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106 i = opening ‘There are a great variety of presentation contexts: © Company presentation (history, structure, main products, markets, plans for the future). © Product presentation (features and benefits of a new product), © Internal presentation reporting financial or sales figures, @ Internal presentation analyzing a problem and suggesting solutions. © Welcoming visitors. © Any occasion where you speak at length in a meeting on a prepared topic. In addition, there are a variety of presentation styles © Formal, structured, rehearsed, taking questions at the end, © Informal, partiy improvised, interacting with the audience. © Somewhere between the two: using a basic structure, but allowing occasional opportunities for questions and interaction. Which style you use depends not only on your audience and its expectations, but also on you and your personality. Read the opening to a ‘welcoming visitors’ presentation in the next column. (The main body andi close of a presentation are covered in units 52-53.) © Notice how the presenter begins by giving answers to all the practical questions that might bein the audience's mind (eg What isthe alm ofthis talk? How long, will it last? Will there be a break? Who is the person speaking? Who i that man in the corner?) © The presenter then gives an outline ofthe structure of the presentation. © Finally, before beginning, the presenter makes it clear whether audience members can interrupt with questions, or keep them until the end. The phrases you need I= Welcome OK, ets get started. Good morning everyone and welcome to Can everybody see? Before | begin, I'd like to thank (name) for inviting me here today. (On behalf of BCC International 'd like to welcome you here to cour offices. 1s good to see so many people here today. {1m very happy to be here Personal introductions Let me start by introducing myself. My name is. Just a few words about myself, Perhaps | should just introduce one or two people inthe room: Objective The ttle of my presentation is This morning I'm going to talk about The aim of this short tak is to (@G Well, good morning, everyone. On behalf of BCC International I'd like to welcome you here to our offices. Can everyone see at the back? OK. The aim ofthis short talk is to give you an overview of our company and its products. Il speak for about thirty minutes, and then well take a break for coffee and biscuits. After that, at around fen thirty, we'll take you on a tour of the factory. Before we begin, just afew words about myself. My name is Anna Edelmann and I'm in charge of public relations here at BCC. I've been with the company for twelve years, and I worked in the sales area before moving into PR. I should also introduce my colleague Mr Andersen ‘over therein the corner. Mr Andersen is our plant ‘manager and he will be leading the factory tour I've divided this presentation into four sections. First I'd like to show you a timeline of our company s0 you can see how we've grown and developed over the years. Then I'l talk a litle about our market and hhow it’s changing. After that I'll move on to discuss customization, and how we focus on taloring our products to our customers’ needs. Finally, il give you alittle technical background to help you understand the new technology that you'll be seeing on the factory tout. Ifyou have any questions, please fel fee to interrupt OK, let's begin with this first slide, which shows... 9@ Get attention and interest Let me ask you a question. (+ thetorical question) Take a look at this picture. What does it fell you about... ? Somebody once said... (+ quotation) Did you know that ...? (+ surprising statistic) Audience benefit | hope this presentation wil enable you to By the end of my talk you will Structure IM speak for about thirty minutes. te divided my tak nto four main parts / sections. Fist ke t0 Then Il alka litle about After that I'l move on to Finally Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to interrupt. OK, let's begin with the frst point / slide, which is Exercises 54.1 Cover the page opposite with a piece of paper. Make phrases from the presentation by matching an item from each column, 1 On behalf — 2 Can everyone see at the back? (of public relations 3 Just a few ~~ of BCC I'd like to 4 I'min charge to show you 5 td lke words about myselt 6 Hiltak with this first slide 7 ti move on tailoring our products 8 We focus (on to discuss customization, 9 I give you about our market and how Lets begin a little technical background 51.2 There are many ways to create an impact in the {first few minutes of a presentation. Match techniques 4-8 with phrases a-h. 1 rhetorical question 2 thank the organizers 3. surprising statistic 4 audience involvement [_ 5 personal story [ 6 audience benefit | 7. use of visuals 8 quotation {_) a Take a look at this picture. What does it tell you about teenage fashion? bb Everybody who thinks the Internet will kill traditional adyertsing ~ put your hands up. © Wouldn't you lke to double your sales in just twelve months? 4. Charles Darwin once wrote, ‘iis not the strongest of the species that survive, but the ones most responsive to change. € I'd lke to thank Olga for all the hard work she has done to make this event possible fant to share something with you: 4g. hope this presentation will enable you to choose the most costeffective T solution h 70% of all Americans say that they/re carrying so much debt that its making their home lives unhappy. 51 PRESENTATIONS - OPENING 51.3 Make presentation phrases by using a verb 1-12 with the words axl 1 be». 5 ove. 9 start 2 take a break ..] 6 introduce...) 10 take 3 divide 7 sy] 11 thank 4 feel 8 speak ...[_ 12_welcome a few words about myself any questions at the end you an overview for about thirty minutes for coffee and biscuits, (name) for inviting me here today free to interrupt happy to be here my talk into four parts ‘one or two people in the room by introducing myself you here today 51.4 Create different ways to open a presentation, using the verbs in the box. ‘bring deal make outiine discuss fil give look report show take talk Good morning everyone and thanks for coming. This morning Im going to 1 discu: to minimize it. the issue of risk, and what you can do 2 — you an overview of the company and its products. 3 you how to sell more effectively to your existing customer base, 4 ‘about investment funds: how to choose them, when to buy them and when to sell them, 5 back to you on our progress with the Milestone project ata variety of green technologies that axe helping to combat the threat of global warming 7 you in on the background to our involvement in the Brazilian market 8 _____a look at how we got into the problem with our local agents in the UK and how we can get out of it 9 you up to date on the latest results from out consumer survey. 10 some detailed recommendations about how to reorganize the department. 