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◥ developing high-throughput methods for cor-

REVIEW SUMMARY relating qubit measurement with direct materials
spectroscopy and characterization. Second, rela-
QUANTUM COMPUTING tively few material platforms for solid-state QIP
have been explored thus far, and the discovery
Materials challenges and opportunities for quantum of a new platform is often serendipitous. It is
thus important to develop materials discovery
computing hardware pipelines that exploit directed, rational material
searches in concert with high-throughput char-
Nathalie P. de Leon, Kohei M. Itoh, Dohun Kim, Karan K. Mehta, Tracy E. Northup, Hanhee Paik*, acterization approaches aimed at rapid screen-
B. S. Palmer, N. Samarth, Sorawis Sangtawesin, D. W. Steuerman ing for properties relevant to QIP. Third, there
are several materials issues that do not affect
single-qubit operations but appear as limita-
BACKGROUND: The past two decades have seen materials science in quantum information pro- tions in scaling to larger systems. Many prob-
intense efforts aimed at building quantum cessing. We provide a comprehensive review of lems faced by these platforms are reminiscent
computing hardware with the potential to materials issues in each physical platform by of some that have been addressed over the
solve problems that are intractable on classi- describing the evidence that has led to the past five decades for complementary metal-
cal computers. Several hardware platforms for current understanding of each problem. For oxide semiconductor electronics and other
quantum information processing (QIP) are un- each platform, we present reasons for partic- areas of the semiconductor industry, and
der active development. To realize large-scale ular material choices, survey the current under- approaches and solutions adopted by that

systems based on these technologies, we must standing of sources of noise and dissipation, industry may be applicable to QIP platforms.
achieve error rates much lower than have been describe materials limitations to scaling, and Materials issues will be critical to address in

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demonstrated thus far in a scalable platform, or discuss potential new material platforms. De- the coming years as we transition from noisy
devise a new platform entirely. These activities spite major differences among physical im- intermediate-scale systems to large-scale, fault-
will require major advances in materials sci- plementations in each hardware technology, tolerant systems. Quantum computing began
ence and engineering, new fabrication and there are several common themes: Material as a fundamentally interdisciplinary effort in-
synthesis techniques, and new measurement selection is driven by heterogeneity, impurities, volving computer science, information science,
and materials analysis techniques. We identify and defects in available materials. Poorly con- and quantum physics; the time is now ripe
key materials challenges that currently limit trolled and characterized surfaces lead to noise for expanding the field by including new col-
progress in five quantum computing hardware and dissipation beyond limits imposed by bulk laborations and partnerships with materials
platforms, propose how to tackle these prob-
lems, and discuss some new areas for explora-
properties. Scaling to larger systems gives rise
to new materials problems that are not evident

tion. Addressing these materials challenges will in single-qubit measurements.
necessitate interdisciplinary approaches from The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
*Corresponding author. Email:
scientists and engineers beyond the current OUTLOOK: We identify three principal materials
Cite this article as N. P. de Leon et al., Science 372,
boundaries of the quantum computing field. research frontiers of interest in this context. eabb2823 (2021). DOI: 10.1126/science.abb2823
First, understanding the microscopic mecha-
ADVANCES: This Review constitutes a roadmap nisms that lead to noise, loss, and decoher- READ THE FULL ARTICLE AT
of the current challenges and opportunities for ence is crucial. This would be accelerated by

Five quantum computing hardware

ing cir
ts Quantum
Qu m dots
ts Colo
olorr centers
platforms. From top left: Optical image
of an IBM superconducting qubit
processor (inset: cartoon of a Josephson
junction); SEM image of gate-defined
semiconductor quantum dots (inset:
cartoon depicting the confining
potential); ultraviolet photoluminescence
image showing emission from color 3Å
centers in diamond (inset: atomistic
model of defects); picture of a surface- 1 mm 1 mm
0.5 µm
electrode ion trap (inset: cartoon of ions
confined above the surface); false- Tra
pped iion
ons Topologi
llyy protec
d sys
colored SEM image of a hybrid
[inset: cartoon of an epitaxial
superconducting Al shell (blue)

on a faceted semiconducting InAs

nanowire (orange)].

2 mm 1 mm

de Leon et al., Science 372, 253 (2021) 16 April 2021 1 of 1


◥ which will require reducing system errors and

REVIEW advancing physical platforms to larger scale.
Materials science has informed the develop-
QUANTUM COMPUTING ment of current solid-state qubits, primarily
through down-selection of material platforms
Materials challenges and opportunities for quantum for favorable material properties. For example,
current implementations of superconducting
computing hardware qubits rely on the high-quality, kinetically lim-
ited oxide of aluminum as a tunnel barrier
Nathalie P. de Leon1, Kohei M. Itoh2, Dohun Kim3, Karan K. Mehta4, Tracy E. Northup5, Hanhee Paik6*, in the Josephson junction. Recent progress
B. S. Palmer7,8, N. Samarth9, Sorawis Sangtawesin10, D. W. Steuerman11 in quantum dot spin qubits has been enabled
by the selection of nuclear spin–free materials
Quantum computing hardware technologies have advanced during the past two decades, with the goal of and their isotopic purification, as well as the
building systems that can solve problems that are intractable on classical computers. The ability to development of new growth processes to op-
realize large-scale systems depends on major advances in materials science, materials engineering, and timize silicon/germanium interfaces. Color
new fabrication techniques. We identify key materials challenges that currently limit progress in five centers were developed as qubits after decades
quantum computing hardware platforms, propose how to tackle these problems, and discuss some new of advances in the synthesis of high-purity
areas for exploration. Addressing these materials challenges will require scientists and engineers to work diamond.
together to create new, interdisciplinary approaches beyond the current boundaries of the quantum Beyond material selection, however, there
computing field. has been comparatively little work toward
using the tools of materials science to improve

and scale quantum hardware. Most activity so

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he promise of quantum information pro- ly designed quantum algorithms can result in far has instead focused on developing quan-
cessing (QIP) that outperforms classical constructive interference that encodes the so- tum control schemes and device architectures
supercomputers for tasks such as simula- lution, whereas other possible outputs ideally that circumvent sources of noise, loss, and
tion of quantum systems and particular undergo destructive interference. The compu- decoherence, rather than directly measuring
algorithms including factorization, search, tational power of such operations comes at the and tackling the underlying material systems
and optimization (1–4) has spurred the recent cost of fragility, however. Quantum states can limitations. Ultimately, building large quantum
development of different physical platforms for decay and decohere during computation, re- systems capable of quantum error correction
quantum processors. The advantage of quan- sulting in errors that accrue more rapidly in will require scaling physical qubits through
tum systems arises from the fundamentally dif- larger systems. Because measurements on quan- miniaturization and high-density integration
ferent way in which information is encoded and tum systems change their states, classical error while eliminating noise to ensure high-fidelity
processed in quantum computers as compared correction is not directly applicable. Quantum control. Both efforts necessitate significant
to classical computers (4). An N-bit classical error correction provides a means to account advances in improving and understanding
register can encode information in N coeffi- for and make use of these changes to enable materials, devising new fabrication processes,
cients (0 or 1), but a register of N quantum low-error computations (5), but it requires sig- and discovering new material systems.
two-level systems (quantum bits, or qubits) nificantly increased system scale and highly Below, we outline the current materials
can exist in a superposition of any of the 2N precise operations. These problems make quan- challenges in five technological platforms for
possible combinations of each qubit state. A tum computing difficult to physically imple- QIP (Table 1): superconducting qubits, semi-
full description therefore requires 2N coeffi- ment (Fig. 1B). conductor gate-defined quantum dots, color cen-
cients, each of which is a complex, continuous Many proof-of-principle demonstrations of ters, ions, and topologically protected Majorana
quantity (Fig. 1A). quantum algorithms (6) have been executed modes. First we introduce some key figures of
Loosely speaking, this exponentially larger on small, noisy quantum computers (7) with merit to parameterize performance in different
information-storing capacity arising from quan- dozens of qubits and error rates that preclude platforms. Then, for each platform, we introduce
tum coherence and entanglement underpins quantum error correction. Recently, a quan- the basic qubit scheme and current fabrication
the ability to execute certain tasks that are tum computer based on 53 superconducting methods, followed by challenges arising from
intractable on classical computers. Appropriate- qubits was shown to outperform the world’s various sources of noise and dissipation in the
largest classical computers in calculating a material systems, the materials limitations to
random circuit (8). Other demonstrations in- scaling that technology, and efforts to find
Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. 2School of Fundamental Science clude implementing quantum approximate alternative material systems. Finally, we dis-
and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan. optimization algorithms on trapped-ion pro- cuss how new approaches to materials science
Department of Physics and Astronomy and Institute of cessors (9) and using bosonic modes to per- for QIP, such as high-throughput characteri-
Applied Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826,
Korea. 4Department of Physics, Institute for Quantum
form calculations that are computationally zation of devices and materials, can lead to the
Electronics, ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland. 5Institut hard, such as calculating the vibronic spectra next generation of quantum hardware.
für Experimentalphysik, Universität Innsbruck, 6020 of small molecules by using the bosonic modes
Innsbruck, Austria. 6IBM Quantum, IBM T. J. Watson Metrics
Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA.
of microwave cavities controlled by qubits
Laboratory for Physical Sciences, University of Maryland, (10, 11). Variational quantum algorithms such The basic performance of qubits is captured
College Park, MD 20740, USA. 8Quantum Materials Center, as variational quantum eigensolvers (12) and with a few key parameters. The first metric
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA.
9 quantum circuit learning (13) have been used characterizes the time interval within which
Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA 16802, USA. 10School of Physics and to calculate energies of simple molecules information stored in a single qubit is lost,
Center of Excellence in Advanced Functional Materials, (14–16), simulate lattice models (17), and im- generally referred to as the coherence time,
Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima prove efficiency of machine learning (18). T2. One limit on coherence is dissipation: The
30000, Thailand. 11Kavli Foundation, 5715 Mesmer Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA 90230, USA. The next frontier in QIP is to achieve quan- qubit loses energy to its environment with
*Corresponding author. Email: tum advantage (19, 20) for useful problems, a characteristic relaxation time T1 (21)—for

