Arranz2021 Article DemographicHistoryNotLarvalDis

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Marine Biology (2021) 168:105


Demographic history, not larval dispersal potential, explains

differences in population structure of two New Zealand intertidal
Vanessa Arranz1,2,3 · Vibha Thakur1 · Shane D. Lavery1,2

Received: 30 March 2020 / Accepted: 20 April 2021 / Published online: 19 June 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Two unresolved questions in marine population connectivity are: (1) the relative importance of contemporary and histori-
cal factors (e.g., ongoing gene flow versus past demographic events), and (2) to what extent species subject to the same
evolutionary forces exhibit similar phylogeographic patterns. Here, we address these questions using two species from New
Zealand’s rocky shore that have very similar distributions and life histories, but very different larval dispersal abilities: the
cat’s eye snail Lunella smaragda has short-lived pelagic larvae (3–4 days) while the half-crab Petrolisthes elongatus has
a longer pelagic larval duration (3–4 weeks). A large number of individuals of these species were collected (n = 727 and
440) at different locations (31 and 20) throughout their wide New Zealand distribution. These species were analysed for
both mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) variation.
Contrary to expectations, the species with much greater dispersal potential, P. elongatus, exhibited much greater population
differentiation (> fivefold for mtDNA ΦST, > 50-fold for nDNA ΦST). This study highlights that species along the same coast
can show remarkably different patterns of population structure, and that although there appear to be some common geographic
discontinuities in New Zealand, there are few common overall patterns that apply to many species. The study reinforces the
observation that predictions of population structure based on life history are often not upheld, and shows that differences in
demographic history may be an important factor in driving contemporary patterns of genetic diversity.

Introduction are influenced by the same evolutionary forces to produce

similar genetic patterns throughout their geographic ranges
There are many unresolved questions in our understanding (Avise 2000). A valuable method of addressing both these
of the population structure and connectivity within marine questions is to compare the spatial genetic structure of a
species (Brown et al. 2016). One of those is what is the variety of species from the same community, “comparative
relative importance of contemporary and historical factors phylogeography” (Avise et al. 1987; Avise 2000), to tease
in driving the genetic patterns seen today. Another is the apart the importance of common or species-specific factors
degree to which species in the same region and community in driving the spatial evolution of marine communities.
A valuable environment in which to explore these fac-
tors is the New Zealand coastline. The marine communities
Responsible Editor: M. Rius.
here are diverse, geographically isolated, largely endemic
Reviewed by: C. Carreras and A. McGaughran. and have been the subject of a long history of population
genetic studies (Ross et al. 2009), which enables a rela-
* Vanessa Arranz tively comprehensive comparison of interspecific patterns
of population structure. Overviews of New Zealand marine
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, coastal connectivity have, to date, highlighted the impor-
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand tance of present-day forces (e.g. coastal currents) in restrict-
Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland, Private ing larval dispersal, but have not been able to make strong
Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand conclusions about the importance of species-specific larval
School of Natural and Computational Sciences, Massey dispersal ability in determining differences in genetic pat-
University Auckland, Albany, Auckland 0745, New Zealand terns (Ross et al. 2009). The pelagic larval duration, PLD,

105 Page 2 of 14 Marine Biology (2021) 168:105

is often used as a proxy for larval dispersal, and its correla- after fertilisation (Grange 1976). This short pelagic larval
tion with marine population structure has been extensively phase and short spawning season significantly restrict the
studied, but there are contradictory interpretations of the dispersal ability and potential gene flow. Consequently,
relationship, with no clear resolution (e.g., Galarza et al. it was expected that this species would exhibit relatively
2009; Riginos et al. 2011; Selkoe and Toonen 2011; Pas- higher levels of population subdivision. P. elongatus (Fam-
cual et al. 2017). ily Porcellanidae) has pelagic larvae that can survive in the
Previous overviews of New Zealand coastal marine con- water column between 12 days (Fujita and Osawa 2005)
nectivity have concluded that several different spatial genetic and 30 days (Saelzer et al. 1986) and, under experimental
patterns are evident across a range of species. A number of conditions, over 100 days (MacMillan 1972). The breed-
studies have revealed the existence of a common genetic ing season decreases in duration with increasing latitude
discontinuity between northern and southern regions in (McLay 1988), from 12 months at Auckland in the north
many taxa. The location of the discontinuity has been placed (Greenwood 1965) to 9 months at Wellington (Wear 1965)
near the north end of the South Island in some species but and 6 months at Kaikoura in the South Island (Jones 1977).
does not appear to be the same across taxa (Supplemen- Despite their taxonomic differences, most other critical life
tary Table S1). Not all studies have reported a north–south history parameters are very similar between the two species.
genetic discontinuity, and several other patterns have been Both species disperse only during the pelagic larval phase,
found, including the absence of genetic structure (panmixia), have summer breeding seasons, similar lifespans, similar
which, not surprisingly, has been described in species with reproductive output, and no sex bias (Walsby 1977; McLay
very long PLD (Brasher et al. 1992; Ovenden et al. 1992). 1988). The only major differences are the far longer PLD
Another genetic pattern frequently found is isolation-by-dis- and spawning season in P. elongatus, which both create con-
tance (IBD) (Hickey et al. 2009; Veale and Lavery 2012). A siderably greater dispersal potential that could allow genetic
final common pattern is east–west differentiation between admixture between distant populations (McLay 1988). The
the two coasts of the North Island (Stevens and Hogg 2004; expectation is for a considerably greater population genetic
Veale and Lavery 2011). structure within L. smaragda due to its much more limited
A range of explanations have been put forward to explain dispersal potential.
the processes behind these common genetic patterns in New This study aimed to: (1) Compare population connectiv-
Zealand waters. Those explanations have been dominated by ity between two co-occurring benthic marine invertebrates
the impacts of present-day forces, such as coastal currents that differ dramatically in PLD, over a broad geographic
and upwelling, on dispersal and gene flow (Apte and Gard- scale (New Zealand-wide), (2) assess if the patterns of gene
ner 2002; Veale and Lavery 2011). However, there has not flow within these species coincide with previously described
previously been a strong emphasis on examining the impact common genetic boundaries and (3) investigate the demo-
of past demographic events on population connectivity in graphic histories of the species to uncover their potential
New Zealand, which has been shown to have a strong effect importance in explaining the present population structure.
in other geographic regions (McGovern et al. 2010; Marko
and Hart 2011).
The study presented here compared the patterns of gene Methods
flow between populations of two of the most common,
endemic, benthic intertidal species in New Zealand, tested Sampling collection and DNA extraction
whether they matched previously described patterns of
population structure, and examined the potential impact of Specimens of L. smaragda and P. elongatus were collected
their past demography. The cat’s eye snail, Lunella smar- from intertidal rocky reefs at 31 and 20 localities, respec-
agda (Gmelin, 1791) and the half-crab, Petrolisthes elon- tively (Table 1 and Supplementary material Fig. S1). Col-
gatus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837) are found in very similar lections were made over the period 2013–2017, but the great
intertidal environments and are both commonly found along bulk of collections were made 2014–2015. Between 3 and
much of the coastline around New Zealand, thus enabling 50 specimens were collected per locality, immediately pre-
the most extensive comparative sampling possible. However, served in absolute ethanol, and stored at 4 °C. Total DNA
even though both species experience very similar physical was extracted using Qiagen’s DNEasy® Blood and Tissue
environments, and have many similar life history parameters, Kit. PCR amplifications in a PCR System 9700 thermal
they have very different modes of larval dispersal. cycler (Applied Biosystems) and Sanger sequencing of the
L. smaragda (Family Turbinidae) is a broadcast spawner mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and nuclear
with external fertilisation. It has a short spawning season ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) followed PCR
at the end of summer, between February and April, and protocols and programmes detailed in Supplementary Mate-
settlement of the larvae probably occurs within 3–4 days rial, Table S2. All individuals were analysed for COI, while

