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Bachelor (information and Communication DAC-IT-0013-03

Technology Law)

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Technology Law

Date: Reason Written by: Validated by:

November, 2021 Course outline Mr. Rodrick NDI Mr. Kamou
November 2022 Mr. Rodrick NDI Mr. Kamou
February 2023 Mr. Rodrick NDI Mr. Kamou
November 2023/2024 Dr. Rodrick Ndi Mr. Kamou

I- Description of course

This course is designed to equip the learners on the laws regulating Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in Cameroon and crimes of ICT. Today ICT underpins or
supports most aspects of our lives. We communicate using our mobile phones and tablets,
many aspects of our commercial and government infrastructures are dependent on information

Course title: ICT Law Code: IT 304

Language of Instruction: English Semester: 5

Année académique: 2023/2024 Total Number of hours: 24 hours

technology systems whilst as we have seen recently, our Internet usage may be tracked by
national security agencies with serious threats posed to individuals’ privacy. All of these issues
and more will be considered in the course.

Pré requis


II- Pedagogical Objectives

a) Knowledge transmitted

➢ They should be able to know the laws governing ICT in Cameroon,

They should equally know the basic conditions for making an/or a computer or e-commerce
contract in Cameroon.
Bachelor (information and Communication DAC-IT-0013-03
Technology Law)

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Technology Law

➢ Also, they should know what information is protected by the intellectual property Laws
and the ICT laws.

➢ The cybercrimes and the sanctions under the Cameroonian laws.

b) Knowledge developed

At the end of the course, students should know the laws governing ICT in Cameroon and
international laws.

Also, they should know how to form an ICT contract, the conditions. More so, they should
know the various cybercrimes and the attributed sanctions by the various laws

c) Manner developed

The learners should have greater self-confidence, more curious and open-minded towards the

III- Teaching methods, Mode of evaluation, pedagogic support materials used

a) Teaching methods

Lectures Exposé


b) Modes of evaluation

2 continuous assessments and a final exam

c) Teaching Aids

An erasable board and boldmarker


IV- The course content

Bachelor (information and Communication DAC-IT-0013-03
Technology Law)

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Technology Law

-Self-introduction 30 M
Introduction -Guided principles
-Distribution of syllabus
-The importance of ICT

Chapter 1 -Definition of ICT

General introduction -ICT and the business world
-Laws governing ICT in:
-International ICT Laws
-Definition of law, branches of law, etc.
-Mission or responsibilities of the Telecommunications
Regulating Board
- The recent laws governing ICT in all its facets in Cameroon
- Challenges of the Communication network in Cameroon 3:30M
- National Agency for Information and Communication
Technologies (ANTIC)
-Sources of information and communication technology law
Chapter 2 -Generalities of contract law 3H
ICT of contract law
CONTRACT/CONVENTIONAL -Formation of contract both traditional and using
LEGAL ACTS the computer
-Breach and remedies for breach of contract

Chapter 3 -Types of ICT Contracts 3H

The Diversity of ICT Contract -Legal recognition of electronic messages
-Requirement of form
-Retention of messages
-Recognition of foreign electronic documents and signatures
-Admission of electronic evidence
Chapter 4 -Definition of Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property rights
ICT and Intellectual Property -Types of Intellectual Property and their protection
Law: Legal Protection *Copyrights
Bachelor (information and Communication DAC-IT-0013-03
Technology Law)

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Technology Law

-Infringement and sanctions
Chapter 5 -Crimes and sanctions 3H
Legal ICT security and ICT
Chapter 6 -Issues 3H
ICT crimes -Managing ICT Security risks
-Digital signature and data protection
-Rights protected under the intellectual property laws
*Creator’s rights
*Copyrights and other related rights
-Protection by intellectual property law, criminal law, -
Repression and counterfeiting of cybercrime,
-Protection of privacy, consumer protection of computer
Liability of the hardware profession
-Legal deterrents
-Regulating ICT crimes
-Divulging customers information
-Banking crimes, etc.
-International cooperation
Chapter 6
Social Network and Prive life

Hubert Bitan (2010), Droit des Créations Immatérielles: logiciels, base de données, autre oeuvre sur
le web 2.0, Wolter Kluwer France.
Ngwa Shu Princewill (2020), A reflection on contract formation in an electronic commercial
transaction in Cameroon. National Journal of Contract Law, 3(2), pp. 1-8.
Bachelor (information and Communication DAC-IT-0013-03
Technology Law)

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Technology Law

BAFUKE Evarestus NJI & Nzalie Ebi J. (2019), Cyber criminality and electronic banking:
what prospects? National Journal of Cyber Security Law. Vol. 2, Issue 1, 23-37p.

Bafuke E.N., (2019), “The Protection of Consumers of Electronic Banking Services in

Cameroon”. PhD Thesis, English Law, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of
Dschang (Unpublished).

Reflection questions
1. What is ICT Law?
2. How is the formation of computer contract effected?
3. What are the requirements necessary for the conclusion of an e-commerce contract?
4. What are the main national laws regulating ICT in Cameroon?
5. State and explain three cybercrimes under the Cameroonian law.
6. How can electronic evidence be admitted?
7. What is the place of intellectual property in ICT?

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