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 1 of 19


example, by spontaneous emission. This relaxa- be mitigated with additional control. The in- lution of the qubit, thus canceling the effects
tion places an upper bound on the coherence homogeneous dephasing time, T2*, arises from of inhomogeneity (22). The resulting, extended
time T2 < 2T1 for all qubits. In addition to quasi-static inhomogeneity in the transition coherence time is referred to as T2,echo. More
relaxation, qubits can experience dephasing frequency—for example, from magnetic field complex sequences of multiple pulses, known
that arises from uncontrolled changes to the variations that change the Zeeman energy in as dynamical decoupling, may extend the co-
energy splitting between qubit levels. spin-based qubits. This dephasing can be cor- herence to longer times, denoted as T2,DD. Con-
The relevant qubit dephasing time depends rected by driving the qubit with a Hahn echo versely, such pulse sequences can also serve as
on the QIP task at hand, and some noise can sequence, in which a pulse reverses the evo- a valuable tool for probing the environmental
noise spectrum, and these techniques have
been deployed in superconducting (23), ion
A B trap (24), color center (25), and gate-defined
1024 quantum dot (26–28) systems.
In addition to the storage time in a qubit,

Algorithm size
the time required to implement logic gates
and the fidelity of logic gates are important
106 metrics to consider. Logic gates are imple-
mented in most platforms by the application
10−5 ~Thre
of electromagnetic radiation, such as microwave
Ga10 or optical pulses. The gate fidelity F, expressed
te Current systems 104
inf 10−3 103
lity 102
q ubits
as a percentage, is a metric that assesses how
10−2 101 ic a l
100 # phys accurately the physical realization of a gate
implements the desired transformation (4),

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Fig. 1. Errors in quantum bits. (A) Bloch-sphere representation of a single-qubit state; a superposition of and hence the approximate number of gates
0 and 1 is described by a complex amplitude with magnitude and phase, which can be viewed as residing on that can be implemented before introducing
the surface of the unit sphere. Errors from imperfect gates or decoherence result in deviations (shaded some total error. Logic gates are executed over
region) from the ideal vector, thereby decreasing fidelity. As a result, quantum error correction (QEC) is a finite time, during which decoherence from
likely essential for most applications of quantum computation. (B) Theoretical overheads associated with the underlying noise affecting qubits imposes
QEC in a specific case of the surface code (32). The number of error correction cycles achievable one limit on F. The ratio of the gate duration
(proportional to the number of operations possible on logical qubits) is plotted against the number of to coherence time bounds approximately what
physical qubits required for each single logical qubit and the limiting two-qubit gate infidelity, 1 – F. For gate fidelities can be expected given the un-
systems with errors below a threshold infidelity, larger computations are possible at the cost of increased derlying noise in physical qubits.
physical qubit counts. Threshold, error scaling, and overhead requirements depend strongly on choice of Beyond decoherence, limits to achievable
code (31) and on the physical nature of the error. [Image courtesy of Ying Li and Simon Benjamin] fidelities can arise from imperfections in the

Table 1. Five quantum computing hardware platforms and associated sources of noise.

Where the quantum Known sources of noise

Platform information is stored
Bulk materials Surfaces and interfaces
Superconducting qubits Energy eigenstates of • Substrate dielectric loss • Uncontrolled oxides and
Josephson junction–based • Excess quasiparticles in contaminants host two-level
electronic resonant circuits superconducting metal cause systems, causing dissipation and
dissipation and dephasing dephasing
• Surface spins and charges
cause flux noise and charge
noise, respectively
Gate-defined quantum dots Spin states of electrons or • High mobility required for • Charge traps and magnetic
holes confined in electrostatic individual dot formation impurities at the dielectric
potential • Nuclear spins limit T2 interfaces
• Interface inhomogeneity:
Variation in valley splitting and
spin-orbit coupling
Color centers Electronic orbital and spin • Paramagnetic impurities and Dangling bonds and electron
states nuclear spins limit T2 traps at the surface affect T2
• Extended defects lead to and optical coherence for
strain and limit T2* shallow NV centers
Ion traps Electronic transitions within (Not a significant noise source) Electric-field noise heats ion
individual atomic ions motion
Majorana zero modes Non-Abelian topological phase Defect density in nanowires Semiconductor-superconductor
of Majorana zero modes nanowire interface that creates a
proximity hard gap

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 2 of 19


control signals that implement logic gates, or For most solid-state qubits, improvements The transmon (38) and x-mon (39) consist of
from excitation to undesired energy levels. in single-qubit coherence—potentially driven a capacitively shunted Josephson junction
Gates that operate on single qubits, together by materials science—will have a direct impact where the junction acts as a nonlinear in-
with those that implement interactions and on quantum computing capabilities. For other ductor (Fig. 2A). The fluxonium qubit (40)
generate entanglement between two qubits, are platforms, such as trapped ions, single-qubit consists of an inductively shunted Josephson
sufficient for universal quantum computation coherence times are unaffected by materials junction. By changing the applied magnetic
(29); the latter require physical mechanisms for considerations and are already long enough flux through a superconducting loop, its po-
interactions between distinct qubits, and they that they do not limit current systems; how- tential well structure can be substantially
can be sensitive to sources of noise that may ever, materials issues can pose problems for changed, resulting in changes in its matrix
not affect operations on individual qubits. In multiqubit operations and for scaling. Such elements and its sensitivity to different sources
any platform, two-qubit gates typically operate problems are likely to play an increasing role of decoherence. The capacitively shunted flux
with lower fidelity than single-qubit gates. in all platforms as systems mature. qubit (41, 42) consists of three Josephson junc-
Lower error rates generally allow for more Here, we introduce five quantum comput- tions forming a superconducting quantum in-
sophisticated algorithms on current hardware ing hardware platforms and describe the terference device (SQUID) loop (43), shunted
(8, 30), and future error-correcting quantum current understanding of noise and dissipa- by a large capacitor where the qubit state is an
computers will likely require fidelities far be- tion in each system. For each platform we energy eigenstate of the persistent current in
yond 99.9% across a large-scale device (31–33); discuss future directions, including prospects the SQUID loop (the magnetic flux through the
higher-fidelity operations translate to reduced for scaling and seeking new materials. In loop). A relatively new superconducting qubit,
overheads associated with quantum error cor- each case, bulk properties can limit material the gatemon, uses a voltage-tunable semicon-
rection (Fig. 1B). Reliably achieving such low choice and can place stringent constraints on ductor weak-link barrier for the Josephson
error rates in a scalable platform will un- material synthesis and purity. Additionally, junction (44). In all these devices, Josephson
doubtedly require exquisite control over the surfaces and interfaces introduce sources of tunnel junctions play a crucial role as the

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constituent materials in any platform. noise and loss, an understanding of which is nonlinear element, providing anharmonicity
Coherence times and gate fidelities are use- important for guiding fabrication schemes to the energy levels of the circuit, and there-
ful in assessing basic physical hardware but do and qubit design. fore allowing the isolation of just two levels
not capture the requirements for operation of within a larger Hilbert space (45).
large-scale systems. As QIP systems mature, Superconducting qubits Superconducting qubits are one of the most
various groups are working to identify new Superconducting qubits encode information in mature QIP platforms, and state-of-the-art
metrics to capture complex systems; for ex- the energy eigenstates of Josephson junction– processors based on superconducting trans-
ample, the metric of quantum volume param- based electronic circuits (35–37). There are mon qubits have been scaled up to 65 fully
eterizes computational capacity in a scalar several types of superconducting qubits with programmable qubits on one chip (46). Record
value that incorporates qubit number, fidel- differing circuit construction and therefore fidelities include a single-qubit gate fidelity of
ities, connectivity, and cross-talk (34). different sensitivities to material-related noise: 99.97% (47), readout fidelity of 99.8% (47),


Amorphous oxide:
two-level systems

Fig. 2. Superconducting qubit. (A) Schematic illustration of a super- AlOx. (C) QP tunneling through the junction leads to dissipation and
conducting transmon qubit. A transmon is an anharmonic microwave dephasing, and QP transport across the surface of the superconductor
resonator created by capacitively shunting a Josephson tunnel junction (or leads to dissipation. (D) Electromagnetic energy in the capacitor can be
junctions). The qubit state is controlled by applying a resonant microwave absorbed by lossy dielectrics in the substrate, the metal-substrate interface,
signal. (B) Typical cross section scanning electron micrograph of a Josephson the metal-air interface, or the substrate-air interface. (E) Surface spins
junction (120). Insets: Two-level systems may arise from the amorphous contribute to flux noise.

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 3 of 19


and two-qubit gate fidelity of 99.5% (47). T1 clude sapphire [tan(d) < 10 –8] (59) or high- equilibrium QPs in both resonators and qubits
times are typically ~100 ms (45). For fixed- resistivity silicon [tan(d) < 10–6] (60). absorb the stored microwave energy; for the
frequency transmon qubits, T2,echo ≈ T1 ≈ densities estimated above, models suggest that
100 ms, and typical gate times are around a Sources of noise and dissipation the qubit T1 would be limited to a few hundred
few hundred nanoseconds (48, 49). Tunable Researchers working on superconducting qubits microseconds (Q = 106 to 107), comparable to the
transmons or capacitively shunted flux qubits have primarily focused on two models for loss quality factors of current state-of-the-art devices
can allow for much faster gate times, around and dissipation, namely two-level systems (TLSs) (81, 83, 85).
tens of nanoseconds (45), but their tunability in dielectrics and non-equilibrium quasipar- For superconducting resonators, the loss as-
also renders them more susceptible to flux ticles (QPs) in the superconductor. Here, we sociated with QPs decreases with an increase
noise, typically resulting in faster decoher- outline some of the key experimental obser- in applied microwave power, making it diffi-
ence T2,echo ≈ 20 ms (8, 45). This trade-off vations that suggest the relevance of these cult to experimentally distinguish QP-related
leads to similar two-qubit gate fidelities for models. Interestingly, the observed microwave loss from loss associated with TLS behavior
these two architectures. loss in superconducting quantum circuits in- (80, 86). Although the cause of non-equilibrium
creases with decreasing microwave power at QPs is not known, potential mechanisms in-
Material choices cryogenic temperature (50). This observation clude stray infrared or optical photons, high-
Josephson junctions in superconducting qubits points to a loss mechanism different from energy phonons, or cosmic rays (80, 87–90).
are typically fabricated from aluminum and known bulk dielectric loss mechanisms, such Without the exact cause identified, one mate-
aluminum oxide (Al/AlOx/Al) because a thin as nonlinear optical processes or coupling to rial solution to reduce the effect from QPs is
insulating thermal barrier is desired, and the phonons (61, 62). to engineer the superconducting gap in the
thickness of AlOx is kinetically limited during One microscopic model for these observa- junction structure (77, 91) or manufacture sur-
growth to a few nanometers (Fig. 2B). To tions is the discrete TLS model (Fig. 2B, inset), face traps (92) to reduce dissipation from QPs.
avoid dissipation by defects in the junction which was originally formulated to explain a Despite extensive study of the dependence

