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Nome Genesis Arambú

Date 31/03/2022
Account Im 20221005307

Firm Genesis 0.
Lesson 10: WHOT TIME IS IT?
B 0:14 --> Time Words.

4 Ms. Molly: Hello students! Today we're going to talk about

time; there are different ways to tell time. First, Let's talk and
start with the clock, here's a beautiful okay. Here comes the
numbers. Now, first example, we're going to do like this.

] 72

A Ms. Molly: Now we can say for this, it

O It is one o'clock. AMs. Molly
: Or we can say esoly:
OIt is 1:00. AMS. Molly. We only say so clock" when it's
here Cat number 12), only here. Alright, now another example.
70 77 72

AMs. Molly: Now, here we can soly this in 3

lo Nome Génesis Arambú Date:31/03/2021 , o Account
o firm Genesis 0. Arambú
It is 1:15.
© It is quarter past 1. © It is quarter after 1.
AMs.Molly Weill change the time again and weitl use
a different hour


A Ms. Molly. Now you can see that is 9:30, this is the easy
O It is 91:30.
© It is half past nine. AMS. Molly: Okay, now let's try
another one. Alright now, for this one we have:

AMS. Molly. We can say for

0 It is 11:45.
• It is a quarter to 12 A Ms. Molly. Another
example. L> We're going to see all sorts of
times here. Alright.
Name: Genesis
o Date :
Account Number:
o Firm: Genesis 0.


A Ms. Molly: Alright, it is:

It is 10:30
It is ten past 10.
• It is ten after 10. AMs. Molly.
Now here's another one :


A Ms. Molly. Now this one we're

going this way.
It is 4:35.
It is twenty-five to 5. Ms. Molly : Okay
here's another one, this one's kind of easy, and we


0 It is 12:00
It is twelve o'clock. It
is noon. (daytime).
• It is midnight.
Nome: Genesis Arambú
• Date: 31/03/2022
o Account Number:
• Firm : Génesis 0. Arambú
07:48 -> Time words : What time?

| * Ms. Molly: Alright now we have a new question about

time. LED
o What time is it?
All It is Ms. Molly: So, now we're going to practice with our assistants
and we'll start with Ali. So, Ali, what time is it? I want you to say the time
all the way that you can
o Ali: It is midnight .
AMs. Molly: Okay.
o Ali : It's noon, It's 12 o'clock. A Mş.
Molly: Okay, good job, now
o Isabelle: It is ten to 5. OMS.
Molly: Alright, and another one.
o Isabelle : It is 4:50. LOMs. Molly
Good, now liso, you do it.
olisol: It is 5 to 3. A Ms.
Molly: Alright
olisol: It is 2:55. Sal AMs. Molly: Alright.
Isabelle it is for you. Alibaba
S L o Isolbelle :
It is 4 o'clock. AMS. Molly: Yes, that's good. Great, now lisa, for you.
olisal : It is 5 past 5.
AMS. Molly Mmhmm.
oliso: It is 5:05. A Ms. Molly
Alright! Ali, for you.
o Ali: It is 12:25. A MS. Molly:
Name: Génesis Ardmbú o Date:31/03/2022 D o Account Number:
o Firm Genesis O. Arambú
o Ali: It is 25 after 12. AMs. Molly: Okay, lisol bock to you.
Olisal: It is 5 past 12. svijetom od 971 /.001 Z.
- Ms. Molly: Mmhmm.
olisal: It is 12:05. 4 Ms. Molly: Lisa, it is midnight?
Sop, der er plassere of prin ayagu AZO
• Lisd: Yes.it is midnight. Ms. Molly:
Okay, alright Isabelle He next one for you.
o Isolbelle: It is 3 o'clock. AMS: Molly: yes.
Alright good, now Ali, for you.
• Ali: It is ten to 2. It is ]:50.
AMS. Molly: yes, okay Lisd.
oliso: It is 5 o'clock: AMS. Molly: yes, time to go home
ha ha ha. Okay, and Isabelle. .MA TA
o Isabelle: It is 20 to 4.
Aidha amelaluan
berada AMs. Molly: Yes!
o Isolbelle : It is 3:40. A
MS. Molly: Alright, thank you
everyone. Now it's time to look and listen t o A ]]:22 ->
Look and listen.

