the The manner of his death was an example to
heavens and located it in the cities of men.
Like Aristophanes and Thucydides, Socra-
tes was concerned with the loss of ethical val- Socrates had been the tutor of Alcibiades, the renegade
who seriously harmed Athens in the Peloponnesian War;
ues during the Peloponnesian War. His mis- he had also been an associate of Critias, the uncle of Plato
sion, as he conceived it, was to persuade the and a right-wing Athenian.

his disciples of the serenity that a contempla- “rule of the best”). The leaders are to be those
tive life can bring. But far greater was the who are best qualified by nature and training
influence of his thought. Socrates did not tell to “care for the others and watch over them,”
his pupils to live morally because God or a and much of the Republic is devoted to a dis-
king had so ordered it. He taught that man cussion of their philosophic training. It is to
has a moral obligation to lead an ethical life be a state in which “political power and phi-
because he has the power to reason. Man’s losophy are united.”
conscience demands right action, and this in Like other visions of utopia, Plato’s concep-
turn is the highest of all values and at the tion of an ideal state had little effect on subse-
same time man’s most precious achievement. quent history, but his view of reality, also
Our knowledge of Socrates’ thought comes presented in the Republic, had a profound in-
mainly from the writings of his most famous fluence on the future course of philosophy
pupil, Plato (428-347), for Socrates left no and theology and led to the philosophic
written record. Plato wrote philosophic books movement called Idealism. Plato believed that
in the form of discussions, or dialogues, in we must go beyond the evidence of our senses
which Socrates is usually the main speaker. to find the ultimate reality. We see objects as
Continuing Socrates’ work, Plato contributed real, but they are only defective reflections of
a massive logical structure to the insights of ideal models, or “forms,” which are eternal
his master. and represent the perfection of their class.
Political philosophy was Plato’s central Similarly, “justice” is merely an approxima-
concern. His lifetime spanned the Pelo- tion of an ideal form of justice. Only through
ponnesian War and all the political and social extensive training in philosophy can man at-
turbulence that followed. Democracy, volatile tain the wisdom to perceive that transcendent
and uncontrolled, had led Athens into war- reality, the world of ideal forms.
time adventures that accomplished little more To survey the work of Plato would almost
than the death or capture of Athenian troops. require a history of philosophy, for there is
Following the war, a jury had been induced hardly a department of thought that he did
to condemn Socrates to death. Disillusioned not examine. The richness of his mind and its
by the excesses of democracy, Plato sought a powerful creative energy have drawn philoso-
more stable system of government. In the phers back to him again and again. Plato dis-
Republic he presents his views of the ideal covered so many of the perennial topics of
state. It must be a just state, that is, one in philosophy as to justify the statement by the
which “everyone is doing his proper task.” modern philosopher Alfred North White-
The state will be guided by statesmen who head that all subsequent philosophy is a series
have had long training in philosophy; the sec- of footnotes to the thought of Plato.
ond class, warriors, will defend the state; and Socrates had brought philosophic specula-
the third class, artisans, will labor to produce tion back from a study of the physical uni-
needed material goods. In essence Plato’s verse to the study of man. Plato’s most
ideal state is a true aristocracy (aristokratia, famous pupil, Aristotle (384-322), in a sense

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

reversed that process. His investigations cy. [he chief end of government, in his view,
started with man, his perceptions and _ his is the good life, for both the individual and
ability to reason, and from there extended to the community as a whole. This is an exten-
almost all fields of learning known to the an- sion of the view expressed in his Ethics that
cients: logic, metaphysics, astronomy, biolo- happiness is the greatest good of the individu-
gy, and physics among them. His contribu- al. To achieve it man must seek moderation, a
tions to each of these subjects were not to be mean between extremes of excessive pleasure
surpassed for many centuries. and ascetic denial. This is in accord with the
Aristotle departed from Plato’s theory of Greek principle of harmony and balance.
ideal forms that cannot be perceived by the Aristotle was the last of the great Greek
senses. He believed that every object has both philosophers. The techniques of logical argu-
form and matter, which are inseparable and ment perfected in the polis had given birth to
can be studied only in that object. When we philosophy, but by the time of Aristotle’s
generalize about a group or class of objects, death in 322, the self-contained polis had
we are not referring to some ideal form but been absorbed into a larger world of empire.
merely making a statement about the particu- Greek philosophy thereafter became narrow-
lar objects in that group. Form shapes matter; er in focus, concentrating on practical rules
thus the form of “man” in the human embryo for ethical conduct. ‘
makes the child and, eventually, the man. For
Aristotle each object had a purpose as a part
of a grand design of the universe. “Nature i. [he Rise of Macedonia
does nothing by accident,” he said. The task
of the philosopher is to study individual ob-
jects to discover their purpose; then, from the The end of the Peloponnesian War in 404 was
conclusions he draws, he may ultimately be the doom of independent poleis in Greece.
able to perceive the grand design. During the next few decades, the city-states
Aristotle made that task his life’s work. He continued to quarrel among themselves. This
and his pupils devoted themselves to collect- weakened their defenses and left them prey to
ing and systematizing knowledge in all fields. the advance of the emerging kingdom of
For his Politics he studied the governments of Macedonia. The intervention of Macedonia
over 150 contemporary states, comparing the may therefore be viewed as a disastrous con-
merits of each. In the work he distinguishes sequence of a number of errors made by the
three different types of constitution: monar- poleis. But historical events are seldom so
chy, aristocracy, and moderate democracy. one-sided; it is also possible to interpret the
But he warns that monarchy can turn into Macedonian conquest of Greece as the open-
tyranny; aristocracy into oligarchy; and mod- ing of a new period in the history of the an-
erate democracy into radical democracy, or cient world, an outward movement of Greek
anarchy. Of the three pure forms, Aristotle civilization into the ancient Near Eastern and
expresses a preference for moderate democra- newer Mediterranean kingdoms.

The Era of Hegemonies The Monarchs of Macedonia -

The beginning of the fourth century is usu- Macedonia (or Macedon) was an ancient,
ally called the “era of hegemonies,” because somewhat backward kingdom in northern
first one polis and then another held the he- Greece. Its emergence as a Hellenic power
gemony, or leadership, over a group of allies. was due toa resourceful king, Philip II (359-
Sparta, the winner in the Peloponnesian War, 336), whose career has been unjustly over-
was the first state to establish hegemony, but shadowed by the deeds of his son, Alexander
Spartan traditions of isolation within the Pel- the Great. With shrewd political skill Philip
oponnesus did not fit her to govern as the developed his kingdom, built up a powerful
successor to Athens. She established a docile army, and planned a program of conquest.
government of oligarchs in Athens, but with- Using both aggression and diplomacy, Phil-
in a few years popular opposition swept this ip added poleis and large territories to his
group away; and soon Athens revived her kingdom and extended his control into cen-
naval league, though in a less extensive form tral Greece. The great Athenian orator De-
than it had been in the fifth century. mosthenes, in a series of fiery speeches
The polis of Thebes became an important (“Philippics”), called on his countrymen to
power, siding now with Athens, now with recognize the danger and fight for Greek lib-
Sparta, in a series of never-ending quarrels. erty. But by the time the Athenians respond-
The quarrels themselves and their causes are ed, it was too late to halt the Macedonian ad-
too complicated to follow in detail, and no vance. Philip won a decisive battle against
clear trend emerges except one of constant Athens and several other poleis at Chaeronea
intrigue and war. During one of the struggles in 338. All the city-states of southern Greece,
in these decades, Thebes won a victory over except isolated Sparta, now lay at his dispos-
Sparta in 371, exploding the belief, held with al. He could have devastated many of them,
almost religious faith, that the Spartan infan- including Athens, but his shrewd sense of
try was invincible. The chief cause of Sparta’s tactics warned him not to do so. Therefore, he
weakness was a decline in manpower; Spar- gathered the more important poleis, again
tan armies in the field were now less than excepting Sparta, into an obedient alliance
1,000 in size, rather than the 4,000 or 5,000 called the League of Corinth. The league au-
who went into battle during the wars of the tomatically recognized Philip as its leader and
fifth century. agreed to follow him in his next project, an
The period of the hegemonies practically invasion of Persia. But before he could open
brought to a close the era of self-governing his Persian War, Philip was murdered in 336
poleis. Constant struggles and internal weak- by one of his officers.
nesses had made the system vulnerable. It The powerful empire built by Philip now
was replaced by a reversion to monarchy, as passed to his son, Alexander III (336-323),
the kingdom of Macedonia spread its influ- and never has a young warrior prince made
ence over the Greek mainland. more productive use of his opportunities.

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece




During his brief reign Alexander created the nary soldiers as the disciplined element in the
largest empire the ancient world had ever infantry, for native troops were mainly un-
known, and, more than any other man, he was trained serfs. These facts must be taken into
responsible for the diffusion of Greek culture. account to understand Alexander’s success,
After he consolidated his rule in his Greek but in no way do they remove anything from
territory, Alexander began the invasion of the his reputation as one of the supreme generals
Persian Empire. The Persia that he attacked in history. His campaigns show physical
was a much weaker state than the one that courage, strategic cleverness, and superb lead-
conquered Croesus and Babylon or the one
that Xerxes led against the Greeks in 480. In- Alexander swept the Persians away from
trigue and disloyalty had weakened the ad- the coast of Asia Minor and in 332 drove
ministration of the empire. Moreover, the them out of Egypt, a land they had held for
king, Darius III, had to rely on Greek merce- two centuries. The Egyptians welcomed him

as a liberator and recognized him as their Dissolution of Alexander’s Empire
pharaoh. In the next season Alexander fought
Darius III at Gaugamela. A complete victory After Alexander’s death his generals strug-
there opened the way for him to capture the gled for control of his empire. By about 275,
rich cities of Susa and Persepolis. after years of warfare and diplomatic intrigue,
From 331 onward Alexander met little the empire had been carved into three large
opposition in Persia. Darius III was mur- kingdoms ruled by the descendants of three
dered by disloyal officers in 330, and Alexan- of these generals: Macedonia under the Antig-
der assumed the title of King of Persia. The onids; Egypt under the Ptolemies; and west-
expedition had now achieved its professed ern Asia under the Seleucids. A fourth king-
aim; yet Alexander continued to make war. dom was formed somewhat later around the
During the next few years he campaigned as city of Pergamum in western Asia .Minor.
far east as India, where he crossed the Indus The division of the empire did not end the
River (see Map 3.2). Finally in 326 he began strife. The subsequent history of these king-
his march back. At Babylon, where he was doms is one of continual warfare until they
preparing an Arabian expedition, he caught a were eventually absorbed by the Roman
fever, and within a few days he died, not yet Empire.
thirty-three. The king of Macedonia, though in theory
an absolute ruler, had firm control over only
northern Greece. The poleis in the south con-
tinued to maintain considerable autonomy.
To protect their independence from the mon-
tv. [he Hellenistic Age archy they formed defensive leagues, the
most influential of which were the Aetolian
League in western Greece and the Achaean
One of Alexander’s modern admirers has said League on the northern coast of the Pelopon-
that he lifted the civilized world from one nesus.
groove and set it in another. He conquered The Greek rulers of Egypt and the Seleu-
the Persian Empire and opened its enormous cid kingdom became Eastern monarchs in the
territory to Greek culture, which was trans- style of their Egyptian and Persian predeces-
mitted through the dozens of garrisons and sors. The king was an absolute ruler who
towns that he and his successors founded. owned all the land and was often worshiped
The mere presence of Greeks inevitably ex- as a god. He controlled a strong army and a
posed the East to the influence of their ways. large bureaucracy and maintained an efficient
All features of Eastern life were changed over system of tax collection. Greeks, many of
the decade of conquests. ‘The process is called them colonists from mainland Greece, usu-
Hellenization, and the period from the death ally held the chief offices in the army and
of Alexander in 323 to that of Cleopatra in bureaucracy. One innovation was the intro-
Egypt two centuries later is known as the duction of democratic institutions — govern-
Hellenistic Age. ment by majority rule, assemblies, courts, and

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

so on — into the Near Eastern cities settled by They used it to build industrial enterprises
the Greeks. These cities had some autonomy and, as veteran traders, to further commerce.
over local affairs, but unlike the traditional The Hellenistic kings encouraged these ef-
poleis they had to function within a monar- forts by establishing a sound money system,
chical framework. In other cities and vil- building roads and canals, and clearing the
lages the kings installed Greek leaders but seas of pirates. Traders ventured eastward to
left the local structures of government intact. India and, in the west, beyond the Mediterra-
nean to the Atlantic coasts of Africa and Eu-
Economic Life The resulting prosperity, however, was
unevenly distributed. Kings and members of
One of the sharpest contrasts between the the upper classes (usually Greek) amassed
classical and Hellenistic worlds is in the scale great fortunes, but little of this wealth filtered
of their economic operations. In classical down to the peasants and laborers. This great
Greece farmers worked small plots of land, disparity between rich and poor led to in-
and industry and commerce were ventures of creasing social conflict. Moreover, mainland
small entrepreneurs. In the Hellenistic states Greece did not share in the new prosperity.
of Egypt and the Seleucid kingdom vast es- Athens became little more than a university
tates predominated. Industry and trade oper- town after the center of trade had shifted
ated on a larger scale than ever before in the from Greece to cities on the eastern Mediter-
ancient world; they were markedly capitalis- ranean coast. Furthermore, the departure of
tic enterprises, requiring the ministrations of the more venturesome Greeks for the Near
bankers and other agents of finance. East and Egypt depleted the Greek cities of
The Hellenistic world prospered under the leadership that might have reversed the
Greek rule. Enterprising Greeks emigrating economic decline.
from their homeland to make their fortunes
brought new vigor to the economies of Egypt
and the Near East. They introduced new Hellenistic Cities
crops and new techniques in agriculture to
make production more efficient. In Egypt, for Hellenistic civilization was predominantly
example, they encouraged the cultivation of urban. Though the greater part of the vast
grapes for wine and improved and extended lands of the kingdoms was devoted to agricul-
the irrigation system. They also devoted tural pursuits, it was in the numerous Greek
more acreage to pasturing animals, which cities founded by Alexander and his succes-
provided leather and cloth for the people and sors that the culture of the Near East was
horses for the cavalry. transformed into the civilization that we call
The growth of industry and trade was even Hellenistic. Most of these new cities were in
more remarkable. ‘The treasury of the Persian western Asia, in the Seleucid kingdom. With
king and other wealth seized by Alexander the brilliant exception of Alexandria, the Ptol-
gave the Greeks their initial working capital. emies founded few cities in Egypt, for a doc-

The theater at Epidaurus, built about 330 B.C., tremely large by ancient standards. Some had
is testimony to the importance the Greeks ten times as many inhabitants as the average
placed upon drama. The theater was designed polis in Greece; Alexandria, the largest of
to seat 14,000 people. [Photo: Alison Frantz| them, had at least a half-million inhabitants.
Besides their political institutions the
Greeks brought from their homeland many of
ile, rustic civilization was easier to control the amenities of polis life: temples, theaters,
than citizens of a politically active urban soci- gymnasiums, and other public buildings.
ety. Natives in the upper classes copied Greek
The Hellenistic cities were centers of gov- ways and sent their children to Greek
ernment, trade, and culture. They were ex- schools. Moreover, a version of their lan-

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

guage, koiné (“common” Greek), based clubs. They abandoned public religious cere-
mainly on the Attic dialect, became an inter- monies for private cults. Thus the large Hel-
national tongue. Now, for the first time, an lenistic cities, for all their splendor, consisted
individual could travel to any city in the of a multitude of individuals rather than co-
known civilized world and make himself hesive communities.
This traveling and intermingling account
for the cosmopolitanism of the Hellenistic cit- Literature, Art, and Science
ies. None was more cosmopolitan than Alex-
andria, the greatest of the Hellenistic cities. The social function of literature and art di-
The city attracted scholars from all over the minished as the old community loyalties of
Greek world, for there the Ptolemies had the polis declined. Poets and artists now con-
built a museum and the greatest library of stituted an intellectual elite. When poets no
ancient times. Though Athens still retained longer shared the attitudes of the rest of the
its leadership in philosophy, Alexandria be- community, tragic drama virtually disap-
came the cultural center of the Hellenistic peared; it gave way to lyric poetry, in which
Age. Scholars at Alexandria specialized in these writers could express their individu-
literary, historical, and scientific research. alism. ‘
The specialization of scholars was charac- The Hellenistic Age was not a particularly
teristic of the growing professionalism of the fertile period in literature. Poets were con-
age. Whereas the citizen of fifth-century Ath- cerned chiefly with style. Many of them
ens could in turn be a farmer, a politician, a achieved a certain technical perfection in
soldier, and even an actor (all the performers their lyrics, but the works had little emotion-
in the great dramas were amateurs), now al depth. One of the few to rise above mere
these roles were filled by professionals. ‘The technical proficiency was Theocritus, a third-
army consisted of professional soldiers. century poet who wrote excellent lyrics about
Though the private citizen could cast a vote nature. His influence is evident in Vergil’s
in the city’s assembly, the professional bu- Bucolics (or Eclogues) and, in a later period, in
reaucrats ran the government. Professional some of the work of Spenser and Milton.
theatrical troups replaced the amateurs. The most significant literary achievements
Increased professionalism, by narrowing of the Hellenistic Age came from scholarship,
the focus of a citizen’s life, engendered a grow- a sign of the growing professionalism of the
ing individualism. Once a participant in all period. The literary capital of the Greek
activities of the polis, now the citizen was a world was no longer Athens but Alexandria.
spectator, except in his own professional field. Around 200 the library there probably
Moreover, the Greek inhabitants of the Near housed about a half-million papyrus rolls, the
Eastern cities were uprooted; they had no ancient form of the book. Scholars in Alexan-
ancestral ties to the community. Therefore dria worked to preserve the literature of ear-
they began to withdraw from community life lier times. Their outstanding achievement
to the privacy of their families or to private was the standardization of the text of Homer.

By comparing the many versions that had ment that was not surpassed until the seven-
been handed down over the centuries, they teenth century.
were able to establish the text on which mod- In mathematics Euclid (about 300) com-
ern versions of Homer are based. piled a textbook of geometry that is still used
Hellenistic kings subsidized art and archi- in some American colleges. The most gifted
tecture. As a result the architecture of the age mathematician of Hellenistic times was Ar-
tends to emphasize size and grandeur, as chimedes, who calculated the value of pz (the
compared with the simplicity and human ratio between the circumference and the di-
scale of classical architecture. A typical exam- ameter of a circle), developed a system for
ple is the Altar of Zeus at Pergamum. A great expressing large numbers, and discovered the
stairway leading to the altar is flanked by a ratio between the volumes of a cylinder and a
frieze 400 feet long. The figures on the frieze sphere. Archimedes was also interested in
are typical of Hellenistic sculpture. They are physics and applied physics. He demonstrat-
carved in a high relief, with a realism that ed that a floating body will sink only so far,
makes them seem to burst out of the back- until it displaces its own weight in a liquid.
ground. The almost extravagant emotional- He is said to have lifted a loaded ship with a
ism of the work is only one of the characteris- mechanical device (perhaps a lever), boasting,
tics that distinguishes Hellenistic sculpture “Give me a place to stand and I will move the
from that of the classical period. Instead of earth.”
idealized figures artists now showed genuine About 250 Aristarchus, an astronomer and
individuality in faces and bodies (see Plate 5). mathematician, advanced a_ heliocentric
They often portrayed physical imperfection theory of the movement of the planets. The
or even frank ugliness. Their attempts to por- theory that the earth revolves around the sun
tray strong emotion in their subjects, though was not new, but Aristarchus refined it. He
often ineffective, sometimes led merely to stated that the earth revolves on its own axis;
exaggeration. the sun, as the center of the universe, remains
The most remarkable example of the cross- immobile; and the planets circle the sun in
fertilization of cultures in the Hellenistic Age orbit. This theory was not generally accepted
was in the field of science. The Greeks had by Hellenistic astronomers; it remained for
long speculated about the nature of the uni- Copernicus in the sixteenth century to prove
verse, and the Near East had an even longer the soundness of Aristarchus’ system.
scientific tradition, particularly in the fields of One of the most important contributions of
astronomy and mathematics. After Alexan- the Hellenistic scientists was the develop-
der’s conquests joined the two cultures, other ment of more precise measurements. Hippar-
conditions favored scientific advance: the in- chus (about 150), the greatest Hellenistic as-
creased professionalism of the age, the use of tronomer, calculated the length of the average
Greek as an international language, and the lunar month to within one second of the ac-
research facilities established in Alexandria. cepted figure. Eratosthenes (275? — 194?) com-
The result was an age of scientific achieve- puted the circumference of the earth to be

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

about 28,000 miles, only 4,000 miles less than The Stoics were advancing ideas that were
the actual figure. Other scientists worked out to have a profound influence on later Western
the division of time into hours, minutes, and history: universal brotherhood, the virtue of
seconds and of circles into degrees, minutes, tolerance, and justice toward the less fortu-
and seconds. nate members of the human race. The con-
cept of the brotherhood of man was the prod-
uct of a cosmopolitan society; in the Greek
Philosophy and Religion city-states non-Greeks had been called “bar-
barians.” Futhermore, most earlier Greeks
The change in life style from the security of had accepted the institution of slavery, but
the polis to the sophistication and variety of a the Stoics felt that the practice of exploiting
large cosmopolitan world produced corre- others corrupted the slave master (the slave
sponding changes in Greek philosophy. Plato himself could endure his bondage by achiev-
and Aristotle had been philosophers of the ing inner freedom). Stoicism became the most
polis in the sense that they were concerned influential philosophy among educated men
with man’s role in the state. Now the differ- of the Hellenistic Age and achieved even
ence in human needs called for different an- greater influence under the Romans.
swers. The two most important schools of Like the Stoics, Epicurus (341-270) be-
Hellenistic philosophy, Stoicism and Epicu- lieved that men should strive for tranquillity,
reanism, were addressed to an individualistic but he differed with them on the means of
age in which men sought guidance in their attaining it. Addressing himself to the anxie-
personal lives. ties of his contemporaries —fear of the gods
Zeno (335-263), who founded Stoicism, and fear of death—and their general sense of
taught that a single divine reason, or plan, purposelessness, he said that the gods were
governs the universe, and to find happiness indifferent to man, thus not intimidating. As
man must act in harmony with this plan. He for death, “good and bad exist only by being
should be patient in adversity, for it is a nec- perceived, and death deprives us of percep-
essary part of the divine plan and he can do tion;. . . while we are, death is not, and when
nothing to change it. By cultivating a sense of death is, we are not.” Men should therefore
duty and self-discipline, man can learn to ac- concern themselves only with leading pleas-
cept his fate; he will then become immune to urable lives. To Epicurus pleasure was not
earthly anxieties and will achieve inner free- self-indulgence but, rather, the avoidance of
dom and tranquillity. The Stoics did not ad- physical and mental pain. Since political and
vocate withdrawal from the world. They be- emotional involvement can cause pain, the
lieved that all men, as rational beings, are wise man withdraws from the world to study
brothers, Therefore, men should be tolerant. philosophy and enjoy the companionship of a
Moreover, to ensure justice for all, the ration- few friends.
al man should consider it his duty to engage The search for meaning in life existed at all
in public affairs. levels of Hellenistic society, but nowhere so

much as among the great masses of the poor. of the frequent intermingling of cultures in
The answers of philosophy were addressed to the cosmopolitan Near East. They centered
an intellectual elite—the gentleman-scholar, on the worship of a savior whose death and
as it were, meditating in his study. But the resurrection would redeem the sins of man-
poor lacked the education, leisure, and de- kind; their rituals were elaborate, often wildly
tachment for such a pursuit. They sought emotional; and they nourished hope by
spiritual and emotional sustenance for their promising an afterlife that would compensate
daily encounters with the harshness of Hel- for the rigors of this one. Among the more
lenistic life. important mystery cults was the worship of
For many the mystery religions of the Mithras, a Persian deity.
Near East filled this need. The influence of The Eastern god who was to achieve the
the old Greek civic religion had declined greatest acceptance in the West was Jehovah,
along with the polis and by now had almost the god of the Israelites and then of the Jews
disappeared. Thus Greek religion was never and Christians. Much in the development of
firmly transplanted in the East. Rather, the Christianity was Israelite in origin, but some
religious influence gradually moved in the of its practices emerged from other Near
opposite direction until finally Eastern reli- Eastern religions. Baptism, the confession of
gions dominated the West. sins, sacrificial meals, and a general growth of
There were numerous mystery cults, but mysticism all were part of the spiritual herit-
they had some features in common as a result age of the Hellenistic Age.

The Greeks, in a brief century and a half, son Alexander was responsible for the dra-
established standards of beauty and wisdom matic expansion of Greek culture; with his
that have inspired men ever since. Whatever conquering armies, he brought Greek civiliza-
the combination of elements that produced it, tion into Asia Minor, Syria, and India.
Greek civilization at its height expressed a A fusion of cultures took place as men of
faith in man and his almost limitless potential. different societies and backgrounds were
Even when the world of the poleis was shat- drawn into the orbit of Greek language and
tering, the philosophers reaffirmed that faith: thought. A new, Hellenistic civilization
man has reason and he can therefore devise a emerged —wealthy, urbane, and highly so-
more just society. phisticated; the polis had given way to the
The long Peloponnesian War between “cosmopolis.” The Greeks themselves under-
Athens and Sparta caused the decline of the went a change on their way to this new social
poleis and opened the way for the domination and cultural milieu. They transplanted many
of Greece by Philip I of Macedonia. Philip’s of their polis institutions to the Near East,

Classical and
Hellenistic Greece

but the community ties that formed the es- and then to the Romans, was Paul of ‘Tarsus,
sence of polis society were weakened. No a Hellenized Jew from Asia Minor.
longer did common enterprises engage the The unique richness of Greek culture 1s
energies of the entire populace. Hellenistic present in nearly every aspect of our own.
society was more professional, more individ- But the Greeks could not maintain perma-
ualistic, more private. nent control over the Hellenized world. An-
The cultural interchange that occurred in other state was to succeed even beyond the
the Hellenistic world was to have a profound achievements of Alexander. Not Greece but
influence on religion in the West. Christianity Rome became the uniting force that handed
started as a small cult in the Near East. The on the legacy of the classical world to medie-
man who brought its message to the Greeks, val and then to modern Europe.

Recommended Reading
Sources B.C. 1951. Contains well-organized chapters on Hel-
lenistic culture.
*Greek Tragedies. The best collection of translations is *Kitto, H. D. F. Greek Tragedy: A Literary Study. 1969.
The Complete Greek Tragedies. David Grene and Rich- *Lloyd-Jones, Hugh (ed.). The Greek World. 1965. Essays
mond Lattimore (eds.). 1959. by several experts on all phases of Greek culture.
Aristotle. Athenian Constitution. H. Rackham (tr.). 1935. *Ross, W. D. Aristotle. 1956.
*Arrian. Life of Alexander the Great. A. de Sélincourt (tr.). Rostovtzeff, M. The Social and Economic History of the Hel-
1958. lenistic World. 1941. The final work of the leading
Plutarch. Lives. B. Perrin (tr.). 1914-1928. ancient historian of his time.
Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian War. Richard *Taylor, A. E. Plato, the Man and His Work. 1966.
Crawley (tr.). 1951. af . Socrates: The Man and His Thought. 1959.
*Wilcken, Ulrich. Alexander the Great. G. C. Richards (tr.).
1967. The most reliable study in English.
Studies *Zimmern, Alfred. The Greek Commonwealth. 1931. An
ever-fresh and perceptive study of life in a Greek
Bell, H. I. Egypt from Alexander the Great to the Arab Con- polis.
quest. 1948.
Cary, Max. A History of the Greek World, from 323 to 146 *Available in paperback.



The history of Rome presents a supreme example of political success. This city
on the Tiber River dominated the lands around the Mediterranean Sea and
conquered Gaul, Britain, and much of Germany. Eventually, Rome designed an
empire that endured, with modifications, for about a thousand years. Her Latin
language became known in remote areas of Europe, Africa, and the Near East;
it remained the international written language for centuries, even when it had
given way to other spoken tongues. Rome also became, and has remained,
the center for the oldest Western European form of Christianity,
the Catholic religion.
Much of this success was due to the strong centralized government in Rome. It
was composed mainly of men from prominent families who held a series of
offices and remained members of the conservative advisory body, the Senate. By
100 B.C. it was rare for a man to win the highest offices unless an ancestor of
_ his had already done so. The Roman citizens, though free to elect their officers
and to vote on legislation, accepted the fact if not the theory of oligarchy. The
Roman Republic was never as democratic as the Greek poleis.
The Roman character was well suited to the demands of state building. One can
sense from the realistic portrait busts of the late Republic that Romans cared
little for the Greek ideals of beauty and perfection. They valued practicality,
discipline, and acceptance of tradition.
But aggressive self-interest eventually destroyed civic stability. The Republic
collapsed in a series of civil wars in which generals manipulated loyal armies
for their own profit and power. The last and cleverest of these generals was
Augustus, who established a monarchy while pretending to revive the Republic.
His new monarchy continued to rely on oligarchy and ruled through a faction
of his close supporters. In time Augustus established an even stronger political
system than the Republic—the Roman Empire.

at Photographie
du YAN]
1. The Unification of Italy The Origins of Rome

The legends about the founding of Rome by

From what we know of the earliest history of Aeneas or by Romulus and Remus are wholly
Italy, there was no strong central power that mythology, so we must depend on evidence
unified the land. Etruscans, Greeks, and vari- gathered by archaeologists to describe early
ous Italic tribes lacked both the manpower Roman history. Scraps of pottery suggest
and the desire to establish a powerful king- that the site of Rome was inhabited as early
dom. About 625 the Etruscans ruled over the as 1400; certainly between goo and 600 there
city of Rome, and when their domination were a series of cemeteries on the famous
ended Rome was forced, in the interests of seven hills that bound Rome.
survival, to seek allies among the neighboring Ancient scholars computed that Rome was
tribes on the plain of Latium. From this time founded in 753 (slight variations from this
on Rome began a course of expansion and, in date occur in the sources). In any case, there
a long series of wars, managed to unite and must have been considerable inhabitation in
control the Italian peninsula. the area around Rome by that time. About
625 the marshes below the seven hills were
drained and a central marketplace, the Fo-
Geography of Italy rum, was built. It was about this time that the
Etruscans united the Latin-speaking tribes in
Italy is not, like Greece, divided into many the hills around Rome and founded a city
smal] valleys that impede unification. The under an Etruscan monarch.
main geographic feature is the Apennine The origins of the Etruscans are obscure.
range, which runs diagonally across Italy in They appeared in Italy soon after 800, in the
the north and then turns southward to bisect region north of the Tiber River known as
the peninsula. The central portion of this Etruria (modern Tuscany). They may have
peninsula has plenty of water and good soil, been a native people who were reinforced by
benefits that most Greeks would have envied. immigrants from Asia Minor. Their language,
But the extreme south is poor and sun-baked, which was not an Italic dialect, is still undeci-
and even today its poverty is plainly visible. phered even though thousands of short
North of the Apennines is the valley of the Po Etruscan inscriptions exist.
River, fertile and desirable. ‘This valley is irri- During their period of rule the Etruscans
gated by rivers that drain the Apennines and left their stamp on the future Roman civiliza-
the Alps, even further north. Its rich land was tion. They were a relatively sophisticated cul-
for centuries the home of certain Celtic peo- ture—urbane, literate, and technologically
ples known collectively as Gauls. ‘The hills of advanced — and they developed a flourishing
Italy are gentle enough for pasturing, unlike internationa] trade, which brought them into
those of Greece; and wood, scarce in Greece, contact with the culture of the Greeks and
was plentiful. Phoenicians, Part of the Etruscan legacy is

The Roman Republic

seen in the monumental architecture of Ro- Etruscans learned the Western version of the
man temples and tombs. In fact, the best evi- Greek alphabet and passed it on to Rome.
dence that historians have about these early These Greek colonies survived until the third
people comes from their tombs. On the cof- century, when they were brought under the
fins are reliefs or statues that show a lively control of the Roman Republic.
and individual art, adapted mainly from About 500 (the Romans reckoned the date
Greek models. They also introduced to Rome as 509) the Etruscan sovereignty over Rome
the worship of a triad of gods (Juno, Minerva, ended. The legends that were invented to
Jupiter) and the custom of examining the in- account for this revolution need not be taken
nards of animals to foretell the future. seriously, but somehow Rome freed herself of
As we have seen, the Greeks, beginning her last king and established her republican
about 750, had established about fifty poleis form of government. Afterward the Etrus-
on the southern and western shores of Italy cans gradually declined as a power until they
and on the island of Sicily. The Romans called were finally absorbed by the Roman Repub-
the area of southern Italy Magna Graecia lic in the fourth century.
(“Great Greece”) and thus gave us the name
“Greeks” for the people who called them-
selves Hellenes. Greek culture from the colo- The Early Constitution
nies influenced the Etruscans and, in turn, the
Romans. For example, from the village of Much of the political history of the Republic
Cumae, the oldest Greek colony in Italy, the revolves around the constitution, which was

This sarcophagus is from a late sixth-century

Etruscan tomb. The reclining couple on the lid
reflects the-synthesis of Grecian art and the
individualized style of the Etruscans.[ Photo:
Alinari-Art Reference Bureau|
never a written document but rather a set of concerns the transfer of leadership from the
carefully observed customs. Romans _ had Senate to powerful individuals; ultimately
deep respect, almost reverence, for law, and this movement was to destroy the Republic.
often they tried to justify the selfish pursuit There were two other assemblies in the
of their own interests by appealing to law or early Republic. The Comitia Curiata, or As-
twisting it to suit themselves. Still, the consti- sembly of Curiae (wards of the city), which
tution did survive until the end of the Re- included all citizens, voted only to ratify deci-
public. sions taken elsewhere and gradually lost
The Roman system had three important importance. The Comitia Tributa, or Assem-
parts that offset one another in a deliberate bly of Tribes, also included all citizens,
scheme of checks and balances. These parts grouped according to their supposed descent
were the elected magistrates, the Senate, and in four large tribes within Rome. Originally
the assemblies. this assembly elected those officers who could
The chief elected officers were two magis- not command troops and therefore had no
trates called consuls; they were chosen an- imperium. These officers, known as aediles
nually by the Assembly of Centuries, which and quaestors, took charge of various public
comprised the entire army. The cautious na- works and financial matters respectively.
ture of the Romans is to be seen in the fact
that either consul could veto the actions of the
other; evidently this power of negative action Growth of Popular Authority
was valued over the power that might have
allowed a consul to make bold decisions with- In the earliest days of the Republic the Ro-
out interference. The consuls possessed im- mans established a distinction between class-
pertum, which means generally the power to es that was more rigid than that of any Greek
command troops. There were various degrees state except Sparta. The basic distinction was
of imperium according to the rank of the between Roman citizens and the rest of the
officer holding it, and in time it came to mean populace. Although Roman citizens had to
authority over a given territory. pay taxes and serve in the army, they enjoyed
Far more than the elected officers, the Sen- the protection of Roman law. They could
ate was the real leader of Rome in the early make wills and leave property to their fami-
Republic. Its members were ex-consuls and lies; they could vote and hold office; and they
other former magistrates, and membership were secure from arbitrary arrest. Roman cit-
was for life, Originally an advisory body (the izenship was prized, and the Romans slowly
word senatus means “council of elders’), the and skillfully arranged to extend it to nonciti-
Senate developed into the real director of for- zens who proved themselves worthy of it.
eign policy and finance. Its solid conservatism Within the group of citizens, there was a
acted to restrain hotheaded politicians, and further class distinction. The patricians, a
more than once it provided the moral leader- small number of families comprising 5 to 7
ship that guided the state to victory in war. percent of the total population, were recog-
Much of the history of the Roman Republic nized as being socially superior to the vast

The Roman Republic

majority of citizens, who were called plebe- If a man dies intestate and has no heir, the
ians. Ancient authors do not explain how the nearest male relative shall have his estate.
distinction between the two groups arose, but If a man is mad, power over him and his
it was probably based on wealth gained by property shall belong to his kinsmen.
owning land and on the less easily defined cri- A man must mend his roadway. If he does not
keep it laid with stones, people may drive their
terion of social leadership.
wagons wherever they like.
The Republic was built on oligarchy. Orig-
If a theft has been committed by night and a
inally, only patricians could be members of man kills the thief, he shall be considered
the Senate and hold magistracies. Plebeians rightfully killed.
could vote in the assemblies, but even these If a patron has defrauded his client, he may be
bodies could be manipulated by the wealthy killed without penalty.!
classes, who had the privilege of voting first in
the Assembly of Centuries and thus could The plebeians also gained the right to elect
determine a decision before the poorer citi- from their own number a new official known
zens could register their votes. Also, the rich- as a tribune, whose sole duty was to protect
er citizens, formally known as patrons, pro- the plebeians against the power of other ofh-
vided various kinds of protection to the poor, cials. These tribunes, who eventually num-
who would often follow their patrons’ lead in bered ten each year, commanded no troops
voting. and thus had no imperium, but they did have
Finally, after well over a century of insis- the power of veto, which enabled them to halt
tence, the plebeians drove a wedge into the action by any magistrate or prevent the Sen-
patricians’ control over their lives. Their first ate from acting on public business.
victory, traditionally dated at 450, was a codi- To reassure the people that their elected
fication of the Roman law—a clear sign that spokesmen could operate in safety, the patri-
the people were no longer the docile servants cians took an oath that it would be a religious
of the ruling class. The laws were posted on crime to violate or injure the body of a trib-
twelve wooden tablets and are therefore une. The deep religious feeling of the Romans
known as the Laws of the Twelve Tables. generally caused them to respect this oath.
They did not form a constitution for the state. By 367 plebeians were allowed to hold
They concerned civic matters, the definition almost all high offices including the consul-
of various kinds of crime, and the relations ship. From that date it became customary for
among citizens and members of families: one of the annual consulships to be held by a
plebeian. But although they had gained one of
If a man summons another to court, he must the consulships, this could not be regarded as
go. If he does not go, the other man may call equal representation, for the plebeians greatly
witness to the fact; only then may he take the outnumbered the patricians. Thus popular
man by force.
sovereignty existed more in theory than in
If disease or old age prevents a man from
going to court, the other man shall supply him
with a team of horses; if he does not wish to, he "Translated by M. Chambers, from E. H. Warmington
need not provide cushions for the cart. (ed.), Remains of Old Latin (1935-1940), vol. 3.

fact. Another magistracy was created, that of of factions that ancient politicak philosophers
praetor. Two praetors were elected annually recommended. The consuls represented the
to assist the consuls in military command and monarchic element; the Senate, the oligar-
to act as judges. Eventually there were eight chic; and the assemblies, the democratic.
praetors each year. Polybius’ instinct was sound. The Romans
The final concession to the plebeians came preserved their governmental customs down
in 287, when a law was passed making deci- to the time of Caesar. Yet no set of customs—
sions of the Assembly of Tribes binding on however systematic and logical, whether
the whole state without endorsement by the written or unwritten—can work unless the
Senate. The people now had the legal right to people are prepared to place the law above
pass laws independent of the Senate, though their personal appetites. The Romans did this
in practice most legislation did receive the with unique determination.
sponsorship or approval of the Senate before
it was proposed.
Early Expansion of Rome
Two further magistracies were invented in
the fourth and third centuries. The first was While the Romans were developing their
that of the censor, which had no imperium form of government, they were also expand-
but surprisingly broad powers. The censors ing their holdings on the Italian peninsula.
counted the citizens and assigned people to Except for the Greek city-states in the south
their tribes; they had the right to revise the and the Etruscan power in the north, most of
membership of the Senate by adding or re- the peninsula was occupied by tribes with lit-
moving senators. They also handed out lucra- tle organization. The Romans first conquered
tive public contracts for road building and the tribes in the nearby plain of Latium and
other public works. Because of their impor- then advanced into other territories. Roman
tant powers, censors were chosen from only historians of these wars of conquest saw them
the most experienced and supposedly incor- through a haze of legend, but their narratives
ruptible men. The censorship was the rare do convince us that the battles were long and
crown of a political career. severe.
The other new magistracy was the dicta- The period of conquest was punctuated by
torship. It was used only in times of emergen- one major disaster. About 390 a large force of
cy, when the consuls might appoint an out- Gauls left their stronghold in the Po Valley
standing citizen as dictator for a period of no and captured part of Rome itself. They exact-
longer than six months. He had supreme ed a ransom as the price of their withdrawal.
power, and no tribune’s veto could block his Rome then renewed its policy of expansion,
acts. But the Romans rarely took the risk of showing the resilience that made her, in the
entrusting the state to a dictator. words of the historian Edward Gibbon,
Polybius, the Greek historian of the Hel- “sometimes vanquished in battle, always vic-
lenistic Age, praised the Roman government torious in war.” Shortly after 300 Rome dom-
for its system of checks and balances. He also inated the Italian peninsula as far south as the
admired it because it embodied the mixture Greek city-states of Magna Graecia.

The Roman Republic

MAP 4.1: ITALY 265 B.C.




Territory of Roman Citizens

oa Roman Territorial Conquests

O25 05075 OO IIE


A series of quarrels led to a war between had to supply troops to the Roman army on
Rome and these city-states. At this point demand. At a lower level of privilege were the
Roman history emerges into clear light, with socii (“allies”). They received Rome’s protec-
secure dates and no legendary decorations. tion from other peoples and were also liable
The Greek city of Tarentum summoned Pyr- for troops. None of these groups, once joined
rhus, a prince from the half-Greek region of to Rome in whatever status, could follow in-
Epirus (modern Albania), to direct the cam- dependent foreign policies. Progress upward
paign against Rome. Pyrrhus fought two suc- within the ranks of citizenship was possible.
cessful battles in 280, but at a heavy cost in This system of confederation enabled the
casualties to his own men (whence comes the Romans to solve an administrative problem
phrase “a Pyrrhic victory”). that had frustrated the Greek poleis: how to
Pyrrhus sent an envoy to invite the Ro- control a large territory without having to
mans to surrender. The aged censor Appius demolish or transform the conqueror’s own
Claudius declared in the Senate that Rome institutions.
would never negotiate with an enemy so long
as he was on Roman soil. His statement epito-
mized the Roman spirit. Pyrrhus might have
achieved more than he did if he had stuck to
u. Ihe Age of Imperialism
his war, but he became diverted to military
adventures in Sicily, and in 275 he abandoned After unifying peninsular Italy, Rome—by
Italy, leaving the Romans free to pursue their which we now mean not only the city of
conquests. By 265 Rome controlled the entire Rome but the peoples of Italy allied with that
Italian peninsula, but she had not yet mas- city in the system— began to intervene in the
tered the Po Valley (see Map 4.1). quarrels of other states. Sometimes this inter-
vention came about almost by accident, but at
other times it represented a carefully chosen
The Roman Federation policy. Within a little more than a century,
from 264 to 133, Rome became the supreme
Rome organized the conquered communities Mediterranean power. This imperialism in-
by establishing several different degrees of fluenced nearly everything in Roman life
privilege and responsibility among them. Res- from government and society to literature
idents of a few favored communities were and art.
granted the most highly prized status, full
Roman citizenship. This meant that they
were on the same legal footing as the Romans; The Punic Wars
they enjoyed the protection of Roman law
and could hold office in Rome. Members of Three wars with Carthage established the
some other communities became citizens sine foundations of Roman imperialism. The city
suffragio (without the vote); such citizens had of Carthage in North Africa had been found-
the right of intermarriage with Romans and ed by the Phoenicians about 700, but within

The Roman Republic

the next century she became independent of tion and decided to carry the war to the ene-
Phoenicia and began to establish her own my. During the autumn of 218 he led his
Mediterranean empire. By the time Rome army from Spain across the Alps and down
had unified the Italian peninsula, the Car- into Italy. Once there he hoped to arouse the
thaginian Empire included cities in northern Gallic tribes in the Po Valley and break up
Africa, parts of Spain, the islands of Corsica the alliances of the various peoples with
and Sardinia, and much of Sicily. Rome; then he planned to go on to conquer
The confrontation with Rome began in 264 Rome itself. This twofold strategy failed.
as a minor conflict over the presence of Car- Hannibal won a decisive victory against the
thaginian troops in the Sicilian city of Mes- Romans at Cannae in 216, but he could not
sana, which lay outside the Carthaginian ter- arouse the people to revolt. At least half of
ritory there. Messana had invited the troops them chose to remain loyal to Rome. Without
into the city as protection against other ene- revolts Hannibal’s manpower could not
mies but then decided to replace them with a match that of the Romans. He called for rein-
Roman force. When Carthage refused to tol- forcements from Spain, which the Romans
erate Roman interference, war broke out defeated before they could join him, and
between Carthage and Rome. The war soon Hannibal was forced to retreat.
became a contest for control of the island of In 203 Hannibal returned to Carthage to
Sicily itself and it was the first of the three defend it against a Roman invasion under the
Punic Wars, so named from the Latin word command of Publius Cornelius Scipio, but
Poeni, or Phoenicians, who had founded Car- Carthage was defeated in the following year
thage. Roman tenacity finally won this war in at Zama in North Africa. In honor of the vic-
241, but with heavy casualties. Carthage tory Scipio received the name “Africanus,”
abandoned Sicily entirely, and large parts of and proudly added it to his traditional Roman
the island passed to Rome. In 238 the Romans name. Besides paying Rome a huge indemni-
seized the Carthaginian islands of Corsica ty, Carthage had to give up all her territory
and Sardinia. These islands, together with except that immediately around the city in
Sicily, became the first Roman provinces. Africa, and she was forbidden to raise an
‘The second Punic War (219-202) was the army without Roman permission. Having
most critical. The conflict arose in Spain, stripped Carthage of her Spanish possessions,
where Rome protested to Carthage about her the Romans went on to conquer almost all
treatment of the town of Saguntum, which Spain in a series of wars lasting until 133.
was friendly to Rome but located well within The third and final Punic War was a squal-
the agreed Carthaginian sphere of influence id affair lasting from 149 to 146. A fanatical
in Spain. The Romans had only weak anti-Carthaginian group in Rome, led by the
grounds for protest. During negotiations elder Cato, succeeded in provoking this war
Hannibal, the brilliant Carthaginian general, and making it a campaign of punishment
seized Saguntum, and this action made war against Carthage, who had broken the peace
inevitable. He welcomed a chance for war terms by raising an army against a nearby
against the power that had humiliated his na- aggressor. Another Scipio, Aemilianus, cap-

tured and destroyed Carthage in 146. The Romans tried to avoid deep involvements in
territory was designated as the province of the Greek world. For example, in 197 they
Africa. won a decisive victory over Philip in the sec-
ond Macedonian War, but a year later they
withdrew from Greece. In doing this they
Rome’s Eastern Wars were not acting in a spirit of innocent devo-
tion to liberty, for they expected the Greeks
Carthage in the West had been a declared to remain on good behavior and respect Ro-
enemy and a resentful victim of Rome, but in man leadership. Still, they did try to resume a
the East the Romans had no such obvious kind of neutrality and cannot be accused of
quarrel. It is tempting to imagine that the brutal aggression.
Roman Republic would not have pursued
conscious imperialism if the Eastern states
had not virtually dragged her into their af- Warfare in Asia Minor
Almost at once the Romans had to plunge
back into Greek affairs. Antiochus III, the
Invasion of Greece Macedonian king of the Syrian Empire, in-
vaded Greece in 192 at the request of the
King Philip V of Macedonia was the ambi- Aetolian League, one of the groups of city-
tious ruler of a proud nation. In the 230s the states that were created as a counterbalance to
Romans intervened along the shore of Illyria Macedonian monarchy. The Aetolians had
when piracy in the Adriatic Sea threatened been allies of Rome in the Macedonian Wars
their trading. Philip, alarmed by this extension against Philip, but were quarreling with her
of Roman interest, thought he saw his chance because they had not been allowed to expand
to punish Rome during the second Punic War. their holdings as much as they had wanted
He formed an alliance with Hannibal after after the recent defeats of Macedonia. The
the Battle of Cannae and offered to send him Romans had no choice but to drive Antiochus
naval support. To prevent this action, which out of Greece, for the domination of Greece
might have enabled Carthage to win the war, by any powerful king would have seemed a
the Romans sent a force toward Greece. Thus serious threat to the safety of Roman inter-
by drawing the Romans across the Adriatic ests.
into Greek lands, Philip unwittingly opened In 191 the Romans defeated Antiochus at
the gate through which, over several cen- Thermopylae and decided to pursue him into
turies, Roman troops and proconsuls poured Asia Minor—another important step in the
as far east as Armenia. This is one of the mile- Roman conquest of the Western world, as
stones in European history. Roman legions first left Europe for warfare in
The war against Philip (214-205) was the Asia. Scipio Africanus, the man who had de-
first of four wars between Rome and Mace- feated Hannibal, and his brother Lucius won
donia. In the earlier years of these wars the a crushing victory over Antiochus at the town

The Roman Republic





Alexandria ‘

mpire at 197 B.C.

_ Expansion to 44 B.C.
100. = 200 300 400 500 mi.

of Magnesia in 190. Antiochus was not actual- ended with a Roman victory at the village of
ly disarmed, but he was forced to pay huge Pydna in 168. The Romans divided Mace-
reparations and was excluded from western donia into four separate districts, but even
Asia Minor. this severe policy did not produce a calm situ-
ation. Further disturbances provoked the
Romans into invading again and thus opening
Annexation of Greece and Asia Minor the fourth war in 149. By this time the Senate
realized that outright annexation was the only
Rome now found it impossible to withdraw way to secure its interests. Therefore, in 147
from Greek affairs. A further quarrel with or 146, Macedonia was officially made a prov-
Macedonia—the third Macedonian War— ince— Rome’s first acquisition of territory in

the Hellenistic world. In 146 she added most shaped that they persisted no-matter where
of southern Greece to this province, which war or conquest might take the people.
was placed under the authority of the gover-
nor of Macedonia (in 27 B.C. this newer re-
gion became the separate province of Achaea). Roman Values and the Family
Thus the Romans brought to an end the
independent political life of mainland Greece, A modern scholar once expressed the differ-
and from this time on their dominance in the ence between the Greek and Roman ap-
Mediterranean could not be denied or re- proaches to life with a persuasive epigram:
versed. “In Greece, the measure was Man; in Rome,
In 133, the last king of Pergamum died it was Law.” Unlike the Greeks the Romans
without leaving a successor and willed his did not admire the free play of the human
kingdom to Rome. In doing so he was aiding intellect. They ranked imagination and fanta-
destiny, for Rome’s influence in the East prac- sy below organization and discipline and be-
tically assured that the kingdom of Perga- lieved that thought should lead to something
mum could not long survive without Roman useful. They insisted on obedience to ances-
protection. Four years later Rome created the tral custom (mos maiorum, as they called it)
province of Asia, based on the territory of and set a high value on gravitas (“the disposi-
Pergamum (see Map 4.2). Because this prov- tion to take things seriously”) and dignitas (‘a
ince possessed great wealth, the office of pro- dignified manner”). That is not to say that
consul of Asia became highly desirable for they were puritans; the Romans enjoyed
ambitious men pursuing careers 1n politics. comic plays, drinking, and gossip about sex-
ual indiscretions.
Mos maiorum held its supreme place in the
Society and Culture family. The head of a family was called the
paterfamilias; the familia under him extended
During the age of imperialism, which ran to his slaves, cattle, and farm equipment. In
roughly from the first Punic War to the ac- legal theory the father had complete authori-
quisition of the province of Asia (265— 133), ty over his wife, sons, and daughters and
the Roman Republic became the largest sin- could put any of them to death. According to
gle power in the Western world. It now con- legend the first consul of the Republic, Bru-
trolled millions of people, from Spain to Asia tus, executed two of his sons, but this is prob-
Minor, under a political system that had been ably a myth invented to demonstrate this
constructed for a city-state. The agents of right of the father, which was seldom used.
control over this territory were soldiers, gov- When the daughters married they came un-
ernors, diplomats, tax collectors, and other der the authority of their husbands. Only on
persons dispatched from Rome. The new a father’s death were his sons free of him;
prosperity drawn from the Roman dominion each of them then became a paterfamilias in
caused some changes in the nature of Roman his own right.
society, but other features were so firmly This stern picture of the Roman family

The Roman Republic

must be modified for conditions in the first and other cities. Many Romans, made
century B.C. and later. A rapidly growing wealthy by booty seized in foreign conquest,
sophistication led to a relaxation in the stabili- had invested their money in land and bought
ty of the family. Divorces aroused little sur- up the holdings of poorer farmers. Moreover,
prise or criticism. Julius Caesar had four slaves—usually prisoners of war or captives
wives, as did his associate Mark Antony. swept up in raids on uncivilized territory—
Marriages and divorces were often made in could now replace free workers on the farms.
the service of political careers —for example, a The displaced farmers and laborers saw no
compact between Julius Caesar and Pompey recourse but to move irito the city, where
was sealed with the marriage of Pompey to they swelled the numbers of the poor, many
Caesar’s daughter. Women also became of whom subsisted through begging, occa-
emancipated from many of the traditional sional labor, and the receipt of food distribut-
controls on their behavior. They could not ed at low cost by the state.
own property under the Republic, but they The richer classes, by contrast, enjoyed
could easily manage it through agents, and in elegant mansions with pools, open court-
time most other legal restrictions on them fell yards, and other refinements. ‘They dined off
away. expensive plate and wete served by Greek
cooks and by slaves of all nationalities. In thé
later course of the Republic ambitious politi-
Social Conditions cians were able to exploit this disparity be-

The conquest of an empire brought several

changes in social conditions within Rome and This stone relief shows one aspect of daily life
other communities on the Italian peninsula. in Rome: tradespeople at a market stall selling
The most dramatic one was a sudden increase fruits, vegetables, and game. [Photo: Gabinetto
in the number of persons moving to Rome Fotografico Nazionale |
tween rich and poor by using the discontent- for order by creating several groups of priests,
ed poor as tools of revolution. thus excluding the ordinary man from any
connection with public worship. That does
not mean that Romans took religion lightly;
Religion rather, they feared what might happen if the
gods were not pleased with the sacrifices.
Religion in Rome consisted largely in forms Eventually their rites hardened into patterns
of worship that guaranteed obedience to es- whose original meaning was sometimes for-
tablished customs. This was true in both pri- gotten, but so long as the priests did not de-
vate and public worship. The father acted as viate from routine, the Romans assumed that
the priest within the household and led the the gods were satisfied and would not inter-
family in its worship of household gods— for fere in their enterprises.
example, Janus, the god of the doorway; Ves- Roman politicians eventually learned that
ta, the spirit of the hearth; and other house- they could use religion to achieve their
hold spirits called Lares and Penates. The ends—for example, by postponing meetings
main concept underlying Roman religion was of the assembly through faked omens and
that some objects possessed divine power, or auguries. But even though religion was
numen, which probably means “the power to sometimes a branch of politics, it did provide
influence things.” For example, a boundary or certain useful moral standards. The Greek
terminal stone marking the edge of a family’s historian Polybius observed that Roman civil
property was sacred and had numen, perhaps servants were more likely to be honest in
because it supposedly had the power to deter financial matters than most Greeks, because
intruders. they feared to break their religious oaths.
Nearly all Roman mythology was an adap-
tation of Greek legend, and Roman gods were
often Greek deities with Roman names: the Politics
Greek father-god Zeus became Iuppiter, or
Jupiter; Zeus’s wife Hera became Juno, Athe- Rome had no political parties in the modern
na became Minerva; Heracles became Her- sense, but politics was carefully manipulated
cules; and so on. These gods were the ones through family connections. Patrician fami-
officially worshiped in public, though they lies held all offices in the early days of the
might also be worshiped within the family Republic, but as the much larger plebeian
along with the household deities. Perhaps class gained influence, the patricians’ domina-
because Greek myths often show gods behav- tion was weakened. This movement did not,
ing spitefully or immorally, the Romans also however, end government by aristocracy.
created other deities to personify certain The old aristocracy was replaced by a new
uplifting ideas, such as Virtus (manly con- one composed of both patricians and plebei-
duct), Pax (peace), Fides (loyalty), and Pudor ans.
(modesty). : Most holders of the consulship (patricians
The Romans showed their usual concern and plebeians) could point to earlier members

The Roman Republic

of their families who had been consuls. All ther Spain, and to provide governors for them
male descendants of a consul were called no- two more praetors were created. Because of
bles (zobiles).2 The rare consul with no consu- the distance from Spain to Italy and the
lar ancestors was called a new man (novus importance of the Spanish provinces, these
homo), among the famous new men were praetors were given a higher rank of impe-
Cicero and Cato the Elder. rium than the governors of Sicily and
The oligarchy that was formed in this Corsica-Sardinia: they were called proconsuls
manner enjoyed a fairly secure control over (pro consule, “in place of a consul”), a title that
public business through the Senate, which the Romans used when they wanted to have
was in complete charge of foreign policy. It an ofhcer wield the powers of a consul even
received embassies; dealt with their com- though he was not strictly one of the consuls
plaints, and appointed governors to the prov- for the year. Similar officials were used in
inces. Domestic policy was made in public other provinces.
assemblies, but most proposals brought to the Governors of provinces were appointed by
assemblies had already been cleared with the Senate. They ruled the provinces with
prominent senators. The tribunes, who intro- absolute power, though they could not violate
duced domestic legislation in the assemblies, Roman law or act illegally against Roman cit-
were young men who hoped to progress in izens. Some provinces were well ruled, but
politics. Since the support of the ruling oli- others were notorious for their corrupt gover-
garchy was essential for a career, they did not nors. From the Roman point of view the sys-
usually challenge the Senate. tem was efficient: rebellions were not com-
mon, and the troops stationed in the prov-
inces did not resort to massacres to maintain
Provincial Administration control.
The provinces furnished the financial sup-
The Latin word provincia means any duty as- port for the Roman Republic. Some had to
signed to a magistrate, and the Romans ex- pay tribute in tithes of various kinds, usually
tended it to include the governing of the vari- food, while others were assigned a fixed sum.
ous regions that they had acquired through In order to obtain these taxes the state de-
their conquests. They found governors for vised a convenient, but corruptible, system of
the earliest provinces simply by raising the tax collection. Companies of tax collectors bid
number of praetors from two to four; the two for contracts to collect the taxes of certain
new ones governed over Sicily and the com- provinces, especially Asia. They paid the
bined province of Corsica and Sardinia. ‘he state a fixed sum in advance and then tried to
same expedient was used in Spain. There make their profit by collecting taxes in excess
were two Spanish provinces, Nearer and Far- of what they had paid. The natives of the
provinces were nearly helpless against the
raids of the publicani, as the tax collectors
The word nobilis means “recognizable, well-known”;
the nobiles were known to the people because masks of were called. Their only protection was the
their faces were carried in funeral processions. governor of the province, who was supposed

to see that the publicani did not collect more which savagely lampooned active politicians.
than a reasonable amount. Unfortunately, Plautus filled his comedies with stock situa-
however, sometimes the collectors could use tions such as Menander used—mistaken
their funds as bribes to persuade the governor identities, frustrated romances, and the like.
to overlook their rapacity.? One of his plays about mistaken identities,
the Menaechmi, was used by Shakespeare as
the model for his Comedy of Errors. ‘Terence
Literature wrote New Comedy in a more refined and
delicate style than did Plautus. His influence
Imperialism stimulated Roman literature. As on later ages was strong, for he became the
their conquests brought the Romans into con- model for the comedy of manners of Moliere
tact with other civilizations, their cultural ho- and Sheridan.
rizons widened immeasurably. The Greek One of the most dynamic poets of the Re-
literature that the Romans brought back with public was Lucretius (94-55), whose mas-
them from the East was a particularly strong terpiece, De rerum natura (On the Nature of the
influence. Universe), reveals just how much Greek
The real founder of literature written in the thought influenced Latin literature. His mod-
Latin language—the Roman Chaucer, as he el was the Hellenistic philosopher Epicurus.
has been called—was Quintus Ennius (239- Lucretius wanted to use his poetry to spread
169). His writings now survive only through Epicurus’ doctrine that our temporary life is
quotations in other works. He was not a unimportant. Although it did make some
Roman (strangely enough almost none of the converts, Epicureanism was less congenial to
more famous Latin authors were from Rome) the Romans than were the more austere be-
but an Italian who lived near Tarentum. His liefs of Stoicism, which preached devotion to
most important original work was his Annales, duty.
a patriotic historical poem. Ennius was the Catullus (84? —54°?) wrote poetry of a more
first poet to translate into Latin the Greek personal nature. It suggests the subjectivity
tragedies, which were to influence the still and emotional qualities of the work of the
immature Latin literature. Hellenistic poets in Alexandria. Many of
The influence of Greek comedy can be Catullus’ poems are addressed to his mistress,
seen in the plays of Plautus (250?- 184?) and Clodia (whom he calls Lesbia), a flagrantly
Terence (190?-159?). Their works were promiscuous woman. Their affair burned
based on the New Comedy of Menander and fiercely, as some poems show, but finally
his contemporaries, for the Romans did not turned to disillusion and hate. Catullus also
approve of the Old Comedy of Aristophanes, experimented with miniature epic poems in
the Alexandrian fashion, and he was capable
of a solemn grief, as he demonstrates in a sor-
rowful poem that he composed at his
Cicero, a firm supporter of the publicani, called them
“the flower of the Roman equestrians, the ornament of brother’s grave in Asia Minor. In all his works
the state, and the foundation of the Republic.” Catullus displays his feelings with a frankness

The Roman Republic

that was rare ina society where external dig- professional and methodical, though often
nity and self-discipline were considered the pedantic. He is both the most important Hel-
main social virtues. lenistic historian and the most reliable guide
The earliest surviving Latin prose comes to earlier Roman history.
from the pen of Cato the Elder, who was cen- The oldest historian writing in Latin
sor in 184. His treatise De agri cultura (On whose works are actually preserved is Sallust,
Agriculture) is a manual of farming, written in who wrote during the gos. Sallust’s works
a pithy and dry style. The author comes to show the close connection between historical
life as few others do through the written writing and practical politics in Rome. His
word, and it is easy to see why he was consid- War with Catiline studies a conspiracy against
ered the personification of a narrow, old- the Roman government inspired by Catiline
fashioned Roman. “When buying a farm,” he but frustrated by the statesman and orator
says, “look carefully as you go in, so that you Cicero in 63. In it he carefully evaluates Cic-
may find your way out.” Cato also cautions ero, Julius Caesar, and other political per-
his readers not to feed slaves too much, lest sonalities as agents within the Roman politi-
they grow fat and lazy. He includes several cal system. Such concentration on politics is
fantastic cures for diseases, which provide at least a partial contrast to Greek historiog-
rare information about rustic medicine. raphy, which was more interested in the art
Although he is not a Latin writer, the of war and the customs of various peoples. ‘
Greek Polybius (200? — 120?) deserves a place The statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero
here as a historian of the Roman Republic. (106-43) was the most versatile Latin writer
Along with several other prominent Greeks of his time. His polished prose style became
Polybius was deported to Rome in the 160s, the model for clarity and elegance. At the
where he met many Roman statesmen and same time his orations, essays, and letters are
became an expert in Roman history. He among the best sources for the political histo-
wrote a general history of the Greco-Roman ry of the later Republic. Cicero’s philosophic
world from the first Punic War down to his treatises do not follow the doctrines of any
own times, largely to demonstrate the inevita- particular philosophic school; he was equally
ble domination of the Mediterranean by the interested in Stoicism, the thought of Plato,
Romans. He is the only surviving source for and several other methods, and he chose
some of the wars of Greece and Rome. whatever seemed persuasive from Greek
Polybius believed that much of Rome’s models for his own theories. In On the Re-
success in government was due to her well- public, for example, he accepted the Platonic
designed constitution, an example of the view that wise leaders ought to govern the
commendable mixed form of state that would state, but disregarded the more technical
probably preserve Rome despite the difficul- points in Plato’s philosophical system.
ties of maintaining any constitution. Polybius Cicero’s political speeches are a continuous
traveled widely and insisted on the need to record of his career and his frustrated ambi-
visit sites in order to grasp the importance of tions. He was the first of his family to attain
geography to history. His work is therefore the consulship and therefore ranked as a “new

man.” He enjoyed his political success and through a violent but surprisingly slow revo-
sought a place for himself among the upper lution. This upheaval destroyed the Republic
classes, believing that they should guide the and cleared a path for the Roman Empire.
state along established constitutional lines.
Unfortunately, most members of the gov-
Strains on the Constitution
erning class in the later Republic were will-
ing to be tempted away from their normal al- For some years before 133 the small farmers
legiance to the constitution and selfishly fol- displaced by large landowners had been mi-
lowed their own personal advantage. Cicero grating to the cities, especially to Rome,
never became a magnetic leader around where many of them joined the ranks of the
whom others gathered. His letters are a frank urban poor. They added to the economic
and often painful record of the compromises problems of the state, and the decline in their
that he was forced to make in the treacherous fortunes threatened to impede the recruit-
world of Roman politics. Cicero’s egotism ment of soldiers into the Roman army. Rome
and pathetic vanity are not attractive, yet in had nothing like a modern war treasury, and
his favor one must say that he supported the only men who had enough money to arm
constitution. This was, it is true, an imperfect themselves could be drafted into the legions,
set of customs that worked to the advantage as the units of citizens were called. Without
of the upper classes; still, it was preferable to sufficient recruits, the gains of imperialism
the civil war that broke out when less scrupu- might be lost.
lous politicians seized control. About 136 a slave revolt in the province
of Sicily dramatically emphasized the need for
a strong army. The revolt directly threatened
a part of the Roman food supply since grain
wi. Lhe Roman Revolution was imported from Sicily. Thus in the late
130s two crises faced Rome: a decline in mili-
By 133 the Roman state was rich, proud, and tary manpower and the possibility of a seri-
powerful, but its expansion had created ous grain shortage.
power blocs or pressure groups whose au-
thority might threaten the senatorial govern-
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
ment. New wealth had given rise to a class of
influential men who owned large estates,.and Two Roman nobles, Tiberius and Gaius
this wealth alone threatened to unbalance the Gracchus, moved to solve these problems.
traditional economy. The need for armies to Tiberius, the older brother, became tribune
control the provinces offered an opportunity for 133 and proposed a land bill to the Tribal
for generals to use their loyal troops against Assembly that would allow the state to assign
the state itself. Individuals and groups began parcels of public land to dispossessed farmers,
to intrigue for their own power. Under these with the double aim of increasing both the
strains the senatorial government began to supply of potential recruits for the army and
give way, and from 133 to 31 Rome went the amount of food grown in Italy. For some

The Roman Republic

reason—not clear in the ancient accounts— they would have had to abandon their busi-
the bill was opposed by another tribune, who ness interests; senators could not participate
tried to veto it. Tiberius persuaded the people in commercial activities other than owning
to remove this tribune from office and the bill land. One might hesitantly call the equestri-
was passed. ans a middle class because they stood be-
The distribution of land was in progress tween the working masses and the Senate.
when Tiberius decided to run for reelection. All tax collectors were equestrians, and
This was a breach with custom (though prob- when Gaius Gracchus placed them on the
ably not illegal), for tribunes held office for jury of the extortion court, they gained the
only one year. Fearing that Tiberius might power to protect members of their group who
seize some kind of permanent leadership as a might be denounced and brought to trial.
demagogue, the Senate (or some senators) had Provincial governors now feared vindictive
him murdered late in 133. This was a viola- decisions handed down by equestrian jurors.
tion of the solemn oath that protected the Gaius’ arrangements were later revised, but
body of a tribune from violence, and it intro- he was the first to make the extortion court
duced the new element of political murder the subject of a bitter political quarrel and to
into Roman politics. The distribution of land set one political group against another.*
continued, however, and Tiberius’ enemies To further his brother’s program of relo-
even claimed credit for the success of this cating farmers on the land, Gaius also spon-
project. sored the founding of several colonies. The
Gaius Gracchus became tribune ten years choice of one of them—near the site of hated
later, in 123. He authored several measures Carthage, which only about twenty years ear-
with a common theme, mainly limiting or at- lier had been destroyed in the third Punic
tacking the power of the Senate. One of the War — exposed him to criticism and seriously
most important concerned the extortion weakened his standing with the masses. He
court, which investigated cases of alleged ex- also proposed that Roman citizenship be of-
tortion by provincial governors and_ tax fered to large numbers of people in rural dis-
collectors. The jurors, all senators, were usu- tricts who were not yet Roman citizens. They
ally not severe in judging governors, who like had been asking for this status to protect
them were members of the Senate. Gaius had themselves against having their land confis-
a bill passed that assigned the seats on this cated for distribution to those whom the
jury to members of the equestrian class Romans were resettling. But the voters of
(equites: the common translation “knights” is Rome, warned by Gaius’ opponents that they
misleading). Equestrians were men wealthy would be sharing their privileges with outsid-
enough to equip themselves for service in the ers, refused to extend their citizenship.
cavalry, but gradually this term came to in-
clude the businessmen of Rome—tax collec-
tors, road builders, and entrepreneurs of all ‘Control over the juries in the extortion court was one of
the most crucial issues of the late Republic. Senators and
kinds. Equestrians did not seek to become equestrians struggled for the seats until Caesar enforced a
members of the Senate, because as senators final sharing between them.

Like his brother, Gaius Gracchus came to a 86), a “new man” from the country near
violent end. After he left office his enemies Rome. He is important in history for two rea-
asserted that he was planning a revolution. sons: he further diminished the power of the
The Senate then instructed one of the consuls Senate, and he changed, radically and forever,
for the year 121 to “see to it that the state the composition of the Roman army and the
suffered no harm,” thus virtually inviting the nature of its loyalties.
consul to use whatever force was necessary to With the support of a powerful family, the
suppress the younger Gracchus. When the Metelli, Marius made his way upward in poli-
consul raised an armed force to hunt him tics until he reached the consulship in 107. At
down, Gaius, at his own instructions, was this time Rome was involved in war with the
killed by one of his slaves. African king Jugurtha; the historian Sallust
The Gracchi had tried to reimpose an old has left us a narrative of this conflict. As soon
economic pattern on new problems. When as Marius became consul he persuaded the
this solution began to fail Gaius Gracchus Tribal Assembly to hand over to him the
looked for support by experimenting with conduct of the war. In doing so the assembly
other political elements— Italians who lacked was encroaching upon the power of the Sen-
Roman citizenship and equestrians who now ate, which alone had the constitutional right
stood against senators through their control to appoint military commanders and to desig-
of the extortion court. But over and above nate their provincia, or sphere of activity. Yet
these specific issues, the Gracchi had un- somehow the Senate allowed this transfer of
leashed a force whose working could not easi- the command.
ly be controlled when they invited the Tribal When Marius ended the war in 105, his vic-
Assembly to play a morg activist role in poli- tory seemed to many people a proof that the
tics. Granted, the people had long possessed Senate was no longer the bulwark of the state
the right to legislate in the Tribal Assembly, as it had been in the Punic Wars. His prestige
but these two tribunes greatly increased the grew even more after he drove back an at-
dynamic role of their own office and persuad- tempted invasion of Italy by some Germanic
ed the assembly to take more initiative in tribes from the north.
making decisions. In order to raise large numbers of men for
these German wars, Marius abolished the old
requirement that a soldier must own at least a
Marius and the Roman Army modest amount of property, and he also ac-
cepted volunteers instead of just drafting men
The Gracchi were helpless before the vio- for service. As a result, the army came to be
lence of the Senate because they had no army. composed largely of poor men who served
Soon, however, as the Republic engaged in their commander, relied on him as their main
more wars, powerful generals arose who had patron, and expected him to obtain a reward
the support of their armies. The first such for them when they were discharged. This
strong personality was Gaius Marius (157?- bonus was usually a grant of land; thus Mar-

The Roman Republic

ius helped to solve the problem of displaced Senatorial Reaction Under Sulla
farmers that the Gracchi had addressed and
at the same time found a solution to the The Italian War made the reputation of an-
army’s recruiting problems. Marius may not other powerful general, Lucius Cornelius
have foreseen the ultimate results of his work, Sulla, who was an arrogant patrician and a
but he converted the army into a professional firm believer in the political supremacy of the
organization that became the instrument of Senate. In the 80s civil war broke out in
ambitious commanders down through the Rome between various factions of senators.
Republic and indeed throughout the history One group rallied behind Sulla and saw in
of the Roman Empire. him the best vehicle for their own ambitions.
Sulla’s supporters finally prevailed when he
landed in Italy after a campaign in Greece; he
The War with the Italians led his troops against Rome herself, which
was held by his enemies, and late in 82 en-
In the gos the dispute over citizenship for tered the city as its conqueror. He killed
people living in rustic areas outside Rome hundreds of his opponents and had himself
came to a head. The reactionary attitude of named dictator, suspending the customary
the Senate convinced these people that only six-month time limit for that office.
military rebellion would gain them the right Sulla reshaped the state on strictly conserv-
of citizenship, which brought with it the priv- ative principles. Two forces, he thought,
ileges of voting and holding office. In 91 menaced the rigid control of the Senate: the
some Italian tribes proclaimed themselves tribunes of the people, who made the Tribal
independent and opened a guerrilla war that Assembly more conscious of its power, and
lasted until 88. In the end the Romans negoti- the strong generals who used the loyalty of
ated with the Italians and allowed them to their armies to gain political leverage. To deal
acquire citizenship. But the fact that it re- with the first of these threats, Sulla passed a
quired a war to obtain this concession shows law forbidding tribunes to offer legislation
that both the upper classes — the senators and without prior approval from the Senate, a
equestrians —and the common people as well clear historical rebuke to Tiberius Gracchus.
were still jealous of their privileges. In fact, Another law prevented tribunes from ever
the grant of citizenship was made somewhat holding another office, a stratagem that was
ineffective because the newly enfranchised designed to make the office of tribune unat-
allies still had to come to Rome to vote, and tractive to young men with political ambi-
many of them could not do this.° tions.
Sulla handled the army commanders by
restricting their service as governor of a prov-
>Historians have compared the Italian War to the war ince to a period of one year. This scheme
between the American states, 1861-1865. Each war
finally decided whether the nation was to split apart or
neatly assured that no commander would
remain united. remain on the scene long enough to become a

familiar hero to his troops and possibly the such generals manipulated their forces so as
leader of a new march on Rome. Sulla also to dominate the civilian government.
permanently fixed the ages at which a man
was eligible for each office. One now had to
be forty-two to be consul; this guaranteed The Rise of Pompey
that the holder of this high office would be a
man who had matured long in the Senate and The new military potentate after Sulla was
was infused with the conservative views of Gnaeus Pompeius, or Pompey, as he is famil-
that body. iarly known. Pompey had his first opportuni-
Among Sulla’s other reforms the most ty to gain a reputation in 77, when he was
important was his restructuring of the jury sent to Spain with instructions to end a revolt
system. He canceled the legislation of Gaius there. After completing this task and while
Gracchus, who had put juries in the hands of his army was still intact, he helped to sup-
equestrians, and restricted seats on the juries press a rebellion of slaves in Italy led by the
to senators. There were now seven perma- famous Thracian slave Spartacus. This cam-
nent courts dealing with various offenses. To paign was already in the hands of another
provide enough jurors for them, Sulla raised ambitious Roman, Marcus Licinius Crassus,
the membership of the Senate to about 600. the richest man of his time. No sooner was
Sulla completed this far-reaching legisla- the slave revolt crushed in 71 than the joint
tion, which remained largely in force until the commanders, Pompey and Crassus, marched
end of the Republic, and then in 80 resigned their armies to the walls of Rome and de-
the dictatorship, a rare act in any supreme manded the two consulships for the year 70.
ruler. To his enemies he was ruthless, but he Pompey was in no way legally qualified for
was also a clever political strategist. He did this office, for he was only thirty-six and had
his best to turn the clock backward and re- never held any previous magistracy. The
store the Senate as the rulers of Rome. It re- Senate, however, had no way to resist the two
mained to be seen whether the Senate was men, and they were elected as consuls. ‘Thus
equal to this challenge. Sulla’s legislation concerning eligibility was
overlooked, though it continued to be legally
valid in later years.
The Passing of the Republic During their consulship Pompey and Cras-
sus canceled several other of Sulla’s arrange-
Sulla had restored the prestige of the Senate, ments. They restored to the tribunes their
but events soon exposed its real weakness, as right to propose legislation, and they mixed
it proved unable to manage generals who senators and equestrians in the always con-
commanded Roman armies. More and more, troversial juries. At the end of their year in
office both consuls retired without demand-
ing any further appointment. This action, at
®These ages were: quaestor, thirty; praetor, thirty-nine; first surprising, was really consistent with
consul, forty-two. Pompey’s personality. He wanted a position

The Roman Republic

of the first rank in the state, but he disliked province of Asia, offered an effective solution
committing himself to open revolution. A to threats on the eastern front.
modern historian has said of him that he
would not play false and yet would wrongly
win. Cicero and Catiline
Pompey was given an assignment in 67 to
During Pompey’s absence overseas Cicero
deal with pirates operating in the Mediterra-
became the most important statesman in
nean who were interfering with the grain
Rome. His superb oratorical style and his
supply for Rome. In a swift campaign Pom-
administrative skill won him each successive
pey cleared the seas of pirates. The following
political office at the earliest possible legal
year he received an even more important
age. He was genuinely dedicated to compro-
command in the East, where Rome by now
mise and political negotiation and thought
had several territories. The province of Cilicia
that such procedures would establish a rule of
had been organized as early as 102, and that
the two upper classes, senatorial and equestri-
of Bithynia in 74, when the king of that re-
an. This potential system he often called con-
gion willed his country to Rome (in the same
cordia ordinum—harmony within the ranks.
way the king of Cyrene had done in 96).
But other, less scrupulous men believed that
Pompey was now assigned the provinces of
while orators debated, the sword might de-
Bithynia and Cilicia, where the current gov-
cide the issue.
ernor was involved in a war with Mithridates,
One such renegade was a fiery patrician of
a powerful local king. Cynical political con-
undoubted courage, Lucius Sergius Catilina,
siderations played a part in getting Pompey
usually called Catiline. He had gone heavily
this large new command. The previous gover-
into debt through extravagance, and in 63 he
nor, Lucullus, had tried to protect the help-
formed a conspiracy to murder the consuls,
less provincials from the tax collectors and
seize the state, and pass laws to abolish debts.
had drastically lowered the amount the publi-
Cicero, one of the consuls that year, easily
cani could collect. Therefore the equestrian
frustrated the plot.” He hoped that this suc-
class, representing the interests of business,
cess would enable him to form a circle of
demanded the governor’s removal and his
eminent men, including the powerful Pom-
replacement by Pompey.
pey, who would be dedicated to conservative,
Pompey successfully fought the difficult
lawful government. This high point of Cice-
war in Asia Minor and established a secure
ro’s career might have been a moment when
base for Roman interests there. He annexed
the Roman state could reverse its slide toward
the province of Syria in 64-63; he enlarged
anarchy and individual aggrandizement, but
Cilicia; and he extended Bithynia so that it
events frustrated Cicero’s plans and the slow
included part of the kingdom of Pontus.
dissolution of the Republic continued.
Around these provinces he created a system
of client kings, rulers of smaller states whose
"Cicero tells his version of the suppression of the con-
loyalty to Rome was assured. For some time spiracy in his four orations Jn Catilinam (Against Catiline);
this group of kingdoms, to the east of the see also Sallust’s War with Catiline.

The First Triumvirate Caesar’s Consulship and the Gallic. War

When Pompey returned to Rome from his Pompey’s aims were met after Caesar himself
Eastern victories, he found some influential introduced a bill in the Tribal Assembly that
members in the Senate resentful of his pres- would provide allotments of land for his
tige. Many feared that he might use his huge army; a tribune then offered another bill rati-
army to become a second Sulla but might not fying Pompey’s arrangements in the East.
step aside as Sulla had finally done. Pompey Both bills were passed by the assembly,
actually had two aims, both quite reasonable. which supported the triumvirate against such
He wanted the Senate to ratify the arrange- opposition as the Senate could put forth.
ments he had made in Asia Minor and to be- Crassus’ financial quarrel was also settled to
stow the usual grant of land on his men. But his satisfaction. Lastly, Caesar, looking to his
his enemies in the Senate combined to frus- own future command, arranged to have a bill
trate both these wishes. passed that gave him the command over Cis-
The returning proconsul of Spain, Gaius alpine Gaul (the Po Valley) and the coast of
Julius Caesar (100-44), also had a quarrel Illyria (Albania and Yugoslavia) for a guaran-
with the Senate. Caesar’s political expenses teed period of five years beginning on March
had placed him heavily in debt to the wealthy 1, 59. About this time the governor of Trans-
Marcus Crassus, who had served as consul alpine Gaul (Provence, in the south of
with Pompey in 70. To solve his financial France) died, and Caesar also acquired this
problems, Caesar hoped to win the consul- province within his command.
ship for 59 and then obtain another provincial During Caesar’s administration in Transal-
command, which would provide enough boo- pine Gaul, the Romans began their conquest
ty and other income to pay off his debts. The of the Gallic tribes that lay outside the prov-
small conservative faction in the Senate, how- ince. Caesar used his political skill to inter-
ever, looked on Caesar as a brash upstart. vene in the politics of the Gallic tribes and
First they refused him the usual honor of a opened a series of campaigns that finally
triumphal parade through Rome on his re- brought the whole area of modern France and
turn from Spain. Then they tried to block his Belgium under Roman rule, implanting there
plans to secure a major provincial command the Latin language and Roman culture. Cae-
after his potential consulship of 59. Faced sar narrates his actions and explains his mo-
with this obvious affront to his dignity, Cae- tives in his Commentaries on the Gallic War. Yo
sar made a political bargain with Pompey and this day the book remains a superb textbook
Crassus, who was also at odds with the Sen- in political-military decision making.
ate over a financial matter. The three formed The Gallic War lasted from 58 to 50. Cae-
a coalition known to modern historians as the sar’s two partners in the triumvirate, Pompey
First Triumvirate, and their united influence and Crassus, were always suspicious of each
at the polls elected Caesar as one of the con- other, but they did maintain fairly good rela-
suls for 59. tions and even held a second consulship to-

The Roman Republic

gether in 55. At Caesar’s wishes, they had his doubtful that Caesar really wanted to destroy
command in Gaul renewed for another five the Roman constitution, since its working had
years, so that it would not expire until March brought him little but success; but his ene-
1, 49.2 Through the Tribal Assembly Pom- mies could not be sure of this and in any case
pey and Crassus also took on commands for wanted to deny him further advancement.
themselves. Crassus became proconsul of As 49 opened the Senate met in a state of
Syria and fought against the Parthian King- near hysteria. Caesar’s enemies were seeking
dom on the Syrian frontier, where he was some way to strip him of his command in
killed in 53. Pompey was given command Gaul even before it expired. Some cooler
over the two provinces of Spain, which he head proposed that both Caesar and Pompey
governed through assistants (legates), prefer- should end the tension by resigning their
ring to remain near Rome and thus at the cen- commands at the same time. Caesar would
ter of power. have agreed to this, but the small band of
implacable senators forced through a motion
ordering him to lay down his command, even
The Break Between Caesar and the Senate though he was then taking no action beyond
remaining in his province of Cisalpine Gaul.
The anti-Caesarian faction of the Roman The Senate passed a decree establishing mar
Senate feared that Caesar might build on his tial law and ordering Pompey to command
victories in Gaul and make himself supreme the armies of the state against Caesar. Finally,
ruler of Rome. Although he had given no di- they threatened the lives of any tribunes who
rect indication of such a desire, his preemi- tried to oppose these extreme measures, thus
nence and opportunism made such a fear handing Caesar a superb subject for propa-
reasonable. As protection against Caesar ganda: He could claim that he was defending
these senators began to draw Pompey into the tribunes, the common people of Rome,
their camp. Some of them had quarreled with and the men in his army.
him in the past, but they were willing to
gamble that he could be turned into a conser-
vative. Caesar’s Invasion of Italy
Caesar planned to return to Rome in 49
after his command in Gaul ended. He would While the Senate was driving Rome nearer to
seek the consulship in 48 and then would civil war, Caesar was stationed in his province
probably accept another huge command such just across the Rubicon River, a tiny stream
as the one Crassus had had in the East. It is that divided Italy from Cisalpine Gaul.
Learning that his enemies were challenging
him to war, he decided that he had no course
8The exact date on which Caesar’s command was to ex- but to fight for his dignity and, as he could
pire is an important and still controversial question.
March 1, 49, seems to accord best with the ancient evi- now claim, for the rights of the people and
dence. their sacred tribunes. On about January 11,

49, he invaded his own country at the head of assuring Caesar a rubber stamp for anything
Roman legions. he wanted. Loyalty and discreet service in the
Caesar’s own men supported him loyally, Senate might bring important provincial
and as he moved southward through Italy commands, and we may be sure that few sen-
more and more people joined his cause. Pom- ators dared to challenge the dictator’s wishes.
pey and his followers retreated to Greece; From this time onward the Senate rapidly
Caesar pursued them and won a decisive bat- lost its former authority as the bulwark of the
tle at the town of Pharsalus in Thessaly. state. Caesar also divided all Italy into muni-
Pompey tried to find refuge in Egypt, but as cipal areas, probably for the sake of greater
he stepped on shore he was murdered by efficiency; he gave each town control over the
functionaries who realized that Caesar had surrounding countryside.
been victorious. Caesar himself reached Caesar settled many of his soldiers in colo-
Egypt, where he met the shrewd Macedonian nies throughout the Roman provinces, espe-
queen, Cleopatra. No one has ever been cer- cially Spain, Transalpine Gaul, and North
tain whether he actually fathered a son by Africa. He also extended Roman citizenship
her, but he did spend several months with her into some of the provinces. His most lasting
in Alexandria. He then returned to battle and reform, however, was one by which we still
after other victories in Africa and Spain he regulate our lives—the establishment of a cal-
returned to Rome in 46 as the undisputed endar based on the old Egyptian reckoning of
ruler. 365 days, with one day added every fourth
year (this was done simply by observing Feb-
ruary 24 twice; the modern February 29 was
Caesar’s Rule unknown to the Romans). This Julian calen-
dar lasted until 1582; it was then revised by
Caesar assumed the position of dictator and Pope Gregory XIII to our present Gregorian
consul. On the model of Sulla he extended his calendar.
dictatorship beyond the legal limit; in 44 he
had himself named dictator for life. All re-
straints on his power that Roman tradition The Death of Caesar
might have imposed were swept aside. He
had complete authority to pass laws, declare The full effect of Caesar’s plans was not to be
war, and appoint men to office. realized, for on March 15, 44, after four years
As dictator, Caesar passed a series of rapid of supremacy, he fell to the daggers of con-
reforms in many areas of Roman life. To re- spirators led by two of his lieutenants, Mar-
ward his followers with public office he raised cus Brutus and Gaius Cassius. His autocracy
the number of praetors and quaestors. Along had been a grave affront to the upper class;
with this expansion went a dramatic increase they still wanted the chance to win political
in the size of the Senate; he raised the mem- leadership rather than be appointed by a high
bership to about goo. Many of Caesar’s veter- and mighty ruler. Because they were being
an officers became members of this body, denied these traditional rights of Roman aris-

The Roman Republic

tocrats, they turned against their leader and tv. The Founding of the Roman
committed the most famous political murder
of ancient times. Empire
Caesar’s character was controversial and
Even after Caesar’s death there remained
baffling, even to his contemporaries. Like
some in Rome who would have supported a
most successful Roman generals he was piti-
return to the old system of competitive elec-
less toward Gauls and Germans, and he en-
tions and government by ancient tradition.
riched himself by selling slaves captured in
However, this was not to be; the slide toward
his wars. In Rome he showed little spirit of
monarchy could not be stopped, and the re-
conciliation once he became dictator, and for
sult was the founding of an empire by Cae-
this he paid with his life. On the other hand,
sar’s adopted son.
he often forgave his enemies: in the civil war
he dismissed opposing generals whom he cap-
tured, and they lived to fight him another
The Victory of Augustus
day. Perhaps such actions rested only on cool
calculation and were designed to win him a
For several decades the structure of the Re-
good reputation, but it is equally likely that
public had been dissolving as generals, begin-
they show genuine gallantry. No one can
ning with Marius, used their armies as private
question Caesar’s fiery leadership. His troops
instruments of power. The emperor Augus-
followed him into Italy with enthusiasm and
tus was the last and most successful of these
fought with amazing discipline.
generals. The entire military force of the state
Caesar left no memoirs of his later years,
became his private army, making him an even
and it is difficult to know just what was his
more potent Caesar.
personal theory of government. He evidently
believed that the old institutions of the Senate
and the assemblies had lost their political cre- The Second Triumvirate
ativity. “The Republic,” he is said to have
remarked, “is only a name without body or Brutus, Cassius, and the other liberators
face, and Sulla was an ignoramus in resigning imagined that the republican government
his dictatorship.” The political weakness of would automatically revive with Caesar dead.
the later Republic largely confirms this harsh This view was narrowly logical and quite
evaluation, though we cannot say that the wrong. Partisans of Caesar commanded ar-
autocracy of Caesar could have been more mies throughout the Roman world. The re-
than a temporary solution. In the end it moval of their leader still left them in charge,
proved unacceptable to the experienced poli- and they were not men who would meekly
ticians whom Caesar needed in his adminis- return their powers to the Senate. One such
tration. Caesar’s career thus blends triumph man was Marcus Antonius, or Mark Antony,
and tragedy. He rose to the absolute summit a Caesarian consul in Rome. He managed to
of Roman politics, but in doing so he de- maintain his position, for the liberators had
stroyed himself and the Roman Republic. no quarrel with anyone but Caesar. But An-

tony also tried to seize for himself the provin- Brutus and Cassius, seeing that their work
cial command in Cisalpine Gaul, even though did not have popular support, went to the
the Senate had already assigned it to another East and managed to gain control of the prov-
governor for the year 43. When Antony tried inces of Syria and Macedonia. But within a
to take over this province and drive out the year the triumvirs eliminated these enemies
rightful commander, the Senate turned on at the Battle of Philippi in northern Greece.
him as it had once turned on Caesar, with the To reward their troops with land, the rulers
now senior statesman Cicero leading the at- had already marked out the territory of no
tack. fewer than eighteen prosperous towns in
Among the commanders whom the Senate Italy. The rule of the Second Triumvirate
used in action against Antony was a young was thus made secure by the seizure and re-
man of nineteen—Caesar’s grandnephew and distribution of property. Further security was
adopted son. His name, originally Gaius Oc- provided by a series of “trials” against those
tavius, became Gaius Julius Caesar Octavi- who had the bad luck to be on the losing side.
anus upon his adoption; modern historians Now, as in the time of Sulla, autocrats
call him Octavian, but he called himself Cae- brushed aside the traditional guarantees of
sar. While he used his name skillfully to win a Roman law as they coldly purged their ene-
following among Caesar’s old soldiers, he also mies. One of those killed without trial was
played the part of a discreet young supporter Cicero.
of the Senate in its battle against Antony. Tension and suspicion now began to grow
Cicero, one of the chief supporters of the old between the two major partners, Antony and
constitution, wrote of Octavian after their Octavian (Lepidus had been forced into re-
first meeting, “The young man is completely tirement when he tried to take control of Sici-
dedicated to me.” ly away from Octavian). Antony did his own
Both Octavian and Antony realized that cause grave harm by remaining in the East for
there was no point in allowing the Caesarian long periods, fighting the Parthian kingdom,
faction to destroy itself at the pleasure of the which had taken certain Roman territories
Senate. Therefore, in 43, they suddenly after the death of Crassus in 53. The basic
joined with a lesser commander, Lepidus, and cause of enmity between Antony and Octavi-
formed a political partnership known as the an was no more than the lust for supreme
Second ‘Triumvirate. With their armies they power that had infected several powerful
marched on Rome. The Senate had to ac- figures in the last century of the Republic.
knowledge their leadership, and a tribune The public issue was the scandal over Anto-
proposed a law that turned the state over to ny’s romance with Cleopatra. The romance
their control for a period of five years; their was genuine enough, but it had distinct politi-
official duties were “to provide order for the cal overtones. Cleopatra had the resources to
state”—a charge broad enough to provide a support Antony’s Parthian War; in return she
legal basis for nearly any action they might wanted to extend the boundaries of her king-
wish to take. In due course their power was dom northward along the coast of Palestine.
renewed for another five years. The final break between the two men came

The Roman Republic

in 32. By this time Octavian had secured con- thought: how to rule without seeming like an
trol of all the western provinces and felt autocrat. He did manage to solve the problem
strong enough to challenge Antony in the by restoring the appearance of republican
field. Octavian and his supporters denounced government. During the ten years of the Sec-
Antony for having granted to Cleopatra and ond Triumvirate (43-33), the Senate and
her children (he was the father of two of her people had lost all control over public affairs.
sons) certain eastern territories belonging to Now Octavian worked out constitutional
Rome. Octavian raised a large force from changes that kept him in charge but seemed
Italy and the western provinces; his allies in- to be returning power to the Senate. Tradi-
cluded many people who feared an eastern tional offices continued, and he still held the
domination of Rome. Some 300 opponents of consulship. Moreover, he avoided any offen-
Octavian out of a Senate now swollen to sive displays of his authority. At no time did
about 1,000 fled to the East to join Antony’s Octavian announce that he was converting
side. Battle was joined in 31, at the promonto-
ry of Actium on the western coast of Greece. Gaius Octavius, granted the title ‘“Augustus”” by
Eventually Cleopatra withdrew to Egypt and the Senate, is portrayed as divine ruler in this
Antony followed her, his army surrendering idealized statue. [Photo: Vatican Museum]
to Octavian’s.
The next year Octavian unhurriedly ad-
vanced on Alexandria for the reckoning with
Antony and Cleopatra. Antony took his own
life, and Cleopatra was left to confront Oc-
tavian. She scorned to decorate a triumphal
parade in Rome as his captive and killed her-
self. With her ended the last Macedonian
kingdom and, therefore, the Hellenistic Age.

The Rule of Augustus

When Octavian returned to Rome in 29 from

his conquest of Egypt, his supremacy was
beyond challenge. He was the leader of a
huge army commanded by loyal generals, and
for several years he had been consul with a
dedicated political following. There was no
question that he could become the new Cae-
sar; no other potential leader was evident.
The issue was whether he would solve the
problem to which Caesar had given little


The Roman Republic

the Republic into an empire; therefore, histo- patrician (by his adoption into Caesar’s fami-
rians can find no official beginning for the ly), Augustus could not actually be a tribune.
Roman Empire. The best date is probably 27 Yet having the power of a tribune enabled
B.C., for in that year Octavian laid the foun- him to initiate legislation, consult with the
dations for his system. Senate, summon the Tribal Assembly, and
His most important act in 27 was to assume enjoy the protection against violence that the
control of an enormous provincial command, solemn oath gave to tribunes. Above all, the
including Farther Spain, Gaul (the regions tribunicia potestas suggested that Augustus
newly conquered by Caesar, not the old prov- was the patron and defender of the common
ince of ‘T'ransalpine Gaul), and Syria. Most of people of Rome.
the legions were concentrated in these prov- Augustus’ control was made more secure
inces; thus Octavian was the legal command- by what modern historians call his auctoritas
er of an unrivaled military force. He ruled his —that indefinable quality of authority that
provinces through assistants, or legates, as makes it unnecessary for the ruler to murder
Pompey had ruled his Spanish command. his critics. Augustus’ rule was absolute, and
Egypt was handled in a special manner; it all candidates who were elected to office had
was treated as a private possession of Octavi- received his approval. No tribunes inflamed
an and governed by an equestrian appointee the assembly, though they were still elected;
who merely directed the governmental ma- and few procohsuls showed indiscretion.
chinery that the Ptolemies had set up. Augustus managed the political machine with
Along with this command the Senate con- _ a skill superior to Caesar’s, but his rule was no
ferred on Octavian the name Augustus, less democratic than the regimes of other pe-
meaning “blessed” or “fortunate.” This title riods in Roman history. He was usually
brought with it no powers, but its semidivine called the princeps, an old Republican title
overtones were useful to Augustus (as we denoting the senior ex-consul in the Senate,
shall now call him) in establishing his emi- who had the right to speak first in the care-
nence. In 23 he received two additional fully controlled senatorial debates. Modern
powers from the Senate. His imperium was writers often refer to the system of Augustus
now extended to cover not only his former as the Principate.
provinces but the whole Roman world; in The long reign of Augustus from 27 B.C. to
other words, he had complete authority and A.D. 14 established many abiding features of
was really the chief of state. He also obtained, the Empire. He provided a cash payment
through an interesting legal fiction, the au- from the public treasury to soldiers who had
thority of a tribune (¢ribunicia potestas). As a served for twenty years, thus securing the
loyalty of the legions to the state, not to their
generals. He also gave security to the Empire
by extending and solidifying the northern
The emperor ruled the imperial provinces through his
assistants or legates. In the more pacified provinces, frontier (see Map 4.3). The provinces north of
where fewer troops were needed, the governors were Italy now reached as far as the Rhine and
chosen by the Senate. Danube rivers.