1 ‘our new marketing strategy, 12 with the item outstanding from our last meeting: funding our R&D activities, 51.5 @ 6 Speaking practice: listen and repeat. Repeat each phrase you hear and then listen to check. Presentations 107 108 “The phrases you need below shows some phrases that can make your presentation easier to fallow. You will have to supply the content yourself of course! © ‘Signposts: these are phrases that say where you're going in terms of the main topics of your tall. © Develop a topic: these phrases are mini-signposts within a topic. By explicitly saying what you're going to talk about next, the audience can follow easily. © Focus: these phrases are also mini-signposts ‘You're saying to the audience: ‘please pay extra attention for the next few moments’. © Question-answer: asking a question and then answering it yourself is a standard technique in public speaking, The question creates interest in the mind of the listeners, the answer provides the satisfaction of closure © Refer to visuals: be careful not to rely too much on, ‘your slides as they can send people into a trance of boredom. Direct attention back to yourself often, © Ask for contributions: stop at several points during the main presentation to take questions ~ it creates interest and makes the presentation more interactive. Read the presentation extract in the next column, which shows some of these techniques and phrases in context. The content in this case is techni about wind energy technology, © Looking just at the first half ofthis extract, notice how the presenter guides the audience: signposting the main topic, stating that some background is ‘coming next, directing attention to a slide, raising a, question to create interest, focusing on twa issues, All of this makes the presentation easier to follow. The phrases you need 0 Signposts OK. Let's move on to ... / turn our attention to .. take a look at This leads me to my next point, which is Earlier | mentioned | (i say more about this later / I'l come | back t0 this in a moment. Just to digress for a moment, Develop a topic It might be useful to give a litle background here. let's examine this in more detail. Let me explain with a concrete example, ‘My own view on this is engineering questions. It’s three times more structure as a whole. ‘efficient than an onshore turbine of equivalent size. What is the reason for this? ‘The reason is that it uses a completely different design that isn’t dependent on the ‘wind direction. There is a Jange V-shaped structure with rigid ‘sails’ mounted along its length. As the wind passes ‘over these they act like airfoils and this generates lift and turns the GG .... OK, tet’s move on to the next point, which is wind energy ‘technology. The market for wind turbines* is shifting from onshore to offshore. It might be useful to give a lite background here. As Yyou can see on this next slide, onshore wind farms have several drawbacks: first you need a reliably windy location, second the farms can cause visual pollution, andl third there are some serious What are these engineering questions? Basically there are two issues. Firstly, the stability of the structure as you make it bigger, and secondly the problem of having the blades always facing the wind. So the trend is towards offshore wind farms, and there are some engineering challenges here. Have a look at this slide ~ it shows the design for an offshore turbine that sits on the surface of the sea, i ‘would like to stress that this design is not yet in commercial production, but a prototype is currently being tested off the coast of Scotland. comments? making electricity Focus Basically... /To put it simply So, for me, the main issue here is I think there are three questions to Focus on. I would like to stress / emphasize that Question-answer What is the reason for this? The reason is How much is this going to cost? Well, the figures show So what can we do about allthis? I tell you. We plan to ‘OK. Are there any questions so far? Does anyone have any 99 wind turbine: tll structure with parts that are turned by the wind, used or “airfoil curved parton an aircraft's wing that helps to rise in the a Refer to visuals ‘As you can see on this next slide, I'd lke to highlight two things on this table {chart / diagram Whar is interesting on this slide {fd like to draw your attention to Ask for contributions Ave there any questions so far? Does anyone have any comments? How does this relate to your ov particular context? Exercises 52.1 Cover the opposite page with a piece of paper. Now try to remember the words below. Some letters have been given. 1 This |___s me to my next point, which is 2 Earlier !men___ned 3 fle __ b___ to this point in @ moment. 4 Just to di___ss (= sidetrack) for a moment, 5 6 lets examine thisi mde 1 Let me explain with acon __teex.__le. 7 U think there are three questions to f A 8 | would like to st emphasize) that 9 __ youc._ s _ onthis next slide, 10 I' to high ___t two things on this chart. 11 W___i_ interesting in this side is 12 How does this rete to your own particuler cont_ 52.2 Complete the presentation extract with the words in the box. Itis an alternative version of the presentation opposite. at this point emphasize have alook highlight two things letsg0.0n my oun ven notice you can see how 66 0, iets 1 ___atthis next slide. It shoves the design for an offshore turbine that sits on the surface of the sea Fa tke to? on this diagram. Firstly? the V-shaped structure with ‘sais’ mounted along its length, Secondly, 4 s this whole structure can tum on is base, powered by the action of the wind on the sails. This is how electricity is generated. zi on thisis that the design isa big improvement on eater versions ~ its more efficient in terms of energy production, and its also more stable with its solid base By the way, | must just ® this design is not in commercial production, OK, are there any questions ? a No? Then # to the next side, ‘which isa graph showing the projected demand for offshore wind eneray over the next twenty years. @@ that s 52 PRESENTATIONS ~ MAIN BODY The extract you just looked at shows several points about referring to visuals: © The speaker introduces the slide clearly. long pause at | the end of the first paragraph would be good — giving the | audience a chance to study the slide silently. © The speaker uses ‘irsy’ and ‘secondly’ to list points ‘Again, pauses after each separate point would allow the listeners time to absorb the information © The speaker makes a personal comment. This creates | interest and is one way to avoid the danger of just reading the tex on the side @ The speaker gives @ chance for questions about this side. 52.3 Read aloud these two versions of the same sentence. In the second, put a strong pause where you see the // symbol and a strong emphasis on the underlined syllables. Version A The market for wind turbines i shifting from onshore to offshore Version B The market for wind turbines is shifting 1! rom ‘onshore /! to offshore. Can you hear a difference? The second version has more clarity and more impact, Mark with a // symbol three places in this sentence ‘where you can pause for clarity. 1 As the wind passes over these they act ike airfoils and this generates lft and turns the siructure as a whole Underline two syllables in this sentence that you can emphasize to create impact. 2 ItS more efficient in terms of energy production, and its also mor stable with is solid base 52.4 ‘I'd now like to discuss ...’ The words below can all replace ‘discuss’. Fill in the missing vowels, my nt 6 xpl_n 2tk bt Tour 3d 1 wih Bcnsdr 4 tin my tot nt 9 maton = era inte ie 10 fies nm 52.5 @ 7 Speaking practice: listen and repeat. Repeat each phrase you hear and then listen to check. Presentations 109 m0 ‘The following sequence provides a guide for how to er presentation effectively. 11 Signal the end: this means using a ‘signpost’ phrase to tell the audience explicitly that you're going to finish. (See unit 52 for the meaning of ‘signpost phrase’) 2 Summarize: summarize the main points, and add a few “observations or details for interest. Perhaps have bullet points on a final slide, and then give a lively comment about what really matters for each one (a “take-home message’). 