Law and Citizenship 1 Question

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Section A; Introduction to Law and Fundamental Rights (20 mks)
1. Briefly explain five essential characteristics of law(5mks)
2. What are the importance of Law to the society(5mks)
3. Substantiate the fact that customary law is a source of Cameroonian law (5mks)
4. Briefly explain the composition and the competence of the constitutional council in
Cameroon (5mks)

Section B: Civics Ethics And Moral Education ( Citizenship Education)

1. Who is a citizen (2mks)
2. List 4 duties of a good citizen(2mks)
3. How can an individual acquire Cameroon Citizenship(2mks)
4. What is child Adoption law (2mks)
5. List four rights and responsibilities of Cameroonians (2mks)
6. Write the National Anthem (5mks)
7. Name 5 National Symbols (2mks)
8. Name 3 historical figures in Cameroon(2mks)
9. The Electoral Body is known as _______ in your country (1mk)

Section C: Labour Law (20mks)

5. i) Since independence, the Republic of Cameroon has had three(3) labour codes.
Name the years in which these codes were signed. (3mks)
ii) Write short notes on the following labour contracts
a) Specified duration employment contracts (3mks)
b) Contract of employment of unspecified duration. (3mks)
c) Apprenticeship contracts(3mks)
6. Under what circumstances can an employment contract be terminated prematurely.
7. Briefly explain the role of a staff delegate in an organization.(4mks)

Section D: Business Law (20mks)

8. Explain the following terms as used in banking operations in relation to the use of
a) Drawer 2mks
b) Drawee 2mks
c) Payee 2mks
9. Briefly explain the exceptions in which the banker will not exercise the banker’s right
of lien on the customers. (4mks)
10. Justify the assertion that ‘’arbitration tribunals are preferable legal institutions than
the ordinary law courts in commercial matters.’’(4mks)
11. Write short notes on the following terms and principles as used in insurance law.
a) Insurance contract (1mk)
b) Premium (0.5mk)
c) Insurance policy (0.5mk)
d) Principle of insurance interest (1mk)
e) Principle of Utmost Good Faith (1mk)
f) Insurer (1mk)
g) Insured (1mk)

Section E: Company Law (20mks)

12. Briefly explain the percuniary and the non-percuniary rights of shareholders.
13. Give reasons why an incorporated company can be dissolved in Cameroon. (10mks)

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