Augustus also created a force of soldiers mand. Later emperors heavily exploited the
known as the Praetorian Guard, which was worshiping of rulers.
stationed in Rome. This group of some 9,000 Temples were by no means the only Au-
men was recruited from Italians (no provin- gustan buildings; a famous saying tells us that
cials, even if citizens, could serve in it under “he found Rome made of brick and left it
Augustus) and received higher pay than the made of marble.” The prosperity of the later
soldiers in legions. The guard was intended as years of Augustus’ rule reflects the general
a force for security, but after a few decades it peace that he brought to the Roman world.
came to play a crucial, and violent, role in the Freed of the expense of wars, Rome enjoyed a
designation of new emperors. The security of confidence that expressed itself in cultural
Italy was further guaranteed when Augustus creativity, which will be discussed in the next
formed a permanent navy manned largely by chapter.
provincials, many of whom were more ex- Augustus died in A.D. 14. Through his
perienced sailors than the Italians. careful control of the army and magistrates,
Augustus assumed the office of Pontifex he had given Rome three decades of healing
Maximus, or high priest, and made definite after the civil wars. The real test of an auto-
attempts to revive the old Roman religion. He crat’s skill comes with his death or retirement.
rebuilt scores of Roman temples and even Rome did not relapse into civil war after
added some new ones, such as the Temple of Augustus’ death. The Empire he designed
the Deified Julius honoring Caesar, who had and guided in its formative years lasted for
been given a place among the Roman gods. two centuries in much the same condition as
He also aided the foundation of an imperial it had been at his death. For centuries more it
cult, sponsoring temples built to “Rome and survived as the Byzantine Empire in the East,
Augustus”—a discreet suggestion that he and it was the ancestor of the Holy Roman
should be worshiped, but not a blatant de- Empire in the West.

The development of Rome from a village rigorous character of the Roman people. In
south of the Tiber River into an imperial state daily life the word of the father was law. In
follows a course marked by political disci- the state the power of the Senate to direct
pline. No Greek city-state showed such per- public affairs was unquestioned for many
severance once a policy was determined. Why decades. This authoritarian view of life was
did Rome become the empire builder? One reinforced by Roman religion, a group of
answer is the large reserves of manpower that cults with only one fixed doctrine: conserva-
enabled the Romans to overcome Carthage. tive obedience to established customs.
Another answer, perhaps more abstract, is the As Rome extended her power a wealthy

The Roman Republic

aristocracy, composed of both patricians and to the more discreet supremacy of Augustus
plebeians, absorbed the small holdings of who designed the permanent structure of the
peasants. The brothers Gracchus tried to Roman Empire. He led Rome through a
restore displaced farmers to their lands, but transformation that most Romans found ac-
another use was finally made of this man- ceptable.
power when poor men were admitted to the An empire, once established, will face vari-
Roman legions. ous challenges. ‘The Roman Empire was to be
Generals became warlords and troops be- threatened by enemies outside its borders and
came their followers. The prizes of suprema- by rebellions and conspiracies within them.
cy became more valuable. Julius Caesar Not all these challenges were equally effec-
played for absolute control and won the con- tive, but over several centuries the Empire
test. It is far from certain that he set out to de- was transformed, and at its close it was dis-
stroy the Roman constitution, but in the civil solved into the states of the Early Middle
war between him and the conservatives that Ages.
was the result. Another period of intrigues led

Recommended Reading
The Cambridge Ancient History. 12 vols. 1923-1939. Vols.
Sources 7-12 are concerned with Rome.
Gelzer, Matthias. Caesar: Politician and Statesman. 1968.
*Caesar. War Commentaries. Rex Warner (tr.). 1960. The best study of the dictator.
Livy. History of Rome. B. O. Foster and others (trs.). 14 Mommsen, Theodor. A History of Rome. Originally 3
vols. 1919-1959. vols., 1854-1856; many modern editions. The
Polybius. The Histories. E. Shuckburgh (tr.). 2 vols. 1962. classic history of the Republic, still a gripping nar-
*Sallust. Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline. S. A. rative.
Handford (tr.). 1963. Richardson, Emeline. The Etruscans: Their Art and Civili-
zation. 1964.
*Rose, H. J. A Handbook of Latin Literature. 1954. The best
Studies brief history of the subject.
. Religion in Greece and Rome. 1959.
Badian, E. Foreign Clientelae, 264-70 B.C. 1958. A de- *Scullard, H. H. From the Gracchi to Nero. 1971. The best
tailed study of Roman imperialism. textbook for this period; good references.
Bloch, Raymond. The Origins of Rome. 1960. A concise *Syme, Ronald. The Roman Revolution. 1960. Brilliant
statement of Etruscan and early Roman history. analysis of the founding of the Empire by Augustus.
Boak, Arthur E., and William G. Sinnigen. A History of
Rome to A.D. 565. 1965. A reliable American textbook
for consultation. *Available in paperback.






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The history of the Roman Empire is one of both transformation and remarkable
continuity. The system of government devised by Augustus and maintained by
his successors gave the Empire two centuries of solid prosperity. The provinces
were peaceful and soon began to rival Rome in economic strength. Wars on the
frontiers did strain the imperial resources at times, but there was no enemy
strong enough to threaten Roman domination of Europe.
At the beginning of the third century the Empire entered a period of crisis.
Control of the army became the key to power, and emperors and would-be
emperors followed one another in rapid succession. When order finally returned
during the fourth century, the old Roman Empire was no more. In the East the
Byzantine Empire was formed; in the West the Empire steadily declined,
finally ceasing to be governed by Roman emperors altogether in 476.
The passing of the Empire marked the end of the ancient world but the
beginning of a great new world religion, Christianity. It originated in Judea,
survived organized persecutions, and finally became the official religion of the
Empire. Several ancient scholars observed that the founder of this faith, Jesus,
was born during the lifetime of the founder of the Empire, Augustus. The
Christian historian Orosius noted this coincidence and thought that the prosperity
of the Empire under Augustus and his successors was a divine method of
preparing Rome for the coming of her salvation through Christianity.
Whether or not we accept this interpretation, 1t remains true that two lines of
historical development began with the lives of Augustus and Jesus. On the one
hand, the Roman Empire was transformed into the Byzantine monarchy; on the
other, it was converted into a Christian state. This transformation of the Empire,
often called its decline, had many causes: political instability and shifting
military power, a weakening of traditional institutions, barbarian invasions,
economic inflation, a shrinkage of manpower, and others. But in studying
these causes we must recognize as well that the end of the Roman Empire did
not mean that its legacy would disappear from the Western world.
1. The Height of the Empire Yet these emperors did maintain, and even
increased, the Augustan heritage. Claudius,
for example, conquered Britain, thus com-
For two centuries after the death of Augustus pleting the work begun by Caesar’s brief in-
his solution to the problem of ruling a Medi- vasions of Britain in 55 and 54 B.C. Moreover,
terranean empire continued in use. The sys- the Empire was peaceful, and the provincial
tem worked well; and, except for one upheav- administration that Augustus had established
al in 69, it provided continuity. But the reali- continued to function effectively.
ties of power, which Augustus had at least The process of centralization of power
partly concealed, became clearer. ‘The will of continued. Tiberius stripped the assemblies
the emperors came to count for much more of the right to elect magistrates and gave this
than the resolutions of the Senate, and there responsibility to the Senate. This reform was
is no record of legislation passed by the trib- little more than a recognition of the true state
unes through the public assemblies. In both of affairs, for the assemblies were by now
political stability and cultural elegance this only a formality. From this time onward it
period must be reckoned as the height of the was but a short step to allowing the emperor
Empire. to appoint magistrates directly; the Senate
merely made the formal gesture of conferring
their imperium. Claudius withdrew more
The Successors of Augustus affairs of state from the Senate and turned
them over to his trusted assistants. These
After the death of Augustus his stepson, were usually Greeks who had been freed
Tiberius, whom he had adopted, became from slavery and given high positions because
leader of the state. In recognizing Tiberius of their astuteness.
the Senate confirmed the principle of Senatorial powers were further under-
dynastic succession and established the fact mined at the death of Caligula, when the
that an empire, not a republic, now existed. Praetorian Guard forced the Senate to recog-
The dynastic line established by Augustus, nize Claudius as emperor. The Guard also
called the Julio-Claudian dynasty, reigned interfered in the selection of Claudius’ suc-
until A.D. 68. cessor; after Nero’s mother bribed the Guard
Much can be said against the rule of the for its support, the Senate had little choice
Julio-Claudians. Tiberius was morbid, sus- but to agree in acclaiming Nero as emperor.
picious, and vengeful. His successor, Gaius, This repeated invasion of civil authority by
or Caligula, suffered from insanity. Claudius the Praetorian Guard was another step on the
was gullible and manipulated by his wives road toward militarization; within a little -
and freedmen. Nero, the last of the Julio- more than a century the emperors were to be-
Claudians, was one of the worst emperors in come totally dependent on being able to buy
Roman history. His tyranny led to a rebel- the good will of the soldiery.
lion in Gaul. When the revolt spread to Rome, The military played a significant role in the
he saw he was doomed and killed himself. struggle over succession after Nero’s death.

je- The Empire and

Galba, a senior commander in charge of by his adopted son, Trajan, who had been
Nearer Spain, gained temporary power, but chosen because of his high military
he lacked the prestige to command universal reputation. Trajan was later viewed as a
support. Troops in other quarters of the model emperor; he ruled with an unusual
Empire began to back their own candidates. blend of fairness and freedom, even issuing
The year 69 is often called “the year of the warnings not to hunt down Christians or
four emperors” because at one time four men listen to anonymous accusations. He was
claimed to be emperor. Titus Flavius Ves- followed by Hadrian, who claimed that
pasian finally stabilized the situation and Trajan had adopted him. Hadrian was strong
emerged as sole ruler late in 69. He founded enough to take and maintain control, and he
the Flavian dynasty, which lasted through the saw to the succession of the next two
reigns of his two sons. emperors, Antoninus Pius and Marcus
Vespasian was an efhcient administrator. Aurelius. Antoninus’ rule was peaceful, but
He provided a strong central government for Marcus was forced to fight repeated wars on
Rome that further augmented the powers of the Eastern and Danubian frontiers.
the emperor. The old republican institutions, The Empire continued to expand during
the Senate and the assemblies, no longer re- this period. Trajan led successful compaigns
tained any power. The emperor appointed against the tribes north of the Danube River.
the consuls and tribunes. The result of these wars was the creation of
the province of Dacia in the large plain that is
today the heart of Rumania. Trajan also
The Five Good Emperors declared war against the kingdom of Parthia
in 113, when the local monarch set up a
The Flavian dynasty ended in violence in 96, government in violation of a compromise
when a group of senators instigated the made with Nero. During the campaign
murder of the Emperor Domitian, Vespasi- Trajan led his troops down the valley to the
an’s despotic son. Domitian had no son, so head of the Persian Gulf, forming the
the Senate picked the best man available, provinces of Mesopotamia and Assyria. By
Nerva, and designated him as emperor. For 116 the Roman Empire reached its furthest
almost a century thereafter the problem of extension to the east (see Map 5.1). But
succession was solved. An emperor would Trajan could not hold these areas in the midst
choose a qualified successor and adopt him of revolts, and while he was retreating he fell
as his son, thus assuring a peaceful transfer of ill and died in 117. Hadrian, who succeeded
power. The system functioned so well, and him, decided to cut Rome’s losses by
the men chosen were so capable, that histo- withdrawing from the extreme eastern
rians have called Nerva and the next four positions that Trajan had taken.
rulers the “five good emperors.” The assumption of power by the emperor
Nerva was little more than an elderly became even more evident during the reign of
presiding officer without much real power. Hadrian. He issued laws directly from the
After less than two years he was succeeded throne, without working them through the






The Empire and

Senate; these were called constitutiones

(“decisions”). He was advised by an informal
council, the amici (“friends”) of the emperor.
These emperors undertook a vast building
program. Trajan erected many structures
throughout the Empire and added an
impressive column to the Roman Forum, on
which are carved a series of scenes recording
episodes in the wars against the trans-
Danubian tribes. Hadrian undertook various
building projects in the provinces. Most
famous is the wall he built across Britain from
Newcastle to Carlisle, to mark the boundary
between the Roman province of Britain and
the areas controlled by Celtic tribes to the
north. Antoninus built another wall in Britain
to the north of Hadrian’s; this was a shorter
one that was easier to police.
The Empire enjoyed its last years of pros-
perity under the reign of Marcus Aurelius.
But in his final years the gathering storm
broke in all its fury. Marcus had to fight in-
vasions by tribes on the Danube River and in
the East. One campaign was especially disas- A detail from the column commemorating
trous, for the army returning from Asia Mi- Marcus Aurelius’s victories shows the beheading
nor in the 160s brought with it a devastating of barbarians. [Photo: Anderson —Giraudon ]
plague that spread through much of Europe.
This plague must have been one cause of the
of prolonged crisis. The difficulties were both
weakening of Rome, but the nearly total lack
political and social, and partly transformed
of records prevents our knowing how many
the elegant civilization that had endured for
almost two centuries after the reign of Augus-
Marcus wanted to advance the position
of his worthless son, Commodus, and this
caused him to give up the principle of adop-
tion in choosing the next ruler. He passed the Roman Imperial Civilization
imperium to Commodus, whose extravagance
and cruelty were reminiscent of Nero and No ancient empire except Rome ever con-
Domitian. Commodus was murdered in 192. trolled so much of the civilized world or
At the beginning of the third century the exploited its successes so well. The Romans
Empire was nearly destroyed during a period studied and imitated Greek drama, literature,

philosophy, and art. They adapted much of Rome and her possessions. In general,
the architecture, religion, and science of farming conditions were little changed from
Greece and the Near East. The civilization of earlier regimes. One major innovation was
the Empire was therefore the final repository the growth in the number of tenant farmers,
of the culture of the ancient world. or coloni, who were forced to contribute fixed
amounts of produce. As time went on their
condition approached servitude: they were
Economy bound to the soil and could not leave the plots
assigned them. Egypt remained, as in the
In the late Republic and the first two days of the pharaohs, the most highly
centuries of the Empire, economic life in Italy regulated area. Much the same situation
and the provinces reached a level that would existed in Africa, where the emperor owned
compare favorably with conditions in all but large estates that were farmed mainly by
the most recent centuries of European coloni. Conditions were better in Gaul, where
history. But some signs of approaching farmers were able to maintain their
decline were evident, especially in the steady independence. In time the larger farms in
economic growth of the provinces and in the Gaul developed into self-sufficient villages or
relegation of Italy to an increasingly second- manors.
ary role. The growing prosperity of the provinces
Conditions in Rome were different from eventually threatened Italy’s economic lead-
those in the countryside, and indeed in any ership. Provinces such as Spain and Gaul, and
other city. Rome’s central position, both those along the Danube River, possessed su-
geographically and economically, made the perior natural resources. The wine market,
city a metropolis comparable to New York for example, passed into the hands of Spanish
and London. No other city in the ancient cultivators within the second century, for
world drew the variety of travelers that came Spanish wine was better than Italian and was
to Rome, and the city’s harbor, Ostia, cheaper to produce because of lower labor
received goods from the various provinces of costs. In some forms of industry, too, the
the Empire and from such distant lands as provinces began to outrun Italian production.
China. Many writers have portrayed the city One of the main Italian industries was pot-
as an immense parasite, feeding on the tribute tery, especially the Arretine ware made at Ar-
and products of the Empire. This picture retium (modern Arezzo). But by about A.D.
may be misleading, however. It is true that 50 Gallic pottery (Samian ware) had replaced
Rome could not feed herself, but she Italian pottery even in Italy and had also tak-
provided economic leadership for the Empire en over the market in the provinces and mili-
in banking and trade. tary camps. Thus Rome’s success in estab-
Nevertheless, agriculture continued to be lishing a commercial network created markets
the basic economic activity. It accounted for for products of the provinces and eventu-
75 percent or more of the total product of ally contributed to her own economic decline.

The Empire and

Social Conditions flimsy and inflammable. Their apartments had

no running water, but a system of aqueducts
Everyone had some share in the increased gave easy access to water. Rome always took
prosperity of the Empire, but the upper class pride in her enormous, cheap public baths.
was, as usual, far more comfortable than the There were corporations in Rome for every
lower class. kind of worker—fishermen, engineers, cob-
The upper class in Rome lived on a far blers, carpenters, silk workers, and so on.
higher scale, and was more widely separated These city laborers had working conditions
from the common people, than the rich of that were beyond the dream of a Near
Greece. The wealthy had running water Eastern peasant. They worked only about six
tapped into their homes, slaves to tend them or seven hours a day, and the Roman year
hand and foot, and elegant country villas for contained about 160 holidays. To these were
recreation. These villas approached economic added from time to time special days of
self-sufficiency, for slaves manufactured arti- celebration. Thus a worker could expect a
cles of light industry on the farms. day of holiday for each day of work.
A modern aspect of Roman cities was the The major amusements during days of
existence of suburbs and resorts. Capri was, leisure were public games, especially chariot
as it is now, a resort, and Ostia served as both races in one of the circuses such as the great
a harbor and a seaside resort. Pompeii was a Circus Maximus. These races brought honor
commercial town, but its neighbor Hercula- and wealth to the skilled charioteers. Besides
neum was a residential suburb. Both towns, races the Romans enjoyed watching contests
buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79, between gladiators and between men and
provide examples of the airy Roman house, animals. The mighty Colosseum, whose ruins
built around an atrium, a central open court, still stand, was the most grandiose Roman
and decorated with graceful wall paintings. arena.
Eating was a species of amusement for the It is a measure of Rome’s prosperity that
wealthy. Even the most athletic glutton could the city was able to support roughly half its
be more than satisfied at a dinner that began population of about one million. These were
in the late afternoon and lasted until after the poor, who lived in slums and were able to
midnight. Romans always ate in a reclining find little or no work; they were supported by
position without using knives and _ forks, grain that was distributed at public expense.
servants washed their hands and kept up the In the later, less prosperous years the cost of
flow of wine mixed with water. The Romans’ maintaining 50 percent of the city’s popula-
devotion to food is symbolized in their tion was to strain the Empire’s economy.
offensive invention, the special room for Social mobility became easier within the
vomiting, a device that enabled the gourmand Empire. Some Greeks who had been freed
to prolong and renew his pleasure. from slavery enjoyed enviable careers as sec-
The workers of Rome lived in housing that retaries to emperors or as businessmen, and
was acceptable by ancient standards, though they were able to join the wealthier class. The

need for troops opened new opportunities for slavery in a single day.’ Many slaves went to
provincials. Italian manpower alone was not work on the large estates, or /atifundia. ‘The
enough to patrol Rome’s extended frontiers, condition of these farming slaves varied from
so the use of native troops for such service place to place. Sometimes they lived in
became more common. Men from the prov- modest shelters and were more or less
inces entered the Roman legions, especially properly fed. On the other hand, in Sicily
during the second century and later; they they were often turned loose without shelter
finally made their way into the Praetorian to feed off the land. Slaves were also forced to
Guard, once recruited from Italians and con- serve as gladiators, killing one another for the
sidered an elite corps. Even the Senate began amusement of spectators.
to include men born in the provinces, often Under the Empire, the tempo of Roman
not even Italian in descent. In time the Empire conquests slowed considerably, and the
became less “Roman,” for Rome was no long- supply of prisoners of war was reduced. To
er the only center of activity. In both man- compensate for the shortage of labor, slaves
power and economic strength the primacy of were permitted to marry and have children.
Italy was of the past. This movement away Owners also began to show more kindness
from Rome as the all-important city led to the toward their slaves. This was partly due to a
transfer of political control from Rome to more humanitarian attitude, but an equally
Byzantium in the fourth and fifth centuries. strong motive was the desire to make a profit
by seeing that workers were well treated. In
Rome as in Greece, slaves were hotel keepers,
Slavery bankers, secretaries, and tutors. Much of
Roman education was in the hands of Greek
As in most other ancient states slaves were slaves.
widely used in the Roman economy, but no Many slaves were able to save money and
earlier society had organized the institution of purchase their freedom; others were volun-
slavery to such a degree or used slaves in tarily freed when they neared the age of
such large numbers. Some writers have thirty. New citizens were thus created, and
condemned the ancient Romans for their un- new elements were mixed into the popula-
Christian practices in enslaving other peoples, tion. This cultural blending with foreign
while some modern Marxist scholars have customs and religions increased the variety
tried to reconstruct a Roman society in which of Roman civilization.
slaves and slave owners were locked in a class
struggle. Fortunately, research done in the
last decades has made the situation clearer. Law
During the late Republic the number of
An ever-developing, complex system of law
available slaves increased dramatically, as
Rome overran Greece, Asia Minor, Spain, and procedure was one of the chief cultural
and Gaul. Julius Caesar reports, in his Gallic ‘We must note that these Gauls had violated their pledge
War, that he once sold 53,000 Gauls into to surrender and tried to ambush Roman troops.

The Empire and

contributions of Rome. Naturally, Roman During the earlier Empire the process of
law developed under the Republic, but its modifying the law continued, with a new
growth under the Empire suggests that we influence appearing—the intervention of
treat it here. The earliest codified Roman law emperors. Their orders and provisions were
was the Laws of the Twelve Tables, now also incorporated into the body of law.
published about 450. As the state developed, Jurists continued to play an important part in
the Romans recognized that the Laws of the this process. Sabinus, Gaius, and Papinian are
Twelve Tables were no longer adequate to among the most important jurists of the first
their needs, and the law of Rome began a long three centuries. The Emperor Hadrian seems
process of modification. Normally, a case was to have recognized the need for a consistent
heard before a judge, or iudex, who was a revision of the many edicts laid down by
private citizen of high standing. The judges praetors over the decades, and Salvius, one of
were drawn from the Senate and later from his jurists, made such a revision. This
equestrians as well. codification pointed the way toward the final
The judges often relied on the advice of revisions of Roman law in the fifth and sixth
other private citizens who were reputed to centuries. The Emperor Justinian presided
understand the law. These men were called over the most important of these revisions.
jurists (curisprudentes, iurisconsulti), and their The Romans’ respect for their law express-
opinions and advice constantly influenced es the remarkable discipline and cohesiveriess
and reshaped the law. Another influence on that one sees throughout their society. In war
the law came from magistrates, especially they were often brutal, but then so were
praetors, who had the right to issue edicts in many others in all periods of history. Rome’s
which they explained how they would achievement in designing and preserving a
interpret the law during their year in office. rich system of laws governing the behavior of
These edicts acquired the authority of citizens toward one another has served as a
tradition and were, in effect, a means of model for the law of Western Europe gener-
shaping the law. ally (an exception is the English-speaking
The Romans distinguished their own group of states, which derive their law from
citizens from members of their dominion who the common law of England). The enormous
did not possess strict Roman citizenship. The codifications of the late Empire overshadow
citizens were subject to the zus civile, or law any other law codes within ancient societies.
applying to citizens; the rest were allowed, in
various ways, to maintain many of their own
customs, and these customs gradually came to
Engineering and Architecture
form the zus gentium, or law of other nations in
general. These two kinds of law were
assigned, logically enough, to two magistrates The Romans showed their greatest
for administration, the praetor urbanus (“urban competence in the fields of engineering and
praetor”) and the praetor peregrinus (“traveling construction. The most enduring monument
praetor”). to Roman civilization is the impressive

network of roads found everywhere from lic buildings, sewers, and aqueducts, and the
Britain to Africa. Originally designed as freestanding triumphal arch was an imposing
highways for the rapid movement of legions, commemoration of various imperial victories.
these roads became trade routes in more They also invented concrete and it became
peaceful times. The great highways, with their principal building material. It has clear
their offshoots, eliminated all barriers to advantages over stone and marble: it is inex-
travel; even the mountains and deserts pensive, its components are readily available,
yielded to these everlasting ribbons of and it can be laid by relatively unskilled la-
flagstone. bor, which the Romans had in abundance. It
From the earliest times they built can also be shaped into forms impossible in
aqueducts that converged toward the cities marble, and it is lighter in weight and could
with fresh water from the mountains; Rome easily be supported in vaulted buildings.
also had an imposing system of sewers, which The Forum at Rome was expanded at vari-
were constantly flushed by water from the ous times with the addition of libraries, colon-
aqueducts. nades of shops, and many temples. Its original
The Romans P placed more emphasis p on function was as a town market but it became
personal cleanliness than any other a meeting place for various assemblies from
civilization down to modern times. One of the the second century B.C. on. Monumental col-
largest buildings in Rome was the Baths of umns and arches, rostra for speakers, and
Caracalla built in the third century, and the other decorations adorned it. Provincial
English city of Bath is named for the facilities towns also built forums, bathhouses, temples,
that the Romans built there. Like the and public halls. They often added an arch,
gymnasiums in Greek poleis, the Roman an aqueduct, or a theater to express their civic
baths served as social centers. pride and their desire to resemble Rome even
In architecture the Romans adapted Greek in a modest way.
techniques to Roman taste. Their temples, Sculpture and architecture were blended in
like those of the Greeks, were supported by the triumphal arches, which were often em-
columns, primarily in the Corinthian style. bellished with reliefs depicting the historical
They had larger interiors, however, because event that the arch was meant to celebrate.
the Romans congregated indoors to perform Roman sculpture was based on Greek models
their sacrifices, while the Greeks performed of the Hellenistic Age, when realism came to
theirs in front of the temple and reserved the be valued as highly as the perpetuation of
interior as a room for the deity. Roman build- ideal types. In the later Empire, sculpture
ers solved the problem of how to create these tended to be more stylized, although realism
larger spaces with two devices: the arch and was never wholly abandoned.
concrete. The Romans were the first to grasp Our knowledge of Roman painting is de-
the possibilities of using arches and vaults on rived mainly from the wall paintings at Pom-
a large scale, and this gave their buildings a peu and Herculaneum. Many of these were
vastness that the Greeks could not achieve. done by Greeks and comprise our only sam-
Arches were prominent in the design of pub- ples of Greek wall painting (none have sur-

The Empire and

vived in Greece). Later, Italian artists began way that no other Latin writer could chal-
to do more of the decorations. Since homes lenge.
were lighted only through the doorways, A contemporary of Vergil was Horace,
these paintings were intended to relieve the whose brief Odes, Epodes, and Sermones (or Sat-
confining feeling of the bare walls. Land- ires) examine love, amusement, annoyance,
scapes were one of the favorite subjects (see contentment — in short, the feelings of every-
Plate 6). Along with the wall paintings there day life. Now and then Horace makes an at-
were many mosaic compositions, also a legacy tempt at serious patriotic verse, but these
from Greek art. A famous one at Pompeii poems are self-conscious and moralizing and
shows several street musicians at their work do not speak with the real Horatian voice of
and is signed by a Greek artist. gentle, amusing irony.
The subject of love continued to inspire
Roman poets. The most polished poet of love
Poets was Ovid (43 B.C.—A.D. 17°). His most fa-
mous work is Ars Amatoria (The Art of Love), a
The leisure provided by Rome’s prosperity witty discourse on how to find and keep mis-
created a receptive audience for poets, tresses and lovers. The late medieval ro-
especially among the educated class. The mances, including many studies of courtly
most famous Latin poet, Vergil (70-19 B.C.). love, are based largely on Ovid. His most
borrowed from Greek models, as Roman complex poem is Metamorphoses, a series of
poets often did. His early poems, the Bucolics fifteen mythological tales about transforma-
and Georgics, are polished hymns of praise to tions of various kinds. In two famous epi-
the Italian landscape, which reflect the style sodes, for example, Hercules turns into a bull
of Theocritus and Hesiod; but the gentle, and Julius Caesar into a star. Ovid is a repre-
human spirit of Vergil himself is always sentative of the Roman Empire: elegant,
present. highly civilized, and accomplished. He does
The best qualities of Vergil appear when not have the elemental power of Homer, rath-
he treats civilized emotions — mercy, compas- er, he is a poet of wit, rhetoric, and learning.
sion, and sadness; then his work is touched Juvenal, a more pungent satirist than Hor-
everywhere with a graceful melancholy. ace, wrote shortly after A.D. 100. He took as
These qualities are demonstrated in_ his his motto “indignation inspires my poetry”
Roman epic, the Aeneid, which borrows and (facit indignatio versum). His poems de-
transforms material from Homer. In this nounce the excesses of pride and elegance in
work Vergil narrates the wanderings of Roman society. His language is colorful, often
Aeneas, the Trojan who was the legendary bitter and obscene. One of his richest and
founder of Rome. His aim was to sing the wisest satires concerns the vanity of human
glory of Rome and its salvation by Augustus. wishes. After reviewing the foolishness of
No one after Vergil tried to write a patriotic man, Juvenal gives his advice in a famous epi-
Roman epic. Even in antiquity it was recog- gram: one should pray for “a sound mind in a
nized that he had used the epic tradition in a sound body” (mens sana in corpore sano).

Historians The best Roman historian, and the one’
who is most like Thucydides in accuracy and
The histories of Rome written during the seriousness, is Cornelius Tacitus (55?— 120°).
Republic were usually the work of men One early booklet by Tacitus is the Germania,
directly involved in politics. Under the a description of the customs of the Germanic
Empire this changed, for political contest tribes and practically the only portrait of the
itself had almost come to an end. It was society that was ultimately to rule over large
therefore time for someone to look back on areas of northern Europe.* In it Tacitus care-
the Republic and write a final history of its fully describes the tribal organization, the
politics and imperialism. Livy (59 B.C.—A.D. weaponry, and the assemblies of the Ger-
17) undertook this task during the reign of mans.
Augustus, when the decisive political trans- The first major work of Tacitus is the His-
formation occurred. tories, in which he treats Roman history from
Livy narrated Roman history from its leg- 69, the year of the four emperors, through the
endary beginnings until 9 B.C. Because he death of Domitian in 96. His chief interest
usually drew on the work of earlier historians, was the analysis of characters during revolu-
he was sometimes unable to escape the influ- tion. Deeply influenced by satire, the domi-
ence of the myths that had clouded the histo- nant literary form of his age, Tacitus loved to
ry of the early Republic.? He was well aware fashion stinging epigrams aimed at members
of this problem and complained about the of the governing class, and he treated nearly
poor sources available to him. Livy is at his all his main characters as selfish or corrupt.
best when he uses a good source such as Poly- His disillusioned attitude was partly caused
bius. by his being an outsider, probably from
Livy’s Roman History is a kind of prose epic, southern Gaul; he saw Roman society
filled with patriotism and admiration for the through the cool eyes of a provincial who
great men who had led Rome when the Re- became a senator.
public was conquering the Mediterranean. The other major work is the Annals, which
Just as Vergil became the last Roman epic covers the reign of the Julio-Claudian emper-
poet, so Livy was the last writer in Latin to ors from Tiberius through Nero (14-68).
attempt a full history of Rome. His work was ‘Tacitus looked back at the early Empire from
accepted as authoritative until soon after a vantage point in a happier period, and he
1800. Modern criticism has shown how un- saw there little but despotism. By this time
trustworthy are the legends that Livy accept- his style had reached its perfection. His irony
ed for the earliest period of Rome, but there is found inviting targets in the Julio-Claudian
no denying the rhetorical skill with which he dynasty, and his epigrams are masterpieces of
presented his monument to the Roman Re- terse brilliance.
%The Germania is especially valuable because of the ab-
sence of other records concerning the early Germans, but
*Livy’s usual sources were “annalists,” writers of year- it was probably based on literary sources rather than on
by-year histories, often with a strong pro-Roman bias. Tacitus’s personal observation.

The Empire and

un. The Transformation of on equestrians. This weakening of the Sen-

the Empire ate, which on the whole had supplied a fairly
responsible group of public servants, indi-
cates the radical change that was taking place
By the end of the second century the Augus- in the political structure
tan compromise, which had been so effective The economy of the Empire nearly col-
in maintaining peace and prosperity, was lapsed during this period. Defense costs had
breaking down. What followed was a century risen as barbarian raiders plundered the
of instability that almost proved fatal to the holdings of the Empire on several frontiers.
Empire. Rulers were unable to maintain (The historical effect of these invasions will
themselves except at the pleasure of their be discussed in the next chapter.) Moreover,
armies, invasions ripped open the frontiers of the emperors had been supplying the inhabi-
the Empire, and the old institutions of the tants of Rome with free food and public
Senate and traditional magistracies were games—a fairly effective means of political
undermined. The only possible answer was a domination, but a heavy drain on the econ-
rigid monarchy —foreshadowing the Byzan- omy. Adding to these financial problems
tine Empire of the Middle Ages. was a shortage of silver, on which the
imperial currency was based. The emperors
resorted to depreciating the currency, but this
The Period of Crisis forced people to hoard what silver they had
and actually drove more of the metal out of
Rome’s two centuries of prosperity ended circulation.4 The result was a disastrous
with the death of the Emperor Commodus in inflation. In fact, experts conclude that during
192. In the following years the political the third century prices in Egypt soared to
balance shifted to the military. Leaders of the between fourteen and twenty times their
Praetorian Guard and the army began to earlier level.
murder emperors almost at will and to A further problem faced by the govern-
replace them with new rulers, who in turn ment was the increasing reluctance of people
were murdered one after another. During the to hold civic office. No. Roman office paid a
third century dozens of emperors claimed the salary, so only men of independent means
throne, but many of these men were really no could seek political careers. The problem was
more than political gamblers or warlords who not new; in the second century the Romans
for a short time purchased the loyalty of had begun a system of “liturgies,” that is,
soldiers within the army. services performed for the state under official
More and more, the emperors assumed orders. Finally, the government was forced
dictatorial powers and governed through to compel people to take office, a step that
court favorites, bypassing the Senate. They
also removed the Senate’s remaining tradi-
‘For example, Caracalla (211-217) tried to stabilize the
tional powers, such as commanding legions currency by introducing a large new coin, but this soon
and governing provinces, and conferred them became nothing but copper dipped in silver.

pointed to the practice, which was to become guarantee income for the Empire, Diocletian
common in the fourth century, of binding devised a new system of taxation under
men to their occupations. which every plot of land was assessed a
certain amount, based on productivity and
available labor, to be paid to the emperor’s
The Restoration agents. There were also taxes on trades and
professions so that the burden would not fall
It would be confusing to follow the careers of solely on landowners. Local officials (curzales)
the emperors who tried to hold the state were made personally responsible for the
together through its period of crisis. Many of required tax and had to pay it themselves if
them were men of little leadership. On the they could not collect it from others.
other hand, some of them must have been Diocletian also strengthened the secret
among the most able and dedicated rulers in service unit that was responsible for seeing
the history of Rome, for otherwise the that taxes were collected. Furthermore, he
Empire would have totally disintegrated. In tried to hold back inflation with a famous
any case, the crisis finally ended in 284 when Edict on Prices, which fixed a maximum price
Diocletian, a high army officer, gained power. for nearly all goods. But natural economic
Diocletian was from the peasantry of Illyria forces evidently led to further inflation, and
(modern Yugoslavia) and was a strong, ruth- he had to let the edict lapse after a few years.
less, and heroic man. In order to strengthen Diocletian retired in 305 and forced the
the administration, he ruled through an retirement of Maximian, the other Augustus.
elaborate bureaucracy. His system was The two Caesars of the Tetrarchy then
authoritarian, almost Oriental in its des- became Augusti in turn, but they were
potism. unable to maintain stable rule. They did
Recognizing that the Empire was too large appoint two new Caesars in an effort to
and too unstable to be directed any longer by continue the system of the Tetrarchy, but the
one man, Diocletian reorganized it into arrangement soon broke down. Years of
smaller units that could be ruled by a single complex intrigue and civil war followed, as
official. He enlisted three other men to share several leaders fought for the throne.
his rule with him, forming the Tetrarchy Constantine, the son of Constantius, one of
(rule of four). Diocletian gave himself and one the current Augusti, began to call himself
of the other three the title “Augustus,” the Augustus in 306 when his father died. We
other two took the title “Caesar.” The two need not follow the course of the battles
Caesars, who were younger men, were fought by the several rivals for the throne.
expected to become Augusti in their turn. Finally, in 324, Constantine overcame the
There was no precise division of the Empire opposition and gained recognition as sole
into four parts; each ruler was placed where it emperor of Rome. Thus forty years after the
seemed most appropriate. accession of Diocletian the Empire was once
In order to solve the financial crisis and again guided by a single mind.

The Empire and

Constantine and the Bureaucracy Economic life suffered. Members of all

trades and professions were grouped into
Constantine expanded the bureaucracy estab- corpora, or corporations, and to change pro-
lished by Diocletian. By the end of his reign fession was difficult. To make certain that
in 337 the pattern was set that remained the various services would be performed, the
throughout the fourth and later centuries. state made professions hereditary. On the
The whole state was cast into a rigid same model, the state bound to the soil the
structure, almost one massive corporation, in tenant farmers, or coloni. A small class of in-
which change of employment and individual dependent farmers clung to their existence,
initiative were brutally discouraged. but the general trend was toward converting
For the sake of administrative efficiency the agricultural workers into near slaves.
provinces were divided into more manageable Many features of absolute monarchy are
units, numbering about 120. In no case did common to the reigns of Diocletian and
the governor of a province command the Constantine. Taxation was oppressive, and no
troops, as had been the custom earlier; manner of complaints from the people made
instead, the troops were commanded by duces the least difference. There was a deep gulf
(leaders, or dukes). This separated the gov- between the monarch’s court and_ the
ernors from any force that they might have common people. Even within the court the
used in order to revolt. The provinces were emperor stood apart from the rest, surround-
grouped into 14 (later 12) units called dio- ed by Oriental ceremony. Fourth-century
ceses, each of them administered by a vicarius
(“vicar”). The dioceses were in turn grouped
into 4 larger structures called prefectures.
The old Roman Senate was now powerless
and became only the town council of Rome,
but the title “senator” continued to be used to
denote civil servants close to the emperor.
Further bureaucratic posts were established
just below this new senatorial order. Far
lower in the bureaucratic hierarchy were the
local city councils, whose members, called
curiales (“curials”) served under compulsion.
These councils were the foundation of the
whole administrative structure.

The Emperor Constantine tried to increase his

glory by commissioning colossal-sized portraits
of himself, such as the one shown here. [Photo:
Hirmer Fotoarchiv Munchen |
rulers wore expensive cloaks dyed in purple, who had long ago ordered his people to have
and courtiers had to kiss a corner of their no gods before him, finally conquered even
robes when approaching the throne. Dia- the Roman Empire. This conquest was led by
dems, the custom of kneeling before the a peculiar and rebellious form of Judaism
emperor, and other marks of royalty became called Christianity. Perhaps no book has per-
traditional and have remained so in European fectly answered the question that the histori-
monarchies. an must face: How could an idea nourished
Nevertheless, Constantine was never wor- among a poor and despised people survive
shiped as a god; Roman practice generally organized persecution and infuse every cor-
did not go so far as ancient Near Eastern ner of the Roman world?
customs. Constantine glorified himself in
other ways, as, for example, by having
himself portrayed in statues and on coins. The Religious Background
His most impressive memorial was achieved
when he changed the name of the old Greek Roman religion had never assumed doctrines
city of Byzantium to Constantinople. This that were impregnable to change, nor was
was more than a gesture, for he transferred to there ever an official religious creed of the
the renamed city the central government of state. This fluidity of doctrine made the way
the Empire, and the city became the nucleus easier for a new religion with a clear body of
of the Eastern Roman Empire in the late beliefs. Moreover, the old deities failed to
fourth century. inspire true religious commitment. During
In terms of subsequent world history one the period of the Empire the Romans became
result of Constantine’s reign stands out as the interested in many new gods, especially those
most important: his association with the from the East—Isis from Egypt, Elagabalus
young but already strong Christian Church. from Syria, and Mithras from Persia. Reli-
Of the many legacies from the Empire to the gious ferment grew more active as the old
Middle Ages and modern times, the all-inclu- Roman gods appeared less able to protect the
sive teachings of Christianity are second to state from attack. The atmosphere of mystery
none in significance, and Constantine gave in the Eastern religions and the enthusiasm
vital and timely support to the growth of this they aroused were often missing in the
faith, which was ultimately to dominate the unemotional rites of Roman religion. Even
Western world. more, the Eastern cults often promised
salvation to the believer. For example, one rite
in the cult of Mithras was a blood bath to
wash away sin: A bull was cut open over a pit
mi. Christianity in which the believer stood, and he bathed
himself in the blood. This kind of mystical
As classical civilization was passing, another experience in Eastern sects partly prepared
upheaval took place. Polytheism was sharply the Romans for the spiritual nature of
weakened, and the austere god of the Jews, Christianity.

Tbe Empire and

Judaism rusalem and demolished the temple, except

for one outer wall, known as the Wailing
The Jewish people had been subjects of the Wall, at which the Jews were allowed to pray
Persian Empire until the Greek and Mace- once a year. The Romans did not at first try
donian invasion of the East swept away Per- to suppress the Jewish faith itself, but this
sian rule. In the Hellenistic Age they were step was finally taken after another Jewish
governed mainly by the Seleucid kings of rebellion (132-134). Nonetheless, Judaism
Syria. During the Syrian rule one event retained its coherence and strength, and it
inspired them to a strong reafhirmation of assured its people that God would one day
their faith. This was the ill-advised decision send them their Redeemer.
of Antiochus IV, the king of Syria, to impose
the worship of Greek gods on the Jews. He The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
installed a statue of Olympian Zeus in the
sacred temple in Jerusalem and prohibited Within the general creed of Judaism there
several Jewish religious practices. were various sects. One Jewish historian,
A rebellion of the Jews, led by Judas Mac- Josephus, who wrote a history of his people in
cabaeus, forced the Seleucids to concede reli- Greek called the Jewish Antiquities, carefully
gious freedom in Jerusalem. The temple was described a sect called the Essenes, a pious
cleansed and rededicated in 165 B.C., an event group living apart from other communities.
commemorated by the Jewish feast of Ha- They were especially known for their doc-
nukkah. Eventually, the Jews, led by the fam- trine of mutual love and temperance. No pre-
ily of Judas, gained independence from Syria served documents coming directly from the
and established their own kingdom; but in 63 Essenes were known until 1947, when some
B.C. the Roman general Pompey dissolved rolls of leather and papyrus were found in
this kingdom and the Jews fell under the con- Qumran, a village near the Dead Sea in
trol of Rome. For some time Judea, now a Jordan. Additional discoveries of Dead Sea
small region in the south of Palestine, was Scrolls are still being made.
ruled by client-kings, leaders who pledged The most important scrolls are hymns and
loyalty to Rome; one of them was the notori- manuals that reveal the religious thought and
ous Herod the Great (40-4 B.C.). Herod was practice of the Essenes who inhabited the site.
a harsh dictator, hated by the Jews, but he did The writings mention a Teacher of Right-
maintain order. After his death Rome was eousness who had died before the scrolls were
forced to take a more direct role in adminis- written and also say that eventually three
tering Judea: This was done through a series more leaders will save the Jews: a prophet, a
of civil servants, usually called procurators. Messiah of Aaron, and a Messiah of Israel.
Constant quarrels between the Roman Until salvation arrives the members of the
officers and the Jews reached a climax in A.D. community must observe the laws included
66 when Jerusalem burst into rebellion. This in a document called the Manual of Dis-
great Jewish War, as the Romans called it, cipline
lasted until 70; the Romans then entered Je- Some students of the scrolls have asserted

that these doctrines foreshadow Christianity ably about 7 B.C., and he was crucified about
closely enough to suggest that it emerged A.Dis3o.
more or less directly from the Qumran After his baptism in the Jordan River by
community. Others have gone even farther a wandering preacher named John, Jesus
and regarded Jesus himself as an Essene. The preached in the region of Galilee for perhaps
chronology of the scrolls would permit such a year or more. His gentle but unshakable
inferences, for they date from the second or character and the evident sincerity of his
first century B.C. and the first century after beliefs attracted a circle of followers, and
Christ, and they therefore come from the from this circle a small group of twelve
period near the lifetime of Jesus. But the became his close disciples. The Gospels do
differences between the Qumran sect and not make it clear whether he came slowly to
Christianity are strong enough to make the the belief that he was the Son of God or had
identification difficult if not impossible. The been certain of it from an early age. Many
main obstacle is that the Qumran people people accepted him as the Messiah promised
had no doctrine on the crucifixion and in the Old Testament, who would redeem the
transfiguration of Jesus or any notion of Jews and lead them to their salvation.
the Son of God on earth. Thus acclaimed by his disciples as divine,
The Qumran faithful drew some of their Jesus entered Jerusalem as the Messiah, in a
doctrines from religions related to Zoroastri- triumphal parade. Here he angered the high
anism, the belief of the Persians. There are officials of the Jewish faith by rebuking them
references to the god of light and the god of for their luxury and profiteering. The priests
darkness and to the Wicked Priest who op- conspired with Judas, one of the disciples, to
poses the Teacher of Righteousness, a reli- capture him, and he was then denounced as a
gious dualism that is foreign to Christianity revolutionary to the Roman governor Pontius
and to Judaism. The scrolls offer a fascinating Pilate. A trial was held, and Jesus refused to
glimpse of the spiritual mixture in the Near speak in his own defense. The cynical Pilate,
East during the centuries before Jesus. who probably considered Jesus only another
Jew proclaiming miracles, salvation, and
The Tradition About Jesus messianic hopes, gave way to Jesus’ enemies
and ordered him to be crucified.
One man appeared who founded a new and Some days after the crucifixion several of
more democratic religion, in which there was his friends claimed to have seen him
to be no high authority reserved to priests or resurrected. This was the decisive event that
kings. The sources for the life of Jesus are convinced the disciples that Jesus was the
mainly four Gospels of the New Testament Son of God as he had maintained. The
written by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. disciples further decided that they had a
The first three tell essentially the same story, mission to bring their fellow Jews into the
but despite their agreement there is a lack of service of Jesus, who now also received the
desirable information about the life of Jesus. Greek name Christos, the Anointed One.
He was, like his disciples, born a Jew, prob- Other ancient religions, including Judaism,

The Empire and

taught that the gods demand ethical behavior, In his writings Paul laid down several
but Jesus stated his message in a uniquely points of doctrine that have endured through-
persuasive and beautiful manner. The central out the history of Christianity. His system
points of his doctrine were humility, faith, prepared the way for the deep philosophical
and love. His doctrine is stated with inspiring discussion of Christian theology in later cen-
simplicity in the Sermon on the Mount. The turies. By developing a rational discussion of
significance of the Sermon is that Jesus took Christianity, he also made Christianity philo-
mankind beyond external obedience to sacred sophically respectable to the Greek world,
law and revealed almost for the first time the where exact terminology had long been hon-
importance of man’s inner state: his ability to ored.
love his neighbor and to merge his personali- Paul’s decision to preach to the non-Jews,
ty in his love for God. or Gentiles, determined the course of the new
religion. He rejected the conservative ideas of
Paul and His Mission some early Christians who believed that their
mission should be restricted to the Jews. If
After the resurrection Jesus’ followers formed their views had prevailed, Christianity might
a brotherhood that went out to spread his have spent its strength in Palestine and parts
teachings. Stephen, one of the original dis- of Asia Minor. To facilitate the conversion of
ciples, delivered his message in such chal- the Gentiles, Paul opposed the rigid applica-
lenging language that some Jews stoned him tion of Mosaic law and replaced it with the
to death; thus he became the first of thou- life and work of Jesus as the supreme guide
sands of Christian martyrs. This event hap- for man.
pened in the presence of a Jew from Tarsus Paul also believed that all men are in a state
named Saul, an intellectual who knew Greek of sin from which they can be redeemed only
and whom Palestinian Jews would probably through belief in Jesus and by the operation
have called a Greek. This man, now known as of grace. The concept of grace is one of the
St. Paul, had not seen Jesus alive, but he was most sensitive and complex in Christian the-
converted to Christianity when he heard a ory, and it provoked many disputes in later
miraculous command from Jesus as he was centuries. Without claiming to give a com-
on the road to Damascus (Acts 9 : 3-5). plete analysis of the problem, we may try to
Paul began to preach in Damascus, and summarize Paul’s view of it.
from there he traveled throughout the Roman Grace is a gift from God enabling a man to
world, organizing Christian churches and be saved. Yet the gift does not necessarily
advising and encouraging their members guarantee that a man will be saved, for he
through letters (see Map 5.2). He was the may be so foolish as to reject it. Man can re-
prime mover in developing Christianity in- ceive grace through baptism and other sacra-
to a world religion. With Paul began the ments, for by these acts the believer shares in
Apostolic Age, in which there was a strong the death and resurrection of Jesus. Man can-
effort to portray the person of Jesus and not earn grace, even if he displays ethical
interpret his message to man. merit, for it lies within God’s absolute discre-

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The Empire and

tion on whom he will bestow it. Like later These mysterious words inspired what be-
theologians, Paul of course saw the apparent came the central part of the Christian ser-
unfairness of this doctrine, but he believed vice: the consumption of bread and wine,
that God’s will could not be questioned. which are transformed into the flesh and
blood of Jesus. Through the Eucharist, one
baptized as a Christian may share in the
The Sacraments death and resurrection of Jesus and may
receive grace.°
Christianity designed its own religious prac- In addition to baptism and the Eucharist,
tices, known as sacraments, to confirm its Christianity developed several other sacra-
existence as a special community. Some ments, but not until the sixteenth century did
sacraments resemble acts of other mystery the Catholic Church agree on the present sev-
religions (sacramentum means mystery). Bap- en (baptism, the Eucharist, confirmation,
tism, for example, has parallels in pagan penance, extreme unction, ordination, and
religions and in Judaism. The sacraments are matrimony). All sacraments are alike in that
the external symbols of an internal spiritual they make it possible for the worshiper to
change; they are the supreme difference receive grace and thereby attain salvation.
between mystery religions and the mechani- Some, however, are rejected by various Prot-
cal cult acts of other pagan religions in which estant churches. :
sacrifices are offered merely to appease the
The first Christian sacrament was baptism, Church Government
performed either by pouring water over the
believer or by immersing him in water. It From the beginning the Christians created a
probably signified the washing away of sin so formal government in the Church. Evidence
that one might be in a condition to receive from the first century indicates that James, a
God’s grace. brother of Jesus, was the recognized head of
The second sacrament, the Eucharist, is the Christians in Jerusalem. There is also
harder to analyze logically. At the last supper mention of the main officials of the Church in
eaten by Jesus and his disciples before he was the first century; bishops and priests both led
arrested, Matthew records the following services and celebrated sacraments. Officials
scene: of the Church were known as the clergy, and
the ordinary members as the laity.
And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and
blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the
disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave °For centuries the Church was unable to agree on an in-
terpretation of the words “This is my body, this is my
it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is
blood.” Finally in the ninth century it was decided that
my blood of the new testament, which is shed “transsubstantiation” took place, that is, that the bread
for many for the remission of sins. and wine became the actual body and blood ofJesus; this
[Matthew 26: 26-28] was made an official doctrine in 1215.

For a time the terms “bishop” (episkopos, narrating the life of Jesus and placing his
“overseer”) and “priest” (presbuteros, “elder”) work in a historical and spiritual setting. Such
seem to have been nearly synonymous. ‘Then, a work was compiled in the New Testament.
during the second century, a distinction arose The earliest known date for any writings in
between them. The bishop was the leader of a the New Testament is about A.D. 60. The
group of priests, and priests in turn presided Acts of the Apostles, written by Luke, the
over groups of the faithful. The local bishop author of the third Gospel, traces the life of
gained the right to appoint priests. This Paul down to about 60, breaking off before his
method of appointment preserved the apos- death. Paul left a series of Epistles to Chris-
tolic succession, the theory that priests de- tians in various churches, but his letters were
rived their power from bishops, who in not collected and published until the end of
turn could trace their own appointment back the first century. The Gospel narratives also
to one of the original disciples of Jesus. fall within the late first century. The Gos-
Bishops also assumed the right to define pels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke are the old-
doctrine, maintain discipline among their est; the Gospel of John, written somewhat
followers, and oversee morals. This political later, attempts to explain the divine nature of
structure gave Christianity a permanence that Jesus and is more mystical than the others.
no other ancient mystery religion enjoyed. During the second century scholars of the
More important from the point of view of the Church decided that the four Gospels, the
Romans was that the Church had a Pauline Epistles, the Acts, and Revelation
government that paralleled, and even rivaled, were divinely inspired. The lesser books of
that of the state. Rome considered this the New Testament had to wait longer for
unacceptable until Christianity became a acceptance. Even in the fourth century, when
favored religion. the New Testament received its current
Bishops in cities with the largest Christian form, certain writings were denied accept-
communities— Rome, Alexandria, and An- ance. Called the Apocrypha (obscure or un-
tioch in Syria—were the most important clear writings), these include the Gospels of
and became the chief claimants to superior ‘Thomas and of Peter.
authority. Finally the bishop of Rome, the
capital of the empire, was established as the
Persecutions of Christianity
head of the Church in the West. The general
name for bishops was papa, or father, but
Christianity soon provoked opposition from
eventually the bishop of Rome became the
the established Greco-Roman culture. The
only one who could call himself the pope.
real offense of the Christians, in the Roman
view, was that they refused to worship the
Sacred Books gods of the Empire, an act of direct religious
defiance. If the Christians had been willing to
To spread their message throughout the acknowledge these pagan gods, Rome would
world Christians needed a body of literature probably not have objected to their wor-

The Empire and

shiping Jesus, too. Christians further set letters chi and rho, the first letters of Christos,
themselves apart from Roman society by on the shields of his troops. He did so and
refusing, on the grounds of pacifism, to serve won the battle. Naturally, this led him to
in the army. Rome did not require the Jews to favor Christianity, and the persecutions came
worship Roman gods or serve in the army, to an end.
but for some reason the same privileges were The effect of the persecutions is hard to
not available to Christians. express statistically. It is often estimated that
Being a Christian, therefore, could be before 300 at least 10 percent of the total
considered a civil offense, and at times the population of the Empire was Christian, and
government carried out organized persecu- this estimate may well be too low. The histo-
tions against Christianity. This was, how- rian Edward Gibbon calculated that no more
ever, a policy of only certain emperors; than 2,000 died in the persecutions; however,
there was never a permanent law forbidding even if double that number died, it seems
the worship of the Christian God. The first
brief persecution occurred in 64 under Nero,
but only because Nero was trying to find
someone to blame for the fire that destroyed
parts of Rome in that year. A more general
and serious persecution that took place under
the Emperor Decius in 250 caused many
Christians to leave the faith. In 260 the
Emperor Gallienus, evidently realizing that
the persecutions were creating more turmoil
than benefit, issued an edict of toleration that
gave Christians the right to worship as they
Diocletian sponsored the last persecution
(known as the Great Persecution), beginning
in 303. An edict of toleration in 311 finally
canceled it. In the next year Constantine had
his famous dream near the Milvian Bridge
at Rome. On the night before a crucial battle
in his campaign to make himself emperor,
he dreamed that he was to place the Greek

This fresco of Adam and Eve is from an

underground catacomb in Rome where early
Christians met for refuge during the
persecutions. [Photo: The Granger Collection]
clear that this was a small number compared the demiourgos (“craftsman”). The Gnostics
with the number of Christians killed by other thought that Jesus himself was a wholly
Christians in later religious wars. spiritual being, for to be a material being
would have contaminated him with evil
Heresies and Schisms The Gnostics were rejecting one of the
most powerful and essential Christian ideas:
There were also menacing dissensions within that God had chosen to send his son into the
the Christian sect. In an age of persecutions world of man so that he might die in
the Church could not afford such luxuries as atonement for man’s sins. Speaking on behalf
variations from the accepted faith. Those who of the Church, Irenaeus, a bishop of Lyons
took new positions about the nature of God who wrote about 180, repudiated the views of
or Jesus were accused of heresy. This word, the Gnostics. He insisted that there was one
coming from the Greek hairesis (“choice”), and only one God who created the world; and
was defined by the Church as deliberate the son of God was a man, not a mere
acceptance of doctrinal error. Of course, those appearance of a man.
who were branded as heretics did not admit
that they held erroneous doctrines; thus the
word “heresy” was a term of attack when Donatism
used by the Church against the ideas of
a person or a small group. The word A more bitter controversy was caused by the
“schism” was used to refer to .a sect that followers of Donatus, a bishop of Africa in
would not accept the spiritual discipline of the early fourth century. Diocletian had
the highest bishops. ordered that all Christian books be turned
over to his officials, and the priests who
obeyed this order were considered traitors by
The Gnostics their more defiant brothers. After the end of
the persecutions Donatus and his followers
In the Greek world some philosophers tried asserted that these priests could not validly
to restate the Christian message in the lan- administer the sacrament of baptism.
guage of philosophic speculation. A group The accusations of the Donatists disturbed
that held ideas unacceptable to most Chris- many Christians who had been baptized by
tians was the Gnostics. One of their main those priests who were now called traitors. As
dogmas came from Greek philosophy and is the schism spread, a kind of civil war broke
prominent in the thought of Plato: The soul out in Africa, and only the Vandal invasion of
is immortal but is imprisoned within the Africa in 429, which greatly weakened. the
body, which is essentially evil, as is all other Church there, exhausted the strength of Don-
matter. Because matter is evil, God could atism. In fighting Donatism the Church had
have had no direct part in creating the world to reformulate its views about the powers of a
of matter; this was the task of a lesser being, priest. It was finally decided that baptism was

The Empire and

a contract between the baptized person and council that discussed Arianism met at
God, and that the sacrament was valid no Nicaea in Asia Minor in 325 and is thus called
matter how corrupt the priest who performed the Nicene Council. Constantine himself
it might be. The same principle was extended presided. After a struggle lasting two months
to the other sacraments, for, in accordance Arius was rejected, and the Church adopted
with this argument, the sacraments transcend the theory that God and his son were whol-
the limitations of imperfect man. ly identical in substance. The resulting
document, called the Creed of Nicaea, stated
that the Church believed in one God and in
The Arian Heresy “one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
begotten of the Father, only-begotten, that is,
Even while the Donatist schism was at its of the substance of the Father.” But not even
height, a more serious controversy was this statement satisfied everyone, and further
opened by Arius of Alexandria. The Arian councils debated the problem. A later docu-
heresy, as it came to be called, arose out of a ment, the definition accepted at Chalcedon
philosophical attempt to understand the in 451, is accepted by most Christian
nature of Jesus. Arius asked: If Jesus was churches as the best statement about the
generated by God, how could he (as the nature of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit,
Church taught) be of one and the same though a trinity, they are also a unity. *
substance as God? In other words, Arius The Arian heresy was a sign of intellectual
declared that “there was a time when he vigor. It developed from a sincere desire to
[Jesus] was not.” As God’s creature Jesus probe and understand the nature of Jesus.
was indeed “similar in substance” to God The fact that equally devout Christians could
(homoti-ousios), but he could not be “identical in seek to define his nature in various ways
substance” (homo-ousios) with God. Only the shows something of the richness of the faith
smallest Greek letter, zota, distinguishes one that was now spreading into the ancient
word from the other, but over this difference world. Christianity was and remained a
Church scholars fought passionately. mystery religion, but its believers were
Arius was evidently trying to preserve the determined that it should have a coherent
superiority of God within the Christian philosophy.
system. But his view of Jesus seemed to many
Christians a threat to the divinity of the
Savior, and more traditional thinkers chal- Constantine and Christianity
lenged him. Athanasius, bishop of Alexan-
dria, stated that God and his son Jesus were The Emperor Constantine gave the Church
one and the same. the kind of assistance that only a monarch
So severe was the dispute that the Emperor could bestow. In gratitude for his victory at
Constantine intervened. The accepted the Milvian Bridge, he formulated a new
method of solving doctrinal quarrels was to policy of toleration for the Christian religion.
assemble a council of bishops to confer. The He also broke with all Roman tradition by

allowing Christian clergymen certain legal integrated into the Greco-Roman world,
powers that had formerly been restricted to Christians constantly reshaped their message
Roman magistrates. For example, he allowed so that it would command the respect of
bishops the right to preside at trials, and he educated Greeks and Romans.
permitted slaves to be freed in the presence of
a bishop rather than before a praetor. He also
established Sunday as a day of rest and Canon Law
Constantine did not, however, make Chris- Originally, the laws of the Church were
tianity the official religion of the state; he simply its customs as practiced by the earliest
permitted it to exist freely, but he continued priests and bishops. But as the Church grew
to use pagan emblems and motifs on his and was faced by heresies, there arose a need
coinage, and he retained the title “Pontifex to organize its own rules and legal system,
Maximus,” the name of the chief priest in which are generally called canon law. This
Roman religion. As the ruler of a largely kind of law can also be understood as a new
pagan empire Constantine could not com- species of Roman law, not as something
pletely abandon the traditional religious wholly original. Roman law was considered
background. sacred and was associated with religion, even
Constantine’s balanced religious policy when a given law did not refer directly to
perhaps kept him from embracing religious matters. Roman law also separated
Christianity during his reign. Yet he was civil and criminal procedures, and canon law
concerned to maintain the unity of the accepted this distinction. Yet the influence
Church, as his sponsorship of compromise at between Roman and canon law did not all go
the Nicene Council shows. Probably he in one direction. The revisions of Roman law
wanted to avoid warfare within the Church, under Theodosius in the fifth century and
which might have led to civil war in the Justinian in the sixth were tempered by
Empire. At his death in 337 he was baptized Christian thought. In later centuries the close
into the Christian faith and thus became the relationship between Roman and canon law
first Christian emperor. The Church was now was shown by the advice of the Church that
so greatly favored that Constantine’s reign both kinds of law be studied side by side.
must be considered the time of Christianity’s
decisive victory.
The Fathers of the Church

The Development of Christian Thought Christianity became the chief religion of

Europe partly because it reached the people
The early Christians drew from their Judaic through the languages and thought of Greco-
background a strong awareness that they Roman civilization. Even before the birth of
were a special community. As they became Christ, Greek-speaking Jews of Alexandria

The Empire and

translated the Old Testament from Hebrew owed much of their power to the courageous
into Greek as a means of presenting the example of Ambrose.
Judaic faith to non-Jews. This translation is Jerome (340? — 420) was the most learned of
called the Septuagint because it was sup- all the fathers of the early Church. His trans-
posedly made by seventy-two — scholars lation of both the Old and the New Testa-
(septuaginta, “seventy”. Priests and scholars in ment into Latin, usually called the Vulgate
the early centuries of Christianity used this version of the Bible, is perhaps the most influ-
version and seldom referred to the original ential book ever written in the Latin lan-
Hebrew Old Testament. guage. It became the medium through which
The Greek New Testament was another the Judeo-Christian writings permeated the
vehicle that brought Christianity to the Latin-speaking nations of Western Europe
educated public in the Western world. and was the text most often used during the
Following this body of sacred writing came Middle Ages.
an ocean of commentary, persuasion, and Augustine (354-430), the best known of
teaching that goes under the collective name the fathers, was a monumental figure in
of writings of the fathers of the Church. The Christian theology. He was a product of clas-
study of their thought is called patristics sical education and a convert to. Christianity.
(pater, “father”). Three of the most renowned In his Confessions, a candid record of his spirit-
fathers of the early Church are Ambrose, ual progress, Augustine records his infatua-
Jerome, and Augustine. tion with Cicero and Plato and his youthful
Ambrose was bishop of Milan from 374 contempt for the Bible as an inferior work of
to his death in 397. His basic doctrine was literature. Only after he was converted in 387
that the Church should be independent of did he deliberately steep himself in the read-
direction by the emperor and that bishops ing of Christian works; all his life he re-
should have the right to judge the rulers. He mained, though a Christian, strongly under
succeeded in imposing his will on the Em- the influence of classical rhetoric.
peror Theodosius in 390. Theodosius had A few years after his conversion Augustine
massacred the citizens of the Greek city of became bishop of Hippo in North Africa and
Thessalonica after they had rebelled. So began his career as preacher and writer. His
shocked was Ambrose by this crime against chief role was that of a warrior for the faith;
humanity that he imposed on the emperor the he fought his most vigorous campaign attack-
penalty of excommunication—that is, ing the doctrines of Pelagius, a priest whose
Theodosius could no longer receive the teachings implied that man could assure him-
sacrament of the Eucharist and was thus self of ultimate salvation by pursuing a
placed outside the body of Christianity. blameless life. Thus man did not need grace,
Theodosius was forced to admit his guilt and that is, the helping favor of God. This view
observe a period of penance during which seemed to undermine the foundation of the
Ambrose forbade him to wear the imperial sacraments as explained by St. Paul and
regalia. Papal statesmen of later centuries others. Augustine defended traditional Chris-

tianity in his writings, insisting that grace is book was to refute the charges of some pagans
an absolute necessity for anyone who is to be that Christianity had weakened: the Empire,
saved. which had flourished earlier under pagan
Augustine’s opponents forced him to fur- gods. Augustine answers this charge by
ther argument and clarification. If grace is showing that Rome suffered her share of dis-
essential for salvation, is it not possible that asters even before embracing Christianity.
many Christians may do their best to lead He then takes up another theme, his
worthy lives and still find that God has de- famous distinction between the earthly and
nied them his grace? Why are some people the heavenly city. The earthly city is the en-
saved and others not? These questions are a tire community of individuals who love
way of asking whether some people are pre- themselves rather than God, while the heav-
destined to be saved; if they are, free will enly city includes those who love God rather
must be an illusion, since we are not really than themselves. At a time fixed by God
free to work for salvation. those in the heavenly city will be saved, and
Augustine’s reply illustrates one of the cen- those in the earthly city will be consigned to
tral themes of his thought: the overpowering eternal punishment.
domination of God and the helplessness of This argument was by no means a new
man in the face of God’s greatness. Christian one. What Augustine contributed was a new
thinkers of modern times have been driven approach to the idea of time in history. Gre-
back again and again to this thesis. In his On co-Roman historians and philosophers had
Grace and Free Will Augustine states that we often stated that history moved in cycles. By
cannot presume to know the secret purpose of contrast, Augustine held that God’s sending
God; sometimes people die without salvation, Jesus to earth in order to redeem the sins of
but it remains our duty to persevere in good man through his death was a unique event
works, trusting to God’s jtistice and mercy. that could not be fitted into any cycle. The
As for free will, God knows what choices movement of history was linear, and the life
we will make, but that is not to say that he of Jesus was the one supreme division of the
wants us to act wickedly. Such evil as there is centuries. From the creation of the world by
in the world exists only because of the per- God to the dissolution of the earthly city at
verted will of man. Yet on some men God has the end of time, history to Augustine was a
chosen to bestow his grace, without which no single, clearly defined process.
one can be saved. Augustine’s arguments,
developed through years of thought and writ-
ing, are presented in their final form in his
tv. [The Decline of the Ancient
Enchiridion (Handbook), a manual of his doc-
trines composed toward the end of his life.
Augustine’s masterpiece is The City of God,
in which he presents his philosophy of histo- History is always in transition, and the turn-
ry. His immediate purpose in writing this ing points chosen by historians to mark the

The Empire and

beginning and the end of an era are matters of pations, particularly the coloni, the farmers
intellectual convenience; it is nearly impossi- who worked the large estates of wealthy
ble to think about long periods of history Romans. The coloni were bound to the
without dividing them in some way. Among soil chiefly because foreign conquest could
the more important historical landmarks in no longer provide a regular flow of slaves
the period so far covered by this book, we who might replace them in agriculture.
might single out the unification of the Near As the central government weakened, the
East by the rulers of the Persian Empire and estates, usually called villas, became more
the expansion of Greek culture into the East independent, and the coloni became more
as a result of Alexander’s conquests. An event dependent on the owners for protection.
that must also be considered a turning point Thus the villas developed into the political
in history is the dissolution of the Roman unit to which the coloni felt allegiance. Many
Empire in the West and its replacement by villas were completely self-sufficient units
the young states of medieval Europe. resembling the later manors of the Middle
Ages, with hunting lands and workshops that
supplied the goods needed by the local
The Course of the Later Empire population. The villas therefore became the
main economic and political units of the
After the death of Constantine in 337, the Western Empire. ‘
chief administrative problem of the Empire The economy was also changing in other
for more than a century was whether one respects. Cities in the West were no longer
man could be strong enough to rule as sole major economic centers. Trade had declined
monarch. For most of the time this proved because of a lack of new markets and the
impossible, and some kind of shared rule on threat of barbarian raids. A shortage of work-
the pattern established by Diocletian became ers caused fertile land to lie unused and mines
regular. On the death of Theodosius, in 395, to remain unexploited.
the Empire was divided into an Eastern and
Western half, with the dividing line just east
of Italy. This was only formal recognition of a Causes for the Decline
state of affairs that had existed for decades.
The formal end of the Western Empire is
traditionally dated at 476, when a Germanic
Problems of the Western Empire warlord deposed the man who is called the
last emperor, Romulus Augustulus.® Modern
The rigid society that developed during the
last centuries of the Western Empire did not,
and perhaps could not, allow people to move °Romulus himself was not the legal emperor but only the
son of a usurper; the recognized Western emperor,
freely from one class to another. Most people Nepos, lived until 480. But within the sixth century, 476
were confined by heredity to their occu- became recognized as the date for the fall.

readers inevitably think of this event in the certainly did take place during the centuries,
terminology imposed by the historical produced an inferior population that lacked
masterpiece of Edward Gibbon: that is, as the the virility to withstand the invasions of the
“decline and fall” of the Empire. But, of third and fourth centuries. This racial theory
course, no political structure as large as the is, however, highly unscientific and would
Roman Empire really falls like a tree in a appeal to few historians today. After all, the
forest without further influence or legacy. Greeks, Germans, and Slavs who mixed with
The survival of the Christian religion through the Romans were not physically inferior to
the medium of classical languages alone is them and could have fought effectively
sufficient proof that the Empire and _ its enough in the armies. A more plausible
heritage did not vanish without a trace. supplement to this theory is the view that the
Yet even though historians take care to emperors unintentionally paved the way for
speak of the transformation of the Empire the fall of Rome by exterminating possible
rather than of its disappearance, there is no political rivals in the upper class; thus they
doubt that the Empire in the West did pass weakened this class and prevented it from
away while the Byzantine Empire in the East contributing leadership to the state. It is true
survived for nearly another thousand years. that the Senate of the later Empire became
The problem is to explain why the regions of feebler and less able to resist the dictatorial
Italy, Spain, and Gaul could not maintain rule of emperors, a condition caused largely
themselves under a continuous government by the arbitrary execution of senators at the
and why at the same time no dissolution hands of emperors. Recently, an older theory
threatened the Eastern regions of the Empire. of lead poisoning among the aristocracy has
In other words, the causes for Rome’s decline been revived. The wealthier Romans adopted
that the historian identifies must operate only Greek methods of cooking with lead utensils
in the Western half of the Empire. and drank water that was funneled through
Many explanations have been given. lead pipes. The theory postulates that the
Gibbon, for example, assigned the cause to diluted lead made the wealthy classes
the destructive work of “barbarism and progressively sterile, thus they failed to
religion.” But to say that Rome declined reproduce potential leaders.
because of invasions by Germans, Franks, Some scholars have advanced an economic
and Goths only pushes the inquiry back one argument, saying that the Empire was bound
step: Why were these tribes at last able to to decline because it never really emerged
defeat an Empire that had ruled the civilized from a domestic economy to an industrial
world through disciplined armies for one. But this theory is hardly convincing, for
centuries? And why did not the Eastern part some societies—admittedly much less com-
of the Empire decline along with the plex than the Empire —have existed for many
Western? centuries with no more than a domestic econ-
Some historians have said that the mixing omy. If there had been no convulsions and
of peoples within the Empire, a process that strains in the Empire, the production of goods

The Empuire and

and food could have continued more or less In the late second and third century the em-
unchanged. Soil exhaustion and fluctuating perors had deliberately increased the prestige
cycles of rainfall and drought have also been of the army and depressed the Senate and the
proposed in order to explain Rome’s eco- civil service. The creature that they fashioned
nomic depression, but there is little exact soon began to rule them, for, as we have seen,
knowledge about the cycles of crops and the armies and their leaders made and un-
weather conditions that would indubitably made emperors at will. The only way to pre-
account for the fall of the Empire. serve civilian control over the irresponsible
Other scholars have suggested that the military machine would have been to entrust
weakness of the Western Empire was due to a more responsibility to the Senate and main-
shortage of manpower. This explanation does tain a class of strong civil servants. But the
seem fairly sound; the Eastern cities appear to emperors simply continued along the path of
have been more populous than the Western absolute coercion. People were bound by in-
ones, and they had more strength and resili- heritance to their tasks. This repression sti-
ence. The numerical inferiority of the West fled initiative and made the lower classes
became even more serious when the villas apathetic and resentful. Nearly the whole
began to operate as self-sufficient units and economic strength of the state was now de-
the population no longer manned an army voted to paying and equipping the army, and
that was directed by a central authority. It the system of tax collecting probably left little
was much easier for the barbarians to invade to the citizen for expanding or repairing his
the Empire when they met haphazard resist- possessions. These conditions gave citizens
ance from local forces. The relocation of the only slight motivation to defend their oppres-
capital to Constantinople moved the admin- sive government; domination by barbarian
istrative center even further from the West- tribes may have seemed not much worse than
ern provinces; probably this accelerated the being in the grip of the Roman state.
dissolution of the regions of Italy and Gaul. One must also consider the great number
But the manpower shortage was not the of holidays and forms of amusement within
only factor in the weakening of the Western the city of Rome: To what degree did laziness
Empire. Its physical geography doomed it to and luxury contribute to the fall of the Em-
be more vulnerable to invasion than the East- pire? It seems clear that the masses in the
ern Empire. Warlike tribes streamed along city, scarcely required to work and pampered
the Danube valley and through the terrain of with free amusements, gradually lost their
Central Europe into the Western provinces, a feelings of responsibility. In 69, as Tacitus
less hazardous route than the journey south reports, the crowd cheered with pleasure as
through the difficult mountains of the Bal- rival troops fought in the streets for the
kans, Greece, and Asia Minor into the East- throne. When the masses no longer had to
ern Empire. exert more than minimal effort to survive,
Other conditions made the Western Em- they abandoned the discipline and civic coop-
pire less able to resist destructive invasions. eration that had created the Empire. Public

ofhce was shunned, non-Italians supplied the low position in the world. Christianity, on the
troops, and appeals to the people to show tra- other hand, proclaimed that all men are equal
ditional Roman firmness in danger found lit- and may hope for a better afterlife through
tle response. The high price that Rome finally salvation. Thus, for a time, the ancient struc-
paid for her luxury was the destruction of the ture formed by Augustus and revised by
state. Diocletian did not satisfy the needs of the
Finally, historians must consider the effects peoples in the Western Empire. This spiritual
of a great upheaval in the sphere of ideas and rejection, as we might call it, worked along
faith. We lack firm historical evidence on this with the mighty pressures of invaders to
point, yet it would seem that Christianity cause the fall of Rome—an event that the
weakened Roman society. In the Roman modern world sees as a possible example of
scheme the aristocracy, emperors, governors, its own fate. The fall, a challenge and a warn-
and administrators stood far above the com- ing to all who read history, is the accepted
mon man, and the objective in life was to ob- end of the ancient world and the beginning of
tain a higher position. Moreover, Roman reli- a period in which new nations would use the
gion offered little spiritual compensation for a legacy of antiquity in their own development.

The Roman Empire that Augustus founded paganism. Successive generations worked to
enjoyed about two centuries of peace and clarify the message of Christianity and make
prosperity. Then followed several decades of it respectable in the eyes of men trained in the
political crisis during which the emperor subtleties of Greek logic. Learned fathers of
controlled the state but was in turn often the Church used the language of pagan anti-
controlled by various segments of the army. quity and the literary forms of history and
Republican institutions gave way to absolute philosophic essays to present the doctrines of
monarchy, while economic and social crises Christ.
accompanied the political change. In the late The Roman Empire in the West came to an
fourth and fifth centuries the Empire was end but its legacy, the Christian nations of the
divided into a Western and Eastern sphere, Early Middle Ages, continued to protect a
and the Western portion went through the culture in which paganism and Christian
political disintegration that historians call ideas were inseparably blended. The culture,
the decline of Rome. law, and thought of medieval Europe have
In religion the Empire also went through a two all-pervasive common elements: classical
change. The infant religion of Christianity, an civilization and the Christian faith.
offshoot of Judaism, slowly overcame Roman
The Empire and

Recommended Reading
Sources Driver, G. R. The Judaean Scrolls: The Problem and a Solu-
tion. 1966.
Ayer, Joseph Cullen. A Source Book for Ancient Church His- Gibbon, Edward. The History of the Decline and Fall of the
tory. 1913. Roman Empire (originally 1776 — 1788; best edition by
Suetonius. Lives of the Caesars. Robert Graves (tr.). 1972. J. B. Bury, 7 vols., 1896— 1900).
Tacitus. Complete Works. A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb . Autobiography (sometimes called Memoirs of my
(trs.). 1942. Life and Writings; good edition by J. B. Bury 1907). A
delightful memoir of the eighteenth-century mind;
explains Gibbon’s choice of a theme.
Studies Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire, 284-602. 1964.
MacMullen, Ramsay. Enemies of the Roman Order. 1966.
Alfoldi, A. The Conversion of Constantine and Pagan Rome. On the internal causes of Rome’s decline.
1948. *Nock, Arthur Darby. Conversion. 1961. The transition
Chambers, Mortimer (ed.). The Fall of Rome—Can it be from paganism to Christianity; the best book of its
Explained? 1970. A collection of modern attempts to kind.
explain the decline of Rome. Rostovtzeff, M. The Social and Economic History of the Ro-
*Cochrane, Charles Norris. Christianity and Classical Cul- man Empire. 1957. Explains the decline of Rome as
ture. 1957. A highly sympathetic study of interaction caused by a conflict between classes.
between the two cultures. Syme, Ronald. Tacitus. 1958. Not only a study of the,his-
Daniélou, Jean, and Henri Marrou. The First Six Hundred torian, but a microscopic analysis of the politics of
Years. Vol. 1 of The Christian Centuries, L. J. Rogier the Empire.
and others (eds.). 1964. Now the most comprehen-
sive history of the Catholic Church. *Available in paperback.

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Making of
Western Europe


Three new civilizations fell heir to the classical tradition after the fall of Rome.
A distinctive system of religious belief marked each of them—Roman, or
Cathohe, Christianity in Western Europe; Eastern, or Orthodox, Christianity in
Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula, and Russia; and Islam in the Middle East
and North Africa. These new civilizations differed from their common parent
in two fundamental ways. The new societies were predominantly peasant; they
were based upon willing, if not exactly free, labor. Although slavery remained
important, it no longer provided a principal support to their economic systems.
The new cultures were dominated by the Christian and Islamic vision of an
afterlife and the hope of personal salvation, and Scholars sought to combine
these religious views with the cultural heritage of Greece and Rome.
These “higher religions,” as they are sometimes called, extended to even the
humblest members of society a sense of individual dignity and destiny. Unlike
the slaves of antiquity who lived and died with little sustaining hope, the
peasants believed that their hves and labors, however hard and cruel, were not
meaningless. They learned from Christianity and Islam that God had created
them and that, if they did God’s will on earth, they would ultimately
attain eternal life.
Many other changes also occurred. A vast movement of peoples took place.
Celts, Germans, and Slavs in the north and east, Arabs in the south, and other
barbarians changed or enlarged the areas of their former settlements; their
migrations permanently affected the composition of the populations in Europe
and the Middle East. In spite of these migrations and the violence that
accompanied them, Western and Eastern peoples slowly rebuilt their economies.
New technological innovations allowed the peasants to carry on intensive
agriculture in areas, principally in northern Europe, that had never been
successfully exploited before. These changes affected new economic institutions,
such as the creation of the manor based on semifree or serf labor, which in turn sup-
ported new political structures. Western and Eastern peoples also developed new
sets of cultural values based on barbarian practices and classical traditions.
This chapter examines the emergence of Western Europe—one of the three
successor civilizations to arise in the Early Middle Ages upon the twin supports
the Pierpont
monastery of peasant labor and a confident expectation of life after death.
domination to which their cousins, the Brit-
1. The New Community ons and the Gauls, had fallen subject. More
of Peoples numerous and more formidable than the
Celtic tribes were the Germanic tribes who
were settled in a great territorial arc that
The civilization that took root in the west and stretched from Scandinavia to the Black Sea
north of Europe after the decline of the Ro- and rimmed the Roman frontier on the Rhine
man Empire was unmistakably the direct and Danube rivers. The Germans had bene-
ancestor of the modern Western world. fited from the strong Mediterranean influ-
Traditionally, historians have called the ences and were culturally the most advanced
millenium between the fall of the empire and of the barbarian peoples. Beyond this Ger-
approximately 1500 the Middle Ages of manic cordon lived the Slavic tribes, who
European history. Today, almost all his- were probably the most numerous of the bar-
torians further divide the European Middle barians. All the barbarians spoke an Indo-
Ages into three distinct periods: European language like the Romans.
The Germanic tribes repeatedly chal-
Early Middle Ages 500-1000 lenged the Roman frontiers. Primitive and
Central Middle Ages 1000-1350
Late Middle Ages 1350-1500
unproductive economies left them = ill-
equipped to feed their own numbers, and
The Early Middle Ages witnessed the emer- population pressures forced them to search
gence from the shambles of the Roman Em- constantly for new lands to settle or plunder.
pire of the first, recognizably Western civili- Inevitably, the Germans were attracted by
zation. the wealth and splendor of the Roman world
Early medieval Europe was founded upon and frequently sought to penetrate the impe-
a new community of peoples, which em- rial provinces. Even while resisting their ar-
braced both the former subjects of the empire mies, the Romans had admitted barbarians
and “barbarians” beyond its borders. The into the empire. Initially, they came as slaves
Romans called these peoples barbarians be- or prisoners of war, then as free peasants to
cause of their unintelligible languages and settle on deserted lands of the empire, and
their strange customs. They had been settled finally as mercinary soldiers and officers.
for centuries beyond the frontiers of the The barbarians’ penetration into the Ro-
Roman Empire and had played only minor man Empire had been going on for centuries,
roles in the cultural life of the ancient world. but it acquired a new urgency and a new vio-
lence in the fourth century. Attacked by
nomadic hordes from the East, the Germanic
Barbarian Invasions communities settled beyond the frontier
moved to find more protected homes; and the
On the island fringes of northern Europe Roman Empire, weakened by internal trou-
were Celtic tribes, Gaels in Ireland and Picts bles, could no longer mount an effective
in Scotland, who had escaped the Roman guard over its borders.

Tbe Making of
Western Europe

The nomads who brought pressure upon for a while in the Balkan Peninsula, then con-
the Germans and sowed tumult in the barbar- tinued on a westward movement. They
ian world were the Huns, a people probably sacked Rome in 410 and crossed the Alps into
of Mongolian or Tatar origin. For reasons still Gaul where they established the first auto-
not fully understood, but perhaps in reaction nomous kingdom on Roman soil in 418. At its
to weather changes and the desiccation of height in the mid-fifth century the kingdom
their pastures, they swept out of their Asiatic of the Visigoths extended from Gibraltar to
homeland and terrorized Western Europe. In the Loire River. The Franks conquered the
375 the Huns subjugated the Ostrogoths, who kingdom in Gaul in the sixth century; the
were settled in what is now the Ukraine, and Saracens, the surviving kingdom in Spain in
routed the Visigoths on the Dniester River. the eighth century.
Their great chief Attila (433?-453) estab- Another tribe pushed by the Hunnic con-
lished his people on the plain of the middle quests were the Vandals. They broke across
Danube and from there led them on their the Rhine River into Gaul in 406 and em-
western thrust. In 451 Attila struck into barked upon a career of conquest that within
Gaul, the next year, Italy. He then threatened three years took them over the Pyrenees into
to march on Rome; but Pope Leo met him in Spain and south to the shores of the Mediter-
his camp, gave him gifts, and persuaded him ranean Sea. The Vandals crossed to North
to turn back. With Attila’s death the follow- Africa where they established a permanent
ing year the Hunnic Empire disintegrated, kingdom in 429. They were the only barbari-
but the Huns had already given impetus to ans to become a maritime power, and from
the great movement of peoples which better their base in North Africa they subjected
than any other single event marks the begin- Rome to fourteen days of ferocious plunder-
ning of the Middle Ages. ing in 455 and harried the waters of the west-
The Visigoths, first of the Germanic tribes ern Mediterranean until destroyed by the
to be dislodged by the Hunnic conquests, Byzantines in the next century.
won permission from Emperor Valens, the Not long after the Vandals crossed the
ruler of the Eastern Roman Empire, in 376 to Rhine River, the Burgundians followed them
settle in the empire; however, they soon re- into Gaul, probably in 411. These Germans
belled at alleged abuses by Roman officials. established an independent kingdom in the
To put down the uprising, Valens led an ex- valleys of the upper Rhone and Saone rivers
pedition against them but foolishly refused to in 443 and preserved their independence until
await reinforcements coming from the West. the Franks conquered them. The region they
The Visigothic cavalry scattered the ranks of settled retained thereafter the name of Bur-
the Roman legions at Adrianople in 378. This gundy.
battle marked the end of the Roman’s mili- ‘The ease with which these Germans invad-
tary advantage over the barbarians and ed the Roman frontiers and sacked Rome in-
showed the superiority of the mounted war- dicates that the authority of the empire had
rior (the prototype of the medieval knight) almost vanished by the middle of the fifth
over the foot soldier. The Visigoths settled century. Emperor Valentinian HI was the last


¢— — Alemanni
¢——— Burgundians
4=*= Franks
emecoen Huns
q+°+>* Ostrogoths
<—.- Vandals
¢= — Visigoths
4—-— Angles
¢— — Jutes
4——— Saxons
4s°+** Britons
4 === Lombards
ep L75

\\ *Ravenna 397

Nya 0
we \
\ a
ADR! Norte2
8 * Constantinople
* ‘
bd \. 395 BYZANTINE
gid oy

Frankish Kingdom at 486 EMPIRE

oo Areas Conquered by Clovis

0 100 200 300 400 500 mi.

Roman to exercise any real power in the sage of power from Roman to German hands.
West. After his death in 455 a series of shad- Odoacer remained in control until con-
ow emperors followed. They were raised to fronted by Theodoric, who was the leader of
the throne, deposed, or murdered by the the Ostrogoths. After the disintegration of
Germans, who became the rulers. One of the Hunnic Empire the Ostrogoths penetrat-
those barbarians, Odoacer, deposed the last ed the Roman frontiers in the East and be-
emperor in 476. Although no more than a sieged Constantinople in 487. As a diversion-
palace mutiny, this coup marks the final pas- ary tactic the Eastern Emperor Zeno per-

Smasge of Man
in Ancient and Medieval At
Man, however else we choose to define him, is the one creature on this earth capable
of asking, “Who am 12” Not only is he capable of asking this question, but he has
been asking it so persistently that he seems to be “the animal with the built-in
identity crisis.”
The question can be asked in a thousand ways, and the responses to it have been
equally varied. Modern man tends to define himself, to resolve his doubts about the
meaning of life, in terms of his relationships to other people. Until recently,
however, man defined himself by relating to unseen forces, immeasurably more
powerful than he, whose presence he sensed in the world of nature and to whose
will he felt he must submit. We do not know when in the dawn of human history
man first attained the degree of self-awareness that made him inquire into his own
identity. It seems likely that this stage of man’s evolution coincided with the
emergence of language and the making of images. Language enabled man to name
things and thereby to gain a degree of control over them. For that reason, the name
of god remains a carefully guarded secret in some religions; even if known, 1t may
be invoked only on solemn occasions, and profaning it is a grave offense. On the
other hand, according to the Bible, Adam named the animals in the Garden of Eden
and in doing so became their master. Images, too, confer a kind of power over the
things they represent. This is their everlasting fascination, attested by the snapshots
in our wallets as much as by the biblical prohibition against “graven images” of the
By giving names or making images, then, man defined himself in relation to that
which was named or represented. Representation implies the idea of substitution; the
image 1s a stand-in for its model. But if the model is known only through a
substitute, as was true for images of spirits or deities, then the substitute tends to
assume the reality of the original; it becomes an idol, the dwelling place of the god.
Early man believed that by providing a dwelling place for the god he compelled the
disembodied spirit to inhabit it; and since the dwelling place, the image, was under
man’s control, the spirit within it was too; that 1s, it was ready to be coaxed,
bargained with, or propitiated by sacrifice and prayer.
If this need to gain control over the uncontrollable was a primary impulse in the
development of art, it 1s not surprising that for many thousands of years the image
of man played only a minor role, There are numerous images of man in the art of
the Old and New Stone ages, but they are incidental rather than dominant in
relation to those of animals, which usually strike us as far more organic and keenly
observed. The human form in these images is subject to radical abbreviation,
distortion, or transformation, often merging with animal features. Clearly, prehistoric
man did not yet claim a privileged status for himself with respect to his fellow
creatures; he resolved his identity crisis by relating his own existence to the rest of
nature through an intricate system of magic kinship expressed in the concepts of
totem and taboo.
In the course of the fourth millennium B.c. several interdependent developments
occurred in Egypt and the Middle East that gave man a radically different view of
himself: the growth of cities and of a more highly organized society divided into
distinct classes, the invention of writing, and the emergence of a new concept of
divinity. Totem and taboo gradually gave way to the belief in gods that had human
shape, although many of them retained animal heads or wings to differentiate them
from ordinary mortals; and man learned how to see himself in relation to these gods
rather than to rocks, plants, or animals. It was his claim to a special relationship
with the gods that differentiated man from all other creatures and gave him a
unique, privileged status. The words of the Old Testament, “And the Lord said,
Let us make man tn our image and likeness,” have their counterpart in the
mythology of many peoples in the ancient world.
It now became the artist’s task to make gods in the image and likeness of man.
Faced with this challenge, the artist evolved a stable concept of human perfection, an
ideal image of man; and the same ideal served him when he had to portray
individual men, for only those were so honored who could claim kinship with the
divine. In Egypt, where the ruler himself had the status of a god, this included
members of his family and court, such as Ankh-haf (see Plate 1). The bust is a
magestic likeness; over and above all its personal traits, it reflects a well-defined ideal
of human perfection in the broad shoulders, the emphasis on smooth, rounded shapes,
the proportional relationship of head, neck, and body. Yet this ideal physical image,
however impressive, gives no hint of animation or action.
The very opposite may be said of Abikhil, Ankh-haf’s Mesopotamian contemporary
(see Plate 2). His physical presence 1s unimpressive, but he radiates a quality of
spiritual communication with the deity that 1s lacking in Egyptian art. Although
motionless, the figure acts, through the energetically clasped hands, the smile, the
huge eyes. The image of Alikhil’s god, had 1t been preserved, would show the same
qualities in still more emphatic form; he would be communicating with his
worshipers. These contrasting conceptions of man’s relationship to the divine—the
Egyptian emphasis on physical beauty, the Mesopotamian emphasis on
communication—became the basis for the image of man in Greece, which in turn
bequeathed it to Rome, to the Middle Ages, and to the Renaissance. The Greeks,
after borrowing first from the Mesopotamuians (see Plate 3), then the Egyptians,
arrived at a balanced synthesis that was to remain a model for Western civilization
until modern times (see Plate 4). Cicero defined the classical image of man for all
posterity when he spoke of man as a “mortal god”; that is, a being who, though
mortal, shares not only the physical beauty of the gods but their power to act and
communicate. Even the portrait heads of Hellenistic Greece and the Roman Empire,
however much they may reflect the troubled uncertainties of the individual psyche,
still reveal a kinship with the physical nobility of the gods (see Plate 5).
The early images of Christ and the saints followed this classical tradition (see Plate
10); they could be distinguished from their pagan models only by such external
attributes as haloes. Christ in his human incarnation was assumed to have looked like
any other man. When the Christian emperors, claiming to rule by divine grace,
wanted this special relationship to God conveyed in visual terms, the Mesopotamian
tradition of man’s spiritual likeness to the divine reasserted itself and the classical
balance of body and spirit was lost; the figures became rigid and attenuated, their
structure concealed behind heavy ceremonial garments, and expression was centered in
the head, with its huge staring eyes (see Plates 7 and 11). The image of Christ, too,
evolved from that of a man among men to that of the awesome ruler of the
universe (see Plate 8). Not until the twelfth and thirteenth centuries did the
humanity of Christ return to Western art and, in its train, the humanity of those to
whom he had brought redemption, be they participants in the drama of the
lamentation (see Plate 14) or simple peasants working their fields (see Plate 15).
The image of man that evolved during the later Middle Ages conveys man’s
openness to emotional experience, his vulnerability and humility—qualities never
stressed before. Yet 1t was the soil from which grew the Renaissance, the rebirth of
the classical concept of man as a “mortal god.”
These two figures in Plates 1 and 2, about the same
date and similar in material, show how differently
the oldest historic civilizations conceived the image
of man. In ancient Egypt, the sculptor’s most im-
portant task was to carve tomb statues of the Phar-
aoh—the divine ruler—and of the members of his
court who could claim a share of his divinity
through their relationship to him. Such statues
were not meant for the eyes of ordinary mortals,
but were permanent substitutes for the mummified
body, so that the soul might always have an abode
to come back to. The bust of Ankh-haf is a fully
individual portraits—it fits no other soul but his—
yet we could not possibly call it a speaking likeness.
No hint of action—physical or psychological—
disturbs the calm of its powerful shapes. The bust
is a work designed for eternity, waiting to be ani-
mated by the recurrent visits of the spirit.
The statue of Abikhil, by contrast, is a portrait
in name only, through its inscription, which also
tells us that the figure was a present for the goddess Plate 1. Egypt, BUST OF PRINCE ANKH-HAF
Ishtar. Its purpose was to serve as a substitute for ca. 2600 B.C., painted, limestone, lifesize
Abikhil in the act of communicating with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
deity, and this act it conveys with extraordinary
concentration. The hands are firmly locked in the
Sumerian gesture of worship; a smile—denoting
aliveness rather than a specific emotional state—
makes the corners of the mouth curl upward. But
the chief instruments of communication are the
huge, luminous eyes, inlaid with shell and lapis
lazuli and outlined in black, with their fixed wide-
open stare. These clearly were the essential aspects
for both sculptor and patron. Individuality is estab-
lished by the written name, not by the facial fea-
tures, which here simply repeat the racial type.
Nor, unlike the Egyptian sculptor, does the artist
show any interest in the subtleties of man’s anatomy;
in Ankh-haf the sculptor shows the firm pres-
ence of the skull beneath the flesh, but in Abikhil
the artist makes no differentiation except in the
fleecy waves of the beard. Yet the figure speaks,
while Ankh-haf is forever mute.

