A Brighter Sun by Samuel Selvon: Chapter 5-7

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Samuel Selvon
Chapter 5

► This chapter opens with the effects of the war on Trinidad. One negative effect is that there is a
shortage of food stuff, but the positive is that American bases are being erected.
► Some people fear the war while others are unbothered. This is so because the war is distant so
some even joke about it especially at Tall Boy’s shop.
► We see Tiger assessing his life from where he is coming from to where he is now. He is somewhat
contented with his achievements. He is now a farmer, a husband to Urmilla and father to his
daughter Chandra. He is a man.
► However, there is a part of Tiger that wonders if he was a part of the ‘bigness’ in life if things
would be better. He becomes curious about the outside world and wants to hear more about
what is happening, so he goes to the bar to listen to the men talk but he seldom learns anything
because they would often become drunk and quarrel instead.
Chapter 5

► In this chapter we meet Sookdeo. He is an old Indian who is a drunk. He is described as a

little man with grey beard and straggly hair. He is bow- legged and has varicose veins on his
legs. He has sunken cheeks and gnarled hands from over working, small ,red piercing eyes
and two remaining teeth.
► Sookdeo came from India as an indentured labourer. He always speaks about his past, how
hard he worked, how he used to be with the girls back then and changes in the country.
► He is married to his wife Rookmin and together they have two daughters Seta and Dolly.
When Rookmin could no longer have any more children , this greatly disappointed Sookdeo
because he always wanted sons. He turned to alcohol to drown his disappointment. That is
how his alcoholism begins.
Chapter 5

► They live in a broken down hut which Sookdeo always promises to repair. However, he uses his money
to purchase rum. He well wants his daughters to get married and leave because he no longer wants to
be responsible for feeding them.
► He expresses this to Rookmin who then finds Seta a husband, plans a very scant wedding. Sookdeo is
drunk for three days and by the time he sobers up, Seta had already moved out. He is not in a hurry for
Dolly to leave because she cooks very well and will help around the house.
► Sookdeo’s garden is a mystery to the other famers. He is a careless farmer, yet his produce always come
out better and in more abundance than the other farmers who spend so much time in their gardens
working hard on their crops.
► When its time to sell the produce, Sookdeo is a careless vendor. Instead of trying to sell his produce he
leaves his stall, walks around teasing people, ogling women and making jokes. Any sale he gets he uses
the money to buy rum.
Chapter 5

► The interesting thing about Sookdeo is that he can read. He uses his literacy to help
others know about what goes on in and around Trinidad. He often reads the
Trinidadian Guardian and shares the news, especially about China with Tall Boy
and other men in the bar.
► Besides gardening Sookdeo uses his donkey cart to do odd jobs for people like
moving them, but he overworks the donkey and does not take care of him. Soon the
donkey falls ill. He then realizes the donkey is blind and decides to sell it. Ramdhin
buys the donkey for $50 and after realizing this ,he tries to return it to Sookdeo.
► Sookdeo hides majority of the money from Rookmin in an Ovaltine and buries it In
his garden
Chapter 5

► Tiger is fascinated by Sookdeo’s ability to read and develops the courage to ask him
to teach him how to read. Tiger addresses Sookdeo respectfully and this gesture
surprises him because he cannot remember the last time someone addressed him
► Sookdeo shares news about what is happening in America and England with Tiger
and this makes Tiger even more curious and perplexed. Tiger now starts to feel
disappointed in his life, that nothing exciting happens to him, there are only
► Tiger then goes to his farm and Sookdeo follows, and they continue their
Chapter 5

► We also meet Boysie in this chapter. He is described as a handsome Indian man who is strong and
popular with the girls. He once worked in a grocery in Port of Spain until he stole six bottles of
wine form the grocery and lost his job. He found it difficult to get another so he had to move from
Port of Spain and come to Barataria to do farming.
► Boysie, like Tiger is curious about the outside world and one day hopes to go to one these first
world countries to make life. However his Creole girlfriend Stella who lives in Port of Spain tells
him to wait until the war is over.
► Boysie prefers Creole women more than Indian women because he finds them to be more sensual.
The elderly Indians criticize him for this but he does not care about that. He does not cower under
the obvious racial tension that it places him under whenever he is out with Stella.
Chapter 5

