Risk-Aware Social Cloud Computing Based On Serverless Computing Model

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Risk-aware Social Cloud Computing based on

Serverless Computing Model

Pavlos Athanasios Apostolopoulos∗ , Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou∗ , and Symeon Papavassiliou∥
{pavlosapost@unm.edu, eirini@unm.edu, papavass@mail.ntua.gr}
∗ Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
∥ School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Abstract—In this paper, a flexible resource sharing paradigm is While social cloud computing is still in its infancy, a new
introduced, to enable the allocation of users’ computing tasks in cloud computing solution is coined by the industry, named
a social cloud computing system offering both Virtual Machines Serverless Computing (SC), where the users’ computing tasks
(VMs) and Serverless Computing (SC) functions. VMs are treated
as a safe computing resource, while SC due to the uncertainty are defined as a workflow of event-triggered functions [4]. In
introduced by its shared nature, is treated as a common pool contrast to the model of Virtual Machines (VMs), where the
resource, being susceptible to potential over-exploitation. These users are renting the VMs from the cloud provider and the
computing options are differentiated based on the potential resources could remain idle in the case of sporadic requested
satisfaction perceived by the user, as well as their corresponding computing tasks, concluding to unwanted monetary cost, the
pricing, while taking into account the social interactions among
the users. Considering the inherent uncertainty of the considered SC model allows the users to offload computing tasks to
computing environment, Prospect Theory and the theory of the cloud provider, who remains responsible to manage the
the Tragedy of the Commons are adopted to properly reflect infrastructure and respective resources [5]. The users run
the users’ behavioral characteristics, i.e., gain-seeking or loss- stateless functions at the cloud providers’ servers and are
averse behavior, as well as to formulate appropriate prospect- charged with respect to the allocated memory and the actual
theoretic utility functions, embodying the social-aware and risk-
aware user’s perceived satisfaction. A distributed maximization required CPU time of executing them [6], thus promising a
problem of each user’s expected prospect-theoretic utility is more cost-efficient and flexible model compared to the VMs.
formulated as a non-cooperative game among the users and Example platforms supporting the SC model include: AWS
the corresponding Pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE), i.e., optimal Lambda [7], Google Cloud Functions [8], etc.
computing jobs offloading to the VMs and the SC, is determined, However, all these efforts in social cloud computing and
while a distributed low-complexity algorithm that converges to
the PNE is introduced. The performance and key principles of serverless computing have been progressing in isolation of
the proposed framework are demonstrated through modeling and each other. Thus, despite the advances that have been achieved
simulation. in both these areas independently, the lack of joint consider-
Index Terms—Social Computing, Virtual Machines, Serverless ation and exploitation of the users’ social relation and the
Computing, Prospect Theory, Risk-aware Behavior. available VMs and SC by the cloud provider, limits their
potential exploitation and adoption in a realistic scenario.
The remarkable growth of social networks over the last B. Contributions & Outline
decade - evidenced by the more than 1.62 billion Facebook In this paper, we aim to fill the aforementioned research
users and the 270 million Twitter users in 2019 - has concluded gaps by introducing a risk-aware social computing framework,
to new solutions for communication networks and mobile which exploits the computing capabilities of the available VMs
computing. It is predicted that by 2020, 67% of the overall and SC offered by the cloud provider, while accounting for
enterprise information technology infrastructure and software the users’ social ties and their risk-aware behavior. The latter
development will be served by cloud-based offerings [1]. stems from the risk imposed by the shared nature of the SC,
which may become non-responsive due to its over-exploitation.
A. Related Work and Motivation The specific contributions of this paper are as follows.
The Social Cloud Computing is arising as a resource sharing 1. Each user dynamically offloads part of its computing jobs
framework, which exploits the users’ social ties to improve to the VMs and/or the SC (Section II). Fixed price is assumed
the services offered by the cloud providers. In [2], the trust for the use of VMs, while a social-aware SC pricing is
levels among users in social networks are exploited to create a considered based on the ”social importance” of a user within
dynamic social cloud computing environment, where the users the system (Section II-A). A holistic user’s actual utility
are sharing their cloud computing resources, creating a volun- function is introduced to capture the user’s satisfaction by
teer social cloud computing environment. In [3], the authors executing its jobs in a specific time frame, while considering
tackle the problem of placing the users’ computing tasks over the corresponding price (Section II-B).
multiple clouds considering the social-aware services and the 2. Each VM is characterized as a ”safe resource”, as it is
users’ social ties. exclusively rent by a user, and accordingly the user enjoys