Plate 2. Mesopotamia, ABIKHIL

ca. 2750 B.C., alabaster, height of portion shown about 10”
Louvre Museum, Paris
Plate 3,
ca. 675—650 B.C., Proto-Attic amphora,
height of portion shown about 16”
Museum, Eleusis
Greek artists built on the work of their
predecessors in Egypt and Mesopotamia,
but they profoundly transformed this heri-
tage in keeping with the dynamic, man-
centered world view that is the hallmark
of Greek civilization. The gods now be-
came human, not only in shape but in
their relations with men; they no longer
dominated life on earth or in the here-
after, and eventually were rationalized as
the glorified memories of heroes. Such a
hero was Odysseus, whose greatest exploit,
the blinding of the one-eyed giant Poly-
phemus, is depicted on the neck of the
two-handled storage jar (amphora) in
Plate 3. The huge vessel, 56 inches tall,
once held the body of a child. Its decora-
tion, however, is not concerned with after-
life; instead, it celebrates man’s victory
over the forces of darkness, It takes three
men to thrust the spear into the giant's
eye, and their action is portrayed with
great directness and expressive force. The
heads, with their large noses and oversized
eyes, still recall the art of the ancient Near
East (compare Plate 2), but the muscular
bodies and agitated movements bespeak
the Greek painter’s emphasis on doing
rather than being.
Odysseus and his companions do not yet
show the ideal of physical beauty we have
come to expect of Greek art. That ideal
made its appearance only two hundred
years later in what we call the classic
period of Greece—classic because its
achievements set a standard of perfection
which Western civilization has acknowl-
edged ever since. We can see it in the
graceful outlines, the harmonious propor-
tions, and the balanced, self-contained
pose of the lyre-playing maiden in Plate
4. She is painted on the body of a slender
oil jug (lekythos), a funerary offering
found in the grave of a girl. The instru-
ment is Apollo’s, and Mount Helicon is
his abode; perhaps, then, the Muse was
meant to commemorate the musical gifts
of the deceased. Painted pottery, despite
its narrow range of means—outline draw-
ing, flat color, and a severely limited choice
of pigments—was highly prized by the
Greeks. Its finest masters, such as the
Achilles Painter, were great artists of such
individuality that we can recognize their
personal styles even if we do not know Plate 4.
their names. By careful observation of The Achilles Painter, MUSE ON MOUNT HELICON
nature, they learned how to draw the hu- ca. 445 B.C., white-ground lekythos,
man form in such a way that the outlines height of portion shown about 6”
alone convey its roundness and weight. Private Collection, Lugano
Individual portraiture became an important
concern of Greek artists only after the classic
ideal of physical beauty had been established,
and even the most striking portraits reflect a
residue of this ideal. The ideal serves as
a kind of matrix within which the sitter’s
unique features are embedded and lends him
a heroic air although, as in Plate 5, his per-
sonality may be quite unheroic. The some-
what flabby features, the plaintive mouth,
the unhappy eyes under furrowed brows, re-
veal a man beset by doubts and anxieties
strangely akin to our own. Such men had
surely existed earlier in the Greek world as
they exist today, but only now, near the end
of Greek independence, could the artist grasp
such psychological complexity. This intensely
private view of the sitter immediately cap-
tures our sympathy.
Landscape made its appearance in Greek
art even later than portraiture. How indeed
could a civilization that viewed man as the
measure of all things be expected to celebrate
the unbounded immensity of nature? Yet
at some point—perhaps only after they had
become part of the Roman world—the Greeks
added this achievement to their many others.
It matters little whether the artist who painted
the impressive series of Odysseus Landscapes
(of which Plate 6 shows one section) on the
walls of a house in ancient Rome was a
Greek or a Roman. What he shows us, framed
by pilasters as if seen through a window, is
the sun-drenched shore of the Mediterranean
with masses of rock abruptly rising from
deep blue waters that stretch to the very
limits of our vision. A fine haze marks the
Plate 5, Greece, PORTRAIT HEAD (from Delos) meeting of sea and sky at the line of the
ca. 80 B.C., bronze, lifesize horizon. In this timeless world, the human
National Archeological Museum, Athens drama of the foreground is merely a passing
episode; Odysseus, the great hero whose blind-
ing of Polyphemus had been so impressively
celebrated on the Proto-Attic amphora, no
longer dominates the scene. His adventures
have receded from the center of consciousness.
Here, they are no more than an excuse for
the landscape painter’s art.
late 1st century B.C., wall painting
Museo Profano, Vatican
Plate 7. Byzantine
ca. 547, mosaic
San Vitale, Ravenna

The classical ideal of beauty had begun to decay garments; it is these garments that signal rank,
from the third century on when the Roman world dignity, and station in life, which now are far
entered an ever deepening social and political more important than the individual’s physical
crisis. A new ideal emerged only after Christianity appearance. All the faces tend to look alike, shar-
became the official religion of what remained of ing a dominant feature: the huge staring eyes,
the Roman Empire and artists had learned how to which recall those of the superintendent of the
give visible form to the truths of the new faith. Ishtar Temple (compare Plate 2) and are meant
How remote this image of man is from the classi- to convey the same intense relationship to the
cal tradition can be seen in the portrait of Jus- deity.
tinian and his entourage in Plate 7: the human This style, called Byzantine (after Byzantium,
body—flattened, attenuated, motionless, rigidly the old Greek name of the capital of Justinian’s
frontal—disappears behind a screen of ceremonial empire), was created by painters rather than by
Plate 8. Byzantine
ca. 1148, mosaic
Cathedral, Cefala

sculptors. Free-standing statuary soon disappeared —now became its chief virtues: if mosaic could not
altogether, not to be revived until the Italian create an illusion of reality such as the landscape in
Renaissance. Among all the techniques of paint- Plate 6, it was superbly suited to project an illusion
ing, mosaic was the one best adapted to the new of celestial space. The huge image of Christ in Plate
ideal of beauty. Greeks and Romans had used 8 that fills the half-dome behind the altar in the
colored marble cubes in floor mosaics; the Byzan- Cathedral of Cefalt in Sicily is a truly awesome
tines used cubes of tinted glass and glass backed figure whose intense gaze endows the concept
with gold leaf to cover the walls and vaults of their of the all-present God with overpowering reality.
churches with images of dazzling brilliance and
luminosity. What ancient artists must have re-
garded as the limitations of the medium—its pat-
ternlike flatness and lack of delicate tonal gradation
Plate 9, Irish
(from a Gospel Book)
8th century, miniature
Stiftsbibliothek, St. Gall

Plate 10. Carolingian

(from the Gospel Book of Charlemagne)
ca. 810, miniature
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Far removed as it was from that of the Greeks Word of God became a precious object, the copy-
and Romans, Byzantine art remained true to the ing and embellishment of the sacred text a pious
classical past in that its central concern continued act. The portraits of the evangelists in the earliest
to be the human form. The Celtic and Germanic Gospel books were patterned on those of Greek
peoples of northwestern Europe shared an artistic and Roman artists. We can infer this from such
heritage of a radically different sort: theirs was an miniatures as the St. Matthew in Plate 10, which
art of ornament, mingling abstract linear rhythms, was painted less than a century after the St. Mark
geometric patterns, and animal motifs. In accept- but with a wholly new understanding of the
ing Christianity, they also accepted the Mediter- classical tradition. Except for the large halo, the
ranean tradition of the image of man, but their visible symbol of his sanctity, this evangelist is
first impulse was to assimilate it as much as possi- easily recognizable as a descendant of the Muse
ble to their own sense of design. The strange result on Mount Helicon (compare Plate 4), even
may be seen in the St. Mark in Plate 9: the figure though separated from her by no less than 1,250
shows no feeling for the organic continuity of years. How could this picture have been done in
the human body. It resembles an intricate knot northern Europe around the year 800? We know
that seems far more closely related to the orna- nothing about the artist, but his work is striking
mental panels surrounding it than to the classical evidence of the Carolingian Renaissance, the clas-
model from which the image is ultimately derived. sical revival in politics, art, and literature radiating
The model must have been a picture in another from the court of Charlemagne, the first medieval
Gospel manuscript, produced in one of the an- ruler to assume the mantle of the Roman emperors
cient centers of the Mediterranean world from of old. His empire did not survive long, but he
which the missionaries set out to convert the revived the classical tradition that continued to
heathen of the North. Christianity was a scrip- inspire medieval civilization.
tural religion, hence the book containing the
If the connection linking the Carolingian St.
Matthew and the Greek Muse (Plates 10 and
4) is readily apparent, it takes a sharp eye indeed
to perceive any relationship between the head
of Sainte-Foy in Plate 11 and the portrait in
Plate 5. Yet such a link exists, for the face of
the saint was originally the portrait of a late
Roman ruler reworked and adapted to its present
purpose in the wake of the Carolingian Renais-
sance. The large eyes and impersonal features
betray a closer kinship to the Justinian mosaic
(compare Plate 7) than to the Greek head; still,
it is a product of pagan antiquity, and we are
surprised to see it surviving in a Christian
How was this possible? Free-standing sculp-
ture had disappeared with the victory of Chris-
tianity, and ancient statues had been destroyed
Plate 11. Medieval, RELIQUARY OF SAINTE-FOY by the thousands as pagan idols. The Middle
9th—10th century, gold, enamel, and gems, Ages knew only applied sculpture, that is, sculp-
height of portion shown about 9” ture which was an integral part of the architec-
Abbey Church, Conques ture of churches and palaces or of their furnish-
ings. The one apparent exception are reliquaries,
but even these obey the rule: as sculptured con-
tainers of holy relics, they too had a service func-
tion which saved them from the evil odor of
Let us turn once more to the two evangelists
in Plates 9 and 10. What might be the outcome
if two styles as different as these could somehow
be merged? This is what happened in the years
after the Carolingian Renaissance; and the new
style, called Romanesque, emerged everywhere
in Western Europe toward the end of the elev-
enth century. The Annunciation miniature in
Plate 12 is a powerful example, combining the
Celtic-Germanic sense of linear pattern with the
Mediterranean figurative tradition. Unlike the
St. Matthew, this miniature has no depth; all
forms remain on the surface. Yet the picture plane
is not simply flat, it is a field of force. The urgency
of the angel’s message, conveyed through his
glance and gestures, is matched by the response
of the Virgin Mary, awestruck and submissive
at once. The contrast of active and passive could
hardly be expressed with greater eloquence.
Plate 12 Romanesque, THE ANNUNCIATION (from the St Albans Psalter)
Ca. 1120 I
M1: iniature

St Godehard, Hildeshe tm
Plate 13. Gothic
ca. 1220, stained glass
Chartres Cathedral
Plate 14. Giotto
1305—1306, wall painting
Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

The great Gothic cathedrals which rose in France a small part of one of the windows at Chartres
between 1150 and 1250 reflect a religious fervor Cathedral, devoted to the deeds of Charlemagne
among all strata of the population such as the (who wears a halo, having become a saint). The
Middles Ages had not known before. This newly unknown artist does not present him as an awesome
felt devotion profoundly transformed the image figure; the workmen busily erecting the church on
of man as seen in the sculpture and painting of the right are the same size as the emperor and
the time: the harsh expressiveness of the Roman- attract our attention as much as he does. There is
esque yields toa gentler, more realistic art stressing an attempt, by means of curving, hooklike lines,
the human aspect of Christ and the saints. This to endow the drapery folds with a measure of
is true even of stained glass, a pictorial technique three-dimensionality, but such realistic impulses
that does not lend itself to realism. Plate 13 shows are severely limited by the nature of stained-glass
images (black outline drawings on pieces of bril- he approaches his subject—as an emotion-filled
liantly tinted glass). human drama rather than as solemn ritual—de-
It was in Italy, less than a century later, that rives from the Gothic north. To his contempo-
Gothic realism was to bear its most important raties, Giotto’s pictures seemed as real as nature
fruits. Compared to our sample of stained glass, itself: not only did the figures have all the solid,
Giotto’s Lamentation over the dead Christ in tangible qualities of statues, they were animated
Plate 14 looks like a direct revival of ancient by feelings that made the beholder see himself as
painting (compare Plate 10) with its full-bodied, a participant of the scene. Giotto thus became
weighty figures seen against a background of the fountainhead of a great new tradition which
landscape and blue sky. Giotto had surely studied was to transform all of European painting within
the remains of ancient Roman murals, yet the way the next hundred years.
Plate 15.
Ambrogio Lorenzetti, GOOD GOVERNMENT (detail)
1338—1340, wall painting
Palazzo Pubblico, Siena

If Giotto’s Lamentation impresses us with its every detail of this scene will seem familiar to the
simple and direct humanity, the setting of the traveler who knows the countryside between Flor-
figures is severely limited—a stage barely deep ence and Siena.
enough to hold them and a minimum of props. In the fourteenth century, such travelers in-
The exploration of spatial depth was left to cluded a number of painters from north of the
younger Italian painters such as Ambrogio Loren- Alps who went south while some of the Italian
zetti. In his view of country life in Plate 15, the masters went north to the art centers of Paris or
setting is no longer a backdrop, but an environ- Prague. As a consequence of these exchanges,
ment within which men move as they do in the there developed toward 1400 the International
Odysseus Landscape (compare Plate 6). Cottages, Gothic style, so called because it prevailed all over
fields, and orchards, peasants harvesting, thresh- Europe with only minor local variations. It was
ing, and driving their heavily burdened donkeys— the last phase of medieval art, soon to give way
Plate 16.
The Limbourg Brothers, APRIL
(from the Trés riches heures
du Duc de Berry)
1413-1416, miniature
Musée Condé, Chantilly
to the revolutionary developments of the follow- known landscapes such as Lorenzetti’s; how else
ing century. And the dawn of a new era announced could they have caught the seasonal features of
itself in at least one respect: most medieval art was country life—the flowering trees in the walled gar-
supported by the patronage of institutions, but the den, the fishermen on the river—with such fidelity?
International Gothic was to a large extent sus- But the seasonal activity of the foreground, a ten-
tained by the taste-of individual collectors such as der betrothal scene, relates directly to’their patron.
the duke who commissioned the Trés riches heures. It probably shows the betrothal of the duke’s grand-
This is a book of hours, a personal prayerbook, but daughter, and the participants are portraits, even
one designed as a magnificent showpiece rather though differentiated mainly by their extravagantly
than for actual use. Our miniature in Plate 16 be- lavish costumes. In a history of fashion, the Inter-
longs to the calendar that forms part of a book of national Gothic must figure as the earliest Age of
hours. Clearly, the Limbourg Brothers must have Elegance.
The Making of |
Western Europe

suaded Theodoric to invade Italy, which he Sossions, the Alemanni, and the Visigoths at
did in 489. Odoacer held out for nearly three Vouille (see Map 6.1). His sons added both
years at Ravenna; but Theodoric tricked, am- Burgundy and Provence to the kingdom,
bushed, and murdered him, and established nearly completing the conquest of Gaul.
his own Ostrogothic Kingdom in Italy in 493. No less important for unification was Clo-
He gave Italy more than thirty years of peace. vis’s conversion, probably about 496, to Ro-
In the third and fourth centuries the Ger- man, rather than Arian, Christianity. This
manic tribes settled just beyond the Roman step won him the sympathy and support of
frontier in the Rhine valley and coalesced into the orthodox Gallo-Romans, facilitated his
two large federations, the Alemanni in the conquests, spared his kingdom the religious
upper valley and the Franks in the lower val- divisions between ruler and ruled which de-
ley. The Alemanni pushed into the middle of bilitated the regimes of the Visigoths and
Gaul and founded a kingdom in 420. The Vandals, and made possible the peaceful as-
Franks slowly penetrated into northern Gaul, similation of the diverse peoples he ruled.
moving toward the valley of the Seine. By the - Moreover, the Franks, the first barbarians to
fifth century they had separated into two accept Roman Christianity, became the “eld-
peoples: the Ripuarian, or “river bank,” est daughter” of the Western Church and
Franks settled approximately between the soon its acknowledged sword and champion.
Rhine and the Meuse rivers; and the Salian, In the eighth century the papacy and the
or “salty,” Franks settled between the Meuse Frankish monarchy struck a durable alliance.
River and the salt waters of the North Sea. This alliance, more than any other single
The first recorded king of the Salians was event, defined the political axis of subsequent
Merovech, who gave his name to the first Western history, and gave it its pronounced
dynasty of Frankish kings, the Merovingians. north-south orientation.
The true founder of the kingdom of the The Germanic invasions into Britain dif-
Franks, however, was his grandson Clovis fered from the barbarian conquests on the
(481-511).! Continent. The Germans — Angles, .Saxons,
At the time of Clovis’s accession the vari- and Jutes—never constituted a single com-
ous Germanic tribes were contending for munity; many chiefs led these barbarian
supremacy over each other and the native bands. The Germans did not settle and as-
Gallo-Romans. Clovis’s great accomplish- similate with the native Britons, as they did in
ment was the political unification of nearly most other Roman provinces; they either ex-
the whole of Gaul. Already king of the Sali- terminated the Britons or pushed them west-
ans he had himself elected king of the Rip- ward into Cornwall and Wales. While seeking
uarians and thus ruled a united Frankish peo- safer homes some Britons crossed the Chan-
ple. He then conquered the Gallo-Romans at nel to settle in the Roman province of Armor-
ica, which therefore came to be called Brit-
tany. For a few decades in the early sixth
'His name is really a cognate of Louis; thus, by this his-
torical oddity, all the Louis’s in the long line of French
century the Britons rallied against the Ger-
kings are misnumbered. manic incursions under a king whom later

sources call Arthur, but they could not per- Western Europe were the Germans. Most of
manently resist the inundation of their home. this section, therefore, is devoted to Germanic
After 550 the Germans rapidly consolidated institutions and culture, but there are some
their conquests and imposed their language allusions to the institutions and culture of the
on the region. So sharp is the linguistic break other barbarian peoples.
that modern English, apart from place Historians have estimated, although on
names, shows little trace of the speech of the flimsy evidence, that the Germans who set-
original inhabitants. tled within the Roman Empire constituted no
The Slavic tribes to the east of the Ger- more than 5 percent of the total population.
manic cordon embarked on their own exten- The Germanic tribes apparently claimed one-
sive migrations. In the fifth and sixth centu- third of the land or its revenues for them-
ries some Slavic tribes pushed their settle- selves; this was the share traditionally allotted
ments as far west as the Elbe River and as far to an army quartered in a Roman province
north as the Baltic Sea; they are the ancestors under an established practice known as “hos-
of the modern West Slavs, the Poles, Czechs, pitality.” How the tribes redivided the land
and Slovaks. During the same years other among their members is not known. The
Slavic tribes penetrated into the Balkan Pen- kings and great warriors seem to have re-
insula and Greece; their descendants are the tained a greater part of the land. Most of the
modern South Slavs, the Serbs, Croats, Bul- humble freemen seem to have settled as culti-
garians, and Macedonians. Still other tribes vators, obligated to pay rents and perform
moved east beyond the Dnieper River and services to the owners of the land; but, unlike
north into the forest regions of Russia; they the coloni in the Late Roman Empire, these
are the ancestors of the modern East Slavs, freemen retained their liberty of movement.
the Great Russians, Ukrainians, and Byelo-, The Germans did not exterminate the
or White, Russians. Roman curial.and senatorial classes or estab-
No other Indo-European peoples came to lish an exclusively Germanic aristocracy;
occupy so extensive a geographic area as the rather, they intermarried and made use of the
Slavs, although distance inevitably weakened inhabitants’ skills. The Germans, great or
their ethnic and cultural unity. The West humble, rich or poor, thus adopted lives that
Slavs were influenced primarily by Germanic made them almost indistinguishable from
and Roman institutions, and the East Slavs their Roman counterparts. This favored a
and most of the South Slavs by Byzantine rapid assimilation.
and Eastern institutions. Historians no longer speak confidently, as
they once did, of specifically Germanic or
barbarian contributions to medieval and
Barbarians in the Roman Empire Western civilizations. Even before their inva-
sions many Germans, particularly those set-
The most numerous of the barbarian invaders tled near the frontiers of the empire, had
of the Roman Empire in the West and the achieved a cultural level that nearly resem-
most important for the future history of bled that of the Romans; moreover the great

The Making of
Western Europe

majority of the Roman subjects did not pending on the testimony of witnesses was a
share the sophisticated culture of the Roman very precarious method for solving juridical
aristocracy. The Germans were certainly. disputes. Therefore, the Germans determined
more civilized and the Romans more bar- truth or falsehood, guilt or innocence,
barous than was once believed. Some his- through investigating the characters of the lit-
torians today speak of the formation during igants 6r appealing to magic. In a practice
the Late Roman Empire of a vulgur culture, known as compurgation twelve good men
that is, one that reflected the lives of the who typically knew nothing at all of the facts
majority of the people rather than the aris- at issue would swear to the honest reputation
tocracy; it does not respect political bound- and presumed innocence of the accused. Or
aries and joins barbarians and Romans in the accused would undergo an ordeal, such as
one cultural community. running barefoot over hot irons or immersing
The Germans reinforced certain pro- his hand in a cauldron of boiling water; if his
nounced characteristics of the late Roman feet or hand showed no severe burns, he was
and early medieval civilizations. The destruc- declared innocent. Sometimes two contend-
tion wrought by the invasions and the barbar- ers in a litigation would simply duel before
lans’ apparent aversion to urban settlement the court on the assumption that God would
accelerated and confirmed the decline of cities not allow the innocent to be vanquished. ‘To
and the appearance of the small peasant vil- set and maintain policies, the Germans relied
lages and the rural estates. ‘his was a critical on old and respected men of the community
change, for the cities had dominated the econ- to recall and state the ancient customs. This
omy and culture of the classical Mediterra- explains one of the most distinctive features
nean world. of tribal government: the use of large councils
or assemblies. The barbarian chief never
made decisions alone; he always acted in an
German Institutions assembly or council of freemen who could
help him recall the customs and aid him in
Most Germans could not write, and this ex- making his judgments.
plains several salient peculiarities of their in- These barbarian practices influenced the
stitutions. Without written records how were development of several institutions of medie-
legal obligations created and proved, juridical val law and government. The use of juries in
disputes settled, and governmental policies trials, a common practice everywhere in Eu-
set and maintained? To record the creation of rope in the Middle Ages, was based on the
contractual obligations, the Germans (and the assumption that the entire community, repre-
medieval world after them) relied heavily on sented by sworn men, and not by the judge
symbolic gestures publicly performed. In alone, should determine when a law was bro-
conveying property, for example, the former ken. The medieval king, like his barbarian
owner would hand a twig or a clod of earth to predecessor, was also expected to make his
its recipient, witnesses would note the act major decisions from the advice of the great
and later testify to its occurrence. But de- men of the realm, assembled in councils or

parliaments. The connection between the lat- social and moral tie between chief and follow-
er juries and parliaments and these barbarian er much resembles the ethical relationship
traditions is admittedly distant, but certainly between lord and vassal in the later feudal
exists. system. Another association of self-help was
The German chief had an ambiguous posi- the guild. Unlike the comitatus this was an
tion in relation to the tribe and its members. association of equals, and in its early appear-
Before their invasions the barbarians did not ances had no relation to economic life. The
usually have kings; only the invasions, which guild brothers offered gifts to the gods, feast-
required a continuing military command, ed and drank together, and aided one another
made kings usual within Germanic society. against common dangers. Like the comitatus
The king was thus primarily a military leader the guild was to have a long and important
and chief priest. He could not change the old “afterlife” in medieval social history.
customs, legislate, or demand obedience from
his free subjects. His power rested less on the
accepted prerogative and law and more on the German Culture
naked violence he could threaten or apply.
The uncertain powers of the chief left to Since the Germans had no writing, their liter-
the family or kinship group the responsibility ature was preserved by oral transmission.
for avenging injuries done to its members. Poetry, more easily memorized than prose,
Customs eventually sought to regulate this was the favored form of literary expression.
violent practice by defining in monetary The earliest surviving examples of Germanic’
terms how much compensation could be poetry were not written down until the ninth
demanded for a man’s life (his Werge/d), arm, century, but they still provide an authentic
eye, or nose; but the responsibility and initia- reflection of barbarian culture. Military val-
tive in punishing or avenging a crime re- ues saturated barbarian literature because
mained the family’s and not the chief’s. society looked primarily to its warriors for
Because the family was frequently unable security. In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf the
to protect its members, Germanic societies King of the Danes, Hrothgar, was powerless
were prolific in forming associations of self- against the terrible monster Grendel; and his
help. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote a plight illustrates the paralysis of barbarian
description of such an association, which he kingship and government. Hrothgar had to
called a comitatus (“following”).? Young war- appeal for help to the hero Beowulf with
riors would join the retinue of an established whom the community’s one hope of security
chief, follow him to battle, and fight under his rested. There is little wonder that the barbari-
leadership in return for his protection, a share ans (and medieval society after them) looked
of his booty, and a reflection of his glory. The upon the warriors and their virtues with awe
and admiration. Understandably, an analysis
of heroism is the chief theme and interest of
“Agricola and the Germania, Hugh Mattingly (tr.), 1971,
chaps. 13-14. Among the Eastern Slavs the comparable their literature.
institution was the druzhina. Religion was marked by an abiding sense

The Making of
Western Europe

of pessimism. The Germans saw nature as a The Anglo-Saxon buckle belonged to an East
cruel and hostile force controlled by two sets Anglian king who died in 654. It is made of
of gods. Some gods lived in the sky and took a gold and niello, a black metallic substance that
remote interest in the affairs of men; other lends itself to incision of a design; the cuts are
gods, both good and bad spirits, dwelt in then filled in to produce the ornamental effect.
The interlaced beasts in the ornamentation
groves, streams, fields, and seas and directly
illustrate the Animal style of barbarian art. This
affected men. Through incantations, spells, or
buckle is one of forty-one solid gold items
charms men tried to influence the actions of
recovered from the ship burial at Sutton Hoo,
these spirits. These magical practices (foreign England, and shows the great value given to
really to the paganism of the ancient world) gold jewelry by the barbarian kings. [Photo:
strongly influenced popular . religion and British Museum |
mixed with it a large element of superstition,
which would persist for the entire length of
the Middle Ages and for long thereafter. embodied the forms of animals in the design
The fundamental circumstances of Ger- of the jewelry. This style seems to have origi-
manic life also influenced artistic forms. Be- nated in the steppe region of Eastern Europe
cause they changed their homes so frequent- and Asia and then to have spread westward
ly, the Germans developed no monumental among both Slavs and Germans. The Animal
art—no temples, palaces, or large statues— style exerted a wide influence upon early
before they were settled within the empire. medieval art; even the lettering and illumina-
Their loveliest form of artistic expression was tions in the manuscripts of that epoch reflect
jewelry —buckles, brooches, necklaces, and some of its motifs (see Plate 9).
crowns—made from precious metals. Many The period after the barbarian invasions
of these pieces show the Animal style, which witnessed a near triumph of vulgar, nonliter-

ate culture over the literate, urban culture of great alluvial plain that stretches from south-
the Roman aristocracy. The barbarians were east England and France to the Urals. The
not alone responsible for this vulgarization of men of the ancient world had not been able to
the West. Undoubtedly, the great, unlettered farm it efficiently. Specifically, they lacked a
masses of the Roman Empire shared many of plow powerful enough to turn the heavy
the barbarian attitudes and practices; but the earth, animals suitably harnessed and able to
invasions did lend this vulgar culture a new drag it, and a system of crop rotation which
strength and visibility. These popular atti- fitted northern conditions of soil and climate.
tudes and practices indicate better than in the The light plow of the ancient world only
literature of the learned, how for many centu- scratched the earth, but it was suitable
ries most Western Europeans were actually to enough for the thin soil and dry climate in the
live and view the world. Mediterranean areas. Cultivation there re-
quired that the surface be pulverized to retain
moisture, but not cut deeply. On the northern
u. [he New Economy plain, however, the earth had to be cut and
turned to form the furrows needed to carry
away excess water from the abundant rains.
The great achievement of the Early Middle Thus a heavier plow was necessary, one that
Ages was the emergence of the single-family was more complex and powerful. An ob-
farm as the basic unit of agricultural produc- scure passage in Pliny suggests that the
tion. Europe became and long remained a Germans had such a plow as early as the
peasant society. Several factors contributed to first century after Christ; but most histori-
the formation of the medieval peasantry. The ans date its diffusion, simultaneously among
declining supply of slaves seems to have per- the Germans and the Slavs, only from the
suaded many villa owners to settle their sixth century.
slaves on family farms rather than to work The light plow, which continued to be
them in gangs. The changes in warfare, spe- used in Mediterranean lands during the Mid-
cifically the new supremacy of the mounted dle Ages, was dragged by two oxen. The
warrior, made fighting an expensive, hence heavy plow, used on the plain of northern
exclusive, profession and forced many free- Europe, required the use of teams of as many
men into the ranks of full-time cultivators. as eight oxen. The Romans had harnessed
And a series of technological innovations in the horse with almost incredible inefficiency.
agriculture aided the peasant in supporting He was bound to his load by pliant straps.
himself, his family, and the new society. around his throat and belly that rewarded his
best efforts by strangling him. Moreover, he
was hitched to his load so high on his withers
Agriculture that he could not throw his full weight
against the harness. Northern Europeans did
The most favored agricultural region of Eu- not develop a collar and harness that made
rope in terms of fertility and climate is the efficient use of the horse as a draft animal un-

The Making of
Western Europe

til the ninth century. At about the same time The Luttrell Psalter, produced in England about
the tandem harness, which permitted teams 1340, is particularly known for its scenes of
of horses to be hitched one behind the other, rural life. This fragment from the psalter
and the horseshoe, which gave the animal bet- illustrates the act of plowing. The heavy plow
ter traction and protected his sensitive hoofs, used on the plain of northern Europe included
three indispensable parts: a colter or knife to cut
came into common use in Europe. By virtue
the soil, a share or wedge to widen the breech
of all these devices the Early Middle Ages, in
and the clods, and a moldboard to lift the earth
the words of one historian, “discovered horse- and turn the furrow. [Photo: British Museum]
Northern Europeans also developed a new
method of crop rotation: the three-field sys-
tem, first documented in 763. This routine of to be used in Mediterranean lands, was based
cultivation was based on a triennial cycle. on the yearly alternation of winter wheat and
The field was planted in winter wheat, then fallow. Spring crops were difficult to grow in
in a spring crop—oats, barley, peas, or the south because rain was scarce in the
beans —then permitted to lie fallow for a year. spring and summer months, but they were
The older two-field system, which continued easy to cultivate in the north because there
was an abundant year-round rainfall.
The three-field system kept a larger por-
3Lynn White, Jr., Medieval Technology and Social Change, tion (two-thirds) of the soil under crops. It
1966, pp. 57-69. raised the productive efficiency of the peas-

ant’s labor by an even higher degree; the fal- Continent do not mention the manor with
low, although it returned no crop, still had to any clarity or frequency until the middle of
be worked, and with a smaller fallow (one- the eighth century; it does not fully appear
third rather than one-half the land) the peas- in English sources until the eleventh century.
ant had more time for productive labors. ‘The Many historians believe that the manor
spring crop restored fertility to the soil, pro- emerged directly out of the Roman villa and
vided a more varied diet for the people, and that the coloni of the Late Roman Empire
lessened the risk of total failure because two were already serfs because they were legally
crops were planted in one year. Since the bound to the soil. However, certain contrasts
spring crop was often intended for fodder, it distinguish the manor from the villa. Al-
also helped support a larger number of ani- though bound to the soil, the Roman coloni
mals. The animals in turn provided manure were not obligated, as far as sources inform
for more abundant crops. The intensified us, to the labor requirements that were 1m-
exchange between animals and land, fertilizer posed on the medieval serfs. The lord of the
and fodder, thus assured a higher level of villa was primarily dependent upon slaves or
abundance. For the first time the agricultural hired labor to work his lands, whereas the
resources of the northern plain were used lord of the manor relied upon his serfs. It
with some measure of efficiency, and the seems, then, that the manor was not truly an
three-field system remained the most com- inheritance from the late empire but acquired
mon pattern of cultivation in northern Eu- its characteristic organization during the
rope until the agricultural revolution of the opening centuries of the Middle Ages.
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Manorial organizations never extended
These technological innovations did not over the whole of Europe and perhaps never
transform agriculture overnight. Their use included even a majority of the peasants. The
spread through Europe at a glacial pace, and manor was characteristic of southwest Eng-
not without resistance; but it remains accu- land, northern France, western Germany,
rate to say that these technological innova- and certain areas of the south, such as the
tions profoundly affected the character of the Rhone and Po valleys. These were regions
new Western civilization. They allowed the of fertile soil where cereals in particular
regions of northern Europe to support a more could be cultivated intensively. In its ideal-
dense population and established a tradition ized form the manor may be defined as a
of technical innovation that has remained tightly disciplined community of peasants
alive and unbroken to the present. organized under the authority of a lord.
The manor should be thought of as a funda-
mental unit of economic, political, and social
The Manor organization.
The lands of most manors were divided
Europeans developed a new form of agricul- into two roughly equal parts: the small hides
tural organization: the manor, or large estate. or mansi that belonged to the peasants, and
Its origins are obscure. Documents from the the large demesne that the peasants worked

The Making of
Western Europe

for the lord. All manors possessed extensive also the chief military officer, recruiting sol-
meadows, forests, and wastelands where the diers from among the free peasants and lead-
lord hunted and the peasant grazed his ani- ing them to war. For many peasants the ma-
mals or collected firewood. Forests and waste- norial lord was the only government they
lands were usually part of the lord’s demesne; ever directly confronted.
but the peasants too would often have their Most of the peasants inhabiting the manor
own commons, a collectively owned meadow were serfs; they, and their children after
in which each resident had the right to graze a them, could not leave the land without the
fixed number of animals. Many manors also
had workshops that produced garments,
tools, and other products needed by the The drawing is an idealized and simplified
community. Self-sufficiency, in other words, reconstruction of a medieval manor utilizing the
remained an ideal in manorial organization, three-field system of crop rotation. The peasants
although it could never be completely real- possessed strips of land in each of the three
great fields into which the plowlands were
divided; servile holdings were intermixed with
The lord was the chief police officer and
the lord’s (the solid strips indicate the lord’s
judge. He or his steward ran the court, which demesne). The reconstruction presumes that the
was an important source of revenues. The territory of the peasant village and the lands of
lord held the rights to operate the bakery, the manor exactly corresponded, but frequently
brewery, mill, and winepress on the manor manors included several villages, or a village
and to sell the peasants salt or iron. He was might be divided between two lords.

@°® Tenants’

AST hl) RAO INS CSieiSes
eo eat IN X Oe aes <a
CORE POSE BON kee se %
SEE aor eae a Sean Seer SH
lord’s permission. Men were usually obligat- and most progressive technological innova-
ed to work three days a week upon the lord’s tions in agriculture; thus, they served as a
demesne and to fulfill additional services at kind of school for the peasantry.
other times of the year, particularly at har-
vest. Women were required to spend some
time in the workshops producing cloth and Commerce and Industry
clothing. The serfs paid, usually in kind, a
yearly rental on their land and sometimes a The economy of medieval Europe became
small head tax to the lord. They also honored and remained overwhelmingly agricultural.
him with yearly gifts, such as eggs in the By ultimately providing more food for the
spring or a capon in the fall. When a serf died population, the technological innovations in
and his farm passed to a son, the family usu- agriculture supplied the foundation for all
ally paid an inheritance tax, either the best further economic advance. Commerce and
animal or piece of furniture, to the lord. If a industry, on the other hand, suffered greatly
serf wished to marry someone outside the with the decline of cities and showed almost
manor, he had to seek, and usually purchase, no signs of revival before the ninth century.
the lord’s permission. Besides the serfs most The Romans had relied heavily upon com-
manors had a smaller number of free peas- merce to meet their essential needs. Within
ants. They had to pay a yearly rent for land the Western provinces they had organized
they held but were not subject to the labor industries producing cloth, metal, and pottery
obligation or (usually) to the head tax. to serve distant markets. By the seventh cen-
The serfs lived harsh lives, but their condi- tury industries to serve foreign markets had
tion was still superior to that of the Roman disappeared. Ships continued to sail the wa-
colon. The serfs had a moral right to their ters of the Mediterranean and the northern
land, and the lord who took it committed, in seas and to ply the rivers of Europe, but this
the opinion of the age, a grievous sin; there- was for local purposes. The great commerce
fore, they and their children could profit from with the East that characterized Roman
the improvements they made on the land. commerce was almost broken.
Moreover, the serfs’ obligations were tradi- Many historians have tried to explain this
tional and fixed and could not be raised. withering of the medieval trade. More than a
This highly disciplined community was generation ago the Belgian medievalist Henri
well adapted to the age. The manor offered Pirenne considered that the decisive factor in
protection to its members and promoted shaping the economy was the Islamic con-
group cooperation. Few peasants could af- quests of the seventh century.* In the years
ford, as individuals, the expensive heavy plow following the death of Muhammad his fol-
and the large team of animals required to pull lowers broke through to the shores of the
it. In working collectively for the lord, the Mediterranean Sea, built a fleet, and turned
peasants learned to work collectively for one
‘Mohammed and Charlemagne, Bernard Miall (tr.), 1939.
another. From what historians can recon- For critical commentary on Pirenne’s thesis see Alfred F.
struct, the great manors supported the best Havinghurst (ed.), The Pirenne Thesis, 1958.

The Making of
Western Europe

the great highway of the Roman Empire into and social action. It also kept alive the classi-
a battlefield. The West was sundered, com- cal tradition of literacy, rhetoric, and logic
mercially and culturally, from the Fast. amid the upsurge of a nonliterate culture.
Trade declined, money became scarce, cities One of history’s great paradoxes is that the
decayed, and the economy became exclusive- Church, so hostile to many values of the clas-
ly agricultural. sical tradition, was more effective than any
Most historians now believe that Pirenne’s other institution in preserving those very val-
argument is an ingenious, but a gross simplifi- ues from total extinction in a barbarous age.
cation. How do they explain the declined
commercial exchange? The barbarian inva- Origins of the Papacy
sions were certainly more disruptive than
Pirenne was willing to admit. Both Byzan-
The papacy is the oldest living institution in
tum and Islam seem to have closely super- the Western world; it is the only institution
vised their economies and probably imposed that can trace its history back without inter-
controls that hampered commerce with the ruption to the age of the Caesars. According
West. The new peasant society had different to the traditional Catholic (and medieval)
tastes and a different standard of living than view Jesus himself endowed the apostle Peter
the Romans. Finally, and most important, the with supreme responsibility for his church.
West was a poorer society in the seventh cen-
tury than it had been in the Roman era. Its And I say also unto thee, thou art Peter and
agricultural economy, the essential basis of all upon this rock I will build my church, and the
its wealth, was not yet productive enough to gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
support many merchants, artisans, and cities. [Matthew 16:18]
In this perspective declining trade was only a
further symptom of the profound economic In the Aramic language that Jesus spoke, as
crisis of ancient civilization. But if the West well as in Greek and Latin, “Peter” and
was poor, it was not stagnant. The new peas- “rock” are the same words, implying that the
ant society would eventually support ad- Church was to be founded upon Peter. Medi-
vances, both agricultural and_ industrial, eval tradition further held that Peter became
which would surpass the highest material the first Bishop of Rome and was martyred
achievements of the ancient world. there.
Modern historians can neither confirm nor
refute this traditional interpretation with cer-
mi. Ihe Leadership of the tainty because the evidence is sparse and of-
Church ten ambiguous. Records show that the pro-
nouncements of the Roman bishops were of-
The Church exercised an unrivaled leader- ten accepted by the bishops of other churches
ship in the Early Middle Ages. In an age of with extraordinary reverence. The earliest
turbulence this institution retained the Ro- nonscriptural text showing the influence of
man tradition of effective social organization the Roman bishops is a letter that Clement,

fourth in the traditional list of popes, wrote to tration of religious authority in Roman hands.
the Corinthians in 95. Clement clearly con- The Council of Sardica in 343 (modern Sofia)
sidered it his duty to counsel them. In the affirmed the right of the Roman bishop to
second century Ignatius, bishop of Lyons, hear appeals from bishops deposed by pro-
taught that beliefs accepted by the Roman vincial councils. Damasus (366-384) was the
bishops as orthodox should be considered first pope to base his authority on the text of
orthodox by the entire Church. But in the Matthew and the first to attach the term
third century Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, “apostolic” permanently to the Roman bish-
maintained that all bishops were equal in re- opric, or see. The real architect of the concep-
sponsibility and authority; there could be tion of Roman primacy was Pope Leo I (440-
within the Church no “bishop of bishops.” 461). In numerous letters and sermons Leo
Whatever the validity of these dogmatic identified the person of the living pope with
arguments, it is hardly surprising that the the person of Peter and with his divine com-
church at Rome should have acquired preem- mission to rule the Church. At the Council of
inence. Rome was, after all, the city of the Chalcedon in 451 the bishops received the
Caesars, the capital of the world, and the cen- declaration of the papal legates with the
ter of Latin culture; men were accustomed to words “Peter speaks through Leo.”
seeking guidance from Rome. The Christian These claims for Roman primacy, how-
community there dated from apostolic times, ever, went largely unsupported by any ad-
and it had no Western rival in age, size, ministrative apparatus because there was no
wealth, and talent. Furthermore, the Roman machinery for taking appeals to Rome. Fur-
bishops, although not distinguished specula- thermore, the popes rarely intervened in the
tive theologians, had an uncanny ability to affairs of local churches outside Italy. The
recognize and support dogmatic positions Western churches chose their own bishops,
which the Church was ultimately to accept as managed their own affairs, and had little occa-
orthodox. In contrast some bishops in other sion to invite intervention. Although the
cities supported positions that later became popes were not exercising an autocracy over
heresies. These bishops could not rival the the Church, their prestige in the Western
Roman bishops’ reputation as defenders of world was unrivaled.
orthodox belief.

Gregory the Great

Growth of Papal Primacy
The popes had to assume responsibility for
The idea of a Roman primacy gained support the security of Italy and the defense of the
and was expressed with clarity in the fourth Church because secular authority declined
and fifth centuries. The emperors, anxious to after the Germanic invasion of Italy. They
use the Church as an adjunct to their own negotiated with a whole sequence of invad-
imperial administration, favored the concen- ers—Huns, Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Lom-

The Making of
Western Europe

bards—and repeatedly sought help from the who visited Rome, and others became mis-
distant and distracted Eastern emperors. ‘The sionaries who carried the message to other
pope who best exemplifies the problems and barbarians. The Spanish Visigoths were also
accomplishments of the early medieval papa- converted from Arian to Roman Christianity.
cy was Gregory I (590-604). By establishing a tradition of active involve-
Gregory was both a writer of great influ- ment in the affairs of the world, to which
ence and a man of action. His career illus- most of his medieval successors would faith-
trates the survival of Roman governmental fully adhere, Gregory widened enormously
skill in the service of the Church. As a layman the influence of the Roman see.
he had been a prefect of Rome, its highest
official. Then he became a priest and served
as papal emissary to Constantinople and as Monasticism
deacon of the Church, managing its estates
and supporting its charitable services. When Even more effective than the papacy in shap-
Gregory became pope, the Lombards were ing medieval civilization was monasticism.
plundering the Roman countryside and The ascetic ideal of fleeing the world in order
threatening Rome with destruction and star- to devote oneself to worship is common to
vation. Under these difficult conditions he many religions and could almost be consid-
maintained the productive capacity of the ered the natural fulfillment of religious aspit-
Church’s estates, kept food coming to Rome, ation.
ransomed captives, aided widows and _ or- Christian monasticism began in Egypt in
phans, and organized the defense of the city. the third century where St. Anthony entered
Gregory finally negotiated a truce with the the desert to live a solitary life of rigorous
Lombards in 598, although they continued to asceticism. But severe practical difficulties
pose a threat to the security of Rome for more limited the spread of this solitary monasti-
than a century. cism. The lone hermit could not easily find
Gregory was no less solicitous for the wel- food or participate in the common liturgical
fare of the entire Church. During his pontifi- prayer required of all Christians; moreover,
cate Gregory gave new momentum to mis- the harsh, solitary life often brought on all
sionary efforts and achieved some momen- sorts of psychological disturbances. ‘To meet
tous successes. He sent a monk named Au- these practical needs and spiritual dangers,
gustine and thirty companions to bring Pachomius, another “desert father,” grouped
Christianity to England. The missionaries his followers into a community and drew up
encountered strong opposition from the An- for them the first monastic rule. He enjoined
glo-Saxons, but ultimately converted them to upon his monks the practice of chastity, pov-
Christianity with profound repercussions. erty, and obedience to a spiritual abbot (from
The new converts developed a strong venera- the Semitic abba, “father”). Pachomius’s ceno-
tion for St. Peter and a firm loyalty to Rome; bitic (literally, “living in common”) monasti-
some, including many kings, became pilgrims cism was readily received in other lands.

The Benedictine Rule ciples. He organized them into cenobitic
communities, initially at Subiaco. When a
By the fifth century cenobitic monasticism jealous priest drove him from Subiaco, Bene-
had gained a powerful appeal in the West; but dict founded a new community at Monte
it was practiced in a bewildering variety of Cassino in 529. Near the end of his life he
forms because all the great fathers of the drew up his famous rule for this community.
Church — Augustine, Jerome, and Ambrose — The Benedictine rule was an abstract con-
gave advice in their writings to monks and stitution meant to be generally applicable to
ascetics. The monastic idea evoked a particu- many individual communities. It was the
larly fervent response among the Irish. Entire product of a conscious reflection upon the
clans and tribes adopted the monastic life, purposes and needs of monastic life. Monas-
with the chief assuming the title and func- teries were thus the one social group of early
tions of abbot. In the sixth and seventh centu- medieval Europe to possess a written, care-
ries Irish monks gave their land and their fully constructed constitution. The monastic
people a preeminence in Western piety and constitution is another example of the surviv-
letters. Roaming the Continent, the monks al of Roman governmental genius in the serv-
founded monasteries, preached to the hea- ice of the Church. The rule endowed the
then, reformed the Church, and corrected abbot with full authority (sovereignty, really)
kings. Their work kept alive the ideas of over the community; he was to be elected for
learning and intellectual order in the chaos of life and could not be replaced. To assure that
the age. the monastery was a disciplined and stable
The monk who brought uniformity and community the rule instructed a monk not to
order into the movement, the great legislator wander from house to house or resist obedi-
of Western monasticism, was St. Benedict ence and the abbot to consult regularly the
(480? —543°?) from Nursia, Italy. His rule is elder brothers and, in important matters, to
the only surviving literary work from his own consider even the opinions of the youngest
hand, and much obscurity surrounds its ori- members, on the scriptural ground that God
gin and composition.® frequently makes known his will to children.
As a young student at Rome Benedict was The Benedictine rule also included refer-
appalled by the vice he encountered there and ences to all the principal problems, practical
fled into the wilderness. His growing reputa- and spiritual, of monastic life; but Benedict
tion for sanctity soon attracted numerous dis- made the regulations simple and elastic. In
order to test a monk’s suitability for the mo-
>Historians still discuss the relationship of the Benedic- nastic life, for example, he was to take his
tine rule to an apparently older, longer, and cruder mon-
vows only after a trial period of one year. In
astic code known as the Regula magistri. Vhe best opinion
now seems to be that Benedict made wide use of this old- setting the daily schedule of the monk he was
er code but still impressed his own personality and gen- to say prayers at regular intervals throughout
ius upon the rule which bears his name. For a discussion
the day (the liturgical hours) rather than as
of the controversy see David Knowles, “The Regula Mag-
istri and the Rule of St. Benedict,” Great Historical Enter- private acts of asceticism. One of the most
prises: Problems in Monastic History, 1963, pp. 135 — 196. famous regulations enjoined upon the monks

The Making of
Western Europe

some manual labor, lending to it a dignity and nearly all the administrative records
which both the Romans and the barbarians which have survived were written by mo-
had denied. “Idleness,” said the regulation, nastic scribes. Finally, the monks, as holy
“is the enemy of the soul.” men, were thought to assure God’s blessings
for the world, and this helped support the
morale of the troubled peoples of the Early
The Role of the Monk Middle Ages.
Why were monks so important in medieval
The monks exerted an extraordinary influ- society? One reason is that the communal
ence on every level of medieval civilization. organization enabled the monks to cope more
They were the most successful agriculturists effectively with the problems of a turbulent
of the age, first as farmers in their own right age. They could divide essential tasks among
and then gradually as managers of ever larger their members, assigning some monks to
estates; thus, they set an example of good work the earth, others to arrange for the de-
farming practices from which laymen could fense of the community, and still others to
benefit. The weak governments relied heavily read and study. The community was also, in a
on monastic farms to supply food for their real sense, immortal and could maintain con-
administrations and armies and often appro- tinuity of effort over generations.
priated part of their income from monastic A second reason is that the ascetic tempeta-
estates to finance their needs. Monks were ment equipped the monks to be powerful in-
almost the only people who were literate and struments of both economic and _ cultural
learned. The Benedictine rule assumed that change. Early medieval society was desper-
the monk could read; and the monasteries, ately poor. Like every poor society its hope
although not expressly obliged to do so, main- for a better future rested on the ability to save
tained both libraries and schools for the train- and invest some part of the current, meager
ing of young monks and, sometimes, lay chil- production. Grain uneaten, cattle not slaugh-
dren. The monks also organized scriptoria, or tered, meant greater harvests and larger herds
writing offices, in which manuscripts that the next year; the motivation which saved the
were needed for liturgy or education were grain or cattle, whether it was religious or
copied. The great bulk of the surviving Latin economic, hardly matters. The monks were
literary works of both pagan and Christian the great savers and investors of the age, and
antiquity were preserved in copies made in this partially explains their own considerable
monasteries. Sometimes monks decorated, or economic success. Asceticism seems also
illuminated, the manuscript pages; manu-
script illuminations are among the loveliest
6Some historians have discerned a similar link between
art forms that have come from the age. Be- religious asceticism and economic investment in the
cause they maintained the schools and li- growth of capitalism in the sixteenth and seventeenth
braries, the monks were virtually the only centuries. Specifically, they have argued that the ascetic
attitudes of the Calvinists, especially the Puritans, aided
intellectuals in society. Rulers recruited their their success in business. For this viewpoint see R. H.
counselors and officials from the monasteries; Tawney, Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, 1926.

peculiarly suited to an age of transition. The dom as anything but a private estate, they
ascetic by his life calls into question the ac- divided and redivided their lands among their
cepted attitudes of his age. The monks reject- heirs. They showed no sense of political re-
ed both the classical and barbarian systems of sponsibility and relied primarily upon vi-
value and helped uproot or weaken such atti- olence to define their powers. The history
tudes as the classical aversion to physical la- of their reigns is largely a dismal story of in-
bor and the barbarian love of violence. ‘They trigue and destructive feuds.
thus prepared the way for the elaboration of Yet amid the wars and rivalries the charac-
the new values and the new culture of the ter of Frankish society was changing; the de-
Middle Ages. cisive shift was in the technique of making
war. The introduction of the stirrup, proba-
bly in the early eighth century, gave a final
advantage to the mounted warrior over the
iv. [he New Political Structures foot soldier (he could now strike a hard blow
without falling from his horse) and confirmed
the superiority, which had been evident for
Early medieval men sought to create new po- several centuries, of the cavalry over the in-
litical structures and stable cultures by com- fantry. Since horses were expensive, war be-
bining barbarian institutions and classical came a preeminently aristocratic occupation.
survivals. In the eighth and ninth centuries A new functional and social division ap-
the Franks actually succeeded in building out peared in Frankish society. In the past most
of Germanic and Roman elements an empire. freemen had been both peasants and warriors.
The empire failed to survive internal difficul- Now those freemen who could not afford
ties and renewed invasions in the late ninth horses and arms —they were a majority of the
century, but it left a lasting mark on Western population—became full-time peasants and
culture. In the ninth and tenth centuries soon serfs; those freemen who could afford
various Anglo-Saxon kings established a he- the new implements of battle became full-
gemony over England, but invasions in the time fighters. They constituted the new mili-
late tenth century destroyed their efforts to tary aristocracy.
achieve a lasting political entity. Because of the negligence of the Mero-
vingian kings, their chief household official,
known as the mayor of the palace, gradually
The Frankish Kingdom took over the real powers of government. The
mayor’s functions were to manage the palaces
Clovis had established a strong Frankish and supervise the royal lands; he was also
kingdom in Gaul; but his Merovingian suc- able to distribute the lands largely as he saw
cessors, known traditionally as the “do-noth- fit. Using this privilege, some of the mayors
ing kings,” showed the weaknesses of barbari- began to supply the aristocracy with the es-
an monarchy. Unable to conceive of the king- tates they needed to maintain the expensive

The Making of
Western Europe

animals and arms in return for their patron- and transformed it. He bequeathed to his
age. [he mayors thus built a following among successors a monarchy founded on the sup-
the new military aristocracy that they used to port of great warriors and priests and digni-
usurp further power. One mayor, Pepin of fied by association with the Christian and
Heristal, who had control of the eastern lands Roman past.
of the kingdom, gained control over the west-
ern lands in 687, unifying nearly all of the
kingdom under him. Charlemagne
Pepin’s son and successor, Charles Martel,
cultivated the support of the warrior aristo- Pepin’s son, Charles the Great, or Charle-
cracy. With their military assistance and the magne (768— 814), followed the policies of his
support he gave Christian missionaries, predecessors; but, pursuing them with un-
Charles began to extend Christianity and precedented energy, he achieved unprece-
Frankish domination (the two were virtually dented success. His biographer, the court
indistinguishable) over the Germanic tribes scholar Einhard, says that he was a large man,
settled beyond the Rhine River. “seven times the length of his own foot,” and
Charles’s son, Pepin the Short, courted the that he delighted in physical exercise, particu-
allegiance of the other aristocracy of Frankish larly, hunting, riding, bathing, and swim-
society, the great churchmen, by making a ming. His taste for food and women seems ‘to
lasting alliance with the pope. The continuing have been no less exuberant. Perhaps more
support of the military aristocracy and the remarkable in this man whose very life was
new sympathy of the ecclesiastical aristocra- war were his intellectual curiosity and alert-
cy enabled Pepin to effect a major constitu- ness. He was probably illiterate; at least, Ein-
tional change. In 751 an assembly of Frankish hard says that he kept tablets by his bed to
notables declared that the last Merovingian practice forming letters at night though with
king was not truly a king, and they recog- “Il success.” But Einhard also says that he
nized Pepin as their legitimate sovereign. The spoke and understood Latin, comprehended
pope confirmed the wisdom and justice of the Greek, and enjoyed the company of learned
act. In return for this expression of Church men. The vast empire Charlemagne built was
support Pepin confirmed papal possession of in large measure a personal accomplishment,
the Patrimony of St. Peter and defeated the a tribute to his bounding physical energy and
Lombards, who had been harassing the papal open intelligence.
lands in Italy. Later popes would repeatedly Charlemagne’s success as king depended
point to this Donation of Pepin as establish- on his success as a military leader. On every
ing the Papal States. frontier he waged long wars. His chief con-
Roman tradition affirmed that the king was cern was to spread Christianity and thus sub-
the source of all law; by exposing the charac- servience to Frankish authority among still
ter of Frankish kingship to strong Christian pagan peoples. If permanent conquest, and
and Roman influences, Pepin strengthened conversion were not possible, the expeditions





The Making of
Western Europe

would still weaken neighboring enemies and of 800 retains great symbolic importance. It
prevent them from striking into the Frankish was a public declaration of the independence
domains. At the pope’s request he cam- of the West, a final rejection of even a theoret-
paigned four times in Italy against the Lom- ical submission to the Eastern Empire. The
bards and against factions at Rome opposed coronation of 800 marks the birth of Europe,
to the pope. He suppressed the independent for it proclaimed the complete political and
Bavarians and overcame the Saxons after thir- cultural autonomy of the Western commu-
ty-three years of fighting, bringing these nity of peoples.
peoples fully and finally into the community
of Western peoples. These victorious wars
added new territories to his empire (see Government
Map 6.2). Charlemagne also organized puni-
The coronation gave Charlemagne no new
tive expeditions against the Danes, Slavs, and
powers; but it added much to his dignity, and
Avars beyond his eastern borders and against
a grandiose imperial ideology developed
the Saracens beyond the Pyrenees.
around his person. The cult of the emperor
On Charlemagne’s fourth visit to Italy in
played a vital role in preserving the unity of
800, when he was praying before St. Peter’s
the empire because the government did not
altar on Christmas night, Pope Leo III
have the material force to hold it together.
crowned him emperor of the Romans. The
Charlemagne was presented to the people as
circumstances attending this restoration of a
the new David (the ideal king of the Old Tes-
Western emperor are obscure. According to
tament), the new Augustus (the greatest of
Einhard, Charlemagne was surprised and
the pagan emperors), and the new Constan-
displeased by the pope’s action. Perhaps he
tine (the champion of the Church). By pre-
feared that the coronation would offend the
senting the emperor as a figure of such sancti-
Eastern emperor or that the pope was implic-
ty and brilliance, the government hoped that
itly claiming for himself the right to make and
rebellion against him would be unthinkable.
unmake emperors. But whatever Charle-
Ideas might thus accomplish what armies
magne’s personal resentment the coronation
could not do alone.
The emperor was, of course, the head of
The dates indicate the years that the regions were the government; and he was aided by several
added to the empire. Marches were the frontier officials. The head of the palace clergy, and
provinces (except Britanny, which was a maritime
province) especially organized for the military defense
the chief ecclesiastic of the realm, was the
of the empire. Magdeburg was the episcopal see that chaplain, who advised the emperor and the
took the leadership in the conversion of the Danes entire court in matters of conscience. The
and Slavs to Christianity. Aix-la-Chapelle was the chaplain also supervised the chancery, or sec-
capital of the empire. The tributary peoples were those
retariat, where the official documents were
beyond the frontiers of the empire over whom the
emperor exercised a loose authority. They owed written. The chief lay official was the count of
allegiance to him but were never integrated the palace, who supervised the administra-
administratively into the empire. tion, judged cases that the emperor did not

personally handle, and acted as regent during pitularies because they are divided into chap-
the emperor’s frequent absences. The cham- ters (capitula), and they are among the most
berlain took care of the royal bedroom and important sources illuminating Carolingian
the treasury, the seneschal kept the palace government and society.
provisioned with food and staffed with serv-
ants, the butler supplied the beer and wine,
and the constable cared for the horses. These Decline of the Empire
officials and others whom the emperor invited
made up the court that advised him. Charlemagne passed on to his single surviv-
At the local level the fundamental adminis- ing son, Louis the Pious, a united and appar-
trative unit was the county, which in many ently strong empire at his death. His succes-
parts of the empire resembled in its extent the sors in the ninth century proved unable to
Roman provinces or c7vitates. The count was maintain that unity. Louis, a weak and indeci-
the administrator, judge, and military leader sive man, soon lost control over his own fami-
of the county. The county was further di- ly; and his sons rebelled against him. After
vided into small judicial units under a vicarius, his death the three surviving sons partitioned
who heard minor cases. the empire at the Treaty of Verdun in 843
Charlemagne’s great administrative prob- and established their own kingdoms (see
lem was to maintain an effective supervision Map 6.3).
and control over the local officials. He used As the family of Carolingian rulers divided
three devices to resolve this problem. Charle- amid civil wars and partitions, the loyalty of
magne himself traveled widely to ascertain the military aristocracy also waned. The new
how the land was being administrated and to rulers conquered no new lands; so they had
hear appeals from the decisions of the counts. no new offices or properties to buy the loyal-
He appointed special traveling inspectors, ties of the aristocracy. The office of count,
called musst dominici, to inspect a particular appointive under Charlemagne, became he-
county every year. They scrutinized the be- reditary under his successors. The Carolingi-
havior of both the lay and ecclesiastical offi- an rulers no longer summoned the great men
cials, heard complaints, published imperial of the realm to the yearly assemblies and no
directives, and reported their findings to the longer dispatched the missi dominici on their
emperor. They were in fact surrogate emper- circuits. The institutional and moral bonds
ors who made the emperor’s power felt every- tying their central governments to the periph-
where in his vast domain. Charlemagne fur- eral territories were thus broken or aban-
ther required that the great men of his realm, doned.
both laymen and ecclesiastics, attend a gen-
eral assembly almost every year. There they
reported on conditions in their local areas, New Barbarian Invasions
advised the emperor on important matters,
and heard his directives. Many of the imperial Charlemagne’s military successes had kept
directives have survived. They are called ca- the borders of his empire relatively secure

The Making of
Western Europe


The division of the Frankish

Empire at Verdun was only one of
several partitions in the ninth
century, but historians have
traditionally considered that the
date 843 marks the beginnings of
the separate national histories of
_ France, Germany, and Italy. The
kingdom of Lothar | was soon
divided into Lorraine, Burgundy,
and Italy.

against invaders; but under his weak succes- valley of the Danube; and from this base for
sors the invasions were renewed, and they the next fifty years they struck repeatedly
added critically to the centrifugal forces tear- into France, Germany, and Italy.
ing at the empire. From the south Saracens The most wide-ranging and destructive of
established in North Africa invaded Sicily the new invasions were those mounted by the
and southern Italy in 827, attacked the valley Northmen, or Vikings, who were the Ger-
of the Rhone in 842, and raided Rome in 846. manic tribes settled in Scandinavia. Their
They held a pirate fortress at Fraxinetum movements may be considered the last phase
(Freinet) on the French Riviera, threatening of the Germanic invasions begun in the
Western ships and even harassing travel over fourth century. Several facts explain their
the Alpine passes between Italy and France invasions. The tribes could not support a
for over a century. From the East a new no- large population in the harsh northern cli-
madic people, the Magyars, or Hungarians, mate; through commercial contacts and mer-
established themselves by about 895 in the cenary service they were familiar with the

Norwegian burial mounds have yielded to attractive wealth of the neighboring areas.
archaeologists three specimens of Viking ships, The tribes were constantly at war with each
although it is nearly impossible to know how other because there was no stable kingdom, a
closely these ceremonial barges correspond with defeated chief, rather than accept a demean-
the ships in daily use. The largest of these ing vassalage under his conqueror, often pre-
barges, found at Gokstad, is shown here. It is
ferred to seek out new land overseas for his
only 76 feet long, 17.5 feet wide, and 6.5 feet
tribe. The Vikings were skilled and versatile
deep. It was propelled by 16 pairs of oars. This
seems like a small ship to challenge the North seamen; their ships enabled them to master
Atlantic. [Photo: Universiteteis Oldsaksamling, both the rivers of the Continent and the open
Oslo| ocean. Explorations took them as far as a
western territory they called Vinland, which
was undoubtedly part of the North American
continent.” Iceland, settled as a result of these
explorations, became the great center of me-
dieval Scandinavian culture.
In England and on the Continent the Vi-
kings appeared first as merchants and pirates,
then as conquerors and colonists. Vikings,
chiefly Danes, began raiding England in 787;
then in 866 a Danish army landed in eastern
England and established a permanent settle-
ment. The Vikings followed the same pattern
on the Continent. They attacked cities along
the western coast of Europe, penetrated into
the Mediterranean Sea, and invaded the val-
ley of the Rhone. They sailed over the Rus-
sian river system to reach the Black Sea and
raided Constantinople (see Map 6.4). This ini-
tial period of piratical forays was followed by

"Evidence of the Vikings’ familiarity with the North

American continent is provided by the Vinland Map,
discovered and published by scholars of Yale University
and the British Museum. The map, which shows Iceland,
Greenland, and Vinland as an island, was copied about
1440 by an unknown scribe from lost originals. He per-
haps used a Scandinavian map of the twelfth or thir-
teenth century to depict the islands of the western ocean.
This seems to be the oldest surviving map to show a por-
tion of the North American continent. See R. A. Skelton,
Thomas E. Marston, and George D. Painter (eds.), The
Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation, 1965.
The Making of
Western Europe



‘pe 800



the establishment of permanent settlements. were already evangelizing the island. Irish, or
In g11 the Viking Rollo secured from King Celtic, Christianity differed from Roman
Charles the Simple the territory near the Christianity. Not until 663 or 664 did the
mouth of the Seine River, which henceforth Council of Whitby finally determine that the
was known as Normandy. English Church should follow Roman rather
This new wave of invasions was not as dis- than Celtic practices. Later in the century
ruptive as the great movements of peoples in Theodore of Tarsus, a monk from the Middle
the fourth and fifth centuries, but they were East who served as archbishop of Canter-
for Western Europe a new dark age. Amid the bury, completed this work of ecclesiastical
violence, however, the work of Christianizing unification. He reformed monastic education,
the barbarians continued and helped to abate held numerous councils, made the authority
the invasions. Missionaries in the tenth centu- of Canterbury felt throughout the land, and
ry successfully converted the Magyars, Poles, helped give England one of the most vigorous
and Vikings. The Magyars, of all the many and learned churches of the age.
nomadic peoples who had swept out of Asia, Political unity came more slowly. The
were able to preserve their linguistic and eth- numerous petty dynasties coalesced into sev-
nic identity because of their acceptance of en fairly stable kingdoms, _ traditionally
Christianity. From about the year 1000 these known as the heptarchy: Northumbria, Mer-
barbarians no longer represented a foreign cia, East Anglia, Essex, Sussex, Kent, and
and heathen threat to Christian Europe; rath- Wessex (see Map 6.5). The first kings to exert
er, they had become full partners in the asso- a stable hegemony over England were the
ciation of Western peoples. rulers of Northumbria in the seventh and
eighth centuries. This was the golden age of
Northumbrian culture; the monastery at
Anglo-Saxon England Wearmouth-Jarrow then counted among its
members Bede the Venerable, the greatest
England was divided among more than a scholar of his day. By the late eighth century
score of petty dynasties and kingdoms as a the hegemony over England passed to the
direct result of the Germanic invasions in the rulers of Mercia. King Offa, a contemporary
fourth through sixth centuries. These many of Charlemagne, was known even to the pope
petty dynasties became fused into a single as King of Britain. Mercian leadership was,
kingdom, but the climax of this trend toward however, short-lived; and after Offa’s death
political unity was not reached until after the honor passed to Egbert of Wessex and his
the Norman Conquest in 1066. successors.
England achieved religious unity before
political unity. Augustine and his fellow mis- ®Irish Christianity calculated the date of Easter in a dif-
sionaries dispatched by Pope Gregory arrived ferent fashion, applied the tonsure (the cut of hair sym-
bolizing clerical status) in their own distinct way, and
in Kent in 597; but other Christian missionar- had a different concept of the role and powers of the
ies, the Franks and particularly the Irish, bishop.

The Making of
Western Europe



Alfred the Great mobile army in the field and built fortresses
to defend the land and ships to defend the
To the kings of Wessex fell the task of de- coast. His reforms proved successful. In 886
fending England against the Danes. The the Danes agreed to accept Christianity and
greatest of these kings was Alfred (871 — 899). settle in the Danelaw, a region north and east
After experiencing military defeats by the in England. Alfred was the first king effec-
Danes in the early years of his reign, Alfred tively to rule over the entire English people.
reorganized the defense of the kingdom. He He also renewed intellectual activity. Alfred
reformed the militia to keep a larger and more gathered a group of scholars and began a pro-

gram of translating into Anglo-Saxon the learning did not entirely succumb. It survived
works of several historians and theologians. in a peculiar context and for a peculiar pur-
During his reign an official record of events in pose: to serve the Christian Church and to
England, the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, was be- promote the interests of the Christian re-
gun, which is an indispensable source for ear- ligion.
ly English history.
The English resurgence initiated under
Alfred continued under his successors for The Church and Classical Learning
almost a century. However, by 991 King Eth-
elred was unable to overcome the renewed Because Christianity was a conscious revolt
Danish advances and agreed to pay tribute to against classical values, it is understandable
the Danes. The tax he imposed to meet the that many prominent Christian writers occa-
tribute was called the Danegeld. Its payment sionally condemned classical literature as
was a mark of weakness, but the Danegeld foolishness and an incitement to sin. Yet al-
was still a national tax and shows the solid most from the beginning Christianity had to
and continuing unity achieved by the king- make some accommodation to secular learn-
dom. In 1013 the Danish King Swein invaded ing. Christianity was a religion founded on a
and conquered England, which became a book, the Bible. God had spoken to his people
province in a great northern empire. His son through the written word, and the Christian
Canute ruled both Denmark and England; priests and theologians had to have the skill to
but at his death in 1035 the empire disinte- read and interpret the sacred texts. The only
grated and Edward, a descendant of Alfred, way they could obtain this skill was to study
became the king of England. The work of at secular schools because the Church had no
building a unified community and effective schools of its own. The leaders of the Chris-
monarchy in England was left to the Norman tian community, therefore, had to study un-
conquerors to complete after 1066. der the same teachers, read the same authors,
and master the same techniques of philosoph-
ical argument and rhetorical expression as
their pagan neighbors.
v. Letters and Learning
Christian scholars preserved a tradition of
literacy in the fifth and sixth centuries, but
The great movement of peoples in the fourth their output accurately reflects the difficult
and fifth centuries nearly extinguished in the conditions of their times and the biases of
West the urban, literate, aristocratic culture their own mental outlook. An important part
of the ancient world. Early medieval Europe of their literary effort was devoted to the
almost lapsed into complete barbarism in the preparation of textbooks that would preserve
sense that the nonliterate, nonurban, vernacu- a modicum of ancient learning and the ability
lar culture of the barbarian peoples and the to read the ancient authors. One of the most
unlettered masses of the Roman Empire all influential of these textbooks was the Intro-
but triumphed. But the tradition of classical ductions to Divine and Human Readings by Cas-

The Making of
Western Europe

siodorus, which described the religious and saints and the miracles he wrought through
secular books that he felt a monk should copy them. In this field, too, Pope Gregory educat-
and read. This book is about as appealing to ed tastes, notably through his Dialogues, a rec-
modern readers as a library catalog, but it was ord of the lives and miracles of the holy men
carefully studied and helped to determine the of Italy. Since history was viewed as a vast
holdings of medieval libraries. Another Ital- panorama illustrating and proclaiming God’s
ian scholar, Boethius, translated into Latin miraculous providence, it too evoked great
Aristotle’s treatises on logic. Through this interest among scholars. One of the most in-
work medieval men acquired their limited, fluential accounts was the History of the Franks
but significant, familiarity with Aristotelian by Gregory, bishop of Tours. Beginning with
logic. Boethius was even more famed for his Creation (to show the entire range of God’s
Consolation of Philosophy, a meditation on providential concern with human affairs),
death. It helped to preserve the dignity of Gregory recounted the history of the human
learning by showing the role that reason and race up to 591.
philosophy played in solving human prob- The modern reader is often surprised by
lems. Less elegant than the Consolation, but the endless parade of miracles and slightly
equally popular, was the Etymologies by Isi- stunned by the apparent gullibility of the
dore, bishop of Seville, which was a vast en- scholars who reported them, but he must
cyclopedia of ancient learning, covering in view the miracles as did the authors who re-
twenty books subjects from theology to furni- corded them. For these men the miraculous
ture. It provided a rich source of classical lore interventions of God leading men to salvation
and learning for medieval writers. gave purpose to human life and order to an
Besides providing the medieval world with otherwise chaotic world. In a universe shaped
textbooks, translations, and compendia of by the operations of grace, the miraculous
classical learning, scholars also helped was the natural and the expected.
through original works to shape the character Scholarship on the Continent sank to its
and interest of the age. Many of them were lowest level in the seventh and early eighth
monks who believed that the highest human centuries. The most important centers of
calling was the contemplation of the bound- scholarship were Ireland in the seventh and
less wonders of God. Chief among these England in the early eighth century. Scholars
wonders was the Bible itself; and a primary there enjoyed the relative shelter of an insular
concern of the scholars was exegesis, or com- home. They had the zeal of new converts and
ment and interpretation, of the sacred text. In a strong monastic system that supported the
this field the most important writer after St. schools. They had never shared deeply in
Augustine was Pope Gregory. In his Moralia pagan classical culture and could study it
in Job, a commentary on the Book of Job, without fear of contaminating their Chris-
Gregory made extravagant use of allegory in tianity. Since they did not speak a vernacular
explaining the biblical text and set the style language derived from Latin, they could learn
for biblical exegesis in the medieval world. a correct Latin in schools without being con-
Another wonder of God was the lives of the fused by related vernacular forms.

The finest English scholar was undoubt- The paucity of literate men and the illegibili-
edly Bede the Venerable (673? -—735), whose ty and diversity of texts undermined the cul-
Ecclesiastical History of the English People, an tural unity of Europe and deprived govern-
account of the conversion of the English and ments from employing learned men in their
the growth of their Church, established his administrations. Furthermore, poorly educat-
fame even until today. His high sense of ed priests could not properly perform the lit-
scholarship is evident in the careful way he urgy, upon which God’s blessings on the
collected and utilized documents and inter- community were thought to depend; and
viewed witnesses. Bede, of course, accepted variations in religious rituals were also grow-
miracles, and the story of salvation still gives ing. Both situations weakened the unity of the
the principal theme to his history. But his Church as well as the state.
views on the ultimate purpose of history did Pepin and Charlemagne attempted to de-
not lead him to do violence to his sources. He velop a standardized curriculum, based on the
is aman whom any age would recognize as a same versions of the same texts and written in
scholar. the same form of handwriting. They invited
to court scholars from all over Europe for this
purpose. To increase the supply of locally
The Carolingian Renaissance trained scholars both Pepin and Charlemagne
ordered all bishops and monasteries to estab-
The Frankish rulers— Pepin, Charlemagne, lish schools to educate boys; however, only
and their successors — sought energetically to the monasteries apparently had the resources
promote learning within their domains; and to follow this order to any significant degree.
historians call the results of their efforts the Charlemagne himself set the example by
Carolingian Renaissance. These rulers were founding a palace school for the sons of his
interested in learning for several reasons. In own courtiers, but the school seems to have
the sixth and seventh centuries, when the had little permanent impact upon the intellec-
Continent was divided among many barbari- tual life of the age.
an kingdoms, different styles of writing, One great achievement of this educational
known as national hands (Visigothic, Merov- revival was a reform in handwriting. About
ingian, Lombard, Beneventan, and so forth), the year 800, monks at the monasteries of
had developed, and numerous variant read- Corbie and Tours developed a new type of
ings had slipped into such basic texts as the writing that used small letters; for this reason
Bible and the Benedictine rule. The Latin it was called the Carolingian minuscule. Pre-
grammar used by scholars had also absorbed viously writing had consisted of all capital
many regional peculiarities. Literate men in letters. A page written entirely in capital let-
one part of Europe thus had great difficulty ters is difficult to read rapidly because the
recognizing or reading a text written in an- eye is not aided in distinguishing letters by
other. The widespread decline in education protrusions above or below the line. The
had left few persons who could read at all. Carolingian minuscule facilitated rapid read-

The Making of
Western Europe

ing by utilizing both small and capital letters. Gauls with the songs of the Roman church”;
In addition, more letters could be written on that is, he sought to standardize the liturgy on
a page with this new script; thus, more books the basis of Roman practice. Charlemagne
were produced at less expense. Use of the continued this policy of standardization. He
new script eventually spread across Europe. had the English scholar Alcuin of York, who
Another achievement of this educational served as a sort of minister of cultural affairs
revival was the development of a common from about 782 until 794, prepare a new edi-
scholarly language. Carolingian scholars per- tion of Jerome’s Vulgate translation of the
fected and standardized a distinctive language Bible. This edition became the common bibli-
known as Medieval Latin, which largely re- cal text for the entire Western Church. Char-
tained the grammatical rules of classical Latin lemagne procured from Monte Cassino a
but was mdre flexible and open in its vocabu- copy of the Benedictine rule and had it copied
lary, freely coining new words to express the
new realities of the age. Medieval Latin was
The ninth-century manuscript illumination from
also clearly different from the vulgar, or
the first Bible of Charles the Bald displays the
Romance, Latin spoken by the people. The
Carolingian miniscule, which is the model for
establishment of Medieval Latin as a distinct
the small letters used today in what printers call
language of learning thus freed the Romance Roman type. [Photo: Bibliotheque Nationale] :
vernaculars to develop on their own. The
earliest surviving text in Old French dates
from 842.
The Latin created by the Carolingian
scholars enabled travelers, administrators,
and scholars to make themselves understood
from one part of Europe to another; and it
continued to serve this function until the
modern era. Even when it disappeared as an
international language, it helped to promote
European unity. All the modern vernacular
tongues of Europe developed under the
strong influence of this scholars’ Latin. One
of the reasons it is possible to trahslate quick-
ly and accurately from one European lan-
guage to another is that their learned vocabu-
laries are in large measure based upon com-
mon Latin models.
A further achievement of the educational
revival was the standardization of important
texts. Pepin “decorated all the churches of the

and distributed, so that monks everywhere grammar, usage, and vocabulary but not for
would follow a standard code. He also initiat- aesthetic satisfaction or philosophical in-
ed standardization into the school curricu- sights. Their work was nonetheless of the
lum, based on the seven liberal arts. Alcuin greatest importance for the intellectual
divided the curriculum into the trivium, or growth of Europe. The revived mastery of
verbal arts—grammar, rhetoric, and logic— correct Latin equipped scholars of later gen-
and the quadrivium, or mathematical arts— erations to return to the classical heritage and
arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, and music. to recover from it philosophic and aesthetic
Carolingian scholars wrote lengthy educa- values. The Carolingian Renaissance made
tional tracts and huge quantities of didactic possible all subsequent renaissances in the
poetry, but little of their work can be consid- history of Western thought. The establish-
ered notable for original thought or rhetorical ment of Latin as a universal language permit-
grace. This is understandable. Most of the ted easy communications within Europe and
scholars were grammarians and educators, made possible that vigorous and creative dia-
engaged in producing teachers’ manuals, text- logue across linguistic frontiers upon which
books, and school exercises; they went back the growth of Western scholarship has since
to the Latin classics to find models of correct depended.

Europe, in the sense of an association of moral unity of the West even beyond the
Western peoples preserving their individual frontiers of his empire.
cultural identities and yet sharing certain Early medieval society was desperately
fundamental attitudes and values, did not ex- poor. Trade declined; commercial contact
ist in the ancient world. This association was with the East was broken; cities shrank in
formed during the Early Middle Ages. After size. Yet some remarkable achievements miti-
the politically and culturally disruptive bar- gated this misfortune. The labor of the settled
barian invasions ended Roman rule in the peasant-family replaced that of the gang slave
West, medieval men sought to create a new as the basis of agricultural production. Tech-
stability out of the chaos. Charlemagne’s con- nological innovations made possible the effi-
quests unified a new community of peoples cient exploitation of the fertile plain of north-
and a wide area of Western Europe. Although ern Europe. The three-field system of cul-
his empire was not permanent, it left to every tivation and the new manorial organization
region included in it common institutions and gradually produced a surplus of food.
a lasting memory of former unity. The mis- By about the year 1000 the population be-
sionary successes extended the religious and gan expanding for the first time since perhaps

The Making of
Western Europe

the second century after Christ. A distinctive the Church largely preserved. The Early
Western culture was taking shape, based Middle Ages left no brilliant cultural monu-
upon the customs and practices of the barbar- ments, but it did lay the foundations upon
ians and the unlettered masses of the former which the achievements of all subsequent
Roman Empire, the teachings of Christianity, periods of Western history have rested.
and the heritage of classical learning, which

Recommended Reading

Sources *Easton, Stewart C., and Helene Wieruszowski. The Era

of Charlemagne. 1961. An interpretative essay.
*Fichtenau, Heinrich. The Carolingian Empire. P. Munz
*Einhard. The Life of Charlemagne. 1962.
(tr.). 1963. An unsympathetic treatment of Charle-
*Herlihy, David (ed.): Medieval Culture and Society. 1968.
magne and his policies.
*Hillgarth, J. N. (ed.). The Conversion of Western Europe:
*Laistner, Max. Thought and Letters in Western Europe:
350-750. 1969.
A.D. 500 to 900. 1957.
*Leclercq, Jean. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God.
Studies Catherine Misrah (tr.). 1961. Monastic culture of the
Middle Ages examined by a modern Benedictine.
*Lewis, Archibald R. Emerging Medieval Europe: A.D.
*Boussard, Jacques. The Civilization of Charlemagne. 1968. 400-1000. 1967.
Cambridge Economic History of Europe. 1941—-. Four vol- *Rand, Edward K. Founders of the Middle Ages. 1928.
umes to date comprise the standard reference for all Stenton, Frank. Anglo-Saxon England. 1971.
economic questions. A revised edition of the first *Wallace-Hadrill, J. M. The Barbarian West. 1962.
volume on medieval agrarian life was published in
*Wolff, Philippe. The Cultural Awakening. Anne Carter
(tr.). 1969.
Cambridge Medieval History. 1911 — 1936. These eight vol-
umes are partially outdated, but still indispensable.
*Dawson, Christopher. The Making of Europe. 1956. Dis- *Available in paperback.
cusses the origins of European cultural unity.

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Early Medieval
iia asset
The Early Middle Ages was a period of social and spiritual change in the East
as in the West. In both regions a peasant society changed the economic system
based on slave labor that was characteristic of the Roman Empire. Both
Christianity and Islam taught men that the purpose of this life was to prepare
fora life to come. This religious view was a radical departure from the
religious attitudes of antiquity; and it deeply influenced all aspects of medieval
civilization, Eastern and Western, Islamic and Christian.
The three most prominent civilizations of the East—Byzantine, Kievan, and °
Islamic—were nonetheless very different from the civilization in the West. These
civilizations never witnessed the degree of vulgarization experienced by Western
civilization. The Roman Empire did not fall in the East, and Roman
governmental institutions lived on in the Byzantine Empire. The Hellenistic
cultural heritage, based on the Greek language, also survived in the East and
gave to Byzantine civilization a distinctive character. Although Islam developed
from a semibarbarous people, its expansion brought the new religion into
areas—Egypt, Palestine, Persia, Syria—that had long traditions of civilization.
Islamic civilization was deeply affected by the Hellenistic, Persian, and Semitie
cultures that flourished in those areas it overran.
A further, decisive contrast between the East and the West was the survival of
cities and an authentic urban culture in both the Byzantine and Islamic worlds.
Even the Principality of Kiev, founded by a new people—the East
Slavs—rapidly developed cities and an urban culture. The presence of cities in
the East assured at least partially the continuation of sophisticated governmental
institutions and of commercial exchange and the maintenance of high levels of
learning. All these accomplishments give the Eastern societies a marked
superiority over contemporary Western societies in the Early Middle Ages.
After the eleventh century, however, anew movement of barbarians as well as
internal changes undermined or transformed these Eastern civilizations. But all
of them left cultural heritages that have profoundly influenced Eastern societies
until the present day; all of them, likewise, played a role in stimulating the
New Western revival in the year 1000.
1. [he Byzantine Empire 660 B.C. on a narrow peninsula that juts into
the Sea of Marmara like a hand extended
from Europe toward Asia. The official name
The name “Byzantine” is, strictly speaking, a of the rebuilt city was New Rome; however,
historical misnomer. The men of the Eastern it soon came to be called the City of Constan-
Empire recognized no break in continuity tine, or Constantinople, after its founder.
between their own civilization and that of The geography of this capital influenced
classical Rome. Throughout their history the character of Byzantium and the course of
they called themselves Romans, even after its history. The city stood at the intersection
Rome had slipped from their power and they of two of the most traveled routes: the over-
had adopted Greek as their official language. land highway from the Balkans to Asia Minor
The men of the Eastern Empire acknowl- and the maritime route between the Black
edged what modern Western historians and Mediterranean seas. Inevitably, the city
sometimes forget: The Roman Empire did came to serve as the commercial and cultural
not fall in the East until 1453. Historians dif- link among many peoples and cultures.
fer in their periodizations of Byzantine histo- Constantinople at once acquired the aura of
ry, but the following one probably enjoys the a Christian city, the capital of the Christian
widest acceptance. empire. No ancient monuments or old fami-
lies were present to remind men of the past
glories of pagan Rome. Because of his close
Early Byzantine Period 324-632
Middle Byzantine Period 632-1071 association with the emperor, the bishop of
Late Byzantine Period 1071-1453 New Rome was accorded the high status of
patriarch. In the entire Church only the bish-
op of Rome ranked above him.
Early Byzantine Period The successors of Constantine had no in-
tention of abandoning the territories or the
Emperor Constantine transferred the capital powers of the old Roman Empire in either the
of the Roman Empire from the West to the West or the East. Memories of the old empire
East in 324. This act marks the beginning of dominated their policies; and they struggled
Byzantine history. The emperor’s motives continuously, if futilely, to restore the empire
were primarily military. Many powerful to its former size, power, and glory. The
enemies—Persians beyond the Euphrates emperor whose actions best illustrate the
River, Germans beyond the Danube River, ideals and policies of these early rulers was
and Germanic pirates in the Black Sea — were Justinian (527-565).
menacing the Eastern provinces, the wealthi-
est and most populous in the empire. Justinian the Great
Constantine chose as his new capital the
site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzan- Historians have much information, or at least
tum. The colony had been founded about allegations, about Justinian, his family, and

The Early Medieval East

his household from the court historian Proco- the uprising. The suppression of this rebel-
pius. He wrote two eulogistic histories: On the lion freed Justinian to pursue the three princi-
Wars recounts Justinian’s campaigns and On pal goals of his reign: the restoration of the
Buildings relates Justinian’s architectural pro- Western provinces to the empire, the refor-
gram. But Procopius also authored one of the mation of laws and institutions, and the pro-
most vicious efforts at character assassination motion of physical splendor through an ambi-
in history after Justinian’s death. The Secret tious program of public works.
History paints Justinian, Empress Theodora, To restore imperial rule over the lost West-
and several high officials of the court as mon- ern provinces, Justinian directed his armies
sters of public and private vice. It is easy to against the kingdoms of the Vandals, Ostro-
say that the truth about Justinian lies some- goths, and Visigoths and sought at the same
where between these conflicting assessments, time to maintain a precarious peace with the
but precisely where it lies in the wide gap be- menacing Persians beyond his eastern fron-
tween virtue and vice left by the two-tongued tier. By 554 his troops had destroyed the
Procopius, historians have still not decided. Vandal kingdom in North Africa and estab-
Justinian seems to have been a vacillating lished Byzantine rule there, had triumphed,
man; but his will was stiffened by his ambi- at least for awhile, over the Ostrogoth king-
tious wife Theodora and made effective by dom in Italy, and had forced the Visigoths in
capable men in his service. Theodora’s own Spain to cede the southern tip of the peninsu-
career reads like the plot of a second-rate nov- la (see Map 7.1). Justinian sought to reconcile
el. Born about 500, the daughter of the keeper the Eastern and Western branches of the
of the bears in the circus, Theodora became a Church, which were bitterly divided over a
famous actress and a celebrated courtesan theological question concerning the nature of
before she was twenty. She traveled through Christ.! He had the pope abducted by force
the cities of the empire, earning her way, ac- from Rome and taken to Constantinople,
cording to Procopius, by skillful prostitution. where he bullied him into accepting an un-
In her early twenties she returned to Con- welcome compromise. His coercive tactics
stantinople, mended her morals but lost none did not bring union and peace to the Church
of her charm, and married Justinian. When he and were bitterly resented by all the conflict-
succeeded to the throne, Theodora, the re- ing parties.
formed prostitute, became the august Em- One of the chief glories of the Roman Em-
press of Byzantium. pire, its legal system, was extremely disor-
Theodora’s influence was decisive from the dered by the early sixth century. Imperial
start. In 532, for reasons not entirely known,
the popular factions of Constantinople rose in
"The Monophysitic theory holds that Christ has one
rebellion. The frightened Justinian and his nature, partly divine and partly human; he was not, in
counselors considered flight; but in a moving other words, true man. Condemned as heretical at the
speech, as recorded by Procopius, Theodora Council of Chalcedon in 451, the belief remained strong
in the East. The Dyophysitic theory holds that Christ
urged her husband to choose death rather has two natures, one human and one divine; he was both
than exile. Justinian remained and crushed true God and true man.



GtE oS


The Early Medieval East

edicts had multiplied over the centuries, but cerning the legal institutions and thought of
they had never been completely codified or Roman antiquity. Paradoxically, it ultimately
up-dated; now they were beyond the compe- exerted a more profound influence upon the
tence of lawyers to keep track of them. With- juridical development of the Western peo-
out some systematic organization how was a ples than upon the Byzantines or Eastern
lawyer to ascertain which laws were relevant peoples. The modern legal systems of most
to which cases or which laws should be fol- Western countries except the British Com-
lowed in instances of conflict? Moreover, a monwealth and the United States (excluding
large body of legal opinion had been written Louisiana) are based on Roman law as repre-
by the great jurists over the centuries. These sented by the Corpus. These two countries
opinions were almost as important as the live under a legal system known as Common
edicts themselves in defining the law, but Law. Although Common Law is not a direct
they had never been codified. descendant of the Corpus, it has been strongly
In 528 Justinian appointed a commission influenced by Roman legal concepts.
under the jurist Tribonian to begin a system- The destruction caused by the rebellion in
atic codification of Roman law. The result Constantinople gave Justinian the chance to
was the Corpus Turis Civilis (“Body of Civil initiate an extensive rebuilding of the capital.
Law”). It consisted of four compilations: the His desire was to make Byzantium reflect the
Codex Justinianus, an arrangement of the impe- physical splendor of Rome. The most spec-
rial edicts according to topics in an easily con- tacular of his many new churches, palaces,
sulted order; the Digest, or Pandects, a summa- and public works was the great church of
ry of legal opinions; the /nstitutes, a textbook Hagia Sophia, or Holy Wisdom.
to introduce students to the reformed legal Justinian was remarkably successful in all
system; and the Novellae, a collection of new his ambitious policies until the last years of
imperial edicts issued after 5 34. his reign. By then he had to wage a two-front
It would be hard to exaggerate the impor- war against the Persians on the eastern fron-
tance of the Corpus Iuris Civilis. It has re- tier and the resurgent Ostrogoths on the
mained for all subsequent generations the western frontier. Justinian simply did not
largest and richest source of information con- have the military power to fight on both
fronts. At his death the Byzantine troops
were everywhere on the defensive.
The map illustrates the high-water mark of Byzantine
expansion under Justinian; the dates indicate when the
Modern historians have tended to view Jus-
Byzantines fought and finally acquired the areas. The tinian’s policies as unrealistic, excessively
Lombards, who invaded Italy in 568; the Avars, who ambitious, and ultimately disastrous. Memo-
raided to the gates of Constantinople in 591; and the ries of ancient Roman greatness blinded him
Persians, who continuously harrassed the eastern
to the inadequacy of his own resources. Yet
frontier, were primarily responsible for the failure to
make these conquests permanent. The name Sassanid
Hagia Sophia and the Corpus Juris Civilis as-
refers to the dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of Persia sure him a permanent and brilliant reputa-
from 226 to 651 A.D. tion in both the East and the West.

In the years following Justinian’s death At the same time that Heraclius was de-
new invaders overwhelmed the frontiers and fending the empire against invaders, he was
wrested from his successors most of the em- also reforming its administration. One of his
peror’s territorial acquisitions. The Lom- predecessors had begun to give land to the
bards’ invasion of Italy in 568 undid many of soldiers to work for themselves in exchange
Justinian’s conquests there; his successors for military service. The military units and
were able to retain control only over Raven- the provinces where they were settled were
na, Rome, Naples, and the extreme south of called themes. Heraclius and his successors
the peninsula. They also held on to Carthage extended this system to the navy and the en-
and Sicily. These emperors were not able to tire empire. The soldier or sailor settled upon
recover the Western provinces of the old his own farm and fighting in his provincial
Roman Empire; therefore, the Byzantine army or navy proved to be far more effective
Empire could no longer aspire to the status of both as a worker and a warrior than the slave,
a universal empire. She had to find her way as conscript, and mercenary upon which the
an Eastern, and exclusively Hellenic, empire. empire had chiefly relied.
A century elapsed before the Byzantines
were able to take the offensive against the
Muslims. Emperor Leo III (717-741) beat
back a Muslim attack on Constantinople in
Middle Byzantine Period 717 and 718 and then began a reconquest of
Asia Minor.
The reign of Emperor Heraclius (610-641) In 726 Leo forbade the veneration of im-
was pivotal in giving Byzantine policy and ages within the churches of the empire. His-
civilization their new Eastern orientation. His torians still do not agree about his motives.
reign began amid repeated military disasters. His iconoclastic policy (image-breaking) may
The aggressive Persians took Antioch, Jeru- have been a legal pretext for seizing the land
salem, and Alexandria. With the aid of trea- of the monasteries, which fully condoned
sures donated by the churches Heraclius image worship, because he needed additional
reorganized and strengthened the army and lands to support his army; or it may have
then boldly took the offensive against the Per- been an attempt to make Christianity more
sians in 622. His success was astonishing. In appealing to the Muslims whom he was seek-
campaigns waged over six years Heraclius ing to conquer, by emulating the Islamic con-
fought his way to the Persian capital of Ctesi- demnation of image worship. Whatever the
phon. The Persians agreed to a humiliating reasons, his iconoclastic policy had a disas-
peace. Then a new menace arose. After the trous effect on relations with the West; it an-
death of Muhammad in 632 his Muslim fol- tagonized the popes and was a major factor in
lowers embarked upon a tidal wave of con- their decision to seek out a Frankish champi-
quests, overrunning most of the empire in on. The veneration of images was restored in
scarcely more than ten years. the Byzantine Empire between 784 and 813

The Early Medieval East

and permanently after 843. But the iconoclas- this function, then God would never permit
tic policy helped to widen the cleavage be- its destruction. This idea (the French would
tween the Western and Eastern churches. call it an idee force, an idea exerting power,
The military revival reached its height comparable to ideas of nationalism or patriot-
under the great warrior emperors of the ninth ism in the modern world) helped preserve
through eleventh centuries. They pushed the unity among the many diverse nationalities
Muslims back into Syria and waged success- that comprised the empire. It gave to the
ful wars in southern Italy, the Balkan Penin- Byzantine peoples the spirit they needed to
sula, and the Caucasus. Their principal mili- resist for centuries a nearly continuous on-
tary accomplishment was in the Balkan Pen- slaught of invaders.
insula, where they defeated the Bulgars, a The Byzantines also believed that the em-
nomadic people who had set themselves over peror was a holy figure because he was head
a Slavic population in the lands south of the of a state with a sacred function. Of course, a
Danube River. The Bulgars had abandoned Christian emperor could not claim divinity;
their nomadic ways, adopted the language but the emperor lived surrounded by ceremo-
and culture of the Slavs, and established a ny that imparted an aura of sanctity to his
kingdom during the ninth century. The mod- person, and the term “sacred” was liberally
ern Bulgarians, who are entirely Slavic in applied to his person, palace, and office. The
language and culture, retain only the name of word “sacred” was used much as we use the
the original nomadic conquerors. word “public,” a usage that illuminates the
character of its civilization.
Modern historians have traditionally used
Byzantine Civilization the term “caesaropapism” to describe the
emperor’s position in the Church. This term
Political philosophers of the Hellenistic suggests that the emperor was both caesar
world, chiefly Epicureans and Stoics, had and pope, the true head of both Church and
maintained that all men were one in nature state. Recently, objections have been raised
and subject to a single natural law; therefore, against the use of this term because the em-
all men should be included in a single state. peror’s powers over the Church were restrict-
The Byzantines adopted these assumptions ed. He could not repeal the Nicene Creed or
and gave them new meanings. As there was personally flout the laws of Christian morali-
one God, one true faith, and one universal ty. He was not a priest and therefore could
Church, so there should be only one empire not say mass or administer the sacraments.
to rule all Christian peoples, to protect and Yet the emperor exercised an impressive
aid the Church, and to advance the faith authority over ecclesiastical affairs. He super-
among nonbelievers. The empire was thus vised the discipline of the Church, set the
given the sacred, quasi-messianic function of qualifications for ordinations, created bishop-
aiding the salvation of the human race. The rics and changed their ranks and boundaries,
Byzantines believed that if the empire served investigated the monasteries and reformed

them when needed, and appointed patriarchs usages. The two Churches maintained nearly
and at times forced their resignation. Even identical beliefs. Perhaps the principal, or at
dogma was not beyond his influence. The least the most famous, disagreement was, and
emperor summoned councils, supervised still is, the filioque dispute, which concerns the
their proceedings, and enforced their deci- relationship among members of the Trinity:
sions. Some emperors believed they had the the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The East-
right to settle dogmatic disputes through ern Church held, and still holds, that the
edits. Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father;
Because the emperor was responsibile for whereas the Western Church maintained that
the peace and welfare of the Church, the cler- the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and
gy was largely limited in its functions to the the Son. The Eastern Church did not share
work of mediation, the performance of the the Western belief in purgatory, an interme-
sacred liturgy, and the administration of the diate state between heaven and hell where
sacraments. Even in matters closely touching some souls were cleansed of minor faults be-
ecclesiastical interests the clergy characteris- fore entering heaven. But both Churches,
tucally deferred to the wishes of the emperor. however, prayed for the dead to ensure that
the departed souls would get into heaven.? In
discipline, too, the differences in fasting, pen-
Institutions itence, and morality were minor. The Eastern
Church permitted, as the Western Church
The Eastern Church developed and func- did not, divorce for reasons of adultery and
tioned under secular supervision unlike the the ordination of married men to the priest-
Western Church. In the West the vacuum of hood, although bishops had to be celibate.
public authority following the collapse of the The difference between the two Churches
Roman Empire left the clergy to assume a po- in liturgy were many but not momentous.
sition of leadership in secular affairs. These The most significant difference was that the
contrasting experiences in the Early Middle Eastern Church tolerated the use of vernacu-
Ages deeply affected the character and spirit lar languages—Greek, Coptic, Ethiopian,
of the two major branches of Christianity. Syriac, Armenian, Georgian, Slavonic, and
The differences between the two Churches others — in the liturgy. Liturgical usage added
are worth reviewing because they help to great dignity to these Eastern languages and
make more understandable other contrasts in stimulated their development. The Russians,
the history and cultural development of the for example, possessed a rich vernacular liter-
Eastern and Western peoples. ature in writing within a century after their
Both the Eastern Church and the Western conversion to Christianity. Western vernacu-
Church considered themselves catholic (that
is, universal) and orthodox (that is, holding *The present disagreements concerning papal infallibili-
true beliefs); the terms “Roman Catholic” or ty, the Immaculate Conception, and the Assumption of
the Virgin Mary (dogmas all recently defined by the
“Greek Orthodox” used to identify the Roman Catholic Church) did not disturb relations in the
Churches today are exclusively modern Middle Ages.