► Tiger becomes more and more curious about city life and wants Boysie to take him to
Port of Spain and show him around. Tiger has never been to the city and he yearns
to learn more about the world that is unfamiliar to him. Therefore, Boysie agrees to
take him and Sookdeo promises to teach him to read.
► We see Tiger at home reminiscing on his life back in Chaguanas. He reflects on the
simplicity of his life back there as a child- a life without responsibility and this makes
him feel disgusted by his wife and child because they are the source of his
responsibility. He has conflicted thoughts about his life now and the life he dreams
Chapter 6

► This chapter shares how Tiger and Boysie go to Port of Spain. Urmilla asks him to buy the baby a
bonnet when he goes there. They travel by taxi to get there.
► Tiger visits the store in Port of Spain and faces racism. He is ignored by the store clerk but once a
white British woman enters she receives the best treatment from the same girl. The white woman turns
her nose up at Tiger and acts as if he is insignificant.
► After Tiger experiences that he shares it with Boysie. The store clerk shares the experience with
another worker and they laugh at Tiger and his expectations of being treated in the same way as the
white British woman.
► The white woman obviously is also from an influential background because even after ignoring proper
traffic law, the police officer apologises to her after he hears who she is.
Chapter 6

► Tiger and Boysie have lunch together after which, Tiger takes a trip around the place while Boysie
goes to visit his girlfriend Stella.
► Tiger enjoys the sights in Port of Spain before it is time for him to go back home to Barataria.
Chapter 7
Chapter 7

► Tiger learns how to read. News reaches Barataria that the Americans plan on building a
highway through Barataria. This will affect the farms since many famers will have to give up
their farms and be compensated for them in order to facilitate the highway.
► Tiger goes to San Juan to find out the proper procedure to follow as it relates to the
arrangement. He then talks to Joe about the roads coming to Barataria. Joe tells him that in case
he loses his farm, he can get a job with the Americans. This gets Tiger excited.
► Tiger’s ambitions are highlighted: to read, to own a house, learn about the world in England and
America. He reassesses what being a man means. It is no longer about having a wife and child,
drinking rum and smoking, it means more. He further yearns to learn and know more about the
outside world.
Chapter 7

► Tiger criticizes Joe for being content with his life, and not being curious about the
new world like he is. Tiger cannot understand why Joe’s ambitions are different
from his. Joe isn’t interested in the things Tiger has developed an interest in.
► Tiger ventures into the fields to clear his head in the night and he spots Sookdeo in
his garden. Sookdeo tells him that he should not allow life to catch up on him. He
encourages him to aspire for more and encourages him to leave Barataria for better
things. Tiger has a conversation with him about believing in a supreme being.
Chapter 7

► In this chapter, the man who works in the office in San Juan carries the American
officers to Barataria to assess the area since that is where the highway will be built.
► This man’s name is Mr. Bunsee. He feels extra important because he is in the
company of the American Officers
► Mr. Carl Bunsee is Westernized although he is Indian. He likes modern things and
tolerates his own Indian culture. He is respected by the farmers because of his job,
they often make him their children’s god father even though he does nothing for
them. They also do this because of his job.
Chapter 7

► Mr. Bunsee is in love with a Portuguese- Indian girl who lives in Laventille. Like
him, she is westernized. When they speak about marriage she is totally against
having an Indian wedding. Instead she wants to get married in a Roman Catholic
► He often has a quarrel with his parents about this because they are strict Hindus.
However , he tells them that marrying his girlfriend will make him happy and they
want him to be happy
► Bunsee also dreams of getting a raise and moving to the city.
► Tiger and Boysie stand and watch the Officers survey the place to see where the
highway will run.
Chapter 7

► Tiger develops the courage to approach one of the officers. He asks him about
getting a job with the when they start building the highway and he receives a
favourable response.
► The next day the find out that majority of the farmers will have to give up their
farms to facilitate the highway. Sookdeo however will not have to move.
► Tiger in his anticipation ad excitement goes home to tell Urmilla all about it but in
his excitement he retorts that he does not care about the baby when she asks him to
speak softly. He defends his stance that he is looking out for their future.
Chapter 7

► Tiger will have to move his garden. He therefore goes to San Juan to a store to
purchase a book about roads. He tells himself that he needs to read about roads since
they will be coming to Barataria and he needs to know about them.

► The concept of the multi-ethnic society

► Racial tension
► Tradition vs Modernization
► Dreams and Aspirations

► A Brighter Sun by Samuel Selvon

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