Marine Biology (2021) 168:105 Page 3 of 14 105

Table 1  Population Population Population code Year collected Sample size (mtDNA/nDNA)
location and sample size
for Lunella smaragda and Lunella smaragda Petrolis-
Petrolisthes elongatus. thes
Populations are ordered in a elongatus
clockwise direction around
the New Zealand coast. All North Island
populations above the dotted Taranaki TAR​ 2015 23/– 20/32
line are situated in the North Raglan RGL 2014 32/–
Island and sites below in the
South Island Mosquito Beach WES 2015 18/14 28/30
Ahipara AHI 2015 17/–
Cape Reinga CPR 2015 24/28
Taupo Bay TAB 2014 23/–
Mimiwhanghata MIM 2013 53/–
Tawharanui Regional Park MAO 2016 23/30 26/–
Whangaparaoa Peninsula WHG 2014 22/–
Great Barrier Island GBI 2013 22/48 22/26
Orewa ORE 2014 20/–
Devonport DEV 2015 18/– 24/–
Saint Heliers STH 2015 21/14 24/–
Waiheke Island WHK 2015 2/–
Coromandel COR 2015 24/– 22/36
Waihi Beach WAB 2014 24/16
Waihau Bay ECA 2014 25/– 25/–
Gisborne GIS 2015 33/18 25/32
Hawkes Bay HWB 2016 19/– 24/–
Cook Strait
Lyall Bay LYA 2016 19/–
Makara Beach MAK 2016 13/– 9/–
Pukerua Bay PUK 2015 29/20
Wharariki Beach WHA 2015 29/–
Kaiteriteri KAT 2015 36/24 18/–
Okiwi Bay, Malborough OKI 2015 28/– 21/30
South Island
Picton PIC 2015 26/–
Kaikoura KAI 2015 34/– 6/–
Christchurch CHC 2015 3/– 20/28
Dunedin DUN 2015 28/22 30/32
Slope Point, The Catlins SLO 2015 28/32 25/-
Oban, Stewart Island STE 2015 3/– 26/28
Jackson Bay, West Coast JAC 2015 26/24 23/26
Total samples 727/145 440/150

for ITS-1, a subset of individuals was selected that repre- alignment verified by eye. Sequences of the haplotypes
sented the geographic and genetic diversity (Table 1). found in this study were deposited in GenBank (see Avail-
ability of data and material section). ITS-1 haplotypes
Data analysis/population genetic analyses showed low polymorphism, and heterozygote haplotypes
were easily phased manually, and confirmed using the
All sequences were edited and aligned using Geneious® programme PHASE (Stephens and Donnelly 2003).
v. 9.1.6 (Kearse et al. 2012) and the results from the

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Genetic diversity by all methods were retained. Separate sample population

