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Coll. Antropol.

28 (2004) 2: 509–540
UDC 612.017:613.1:614.4
Original scientific paper

Environmental Stress and Adaptational

Responses: Consequences for Human
Health Outcomes

Ralph M. Garruto1,2, Michael A. Little1 and Charles A. Weitz3

1 Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA
2 National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
3 Department of Anthropology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA


With the dramatic pace of modernization of the world's population, human adapta-
tion as a theoretical construct and paradigm will likely become a focal scientific issue
involving scientists from many disciplinary areas during the 21st Century. Macro and
micro environments are in rapid flux and human populations are exposed to rapid
change. The concept of adaptation, at least in the field of biological anthropology and
human biology, will likely remain tied to evolutionary processes and concepts of selec-
tion and fitness. In this paper, we discuss the theoretical constructs of adaptation and
adaptability and select three current examples from our ongoing research that involve
studies of adaptation and evolutionary processes in modernizing populations in differ-
ent locations worldwide.

Key words: Hypoxic Stress, Altitude, HIF, Prion Diseases, Kuru, Co-Evolution, Rep-


This paper is dedicated to Paul and Thelma Baker who for two generations trained and
inspired young graduate students to pursue the study of human biological adaptation
within the field of Anthropology and Human Population Biology.

Received for publication October 22, 2004

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

Introduction and developmental homeostasis.« Evolu-

tionary process may be implied in these
Human Adaptation and Adaptability studies, but evolution is not always a ma-
Interests in human biological adapta- jor consideration. Scientific interests can
tion and acclimatization to the environ- be directed toward understanding mech-
ment have a long historical perspective anisms of adjustment or patterns of vari-
dating back at least to Aristotle1. What ation, including processes that contribute
we mean by terms such as adaptation, ac- to or limit variation.
climatization, and environment has been Adaptability literally means »the abil-
the source of great discussion and contro- ity to adapt,« yet the term has much broa-
versy in and of itself. In order to under- der application. As Baker4 noted, the term
stand humans as biobehavioral beings re- human adaptability began only to be used
quires that they be understood, first, as widely during the years of the Internatio-
highly variable individuals who differ by nal Biological Programme (IBP) when the
age, gender, genetic makeup, history, po- Human Adaptability Component of this
pulation identity, and a host of other program was in operation. At the begin-
ways, and second, as creatures who must ning of the IBP, Weiner7,8 conceptualized
continually adjust to a social and cultural the field of human adaptability as a world-
as well as a biological and physical mix of -wide comparative study of the ecology of
environments2. It may be convenient to humankind, greatly needed because of
separate the biological and behavioral as- the »... vast changes [that] are affecting
pects of human life as an aca- demic exer- the distribution, population density, and
cise in understanding, yet the adaptive ways of life of human communities all
process does not distinguish between the over the world... [and that can be] measu-
two. Behavior is biology and vice versa, red in terms of health, fitness and genetic
and adaptation integrates these two con- constitution.« Baker9 identified human
ditions of life. adaptability as »... the basic biological
In the fields of biological anthropology flexibility of human populations... [invol-
and human biology, the concept of adap- ving]... biological responses, which inclu-
tation is closely bound to evolutionary de biochemical, physiological, and behav-
processes, biological models, health, and ioral components.« Human adaptability
ecology3–5. Adaptation can be thought of research, then, should focus efforts on
as a universal concept to assist in our un- ways in which human populations adapt
derstanding of human behavior and biol- biobehaviorally to their environments.
ogy in a variety of contexts, including the Excellent reviews of human adaptability
sociocultural context. As a fundamental perspectives from the 1960s are by Ba-
concept in evolutionary theory, adapta- ker10, Lasker11, Weiner12, and more re-
tion is tied closely to related concepts of cently by Ulijaszek13.
selection and fitness. However, adapta-
tion need not only be studied in an evolu- Adaptation as an Explanatory Paradigm
tionary context, it also can be studied in If one of the principal goals of human
the context of individual coping mecha- biology is to explain human biobehavioral
nisms, biobehavioral adjustments to stress, variation, then one of the most effective
relative merits of different strategies, means to do so is through an understand-
physiological and behavioral flexibility, ing of human patterns of adaptation.
and developmental plasticity. As Harri- There are at least two fundamental ways
son6 suggested, »adaptive processes oper- to deal with adaptation. First, it can be
ate to maintain physiological, behavioral applied simply as a perspective that as-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

sists in understanding and in scientific cond was a function of different environ-

explanation. The concept of adaptation ments producing different stresses and
has considerable explanatory power and variation in adaptations to these differe-
can be used to understand complex rela- nt stresses (e.g., altitude, temperature,
tionships that cannot be conceptualized disease). With this framework, explora-
by other means. Second, specific studies tion of adaptive mechanisms under the
can be designed in an attempt to demon- second category does, to some degree, ad-
strate an adaptation or process of adapta- dress the criticism that »adaptationists«
tion. In this case, an experimental ap- consider all responses as adaptive« by fo-
proach is taken where hypotheses are cusing on the stresses that are most like-
formulated and tested. Adaptation, howe- ly to contribute to population variation.
ver, should not simply be used as »...the This can be achieved by beginning scien-
'common sense' default assumption« 14. tific inquiry with the environmental stress
Gould and Lewontin15 correctly criticized rather than with a morphological, physio-
those who consider adaptation as the only logical, or behavioral characteristic (as a
explanatory paradigm of evolutionary presumed response to that stress).
process, and cited allometry, scaling, ple-
Mazess18,19 addressed these and other
iotropic by-products, and random effects
problems of human adaptation in a dis-
as alternate explanations for what might
cussion of what he called »adaptive do-
appear to be adaptations. Those practitio-
mains.« Adaptive domains are referents
ners of what Gould and Lewontin call the
used to assess relative benefit and neces-
»adaptationist programme« consider near-
sity in evaluating adaptation at the level
ly everything as an adaptation and exclu-
of the individual organism. The nine do-
de alternative explanations. They were
mains that were identified included: rep-
also highly critical of attempts to study
roduction, health, nutrition, nervous sys-
adaptation in anything less than the
tem, growth and development, resistance
whole organism. It should be clear, howe-
and cross-tolerance, physical performan-
ver, that Gould and Lewontin in no way
ce, affective function, and intellectual abi-
reject the concept. Rather, they argue
lity (a tenth domain, sociality, might be
that it is often applied incorrectly, which
added as an important human attribute).
involves poor logic and bad science, and
The interactive and biobehavioral nature
leaves an opening for unnecessary at-
of these adaptive domains becomes quite
tacks on the concept. Nearly five decades
clear if we look at »reproduction.« All ot-
ago, Lewontin16 identified a major prob-
her domains must be in relatively heal-
lem in dealing with the concept when he
thy states to facilitate normal reproduc-
stated that »There is virtually universal
tion. Mazess also raised the issue of
disagreement among students of evolu-
adaptation at different levels of the biolo-
tion as to the meaning of adaptation.« To
gical hierarchy, that is, at the level of: cel-
some extent, this is still true, although
lular structures, the cell, tissues, organ
modest progress has been made since
systems, the organism, population, biotic
community, ecosystem, and biosphere.
Baker3,10,17 wrestled with some of the Human behavioral units might be inclu-
issues that troubled Gould and Lewon- ded in a hierarchy for exploration of ad-
tin15. He identified two kinds of adaptive aptation, as well. They could include:
responses to stress: the first, called cultu- ideas, individuals, family, ethnic group,
ral and bio-adaptational universals, dealt society, region, nation, »humanosphere.«
with the needs of all members of our spe- Each level becomes the environment of
cies (e.g., to eat, sleep, rest, learn); the se- the next lower level in the series, to pro-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

