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Exposé Anglais
THEME : Child labor psychological and

"Their little
hands should not carry burdens!"

Name of exhibitors
Awa Diallo

Adel sagna

Khady Dieng

Serigne Bara Leuy

Coumba Coulibaly

Mame Diarra Gadiaga


Scholastic year 2023/2024




1. Emotional Distress and Trauma

2. Cognitive and Educational Impact

3. Social Isolation

4. Low Self-Esteem and Identity Issues


1. Health Problems

2. Malnutrition and Stunted Growth

3. Fatigue and Exhaustion

4. Developmental Delays



Child labor is a global issue affecting millions of children, leading to

severe and lasting impacts on their physical and psychological
well-being. This presentation explores these consequences in two parts:
psychological impacts and physical impacts.


1. Emotional Distress and Trauma

Children working under harsh conditions often experience high levels
of stress, anxiety, and depression. Exposure to violence and dangerous
work environments can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

2. Cognitive and Educational Impact

- Long working hours interfere with education, resulting in poor
academic performance and reduced cognitive development.

- Limited educational opportunities hinder future employment

prospects and socioeconomic mobility.

3. Social Isolation
Childs laborers miss out on normal childhood experiences and social
interactions, crucial for social development. This lack of socialization
during formative years can lead to difficulties in forming healthy
relationships later in life.

4. Low Self-Esteem and Identity Issues
- Constant exploitation and lack of positive reinforcement can lead to
low self-esteem and a poor sense of self-worth.

- The absence of a supportive environment affects children's sense of

identity and self-perception.


1. Health Problems

- Children in labor-intensive jobs are prone to injuries, chronic

illnesses, and physical disabilities due to hazardous working

Exposure to toxic substances, heavy machinery, and repetitive motions

can cause long-term health issues such as respiratory problems and
musculoskeletal disorders.

2. Malnutrition and Stunted Growth

- Childs laborers often suffer from malnutrition due to inadequate

access to nutritious food, affecting their physical development and

- Hard physical labor on an underdeveloped body can lead to stunted

growth and developmental delays.

3. Fatigue and Exhaustion

- Extended working hours without adequate rest can lead to chronic

fatigue and physical exhaustion, impacting overall health and

- Lack of rest also affects cognitive functions and school performance,

creating a cycle of disadvantage.

4. Developmental Delays
- Engaging in physically demanding work can hinder a child's physical
and motor skill development.

- The lack of a safe environment and appropriate physical activities

further impedes normal growth and development.

The consequences of child labor are profound and multidimensional.
Addressing this issue requires comprehensive approaches, including
improving educational opportunities, enforcing labor laws, and
tackling the root causes of poverty and lack of access to resources. By
taking these measures, we can hope to provide every child with the
opportunity to enjoy a healthy and fulfilling childhood.

The Exemple

I. Psychological Consequences

1. Emotional Distress and Trauma

- Example: Children working in hazardous environments, like

mining, often face constant danger, leading to anxiety and fear.

- Case Study: A child laborer in a garment factory experiencing

verbal and physical abuse from employers, resulting in chronic stress
and PTSD.

2. Cognitive and Educational Impact

- Example: Long working hours prevent children from attending

school, leading to illiteracy and limited cognitive development.

- Case Study: A child domestic worker missing out on education and

struggling with basic literacy and numeracy skills.

3. Social Isolation

- Example: Children working in isolated conditions, such as

agricultural fields, have limited interaction with peers, affecting social

- Case Study: A child laborer in a remote area lacking opportunities

for social interaction and play, leading to loneliness and social

4. Low Self-Esteem and Identity Issues

- Example: Children subjected to constant exploitation and criticism
may develop a poor self-image and lack confidence.

- Case Study: A child street vendor internalizing negative comments

from customers, resulting in low self-worth and identity confusion.

II. Physical Consequences

1. Health Problems

- Example: Children working in factories exposed to harmful

chemicals suffer from respiratory issues and skin diseases.

- Case Study: A child laborer in a brick kiln developing chronic lung

disease due to prolonged exposure to dust and smoke.

2. Malnutrition and Stunted Growth

- Example: Children engaged in strenuous labor often lack access to

adequate nutrition, affecting their growth and health.

- Case Study: A child agricultural worker showing signs of

malnutrition and stunted growth due to insufficient food intake and
heavy physical labor.l

3. Fatigue and Exhaustion

- Example: Children working long hours in demanding jobs, such as

construction, experience chronic fatigue and exhaustion.

- Case Study: A child construction worker suffering from extreme

tiredness, impacting their physical health and ability to concentrate

4. Developmental Delays

- Example: Engaging in physically demanding work can hinder a
child’s physical and motor skill development.

- Case Study: A child working in a fishing industry struggling with

delayed physical development due to early exposure to heavy labor.

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