978-1-7281-0962-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

guaranteed computing service. In contrast, the SC is typically where wi,j ∈ R depicts the strength of the interaction (e.g.,
more cost-efficient, having the potential of providing high criticality of information) that is exchanged between the source
satisfaction to the user. Given that its computing resources are user i and the destination user j, while wi,j = 0, ∀i, j ∈ N
shared among many users, it is characterized as Common Pool such that ei,j = 0. Therefore,
∑ each user ∑ is characterized by
ω1 j∈N,j̸=i wi,j +ω2 j∈N,j̸=i wj,i
Resource (CRP), which introduces risk in users’ decisions to its social factor fi = ∑ , where
j∈N fj
offload their computing jobs to it, as it can potentially become ω1 , ω2 ∈ [0, 1], ω1 + ω2 = 1 depict the weights of a user’s
over-exploited. We capture this phenomenon via adopting the interactions by acting as a sender or receiver of information,
theory of the Tragedy of the Commons [9] (Section III-A). The respectively.
problem of users’ risk-aware offloading decision to the VMs In the VMs case,⌈each user⌉is charged based on the reserved
and the SC, is formulated by using the Prospect Theory [10]. (t)
Ji −λi

Each user’s prospect-theoretic utility function is introduced VMs: pi,vmp = (t) · pvm , where pvm is a fixed
λvm (Dt )
by considering its actual utility, its behavioral patterns, and VM’s price [6]. In the SC case, the user is charged based
on its execution time: pi,sc = λi Dt fi−1 psc (λT ), where the
(t) (t) (t) (t)
the probability of the SC’s failure (i.e., non-responsiveness)
(Section III-B). −1
average SC’s response time is Dt and fi shows that the more
3. The problem of each user determining the number of com- important is a user for the social cloud computing system the
puting jobs that will be offloaded at the SC and the VMs, is for- greater is the incentive for the SC to assign a lower price.
mulated as a maximization problem of its expected prospect- (t) (t)
The psc (λT ) is the SC’s rate of return function, which is a
theoretic utility, and treated as a non-cooperative game among function of the overall number of offloaded jobs at the SC,
the users (Section IV). The existence and uniqueness of a (t) ∑ (t)
i.e., λT = i∈N λi , and is formulated as:
Pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE) is shown (Section V), while
a distributed and low-complexity algorithm is introduced, and { (t)
sc −λT
Λ(t) (t) (t)
its convergence to the unique PNE is proven (Section VI). (t) · psc , if λT < Λsc
sc (λT ) = (t)
Λsc (1)
4. A series of simulation experiments is performed to evaluate pfsc , otherwise
the performance of the proposed risk-aware social computing
framework. A comparative study demonstrates its superiority, where Λsc is the number of jobs threshold that the SC can
(t) (t)
in terms of user’s satisfaction and proper system operation operationally process during Dt . If λT ≥ Λsc , the SC’s
(Section VII). Finally, Section VIII concludes the paper. response time is greater than Dt and the SC ”fails”, thus, the
SC’s price is the minimum one (pfsc < psc ). This phenomenon
II. S YSTEM M ODEL is known as the Tragedy of the Commons [9]. In the case of
A Cloud Provider (CP) consisting of Virtual Machines SC’s failure, the user’s successfully executed jobs during Dt
(VMs) and Serverless Computing (SC) functions is considered. are only the ones executed at the VMs.
(t) (t)
A set of N = {1, · · · , N } users is assumed, while a set of Proposition 1: The SC’s rate of return function psc (λT )
(t) (t)
T = {1, · · · , T } time slots is defined, where Dt denotes the is strictly decreasing with respect to λT , since as the λT
duration of each time slot t. Each user i has a number Ji(t) increases the less the SC can guarantee that the average