duce a hierarchy of environments and is that some adaptational events have

units of adaptation. Mazess suggested clearly led to survival and reproductive
that each level of the hierarchy would ha- success of the populations, while others
ve different criteria for assessing relative may not be known for some time as these
benefit, and hence, adaptive value. For natural experiments continue to play out
example, important criteria for assessing on the stage of both a modernizing and
the population as a unit in the hierarchy modern world21.
are size, density, distribution, composi-
tion, and persistence. Population, in this
case could mean anything from a small Adaptation and Stress
group to our entire species. Multiple lev- The concept of adaptation as used by
els of adaptation are also consistent with environmental physiologists has had con-
contemporary, although controversial, siderable influence on the thinking of many
understanding that there are multiple le- human biologists5,22–24. With the excep-
vels of selection20. tion of C. Ladd Prosser25,26 few physiolo-
gists had dealt with human adaptation in
Approaches to the Study of an evolutionary context. Rather, they fo-
Human Adaptation cused on physiological systems and their
There are numerous areas in which responses to environmental stress. The
human adaptation to the environment kinds of environmental stresses explored
can be investigated in humans within a include: thermal (heat and cold), hypoxic
biobehavioral framework. In environ- (high altitude), nutritional (low calorie
mental physiology, considerable work has and protein), and physical work (exerci-
been done on adaptations of humans to se).
stressful environments (heat, cold, altitu- »Stress« is a concept that has been
de). Although there has been some inter- used widely and has many meanings. At
est in among-population variation, much the simplest level of agreement, stress in-
of the environmental physiology research volves some environmental stimulus that
focused on physiological mechanisms produces a reaction in a living organism
with small samples of individuals tested. that may be either favorable or unfavor-
Adaptation and disease, and adaptation able to the organism. The term, stress,
in reproduction and fertility in specific has been used in the literature both as an
contexts are two other major research ar- environmental stimulus and as the res-
eas extensively studied by human biolo- ponse to an environmental stimulus, which
gists. Rather than giving an overreaching has added some confusion to understand-
review of all the work on human adapta- ing the concept. Ideas of adjustment, cop-
tion over the past century, we will concen- ing, accommodation, adaptation, balan-
trate on emerging aspects of these three ce, and homeostasis have been applied in
evolving research areas that attempt to studies of stress. The basis for present
understand adaptation and adaptational theory dates back to Claude Bernard27
processes in human populations in Afri- who identified the ability of all living
ca, Asia and the Pacific Basin, and Euro- creatures to maintain the constancy of
pe, specific examples of which will follow their internal environment (milieu inter-
in the next section. As will be seen, it is ne), and Walter Cannon28, who coined the
difficult to determine what the conse- term homeostasis and defined some of the
quences, if any, of some of these natural body's mechanisms of self-regulation in
experiments might be in adaptational the face of external environmental varia-
and evolutionary terms. But, what is clear tion. Cannon29 also defined the flight or

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

fight emergency response that involved its internal milieu and match them ap-
the sympathetic adrenal medullary sys- propriately to environmental demands.«
tem. The later work of Hans Selye30 fur- Where homeostasis suggests a dynamic
ther defined the involvement of the endo- steady state maintained by negative feed-
crine system via the pituitary-adrenocor- back for a single system, allostasis is a
tical axis. more dynamic and interactive process
Selye's30 work on the non-specific res- where »...variation is achieved by multip-
ponse (strain) to environmental stressors le, mutually reinforcing neural and neu-
led to his definition of the General Adap- roendocrine mechanisms that override
tation Syndrome. This was defined as a the homeostatic mechanisms«31. Homeos-
three-stage reaction beginning with an tatic »set points« are continually shifting
alarm stage, leading into a resistance sta- to accommodate changes in other inter-
ge, and ending with an exhaustion stage nal systems in response to external stim-
if the stressor (and strain) persists and uli/stresses.
the organism is unable to maintain the
defensive responses. Selye's studies of A simple model to illustrate the princi-
stress define what might be identified as pal relationships between environmental
very acute responses to noxious stimuli stress and various responses is presented
usually involving behavior. Stress also in Figure 1. Here, any force from the en-
may be thought of more broadly as a reac- vironment (stress) has the potential to
tion (strain) of the human body to envi- produce strain in the human organism.
ronmental forces (stressors) that perturb Strain, then, can be defined as a »devia-
the body and lead to deviations in ho- tion from homeostasis« or dynamic stea-
meostatic states. Here, the homeostatic dy state that requires a human response.
regulatory mechanisms are the principal The response may be highly favorable to
means of combating stress in the organi- the human, and either reduce the strain
sm. It is also the case that these homeos- itself or reduce or remove the stress. Such
tatic mechanisms are, themselves, capa- a favorable response may be viewed as an
ble of adjustment according to the dura- adaptation that restores the organism to
tion and intensity of the environmental a state of normal function by employing
stressors. This process of »fine tuning« of appropriate feedback controls. A means
the specific homeostatic mechanism may of adaptation may also involve a shift to a
be thought of as adaptation. new homeostatic level. If the response is
The idea of homeostasis has been broa- not successful in its feedback patterns to
dened in recent years by a reconceptuali- strain and stress, then the organism can
zation of the way that homeostatic sys- be said to be unable to cope with the envi-
tems interact within the whole body. ronmental conditions. This may lead to a
Sterling and Eyer31 defined allostasis as chronic state of maladaptation that can
a principle identifying »stability through be termed »poor health,« or even total fai-
change,« that is: »to maintain stability an lure of the system and death of the organ-
organism must vary all the parameters of ism. In addition, maladaptation may resu-

Fig. 1. Elementary model to demonstrate environmental stress, strain, and variable responses.

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

lt from overcompensation of homeostatic mans were exposed to an approximate

controls (an »overshoot« effect). sea level environment during the course
Within the framework of allostasis, of most of their evolutionary prehistory,
poor health or adaptability may be defi- then adaptations to high altitude hypoxia
ned as a state of limited responsiveness31. have clear evolutionary implications.
Allostatic load is then identified: » a Early attempts in human physiology
measure of the cumulative physiological and biological anthropology were made to
burden exacted on the body through at- define patterns of adaptation as either (1)
tempts to adapt to life's demands«32. He- genetically specified, (2) developmental
re, strain may be identified as a chronic (ontogenetic adaptation), or (3) short-term,
deviation from homeostasis (as in vascu- reversible, seasonal, or flexible (acclima-
lar hypertension) that produces stress, tization)11,37,38. Although physiologists
and consequent strain in other homeosta- have seldom worked in this area, at-
tic systems33. tempts by anthropologists to demonstra-
Models are particularly useful in hu- te genetic adaptation (with evolutionary
man physiology where interests are focu- implications) in human physiological sys-
sed on effects of exercise or climatic ef- tems have generally failed. It is quite
fects on the human body. An example of clear to most investigators, however, that
climatic stress is hypoxia produced by de- all physiological systems and adaptive
creased partial pressure oxygen at high patterns operate within fixed genetic li-
altitudes. Since hypoxia stresses the hu- mits26. Hence, we cannot just think of ge-
man physiological system most intensely netic or environmental adaptations: rat-
during strenuous physical activity, it is her, we might conceptualize the process
possible to reduce the stress by becoming as either genetically inflexible and highly
inactive or by resting. Obviously, this is specified or genetically flexible and hig-
only a short-term behavioral adaptation, hly modifiable by environmental experi-
since human residents of high altitude ences (gene-environment interactions).
mountain zones cannot cease all subsis- Developmental patterns of adaptation
tence activities and still hope to survive. have been explored most commonly by
Other physiological mechanisms must anthropologists24,39–44 in conjunction with
therefore come into play to improve oxy- their interests in child growth. An impor-
gen transport and oxygen delivery to the tant point concerning environmental in-
tissues and organs, and to restore oxygen fluences and developmental changes dur-
homeostasis of working muscle34, and the ing growth is that many are not rever-
study of these mechanisms is best done sible and set limits on short-term accli-
through a »system science« approach. matization or adaptive responses that can
These mechanisms involve feedback con- be made during adulthood. Some of these
trols in the heart, lungs, blood, and the processes are discussed in the section
circulatory system. It is also the case that that follows.
the chest and lungs and the right side of
the heart of individuals who have lived at Adaptation to Hypoxic Stress in
high altitude since infancy are larger Western China
than in sea level residents35,36. These per- There are no other environmental con-
manent size differences might be conside- ditions that lend themselves to a »natural
red morphological or structural adapta- experiment« of human adaptability bet-
tions to high altitude, and they are likely ter than those that exist at high altitude.
to result from gradual developmental Hypoxia is a ubiquitous stress from which
changes. Under the assumption that hu- indigenous high altitude populations can-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

not escape. It has significant physiologi- gical systems have greatest capacity to
cal consequences to newcomers, and has adjust to environmental conditions. Only
been associated with reductions in fertili- those phenotypic differences that remain
ty and increases in pathologies that lead after accounting for the effects of both
to mortality35,45,46. It thus possesses all short-term and long-term (developmen-
the characteristics necessary for the oper- tal) phenotypic adjustments, can poten-
ation of natural selection on human popu- tially be attributed to genetic, or adaptive,
lations. This was recognized over a gener- differences between populations. Studies
ation ago by pioneers in the application of of this sort in the Andes and at other high
evolutionary biology models to human po- altitude locations have indicated that in-
pulations47. But the large number of stu- dividuals from low-altitude populations
dies that have taken place among high al- exhibit a number of long- and short-term
titude populations living in the Andes of ventilatory and hemodynamic changes,
South America, in the Himalayas and on including increased minute volumes (and
the Tibetan Plateau of Asia since the consequent elevations in al-veolar PO2),
1960's have produced a much more com- reduced hypoxic ventilatory response
plex picture than was originally envisio- (HVR), increased erythropoiesis, increa-
ned. The emerging picture of indigenous sed capillarization, increased myoglobin
high-altitude groups is that they not only concentration, and increased mitochon-
posses physiological and anatomical dif- drial number46. But, differences in thorax
ferences from lowlanders, but also differ dimensions, pulmonary function52, and
from each other. While some of these dif- probably in red cell numbers41 persist be-
ferences may be genetic48,49, many others tween indigenous Andean groups and low-
seem to be related to ontogenic adjust- land sojourners, even those who have been
ments made to hypoxia36 and other stres- born and raised at high altitude. For the-
sful conditions (particularly poor nutri- se phenotypes, the characteristics of high
tion) that exist at high altitudes50,51. altitude populations may reflect geneti-
cally-determined adaptive differences com-
Most studies of indigenous high altitu-
pared to low altitude groups or in some
de population biology have focused on
cases high altitude pathologies41.
what appear to be unique physiological
systems associated with oxygen extrac-
tion, transport and utilization, or on aty- Differences between Andean and
pical anatomical features, particularly Tibetan high altitude populations
thorax dimensions. To understand the or- One of the most intriguing results of
igins of the anatomical and physiological high altitude research over the past two
characteristics of high-altitude popula- decades has been the realization that in-
tions in an evolutionary context, the pri- digenous Tibetans appear to have smaller
mary strategy has been to compare indig- thoraxes, lower hemoglobin concentra-
enous adults to adult sojourners from low tions, greater HVRs, higher SaO2, and
altitude. The presumption, of course, is lower incidences of chronic mountain sic-
that any changes that occur among so- kness than Andeans. This has led to the
journers after exposure to high altitude hypothesis that Tibetans possess a supe-
would reflect short-term adjustments to rior (or at least different) adaptation to
hypoxia, not genetic adaptation. It is also high altitude hypoxia than Andeans53,54.
possible to extend this model to include This hypothesis has been tested by study-
an analysis of long-term adjustments ing, for the first time, the growth of indig-
that may be made during the growth pe- enous Tibetan and lowland Han (Chine-
riod, when both anatomical and physiolo- se) children who were born and raised at