3 Chachite you cacondbde wine nielyeoumeos, | a final slide (with a strong image or message), by ‘mentioning the benefits your talk has given the audience, or by looking forward to the future —with a call to action fr an inspirational message. Finally, a strong ‘Thank you all for coming’ will hopefully produce some applause! 4 Tnvite questions: ‘Do you have any questions?’ is usually fine. 5 Deal with questions: the basic range of techniques are: 1 Respond positively, then answer. Clavify / Ask for repetition. 3. Redirect to the questioner: 4 Redirect to the group. 5 Delay an answer. Control the timing. Read the presentation extract in the next column, which shows some of these techniques and phrases in context. It is the closing part of a ‘welcoming visitors’ presentation. The phrases you need [> Signal the end ‘Right, that brings me nearly to the end of my presentation. Summarize Just to summarize the main points agai, So, to summarize, we looked at four main points. | began by telling you a ite about .. Then I talked about... After that l explained how ... Finally Conclude 1d fike to finish by saying 5, in conclusion, | hope that this talk has given you Now we have to. 1m asking all of you to... ! Our job is to Thank you all for coming. | hope it's been useful, @G Right, that brings me to the end of my presentation. Just to summarize the main points again: Tbegan by telling youa little about the history of our company, and you saw our growth from a small family firm to the international operation that we are today. ‘Then I talked about our market, and how new technologies are opening up exciting possibilities for the future ‘After that I explained how customization is at the heart of our business model — our clients all get tailor-made solutions based on their individual needs. Finally I gave you some information about our ‘manufacturing process, and you saw how we achieve our exceptional levels of quality and performance. OK, I'd like to finish by saying that it’s a great pleasure forts to welcome you here today, and I hope that you ‘enjoy the factory tour which we've planned for you. We'll start on the tour after a short break for refreshments, ‘Thank you all for coming. (applause) I've got some handouts here ~ I'l pass them round. ‘They show all the slides I usec in my talk and my contact details are at the back. Do you have any quick questions before we break? ‘Yes the gentleman at the back with the red te. © Compare the opening in unit 51 with the closing extract to the same presentation above. The presenter told the audience ‘what she was going to say at the opening, and now here at the close she repeats the main points again. This reinforces, the key ideas and makes them easier to remember. Practical matters ve got some handouts here. Here's my email in case you want to get in touch. Invite questions Do you have any questions? Yes, the gentleman / lady over. there with the red tie / the black jacket Now. if you have any questions, 11 do my best to answer them| Deal with questions That’s a very good point. /'m glad you asked me that. I ‘Sorry, can you explain that again? So, if understand you correctiy, you're asking ... That's an interesting question. What's your own opinion? Has anyone else experienced the same thing? | think that's outside the scope of this presentation, but 7m hhepoy to discuss it with you afterwards. OK, J think there's time for one last question. Exercises 53.1 Complete this extract from the close of a presentation with the words in the box. It is an internal resentation about departmental reorganization. generated a lot of dscussion give the tioor ook at some options may be forced our jab is to consider that covers everything there is the option to the next steps some difficult decisions would lead to GG Right, think Ihave to Say. Before | finish lust briefly summarize the key points, and then we can try to come toa decision and focus on So, right at the beginning | said that the aim of my presentation was to? an = aise reorganizing our sales and marketing operations. And | explained the reasons why, ‘We explored three alternatives. Firstly, we looked at keeping both a sales department and a marketing department in every country as now, but reducing all udgets and looking for cost savings wherever possible. Spending on advertising will be cut back considerably, and when people leave the company they wil not automatically be replaced. We can expect that everyone's workload will increese Secondly, # break up the national marketing teams, while keeping the sales teams. All ‘marketing campaigns would be run centrally from head office, leaving just a skeleton staf in other countries. This option 1 and | sense that many of you feel itS 100 drastic. However its the option that offers the Greatest cost savings, and we ® to.consider it ‘The final option is the possibility of merging sales and ‘marketing ito one large department in every market. This ai greater coordination, some ost savings, but also a loss of focus. | would like to hear more discussion about whether this option is viable So, in conclusion, now isthe time to take es Tm asking all of you to leave departmental loylties to one side — 2 —________ the future survival and profitability of the company as 2 whole. Thank you al for your attention. Now Fi ——____ to you for your questions and comments, @@ 53 PRESENTATIONS ~ CLOSING AND QUESTIONS 53.2 Study the phrases for dealing with questions below. Try to guess the single missing word in each gap. Write your answers lightly at the side. Several answers may be possible. 1 That's very good —__ (Think of something else besides question’) 2 Sorry, can you that again? 3. Has anyone else the same thing? 4. Ok, I think there’s time one last question. 5. That's an interesting question. What's your own - ? 6 Sony, | didn’t that (Think of something else besides ‘understand’,) 7. Ithink that’ outside the of this presentation, but I'm happy to discuss it with you 8 I'm : 9. | promised to finish — that it's nearly ten o'clock. you asked me that, time, and I see 10 You —— have thought quite a lot about this. What conclusion have you to? 11 Could you be a little more ____? 12. Anyone like to 13. Idon't have that information to on that? Cant get 10 you? Is that allright? 