of computing jobs that wants to offload to the CP for remote response time is Dt , and the lower is the SC’s price.
execution per time slot. In the VMs case, a user can reserve a
VM with its own operating system and predefined on demand B. Actual Utility Function
computational and storage capabilities, while in the SC the The user’s i actual utility zi expressing its satisfaction
(t) (t) (t)
user executes its own serverless instance as an application from executing λi jobs at the SC and the rest (Ji − λi )
in a common operating system without any control over the at the VMs is formulated. This satisfaction is captured by
resources on which the job is executed. Given a specific type of the portion of jobs that are executed successfully during the
VMs, we define as λ(t) vm (Dt ) the maximum number of jobs that timeslot t and the user’s overall cost, as follows.
can be executed by the VM in the duration Dt , where λ(t) vm (Dt ) (t) (t) (t)
Ei pi,vmp + pi,sc
is an increasing function of the duration Dt . Each user i aims (t) (t) (t)
zi (λi , λ−i ) = − (2)
(t) (t)
at determining the number λ(t) i (λ(t)
≤ Ji ) of computing jobs Ji Bi
to be executed at the SC, while the rest (Ji(t) − λ(t)i ) jobs are (t)
where λ−i is the vector of the offloading decisions of all users
offloaded to the VMs. (t)
except i, Ei are the jobs that are executed successfully during
A. Social-aware Cloud Aspects and Pricing Dt (see Section III-A), and Bi is the user’s i total budget.
With respect to the social aspects of the cloud computing III. T HE P ROSPECT OF C LOUD
system, we define an overlay virtual representation of the sys-
tem as follows: S = {N, E, W}, where the users N = {1, · · · , N } A. Risk-aware Behavior: The Tragedy of the Commons
may interact with each other. Specifically, the edge set, i.e., The SC is a CPR since all the users can arbitrarily offload
interactions, is denoted as E = {(i, j) : ei,j = 1, ∀i, j ∈ N}, part of their jobs to it and share its resources. Towards
where ei,j = 1 indicates the existence of information flow from maximizing the actual utility, each user aims at determining in
user i to user j. The weight set W = {wi,j , ∀i, j ∈ N} is defined, an autonomous and distributed manner the number of jobs λi
(t) (t) (t) (t) fi−1 Dt
offloaded to the SC, by accounting for the uncertainty of the ui (λi , λ−i ) = −ki (λi )ai ( 1
(t) − (t)
γi pvm
(t) + (t) pfsc )ai ,
Ji λvm (Dt )Bi Bi
SC’s failure due to over-exploitation. Based on this uncertainty, based on the second branch of Eq. 3, where the price of the
we introduce the SC’s probability of non-responsiveness. (t)
SC is the minimum one, thus psc = pfsc . For notational conve-
Assumption 1: SC’s probability of non-responsiveness (t) f −1 D
nience we define ϵi = ( (t) − (t)γi pvm (t) + i (t) t pfsc )ai , and
P nR(t) (λT ) is strictly increasing, convex and twice contin- Ji λvm (Dt )Bi Bi
Dt fi−1 psc (λT ) ai
(t) (t)
uously differentiable with respect to λ(t) T
∈ [0, Λsc ), with (t) (t)
hi (λT ) =( γi pvm
(t) (t) − (t)
) , where hi (λT ) >
(t) (t) (t) λvm (Dt )Bi Bi
P nR (λT ) = 1, ∀λT ≥ Λsc .
0 if the SC does not fail. Thus, considering the probability
We consider a linear probability of non-responsiveness, i.e., of non-responsiveness P nR(t) of the SC, the user’s prospect-
(t) λ (t) (t)
P nR(t) (λT ) = T(t) , ∀λT < Λsc . Other forms of P nR(t) theoretic utility can be written as:
that follow Assumption 1 can be considered, e.g., logarithmic, {
(t) (t) (t)
(t) (t) (t) (λi )ai hi (λT ) with prob. 1 − P nR(t)
exponential, without damaging the applicability and validity of ui (λi , λ−i ) = (t) (t) (4)
−ki ϵi (λi )ai with prob. P nR(t)
the following analysis.
Thus, user’s i expected prospect-theoretic utility is given as:
B. Risk-aware Resource Allocation under Prospect Theory (t)
E(ui ) = (λi )
(t) ai (t) (t) (t) a (t)
hi (1 − P nR ) − (λi ) i ki ϵi P nR