The Early Medieval East

lar literature was much slower in developing. the East conferred advantages on both. The
On the other hand, the toleration of many Church devoted itself to its essential func-
vernacular languages weakened the unity of tions of liturgical service and sacramental
the Eastern Church. An Eastern cleric who administration; the state made full use of the
needed to know only his vernacular language great wealth and spiritual power of the
for liturgical purposes could not easily com- Church. This was a critical advantage for ru-
municate with clerics from other regions, lers and peoples struggling to survive on the
whereas a Western cleric who had to learn eastern frontier of Europe, where all re-
Latin could make himself understood any- sources had to be enlisted in the battle for ex-
where in the West. Because of the communi- istence. The East was largely spared, and
cation problem Eastern churches tended to could have ill afforded, the prolonged
develop in isolation from one another; they Church-state disputes which marked West-
could not learn easily from their neighbors. ern history.
Moreover, the toleration of many vernacular Yet the disputes between Church and state
languages made difficult the revival of classi- in the West, while often damaging and un-
cal learning. A Western cleric in learning Lat- seemly, served as a powerful stimulus to in-
in also acquired, whether he wanted it or not, tellectual and constitutional change. The dis-
the ability to read the great Latin classics. An putes led to fruitful and original analyses of
Eastern cleric who did not have to learn the nature of society and of authority arid
Greek never acquired the ability to read the favored the emergence of balanced constitu-
great Greek classics. Eastern cultures were tions, in which neither the king nor church
thus deprived of one avenue of enrichment. exercised a monopoly of power. In the East
The Western Church and the Eastern the submissiveness and withdrawal of the
Church also differed in their organization and churches from temporal concerns favored a
relations with secular authority. In the Early tradition of autocracy, which lived on among
Middle Ages the Western Church began to the heirs of Byzantium.
separate itself from secular authority and The outstanding feature of Byzantine civi-
develop a centralized government under pa- lization, compared with contemporary West-
pal authority. By the late eleventh century ern Civilization, was the continuing vitality of
the pope had become the absolute ruler of the urban life. The empire included such great
Western Church, which he governed with the urban centers as Alexandria, Antioch, Beirut,
aid of an elaborate bureaucracy and a sophis- Constantinople, Trebizond, and Tyre; the
ticated system of canon law common to all loss of all of these except Trebizond and Con-
Western Churches. The Eastern Church, stantinople after the Muslim conquests in the
however, became thoroughly decentralized. It seventh century still left the empire with two
developed into a loose confederation of inde- of the greatest cities of the age. Constantino-
pendent national churches that relied upon ple had paved and illuminated streets and
secular authority to defend their temporal many splendid churches and palaces. Urban
interests. society was marked by a wide division be-
The close ties between Church and state in tween rich and poor. The rich lived among

magnificent surroundings in huge palaces; the stantine to the late eleventh century; no other
poor in sprawling slums. Crimes committed major system of coinage can match its record
in broad daylight were commonplace. The of stability.
cities seem to have faced most of the social Another source of wealth came from the
problems with which our own great cities are numerous, active guilds. There were at least
painfully familiar. twenty-one professional and craft guilds in
Rural society consisted largely of peasants the tenth century; most of these were in-
whose status changed greatly over the centu- volved with making luxury products, espe-
ries. An agrarian law, dating probably from cially silk cloth. Byzantine craftsmen were
the early eighth century, mentions slaves; but also famed for goldworks, cups, ivories, jewel-
clearly the society it describes consisted of ry, and reliquaries. These items were shipped
free peasants. The most striking feature re- to all parts of the known world. The govern-
vealed in the law is the highly developed vil- ment closely supervised merchants and arti-
lage government. The peasants owing proper- sans, regulating prices and the movement of
ty assembled together, made decisions con- goods. It also maintained state monopolies,
cerning the use of uncultivated or common particularly over silk products. The best silk,
lands, assumed (or were required to assume) rich purple cloths, could not be exported. The
collective responsibility for the payment of strict regulations enabled the government to
taxes, and elected judges and other officials to profit from the active commerce and were not
supervise the village government. Serfdom is injurious to it, at least not before the eleventh
not mentioned in the law; it probably began century.
in the tenth century. The empire had a strong central govern-
The Byzantine Empire was wealthy com- ment. The emperor, like his predecessors in
pared with other political entities of the age. the old Roman Empire, enjoyed absolute au-
One great source of wealth came from the thority to make or unmake laws at will. He
commerce that passed through the ports and governed with the aid of an elaborate civil
gates of Constantinople. Russians and other service. A master of offices served as a prime
Slavs from the north carried amber, fur, hon- minister, a quaestor of the sacred palace pre-
ey, slaves, wax, and wheat; Armenians and sided over the courts and ran the chancery, a
Syrians from the east brought clothing, fruit, count of sacred largesses supervised the trea-
glass, steel, and spices; merchants from the sury, a count of private properties ran the
west contributed arms, iron, slaves, and imperial estates, and a provost of the sacred
wood. The vigorous commerce attracted large bedroom administered the household affairs.
colonies of foreign merchants who main- Military affairs were entirely separated from
tained their own churches, mosques, resi- civil administration and entrusted to masters
dences, storage houses, and even baths in of the soldiers directly responsible to the
Constantinople. The commercial importance emperor. All these offices functioned with the
of Byzantium is revealed in the prestige of its aid of a large professional bureaucracy. These
gold coin, the bezant. Its weight and purity great offices were decentralized and simpli-
were kept constant from the reign of Con- fied when Heraclius reformed the govern-

The Early Medieval East

ment in the seventh century; then civil and teresting social effect. They performed mana-
military administrations were combined on gerial functions which in the West were as-
the local level under the general who govy- sumed by queens and women of the court.
erned the themes. All justice was considered The services of eunuchs thus restricted the
to flow from the emperor, and he or his chief private and public influence of women and
officials could hear appeals from any local led to their progressive seclusion within the
court in the empire. inner reaches of the household. This was a
There were great contrasts between the gradual tendency, but unmistakable in direc-
Byzantine government and contemporary tion, and set a model for the heirs of the Byz-
Western governments. Even after Heraclius antine Empire.
reformed the government, it continued to be
served by a well-organized local administra-
tion and an elaborate, professional bureaucra- Culture
cy. Western kingdoms, on the other hand,
functioned with a rudimentary administra- Byzantine wealth supported a tradition of
tion and without a professional civil service. learning which benefited not only the clergy
The Byzantine government supported such but also many laymen. There were three in-
refinements as an effective fiscal system, a stitutions of higher learning: a palace school
state post, and even a secret police, ominously trained civil servants in language, law, and
called the agentes in rebus (“those doing rhetoric; a patriarchal school instructed
things”). Western governments had none of priests in rhetoric and theology; and monastic
these. At a time when Western governments schools taught young monks the mystical
operated almost without a monetary budget writings of the past. The poor people were
the Byzantine government collected large dependent on the guilds for what education
revenues from the 1o percent tariff it imposed they received.
upon trade and from the profit it received Scholars used the Greek language almost
from state monoplies. The government also exclusively after the sixth century. They
enjoyed the services of trained diplomats, composed large numbers of school manuals,
who were celebrated by contemporary ob- histories, saints’ lives, biblical commentaries,
servers for their ability to keep enemies di- and encyclopedias of ancient science and lore.
vided and their liberal use of bribes, tributes, Their greatest accomplishment, however, was
and subsidies. the preservation of classical Greek literature.
The bureaucracy was largely staffed by lit- With the exception of some few works pre-
erate and trained laymen. Eunuchs were pre- served on papyri, virtually all the Western
ferred for important positions in the govern- world possesses of classical Greek authors has
ment because it was believed that they would come down through Byzantine copies, most
not be tempted by sexual intrigue and would of which date from the tenth to the twelfth
have no wife or children to compete with the centuries.
emperor for their loyalties. Reliance upon The first flowering of artistic achievement
eunuchs in palace administration had an in- occurred in the sixth century, when Justinian

literally rebuilt Constantinople. Among his of these were destroyed by the iconoclasts in
many excellent buildings is Hagia Sophia, the eighth and ninth centuries. Because of
designed by Isidore of Miletus and Anthem- the iconoclastic movement the richest ex-
ius of Tralles. Work was begun in 532 and amples of the early mosaics are not to be
completed in 537. As Procopius described it, found in Constantinople and Asia Minor,
its great dome seemed to float in the air, as if but rather in areas that were no longer under
suspended by a chain from heaven. Hagia Byzantine rule in those centuries. San Vitale
Sophia is one of the acknowledged architec- and Sant’ Apollinare in Ravenna, Italy, are
tural masterpieces of the world. Hagia particularly noted for early Byzantine
Sophia, like other Byzantine churches, was mosaics.
decorated with brilliant mosaics, but most With the final rejection of iconoclasm in
the middle ninth century there was a resur-
gence of artistic endeavor. Byzantine crafts-
men designed and decorated many churches
The greatest monument of the Byzantine
Empire is the church of Hagia Sophia (Holy throughout the empire. Their work is found
Wisdom) in Istanbul, which was begun in 532, in such places as Messina and Palermo in Sic-
during the reign of Emperor Justinian. The four ily and Venice in Italy. Artists were sum-
minarets were added when the church became moned to such distant places as Kiev in Rus-
a mosque after the Turkish conquest. [Photo: sia to aid in the design, construction, and dec-
G. E. Kidder Smith] oration of churches.
The Early Medieval East

The mosaics make vividly concrete the century sought to purchase the loyalty of the
Byzantine concepts of empire, emperor, and rural aristocracy by distributing imperial es-
church. The emperor is always presented as tates to them. During the same time, the aris-
the august figure which Byzantine ideology tocracy was gaining control over the eccle-
made of him (see Plate 7). Christ is never siastical lands. The Church had been granting
shown as suffering; he is, in other words, al- to them entire monasteries as charistikaria
ways God and never man (see Plate 8). The (literally, “charitable donations”) to adminis-
reason for this seems to have been the close ter in the best interest of the monks and the
association which the figure of Christ bore to Church. But in fact these concessions repre-
the living emperor. To show Christ as suffer- sented virtually gifts of monastic properties.
ing would suggest that the emperor too might Socially, Byzantium was being trans-
be a weak and vulnerable man. The mosaics formed from a disciplined society of peasant-
have no sense of movement, admission of warriors under a strong central government
human frailty, or recognition of the reality of to a feudal society with a dependent peasant-
change. Operating within this picture of the ry, a strong local landlord, and a weak central
world, the artists nevertheless portrayed their government. The transition was costly in a
solemn figures with a rich variety of forms military sense; the emperors had to seek out-
and garments and illumined them with a side help to compensate for the shrinking
splendid array of colors. Byzantine mosaics contingents they could marshal and comt
may be static, but they are neither drab nor mand from among their own subjects. Con-
monotonous. trol of the sea was essential to the security of
Constantinople. To assure sufficient naval
strength the emperors sought the support of
Decline of the Empire the growing naval power of Venice. In 998
and 1082 they gave generous trading conces-
Military power in the Middle Byzantine Peri- sions to the Venetians, which were major
od is largely attributable to the system of steps in the growth of Italian (and Western)
themes that created an army and navy of free naval strength in the waters of the eastern
peasant-warriors. But from the early tenth Mediterranean. The problem of land defense
century these free peasant-warriors, appar- was even more pressing. The eastern frontiers
ently to escape mounting fiscal and military were being threatened by a new people, the
burdens, began to abandon their farms to Seljuk Turks, who had recently emerged
more powerful neighbors. In the eleventh from the steppes.
century many of them became serfs. The dis-
integration of the theme system lowered the
military manpower and contributed to the The Seljuks
growth of a rural aristocracy of landlords,
which in turn weakened the strength of the The Byzantines gave the name “Turk” to a
central government. number of nomadic tribes who lived in the
The weak emperors of the late eleventh region east and north of the Caspian Sea

(modern Soviet Republic of Turkestan). sented the papacy claim to primacy within
They had long posed a threat to the settled the Church. Rome by this time appeared to
Islamic and Christian populations. In the them as a provincial town without an empire
eleventh century members of one of the no- and subject territory, whereas Constantinople
madic tribes, the Seljuks, penetrated beyond was the seat of wealth and power; it was,
the eastern borders of the empire into Asia therefore, the more appropriate capital for the
Minor. Emperor Romanus Diogenes tried to Church.?
expel them but succeeded only in provoking Perhaps even more fundamentally the rup-
open war. The Seljuks shattered the largely ture of relations reflected the breakdown in
mercenary army of the Byzantines and took communications between the East and West,
Romanus himself captive at Manzikert in which had begun when Justinian failed
1071. in the sixth century to reconcile the two
The disaster at Manzikert broke down the branches of the Church within the old Ro-
eastern defenses of the Byzantine Empire and man Empire. After his reign the two halves of
opened Asia Minor to the Selyuks. One Turk- the Roman Empire ceased entirely to speak or
ish chieftain, Suleiman, established himself understand a common language; misunder-
and his warriors at Nicaea, only a few miles standings came easily and were overcome
from Constantinople. He founded what even- with difficulty. Commercial and diplomatic
tually became the most powerful Turkish contacts between the East and West also be-
principality in Asia Minor: the Sultanate of came sporadic.
Rum. The virtual loss of Asia Minor forced Personalities played a major role in the ac-
the Byzantine emperor to appeal to the West tual schism of 1054. A dedicated but rigid
for help. This was the immediate prologue to reformer, Cardinal Humbert of Silva Candi-
the First Crusade and also the end of the Byz- da, led a papal delegation to Constantinople.
antine Empire as a great power in the East. Failing to secure satisfactory concessions
from Patriarch Michael Cerularius, the papal
Schism with the West
legates deposited a bull of excommunication
on the high altar of Hagia Sophia and left the
The second disaster of the eleventh century city in anger. Cerularius, a haughty and ambi-
was the formal schism between the Eastern tious prelate who welcomed a break with the
and Western branches of the Church. The Western Church and had labored to provoke
schism was provoked not by major dogmatic it, publicly declared to the other Eastern
differences but by rivalry, disputes, and snob- patriarchs that the supporters of the pope
bery. For years the popes at Rome and the were steeped in heresy and had taken them-
patriarchs at Constantinople had been rivals
in converting the East Slavs and had been bit- In the tenth century the Byzantines told Liutprand,
terly disputing the ecclesiastical jurisdiction bishop of Cremona, that they, and not the residents of
Rome, were the true Romans and that Rome was a town
over southern Italy and Illyria (modern Yu- inhabited exclusively by “vile slaves, fishermen, confec-
goslavia). Furthermore, the Byzantines re- tioners, poulterers, bastards, plebians, underlings.”

The Early Medieval East

selves out of the true Church since the sixth m. [he Principality of Kiev
The schism of 1054 destroyed the hope for
a united Christian Church, although only la- During the Early Middle Ages a new people,
ter centuries showed the full extent of the the Russians, set about building a new civili-
damage. Even today, more than nine hundred zation that was based primarily on the values
years after the event, men of Western and of Eastern Christianity. The growth of the
Eastern traditions are trying to overcome the first Russian state, the Principality of Kiev,
rift. In 1965 Pope Paul VI and Patriarch has the further interest that, unlike the Byzan-
Athanagoras formally removed the excom- tines, the Russians were able to survive across
munications of 1054. the centuries as a people and as a civilization.
Today, they can claim to be the chief heirs of
the Byzantine civilization.
The Western Debt to Byzantine Civilization

The East Slavs were the true, direct heirs of The Foundations of Russia
Byzantine civilization; but the Western peo-
ples also accumulated a large debt to this civi- The East Slavs, from whom the Russians are
lization. Byzantine scholars preserved the descended, greatly expanded their area of set-
classical Greek literature. This permitted tlement between the sixth and ninth centu-
Western scholars to establish direct contact ries. Some East Slavic tribes pushed to the
with the most original thinkers of the ancient east probably as far as the Volga River and to
world. Neither the Western classical renais- the north nearly to the Baltic Sea. By the
sance nor the modern European culture mid-ninth century these tribes had a settled
would have been the same without their con- agriculture, an active trade among themselves
tribution. and with their neighbors, and numerous forti-
The very existence of the Byzantine Em- fied settlements between the Baltic and Black
pire, guarding the approaches to Europe, gave seas. Iwo of the most important settlements
the Western peoples a measure of immunity were Kiev on the Dnieper River and Novgo-
from the destructive incursions of Arabs, Per- rod on Lake Ilmen, within easy access of the
sians, Turks, and others. The sophisticated Baltic Sea.
Byzantine economy and government served About 830 the Vikings embarked upon a
as a kind of school of civilized practices from vigorous wave of expansion in all directions.
which less advanced peoples could learn new Besides raising havoc in the West the Vikings
techniques. The greatest contribution Byzan- invaded the lands of the East Slavs in quest of
tine civilization made to the West was that, plunder and profit. They also established
through its own achievements, it showed the trade routes that ran from the Baltic Sea over
uncouth Western peoples the possibilities and the rivers of Russia to the Black Sea and
rewards of civilized life. thence to Constantinople, thus linking Scan-

dinavia with Byzantium. The invasions fleet, allegedly containing two thousand
brought the Vikings and East Slavs into close ships, on a raid against Constantinople. The
contact. Out of this encounter emerged the Byzantine emperor granted both tribute and
first Russian state. trading concessions in order to purchase
The most detailed and important source peace with the Russians. Oleg’s successors
for the birth of the Russian state is the Russian completed the unification of the East Slavic
Primary Chronicle. Many hands contributed to tribes. This brought under their rule an area
this work; and it was not written down in its that stretched from the Baltic to the Black
present form until 1117 or 1118, some 250 seas and from the Danube to the Volga rivers.
years after the events it describes. According They also made war against the nomadic
to the Primary Chronicle the Varangians, as peoples of the steppes and strengthened
the Russians called the Vikings, ruled Novgo- commercial, diplomatic, and cultural ties with
rod until the Slavic population rebelled the Byzantine Empire. In 989 the ruler, Vlad-
against them and drove them back beyond imir, converted to Christianity (the Eastern
the sea. Soon, however, the people of Novgo- Church) and imposed baptism on his sub-
rod fell to fighting among themselves. Unable jects. These people, the most numerous of all
to overcome their discord, they invited the the Slavs, were thus brought within the East-
Varangians to rule them once again. In res- ern cultural world.
ponse a prince named Rurik, his two
brothers, and “all the Rus” came to govern
Novgorod in 862. “On account of these Var- Yaroslav the Wise
angians,” the Primary Chronicle explains, “the
district of Novgorod became known as Rus- The Principality of Kiev reached its height of
sian land.” power under Vladimir’s son Yaroslav (1015 —
Historians have long argued vigorously 1054), who might well be termed the Russian
and even bitterly over the dating and termi- Justinian. Like Justinian, Yaroslav was a suc-
nology used in this account. The date of 862 cessful warrior, administrator, and builder.
is certainly wrong, and the meaning of “Rus” He defeated the Pechenegs, a nomadic people
is obscure. Byzantine sources mention a Rus who roamed the grasslands south and east of
attack on Constantinople in 860, and there are Kiev and hampered contact with the Black
earlier references to a mysterious people by Sea, and extended his territory to the north at
that name settled in what is now southern the expense of the Finns (see Map 7.2). He
Russia. won self-government for the Russian Church
The Primary Chronicle goes on to say that from the Patriarch of Constantinople in 1037.
Rurik soon left Novgorod and that his follow- ‘The head of the Church was called the metro-
er Oleg assumed authority in Novgorod and politan. Kiev became the ecclesiastical as well
then Kiev. Oleg (8732-913) is thus consid- as the political capital of the Russians. During
ered the true founder of the Russian state his reign Yaroslav had prepared the first writ-
because he united under his rule the two chief ten codification of Russian law, the Russkaia
cities of Kiev and Novgorod. In 907 he led a Pravda. He built many churches and brought

The Early Medieval East


in skilled Byzantine artisans to decorate them. of boats assembled at Kiev and floated down
His masterpiece was the cathedral at Kiev. the Dnieper River to the Black Sea and across
The Primary Chronicle says that Yaroslav to Constantinople. The princes themselves
loved books “and read them continually day led these expeditions. Amber, fur, honey,
and night,” and that he wrote many books slaves, and wheat were exchanged for silks,
himself. He tried to promote learning in his spices, and other luxuries of the East. In re-
principality and assembled many scribes to cent years Russian archaeologists excavating
translate religious books from Greek into at Novgorod have uncovered numerous
Slavic. commercial documents written on birch bark
The Principality of Kiev maintained closer that illuminate this lively trade. These docu-
ties with Western Europe than any other ments indicate that the Russian merchants
Russian state for centuries. Russia is men- were not as sophisticated in their business
tioned in the eleventh-century French epic, practices as the Byzantines, but they establish
the Song of Roland. The family of Yaroslav had the variety and quality of the products the
marriage connections with the ruling dynas- Russians offered for trade.
ties of Byzantium, England, France, Ger- Most of the population was free peasants,
many, Norway, Poland, and Hungary. Yaro- but there were slaves and some enserfed peas-
slav’s own daughter Anna married King ants. Although its foundations were agricul-
Henry I of France. Charters with her signa- tural, Kievan society had an important urban
ture survive, carefully inscribed with Cyrillic life. Within the many towns a wealthy aris-
letters; she seems to have been the only lay tocracy of princes, warriors, and great mer-
person in the French court who could write. chants rubbed shoulders with artisans, work-
Kiev was also a refuge for Western princes; ers, and large numbers of destitute persons.
Edwin and Edward, sons of the English King The princes had to concern themselves with
Edmund Ironside, fled there during Canute’s such social problems as the oppression of the
reign in England. poor, usury, and enslavement for debt.
Kiev in the eleventh century was one of the
great cities of the age. The German chronicler
Adam of Bremen considered Kiev a rival in
Kievan Civilization size to Constantinople; Metropolitan Hilarion
described it as “glittering with grandeur”; an-
Kievan economy was both vigorous and. bal- other German chronicler, Thietmar of Merse-
anced. Agriculture was productive on the fer- burg, said it had four hundred churches, eight
tile steppes. The Primary Chronicle describes marketplaces, and unnumbered inhabitants.
peasants plowing with horses at a time when In 1124 a fire allegedly destroyed six hun-
the less efficient oxen were the more common dred churches. Kiev must have included
draft animals in the West. Trade was con- twenty to thirty thousand people, which
ducted with the Scandinavians, the steppe would be above the size of any contemporary
peoples, the Muslims at Baghdad, and espe- Western city.
cially the Byzantines. Every year a great fleet The head of the Kievan government was

The Early Medieval East

the prince, who selected nobles, called boyars,

to aid him in governing. The boyars formed
the prince’s druzhina (“friendship”).* In all
important matters the prince consulted his
boyars for advice. The towns had large citi-
zen assemblies, called veches, that the prince
also consulted for advice. The government
was thus based on a balance of monarchial,
aristocratic, and popular elements. The
prince, unlike the Byzantine emperor, was
not the fountain of justice. Most cases were
settled in popular courts from which there
was no organized system of appeal. Kievan
justice was closer to the Germanic system
than to the Byzantine system. The limitations
upon princely autocracy imposed by the bo-
yars and the veches make the Kievan period
distinctive in Russian constitutional history.
The central event in Kievan cultural de-
velopment was the acceptance of Eastern
Christianity in 989. The arrival of some Byz-
antine clergy in Kiev changed the character
of its culture. They established a formal edu-
cational system primarily to train a clergy;
but their schools were open to the sons of rul- Prince Yaroslav built St. Sophia Cathedral at
ing families, and a number of women, too, Kiev in 1038, modeling it after Hagia Sophia at
were educated in convents. Monks, as the first Constantinople. Its onion domes are a
scholars in Kiev, used a modification of the characteristic feature of Russian ecclesiastical
Greek alphabet that missionaries had devised architecture, and it is famous for its outstanding
years before to convert the Slavs. They em- mosaics and frescoes. In 1934 it was declared a
ployed this alphabet in the translations of state museum. [Photo: Novosti from Sovfoto]
parts of the Bible and other ecclesiastical
writings. These works constituted the domi- Primary Chronicle. Its principal theme is the
nant body of contemporary literature, and conversion of the Russians to Christianity
their religious themes served as models for and their battles against the pagan peoples
the native writers. who surrounded them. This work gave to the
The literary masterpiece of the age is the Russians a sense of national identity within a
Christian scheme of history. Although the
4The druzhina was the equivalent of the Germanic comi- account is of questionable accuracy in its
tatus (see Chapter 6). earliest passages, it remains a classic of medie-

val literature. Few Western chronicles of sense of world history and of their own place
comparable age can equal it in the wealth of in it. They came to view their country as
information and liveliness of narration. The Holy Russia, the defender of the true faith,
monks, of whom Metropolitan Hilarion was facing and fighting a sea of pagan barbarians.
perhaps the most gifted, also produced many Even though many accomplishments of the
sermons, doctrinal and devotional tracts, and Kievan era were not maintained in the suc-
histories of saints’ lives. These histories and ceeding periods of Russian history, the Rus-
the Primary Chronicle provide the best picture sians themselves did not lapse into barbarism.
of the society and culture of medieval Russia.
The poetry of medieval Russia is represented
by the short heroic epic the Song of Igor’s Decline of the Principality
Campaign.® The poem records an unsuccessful
campaign that the Russian princes conducted Both internal and external troubles destroyed
against the pagan Polovtsi in 1185 and depicts the peace of the land after Yaroslav’s death.
with considerable feeling the tragic but neces- ‘To select his successor Yaroslav introduced
sary costs of battle with the steppe peoples. an extraordinarily complex procedure known
Christianity also had an immense influence as the rota system. The entire land was con-
on architectural and artistic development. sidered to be the property of the ruling fami-
After the conversion the Russians built many ly, and the towns were ranked in order of
churches based on Byzantine models. The their importance and allotted to the princes
familiar onion domes of the Russian church- according to their position within the family.
es, for example, were an effort to imitate in When the senior prince of Kiev died, each of
wood the domes on ecclesiastical architecture the junior princes transferred his rule to the
at Constantinople. The Russians seemed to next greater town, brothers were given pref-
have loved magnificence and splendor in their erence over sons. This cumbersome system of
churches and liturgical services. They learned succession led to a constant movement of
the art of painting from the Byzantines and princes, to frequent bickerings, and often to
decorated their churches with icons (from the civil wars. The political history after the reign
Greek, evkon, meaning “image”). The icon is a of Yaroslav becomes an involved and dismal
representation in painting or enamel of some story of unending princely quarrels.
sacred personage, such as Christ, a saint, or an These struggles left the people unable to
angel. resist the renewed menace of the steppe no-
Christianity imparted to the Russians a mads. In 1061 the Cumans began harassing
the frontier, and they eventually cut off Kiev
from contact with the Black Sea. This sun-
The original manuscript was discovered about 1790 by
Count Aleksey Musin-Pushkin but was destroyed during dering of the trade route to Constantinople
the Napoleonic invasion in 1812, when Moscow was was a disaster for commerce and culture be-
burned. Those who accept its authenticity usually date
cause it deprived Kiev of contact with the
its composition to 1187. The Song is available in a fine
English translation by the distinguished novelist Vlad- Byzantine Empire and the Western world.
imir Nabokov. For the next several centuries Russia was

The Early Medieval East

forced into a kind of isolation, removed and and history. Its vast interior and northern re-
remote from the major centers of civilization. gions are dominated by steppes, wastelands,
Pressure from the nomads pushed the cen- and some of the hottest and driest deserts of
ter of the Russian settlement to the north the world. The Arabs, however, had adapted
where extensive forests offered protection to this harsh environment. ‘hey supported
from their forays. A new city, Moscow (not themselves by raising sheep and camels.
mentioned in the sources until 1147), as- These animals provided nearly all their ne-
sumed the arduous task of reuniting and re- cessities: meat, milk, wool and skins for
building Russia. In 1169 the soldiers of a clothes and tents, and fuel from dried camel
northern prince, Andrew Bogoliubsky of dung. The Arabs were extremely proud of
Suzdal, sacked Kiev. With the ruin of Kiev, their family, race, language, skill, and way of
perpetrated by the steppe nomads and by the life. The harsh environment and fierce pride
Russians themselves, the first major chapter made them spirited, tenacious, and formida-
of Russian history closes. ble warriors.
The Arabian Peninsula was in a state of
intense political and social ferment on the eve
of Muhammad’s appearance. The stronger
ur. Islam
political powers—the Persians, Byzantines,
and Abyssinians across the Red Sea—tried
Sometime about 610 in the Arabian town of repeatedly to subdue the Arabs, but they
Mecca, a merchant’s son named Muhammad could not dominate them in their desert
began to preach to the people, summoning home. The Arabs used camels, which could
them to repentance and reform. Gradually, he survive on the desert for long periods without
brought his teachings together to form a new water; whereas their enemies used horses,
system of religious belief that he called Islam. which could not live without water. When
The explosive impact of his preaching must the enemy was stronger, the Arabs simply
be reckoned as one of the most extraordinary retreated to the protection of the desert and
events of world history. Within a century af- could not be pursued.
ter Muhammad’s death his followers had con- Religious ferment was no less pronounced.
quered and _ partially converted territories Several prophets, preaching new religious
larger than the old Roman Empire. Even to- beliefs, had appeared in Arabia before Mu-
day Islam remains the faith of more than 478 hammad; and this indicates a growing dissat-
million people, about an eighth of the world’s isfaction among the Arabs with their tradi-
population. tional paganism that gave no promise of an
afterlife and offered no image of human desti-
ny and the role of the Arabs in it. Both Chris-
The Arabs tianity and Judaism had won numerous con-
verts, but neither one was able to gain the
The Arabian Peninsula, the homeland of the adherence of the larger part of the people.
Arabs, profoundly influenced their culture The Arabs awaited a man who by the force of

his vision could fuse these contending ideas — ther died before his birth, and his mother
pagan, Christian, and Jewish—into a single, when he was six. After being raised by his
commanding, and authentic Arabian religion. uncle, Muhammad worked as a camel driver
in mercantile caravans. He may have been il-
literate and may have had no direct knowl-
Muhammad edge of the Jewish and Christian scriptures;
but he did acquire a wide, if sometimes inac-
Historians have little information that is cer- curate, knowledge of the history and teaching
tain about the founder of Islam. Muhammad of those two religions. About the age of twen-
was born at Mecca about 570 or 571. His fa- ty-five Muhammad married the widow of a
rich merchant; thus freed from economic
concerns, he gave himself to religious medita-
In this fourteenth-century Persian painting tions in the desert outside Mecca.
Muhammad sets in place the sacred black stone
In 610 the voice of the angel Gabriel spoke
known as the Kaaba. Veneration of the Kaaba
to Muhammad, and he continued to receive
had been an important rite under Arabic
paganism, and Muhammad enjoined his revelations in increasing frequency and
followers to continue the practice. This is a length for the remainder of his life. After that
further illustration of his skill in synthesizing event Muhammad began to preach publicly
many older beliefs and rites into the new about personal moral reform, but only his
religion of Islam. [Photo: University of wife and a small group of relatives initially
Edinburgh Library] accepted his teachings. The Meccans feared

The Early Medieval East

him because his strictures against paganism collection of prophecies is known as the Ko-
seemed to threaten the position of Mecca as a ran; and Allah, in Islamic theology, is its true
center of pilgrimages. Mecca possessed a re- author. The Koran was written down in its
nowned shrine containing the Kaaba, a sacred present, official version from 651 to 652. The
black stone that was the object of pagan wor- Koran often impresses the non-Muslim read-
ship. Rejected in his native city, Muhammad er as chaotic and repetitious, but to the sym-
accepted an invitation to come to Yathrib, a pathetic reader it imparts a powerful mood,
trading town 270 miles to the north, which he one of uncompromising monotheism, of re-
later renamed Medina. peated and impassioned emphasis upon the
Muhammad’s flight from Mecca to Yathrib unity, power, and presence of Allah. The
is called the Hegira and occurred in 622; it mood is sustained by constant reiterations of
later became the year 1 of the Islamic calen- set formulas praising Allah, his power,
dar. The Hegira was a turning point in Mu- knowledge, mercy, justice, and concern for
hammad’s career for two reasons: He became his people.
the political leader and governor of an impor- The chief obligation which Muhammad
tant town, which gave him a base for the mili- imposed upon his followers was submission
tary expansion of the Islamic community; and (the literal meaning of “Islam”) to the will of
his responsibilities as head of an independ- Allah. Those who submit are Muslims.
ent town affected the character of his reli- (“Muhammadan,” which suggests that Mu-
gious message. More and more it was con- hammad claimed divinity, is an inappropriate
cerned with public law, administration, and usage.) Muhammad was little concerned with
the practical problem of government. the subtleties of theology; he was interested
Muhammad was more successful at Yath- in defining for the Muslims the ethical and
rib than he had been at Mecca in making con- legal requirements for an upright life. Unlike
verts. He told them that God ordered them to Christianity, Islam retained this practical
convert or conquer their neighbors; through emphasis; jurisprudence, even more than
enthusiastic proselytizing and war the com- speculative theology, remained the great in-
munity of believers grew rapidly. With this tellectual interest of scholarship. Also in con-
support Muhammad marched against the trast to Christianity, Islam did not recognize a
Meccans, defeating them at Badr in 624 and separate clergy and church, for there was no
taking Mecca in 630. By his death in 632, need for specialized intermediaries between
Muhammad had given his religion a firm Allah and his people. Allah was the direct
foundation on Arabian soil. ruler of the faithful on earth; he legislated for
them in the Koran and administered through
Muhammad, the Prophet, and his successors,
The Religion of Islam the caliphs. Thus the medieval Islamic world
saw no problem in defining the relationship
Instructed by the angel Gabriel, Muhammad between church and state. These were not
passed on to his followers the words or proph- separate entities, at least in theory. There was
ecies of Allah (from al ilah, “the God”). The only the single, sacred community of Allah.

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The Early Medieval East

Expansion of Islam expansion of Islam in the first century of its

existence. The Arabs’ immediate neighbors,
The message of Islam exerted a powerful the Byzantines and Persians, were mutually
appeal to the Arabs. Compared with Chris- exhausted by their recurrent wars. Both em-
tianity and Judaism, Islam was a starkly sim- pires included large Semitic populations that
ple belief, easily explained and easily grasped. were linguistically and culturally related to
It was an effective fusion of religious ideas the Arabs and, therefore, could comprehend
from Christianity, Judaism, paganism, and the message of Islam. The Arabs were able to
perhaps Zoroastrianism. Judaism influenced make and hold their conquests through a
the legal code regulating diet and behavior. unique combination of fanaticism and tolera-
Judaism and Christianity provided the notion tion. They were inspired to battle by the
of prophecy (Muhammad considered himself Prophet’s promise of vast rewards to those
the last of a line of prophets that began with who died in the Holy War against the nonbe-
Abraham and included Christ). Christianity lievers and by the very real prospect of con-
gave the concepts of Last Judgment, personal siderable booty if victory accompanied their
salvation, heaven and hell, charity to the poor efforts. The Prophet, however, also enjoined
and weak, and a universal religion. Christiani- a policy of partial toleration toward the
ty or perhaps Zoroastrianism suggested the Christians and Jews, the “people of the
figures of Satan and evil demons. Paganism Book.” They were permitted to live under
contributed the veneration of the Kaaba at their own laws, but they paid a special tax for
Mecca and the requirement of pilgrimage to the privilege and were prohibited from serv-
the sacred city. Islam was the fulfillment of ing in the government or military. Finally,
religious ideas already familiar to the Arabs. because the Arabs did not have the numbers
Perhaps most important, Islam appealed and the skills to govern all the territories they
strongly to the intense racial and cultural conquered, they opened the ranks of govern-
pride of the Arabs. The Koran was written in ment to men from the newly conquered and
their native language, Arabic, and only in converted peoples. This added stability to
Arabic could Allah be addressed. Islam was Islamic rule.
the final revelation, bringing to completion The period of most rapid expansion of Is-
the message that God had partially conveyed lam followed Muhammad’s death in 632 and
through the Hebrew prophets and Christ. coincided with the rule of the first four cal-
Allah instructed his believers to convert or iphs. Arabian forces seized the Byzantine
conquer nonbelievers. The Arabs, a semibar- provinces of Palestine and Syria, overran Per-
barous people who had hitherto played a neg- sia, and conquered Egypt. By 661 Islam was
ligible role in history, were given an impor- firmly established as a world power. Islamic
tant mission in life: to carry to the world the conquests continued under the Omayyad ca-
ultimate saving message. United in submis- liphs, the first line of hereditary rulers. The
sion to Allah, the Arabs turned to the world Omayyads moved the capital from Mecca to
beyond their borders. Damascus. Under their rule the Muslims
Several factors aided the extraordinary conquered North Africa and overran the

Kingdom of the Visigoths. After crossing the preponderance and channeling the antago-
Pyrenees into Kindom of the Franks, Muslim nism between the poorer classes and their
raiders were finally defeated by Charles Mar- masters.
tel at ‘Tours in 732. This battle, one hundred The growing social and religious dissen-
years after Muhammad’s death, marked the sions finally broke the Omayyad caliphate. A
extent of the western advance and stabilized descendant of Muhammad’s uncle Abbas
the frontier of Islam for the next several cen- revolted against the Omayyads, captured
turies (see Map 7.3). Damascus, and ruthlessly massacred the ca-
As the territority under Islamic control liph’s family in 750. Only one member es-
grew to enormous size, powerful movements caped, Abdurrahman. He fled to Spain,
threatened and finally shattered Islamic where he set up an independent caliphate at
unity. Jealousies and frictions disturbed the Cordoba in 755. Other split-offs soon fol-
relations among the various peoples who had lowed: Morocco in 788, Tunisia in 800, east-
accepted Islam, and religious divisions also ern Persia in 820, and Egypt in 868. All be-
appeared. Islam had been an open and fluid came virtually independent under their local
religion at the death of Muhammad, but dynasties. The new Abbasid caliph moved
scholars and teachers gradually elaborated a the capital from Damascus to a new city,
theology which a majority of the believers Baghdad. The community of Islam was never
accepted as orthodox. The scholars based the again to be united.
new orthodoxy not only upon the Koran but
also upon the Sunnas, or traditions, which
were writings that purported to describe how Islamic Civilization
the first companions of Muhammad or Mu-
hammad himself dealt with various problems. Medieval Islamic civilization reached its peak
Some Muslims, however, rejected the new of prosperity, refinement, and learning in the
orthodoxy of the Sunnites, as they came to be ninth and tenth centuries. The name of
called. Those who opposed the Sunnites were Caliph Harun al-Rashid is known through-
called the Shiites, or schismatics. out the world by virtue of the tales of the
This earliest schism was more a political Arabian Nights. These exotic stories, put
than a religious protest. The Shiites main- into their present form in the fourteenth
tained that only the descendants of Muham- century, convey a glamorous and idealized,
mad’s son-in-law, Ali, who was the fourth ca- but not a false, picture of the luxurious
liph, could lawfully rule the Islamic commu- life at Baghdad during its most splendid
nity; therefore, they rejected the Omayyads age. Harun’s son Al-Mamun was even more
(and later the Abbasids) as usurpers. Shiism wealthy and lived more luxuriously than
soon became a cloak for all sorts of antago- his father. He was also a patron of learning.
nisms, protests, and revolts. It struck deep Al-Mamun founded an observatory for
roots among the mixed populations, reflecting the study of the heavens and established a
the dissatisfactions of non-Arabs with Arab “House of Wisdom” (sometimes referred to as

The Early Medieval East

the first Islamic institute of higher education), society held the merchant in high esteem.
where translations could be made and a li- Merchants not only continued the caravan
brary collected for the use of scholars. trade, but also developed an important mari-
Spain was also a center of medieval Islamic time commerce in the Mediterranean Sea, the
civilization. The brilliance of Islamic-Spanish Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean. Their ships
civilization is best reflected in three great ar- provided until the sixteenth century the chief
chitectural monuments: the mosque (now a commercial link between India and the West.
cathedral) at Cordoba, the Alhambra Palace at Commercial exchange stimulated agricul-
Granada, and the Alcazar at Seville. Jewish ture. Cultivators in Sicily and Spain learned
communities in Spain contributed to the high of, and adopted, new plants from Asia, such
quality of intellectual life. It was in Spain that as rice, and new techniques of cultivation,
Western Christians came into intimate con- such as the irrigation of fields. Muslims from
tact with Islamic learning and drew from it Persia to Spain practiced an agriculture re-
the greatest benefits. markably advanced for the age. Commercial
The expansion of Islam brought within the exchange also stimulated urban artisans to
Muslim world a great variety of economic improve the quality of their products. The
systems. The Bedouins in the Arabian Penin- steel of Damascus, the leather of Cordoba,
sula, the Berbers in North Africa, and the and the fine cotton, linen, and silk of many
Turkish peoples on the Eurasian steppes con- Eastern towns were desired and imitated in
tinued to follow an essentially pastoral econo- the West. These same products were shipped
my. [he majority of the population in Egypt, to India and Indonesia, where they were trad-
Persia, Sicily, and Spain lived from settled ed for spices and other products.
agriculture. The inhabitarits of cities, particu- The practice of a common religion assured
larily those found along the caravan routes that there would be similarities in Islamic so-
which tied the Middle East to India and cen- cieties everywhere in the world. Religious
tral Asia, depended on commerce. law allowed the male Muslim to have as many
Islamic religion contributed to the eco- as four legal wives and an unlimited number
nomic life of these many peoples and regions of concubines. In fact, because the number of
by facilitating communication and commer- men and women are approximately equal in
cial exchange. The imposition of a universal all populations, polygamy remained an ideal
language, Arabic, enabled travelers and mer- more than a social reality; only the very rich
chants to make themselves understood from had an opportunity to practice it. More im-
Spain to India. The obligation of pilgrimage portant than polygamy in determining the
to Mecca assured that travel would be fre- position of women were the relative ease of
quent. Moreover, Muhammad had been a divorce and the life of seclusion imposed
merchant, and the earliest centers of his reli- upon all women after puberty. Religious laws
gion, Medina and Mecca, were important car- permitted the husband to dismiss his wife al-
avan cities; therefore, Islamic law was favor- most at will and prohibited a woman from re-
able to commercial transactions, and Islamic vealing her face except to her husband. These

laws were not enforced everywhere with The Islamic conquests brought the Arabs
equal rigor; they primarily weighed upon into intimate contact with older and more
women of the upper classes. Moreover, with- accomplished civilizations than their own,
in the cities, at least in certain periods, women particularly the intellectual achievements of
enjoyed relative freedom. Variety, in other Hellenism, which they were eager to pre-
words, rather than uniformity, was the more serve. During the eighth and ninth century
prominent characteristic of medieval Islamic scholars translated into Arabic many Greek
society. authors: Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Hip-
That society was also distinguished by a pocrates, and Galen. These works, most of
vigorous urban life, concentrated in the cities which were translated from the Syriac rather
of Baghdad, Cairo, Cordoba, and Damascus. than directly from the Greek, provided the
According to travelers’ reports, Damascus foundations for Islamic learning.
had 113,000 homes and 70 libraries. Baghdad Scholars were especially interested in as-
surpassed all cities with the number of pal- tronomy, astrology, mathematics, medicine,
aces, libaries, and public baths. In all the ma- and optics; and in these areas their writings
jor cities products from almost all parts of the exerted a great influence on the Western
known world could be purchased at the mar- world. Al-Razi (known as Rhazes in the West)
kets, or bazaars. The streets teemed with of Baghdad authored some 140 medical trea-
slaves, servants, artisans, merchants, adminis- tises, including an admirable description of
trators, and beggars. ‘The aura of the Islamic smallpox. Mathematicians took the numbers
cities was preeminently cosmopolitan. from the Hindus, but made the critical addi-
Muhammad died before making provision tion of the zero, which is itself an Arabic
for the government of Islam, and his immedi- word. Italian merchants became familiar with
ate followers elected Abu Bakr as his succes- the Arabic numbers shortly before the year
sor, or caliph. Because Islam recognized no 1200 and carried them back to the West.
distinction between church and state, the cal- Mathematicians also developed algebra. As-
iph was the supreme religious and civil head tronomers and astrologers invented an im-
of the Muslim world. But he was not free to proved astrolabe (which measures the angular
change the laws at will since Allah had al- declination of heavenly bodies above the
ready provided all the laws his people need- horizon) and were able to correct the astro-
ed; therefore, he was primarily a military nomical tables of antiquity.
chief and a judge. The government tended to Scholars also wrote philosophical and theo-
retain the administrative institutions of the logical treatises. The most important Islamic
preceding rulers in territories that were over- philosopher was the Spaniard ibn-Rushd, or
run. Among the Muslims the chief adminis- Averroés (1126?—1198), who wrote commen-
trator on the local level was the kadi. He was taries on Aristotle and exerted a profound
primarily a judge, and his importance reflects influence on Christian as well as Islamic phi-
the concern of the faithful to live according to losophy in the subsequent Middle Ages. Is-
the dictates of the Koranic law. lamic philosophical speculations aided intel-

The Early Medieval East

lectual life in the West in two ways: Western supremacy on the Mediterranean Sea passed
philosophers gained a much broader familiar- to the Italians and other Westerners. Arabian
ity with the scientific and philosophical herit- coins largely disappeared from circulation in
age of classical Greece through translations the West, documenting a headlong retreat
made from the Arabic, chiefly in Spain; and from commerce. Simultaneously, the Islamic
Islamic philosophers explored issues central states were no longer supporting their war-
to religious philosophy much earlier than riors by salaries but by grants of land, which
Christian thinkers. What relation is there weakened central authority. The growing
between faith and reason? What relation importance of an aristocracy of rural warriors
between an all-powerful, all-encompassing seems to have brought a new rigidity into so-
God and the freedom, dignity, and individu- ciety.
ality of the human person? In posing these Caution, to be sure, must be utilized in
problems and in suggesting answers, the speaking of the decline of medieval Islam. Is-
Muslims stimulated and enriched thought in lamic civilization continued to support some
the West. great cultural centers and to inspire some
great individuals; but after the eleventh cen-
tury Islamic civilization lost those qualities of
Decline of Islam openness, flexibility, and intellectual daring
which had so distinguished it in the ninth and
The earliest indication of decline was the tenth centuries.
growing military debility of the various Is-
lamic states in the face of new invasions in the
middle eleventh century. In the West, Chris- The Western Debt to Islamic Civilization
tian armies embarked on the reconquest of
the Iberian Peninsula, and Christian fleets Almost every aspect of medieval Western life
broke the Islamic domination of the western was influenced by Islamic civilization. West-
Mediterranean islands. The Christian offen- ern farmers imitated the techniques of irriga-
sive blends imperceptibly with the First Cru- tion developed by the Muslims and learned to
sade, which wrested Jerusalem from Islamic grow many new plants, such as rice, citrus
control in 1099. In the East, ‘Turkish nomads fruits, and peaches. Western merchants
infiltrated the Abbasid caliphate in consider- adopted the system of numbers and probably
able numbers, and the Seljuks seized Bagh- some forms of business partnerships. Western
dad in 1055. Turkish rulers gained suprema- scientists, philosophers, and theologians were
cy in all the Eastern Islamic states over the influenced by Islamic scholars.
next few centuries. However, what Western civilization took
The economic basis was also changing. from Islamic civilization did not decisively
Commerce had been vigorous and was the change the course of Western cultural de-
chief economic resource. By the thirteenth velopment. The more remarkable aspect is
century, however, maritime and commercial really how little these two medieval civiliza-

tions affected one another in their fundamen- ture.”6 The medieval West was not much
tal cultural attitudes, apart from specific tech- influenced by, and in fact poorly understood,
niques and institutions. The Islamic histori- the fundamental theology or the spirit of Is-
an Sir Hamilton Gibb has remarked that a lam. But it still enlisted many Islamic accom-
civilization will resist foreign borrowings plishments in the service of its own civiliza-
which threaten the character of its aesthetics, tion.
philosophy, or religious thought and will “ab-
sorb elements from other cultures only with-
6“The Influence of Islamic Culture on Medieval Eu-
in a limited range and in forms adapted to its rope,” in Sylvia L. Thrupp (ed.), Change in Medieval Soct-
own temperament and psychological struc- ety, 1964, p. 167.

The East preserved the urban culture of anti- Byzantine Empire and the Principality of
quity better than the West, and this largely Kiev helped shield the West from destructive
explains the evident superiority of the East in invasions coming out of Asia. Byzantium and
the Early Middle Ages. Even in classical Islam offered the West enlarged access to the
times the Eastern provinces of the Roman classical Greek heritage. They further passed
Empire had been more populous and more on numerous techniques and skills and were
urbanized than the Western ones, and the Is- for the backward West models of high accom-
lamic conquests did not disturb the continui- plishment. From about the year 1000 the
ty and vitality of urban life. The Principality West embarked on a great age of growth.
of Kiev, although the creation of a people only That it could work in relative security, that it
recently emerged from barbarism, still bene- could take full advantage of the heritage of
fited from its close proximity to the ancient antiquity, and that it could learn from gifted
Mediterranean centers of civilization. neighbors were in no small measure due to
These Eastern civilizations performed ines- the presence and the power of these Eastern
timable services for Western civilization. The civilizations.

Recommended Reading

Sources *Ibn, Khaldun. The Mugaddimah: An Introduction to World

History. Franz Rosenthal (tr.). 1969.
Cross, Samuel Hazard (ed.). Russian Primary Chronicle: *The Meaning of the Glorious Koran. M. Marmaduke Pick-
Laurentian Text. O. P. Sherbowitz-Wetzor (tr.). 1968. thall (tr.). 1948.

The Early Medieval East

*Procopius. Secret History. Richard Atwater (tr.). 1961. *Lewis, Bernard. The Arabs in History. 1966.
*Vernadsky, George (ed.). Medieval Russian Laws. 1969. Ostrogorski, George. History of the Byzantine State. Joan
Hussey (tr.). 1969.
*Runciman, Steven. Byzantine Civilization. 1933.
Studies *Vasiliev, A. A. History of the Byzantine Empire: 324-1453.
*Baynes, Norman H., and Henry Moss (eds.). Byzantium: *Vernadsky, George. A History of Russia. 1961. The most
An Introduction to East Roman Civilization. 1948. comprehensive survey of Russian history existing in
*Geanakoplos, Deno J. Byzantine East and Latin West: Two English, published in four volumes.
Worlds of Christendom in Middle Ages and Renaissance. *Von Grunebaum, Gustave E. (ed.). Medieval Islam: A
1966. Study in Cultural Orientation. 1966.
*Gibb, Hamilton A. Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey.
Grekov, B. D. Kiev Rus. Dennis Ogden (ed.). 1959. * Available in paperback.

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The present historical view of the Middle Ages recognizes the year 1000 as a
watershed between two contrasting periods. Before 1000, change came slowly,
nearly imperceptibly, to Western civilization. The population was small, and
the economy remained overwhelmingly agricultural in character. Trade was
sporadic, and the few cities which survived the repeated invasions played only a
minor role tn economic life. Governments tended to be weak and unstable. In art
and literature, there were few works produced which we would today
regard as masterpieces.
After 1000, change came rapidly on virtually every level. The population,
stagnant or declining since the last years of the Roman Empire, increased.
People cleared and settled new lands and extended Europe’s land frontiers in
every direction. Commerce grew; and the resulting expansion of wealth restored
vitality to urban life, which had been moribund in the West since the decline of
Rome. Rulers reorganized their governments, adapting the institutions of
feudalism in an effort to achieve a more stable political life. Western
philosophers embarked on a penetrating and even audacious examination of
Christian theology, and the Church itself was subject to a major reform. Artists
were once again productive, primarily in service to the Church.
Only recently have historians come to appreciate the dimensions of these changes,
and this appreciation has led many of them to make a radical reassessment of the
contribution of the Middle Ages to Western development. From the time of the
Italian Renaissance, humanists and other scholars had dismissed the period as
barbarous, and the prejudice against the Middle Ages remained strong in
scholarly circles until the twentieth century. Today, however, many historians
actually speak of a medieval renaissance. They have, in fact, gone so far as to
propose a new periodization of Western history which dispenses with the old
division between the medieval and modern periods. For these historians the
eleventh and twelfth centuries, more than the Italian Renaissance or the
Reformation, created the civilization that they label “traditional Europe.” This
civilization lasted until the revolutionary upheavals of the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries, the beginning of the authentically modern world. Not all
historians would want to discount, as this view does, the impact of the
Renaissance and the Reformation; but nearly all agree that the eleventh and
twelfth centuries gave new impetus and new directions to the course
of Western history.
what spark ignited this population growth is
1. Ihe Economic and Social
not known.

European Settlement
From the year 1000, European society
showed many signs of growth, in its human The manors where many European peasants
numbers and in its geographic area of settle- lived in the Carolingian age seem to have
ment. Moreover, these greater numbers of been quite densely settled, although they
people were earning their living in novel were surrounded by large expanses of nearly
ways; in particular, there occurred a revival of empty wilderness. The violence of the period
trade and a rebirth of urban life. Simulta- kept the people huddled together in their
neously, Europeans were creating new forms communities for protection. Several families
of social and political organization and of cul- often occupied a single dwelling. Under such
tural expression. conditions of settlement, children were a
heavy burden on their parents, which proba-
bly explains the remarkably small size of
Demographic Expansion peasant families; they averaged four or five
persons. Men outnumbered women by such
A large population growth influenced nearly substantial margins that it must be assumed
all the social changes in the Central Middle that either infanticide of baby girls was prac-
Ages. Between the last centuries of the Ro- ticed or the conditions of life were especially
man Empire and the beginning of the elev- hard on women. Most likely both factors
enth century the European population seems played a role.
to have remained stable or to have declined; The new security achieved in the mid-
undoubtedly, it suffered from the social op- tenth century enabled the peasants to move
pression, political tumult, and invasions of the from the protection of the manors into the
epoch. During the eleventh century, however, surrounding empty lands. Children now be-
the demographic curve began to swing up- came an asset because they were needed to
ward. Exact figures do not exist, but the evi- clear the wilderness. Women survived better
dence indicates that the population of Eng- than before. Furthermore, the favorable agri-
land more than tripled between 1086 and cultural conditions provided an abundance of
1346 and that the Continent had a growth of food for the support of larger families. The
comparable proportion. Many factors favored population began to grow.
this growth: Invasions waned or abated; Eu- European society in the eleventh century
ropeans developed the heavy plow, which was filled with ambitious, enterprising pi-
enabled them to work the soils of the north; oneers. In England, France, and Germany the
and according to experts in paleoclimatology peasants leveled forests and drained marshes;
(the history of climate), the weather became and in England and the Low Countries they
warmer, favoring the growth of crops. But claimed new land from the sea by building

Two Centuries
of Creativity

dikes and filling in the area. Literally, thou- vas de Tolosa, when an allied Christian army
sands of new villages were established as a defeated an invading Islamic army from
result of these efforts. North Africa. Only the Principality of Gran-
Other pioneers, chiefly German peasants ada in the south remained under Islamic rule;
and knights searching for new lands to settle, the Iberian frontier remained almost un-
migrated eastward beyond the established changed for the next 280 years. The recon-
borders of the Frankish Empire (see Map 6.2) quest and resettlement of the Iberian Penin-
to territories which were thinly inhabited by sula, known as the Reconquista, are the domi-
Slavs, Prussians, Letts, and Lithuanians. nant themes of medieval Iberian history.
Some Germans settled just beyond the Elbe In Italy, too, pioneers pushed the Christian
River and established the Principality of frontier to the south. In the early eleventh
Brandenburg. Other Germans advanced century knights from Normandy began fight-
along the shores of the Baltic Sea at the same ing in southern Italy against Muslims, Byzan-
time that Swedes began to move across Fin- tines, and local lords who had long been dis-
land. The Russian prince of Novgorod, Alex- puting dominion there. By 1124 they finally
ander Nevsky, defeated the Swedes on the drove the Muslims and Byzantines from
Neva River close to the Baltic Sea in 1240, southern Italy and Sicily and united the two
and repulsed the Germans at Lake Peipus in regions into the Kingdom of Naples and Sici-
1242. Although these defeats halted further ly. :
advances in northeastern Europe, the Ger- : European power swept over the sea as well
mans and Swedes controlled the shores of the as the land. The leaders were the maritime
Baltic Sea. The Germans had by then pushed cities of Pisa and Genoa. In 1015 and 1016 the
through the middle Danube valley and fleets from Pisa and Genoa freed Sardinia
founded another principality: Austria. By the from Islamic rule; and from 1113 to 1115 an
mid-thirteenth century the Drang nach Osten allied Christian army, carried by a Pisan fleet,
(“drive to the east”) had clearly spent its drove the Muslims from the Balearic Islands.
strength, but it had tripled the area under the
domination of Western Christian peoples
over what it had been in Carolingian times Social Changes
(see Map 8.1).
Settlers also moved into the Iberian penin- In many regions of Europe the expansion in
sula. In the mid-eleventh century the Chris- settlement shifted the balance between the
tian kings, whose kingdoms were confined to free and unfree classes. To attract settlers
the extreme north of the peninsula, began an onto previously uncultivated lands, the lords
offensive against the Muslims, who ruled had to offer generous terms, frequently guar-
most of Iberia. These kings actively recruited anteed in a written charter. Many landlords
Christian settlers for the territories they re- established on their properties free or new
conquered and gave them land under favor- villages. The peasant who settled in a free
able terms. The Christian domination of the village usually paid only a small, fixed rent for
peninsula was confirmed in 1212 at Las Na- the lands he cleared and was not required to





labor for the landlord. He could leave the vil- the soil. Moreover, since the new frontiers
lage at will, selling his lands and the house he attracted the serfs, only better terms, not
had built at their market value. A runaway brute force, could hold the laborers on the
serf who resided in a free village for one year lord’s land. Revived trade enabled some serfs
and one day without being claimed by his to sell their produce at market; they could
owner was thenceforth free. The settlers in thus earn money with which to buy their
the free villages were usually given the right freedom. Finally, serfdom bound the land-
to run their own courts and, for all but the lords as well as the serfs. Enterprising lords
gravest offenses, to judge their peers accord- who wished to raise their rents or even
ing to their own customs. change routines of cultivation were blocked
The social conditions of the serfs also im- by the custom making servile obligations
proved; a number of factors contributed to fixed and immutable. To reorganize their es-
this. Emancipation was considered a reli- tates, to free their lands, to free themselves,
giously meritorious act, and the period was the landlords had also to free their serfs.
one of marked religious enthusiasm. The in- By the early thirteenth century serfdom
crease in population eliminated the need for had almost disappeared in France, Spain,
landlords to keep the entire labor force tied to Italy, and western Germany, although some

Two Centuries
of Creativity

vestiges of it were to remain until the eigh- good deal of their fellows. Markets and mar-
teenth century. In England serfdom also de- ket days became a characteristic feature of
clined until the thirteenth century; but the rural life in Europe. Peasants slowly grew ac-
growing cities of the Continent created a customed to selling or exchanging their sur-
large, profitable market for cereals, and Eng- plus produce, purchasing their needs, bor-
lish landlords were eager to produce for it. rowing money, or simply sharing information
Rather than leasing out their estates, they with their neighbors at the markets. The in-
continued to cultivate them directly. To find fluence of markets further stimulated the
the necessary laborers, English lords main- growth of cottage industries, especially in the
tained, or reimposed, conditions of serfdom vicinity of towns. Within their homes, after
over their peasants. But this Indian summer their agricultural tasks were accomplished,
of English serfdom did not last much beyond the peasants and their families spun yarn,
the fourteenth century. wove cloth, cured leather, made wood prod-
The changes in agriculture altered the ucts, and produced other commodities which
character of noble life. Most landlords now they could exchange at the urban markets.
rented their lands to peasants to cultivate; The rural Church acquired new impor-
they were no longer direct cultivators but tance, and it is probably to this period that
rent collectors. Since this new function did the Christianization of the European country-
not require the constant supervision of their side primarily should be dated. Churches
lands, the lords were free to live away from grew in number at an extraordinary pace. A
home for extended periods, perhaps traveling contemporary remarked that churches came
as pilgrims or crusaders to distant lands or to cover the landscape like a blanket of snow.
mingling with their peers at the courts of The parish priest was usually of peasant ori-
great nobles. The new agricultural system, gins and was often assisted by a young cleric
and the physical freedom it allowed the lords, or clerics in training for the priesthood (there
permitted the growth of a courtly society, were no seminaries). Because the priest was
which in turn brought with it a rich lay cul- frequently the only member of the commu-
ture. nity who could read, he aided the peasants in
Life continued to be very hard, of course, their contacts with merchants, tax collectors,
for the peasants of Western Europe, even as and other representatives of the literate cul-
they were gaining their freedom. To judge ture of the city. Sundays and feast days
from slightly later figures, the life expectancy brought the people together for divine ser-
probably remained less than thirty years. vices and for boisterous celebrations too.
Although evidence of female infanticide dis- Church councils repeatedly condemned
appears, the conditions of rural life seem to dancing and singing in the churchyard, espe-
have been particularly hard on women. In cially since the songs on such occasions tend-
most peasant villages men continued to out- ed to be indecent, but the denunciations had
number, and presumably to outlive, women. scant effect. Many of these boisterous cus-
Although most peasants no longer lived in toms continued to mark rural life in the West
packed manorial communities, they still saw a until the twentieth century.

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Two Centuries
of Creativity

Commerce manufactured goods, especially woolen cloth

woven in Flanders and finished in Italy, be-
The European economy remained predomi- gan to play an increasingly important role in
nantly agricultural, although new forms of the Mediterranean exchange. This cloth gave
economic endeavor were emerging. Trade, European merchants a product valued in the
which had dwindled to scant importance in Eastern markets; with it they were able not
the Carolingian Age, became more vigorous. only to pay for Eastern imports but to gener-
Most of the trade was between rural areas or ate a flow of precious metals into Europe.
between city and countryside, but there was a Trade in northern Europe among the lands
dramatic rebirth of trade with regions beyond bordering the Baltic Sea linked the great
the European frontiers. Three trading zones ports of London, Bruges, Bergen, Cologne,
developed; they were based upon the Medi- Lubeck, and Novgorod with the many
terranean Sea in the south, the Baltic Sea in smaller maritime towns. The eastern Baltic
the north, and the overland routes that linked regions sold grain, lumber and forest prod-
the two seas (see Map 8.2). ucts, amber, and furs. Scandanavia supplied
The leaders of this commercial revolution wood and fish. England provided raw wool
were Venice, Pisa, and Genoa. In the tenth and cereals. Flanders was the great industrial
and eleventh centuries the Venetians received area of the north, taking food and raw materi-
from the Byzantine emperors charters that al for its excellent cloth. ;
gave them complete freedom of Byzantine The northern and Mediterranean trading
waters. In the twelfth century, Pisans and zones were joined by numerous overland
Genoese negotiated formal treaties with Is- routes. After 1100 the most active exchange
lamic rulers which allowed them to establish between north and south was concentrated at
commercial colonies in the Middle East and six great fairs, held at various times of the
North Africa. Marseilles and Barcelona soon year in the province of Champagne in France.
began to participate in the profitable Eastern Merchants could find at least one fair open no
trade. matter what time of year they came. They
In this Mediterranean exchange, the East were guaranteed personal security at the fairs,
shipped condiments, medicines, perfumes, low tariffs, and quick and fair justice. For two
dyes, paper, ivories, porcelain, pearls and pre- centuries the fairs remained the greatest mar-
cious stones, rare metals such as mercury —all kets in Europe.
of which were known in the West under the
generic name of “spices.” It also sent a variety
of fine linens and cottons (damask, muslin, The Rebirth of Urban Life
organdy) as well as brocades and other silks.
Western North Africa supplied animal skins, Although the towns in Western Europe were
leather, cheese, ivory, and gold. Europe increasing in size and social complexity, their
shipped wood, iron, and products made from growth was very slow even in this age of eco-
them (including entire ships), grain, wine, and nomic expansion. Before 1200 probably no
other agricultural commodities. By 1200 town in Western Europe included more than

30,000 inhabitants. These small towns, how- the bishop or lords who ruled them. They
ever, were assuming new functions. resented the lord’s cumbersome, expensive,
In the Early Middle Ages the towns had and undiscerning justice (he probably knew
been chiefly administrative centers, serving as little about commercial needs); they feared
the residence of bishops—or, much more his powers to tax and to demand military ser-
rarely, of counts —and as fortified enclosures vice. The instrument by which the medieval
to which the surrounding rural population townsmen sought to govern themselves was
fled when under attack. (The original sense of the commune, a permanent association cre-
the English word “borough” and of the Ger- ated by the oath of its members and under the
man burg is fortress.) As the revival of trade authority of several elected officials. Com-
made many of them centers of local or inter- munes first appear late in the eleventh centu-
national exchange, permanent colonies of ry in northern Italy and Flanders, the two
merchants grew up around the older fortress- most heavily urbanized areas of Europe.
es. These merchant quarters were sometimes Through force, persuasion, or purchase,
called a foris burgus, or faubourg (“outside the many communes acquired from their lords
fortress”), or a vicus (“street” or “neighbor- charters that recognized their right to judge
hood”; preserved in such names as Brunswick and tax themselves. Others gained similar
and Greenwich). Many European towns, es- rights by simple usurpation.
pecially in the north, still show these two Urban society also began to show consider-
phases of their early history in their central able complexity. At the top of the social scale
fortress and surrounding settlements.! Some was a small aristocracy; historians now usu-
towns in the twelfth century added to their ally call its members the patricians. In Italy
administrative and commercial services a this aristocracy included many nobles and
third function: They became centers of large- great landlords from the countryside, who
scale industrial production, especially of lived for part or all of the year in the towns.
woolen cloth. However, the great industrial In Flanders nobles and great landlords tended
town of the Middle Ages is more characteris- to keep to their rural estates, whence they
tic of the thirteenth century. viewed with disdain and fear the growing
While growing in size, town populations, wealth of the towns. The powerful urban
or at least their richest members, began de- families in the north came chiefly from com-
manding a greater measure of liberty from mon origins, and most of them founded their
fortunes upon commerce or the management
of urban property. Social and cultural con-
‘In Italy, for example, it is rare to find a physical contrast trasts between town and countryside, then,
between a central fortress and surrounding faubourgs,
were much sharper in the north than in Italy.
but population growth is amply documented by the suc-
cessive circles of walls built to protect the urban settle- Below the patricians were the small mer-
ment. By comparing the oldest, or Roman, circle of walls chants and shopkeepers, who were at first
with those constructed in the thirteenth century, histori-
unspecialized in their economic interests.
ans have concluded that some Italian towns must have
expanded from five or six thousand inhabitants in about Most towns in the twelfth century still had
1100 to some thirty thousand or more by about 1300. only a single guild, or association of mer-

Two Centuries
of Creativity

chants. Soon after 1200, however, the guilds characteristic of the city, in terms compre-
multiplied, showing an ever greater diversifi- hensible to them. From the eleventh and
cation in the commercial enterprises of the twelfth centuries the medieval towns exerted
mercantile classes. At the same time the small a profound influence on the developing cul-
merchants and shopkeepers were disputing, ture of the Middle Ages; moreover, that influ-
often with violence and soon with some suc- ence was growing.
cess, the political domination of the patricians.
Before the coming of industries the cities did
not support a large class of artisans and work-
ers. But here, too, the city presents a dynamic
picture, and the commercial growth in the
1. Feudalism and the Search
twelfth century was laying the basis for in- for Social Order
dustrial expansion in the thirteenth. Perhaps
the most distinctive feature of urban society,
even in the twelfth century, was the fluid di- Growth in population, expansion in trade,
visions separating the classes. Vertical social and changes in society in the eleventh and
mobility was easier in the city than in any twelfth centuries were in part made possible
other part of the medieval world, the only by, and in part helped produce, a higher de-
possible exception being the Church. The gree of security and social order than Europe
patrician class was always admitting new had possessed in the chaotic tenth century.
members, chiefly recent immigrants from the The European communities sought to
countryside whom the buoyant economy of achieve this social stability through a set of
the city had carried to wealth and power. The institutions that constituted what is tradition-
towns of the Middle Ages were much more ally called the feudal system. Although in
efficient than rural society in recognizing, uti- different ways, the governments of England,
lizing, and rewarding talent. France, the Holy Roman Empire, and other
The dynamic towns of the Middle Ages, European states may all be called feudal.
like the cities of the ancient world, shaped
culture more than size alone might indicate.
Urban commercial life required skill in calcu- Feudal Institutions
lations and a high level of literacy. The towns
provided adept administrators who soon fig- “Feudalism,” “feudal system,” /a feodalité
ured prominently in the governments of both must be reckoned among the most abused
Church and state. The urban milieu fostered and confusing terms in the historical vocabu-
new cultural attitudes, an approach to life lary.2, These terms were unknown in the
based on exact observations and reasoned
decisions. Medieval townsmen were by no
*Perhaps more than any other medieval institution, the
means indifferent to religion or the afterlife,
feudal system invites comparisons with similar arrange-
but they wanted the Church to respond more ments in other cultures. See especially, in this regard,
directly to the moral and religious problems Peter Duus, Feudalism in Japan, 1966.

Middle Ages. Lawvers in the seventeenth government in which social and political in-
century apparently first devised them to de- stitutions created by contract played a major
note the combination of laws and customs role in defining relationships within the up-
governing the kind of land tenure known as per classes. Perhaps the most distinctive fea-
the fief. Among enlightened liberals and re- ture of feudal government is that the power-
formers in the eighteenth century Ja feodalité ful men in society defined their political
meant the unjustified privileges enjoyed by rights and obligations through individual
the nobles and the Church. Nineteenth-cen- contracts. In the ancient Roman Empire (as in
tury socialists, especially Marx, used the term our own society) one’s rights and obligations
“feudalism” to mean an economic system were defined by the public law of the state,
based upon serfdom; they considered it a which, with only minor exceptions, applied
stage in economic development that followed equally to all citizens.
slavery and preceded capitalism. To Marxists Following the guidance of a great French
today the essential feature of feudalism is that historian, Marc Bloch, many historians now
it exploits peasants by binding them to the divide the Western feudalism into two peri-
soil and forcing them to pay rent to the land- ods.? The first feudal age, which lasted from
lords. Many books, even some recent ones, the disappearance of Roman government in
treat feudalism as if it meant no more than the West until about 1050 or 1100, witnessed
decentralized and weak government, or sim- among the free classes of Europe the sponta-
ple chaos. In popular usage “feudal” is often neous development of feudal practices out of
indistinguishable from “backward.” the early medieval and_ post-Carolingian
Most non-Marxist scholars now use “feu- chaos. In the second feudal age, which spans
dalism” in reference to systems of political the period from about 1050 to 1300, princes
and social, not economic, institutions. Large began self-consciously to use and manipulate
estates and serfdom were not central to the these institutions in order to buttress their
feudal system and are better referred to as the own authority.
manorial system. Still, “feudalism” remains
an elastic term and is used in both a narrow
and a broad sense. In its restricted meaning The Feudal Milieu
“feudalism” refers to a set of distinct social
and political institutions, defined by free con- To understand the growth of feudalism we
tract, that established the relationship be- must first recall the chaotic conditions pre-
tween two freemen of differing social station, vailing in the Early Middle Ages, especially
a lord and his vassal of lower rank. In practice in the ninth and tenth centuries. In a milieu
both lord and vassal came from the upper where governmental authority counted for
echelons of society. Feudal institutions did little, the individual freeman had to seek his
not include the serfs, who could not enter into
a contract, and they touched only remotely
3As proposed in his Feudal Society, L. A. Lanyon (tr.),
and rarely the poorer freemen. In its broad
1963, one of the most important works in medieval his-
sense “feudalism” refers to the society and tory to be published in this century.

Two Centuries
oC. reativity

security through his own efforts. He might strong “lord” and the weak freeman was ini-
appeal to his family, which has always been tially far more ethical and emotional then ju-
the first and most natural bastion of defense ridical. It remained so until the thirteenth cen-
for the harassed individual. In Celtic areas of tury, when lawyers systematically began to
Europe (Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany) clarify and define its juridical implications
traditionally powerful clans could extend and, by so doing, diluted its earlier ethical and
such protection; therefore, a true feudalism emotional force.
never developed in those lands. Similarly
among the South Slavs, the persistence of a
social organization based upon the clan Vassalage
(zadruga in Serbian) made superfluous the cre-
ation of authentically feudal relationships. The personal bond between the lord and his
Northern Italy was also an exceptional area in man is called vassalage, a term that derives
the history of feudalism. Perhaps because of from a Celtic word meaning “boy” or “serv-
the early importance of towns, the quest for ant.” Vassalage was created by an act of hom-
security primarily favored the development age (from the French homme, “man,” a com-
of communal associations, linking . social mon synonym for “vassal”), the prospective
equals, rather than lords and vassals, in what vassal placing his hands within those of his
might be considered artificial families or lord (sometimes too.a kiss was exchanged)
clans. The power of the urban communes in and perhaps swearing an oath of fidelity. The
northern Italy stunted, although it did not immixio manuum (“Joining of hands”) was the
entirely suppress, the extension of feudal ties central act in the homage ceremony.
even in the countryside. Vassalage imposed obligations on both the
The true homeland of Western feudalism vassal and his lord. The vassal owed his lord
was the region between the Loire and the primarily loyalty or, in its feudal term, fealty,
Rhine rivers. The institutions that developed which meant that he had to render aid and
there were subsequently exported to England counsel, or material and moral help, to his
in the Norman Conquest, to southern Italy, lord. He had to perform military service in
and even to Palestine, and they greatly influ- the lord’s army and usually had to bring addi-
enced government and society in southern tional men in numbers appropriate to his
France, Spain, and Germany beyond the wealth. As the duty of service became more
Rhine. In this region the family seems to have precisely defined in terms of nature and dura-
been too scattered or too weak to guarantee tion, military service became more a matter of
security for its members. The freeman in law than of the heart. The vassal might be
search of protection had little recourse but to expected to serve, for example, forty days a
appeal to a neighbor stronger than himself. If year in a local war and still less time if the
the neighbor accepted, the two men entered lord intended to fight in foreign lands. The
by implied contract into a close, quasi-familial vassal could not refuse this service, but if
relationship. Like the bonds between father asked by the lord for more time than custom
and son, the feudal relationship between the allowed, he could demand compensation or

simply return home, on the argument that the the one whom he would serve against all
lord’s need was not real. The lord could also others. The growth of multiple vassalage and
demand financial aid, and there were four liege homage was itself a sign of the waning
occasions or, in traditional terminology, “inci- emotional content of the feudal relationship.
dents,” which required that the vassals pro- The lord in turn owed his vassal protection
vide money without question: the ransoming and maintenance, or military and material
of the lord, the knighting of the lord’s eldest support. He had to come to his vassal’s aid
son, the marriage of the lord’s eldest daugh- when requested, repel invaders from his pos-
ter, and the lord’s own departure on crusade. sessions, and even help him if he was sued in
At other times the vassal still had to consider another’s court. Failure to extend such help
requests for financial aid but could grumble allowed the vassal to “defy” his lord, that is,
and, if the lord was weak enough, refuse. to remove his faith from him and cease to
The obligation of counsel required the vas- serve him. In the formative period of feudal-
sal to give good advice, to keep the lord’s se- ism the lord’s obligation of material support
crets, and to help him reach true judgments in was often carried out at his own table, but as
legal cases which came before his court. If he vassals became more numerous and more dis-
lived at a distance, the vassal might be re- tantly located and as great princes came to be
quired to attend the lord’s court at regular included among them, sheer logistics prevent-
intervals, for example, on Easter, Michaelmas, ed the lord from feeding all his men. Since a
and Christmas. The ordinary work of the lord often had no cash revenues for making
court was the adjudication of disputes among monetary compensations, he would distribute
the vassals and the hearing of complaints land as a form of payment for the vassal’s alle-
brought by the lord against his men. Feudal giance. This concession of land was the fief.
custom held that a vassal could be judged The granting of a fief superimposed upon the
only by his own peers, that is, his fellow vas- personal relationship of vassalage a second
sals. By the thirteenth century many great relationship, specifically concerning property,
feudal courts were claiming the right to hear between the lord and his man. The close
appeals from the courts of the individual vas- union of personal and property ties was, in
sals. The acceptance of such appeals was one fact, the most characteristic feature of the
of the principal ways by which royal govern- Western feudal relationship.
ments in particular were able to strengthen
their authority in the second feudal age.
The vassal’s duties toward his lord were The Fief
further complicated in the second feudal age
by the development of multiple vassalage— The lord granted the fief in a special ceremo-
acts of homage by the same man to several ny called the investiture (it usually followed
lords. In case of conflict among his different immediately after the act of homage), in
lords, whom should he serve? To escape this which he extended to his vassal a clod of earth
dilemma feudal custom required that the vas- or sprig of leaves, symbol of the land he was
sal select one of his lords as his liege, that is, receiving. In a strict juridical sense the fief

Two Centuries
of Creativity

was a conditional, temporary, and nonheredi- them, inasmuch as their spouses had to as-
tary grant of land or other income-producing sume the obligations of service. Initially, vas-
property, such as an office, toll, or rent. At the sals were forbidden to sell the fief, grant it to a
vassal’s death, disability, or refusal to serve, church, or otherwise transfer it in whole or in
the fief at once returned, or escheated, to the part. By the thirteenth century, however, fiefs
lord who granted it. The juridical origins of were commonly sold or granted—but only
the fief seem to go back to forms of ecclesiasti- with the lord’s permission, and that almost
cal land tenure which grew up in the Early always had to be purchased.
Middle Ages, the precarium (or beneficium). The fief seems to have been the dominant
Churches were canonically forbidden to sell form of land tenure in northern France and
or give away their property, but they could western Germany from the late ninth and
grant its “use” while retaining ownership tenth centuries. The Norman Conquest car-
over it. In Carolingian times the emperors ried it to England in the eleventh. In the same
took to ordering churches and monasteries to period it became common in southern France,
make such concessions to favored laymen; but it never entirely supplanted the allodium.
this grant was called the “precarium by order It was still later in arriving in Spain, and in
of the king.” The true fief, however, involving Italy its importance always remained restrict-
only laymen and linked with vassalage, does ed. The diffusion of the fief, even if slow and
not appear until after the Carolingian Age. incomplete, had important social effects none-
Although technically not inheritable, the theless. Because vassals could not dispose of
fief became gradually assimilated to the allo- their lands without the lord’s consent, proper-
dium (property held in absolute ownership), ty relationships (and society, indirectly) were
which was unconditional, permanent, and stabilized. Moreover, the economic pressure
hereditary. From the start lords had found it superimposed upon the moral force of vassal-
convenient to grant a fief to the adult son of a age gave the princes of the age an effective
deceased vassal, since he could at once serve means of retaining the loyalty of their de-
in his father’s stead. The son had only to pendents: The disloyal vassal not only vio-
make a special payment (“feudal relief”) to the lated the ethics of his times, but he also risked
lord in order to acquire the fief. Feudal cus- losing the lands that supported him.
tom also soon recognized the right of a minor
son to inherit, but the lord retained the privi-
lege —the right of wardship — of serving as his Private Justice
guardian or of appointing someone to fulfill
that function. Feudal practice was less in- In granting a fief, the lord gave his vassal all
clined to admit daughters to the inheritance possible sources of revenue the land could
of a fief since they could not perform military produce, including, usually, the right to hold
service. Nevertheless, in some areas of Eu- court and to profit from its fines and confisca-
rope (Spain, southern France) women did tions. This contributed to another character-
acquire a right of inheritance. Their lord, istic of feudal society, private justice (the
however, could select their husbands for wide exercise of governmental powers by

persons other than the king). Lords and vas- olingian state, but they dominated the com-
sals, in other words, at every level of the feu- munities which lived in or near their fortress-
dal pyramid, could tax, judge, and punish es. The castellan was the judge, tax collector,
their dependents. and military leader, and he usually controlled
By the second feudal age lawyers were the local church as well. Within the confines
arguing that the king, as the font of all justice, of these small societies the institutions of feu-
had the right of hearing appeals from the dalism developed spontaneously. The castles
courts of his chief vassals (as well as those with their lands constituted fairly stable
“rear vassals” who stood lower on the feudal units.
ladder) and could also accept cases in the first From about 1050, counts, dukes, and some
instance which his vassals had traditionally few kings were attempting to integrate these
heard. The exertion of these royal preroga- castles into fairly centralized principalities,
tives brought about the gradual but unmis- insisting that the petty nobles assume toward
takable decline of private justice. them the obligations of vassals and fief hold-
ers. The use of these feudal concepts and in-
stitutions to serve the interests of princely
Stages of Feudal Development authority initiates the second feudal age — the
age of the feudal principality.
Although there were significant local varia-
tions in the character and chronology of me-
dieval feudal institutions, it remains possible Norman and Angevin England
to speak of certain broad stages of feudal de-
velopment. In the ninth and tenth centuries The history of any one of several principali-
Carolingian administration on the local level ties—the Duchy of Normandy, the County
disintegrated. The power of the count waned, of Flanders, the Kingdom of Naples and Sici-
and the vicar disappeared. Authority in the ly, among others —could be used to illustrate
countryside largely passed into the hands the political reorganization characteristic of
of petty lords, most especially the castellans, the second feudal age. But England offers the
or holders of castles. The eleventh and best example of feudal concepts in the service
twelfth centuries saw a remarkable upsurge of princes. The growth of feudalism in Eng-
in the construction of castles in Europe. ‘To land was in turn intimately connected with
cite one example, in the Diocese of Florence the Norman Conquest of 1066, the central
in Italy only 2 castles are mentioned in the event of English medieval history.
sources before goo, 11 before rooo, 52 before
1050, 130 before 1100, and 205 before 1200.
The proliferation of these fortresses reflects The Norman Conquest
both the violence of European life and the
growing effort to find protection from it. Duke William of Normandy (1027-1087),
The castellans initially had no official sta- the architect of the Conquest, is the epitome
tus in the shadowy structure of the post-Car- of the ambitious, energetic, and resourceful

Two Centuries
of Creativity

prince of the Central Middle Ages. A bastard ans seem to believe that while the Norman
who had to fight twelve years to make good Conquest did not radically alter the course of
his claim over his own Norman duchy, Wil- English development, it did add a new speed
liam early set his ambitions on the English and decisiveness to changes already in evi-
crown. His claims were respectable, but not dence. For example, the Conquest oriented
compelling. He was the first cousin of the last England away from Scandinavia and toward
Saxon king, the childless Edward the Confes- the Continent and established a French-
sor, who supposedly had promised to make speaking aristocracy. Norman and Continen-
him heir to the throne. However, before his tal influences, however, were growing well
death Edward selected the Saxon Harold before 1066; Edward had been raised in Nor-
Godwin to succeed him, and his choice was mandy, and Normans were familiar figures in
supported by the Witan, the English royal the English court and Church. Nor did Wil-
council. liam radically change the political and social
Edward died in 1066. William immediately institutions of Anglo-Saxon England; rather,
recruited an army of vassals and adventurers he built upon them.
to support his claim to the throne and gained The basic unit of local administration re-
a papal blessing for his enterprise, but unfa- mained the shire under the supervision of the
vorable winds kept his fleet bottled up in the sheriff, who had primary responsibility for
Norman ports for six weeks. Meantime Har- looking after the king’s interests. The shetiff
old Hardrada, king of Norway, who also dis- administered the royal estates, collected the
puted Harold Godwin’s claim, invaded Eng- taxes (notably the Danegeld), summoned and
land with a Viking army but was shattered led contingents to the national militia (the
by the Saxons at Stamford Bridge near York fyrd), and presided over the shire court. Wil-
on September 28, 1066. The same day the liam left all these institutions of local govern-
channel winds shifted and William landed in ment intact.
England. Harold Godwin foolishly rushed The real impact of the Conquest was felt
south to confront him. Although his army at the upper levels of Anglo-Saxon society.
was not, as was once thought, technically in- The Saxon earls, as the great nobles were
ferior to the Norman army, it was tired and called, and most of the lesser nobles, or
badly in need of rest and reinforcements after thanes, lost their estates, which William redis-
the victory over the Vikings. At the Battle of tributed among his followers from the Conti-
Hastings on October 14, fatigue seems even- nent —his barons (a title of uncertain origin,
tually to have tipped the scales of an other- now used to connote the immediate vassals of
wise even struggle. The Normans carried the the king). Although the fiefs that William
day, leaving Harold Godwin dead upon the allotted were large, they were not compact
field. Duke William of Normandy had won blocks of land; rather, they were strewn hither
his claim to be king of England. and yon across the counttyside—fit to sup-
After years of study the exact importance port service but not rebellion.
of the Norman Conquest in English history is William did, however, redefine the rela-
still disputed. Today, however, most histori- tions between the king and the great men of

Two Centuries
of Creativity

The Bayeux tapestry, reputedly woven by the and began to place a new ethical and material
wife of William the Conqueror, is a strip of force behind royal prerogatives.
linen 231 feet long and 20 inches wide In order to maintain close contact with his
depicting the Norman conquest of England in barons and vassals William also took from the
1066. In the portion shown above, William
Continent the institution of the great council,
arrives at Pervesey; below, King Harold fights in
or Curia Regis. Essentially, it was an assem-
the Battle of Hastings. The tapestry was
completed toward the end of the eleventh bly of bishops, abbots, barons —in fact, any-
century. [Photo: La Ville de Bayeux, Giraudon | one whom the king summoned. The great
council fulfilled the feudal functions of giving
the king advice and serving as his principal
the realm on the basis of essentially feudal court in reaching judgments. It was a much
concepts. The Anglo-Saxons had a form of larger assembly than the Saxon Witan. How-
lordship under which protection was extend- ever, as the great council could not be kept
ed to a man of lesser station in return for loy- permanently in session, a small council, con-
alty and service. Lords might further support sisting of those persons in permanent attend-
their retainers with grants of land, but they ance at the court whom the king wished to
gave the properties in full title. They did not invite, carried on the functions of the great
make tenure conditional upon service —the council between its sessions. The develop-
essential feature of the Continental fief. Wil- ment of the great and small councils had ma-
liam now insisted that all English land be jor importance for English constitutional his-
considered a fief held directly or indirectly tory. [he great council was the direct ances-
from the king. The barons had to serve the tor of Parliament, and the small council was
king, and the knights the barons, or risk losing the source of administrative bureaus of the
their estates. royal government.
In 1086 William conducted a comprehen-
sive survey of the lands of England, the report
of which was the Domesday Book, probably so Angevin Kingship
called because its judgments in their finality
resembled those to be made on the Last Day. William was succeeded by his second son,
This survey, unique for its age among the William Rufus, one of England’s worse kings.
European kingdoms, served two main pur- He terrorized his subjects and antagonized
poses: It gave the king a clear record of his the Church. At his death in r1oo, probably
own holdings and those of his barons; and it from assassination, his younger brother, Hen-
enabled him to know how much service the ry I, became king. Henry began a series of
land could support. In the Salisbury oath of administrative reforms, but a dispute over the
1086 every vassal had to swear loyalty to the succession at his death and a protracted civil
king as the liege lord of all. Feudal concepts war undermined his accomplishment. By
thus brought a greater precision to the obliga- 1154, however, a unified and pacified England
tions of English freemen toward their king passed under the rule of Henry II of Anjou,

grandson of Henry I and the first of the “An- them. Barons receiving fiefs from the king
gevin” kings of England. had also been given the right to hold a court
Through combined inheritances and his and judge the disputes of their own knights
marriage to Eleanor of Aquitaine in 1152, and dependents. Normally, therefore, liti-
Henry II ruled over a sprawling assemblage gants in a civil dispute would appear before a
of territories, including, besides England, baronial court for settlement. But as a result
nearly the entire west of France from the Eng- of Henry’s reforms a litigant could purchase
lish Channel to the Pyrenees Mountains (see one of many royal writs, which ordered the
Map 8.3). A man of abounding energy who sheriff to bring the case under the scrutiny of
carried to completion many of the reforms of the royal court presided over by the justice in
Henry I, he ranks among the most gifted eyre. The great superiority of royal justice in
statesmen of the twelfth century and among civil matters was that it relied, not on ordeals
the greatest kings of England. or duels, but on sworn inquests or juries.
It was in the sphere of English government These juries in civil cases were composed of
and law that Henry left a permanent mark. “good men” from the neighborhood who
He made royal justice the common justice of were likely to know the facts at issue and
the kingdom through the use of itinerant were able to judge the truth or falsity of
officials, or “justices in eyre” (2 itinere, 1.€., claims. Henry made no effort to suppress
“on journey”), who were endowed with all baronial courts, but the better justice offered
the authority of the king himself. The itiner- by the royal court left them with a progres-
ant justice traveled regularly to the courts of sively shrinking role in the juridical life of
the shires, investigating and punishing crimes. England.
Upon his arrival the justice would impound In time the justices built up a considerable
twelve “good men” and inquire of them un- body of decisions, which then served as pre-
der oath what crimes they had heard about cedents in similar cases. The result was the
since his last visit and whom they suspected gradual legal unification of the realm, the
of guilt. (This sworn inquest is the direct development, in other words, of a “Common”
ancestor of the modern jury of presentment, law of England —common in that it applied to
or grand jury.) Those indicted by the twelve the entire kingdom and was thus distinct
“good men” were still tried by the ancient from the local customs by which cases were
ordeals of fire and water, which were retained formerly decided. It differed from Roman law
until the Church condemned these pro- in that it represented not the will of the king
cedures at the Fourth Lateran Council in or legislator but the principles, formed by
1215. Thereafter, the small, or petty, jury was custom, which were followed in deciding
used, as it is today, to judge guilt or inno- cases. This marks the beginnings of the tradi-
cence. tion of common law, under which most of the
The itinerant justice did not forcibly inter- English-speaking world continues to live.
fere in civil disputes, but he did offer for sale The justices performed one other service in
the services of the royal court in settling the interests of royal authority. They investi-

Two Centuries
of Creativity




Boundary of English Holdings | : _ Dea. 1200

in France 1180 ya om

<s_ English Holdings in France

gated the behavior of the sheriffs and saw to it op of Canterbury, Thomas a Becket, rejected
that the king’s business was handled capably this claim. He argued that both the Bible and
and honestly at the shire level. canon law forbade what we now call “double
Central administration and bureaucracy jeopardy,” that is, a second trial and punish-
also grew stronger under Henry’s rule. The ment for the same crime.
great officers who aided him were the justi- Thomas had been a warm personal friend
ciar, who governed the realm in his absence, of Henry’s and had served him ably and
the chancellor (secretary), and the chamber- faithfully as his chancellor, the chief official of
lain (treasurer). The Exchequeur, or treasury, his realm. Royal friendship and favor had
enjoyed a remarkable development in Hen- brought him his election as archbishop of
ry’s reign and assured the king substantial Canterbury in 1162. In the course of the six-
revenues in money. It received its name year struggle between these former friends,
(which means “checkerboard” for the reason Thomas first submitted, then broke with
that calculations were performed by moving Henry and fled to France, and then was rec-
counters across a table divided into squares, onciled once more in 1170. A few months la-
much as one calculates with an abacus. ter he suspended those bishops who had sup-
The Exchequeur combined the functions ported the king. Henry, then in France, de-
of an accounting office and a court. The ac- manded in fateful rhetoric whether no man
counting office, lower Exchequeur, received would free him of this pestilential priest. Four
twice a year from the sheriffs an accounting of the king’s knights took the words to heart,
of the moneys they had received — whether journeyed to England, found Thomas in his
from the royal estates in their shires; fees or cathedral, and cut him down before the high
fines; the Danegeld; or scutage, which was altar on December 29, 1170. His death ac-
the payment knights had to make when they complished what his life could not. Henry
did not serve personally in the royal army. revoked the objectionable reforms and _per-
The upper Exchequeur was a court which formed an arduous personal penance for his
heard disputes concerning the king’s fiscal unwise words.
prerogatives. Although Henry II was unable to dominate
the Church, the English monarchy at his
death in 1189 was the strongest in Europe. It
Thomas a Becket remained for the thirteenth century to discov-
er how this great power might be managed
The judicial reforms of Henry II led him into and controlled.
a bitter conflict with the English Church,
which maintained its own canonical courts.
In Henry’s opinion the penalties these courts Capetian France
meted out to the guilty were too mild to deter
them from future crime, and in 1164 he In France the pattern of feudal development
claimed the right to retry before his royal was much different from that of England.
courts clerics accused of crime. The archbish- Central government all but disappeared in

Two Centuries
of Creativity

The Romanesque mural from the Church of St. ably more difficult than in England, but, in
Giovanni e Paolo in Spoleto portrays the murder addition, France was a much larger country,
of Thomas a Becket. The archbishop of and its regions preserved considerable cultur-
Canterbury was murdered in 1170 after six years al diversity.
of opposition to Henry Ii’s judicial policies. Nonetheless, the second feudal age did
[Photo: André Held ]
witness considerable changes in France.
There are two notable developments. We can
the turmoil following the age of Charle- discern the emergence of several compact and
magne. What governmental functions could effectively governed principalities, especially
still be performed amid the chaos were car- in the north—the Duchy of Normandy, the
ried out by counts, castellans, and other lords counties of Flanders and Champagne, the
of small territorial units. These factors alone royal lands of the Ile de France, and others.
would have made the rebuilding of an effec- Second, the French kings sought with some
tive national monarchy in France consider- success to establish a lord-vassal relation with

the great dukes and counts who governed ing his lands and harassing travelers seeking
these principalities. The kings did not envi- to cross them. By the end of his reign he had
sion, and could not have achieved, the unifica- established effective control over the lands
tion of the entire realm under their own di- between the cities of Paris and Orléans. This
rect authority. The goal of monarchical pol- gave him a compact block of territory in the
icy was a kind of federation of principalities geographic heart of France. Louis VI promot-
bound together by a common fealty to the ed the colonization of forests and wastelands
king on the part of distant dukes and counts. by establishing free villages, and he courted
the support of the town communes. The eco-
nomic growth encouraged by the king added
The Capetians to his own fiscal resources. He staffed his
administration with new men from the mid-
In 987 the great nobles of France elected as dle ranges of society at the expense of the old-
their king Hugh Capet, whose descendants er, entrenched, and unreliable nobility. One
held the throne until 1792. Hugh was elected such man of humble origins was Abbot Suger
primarily because his small possessions in the - of the monastery of Saint-Denis near Paris;
Ile de France, which included Paris and the Suger was in fact the chief architect of these
surrounding region, made him no threat to successful policies.
the independence of the nobles. He and his Louis VI bequeathed to his successors a
successors for the next century made no dra- strong base of power in the Ile de France, but
matic efforts to enlarge their royal authority, his weaker son, Louis VII, could do little with
but they carefully nursed what advantages it. At Suger’s insistence Louis VII married
they had: the central location of their lands; Eleanor of Aquitaine, heiress to the extensive
the title of king, which commanded a vague lands of the Duchy of Aquitaine. This mar-
prestige; and a close association with the riage promised to more than double the lands
Church, which gave them an avenue of influ- under direct royal control. But manifest in-
ence extending beyond their own territory. compatibility of character and Eleanor’s fail-
They also pursued a remarkably prudent pol- ure to produce a male heir set the spouses
icy of consolidating control over their own feuding, and the marriage was annulled in
lands, and they had the good luck to produce 1152. Eleanor, or at least her possessions,
sons. For two hundred years the kings proved irresistible to Henry II of England,
crowned their sons during their own lifetimes who married her two months later, although
and thus built the tradition that the crown he was her junior by some ten years. The loss
was theirs, not by election, but by hereditary of her vast inheritance to the English monar-
right. chy was a major blow to the Capetian for-
The Capetian policy first bore fruit under tunes.
Louis VI, the Fat (1108-1137). His aim was Louis VII’s son by a later marriage, Philip
to be master in his own possessions and he II Augustus set out to reclaim from the Eng-
successfully reduced to obedience the petty lish the provinces of Aquitaine and Norman-
nobles and castellans who had been disturb- dy, and to break the encirclement of his de-

Two Centuries
of Creativity

mesne. To achieve this goal he skillfully ex- of their lands. The defeat of the southern no-
ploited the quarrels of Henry II with Queen bility left a vacuum of power, which the
Eleanor and with his sons, Richard the Lion- king’s authority soon came to fill.
Hearted and John. John, who succeeded
Richard as king of England in 1199, paved the
way to his own humiliation by marrying the Administration
fiancee of a noble of southern France, a fla-
grant violation of feudal custom. The of- In addition to increasing his lands Philip
fended noble appealed for justice to their strengthened the administration of his royal
common lord, Philip, who eagerly summoned domains (he still made no effort to interfere
John before the French court to answer for directly in the governments of the fiefs of the
his crime. When John failed to appear, Philip kingdom). On the local level the representa-
declared his fiefs forfeit. tive of the king—the French counterpart of
John then showed himself as maladroit in the English sheriff—was the prevot. About
war as he was in love. While he dallied in 1190, apparently in imitation of the English
England, French troops invaded Normandy itinerant justices, Philip began to appoint a
and after an eight-month siege took the for- new official, the bali, to supervise the work
tress of Chateau Gaillard, which Richard the of the prevot. (When the king acquired terrj-
Lion-Hearted had erected to defend the prov- tory in southern France, the same officer was
ince. Normandy thus became part of the called the senechal.) The bazlli supervised the
French royal domain (see Map 8.3). Finally, collection of rents and taxes, the administra-
John bestirred himself to action. He organ- tion of justice, and all the king’s interests
ized a coalition of Philip’s enemies, includ- within a certain prescribed circuit or area, but
ing Emperor Otto IV of Germany and the he never assumed the full range of functions
Count of Flanders who, though Philip’s vas- and powers that the English justice in eyre
sal, viewed with considerable apprehension had acquired. The central administration was
the growth of royal authority. Philip beat also developing specialized bureaus, although
back the invading army at Bouvines in 1214, less advanced than the English, and the
a victory that confirmed England’s loss of Chambre de Comptes, a special financial office,
Normandy and brought new prestige to the equivalent to the English Exchequeur, gradu-
Capetian throne. It was convincing proof of ally assumed responsibility for the royal
the power the king now could wield. finances.
Under Philip royal influence began to pen- Louis VI and Philip Augustus made the
etrate to the south of France. In 1208 Pope French monarchy the unquestioned master in
Innocent HI declared a crusade against the the Ile de France, greatly enlarged the royal
Albigensian heretics of the south (see Chapter domains, and insisted with considerable suc-
g), who enjoyed the protection of many cess that the great dukes and counts of the
powerful nobles. Philip’s vassals flocked to realm serve the king loyally. In France, as in
the call, overwhelmed the counts of Toulouse England and widely in Europe, feudal prac-
and other prominent nobles, and seized much tices did not necessarily mean weak govern-

ment; on the contrary, the able and energetic converted peoples. Their leader should ap-
princes of the age utilized these concepts and propriately be an emperor who, like Charle-
institutions to redefine the relationship be- magne, would aid the Church against its for-
tween ruler and ruled in the interest of eign enemies while promoting its interests at
achieving a stronger central authority. ‘The home.
feudal system, as it was constructed in these
principalities, was thus a major step toward a
more ordered political life and toward the Otto I, the Great
modern state.
The last direct descendant of Charlemagne in
Germany, a feeble ruler known as Louis the
The German Empire Child, died in 911. Recognizing the need for a
common leader, the German dukes in g19
In the tenth and eleventh centuries the Ger- elected as king one of their number, Henry of
man lands east of the Rhine show a pattern of Saxony. His descendants held the German
political development much different from monarchy until 1024. The most powerful of
that of France or England. Whereas in France this line of Saxon kings, and the true restorer
after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire, of the German Empire, was Otto I, the Great
power became fragmented among many pet- (936-973). Otto was primarily a warrior, and
ty lords and castellans, in Germany it came to conquest was a principal foundation of his
be concentrated in certain relatively large ter- power. He routed the pagan Magyars at
ritorial blocks. Saxony, Franconia, Swabia, Lechfeld near Augsburg in 955 and ended
and Bavaria, known as “Stem” duchies (from their menace to Christian Europe; he organ-
the German Stdmme, meaning a distinct peo- ized military provinces, or marches, along
ple, tribe, or ethnic group), were originally the eastern frontier and actively promoted the
districts of the Carolingian Empire that be- work of German missionaries and settlers
came independent political entities under beyond the Elbe River; and in g51 he
powerful dukes. Because these duchies were marched into Italy.
close to the hostile eastern frontier, their in- Historians are not certain what exactly
habitants learned to appreciate the advantages drew Otto to the south. Perhaps he feared
of a unified leadership. the formation of a large kingdom, including
Moreover, in Germany the old idea of a Provence, Burgundy, and Lombardy, which
Christian empire, which we have seen both in would eventually threaten Germany. Per-
Byzantium and in the West under Charle- haps like Charlemagne he hoped to rescue the
magne, retained considerable appeal. Per- papacy from the clutches of the tumultuous
haps because they were so close to the fron- Roman nobility, to which it had once again
tiers of Christendom, the German dukes con- fallen victim. It does appear at any rate that
sidered themselves to be in a special way the Otto conceived of himself not just as a Ger-
champions of the Christian faith, and they man king but as the leader of all Western
mounted a missionary effort among the un- Christians. He could not allow Italy, espe-

Two Centuries
of C.reativity

cially Rome, to remain in chaos nor permit several difficulties. Foremost among them
another prince to achieve a strong position was the growing discontent of the Church
there. And, indeed, during a second campaign with the imperial domination of ecclesiastical
in Italy in 962 Pope John XII crowned Otto life. (This will be examined in the following
Roman emperor. The title gave him no new section.) Reformers sought to liberate the
powers, but it did provide him high prestige, Church from the emperor’s tutelage, and they
inasmuch as he could claim to be the special succeeded in undermining a principal foun-
protector of the Church and the most exalted dation of the imperial authority. But the re-
ruler in Christendom. form did not end the efforts of the German
The coronation of 962 not only marked the kings to build a strong empire which would
restoration of a “Roman” empire in the West unite Germany and Italy and allow them to
(in fact it was German) but also confirmed the exercise a moral leadership over the whole of
close relations between Germany and Italy Western Europe.
which lasted through the Middle Ages. Al-
though the German emperors claimed to be
the successors of the Caesars and of Charle- Frederick I, Barbarossa
magne, and thus the titular leaders of all
Western Christendom, their effective power The emperor who came closest to building a
never extended beyond Germany and Italy lasting foundation for the German Empire
and the small provinces contiguous to them— was Frederick I (1152-1190) of the House of
Provence, Burgundy, and Bohemia. Govern- Hohenstaufen. He was called Barbarossa,
ment of his far-flung territories presented meaning “red beard.” Large, handsome, gal-
Otto with problems even more formidable lant, courageous, Frederick, like Charlemagne
than those which confronted the English and before him, gained a permanent place in the
French kings. He distributed the Stem duch- memories and myths of his people. He much
ies among his relatives, in the poorly founded resembles in his policies, if not quite in his
hope that they would be loyal to him, and achievements, the other great statesmen of
placed great reliance upon the Church both the twelfth century—Henry I of England
in Germany and Italy, using its lands and and Philip II of France. Frederick showed a
officials as adjuncts to his own fisc (crown broad eclecticism in his political philosophy.
lands) and administration. He therefore in- He claimed to be the special protector of the
sisted upon the right to nominate or approve Church and therefore a holy figure. During
the nominations of the great prelates of his his reign the German Empire was first called
empire — bishops, abbots, and popes. Control the “Holy Roman Empire,” the title by which
of Church offices and Church lands gave the it was to be known until its demise in 1806.
emperor enclaves of power in the Stem But Frederick also used the new institutions
duchies and in Italy which no potential rival and concepts of political feudalism and effec-
could match. tively exploited ideas concerning the emper-
When Otto died in 973, his state was the or’s powers which the revived study of Ro-
strongest in Europe, but it was troubled by man law was providing.