14 So, if | understand you you're asking ‘Now fill in the gaps above with the suggested words in the box below. back afterwards catch come comment Correctly experienced explain for glad hand ‘must on opinion point scope specific ‘53.3 Match phrases 1-14 from the previous exercise to ‘the techniques below. Respond positively [] [> Clarify / Ask for epettion (| 1] Redirect to the questioner |_| |_| Redirect to the group [~| {_] Delay an answer [~) [| + Control the timing |] 53.4 @8 Speaking practice: listen and repeat, Repeat each phrase you hear and then listen to check. Presentations 111 12 ‘The language of trends is important not just for presentations, but also for business reports. You may ‘want to describe movements in financial indicators (eg profits, costs), sales and marketing indicators (eg sales, market share), or economic indicators (eg interest rates, unemployment). Often this language will be used to explain a graph or chart. Many verbs describe the direction of movement: Movement upanddown | - | stabitity and instabitity 90 up / increase / rise | | stay the same / be flat So dah one J | ficnoter ey? move wihira ange 7} Smaller movement | | Larger movement up and up and down down edge up | | coubie take off boom / | eheiwniun $F, | ites tents | | | hate plunge 7 crash | Alternatively, you may want to reer to turning points or individual points: go ow Ind pos points } | graph tol etaies ae | | Sento ey Stabe ream | ‘Some verbs describe a change in size, and others say whether things are good or bad: Change in size | | Good / bad Sales row expand improve get better recover | improved Shrink | contract o—- > O | eeteroxate/ get worse Inflation ‘To make your description more accurate you can then talk about the speed and amount of change: Speed ) [arene culty frapicy Se | considarabysigntcanty ey ae Sdn en | | moceretey/10 some extent owt | | Seniy/ morgnaty _ aes Try also to get the preposition right: Sales stood at €1.2n Sales increased by €0.2m /15% Sales rose from €1.2 to €1.4m There was an increase in sales of €0.2m ‘Ang finally think about the verb form: Time period complete (past simple) Action / situation in progress in the past (past continuous) Sales rose by 2% last quarter. ‘Things were easier in the company a few years ago, while profits were rising. Time period not complete (present perfect) | Showing that one past event happened before another (past perfect) Profits have risen significantly this year. Before the CEO resigned profits had already fallen by 20% in a year. Present result of a past action (present perfect) | ‘will’ future for general beliefs, predictions and facts Prices have risen because of higher materials costs. Our competitors will face the same problems as us. Action / situation in progress now (present ‘going to' future when there is strong present evidence for a continuous) prediction _ Inflation is rising at the moment. Everybody likes our new product line~ I'm sure i's going to be a succes. lathe abscess Repeat geal cS youl maa ei gaage early sme Exercises 54.1 Match a verb on the left with a verb on the right so that they have the same meaning. Not all the words appear opposite. 1 grow. recover 2 fall ee rise 3 improve contract 4 stay the same drop 5. move higher be stable 6 level off expand 7 shrink dip 8 edge down stabilize there are any verbs above or opposite that you aren't sue about check thelr meaning carefuly ina Sita. For example, the word ‘cecne’~ not mentioned inthis unt ~ means both decease’ and get worse’. ls check to see the ver can be used with an object fr example you cannot say We rose our profts ast yeor 54,2 Match a verb on the left with a verb on the right so that they have the opposite meaning, 1 boom shrink 2 double = crash 3 edge up very 4 grow dip 5 improve deteriorate 5 7 8 peak halve stay the same fall rise hit a low 54.3 Complete the table with the correct form of the words. You may need to use a dictionary. Verb go up grow rise fall Verb grow expand contract improve recover 10 vary 111 have 12. deteriorate Past participle went up, Noun growth 54 PRESENTATIONS ~ TRENDS | 54.4. Write the adjectives in the box in the correct space. below. Not all the words appear opposite. Check any unknown words in a dictionary. aisappointing encouraging enormous excellent gradual moderate rapid slight sluggish Fast BIG GOOD NEWS 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 sLow SMALL BAD NEWS: 54.5 Rewrite the verb + adverb sentences as noun + adjective sentences. 1) Sales grew slowly There was 2 Costs rose significantly There was a 3. Profits deteriorated rapidly We saw a — 4 Market share improved slightly. We hada —_ 5 Our sales forecasts varied considerably. There was a forecasts. slow growth ieee in costs in profits in market share. in our sales 54.6 Fill in the mi extract below. ©G After the marketing campaign at the start of March sales rose" an initial figure 2 4.5m 3 ‘€5.2m by June, That means they went up 5 15%, the biggest increase ® sales of any recent campaign. They currently stand © 49m. 99 Note: the preposition in #4 is often missed out in speech ing prepositions in the presentation 54.7 Underline the correct forms in italics. Each verb form is used once. @G So far this year we ‘saw / have seen a lot of volatility in the financial markets. The current situation in the world ‘economy 7is causing / had caused a great deal of uncertainty. in the minds of investors. No-one knows what the future 2will bring / is bringing. Last year things were very different: ‘everyone “has been / was optimistic and the markets °were rising / have risen. Of course we know now that our current problems Shave already begun / had already begun well before last year 69 See page 151 for some writing tasks. Presentations 113 ms Unit 54 gave some language for describing trends. But in a presentation or report you will probably also have to give ‘some analysis. You may want to give reasons for the trends, to show their results, oF to give additional information. Read this extract from an internal presentation, analyzing recent sales figures GG "Sales for the frst hat of the year were disappointing, mainly because of the lack of new product lines. ?However, we launched two new lines in June and promoted them with a strong marketing campaign over the summer. 7As a result of this campaign, sales began to improve. ‘By the end of August they were 10% higher on ‘a year-on-year basis, although they fell back again over EE hd Oceber 99 © Sentence 1 has the structure ‘result’ (disappointing sales) ‘reason’ (lack of new product lines). Sentence 3 has the structure ‘reason’ (this campaign) “> ‘result’ (sales began to improve). The words because of, as.a result ofand due to. canall be used in sentence 1 and sentence 3 in a similar way. © Sentence 2 begins with hozvver, and this word adds an idea that is surprising or unexpected after the previous sentence. The wor howwver nevertheless and even so can all be used in a similar way. They're al followed by a © Sentence 4 has although in the middle of the sentence. This ‘word! introduces an idea that is surprising after a previous idea in the same sentence. Compare with However which refers back to a different sentence. © Although can also be used at the beginning of a sentence, ‘but the two contrasting ideas are still in the same sentence: Although sales were higher atthe end of August, they fell back again in September. The words although and even Hhouglt can be used in a similar way. ‘Now read this next extract from the same presentation. EG drop in sales over September and October led to a series of meetings where we examined our whole strategy in depth, ‘Christmas was approaching, and the Christmas season produces a large part of our annual sales. “Moreover, we were losing market share to our main competitor. °As a result, we increased our advertising budget for November and December, and changed our use of different media. “Outdoor advertising on billboards, ‘buses and bus stops increased, while our advertising in Bee iatete mererrespers aecreecl? 