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

high altitude42–44,55–57. Following models types, Han children growing up at high

used in the Andes, it was thought that altitude should exhibit significant pheno-
Han-Tibetan anatomical and physiologi- typic differences from Han children grow-
cal similarities during the growth period ing up at low altitude. Conversely, the
would demonstrate that development un- persistence of phenotypic similarities
der hypoxic conditions is more important among Han children at different altitu-
than genetic factors in explaining high al- des, and/or the existence of differences
titude phenotypes. Our effort is the first between Han and Tibetan groups born
to compare the growth of Han children and raised at the same high altitudes,
born and raised at high and low altitudes. would indicate that the two groups may
If hypoxia is more important than genet- exhibit genetically different responses to
ics in determining physiological pheno- hypoxia.

Fig. 2. Map of research area in Qinghai Province, Western China.

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

Fig. 3. Field laboratory for processing blood samples from children, adolescents and
adults at 3200 m near the village of Guinan in Qinghai Province, Western China.

The study was carried out in Qinghai Han growing up at low altitude43,56. On
Province, western China, where a large the other hand, older adolescents and
number of first and second generation adults are similar in height; but, at these
Han (Chinese) migrants from low altitu- ages, low altitude Han weigh more than
de live in close proximity to indigenous high altitude Han. It appears that this is
Tibetan populations. Nearly 1,600 Han a cohort effect, related to the recent, une-
and Tibetan children, adolescents and ven economic development in China58.
adults who were born and raised in three During the 15 years preceding our study,
economically similar rural towns (Guinan nutrition and growth appear to have im-
at 3200 m, Maquin at 3800 m, and Mado proved more rapidly at low altitude than
at 4300 m) were studied. Figure 2 shows at high altitude43. The greatest differen-
the location of these towns South and Ea- ces in body size and composition occur
st of Xining, the Capital of Qinghai Prov- among younger individuals who have
ince. In addition, 894 Han children, ado- grown up since the initiation of economic
lescents and adults at low altitude were reforms in the 1980's, essentially in diffe-
studied near Beijing, 238 first generation rent nutritional environments at differ-
Han migrants to high altitude, and anot- ent altitudes. Conversely, the least differ-
her 531 children, adolescents and adults ence occurs among older individuals who
of mixed Han-Tibetan parentage and other grew up prior to the economic reforms, in
ethnic groups at high altitude (Figure 3). similar nutritional environments, regar-
dless of altitude. The existence of proxi-
Morphological growth of Han and mate increases in food at low altitude
Tibetan children and adolescents could explain why older Han there are
at high altitude considerably fatter and heavier than those
at high altitude, but are no taller.
Our analysis of morphological growth
indicates that Han children and young The body size characteristics of Qin-
adolescents growing up at high altitude ghai Tibetans are similar to those of Han
are shorter and lighter at every age than throughout the growth period: the avera-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

ge heights, weights, body fat and muscle (i.e., shorter legs) relative to stature44.
masses of children and adolescents from Since sitting height serves as a crude
both groups are significantly below low measure of chest length67, this may indi-
altitude US and Chinese standards42,43,57. cate greater relative growth in thorax
Between 3200 m and 4300 m, altitude dif- length among Han children and adoles-
ferences in body size are sporadic among cents at high altitude. However, this pat-
Han and Tibetans alike, and are not con- tern also corresponds to expectations ba-
sistent with expectations based on hypo- sed on nutritional differences between
xia-caused growth retardation. That is to altitudes. Because of improved nutrition,
say, in those age groups where altitude children from recent generations in low-
differences in body size do occur, children land China are taller than those of previ-
at 3800 m or 4300 m tend to be larger ous generations due to relatively greater
than those at 3200 m. Along with the co- leg length, not because of proportional in-
hort effect described above for Han, this creases in both thorax and leg length68.
seems to indicate that differences in nut- Altitude differences in diet among Han
rition may contribute to different growth children and adolescents could therefore
patterns, even under the hypoxic condi- explain the altitude differences in relati-
tions that exist in Qinghai. In this regard, ve sitting height. Adults, unlike children
our data correspond with growing eviden- and adolescents, show similar statures
ce of poor nutrition on the Qinghai-Tibe- and similar relative sitting heights at all
tan Plateau leading to high rates of nutri- altitudes. This also would be expected if,
tional deficiency syndromes and growth as explained earlier, adults at all altitu-
stunting59–63. Thus, among Han and Tibe- des experienced similar diets while youn-
tan children and young adolescents living ger. In Qinghai, therefore, the existence
in Qinghai, as among Quechua and Ay- of relatively longer thoraxes among youn-
mara in the Andes50,51,64–66, poor nutri- ger Han could be a serendipitous effect of
tion may play a larger role than hypoxia nutrition and not a consequence of devel-
in determining slow growth at high alti- opmental adaptation to hypoxia.
In general, Han-Tibetan differences in
thorax dimensions are much more signifi-
Differences in thorax and lung function cant than Han-Tibetan differences in bo-
growth between Han and Tibetans at dy size57. Tibetans have larger thorax cir-
high altitude cumferences than Han, although ethnic
When altitude differences in stature, differences in thorax shape are not the
body fat and muscle mass are controlled same in both males and females. At al-
statistically, there are few altitude differ- most all ages, Tibetan males exhibit sig-
ences in mean thorax diameters and cir- nificantly greater chest depths than Han
cumferences of low altitude Han compa- males; but there are no significant ethnic
red to Han at 3200 m and 3800 m. Thus, differences in chest width among males.
there is no support for the hypothesis Tibetan females, on the other hand, exhi-
that lowland children who grow up in an bit significantly greater chest widths
hypoxic environment experienced enhan- than Han females; but the chest depths of
ced growth in thorax width, depth or cir- both groups are generally similar. Han of
cumference as a way of compensating for both genders have longer sitting heights
lower PO2. On the other hand, Han chil- (both absolutely and relative to stature)
dren and adolescents at high altitude, than Tibetans, which may indicate ethnic
while shorter than those growing up at differences in thorax length. The existen-
low altitude, have longer sitting heights ce of clear ethnic differences in horizontal

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

chest dimensions, and the possibility of

ethnic differences in thorax length is a
strong indication that Han and Tibetans
exhibit fundamentally different patterns
of thorax growth at high altitude. Given
the overall similarity in the growth of bo-
dy size among Han and Tibetans, differ-
ences in thorax growth probably reflect
genetic differences in the control of chest
growth under hypoxic conditions.

As might be expected, the greater

chest widths among Tibetan compared to Fig. 4. Relationship between forced vital capac-
Han females, and the greater chest dep- ity and stature among Han and Tibetan males,
ths of Tibetan compared to Han males are ages 6–29 years, at 3800 m.
associated with greater lung function
among Tibetans compared to Han. On the
average, between the ages of 6 and 29
years, Qinghai Tibetans show forced vital
capacities that are about 5 to 7 percent
above those of Han born and raised at hi-
gh altitude. This difference occurs despite
the fact that Han have longer sitting
heights (and possibly, therefore, longer
lungs) than Tibetans, and despite the fact
that Han growing up at high altitude ex-
hibit small-to-moderate increases in lung
volumes relative to Han growing up at
low altitude44. Figures 4 and 5 show the Fig. 5. Relationship between forced vital capac-
differences in forced vital capacity (relati- ity and stature among Han and Tibetan fema-
ve to stature) between Han and Tibetan les, ages 6–29 years, at 3800 m.
males and females at 3800 m; but neither
group exhibits significantly greater lung
functions at 4300 m or 3800 m compared Differences in hematological growth
to 3200 m; and Tibetan-Han differences between Han and Tibetans at high
in lung function are consistent at all alti- altitude
tudes. It is difficult to escape the conclu-
sion that (potentially genetic) ethnic dif- There also appear to exist differences
ferences in thorax growth produce ethnic between Han and Tibetans in hematolog-
differences in lung function. Furthermo- ical characteristics, particularly at 3800
re, lung function is increased in Tibetans m and above55. But, this difference is ap-
compared to Han, despite gender differ- parent only beginning at adolescence. At
ences in thorax shape. Thus, regardless 3200 m, not only are there no hematologi-
of whether Tibetans exhibit increased cal differences between Han and Tibetan
thorax depth (as among males) or increa- children, adolescents and young adults,
sed thorax width (as among females), the but Han and Tibetan males and females
result is a comparable increase in lung of all ages show [Hb] and hematocrit val-
function relative to Han. ues that are well within normal limits of

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

Fig. 6. Average hemoglobin concentration of Han and Tibetan males between the ages of 6 and 29
years, at 3800 m. Data are aggregated by 2-year age groups for individuals between 6 and 19 years,
and as a single 10-year age group for individuals 20 through 29 years.