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(50–52), the typical junction has lateral di- number of properties of amorphous solids at of dissipation on device parameters and geom-
mensions on the order of 100 nm and is low temperature and has been applied to ex- etry, the exact microscopic origins of dissi-
formed by first creating a shadow stencil in a plain some results associated with super- pation in superconducting qubits remain
polymer resist by electron-beam (e-beam) li- conducting qubit devices (63, 64). In this model, unknown. State-of-the-art qubits exhibit T1
thography. After the resist is developed, two the qubit’s electric field couples to a discrete much shorter than the limits imposed by
layers of Al are evaporated at two different TLS, resulting in a shorter T1 for the qubit. At bulk dielectric loss (93–95), which suggests
angles with an oxidation step between the larger electric fields and higher temperatures, that surfaces and interfaces are likely major
two depositions, and the small overlap from the TLS can be saturated, resulting in less loss; limiting factors. Although surfaces and inter-
the two evaporation steps forms the junction the predicted power dependence from the TLS faces (Fig. 2D) comprise small volumes and
(53, 54) (Fig. 2C). loss model has been observed in a variety of have low overlap with the electromagnetic
This material system has several advantages: systems and device geometries (50, 65–70). A mode in a superconducting qubit, they can
(i) Thin AlOx layers have few pinholes and comprehensive list of measured loss tangents become a dominant source of loss if they house
therefore produce low current leakage in at low power and low temperature for various materials with high loss tangent. The energy
the junction (55); (ii) aluminum has a low- materials is compiled in (71). Discrete TLSs participation ratio of an interface can be used
temperature melting point that makes metal can be observed in the qubit spectrum when to estimate a limit for T1 (60). For example, if
deposition compatible with lithography resists they strongly couple to the modes of the cir- an interface contains a material with loss
and lift-off (56); and (iii) AlOx can be formed cuit. Several studies have focused on character- tangent tan(d) ~ 10–2 to 10–3 (values that are
on Al in a self-limiting manner that allows izing the dipole moment, density, and lifetime typical for oxides and polymers), an energy
deposition of all three layers (Al/AlOx/Al) in of strongly coupled TLSs (50, 51, 72–75). How- participation of 100 parts per million at that
situ during a single pump-down. Aside from ever, it has not yet been well established interface (a typical value for qubits with long
the junction itself, capacitors and inductors whether these observed strongly coupled TLSs coherence times) (96) will limit the qubit T1
are patterned with lateral extents up to a few are the primary loss mechanism, and their to a few hundred microseconds (Q = 106 to
hundred micrometers (Fig. 2A) and have been origins in the fabrication process are still 107), which is comparable to experimental
made with aluminum as well as other super- unknown. observation in state-of-the-art qubits.
conducting metals and alloys via photo- or Another microscopic model for the observed Much work in improving coherence over
e-beam lithography. Other common metals for loss is the presence of broken Cooper pairs, the past decade has focused on systematically
these components include elemental super- termed nonequilibrium QPs (Fig. 2C). QPs can varying the qubit geometry to change the
conductors (Nb) and nitride-based alloys (TiN exchange energy with the qubit when they degree of overlap between the electromagnetic
and NbTiN) (57). tunnel through the Josephson junction, or they mode and the interfaces or surfaces of the
Superconducting qubits can store a sub- can give rise to resistive losses in the super- device (60, 94, 97–101) and preparing surfaces
stantial fraction of their electric field energy conducting metal. If the superconducting de- to reduce lossy oxides before growth or dep-
in the substrate, so it is important to select a vice were in thermal equilibrium with the osition of the superconducting metal (97, 102).
substrate material that has low dielectric loss. refrigerator at temperatures T < 100 mK << Tc, Surface-related loss could arise from uncon-
Approximating the qubit as a harmonic oscil- where Tc is the superconducting transition trolled surface states, oxides, or contamination.
lator, its lifetime T1 can be expressed in terms temperature, the QP density should be neg- Several investigations of surface loss have used
of the quality factor Q = 2pf T1 = 1/tan(d), ligibly small (76). However, a number of ex- superconducting resonators (without junctions)
where f is the resonant frequency of the qubit periments studying single–Cooper pair devices, to enable rapid exploration and a wider range of
and tan(d) is the loss tangent of the material microwave kinetic inductance detectors, and microwave power and temperature. Interface
(50, 58). In the gigahertz frequency range, this superconducting qubit devices estimate a cleaning such as O2 plasma etching or weak-ion
loss is typically the result of absorption by QP density on the order of 1 QP per cubic milling before metal deposition improves the
charged ions or dipoles followed by reemission micrometer arising from unknown excitation quality factors of Al superconducting resonators
as phonons. Common low-loss substrates in- above the superconducting gap (77–84). Non- on sapphire (97).

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 4 of 19


More recently, superconducting qubits with This general trade-off between size and co- beyond the state of the art established almost
tantalum shunting capacitors deposited on herence poses a problem for scaling systems 10 years ago, presumably because the domi-
sapphire have shown T1 and T2,DD exceeding to large numbers of qubits. Future-generation nant loss mechanism in those previous efforts
0.3 ms and represent a factor of ~3 improvement processors with thousands or more qubits will was not related to the interface under study.
over the prior state of the art (95). Tantalum require solving the surface noise issue to enable However, given that advances in design, pack-
forms thin, kinetically limited, chemically robust scaling up to high-density quantum processors. aging, and characterization techniques have
oxides, in contrast to niobium. These recent One of the major roadblocks to scaling qubits yielded improvements in and greater under-
advances suggest that optimizing constituent will be qubit-to-qubit variation. Specifically, the standing of the qubit environment, it is an
materials and systematically improving and temporal or spatial (on-chip) variation in qubit opportune time to revisit material platforms
passivating surfaces will be a critical frontier frequencies can reduce the yield of the device for superconducting qubits. Recent results
in the improvement of superconducting qubits. or complicate the calibration of quantum gates. showing improved coherence with tantalum-
In addition to dissipation, dephasing can The junction critical current that governs the based planar transmons (95) suggest that a
be caused by low-frequency material-related inductance of the qubit is exponentially sensi- systematic exploration of other materials may
magnetic and charge noise, particularly for tive to the thickness of the tunnel barrier (76), also yield improvements in qubit coherence
frequency-tunable qubits. Magnetic noise (or which is typically an amorphous AlOx layer time. As another example, the demonstration
flux noise) primarily couples to the qubit (Fig. 2B). As a result, angstrom-scale variation of of the “gatemon” with a semiconducting tun-
through SQUID loops used in tunable qubits. the barrier thickness (120) can yield a few per- nel barrier is an excellent example of new
As a result, T2,echo times in tunable qubits are cent variation in the critical current (120–122), material platforms leading to a new capability
typically ≤50 ms and are limited by a back-
pffiffiffiffiffiffi which in turn causes a few percent variation in of voltage-based frequency tuning (44, 139).
ground flux noise of a few mF0 = Hz at 1 Hz, the qubit frequency. In addition, the junction Separately, improving substrates for low di-
where the magnetic flux quantum F0 = h/(2e), barrier can “age” either by diffusion of oxygen or electric loss or low flux noise is another pos-
h is Planck’s constant, and e is the electron change of chemical composition after thermal sible area of study. So far, sapphire and silicon
charge (84, 103–107). This flux noise, which

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cycling or after storage in ambient conditions substrates have been essentially the only sub-
exhibits a 1/f spectrum, is universal in SQUIDs for many days (123–125). Variation in the ob- strates deployed in superconducting qubits
regardless of their inductance, geometry, or served coherence times T1 and T2 can also affect with long coherence times (56). There has
choice of metal (108). Most models and ex- the gate fidelity. The coherence times can drift not yet been a systematic study of the impact
periments point to randomly oriented electron or change suddenly over hours and days, even of different synthetic methods and different
spins (Fig. 2E) as the source of flux noise, while the device is held at cryogenic temper- surfaces and interface preparations on dielectric
clustered locally within and around the SQUID atures (89, 95, 126, 127). The origin of this loss at low powers and low temperatures, or a
loop (108–113). Because flux noise is nearly instability is unknown, but recent work sug- wide-ranging exploration of alternative sub-
independent of the type of metals used and gests either interaction with a TLS (126, 127) strate materials. It will be beneficial to collab-
is of greater magnitude than the noise pre- or incident cosmic rays as potential contrib- orate with researchers from bulk crystal and
dicted from the abundance of nuclear spins utors (89). thin-film growth, as well as from other QIP
in the metal and Si substrate, it is unlikely to Scaling to a large number of qubits can in- systems such as semiconducting qubits or color
be caused by nuclear spins (114). The esti- troduce new challenges even with high-quality centers, who have uncovered analogous sources
mated spin density for the observed flux noise individual qubits and two-qubit gates. For ex- of noise in potential substrate materials.
is roughly 5 × 1017/m2 (114, 115). Recent studies ample, routing control and readout signals to
showed that the flux noise can be reduced by and from each qubit can introduce additional Quantum dots
preventing adsorption of gas species on the errors and cross-talk. Microwave fields extend Gate-defined quantum dots in semiconductors
metal surfaces and formation of the native away from the qubit plane by ~100 mm, and (Fig. 3A) store qubits primarily in spin states
oxide (105, 116). The materials science un- the additional dielectrics and defects impli- of quantum confined electrons or holes. The
derlying flux noise is a long-unresolved ques- cated in typical three-dimensional (3D) wiring needed confinement is created by potential
tion that has been studied for decades in structures can form a major dissipation source. landscapes that are shaped by voltages applied
SQUID detectors and now merits systematic The various electromagnetic modes supported to electrodes. Position-dependent electric di-
investigation in the context of advanced su- by a complex qubit array and/or wiring struc- poles, or charge states, could be used to form
perconducting qubit technology. ture can form additional loss channels (128). qubit states (140, 141), but strong coupling to
Low-frequency 1/f charge and offset drift One approach to mitigate these problems re- charge noise creates rapid decoherence, and
noise observed with superconducting qubits lies on 3D wiring structures separated from we do not consider this type of qubit here. In
also shows a power spectral density on the the qubit layer by interposers; such interpos- 1998, Loss and DiVincenzo first proposed a
order of (10–3e)2/f (117–119). The microscopic ers must be composed of low-loss crystalline universal set of single- and two-qubit gates
origin of this noise has not been identified materials, thereby presenting new fabrication based on the individual electron spins in
(117–119). Instead, the issue has so far been challenges (129, 130). tunnel-coupled semiconductor quantum dots
addressed through qubit design by adding a (142). Here, the single qubit is controlled by
large shunting capacitor (38) or an inductor New material platforms resonant microwave pulses, whereas the two-
(40) to suppress the sensitivity to charge noise. New material development for superconduct- qubit quantum gate relies on the Heisenberg
As a result, the investigation of charge noise in ing qubits has focused on improving interface exchange interactions enabled by interdot
superconducting qubits has not made much quality or finding more reproducible and stable coupling. Because of this seminal proposal, a
progress in recent decades. junction barriers. In the past decade, epitaxially variety of more sophisticated qubit schemes
grown materials have been explored in order have been proposed that exploit mixing among
Materials limitations to scaling to improve the junction interface (131–134) or spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom
Superconducting qubits are typically fabricated to improve the quality of the interface be- of quantum confined electron states in semi-
with large lateral dimensions (≥100 mm) to tween the substrate and superconducting conductor quantum dots and include two
reduce the surface participation ratio and film (102, 135–138). Such efforts have not yet electron spin states in a double quantum dot
thereby achieve long coherence times (93). shown improvement of the device coherence (singlet-triplet) (143), as well as three electron