99 © Sentence 5 has the structure ‘reason’ (drop in sales) “> ‘result’ (series of meetings). The sentence uses the verb “Tead to’ to express this. The verbs lead fo and result in can bbe used ina similar way. © Sentence 7 uses Moreover to give additional information that supports the previous sentence. The words Morevoer, Furthermore and In addition can all be used in a similar way. They're all followed by a comma. © Sentence 8 uses As. res! to give the result of the previous sentence. The words Asa result, Because of tis and Therefore can all be used in a similar way. They're all followed by a comma. © Sentence 9 has while in the middle ofthe sentence. This ‘makes a simple contrast between two facts. (Compare with although where there isa sense of surprise.) The ‘words while and witereas can be used in a similar way. ‘The table below presents all this language together. Note that some words like Because of and tn spite of are followed immediately by a noun phrase, while other words like Because and in spite ofthe fact that are followed by a subject + verb: Because of the marketing campaign in June, sales increased. Because we had a marketing campaign in June, sales increased In spite of the poor weather in July, sales In spite ofthe fact that there was poor weather in July, sales The phrases you need US" Reason ~> result (ie cause -> consequence) Because of / Due to / Asa result of + noun phrase, Because / Due to the fact that + subject + verb, referring to the previous sentence: Because of this, /As a result, | Therefore, Using a verb: lead to / result in | Result « reason (ie consequence ¢ cause) | . because of /a5 a result of / due to | using a verb result from Making a simple contrast , while I whereas Adding a surprising or unexpected idea However, / Nevertheless / Even so, In spite of / Despite + noun phrase, {In spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that + subject + verb, _ although / even though | Although / Even though Giving additional information Moreover, / Furthermore, /In addition, See unit 69 for other words like As a result, Horeever and ‘Moreover that begin a sentence by making a link to the previous sentence. Exercises 55.1 Find and correct the one mistake in each sentence below. It could be a missing word, an extra word, or 2 ‘wrong word. 1. Because our considerable eost-cutting measures last querter, profits rose slighty. 2 Because of we cut costs considerably last quarter, profits rose slightly, 3 Earnings fell by 8% last year due our increased materials costs 4 Earnings fell by 8% last year as a result from our increased materials costs. 5. Difficult market conditions resulted a significant decline in market share 6 The significent deciine in market share resulted of difficult market conditions 7. This chart shows that brand awareness increased in South- East Asia, where it fell in Latin America 8 Our competitors are gaining market share. More, they have @ whole new product line coming out next month, 9 inspite the fact that we delayed the launch of our new product range, we stil had reasonable results last year. 10 Despite we delaying the launch of our new product range, ‘we still had reasonable result last year, 55.2 Complete the presentation extract with these words: as a result, due to, even though, however, in spite of and moreover. Use a capital letter where necessary. Be carefull Read the whole text before you begin, and write your answers lightly at the side until you're sure. GG We ae operating in a very ficult business environment, ‘and ths is largely the high price of all Energy costs are one ofthe biggest costs in our busines, we've introduced a lot of energy- efficient machines in our factories over recent years a —_— this investment in technology, energy stl accounts for 38% of our direct costs = and its very dificult to increase profit margins. >______, its not all bad news. Market share is growing slowly and we've signed some important new contracts. © our recent acquisition of a company in Brazil gives us access to the Latin American market for the frst time. s Notice how a phrase like ‘asa result’ does not ahways have to ‘come at the beginning of a sentence followed by @ comma In #4 ‘t comes in the middle, after ‘and’. Making 2 new sentence in #4 would mean that the presentation does not flow so well 55 PRESENTATIONS ~ TRENDS 55.3 In unit 54 you saw two simple forms for the future: will and going to. However the future is not certain, and to make forecasts for trends you need other language that shows different degrees of probability. Match a sentence 1-5 with a sentence a-e with a: meaning. 1 tS highly likely that welll meet our targets. ["] 2 We're likely to meet our targets. _] 3 ft might be that we meet our targets. 4 We're unlikely to meet our targets. [ 5. its highly unlikely that we'll meet our targets. [] a There’ a good chance we'll mest our targets. b There's almost no way well meet our targets, © There's nat much chance we'll meet our targets. d_ We're almost certain to meet our targets. There’ a 50/50 chance we'll meet our targets. '55.4 Complete the presentation extract with the words in the box. This exercise includes some new language as well as language from units 54 and 55. ‘axis a slight increase although _have been flat highlight highly ikely implications in ine with fead ro notice more rapidly reached a peak roughly while GG 0k, have a look at this next graph. There are {wo lines. The green line, with values onthe left vertical , shows sales, The red line, with values on the right vertical axs, shows profits Vike t two things here. The first isthe sales graph. As you can see, sales rose steaily fr many yeas, but they ‘around two years ago. maps SHA Qi in this last quarter. Since then, sales just ® Now look at profits © how profits increased 7 ier, sales for several years, but then they started to deteriorate, slowly at frst and then ® a In the last year this drop in profits has been significant ~ 5%, So, profits are down 1° carta, The of this are ear: we are not doing enough to control costs. a = the sales figures taken alone don't look too bad, profits tell the real story. Itis 2 difficult market environment and we must act now, orits - that we will lose cur competitiveness. In the long ter this wil assituation where the future of the company, and our jobs, are at risk 99 See page 152 for some writing tasks. Presentations 115 116 a 56.1 Match the beginning of each phrase 1-10 with its correct ending a-j. 1 OK, lets... 5 2 IF you have any questions, 3 come back 4 I've divided my talk...) 5. lust to digress for 6 Letseramine this... _] 7 Lets move 8 My own view. 9 OK, that’ alll want . 10. Right, lets begin a a moment b get siarted. Can everybody see? © in more detail d into three main parts. @ onthisis fon to the second point. 4g please feel free to interrupt hh to this in a moment. i with the fiststide, j_ to say about the first point. Continue as before. 11 Asyou can see 12. I began by telling you 13 I'diike usto 14. Just to summarize 15 Let me explain...) 16 Now, do you have 17 Right, that brings me to 18 Thank you all 19 This leads me 20 What is the reason k a fttle about ... Then | explained how After that | talked about | any questions? 1m focus our attention on two things on this chart 1) for coming and I hope its been useful © for this? The reason is P on this next side, 4g. the end of my presentation the main points again before { finish 5 to my third point, which is t with a concrete example, | 56.2 Complete the diagram below so that it includes all the twenty phrases from 56.1. You will see that eight phrases have already been used. Find and write the other twelve phrases by matching them with a picture clue. Opening [amar] Ok, let's get started. Can everybody see? Zenon ; 5 Bamana IRA STD I oy ces, First point A Right, let's begin with the first slide, 3 Spe eee a ca a Second point ee i > 1'll come back to this in a moment. Baas I'd like us to focus our attention on two things on this chart Third point This leads me to my third point, which anaes Neo g dio Closing Just to summarize the main points ‘again before | finish, sus ———s Spans) Fight, that brings me to the end of my presentation. > - Now, do you have any questions? | When you finish, look back at the whole sequence and read the phrases | aloud. Can you see how these ‘signpost phrases’ help the audience to follow the presentation? 