Fig. 7. Average hemoglobin concentration of Han and Tibetan females between the ages of 6 and 29
years, at 3800 m. Data are aggregated by 2-year age groups for individuals between 6 and 19 years,
and as a single 10-year age group for individuals 20 through 29 years.

similarly aged low-altitude Americans. of male Han children are higher at 4300
However, the affect of altitude on the he- m compared to 3800 m. Even though the
matological characteristics of both groups hematological characteristics of both Han
is clearly discernable at 3800 m and 4300 and Tibetan show an altitude affect above
m. At 3800 m, hematological values for 3200 m, the Han seem to exhibit an age
both Han and Tibetan males and females and altitude interaction that does not ex-
are elevated compared to individuals at ist among Tibetans. This is evident when
3200 m, and values for each age-group children ages 13 and younger are compa-
are at or above the low altitude, US 95th red to adolescents and young adults ages
percentile. Male Tibetans at 4300 m show 14 through 29. Prior to age 14, the hema-
higher hematocrit (but roughly equiva- tological characteristics of Han and Tibe-
lent [Hb]) values compared to male Tibet- tan children at 3800 m and 4300 m are si-
ans at 3800 m. Both [Hb] and hematocrit milar (Figures 6 and 7); but, beginning in

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

early adolescence, a divergence between Future Research in Qinghai

the two groups appears to exist. Among These interesting possibilities form the
individuals aged 14–29 years, mean he- basis of our future research in Qinghai.
matological values of Han are greater One important study would be to »track«
than those of Tibetans. longitudinal changes in HVR, SaO2 and
erythropoiesis during adolescence. Re-
Even though mean hematological val- peated measurements of the same adoles-
ues of Han adolescents and young adults cents over a five-year period will help de-
at 3800 m and at 4300 m are significantly termine the range of individual Han and
greater than those of Tibetan adolescents Tibetans differences in erythropoietic
and young adults, there is considerable growth patterns. This first-ever longitu-
overlap in the distribution of both [Hb] dinal study of physiological growth
and hematocrit between the two groups. should therefore help resolve whether the
Since many Han and Tibetans have simi- erythropoietic and ventilatory responses
lar hematological characteristics, it is im- to hypoxia are essentially the same for
portant to understand why some Han ap- many Han and Tibetans, and whether all
pear to exhibit a tendency toward ele- individuals (Han and Tibetans) who show
vated hematological characteristics and elevated [Hb] growth during adolescence
others do not. Understanding individual show a corresponding reduction in the
variation in hematological characteristics ventilatory response to hypoxia. In the
may require deciphering the relation- end, a better understanding of the nature
ships between variation in HVR, varia- of individual variation within and be-
tion in SaO2, and variation in erythro- tween groups should make possible a
poietic response. For example, if differen- clearer appreciation of the extent of Tibe-
ces in ventilatory sensitivity to hypoxia tan physiological uniqueness.
play a role in determining hematological One explanation for the distribution of
characteristics69, then the Han-Tibetan [Hb] and hematocrit between the two po-
differences in [Hb] and hematocrit that pulations may be that individual varia-
begin during adolescence at 3800 m may tion in HVR and/or SaO2 and/or erythro-
reflect differences in hypoxic ventilatory poiesis are inherited48,49,74. A second futu-
response that begin at the same time. As re project would involve research on the
is the case for other low altitude popula- genetic mechanisms that underlie indivi-
tions70,71, as well as for high altitude Que- dual physiological differences. The focus
chua72, Han residents at high altitude of this project would be an investigation
may undergo a »blunting« of hypoxic sen- of variation in the structure, activation or
sitivity during adolescence, causing a rel- action of hypoxia-inducible-factor (HIF),
ative increase in [Hb] and hematocrit. a recently discovered protein that seems
Han adults who migrated to Lhasa (3,658 to regulate many of the genes that appear
m) as children show reduced HVR compa- to encode responses to hypoxia. Hypoxia
red to Han adults who migrated after prevents HIF-1 complex from being deg-
adolescence73. In contrast, young adult raded, thus enabling its activation of ery-
Tibetans appear to posses a hypoxic sen- thropoietin, vascular endothelial growth
sitivity similar to that of newcomers to factor (VEGF), various components of
high altitude73. Since Tibetans do not ex- gylcolytic metabolism and peptides that
perience an adolescent »blunting« of appear to affect the vascular development
HVR49, this might explain their generally of the lung in hypoxic conditions75–78. In-
lower [Hb] and hematocrit values compa- deed, while the mechanisms for oxygen
red to adolescent and young adult Han. sensing and hypoxic-transcriptional gene

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

activation are not completely understood, real evidence that natural selection may
it has been suggested that they may be be operating on complex physiological
shared by many (if not all) cells75. It is systems at high altitude.
conceivable that there exist polymorphis-
ms in the structure of the HIF-1 complex,
in the enhancer (or hypoxia-responsive- Adaptation and Disease
element) regions of genes such as the one One of the newest emerging research
that controls erythropoietin, or in the areas in biomedical anthropology and hu-
way hypoxia affects the ubiquitination or man population biology is what has been
stabilization of HIF-1. termed evolutionary or Darwinian medi-
Investigating these possibilities in Ti- cine81. It is a reasonable assumption and
betan versus Han populations could pro- consistent with Darwinian theory of evo-
vide a clue as to the underlying control of lution that all forms of disease, whether
different [Hb] or ventilatory responses to infectious, hereditary or degenerative,
hypoxia. Beall et al.79, has already dem- are subject to the processes of natural se-
onstrated that Tibetans show increased lection and adaptation to the environ-
concentrations of NO in exhaled air. Ex- ment. This has been best documented for
pression of the gene encoding inducible infectious host-parasite relationships in
nitric oxide synthase that generates NO which interactive processes and competi-
is induced by hypoxia in an HIF-1 depen- tion produce an environment of intense
dent manner in some cell types77. Molecu- selection82. Clearly, the discovery of hu-
les that function as NO donors have also man adaptation to sickle cell anemia and
been reported to stabilize HIF-180, al- the resulting protection against malaria
though large concentrations may inhibit was a major landmark in the develop-
such stabilization. Thus, the exciting pos- ment of this emerging area. Another is
sibility exists that it may be possible to our increasing awareness and knowledge
determine a genetic mechanism explain- about the evolutionary implications of
ing individual and population differences antibiotic resistance and an understand-
in physiological function at high altitude. ing of the evolution of parasite virulence
The Qinghai research project has the and co-adaptation of host and parasite82.
potential for identifying genetic adapta- All of these issues can be studied at the
tions at high altitude. This research sup- population level.
ports the hypothesis that Tibetans have The complex process of human respon-
genetically different responses to hypoxia se to infectious disease is an ideal model
than low altitude groups. However, this for adaptation. It involves co-evolutionary
study and those of others53,54 also indica- transformation of host/parasite resistan-
te that there is a substantial range of in- ce, and adaptation that may include ge-
dividual variation in thorax size, lung netic changes in both organisms or adap-
function, the ventilatory response to hy- tations at other levels. Although these
poxia, hematological characteristics, and are not known for most infectious disea-
SaO2. Understanding how individuals ses, there are probably hereditary factors
may differ in their functional responses in resistance and susceptibility (genetic
to hypoxia is just as important as decip- adaptation), developmental factors through
hering the genetic basis for this varia- behavior, health and immune status (de-
tion. If it can be demonstrated that indi- velopmental adaptation) in resistance,
viduals with particular phenotypes actu- and short-term adaptation factors linked
ally function better under hypoxic condi- to health. There is even a body of infor-
tions than others, we will have the first mation to suggest that negative emotio-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