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Fig. 3. Semiconductor quantum dot spin qubit. (A) Schematic illustration of a each other by thin dielectric layers (gray). (B) Nuclear spin fluctuations in the
gate-defined quantum dot spin qubit device. Semiconductor quantum dot spin substrate can be a dominant noise source for spin qubits, particularly in materials
qubits use electrostatically confined single-electron or single-hole spin states and with no nuclear spin–zero isotopes. (C) Charge traps and two-level fluctuations can
exchange coupling between spins for single- and two-qubit operations. Control reside at the dielectric interface. (D) Electrical noise from the environment
pulses are superposed with DC voltages to implement quantum gates. The main (materials, cryogenic system, control electronics, etc.) affects dot energy detuning
layers of the gate structure include screening (orange), onsite energy control and tunnel coupling. (E) Imperfect interface quality between the substrate and
(blue), and interdot tunnel coupling control (brown) gates electrically isolated from upper layer leads to inhomogeneity in the potential and the valley splitting.

spin states in both triple quantum dots (144) Overlapping gate stack structures with in- magnetic-field fluctuations arising from nuclear
and double quantum dots (145). Currently, terface dielectric layers have become widely spins in isotopes such as 69Ga, 71Ga, and 75As
the implementation of the single spin and used in fabricating processors with larger (162, 163). Indeed, advanced dynamical decou-
singlet-triplet schemes in silicon-based quan- numbers of qubits (150–154). These structures pling and fast Hamiltonian estimation tech-
tum dots has led to state-of-the-art single- are especially important for silicon quantum niques improved qubit performance, with
and two-qubit gate times on the order of 100 dots, in which the relatively large effective T2,DD > 300 ms (164), T2* > 2 ms (165), and single-
and 200 ns (146) with F exceeding 99.6% and mass requires a substantial reduction in li- qubit F ≥ 99%. However, all stable isotopes of
98%, respectively (147, 148). thography feature size (pitch < 100 nm, width Ga and As have nonzero nuclear spin, so it is
Typical semiconductor qubit chips use a < 50 nm) relative to larger-scale quantum dot impossible to eliminate the source of fluctu-
high-mobility 2D charge carrier gas formed designs in III-V semiconductors (143, 155). ating hyperfine fields in this material. This
either by chemical doping or electrostatic Although we focus on gate-defined quantum limitation has motivated the recent intense
accumulation. A stack of electrodes with dots, other technologies based on semicon- effort to implement quantum dots in Si, which
nanometer-scale dimensions is used to con- ductors, such as shallow donor quantum dot has a much lower natural abundance of spin-½
trol on-site and interdot coupling energies. A devices (26, 156), generally follow similar isotopes (29Si, 4.7%) that can be further sup-
single-electron transistor proximal to a qubit fabrication procedures. Hybrid quantum sys- pressed by semiconductor isotope engineer-
array acting as a highly sensitive electrome- tems with superconducting cavities integrated ing (166).
ter (Fig. 3A) is used to perform qubit readout with semiconductor quantum dots (157, 158) The current state of the art is implemented
primarily by spin-to-charge conversion methods also show promising results for realizing long- in Si/SiGe heterostructures, Si metal-oxide semi-
such as Pauli spin blockade (143) or energy- range qubit interactions (159–161), but we focus conductor (Si-MOS) structures, and comple-
selective tunneling (149). As summarized re- on materials issues in spin qubit arrays using mentary MOS (CMOS) structures. In addition,
cently (150, 151), fabrication relies on physical nearest-neighbor interactions. early work exploiting spin-orbit interaction
mesa formation with reactive ion etching, to enable fast electric control of spin states
ohmic contact formation by ion implanta- Material choices (167, 168) has led to the active exploration of
tion and rapid thermal annealing, metalliza- Initial demonstrations of quantum control of hole spin-orbit qubits in Ge and Si-CMOS
tion and dielectric isolation primarily using spins in semiconductor quantum dots were quantum dot devices (169, 170).
e-beam evaporation and low-temperature oxi- implemented in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures
dation, and metallization and gate region pat- (143, 155). Among various noise sources that Sources of noise and dissipation
terning with ~10-nm dimensions by means of limit the coherence time of spin qubits, the Various decoherence sources exist in semi-
e-beam lithography. dephasing in GaAs was mainly limited by conductor quantum dot devices, including

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 6 of 19


pure dephasing by fluctuating nuclear spins charges can be introduced to the gate oxide liminary step toward larger-scale integration
through the hyperfine interaction, paramagnetic and other dielectric layers (Fig. 3C) during (191, 192). Fields associated with qubit excita-
impurities in the bulk material or interfaces, various high-energy processing steps, includ- tions in quantum dots are localized within
and charge fluctuation–induced decoherence ing ion implantation and plasma-based pro- ~100 nm, which sets a natural length scale for
mediated by the spin-orbit interaction. cesses. Likewise, strain fields stemming from integration. As such, standard CMOS-type 3D
Figure 3B schematically shows nuclear spins elastic distortions at metal/semiconductor wiring, with wiring layers a few micrometers
around a confined-electron spin qubit as a interfaces can induce quantum dots at un- away from qubits, may be more compatible
primary noise source. This noise source can intentional locations or even deplete car- with quantum dot devices than superconduct-
be suppressed by isotopic purification of the riers in nearby regions, motivating the use of ing qubits.
host material, which is possible for any element polysilicon gates in some studies to reduce
with stable zero–nuclear spin isotopes (166). To the strain field (179). New material platforms
fully make use of the limited amount of sep- Modern gate-defined semiconductor quan- Harnessing the hole spin degree of freedom in
arated spin-free isotopes, such isotopes are used tum dots use Heisenberg exchange or capac- Si and Ge is emerging as an attractive route
to grow thin single crystalline layers on top of itively mediated nearest-neighbor interactions in semiconductor gate-defined quantum dots
natural substrates by means of chemical vapor (146, 148, 180) to achieve single- and two-qubit (169, 193). Relative to electron spins, holes in
deposition (CVD) and/or molecular beam epi- gates, and uncontrolled charge fluctuation the valence band have two distinct advantages.
taxy (MBE) (166). Single-electron spin qubits (Fig. 3, C and D) sets the ultimate limit on First, the vanishing p-type atomic orbital at the
using enriched 28Si CVD epilayers formed on the single- and two-qubit F as these inter- nuclei leads to reduced contact hyperfine in-
natural silicon substrates have demonstrated actions lead to electric coupling. Although teraction for a given density of nuclear spins,
more than an order of magnitude improve- little is known about microscopic sources thus allowing for long spin coherence times;
ment in coherence relative to natural silicon, and relative contributions stemming from second, their intrinsically large spin-orbit cou-
leading to T2* ~ 120 ms for gate-defined MOS bulk, interface/surface, or cryogenic equipment pling allows for fast, purely electrical spin con-
quantum dots (147), T2* ~ 20 ms for gate-

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(181), recent work in Si/SiGe quantum dot trol. Prior work on spin-orbit controlled qubits
defined Si/SiGe quantum dots (27), and T2,DD ~ devices (182) identified the role of nonuniform has used electrons in InAs (167) and InSb (168)
500 ms for electrons bound to phosphorus distribution of TLS near the surfaces in con- for fast electric control of spin states. However,
donors (26). Dynamical decoupling measure- tributing to low-frequency charge noise, under- the large spin-orbit coupling can couple to
ments reveal a noise spectrum consistent with scoring the importance of controlling defect charge fluctuations and lead to short co-
1/f noise in these studies (27), indicating that densities in the gate stack. herence time. Hole spins in Ge quantum dots
decoherence in these systems is limited by are attracting renewed attention in this con-
noise sources other than background nuclear Materials limitations to scaling text owing to favorable balance between spin-
spins. Indeed, with isotopic enrichment, Si/ Although operating parameters such as qubit orbit strength and coherence time (169). In
SiGe triple quantum dot devices have shown energy and qubit-to-environment tunnel cou- terms of device fabrication, the small effective
coherence times limited by surface or interface pling energies are tunable by many orders mass created by strain and quantum confine-
paramagnetic impurities, presumably intro- of magnitude in gate-defined quantum dots ment leads to larger level spacings relative to
duced inadvertently during the device fabri- (183), scaling up will still require a high level silicon and allows for larger quantum dot sizes
cation process (171). Isotopically pure 28Si of device uniformity and fabrication yield. Cur- and easier fabrication. In addition, almost any
(>99.92%) epilayers grown on 300-mm wafers rent efforts toward realizing scalable quantum metal can be used to make ohmic contact to
are currently moving toward industry-level dot arrays include electron confinement in confined holes in Ge without the need for local
production (172). It is also possible to isotopi- foundry-fabricated quantum dot devices (184) doping or implantation with associated high
cally purify Ge by removing 7.8% abundant and electron mobility characterization of wafer- thermal budget. Hole-spin qubits in CMOS
Ge that has a spin of 9/2 (173). scale 28Si (172). silicon (170), Ge nanowires (194), and Ge/SiGe
The density of carrier scattering sites in the One major source of disorder in silicon heterostructures (195) have been experimen-
bulk directly affects the ability to form a stable quantum dots is in the interface between the tally demonstrated with single-qubit gate times
quantum dot at an intended location. It is silicon and the capping layer (Fig. 3E). This of ≤10 ns, allowing for a ratio of coherence time
common to use ultrahigh-purity bulk semi- interface is engineered through strain, con- to gate time exceeding a few hundred (196).
conductor substrates with a low-temperature finement, and electric fields to lift the valley Similar to color-center qubits, allotropes of
electronic mobility exceeding a few square degeneracy, which is crucial for achieving long carbon can be a good host material for quan-
meters per volt-second (174). Even for high- coherence times (185) and ensuring spin-to- tum dot spin qubits. Early demonstrations in
mobility samples, T1 can be limited by charge charge conversion efficiency (186). Atomic-scale carbon nanotubes have shown initial quan-
fluctuations in a strongly coupled electronic steps and defects at this interface can lead to tum dot confinement and spin control (197).
reservoir (see EF in energy landscape of Fig. disorder in this valley splitting (187). Si-MOS Bandgap-engineered few-layer graphene is also
3A) (175). Slow charge background drift or quantum dots can have larger valley splitting emerging as a promising platform for hosting
TLS behavior in the vicinity of a quantum dot than Si/SiGe because of hard confinement from highly coherent and controllable quantum dot
can also hinder sensitive charge stability mea- the silicon oxide layer (188). However, the oxide spin qubits (198), with the possibility of isotopic
surements (176) and limit coherence times. interface can also be a source of larger disorder purification of nuclear spin–free 12C. Recent
Through charge noise spectroscopy, root- than the epitaxial interface of Si/SiGe quan- experimental work (199) has demonstrated
mean-square (rms) charge noise on the order tum wells. Strong inversion asymmetry at the single-electron confinement in a double–
of a few microelectron volts is typically ob- semiconductor/dielectric interface can also lead quantum dot device fabricated on mechani-
served (177). to spin-orbit interaction, allowing for new con- cally exfoliated bilayer graphene. However,
Charged defects—for example, in an insulat- trol schemes (189, 190). Such schemes would reliable single- and two-qubit gate operations
ing layer on the silicon—can lead to localiza- require a high degree of spatial uniformity, have not yet been demonstrated, as this re-
tion of electrons in unintentional parasitic particularly in the interface quality. quires control of the valley degree of freedom
quantum dots at low temperature and low Arrays of ~10 quantum dots have been dem- (just as in silicon) and methods for efficient
electron density (178). In addition, trapped onstrated in both silicon and GaAs as a pre- spin-to-charge conversion for readout.

