The Skies Turned Violaine

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The Skies Turned Violaine



The Skies Turned Violaine

- 18 October

OK, we have a lot of syncs to sort through and I am very much pressed
for time, so let's try to go over this quickly now and get more in-depth on
it all later. In fact, I think a kind of brief objective review is a good idea
because my head is spinning so fast I'm afraid it might actually time-

All I can say is that remember all that stuff you were rolling your eyes at
yesterday? Well, maybe a weekend rethink is in order.

1 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

OK, so yesterday the skies over Florida went purple and kind of freaked a
lot of people out. Dedicated Sunners will remember that we've been
seeing a whole catalog of weirdness up there as of late so let's just say
this is just one more item for the �les.

2 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

As you can see it caused a bit of a hullaballoo on the Internets. It's

adding to the overall apocalyptic resonances kicked up in Michael's

But let's take a quick look at those skies here, because I'll be damned if
they don't remind me quite a bit of something else we just looked at

Oh, I'm sorry; it was embedded in one of those bits you always skip over.

3 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

And that's one of the covers for the Violaine CD single. Kind of a bit
cloudy, innit? That Starchild-looking face being all out of focus and
color-�ltered and what not.

Now, does anyone remember when I brought up "Violaine" back when

Cyclone Gita hit Tonga during the Olympics?

Oh, you skipped over that part too? No worries.

Not for nothing, but I'd maybe think of taking another look at that post,
seeing how it connects to the Siren Song festival and what-not.

4 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

"Violaine" is the �nal CT single that I was going on about yesterday. The
whole thing with the B-sides on the two different versions
corresponding to hurricanes, which I talked about in the Cyclone Gita

But who cares, right? A bunch of obscure songs released 22 years ago?
STFU about it already, right?

Well, like so many resonant items in the Sibyl's back catalog, "Violaine" is
being re-released this year. And by "this year," I mean TODAY, as part of
that boxset whose cover art corresponds to the Super-Typhoon that hit
Japan mere hours after the Sibyl made a rare public appearance in Soho.

Yeah, those songs I've been ranting on about like a nut are re-released

But what does "Violaine" mean, anyway?

5 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Oh. It means PURPLE.

So that single, whose B-side titles I argue correspond to hurricanes-

cyclones-typhoons, actually means "purple?"


6 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Another of the B-sides is "Alice," which was featured in The Lovely

Bones. And as fate would have it a statue of Alice (of Wonderland
fame) was just installed in Milwaukee. It's title?

"The Seer."

Oddly enough, we also saw purple skies in February of this year and
February of last year. Very interesting times for it.

Ritually-speaking, I mean.

Anyway, "Violaine" is the leadoff track on the CT swan-song, Milk &

Kisses. Which...yeah.

That whole thing. The second track is "Serpentskirt," which you're all sick
of hearing about by now.

7 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

But I should mention nonetheless that the town of Mexico Beach seems
to be where Michael made landfall. Why is this signi�cant?

Well, one of the reasons is that the local Catholic parish there is Our Lady
of Guadalupe, whom....

8 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

...many scholars believe is a re-incarnation or revision of Coatlicue, whose

name in English actually is...

...Serpent Skirt.

Is this thing on? Can anyone hear me out there?

9 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

So Michael and the Serpent? Where have I heard that before?

Oh, that's it.

Say, you don't think there's any connection to this, do you?

10 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

OK, two for two. What about "Tishbite," another song we've talked about
in the past?

Right, that's another Biblical reference. It was apparently the name

Elijah was called during his time.

11 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Elijah, who battled the priests of the Storm God.

Ba'al, who was known as the "Lord of the Sky."

12 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Whose triumphal arch was recently installed in Washington, DC. Who

considers themselves "Lord of the Skies" now?

M83 'We Own The Sky' O�cial video

No, sadly. Not high-ranking Fraserfarians M83.

13 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Of course, that's it. The USAF.

Maybe they should rethink that motto. Maybe Ba'al doesn't appreciate
the competition.

14 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Or maybe it was the Tishbite, replaying history all over again.

OK, so those scattered few of you who didn't just skip over the Minority
Report stuff in yesterday's post, I should add it came to mind because I
was looking at my Cyclone Gita post. Plus thinking about The Man in the
High Castle and a bunch of other things.

My brains are defective.

15 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Well, not only is there a new Cocteau Twins boxset out today, none
other than Samantha "Agathe" Morton is making her debut on Sunday
as a major new character on The Walking Dead.

One of the stories on Morton's debut even pictures her playing Elizabeth, Agatha.

16 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Last week, The Guardian interviewed Morton and talked about her
traumatic upbringing and her run-in with Hurricane Harvey. Which ties
her into the highly Frase-jacent #metoo movement.

Oh, there's so much more but my time has run out for today.

Two quick notes:

17 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

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Santigold, whose debut album is one of my very favorite records of the

past ten years or so, unsurprisingly names the Twins in her Top 12.

Cryptogon links to a CIA document describing pretty much what this

entire blog is actually about. And the paper is from 1983, one of the
primary "Window Eras" I still need to talk about. Hopefully, I can
revisit Stranger Things (the good series) as well.

18 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

Speaking of 1983, my favorite Tangerine Dream album was recycled for

the Risky Business soundtrack. Speaking of Stranger Things, Exit
provided me with my �rst exposure to the concept of "remote viewing,"
which I don't believe had been declassi�ed at that point.

Tangerine Dream - Pilots Of Purple Twilight

It also features this track.

19 of 21 11/15/2021, 10:51 PM
The Skies Turned Violaine

The Jimi Hendrix Experience - 1983 ... (A Merman I Should …

POSTSCRIPT: Because "Purple Haze" is too obvious.

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