1. It's 3 o'clock
2. It's 3:00. 3. It's
4. It's three fifteen 5. It's a
quarter paist three.
6. It's 3:30. 9. It's half past
":Nome: Genesis
Doite: 31/03/ 2023
.o Account Number:
o Firm: Genesis 0. Arolmbú
8. It's ten to 4.
9. It's 3:50. ^ ]1:58 -> Reold and
quod non

1. It's four o'clock.

2. It's four fifteen. 3. It's
4. It's five thirty 5. It's half
past five :
16. It's five to five. 7. It's four fifty-five. A 12:40 ->
What time? : Prepositions of times the

A Ms. Molly: Alright, now let's look at another new

question about time. I
? What time do you go to work?
All I go to work at 9:00 AM. Ms. Molly:
So, notice that we use alt for the time.
Ale o Att Time. A Ms.
Molly: Okay, 5 This is very importoint. Now first we're going to
learn some vocabu Lary, so that we can make more questions.
Okay, first han inte de
1. Get up.
2. Go to bed. 3. Go to
the cinema
4. Euit breakfast: 5.
Eat Lunch
6. Eat dinner. 7. Start
Name: Génesis Arambú Date:3110312022 .' Account Number: 20221005307
o firm: Génesis O. Arambut 8.
Finish work. Ms. Molly: Okay, now we're going to make some
questions with these words. Alright, now lisol, what time do you get
olisa: I get up at 70'clock. Ms. Molly: Alright. And
Ali, what time do you go to bed? pb2im
• Ali : I go to bed of midnight: A Ms.
Molly: Alright. Lisal, what time does Ali go to
oliso: He goes to bed at midnight. AMs. Molly: Yes, that's
right. Lisd, what time do you go to the cinema? T.
oliso: I go to the cinema at 70-clock. AMs. Molly Isabelle,
whort time does lisd go to the cinema? - post 2020
• Isabelle: She goes to the cinema at 7. AMS.
Molly: Isabelle, what time do you eat
o Isabelle: I eat breakfast at 8:30.
laual 10 del A Ms. Molly:
Mmhmm. Ali, what time does Isabelle eart breakfast? Si Lada
Ali : She eats breakfast at 8:30
MA 1:0 a you can 0 Ms.
Molly : Isabelle, what time do we start.class? , ut poft
o Isabelle: We start class at 9:00. AMS:
Molly. Alright.
And lisot, whort time do you finish your class? 1
olisal: We finish our class at noon.. A
Ms. Molly: Yes, very goool! ☺ L, Alright,
now dgorin it's time to look and listen.
A 36:55 -> look and listen.
1. It eat lunch at 3 o'clock.
2. She goes to bed at midnight: 3.
We eat breakfast at 8:30.
Nome: Genesis Arambu Daite : 31:10312022_ o Account
Number : 20221005307
• Firm: Génesis 0.
Arambu 4. They go to the cinemnd at 7:15. m a 5. He
goes to work at 7:30.
01;2-ja loob A
19:24 -> Read and repedt. Supporto della

1. We get up at 60-clock.
2. They eat dinner at half past eight turn
the past year 3. She finishes work at
five thirty.
4. He earts lunch at noon. 5. The students
starts class at nine fifteen babe A 18:05 ->
Parts of the day.

AMs. Molly: Alright, now let's add more information about time, so,
here's some more vocolbulary. First:
1. In the morning.
2. In the afternoon. 3.
In the evening.
4. At night. (Be careful). AMs. Molly: Alright, now
let's look at some examples using this vocabulary:
1. We start classes at 9:00 in the
2. You stuoly in the afternoon: 3.
They go to the cinemnd in the
and 4. He
goes to bed at 11:00 at night. L> Okay, now let's
AMs. Molly So, Lisa, when do you
get up?
olisa: I get up at 7:30 in the morning. AMS. Molly:
Alright, and when do you eat breakfast? Loone , 1970
olisal: I eat breakfast at 8:30. di :
Natrie: Genesis Arambů Date: 311031 2022 • Account Number:
o Firm: Génesis O.
Aramou AMS. Molly: Alright. Isabelle, when do you go to
o Isabelle : I come to School at 8:00 in the
morning. AMs. Molly: Mmhmm. Ali, when
do you go home?
o Ali: I go home at 5:00 at evening. A
Ms. Molly: Alright, when do you eat
• Ali : I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. Ini berarti
kandidate will be AMS. Molly Ali, ask Isabelle a question:
o Ali: Isabelle, what time you eat lunch? morda celebrate
o Isolbelle: I eat lunch att noon. 1
ab herhaalde IT A
Ms. Molly: Alright. Isabelle ask Lisol.
lo Isolbelle: Lisa, when do you start
olisa: I start work at 7 o'clock in the evening. suala la la
• Isabelle: Oh, wow! ☺ A
Ms. Molly: Lisd, ask me.
olisa: Teacher, when do you go to bed?
AMS. Molly I go to bed at midnight: L>
Alright. Good job © Now let's look and
A 21:51) Look and listen an