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 7 of 19


These challenges call for substantial de- poor optical properties—low efficiency of emis- etching diamond (227, 228) is highly suscep-
velopments in materials science, such as the sion in the zero-phonon line, susceptibility to tible to process contamination (229), making
growth of large-area, high–electronic mobil- local electric fields, and incompatibility with high-yield, scalable fabrication difficult.
ity, few-layer graphene with strain-induced telecommunication fiber optics—have mo-
bandgap and valley splitting. Furthermore, as tivated the development of other systems, Material choices
we make progress in gaining control over dis- particularly for the application of long-distance Color centers in wide-bandgap semiconduc-
order in 2D atomically thin materials to en- quantum networks. In diamond, recent work tors such as diamond and silicon carbide can
able electrically gated quantum dots (200), has focused on the negative (207) and neutral exhibit long coherence times at room temper-
we can envision opportunities that might (208) silicon vacancy (SiV) centers as well as ature because these host materials feature
exploit both the spin and valley degrees of similar group IV vacancy centers (209). Color high Debye temperatures and low spin-orbit
freedom for storing and transmitting quantum centers in silicon carbide include the NV cen- coupling, which lead to low electron-phonon
information, as recently demonstrated in bilayer ter (210, 211), SiV center (212), vanadium cen- coupling and long spin lifetimes (203). Fur-
graphene devices (201). ter (213), and divacancy (214, 215). Defects in thermore, recent advances in ultrahigh-purity
other material systems such as the T center in diamond synthesis by plasma-enhanced chem-
Color centers Si (216) and rare-earth ions in solid state crystals ical vapor deposition (PECVD) allow for
Color centers are optically addressable qubits (217–219) are also being explored. Although the commercially available bulk substrates with
(Fig. 4A) that are encoded in electron orbital qubits themselves do not require microfabrica- heteroatom impurity concentrations below the
and spin eigenstates associated with single- or tion, their assembly into functional devices and parts per billion (ppb) level (230), ensuring an
few-atom impurities in solid-state host crystals, arrays requires patterning by ion implantation environment with very low magnetic noise
most commonly diamond. The nitrogen vacancy or high-yield growth, as well as fabricating (Fig. 4B).
(NV) center in diamond is the most widely structures in or on top of the host material to For example, diamond has been synthesized
studied system because of its long coherence allow for local control and addressing. The with PECVD using isotopically enriched pre-

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time of several milliseconds at room tem- implantation process introduces lattice dam- cursors to achieve up to 99.999% 12C abundance.
perature (202, 203). The qubit state can be age and unwanted defects that give rise to In such host materials, NV center qubits with
controlled with microwave pulses, yielding electric and magnetic field noise, resulting in millisecond coherence times have been demon-
single-qubit gate times on the order of 50 ns short spin coherence times and spectral diffu- strated (231–233). Similarly, recent work in
(204) and two-qubit gate times on the order sion of the optical transition (220, 221). Both CVD synthesis of SiC has allowed improve-
of 1 ms (205). At low temperature, the state can the rate and collection efficiency of photon ment in coherence time of the divacancy
be controlled optically with gate times on the emission can be improved by the fabrication qubit in SiC by as much as a factor of 40, with
same order (206). However, the NV center’s of photonic structures (222–226). However, T2* ~ 375 ms (234).

- - +
5 nm +
- -
- +

Fig. 4. Nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond. (A) Schematic illustration spin decoherence. (C) Cartoon depiction of uncontrolled surface states that act as
of an NV center in a diamond qubit device. The NV center can be optically spin and charge traps, resulting in a rapid decrease in NV coherence with proximity
initialized, addressed, and read out. Etching nanostructures in the diamond to the surface. Optical excitation can ionize the NV center and the environment,
allows for more efficient photon collection. Metal layers form coplanar wave- causing charge instability of the NV center and the population of traps far from
guides for delivering microwave control pulses and electrodes for DC Stark equilibrium. (D) Atomic force microscopy image of a diamond surface showing
tuning. (B) Atomic structure of an NV center and its local environment. Individual micropits (average surface roughness = 0.35 nm), a surface morphology syndrome
nuclear spins can be used as additional qubits. However, heteroatoms, that leads to a large density of electron traps. (E) Birefringent image of a diamond
paramagnetic defects, charged defects, and extended defects can contribute to crystal showing strain associated with extended defects at larger length scales.

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 8 of 19


Sources of noise and dissipation frequency (247), which decreases the ensemble New material platforms
Many QIP schemes based on color centers T2*. Strain also gives rise to static shifts of the Many possible defect-host combinations have
require the qubits to be placed near the sur- optical transition that lead to an inhomogeneous not yet been explored. The main requirements
face of the host crystal or in a nanofabricated linewidth in CVD diamond of >100 GHz (248), for a host material are (i) stable spin-zero
structure. The spin coherence time of shallow and local strain can also affect the energy split- nuclear isotopes to provide a low–magnetic
NV centers in diamond within 30 nm of the tings and selection rules in the excited-state noise environment, (ii) high-purity synthesis
surface degrades drastically (229, 235). This fine structure. Efforts to synthesize low-strain to ensure low paramagnetic impurity concen-
degradation in coherence is accompanied by diamond substrates are aimed at reducing this trations, and (iii) a sufficient bandgap to host
worsening charge state stability (236, 237) distribution. Separately, the inhomogeneously electronic transitions suitable for optical detec-
and broader optical linewidths (221, 238), broadened linewidth caused by dynamic spec- tion. Several color centers have been explored
indicating that the surface hosts excess elec- tral diffusion can be as large as 1 GHz for over the past two decades, but their discovery
tric and magnetic noise relative to the bulk. charges that are fluctuating at ppb levels (221). has been for the most part serendipitous.
Diamond surfaces are particularly difficult This sensitivity to fluctuating electric fields Purely ab initio prediction of defect proper-
to control because diamond is inert and hard, is especially problematic in microfabricated ties is difficult because of the mismatch in
which makes etching and polishing challeng- structures (238). Such effects are less pro- length scale between atomic defects and the
ing. The surface can host electronic defects nounced for color centers lacking a perma- extended lattice structure (256). Furthermore,
that arise from uncontrolled surface chem- nent electric dipole, such as group IV vacancy the measured properties of color centers can be
istry and adsorbed contaminants (239), which centers in diamond (207–209). complicated by interactions with unintentional
lead to both magnetic noise and spectral dif- As another example, QIP schemes with ar- defects in the host material, such as through
fusion. Recent work has established that rays of atomic defects are typically based on magnetic interaction, charge transfer, or Fermi
rough surface morphology, dangling bonds, dipolar or hyperfine interactions between de- level pinning. Ongoing experimental efforts in
and disorder in surface termination can re- fects (249, 250), which requires exquisite control the community to look for new color centers