56.3 Fill in the gaps with the words in the box. about at back in in in into. for of on on on on to to to with 1 Take @ look this picture. What does it tell you ‘our company? 2 I've divided my talk 3. Right, lets begin 4 Let's move 5 6 four main parts. the first slide. __— the second point, This leads me my third main point. come _____ this in 2 moment. on’ is possible in #6, but isn’t the answer here.) 7 My own view this is simple. of" is possible in #7, but isn’t the answer here) 8 I think there are three questions to focus 9 As you can see this next slide, Cin’ is possible in 49, but isn't the answer here.) 10 So, — conclusion, | hope that my talk has given you a good overview ___ our company. 17 Thank you all ___ coming, 12. Here's my email address case you want to get touch. 56.4 Complete the sentences with the pairs of words in the box. anyone /comments brings end dgress / moment examine / detail explain / again explain / concrete Aighight | clagram question / opinion scope / afterwards | time J question useful background _ stat / introducing 1 Let me — myself 2 Just to fora 3. might be to give alittle here 4 Lets this in more 5 Letme with a a example. 6 \dliketo ____ two things on this 7 Does have any —__? 8 Right, that ime nearly to the ____ of my presentation 9. Sony, can you — that ? 10 ThatSan interesting ‘What’ your own 7 11 Ithink that’s outside the of this presentation, but 'm happy to discuss it with you 12 OK, | think theres for one last 56 PRESENTATIONS ~ REVIEW 56.5 Underline the correct words in italics in this extract from an internal presentation. ©© This next chart shows sales for our two main product lines, the Micro zange and the Neka range. !Mark / Notice the scale on the vertical “axis /axle— it shows the number of aris / unites sold in thousands per month, Td like to ‘rac / make your attention firstly to the black line, which shows sales ofthe Micro range. You can see how last year sales Srse /lave risen "staaly / stem all through the year. Since the beginning of this year they “continued /have continued to vse, Salehough /in spite of ata slower pace. On balance, these results are good —"stealy/stendity grow / grout is what we like to see. This generally positive picture is due fo / due from the performance and reliability of the Micro range, and the fact that our competitors have been slow to respond. "Even 0 / Evet though, we canot be complacent. We have to build on this suecess going forward, and I want our sales teams to really focus “about /on the Micro range Mover /from the next few months ’m going to set an ambitious target ~ to take sales of Micro products from their current level of 20,000 per month "io /until a "igure /number of 35,000 by the end of the year. OK, now let's “ook at /lok fo the purple line on the chart, which shows sales of the Neka range. As you know, we launched this range in December of last year, and sales "Sook of /were taking off immediately. For the frst few months things "were really loki good / had relly look! goad. We were expecting this because we *ere doing /ud done alot of market research before the launch. "However Whereas, for no obvious reason, there "was/is been a sudden / suddenly “drop / reduce i sales in recent weeks. ‘The question is this: can we find out the natives / reasons and what can we do *about /for i? Ina moment 'm going to open up the discussion and ask for your “comments /commentares. But the implications are clear: its igh / highly Nchance / likely that ‘we won't meet our target of 25,000 "by /for the end of the year 99 30 20. Units sold (000 / month) a a a aia a’ a Presentations 11 Bruce Tackman (born 1938) has explored how teams develop, mature and function successfully in the workplace. He defined a process of team development with four (later five) stages: © Forming — The team meets for the first time and individuals start to get to know each other. Members are keen to establish their personality and identify others they think they cat ‘on with. Group norms and a feeling of group cohesion gradually develop. ‘These initial exchanges are followed by discussion regarding the task, on ways of achieving it and on how the group will conduct itself. © Storming — This stage is characterized by a period of conflict. Arguments may develop on priorities, working responsibilities and a range of options for getting the job done. ® Norming - Having established procedures, the team is ready to get down to. productive work. ™ Performing — The team works effectively and gets on with the job. Team spirit is high. s Members get through their tasks more quickly and may collaborate to solve problems. Adjourning - (added in 1977) When the team’s work is finished individuals may celebrate success but feel nervous about changes that lie ahead. They may regret losing. the camaraderie of the group. A manager why knows about these stages will be better able to build a winning team and. promote teamwork. Belbin Meredith Belbin (born 1926), working at Henley Individuals themealvec that wac important to the cucrese Management College in England, conducted research __and failure of tearnworking. Jnto management teams and how they operate. It had ‘been noticed that some teams of executives although _He identified nine useful roles that are necessary in a || tey contained very able individuals) performed poorly successful team. They can be placed into three groups: | te teamwork and athers performed wall, When 3 some team members make significant contributions to business game was introduced to one of the courses, _the ideas used In the team, others are able to focus on Belbin discovered that it was the contribution of the task in hand and a final group concentrate on the particular personality types rather than the ability of the people and interpersonal relationships within the team. Emotional intelligence Daniel Goleman (born 1946), developing work done by vision —are required for success, they are insufficient. Truly “Salovey and Mayer and others, psychologist whohhas effective leaders are alko distinguished by a high degree of Specialized in emotional intelligence. n his research into emotional inteligence. which inchides se-awareness, self- ‘nearly 200 global companies. Goleman found that. while regulation. motivation. empathy and social skill. Goleman the qualities traditionally associated with leadership — found direct tes and a strong correlation between such 2s intelligence. toughness, determination anc ‘emotional intelligence and measurable business results. 25.1 Alexei, an MBA student, has summarized Tuckman’s stages in group development. Complete his notes then number the stages to show the correct order. ~The early encounters between the individual members, when people do not yetknow the others well. 25.2 Find five phrases including the word get in A that match the definitions below. 