groupings were undertaken for the COI and ITS-1 data sets.
Number of haplotypes (Nh), number of private haplotypes The potential effect of isolation by geographic distance
(Np), nucleotide diversity (π), haplotype diversity (Hd) for was assessed using the Mantel test (Mantel 1967; Rousset
the COI region and expected (He) and observed (Ho) het- 1997) with 10,000 permutations with vegan (Oksanen et al.
erozygosity (Nei 1978) for the ITS region and values were 2007) package in R (R Core Team 2019). For this, the corre-
calculated, for each location and for both islands in both spe- lation of matrices of standardised pairwise genetic distances
cies, using ARLEQUIN v. 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer 2010) values (Slatkin’s FST) and shortest coastal distances between
and DnaSP v. 5.10 (Librado and Rozas 2009). samples (km) was tested. The coastal distances were meas-
The complete data sets of mitochondrial and ITS ured following the coastal geography with Google maps.
sequences were used to construct unrooted networks for
each species using Network v. (Bandelt et al. 1999). Historical demography
To simplify interpretation of the spatial structure, haplotype
origins were grouped into three regions (North, South and Departures from neutral expectations were examined to shed
Cook Strait see Table 1). light on demographic history. This was first studied with
tests of neutrality such as Fu’s FS (Fu 1997) and Tajima’s D
(Stanton 1973; Tajima 1989) obtained with DnaSP v. 5.10
Population differentiation (Librado and Rozas 2009) using the mitochondrial locus.
The fit of the mismatch distributions to the expected distri-
Analysis of population differentiation was assessed with butions in an expansion scenario was also tested. Mismatch
both genes. Pairwise genetic divergences between popu- distribution statistics (Tau (T), sum of squares deviation
lations were calculated based on haplotype frequencies (SSD) and probabilities (p)) were calculated in ARLEQUIN
(standard ­FST), on genetic distances between haplotypes v. 3.5. The test was performed for each site, the whole data-
using Kimura 2-parameter corrected measure (Kimura set and the significantly different geographic groups iden-
1980) (ΦST) and on Slatkin’s standardised pairwise FST value tified in previous analyses. The time of a possible expan-
[FST/(1 − FST)] (Slatkin 1993). Significances were tested sion was assessed using the relation τ = 2 ut (Rogers and
with 10,000 permutations in ARLEQUIN v. 3.5 (Excoffier Harpending 1992), where t is the time in generations, using
and Lischer 2010). The B–Y false discovery rate (FDR) 1 generation per year, τ was the median of the mismatch
method was used to adjust significance levels for multiple distribution, and u the substitution rate.
tests. Locations with less than N = 3 were excluded from the For the same differentiated groups and the whole species
analysis to avoid poor representation. Principal Coordinates COI datasets, the past changes in population size and times
Analysis (PCoA) was performed with Genalex v. 6. (Peakall of expansion were estimated by generating Bayesian Skyline
and Smouse 2012) to graphically visualise interrelationships Plots (BSP), a model-free coalescent-based method imple-
represented by the matrix of population pairwise genetic dif- mented in the software BEAST v. 2.4.2 (Drummond and
ferentiation. Genetic variation within and among geographic Rambaut 2007). The best-fit models of nucleotide substitu-
groups was studied through analyses of the molecular vari- tion for each species data set were selected with jModeltest
ance (AMOVA) using haplotype frequencies (FST) and v. 3.06 (Posada and Crandall 1998) under AIC and BIC cri-
matrices of genetic distances (ΦST) in both species. Popu- terion. The most reliable estimates available of substitution
lations were grouped according to different criteria to test rate within each species were obtained from the literature,
where the major genetic differentiation occurred: (1) North although recognising that short-term population substitution
vs. South Island, (2) North Island + Cook Strait populations rates are likely to be higher (Ho et al. 2011). The substitution
of South Island; vs. remainder of South Island (see Table 1) rate estimate for L. smaragda was 2.4% per MY (1.2% per
and (3) adjacent sample populations grouped in a manner lineage per MY), based on a recent 3.2 MY species diver-
that maximised the difference between geographic regions gence in a confidently dated COI phylogenetic analysis of
and minimised the variability within regions. The first two the genus Lunella by Williams et al. (2011) and a phylogeo-
criteria were based on a priori predictions from previous graphic study from the closely related L. granulata (Chiu
studies (Ross et al. 2009), while the third attempted to cap- et al. 2013). The substitution rate estimate for P. elongatus
ture the major spatial genetic divergences evident in the data. was 1.4% per MY (0.7% per lineage), based on the recent
This last sample population grouping was based on the con- 3 MY species divergence in a confidently dated phylogeo-
cordance of results from spatial analyses conducted using graphic analysis of the closely related P. armatus, also using
AMOVA, SAMOVA (Dupanloup et al. 2002), BAPS (Cheng the same COI fragment (Hiller and Lessios 2017). Both of
et al. 2013), PCoA, and population pairwise tests of diver- these estimates correlate strongly with those of recent esti-
gence in FST and ΦST; common genetic boundaries identified mates from other related mollusc and crustacean lineages.

Marine Biology (2021) 168:105 Page 5 of 14 105

Results in North (0.063) and South Island (0.080). However,

P.elongatus showed higher heterozygosity in South Is.
Genetic diversity populations (0.155) than North Is. (0.046) (Supplemen-
tary material Table S3).
A total of 727 and 440 sequences of a partial fragment of The COI haplotype network of L. smaragda had a sim-
586 bp and 605 bp of the COI region were obtained for ple star shape, with one common haplotype and many
L. smaragda and P. elongatus, respectively. P. elongatus low-frequency haplotypes separated by one or few muta-
showed higher haplotype diversity (h) than L. smaragda tional steps from the common haplotype (Fig. 1). The
(0.918 and 0.463, respectively). Even though the nucleo- network revealed little phylogeographic structure. One
tide diversity (π) was relatively low in both species, it was notable result was the existence of a rare haplotype found
lower in L. smaragda (0.0013) than in P. elongatus (0.0069). almost exclusively on Great Barrier Island (GBI), where
For L. smaragda, both diversity indices were significantly it occurred in 50% of individuals. The ITS-1 network also
higher in the North Is. (h = 0.563, π = 0.17%) compared to had a similar star shape, with only single step mutations
the South Is. (h = 0.226, π < 0.05%), while this differential between alleles, and little phylogeographic structure. No
pattern was not shown in P. elongatus (Supplementary mate- private ITS-1 haplotype was recorded on GBI.
rial, Table S3). The P. elongatus COI network had much greater phylo-
For the nuclear marker, 145 and 150 sequences of a geographic structure, with several middle frequency hap-
fragment of 548 bp and 318 bp from the ITS-1 region, lotypes, numerous privates haplotypes and haplogroups
were obtained for L. smaragda and P. elongatus, respec- that occurred predominantly in only one region (North I.,
tively. Overall nucleotide diversity indices were low in Cook Strait, or South I.) (Fig. 1). There was no evidence
both species (P. elongatus 0.1%, and L. smaragda 0.3%). of a private haplotype on Great Barrier I., as was seen in
Total observed heterozygosity was low and similar in L. smaragda. The ITS-1 network exhibited considerably
both species (L. smaragda 0.054 and P. elongatus 0.062). lower variability in this locus, but again revealed signifi-
L. smaragda exhibited similar values of heterozygosity cant phylogeographic structure, with most common alleles
found in only one or two regions.

