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36) Poisonous animals are

A) Those who do not deliver the poison directly into the victim B) They have specific glands to produce venom
C) They have specific apparatus to inject the poison in victim D) All of the above

37) Chronicity Index is the

A) Ratio of the acute to chronic LD100 dosage B) Ratio of chronic to acute LD50 dosage
C) Ratio of acute to chronic LD50 dosage D) Ratio of chronic to acute LD50 dosage

38) The following is an example of classification of poisons according to their use

A) Hepatotoxic B) Food additive
C) Pesticide D) Carcinogen

39) The best site to take blood sample from autopsy is

A) Femoral vein B) Jugular vein
C) Heart D) Inferior vena cava

40) Zwikker test

A) Used for detection of opioids B) Used for detection of barbiturates
C) Used for detection of benzodiazepines D) Gives brown color of urine

41) Concerning coma cocktail, select the wrong statement

A) Dextrose is one of its contents B) Naloxone is one of its contents
C) Thiamine is one of the contents D) It is given to all comatose patients

42) Hypothermia is caused by toxicity of

A) Antihistamines B) Anticholinergics
C) Oral hypoglycemic D) Salicylates

43) Cholinergic toxidromes include all the following, except

A) S.L.U.D.G.E. B) Muscle fasiculation
C) Opisthotonus D) Miosis

44) All the following are included in the comprehensive blood screen, except
A) Methanol B) Nifedipine
C) Meprobamate D) Carbamazepine

45) Hyperkalemia is caused by acute poisoning with

A) Salicylates B) Theophylline
C) Alpha-adrenergic agents D) Beta-adrenergic agents

46) Anion gap equals

A) Na + (HCO3 – Cl) B) HCO3 – (Na + Cl)
C) Na – (HCO3 + Cl) D) (Cl + Na) – HCO3

47) Absolute contraindications of gastric lavage include

A) Sulfuric acid B) Shampoo
C) Hydrochloric acid D) All of the above

48) Activated Charcoal is not effective in poisoning with

A) Corrosives B) Glycols
C) Kerosine D) All of the above

49) In salicylate toxicity
A) Mortality is more in acute than in chronic types B) Mortality is more in chronic than in acute toxicities
C) Saturation changes kinetics to First-order type D) All of the above

50) Concerning true alkaloids, select the wrong statement

A) They are derived from amino acids B) They have nitrogen
C) Nitrogen is in heterocyclic ring D) Ephedrine is a true alkaloid

51) Which of the following is an opiate?

A) Apomorphine B) Pethidine
C) Methadone D) None of the above

52) Body packers are characterized by

A) Intentional swallowing for smuggling B) Packets are well prepared
C) Packets contain larger amount D) All of the above

53) Cannabis users have the following problems

A) Decrease in sperm activity B) Changes in sperm morphology
C) Higher risk for schizophrenia D) All of the above

54) High anion gap metabolic acidosis is common in the following toxicities, except
A) Acute methanol toxicity B) Acute isopropanol toxicity
C) Acute ethylene glycol toxicity D) Acute iron toxicity

55) Rate of elimination (mg/dl/hour) of ethanol is

A) 15-20 B) 30-35
C) 40-45 D) 50-55

56) Manifestations of acute pesticide toxicity appear more rapid after

A) Inhalation B) Ingestion
C) Skin contact D) Rapidity is similar in all routes of exposure

57) The most common substance used for vitriolage is

A) Carbolic acid B) Oxalic ocid
C) Sulfuric acid D) Nitric acid

58) Coma cocktail always consists of the following substances, except:

A) Naloxone. B) Oxygen.
C) Thiamine. D) Pyridoxine

59) Mee’s lines caused by arsenic toxicities are

A) Transverse lines in nails B) Transverse lines in bones
C) Transverse lines in gums D) Longitudinal lines in bones

60) Triad of chronic mercury toxicity includes all the following, except:
A) Gingivitis B) Erethism
C) Tremors D) Autism

61) Select the correct statement concerning the mechanism of toxicity of Arsenic
A) It binds to globin B) It inhibits some enzymes in kreb’s cycle
C) It blocks cellular respiration D) All of the above

62) Select the correct statement
A) In drug abuse there should be a motivation B) Addiction is a behavioral syndrome with craving
C) Drugs that cause dependence will cause addiction D) All are correct statements

63) In lead toxicity, which of the following investigations that will give as a clue about duration of toxicity?
A) Blood Lead level B) Blood zinc protoporphyrin level
B) Blood level of delta-aminolevulinic acid D) Urine level of delta-aminolevulinic acid

64) Which of the following “date rape” drugs that causes anterograde amnesia?
A) ketamine B) Dextromethorphan
C) Flunitrazepam D) None of the above

65) Hypoxic hypoxia is caused by all the following, except

A) Depression of respiratory center B) Bronchospasm
C) Inhibition of respiratory enzymes D) Decrease of atmospheric oxygen

66) Concerning simple asphyxiants, all the following are true, except:
A) They interrupt the utilization of Oxygen B) They cause alveolar displacement of oxygen
C) They are not irritating D) Carbon dioxide is a simple asphyxiant

67) All the following are characteristic of alkaline ingestion except

A) Liquefactive necrosis B) Coagulative necrosis
C) Denaturation D) Saponification of fats

68) Pin point pupils are found in all the following toxicities, except
A) Carbolic acid B) Atropine
C) Organophophaptes D) Opiates

69) Muscarinic manifestations of organophosphates are treated with

A) Atropine B) Nicotine
C) Morphine D) Naloxone

70) What clinical information would you gather from examining a snake bite?
A) Whether the snake is venomous or non-venomous B) Whether the bite is complete or incomplete
C) The potential severity of the case D) All of the above


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