nal status can affect the immune system A second new and exciting example in-
and increase susceptibility to disease or volves the discovery of the role of genetics
limit recovery when disease is present and environment in helminthic infections
(psychoneuroimmunology)83. among the Jirel population of Nepal whe-
reby genes on human chromosomes 1 and
Our best example, within this frame- 13 have a significant affect on Ascaris in-
work, is the epidemiology of malaria. Here fection89,90. Ascaris infections occur in a
the patterns of adaptation to the disease quarter of the world's population, signifi-
are extraordinarily complex, with several cantly affecting nutrition, growth, and
organisms (parasite, mosquito, humans), development. It is known that helminthic
several levels of adaptation, and a broad infections are not distributed uniformly
lifetime of exposure for many peoples in in human populations, but are more char-
the tropical world. At the genetic level of acteristically over-distributed in a small
adaptation, the hemoglobin variants that portion of individuals, often with a famil-
produce sickle-cell anemia, thalassemia, ial pattern of distribution89. Using 444
and other forms of hemoglobin variant members of a single Jirel pedigree, evi-
anemias, also lead to varying degrees of dence for Ascaris worm burdens has been
serious anemic illness, and often death, found to be associated with loci on chro-
when these conditions are produced by mosomes 1 and 13, and perhaps 8 as well,
genetically homozygous states. The hete- and candidate genes have been identi-
rozygous condition, on the other hand, fied91. These data are the first to link ge-
provides some protection against the nes influencing susceptibility to Ascaris
Plasmodium parasite that causes mala- lumbricoides infection, showing that 80%
ria84. What is most important is that this of the total worm burden is attributable
genetic adaptation that reduces malaria to 20% of the infected individuals. Thus,
susceptibility and severity is most helpful we have another demonstration of gene-
to children with immature immune syste- tic susceptibility to infectious disease,
ms. Hence, those with the phenotype that and a mechanism to identify susceptible
helps them survive repeated malaria as- individuals, not only for possible interven-
saults during childhood, have the time to tion, but also for understanding principles
develop their own immune systems that of co-adaptation, selection, and evolution.
will, in turn, help them to combat mala- A third example from the chronic dis-
ria as adults. Among adults who are ex- ease realm concerns the so-called »disea-
posed to malaria and having survived ses of civilization«: cardiovascular disea-
childhood exposures, there are three levels se (CVD), hypertension, adult onset
of defense against (or adaptation to) ma- diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes
laria: (1) the genetic level with hemoglo- mellitus-NIDDM), obesity, and cancer.
bin variants, (2) the immune system le- Within the United States today, these dis-
vel, and (3) the short-term response level, eases are endemic with most at very high
where an individual's health and behav- levels. Since most of these disorders are
ior can profoundly influence exposure older-adult diseases, there are implica-
and depth of infection. Current research tions of life style causality (CVD, hyper-
by Lum and Colleagues in Vanuatu and tension, NIDDM, obesity, certain cancers)
Africa is addressing the interaction and and changes in the immune response
genetics of Plasmodia, Anopheles, and with aging (some cancers) that are linked
humans in hyperendemic areas of Mala- to a changing environment. This chang-
ria85–87 with an attempt to understand ing environment in Western nations (ha-
the evolution of drug resistance88. ving accelerated following world war II)

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

includes increased environmental toxins, Finally, the immune system, which is

reduced human physical activity, abun- exquisitely designed (through natural se-
dant food, commercial encouragement of lection) to deal with disease stress at the
excess food intake, and an increased stress genetic, developmental, and short-term
level associated with lifestyle21,33,92. Hen- levels of adaptation, is being affected by
ce, this changing environment has dis- the new life styles of modernization.
rupted human homeostatic systems of Stresses from toxins, the pace of modern
health and well-being, or according to life, excess intakes of fat, and other fac-
Harrison's93 framework, has reduced the tors are contributing to immune impair-
biobehavioral fitness (adaptive status) of ment, and increased susceptibility to a
individuals. variety of diseases. HIV infection produc-
There is another dimension to such ing acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
changing environments and reductions in (AIDS) is another wrinkle in the fabric of
patterns of adaptation. Non-Western peo- the adaptive immune system, where com-
ples are also changing life styles and de- ponents of the immune system itself are
veloping »Western« diseases. The impact impaired101. Here, the adaptive defenses
of a modernizing environment on the against AIDS, caused by a highly muta-
health of people from traditional societies ble RNA virus, and against many other
appears even more disruptive than it is infectious diseases may be lost, and mor-
on Western peoples. A case in point is Po- tality rates are often extremely high. Al-
lynesian migrants from Pacific islands to though we have come a long way in un-
Hawaii and other Western sites94,95. Sa- derstanding mechanisms of interventions
moan migrants to Hawaii and California and prevention, we have much to learn,
have the greatest obesity of any popula- not only about AIDS, but also about the
tion in the world and show increasing in- adaptive nature of the immune system.
cidence of diabetes, hypertension, and
CVD95. Likewise, the rate of hypertension Co-Evolution, Adaptation and
in adults on Saba Island, in the Nether- Prion Diseases
lands Antilles in the Caribbean is more Today, there is a growing potential for
then 50%, the highest in the world96. rapid global dissemination of dangerous
In 1962 James Neel postulated a gene- pathogens emerging from diverse sour-
tic theory to explain the extraordinarily ces82,102–105. The existence of such patho-
high prevalence of diabetes among cer- gens in nature and/or endemic to isolated
tain population groups97–99. Although ne- and modernizing human populations is
ver fully confirmed, Neel suggested a ge- potentially harmful to all of humanity
netic adaptive system designed to enhan- and can result in major epidemics of fatal
ce energy utilization and body fat storage disorders. One of the most interesting is-
during periods of food abundance as a sues regarding human adaptation and
compensation for weight loss during peri- adaptability to infectious or transmissib-
ods of food scarcity. The modern state of le diseases yet to be studied in any signif-
consistent and abundant food availability icant way is adaptation and evolution of
is thought to stress the pancreatic system »infectious« proteins (prions) or prion dis-
and lead to diabetes in »susceptible« indi- eases. The study of human transmissible
viduals100. These same individuals who spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs)106
are susceptible to obesity and diabetes in arose from D. Carleton Gajdusek's histo-
the new environment of food abundance, ric and landmark work on kuru in the
were well adapted to the old environment mid 1950s in a remote area of the Eastern
of fluctuating food availability. Highlands of Papua New Guinea. With

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

Fig. 8. Insert map showing the approximate location of the kuru region in the Eastern Highlands of
Papua New Guinea. The larger map is a linguistic map of the region at the height of the kuru epi-
demic with the highest prevalence found among the Fore linguistic group, particularly those in the
South Fore region. Photo courtesy of D. Carleton Gajdusek.

an Australian Medical Officer, Vincent research, which has shown that naturally
Zigas, they brought to the medical and occurring disease models are more than
scientific world's attention for the first ti- just exotic phenomena with only local ap-
me a description of an epidemic of a uni- plication and interest. Recently, and most
formly fatal neurodegenerative disorder unusually, a second Nobel Prize was awar-
among the Fore linguistic group that kil- ded in 1997 to Stanley Prusiner for his
led over 3,000 people107. The kuru epide- characterization of the infectious agent or
mic peaked during the mid 20th century prion found in kuru and other TSEs, again
and subsided to near extinction by the emphasizing the evolving importance of
end of the century. this group of unconventional agents109.
The investigation of kuru opened the
Kuru. The list of seminal discoveries floodgates to one of the most controver-
made in small population isolates as no- sial and novel scientific discoveries of our
ted above is headed by Gajdusek's work time, with perhaps one of the most promi-
on kuru and his resultant discovery of sing opportunities to investigate host-pa-
new mechanisms for the origin and disse- rasite relationships and the evolution
mination of infectious disease108. His rec- and potential co-adaptation of this fasci-
ognition by the Nobel Foundation in 1976 nating group of transmissible agents.
underscores the global importance of this

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

Fig. 9. Kuru children and adults in various clinical stages of their disease at the Okapa Hospi-
tal in the Fore region of Papua New Guinea. The three adult women standing are still ambula-
tory and use long wooden sticks for support. The children in the lower right cannot stand alone
and some cannot sit without support. Photo courtesy of D. Carleton Gajdusek.