Prospect Theory is adopted to address the users’ subjectivity =

(t) ai (t) (t) (t)
(λi ) [hi (1 − P nR ) − ki ϵi P nR ]
in decision-making [10]. Following this behavioral model, the =
(t) a (t)
(λi ) i gi (λT )
users make actions under risk and uncertainty regarding the
corresponding payoff of their actions. Each user’s satisfaction where gi (λ(t) (t)
T ) = [hi (1 − P nR
(t) (t)
) − ki ϵi P nR(t) ] is the user’s
by offloading a number of jobs to the SC and the VMs is eval- effective rate of return from the SC.
uated with respect to a reference point (reference dependence IV. O PTIMIZING R ESOURCE A LLOCATION : P ROBLEM
property). Each user’s reference point is the guaranteed utility F ORMULATION
zi,0 that the user obtains by offloading all the jobs at the VMs Each user’s i goal is to maximize its perceived expected
(referred to as the safe resource), thus, λi ⌈ = 0. Therefore,
⌉ prospect-theoretic utility (Eq. 5) via determining its best re-
(t) Ji
(t) (t)
each user’s i reference point is zi,0 = 1 − (t) · pvm
(t) ,
course allocation strategy, i.e., the number of jobs λi that are
λvm (Dt ) Bi
offloaded at the SC at timeslot t. This problem is formulated
where (t) i
= 1 (Eq. 2) since all the jobs are executed as a maximization problem of each user’s i expected prospect-
successfully during the time slot t. theoretic utility function (Eq. 5), as follows.
Based on Prospect Theory, each user’s i, i ∈ N prospect- (t)
max E(ui ) = (λi )ai gi (λT )
(t) (t)
(t) (t)
theoretic utility is defined as follows [11]: λi ∈Si
{ (t)
(t) (t)
(zi − zi,0 )αi
, if zi ≥ zi,0
(t) where Si is the user’s i strategy space as it is defined later.
(t) (t) (t)
ui (λi , λ−i ) = (t) (t) (t) (t) (3) The above maximization problem can be treated as a
−ki · (zi,0 − zi )βi , if zi,0 > zi
non-cooperative game G = {N, {Si(t) }, {E(u(t) i )}} among the
The parameters ai , βi ∈ (0, 1] express the user’s i sensitivity N users, where Si(t) = [0, min(Ji(t) , Λ(t) sc )] is the strategy
to gains and losses of its actual utility zi , respectively. Small space of each user i, and E(u(t) i ) is its expected prospect-
values of ai parameter reflect a gain-seeking and loss-aversion theoretic utility. Towards solving the non-cooperative game,
behavior. Small values of βi capture a higher decrease of the the concept of Pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE) is adopted. Let
∗,(t) ∗,(t)
prospect-theoretic utility ui , when the user’s actual utility λ∗,(t) = [λ1 , · · · , λN ] denote the users’ resource allocation
(t) (t) ∗,(t)
zi is lower than its reference point zi,0 . In our study, without strategies and λ−i the vector of all the users’ resource
loss of generality, we consider a similar behavior in gains and allocation strategies except user i at the PNE point.
losses, thus ai = βi , ∀i ∈ N. The parameter ki ∈ [0, ∞) Definition 1: The resource allocation vector λ∗,(t) ∈ S (t) =
(t) (t) (t) ∗,(t) ∗,(t)
expresses how users weigh losses compared to gains. If ki > 1 S1 × · · · × SN , is a PNE of G, if E(ui (λi , λ−i )) ≥
(t) (t) ∗,(t) (t) (t)
the user’s prospect-theoretic utility ui has a greater slope of E(ui (λi , λ−i )), ∀λi ∈ Si , ∀i ∈ N.
decrease in losses compared to the slope of decrease in gains. V. E XISTENCE AND U NIQUENESS OF PNE
The exact opposite holds true if ki ≤ 1.
The best response strategy of user i is Bi (λ(t) −i ) =
If the SC does not fail due to the overall offloaded number (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t) (t)
(t) (t) (t) arg maxE(ui (λi , λ−i )) : S−i ⇒ Si , S−i = ×j∈N−{i} Sj .
of jobs λT , then zi ≥ zi,0 , and by appropriate mathe- (t) (t)
λi ∈Si
matical derivations based on the first branch of Eq. 3, we Theorem 1: For each user i, its best response strategy exists
conclude that its prospect-theoretic utility is u(t) (t) (t)
i (λi , λ−i ) =
and it is single-valued, such that λi
= Bi (λ−i ).
(λi )ai ( γi pvm