1 to start doing a task with serious effort 4 to have a friendly relationship with 2 to continue doing something 5. to become acquainted with someone 3 ro complete the task 25.3 Use terms from C to complete the table presenting the five components of emotional intelligence. Motivation | Passion to work for reasons beyond money or status. Drive to achieve Ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and think before acting, Proficiency in managing relationships and building effectiveness in leading change Ability to understand and respond to the emotions and reactions of other people Ability to recognize and understand your own moods, emotions and drives, as well as their effect on others 25.4 Head humers Samira and Carmel are discussing what they look for in an effective team leader. ‘Complete their conversation using expressions from A. B and C. Samira: The i. when you open the conversation with a potential management candidate is very revealing, I find. If they can't establish good i. relationships quickly, they are not Met to get on with their ream and cope with the different Pinner bon ..- within any one team. Carmel: The ones that p.. lack Mecihiy in their dealings with others. We need someone who can engage well in enthusiasm and t. -s. Yes, that type of leader encourages c. friendship in the team. and a spirit of c Oh yes. They need e i as well as demonstrating degree OF dhcnnnnnes and for effective leadership. Professional English in Use Menogement s7 9 Team buildin MY tears In some (but not all) situations, tasks can be achieved more easily by teams with a ‘common purpose rather than by individuals. Of course, it's important to develop teamwork through team building so as to get the best from the team. The level of engagement and commitment is the degree to which team members feel involved with the team. Here are some frequent combinations with ‘team’ leader the person in charge of the team effort the work done together by the team team | Petformance the results thatthe team produces dyna the way the team works together effectiveness the degree to which the team produces results learning when people learn in teams rather than individually WEE) Team players Meredith Belbin* has identified these types of team members or Team Roles: The Implementer converts the team’s plan into something achievable. The Coordinator is a confident member who sets objectives and defines team members’ roles. The Shaper defines issues, shapes ideas and leads the action. The Plant is a creative and imaginative person who supplies original ideas and solves problems. The Resource Investigator communicates with the outside world and explores opportunities. The Monitor Evaluator sees all the possibilities, evaluates situations objectively and sees what realistically achievable. The Team Worker builds the team, supports others and reduces conflict. The Completer Finisher meets deadlines, corrects mistakes and makes sure nothing is forgotten. MEE staces of team lite The typical team goes through a series of stages: zo 3 Forming The group is anxious and feels dependent on a leader. The group tries to discover how it is going to operate and what the ‘normal’ ways of working will be. b Storming The atmosphere may be one of conflict between members, who may resist control from any one person. There may be the feeling that the task cannot be achieved. ¢ Norming At this stage, members of the group feel closer together and the conflicts are forgotten. Members of the group will start to support each other. There is increasingly the feeling that it is possible to achievethe task. d. Performing The group is carrying out the task for which it was formed. Members feel safe enough to express differences of opinion in relation to others. ‘e Mourning The group's work is finished, and its members begin to have pleasant memories of their activities and achievements. “Monagement Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail, utterworth-Heinemann, 1996. 26 Business Vacabulory in Use Advanced 91 9.2 9.3 Look at A opposite. Then read the article and answer the questions. {In many manufacturing industries, a daily meeting is used to keep the plant running smoothly; but this level of daily communication is seldom employed in knowledge work or administration. Sarah manages a team of nurses. Sitting together in the morning and building positive emotion, energy, and shared tasks for the day helps build their focus on the work of the whole unit. Shared knowledge helps limit mistakes and keep people engaged in learning. And knowing who may need help distributes the work of the unit across the formal team structures. The practice of daily meeting and discussion of tasks is another crucial way in which Sarah builds engagement. Sarah's transparency in terms of performance requirements is another leadership practice that reinforces engagement. Once a month, Sarah shares information with the group that shows the unit’s overall productivity numbers and their clinic-by-clinic performance. This monthly meeting, to discuss the unit's performance and the breakdown of each team’s performance, creates performance pressure for all members of the team. 1 What is Sarah’s job? 2. Two types of meeting are mentioned, How often does each of them happen? 3. How are knowledge work and administration different from manufacturing? 4 What are the advantages of regular meetings? 5 What negative things can regular meetings prevent? 6 What is the advantage of the monthly meetings? Look at the types of team members in B opposite and say if these statements are true or false. implementers are not interested in final results, Coordinators tend to take a leading, organizing role. Shapers tend to follow what other people say. Plants can be useful in providing new ideas when the team has run out of steam. ‘Some Resource Investigators probably need to use the internet Monitor Evaluators are not good at seeing all sides of a problem. ‘Team Workers may help to defuse arguments between members. Completer Finishers are bad at finishing things on time, Members of a team brought together to work on a design project said the following things. Match what they said (1-5) with the stages (a-e) in C opposite. 1 We had such a great time working together. 2 Weneed to appoint a leader. 3 We're beginning to get to know each other better. * Who does Ana think she is, taking over and behaving like she’s in charge? 5 We're really making progress now and we get on so well together. + What teamshave youworkedin or are you working in? + Do you recognize the typesin 8 opposite in your team? + What role do you usually play? Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced 2 HEB Money and income BEY corcency “The money wd in unary = curs, llr Ye, — ts currency, Maney in noes (banknotes) and coins i called em, Sst aes however, ens tank deposits aioe Ut yop and enganitations have hark socount, Mont of cis on paper ext in theory omy ~ aa oy ‘ou en pe conto exe the fem of nh he bank Ss ees All Ae money a peson resets ara ae pstmune ik Hi or he income, his cm nl 1m salary: money pi monthly by an emplover or Wages: oy pid by the day or the fe aml evel wey BE: noe Bankr Ane il 1 overtime money reseved for working extra hours 1m commission: money paid vo salspenple and ages — a cern pce of he income the emplogce genet 1m a bonus: esta money given fr means a tage for wed financial results ‘fo pony pit pons! poop suc sys md ars sm social secur: ones pal bythe ponerament eo unemployed and ick pple sm pension: + pad bra company or the government to 9 eet person. Suro and wages ae often pai lie dastons sah Js cal cus cages and pension cotati, Aeuns of money tha sole have spend ela ae outgoings, These often che sm ving expen money ype everday needs such 3 ood, cles a pbc seansport 1 ils cous for the moe a money owe or srices sh a src a8 and ‘ekphone connections