Frederick pursued three principal goals. resounding victory, this time over the power-
He hoped to consolidate a strong imperial ful duke of Saxony, Henry the Lion, who had
domain consisting of Swabia, which he inher- refused to aid him in his Italian war. Making
ited; Burgundy, which he acquired by mar- effective use of feudal custom, Frederick
riage; and Lombardy, which he hoped to summoned him in 1180 to face trial as a dis-
subdue. These three contiguous territories loyal vassal. The court condemned Henry
would serve him much as the Ile de France and confiscated his Saxon fief. With Henry
served the French king, giving him a central humiliated and deprived of his lands Freder-
base of power from which he could dominate ick seemed to be the unchallenged master in
those more distant areas which he could not Germany (see Map 8.3).
rule directly. In Germany he sought to force Frederick now wanted to advance the em-
the great princes in the north and east to be- pire’s prestige in Europe and sought out a
come his vassals. In Italy he claimed, as suc- position of leadership in the Third Crusade,
cessor of the Caesars, to enjoy the sovereignty as it is traditionally numbered. But the aged
which Roman law attributed to the emperors. emperor drowned while trying to ford a small
Frederick’s Italian ambitions disturbed the stream in Asia Minor, bringing to a pathetic
popes and the town communes, which from end a crowded and brilliant career.
about 1100 had become the chief powers in His successors proved unable to build
the northern half of the peninsula. Both upon, or even maintain, his accomplishments.
feared that a strong central government could Frederick’s inability to establish an enduring
be established only at the cost of their own government over his vast territories is hardly
independence. With active papal support the surprising, in view of the obstacles which
northern Italian towns, led by Milan, formed confronted him. Geography and culture, dis-
a coalition known as the Lombard League tance and the Alps worked against the union
and defeated the imperial forces at Legnano of Germany and Italy as a single state. In fact,
in 1176. The Battle of Legnano not only the various regions of the empire were at such
marked the failure of Frederick’s efforts to markedly different levels of social develop-
establish full sovereignty over the Lombard ment, that not until the nineteenth century
cities; it was also the first time in European did either Germany or Italy become unified
history that an army of townsmen had bested states.

the forces of the established army under no-

ble leadership. At the Peace of Constance in
1183 Frederick conceded to the towns almost
full authority within their walls; the towns in i. [The Reform of the Western
turn recognized that their powers came from
him, and they conceded to him sovereignty in
the countryside. Frederick did not gain all
that he had wished in Italy, but his position Along with lay governments, the Church, too,
remained a strong one. experienced fundamental transformations in
In Germany he was able to achieve a more the eleventh and twelfth centuries; it then

Two Centuries
of Creativity

acquired characteristics it was to retain in livings. For these, simony was often an essen-
large measure to the present day. The reform tial means of support.
of the Church was the direct result of revolt
against the traditional system of lay domina-
tion over ecclesiastical offices and lands. Early Attempts at Reform

According to canon law, the bishops bore the

Moral Crisis chief responsibility for the moral deportment
of the clergy. A few reforming bishops in the
After the disintegration of the Frankish Em- tenth and eleventh centuries tried to suppress
pire a kind of moral chaos invaded the lives of clerical marriage and simony of their priests,
the clergy. Since the fourth century the but they could make little headway. The
Church had demanded that its clergy remain powers of a single bishop were perforce limit-
celibate, but this injunction seems to have ed to his own diocese, and to his own lifetime,
been almost completely ignored in the post- since he could not name his successor.
Carolingian period. Also rampant in the Monastic discipline was the focus of a more
Church was the sin of simony— the buying or effective attempt at reform, the center of
selling of offices or sacraments. Many bishops which was the monastery of Cluny in Bur-
and even some popes purchased their high gundy, founded in gio. Cluniac monasticism
positions, and parish priests frequently sold was marked by two constitutional novelties.
their sacramental services (baptisms, masses, The monastery was placed directly under the
absolutions of sins, marriages) to the people. pope (neither lay lords nor bishops could in-
The constitution of the Western Church terfere in its affairs), and whereas formerly
seems to have contributed to this moral monasteries had been autonomous communi-
breakdown. On the highest level the tradi- ties, electing their own abbots and supervis-
tion of lay domination made the king or em- ing their own affairs, the administration was
peror effective head of the Church in all its now centralized under the Abbot of Cluny.
temporal affairs. At the local level, Church He retained authority over the many daugh-
offices and lands were largely under lay con- ter houses which his monks had founded or
trol. Landlords were considered to own the reformed and could visit them at will, freely
churches built upon their property. They correcting any abuses. The congregation of
therefore could name the priests who served Cluny grew with extraordinary rapidity in
in them and profit’ from donations made to the eleventh and twelfth centuries until it in-
them, freely sell the offices they controlled, or cluded no fewer than 1,184 houses, which
distribute Church lands to their relatives and were spread from the British Isles to Pales-
friends. The results were disastrous. The tine.
Church was flooded with unworthy men who The restoration of the German Empire in
were little concerned with their spiritual du- 962 opened another avenue of ecclesiastical
ties, and the pillaging of Church lands and reform. Otto I and his successors repeatedly
revenues left many clerics without adequate condemned clerical marriage, simony, and the

unauthorized usurpation of Church lands, Church tradition had required that the
but in the interests of their own authority pope, like all bishops, be elected by the clergy
they could not abandon their traditional con- and people of his diocese. In practice, how-
trol over ecclesiastical offices and lands. Their ever, the emperor named him, or in his ab-
efforts did not satisfy a growing group of rad- sence the powerful noble families and fac-
ical reformers who believed that complete tions of Rome did. However, the election
freedom of the Church from lay domination procedures set up by the council of 1059 con-
was the only means to effective reform. To ferred this prerogative upon the cardinals, the
win and defend this liberty they looked for chief clergymen associated with the Church
leadership to the long-degraded office of at Rome, thereby assuring that the College of
pope. Cardinals, and the reformers who controlled
it, could maintain continuity of papal policy.
(Even today all cardinals, no matter where
Papal Reform they live in the world, hold a titular appoint-
ment to a church within the archdiocese of
The first of the reforming popes, selected, Rome.) Both the emperor and the Roman
ironically, by the Holy Roman Emperor, was nobility were simultaneously deprived of one
Leo IX (1049-1054). He traveled widely and of their strongest powers.
presided at numerous councils, where he
promulgated decrees ordering reforms, sum-
moned suspect bishops, and deposed many of Gregory VII
them. He was the first pope to make wide and
regular use of papal legates, who, like Charle- The climax of papal reform came with the
magne’s mussi dominici, traveled through Eu- pontificate of Pope Gregory VII (1073 — 1085),
rope, inspecting, reprimanding, and reform- who brought to his office a high regard for
ing. For the first time lands distant from its powers and responsibilities and a burning
Rome were subject to the close supervision of desire for reform. With regard to Church
the papacy. matters Gregory asserted that the pope
Under Pope Nicholas II the movement wielded absolute authority —that he could at
toward ecclesiastical liberty took several for- will overrule any local bishop in the exercise
ward strides. By allying himself with the of his ordinary or usual jurisdiction. His ideas
Normans of southern Italy, Nicholas freed on the relations of Church and state, how-
the papacy from military dependence on the ever, are less than clear. According to some
German Empire. He was the first pope who historians, he believed that all power on earth,
expressly, if vainly, condemned the practice including the imperial power, came from the
of “lay investiture,” that is, receiving church- papacy. According to others, Gregory held
es and Church offices from laymen. In 1059 a that the normal function of kings—the re-
Roman council reformed papal elections and pression of crime—was far lower than the
defined the principles by which popes to this sacred authority of popes. This much at least
day have been elected. is beyond dispute: Gregory believed that all

Two Centuries
of Creativity

Christian princes must answer to the pope in held at Augsburg in February 1077. They
spiritually significant matters and that the invited Gregory to preside, and he readily
pope himself had a weighty responsibility to accepted. Henry resolved to fight spiritual
guide them. weapons with spiritual weapons. He slipped
across the Alps and intercepted Gregory,
then on his way to Germany, at the Apennine
The Investiture Controversy castle of Canossa near Modena. He came in
the sackcloth of a penitent, radiating contri-
The major collision between the papacy and tion, pleading for absolution. Gregory, who
the Holy Roman Empire that occurred dur- doubted the sincerity of the emperor’s re-
ing the pontificate of Gregory VII is tradi- pentance, refused for three days to receive
tionally called the Investiture Controversy. him, while Henry waited in the snow. Final-
The name suggests that the principal issue ly, in the face of such persistence Gregory the
was the practice of great laymen, most notably suspicious pope had to give way to Gregory
the emperor, of “investing” bishops with ring the priest, who, like all priests, was obligated
and staff, the symbols of their spiritual office. to absolve a sinner professing sorrow.
More fundamentally, the struggle revolved The incident of Canossa is one of the most
around the claims of laymen to dispose of ec- dramatic events of medieval history. Through
clesiastical offices and revenues by their own the centuries since, the picture of the supreme
authority and in their own interests. lay magistrate of Christendom begging for-
At a Roman council in 1075 Gregory, con- giveness from the pope has symbolized a vic-
vinced that Emperor Henry IV had no sin- tory of spiritual over material power, or a
cere interest in reform, condemned lay inves- triumph of Church over state. The reality
titure and excommunicated some of Henry’s was more complex. Henry was the immediate
advisers. Henry reacted with unexpected victor. He had divided his opponents and
fury; he summoned a meeting of imperial stripped his German enemies of their excuse
bishops and declared Gregory not the true for rebelling. They named a rival emperor
pope but a false monk. Not one to pause in anyway, Rudolf of Swabia, but he was killed
what he thought to be the work of God, Greg- in battle in what seemed a divine judgment in
ory in turn excommunicated Henry, deposed Henry’s favor. Gregory appears to have be-
him, and freed his subjects from allegiance to come disconcerted and unsure of himself af-
him. These acts struck at the fundamental ter Canossa. He finally excommunicated Hen-
theory of the Christian empire, according to ry a second time in 1080 but was forced to
which the emperor was supreme head of the flee Rome at the approach of an imperial
Christian people, responsible only to God. army. He died at Salerno in 1085 in apparent
Gregory’s forceful appeal to spiritual bitterness, avowing that his love of justice had
power gained remarkable success in Ger- brought him only death in exile.
many. Henry’s enemies leagued against him After years of confused struggle Pope Ca-
and demanded that the emperor be judged lixtus I] and Emperor Henry V settled the
before an assembly of lords and prelates to be Investiture Controversy through the Concor-

dat of Worms in 1122. The terms of the of ecclesiastical courts developed according to
agreement were that the emperor would no this premise, paralleling and at times rivaling
longer invest prelates with the symbols of the courts of the kings. Judicial decisions
their spiritual office, and the pope would al- from these courts could be appealed to Rome.
low the elections of imperial bishops and Legal scholars simultaneously sought to
abbots to be held in the presence of the em- compile and clarify the canons of the
peror or his representative. This clearly per- Church—the authoritative statements from
mitted the emperor to influence the outcome the Bible, Church councils, Church fathers,
of elections. In addition the emperor retained and popes which constituted the law of the
the right of investing prelates with their tem- Church. The most successful of many such
poralities, that is, their imperial fiefs. The es- compilations was the Concordance of Dis-
sence of the agreement was that the great cordant Canons, or the Decretum, put together
bishops and abbots of the realm would have by the Italian jurist Gratian about 1142. With
to be acceptable to both parties — worthy and systematic compilations came trained canon
religious men to please the Church and loyal lawyers to comment upon, interpret, and ap-
and capable servants to please the emperor. ply the law. These men helped make the law
The agreement fell short of both papal and of the medieval Church one of the West’s
imperial demands, but it shows the emer- great juridical monuments.
gence of a new and important principle in Centralization gained in other ways. The
Western political life: a recognition that ma- popes came to exert a progressively tighter
jor Church appointments ought to be made control over the canonization of saints, hither-
through consultation and compromise. to a local matter, and they gained a stronger
voice in the election of bishops, until finally
papal approval was accepted as essential to a
The Consolidation of Reform valid choice. In papal tithes imposed upon the
clergy and in the administration of the census
In the twelfth century the popes continued to (yearly payments made by many churches to
pursue Gregorian ideals—reform, liberty, Rome), the outlines of a centralized financial
and centralization—and to consolidate past administration appear, although remaining
advances. In their struggle to be free of lay rudimentary in the twelfth century.
authority the reformers had insisted that cer-
tain persons, such as clerics, widows, orphans,
crusaders, and other wards of the Church, The Reform and Medieval Society
should be judged only in ecclesiastical courts,
and that matters such as cases touching on The reform of the Church in the eleventh and
sacrilege, heresy, marriage, testaments, con- twelfth centuries left an indelible mark on
tracts, and the like, should also, because of both religious and secular life in the West.
their religious nature, be under ecclesiastical The higher standards of clerical morality set
jurisdiction, no matter who the parties might the clergy apart from the laity to a degree
be. In the twelfth century a complex system unknown in the ancient or Eastern Church.

Two Centuries
of Creativity

(The ideals of the reform have continued to tered upon a period of high creativity, which
influence the life of Catholic priests until the marked all forms of cultural expression, and
present.) many of the cultural attitudes developed in
The movement for ecclesiastical reform this period have affected Western culture un-
touched nearly all aspects of contemporary til the present.
life. The reform clergy gave powerful support
to the efforts of princes to suppress private
warfare and to establish an internal peace of The Rise of Universities
which the Church was a chief beneficiary.
They also helped revive intellectual life in the During the Central Middle Ages, a new insti-
West. The Church actively set about building tution came to assume a role in the intellec-
an educational system for its clergy. The tual life of Europe, which it has not since re-
bishop’s school, and then the university, were linquished. This was the university; it ranks
the principal fruit of the reform. The dispute as one of the most influential creations of the
between Church and state also greatly stimu- medieval world.
lated the growth of scholastic thought, as the Up to about 1050, monastic schools had
characteristic teaching of the new schools was dominated intellectual development in the
called. West. But the monastic devotion to prayer,
Finally, the Gregorian reform was based on asceticism, and mystical meditation was not
the assumption that the good man facing an especially favorable to original thought, and
evil world need not timidly flee it; rather, he the isolation of monasteries restricted the
can and should seek to correct its abuses and experiences of the monastic scholar and made
bring it closer to what God intended it to be. difficult the exchange of ideas which intellec-
The reform thus helps mark the emergence of tual progress requires.
a new faith in human power and in the possi- From about 1050 to 1200 the cathedral, or
ble improvement of this present world, cul- bishop’s, school assumed the intellectual lead-
tural attitudes which Western man has not ership in Europe. Traditionally, bishops had
since abandoned. been obliged to provide for the education of
their clergy, but the disorders of the Early
Middle Ages and the decline of urban life
had prevented their schools from assuming
tv. The Cultural Revival a prominent role in cultural life. From the
late eleventh century the growth of cities,
the Gregorian emphasis upon a_ trained
The reorganization of European life in the clergy, the shock of the Investiture Contro-
eleventh and twelfth centuries affected insti- versy, and the stimulus of a more intimate
tutions of learning and even the direction and contact with non-Christian areas all served
methodology of Western thought. Its impact to revitalize the long-moribund cathedral
was profound in the fields of vernacular liter- schools.
ature and art also. The Western peoples en- The cathedral schools were at first very

fluid in their structure. The bishop’s secre- To impose some order on this flux, and to
tary, the chancellor, or a special officer of the protect young students from incompetent or
cathedral clergy known as a scholasticus, was unorthodox teachers, the twelfth-century
usually in charge of the school and had the cathedral schools gradually insisted that mas-
responsibility of inviting learned men, or ters possess a certification of their learning, a
“masters,” to lecture to the eager students. “license to teach.” The chancellor or scholasti-
Both masters and students roamed from town cus awarded this Jicentia docendi, the ancestor
to town, seeking the best teachers, the bright- of all modern academic degrees.
est (or best-paying) students, or the most lib- The throngs of masters and students, many
eral atmosphere for their work. The twelfth of them strangers to the city where they lec-
century was the age of the wandering schol- tured and studied, eventually grouped them-
ars, or clerici vagantes, who have left us charm- selves into guilds to protect their common
ing traces of their spirit or at least that of their interests. It was out of these spontaneously
more frivolous members, in the form of Gol- formed guilds of masters and students that
iardic verses, largely concerned with such un- the medieval university grew (universitas was
clerical subjects as wine, women, song, and a widely used Latin term for guild). The guild
their attendant joys.* We also know of stu- formed by the masters in Paris, for example,
dent life through model letters composed by received a royal charter about 1200 and a
master rhetoricians for students without the papal bull, Parens Scientiarum, in 1231. These
time or eloquence to write their own letters. documents confirmed the guild’s autonomy
Such models always include letters directed and powers to license teachers. The Universi-
to parents and almost always mention that if ty of Paris may thus claim to be the oldest of
the affectionate and dutiful son is to continue the north European universities. From about
his studies, he will need more money. Anoth- 1200 we may also date the beginnings of the
er side of student life is made manifest by age of the university in European intellectual
disputes with the permanent residents of the life.
towns where the schools were found. Towns- The university in Italy sprang from slight-
men frequently registered protests with the ly different origins. Even in the Early Middle
bishops or with the king against the students, Ages professional schools for the training of
whom they resented because of their boister- notaries, lawyers, and doctors survived in
ous ways and because their clerical status some Italian cities. The Italian schools, too,
gave them immunity from the local police seem to have enjoyed rapid growth from the
and courts. Riots involving town and gown late eleventh century, and growth in turn led
were commonplace events, another medieval to the formation of guilds. Here, however, the
tradition which has continued to the present. students rather than the professors constitut-
ed the dominant “university.” At the oldest of
these schools, the University of Bologna, the
‘The exact etymology of the word “Goliardic” remains students regulated discipline, established the
unknown. It possibly derives from Goliath the Philistine,
who was honored as a kind of antisaint by the boisterous fees to be paid the professors, and set the
students. hours and even the content of the lectures.


The concept of the university was new to the

Middle Ages. Its structure was such that students
exercised a degree of control that they do not
possess in modern times. Since there was no
such thing as tenure, professors relied upon
tuition fees for their daily bread, and students
could starve out unpopular teachers merely by
refusing to attend their classes. However, in
other aspects student life then was much the
same as it is today. These scenes from a
fifteenth century manuscript show students
gambling, opposing each other in disputations
(class debates), and engaging in other activities
of dormitory life. [Photo: University Library of
Freiburg-im-Breisgau |

Like all guilds, the university sought to

protect and advance its “art” of thought and
teaching and to preserve that art over genera-
tions through the appropriate training of the
young. The ancient world, although it pos-
sessed several famous schools, had never
developed a university system, in the sense
of numerous institutions of higher learning,
specifically organized for the pursuit and
preservation of learning. The rise of the uni-
versities also marks the appearance in West-
ern society of a class of men professionally
committed to the life of thought. These insti-
tutions, and the men associated with them,
have ever since played a role of unsurpassed
importance in the intellectual growth of the


In its broadest sense Scholasticism refers to

the teaching characteristic of the medieval
schools, that is, all the subjects taught in the
four great faculties: the arts (traditionally understood to be a being than which nothing
numbered as seven), canonical and Roman greater can be conceived, but that being must
law, medicine, and theology. But in a narrow- exist outside as well as within the mind. If he
er and perhaps more usual sense the term re- did not, then a being greater than he could be
fers to theology, the medieval “queen of the conceived who really did exist; this in turn
sciences,” in which the character and origin- would violate our initial definition. According
ality of scholastic reasoning appear most to this logical sequence God must exist or our
clearly. concept of him would be absurd and unthink-
Theology had similarly dominated the able.
monastic thought of the Early Middle Ages, This ontological argument for God’s exist-
but the monks had largely limited their inter- ence has challenged philosophers for centu-
ests to biblical interpretation, or exegesis. ries. Its great historical interest is this: It
They sought in the sacred Scriptures four marks the revival of logical inquiry, the eager-
traditional levels of meaning (literal, moral, ness to know the “whys” of things, to find or-
allegorical, and mystical) and wrote volumi- der and consistency among statements ac-
nous commentaries without constructing a cepted as true. The scholastic interest in dia-
rigorously logical system of theology. lectical relationships much resembles classical
The novelty of Scholasticism was, specifi- Greek thought with the important exception,
cally, its application of dialectic to Christian of course, that the scholastics initially sought
theology. Dialectic is the art of analyzing the order among propositions presented by faith.
logical relationships among propositions in a (Later, they would take further propositions
dialogue or discourse. The monastic theologi- from the ancient pagan philosophers and
an, through exegesis, wished to discover what even, to a limited degree, from their own ob-
was true; the scholastic, on the other hand, servations.) From the time of Anselm scholas-
sought to learn how propositions of faith tic thought assumed that the human intellect
joined one another within a larger, consistent, was powerful enough to probe the logical and
and logically forceful theological system. metaphysical patterns within which even
The first thinker to explore, although still God had to operate.
not in rigorous fashion, the theological appli- Peter Abelard (1079-1142), a second fa-
cations of dialectic was St. Anselm of Canter- ther of Scholasticism, brought a new rigor
bury (1033-1109). Anselm defined his own and popularity to dialectical theology. Abe-
intellectual interests as fides quaerens intellectum lard came to Paris in the early years of its in-
(“faith seeking to understand” —in actuality tellectual growth, and his brilliant teaching
faith seeking to find logical consistency helped give that city its reputation as Eu-
among its beliefs). In a work known as the rope’s leading center of philosophical and
Proslogium he tried to show that there is a nec- theological studies.
essary, logical connection between the tradi- His major contribution to the growth of
tional Judeo-Christian dogma that God is a Scholasticism was his book Sic et Non (“Yes
perfect being and the dogma that he really and No”), the first version of which probably
exists. God, argued Anselm, is traditionally appeared in 1122. Using what became the

Two Centuries
of Creativity

classical method of scholastic argumentation, Aristotle’s philosophy was built on reason

the posing of formal questions and the cita- alone, and his assumptions drove Western
tion of authorities on both sides, Abelard as- scholars to examine his works and their own
sembled 150 theological questions. For each faith through dialectic. The difficult task of
question he marshaled authorities from the reconciling Aristotelian reason and nature
Bible, Church councils, and Church fathers. with Christian revelation and divine grace
In every case there was conflict. He made no remained the central philosophical problem
effort to reconcile the discrepancies but left of the thirteenth century.
the authorities standing in embarrassing jux-
taposition. His method was an ingenious re-
tort to those who maintained that dialectic Vernacular Literature
could make no contribution to Christian the-
ology and that it was enough to hold fast to Scholasticism reflected the cultural interests
the ancient writings. Sic et Non implied that of only a small group of intellectuals in medi-
one must either enlist dialectic to reconcile eval society. What the broader masses of the
the conflicts or concede that the faith was a people valued must be sought in the vernacu-
tissue of contradictions. lar literature. Here, too, the themes and fig-
In the early phases of the medieval intellec- ures largely concern members of the nobility,
tual revival dialectic had to contend for su- not the common people. But there is much
premacy with humanistic studies, which reason to believe that this literature, or some
emphasized familiarity with the classical au- oral version of it, was appreciated well be-
thors and the ability to appreciate and write yond the aristocratic circles. Townsmen and
good Latin. Chartres, a small cathedral town even peasants seem to have delighted in hear-
near Paris, was the center of this twelfth-cen- ing of the doings of the great.
tury humanism. But by the end of the centu- Of the vernacular literatures of Europe
ry dialectic, as cultivated at Paris, predomi- only Anglo-Saxon possesses a substantial
nated, partly because it seemed to offer to the number of surviving writings which antedate
inquisitive men of the twelfth century a cer- the year 1000. For most of the major lan-
tain avenue to truth and a sound means for guages of Europe an abundant tradition of lit-
exploring the most abstruse problems. An- erary work dates only from the eleventh and
other factor was that after the middle of the twelfth centuries. In forming the literary
twelfth century, translators working chiefly tastes of Europe, the Romance tongues (the
in Spain and Sicily introduced European vernacular languages descended from Latin),
scholars to hitherto unknown works of Aris- achieved a particular importance, especially
totle, as well as to the great commentary the two great dialects of France, the langue
which the Muslim Averroés had written on d’oil spoken north of the Loire River and the
them. Christian thinkers now had at their langue d’oc, or Provencal, used in the south.
disposal the full Aristotelian corpus, and it Castilian was slightly later in producing an
confronted them with a thoroughly naturalis- important literature, and Italian, perhaps be-
tic and rationalistic philosophical system. cause of its similarity to Latin, did not emerge

as a major literary language until the late thir- ciety of the battle camp. The troubadours
teenth century. sang at courts, in which women exerted a
There were three principal genres of ver- powerful influence. In a mobile age, when
nacular literature: the heroic epic, troubadour knights and nobles would be away for long
lyric poetry, and the courtly romance. Heroic periods on crusades and wars, their mothers,
epics, or chansons de geste, have survived in wives, and daughters administered their
great abundance. The oldest and probably households and estates and achieved consid-
the best of them is the Song of Roland, which erable social prominence. They became the
was composed in the langue d’oil probably in arbiters of what constituted “courtly man-
the last quarter of the eleventh century. ‘The ners” — proper behavior —in their households,
basis of the poem is the ambush of the rear and they surely influenced the literature
guard of Charlemagne’s army under the com- which was heard within their walls.
mand of Roland by the Basques at Ronces- The troubadour usually addressed a lady
valles in 778, but poetic imagination (or per- of superior social station, almost always
haps, older legend) transformed this minor someone else’s wife, whom he had little
Frankish setback into a major event in the chance of winning. Although she was not a
war against Islam. likely means of sensual gratification, love
With fine psychological discernment the for her did offer a hope for inward consola-
poem examines the character of Roland. The tion; it could, if requited, elevate the poet’s
qualities that make him a hero—his dauntless spirits to unspeakable joy and transform his
courage and uncompromising pride—are at world to eternal spring. Courtly love (at
war with the qualities required of a good least as the troubadours present it) was not
vassal —obedience, loyalty, cooperation, and a dalliance but quite literally a way of salva-
common sense. Roland is in serious danger tion, a means of rescuing the lover from
but refuses for reasons of personal dignity to despondency and introducing him into an
sound his horn in time for Charlemagne to earthly paradise. This discovery and inten-
return and save him and his men. By the time sive exploration of the emotion of love
his pride relents and he does blow the horn, represents one of the most influential crea-
their deaths are assured. The sensitive exami- tions of the medieval mind.
nation of the conflict between Roland’s The courtly romance, which entered its
thoughtless if heroic individualism and the great age after 1150, combines traits of both
demands of the new feudal order gives this heroic epic and troubadour lyric poetry. It is
poem its stature as the first masterpiece of narrative in form like the epic; but, like Pro-
French letters.
Much different from the heroic epic is trou-
The Romanesque cathedral at Poitiers in western
badour lyric poetry, initially written in the
France is made almost entirely of stone. The
langue d’oc of the south. The novelty of this roofing of churches in stone was one of the
complex poetry is its discovery and celebra- most significant architectural advances of the
tion of women and of love. The heroic epic Central Middle Ages. [Photo: Dr. Martin
was written for the thoroughly masculine so- Hurlimann — Zurich]

Two Centuries
of Creativity

vencal poetry, it allots a major role to women Art, however, remained in most of its
and love. Chretien de Troyes, whose works forms the servant of the Church. The reli-
probably date from shortly before 1182, is the gious reform in the eleventh century brought
author of the oldest surviving romances about with it a liturgical revival. The monks of the
King Arthur of Britain and his coterie of Cluniac monasteries were especially devoted
knights. Many of these tales are concerned to (and occasionally criticized for) sumptuous
with an analysis of the tensions which love, religious services. Liturgical needs stimulated
the rebellious emotion, creates in society. the art of metal work (which produced chal-
Western letters have since endlessly explored ices and other sacred vessels), glass making,
these themes. and the weaving of fine fabrics for the priests’
vestments. Music too advanced. Gregorian
chant (named for Pope Gregory the Great,
Romanesque Art but in fact representing the traditional plain-
song of the Church of Rome) had become es-
‘The conventional term used to describe the tablished as the common music of the West-
architectural and artistic style of this period is ern Church in the Carolingian epoch. The
“Romanesque.” It means “of Roman origins” eleventh and twelfth centuries witness, not
and is, like many terms applied to the Middle certainly the origins, but a great development
Ages, misleading. Artists in the Central Mid- in polyphonic music (part-singing). The coor-
dle Ages did imitate classical models, but not dination of the vocal parts in choral music
exclusively; they also drew on nearly every also required effective systems of musical
other artistic tradition to which they had ac- notation. A monk named Guido d’Arezzo is
cess — barbarian, Byzantine, and Arab. credited with giving names to the notes, some
The proliferation of castles across the face of which are still used (re, mi, fa, sol, la). The
of Europe stimulated the techniques of con- secular songs and melodies of the trouba-
struction. These fortresses were built on a dours was another major source of enrich-
progressively larger scale, in contrast with the ment for the Western musical tradition.
castles of the Carolingian Age, and by the The most impressive artistic monuments
thirteenth century, builders were able to work left to us from the Romanesque period are the
entirely in stone. Crusaders returning from churches themselves. In engineering the great
the East brought with them new concepts of achievement of the Central Middle Ages was
fortress design and perhaps also a desire to the roofing of churches in stone. From about
render castle life more gracious. The crafting the year 1000, small, stone-roofed churches
of tapestries, furniture, and glass benefited began to appear, especially in southern Eu-
from the new importance of cities, the rope. At first the builders utilized the simple
strength of markets, and the growing number barrel, or tunnel, vault, but this design did not
of artisans. Although life about 1200 was still allow for windows because the roof would
remarkably crude, even for the rich, it was collapse if holes were put into the supporting
clearly changing. sides of the tunnel. Engineers then developed

Two Centuries
of C.reativity

The tympanum (i.e., the recessed facade of the tal sculpture had been a dead technique in
pediment) of the cathedral at Autun displays the the West since the end of the Roman Empire.
mélange of mysticism and vitality that Romanesque statues, which exist by the thou-
characterizes Romanesque works of stone sands, show a marked quality of antirealism, a
sculpture, particularly those designed for the
refusal to allow visual accuracy to dominate
churches. [Photo: Jean Roubier]
portrayals. In part this was dictated by the
odd-shaped crevices, corners, columns, and
and mastered the use of the groin vault, capitals which the sculptor frequently had to
which is formed by the intersection of two decorate, but the artist was also striving to
barrel vaults. The area of intersection is called present a world as seen by faith. Christ, for
the bay, and the roof over the bay is support- example, had to be shown larger than others,
ed at four points, not by the entire length of in keeping with his dignity. Demons and
the lateral walls. Bays could be grouped next monsters, many drawn from the popular
to bays, an entire church could be roofed with imagination, abound in Romanesque sculp-
stone, windows could be easily cut, and the ture. While similar to Byzantine portrayals in
monotony of tunnel vaulting avoided. its antirealism, Romanesque style, unlike the
Romanesque churches were decorated on Byzantine, overflows with movement, ten-
the exterior with stone sculpture. Monumen- sion, excitement, and the spirit of mystical

exhilaration. Romanesque statuary marvel- and foreign traditions, but it still manifests its
ously documents the exuberant spirit of this own proper spirit. It is therefore much more
age of reform and crusades, when men than a juxtaposition of borrowed forms. Rath-
seemed convinced that God was actively at er, it is the first style and school which can be
work among them, setting right the world. called the authentic product of the European
Romanesque art makes use of many prior West.

The eleventh and twelfth centuries were ciled with the self-consciousness and self-in-
vigorously creative at every level of European terest of the nobility, reformed Church, and
life. By 1200 Europe was very different from privileged towns? How could the new confi-
the old, or “first,” Europe of Charlemagne. Its dence in human reason and in nature, rein-
economy was more diversified and produc- forced by familiarity with Aristotle, be syn-
tive, its society more complex, its government thesized with the older notions that nature
more effective, its religion more sensitive, and was corrupt, men weak, and the afterlife the
its thought and art more original and daring. only hope? From about 1200 the West was
But the very innovations of the age posed trying to consolidate its recent advances and
severe problems for European society. How bring them into harmony with its older herit-
could the new forms of economic endeavor be age. This effort at consolidation, reconcilia-
reconciled with the older hostility and suspi- tion, and synthesis is the theme of Western
cion toward a life of buying and selling? How history in the thirteenth century.
could the rising power of monarchs be recon-

Recommended Reading

Sources The richest available collection of translated sources

bearing on English history.
Anselm of Canterbury. Basic Writings: Proslogium, Monolo- Fitzneale, Richard. The Course of the Exchequer. Charles
gium, Gaunilon’s On Behalf ofthe Fool, Our Deus Homo. Johnson (tr.). 1950.
S. W. Deane (tr.). 1962. Herlihy, David (ed.). The History of Feudalism. 1971.
De Troyes, Chretién. Arthurian Romances. W. W. Comfort John of Salisbury. The Statesman’s Book. John Dickinson
(tr.). 1958. (tr.). 1963.
Douglas, David C. (ed.). English Historical Documents. 1955. *The Song of Roland. Dorothy L. Sayers (tr.). 1957.

Two Centuries
of Creativity

Studies *Haskins, Charles H. The Renaissance of the Twelfth Centu-

ry. 1927. A pioneering study.
*__. ‘The Rise of Universities. 1957.
*Barraclough, Geoffrey. The Origins of Modern Germany. *Heer, Friedrich. The Medieval World: Europe, 1100-1350.
1963. Considers the failure of the medieval empire, 1964.
stressing practical politics rather than imperial ideol- *Pirenne, Henry. Medieval Cities. Frank D. Halsey (tr.).
Chrimes, Stanley B. An Introduction to the Administrative *Southern, Richard W. The Making of the Middle Ages.
History of Medieval England. 1966.
*Douglas, David C. William the Conqueror: The Norman Strayer, Joseph R. On the Medieval Origins of the Modern
Impact upon England. 1964. State. 1970.
*Fawtier, Robert. The Capetian Kings of France: Monarchy . Medieval Statecraft and the Perspectives of History.
and Nation; 987-1328. Lionel Butler and R. J. Adam 1971.
(trs.). 1962. *Tellenbach, Gerd. Church, State and Christian Society at
*Ganshof, Francois L. Feudalism. P. Grierson (tr.). 1964. the Time of the Investiture Contest. 1970.
Gilson, Etienne. History of Christian Philosophy 1n the Mid-
dle Ages. 1955. *Available in paperback.

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9/Me Summer
of the
Middle eS
The thirteenth century (or, more precisely, the period between about 1200 and
the Black Death of 1348 and 1349) has been traditionally considered the
summer of the Middle Ages. It can claim many impressive achievements: a
largely prosperous economy, which supported more people than Europe possessed
at any other time during the Middle Ages; reasonably effective systems of
government in the feudal monarchies; parliamentary institutions; Gothic
cathedrals; the great works of scholastic philosophy and theology; and the Divine
Comedy of Dante Alighieri, one of the great masterpieces of Western literature.
Moreover, these products of the medieval genius seem to share a certain spirit: a
sense of logic and order and a serene confidence, not only in divine grace and
faith but also in human reason and effort. Thirteenth-century men believed that
God had created a harmonious world and that they could describe its ordered
structure in their philosophy, imitate it in their art, and use this knowledge to
guide their earthly lives.
Today, as research probes ever deeper, we know that these favorable impressions
are not entirely accurate. Thirteenth-century society was less placid than the
smiles of Gothic angels persuade their admirers to believe. The population may
have grown too large to be supported by available resources, and this may have
been an important factor in provoking plagues and famines from the middle
fourteenth century. The prosperity of the rich often rested on the rampant
misery of the poor; the aspirations toward a united and peaceful Europe did not
dispel the specter of war; and scholastic theology did not quench the flames of
intellectual and religious revolt. In sum, the effort to achieve order and synthesis
was itself a manifestation of acute tensions and conflicts. One must beware of
what a recent historian has called the “golden legend” of the Middle Ages.
Medieval society in the thirteenth century could not achieve permanent solutions
to the many problems it confronted. But this ultimate failure should not prevent
us from recogmizing its accomplishments. It strove to build both an ordered
society and ordered systems of thought, in which all conflicts, social or
intellectual, would be reconciled. The effort was admirable and the achievements
magnificent; we may still regard the thirteenth century as the summer of
Reims the Middle Ages.
1. Economic Expansion terials brought from all corners of the known
world. Capital and labor were sharply di-
vided; a few great entrepreneurs controlled
European population continued to grow in huge masses of capital and provided the raw
the thirteenth century, and settlers extended material and often the tools to the numerous
cultivation further into new lands, although workers dependent upon them. It is impossi-
at a slower pace after 1250. The more dramat- ble to give exact figures on the size of these
ic economic changes occurred in the cities.! enterprises, as the same worker, remaining
Large-scale production, extensive trade, com- in his home, was likely to accept commissions
plex commercial and banking institutions, from several entrepreneurs. But we do know
and the amassing of great fortunes became that the manufacture of woolen cloth alone
the commonplace features of urban economic supported one-third of the population of
and social life. These urban centers pioneered Florence in the early fourteenth century.
many of the methods, and show much of the The making of woolen cloth, the largest
spirit, of modern business enterprises. town industry of the Middle Ages, excellent-
ly illustrates the complex character of thir-
teenth-century manufacturing. The raw wool
Urban Industry was first prepared by sorters, beaters, and
washers; then the cleaned and graded wool
Medieval towns developed a manufacturing was carded, or combed. The next task, the
system which remained characteristic of the spinning, was usually done by women who
Western economy until the Industrial Revo- worked in their own homes with a distaff, a
lution. Manufacturing made little use of small stick to hold the wool, and a spindle, a
power; consequently there was no need for weight to spin and twist the strands into
factories. Most work was performed in the thread. (The distaff has since remained the
home. Greater production was _ sought symbol of the female sex; a girl who did not
through the employment of more workers marry could expect to spend most of her life
and especially through the development of spinning, a “spinster,” in the home of married
highly specialized skills. Medieval industry relatives.) The spinning wheel, apparently
thus came to employ a large and remarkably first invented in Italy in the late thirteenth
diversified labor force, which worked ma- century, added a new speed and quality to
Weavers, almost always men, wove the
‘We must of course recognize that the size of towns thread into huge broadcloths that were thirty
everywhere in Europe remained small in comparison yards in length and might contain two to
with the rural population. The largest medieval towns
probably never had more than 100,000 inhabitants. In three thousand warp (lengthwise) threads.
England in the fourteenth century the percentage of the The cloth was then fulled, that is, washed and
population which lived in cities seems to have numbered worked with special earths which caused the
only about 1o percent. In certain regions of Italy, that
percentage was as high as 25 percent, but this was ex- wool to mat. This was arduous work and was
ceptional. often done at a water-driven fulling mill. The

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

giant cloth was then tentered, or stretched their own independent guilds. A large indus-
on a frame, so that it would dry properly and trial town such as Florence had more than
shrink evenly. Next, the dry cloth was fifty professional guilds.
rubbed with teasels to raise the nap, and the The guild members exercised wide powers
nap was then carefully cut. Several times re- over their own affairs. They usually met to-
peated, this last operation gave the cloth a gether once a year in their church or hall to
smooth, almost silky finish, but it was ex- approve changes in the statutes and to elect
tremely delicate work; one slip of the scissors permanent officials. These consuls, as the
could ruin the cloth and the large investment officials were often called, enforced the stat-
it represented. utes, adjudicated disputes among the mem-
At various stages in this process the wool bers, administered the properties of the guild
could be dyed—whether as unspun wool, and supervised its expenditures, maintained
thread, or woven cloth. Medieval people the quality of the product by regulating both
loved bright colors, and dyers used a great the materials and processes, protected the
variety of animal, vegetable, and mineral dyes members from competition, and _ restricted
and special earths, such as alum, to fix the the number of working hours, the number of
colors. employees, and the type of advertising. The
personal security and welfare of members
were also principal concerns. The guilds aid-
The Guilds ed those who lost goods through fire or flood;
they supported the widows and educated the
To defend and promote their interests the orphaned children of their deceased mem-
merchants and artisans could not look to the bers. Banquets, public processions, and reli-
warriors and priests who dominated medieval gious ceremonies enriched the social life of
society since they had little comprehension of the membership. Many guilds assumed a fur-
commercial needs. The commercial classes ther responsibility for the beauty and welfare
had to help themselves, which they did pri- of their town. They were among the principal
marily by forming professional associations donors to hospitals and charities, and they
known as guilds. usually built and maintained their own
The first merchant guilds appeared about church, or at least a chapel in the city cathe-
1000.” By the twelfth century both artisans dral.
and specialized merchants—for example, One of the chief contributions of the guilds
dealers in wool, spices, or silk —had organized was the apprenticeship system; the guilds
were in fact the most important institutions
of lay education functioning in the Middle
*Merchant guilds appear at the small town of Montreuil-
sur-Mer probably before 980, at Tiel from about 950 to
Ages. They stipulated what the apprentice
1024, at Valenciennes between 1051 and 1070, at Co- had to be taught and what proof of skill he
logne in 1070, and at Saint-Omer between 1072 and had to present to be admitted into the broth-
1083. Leather workers had a guild at Rouen between
1100 and 1135, and fishermen at Worms between 1106 erhood, how long he had to work and learn in
and 1107. the shop of the master, and what the master

had to give him by way of lodging, food, and business community developed alternative
salary. (The apprentice really earned his edu- instruments of credit, which served the pur-
cation by helping the master produce his pose of interest-bearing loans while deftly
goods, and the salary he received was always escaping the taint of usury. One alternative to
small.) The young man might be required to the loan was the annuity, pension, or perpetu-
produce a “masterpiece” to show his skill, or al rent. In return for a sum of money a man
at least treat the brothers to a lavish banquet. would agree to pay the investor a yearly rent,
If after finishing his training, he was too inex- sometimes forever, sometimes for the length
perienced or poor to open his own shop, he of the investor’s life. The sale of rents and
could work as a paid laborer, or journeyman, annuities was a favorite means of financing
in the shop of an established master. By care- expensive capital improvements on property,
fully saving his wages, the apprentice might such as the construction of houses or build-
eventually become a master in his own right ings.
and a full-fledged member of the guild, but More important for properly commercial
most medieval artisans continued to work as purposes was the letter of exchange, in es-
salaried laborers for their entire lives. The sence a loan, but requiring repayment at a
medieval guild has thus been called with specified time in another place and currency.
some justice, not a union of workers, but a Thus a Florentine might borrow 100 pounds
union of bosses. at Florence and agree to repay it three months
The guild system lasted in most European later in local money at a Champagne fair. He
countries until the eighteenth or nineteenth then bought goods at Florence, sold them in
century, when it was finally abolished in the Champagne; and repaid the money. The rate
wake of the French Revolution. In protecting of exchange between the currencies almost
skills, offering a measure of insurance and so- always concealed a substantial profit for the
cial security to their members, and promoting investor, but technically he earned it for
education, the guilds served medieval society changing money, not for making the loan.
by building an environment favorable to Partnerships and business associations
commerce and manufacture. They were the were another important means of recruiting
incubators of modern economic enterprise. capital. At Venice, Genoa, and Pisa overseas
ventures were most often financed through
special temporary partnerships, usually called
Business Institutions a commenda. In its simplest form an investor,
who remained at home, gave a sum of money
The growth of trade and manufacturing stim- to a merchant traveling abroad in return for a
ulated the development of sophisticated share of the eventual profits (usually three-
commercial and banking institutions. Chris- quarters); the investor bore the entire loss if
tian ethics traditionally condemned the tak- the ship sank or the venture failed. A mer-
ing of usury (which then meant any profit on chant would usually accept many of these
a loan, however tiny); therefore, the medieval investments simultaneously or might himself

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

invest in one voyage while sailing on another. for building and maintaining the financial
The partnership lasted only for the length of system of the medieval papacy. They were
the specified voyage. also drawn into the risky business of extend-
ing loans to prelates and princes.
Before their failure in 1342 the Bardi Com-
The Companies pany of Florence had loaned King Edward II
of England almost goo,000 florins and the
In the inland Italian towns a more permanent Peruzzi Company had provided 600,000.
kind of partnership developed known as the These were gigantic amounts: in 1348, Pope
compagnia (literally, “bread together,” a shar- Clement VI purchased Avignon for only
ing of bread). These earliest companies seem 80,000 florins.’ Clearly, the price of kingdoms
to have been partnerships among brothers. had been loaned to Edward by these Floren-
The sons of a deceased merchant, for exam- tine banks, and their eventual collapse was
ple, might decide to leave their inheritance due largely to his failure to repay them.
undivided and to trade together as a single
company. By the thirteenth century two
changes were transforming the character of Medieval Views of Economic Life
these fraternal companies. They now quite
commonly included as partners persons who The thinkers of the thirteenth century were
were not blood relatives but could contribute coming to new and more favorable, if not ex-
capital and services, and they also accepted actly enthusiastic, views concerning wealth.
deposits from nonpartners in return for fixed The Church fathers had taught that differ-
yearly payments of interest. The capital sup- ence in wealth in human society was a neces-
plied by the partners was called the corpo, or sary evil arising out of sin. Sin had aroused
“body” of the company. Money accepted in the concupiscence of men and threatened to
deposit from nonpartners was considered make social life a “war of all against all.” Pri-
sopra corpo (“above the body”) and could reach vate property, defended by the power of the
substantial amounts. The partners usually state, restrained concupiscence and promoted
paid a fixed rate of interest on the deposits peace. On the other hand, Thomas Aquinas,
they received “above the body,” but the pay- the great thirteenth-century — theologian,
ments were regarded as gifts to the investors, placed his principal argument for private
lest they be considered usurious. property upon the natural law. It provided
These companies performed a wide variety incentive, assured good care of belongings,
of functions and became colossal in size. and promoted peace and order. He thus gave
They traded in any product which promised property and wealth more dignity than the
a profit, wrote letters of exchange, and ful- thought of an earlier age had accorded them.
filled other banking services. From the late
twelfth century they served the Roman Curia ’These figures are taken from Yves Renouard, Les hommes
as papal bankers and were largely responsible @affaires italiens du moyen dge, 1949, p. 124.

elu ernest yptoia FR
Bact iba i pt ,

A detail from a fourteenth-century manuscript preachers in commercial cities were eloquent-

copy of Dante’s brilliant Divine Comedy ly comparing merchants to Christ. After all,
illustrates the section of hell reserved for they, like Christ, lived by peaceful enterprise
usurers. Dante regarded usury as one of man’s and not by violence. Moreover, Christ, like a
many earthly sins which condemn him in the
good and worthy merchant, had repurchased
eyes of God. [Photo: British Museum ]
or “redeemed” the human race from the dev-
il’s ownership.
Nevertheless, the social thought of the thir-
Even commercial wealth was losing some teenth century was far from espousing lais-
of its ancient taint. Writers of the Early Mid- sez-faire liberalism in the marketplace. The
dle Ages had quoted with approval the apho- rich man could not use his wealth as his per-
rism that “rarely or never can a merchant be sonal inclinations might dictate. Property
saved.” By the thirteenth century, however, could be private in possession, but it had to be

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

utilized to promote the common good. The great men of the realm might participate in
individual, in other words, was morally obli- government.
gated to use his wealth to benefit the entire Henry’s son and successor was Richard I,
community, not just himself. the Lion-Hearted. Although Richard had all
the virtues of a model knight— boldness, mili-
tary skill, stately bearing, even a flair for
composing troubadour lyrics—he had none
mn. The States of Europe of the attributes of a good king, for he took
much less interest in the peaceful routine of
Through its practices and institutions the government than in the taxes that govern-
thirteenth-century European economy ac- ment might provide. In 1191 and 1192 he was
quired a more stable structure. Governments, off fighting in the Holy Land on the Third
too, were moving toward a new level of con- Crusade, where he won some significant vic-
stitutional stability. The thirteenth century tories and gained some concessions for the
was an age of great laws, which helped define Christians from the Muslim chief Saladin.
and fix governmental and legal procedures. Chivalry, which gave him his reputation, also
They thus served to implant in the West a took his life. He died in 1199 from a neglected
strong tradition of constitutionalism, a lasting wound received while besieging a castle in a
belief that people should be governed by minor war in southern France. Richard’s
fixed procedures. The thirteenth century presence in England was restricted to two
made one other lasting contribution to West- visits, lasting less than ten months, but the
ern political development: the representative English government continued to function
assembly. European princes extended to the efficiently even in the absence of its chief; this
great estates, or classes, of society —namely, is testimony to its fundamental strength.
the clergy, nobility, eventually even the Richard was succeeded by his younger
townsmen—the opportunity to hear and ap- brother, John, who rightly or wrongly is con-
prove the major decisions of government. To sidered one of history’s most notorious exam-
make this participation possible, parliaments ples of the wicked king (significantly, no other
or assemblies of estates, came to assume a English monarch has borne the name). While
recognized if still-humble place among the the towns and the common people seem to
institutions of government. have supported him, he gratuitously antago-
nized his powerful subjects by his insolence
and capricious cruelty. His reign is largely a
England record of humiliations suffered at the hands
of the pope, Philip II of France, and his own
At the death of Henry II in 1189 the English barons.
monarchy wielded exceptional authority, but In 1206 John brazenly tried to impose a
neither in practice nor in theory was it clearly worthless favorite in the vacant post of the
established within what limits, if any, royal archbishop of Canterbury. The clergy of
powers should operate, or how, if at all, the Canterbury appealed to Pope Innocent III,

who selected for the office the learned, pious, liberties equaled it in length, explicitness, and
and popular Stephen Langton. To force John influence. c
to accept him Innocent laid England under The Magna Carta disappoints most mod-
interdict in 1208—that is, no bells could be ern readers. Unlike the American Declaration
rung in the churches, people could not marry, of Independence it offers no grand generaliza-
baptize their children, or bury their dead tions about human dignity and rights. Its six-
with solemn, public ceremonies; the Church, ty-three clauses, arranged without apparent
as it were, went on strike. The pope’s spiritual order, are largely concerned with technical
weapons did not sway John at all. Only when problems of feudal law—rights of inherit-
he wanted to gain papal support in his war ance, feudal relief, wardship, and the like.
against the French over the loss of Normandy But it did establish, more clearly than any
did he finally submit in 1213. After the defeat previous document, that the king ought not to
at Bouvines John had to reap the bitter har- disturb the estates of the realm—Church,
vest that his long years of misrule at home barons, and all free subjects —in the peaceful
and failures abroad had sown. exercise of their customary liberties. It thus
guaranteed to the clergy the freedom to elect
bishops and to make appeals to Rome, pro-
Magna Carta tected the barons against arbitrary exactions
of traditional feudal dues, and confirmed
To finance his government the English king for the men of London and other towns “all
usually relied on the regular revenues which their liberties and free customs.” It called for
came to him from his own properties and one standard of weights and measures in the
courts and from such established taxes as the kingdom, which facilitated trade and, there-
Danegeld or scutage. But these regular reve- fore, undoubtedly pleased the townsmen. ‘To
nues did not suffice to support the expenses of all freemen it promised access to justice and
foreign wars. John had, therefore, demanded judgment by known procedures. All freemen
heavy payments in feudal aid from his bar- had also to be judged by their own peers, and
ons. After Bouvines, when his policies had not by the king alone or his justices. Finally,
clearly been proved disastrous, he made the the king could impose new taxes only with
mistake of demanding still more aid. The the common consent of the realm. On the
barons were incensed and, encouraged by the other hand, it offered almost nothing to the
Church, they took to arms. At Runnymede in unfree classes, the serfs or villeins who consti-
June 1215 they forced John to grant the tuted perhaps 80 percent of the population.
“Great Charter” of liberties, which had prob- The Magna Carta may perhaps be called a
ably been inspired, if not largely composed, selfish document, but then, so might most of
by Archbishop Langton. The Magna Carta the major constitutional documents of West-
resembled oaths which English kings since ern history. In ancient Rome even the Laws
Henry I had taken upon their coronation; it of the Twelve Tables reflected the selfish in-
obligated the king to respect certain rights of terests of the plebeians, who had demanded
his subjects. But no previous royal charter of those laws. The Magna Carta nonetheless

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

marked a major step toward constitutional- land under the tight control of several baro-
ism, that is, toward government by recog- nial committees. Almost at once the king and
nized procedures which could be changed barons fell to arguing over the implementa-
only with the consent of the realm. Of course, tion of the provisions, and both sides agreed
the barons and the bishops never anticipated to accept the arbitration of the saintly king of
that subjects other than themselves might be France, Louis [X. In 1264 Louis decided in
called upon to give consent, but this limita- Henry’s favor and exonerated him from his
tion in no way compromises the importance promise to respect the provisions; the pope
of the principle established. Finally, future concurred. But the disgruntled barons under
generations of Englishmen were to interpret the capable leadership of Simon de Montfort
the provisions of Magna Carta in a much took up arms. With the support of the king’s
broader sense than its authors had intended, own son Edward, Simon defeated and cap-
making it truly part of the “Bible of the Eng- tured Henry at Lewes and for a little more
lish constitution.” The document is of im- than a year was the effective ruler of England.
portance not only for what it said, but for However, the barons were too unruly to
what it allowed future generations to believe maintain a united opposition against the king.
about the traditional relationship in England Edward changed sides, defeated the baronial
between authority and liberty. army at Evesham in 1265, and Simon himself
was killed in the fray. The issue was thus de-
cided: The king, not the barons, would be the
Provisions of Oxford chief power in England.

Under John’s son Henry HI (1216-1272) two

issues — appointments to royal offices and the Legal Reforms
imposition of taxes—again raised the storms
of baronial revolt. In selecting the high ofh- The powers and procedures of the royal gOv-
cials of state and Church, Henry favored over ernment received a still clearer definition
his own English subjects Frenchmen from under Edward I (1272-1307). Pious without
Poitou and Provence (the homeland of his being weak, committed to crusading but also
queen) and Italians put forward by the popes. concerned with the welfare of his realm,
The popes also involved him in ill-considered Edward ranks as one of the greatest and most
foreign adventures: to establish his younger influential of medieval English kings. In 1284
son, Edmund, as king of Sicily and to secure he seized Wales and later gave it as an appa-
the election of his brother Richard as German nage (a province intended to provide “bread,”
emperor. The barons once more protested or support) to his eldest son. (Since 1301 the
against the heavy charges placed upon them heir presumptive to the English throne has
to support these costly failures. borne the title Prince of Wales.) Edward left
At a meeting at Oxford in 1258 the barons his strongest mark on English law and institu-
forced Henry to accept the Provisions of tions, and is often referred to, somewhat ex-
Oxford, which required him to govern Eng- travagantly, as the English Justinian.

Edward produced no systematic codifica- sation” and, derivatively, an assembly where
tion of English law, which remained based conversation occurs.) It also became custom-
principally on custom and court decisions of ary, but by no means mandatory, to invite
the past, but he did seek to correct and en- knights from the shires to these sessions. In
large the common law in certain critical areas 1264 Simon de Montfort summoned a parlia-
and to give the system a new pliancy. He is- ment that included two knights elected from
sued the first Statutes of the Realm, initiating every shire and two townsmen or burgesses
a series in which all the public laws of Eng- from every town. Edward followed him in
land have since been entered. Edward’s stat- this precedent.
utes required the barons to show by what Historians cannot assign an exact date for
warrant (quo warranto), or royal license, they the division of Parliament into separate hous-
exercised jurisdiction in their courts, and this es of Lords and Commons. The knights and
marked an important step in the decline of burgesses seem to have met informally to-
baronial justice. His laws also limited the gether since the time of Edward I, and these
growth of mortmain, that is, land held by the meetings gained official recognition at least
Church. The statutes were especially impor- from the reign of Edward III. Two unique
tant in determining the land law of England, features of the English Parliament helped
regulating inheritance and defining the rights enhance the influence of Commons. First, the
of lords, vassals, and the king when land lower aristocracy (that is, those knights who
changed hands through inheritance or pur- were not the tenants in chief or immediate
chase. Edward laid the foundations upon vassals of the king) sat with the burgesses and
which the English (and eventually American) learned to act together in their mutual inter-
law of real estate rested for centuries. In en- ests. (On the Continent the lower aristocracy
acting these statutes and in governing the and the townsmen sat as separate groups
kingdom Edward also placed a new emphasis and rarely developed or supported common
on securing the consent of his subjects causes.) Second, representatives of the upper
through Parliament. clergy gradually gave up active participation
in the English Parliament, preferring to meet
at their own convocations, and this weakened
Parliamentary Origins the influence of the House of Lords and bene-
fited the House of Commons.
Since the time of William the Conqueror the
plenary meetings of the great council, or Cu-
ria Regis, had included the great barons, bish- Parliamentary Functions
ops, abbots, royal household officials —any-
one whom the king wished to invite. During We now think of Parliament as a limitation on
the reign of Henry III these plenary sessions royal power, but it was not this at all in its
of the royal court grew more frequent and earliest development. Parliament, as the as-
clearly more important, and came to be called sembly of the king’s vassals, had the obliga-
parliaments. (The word means only “conver- tion merely of giving the king advice. In addi-

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

tion, the king found Parliament a valuable respected throughout the realm. Some histo-
adjunct to his own administration, for it rians see in the role of Parliament as high
promulgated and enlisted support for his court the ultimate source of its sovereignty.*
decisions, strengthened royal justice, and fa- As with our own Supreme Court the deci-
cilitated the collection of taxes. It was there- sions of Parliament determined the future
fore in the king’s interest to make the assem- policies of all English. courts. The decisions
bly broadly representative of the free classes. were thus nearly the equivalent of legislation,
In summoning the Parliament of 1295 Ed- and from them there was no appeal.
ward cited a dictum taken from the Justinian At Edward’s death in 1307 the English
Code: “What touches all, by all should be ap- constitution had acquired certain distinctive
proved.” features. The constitution was not contained
Parliament further aided in the collection in a single written document but was defined
of taxes, and this function led to the develop- by both custom and statute law. The king
ment of a true system of representation. The was the chief of the state, but it was recog-
Magna Carta, feudal custom, and prudence nized that the important men of the kingdom
had required that the king seek the consent of should have some participation in the deci-
his subjects for new taxes. He could not ask sion-making processes, especially regarding
all freeholders of the realm individually. He taxes. Parliament gave this policy its practical
might seek the consent of the separate shires implementation. In spite of later changes
and the towns, but this was slow and awk- these principles still underlie the English con-
ward. Edward ingeniously simplified the pro- stitution. This extraordinary continuity over
cedure of consent. Through special writs, he centuries is testimony to the sound construc-
ordered the shires and the towns to elect rep- tion which the medieval English kings, lords,
resentatives and to grant them plena potestas and commoners gave to their government and
(“full power”) to grant him money. These their realm.
representatives, gathered in Parliament, thus
had authority to consent to taxes and to bind
their electors back home. Paradoxically, the France
unique powers of the English king laid the
basis for the eventual, unique powers of Par- In France as in England the thirteenth centu-
liament. ry was primarily an age of constitutional con-
As the supreme feudal council, Parliament solidation. The successor of Philip Augustus,
was also England’s highest court (an honor Louis VIII, ruled for only three years (1223-
the House of Lords retains today). The mem- 1226), but his reign was notable for several
bers attending its sessions would carry peti- reasons. He was the first Capetian king not to
tions or appeals from decisions made in lower
courts; whereas a sheriff or shire court might
‘The idea was first strongly argued in C. H. Mcllwain,
have been subject to intimidation, Parliament
The High Court of Parliament: A Historical Essay on the
would not be. By welcoming petitions, the Boundaries Between Legislation and Adjudication in England,
king thus made his justice better known and 1962.

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The Summer of
the Middle Ages

be crowned in his father’s lifetime; the Cape- ion of the monarchy. He added new pomp to
tians had finally established that their claim court ceremonies and freely acted against the
to the monarchy was based on inheritance pope’s wishes whenever the interests of the
and not upon election. He campaigned per- monarchy or his people seemed to require it.
sonally against the Albigensian heretics in Three great ideals informed his policies as
southern France, and his victories prepared king: more justice within his kingdom, peace
the way for the eventual unification of Tou- with its neighbors, and war against the Mus-
louse and Languedoc with the royal domain lims, who still held Jerusalem.
(these were the last major additions to the
royal lands until the late fifteenth century).
And finally, he adopted the policy of support- Legal Reforms
ing younger sons and younger brothers by
granting them territories, the so-called ap- Louis made no attempt to extend the royal
panages. This policy, continued by his domain at the expense of the nobels of the
successors, ultimately created powerful and realm or to deprive them of their traditional
troublesome princely lines in France. powers and jurisdictions, but he did expect
them to be good vassals. He forbade wars
among them, arbitrated their disputes, and
St. Louts insisted that his ordinances be respected; he
was the first king to legislate for the whole of
At Louis’s death in 1226 the throne passed to France. Although Louis did not suppress the
Louis IX, St. Louis, one of the great figures of courts of the great nobles, he and his judges
the thirteenth century. Louis was recognized listened to appeals of their decisions, so that
as a saint even during his lifetime because of royal justice would be available to all his sub-
his austere piety, an attribute he acquired jects. The king liked to sit in the open under a
from his mother, Blanche of Castile. He at- great oak at Vincennes near Paris to receive
tended at least two masses a day, was sternly personally the petitions of the humble. The
abstemious in food and drink, often washed prestige which the piety and fairness of the
the feet of the poor and the wounds of lepers, decisions lent to royal justice was his great
and was scrupulously faithful to his wife contribution to its growth.
Margaret of Provence, who, like her husband, During Louis’s reign jurists began to clari-
bore an aura of sanctity.» However, his per- fy and codify the laws and customs of France.
sonal asceticism did not preclude a high opin- The most important of these compilations
was the Establishments of St. Louis, drawn
>One of Margaret’s crosses was the intense jealousy of up before 1273 and once wrongly attributed
her mother-in-law. In the early years of his marriage, to the king himself. It contained, besides royal
Louis supposedly had to meet with his wife secretly on ordinances, the civil and feudal customs of
the palace staircase to escape his mother’s watchful eye.
This did not, however, prevent the royal couple from several northern provinces and seems to have
having eleven children. been intended for the guidance of judges and

lawyers. It was not an authoritative code, but Treaty of Paris in 1259 Louis relinquished
it and other compilations helped bring a new several territories which his troops had occu-
clarity and system to French law. pied along the borders of Gascony, and in re-
Louis strengthened the royal administra- turn King Henry HI of England abandoned
tion in other ways. He established the engue- his claims to the lands which John had lost
teurs, or special wandering inspectors, who and agreed to perform liege homage to Louis
investigated the performance of the local for his fief of Gascony. The Treaty of Paris
officials of the royal domain, namely, the dazl- was unpopular in France; many believed that
lis and the sénéchaux. In his reign the Parle- in ceding the Gascon borderlands Louis had
ment of Paris became fully independent of given away more than the military situation
the royal court. (The Parlement of Paris was warranted. Louis replied that these liberal
never, like the English Parliament, a repre- terms might enable Henry’s sons and his own
sentative assembly, but was always a tribunal to live thereafter in peace, as was proper for
or court of law.) Louis confirmed its status as vassals and lords.
the highest court in France, a position it re- Louis, who believed that a principal duty
tained until 1789. of a Christian king was to lead a crusade, led
two, one in 1248 against Egypt and the other
in 1270 against Tunis. Both expeditions
Peace and War proved to be fiascos, but they were significant
in at least one way: These were the last major
Louis sought peace with his Christian neigh- Western crusades.
bors. French monarchs had _ traditionally
claimed some lands south of the Pyrenees
Mountains, which had formed the Spanish Philip IV
March under Charlemagne (see Map 6.2), and
the Spanish kings of Aragon in turn claimed Louis’s successors were able to preserve the
large areas of Languedoc in southern France strength, but not the serenity, of his reign.
(see Map 8.3). Rather than settling this dis- His grandson Philip IV, the Fair (1285-
pute through war, Louis negotiated the 1314), is perhaps the most enigmatic of the
Treaty of Corbeil (1258) with the Aragonese medieval French kings; neither contempo-
king, with each side renouncing its claims. raries nor later historians have agreed con-
This settlement defined the French-Spanish cerning his abilities. To some, Philip has
border for the next two hundred years. seemed capable and cunning; to others, phleg-
Peace with England was harder to attain. matic and uninterested, content to leave the
The English still held Aquitaine and Gas- business of government almost entirely to his
cony and were not reconciled to the loss un- ministers. If Philip lacked the personal ability
der King John of their extensive fiefs north of to rule, he at least had the capacity to select
the Loire River. Louis repulsed an English strong ministers as his principal advisers.
invasion at Saintes in 1242 but then actively They were usually laymen trained in Roman
sought peace with his English foe. At the law and possessing a high opinion of royal

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

authority. They considered the king to be not support crusades in the Holy Land. Through
merely a feudal monarch who ruled in agree- donations the order had grown enormously
ment with the princes of his realm but rather wealthy over the years, so that by the four-
an “emperor in his own land” whose authori- teenth century it had enough riches and influ-
ty was free from all restrictions (the root ence to function as an international bank. To
sense of /egibus solutus, “absolute”) and subject Philip, suppression of the order and confisca-
to no higher power on earth. According to tion of its properties offered a solution to the
some historians, Philip’s reign registers the depleted royal treasury. He brought the
triumph of a new “lay spirit,” which over- Templars to trial on false charges that were
threw the ecclesiastical and clerical domina- supported by his hand-picked cronies and
tion of the earlier Middle Ages.® pressured the reluctant pope to suppress the
The greatest obstacle to the advance of order. But instead of transferring the order’s
Philip’s power was Edward I of England, French possessions to the royal treasury, the
master of the extensive fief of Gascony. Phil- pope gave the properties to another religious
ip’s resolve to drive England from the Contin- order, the Knights Hospitalers. The royal
ent resulted in intermittent wars from 1294 treasury received only compensation for the
to 1302. To punish the English economically costs of the trial.
Philip tried to block the importation of Eng-
lish wool into Flanders. The Flemish towns
revolted. Philip marched against them but Challenge to the Church
was overwhelmed at Courtrai in 1302 by the
towns’ militias. This defeat deprived Philip Philip was much more successful in his strug-
of all hope of expelling the English from the gle with the papacy itself. Both Philip and
Continent and confirmed the English posses- Edward I of England had been taxing the
sion of Gascony. clergy through the fiction of asking, and al-
These costly wars had placed a heavy bur- ways receiving, “free” gifts, or subventions.
den on the royal finances. To replenish the In 1296 Pope Boniface VIII forbade all clergy
treasury Philip confiscated all the property of to make grants without papal permission.
the Jews and drove them from his realm; he Such a restriction would have given the pope
also imprisoned foreign merchants to extort a powerful if not controlling voice in royal
money from them and arrested the members finances, which no king could tolerate. The
of the Knights Templars within France and English simply ignored the order, but Philip
brought them to trial, hoping to obtain their retaliated by forbidding all exports of coin
extensive possessions. from his realm to Rome. Boniface, surprised
The Templars were originally a military- by the forceful reaction, dropped his de-
religious order, founded to aid pilgrims and to mands a year later.
In 1301 Philip arrested for treason a French
bishop who happened also to be a papal leg-
®The most extensive statement of this important thesis is
Georges de Lagarde, La nazssance de l’esprit laique au declin ate, thus striking directly at the sovereignty
du moyen age, 31d ed., 1956-1963. of the pope and the immunities of his repre-

sentatives. Boniface reprimanded Philip for major war. Under Philip’s successors, with
his behavior, but the king responded by cir- the outbreak of the Hundred Years’ War,
culating defamatory accusations against the France entered one of the darkest periods of
pope. Naturally Boniface felt that both his its history.
personal character and the papal authority
were being threatened. He therefore issued a
bull (all solemn papal letters were called bulls The Iberian Kingdoms
because they were closed with a seal, or bulla),
known from its first two words as Unam Sanc- The Christian Reconquista had achieved all but
tam, declaring that Philip must submit to his final victory by 1236 with only Granada still
authority or risk the loss of his immortal soul. in Muslim hands. The principal challenge
In no mood to accept a rebuff, Philip sent one now was the consolidation of the earlier con-
of his principal advisers to Italy, who with the quests under Christian rule and the achieve-
aid of a Roman faction opposed to Boniface ment of a stable constitutional order.
broke into the papal palace at Anagni and ar- The three major Christian kingdoms that
rested the pope. The citizens of Anagni res- emerged from the Christian offensive were
cued Boniface shortly afterwards, but he died Portugal, Castile (including Leon), and Ara-
in Rome only a few months later. The vulner- gon (including Catalonia and Valencia), but
ability of the papacy had been clearly demon- they were not really united within their own
strated. territories. The Christian kings had _pur-
The succeeding popes capitulated to the chased the support of both old and new sub-
French king and even revoked Unam Sanctam. jects through generous concessions during
Philip’s victory was complete when a French- the course of the Reconquista. Large communi-
man was elected pope in 1305. Clement V ties of Jews and Muslims gained the right to
never reached Rome, settling in the French- live under their own laws and elect their own
speaking, though imperial, city of Avignon in officials, and favored towns were granted spe-
1309. For the next sixty-eight years the popes cial royal charters, known as fueros, that per-
lived within the shadow of the French monar- mitted them to maintain their own forum, or
chy. court. Barcelona and Valencia in Aragon and
Burgos, Toledo, Valladolid, and Seville in
Castile were virtually self-governing repub-
Philip’s Heritage lics in the thirteenth century. Among other
groups, the military aristocracy was highly
In trying to achieve an absolute monarchy, privileged. The magnates, or ricos hombres,
Philip upset the delicate feudal equilibrium of particularly in Castile, the largest of the Iberi-
the France of St. Louis. He left at his death a an kingdoms, held much of their lands not as
deeply disturbed France. The Flemish towns fiefs but as allodia (properties in full title), and
remained defiant, and the strained relation of this reinforced their independent spirit. The
the monarchy with its principal vassal, the clergy of course formed still another powerful
king of England, threatened to produce a and privileged group. Moreover, the Iberian

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

kings had to reckon with three wealthy reli- source of all justice. Alfonso was in no posi-
gious orders of knights, the Calatrava, Santia- tion to achieve a true absolutism in his gov-
go, and Alcantara, which had been founded ernment, but the code did serve to educate
about 1200 to aid in the struggle against the the people to the high dignity of kingship.
infidel and which were now able to wield in- Even more than in England and France, feu-
dependent financial and military power. dal government in the Iberian kingdoms rest-
To hold all these elements together under a ed on a delicate compromise between royal
common government was a formidable task, authority and private privilege, and this ap-
but the kings retained a real advantage: Their parently fragile system worked tolerably
rivals were too diverse and too eager to fight well.
one another to be able to present a united With the achievement of fairly stable gov-
challenge. ernments the Iberian kingdoms were free to
Sooner than other Western monarchs, the play a larger role in the affairs of Europe.
Iberian kings recognized the practical value of Aragon in particular, with an opening on the
securing the consent of their powerful sub- Mediterranean Sea, made its powers felt. In
jects to major governmental decisions, partic- 1229 James I captured the Balearic Islands.
ularly regarding taxes. By the end of the His son Peter III made himself king of Sicily,
twelfth century they made frequent use of after a revolt known as the Sicilian Vespers
representative assemblies, called Cortes. Al- (1282) drove from the island a French dynas-
though they never achieved the constitutional ty of rulers. Sardinia was taken from the Pis-
position of the English Parliament because ans in 1326. A seemingly invincible company
there were too many of them, the Cortes were of Catalan mercenaries besieged Constantino-
the most powerful representative assemblies ple (1302-1307), then captured Athens and
in Europe during the thirteenth century. subjugated it to Catalan domination until
In order to impose a stronger, essentially 1388. The expansion of the Iberian kingdoms
feudal sovereignty over their subjects, the was to be a major theme in European history
Iberian kings set about systematizing the laws for the next several hundred years.
and customs of their realms, thus clarifying
both their own prerogatives and their sub-
jects’ obligations. For example, King Diniz of The Holy Roman Empire
Portugal reorganized royal finances and ad-
ministration, suppressed the Templars, and While the English, French, and Iberian king-
won from the papacy concessions which gave doms were moving toward greater unity un-
him wide powers over the Portuguese der more centralized governments, the Ger-
Church. Alfonso X of Castile issued an en- man and Italian territories of the Holy Ro-
cyclopedia of legal institutions, meant to in- man Empire were disintegrating into a large
struct lawyers and guide judges. This code, number of small and virtually autonomous
known as the Siete Partidas (“Seven Divi- principalities. Geography and culture ob-
sions”) was thoroughly imbued with the spir- structed the effective union of the lands north
it of Roman law and presented the king as the and south of the Alps. Moreover, the western

kings for the most part enjoyed the support of before Machiavelli. Frederick spoke six lan-
both Church and towns in their efforts to guages, loved learning, patronized poets and
achieve ordered government; the German translators, founded a university at Naples,
emperors, on the other hand, counted both and, after a fashion, conducted scientific ex-
Church and towns among their committed periments. It Had been said, for example, that
enemies, at least in Italy. This powerful oppo- a baby who hears no voices will grow up
sition made a supremely difficult task impos- speaking Hebrew, which supposedly was
sible. man’s first and most natural language. He
Frederick Barbarossa had negotiated an therefore had an infant raised in total silence,
uneasy peace with the pope and the Italian to see if this were true. He wrote a scholarly
towns in the last years of his reign, but the tract on hunting with falcons, which has
struggle was renewed soon after his death in drawn praise from those practiced in the art.
1190. Barbarossa’s son Henry VI had married He also corrected Aristotle by writing on the
Constance, heiress to the Norman Kingdom margins of his works in several places, “It
of the Two Sicilies. Their son Frederick II isn’t so.”
thus had a legal claim to southern Italy as Several princes had contended for the
Constance’s heir, and a moral claim to the German throne upon Henry VI’s death. Pope
Gernian throne. The prospect of Italian unifi- Innocent III, disappointed in them all, sup-
cation under German auspices disturbed both ported Frederick’s election as King of the
the papacy and the free cities of Lombardy. Romans in {212 and King of the Germans in
The towns feared the direct domination of 1215. The first was the title normally received
the emperor, while the papacy believed that by the heir apparent to the imperial office; the
its liberty would not survive were it to be en- second the title used by the emperor before
circled by German lands. In his brief reign of his solemn coronation at Rome. Innocent’s
seven years Henry VI had little chance to successor, Honorius III, crowned Frederick
effect the “union of the Kingdom with the emperor in 1229 on the double promise that
Empire,” as contemporaries called this fateful he would renounce his mother’s inheritance
policy. It was a dream that was to elude his of southern Italy and lead a crusade to Pales-
son too. tine. Frederick procrastinated on both agree-
ments, creating lasting difficulties with the
Frederick II Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick influenced German
development in several fundamental ways.
Frederick I (1194-1250) is one of the most He established on the empire’s Eastern fron-
fascinating personalities of the Middle Ages. tier a military-religious order, the Teutonic
A contemporary called him stupor mundi Knights, who eventually created the Prussian
(“wonder of the world”). Later historians have state; recognized Bohemia as a hereditary
hailed him as the first modern ruler, the pro- kingdom and Ltibeck asa free imperial city;
totype of the Renaissance despot, the cold and issued the earliest charter of liberties to
and calculating statesman, a Machiavellian the Swiss cantons. His most important pol-

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

icy, however, was to confer upon the eccle- fears of encirclement, and Frederick was
siastical princes and the lay nobles virtual again excommunicated. Both sides struggled
sovereignty within their own territories. The to win the public sympathy of Europe, but
emperor retained only the right to set the for- the tide of history began to turn against Fred-
eign policy of the empire, make war and erick. To break the power of the Lombard
peace, and adjudicate disputes between towns he besieged Parma in 1248 but was
princes or subjects of different principalities. unable to take the city in a war that dragged
All other powers of government passed to the on until his death two years later.
princes; no later emperor could regain what There are some historical figures whose
Frederick gave away. careers seem to summarize a given epoch and
In Italy Frederick pursued a much dif- to predict the one to come. Frederick is such a
ferent policy. For the government of the figure. In Germany he reinforced a political
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies he relied upon a fragmentation that had become ever more
trained lay bureaucracy. He rigorously cen- pronounced since the eleventh century. In
tralized his administration, suppressed local southern Italy he completed the constitution-
privileges, imposed a universal tax in money al reorganization which the Norman kings,
upon his subjects, recruited his army from all his forebears, had begun. He does resemble
classes and from Muslims as well as Chris- the later Renaissance tyrant and the modern
tians, and issued a constitution which, in the statesman, but he was also perhaps the last
spirit of Roman law, interpreted all jurisdic- emperor to take seriously the grand vision of
tion as stemming from the emperor. the Christian empire. The chronicler who
While building what some historians con- called him the wonder of the world wrote
sider to have been the first modern state, with perspicacity.
Frederick had to face the increasingly bitter
opposition of the popes and the free cities of
northern Italy. Pope Gregory [X excommun-
icated him in 1227 because of his failure to ina he <chureh
lead an Eastern crusade. Frederick then de-
parted on the crusade but preferred to negoti-
ate than fight and made a treaty with the Since the time of the Gregorian reform of the
Muslims which guaranteed unarmed Chris- eleventh century, the papacy had sought to
tian pilgrims access to Jerusalem. The more build in Europe a unified Christian common-
militant among the Western Christians be- wealth, one based on faith and on obedience
lieved that this treaty was dishonorable. He to Peter, in which European princes and peo-
returned to Italy in 1229 and came to terms ples might work out their salvation in frater-
with Pope Gregory a year later. nal peace. In the thirteenth century, the
The Lombard towns remained fearful of Church came close to achieving this grand
his designs and finally leagued against him. design, but it still had to face powerful chal-
He defeated them at Cortenuova in 1237, but lenges to both Christian unity and its own
his success once more awakened in Gregory leadership.

The Growth of Heresy This was also an age of spiritual tension.
Many laymen wanted a more mystical and
From the fifth until nearly the eleventh cen- emotional reward from religion, but were
tury no major heresies had troubled the denied such satisfaction because they were
Western Church, a sure indication of both given no opportunity to study the Bible, to
social stability and intellectual and spiritual hear it read in the vernacular, or to be moved
torpor. From about the year 1000, however, by sermons. These were the exclusive activi-
chroniclers begin to note with growing fre- ties of monks. A principal effort of both the
quency the appearance of heretics and spo- new heresies and the new movements within
radic attempts to suppress them. the Church was to break this monastic mo-
The spread of heresy in the eleventh and nopoly of the religious experience.
twelfth centuries was partially a reaction to
abuses within the established Church. An-
gered by the wealth and moral laxity of the The Waldensians and Albigensians
clergy, heretics rejected the claimed privi-
leges of the official priesthood. Heresy had The first heretics appeared about the year
social roots also. The continuing increase of 1000 and seem to have been reformers who
population brought many social dislocations denounced the Church for its failings but
in its wake. The movement into new territo- offered no solutions for its problems. Then
ries, the growth of towns, the appearance of about 1170 a rich merchant of Lyons, Peter
new trades and industries all created strong Waldo, adopted a life of absolute poverty and
psychological tensions, which often found an gave himself to preaching. He soon attracted
outlet in heretical movements. Within the followers, who came to be known as “the poor
towns, for example, heresy offered a form of men of Lyons,” or Waldensians. The Walden-
social protest to the urban poor. It held poten- sians attacked the moral laxness of the clergy
tial for rich townsmen, too, inasmuch as tradi- and extended their denunciations to the sac-
tional Christianity had been highly suspi- raments they administered. This group was
cious of wealth, particularly when earned in declared heretical by the Lateran Council of
the marketplace, and gave the rich merchant 1215, but the Church never succeeded in
little assurance of reaching heaven. Nobles suppressing the movement. The Waldensian
envied the property and power of the Church still exists, although its theology was
Church; to them, heresy offered a justification later much transformed by Protestant influ-
for seizing the wealth of a corrupt Church for ences.
themselves. For reasons that are not well Far more powerful in their own day,
understood, heresy had a particular appeal to though not destined to survive the Middle
women. Many heretics made a special effort Ages, were the Cathari, or Albigensians,
to recruit women, conducting schools for named for the town of Albi in Languedoc.
them and teaching them how to read the The Albigensians’ religious attitudes were
Scriptures at a time when the established greatly influenced by Manicheanism, an an-
Church largely neglected their education. cient belief that continued to survive among

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

various small sects in Asia Minor and the organization with councils and a hierarchy of
Balkans. The Albigensians, like the Mani- Perfecti headed by a pope.
cheans, believed that two principles, or dei-
ties, a god of light and a god of darkness, were
fighting for supremacy in the universe. The The Suppression of Heresy
good man must help the god of light vanquish
the evil god of darkness, who had created and The Church initially responded to the here-
ruled the material world. The true Albigen- tics by attempting to reconvert them. One of
sian led a life of rigorous asceticism: He re- the first and greatest leaders supporting the
frained from sexual intercourse, even within policy of reconversion was a priest from Cas-
marriage, because it served only to propagate tile named Dominic. About 1205 he began to
matter and thereby extend the dominions of preach among the Albigensians of Langue-
darkness; and because of the taint of the re- doc. Dominic insisted that his followers,
productive process, he refused to eat all ani- whose mission was to preach, live in poverty
mal flesh (fish was not forbidden, thanks to and support themselves by begging; they
the Albigensians’ ignorance of the mating thus constituted a mendicant, or begging,
habits of aquatic animals). Because a sect order. This new Order of Preachers grew
which preached abstinence within marriage with amazing rapidity, was approved by the
would, of course, soon bring about its own bishop of Toulouse (1215) and shortly after-
extinction, the Albigensians reached a prac- ward by the pope. To prepare its members
tical compromise: Those who abided by these for their work the Dominican Order stressed
stringent regulations were the Perfecti (they education, and thus eventually became the
formed the priesthood); those who did not intellectual arm of the medieval Church. It
live by this stern code were the believers. A counted among its members Albertus Mag-
believer at the point of death could hope to be nus, Thomas Aquinas, and many other im-
initiated into the ranks of the perfect through portant religious thinkers of the thirteenth
a kind of sacrament known as the consolament- century.
um, which could be received only once. Reconversion through preaching, persua-
The Albigensians, like the Waldensians, sion, and example remained, however, a slow
denied all value to the sacraments and priest- and uncertain process. Moreover, canon law
hood of the established Church. They, of failed to provide an effective remedy against
course, denied that Christ had ever appeared the powerful, organized heresies of the
in human form and saw no coming redemp- twelfth century. The law did give the bishop
tion of the world. The Albigensians more tru- the right to try a suspected heretic before his
ly constituted a non-Christian religion than a own court, but a heretic protected by impor-
Christian heresy. Their appeal came princi- tant men in the community was virtually
pally from their use of a vernacular Testa- immune to prosecution, inasmuch as the bish-
ment and their willingness to preach in the op often feared offending the lay powers of
vernacular to laymen and from their moral his diocese. The lack of any effective legal
fervor. Eventually they developed a strong way of dealing with heretics led to frequent

riots against them—the medieval equivalent nounced; at times it used evidence that was
of the lynch law. not even revealed to the accused; it denied the
By the early thirteenth century the Church right of counsel and tortured obdurate here-
began to suppress heresy by force systemat- tics. The suspected heretic was, in fact, con-
ically. Pope Innocent HI, of whom more will sidered guilty before even being summoned
be said later, favored peaceful solutions to to court. He could confess and repent, with
heresy until his legate Peter of Castelnau, the likely consequence of a heavy penance and
who had excommunicated the count of Tou- usually the confiscation of his property. But
louse for tolerating heresy, was murdered by he had little chance to prove his innocence.’
one of the count’s retainers. Innocent con- As an ecclesiastical court the Inquisition was
cluded that as long as the nobility of Langue- forbidden to shed blood, but here too its pro-
doc abetted heresy, nothing short of force cedures were novel: It delivered relapsed or
would be effective against it. He therefore unrepentant heretics to the secular authority
proclaimed a crusade against the Albigen- with full knowledge that they would be put
sians and the nobles who supported them. to death.
Knights from the north of France responded The weaknesses of this system soon be-
with zeal, but more out of greed for plunder came apparent. Secret procedures protected
than concern for orthodoxy. They defeated incompetent and even demented judges. In-
the nobles of Languedoc, but the problem of quisitors such as Bernard Gui in southern
suppressing heresy remained. France or Conrad of Marsburg would today
In 1231 Pope Gregory IX instituted a spe- probably be considered psychotics; they
cial papal court to investigate and punish her- shocked and disgusted even their contempo-
esy. This was the famous papal Inquisition, raries with their savage zeal. In addition, the
which was to play a large and unhappy role in Inquisition could function only where it had
European history for the next several centu- the close cooperation of the secular authority.
ries. Through the Inquisition the popes It was never established in areas (for example,
sought to impose ordered and effective pro- England) where strong kings considered
cedures upon the hunt for heretics. Like the themselves fully competent to control heresy.
English justices in eyre, the inquisitors were (Kings characteristically equated religious
itinerant justices who visited the towns with- and civil rebellion and considered heresy to
in their circuit at regular intervals. Strangers be identical with treason; even Frederick II,
to the locale, they were not subject to pres- in spite of his bitter dispute with the papacy,
sures from the important men of the region. imposed the death penalty upon heretics.)
While the Inquisition was doubtlessly an Dependence on the secular arm meant that
improvement over riots, the procedures it the Inquisition ultimately became an instru-
adopted, which were a conscious break with
prior traditions of canonical and medieval jus-
tice, were unfortunate. It accepted secret 7The one defense the accused had was to show malice
and prejudice by identifying in court his otherwise anon-
denunciations and, to protect the accusers, ymous accusers. This meant, however, that his defense
would not reveal their names to those de- depended too often upon a good guess.