Dt fi−1 psc (λT )
(t) (t)
)ai , where γi is the user’s (t) ∑ (t)
(t) (t) (t) We adopt the notation λ−i,T = j∈N,j̸=i λj to depict the
λvm (Dt )Bi Bi ⌈ ⌉
(t) total number of offloaded jobs at the SC of all users except
i regulator factor, such that (t) · γi = (t) . user i. The proof of Theorem 1 can be readily concluded based
λvm (Dt ) λvm (Dt )
On the other hand, if the SC ”fails”, user’s i experi- on Berge’s Theorem [12] and the following Lemmas 1-3.
enced actual utility zi is lower than its reference point Lemma 1: For each user i the following holds true: i) there
(t) (t) (t) (t)
zi,0 , and the user’s i prospect-theoretic utility is obtained as: exists a value λi , such that gi (λi ) = 0, ii) if λ−i,T ≥
(t) ∗,(t) (t) (t)
λi then λi = 0, and iii) if λ−i,T < λi there exists an VI. A LGORITHM -C ONVERGENCE TO PNE
Based on Lemma 4, each user’s best response strategy λ∗i
(t) (t)
user-specific interval Ai ⊂ [0, λi ) such that all
user’s best
∗,(t) (t) (t)
responses are positive, and λi + λ−i,T ∈ Ai . is decreasing with respect to the total number of offloaded
The proof of Lemma 1 is omitted due to space limitations. jobs λ−i,T of the rest users. Thus, G belongs to the best-
Below the notation (t) is dropped for notational convenience. response potential games, and therefore the sequential best
response dynamics converge to the PNE [13]. Each user i
Lemma 2: The best response λ∗i , ∀i ∈ N is single-valued first receives the total number of offloaded jobs of the rest
∀λ−i,T ∈ [0, Λsc ]. users, i.e., λ−i,T , in order to compute its best response λ∗i
Proof: Based on Lemma 1 we know that ∀λi > 0 such and it determines if λ∗i = 0, thus, whether gi (λ−i,T ) ≤ 0 and
that λi + λ−i,T ∈ Ai , we have gi (λT ) > 0 and ∂g∂λ i (λT )
< 0, ∂gi (λT )
T ∂λT |λT =λ−i,T < 0 holds true (conditions stemming from
where λT = λi + λ−i,T . Also, since gi (λT ) is concave in Lemma 1). If the user i finds that λ−i,T < λi , then its λ∗i
interval Ai (Lemma 1), the user’s i expected prospect-theoretic exists and is single-valued (Theorem 1). Specifically, due to
E(ui ) 2
utility is concave, i.e., ∂ ∂λ = λai i ∂ g∂λ
i (λT )
+ 2ai λai i −1 + the existence of the unique root of ∂E(ui)
∂λi = 0, and considering
2 2
i T
ai (ai − 1)λai i −2 gi (λT ) < 0. As a result, since any best that ∂E(u i)
∂λi is a continuously differentiable and decreasing (i.e.,
response λ∗i satisfies λ∗i + λ−i,T ∈ Ai , λ∗i is an argument ∂ 2 E(ui )
< 0, Lemma 2) with respect to λi , then the unique
of maximum of E(ui ), and therefore is unique. ∂λ2i
root ri∗ can be found via binary search into [0, Λsc ] with an
Lemma 3: The user’s best response λ∗i : S−i ⇒ Si is
approximation ϵ → 0, and finally user’s i best response to
continuous for λ−i ∈ S−i .
be λ∗i = min(Ji , ri∗ ). The complexity of the binary search is
The proof of Lemma 3 is derived based on Berge’s Theorem O(log2 Λsc ). In each iteration of the sequential best response
[12] and Lemma 2. dynamics, only one user i determines its best response strategy
Theorem 2: A Pure Nash Equilibrium λ∗ = [λ∗1 , · · · , λ∗N ] via executing arithmetical calculations (Algorithm 1). By
of the non-cooperative game G = [N, {Si }, {E(ui )}] exists. denoting as Ite the number of iterations that are needed for
Proof: The strategy set Si is a convex compact subset convergence to the PNE, the complexity of the Algorithm 1
of the Euclidean space and so is the joint strategy space, is O(N ∗ Ite ∗ log2 Λsc ). It is noted that the execution time
S = S1 × · · · × SN ⊂ RN . By defining a mapping T : S → S of Algorithm 1 scales very well with respect to the number of
such that T (λ1 , · · · , λN ) = (λ∗1 , · · · , λ∗N ), from Lemma 2, T users (see Section VII-B).
is single-valued and from Lemma 3 is continuous. Brouwer’s
fixed point theorem guarantees the existence of a strategy Algorithm 1 Distributed Algorithm for Convergence to PNE
profile s = {λ∗i }i∈N ∈ S that is invariant under the best 1: Input/Initialization: S, Dt , fi , psc , pfsc , Λsc , pvm , λvm
response mapping and therefore is a PNE of G [12]. Ite = 0, λi ∈ [0, min(Ji , Λsc )], ∀i ∈ N
Lemma 4: The function di (λT ) = −a∂giig(λ i (λT )
is strictly 2: Output: PNE profile λ∗ = [λ∗1 , · · · , λ∗N ]
∂λT 3: while PNE not reached do
decreasing with respect to λT , ∀λT ∈ Ai . 4: Ite = Ite + 1
∂di (λT )
Proof: The first-order derivative of di (λT ) is ∂λT = 5: for i = 1 to N do
∂gi (λT ) 2 ∂ 2 gi (λT )
( ∂λ ) −gi (λT ) 6: User i receives the λ−i,T
−ai . When λT ∈ Ai , based on
∂gi (λT ) 2
( ∂λ ) 7: if (gi (λ−i,T ) ≤ 0 && ∂g∂λ i (λT )
|λT =λ−i,T < 0) then
T ∗
∂ 2 gi (λT ) 8: λi = 0
Lemma 1 it holds true that gi (λT ) > 0 and ∂λ2T
≤ 0,
9: else
therefore it hollows directly that ∂d∂λi (λT )
< 0, ∀λT ∈ Ai 10: ri∗ = BinarySearch([0, Λsc ], ϵ), ϵ → 0
Theorem 3: The Pure Nash Equilibrium of the non- 11: λ∗i = min(Ji , ri∗ )
cooperative game G is unique. 12: end if
Proof: We use the notation λ∗T to denote the total of- 13: end for
floaded number of jobs at the SC at the PNE of game G. The 14: Check convergence to PNE
proof of Theorem 3 is based on the reduction to absurdity. 15: end while
Let λ∗T (1) , λ∗T (2) be two distinct PNE points. Without loss
of generality we assume that λ∗T (2) > λ∗T (1) . We define the VII. N UMERICAL R ESULTS

