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Hi this is ____________ with American Debt Relief, how are you today?

Well the reason of my call is to verify your eligibility

for the DEBT SETTLEMENT Program, if u do qualify that up
to 50% of debt will be REDUCED by THESE PROGRAMS.

1. do you think you owe more than 10k$ on your Credit Cards,
Personal Loans, and other unsecured debt? must be yes
2. are you currently enrolled in any income-based repayment
program RIGHT?
Must be no
3. Ok are you are in any bankruptcy? Must be no?
4. Are you currently working full time or part time?
Well, its seems that you are prequalified for this program so what I am
gonna do right now, I am gonna connect your call to one of my debt
Specialist who gonna assist you further

Stay online please

warm Transfer
Hello Specialist, I have_________ on the line, he/she is interested in settling his/her debts, please help him/
her out. Thank you. You both have a great day

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