Fig. 1  Haplotype networks for Lunella smaragda and Petrolisthes marked as red dots were not observed. Yellow: North Island; Green:
elongatus. Left figures correspond with mtDNA (COI), right nDNA Cook Strait and Purple: South Island
(ITS-1). Every haplotype is separate by one mutational step; those

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Population differentiation haplotype frequency, (Supplementary Material, Table S4),

while the population pairwise analysis of ΦST with the mito-
Lunella smaragda chondrial region revealed a major divergence between GBI
location and the other locations. Kaikoura (KAI) and Stew-
Lunella smaragda exhibited relatively low, but significant, art Island (STE) were also distinct from other populations.
levels of population differentiation among all sampled popu- This pattern is shown in the PCoA plot of pairwise COI ΦST
lations, with significant differences in haplotype frequen- values among populations (Fig. 2a). Again, most sampled
cies (Supplementary Material, Fig. S2 and S3). The COI populations were significantly different from each other in
(mtDNA) region of L. smaragda exhibited significant overall ITS-1 haplotype frequency, (FST) (Supplementary Material,
ΦST = 0.0304 (p < 0.001). Even at the fine scale of within the Table S5). Interestingly, the nuclear DNA ΦST did not reveal
Hauraki Gulf, some differences were observed, with a rare any distinct differentiation of GBI, but instead highlighted
mtDNA haplotype occurring at high frequency in the GBI a significant divergence of Slope Point (SLO), which was
sample, although there was no indication of ITS-1 differen- observed in the PCoA plot (Fig. 2b). The COI region dem-
tiation of this sample. The overall mtDNA differentiation onstrated some relationship between genetic and geographic
was ΦST = 0.0126 (p < 0.01) after excluding the anomalous distance (i.e., isolation-by-distance), but only a small pro-
GBI sample from this analysis (see “Discussion”). The portion of the genetic variation was explained (r2 = 0.209,
ITS-1 region also showed relatively low levels of differen- p < 0.05) (Supplementary Material Fig. S4).
tiation, where the overall ΦST = 0.0032 (p = 0.297) was not To test for the existence of a phylogeographic break
significant. between North and South Islands, as several previously
Pairwise FST values showed that most sampled popula- studied species have exhibited an AMOVA was undertaken
tions were significantly different from each other in COI grouping all North Island versus all South Island locations

Fig. 2  a Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) plot based on pair- Petrolisthes elongatus. Circle enclosing the Cook Strait populations
wise COI ΦST values among 28 populations of Lunella smaragda. and Jackson point (jac). d P. elongatus PCoA plot based on pairwise
Hauraki Gulf populations were pooled (ack). b L. smaragda PCoA ITS-1 ΦST values among 12 locations. North Island locations are
plot based on pairwise ITS-1 ΦST values among 12 locations. c PCoA shown in red, and South Island in blue. Population code names are
plot based on pairwise COI ΦST values among 21 populations of in Table 1

Marine Biology (2021) 168:105 Page 7 of 14 105

(Table 2). Due to the particularly large and anomalous dif- were not all phylogeographically distinctive (ΦST) (Supple-
ference in the GBI population shown in the L. smaragda mentary Material Table S6). The maximally distinct regions
COI region, this location was excluded for this analysis, as for the nuclear gene were broadly similar, but with slightly
it would have biased this test. There was a significant differ- different population groupings (Fig. 3b). Pairwise tests of
ence between the two regions in this test (COI ΦCT = 0.0049, haplotype frequency (FST) between nDNA regions were all
p < 0.001, ITS-1 ΦCT = 0.0106, p < 0.001). Given the affinity significant, but the tests of ΦST were mostly not significant.
that northern locations of the South Island (bordering Cook The only region that was significantly different for ΦST was
Strait) have often shown with North Island locations (Ross S_SI (Supplementary Material Table S7), similar to the COI
et al. 2009), an additional AMOVA was performed group- analysis.
ing locations in this manner (Table 2). The results showed
an increase in the overall divergence between groups (COI Petrolisthes elongatus
ΦCT = 0.0061, p < 0.001, ITS-1 ΦCT = 0.0230, p < 0.001).
Considering all tests of divergence, adjacent sample pop- For P. elongatus, both mtDNA and nDNA showed highly
ulations were grouped to maximise the difference between significant differences in haplotype frequencies (Supple-
geographic regions and minimise the variability within mentary Material Fig. S5 and S6), and highly significant
regions. Sample population grouping was based on the con- population differentiation based on pairwise FST and ΦST
cordance of results from spatial analyses conducted using values. The COI region showed significant overall differ-
AMOVA, SAMOVA, BAPS, PCoA and population pair- entiation, ΦST = 0.0618 (p < 0.001). At the fine scale, there
wise tests of divergence in FST and ΦST. As most population were no significant differences among Hauraki Gulf sam-
comparisons were significant for FST, but only some were ples, which were pooled in subsequent analyses. Based on
significant for ΦST, this led to ΦST providing more valuable the ITS region, the high overall FST = 0.5304 (p < 0.001)
population structure signal at the broad scale. This clustering and ΦST = 0.1680 (p < 0.001) suggested very strong popu-
process on the mtDNA data divided New Zealand into seven lation structure around New Zealand.
regions (Fig. 3a). All regions were significantly differenti- Most COI pairwise population pairwise FST values were
ated from each other on haplotype frequencies (FST), but significant (Supplementary Material Table S8). The COI