Kuru is a subacute, uniformly fatal, to a change in the social structure from a

degenerative disease of the CNS that af- polygynous to a polyandrous society, with
fected some 160 villages in a population a concomitant change in the division of
of 35,000. First described more than 45 labor110. Traditionally, women cultivated
years ago in an early contact stone-age gardens and cared for small children, coo-
Neolithic society in the Eastern High- ked, and cared for pigs, which were an in-
lands of New Guinea107, more than 80% tegral part of highland New Guinea socie-
of the 3000 deaths from kuru occurred in ty. Men cleared the gardens, made fences
the Fore linguistic group, particularly in for pigs, hunted, and occasionally waged
the South Fore region (Figure 8). In some war. The Fore were originally a polygy-
villages 50% of all deaths were from ku- nous society, but by 1960 polygyny was
ru. The clinical course is progressive and rare because of kuru and the influence of
relatively uniform, leading to total inca- missionaries in the region. With the dra-
pacitation and death, usually within 3–9 matic loss of women, which led to mother-
months. At its height, kuru was epide- less nuclear families, men began to per-
miologically the most prevalent cause of form the role of both mother and father.
death among the Fore people. It affected In this changing South Fore society, a role
essentially all ages beyond infancy and change occurred and they began cooking
was common in children of both sexes (Fi- food and tending to children, pigs, and
gure 9). Adult women were particularly the gardens. The loss of women due to ku-
prone to the disease – an epidemiological ru changed the sex ratio, and indeed the
pattern that was determined by cultural- whole »social fabric of the society« 111.
ly specific practices of transmission via Kuru can be traced only as far back as
ritual cannibalism. There was a marked the beginning of the 20th century112. How-
excess of deaths among females with a ever, a systematic decline by age group in
F:M ratio as high as 3:1 or even higher in the frequency of kuru occurred since
some villages, a sex ratio change that led 1960. First, kuru was no longer seen in

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

pre-adolescent children, then no longer in nibalistic society that accentuated the

adolescent and young adults, and only se- risk immeasurably. Ultimately, it was be-
veral cases in middle-aged adults as said havioral intervention that relieved the
exist110. Thus, there is a near total disap- population of this terrible burden, and
pearance of the disease from the world113. the cessation of human cannibalism was
Kuru is not transovarian or transplacen- through the efforts of missionaries and
tal and no child born to a kuru mother government administrative controls and
ever contracted kuru after the cessation not the direct result of medical interven-
of cannibalism, an important evolutiona- tion.
ry consideration114. The decline was clear-
ly coincident with the cessation of ritual Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and the mad
cannibalism as a rite of mourning and re- cow epidemic. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease
spect for dead kinsman. is a rare, usually sporadic, sometimes iat-
rogenic, pre-senile dementia found world-
When a kuru or other relative died, ri-
wide, with 10% of cases having a familial
tes of mourning were carried out before
form. Typically, patients present clinical-
the body of the victim was consumed. Af-
ly with a rapid global dementia and mar-
ter the funeral, the victim's maternal kin
ked progressive motor dysfunction110,115.
dismembered the body in a sugar cane
The disease, like kuru, is usually fatal in
field using a bamboo knife and stone axe,
less than a year. CJD was the second hu-
resulting in conjunctival, nasal, and skin
man spongiform encephalopathy discove-
contaminations and oral inoculation of
red to be transmissible to both humans
women and their accompanying babies
and experimental animals.
and small children, by handling highly
»infectious« brain tissue110,112. The brain Both diseases are caused by prions or
was removed and eaten, usually with lit- »infectious proteins« that have an altered
tle cooking. When cooking did take place, conformation (folding) that acts as a ni-
the method varied. In high incidence ar- das and induces normal host precursor
eas, it would be cut in small pieces and protein to adopt a host form of the abnor-
steamed in a bamboo tube with vegetab- mal protein according to two different
les. It was solely the job of women to dis- theories109,110. A prion may act like a nuc-
member and prepare the body for cooking leating agent or »missionary« capable of
and distribution among the women. Ado- converting chemically identical normal
lescent boys and adult men usually did precursor proteins to fold abnormally, a
not participate in these ritual feasts. conversion of a soluble protease sensitive
When men did occasionally eat human lyphophillic alpha configuration to an ab-
flesh, it was seldom that of women, and normal insoluble hydrophobic beta-plea-
they usually only consumed muscle whe- ted sheet configuration that is protease
re the »infectious« agent or prions are resistant. Thus, »propagation« of the pro-
found in low titer110. tein can occur under this scenario with-
The Fore explanation for disease was out the need for a nucleic acid, an idea
sorcery. Relatives of the victim sought out first proposed by Griffith more than three
the person they believed responsible, to decades ago116.
get them to remove the curse, to kill them, The current epidemic of bovine spon-
or to extract a payment for the misdeed. giform encephalopathy (BSE) or mad cow
The origin of kuru is not known, but it is disease in Europe likely has its origin
possible that kuru resulted from a sporadic from a two-century-old disease of sheep
case of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) and goats called scrapie 117. Although the
as the index case to the epidemic in a can- story is complicated and parts still specu-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

lative, prions from scrapie-infected sheep 15,000 deer and elk124 as a means of con-
may have crossed the species barrier to tainment, even though only a small
cause BSE. The epidemic began in the percentage were likely infected. Although
UK where scrapie in sheep is commonly there is no direct evidence today that in-
found, and where carcasses rendered gestion of deer or elk with CWD has infec-
from scrapie sheep in the mid 1980s were ted humans, at least five cases of CJD in
included in the processing of livestock young people in the U.S. in their 20s and
feed. About the same time, the usual ren- 30s, similar in age to vCJD victims in Eu-
dering process was changed, which prob- rope »infected« with prions from BSE, ha-
ably allowed the survival of scrapie prions ve been uncovered, a number of whom ate
in feed that orally »infected« cattle. Expe- venison125.
rimentally, BSE as well as scrapie can be Clinically, animals with CWD lose
transmitted orally to cattle and sheep118,119. weight, salivate enormously, have stran-
Subsequently, BSE was shown to be the ge behavioral alterations, and die122,123.
likely cause of a variant of CJD (vCJD) as Although the origin and transmission of
a result of ingestion of contaminated CWD are not yet known, the spread could
beef120,121, although an inquiry panel in be associated with browsing on the same
the UK hypothesized that vCJD resulted range as animals with CWD, or though
from a spontaneous mutation in a single breeding of captive deer and farmed elk.
cow that was rendered into the food The link to humans, although small, could
chain. Although, BSE in the UK has dra- take place by eating contaminated meat,
matically decreased since the mid 1990s, and spread perhaps by commercial pro-
some 200,000 symptomatic, and an addi- cessing of deer meat scraps into deer
tional 4.5 million asymptomatic cattle hamburger where contaminated and un-
have been destroyed, bringing the beef in- contaminated meat would come in con-
dustry in the UK to near economic des- tact with eachother, particularly during
truction120,121. Thus, with a likely species the grinding procedure. Oral transmis-
barrier breach and bovine neocannibali- sion of TSE has been shown to occur not
sm, we have two concurrent epidemics only in kuru, scrapie (in sheep), and tran-
with an initial lag phase of approximate- smissible mink encephalopathy, but also
ly five years between the two, BSE and in natural and experimental BSE and
vCJD. A third potential TSE epidemic, CWD118– 121,126,127.
unrelated to the current epidemics in Eu-
In CWD, the species barrier was brea-
rope, is emerging in farmed and free-ran-
ched from deer to elk, but the conversion
ging deer and elk in the U.S. and Canada,
of CWD prions to human prions has not
called chronic wasting disease (CWD).
yet been proved125,128. From a genetic per-
Chronic wasting disease. CWD in deer spective, prion (PrP) genotypes of captive
and elk, first recognized more than three and free-ranging elk with CWD show a
decades ago122,123, appears to be spread- polymorphism (methionine/leucine) at co-
ing across eight states in the Western don 132 that is associated with variable
U.S. and southern Canada, and as far CWD susceptibility. This codon corres-
East as Wisconsin. The disease was first ponds to the polymorphism at codon 129
identified in captive deer in Colorado and in humans. Elk homozygous for PrP at co-
has now spread to wild populations of don 132 (methionine/methionine) were
both mule and whitetail deer in five sta- found to be over represented in both free-
tes and Saskatchewan. The spread (or re- ranging wild elk as well as in farmed elk
cognition) of CWD was slow to start and with CWD129. Interestingly, elk homozy-
led to the reported destruction of nearly gous for leucine/leucine at codon 132 we-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

re found to be free of CWD. O'Rourke et of the disease. This sociocultural explana-

