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Profesor Titular del Curso : Ronal Alonso Tejada Ramos

Nombre de la actividad : Someone that I Admire
Semana :7
Código de la Clase : 23786


APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (1) : Huaracallo Condorimay Diana Lucía

CÓDIGO (1) :

APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (1) : Inquilla Umiña Ingrid Clariza

CÓDIGO (1) : U20246048

APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (1) : Machaca Mayta Madeley Cristina

CÓDIGO (1) :

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Someone that I Admire
Gastón Acurio

Gastón Acurio is a writer, businessman, chef, and main promoter of Perú. He was born in

1967 in Lima. In 1991 he entered the Cordon Bleu in Paris to study cooking, he met Astrid

Gutsche in Germany, whom he married in 1993, they returned to Peru and opened the Astrid

y Gaston restaurant, which would be internationally recognized, ranking number thirty-five in

the world and winning the Michelin award. Gastón Acurio is always supporting enterprising

chefs, with the aim that Peruvian gastronomy is recognized throughout the world. Acurio has

organized important iniciatives around Peruvian gastronomy.

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