set Sup = {i ∈ N : λ∗T < λi }, thus it includes every In this section, we provide detailed numerical results to
user that offloads a non-zero number∑of jobs at the SC. illustrate the performance of the proposed approach in terms
∑ 2 ⊂ Sup1∗. Also, we
Thus, Sup have ∑j∈Sup1 dj (λ∗T (1) ) = of the following aspects: basic operation of our framework
∗ ∗ ∗
∑T (1) , j∈Sup2 dj (λ T (2) ) = λT (2) . So,∑ j∈Sup2 dj (λT (1) )+ (Section VII-A), scalability (Section VII-B), and framework’s
∗ ∗ ∗
j∈Sup1 \Sup2 dj (λT
∑ (1) ) = λT (1) ⇒ j∈Sup2 dj (λT (1) ) ≤ behavior under heterogeneous users in terms of loss aversion
∗ ∗ ∗
λT (1) < λT (2) = j∈Sup2 dj (λT (2) ). However, dj (λT ) is parameter ki (Section VII-C). Finally, a comparative evalu-
decreasing, so dj (λ∗T (1) ) > dj (λ∗T (2) ), ∀j ∈ Sup2 , which is ation of our approach against alternative resource allocation
contradiction. Thus, λ∗T (1) = λ∗T (2) . techniques is provided (Section VII-D).
0 0.5 Time [sec] 1 1.5