al.129, imply that selective breeding of tion of the disease allowed the Fore to
leucine/leucine homozygotes resistant to potentially stop or check its occurrence;
CWD may become necessary as has been that is, once the sorcerer was identified,
suggested to control scrapie in sheep130. negotiations were opened with the sorce-
What effect this would have on the long- rer to lift the curse, and if that failed, to
term survival of this genotype and other extract some just payment for generating
polymorphic forms in wild populations is the curse or initiating reprisal murder of
not known. Such breeding may increase the sorcerer, not necessarily in that order.
resistance to CWD, the immediate prob-
Biologically, there is evidence to sup-
lem, but throw out of balance the natural-
port a differential genetic susceptibility
ly evolved genetic structure of wild elk
for the timing of the onset of kuru with
populations, making them highly suscep-
the most »adapted« or resistant individu-
tible to genetic or other disease burdens
als having a later onset and longer dura-
in the future. Whether anthropogenically
tion of disease, and thus, surviving through
manipulated or not, the fascinating is-
reproductive age. We know that nursing
sues of co-adaptation of this group of
infants and children were likely infected
agents and their co-evolutionary conse-
by remaining at their mother's side duri-
quences may be an extremely significant
ng ritual cannibalism. The estimated mi-
and emerging research issue for the future.
nimum incubation time of 4–5 years and
The current epidemic of CWD, if al- a maximum of 40–45 years are based on
lowed to proceed unchecked, may have the youngest and oldest patients who de-
devastating implications, not only for wild veloped kuru114. Molecular studies of TSEs
populations of deer and elk, but perhaps have demonstrated multiple mutations in
prions from CWD animals will continue the PrP gene on chromosome 20, the gene
to cross the species barrier converting that encodes the prion protein131. At posi-
host precursor protein in widely different tion (codon) 129 of the PRNP (PrP) gene,
wildlife species or in humans. Although a methionine/valine polymorphism occurs,
evolutionary processes are likely to be the homozygous methionine/methionine
short circuited through anthropogenic in- genotype that has been shown to be asso-
tervention, we should again take advan- ciated with an earlier age at onset and
tage of yet another emerging model of dis- shorter duration of disease in kuru pa-
ease, concurrently posing a threat to the tients132. In a follow-up study, it was fur-
health of wildlife, and perhaps human po- ther established that methionine/me-
pulations in North America. thionine genotype carriers were the first
to be disproportionately eliminated from
Implications for Evolution and the population, and the less susceptible
Adaptation to Prion Diseases genotypes, methionine/valine and valine/
Perhaps the most interesting question valine, had an older age at onset and lon-
from an evolutionary and adaptability ger duration of disease133. Homozygous
point of view is whether or not the Fore valine/valine individuals probably had
population of New Guinea ever adapted the longest incubation time and the old-
to kuru and the prospects for adaptation est age at onset. The same increased sus-
to vCJD in Europe. With respect to kuru, ceptibility has been reported for CJD,
we know that the Fore people adapted be- and to date, all 120 plus individuals with
haviorally and socioculturally to this in- verified vCJD have been homozygous for
tense disease stress by »inventing« kuru methionine at codon 129134. This scena-
sorcery, which led to the Fore explanation rio, of course, has great implications for

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

natural selection and reproductive fit- ration of disease, affecting completed fer-
ness. Since we know from studies of kuru tility and Darwinian fitness? What are
patients that individuals with the youn- the adaptational and evolutionary impli-
gest age at onset are those homozygous cations in conversion of infecting prion to
for methionine/methionine at codon 129, host prions that are recognized as »self«,
we can predict the likely early loss (in- and thus, not subject to an immune res-
complete fertility) of methionine/methio- ponse against these conformationally ab-
nine phenotypes from the Fore popula- normal proteins? What of a possible spe-
tion. cies barrier breach, prions from cervids
(deer and elk) »infecting« cattle and now
Future research perspectives on prions from cattle »infecting« humans? Is
Prions and Prion Diseases there evidence for molecular barriers lim-
The main scientific significance of ku- iting cross-species susceptibility to prion
ru was that it led to the discovery of the diseases as Raymond et al.128 have sug-
cause of other human and animal TSEs, gested for CWD? By contrast, can species-
and to the novel discovery of a whole new specific prions develop an altered host
group of biological agents termed infec- range in cross-species adaptation as some
tious amyloids or prion proteins that are experimental evidence suggests120,121,135–137?
self-replicating without the presence of Passage of scrapie in cattle may have ac-
DNA or RNA, a biological heresy that quired an ability to infect other species
changed our fundamental scientific thin- (i.e., cattle and humans) even though
king. It also gave us considerable insight scrapie is not naturally pathogenic to eit-
into the recent outbreak of a new disease her. These questions are part of interacti-
called bovine spongiform encephalopathy, ve models that remain an important force
or mad cow disease in Europe, caused ini- in determining health outcomes in tradi-
tially by processing of contaminated tional as well as in modernizing and mod-
sheep and cattle into protein supplements ern populations worldwide, and a major
as an additive to cattle feed. Thus, most driving force in the evolution and adapta-
unfortunately, we have a new natural ex- tion of our species21. It was the practice of
periment in progress, perhaps akin to ku- endocannibalism that accelerated the
ru, with the long-term susceptibility of a transmission of kuru, human interven-
human population eating prion-contami- tion that created the abrupt transforma-
nated beef. With it, we have a scientific tion of the epidemic by the cessation of
opportunity not only to find ways to impe- cannibalism leading to the disappearance
de transmission and provide intervention of the disease, and anthropogenically-in-
regimes to patients afflicted with prion duced bovine neocannibalism that led to
diseases, but also to attempt to under- the current epidemic of BSE and resul-
stand the evolution of host-parasite rela- tant vCJD in Europe.
tionships, mechanisms for cross-species
barriers and breachings, and questions
regarding virulence and attenuation, ge- Adaptation and Reproduction
netic susceptibility, and programmed on- Within the past two decades, patterns
set, duration, and death. of human reproduction have begun to be
Is there a slow process of host-parasite explored within evolutionary, ecological,
co-adaptation for prion diseases over the and adaptational frameworks. This has
next 50 years, or will it depend solely on been accomplished by integration of ideas
the genetic structure of the infected popu- from social demography, physiology, en-
lation and resultant age at onset and du- docrinology, medicine, exercise physiology,

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

nutrition, body composition, and growth ve function may be compromised through

and development138–140. This synthesis of suppressed ovarian hormones or amenor-
Darwinian evolution, ecology, and repro- rhea144.
duction, which led to remarkable gains in
our understanding of human reproduc- Another variable that has been shown
tion, has been produced largely by biolog- to be of central importance in the fertility
ical anthropologists, and human biolo- of non-Western peoples is breastfee-
gists with anthropological training. The ding145,146. One of the earliest studies to
bases for these advances in knowledge demonstrate the influence of breastfeed-
are unique anthropological perspectives ing duration and frequency on birth spac-
that: (1) employ evolutionary, ecological, ing and fertility was by Konner and Wor-
and adaptational frameworks to explain thman147 on the!Kung Bushman. Since
human variation; (2) embrace biobeha- that time, numerous studies have demon-
vioral and biocultural approaches to un- strated similar relationships on Andean148,
derstanding human adaptation to the en- Indonesian149, Nepalese150, New Gui-
vironment; and (3) encourage Western nea151, nomadic Turkana152, and many ot-
and non-Western cross-population com- her populations. The relationships bet-
parisons to investigate human population ween fertility and breastfeeding patterns
variation. are influenced profoundly by food availa-
One of the earliest studies to explore bility and diet, energy balance and stores,
the interaction of biology and behavior on cultural traditions, environmental condi-
reproductive function was conducted by tions, and random events, among others.
Rose Frisch141. She argued that there was There is much yet to learn about repro-
a »critical weight« that had to be achieved duction, ecology, and evolution within hu-
during adolescence in girls for menarche man populations.
to be triggered. Over the course of her re-
The field is vast and central to our un-
search, she modified this »critical weight
hypothesis« to a »critical body fat hypoth- derstanding of human evolution. It is, of
esis,« where young girls had to reach a gi- course, the variation in reproductive per-
ven level of fat deposition (approaching formance (fertility) that is a primary
the adult female pattern) before menar- means through which natural selection
che would occur142. She also described, in operates to preserve favorable heritable
a taxi to one of us (M.A.L.) in 1972, work biological and behavioral variation. How-
that she was pursuing with female mod- ever, there is much more to successful re-
els who regularly experienced amenorr- production than simply conception, im-
hea during dieting. Hence, although her plantation, gestation, and successful par-
work was severely criticized at the time, turition153. Infants must survive, main-
she was a pioneer in identifying early re- tain good health, move through childhood
lationships among energy balance, body to adolescence, and achieve sexual matu-
composition, and activity in adolescent ration with a combination of good emo-
girls and women. The most recent per- tional, intellectual, and physical health2.
spective on these relationships suggests Hence, this new field of reproductive pop-
that energy balance and storage (fat and ulation science, although focusing on fe-
muscle stores), activity levels, dietary en- cundity, fecundability, fertility, and infan-
ergy intake, and reproductive energy cy, really encompasses a greater part of
needs interact in complex ways143. If en- the human life cycle. Below, we summarize
ergy intake is low, or fat stores are low, or a major research effort in this emerging
physical activity is high, then reproducti- area of reproductive population ecology.

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

Fig. 10. Map of the southern region of Turkana District, Kenya155. Physical features include the
Kerio and Turkwel River drainage systems, Lake Turkana, and the central mountain range. The
capital of the district is the town of Lodwar. The wettest areas are to the west (Turkwel) and the
driest areas are to the north.