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

ment of royal as much as ecclesiastical policy. hood to a self-conscious search for happiness,
Philip IV of France, for example, utilized the or, in the troubadour terminology he favored,
Inquisition for the suppression of the Tem- for perfect joy, through good companionship
plars. and in the rowdy amusements of an urban
The number of heretics who were executed center. But dissatisfaction lingered; a biogra-
is not known exactly, but they were probably pher, Thomas of Celano, relates that after a
not more than several hundred. Fines, confis- severe illness Francis wandered on a May
cations of property, and imprisonment were morning out to the blossoming fields but did
the usual punishments for all but the most not feel his accustomed joy. He then became
relentless heretics. There is no denying the a knight, but found no contentment. Finally
unfortunate effect of the Inquisition upon the he turned to the religious life, instructed to do
medieval papacy and Church, chiefly the as- so, according to legend, by Christ himself,
sociation of the papacy with persecution and and adopted a life of poverty. Still, he be-
bloodshed to the inevitable erosion of its own lieved that the test of true living, and indeed
prestige. And moral prestige has been, in all of true religion, ought to be joy: If all crea-
ages, the true basis of papal authority. tures, including men, recognized God’s good
providence over them, they would respond
with joy. Joy would in turn assure universal
The Franciscans harmony in the world and bring a kind of
golden age.
Crusades and the Inquisition could not alone Disciples began to gather almost at once
preserve the unity of the medieval Church. A around the “little poor man” of Assisi. In
spiritual regeneration was needed; the 1208 Francis obtained papal approval for the
Church had to reach laymen, especially those formation of a new religious order. This Or-
living in towns, and provide them with a spir- der of Friars Minor (Lesser Brothers) grew
itual message they could comprehend. The with extraordinary rapidity; within ten years
Dominicans were the first religious order to it reached some five thousand members and
undertake this task as their primary mission. spread from Germany to Palestine; before the
A major role was also played by a contempo- end of the century it was the largest order in
rary of St. Dominic, St. Francis of Assisi. the Church. Although the problems of ad-
Francis (1182?—1226) is probably the ministering a huge order did not command
greatest saint of the Middle Ages and possi- Francis’s deepest interests, he did write a
bly the most sensitive poet of religious emo- brief rule for the Friars and gave them some
tion. He succeeded in developing a style of further recommendations shortly before his
piety which was both faithful to orthodoxy death, in a document known as his Testa-
and abounding in new mystical insights. ment, in which he stressed the importance of
Since most of Francis’s life is screened by leg- poverty and simplicity.
end, it is nearly impossible to reconstruct the He visited Palestine twice to preach to the
exact course of his spiritual development. infidels. In 1224 he is said to have received the
He seems to have devoted his young man- stigmata, the marks of Christ’s five wounds,

thus becoming the first Christian saint to ex- France that he had no wish to “lessen or dis-
hibit these signs of superior sanctity. turb the jurisdiction and power of the king.”
The success of the Friars Minor was an Although he seems to have been willing
authentic trrumph for the Church. Like the enough to leave the princes undisturbed in
Dominicans, they carried their message pri- the routine exercise of government, he did
marily to laymen in the growing towns, to the insist that they obey him in matters concern-
social classes where the heretics had hitherto ing the rights of the Church, the peace and
won their greatest successes. Giving them- common interests of Christendom, and their
selves to poverty and preaching, the Friars own personal morality. He sought to achieve
Minor came to include not only a second or- three major goals: the unity of Christendom,
der of nuns but a third order of laymen. Fran- the hegemony of the papacy over Europe, and
cis and his followers thus opened orthodox the clarification of Christian discipline and
religion to delight in the natural world, to belief.
mystical and emotional experiences, and to Within Europe heresy was the greatest
joy, which all men, they believed, including threat to Christian unity, and though he or-
the ascetic and the pious, should be seeking. dered the crusade against the Albigensians,
Innocent, in general, favored the new mendi-
cant orders to counter the appeal of the here-
Papal Government tics. Beyond Europe he sought reunion with
the Eastern Church. At first condemning the
In this period of profound social change and Fourth Crusade, which was directed against
religious crisis the papacy faced serious obsta- fellow Christians, Innocent came to consider
cles in achieving its ideal of a unified, peace- the fall of Constantinople to the crusaders a
ful, and obedient European community. The providential act, meant to achieve unification
pope of the thirteenth century whose reign of Western and Eastern Churches. From 1204
best illustrates the aspirations and the prob- to 1261 an imposed union did hold the mem-
lems of the medieval Church is Innocent III bers of the Eastern Church, or at least some of
(1198-1216). them, in obedience to Rome, but the violence
Innocent was not a pope of great intellec- of the Western Europeans during the crusade
tual attainments and was even somewhat sowed among the conquered a lasting hatred
ambiguous in defining his own powers.’ He which frustrated later efforts at permanent
once stated that God had given him “not only union.
the universal Church, but the whole world to The pope also sought to exert his leader-
govern,” yet he also declared to Philip H of ship over the princes of Europe in all spiritu-
ally significant affairs. Some of his efforts to
bend kings to his will have already been men-
*For a good presentation of the ambiguities of Innocent’s
tioned: his struggle with King John to install
statements, see James M. Powell, Innocent Il] —Vicar of Stephen Langton as archbishop of Canterbu-
Christ or Lord of the World?, 1963. ry, and his support of Frederick II as candi-

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

date for emperor. He also excommunicated The Papacy in the Thirteenth Century
Philip II of France for refusing to live with
his queen. Innocent had occasion to repri- Innocent’s successors pursued his goals of
mand the kings of Aragon, Portugal, Poland, ecclesiastical unity, though with only moder-
and Norway. Indeed, no prior pope had scru- ate success. Further attempts were made to
tinized princely behavior with so keen an eye. heal the schism with the Eastern Church. At
Nevertheless, his interventions had uneven the Council of Lyons in 1274 representatives
results, especially with regard to his dearest of the Eastern patriarch formally submitted
goal, the establishment of permanent peace to papal authority, but the union soon proved
among the European princes. illusory. Innocent’s successors also continued
the work of codifying Church law. In 1234
Gregory IX published an authoritative collec-
The Fourth Lateran Council tion of decretals (papal letters) to which addi-
tions were made in 1298 and 1314. Together
Trained in canon law, Innocent wanted to with the Decretum of Gratian, these collec-
bring a new system to Christian belief and tions formed the Body of Canon Law, which
government. In 1215 he summoned some fif- in turn made up the finished constitution of
teen hundred prelates to attend the Fourth the medieval Church.
Lateran Council. The Lateran Council identi- Papal administration, and especially papal
fied the sacraments as exactly seven and reaf- finances, continued to expand during the thir-
firmed that they are essential to salvation, teenth century. Often desperate for funds to
imposed an obligation of yearly confession carry on their ambitious policies, the popes
and communion on the faithful, and defined extracted substantial payments for appoint-
the dogma of transubstantiation, according to ments to office, imposed tithes (a tenth of in-
which the priest in uttering the words of con- come) upon the clergy, and sold exemptions
secration at mass annihilates the substance of and dispensations from the regulations of
bread and wine and substitutes for them canon law. By the late thirteenth century the
the substance of Christ. Transubstantiation popes were clearly exploiting their spiritual
unambiguously afhrmed the Mass as miracle, powers for financial profit, and this was to
and thus conferred a unique dignity and prove a diastrous precedent.
power on the Catholic priesthood. The coun- The medieval papacy hoped to serve as the
cil also pronounced on a wide variety of disci- vocal conscience of Europe. It was aided in
plinary matters—the qualifications for the this ambition by magnificent theological and
priesthood, the nature of priestly education, legal systems and by a huge administrative
the character of monastic life, the veneration apparatus. But the growth of papal power
of relics, and other devotional exercises. Only weakened the bishop’s ability to maintain the
the councils of Nicaea, Trent, and perhaps moral discipline of his clergy and people, the
Vatican II have had a greater influence on result being an increasing measure of local
Catholic life. chaos which permitted abuses to grow un-

checked. Even the new intellectual rigor of than uniting two historical and cultural expe-
Christian belief carried with it a certain risk riences, for medieval civilization was itself the
for the spiritual life; cold intellectualism or a product of two quite different epochs. The
suffocating legalism might well threaten and violence and desperation of the late Roman
dilute authentic piety. The Church has lived and early medieval periods had implanted in
for hundreds of years with the achievements the medieval mind a deep conviction that
and unresolved problems bequeathed to it by man’s natural powers were inadequate to con-
the thirteenth century. trol his destiny, that he needed help through
grace. The experiences of society after 1000
had, on the other hand, bred a new confidence
in human capabilities. Aristotelian philoso-
phy lent intellectual force to what experience
iv. [The Summer of
seemed to be teaching: that man could attain,
Medieval Culture through his own efforts, some measure of
truth and fulfillment in this present world.
Whereas the twelfth century was the period In seeking to reconcile faith and reason,
of discovery and creation in the cultural medieval man was trying to extract the com-
growth of the medieval world, the thirteenth mon denominator of truth from the vastly
century was an age of intellectual synthesis. different experiences through which he had
As the statesmen of Europe tried to unite law passed. He wanted to construct an open intel-
and custom in ordered constitutional systems, lectual system which would give a place to all
the cultural leaders tried to bring earlier intel- truth and all values, wherever they were
lectual traditions into harmony. found, however they had been learned. The
general nature of this effort at synthesis can
be seen in three of the major achievements of
The Medieval Synthesis the period: the Scholasticism of Thomas
Aquinas, the Gothic cathedral, and the Come-
An appreciation of thirteenth-century culture dy of Dante Alighieri.
requires an understanding of the ideas and
values the period was seeking to combine.
The scholastics were trying to reconcile the Thomas Aquinas
fundamental assumptions of Aristotelian. phi-
losophy with the fundamental attitudes of The most gifted representative of scholastic
Christianity, the former asserting that human philosophy, and the greatest Christian theolo-
reason could probe the metaphysical struc- gian since Augustine, was St. Thomas Aqui-
ture of the universe unaided, the latter insist- nas (1225?—1274), whose career well illus-
ing on the necessity of divine revelation and trates the character of thirteenth-century in-
grace. tellectual life. At seventeen Thomas entered
In their attempt to reconcile these views the new Dominican Order, perhaps attracted
medieval intellectuals aimed at nothing less by its commitment to scholarship; he studied

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

at Monte Cassino and Naples, and later, as a at its summit.? Though nature, too, is good,
Dominican, at Cologne and Paris. His most and man can achieve some partial, temporary
influential teacher was another Dominican, happiness in this life, nature is not good
Albertus Magnus, a German who wrote ex- enough. It is through grace that God works to
tensively not only on theological matters but perfect it.
on questions of natural science, especially bi- The Summa Theologica was almost too suc-
ology. Thomas was no intellectual recluse; he cessful. Within the limits of the scholastic
lectured at Paris and traveled widely across method its achievement in reconciling dif-
Europe, particularly in the business of his ferent points of view cannot be surpassed. It
order and the Church. thus closed the constructive, synthetic phase
In his short and active life Thomas pro- of the scholastic tradition. Medieval thought
duced a prodigious amount of writing: com- thereafter moved strongly in the direction of
mentaries on biblical books and Aristotelian acute analysis and destructive but by no
works, short essays on philosophical prob- means barren criticism. The Summa also
lems, a lengthy compendium of Christian shows the weaknesses characteristic of Scho-
apologetics, the Summa contra Gentiles, which lasticism. Thomas affirmed that natural truth
was probably intended for Dominican mis- is ultimately grounded in observation, but in
sionaries working to convert heretics and fact he observed very little, for the most part
infidels. However, his most important work citing authorities, especially Aristotle, and
was one he did not live to finish. Divided into trusting to untested deductions. Nonetheless,
three divisions on God, Man, and Christ, the the Summa remains an unquestioned master-
Summa Theologica was meant to provide a piece of Western theology. It offers comment
comprehensive introduction to Christian the- on an enormous range of theological, philo-
ology and to present a systematic view of the sophical, and ethical problems, and it consis-
universe which would do justice to all truth, tently attracts with its openness, perception,
natural and revealed, pagan and Christian. and wisdom.
Thomas brought to his task an extraordi-
narily subtle and perceptive intellect, and his
system (not unlike the feudal constitution) The Gothic Cathedral
rests upon several fundamental, delicate
compromises. In regard to faith and reason he Artists as well as theologians were attempting
taught that both are roads to a single truth. to present a systematic view of the universe
Reason is based ultimately on sense experi-
ence. It is a powerful instrument, but insufh- °For Thomas each object in the universe thus possessed a
cient to teach men all that God wishes them double dimension of meaning. It was interesting in and of
itself but also as a representative of classes, groups, or
to know. In regard to the fundamental struc- essences. This two-dimensional view of reality is also
ture of the universe he maintained that all reflected in Gothic art, in which the statues are at once
objects are autonomous and unique, but also individuals and yet manifestations of a higher order, and
in Dante’s Comedy, where the figures he encounters on his
are bound together by common essences, or journey through the other world are both individual per-
natures, into a hierarchy of beings with God sonalities and representatives of common human types.

i ; 8 Al:
a <4 tt
The Summer of
the Middle Ages

reflective of all truth. The artistic counterpart tress also freed sections of the walls from the
to the scholastic Summas was the Gothic ca- function of supporting the roof and therefore
thedral. permitted the use of large areas for windows.
The name “Gothic” was coined in the Romanesque architects had pioneered all
sixteenth century as an expression of con- three devices, but the Gothic engineers com-
tempt for these supposedly barbarous medie- bined them and used them with unprecedent-
val buildings. In fact, the Goths had disap- ed vigor and boldness.
peared some five hundred years before any The freeing of large parts of the walls from
Gothic churches were built. As used today, the function of supporting the roof also stim-
“Gothic” refers to the style of architecture ulated the arts of staining and mounting glass
and art which initially developed in the royal (see Plate 13). Stained glass reached its high-
lands in France, including Paris and its sur- est development in the thirteenth century;
roundings, from about 1150. The abbey
church of Saint-Denis near Paris, built by the
In contrast to Romanesque sculpture which
Abbot Suger in 1144, is usually taken as the overflows with great displays of emotion, Gothic
first authentic example of the Gothic style. sculpture evokes a sense of calm and orderly
The early Gothic churches were almost all reality, as can be seen in the jamb figures on
urban cathedrals and were characteristically the central portal of Chartres Cathedral. [Photo:
dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In the thir- Marburg — Art Reference Bureau]
teenth century the Gothic style spread
widely through Europe, and it found special
application in the large churches built by the
Franciscan and Dominican orders. The
growth of cities also led to its expression in
secular architecture: town halls, guildhalls,
towers, gates, and private houses.
Technically, three engineering devices
helped stamp the Gothic style: the broken
rather than rounded arch; ribbed vaulting,
which concentrated support around the lines
of thrust and gave the buildings a visibly de-
lineated skeleton; and the flying buttress, an
external support which allowed the walls to
be made higher and lighter. The flying but-

In the Gothic style of church building, the roof

was supported partly by columns within the
building and partly by external flying buttresses
which can be seen here at Notre Dame
Cathedral in Paris. [Photo: ND —Giraudon |
This interior view of the nave of Reims
Cathedral shows the ribbed vaulting that was
characteristic of Gothic churches. [Photo: ND —

rative foliage, for example, was carved with

such accuracy that the botanical models can
be identified). Their statues were real and
usually cheerful people, subtly exerting their
own personalities without destroying the
harmony of the whole.

The Gothic Spirit

These magnificent churches with their

hundreds of statues took decades to construct
and decorate, and many were never com-
pleted. The builders intended that the
churches provide a comprehensive view of
the universe and instruction in its sacred his-
tory. One principal element of the Gothic
aesthetic is a strong sense of order. ‘The naked
ribs and buttresses and the intricate vaulting
constitute a spectacular geometry that instills
in the viewer a vivid impression of intelli-
gence and logical relationships. The churches,
reflecting the structure of the universe, taught
that God, the master builder, created and still
governs the natural world with similar logic.
The most distinctive aspect of the Gothic
even today, artists and scientists do not know style is its use of light in a manner unique in
all the secrets by which medieval artisans the history of architecture. Once within the
imparted to their glass its rich luminosity. church, the visitor has entered a realm de-
Innovations were also made in the statues fined and infused by a warm, colored glow. In
that adorned the buildings. Romanesque Christian worship light is one of the most
sculpture often conveyed great emotion and ancient, common, and versatile symbols. It
power but did not reflect the visible world. indicates mystical illumination, _ spiritual
Sculptors now wanted their works to emulate beauty, grace, and divinity itself. The soft
reality, or at least its handsomest parts (deco- light diffused through the jeweled windows

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

of Gothic churches suggested all these things to have been Beatrice Portinari, who later
to the medieval believer. married into a prominent family and died in
The impressions rendered by the architec- 1290. Dante could have seen her only rarely;
ture and the glass were further developed by we do not know if she ever returned his love.
the performance of the sacred liturgy. Here Still, in his youthful adoration of Beatrice he
music was also enlisted to convey the sense of seems to have attained that sense of harmony
an intricate and sublime harmony in God’s and joy which the troubadours considered to
care of the world. Paris in the thirteenth cen- be the great reward of lovers. In 1302 an ex-
tury witnessed a marked development of pol- perience of a much different sort shattered his
yphonic music; the choir masters seem to life. For political reasons he was exiled from
have sought a musical style which would par- Florence. He spent the remaining years of his
allel the complexity and the harmony of the life wandering from city to city, a disillu-
surrounding cathedral. Through architecture, sioned, even bitter man. He died in 1321 and
sculpture, and music, the believer was en- was buried at Ravenna.
couraged to feel the presence of God, to dis-
cern a universe permeated with his wisdom,
sanctity, and loving concern. The Comedy

Dante composed his masterpiece from 1313

Dante to 1321. He called it a commedia in conformity
with the classical notion that a happy ending
Literary output in most vernacular languages made any story, no matter how serious, a
grew continuously more abundant during the comedy; the adjective “divine” was added to
thirteenth century, except in English, which its title only after his death. The poem is di-
was retarded in its development by the con- vided into three parts, which describe the
tinued dominance of a French-speaking aris- poet’s journey through hell, purgatory, and
tocracy. Of several masterpieces the one that heaven.
best summarizes the culture of the age is the The poem opens with Dante “in the mid-
Comedy of Dante Alighieri. dle of the way of this our life.” An aging man,
Dante was born in Florence in 1265. Little he has grown confused and disillusioned; he
is known of his education, but he seems to is lost in a “dark forest” of doubt, harassed by
have acquired a broad learning. The Comedy is wild animals, symbols of his own untamed
one of the most erudite, and hence most difh- passions. The theme of the poem is essential-
cult, poems of world literature. ly Dante’s rediscovery of a former sense of
Two experiences in Dante’s life profound- harmony and joy. Leading him back to his
ly influenced his attitudes and are reflected in lost peace are two guides. The first, Vergil,
his works. In 1274, when he was (as he him- who represents human reason, conducts
self affirms) only nine years old, he fell deeply Dante through hell and then up the seven-
in love with a young girl named Beatrice. storied mountain of purgatory to the earthly
Much mystery surrounds her, but she seems paradise, the vanished Eden, at its summit. In

hell Dante encounters men who have chosen Like many literary masterpieces the Come-
as their supreme goal in life something other dy has several dimensions of meaning. On a
than the love of God —riches, pleasures, fame, personal level it summarizes the experiences
or power. Vergil shows Dante that the good of Dante’s own life; it affirms that the youth-
life cannot be built upon such selfish choices. ful idealism and joy he had once so easily
Reason, in other words, can enable man to found were not proved false by age and bitter
avoid the pitfalls of egoistic, material ex- exile. The poem further reflects the great cul-
istence. Reason can accomplish even more tural issues that challenged his contempo-
than that; for, as embodied by Vergil, it raries—the relations between reason and
guides Dante through purgatory and shows faith, nature and grace, human power and the
him how to acquire the natural virtues which divine will. Dante, like Aquinas, was trying to
are the foundations of the earthly paradise— combine two opposed views of man and his
a full and peaceful earthly existence. In the abilities to shape his own destinies. One, root-
dignity and power given to Vergil, Dante ed in the very optimism of the twelfth and
shares the high regard for human reason char- thirteenth centuries and in the more distant
acteristic of the thirteenth century. However, classical heritage, afhrmed that man was the
reason can take man only so far. To enter master of himself and the world. The other,
heaven Dante needs a new guide—Beatrice grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition,
herself, representative of supernatural revela- saw him, fundamentally, as a lost child in a
tion and grace. She takes the poet through the vale of tears. Both views had helped support
heavenly spheres into the presence of God, human life and were therefore worth preserv-
“in Whom is our peace.” The peace and joy of ing. Dante’s majestic panorama summarizes
the heavenly court set the dominant mood at not only medieval man’s vision of the uni-
the poem’s conclusion, in contrast to the con- verse but also his estimation of what it meant
fusion and violence of the dark forest with to live a truly wise, truly happy, and truly
which it had opened. human life.

In the thirteenth century, medieval civiliza- tive assemblies came to play a recognized role
tion attained a new stability, and medieval in the processes of government. Confronted
institutions functioned with considerable with heresies that threatened its unity and
success. Large-scale manufacture, world dominance, the Church responded in part
commerce, and sophisticated business prac- with crusades and the Inquisition, to its own
tices gave the economy a distinctly capitalis- detriment ultimately. At the same time ortho-
tic aura. In political life feudal governments dox religion enjoyed an authentic spiritual
consolidated and clarified their constitutional renewal, of which Francis of Assisi was the
procedures, and parliaments and representa- chief inspiration. The papacy energetically

The Summer of
the Middle Ages

sought to lead the Western princes as their seemed close to resolving its principal prob-
guide and conscience, but secular entangle- lems, whether economic, political, or cultural.
ments and fiscal problems threatened and In fact, however, the relative prosperity and
gradually diluted its moral authority. peace, the institutional stability and intellec-
In cultural life this was a period not so tual synthesis were not to survive much be-
much of new creations as of reordering and yond the year 1300. In the fourteenth century
synthesis. The masterpieces of the age aimed a new era of turmoil dawned for the medieval
at bringing together all parts of the medieval world. The closing Middle Ages were a peri-
heritage into an ordered whole which would od of spectacular disasters, but also of pro-
offer men a comprehensive understanding of found changes. These changes greatly altered
the universe and a wise formula for living. the character of the civilizations in both East-
Medieval society in the thirteenth century ern and Western Europe.

Recommended Reading

Sources in the Thirteenth Century. 1964. A study of the origins

of representation in southern France.
Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy. Louis Biancolli (tr.). Boase, 1. S. R. Boniface VIIT. 1933.
1966. *Copleston, Frederick. Aquinas. 1955.
Aquinas, Thomas. Basic Writings. Anton C. Pegis (ed.). Gilson, Etienne. Dante and Philosophy. David Moore (tr.).
Kantorowicz, Ernest H. Frederick IT. E. O. Lorimer (tr.).
*Brown, Raphael (ed. and tr.). The Little Flowers of St. 1957.
Francis. 1971. Legends collected in the early four- *Panoftsky, Erwin. Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism.
teenth century exemplifying the style of Franciscan 1966. Examines the parallels between two great
piety. cultural monuments of the thirteenth century.
De Joinville, Jean. The Life of St. Louis. René Hague (tr.). Vacandard, E. The Inquisition. 1924.
*Von Simson, Otto. The Gothic Cathedral. Origins of Gothic
Architecture and the Medieval Concept of Order. 1962.
Interprets Gothic style primarily in terms of its use
Studies of light.

Bisson, Thomas. Assemblies and Representation in Languedoc *Available in paperback.


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10/ Ihe Crusades
Eastern Europe
The peoples of Western Europe had remained fairly isolated from the East
during the Early Middle Ages, a factor that added considerably to their
economic and cultural backwardness. This isolation began to break down after
the year 1000. Western pilgrims and crusaders in large numbers visited the
Christian holy places in the East and for some two centuries maintained, in the
Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, a colony in Palestine. Western merchants
established contact with the principal ports of the eastern Mediterranean and the
Black seas. A vigorous trade developed across the waters of the Mediterranean,
and Westerners once more came to enjoy the spices and other products of the East.
In the thirteenth century, some missionaries and merchants penetrated into central
Asia, and a few traveled as far as China. This greatly enlarged the geographic
horizons of Europeans and made them aware that rich and brilliant civilizations
existed beyond their borders. Westerners entered into intense military competition,
close trade relations, and fruitful cultural exchanges with their Eastern
neighbors. An appreciation of Western history therefore requires a knowledge
of these Eastern peoples and the results of the increasing contact with them.
The East after the year 1000 was itself in a state offlux. The three states which
dominated the region in the Early Middle Ages—the Byzantine Empire, the Arab
Caliphate, and Kievan Russia—were all in manifest decline. Turkish peoples—
first the Seljuks and then the Ottomans—built states which, in large part, claimed
the territorial heritage of both Byzantium and the caliphate. By the fifteenth
century the Ottoman Empire had come to dominate the land bridge between
Europe and Asia and presented the West with a formidable military challenge.
This powerful and aggressive empire gave Europeans strong incentive for
searching out new trade routes around Ottoman territories to the more distant East.
The spiritual and cultural heritage of both Byzantium and Kievan Russia
largely passed to a new Russian state which had its capital at Moscow and was
the direct ancestor of the modern Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. Like
Byzantium before it, Moscovite Russia assumed the function of guarding the
eastern frontiers of Christian Europe.
The contacts, the rivalries, the economic and cultural exchanges begun or restored
fromMuseum in the second half of the Middle Ages have continued
] to play a major role in
the history of the peoples in both these areas of the world.
narrow continent, a movement which has
1. The Crusades
since influenced civilizations in every part of
the world.
In the eleventh century the Western peoples
launched a series of armed expeditions to the
East in an effort to free the Holy Land from Origins
Islamic rule. These expeditions are tradition-
ally known as the crusades. Not long ago it The origins of the crusades must be sought in
was fashionable to consider the crusades a a double set of circumstances: the social and
central event in medieval history that stimu- religious movements in the West and the po-
lated trade, encouraged the growth of towns, litical situations in the East. In the Christian
and contributed to the establishment of a sta- West a favorite form of religious exercise was
ble political order in the West. More recently, the pilgrimage, a personal visit to a place
many historians have alleged that the cam- made holy through the lives of Christ or his
paigns in the East were costly failures, that saints or sanctified by the presence of a sacred
they worsened relations not only with the relic. Common in the West since the fourth
Muslims but with Eastern Christians, and century, pilgrimages gained in popularity
that the crusading enthusiasm in Europe all during the eleventh century as Europe expe-
too frequently found an outlet in riots and rienced religious revival and reform. Bands of
pogroms directed against those most accessi- pilgrims, sometimes numbering in the thou-
ble infidels, the Jews.' sands, set forth to visit the places sacred to
Whatever their net effect, the crusades their religion, and of these Palestine was the
manifest more dramatically than any other most holy.
event the spirit of Western society in the elev- Inevitably, this pilgrim traffic was jeopard-
enth and twelfth centuries— its energy, brash ized by the Seljuk Turks, Muslim nomads
self-confidence, compelling faith, and fre- who in the eleventh century had overrun
quent bigotry. At the same time that they most of the Middle East. It does not appear
helped acquaint the Western peoples with that the Seljuks consciously sought to prevent
ideas and techniques of civilizations more the pilgrims from reaching Palestine, but they
sophisticated than their own, the crusades did impose numerous taxes and tolls upon
were an initial phase in the expansion of the them, and many Christians became incensed
West —the massive exportation of European at the domination of the holy places of Pales-
men and skills beyond the confines of their tine by a strong, aggressive Islamic power.
Perhaps still more disturbing was the pros-
pect that the Christian empire of Byzantium
‘One of the leading modern historians of the crusading
movement, Sir Steven Runciman, concludes his three- would also be overrun. The Seljuks had
volume study with the following strong condemnation: crushed a Byzantine army at the Battle of
“The Holy War itself was nothing more than a long act Manzikert in 1071, and the road to Constanti-
of intolerance in the name of God, which is the sin
against the Holy Ghost.” A History ofthe Crusades, vol. 3, nople seemed wide open. The fall of Byzan-
1954, Pp. 480. tium would remove the traditional barrier to

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

Islamic advance to the West and would be a significant way from these other ventures.
major disaster to the Christian world. In 1095 They were almost exclusively military expe-
a delegation from the emperor of Byzantium ditions of Europe’s warrior classes; peasants
requested the help of Pope Urban II, who re- did not settle in Palestine in significant num-
solved to appeal to the Western knights and bers, as they did in the lands of Eastern Eu-
princes to go to the aid of their fellow Chris- rope or in the Iberian Peninsula.
tians in the East. The social and religious The knights of Europe were particularly
conditions in Europe helped assure that Ur- sensitive to the pressures created by an ex-
ban’s summons would evoke a powerful re- panding population, especially with regard to
sponse. younger sons, many of whom could not hope
to receive from their parents lands sufficient
for their support. “This land which you in-
The Motives of the Crusaders habit,” Pope Urban is reported to have told
the knights of France in 1095, “is too narrow
The crusades were viewed by those who par- for your large population; nor does it abound
ticipated in them primarily as acts of religious in wealth; and it provides hardly enough food
devotion. Even before Urban made his ap- for those who farm it. This is the reason that
peal, the idea had gained currency in the you murder and consume one another.”
West that God would reward those who Moreover, the knights were educated for war,
fought in a good cause; that is, that wars and in war they placed their chief hopes for
could be holy. The crusaders also shared the wealth, honor, and social advance. The
conviction manifest in the movement for growth of the feudal principalities, the efforts
Church reform that the good man ought not of the Church to restrict fighting, and the
simply to accept the evils of the world but slow pacification of European society which
should attempt to correct them. This active, these policies were bringing, threatened to
confident spirit is in obvious contrast to the leave the knights poor, unhonored, and unem-
resignation to evil and the withdrawal from ployed. “You should shudder, brethren,”
the world recommended by most Christian Urban is also reported to have told the
writers of the Karly Middle Ages. knights, “you should shudder at perpetrating
Social and economic motivations also con- violence against Christians; it is less wicked to
tributed to these holy enterprises. The age of turn your sword against Muslims. . . . The
mass pilgrimages and crusades, from about possessions of the enemy will also fall to you,
1050 to 1250, corresponds with the period in since you will claim their treasures as plun-
medieval history in which the European pop- der.” War against the infidel thus offered con-
ulation was growing most rapidly. The cru- structive employment for Europe’s surplus
sades may be considered one further example and troublesome population of knights. In the
of the expanding Western frontier, similar in following century St. Bernard of Clairvaux,
motivation and character to the Spanish Re- whose preaching inspired thousands to join
conquista or the German push to the east. Of the Second Crusade, frankly affirmed that all
course, the crusades differed in at least one but a few crusaders were “criminals and sin-



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The Crusades
Eastern Europe

ners, ravishers and the sacrilegious, murder- equipped and lacking competent leaders.
ers, perjurers, and adulterers.” ‘To have them They marched down the Rhine valley,
crusading in the East therefore conferred a through Hungary and Bulgaria, to Constanti-
double benefit. As Bernard remarked, “Their nople. Emperor Alexius of Byzantium, who
departure makes their own people happy, and could only have been shocked at the sight of
their arrival cheers those whom they are has- this hapless army, gave them transport across
tening to help. They aid both groups, not the Bosporus. The Turks at once cut them to
only by protecting the one but also by not pieces.
oppressing the other.” The crusades, in sum, Far better organized was the official First
were in considerable degree a violent means Crusade, which was led by nobles: Robert of
of draining the violence from medieval life. Normandy, son of William the Conqueror,
headed a northern French army; Godfrey of
Bouillon, his brother Baldwin, and Robert of
The First Crusade Flanders commanded an army of Lotharingi-
ans and Flemings; Raymond of ‘Toulouse led
In 1095, before a council assembled at Cler- the men of Languedoc; and Bohemond of
mont in southern France, Pope Urban II Taranto and his brother Tancred marshaled
urged the knights to go to the East to aid their the Normans of southern Italy. These four
endangered Christian brothers and to free the armies moved by various overland and sea
Holy Land from its allegedly blasphemous routes to Constantinople (see Map 1o.1), ar-
masters.” His sermon was intended for the riving there in 1096 and 1097.
upper classes, but its plea had sensational re- Although the leaders of the First Crusade
sults at all levels of Western society. In north- had intended to conquer lands in the East in
ern France and the Rhineland influential their own name, Emperor Alexius demanded
preachers were soon rousing the people and from them an oath of fealty in exchange for
organizing movements which historians now his provisioning the armies as they marched
call the Popular Crusade. Bands of peasants to Palestine. Grudgingly, they agreed, prom-
and the poor set out for the East, miserably ising to regard the emperor as the overlord of
the lands they might reconquer from the
2The exact circumstances of Urban’s famous sermon
Turks. Subsequently, both the emperor and
remain obscure. He probably was replying to a plea for the Western leaders accused each other of vi-
help from Emperor Alexius of Byzantium; a Greek em- olating the terms of the oath. The failure of
bassy, bearing such a plea, reached him at Piacenza ear-
lier in 1095. The chroniclers give us four versions of the
the crusaders and the Byzantines to find a
sermon, but it is almost impossible to determine which, if firm basis for cooperating ultimately weak-
any, have preserved Urban’s own words. At any rate, cer- ened, although it did not defeat, the enter-
tainly Alexius wanted from the West mercenary soldiers,
not princes bent on establishing their own principalities
in the East. The sources dealing with the summoning of In 1097 the crusaders entered the Seljuk
the First Crusade have been conveniently gathered and Sultanate of Rum, achieving their first major
translated by Peter Charanis, “Byzantium and the West,”
in Kenneth M. Setton and Henry R. Winkler (eds.), Great
joint victory at Dorylaeum. Baldwin, the
Problems in European Civilization, 1966, pp. 93 - 110. brother of Godfrey of Bouillon, then separat-

Besides a high level of organizational skill
and their own considerable daring, the West-
erners had a critical advantage in the tumul-
tuous political situation in the East. The Sel-
juk Turks, newly risen to power, had had lit-
tle opportunity to consolidate their rule and
were contending with the Fatimids, the ruling
dynasty of Egypt, over the possession of Pal-
estine. In addition, the ancient schisms
among the Islamic religious sects continued
to divide and weaken the community. The
inability of Muslims to present a united front
against the crusaders was probably the deci-
sive factor in the final success of the First

The Kingdom of Jerusalem

The crusaders now had the problem of organ-

izing a government for their conquered ter-
ritories. They chose as ruler Godfrey of
Bouillon, but death cut short his reign in
1100, and his younger brother Baldwin, the
conqueror of Edessa, succeeded him.
Baldwin set out to strengthen his realm
through the application of feudal concepts
MAP 10.2: CRUSADER KINGDOMS 12TH CENTURY and institutions. He retained a direct domin-
ion over Jerusalem and its surroundings, in-
cluding a stretch of coast extending from
Gaza to Beirut. To the north three fiefs, the
ed his troops from the main body and con- County of Tripoli, the Principality of An-
quered Edessa, where he established the first tioch, and the County of Edessa, were made
crusader state in the East. subject to his suzerainty (see Map 10.2).
The decisive victory of the First Crusade Although King Baldwin and his successors
came in the battle for the port city of Antioch. were able to exert a respectable measure of
After that, the road to Jerusalem was open authority over all these lands, profound weak-
before the crusaders. On July 15, 1099, they nesses undermined the security of their hold.
stormed the Holy City and pitilessly slaugh- For one thing, the kings were never able to
tered the entire infidel population. push their frontiers to an easily defensible,

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

strategic border, such as the Lebanese Moun- The Later Crusades

tains. Furthermore, the administration §re-
mained critically dependent upon a constant Although historians have traditionally as-
influx of men and money from the European signed numbers to the later crusades, these
homeland. Many knights and pilgrims came, expeditions were merely momentary swells
but relatively few stayed as permanent in the steady current of Western men and
settlers. The Westerners constituted a foreign treasures to and from the Middle East. The
aristocracy, small in number and set over a recapture of the city of Edessa by the Mus-
people of largely different faith, culture, and
sympathies. The wonder is not that the
crusader states ultimately succumbed, but This manuscript rendering of two perfect knights
that some of their outposts could have sur- jousting is thought to be a portrayal of Richard
vived on the mainland of Asia Minor for the Lion-Hearted and Saladin. [Photo: British
nearly two centuries. Museum ]

lims in 1144 gave rise to the Second Crusade some traveled to the East, but none gained a
(1147-1149). Two armies, led by King Louis major victory.
VII of France and Emperor Conrad III of
Germany, set out to capture Damascus to
give the Kingdom of Jerusalem a more defen- Results of the Crusades
sible frontier. However, they were soon
forced to retreat ignominously before superi- In terms of their principal professed goal the
or Muslim forces. crusaders gained a partial success but not a
The capture of Jerusalem by the Muslim permanent one: They held Jerusalem for
chief Saladin evoked the Third Crusade nearly a century and maintained outposts on
(1189-1192), which was the climax of the the Palestinian coast for nearly two centuries.
crusading movement and its greatest disap- Meanwhile, Christian pilgrims in large num-
pointment. Emperor Frederick Barbarossa bers were able to visit the holy places in Pal-
and kings Philip II of France and Richard I, estine in moderate safety. Even after the loss
the Lion-Hearted, of England all marched to of Acre the Westerners continued to hold
the East. (Frederick drowned while crossing Eastern possessions acquired during the early
through Asia Minor and most of his forces crusades. When the Ottoman Turks, succes-
turned back.) Although the crusaders cap- sors to the Seljuks, finally seized these last
tured Acre, the Third Crusade ended in a remnants of the crusaders’ conquests, the
stalemate. The Kingdom of Jerusalem re- Western peoples had already found new
mained limited to a narrow strip of the coast routes to the Far East and were in the midst
from Acre to Jaffa, but unarmed Christian of the “Atlantic revolution,” which gave them
pilgrims were given the right to visit Jerusa- a new position in the world that the Turks
lem. These were paltry fruits from so grand did not challenge. The crusades enhanced the
an effort. security of the West by slowing the Turkish
In the thirteenth century the crusades advance across the Mediterranean Sea and
clearly lost their appeal to Western knights. into Europe.
The population expansion in Europe, which Militarily, the crusades exerted a powerful
had helped lend strength to the earlier cru- influence upon the arts of war. After their ini-
sades, was already leveling off. Moreover, tial invasions the crusaders waged a largely
many Europeans were shocked when the defensive war, and they became particularly
popes tried to direct crusades against the Al- skilled in the art of constructing castles. The
bigensian heretics in southern France and numerous remains of crusader castles. still
against political enemies such as Frederick II found in nearly all the Eastern lands reflect
Hohenstaufen. With dwindling support from this fact in such features as the overhanging
the West, the Christians in 1291 lost Acre, tower parapets from which oil or missiles
their last outpost on the Asiatic mainland. could be rained down on attackers and the
Repeatedly during the Late Middle Ages the angular castle entranceways that prevented
popes attempted to organize crusades; many the enemy from shooting directly at the gates.
knights and princes vowed to participate; Islamic castles also show a similar evolution

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

toward a more advanced military design. The Krak-des-Chevaliers in Syria is a castle

The foes continually copied each other, formerly used by crusaders as a bastion of
and the Ottoman Turks in particular adopted defense. This aerial view reveals the extended
many Western technical skills. By the fif- parapets and angular entranceways, both
innovative features of fortification developed
teenth century the Ottomans, originally land-
during the crusades. [Photo: Aerofilms Limited]
locked nomads, began to build a fleet and
challenge Western maritime supremacy in
the eastern Mediterranean Sea. They also
learned from Western technicians the new The crusades naturally presented enor-
arts of firearms, specifically cannons, without mous, unprecedented problems of financing
which they probably could not have con- and logistical support, and therefore exerted a
quered their vast empire. major stimulus upon the growth of financial

and governmental institutions in the West. In crusading through monetary contributions, in
the early crusades each knight or soldier had return for which they were promised an in-
largely looked to his own support. He dulgence, that is, a remission of punishment
brought money with him (often acquired by due for their sins. This practice was subse-
selling or mortgaging his estates) and pur- quently to draw the criticism of reformers,
chased supplies from the natives of the lands and it was the immediate cause of Martin
through which he marched. He replenished Luther’s split with the Roman Church in
his funds through booty or gifts from his lord B57:
and eventually through estates granted him in
Palestine. But as the crusader wars became
largely defensive in character, the opportuni- Military-Religious Orders
ty for booty declined and the armies could no
longer live off the land; support had to come Soon after the First Crusade a new kind of
primarily from Europe, thus requiring per- institution appeared that was founded to offer
manent institutional arrangements by which armed escorts and safe lodgings to pilgrims to
a constant flow of money (and men) could be Palestine but eventually assumed a major role
directed from Europe into Palestine. in the task of supplying the newly acquired
Traditional sources of revenue were inade- Eastern lands. ‘This was the military-religious
quate, so both the popes and the princes be- order, which combined the dedication, disci-
gan to impose direct taxes upon their lands pline, and organizational experience of mon-
and subjects. In 1188, for example, the pope asticism with the military purposes of the
authorized, and the princes collected, the so- crusade. The first of three great orders to
called Saladin tithe, a direct tax of 10 percent emerge from the crusades was the Knights of
imposed on all clerical and lay revenues and the Temple, or Templars, founded sometime
destined to finance the Third Crusade. before 1120 by a group of French knights.
(Previously, European governments had The knights took the three monastic vows of
made little use of direct taxes because they poverty, chastity, and obedience and, like
were difficult to assess and collect.) The im- monks, lived together in their own convents,
position of the Saladin tithe and subsequent or communities. The Templars assumed a
direct taxes required that institutional principal role in the maintenance of safe
methods be devised for assessment, collecting routes between Europe and the crusader
the moneys, and transferring the funds to states and in the defense of the Kingdom of
where they were needed. The crusades, in Jerusalem. The order also transported and
other words, helped the governments of the guarded moneys in support of the Eastern
West come of age in a fiscal sense. war, and thus became the most important
One other financial recourse adopted by banking institution of the age until its sup-
the papacy had great importance for the fu- pression by the pope in 1312.
ture. The popes allowed those Europeans The Knights of the Hospital of St. John of
who were too old or too weak to participate in Jerusalem, or the Hospitalers, founded about
the crusades to gain the spiritual benefits of 1130, enjoyed an even longer history. Never

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

as numerous or as wealthy as the Templars, blood and treasure. To support its armies
they still made a major contribution to the Europe exported large quantities of precious
defense of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. With metals; the spoils of war and commercial
the fall of Acre the knights moved their head- profits undoubtedly brought some moneys
quarters to Cyprus, then to Rhodes, and final- back, but probably not enough to recoup the
ly to Malta. As the Knights of Malta, they losses. Nevertheless, the crusades seem to
ruled the island until 1798. This “sovereign have had a powerful and beneficial impact on
order” of the Knights of Malta survives today the European economy, principally by fore-
as an exclusively philanthropic confraternity ing into circulation moneys and treasures
and is a principal arm of papal charities which had hitherto been hoarded in the West.
throughout the world. Although there are no exact figures, both the
About 1190, German pilgrims organized volume of money and the speed of its circula-
the Teutonic Knights for the defense of the tion in Europe seem to have increased dra-
roads to Palestine. These knights later trans- matically during this period. The new abun-
ferred their headquarters first to Venice, then dance of money in turn stimulated commer-
to Transylvania (in modern Rumania), and cial exchange and business investments and
finally, in 1229, to Prussia, where they be- helped revive the Western economy, though
came the armed vanguard of the German in this respect, of course, the crusades were
eastward expansion and conquered for them- less significant than such factors as popula-
selves an extensive domain along the shores of tion growth and the settlement of new lands
the Baltic Sea. In 1525 the last grand master, within Europe.
Albert of Hohenzollern, adopted Lutheran- ‘The crusades also enlivened trade with the
ism and secularized the order and its territo- East. After the First Crusade most of the
ries. The German state of Brandenburg- large Western armies went to Palestine by
Prussia eventually absorbed the lands, and water, creating a lucrative business for the
perhaps something of the militant spirit, of maritime cities of the Mediterranean Sea,
these crusading knights. At all events, the especially in Italy. The Italians poured much
long history of these orders illustrates how of their profits from transporting and provi-
organizational and military skills first ac- sioning crusaders into commercial enterprises
quired in the crusading movement continued and established merchant colonies in many
to affect European life over the subsequent Eastern ports. Moreover, the crusades greatly
centuries. strengthened the market for Eastern condi-
ments in Europe. Knights and other pilgrims
who had become familiar with sugar, spices,
Economy and similar products in the East continued to
want them upon returning home, and they
Historians still cannot draw up an exact bal- introduced them to their neighbors.
ance sheet that might accurately register the The Western demand for spices promoted
economic gains and losses of these holy expe- commerce not only on the Mediterranean Sea
ditions. Certainly the crusades were costly in but between the Middle East and East Asia.

Furthermore, it had an impact that went be- mined faith in papal leadership: Ecclesiastical
yond the narrowly commercial. In the Late finances and even canon law were influenced,
Middle Ages political disruptions in Central as the Church sought to extend economic
Asia and the high taxes imposed by the Turks support and legal protection to both the cru-
and Egyptians hampered trade with the East, saders and the families they left behind.
but the call for Eastern products continued to It is difficult to assess exactly the impor-
be strong within Europe. This situation as- tance of the crusades to the intellectual life of
sured rich rewards to the navigators and na- Europe. In one area of knowledge, geography,
tions who discovered surer, cheaper ways they did make important contributions. Start-
to import spices and other Eastern commod- ing from the crusader principalities in the
ities, and thus provided a direct incentive East, first missionaries, then merchants pene-
for the geographic explorations and discover- trated deep into Central Asia, and by the ear-
ies which introduce the modern epoch. ly thirteenth century reached China. Their
In familiarizing Europeans with many new reports, especially the memoirs of the Vene-
products, the crusades helped raise the stan- tian Marco Polo at the close of the thirteenth
dard of living in the West, and this in turn century, gave Europe abundant information
intensified the pace of economic activity. about East Asia, and helped inspire Western
From the eleventh century on, Europeans navigators to seek new ways to penetrate
seem to have worked harder, partially per- beyond Islamic lands.
haps to gain for themselves some of the prod- In other fields of knowledge the crusades
ucts and the amenities of life they had ob- seem to have brought little enlightenment.
served in the East. Discoveries overseas in the Most crusaders were rough warriors who had
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries seem to little interest in the subtleties of Islamic learn-
have influenced Europe in a similar fashion. ing. However, the failure of these warriors to
New commodities altered the popular appre- absorb new ideas from foreign cultures does
ciation of what was essential for a good life not fully measure the cultural debt which the
and prompted Europeans to work more ener- medieval West owes to Islam. Particularly
getically to satisfy their newly raised expecta- through contacts in Spain and Sicily, West-
tions. erners learned new skills (the making of pa-
per, perhaps the use of the compass) and new
ideas which influenced the development of
Religion and Learning courtly love and scientific, philosophical, and
religious thought in Europe. But it may also
As acts of piety the crusades inevitably affect- be true that the crusades in fomenting hatred
ed the organization and practice of religion, against the infidel made Europeans less recep-
although it is all but impossible to distinguish tive to foreign ideas.
their impact from that of many other forces at In the intellectual field as in all others, then,
work in the West. Their initial success added the crusades did not radically alter the course
to the prestige of the popes who sponsored of medieval history, either in Christian or Is-
them, just as their subsequent failures under- lamic societies, but they did powerfully rein-

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

force existing tendencies and accelerate the in return for passage east, the Christian
pace of change on almost every level of life. city of Zara in Dalmatia, which was opposing
Through the crusades Europeans learned Venice in the Adriatic Sea. Then Alexius
about the geography of distant lands, became IV, a pretender to the Byzantine throne,
highly motivated to establish permanent, hired the crusaders to seize Constantinople in
profitable contact with them, and acquired return for money, military help in the Egyp-
some experience in the conquest and adminis- tian campaign, and the reunion of the Eastern
tration of overseas territories. Appropriately, and Western Churches. The crusaders re-
the crusades may be regarded as the initial stored Alexius, but he could not honor his
chapter in the expansion of Europe, which promises. By way of compensation, the cru-
was to be renewed and carried forward even saders stormed and looted Constantinople in
more vigorously in the early modern epoch. 1204. They then divided the Byzantine Em-
pire among themselves.
A Flemish nobleman assumed the office of
emperor, although he ruled directly only a
m1. Byzantium and the Ascendancy small parcel of territory surrounding Con-
of the Ottoman Empire stantinople. The Venetians gained three-
eighths of all Byzantine possessions; this ac-
quisition marks the foundation of the Vene-
After the disaster at Manzikert in 1071 the tian colonial empire, portions of which were
Byzantine Empire was able to survive until retained until the seventeenth century. Byz-
the middle fifteenth century, but it constitut- antine refugees from Constantinople set up
ed a shrinking enclave around Constantinople an empire in exile, with its capital at Nicaea
and could no longer exercise a strong regional in Asia Minor. In 1261 the Emperor of Ni-
leadership. Nor could it halt the expansion of caea, Michael III Paleologus, recaptured Con-
the Ottoman Turks, who by the early six- stantinople, but neither he nor his successors
teenth century became the unquestioned could restore the shattered unity of the old
masters over the land of southeast Europe Byzantine Empire.
and the Middle East. The decline of the Byzantine Empire al-
lowed the hitherto subject Balkan peoples to
build their own independent kingdoms and to
The Passing of East Rome aspire to a position of dominance in the area.
First the Bulgarians in the thirteenth century,
The beginning of the thirteenth century saw and then the Serbs in the fourteenth, created
the launching of the Fourth Crusade and, large Balkan empires. At the height of their
unexpectedly, the subsequent fragmenting of powers these empires seemed destined to
the Byzantine Empire. The expedition was absorb the remnants of the Byzantine Em-
first planned as a campaign against Egypt, but pire, but by the early fourteenth century it
the Venetian Doge Enrico Dandolo bargained was the Ottoman Turks who presented the
the short-funded crusaders into capturing, greatest menace to Byzantium.

The Fall of Constantinople The fall of Constantinople.changed very
little in military or economic terms. The Byz-
Turkish communities and peoples had been antine Empire had not been an effective bar-
assuming a large military and political role in rier to Ottoman expansion for years, and
the Middle East since the late tenth century. Constantinople had dwindled commercially
The Seljuk Turks, who had nearly over- as well as politically. The shift to Turkish
whelmed the Byzantine Empire with their dominion did not, as was once believed, sub-
victory at Manzikert in 1071, established the stantially affect the flow of trade between the
Sultanate of Rum, which dominated western East and West. Nor was the exodus of Byzan-
Asia Minor for the next century and a half. tine scholars and manuscripts into Italy that
This sultanate survived the attacks of the stimulated a revival of the Greek language in
Western crusaders but was defeated by the the West provoked by the Turkish conquest
far more formidable invasion of an Asiatic of the city. Scholars from the East, recogniz-
people, the Mongols, in the thirteenth centu- ing the decline and seemingly inevitable fall
ry. The Ottoman Turks followed the Mongol of the Byzantine Empire, had been emigrat-
invasions and settled in the area of the Sultan- ing to Italy since the late fourteenth century;
ate of Rum. They established themselves at the revival of Greek letters was well under
Gallipoli on the European side of the Straits way in the West by 1453.
in 1354, and within a few years their posses- The impact of the fall was largely psycho-
sions entirely surrounded Byzantine terri- logical; although hardly unexpected, it
tory. shocked the Christian world. The pope
The Byzantine emperors tried desperately sought to launch a new crusade and received
but unsuccessfully to gain military help from from the Western princes the usual promises
the West. In 1439 Emperor John VII accept- but no armies. Venice waged a protracted and
ed reunion with Rome, largely on Roman inconclusive war against the Turks (1463-
terms, in return for aid, but he had no power 1479). Perhaps most important, the collapse
to impose his policy of reuniting the church- of the Byzantine Empire gave further incen-
es upon his people; in fact many Eastern tive to the search for new ways to East Asia,
Christians preferred Turkish rule to submis- for new contacts with the lands beyond the
sion to the hated Westerners. Islamic territories of the eastern Mediterra-
The Ottomans were unable to mount a nean.
major campaign against Constantinople until Finally, the fall did have great symbolic
1453, in the reign of the Sultan Mohammed importance for contemporaries and perhaps
II, the Conqueror, when they attacked the even more for later historians. In selecting
city by land and water. Constantinople fell Byzantium as his capital in 324 Constantine
after a heroic resistance; Emperor Constan- had simultaneously founded a Christian
tine XIII, whose imperial lineage stretched Roman empire which could be considered the
back more than fourteen hundred years to first authentically medieval state. For more
Augustus Caesar, died in this final agony of than a thousand years this Christian Roman
the Byzantine Empire. empire played a major political and cultural

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

role in the history of both Eastern and West- The Ottoman Empire was brought to its
ern peoples. To many historians the years of height of power by Suleiman II, the Magnifi-
its existence mark the span of the Middle cent (1520-1566), who extended the empire
Ages, and its passing symbolizes the end of an in both the West and the Fast. In 1521 he
era. took the citadel of Belgrade, which had hith-
erto blocked Turkish advance up the Balkan
Expansion of the Ottoman Empire Peninsula toward Hungary, and the next year
forced the Knights of St. John, after a six-
‘The Ottomans took their name from Osman, month siege, to surrender the island of
or Othman (1299-1326), who founded a Rhodes, a loss that was a crippling blow to
dynasty of sultans that survived for six centu- Western naval strength in the eastern Medi-
ries.2 Under Mohammed II, who from the terranean.
start of his reign committed his government Suleiman achieved his greatest victory by
to a policy of conquest, the Ottomans entered annihilating the kingdom of Hungary in
upon a century of expansion. Mohammed’s 1526. Then he launched his most ambitious
greatest prize was the city of Constantinople, campaign, directed against Austria, the Chris-
which became his capital under the name of tian state which now assumed chief responsi-
Istanbul. He then subjugated Morea, Serbia, bility for defending the Western frontiers.
Bosnia, and parts of Herzegovina. He drove However, this effort, the high-water mark of
the Genoese from their Black Sea colonies, Ottoman expansion into Europe, failed, and
forced the Khan of the Crimea to become his the frustrated Suleiman returned home in
vassal, and fought a lengthy naval war with 1529, turning his attention toward the Fast.
the Venetians. At his death the Ottomans His armies overran Mesopotamia and com-
were a power on land and sea, and the Black pleted the conquest of southern Arabia. The
Sea had become a Turkish lake. Ottoman Empire, which now included south-
Early in the following century Turkish eastern Europe, the Middle East, Egypt, and
domination was extended over the heart of Arabia (see Map 10.3), then entered a period
the Arab lands through the conquest of Syria, of stability.
Egypt, and the western coast of the Arabian Suleiman brought his empire fully into the
Peninsula. (The Arabs did not again enjoy diplomatic as well as the military struggles of
autonomy until the twentieth century.) With Europe, taking shrewd advantage of the rival-
the conquest of the sacred cities of Mecca and ries that existed there. He hated Charles V,
Medina the sultan assumed the title of caliph, who as Holy Roman Emperor similarly pre-
“successor of the Prophet,” claiming to be Is- tended to rule the world, and in 1525 he
lam’s supreme religious head as well as its joined Francis I of France in an alliance di-
mightiest sword. rected against Charles, later negotiating a
commercial treaty that further cemented
cooperation between France and the Otto-
3For a more detailed treatment of the remarkable state
and civilization of the Ottomans see Norman Itzkowitz, man Empire. Through his alliance with
Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition, 1972. France, Suleiman confronted Charles V with


The Crusades
Eastern Europe

the possibility of a war on two fronts and Ottomans could serve as impartial referees, as
prevented the formation of a common Chris- Christians obviously could not.
tian crusade against himself, which the popes Perhaps the greatest advantage of the Otto-
were ceaselessly advocating. Indirectly, by mans in their remarkable ascendancy was the
weakening Charles, Suleiman contributed to character of their own cultural institutions.
the success of the Reformation, since the From their nomadic origins and their long
Holy Roman Emperor, threatened from both experience as frontier fighters they had pre-
East and West, was unable to take effective served a strong military tradition. Their de-
action against Martin Luther and the German vout adherence to Islam, which advocated
Protestant princes. holy wars against unbelievers, reinforced
their aggressive tendencies; but the Ottomans
also showed a remarkable ability to organize
Ottoman Institutions conquered territories and gain the support,
and in some measure even the loyalty, of the
The Ottomans had expanded a small, land- subjugated peoples.
locked community in western Asia Minor The Ottomans allowed the subject com-
into a great empire. Several advantages ac- munities to live by their own laws under their
count for this achievement, one of them being own officials, requiring them only to pay tax-
their geographic position. Set on the frontier es and supply men for the Ottoman army and
between the Islamic and Christian worlds, administration. The Ottoman conquests did
the Ottomans could claim to be the chief war- not greatly disturb the society, economy, or
riors for the faith, and the prestige thereby culture of these communities, which were
accruing to them won recruits and moral also able to play a role of considerable impor-
support from the more interior Islamic com- tance in the social and economic life of the
munities. Moreover, the Ottomans soon be- Ottoman Empire. Trade, for example, which
came a power in the political struggles of both remained vigorous in the Black Sea and the
Europe and the Middle East and were able to eastern Mediterranean Sea, was still largely in
take advantage of favorable opportunities in the hands of Greeks, Armenians, and Jews.
both regions, even enlisting allies in one area The Ottomans themselves remained aloof
to wage war in the other. from commercial undertakings and confined
The intense rivalries sundering the Chris- their careers to government service and the
tian faiths also facilitated Ottoman expansion. army.
Some Balkan Christians accepted papal su- In the course of their enormous expansion
premacy, others adhered to the Eastern Or- the Ottoman sultans faced the formidable
thodox traditions, and still others were re- problem of developing military and.adminis-
garded as heretics by both the Roman Catho- trative institutions strong enough to hold to-
lics and the Orthodox. Often a Christian sect gether their vast empire. Like all medieval
preferred the rule of the tolerant Ottomans to rulers the sultan originally governed with the
that of a rival Christian sect. In preserving aid of a council of chosen advisers, which was
peace among these dissident Christians, the called the divan. From the time of Mo-

hammed the Conqueror, however, the sultan army, including prisoners. Murad decided to
came to be considered too august to partici- convert his prisoners to Islam, teach them
pate personally in its deliberations. The func- Turkish, and enlist them in a special, highly
tion of presiding over the meetings of the di- trained military contingent, the Janissaries
van fell to the grand vizier, who became the (“new troops”). Most medieval monarchs re-
chief administrative official of the Ottoman lied upon mercenaries or poorly trained and
state. The administration was divided into poorly equipped feudal levies, comprised of
three major categories: civil, ecclesiastical, vassals with little enthusiasm for fighting, and
and military. The divan retained supreme feudal levies continued to make up the larger
responsibility over both the civil and military part of the Turkish army. But the Janissaries
branches; it supervised the collection of taxes soon became an elite corps of professional
and tribute, conscription of soldiers, and con- fighters, dedicated to the sultan and to Islam,
duct of foreign affairs and made recommen- and were in large part responsible for the
dations to the sultan concerning peace, war, Ottoman victories.
or other major decisions of state; it also func- On the local level the empire government
tioned as a court in disputes which were not was content to leave many administrative
religious in character. responsibilities to the self-governing commu-
Religious affairs were administered by a nities of Christians and Jews and to the hold-
class of judges specially trained in Islamic ers of fiefs, who collected taxes and mustered
law, who constituted a special corps called the soldiers from those settled on their lands.
ulema. At their head the sheikh-ul-Islam Apart from the fiefs the unit of local adminis-
served as the supreme judge after the sultan tration was the canton, or kaza, which was
himself in all matters of sacred law. administered by a judge, or qaid. The cantons
The army had two principal divisions: were grouped into departments and prov-
unpaid holders of fiefs granted by the sultan inces, usually under the authority of a pasha,
in exchange for military service; and paid sol- who was both a civil and a military official,
diers, technically considered slaves, who re- since he bore the responsibility of leading the
mained permanently in the sultan’s service. feudal levies of his provinces in time of war.
The holder of a fief was required to provide Sometime in the fifteenth century a new
the military with armed men, the number system of recruitment for the civil adminis-
being set in strict proportion to the revenue tration and the military was introduced — the
deriving from his estates. Among the paid devshirme, or levy of boys. In its developed
soldiers the most important corps was that of form, special commissioners every five years
the Janissaries. Slave armies had been com- selected young boys from among the Chris-
mon in Islamic states, but the Ottomans did tian population to be given special instruction
not adopt the practice until the fifteenth cen- in Turkish and converted to Islam. After
tury. According to the accounts of the earliest their training they were examined and either
chronicles, Sultan Murad learned from a the- assigned to the corps of Janissaries or chosen
ologian in about 1430 that the Koran assigned for the palace administration. In the latter
him one-fifth of the booty captured by his case they were given still more intensive

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

training, and the most talented of them could mans followed what has come to be called the
aspire to the highest administrative offices of law of fratricide. The sultans cohabited with
the empire. Even the grand vizier was usually numerous slave girls of the harem, who were
a slave. Remarkably, in each generation the selected much as were the male household
most powerful administrators were new men slaves, and characteristically fathered numer-
having no family ties with the Turkish aris- ous progeny. The reigning sultan selected one
tocracy and no reason to ally with them of the boys to be his successor. At the sultan’s
against the sultan’s interests. This practice of death, the designated heir had the right and
requisitioning slaves in the sultan’s service is obligation to put his brothers and_half-
sometimes called the fundamental institution brothers to death. (They were strangled with
of the empire, for the sultan’s power was a silken bowstring in order to avoid the shed-
critically dependent upon its proper func- ding of their imperial blood.) The religious
tioning. judges allowed such massacres, because an
orderly and peaceful succession was essential
to the welfare of the empire.
The Sultan

The sultan united in his own person supreme The Limits of Ottoman Power
civil, military, and religious authority. The
concept of his office was influenced by Byz- In the sixteenth century Suleiman the Mag-
antine views of imperial authority, which nificent had brought the Ottoman Empire to
seem to have contributed primarily to the unprecedented heights of power, but already
pomp of court ceremony and the aura of certain factors were imposing limits upon its
sanctity surrounding the person of the sultan, expansion. One was geography. The Otto-
and still more by Islamic traditions concern- mans had operated effectively in areas close to
ing governmental power, particularly the no- their homeland in Asia Minor, but the eff-
tion that he was the successor of Muhammad, ciency of their army and administration inev-
the legitimate ruler of all true believers. In itably diminished with distance. The unsuc-
a strict sense the sultan could not be an abso- cessful campaign against Austria proved that
lute ruler, for he was, like every member of that region was already beyond their reach,
the Islamic community, subject to the sacred and the Ottomans encountered similar walls
law. But he was also the supreme judge of to further advance in the Iranian Plateau and
that law, and there was no way apart from the waters of the central Mediterranean. With
revolution that his decisions could be chal- the opening of trade routes around Africa and
lenged. across the Atlantic the Ottomans were no
The early sultans devised a striking solu- longer at the center of the civilized world and
tion to a problem common to most medieval no longer the masters of movements East and
states: the peaceful transference of power West. Although they left the commerce of
from a ruler to his successor. From the fif- their empire largely in the hands of the sub-
teenth to the seventeenth century the Otto- ject communities, they were well aware of its

importance, and Suleiman therefore sent a early to speak of Ottoman decadence, but the
force to destroy the Portuguese ships and fortunes of the Ottoman Empire were already
trading stations in the Indian Ocean. Its fail- past their apogee. x
ure was an ominous sign for the empire. Eco-
nomically, the geographic discoveries of the
period caused dislocations in the empire— the
shift in trade routes, the increase in the stock
ut. Ihe Birth of Modern Russia
of precious metal in Europe, and consequent
inflation— and brought few benefits.
Within the empire there was also a deterio-
A great Russian historian, V. O. Kliuchevsky,
ration in the quality of leadership. For rea-
once defined the principal theme in the histo-
sons hard to explain, the sultans after Sulei-
ry of the Russian people to be colonization,
man show little of the energy and ability
the long, arduous, and ultimately successful
which had marked out the earlier rulers of the
struggle to settle and subdue the huge Eura-
House of Osman. Technical advance was
sian plain which was their home.® The histo-
continuing in the West, and it was critical for
ry of that struggle records defeats as well as
the empire to keep abreast of these changes.
victories. From the ninth to the twelfth centu-
The great sultans had welcomed Western
ries, the center of Russian civilization had
technicians and made use of their skills, espe-
been Kiev, on the fringes of the southern
cially in armament, but their successors after
steppe. Although the Russians of Kiev main-
Suleiman seem distinctly less interested in
tained close contact across the steppes to the
learning from the West. Declining efficiency
Black Sea and the Mediterranean world be-
appears broadly evident in Ottoman govern-
yond, they could not permanently defeat the
ment. The chanceries and secretariats kept
invading steppe nomads. From the twelfth
precise and informative records in the fif-
century, Pechenegs and Cumans, followed by
teenth century, but they no longer do so in
the still more terrible Mongols, mounted ever
the late sixteenth century and seem to have
more destructive raids against the Russian
been beset by mounting disorder.* At the
settlements and cut off their contact with the
death of Suleiman in 1566, it is still much too
Black Sea. Eventually the insecurity of the
steppe forced the Russians to seek out safer
‘During the period of expansion the basis of organizing homes in the forested regions to the north and
conquered provinces was a document called the defter, a west. In these areas, the Russians formed new
survey of the population and its possessions. The oldest
surviving defter dates from 1431 to 1432 and deals with
Albania, but the practice is undoubtedly somewhat older.
These are remarkable documents, combining the quali- °A History of Russia, 1911, vol. 1, p. 2, “Thus we see that
ties of a census and a property survey, and are compara- the principal fundamental factor in Russian history has
ble to the best records we possess from the same age in been migration or colonisation, and that all other factors
Western Europe. They illustrate the high administrative have been more or less inseparably connected therewith.”
efhciency of the Ottoman government—an efficiency This theory bears interesting similarities with Frederick
which noticeably deteriorates after the late sixteenth cen- Jackson Turner’s “frontier thesis” in regard to American
tury. history.

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

institutions and built a new civilization, the of the Golden Horde were particularly de-
direct ancestor of the modern Russian state. structive in the exposed steppes of southern
Russia. A chronicler laments that Kiev, once
proudly known as the “mother of Russian cit-
The Mongols ies,” had only two hundred houses left stand-
ing in the thirteenth century. Under nomad
The resurgence of the steppe nomads was a pressure the Russian population sought out
principal factor in the decline of Kievan Rus- more protected lands. In the twelfth and thir-
sia, especially with the appearance of the teenth centuries three new areas of Russian
Mongols on Russian borders in the early thir- settlement came into prominence. Colonists
teenth century. The Mongol chief Genghis moved west into the provinces of Galicia and
Khan was then amassing the largest empire Volynia along the upper Dniester River and
the world has ever known. In 1223 a Mongol became the forebears of the modern Ukraini-
army penetrated into Russia in what seems ans (Little Russians) and the Byelorussians, or
to have been a reconnoitering expedition. The White Russians. After a short period of sub-
Mongols defeated the allied princes of south- mission to the Mongols, these colonies fell
ern Russia in a battle on the Kalka River (a under the political dominion first of the grand
tributary of the Don) but almost at once re- dukes of Lithuania and then of the Polish
turned home, only to reappear a few years kings, developed their own literary languages
later in still greater force. From 1237 to 1241 and cultural traditions, and were not politi-
a Mongol army under a nephew of Genghis’s cally reunited with their fellow East Slavs
named Batu conducted raids throughout Rus- until the eighteenth century. Other colonists
sia and established at Sarai on the lower moved north into the vast and empty lands
Volga River the capital of a division of the ruled by the city of Novgorod, the region of
Mongol Empire, which came to be called Russia where Mongol rule had the shortest
the Golden Horde. The khans, or rulers, of duration. But the poor soil of the area could
the Golden Horde maintained suzerainty not support a dense population. More impor-
over the lands of what is now western Russia tant was the third new center of settlement:
until the middle fourteenth century and over the Russian “Mesopotamia,” the lands be-
eastern Russia until the middle fifteenth. The tween the upper Volga and Oka rivers, with
Russian princes subject to the Golden Horde dense forests that offered both relative secu-
had to pay tribute to the khans and secure rity from the nomads and a productive soil.
from them a charter, called yarlik, which Those who moved north to Novgorod and
confirmed them in their office, but otherwise the Russian Mesopotamia were the ancestors
they were not interfered with in their rule. of the modern Great Russians, still the largest
In spite of the duration of the Mongols’ power of all the East Slavic peoples, and they formed
in Russia, the influence they exerted upon the the nucleus of a new Russian state; hence,
Russian language and culture remained rela- their institutions and culture have a special
tively slight. interest.
The nomad incursions and the formation Historians conventionally call the period

between the twelfth and fifteenth centuries Andrei Rublev, considered to have been Russia’s
the age of feudal, or appanage, Russia —the greatest religious artist of the Middle Ages,
time when Russia was divided into many painted the icon shown here, Old Testament
princely patrimonies; for nearly all the small Trinity (ca. 1410-1420). Although influenced
by the works of earlier Byzantine artists, Rublev
towns within the Russian Mesopotamia had
evoked an even greater sense of placidity in his
their own princes, their own citadels, or
own creations. [Photo: Tretyakov Gallery ]
kremlins, and their own territories. All the
princes were subject to the Khan of the Gold-
en Horde, but Mongol government remained by Byzantine masters, Russian artists were
limited to the extracting of tribute and the still able to achieve a remarkable delicacy and
granting of yarliks. Russia lacked a central serenity, which stand in sharp contrast to the
government. harsh conditions of Russian life. Russia’s su-
In this feudal period Russian economy, so- preme religious painter was Andrei Rublev
ciety, and culture acquired distinctive charac- (1370?_1430?), who deserves to be recognized
teristics. With the exception of Novgorod the as one of the world’s great artistic geniuses,
towns of the north could not, like Kiev, de- even though little survives of his work.
velop an active commerce with distant areas,
nor did they have close contact with Constan-
tinople or other centers of learning. ‘The Rus- The Rise of Moscow
sian towns in the main were not commercial
or industrial centers but fortresses to which In spite of political divisions the Russians’ re-
the surrounding population could repair in ligion and their common submission to the
times of danger. The economy was over- Mongols preserved a sense of identity and
whelmingly agricultural, and the energy of unity among them, but for long it remained
the people was primarily directed to clearing uncertain which of the many petty princes
the great forests. In social terms, most peas- would take the leadership in building a politi-
ants remained freemen, and their freedom cally united nation. The town that perhaps
was protected by the proximity of an expand- seemed least likely to achieve this hegemony
ing frontier. Culturally, the Russians de- was the new settlement of Moscow, which is
veloped remarkable skill in constructing mentioned in a chronicle for the first time in
churches and citadels almost entirely from 1147. Its early obscurity proved an advantage
wood. As one historian maintains, the appro- because the small town was passed up by
priate symbols of Russian culture in this age raiding nomads in search of richer plunder.
are the ax and the icon.§ Art continued to This city on the Moskva River had other ad-
serve the Church primarily. Working within vantages too: It was in the center of the Rus-
the conventions of icon painting established sian Mesopotamia, close to the hub of the
tributary rivers feeding the Volga River to
the north and the Oka River to the south. The
SCf. the essay on Russian culture by James H. Billington,
The Icon and the Axe: An Interpretive History of Russian Cul- princes of Moscow could pursue a “river pol-
ture, 1966. icy” in their expansion, following the courses

The Crusades
Eastern Europe


MAP 10.4: RUSSIA 1325-1533

G Te




The Crusades
Eastern Europe

of streams in all directions and depending powerful Mongol Khan of the Golden Horde,
upon this network of water routes to bind he repeatedly visited the khan in his capital
their state together. The region between the on the lower Volga River. In 1328 in recogni-
Volga and the Oka rivers also formed the tion of his loyalty and gifts the khan gave him
geographic heart of European Russia and al- a special yarlik which made him the chief rep-
lowed the prince who ruled it to exploit op- resentative of Mongol authority in Russia
portunities in almost any part of Russia. with the right to collect the Mongol tribute
Moscow gained preeminence primarily from all the Russian lands. Thereafter Ivan
through the talents of its early princes. Like and his successors permanently bore the title
other rulers in the north they abandoned the velikii kniaz (“great prince,” or as traditional-
disastrous rota system of inheritance charac- ly if inaccurately rendered into English,
teristic of the Kievan period and after some “grand duke”). In collecting tribute for the
initial hesitation adopted a policy of primo- Mongols, Ivan also increased his own treas-
geniture. A prince’s acquisitions were thus ury, thereby earning the nickname by which
kept intact rather than being divided among he is best known to history — Kalita (“money-
many heirs, and each prince built upon the bags”).
accomplishments of his predecessor. The Ivan no less assiduously sought to win the
princes set about “gathering the Russian favor of the Russian Church and developed a
land,” as historians traditionally describe the strong friendship with the holder of its primal
process of reunification, through the simulta- see, Peter, successor to the Metropolitan of
neous pursuit of two distinct goals: They Kiev. Like his predecessor, who had aban-
acquired new territories at every opportunity, doned that decaying city, Peter at first had no
through wars, marriages, and purchases; and fixed see but peregrinated among the new
they sought to make of Moscow, together centers of Russian settlement. He visited
with the Church, the symbol and the embodi- Moscow frequently and by chance died there
ment of Russian national unity, the represen- in 1326. His tomb became a national shrine,
tative of all Russians in the face of the Mon- and his successors chose Moscow as their
gols and Western Christians. The prestige permanent see, thus making it the capital of
which thus accrued to Moscow helped per- the Russian Church before it was the capital
suade the princes of other cities to submit to of the Russian people.
its hegemony. By the late fourteenth century the power of
Ivan I (1328-1341) was the first Muscovite the Mongols was declining, largely because of
prince to raise this obscure little town to a dissensions within the Golden Horde; the
place of prominence. Chiefly through pur- princes of Moscow shifted from their tradi-
chases from other princes but occasionally tional role as chief servant of the khan to that
through conquest, he extended his posses- of leader in the growing national opposition
sions along the entire course of the Moskva to Mongol rule. Though far from breaking
River and gained enclaves of territory to the the power of the Mongols, Prince Dmitri
north beyond the Volga River (see Map 10.4). scored the first Russian defeat of a Mongol
Ivan assiduously courted the favor of the still- army in 1380, at Kulikovo on the Don River.

In addition to this victory, which earned him was fought because the river separated the
the proud title Donskoi (“of the Don”), Dmitri two foes and neither dared cross its waters.
also repulsed a Lithuanian invasion. He thus The enemy withdrew, quietly ending more
made Moscow the special defender of Ortho- than two centuries of Mongol rule in Russia.
doxy against both the infidel Tatars and Under Ivan’s successor Basil III, the princi-
Western Christians, whom the Russians re- palities of Pskov, Riazan, and Smolensk were
garded as heretics, and gave it a prestige no added; Moscow, which in 1462 had ruled
other Russian city possessed. some fifteen thousand square miles of terri-
The sovereign who completed the gather- tory, by the middle of the sixteenth century
ing of the Russian land and laid the constitu- ruled forty thousand square miles, and the
tional foundations for modern Russia was borders of the principality of Moscow includ-
Ivan III, the Great (1462-1505). His most ed nearly all the areas settled by the Great
important acquisition was Novgorod, a com- Russians. The princes of Moscow now con-
mercial city which had strong ties with the fronted beyond their frontiers, not another
West and had gained control of a huge if still Russian prince, but foreign sovereigns. The
thinly populated area of the north. Through reign of Ivan III thus begins a new epoch in
its vigorous trade with the Hanseatic League, the history of diplomatic and cultural rela-
a mercantile league of German cities, Novgo- tions with non-Russian peoples.
rod had enjoyed considerable prosperity in
the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, but the
consolidation of strong states along its bor- Institutional and Social Change
ders — Lithuania and Poland as well as Mus-
covite Russia—threatened its independence. Ivan III refashioned Russian institutions to
The merchant oligarchy which ruled the suit the newly achieved national unity. The
town wished to accept the suzerainty of the ruler of all the Russians could no longer be
Catholic Lithuanians, while the populace, considered a mere appanage prince, so Ivan
which was staunchly Orthodox in religion, adopted the title tsar, the Slavic equivalent of
looked rather to the prince of Moscow. Ivan the Latin term Caesar and the Greek kaisar,
could not allow a territory so large and so the traditional title of the Roman and the
close to his own to fall under the control of a Byzantine emperors. Ivan also sought to de-
powerful foreign prince. In 1471 he demand- pict himself as the successor of the Byzantine
ed and received the submission of the city; emperors. He adopted the Greek title autokra-
when the city rebelled again in 1478, Ivan not tor (“autocrat”) and introduced at his court
only subdued it but incorporated Novgorod the elaborate pomp and etiquette which had
and its territories into the Muscovite state. been characteristic of Byzantine practice. The
Ivan also gathered in the principalities of Byzantine double-headed eagle became the
Yaroslavl, Perm, Rostov, and Tver. He dis- seal and symbol of the new Russian Empire.
pelled the shadow of Mongol sovereignty Ivan added material as well as ideological
over Russia by confronting an invading army splendor to his capital. Under the influence of
at the Oka River in 1480, although no battle his wife, Sophia Paleologus, who was the

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

niece of the last Byzantine emperor and had

been educated in Italy, he invited Italian art-
ists to Moscow who helped to rebuild the
Kremlin, the ancient citadel of the city. The
Italians exerted considerable influence on
Russian artistic style, especially Aristotele
Fioravanti, who designed some of the Krem-
lin’s most graceful churches and palaces.
Ivan was the first prince since the Kievan
period to legislate for the whole of Russia. In
1497 he promulgated a new code of laws
known as the Sudebnik, which was the first
national legal code since the Russkaia Pravda,
compiled by the Kievan Prince Iaroslav the
Wise in the eleventh century. The new
strength and splendor of the tsar inspired
several monastic scholars to elaborate the
theory of Moscow as the Third Rome. The
first Rome had allegedly fallen into heresy,
and the second, Constantinople, was taken by
the infidel. Moscow alone, the capital of the The throne of Ivan the Terrible resembles a
one Orthodox ruler, preserved the light of straight high-backed chair. The ivory plates that
true religion. face the wooden framework are covered with
In administering their state the princes of relief carvings featuring mythological, historical,
Moscow had traditionally relied upon the heraldic, and everyday scenes. The detail shown
here is of the double-headed eagle, a Byzantine
boyars, the hereditary nobles who were obli-
emblem which was adopted by the tsar as the
gated to serve the prince in both the army and
seal and symbol of the Russian Empire. [Photo:
the civil administration. Many of the boyars APN }
held vast estates in full title, and their eco-
nomic independence sometimes made them
unreliable as servants. Without directly at- cession was not heritable. This new class act-
tacking the boyars, T’sar Ivan created a new ed as a counterpoise to the power of the boy-
class of serving gentry who were entirely ars and as a principal support of the tsar’s
dependent on the tsar’s favor for their social authority. Here is another example of a feudal
position. He inaugurated a land grant called a institution contributing toward the establish-
pomest’e, which like the Western fief was made ment of a stronger, more centralized govern-
on condition of faithful service. The pomesh- ment.
chik, as the holder of the grant was called, re- Although Ivan’s reforms were not truly
tained the property only so long as he fulfilled completed until the reign of his grandson, the
his obligations and, initially at least, the con- notorious Ivan IV, the Terrible, who brutally

extirpated the old nobility of boyars and unifying its people; he brought a united Rus-
imposed on all landowners the status of the sia to face the outside world; and he declared
tsar’s servants, Ivan III may be considered the himself to be tsar, autocrat of Russia. Ivan IJ
founder of the modern Russian state. He cre- bequeathed to his successors one of the most
ated the class of serving gentry; he finished characteristic institutions of modern Russia:
the task of gathering the Russian land and its centralized, autocratic government.

In the Central and Late Middle Ages the though the tsars in the sixteenth century were
isolation of the West from the East was par- not nearly so powerful as the Ottoman sul-
tially overcome through the crusades and tans, they were laying the foundations for the
commercial expansion. The period further future strength of their empire.
witnessed the formation in the East of two In Western Europe over these same centu-
new states destined to replace both the Byz- ries, changes of comparable magnitude were
antine Empire and the Islamic Caliphate as occurring. The West was spared the nomadic
the region’s principal powers. Through a invasions which always threatened and fre-
combination of military skill, religious fervor, quently struck the Eastern peoples, but it too
remarkably effective institutions, and the sustained in the fourteenth and fifteenth cen-
weakness of their foes, the Ottoman Turks turies a series of disastrous blows — famines,
reassembled the territories of both Byzan- plagues, economic depression, and wars.
tium and the caliphate and established in the These catastrophes were the cause of pro-
Middle East a vast empire, which stretched found dislocations in the society of the medie-
from Persia to the Danube River, and from val West. In the following two chapters exam-
North Africa to the Russian steppes. To the ine the nature of this crisis, which trans-
north the Russians had overcome by 1500 the formed the medieval world and helped create
political fragmentation of their own “feudal” the civilization of modern Western Europe.
age and had regained political unity. Al-

Recommended Reading

Sources *DeVillehardouin, Geoffrey, and Jean DeJoinville. Chron-

icles of the Crusades. Margaret R. Shaw (tr.). 1963.
The Chronicle of Novgorod. Robert Mitchell and Nevill Howes, Robert Craig (ed. and tr.). The Testaments of the
Forbes (trs.). 1914. Portrays social and political life of Grand Princess of Moscow. 1967.
the principal commercial town of medieval Russia. Tyre, William of. A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea.

The Crusades
Eastern Europe

Emily A. Babcock and A. C. Krey (trs.). 1943. One Empire. 1963. Includes lengthy quotations from
of the most important crusader chronicles. sources.
Merriman, Roger B. Suleiman the Magnificent: 1520-1566.
Mylonas, George E. The Balkan States: An Introduction to
Their History. 1947.
Setton, Kenneth M. (ed.). A History of the Crusades. 1955.
Atiya, Azia S. Crusade, Commerce and Culture. 1962. When completed, this work will constitute the most
Eversley, George, and Valentine Chirol. The Turkish Em- authoritative comprehensive history of the period.
pire: Its Growth and Decay. 1969. Vernadsky, George. The Mongols and Russia. 1953.
Fennell,J.L. /van the Great of Moscow. 1963. . Russia at the Dawn of the Modern Age. 1959.
Kliuchevsky, V. O. A History ofRussia. C. J. Hogarth (tr.). Wittek, Paul. The Rise of the Ottoman Empire. 1971.
Lewis, Bernard. Istanbul and the Civilization of the Ottoman *Available in paperback.


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1! The West in
Transition: Economy
and Institutions


Shadows covered wide areas of European life in the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries. The vigorous expansion into bordering areas which had marked
European history since the eleventh century came to an end. The Christian West halt the expansion of the Muslim Turks but did not completely
succeed. Plague, famine, and recurrent wars decimated populations and snuffed
out their former prosperity. The papacy and feudal government struggled
against mounting institutional chaos. Powerful mystical and heretical movements
and new critical currents in Scholasticism rocked the established religious and
philosophical equilibrium of the thirteenth century.
But for all these signs of crisis the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were not
merely an age of breakdown. The partial failure both of the medieval economy
and government and of the established systems of thought and value
facilitated change and 1mpelled men to repair their institutions and renew their
culture. As Chapter 12 will show, there were vigorous developments in
philosophy, religious thought, vernacular and Latin literature, and the fine arts.
By the late fifteenth century the outlines of a new equilibrium were emerging.
In 1500 Europeans doubtlessly remained fewer in numbers than they had been
in 1300. But they also had developed a more productive economy and a more
powerful technology than they had possessed two hundred years before. These
achievements also equipped Europeans for their great expansion throughout the
world in the early modern epoch.
A traditional interpretation of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries has made
them years of renewal, rebirth: the Renaissance. In another interpretation, now
equally traditional and reputable, the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries were the
“autumn of the Middle Ages,” and the somber theme of their history 1s the decline
and death of a formerly great civilization. Today, with our own vastly enlarged
fund of information, it 1s permissible and indeed necessary to consider the age
both an autumn and a renaissance. The study of any past epoch requires an
effort to balance the work of death and renewal. In few periods of history do
death and renewal confront each other so dramatically as in the years between
British 1300 and 1500.
1. Economic Depression of Provence in southern France seems to have
been between 350,000 and 400,000 at about
and Recovery 1310; a century later it had shrunk to some-
thing between one-third and one-half its ear-
The plagues and famines which struck Euro-
lier size, and only after 1470 did it again begin
pean society in the fourteenth and fifteenth
to increase. The population of the city and
centuries profoundly affected economic life. countryside of Pistoia, near Florence, fell
Initially, they disrupted the established pat-
from about 43,000 in the middle of the thir-
terns of producing and exchanging goods and
teenth century to 14,000 by the early fif
led directly to what some scholars now call
teenth. The neighboring city and countryside
“the economic depression of the Renais-
of San Gimignano had approximately 13,000
sance.” But the effects of this disruption were residents in 1332 and only 3,100 in 1428; the
not entirely negative; in reorganizing the
region still has not regained its maximum
economy under greatly changed demographic medieval size.
conditions, Europeans were also able to make For the larger kingdoms of Europe the
certain significant advances in the efficiency figures are less reliable, but they cannot be too
of economic production. To understand this far from the mark. England had a population
paradox we must first examine how these dis- of about 3.7 million in 1347 and 2.2 million
asters affected the population of Europe. by 1377.1 By 1550 it was no larger a nation
than it had been in the thirteenth century.
France by 1328 may have reached 15 million;
Demographic Catastrophe it too was not again to attain its peak medieval
size for several hundred years. In Germany,
of some 170,000 inhabited localities named in
Scholars have uncovered some censuses and sources antedating 1300, about 40,000 disap-
other statistical records which for the first peared during the fourteenth and fifteenth
time give an insight into the size and struc- centuries. Since many of the surviving towns
ture of the European population. Nearly all of were simultaneously shrinking in size, the
these records were drawn up for purposes of population loss could only have been greater.
taxation and they therefore usually survey
only limited geographical areas—a city or a
province—and are rarely complete. But al- "The estimate is based on the pioneering researches of J.
C. Russell, British Medieval Population, 1948, but there is
though they give us no reliable figures for no national census for England in the period immediately
total population, they still enable us to dis- preceding the Black Death and the figure of 3.7 million
cern with considerable confidence how it had to be extrapolated on the basis of presumed mortality
rates. Recently, M. M. Postan, in the Cambridge Economic
was changing. Aistory, 1, 562, stated that the preplague population may
Almost every region of Europe from which have been nearer 7 million and that “to most historians
we possess such records shows an appalling abreast of most recent researches the higher estimates
may well appear to be more consistent with the economic
decline of population between approximately and social conditions of rural England at the end of the
1300 and 1450. For example, the population thirteenth century. . . .”

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

Certain favored regions of Europe, how- cleric who visited the French city of Avignon
ever—the fertile lands surrounding Paris or in 1348:
the Po valley—continually attracted settlers
and maintained fairly stable populations, but To put the matter shortly, one-half, or more
they owed their good fortune more to immi- than a half, of the people at Avignon are already
gration than to high birth rates or immunity dead. Within the walls of the city there are now
from disease. It can safely be estimated that more than 7,000 houses shut up; in these no one
is living, and all who have inhabited them are
all of Europe in 1450 had no more than one-
departed; the suburbs hardly contain any people
half, and probably only one-third, of the pop-
citer | eee
ulation it had had in the thirteenth century. The like account I can give of all the cities and
towns of Provence. Already the sickness has
crossed the Rhone, and ravaged many cities and
Pestilence villages as far as Toulouse, and it ever increases
in violence as it proceeds. On account of this
The great plague of the fourteenth century great mortality there is such a fear of death that
provides the most evident, although perhaps people do not dare even to speak with anyone
not the most satisfactory, explanation for whose relative has died, because it is frequently
remarked that in a family where one dies nearly
these huge human losses. In 1347 a merchant
all the relations follow him, and this is
ship sailing from Tana in the Crimea to Mes-
commonly believed among the people.”
sina in Sicily seems to have carried infected
rats. A plague broke out at Messina and from
Most historians identify the Black Death as
there it spread throughout Europe (see Map
the bubonic plague, but they find it difficult
to explain how this disease could have spread
This Black Death was not so much an epi-
so rapidly and killed so many, since bubonic
demic as a pandemic, striking an entire conti-
plague is more truly a disease of rats and
nent. It may not have been the first pandemic
small mammals than of men. If bubonic
in European history (sparse sources mention
plague is to spread to a human, a flea must
a general plague from 747 to 750), but it was bite an infected rat, pick up the infection, and
the first in perhaps six hundred years, and it
carry it to a human host through a bite. The
struck repeatedly during the century. A city
infection causes the lymphatic glands to swell
was lucky if more than ten years went by but recovery is not uncommon. Only if the
without an onslaught; in some part of Europe,
infection travels through the bloodstream to
in almost every year, the plague was raging.
the lungs, causing pneumonia, can the disease
Barcelona and its province of Catalonia, for
be spread directly from person to person. The
example, lived through this record of misery
real killer in the fourteenth century seems to
in the fourteenth century: famine, 1333; have been a pneumonic plague, which infects
plague, 1347 and 1351; famine, 1358 and
1359; plague, 1362, 1363, 1371, and 1397.
Some of the horror of the plague can be Breve Chronicon clerict anonym, quoted in Francis Aidan
glimpsed in this account by an anonymous Gasquet, The Black Death of 1348 and 1349, 1908, p. 46.

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The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

the lungs directly; it probably was spread Why was hunger so rampant in the early
through coughing and was almost always fa- fourteenth century? Some historians now
tal. locate the root of trouble in the sheer number
In spite of the virulence of pneumonic of people the lands had to support by 1300.
plague it is hard to believe that medical fac- The medieval population, they say, had been
tors alone can explain the awesome mortali- growing rapidly since about 1000, and by
ties. After all, Europeans had maintained 1300 Europe was becoming the victim of its
close contact with the East, where the plague - own success. Parts of the Continent were
had been endemic since the eleventh century, crowded, even glutted, with people. The
but not until 1347 and 1348 did it make seri- country of Beaumont-le-Roger in Normandy,
ous inroads in Europe. In addition, pneu- for example, had a population in the early
monic plague itself is a disease of the winter fourteenth century not much below the
months, but the plagues of the fourteenth number it was supporting in the early twen-
century characteristically raged during the tieth century. Thousands, millions even, had
summer and dissipated with the cooler weath- to be fed without the aid of chemical fertiliz-
er of autumn. Some scholars consider that the ers, power tools, and fast transport. Masses of
weather of the age—it seems to have been people had come to depend for their liveli-
unusually cool and humid—somehow fa- hood upon unrewarding soils. Even in good
vored the disease. Others argue that acute, years they were surviving on the slim and
widespread malnutrition had severely debili- uncertain margins of existence; a slightly
tated the population and lowered resistance reduced harvest during any one year took on
to all kinds of infections. the dimensions of a major famine. Through
hunger, malnutrition, and plague the hand of
death was correcting the ledgers of life, bal-
Hunger ancing the numbers of people and the re-
sources which supported them.
A second cause of the dramatic fall of popula- What effects did the fall in population have
tion was hunger. Famines frequently on the economy of Europe? Initially, the
scourged the land; and even if they were less losses disrupted production. According to the
lethal than the plague in their initial on- chroniclers, survivors of the plague frequent-
slaught, they were likely to persist for several ly gave up toiling in the fields or working in
years. In 1315, 1316, and 1317 a severe famine shops; presumably, they saw no point in
raged in the north of Europe; in 1339 and working for the future when the future was
1340 another struck the south. The starving so uncertain. But, in the long run, the results
people ate not only their reserves of grain but were not altogether negative. In agriculture,
most of the seed set aside for planting. Only a for example, the contraction of the population
remarkably good harvest could compensate enabled the survivors to concentrate their
for the loss of grain by providing both imme- efforts on the better soils. Moreover, in both
diate sustenance and seed for future planting agriculture and industry the shortage of la-
in satisfactory quantities. borers was a challenge to landlords and entre-

preneurs to save costs either by adopting less expensive to produce. Better wages in
productive routines less demanding of man- both town and countryside enabled the popu-
power or by heightened capital investment in lation to consume a more varied and more
labor-saving devices. Thus the decline in expensive diet. While the price of wheat fell,
population eventually taught Europeans to wine, beer, oil, butter, cheese, meat, fruit, and
work more efficiently through more rational other relatively expensive foods remained
productive routines and greater capital in- high, reflecting a strong market demand.
vestment. One branch of agriculture which enjoyed a
remarkable period of growth in the fifteenth
century was sheep raising: Labor costs were
low, since a few shepherds could guard thou-
Perhaps the best indication of the forces sands of sheep, and the price for wool, skins,
working upon the European economy comes mutton, and cheese remained high. In En-
from the history of prices. The evidence is gland many landlords fenced large fields,
scattered and rarely precise, but it is good converting them from plowland into sheep
enough to reveal roughly similar patterns in pastures and expelling the peasants or small
price movements all over Europe. Most agri- herders who had formerly lived on them; this
cultural products—cereals, wine, beer, oil, process, called enclosure, continued into the
and meat—shot up immediately after the sixteenth century and played an important
Black Death and stayed high until the last role in the economic and social history of
decades of the fourteenth century. High food Tudor England.
prices in a period of contracting population By the middle of the fifteenth century,
seem certain evidence that production was agricultural prices tended to stabilize, and
falling even more rapidly than the number of this suggests a more dependable production.
consumers. Farms enjoyed the advantages of greater size,
The beginnings of an agricultural recovery better location on more profitable soil, and
become evident in the early fifteenth century. greater capital investments in tools and ani-
With a diminished number of Europeans to mals. Agriculture was now considerably di-
be fed, the demand for cereals, which domi- versified, benefiting the soil, lowering the risk
nated agriculture in the earlier centuries, less- of famine through the failure of a single staple
ened perceptibly and their prices declined; crop, and providing more nourishment for
with fewer available workers, the cost of labor the people. Europeans were consuming a
pushed steadily upward. Landlords had to more healthful diet by the middle of the fif-
compete with one another to attract scarce teenth century than had their ancestors two
tenants to their lands and did so by offering hundred years before.
lower rents and favorable terms of tenancy.
The upward movement of wages and the
Industry and Trade
downward price of cereals led to a concentra-
tion on those commodities which would The movement of prices created serious
command a better price in the market or were problems for the entrepreneurs within the

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

cities. As the labor force contracted, wages in or eighty cities under the leadership of Bre-
most towns surged upward and commonly men, Cologne, Hamburg, and especially Lu-
reached levels two, three, and even four times beck. Maintaining its own treasury and fleet,
higher than they had been before 1348. Al- the league supervised commercial exchange,
though the prices of manufactured commodi- policed the waters of the Baltic Sea, and nego-
ties also increased, they did not rise as much tiated with foreign princes. By the late fif-
as wages, and this worked to reduce profit teenth century, however, the league had be-
margins. To offset these unfavorable tend- gun to decline. It failed to meet the growing
encies, the entrepreneurs sought govern- threat of the Dutch, who were then vigorous-
ment intervention. In various enactments ly competing for leadership in northern
from 1349 to 1351, England, France, Aragon, commerce. The Hanseatic League was never
Castile, and other governments tried to fix formally abolished; it continued to meet at
prices and wages at levels favorable to em- lengthening intervals until 1669.
ployers. The English Parliament in the Stat-
ute of Laborers, a policy typical of the age,
forbade employers to pay more than the cus- The Forces of Recovery
tomary wages and required laborers to accept
jobs at those wages. These early experiments Attempts to raise the efhiciency of workers
in a controlled economy failed. The price and proved to be far more effective than wage and
wage ceilings set by law seem to have had lit- trade regulation in laying the basis for recov-
tle perceptible influence upon actual prices. ery. Employers were able to counteract high
A related problem troubled the business wages by adopting more-rational production
climate: Competition grew as population fell procedures and substituting capital for labor,
and markets contracted. The entrepreneurs that is, providing the worker with better
tried to protect themselves by creating re- tools. Although largely inspired by hard
stricted markets and establishing monopo- times and labor shortages, most of the techni-
lies. Guilds limited their membership, and cal advances of the fourteenth and fifteenth
some admitted only the sons of established centuries enabled the worker to practice his
masters. Cities too imposed heavy restrictions trade more efficiently and eventually helped
on the importation of foreign manufactures. make Europe a richer community.
Probably the best example of the monopo-
ly spirit is the association of north German
trading cities, the Hanseatic League. The Metallurgy
league was a defensive association formed in
the fourteenth century to promote German Mining and metallurgy benefited from a se-
interests and exclude foreigners from the Bal- ries of inventions after 1460 that lowered the
tic trade. The cities initially sought this mu- cost of metals and extended their use in Euro-
tual protection because the emperor was too pean life. Better techniques of digging, shor-
weak to defend their interests. At its height ing, ventilating, and draining allowed mine
the Hanseatic League included about seventy shafts to be sunk several hundred feet into the

earth, permitting the large-scale exploitation Leonardo da Vinci's concept of a cannon
of the deep, rich mineral deposits of Central foundry -had its ancestry in the Chinese and
Europe. Some historians estimate (on slim Byzantine applications of rapid chemical ,
evidence, to be sure) that the output from the combustion to the weapons of war. The Chinese
mines of Central Europe—Hungary, the had used fireworks for centuries; the Byzantines
had concocted a ‘Greek fire’ which they
Tyrol, Bohemia, and Saxony — grew as much
sprayed on enemy ships with devastating effect.
as five times between 1460 and 1530. During
[Photo: Royal Collection, Windsor Castle ]
this period miners in Saxony discovered a
method of extracting pure silver from the lead
alloy in which it was often found (the inven- know how Europeans first learned that cer-
tion was of major importance for the later, tain mixtures of carbon, sulfur, and saltpeter
massive development of silver mines in burn with explosive force and could be used
America). Larger furnaces came into use, and to hurl boulders at an enemy, but we do know
huge bellows and triphammers, driven by that cannons were used in the fourteenth cen-
water power, aided the smelting and working tury during the Hundred Years’ War. Their
of metals. Simultaneously, the masters of the effect seems to have been chiefly psychologi-
trade were acquiring a new precision in the cal: The thunderous roar merely by frighten-
difficult art of casting. ing the enemy’s horses probably did more
By the late fifteenth century, European damage than the inevitably misdirected shots.
mines were providing an abundance of silver Still, a breakthrough had been made, and
bullion for coinage. Money became more cannons gained in military importance. Their
plentiful, and this stimulated the economy. development depended primarily on the
Beginnings were also laid for the exploitation stronger, more precise casting and the proper
of the rich coal deposits of the European granulation of the powder to ensure that the
north. Expanding iron production meant charge would burn at the right speed so that
more and stronger pumps, gears and machine its full force pushed the projectile. With fire-
parts, tools, and ironwares; such products arms fewer soldiers could fight more effec-
found wide application in construction work tively; capital, in the form of an efficient
and shipbuilding. Moreover, skill in metal- though expensive tool, was again being sub-
working contributed to two other inventions: stituted for labor.
firearms and movable metal type.