1. When do you eat breakfast?

All I eolt breakfast at 8:00 in the morning. i budi I
2. When does Ali eolt breakfast?
All He eats breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. 3.
When does Lisd eat lunch? Sinobacte
All she eats lunch at noon.
08:E_Indo 4 when do you
go to the cinema?
w h at All We go to the
cinemd at 8:00 in the eveni
Name: Genesis Arambú
o Date: 31/031:2022
.o Account Number:
o Firm: Genesis 0. Arolmbú
5. When do they go to
All They go to bed at 11:00 at
night. 22:40 -> Reold and repeat

1. When do you go to
All I go to work at 8:30 in the morning. the company
2. When does Dan eat lunch?
An fay All He
eats lunch at 3:30 in the afternoon 3. When
does Julid op to the cinema?
All she goes to the cinema at 7:00 in
the evening. 4. When do you finish work?
All we finish work at 6:00 in the
evening. 5. When do your parents
go to bed?
All They go to bed at midnight: A
23:59-> Time Words and
A Ms. Molly. Now let's learn a few new words.
Here we go : )
1. Every
2. Every morning
3. Early
4. Lotte. A Ms. Molly: Now here's a few examples of how
we can use these words. First we can Saly:
1. I get up at 7:00 every
2. She goes to bed at 11:30 every
night. 3. He watches the clock every
4. He gets up early.
Nolme Génesis Arambú o Date: 30/031 2022 . o Account Number:
oFirm: Génesis O. Arambú
5. He gets up at 5:00 AM
6. They go to bed late 7. They
go to bed at 2:00 AM.
8. We are eakly.
9. We are late. L> Okay, now of course it's time to
practice. So, I'm going to ask you some questions.
- Ms. Molly: And let's start with Ali. Ali, do you get up
early in the morning?
o Ali: Yes, I opt up at 6:30 in the morning.
D AMs. Molly
Okay, theft's a little early. Lisa, do you go to bed late in the
oliso: No, I go to bed at 11:00 O. clock, it's normal. P a
da AMs. Molly: Okay, yes it is. Isabelle, whort time do you
eat breakfast?
°Isabelle: I eat breakfast at 8:30. ring some
my : ) - A Ms. Molly: Is it early?
lo Isabelle: No, it's normal. AMS. Molly: Alright, now I want
you to ask the questions. Ali, you ask Isabelle.
• Ali : Do you go to bed laite?
o Isabelle: No, I don't. I go to bed at
10:30. o Ali : Oh, that's early ? ☺
o Isabelle: Yes, a little AMs. Molly:
Isabelle, you ask lisa.
o Isabelle: Lisa, do you work late?
olisa: Yes. I do. lo Isabelle: What
time do you work?
olisa: I start work at 7 o'clock in the evening. I finish work at
70' clock in
the morning: °Isabelle : Oh Wow !
☺ AMS: Molly: Okay, Lisd, ask Ali:
Nome: Genesis Arambú . Date:31103/2022 Account Number: 20221005307
o Firm: Genesis 0.
Arambú olisa: Ali, do you go to a football game every night?
Ali: No, I don't. Olisol : Too bard? A Ms. Molly: Alright.
Thank you very much? Now it's time to look and listen: A
28:32-> Look and listen.


1. He usually starts work at 9 o'clock.
2. He is here at 8 o'clock
in the 3. He is
4. We usually finish work
at hollf past five. Julia c 5. We are here at
half past six.
6. We are late 7. Lisa and. Isabelle don't go
to the cinema every evening. A 29:06 -> Read and
repedt. Sajnos

1. We eart breakfast at half past seven every

A 1.2. Ali
usually gets up at half past 6 in the morning. I
3. Lisa starts work at 7 o'clock in the
4. We study English every
cal con el 5.
The class starts at 9 o'clock.
6. Now it is 9:30. Anne de S aint 7. Isabelle isn't
8. Isabelle is late. 0 29:58 -> Time words: When?
dul gond 1910