Table 2  AMOVA from ΦST Source of variation ΦCT ΦSC ΦST

(Kimura 2P) results for Lunella mtDNA/nDNA mtDNA/nDNA mtDNA/nDNA
smaragda with mtDNA (COI)
and nDNA (ITS). Locations (a) North Island; South Island 0.0049/0.0106 0.0135/− 0.0021 0.0183/0.0084
were grouped into regions: (a)
(b) North Island 0.0061/0.0230 0.0134/− 0.0069 0.0205/0.0161
North Island and South Island,
(Whb + Kat + Oki + Pic);
(b) North Island (including
South Island
northern locations of South
Island) and South Island, (c) (c) 7 mtDNA regions 0.0295/NA 0.0087/NA 0.0380/NA
7 mtDNA regions and (d) 4 (d) 4 nDNA regions NA/0.0267 NA/0.0199 NA/0.0363
nDNA regions. Significant
values in bold

Fig. 3  a Lunella smaragda

maximally different population
groups based on mtDNA (COI).
b L. smaragda maximally dif-
ferent population groups based
on nDNA (ITS). c L. smaragda
summary map of potential
genetic barriers between four
main regional groups. Specific
locations included in each group
indicated in Supplementary
Material, Tables S4 and S5

105 Page 8 of 14 Marine Biology (2021) 168:105

results for the pairwise Φ ST indicated that North Island pooled with the North Island group, the overall differentia-
populations were the most homogeneous. Most of the tion increased considerable to 0.0823 (p < 0.001). As the
significant pairwise comparisons were found among the PCoA plot revealed a third, intermediate geographic group-
South Island locations and between these and the North ing, an AMOVA was also undertaken on the three groups
Island populations. GBI was not differentiated, unlike in (Table 3c). This test revealed greater differentiation among
L. smaragda. The PCoA plot (Fig. 2c) revealed the genetic groups (ΦCT = 0.0922, p < 0.001) and lower variation among
division between North and South Islands, but also showed populations within groups (ΦSC = − 0.0009, p = 0.541). This
that populations from Cook Strait (MAK, KAT and OKI) population grouping did not improve differentiation for the
and western South I. (JAC) were intermediate. The results nuclear data.
obtained from the nuclear region are largely consistent All tests of population divergence were used to group
with the mtDNA, in that the South Island populations adjacent P. elongatus populations into geographic regions to
(with exception of Christchurch, CHC) showed significant obtain the maximum difference between groups and mini-
pairwise difference from those in the North Island (Sup- mum within groups. Six regions were defined using the
plementary Material Table S9). However, the ITS-1 results mtDNA information (Fig. 4a). The ΦST difference among
exhibit little differentiation among the South I. populations groups was highly significant (ΦCT = 0.097, p < 0.001)
(Fig. 2d). The proportion of the genetic variance explained (Supplementary Material, Table S10). The regional group-
by geographic distance was higher than in L. smaragda ings with the nuclear ITS-1 gene were highly differentiated
(r2 = 0.4322, p < 0.001) (Supplementary Material Fig. S4). (ΦCT = 0.245, p < 0.001), and were very similar to the ones
An AMOVA test of COI data revealed strong and signifi- obtained from mtDNA (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Material
cant genetic difference between pooled North I. versus South Table S11). For both genes, the most significant geographic
I. populations (ΦCT = 0.0541, p < 0.001) (Table 3). When differences were among four major regions: one cluster in
the northern locations of South Island (KAT and OKI) were

Table 3  AMOVA from ΦST (Kimura 2P) results for Petrolisthes elon- South Island and locations were also partitioned in three groups sug-
gatus with mtDNA (COI) and nDNA (ITS-1)). Locations for both gested in MDS plot (c) North Island, Cook Strait (Mak, Kat, Oki) +
species were grouped into regions: (a) North Island and South Island, Jac and South Island, (d) 5 groups with mtDNA and (e) 6 groups with
(b) North Island (including northern locations of South Island) and nDNA Significant values in bold

Source of variation ΦCT ΦSC ΦST


(a) North Island; South Island 0.0541/0.1655 0.0246/0.0763 0.0774/0.2292

(b) North I. (Whb + Kat + Oki + Pic); South I 0.0823/0.1655 0.0166/0.0763 0.0976/0.2292
(c) North I., Cook St., South I 0.0922/0.1311 − 0.0009/0.0877 0.0912/0.2073
(d) 6 mtDNA regions 0.0968/NA 0.0048/NA 0.0613/NA
(e) 6 nDNA regions NA/0.2450 NA/− 0.0141 NA/0.2344

Fig. 4  a Petrolisthes elongatus

maximally different population
groups based on mtDNA (COI).
b P. elongatus maximally dif-
ferent population groups based
on nDNA (ITS). c P. elongatus
summary map of potential
genetic barriers between four
main regional groups. Specific
locations included in each group
indicated in Supplementary
Material, Tables S8 and S9