The extension of literacy among laymen and
Men were constantly trying to improve the the greater reliance of governments and busi-
arts of war in the bellicose Middle Ages; and nesses upon records created a demand for a
one weapon, or family of weapons, they cheap method of reproducing the written
sought was a device which would hurt projec- word. One important advance was the re-
tiles with great force and accuracy. We do not placement of expensive parchment by paper,

The West nN Transi 1t10N .
Economy and Inst itutions
A page from Johannes Gutenberg’s Bible marks which had originated in the East. But even so,
one of the most significant technical and the scribe and copier worked slowly and, like
cultural advances of the fifteenth century: all workmen, were commanding an increaséd
printing with movable type, a process that made salary. As a solution, printing was first tried
possible a wider dissemination of literature and by stamping paper or parchment with wood-
thought. [Photo: E. Harold Hugo } cuts, which were inked blocks with letters or
designs carved on them. But the “block
MOet books” produced in this fashion represented
only a small advance over handwriting, for a
separate woodcut had to be carved for each
ecrenaptaneriit mieiam p Decent wives fececanit contra cuomine narltieutine,
nec obedient wor mee-ndAiea Pa ealscree Ey ae page.
tered pro qua wraul pareiburs cou. tui funt ansperadligs in confpedtu
ty. By the middle of the fifteenth century sev-
nec quite e¢lie qui Devazit mihi mini. Jolue aiefling nun 2 haley
ineuebicur eam. Deca met chaletq filius iephone wixecunt ¢ onnubue eral masters were on the verge of perfecting
plemus alinfpivicufecur? eftme indu- qui ad ronkigeranda treed. the technique of printing with movable metal
rant inrecama hance qua civcutuit-e Forutulyy etmoytes uniuerla verba
ferent rus pollidebit ram : quoniam hee ad omnes filing ifratyel :exlugic type. The first man to prove the practicability
amalechites + hanancus habicat in ead tim .£t rece mane prima of the new art was Johannes Gutenberg of
wallibus. Leas mouere caftea:4 reuet- ungentes-alrendeciit uecticen mieis
timid infolitudmeé pvia maria ru- atg Disecunt. Parati finw? alee Mainz, a former jeweler and _ stonecutter.
bri. Forunuiqs &dis ad movlen+aa- ad locum de quo Dominus Locus Gutenberg devised an alloy of lead, tin, and
ron Directs. Blquequa mnlteudytee rit:quiapecautmus . Quibus may:
pellma munmrat rontta me? Que- feg.Lurinquit ranigedimini web - antimony which would melt at a low temper-
reas hliord iftalhel audini. Dic Dii-quod uobis non rdet m profr- ature, cast well in the die, and be durable in
9. Bing ego aitDominus: fieur ly- runt ¢Malice afceudece-non ecm
muti etis audiente me-fic facid vobis. Dis wobifcunne rortuads ora ini- the press; this alloy is still the basis of the
Qu folttudine
fartarcbunt radauera iris uelttis. Amaledsites
4danane- printer’s art. His Bible, printed in 1455, 1s the
vuelta. Orines qui numecan eftis a ug ante vos funt quay gladig roveu-
pigind ante 2fiupra-+ nummuratis rtigzeo tp noluetins acquiefcere Dio: first major work reproduced through print-
romtea me-non intrabine team frp nec eitDomus vobiled.Arillic. ing.
qua leuaui mani meam ut babitare retiebratt- alcenteriit in veeticn moO
008 farerem:precee chaleh filtt iepho- tis. pircha autem teftamenn Domini In spite of Gutenberg’s efforts to keep the
ne- 4 iofe Glia min. Paruulos autt et moples non recelleriit&cafinis. De-
uelitos de quibs digits quod prede feenditg; amalectites + chanineusj technique a secret it spread rapidly. Before
hoftibus forent inteoducanut vide- babirabat imiite-et peuciens eos args 1500 some 250 European cities had acquired
ant recat que vobis difplicuit : uta ronits-plecut? Ceosulgs hema. WV
radaurra tacebiie in {olitudine .Full}

(ania rit dowmin? ad morten presses. German masters held an early leader-
bette eeunt nagt in Deleree ants qua Dicers. Poquece ad filing iftt-+ ship, but Italians soon challenged their pre-
_ Draginta: + porabunte fomiration? ¢* Dies. ad cog, Lum ingeellh fuerites eee:
ueftrant- Donec confiument radaurta rant abitationts weite quad ego mbo eminence. The Venetian printer Aldus Ma-
patel in Deleeta: iugta numeri Hora: wobis -+feetitts oblanioné Doming nutius published works, notably editions of
ginta Diesquibus confidecaths ted. in olocauftunt- auc vidimanrypacti-
Lauepro die imputabitur .£t qua- ramuota [oluétes-uel fpanee offecicer the Greek and Latin classics, which are minor
aginta Anis recipictis iniquitates Tunera
-autin Lolenmitanihs uris.a- masterpieces of scholarship and grace. Manu-
neta: Inti ulrionent mea. Quo- Dolentes odoren frauitataano:de .
intarn fieut Locut? fun - ita facia ont bubus fue de guibs offeect quicuny; tius and his fellow Italian masters rejected the
muuteitudind huic pelliie-que confur- immolauecit vidimanfacitind hte elaborate Gothic typeface used in the north
regit aduerfum me:in folitudine hac Ramam paren ephi cofpectam oleo-
Deficier +moriecur. Fqieur grites wiri quod menlurd babebic quared parte and developed their own, modeled on the
gugs milecat moyles ad moeemplan- hincecwinum adliba fundenda club clear script they found in their oldest manu-
Tam tecram-+ quit reueclt murmmrare Dew mente Habitinolorauke hue
scripts. They wrongly believed that it was the
style of writing used in ancient Rome; they

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

were in fact imitating the Carolingian minus- The larger vessels required more sophisti-
cule. cated means of steering and navigation. Be-
The immediate effect of the printing press fore 1300, ships were turned by trailing an oar
was to multiply the output and cut the price over the side. The control provided by this
of books, which meant that the pleasures of method was poor, especially for sailing ships,
reading were no longer the monopoly of the which needed an efficient means of steering to
rich and the clergy but were available to a take advantage of shifting winds. Sometime
much broader range of the population. Print- during the fourteenth century the stern rud-
ing also helped to standardize texts, contribu- der was developed, enabling the captain to
ting fundamentally to the advance of scholar- tack effectively against the wind and control
ship, science, and technology. his ship more closely entering or leaving port.
Printing also could spread new ideas with Voyages thus were rendered quicker and
unprecedented speed and impact, a fact that safer, and the costs of maritime transport
was appreciated only slowly. The Protestant declined.
reformers of the sixteenth century were really Ocean navigation also required a reliable
the first to take advantage of the potential of means for estimating course and position, and
printing for propaganda, and Catholics soon here notable progress had been made, espe-
followed. cially in the late thirteenth century. Scholars
at the court of King Alfonso X of Castile
compiled the Alfonsine Tables, which
Navigation showed with unprecedented accuracy the
position and movements of the heavenly
Men as well as ideas began to travel more eas- bodies. Using such tables along with an astro-
ily in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. labe, captains could shoot the sun or stars and
Before about 1325 there was still no regular calculate their latitude, or position on a north-
sea traffic between northern and southern south coordinate.®
Europe by way of the Atlantic, but it grew The compass, the origin of which is un-
rapidly thereafter. In navigation the substitu- clear, was commonly used on Mediterranean
tion of capital for labor primarily meant the
introduction of larger ships, which could car-
3Ships could not tell their longitude, or position on an
ry more cargo with relatively smaller crews.
east-west coordinate, until they could carry accurate
The large ships were safer at sea; they could clocks, which could in turn tell the time of a basic refer-
sail in periods of uncertain weather, when ence meridian (such as that of Greenwich, England) and
be compared with the ship’s time. Galileo’s discovery of
smaller vessels had to stay in port. They
the laws of the pendulum made possible the first really
could also remain at sea longer and did not accurate mechanical clocks, but they could not function
have to sail close to the coastline in order to aboard a swaying ship. Not until the eighteenth century
replenish their supplies. Their voyages be- were the first accurate “chronometers,” or shipboard
clocks, developed. Until then navigators such as Colum-
tween ports could be more direct and there- bus who sailed across the Atlantic had no precise idea
fore speedier. how far they were traveling.

ships by at least the thirteenth century. By Banking operations also grew more sophis-
1300, and undoubtedly for some decades be- ticated. By the late fourteenth century, “book
fore, Mediterranean navigators sailed with the transfers” had become commonplace; that ts,
aid of maps remarkable for their accuracy. one depositor could pay a debt to another
Navigators were further aided by portolani, without actually using coin by ordering the
or port descriptions, which gave an account of bank to transfer credit from his own account
harbors and coastlines and pinpointed haz- to his creditor’s. At first the depositor had to
ards. All these technical developments gave give this order orally, but by 1400 such an
European mariners a mastery of the Atlantic order was commonly written, making it one
coastal waters and helped prepare the way for of the immediate ancestors of the modern
the voyages of discovery in the fifteenth cen- check.
tury. Accounting methods also improved. The
most notable development was the adoption
of double-entry bookkeeping, which makes
Business Institutions arithmetical errors immediately evident and
gives a clear picture of the financial position
The bad times of the fourteenth century also of a commercial enterprise. Although known
stimulated the development of more efficient in the ancient world, double-entry bookkeep-
business procedures. The mercantile houses ing was not widely practiced in the West un-
in the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries til the fourteenth century. In this as in other
were considerably smaller in size than those business practices the lands of southern Eu-
of the thirteenth century, but were more flex- rope, especially Italy, were the forerunners
ible in their structure. The Medici bank of for the entire course of the fourteenth and
Florence, which functioned from 1397 until fifteenth centuries, but their accounting tech-
1498, offers a particularly clear example of niques eventually spread to the rest of Eu-
fifteenth-century business organization. It rope.
was not a single monolithic structure; rather, Another financial innovation was the de-
it was founded upon separate partnerships, velopment of a system of maritime insurance,
by which its various branches were estab- without which investors would have been
lished at Florence, Venice, Rome, Avignon, highly reluctant to risk their money on ex-
Bruges, and London. Central control and pensive vessels. There are references to the
unified management were ensured, since the practice of insuring ships in the major Italian
senior partners — members of the Medici fam- ports as early as 1318. In these first insurance
ily—were the same in all the contracts; but contracts the broker might purchase the ship
the branches had autonomy and, most impor- and cargo in the port of embarkation and
tant, the collapse of one did not threaten them agree to sell them back at a higher price once
all. One scholar has compared this system of the ship reached its destination. If the ship
interlocked partnerships to a modern holding sank en route, it was legally the broker’s and
company. he assumed the loss. In the course of the four-

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

teenth century the leading companies of Flor- 1. Popular Unrest

ence became actively interested in providing
insurance to shippers, abandoning the clumsy
The demographic collapse and economic
device of conditional sales and writing explic-
troubles of the fourteenth century deeply dis-
it and open insurance contracts. By 1400 mar-
turbed the social peace of Europe. European
itime insurance had become a regular item of
society had been remarkably stable and most-
the shipping business, and it was destined to
ly peaceful from the early Middle Ages until
play a major role in the opening of the Atlan-
approximately 1300, and the chronicles have
preserved few notices of social uprisings or
Insurance for land transport developed a
class warfare. The fourteenth and fifteenth
half-century later and never was intensively
centuries, however, witness numerous revolts
practiced. The first examples of life insurance
of peasants and artisans against what they
contracts come from fifteenth-century Italy
believed to be oppression by the propertied
and were limited to particular periods (the
duration of a voyage) or particular persons (a
wife during pregnancy). But without actuari-
al tables life insurance of this sort was far Rural Revolts
more a gamble than a business.
One of the most spectacular of the four-
teenth-century rural uprisings was the Eng-
The Economy in the Late Fifteenth Century lish Peasants’ War of 1381. Both the policies
of the royal government and the practices of
In the last half of the fifteenth century Eu- the great landlords angered the peasants. As
rope had fairly well recovered from the eco- mentioned earlier, the royal government
nomic blows of a hundred years before, and through the Statute of Laborers (1351) sought
the revived economy differed greatly from to freeze wages and keep the workers bound
what it had formerly been. Increased diversi- to their jobs. Although this policy had little
fication, capitalization, and _ rationalization practical success, the mere effort to imple-
aided production and enterprise in both ment it aggravated social tensions, especially
countryside and city. Europe in 1500 was cer- in the countryside, where it would have im-
tainly a much smaller community than it had posed a kind of neoserfdom upon the peas-
been in 1300. Possibly too, the gross product ants. In addition the government made sever-
of its economy may not have equaled the out- al efforts to collect from the rural villages a
put of the best years of the thirteenth centu- poll tax (a flat charge on each member of the
ry. But the population ultimately had fallen population). Moreover, the great landlords,
more drastically than production. After a cen- faced with falling rents, sought to revive
tury of difficult readjustment Europe emerg- many half-forgotten feudal dues, which had
ed more productive and richer than it had been allowed to lapse when rents were high
been at any earlier time in its history. in the thirteenth century.

Under leaders of uncertain background— the poorer segments of society. In the four-
Wat Tyler, Jack Straw, and a priest named teenth and early fifteen centuries Strasbourg,
John Ball— peasant bands, enraged by the lat- Metz, Ghent, Liege, and Paris all were the
est poll tax, marched on London in 1381. scenes of riots. One of the most interesting if
They called for the final abolition of serfdom, not perhaps the most typical of the specifical-
labor services, tithes, and other feudal dues ly urban revolts was the Ciompi uprising at
and demanded an end to the poll taxes. The Florence in 1378.
workers of London, St. Albans, York, and Florence was one of the wool-manufactur-
other cities, who had similar grievances ing centers of Europe; the industry employed
against the royal government, rose in support probably one-third of the working population
of the peasants. After the mobs burned the of the city, which shortly before the Black
houses of prominent lawyers and royal ofh- Death included more than 90,000 people. The
cials, King Richard II, then fifteen, with con- wool industry, like most industries, entered
siderable bravery personally met with the into bad times immediately after the plague.
peasants and was able to placate them by To protect themselves, employers cut pro-
promising to accept their demands. But as the duction, thereby spreading unemployment.
peasants dispersed, the great landlords reor- Since many of the employers were also mem-
ganized their forces and violently suppressed bers of the ruling oligarchy, they had laws
the last vestiges of unrest in the countryside; passed limiting wages and manipulating taxa-
the young king also reneged on his promises. tion and other monetary policies to the bene-
The peasant uprising in England was only fit of the rich. The poorest workers were de-
one of many rural disturbances that occurred nied their own guild and had no collective
between 1350 and 1450, including revolts in voice which might have influenced the gov-
the Ile de France, Languedoc, Catalonia, ernment. In all disputes they were subject to
Sweden, and another in England (1450). the bosses’ judges and the bosses’ law.
Numerous rural disturbances occurred in The poorest workers — principally the wool
Germany in the fifteenth century, and a carders, known as the Ciompi—rose in revolt.
major peasant revolt there in 1524 played They demanded, and for a short time at-
an important role in the history of the early tained, several reforms. The employers would
Reformation. produce at least enough cloths to assure work;
they would refrain from certain monetary
manipulations considered deleterious to the
Urban Revolts interests of the workers; they would allow the
workers their own guild; and they would give
The causes of social unrest within the cities them representation in communal govern-
were very similar to those in the countryside. ment. This was hardly a dictatorship of the
Governments controlled by the propertied proletariat, but it was nevertheless intolerable
classes tried to prevent wages from rising and to the ruling oligarchy. Because the Ciompi
workers from moving and also sought to im- did not have the leaders to maintain a steady
pose a heavier share of the tax burden upon influence on governmental policy, the great

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

families regained full authority in the city by atively less widespread and onerous here than
1382 and quickly abrogated the democratic in other English areas.) Also, the immediate
concessions. Although the Ciompi revolt was provocation for the revolt was the imposition
short-lived and ultimately unsuccessful, the of a poll tax, and obviously poll taxes, or any
incident marks one of the first manifestations taxes or charges, do not alarm the truly desti-
of urban class tensions which would fre- tute, whereas they do alarm men recently ar-
quently disturb capitalistic society in future rived at some favorable position and anxious
centuries. to hold onto their gains.
The principal goad to revolt in both town
and country seems to have been the effort of
The Seeds of Discontent the propertied classes to retain their old ad-
vantages and deny the workers their new
Each of the social disturbances of the four- ones. In the first decades after the Black
teenth and fifteenth centuries was shaped by Death the governments failed in their efforts
circumstances that were local and unique. to increase taxes and to peg rents, wages, and
Nevertheless, there were similarities in these prices at levels favorable to landlords and
social movements, for example, the fact that employers; meanwhile they spread hostility
misery does not seem to have been the princi- among the workers, who felt their improving
pal cause of the unrest. Indeed, the evidence social and economic status threatened.
suggests that the conditions of the working The impulse to revolt also drew strength
classes in both countryside and city were from the psychological tensions characteristic
improving after the Black Death. The pros- of this age of devastating plagues, famines,
perity of the thirteenth century, which was and wars. The nervous temper of the times
chiefly a prosperity of landlords and employ- predisposed men to take compulsive action
ers, had been founded in part upon the poor against real or imagined enemies. When need-
negotiating position, and even the exploita- ed, ready justification for revolt could be
tion, of the workers. The depopulation of the found in Christian belief, for the common
fourteenth century radically altered this situ- teaching of the Christian fathers was that nei-
ation. The workers, now much reduced in ther private property nor social inequality
number, were better able to bargain for lower had been intended by God. In a high-strung
rents, higher wages, and a fairer distribution world many of these uprisings involved an
of social benefits. emotional effort to attain the millennium, to
With the possible exception of the Ciompi reach that age of justice and equality which
the people who revolted were rarely the des- Christian belief saw in the past, expected in
perately poor. In England, for example, the the future, and put off for the present.
centers of the peasant uprising of 1381 were The revolts of the fourteenth and fifteenth
in the lower Thames valley —a region which centuries brought no radical changes in gov-
seems to have been more fertile, more pros- ernments or policies, but underlying social
perous, and less oppressed than other parts of movements were coming to elevate the status
the kingdom. (Serfdom, for example, was rel- of the workers. If the rich wanted tillers for

their lands and workers for their shops, they tions. The king enjoyed supreme dignity and
had to offer favorable terms. even a recognized sacred character, but he
By about 1450, after a century of instabili- was far from being an absolute ruler. In re-
ty, a new equilibrium was emerging in Euro- turn for loyalty and service he conceded a
pean society, even if slowly and never com- large share of the responsibility for govern-
pletely. The humblest classes improved their ment to a wide range of privileged persons
lot and were fairly secure in their gains. Serf- and institutions: the great secular and eccle-
dom all but disappeared in the West; wages siastical princes, the nobles, religious congre-
remained high and bread cheap. Life of gations, powerful military orders such as the
course was still very hard for most workers, Templars, free cities, or communes, and even
but it was better than it had been two centu- favored guilds such as the universities.
ries before. Perhaps reflective of better social The growth of the feudal constitution in
conditions for the masses, the population the eleventh and twelfth centuries had been a
once more began to grow, equipping Europe major step toward a more ordered political
for its great expansion within its borders and life, but it rested upon a delicate equilibrium.
beyond the oceans in the sixteenth century. To keep an internal peace, which because of
the confused borders of most feudal states
often meant international peace, all members
it. Ihe Governments of Europe of the feudal partnership had to remain punc-
tiliously faithful to their obligations. This
governmental system worked well until the
War was a frequent occurrence throughout
beginning of the fourteenth century, but it
the Middle Ages but was never so widespread
could not sustain the multiple blows suffered
and so protracted as in the conflicts of the
during the period of social crisis. Govern-
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The
ments had to be slowly rebuilt, still along
Hundred Years’ War between England and
feudal lines, still based on shared authority.
France is the most famous of these struggles,
Many of the new governments that came to
but there was fighting in every corner of Eu-
dominate the European political scene in the
rope. The inbred violence of the age mani-
late fifteenth century, although still not abso-
fests a partial breakdown in the governmental
lutistic, conceded far more power to the sen-
systems, their failure to maintain stability at
ior partner in the feudal relationship, the king
home and peace with foreign powers.
or prince.

Crisis and the Feudal Equilibrium

Dynastic Instability

The governmental systems of Europe were The forces which upset the equilibrium of
founded upon multiple partnerships in the feudal governments were many. One of the
exercise of power under the feudal constitu- most evident, itself rooted in the demographic

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

instability of the age, was the failure of dynas- their enterprise where the market was most
ties to perpetuate themselves. The Hundred favorable, sold their services to the highest
Years’ War, or at least the excuse for it, arose bidder, and turned substantial profits. To hire
from the inability of the Capetian kings of mercenaries, and win battles, was increasing-
France, for the first time since the tenth cen- ly a question of money, which then became,
tury, to produce a male heir in direct line. as it has since remained, the nervis belli (“the
The English War of the Roses resulted from sinews of war”).
the uncertain succession to the crown of Eng- While war went up in price, the traditional
land and the claims which the two rival revenues upon which governments depended
houses of Lancaster and York exerted for it. sank. Until the fourteenth century the king or
In Portugal, Castile, France, England, Naples, prince was expected to meet the expenses of
Hungary, Poland, and the Scandinavian government from ordinary revenues, chiefly
countries the reigning monarchs of 1450 were rents from his properties; but his rents, like
not the direct, male, legitimate descendants of everyone’s, were falling in the Late Middle
those reigning in 1300. Most of the founders Ages. Governments of all types — monarchies,
of new lines had to fight for their position. the papacy, cities—desperately sought to
develop new sources of revenue. For example,
the papacy, because it could not rely on the
Fiscal Pressures meager receipts from its lands, built a huge
financial apparatus that sold ecclesiastical
The same powerful economic forces that appointments, favors, and dispensations from
were creating new patterns of agriculture and normal canonical requirements; imposed
trade were also reshaping the fiscal policies tithes on ecclesiastical revenues; and sold
and financial machinery of feudal govern- indulgences. In France the monarchy estab-
ments. War was growing more expensive, as lished a monopoly over the sale of salt (the
well as more frequent. Better-trained armies gabelle). In England the king at various times
were needed to fight for longer periods of imposed direct taxes on hearths, individuals
time and with more complex weaponry. (the poll tax), and plow teams, plus a host of
Above all, the increasing use of firearms was smaller levies. The Italian cities taxed a whole
adding to the costs of war. To replace the tra- range of items from windows to prostitutes.
ditional undisciplined, unpaid, and_ poorly Under acute fiscal pressures governments
equipped feudal armies, governments came rigorously scrutinized the necessities, plea-
more and more to rely on mercenaries, who sures, and sins of society to find sources of
were better trained and better armed than the revenue.
vassals who fought in fulfillment of their feu- Surviving fiscal records indicate that in
dal obligations. Many mercenaries were or- spite of the disturbed times many govern-
ganized into associations known as companies ments did succeed in greatly increasing their
of adventure, whose leaders were both good incomes through these taxes. For example,
commanders and businessmen. They took the English monarchy never collected or

spent more than £30,000 per year before homogeneity they may once have possessed.
1336; thereafter, the budget rarely sank below Their wealth was chiefly in land, and they,
£100,000 and at times reached £250,000 in like all landlords, faced the problem of decliri-
the late fourteenth century. ing rents. Frequently they lacked the funds
The new taxes had two common features, needed for the new systems of agriculture.
one leading from the other. The most lucra- They were further plagued by the continuing
tive of them were not limited to the ruler’s problem of finding income and careers for
own immediate territory but extended over their younger sons. In short, the nobles pos-
all the lands subject to him. They were, in sessed no immunity from the acute economic
other words, national, or at least territorial, dislocations of the times, and their class in-
taxes, and the ruler’s legal right to them was cluded men who lived on the brink of poverty
often less than clear. Consequently, assem- as well as holders of enormous estates.
blies of estates such as the Parliament in Eng- To maintain their position some of the less
land or the Estates General in France de- fortunate nobles joined the companies of
manded the right to grant or refuse these spe- adventure to fight as mercenaries. Others
cial taxes. Even within the Church many re- hoped to buttress their sinking fortunes
formers maintained that a general council through marriage or by winning offices,
should have ultimate control over papal lands, pensions, or other favors which govern-
finances. The extraordinary expansion of ments could provide. Amid these social un-
governmental revenues thus raised profound certainties the nobles tended to coalesce into
constitutional questions in both ecclesiastical factions, which disputed with one another
and secular governments. over the control of government and the distri-
bution of its favors. From England to Italy
factional warfare, far more than class warfare,
Factional Conflicts constantly disturbed the peace. A divided and
grasping nobility added to the tensions of the
An aristocracy had developed nearly every- age and to its taste for violence.
where in Europe over the course of the Cen- Characteristically, a faction was led by a
tral Middle Ages. Birth afforded the principal great noble house and included numerous
access to this class, and membership in it con- persons of varying social station—great no-
veyed certain legal and social privileges— bles in alliance with the leading house, poor
exemption from most taxes, immunity from knights, retainers, servants, sometimes even
certain juridical procedures such as torture, artisans and peasants. At times the factions
and so forth. The nobles looked upon them- encompassed scores of families and hundreds
selves as the chief counselors of the king and of men and could almost be considered little
his principal partners in the conduct of gov- states within a state, with their own small
ernment. armies, loyalties, and symbols of allegiance in
By the fourteenth century, however, the the colors or distinctive costumes (livery)
nobles had long since lost whatever economic worn by their members.

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

England, France, and the Hundred The Flemings revolted once more and drove
Years’ War out the count. To give legal sanction to their
revolt they persuaded Edward to assert his
All the factors that upset the equilibrium of claim to the French crown, which would have
feudal governments—dynastic _ instability, given him suzerainty over Flanders as well.
fiscal pressures, and factional rivalries— The most serious of all points of friction,
helped to provoke the greatest struggle of the however, was the exact status of Aquitaine
epoch, the Hundred Years’ War. and Ponthieu. Edward had willingly per-
The proclaimed issue of the Hundred formed ordinary homage for them, but Phil-
Years’ War was a dispute over the French ip then insisted on liege homage, which
royal succession. After more than three would have obligated Edward to support Phil-
hundred years of extraordinary good luck the ip against all enemies. Edward did not be-
last three Capetian kings (the brothers Louis lieve that, as a king, he could undertake the
X, Philip V, and Charles IV) failed to pro- obligations of liege homage to any man, and
duce male heirs. With Charles’s death in refused. Philip began harassing the frontiers
1328, the nearest surviving male relative was of Aquitaine and declared Edward’s fiefs for-
his nephew King Edward III of England, son feit in 1337. The attack upon Aquitaine un-
of his sister Isabella. But the Parlement of doubtedly pushed Edward into supporting
Paris—the supreme court of France—de- the Flemish revolt and was the principal
clared that women could not transmit a claim provocation for the Hundred Years’ War.
to the crown. In place of Edward the French Philip, in his eagerness for glory, had clear-
Estates chose Philip of Valois, a first cousin of ly embarked upon a dangerous adventure in
the preceding kings. Edward did not initially his harassment of Aquitaine, and Edward, in
dispute this decision, and as holder of the supporting the Flemings, reacted perhaps too
French fiefs of Aquitaine and Ponthieu he did strongly to the provocation. Both men evi-
homage to Philip. dently took their feudal obligation of mutual
More important than the dynastic issue respect and love very lightly. The coming of
was the clash of French and English interests this war between the French king and his
in the county of Flanders, whose cloth-mak- principal vassal was thus rooted in a break-
ing industry relied on England for wool. In down of the feudal constitution of medieval
1302 the Flemings had rebelled against their France in both its institutions and its spirit.
count, a vassal of the French king, and had
remained virtually independent until 1328,
when Philip defeated their forces at Cassel The Tides of Battle
and restored the count. At Philip’s insistence
the count ordered the arrest of all English The French seemed to have a decisive supe-
merchants in Flanders; Edward then retaliat- riority over the English at the outset of the
ed by cutting off the export of wool, which war. The population of France was perhaps
spread unemployment in the Flemish towns. fifteen million; England had fewer than four

million. But for most of its course the war was phase of the war. The French armies suc-
not really a national confrontation. French ceeded largely by avoiding full-scale battles
subjects (Flemings, Gascons, later Burgundi- and wearing down the English forces bit by
ans) fought alongside the English against bit. By 1380 they had pushed the English
other French subjects. The confused struggle nearly into the sea, confining them to Calais
may be fairly divided into three periods: an and a narrow strip of the Atlantic coast from
initial phase of English victories from 1338 to Bordeaux to Bayonne. Fighting was sporadic
1360; a phase of French resurgence, then from 1380 until 1415, both sides content with
stalemate, from 1367 to 1415; and a wild de- a stalemate.
nouement with tides rapidly shifting from The last period of the war from 1415 to
1415 tO 1453 1453 was one of high drama and rapidly shift-
The series of English victories that opened ing fortunes. Henry V of England invaded
the war were never fully exploited by the France and wrought disaster on the French
English, nor ever quite undone by the army at Agincourt in 1415. His success was
French. An English naval victory at Sluys in confirmed by the Treaty of Troyes in 1420,
1340 assured English communications across an almost total French capitulation. King
the Channel and determined France as the Charles VI of France declared his son the
scene of the fighting. Six years later Edward Dauphin (the future Charles VII) illegitimate,
landed in France on what was more a ma- named Henry his successor, appointed him
rauding expedition than a campaign of con- regent of France, and gave him direct rule
quest. Philip pursued the English and finally over all French lands as far south as the Loire
overtook them at Crecy. The French knights River (see Map 11.2). Charles also gave Henry
attacked before their forces could be entirely his daughter Catherine in marriage.
marshalled and organized; the disciplined The Dauphin of course could not accept
English, making effective use of the longbow, this forced abdication, and from his capital at
cut the confused French army to pieces. The Bourges he led an expedition across the Loire
scenario was repeated in 1356 at Poitier. John River. Henry drove his forces back and then
II, who had succeeded Philip, attacked an embarked on a systematic reduction of towns
English army under Edward’s son, the gallant and fortresses north of the river that were
Black Prince, and incurred a defeat even more loyal to the Dauphin. Then in 1428 the Eng-
crushing. English victories, the Black Death, lish laid siege to Orleans; its fall would have
and mutual exhaustion prepared the way for given them a commanding position in the
the Peace of Bretigny in 1360. The English Loire valley and would fare rendered the
were given Calais and an enlarged Aquitaine, plight of the Dauphin nearly desperate.
and Edward in turn renounced his claims to
the French crown.
But the French could not allow so large a Joan of Arc
part of their kingdom to remain in English
hands. Seven years later, under John’s suc- The intervention of a young peasant girl, Joan
cessor, Charles V, they opened the second of Arc, saved the Capetian dynasty. Con-

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions


ee Brug





vinced that heavenly voices were ordering her bow, pike, or gun, was superior in battle to
to rescue France, Joan persuaded several roy- mounted knights.
al officials, and finally the Dauphin himself, of The war also had a significant effect on
the authenticity of her mission and was given governmental institutions in England and
an army. In 1429 she marched to Orleans and France. The expense of fighting forced the
forced the English to raise the siege. She then kings on each side to look for new sources of
escorted the Dauphin to Reims, the historic revenue through taxation. In England the
coronation city of France. His own corona- king willingly conceded to Parliament a larger
tion there confirmed his legitimacy and en- role in return for grants of new taxes. The
listed the support of French royalist senti- tradition became firmly established that Par-
ment in his cause. The tide had turned. liament had the right to grant or refuse new
Joan passed from history as quickly and as taxes, to agree to legislation, to channel ap-
dramatically as she had arrived. The Burgun- peals to the king, and to offer advice on im-
dians, allies of the English, captured her in portant decisions such as those regarding
1430 and sold her to the English, who put her peace and war. The House of Commons
on trial for witchcraft and heresy. She was gained the right to introduce all tax legisla-
burned at the stake at Rouen in 1431. tion, since the Commons could speak, as the
Joan was a manifestation of an increasingly Lords could not, as representatives of the
powerful sentiment among the people. They shires and boroughs. Parliament also named a
had grown impatient with continuing de- committee to audit the tax records, to be sure
struction and had come to identify their own that its will was respected. Equally impor-
security with the expulsion of the English and tant, Commons could also impeach high royal
with a strong Capetian monarchy. This grow- officials, an important early step in establish-
ing loyalty to the king finally saved France ing the principle that the king’s ministers
from its century of struggle. A series of were responsible to Parliament as well as to
French successes followed the execution of their royal master. Thus by the end of the
Joan, and by 1453 only Calais was left in Eng- Hundred Years’ War the institution of Parlia-
lish hands. No formal treaty ended the war, ment had been considerably strengthened at
but both sides accepted the outcome: Eng- the expense of royal power.
land was no longer a Continental power. The need for new taxes produced a some-
what different outcome in France, actually
enhancing the power of the French monarchs
The Effects of the Hundred Years’ War while weakening the Estates General, the na-
tional representative assembly. In 1343 Philip
Like all the disasters of the fourteenth and IV established a monopoly over the sale of
fifteenth centuries the Hundred Years’ War salt, determining in many French provinces
accelerated change. With regard to warfare, it how much each family had to consume and
stimulated the development of firearms and how much they had to pay for it. The tax on
the technologies needed for them and helped salt, called the gabelle, was destined to form a
establish that the infantry, armed with long- major support of French finance for the entire

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

duration of the monarchy, until 1789. In gain- as the Burgundians favored accommodation.
ing support for this and other proposed taxes Order was finally restored in the reign of
Philip and his successors sought the agree- Charles VI. A major step in the restoration
ment of both*the regional, or provincial, as- of political stability and royal power was the
semblies of estates and the national Estates establishment of a standing, professional
General. The kings’ reliance on the provincial army—the first in any European country
estates hindered the emergence of a central- since the fall of the Roman Empire.
ized assembly that could speak for the entire The territorial ambitions of the Burgundi-
kingdom. The Estates General managed to ans also posed a threat to the French monar-
achieve some temporary reforms, but by the chy. King John the Good of France had
reign of Charles V the monarchy had estab- granted the huge Duchy of Burgundy to his
lished domination over the fiscal system. younger son, Philip the Bold, in 1363. Philip
Both England and France experienced in- and his successors greatly enlarged their pos-
ternal dissension during the course of the sessions in eastern France, the Rhone and
war. After the death of Edward III in 1377 Rhine valleys, and the Low Countries (see
England faced over a century of turmoil, with Map 11.2). The dukes seem to have taken as
the nobles striving to maintain their endan- their goal the establishment of a Burgundian
gered economic fortunes through factional “middle kingdom” between France and the
conflicts —that is, by preying on one another. Holy Roman Empire; such a state would
In time these conflicts led to a struggle be- have permanently affected the political geog-
tween two factions, the Lancastrians and the raphy of Europe and undermined the posi-
Yorkists, over the throne itself, with the Eng- tion of the French monarch. However, this
lish nobles quickly aligning themselves on threat ended in 1477 with the death of the last
one side or the other. The civil war that fol- duke, because his daughter and heir, Mary of
lowed is known to historians as the War of Burgundy, was unable to hold her scattered
the Roses (the Lancastrian emblem was a red inheritance together, and a large part of it
rose, that of the Yorkists a white one). It last- came under French control.
ed some thirty-five years, ending in 1485, With the loss of nearly all its Continental
when at Bosworth Field Henry ‘Tudor de- possessions in the course of the war England
feated the Yorkists and acceded to the throne emerged from the war geographically more
as Henry VII. By this time prosperity had consolidated. It was also homogeneous in its
relieved the pressures on the English nobles, language (English had replaced French as the
and the people in general, weary of war, wel- language of the law courts and administra-
comed the strong and orderly regime which tion) and conscious of its cultural distinctive-
Henry proposed to establish. ness and national identity. Freed from its
In France too the power of the monarchy Continental entanglements, England was
was threatened by strife between rival fac- ready for its expansion beyond the seas and
tions of nobles, the Armagnacs and the Bur- for a great growth in national pride and self-
gundians. The Armagnacs favored a vigorous consciousness.
prosecution of the war with England, where- France never achieved quite the territorial

consolidation of England, but with the expul- the interests of his own dynasty and its ances-
sion of the English from the Continent and tral possessions. His successors also charac-
the sudden disintegration of the Duchy of teristically sought to use the office of emperor
Burgundy the French king was without a for their own narrow dynastic advantage.
major rival among his feudal princes. The A significant event of the fourteenth centu-
monarchy emerged from the war with a per- ry was the issuance in 1356 of Gold Bull,
manent army, a renumerative tax system, and which defined the constitution of the empire
no clear constitutional restrictions on its exer- as it would largely remain until 1806. Al-
cise of power. Most significantly, the war though issued by the pope, the bull reflected
gave the French king greater prestige and the interests of the great German princes.
confirmed him as the chief protector and pa- The right of naming the emperor was given
tron of the people. to seven electors—the archbishops of Mainz,
In both France and England, government Trier, and Cologne, the count palatinate of
at the end of the Middle Ages must still be the Rhine, the duke of Saxony, the margrave
considered decentralized and “feudal,” if we of Brandenburg, and the king of Bohemia. It
mean by that term that certain privileged per- assigned no role to the popes in naming or
sons and institutions (nobles, the Church, crowning the emperor and thus was a victory
towns, and the like) continued to share in the for imperial autonomy.
exercise of governmental authority. But the A development of major interest in the
king had unmistakably emerged as the domi- empire was the emergence of the Swiss Con-
nant partner in the feudal relationship. More- federation of cantons (districts), which won
over, he was prepared to press his advantages virtual autonomy in the Late Middle Ages. In
still further in the sixteenth century. the early thirteenth century Emperor Freder-
ick II Hohenstaufen had recognized the au-
tonomy of two cantons, Uri and Schwyz, and
The Holy Roman Empire had given them the responsibility of guarding
the St. Gotthard Pass through the Alps, the
With the death of Emperor Frederick II Ho- shortest route from Germany to Italy. The
henstaufen (1250), the Holy Roman Empire lands of the cantons were technically part of
ceased to function as a major power in Euro- the ancient duchy of Swabia, and in the late
pean affairs. The empire continued to link thirteenth century the Hapsburg princes,
Germany and Italy, but real authority fell to seeking to consolidate their possessions in the
the princes in Germany and the city repub- duchy, attempted to subjugate the Swiss
lics in Italy. In 1273, after a tumultuous period lands as well. To resist the Hapsburg menace
known as the Interregnum, during which the cantons of Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwal-
several rivals contended for the title, the den joined in a Perpetual Compact in 1291.
princes chose as emperor Rudolf of Haps- They formed the nucleus of what was even-
burg, the first of that famous family to hold tually to become the twenty-two cantons of
the office. Instead of rebuilding the imperial present-day Switzerland.
authority, Rudolf rather sought to advance The Swiss had to fight for their autonomy,

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

and they acquired the reputation of being ed to replace the weak governments of the
among the best fighters in Europe. Both his- free commune. And regional states, dominat-
tory and legend, such as the colorful stories of ed politically and economically by a single
William Tell, celebrate their successes. The metropolis, replaced the numerous, free, and
confederated governments of the Swiss can- highly competitive communes.
tons represent a notable exception to the ten- Perhaps the most effective Italian despot
dency, evident elsewhere in Europe, for cen- was the ruler of Milan, Gian Galeazzo Vis-
tral governments to grow stronger in the conti (1378-1402), who energetically set
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. about enlarging the entire Visconti inheri-
tance of twenty-one cities in the Po valley.
Through shrewd negotiations and opportune
The States of Italy attacks he secured the submission of Verona,
Vicenza, and Padua, which gave him an out-
The free city, or commune, was the dominant let to the Adriatic Sea. He then seized Bolo-
power in Italian political life at the beginning gna, purchased Pisa, and through a variety of
of the fourteenth century, at least in the cen- ways was accepted as suzerain in Siena, Peru-
ter and north of the peninsula. The Holy gia, Spoleto, Nocera, and Assisi. In the course
Roman Empire exerted a loose sovereignty of this advance deep into central Italy Gian
over much of the peninsula north of Rome Galeazzo worked with some success to keep
and the papacy governed the area around his chief enemies, the Florentines and the
Rome, but almost all the principal cities, and Venetians, divided, and he seemed destined
many small ones too, had gained the status of to forge an Italian kingdom and restore Italian
self-governing city-states. unity.
However, the new economic and social To establish a legal basis for his power
conditions of the fourteenth century were Gian Galeazzo secured from the emperor an
unfavorable to the survival of the small, free appointment as imperial vicar in 1380, and
communes. [he economic contractions of the then as hereditary duke in 1395. This made
times made it increasingly difficult for indus- him, in fact, the only duke in all Italy and
tries and merchant houses in the smaller cities seemed a step toward the assumption of a
to compete with their rivals in the larger ones. royal title. He revised the statutes of Milan,
Moreover, with the rising costs of war the but his chief administrative achievement, and
small communes found it equally hard to de- the true foundation of most of his successes,
fend their independence. Finally, in both was his ability to wring enormous tax reven-
large and small towns Italian society was ues from his subjects. Gian Galeazzo was
deeply disturbed by factional strife which also a generous patron of Humanism and the
often made political order impossible. new learning, and with his conquests, wealth,
In response to such pressures two principal and brilliance he seemed to be awaiting only
tendencies become evident in Italian political the submission of the truculent Florentines
development. Much stronger governments, before adopting the title of king. But he died
amounting at times to true despotisms, tend- unexpectedly in 1402, leaving two minor

MAP 11.3; ITALY 1454

Aosta S



(to Florence)
(to Genoa)

» Aragon)


@ syracuse
The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

sons, who were incapable of defending their Cosmo’s achievements were a preparation
inheritance. for the rule of his more famous grandson,
Even those states that escaped the despot- Lorenzo the Magnificent (1478 — 1492). Under
ism of a Gian Galeazzo moved toward Lorenzo’s direction Florence set the style for
stronger governments and the formation of Italy, and eventually for Europe, in the splen-
territorial or regional states. In Venice the dor of its festivals, the elegance of its social
government was placed under the domination life, the beauty of its buildings, and the lavish
of a small and closed oligarchy. A kind of support it extended to scholars and artists.
corporative despot, known as the Council of With good reason, many view Lorenzo’s life-
Ten, looked over and after the Venetian state. time as the golden age of Renaissance Flor-
Its mandate was the preservation of oligarchic ence.
rule in Venice and the suppression of opposi-
tion to the government.
Whereas Venice had previously devoted its The Papal States and the Kingdom of Naples
principal energies to maritime commerce and
overseas possessions, it could not now ignore The popes, who were now located in Avi-
the growth on the mainland of territorial gnon in southern France, sought to consoli-
states, which might deprive it of its agricul- date their rule over their possessions in cen-
tural imports or jeopardize its inland trade tral Italy, but they faced formidable obstacles.
routes. From the early fifteenth century on- The rugged territory with its many castles
ward Venice too initiated a policy of territori- and fortified towns enabled communes, petty
al expansion on the mainland. By 1405 Padua, lords, and plain brigands to defy the papal
Verona, and Vicenza had become Venetian authority easily. Continuing disorders largely
dependencies. discouraged the popes from returning to
Florence, although alone among the major Rome, and the attempts to pacify the tumul-
Italian states to retain the outer trappings of tuous region were causing a major drain on
republican government, also came under papal finances.
stronger rule. In 1434 a successful banker Even after its return to Rome in 1378 the
named Cosmo de’ Medici established a form papacy had difficulty maintaining authority.
of boss rule over the city. In his tax policies he Not until the pontificate of Martin V (1417-
favored the lower and middle classes of the 1431) was a stable administration established,
city, and also cultivated the support of the and Martin’s successors still faced frequent
middle classes by appointments to office and revolts for the entire course of the fifteenth
other forms of political patronage. Further, he century.
took peace in Italy as his supreme goal. In The political situation was equally con-
guiding the relations between Florence and fused in the Kingdom of Naples and Sicily.
other cities and states he earned from his fel- With papal support Charles of Anjou, young-
low citizens the title pater patriae (“father of er brother of St. Louis of France, had estab-
his country”), and most historians would lished a dynasty of Angevin rulers over the
concur in this judgment. area. But in 1282 the people of Sicily revolted

against the Angevins and appealed for help to ance, and Venice and the Papal States the
the king of Aragon. For the next 150 years the other. Each state felt sufficiently secure in its
Aragonese and the Angevins battled for do- alliances to have no need to appeal to non-
minion over Sicily and Naples. Then in 1435 Italian powers for support. During the next
the king of Aragon, Alfonso V, the Magnani- forty years the balance was occasionally
mous, reunited Sicily and southern Italy and rocked, but never overturned, and it gave
made the kingdom the center of an Aragonese Italy an unaccustomed period of peace and
empire in the Mediterranean. Alfonso sought freedom from foreign intervention. This sys-
to suppress the factions of lawless nobles and tem represents one of the earliest appearances
to reform taxes and strengthen admuinistra- in European history of the concept of the bal-
tion. His efforts were not completely success- ance of power as a workable means of main-
ful, for southern Italy and Sicily were rugged, taining both security and peace.
poor lands and difficult to subdue; but he was
at least able to overcome the chaos that had
prevailed earlier. Alfonso was an enthusiastic
patron of literature and the arts, and his court tv. [he Papacy
at Naples was one of the most brilliant of the
early Renaissance.
The papacy also experienced profound trans-
formations in the fourteenth and fifteenth
Foreign Relations centuries. It continued to envision as its chief
objective a peaceful Christendom united in
Italy, by about 1450, was no longer a land of faith and in filial obedience to Rome. But in
numerous, tiny free communes. Rather, it fact the international Christian community
was divided among five territorial states: the was beset by powerful forces that worked to
Duchy of Milan, the republics of Venice and undermine its cohesiveness and to weaken
Florence, the Papal States, and the Kingdom papal authority and influence. Although the
of Naples (see Map 11.3). To govern the rela- culmination of these disruptive forces came in
tions among these states the Italians con- the Reformation in the sixteenth century,
ceived new methods of diplomacy. Led by their roots lie deep within the history of the
Venice, the states began to maintain perma- previous two centuries.
nent embassies at important foreign courts.
Moreover, largely through the political sense
of Cosmo de’ Medici, the Italian states were The Avignon Exile
able to pioneer a new way of preserving sta-
bility. The Peace of Lodi in 1454 ended a war The capitulation of Pope Boniface VIII to
between Milan, Florence, and Venice, and Philip IV of France following the incident at
Cosmo sought to make the peace a lasting one Anagni in 1303 opened the doors to French
through balancing alliance systems. Milan, influence at the Curia. In 1305 the College of
Naples, and Florence held one side of the bal- Cardinals elected a Frenchman pope, Clement

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

V, who because of the political disorders in The papal palace at Avignon was the site of
the Papal States settled at Avignon. Though what has been termed the papacy’s ‘Babylonian
technically a part of the Holy Roman Empire, captivity,’’ or the Avignon exile. Rome was
Avignon was in language and culture a without the papacy from 1308 to 1377. [Photo:
Photo Boudot-LaMotte |
French city. The popes who followed Clem-
ent expressed an intention to return to Rome
but remained at Avignon, claiming that the
continuing turmoil of central Italy would not administrators, and the period witnessed an
permit the papal government to function ef- enormous expansion of the papal bureaucra-
fectively. These popes were, in fact, skilled cy, especially its fiscal machinery.

huge sums to Avignon tended to pass on the
Fiscal Crisis
costs to the lower clergy. Parish priests, hard-
ly able to live within the incomes left to them,
Like many secular governments the papacy at were the more readily tempted to disordered
Avignon faced an acute fiscal crisis. But un- moral lives. The flow of money to Avignon
like the major powers of Europe it had no angered rulers; well before the close of the
adequate territorial base to supply it with
Middle Ages there were demands for a halt to
funds, because the tumultuous Papal States such payments and even for the confiscation
usually drained off more money than they of Church property. Dispensations gravely
supplied. The powers of appointment, dis- injured the authority of the bishops, since the
pensation, tithing, and indulgences were the exempt persons or houses all but escaped
only resources the papacy possessed, and it their supervision. The bishops were frequent-
was thus drawn into the unfortunate but per-
ly too weak, and the pope too distant, to deal
haps unavoidable practice of exploiting them
effectively with abuses on the local level. The
for financial purposes. For instance, the popes
fiscal system of the papacy thus helped sow
insisted that candidates appointed to high
chaos in many parts of the Western Church.
ecclesiastical offices pay a special tax, which
usually amounted to a third or a half of the
first year’s revenues. The popes also claimed
The Great Schism
the income from vacant offices and even sold
future appointments to office when the in-
The end of the seventy-year Avignon exile
cumbents were still alive. Dispensation re-
led to a controversy that almost split the
leased a petitioner from the normal require-
Western Church. Pope Gregory XI returned
ments of canon law. A monastery or religious
reluctantly to Rome in 1378 and died there a
house, for example, might purchase from the
short time later. The Roman people, fearing
pope an exemption from the visitation and
that Gregory’s successor would once more
inspection of the local bishop. ‘Tithes were a
remove the court to Avignon and thereby
payment to the papacy of one-tenth of the
deprive Rome of desperately needed reve-
revenues of ecclesiastical benefices or offices
nues, agitated for the election of an Italian
throughout Christendom. Indulgences, re-
pope. Responding to this pressure, the Col-
missions of the temporal punishment attend-
lege of Cardinals found a compromise candi-
ant to a sin, were also distributed in return
date who satisfied both French and Italian
for monetary contributions to the papacy.‘
interests—a Neapolitan of French-Angevin
These fiscal practices brought the popes
extraction. [he new pope, Urban VI, settled
greatly enlarged revenues, but they also had
in Rome. Soon, however, he antagonized the
many deplorable results. Prelates who paid
French cardinals by threatening to quash
their domination of the college. Seven months
“Both the tithe and the indulgence originated as means of after choosing Urban, a majority of the cardi-
supporting the crusades, but income from them was fre-
quently, and even usually, applied by the pope to his nals declared that his election had taken place
domestic needs. under duress and was therefore invalid; they

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

MAP 11.4: THE GREAT SCHISM 1378-1417

Catholics Recognizing Pope at Rome

Catholics Recognizing Pope at Avignon

vee Areas of Shifting Obedience ¥


5 Catholics and Eastern Orthddox

| Eastern Orthodox®

oo Muslim

then named a new pope, who returned to deplorable spectacle of two pretenders to the
Avignon. Thus began the Great Schism of throne of Peter, one in Rome and one in Avi-
the West, the period when two, and later gnon. Princes and peoples quickly took sides
three, popes contended over the rule of the (see Map 11.4). The troubles of the papacy
Church. The schism was to last for almost were at once doubled: Each pope had his own
forty years. court and needed still more funds, both to
Christendom was now confronted with the meet ordinary expenses and to pay for pol-

icies which he hoped would defeat his rival. council was organized in a fashion novel for
And since each pope excommunicated the the times: The delegates elected to sit and
other and those who supported him, everyone vote by nations to offset the power of the Ital-
in Christendom was at least technically ex- ians, who constituted nearly half the attend-
communicated. ance. The council also gave recognition to the
new importance of national and territorial
churches, as each national church voted as a
The Conciliar Movement unit.
The assembled delegates immediately de-
Theologians and jurists had speculated earlier posed both the new pope and the pope at
on who should rule the Church if the pope Avignon; they allowed the Roman pope to
were to become heretical or incompetent; resign, thereby giving implied recognition to
some concluded that it should be the College the legitimacy of his claim, and in his stead
of Cardinals or a general council of Church elected a Roman cardinal, who took the name
officials. Since the College of Cardinals had Martin V. Thus the Great Schism was ended,
split into two factions, each backing one of and the Western Church was once again
the rival popes, many prominent thinkers united under a single pope.
supported the theory that a general council As the meetings continued, the views of the
should rule the Church. These conciliarists, conciliarists prevailed. The delegates formal-
as they were called, went even further: They ly declared that a general council was su-
urged that the Church be given a new consti- preme within the Church. To ensure a degree
tution to confirm the supremacy of a general of continuity in Church government the dele-
council. Such a step would have reduced the gates further directed that new councils be
pope’s role to that of a limited monarch. summoned periodically.
The first test of the conciliarists’ position Clearly no council could assume the task of
was at the Council of Pisa (1409), which was permanently governing the Church, for a
convened in order to find a solution to the large assembly would lack the capacity to
schism. The council did assert its own su- make quick decisions; it would also lack the
premacy within the Church by deposing the long experience of government and the tradi-
two popes and electing another. But this act tion of authority associated with the papacy.
merely compounded the confusion, for it left Moreover, the princes of Europe, while they
Christendom in the still more scandalous frequently used the threat of a council to
predicament of having three rivals claiming to embarrass the pope, still preferred to negoti-
be the lawful pope. ate with a single authority rather than a
A few years later another council finally collective assembly. Centralized government
resolved the situation. Some four hundred was gaining in strength in Europe, and the
Church officials assembled at the Council of conciliar vision of a Church dominated by a
Constance (1414-1418), the greatest interna- multinational oligarchy was in this sense
tional gathering of the Middle Ages. The anachronistic.

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

The practical weaknesses of the conciliar had the papacy exerted such an influence over
movement were amply revealed at the Coun- artistic and cultural expression in the West.
cil of Basel (1431-1443). Because disputes The visitor to Rome today is captivated by
broke out almost at once with the pope, the the magnificent art which the popes of this
council deposed him and elected another to age encouraged and supported.
replace him, Felix V. The conciliar move- According to his epitaph, Nicholas V
ment, designed to heal the schism, now (1447 — 1455) restored the golden age to Rome.
seemed responsible for renewing it. Recog- A splendid, learned court had become essen-
nizing the futility of its actions, the council at tial to a great prince, and Nicholas intended
the death of Felix tried to rescue a semblance to make the papal court second to none. The
of its dignity by “electing” the Roman pope manuscripts that he assiduously collected
Nicholas V in 1449 and disbanding. This became the nucleus of the Vatican Library.
ended the effort to reform the Church Pius II (1458-1464) is the only pope to have
through giving supreme authority over it to left us a personal memoir of his reign —his
councils. Commentaries, which offers a marvelous pic-
The popes retained a suspicion of councils, ture of the psychology of Renaissance men.
but in fact they had much more serious rivals The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican is the
to their authority in the powerful lay princes, great monument of Sixtus IV (1471-1484).
who were exerting an ever tighter control He commissioned the best artists of the
over their territorial churches. Both England day — Botticelli, Perugino, Pinturicchio, and
and France issued decrees that limited the others—to paint the twelve frescoes of the
exercise of papal powers within their king- lower walls. During the reign of Julius II
doms. The policy was soon imitated in Spain (1503-1513) Michelangelo painted the glo-
and in the stronger principalities of the Holy rious ceiling of the chapel (see Plate 24),
Roman Empire. Although these decrees did which has remained a true museum of Ren-
not establish national or territorial churches, aissance artistic genius.
they do document the deteriorating papal Julius also commissioned the new St. Pe-
control over the international Christian ter’s Church, with the Florentine Bramante
community. (later succeeded by Michelangelo) as archi-
tect. By this time the papacy had become the
cultural leader of Europe. Moreover, Julius
The Popes as Patrons of the Arts achieved one of the papacy’s main political
goals: His military successes and reformed
The papacy in the fifteenth and early six- administration had consolidated his authority
teenth centuries experienced one of the most over the Papal States and ensured stability in
troubled and most glorious periods of its his- central Italy.
tory. The popes ruled over a disturbed Chris- The Reformation, which began during the
tendom, soon to experience one of its greatest reign of Julius’s successor, makes it hard to
crises in the Reformation. Yet never before judge these splendid pontiffs fairly. Certainly

they do not bear the major responsibility for teenth and sixteenth centuries were too much
the Protestant revolt, but they clearly did fail guided by the values of the day; they were
to grasp the depth and danger of the ills af- interested more in being great princes than in
flicting Christianity. The popes of the fif- being great popes.

In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries a strife, and war nearly everywhere disturbed
series of spectacular catastrophes disrupted the peace of Europe. But here too a new sta-
European life on almost every level. In the bility was achieved by about 1450, based on
wake of plague, famine, and war, all rooted better conditions of life for the humbler class-
perhaps in overpopulation, the numbers of es and on the stronger authority claimed by
Europe’s peoples fell drastically, and a severe many princes. The papacy also changed; it
economic depression gripped the Continent. developed a huge bureaucratic and fiscal ap-
The European nations were forced to reor- paratus and successfully withstood the chal-
ganize their economies 1n accordance with the lenge of the conciliar movement. However, it
new scarcity of labor and the new structure of failed to lead the Church to the reform many
the market. By about 1450 they achieved con- Europeans were demanding.
siderable economic recovery, based upon a In European culture as well as institutions
greater diversification in production and a a profound crisis occurred in the fourteenth
marked substitution of capital for labor. In and fifteenth centuries. Yet even in this aspect
the late fifteenth century Europe was a of the “autumn” of the Middle Ages there
smaller but richer community than it had was a renaissance, in the sense that out of a
been two hundred years before. crisis of traditional values there emerged new
Society and government experienced a creative efforts to enrich the culture of the
comparable crisis, as social unrest, factional West.

Recommended Reading

Sources and Other Places Adjoining. 1961. Covers the first half
of the Hundred Years’ War.
Coucil of Constance. Louise R. Loomis (tr.). 1961. *Pernoud, Regine (ed.). Joan of Arc: By Herself and Her
*Froissart, Jean. The Chronicles of England, France, Spain Witnesses. 1969.

The West in Transition:
Economy and Institutions

Pius Second, Pope. Commentaries of Pius Second. Florence Brucker, Gene A. Florentine Politics and Society, 1343 — 1378.
A. Gragg (tr.). 1970. 1962.
*Vespasiano da Bisticci. Renaissance Princes, Popes and Prel- De Roover, Raymond. The Rise and Decline of the Medici
ates. 1963. Bank. 1963.
Holmes, George. The Estates of the Higher Nobility in Four-
teenth Century England. 1957.
Lindsay, Philip, and Reg Groves. The Peasants’ Revolt,
Studies 1381. 1950.
*Mattingly, Garrett. Renaissance Diplomacy. 1964.
*Perroy, Edouard. The Hundred Years’ War. 1965.
*Ady, Cecil M. Lorenzo dei Medici and Renaissance Italy.
*Schevill, Ferdinand. Medieval and Renaissance Florence.
Becker, Marvin B. Florence in Transition. 1967.
Bridbury, A. R. Economic Growth. England in the Later Mid-
dle Ages. 1962. *Available in paperback.

22/ The Westin



aiiraninraicen Uypiiifinsee &

The Swiss historian Jacob Burckhardt published a book in 1860, which has
influenced, as few books have, the understanding that most educated men in
Europe and America have of their own past. In The Civilization of the
Renaissance in Italy he argued that the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
witnessed a true revolution in values in that country. Men allegedly shook off
the religious illusions and institutional restrictions of medieval society and
_ rediscovered both the visible world and their own true selves. The essential
novelty of the Renaissance culture was the accent it placed on the individual and
the delight it took in the beauties and satisfactions of life. The humanistic
heritage of Greece and Rome, which stressed similar values, appealed to the men
of this age, and the revived interest in that heritage constituted the classical
Renaissance. Moreover, according to Burckhardt, the Italy of this period deserves
to be considered the birthplace of the modern world. ‘“
Modern bssecthiins can easily criticize Burckhardt’s sweeping assertions. It is
difficult to believe that anyone could attain the full release from his society and
its traditions that Burckhardt claimed for the men of the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries. He certainly slighted the achievements of the earlier Middle.
Ages and exaggerated the originality of the period he called the Renaissance. —
Also, he confined his vision to Italy, and historians have had difficulty applying
his formulas to other regions of Europe. Nevertheless, his fundamental insight
| still commands the respect and agreement of many scholars.
Historians today still discuss the problems raised by Burckhardt, but they are
also learning to view those problems from new perspectives. They are
penetrating ever more deeply into archives and attempting to apply stronger
analytical methods to the data they are gathering. They are exploring the aspects
of society and social experience which were inaccessible to Burckhardt and other
earlier historians: How long did men live and how did they grow, marry, raise
their children, and meet with death? In the light of these experiences, how did
they view the world, and what did they value in life? How did their attitudes
change in the period of the Renaissance? These are the questions for which
many scholars today are seeking answers, and which we too shall examine
in this chapter.
1. Society and Culture in Italy which in northern Europe tended to remain
on their rural estates. Moreover, success in
urban occupations required a level of training
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries Italy higher than that needed in agriculture; there-
produced an extraordinary number of gifted fore, many Italian cities supported public
thinkers and artists, whose collective work schools to assure themselves an educated citi-
constituted the core of the cultural Renais- zenry. Frequently even girls were given an
sance and profoundly influenced all areas of elementary education, since literacy was a
European thought and artistic expression. To nearly essential skill for the wives of shop-
understand the character of the Renaissance keepers and merchants. Finally, many towns
requires, therefore, a consideration of the so- were politically independent and offered their
ciety which, in Burckhardt’s estimation, affluent citizens the opportunity to partici-
shaped the culture of the modern world. pate in governmental decisions. To many
great families such participation was essential
to the protection of their interests, and re-
Cities quired a mastery of the arts of communicat-
ing with their fellow citizens. In sum, Italian
One basic social characteristic clearly distin- urban society in the fourteenth and fifteenth
guished Italy from most European areas: the centuries was remarkably well educated and
number and size of its cities, particularly in committed to active participation in the af-
the northern regions of Tuscany and the fairs of business and of government.
Lombard plain. In 1377, for example, only ro
percent of the people in England lived in ur-
ban centers with a population greater than Families
3,200—a percentage fairly typical for most of
northern Europe — whereas in Tuscany about The cities were populous, but the households
26 percent lived in urban centers. The cities within them were small, the average size in
were large. Venice, for instance, counted Florence in 1427 being only 3.8 persons; in
probably 120,000 inhabitants in 1338; 84,000 Bologna in 1395, 3.5 persons; in Verona in
in about 1422; 102,000 in 1509; and 169,000 1425, 3.7 persons. Average household size
in 1563—a figure it was not to reach again tended to increase over the fifteenth century,
until the twentieth century. perhaps reflecting the return of better eco-
This remarkable urban concentration af- nomic times, but it still remained distinctly
fected Italian culture. The support of such a small. This was primarily due to the late age
large nonagrarian population was a principal at which men married. At Florence in 1427
reason why commerce and handicraft indus- most men postponed marriage until their ear-
tries developed in the towns. All levels of so- ly thirties. Economic pressures such as the
ciety participated in commerce, including the need for prolonged training to master a pro-
great landlords, nobles, and knights —classes fession or the fear of dividing a patrimony

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

excessively were the primary reasons for the cities recruited and rewarded the most skilled
delay. Late marriage for men seems to have and energetic persons from these areas. Many
resulted in a younger marriage age for wom- of the leaders of the cultural Renaissance—
en. Inevitably, some men died before they Boccaccio, Leonardo Bruni, Poggio Braccio-
reached age thirty. Therefore, there were lini, Leonardo da Vinci, and others — were of
fewer men of thirty than of twenty-five; con- rural or small-town origin and came to the
sequently, if men married at thirty, there city in response to its constant need for men.
would be fewer marriages. Many girls of mar- The urban household was small and fairly
riageable age were thus deprived of all statis- unstable, but these factors seem to have inten-
tical chance of finding a husband. The short- sified the emotional ties binding together its
age of older grooms spread panic among the members, especially parents and children. In
fathers of daughters and led them to increase general the age witnesses a true discovery of
dowries and lower the age at which they gave childhood and of the contribution which chil-
the girls in marriage. The most common age dren can make to the contentment of the
of marriage for girls at Florence in 1427 was household. Renaissance educational tracts
fifteen. Those who were not married before show a new awareness of the psychology of
they were twenty had no alternative but to children, and Renaissance art for the first
enter convents. time in the West represents children, even the
Obviously, late marriage for men limited infant Jesus, not as diminutive adults, but
the duration of the marital union, and many authentically, looking and acting as children
husbands died while their wives were still do. The playful baby angels known as putti
quite young. The combination of girls placed appear in even the most solemn religious
in convents and numerous young widows in paintings. The very fragility of the Italian
the population seems to account for another urban family seems to have made men more
characteristic of the city —its relative infertili- appreciative of the values of family life.
ty. It appears that for some periods the cities Small size also increased the contacts
were not even able to maintain their own which family members had with outsiders,
numbers through reproduction. In the coun- since the immediate family could not provide
tryside men characteristically married in all the material and moral support needed.
their middle twenties and took as brides girls Living more in public, the inhabitants of the
nearer in age to themselves; thus relatively Italian cities grew more sensitive to canons of
more rural girls married, and the duration of good behavior and were eager to learn how
marriage was longer. Rural areas were there- they should conduct themselves. The age
fore more successful than the cities in produc- produced an abundance of essays on good
ing children. manners, the most famous of which was The
The cities were thus forced to replenish Book of the Courtier, written in 1516 by Baldas-
their numbers by encouraging large-scale sare Castiglione. Castiglione intended to de-
immigration from the countryside and small scribe proper deportment as court, but his
towns. This promoted social mobility as the work affected the image of the gentleman and

the lady for a much broader range of society which was nearly as precarious as childhood.
and was destined to influence standards of St. Bernardino of Siena described the aging
behavior all over Europe. process among his contemporaries:

When you reach eighteen years of age, then you

Leadership of the Young are gay, fresh, happy, cheerful, and this is called
the flower of your life, and it lasts for you up to
A principal reason for the instability of the thirty years. All the years in which you stay
urban family was the high levels of mortality alive are not lovelier and happier than this age;
which prevailed everywhere in Europe in the and therefore David calls it the flower. Once the
thirtieth year is passed, evening begins to
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Although
descend, and this lasts up to the age of forty.
it is difficult to calculate exactly, in Tuscany
Then there come to him [sic] ambassadors such
in the early fifteenth century life expectancy
as Lord White-Head, and also those other
at birth was only twenty-eight or twenty- embassies, Growing Stiff and Growing Dry. Past
nine years. (Today in the United States a age forty and up to age sixty, he starts to
newborn baby may be expected to survive for become small and bent. He walks with his head
some seventy years.) Women seem to have turned to the earth. He becomes deaf, and
survived slightly better than men, at least in doesn’t discern light well. He loses his teeth.
the urban and wealthy society of fifteenth- Arriving at age seventy and age eighty, he begins
century Italy.’ Enhanced female longevity to tremble and to shake the head, and he acts
suggests that conditions of life, at least in a like this [apparently the saint then gave an
biological sense, were favorable to them in the imitation of a shaking old man].
cities; unlike rural women, urban women did
not have to perform hard physical labor, and On every level and in every activity of life
they probably ate a better diet throughout the leaders of the fourteenth and fifteenth
their lives. centuries were young. Life was not long
However, age rather than sex was the chief enough to allow the conflicts between suc-
determinant of life expectancy. Plague and cessive generations which characterize our
famine cut down the very young in dispro- modern society. Young adults commanded,
portionate measure. In many periods proba- for they were the only generation with the
bly between one-half and one-third of the numbers and skills needed to run society. The
babies born never reached age fifteen. ‘The leaders of the age show psychological quali-
chances of surviving between fifteen and for- ties which may in part at least be attributed to
ty-five were improved, but then came old age, their youth: impatience and imagination; a
tendency to take quick recourse to violence; a
‘Baldassare Castiglione, who comments at great length love of extravagant gesture and display; and a
on the position of women in the upper levels of Italian
rather small endowment of prudence, re-
society in The Book of the Courtier, 1959, explains, p. 219,
that women live longer because they do not “dry out” as straint, and self-control. High mortality and a
quickly as men. On the expectation of life in the city of
Pistoia in the fifteenth century, see David Herlihy, Medie- *Le prediche volgari di San Bernardino da Siena, ed. Luciano
val and Renaissance Pistoia, 1967, pp. 78-101. Banchi (Siena, 1880) III, 365, transl. D. Herlihy.

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

rapid turnover of leaders further contributed did not adequately serve the literate lay
to making this an age of opportunity, espe- population. The curriculum remained largely
cially within the cities. Early death assured designed for the training of teachers and theo-
room at the top for the energetic and the logians, whereas men committed to an active
gifted, especially in the business and artistic life in business and politics wanted practical
fields, where birth mattered little and skill training in the arts of persuasive communica-
counted for much. tions: good speaking and good writing. More-
The power given to the young, the rapid over, many laymen believed that the scho-
replacement of leaders, the opportunities lastics failed to meet their religious needs.
extended to the gifted, and the thin ranks of Coldly analytic in its treatment of religious
an older generation that might counsel re- questions, Scholasticism, seemed indifferent
straint worked also to intensify the pace of to the personal, emotional, and mystical
cultural change. To be sure, notoriously poor aspects of religion. As Petrarch was to note,
communications hampered the spread of education should train men in the art of lead-
ideas. The quickest a man or a letter could ing a wise, pious, and happy life. The central
travel on land was between twenty and thirty concern of the cultural Renaissance was to
miles per day; to get to Bruges by sea from develop a system of education which would
Genoa took thirty days, from Venice forty do exactly that.
days. The expense and scarcity of manu-
scripts before the age of printing further nar-
rowed and muffled the intellectual dialogue. Humanism
On the other hand, new generations pressed
upon the old at a much more rapid rate than One minor branch of the medieval education-
in our own society, and characteristically they al curriculum, rhetoric or the art of good
brought with them new policies, preferences, speaking and composing, was concerned spe-
and ideas, or at least a willingness to experi- cifically with theskill of communicating well.
ment—in sum, ferment. The gifted man was Initially, the art consisted of little more than
given his main chance early in his life and memorizing Latin formulas by rote for use in
passed early from the scene. In Italy as in all letters or legal documents. With time its prac-
Europe the stage of late medieval history with titioners began to search through the Latin
its constantly changing characters often ap- classics for further models of good writing.
pears crowded, but drama enacted upon it This return to the classical authors was facili-
moves at a rapid, exciting pace. tated by the close relationship between the
Italian language and Latin, by the availability
of manuscripts, and by the visual evidence
Learning and Literature preserved in countless monuments of the
classical achievement. By the late thirteenth
Although university and scholastic learning century in a number of Italian cities, notably
retained considerable vitality in the four- Padua, Bologna, and Florence, writers were
teenth and fifteenth centuries, Scholasticism calling for new directions in education, urging

that the classics be studied intensively and spiritual, aesthetic. There was nothing in this
that learning be made morally relevant in the hope for human perfection antagonistic to
sense of helping men to better lives. traditional Christianity and ecclesiastical au-
These men were the founders, or at least thority. Most humanists read the Church fa-
the precursors, of the intellectual movement thers as avidly as the pagan authors and be-
known as Humanism, a word frequently lieved that the highest virtues included piety.
abused in historical literature. It unfortunate- Humanism was far more an effort to enrich
ly suggests, and is often used to connote, a traditional religious attitudes than a revolt
secularistic philosophy, one which denies the against them.
relevance of an afterlife and makes man the
measure of all things. In the period of the Petrarch
Renaissance, Humanism meant not a secular-
ist philosophy of life but a knowledge of the The man who clarified these humanistic
classical languages and literature. Actually, ideals and disseminated them with unprece-
the term was not coined until the nineteenth dented success in Italy and to some extent in
century; during the Renaissance scholars, fol- Europe was the Tuscan Francesco Petrarch
lowing classical precedent, usually referred to (1304-1374), a writer by profession and one
the studia humanitatis (“the studies of man- of the most attractive personalities of his age.
kind” or “the humanities”), by which they Petrarch possessed an immense enthusiasm—
meant a study of those qualities which truly and generated it in others—for the ancient
distinguished men from other animals. The authors, for educational reform, and for schol-
ideal product of a humanist education was the arship. He personally sought to save from
man, trained in the classics, who possessed neglect the ancient authors preserved in mon-
both sapientia and eloquentia—the wisdom astic libraries and launched an eager search
needed to know the right path to follow in for their manuscripts, a pursuit that was to
any situation and the eloquence needed to become an integral part of the humanist
persuade his fellows to take it. movement. Petrarch had a dismal opinion of
Humanism was marked by two principal his own times and held up in contrast the
characteristics. First, it stressed the supreme ideal world of ancient Rome, when there
importance in education of the Latin lan- supposedly flourished both authentic learn-
guage (later, of Greek also) and the classical ing and virtue. For this reason he thought that
authors. These were the models of eloquence the Latin classics should be the heart of the
and the storehouses of wisdom which offered educational curriculum.
men the best possible guides to life, apart Petrarch wrote prolifically and with consis-
from religion itself. Second, Humanism tent grace and flair in both Latin and Italian.
affirmed the possibility of human improve- His best Latin works are his five hundred let-
ment through education and study. Ideally, ters, all clearly composed with an eye to a
man should develop to the fullest all his spe- readership beyond the persons addressed. He
cifically human faculties— physical, moral, was the first to discern personality in the

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

great writers of the past, and he directed some Boccaccio

of the letters to them — Cicero, Seneca, Virgil,
and especially St. Augustine, his favorite lit- A near-contemporary of Petrarch, and second
erary companion. He also composed an auto- only to him in his influence on fourteenth-
biographical “letter to posterity” to future century Italian learning, was Giovanni Boc-
generations — to us. Even today, his warmth caccio (1313-1375). As a young author, Boc-
and wit win him friends. caccio celebrated in poetry the charms of his
Petrarch pretended to disparage his Italian lady Fiammetta, who, unlike Beatrice and
works, but today they are the foundation of even Laura, did not conduct the poet to ideal-
his literary reputation. Especially admirable ized rapture and ultimate peace, but instead
are his 366 sonnets, most of which express his delighted him with both her beauty and her
love for a young married woman named wit and sometimes baffled him with her shift-
Laura, who died in the plague of 1348. In the ing moods. She was the woman, not of mystic
sonnets written both before and after her love, but of daily experience.
death, love represents for Petrarch not so Boccaccio’s great work, the short stories
much passion as inner peace, and Laura offers known as The Decameron, was written proba-
him solace. bly between 1348 and 1351. It recounts how a
There is a tension evident in Petrarch’s group of young Florentines—seven women
works, many of which deal with religious and three men—fled during the Black Death
themes. An active man who wanted to make of 1348 toa secluded villa, where for ten days
learning and piety serve a troubled world, he each told a story. The first prose masterpiece
frequently expressed a longing for the con- in Italian, and a model thereafter for clear and
templative life, which in his medieval convic- lively narration, The Decameron is often con-
tion was the only means to wisdom and per- sidered a work of literary realism, principally
sonal contentment. for its frank and frequent treatment of sex. In
Petrarch richly deserves his esteemed place fact, however, it hardly ever offers a realistic
in the history of European thought. More portrait of fourteenth-century life and soci-
than any writer before him, he set a new ety, for the narrators are consciously seeking
standard of excellence for Western letters by to flee and forget the grim, real world; their
imitating the simplicity and elegance of servants are even forbidden to repeat unpleas-
classical literary style. He also defined a new ant news within their charming villa. The De-
aim in education—the art of living happily cameron was composed as an antidote to mel-
and well, as distinct from the narrow pro- ancholy—one of the first major works in
fessional goals of the older Scholasticism. Western letters intended to divert and amuse
Finally, he helped develop a new vision of rather than edify.
human fulfillment. To Petrarch, the ideal man With age this one-time spinner of ribald
was the one who spent his life in the study of stories became attracted to the religious life;
letters, enjoyed them, cherished them, and he took orders in the Church and turned his
found God in them. efforts to the cure of souls. Like Petrarch, he

disparaged his vernacular writings and even Church—in sum, a large part of the Greek
reprimanded a friend for allowing his wife to cultural inheritance—fully entered Western
read the indecent Decameron. He died regret- culture for the first time. :
ting the work which has earned him immor- Coluccio and his contemporary Florentine
tality. scholars are now often called civic humanists,
since they stressed that participation in pub-
lic affairs is essential for full human develop-
The Civic Humamists
ment. They linked their praise of the active
In the generation after Petrarch and Boccac- life with a defense of the republican liberty of
cio, Florentine scholars were preeminent in Florence, then threatened by the despot Gian
the humanist movement, and under the lead- Galeazzo of Milan. The humanists argued
ership of Coluccio Salutati gave to the revived that human advance depends upon a kind of
study of antiquity the character of a true community dialogue, which allows men to
movement. Through the recovery of ancient learn from one another. To participate in
manuscripts and the formation of libraries such a dialogue the educated citizen needs
Coluccio and his group—Leonardo Bruni, wisdom founded upon sound moral philoso-
Poggio Bracciolini, and others — made accessi- phy and also eloquence, without which his
ble to scholars virtually the entire surviving knowledge will remain socially barren. The
corpus of classical Latin authors. best education imparts both qualities, which
These Florentines further sought to rees- are themselves best exemplified by the an-
tablish in Italy a command of the Greek lan- cient classics. Moreover, if human progress
guage, which, according to Bruni, “no Italian depends upon dialogue, the best political in-
had understood in seven hundred years.” In stitutions are those which invite the participa-
1396 they invited the Byzantine scholar tion of the citizens in the councils of govern-
Manuel Chrysoloras to lecture at the Univer- ment. The republican form of government
sity of Florence. In the following decades — was therefore claimed superior to the despot-
troubled years for the Byzantine Empire— ism represented by Gian Galeazzo. In one
other Eastern scholars joined the exodus to integrated argument the civic humanists thus
the West, and they and Western visitors re- defended the capital importance of training in
turning from the East brought with them the classics, the superiority of the active life,
hundreds of Greek manuscripts. By the mid- and the value of Florentine republican insti-
dle of the fifteenth century Western scholars tutions.
had both the philological skill and the manu-
scripts to establish direct contact with the
most original minds of the classical world and Humanism tn the Fifteenth Century
were making numerous Latin and _ Italian
translations of Greek works. Histories, trage- As the humanist movement gained in pres-
dies, lyric poetry, the dialogues of Plato, tige, it spread from Florence to the other prin-
many mathematical treatises, the most impor- cipal cities of Italy. At Rome and Naples one
tant works of the Greek fathers of the of the most able humanist scholars was Lo-

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

renzo Valla (1407-1457). Valla conclusively By the late fifteenth century, and still more
proved that the document known as the Dona- in the sixteenth, Humanism, in the sense of
tion of Constantine—one of the documents classical literary scholarship, showed a declin-
upon which the papacy based its claim to ing vitality in Italy. Like most reform move-
supremacy in the West—was a forgery con- ments Italian Humanism declined principal-
cocted in the eighth century. According to ly because its cause had been won. By about
the Donation, when Emperor Constantine 1450, with only a few exceptions, the monas-
left Rome in the fourth century to found tic libraries had yielded their treasures of an-
Constantinople, he gave the pope Italy and cient manuscripts, and in the latter half of the
the entire Western empire. Drawing on his century printing made the texts readily avail-
superb historical knowledge of Latin, Valla able among the educated public. Humanists
pointed out the anachronisms in the docu- were no longer needed to find the ancient
ment; many of the Latin expressions used authors, copy them, or propagandize for their
were typical of the eighth century, not the wider dissemination. Education too had come
fourth. Valla was thus one of the first scholars to recognize, at least partially, the value of
to develop the tools of historical criticism in training in the classics. By the late fifteenth
interpreting ancient records. century the leaders of Italian intellectual life
Two fifteenth-century scholars from the were no longer the humanists but philoso-
north of Italy, Guarino da Verona and Vitto- phers, who were now able to use a command
rino da Feltre, were chiefly responsible for of the classical heritage to enrich and develop
incorporating the diffuse educational ideas of their own philosophic systems.
the humanists into a practical curriculum.
Guarino launched a reform of the traditional
methods of education and Vittorino brought The Florentine Neoplatonists
the new methods to their fullest development
in the various schools he founded, especially One major theme of the cultural Renaissance,
his Casa Giocosa (“Happy House”) at Mantua. perhaps generated by the misery and melan-
The pupils included boys and girls of the choly of life, was an effort to depict ideal
wealthy and the poor (the latter on scholar- worlds in thought, literature, and art. A good
ships). All the students learned Latin and example of what some scholars call the Ren-
Greek, mathematics, music, and philosophy; aissance religion of beauty is provided by a
in addition, because Vittorino believed that group of philosophers active at Florence in
education should aid physical, moral, and so- the last decades of the fifteenth century. The
cial development, they were also taught social most gifted among them was probably Marsi-
graces such as dancing and courteous man- lio Ficino, whose career is a tribute to the cul-
ners and received instruction in physical ex- tural patronage of the Medici. Cosmo de’
ercises like riding and fencing. Vittorino’s Medici befriended him as a child and gave
Happy House attracted pupils from all over him the use of a villa and library near Flor-
Italy, and his methods were widely imitated ence. In this lovely setting a group of scholars
even beyond the Italian borders. and statesmen met frequently to discuss phil-

osophic questions. Drawn to the idealism of to seek perfection in either direction; he is
Plato (and usually called the Platonic Acade- free to become all things. A clear ethic emerg-
my), Ficino and his fellows particularly af- es from this scheme: The good life should be
firmed Plato’s assumption that this world and an effort to achieve personal perfection, and
the objects in it are only defective reflections the highest human value is the contemplation
of ideal forms, which represent the perfection of the beautiful.
of their class. To spread these ideas among a These philosophers believed that Plato had
larger audience Ficino translated into Latin been divinely illumined and therefore that
all of Plato’s dialogues and the writings of the Platonic philosophy and Christian belief were
chief figures of the Neoplatonic tradition. He two wholly reconcilable faces of a single
also made an ambitious effort to reconcile and truth. Neoplatonic philosophy has a particu-
assimilate Platonic philosophy and the Chris- lar importance for the influence it exerted on
tian religion. many of the great artists of the Florentine
Another brilliant member of the Platonic Renaissance, including Botticelli and Michel-
Academy was the young Prince Giovanni angelo.
Pico della Mirandola, who thought he could
reconcile all philosophies. In 1486 Pico pro-
posed to dispute publicly at Rome on some The Heritage of Humanism
nine hundred theses which would show the
essential unity of the philosophic experience. Fifteenth-century Italian Humanism left a
But Pope Innocent VIII, believing that the deep imprint on European scholarship and
theses contained several heretical proposi- education. The humanists greatly strength-
tions, forbade the disputation. By the time of ened the command of Latin. They also re-
his death at thirty-one Pico had not made stored a mastery of the Greek language in the
much progress toward the “philosophical West and elevated a large part of the Greek
peace,” or reconciliation of philosophical sys- cultural inheritance to a position of influence
tems, which he sought. in Western civilization. Moreover, they began
Both Ficino and Pico founded their phil- the systematic investigation of other lan-
osophies upon two essential assumptions: All guages associated with great cultural tradi-
being is arranged in a hierarchy of excellence tions, most notably Hebrew, and in so doing
with God at the summit. Moreover, each be- laid the basis for modern textual and (more
ing in the universe, with the exception only of remotely) historical criticism. They de-
God, is impelled through a “natural appetite” veloped new ways of investigating the charac-
to seek the perfection of its kind; it is im- ter of the ancient world — through archaeolo-
pelled, in other words, to achieve —or at least gy, numismatics (the study of coins), and epig-
to contemplate—the beautiful. As Pico ex- raphy (the study of inscriptions on buildings,
pressed it, however, man is unique in that he statues, and the like) as well as through the
is placed in the middle of the universe linked study of literary texts. Humanistic influence
with both the spiritual world above and the on the study of history was particularly pro-
material one below. His free will enables him found. The medieval chroniclers had looked

The West in Transition:
The Renatssance

into the past for evidence of God’s saving learning had remained largely a monopoly of
providence, whereas the humanists were monks and scholastics, and its character re-
primarily concerned with utilizing the past to flected their professional and vocational
illustrate human behavior and provide moral needs. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centu-
examples. Though their approach was not ries the humanists introduced a narrow but
without its faults—such as an exaggerated still important segment of lay society to the
concern with the doings of the great, a neglect accumulated intellectual treasury of the Eu-
of precise information, and a sometimes ropean past, both classical and scholastic, an-
bombastic and obscure rhetorical style—they cient and medieval. Simultaneously, they
certainly deepened the historical conscious- reinterpreted that heritage and enlarged the
ness of the West and greatly strengthened function of education and scholarship to serve
the historian’s technical skill. Humanistic men in their present life by helping them at-
influences on vernacular languages helped tain a truly human existence.
bring standardization of spelling and gram-
mar; and the classical ideas of simplicity, re-
straint, and elegance of style exerted a con-
tinuing influence on Western letters.
No less important was the role of the hu- um. The Culture of the North
manists as educational reformers. The curric-
ulum devised by them spread throughout
Europe in the sixteenth century; in fact, until Most areas of Europe beyond the Alps did
the early twentieth century it everywhere not have the many large cities and the high
defined the standards by which the lay lead- percentage of urban dwellers that supported
ers of Western society were trained. Protes- the humanistic movement in Italy. Moreover,
tants, Catholics, men of all nationalities were unlike those of Italy, the physical monuments
steeped in the same classics and consequently and languages of northern Europe did not
thought and communicated in similar fash- offer ready reminders of the classical heritage.
ion. In spite of bitter religious divisions and Humanism and the true classical Renais-
heated national antagonisms, the common sance, with a literate, trained laity, did not
humanistic education helped preserve the come to the north until the last decades of the
fundamental cultural unity of the West. fifteenth century. The court, rather than the
Whatever the achievements of the move- city, and the knight, rather than the merchant,
ment in the fourteenth and fifteenth centu- dominated northern culture for most of the
ries, it cannot be concluded that Humanism closing Middle Ages.
represented a revolt against the intellectual
and religious heritage of the earlier Middle
Ages. It would be more accurate to say that Chivalry
the humanists, rather than destroying the
heritage of the past, opened it to a new and In 1919 a Dutch historian, Johan Huizinga,
larger audience. In the thirteenth century wrote The Waning of the Middle Ages, a stimu-

lating study of the character of north Europe- This was the age of the perfect knight and
an culture in the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- the beau geste and grand feat of arms. King
turies. That culture, Huizinga argued, should John of Bohemia insisted that his soldiers lead
be viewed, not as a renaissance, but as the him to the front rank of battle, so that he
decline of medieval civilization. Paying chief could better strike the enemy; but he needed
attention to the court of the dukes of Burgun- his soldiers to guide him, for John was stone
dy, who were among the wealthiest and most blind. The feats of renowned knights won the
powerful princes of the north, Huizinga ex- rapt admiration of chroniclers but affected
amined courtly life and manners and de- the outcome of battle hardly at all. The age
scribed the courtiers’ views on love, war, and was marked too by the foundation of new
religion. He found tension and frequent vio- orders of chivalry—notably the Knights of
lence in this society, with little of the balance the Garter and the Burgundian Knights of
and serenity which had marked medieval so- the Golden Fleece.? The basic supposition
ciety in the thirteenth century. Instead, its was that these orders would repair the world
members seemed to show a defective sense by the intensive cultivation of knightly vir-
of reality, an acute inconsistency in their tues.
values and actions, and great emotional in- Princes rivaled one another in the sheer
stability. Many critics now consider that glitter of their arms and the splendor of
Huizinga probably exaggerated the negative their tournaments. They waged wars of daz-
qualities in northern culture, but that his zlement, seeking to confound rivals and
analysis still contains much that is accurate. confirm friends with spectacular displays of
The defective sense of reality that Huizin- gold, silks, and tapestries. Court ceremony
ga noted is manifest in the extravagant culti- achieved unprecedented excesses.
vation of the notion of chivalry. Militarily, the Extravagance touched the chivalric arts of
knight was in fact becoming less important love as well. A special order was founded for
than the foot soldier armed with longbow, the defense of women, and knights frequently
pike, or firearms. But the noble classes of the took lunatic oaths to honor their ladies, such
north continued to pretend that knightly vir- as keeping one eye closed for extended peri-
tues governed all questions of state and soci- ods. Obviously people rarely made love and
ety; they discounted such lowly consider- war in this artificial way. But men still drew
ations as money, arms, number of forces, satisfaction in speculating—in dreaming—
supplies, and the total resources of countries how love and war would be if this sad world
in deciding the outcome of wars. For exam- were only a perfect place.
ple, before the Battle of Agincourt, one
French knight told King Charles that he
8Jason, leader of the Argonauts, was the first patron of the
should not use contingents from the Parisian order, but the question was soon raised whether a pagan
townsfolk because that would give his army hero could appropriately be taken as a model by Chris-
an unfair numerical advantage; the battle tian knights. It was further pointed out that Jason had
treated his wife Medea in a most unchivalrous fashion (he
should be decided strictly on the basis of left her for another woman). Jason was therefore replaced
chivalrous valor. as patron by the Old Testament hero Gideon.

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

The Cult of Decay from all walks of life—rich and poor, cleric
and layman, good and bad—joined in their
Huizinga called the extravagant life style of final, intimate dance. Another melancholy
the northern courts the “cult of the sub- theme favored by all European artists was the
lime,” or the impossibly beautiful. But he also Pieta—the Virgin weeping over her dead son.
noted that both knights and commoners
showed a morbid fascination with death and
its ravages. Reminders of the ultimate victory The danse macabre was a common artistic
of death and explicit treatment of decay are theme in northern Europe, reflecting a gloomy
frequently encountered in both literature and fascination with death. This woodcut of
art. One popular artistic motif was the danse “Skeleton Dance’”’ is from the Nuremberg World
macabre, or dance of death, depicting people Chronicle of 1493. [Photo: Philip Evola]

(MY 7

z B)
This morbid interest in death and decay in modity in international tradé, and princes
an age of pestilence was not the fruit of lofty accumulated collections numbering in the
religious sentiment. The unbalanced concern tens of thousands.
with the fleetingness of material beauty Huizinga saw these manifestations of
shows, if anything, an excessive attachment to northern culture as the disintegration of the
it, a kind of inverse materialism. Even more cultural synthesis of the Middle Ages. With-
than that, it reveals a growing religious dissat- out a disciplined and unified view of the
isfaction. In the thirteenth century Francis of world, attitudes toward war, love, and reli-
Assisi addressed death as a sister; in the four- gion lost balance, and disordered behavior fol-
teenth and fifteenth centuries men clearly lowed. This culture was not young and
regarded it as a ravaging, indomitable fiend. vigorous but old and dying. However, Hui-
Clearly the Church was failing to provide zinga’s root concept of decadence must be
consolation to many of its members, and a re- used with a certain caution. Certainly this
ligion that fails to console is a religion in cri- was a psychologically disturbed world, which
SIS. had lost the serene self-confidence of the
Still another manifestation of the unsettled thirteenth century; but these allegedly deca-
religious spirit of the age was a fascination dent men were not the victims of a torpid
with the devil, demonology, and witchcraft. spirit. They were dissatisfied perhaps, but
The most enlightened scholars of the day they were also passionately anxious to find
argued at length about whether witches could solutions to the psychological tensions which
ride through the air on sticks, and about their unsettled them. It is well to recall that passion
relations with the devil. (One of the more no- when trying to understand the appeal and the
table witch trials of Western history occurred power behind other cultural movements — lay
at Arras in 1460. Scores of people were ac- piety, northern Humanism, and efforts for
cused of participating in a witches’ sabbath, religious reform.
giving homage to the devil, and even having
sexual intercourse with him.) Fear of the
devil, and perhaps also a widespread cultiva- Contemporary Views of Northern Society
tion of the occult arts in the lower levels of
society, are salient departures from the se- Huizinga wrote about chivalric society from
rene, confident religion of the thirteenth the perspective of the twentieth century. One
century. of the best contemporary historians of that
Finally, men showed an inordinate desire society was Jean Froissart (13332-1400?) of
to reduce religious images to their most con- Flanders, who traveled widely across Eng-
crete form. The passion to have immediate, land and the Continent, noting carefully the
physical contact with the objects of religious exploits of valiant men. His chronicles give
devotion gave added popularity to pilgrim- the richest account of the first half of the
ages and still more to the obsession with Hundred Years’ War, and he has no equal
relics of the saints, which, more often fabri- among medieval chroniclers for colorful,
cated than authentic, became a major com- dramatic narration. Nonetheless, Froissart

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

has been criticized for his preoccupation teach, and the rural parson, who cares for his
with chivalric society, in which he treats flock while others search out benefices, to the
peasants and townsmen with contempt, or neglect of the faithful. Apart from the grace
simply ignores them. Yet a limited concern of his poetry Chaucer was gifted with an abil-
with chivalry suited the purposes for which ity to delineate character and spin a lively
he wrote. He wished to record the wars of his narrative. The Canterbury Tales is a masterly
day, lest, as he put it, “the deeds of present portrayal of human personalities and human
champions should fade into oblivion.” behavior which can delight readers in any
The works of contemporary English writ- age.
ers help to round out the picture of northern
society in the fourteenth century. One of
them, a poet of uncertain identity, probably
William Langland, presents the viewpoint of mt. Religious Thought and Piety
the humbler classes. His Vision of Piers Plow-
man, which was probably written about 1360,
is one of the most remarkable works of medie- The Scholasticism of the thirteenth century,
val literature. The poem gives a loosely con- as represented by Thomas Aquinas, was
nected account of eleven visions, each of based on the bold postulate that it was within
which is crowded with allegorical figures, and the power of human reason to construct a
it is filled with spirited comment about the universal philosophy that would do justice to
various classes of people, the impact of all truths and would reconcile all apparent
plague and war upon society, and the fail- conflicts among them. The simultaneous
ings of the Church. growth in ecclesiastical law had also tended to
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote about the middle define Christian obligations and the Christian
classes. His Canterbury Tales, perhaps the life in terms of precise rules of behavior rath-
greatest work of imaginative literature pro- er than interior spirit. This style of thinking
duced anywhere in Europe in the late four- changed during the next two centuries. Many
teenth century, recounts the pilgrimage of scholastics were drawn toward analysis
some thirty persons to the tomb of St. Thom- (breaking apart) rather than synthesis (putting
as a Becket at Canterbury. For entertain- together) as they attempted a rigorous in-
ment on the road each pilgrim agrees to tell vestigation of philosophical and theological
two stories. Chaucer’s portraits sum up the statements. Many of them no longer shared
moral and social ills of the day, especially Aquinas’s confidence in human reason. Fun-
those affecting the Church. His robust monk, damentally, they hoped to repair the Thomis-
for example, ignores the Benedictine rule; his tic synthesis or to replace it by new systems
friar is more interested in donations than in which, though less comprehensive, would
the cure of souls; and his pardoner knowingly at least rest on sound foundations. Piety
hawks fraudulent relics. But Chaucer’s pic- changed too, as more and more Christian
ture is balanced; he praises the student of leaders sought ways of deepening interior,
Oxford, who would gladly learn and gladly mystical experience.