Average Expected PT Utility

0 0.5 Time [sec] 1 1.5

Average Expected PT Utility

0.03 2.5
a) 0.28 b) 100 15 850 a) Execution Time 0.125

Execution Time [sec]

0.016 0.26
0.24 Pricing of SC PnR
Average #Jobs at SC 0.22 800 Overall #Jobs at SC b)
102 Average Expected PT Utiltiy 0.015 104 0 50 100 0.02 0.12

Iterations 200 400 1.5



-1 #Users
0.014 10 Average #Jobs at SC 1
Overall #Jobs at SC Average Expected PT Utility 0.01 0.115
PnR 5
1 0.013 3
10 10
0 50 100 10-2 0 0 0 0.11
0 20 40 60 80 100 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
Iterations Iterations #Users #Users
Fig. 2: Scalability Evaluation
Fig. 1: Pure operation of the proposed framework Hom. Avg. #Jobs at SC

Average Expected PT Utility

Hom. PnR Het. PnR
Het. Avg. #Jobs at SC
Hom. Avg. Expected PT Utility 0.016 0.25 Hom. Pricing of SC Het. Pricing of SC 0.32
In our study, the duration of each timeslot is Dt = 1sec Het. Avg. Expected PT Utility
a) 0.014 0.2 0.3
and the price of reserving a VM for Dt is pvm = 10, while

the SC’s price per unit of time is psc = 0.3 and pfsc = 0.2 0.15 0.28


[6]. The maximum number of jobs that can be executed by 5 0.1 0.26
(t) 0.01
an VM instance during Dt is λvm = 10. A directed social 0.05 0.24
0 20 40 60 80
network is created with random topology and 100 users, where Loss Aversion - km
0 20 40 60
(t) Loss Aversion - km
each user has Ji ∈ [400, 1000] number of jobs. Each user
Fig. 3: Heterogeneous users - loss aversion impact study
is associated with social factor fi . For the SC, we have
∑ its (t)
(t) C. Heterogeneous Users - Loss Aversion
Λsc = 10% × i∈N Ji . Unless otherwise stated, we assume
homogeneous users with parameters ai = 0.2, ki = 5. In this section, the impact of users’ heterogeneous loss
aversion prospect theoretic behavior on the achievable per-
A. Pure Operation of the Proposed Framework formance is studied. In particular, in Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b
Fig. 1a illustrates the average number of offloaded jobs to we compare a scenario of heterogeneous users, where each
the SC (left vertical axis) and the average expected prospect user is associated with a different personalized loss aversion
theoretic utility (right vertical axis expressed in logarithmic index ki , against a homogeneous scenario where all users
scale), as a function of the iterations (low horizontal axis) and assume the same exactly loss aversion parameter km . For
the execution time (upper horizontal axis). Fig. 1b presents fairness in the comparison we consider that km is equal to
the overall number of jobs at the SC (left vertical axis) the average loss aversion parameter value of all the members
and the SC’s probability of non-responsiveness (right vertical of the heterogeneous group. It is noted that the more loss
axis), while in the contained sub-figure the corresponding SC’s averse is the users’ behavior (higher loss aversion parameter),
pricing is depicted. From the results in Fig. 1a and Fig 1b, we the less number of jobs they offload at the SC (Eq. 5). The
confirm that starting from a random initial strategy, as the time opposite holds true for the risk seeking users, which may lead
evolves the algorithm converges to a stable point (i.e. unique the SC to ”failure”, thus the users’ expected prospect theoretic
PNE point), where each user has determined its best response utility will decrease. Indeed, based on Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b, the
strategy. Throughout this evolving process and till we reach heterogeneous users led the system to higher congestion levels,
the PNE point, the users either offload a larger number of as there is an increase in the average number of offloaded jobs
jobs at the SC in order to increase their expected prospect at the SC and a decrease in the SC’s pricing psc (λT ) (Eq.1).
theoretic utility, or they follow an opposite resource allocation However, in our case, Fig. 3a illustrates that the increase
strategy, i.e., a lower number of jobs at the SC, when the SC’s of the average number of offloaded jobs at the SC led the
probability of non-responsiveness increases. heterogeneous users to achieve a higher average expected
prospect theoretic utility compared to the homogeneous case.
B. Scalability Evaluation
Fig. 2a illustrates each user’s average number of offloaded D. Comparative Analysis
jobs at the SC (and the sub-figure presents the total number In this section, we present a comparative study of our
of jobs at the SC) and the average expected prospect theoretic proposed theoretic framework (that assumes prospect theoretic
utility with respect to the number of users. As the number of (pt) users) with five other alternatives, assuming user behaviors
users increases, the SC becomes more congested (increased as follows: (a) non prospect theoretic (npt) users, but expected
total number of offloaded jobs at the SC - contained sub-figure actual utility E(zi (λi , λ−i )) maximizers instead, taking into
in Fig. 2a), while each user offloads a smaller number of jobs, account the SC’s probability of non-responsiveness, (b) actual
since its incentive is reduced due to the higher SC’s probability utility maximizers (ut) users, where each user maximizes its
of non-responsiveness (Fig. 2b), while experiencing a lower actual utility (Eq. 2) without considering the SC’s probability
expected prospect theoretic utility (Fig. 2a). Fig. 2b shows the of non-responsiveness, (c) social (soc) users, where each user
actual required time for our algorithm to converge to the PNE. based on its social factor fi offloads fi ∗ Ji number of jobs at
As observed from the results our algorithm’s execution time the SC, (d) (sp) users where each user i offloads all of its jobs
presents sublinear behavior with respect to the number of users Ji at the SC, and (e) (vm) users where each user offloads all
and is well aligned with our scalability analysis (Section VI). of its jobs Ji at the VMs.
Avg. Actual Expected Utility
0.8 a)
1 b) 0.3
c) lowest average normalized price (Fig. 4c).