sear the money pid forthe wie of house or Hat 1m a mortgage repayments of money brtowed toby aha an 1 ele instance financial postion vgn medial expenses fr scknes or accidental stax: money paid wo fase govenment spending A financial plan, sbowing how much mee a frpanzation expects crm and spend ial | BFE: svi scary Am: welfre BFE: lay AE: parte Plana monthly Budget for next year) [Income ‘oagaines [Sane rer seasons | 3250) Rent ET ‘Connmision average) | 600] Bi 250 tung expenses [200] | weath naurance | 130) Tk mo] | Toil 350) Total Sao) | 8 sin neh se Fe 1. Complete he sates with words fen the hes. Lanl 6 and Boppnie hp You Commision Rone —~=~Ccarency——Cwurm CO ta were enon tent Salary Focal ecu ‘tore my fb, Ta lingo for vee moncke This wn dle, because the amon as mich lower tan the Thad before. SX a sed to work a a salesperson bor wns very sce, sich >. fF the company makes 1% more than las yeag we all yea athe end ) theyese = yo (ete me arieaur 25 yeare sa pay she on my house ST NY © (ty wage arent vey ged, 501 doa la of ee) (Neray 0% of everthing carn anes he goverment a —-—— (he ower has ou inaresed the com out Aat be 15%) (othe tre my will be 60% of my ital salary.) =< ind raza for your sone in and 8 1.2 Aces tllowing soreness rf copes 1 Bank deposit arena clase 6 mone 2 People earning wages fet pd more afen than pele caring sls 2 People working om commission away rtp che se sou. 44 When you stop working ot che end af your cree you ceive persion, § Mose people pay 9 rennin» morgage ery Te Tet ee rear rere eee ae eer re M4 business finance MES pit When peole want 0 se wp tare compa, hey ea ne, led capa Companies can Borrow this mon. calle faa, fom Barks, he hs mn be pid ack wa teres the amoust pad bor the me. Capital wah also come an isuing shares or equities ~ cratic representing wisn et nership of 3 company See ‘ni 29} The prople who invest money an hates are alle sharebuldes a they par of th company, The mune they provide know as share cape Indias and nana neartons, calle ines, can so led me compari bs hig Wands “Tenss has pav tet ad age rpasd a ised Sure date See Unie 33) Money that owe ~ that wl have 1 be pid eo othe pel irasinenes is debt. Inaccounting, cmnpani’ debt ee wally called Kable. Lovee Ui include bon short rr ihn ache dens o applies who provide yas services 0 soit tho il he pid oe late Tine money tha huss ses Rar eseay espns has avilable For spe s called working eats fonds, ‘ce ares AE: tacks BE: shrflr Ams sachalder All he mane coming nt compan dorng ier peri ic revenue. Revere nes the cost of sles and operating expenses, such as Fene aa sais, Kron as pat farsings or met income The pat pt hat 3 company pave i shaebolers 3 ‘vidend. Companies py a propor nth pris othe neta a ae, to France Bovermment spening. They ah rin, or kee. ste er semis Har se share capital sesame dividends | Ea eb (ide ae oa) expenses retin caings HEY. Finacial statements Compan giv infretion sho thir nana situation in nancial Staemcets. The balance sheet shove the company’s sets she things ron abs = the mney tives ad te cpa. The proc and low seco shows the ormpany’s evens a ‘expenses ding a partiolr pec, sch a three moaths oF ne ‘Br: profit and loss aeeount; AME: income staternent 10 Pefeseet ag 9UsFane tA Dand C opposite co help yu, ult the crossword Access 3 Small compas ofien ty co gt bank loan when they ae 0 may (6) 5 We done Ravesucient ta fuk! comply new factory (8) F anal ira Depa f compn’ lsnes ae show! on the Zz Wer ung 1o ras more money by sling new sare o our exiting 12) 12 Welhad write €70,000 in vdeo sete the Busnes. 17) 13 Were going to pay back some ofthe people who kar us mones, and reduce our... (4) 14 died oy 2 510000 and of shar 25 probably ser (4 16 Anon ter for profes wet 6h 18 Tink this a goo imvesamen pays 8% 20 When cer sae our rancislsatement the hank selaed to. us any more mosey. 21 Pratt te difrenceBerweet revenue and (8) Down I'he profit and... aocune shows if company i ecisng more ame tha spending (3 2 you doo' ike hing ik, yo should ony... in verso companies. 6) 4A company’s retained earitay Belong 0 3 (6) 6 See 7 te 2 Aeythag » company weet prodass goo or aie is 1 The somyuny made such big profi, Uexpostd a hight 1 We sod alex more lst jens so our... wen wp. (7 15 We cursuppiers $100,000 for Bids bough cri 17 xtzyone wie buys 2 share. of the cman, 1 Thin per ent tar pri cs stat whe ney, We bean rot yur—let2 hope we ean lage be shranors on Hing Corer Dae Otte Sone Tent ere roe 1g i ce " iz) Accounting and accountancy BEY counting Accounting inves cording and summarising an organisers ramsactons ot ses dea ach ae porches and sake, a epost the the forms aa stamens (Se Lis 11-14) In many conte, the accountng ot accountancy profession has pmfssonal ergasoarons which opette son ring and ‘saminan sems ond make echnical andes ules thee rele oaceeped wavs stig = Bookkeeping sm Financial accounting incaes hohe, and preparing rancal cotemens for ia che dy today rong of ransasions, 1m Monagsmeneaccoening inves the se of accunting da hy evn, tor maine plies and decison BED citing Aung mas exaining company’ sistem af control andthe accuracy or exacts oF reaotds, Lning for errs or ple rad wht the corp ay have ‘alba given false informacion, ‘mAs insrnalani came ont 9 eompann’s oe aortas ner anions sm An extra aus doe independent autos: airs wh are noe emplayes of che he exgemal audit examines he tut gd ares of financement eso present what scald create accounting, hich means rceaing rasactns a vais m8 "hr pts sl rvlt— Usually an ariely hgh pole Theres shape sire th one way of resets gsrant. The acount of Bish companies ine wo give ene ad ae view of ter Sinaia sma, This means that the financa ssarmeot mse pve cont and renal ite ofthe companys sient sno. PIED os, ules ang stantors Jn ows emenenal Fuopean couse nd in Jpn, ver ve fawsebtng co accounting, ssraihshoby the gover. nthe US, companies wwe tacky are waded on phe stick tschangs have ofall rls sr bythe Sccuriie ar) Exchange Commission (SEC, 2 [ovement gee. In Botan the rls, which are called standards, ve on established by Indeperlent organo uch asthe Aesounting Sands Hoan ASB and by the sccountaney pens sel Companies ae expected 10 apply rune hese tana in ht ‘ual acca in ond to vem ue a se en. Companies in ose Enh speaking coors are lrgt fund by sharers, bh ‘nati and franca insttacons I hoe count, the fsa teats ae repel on shaucholder. However, any coins European counis Guns te lara wed by nis, so aesoving and nail sermons one prep for esliors a he as ato. a Prfesont Engin Un Fc 3.1 32 aa Whar ype of wok does each pers de ad what i he name of ach jl? Lon eA and Beopponte to help yo, (record he parses end oo mae by i epaient) : == 2 (trie mont Pn examining ti acct of age manaacuing conan analyse the sales igures From te di furore seine. * (am espns or peat oe nua alee se) <—— (sien she ase ae comple. chk hm ere hy ate pene tse external auctor, S Ma ch the 90 parts ofthe semen, Look at C oppose to hep you 1 in Briain 2 In mnt of cor 3 inde USA 44 In Betain and the USA 5 euch of continental Furope eral Europe and Japan 2 accounting cules are exbliched by a govern agency. 1 companies ae railyfonded by shareholders or eke «accounting ules ae ter by a independent engainason, {the major source f eee Rance bake atconig ele ares hy the government Find verbs is A,B and C oppose rr can eel te ake Word combisasons with he sont) Gant : 1D (3\ (£) ( ) er Pe Ltt Ee Pere natin asic eset rd these? Wht Pt Engi Ue Frome a

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