Ms. Molly Okay, now here is one more question, it
is: a lar
© Name Genesis Arambú Date: 331.03.2021 Account Number:
o Firm: Genesis 0. Arambu
A Ms. Molly: For example:
o When do you go to bed? AMs.
Molly. It's the same thing here:
• What time do you go to bed? Und der
ingen er a folk A Ms. Molly. It's the same thing.
s L> Okay. now this time I want you to ask me
AMS. Molly So, Lisa.
olisd: Teacher, when do you eat breakfast? agrafe dans
AMs. Molly: I eat breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. Alright,
Isabelle. 2004
o Isabelle: When do you eat lunch? o Ms. Molly: I usually eat
lunch at 1 o'clock, in the olfternoon. Ali. saya di
o Ali: When do you usually edit dimer? a Ms. Molly. I
usually eat oinner at 220 clock in the evening. Isabelle.
o Isabelle: When do you start work? A Ms. Molly.
I start work at half past eight in the moming. Ali.
o Ali: When do you finish work?. ne conna for and deja
la Mtand steg dolin a MS. Molly: I never finish work. No, I
finish work at five o. clock in the evening. Okay lisa, the last
olisa: When do you go to the cinema? nichts
dailiniz malevolen
A Ms. Molly. I rarely go to the cinemd. -> Alright,
thank you very much? ☺ Now let's look and listen.
a 131:50
-> Look ond listen.

1. When do you eat lunch?

All I eat lunch at noon. 2. When
does Ali usually eat dinner.
All He usually eart dinner of 6 o'clock in the evening.
Naime: Genesis Arambú
o Date: 3110312022.
Account Number :
o Firm : Genesis O.
3. What time does Lisd start work?
All She starts work at 7 o'clock in the
evening. A 32:25 -> Redd and repeat.

1. When does Julid op to the

All She goes to the cinema at nine
fifteen. 2. What time does she finish
All She finishes work out half past
four. 3. When does she finish work?
All she finishes work at hollf
polst four 0 33:00 -> Review

A Ms. Molly: Alright, Let's do some final review here.

Ali, what time is it?
o Ali : It's a quarter to twelve. AMS.
Molly: Okay, and Ali, whort time do we finish
• Ali: We finish at noon. AMS. Molly: Ah
okay. Lisa. when do you usually start work?
Lisd: I usually start work at 7o. clock AMS.
Molly: And whort time do you usually finish work? 27
olisa: I usually finish work at 7 o'clock in the
morning. de AMs. Molly: Huh. Isabelle, do you eat
breakfast every morning?
o Isabelle: Yes. I do. AMS. Molly: What time do you
usually eat breakfast? / darma
° Isabelle: I always eat brealifast at
Molly: Ah, okay. Alright, thank you very much in
the Now it's time to listen and write.
Name : Génesis Arambú.
Date: 31/03/2022.
Accant Number: 20221005307
o Firm: Genesis 0. Arambú

A 34:02 --> listen and write.

AMS. Molly Listen and write these

1. Evening
2. Breakfast 3.
4. Early 5. Late. A Ms. Molly: Now Listen and write these
sentences. I'll say each sentence two times.
2. Lisal usually eats breakfastolt half past eight in
the morning.
2. Ali Sometimes eat lunch at one o'clock in the
afternoon 3. Isabelle never goes to the cinema in
the morning.
4. The teacher often starts work early, 5. The Singer
usually works late. AMS. Molly: Now read the story and
answer the questions about it. O
A 37:38 -> Reeld and answer.

1. Luke is Molly's son:

2. He gets up every morning at half past six.
hamil dubbed 3. He doesn't eat breakfast,
4. He usually starts work at eight o. clock in the
morning. 5. Sometimes he eats lunch at noon.
6. Sometimes he eats lunch at 1:00 in the afternoon. 2
il dolore 7. He finishes work at five thirty...
8. He often eats dinner at Burger King of
McDonald's. q. He likes holmburgers.
10. To the evening he watches television and he goes to bed at ]]
Name : Genesis Arambú Date: 3110312022 • Account Number
: 20227005307
o Firm: Genesis 0.
Arambú 4 Ms. Molly. Now listen to questions and answer them.
I will soly the questions 2 times.
1. Whose sonis Luke?
All luke is Molly's son: 2.
What time does he get up?
All He gets up ott half past
six. 3. Does he eat breakfast?
All No. he doesn't. 4. When
does he start work?
All He starts work at 8 o'clock in the
morning. 5. When does he eat lunch?
| All Sometimes he eat lunch at
All Sometimes he eats lunch ot
1:00. 6. What time does he finish work?
All He finishes work at five thirty.
7. Where does he edt dinner?
All He eats dinner at Burger King or
McDonald's. 8. Does he like hamburgers?
All Yes, he does. 9. When
does he watch television?
All He watches television in the
evening: 10. What time does he go
to bed?
All He goes to bed at ]] or clock. A Ms.
Molly : Very good. We'll see you next
Nome: Genesis Arombi
Date: 31/03/2022.
Account Number :
A Firm: Génesis 0.