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sult in electronic traps that are apparent in over both the strength and sign of the interac- in diamond and silicon carbide primarily use
x-ray spectroscopy (229). By correlating such tion. Large arrays will require control over the ODMR and single-atom fluorescence imaging
measurements with qubit measurements, it positioning of such defects at the nanometer or techniques (257–259). This approach is cum-
was established that these traps give rise to a even subnanometer scale. For color centers, this bersome because it requires that fluorescence
broadband magnetic noise spectrum (Fig. 4C). is very challenging; incorporation during the from a single defect is bright and stable
Local traps at the surface can also induce elec- growth process by means of delta doping allows enough to be observed by conventional means,
tron tunneling and cause rapid ionization of for localization in depth but not lateral posi- and probing spin via fluorescence requires
the NV center even in the absence of optical tioning (233, 251), and ion implantation en- a particular level structure that may not be
illumination (236, 237). tails a large final distribution (straggle) in the present or understood. An alternative approach
Several surface terminations have been ex- positioning. Furthermore, for color centers that is to perform a systematic search for defect-host
plored to mitigate these problems, including incorporate more than one atom or a particular combinations by deterministically introducing
oxygen (229), nitrogen (240), and fluorine (241). geometric configuration, their probabilistic for- heteroatoms into high-purity hosts composed of
In particular, high-quality oxygen termina- mation is also a limitation to scaling. Straggle atoms with stable nuclear spin–free isotopes
tion after polishing and etching to remove in ion implantation is small enough that pre- through ion implantation (208, 260), and then
subsurface damage extended the coherence cise positioning with respect to photonic de- performing high-throughput characterization
time of shallow NV centers over the state of vices has been demonstrated with focused of hosts and defects. This requires a fully in-
the art by more than one order of magnitude ion-beam implantation (252), but this approach tegrated materials pipeline including materials
(229). Other ideal surface terminations have does not provide a route to precise control over growth, implantation and annealing, spin and
also been theoretically proposed (242, 243), interactions among color centers. One demon- optical characterization, and theoretical mod-
but controlling the surface chemistry of dia- strated method for creating atomically precise eling to provide feedback on spectroscopic mea-
mond without inducing surface roughness arrays of phosphorus donors in silicon involves surements. One particularly intriguing area of
(Fig. 4D) or subsurface damage remains an atom-by-atom manipulation in a scanning tun- exploration is to find new, nuclear spin–free
ongoing challenge. neling microscope to remove individual bonds host materials for rare earths (218, 219) and
that can be functionalized with phosphorus transition metals (213, 261), which have been
Materials limitations to scaling and subsequently overgrown with more silicon recently demonstrated as good optical qubits
Although some of the highest-fidelity single- (253). Recent work with this approach showed with many of the same advantages as color
qubit and two-qubit gates have been demon- precise atomic site control and exchange centers (213, 219, 262) but currently suffer
strated in NV centers (99.9952% and 99.2%, interaction–based two-qubit operations between fast dephasing from nuclear spins in their
respectively) (205), efforts to scale in this plat- electrons bound to phosphoros donors in environments.
form are relatively immature. Because of their silicon (254). Such methods have not yet been
efficient optical interface, color centers are deployed in other material systems. An alter- Trapped ions
particularly well suited to modular QIP schemes native is to create color centers in small mol- In ion qubits (Fig. 5A), information is encoded
consisting of small quantum registers based on ecules, which would allow for precise control in electronic states within individual atomic
local nuclear spins, with nodes connected by over the position of qubits through synthetic ions, trapped within ultrahigh vacuum in sys-
photonic links (244–246). Color centers can chemical methods. Recent work has demon- tems operating either at room temperature or
exhibit substantial inhomogeneity and spec- strated optically detected magnetic resonance at temperatures as low as 4 K. Unlike the other
tral diffusion across a substrate because of (ODMR) and T2 of 640 ns for chromium in qubit platforms discussed here, ions are iso-
strain arising from extended defects (Fig. 4E) an organometallic complex (255). Integrating lated in vacuum and are not embedded in noisy
and local electric fields from charged defects such qubits into nuclear spin–free environ- solid-state environments [quantum processors
that couple to the permanent electric dipole ments and multiqubit assemblies with organic based on individual neutral atoms (263, 264)
of the qubit. In NV centers, strain can lead to synthesis could create precisely tuned, large share this property]. As a result, materials con-
static shifts in the spin resonance transition arrays of color centers. siderations generally do not affect coherence of

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Fig. 5. Ion trap qubit. (A) Schematic illustration of elements of a surface- as from photoinduced charging by the various laser fields that control ions, can
electrode Paul trap chip for ion qubits. Ions are confined by Coulomb forces from perturb trap potentials. (C) RF dissipation in dielectrics can contribute to chip
RF and DC electric fields resulting from potentials applied to the top electrode heating and exacerbate E-field noise. (D) Surface-related E-field noise can heat
layer. Electrodes and potentials are designed to confine ions typically ~30 to the ion motion often involved in multi-ion interactions; hence, they can introduce
100 mm in vacuum above the surface. Individual ion qubits’ coherence is generally errors in multiqubit gates. (E) Photonics and electronics integrated within ion
not affected by materials considerations. Labeled panels indicate materials issues trap devices (e.g., for delivering light to a large ion array) are likely to play an
relating to sources of noise and drift affecting multiqubit operations, as well as important role in scaling, but they present various device- and materials-related
components and challenges for scaling. (B) Stray DC fields from dielectrics, such challenges. [Graphics concept adapted with permission from (353)]

single-ion qubits. Materials problems, however, ion state preparation and readout with >99.9% Atoms with two electrons in the valence shell,
can contribute to error in logical operations fidelity (269, 274–276). Currently achievable whose singly ionized state thus has a single
between multiple ions and can have an impact two-qubit gate times are in the range of 0.5 valence electron, are commonly used for QIP;
on scaling considerations. to 100 ms (272, 277, 278), with single-qubit these include isotopes of Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and
State-of-the-art trapped-ion quantum com- gates in the range of 10 ns to 5 ms (269, 279). Yb, among others [see (282) for a discussion of
puting systems currently operate with ~20 in- State preparation and readout are implemented possible qubit encodings within these ions].
dividually controllable and fully connected with lasers, and logic gates are driven by laser Devices for ion qubits are built around the trap
qubits (30, 265–267) and on the order of 50 to beams precisely aligned to ions (280) or by structures that confine them at designed loca-
100 ions in more specialized quantum sim- microwaves (279). tions. In the commonly used radio-frequency
ulation experiments (268). Depending on the Materials issues can affect logical operations (RF) Paul traps, RF and direct-current (DC)
choice of ion species and qubit transition, on ions depending on the physical implemen- voltages applied to trap electrodes typically
trapped-ion qubits can exhibit T2* ≥ 50 s tation of the device constituting the ion trap, confine ions within a few tens to hundreds of
(269) and T2,DD ≥ 1 hour (270). T1 in such as well as the control hardware providing elec- micrometers from electrode surfaces (283).
qubits can be unlimited for any practical trical and optical signals required for compu- Conventional 3D electrode geometries for
purpose, although ions can escape traps, for tations. Electric field noise and drift can affect Paul traps have been in use since the 1950s,
example, through collisions with background the ion motion, thereby affecting the degree of whereas 2D “surface-electrode” or “planar”
gas particles. Although this loss occurs on freedom used to implement logic gates between ion traps, developed during the past two dec-
time scales of many hours or days in typical two or more qubits. To a small degree, ion ades, constitute a promising scalable trap
experiments, in large ensembles of ions this motion can also affect high-fidelity single- architecture (284). All electrodes in such traps
process motivates the need for loss detection qubit logic gates implemented with lasers, are fabricated in a metal layer on the surface
and reloading (271). although this is negligible for microwave- of a chip, with ions trapped above (Fig. 5A),
Because of their long coherence times and driven single-qubit gates. These problems giving a practical path to complex arrays
relative isolation from noisy environments, originating from materials become partic- enabling trapping at multiple regions or trap
trapped ions have demonstrated the highest ularly important for ion trap architectures “zones.” Standard photolithography allows
fidelities for basic quantum operations in any that require closer distances between the ions the straightforward fabrication of the ~10 to
platform. These include single- and two-ion and surfaces, which are a potential route to 100 mm–scale electrodes and few-micrometer
quantum logic gates realized in small-scale larger systems. We summarize these issues gaps typical for such devices, thus directly lever-
systems with 99.9999% (269) and 99.9% below and also refer interested readers to a aging a mature CMOS (285) and microelectro-
(272, 273) fidelity, respectively, and single- more specialized review (281). mechanical system (MEMS) (286) fabrication

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 10 of 19


infrastructure to enable practical operation this noise remain unclear, studies by various and interconnect layers below (Fig. 5E). It
of multiple parallel trapping zones in arrays groups provide key observations. The noise therefore appears that with sufficient atten-
(287). However, the resulting trapping potentials strongly increases in magnitude near surfaces tion to shielding in design, complex wiring
are shallower and less symmetric than in 3D of trap electrodes (291). It can often be sup- can be implemented by known means with-
traps, prompting the development of traps with pressed by cooling traps to 4 K (294), which out sacrificing coherence. However, delivery
complex electrode arrangements in 3D (288). suggests that some processes generating noise of the relevant optical and electronic fields to
are thermally activated processes. The mag- multiple zones in arrays with low cross-talk
Material choices nitude appears to be rather insensitive to the and high precision entails substantial chal-
A variety of metals can be used for trap elec- choice of metal used for trap electrodes (295); lenges for the controlling hardware. Current
trodes, where low resistance is important in more surprisingly, it appears to be insensitive functional systems use 1D arrays of up to tens
minimizing dissipation from oscillating RF cur- to whether traps are operated with super- of optical beams, focused through bulk optics
rents that flow upon application of RF trap conducting electrodes (296), which suggests to micrometer-scale spots inside vacuum cham-
voltages. Although many designs use simple that the noise arises from the surface rather bers to address individual ions within an en-
evaporated or sputtered metal films, thick metal than the bulk. This is also consistent with emble (265, 310). Such techniques have enabled
layers (>5 mm) achieved through electroplating reductions in heating rates observed after var- some of the largest-scale experiments to date,
are used in some traps; such layers are helpful ious electrode surface treatments. For example, but the susceptibility of such systems to drifts
in minimizing drift caused by any dielectric heating rate reductions by a factor of 100 at and vibrations (and resulting noise), along with
exposed in gaps between electrodes (stray DC room temperature have been reported after scaling to thousands of beams or more in a 2D
fields; Fig. 5B) (289) and in realizing low im- in situ argon-ion milling of both gold (297) geometry, present major challenges. Photonic
pedance at the high frequencies essential for and aluminum-copper trap electrodes (298). devices integrated and co-fabricated with planar
microwave-based gates (290). Ex situ milling as well as plasma cleaning have ion traps have recently emerged as a promising
Both the dielectric layers and the substrate also been shown to allow reductions (299, 300); route to address this problem (276, 311, 312).