The Realists and Nominalists and that reality rested exclusively in the indi-
vidual concrete object. Another English Fran-
One of the first major thinkers to question ciscan, William of Occam (1300?—1349?),
faith in human reason as expressed by Aqui- gave nominalism its most forceful expression.
nas was an English Franciscan, John Duns The fundamental principle of his intellectual
Scotus (12652-1308). Drawing inspiration method later came to be called Occam’s razor.
from St. Augustine, Duns Scotus reaffirmed It may be stated in several ways, but essen-
the necessity for revelation to lead men to the tially it affirms that between alternative ex-
truth. Faith, he insisted, was logically prior to planations for the same phenomena, the sim-
reason; that is, unless faith had first suggested pler is always to be preferred.
to reason that spiritual beings—God and an- On the basis of this “principle of economy”
gels—could exist, reason would never have Occam attacked the traditional problem of
arrived at a concept of them. Once the mind ideal forms such as dogness or manness.
accepted the idea of God from faith, it could Aquinas had affirmed that all beings except
then prove the necessity for God’s existence. God are metaphysically a composite of two
To Duns Scotus the proof of God’s existence principles, one of unity (a common nature
was not based, as with Aquinas, on the per- which links them to others of their class) and
ception of change in the universe, for he did one of individuation (a principle which makes
not trust the accuracy of sense observation; them unique in their class). Occam rejected
rather, it derived from an exclusively intellec- this complex reasoning and denied that com-
tual analysis of the concept of God as a neces- mon natures exist or, at least, that the mind
sary being. can ever know them. According to him, the
Duns Scotus also denied Aquinas’s as- simplest way to explain the existence of an
sumption that nature possesses a fixed, auton- individual object is to affirm that it alone
omous order which reason can investigate exists. The mind can detect resemblances
and master: God in his omnipotence can among objects and form general concepts
change the operations of nature at will; nature concerning them; these concepts can be fur-
therefore has no fixed order, and human ob- ther manipulated in logically valid ways. But
servation and reason have only a limited they offer no certain assurance that ideal
power to probe its character. forms exist in the real world.
In the technical language of medieval phi- The area of reality in which the mind can
losophy, Duns Scotus was a realist, that is, he effectively function is thus severely limited.
affirmed the priority of ideal forms grasped The universe, as far as human reason can as-
by the intellect over the individual concrete certain, is an aggregate of discrete and auton-
objects perceived by the senses. A different omous individual beings, not a hierarchy of
approach to criticism of Aquinas was taken ideal forms, natures, or ideas. The proper
by a group of thinkers called nominalists. approach in dealing with this universe is
They maintained that ideal forms —treeness, through direct experience, not through specu-
horseness, and the like— were merely names, lations about ideal or abstract natures, the

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

very existence of which is doubtful. Any the- social thought. Among the social thinkers
ology based upon observation and reason clearly influenced by nominalism the most
would obviously be greatly restricted. It remarkable is Marsilius of Padua. In 1324 he
would still be possible, thought Occam, to wrote Defender of Peace, a pamphlet attacking
prove the existence of necessary principles in papal authority and supporting lay sovereign-
the universe, but man could not know wheth- ty within the Church. As a nominalist Marsi-
er the necessary principle, or God, is one or lius affirmed that the reality of the Christian
many. community, like the reality of the universe,
Occam and many of his contemporaries consists in the aggregate of all its parts: The
were profoundly impressed by the power and sovereignty of the Church thus rests in its
freedom of God and by man’s absolute de- membership—or, as Marsilius phrased it
pendence upon him. They lacked Aquinas’s rather vaguely, in its “stronger and healthier
high assessment of human powers and _his part.” This part in turn constituted the “hu-
confident belief in the ordered and autono- man legislator,” which represents the collec-
mous structure of the natural world. Living tive, sovereign will of the community. The
within a disturbed, pessimistic age, the nomi- human legislator delegates the functions of
nalists reflect a crisis in confidence, in natural government to six great bureaus: the princely
reason and in themselves, which is a major office, the treasury, the military establish-
theme of late medieval cultural history. ment, artisans, cultivators, and finally the
Nominalism enjoyed great popularity in clergy.
the universities, and Occamite philosophy in Marsilius is often considered an architect of
particular came to be known as the via moder- the modern concept of sovereignty, and even
na (“modern way”). Although nominalists and of totalitarianism. He maintained that only
humanists were frequently at odds, they those regulations supported by force are true
shared certain common attitudes: Both were law. Therefore, the enactments of the Church
dissatisfied with some aspects of the medieval do not constitute binding legislation, because
intellectual tradition; both were impatient they are not supported by any coercive
with the speculative abstractions of medieval power. Only the human legislator can prom-
thought; and both advocated approaches to ulgate authentic law, and there is no limit
reality that would concentrate upon the con- on what it may do. The Church has no right
crete and the present and consider them with to power or property and is entirely subject
a stricter awareness of method. to the sovereign will of the state. Sovereignty
is in turn indivisible, absolute, and unlimited.
Defender of Peace is noteworthy not only for
Social Thought its radical ideas but also for the evidence it
gives of deep dissatisfactions within medieval
The belief of the nominalists that reality was society. Marsilius and others manifested a
to be found, not in abstract forms, but in con- hostile impatience with the papal and clerical
crete objects had important implications for domination of Western political life. They

demanded that the guidance of the Church This growth of lay piety was in essence an
and the Christian community rest exclusively effort to open the monastic experience to the
with laymen. Defender of Peace, in this respect lay world, to place at the disposal of all what
at least, was a prophecy of things to come. had hitherto been the restricted fruits of a
spiritual elite. Frightened by the disasters of
the age, men hungered for emotional reassur-
The Styles of Piety ance, for evidence of God’s love and redeem-
ing grace within them. Moreover, the spread
Religion remained the central concern of the of education among the laity, at least in the
medieval world, but new forms of piety, or cities, made men discontented with empty
religious practice, began to appear that were forms of religious ritual.
designed to meet the needs of laymen. Mysti-
cism, an interior sense of the presence and
love of God, had found its usual expression The Rhenish Mystics
within the confines of the monastic orders,
but by the thirteenth century this monopoly The most active center of the new lay piety
was beginning to break down. The principal was the Rhine valley. The first of several
mission of the Franciscans and the Domini- leading figures in the region was the Domini-
cans became preaching to laymen, to whom can Meister Eckhart. A great preacher and a
these two mendicant orders hoped to intro- devoted student of Aquinas, Ekhart sought to
duce some of the satisfactions of mystical reli- bring his largely lay listeners into a mystical
gion. And laymen, wishing to remain in the confrontation with God. The believer, he
outside world, could join special branches of maintained, should cultivate within his soul
the Franciscans or Dominicans known as the “divine spark.” To achieve this he must
third orders. Confraternities, which were reli- banish all thoughts from his mind and seek to
gious guilds largely for laymen, grew up in attain a state of pure passivity. If he succeeds,
the cities and, through common religious ser- God will come and dwell within him. Eckhart
vices and the support of charitable activities, stressed the futility of dogma and, implicitly,
tried to deepen the spiritual life of their traditional acts of piety. God is too great to be
members. Even Humanism preserved strong contained in dogmatic categories and too sov-
overtones of a movement for lay piety, inas- ereign to be moved by conventional piety.
much as the humanists were on the whole The Rhenish mystics all stressed the theme
critical of the established monastic orders. An that formal knowledge of God and his attri-
abundance of devotional and mystical litera- butes means little if it is cultivated without
ture was written for laymen to teach them love and emotional receptivity. Perhaps the
how to feel repentance, not just how to define most influential of all of them was Gerhard
it. Translations of the Scriptures into many Groote of Holland. Groote wrote sparingly,
vernacular languages appeared, although the exerting his extraordinary influence upon his
high cost of manuscripts before the age of followers largely through his personality.
printing severely limited their circulation. After his death in 1384 his disciples formed a

The West in Transition:
The Renatssance

religious congregation known as the Brethren gious needs. Without the proper state of soul
of the Common Life. Taking education as these traditional acts of piety were meaning-
their principal ministry, they founded schools less; with the proper state every act was wor-
in Germany and the Low Countries that ship.
imparted a style of lay piety known as the A generation ago many Protestant scholars
devotio moderna (“modern devotion”). Erasmus considered that the new lay piety was a prep-
of Rotterdam and Martin Luther were among aration for the Reformation, while Catholic
their pupils. historians vigorously afhrmed that it was au-
The richest statement of the devotio moderna thentically Catholic. Today, in our ecumeni-
appeared about 1425 in The Imitation of Christ, cal age, the desire to enlist Thomas a Kempis
a small devotional manual attributed to among one’s spiritual forebears seems point-
Thomas a Kempis, a member of the Brethren less. The new lay piety was a preparation for
of the Common Life. The Imitation of Christ both sixteenth-century reformations, Protes-
says almost nothing about fastings, pilgrim- tant and Catholic. It aimed at producing a
ages, and other acts of private penitence more penetrating religious sentiment. The
characteristic of traditional piety. Instead, it formal religion of the Middle Ages, for all its
emphasizes interior experience as an essential grandeur and logical intricacies, no longer ful-
part of the religious life; it is also untradition- ly satisfied the religious spirit and was leaving
al in its ethical and social consciousness. The hollows in the human heart.
fruit of interior conversion is not extreme acts Although the devotio moderna was a reli-
of personal expiation, but high ethical behav- gious movement, it was in many ways similar
ior: “First, keep yourself in peace, and then to Humanism. Both Thomas a Kempis and
you shall be able to bring peace to others.” Petrarch expressed their distaste for the sub-
The new lay piety was by no means a revo- tle abstractions and intellectual arrogance of
lutionary break with the medieval Church, the scholastics. Both stressed that the man
but it implicitly discounted the importance of who is wise and good will cultivate humility
many traditional institutions and practices. In and maintain toward the profound questions
this personal approach to God there was no of religion a “learned ignorance.” Both af-
special value in the monastic vocation. As firmed that it is more important to educate
Erasmus would later sharply argue, what was the will to love than the intellect to the mas-
good in monasticism should be practiced by tery of abstruse theology. Finally, both ad-
every Christian. Stressing simplicity and dressed their message primarily to laymen, in
humility, the new lay piety was reacting order to aid them to a higher moral life. The
against the pomp and splendor that had come humanists of course drew their chief inspira-
to surround popes and prelates and to mark tion from the works of pagan and Christian
religious ceremonies. Likewise, the punctil- antiquity, whereas the advocates of the new
ious rules concerning fasts, abstinences, and lay piety looked almost exclusively to Scrip-
devotional exercises; the cult of the saints and ture. But the resemblances were so close that
their relics; and the traffic in indulgences and in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,
pardons all seemed peripheral to true reli- men like Erasmus and Thomas More could

combine elements from both in the move- tiation, Wycliffe assaulted with equal vehe-
ment known as Christian Humanism. mence the authority of the pope and the hier-
archy to exercise jurisdiction and to hold
property. He claimed that the true Church
was that of the predestined, that is, those in
Efforts to repair the traditions of medieval the state of sanctifying grace. Only the elect
Christianity also led to outright heretical at- could rule the elect; therefore, popes and
tacks upon the religious establishment, which bishops who had no grace could be justly di-
of course were strengthened by antagonism vested of their properties and had no right to
toward the papacy, reaction against corrup- rule. The chief responsibility for ecclesiastical
tion in the Church, and the social and psy- reform rested with the prince, and the pope
chological tensions characteristic of this dis- could exercise only so much authority as the
turbed epoch. Fundamentally, however, the prince allowed.
growing appeal of heresies reflected the difh- Wycliffe’s adherents, mostly from among
culties the Church was experiencing in adapt- the lower classes, were called Lollards, a
ing its organization and teachings to the de- name apparently derived from “lollar” (idler).
mands of a changing world. Although this group may have survived in
The most prominent of the heretics of the England until the age of the Tudor Reforma-
time was the English Dominican John Wy- tion, Wycliffe’s religious system seems to
cliffe, who was clearly influenced by the na- have had no direct influence on subsequent
tional spirit generated by the Hundred Years’ ecclesiastical history. Still, his ideas show
War and the apparent subservience of the many similarities with later Protestantism.
Avignon papacy to France. In 1365 he de- His insistence on a purified Church, a priest-
nounced the payment of Peter’s pence, the hood not sacramentally distinct from the lai-
annual tax given by the English people to the ty, a vernacular Bible, a religion more cultur-
papacy. Later he publicly excoriated the pa- ally responsive to the people, and lay direc-
pal Curia, monks, and friars for their vices. tion of religious affairs marks out the major
Wycliffe argued that the Scriptures alone issues which, within a little more than a cen-
declared the will of God and that neither the tury, would divide the Western Christian
pope, the cardinals, nor scholastic theologians community.
could tell the Christian what he should be- In distant Bohemia a Czech priest named
lieve. (In 1382 he began to translate the Bible John Huss (1369-1415) mounted an equally
into English, but died two years later without dangerous attack upon the dominance of the
finishing.) He also attacked the dogma of established Church. Historians dispute how
transubstantiation, which asserts that the much Huss was influenced by Wycliffe’s
priest at Mass works a miracle when he ideas. Certainly he knew the works of the
changes the substance of bread and wine into English heretic, but he was more conservative
the substance of Christ. Besides attacking the in his own theology—what can be under-
special powers, position, and privileges of the stood of it. For Huss’s ideas are less than
priesthood in such dogmas as transubstan- clear, and it is hard even to define how he

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

departed from orthodoxy. He seems to have turgical in character, in the sense that their
held that the Church included only the pre- chief function was to enrich Christian wor-
destined and he questioned, without explicit- ship. There had, of course, always been some
ly denying, transubstantiation. lay patronage of the arts—the troubadours,
Huss was burned at the stake at Constance for example, had composed and sung songs
in 1415, more for rejecting the authority of for lay patrons—but secular music remained
the general council which condemned him technically behind the music of the Church,
than for his doctrinal errors. After his death and it is difficult today even to reconstruct its
Huss’s followers in Bohemia defied the efforts sounds.
of the emperor and Church to persuade them The Church continued to promote and
to submit; however, the Hussites soon di- inspire artistic production in the fourteenth
vided into several rival sects—in a manner and fifteenth centuries, and many of the
which anticipates the experience of later greatest creations of the period retained a li-
Protestantism —and civil war raged in Bohe- turgical character. But the more novel de-
mia from 1421 to 1436 with no clear-cut out- velopment of the age was the greatly enlarged
come. The Hussite movement represents one role which laymen came to play as patrons—
of the earliest successful revolts against the notably the princes of Europe and the rich
medieval religious establishment and the first townsmen in Italy and Flanders. In older his-
withdrawal of an entire territory from unity tories of the Renaissance the growth of lay
with Rome. patronage was often equated with a seculari-
zation of art, but such a view is only partially
correct. To a large degree lay patrons favored
religious themes in the art they commis-
Iv. The Fine Arts sioned, even though much of it was no longer
liturgical in function. Yet the rise of lay pa-
tronage did strongly affect the character of
The social and cultural changes profoundly
art. In works prepared for liturgical purposes
affected the arts, making the fourteenth and
the artist could not draw too much attention
fifteenth centuries one of the most brilliant
to his own work, for the Church objected to
periods in Western history. Works of art have
art or music which overly intruded upon the
survived from this age in an unprecedented
consciousness of the worshiping Christian.
abundance, a sign that the arts were assuming
Moreover, the painter and the sculptor had to
broader functions in Western society. Princes
accommodate the architecture of the church
and townsmen became art patrons, and the
they were decorating. The lay patronage of
artist himself acquired a new prestige.
religious art—and the use of that art for the
decoration of homes as well as churches —in
Patrons and Values part freed the artist to form his work as he
saw fit, knowing that he had the principal at-
In the Early Middle Ages architecture, sculp- tention of the viewer and that the work did
ture, painting, and music were primarily li- not have to be subservient to architecture.

Moreover, the changing religious values the highest human activity, and it was pri-
that have been mentioned affected artistic marily in art that that ideal beauty could be
styles. Both the humanists and the promoters found. In the north as well, art and music
of the new lay- piety insisted that religious were essential parts of what Huizinga called
values be made more concrete and more the cult of the sublime, the effort to conjure
immediate to the believing Christian; in up through the mind and senses images of
terms of art this meant that the viewer should ideal worlds.
become involved visually and emotionally Finally, the social position of the artist
with the sacred scenes he contemplated. The himself was changing. In the Early Middle
growth of naturalism in art reflected not a Ages many artists appear to have been either
waning interest in religious images, but an amateurs (in the sense of drawing their sup-
effort to view them more intimately. port from another career such as the monastic
The interest of late medieval society in ele- or clerical) or poorly paid artisans. The grow-
gant living naturally extended to nonliturgi- ing market for works of art, however, wid-
cal art, providing artists an abundance of ened the ranks of professional artists and gave
opportunities. Both townsmen and _ nobles them greater economic rewards and prestige.
wished to live in attractive surroundings. The growing professionalism of the artist is
Architects therefore turned their attention to perhaps most apparent in music: For exam-
the construction of beautiful homes, villas, ple, the great churches of Europe relied more
palaces, and chateaus; adding to the beauty of and more upon professional organists and
these residences were tapestries, paintings, singers to staff their choirs, governments
statuary, finely made furniture, and windows employed professional trumpeters to add
of tinted glass. This pursuit of elegance also splendor to their proceedings, and profession-
gave music a new importance. In the books on al musicians entertained at the elegant fetes of
good manners characteristic of the age the the wealthy. The high technical competence
perfect courtier or gentleman was instructed required of singers and musicians in many of
to develop an ear for music and an ability to the musical scores of the Late Middle Ages
sing gracefully and play an instrument. No probably would not have been within the
gathering within the higher levels of society reach of amateurs. The artist too was often
could take place without the participation of accorded special social status; painters such as
singers and musicians. Leonardo and Michelangelo were actively
Art and music also fulfilled other functions. cultivated by princes.
The growing consciousness of the family led
patrons to commission portraits of their loved
ones. In an often melancholy age art and mu-
sic offered the same sweetness, delight, and Techniques and Models
spiritual refreshment which Boccaccio meant
to convey in his Decameron. In Italy the philos- The artist was also acquiring a larger array of
ophers of the Platonic Academy maintained technical skills. In music the age witnessed
that the contemplation of ideal beauty was accelerated progress in musical notation.

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

More diversified instrumentation became plicity, restraint, elegance, and balance. An

possible as new instruments were invented appreciation of classical style and the values it
and existing ones improved. Thus in strings conveyed is the achievement of Italian art,
there were the lute, viol, and harp; in wind particularly in sculpture, in the fifteenth cen-
instruments, the flute, recorder, oboe, and tury. One of the greatest sculptors of the age,
trumpet; and in keyboard instruments, the the Florentine Donatello, demonstrates those
organ, virginal, and clavichord. values in his Annunciation; though the theme
Technical advances in painting helped ar- is religious, the treatment is classical (see
tists to achieve greater depth and realism. Plate 17).
The fourteenth-century Florentine Giotto In architecture the Italian masters bor-
used light and shadow, initiating a technique rowed a variety of devices from the classical
known as chiaroscuro to create an illusion of style— domes, columns, colonnades, pilasters,
depth. Less than a century after Giotto, an- and cornices. In the early and middle 1400s
other Florentine, Masaccio, achieved a com- the churches and palaces merely combined
plete mastery of the scientific laws of perspec- elements of the neoclassical spirit with tradi-
tive, as evidenced in his Holy Trinity with the tional medieval techniques. A pure classical
Virgin and St. John, which seems almost three- style did not really triumph until the six-
dimensional (see Plate 19). The Italians teenth century, when Andrea Palladio fully
heightened the naturalism of their paintings captured the stateliness and grace of the an-
still further through the scientific study of cient temples in his villas, palaces, and
human anatomy. churches in the lower Po valley.
The major technical achievement in the
north was the development of oil painting in
the fifteenth century. Oils provided the artist The Great Masters
with richer colors and permitted him to paint
more slowly and _ carefully and to make The two major centers of Western art in the
changes on the painted canvas. To create an fifteenth century were Italy and the Low
illusion of reality, the Flemish masters con- Countries, then under the rule of the dukes of
centrated on precise detail rather than on Burgundy. In Italy the last decades of the fif-
perspective and chiaroscuro. Because of their teenth century and the opening decades of
painstaking exactitude the Flemish artists the sixteenth are traditionally called the High
were the leading portrait painters of the age. Renaissance. But most historians of art be-
The artist was also using new models, and lieve that the term “Renaissance,” in the sense
here the most important innovation was the of conscious imitation of classical models, is
heightened appreciation, especially in Italy, inappropriate in the north of Europe in the
of the artistic heritage of the classical world. fifteenth century, where the chief sources of
Earlier medieval artists had frequently bor- inspiration remained medieval. All scholars,
rowed the motifs of classical art, but they had however, recognize the high level of creativity
made no effort to reflect its values — idealized achieved in the north, especially by the artists
beauty, admiration of the human form, sim- and musicians of the Low Countries.

The North Rogier van der Weyden, a master of Flemish
painting, rendered The Descent from the Cross
The great period of painting in Flanders be- about 1435. By placing his figures within a
gan with Jan van Eyck (1385? —1440), whose restricted architectural framework he rivets the
viewer's attention to the foreground. He is
meticulous concern with detail achieved an
concerned more with the emotional rather than
intense realism that was to characterize Flem-
historical significance of the event. [Photo:
ish art. In The Virgin and Child in the Church,
Van Eyck’s precision in depicting the jewels
of the Virgin’s crown and the fabric of her
robe heightens the realism; the Virgin’s vivid reality and truth of the scenes they were pre-
presence seems almost to envelop the viewer senting. Van Eyck’s chief rival as the finest
(see Plate 18). In an unstable age, when reli- representative of Flemish art was Rogier van
gious confusion was prevalent in the north, der Weyden, whose Descent from the Cross is a
Van Eyck and the other Flemish masters masterpiece of dramatic composition and
seemed anxious to reassure the viewer of the emotional intensity, related by many critics

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

to the spirit of the devotio moderna, then flour- most of the projects he contemplated, and he
ishing in the Low Countries. purposely worked in a secretive fashion (he
The Low Countries enjoyed an equal wrote his notes in mirror writing). Although
prominence in music in the late fifteenth cen- he stands somewhat apart from the main-
tury. The choirmasters in the cathedral towns stream of technical and scientific advance,
such as Cambrai, Bruges, and Antwerp, with that he had imaginative powers is self-evident
the aid of professional singers, carried four- in his designs for the airplane, tank, subma-
part choral polyphony to a new level of de- rine, and fountains.
velopment. With the perfection of the a cap- In art Leonardo’s accomplishment is
pella (unaccompanied) vocal harmony, instru- unmistakable. Only fifteen paintings survive,
mental music was freed from its traditional but they include some of the greatest master-
subservience to voice. The masters gave their pieces of Western art. He had two remarkable
attention almost equally to secular and sacred gifts, an ability to handle groups of people
music. Among many gifted musicians may be and an extraordinary skill in portraying hu-
cited Guillaume Dufay of Cambrai, author of man psychology, both exemplified by his Last
several impressive masses as well as secular Supper, which depicts the psychological reac-
songs; and Josquin Des Pres, perhaps the tions of the apostles as they hear Christ say
most versatile of the northern composers, that someone at the table will betray him.
author of masses, motets, and chansons in The Mona Lisa, a portrait of a Florentine ma-
almost every current style. These masters, tron in her twenties, is a fascinating psycho-
musicians, and composers traveled widely in logical examination of the lady’s personality.
Europe and many of them spent some time in If Leonardo was a master of design, Raph-
Italy; they therefore learned from, and deeply ael would have to be called a master of
influenced, the local and regional musical tra- grace. Better than any other artist he reveals
ditions. the Renaissance admiration for harmony, se-
renity, pure beauty, and pure form. He was
an extremely versatile painter from the point
Italy of view of style, readily absorbing the tech-
niques of his masters both in Umbria (his na-
The art of the High Renaissance in Italy is tive province) and Florence (where he served
best represented in the work of three men, his apprenticeship)—the bright colors fa-
each of whom stands among the major artistic vored by the Umbrians, the subtle shading of
geniuses of the Western past: Leonardo da color and the strength of design of Leonardo,
Vinci (1452-1519), Raphael Santi (1483- and the vitality and power of Michelangelo.
1520), and Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475—- Raphael may not be as original a genius as
1564). Leonardo or Michelangelo, but he is unsur-
Leonardo is celebrated for his mechanical passed in the quality of his craftsmanship and
designs as well as for his art, but his exact the charm of its results.
contribution to technology and science re- Michelangelo is probably the best example
mains difficult to assess. He failed to complete of the universal genius of the Renaissance, a

Leonardo da Vinci’s mural The Last Supper sculpture of David shows the youth in repose,
exemplifies an ideal of Renaissance painting yet reveals the tension of pent-up energy; the
with its superb compositional balance and its fresco painting of the creation of Adam on the
evocation of what Leonardo called ‘‘the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican
intention of man’s soul.’’ Leonardo developed
shows the inert form of Adam about to re-
perspective on his canvas by painting the figures
ceive the spark of life from God (see Plate 24).
first rather than the architectural setting. This
Imbued with the neoplatonic longing to
enabled him to use architecture symbolically;
for example, the larger opening in back wall view things not as they are but as they ought
acts as a halo around the head of Christ. [Photo: to be, Michelangelo did not depict a natural
Sta. Maria delle Grazie, Milan] world. His works seem almost a protest
against the limitations of matter, from which
many of his subjects struggle to be free.
man of towering accomplishments in archi- There is little that is placid or serene in his
tecture, sculpture, and painting. As an artist art, and this predilection for contorted, strug-
Michelangelo preferred sculpture to painting, gling, even misshapen figures exercised a pro-
but his work in both mediums is rich with found influence on his successors. His work is
subtle, dramatic vitality. For example, his traditionally, and justly, considered to mark

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

the bridge between the harmonious art of the ings. At the University of Paris, for example,
Renaissance and the distorted, dynamic style Jean Buridan proposed an important revision
of the Mannerist school. in the Aristotelian theory of movement, or
physical dynamics. If, as Aristotle had said,
all objects are at rest in their natural state,
what keeps an arrow flying after it leaves the
we od
he Beginnings of the bow? Aristotle had reasoned rather lamely
that the arrow disturbs the air through which
Scientific Revolution
it passes and that it is this disturbance which
keeps pushing the arrow forward.
But this explanation did not satisfy the
The intellectual ferment of the Late Middle nominalists. Buridan suggested that the
Ages prepared the way for a far greater movement of the bow lends the arrow a spe-
upheaval in Western thought, the Scientific cial quality of motion, an “impetus,” which
Revolution of the seventeenth century. Al- stays with it permanently unless removed by
though the nominalists and humanists made the resistance of the air. Although it was inac-
no dramatic advances in science, their readi- curate, Buridan’s explanation anticipated
ness to question received philosophical tradi- Galileo’s theory of inertia, according to which
tions and their concern with the physical an object at rest tends to remain at rest, and
world laid the groundwork for the later, rigor- an object in motion continues to move along a
ous scientific investigations of Galileo and straight line until it is acted upon by an exter-
Newton. In the vanguard of this revolution- nal force. Buridan and other fourteenth-cen-
ary change were Vesalius and Copernicus in tury nominalists also theorized about the ac-
the sixteenth century. celeration of falling objects and made some
attempt to describe this phenomenon in
mathematical terms. Their ideas became the
Farly Influences on Science point of departure for other of Galileo’s inves-
tigations of mechanics. Moreover, their use of
The recovery of the complete body of Aris- mathematics foreshadowed the importance to
totle’s scientific writings had stimulated a be given to measurement in scientific work.
lively interest in science as early as the thir- The humanists also helped prepare the
teenth century. Although the scholastics were way for scientific advance. The growth of tex-
later accused of being too abstract, a number tual and literary criticism —a major humanist
of them had produced works on science and achievement — taught men to look with great-
tried to supplement Aristotle’s findings with er care and precision at works inherited from
their own observations. the past. Inevitably too, they acquired a
It was the nominalists at Paris and Oxford sharper critical sense concerning the content
in the fourteenth century, however, who took as well as the language of the ancient texts.
the first steps in the direction of modern sci- The revival of the classics placed at the dis-
ence by questioning some of Aristotle’s teach- posal of Europeans a larger fund of ancient

ideas, and this increased the awareness that seventeenth-century invention, the technical
ancient authors did not always speak in uni- basis for it was laid in the Late Middle Ages.
son. Could the ancients therefore always be The scientific revolution was, in sum, sup-
correct? Furthermore, the idealism of Plato ported by a whole range of developments in
and the number mysticism of Pythagoras European cultural life, many of which oc-
maintained that behind the disparate data of curred in the fourteenth and fifteenth centu-
experience there existed ideal forms or har- ries; it was an outgrowth from, as much as a
monies, which the philosopher should seek to break with, the past.
perceive and describe. Once this assumption
gained credence, it was natural to assume that
the cosmic harmonies might be described in The First Breakthroughs
mathematical terms.
The Middle Ages also nourished traditions Two works published in 1543 represented
of astrology and alchemy; men sought not major advances and marked the true begin-
only to understand natural processes but also ning of modern science. One, De Humani Cor-
to turn that knowledge into power. Natural ports Fabrica (The Structure of the Human
science and the scientists themselves would Body), was by Andreas Vesalius, a Flemish
for a long time maintain close connections anatomist on the faculty of the University of
with these intellectual forms of magical prac- Padua, the most important center of scientific
tice. speculation in Italy. Using his own vivisec-
Finally, technological and economic tion experiments as proof, Vesalius was able
changes contributed to the birth of exact sci- to point out errors in the theories of Galen,
ence. The improvement of ships stimulated, the second-century Greek physician whose
for navigational purposes, more accurate ob- study of anatomy had been regarded as defi-
servation of the heavenly bodies. Changes in nitive. Although some of Vesalius’s conclu-
warfare raised interest in the ballistics of can- sions were to be questioned less than a centu-
non balls, in the design of war machines and ry later, his work nonetheless opened a new
fortifications, and in military engineering era in experimental anatomy.
generally. Artists were able to depict with Far more significant in its impact was De
high levels of accuracy the human anatomy, Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (The Revolu-
maps, or astronomical charts. Printing as- tion of Heavenly Spheres in the Universe), by
sured that ideas could be disseminated cheap- Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish mathematician
ly, accurately, and quickly across wide geo- and astronomer. The ancient geographer and
graphical areas. Craftsmen working in metal astronomer Ptolemy had developed a model
and glass were growing more skilled in the of the universe with earth at its center, but
course of the Late Middle Ages. Eyeglasses he had to attribute movements of extraordi-
became ever more popular in Europe in the nary complexity to the planets in order to ex-
thirteenth century, and glass workers ground plain their observed courses across the sky.
lenses more accurately and experimented Without the telescope, and with a fund of
with their uses. Although the telescope was a observed data no larger than Ptolemy’s own,

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

> Systema

Copernicus showed that a much simpler An engraving of Copernicus’s conception of the

model of the universe could be conceived in universe shows the sun rather than the earth at
which the planets moved in circles, provided the center, a view that was the subject of bitter
controversy in the sixteenth century. [Photo:
only that the sun, and not the earth, was
British Museum |
placed at the center. The chief argument
advanced in its favor was analogous to
Occham’s razor: his, and not Ptolemy’s, was earth—and, by implication, man—was no
the simpler explanation of planetary move- longer at the hub. The heliocentric (sun-
ments. He also argued that the sun, as the centered) view remained controversial until
most splendid of celestial bodies, ought to the seventeenth century, when Galileo, using
be at the center of the universe—a clear ap- the newly invented telescope, was able to con-
peal to the Neoplatonic sense of order and firm it. In the meantime, however, the works
harmony. of Vesalius and Copernicus had laid the
Copernicus’s theory posed a dramatic foundation for a scientific revolution that was
change in men’s view of the world; they were eventually to transform European thought
reluctant to accept a universe in which the and society.

The culture of the West was changing pro- principles of thirteenth-century Scholasti-
foundly in the fourteenth and fifteenth centu- cism in the interest of defining precisely the
ries, as it responded to new social needs. In borders between reason and faith. Also evr-
Italy literate lay aristocracy had come to dent is a new style of piety which stressed the
dominate society. Traditional cultural inter- need to cultivate an interior sense of the pres-
ests and values seemed too abstract, too re- ence and love of God.
moved from the lives of these men, who daily The humanists, nominalist philosophers,
faced concrete problems and wanted moral and advocates of the new piety were not re-
guidance. To meet this need Italian human- volting against the accumulated cultural her-
ists developed a system of education which itage of the Middle Ages. Rather, they wished
emphasized rhetoric and moral philosophy to enrich it and make it accessible to a broader
and looked to the works of classical antiquity spectrum of the population. Learning, litera-
for the best models of wisdom and persuasive ture, art, and religion, they believed, should
language. help men lead lives which would at once be
In the north of Europe the ideals of chival- more cultured, more contented, more pious,
ry continued to dominate the culture of the and more human.
lay aristocracy until late in the fifteenth cen- The fine arts flourished during these years
tury; but those ideals had become exaggerat- of change. In both Italy and the north artists
ed, and they began to distort reality. The adopted new techniques and gave brilliant
overripe chivalry of the north has helped expression to a much fuller range of values.
give the Late Middle Ages its reputation for The scientific achievements of the age were
decadence. more modest, but they foreshadowed the rev-
Nominalist philosophers in the universities olutionary changes in science that were to
were effecting a critical reappraisal of the take place in the seventeenth century.

Recommended Reading

Sources *Marsilius of Padua. Defender of Peace. Alan Gerwith (tr.).

*Ross, J. B., and Mary McLaughlin (eds.). The Portable
*Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron. G. H. McWilliam
(tr.). 1972.
Renaissance Reader. 1953.
*Cassirer, Ernst, P. O. Kristeller, and J. H. Randell, Jr
(eds.). The Renaissance Philosophy of Man. 1953. Studies
Langland, William. The Vision ofPiers Plowman. Henry W.
Wells (tr.). 1959. *Baron, Hans. The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance:

The West in Transition:
The Renaissance

Civic Humanism and Republican Liberty in the Age of Crombie, Alistair C. Medieval and Early Modern Sctence.
Classicism and Tyranny. 1966. 1961.
*Berenson, Bernard. The Italian Painters of the Renaissance. *Huizinga, Johan. The Waning of the Middle Ages. 1955.
1968. *Kristeller, Paul Otto. Renaissance Thought: The Classic,
*Burckhardt, Jacob. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Scholastic, and Humanistic Strains. 1961.
Italy. 1958. Martines, Lauro. The Social World of the Florentine Human-
Cartellieri, Otto. The Court of Burgundy. 1929. ists. 1963.
Clark, J. M. The Great German Mystics: Eckhart, Tauler, and
Suso. 1949. *Available in paperback.

Color Sllustration Sources
1/ Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Harvard Uni- N.Y.C. 8/ Scala New York/Florence 9/ Edi-
versity—MFA Expedition 2/ Hirmer Verlag tions Skira, Geneva 10/ Kunsthistorisches Mu-
Miinchen 3 /Editions Skira, Geneva 4-5 / Hirmer seum, Vienna 11/ Leonard von Matt from
Verlag Mtinchen 6/ Scala New York/Florence Rapho Guillumette 12/ Editions Skira, Geneva
7/ European Art Color, Peter Adelburg, 13-15/ Scala New York/Florence 16/ Giraudon
Abbas, 234 Akhnaton (Amenhotep IV), 21, 23
Abbassid caliphs, 234, 237 Akkadians, 11
Abdurrahman, 234 Albert of Hohenzollern, Duke of Prussia, 333
Abelard, Peter, 276-277 Albertus Magnus, 307, 313
Abraham, 26, 74, 233 Albigensians (Cathari), 306-307; crusade against,
Abu Bakr, 236 265, 299, 308, 310, 330
Abu Simbel, 22 Alcibiades, 80, 81, 83 7.
Abyssinians, 229 Alcuin of York, 203, 204
Achaea (Roman province), 110 Alemanni, 175
Achaean League, 88 Alexander the Great, 33, 66, 86-89, 92, 163
Acre, 330, 333 Alexandria, 90-92, 114, 124, 127, 214, 217; Christi-
Actium, Battle of, 127 anity in, 156, 159; Jews in, 160-161
Adam of Bremen, 226 Alexius I, Byzantine Emperor, 327
Adrianople, Battle of, 173 Alexius [V, Byzantine Emperor, 335
Adriatic Sea, 108 Alfonso V (the Magnanimous), King of Aragon
Aegean civilizations, 40-45 (Alfonso I, King of Naples and Sicily), 382
Aegean Sea, 33, 63, 72 Alfonso X, King of Castile, 303, 365
Aeneas, 100, 145 Alfred the Great, 199-200
Aeschylus, 74-75, 81 Ali, 234
Aetolian League, 88, 108 Allah, 231
Afghanistan, 13 Alphabet: Greek, 25, 49, 101; Phoenician, 25, 49;
Africa, Hellenistic trade with, 89 Cyrillic, 49, 227, Roman, 49
Africa, North: Carthaginian Empire, 106-107; Alps: Hannibal crosses, 107; Saracens in, 195
Roman provinces, 124, 140; Christianity in, 158; Ambrose, St., 161
Vandals in, 173, 211; Muslims in, 233, 234; medie- Amen (Amen-Re), 18-19, 21, 22
val trade with, 249 Amenhotep IV (Akhnaton), 21, 23
Agamemnon, 74 Amos, 28
Agincourt, Battle of, 374, 404 Anagni, 302, 382
Agriculture: origin of, 6-8, Greek, 53-54, 57-58; Anatolia, 7
Hellenistic, 89; Roman, 140; in Early Middle Anaximander, 50
Ages, 180-182; plow, improved, 180; horse Angles, 175
power, 180-181; three-field system, 181-183, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 200
Muslim techniques, 235; in Central Middle Anglo-Saxon literature, 277
Ages, 247; in fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, Anglo-Saxons, 187, 190, 257, 259
359-360 Anna (wife of Henry I of France), 226
Akhetaton, 21 Anselm, St., of Canterbury, 276
Anthemius of Tralles, 220 in, 121; Byzantine Empire in, 214; Seljuk Turks
Anthony, St., 187 in, 222
Antigonids, 88 Assisi, 379 ,
Antioch, 156, 214, 217; in crusades, 328 Assyria (Roman province), 137
Antiochus III, King of Syria, 108-109 Assyrians, 27, 29, 31
Antiochus IV, King of Syria, 151 Astronomy: Babylonian, 12; Chaldean, 31; Hel-
Antoninus Pius, Roman Emperor, 137, 139 lenistic, 92-93; Islamic, 236; Copernicus’s theory,
Antony, Mark (Marcus Antonius), 111, 125-127 420-421
Apennines, 100 Aswan Dam, 22
Aphrodite, 47 Athanagoras, Patriarch, 223
Apollo, 33, 47, 48, 74 Athanasius, 159
Appius Claudius, 106 Athena, 42, 47, 60, 75, 77, 112
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 291, 307, 312-313, 407-408 Athens, 33, 54, 57-63, 72-81; government, 53, 57-63,
Aquitaine, 264, 300, 373, 374 73, Areopagus, 57, 60, 61, 75; Acropolis, 59, 60;
Arabian Nights, 234 Parthenon, 60, 73, 76-77; democracy, 60-63, 73,
Arabian Peninsula, 229, 337 81, 84; Council of 500, 60-61; ostracism, 62; in
Arabic language, 233, 235; translations from Greek, Persian Wars, 63, 65; political leadership, 72; cul-
236, 237 ture, 72-77, 81-85; Peloponnesian War, 78-83,
Arabic numbers, 236 Spartan hegemony, 86; Macedonian conquest,
Arabs, 337; in Islam, 229, 233-234, 236 86; decline of, 89; Catalans capture, 303
Aragon, 300, 302, 303, 361 Aton, 21
Aramaic language, 31, 185 Attica, 57, 61, 65, 73, 78, 81
Archimedes, 92, 236 Attila, 173
Argos, 45 Augsburg, 271
Arian heresy, 159, 175, 187 Augustine, St. (of Hippo), 161-162, 408
Aristarchus, 92 Augustine, St. (missionary to England), 187, 198
Aristophanes, 81-83, 114 Augustus, Roman Emperor (Gaius Octavius, Oc-
Aristotle, 57, 84-85, 93, 236; Boethius’s translation, tavian), 125-130, 136, 145, 166
201; in medieval philosophy, 277, 304, 313; scien- Austria, 245, Turks attempt to conquer, 337, 341
tific writings questioned, 419 Avars, 193
Arius, 159 Averroés (ibn-Rushd), 236, 277
Armagnacs, 377 Avignon, 291, 366; popes in, 302, 381, 383-386, 412;
Armenia, 108, 218 plague in, 357
Armorica (Brittany), 175
Arras, witch trial, 406 Babylon, 11, 23, 31, 87, 88; Jews as captives, 27, 33
Art: patrons of, 413, in Renaissance, 413-419. See Babylonia, 11-13, 19, 29, 31
also names of countries and cultures Badr, 231
Artemis, 42, 47 Baghdad, 234, 236
Arthur, King, 175-176; in romances, 280 Baldwin I, Count of Flanders, King of Jerusalem,
Ashur, 29 327-328
Ashurbanipal, 31 Balearic Islands, 245, 303
Asia: Roman province, 110, 113; trade with, 334, Balkan Peninsula, 173, 176, 215, 335
341-342 Ball, John, 368
Asia Minor: early civilizations, 8-13; Egyptian Baltic Sea, 176, 223, 224, 245, 333; trade, 249, 361
expeditions to, 19; Hittites in, 23; barbarian Banking: origin of, 290-291; in fourteenth and
invaders in, 24; Persians in, 32-33, 72, 87; “‘sea- fifteenth centuries, 366
peoples” from, 45; Greek cities in, 63, 66; Barcelona, 302; plague and famine, 357
Roman conquest of, 108-110; Roman provinces Bardi Company, 291


Basel, Council of (1431-1443), 387 Bremen, 361

Basil IJ, Grand Duke of Moscow, 348 Brethren of the Common Life, 411
Batu, 343 Britain: Roman conquest of, 136, Roman walls,
Bavaria, 266 139; Germanic invasions of, 175-176, 198. See
Bayeux tapestry, 259 also England
Bayonne, 374 _ Britons, 172, 175
Bede the Venerable, 198, 202 Brittany, 175, 253
Bedouins, 235 Bronze Age, 19, 24, 44, 46
Beirut, 217, 328 Bruges, 249, 366, 397
Belgrade, Turks capture, 337 Bruni, Leonardo, 395, 400
Belshazzar, 32 Brutus, Lucius Junius, 110
Benedict, St., 188 Brutus, Marcus, 124-126
Benedictine rule, 188-189, 203-204 Buddhism, 34
Beowulf, 178 Bulgaria, 327, 335
Berbers, 235 Bulgars, 215
Bergen, 249 Burckhardt, Jacob, 393, 394
Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 325-326 Burgos, 302
Bernardino of Siena, St., 396 Burgundians, 173, in Hundred Years’ War, 374,
Bible: Sumerian myths compared with, 11; Old 376, 377
Testament, 25-29, 32, 75, 152, 160-161; New Burgundy, 173, 175, 266-268, 377, 378, 404, 415
Testament, Gospels, 152, 155, 156, 161; Apocry- Buridan, Jean, 419
pha, 156, Septuagint, 161; Vulgate, 161, 203; in Business: medieval institutions, 290-291; four-
medieval theology, 201, 276; Gutenberg, 364; teenth- and fifteenth-century innovations, 366-
in vernacular languages, 410; Wycliffe’s trans- 367
lation, 412 Byblos, 14
Bithynia, 121 Byelorussia, 343
Black Death, 357, 359, 374, 399 Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire), 163,
Black Sea, 49, 73, 172, 196, 210, 223, 224; in Otto- 164, 185, 210-229; laws, 211, 213, 218; Church,
man Empire, 337, 339; Russia and, 342 211, 215-217, 221 (see also Eastern Orthodox
Blanche of Castile, 299 Church); Muslims and, 214-215, 217, 233; em-
Bloch, Marc, 252 peror, power of, 215-216, 218; social conditions,
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 395, 399-400, 414 217-218, 221; government, 218-219; culture and
Boethius, 201 art, 219-221, 223; Seljuk Turks conquer, 221-222,
Boghazkoy (Hattusas), 23 324; Russian culture related to, 223-229; in cru-
Bogoliubsky, Andrew, 229 sades, 324-325, Ottoman Turks conquer, 335-337
Bohemia, 267, 304, 362; Hussites in, 412-413 Byzantium, 49, 150, 210. See also Constantinople
Bohemond I, Prince of Taranto, 327
Bologna, 379, 394, 397; University, 274 Caesar, Gaius Julius, 111, 115, 117 7., 122-125,
Boniface VIII, Pope, 301-302, 382 130, 136, 142
Book of the Dead, 17 Cairo, 236
Bordeaux, 374 Calais, 374, 376
Bosnia, 337 Calendar: Egyptian, 13; Gregorian, 124; Julian,
Bosworth Field, Battle of, 377 124; Islamic, 231
Botticelli, Sandro, 387, 402 Caligula (Gaius), Roman Emperor, 136
Bourges, 374 Caliphs, 231, 233-234, 236
Bouvines, 265, 294 Calixtus II, Pope, 271-272
Bramante, Donato d’Agnolo, 387 Cambrai, 417
Brandenburg, 245, 333 Cambyses, 33

Canaanites, 24-27 Charles Martel, 191, 234
Cannae, Battle of, 107 Chartres, 277; Cathedral, 315
Cannons, invention of, 362 Chateau Gaillard, 265 e
Canossa, Henry IV and Gregory VII at, 271 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 47; Canterbury Tales, 407
Canterbury, archbishopric, 198 Cheops (Khufu), 14
Canute, 200, 226 China, European trade with, 334
Capet dynasty, 264, 371, 373, 374, 376 Chivalry, 403-404, 406-407
Capri, 141 Chrétien de Troyes, 280
Caracalla, Roman Emperor, 147 Christ, see Jesus Christ
Cardinals, College of, 270, 382, 384, 386 Christianity, 150-166, Judaism and origin of, 24,
Carolingian period, 244, 245, 249, 255, 256, 266; 29, 94, 150-151; Hellenistic influences on, 94;
rulers, 194, 202 foundation and doctrines, 152-155; sacraments,
Carolingian Renaissance, 202-204 155; Church government, 155-156; persecution
Carthage, 25, 106-107, 214; Punic Wars, 106-108; of Christians, 156-158; heresies and schisms, 158-
Roman colony, 117 159, 211 2., Trinity, doctrine of, 159, 216; Con-
Cassel, 373 stantine’s policy on, 159-160; fathers of the
Cassiodorus, 200-201 Church, 160-162; barbarians converted to, 175,
Cassius, Gaius, 124-126 187, 191, 198, 199; in Early Middle Ages, 185-
Castiglione, Baldassare, The Book of the Courtier, 190, 200-204; Irish (Celtic), 198; Eastern and
395-396 Western branches, 211, 215-217, 222-223 (see
Castile, 302, 361, 371 also Church, Eastern Orthodox Church); Is-
Castilian language, 277 lam and, 229, 230, 233; in Ottoman Empire, 339,
Castles, 256, 280, 330-331 340; in Neoplatonism, 402
Catal Htiytik, 7 Chrysoloras, Manuel, 400
Catalonia, 302, 303, 357, 368 Church: early government, 155-156; canon law,
Cathari, see Albigensians 160, 272, 311; fathers of, 160-162; in Early Mid-
Catiline (Lucius Sergius Catilina), 115, 121 dle Ages, 185-190, 200-204; scholarship in,
Cato the Elder, 107, 113, 115 200-204, 273-274, Eastern and Western branches,
Catullus, 114-115 211, 215-217, 222-223 (see also Eastern Orthodox
Caucasus, 215 Church); dogmas, 216 7.; in Central Middle
Celtic tribes, 172 Ages, 247, 251, 255, 262, 267-273; reforms at-
Cerularius, Michael, 222-223 tempted, 269-270, 272, Investiture Controversy,
Chaeronia, Battle of, 86 271-272; art related to, 280, 413-414; liturgy and
Chalcedon, Council of, 159, 186, 211 77. music, 280, 317, 413, 417; in Late Middle Ages,
Chaldean (Neo-Babylonian) kingdom, 31-33; Jews. 294, 295, 301-302, 305-312; heresy, suppression
as captives, 27, 33 of, 306-310, 412-413; Inquisition, 308-309; Great
Champagne (province), 249, 263 Schism, 384-386; conciliar movement, 386-387; in
Champollion, J. F., 17 Renaissance, 406-413; lay piety in, 410-412
Charlemagne, 191-194, 202-204, 266, 300; in Song Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 83, 113, 114 ., 115-116,
of Roland, 278 121, 126, 161
Charles I (of Anjou), King of Naples and Cilicia, 121
Sicily, 381-382 Ciompi revolt, 368-369
Charles III (the Simple), King of the Franks, 198 Cities: earliest, 8-10, Hellenistic, 89-91, Byzantine,
Charles IV, King of France, 373 217-218; Muslim, 236; medieval, 250-251; riots
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 337, 339 in fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 368-369;
Charles V, King of France, 374, 377 Italian, in Renaissance, 394-395
Charles VI, King of France, 374, 404 City-states: Greek, 52-55, 85-86; in Italy, 378, 381
Charles VII, King of France, 374, 376, 377 Claudius, Roman Emperor, 136


Cleisthenes, 60-62 330; Fourth, 310, 335; Second, 325, 330; results
Clement I, St., Pope, 185-186 of, 330-335
Clement V, Pope, 302, 382-383 Ctesiphon, 214
Clement VI, Pope, 291 Cumae, 49, 101
Cleopatra, 88, 124, 126-127 Cumans, 228, 342
Clermont, Council of (1095), 327 Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, 186
Clovis, 175, 190 Cyprus, 333
Cluny, monastery, 269, 280 Cyrene, 121
Clytemnestra, 74 Cyrillic alphabet, 49, 227
Coins: Lydian, 33, 54; Persian, 34, Greek, 54, Cyrus, 32, 33
Byzantine, 218; silver, in fifteenth century, 362
Cologne, 249, 361 Dacia, 137
Coloni (Roman tenant farms), 140, 163, 182 Damascus: Paul in, 153; Muslims in, 233-236; in
Comitatus, 178 crusades, 330
Commodus, Roman Emperor, 139, 147 Damasus, Pope, 186
Communes: medieval, 250, 253; Italian city-states, Dance of death, 405
379 Dandolo, Enrico, 335
Companies (commercial), 291 Danegeld, 200, 257, 262, 294
Confucius, 34 Danelaw, 199
Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor, 330 Danes, 193; in England, 196, 199-200
Conrad of Marsburg, 308 Dante Alighieri, 313 7., 317-318
Constance, 413; Council of (1414-1418), 386 Danube River, 129; 172, 173, 195, 210; 215, 224,
Constantine I (the Great), Roman Emperor, 148- 245, Roman campaigns on, 137, 139; Roman
150, 163, 210, 336; Christianity adopted, 157, 159- provinces on, 140
160; Donation of, 401 Darius, 33, 34, 63
Constantine XIII, Byzantine Emperor, 336 Darius III, 87, 88
Constantinople, 150, 165, 174, 210, 214, 217, 218, David, 27
221, 224; Church in, 222; Vikings in, 196, 223; Dead Sea Scrolls, 28, 151-152
Hagia Sophia, 213, 220; Russian trade with, Decius, Roman Emperor, 157
226, 228; Catalans capture, 303; in crusades, 310, Delian League, 72, 73, 80
327, 335; Ottoman Turks capture, 336-337 Delphi, 66, oracle, 33, 48, Pythian games, 48
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 92, 419-421 Demeter, 48
Corbie, monastery, 202 Democracy: Greek, 60-63, 73, 81, 84; Hellenistic,
Cordoba: Muslims in, 234, 236; mosque, 235 88-89
Corinth, 45, 54, 65, 78 Demosthenes, 86
Cornwall, 175 Des Prés, Josquin, 417
Corpus Iuris Civilis, 213 Devotio moderna, 411
Corsica, Roman province, 107, 113 Diniz, King of Portugal, 303
Cortenuova, 305 Diocletian, Roman Emperor, 148-149, 157, 163,
Courtrai, 301 166
Crassus, Marcus Licinius, 120, 122-123, 126 Dionysia, 48, 60
Crécy, Battle of, 374 Dionysus, 48, 60
Crete, 40-42; writing, 42, 44, 45 Dmitri, Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir,
Crimea, 337 347-348
Croesus, 33, 87 Dnieper River, 176, 223, 226
Crusades, 324-335; First, 222, 237, 327-329; against Dniester River, 173, 343
Albigensians, 265, 299, 308, 310, 330, Third, 268, Domesday Book, 259
293, 330; of Louis IX, 300; of Frederick II, 305, Dominic, St., 307
Dominican Order, 307, 309, 315, 410 Elbe River, 176, 245, 266
Domitian, Roman Emperor, 137 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 260, 264, 265 :
Donatello, Annunciation, 415 Eleusis, mysteries of, 48 7

Donation of Constantine, 401 Elgin, Lord, 77

Donatism, 158-159 England: Christianity brought to, 187, 198, Danes
Donatus, 158 in, 196, 199-200; heptarchy, 198, Anglo-Saxons,
Dorians, 45 198-200, 257, 259; scholarship, medieval, 201-
Dorylaeum, 327 202; Common Law, 213, 260, 296; in Central
Draco, 57 Middle Ages, 244, 247, 249; feudalism, 251, 256,
Drama: Greek, 74-75, 81-82, 91; Roman, 114 259, Norman Conquest, 253, 255-259; Viking
Dufay, Guillaume, 417 invasion, 257; Curia Regis (great council), 259,
Duns Scotus, John, 408 296; judicial system, justices, 260, 262; Church
Dyophysitic heresy, 211 7. (medieval), 262, 294, 295; Exchequer, 262; in
Late Middle Ages, 293-297, 300, 371-372, Magna
Earth, age of, 6 Carta, 294-295; constitution, 297; population
Eastern Orthodox Church, 211, 215-217, 221; lan- decline, 356; price and wage regulation, 361,
guages and liturgy, 216-217; in Russia, 216, 224, 367; Peasants’ War, 367-369, War of the Roses,
227, 228, 347, 348; union with Western Church 371, 377, Hundred Years’ War, 373-378; papal
attempted, 310, 311 powers limited, 387; urban population, 394;
Eckhart, Meister, 410 Parliament, see Parliament
Edessa, 328, 329 English language, 176, 377
Edmund (son of Henry III), 295 English literature, fourteenth century, 407
Edmund Ironside, 226 Enlil, 11
Education: curriculum, medieval origin of, 204, Ennius, Quintus, 114
in Byzantine Empire, 219, 227; in Central Mid- Epicureanism, 93, 114, 215
dle Ages, 273-277; in Italy, fourteenth and _fif- Epicurus, 93, 114
teenth centuries, 394, 397; Humanism in, 397- Epidaurus, theater, 90
398, 403; in Renaissance, 401 Epirus, 106
Edward (the Confessor), 200, 257 Erasmus, Desiderius, 410-411
Edward, Prince of Wales (the Black Prince), Eratosthenes, 92-93
374 Essenes, 151-152
Edward (son of Edmund Ironside), 226 Estates General (France), 372, 376, 377
Edward I, King of England, 295-297, 301 Ethelred, 200
Edward III, King of England, 291, 296, 373, 374, Etruria, 100
377 Etruscans, 49, 100-101
Edwin (son of Edmund Ironside), 226 Euclid, 92, 236
Egypt, 13-23; pyramids, 14, 16; religion, 14-16, Euphrates River, 9, 19
18-19, 21-22; maat, 16, art, 16-17, 22; writing, Euripides, 74, 75
17; literature, 17-18; science, 18; Hyksos inva- Europe, Western: in Middle Ages, see Middle
sion, 19; Israelites in, 19, 22, 26, Assyrians con- Ages; population growth, 244-245, 359; in four-
quer, 29, Persians conquer, 33, Cretan trade teenth and fifteenth centuries, 353-389, popula-
with, 40; Alexander the Great conquers, 87-88; tion decline, 356-357; plague and famine, 357-
Hellenistic period, 88-90; Caesar in, 124; Roman 360; social unrest and revolt, 367-370; govern-
province, 127, 129, 140; monasticism in, 187; ment systems, changing, 370-372
Muslims in, 233-235; Louis IX’s crusade against, Evans, Sir Arthur, 40, 42
300; in Ottoman Empire, 337 Evesham, 295
Einhard, 191 Eyck, Jan van, 416
Elagabalus, 150 Ezekiel,28


Ezra, 28 Gaius (jurist), 143

Galba, Roman Emperor, 137
Fairs, trade, 249 Galen, 236, 420
Fatimids, 328 Galicia, 343
Felix V, Pope, 387 Galileo Galilei, 365 7., 419, 421
Feudalism, 251-256, 370, 378; in England, 251, 256, Gallic Wars, 122-123
259; vassalage, 253-254; in France, 253, 255, 262- Gallienus, Roman Emperor, 157
264, fiefs, 254-255; justice, 255-256, in Russia, Gallipoli, Ottoman Turks in, 336
344, 349 Gascony, 300, 301
Ficino, Marsilio, 401-402 Gaugamela, 88
Finland, 245 Gaul, 129, 136, 140, 164, 165; pottery, 140; slaves
Finns, 224 from, 142; barbarian invasions of, 173, 175;
Fioravanti, Aristotele, 349 Frankish kingdom, 175
Firearms, invention of, 362, 376 Gaul, Cisalpine, 122, 123, 126
Flanders: in Middle Ages, 249, 250, 263, 301, 302, Gaul, Transalpine, 122-124
textiles, 249, 373; in Hundred Years’ War, 373, Gauls, 100, 104, 122, 172
374; Renaissance art in, 415-417 Gaza, 328
Flanders, Count of, 265 Genghis Khan, 343
Flavian dynasty, 137 Genoa, 245, 337, 397; trade, 249, 290
Florence, 379, 382, 397; guilds, 289; banking and German Empire, 266-270
insurance in, 291, 366, 367; Ciompi revolt, 368- Germanic tribes, 118, 164, 172-176, 191, 195; Ro-
369; Medici in, 381; family size and marriage, man Empire invaded by, 172-175; Britain .in-
394, 395; Humanism in, 400; Neoplatonism in, vaded by, 175-176, 198; culture and institutions
401-402, 414 in Roman Empire, 176-180; law and govern-
France: languages, 203, 277; in Central Middle ment, customs of, 177-178; literature and art,
Ages, 244, 246, 251, 260, 262-266, feudalism, 178-179, religion, 178-179, Byzantine Empire
253, 255, 262-264; government, medieval, 265- and, 210
266, 299-300; in Late Middle Ages, 297-302, 371, Germany: in Central Middle Ages, 244-246, 253,
in crusades, 327; Ottoman Empire allied with, 255, 266-268, in Late Middle Ages, 303-305; in
337; population decline, 356, price and wage crusades, 327; population decline, 356, peasant
regulation, 361; gabelle (salt tax), 371, 376, revolts, 368, in Holy Roman Empire, 378
Hundred Years’ War, 373-378, papal powers Ghent, 368
limited, 387; Estates General, see Estates General Gibb, Sir Hamilton, 238
Francis I, King of France, 337 Gibbon, Edward, 104, 157, 164
Francis of Assisi, St., 309-310, 406 Gibraltar, 173
Franciscan Order, 309-310, 315, 410 Gilgamesh, 11
Franconia, 266 Giotto, 415
Frankish Empire, 191-195, 245 Giza, pyramids, 14, 16
Frankish kingdom, 175, 190-191, 234 Gnostics, 158
Franks, 164, 173, 175, 198 Godfrey of Bouillon, 327, 328
Fraxinetum (Freinet), 195 Gold Bull, 378
Frederick I (Barbarossa), Holy Roman Emperor, Golden Horde, 343, 344, 347
267-268, 304, 330 Goliardic verses, 274
Frederick II (Hohenstaufen), Holy Roman Em- Gothic architecture, 313-317
peror, 308, 310-311, 378 Goths, 164
Froissart, Jean, 406-407 Gracchus, Gaius, 116-118, 120
Gracchus, Tiberius, 116-117, 119
Gaels, 172 Granada, 245; Alhambra Palace, 235

Gratian, 272, 311 Harold Godwin, 257
Greece, 37-95; Indo-Europeans in, 13, 40; aids Harold Hardrada, 257
Lydia against Persia, 33, Aegean civilizations, Harun al-Rashid, 234
40-45; Minoan influence on, 42; Dorian invasion, Hastings, Battle of, 257
45; Renaissance (800-600 B.c.), 45-46; Homeric Hattusas (Boghazkéy), 23
epics, 46-47, 49-50; religion, 47-48, 74, games Hebrew language, 24 7., 402
and festivals, 48; colonies, 49, 101, 104, 106; Hegira, 231
trade, 49, 54, 89; philosophy, 50-51, 82-85, 93, Hellenistic Age, 88-94, 127; cities, 89-91, liter-
architecture, 51-52, 76; art, 51-52, 76-78, 92; gov- ature, 91-92; art, 92; science, 92-93, philosophy,
ernment, 52-53, 56-63, 73; city-state (polis), 52- 93-94; Roman art derived from, 144, Muslims
55, 85-86; economic life, 53-54, 89; social classes, influenced by, 236
54-55, 58; democracy, 60-63, 73, 81, 84, Persian Hellenization, 88
Wars, 63-66, 72, 76, 80; Classical Age, 72-85, Hellespont, 65, 80
drama, 74-75, 81-82, 91; Peloponnesian War, 78- Henry I, King of England, 259
85; Macedonian conquest of, 85-86, 88, Hel- Henry I, King of France, 226
lenistic Age, 88-94, Etruscan contact with, 100- Henry I, King of Germany, 266
101; Roman annexation of, 108-110; Roman Henry II, King of England, 259-260, 262, 264, 265,
culture influenced by, 114; Slavs in, 176. See 267
also Greek language, Greek literature Henry III, King of England, 295, 296, 300
Greek alphabet, 25, 49, 101 Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 271
Greek language, 90-91; in Byzantine Empire, 210, Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, 271
219; in Eastern Orthodox Church, 216, 217; re- Henry V, King of England, 374
vival in Europe, 336, 398, 400, 402 Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 304
Greek literature, 49-50, 74-76, 81-82, 91-92; By- Henry VII, King of England, 377
zantine scholars preserve, 219, 223; Arabic trans- Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, 268
lations, 236, 237 Heraclius, 214, 218, 219
Gregory I, St., Pope, 186-187, 198, 201 Herculaneum, 141, 144
Gregory VII, Pope, 270-271 Hercules (Heracles), 112
Gregory IX, Pope, 305, 308, 311 Heresy: in early church, 158-159, 211 7.; suppres-
Gregory XI, Pope, 384 sion of, 306-310, 412-413
Gregory XIII, Pope, 124 Herod (the Great), 151
Gregory, bishop of Tours, 201 Herodotus, 33, 63, 65 7., 75-76, 82
Groote, Gerhard, 410-411 Herzegovina, 337
Guarino da Verona, 401 Hesiod, 50, 145
Gui, Bernard, 308 Hilarion, Metropolitan, 226, 228
Guido d’Arezzo, 280 Hipparchus, 92
Guilds, 178, 250-251, 289-290; Byzantine, 218; of Hippias, 60
students, 274 Hippocrates, 236
Gutenberg, Johannes, 364 Hissarlik (Troy), 45
Hittites, 13, 19, 23-24
Hadrian, Roman Emperor, 137, 139, 143 Holy Roman Empire, 251, 267; papacy and, 271-
Hamburg, 361 272, 387; in Late Middle Ages, 303-305, 378;
Hamites, 14 Gold Bull, 378
Hammurabi, 11-12, 23; Code of, 12 Homer, 46-47, 49-50, 91; Iliad, 45-47, Odyssey,
Hannibal, 107, 108 11, 46-47; Vergil’s adaptation of, 145
Hanseatic League, 348, 361 Honorius III, Pope, 304
Hapsburg, house of, 378 Horace, 145
Haremhab, 22 Hosea, 28


Hospitalers (Knights of the Hospital of St. John Israel (kingdom), 26-28

of Jerusalem), 301, 332-333, 337 Israel (modern), 24, 27
Hugh Capet, 264 Israelites, 24-28, 75, 94; as slaves in Egypt, 19, 22;
Huizinga, Johan, 403-406, 414 dispersed by Assyrians, 31
Humanism, 397-398, 400-403; Christian, 410-412 Istanbul, 337. See also Constantinople
Humbert of Silva Candida, Cardinal, 222 Italian language, 277-278
Hundred Years’ War, 302, 362, 370-378, 406, 412 Italy: Indo-Europeans in, 13, Greek colonies, 49,
Hungarians, see Magyars 101, 104, 106; early history, 100-101; Roman
Hungary, 327, 371; Turks capture, 337; mining, conquest of, 104-106, 119; in Roman Empire,
362 140, 164, 165; Ostrogoths in, 175; Saracens in-
Huns, 173, 186 vade, 195; Lombards in, 214, Byzantine Empire
Huss, John, 412-413 in, 214, 215, 222, 245; Normans in, 245, 270; in
Hyksos, 19 Central Middle ENG
ES 249024Om402 0 R LOS m2,
256, 266-268, 274; universities, 274; in Late Mid-
Iberian peninsula, 245, 325; kingdoms, 302-303. dle Ages, 303-305, 371; Byzantine scholars in,
See also Portugal; Spain 336, 400; population decline, 356, printing in,
Iceland, 196 364; city-states, 378, 381; states, foreign rela-
Iconoclasm, 214, 220 tions, 382; cities, 394-395; family size and
Ignatius, Bishop of Lyons, 186 marriage, 394-397; Renaissance, 394-403, 415,
fle de France, 263, 264, 268, 368 417-419
Illyria, 108, 122, 148, 222 Ivan I, Prince of Moscow, 347
India: Indo-Europeans in, 13; Alexander the Ivan I (the Great), Tsar, 348-350
Great in, 88; Muslim trade with, 235 Ivan IV (the Terrible), Tsar, 349-350
Indian Ocean, 235, 342
Indo-European languages, 172 Jacob, 26
Indo-European peoples, 12-13, 23, 32, 40 Jaffa, 330
Indulgences, sale of, 332, 384 7. James I, King of Aragon, 303
Indus River, 88 James (brother of Jesus), 155
Innocent III, Pope, 265, 293-294, 304, 308, 310-311 Janissaries, 340
Innocent VIII, Pope, 402 Jarmo, 7
Inquisition, 308-309 Jason, 75, 404 7.
Insurance, origin of, 366-367 Jehovah, 26, 28, 48, 94
Investiture Controversy, 271-272 Jeremiah, 28
Ionia, 63, 66 Jericho, 24, 27; early village, 7
Iran: early man in, 7; Ottoman Turks and, 341 Jerome, St., 161, 203
Ireland: Christianity in, 198, 201; in Middle Ages, Jerusalem, 24, 27, 214; Wemiple,..27,°28, 33, 151;
253 Romans capture, 28, 151; Wailing Wall, 28, 151,
Iron: Hittite use of, 23-24; Assyrian use of, 29 Jesus in, 152; early Christians in, 155; in cru-
Iron Age, 24, 46 sades, 237, 305, 328, 330, 333
Isaiah, 28 Jesus Christ, 31, 185; as Messiah, 28, 152; life and
Isidore of Miletus, 220 teachings, 152-153, heretical interpretations of,
Isidore of Seville, 201 158-159; in Islamic belief, 233
Isis, mysteries of, 150 Jews, 24, 27-29; in Babylon as captives, 27, 33; in
Islam, 24, 229-238; Muhammad’s life and teach- Hellenistic Age, 151; Roman rule of, 151; in
ings, 229-231, 233; divisions of, 234; civilization, Spain, 235, 302; persecution of, 301, 324; in Otto-
234-238; law, 235-236; government, 236, scholar- man Empire, 340. See also Judaism
ship, 236-237; Western life influenced by, 237- Joan of Arc, 374, 376
238, 334. See also Muslims John, King of Bohemia, 404

John, King of England, 265, 293-294, 300, 310 Koran, 231, 233, 234, 340
John II (the Good), King of France, 374, 377 Krak-des-Chevaliers, 331
John VII, Byzantine Emperor, 336 Kulikovo, 347
John XII, Pope, 267
John the Baptist, 152
Josephus, 151 Laconia, 56
Joshua, 26-27 Lake Ilmen, 223
Judah, 27, 31 Lake Peipus, 245
Judaism, 24, 26, 28-29; Christianity related to, 24, Langland, William, Vision of Piers Plowman, 407
29, 94, 150-151; Islam and, 229, 230, 233 Langton, Stephen, archbishop, 294, 310
Judas Iscariot, 152 Languedoc, 300, 308, 368
Judas Maccabaeus, 151 Las Navas de Tolosa, 245
Judea, 151 Lateran Council, Fourth (1215), 311
Jugurtha, 118 Latin language: Medieval, 203, 204, European
Julio-Claudian dynasty, 136, 146 languages derived from, 203, 277-278; Church
Julius II, Pope, 387 and, 217; in Humanism, 397-398, 400, 402
Juno, 101, 112 Latium, 100, 104
Jupiter, 101, 112 Laws: Code of Hammurabi, 12; Hittite, 23; of
Jury, trial by: Greek, 73, 75; in Middle Ages, 177- Moses, 26, Greek, 57, 58; Roman, 102, 103, 142-
178, 260; in England, 260 143, 160, 252; canon law, 160, 272, 311; Germanic
Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 143, 210-214, 219- customs, 177, Byzantine Empire, 211, 213, 218;
220, 222 Common Law (English), 213, 260, 296, Corpus
Jutes, 175 Turis Civilis, 213; Russian, 224, 349; Islamic, 235-
Juvenal, 145 236; French, medieval, 299-300
League of Corinth, 86
Lechfeld, 266
Legnano, Battle of, 268
Kadesh, 22 Leo I, St., Pope, 173, 186
Kalka River, 343 Leo III, Byzantine Emperor, 214
Karnak, temple, 19, 22 Leo III, Pope, 193
Kazantzakis, Nikos, 47 Leo IX, Pope, 270
Khafre, 14 Leon, 302
Khartoum, 13 Leonardo da Vinci, 395, 414, 417; cannon foundry,
Khufu (Cheops), 14 drawing, 362; Last Supper, 417, 418, Mona Lisa,
Kiev, 220, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 343, St. Sophia 417
Cathedral, 227 Leonidas, 65
Kiev, Principality of, 223-229, 342, 343 Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius, 126
Kliuchevsky, V. O., 342 Letts, 245
Knights, orders of, 332-333, 404 Lewes, 295
Knights of Alcantara, 303 Libya, 14
Knights of Calatrava, 303 Liége, 368
Knights of Malta, 333 Lithuania, 343, 348
Knights of St. John, see Hospitalers Lithuanians, 245
Knights of Santiago, 303 Liutprand, bishop of Cremona, 222 n.
Knights of the Garter, 404 Livy (Titus Livius), 146
Knights of the Golden Fleece, 404 Loire River, 173, 253, 300, 374
Knights Templars, see Templars Lollards, 412
Knossos, 40-42 Lombard League, 268


Lombards, 186-187, 191, 214 Mary of Burgundy, 377

Lombardy, 266, 268, 305, 394 Masaccio, Holy Trinity with the Virgin and St.
London: in Middle Ages, 249; in Peasants’ War, John, 415
368 ’ Mathematics: Babylonian, 12; Egyptian, 18; Greek,
Longinus, 47 51; Hellenistic, 92; Islamic, 236
Louis I (the Pious), Holy Roman Emperor, 194 Maximian, 148
Louis VI (the Fat), King of France, 264, 265 Mecca, 229-231, 337; pilgrimage to, 233, 235
Louis VII, King of France, 264, 330 Medea, 75
Louis VIII, King of France, 297-298 Medes, 32
Louis IX (St. Louis), King of France, 295, 299- Media, 32
300 Medici, Cosmo de’, 381, 382, 401
Louis X, King of France, 373 Medici, Lorenzo de’ (the Magnificent), 381
Louis the Child, 266 Medici bank, 366
Low Countries, 244, 377; trade, 361; Renaissance Medina (Yathrib), 231, 235, 337
art, 415-417; music, 417 Mediterranean Sea: Greek colonies and trade,
Ltibeck, 249, 304, 361 49, 72, 73; Pompey’s action against pirates, 121;
Lucretius, 114 Muslim trade in, 235, 237; medieval trade in,
Lucullus, 121 249, 333; Ottoman Turks in, 331
Luther, Martin, 332, 339, 411 Melos, 81, 82
Luttrell Psalter, 181 Memphis (Egypt), 14, 19
Luxor, temple, 22 Menander, 114
Lycurgus, 56, 57 Menes (Narmer), 14
Lydia, 33, 54 Menkure, 14
Lyons, Council of (1274), 311 Mercia, 198
Merneptah, 26
Merovech, 175
Macedonia, 23, 85-86, 88; Roman conquest of, Merovingian kings, 175, 190-191
108-110; Roman province, 126 Mesopotamia: Roman province, 137; Ottoman Em-
Magna Carta, 294-295 pire in, 337
Magna Graecia, 49, 101, 104 Mesopotamian civilizations, 8-13, 23, 29-35
Magnesia, Battle of, 109 Messenians, 55
Magyars, 195, 198, 266 Messina (Messana): in Punic War, 107; Byzan-
Mamun, AI-, 234-235 tine art, 220; plague spread from, 357
Man, early, 6-8 Metallurgy, 361-362
Manetho, 13-14 Metz, 368
Manicheanism, 34, 306-307 Meuse River, 175
Manors, 182-184, 244, 252 Micah, 28
Manuscripts, illuminated, 179, 181, 189 Michael III (Paleologus), Byzantine Emperor, 335
Manutius, Aldus, 364 Michelangelo, 387, 402, 414, 417-419
Manzikert, Battle of, 222, 324, 335, 336 Middle Ages, Central, 172, 241-283; population
Marathon, Battle of, 63 growth and expansion, 244-245; social changes,
Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor, 137, 139 245-249, Church, 247, 251, 255, 262, 267-273,
Margaret of Provence, 299 trade, 247, 249; towns, 249-251; social classes,
Marius, Gaius, 118-119, 125 250-251; universities, 273-275; Scholasticism, 274-
Marseilles, Greek colony, 49 277; literature, vernacular, 277-278, 280; Roman-
Marsilius of Padua, Defender of Peace, 409-410 esque architecture and art, 280-282
Martel, Charles, see Charles Martel Middle Ages, Early, 169-205; agriculture, 180-
Martin V, Pope, 381, 386 182; commerce and industry, 184-185; Church,

development of, 185-190; kingdoms, 190-200, Mycale, Battle of, 66
scholarship, 200-204 Mycenae, 44
Middle Ages, Late, 172, 285-319; industries, 288- Mycenaean civilization, 42-45
289; business, 290-293, governments, develop- Mystery cults, religious, 94, 150
ment of, 293-305, 371; Church, 294, 295, 301-302, Mysticism, religious, 410-412
305-312; culture, 312-318 Myths: Sumerian, 11; Greek, 47-49, 74-75; Roman,
Middle East: Hellenistic civilization, 89, 91, 92; 112
mystery religions, 94, Ottoman Empire in, 337,
Milan, 268, 379; Duchy, 382 Naples, 214; Greek colony, 49; University, 304
Miletus, 50 Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of, 245, 305, 371, 381-
Miltiades, 63 382
Milton, John, 91 Napoleon, in Egypt, 17
Milvian Bridge, Battle of, 157, 159 Narmer (Menes), 14; palette of, 15
Minerva, 101, 112 Navigation, improved, 365-366
Mining, 361-362 Near East, see Middle East
Minoan civilization, 40-42 Nebuchadnezzar, 31-32
Mithras (Mithraism), 34, 94, 150 Nefertiti, 21
Mithridates, 121 Neoplatonism, 401-402, 414, 421
Mohammed, Mohammedans, see Muhammad; Mus- Nepos, Roman Emperor, 163 7.
lims Nero, Roman Emperor, 136, 137, 157
Mohammed II, Sultan, 336, 337, 339-340 Nerva, Roman Emperor, 137
Moliére, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, 114 Neva River, 245
Monasticism, 187-190; in Middle Ages, 269, 273 Nevsky, Alexander, 245
Mongols, 336; in Russia, 342-344, 347-348 Newton, Sir Isaac, 419
Monophysitic heresy, 211 7. Nicaea, 222, 335; Council of (325), 159
Monte Cassino, 188, 203 Nicene Creed, 159
Montfort, Simon de, 295, 296 Nicholas II, Pope, 270
More, Sir Thomas, 411-412 Nicholas V, Pope, 387
Morea, 337 Nile River, 13, 18, 19, 22
Morocco, 234 Nineveh, 31
Moscow, 229, 344, 347-348; princes of, 347-348; N ocera, 379
Kremlin, 349 N Nominalism, 408-409
Moses, 26, 28, 29 Normandy, 198, 263-265, 294, 359
Moskva River, 344, 347 Normans: in Italy, 245, 270; conquest of England,
Muhammad, 229-231, 233, 235, 236. See also Islam; 253, 255-259
Mohammed; Muslims Northmen, see Vikings
Murad II, Sultan, 340 Northumbria, 198
Mursilis, 23 Novgorod, 223, 224, 226, 245, 249, 343, 344, 348
Music: of Church in Middle Ages, 280, 317, 413,
417; in Renaissance, 414-415, 417
Muslims, 184-185, 229-238; Byzantine Empire and, Occam, William of, 408-409, 421
214-215, 217, 226; meaning of name, 231; terri- Octavian, see Augustus
tory conquered by, 233-234; in Spain, 234, 235, Odoacer, 174-175
237, 245, 302; marriage, laws on, 235-236; Chris- Oedipus, 75
tian offensive against, 237, 245, 299, 305; crusades Offa, 198
against, 324-325, 327-331, 334; Ottoman Empire, Oka River, 343, 344, 347, 348
335-342 Oleg, 224


Olympic games, 48 system, 182-184, in Byzantine Empire, 218, 221,

Omayyad caliphs, 233-234 in Central Middle Ages, 244-247
Orestes, 74-75 Peasants’ War (England), 367-369
Orléans, 264, 374, 376 Pechenegs, 224, 342
Osman (Othman), Sultan, 337 Pelagius, 161
Ostia, 140, 141 Peloponnesian League, 56, 78
Ostrogoths, 173, 174, 186, 211, 213 Peloponnesian War, 78-85
Otto I (the Great), Holy Roman Emperor, 266- Peloponnesus, 55, 78, 88
267, 269 Pepin of Heristal, 191
Otto IV, Holy Roman Emperor, 265 Pepin the Short, 191, 202, 203
Ottoman Empire, 335-342; government and admin- Pergamum, 88, 92, 110
istration, 339-341; sultan, power of, 341 Pericles, 72-73, 78
Ottoman Turks, 330, 331 Perm, 348
Ovid, 145 Persepolis, 34, 88
Oxford, 419 Persia, Muslims in, 233-235. See also Iran
Oxford, Provisions of, 295 Persian Empire, 29, 32-34, 163, Greek wars with,
63-66, 72, 76, 80; Alexander the Great conquers,
Pachomius, St., 187 Persian Gulf, 137
Padua, 379, 381, 397 Persians, 32-33, 229; Byzantine Empire and, 210,
Palermo, 220 211, 213, 214
Palestine, 126; Egyptians in, 19, 21, 22; Israelites Perugia, 379
in, 26-27; Assyrians in, 29, 31; Muslims in, 233, Perugino, 387
pilgrimages to, 305, 324, 325, 330, 332-333 Peruzzi Company, 291
Palladio, Andrea, 415 Peter, St., 185-187
Papacy, 156, 185-187, 191; origins of, 185-186, Peter III, King of Aragon, 303
Eastern Church and, 222; election of popes, Peter of Castelnau, 308
270; in Central Middle Ages, 270-272; in Late Peter’s pence, 412
Middle Ages, 302, 310-312, 371; popes in Avi- Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), 397-399
gnon, 302, 381, 383-386, 412; in crusades, 332; in Pharsalus, Battle of, 124
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 382-388 Philip II (Augustus), King of France, 264-265, 267,
Papal States, 191, 381-382, 387 293, 310, 311, 330
Papinian, 143 Philip II, King of Macedon, 86
Paris: in Middle Ages, 264, 315, 317, 357, Univer- Philip IV (the Fair), King of France, 300-302, 309,
sity, 274, 276, 419; Parlement of, 300, 373, Notre 376, 382
Dame, 315; riots, fourteenth and fifteen cen- Philip V, King of France, 373
turies, 368 Philip V, King of Macedon, 108
Parliament (English), 372, 376; origins of, 296-297 Philip VI, King of France, 373, 374
Parma, 305 Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 377
Parthia, 123, 126, 137 Philippi, Battle of, 126
Paul, St., 153, 155, 161; Epistles, 156 Philosophy: Greek, 50-51, 82-85, 93, Hellenistic,
Paul VI, Pope, 223 93-94; Islamic, 236-237; in Middle Ages, 276-
Pausanias, 66 277, 312-313, 408-409; Scholastic, 312-313; Neo-
Peace of Brétigny (1360), 374 platonism, 401-402; realism and nominalism, 408-
Peace of Constance (1183), 268 409
Peace of Lodi (1454), 382 Phoenicians, 24-25, 100, 106-107; alphabet, 25, 49
Peace of Nicias, 79 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 402
Peasants: in Early Middle Ages, 180, 190; in manor Picts, 172
Pilate, Pontius, 152 Pyrrhus, 106
Pilgrimages, 406; to Holy Land, 324, 330, 332-333 Pythagoras, 50-51, 420
Pindar, 50, 81 Pythagorean theorem, 12, 51
Pinturicchio, 387 Pythian games, 48
Pirenne, Henri, 184-185
Pisa, 245, 379; trade, 249, 290; Council of (1409), Qumran, 151-152
Pisistratus, 58, 60 Ramses II, 22, 23, 26
Pistoia, 356 Raphael, 417
Pius II; Pope, 387 Ravenna, 175, 214; Byzantine mosaics, 220
Plataea, Battle of, 66 Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, 327
Plato, 47, 57, 84, 85, 115, 158, 161; Renaissance Raymond VI, Count of Toulouse, 308
influenced by, 400, 402, 420 Re, 14, 18
Plautus, 114 Realism (philosophy), 408-409
Pliny the Elder, 180 Red Sea, 235
Poggio Bracciolini, Giovanni Francesco, 395, 400 Reims, 376; Cathedral, 316
Poitiers: Cathedral, 278; Battle of, 374 Religion: primitive, 7; Sumerian, 11, Egyptian,
Poland, 343, 348, 371 14-16, 18-19, 21-22; Zoroastrianism, 29, 34, 233;
Poles, 198 Greek, 47-48, 74; mystery cults, 94, 150; Roman,
Polo, Marco, 334 112, 130, 150; Germanic, 178-179. See also Chris-
Polybius, 104, 112, 115 tianity; Islam; Judaism
Pompeii, 141, 144-145 Remus, 100
Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius), 111, 120-124, 129, Renaissance, 391-423; Italian society and culture,
151 394-403; in Northern Europe, 403-407, 415-417;
Ponthieu, 373 religion in, 406-413; fine arts in, 413-419; science
Pontus, 121 in, 419-421
Pope, see Papacy; names of popes Rhazes (Al-Razi), 236
Po River (valley), 100, 104, 106, 122, 182, 357, 379, Rhenish mystics, 410-411
415 Rhine River (valley), 129'9172,°173,, 175, 191,9253,
Portugal, 371; in Middle Ages, 302, 303 3275 377
Poseidon, 77 Rhodes, 333, 337
Pottery: early, 7, Greek 51, 54, 77-78; Roman, 140 Rhone River, 173, 182, 195, 196, 377
Prices, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 360-361 Riazan, 348
Primary Chronicle, Russian, 224, 226-228 Richard (brother of Henry IID), 295
Printing, invention of, 362, 364-365 Richard I (the Lion-Hearted), King of England,
Procopius, 211, 220 265, 293, 330
Protagoras, 83 Richard II, King of England, 368
Provencal language, 277 Robert, Count of Flanders, 327
Provence, 175, 266, 267, 356 Robert, Duke of Normandy, 327
Prussia, 304; Teutonic Knights in, 333 Rollo, 198
Prussians, 245 Roman alphabet, 49
Pskov, 348 Romance languages, 277-278
Ptolemies, 88-90, 129 Roman Empire, 125-150, 162-166, founding of,
Ptolemy (astronomer), 420-421 125-130; government, 136, 147-149; history, 136-
Punic Wars, 106-108 139, 147-150; civilization, 139-147; economic
Pydna, 109 life, 140, 148, 149, 163; social conditions, 141-
Pylos, 44 142, 163, 165; law, 142-143, 160, 252; engineer-
Pyrennees, 193, 234, 300 ing and construction, 143-144, architecture and


art, 144-145; literature, 145-146; Tetrarchy, 148, St. Albans, 368

religion, 150; Christianity in, 150-151, 156-160, Saint-Denis, abbey church, 315
164, 166, 186; decline and end of, 162-166; Saintes, 300
Eastern, see Byzantine Empire St. Gotthard Pass, 378
Roman Empire, Western, 164-166, 336; barbarian Saladin, 293, 330
invasions, 164, 165, 172-176; barbarian culture Salamis, Battle of, 65-66
in, 176-180 Sallust, 115, 118, 121 7.
Romanesque architecture and art, 280-282 Salutati, Coluccio, 400
Roman Republic, 101-123; government, 101-104, Salvius, 143
110, 112-113, 119-120; laws, 102, 103; social San Gimignano, 356
classes, 102-103; expansion, 104-106; imperialism, Sadne River, 173
106-110; Punic Wars, 106-108; family life, 110- Sappho, 50
111; social conditions, 111-112; religion, 112, Saracens, 173, 193, 195
130; politics, 112-113, 116-118; provincial ad- Sarai, 343
ministration, 113-114, literature, 114-116; revo- Sardica, Council of (343), 186
lution, 116-120; Caesar’s consulship, 122-125; end Sardinia, 245, 303; Roman province, 107, 113
of, 125 Sardis, 33
Romanus Diogenes, Byzantine Emperor, 222 Saul, 27
Rome (city): early history, 23, 100-101, 104, 106; Saxons, 175
Forum, 100, 139, 144; in Republic, 111, 116, 119; Saxony, 266; mining and metallurgy, 362
of Augustus, 130; imperial, 140, 141, 144, Circus Scandinavia, 172, 195
Maximus, 141; Colosseum, 141; Baths of Cara- Schliemann, Heinrich, 44, 45
calla, 144; as Christian capital, 156, 186, 187; bar- Scholasticism, 274-277, 397, 407
barians invade, 173, Charlemagne crowned in, Scholastic philosophy, 312-313
193; Saracens raid, 195; in Byzantine Empire, Science, in Renaissance, 419-421
214, 222; St. Peter’s Church, 387. See also Vatican Scipio, Aemilianus, 107-108
Romulus, 100 Scipio, Lucius, 108
Romulus Augustulus, Roman Emperor, 163 Scipio, Publius Cornelius (Scipio Africanus), 107,
Roncesvalles, 278 108
Rosetta stone, 17 Scotland, in Middle Ages, 253
Rostov, 348 Segesta, 79-80
Rouen, 376 Seine River, 175
Rubicon River, 123 Seleucids, 88, 89, 151
Rublev, Andrei, 344 Seljuk Turks, 237, 336; Byzantine Empire con-
Rudolf I (Hapsburg), Holy Roman Emperor, 378 quered by, 221-222; in crusades, 324, 327-328
Rudolf of Swabia, 271 Semitic peoples, 11, 14, 19, 24, 29, 233
Rum, Sultanate of, 222, 327, 336 Serbia, 335, 337
Runnymede, 294 Serfs, 182-184, 246-247, 252, 369, 370
Rurik, 224 Seti, 22
Russia, 223-229, 343-350; Slavs in, 176; Vikings in, Seville, 302; Alcazar, 235
196, 223-224; Eastern Orthodox Church in, Shakespeare, William 47, 114
216, 224, 227, 228, 347, 348; Byzantine culture in, Shechem, 27
223-229; architecture and art, medieval, 228, 344; Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 114
feudal system, 344, 349; empire, origin of, 348- Shiites, 234
350 Sicilian Vespers, 303
Sicily, 106, 214; Greek trade with, 54; in Pelo-
Sabinus, 143 ponnesian War, 79-80; Greek colonies, 101;
Saguntum, 107 Roman province, 107, 113, 116, 142; Muslims in,

195, 235, 245, 334; in Middle Ages, 277, 303. See Sulla, Lucius Cornelius, 119-120, 122, 124, 125
also Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of Sumer, 9-2, 17, 29 :
Siena, 379 Sunnas, 234
Silver, mining and metallurgy, 362 Sunnites, 234
Sinai peninsula, 14, 21, 26 Supiluliumas, 23
Sixtus IV, Pope, 387 Susa, 33, 88
Slavery: in early civilizations, 9; in Egypt, 19, 22, Swabia, 266, 268, 378
in Greece, 54-55, 93; in Rome, 142; in Ottoman Sweden, 368
Empire, 340 Swedes, 245
Slavic tribes, 172, 176 Swein, 200
Slavs, 193, 218, 245; East, 176, 222-224, 343; South, Switzerland, 304; autonomy, 378-379
176, 253, West, 176 Syracuse: Greek colony, 49; in Peloponnesian
Sluys, 374 War, 80
Smolensk, 348 Syria, 215, 218; Egyptians in, 21-23; Roman prov-
Socrates, 81, 83-84 ince, 121, 123, 126; Jews governed by, 151; Mus-
Soissons, 175 lims in, 233; in Ottoman Empire, 337
Solomon, 27
Solon, 58
Song of Igor’s Campaign, 228 Tacitus, Cornelius, 146, 165, 178
Song of Roland, 226, 278 Tana, 357
Sophia Paleologus (wife of Ivan III), 348-349 Tancred, 327
Sophists, 83 Tanis, 22
Sophocles, 74, 75 Tarentum (Taranto), 56, 106, 114
Spain: Carthaginians in, 107; Roman _ provinces, Tatars, 348
110, 113, 120, 123, 124, 129, 140, 164, 173; Van- Taxes: Roman, 113-114; for crusades, 332; in four-
dals in, 173; Byzantine Empire in, 211; Muslims teenth and fifteenth centuries, 371-372, 376
in, 234, 235, 237, 245, 334; Jews in, 235; Recon- Tell, William, 379
quista, 245, 302, 325, in Central Middle Ages, Tell el Amarna, 21
245, 246, 253, 255, 277; in Late Middle Ages, 300, Templars (Knights Templars), 301, 309, 332
302-303; Cortes, 303; papal powers limited, 387 Terence, 114
Spanish language, Castilian, 277 Teutonic Knights, 304, 333
Sparta, 33, 45, 53, 55-57, 72, 86; Athens in conflict Thales, 50
with, 60; with Athens in Persian Wars, 65; in Thebes( Egypt), 18, 19, 21
Peloponnesian War, 78-81 Thebes (Greece), 44, 86
Spartacus, 120 Themistocles, 63, 65
Spenser, Edmund, 91 Theocritus, 91, 145
Spoleto, 379 Theodora (wife of Justinian), 211
Stamford Bridge, Battle of, 257 Theodore of Tarsus, 198
Stephen, St., 153 Theodoric, 174-175
Stoicism, 93, 114, 115, 215 Theodosius (Roman Emperor), 161, 163
Strasbourg, 368 Thermopylae, 108; Battle of, 65
Straw, Jack, 368 Thessalonica, 161
Subiaco, 188 Thietmar of Merseburg, 226
Sudan, 14 Thomas a Becket, St., 262
Suger, Abbot, 264, 315 Thomas 4 Kempis, The Imitation of Christ, 411
Suleiman (chieftain), 222 Thomas Aquinas, see Aquinas, Thomas
Suleiman II (the Magnificent), Sultan, 337, 339, Thomas of Celano, 309
341-342 Thucydides, 42, 73, 80, 82, 83


Thutmose III, 19 Vatican: art, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,

Tiberius, Roman Emperor, 136 387; Library, 387; Sistine Chapel, 387, 418
Tiber River, 100 Venice, 333, 366, 379, 397; Byzantine Empire and,
Tigris River, 9 220, 221, 249, 335; trade, 249, 290; war with
Toledo, 302 Ottoman Turks, 336; republic, 381, 382; popu-
Toulouse, Count of, 265. See also under Raymond lation, 394
Tours: monastery, 202; Battle of, 234 Ventris, Michael, 42
Towns, medieval, 249-251, 288 Vergil, 47, 91, 145, 146; Aeneid, 145; in Dante’s
Trajan, Roman Emperor, 137, 139 Divine Comedy, 317-318
Transylvania, 333 Verona, 379, 381, 394
Treaty of Corbeil (1258), 300 Vesalius, Andreas, 419-421
Treaty of Paris (1259), 300 Vespasian, Roman Emperor, 137
Treaty of Troyes (1420), 374 Vesuvius, eruption (A.D. 79), 141
Treaty of Verdun (843), 194 Vicenza, 379, 381
Trebizond, 217 Vikings, 195-196, 198; America visited by, 196;
Tribonian, 213 raids in Europe, 196, 198; in Russia, 196, 223-
Tripoli, crusaders in, 328 224; in England, 257
Trojan War, 44-47 Villas (Roman estates), 163, 182
Troubadours, 278, 280, 413 Vinci, Leonardo da, see Leonardo da Vinci
Troy, 44-45 Vinland, 196
Tunis, Louis IX’s crusade against, 300 Vinland Map, 196 7.
Tunisia, 234 Visconti, Gian Galeazzo, 379, 381, 400
Turkey: early man in, 7; Hittites in, 23 Visigoths, 173, 175, 187, 211, 234
Turks, 235, 237, 334. See also Ottoman Empire; Vittorino da Feltre, 401
Seljuk Turks Vladimir IJ, ruler of Russia, 224
Tuscany, 394, 396 Volga River, 13, 223, 224, 343, 344, 347
Tutankhamen, 21-22; tomb, 22 Volynia, 343
Tver, 348 Vouillé, 175
Two Sicilies, see Naples and Sicily, Kingdom of
Tyler, Wat, 368 Waldensians, 306
‘Lyre, 217 Waldo, Peter, 306
Tyrol, 362 Wales, 175; in Middle Ages, 253, 295
War of the Roses, 371, 377
Wearmouth-Jarrow, monastery, 198
Ukraine, 343 Wessex, 198, 199
Universities, medieval, 273-275 Weyden, Rogier van der, Descent from the Cross,
9,26 416-417
Ural Mountains, 13 Whitby, Council of (663 or 664), 198
Urban II, Pope, 325, 327 Whitehead, Alfred North, 84
Urban VI, Pope, 384 William I (the Conqueror), King of England,
256-257, 259 :
William II (Rufus), King of England, 259
Valencia, 302 Witchcraft, 406
Valens, Roman Emperor, 173 Worms, Concordat of (1122), 271-272
Valentinian III], Roman Emperor, 173-174 Writing: Sumerian invention of, 10-11; Egyp-
Valla, Lorenzo, 400-401 tian, 17; Greek alphabet, 25, 49; Phoenician
Valladolid, 302 alphabet, 25, 49; Cretan, 42, 44, 45; Cyrillic
Vandals, 158, 173, 175, 186, 211 alphabet, 49, Roman alphabet, 49; Carolingian

minuscule, 202-203, 365; in Middle Ages, 202- Yathrib, see Medina .
203 York, 368
Wycliffe, John, 412
Zara, 335
Zeno, Eastern Roman Emperor, 174-175
Xerxes, 63, 65-66, 87
Zeno, Stoic philosopher, 93
Zeus, 47, 60, 77, 112
Yaroslav (the Wise), 224, 226, 228, 349 Zoroaster, 34
Yaroslavl, 348 Zoroastrianism, 29, 34, 233

About the Authors

Mortimer Cuampsrs is Professor of History at the University of California

at Los Angeles. He was a Rhodes scholar from 1949-1952 and received an
M.A. from Wadham College, Oxford, in 1955 after obtaining his doctorate
from Harvard University in 1954. He has taught at Harvard University
(1954-1955) and the University of Chicago (1955-1958). He was Visiting
Professor at the University of British Columbia in 1958 and the State
University of New York at Buffalo in 1971. A specialist in Greek and Roman
history, he is coauthor of Aristotle’s History of Athenian Democracy (1962)
and editor of a series of essays entitled The Fall of Rome (1963). He has
contributed articles to the American Historical Review and Classical
Philology as well as other journals.

Raymonp Grew is Professor of History at the University of Michigan. He

earned both his M.A. (1952) and Ph.D. (1957) from Harvard University in
the field of modern European history. He was a Fulbright Fellow to Italy
(1954-1955) and Guggenheim Fellow (1968-1969). In 1962 he received the
Chester Highby Prize from the American Historical Association, and in
1963 the Italian government awarded him the Unita d'Italia Prize. He is an
active member of the A.H.A., the Society for Italian Historical Studies, and
the Society for French Historical Studies. He is the author of A Sterner Plan
for Italian Unity (1963) and is presently the editor of Comparative Studies
in Society and Literature. His articles and reviews have appeared in
number of European and American journals.

Davin Heruiny, Professor of History at Harvard University, is the author of

several books on the economic and social history of the Middle Ages: Pisa in
the Early Renaissance, A Study of Urban Growth (1958), Medieval and
Renaissance Pistoia, The Social History of an Italian Town (1968), and
Medieval Culture and Society (1968). He received his M.A. from the
Catholic University of America in 1953 and his Ph.D. from Yale University
in 1956. He is former president of both the American Catholic Historical
Association and the Midwest Medieval Conference. He was a fellow of the
Guggenheim Foundation (1962-1963), the American Council of Learned
Societies (1966-1967), and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Sciences (1972-1973). His articles have appeared in Speculum, Economic
History Review, and Annales-Economies-Sociéties-Civilisations.

Tueopore K. Rass is Associate Professor of History at Princeton University.

A specialist in early modern European history, he received his B.A. degree
from Oxford University (1958) and his Ph.D. from Princeton University
(1961). He was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1970. He has taught at Harvard
University, Stanford University, Northwestern University, Johns Hopkins
University, and the State University of New York at Binghamton. He is
co-founder and coeditor of the Journal of Interdisciplinary History, a
member of the National Research Council, and a fellow of the Royal
Historical Society. He is the author of The Thirty Years’ War (1964) and
Enterprise and Empire (1967), and coeditor of Action and Conviction in
Early Modern Europe (1969). He has contributed articles to the American
Historical Review, Journal of Modern History, Commentary, Past &
Present, the Economic History Review, and other journals.

IssER Wo tocu is Associate Professor of History at Columbia University. He

received both his M.A. (1961) and Ph.D. (1965) from Princeton University
in the field of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European history. He was
a Fulbright Fellow (1962-1963) and an A.C.L.S. Fellow (1973-1974).
From 1966 to 1969 he taught at the University of California at Los Angeles,
where in 1967 he received a Distinguished Teaching Citation. He was also a
member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton (1973-1974). His
works include Jacobin Legacy: The Democratic Movement Under the
Directory and The Peasantry in the Old Regime: Conditions and Protests,
both published in 1970, and his articles have appeared in the Journal of
Modern History and Journal of Interdisciplinary History.
A Note on the Type

This book was set on the Linofilm in Janson, a recutting made direct from
the type cast from matrices made by Anton Janson some time between 1660
and 1687. Janson’s original matrices were, at last report, in the possession of
the Stempel foundry, Frankfurt am Main.
Of Janson’s origin nothing is known. He may have been a relative of
Justus Janson, a printer of Danish birth who practiced in Leipzig from 1614
to 1635. Some time between 1657 and 1668 Anton Janson, a punch cutter
and type founder, bought from the Leipzig printer Johann Erich Hahn the
type foundry that had formerly been a part of the printing house of
M. Friedrich Lankisch. Janson’s types were first shown in a specimen sheet
issued at Leipzig about 1675. Janson’s successor, and perhaps his son-in-law,
Johann Karl Edling, issued a specimen sheet of Janson types in 1689. His
heirs sold the matrices in Holland to Wolffgang Dietrich Erhardt of Leipzig.
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Studies in World Civilization
Alfred A. Knopf
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Alfred A. Knopf, 201 East 50th Street, New York, N.Y. 10022


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