Normalized Pricing
0.6 0.8

0.2 0.4
0.1 In this paper, a novel risk-based distributed approach, to-
0 0.2

-0.2 0 0
wards determining each user’s computing tasks optimal alloca-
pt npt ut soc sp vm pt npt ut soc sp vm pt npt ut soc sp vm
tion strategy, in a social cloud computing environment offering
Fig. 4: Comparative Evaluation both options of VM and SC computing, is designed. Based
The comparative evaluation is performed in terms of: (i) on the properties of Prospect Theory and the theory of The
the expected actual utility, (Fig. 4a), (ii) SC’s probability of Tragedy of the Commons, we take into account the loss averse
non-responsiveness (Fig. 4b), and (iii) users’ average normal- and gain seeking behavior of the users, as well as the uncer-
(t) (t)
p +p
ized pricing, i.e., i,vmp(t) i,sc (Fig. 4c). In particular, Fig. tainty introduced due to the shared nature of the SC model.
4a shows that both (pt) and the (npt) frameworks achieve In order to address the decision-making problem at hand, a
a higher average actual expected utility (with (pt) slightly non-cooperative game is formulated among the users, where
outperforming) compared to the rest of the approaches, due to the goal of each user is to maximize its perceived expected
the realistic consideration of the system’s uncertainty (through prospect theoretic utility. The existence and uniqueness of the
the SC’s probability of non-responsiveness). Both the (ut) and non-cooperative game’s PNE is proven, and a distributed low-
the (sp) frameworks, by ignoring the SC’s probability of non- complexity algorithm that converges to the PNE is devised.
responsiveness, lead the SC to ”failure”, i.e., P nR(λT ) = 1 Detailed numerical results were presented highlighting the
(Fig. 4b), and therefore these two approaches conclude to a performance benefits of our proposed approach.
lower user average actual expected utility compared to the Our current and future research work focuses on the exten-
(pt) and the (npt) (Fig. 4a). Please note that although the (ut) sion of the above approach in an environment where multiple
approach leads the SC to ”failure”, the users still offload part of Cloud Providers co-exist acting as common pool of resources.
their jobs at the VMs, and therefore achieve a positive average ACKNOWLEDGMENT
actual expected utility, while on the other hand, under the (sp)
alternative, users achieve a negative average expected actual The research of Dr. Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou was conducted
utility, since none of their jobs is executed successfully. as part of the NSF CRII-1849739.
On the other hand, the users under the (soc) approach, by R EFERENCES
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