Ecology and reproduction in nomadic in search of green vegetation to nourish

Turkana Pastoralists the livestock. Reproductive performance
of both people and livestock is crucial in
Nomadic Turkana pastoralists of nor- this environment with limited resources:
thwest Kenya are, in many ways, an ideal the young people provide labor for mana-
population to serve as a model of the in- gement and the livestock provide both
fluence of the environment on human re- food for their young animals and food for
production (Figure 10). They are linked their managers. Balances must be main-
closely to the semi-arid and seasonal sa- tained between numbers and demograp-
vanna environment and are dependent hic composition of people and numbers
on their five species of livestock (camels, and composition of livestock154. All of the-
cattle, goats, sheep, donkeys) for food and se demographic balances must occur in
resources (milk, meat, blood, hides, and an environment with high temperatures
for trade). Human settlements and herds and intense solar radiation, marked sea-
are moved frequently throughout the year sonality in rainfall, limited moisture and

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

vegetation, frequent conditions of drought, pacity, and conditions of the physical,

and serious endemic diseases affecting biological, and social environment. For
both humans and livestock155. Research example, the reproductive life span of wo-
was conducted on this ethnic group (Ngi- men begins at about 20 years of age and
sonyoka Turkana) by scientists of the ends sometime before 50 years of age be-
South Turkana Ecosystem Project for mo- cause of a late menarche (age 16.5 years)
re than 20 years: scientists included ran- and either menopause or death of the
gelands ecologists, social and biological spouse. A high total fertility rate (TFR)
anthropologists, population modelers, and for Turkana women is about 7 live
biomedical personnel156. One of the major births161. TFR is the sum of age-specific
components of this integrated and multi- fertility rates. These fertility rates vary
disciplinary human ecological project was by season and according to productive
the study of reproductive performance, (high rainfall and vegetation) and unpro-
maternal health, and infant and child ductive (drought and limited vegetation)
growth, results of which are summarized years. Leslie and Fry162 found a pronoun-
below. ced seasonality of Turkana births where
many conceptions occurred when resour-
Maternal health. Turkana women are ces (milk production and other food) were
tall and lean by worldwide standards and in greater supply. This period of high con-
have limited energy reserves in the form ceptions was several months after the
of body fat. Body mass indices (BMI, a rainy season when vegetation had flus-
measure of robusticity) for Turkana wo- hed, livestock had regained condition,
men average between 17 and 18, which is milk production was high, and women
in marked contrast to United States wo- had restored lost body weight. Similar en-
men whose BMI values fall between 22 vironmental effects have been recorded
and 26 kg/m2 157. Hence, Turkana women for a series of years (1981–1984) where
have limited energy reserves in the form rainfall was very low and vegetation limi-
of body fat to support the demands of ted, in contrast to several years in which
pregnancy and lactation. The lean phy- rainfall and resources were abundant
sique of Turkana women is almost cer- (1987–1989). During the »poor« years, the
tainly a combination of genetics, high TFR averaged 4.4 live births per woman
physical activity158, and limited dietary over the reproductive span, whereas dur-
energy intake (although dietary protein ing the »good« years the TFR was 8.1 live
is abundant)159. Additional demands on births161.
these limited energy stores are made by
pregnancy and lactation, which contribu-
te to depletion of body fat reserves as wo- Pregnancy and gestation. Energy
men move through their reproductive li- needs of pregnancy are minimally about
ves160. Health care for women is limited 27,000 kcal for a full-term gestation with-
to folk healing and infrequent access to out gains or losses in body fat stores163.
clinics. Average weight gain during pregnancy
for American and British women is about
Fertility. The Turkana can be identi- 12 kg, which usually entails some increa-
fied as a »natural fertility population,« sed body fat storage. Turkana women, on
that is, a population in which fertility is the other hand, gain an average of only 6
not governed by contraception or planned kg164,165. Nearly all Turkana women in
limitation145. Accordingly, in the Turka- this study by Pike displayed losses in bo-
na, fertility (as measured by live births) dy fat stores during pregnancy, indicating
is controlled by human reproductive ca- that dietary intake was not meeting the

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

energy needs of pregnancy. Despite these cluding butterfat as early as a few weeks
maternal losses in body weight, mean after birth166. Pregnancy and lactation in-
birth weight of full-term infants was volve trade-offs among the variables of
3125 g, a value only about 300 or 400 g long-term maternal health, pregnancy
below average Western values. However, and birth-spacing, and infant care and
there is a cost. In the sample of Pike's 21 feeding152. The long period of lactation in
Turkana pregnancies and births, about Turkana women extends the birth inter-
one-third were pre-term. val by suppressing ovulation and allow-
ing the breastfeeding infant to get a good
Breastfeeding. As noted above, breast- (or adequate) nutritional start toward
feeding patterns influence birth spacing, childhood. At the same time, seven full-
and, hence, fertility, through the effects of term pregnancies, each with a 20-month
lactational amenorrhea. Prolonged and period of lactation, will exert a substan-
intense breastfeeding will suppress post- tial energetic cost and contribute to dep-
partum ovulation and reduce fecundity, letion of energy reserves during the Tur-
while at the same time, contributing im- kana women's reproductive years (on
measurably to infant health and well be- average, nearly 17 years either pregnant
ing. Turkana women breastfeed from 15 or lactating).
to 24 months, but supplement their in-
fants with a variety of milk products, in- Infant and child growth. Survival to
reproductive age in Turkana children en-
tails maintenance of adequate nutrition,
and avoidance of disease and accidents
(Figure 11). Infant mortality (birth to one
year of age) is between 9 and 14 percent
and child mortality (birth to age 15 years)
is between 15 and 24 percent167. Infants
show growth faltering in weight at about
6 months, but are close to Western stan-
dards throughout infancy and early child-
hood168. Throughout childhood and ado-
lescence, Turkana boys and girls are lean
and somewhat shorter than Westerners,
but catch up to Americans in stature by
adulthood, although adult height is not
achieved until the late teens in girls and
the early 20s in boys169. Hence, in the
Turkana physical growth to adulthood
tends to be prolonged, and sexual maturi-
ty occurs late in both girls170 and boys171.
These growth and maturation patterns
are likely the result of limited food energy
resources, both seasonally and in the long
term, but with high intakes of protein.

Adaptive perspectives
Fig. 11. Turkana women and children sitting in
a sheltered day hut. (Photo courtesy of Paul W. In the trade-offs between maternal
Leslie.) health, reproduction, and child develop-

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

ment, the Turkana show adaptive respon- monstrated or empirically defined175.

ses to a highly fluctuating and stressful Each of these areas of scientific contro-
environment with limited resources. versy fall within the evolutionary realm.
When food resources are abundant, fertil- Phenotypic patterns of adaptation, on the
ity is high and other indicators of health other hand, are being explored in several
are positive. All of the parameters linked behavioral and biological sciences within
to reproduction and health are sensitive the context of Allostasis or interactive ho-
to environmental variations, demonstrat- meostatic systems. All areas of explora-
ing high levels of adaptability in these no- tion, the genetic-evolutionary-generatio-
madic pastoral residents of the dry sa- nal and phenetic-individual-lifetime, are
vanna. important in understanding human ad-
aptation to our increasingly complex en-
vironment. In the future we expect that
the concept of adaptation as applied to
We have selected and summarized human populations will become increas-
three themes that represent our current ingly important and multidisciplinary as
efforts in human adaptation research and the vast majority of the world's popula-
have proposed what we feel are interest- tions undergo the rapid process of moder-
ing and emerging issues to be addressed nization.
during the early part of the 21st Century.
The epistemological discussions of hu-
man adaptation will likely continue and
intensify in the future. Perhaps the rea- The authors wish to acknowledge in
son that the concept of adaptation has memoriam the many years of support and
sparked so much controversy over its def- dedication given to the Qinghai Project
inition, its identification, and its measu- by the premiere Chinese pediatrician and
rement is that, as a process in living crea- neonatologist Chin Chen-Ting. Without
tures, it is so fundamental, yet so com- her years of effort, our research in China
plex in its many manifestations38,172. One would not have been possible. The aut-
kind of controversy exists between the hors also wish to thank Jean Farrand for
»adaptationists,« that is, those who her administrative and technical assis-
»claim that natural selection is the only tance during all phases of our research
important cause of the evolution of most over the past seven years. Support for re-
nonmolecular traits and that these traits search in China and Kenya was provided
are locally optimal,« and those who claim through the National Science Foundation
that other evolutionary processes are (NSF) and the Wenner-Gren Foundation
equally important172. Another controver- for Anthropological Research; and in Pa-
sy is between evolutionists who believe pua New Guinea, through the National
that the primary unit of selection (and Institutes of Health (NIH). All research
adaptation) is the individual173, while ot- involving human subjects was reviewed
hers believe in »multi-level« evolution174. and approved by respective institutional
Other controversies center on just how review boards in both the U.S. and host
specific patterns of adaptation can be de- countries.

R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540

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R. M. Garruto

Binghamton University, SUNY, Department of Anthropology, Science 1, Room 113,

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R. M. Garruto et al.: Environmental Stress and Adaptation, Coll. Antropol. 28 (2004) 2: 509–540




Uzimaju}i u obzir dramati~no brzinu modernizacije svjetske populacije, ljudska

adaptacija kao teorijska tvorevina i paradigma vjerojatno }e biti u centru interdiscipli-
narnih znanstvenih istra`ivanja u 21. stolje}u. Mikro i makrookoli{ brzo se mijenjaju i
ljudske populacije izlo`ene su brzim promjenama. Koncept adaptacije, barem na po-
dru~ju biolo{ke antropologije i humane biologije, vjerojatno }e ostati usko vezan uz
procese i koncepte evolucije, prirodne selekcije i sposobnosti. U ovom radu opisujemo
teorijske osnove adaptacije i prikazujemo tri primjera iz trenutnih istra`ivanja koja
uklju~uju adaptaciju i evolucijske procese u populaciji koja se modernizira, na nekoliko
lokacija {irom svijeta.


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