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supporting the electrodes can be an important marked alterations to frequency and temper- Integrated photonics may also facilitate scaling
source of dissipation. RF loss in these mate- ature scaling have been reported after milling interfaces between ions and photons (313, 314)
rials heats the trap chip (284), resulting in (301). Modest reductions have also been ob- to enable distributed computing; similar ideas
potentially higher electric-field noise (Fig. 5C) served after pulsed-laser cleaning (302). have been implemented in color centers, as
and making practical operation of large de- Informed by these observations, a number described above.
vices challenging. Substrates are chosen for of models have been put forth as to the origin Materials enabling optical routing in wave-
high thermal conductivity to manage dissipa- of the noise (291). Adsorbed atoms (adatoms) guides, as well as active modulation and switch-
tion; common choices include silicon, sapphire, that contaminate electrode surfaces may fluc- ing, present a particular challenge at the blue
crystal quartz, diamond, alumina, and fused tuate and diffuse. Inhomogeneous electric fields and ultraviolet wavelengths corresponding to
silica, depending on device operating temper- on trap surfaces, known as patch potentials, electronic transitions in many ion species, as
ature and fabrication requirements. Low-E may also play a role; a specific class consists the majority of photonics research to date has
dielectrics may help in minimizing RF resistive of localized TLS. RF loss in dielectrics may also focused on near-infrared wavelengths relevant
losses, which scale quadratically with capaci- contribute, either by heating the trap materials to fiber optics and silicon photonics. Recent
tance. This issue may be particularly important or perhaps through the fluctuations funda- developments include realization of single-
for planar traps that incorporate RF ground mentally associated with this dissipation (303). mode waveguides operating with propagation
planes (285, 287), in which the bulk of the field However, the various trends observed in ex- losses of ~8 dB/cm at wavelengths down to
is confined to deposited dielectrics as opposed periments, which include frequency scaling, 390 nm in single-crystal AlN (315) or <3 dB/cm
to the substrate. temperature dependence, and trap-electrode at wavelengths as low as 370 nm in amorphous
distance (301, 304–306), do not conclusively Al2O3 (316). It will be important to assess the
Sources of noise and dissipation support a single model, and multiple mech- limits of active and passive nanophotonic ma-
In ion traps, electrode surfaces generate both anisms likely contribute (291). terial candidates (SiN, Al2O3, AlN, LiNbO3,
electric-field noise and slow drifts (Fig. 5D); In addition to ion heating from electric-field b-BaB2O4 , and GaN, among others) at these
neither affects the coherence of individual noise at megahertz frequencies, slow drifts in wavelengths, along with their susceptibility to
qubits, but the impact on ion motion can be electric fields (up to 100 Hz) can shift ion damage by short-wavelength radiation (317)
substantial. Noise components resonant with positions on nanometer scales and cause drifts and possible material treatments and passiva-
the typical ~1- to 50-MHz oscillation frequen- in oscillation frequencies; these quantities can tion to protect against such damage.
cies of ions in traps can heat ion motion (291). be measured to reconstruct and analyze changes
Multiqubit gates are often mediated by shared in the local charge environment (307). Such drifts Exploratory platform: Topological qubits
modes of motion and as a result are susceptible have been observed in response to visible and Finally, we address topological quantum com-
to errors arising from this noise. In many traps, ultraviolet light scattering off trap surfaces (308) puting (TQC), a long-range vision that relies
this noise does not constitute a dominant gate- and have been attributed to photoelectrons on a foundational advance made by Kitaev
error source, but it impedes reducing trap di- deposited on dielectrics (309). The need for (318), who showed how fault-tolerant quantum
mensions below a few tens of micrometers and precise control of ion oscillation frequencies computation could be carried out using non-
contributes to error in some realizations of for implementing multi-ion gates motivates the Abelian anyons, QPs that are neither fermions
multi-ion gates (276, 292). design of traps with minimal exposed dielectric. nor bosons and that obey non-Abelian statis-
Measurement of incoherent excitation of ion tics. Quantum computation algorithms are car-
motion can provide a highly sensitive probe Materials limitations to scaling ried out by “braiding” these QPs so that they
pffiffiffiffiffiffi of
electric-field noise (below 0:1 mV m1 = Hz at Trapped ions are compatible with the use of are topologically protected from decoherence
~1-MHz frequencies at the ion location); these standard multilayer wiring in trap devices as by local perturbations such as electron-phonon
measurements indicate that this noise is or- implemented in CMOS processes, because the and hyperfine interactions. Theory has rigor-
ders of magnitude higher than expected from top metal forming the trap shields the ion ously identified several condensed matter sys-
Johnson noise (293). Although the origins of from electric fields originating from the wiring tems in which non-Abelian anyons could be

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 11 of 19


realized, including certain fractional quantum (Nb)(NbTiN)] (330–333), Fe-chalcogenide super- epitaxy (MOVPE) (340) or MBE (341), respec-
Hall (FQH) states in high-mobility GaAs/ conductors (334), magnetic atom chains on tively, using the Au-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid
(Ga,Al)As heterostructures (319), as well as superconducting surfaces (335), and hybrid (VLS) method, wherein a patterned array or a
Majorana zero modes (MZMs) in topological Au/superconductor nanowires (336). Despite random arrangement of Au nanoparticles seeds
superconductors and superfluids (320, 321) many sophisticated experimental efforts and vertical nanowire growth. Crystalline disorder
and in quantum spin liquids (322). tantalizing observations, definitive evidence within the InAs or InSb nanowire itself (caused
Theoretical predictions have prompted a for even the existence of MZMs (let alone by stacking faults or impurities) and disorder
surge of experimental activity in pursuit of their non-Abelian character) is still debated within the S/SC interface can lead to trivial
material platforms for TQC. However, in strong (337, 338). subgap states that will decohere any existing
contrast with the other QIP platforms we topological MZMs. The synthesis of InAs or
have discussed, the field still awaits the un- Material choices InSb nanowires of exceptional structural per-
ambiguous experimental realization of a phys- The search for MZMs cuts across a broad swath fection is thus important, although simple
ical qubit. Possible experimental evidence for of materials, a complete discussion of which is metrics such as defect density or electron
non-Abelian anyons was first reported in the well beyond our present scope. As an illustra- mobility for minimally acceptable structural
n = 5/2 FQH state (323), but this has re- tive example of the materials challenges in- and electronic quality have not yet been iden-
mained controversial (324). Two additional volved in developing a TQC platform, we briefly tified. The current state of the art in VLS syn-
recent experiments have made major advances summarize key issues in a system that has thesis yields reasonably high-quality nanowires
toward realizing non-Abelian anyons in the received the most attention to date, hybrid S/ with transconductance mobilities ~ 4 × 104 cm2
FQH regime, reporting fractional statistics SC nanowires. Here, a pair of localized MZMs is V–1 s–1 in MOVPE-grown InSb nanowires (340).
(325) and anyonic braiding in the n = 1/3 FQH predicted at the ends of a narrow-bandgap A metallic superconductor is then deposited
state (326). semiconductor nanowire caused by the combi- either on an individual nanowire device (331)
The pursuit of non-Abelian MZMs in topo- nation of Zeeman splitting, spin-orbit coupling, or globally on a nanowire array (340).

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logical superconductors has involved measure- and a proximity-induced hard superconduct- Superconductors that have been used so far
ments of a rich variety of materials, including ing gap (330). An in-depth discussion of the include Al, Nb, NbTiN, and Sn. The transpar-
vortices at topological insulator/superconductor state of the art in this platform can be found in ency of the S/SC interface is crucial because a
heterointerfaces such as Bi2Se3/NbSe2 (327, 328), recent reviews (332, 333). hard SC gap is required in the proximitized
magnetic topological insulator/superconductor The most common semiconductor compo- region. A promising approach to improved S/
devices such as Cr-doped (Bi,Sb)2Te3/Nb (329), nents of this platform are InAs and InSb SC interfaces is the synthesis of well-ordered
hybrid narrow-bandgap semiconductor/super- nanowires (Fig. 6A) (339). These are com- epitaxial crystalline Al shells on InAs nano-
conductor (S/SC) nanowires [InAs(InSb)/Al monly grown by metal-organic vapor-phase wires (entirely grown through in situ MBE)

Fig. 6. Potential platforms for a topological qubit. (A) Schematic illustration of hybrid semiconductor/superconductor nanowires (342–344). The key
of a proposed scalable topological quantum platform. Localized MZMs are materials challenges in implementing such schemes include precise location of
realized at the ends of topological superconductor channels comprising narrow- the MZMs (B), well-controlled coupling between the MZM and the readout
bandgap semiconductor nanowires (e.g., InAs) proximitized by an epitaxially quantum dot (C), well-characterized and quiet electrostatic gates (D), and
overgrown superconductor “shell” (e.g., Al). The elementary building block transparent epitaxial semiconductor/superconductor interfaces that result in a
shown here is a one-sided “hexon” (339). The states of the MZMs are measured hard proximity gap (E). The structural and electronic quality of the nanowires
by selectively coupling to electrostatically defined quantum dots. (B to themselves is also a challenge because disorder leads to subgap states that can
E) Progress has been made toward the synthesis of deterministic assemblies mimic signatures of MZMs.

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 12 of 19


(341) and on InSb nanowires (grown through inherent band structure and the inhomogeneous discovery pipelines that exploit directed, ra-
two-step MOVPE/MBE with shadow masks) electrostatic potential in S/SC nanowires (337). tional material searches in concert with high-
(342). Tunneling measurements show that both throughput characterization approaches aimed
approaches markedly reduce the density of sub- Materials limitations to scaling at rapid screening for properties relevant to
gap states. Recently, selective-area epitaxial Once the key problem of realizing a MZM is QIP. Third, there are several materials issues
growth of in-plane semiconductor nanowires definitively resolved, detailed schemes have that do not affect single-qubit operations but
with solid source MBE (343), gas-source MBE been proposed for scalable TQC platforms appear as limitations in trying to scale to larger
(344), and MOVPE (345) has been reported. wherein S/SC nanowires are assembled for systems.
Although the quality of nanowires produced manipulating (braiding) and reading out
by selective-area epitaxy is still limited by de- MZMs. This stage of TQC will be faced with High-throughput methods for
fects such as misfit dislocations and stacking many of the interconnected materials science characterizing qubits
faults originating at the interface between and physics issues that currently challenge Correlating qubit performance with materials
the strained epitaxial layer and substrate other qubit platforms. An illustrative example and processing characteristics and eventually
(343, 344), these defects can be controlled of the challenges involved in building a scal- transitioning to unambiguously identifying
in some cases, such as in plane MOVPE-grown able platform is shown in Fig. 6A (339). This the sources of decoherence is an exciting
InSb nanowires on InP (343). The key advan- scheme relies on the Coulomb blockade of an challenge. For QIP platforms, this process is
tage of this approach is that by prepatterning entire “hexon” of topological superconductor complicated by device operation requiring
the selective area mask, an entire network of nanowires to create a single topological qubit. millikelvin temperatures or ultrahigh-vacuum
interconnected nanowires can be grown. As a The hexon encoding protects the enclosed MZMs conditions. In addition, a complete picture of
proof-of-concept example, complex networks from “QP poisoning” caused by exchange of the qubit and its environment also requires
of InAs and InSb nanowires (e.g., combs, electrons with the environment. The key ma- precision at the micro–electron volt level and
honeycombs, loops) have been grown on InP terials challenges encompass deterministic at subnanometer length scales. A variety of