• Angie: Great! I have classes for

o Som: I got classer for intermediates. What days do you
have your classes?
• Angie : I have classes on Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday. What about you?
o Sam: I have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Your classes are in the morning or the afternoon?
• Angie: My classes are on the morning. In th e
osam: Mine are in the afternoon. What time your
classes starts?
• Angie: They start att alo'clock on Monday,
Wednesdoly and Friday.
o Som: I start one o'clock in the afternoon and I finish at
• Angie: What time do you have lunch each
day? pogin
o Sam: I have lunch at noon, before my dasses start:
What time is yours?
• Angie: We can still eat together because I have
Lunch at noon too?
o Sam: Oh, that's great! Thoitis great for me because I like
eating Lunch in the middle of the day at noon, the afternoon
doesn't seem so long. That way my family always eats dimer
every night out 6 orclock, so I know I'll be
o Angie: Hey, thereig Jack? Let's see if he
hungry again la
knows the schedule yet. Hi Jack !...)
Sam Hey Jack!
• Jock: Hi Angie, hi Solm. How are your
schedules today?
w h ar: 0 Sam Good Lo
Andie: Well, we both have found out which classes we are teaching.
We both have
lunch at noon. ' UT
Io Jack : Hmm,
let me check my classes. Here it is? Yes, I will eat at noon
- None : Génesis Arambú a Date: 3110312022: Account
Number: 20227005307
Firm: Gémesis (. Arambú
Jack: That's great, now we can all eat together, great o
Sam: Let's go. Oh, I saw Alexei this morning and he was
looking very bold
Angie: What wols wrong with him? o Sam: He was up
past midnight last night. He was working on the computer too

Jack: Alexei always works late at night. This yearlyn In

• Angie: Jacki do you take work
am 10 peratus o Jack: Sometimes, but I never finish
my work later de m Angie: Me neither. I finish
everything on time
2 BV o Jack: What did
you do last night Angie?
• Angie: I redd my book about France, and
o Jack: My favorite TV show is on television. 2 darbo en
la alba cha mabas d e Angie: So you were able to woltch
your favorite show and get a goool night's sleep? Because you
finished all your work earlier during the day, you didn't have to
stay up all night like Alexej. u
Jack: Yes, I hate having to work all night. The morning is
very hard for me Lihen I don't get any sleep. I. o Angie: I know what
you mean, mot only are the mornings hard but by the after noon all I
want to do is sleep. Any users and the angels colors
o Salm: Hey guys, here comes Alexei now. Look, he does
look terrible: His eyes
looks red, and looks like he's been sleeping in
those clothes.com
• Alexei : Hi everyone? What are you
talking about?
Angie: Is that you Alexei? / 201ulmanhia wwwco m in
in i ! :)
• Alexei: Yes, what do you mean? 9o Angie. It looks like
you didn't get much sleep loist night. He salle de ang
o Alexej: Abh, I was up until 3:30 am, I get up at 7:00 for work, so it
was a very short night. delle
Nome: Génesis Arambu Date: 311021 2022 Account
Number: 2022.3005307
A Firm: Genesis 0.
Arambú Sam: We all have lunch at noon, what time do you
have your lunch?
• Alexei: Well, my lunch break ig at noon too. We
can all eat together again. What time is it now? I'm
Angje: Did you eart this morning? 0 Alexei: No, I
didn't have time, my alarm opes off at 7:00 but that doesn't
mean I allways get up:
Angie: Wholt time did you get up
this morning? Alexei : It was almost 8
o Angie: But Alexel, your work starts
at 8:30.
• Alexei : I know, I didn't have breakfast this morning. And
now you know why I look like I don't have fresh clothes on.
These are the same clothes I wore last night.
Angje: Alexei, here it is morning and it looks like
you should go home, take a shower and start the oldy all
over. Alexei: I know. So, what time is it?
o Jack: I have bad news Alexei. It is only 10:30 and Lunch is
still oln hour
and a half.
• Alexei: No way? Oh no! ☺ It's going to
be a long day. @

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