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Unit 2: Wild weather

1) Vocabulary

a) Write the missing letters. Then match the words (1-14) to the pictures.

1)a bl_zz_rd 2)a st_rm 3) a th_nd_rst_rm 4) cl_ _dy 5) c_ld

6) d_y 7) f_ggy 8) h_t 9) l_ghtn_ng 10) r_ _ny

11) sn_wy 12) s_nny 13) w_t 14) w_ndy



b) Use some of the words from exercise 1. Match the words to the corresponding definitions.
Look at the example (0).

0. An extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain, and often thunder Storm
and lightning.

1. Full of clouds.

2. Full of snow.

3. Used to describe weather or periods of time when no rain falls

4. With a lot of wind.

5. Having a high temperature, although not hot.

6. A low temperature.
c) This is Alicia’s weather report. Read and complete the text. Use words from exercise 1.
Look at the example (0).

Welcome to the weather forecast. Now, let's see what the weather's like today. In the north of the country it's

very 0.windy and 1.c__________. There is a chance of some 2.r__________ too, so don't leave home

without your umbrella! The temperature is around 10º centigrade. In the east it's rainy all day today, I'm afraid.

There may be a 3.t __________ in the afternoon. The temperature is a bit higher, at around 13º. In the west

and middle of the country the weather is 4.d__________, but cloudy. So no rain for you, but it is quite windy

and the temperature is just 10º. The south of the country has the best weather today. It's 5.c__________

most of the time but sunny this afternoon. The temperature is around 15º.
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