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(111)B substrates using prepatterned SiOx hybrid S/SC nanowire assembly, precise lo- techniques with a range of modalities are thus
masks, and phase-coherent quantum transport calization of MZMs (Fig. 6B), readout of MZMs needed, including those sensitive to atomic-
(Aharanov-Bohm oscillations) has been mea- by coupled quantum dots (Fig. 6C), well-controlled level details in buried engineered lattices,
sured in these systems (343, 345). electrostatic gates (Fig. 6D), and transparent chemically specific local spectroscopy probes
epitaxial S/SC interfaces that result in a hard of amorphous contaminants, and local char-
Outstanding challenges gap (Fig. 6E). acterization of poorly defined surface inter-
The central challenge in any TQC platform is actions. These are truly challenging regimes
to prove the existence of the qubit itself, the Outlook: Materials research challenges and for theoretical approaches and experimental
MZM in the case of hybrid S/SC nanowires. opportunities for QIP measurements alike, presenting a grand near-
There are two aspects to this challenge: the All the quantum computing platforms discussed term challenge of inventing new materials
observation of a state at zero energy with the above have shown tremendous advances in analysis and quantum measurement tech-
requisite features of a MZM, and proving that recent years, and this rate of progress will be niques to study QIP systems.
this state obeys non-Abelian statistics through sustained if new contributors, in particular Materials spectroscopy methods can be used
braiding operations. The former is probably materials scientists, join the effort. For exam- to identify sources of decoherence in order
achievable in the near-term future, whereas ple, generic materials issues that constrain to provide feedback on materials processing
the latter remains a daunting challenge. In the quantum device performance include heter- without iterating through the entire device
hybrid S/SC nanowire case, initial attempts ogeneity of bulk materials, buried interfaces, fabrication and qubit characterization process.
to observe MZMs relied on demonstrating a and poorly characterized surfaces. This situ- One recent example of success is the improve-
zero-bias conductance peak when tunneling ation is reminiscent of the kinds of problems ment of color-center qubits. Correlating qubit
into a putative MZM state located at the end of that have been solved for CMOS and other properties and photoelectron spectroscopy al-
a proximitized narrow-bandgap semiconductor areas of the semiconductor industry, and there lowed for the identification of surface defects
nanowire in the presence of a magnetic field are undoubtedly opportunities for translating that lead to noise, which was used to devise
parallel to the nanowire axis (330). The MZM their solutions to the specific manifestations of new surface processing that yields shallow NV
state is formed only when the magnetic field these problems in QIP. We now conclude with centers with spin coherence extended by more
exceeds a critical valueffi such that the Zeeman
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi an outlook on the opportunities for collabora- than an order of magnitude (229). The estab-
energy EZ > D2 þ m2 , where D and m are the tive efforts between quantum scientists and lishment of proxy diamond surface properties—
proximitized SC gap and chemical potential, materials scientists. surface morphology and bond angle orientation—
respectively. This is predicted to produce a zero- We identify three principal materials re- will also enable rapid screening for future
bias conductance peak with a quantized value search frontiers of interest in this context. First, surface terminations and processing proce-
of exactly 2e2/h. Experiments carried out on as we detailed earlier, understanding the mi- dures to further improve NV centers.
hybrid S/SC nanowires have indeed shown croscopic mechanisms for noise, loss, and Rapid device measurements are also critical
signatures of zero-bias conductance peaks decoherence is crucial and would be accel- for speeding up this feedback loop. Traditional
(331), and, in some cases, a nearly quantized erated by developing high-throughput methods approaches include building probe stations for
conductance has been reported (332). How- for correlating qubit measurement with direct higher-throughput measurements (121, 122, 347)
ever, the identification of such features with materials spectroscopy and characterization. and cluster tools with in situ processing
MZMs remains controversial (333, 346). In Such a program will require teams of re- (297, 298, 300, 302). Fast-turnaround cryogenic
particular, structural disorder in the nano- searchers working in concert with a large suite apparatuses are crucial for this effort. However,
wire leads to trivial zero-energy subgap states of characterization techniques. Second, rel- one drawback to building cluster tools with
(Andreev bound states) that are difficult to atively few material platforms for solid-state in situ probes is that it has not yet been es-
distinguish from genuine MZMs. Such zero- QIP have been explored thus far, and the dis- tablished which measurement techniques will
energy trivial subgap states can even occur covery of a new platform is often serendipi- yield the most relevant information for qubit
without considering disorder, as a result of the tous. It is thus important to develop materials performance. For example, how would one set

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 13 of 19


up a high-throughput feedback cycle between far. The recent successes of new defects in dia- the cost of reducing anharmonicity, and qubits
a materials science group and a quantum mond (207, 208) and silicon carbide (214–216) are operated at fixed frequency to avoid flux
measurement group for improving synthesis show that there is room for a rational, systematic noise, which makes two-qubit gates much
or processing protocols when a key parameter search for new systems. However, such a search slower. Furthermore, reducing surface partic-
can only be accessed at 10 mK? Instead, one would rely on the availability of ultrahigh-purity ipation in superconducting qubits enables
might imagine broad exploration of material host materials, which will in turn require syn- longer coherence times at the cost of a large
parameters through a multimodal materials thesis and characterization methods that can device footprint that gives rise to cross-talk
analysis approach that uses both rapid char- measure impurity and defect concentrations among qubits.
acterization methods to establish proxies and with high sensitivity and high dynamic range. Similarly, quantum dots are operated at the
slower, more detailed characterization methods This presents a new regime for solid-state point of the charge stability diagram where
to identify microscopic origins of material chemists and material scientists, in which the qubit energy is first-order insensitive to
properties. Once a particular set of methods and many materials are purified and processed to charge fluctuation (351), requiring exhaustive
syndromes is established, cluster tools with in- be as pristine as silicon, a material system calibration of a large number of tuning pa-
tegrated processing and analysis can contribute that benefited from an enormous commercial rameters. In addition, the vanishing electric
to more directed progress. Alternatively, devel- impetus to perfect large-scale, single-crystal dipole moment in this regime often limits
oping device proxies to complement material synthesis. In the short term, a substantial capacitance-mediated or exchange-based two-
proxies can greatly speed up this feedback loop. materials growth effort to explore the limits qubit gate speeds (352).
For example, direct measurements of dielectric of material purity in a few promising systems Ion traps are typically operated with ions at
loss-limited resonators can be made more would allow for the development of intermediate- a minimum of ~30 mm from surfaces. Further
rapidly than full superconducting qubit mea- scale quantum platforms. In the long term, reducing this distance would allow for higher-
surements (60, 348). such materials synthesis techniques would need density arrays, but poorly understood surface-
A common theme we have identified is that to be scalable in order to support industrial related electric field noise remains an obstacle

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all the QIP platforms discussed are plagued by deployment, and there are some major prac- to operating at smaller scales. If the under-
electric and magnetic field noise arising from tical roadblocks that will need to be ad- lying sources of noise could be addressed and
surfaces and interfaces. Establishing rapid dressed, such as the availability of isotopically mitigated, this would open up new possibili-
materials analysis and device measurement purified material. ties for device designs and system architectures.
feedback loops will allow for the systematic For ion qubits, recent observations indicate For topological qubits, once the qubit is un-
exploration of new fabrication schemes, growth possible material dependence of electric-field ambiguously established, scalable architectures
and deposition methods, cleaning procedures, noise levels after surface treatment (301); sys- such as the hexon approach shown in Fig. 6A
and surface processing to identify and address tematic evaluation of surface treatments ap- will require exceptional consistency in the
the sources of this noise. For example, adventi- plied to traps of different material composition fabrication of assembled nanostructures with
tious carbon- and silicon-containing polymers may help to shed light on underlying mecha- well-controlled semiconductor/superconductor
are ubiquitous contaminants without careful nisms and may eventually identify lower-noise heterointerfaces.
surface preparation in vacuum (229), and it is platforms. Evaluating E-field noise at very low Beyond these issues at the level of materials
unknown what impact these contaminants levels across large numbers of samples is a and devices, there will be major challenges
have on qubit properties and associated hard- challenge that is feasible to tackle with existing at the systems integration and architecture
ware. Furthermore, the exploration of alternative methods but would require sustained, collab- levels to address. Using co-design concepts to
material systems may elucidate the role of oxides orative effort. tackle these challenges at all layers of the stack
and interface layers in noise and dissipation, Finally, there are enticing opportunities for will be particularly important going forward.
which will lead to new design principles for materials scientists seeking to join the hunt for A key component of the co-design approach is
future material platforms. a topological qubit, both by perfecting existing the ability to define abstractions of material
materials and by identifying new candidates. properties and their impacts on device per-
Developing new materials for QIP platforms For example, with the use of diffusion-induced formance, so that systems architects and al-
Surprisingly, despite several decades of intense superconductors, a hard superconducting gap gorithms developers can use them to design
effort largely in the physics community to was recently achieved in high–hole mobility new quantum processors.
develop platforms for QIP, vanishingly few Ge-Si nanowires (350). For pursuing completely
material platforms have been deployed in new materials in the search for MZMs, some Concluding remarks
quantum processors. For superconducting broad rules combined with theoretical predic- We hope to have communicated the emerging
qubits, only a handful of superconductors tions provide guidance, including looking for opportunities for materials scientists to par-
have been fabricated into qubits, leaving open materials with strong spin-orbit coupling, in- ticipate in the grand challenge of developing
a wide frontier of systematically exploring new verted bands, and superconductivity. Some of QIP platforms. Apart from the technical issues
bulk and thin-film materials, new heterostruc- these properties may be found in surprising that we have detailed, a meaningful transition
tures, and different crystalline phases of those places, as exemplified by the discovery of co- from quantum information science to quan-
materials. Another intriguing area of explora- existing superconductivity and topological tum information technologies will also require
tion involves replacing the Josephson junction Dirac bands in Fe(Se,Te) (334). substantial investments to support broad com-
with epitaxial heterostructures or single layers munity participation in tackling quantum
of 2D van der Waals materials (349). Rapid Scaling to large systems questions, ranging from materials performance
exploration of many material systems over the Across several of the platforms we have dis- to quantum algorithms. Quantum computing
next few years appears to be highly feasible, cussed here, the current state-of-the-art devices began as a fundamentally interdisciplinary ef-
although it would require a reorientation of the and architectures are designed to avoid noise fort linking computer science, information sci-
field from the current approach of focusing on and dissipation. However, such choices now ence, and quantum physics; the time is now
device design to mitigate noise and loss. limit scaling up to larger systems. For exam- ripe for expanding the field by including new
Similarly, for color centers, very few defect- ple, transmon superconducting qubits are de- collaborations and partnerships with materials
host combinations have been characterized thus signed to avoid sensitivity to charge noise at science.

de Leon et al., Science 372, eabb2823 (2021) 16 April 2021 14 of 19


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