Marine Biology (2021) 168:105 Page 9 of 14 105

the North Island, another corresponding with the Cook Strait of high haplotype and low nucleotide diversity. Population
region, and another two in the South Island. neutrality tests were significantly negative, predominantly in
Summarising the tests of population differentiation across North I., supported by both mtDNA (Tajima’s D = − 2.389,
loci for each species resulted in summary maps of the geo- p < 0.01; Fu’s F = − 5.745, p < 0.01) and nDNA (Tajima’s
graphic locations of the greatest potential genetic barriers D = − 1.472, p < 0.05; Fu’s F = − 10.141, p < 0.001). Tests
(Figs. 3c and 4c). These highlight similarities in these pat- of the mismatch distributions did not reject a recent demo-
terns between species, although the degree of differentiation graphic expansion (Supplementary Material Table S13). The
among regions was much greater in P. elongatus. BSP for the whole dataset suggests a significant population
expansion beginning much earlier than that in L. smaragda,
Historical demography at around 100,000–200,000 years ago (Fig. 5). There were
clearly significant differences among the three regions of
In L. smaragda, the star-shaped haplotype network suggests North I., South I. and Cook Strait (Fig. 5). In the North
a recent and rapid population growth, and, demographic Island, the data suggest a recent population expansion
expansion is supported by significant negative values for (around 40-fold) beginning approximately 210,000 years
population neutrality tests in both the mitochondrial region ago, while in Cook Strait and South I. they suggest signifi-
(Tajima’s D = − 2.653, p < 0.001; Fu’s F = − 7.520, p < 0.01) cantly smaller population expansions (in the order of 10–20-
and nDNA region (Tajima’s D = − 1.692, p < 0.001; Fu’s fold) that occurred significantly more recently, at around
F = − 14.209, p < 0.01). In addition, tests of the mismatch 100,000 years ago.
distributions did not reject the null hypothesis of population
expansion (Supplementary Material Table S12). For further
analysis, the populations were broadly divided into North Discussion
Island, Cook Strait and South Island regions (see Table 1),
in line with the major genetic divergences observed, to test This study provides insight into the genetic patterns of two
whether the time of expansion differed between different co-occurring, abundant rocky shore species that share very
latitudinal groups. Over all populations, a Bayesian Skyline similar habitats and many life-history parameters, but have
plot (BSP) provides support for an expansion (approximately very different dispersal potentials. The results show that,
80-fold) beginning about 40,000 years ago with a confidence despite its roughly ten times longer pelagic larval duration
interval of 25,000–50,000 ybp. (Fig. 5). BSPs generated for (PLD), P. elongatus, the half crab, exhibits much higher lev-
North I., South I. and Cook Strait independently, indicate els of population structure than the cat’s eye snail, L. smar-
that the expansion is most well supported in the North I. agda (> fivefold for mtDNA ΦST, > 50-fold for nDNA ΦST),
populations (Fig. 5). and support the contention that PLD can be a poor indicator
In P. elongatus, although there is considerably more struc- of the population structure of a species (Kelly and Palumbi
ture in the haplotype networks, there is also a similar pattern 2010; Bowen et al. 2016). Instead, the results highlight that

Fig. 5  Bayesian skyline plots (BSP) of the effective population umn indicates the different results including all populations, North
size through time (in million years). Upper line corresponds to Island, Cook Strait and South Island left to right
Lunella smaragda and lower line to Petrolisthes elongatus. Each col-

105 Page 10 of 14 Marine Biology (2021) 168:105

recent population demography may also have a strong on (NE_NI), northwestern North Island (NW_NI), Cook Strait
contemporary population structure. The main findings are (CS) and southern South Island (S_SI) (Fig. 3c).
that: (1) both species exhibit a surprising level of population At the northern tip of the North I., (location A, Fig. 3c).
structure, (2) contrary to expectations from PLD, there was it is evident that genetic differentiation is supported by both
much stronger population structure within P. elongatus, (3) genes, although more at the level of allele frequency dif-
this may be due to recent demographic expansion in L. smar- ferentiation (FST) rather than phylogeographic divergence
agda, and, (4) despite differences, the two species share (ΦST). This barrier was also found in other studies where
several major geographic discontinuities, but few genetic the species has low larval dispersal capabilities (Stevens and
boundaries are in common with those of many other co- Hogg 2004; Veale and Lavery 2012). Upwelling at the top
distributed species. of Cape Reinga, combined with the predominantly southerly
flowing currents down both coasts (Stanton 1973), have been
Patterns of population structure suggested as a possible explanation for the genetic differen-
tiation observed in this area (Veale and Lavery 2011).
Both species examined in this study exhibit significant lev- Results also support the hypothesis of homogeneity in
els of population structure. Although we have not directly the Cook Strait region (CS), similar to that in the bivalve
estimated rates of gene flow here (through, for example, P. novazelandiae (Silva and Gardner 2015). This central
extensive coalescent analyses; a difficult task to undertake group of genetically similar populations is wider in L. smar-
reliably here among so many sampled populations), the pat- agda than reported in previous studies, and includes loca-
terns of population structure do have implications for gene tions around Cook Strait (CS), TAR and HWB, showing
flow within each species. Notably, where there are major that in locations B and C (Fig. 3c) there may be barriers to
genetic discontinuities between adjacent populations, this is dispersal of the mollusc larvae. The western location of the
likely to indicate regions of lowered connectivity, at least in disjunction at the southern limits of the Greater Cook Strait,
the short term, as significant phylogeographic or allele fre- location D, may correspond with that reported in many other
quency structure cannot persist in the face of high gene flow studies at around the 42° latitude at Cape Farewell (Apte and
(Avise 2000). There is less certainty that regions of genetic Gardner 2002; Ayers and Waters 2005; Goldstien et al. 2006;
homogeneity are necessarily due to high connectivity, as Veale and Lavery 2011). On the eastern side, there is strong
a variety of factors may drive this (including non-equilib- evidence from both loci that the CS region is differentiated
rium conditions; Slatkin 1993). We were unable to sample from the Southern South Island region (S_SI). The popula-
locations over multiple years, and thus are unable here to tions KAI and CHC were included in the larger Cook Strait
determine if there are temporal changes in genetic patterns genetic region, suggesting an uncommon potential barrier
(Pascual et al. 2016). Although the two genetic markers were to dispersal at location E. Unlike locations A and D, this
broadly in agreement in the patterns observed, there were location E is not a commonly-reported hydrographic bar-
some differences between the loci, but these were not sys- rier, however, it was also found to be a location of genetic
tematic, and appear to be largely stochastic in nature. In this discontinuity in the mollusc H. iris (Will et al. 2011). The
section, we summarise the geographic patterns of population location of this potential barrier may be related to the major
structure observed, and make comparisons between the two southerly current (Southern Current) in this region, which
study species, and with the extensive range of other species sweeps eastward and northward along the southeast coast
examined in New Zealand, but note the potential implica- of the South I., until, at around the Christchurch Peninsula,
tions for connectivity. it moves off to the east along the Chatham Rise, perhaps
interfering with larval connectivity along this east coast. The
Lunella smaragda location also coincides with a large gap in suitable rocky
Low levels of overall pairwise ΦST indicate that the cat’s
eye snail does not have as clear a spatial genetic structure Petrolisthes elongatus
as other New Zealand invertebrates (Goldstien et al. 2006),
despite the short larval duration. The mtDNA pairwise dif- By combining a diversity of genetic analyses from both
ferences are similar to those in other species with much genes, we have developed a better understanding of the
longer PLD, such as P. regularis (ΦST = 0.072) (Waters and genetic structuring of P. elongatus. P. elongatus exhibited
Roy 2004). According to the integrated results from both much greater levels of population genetic structure than
genes, the true genetic structure is complex, and the major L. smaragda. At least four genetically distinctive regions
locations of genetic discontinuity divide the species into were found: North Island (NI), a central region around Cook
four relatively distinct regions northeastern North Island Strait (CS), and two South Island groups in the southwest-
ern South Island (SW_SI) and eastern South Island (E_SI)

Marine Biology (2021) 168:105 Page 11 of 14 105

(Fig. 4c). Between the two islands, the combined genetic their lifespan Jones 1977; Walsby 1977). Overall, the only
results (Fig. 4c) support the existence of a relatively dis- relevant differences between the species appear to be the
tinctive but homogeneous group of populations from both much longer PLD (~ tenfold) and breeding season, both of
northern and southern coasts of the Cook Strait area. The which strongly suggest that P. elongatus has a much higher
southern limit of this CS group on the eastern side appears dispersal potential.
to be located in the vicinity of Cape Campbell, and is thus
congruent with results from previous studies (Waters and Demographic history
Roy 2004; Goldstien et al. 2006; Veale and Lavery 2011;
Nagel et al. 2015). Some researchers suggest the seasonal Both species examined here show clear signals of high
upwelling in this area is a larval dispersal barrier. However, haplotype and low nucleotide diversity, with L. smaragda
upwelling cannot be presented as the direct cause of the also showing a clear star-shaped haplotype network for
genetic break without a better understanding of its effects both mtDNA and nDNA loci, and a strong excess of low-
on the dispersal capability of larvae (Ross et al. 2009). The frequency alleles. There are several potential causes of such
major currents on the eastern side, the East Cape Current patterns, the most likely being demographic history, selec-
(ECC) and the Wairarapa Eddy, may also have a strong effect tion, or reproductive skew (Niwa et al. 2016). Although
on the restrictions to larval dispersal across this region (Ross always a possibility, we do not expect that selection is driv-
et al. 2009). ing these patterns. There is no other evidence that either
The distinct southern region, including SLO, STE and locus sequenced in under selection; there are no non-synon-
JAC locations, showed high levels of genetic diversity within ymous substitutions in either species’ COI, and the strong
each population and high levels of genetic differentiation concordance in haplotype network between loci within
from other populations. A similar pattern has been found each species makes unlikely synchronous selective sweeps
in the southern populations of the New Zealand scallop in both mtDNA and nDNA. Recently, reproductive skew,
Pecten novazelandiae (Silva and Gardner 2015). This struc- a high variance in progeny number and characteristic of
turing is possibly due to larval retention being promoted by sweepstakes recruitment (Hedgecock and Pudovkin 2011),
strong eddies in the Foveaux Strait (Chiswell and Rickard has been implicated as a potential cause of the described pat-
2011; Silva and Gardner 2015). Another possible explana- terns of diversity, particularly in marine organisms with high
tion is the difference in times of colonisation and expansion reproductive output (Grant et al. 2016; Niwa et al. 2016).
observed in the half-crab. According to the ‘abundant cen- Although this is also a possibility in the species under study
tre’ model, it is expected that peripheral populations will here, analyses of the site frequency spectra (SFS, see Sup-
exhibit higher genetic differentiation, which is exacerbated plementary Material Fig. S7) do not reveal the characteristic
by rapid extinction and recolonizations events (Eckert et al. signal of reproductive skew (a U-shaped distribution). Also,
2008). This region is definitely at the extreme of the distribu- the observed degree of excess in low-frequency mutations
tion of this species, which prefers warmer waters, and thus it would require an extreme reproductive skew (Ψ > 0.3, where
may be expected to show the greatest peripheral divergence Ψ is the proportion of offspring in the population originating
from the rest of the species due to this. from a single parent in the previous generation (Matusze-
P. elongatus exhibited much greater levels of popula- wski et al. 2018), which is unlikely in either of these species
tion genetic structure than L. smaragda, despite having a sampled throughout their distribution. We therefore regard
much longer PLD and breeding season. Most other relevant demographic history as being the most likely cause of the
aspects of their life history are similar, including habitat, observed patterns of within-population molecular diversity.
distribution, extremely large population sizes, only a larval There is also a need for caution in the interpretation of
dispersal phase, similar breeding season and reproductive past demographic parameters from molecular data. Inferred
output, and no sex bias (Grange 1976; McLay 1988). There dates of demographic events are often likely to be over-
are some other aspects of the biology of these two species estimates, due to the time-dependent rate effect, where
that differ, namely external fertilisation in L. smaragda (but population-level substitution rates are likely to be greater
occurring within 1 day of gamete release, Grange 1976), than estimates derived from recent phylogenetic divergences
ovigerous females and potentially greater behavioural con- (Ho et al. 2011). The estimates used here are the least biased
trol of dispersal in the P. elongatus pelagic larvae (McLay possible, as they are derived from similarly recent, dated
1988) than the limited swimming capacity of the L. smara- divergences of closely-related species (Williams et al. 2011;
gus veliger larvae. Although the relatively short lifespans of Hiller and Lessios 2017). Bayesian skyline plots (BSPs) also
each animal differ to some degree (max. 2 years for P. elon- need cautious interpretation. If sweepstakes reproduction
gatus (Jones 1977) and 4–5 years for L. smaragus (Walsby applies, the Fisher-Wright coalescence model used in BSPs
1977), both species exhibit a similar total reproductive out- is likely to bias the timing of events (pushing them further
put and number of broods (between one to three times during into the past), and multi-merger coalescent models may be

105 Page 12 of 14 Marine Biology (2021) 168:105

more appropriate (Grant et al. 2016). Also, recent events are species in fact exhibit remarkably different genetic pat-
likely to eliminate the signal from more distant events (Grant terns, which are sometimes unexpected. In the future, a
2015). Despite these potential difficulties, we believe a cau- greater understanding of the major factors driving these
tious, comparative interpretation of inferred demographic patterns will likely require more systematic comparisons
parameters can provide useful additional information in such across a wide range of species.
population analyses. The results provide strong evidence that historical pro-
If we reject selection and reproductive skew as being cesses rather than dispersal potential are likely to most influ-
likely causes, both species examined here show a clear signal ence the difference in spatial population structure of these
of demographic expansion over the most recent time period. two organisms. Contrary to our expectations, the levels of
The specific substitution rate estimates allow us to estimate population differentiation are greater in P. elongatus, with
the date of expansion in L. smaragda to around 40,000 years high dispersal potential, compared to L. smaragda, with very
ago, while in P. elongatus, for the overall population, this short-lived pelagic larvae. Both species appear to have expe-
was estimated at around 150,000 years ago. Although these rienced recent population expansions, but these were much
are likely to be over-estimates, they are currently the best more recent in L. smaragda than in P. elongatus. We feel
estimates available, do not detract from the clear relative that the patterns of population structure evident within each
difference in expansion dates, and permit some comparison species are likely related to regions of increased or decreased
with related studies. Although mismatch distribution and dispersal, but that more recent demographic expansion in
BSP estimates for expansion time are slightly different, it is L. smaragda has erased much of the expected genetic struc-
clear that both methods suggest a considerably more recent ture within that species. If our interpretations are correct, the
population explosion in L. smaragda. Rapid expansion and level of genetic population structure evident within L. smar-
colonisation events in recent times do not allow sufficient agda would be expected to gradually increase in the future,
time for populations to fully reach migration-drift equilib- to match or surpass those of P. elongatus, as migration-drift
rium, which can result in lowered genetic diversity and weak equilibrium is approached. This highlights the importance
differentiation across the distributional range of a species of demographic history in understanding the spatial genetic
(Slatkin 1993). It is likely the recent demographic expansion structure of species.
(and likely associated colonisation) within the species has
greatly influenced the homogenisation of the populations of Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 00227-0​ 21-0​ 3891-2.
the mollusc, leaving little evolutionary time for genetic dif-
ferences to develop among populations. However, it appears Acknowledgements We thank the many collaborators who assisted
that even the relatively small genetic divergences that have with the collection of samples around the country. Special thanks to
developed over this time largely correspond in location with Martin Hingston (University of Auckland) and Clinton Duffy (New
previously described marine barriers to dispersal in New Zealand Department of Conservation) for setting the foundations of
this study. This research was supported financially by the New Zealand
Zealand. Department of Conservation, the Beate Schuler Doctoral Scholarship
Interestingly, P. elongatus revealed a strong latitudinal (to VA) and the University of Auckland. We deeply thank the reviewers
gradient in the time of expansion. This crustacean is perhaps for improving the manuscript with its insightful comments.
an interesting example of post-glaciation effects. The popu-
lation explosion in the Cook Strait and South Island popula- Author contributions All authors contributed to the study conception
and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were per-
tions occurred considerably after the demographic expansion formed by Vibha Thakur, Shane Lavery and Vanessa Arranz. The first
in North Island populations. This may reflect a greater and draft of the manuscript was written by Vanessa Arranz and all authors
more recent effect of glaciation on southern populations. commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read
P. elongatus exhibits a clear latitudinal difference in the and approved the final manuscript.
period when the populations rapidly increased in size. Such
Funding This research was supported financially by the New Zealand
apparently climate-driven expansions have also been seen in Department of Conservation, the Beate Schuler Doctoral Scholarship
other species in New Zealand (Silva and Gardner 2015) and in Marine Science to Vanessa Arranz and the University of Auckland.
in the northern hemisphere (Maggs et al. 2008).
Availability of data and material The datasets generated during the
current study are available in the GenBank repository, ACCESSION
NUMBERS for Lunella smaragda_COI: MN484628—MN485347 and
Conclusions ITS: MT032725—MT033014. ACCESSION NUMBERS for Petrolis-
thes elongatus_COI: MN485348—MN485765 and ITS: MZ263776-
Overall, although each species exhibited slightly different MZ264075. Associated metadata are also available in the Genomic
patterns of population structure, both species exhibited Obervatories Metadatabase (GEOME; GUID http://n​ 2t.n​ et/a​ rk:/2​ 1547/​
CmZ2 and http://​n2t.​net/​ark:/​21547/​Cmf2).
some common, previously described genetic boundaries.
This study has also highlighted that many New Zealand

Marine Biology (2021) 168:105 Page 13 of 14 105

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